United States,: 2. Political System in Home Country

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Political system in Home Country

United States,
Culturally, the United States have is more toward individualism compare to collectivisms.
Individualisms is a system that suggest individuals should have freedom over their economic and
political pursuits while collectivism is more to collective goals over individual goals. Based on our
search regarding the United States it shows that American is one of the most countries with an
individualistic culture compare with other country that have the individualistic culture. It also shows
that American is more about themselves on how they think only themselves compare in group and
they managed to keep up a better distance on their personal space between them and others. An
according to Dr. Hofstede, people who are from the individualistic culture are highly independent
and have a strong feeling of freedom within the group.

This is where the political system come in, as for United States, it is a Federal Republic
where in a form of republic, The Unites Stated is a Federal republic in which The President
(Donald Trump), Congress (Presiding, Mike Pence), and The Federal courts (Chief Justice and
Chief Judges, John Roberts) shares sovereignty with the state governments and also it is a
representative of democracy which the government is by people, exercised either directly or through
elected representative and it shows that their government is elected by the citizens. The American
political system is dominated by the political parties and with a rare exception, the election is
decided by two different parties such as Democrats and Republicans. Although the citizens vote for
individual candidates, most are connected by one and another.

Democracy is basically a state which supreme power is held by the people and their elected
representatives while for Republic is a system of government by the whole population or all the
eligible member of the state through elected representative. In a way of democracy, The United
States government is elected by their citizen whereby the citizens have the right to vote their
government officials and those officials will be represented the citizens ideas and their concerns
regarding the country. Furthermore, the political system of United States is the same as Texas.
Since Texas is under the United States, it’s also applied the democracy and republic because the
mayor (Ron Nirenberg) of The City of San Antonio, Texas is elected by the citizens and the City
Council is the city’s primary legislative body which is made up of eleven members, including the
mayor. While the mayor is elected in large, the other ten members are elected by the ten city’s
3. Economic system of Home Country

United States,

The United States is a sophisticated of mixed economy. Mixed economy includes some
elements of market and command economy and which the governments tends to take over the
troubled firms that are vital to national interest. Besides, it protects private property and allows for
the government to intervene in economic activities that are aim for the social and for the public
goods. A mixed economy system has a feature of both free-market and centrally-planned economic
controls by the government as there are also a various kind of way market economies changed in the
mixed economy. For example, private individual cannot authorize to provide or purchase certain
types of goods, such as haggis (a Scottish dish), raw milk, and most types of flavored cigarettes.

The United States government also might own a public property or provide public services
that uses tax policy or subsidies to change the price signals in the market. In a mixed economy,
some private transactions are acceptable but only under the conditions that extremely compliant
towards the government goals. Also, the government keeps incomplete control over the economy
with regulatory restrictions, such as licensing or banning certain activities.

On the other hand, the United States government might fully control or control certain part
of the goods and services such as educations, courts, roads, hospital care, and it also provide a
subsidy for oil companies and financial companies. In this system, when the economic are
unbothered, supply and demand will create the prices of the goods and services so the seller are free
to expand their businesses. In hence, the government can interfere with a pure competition in order
to promote other objectives such as price and income stability, regional development or
environmental preservation.

In vice versa, nearly every type of business and form of economic exchange is affected by
the government policy in the United States. For examples, The Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) must approve the useable foods and medicines before they can be sold in the market and
requires to provide very specific disclaimers. Other than that, all the businesses can only be
advertise the goods and services once they comply the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). While the
hiring, compensating, and firing of employees must comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA), and many other regulations from agencies.
History, A. (2012). A Mixed Economy-The Us System. Retrieved from American History:

Investopedia. (2019). Is the United States a Market Economy or a Mixed Economy? Retrieved from
Investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/031815/united-states-considered-

Lumen. (2019). The U.S. Political System. Retrieved from Lumen:


Rosenbaum, A. (2018, October 31). Personal Space and American Individualism. Retrieved from Brown
Political Review: http://brownpoliticalreview.org/2018/10/personal-space-american-individualism/

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