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In Manufacturing Company X, the team members of Department A has been complaining

frequently about their team leader. The project champion invited the team members to a
meeting for him to understand the concerns which had reached him. The team members
voiced the following about their team leader:


 Dictates to the team members how to do their tasks

 Gives information on a “need to know” only basis
 Must attend and have a say on every team meeting, even sub team meetings
 Does not encourage discussions on any variety of issues (problem solving, etc.)
and makes decisions herself and tells the team what the decision is (with no
explanation as to why)
 Does not like “small talk or ideas” during team meetings

Many of the team members would not want to work with her anymore and some are
afraid of her.

Please write a comprehensive essay to discuss in detail the step by step action that you
will do to answer the following:

QUESTION NO. 1: As the leader and with your background on leadership and motivation, if you
are the project champion, what steps should you do to solve the issues and concerns of the team?

QUESTION NO. 2: What are the expected challenges to be encountered?

QUESTION NO. 3: If your proposed steps will work out, what are the expected results or what
can be expected
as an ideal scenario for the team?
Dear Engg 520 Class,

I hope and pray that you are all well. Please do the above requirement…as always, look at the situation
from the wider perspective with you being the Project Champion, meaning that the project is your responsibility
and you are the over-all in charge of it. Team projects can make or break a company, it can spell failure or
success or it may mean the survival of an entity.

Ponder on the issue, think it over and then outline, discuss clearly what you will do. What are the
reasons why you will be doing this or that?

Please encode or hand write your answers on a short bond paper, 1 inch invisible margins on all sides.
Please always write your name and the ECQ Requirement # on top in all your submissions.

As always, what I would like to see is the maturity of your perspective , please do not copy your
answers…think on your own, be original…afterall, it will not be long before you will be the one handling teams
of your own as an Engineer and a manager or CEO. I believe that!!!

Please submit as one file per ECQ Requirement and send asap that you can to:

Follow this format in the filename (doc or pdf file please):

ENGG 520_OLDICO Ella_ECQ Requirement #1
(The chapter questions which asked you before to answer.
Please email this ASAP if you are done)

ENGG 520_OLDICO Ella_ECQ Requirement #2

(This Requirement due on May 6, 2020 if possible)

ENGG 520_OLDICO Ella_ECQ Requirement #3 (To be sent soon)

ENGG 520_OLDICO Ella_ECQ Requirement #3 (To be sent soon)

ENGG 520_OLDICO Ella_ECQ Requirement #3 (To be sent soon)

Please pm me or text me at 0920-928-6369 for any problems or questions.

Again, anusan u amin latta . Tiis tiis lang…kaya iyan. God bless and more power. Stay safe always.

Much Love and prayers always,


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