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Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No.

P2028 [4923] - 1001 [Total No. of Pages : 3

CHP - 110 : Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry - I
(2014 Pattern) (Semester - I) (4. Credits)

Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate Answer books.
2) All Questions are compulsory.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
4) Use of logarithmic table calculator is allowed.
5) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.

Q1) Attempt the following: [10]
a) State the inadequacies of the first law of thermodyanamics.

b) Explain why Δ G is preferred to Δ S as the criterion for spontaneity of a

chemical reaction.
c) State Raoult’s and Henry’s laws.
d) Give the statement of Rayleigh-Jeans law’ for black body radiation.
e) Write the Gibb’s-Helmholtz equation and significance of the terms
involved in it.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Derive the expression for the work done in an adiabatic reversible
expansion of an ideal gas.
b) What are partial molar quantities? Explain one method to determine any
partial molar quantity?
c) Explain Einstein’s photoelectric effect. How does it support plank’s
hypothesis of quantization of energy?
d) State and explain the phase diagram for water.

Q3) Solve any one of the following: [05]

a) Calculate the absorption band in cm–1 for hexatriene from the following
[C-C bond length = 154pm, C=C bond length = 135 p.m., radius of c-
atom = 77.0pm.].
b) By how much the freezing point of benzene 5.53oC, be reduced if 10gm.
hexane is added to 100gm benzene?

( + f for benzene = 9.836 KJ mole–1)

[At.wt. C = 12
H = 1].

[4923] - 1001 2

Q4) Attempt the following: [10]

a) Write a short note on ‘differential method’ to determine order of a reaction.

b) What are consecutive reactions? Give suitable example.

c) Give the significance of ‘reaction coordinate’ using transition theory.

d) How does the rate of enzymolysis is altered by temperature?

e) Define partition function. Write the equation for rotational partition function
and explain the terms there in.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Derive Eyring equation using activated complex theory.

b) How is concentration of each product obtained in parallel reactions?

c) Describe the relaxation method to study fast reaction kinetics.

d) Derive the Michaelis-menton equation for competitive inhibition in enzyme
catalysed reactions.

Q6) Solve any one of the following: [5]

a) Calculate the rotational partition function of 12C18O at 298 K

[Given : σ =1 for CO and bond length = 1.25 nm

b) For a reaction that can be written as

→ C , the value of k1 is 5.65 ×10 min and the time

k1 k2 –3 –1
A ⎯⎯ → B ⎯⎯
necessary to reach maximum concentration of B is 26 minutes. What is
the value of k2?

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[4923] - 1001 3
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P2029 [4923] - 1002 [Total No. of Pages : 3

M.Sc. - I
CHI - 130 : Molecular Symmetry and Chemistry of P-Block Elements
(2014 Pattern) (New-4 Credit System) (Semester - I)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate Answer books.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
4) Use of log tables/character tables and calculator is allowed.

Q1) Answer the following: [10]
a) What is the point group symmetry of cyclopropane and benzene?

b) Find out the product of σ v ( xz ) × σ y ( xy ) symmetry operations by

matrix multiplication method.
c) Write down all the associative operation with S3 axis.
d) How do you distinguish between Cnv and Cnh point group.

e) Using molecular geometry give the product of σ v1 × σ v 2 operation in

NH3 molecule.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) What are the conditions of a mathematical group? Show that C2v forms
a mathematical group.
b) Sketch and explain all the symmetry elements for pcl5 molecule and classify
it into appropriate point group.
c) Derive the character table for C2h point group using great orthogonality

d) Fill the missing entries K, L, M, N and O in the following character table
using orthogonality theorem.

E 2C4 C2 2σ v 2σ d
A1 1 1 1 1 1
N 1 1 1 M -1
O 1 –1 1 1 –1
B2 1 –1 1 L 1
E 2 K –2 0 0

Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) For sbF5 molecule, find the reducible representation for which sigma
bonds form the basis and find out which orbitals are offered sigma
b) Find out the normalized SALC using projection operator Eu irreducible
representation which operates on σ 1 orbital of [PtCl4]2–.

D4h E 2C4 C2 2C2′ 2C2′′ i 2S4 σh 2σ v 2σ d

Eu 2 0 –2 0 0 –2 0 2 0 0


Q4) Answer the following: [10]

a) NH3 is a hard Lewis base. Explain.

b) Mention different types of interhalogen compounds with example.

c) What are alltropes of carbon? Draw structure of graphite.

d) Give synthesis of phosphonitrilic compounds.

e) Give classification of borohydrides.

[4923] - 1002 2
Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [10]
a) Write a note on Zeolites.
b) What are carboranes? Give different type of carboranes with structures?
c) Write a note on phosphazenes.
d) What are organometallic compounds? Explain organometallic compounds
of Beryllium with synthesis, properties and uses.

Q6) Draw any five structures: [5]

a) [B6H6]–2.
b) Si2O76–.
c) BrF3.
d) Al2(Ph)2(Et)4.
e) N2O 5.
f) Dibenzo 18-Crown - 6.
g) AsPh5.
Character table for D3h point Group

D3h E 2C3 3C2 σn 2S3 3σ v

A1′ 1 1 1 1 1 1 x2 + y2 + z 2

A′2 1 1 –1 1 1 –1 Rz

E′ 2 –1 0 2 –1 0 (x,y) (x 2
− y 2 , xy )

A1′′ 1 1 1 –1 –1 –1

A′′2 1 1 –1 –1 –1 1 Z

E′′ 2 –1 0 –2 1 0 (Rx,Ry) (xz,yz)

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[4923] - 1002 3
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P2030 [4923] - 1003 [Total No. of Pages : 5

M.Sc. (Part - I)
CHO - 150 : Basic Organic Chemistry
(2013 Pattern) (4 Credits) (Semester - I)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate Answer books.

Q1) Attempt the following: [10]
a) Which of the following is more acidic? Why?

b) Comment on the stability of 3o, 2o and 1o carbocation.

c) Which of the following is more basic? Why?

d) Comment on aromaticity of the following compounds.

e) Write a short note on ‘Carbene’.

[4923] - 1003 1 P.T.O.
Q2) Attempt any five of the following: [10]
a) Give R/S labels to the chiral centres in the following molecule.

b) Which of the following is optically active? Why?

c) Assign Pro-R and Pro-S labels to HA and HB

d) Convert Fischer projection to Newmann as indicated below:

e) Explain stereospecific reactions with examples.

f) Assign ElZ configuration to the following:

g) Explain with suitable examples Si and Re faces.

[4923] - 1003 2
Q3) Write notes on any two of the following: [5]

a) Prochiral relationship.

b) Tautomerism.

c) Optical activity in substituted biphenyls.


Q4) Attempt the following: [10]

a) Acetolysis of compound I is 10 times faster than compound II. Why?

b) Addition of Br2 to Cis - 2- butene gives ± racemate while over trans - 2-

butene gives mesoproduct. Justify.

c) Explain advantages of Friedel - Craft acylation over F.C. alkylation with

a suitable example.

d) Give a brief account of ortho effect in aromatic nucleophilic substitution


e) Nitration of N,N - dimethylaniline gives mainly m-nitro-derivative when

conc-HNO3 + Conc - H2SO4 is used but mainly gives O - and P-nitro
derivatives in less acidic conditions.

[4923] - 1003 3
Q5) Suggest the mechanism [Any 5]. [10]

[4923] - 1003 4
Q6) Predict the products with mechanism.[Any 2] [5]

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[4923] - 1003 5
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P2031 [4923]-1004
[Total No. of Pages : 2

M.Sc. - I
CHA - 190 : Safety in Chemical Laboratory and Good Laboratory
(Credit System) (Semester - I) (4-Credits)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer to the two sections should be written in seperate answer books.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Use of logarithmic table, non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) Answer the following: [10]
a) Why the safety and security is required in chemical laboratory.
b) Explain the corrective measures in following emergencies:
i) Shocks
ii) Heavy bleeding
c) What are material required in the first Aid box?
d) Explain the term Good house keeping.
e) Mention the various types of gloves used in the laboratory.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Discuss the hazards observed in the laboratory while handling chemicals.
b) How will you classify the waste material?
c) Write a note on personal protective equipments.
d) Explain the responsibilities of laboratory manager, students& workers.
Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]
a) Give the ten steps to establish safety and security management.
b) Define the fire Drill. Give the objectives of fire drill.

Q4) Answer the following: [10]
a) Define & explain stock register for chemicals.
b) What is mercury spillage?
c) Define GLP in chemical laboratory.
d) What is the chemical hygiene?
e) Define & give the role of NABL.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) What is mixed waste? Explain the procedure for disposal of mixed waste.
b) Explain the following:
i) Acid spillage
ii) Spillage prevention
c) What is SOP? Explain its approval protocol.
d) Give the general precautions for working with electrical equipments.

Q6) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) What are general guidelines for working with compressed gases?
b) Define the laboratory standards & explain the identification of Hazards.

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[4923]-1004 2
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P2032 [4923] - 2001 [Total No. of Pages : 3

CHP - 210 : Physical Chemistry - II
(2014 Pattern) (Semester - II) (New) (4 Credit)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE Answer books.
2) All Questions are COMPULSORY.
3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.
4) Use of logarithmic table, calculator is ALLOWED.
5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.


Q1) Attempt the following: [10]

a) What is force constant? What is its significance? Write the units.

b) What are parallel and perpendicular vibrations? Explain with an example.

c) Why is CH4 Raman active?

d) What is Born - Oppenheimer approximation?

e) Classify the following molecules based on moment of inertia H2O, HCl,

C6H6, BF3.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Explain the variation of intensities of spectral transitions in vibrational-

electronic spectra of diatomic molecule.

b) Explain the different factors affecting intensity of spectral transitions.

c) How many fundamental modes of vibration are there for water molecule?
Sketch and explain each vibrational mode.

d) State and explain the rule of mutual exclusion and its converse.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) The rotational constant for 79Br19F is 0.35717cm–1. What is the value of

J for which the most intense line will be seen at 300K?

b) The band origin of a transition in C2 is observed at 19378 cm–1, while the

rotational fine structure indicates that the rotational constant in excited
and ground states are B' = 1.7527 cm–1 and B'' = 1.6326 cm–1 respectively.
Find the position of the band head.

[4923] - 2001 2

Q4) Attempt the following: [10]

a) What is meant by excess reactivity and control with reference to nuclear

reactor functioning?

b) Explain the use of radio-isotope to determine the end point of a

complexometric titration.

c) How does the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt be determined using

radio-isotopes. Explain with suitable example.

d) Give the typical nuclear reactions involving synthesis of 32P and 127I.

e) Define :

i) Tracks ii) Spurs

Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) What is reproduction factor? Derive Fermi’s four factor formula.

b) Write a note on Fricke dosimeter.

c) Explain the three phases in India’s nuclear energy programme.

Q6) Solve any one of the following: [5]

a) Half-life of 226Ra is 1500y. Calculate the activity corresponding to 2.5g of

Ra. Also determine the time required for 226 Ra to reduce to 3.5 × 104
dps if initial activity is 1 curie.

b) 0.1g of a medicinal plant extract containing Mn was irradiated in a neutron

flux of 1012–2s–1 for 5 minutes. The activity counted after 10h. of
cooling period was 2500 cpm with a HPGe detector with detection
efficiency 20%. Determine the percentage of Mn in the extract.
[Given : σ = 13.3 b, t = 2.58 h for 56Mn, γ-ray abundance = 100%].

l l l
[4923] - 2001 3
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P2033 [4923]-2002
[Total No. of Pages : 6

M.Sc. - I
CHI - 230 : Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry
(2014 Pattern) (Semester - II) (New 4- Credits)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answer to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.
3) Neat and labelled diagrams must be drawn whenever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Given : Atomic number : Co = 27, Fe = 26, Ni = 28.

Q1) Answer the following questions: [10]
a) Calculate degeneracy for the following terms/states.

i) 2.2B1g ii) 6
I1 2

b) Identify from the following complex ions that shows same R.S term
using Hund’s rule.
i) [CoF6] 3–
ii) [FeF6]4–
iii) [NiCl4]2–
c) Find possible term symbol(s) of the excited state of Na atom with the
electronic configuration [1s2 2s2 2p6 3p1].
d) Define ferromagnetic and anti ferromagnetic substances.
e) In the following pair of transition for octahedral complex which would
you expect to be more intense?
i) A 2g → 1T2g or 1
A 2g → 1E g .

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]
a) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ complex ion shows 21% increase in its observed magnetic
moment value. Calculate spin orbit coupling constant λ for Ni2+ ion using
following data:
Dq = 850 cm–1.

b) Prepare a table of microstates and hence derive the allowed. R-S terms
for ns' nd' configuration.

c) Find out how degeneracy of ground R-S term of Cr3+ ion looses on
complex formation as [CV(H2O)6]3+.

d) Discuss selection rules in d-d transition with relaxation.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) For a Ni2+ octahedral complex three absorption bands are observed at

10850cm–1, 17600 cm–1 and 28300 cm–1. Determine and Δ o and Racah
parameter. Comment on nature of M-L bond.

[Given Bo = 920 cm–1].

b) Assign spin multiplicities to the states arising from eg2 configuration

using Bethe’s method and direct product table.


Q4) Answer in short: [10]

a) Explain the role of calcium in biological system.

b) Explain the role of Manganese in photosynthesis.

c) Why only cis-platin is used as a anticancer drug and not trans-platin?

d) Differentiate between DNA and RNA.

e) Explain oxygen transport in Marine - Invertebrates.

[4923]-2002 2
Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [10]
a) Explain role of Iron - Sulphur Clusters in biological System.

b) Write a note on siderophore.

c) Write a note on metals in medicine.

d) Give an account of amino acids as ligands.

Q6) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) Draw the structures

i) Flavin
ii) Cyanocobalmin

iii) 18 crown - 6

iv) Histidine

v) Adenine

a) Match the following:

i) Mg a) Oxidase
ii) Fe b) N2 fixation

iii) Cu c) Plastocyanin

iv) Mo d) Cytochrome

v) Co e) Hydrolase

[4923]-2002 3
Character Table for O rotational group

[4923]-2002 4
[4923]-2002 5
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[4923]-2002 6
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P2034 [4923]-2003
[Total No. of Pages : 5

M.Sc. I
CHO - 250 : Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy
(2013 Pattern) (Semester - II) (New - 4 Credit)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer to the two sections should be written in separate answer book.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q1) Answer any Five of the following: [10]

a) Ethylbenzoate on reaction with Na, Liquid NH3 in alcohol gives 1,4

dihydro product.

b) N-methyl benzamide does not undergo Beckmann rearrangement.

c) trans - 2- butene on reaction with O5O4 gives dl pair.

d) Stabilized phosphorus ylides are used for the synthesis of E alkane.

Explain with example.

e) Phenyl lithium on reaction with CO 2 followed by H 3O + gives

benzophenone whereas phenylmagnesium bromide on reaction with CO2
followed by H3O+ gives benzoic acid.

f) β- hydroxy esters could be synthesized by using organozine compound.

Q2) Attempt any five of the following: [10]

a) Favorskii Rearrangement.

b) Stereochemistry of hydroboration reaction.

c) Synthetic application of sulfur ylides.

d) Applications of SeO2 in organic synthesis.

e) Sommelet - Houser rearrangement.

f) MPV reduction.

Q3) Predict the products and suggest the mechanism (Any two): [5]


Q4) Attempt the following: [10]

a) Calculate the λ max for the following compound.

b) Write a note on Diamagnetic Anisotropy.

[4923]-2003 2
c) How will you monitor the following reaction sequence by IR suggest the

d) Write the genesis of the following compounds in mass spectrometry.

e) How will you distinguish the following compounds by PMR.

Q5) Deduce the structure of any five of the following: [10]

Compounds using spectral data and justify your answer.

a) MF C8H7N

IR : 2220, 1620, 1510 cm–1

PMR δ : 2.4(S, 3H), 7.2(d, J = 8H2, 2H), 7.5(d, J = 8H22H)

b) MF C5H10O

IR : 2850, 2720, 1715cm–1

PMR δ : 1.01 (d, 7H2 6H), 2.06(M, 1H), 2.36(t, 2H)

9.72 (t, 1H)

[4923]-2003 3
c) MF C10H 12O 2

IR : 1735, 1610, 1510 cm–1

PMR : δ 1.1 (t, J = 7H2, 3H) 1.4(sextet, J = 7H2, 2H)

3.9 (t, J = 7H2, 2H) 7.35 (S, 5H)

d) MF C11H 16O

IR: 3500, 1550, 770, 830cm–1

PMR : δ 1.4(S, 9H), 2.27 (S, 3H) 4.75 (bs, 1H, Exch by D2O)

6.52 (d. J =8H2, 1H) 6.84 (dd. J = 8 and 2H2, 1H)

7.05 (d, J = 2H2, 1H)

e) MF C6H10O

IR : 1700, 1620 cm–1

PMR : δ 1.90(S, 3H), 2.10 (S, 6H), 6.0 (S, 1H)

f) Two isomeric alcohols A and B with following data

Isomer A : 11.0(q) 23(q) 33(t) 68(d) PPM

Isomer B : 18(q) 32(d) 67(t) PPM

[4923]-2003 4
Q6) Attempt any two of the following: [5]

a) Assign the chemical shifts with reasoning to the various carbon in the
following compound.


b) Select the structure which is most consistant with the given spectroscopic

PMR: 3.75(S, 3H), 5.81 (dd, 10 & 3H2),

6.05 (dd, 16 & 10H2, 1H) 6.43 (dd, 16 & 3H2, 1H)

c) In the compound given below, the underlined proton shows chemical

shift 1.71δ downfiled from the resonance peak of same proton in
phenathrene, Explain.

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[4923]-2003 5
Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :
P2035 [Total No. of Pages : 14

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA - 290 : General Chemistry - II (2013 Pattern) (New 4 Credits)
New Course Based on Credit & Semester System
PART - A : Modern Seperation Methods and Hyphenated
Techniques (2.0 Credit / 25 marks)
PART - B : Basic Biochemistry (4.0 Credit / 50 marks)
PART - C : Concept of Analytical Chemistry (2.0 Credit /
25 marks)
PART - D : Industrial Methods of Analysis (2.0 Credit /
25 marks)
PART - E : Organometallic and Inorganic Reaction
Mechanism (2.0 Credit / 25 marks)
PART - F : Mathematics for Chemists (2.0 Credit /
25 marks)
PART - G : Pericyclic, Photochemistry and Free Radical
Reactions (2.0 Credit / 25 marks)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions of respective section / part are compulsory.
2) Figures to right hand side indicates full marks.
3) Neat labelled diagram must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Use of log table / non programmable calculator is allowed.
5) Students should attempt any two parts from Part-A, C, D, E, F and G or full paper
of biochemistry (Part-B).
6) Write the answers of two parts on seperate answer books.

Modern Separation Methods and Hyphenated Techniques
Q1) Answer the following: [10]
a) Give the characteristics of detectors in HPLC.
Explain Refractometer detector.
[4923] - 2004 1 P.T.O.
b) Differentiate between isocratic and gradient elutions in HPLC.
c) Give the application of Gas chromatography.
d) What are metastable ion in Mass Spectrometry?
e) State and explain the principle of gas chromatography.

Q2) Answer any two of the following: [10]

a) Explain GE-MS Techniques.
b) Enlist the pressure pump in HPLC. Explain any one of them.
c) Explain the inductively coupled plasma in Mass spectrometry?
d) Compared the Normal phase and Reverse Phase Chromatography.

Q3) Answer any one of the following: [5]

a) A mixture of ethanol-heptane-benzene and ethyl acetate were analysed
using T.C.D. Determine the weight percentage of each component if
areas were 5.0 cm2, 9.0 cm2, 4.0 cm2 and 7.0 cm2 respectively.
(Given - compound –––––– weight factor
Ethanol –––––– 0.64
Heptane –––––– 0.70
Benzene –––––– 0.78
Ethyl Acetate –––––– 0.79)
b) Compare the GC and HPLC with respect to the following points.
i) Principle .
ii) Sample injection system.
iii) Column.
iv) Detector.
v) Application.

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[4923] - 2004 2
Total No. of Questions : 3]

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA - 290 : General Chemistry
(2013 Pattern) (2.0 Credit)
Concept of Analytical Chemistry

Q1) Answer the following: [10]

a) Distinguish between Accuracy & Precision.
b) What is difference between batch extraction and continuous extraction?
c) Calculate the proper number of significant figures in each of the following
i) 0.00512 ii) 20.0041
d) Explain in brief student ‘T’ test.
e) What is determinate error?

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Write a note on rejection of result in the ‘Q’ - test.
b) Explain in detail the factors affecting the solvent extraction.
c) Describe various steps involved in sampling operations.
d) Draw a neat labelled diagram of fractionating column and explain its
principle and working.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) The following results were obtained in the replicate determination of the
lead content of a blood sample: 0.752, 0.756, 0.752, 0.751 and 0.760
ppm pb. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of this set of data.
b) What are the advantages of fused silica capillary column compared with
glass or metal columns?

l l l
[4923] - 2004 3
Total No. of Questions : 3]

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA-290 : General Chemistry
(2013 Pattern) (2.0 Credit)
Industrial Methods of Analysis
Q1) Answer the following: [10]

a) Mention the various bulk properties used in process analyzer.

b) How will you prepare 10ppm sodium solution from sodium chloride
(Given : Molecular wt of sodium chloride - 58).

c) Give any two types of quality standard for laboratory.

d) Enlist the different types of process analysers.

e) What is common ion effect. Give one example.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Write note on Industrial process analyser.

b) Explain different quality systems in chemical laboratory.

c) Describe stability and instability constant with suitable example.

d) Explain the terms:

i) PPM
ii) PPb
iii) gram mole.

[4923] - 2004 4
Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) Explain the term automatic chemical analyser. Explain any one automatic
chemical analyser in detail.

b) What will be the analytical molar Na2CO3 concentration in the solution

produced when 25.0 ml 0.200 M AgNO3 are mixed with 0.0800 M

(Given Formation of 5.00 × 10–3 mole of AgNO3 will required 2.50 × 10–3
mole of Na2CO3 and n Na CO = 4.00 × 10–3 mole).
2 3

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[4923] - 2004 5
Total No. of Questions : 6]

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA - 290 : Drug Chemistry
(2013 Pattern) (4.0 Credit)
Basic Biochemistry
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Answers to the two sections to be written is separates answer books.
3. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Answer any four of the following: [12]
a) Classify proteins with suitable examples.
b) What do you mean by primary active transport? Explain with example.
c) How will you determine end groups of a protein?
d) What are homopolysaccharides? Explain the structure anf functios of
e) Write the following in brief:
i) Different types of fatty acids with example.
ii) Amino acid therapy.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [8]

a) Discuss the reactions of TCA cycle. Give energetics.
b) Describe the structure and function of mitochondria and Endoplasmic
c) What are the different structural levels of proteins? Give details of forces
involved in stabilizing the structure of Globular protein.
[4923] - 2004 6
Q3) Comment on any five of the following: [5]
a) Role of phosolipids in cell membrance.
b) Sickle cell anemia.
c) Super secondary motifs.
d) Aromatic amino acids.
e) Non essential amino acids.
f) Sphingolipids.
g) Lysosomes.


Q4) Answer any four of the following: [12]

a) Discuss the major structural differences between A, B and Z forms of
b) Explain the flow of genetic information.
c) Classify Enzymes with suitable examples.
d) Comment on post translational modification of protein.
e) Give the important features of Genetic Code. Add a note on wobble

Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [8]

a) Give experimental proofs to substantiate DNA replication is
b) What are the factors affecting enzyme activity? Describe the effect of
substrate concentration on enzyme activity.
c) What are coenzymes? Name the coenzyme derived from B complex
vitamins. Discuss their biochemical role.

[4923] - 2004 7
Q6) Comment on any five of the following: [5]
a) Transcriptional bubble.
b) Introns.
c) Night blindness.
d) Lagging strand synthesis.
e) Enzymes as therapeutic agents.
f) Nutritional disorders, (any two).
g) Enzyme inhibition.

l l l

[4923] - 2004 8
Total No. of Questions : 3]

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA - 290 : General Chemistry
(2013 Pattern) (2.0 Credit)
Organometallic and Inorganic Reaction Mechanism

Q1) Answer the following: [10]

a) Determine valence shell electronic count for the following:

i) [Fe(CO)5]

ii) [Ni(CN)4]2–

iii) ( 5
− &5+5 ) &R

iv) Fe2 (CO)9

b) On the basis of 18 e– rule find the charge on the following:

i) ⎡⎣η 5 − C 5 H 5 Co ⎤⎦

ii) [Co(CO)3Pph3]x.

c) Predict the type of reaction:

d) Give the rate law for the following reaction


[4923] - 2004 9
e) Pick out the inert complexes.

3− 3+
⎡⎣Cr (CN )6 ⎤⎦ ; ⎡⎣Co ( NH 3 )6 ⎤⎦ ; Fe (H 2O )6

Q2) Answer any two: [10]

a) Explain with the help of suitable examples “Insertion Reactions”.

b) Explain bonding in Ferrocene.

c) Discuss how infrared spectroscopy is useful to predict structure of

organometallic compounds.

d) Discuss the stereochemistry of substitution in transoctahedrae complexes.

Q3) Write note on any one [5]

a) Reactions of ferrocene.

b) Isomerization in octahedral chelate rings.

l l l

[4923] - 2004 10
Total No. of Questions : 3]

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA - 290 : General Chemistry - II
(2013 Pattern) (2.0 Credit)
Mathematics for Chemists
Q1) Answer the following: [10]
a) Define:
i) Square matrix.
ii) Diagonal matrix.

⎡6 1 7⎤
b) i) If A = ⎢ 2 2 5⎥ 4A = ?
⎣ ⎦

⎡ 3 5 ⎤ ⎡1 2 ⎤
ii) Add the following matrices: ⎢ 7 6 ⎥ ⎢1 2 ⎥ .
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

c) Give the quotient rule for differentiation.

d) List two points of differences between maxima and minima.

x4 dy
e) i) If y = , = ?
4 dx
ii) Define independent variable.

Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [10]

a) Differentiate with respect to x:-

i) y = x3 (x 2 − 2 )

3+ x
ii) y=
3− x

[4923] - 2004 11
b) Give equations and graphical representation for the following with suitable
i) Straight lines.
ii) Slope and intercept.
c) Discuss any two differential equations in physical chemistry.
d) i) What is the equation for the following data?
x ........ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
y..........1 4 9 16 25 36 49
ii) Give two applications OF taylor’s theorem.

Q3) Attempt any one of the following: [5]

a) Evaluate:

i) ∫ x sin xdx = ?
ii) ∫ (3x + 5 x 2 )dx = ?

⎛3 2 6⎞
iii) Give the transpose of A = ⎜ 1 4 7 ⎟ .
⎝ ⎠

b) Using Falk’s scheme evaluate the following:

⎛ 2⎞
⎛4 1 1⎞ ⎜ ⎟
i) A = ⎜ 3 7 6 ⎟ x = ⎜ 4 ⎟ Ax = ?
⎝ ⎠ ⎜ 2⎟
⎝ ⎠

⎛9 8 1⎞ ⎜ ⎟
ii) B = ⎜ 2 2 2 ⎟ y = ⎜ 1 ⎟ By = ?
⎝ ⎠ ⎜ 3⎟
⎝ ⎠

l l l

[4923] - 2004 12
Total No. of Questions : 3]

M.Sc.-I (Semester-II)
CHA - 290 : General Chemistry
(2013 Pattern) (2.0 Credit)
Pericyclic, Photochemistry and Free Radicals
(2013 Patten)
Q1) Attempt any two of the following: [8]
a) Draw the correlation diagram for disrotatory opening of cyclobutene to
butadiene and predict whether it will be thermally or photochemically
b) Explain the photoenolisation reaction with suitable examples.
c) Explain free radical arylation of aromatic rings.

Q2) Explain the mechanism for Any Three of the following: [9]

[4923] - 2004 13
Q3) Predict the products for any four of the following indicating the mechanism
involved. [8]

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[4923] - 2004 14

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