Objects and Machines: Worksheet 6.1

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Objects and machines WORKSHEET 6.

1. Complete the sentences.

a) Modern inventions have changed the food we eat because ____________________
b) Modern inventions have changed the clothes we wear, because ________________
c) They have also affected medicine, for example, _____________________________
d) And modern inventions have changed the way we move from place to place, for
example, _____________________________________________________________

2. Draw a modern invention. Then complete the sentences to describe it.

This is a _______________________________.
We use it to ____________________________.
I think it has changed the way we ____________
because _______________________________.

3. Read about an invention. Then, answer the questions.

‘Cat’s eyes’ are small reflective discs that are embedded in roads. They are made of
rubber and plastic and reflect the light from a car at night. They help drivers to see
where the road is. This makes driving at night much safer. They were invented in 1933
in Britian by Percy Shaw.
a) What are ‘cat’s eyes’ made of? __________________________________________
b) Where can they be found? _____________________________________________
c) How do they help make driving at night safer? ______________________________
d) When and where were they invented? ____________________________________
Objects and machines WORKSHEET 6.1

1. Complete the sentences. Suggested answers

a) Modern inventions have changed the food we eat because now food is prepared in
large factories and frozen or stored in tins.
b) Modern inventions have changed the clothes we wear, because now they contain
synthetic fabrics, which are more resistant.
c) They have also affected medicine, for example, doctors use
microscopes/computers/X-ray machines/scanners to diagnose/treat illnesses.
d) And modern inventions have changed the way we move from place to place, for
example, now we use cars, planes, hovercrafts, etc. to move around.

2. Draw a modern invention. Then complete the sentences to describe it.

Student’s own answer

This is a _______________________________.
We use it to ____________________________.
I think it has changed the way we ____________
because _______________________________.

3. Read about an invention. Then, answer the questions.

‘Cat’s eyes’ are small reflective discs that are embedded in roads. They are made of
rubber and plastic and reflect the light from a car at night. They help drivers to see
where the road is. This makes driving at night much safer. They were invented in 1933
in Britain by Percy Shaw.
a) What are ‘cat’s eyes’ made of? Rubber and plastic.
b) Where can they be found? Embedded in roads.
c) How do they help make driving at night safer? They reflect light from cars, which
helps drivers see where the road is at night.
d) When and where were they invented? In 1933 in Britain.

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