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Birth Certificate - What it is [Archive] - Forums


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EZrhythm 05-11-14, 04:11 AM

The BC is a certified copy of an original registration of, and TITLE to, the PERSON...

Birth Certificate is a Certificate of Title (Similar to an automobile “pink slip”) which is evidence that title exists but is not
actual title itself. The Birth Certificate is also a Security Instrument used as evidence that there is a security interest in

Certificate of Title - "These are issued by a designated state agency to identify the owner of (a) *vehicle, aircraft or
water *vessel. Any liens or outstanding loans will be identified on the certificate of title. Often, a lender, such as for an
automobile loan, will hold the title until the obligation has been satisfied, at which point the lien is released and the
certificate of title will be sent to the owner."
*The NAME is being classified as a vessel or financial vehicle, in this case, to be utilized in commerce.
Now read that but with a twist as the "holder" is the "STATE OF..."-
[Birth Certificates] are issued by a designated state agency to identify the owner of the ...vessel (FIRST MIDDLE LAST).
[A trustee of the NAME- You, may hold the title (Certified copy of the BC) and meet an obligation to satisfy such
obligation, at which point the lien is released (Accounting brought to zero) as the certificate of title (BC) is sent to the
owner. ("STATE OF..." who is the account holder.)
*The “STATE OF...” holds the NAME in regards to the United States Inc. accounting of it.

Definition of ‘Security Interest- A legal claim on collateral that has been pledged

The FIRST MIDDLE LAST was pledged at birth (registration).

The people unknowingly claim themselves and their property to be the collateral on legal claims when they claim that
they are the FIRST MIDDLE LAST which is merely a name for accounting purposes.

Sample scenario-
Judge calls out, "Is JOHN WILLIAM JONES here?" John William replies, "Here!"
Instead, if John William replies, "I am here about that matter." He has not made a statement lending to evidence that
he is (surety/collateral/trustee) for the FIRST MIDDLE LAST.

walter 05-11-14, 10:31 PM


words from john scott duncan

allodial 05-12-14, 12:19 AM


words from john scott duncan

You might be onto something. The certificate typically is from the registrar to evidence an entry in the register or rolls.

EZrhythm 05-14-14, 03:18 AM

Except that it is not a public record. And it represents an "Individual" as opposed to an organization.

allodial 05-14-14, 03:22 AM

Except that it is not a public record. And it represents an "Individual" as opposed to an organization.

In most U.S. States it is a private record with the particulars thereof to be guarded just like a social security card.
Depending on the context an organization can be an "individual".

walter 05-14-14, 05:32 AM

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Birth Certificate - What it is [Archive] - Forums

Except that it is not a public record. And it represents an "Individual" as opposed to an organization.

Criminal Code
R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46
“every one”, “person” and “owner”, and similar expressions, include Her Majesty and an organization;

In order to get a driver's license you must first show a BC.

They need a "public record" of WHO they are dealing with before any DL is handed out.

walter 05-14-14, 05:49 AM

In most U.S. States it is a private record with the particulars thereof to be guarded just like a social security card.
Depending on the context an organization can be an "individual".

More from the Criminal code of Canada

“public department” means a department of the Government of Canada or a branch thereof or a board, commission,
corporation or other body that is an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada;

“public stores” includes any personal property that is under the care, supervision, administration or control of a public
department or of any person in the service of a public department;

As you can see by definition all "public stores" are linked to the “public department” which is a "body that is an agent of
Her Majesty in right of Canada;"
The BC is the missing link.
Its the JOINDER that makes you an agent for the crown.

Where's my pay cheque?

I think I might have to RESIGN.

David Merrill 05-14-14, 10:20 AM

PERSON as a corporation that can sue or be sued...

Ergo the True Name as a class action.

walter 05-14-14, 03:39 PM

"Living Father"

Through the rules of capitalization "Living Father" is now a Title.

And Title is ownership.

walter 05-14-14, 03:46 PM

Came across this and I think it might add to the topic of the BC.

Nemo dat quod non habet, "no one gives what he doesn't have"
Recording statutes

When dealing with real property, most American jurisdictions have codified recording statutes that will enable subsequent
purchasers to divest title from the party with common law title if they qualify for protection under the recording statute.
Three varieties of recording statutes exist: 1) Race statutes, 2) Notice statutes, and 3) Race-Notice statutes.

A race statute will divest common law title from a person with superior title if the subsequent purchaser recorded their
deed prior to the person with superior title. A notice statute will divest common law title from a person with superior title
if the subsequent purchaser had no notice (either actual or constructive - otherwise known as bona fide) of the true
owner's title. A race-notice statute requires a subsequent purchaser to be bona fide and record first.

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Birth Certificate - What it is [Archive] - Forums

shikamaru 05-17-14, 10:27 AM

Is a birth certificate a quasi-corporate sole?

EZrhythm 05-17-14, 06:49 PM

It is a certificate representing a security interest in an individual person. "Individual" and "person" being a legal entity,
fiction, etc.

David Merrill 05-17-14, 09:55 PM

It is a certificate representing a security interest in an individual person. "Individual" and "person" being a legal entity,
fiction, etc.

I can see how a template of trust law might indicate this is true. However you indicate there might be some kind of
monetary value or even any value whatsoever to this certificate?

I went through all this with a Canadian Freeman named Robert MANARD. There is a clause in the constitution there
about "Security of the Person" he misconstrued miserably. You might be able to view this video by searching around for
it - Security of the Person. The 5:00 Minute Mark had Rob telling the viewer (1:00 Hour Mark too) that the Canadian
Birth Certificate was a stock certificate worth quite a bit of money - untrue.

He seems to have given up his quest to assert this myth.

Michael Joseph 05-18-14, 03:33 AM

I can see how a template of trust law might indicate this is true. However you indicate there might be some kind of
monetary value or even any value whatsoever to this certificate?

I went through all this with a Canadian Freeman named Robert MANARD. There is a clause in the constitution there
about "Security of the Person" he misconstrued miserably. You might be able to view this video by searching around for
it - Security of the Person. The 5:00 Minute Mark had Rob telling the viewer (1:00 Hour Mark too) that the Canadian
Birth Certificate was a stock certificate worth quite a bit of money - untrue.

He seems to have given up his quest to assert this myth.

Any beneficial interest certificate is only evidence of interest. The value of the property which one holds a share in can
only be known when said property has a buyer. That is the beauty of trust. The BIC holder only holds an interest in
personality. And that is generally reflected in avails proceeds etc. therefore the BIC itself is valueless. Therefore not
taxable. The rich use this simple strategy. It is quite effective when one has a skilled trustee.

David Merrill 05-18-14, 09:17 AM

A fluent knowledge about trust law is quite enjoyable and interesting. I even believe there is a powerful metaphysics
called Law driving engines unseen.

When one starts making claims for value though, upon another estate there might be major problems.

P.S. I think that may be at the heart of my uneasiness when I see people prying at government like a stock valued
corporation. Negative averment too, which is in all the Accept for Value mythology.

walter 05-18-14, 06:10 PM

Straight from the horses mouth.
CEO of Vital stats.

"The birth certificate is a foundation identity document that establishes your identity at the point of birth; including your
name, your birthdate and your parental information. This information is used by other agencies to create secondary
identification, such as a passport, driver's license or a service card."

The legal NAME on the BC is the only one you have a RIGHT to use.

Michael Joseph 05-18-14, 08:46 PM

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