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• Describe Peru’s effort and activities to achieve SDG 11

Regarding Peru, the Congress has approved 39 laws that are directly related to SDG 11 and in
turn with SDG 1, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9, SDG10, SDG16 and SDG17. Within this framework,
the Peruvian Parliament approved laws that declare research, restoration, conservation,
enhancement, promotion and dissemination of many places in Peru of national interest and
public need. Furthermore, the parliament debated and approved laws that could contribute to
strengthening the cultural identity of some sectors of the population. The Parliament
approved the law that declares the continuation and financing of the family housing bond, for
the acquisition of new housing, construction on its own site and improvement of social
interest housing of the own roof program, of public necessity and of preferential national
interest. It also amended the General Law of Persons with Disabilities in order to guarantee
the right to play and urban accessibility for children and adolescents with disabilities. In
conclusion, the work by the Peruvian institutions is arduous but more is still needed to
achieve the objectives set for 2030 (Congreso Peruano, 2017).

• Describe sustainable cities projects in Peru

• San Borja: Recycling, efficient garbage collection, urban agriculture, environmental

education, are some of the points on which they have worked and for which they have
been awarded (MINAM, S.F.).
• Surco: “In Surco, garbage works”, therefore there will be a Solid Waste Processing
Plant that will function as the largest and most modern recycling plant in the country
that will treat more than 50 tons of waste per day. This plant has two distribution
belts, a product loading area, scale, waste accumulation area, packaging accumulation
area and the orange bag factory (MINAM, 2018).
• Magdalena: Magdalena has obtained the recognition of a sustainable city for its
commitment to eco-sustainability aimed at reducing the impacts of the city, such as
waste management, recycling promotion and the good use of natural resources such as
solar and wind energy.

In addition, awareness campaigns for its citizens, and days of beach cleaning and tree
planting (Andina, 2018).

• Transport & Mobility

• Describe what is sustainable transport and mobility

Sustainable transport and mobility is a concept that refers to the movement of people and
goods in a more efficient and environmentally-friendly way, which includes the use of
alternative means of transportation that, for instance, do not consume as much energy or
produce as much greenhouse gases as regular means of transportation like cars or buses.
According to Emesa, the company that manages and maintains the main ring road in Madrid,
sustainable mobility alternatives like walking has a positive impact on both our own health
and our city’s health, in fact, it states that “if you drive five journeys a week of fewer than 2
kilometers on foot, you reduce your carbon footprint by 86 kilograms a year” (2019). There
are other examples of sustainable means of transportation like bicycles or electric cars, which
have to be boosted by governments in order to have a greater impact on people’s lifestyles.
According to David L. Greene, “sustainable transport is clearly a necessary condition for
societal sustainability” (2015) and, therefore, it is a measure that every country should start
applying and establishing governmental plans to achieve it.

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