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Andy Hey Olivia Could you drive me to the airport tomorrow evening?
Olivia At what time?
Andy Well, my departure time is 10:00, so I need to be there at around 8:00.
Olivia Ok, then. I’m working till 7:00 and then I just have to get my car from the
mechanic’s. So I can come by your house at 7:30.
Andy That sounds fine. But you mustn’t be late. I don’t want to miss my flight.
Olivia You don’t need worry.
Andy Thanks. Oh, one more thing. May I borrow your camera.
Olivia Yes, of course.
1.- This is the darkest cave I’ve ever been in.
2.- Ms. Baker’s class in noisier than Ms. Thomson’s.
3.- The black armchair is not as comfortable as the brown one.
4.- Ben bought the most impressive painting in the gallery.
5.- My carry-on luggage was as heaviest as my suitcase so I had to check it in.
6.- Monday is the worst day of the week.
7.- The food was spicier than we epected and we had trouble eating it.
1.- Who is that man?
Do you know who that man is?
2.- What does this word mean?
Excuse me, can you tell me what this word mean?
3.- Where’s the bathroom?
Can tell me where the bathroom is?
4.- When did Mrs. Carter leave the building?
Do you know when Mrs. Carter left the building?
5.- How much do these boots cost?
Could tell me how much these boots cost?

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