Term III Trends - CPC

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2017 2015 2014 2014

Question/ Topic 2017 2015 Frequency

Principles/consideraions in grant of injunction under O. 39
Remedy against order refusing to grant injunction. 10 15 20 20 10 10 6
Powers of court when injunction is disobeyed
Considerations while granting/accepting Amenment of Pleading
Can Amendment of plaint be allowed just before pronouncement of a decree?
10 10 10 10 20 5
Scope and stages of pleadings when amendments may be allowed, particularly amendment of
Written Statements.
Provisions relating to Production of additional evidence in appellate court. Is it permissible at
10 10 10 10 4
the second appellate stage?
Diff. b/w Ordinary Suit and Summary Suit. Grounds for granting Leave to Defend. Salient
10 20 20 20 10 5
Features of Summary Procedure.
Does Bar of S. 10 apply on Summary Suit filed under Order 37 20 10 10 3
Grounds for Rejection of a Plaint. "Written statement by the defendant is wholly irrelevant." 5 5 10 10 5 5
Principle of Res-Judicata.
Does Constructive Res-judicata aaplies to the cases falling under writ jurisdiction? 15 10 20 20 5 5
Res Judicata among co-defendants
Constructive res judicata - State of UP v. Nawab Hussain 10 1
Circumstances when Second Appeal would lie to the High Court from a decree passed in first
appeal. 10 10 10 10 4
Meaning of "Substantial Question of Law"
Consequence of non-appearance of a plaintiff, Defendant or both, when the suit is called for
10 10 10 20 4
Remedies for dismissal or exparte judgement of suit
Sangram Singh V. Election Tribunal
Difference b/w Order, Judgement, Decree 5 5 10 5 5 5 6
Inherent powers of court 5 5 5 5 4
Proper place of suing for:
- a suit for damages for infringement of trade marks
- a suit for mesne profits
10 5 10 3
- X residing in Delhi publishes defamatory statements against Y in Delhi
- A,B,C residing in Faizabad, Varanasi and Kanpur respecively-- took a loan from D at
Varnasi. D lives in Lucknow
Scope of Review u/ order XLVII with case law 10 10 2
Setting aside ex parte proceedings 10 10 2
Jurisdiction - Gundaji Satwaji Shinde v. Ram Chandra Bhikaji Joshi case 10 10 10 3
Ifthikar Ahemd v Syed Meharban Ali 10 1
2017 2015 2014 2014
Question/ Topic 2017 2015 Frequency
Suits by or against govenment 5 5 5 3
Legal Representative (Short note) 5 1
Reference (Short note) 5 1
Provisions governing the determinaion of the place of suing 10 5 2
Diff. b/w Refrence, Review, Revision 10 10 2
ADR as a mode of settlement 10 10 10 10 4
Diff b/w Res Subjudice and O. 2, R. 2 10 5 5 10 4
Revisional Jurisdiction 10 1
Notice under S. 80 5 5 5 3
Mesne Profits (Short note) 5 5 2
A review by no means an appeal in disguise wherby an erroneous decision is reheard and
10 20 2
corrected, but only for patent arror.
Power of SC to transfer suits u/s 25 5 10 2
Foreign Judgement when binding 10 5 2
Can appeal against exparte order and application for setting aside the exparte order in terms
10 1
of Order 9 Rule 13, proceeded simultaneously?
What kinds of suits do courts have jurisdiction to try. Principles of Res subjudice and Res
10 1
Diff. b/w Reference and Appeal 5 1
OC: CPC paper under old course (used to be in 5h term)
Compiled by Sandeep Yadav

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