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Business Policy And Strategic Management 2015 Questions

1.) Discuss SWOT Analysis. Do an exemplary SWOT analysis for any company of your choice?
2.) Define Vision & Mission statements with appropriate examples along with their importance.
3.) Write about recent developments in the Field of Strategy: Use of Balanced Scorecard approach.
4.) Explain McKinsey 7-S Framework and its relevance in planning.
5.) Discuss In detail Portfolio Analysis using BCG matrix Or GE Nine Cell Matrix (any one). Explain
with any appropriate company’s product Portfolio.
6.) Conduct a brief Industry Analysis with diagram using Porter's five forces Model of any product
which are familiar with, suitable explanations.
7.) What do we understand by the terms Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
and its importance in the organizations? Give relevant examples.
8.) Write in ‘detail how Innovation can be used as Michael Porter's Generic competitive strategies.
Explain your point of view with suitable example.
9.) Discuss about Strickland's Grand Strategy Selection Matrix. What purpose does it serve? Also
explain any three directional strategies of your choice.

Business Policy And Strategic Management 2014 Questions

1.) Explain various alternative strategies with examples.
2.) What is competitive advantage? What a firm should do achieve the competitive advantage?
3.) Explain Diversification of strategies with examples.
4.) How do you differentiate the growth strategies with that of maturity strategies?
5.) Explain Core Competency and sustainable Competitive Advantage with examples.
6.) Define strategic management process.
7.) Bring out all the strategies of corporate level, business level and functional level of a company.
8.) Explain the concept of being a first mover, second mover and late mover by taking an example
of Indian FMCG sector.
9.) Explain the importance of vision, mission statements. Quote a couple of company’s vision and
mission statements.
Business Policy And Strategic Management 2016 Questions

1.) What do you understand by a term Strategy? Briefly differentiate between Industrial model
(I/O) of Above Average Returns and Resource based model.
2.) Explain what is Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage with suitable
3.) Explain the following terms with suitable examples :
a) Strategic Management Process
b) Vertical Integration
c) Diversification
d) Strategic Fit
4.) Briefly explain Cost Leadership as a strategy.
5.) Explain role of organizational culture in institutionalising the strategy.
6.) Identify the five forces that underlie the five forces model of competition. Explain briefly how
they affect industry profit potential.
7.) Describe a value chain analysis. How a value chain analysis does helps firm to gain competitive
advantage? Select industry of you choice and explain the same.
8.) Describe the risks of a differentiation strategy by taking example of Indian car market.
9.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a first mover, second mover, and late
mover? Illustrate by taking an example of Indian telecom sector.

Business Policy And Strategic Management 2017 Questions

1.) Explain the importance of vision and mission statement.
2.) What is environmental scanning? Give a relevant example.
3.) Explain differentiation strategy with the help of a relevant example.
4.) How can a mission statement be an enduring statement of values and simultaneously provide a
basis of competitive advantage.
5.) What do you understand by corporate level strategy?
6.) Explain the difference between corporate, business and functional strategies.
7.) How do competencies, strategy, structure, and the external environment combine to create a
successful organization?
8.) Choose a specific industry and relying solely on your impressions, evaluate the impact of the five
forces that drive competition in that industry?
9.) Explain how the Balanced Score Card is used in strategic evaluation and control.
Business Policy And Strategic Management 2018 Questions

1.) Explain the concept of strategy. Write two definitions of strategy and identify the key elements
in them.
2.) What are the 5 Ps of a strategy? Explain the strategy of a diversified company.
3.) Identify the people responsible for strategy making at different levels in an organization.
4.) Distinguish strategy and plan. Which one is more suitable in a competitive environment?
5.) "Corporate strategy making is an ongoing process" — Discuss
6.) Explain the role and functions of Board of directors towards competitive advantage of their
7.) What is SBU? Describe SBU structure and explain its merits and demerits. Explain the planning %
system for implementation.
8.) What do you mean by environmental scanning? Also discuss the procedure involved in 'it.
Discuss the methods of competitive analysis.
9.) What is resource allocation and how is it a vital part of strategy? Explain the strategies required
by the companies to compete in the digital (internet) economy.

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