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Unit 5, Lesson B, page 46-47

1). Let’s have a review at page 46, exercise 1A, it is about crimes and
2). Same page, exercise B, complete it using the world in bold that we can
find in exercise A. Then discuss together the topic.
3). Conclude this page with exercise C.
1.- Murderers usually get sentenced to life in prison
2.- Burglars who get caught are never sent to prison
3.- If you are caught shoplifting, you usually get arrested
Unit 5, Lesson B, page 46-47

4). Page 47, grammar chart, get passive vs. be passive analize it and then
complete exercise A.
1.- People who hack into computers should be punished (punish) more
severly. I mean, cyber crime is really serious
2.- Careless drivers hardly ever are stopped (stop) by the police. The laws
against speeding and other driving offenses should be enforeced (enforce)
more strictly.
3.- Lost of executives get catch (cathc) from their companies, and they often
be sending (send) to prisión for a long time. White-collar crime is a big
4.- When vandals get arrested (arrest), they shouldn’t be punished (punish)
so severey. I mean, they should just be sentenced (sentence) to a month of
community service.
5.- More people get catch (catch) these days because of all the cameras they
have in stores. But most shoppers are honest, and they really shouldn’t be
recorded (record).
6.- A big problema is that most criminals never get catch (catch), and the
ones that are arrested (arrest) often aren 't convicted (not convict)

5). Go to exercise 3 A, listening activity, we have to answer these 4

questions after listening to the dialogue between the police officer and the
woman, and thick the statements that are true in B.
1.- When did the burglary happen?
The burglary was a couple of years ago (when they were away on a business

2.- Who discovered it and how?

Unit 5, Lesson B, page 46-47

A neighbor who was sleeping in the house came in and saw some things on
the floor and an open window.
3.- What was stolen?
They took two computers.
4.- Did the burglars get caught?
Jenny doesn't think they ever got caught

The statements that are true in B

 She never expected it to happen.
 She feels she was luckier than many people.
 She thinks it was inconvenient

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