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My children!

Without me you would be orphans. The world is a powerful and dangerous place in this year of 1733. Here in the
British colonies of America, I am giving this speech to inform you of the changes in the world and how we can exceed
expectations during these trying times. I am your financial source. I am your main resource for anything you need. I know all of
your needs, I helped form the place you are in right now. We must rely on one another now to meet our military, safety, and
resource needs.
Georgia - a place for criminals to make it more safe for you. The reasoning behind this is simple. IF other countries
decide to invade these wondrous colonies, then Georgia will be attacked first. Georgia - you are a buffer to help save the lives of
many other people. If ANYTHING were to happen, then you would be in a safer position because I made a place for them.
Without this place, the prisoners would be among you and you would be the first ones to be attacked. Georgia makes every other
place safer than it was before.
Military and protection, how else can we help? My military ships protect your coast from attacks from foreign
countries. If the Spanish, French, Dutch, etc. want to take away our property  or attack us, then they have to get through the
military that borders the coast first. So, not only are you safe through the prison colony of Georgia, but my military ships are also
protecting your coast. What more can I help you with?
Lastly, I have a large variety of goods in England that can be traded to the colonies in America in order to give a better
variety of items in the colonies. Do you not enjoy the glass, paint, metal, and ceramics for your house? How about the metal tools
to build your house or the porcelain that makes your dishes, etc.? All of these things are supplied to you by England and are being
shipped as support to the growth of the colonies. In exchange, we purchase your goods to be used to enhance lives in mainland
In conclusion, I am a source for you. I am your military protection, the creator of a safe place for you, and I am your
source for trading goods.  I am going to leave on this note: you need me to have this safe environment, the protection, and the
profit. I am an asset to these colonies even though you may not realize it. England is beneficial to the colonies, and visa versa.
Thank you,

King George II

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