Cassell's Latin Dictionary - Latin-English and English-Latin PDF

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]. R. V. M~i\RCHANT, M.A.
Former!~· Scholar of W11dliam College, Oxford



L.te Assistant Martu at 11,, City of London School



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IN preparing a Revised Edition of the Latin-English part of thia

Dictionary, the aim has been so to adapt the work that it may
be suited for the middle forms of public schools. It ii above all
int.ended to be a Dictionary of Cl88Sical Latin, and thus a large
number of archaic, or post.Augustan words, have been omitted,
while nearly all the important articles have been entirely re-
writ~n, chiefly with the view of introducing a greater number
of quotations to illustrate constructions and usage. The historical
and geographical notices have been largely increased in number
and lessened in sir.a. Etymologies have been added, but ma.inly
t.hose of an unambitious kind. It is hoped that the considerable
changes that have been made in type and claasification will make
Uie work more intelligible, and so more useful.

ablat. ablat!Te. tllipt. elliptical, elliptically.

llhtol. aLM>lute, abt!otutely, Le. without de- mdU. enclltlc.
pcnJl'nt cue or adjunct. Eng. English.
~r. at.tract. trp. especially.
11«116. ICCWl&t.iVe. tic. et cetera.
ad. active. tth. dal. ethic daUYe.
ad;. &ijjl'ctive. ttym. etymology.
Gd~. ad verb. tvplttm. euphemlam or eupheml1t\c:M.
aL l. &lia leeUo or am legunt (a dill'ettnt tVpMll. eupbonlc, enphonlcally.
r'adiogl. a. a.. example, example&.
e.p. fullowed by a proper noun, e.g., ap. Cle. /. f'eminine.
= in the worka or. M· l!guratlve or l!gure.
aw.lla.t. appellative (when a proper noun ft'/\. or adjh&. at the end.
ia u-1 aa a common noun, e.g. when JoU. followed by.
Acbillea =a brave, handsome man). /ollg. f'ollowlns.
llUrib. altribuu or attributift. /r. from.
1.1. ,t.g. ante·AIJ8U8t&n. Fr. Fttncb.
A•V· Auirustan. freq. frequently or trequentatlft.
e.. COUI lllOD. jut. tutun!.
IOtlj. conjunction. gn.. general or pnerall7.
c'lllect. eoltectlve. ~U. genitive.

°""'par. wmparatlve. grogr. geographical

roller. concrete. Gt'f"ll\. German.
°"'"· connectM. Gt-. Greek.
CMTtl. correlative. gram. grammatical
cr»o..!lr. conatructlon. htkrocl. heteroclite.
rontr. contraction or oontrad.elL MUrc>g. hete~neoua.
e-p. compare. (b. Ibidem. datl ve. "1. Idem.
d«l. declenaion. t .. Id ut (that la).
d.t/«t. defect! n. (11&ptr. Imperative.
dnwn.ttr. demonltratf"' &mpn-/. lmperf'ect.
rJ'P. deponent. (111pen. Impersonal

duidn-. desideraUve. (1wnd11&. Inanimate..

d1.f. di trerent. fn.cAoat. lnchoati ve, lncepUn.
di"'- dlminutiYe. (nd«J. indeclioable.
di.ftrvll. d1-yllable. (ndtJ. lndel!nlte.
dUlrib. dbltribntl ve. in.die. Indicative.
d•b. doubtl'lll. '"ft"- lnl!nltlve.
«d. ecc lealutical i7'U., '"• or ad hall. at the beslaablg.
M. edition. 47'leu. in ten1l ve.
..,. uempU patf.I (tor aample). ~ l.Jltel"roptiYL


...... tatrt !live. ,._,,,,.,. pluperfect.
Lf. Idem quocl. 'JIOlfl. poetical or poetioaDJ.
'""'· lrreplar. poHL political or politlcall7.
IC. ltallu. JIO'U. positive.
i.t. r.ttn. preced. preceding.
m. lltenl. prep. prepoeition.
L 1ectio (reMling). pra. present.
lotat. euu loeatfvu. prob. probably.
-. muculine. Jll"O'I.. pronoun.
.wMm. mathematical. prop. properly•
..i. medical or rnedicall1. pr1>17. proverb or pl'Oftl'btatly•
NL metaphorically. q. ii. quod or quae v1de (whicl! ....
Mdoll. bJ metonymy. rt.ft. reflective or reftectlTely.
w.Ml middle. rtg. regular or regularly.
•ilit. military. rtl. relative.
JlS. manWteript. rdig. rel!gious.
JISS. mantJMSrfpt& rlla. rhetoric, rhetorical,, QI' rbetorieallJ.
L neuter. Rom. Roman.
tMl1lt. nautical. Sa1U(. Sanscrlt.
Mg. llfg&tfVCI. 1e. scilicet (that is to say, namelJ).
MVI. neuter. acrlpt. acriptor (writer).
t1C11L. nominative. ring. singular.
. - . numeral. iq. aequenR (and the following).
objteC. objective or objectlTely. aubj. subjunctive.
~ onomD.topoeia or onomatopoeic. rubj«t. 11ubjective or subjecth'el7.
opp. opposite to. IUbM. substantive.
onL ordinal. &'Uff'. suffix.
orig. origlnal or orlginally. np. supine.
p. ~ superi. superlative.
p. adJ. part'Jcfpf&i adjeotlve. 1.11. sub voce.
JJ. ..hg. ~Augmtan. IJfl. syllable.
~ participle. 1J111COP. syncope or syncopated.
porfft. part.iUTe. synonym. synonymous.
JllUL pusl.Te. U. technical term.
'JWf'I. perfect. tra"4f. transferred.
,,.,... pencm, penonal., OI' penenally. travl. translation or tran1Jated.
Jll~ philoeophlcal or phll090ph1. trilylZ. trisyllable.
,-..... pleouaafllcal or pleowtloall7. "· verb, vide, or VOL
Jllw. plural. .ac. vocatiYe.

A. Aulua. AUKU8tue. abeolvo, &ntlquo, anous. H. Hie, etc .• b&bet. butata (oobon), II--.
Ld. Ana.I dlem (In datel). honos.
A.U.C. Anno urbla condltae. ab urbe ooo- Har. Harwipcx.
dlta. H.C. Hl8panla clterlor.
Hor. HoratlA trlbu.
B. Bonus or beoe. H.S. Hie altua est.
B.D. Bona Dea. booum datum. H.S. (Ml8t&ke for 118.), ~ua. ~
BL. Bona lelL tlum.
B.O. Booo omloe., bona omlDA. H.S.S. Hie lllt.1 llUDt.
B.P. Bono publlco. bona J)Qm(9lo.
B.M. Bene mereotl. I. In. Intra, ti:-.
B.V.V. Bene vale, vale! I.D. ldua.
I.H.F.C. lpstua beree faclendum ouravt&.
C. CaJua. eonJux. ooodemno. Im. lmmunll!.
C. Aa own. mgo"" oeotwn. Imp. lmpertum, lmperat.or.
Cal. Calendae.
Cn. Cna.eua.
K. Kaeeo.
Com. Cornelius. Kai. Katend&e.
D. Dectmua. DITUa, deus, domlnus, decrurlo, L. LuclWJ, llbra.
dlee, dabe.m.
L. Al! oum. lllgn • 60.
DD. Dono dedlt.
DD.D. Dat dooat dedloat.
M. Marcus.
D.M. Dua manlb1111.
M·. Maniua.
D.0.M. Deo opUmo maxlmo.
M. Al! num. l!lcD • mUle.
D.P.S. De pecun1.a llU&.
D .s. De llUO.
DN. Dom!nWI noater. N. Nwnertua.
Noo. Nonae.
E. Emerttua. evocatus.
E.M.V. Ecrec1&e memorlae vtr. 0. Opttmus, omnla.
E.P. Equo publlco.
E.Q.R. Eques Roman111. P. Publlua.
P.C. Patmi cooacrtptL
F. Fmua. feclt. Mells, retlx. P.M. Pontlfex Maxtmua.
F.C. Faclendum auravtt. P.R. Populus Romana
r J. Fiert 1umii. P. VIII. Pedum octo.
Fl. Flavtua. Prtd. Prtdle.
Pl P. Flamen perpetUUL
Q. QulntWJ, que.
0. GaJ• OaJJtca. Gemtna.
0.1. Germania lnterlol'. R. RulUll, Romanus, reo&e. r--. n8a1oo
0.8. OermaDJa 8uperlclr. elldum.


R.P. Rmpubltaa. Tl. Tlbertua.

R.R. RatlODel relatae. Tr. pl. TrtbUDUI plebla.

U. Urt»tRoma>.
8. 8enwi, SenatUB. eemlllli8.
8. or Sp. Spurtua.
V. Valeo, vlr, vlvua, vlveoa, votum.
8.C. Seoatua COD8Ultum.
8.P.Q.R. Sem.tua popuJuaque Rom&DUll
X. • JO, Ud alllo ID oolna delWtua.
X.V. Dec.omvlr.
T. Tliua trtbunua. XV.V. QutDdechDYlr.

App. Lucius Appuleius, phllOS-Opher, bom

about 130 B.C.
- Pers.
A. Persh1!I Flaccus, satirist, died Gi A.O.
T. Petronius Arbiter, satirist. d1ed
A.act. b. Afr. Auctor belli Atricani. 67 A.D.
A uct. b. Alex. Auctor belll Alexan<lrini. Phae<lr. Phaedrus, fabulist of the lst cent.
Auct. b. Hisp. Auctor belli Hispani. A.D.
Plaut. M. Acclus (or T. Macelus) Plantua,
Ca.ea. Caius Julius Caesar, historian, died died 184 B.C.
« B.C. Plin. C. Plinius Secundus(major), naturalist,
Cat. C. Valerius Catullus, poet, born 87 B.C. died 79 A.D. C. Plinius Caeeilius Becundns
Cato. M. l'orcius Cato, orator and hh1torian, (minor), died about 100 A.D.
fad 147 B.C. 'Prop. Sex. Aurelius Propertlu1, poe'1
Cic. II. Tullius Cicero, orator and philoso· 15 B.0.
plier, died •3 B.C.
C-OL L. Jun. Moderatus Columella, writer Q. Cie. Quintus Cicero, brother or M. Tolnaa.
on husbandry, or the lat cent. A.D. Qnlnt. M. Fabius Quinti\lantllJ, rhetorician
or the 1st cent. .a..D.
Enn. Q. Ennius, poet, died 169 B.O.
Eutr. F1avius Eutroplus, historian or the 4th Ball. C. Cr!splus Ballm1tiu11, died S4 a.o.
cent.. .LD. Sen. L. Annaeu.a Seneca, phlloeopber, died
65 A.D.
Hirt. Aulus Hirtlua, historian, died 43 B.C. Stat. P. Papln!us Btat!us, poet or the la'
Hor. Q. Horatiua Flaccus, poet, died 8 B.C. eenL A.D.
BneL C. Suetonius Tranqulllus, writer ol
Juv. D. JnniWI Juvenalla, poet or the 1st biographies or the ht and 2nd cent. A.D.
cent. A.I).
Tac. C. Cornelius Tacitus, historian, bon
Liv. T. Llvio.1 Pat.avinus, historian, died
between 60 and 60 A.D.
16 s.c.
Ter. P. Terentlua Arer, writer of cornediee
Lucan. H • .Annaeua Lucanus, poet, died
or the 2nd ~ent. B.O.
Tib. Albius Tibullus, poet, died 18 B.O.
Leier. T. LucreUu1 Canu, poet, died about
50 &C.
Varr M. Terentlua Varro, writer OD ba.
Mart. bandry, etc., born 82 B.O.
M. Valerius Martialia, poet of the lit
etnt. A.I>. Vell. P. Vellelus Paterculua, historian al U..
ht cent. A.D.
Nep. ComelitllJ Nepoe, writer of biographies Verg. P. Vergllius Maro, poet. died abml•
or the lat cent. A.I). 19 B.O.
Vltr. Vltruvlua Pollio. wrlteronarelaltedani
Ov. P. Ovldlus Nuo, poet, died 10 a.o.. died about H a.o.

January, August,
March, May, July, April, June, Bepl, February-28 daya,
of the Dec:ember--Sl days. October-31 days. November-SO day11. In leap year, 29.

1 K.&1. Jan. Aug. Dec. Kal Mart. Mai. Kai.Apr.Jun. Sept. Kal Febr.
Jul. Oct. Nov.
t a.d. (ante diem) tv. a.d. v1. Non. Mart. a.d. "" Non. Apr. a.d. IT. Non. Febr.
Non. (Jan., Aug., Mal. Jul. Oct. Jun. Sept. Nov.
I &.d.. 111.
" ti :i..d. "· .. "
a.d. Ill. . a.d. III.
" "
• Prldle . ti
a.d. '"· . ti Pridle
•• . Prldle ti

6 Non. Jan. .Aug. a.d. 111. •• Non. Apr • Jun. Non. Febr.
Dee. " Sept. Nov.
a Tiii. Id. Jan. Prldle
Aug. Deo.
.. "
a.d. Ylll. Id.Apr. Jun. a.d.
Sept. Nov.
Tm. Id. Febr.

1 Ld. VII. . . Non. Mart.

Jul. Oct.
Md!. a.d. vu. .. "
ad. TU. .. ..
8 &.d. TL .. . ll..d. VIII. Id. Mart. a.d.
Mai. Jul Oct.
YI. ti .. a.d. n
" ..
9 Ld. Y. . .. a.d. 1'11. . a.d. T.
" .. a.d. "· . "
10 a.d. 11'. .. a.d. VI. ." a.d. 1Y. . . a.d. IY. •• ..
11 Ld.
.. .. a.d. v.
" a.d. .. .. a.d.
.•• ."
UL Ill. llL

Prldle .
" a.d. "'·
Id. Jan. Aug. Dec. a.d. 111.
•• ,," Pridle
Id. Apr. Jun. SepL
Id. Febr.
ti ti
a.d. XIL Kai. Fel1r. Pridle
Sept. Jan. ,,
.. .. a.d. xviii. Kai. Mal. a.d. xvi. Kat llart.
Jul. Oct. Dec.
a.d. XVIII. tt ti Id. Mart. Mal. Jul. a.d. xvn.
.. "
a.d. XY. .. "
16 &.d. XVII. .. "
a.d. xv11. Kai. Apr. a.d. xvI.
Jun. Aug. Nov.
. Ld. XIV. . ..
17 XYI. . a.d. xn. .. a.d. XT. . . &.d. XIII. .. ..
11 a.d. xv. . "
a.d. xv. .. ..

&.d. XIT. . .. &.d. XII. .

19 Ld. XIY ..

a.d. XIY. .. " a.d. XIII.

. a.d. XI. . ."
IO Ld. .." " . .. a.d. &.d. x. .. ..
.." ••..
XIIL a.d. Xlll XII.

ti Ld. XIL .. a.d. XII. a.d. XI. &.d. IX. ..

.. . .. .. .. •• ."
" "
n a.d. a.d. a.d.
.. •..•
XI. &.d. xr. L VllL

ts a.d.L .. ti a.d. L . a.d. IX. .. " a.d. TU.

.. "

" Ld. IL &.d. IL .. •• a.d. 1'Ill. . •• Tl.

t5 Ld. VIII,
" "
a.d. Tiii. .. " a.d. VII. a.d. v. .." .."
te Ld. YIL
" ..
a.d. YIL .. .. a.d. Tl. .." ". a.d. rv. .. "
i7 Ld. TL •• •• a.d. YI. .. .. a.d. v.
&.d. llL .. .
28 Ld. Y.
. T. a.d. rt'. . "
•• ..
• a.d. "'·
" ..
&.d. IT. .." "" &.d. JU. . .
IO Ld. UL .. " a.d. llL
". "
" ••
11 Prtdle .. . Prldle

1.-(a) Brackets () enclosing the first syllable of a compound nrb, de-

note that both the simple and oompound forms of the verb are
in use, as (de)currlre. Lack of space, as a rule, has prevented
the e.xplanation &f the diiferenoe in shades of meaning between
the two forms. Where the student finds this a difficulty, a
reference to the Latin-English section will at once relieve him.
An English-Latin Dictionary serves its best purpose when it
encourages the beginner to oonsult quotations from Roman
authors in a good Latin Dictionary.
(b) Brackets enclosing a single letter denote that the word was
written sometimes with and sometimes without that letter.
Thus, ez(1)pectare shows that the two forms e:e1pectare and
ezpectare were both in use. The table at the beginning of
.Hesars. Lewis and Short's Latin Dictiowuy has frequently
been consulted in respect to the spelling of doubtful words.
(o) Brackets enclosing a whole word denote that the word may be
inserted or omitted according to the context. Thus for "tide,"
ae1t11.1 (mariti'7n11) implies that aeltu1 maritinnu is tb.e full
phrase, for· which ae1t1l1 alone may sometimes serve.
II.-Spaoe has not allowed the insert.ion of much help in the way of
declensions and conjugations, but the genitive of nonna in
the fourth declension is given to distinguish them from those
of the first. Where such a genitive ooours in a phrase,
it is given thus, aest1L1, -W, maritiniu1. In a fe:w other
instances of doubtful words, genitives are also !liven.
m-. prefixed to a word. denotes that it is of modern or very late
Latin origin. t appended to a word denotes that it is onl1
ll8ed, in the Classical period, by poets.
alq1 = aliqui1 alqm =aliq11e1'1
alga = alilJuUl alqam = aliquatn
alcj1 = alicuj.u alqo = aliquo
d.loi = d.l icwi alga = "liqwa
Ant.e and Post Aug.= used by writ.en before and after the time
of Augustt11.
Circumloc. =circumlocution.
Class. = Classical, i.1. belong-ing to the best period of literature.
Com. = used by the comic poets.
Comb.= in combination.
Eccl. = used by the ecclesiastical writers. The asterisk (•) is som&
times used to prevent a repetition of &cl after each of the
derivatives in a single paragraph.
Oram.= used by the La.tin grammarians.
lnscrip. = found in inscriptions.
Jct.= used by the Jurisconsults, or lawyers.
Late ; very late = used by authors 14f ter the Classical period.
Med. Lat. = Latin of the Middle Ages.
Opp. = in opposition to.
V.-Abbrevia.tions of the names of authors i:wculiar to the Englieh-Lati.JJ
section of the Dictionary.
Ammian. Ammianus l\farcellinus, historian, 4th cent. A.D.
Cels. A. Cornelius CelsuH, writer on medicine, 1st cent. A.D.
Curt. Q. CurtiUB Rufus, historian, probably 1st cent. A.D.
Linn. Karl von Linne, or Linnaeus, modem botanist, 18th cent.
Prise. Priscianus, grammarian, 5th cent. A.D.
Veget. Flaviue Renatus Vegetius, military writer, Hh cent. A..D.
Val Mu. Va.lerius Ma.i:imua, compiler of anecdotes, bt cent. A..D.
A abe
A.. tbe nrst lt'tter or the L&ttn Alphabet.
a u ao abbreviation, aee the Table.
.Ibis -antta, m. ki"fl of Argo1, /alMr oJ
..4crUiwi: hence, a, adJ., Abanteua -a -um :
b, A.bantlAdes -ae, m. a <YS«ndant of Abeu,
a. ah. Interj. Alt.I Verg.
.Acririu.a ('°"' o/ ..dbcu), Pent:tU (gf'W.t..9m"'1.toa t:1
i,, Ab. abs. prep. with abt (a st.andl ~­
fore consonants except h; ab before vowels, h,
&nd consonant.a ; abe only before c, q, t). Ab ~bAvus -1, m. 11 ~"4ftltw, Cle. ;
denotes motion In any direction from a ftxecl and in general, jtwt,/o.l}IM', Cle.
r. int (opp. ad). L Lit., In space, A. Of motion, Abdera -orum, n. plur. (" A/3&'1P4. ,.4). L •
, cnoar ,1rOW4: ruga ab urbe, Cle. ; 2, a, from '°11n• in Thrace (now PolystUo or .tapuoai), birtA-
, .. lo: ad carcerea a calce revoe&ri, Cle. ; ab place o/ Protagora.1 and Democrilu.1, rwt«l for tM
allqao {eap. a me, a te, a 116, a noble, a vobis), atup£dil} of U.. itW:Witan.t.r; hie A ~era,'t
/rfm llw 1'o""8 of, Cle. With verbe or taking, retgM 1tvp£dUr, Cle. ; alao Abdera -ae, !-
bearing, etc., aucb u acclplo, emo, audio, cog· Ov. IL a CO- '1t Spatn (now .Adm). Abd•
noeco, comperio ; a me, /r<1fA mr pt1rae, Cle. ; of ritea ·ae (abL •), m.a" '1&1M1b\t.a1dof Abdua, Cle.
dependents or disciples, Zeno et qui ab eo aunt, abdlci.tlo ~nla, f. 1, dL!owning of a ~
lno alld at:hool, Cic.; b, dolDn from: su1- Plin.; 2, reJ1D11.'lldng of an o;ta; dlc1'1turae, LI•.
pendt!re columUa.m a malo, Verg.; c, usque ab, 1. abdloo, 1. 1, to nnmmoe, dUoMni; aliquem
riglil auur from; plausua usquti ab caplt-0lio ex· patrem, Liv. ; 2, &o GbdicaU (a magistracy by a
dL~tua, Cle. B. 1 1 or direction, fr<nn; a supero fonnal declaration), ae non ruodo con~ufatu 11ed
mari Flaminla (viaJ, ab lnfero Aurelia, Cle. ; 2, etiam Ubertate, Ctc. ; In Sall. and Liv. with
°" tAe rid4 of: a aeptentrlonlboa, on Ute Mrlh, almple accusative, maglstratum, SAIL ; dlctatu·
Caea.; a fronte, a tergo, a lat.ere, a dextro corno, ram, LIY.; abeol, nt abdlcarent consules, Cle.
etc.; ab novissimla, in llw rear, Caea. C. or t. abdioo -dlxl -dictum, S. t. L of auwiry,
diatance, .from; 1, Lit., from a point, with such lo ttJuM ~ lo diaapPTO't'8 of (opp. aJ1..hco) ;
Yerba u abesae, dist.are, and with procol, longe, quom trea partea (vineae) avea abdWaaent, Cle.
P!OP8; ab millibus paasuum, a CMuain.d pcu:u
ililt41&1, Oaea..; 2, Tranaf., to erpreu difference, abdlte, ad•. ttlCl"Ctly, Cle.
'llitb 1ncb verbs aa dilferre, dlacrepare ; quantum abdltivua -a -um, removed, '8paralfd, Plaut.
mutatua ab1Uo, Verg.; 8,otnumberorpoaltion, abdltu ·a ·um. p. adj. (of abdo), oon.oealtd.
aftn' ; q uartus ab Arcea!!&, Cle. IL Traut, A. lt.Crd.. I. Lit., via abdlta quaedam, Luer. IL
Of time, 1, with reference to duration, ,from; ab Tran.sf., rea abdit&e et obscurae, Cic. ; neut.
bora te.rtia blbet.atur Cle.; a puerla, ,from bor- plur., abdita rerum, dup IJwughtl, Hor.
Mod, cic. ; 2, with re#erenoe to distance or time, abdo -dldJ -dltum, 8. A. Oen., to I""
""-; cujWI a morte hie tertlus et trlceslmut an· away, wilhdra10, ttmow; copiu ab eo loco ab-
Diii, Cic. B. Or various relation& Implying the dJt&s, Caea. ; hence, 1, or a weapon, to driw '";
notioD of starting from a point; lt ohgency, with later! capo.lo ten1111 en.em, Verg'. ;.,2, refteL, ab- and intrans. verbs, bJ; reprenendl ab allqno, dere se in aliquem locum ; to t0Wtara10 ~!.
Cic.; lnt.erire ab aliqno, Cle.; 2 1 of origin, from, to rttir•; In lntlmam Macedon lam, Cle. ; In
Qf; a, ld raclnoa natum a eup1dit.'\te, Cle. ; b, bibliothecam; in Utteraa (or litterlH), Cle. B.
ol n&mlng, puero ab ~opla ~erio lnditum no- to «.erele, to Mlle; rerrum nate, Liv.; 1e lo
llen, LIY.; 8, Ml nlallOft lo; unparatl qoum a acalarum tenebru, Ole.
lllilitlb111 tum a pecunla, Cle. ; 4. /rum, out of abdom~D -lnla, n. tAI bdlr, Plaut. : eapccl·
(ot part of a number); nonnolll a\, novlsalmla, ally a.s seat or the appetlt.e, gluUOny ; maneba&
C&ei.; 6, ID relation to the part or the body with lnsaturablle abdomen, Cle.; natusabdomlnl suo,
•hkh a penon aervea: aervua a pecllbua,~ ta.W. god u AU l>tllr, Cle. ; abdominia voluptatea,
Ck. ; a manu IMn'U8t CM11aA1'mlU, Suet. ~ra of appetU.., Cle.
lbaotua • -um, parttc. of ablgo. abdioo -Ouxi -Ouctum, a. to Im or tab
lbi.ous~a(~~~ l,a~-boclrd, GUl(Jr. L A. LIL, 1, allqnem e foro, Ole.; 2, fo
'Pere.; 2, Cl gru11(119-board ditnd«l "'to~ tab awoy ror punishment; collegam vi de roro,
llrW, Suet. ; 8, a rideboord, Cle. ; 4, In archl· Liv. ; ln laotumlaa, Cle. i 8, to ti.opt ~;
t.cture, a, 1K0111ic pa7'1Uift9; b, IM aquon 11ab !llfam mlml Isidor!, Cle. ; 4, to li«Jl; manciple,
°" t1w top of a colv"'n. Cic. ; armenta Ov. B. Tranaf., to llldUct a per-
son from his allegiance; equitatum Dolabellae ad
lbillinatlo -6ola, f. cal~ oJ properey, ae, Cle. IL In a wider sense, A. to reltn.;
iblUino. J. "' #p!Jnll&. A. Lit., 1,
2, lo alWtlaU (property); agroe
lllpGrall, Plaut. ;
'° anlmum a aolllelt.ndlne, Cle. B. to bring dow9'.
to lotoer; art.em ad mereecle1:1 atque q'll&l!lltllm,
popuJJ. etc. B. Tianaf. 1, lo depriw: abiillen·
lit Jan c:friu.m, UY. ; i; .. '*""fl; allquem Abella ..e. r. "'-"'"' C4mpa.1'fa (DOW .......
ab aliqao, Oic. Ylllelw). AdJ., 1.bellADua • ·111L
abe abl
&blo .n .Jtum -Tre, to go a1D0?J. L A. gtt rid of: pauperlem epulla regum, Hor. AbM:U
LIL, 1 Gen .. ex t1grl11 atque urblb11i1, Cic. ; ah ocull, dup-sunk eya, Stat.

nrbP, Liv.; de Ricilia, Ck.; comitio, Liv. ; 11i
abia rerituru11, if go to dt<rth., Veri:.; im-
Abltlo -0111!1, r. abitns (q.v.).
tier., w.t>I, a, f100fl. ttry 10ell; non c11 Rvaru11, nbi,
abito. S. to go away, PlnuL
Hor. : b, be ol tcit/1 11ou, so nbin (for nbi~ne); i.bltua -f\s, m. (abeo), J, a going ntoa11, d~
ah; in mala111 rem, 90 to ~ dn'il, Plaut_ ; abi parllcrt; post abitum buh111. Cle. ; 2, plnct oj
hinc cum trlbunatibus ac rogationihns tui11, tgrtsa (opp. adit:.111), Verg.
Liv. or things, abeuntla vela, Ov. ; sol abit, abJeoti. at:v. abjtctly, fo a 1pintlta a11d
Plaut.; comus sob altum pectns ablt, Verg. ; wwardly 11Vinne. Cie. ; t11amly, Tac.
2, Esp., a, to come off (e.g. from a battle); abJ~O -ilnis, f. L Lit., a t.hrotninga'H!ay,n-
Romani semper vlctores certamine 11.bire, Liv. ; jtdion.. IL Tranaf., a11iu1i, dup<nuhncy, dupclir,
nemo non donatuaabibit, Verg.; ablwl., abltnrum Cic.
eum non ease, al accessleset, At could Mt haw
got off t1np•11&illl.tcl, Cic.; b, to rttire from a abJectua -a -um, p. adj. with conipar. and
public office; consulalu, Cic.; c, of the dyin~. 1mper1. (ahjiclo); 1, of po.<1ltion, lcv1, comm011.:
to dtpart; ad deos, Cic. ; ad plures, to "tM fa111ilia abjectR atque obsc~ra. Cic.; 2, of
gnat majwrity," Petr. : e vit.R, Cic. ; d. In irnc· chnraeter, cowardly, mtan·spiriutl; ani1111111, Cic.;
tions, not to be knocbd dow11 to; si res ahln:>t 3, clcspicablt; contemptns atque nbjectna, Cic.;
a manclpe, Cle. B. Transr., 1, Gen., non lln1ge 4, tcitlwut foru, prosaic; versu•, Cic. ; orati1.1
abieria, rou Mt far to ao (for an e·rnmple), humills et abject.a, Cle.
Cle. ; quoncum ~b<>.-ant •. or~ 11.'hich. 1Uk will t_licy abJlolo ·jecl -jeetum, 3. (ab and .lacio), lo
nrngt t.lumMIVd. Hor., 2. Esp., or a tlh1t1111- t11row down, or away. L Lit., 1 S<'Utum, ann:i,
aio11, to digre": llluc, un1le abii, re•leo, Hor.; quid Cic. ; se ad pe<tes alicuh111, Cie. ; 2, to tlu-010 1lo1t 11
ad ista.s inepliM ahi11 ~ Cic. ; etiam tn hin<' aui11, i·ioltntly; aliqnem ad trtuu11nl, ad Ilt'fies t11011, a•l
tvill yoN ala:> go mooy' Cle. IL With notion of terram virgi• et verhnibusiiCic. ; l!O In l.Jftttle, to
tlisnp1~aring ; 1. of time, to 1XUIS a11:ay; abiit strike to tll.t gromw, Verg. Trau!I[. 1, to pro-
ille 1t11nu11, Cic.: ~1 of dise.1!les, jum ahiit pe11ti- twu11u carelusly, to b1-eak off abruptly: verirnm,
lentia, t.'ic.; 3, or other thingH, to ilisap71('(tr, Ci<'. ; amhit1111 non e11t ahjiclemh11•, t/., Jlf'riud
ronish; sen!!ua nbit, Ci<'. ; timor, title!! aLiit, '11113' flot be brol.::tw. o§ abn1ptly, Cle. ; 2, to !ltt
Liv.; 4, of the ('01111e1111ences of an action, non rid of, to dil}lOI#! of: }>ecunlnm, Cic.; 3. to gire
J"ltllle ist;1e1• Ric abire, be w'tho11t c01t«']lit11cu, 11p, to let go ; memoriam \Jenellciorum, Ci•·. ; to
t:i<'. UL With notion of tn1nsference from one nlxmclon; 8caurum, Cic. ; 4, to dnsh to tl1t
1~n1on or thing to another, 1, to yo over: a, to gn:nrncl, to dtprive of aU 1>0Wtr; Sl'lllltll!I a11d1.1-
ll pei1'0ll, ad SllllOSabent tu~la propinqll•JR, Hor.; 1·it11!.t-111, Cic. ; with reference to eh:1racter. to
b, to a thing, vigor ini:;enii velnci:1 in alu ct 1ietle'i di.</lf(lr/n&; Ke perculsum atque ahje1·t11111 t'"-"e it, Ov. ; 2, to chan11e; sic deus in l1a1nmas se11tit, Cic.; abject& 111et11 llllit, dtS]X>11tli11g, Cit-. ;
abiit, Ov. 5, Jo'ig., to ti' row a'll'fly; eogitat ion es in rem t.i111
i.biqulto,. l. to ride of, Liv. hu111ilem, Cic.; se abjicere, to dtyradt v11estlf. Cit•.
Aberratlo. -onis, f. an tscarit or relit/ from abJU.dlao, I. (opp. adjutli<'o), 1u1 a judge, fo
a 11ythillg irksoDi.t, Cic. git't !t11tn1a 11gni11.~t any oiw; tu tukt uwny bv a
judgmmt; aliquhl ab aliquc, Cle. ; siLi liberta.
i.berro. ]. to wmultr, lose ont'1 troy. L tt-111, Cir.
Lit., J>ecoro, Liv. ; aberrn11te:1 ex agmine uaves,
Liv. IL Transf., l, tn dtt•iutt from; a proposito, abjungo -Jt1112ti -J1111rt11m, 3. L to·
l:ic. ; 2, to fru Ollt~/f from d011itthi 111/ irksonte ; t1'.<s; juvencum, Verg. -IL Trans(., to tstra11gt,
a 111i11e1·ia quasi a\Jerrarc, Cle. 1hlllch: abjuucto I..abieno, Ca1•11. ; se au hoc
11ice11di gc11t're, to ktt]> f1YJ111, Cie.
Abhlno. adv, froni hruce. I. or 11p:iee, aufer abjiiro, 1. to 11l1j11rt, dt11y 011 ou.tli; pecu11ia111,
abhinc lacrimns, Luer. D. Of time, reckonccl from Cic. ; crcdilt1111, Sall.
the present moment backwanl ; a1111os tres, tri·
~nnimn, aunis tribU!! uLhine, thrtt y,.,,ffS ago, Cic. abli.tivus -a -u111, 'bl11Jit't. Subst., abla-
tivus -i, 111. (sc. ~1>111!>), t/U' ablutir,, ti~ si.Ith
i.bhorreo. 2. L Lit., toshrinl.- bark from.. to of the Lali11 noun, Q11i11L
WI diaincli1u-1l w; a pace, Caes.; :ulueen<la nxorc,
Cle. ; with abl. alone, 11pectnculoru111 oblecta- ablegatlo -•in is, f. L Gt>n., n vntling away:
111entia, Tac.; alJsol., 011111esa<ipernahantur, 011111es jll\'t.'lltutis ail hcllnm, Liv. IL Esp., ba11i~h­
abhorreba11t. Cic. IL Trans!., to l>e i11.co11sistwt wu:11t, = relcgatio, Pliu.
'V!lth or OJ>postd to; oratio ahhorreL a persona ho· ablego, 1. L Lit., to st11rl mmy, nmort to n
mluiff t,'Tll vis11imi, Cic.; a ll<le, tc l>e iricrtd ilile, Liv.; tlista11cr: l1on!'lltos l11.1111i11cs, Cic. ; pneros v~na·
llJM!ll ab en~ctu baud nhhorrens, hrtpt cupuble of tum, Liv.; aliquem a pcuatil11111 suis, Liv. IL
l~iug rroli.•t'd, J,iv.: orntiones ahl1orre11t inter Fi::: .• 1, haec (lcgatio) a fmtris ad\"entu Ille
11e, nrr: inwi1-1iltent wit/' 011t miother, Liv. ; with alilcgat., 7>rrrn1t:I mt from l1ti11q 11rtsn1t 011 my
Hi111ple abl., neque abl1orrPt vero, Tac. ; with /n·otlu-r's arriml, Cic.; 2, miliL t. t., to clislodgt,
tint., hnic tarn pucatae profectioni abhorre11111110:1, aliq111•111, Liv.
I..iv. Pres. part., :is an ncljt'l'live, 111i.seaso1utlilr, abUgiirfo, 4. to co1uai11" fa lwx11ry; potrla
i llll]>Jlro]•riafr; abstm)ae :lUlllC :lUltOl'l'ClltCS lal'l'i- 1101111, Tcr.
lllae, Liv. ablCSco, 1. told 011 lro11t, Suet.
Abiegnua ·& -um (abie>i), made 11f fir 100<x.l, s. LIL ro 'bl- out of t1t11e tcitll, J1euoe
or dn1/, Cie. to 'bl- 1111/i~; haec a te non 111ultu111 abludit
Ables ·Hill r. I. tM fir·lrt~ (Pin1111 picea, i111ai;:o, Hor.
),inn.), Liv. ii. Mcto11., 11nytlii1~ riuu/,, nj <Intl; abliio -li\i ·liltmn, 3. to 100S.ll. L In tb«1 sense
"ldtu, Le1-ause fonuerly writte11 011 wood, Plant.; of cl~111Mi1tg, pe1le11 aliculu!I, Cie. ; puss., ablui,
n lhip, v ... rg. ; a 'J'tar, Vcrs. (AaiHls, :lbiHI!, fo l>e tmsl~ cU.n~. Cie. Ii. In tlae l!tllM of
tri11yll., Verg.) n•11111ving, to wush away. A. Lit., 11u1c11laa "
Ablgo -cgi ·actum, :t. (ah an•I a:,"O). I. Lit., \'este, Plin.; lacri1111U1, Ta~. ; poet., slUs decor·
A. <:e11., to drire c11ru11: volt1e11·s 1·t r.. rns, Cic. l'•ll~ nhluitur, is 11tcr11r11tt.l, Lncr. B. Trnnllf.,
B • .i-:sµ., 1, pec11>1, to stwl cuttle, Cic.; 2, parlum 011111i11 perturl.Jatio animi placatiune aLlu:atur, Cic;.
111edir.1mtntiff, to proc11re nlrvrti<m, Cic. ; 3, ablutlo --Oula, r. a tiu1U1CC1 aimr, abhd6<..,
axore1u, '" di"<n"C:-. l:imst. IL 1''ig., to hcalluh., .Pliu.
abn 3 abs
~ L to clMJ, n/11#; alloal ~um a'br04o ..a 4mD, I . .,, ,,..,. ol, ...,, Ptn.
e\ dAltOa. 8,.g. ; Dec oomitem M abcept; llor. ; abr6pdo -4nla, r. •• au.ZU.., or ,..,..S.
abeol., aboega\, Veq.
'"' : 1..ef•• l.'lc.
abMpoa ~ ra. ,,_,.,....,. ,,.....uo., abr6go. 1. A. I. eo repeal a lcavtot\ollr lo a.-
Sae&.. nul; lqi.. m, Cle. ; bulc legl nee abrogari 'la; ea'9
a'blaepUa -a.. f. • ~"""-gAlcr, ueque tleropri ex hac ali'luld llcet ueque &ota
Bue\. abrngari J'<>leat, Cle. ; 2, to dtprlw (a m8*;11tft.t.9
Alm6ba -M, m.. ca n.utgt o/ 9IOt111loiM " ' or bis oftlce); 11 tlbi rnagi•tratum ·abrop.lae'
o.r...,, 111"-" CM Dctn11bf riaa. Cle. B. Transf. 1 to la.\:c a11111r; tldem, lo , . .
atmocto. l. lo . , all 11iglt, Sen. GIOllJ a ""'"'' cnau, Cle.
abr6tesnum -l, 11. and abN~n:aa ·I, t.
abaormla -e (ab and nonna), irrt.g1&14r, ""'" (ii.Bp0TO .. vl'), ~ 1 M Gf"091GlMI Ant.
eoaw1'1io..aJ; abnormla upleua, ou Qf Na.iv"''
Luer., Hor.

abui\o -ndl -ndltl1ru1, a. '° """'
Qf tJu Na.d or eye, d.tTly; menu abnult
br Cl
abrumpo -rtlpf -ruptum, I. L lo btta.I:
o§, Wu.c"· «pa.rat& A. Lit., ramoe, Ov. • 'rincula,,
qWdqwam opis In ee ease, j1aW ca rip wit.\ ,\ia Liv. B. Tran•t., ae latrucinio .Ant.oltl{, lo breai
Lind tllal ht co111d 'M>I Mlp. Liv. ; reg! pacem, G10GJ /r'Oflj, Cic. IL lo tear o§ CO ltJ1<lt'GU fort:I,.
Nr, lo Wlltt". A. Lit., pontem, Tac: B. Tranaf.,
8aU. ; Dl'mo abnuit a ae commlMum fa.
cluus, Cle. ; 11ie:i al1nult, U dou "°'
admU Qf
r.ope, Tib. ; ot 11<>lJiers, CO f'(fllM lo flgAt, Liv.
1, to riolaU: Cu, Verg. ; ~' lo ~ ojf JWmlG-
tunlr, Co dutroJ;, verg. ; medium ..,.
mouem, lo bnl&.t o.I "' c.\c wi.iddl.I Qf a .,,...,
abuiito. 1. 1o de11r (by a nod) f'IJ*l&ldly, Verg.
Ab614io ~\i, 2. to dutror. L Lit., Pop-
abruptlo ~nl1, r. (abrumpo). L ca i.-
(ng awur; corrlglae, q/ a .Moe-~. Clo. D.
paeae L"Ofl•Us non ignl aholitum, Tac. ; Ylacera lran1r., di1'0f'OI, Cic.
llll•lis, lo clt1111.3t, ,. e1'$. IL Fig., to do G10Qf
~; mai;:"istratum, Liv. ; clerle.·us armla, Verg.; abruptua -a -um, p. adj. wtth oompar. and
ntus. &ac•nfic· tlisdplinam, Liv. 1upc:=rl. (alorurnpo), '°"' o.f; hence, L ltMp,
prtcipUov.I. l:!ub.t., abruptum -1, n. a it«p u-
l.b«llesco -evt, no aup., s. to perilA: non abo- oenl or d_,.,,; aorllllt In abrul'tum ftuctua,
lmoet graua Cacti, Verg. ; nomen vetui;tllte abo- Verg. IL Tranaf., A. Oen. only 1uLst., abrup-
lnit. Liv.
l.bOli tlo -On la, r. a """'°"'"" abrogating,
a1nu11ll11!J, 11.holitio"ll; legla, r~ Suet.; tribU·
turn ·l, n. a pNCipiu, tlM prtcipice of da1tf1er, CM
rood Co "'"": lll abrupturn tractua, Tac. B. ot
character, "°"f.\ ; coutumacla, Tac.
torum, Tac. ; facti, amnulr, Suet. abaoedo -ceul -oeasum, a. 1o go a"'1r, 4--
Abolla -ae, t. c:loa.k Q/ Ulick woollm dot1', parC. L Lit., A. Of ~rsons, a curia, e roro,
woru b)" solcliera ; prov., racinm majoria abol· Liv. ; aa millL L t.., lo withdrmo, rt.tire: a Capua,
Jae, Cl criD&t cm a la.rgu l()(ll., J uv. Liv. ; lmpel"'I., Reglo aliacesaum eet, Uv. B. ot
AbOmlno = abornlnor (q.v.). things, lo retire: quantum mareabece<lllbat, Liv.
lbOmiDor -atus (11um), l. dep. (ab and omen), IL Traust., A. of pel'tlOns, 1, to rttirt /Iva an
1, &o c.kprn:ntc all u11/a110UrubUi O!Mr&; all•1u1d: otftce or eml'loyment; non mlllt.aribu1 modo
LiY. ; quod alo01111nor, f'.od forbid, Ov. ; 2, k, 11ed clv1Uh1111 qu11que muneribUll, Liv.; 2 to ct.-
Aau, dttul, alio1Rfoatt (•>pp. Ol'tare), Liv.; abo- «'1 one; Pallada ab.tce11shse mihl,
Of thing•, 1, lo go a1DUr: sornnm ut abscealtt.
o:. B.
111.inantlu:t, t:UCUIClblt, Liv.; abowlnatu.a, """'4d,
Dor. Ov. ; 21 to !'"'": civee ea.rum urbiwn qmie
regno aD11Ce<1unt, Liv.
AbOriginea -um, m.. ('AJlop•-,.i"f), tM, an Italian tribe from whom the ab8cc88lo -On.ii, f. (abecedo), a QO(ng cnoay,
Latins were uld to be descend~d ; henoe on. a •tp11 rot kin, Cle.
fi~ i.AabitaAll Qf ca
c:ottMrr <= •»?ox"'"'>· abaceaaua ·111, m. (abecedo), a go(ng atOllJ;
1, or ptll"llOUJl, gui"llg au'l'ly (e11peclally In battle),
AbOrior -ortu.a (sum) 4. dep. (opp. exortor), 11ri.l.hdrauol; Uutulum, Verg. ; contlnma &be·
L or the tieaven1y boc11e~ to •et.
to uisnppmr,
~arr. ; 2, to 1~ by untimely birt>., Plin. ; 3,
cessUll, Tac. ; 2, or Inanimate objccta, 10111, Cle
abscido -cldl -cl.lam. 8. (aba and caedo), lo
poet., or the voloe, to fai.1., Luer, cul of. L Lit. tunes, Caea. ; aquam, Liv. ; ca.
lbiSrtsoor. aborior (q. Y.).
put, LI v. IL A. Tran.-(., to «paroU; lntel"'llMlp-
Abortio -Onia, !. a• •n.tinulr birCA, .~ Us munlrn~11ti1 ho.<ti1' 11&1'1 parU abscisa erat,
Liv.; ausci111a In duaa part.ea exen·1tus, Caea.
Clll""""1"1!, Cic.
B. to take away: regibua 1pe1n auxilli sui, Liv.
l.bortivua -a -uru, pmnatumr ban.; Slay.
p!Ju.,, Hor.; ovum,widled, Mart. Subet., Abor- absclndo ·BCldl -11clsaum, 3. to ttar o§, wrtllCo\
tivum -i, n. (sc. rue<lica1nentum), drug /or~ away. L Lit., tunicam a 1iectore, Cic. ; veatem
C.riHg alxwti.vl&, Juv. humt'rls, Verg.; venaa, lo ~ tJu mu, Tao.;
poet., abscl11sa comas, with /Mr hair torll, Verg.
Abortus -0..S, m. a 111ilcaniage. Cle. IL TraDBf., A. lo clit'i.lU; terraa Oceano, Hor. ·rasl -ruurn, S. L Lit., lo lt:f'flJ'e B. to uparau; Inane soldo, Hor. ~. lo 14.b
o/, .A.I«; .-uvercllia, Cic. IL Transt., to 1quuae away: reditua dulcea, Hor.
WIOitey ow.Io/ a per.t!m, &o me.rt; nibll ae ab A.
Cuc111a po.;11e litium terrore abra.dere, Cle.
absclaua -a -om, p. adj. (trom abecldo}. ..,
o§, h.,nce prtcipitolu; rupes, LIY.
abrlpto -rfplli -reptum, S. (ab and raplo), to absoonditi. adv. oblcunl11, abrtMl#lr, Cle.
nalcla atn111, tear off, dT'Ufl off. LA. Lit., abripl
Yi l!uminis, Caes. B. Transr., Ro11111lum si o.bscondo -condl (-condldi) -condltum (·COD·
natura ad human um exltum abrlpult, Cic. IL surn), :i. L co roncw.l; glaiiio:1, Cle. II. A. Co
A. to rob: non dona tantum leU aimulacra nu- obscurt: g"lca rrontcm absco1111it, Juv. ; hence
11Ji11um, Tac. B. 1 0 to drag a10ay: t.:appadocem pa:!M. or stars, lo 1tt, Verg. B. Co lolc right o/;
de gn-ge reualrnm, Cle. ; 2, lo drag away to Phaeacum ar1·e11, Verg. C. to kup out of rig.\t;
pit.'llU/; alique111 de convlvio In vincula, quotl quo 1tuJio11IW1 ab t.tia op11Mrnitur et ab-
Cle.; 8, to tau a"IOGf l>r form; filioe e com- 1couditur eo wagla emluet et apparct, Cic.
i:Wu pareatum. CiA abHD8 -eaU. (abenm), p. adj.~ a..
aF>s a&s
a'lllleatla -ea, t (, ~. Cle. abat.lnlo -Unftl -tentum, 2. (al111 and teneo).
amll10 0 4. (ab and aalio), to 1prl"'J /01t1, or to lwld back, to l.:ttp c&wuy fr0111. L Tran>if.,
cunty, Luo.:r. 111a11w1, LIY.; ge11. witit a and the aLI. or with
•lwlmOI• -e, v:a.lil:t; non abtdn111l ronna, 11e,the alJI. aloue, 111ilik111 a 111-actla, Li\'.: ma1111s a
to ab&taiii fro11u11iciilt, t:ic. IL Rcftcx., ab-
Rtinere ae, or 11i111ply a, with the altl.
ab9baWum .f, n. (4"1Wf,at>), 100n1uoood, or with ab ant! t.he abstiuere: abl., se scelere, Cle. ; a le-
Luer. gatis violandiR. Liv. ; puulico, not to go o•it,
abmtato -still, -strtum, 3. 1 to go away, Col· Tac.; . b, with geuit., lr:iruru._ Hor.; c_, w.ith
lowed b~ or U1e abl. &lune; fiml!1e, Verg. ;. ab ac1:., hbeni11 urbe11, Liv. ; d, with acc. or th1115
1lguls, • ; &1180L, tandem abst1teru11t, Liv.; and <lat. o( pen1011, AeueM Antenorique 011111e
o( things, ab On! 11eiutlllae absh1tunt, \'erg. ; 2, jWI belli: e, with ue and the subj., Liv.; f,
to duist fro-.; with abl., obeidioue, Rpe, Liv. ; absoJ., DOU Um.en abiitinuit, \'erg.
with lntin. abllista mo,·eri, ceau ro ~ moved, abato, 1. to1tandat adi6la11~, shmdaloo/, Hor.
Verg. ; wiih gerund, 86ftUendo, ft"OB& /ollmoing,
Liv. ; accuaator abstitlt, th.41 accutr 111ithdnw ablltrl.ho -traxl, -tradmn, 3. L Lit., to
(Le. Croan hill accuaation), Tac. drag «way; allquem Je 111atri11 complexu, Cic.;
11&\"es e portu, Liv.; aliquem a p<>11etrallb11~,
abllC5liici0 adv. pt.r/tdly, compldtly; vivero Liv.; liberos In servitute111, Caea. IL Tra1111r.,
Cellcitcr, absolute, Cle. A. aliquem ex tsnto comit.atu clnrissimormu
abllC51iit.lo ·onla, r. (absolvo), 1 0 ~uittal; virum, to ucludt1 Cle.; 11.nhnu11 a corl10re abil·
m.ajestatis, cm tli1. clw:rge of treaB011, C1c. ; 2, tniclus, Cle. ; a oono in pravum, !Sal . B. 1,
)JtTftctim&; virtus ratioui11 abdolutio deli· to tstra'll-{/e: copilts a Lepido, Cic.: 2, to rt&tnli11:
nitur, Cle. iugressos 111 CW!tra ab dire11t.io11e 11b:il.nthere nou
votA.-11lt, L!Y. ; a rebus gerendis senectua ab11-
a~liit0n1UI ·& ·um, rtl.ati119 to acquittal; trahit; 3 1 to draw away fro'in.; a bonis, Cle.;
t.aUt!lla, voting-tabld thal acquit6, l::!uet. se a solllc1tm.li11e, Cle.
8ub8t., a~liitirlum ·U, u. (ac. remedium),
mearu of umpe from, Pliu. abetriido -tt1lsi -trilaum, 3. _to push nwa11
from a11y 1>lacl, ro liiJle. L Lit., IHI ill llil\'alll
a~liitua ·&-um, p. adj. with compar. and Je11sa111, Cic.; scmiua ftnmmae In venls
super!. (ab&-0lvo). L pufect, _complete: vita, silicis, Verg. IL 'fra1111r., peuitua ablltrusua
Cic. IL 11.nfel.lertd, uncvnditWnal, absoluk; llllilul dolor, dup-1eatld grit/, Cle.
cauaa, Cic.
ab110lvo -sol vi -solutum, 3. A. Lit., to~. abetriia1UI -a -um, p. adj. with com~r.
B. Trans(., 1, a, to fra ; se a J..'annio judicio, (from abstruJo). A. Lit., co11ceale.d, stertt, Pim.;
Cle. ; aliquem rei,•ni suspicioue, Liv. ; b, to a.::- B. TranRf., 1, abstruse; Jisput.atio abstrusior,
11vit: lmvrouitatis, Cic. ; capitis, Nep. : reos
(;le. ; 2, of character, rcstrved, Tac.
culpa, Ov. ; de praevaricatione, Cic. ; 2, to di6- absum (aufitl, i.besse, llfili, iif1itilrus, l.f6r·
f03' of i1~ narration, to rela.U; de Catiliune con- em, afore, etc., also occ:ur). L With rei,'llttl
1umtio11e }JllUcls &bsolVklll, Sall.; 3, W oom.pltu, to 111olio11, to ~ away, to be abst11t. A. Gen., ab
to fi11ish; tectum, Cic. ; opera, Cat:a. ; abiiolve urlle or ex urbe, Cic. B. Esp., 1\ ta to kt 110.1xut
beuellcium tuum, Liv. ill; ab hoc coucilio, Caea. ; ab has studiis, Cic. ;
alNIOnus -a -um. L Lit., inhann.oniou.9; vox, t.oto hello, Caes. ; 2, not to lulp; quo phu1 iuter-
Cic. IL Transf., disagt'teing with, not COTTt· erat, eo vtus abera.s a me, the 1iw1·e l uuded ,ou,
IJJO'll(knl with; abaoni 11. voce motu11, Liv.; with the ltu you lulped me, Cic. ; longe ii:i pateruum
1fat., nlhll absonum fldei divinae origi11i» Cult, nomen popnli Romaui afutunun, wo111<l bt 11/ no
Liv. aiuil, Caes. ; 3~ to bt waiuing: atudium se11111t"r
sit, cuncwtio absit, Cic.; scmper a\'e11 quu•I
abeor~ ·111, 2. to 1wallcw, to g11lp d01Dn. abest, I.nor. ; ueque corpus neque animus a
L Lit., J>L'\centae, Hor. ; Oceauus vix \'idetnr vollls aberit, &II. ; abe11t historaa 110Mtris lit teri>i,
tot res ahsorbere potuisse, Cic. IL Transf., Cic. IL As regards position, A. Lit., to bt
hnnc ab.torbuit ae11tus gloriae, carried him. o§, clLltlmt: ab urbe milia p&Hsuum duceuta, C.:k.;
Cle. ; tril.muatns absorbet meam omtionem, ab· quatridul iter Laodicea, Cic. B. Trant1r., 1,
aorbs, cngrtlSIU, Cle. t-0 be fu.r from.; longe a 11pe, Cic. ; so the iJu.
abeque, llrep. with abl. 'IOilhout; absque pers. phra1>e, t.antum aliest ut- ut, e.g. tll.11lu111
a.rgument.o, C10. abest ab eo ut \)&alum sit rnors ut verear, '°
abetimlua -a -um (abs and temum teme- =
tum). mu tolw abat«in1 /ro111. intozW:iting liquors,
fiir is death from being an tvU that I fror, etc.,
Cic. ; so h11.ud multnm, or )>rocul al>e.'lt, or
kmperllU, abskw1wus, tiuxhrate, O\'., Hor. paulum al>est, or minimum abel!t quin, etc.;
abatergio -tersl -tenmm, 2. to wiJI!:. njf, to dry baud multum arult guin interfioeretur, ht 1001
by wiping. L Lit., cruorem, Li\'. n. Transr., 11early l.:il~l. Liv. ; 2 to~ ft·u from. (a fault);
to "11Wve llO'll&ething disagruablt; omnes 11Cnec- a culpa, Cic. ; a cnpidit.ate pecuuiae, ~ep.; 3,
to bt fu.r rt11101toed (especially in phrase11 cxpre11S-
tutis 111ol~11lias, Cle. i11g a wi:lh); procul absit gloria vulgi. Tib. ;
abeterreo -terrul -terrltum, 2. to frighUn awmen lp11um cruels ausit non mo<lo a corpore
away, to drive away by /ear. L Lit., ho11tes civium Romanorum, etc., Cic. ; 4, to be fir111ly
saxi1t, Liv. ; neminem a congreasu naeo, Cic. opposed to; a cousilio fugiendl, C1c. ; 5, to ~
IL 1'ransf. to frigh.Un. fro1Tt., kup o§ from; eoa iilco1ui.sunl with; <;_uod certe abest a tua vh-tute
a tam detestabill consilio, Liv.; aui111oa vitih1, et fide, Cic.
from. vicu, Hor. ; allquem bello, Tac.
abaiimido -Inis, f. COMt1mpH011, Plaut.
a~ -entis, p. adj. with compar. and
auperl. (abetineo), ab6tiunt, conti11.ent, temper· abaiim.o -sumpsl -sumptum 3. to tar.e all'Qy.
au, Cle. ; with genit., pecunlae, Hor. L A. to lustn., dutroy, 001isunl<!; res maternas
atque pate111us1...Hor.; all1m111ptis frugum ali·
a1Nltlnontir, adv. alnHnently, contbuw.ll11, mentls, Liv. A. Of time, to waste; tempu~
Cic. dicendo, Cic. IL to clutroy utterly. A. Or
abatlllentla ·&e, f. L abstinn1ce, contilunrt, thi11gs, inceu<lium do111ot1 abliumpsit, Liv. B.
Mlj-dtnial, tempera.nee: alniol., fu.Cing; abetin- or living beings, to J..iU; multos pe:itilcntia ab-
eu.Ua vltam liuire, T11c. IL uprlghhtua, Cic. ; 11ua11p1:1it, Liv.
frndom from. aiuricc, Cic. abaurd8.. adv. 1, har1hl71, di«ordantly;
abs 6 aco
a.nere. Cle. ; 2 1 ' " bad trut.t; abaurde et aapere Cle.; bflnce plur. aubst., .lcMemlcl ~rum,
reapondere \•crL1s vultuque, Cle. m. the ..doodemic phW>aopMrl. IL belc1iging to
abaurdua-a -um. I. Lit., t1la.t V1hfeh offend.a Cicero'• gymna.rium, calkd Ul4 ..d<Uden&JI; hence
Uwtar, immt:lodio11,, lwri/1.; vox, Cic. II. Tmnsf., plur. subat., AoAdemlca ~rum, n. a lnitJlilll
feolish., ttnrta.wnabu. A. or thin~ vestrae of Cicn'o on tM Academie phf.losoph.JI.
istae absurdae atque abhorrentes Jacnm~, Liv.; Academus ·I, Ill. (' Aica~111Lof), a Grttk Aero,
h:iud absuroum est, il u not O'llt of place, Sall. after whom tlie .Academia wns nnmcd.
B.. or persons, i11capabu; homo, Cle.; lngenium
baud absur<lum, &ill.; abaurdu.s ing~uio, Tac. ii.oAlant.hla ·ldl.a, r. (.UA.\tu-8if) = acanthls,
Absyrtus -1, m. ( AojlvpTlX), brotMr of Mtd«J.,
hUed lly hi3 sister 01' her /Ughl from C-Olch.U. AcAmia -ant111, m. (' Ao:aµAc), 1, *"11. ofT'huftl
and Phaedra, Vcrg.; 2,"'JI fa Cypnu, -antis, p. adj. with compar. and Plin.
au~rl. (abunclo). L Lit., or rivel"!I, overflow- &cant.hi.a -tdis, r. (.io:av6if), Cl mall dark
ing; amui;:i nbundanti~simus, Cle. IL 1'ransf.,
A. al,u1ulnnt, rich: with al.JI., locus fontibus grun bird, tht thiatk-fi11ch, Plin.
ab11ndam1, Cic. ; with genit., lactis, Vcrg. B. 1. acanthus •l, ID. (.iicAv6of), }, bfflr'I foot, IJ
1. aboundirtg iri (thoughts, de\·ice:1, etc.); abnn- p/a11t, Verg.; 2, G Ch.orn.71 evergrtrn Egyptian
dantior consilio, Cic. ; 2, In a bad sense, over· trct, Verg.
Lxuiro; non erat 11l1un<lam1, non inops tnmen 2. Acanthua ·f, f. (" A1tA,.6of), a to1D'll '" tll4
oratio, Cic. C. 11u'l'1Urous: abunrlnnte mnltitu- Mactdo11um peninsula-ClwlcUl~.
dfne freti, Liv.; abu11da11tes voluptates, Liv. i.capnlSs -un (<in,,.Y<>c), withoutamolu; llgna.
i.bunda.nter, adv. 1 abundantly; abun· bur11ing without smoke, Mart.
dantill! occurrere, Cic.; 2, of discourae, copi· Aoarnanea -um, m. ( A1tapto11v«), ..dcurna·
o'IUl.y; loqui, Cic. nian1; Acarnnnum amnls, tM Achd01U, Ov.;
abUDdantla·ae,tl,abundanct!,rleltnu.5, sing., Acarnan -anis, cm Aca.r11aniall, Verg.;
P'.tnly; omni um rer:um quas. natura desiderat, hen co'.a-ae, Acartiania, 11 C011nlry on
Cie. ; voluptatwu, C1c. ; 2, nchu, 'Wtlllth, Tac. tht wtst. of_ Gr!~C':J bttwcen Epiru.s and .delclia.
abundC. adv. CO'pio11${y, e:rcasiwly, atmva- .Adj., Aoarni.nlous ·a -nm.
ga'll.Uy; vromittere, Luer. ; satisfacere, Cle.; Xcastus ·I, m. \ All'.llcrr~). I. son of the
with adj •• abunde lll8gnns, &II. ; tilii ahuude Tlussalia11 king Ptl•a.~, /other of Laodam'la,
e!lt, you at'l! 111bTt tha1l Mtilfiro, Plln. ; ali1mde ln-otMT o/ .tf.lcestil. IL a llave of Ci«ro. ratu11. tltinki119 liberty more than Acea Li.rentta. a Roman qodd~ oJ the
c1m19h, Sall. Subst. with genit., terrorum ac feld.6, according to the legend, the wife or the
fraoois auunde est, Verg. herdsman Faustnlu~, nnrl the nun<c of Romulus
~bundo, 1. to owr}fO'lo. L Lit., Hnmina, and Remus. Li.rentalla or Aociilia-lum, u.
Luer.; ut.undat aqua, Liv. 1L Trans(., A. to her fe,,tfral al Rome in Dtctrnber.
~ in abu11.do11u; di' terris nbun<lant her·
barum genera, Luer. B. to abound; porco, Cic.;
accedo -ce~I ·eessum, 8. (ad and eedo), to
approach, to CO!IMl nwr. L Lit., A. Gen., 1, of
ini-,-enio et dnctrina, Cic.; absol., to be rich; pl'rsons, with the a"cusative and ad; ad 1irbem,
quum ex ~liquis vel auuudare <lel>c.1m, eogor Cic. ; alicui ad aurem et dieere, to approm:h
mutwri, Cic. any one to u·hisper, Cle. ; with in, in aedes,
l.bii.sfo -onis, f. (abutor), In rhetoric, a Cle.; In funus, to join the funeral proctJ!Wn,
~vu of wm-d.6, Cie. Cic. ; with simf.le accusative, scopulos, .Verg.;
Abu&que, prep. with abl. = nsqne ab, from.; Jugurtham, Sal . ; absol., tc aJ>, Ctc. ; 2,
~ u re-.;ards J>O-"ition, Oceano auusque, Tac.; of lifeless sul1jects, febris accedit, Cle. &
2, as regards time, Tiberio abusqne, Tac. Esp., 1, to conu IU 11 tupplitrnt; senatus sup..
Abiusua -\la, n.i. (abutor), up, toeuting, plex acccdit ad Caesarem, Cic. ; quo accedam
Ck. aut quos appellem, &II.; 2, to cmiu cu ail
enemy; usque ad cai;tra, Caes.; with simple
Abii.tor -llsus -sum, S. dep., with abl. L to acc., loea ltostiliter, Sall. ; 3, to co~ to an auc-
tse: ui:;i omni tempore, quo<! mihi lege con- ti0'1l to bid; ad illnd scelns sectio11is, Cle. ; ad
c:essnm est, ahnsus ero Cle. 1L tc m.aJu full hastam, Liv.; 4, to approach tM city (R0mt) as
,.. of, to 11~ fully. A. in a good sense, 1111g11ci- a cmididaU for a triumi·h; ad urbem, Cle. IL
tate eanum ad utilitatem nostram, Cle. B. In a TranMf., A. Gen., 1 of persons, ad amlclthun
bad sen~, lo V1CZSte; militum sanguine, Cic.; Philippl1 Nep.; sed proi•ins acce<lam, de his
l.n.solenter et immotlice indulgentla popull nostris test11Jus dicam, Cic. ; 2, of lifeless sub-
Romani, Liv. C. tc uu a 1DOTd tD-Tongl71; verbo, jecta, accedit manus extrema operibu11, Cic.;
Cic.. fervor accedlt capltl, the wine mountJ tc hill
Abjdua (Abydo11) -1, r. and Abydum ·I, n. head, Hor. B. Esp., 1, or time, to approach.;
rNJv&x). L a tcvm fo Asia Mi11or on the quo pro1•ius ad mortem accedam, Cic. ; 2, to
Hdlespof&l (modern Aidos_ or AvLdo). Ii. a to-um enter upon 801M 'WOT'k; ad rem pn IJlicam, lo bt·
'" Egypt. A<lj., Abydenua ·a ·Uf!! ; juveni:s gin public life, Cle.; ad vectigalia, tc engage in
or absol., L«i1tder, Ov. ; J.ilur., AbydeDl -orum, the of the tazu Cic.; 3, to auenl to;
&le inhabitauu of ..dby!Un, Liv. ad conditlones, Cle.; 4, tc be awud, tc (n·
Abfla -ae, r. ('Ath.iA>J), (J mountain cm th4 crtase; ad &11 (naves) captlvae Massilienslutn
,Africa11. .UU of the Struits of, forming acce!(se1·unt sex, Caes.; quo plus aetatis ei acced·
otW of t/u 11CHX1Utd Pi.llari o/ Hm:ulu (now Siet"ra eret, the older ht becanu, Cic. ; lie tantmn fldu·
Ziaf.tra). cl&e accctll!it ut, etc., CaeR.; hence the phraaes,
hue aeced!t, eo accedit, hue acce<lit summus
ao. vld. at1ae. tlmor, Cle. ; often followed by ut and quod,
A.oAdemia -ae, f. r AKa!tl,.~•4), th4 Acuclnlr, with the meaning of simply moreover: 5, to
a grove near Athens where Pl&to taught ; hence, fall tc Oflll 1 lllan, to com.t to one: num tih! stul·

meton., tM .;4cademic school o/ ph.UOMJflhy, Cle. ; titia a.eeeaalt, Plant. ; alieul animus accedit, Cle. ;
lleoee too, a grmnasium 03' C\cero'1 atau at 6 1 to II~ to become l'18; propiua ad deoa,
Tue11i1nn, called after the Athenian Academy. Ctc.
.lcaldem.loua -a -um (' A11td.,,.ucck). 1. r. aoo~USro. L L Trans., lo qu(Ch", to accder-
#agjttg ID 6Ju .Aoadem'll IM Atluu; philoaophJ, au; lter, Ca.ea.; eonaulatum alicul, TAC. D.
aoc aoo
JnLrans., l.I> Amlek; 11i accelerare volent, Cle.; aoallo,. 2. ob;. form of acdo (q. v.).
aecclera, bignirer, Liv. aootngo -cinxl -clnctmn 3. L LIL, tn girrt lo
accendo ·Ce11di -cerumrn 3. (ad nnd • cm1do, or 01&; eu,;em Jateri, Yl·rg. ; 111ile" uon acdnctus,
caa1111t. of caudeo), to l.:irullt, to Id on firt.. I. unanMd, Tac. IL TranKf., tn t11fffip, tnarm; reflex.,
A. Lit., facl't1, Cic.; t111, Liv. B. Met., to ae acclni;ere, aud 111111& accingl ; a, to arm OM•
lighten 11p; luua 1-adil11 !!Olis acce•1sa, Cic. II. •1/: studio iiopullU'ium acdnctus, Tac. ; mngt-
Ttarn1f., A. Gen., to 1.inclU a1 a. ligltt ; \'irtntum CMacciuglcr artes, Verg.; b, to 'IMkl one'• «I}
qun11i 11cinti1111lae e quibus accen11I philosophl ready; Accini:i ad couKulatum, to 6'ri1.1C fer tlu
r11Uo debet, Cle. B. Ellp., 1, to i1iftame; J>lel>is co1ut1~h.i1>, Llv.; 11cel11gu11t operi = se ar:ciu-
1rni11111111, Sall. ; anlmoa bello, to ucite ro war, gunt, Verg. (lnlln. paas., accingier, Verg.)
\'erg. ; Im aceensus, Liv. ; 2, to 11roookt; 11pe111 aoolo ·IVI (-11)-Itum, 4. to a:rll to, 1'1U1't1W11, /rleA;
lnvidia111, Liv.; 11tudla Numidarnm In J11gurth11111 haruspiccs ex Etruria, Cic.; alique111 In 11t101•·
u1·ct·nsa, the e11thtt1iasm. of the N. for J.), &II. ; t.ionem, Tac.; with double acc., aliquem doctor-
8;. to i11ereaa; quum eo m1gl1 vt1 vent.I acc..-ensa em lllio, Cic.
e111:1et, Lh•. aoolplo -cepi -ce11tmn, S. (ad and capio).
aooenaeo -censum, 2. to reckon ill addition; L to take, reoeivt. A. Gen., 1, accipere vecu-
aaceuseor illi, I a11L Jiu oomradt, Ov. niam, Cle. ; ~. of' buslneiiia tl'ansactlons, aliquid
l. acconaue ...i -um, part.. or nl'censeo. I. (alicui) acce11tu111 refen-c, to enter 011 tlUJ crwlit
Generally u11ed in plural, aooeD81 -orum, lit.. 1idt of a1& a«o1t11t book, Cic.; hence snll!lt., ao-
those 1111mbcrul with; originally, tAt jfftlt, cl«M 11/ oeptum ·I, what ia rtcdttil; codex 11cccpti et ex-
l~omnn dtiu111, who in liattle stood In the laist }>elllli, ai& ocanrnt book, Cle. ; 3, where the thing
titok11, n1ul were nl1.u c111ployed in constructing recci\·ed Is a person, cujus abclvi 111anibua ei;sct
·•11hlic ro:itls, he11ce tlie s1111tn11111&e1·aru.-, Liv . uccepta (Mater ldaea), Cic. ; 4, to rtctiw in or
.tL aooenaua -1, rn. a n1bordim1tt. public officer Oii a }lllrt or the JJOdy ; ah•us OlllllC quod llCCepit
(ill the service or the decemvirl, con1mls, and cogit atque confuudit, Cic. ; aliq11e111 gre11110,
practo111), Cic. Vcrg.; 5, to naive in a /1itndly 1H111n1er; a,
2. aocenaua -a -um, Jtartic. of' accrndo. R1>111a11os m a~m, Liv. ; in amh-itiam, Cic. ; in
Caes. ; b, of placetJ, pavltl<>11 l':Sam·
acceptlo ·••nls, r. n rtetptio11, cu:ceptm1ce, lleditioncm, uites caatrn sua nccepert', Liv. ; c, to rtdive tU
Cle. ; fr11111cnti, 1·rcci)'t, :sail. · et !Jlft:llt; hospitio, Cic. ; 6, tv treat, a., ill 11 /l'inul~
aooepto. 1. (i11te1111. or acci1•io), to rectirt., way; aliquem leniter cle111e11terque, Cic. ; b, i"
Plaut. a hostile wny; allquem verhc1ibn11 ml 11ect'lll,
aooeptor -01'111, m. 011t u•lw a11pro1'C$, Plaut. Cic. ; 7, with referent--e kt the senses, to l1tnr;
aooeptriz -leis, r. site tr•Ao rtcrivu, PlauL oratimicm, ·ctc.; 11ronl1 anrilma a<·cipi, to be
willingly /ist~1ud to, Tac. ; of the u11der11t.ilmli11g,
aooeptua -n -11111, p. atlj. with cn111p11r. and to giw1p; quae p11r11111 accepl, Cic. ; of the jndg·
sllJl<'tl. (from acci1•lo), 1f'tkonu, plt'flll(llll, ll!frtt· 111e11t, to take; a liquid it1 lJ011U111 1111rte111, to f<•l·e
,,,, r; 1, <•f JtC1'8on.i, \\ith the dat., qni maximc i1L goot.I part, Cle. ; veri11imilla i•ro veri11, Li\'. >
plehi nc1·ept11s cmt, CM'.11.; 2, of thinb'li• 11ihil with double acc., bc11cDci111n co11t11111elit1111, to
clit deo acceptiu1:1 quam, etc., Cle. tul.:e a 1.:iml1tc.1!$ for ail i11111lt, Cic. B. to nca:}lt,
aoceno arccB!lO (q.v.). not to rrject: pacc111, Liv.; omen, Cle.; le;;em,
aocoulo -iluls, r. (accedo),a l]Oing or cominr1s. Cic. II. J 11 a wider 11r11se, to ~1. rt~iw, obt11i11;
L Lit., sttit1 acccasio11ilm111 by thr. mulie1u:c1 1chich 11 l11cr11111, Cic.: adnlterl11os 11ummoa }•N l"mia,
ht gat'f, Cic. IL Tra11sf. A. ;1u:.-tm1c; d1gnitatl>1, C1c.; 2, to /rt/; <lolorem, Cic.; 3, to ltror;
Cic. ; J>ecuniae, Nep. a !td<lition, OJ>J'rnrluge; 1uulta 11\11 il>us accepisse, rnulta vldlSAe, Cle.; nt
11ceessione111 mlj11nxit ac<libus, Cic. ; minima .nc- aecepi a seni1J11s, Cic. ; 4, to ltc1r1&; 1•rim1111 Mr&e11
ceS1:1io 11crnJtCr Epirus re;;r.o Maccdo11iac fuit, ab ii!1dem 111a1:,'i1Strls, Ov. ; usum nc dhtcll'lilllml
Lh'. C. mlditio1~ ton tu.z; dccumae, Cic. ab aliquo, Caea.
acce&sua -fls, m. (ac1--edo).a" approach to. I. acolplter -trls, 111. L Lit., a ho wk, Cle. D.
Lit.., A. ail urbem noctuniua, Cic. ; ncces111u1 Tram;f., 1iecu11iae, an avaricio1t1 ~rso1&, l'laut.
11tellar11111 et rece!l8WJ, Cle.; accesau1:1 et rece11111u1 accitua -ns, m. a 111mmon.., Cle.
n~tuum, ebb anrl flaw, Cle. B. admitta11ce to a Acclua -a -um, tuu1u1 of a Rcmu:m gtlU., LU
J>enso11 ; dare nllcui nccelll!um, Ov. C. 1'U<UUS mOJt femo111 member of which. 1cus .Acch1a, 11
(JI appnx1ch, ,;1tm1&ee; 0111ne111 acces111m lw1. cclcbrattd dra11&atic pod (horn A.c. 170). AtlJ.,
t~rc, ,Verg. ~ T11u111f., ad res aalnt&res, in- Aocli.n1111 -a -um, of .Ac:citU; versus, Cle.
clu1~1l10lt,. ~o, l:IC. ; ad causam, leading UJ1 to a accJj.mi.tfO .{mis, r. Cl Zotld Cf"1; 1, alt 011t·
aub1tct, L:~-· • cry ngai11St; uon 1uoJo ut 11cclamauo11J 11etl ut.
1. accido -c11ll ·dsnm, 3. (ad. :ind r.acdo), 1, convicio ct 111ale1llcti11 hnpediretur, Cle.; 2, u
Lit., to M•" or lwck at; aut ab rad1clbus 1111bruerc CTJI of t1z>prooatio1t, Liv., C1c.
ant acc1dcrc arbores, Cacs. ; 2, Tram;[, to •:::.- ( d d cl.a ) 1 to ovt
wn1kc11, nrin; Latinornm ctsi )lllrlter acci!lae aoo~o,. 1• .8 an _m~ • • ,. ~ .
coJ•hu· 1<iut Liv.. res aocillac Cic at (iu dcn111011 or du~approval), nhcul, C~c., popu
• ' ' · Ins cum riau accliunavlt. lptia eue, t:1c. ; 2, to
2. aooldo -cldl, no sup. 3. (a~ am\ cado), to c1-y out in approval; omnes accla111nr1111t graU111
f<:ll 1low1iJ.ofull to. L Lit.~ A. Gell., nil trrro111, 11 u iutcr cetera eUa.m ob hoc 3';1're, quod, etc.,
I laut. ~· K!!p., ~. of 111111•11le8/ tela. ab omui Liv.; 3, with 11cc. of J>erson, to 1wmt 111 11e-
)"irtc 11cc~·lelta11t, Liv. ; 2, to fi1.l at tlu /<YI ()j, rlm11 ation; aliqucm 11ervatore111 liberatore111que,
to cuk <•i;.o;1sl<1nc-e; nd 1oe1l~·11 om111um, Cic •. ; _3, to ),iv.; si noceutem acclama\'eraut, Tac.
rot11t to th~ cm·! or 1wltoe of; vox nccuht nd li.r t 1.: 1 l( r ),
Jw11 te,. I.iv IL Tranllf. A to 11e1ppcn (J?Clll'r· .ace . o, 1.. o tnn ·t c .tar, 1o rniro o o 1.nens
ally nr' misfnrtunc:i, oppo~etl to evcnio); 81 quid ~-1~··; ~t1 .. tu 1n;;11a 1100111 ccrta acclarasin:s (for
1uh·en1i ni-l'idit1set, Caes.; imper"·• 1, accitlit, acdar:l\_cuK), Liv. .
fullowNl l1y ut, casn accitllt ut ltt primus 111111- acclinia ·t' . • L Llt..l. lttud11!7 o~ m~yt}t•Hfl;
ti&l"f'l, Cic.; lty q110tl, lll'.Chlit }H.'rit11'.0111111odc tr1111yt~ arl,.,rl11, ~er.;. I&. Tram;f., incl11ttd to;
'JUOO 1'11111 1111sq11:i111 \'idisti, L:ic. ; liy infl11itivc llL'Chn111_fahlilt a111111u11, Hor.
11Pc :ict:itlt'rat 111iloi op1111 l'Sl!l', Cic.; 2, bi _11111J acoliDo, 1. (ad am! •cii111>). L Lit., to lmn 01&
alicui ncci<lat, if a11ytlii11!T lwppt11s, i.f'. ;1 he anrthing; se in ilium, Ov.; castra tu111uli 111111\.
uit1, Cie. B. 111 Jttll (Jut; ut omnia coutra 011ini· accliuata, Liv. IL Transf., to ittcliu to; h:1ud
ooew acclilne.ui. <.;aea. aravate 118 accll11&tWV1111d cauaaw HD&kla. U•.
ace 7 ace
· acoliYla ~ (ad and cllvus), gently inclined Cle.
101nc.rrrb: 1•ars vlae, Cle.; collia leniter ab In·
IL Traner., 1, to Juap °" • prrJOi., 1hie
i'll abundan~; 11llenas res, Liv,; allcul aummnm
thuo 11cd1vis, Cftes. honorem, Ov. ; 2, to oi'tru.•helm; anhnam nepotla
aoclivitas -AU11, f. acclivitr, gni.llt tnc.Hna- his do1als, Verg.; 3, to increa#; cae<tem catl(fe,
ew. t1p1C!lnh, C11es.. Luer.; cures, Ov.
aooliV1U1 ·I\ -um, vid. accllvia. aooiirati. adv. cart/llU11, mzarv. accumtllv:
studiose accnrakque r11cere, Cle. ; per-
acc01a ·Re, m. (ad and rolo), om '°ho Hva allquld ll!r1bere1 Cic.; oedlftc11re, Cacs.
!UaT, <1 tlcii1hbn-.1r; Oceant, Liv.; Cererle, mar
Ou km1"'- of Crl"e$, Ci1~. : 11s adj., pastor accola aooiiri.tlo -Onie, f. accuracv, airefuln,,,,
ejll!'I loci. ti•1Jtl/in.111enr that 1•l<tee, Liv.; accolae Cle.
iluvii, Mighb-011ri11g ri~-eTa, 1'11e. aocriiritu. ·•-nm, p. adj. with compar. and
acc~lo -cl\1111 ·<'nlt11m, 8. to Uw nt4r; locum, IUJ">f'rl. (from accuro), Cttrt/11l, tzae"t, cuxuro~:
Cle.; gent~R q•1Re Mnce<loniam accolnnt, Liv. oratlo, Cic.; accuratinrf'm delf'ctum habere,
aooommOdi.ti, adv. agrttably to; ad verl· Liv. ; accuratisslma <liltgentla, Cle.
tatem, Cie. acoiiro, 1. (ad and curo), to tab MTll q/, to
acoommOdi.tlo -Onls, f. 1, a proport£on or prtpart with oorc; vlctum et cul tum, Cle.
ttdju.cting of Olle thin~ to another; verborum et aoourro -ct11TI and -eucurrl -cunmm, &. (Rd
aentt-utiamm ad iuvcntionem acc.1 Cte.; 2, and curro), to run to, 'o nm llp, to hasten vp;
oovmouJn'"''• t:m1tplai:J<1nl'.4!; ex libera1ltate atque ad pmetorem, Cic. ; equo admlsso ad allquem,
accommnd111 i•>n~ rnagh1tratuum, Cle. Caes.; of thi111{11, to occu1·; lmnginCM tta
a.ccommodiitus -a -urn, p. art.I. with com· nobis dicto au<l1l'11tca aunt, ut, aimulatq11e vell-
par. and super!. (from acc11mmorto) ad11pud, lllllil1 uccurraut, Cic.
wiJahl1 to; 1, or thingii, with ad and the nee., acouraua ·llil, m. a nnanfog to,,
pnppe11 ad 1n11gnitu<linem llnctuum tempcKta- Tac.
ternque accommodatae, Caes. ; with dat., oratio aooiiaabllla -e, blameworthy, Cle.
ltoru1num 11ensibt1s ac mentilous accommo.laUi,
Cic. ; 2, or persona. with acl and Urn acc., homo aooiiaatlo -l5nls, f. L an accusation: acco-
ad Verri11 fia;;ltia libidine~4ue accomm0<lat11s, aationem factitare, Cic.; COITil'Rrare atque t'On·
Cic.; with !lat., se"na vili~~imus nee cuiquam 11tit11ere, to prtpart with. tvf.Unr~, Ctc. ; plur.,
aerio minh1terio ac('Ommodatu,, Ta<'. 11cres accnsationes, Cle. IL Md., tht indid·
ment; accusation is qulnquo librl, qf thie ornllou
aooomm~do, 1. (aJ and commodo), to Vun~. Cle.
~. pul on.. L Lit., Insignia, Caes.: coronn111
~i!.i 11<1 capnt, Cic. ; la!R.1i ensc111, Verg. II. aooiisi.tor ·OrlA, m. 1, an acc11m- (strlct17
Tum!lr., to mah witahlt, to adjust; testes nd 011ly in rrgard to state offencu, while l'eliwr la
cri111en, Cic. ; oratlonem aurilrn" au•litoru111, a 1•l11lntllf in a prh•ute snit); petltorls pe!'Bnnaru
Ci<'.; In omnem eventnm coni1ilta, Liv. ; so (·U pere, nCCll'lltlOril Ueponere, Cfc. ; a, an (•
~ .. c,.,mmorl1ue or accummo•lari, to 11dapt <me· furmv-, Juv.
vlf; a<I vol1111tntern 11iir:11j11!'1 et arl1itrlum et acctisi.tOrli, adv. a/Ur the of at1
outurn tnt11111 se ling1:re et acc11111mo•IRre, Cic. acc11vr; lo<p1i, Cle.
aocommodua -a -um, fit, ndllpted to, Verg. acciisi.torlua ·& -um, ~iniftf to a" cao-
accrido -•ll<li -dftum, 8. (11d and credo), to cuser; lex, etc.
b-!litt~, gi~ie crrdmu ta; alicul, Hor.; abaol., acoiisitrtx -lcla, f. a / accu11tT, Plaut.
m accredens, Cic. acousltof I. (freq. of accuso), lo ~
aooreaoo -cri!vf -crEtnm II. (ad and cresco), /rtquently, P aut.
to vrow, to i11rrto#. L Llt., ftnmen suhito aooiiso l. (ad and ca1111R), to aceu• (gener·
11c-erevit, Cle. II. Trans!., qnum dlct111 facth1q11e ally In 1•ut.iic CRi!e11); 1, aliquem ad populnru (of
omnil111R ad fallendum inatructls vuia act·rcs- the trlliunes), Liv.: a, with gcnit., orthti offenee,
f'eret fifle'i, Liv.; trimet1is 11cr:rei1eere jussit no- ali'luem 111111.itu~.ctc.; b, with abl.,de venellcils,
meu ia111locis, ordered tc bl Joined to, Hor. C1c. ; c, with propter, proJ'ter tajurine, Cle. : d..
accretlo -Onl1, f. (accreaco), farreau; lu- with Inter, Inter alcarios, of a1s<1uination., Ctc.;
llJini .., Cic. e, with gen.It., of the p1111tshment, c11piti11 1 on a
accubltlo (accQbitlo) -l5nla, f. tM ad of re· capil11l rltfl.l"qe, Cle. ; 2, to /,lame, find fiwlt with;
dfr.in9 ut taf,/e, etc. nlirinPm aspcre et acerbe In seuulu, Cle.; fn\.
lowr.d by q110<l aud the aubj., and by cur wltb
BCcubltu .a,,, m. = accuLltio (q.v.). the sultj., Cic.
acclibo, 1. (Rd anrl c11ho) 1 ta lie by the l. Aoer -!rls, n. tlM maph tree, Ov.
rid'- nf. L Gen., humi Liv.; of Will", Hul-
J'i<"ii:1 horn·i~, llor. Ii. L'I'·· to recline ut 2. acer -eris ·t·re (from root AC, aa aeuo,
tn"lt: in l~ll1\il"i.n, Cir.; emu aliriuo, Tu1t to, ack~. de.), slta'1'· c11tti1117. L Lit., of sharp
Pbnt.;. apud al1<111e1111 ut the hv1cu of (u a tool,., ha~tns acrl ferro, Tac. IL Trans(., A. Of
guest). Cic.; occuba, taKe vour place, Plaut. the SCll~ell ; 1, or taste, biting; rapula, Hor.:
2, of touch, ahnrp; dolor cOr!JOlil c11ju1
aecudo, S. to hammer to9rther, Plaut. 11101-s11>1 ci;t aeerrimua, Cle.; 3, of hc11ri11g,
accumbo -cl"\hul -cllLltum, 8. (ad and 1hrill; vox, Luer. ; fta111mtte 11onit11ll, cracl•li1til,
• c11111t,.>), to lie down; 1, in via, Plaut. ; 2, es· \'erg.; 4, of 1uuell, J>tfttlmting: u11g11c11t.-1 11u111-
J't"·i.1/ly us·~·I of the Hom:111s at the di1111er table, 1n:1 et Ret•ni111a 8Ua\'ltale COIHlit.11, Cic.; 6, or
•lier<' e.•ch person lay upon a 1wfa, ~lli'J'Oltcd on Ri~ht, l.cc11; a1·crri11rns sensu1J \'itlcmli, Cic. B.
111~ lt:ft el!Jow: in si111111ilcuj11s 1 to sit nut to a11y H1·l:~ti11;; to the fcl'ii11g:J; 1, of emolio1111 1 pai'l·
ouattaUle, Lh·.; cum nll'luo, nr.rt to, Mart.; npud Jul; curn, l.ucr. ; 2, of tho u111lcrsta111li11p:,
aliqoern. at the ho1ue Clf (1111 n gucKl), Cic. vigorous; j11<lid11rn acrlus et eertius, t...:ic.; 3
accilmiilii.te. a.dv. abundantly, t:opiously, of the charnt'.t.,r, a,. tMl'gdi.c; homo ad 1oerdlsc~
enc\11111 nccrrirn11~. ~to.; In ferro, !irottt in fight,
Cic. (,'le. ; b, }Kl&•iuMte; acerrirua uxor, Plaut. ;
accriimtttator ~rla, m. om who htaps to- 110 of the pas>1!011~ them... el ves, am or p:loriae,
g-tArr: op11111, Tac. Cic.; o, lil'llC"tl 11( &b!ltlllcliu11M, suppliciu111,
acciimiUo. l. (nd an<t cu111ulr>), to heap 11p, Cit'. bulost., acre -is, 11. acdmonr, NUCTitf
lo tl<.omuhct11. L Lit., auget, adtltt, accurnulat, (01•P. to ritliculuru), Hur.
ace 8 aci
lcerbi~ ad•. L bUUrly, "4mlr; acc111&re, of tM Acha.nnt11.uta.. Bence adj., Acha&
Cle. ; acerhiu1 lnvehl In aliquem, Cic. : acer· mcnlus -a ·um,, Ov.
bts.sime dicere, Cae1. IL di.,11.cuUy or pai11.1
&liquid rerre, Cle. Achn.nue -ornm f. (' A~a.prcu'.), a
Attica. Hence adj., Acharnanua -a -um, bora
'°'°"' '•
i.ccrbltas, t. I. Lit., b«Urnul o/lam, al Acharnae.
Cle. IL Trans!., 1, har1h1U$!; morum, Cic. : 2, achates .ae, m. (' Ax•fr'lf), 1, rlwr '1& SfcUr;
pa"'1ttlnt.u; temporia Sullant, Cic. : In plur., 2, frund of Atnea.t.
ocilamit!u, Cic.
Ach<Slous ·I, m. (' AxtAMo(), a rititr bt~
lcerbo, l. to make bUWr, lo CJW1U'l!l.t. or .Acarnania and Aetclia; hence, A. Achilolle
MighU1'; crimen, Verg. -idia, f. daughter of tltt riwr-gvd Aclulow1, J>or.
Acerbus ·&-nm. L A. Lit., 1 bUll'r in ta.sit, CMncpe, Ov. B. Achelolua -a -um bt~
'°'6r, used especially of w1rfpe fruit; hence= to the river.god Achelotu, Ov.
ra~, vnri~. immature; uva, Pbaerlr. ; partus, ·um, (. the .Sirima, Ov.
prnl4tun1, Ov. B. Trans!., 1, of the voice, A.cheron -ontis, m. (Axlpeo•), 1, ca riwr "'
"4ra.\; stridor, Plin. ; acerba 1onans, Verg.; 2, Tlu$J>rotia, flowing through the swamp .Ache-
of the touch, rough; trigus, Hor.; 3, oC the look, rusia (now Gurla, or river of S11li); 2, a rlW1" U&
dark, gloomy; vultua acerbi.t..Ov. ; acerba tuens, BruUH(now Murone or Ia£); 3, Mythol., river
!DUA a11gry look, Verg. IL l''lg., A. Ot persons, in tht lower world, hence tht lowtr world itltl,/;
"°"'°"; acerbos e Zenonia achola exire (of the Acheronta movebo, Verg. ; ~re Acheronta, lo
Stoica), Cle. B. or things, 1) painful, _,.,, btcom.t immortal, Hor.
AanA; acerblsslma trfbnta, C1c. ; 2, of speech
or writing, bUUr; mlnacea et acerbae litterae,
Cle.; 3, of eventa, pain.Jul; lncendium, Cle.
Acherontla -ae. f. o nnali
'1& ..4.pKZMa,

lcernua -a -um(l. acer), madt offll,llpk tDOOd, A.cheruna ·untia, m. and f. Latin form of
Verg., Hor. Acheron, the Zov7n- toorld. Hence adj., .loh~
Acerra ..... t. Cl cmld for bep{"fl illOelW, riislua -a -um. Subst., Acheruala -ae, r. a,
o rwamp in ~tia; b, o lake in Campa11MI;
Cle. o, a oawm m Bith.ynia..
.loerrae -1n1m, r. '°'°"' "'
fAt riwr Cla11.iua (now AMTG).
Ccmpanw, °" .lohlllea ·la, m. (' Axi.Mnid, and .lohlllfu
-l!l, m. o Grtek hero, '°" of Ptletu atM.l Th4ltia ;
lcerseo~mea .ae, m. (4ictpcm:op.1Jf), Aavi"fl a;:>pell., a l>mve haru:Uonw tnan., a hero, Verg.;
ttUllorn .\air, J'lY. hence, 11 Achllleua-a -um, relating to ..tch.Ulu;
lcervaU.. •, U&at ioh.Wa. u h.MJlt!d "JI = 2 Acb1llidea -ae, m. (' Ax•.UcLal)(), a ducndci"'
••pclTYJ~, an arrvmtnt bJ1 accumulatW1!., Cle. q/ Achillu.
loervatlm. ad•. I. Lit., "' lwipa, Luer. Aohivua -a -um= Acbaeua (q.Y.).
IL Tran1t dicere, to aum up, to ~ oompre- Achradina -ae, t (' AXJ>a.!w>i), t"M _ . W..
MM<mr, Cle. ; mult& acervatlm frequentana, portant part oJ llw city of SyractUt, Cic.
0!"010di"fl tagetlur a number of thovgh:a, Cic.
A.oidAlla .ae, f. ( A•u~a.Ai<t) ca nmame o/
il.cervo, l. to Tl.tap "P; promiBcue acervatt Vtmu, from the fountain Acirlalla In Boeotia,
cumuli hominum. Liv. where the Graces, daughters or Vent1.1, bathed.
'-cervus ·l, m. (connected with iyc£p..), o Adj., Acidatlus -a -um, btlon.giflj lo Y"'"'i
Map. L LI~ tritlcl, Cic.; lmepultl acerrl nodus, the girdk oJ Ymw, llart.
cfvlum, Cic. .u. Transl., A. a; facln· lcl'.dus -a -um (aceo), lharp. L Llt.. 1 -
orum 1 ~c. B. Logical term, argvtMnt br ao- '"ta.rte, acid, Hor. IL '.t'ranaf., dWgruabw,..,...
mimv.uui<m, Cic. plecuanl, Hor.
ilcosco -lc1ll, s. (aceo), fo grov1 ""''" Hor. il.clea -&, f. (AC, rootoflcuo), ""'""'• tdflc.
Aoesta -ae, r. ('.Air;OTIJ}. an old roum "' t1u L Lit., or a aharp Instrument, aecurfa, Cic. ;
tt0rtlr. of Sicily, &180 called Egest.a and Begeeta fl~. patlmur hebeacere aelem hornm auetorft&tia,
(now a lrfart dt Golfo); hence Acest- C1c'. IL Transf., .t.. Of the eye, 1, piercing look ;
enses -!um, inhabitant. of ...t~ta. ne vultum quidem atque aclem oculorum fern
A.cestea ...., m. king ,,. Sicllr, ~ Trojam potulsse, Caes. ; 2, trisi01&; bonwn lncoltuniJI
~ acles, malum caecltaa, Cic.; pod., the tunnkling
Aoitum -1, n. (aceo). L LI'-, """9ar, Cle. or the stars, Verg. ; 3, IM pttpU oJ th4! eye, Cle.;
met., the¥ Uu(f, Vcrg.; benoe, 4, of the mind,
IL Tranat., acvtenua, tuU; lt&lo perfnat1.1 aceto, iMight, kuntMU; anlmi Inge.nil, men tis, Cle. B.
Milit. t.t., 1 an 11nny draum vp in li?U of baUZ.,
Achaet ~nun. m. r Axa.104'). L ,,... AcMua'IU, a a ringlt zi'm; prima,; novissima, Ll•. :
"11habUanu of tM Greik country of Ach.aia, LIT.; a~d b the whole anny; &ciont lnstruere, C\c. ;
also, a 1 the Grub in gtntr11l, Plin.; b 1 tM '"" 2 bm'tk; Pharsalica, Cic. : ln acie vincere, Caea. ;
Aabitanu of t"M Roman province of Ach.aia, Cic. ; p0et., Vnlcania, ma.u of j.n, Verg. Tran.d., •
c inMbUa.1'1.& ofa Grttk colonyim the Eu:rlnt, Ov.
Ii Hence, 1, Achaeus -a -um, a, bdonging ba.Uu '" wordl, etc.
lo t"M GruJc country of Achaia, Luer. ; b, Gruk,
Aoillus -a -um, t1aWM of ca .lotMt1 ~ flM
'belonging to Uu province of Ach.aia, Cic.;
most famot1.1 members of whlcb wert _l)' Man..
Acil. Glabrlo, Con.IUl A.O. 192, COftqtM!'l"01' OJ Anfto.
2, Aohala ·ae, t CA~.Ua.), or Achaja -ae, f. chw o'lld tJwi AetolwM; 2, C. Adl. Glabrio, ovlAor
a, tM Gruk ootltltry of Achaia, ln the north of of a Roman hi.ltory in G?id:.
the Peloponnese, Ov.; bA after 1'6 B.c., th4! prwim:e of Achaia vncludlng the whole AcUla. and Xoylla. and Acholla -ae, t
of Greece except Thessaly), Cic. ; 3, Acl)iilAB town of tlw Canhaginwm '" BvfGC\'"" (near
4dia, t. G Gruk woman, Ov. ; 4, Aohi.ioua modern Elalia).
-a-um, Gruk, Cle.; 6, Achaia ·ldos, an AcJ:!uan il.cinacea -ta, m. c.u:,.,.a...,,>, ca '1wr'I Perria11
IOOllMln, Ov. ; poet. =<free.a, Oy. ; 6, Aohii.ius tabnl, Hor.
-a -um, CJrNk, Verg.; 7, Ach1Tl-orum, m. Uw i.clnu.a -1. m. aad lclnum ·t.. L • .,.,.,
H"'6Url.c <Jretb (genlt. p1ur., Achlvom and Achl· (esp. grape), Cic.
Yum). Adj., Achivua -a -um, Gntk, 0.... '-oipenser ~rla (lclpensla -11), m. • ~1',
l.chaemenea ·t.a.. m. C' A~a.·11•~>. graM- Mghlr priA(d by u.. .BotMiu. tM "1wlJ9°" a 'IOOl"d-
~ 'fl C)"l'W. Cltld ftnvitdM Qf tJwi Plnian lw to Cuvier, Ci-.
act 9 act
Acta -tdls, m. ("Ax"), 1, ci riwr tn Sicily, t. aota -<'5rum, n. (part. of ago), 1, adfotu;
near Aetna., famous for Its cold water (now Caesaria non modo acta venun etlam cogitata,
Fi11'IM 1H Jaci), Ov.; 2 .MythoL, a bcautifulshep- Cic. ; 2 publi1; a.ct.t, ordi11.a:ncu; aervare, Cic.;
ilnl, lowr of Galatro., 0 v. especial\y the registtr of these acts ; a, or the
iclya ·fdie, f. (perhaps shortened from ayon1· senatll, Tac.; b, of the people, C;lc.; o1 of court.a
>.If), B small jawlin, Verg. of justice, Cic.; acta dluma, a kina of o,llcial
ga.::tt.U publi.fht.d daily in Rome, Tac.
A.cmonla -ae, f. a town of Phrygia, on the road
from Uoryl~utn to Phil&dclphi& (now Aha.tkot); Actaeon -6nls, m. (' AKTa.(11111), icno/ A~
hence Acmonensi.8 -e, relating lo Acmonia. a hunter, 10ha for ueing Diana whik bathing toa1
tur11td tiito a stag, a.fid torn to p-Uu• bJ1 hw dog1.
Acmonldes -ae, m. (' ~ovill'lf), one o/ CM Acti ·i!9, r. (' Aitn!), COIUlt la1&d, CUI. old tlaflWI
wrl."llUn of Vu lean.
of Attica; hence, a, Acta.eWI -a ·um, btlMiging
aconitum ·i, n. (0.lfOll<TOr), a poisonou.a hffb, to .A.ttica or .Ath,,r.s; eubst., Aotael -orum,
WIOU"s ltood, a~:miU, Plin.; poet.= poison, Verg. tlie pcopu o/ .dUica; b, Aottaa -Adia, t ..Jttic.,
acquiesco -quh!\1 -quii!tum, S. (ad and qui es· Verg.
a, of persons1
ro), to rt$t, repo.;e; 1 1 physkally, Actlru>118 -a -um, v. under Act.tum.
~ horas, (,1c. ; eu}'nt!m., to die; nnno acqulevlt
s>-x:i.;;tsimo, Nep. ; b or things, anres in eo ac- actlo -onis, r. (ago). L m.otim, hence tht
qufrsca11t, Cic. ; rem famlliarem acqule1cere 1 wt action. of the body; 1, of an orat.or, gtsture,
eo b'. "'-i.rul, Liv.; 2, mentally, a, mentis agi· Cic. ; 2, or an actor, actlun, etc. II. A. Gen.,
ta.tio quae nurnquam acquiescit, Cic. ; b, to.find doi"!}, iution; gratiarum, giving of thanks, Cle.;
rut or comfort \ri; in bis (litterls tuis) acquiesco, prirnas ejus actiones horreo, etc. B. Eap., pub-
Cic. ; c, Co be sat~'}kd or pleased with ; iu &doles· lic action: l lhe action o/ any magi.!ltrau, pro-
eentiurn rant.ate. Cic. ; Clodii morte, etc. posal; consu\arta, etc.; actio de pace eublata
t>St, Liv.; 2, action in a court (If justice; a tht
acquiro·quis!vi -quisitum, 3. (ad and quaero). bringing of an aetton; inquieta urbs actionib11s,
L to a1/d to, acquin, as an increase to what Is al- Tac. ; b, the action. U&IJ; actionem instituere,
rea.ty possassed ; dignitatem, Cic.; v!res acquir~t constituere, intendere, Cic. ; and 110, o 1 th.4
eo.ndo, Verg. II. A. Gen., to a.cqutrt, get; tri· formula wed '" bri.ngi11g a~ action; actwnes
umi•hos de poi1ulls, Tac. B. Absol., to a.mass com1>onere, to draw .ta.Um.ants of claim, Cle. ;
llMmq; acquirendi in11a.tiabile \•otum, Juv. and gen., a legal /onnula; action es Hostilianae,
~ -ae, f. (.ixpa), a S"UmmU, height, promon- Cic. ; d, tM spuch. m a.n \ndictm.tnt: actionea
tory, Plin. Verriuae, Cle. ; e, the permi.!lsion or right to bring
Acraeus -a -um (.i..,palo~), that which u upon an aaion; actlonem habere, postulare, da~1 &e•
11 h.tighl, mrnanu of Jupitt:r a.nd Juno, Liv. cipere, restituere, Cic. ; r. tM lua.ring OJ all
action: altera, tertia, Cle.
Mra.Miphoron ·i, n. (0.«pa:r,',t/>opor), o w.:t..z actlto, 1. (freq. of ago), to be b1L.S11 in pUadi"'1
for Jaolding Utimiud unnt, Cic.
or acting, used of the theatres and courts of
acredflla -ae, f. a bird (variously explained law; causae multas, Cic.; tragoedias, Cic.
u t.lte U&rmh., the owl, or the nightingale), Cic. Actlum ·Ii, n. (' An•or). L a promontory C.
iierfciilus -a -um (2. acer), MM1llhat •l&a.1'J', Acarnania, on which stood a temple of Apollo;
Piolnt ; ille acriculus, Cic. hard by was fought the na\111 battle (A.c. 81) in
acrimonia -ae, f. 1 aharpm.cs of tastf or which Augustus conquered Antony and Cleo-
~e11q of •mell, Plln. ; ~. emrgy of rp«ch QM J•atra. II. a near Corcyra. Hence
J l'!rl.anwvr, Cic. adj., 1, ActlAcus -a -um ; frondee, the lt>avu o/
the ba11 trte, sacred to Apollo, Ov. ; legiones,
Acrlalua ·rl, m. (' Aicpl<no~), a 1cin11 of .Argos, th0$e that/ought at Actium, Tac.; 2, ActlWI -a
~ of Dani'U. Hence, 1, Aorialoni -es, t ·um ; bella, the baUu of Actium, Verg.
Da'lli°U ; 2, AcrlslonlAdes ·ae, m. PIT'HIU, actor .-Oris, m. (ago), 1, a. drit'tf'; pecoria, Ov.;
~ of DaniU; 3, &<lj., Acrlaloniu ·a ·um, 2 1 an a.ctor; secundarum et tertiarum partiurn,
arces, Argos, Ov. C1c.; 3_,, a, one who°"111lishu an11tM1tg;
i.criter, adv. (2. acer), aharJ>ly, riolemly, rerum, C1c.; b, a public 'Jl'aker, Cle.; o, tJu
!ITln&gly ; 1, or the senses ; a., ot the sight, acri- plaintiff in an a.ctton, Cic. ; d, t1wJ manager o/
tertntuerl solem, tttad/a.stly, w1thwt briAgdazzled, property or jinanet11; actor publicus, one 101to
Cie•.: b,.,. or touch, pain/rilly; caedunt acerrime managu public property, Tac.
vtrgis, l.'lc.; c, or hearing, ptnetralingly, Plln.; ActOrldes, m. (", a dueentfanl
3, of the mind, etc. ; a, of the understanding, of .Actor, e.g., .Mnwttius (son of Actor), or Patf'o.
witA IM1'J' Oui17ht; videre vitia, etc.; b, or ac- clu~ (grandson oC Actor), Ov.
tion, cctiragwusl11; se mortl offerre, Cle. ; c, or
the passions, f'<U'i.ona1'ly; acerrtme exsper.tare, actUa.riola -ae, f. (dim. of utuaria), a nnall
I01'1gi11gly, Cic.; in svecch, t1ioumtly; vituper- skiff, Cic., Cic.. actui.ri118 -a -um (ago), tcuily motrtd, rwf/l;
~ -ltls, n. (O.«pOa,.t.11), that which. i1 actuaria navis, B rwift·sailing vu1el, Cses. ;
1:mrd with plrorure; Esp., 1 an tnl~rlain· navigium actuarium, Caes. Subst., actUi.rla
JVnt al tabl• of recMii11g or music, Cic.; 2 1 Me ton., -ae, r. etc.
t\t ptn:cm u:ho conduct. ruch. an cnttrtamment, a actuose, adv. actively, with rnergy, Cle.
-readn-, actor, or .-ingr;r, Cle. a.ctu08ua -a -um, a.ctiw; virtua, Cic.; ot a
i.crOaBiS •f8, f. (alfpOllCTI~), an a.sttmblfl Of speech, tjfcctive, Cic.
JICTBl»U to lisUn to Nading a.loud, Cic. actua ·fts, m. (ago). L m«um; fertur
.icr0ceraunla -orum, 11. 1, pa.rt of the Ct· mngno mone lrnpro~us actn, Verg. D. putti11g
"1U1'iaii mcu11tain.6.b v. Ceran11i11s; 2, appell., in motion. A. l driv~ngofcattle· levi adrnonltu,
A da-.,errrus place; aec Acroteraunia vita, Ov. 11011 actu, lnftectit illam feram, Cic.; 2, Met.on.,
riglU ofwa.11 for driving came, carts, etc., Cic. B.
A.cr0cortnthu• -1, r. ('A1tpo1eopu'90~). th• mo1·tmtn' body. C. or an actor or orator,
"""1:kl of CurintA., Li Y. gesture, Liv.; 1 1• Esp., prumtalioa of a pf4'Cf ON
L acta -ae, f. (aA'.Tl'j), tht WHhort, the beach, tlte stage; fabeuarum, Liv.; 2, diiiirioi. o/ G
ISpe<'ially as a 1•Jac,-e nf ttereatlon, Cle. ; hence, pitt't, Bn act ; in extrerno actu coJTuere, Cle. ; 3,
m.woa., a..~ q/ li,fw al CAI MUidt, Cic. Tran1f., extremua actwl aetatis, ao.
10 add
aotiitmn. adv. ••nwdiahlg, tlirwtl,, Liv. Q91Jf1111t : radlcum genera ad (to curr) moran1
loiUlatu• -a -um (aculenR). L Llt., of beRtlarnm, Cle. ; (fJIJ) or occupation, to, for:
plants and aulmals, pro1•ultd will& pricklu or 11ervOA ad remum dare, Liv.; (&)in relalio11. ro:
stings, Plin. IL Tl"llnRf., Rllllrp pointtd, sting- lmpil(er ad lubnl"t'!ol belli, Cil'-; (•) in CO'lftparl1101~
ing; litterae, Cle. ; so}'bisma, hair·BpUtting, toitJ.: seuta ad amphtudinem corµorum 1oaru111
S'ltbtu, Cie. lat&, Liv.; b, of extent., t-0, ttp to: (a;) \"irgis ad
uecem cae<li, Cic. ; ad extrt!111U111, ultimnm, e-11·
i.ciU61UI -1, m. (Jim. of acus), sting. L A. tirely; bomo 11011 ad extremum penlitn~. Lh·.;
Of animals, aplsi.Clc. B. Of missiles, point; ad aummam, on tl1e wholt, Cic. ; (fJ) of n111nbeN,
R&gittae, Lh'. I Transf., especially in plur., to tJa.e amcnmt of, etc. ; a<l 111111m 0111nes, all to u
A.; acn lei in C. Caeaarem, Cie. B. man, Cle. ; ad &..'ISelll perdt!re, to loit )'Otlr la~t
atitt.g; sollicitudiuum, Cic. C. d«p impra.ion farlhing, Hor. ; (y) 11tar to, abollt: (f'uim1111)
(or a sveech); orator cum delectatlone aculeos omni no ad dueentAi!I, l.'ic. ; 2, a? i1~ mid it iM1
relinquit in anlml8, Cle. to; ad cetera hnnc quoque plagam 111!1igerft\ Cic. ;
~iimen ·lnltt, n. (acuo), tht sharp point of ad hoc, besides, Sall.; b, fo couuqiumce of;
anything. L Lit., sti)i, Cic. IL 'l'ransf., A. ad famam belli novas legiones scrihere, Liv.; c,
point (of eomethlng witty); etiarn lnterµretatio accordiAg to (some standard); ad ist.orum uor·
nomiuis liabet acumen, Cic. B. 1har-p11U1 <>! mam, Cic. ; a<l verh11111, literally. Cic. II. Of
11ndtr.sta11di119; ulil est acnmen tuum? Cle. C. time, 1, a, of extent, 11p to; al> hot'& octa\·a
cunning, trickery; argutiae ct acumen ejus, Cle. ad vesverum, Cic. ; ad hoc tem1111s, till n-OU',
uito ·t'li ·Utum, 8. (.t..C, root of acus and Cle. ; quem ad flnem? how lv11g? Cic. ; b of
acieH), to sharpen to a point. L Lit. to whd (a duration; ad J>BUCOH Jies, for a ftW da~&; Sf, of
1.--utting instrument); gladios, Liv. i'i Transl., point of time, a., at, tou:ard:1; no1 te hie ad
111ense111 Jnu11a1iu111 expectamus, Cic.; ad lucem,
to alt.arpt>n, 1iractLte. A. lingaa111 exercitatlone
tlice11JI, to 111akt more Jfotmt, Cic. ~ lngenla in tlte mor11i1117, Cic. ; ad t.empus, in clue ti~.
adole11centium, Cic. B. to injfaw. : iratn Cle. ; b, within; ad annum tribunum plebis
ho11tiR ad vl11dicandaa lnjuriu, Liv. C. to en- fore, Cir.
0011ragc, incite; juventutem ad dlcendttm, Cle. Maotlo -6nis, f. (adlgo), n driving to, eotll•
JLcua -UR, r. (AC, root or' acno and acles), a pul:1io1t; jnrisJurandl (obli,,atwn), Liv.
'~edit, n bcxll.:£11; vulnu1, quod acu punetnm Mactu ·il•, m. (adlgo), a bringing to ; deu-
vltlctur, Cic. ; ocu plngerc, to embroidtr, Verg.; ti11, a bitt, Luer.
ncn re111 tetlgisU, yon have !tit tht rlghl nail on l4aeque, adv. in like manner, Liv.
the head, Plant. Aclaequo, 1. .A. Lit., to wikt equal wUh:
i.citti, adv. lacutus), 1:tt11l11. L or the moles moe11lb11s, Caes. B. Trausf., l, toequaliat.;
iwuse.c, cer11erei. Luer. ; of the voice, Bhrill11;
1w11arn, Cie. 1 Of the understanding, kunl11;
ar with cum aucl the ahl., cum virtute fortunam,
C c. ; b, with <lat., Re vlrtute nostrh1, Cle.; ao to
acute nrguteque respoudere, Cle. compare; fo1111am, &lltatem, gem1s mortls magnl
Acittillua ·• -um (dim. of acutua), «>mt'lohat Alexan<lri flltlll, 'l'ac. ; 2, to come ttm.r to ; alti·
111btle, Cic. tndlnem murl, Caes. ; deorum vitam, Cie.
l.oiitma ·• -nm, p. adj. with compar. and ldl.mantiu-a-nm, hard a.1 llUZ, Ov.
11n1>t1rl. (from acno), sharptnm, pohutd, acutt. Mlma.ntlnma -a ·mn (~•v~). 111adt
L Lit., ~Itta, Ov.; or Rnythlng pointed, cornua of hard stul, aW:mumtint, Hor.
lnuae, Cle. II. Transf., A. Of physical senita- lc!Amae -anti11, m. (&""af), 1, tM Aardut
tlo1111, 1, referring to )'Rrticular &ellle& ; & 1 Of steel, adamant: nexae adamante catenae, Ov. ;
heiirlng, $hri/t; vox, Cic. ; acc. neut. AA auv., J><>et., nn11tlii11g that u .ftrm, ttn11idfliag, al&d
rell()nare I riste et aeutnm, Hor. ; b1 ot touch, d1trablt : In pectore fll1Tum ant adamant& gent,
1•itrcing; gelu, llor. ; :ii, or the wnole body, Ov.; vocu :ma atlamant& movere, a htart o/ltttl,
)lfti1iful; uwrhus, Hor.; poet., acuta bellill the Mart. ; 2, tlit diamond, Plln.
hard!hi71sofwar, Hor. B. Of mental percep ona,
1( Jlary•, J.:em ; populi Romani oculoa e1ae acres Mambulo, 1. to 1oalk by or mar a1&"Nthixg,
a que acuto!I, Cle. ; aco. nent. aa adv. cernls Plaut.
11c11tum, yc,11 hat•t 1.:tw light (for the tiU!inp or Adlmo, 1. L to full '" low tcltl: aliquem,
other!!), Hor.; 2, of pen1ou1, kem-fi91i.ttd, 'lri9or- Liv. IL lo find plt1U1tre tft; equoa, Cle.;
'""s; homo acntu11 magla qul\m erudltu1, etc.; glorlam, Cle. ·
of orat.ol"ll, t§u:Jive: orator, Cle. Adamuulm. v. amUARIR.
ad. prep. with acc., cxpreulng direction, UA'Dlrio -1.t\ri\i -pertum, 4. to open /1111•:
tm1"mls, w. l. Of space, A. Lit., 1, of motion, fon-11 Jt0rtne, J,iv.
t•l1lJ<1rtl•: concun-ere ad curtain, l.'fo; ad Dlan11e
vPnire, to tht ttmple of Diana (sc. aedem), Ter. ; Ac!ApertDilt -c, tlwt which u oopab~ o/btiHf
ail me, ad t.e, etc., tc my house, Cle. ; so of ex· OJ¥11ed: latuR taurl. Ov.
t.e11llin11, ab lrnla uugulbua uaque 14 vertlcem ldapto, 1. to fit to, uda1•t, Suet.
Kt111111111m, Cic. ; 2l of rest, in Cle dfrectiO'll. of, M&auo, 1. to s11p11ly u.'ith miter, to girw "'
tuar: ae<lere ad la u1 e.lns, Cle. : 8888 ad drfol, :l'flh1.
(of Roman generals wafting outside Rome for a ~uor, 1. dep. to /dc/1 watn': or llOl.Jlerit.
t.riumpl1), Cic. ; 81118 ad allquem, to bt on a vi.lit to C&ell.
11 ~r91ln, Cle. ; ad judlc8m, btjon a jt1dee, Cl1!. ;
R•l tiblam, to t1l4 BOUrtd of th4 jfw.U, Cle. B. ldauotua -il!I, m. (ailftngeo), a1& ita.crmM,
1'11111!(f., 1, to UJlreaa direction or extent; &, Lur.r.
o( direction (a;) esp. with YerbM Implying mo- Adaugio .auxi -1rnct.n111. 2. 11 to foC'NlllAll, to
f.1011, &11 movere, ducere, etc. ; (II) of st.riving aug11Unt ; bounm, Cic. ; 2. of 11&1:nllll'-•, t.n dn<IU,
afkr au object, with Kuch nouna as cuµldlt.All, Plaut.
uvitlitaH, t1tc., and Ruch a•ljoctlV611, AA a1~er, prt1· Maugeeco, !l. to '""!Jin tn i11CTMN, t:ic. JlOC't.
pe111m1, etc.; Cy) or aim or JJUl'llOAe, to, for; ••I.In· Adblbo -hlhi -l1i111t11111, s. 1, Ut., to drbk,
torem ad injuriam, <.:le. ; 10 with adj. like nat.uA, 1lri11J.· iu, 'l'••r.: 2, Tnm!Cf., of the c&l'll; vert•
aptna, etc., and verlltl aa adjuvare, etc.; ad hi, 1•111-.1 111·cl<1rt-, Hor.
fur that o11ect, I .Iv.; quit\ ad rem? "1hat iA th'
oojtct of thi1 f Cle. ; quid ad me, what NIA thu adbito, :1. to gu Ttcar, l'laut~
lo Jo with me 1 Cic. ; 110 (4t1.) of anedlclues, /or, addioet. v. hu1J4!nt. it bccolMB, 11dfj, Plaut.
add 11 adh
a44UUlio. 2. and a44emio, 1. In 1IMW adducUua. aih·. compar. (adduet:wl}. tllON
!lid:, or001llJ.olld; extreml adrleusent ar.lel'I, Veri;. seurtly, Tac.
tAdico ·dixl -dictum, 3. to cwrnt to: 1, adduotua -A ·nm, p. adj. (from adduco), of
Lt.. in augury, to promi• farourabl11 (or the pel"l!o1t!I, sat,.,, Tac.
omens or lohus), Lfv. : 2, tn a10Urd: a or a
jnd;;e, especially the pruetor(whoHe f'onnu\a wai.
146do -Ml -&nm, s. to tafbblt, to
A. Lit., adesl tavl, Liv. B. Trana(., sropaJaa
1ln, clico, addloo); allcul bona, Cle. ; Jlberum adesu 11 •quia, Ov. D. to eoitrKllW, 1IVJU RlOISJ;
f0rp11:1 lu Mel'Vitutem, IJv. ; esp.,. "' a100rd " non adesa jam aed abundant! etl&m pecnnia, Cle.
· 1/tht.or a.s a 1lavt to hi.a CTtJCUtor; ob eredltam ll< ...
pt-eunil\m addicl, Liv.; addietus, a ckbtor thm .uemptlo ~nls, f. (adimo), G ~ng a1llll1;
ndjwl<pd n '1a11e, ; b, or an auctioneer, to elvitatla, Cle.
tll.Oek <1011m to a biddtr; tundum allcul, Cle. ; 1. l.dlo, adv. (ad and eol, old dat. ot la), to
alicui allquid nnmmo 1e1t.ertlo, or ahnply that poinl, 10jur. L Lit., A. Of space,"° ftu1
nummo, to giN (by a ftctitlous sale), Cle., Ter. B. 0! time,"° long, UMld with mqne'&DQ
Hor. ; to put up for ll1U (ot the vendor); aedei1, followed by dum, doaec,quoad, Cle. U. 'fnuad.,
C.'ic.. ; traruit., regna pecunla, Cle. ; 8, to giw up or degree, a, "° allO\, "°• followed by ot, Cle.;
or OlleT, alicnius bona In publicum, w conj.I· b, twn, t111'al fa mor11; dncero hOIJttum lntnl
caU, Cle. : aliquem perpetuae 11ervltutl, Caea. ; moenia atque adeo In aelllUu t1demna, Ckl •.i. O.
110 a1.ldictu1, b<i1t'lld, pledged: nullius addlctua used enclitlcally with pron., jtll1l: Id adeo, l.'lC.;
j11nue In verba mlnlatri, Hor. ; se allcul, In a with conj., al, nlsl, 11ive, aut, vel, Cic. ; d.. to
ba.1 •en11e, to giric Qnael,/ v:p to 1luo!.1Aly; ae aena- such, R11 tzknl, 10 ; adeo prope omni• aena\111
tui, Cic. Bannibalia !ult, Liv. ; e, with non, 11111GA lat,
addlctfo -<>nls, t. (addico), l.Mjlulgi1 a11nnl; 2. ld'o .fl .ftum, 4• to go orCO.Ufd, ..., _ _ ...
bonorum po-ssionumque, Cle. tu _,.,, •._....
ad.dictum -a -um, v. addico. L Lit.i...A. Gen., ad tatum undu111, Cle. ; eurlam,
Liv. .u. Eap., 1, adlre In praetorem In jus; or
ad419co -dldlcl, DO aop. S. to mm C• add'- simply ID jUB, to go to law, CiC. ; 9, lo lraoel
ti411: artem, Cic. to, to t1iaU; caaaa aratorum, Cle. ; 3, to go to
addlt&mentum ·I, n. a1' add£tion: Ltgus, I011l4 one.for counsel or help: praetorem, Cle.; or
additamentum inlmtcorum meorum, Cle. for consulting about the future: magoa, Cle.; or
addo -<.ll.di -<lltum, s. L to give to, to give, tor prayer for help: araa, Cic. : 4, to approat:h
to platt. A. Lit., eplst.olu In taaclculum, Cic. ; curant1i.emy; ad qnemvls numerum ephlpJ•iatorum
aolt::ani ~I, Ov.; or persona, ailed comitem, equitnmadlre audere, Cle. IL Transf., 1, to un-
·•~•-- ... ~-bi·"-·-.· ..• cau~na "rillllho et n11"
\'erg. Tran!!!., ro in.spire, to ca1ure prod11ct: ucr"41\C' .., .. _ ~ .. - ..... ·~ :r ....., 1 · ,,.

11.licui ala(·ritatem scrlbendl, Cle. ii. to add, llcas, Cle. ; ad rempublicam, to t11Ur public lifr,
Cle. : 2, to CC»U! to S077j,IJ condition, to undergo,
ilV1'true, Liv. A. I.I~ .• 1, UllUlll granum, Cle.; hu:11r; peritnlum cavitis, Cic.; 3, legal t. t.,
~am. ro ha.sun, Ltv. ; 2, of writing, to atld: ad Ire heredlt.atcm, w enter on an illhtriu111ce,
111 orationem quaedam, to mah I01IU aildUioiu, Cle.
tic. ; 3\. of reckoning, tJ'J add; addendo dedncen- . l.denm -Tpis, c. (connected with ,u,;.1. ..),
doq11e, OJI adi:lUio1t. aiu:l .i1btmction: videre quae - .,,..,
n-hqui sum ma ftat, Cle. B. Trnnsr., 1, hunc Ja. tM MJ/l fat of a11imau; meton., Cassi! adipem, Ute
t.t.rem ad quotidian& opera, Cae111. ; acelerl sceltu1, corpult1tl Caul us, Cle.
Liv.; 2, to gioetU a rupue (or time); panco1 dleH l.deptlo ·Onie, f. (adiplscor), altalnmtnt, 00.
arl ni111 gerendam, Cic.; 3 to add to taLiiing; tilll; cornm()(li, Cic.
11M1uthi"ll9 aai<.l, to "'11 in addition: adJunt etiam 14"-ulto, 1. to ri~ to; with dat., i)l!ll!ll
de! morte, Caes.; with acc. and lnftn.,addlt port111, Liv.; with ad, 11tl no11troH, Cae~. ; a!JllOI.,
awn illnd, equos non optlmo11 tul11se, Cle.; adde, Liv.
or ad<le hue. or eo, with acc. 1111l>:1t. or quod, or ades dum, con~ hithtr, Ter.
fl<iAl w tl'u: adde eo ex11ilia, luctll11, Cle.
addC>oeo, 2. " IMch in ud<lition, to t«icA, ~e.iirlo. 4. to hunger ~r anything, Plaut.
Bur. adf, v. under aft'. . .
a4diiblto. 1. to lmline to doubt, to beg'11 to a4g, v. under agg •••
""''"': followed hy de, In, num, an, utrum, quid; if.4haer8o -baesl -haesnm, ll. to hang to,
""" a«l1.h1l>itata, a q11uti-On. vnd«:ided, Cic. ltic.k ta, cul.Jure. A. Lit., manus oner! adhaereut.ea,
addiico -<luxi -ductum, 3. L to drato tooM· frozen to, Tae.; ll4Xi11, Liv. B. Transr., 11 to
.Jf A. Gen .• parvis colla Jacertls (of chlhlren border on, to be near; modlca silva a1lhaerenat,
t<tnbracing their mother), Ov. B. Esp., 1, to draw Tac. ; 2, ta ktep cloie to a pniron, to be ahrur• at
t0hl to owlleif: bAlistae et reliqua tonneuta con- tM Bide of; latcrl adhaerere gravem domlnum,
IJ!nta atque adduct& vehemeutlu1, Cle.; 2, to to •it on tht n«k of, Liv.; so nulli fortunae ad-
dratc tn.getlvr, to 10rinJ.:k; adduclt cut.em macies, haerebatanlmua, !Upended v:pon., Liv.: ortbil1gs,
Ov. IL to bri1~ (aa a guide). or lta<t a thing or a cul ainls cognomen adhaeret, the n&ck114me cliug.t
pe~n. A. Lit.. 1, or pel'llons, allquem in con- to him, Hor. : or 811 avvend.age, IUIUmusque In
1pectum pupuli, Liv. ; aliquem in jns or .tudicium, margin a versus adbaesit, waa wriUtw. OB tM edge
ror &lruply aliquem, to bring to ftul£cc Cle. ; 2, or for -want of room, Ov.: ao, ot persons. te vlx ex-
thiup, aurum secum,Liv.; esp. ofbrlnging water tremum adhaeslsae, Cic.
(by an aqueduct, etc.). aquiru, Cle. JL Transl'., l.dhaeresoo -haesl -baesum, S. to hang to, to
~ t{> bri11g w a «rlain co1&dU£on.; aliquero in adlurt. A. Lit., gravi11 lateri eraterae Jlmua
TJt.uperationeru, invidlatn, Cle. : eo adduxit cos ad.haeslt, Hor.; of burning miuilea, acl turrhn.
ut,ete.., Cle. ; aeauumque regnum in ultimumdi11- Caea. ; flg., in me uno consularea f'acea ••. in
crlmen, Liv. ; 2, to bring a person lo a ~rtain me omnia conjurationis tela adhaeserunt; o(
"'1k of a!nd; In fletum, in metum, Cle. ; addncl shipwrecks, ad saxa 11irenum, Cic. ; flg., ad
Id suspfcantlurn, Cle.: followed by ut and the qnamcumque sunt discipllnam quasi tempest-
aubj., adducis me nt tibl a11sentiar, Cic. ; with ate delati, ad eam t&m quam ad aaxnm atl-
Uilin., In spem aJ<luctl. hunc lpsum annum !llllu- haere11cunt, Cic. B. Tran11t., 1, to cling to, to re-
t.inm eh•itatf fore, Cic. : with genit., In spem main; in hie Iocls adhaere11cere. Clj'. ; justltlae
addactu.s conficlendi \Jelll, . Sall. ; llO adductus, honestatiqne, not to sM1trw from, Cic. ; ad Otn·
i¥ant«d; spe mereedi11, C•c:; ab_tlol., adducor nium vestn1m, $Vfllpatllf.~ tuith, Cic. ;
Jitlll et prope mod um asaent1or, Cic. , 2. of' au orator, to ,/ruJ. 1to11, Cic
a.dh 12 adj
1to11J .. r11111, Cic.
~11!1, f. (&db:i.ereo), clinging to; I Mltlo .1}0!1, r. a goin'.7 to, (ll\ (lprroocA, Plant.
3.ditus -QR, m. (2. a•lt>n), a ri••itt•/ ''"al\ G'P"
~dhaesus ·tis, m. (adhacreo), an adhmng. l'"t>ach, acCL.c..t L A. Lit., 1, dillkill.'s nditu1
Luer, I .s&bl.'re e.<I pa.,tnm, C1c. ; 2, ngl.t or Jl()5'i11ilitJ1 oJ
~dh[bCO -0.1 -lt•1m, 2. (&J and ha hen), to r~traM!! ta: .aditnl! in Id !-.'l•·rnnnrn 1100 «:8t viria,
brinq HIV tliin.g to <lll"lli~. !<1 rtl'/>l.11 to. L o .. n., l.l<'.; nr audll'll<'f! ·~fa l"'""ll, lio1110 ran ad1l11s,
10&1111s i:,. 111 1>1111. Ov.; rnanuq ,· 1 ·..tig;d 1 1,, 1 ~. to d1fhcult o/(l.<r~Js, L1.v.; f.1"1lt•' ~d1tu" ;11! eum pri-
W'f/ harvls "" to Mizr Cic. · a1!lnhete animn3 et \'ut<•rnm, Cl<'.; ad1tus :id &li•11trlll 111terdud.,re,
inenh's \est~'• non s:1lum ~un•I\, Cii". IL Jo:gp., C1c.; J1':•te!1.tilms 11011 dare, 1'··~··; lid aliq11em
A. t-> .1··in, "''"'"air, a.i/d; stn.!i11 ndhil•ito alqne postulare, I 11•'.· B., MPton., ti, to a rl<Trt,
usu, l'k. B. l, to a.p 11/y S•'fll<'thin;,: to sqi11<:> a1·pr~ch. :, ad1t11s 111sulae 11~u111t1, <;:ic. ~. ad1tus
J'nrtirnhr en•I nr nt•kct; nrnl inncrn ad \'Ul.:\;<;, t:·rnpl1, <.:ic.; arl ra~tra, lne~. ; u1 8t<'1!1am,
Cir.; ali"ui Yim, Cic.; mr1rl>is rl'1m~1ia., l'1c.; \"'·; 01111~1.·s ad1t11s cl:t11<lere, or interdudere1
tiunhum In fahu!i'I, C1c.; 11tl1•m, Cit'.; 2, lo em- Cir. IL l.1anst., <>f'l"•rtumtv of obw.rning; Ml
rlny nr cal/ a l'"r"'"' w h<'l\1 or ad\ iS(', etc. ; ali- lionnrl'm, C1c. ; l&ud1s, Cic.
qu<'m In ('Olhili11111, Cic.; a !r}lt<'lll in con\·idum,, 2. r.o lk by t~ ridt of. to bt ad}a-
to Inn re, Cir.; 111t••lic11111, Ci•·.; with d0uble Re<'., cffl.t; 11.t <•~tluru flh,.,rl.1ni, Cnt>s.; with acc. alone,
altqat•111 }':1lr<'11u111, Cic.; 8iritlnm ustcm, Cle.; Etrutiarn. Lt\'.; witl1 dat .. agro nuoiano Liv.·
with 1td\•., t0 trwt; alirp1em liberaliler, Cic. ah~ol , adja\'cnt-0 Tibri, Ta•'. 8ul••t., adj...:
4.dhlnnlo, 4. to n~igh after. I. Lit., O\·. oentla ·lum, n. t~ ncigh.bourlwod, Tac.
IL ·1 rnn~r., 111<: &J ~lhWI oratlonem &Jhmnivit, adjeotlo -unis, f'. (ndjicio). an addini to:
Mt71!rd u·1th.1ay at, Ctc. adj<'< t1oue popuh Alha111, Liv.; lllibaali adjec-
idhortatlo .()nia, f. aft a:Ao1"tat'°1l, Cle. t1nrH', a 7-altry adm•1<~. Liv.; llis)'RlliC'nsibua
Adhorti.tor -~ris, m. ont 1t1/'waltO'Ttl; operia, fa1111liarn.111 aJjectiones de<lit, inoorpora.ud MV
Liv. /am1/irJ, f&e.
Adhortor, 1. dl'p. ta a/'wrt. incnumgt (cspe-
cially of 11old1cr~); ornnca cohort<:>s onlmt·sque,
adjectus ·tl.a, m. (adjlclo), al'l add'n.g
Cat>s. ; in bellum, T1tc. ; ad defcnde11dam reµub· adJlolo ·jfrl -Jec·tum, S. (ad and ,lacfo), io
llc11111, Cic. throw tu. I. A. Lit., t«lum, Cae!I. B. Tmnar.
id.hue &dY. (ad and huic, sbort.ened to hue), 1, to. oa,Jf ~ longing look upon; 01.:ulu1~1 l~er~
CJuu far, F, :.t!W!rto; prnr.... rly of 1,Jace, but gener· d1tati, C..:1c., 2, to direct the tliought~ to, d1ct11
ally ua1•J. o! trnh:, hu'•Hto; 1, 1.IJ' to th.t prc.Y-nt meut~:m, Ov. IL A. to al'pl.11_; st1mulos !re-
hm«, Wl now; a, of tlie aetual prei«·iit, usque ment1., Ov. B. to udd; 1_. Lit., ag;:•:rem ad
at!huc, &dhuc aemper, adhuc durn, Cic.; used mu111l1011e8, Cars.; .2. Trsm•t., ~·ad U..U1 Jaudem
with u 1111 ~. 11011 , r:eque, ult.ii, nullua, Cle.; b, d.odr111a.e et .111gen11 glot ;.:i~n, Cir.; b, fo add to
of the hi11toric pres••nt, fiuctuans 111ihu1: animo, "hat has l><"en Sttid, Lt 1· , 3, tc outbid at &D
Ll".; 2 or something which 18 C<>ntilluillJ.:, uill; auctioi:; 1111pr11 11.<lJec1t Aeschno, Cle.
ad hue de cou•uetudine e.xercitation!s lnquor; adju41oo, 1. to au.•a.rd <IJ a juifg,, ndfudiroU,
aondum de rat1one et aap!enti.a, Cic. ; foll<1wed t.o daul.t <U a judge. I. Lit., C11Us11m alicui, in
by ut 0r qui with the subj.='° far CW, Cle. fa\•our of any one, Cir..; l'Cl.:llUm Pt<ilemaeo, to
.Adli.bCne .;:11 , r. ('A&4/3"1V>i>. (l, r::ovirv-t n/ n&-•i·Jn the.kini.:rlom to Ptolt>tny, Cic. IL Trnnsf.,
.Auyna (nnw Kurdistan). Ad,j., AdL\benus ltahs &dJud1cat arm1e, a.mq1u to t~ &1111a'll
,.. .um, pou•fr, Hor.; alwu1 ,salutem Imperil huJua
:.c ..... r d . ( ) at•1u~1 nrb1s terrarmn, Cle.
AU.J.CaO =a J•CIO q.v. . _
Adl t: i a t •1 3 (al d a n) t d · A.djnmentum. ·I, n. (o.djnvo), Mlp, tu1ist-
go· i:. ··' u n, · ' an 11: • 0 . Mvc to. a Hr" al11.·11ius re1 11d alfquhi nlicui rel in aliqua
A. Lit , l, Of catt:l'.f7:cui; t' VICI!! io11g111qU1or1bu11, re c'i•'. ' ' '
Cars.; 2, of n.~u, 1u1q1wm fulm1111: ad uml1ras, ' _ .
Vcrg. ; "" Jq,"S! t. t I arbitrum (oltl Lat. for ad adjunotlo ·or..fs, r. (adjun;:;o), a jot'lti"."11 t-0.
1.rh1tru111) 11.d1 .. "re ahqtwm en "14f711'1W'l t.r/,,ri an L addition tn, unwn; a., n:1t11L1c sd hommern,
arhitJ:r, Cle.; 3 ,.f thi1igl\,' trin·mes per ae 8 tu· C1c. ; bi· n rhd.. ftgu~ .= uvn;<v)'µ<l'<>11, .where
aria. Tao.; qtto•!.tm loco tum ndarta, Ci;;cs. B. th(' 1•rP• 1eate st.ands t'ltner at. th•: l>e;;t11nms.or
Trnnsf., l, to riri.1'<' to, 1,1 CtnnJ>fl to; ad m11rtem, the end o.r, a cluuBe. IL a ;n1nttu,; t·1, addt'lt{l
Tar..; r.b~nl., ndi1-:1t ita Postumia el Sen·ius tl.lius, to, con11.<'rt«?', unu:m; a, verbo;um, Cle.; b, In
Cle.; lt-:::il 1rn•I rnil>t. t. t., aliciuem aJ ju 11jurnn· rhet., a. lim1lalwn, n.slridwn, C..:lc.
dum, C:u"~ ; orju-.1urandu111, Cic.; or juN·jura111lo, adjunctar -Oris, m. (a11jungo), n.u u1ho joiru,
or sacramento, Liv., Co put a on hi.· 1i.1th, rflltltfcl.<; ille Galll:rn ult•·nnn'I 111\junctor (I.e..,
to n.-ear rn; 2~ to /a..shl.m\; in fa.elem proraa pinu~ ' l'nmp<'iusJ. who ceu~EJ\l Gnllia Ulterior to boa
&dad.a novae, t'rop. 11<\de·l to t.:ae!ll!.r'11 province), Cic.
Mlmo ·~mi -(•mptum, S. (a.d •!Id emo), to take ad.Junctua ·& -urn, p. adj. (rrom &djungo),
auu11; l, 11ometh:11g pa111ful; vmcull\ cani, bm.11d to, 1H:lo1117ing to; propiora httju~ CliU!IMI
0~. ; dolun·i. .• Hor. ; 2, t.n tn.~ awa11 (prop•"rty); et adjuuctwrn, Cic. 8u\1~t., adjunota -orum,
t.hclll pccuuiam, v1tam, C1c.; with a aud the u. tJn11gJ c!,.uly oo!lnute.d wi.Ch, or .u.Uablt to,
ah!., .c'~'.. ; 3, to ta.kt away (a person), aliquem anything, t.ic.
t.licu1, <. 1c.; esp. of death, hence adem1JtU11, poet. ad~ungo ·Jan xi ·"mctum s to join eo bind
dtcuf, llPr. . .I I • ~
_ to. IA., 1, of 'lmmals, plostelln murt\8, 1Jor. ;
ldlpatus ... -um J1tdep11). L Lit., fatty, 2, of vines, ulrnill vitt>11, \'erg. II. Tnm11f., to :-\11h11t., Adip~ta -orum n. p:utry mail~ ;oin, a.ild. A. l, of itpace; a., or things, pariewm
\lll'tlh grwi<', J uv. IL 1 rau11f., of style, bcml>a.J.tu:; d1ctionis genus, Cia.
1.41plsoor -eptus, S. dep. (&d t.nd apiscor).
ad •
'.1·m commu1rnm Cic. · adJUIH·tu11 fund us
nf ~rr~on~. beluis &d:
; Juris 11cientlam
L t.o <X>llM "P to, ti> Ot>irtala; fuglenkm, Liv. IL el· m pcdiF!equamque,
Tran1r., to obla(•: laudem, Cic.; gloriam ex ali· Ci·" , :., IA. in agt; e1 pruxime
qUt. re, Nep.; quod eat per acelu, Cic. ; ad]'' fr,, fuit, Cic. B. to ex·
with g11D!t., rerum adeptu1, Tt.c.; part., a.de1•tm, pr· ar1y • ·•r relation; I. o! things,
used pa.u!vely, eand~m &oeUMDt &dept&m, wlln a., m apeaking, t.o ~i"; verba ad nomen ad·
rtt1dttd, Cic., De t>eu. ii. 4. junct.A, tpith4U, Cle. ; 1lmllitud!nc1 t.djWlgt!IJ.I,
adj 13 adm
Cle.; b, 1'n nri.:ument, to et11\11l'f'.t: rebu11 prnc- Cle. : n:i.,·em, to 1tt1r, Caea. ; or war, behum cum
•nl-ibu• aalj1111;.:cre at.que a1111cctcre rut11ra11, Ci111hri11, Cic.; exl·rdt11111, Ci•·.; or other thinglf,
Ck.; c, of tc·rritory, w atltl; Cilicinm m.l 1111· 1•ro\·i1wia111, Cle.; lc;;<'s rt ju1lkia, Ck. ; 011111c111
pninm populi Hotuanl, C..:ic.; n;.:roM pupulo, 11111111lu111, Cle.
Uc.; d, to con7'ed In a11y kind of n-lati1•11, to admirabnla ·<', t1Jorll1y of (ltlmiration, ad-
,ire, toaUri.btlfe; lhlem visis, Cic.; 11ihi o.nxilium, mi111/..L.:; 1, atl111imltililf et 11i11i.:11larii; snpi1·11ti11,
C..:it-. ; i11i;ole111 ia111 honest.all, Cic. ; a11ir11um ad Cic.; 2, adonW1i11J!, llra1~ut (Lo trausllltts
aliquo.I 11tu•li11111, Tcr.; 2, of persona, a, to bri11a ft'apcic5o~o.), Cic.
ii& as a J>Urtici1><1tur; nlii 1n•·m 11.ll suos aennoncs,
Cle.; b tn l1i1ltl, mLitc; ur1Jc111 11<1 amlciti:un, admirii.bllltaa ·lltls, r. IUfmimliltnu•, Cfc.;
hnec a11imi 1lc>1picicntin mn,;namadmirnl>ilitatem
Lh'.; 11fitJUl'1t1 sil•I soclmn, or 1<i111ply socium, focit, excilu w0111Ur, C..:lc.
Cic.: with double acc., ae l'o1uit1·111 ru~e, Cle.
adjflro, 1. 1, to 1t11tar fn additi1>11, J,lv.; 2, admirablllter, ndv. 1, ad111imhl1, V10ndt1'
to 1u•rnr, to promise 01& MtlL; qui 011111ia n1lj1111rnt,
fully; la1ulari, Cle.; 2, 1t1"C111gely(Or. wo.po.3;·t~),
Cic.; a, with ncr•. 111111 i11l111., ntljurn siol t.c irn ito
me non eHc fact uru111, c..:ic.; b, with per unt.l the aclmirand1111 ·a -um (admlror)
1.>ilis, u'01·thy nf admirntion; homo, Cic.
= admlra-
au., per Jon·111, Plaut.; c, with the Kimple,
llljuro ~,_,;:ii i·avut i111plal'ahllt• fonti!I, Verg. admirii.tfO ~nls, (. 1, admimtiolL; B11mmam
&4Jiitabnta -e,/ull o.1 l1~l1•. •nrictabu, Plaut. lio111l11u111 aaimimtioncm excitare, Cle.; hahere,
Cic. ; in magua admlratlone es!lfl, Cle. ; plur.,
adJilto, 1. to be urvlcuiblt, to hdp, Plaut., atl111ir11tiones, outl!ur1u <'f ad111ira.Uo-n; clamore11
Tei. et aol111iralio11e11 effi,:erc, Cle. ; 2, wondtr, a.ton·
adjiitor ·6ris, m. (ndjnrn), a 1u1'fl"; 1 •fo· i.,/1111t11I; tam atrocia rel, at'° criul a dud, Cic.;
tnria.: l'"l'uli Houmni, l:ic.; a with In nnA the a1l111iratlo consulem ln1·essit quod, Liv. ; ftdmi·
abl., i11 rt! .,:enntla, Cle.; b, wit.\1 R•I nml the acc., ratio ort:1 est, follow.-rl by acc. with 1111\11.
adjut.orea ad injuriam, C..:ic.; o, with contra and Liv.; fit <"lnmor et aalmlratio 1-opull, follow~
the al'C., his ml.1utor contra pntrinm i11v .. nt1111 1•st by acc. with inftn., Cir..
nc1110, l:ic.; 2, a regular a~.>i11ltmt; 01U 'Wlw ,,1uye1l admlror. 1. dep. 1 to aJmirt; res gestas,
1tt:01'<la'71 }"'orU on tlu 11.agt, Hor. ; esp., the Cic. ; 2, to be a.sto11i>h,.1l at; with adv., levitt-r,
a-.isJa1d of a. 1·11blic ll.J!lrrr, dt1tUty; P. Ma111i1u In vehc1111·11t1·r, 111a~1101'cn·, etc., ali<1'1i<I, Cle.; nlhi11
liisj>.mia111 citcrionuu o.djutor eousuli tlat111, Liv. Cic. ; in aliqua rt!, lie aliquo, Cic.; with ac•~. a1H.1
adJiitrbl: -lcle, r. (adjnt.or), 1, or personR, lnlln., Cle. ; with quo<I, cur, quo pacto, uude,
Mc Uiat lwtl7..,, 11 /tm.ale uui11tnnt, a lul/>N"; Mi· Cic.
Den-a a<ljutrix co11:;ilioru111 1111·11ru111, Uc. ; 2, admleceo mi1c!U -111ixtuin (·mlstum), 2. L

of thm~, n i1t: qnne tell' Plml<'io In petitionc to mu wilh, to add to by m.i.:ting. A. Llt., aquae
fldaet al\jutrix, Cle. ; 3, 11471W! o/ ruen-e [,11i.<nr.s ad111ixtus calor, Cic. B. Trans!., to join; ad-
•iufcr thenr.pirr, Tac. misc.-rc11t11rne }Jlebeil, Liv.; ad id
..,AYO ·JOvl -jQtum, l. to It.tip, <&UUt, iup- atl111is•·car, Cic. IL to mil: with 11m&dh.i1&9. A.
pm. L alii1u .. m in 11liq11a re, Cle.; ad bellu111, Lit., 11cr mu Ito c.iloru at.lmixtus, Cic. B. Transf.,
Liv.; f.,Jlowc1l by ut with I-he irnbj., Cic. ; macr- 111urili111ae nd1ui11l·c11tur 111•vis Bt!rmoniuua
orem uatiuni,. lacriruis 1ui.-., Cic. IL to 1-e of ac 11isci1•li11is, btco11u ft.uniliur with, Cic.
lrT'lria, to aNil; jnm nihil t.e Neronls Jmlicium admtHirlua. ·I, m. (admitlo), 11 dallfO'll;
lltjuvat. Cic.; philua. t. t., 1·ausac nd.1uvu11tes, fig., a la...civi01U man, Cic.
9Vllinu, Cfc. ; impcrs., followed by the lnHn.,
nihil igitur adjuvat. procedere et progredi in •Ir·
admtulo ·6nl1!, f. an .pv.dimce. eap. ot a
royal person, Plin.
Uit.e, <.:ic.
a.di. v. nnder all ••• admluum ·I, m. a crinu, Cle.
a4mi.tliro, 1. lo Aaltn; admatunui de- admltto -mlsl -missu1)1, 3. to ae1ld to. L to
fectiuuem, t.:ae& ltt go. A. Lit., l to ltt u lwru go al fu.U s~td.
to urgl! 01&, to pul to a gullop; equo adm1880
a4mitlor ·men!lua, f. dep. to 'llUaftrc UMt Cic. ; 2, to hurry; o.drnisso 1•ass11, with hu~
le; !ruinentum aJicui, Cle. strp, Ov. B. Transf., to let go; quod aemel ad·
Admitua -1, in.("A&,.71T1X), l, n1ltr of Plimu, 111iss11m coerceri n?J'rimique non potest, Cie. IL
C. TAUlaly, lnul.a.n.d nf .AICdli•, VIM di•·dfor llim; to ltt in, to gi~ ruu.u to. A. Lit., 1 aliquem ad
I, khtg of tM Jlulou!, frimd. of TlaemWo<'les. Cl\Jlsn&..l Cic. ; 2, to giw atuiif11c.! lo; aliquem,
admtgro, 1. to tmftdtr to, to C01IU tl', Plnut. Cic. ; ~. to admit a pn'I0'7lo to lhare In an under-
t.l\klng, eta. ; aliqnem ad consilium, Cle. B.
admlnlctUo. I. to w.pporl. prop; vltem, Cle. Tmnsr., l; o! words, e11treatles, etc., to aU0t0
admfnlo61um -1, n. (Rd and •mineo). L to rtach; eas co111litll>nes vlx aurihus, Liv. ;
Lit.," prop, G 11t1.7-.pttrf, tlu pile cm. IDhich. a vine is 2 1 of an act, to allow: litem 1 Cle. ; o! omen!!,
Cr!Uud, Cle. IL Tnrn11r., aid, kip; ad alillUotl aomittunt aves, the fl'U!]11.rit1Joailo1D it, Liv.; 3, to
t.1111qaam a.dmlniculum anulti, Cfc. ; egere ad· commit<& critlMI; In te ta11tu111 fachma, Cic.
llliniculi1, Tac. admlxtlo ·Onls, r. (admisceo), <& millfliag,
a4mlalater ·Itri, m. GA atten.dant, (17' O•· an ad111U:ture; eorporls, Cie.
lfstav; Jovi se consiliarium atq1te adminlstrum adm~derati, adv. approprlattly, Luer.
datum, Cic.. ; in a bail sense, audaci&e satellcs
atque RAlminister tuae, Cic. admMeror, 1. dep. to moderate, Plaut.
Mmlntatra -ae r. (Rdmlnlster), 17u tJaat admMum adv. (ad and mo0um), vp to Ul4
Wps; artea huJua ;fminist.rae comitesque vir· measure, up to tM'IJl(lrk; hr.nNl, L With numben,, Cic. about; turres ntlmodum CXX., aics. IL or de-
actmln!stratlo -Onl1, f. l, the giving of1ulp; b'l'ee, oompkt,,ly, qu.iu; A. Ge11., 1, with artjP.c·
liue hoanlnum ad111i11ii<tratio11e, Cic. ; 2, dirtc- th·es or adverhs, Cor11111 admouum imvclitA etJ
tto..OOllM''IVnl; navis, Caea.; belli. Cfc.; muudl, 1•lane rutlis, Cle.; admodum, Cle.; with
ninun, reipubllcae, Cfc. 11ihil and null1111 litterarum admodum nlhil
scieb&t, mtirdy igiwra"ll.t of, Cic. ; of age_ puer
ad•lnlwtri.tor ~rls, m. Gil adainimator, admoilum, a mert bot/, Liv. ; non admodum
9lallGj1tT; quid&m bell! gerendl, Cfc. grandia natn, Cfc. ; 2_, with verbs, me 11dmodu1u
a4mYntst;ro, 1. 1, to ulp, iurid, Plaut. ; dillgunt, Cle. B. 111 affirmative r.n1wer, OU'"
2, to 91Aaagt, dirwc:C, adtltb&Ukr; rerupul>licam, tainly, Tor.
adm H ado
a«moealo, C. ,. berilfw, Plaut. ~leeoentfa .... f. ptl: cltd~• adolee-
admollor, 4. dep. lo 1110w to, Plaut. centiae Mnectua qnam pueritlae adoleecentla
obrel'it, Cle~ ; l11c11ut.c a<lole11ee11tia, Cic. ; ab
adm6n6o .ftj -ltum, 2. to anmnnuh, ttndnd, l•lolesN'ntia, a pM111a adol. ; ab lt1e11nte ad· 11.,
or do
mll tlu a.u,,.tiOJt to; 1, all•1nem 11lic11lu• rel, j'rvnt& -,mtth ttptmrd, Cic.; meton., the yovng, Cic.
allqua re, Cle. ; aliqnom haec, t•arn rem, multa,
etc. ; followed by acc. and lnlln., Liv. ; or rela· Ad61eacentiUa -ae, r. a wry 1'0""9 girl.
the •e11te11ce "'ith qua11tua, 4111, Cle.; 2, In bu.t- 1111t:<l as n terru of t•111lcarment, Pli.ut.
neas la11~1a~"• to r11111bul of a drht; allquem aerie l.doloacontiilua -1, rn. a W1fl pn.g - :
alie11I, C1c.; 3, a, to adtn# to do tomtthing; fol· &Jl!'lietl by Cic. tu himiu·lf In lais 2ith ye11r, 1tnd
lowed by ut or ne an•I the 1ubj., or by the aimJ'le by Sallust to Caesar when Caesar wu al.out 81
1ubj., by ad or In and thr ace., or by the 1111111., or 16; ab adoleacentulo, fros rOl.Ul "p!IW'd.
Cle.; ad theaaurum re)•erientlum admouerl, Cic.; Cle. ,
b 0 to urge or (ftCitt; telo bijugo1, Verg. · 1. ld~leBOO -616vf -altum s. lo fl"'V', to vro•
admonltlo -<'iuia, t. a nlfftinding; 1 Oen., "P lo matllrit!l. A. Lit., 1, ol men, la qnl ailole-
Cle. ; 2, fricJMlly adWI01lUUm; admonitlo fn con- verit, Cle. ; 2, or r.h111Ui, \'lrhlltaa herloe,.cen.a
11110 danuo ramlllarta Cic.; In plur., nee precl·
quae 11ellllim adolesc1t, Cic. B. Transr., to grrrt11,
1 i~; or time, to adm~; cum matura auole-
boa nee admooiU0Dio1111 n.oet.ria rellqult locum, verlt aet.aa, Verg. ; ver uonec adok11Ceret, Tac. ;
adm~nltor ~1111, m. °"' "'"° ,...,w, Cle. of the mind, lo bf dcwlopm, to romir to 'lltllturity:
raUo quurn ado14'vit atque perfP.ct.a est, Cic. ;
adm6nltum -1, L • ad"'°""~ ca CllJU.. ea cuplclit&ll acloleaclt una cum aetatibus, Cle.
4Ag to mind, Cle. t. Adoleaco ~re (&doleo), 1o; adol.elc1mt
admonltus -a.a.rn. • remflld'"': 1, •~
orum .. imouit.u, Cle.; 2, admnt1L<ll.Lng, 10a"''Ag;
lgnll•u• arae, Verg.
Adoneua -61, m. - .._donl1 (q.v.).
amid tall admonltu, Cle.; mortlit, Ov. Adon!a -!dis(" A311111«). and Adon -!Snla, m.
admord6o -monum, I. 1 0 lo bu. a.I, to gnat0, ( A..S..111), a beautiful youth, SO?l of Ci1111ro1, king oJ
Prop. : 2, to J - , Plaut. Cypnu, belumi of Vt1u11, 1lui" by a '11ild boar,
admotlo -<'inl•, f. a .,.,c_,
lo: dlgf torum, but changed """"' daJtA by v'""" '""' a. Jlot«r
ploring o" UM Mf'J', Cle.
admov6o -movt ·mlltum, t. lo 9'0W, bring l.d6~rlo .ril§rft1 -pertum 4. 1, to c:iowr;
to. A. Gen., 1, fuclculum ad narea, etc. ; all· ca11iw •dul'6rto, 'Liv. ; humus ftorlbus a<loperta.
C!al athnuloe, Cle. ; manum operl, to 111gag11 in a Ov. ; 2, co clo•, &1loperta lumlna somoo, Ov.
wort, Ov. ; manna nocenUbua, to lay ltnr1dl Oil l.d~pinor, 1. dep. co,-. Luer.
lie pfUy, Liv.; 10 manna vectlgallhuab Cle.; l.doptatlolua .. ·um, a.dopt«I ., • ela.I,
uern ad corpue, Cle. ; anguee currl ua, co

, Ov. ; wtt.h acc. alone, lgnern, Cle. ; anrem,
c. ; 2, to direct, dnoU; mentea 111&11, non aolurn Ltopti.tlo-6nll, t. • adoptlo (q.T.).
aures, ad baru11plcum vocem, etc.; 8, mlllt. t. t., f.doptlo -<'inla, f. tAe adopt!Oll oJ ca chUd:
to bri"f •P war-machi11ea; opus ad turrlm emaucl1oare lllium allcuJ In a<loptloncm, lo aiw
hoatium, Caea. ; to bri"f up aoldlera; armatoa '" adoptUm, Cle. ; uclre allquem ln or per adop-
maria, LIT. ; 4, of aacrlftcea, lo bnflf lo tlw a.lier; tlonPm, lo adopt, Tac.
ftllam vlctlmam art11 Liv. ; &, lo brit1g Mar, l.doptivua .a -o:m. L nlating to a.doptW.;
Jfiscl - r ; urbem IM1 mare, Cle. B. 1, lo a.p- llllua, 1•ter1 _f~ter, soror, adopkdlm',etc., 8uet.;
Plr ; curatlonew ad &liq uem, Cle. ; oratlonero sac~. Uw ruu o/ tlw family it&to t0ll.ich tlw Pf"*
ad 1eniiu1 anlruorum atque motm lnftammandoa, .ant01J1adopUd, Cle.; nobilitaa, Ov. IL Traut,
etc. : 2, or tlma lo the paaa., Co dratD Ma.r; of plan ta, 'Jf'f1ICt4, Ov.
admotua aupre;?1, dn111rLng Miit' to daJUl, Tac.;
• admovere, lo drc110 uar; M applicare et
l.dopto. 1. L Gen. to eA«M for '1Vu•l/: llbl
proplua admOYere, Cle. allquern lJlltn.>Dll"!· C_lc.1 or tlolng1, EtMllCU
opea, ro lab to°"' 1 aid, vv. IL Esp., A. Ut.1
admiiglo. c. to lNUotO u,JW, OT. Co adopt u child or grandchild (per aee n
admurmi1r0.tlo -6nl1, f. 11 ""'""'"1'0
(either of •1•1•rul•tlon or disapprobation), Cle.
llbram, br 11 fldUM>t&I .U., or teatamento, br
tof.ll); albl IUlum, Cle. ; &llqnem ab &llquoil/rfJllA
admurmill'o, 1. 1o • •,....,. • (ln ap.. Uw ""'"ral follv,r, etc.· ln regnum, Ba B.
proval or dlRalJlll'OYal), Cle. Trallllf. 1, In Jei1t, C. Btaienm qui !pee ae adop-
taveratetde Stalcno Aeliurn recerat, 1lad chaJ&gld
a4mi1tno. 1. 1o Mta.r, IAaw; llenoe, tnnat., 11.u - br adopif"f hi~ etc. ; frater, 1•ter
to jl«Joe, Plan'- adde; ut culque e1t 111etu, It& quemque faoetaa
adn. "· agn or &Dll • • • adopt&, q.dapt 11.(a by ea.lli"f A• brotMr', falMr,
l46li5o -tU, t. 1, Jntrau., lo ....U, Plaut.; 2t etc., Hor. ; nomen or cognomen ado1 •tare, )lart. ;
Trana., to -a lo ~ co Id °"
Jin. to hr9' (o
.acriflces); vh1cera taurl llammla, Ov. ; honoree
2, of plantl, lo gra/I: lac ramua ram um adopt.ft.
Juuonl to lr.onovr ~ '11lrni11g mcri)kw lo, Verg. • Lt~r -6rta, n. a 11*"' qf rruC•, IJlrll (Tli·
llO of the altar lt.8elf, to light "JI with aacriftdai tlcum •pelt&, Linn.), Hor.
fin; altarta ftammla, Luer.; llammla Penatea l.dorii.tlCS ·On la, t. a pray(ftOCo, adorclffotJ,Plla.
(= fOCOll,, Verg. ; cruore captlvo aru, lo /#fJ
lM alien t0it1', ete., Tac. l.dorea (ldllrla) -ae, f. (adoro), rnoanf ti
m.lollr, glory; llle dlea ••• quJ prim11.1 alma
M61escena (ldftle1cen11)-entl1 (1"laJ"L of ado. rlslt a<lorea, Hor.
leeco). A. Atlj. (wlt.h compar.), young; admo-
dum adoleiice111, Cle. ; adolear.entlor IM'.&demla, Mloroua -a -um (ador), nlatCng to lpllt: Uba,
Cle. B. Subtlt., 1, muc., a ~"g Mata (with· Ver!(.
out referen1~ to any partlr.ular age); puer aive ldorlor -ortua, 4. dep. 1o rlM up. L to cd-
jam adoleacen11, Cle. ; adnll".acen11 Yet puer po- tark; &, Allqul'lm fu11tlh111c, gla1llh1, Cle. ; & tergo,
tlu•, Cle. ; ulled (like junior In Englh1h) to dla· Cle. ; pe.gum, QM,a. ; b, co ~.Jtiegi u•ith entrP,.atiea,
ttngnlab a pel"llOn from 111me one of the 81\llle, etc.; allquem minh1, Tnc.; •'iquem.
name, but older; P. CraKMlua lldoL, C&ea. ; 2, tum11ltuo11IA11lme, Cle. II. to al"'1n7", "na.-.
fem., • ""' pa. • u attribute; tllia adoL, tau; hoc lt:0nm' ae. ; ~ua nefl.!L Vq.;
Cle. followed b7 • oonvellent ea, at.cs., ua.
ado 16 adv
'4orDo. \. In 1'"TH'"• f11r1'i.t.l1, 11r111•itll. I. 1Ul11llt•n1tu11 11i1l111< (uf " urst. whl'rc the cuckno
has laitl il.i< ,.~~s), l'li11. B. Trn1111f, to fir/11if11,
Gen., nav"" onf"Tllrill>', Ca1•11. ; lt.aliu1~ 11110 111nria
i.:11n·11pt: jllK civiltl 111·c1111i:1. Cic. ; racie111 artc
u1a.xi111i~ c\;u1!4iuH'4 flri11 i>o1h11i111111e pme11irl ii,., t:ic.;
att:uaalioneni, Cic. II. t.1adorn.. A. Lit., fur11111 (<1f l'rol-<·11s), dUllL'JC.< hi~ form, Ov.
ruagno ornatu, Cic.; aliq1lt'm im<it{ni \"C><tc, I.iv. Mult1111 ·I\ -11111, JI· 1uli. with c1111'1pu. (f\flo-
B. Tnuud.,ju11li honoreK 11.liq11c111 adorn•111t, Li\·. le1<c11). L gro1v1t "J', ad11lt: \'ir~o, Cw. l'lnr.
UOro, 1. A. Gf-11., ro 1<1'fflk to. B. F.sp., l, to Kllln;t., Adultl. u1l1dl.•, <.:i··· II. 'fl1lll'4(., A. or
Mdns.~ a. rleitr· ro em,-,.at, to cuckfor, a, with ac1·.lir11c, puer iM'tlilo ml11ll.11, tU1t1r 11urn/WOtl, Cic.;
of~"°" 11.n1 acc. of thi11g; paet!m d1-11111, Liv.; 11r><l.aK, 111iil.~11111111c1", :-;all., Tac. B. Fi~ .• ofgrnwth;
b, follo\lfe•l hy 11t and the subj., Liv. ; 2, to I_, in il{)wcr, Athcruv•, Ci•'. ; pc11t i11 (rof Catilina),
MllOllr; Phoebum, Ov. cw.; Partlii 11orul11111 n1l11ltl, Tac., 2, or
a4p. v. under app. tlcveloprucnt, populwt, Cle.
. .CL v. under acq. adumbri.tlm. adv. ill outlim, Lur:r•
ad.r, v. ut1der arr. adumbratlo ·0111!1, f. a 1kach, Cic.
a.driMlo -ni..~I -r~um, 3. to acmpe, shave; ii.dumbriitua ·n ·11111, p. 1vlj. (a<lumbro), I,
atlnumrn quendam, Hor. .d.aclud, im1~•frt:l; imago gloriac, C1c.; adu111·
.Adribnyttium .1, n. (A~vnflo.-), tmrn 1.iratae int~lligt•nli!lll rcruru, imJ>etftcl, ronft1111fJtl
u 111.t <>/ My~Ui. not fnr from tJu /t>Ol Qf 11oti1111s, Cit:.; 2, 1/iadov.:y, unrral; opi111v, Cle. ;
Jlotar&J Ida. (now .Arlramf.ti or E.lrrntil). Hence laetitin, Tat'.
Aclramyttenm ·I, m. 11 Mtivt oJ Adramyt· idumbro, 1. to shflllt, esp. to .~ketcn, :o:J.:ncA
tn.11\.. iii words; licl.rn1 luct1111 tlicendo, Cic.
~... ·'· 111. (" A4p40'TO(), U1tg o/ .ArgM, Aduncltaa -at111, r. a bending intDIU'IU;
1"'1ur·it1·lmc of f'olrnica and Tydew, OM of tl1e roi1troru111, Cic.
.':itll!1& 49<1iiut 1"Mbu, lllld IM 01ily OM who ts· A4unous -a -um, b(11t i1uoaw, croolttt;
.:nptd, a/kn1111rd1 oiu ofthoM n•Jw dulroytd Tlv.f~ ung11h1, Cic. ; 1111s11i1, a11 a•p1ilint non, Ter.
i1' the war of tJu 1':Jli~oni.. Adj., Ad.raatiua
-a -um. ldurg~. 2. to pre118 to, or auaillll; poet.,
to in1r&ut closely; aliquem remis, Hor.
Adria= Hadria (q.v.). Miiro ·ussi ·ustum, 3. to 11d fire to, t.o ktwlZ,,
Adrimetum (Hadr1lmetum) -I, n. lo1o11 on cnnb-u11u l1y fr11rni119; sine gemitu adnruntur,
C.W of tlu Roman p rot1i nctJ oJ A/ri ca. Cle.; can•lente carbone sihi capillu111, to si11g,,
ada. v. under &llS. Cle. ; panis arlnMtns, burnt bread, Hor. ; of fro~L
a4ao. v. ullder aac. or wind, to tti]I, Vcrg.; fig., of love, VenWI 111111
crubel!cenrlis &durit ignibu11, Hor.
adq>. Y. under asp., v. under ut. Ml1UICIU' = usque ad; I, prep. with sci-.
<U far a.!, Verg. ; 2, adv. = URque, thoroll.!Jl&ly,
adt. v. under att. tnctrtl1, Ov.
Adtitiioi -Orum, m. people '" Gallia. Bel· Adustus -a ·um, JI· adj. with cornpar. (from
gim, in modern South Brabant, Caes. aduro), burnt IJy the su11, brown; horninum color,
ldiU&tlo -~ni11, r. L fewnina (or dogs), Liv.
~ IL cringing, .ftatUry, Cle., Liv.; 110 or &dnotrtYua -a -um, that wltich it brou!]ltt
~nt.'\I prostration, bumi jaccntlnm a1luln· from. ci distance, fC1Tfi(l1t; vinum,"8111.
tioues, Liv. ; used with &dver11u11 or in and the a4Yeoto, 1. (int.ens. from anveho), to oon1't'y
acc.; adYeNtt!! 11uperiore11, Tac.; patrum In nftell; rel frumentariae copiam, Tac.
A~u$tom, Tac.
14iilator -ori111 m. " ba# jto,tkrtr, Suet.. adveotua ·tlH, 111. a oonveyina, rorryi110,
UmatOrlua -a -um, ftaUertng; dedecua, adv.Sho -\'eXi -vectum, 3. 1. to cnrry. brin17,
Tac. oonvty to n L Act., fn1mentmn t:!X &gnll
Uiile8oeiw. etc., v. Adolcscens. Romnm, Cle.; ultricei1 undR advt:!hit rate:1, Ov. ;
W'ilo, I. to /avm ; plnnatA cau<la n011trnm frumenturn Romnm, Cic. II. Ptu111., 11<lvelli, to be
a<lulat 11a11gui11em, toipa o§ our blood frn.tminaly horru to a pla<'e (on horllchnck, iu a chnriot, 011 a
(of a dog), Luer. sl1ip, etc.); atlvecta cl11itsis, Verg.; e Pompeiatt•i
Midor, 1. dep. A. Lit., tofaton(nfdogsand eam navi in Luculli hospitium, Cir. ; cit.ato equo h1
ntber auimal11); feraeadulantes, Ov. B. Transf. part.em, Liv.; Corcyrnm insulam aiivehitur,
1, to gru:t toUh 11eT11ile proalnitio1u; more &dulan~ reuche.~, Tac.; with dat. of J>en10n, ql\11111 ti hi
t1um procu~bere. Liv. ; 2, t.o flatter, to crino8 tot.a cognatio 11erraco advehatur, Cie. ; with aer_
~; a, WJtb acc., omnes, Cle. ; plebetn, Liv. ; or perz;on, Darda.nos, Verg. ; BO ut quosque ad·
f~rtun:un alteriWI, Cic.; b, with dat., plcbl, vectua crat, Tac.
Liv. ; c, absol., apertc adulan11, Cle. a.dvilo. 1. to draw ci veil e>wr; poet.. to
Adulter -~ri. m., Mtultb'a ·M', r. ll'n adrtl· crown; tempora lnnro, Verg.
terTr, ad1tl1Lr~. L 811biit., sorori11, Cic.; in a4vena -ae, c.(advenio), l,of mf'n,11 stronger,
nepti Augu11ti, Tac. ; Dardanins, Pari.,, foreigner (oJ•JI· indlgenn), C1c. ; . indigen~"ath·en·
\'erg. ; lA<'l\ena 111lultera, Jlekn, Hor. ; poot., aeq11:e, Tac. ; _<lei ad venae, forngri g(l(l<, Crc. : 2t
a ff!llanl, Hor. IL Adj., ad11ltermu; vlrgo, Ov. ; of birds, 11 bird of pauage; grus, Hor. ; 3, or
criues, tJu lock• of a~ adulUrer, Hor.; mens, Ov.; things, Tibrls, Ov. ; amor, love fw a fonig1ur,
clavis, Ov. Ov.
Mal~rinus ·a -um (adulter), I, adulteroiu, advenlo ;ve11l -ventunr, 4. t.o come to. A.
PUu.; 2, not gen11ilie, forfJttl; nummus, Cl<'. ; Lit., I, of mf'n, nd\·enis 1110tlof Cle.; ex Hyper·
a1gnuru, a forged a-nJ., Cic. ; clavis, a.double ke11, 1.ioraeill Delpho:1, Cic.; In provincinm belli gerenrli
&.II. rnusa, Cic.; with nee. only, Tyriam urbem,
Verg. ; with <lat., T:lc.: 2, of thing~, e11p. of
'4ulterium -fl, n. mlultn-y: in &1lulterio ::;hi1•s, a quibllll atlvemat 11aYis Milctitin 11ospe.11
devrehendl, Cic. ; Hutlliae, ad•,ltery with., Tac. 11.rl urhem, Ov. B. Transf., I, of time, tn come;
'4ultiro, 1. I. Intram1., I<> commit adultery, lnten.-a dies advenit, Cic.; 2, or events, to
Cle. IL Tran11., A. or 1mh1111l11, 11clulteretur et ha~11, to come ~r. tobrtukmd; urbl perlcnlum
co111111ba miluo. Id U&ll kU. 1Mi tlw Uow, Hor.; &dvenit, &11.; murbi advenient""'· etc.: 8. of
adv Aea
ar.qnl1!tlnm1, lo cmn. lo; ree na sponte mo:s:
..1 enm a1h·l'nit, Liv.
adverto (adTOrto) ·•ertl (·YOrtf) -•ernm
(·Vor,;11111), S. to llLTll tOU..'O.rda. A. &gmen Drbl
iulventicius ·• -nm (a•lvenlo), t;0mi11g .fr<>M \'el):. ; esp. used or ships, to llctr; cl:w>f'm 1~
wil/11111t. A. <lc11., cnitwnnl; ext.emus et ntlv1·11tl· portum, Liv. ; pan., n11tae advertuntur arenae
cim1 t..•tl()r, <.:ic. B. l•:Mp., 1 1 co1Aing from a for,ign tM11 •lttT to1 Verg. ; Scytliicas ailvertitur ora.;
co1111t1·y.Jorti(fl1; nmdlia, C1c.; doctrina tran11ma- 0:'· B. Or the senses and thouizhta, etc., t.o
rinll at11ue a1l\'entici:i, Cic.; 2, C081Ull, utraonf&n.- direct; 1, or the 1ense1, cspceinlly the eyee
ary, ac:cidt'lltal; pecunia, tllOMJI not inlllrUtd, Cle. lumlna In quamcunque aedi!t putem, Ov.; ot
tbe gods, malla advertlte numen, dirtet l/OUr
ad.vento, 1. (in tens. or 11.dvenlo), t.o appro.::ieA, pouien to, Verg.; &urea ad vocem, OT.: 2 nr the
arri1oe at, i.:en. with notion or haste; ad lt.allam, mind, anlmnm, and (sometime•) me11te111 'a•h···r.
Cif'.; wilh <lnt. or pel"!loll, Purthi11, Tnc.; In tero ; n., to dirtd 011t'1 allt'lltion to; animn~ ;o•I re.
B11l1sl1li11111, Tac.; of thiugs 1md nbiilractlona, ligionem, Luer.; with dat., anlmos monit1~. 'iv.,
qurnl fere Jam tempu1, Cle. followed by ne anrl the 1ubj., nnimurn anit11 .. d-
advcntor -l>rl11., m. (advenlo), OM vAo.,... vertant, ne qnoa otrendant, tab can 11.ot to etc
rfrr,., 11 vi.,1t<w, Plaut. C:ic.; absol., Cic.; b, to ptrtcit•t; aliquem i;, co~:
advcntus -t1A m. (advenlo). I. an arrittal; twne stantcm, Cle. ; followed by acc. and il1f111.
nncturr111M u<l urlx;m, Cle. ; In plur., lnvltn- Cic.; or relat.ive claus.. , Cic.; with auimoor a11i'.
ti11111·11 ndvtmtu11q11e nostrorum homh1um, Cic. ; mis, anlmiaadvertite vf'stris, Verg.; c, to l""'i.,h.
or thl11gii, vcrh1, llur.; In anl11111B et lntruitus ID allquem, Tac. ; d, to draw tht attt11lion of,;., .. ,.,
h11n~in11m, <-'le. IL Tranar., malorum, Cle. one elae; gemltu.s et pla11ctu1 etlam m1litum
anrea oraque advertere, rouw tlw atUntiml of,
advcrsiirfus ·• -nm (adven1us), turntd to- Tac.
wrmla. I. l:i11lt.•t., advorsarla -0rnm, n. (that advesperasclt ·lvit, s. (impera. an<l In·
tohi.:h ii al1mys 07.en, or L11ing in fron,t of ont), cept.), ~i11g approachu, Cic.
a duy-IJOllk, jounial, memon:mdum; advt'rsaria
n('glige11t1•r 1wrilx're, Cle. IL Adj., oppo~d. ccm· advigllo, 1. to watth bJI, to guard. L Lit.
tmry; wit.11 •lat., Cle.; ractio, Nep. Subst., ad- parvo Ut'(Xlti, Tib.; ad custod1am ii;11l11., C1c. IL
~crslirius -Ii, m. adwraa"!I. rim.I.: antagoni.111,
Fig., to bt uigil.ant, Pia u t.
C1c.; 1•l11r., memtu, Cle.; ad.versaria -0rum, adVOci.tiO ~nht, f. oaUin(I Co OM'I u11/
n. tht 11.sstrtionl of an opponent; ad vel'll&ria ever· I, mmmo11ing ptrlQfl.I to advist ,· maxi111nr11111 rc-
t.ere, Cic. rum, cm the moat importa 11t poi nu, Cic. ; frt·111Mn l·
advcrsor, 1, f!ep. (adversus), t.o opp<>M, n- h1Himae advocationes, Cic. IL Bi;p., 1, l'!Jal
si&t; nlosul., of peniona, non adversante colle~, advict; advucatiunem postulnre, petere, darn,
Cir..; of things, a<lvc!"l>ant.e forluna, Cle. ; with conae11nl, Cle.; 2, coner., tM bur, Cic.
<lat., &lieut iufcstiuR, Cle. ; lebri, Cic., Llv. ; cum advocii.tus ·I, m. one who ia called Ml t.o Julp
duae causae perspiculs et evidentibua rebua ad- (11 a Ltgul procua, tohether aa advocatt or u toil·
verscntur, Cic. nu.t, Cic.
1. adversus -a -um, p. adj. (ad verto), turntd advoco, 1. lo 111"""°"· to call. L Gen.,
knoo.rda. A. Lit., fronting, oppusi.U: dentes, the cont1onem popull, Cle. ; aliqucm in con!lilium,
fro1a.t ttdh, Cle.; ndvcrsa vulnera, iooun.da in the Cle. ; advocare ad obslgna11d111n, Cle. ; "it lo tlnt.,
fro11.t, Cle.; solem aclvel"l!um inlueri, to look ad\'oe&ri aegro, Ov.; gnudiis, Jlor.; non dea1tlcrat
1trai9hl at tM 111•, Cle. ; adven1011 eoncitare CorULurlo iraeundiam 11<lvocatnm, cal/n.l to its aid,
equoi;, to rid. townrda, Liv. ; adversia hostilous Cle. IL Esp., A. Legal t. t., of a j11d 0 e, tu cuk
0cc11rrcre, tomtd Uu tntmN, Caes.; ad verso colic, Uw opinioll of a jurist, Cle. ; or Liu~ I •11'tici; to
cm the front of the 11UL, Caes. ; adverso ftumine, an action, t.o <»fUUlt an advoca~; al•'1llE'111 con-
C1! U1e & Caes.; venti adversi, contrary tra a!iquem, Cle.; with Jat., ali•111~111 sibi;
1U1111u, Liv.; with prep., ln adversnmLagainst, Plaul; ausol., a<lcrat freque111, ad\'ocaliat, Cic.
B. or the go<ls, to aalr fO'r help; dewn Billi, Cat.;
Verg., Liv.; ell: adverso, over agaimt, Iv. B.
Transr., 1, or persons, Clp1JOMd, advenua ali-
cui, Cle., adverso Murte, Verg. ; a<lvel'1IO 11&-
deo11, Llv.
advolatua. abl. -ti., m. a flying to, Cle. poet.
nntu, agaiJUI the 1DiU o/ the lt11.alt, Liv. ; 2, of advolo, 1. to fly to. L Lit., of hirds and
things, a, 117\(aoourabZ., t4npropit!ow; adversia lnsecu, ad eas aves quae, etc., Cic. II. Tra11sf.,
auribll!'1 Liv.; Vlll~tudo, az htaltl1, Liv. ; bellum, to lu:utni. towarda, to fly to; 1, or per~u11s, ab!!ol.,
crvtl, Hor. ; proehum, Uft.nUlC(a.efu.l, Caes. ; res advolone an maneo, Cle. ; ad urbcm, Ci<'.; rt>titra,
advenme, Cle., fortuna adversa, Verg:.o. mi4/0'I'· Cie.; 2, oflhings, fa ma mali tan ti nd\'ulat Acoeae.
tuM: with dat., res pie bl ad versa, Liv. ; b, fliu to tla. w.n of, Verg.
11atul1 quis omnla regna adverea 1unt, Sall.
Bubst. adversum -1, n. ~uM; al quid advolvo -volv1 -vl'>IOtum, S- t.o roU to: ro-
advf'nt acciderit, Cle. bora focls, to UM! hearth, Verg.; ornos montibna,
/Tf1m the mounlai11.1, Ver~. ; hence ad vol vi, or ae
2. adversus, adveraum. (adverto), op- advolvere, to thr010 O'lle.~lf at tht feel o/; ~nlbu1
JU>3td to. I. Adv., againat; Demo adversua allcuis, Liv. ; genua alicuius, Sall.
1loat, Liv.; ad versus arma rerre, Nep. IL Prep.
with acc. A. or direction, 1, u regards place, advoraum, advoraua, advorto = ~veraa.m,
advenru.~, adverto (q. v.).
IO'IDarda; adversUB clivum, Caes.; 2 of action,
etc., agnirut; adven1W! qnem ibatur, Liv.; adver- ldjtum, -1, D. (.Uvro .. = not to be entered).
au!t rempublicam racere, Caes. ; reapondere ad. L Lit.,Jcn. In plur., the in71101l a11..d J1oli,.-r
versus ea, to annoer to, Llv.; advenua legem, Cle.; portion a ·rem.plt; Uw shrint Verg., Hor.
advel'l!UR quud ••• convenisset, againat thtagru. adytls ab lmls,/Tflm the bottom "J a grat-t, Va;..
m.tnl, Liv.; athersus blanditlu incorruptus, Tac.; IL Traner., ell: adyto tamqua.m oordi.a, from :ii<
mnnitu11 advcn1um aliquem or allquid, &IL :S. bottom of the 1w.arl, Luer.
Of po11itlon, 1, u regards place, ot.ter agaift.d; AoAcus ·l, m. (A:aaiK), a mythical king of
i.Jversus aedes pubUcas, Llv.; 2, of comparison, .4tgin.a, fathtr of Peltua and Ttlmrwn,
~uid 11ute111 esse duo prospera in tot saeclis bella of Aja.z: and .4chillu; ofttr his ciroth judge in t.U
&mnitium a<lversua tot decora populi Romani, i'\ftrnal rtgimu; hence Aoacidcs -ae, m. a du-
compared 10~h. Liv. ; 3, of behaviour, i1' the ctnda'llt of .4mcu.t, om of Iii~ SOfl8; u l'tltUJI or
~of; quonam mo<lo me S"rerem adversu1 Ph«:us, Ov.; hi.sgrondson, Achillr.1, Verg.; llugrwl·
Caesarem, Cic. ; so or respecll to, CDllJGn.U; ren- gmn<Ucn, Py1Thua (Ntoptolem.11.1), Verg.; OM of Ml
rentia auveraua homlnea, Clo. naou ~. PJ1TTlt."' (kitag of z,n,.,.,>. Eon.;
Aea 17 aeg
PtrJna.. J:i1'g ~ Mne»!dcnia, Vt>rg. B. Adel· kingofC-Oldtu,fatluraf Mttka.; hene.e_. A. Ae6-
4~11s-a -n10: regna (.Vgina), Ov. C. Ael\cl· tias -Actis, r. Medt:a, ov. B. AeeUAi -6.-i, r. -a - um. •\fr.Ira, Ov. C. Aeetaeua -a -um, belongi1t4
Aeaei ·es, r. (A!a.£'1 vijcrod. t1U! ul1utd of the to Cu/chi~; fines, Colchi•, Cat.
IM'CtrtSS Cira, or of Cilypso ; ·hence Aeaeua -a Aefula -ae, r.,and Aetillum -l n. tow1&
.om; a., ,..rn:uue of Circe, Verg. ; Acacae artes, fo I.ati11rr1., north of Pratlu.ste; hence Aefiila-
Ae-ae.t cam1ina, sorarirs, Uv.; Acaeus Telei:;onus, nua -a -um, belonging w A l/
!'>ll of Circ~, Prop. ; b, sumame or C<ilypeo; Aegae (Aegaeae, Aegiae. Aegiae)
puell~. Prop. -lirum, f. (Aiydi, Aiy_udi), 1, tll1DI& in Jlactd.onia;
Ae;iis -anti!!. m. (At<tt), a ritttr {" Grttct, 21 town t1& .Awl is; 3, tow11. in. Cilicia, now CU4tll
/m&ing by .ApollOTlia. OJ .Ajas Kala.
Aebura -ae, r. a totoll (1& Hispania Tarra- Ae~aeon -6ais, m. (Aiyaiw ...), anotMr naJM
trn'.t.ui.s, no•Y Cwrm, Liv. fCJr Bn1trt1U, Verg.; rt ll'l·<Jo.I, Ov.
AeeulADum -l, n. to-1M of tlu Hirpini i1& Aegaeu• -a -um (.\:ya•o•),; 111are,
&111rni1nn, Cic. the .At<Ja',a" &a, tu Archiptlogo, Cic. S11l1o;t. 0
aedes (a.edis) -la, r.; originally, a buildi11g. Aegaeum ·i1 11. the .Aega.tan Sea, Hor.
L !:)ing., A. a 1'00m, Plant. B. 11 temple; i;t:n., Aegi.teta .furn, f., and Aegi.tae ·lrum, t.
w~re cont.ext is not dear, with the i.ame of (with ur without insulae), a group of lhru is/onrfs
Y>me goJ, or wiU1 sacra; ae<les sacra, Cic.; aedes on th• u-m corut of Sicily, near which the cieci!live
&tinenae,Cic.; i111·lur.,complutt'saedessacrae, battle or the lirst l'unic war was fought (241B.c.).
Cic. ; aedes a l11m', I'll.· ttm,.le of the J>alat!ne Ap<>ll•>, aeger -gra -grum, riek, m. A. or phy11lcal
Hor. IL Plur., A. Lit., R lwuae, Cle. ; aedcs illness; 1, otpersons; a, of persou:i thernselv~a,
liberae, empty, Liv. B. Meton., l, the family, humlnes aegrl gravi morl10, Cic. ; ex \'Ulnere,
Plaut.; 2, Transf., a, tu ccl/1 of b;.u, Verg.; b, Cic.; vedibu!I, &II.; o..:ulis, Lh-.; manum, Tac.
""'eAa'1tMn of the rar1, tM ean, Plaut., aeger ·grl, m. an i111·alitl~ Cic. ; b, of
& ·&e, r. (dim. of Redl's), a ITlll!fl build· Lodi es or part.II or the bo<ly, corpus1 Cic. ; dens,
bf; 1, R $'1114/l 1~1.te; \'i<:tmiae, Liv.; ahm a )fart. ; so or states rei,;ardcJ as 00<.lies ; 1iara
llidu>, or sh.rim1 ror the Image or a god, Cic.; reipuLllcae, Cic.; civitas, Liv.; o, oC bodily
t, in plur., a littu h.oVM, Cic. couditions, vali-turlo, Cle. ; anhclitus, Verg. ; 2,
&ediflcatlo -(mis, t. (aedlftco) building; 1, of Jilnnts, s"g''"• Verg. ; 3, or thlnb"s, quid in
Abistr., the act of building; con111Jlum aedirlc11- toto terrarum mbe Yalidum, quid aec;rum,
801ind, Tae. B. or ailment. or the mind, ili
tionis, Cic.; aellificatiuuem deponere or abjicere,
togfo~ up building, Cic.; 2, Coucr., tM building from any cause, lorl', hope, fl'ar, 11orrow, etc.; I.
Ust(f; 1.loJmu" tua et aeuitkatio 0111uie, Cle. of persons, mnrtale~ aegri, Verg. ; aegra amans,
aedlflcatlunciUa -ae, r. (dim. ot aedltl· Verg.; ~gra 1111111icipi11, 11'1.Utinoiu, Tac.; 11.nimo
catio), a sn&all buildin-J, Cic. mngia q111un coq"•re a .. g .. r, Liv.; amore, LIY.;
anlml, in ml11d, Liv.; cousilii, Sall.; 2, or con·
aediffoator -6rii, m. (aediflco), 1, a builckr, ditio1111, or rcl.1tions, or al.1otractions, painful;
en.A.lkct; t1g., mundi, Cic. ; 2, OllA 10/ao Jw,, a amor, rnors, Vcrg.; aegria ocu!is, with tniiiou
ptWion. f<tr bwildh1g, Juv. eyu, Tac.
aecllficlum -1, n. (neditlco). a building; Aegeus -t'!i, tll. (Aiy~v~). J;:jngo/ .Atheu, fatMr
aed11it:ia publica J•ri\':i.ta, :1:1cr:t 1•rofa11;1, Cic.;
of 'J"/1r$<11>; lwuce Aegidea ·ae, m. ThtMVA,
ONIQl'lt"<l to iuhabitt:d houses, ae1le11 ae<lifkiA11ue, or ll.llJI on.t of the ck3ct11dantl of .tegt'lll.
LiY.; opposed to a nu1111.Jt!r of houl!ciJ t••i;t:th .. r,
'ticia aeJiftclisqne lncen.sls, Cllell.; opl'osed to Aegtmiirua -1, t., and Aeglmorh ·I, f.
the site, cujus (domus) amoeuita11 no11 aediticio (Aiyi,..ovpOf an<l Ai..,O,..opoi), an island ntar ea~
led "ilva. constabat, Nep.; op1>0~l'd to a pitlace, tlta']I!, now .dl Djumur or Zinlbra.
plebi3 aeditlciia obseratia, patentibua atril:i prin· Aegina -ae, '· (A'lyLn), an ula11d tuar .Alhtrt•;
ci1·ium, Liv. hent·e Aeginenals -e, btlcn']inll. to .Acgi11a;
aedlfleo.1. (u•les and li1cio). L Lit., tol1uilrl, Aegine!Ule9 -lum, m. Aeginetae ·A.rum,
erut, ~;,JJ,lisA; ,·illam, ,... rr icum, d<>111um, urllt'm, m. notive.s of .Atgin4.
uvcm, h'>rtns, Cic. IL Jo'i;(., &l'ditlcare mund· Aeginlum -U, n. (Aiyl1110.,), tOlb1' i1& lfa~
um, lo crtau, <.:ic.; re111publiram, to frnme, Cic. cu>n.14, 01' tM bor<in-1 of Epinu, now Erl..inia;
aediliclus -a -uni (11edili11), relallng to tlui hence Aeginlenses -lum, m. the ir.llabit.un.ta
e.r.Iilta; 111u11ua, Cic. ; vecligal, taz paid by the qf .Atginiua.
prorincu fO'r t1..1 shows oft,.~<, Cic. S11bat., Aeglon (Aeglum) .If, n. (Aiyto•}, ont of tA.
aedillclus -i, w. ou V'/10 has bttn 1Jt.dilt, Cic. twtli·t Achaai11. tvwna 01& tu Cori11thia1t Gv.lf, now
aectilla ·is, m. (aed<'s), nn ordile, a.public of]ker Voatiza.
at Jl, •.,,.,,, u:lw hwi tht SllJ>eri 11ttrule•1cttfthe/Juiltli1tg• aegis ·Mis, I. (ai..,0(). A. the atgil, or $hftld; 1,
of tlt cilJ, llte roollis, rrturlds, lhtalru, Jru1111llic of Jupiur, Verg.; 2, of Millerva with th~ MtduSt1'1
1cf<nTN.1n.a3, u"d poli«t; uuutr tl1e He1•uulio htad, Ov. B. Transt., a J•Tvtection, bulwark, Ov.
there w .. 1e four, t.,. o uetlileis curule11 (originally Aegisos -1, I. (AiyiO"O'Of), an. old to'IDn f'!l
J<1trida11!I, but 11ftn.,.-:1rt.111 J•atriciana and pie· Jlouia, Of& tu bankl of tM Da1'v.IM, n.oio ltJaCZt.
bda11 ... ) 1 aud ti.o at:dil~ pleLia, or plebe!, or Aegtsthus -1, m. (A'ly10"80(), ""' of Thy(st-,
J'kl.o1:ii. murdt:rer of Aganitrn11on, uflrrrr:'Hrds h11$/>.tnd qf
aedilltas -ltla, f. (aeuilis), the 1Jt.dUuhip; Clytrmrurlra, him.""IJ murdtrtd bJI Oruk.1, Cle.
aetl11Jt.11U: ru11gi, Cic.
Aeglum = Aegion (q.v.).
aedftfmus (ae•liturnua) ·l, m. 11.n old form Aegli,, -&, f. (A<y.\')). nal7W of OM of the
or a.etJituus (q. v.). Naia!U.
aedfttlens ... ntil1, m. aedituus (q.v.). Aego04lr0. -Otis, m. (o.&yoc•..,...l), a 1ifl1' o/IM .f, m. (iledes), thf 1.;uper or guar· .IOd~c, Capncorn, Luer.
dian of 11 ltm1•lr, Cic.
aegri,adY. with c11111p.u. and 11u1ierl. (aegt!r).
Aediil (HaediU) -ilrum a Gallic pwpZ. ™- L 1-ainf111ly; aegre l'St 1111hi or tllt'O anlmo, I a•
tlrun the Arar (Saoue) arid the Liger (Loire), gri.ewd, Plaut.; aegni ferre, to bt dislrtued. IL
•holil' cliiel town was Blbracte. 1 1 witll di.lflc111t11; acgre Jivelli, aegriu11 dept' Ill,
Aeita ·ac, 111., and Aeitis -ae, m. (Ai.)T11f). C,;1c.; :a,
h.ardlJI, 1caralt (Ly it..oelr anJ with vix);
aeg 18 aeq
141 tenere, Cic. , 3, •wUliHgly: rerre allqui<l, ' imperii Romani, &11. ; aemula st"nl'Ctus, jMlotu,
Cic.; l\egre ferre, foll. by acc. and iuHn., to t<tlu Verg. Subst., aemiiltu1 -i, 111. and aemiila
il ill that, etc., Cic. -ac, r. a rival in lot~, Cic. and Ov.
aegrio, :!. (aeger), to bt sicl;, Luer. Aemua:.: Haemus (q.,·.).
ae~eco, 3. (aegret>), to fell ill. I. Lit., Aenaria -ae, r. a vol1xmlc isl.and on the~
Luer. II. Transf., A. tn become worse, 'llW~ 11io- ooostof Italy, opJ>osite Ca11tpania (now lsckicr).
ltitt; viole.util\ Tur:nt ~rescit medendo? Verg. Aenia -ae, f. (Aivtc'.a.), a town iii Chalciditt:
B. "? bt tl11t!'1:bed ."' m.ui.d, lo trouble one• &ti/: hence, Aenii.tea -um, m. (AivtciT1u), i11habit·
loug1ore 1JOl~c1tudme, Tac. . allfs of Awea.
~~oDla -ae, r. (aeger), griAif, trouble of Aeneas -ae, m. (Aivtia.~), '°" of Ven111 a11d
m11ul, Cic._ A, l~ro of Ve1roil"s Aeneid, 11i~1th. u.11cul<>r
aegritudo -Ini~J· (aeg~r), sic~. L or oftl1t R0111((n': Aeneae mater, Vt11us, OY. ; Aent>ae
'body, Plaut., Tac. .u.. Of 111111d, grief: se totunt 11r\Js Rnme o,·. ·
hence A. AeneUea -ae, m.
aegritudiul dedere, Cic.; aegritu<line emori, Cic.; desce;i.da11t ef Aeii.tas ·a.
hu ao11 A1Ca1ti11s, Verg. ;
in a.egritu.dinem lncidei:e, Cic. :. a~gritudinem b, Augustus, O\·.; pl~tr.: Aeneadae -arwn, Ill._; a,
l~vnre, lenll'-e, sedare, adtmere altcU1, depellere, the comp<mio111 of At11eas, Verg.; or the TroJ(llll,
e,~cere, Cic. ; plur., aegritudines leniores facere, Verg. ; b the RtmW.11.1, Verg., o,-.
_B. Aenila
C1c. -!dos, f. f trgil'' At11lid. C. Aeneltu1 -a -um,
aegror -oris, m. (aeger), aid·M8$, Luer. rtlating to .Aeneas. D. Aenidis =
&e«J:~tAtlo -on ls, f. (a~groto), sicknus. L OC unei.tor ·oris, m. (aeneus), a tntmpeter, Sut>t.
body, C1~. ll Of the uuud, C~c. . . uneua and Ahiniua -a -um (aenum, ahen-
&elP"Oto. 1. (aeg1-ot1:1s), to bt SLcl· or 1/l. L Lit., um). L Lit., 1, m.tidt of bmss, wpper, or bronze,
A. _Of the ~ly, (Zra'·.1ter, vehe111enter tliuquc, Cle.; 2, ofa bron.ze colour, Suet. IL Transr., 1,
!enter, per1culose, C1c. ; o_f <'.attle, Hor. ; of hard a1 t1ietal: murus, Hor. ; 2, aenea proles,
11lants, Plln. B. or the nund, ea res ex qua the brazen age Ov
animus aeir:tat, Cic. ~ OC a b.itractions, aegro· Aenl&n~ -n~, m. (A iv,O.v~), a Grul: race i1a
tat fama_vac1llaus, Luer. . the south of 1"hesaaly.
aegrottu1-a -um (neger), 1ick, ill: I, m body, ... __ "t" ( • ) riddl L
Cic. ; 2, in miud, Ter. ; of abstract things, re11· '!-e-e.~ ... ts, n. a., ..,yµa • a t. •
publica Cic. Qum~. IL ~ransf., what i8 obacure, mr<1terg.
' • somn1orum, Cic.
Aegyptua .\ (Atyv1rTO(). A. Mythol., m. so11 :..:=.-"' (xh" 1 ) "-'I ("" " d )
of Bclrls~ lJrother of Da11a1U. B. Geogr., f. Eqypt. .-upea ... .,n pes ·POM B ...,n.,us an ·pell•
Adj.,l,Ae~ua-a-um; 2,Aegyptltu1 brazenjooud, Ov.
-a .um, 1';,,.jptw:n, Cic. Subet., Aegyptltu1 1. MDU8(AMnus)·a-um(aes), Ia. madto/~m.u,
-i, 10. an £9yptian, Cic. ccpper, or bronze, Verg. Subst., Ainum -1, n. a
aellnoa .1, m. (.U.\u•of), a dirge, Ov. ~~ vuul, Verg.; 2, firm, inuorablt; manna,
A~':"nra.nua -a •Uf!•·. rdatinq to the _gen.J 2. ·Aentul ·I. I. Aentlll (Aenlls) ·I, r. (Ai~)•
.Atm1lui, a Niirna~. of .Scipio .African tu TIUltor, a tow11 ill Thrace, at the mouth of Ute Htbr1111, now
the son of L. Aennhus Paulus, ado1ited by Urn 1':11os; hence Aenll -orum, m. iu fohabitant.,.
elder Scipio .Africanus. IL Aenua ·i, m. a river bttwte1& Vi11deUcia
Aemlli'.ua -a -um, gens, ruzT1U1 of 011( of the a11d i\'01·icrrnt (now the Inn). ·
o/tlc.;t nm! 111ost di..•ti11g11 ishtd patricinn familirs of Aeoles -um m. tltt .Atolia111, one of the c11 iej
Rome; Aemilia via, and simpl~ Acmili~, a rood ract:i of tltr. Gr~ks, the most Important settle·
111111le by tlte co11s11l .\I. Aem. Lepidus, leadmg from men ts of whom were in Boeotia and Leshoi; ~
Ariminun~ ~ Placentin; _Pons, a ~~!lt the hence, a AeoU:ous -a -um, and b, Aeollua
pon., s11l;lic111a, Juv.; rahs, the sh111 rn wh1clt the -a -um, Atr,lic, with e11pecial reference to Sa1•pho,
~,,,,a, of Perstru 1t·ere bro11ght hn111l by .Aw1. the Lesbian poetess.
Pcwl11s, Pr~p. ; ~~dm1, ~ glculiatm-ial 1ehool AeOJla -ae, r. (Aio.\.:a.), I, the north JK'rl of the
/01rndt1L liy 1. At1111ltua upid11a, Hor. coa&t of .Asia Minor, ~!e to Greece, Cle.; 2,
Aemonla, etc., v. Haemonia. plur., Aeollae ins a group of voloonic
aemul&tlo -on is, r. (11em11lor), a striving Wa11d8 ontht north CO<tst of Sicily(tltt Lipari i&lu);
ofter or 11p to, enmlation.. L In a good senSt>, mgtli. uat of .Aeol111 and Vulcan.
la1111is, Nep. ; gloriae, J,iv. :IL In a bad sense, AeCSU.. -Idis, t. (Aio.\i1), a part of M11sia, i~
jtr•lo111111, e11vy, ill·n.atural rivalry, Cic. ; plur., .Asia Milior, 11.orth of tM, llennus, Liv.
rimlrit'.s, ~c. . . Aeolus (Ae0los)-i, m. (Aio>.of). L son of Jld-
~Ulator -ons, .m.. (aenn~~or), a nval; un, myth. fu1rndtr of the Aeolia1' race. IL aon.
Catomff ae~nulator, un u11ilcttor, CIC. . orgrmidson~f JlipEQl{is, n1l~r of tit~ Atoliart ~lands
aemilli.ttu1 ·ils, m. (aemulor) = aemulat10 crntl of the w11ufs. Ill. a Trojan,\ erg.; lieuce, A.
(q.v.). AeOlldes -ae, m. a dtsanclant of Aeolu1: I, ki8
• aemUlor, 1. dep. (aemulus), tn rivol, tmrt· &011s, 8i.-ypl111s, Ov. ;, Atlwmas, 01·. ; &1/111o'!l111,
littt, strire to atlai1t to. I. Inn ~:>od sense, ali- Ov.; hts qrw1d1m1s, C<plta/u3, Ov.; Ulys.•rs, \erg.
quem, Ncp.; cjus instit11tu, Cic.; Alltanum B. ~lia -!dos,~· fwwle dts.:entlant of Aeolus;
\'inum, to co11tt 11wrto. Plin. IL lu a bad sense, 1, /us daughtns, Cunace, 0\".; Alcyone, Ov. C.
to rnl'y: with dat., alicui, Cic.; cum aliquo, ~eCSllu -a -um, belo11gi11!J to .Aeolus: 1, btlong-
Li\•. ; inter sc, Tac. mo to A~ol11s (L); (of Athamas),. Ov.;
aemiUua -a . 11111 , emt1lou~. vyi 11 !] t•.'ith, rit"al· pecu,, the g?ldo1 ft.eta!,_ Mart.; 2, belo11gt11g to
/irio. L 11111 good ,;euse. A. Lit., ~en. with ~eni- Aeolus (ll.); virgo, dm1glittr Arne, Ov. ;
tin•, mearum lau<liunr, Ck.; with d1tt., 11.!ctator tyraunus, Aeol1'.s, Ov.,. antra, the cavu whens
Caesnr summb:1orntoribusaeumluii, T11c. Subst., llte 11.>ind::_ 11-,rt 1.:ept, Ov. • pr~cell~e'. Verg.
aemulua -i, 111.; alicnius, Cic.; e"I'·, •t zrn/r111afol- aequabDJ'.s -e (aequo), ltkt, nm1l~r, ttT"'l'; l~
loioer of a philosophical syst~m; cujuz1 (Zenuni") praetlae 1·a~titio, Cic. ; 2, that u•J, 111 tlJll.<U
inv~ntorum aem11li Stoici 110111inantur Cic. B. to itstlf, 1m1fnrnt, rqrtable; amnls, C1c.; 3, .~nr,
Transf. comina near to 1 appNXVhinq to' (in exct>l· j11.<t: nihil ea juri!>dicti<1n.t' aequabilius, Cic.; ol
lenoe ~te.); tibia tuha e aemula., Hor, II. In a per:m1111, cuncti11 vitae oftlciia aequabUia, Tac.:
bad. -~ense, :calo11.1. riwUiM; Cartba~o aemula iu 11uo1, <\fnhle, Tac..
aeq 19 aeq
aeqnabOl'.tas -Atis, r. (aequabllli1), t11tf/o,.,._ LIY.; 2, to eq11al, allquem 1.LIY.: neo calainl1
Uy, tqv.1t~il1ty; m· •t11s, Cic. ; hence, al Juris, 1- solnm aed \•oce magl11trnm, VerJt.
fl1Zrlialil1, Cic.: b, tqualitJI of polit cul right$, aequltaa ·Ills, f. (aeqnns), 1 un(formlty,
Cie.; c, t111UJnintity, Cic. $Nmm.dry; memLrornm, Huet. ; ~. eq1111nimit11
aequabillter. adv. with eompar. (11equa- (with or without anlml), Cle. ; 3,.t impartiality,
l~lis).-411ably, U1Liforn1ly,fnlrly; ptaedam dl:sj•,.r- equity, /airJUU, Justi~; rauSM, t;ic.; condit10-
tir~, Cic.; aequal.iili11:s provincl&e regentnr, '·ac. 11um, Caea.; aervare aequitatem, Cle.
aequaevus -a -um (aequus and aevum), of aequo, 1. (aequus). L lo make ltvtl; locum,
flJlltll Cl!Jt, \'t"rg. Caes. ;aeqnat.aagri vtanities,Cic ;aequare trontem 1
aeqwills -e (:u~quo), equal. L ltV'l; loc11 1 Sall. miii t. t. t., to f1rm. a lint, LI v. II. to make t']1lCU
ll. t•/Ulll i1t lui']hl, ~iu, etc. ; 1, corrupo111ll1111 ro; with ~hinge~. A. 1, to di1trib11u eq1mllr:
,.. th d:1L, par:s p.:<li.; aeq11~lh1 11lterl parti, Cic. ; 11ortes, to ahal'.ll up the lotl, Cic.; pecnnlas, Cle.;
with inkr, virtute:s sunt inter se aequales et 11.equato omni nm peril'nlo, Cle.; 2, lo maJ..·1thing•
p&F"Ys, Ci .._ ; 2, of t11t santt ngt with; \Vilh 1lat., ofdiffat11tkind eq11ctl; a, or height, solo, to level
rxercitus aeqn~lis sti)'e1Hl1is 111ti!I, tlwt liud &erw;l with IM ground, su~t.; fig., solo aeq111uHlae 1rnnll
asmanyccun.paigMcu ht h!nl.!l'-lf. Liv.; with ~en it., <l ict1turae consulatu11que, must bt 11boli•hnl, Liv. ;
ralo quidam aeq. lliero11ymi 1 Liv.; of thingii, machlna ac1111ata (•aelo, aa high. cu the htal'tnt,
1equ.11i eorpore nymphae, o/ the same agt a11d Verg.; fig., aliquem t'aelo laudibu11, to t:z:lol lo tht
fftliclh. Verg.; with genit., sacriHciam aequale htaven.s, Verg.: b of number, qui (libri) se jam
huju:s urbis, contnnpororg witli, Cle.; with dat., illis aequarunt, 610.; per &om1111m vlnulll<JU8
cttl (Ennio) 111 aequ.ali:i ruerit Liv ins, Liv.; with dies noctil111s, to turn. day into night by sluping
and drinking, Liv. ; noct ludum, to spend the
genit., Philistns aeq11nlis tempornm illorum,
Cir.; rnenioriaaequa illim1 at•tatis, Cic. Subst., trhola night in play, Verg. ; c, of rii;h!s, to 1nak1
aequa.lls -i!', c. a comrwk, 1-.eraon of thll 8111114 e1111al; lnventum ext ~mperame11tu111 quo tenul-
lll)t; P. Urbir.s mens rere aequalid, Cic. ; S, lnr.i· orea cum 11rinci1•ihull nequaM 1111 putllrent, Cle.;
/rmt4; imber lentior aequaliorque ac .. i<lens auri· d, to compare; liannil>Rli l'liilippum Liv. B.
bes, Liv.; nihil ae<piale homini ruit illl, lior. tot']Ual, to comt up to; Appii o..lium, dv.; AAgitta
aeq11a11s veutos, \'erg.; ttllqnem J>assibus, Verg.;
aequiUtaa .Jltis, r. (nequalia). 1, tfflll'lllJ, olifjuem eq11estri i;loriK, Liv.
mroth11t5-~, 1'1111.; 2, equality; eiruilituclo aequa-
lit&.'l<lue veroon1m (of a pun), Cic. ; patcrna, aequor -6ris, n. (aequn!i), ajfat iurfeu. L
«1'111.pldc harmony iii tJwught, etc., Cic.; equality Gen., Rpccnl••rum, Lncr. II. Esp., l, thtjlatmr-
of a~, Cle.; 3, equalil11ofpolitical11rivillgu, Tue. f11ce flfa ]>lain (with ram pi). campornm paten ti um
a.e11unr, Cic.; }•<>et. (without carnpl), i111111e11sum
aequallter. adv. (aequalis), l, ei>tnly; col!la aeq11or, of a deSl'rt, Vt"rg.: 2, p0tt., tM fiat $Ur-
ab suu11110 aequuliter deelivi~, grntly sloping, fi•a of tht wi, the sta; with po11t1 or maris, vast nm
Caes.; 2, equally; distril.iuere, Cic. ; 3, uni- maria aequor, Verg. ; oftent•r without marls,
/o1"'1Al.y; oralio aequalit~r constanterque lni;1-e. etc., l••llium, Luer.; vastum, Verg.; plur., sneva
diens, symntdrically, Cic. aeq11orn, Verg. ; meton., tht M:a-u.-ater i11 a $hip;
aequhimitaa -ills, r. (:v•q11anhn11s, from ae•1nor rcf1111dero i11 aequor, Ov.; rarely, the IUT•
&equll!I a11d animus), 1, imputiulity, Tcr.; 2, face «f u rirer, as tl1e Tiber, Verg.
mlinnt:3S, Plin. aequ~reua -a ·um (8.f'qnor), 1ielon¢1lf1 to
&equatlo ~ni!I, r. (aequo), a 71111king equal; the ,ea; ge1111~, fl.~he.•, \"erg.; rex, !l"t1·lll 1u, Ov.;
bonorurn, ron111umism, Cic.; Juris, Liv. Dritannl, aea-girt, Ov.; Achilles, a ion o/ 1'httis,
aeque, adv. (a.cquus), in lib manner, equ11/ly. Luc11n.
L 1, duae trat.t!a neqne lo11gae, Caes. ; aeque aequua -a -um, adj. with compar. a11d
d•>lere, Cic.; with aJ v., aeque Juhentcr, Ck ; 2, superl. equal. L e111tal fo il.~lf. A. Lit., 1,
ia ro11tpari.ton, just as, equully with.; a, !oil. by or the surractl of the gro1111ol, le1vl; aequus
et, atque, ac si, quam, quam ut, etc.; eos<lcm la- et pl:u1uis locnil, Cic.; ex ae1111Q loco l"qui,
boiu non esse aeque graves imp<:rato1 i et mi Ii ti, to &J'eak in the sflwte (opp. to ex lure1 lore loco,
Cic.; hi coltmtt1r aeque ntq11c illl, Cic.; with in the prese11a flflhtj1ul9es, and ex euperiore loco,
cum and the a\11., ut aeq11e mecum haec scias, fo the pr~ua of thd 71tople), Cle.; e:it Kuperiort
Plaut.; with nl1l. nlone, Plaut. ; with cornpnr., et ex aeq uo l•>co sermone» habitos, public and pr{..
holllo me 111i->erior nullu» eiit aeque, Plaut.; b, vate con1·ui:<1lio11s, Cle. Neut. sulist., aequum
•hrn the ol·.i~ct 11rthe com1•ariso11 is to be under- -1, n. lei•tl groun.l; fa.cile In aeqno cam pi vil'lo-
stood, Jiauci quil>usc11m essern aeque libent<'r riam fore, Liv. ; 2, or otlwr thing!!, le1·el: aeqna
(ii!. ac tecuru), Cic. II. fuirl!I, j11stlv; svcieta· frons, mllit. t.t., a straigh& lint, Liv. · B. Tra11sf.,
tem eonditioui» humanae mnniHce et aeque 1, of places, /awiurublt, adranl1•gtJ1Jua; locum
tuens, Cie. se aeq1111111 nd dlmic.anduru detlisse, Caes.; et
AequJ (Aequ1ciill. AequiooU. Aequi- tempore d lot'O aequo lnstructos, Liv.; 2, or
cUl&ni) ·<hum, m. n: peoJlle ill J.atium with chnrat'ler, quiet, contenttd: concedo et quod anl·
wh.1m the H0111ans waged fn•quent waN; hence, mus aequus est et qula necesse eat, Cic.; aequam
ai.._Aequlcua ·& -u1n, .Atquian; b, Aequi- reltus in arduis s~rvare 111entem, Hor. ; es~l. In
c:uius -a -um, .Atquian. the i•hrase aequo anlmo, pntit11tlr, tDith. resigna-
tinn; pati or ferre with acc., an<l acc. with
aequnibrltaa -!His, r. tht t'lual diltributi.on. i11H11. 1 Cic.; tolemre, Sall.; accipere, 8all.; spect-
o/'lllltJJ.rul.forrx:s iuovoµ{a., Cle. are, C1c. ; nuimo aequissirno morl, Cle.; In plur.,
AequimaeUum -Ii, n. an open spart in. Rome, nnimis lubenlibus aut aequls allqnld remittne,
Oil tht ~ of the Capitol, whtTe the cattle for Cic. IL eqwrl to $omething elu. A. Lit., equnl,
14uacrlficu ¥ere kept, Cic. In l•rcndth, height, etc.; aequo fere spatio abesse,
aequinoctlAll& -e (aequlnoctlum), ttIUinoc· Cat's. ; sequitur patrem non )'assil.tus aequis,
lioL, rdutiug to tht tquin.o:e, Cat. u·ith sher/er stt1is1 Verg. ; urba nubihu:1 aequa, at
hiyh cu tM cloua.t Ov.; o.cquls porti"nibu11 or
aequinoctlum -II, n. (aequus and nox), tht )'t'llSiunibus (equal palf11te!\ls). dare, s•ilvere, etc.,
llqVi!IOZ, Cic. Liv.; foll. by atque, quam, cum; aequo et part
&equlpAro (aequlpero), 1. (aequus and cum clvibus Jure vlvere, Cle.; q1111111 aequam
paro), 1, to com.partJ; wit~ ad llnd the acc., snaa pnrtem tibi eumpserla atque populo l;tomnno
YJrtutesad tuu, Plaut.; with dat., marl tmnqnillo mlseris, Cle. B. Transr., l~in aequalaudeponere,
Qaod vent.ii coocitatur multitutlinem Aetolorum, Cic.; aeqna 1•ugua, an in<UeiliN battle, Liv.; so
aer 20 Aes
aequo proello or marte dl1eedere, to ftghl a1l imu- a.erfnus -a -um (a.ip•llCK), made of danul or
ci6iw ooUlt, CAeS.;110aequa manu, oracquh1 rnani- tar~, Plin.
bua, Tac. and Liv. ; aolv., ex a.equo, equally; sol &erfpetl -1'4!di11 (ac:-i a11tl J•Cs), bm:t11-footed,
ex uquo meta di.Btabat utraque, 1Cru e'fual/y dia- Vcri;., 0\-.
tant, Ov.; ~.of behaviour, etc., tqtrol, i11lporrial;
~P of persou11, fair; 18 al.lcul .~1uum prue~>ere,
Mri'.UB (l\llr/lm1) •3 ·11111 (art), 1, l~fr.Ht!Jill!J 111
t:1c. ; praetor, judex, testis, <.:1c. ; b, or tl11n~:1. the air, airy; altcrum (ani111anti11111 ~1·1111s), prn·
judicia, Cir~ ; lex, Cic.; aequum est, it ii j113t; ni:;erum et arriurn, lici1t!1 in. the 11i1-, Cic ;
with the ace.and lntln.,a~uumesseeumet officio tloruns, lht hrot-.:11s, Hor. ; n1>1;as \'ia.~ carp<'N', ,,.
meo ccnaulere et tempori, Cle. Subst., aequum fly thro11!Jll the air, O\'.; 111rl (lro111 I he loclief
-l, n. /rdTMa; 41uid In Jure (.strict law) aut in ·that ho11ey fell In dew fro111 the sky), \'erg.; 2,
aequo (equity) verum aut e1111et aut non es~t. hi!Th ill the ail', wjfy; Alp<"!:!, \"t'rg.
L'lc. ; per aequa per iniqua, by fair mwn.s or fin1l, aero -onis, a 1vit:ka l><1sl.:~t, Plin.
Liv.; gnlViuaaequo, tMn i&rigltt, Sall.; aequnm Aer~pi -es, r. an•I .A~ripa. ·ar, r. (' A•pci,,.,,),
et bonum, telwtt u righ.I, ~; reua rnagis ex bono mctl1er of A.!J<rn1tu111•111 n.1111 Jfrrttlu11:1.
aequoque quam ex Jure gentlum Bomilcar, Sall.; ·Um (ae11), ric:h i11 t"•J•J'Cr; auru111,
aa a It-gal formula, quod or quantum aequius mi..cecl with. COJiprr, l'lill.
mellus, as il111M1Te equitable, Cic. ; so aequi boniqne
facere aliquld, \Wt to ftnd fauU W7Uh, Cic. ; 3, &eriiglnOsUS ·A •Ulll (aeru;:;o), CVl'trttl l('ith.
~~ lo otMn, prO'PiliotU; nol>llitate ln- vcnliuris or coppa-rm•t, l:kn.
lmlca, non a.equo senatu, Cle. ; non aequa Pallu, aerigo -Ini11, f. (acs). I. A. th•· rrrsl nf t'OJ•J,,.r,
Verg.; minus aequis animia auditua eat Scipio, l'f!1Y.lig,;s, t:ic. B. Met1111. = r11.<l!f .''tn'"!f, Juv.
Liv. ; meia acquls11imi1 ntuntur auribua, I hear IL Tran11f., 1, e1wy, Hor.; 2, nmr1ct, Hur.
tMIA witll the grtlllut pleasure, Cic. ; with dAL, aerumna -a<', f. lrarll Tabo11r, toil, ltanfahip;
aequa Venua Teucria, OT. ; lp11i1 eat aer avlbu11 Hrrc11Ht1 pcqW'ti acrumna", Cic.
non aequu1, II.armful lo, Verg.• Plur. auhst., aerumnabWs -e (at:rumn1t), oolumituu:s,
aequl, frinula In the pbrue aeqlli lnlqui<1uc, pitiolJk, Luer.
/rirnc/1 and tlleiniea. Cie. aerum.nosua -a -11111 (acrmuna),/11/l of J111rd-, Uris, m. (a>Jp), tilt lowr air, tlu at11to· :1hip c1111l ca/Clmity; H!'gulus, Cic.
lplun aro1u1d U¥; crassus, Cic.; puru11 et tcnuii;,
Cle. ; temperatus, Cle. ; acr 1ummu1 arborh~. aes. af'ri><, n. t"PJ>tr. I. Lit., r:nPJ~r tn·f, aud
the airy Hllllllil of a trtt, Verg. ; aere ecrtus lite alloy nf '"1'1"-r, bms.<, nr hmi1:r.; J)f'tlt•11trii; l'X
obscuro, aMN01uidtd b11 a c/owd, Verg. RPM 111.iit1U1, Ck. ; I'""'., of thr hrazrn lll-:1', 11&.
inquimnitaerr lt~111pt1snurr11111, Hor. IL Metou.,
aera -ae, r. (alp.), IJ tottd growi11g a111ong sn111,lhi1tJ1 mmle of /Jrn11:r, <'le. A. (irn. (f"11p.
frai1t., darntl, t4ru, Plin. in 1~w-tll), a ~I, .•fatuc, <>tc., ma1k of bronze,
aeri.meata.m -1, n. bronze er c ·n~r u.urt, etc. ; ae11 cavum, krltlr, Ov. ; arra &f'l'P. repulR&,
Plin. cy1n00!1, Ov.; Coryhantia, l'!t11rlx1is """ii" tu
aerarJa -ae, f., v. aeratiWI, I. B. 2. 11tri:itv; of Cylxlt, \"1•rg. ; e.itL'l aera rcllgf'rf', flu
aerirlum -Ii, n., v. aeran1111, 11. B. :?. bro.Ztll tnl!ltl6 o" 11'1.ich tltt /llU'I U'tl'( tllf]Ttlrwf,
Cic. ; aea puhlicum, p11l1/i1: ilt1Kriptio11:1, Tac. ;
aerart:u -Ii, 1h. (ae11). L bel111&!Jillg to bmuor &Pre citJre \·1roi., with the tn1111pd, '°"!'{;'·; •ll'mJ>to
copper. A. Adj., lapi11, copper, Pli11. ; irtructurar., acre, tlte h.t/111tl, Ov. B. ~:1p. 11w11ty, 1, "'P1'"' or
tt>ppu nliltO, Caeti. B. 8ubiit., 1, ae~us -Ii, b1Y1M 1111)/lcy; ae11pravr, the n•(ofa po1111tl wei~ht_)..
m. a toor~r in bl'CUll, Plin. ; 2, aerarta -ae, r. which WaH weig11ed. in~tt'A•l of cou!llf'i.l·; 1!~111~
lrMdti'!?-worb, Plin. IL bclo11gi11f! '" 1110/U'y. mill!lms &<'rl11 gr&\'lll re"!:I co11dr11111A,·1t, Liv. ;
A. Adj., ratio, atandard of tlte copper coiMge, q11in1p1~nln rnillia 11.rri!l (for Lo;111iut11), LiY. ;
Cle.; 111lllUH, 'IVTl:tnarit~, Varr.; ilia vetuis 11rgentu111 aere 110l11tu111 <'st, thrtt-fou rth11 e>f tl'I
aeraria fabula, t~ old tale obo11t lltt copper ooin dthta wen nm1iUttl by 1><1yme11t of a (co11~r) <18 for
that VtUiH fl'ltHl to Clodia, Cle. B. Sul>st., ~ n (~ilivr) <st.Um!, 8a.ll. ; 6111(11/ chmi!Jt (rf. Enbl,.
aeri.rlus -II, rn. gen. in plur., aentr!i, Uat cih- COJIJ>tn); atra dahant olim, Ov. ; 2, mo11ey ~!'11e­
ttR.S Qf tlu k»catC claS& iJt R<nl\t, who had no t10tt~, rally, gravi11 aere tlextra, \'erg.; puerl qui no11-
but had to pn.y a cutain "'"' for tlte erptn.oea of 4M.1111 lll're la\'&ntnr ( = OO!ls 1111dtr four years, 'lt'ho
tltt .tau, a clas.'I to which citizens of the higher 11,~ the bath• without payi11g), Juv.; c11p., a, 11e11
rank• mlp;ht be degraded by the censors for meum, my proprrty; e~t ali~uis In meo aere, Ac
1111ni11hrnent; aliquem aerarium f11cere, to dt· u 001011.l tc me, Cic. ; ahe1111111, cltbt; facel"t',
gruds, Liv.; alh1uern In aerari08 referri jubere, contrahere, In ae>1 alil'mnn lncidere, esse in aere
Cle. ; 2, aer.irta.m -11, n. a, the tzich!!q11u, alieno Cic. ; 11-0lvt're, Cle.; 110 at>B mutuum,
treu..•ury, at Rome, under or behind the temple or 8&11.;'b JlCIY, Juv.; 1»1p• .sol.tliera' pc1y; aera
&tum, wh!'re the tre.attures and archives of the 111ilitili11>1' cunstitut-re, dare, Liv.; c, ua cir·
state were kept; pecunl:lm in &f'rarimn referre, cumfonaneurn, mo11ey borro10nJ from the ~­
lnferre, deferre, redilZ't're, Cle. : decreta patrum ch1111!Jrr•, wh.o hail tlttir l>ooth.8 ':'°u11d tA. /~
atl l!.t'rarium d .. rerre, Tac.; meton., tlte """'~ i11 Cle.; 3, plur., aera, 00111', Cic.
tAe trro111ry, Cic.; b, any public trw..mry, Cle. Ae~ aud AesAcus -1, m. (Aln•of), *"'
MralUS •II. •Ulll (aes), ~ }t CO~Yred or .fitl.r1l nf l'riam., l111sba11il of .A.llltrl1P' or lluptrin.
witA br1uii or bro~; riav1K, t:aeK.; lccU, with Aedr -AriK, n. 11 rfoer '11. Rntttii, now btro;
broiuc fut, Cic. ; poet., acic1, 1111 anMtl line of hent'e 1ulj., Aesl.reus ·• -um, btlonging lo tM
trwp1, Verg.; 2, 1•r1>1·idtrl 1citlt 111muy, ricli, tr~: rit'l:r .AtS'.1r.
buni non t&rn acrati, quarn ut ap)'ella11t11r a1•nn11 Aesohlnes ·Ill and .f, m. (Aicrxii-'I{), L a"
(with a p~ 011 the wortl11, vhlt! at"rariu11 11. D. .Athtnia11 phil~OJ!htr, d~iJ>le nf .'i<icnitu. IL IJ
1), Cic. IL 71uu/c of l1r!U.'I ur brt>n:e; ll<'Cllrl14, Nmpolitan phiTtuOJ"1a', p1111il of (ar11cc11te.._ IU.
Vtri;. ; tr&n~r., u~.finn. iu l1ni<1S; no.II, Prop. the ct/tbmt.t~l .Athtnian omtor, "J'f'OllCllt of Dt11Wll·
aereUS -a ·lllll (al'R), 1, mcr1J~ of/m1S3 or rop- thtnta, IV. an orutor uf Miletu6, co11temJ1om,._
'Pfr, 1igna aorea et rnarnwn·a, Liv. ; 2, covuul. 11.'ith Cictro.
tcith bmu; p11pp11, Verg. Aesohflus -1, 111. (A:axtiAix). Lon Atlttnin11.
aerllfr .n-ra ·"ruin (ac11 anJ rero), bruring trrrgic 71od(bom ahout A.<' . .'>2.'>); hl'nce AesoQ-
braH1t cy111.bal1, Ov. lius ·•-um, l>elongi11g to At',,...ltyhu; cuthumU»,
aerUloe, adv. (us anti faclo), 3ki(fv.ll1 (of !U/~11 rAttcnician of CnidN, confnlpora"J
WCI'Jt in bl"&M). Varr.
Aesmil&plum ·ll, n. temple of Atacu1apfu. l'lltAAls perlculum, Caes. ; with ex ar.d 1th!., vnl·
i;n~ ex vrritate p:111ca, ex opinlone multa ae~tl·
Aesciilaplus -ti, m. ( Ao-".\•pr1~). t11t 91J<f of
w./i.:int, !ll:m of Apnl/o and Curo11i.s, u:orshipJo(d 111al, Cic.; ,-irtut1•1J111uni~. Hor.; imtisaeslimare,
at f,)IiJ1,.ttn1.~. tu t.<liwile at full rn/11r, with acc. n111l iuliu., Tac.;
2, to judgt, sicuti ego al'slimo, ~ll.
aeeciUetum ·i, n. (aeseulus), an~ forest,
Hor. aestiva -Orum, n., v. aestivus.
~iileus -a -um (aesculus). rtlating to tM aestive, adv. (arstivu~), crs ir1 summer, Pl11ut.
tt"i1<!cr oak, Ov. aestivo, I. (acstivus), to p<u$ the,
aesciilua -l, f. tM wi11ur or Italian oak, Plin.
v~. aestivus -a -um (ar~t1111), rtTetlt'fl.!7 to B11mmtr;
Aesernla -a<>, r. town Samnium, now
iii tA>nq">ra, l'ie.; nura, llor.; saltu~, 6Umml'T 1"•6·
/;.cniia; h•'•wc Aeaerninua -& -um, btl011{1iHg tu,.,,,,~ of caU/r, Liv. ; &llrutn, the g<>lri ring of tla4
t.J .AtMntia; s11r11amr of J,f. •4!arctllus, ti•ho was mi/il<Jry tribtlnf'..,, worn for aiz numtlu, Jnv.;
tal:m ~na at Atsernia; name of a ctfrbroltd arstivum tonat, ii th.undus a.J in aummtr, Jnv.
g!11'/i<WJr, Cic. Plur. sul>st.. aestiva -orn111, n. ; a., (~c. c11~tra),
Aesis-is, m. rirer in J>iun11m, now E'ino or a 111mmtr et11111i, Uc. ; mt.'ton. (because the an·
fi11111UiM; hence adj., Aesin&a -atis. eienl!; g1·nerally w~gcd war only In the summer),
a campai~m. Cic.; b, 411111>11-a pnsl11ru fur C<rttit,
Aeson -1'5nis, ro. (Aia-wv), a Thr.<"'1lia1l prince, Varr.; met on., the OJ.ltu in su11wur JJ(J.;turc.,, \"erg •
•falMr of Ja.'<On; hence, a., AesoDldea -ae, m.
c .Uscrndant of .Ar~crn (Jo5011), P1·op.; b, Aes0- aestuartum -ii, n. (11estu~). l, low ground
Diwa -a -um, rd.ati11g to .Aeson; hcros, Jaaon, covered /,!J thf S<'a at high water, mm-a."8; itiuera
Ov. aestuari1s C<rncisa, Caes. ; 2, a firth, crtrk, or
Ae&Opus ·I, m. (A<CTr.1,,.CK). L a cdtbrottd part of the rit·tr up which the tide flow11; iu fa.1,uli8t of l'k~¥!Jia, 1u111>0sut to haw liwl aestuario Tamcli&I', Tac.
fa IJtt tilh CNl.f. s.o. IL Claudius (Clodius) Aeso- aeatiio, 1. (nestus), to boU, t-0 be lwt. L Otflrl',
p'll, a tT!lg'k: cu:tcr i1& Rome, conlntlporarg a11d acstnat ignis, \'erg.; or tht rcimlts of fire; wntis
frit:M of Ciotro. pulsa ARsluat arbor, i1 lu-n.Utl, Luer.; sl dix,•ris
aestas -ltis, f. (connected with a.i'.llw = to "aestuo" (l 11111u:ann)11t11lat., Jnv. II. A. Lit.,
l1U'11, a11d aestus), s11m111n". I. Lit., ineunte, Cie.; of liquids, to boil, or (of th!' sea) to rage; 1,.ri1rge.
non., at tliL btginnin.g of nmmer, \'erg. ; medi:\, ae.<1tuat., Verg. B. 1''ig., or the 1•assions, to be t11-
Cic.; 8'l11It.a, Tac.; sum ma, Cie.; exact.a, at tM jta.mtd or e:uil«l; ut desiderio te nostri aestuare
tr;d of, ~IL; esp. useu of the 11ummer as the time putarem, Cie. ; nobilitlls h1vidia aestualiat, ::sail.;
/(Jr llliltti.lry operatioll.'1; unia litterla totiua aes· so of Jove, rex in ilia aestuat, l>vrn.s with IAroefw,
!AtiJ {! 00.1'1J.aig1') res gestas ad senalum Ov.; aestunlmt dubitatione, Cle.
~rscnbere, Cic. ; so quae duabus aestatibus aeatuOlli, adv. with compar. (aestuosua).
r:esU., Tac. IL lleton., cka.r iumm.t1" weather, hotly, Hor.
Verg.; rumrn<r h~at, llor. ·a -um, adj. with snperl. (aestus).
a.eatifer -f!ra -rerum (aestus and fero), heat· 1, hot; via, Cle. ; 2, agitat«i; treta, Hor.
bringing, \'erg.; lgui11, Luer.
aestua ·tl.s, m. (a.i'.llw). L Atat; 1, of tire,
...Umi.bllla -e (aestimo), roluablt, Cle. pro11iusque aestns iucendia volvunt, Verg.; 2,
leltlmatlo -on ls, f. (aestimo). L Ltt.,an ap- of the sun, meridiel aestus, Liv.; plur., hot da~,
)'11Tluing aocording to t>n/111: in mo11~y; aequ1tm VPrjt.; 3, of fe\·er, aestu fcbrique jaetari, Cic.
"'~limationem faeere, Caes. ; census, the mlua· IL l, Mtthillg and raging, or the 11e&; fervent.ea
Mil of l.\e cen.rv.s, Cic.; !rumen ti, i-aluation o/ aestil:tull undae, Ov.; mlnuente aestu, the ~
"" corn allotDafl.OI for the governor or a /t.<Jtning, Cnes. ; 2, Tra111;f., &, mge; clvilis bell!.
provin~. or the amount to be paid by the ara· Hor. ; of love, 1iector!K, Ov.; b, fervot1.r; ne
t.orn of the province im1tead of this 111lowanee, aestus nos consuetudinis abllorbe;it, Cle.; o, tt1'·
Cie. ; liti~, CUM..~ of damagu, Cle. ; 110, n•.t, anzuty: qnl tibl aest1111, qui error, qllll8 tene-
mnltae, Liv. ; JIO&sessionls. t1aluation oJ pro- t.rile erant, Cle. ; magno curarum fluetuat aestu,
pmy, Ck ; praedi& In ae!'ltitnatlone ab allquo ac- Verg.
M[ltl'1', to tab ~wtu at the higher t-aluation that aetu ·I.tis r. (contr. from ae\;ta.s, from &e•
prmiiledbefon the civil war, Cic. IL Transr., 1, \'um), age. I.~l(/t:limt; o., lire'l"etempusaetatla,
rAe NJ114ttma of a thing, a person, aC<"o1·di1117 to Cie.; aetatem ageri>, de;;cre, contert·re, eun11u.
U.. tnu mlw; bonorie, Liv.; 2, u a phi101101ih. mrre, Cic.; ~las m ..a, tua =I, ?tou, PIAut.; b,
t. t. {Gr. it&..). propria aettlmatio vlrtutis, tht a pentratfcn (gen., 30 yrnrs; 11omctimes, in poets,
lb.roi11" twrth. of ftrtiie, Cic. 100); tertiam jam aetatem hominum vive hat,
Cie. B. tMoge ofa man; l, Lit.,&, filius id aeta·
aestfm.&tor ~tis, m. (aestlmo), 1, O?U who ti~, ofthatagt, Cic.; sometimc!'I, yo11th.; qui &liquid
uiilltalu, an apprn.i«r; frnme11t!, Cic. ; 2, one formae aetatls artiflciique habebant. Cle.; carw1
trN> Ml11a1 ca tit. i"4 acconHng to it.I tDOTth. ; tldri, eris Romae donec te de~tret aetas, Hor. ; some·
times, old age; nusquam t1111tum trib11itur artaU,
aestlmi.ta.s -ta, m. = aestlmatlo(q.v.). nus<1uam eeneetus est lto110ratior, Cic.; some-
MStlmo (...tiimo). I. (aes), to approiu, times, manhood; In a.etatem pervenirf', Liv.; b,
atU11attt4t '1"1iuofa-n'/fthing. L to uttmatt ~cu11i­ with narrower meaning, iuiens aeta.~, yo11t.h, Cl~.;
'tal11t; frumentum (vid. &eethnatio frumenti), so !101! aetatis, bona aetas, Cic.; ad pet.e111lum (ma.-
C~; with abl or gen., of nlue ; aliquld tem1s gistratum) legitima aetaa, Cle.; aet&.!l militarla,
dtnarila, etc. ; ut llceat, quanU qnl119ue vellt, tM lt"N'lltMnt.h ,tar, Ball. ; quaeatoria, tA. ttO'f'll.ty-
t&nt! aeatlmet.. Cle. ; with adv., t.enm11!lime, at ftJIA, Quint. ; aenatoria, tM tt«ntyJJ'Ut Tac. ; con-
•wry low NU, Cir..; with ex and abL, aliquid Rula1is, Ui1fort'6·th.frd, Cic.; adulta, Cic.; ingra-
l l lltificto according to tM 1tandard af work· vescens, Cle.; &estate jam alfecta,/ar atlvan«d i"
Mu.\tp, Ctc. ;lltem all<"uJ or alle•1ius, legl\l rean, Cic.; S .Heton., tlw pertoM of a partictUM-
\. t., ro 4 - tM da11UZga i• a la'ID-1Uit, Cle. ; age; veatra, Ctc. ; puerills, boy•, Cle. ; &enill!I, old
Pagn&tn.m est at 11.a haeo capltla aestimaretur, mm, Cle. IL tM time Gt which. a per'°" livu;
~ be Mid a oapftal cllarge, Cle. II. In a clarissimus imperator suae aeta.tis, Liv. ; nostra
nJer lelllle, l, lo DM CICOOf'dlflg lo H1f ltandard j aetaa, tJu nun o/ our tttM, Llv. ; verboru1n ve.tua
~tit •bl or gen., magno, Cle. ; magnl, Cle. ; aet.lll, obsoku wordl, Hor.; 2, used gen. for time;
lrllA WY., cartaa, Cle. ; leriUI tempatatia quam aurea, tlu golden age, OT.; omnia lert, Vel'I-
aet 22
aetatttla ·ae, t. (dim. of aetu), !f01tt11.flll age: UT1Ull ·I, n. (.:W). I. ~ftr: In aeVTim, /of
prim& lllA aetatula sua, Cle. l'r:~r, Hor. IL tiJM. A. 1, tniw of ltfe; degere,
aeternltu -ltls, f. (aetemUti). I. tleniilJI: Cle. ; 1ierbrevls a.evl Carthaginem l'!JKe, Liv. ; 2,
ex omni aet4!mit.llte veruin use, Cie. IL a. i11i· n !Jt'll~rutin• (thirty years); ter a.evo functw-,
'1tortality: animnrum, Cic. ; alicul aeternltatem Hor. ; 3, W}e: a, ltos aevi, youth, Luer.; integer
i111111ortalitat.t:rnque donare, Cic.; b. In imperial nevi, in t"4 bloo111 of JIOUth, Verg. ; prirno ex>1tln·
t11ne11, ci tttk of tM Empt'TOr, similar to naajei1w, gui in aevo, in. turly yo11th, Ov.; b, e!lp., c.f old
di\'initas, etc., Plin. age, aevo macleque 11enesC'Ull'- Luer.; aevi rna-
tunu1.farculro11ccd in ytars, \'erg. B. l, ti11u at
aeterno. I. (aeternus), to mab et8rnal, to 111hich a fl"Mrt i• lit1ing: omniK aevl clari vlri,
(11t.1iwrt.1rli:e, Bur. of every age, Liv.; 2, tilnt in gen., \'eteriit non
aeternus ·& -um, Rdj. with com_par. (r.ontr. lnscius aevl, Ov.
from aevit<!rrma), eternal, immortal. L deu><, Ci«'. Ater, v. At'rt.
II. cwrlcuting, hutill.g, undyi11g: bellum, Cle. ;
ml>!I, Rome, Tth..; amore aeterno, Cic. ; In di.bills -e, adj. with comp«l'. (:itfor), - . ,
aet.emnm, for tt'tf', Liv.; 80 aeteruum, \"el'g.; to be spokt1i to, affltble; In omni strmone alf11blleu1
aetemo, ewrlcutfngly, Plin.; neut. plur., et jucundum e111e \'elle, Cic.
aetenia moll rt, to do dtathle111 d.udl, Cic. aft'i.bDltas -itis, f. (atrabilis), affability·
aether-his,acc.-~ra,m. ( LA.the upper comita.A aftitbilitasque aermonis, Cic.
air, Cir.; poet., heavrn; Juppiter aethere 11u1111110 afibri. adv. (ad and faber), in a tcorkma11
despicie1111, Verg.; met.on., the god1; 0111•ruvit ae- like way, a/;iifully; factus, Cic.
thera votia, Verg. B. Poet.(= aer), the lou;erair; aft'lltlm.. adv. (all and fatim), 111/!f,
verbP.rare aether"& pennis, Verg. ; the upper world enough; Mlisfacere alicui, Cic. Subi1t. witl\
(npposed to the iuferual ~gions); aethere In genit., copiarum alfatlm esse, Liv.
alto, ~erg. IL Proper name, Aether, •m of
Ertbu11 a1&d Night, Ultntij[td tcith Jupi.Ur. di.tu• -na, m. (aft'or), an addrui, ~l!Ch
acrodting, Verg.
aeth~ue (aethereus) ·• -um (AifUp,01;). aft'ecti.tlo -onis, r. (alfecto), a t•iolut dulrt
L ttht1·eiU, rt/u.ling to the ethu: natura, Cic. ; and strivi11g; quietl11, Tac. ; Gem1a11icae ori~i­
e11p., relatin9 to the htat.-c1u a.s the abo<U of tlu god.I, uis, tuyernus to pa.u for Gn"1t1aiu, Tac.
l1turenly; domUK, htawn, Hur.; ignes, heavenly
foapirutio1', Ov.; equl, the /u,Tll!~ of the 11tn, Ov. aft'eotator -orls, m. (atfecto), one who lltrira
II. l, l-elo11gi1ig to the air; aqua, rain, Ov.; 2, c1~r a11ythi1i9, Quint.
bt-luitging to the vpper world (as opposed to the affeoti.tua -a -um, p. a<lj. (alfecto), in rhet.,
lower wurld); vescl aura aetheria, tc li11e, Verg. tlaborate, studied, Quint.
Aethi~pes -um, acc. ·Ill!, m. (A:8io1n(), the aff'ectfo -onis, f. (afiflclo). I. Active, illflu-
i11hubitirnts of Adlliopia, Cic.; 11ing., Aethlops t11~: praesrntis mall sa.pientis al11•c·tio 1111lla e,.t,
-<"lJ>iH, m. a blac1' man, Juv. · cum KtiJ.llle tJ.r 1l'ise 11wii is 1101 u.J!ecltd /;y ail, Cic. IL
Aethiope, stupid, Cic.; hence, I, Aethl~pla ·ae, Pru;i;ive, ccmditio•• : I, r·efation ; qua ... lam ad rr-li
f. in wider sem1e, u/l the /a11d to thl'. SQ1tth of thf alir11111H alTectio, Cic.; 2,; caeli, Cic. ; a.
•nol"itl a.• k11011m to the a11cie11t.t; in narrow sense, c1md itio1~; a,. of the bo<ly, firma corpori .. a1Tecti1>,
tl1e co1111try .outh of FAJYJll: 2, Aethloplcus ·a r1ood health, Cic. ; b 1 of the minJ, with OI' with-
-nm, Attl1iopum; 8, Aethl6pta ·!dis, I: a plaat, out auirnl, fiwoumDle dibpositio1' of the mind,
" ki 11d of sagt, Pliu. l'ic. ; uulla aftectione a11i111i, willwut p1·tdiltclio1t,
1. Aethra -ae, r. (A~8p,.). L fla1111hter of kino Tac.
Pitlht11s of Trotu11, mother of 1'hcseus by Aegeus. aft'eoto (adfecto), 1. (alflcio). L to gra~p:
II. tlaughta of O~u.1ius, of the llyade11 uiul uul 1111lla datur dextra alft·ctar.• (nnvern) pol~li­
of Jlya.s. tas, Vern. ; \·i:un. lo aim aj1,r, Plaut. ; eam rem,
2. aethra -ae, t. (..l8pa.), Uae lipper air, the tn llleu<l/e with, Liv.; reg11um, to ubkti1t, Liv
clc:ar sq, Verg. IL to 1tri~ after; 1, 111urulit1an1, uon alfln·
cntiam, Nep. ; spe11 potieudae Africae, to e11tt>T-
Aetn& -ae, f. (A41'1"1J). I . .Aetnn, a rolcano iii tai1i hopes, Liv.; bellttm Hcrnicum, to try to get
Sicily, according to one leg .. 1111, the mountain thut the command of the tmr, etc,, Li\·.; i111~ieri11m,
Jupiter CBKt on the l!iaut Typhocus (or Typhon), Liv.; 2, to aff.:ct; in verbi11 effu!liorem cultum,
or Encclndu;i; K•l proverb, 0111111 Aetna gravi11,.., Quint.
Cle. ; ncconling t.o anotJ ... r legend, tlw i11tcrior 1. aff'octus -!is, m. (nftlcio), a conditio1t, ili!I·
WRil tl1e workshop of Vulr,an 11nu the Cyclopes,
1>0,•ition; of the mind, 1. u1lml, Cic.; :iu-
wl10 tl11•re forgeu Jupit .. r'& thu1ulcrholts; !!vi., feeling: veri alft>rtmi, Tac.; 2, ,motion•,
hl'nce Aetnaeus ·a -um, l1..longi11-1J tu Adnll; 1-.a.<Sions; amoris, arnritiae, metua, Quiut.:
frntreR, Che Cycfr,pes, \'erg. ; pa~t-0r, .. th~ Cyr/ops _, ·
IL ut'sire, T ac. ; 3 , u..11ectwn,
,fl'. · l'l.m.
I 'o I!ll'"·m118,
I Uv.; me t on., te II u~. S1c1 1y, U\·.
n to11m at the foot of Mcnmt .Aetno, al~o enllt><l 2, affeotus -a -um, p. adj. with super\.
l1ovsa: hence Aetnenals -e, belongi11y to t/U! (allicio). A. prui·i<1'd, fun1i.•h«tl with; virgis,
to-um of A"'""· l'laut.; \·irtutibus, vltiis, Cic. B. disposed i"
ActOll ·Drum, m. (A:1'w).oi) thi!_A,tolians, the m1y imy as to mind or bo<ly; 1, of the bod),
ft11wbitaii:s of Aftn/ia. Adj. ACtolus 1 -a -um, a, nurn manus recte affect& est quum in tumore
.A'tolicrn; plagae (alludiui; t.o Melen)!<·r am! the est., Ck. ; tr_an,s~.• quomo<lo atrect_o caelo. co1r-
la11nt or the Calpln11ian l>onr). Hor.; llrlllll, cuspiK po~t(.IS<j.lltl Sldcn~'.US quodque &lllll~al ?nat':lr,
(of the Aetulian Dioml"des), Verg.; urhs or Arpi, 1mdu 'fl.hat. d1sp<mt1.01_~ of tlie stars,._C1c., b, 111·
11 t.own in Apulia, said to ha\'e tl(·t·n_ fomHied j ~l1.-1XW:.d'.duorcl~rei.l.' ~e88re_m gra\ 1tkr affe,ctuu!
by Diomedei:, \"erg.; hellCl', 1, AetOUa -ae, .i:un \ 1dera_1.11, C1c., \nletud1~e a~~ct~a, Cat's.,
f, Attolia, 11 country in t.M ire.,/ of <:ruu, transr:•. c1~1tlll4 aeg':3 et atfe< ~~', C1e., c, 11M.r
~tvwa Ozoliai~ Locri.s unit Acanuwia: 2, compldw11, bellum atrectu~.1 v~dcmus et, ut vere
AetOlfoua .11 -um, .Attvlian: tiellmn, Liv.; d1carn, ~ne confectum,__ C1c . ._2, of the m111tl,
3 1 AetOlta -!dis, f. all .Attnliai1 icornan, d1spow1; eo<lern 111'."lo e11t .'mp1e1111 a!TeetuK erga
Deianira, dmr17hler of Oe11t111 king of Artulirt, auncum, quo Ill se 1psum, C1c.
Ov. · 4 AetOllus -a -um, ltern11, Dium.edes, aff~ro. atti\11, alll\tum, nffcrre (ad and ferl'\),
Ov. ' ' to cnrry, or bring to. L Lit., A. Of personi1.
aeritas -lltls, t old form or aetaa. aliqui<l do1u11ru, Cle.; epistolnrn, litteru, t<1
aft" 23 aff
'1\111 a ldtn-, .Cle. : 111 gul lltt.('l'DJI attulit, tM ti• tn1e; quls rem tam \'t>terem pro eP.rto afflrrnet,
lw.,..,ro/ tlti& 1,11,r, Cie. B. Of U1it~!1, 111 ta11t11111 Liv. ; 0111111 1\.11.'lt:Verati(llll' tibt aftlrmo (followed
notu oclor 11t.t11lit :rnra.. , \'erg. IL Tra11:1f., A. hy Acc. aml 1111111.), Cle. ; with <le 1in1l t11t' abl.,
Oeu., to hrl •tg: :u1i11ium vacuum 11.t 1-eA tlitHeilt»J quit.I opll!i edt ii" Dion)':Jio tam \'&title l\lfirn1a.rc.
!1Crihe111l:i", t 'i<".; 111.:mui1alft>rreallenl or alieul r .. i, aftl:Jrua -a -urn (µ. a•lj. from nfttgo), find to,
lo 11ti4v, Cic.; 111a1111>1 >1lui, to ron11111t 1111.citl,, np.
rl11.<ely jui 11t1tl to, 1•.J11.cr1l ; l'yren&l'o, closdy ud-
Cic.; lllllllll:4 1mi" vuluerilius, to'""',. op'11, Cic.; )<tt"t"11t to, l'liu. .
111icui vim, to o.Jf,.r rivfr11~ w, Cie. B. 1':!1p., 1, to
bri119 ,.,~: alicui nnn j11e1111<lh1.'li11111111111111ti11111, amatua -n11, 111. (ntHo). L a blowi11g or a
Cic.; M tle llorten,.ii 1uorte 111ihi l'lit allatum, lm~1tlti11g on: 11111ri11, llt'U bru:r, Pli11. ; dcntget
••<I'.< 10rU hro11!fht 1M, Cie. ; full. hy nee. aud :itllat11s \'l'lll11s ct aura 11uoi1, Ov. ; u11e1l of llati
i11rl11., C:iellum ad ilium attulii1se ~ quaerel'E', hreath uf lll<'ll awl aui11u1l!1, Ov. II, inspimti.m;
ere., Cic. ; 2, to liri119 as all t.:rt113'! or rta..'!011; ra- sine 1Lliq110 alflatu di' ino, Cic.
fi•m""· cur hoe ita !lit, l'ic. ; aetatem, to11llr9t i11 aft!~ -Hcvi -tli-tum, 2. (ad and fteo), to 1cttp, Cic.; S, to 11rod11oe, ro1t-'t: allcul mortem, at, l'lnut.
Cic.; 4, tJ) bring as a ht'/p; ad be11e vlvendum aftltoti.tio ·oni~, f. (altlieto), bodily pain,
&liqni•I, Ci<-. ; 5_. t-0 bring iu a11 addition; quis torture, Cic.
1Uulerit, 1cho the clauae I<:> tht bill, Cic.
amtoto, I. (iutens. or ntfli;;o). L to atrike or
atrlolo -feci -rectum, 3. (ad and facio). I. bt~u. A. Lit., nttlictare sP, t,; l>t'nt 011e'• brtwll in
fo do 110mdhing t,o; In rhet., to co11nect; e"e g.-itf, Sall. B. Transf.• se, or alttictari,
rt3 quae quodn.mmodo alfeetae su11t ad id de to bt troublrd; ue quilms vl'l1e1ne11ter e.ttlietor,
'llW •111.iu•ritur, Cle. II. to i11jt1w1ce. A. allquem Cic. IL to dumaqe li11 stri/;ing. A. Lit., OIU:l'll•
aliqua re, t.l ajf«:t in any tL'QY ; allqueru maxima rin,i (uaves) tempt•stas attlictabat, Cacs. B.
betitia, Cic.; quanta me molesti& attecerlt, Cic.; Tran!lf., t-0 harcus, to torn~rnt; grnvius vehemCll·
ci•ea Romani morte, cruci11tu, cruet', Cic.; ali- tiusquc 11fftictari (morbo), Cle.
queru &el'ultura, to bvry, Cir~ ; aliquem e&i'itali aflllotor -oris, 111. (11tni~o), adatroyer; digni·
~11&, ta Jncni,•h., Liv. ; so in passi\·ti, morbo tatis et auctorltatis, Cic.
gra,·i et mortirero &!rectum e-.uie, Cle.; nmb'11a
tlilllcultate alflcl, to be placnl in a difficrilt po- amtotua -a ·um, p. ad.I. (afttigo), 1, damagt.d,
sli<1tkn1l ; fortuna, 11111ieltia, Cie. ; 2, brokni.
lilic;-, Caes. ; 'bc!ueftcio aftlcl, ta be bmrjiud,
1lou•n, spiritllfu,tlMp0n<li11g; aegritudlne all!lctu11, •
Cle.; pio Jolore alfectum, Cle. B. allquem, to
a/td. tJwi or mi11d: 1, the body, nereen1lum <ieLilitiitu11 1 jact•ns, Cle. ; 3 t>ilt, co11tt11&ptilil1;
c:<Jfptlll et lta aftlclendum est nt, etc., Cle.; aestus,
homo 11fftict11s et 11erdit1111, Cie.
labor, tames, siti1 afftclunt corpora, tt•tal:tn, amigo ·flixl -Hletum, 3. I. A. to strlkt, dash
Lh-. ; 2, of the lllind, litterae tUAe sic me a!feee· a9ui1i..1t; \'IW\ pnrietib1111, Lh'. B. t-0 1Z.uh to tl1t
runt ut, etc., Cie. gro11nd; statuam, Cle.; e'lni virique atnlcti,
&motlo -onl1, f. a1l adding to, Phatl(}r. struck <lown in bctttu, Se.11. IL to iU·trrilt,
dmnagt. A. fustl capnt nllcutu~, Tac.; l\ll\'e!I
digo -ftxi -tixum, S. (ad and flgo), to /cu~n to, quae gravli~itime er:rnt, C:tes. B. Tra1111r.,
a_Jz. L Lit.., litteram illam (t.:) it.& vehemeuter to "'''ul.:t-11, 1li$COUTt1.1Jt, i11}111't: 1111n \·ltlum 1111".
&ti caput, ut, etc., w brand, Cle.; Prometheum t.1'11111 sed virtns nostra 11011 ntttixlt, Cle. ; 111111
l:a•1cuo, Cic. ; cruel, Liv.; of trophies of Will', plane me enervavlt nee atflixit 11e11ech111, Cle.;
~i~na :Llt'lxa deluhris, Hor. ll. Trans(., a, cnusam suscept&m, to drop a law auit, Cic.;
lt!L3C:l illa in aspo.•rrimls 111xi11 t.amquam nidulus Vt'Ctlgalla. bellis amigu11tnr, '"fftr lArougll uoar,
:llflxa, Cic. ; alicni aftlxu111 eHse ta11111u111n magis- Cle. ; animus alftlgere et tlcbillt&re metu, Cic.
~., llul to lmw tM liAK of, Cle. ; b, of the milul,
to i•priN.t, ea maxlme amgi anlmi11 n<>stri11, Cic. (ad-fto), 1. L to hlo10 on. A. Lit., aft!a.
hat acrior f'rigoris \'i11, Liv. ; 0<lores qui alttareutur
aablgo ·flnxl -flctmn, 8. (ad an..t ftn_go), to e tforibus, Cle. B. Trnniif., 1, Intrans., to blmcr
fona, /1ti11H-, inivll.l in 11t1Jitioll, to atld tn. L Lit., propitiorl..•ly; felix cul plncidut1 leniter afflat.
ofartl•tM, partf\m oorJJOris, Cle. n. Tnansf., to aiuor, Tib.; 2, Tran11., to bring; rumor!!! nesclo
'""'"'; qui nihil oplulont1 alftng!lt &BAumatque 11111tl afH:i.verat couu11i11Slune Oraeconnn trequen-
ad aegritut.liueni, Cle. ; mutt& ru1nore atlln!J"ball· tiam 11nn fnls...e, Cle. ; 3, t-0 hrtatht, tv co11nll111ti·
btr, Caa. mu iw-entl11; laetos uc111ii1 alftllrat honore~ 1 Yeric.
diDla -e (ad and finis). L Lit.., 11tighbou:r- II. A. t-0 brt1.1th.e 011: velut illlai C&11ldla ama1111et,
bg; ~m1 aftlui11 .Ma11Tii11 Liv. D. Trnnar., 1, Hor.; nrn>qU!! uul primns equls Orlens nma\'it
rrliltal bJ ""'rria17e:: alter mihl aftinhc erat, Cic. a11heli11, Verg. ; of ftre and heat, saucil alttatlc1ue
Sub!rt .. &8bai8 -Is, m. brotlae:f-, mtn--, /atlitr-, incen<lio,, Liv. B. to i11~11irt; atnata
waotAcr-ht-law ; eognatl et alftnes, blood relalimu ei;t uumlne quanuo ,lam proplore del, Verg.
a"llll OOIU&tttiolU by marriagt, Cle.: a 001111tettd
aflltiena-entls (p. adj. or amuo), rfcA, c>Jfumt,
·~ pri"fl w ; bujus auspieionis, ~le. ; hulc ab11nda11t, pltntift1Uy provided with, fell of; opi-
facinorl, Cic. bus t>t copiis, Cle.; omni scelere, Cle. ; ex aftlu.
d'"mltas ·itis, (aftlnls). L 11eighbo11rhood, tmti, ill abmulanct, Tac.
\·:M'r. A. re:l.atiofuhfp by marriage; aftinitate aflltien~r. adv. with compar. (afftnens),
aese devincire cum aliquo, Cle.; In aJftnltatem nli-
cuius pervenire, Cic. ; plur., conJunctio homl- richly, al»cndanlly, volnptate amueutius ha.urire,
num !Jlter homlnes serpit senslm foras, cogna- Cic.
tionlbns primum, delude afftnitatibua, deinde ami.\entla -ae, t. (aftluena), overflow, abun-
antlcltiL•, Cic. ; meton., relalion.6 b11 'l'IMlrriagt, danc.; onmium reruru, Cic.
l'l&ut.. B. V1tW1' or any kind ; lltterarum, amiio (ad-ftuo) -ftuxl -fluxum, 8. "' jl"1D to.
Quint. A. Lit., 1, of rivers, Autidus amnh• utrh1que
amrm&ti. adv. with auperl. (afftnna.tus), castris aftluem1, Liv.; 2, a, uf the cont~o11rsc or
«rtatnl1, poa~ttely, promitten! allquld, Cle. atoms in the Epicurean phi1011nphy, Luer.; bt of
men, to jf.ock togtther; atnuente quotidie multi·
·a8lrmi.tlo -Onia, r. a.ssewration, poritiw a.s- tudine ad (amam belll sr.emque prae<lat>, Liv.
ltTt um, Cic. B. Trnn11f., 1, to comt: 111hil ex hitls Jods non
IJllrmo. 1. (ad and ftrmo). L "'strt11gthnt: uwdo litterarum, sed ne rumori11qultlem11ttt11xit.,
soc.ieta11 junojurando aftlrmatur, Liv. n. a, to Cic. ; 2, to abomid: quum domi otium ct dlvi·
'11.Pf>iJTt a ltatnn.n4t, to prot>t; quod bre,·lter oic- ti:iP. 11tll11erent, Sall. ; unguenti11111Huens, d1'ipping
ciiru M ratJonibiss afflnnatuw, Cia.: b. to ~ert willl ung1wits, Cle.; voluptatlbus. Ci<'~
aft" 24 agg
aft"or (11.d-ror), 1. dep., t-0 actost, add~: Tel'Sl- Agi'Vo -es. r. (' Aya.v>)), dm117hter of Cmimiu.
bu.~ aliq11em, Cic.; esp., to say ftirewdl to tho mother of Pcnlluu.s, wlwm she kilud in a Baoch:i.o
dr.a<I; alliu·i extrt·mum. Verll. ; to pmy t-0: dl'os, lrc11.::y.
Verg. (1st pt'rs. of p1't's. iudic. not fuuud ; 011ly Agendlcum -1, n. 0071itril of the Senimu, '"
us ..d in th" other }>('rsons of the PH'S. imlic., thl) Gall itt L11!1du11cn.iis, now Stn6.
1st p<'rs. imperf. iutlic., the 2uu p~rs. imper., the
lutln., and partic.). Agclastus -i, m. (ciyi..\acrro~, nev~r l:m~h·
i11.c:), >ILi 1tome of M. CrassU!, gro.ndfatlu:r <Jf t/UJ
afformido, I. to be in fear, Plaut.. tr1!l11u·it', said to have lauglwi only onu in hi.a
aftrlco -frkui -frlcatum, 1. w rub, Plin. liJe.
aflrictua -\ls, m. (afl'rico), a rubbi'll!l cm, O.gollua -1, m. (dim. of ager), a. litth ftel4.
Pli11. Cic.
atfnlgeo -fulsi, 2. to shine, A. Lit.,
gliftt!T. agcma -llti~, n. (ciY'!1-Lct), a. corps in IM Mac#J-
Vc11us (11.. planet), arl'ulsit, Ov. B. Tra11s(. 1 1, d.111rn 1i ar111y, Liv.
of' a d<•ity, to look f<wouritbly upo11: \'Ultus uui
tuus ;1 ll'ulsit, Hor. ; 2, of hope, to appear; con- Agenor -uri!':, m. (' Ay>ivwp), a 1.:in11 of Ph~ni­
suli rci m;ijoris spes a.ttulsit, Llv. cia, }11/herof Cad /ILUS aail l~urupa; ll1 u~ A~cnoris.
Carthage, Ven:. ; ~cuore uatus, C.1d111wr, Ov.;
aft'undo ·flldi -!llsum, 8. to pouri? L Lit.,
ve11enum \'Uhwri, Tac.; colonia amne alfusa, hence, 11 Agcnorldee -a~. m. a son or d&-
wa.shtil by a river, Plin. II. l, of men, to a<i<L; ut ..-endar1t of .·tumor, Cadm1u, Ov.; Perseu~..! aa
equlti.m tria milli11 cornil1us aM'uwlereutur, Tac.; descendant of Dar1au11, 'l'lt'pl~ o/ .Agerwr, uv. i
2, an·untlt~re se or alfuuLli, to prostrale oMUI/ on. 2, Agenor~ue -a -um relating to .Agmor;
the ground; atfusaque posccre vi tam, Ov. domus, hou.s~ of Cadmus, Ov. ;
bos, tM btdl
bore away Eu.ropa, Ov.; o.enum, tM 1uUl4 'WUldfw
Atranlne -a -um, ft(l?U of a .R07114n plebeian the I'hotnician pur('U dyt, !tin.rt.
ge1u, thu most f'11mo11s of which were L L. .Afra-
nius, a &ma" comic poet (born probably &bout Agena -entis (partic. of ago), limy, adiw;
130 A.C.), <xmtem1>omry of tertnce. IL L. Afra· acer orator, incensus et Pgens, Cic.
nius, depe.w1lt and legate of Ca. P'"1lJ>, ager, agri, m. (a'Jp~). L 1 land i9'cultfotJtW1l,
killed. after the battle of Tlwpnu. o.ficld, picoe of lau ; colere, bic.; homo ab agro
Atrt -arum, m. tke dwellers in ..dJrica, especi- remotissimus, flothing of~
• ally In the narrow sense of the district round {,'ic. ; 2, opea rou11try in oppwiLwn to t'he toum:
Cmtha~e; sing., dirus .Aler, Hannibal, Hor. Tastat.i agri sunt, urbs assiduis exhanstll fllneri-
bu.s, Liv.; 3, the la1td oppo3td to the .a; arx
Adj., Arer -fra -frnm; aqua, .-i bet!DU1l Sicily Crotonis uno. parte immlnens marl, alters parte
and ~rica., Ov.; avi1t, guinea-j()U;l, Hor.; sorores, vergente in 14,-rum, Liv.; 4, in agrnm, in depth
the Ht$1>eridu, Jnv. Hence A. Arrlca -ae, f. (opp. iu frontem, in length), Hor. ll. ~ Urri-
l, in wider sense, the continnit of .A.Jrica, Sall. ; tory of a 3ta.U, Tu11culanus, Cic.
2, in naiTOwer sense, Africa propria or Africa -1, m. ('Ay.,O'&Mo(). a lrl"ll oJ
provincia, th• OO'U11try mvund and .formerly be- Spana who conqvtrtd the P'1'8ian.a cm Ute Pactolua
longing to Carthage; and in a narrower sense fa .Asia Minor (A.C. 895), and th.I Boeotiana, AU...
still, tM districl of Zeugia tDi.lh it.t capital nian1, and other Grub al Coronc in Boo>tia.
Cn.rthagt. B. An-lei.nus -a -um, belonging to Agealmbr~tWI -i, m. (' AyriO'{µ{Jf)O'f'Of), oowi--
.Afrl.oo.; helium, Catsar"a Wctr agaimt tke Pom-
pria11.1 ift. Africa, Cic.; gallinae, g¥inea-fmol., mander of tha Rhodia" ftul. o.gaiut Pliuip OJ
\'arr. Snbst., Afticanae -arum, f. (sc. hestiae), Macedon.
..tlJHoan 'Wild bea.sts, lions, etc., used in th11 circus l.geslpCrua -JX!Udia, m. (' AyriO'l.1r0..\1r), 1cm oJ
at Rome, Liv. .As a surname, .Africnnns, see Clwm.brotu~ a11a king of Sparta about 195 A.C.
Cornelius. C. Atri0118 •ll -urn, .A.fricxm; aggemo (ad-gemo), s. to grocin at, to u:ap cic,
bell um, tll4 ucond l'unic 1mr, Liv.; ~<ar"s war O".
agaimt tM Pompeian.s, Cat's. ; mare, routh·w,st agger ~ris, m. (2. aggero). L material brouqM
pa.rl of the Mtdilerranean sea. Sall. ; ventus to form a. htap or mou7td; aggerem com-
.A!rlcna or Africua alone, tM S. JV. sWrmy rain- portare, petere, Cues. ; paludem aggere explere,
"1incl; pl"Heceps, Hor. Caes.; poet. moliri nggere tecta, to build a.nd
Ag~memnon -6nls, m. (' .Ayo.µlµ.vwv), a. king fortiftJ with a mcnmd, Verg. . IL 1, a MOUnd,
of MyuiiM, lwder of the Grtik u1ieditionto Troy; rtlnipart ; apparare, jacere, facere, lnstruere,
hence, 1, AgamemnCSnldes -ae, m., a s-•n Caes.; agger ·rarquinil, or simr,ly agSter, a ram-
m- duotndanl of .A.go.~mnon, Orestes, Juv. ; 2, part aaid to haVfl been built 't>y 'i'arquinu.s Sul"tT'-
Agamemnonlus -a -um, rtlatin.g to .A.ga111C1l· lnu to protect &TM; 2, a rampo.rt to prott:et a
ncn; puella., l]'higt1&eia, Prop. harbour, Verg.; tke bank of a rivu, gra111ineus
r!pae agger, Verg. ; th~ cuUMWay of a road; ag:;er
.lgrurlppi -&, t. (' A)'dviTMl"7J), a founto.!n in
viae, \'erg.; 3, poet., any I.ind of tlevation;
Boeotia.1 JJaered to tAtJ MU3t3, Verg.; hence, 1 1tumuli ex 14,>gere, Verg. ; aggerea Alpini, Verg.;
AgAnlPP!S -ldis, r. .Aganippean, Ov. ; 2, arenae, Verg.; ajviural pile, Ov.
Agantppeue -a -um, re/ati11g to .Aganippe,
ICCrtd to th. M1Ua; lyra, Prop. 1. aggt§ro, 1. (ag~er), to form a mound, to
hmp UJ'. L Llt. 1 Tac.; cadavera, Verg. D. Fig.,
Agaao ~uis, m.(ago), a horse-boy, groom, Liv.;to incrt0u; dict1s iras, Verg.
donkey-driver, Liv.; uwkward servant, Hor.
2. ag-giro (ad-gero) ·gesal -gestum, S. (ad and
A.gA.thoclea -is ancl -!, m. ('A')'<lDoo:..\ij~). 1, a
gero). 1. Lit., to CU1T1/ to, bri11g to; luta etl
frrant of Syra.cuse, born :Jtil A.C. ; 2..l a Grukllmum, Cic.; with dat., aggeritur tumulo tellu.a,
philoaophtr and writer on husbandry; ;,, a Gruk Verg. IL Fig., to load, hmp on ; pro bra, Tac.
.l.gAthyrna -ae, f. (Ay.iOvpva.), or Ag~ aggeet1111 ·Ila, m. (2. aggero ), a carrying to,
accum.u.lati.or..: pabulae, materiae, liguorum, Tao.
thyrnum -!, n. (Ay.i9vp110v), a town on. the N. of ~icilJI, 11010 S . .Agath<l. agglCSmero (ad-glomero), I. Lit. to 'lOWwl
cm a "ball, to add; addunt se socios et lateri ag-
J.c•t:byrel -Orum, m. ('.A-yd9vp~), a SC'/1- glomerant
1.\'lan pt{)pl.e liiring on tke Mo.ria, in W&Odem
nostro, t.Arrrng to our ttiib.. Verg.
Htmga.ry, who tattooed tMmulvu blv.e; picti, aggl"iidno (ad-glutino), 1. to gltu to, to~
Verg to, Cio..
agg agn
aggrf.veeoo (ad-gravesc"), s. lo 1x'rht1U anlmo or mente); In animo hellnm, Uv.; rem
•rnr, w gTOVJ worae (of sickness), Ter. 111enl.e, Cic.; a, with iutln., aliquiJ invntlcre mni.:-
aggr'-vo (:ul-gmvo), I. L Lit., to mah 11u111 111cn:1 :ti:iit,1t mi Iii, \'l'l'g.; b, with 1le, lie i11-
~•·1!'icr, l'liu. II. Transf., to "'4ke wor111·; lno-
ft!rcn1lu bello, Liv.; c, with rel. S<'11t. 1 i<l plel.k,:1
n~itak1t quonam modo, etc., Liv. ; 4, to 7>rM-
iii:uu sociorum, Liv. i to hllighu'A; summa111 111· ti~e, e.urciu; qnibus a~ltatus et cxcrcit.'ltua
vidiae eju!I, Llv. n11h11us, Cic.; 5, of fcstivl\ls, to/. et1•; dies festos,
~cello, 3. ncUve form or ni:gredi•>r(q.v.). Cle. ; 6, to mmmgl'!, ol•.<er~·e, l:u]l; lmperlum,
aggredlor-~ressus sum,3.<lcp.(nJ untl brrn· t\all.; i;:imli11111 nt11ue lnctitiam, tn UJircs.:s, &II.;
dior). A. l, to go to,approadl;ndahquem, Plaut.; praccept.a parentis md, to obsn't't or prnctiu,
non repellitur quo n~grcdi eupiet, Cic.; 2, to 8all. ; 7,1. uf time, to live; sub. legibus nevun~ 1
~ ci pn-&0n; a., in a friendly manner, Verg. ; o, (sc. sc), to 1mu time, .my; Jacu
quern l';!'O Romne a:;grediar, Cic. ; n.tiquem pecu- neque procnl Germani agitant, Tac.. ; Llbyes
ni&, Sall. ; Venerem dicti!I, to addrCM, Ve~. ; b, propius mare agitnnt, Ball. ; 9, to act (on the
in a hostile manner, to atuuk; eos I111 peditos et 111:.i.;.:e), Plaut.
lnopinaotes,; murum, Sall. B. Transr., AgliUi -es, r. ('A y> and 'AyAat11). Uu oldm
t.o Z,..!r!n., to undertaa, to attemre; ancipitem of ti~ graas, Verg.
eaWl.'l.m, Cic. ; racinus, to ~gin, Liv. ; with ad
llld the ace., ad ca11!lam, nd crimen, ad disputa- aglaapls -Jdi11, m. (cly.\aY, a.inn~. ci brig~
tionem, ad hlstoriam, Cic. ; with ad and the shield), &uldiers with lll'itilit ihWds, MWU of a
~nu1d, ad dicen1Iurn, Cic. ; followed by thti diviaion in the Macedo1ticrn ar11ly, Liv.
infin., oppidum altissimis moenlbus oppugn&re, agmen -lnls, n. (ll~o), &0methtnq drl?Jtn or
Caes.. mnvr.d, a ma.~ i11 mowmmt. L Uen., A. Of
aggrego (ad-~go), 1. to add to, joi11 10W..; tliings with life, 1, of men, a bcinil, a Ull'llll{l:
a., with atlv., eot.lem c .. tcros u11dlq11e collectos stipatus 11,,'"'llllae patriclorum, Lh'.; Enrnenitlu1a
naufra;os. Cic. ; b, with in nn1l, ego te agmina, Vt·rg.; 2, or animals, ngmen ferarum,
iu nostrum 11umcn1111 a;z~regare 11oleo 1 Cic. ; Ov. ; nligerum ngmen, ltDllM Vtirg. ; grant-
c, with ad an<l tht> ace., se nd con1111 amicltiarn, ferum agmen, anti, Ov. B. bt things with-
<Ms..; d. with daL, se H.oman!s, Liv. ; e, out life, 1, Cl large atrmm or water, lenl ftult
absol., alins nlin ex nnvi, qnibuseurnque algnill ngmlne ftumen, Verg.; 110 of rain, immensum
occurrerat, sc ng;;rcga hat, Caes. 11.1:,"lnen aquarum, Verg.; 2, of the atoma, Luer.;
aggresalo -unis, f. (ag;;redlor), the imro- 3 of the cloud.II, Luer. ; 4, or the 'movement
d11etio1~ to a ~llUCJ'; primA aggreS11ione anilnos ol oars, Verg. ; 5, or the glidlniz of aunkes,
occup.ue, Cic. ":<tre1Me agmina caudae, Verg. IL A.a mtllt.
igDJs -e (ago). A. or things, 1, tJCt11Uy moved, t. t., a11 arm.11. A. A.hstr., ih4 march of an
nnliy; cltato agmlne, Liv. ; rudis aginlnum,
W,At; clas.'liR, Liv. ; 2i •iiiick; rint.• :i~illor, Ilor. B. Coner., 1, tM arm.11 01l march; a, or
Plln. B. Of prh1111ts 1 • liyht, ni111/llc; den, luf;intr,>, i1t1alru1x ngmen mag!s quam llcies
Diana, Ov. ; Cyll1·11i11l!, .'tlcrc11l'y, Ov.; 2, «ctive; (ncles th1 army in liM of battle), Liv. ; aµ-mlne
oderunt ai...;tem g11avu111que re111issi, Hor.; nuue foc,'Tt"<h, lro, Liv. ; agmlne lnstructo, ready /01'
agilis fto, /Ju.s]J, Hor. mnn:h, ; ngtnlne facto, in clo.'UI marching
Agllltae -4tis, t (agilis), tAt po1lJff of bsino onler, \'erg.; trlpaitito ngmlne, a march tn. thl'W
«Uuu 1run;ed, quid-mo, cigilU11, Ugh.tneu; na- t'J1unin.s, 'Inc. ; 8l,'lnon pilatum, Verg., or justum,
vium,. Liv.; na.tura.e, Cle. an annyin cluae marching order, Tac. ; 11 un.dratnm,
j,gta -ldis, m. (• Ay&s), MN of kings of a marcl~ in a lwll<rw &r1uare, isnll. ; primum, the
Spina. mngmtrd, Caes. ; medium, tM antre, Caes. ;
igit&bllla -e (agito), ea.aily mowd, light; "xtrcrnnm or novisslmum, the rw.r, Cle. ; ducere,
aer, Ov. ro lead, Cle. ; cogere, to act as rearguard, Ca.ea. ;
11C1 fig., nt nee duces sum us nee agmeu cogamus,
Aglti.tlo ~nis, f. (ngito). I. Act., A. Lit., Cle. ; b, or cavalry, equiturn, Liv.; 2, or a
t1oho1&; anceps telorum armorumque, Liv. B. tleet, Liv. ; 3, of the baggage or an army, lm-
maJM19t11&m-t; rerum magnarum agitatlo ntque pedlrnl!ntorum, Tac. ; rerum captarum Liv. i
administratio, Cic. II. P&88., ataU of motion. 4:, Transf., of animals mRrching ln oi-der, de-
A. Lit., ~it.ltio et 1notua linguae, Cle. ; Ct!•lens agmlne magno corvorum exercltus, Verg.;
ao;it&tiones ftuctuum, Cic. B. Transr., activity; and so of things personified, veuti velut agmfoe
numquam aW.mus agitatione et motu esse vacuus facto, qua. dntn porta, ruunt, Verg. i stellae
pot.est, Cic. quarum agmina cogit Lucifer, Ov.
lgiti.tor ~rll, m. (agito), 1, mu wh-0 am in
•ohon, a driwr; aaelli, Verg. ; 2, a cltariotur, agna -ae, r. (agnus), a femJJ.'IA lamb, llor.
do con.Un.d.~fCYr ~ pri.n in the ci1'CU8, Cic. Agn.iilla-lum = Agonalla (q.T.).
lgltatus -!ls, m. aglt&tio (q. v.). agnascor (11d-gnascor) -nlttus, s. to be bom
lgito, 1. (inten&. or ago), to put in consta11t in addition to, legnl t. t. or children born
""'tian., to drive about. L Lit., 1, or animal,., their father's will, either 1.n his lifetime or after
to drire; spumantem equum, Verg. ; or to hunt; his death, Cic.
aqTJila in!ll'ctans alias aveJJ et a~iUl.ns, Cic. ; 2~ agnatio ~nis, r. (agnascor), mation.ship
of the wind on the sea, to agitate, tou up ana recki>md through, malu only, Cle.
"'1c1l; ventorum vi agitari atque turbari, agnatus -i, m. (agnascor), 1, a relation ck·
Ck; 3, to stir up In any way, to move hastily; aceniled from a com111-0n a11cestQ1' in tM male lfne,
quod puhJU a~t.<itur ext.erno, Cic.; corpora hue Cic. ; 2, a child born into a /amiJ:y where ci
IUue, Sa.IL 11. Transr., l, to~. agitate, harass; regular heir alrtady e:Nu, Tno.
nt eo11 agiteut inscctenturque f'uri!P., Cle. ; Tyr-
rbenam ndem ant gentes agitare quletn.s, to agnollua -1, m. (dim. or agnus), Cl lillle lamb,
lrouble, Verg.; seditlonihus tribunlcl!s atroclter Plaut.
NI publica agitab&tar, Sall. ; to ridicule, quas agninu -a -um (agnus), relatlltg to a lamb,
penoll.18 agitare solemus, non suatlnere•. Cle. ; Plaut. Su bat., agnina -ae, f, (sc. caro), lamb' a
:I, 111 speech, to ha.11.dU, tmI-t of, argm, discuss; flak, llor.
agrari& Jex ychementer agitabatnr, Cle. ; 3, In agnltlo ~nla, t (&lZ'tloaco). 1, ncormmcm;, to about, CIOMder (with or with- cadaveris, Plln. ; 2 knowlldg1 ; anlml, of tAt
OIU f.a corde, in mente, In an11110, or simply Mture of the mind, C1 o.
agnimen(ad-11omen) -Tnh1, n. 1t1rlln11t1, '"'nu f"'r&L, Age, agit.e, n~ with 1l11m, IL'I an Inter-
fiw" to 11 IN41& f<>r IOllU 1er11i«, e.g. Africanus, jection, ro111e I t«ll I !]ood ! Ci<'.
Aaiaticu.s. a.gin -onia, rn. ca.,..;. .), a roniul ill tM pw1>li•
apo.oo (Ad·gnOllCO) -n3\·l -nltum, 3. {Rd antl (](llllO, Plin., 8uet.
gn011CO = nos<'o). L to ~rceiN (In lt.9 t.n1e l.giniUa -Jnm aud -<intm, n. the futiml o}
ch11ractcr), to rteog'tl i6'I; dcum ex opcrihua 11Uiff,
L'lc.; vett>rt-m Anchlsen ~gnoscitamicum, Vcrg.; Jania; hence adj., A.giniilla -e, rtlatiu!J to the
p&n'llm Trujam, Verg. IL to rtcf)glliu iu tnu: Ago11alta; Agonalhs lux, the tlay ojtM .AgoMli<to
or gf!ntthu, to adcn.owledgf. ; flllnm quem Ille Ov.
nRtmn non agnorat, eundem tnoricni1 111111111 dlx· AgiDla ~rum, n. 1, Ute ll1'imall for ccri·
erat, Nrp.; allquem uon duecm, Liv.; of things, jioe; 2, = Agonalla, Ov.
crimen, Cle.; quod n1eu111 quoddammodo &g· qkan~mu .f, m. (&~Of), a Mari:d
n011eo, Cle.; with acc. and lnlln., ct ego lpiws inl)Jtclor ill <rrtt«, Plaut.
rne non eue verborum ad111odmu (¥01oem ag· lgri.riu ·• ·um (ager), rda ti"9 tn land ; tu.
DOSCO, Cle. ll\wnlatirig to Utedit•iswnofthepubliclaittf, Cle. i
apu -1, m. a l.amb; collrct., abundare agno, res, tM rihrili<m of public lauds, Cic. ; triumvir,
Cle.; vrov., agnum Jupo eripcre velle, to tDim the o~ ~ _rruided over tlu divlaio1&, I.iv.
for tAe impouiblt, Plaut. Sub8t., acr&rlJ. ~rum, m. ~ agmrian part111
Igo, ~. actam («.,...). 3. to 11tt (" motim&. L who proposed to distribute the public Ja1111
Lit., A. to drit:~, 1, cattle, etc. ; bovea Romani, among the people, Cic. ; lgrarlA -ac, f. (sc.
Liv.; 2, to l«zd orifrit1t men, agmcn ageni, to 1tl lex), an agraria1' law, Cic.
a• ar11&y i• JIWtion, Ltv. ; se ngere, to go, Plaut.; agreatta -c (ager), nTnti11!1 to the fltTda or
3, to rMf• • horse or driw a carri.ige, to .et a ship cottntrr. A. I,,."'""; taunia, Liv. ; », 11nnrge;
vultus, Ov. & 1, btlong,ttg to tlte COMHtry,
' " 'llt.Otio1'; equum, Tac:. ; carpentum, Liv. ; naves,
Liv. ; 4, or things, to pMl '" tnoti-Oii, drillll, vincaH nutic; hoef,itium, CIC.; homo, Cic. 811l1t1t..
tunvque, CMS. ; nubos veutu.s &gellll, Luer. B. at;re8Ua · K, m. a co1o!lryMC11&, Cle.; 2, rovgl,
1, to drfoe wU/1,foru or violviu; turba fugicutium, boori.Jll, cloto1tia/t.; aervi ~tea et barbari, Cic. ;
actua, lJv. ; anlmam agero, to giN 11p tlu ghOlll, rW1tica vox et &greBtis, Cre.; agrestiores M1ume,
Cic. ; glebis aut fnatibus allquem de funrlo, Cle.; the MtllU o/ the cooner, practical crrll, f'.g. rlo-
2, Ks11., to plvnckr, to drive moay caUlt, often 71u:11tt, opposed to m&nauctiorea Muaae, e.g.
with ferre or j'Ortaro, l't.'B quac ferr! agiquft pos- philOfO]•hy, Cle.
snnt, Liv. ; 3. to ro1utnu:t, build, l.a11; fundA· 1. agrl~ -ne, 1n. (ager and colo). a tillff
meut.a, Cic. ; :a,, of plant.H, to 1trike root, Pliu.; <>/ tM jWch, farmLr; 11gncola ct 1iccuarius, Cic.;
Hg., ve!'a glori4 radices a.git, Cic. D. Transf., A. deus a.,"ficola, Silm1uu, Tib.; caelites agricolac,
Oen., as r~""Ards actions, toddve, fociU; In anua, the god.a qf tAe c:c.tmtrr, Tib.
l.iv.;aliquem In fraudern, Vcri;.; Beagereor agere
ahlol., to liw; 1m1lto et fnmiliaritcr cum alh1uo, 2. Aal~-ae. m.GnaeuJt&li1U(40-93A.D.)
&II. B. 1, of time, to pnu; quurtnm i.unum fatlur-lJt...iaw of TacU11.1, ll'OWrnor qf llrilai1&.
ago et octogeslmum, I am ill my tiqhty-jirurth. agricultlo ~nla, r. agriculturn (q. v.).
,mr, Cic. ; actatcrn In lltterb, Cic. ; 2, to act, to agrioultor-3ris, m. =
agricola (q.v.).
do; quid vos agitis f Cic. ; 9,uid agam f Ter. ; agricultura -ae, t. agricuUure, Cle.
absol., lndw1tria in 11gendo, Cic.; nu1le, bene,
praeelare agere cnm oliquo, IQ trt!U 11 JlC'""°" t0tll Agrlgea.tum .f, n. (Gr. 'Altp&yci; a11tl Ult.
Acn\gis), a flot&rWli1'g Grwk toun~ on the 1011U.
or badly, Cle. ; n!hil agere, Cic. ; Id agcrc ut or
ne, to uive attention to, to do 0111!'• bat; lcl aguut con st of Sicily. Adj., .Agrlgentinu -n -um,
ut. viri bonl esae vlde1mtur, Cle.; 8, of outward and AorlP.atinu -a -um, .AgrigellliM.
r.xpre11Klo11, a, or orators, tu df!Claim, agere cum aarl~ -ae, m. (~r and peto), 11 laJid.
dignitate ac \·enustate, Cie. ; b, or actol'8, grnhlJCr; Cic.; ci ..uJu or lf]1t0.t~r, Cle.
to pl((y, rqrrut11.l, dtliwr, nunquam aglt Ros· Anippa -ae., m. I. &mtall jcr'lllfl11 ""..._
cittK buoc versum eo gestu quo, Cic. ; A. ilenerllua Agrippa, the author or the fable
fabulam, to play in a pitce (comedy), Cle. ; of the belly and the membeni, by which he wa•
prhnaa partt's, to play lf!ading parta, Ter. ; agere said to have reconciled. the plebeiana 11nd patrl-
aliquem, to N'pruent I07M cJiamcUr: minietrum clam1, Liv. Ii. 32. B. 1, M. Vlp6Rnlus Agrl)lf'l't
hnpel'atorle, Tac. ; o, to t%p'IY:llll gratiturle; grates, (03-12 a.c.), the friend and adviser or Atlg'natl!J',
Cle. ; 4, a, of ll festival, to kttp; festos dies whose niece, Marcella, and daughter, Julia, 'he
a1111ivcrsario!I, Cle. ; b, to kttp, obioerw, pacem, ·aucceuively married, a celebrated gsne~l and
&II. ; o, to utp watch, Sall. ; vlgllias, Cle. ; statesman, who adorned Rome wtth many large
d, to hOJd a meeting, to trm1tt some t\metlon, buildings. 2, Agrippa Postumm, 80h of the
to traruact; forum or convcntnm, f.o hold the as· above, banished. to P!Anaala by Auguwtu.e, eald
1ius, Cle., Clles. ; eap., BKere belh;m, to have the to have been murdered there at the begtnntng
amd11ct of a war, Liv. ; 6 a, '" trtat wit.A ; ut or Tiberius's reign. D. Namt o/ hro .'1:iitg1 oJ
&gel't'm cum Lucceio de vcslra vetere gratia recon· tM Htrod famil11 tn Judcua, Herodea Agrippa L
cilinrull\ Rgente Servilia, tlt.f'011gh ~ agt11cy of and Herodes Agrippa I l.
Strvilio, Cic.; b, In politics, to brinu quutio118 be· Agrlp_pina -ae, 1. the namt o/ lnlmll .Ro.u\11
fore the senate or people for decision ; In senatu 100mtn. LA. dau~hter or .Ill. Vlpeanlua.Agrir.Jia.
de aliqua re, 0\', ; cum populo, Cic. ; nlhil by ltis first wife, wife or Tiberius. B. daug 1ter
0111ni110 actnm est de nobi11, Cic. ; agere cauaam of' Agrippa hy Julia, and wife of GermanlcuA,
aliculua, to take the aiM nf IO!l&C 1'10liticiat&, Cic.; banished toPandatarlaaf'terherhusbanll'adeath.
~r In law, agere c1111sa111, to pUacJ aome !'iu's caue! D. Tbc granddaughter of AJITippa, daughter of
\.:1c. ; ab8ol., ~re, to brrng a" action, to 11tt, Gennaui~ua a11d Agripplua (I. B.), gen. known
ex 11yngrapha, Cie. ; 11011 enim glarl.iis tecum scd as Yaunger .Agrippina, wife or her uncle, tho
Jitibus agetnr, Cle. : u~ci esp. with Jm-e an~ Empero; Claudius, rnunlered by order or her
l<':;c, Rgere lcge In hen.•11itllw11., Cic. ; with gonlt. eon, the Emperor Nero; hence OoJoD.laAD-IP-
or acc111111tlon, furtl, to i11dict for th,fl, Cle.; qua pbleDaill. ci town of Germany (uow COfog11e),
de re agitnr, t/11 point rrt rii1p11tt, Cle. : In quo uamed In honour or Agrippina (II.).
agitur JlOpuli Romani gloria, is at sUtke, Cle.;
actll res e-. or actum cat, the tmMOCticm ii Xrriea -~I or ~os. m. (' Ayvtf\if). 11'n1111M qJ
/lnWrtrf, 10 followerl by de, « ia nU over toltA; a1
.Apo;[O, prot«lor' qf 111WU, Hor.
ac-ta ne asamui, aa tM.- u IA loo lGlt, Cle. Im· .lo'IJa -Mat. (Ay{,Ma'), OrM t1C11N"'llf
Agy Alb
Ell'1l!nt1' toum Can-t. A•tJ., a, Agyllinua ·& Ali.mannl (Alllm5nl, Al~m1mni) ·llrum, m.
011m, rtlrtting to Agylln, urlo,; = Agylla, \."er;!.; b, nC1111t nf a r :u111m1 confelerucy bttuotm the D1m11w
A.gJUelia -~o.;. 111. tpilhtt <1 .AJoollo, who liaJ a anti the Rhine.
k~1·le at .Agylla., llor. Alant -<ln1m, m. ca Seythial'l raoe, orlgioall7
.lgjrium -U, 11. ('Ayliptol'), a torrn in Sici111, rr11111 the Cnurasm1.
b;1fh·1·"1re nf tM! hi.,tM·i1111 niodor11~, now S. Fi- ·M, f. a boz Oii th« t<tr, Jnv.: ~h·en hy
lit'I'° ,f.frgiro; ltence Agfrlneuabl ·e, relati1111 a 111astcr to his etn,·e on the 111a11umi!(sfn11 of the
to .A!1yria•"· sln'"c ; henl'c, mu lt.o 111nj11ri11 alnrae m1•1·u111 \·e·
ah. luterj., a.A I all 1u•1111t, 1 uU frce.lvm. at a much h£ilher priu,
Ahala -n~, m., C. Servillni-1 tht flUISftr Q/ the
'/lror;<t 11 tttitr tli.e didu.tor Ci11c11111,alll.t, B.C. 4:1\•, al&rlua ·fl ·nm, and a1Arla -e (aLI), l>tlOllfl"
,,..~o .•leiu SI'. Mn el itu. ing tu the win171 of n_n_ ~n~1y ; c!"lultl'11, Liv.; co-, Cle. ; ltcuce iJ.iru, allied 'roop1, <.:uea.
A.harDa -ae, r. a town b Elruria, now /Jar· ~e ntn II. B.
Al&tua -a •Um (a'IA). toinged, Verg.
Ahenobarbwl. v. Dllmitlus. Klaucla -ne, r. (11 Keltlc wore!) II lark. I. Lit.,
al {.u"), aA I an luterjectlon of grief, OY. Pllu. II. Traner., the of a ieyionfnrmetl bf
A1ax -icls, m. (Ai«~), the name of two Ifnmtrlc Ou.-ar in Gnid, l:>uet. ; hence, tlu toldi.trs Q/ iM
Ji, nots: 1, .Aiax Tcl:unonlus, con of Trl11nlfln, lfginn; Alaudae, Cle.
l i 11.g of Sala;miJ, who com mitt.el\ sull'frle hel'nnsc lUD.zoD ·llnl~, m. (d.\.i(..,v), a braggart, f>o<uter.
hi- fai il"d iu the C•lllkst with Ulys~cs fnr the nnus Plaut.
of Achilles; 2, Alax Oilcus, kina of tht Locri. Alba -ae, t (connected with nlbns, 4.\4HSc,
i.lene -entis (f'l\rtlc. or nio), affirmativt, Cle. alp, a hir1h mo1mtuin). A. A /Ila; fam!](l, tbe
i.10. ctrfcctive vcrh. L to 111y ~·. to a.t!frm oldest Lntin town, according to tho lt'ge11cl hullt
(npp. llf~i;o), Plaut. II. to my, to asurt, to ~tutf, loy A!lca11i11s 011 a riclgc of the Mons Allll111us.
C'ic.; ut alunt, cu tht fl'rrp1e Ill!/, Cle.; quid nlll? the motlier dty or ltnme, snld to ha\ 6 Pel'll 0

""'Mt u
your 01il1t1on t Ter. ; ait1', al.8-ne, do you destroyed l>y Tullus Hostilius; hence, a, Al-
really mta1' il I u it JXWib/1 t Cle. bi.nua -a -um, .A/lx111; mons, a hol11 mnuntai,.
of tli.t l-<1ti1t.s (1w\Y Mo nu Ca L"o); l:i.cu11, ~ la~ ut
Atue IASquens or Atua Lociitlue, m. thl foot of mon.t .Al/-cI11111 (uow La110 d' .AllxilW);
(11io :m1l loq11or), tM 6'{'taka 111•11111{1. l.1·. th• roire m1111lclpi11111, a lnler tuwn, "°'far from t11.c siu qf
'trhkh is •11't "-> ha.H m1rned the Romau of the .Alba I.u119a; Alba.num ·I, n. (&c. l'raerlinm).
coming of Vu Gaul~. afttruurda lwnourtd tu a na11U1 of the vUla of P0111peiu..•, 1rnd af'terwal"\ll Of
god '" a trnipll ercct,.,i to it, Cic. Nero a11d Domitian; b AlbeJ19e8 populi, ~ -ae, t. (for ag-lA, from~). L a tcin17; !"'011[1! of!um, who ~epl thtJ fcriac Lntinnc.
ot binb, plli plnnsu premu11t al11s, Cle. : or B. Alba Furentu or .Albt1uium Alba, a tmim qf
,:rwls, hie l'-"trihus 1iite11s Cyllenius nli:1 cnustitit, tile Mn rd, nf'ttorwanls a. Roman colony, in 8a1n-
\'erg. ; poet., of the hnl11 or a shi11, c\as~iS CCII• 11lu1n; hence Albenala -e, belo"fh&g to .AlbG F.
tems rcmiget alls, Prop.; or the aalls, velorum l. Albani,, &e. Alha.
pe.nd111111s al1LJ1, \'~rg. ; and to ex1•relUI anythl11g
avrirt., rulmlnis odor alis, \'erg. ; used of death, 2. Albbl -<lrnm, m. tM .ATOOlliaM, lnbllblt-
Hor.; or alttp, Tih. IL Traner., A. th.c lhoulder1 ants of Aluania; hence, a., AlbAnla -ae, f, e
and arm1•it.ll of a; ma"; sub ala fa>iciculum poit- C01'1lf'1f on tht 10at of tluJ Caapian •ta (1'010 DagM-
U'e llhrorum, Hor. B. Mllit. t. t., th.c oamlry ata11); b, AlbADua ·& ·Utn, ..A.lhania.n.
(nri!oji1tally dispos('(J on both el•les of the legions alb&tua • -um (lllhU1), clothed Ca tolaU.,
like wiu~); a; si{Wldrort (generally composed of Cic.
allieil trool'5 ), Cic, al~o. 2. (alhns), to be tohU4; membra In earn ·at\ r., and -orum, n. (~ and .,a pnllorem Rll1t·11tia ut, etc., Tac.; alLe11te coe1o,
'~..&),a toum iii Carla, tuar t11.c Mcuandtr, al da'Jlbrtak, Caea.
f.unou11 for ite ~eitlth and luxury1 !01tn•ll'd by albeeoo, s. (alheo), to b«omc wllite; ftlhe11eena
Alabandus, son or Eurip11ua nn11 Cullirrhoe; capillns, Hor. ; lux albescl~ duy dmL'ns, Verg.
hence, 1, .AIAbandensta -e, belonging lo ..lla- albloiratua .a -um, or albloerta -e, or
ba7tlfa; 2. AlAbandeU. -~os, rn. oonut .dla- albloerua -a -um, wliitiM 'lfel"'1c, Plin.
~..1111da.. Plnr. Gr. 110111., Alabandle (AAA· albloo, 1. (1llbue), l, to 111Clk11 u•hite, Varr. ; 9,
#14~fi:1), tltc inha/Jltant1 of .Ala/Ja11da, Cic. lo bfl w1'iu; 1•rnta co111!1 albicant pruinl1 1 Hor.
Al.Abarchea (Arabarches) ·ae, m. ( AAl&- albldua -a ·um (albus), whitilh, Ov.{11(), a mai1i•lrutc of Ar(lbin, a taz..grrlMrtr, a
"id.""Mrzu applittl to l'om1>t1/, who larg~ly incrtaltd Albln6vi.nua·I, m. LC. Pedo All1lnova1~
lht nw1uu by Au FA.&tetn conq11t3u, Cic. an t/•iC poet, co11ttmporary and frint.d Qf 0
D. l'elsus Albil1ovanua., ca llcrttn.ry (1& th.e rel 11"
lllbaster .. trl m., and iUAbaatrum ·I, of Tibeniu, to whoa Hora.tJ1 cu.Ul!"Ultd 011• qf Ai1
n. (t.>.4/tAITT~ and -o,.), 1, a 1>mNhaJWa Jltr· EpbUu.
/w:t1w oukd, Cic. ; 2, a J'Oie-01ld, Plln. Albinue -1, m. ~ MYM of a ftimily of tAI
llloer -eris -ere and (ntrt:ly) iUlorie -e, Gens l'OJl&111'ia. Aulua Poatumlus Aluinus, coito
adj. with compar. I. Oen., ncitt.d; multos l1U lr>l B.c., writer of a; Romaii hW.,711 in Grtek.
al.acres ex .. pcct.ue qulJ 11tatuet11r, Cle. IL Albion -<lni:l, f, (fro111 alb, Le. high), f.U
qwia, t:Aurfw.I, lioely; a, of men, Catilina alacer "high" cou1ury, old "411141 of Bnta.ill, /TOA UI
atque laetus, Cle. ; with ad and the geruntl, ad cli§1, Pllu.
hi-Ila su"cil'ie11•la Gallornm alacer et i'l'Olll(ltnis
est animu!!, Cnes. ; volu1•tu, \'erg. ; b, or ani· Albbl ·la, m. th.c Elbe, Tac.
DJat., eqvna, Cle. albltiido ·lnls, f. (albus), wlaitmear, Plant.
111.oritae -Atl11, f. (alacer), quickneu bri&k· Alblua -II, m. nama of a Roma" ge11.9; 1,
"°' cngtr1V,$!l, alacrity; 1, or men, clnae aiacr!las
drifAUs fuit I' Cic.; with genlt.., re publlcae de-
Alhl111t Tili111lu11, tluJ otltbrottd Ruman tltgiao
poet; 2, Statius Alhlua Opphml1·us, of Laur-
ftndenda.e, Cle. ; ad am} gerund, 111lra alacritate ni11m, 11111om CluenU1u \Oii.i accuud ofmurdrrl.alJJ
Id litipndum, Cic. ; 2JI or anhnala, canum tanta hence adj., Albli.nWI "6 •Ulll, rclatiHg lo ""'"
alacritu 1D venaudo, t.:10. bhu.
AJGrdl'"M -antis, m. rilrc;;tr•>. 4 CNll
alblr .am, m. (albas), • - · ., - .,,, rMtoncian
Plln. of BlCllU (•, pv of Gorrfaa.
albiilu -a -um (dim. or alboa), wlt.Ui.lh; Alcln:dS4i -&, t. (' A.Nc&p.ll-•1>. dauflW e/
columbua, Cat.; fret.a, ftlcla'ng Mart.; hence Autolycus, VJift. of Aaon, mother of JOMm.
u proper name, L Albiila -ae, '/. (11c. aqUA), old Alclnou.a-1, m. ('A.Ne&~), king of cun..m.
tl4fM of llu TIMr; fiu\'IWI Albula quem nunc
Tiberim vocant, Liv. D. Albiila ·ae, m. and
cia"',IM host of Odyssev.i, noted for bill gardens
and orchards, hence poma dare Alcinoo, to
r., or Albiilae aquae, or Albiilae -aruru, f. carry eoall to Ntweastk, Ov.; Alc!nol sylvae,
medM:inal 8] Mar Tiber (Tivoli), now So&- orclaardl, Verg.; juventus, l~rioUI ~ng . .,
fatara d1 Tivoli, or .Acqua ZolJa. Hor.
album ·l, n., v. albua. Alcmae~ and Alcmaeon. len~ened t.o
Alblinea -ae, f. a im>P~ ftymph lo toAoa Aloumaeo;(Alctimeo, Alclmeo) -1'.ima, m., and
VllY tkdicatlld ajouftta(n and groUo at Tibw. Alcll.meus ·i, m. ('A.Nc~"'''"'). I. son of ·I, m. a higlt. mou1"'ai" of Lv,. ph.iamtuand Eriphyle, who murdered bfa mother
Clllftfa, near Pautua (now JIOflN cH Podigli<me). at the wtah of his father and with the appron
albu -a -um (root ALB, connected with ot the oracle, and wu aft.erwarda drtTen mad ;
~). t111t.iu, dtad wlt.iu (opp. candidus=glitur-
hence adJ., Aloma.eOnlua -a -um. IL a
"'9 tirhiu). L Adj., A. Lit., 1, wit.ill; equi, Gruk and phylician of Orolona, pv.pU
Liv. ; nuper in hauc urbcm pedibua qui venerat of Pythagorai.
albil, llt.Jou v;ho mnM to &au .with fut clialked Alcmi.n -iut~ m. ('~av), 4" old Gtw.t I"*
to 1how they were for s&l~ Juv. : 1•rov., alba of Sardi.JI, in /..trdta (circ. 67IH>40 a.c.).
avl.8, a 1011.iU bin!, a rarit11, l;ic. ; alui~ dentibus Alcmilla -ae, f., and Alcmeni _,., t,
derldere, to la"flh ao 11$ to lhow the tuth. I.e. lengthened to Alciimina -ae, f. ('A.Ne,,...,.,.),
lwanUrJ Plaut. ; flllus al'bae gnllinae, a i1'tkr 1Di/t. of th. Thtba• .Amphitf'WO'I' and mother o/
/IUIWJ, .iuv. ; albls equis praecurrere, to .urya.n Bt:ratUu b1/ JupUn-.
~y(referring to the triumphing general whose
car waa driven by a. white horse), Hor.; 2,
Alco and Alcon ~uta. m. f ..U.-r). L a'°"
of ..ttnw, Cle. U. a ICUlptor of Sidlv, 01'.
fire¥; b&rba, Plaut. B. Esp., I, pal.e; albua ora llL a '11.tpherd, Verg. IV. a '14w1 "4tU, Hor.
pallor lnftclt, Hor. ; 9, bright ; admlaso Lucifer V. a Sagun.ti~, IJv.
albua eqno, Ov. ; so meking brf41hl; not us,. Hor. ;
and fig., /ort'llt'rf.all; stella, Hor. D. o::subst. 1 alcfon. alcf6ma=alcedo, aloedoDJa(q. T.).
album ·I, n. A. tchUt colour· alba discernere et Alof oni .... f. ('.u.:vo..,,), cfawgM.r . ,
atra non poue, Cic. ; esp., l,_ while paillt or .At-Olua, who jumpt,d UW , . cm laing lwlr' MY-
cement; colnmnu albo polire, Liv.; g, a whiu blind, Ceyz, drow71«l, IJftd WJllll CIMJftgtd wUA Mr
ipot '"' cM qe, Col ; 8, album ocull, the white of lt.tuband into a kinQJWi.w.
tM ere, Cel11. ; 4 1 album ovl, tM whiU of an egg,
Cela. B. a whit., esp., 1, Uu tabld °"
ilea -ae, f. 1, a '°"" wUA dfol, Mmrd;
ludere alea, Cle. ; ialeam exercere, Tac. ; de alea
tolt.~ tlw txmt\ft:c mcr.ftl'Mll at Rome publiMd tM condemnatua (dice.playing being forbidden at
nent. of tM year, Cle.; :a, album (praetoris). tM Rome by tl1e Lex Titia et Pnblicla et Comella,
labld °" which. the pnuuw published hia edid ;
8_. album senatorium, Uu lilt of 1t11at.or1, Tac.;
except during the Saturnalia), Cle. ; 2, Tranaf.,
chana, rUk, VMtrl4intr; rem In aleam dare.
amwn Judicum, CM j1wy-list, Suet. to rilk, Liv. : 1ublre, Cle. i ID dubi&m tmpertl
Alcaeua -1, m. (' AA.. a Gruk lyric pod l!lel"Ti tiiq ae aleam Ire, LIT.
qf MytileM, ftoul' about 610-602 B.c.; hence il45i.tor ~rt.a, m. (alea), A dbr, Aa.mnl-
AlcAlcus -a -um, metrum, a mar1 u?IU!d Q,fttr player, Cle.
lim. il45atOrlua -a -run (aleator), relaffaf to •
Alolmhia ·II, Ill. ('~Pll(}, a ll:lllplor, dicer; damDA, io.. at play, Cic.
IC1tolar o/ PhidUu. ileo (allec) -lcla, n. a llMI« ~ /rMlt
AloAthii ·bl, f. (' AMoBO,,), a mountain in µ&,Hor., Plln.
Jltgara 11amtd after Alcath.o1'1, poet. for the
whole dilltrict of Megaris, Ov. JJeotO (Allecto). acc. -6, t r ~ or
'A..U.JjcTW), OM of o,;, IA"" /Krlu. (On17 found
Aid.thou ·I, m. (".U..ci9oos), '°"of Pelc]n, in nom. and acc.)
f'Wfmilder of Megara after it had been dutroytd l>1I
CAI Cntau; hence nrbs Alcathol, Negara., Ov. ilea. IUt.11 (gen. pt alituum, Verg.) (ala).
L Adj., U'ing«d. A. Lit., winged; Pegasus, Ov.;
Aloi -68, f. (' A>Jn,)1 town qf 1M Carpttafti fn dens, MtrC'Ury, Ov. ; puer, CupUl, Hor. B.
Hispania Tat'T'Q007&tMU. Transh 11/!ift, quick; auster, Verg. ; paasu alite.
aloido -Outs, f. ( = alcyon, ~,..), tM kfng· Ov. LL Bubat., f. bird (m. only in poetry),
jlllutr, Plaut. i..hence alcidonla -Orum, n. (sc. mostly of large birds; regi&, th.t eagl#, Ov.;
~pora). th. /011.rtun day• of winUr, Phoebelus, tlt.t rat-en, Ov. ; Daulias, U... flightin·
during t0hich. IM ki~ w hatching ita tgg1, gall, Ov. ; Junonia, th.t peacock, Ov. ; imitatrtx,
a1'd IM •ta wiu btliweil to bl oalm. U. Tranaf., rara, the paM'Ot, Ov.; sacer, th.t Jaa10k, Verg.;
pitt11UB, oalm, Plaut. crist.atus, the oock, Ov. ; Palladis, th.t owl, Ov.;
al089 -la, f. Uu dk, Caea. Caystrius, the swan, Ov.; alea Maeonil carmlnia,
Alcestis ·Udla, r. and Alceste ·& r. AAICTJ!T- a pott of Homeric strain., Hor. In Rn;:;ury, birth
whose flight wtU e:r.nmiJUd (while oscines a
ns or 'AAnjn-11), wVe of .A.dmetw, kfngof f'henu, birds whose note wu obrrerved). Cle. ; hence,
whoae U.leshewaaaaid to have 11aved by dying for
him, sent back to life by Proserplna, or, ns In poet., a .tgn., an mM!1.; so bona or secunda alite,
another legend, rescued from Hades by Hercules. with. /a1'01ff'GbZ. omm, Dor.
AlciU..-11 and -~a, m. f A>.iic~v~). aon of Ptr- iUesco, s. (alo), to grow vp, Luar.
..,, fatM:r It/ .A~itryon, (!Ta1"'l/u.ther of litr- Alesia -ae, f. town of th.t Mandub« "'GaaW; hence Alcndia -ae, m. a ct.5ctndant of liMgduntnail, now St. Reine d'
...bu, Heroulu, Verg. Aliau, v. Halesus.
Alorb1Mi8 -la, m. ('AAK1/Jui.~'1~). I. aft Aletrlum (Alatrlom) ·ll, n. IMl old e.ur. of
..tlheftiaJ&, am e/ a.w, couin of l'triclu, pupU th.t llernM:i "' Lattvm, afterward11 a Rom&ll
-t S«!ratu.. IL a La«dacmonian liioing at th. colony _'.Rnd municl11lum, now .dlalri; hence
U... o/ UW '°°'"
of IM Bomaru """'- UW ..tcllacau. Aletrinii.a ·itll, nlatW19 to .A~
A.le 29 ali
lJ.ivi.a-ae, m. ('AAn/4~), aductndant of Her· l.llino, 1. (alienus), to mah IO'll&dAhtg tH•
eW.a wllo nil.t.d \n. Laris8a. other'1. L Lit., A. to take au-r1y: usus fructus
.lleza.nder-dri,m.(' AAiE4"8pos). L MytboL, jam mihi harum aedium alienatua est, Plaut.
Paris, 60" of Priam., king of 1'roy. IL Hist.,
·B. 1, legal term, to tran,fer property; vecti•
1. .AUD:tn.der of Pherru, tyrant fa TM.<;Saly from valia, Cic. ; 2, to ull a child or alave to a new
ramily, Li\'. ; 3 1 1tlicuius mentem, to ca1U11 G
lt0-357 B.c. ; 2 1 _.Aluandtr, IOn of Nwptol.emu.•, person to lose lua r~a.soi~: Junonls iram ob
pri11« of Uu .Mol-Ossi, v.nck of .Al.t:m.n.der tlle i;poliatum templum alienasse mentem ferebant,
GTT4t; 3, Al=1t1ler tM Grwt (b. 356, d. 323 Liv. ; oftener in :pnss., alit·nari, to go out of oru't
ac.), kif!'] of Maoo:lmtia, !Cho conquat.d IM Per· mind; mente ahcnata, Caes. ; velnt alienatis
ha1U and at.ended the J!acedonian empiN to the sensibna, Plin. 11. Trnnsr., A. to remott11
I11d'IU; hence A. Alexandria or -ea -ae, from the mind, to banish; alie11atis a memoria
! ( A..>..-E.ivc!p~U&), nanv. of Bt'Vtral citiu /O'l.l.ndt.d periculi anlmia, having forgotten oonger, Liv.
by .Alexander, Uu most fa~ of 'll:hfch uw the B. to estrangf., put at wrianc.e; omnes a se
~,. city, al UUI Canopic mouth of the NW!,
eapital of UUI ki•g<Wa of tM Ptolemiu. _ B.
bonos, Cic. ; with dat., alienati Romanis, Liv. ;
alienrui ab iDteritu, to hat>e a repug11.anc.e to, to
Aknrandreus -a. ·Um. C. Alemclrinua shun., Cic.
-a -um, IH!longing to AUJxindria.
alga -ae, I. 1, ra-111ttd, Hor. ; used for a alienus -a -um, arl.J. with compar. and
super!. (alius), that u·hich belong• or rel.a.ta to
tHng o/ lutlt v:orth; vilior alc,ri, Hor. ; 2, ti~ ar~othn (opp. mens, tu~1s, suus, proprius). L
l!D-<Xla5t, J UV. Lit., A. G1m. 1 domus, C1c.; aes, debt, Cir.; nom-
a1gena -tis (partic. or algeo), cold, cool, Plin. ina, ckbts contracted in tM names of others, Sall. ;
aigeo_ aJsl, 2. to be cold, Juv.; transl., pro- alieDis mensibus, the10interf1Wlllhll, Verg.;
bit.u laudatur et alget, i.e. is ~gltctt!d. nlieno vulnere, a too11.nd meant/or another, Verg.
algeeoo. alai, S. (inch. of algeo), to bttorM Subst. 6J.linum -1, n. another man's property,
Di, 'fer. Cle. B: 1 1 not rtlattd (opp. propiDquus); with
dat., DOD ahenus 13nguine regibns, Liv.; with a
1. alpdus -a -nm (algeo), rold, Cat. and the abl., alienlasiruus a Clodio, Cic. ; 2,
2.. Algf4ua -i, m. (sc. mons), a rang• qf foreign,; domi atque in patria mallem, quam
110¥nlaiu fn. l.athan, from. Tusculum to Praennte in externia atque alienis locis, Cic. 8ubst.,
(now McnU4 Campatrl); heuce, a, Algldum -i, Allenua ·i, m. a, a strange-r, cives p<>tiorea
II.. a Coum qf the Aequi oa 'l1U of tM mountains in quam peregrini, _prnfinqui quam alie01; b, a
Ilia range; b, Algldua -a -um, bekmging to foreig11er, Flin. IL ' 'rnnsf., A. Of persons, J..
.Algidtu. 1&0t at ho-nu in, not ac•111ui11fRd with, stra11gll to;
algor -&is, m. (algeo). L the atnsatUm of In physicis totus alienus est, Cic. ; 21 utrangt.d,
&M, ::!all n. that which catuU cold, frost, Luer. unfrit1ully; with ab and the abl., an aliquo or
ab aliqua re, Cic.; with dat., homo mihl alien· -a ·wn (alga), abounding in ua-ID«d,
Ptin. issimus, Cic. B. Of things, unfai·ouroblll;
a1gua -ns, m. = algor (q. v.). alleno loco proelinm committere, in a disad·
vantageous plOCi', Caes. ; alit:na verba, unsv.U.
ilia, adv. (aliua), sc. via, by another way, Liv. able, Cic. ; non alienu•1 est, followed by the
iUAa (~. vices), adv. L at anotM7- time, inttn., it is not out of plau to, etc., Cic. ; aliena
Cic. ; ali&s • • • alias, at mu tinie • • • dt anotMr Joqui, to talk nonse11se, Ov. ; with ub and the abl.,
litU, Cic. ; aliua alia.'I, 01te_perStm at om ti'!M, labor alienus non ab aetate sol um nostra, verum
a11o1Aer at another, Cic. IL Transf., 1, el#- etiam a dignitate, Cic. ; with simple abl., dig·
~. Cic. ; 2, noD alias ~uam, on no other ron- nit.ate imperil, Cic. ; with dat., quod maxim•
diii4-4 than, Tac.; non alias nisl, not huic caugae est alienum, Cic. ; with genit., alien&
Ula1', Bl if, Tac. llrmae et const&ntis assenaloni11, Cic. ; with ad
Wbi. adv. (allus), 1, el.tewheu, at anotMr and the acc., ad committendum proelium tempaa
.,,tau, Cic. ; alibi ••• alibi, here • •• there, Liv.; a.lienum, Cic.
alibi alius, 01te M-rt, the other theri, Liv.; alibi alfgi§r -gm ·g&nm (ala and gero), winged;
ab:!ue &libi, ?WtD here, MW there, Plin. ; 2, ia amor, -Verg.
otJwo rup«u, Liv. Allmenti.rbts ·&·Um, relating to food; lex,
Wea (hllica) -ae f. 1, ~. a kind o/ grain, with regard to a distribution of bread among Uu
Plin. ; 2, a drink preparul ,fro1n q>ell, Mart. poor, ap. Cic.
'11oi.riua (h1Ulei.rlua) -a ·tlD1, belonging to Munentum -i, n. (alo), 1, food (gen. used In
~ll. &ibst., at,_~oi.rlua -Ii, m. one who
the JJlurnl) ; alimenta corporis, Cic. ; aliment.a.
arcn expedire, to get food by the bow, Tac. ; used
'"""" 6]Jdt; b, auoana -ae, t 4 prostitute; or ttre, iguis, Liv.; transf., 11editionls, Tac. ; 2,
one who l4t before the 1pelt-n&ilu, Plaut. maintena11u, hence (like Gr. Tpo<f>~io.). fM ntum
ilfoiibi, adv. (aliqtlis .md ubl), anywhln, dW! by ch,ildren f.o tlu£r parent.I for tMir bring·
IOlJIOCMrt, Cic. i11g up, c~.
illciUa -ae, t. (.i.U.t), 4 lighi upper gannent, Al.lmonlum -U, D. (alo), nourishment, Tac.
JWt. l.lli, adv. (allus), to another pl<HZ L Lit.,
Wcunde. adv. (e.liquis and UDde}, from, e1ny· sl offendet me loci c~lebritas, alio me conferam,
wktn, from. aonuwAmi, Cic. Cle. ; alius alio, om in this direction, the other
Wiuatlo ~Dis, t (alieno). L Active, a in that, Cic. IL Trans(., 1, to another 7ierson;
hiufennc1 or alienation of f'TOJ>'-rty; sacrorum,
WTUl/er of the 8CICro gt11.tilicia from one ~n.t tn
quo e.Jio ni~i a<l DOB SUciOB confogerent, Liv.; a,
for another end; nusquam allo natu1 quam an
G.' Cic. IL Middle, 1, mentis, nuntal serviendum, born 011111 for ala'lle1'1/, Liv.; 3, to
lllimallon, Wis of rt.IJMJ"4, Plin. ; 2 1 a separatiM an-Other object; si placet sermonem alio trana-
baaote1' pen<nU, 4 duertion., enmity, olienalUm feremus, to another. topic, Cic.
o//«li"'fl; tua a me a.lienatio, Cic.
lUl0qUt (iUli}qllin), adv. (alius and quol or
ilfinlgena -ae, m. (alienns and gtgno), qni, aliU'4 and qnoine or quine). L 1, othfr..
ltmrige., foreign.: bostia, Cic. 8ubst., a fortigncr; wist, in other respedl, introducing Rtl exception;
quid alieni~enae de vobis loqui soleant, Cle. nunc pudore a fuga contiDeri, alioquin pro victf1
l.Uinfgen119 -a -nm (allenus and geno = he.beri, Liv.; 2, conceB11ive, trium11batum de
Tiburtibus, alioquiD mi tis victorla fuit, Liv. U.
llpo), oJ dj/'erent eumnts, M~, Luer.
alt 30 all
,ii. ,.e1 ri.rida, ll'IOnlll>W1', tZ., '"' gt'MT'l1l : Caesar
ftlldus allnquln spemPndls bonoribu11, Tac.
&liquid 01T'endhrtl1, Cle.
IL F.ap. l, '°"" .,....
"" otMr; dlxerit hie aliCJ.11111, Cat. ; 2 toWY-
lllonum and Allonua. llltv. (contr. f'Mm bntly or torMtl&ing grmt or "gnifirnnl; ,{ none
alloYor11u111 (allo\'e1"1tu111) arul 111ioyonc11,. (aliover· 11li'111id u11et111I 11e 1•utaot, Cic.; hence, a, eue
. .~ 1, ita ataother dfrf1Ct£oft, eir1vl1en; nulter all11uem or aliquitl, '-'> be IC'lfMhody, co be .,....
~!.l&a juhet allam al.lonmm Ire, '" diJtrnl thiftf, etc. ; eiit alit1uid n11p,.i1111e Jovl, Ov. ; b,
Mrrdr'ml.I, Plaut. ; 2; (11 an.otMr ""'"ivr, fer. dlcere ali•1uld 1 "' .ar llO'llM'lhi"g tttig1t.ty, Cle. ;
Vetitorto aUqwd 1ig11lftcea, mr IO!Mlhiftf ~
Allpea ·J>b1h1 (ala and p.). 1, Mti'iftf 1M9191 a.bu, Cle.
• Uw ftd: deu11, or abeoL, Men:u~. OY.; 2,
~ of foot; equl, Verg. Bubet., i.llpidea.
i.llquO. ad't'. (allq11l1), '°1M or HJ wUMr:
aliquew .ecum r1111 aliq110 educere, '" llOml di~
Aona, Verg.
Allphera -ae, f. ('A~ojpcl or 'AAi4mp11), a
"°"' "" ot.vr, etc. ; aliquo coDcedere ab
*"°7l of A raulia: "°' far f'rrm6 U.. border of Elu.
ocull1, Cle.
f.llqu6t, namer. lDdef. IDdecl., '°""• leWnll;
Altpta -ae, m., and Allptell -ae, m. (ciMi•· aliquot el'i•tolae, Cle.; aliquot diebus ant.ti, Cic.
~). iM aMift.Ur '" tM wrutliJtg·tchool or &Al Allqu6tfia. ad'f'. (all11uot). ..,,,,.,., ff-:
llalAI; hence &Al malkr of IM wruUillfl llCAool, all11u0Ue. es aliq110 au•ll88tl, Cle.
Alf9ua (allqufs). ad'f'. L br 1011U road; nol· Alla. alld, old form of allua, alJod..
Re, c..;1c. IL ill '°""' way; nocere, Verg. Allter, adv. (from allll = allu9). 1 oCAtnNI,
Alfquamdlii. ad't'. faUqul and d!u), fer' o '" anul/ier wart; nnn tuit faclendum a\iter, Cle.;
91Ddemi<!ly ""'!/ ti17U, etc. alius allter, '" di.lf"1"tnt way1, Cle. ; lD comr-rl·
IODs, allter ••• at.111e, &liter rem cecldi1111e atqoe
f.llquammultus or allquam (ac. JW· opi11atu1 sle, (t& a rlijfertnt toa11 /mm. what Wot& . .
teru) multus ·a -um (all•1ul •••d
111ult111), eot1- 1""Cfr,f, Cle. ; IO &liter ••• quam, Cic. ; a.liter .••
ftdlrablc io 11u111lier or quantity, a prdly good atque ut, Cle.; non (or baud) aliter ••. quam
91anr; Yestnma alhtUAm multi, Cle. 11, quam quum. ac Ii, )tut u1, Ov. ; DOD
Allquand~, adv. (allqule). L 1, a.I ClftJ ••. nl11l, Cic. ; quod certe aclo longe allur esse,
~. al Wiiie ti nu, once; 11ero, verum allquaodo U far /r""4 being tM aut, Cic.. ; &liter evenlre,
larueo, Cic. ; 11 forte, I/ l>y c/laiw:e tron", '-'> lla7rptn liiff'r~tly, Sall. ; 2, o~l"'WiM, ~;
Cle.; 2, OMe; dlceruJum aliquan•lo e11t, Cle.; jus seruper est quaesltum aequabile D"'lue euJ.m
B, IOmtlime.•, oocwi.o11all"!f.i.. scribe allq uando &liter ju11 esset, Cle.
Ml noe quid a.gas, Cle. IL o.l timu, cm IOWN Alldbi. adv. (allns and ubl), d#wMT-e, PUn.
~; a11._.1111ndo • • • allquando, a.I CIMA
• • • al 11-, Cic. Wunde, ad'f'. (allu• and untti>). frO'll& ~ dir£Cti.Oft; alif aliunde cnil•aut, from di/·
l.llqua.ntlllu -a ·um (dim. of allqnantUI), ftrffi dir«ticru, LIY. ; aliunde quRm, /rflrA 11
• w,., 1ittu, Plaut. di§tttnt dir«Ciol& }roa, Cle. ; aUunde ••• all-
iUJ.qWUltlsper, ad'f'. (aliquantua and per), uode, Ll'f'.
• tfW<Un.& umg tinw. PIAut. Allus -a -ud {genlt. a1Iu11), aMtller, otMf'. L
f.llquanto, Allquantum. "'· alJqm.ntua. Lit., A.. Oen., 1, diatributively, om, anotl\er;
alJud est maledlcere, aliud &ecllll&re, Cic. ; al.11
f.llquant'ii.lus -a -um (<hrn. of allquantwi). . .. alil, ~ .•• othu1, Cle. ; also, alll •••
ll#U,,,.,..ui, A<lv.,Allquant'ii.lum.aliUk, Cle. rellqui, Cic. ; alll ••• q11id1tm, Liv. ; aUi •••
iLUquantu.s ·• -um (aUus and quanttlJl), pan, 8all ; alli ••• alii qui<lam, Cle.; allud
90!Un&U, not nwll; tlmor all•p11mtwi, •vee allo mP,Jiua, 0n.t ii betur tM othn, Cle.; allua
ampUor, Sall. Hnbst., Wquantum -1., n. a alia via, tM OM '" thil ~rt. Ul4 othn '" tAa4
fOOd dasl; oummoru1n, Cle.; kl111JUns, Liv.; acc. Liv. ; 11111111 ex alto, Cle. ; 1uper aJium, Ll'f'. i
allquautum and abl. allquanto, OO'MiderublJI, po11t aliurn, om a/In another,· &ll. ; aliua atqne
IOPW'IDW; quJ proce.i!lit ali<1wintum ad virtutie aliwi, now thil, MW that, Cic. ; 2, followed by ac,
9dltum, llo.d !Allll.t coMidero.bu progru.5 towam.., atttue, et, after a n'b'lltlve by ni>11, quam, praeter,
Cle.; epulamur Intra legem tlt quldem allquando, or tlae alJI.; lus longe al1a el'lt 11olis el lychnorum,
wot tpa.rin.gly, Cic. f. eeµ. with oorul'&rative, all· there i.s a grml di§~ btt11.·un tlu li9hl of tM
quaolo ruajorem ocum occuparis, Cle. ; &Ii· l'Un and of lampa, Cle.; aliu8 euem atquP uunc
&~to poet or ante, I07M CitM a,Jler or b</ON., sum, C1e.; nee qultiquam alind JJhilOl!ol'hia eat
pntdt"r studium aa11lentlae, Cle. ; uec quldquam
Allciuat6nua, ad'f'. (•c.. parte; rrom altquta aliud llbertate quae1ti><l!e, anything tl8t b1tt UberlJI,
and kn1111), to a certai" cW;ru, m 1011W m«J.tUn, Cic. ; tribuuatu1 Se.tii oil1il aliud Diel meum
Ben. nomen cau11&IDque 1uatlnuit, Cic.. ; 3, plur.,
A.llqul, atlqnae, allquod (allns and qni), 1ome, all&, 1ubl!t. 1 11 alla dealnt, Liv. ; acc. plur.,
ClnJI; 1, masc., dolor allqul, Cic.. ; ali1p1l ex alia, Vil other rupecll; alla cl.Arni1, Tac.; 4 Rllud,
noatria, Caes. ; 2, fem., aliquae ru, Luer.; S, 1mbl!t. with geuit., allud comnio<li, Cle. B. Ei<p.,
aeut., simulacrum a.liquod, Cle. (For other 11 of auguriea, allo die, 111 unWI augur alio die
euea eee aUqule.) d1 xerit, iJ a" 11"9"'" J"'l"0'7lCU11CU tl1t ~ "
an-Other day," i.e. postponu Vu tXi'lltitia Ot& t.\41
Miquts, aliqua, allqnld, pron. tnd,r. (allus-
ground oj·unfaV011.rah~ OTMnt, Cic. ; 2, of anotha-
qnlll), ~ant, wmething, any one, anything. I.
Mture, differtnt; alium faccre, to t:Aa,,gt, tro.u.
Oen., 1, Ullt'd by ltiielf, e., subst., qul11quis est form, Plaut. ; alium Herl, to be tronef()rnwrl, Cic. ;
ille, sl modo aliquis, i/ 1u Ot a1111 C>M at a.U, Cic. ; in alia omni& ire, discedere, tranKire, to d~
b, adj., allquis de1111, Cle.; nliqni republic!, i/ from a propomiml, be of a contra111 opin~ (In
tmly tlu 1t.a.U ii in eri.<ttna at all, Cic. ; 2,
strengthened by alius, ali'luiiJ aliud videbimns, the Roman .enate), Cic. II. Transf., l, tM rat;
Di\'iliaco ex aliis (Gailis) ma.ximam tliJem habe-
Cle.; S,_ by unus, aliquis UllUll plureave dlvi·
tlores, cic. ; 4, partitive with ex, al!quis ex =
bat, Caes.. ; 2, alter, one of tiro; aliua .Ar10-
v1.11tue, a uoond ..t riot•i.1tu.•, Tac. ; duo Rolll&DI
yohis, Cle. ; 5, likr the Gr. "'~ (Engl. IOrM), to 1uper alium aliua corrnerunt, Liv.
upres.t an nnucertained number, tre11 al14ui aut
quatuor, Cic.; 6, aliquid with gP-11it. of a l!Ubait. Aliusmoc:U (a1J111 and modu.). of At&OIMr
or adj., ali<1uid virlurn, Cle.; fAl11i allquld, Cle.; lr:in-1, Cic..
7 • with a<lj., Rli11uid d!vlnum, Cic. ; 8, with 11 allii.bor -1Apsu1, s. to gl~ to, CIO'IM to, ~
or Dill, acc. Illiquid, "' '"' ~; 11 in me lo; anguea duo es occulto al.IAJMl!, Ll'f'. ; wiU.
all 31 alo
Ut. md ~. antlqntit a11abhanr orfA. vie la"'1 beneflclo sed etlam benevolentla alllprl, CIC..\
u, \\rg. ; fama alla\Jitur &Ul'l!!t, Verg. 2, in rhet., or the constralnta or metre, ut verba
alllboro (nd-h'ibiiro), 1. to labour at, Hor. 11t>que alligata sint quasi cert& Jege versus, Cic. ;
3, to bi1'1l by promist, 01.1th, etc. ; lex omnes
allicrlmo (a.d-la\crlmo), 1. to 1LWJ> o.t, Verg. :nort.Ales alligat, Cic.; siu·ri!i alligari, to plc.t.lfl'
allf.paua ·ils, m. (a.llabor), a gliding ap- 011ntl/ to ptrform the sacra gentilida, Cle. ; am
proock, t1vr. · gare se scelere, to bcwm.e 1m accom1·l1~ in a
anatro (ad-latro). l. to bark at; ftg., to rail crime, Cic. ; alligatus, i1npliro.ted Gr fovolMl in
a crime, Cic.
Ill; m.iguitudinem African!, Liv.
allaudablU.(ad-laudlibllis)-e,proi8tlcorthy, allfno (ad-lfno)-lev1 -lltum, 8. tc 111uar on, o-r
Lu1·r. avtr, to bedaub, Cic.
allaudo, 1. tc praise, Plaut. alllum -1, n. garlic, Plln.
allec. v. alee. Allobr~ges -11111, m. the ...fllobrogu, a Cullie
allecto (&!lido), 1. to tntict, Cie. people l1<·tu..-e1L the Rhont und the lsi:rt,; nou1.
sing., Allobro:z. Hor.; L'icer.rncm Allobroga
alleotua ·3. -um (parlie. or 2. allego), plur., (i.P. swakill!J lxul I..ati11) dixit, Juv. Ai~·-·
rumlitrs tl~<"tf'<l into any colkgium, \'arr.; under Allobrogicua -a -um, as a ~urnnme of Q.
Iii~ empire, ~r!l()M raised OJ tht tmptrOT to a Fabius Ma..rinws, conqueror of' the Allobrogcs.
ltiglta rouk, l'lin. ·
allegatio -c-:inis, f. (1. allego), a undlng of a aUOciitlo ·liui"• f. (alloquor), an addma, a
speaking to, Plin.
pt1'$0a 01~ a mlJJSian; quurn sibi omues ad istum
&ll~:i.tiones ditHciles viderent, Cic. all0qulum -1, n. (alloquor). uTwrtation, tn-
couroue11unt, ronsolatio1&: be11ig11i voltus et allo-
allegi.tma. abL -il, m. (1. allego), instig<z· quia, Liv.; alloquio llnnare militem, Tac.
lio11, Plaut.
1. alligo{ad-lego), 1. LA.toundonprlmte
aUOQ.uor ·16<-utns snm, 3. to nrldus.<, ullOrt,
encourage, Cic. ; aliquem benig:-ie, lenitcr, Liv.;
bitsllW!.U, w comminio" (lego or state business); pntriam maest,a voce lta, Cat.
aliquem ad aliquem or allcui, Cic. ; pir.trem alle-
p.udo ~tigare, b_y_ stndi119 ma.sages, Cle. ; allegati, allti.beeco, 3.1nch. (ad and lubet), to ~gi"
tlrputiu, Cic. B. w fostigatt, to subor1i, Ter. to, Plaut.
ll. Transr., toadduaioralltge inucwe; munera, allUoeo -luxl, 2. to .sAin.e at, or upoit; Fortuna
raculam ~ibl allucct, o§ers tllll a /at'OUrable op-
!•rere:1, ma.ndat.a regis su1 Scyrothemldi allegaut,
fae. JJQl"tUnily, Plaut.
2. aDego (ad-li!go) -ltriti -lectum, S. to ch~. alludo (ad-lildo) -h1sl -liisnm, 3. 1, to jnt
to tltd; d~ plebe oumes, Liv.; with in and the at, to 1port with ; Galll& allu<lem1 varie et copio11e,
aer., allquem in senalum, Suet. Cic. ; 2, of' waves, to play or da.lh upo11 ; allu-
aUevi.mentum -1, n. (allevo), a tlU!ClU of dentihus undis, Ov.; quae ftuctus wis allude-
allaiulwn, Cic. 00.ut, Cat.
&Uevi.tlo -ouie, f. A. Lit., a ltfling tip, alliio (:id-1!'.lo) -t\l, 3. to 1oosh; used or the sea.
Quint. B. Tranllr., alltriation; doloris, Cic. alluuntur a 111ari moenia, Cic. ; tlg., Massilia
allho (ad-l~vo), l. A. Lit., to lift up, to q uum barbariae ftuctibus alluatur, trp<>tttd. ta
trtrJ; circumstantium hurnerill, Tac. B. Transr., barbarians, Cic.
IJJligllu, to uluvi.a.U; sollicitudines, Cle.; ll&SS., alliivlea -el, r. (alluo), a pool rouud by tM
alkvari, to be chttrt.d; allevor, quuw loquor Ot'f!rjfow of a river, Liv.
tt.:uni absena, Cic. alluvlo -llnis, r. (alluo), alluvial land, tartl
Allla (Alla) -ae, (. ritYr in Latium, ftowll~ deposited by water, Cle.
iw tM Tib<r, near which the Romau.s were de- Almo ·onls, m. a 1'17taU brook on the south 1idc
C!'at& by the Gauls, e.c. 389; infaustu1u Alliae of Rome, now Aquataccio.
no1nen, \'erg. Adj., Alllensls -e. almua -a -um (alo), 1&0:irishi11g; Rger, Verg.;
&llloefi.clo. 3. to tntlu, Sen. fair, gruciow, pro-piticnu, kind; Venus, Hor.
alllclo -lexl .J.,.ctnm, 8 (ad and * laclo), to al- alnWI -1, t. tht al<Ur. L Lit., Plin. D.
l!m, till i~, d m w to o nut!/; ad lM! allicere et attra- Mcton., a ship of al<krloood, Verg.
here f<'rr11111 (of the magnet). Cic. ; Ilg., oratioue llo. lUdi, altum and lUltum, 3. to Murid,
IJ..uign;i 11111ltitudini11 auimos ad benevolentiam, SUT'J'Ort. L Lit.,A. Oflivingtl1ings, 1, to rmr;
altus educatusque inter nnna, Liv. ; 2, to hep;
alli4o -Hsi -liimm, 3. (ad and faedo). A. LIL, anl!eres in Ca)'itolio, Cic. ; nlllgnum umnerum
t..1 gtrJ.:t •lQt.t i nsl, dash RgaiTUt: allidi ad scupulo>1, e1.1uitat11s suo s11111ptn, Cae!! . ; se alere or all,
Ca.-,i, B. Tra11llf., allidi, to K14jftr 1la.1111.ige; in with abl., or ex and the ab!., to sup1>0rt orv:.iw?lf:
q111\m~ (tla11111ationihu11) Servius allisu>1 est, Cic.
se suo~ue latrociniis, to li~ by bri17<111du9t,
Allitae -arum, f. a to·um of ti~ Snmnil.t4 on Ca.-s. B. Of thi11gs, 1, oC land, etC'., to pro1•i<h
llt lift f11rnl; of tlte Vulturnm. now Alife In the mto1!3 of e:risll'ucc; cum agellus eu111 non satls
l'trru di J.nroro; hence Allitanus -a -um, nl:!:-et, Cie. ; \'enatus viros pariter ac feminas
rrlrili119 "' .Al'ifiUl. Subst., -orum, alit, Tac. ; 2, of the earth to uourish; tell us
n. (l4C!. r.oeulr .). earthunoart drinking-wads of majores hel"bas alit, terg.; 3 ta rupporl;
to111e 1iu, Hor. a., plant.q, iramen erat <:irca quoo1 proximua
Glllgo (ad-ITgo), 1. to ti.a to, bind to. L Lit., humor alebat, Ov.; b, of rivel'll, amnis lmbrea
A. Gen., aliquein ati palum, bind a rrlmi11al to quern super notas alnere rlpas, haw l"IDOlleit,
lu ltakt for p1mi.th11Vnt, Cic. B. F..11p., 1, Hor. ; idem (Libanus mons) amnem Jordane1u
lo -.ah fe.;l; unco dente velut m:rnn ferrea in- slit func.litque, Tac.; c, or tire, tlammu, Ov.; 4,
~rt.a alli;,'llvit altt-riu!I proram, Liv.; 1111co 11011 of the means that support the body, to giw
&llig1t (nave11) ancora morsu, \'erg. ; 2, to bi11d sln11gtl1 to; otia corpus alunt, Ov. IL 1'ransf.,
by a /!J, a, or a wound, vnlnus, Cic. ; b, to incrtast, pro111ote, advance; honos allt artes,
ar f<lt.PN, Tac. IL TTansr., A. Gen., to Jetta, Cic. : hos suceessus alit, e11001tragu, Verg.; clvl-
bi.ul; videAS civitatis voltmtatem 1ml11ta111, vir- tatem, promou the good of the ttaU, Oaea. ; alere
tnttm alligatam, Cic. ; tristi pnlus lnamabihs 1pe111 mollibua sentenUiil, Ci~
lllkia alligat, c:o11.ftM.a, impri.IOM, Verg. B. Esp., iUOi -es, r. (&A.6ot). tJ&e al«: transl., w....
1. ~ ~'-' 1J1 JrWiwhltip4WobllfalioJW; non 1uwo ..,, ; phu aloet qua.m wellis laabet, Juy
Alo alu
.ll~.:l!f, m. ( .U-V,), 11 gi41lC, '°"of Nt'I'- IntranL, A. IAt. to daaag1; flll alternant.
tun«. A.lotdae -arum, m. ,..,m
of .AIM•ll (Otiu
and Ephialtes), giaw Vlho tritd lo Jto"" Ma.11n.
magna vi proelis mi~ent. changiJ&g Iida, \"erg.
B. Tram1r., co lluit11tt; haec alternauti iioUor
Aloiclae -lrum, m. ('AA.w~;_,cu), v. Aloeus. aententia visa est, Vcrg.
lC. ~ -
-&, f. (' AAoir'l), a '°""" ia Opuntia11 altern us -a -urn (alter~ I. ont a./tlfr tM, by tu MU, alttrnatt, intn"clii:u1gi11g: Be~
mones, dialog'IU, Hor.; ,·ersil•u•;_ in,,/ttMUZUIKnlg,
Alpia -!um, t. (Kelttc alb, alp= hriqltJ, higl Verg. ; r.lterni metus, rnutual fmr, L"·· ; altenio
'lr.11'.:f!lctin), tht Alps; hence A. A.lpinua -a pe•lc te1Tam quatiunt, first v,ith oru f'ot thm witA
-urn. B. A.lplcua -a -um, .dlpi11.t. another, Hor.; altema luqu1 cum aliquo, CO Acld
alpha, ·in<lecL n. (a.\,P11), tlu fUITM of tlutflrlt a cnnrtnntio1i u'ith, Hor. IL. A. or metre,
lrttrr iii IM Greek alphabtt, Juv.; prov., tAe Ji.Tit, tlt7iuc ver~, wJ1ere hexamekr ar1•I 1oe11tameter
Mart. altt-mate; iiedcs altt-rnos es'e, Cic.;
A.lpheWI ·!, m. ('}.>..If>~•~). tJut pri'lldpal nttr ca11ere alterno carmine, Ov. B. 1.R;;nl t. t., rejl-
o/ tht Pt101·onnuu1 flowing through. Elia to tJut cere alterna consilia or alternos ju<lices (ot
1ea; the river-god Alpueu~ was said to ha\·e plaintilf and defendant). to chalungs a n1'mbcr
dived under tl1e sea In puniuit or the nymph ofjurors, Cic.
Ar~thu51t, and to have come up in Sicily; hence alteriiter, alter-utra (nltera utra), alter-
Alphelu ·lM:lis, f. suT7Ullnt of t11t nymJ>h utru111 (alt..-rum utnuu); genit., altcrutrlua,
A rttluua. Adj., A.lphe'IUI ... -um, bdonging OM oftVJO, Cic.
to tht rifft' AlpMul, \erg. A.ltbaea -ae, f. (' }.>..841.11), tcif• of Omns,
Alaium -11, n. °"" of the nldal tovm1 ill king of Calydon, moth.ti· of .\feleager.
Et"'ria (now the lill:tge Palo), near which al..... d i ) lL.~
1'0111peius had an estate; hence adj., Alsi- wclnctus ·a -um (altws an c ngo' "V
eDBia -e, btW11gin17 to .Alsiu11i, villa(of }'ompti11a), girt; hc11ce busy, Phae<lr.
Cic. Subst., Alslense -is, n. (~c. praetlium), altills -e (alo). A. Or dome'ftic, Jbt·
tlu r.<tr•te of Pomptius, Cic. tentd, Jed up; hence aubst., altilis. t. (1c. avia),
alalua (alsus) -a -um, /rolty, cold, Luer., Cic. a fowl, Hor. B. Tranat., rich, l'l.. ut.
alta.Dua nd altis6nua-a-am(alteandsono). LIO'lltldtng
·I, m. ciS.W. wi •Suet. from 01t high; Juppiter, Cic. IL Transr.,
alti.ria -fum, n.(altus). L ths slab upmt t1ut sovnding, n&blirllf; Maroni. altiaoni cannina.
aUar (ara), O'lt tohid tM .ftre u lighkd, Quint. Juv.
ll. a high altar; ecce duas tibi, Dapbni, tuaa altitOn.ana ·tis, tAuWrlng froa Oft Aig~
altaria Phoebo, Verg. ; an altar, Cic. Luer.
alti. adv. (altus). Lon. high, highly. A. Lit., altltiido -lnls, f. (altua). L Mig~ A. Lit.,
ca<lere,fl"Olll a Might, Cic. B. Transf., spectare, montlum, Cic. B. Transf., nblimity; oration is,
la havt high aim.8, Cic. D. duply. A. Lit., sulcus Cic. D. depth.. A. Lit., ftmninia, Caes.. B.
altius impressns, Cic. B. Trausf., quod verbum Transf., nltitndo auimi, l«Ttey, rtsert1t, Cic.
in Jugurthae 11ectua altiua quam qui~quam altlueciilua ·&-um (dim. or altiua), G lUU.
rat us erat rleseendit, Sall. ; petere, to u~J: far too high, ~ueL
a?t.d wick, Cic. ; altius perspicere, to ate farther, altivolau -antis (altus and Yolo), ~riflf/
Cic. 1· h L
alter -Ura -Urum (genit., alti!rlaa, In poetry '!.ito~c~Oris, m. (alo), G nouri&Mr Cl /ot/Ur-
also alti!1tus; dnt., alteri, OM of '"'°· t1ut /atlur; omnium rernm aemlnator
muL_, tht 01teUur. L Lilt.t' A:hOen., consul.~'!1 ~l~· parena, ut it.a dicam, atque educator et altor
et aator eli
IV. ; a r , • • a er, • ' OM • , • .,.., Ouwrr; d c·
90 alter ••• Ille or hie or l11te, or a iubst.; in eat mun us, IC.
plur., alterl dimlcant, alkri victorem timent, altrlnseciia, adv. (alter and aecua),
Cle.; with the second alter in a <lilferent case, side, Plaut•
°" M•
.alter alteriu~ ova frangit, Cle. B. Ei<p., 1, alter altrlx -leis, f. (al tor), a nuru. /olter-fAOtAer;
.ambove, S. E. V., a form in the senau-. O?MS oft/uj terra altrix nostra, Cic.
4:oru1m, or both, sl els videuitnr, Cic.: 2, tJut
.-o11d; rortnnate puer, tu nunc eris alter ab ot:Mr side, Plaut.
altrovoraum,adv.(alterand versm), °" tM
Ulo, you vrnl lM aecond to him, Verg. ; unws et altua .a -um (alo). L Hg1l. A. Lit., Cle.,
alter dies, Ont or two, Cle.; 3~ used appellat., Caes.; with acc. 0 (-mtasure, signum septem
annthtr, ci #CO'nd; me sicut a1terum parentem Y. 8 b altum I 114· h, " second f'tren' Cle.; tamquam alter pedes altum, ,;iv. u st., • , u. ig t;
' C ., a, aeditlcla In altum edit&, Tac. ;
Idem, a ucond st'/, le. ; 4, the ot11er, I.e. the 1 . · ht ,, .... .. ab alto Verg
bB esp., tNi
"7'1'0site; rfpa, <Ales. ; par11, tlu oppositt fadiMl, ,... ig 0J .,.., n"4Vtn.S; • • • .,
Cic. ·, quotit·s te "r.culo ,;deris alterum, cha.,,,lld, 1# or position, altlor dignitatis gradu!!, Cle. ; 2t
..,, o the volre, shrill; alt1ore voce, Quint.; S, or
Hor. IL Trans ., another, iu the Bl'nse ot your ~ods and exalted pel'llOna, Apollo. Verg.; Ca.ear,
nei!]hhaur. ftllow ereatura; qui nihil alterius
· Cl
.. ,n~ v 4 ( i. -•-
or. ; Aeneas, ""Y'""""' •., erg. ; , o apeec.., """"
causa f ac1t, c. iuUd; nlmls altam et ex&gge!'lltam (orationem),
&lt.ercatlo -llnis, f. (altercor), 1, a dispuu, Cic. ; 5 1 or character or intellect. te
turaflgling, JtbaJ.e:. mai;na non disceftatio mod.o, natura excelsum queudam et altnm genuit., Cle.;
lied etiam altercatio, Liv.; 2 1 le;.:a t. t., cross- vultus, a lofty mun, Hor.; 6, cincienl; altior
a:mmination in a court of justicl.", Cic. memorla. Cic. ; aliquid ex alt.o petere, Verg.
altercator -Oris, m. (altercor), a dUpulant, II. dup. A. Lit., ftumen, Caes. ; with acc. or
Qninl nwasure, quinqu:iginta cubit& altum mare,
altercor, 1, dep. (alter)1 to dl1putt, con.und in Plin. Bu bst., altum ·I, n. tkptk, es_p. tha dtq
..,., quarnl. L Ol'n., .a. Lit., altercari cum llfJQ.; In port um ex alto provehi, Cic. B. Trana!.,
altquo, Caee. B. Tran~r.. poet., altercante 1, or quiet, etc., du:p; aomnus altua, Liv.; 2,
llbidlnibus pavore, contendi11g with, Hor. II. ck~ltaUd; pavor, Tac. i 3 BtCTtt; ai altlor lstia
Lepl t. t. t. cross..,..mmi11t, t-O cros1-q1uslion.; in sub precibus venia nlla late!, Verg.; 4, depth (ot
alte!'cando invenit parem neminem, Cic. mind); ex alto dissimulare, lo dimmulau pro-
alterno. I. (alteruus). L Trans., to do jird f~n~y, ~·
mur tlli1llJ, tlun anotlur; ftdem, make at oru timt aluclnatlo·Onia, C. (aluclnor), 114U'lilCi1MIUoa,
crediblt, at anot.lur not, Ov.; vices, Ov. IL dtl'Uliorl, Seu.
alu 83 amb
ilicbaor. L dep. (eonneete<l with iAV..). to amJUiiie..t. ·la, I L = a mana NnU, A
w!Mkr 1a •i.1&d, dl"fJO>ffl.., to tallr; idly; ego t&rneD '9Cl"darJ,c.Urk, tiuet.
lllSJliror, hune, 1ai aolet, alucioari, Cic. Amano.a ·I, m. ("'.Aµa.llO~). u rnnge of tnOttn-
•tnmna ~ f., v. alumnWJ. taitu in A'ia MiMr, divid.'11g Cilicia /ltnlf. SJria
llnmuUB -& -um (alo), a nunli11!1, a fostu- (now .Alma fuJh); ht-nee Aminlenaea -lum,
JOn.. L )lase., A. Lit., chil<l of a cmintry, in- m. th• trv1unta.i11ui·s of Ma11:4' .A1Aa11ua.
Mrbitmit, Verg.; lt3lia alumnum StJ1m1 vitlcrct, iUn&rlclnu• "" -um, tllaM o/ marjomna.
ac.; sutrinae tabemae, cioobbler, Tac.; IPgionurn, S11b<lt., Aminiomum -1, n. (al\. unguentum),
'brovgltt 11p ba tAe OIJf'ltp, Tac.; of animals, pnn·i marjoram oi11trrnmt, Luer.
al•Jn_ini, ~/.a« Y'1""9 of tlt.e_jtack, Hor. B. Tran~r., Am.i.rAcu -i, c., and ~um -1, n.
pap1!, duciplt; Platnnis, Cic. ; tlg., ego, ut 1ta (ci,.ap..-~). marjoram, Verg.
dicam, psci" alumn11'4, Cic. D. A.. Fem., /o'~r­
aiUJ: nostra h.aec alumna et tua prorecto fllia, 1.mArantua -1, m. (ci,.~0( 1 1'11/ading). tJw
Ptaut.; aquae dulcia alumnae, Jrog1, Cic. poet. amara1itA, Ov.
B. Traosf., ~ne eonstitntae civitntla i.mAri. adv. (amarus), bUtulr, Sen.
alumna quaedarn eloquent.ia, Cic. IIL Neut., Am.&rltiido -lnh1, r. (amarus). L Lit., bil,.,._
oumen alumnum, OY. acu q/ ca.u, Van-. IL 'fraDar., a, UiaJ wAM:A ia
Alunt.ium (HalunUum) -11, n. \ AAoii,,,.,o..), biller, vnplmsa11t, Plin. ; b, in rliet., voci.t, 41'
4 tora ,,,, thi! nrtr/.h, coast of Sidly, now Canmia. szcasiw n.Jwmcn«, 1'orlhnu. q/ voice, Quint..
Adj., AlUDtllaWI -& ·Ulll. Am&ror -6ris, m. (a.mania), bit~,
Alut:a., -ae, f. a. Hfld o/ "°fl Uatlwr, Caes.; VefK-
heu.-:e., meton.,_I, ashl)e., Ov.; a,apursc,Juv.; i.minaa -a -um, bUter. A. Lit., I, or ta.ate,
3, aii OnllllllUIUal patch, UV. Cic.; 2, of smell, Ji1'11.9enl; rumus, Verg. ;
alYe&rium ·Ii, n. a beehlw., Verg.
B. Tran sf., 1, diaagru.abU., u11plt>ur:mt; l1i.i-
t.oriae, Ulrli01U, Ilor. ; curac, Ov. N"uL. 1•lur. 1
alveatua -a -um (alveus), holl0t0td likt a Amara -6rurn, tohat ia ""Pl111J.'l1u1', Hor.; 2,
l;vv,jlt, 1..:ato. irritable, ~Jllibu; amariol't'm me senocLua
al..eG!a.s ·l, JIL (dim. or alveus), 1, " littU fadt, Verg. ; 3, of speech, bili11.g, a.crilllOAWtu;
i.rl..orc, a trajf, trou~h, bw:ket, Juv., Li\·. ; 2, u li11gua, Ov.
'IG"'ing board, Cic. .lmAr,.llla -l<lis, acc. -Ida, l. (' A,ulpw.A£r),
alve'Qll -i, m. (r.onnec~ with alo), a. hollow, t&alM of a lhtpherduJ.
,u '!ZO•valion; 1:•
a ~1ough, Liv.; 2 7 ~boat, \'erg.; .lmArynthJa -lrlis, f. surnarM of DiaM, from
t4( Mld of a &lup, Sall. ; 3, a brtt111nq-tub, Ov. ; Amaryntho!I, a place ill .l!:uboea where J..)i.&na
4, f.w Md ,,fa lltrwm.; qnla sicco alveo transiri was worshippe<l.
i-~•krat, Liv. ; 5, a buhive, Tih. ; viti~ae ilitl!!
&Jvt:<>, LU lollo111 of a Ir• i11. u:hich btu lf!Ulcd, Jmil•aus -i, m. ci nm- i"
Lati""" now
\'erg.; 6, 4 gaming-tabU, Plin.
Ami.alJJ,acc.-lm, ahl. -1, -e, or·ldft, m. \Ap.o.·
alvaa -i, r. (alo). L IM bdl11. A. Lit., pur- 0-15), ont of the EJ11Plia1t Plw.raoh8.
ntio alvi, Cic. B. Transl., l~ .Uw 100111b, Cic.;
2. t.lw ttoaaa\, Cic. IL tM ho111 of a ah.ip, Ta<". Ami.alna -ii, m. (amo), a lover, Plaut.
UL a bu-hive, PliD. A.mastrt. -I<lis, f. (" A~aTp•s). a tovm in
Paph/agonia, now An&assuah; hence Amaa-
A1faue. -is or -~i. m. ('..Uva~). king of triAoua -a -um,1,. belonging to .&11uutn.; orae,
Lpdia, fuJJwr of Cromu.
coa41.s of Pontu.s, vv.
A17da -ae, f. ('AAv{'4), a 1111.a!L tovm of .A car· Amata -ae, r. myth. VJl/e of kMlg Lati'flW,
"'1llia, witb a temple of Hercules, now Porto
C41Mkllo. mother of Lavinia.
imi.blll.9 -e (amo), amiabll, lovoble; ama- Amithiie -unth1, t. \ .A,ualo~). a city o/
Cypnu, famoua for the worship of Venus; hence
bililJI' mibi Velia fuit, qu0<I te ab ea 11111ari sensi,
C1c.; &mablle carmen, lorely, Hor. A.mAthiiela. Jl"rnu.s; AmatlliialAou.s -a
amabilltA.a -itis (amabilis), amiableness, -wn, A n.atAusia11.
Amatlo -onia, r. (amo), low-making, i~,
Am.abru~. arl~- (amabilis), 1, amiably,
Hrir. ; 2, lot:mgly, C1c. Amator ~ris, m. (amo), 1, OM who '°110, •
friend.: vir bonus amatorque noster, Cie.; ama·
Amaltbea -ae, r. ('.Aµti.\.9rnx), 4 nymph, tlw tore>1 huic(Catoni) desnnt, admirers, rl!D.<hnof ALI
llllNC of J11.pi.ter in Creu, accor<ling to others, the toorks, Cle. ; so of a thing, purl sermon is, Caes. ;
g')llt on the milk of which Jnpit .. r was reared; sapientiat>, pacis, Cic. ; 2, lover of a
the eornu A m.altheae or <:oplae was placed among mour; virgmem abarnatorum impetu prohlbere,
tbe_stan; hence Am'!lthea -ae, f., an•l Amal- Cic.
taaium or Amalt.hittm ·i, n. <> ecmctuary of A.mi.torcillu ·I, m. (dim. of amator), a
Amaltlw:a, in £pinu, near to the estnte of Attic us. Ulla lover, Plaut.
imaudi.tlo -6nis, f. (am.ando), a aendiitg matOrle, adv. (amatoriWJ), Amoroutly, Cle.
a10!ll, Cic.. l.m.&tOrlua -a -um (amator). loving, anioroau;
imando, L ro aertd mroy, to W&d to a di6- aenno. Cic. ; po~sis (Anacreo11ti1), Cic. i fnli
14na; aliquem Lllybaeum, Cic.; transf., voluptate amatoria, Cic.
rm Ii.miles procul amandavit a se11siuus, Cic. iUDAtrbl: -leis, r. (amator), a miJtrus, IWUt-
iJnan9 -antis, p. adj. (amo), 1, loving, fofld, Ma.rt, Plaut.
a/ec&naU. L Adj., .A. Lit., pater amantiBlli· lmizml -6n1s, r., gen. in plur., Am•.Xnea
mua, Cic.; with gen., amantissimn!I reipul>licae,
-um ('Aiui{ov~r), myth. 11at«m n/ /nwJe ~r­
Cic. B. Transf., oftl1iDgs, mea HdelizJsimaatque
rior$; hence, 1, Amas01lla -l<lis, r. =- A muon,
&ma11tissi1D& conailla, Cic. IL Subst., c. a lorer,
Verg.; 2, Ami..Onlcua -a -um, AYIUUIOtlia";
Cic. 3, A.m&r.OD.11111 ·&-um, Amazonia"; Tir, Hip.
im•ntir, adT. (aman.s), l01ringly, Cle.
potyuu, son of au Amazon br 1'h~ens, Ov.
Am.anti& -ee, t ( Aµ41'Tl.a), aJOU11t. in IUr'la,
amb, ambl, and ambe, an Inseparable
now Ni""-'a; hence Amantl&Di -6rum, m. pr&pasition, entering into the composition ol
rM ~ o/ A.llMmtia. words, around, round abo-ut (as In am bedo, eto.).

) &18bld64o,
ambaotu ·I, m. 11 "'"'·••l, C&H.
:J. lu '"I m1011l, roll!l'llN 'Hfltrlr,
am'bltlilli, ailv. (amblU011111), l, a.,,frl"flir;
pet.ere n-Kuuru, I.Iv. ; 2 toitJ& u view lu uM'11 fo.
tn~~t, 11tlJWtl'll; awn vu, Dl!C a111lliU011e
ambagea, al.ii. ...,., r. (nr 11l11;r. only alil. 11ctlllere, Ch-.
f••Uh•I, Clllllll•let.e In I Ito plur.). goi119 ro11ml, ambltlO.u ·a -11111 (aml.Jitlo). 1 l1oi11i•!1
r1A1t111lubu1tl vvy, ,,., 111li 119. L I.ii., variar11111 nro1uuJ; la1wiri11 hl'derl11 a111\1IU11slor, itur.; a111-
1U111'Rge vian1111, o/a f11byri11Jl1, Ov. U. 'fra1111f. 1 Liliosa ormummta, e.rutSltit't, I for.; 9, &, n111u fur
#- cin:umloc11tio1&; 111h111i:t a.111l111gil11111 1 ll'illwrcl 7•11bfic oJiu, u1Nbitiou.J1 ; )llllre11 11101lc111 l'Otumlcm
rirL'111Nlocnliun, J lur. B. ul1t1CU rlty, m11l1i91tilt1; t't 11111l1iU11111111 inti, Liv.; b, ruin, O$lwl11tiuus,
amha.:n t:allt'rl:, of the SiL;·I, \'erg. ; ii11111t111or 111·rte11tw111; a111lcitiae, i11tcruttd, Cic.; 11111rit, Oii·
amloal(Ulll, or the !1phl11X, Ov. ; C. ah lft11, 11rrrari· teufatiuu.~, ttl11di.ell, Tac.; o, to.grr tu "·in fiu'<•ur,
Ollw"; fal:ti 1io:1iti11 a111Lag-lh1111 orl1, Ov. 1tttl.:l11g after vupularity: ilux h1J11lgl'll!I a111hi-
Ambarrt -i"1n1111, 111. a t,'otlie J"flJ•lt md of tioa1111quc, J,fv. ; rog-ntir111t's, t11cu11f t.> u•i ll
1114 .Acdui, 1dtl1 11•/w111 tl1ry trt~ rtlated., Cic. ; d, 1trivi11g C!,/llfr u11ylhi11g;
Mm1a nee In l'lnusuw a111Lllinsu llll'& eitt, O\'. i
ambido ~II ·bnm, 3. to rat rou11d, co1uu111t, lllllor, Ov.
Verg. ambltua -ns, m. (&1111.Jiu), 11 gui11g ro111&<l. L
Am'blial -on1111, "'· JW'flple i11 North. Gaul, on Grn., A. A bstr., circuit, remftilio11 ; 11ideru111,
tlte Cic•. B. Coucr., 1, co11r1e, orbit; !Ctt'lh1n1111 N·
Ambtbarll ..On1111, tn. finllic }l'Oplr iii Nor- 11111111 11111hit1111, Cle.; trAw~r., cin:1nnlocutio11;
"'" 11d11 (whence the t1101ll'!rn .A 11ibii>rr.•). 11111ltm1 circa :111R111 n-m a111bitns f1tccre, Liv.; ~.
amblgo.2; (a111h 01111 ngo). I., to po abo111 c:irclt, tAlge; extre1111111111mbitu1campi,1'ac..; e.•p.,
or rou111/. u. Trau .. r., A. kl rlo11'11, ltr1itnlt, ~ lht 'l'"'~ ltfl ro111ul a ltOUM, Cic.; 3, atnt.t, e&1'1ra
t111artai1&: j111tq11o•l a111hli(l111r, Cle.; u111l1i,itur, Into n111hit11, Tnc. IL f10("f 'l'Ofrnd to rntrrut.
Imper.., follow ... t hy •It! a111I the ahl., nr with A. Lit., illtgal ca 1waui11i1 for ojfict, bribery; lex
"'lath•e nr intlnili\•C' t'h11111,., or "''Ith 11,.gnUve de 11111hit11, Cic.; 1unuit11s aliqnem aecu11o11rc,
followl'd hy 1j11l11 111111 tlw 1ml1j. 1 •(1111111 de vtro dam11al1', Cic. B. Transr., strhii11g afkr ho1'011r.•,
amblgetnr, Cic. B. tri ili~1111t,., ro11t,,td, 11t law Plin. ; pop11lol"i.t.11-h1mtittg, Tac. C. -1rit•i11g for,
or otherwilM'; cmu eo <tul heres eist, Ck. ; de with g .. nlt., a1nbitu rernane11dl aut et11111l, Tac.
l1f'rtl<lit.ite, Cic. Amblva.reU -orum, m. a Gutuc Jitoplt, u11;,4
amblgili, .. 1v. (a111hl({111111), 1, nmblpowly; of tlu: ...frdui.
MCrilJeore, Cic-.; 9, iurki~11Yly; e1111ites ambigue AmblTartU -nrum, m. a Gallic ~pk on th
«:'•rt&,.,..,., 'J'ac.
MMI, nC'ar m0ttern BredL
amblgilltaa -itl1t, (amU111111>1), ambigtdty: Amblvlu'9 L. Amulvius Turpin, n ~ltbra.tNl
\'eroor11111, Cic. actor in Romr, contemporary of 'l'ereuce.
am'blc'tiu -a -um (arnulgo). L moving/ram v
ambO -ae -6 (~). both, 1100 togttltn- (uter-
1id• to •icU, tf tlu11l1t/11l 11ul111'1'; l'rot.cua, Ov.;
\'irvo, Sinm or S1,l1i11r, Ov.; viri, <~1ila1&r1, Ov.; quc, t1ro ccnuidtrtd •~raul•): hie qui utrmuquf'
aml.Jigua111 pro111h1lt Sal:1111i11a, a scco111l .'iti/0111u, prooot, amhou1111 desliuit utl, Cic.
Hor. D. 'J'ra1111r., A. tmrert11i11, 1fo11b(/11l; am· Am1-'Mla -ae, r. ('A,../Jpuia.), to10" on o,,
Liaru1111 tanti c.-rtamh1l11 htrt'it, ov. ; lmpcrandi, IOV.t/i. border of Eptrv..1, 1WJGr IM MZ, uow .Arta;
111>1 ruolt~ "''• Tic. 8nhst., amblstium -1, hence, l,ndj., Ambri.clemla-e, .Ambrada1t;
n. Vllttffl1fnty: 11011 habul a111hlg11um, I had "" S, AJQ1>rAolua ·& -um, .A 111br(lt:ian ; 3, au btlL,
clo11bt, Cic. ; relinqnere In a111uig110, J.ucr. B. Ambmlotia -ae, Ill. inhabitatlt of A»1brucid·
or 1pttd1, m11big1101u, obllcuN'; oracula, Cic. AmbrODGll ·Um, m. a Kettie 1~pl1 d#/Nkil
tluti.t., amldsikum -1, n. ambif11litr; ex am- b11 Muriru fo Uu: 10Ur toith ti~ C.:inlbri.
1.iliino llicLa, Cic. C. trnttrtnin, t1ntrvlt11.10rtlaJ; ambrWa •af', r. (ci,./Jpoaia.), 1 ntnbru.da,
ftdt-1, I.iv.; trlunnl, 'fac.; "'" (.1C1aseuionh1 hand tu /ood qf tJ&e gru•, Cic. ; orator au1Lru9ia alen-
u111Ji1Juae, triUt a dtor tith, Lav. ; rea, i11MC1&n, dua, o/ a dutin'1'i.thtd orator, Cic.; S," •iru·
Tue. ; aquae, d1a"iirlf, Ov. culoua 11r1171m1f, git'illf1 diviM brautr at1il ..,,l.:htf
.&mblllaU -orum, m. a r.aJUc people on tAt immortal, \'erg.
&111tac. ambrWu -a -um (4"11P00'1~). 1lit•int, ,,...
amblo -lvl and ·ii -ftnm, 4. (amu and eo, but morla.l, ambroliul; dape11 1 Mllrt..; COlllM, a11·
oonjupl.t!d rellJlarly acc. to the 4th conjag. ex· ointtd witJ& ambro.•ia, ''erg.
cept ln1perf. ambit.t, Liv.). L ~ go ro111ul.
A; I.I\;,_ ut terram luuae eunu .. proxime ambiret, Ambrjaua ·I, f. a town in l'h.ocU, now
Cle. -. Tran.r., to •urround; ailvaa profuaula Drstm110.
palu1 ambl!Jat, Tit,·. ; val111111 armla, Tac. D.A. ambii~ae -irum, f. (Syrian a bub, an bub,
~ I" TO¥n.d mnwwi1i.g for rotu, or lulp; ad Id the flute). :s11riaft t11tuic ~ •!Ml prvsfihdu
fCUOO agi ''l•lelialuraml1le11u11. Liv.; Jlfl.1'111., popu- in .Rom1, Hor.
lu1 tacit eos a q11ibu1 cmt maxiuie ambltuaL.C1c.; ambiUi.orum -1, n. a toalk •11tkW vn~
. . toa.ddro1 hulii-id'Mlll•; rqinam aft'atu, verg.; trea, Pll\Ut.
t.e pauper amhit aolllcit.& vrece ruria colonua, amb6latlo -onl1, f. (amlmlo), 1, a 1mlk.
•nwoa.cAu tclUl rm11er, Hor. Cle. ; 9, a plact for walking, a J'ro111t11adt, Cic.
.&mlal'rbc -rfg11, in. prhtct qf at Ebvronu ambiUAtluncriUa ·ae, r. 1, a LUU. tllUlk,
'" G<l.UU& &lgi0t1. Cic. ; 2, a UUle pnmwnadt, Cle.
amlaldo -6nla, r. (amblo). ,_ IJ OClllVClU· am'biUA&or -6rl1t, tn. (ambulo), 01W! who 10alb
U., fer olft!I itt ft /mr..ftd ma1&ur; OJ'Jl. ambftua about, a loungff, Cato; JWdlar, Mart.
(ll. v.); me ambltlo et foren:Ja labor ab omni
Illa cotit&Uo11e abltrahebat., etc. a. Tran11f., ambllatorfu .. -nm (ambnlo). WIOt'«W«,
""'""' II/In" lotlnn; 1, public onttt1 amJrillatrbr -fcla, f. a rruuUngtromall, Cato:
dlliN fer ~ : me amblUo guudam aa
honorum lltudlum dnxlt, Cle. ; 2, duirt fer am'billo, 1. (dim. or amblo). L to go bnck-
fGa., d~, JIOll'I'; tuner11m null& ambltio, no war<U and /oruunh to walk, Cic. •. deft•uuit
nrt'J'lr JIOll',,, Tac. ; 8, fiac;tfo~; noa puto 11um ambulando, Ter. ; bene aml.J11ll1.. bo11
ulatlmane te amblUone me la~, Cle. ; "9 ICri•Uig wyagc. Plant.; ergo ambula, bf o.I wtlA ,ou,
fl/kr' ....a.\tlllf; CODCIJJaadae provinciu ad DOVU Plaut.; arubul&re ln jua, to go to law, P11111t.;
'Pl't Tao. ot aoldlera, w -~• eodem r11<*0 &mbuiat
amb 36 amo
~r ut, et.e., Cll'. ; to travel 01"'7', eo tmwrw: a: gctM11citl, Cle. ; esp., Ua. mannw Q/ totarh1.g cAI
with arc., rinum (Xenra) maria a111bulavh1sct, tnga: nihll ellt facllhts qun111 amlctum lmitnrl
Cic. If. T1111111r•• A. Of thl111CS, Niln~ im111e111111 :iliculua nnt H!.ntmn nut mntum, Cle. B. 'Meton.,
longitu•lin•>< 11p:1tio m11b11lims, l'lin. B. to go /or 1, Cl oarn1e11t, \"eri;.; 2, C01Jel"ing; neuul&e
• tmlk, In lwrti• cum Gnlle, Cic. amlrtull, v~rg.
ambiiro -uasi -ui1tum, 3. L A. to burn .unlc6la -ae, r.. T. nmlc1;lu1.
f'OUNd, w ,.·orcA, Co bur" up; Ille oloml 1111ae \'l\'U14 mlcillum -1, n. (amiclo), a mantlt, cloak,
cnulM est; hie aoclornm ambu~tus it1c1•11•llo Cic.
tarnm 4.'X Illa flan1111a perlruloque cvasit, Cic.; AmiciUm -1, m., an•l lmioiUa -ae, t. (dim.
11nl1nst:i ll~1111. Liv.; or ll;:htning, to «Mrl&; 11111·
of amicus), " liltlt frVnd, L'i".
l>nstuJ1 Pl1:.ictl1011, Hur. Hub11t.., ambuatum
·I, n. a: burn. Plin. B. or colil, to niI'· llUlllh; iimicua ·B -nm (nmo). L frltnclly, wll·
ambustl 111ullor111n nrtus vi frii;oris, 'J'&I'. IL wi.<hi11a, incli11l'fl, /avourahls to. A. Ahsol.,
11111ic11s 11111lch1simu11 animus, Cic. ; hu111i11e11
Tra11.<1f., to ambnl'tlls fortn11.1n11n mear11111
ai11I conclllnro m11lclore.-., Cir-. B. With Inter
reliquia'I. Cic. ; dn111m1tio11e colleb'l\e et sua 1•1'0pe
&mlnatus evascmt, Uv. se, or ~r.,'!1 ali•1!1cml or <lat., vtillrn ut ti Iii 1ur!icns
sit, Cro., a1111ca uto aus, Hor.; or th111gs,
&mblllltua •& ·Ulll, pnrtlc. or 11mb11ro. ailrntla hmnf', Verg.; amf<"um est mlltl, it
lmellua ·l, 111. '141 purplt Italian 1tan.oorl, plea.~' 111t; secnn1l um te 111!111 l'Rt 1111111 11111iduit
Ver,:. 1101itu•ll110, Cle. IL 8ulost., A. amious .;, m.
Amenanua -1. m. (',\µ.Iva"°~" a: rirer of a, a friend; i11U11111s, t.:fc. ; \'CritntiR, t.:ic. ; oi
Skily, now Jnrl ii:cl/o; 111:10 uaed as an adject., stul.cs, Roci1111 atq110 amlcns, Cic.; ~r !n plur.,
Amenana tlu111l11a, ov. tit• rt·ti1uui Q/ a Rmna" gorernnr, 011,.t. ; ti&•
i.mena -en tis, tnaJ, fo1aiu, lt1!Wm: metu, courtiers Q/ tM tmperor, Suet. B. amioa -ae,
I.Iv.: anlrnl. in ml11d, V1·r:{. ; homonudaclllMimu:-1
t. a friend or a miltru11, Cic.
•~ue &rnt!ntl:sshnuit, Cic.; conlliliUm amenti8:1i· Aminaem -11 -um, belonglng to .Amfaaea., a
1D11111, Cit·. ' diiltrict of l'ictaum, fa1111>UJJ for iu tt1£11t, Verg.
imentla -ar, t. (amen~). (11sanit11, madnea, Amiala -ae. L m. (b 'A1-uaittf), a rlver in
/olly; tu h1tam 11111e11ti11111 iuclilere, Cle. North. Gennn.ny, now the E11u. IL f. a place al
imento, 1. (nme11tn111), Co furni.¥ wUh a tht mouth of tlid 1<:11u.
lfrop; hll.!l!.al', Cic. ; and (In a ft;.curo) hastae ii.m.laslo .l\uisl r. (;1mltto), a loss: oppl<loru111,
amentnfrte, rewly-ni.mle a1"!71'uie .. ts, Cir. Cle. ; e.;p. of a um death; lihcrorum,
imentum -i, 11. (for n;.ci11w11t111u). L a1trap Cle. am1saW1 -0.11, m ... amisslll (q. v.).
CAoN:1, Oii's. IL a ah°'·til, l'li11. '
lmcria -ae, t. a town in Umbria, ni>w Ami.WI (Am!~s) -1, f. ('.Aµlcro~). 11nd Xmi•
Asv!i11: hr111·e n•IJ., Am6rinu• ·IL ·nm be-
•um-1, n. a town in Po1tlua, uow .sa11U11n.
lo~'Ji":! i,, .A.mula. ' Amlta -ae, t. a/ather'ui.sttr (opp. matertera,
Ammola -ne, f. a town ill I.hi Sabi11~ co1111try. q. v.), an aunt, Cle. ·
Ami tern um -1, n. a town f1I tM Sabh1e ccun·
imea -Iti,., 111. a /or1.:td poll, rc•r suspending try, birthplncll of the historian Sallust; hence
fOwl~ni· 11l'l>1, Hor. auj., Amlterninua ·a ·um, a11d A.miter·
lmestr1itus -f, r.. (' Aµ.jOTpdTO~). a town on nus -a -11111, .A mitu1'ian.
~ MTtA.coa.t nf Sicily, cm tl1t llalnUU1, now ltt~­ amltto ·nll:li ·llliSSllll!r_ S. to uM au1ay, lo ltl
trrtta; hence AmeetrAtinua -a -u111, bdon.g- go. L A. Lit., Plaut. .as. Trnnsr., to give up:
iili Co A fl\Ut1ut 1u. onines has 1•rovincius, Cle. IL to kt go, to ld
lm6thyatlnus -a -nm, 1, amtthy1t-colourtd: ~lip. A. Lit.. , pmc.Jam de 111a11ibua, Cic.; oc<·a·
Testes, llart. ::>ubst., Jlmethy8tlna ~rum, n. sio11t"111, Cic. ; tcmpu", Cle. B. to lost; vi tam,
(ac. veatimcnta), druses of that ooluur, Ju\",; 2, Cl1·. ; !item, Cic. ; mentem, Cic. ; fhlt'm, credit,
Id icit.1' a1t1Ul,V»U. Mart. Phae,lr. ; esp. to lou Irv dtath.; tllium con11u·
..,!'m6Ulyatua -i, r. (aµifvnOf), an a1Mt1111~t, larem, Ci<-•
u1n. Ammli.nus llaroellinu -1, m. hlstorum
amft'actua •&nfrnctus (q. v.). of tM fourtl' ct11tury A. D., who wrote a history of
lmioa -o.e, t. (v. a111lc11s). Home from Nerva to Valcns (91-8i8 A.D.), the
Orst hooks or which are lost.
lmici, a1lv. (amlc1J11), fa a/ritndly nl(rnner;
&mice facis, Cle. ; a1.iice pauperlem patl, 1Dill- Ammon (Hammon) -llnls, m. ('' Aµµwv), a
t11glv, Hor.; with dat., VlVt'to vitae hominum Liltyan <Uity, with a temple in the Oasi11 of8iwah,
&llllce, a1 I.hi friend Q/ man, Cic. worshl11ped In R11111e under the name or J uplter
Ammon, Cle. Ao.lj., AmmonlA.cua -a -uir•.
lmlclo -foul and -lxt ·lct11m, '· 11 to cloth1, amnlo~la ·ae, c. (11mnis and colo), dwe!Ung
tllray rvnd; amlctu• toga, Jn.ena, pa1lio, Cic. :
~. 1'rauar., to coiitr, cor..uial; nu be cava amlctua by CM rircr-sidll; 81Llix, Ov.
\e~; piper et quirlquld chartla amlcitur In: amnloillu -1, m. (dim. ot amnls), a liUlt
eptl.!I, 'tllra.pped up 111, Hor. rfrcr, Liv.
&micltir ~ a mice (q. v.). amnl• -111, m. (orig. apnl", f'rom same root
im.ic1tla ·M, f. (amlcu>1), .frk111.l1hfp. L Lit., 88 Lat. aqua, Skr. ap.). A. a llream of wattr, Cl
A.~ip Lctwee11 persons; est mlhl amlcitia river; non ten11l11 nvulUlf sed 11bunda11ti~:;imus
tam aliquo, Cic. ; 11111lcitiam facere, jungere, nmnlll, Cle. B. Poot., tlui atrtam; secund0 11111nl,
8'J'tre, rllmlttere, diBsoclnre, dlllSQlvere, Cle. clown uream, Verg.; th4 ~n. Verg.; a torrem;
B. ID politica, frundship between atatca; omni nnmt de montibus amnea, Verg.; 1D11Ur, Verg.
~~re lo Me atqne amlcitla clvltatls Aeduae limo. 1. to loM from. (ncliMtwn or ,nui01'
ii• Cae:a.; In amlcitl:un popull Romani venlre, (<liligl're, to love from ut«in); n1e non <lillgl
Y.: c. or Inanimate thl11ga, 1ympaJ.h11, Plln. solrnn, verltm etl1un amarl, Cle. ; 1, a, ali-
b . HP~D., /ri.end•; pnrcet nmicltila et dlgnltaU· q ullm mlrlHce, Cic.; b1. amare ae, to loi•e OM•
.._, C1c. stl/ ieTJW&l.v, Cic. ; o, auqnem de, or In allqus
llllicltl• -!Lt =amlcitla (q.v.). re or qnnd, lo /lll ooliged or bound to a ptNOn;
te multum anaamus, quod f'& abs te diligen·
ba1otu .ci., m. (amlclo). A. pultff&f o/ ter parvoque curata aunt, Cle.; amabo te, OI'
amo 36 amp
a1nabo,Jlll!tl.M, ~'°good : amabo te, ad vola, Cle. ; AmphDMhl -6nnn, m. 11 7Jt0P1~ «• ,A.,..
d, to ww 10t1Uthing; 11mavl amorem tuum 1ircmt unia ; henctl Amphllhhla ·&e, t. thtir
lpse arnalJat litteraa, Cle. ; amat janua llmen, count,.,,; ond Argoe Ampbllhhlum, or
dinga to, Hor. ; with lutln., hie ame!I dlcl Amphlloabloum -i, n. itJ cJ1ief to1t"1•, now
at.Que pl'ince1•11, Hor.; e, to be""""· accu.•tointd; l'/1 ii ok i a.
qllMj ira flerl nnutt, &II. ; 2, to lwe paato11ut1ly, Amphion -l\111!1, m. (' A1•+&..w). ldflll qf Tlul.a,
111t11SlU1lly; iLI 1•ri111u111 lnsull\'it e:1:ercltu.s popnll and ltu.wcrnd of Nwbt; said to have rai-1 the
lto11111ni a111are, to /wit, !Sall. walls of 1'hehell by the magical power of hia lyl't';
Amoeni, adv. (amoenull), pltaaa11tl111 Plant. hence arcea Amphlo11b1, i.e. 'J'htbt1, Ov. Adj.,
Amoenltaa ·iti11, r. (a111oenu11). L Gen., Amphi6Dlua ·a. -11111, lwlo11gh19 to Amphio•.
,.Uu.--.i11'11tu. 11. Esp. &, or 11ituatiu11, hor- Amphl~lla. al'C. ·im, t. ('A11+lm1At~).
torum, Cie. : 11rLiu111, .l.I\'.; plur., Atl1t11iun <'l>lon.11 i11 M11ctclo11iii, 01~ tM Strymon.
or.1ru111 ac liton1111, Ci<'.; Rlisol., plea."Crnt si111a-
fi1m, Cie. ; b. of other things, vitae, Tue. ; as amphlabaena -ae, f. (0.1,4'lvf3"'"a.), a l·huf
a t..•rm of ende:mncut, mea nmoenlta.<1, Plaut. qf .Afnca11 snake, Plin.
A.moenua -a ·Um. I. Oen., pleaaant, dtlig1tt- Amphlua -ae, t. (" Aµ4>1vva.), a t-010t\ of tM
f11I. IL &;p., a., or 1•lace; locus, Cic., Ozolia11 l..ocria11.1, near m01lern l:lalo11&; hence
A.moena ·Ol'Ulll, n. plwsa11t placu, Tac. ; b or Amphlulua ·a -um.
other t.11i11g11, vit.u, Tac.; eultns, l1u;11riou.s, apft1'· amphlth6atri.lla -e (amphltheatrum). llf.
did, Liv.; o, or pe1'801111, Veuua, Plaut. longinu to tM am11hit/tt(1trt; epcctaculum, Pilu.
iunollor, •· dep. to rtJnOve. L Lit., object.a ampblthii.trl'.oua -a -um amphiU1eatra· =
Olll'lll, Liv.; se, to tal.:4 01tuelf <>ff, Plaut. IL Us (q. v.).
tog,, rid of. A. or pt1rsons, Octll\'lam llXOl'tllll, ampblth6i.trum -1, n. (4µ4'<Bfa.Tpo ..), a"
Ta.,, B. or l!fllllethlng unpleasant, to YtmOVt: 11mphi1ht.atn, m1 Olt(ll b11Uding for glatliah>rial
u~ecu11, Tac. C. In speech, to pau over; 111101ior 5/wu•s and pu'11ic 8J>tcladu, Tnc.
et 1111111\'co 1w111cn 111eu111, Liv. Amphltriti ·ell, f. ('Aµ4>1Tpl"1). tM wf/t o/
Amomum -i 11. (4""",.o..), a shrv.b, from Ntpt1rnr, goddt.u of tJ1t 11ta; hence, tM Ma, Ov.
whi<.:h 11 ci>•lly oolsa.11l Via.f J'repaucl, Verg. Amphltrfon and Amphltriio -Onie, m.
lm6r (1111108) ·6ris, 111. (a mo), lort fro111 incliiw.· (' Aµfo1Tpvw .. ), kiug of 'J'htl>U, a11d /111sba11d oJ
tiu11 (c1U'itm1, lotl' fro111. uta111). L A. Lit., 11011tcr .A/cnrru?u.a, tht mot Mr of Htrculu by Jupitn';
in te a11111r, Cic. ; 11111plectl or prU111.-qul allquem
anwri., Cic.; haLerP. 111iq11e111 In a111ore, Cic. ;
hence AmphltdolllA4ill ·ae, m. IM of '°"
.Am1>liit111011, I.e. !Ttrc11le1, \'erg.
liahere n111ore111 er1:11 nli<111c111, Ck. ; iu nmore am.p)l(ira ·RP., (, (.iµ4'-0pni(). A. a tlDO·
1'.tl&e alicui, to bt lot'fl<I by .cv111t 011.,., Cle. ; In R had lw111Ut1t va.soo, 71itclrtr, or jug, generally mllde of
11e1111e, paui-0"; amore 1ienlitn e11t, l'laut. ; i1lnr., clay or gln1111, chlefty u11ecl for wlue, Hor. : heuce,
a111ores hominum In te, Cle.; mlhi e!lt ln anwri· 111don., wi11,, Hor.; used also for honey, Cir_, oil,
lm11, ht u loved b11 nu, Cic. ; in a bail 11e1111e, Cnt.o. B. 1, a 7llffi-''1IN! for liquitb, 2 urnae or 8
u111•11'l'H et hae dellclae 911ae voc1mtur, Cic. ; cougii or 48 1wxt.u1·ii, ahout lit gal101111 : 2, tllftl·
1icnm11if., the goil C11)1W, 'hrg. B. Mcton., tht nn· <>f th' to1111n!I" of n ship, as \\'e use t.on, about
11/1jtd. of fove, clarli11g; Rmor et deliclne t:e11erii1 80 Ito1111111 1101111d!I ; navel! onerarlae quarmn
h11111a11i ('l'ilns), l::luct.; esp. In plur., a111ores ct minor nulla ernt dumn millium amphoruu1,
delicll.t! tuae, Cic. IL love for 10111tthi11g, dmn; Cle.
co111mlatu11, Cic.; cog11ltlo11i1, Cic. ; 11eriwndl, amph~ri.Ua -e (am11hora), containing aft
Hnr. amyliom, Plin.
&miUo ·onll1, r. (amo\•co), a f't7Mi'ing ;
dolorl11, Cle. AmphrjM. -1, m. ('A,u<#lpvcnk), a •lrtam i1'
PhU•Wli.6, near whicl1 Apollo ke1•t the flock11 or
&m6vio ·roovl -mutnm, 2. to 111ow away, re- A1h11et1111; Jl&lltor au A111phry11<>, Apollo, \'erg.
tlWtoe. L Lit., A. Oen., 1 1 of thing11, 11eq11e In
a111ovendo neque In expo11.undo fr11111ent.o, Cle. ; Adj., Amphrjidua -a -11111; Amphrysla vatea.
2 1 of perso1111, Rllqucm ex l11ti11 loci11, Cle. ; all· Uu Sibyll (l.ielovt'tl by Apollo), \'erg.
quern ab alta1ihus, Liv.; amoto patre, fa tl1t ab- ampli, adv. (amplus). L riclll11, am~u
,.,.~ oflM filthtr, 1'ae. ; se amovere, to depart, Ter. a.mplh1almc dare agrum, moat libtml/11, Cir. U.
B. fo:Ap., 1, eul'hem, to stwl; I.loves per dolum 11U1g-niftC#ntl11, l]Ucnttid/11, exor11are trlcli11l11111,
11motH, Hor. ; 21. to bani.,h: In immlam, Tac. Cic.; of oratory, elate et ample loqui, u•itA
D. Transr. 1 A. uen., to rt11Wrt- BOlntthing UA· dignilJI~ aw.I ~ight, Cic. Eilp. In <'Olllpllr.,
plta.1Ct11t; al> se culpam, Liv. B. Pllrtic. 1, of ampU~ L twn"e; amplitts nequn lamentarl,
tltl11g1, .,.m1um dolorh1 mel a. senteutla d(Clluda Luer. IL A. Of 11p11ce or time, mon, jartJr~r;
amovelx>, Cle.; 2, or persons, to n1iww from a non luctabor tecum a1111•lius, Cle. ; &f ampliua
p..t; Satunilum quacstorem a auu. frum1mtaria pro11u11tiare, a judichll formula, to ru j01J.r11 tu
11rocuratloue, Cle. M«ring of a oo.~; 11uu111 co111mle1 re antlita
Amplllkaua ·I, m. (' A11-+uapa.ot), a ~­ amplinM de cnnsilll 11e11tentia p1"011uutlavlsstnt,
lmdt1l .Argi'N 1o(ifh.llCJyer, aon of u«:les (or Apollo) Cll'.; b, a ronnuls. in contractR, Rale11, etc., am-
and HypeNAiu&tra, wift of Eriphyle, firtMr of pllul! non pet!, that 1iofurtMr cT1lf111v111<ult, Cle.;
.Alcr11<uon and A "'Jlhilochu.s, particip11t.or agninst c, esp. or definite mcaslll't'B of time, with nom.,
!tis will In the eXJlfldition O( tho l:)e\'611 llgBill~t acc., abl., ge11lt., gmwrally without qu1un; am·
ThebeM ; when flying from Polyclyme111111 he pl11111 ee11tu111 cive11 Romani, Ci<'. ; non a111pliu11
was, by the order or Zeus, taken uv from the pedum DC., C11ee.; trien11lo am11llua, Cie.; absol.,
earth and made Immortal ; hence, &, Am- xvi. non amplius leglone11, l6 ltgl<>11sand 1&0 more,
Liv. B. further, mort, in acl~lition: quid e11t
~ua ·• -11111, btlongi1<g to Atnp/,iamua; queJ jam ampliue exspecte11, Cic. ; hence the
b 1 AmpbUrilA4i9 ·ae, m. aon q/ .tfmpht· formulae, &, non 11ico a111pli11s, I 11<1y nothing /11r·
anu,. "' Ale111aeo11, Ov. tlr.n-, Cic.; b, hoc or eo ampllus; buW4!1, 1111we-
amphlbCSUa -ae, r. (4,.+•IJo>..ia), ambiguity, ovrr; esp. t. t. in the senate, Mervlllo as11entlor
dowble mru11 i11g, Cle. et hoc a111pliue ce1111eo, l givt my ~lhdion to &r·
Amphlotf~Dff -11111, m. ('A,.+•cnio..,t}, tht ••ili111' propo«il, but 111al~ aii additi<m to it, Cle.
.Amphictyou, a rtligio11a <Ullrmbly of rtprutllla· ampleotor -plexus swu plectl 8. dep. 0

tiva oftlw Gr•k Ito.tu, held tint at 'l'bermopylae (am h 111111 ph..'Cto). L Ut. to ftrr'Oto'J, ncirck.
and aft.erwuda at Delphi. A. with &.be arwa or bandli, lo '1iWraoe; 1, aram,
amp 37 an
Tee.: de%tnl.m1Vff(f. : 9, to~ lo1Mglr, Ov. ampallor, 1. dep. (ampulla, B.), lo ..U
B. to "'"'114714; tetlurem alh1 (of night), to cowr, ~I)'. Hor.
Verg.; ho11tlum a('iem. Liv. ; or llre, lgnis proxlma &mpiitatlo -Onie, t. (amputo). 11 cnr.tli"f of,
ql_!aeque et dei11C1:p11 continW\ amplt1xW1, Liv. p-u1'illf, Cle.
IL Transl.• A. to tr~comll, rccow; lioonter t&lern ampttto I. to ma of. A. Lit., 1 of pla.nta
amicum. Ole. B. 1 1 to low, uttem; aliqnem or trees, fo li;p or pnmt; ramos lnut~e11, Hor. ;
amore. Cic. ; 2, to pr1~; tanto amore euas poa· ni;t.. non aolum rarnoa amputare mfl\8rlarum.
sessione.'\, Cio. ; 3, ro '11lbTact fa ~ghl, Co con·
rider; ai judex non omnla ampleclt>tur consilio, Cic. ; 2, to cut oJI a part of Uw &odr ; ca put.,
C1c. ; 4, Co embratt, In the se11He of to includt Tac.: as rnedlcaf t. t., to amputa.u ; ln cor-
or amtprf« ; qnod Idem lntt>rdum vfrtutis pore quldqnld est peatlfernm. etc. B. 1, Co
~. dimbttah; multltndlnem aenteut!Arum,
nomloo ample<-tiinnr, Cle.; 6, to embracll or
lo1&Gl 01& In dl:icoorae: •11fUmentnm plnribua Cle.; 2, amputata loqul, to ipeal: diaconn«kdl71,
'ferbia, Cic. ; omaiA oommanlter, J,iv.
amplesor1 1. dep. (intena. of amplector); Ampfoua ·I, m. (" Ap.11V1COf). L
lapctu1, a tingfn' 11!td prld of C.,., killed at
1, lo nrr011na, 111.eirch, tmbmcr, Cle. ; tnrn11f., the wet.ldlnlJ of Pel'!leWI by PeLt&lus. U. OM
Appln11 tot11m me amplexatar, Cic. ; 2, to of the Lapit/111,, /a.ther of Mopru.s; hence, Am-
ln11MJr, otum; 11equabilitatem Jnris, Cle. u:fcldee -Ge, m. Cl d~ q/ .A~. i.e.
ample:s:ua -tt.~. m. (llmplector). A. a m.,.. llop111.4.
rt11'ndi1'9. tn.circllrtg, tmhn:iC'I!; t.lraeonis or eer·
pmti!I, Cic. ; aliquem lllllplexil.ns ne<'Are (of a
Ampyx ·P1ofa, m. Aµirvt). L a l'.IO'llmldl
of PMneu&, turned ()lto 1me ~ tJi.t Jlllduta'• Mad
snake). Ov. B. 'J'ransf., tcrrarnm amplexu, the at the wcddh\g of Ptrwut. IL OM of UM La~
cireai& <>f Uu tarlh, Liv. tluM, kill1ct by U.. orntaur Oiclut al U.. tot..dding
am~ll&tlo -Ouis, f. (amplio}, t~adjotwnine7tt of PirWtou.1.
.t CJ -il, 8e1L Amttlitum ·I, n. (Arab. hamalet = o ,.,..
i.mpllffoatlo -onls, t. (ampllnoo), a?J11tlar11- dant), a charm, amulet, PUn.
&tq, i~"f. L Lit., rel fam!Uaria, Cic. II. Amiillus .JI, m. king of .Alba Longa, who
Trauiif•• a, Gil tli.larging, lwightning; honoria drove hia elder brother, Numltor, from the
et glnrlu, Cle. ; b, in rhetoric., enlargtTM11t, am- throne, aud ex1•osed ln the Tiber Nun1i&.or'1
plifa:ntUm. Cle. grandaona, Romulus and Remua.
a.mpllflcator ~rt.a. a. (amplUlco). OM wAo Amuroa -ae, t. (~), t.k oU.Z.., PUa.
l'Alarg~ ; dig11itati11 1 Cle. ,
ampllflco 1. (amplus and t'ado), to ,,..,. Amuula (acc. ·Im), t. 11 mrpn'4rr'1 "'1a; ad
Farg~. A. Lit., civlt.ittein, Cle.; dlvitiu, Clo. a11111111lm, cacUy, Varr.
B. Tra1J1f., 1, to '11.Crta.M; vnluptat.em, Cle. : Amyolae ·arnm, f. (".AµiJwu). L 11 totoa (•
21 In rhetoric, to dil«U upon, magnify; allquld Laconia., ao111A.-t o/ Sj>arla: myth., Ao-. of
d1oendo ampliflcare atque omare, Cic. CAI Diolo11ri a1'd of Helt1ia. II. aa old tewit i•
ampUo 1. (amplta), to make wkU, aJarg.. Lal\- (e&Jd to hav~ been founded from Am7·
hcNa-st. L Lit., clvitatem, Plln.; equltum o1aa I.). Adj. Amyolae'U -a ·Um, Ml~
to .A~ .A•~; plan\&, oJ Uw....,., la
ceoturtu, Liv. IL Tranaf'., a to glorf,/JI; no-
men, Ka.rt. ; b, lf!g&l t.t., Co ~ourn Uu luarbig aUu.alon M> the atol')' or Jupplter and Leda,
"° G az« (see under am1•le II. A.a}; cauaam, Cic.
amplftir, adv.= ample (q.v.).
Mart.; fr&trea, tlu DiolaNrl, Verg.: benae poet.
Laoollia1'; cania, Verg.
AmygWum -l a. (l~°"), GA MlotMI,
&m.pJkiido ·lnla, t. (amplas), 1'nocltA, - . Ov.
A. La., aimul&erum modlea amplltudine, Cle. .lmjm0ni -lie, f. ("A~µ.:..i,), dmigA,_.. (ff
B. Tr&naf., 1, amplltudlnes quaedam booorom, .DaJMJ.W, bcloHd by NqlUM, who ln her honour
i~ of p1'0pn11f, Cle. ; 9, gnatnea; nomlnis,
Cic. ; 3, dignUr, grond.ur; maxima cum glorla ean11ed a fountain to apring out or the rock near
ad 1Umm&m amplitudintftn per\•enire, Clo. ; 4,
of~; P1.atonl11, Cle.
amplaa ·a ·um, adj. with eompar. and
Amyntaa -ae, m. ("Ap.Vt'Tllf), t14m1 q/ MIWCll
Ma.cadonMin. k!nr..• the moat famoaa of whom
WU Amyntaa I ., j'rztMt- Q/ PAil'JI oJ ..Vacedoa,
mpe;l., larg1, IJ)CJC'°"8, am71le. A. LU., I, ot
aiu, ete. : domWJ, Cic. ; 2 or numoer,
bclght, quantity, etc.; peconlaam~slma, Cic.;
oJ .Al«MIMftr U.. Great; hence
cmd gro.nd,
Amynt1Adi9 .ae, m. PMlip.
llnres copiae, Caee. Neut. aubet., am- J..m,.nt0r ~rta, m. (".Aµti,,,..,p), klng of IM
~ ua, imponebat Alll!'lill8 quam f~rre J•OS&ent,
c,; with genft., al ampllt111 obaldnm dare velit,
Caea. B. Traner., 1, (IT'tilJl, importa.nt; ocC11elo,
Do~ father Qf Ph.oentz; hence :X.myn~r­
ldia -ae, m. a'°" Qf .Amvmor Pll.oentz, OT.
Cle. ; ampla apeA, Sall. ; 2, M1iourabU: praemla, imyatta ·ldla, r. (~110"Ttf), u.. empt¢1'.g ~a
gobld <U a drauglt, Hor.
ac. ; amplum Tmcla r11.tn1, tMnkRg U an
i.c»i.ovr for &A4 Etnum11.1, Llv. ; 3, aoellmt, h.{flh.l1 .lmfthi,Ou. -6nlA, m. ('~v8-r) Jatw 91
~: ampJAe et honestae famlllae, Cie.; M1l<lmp11.S, BW.., and ..!eolia.; btlnce, Amf-
&lllf·li..sim! v1rl. mQ q/ &M Aigh.ut porition, Cle. ; thi.CSDlua ·•-um, ion q/ .Amytliao1l.
l!ll't!eiallY of public o!ftcee, &mpUU!mua honor, ln,, conj. or, 'IChaMr, lntrodUMS the second
fAt Ct) MUl.:tJi. i p, Cf C. clause or a direct or Indirect double question,
Ampunotl (sc. Jacns), or Ampeanotua or of a sentence implylnjdoubt. I. A. Ohen·
·I, m. o lake in tM country of the lflrpini, Rllld tencee Implying doubt; J., after ntrom, ntrnmne
to be one of the e11trancee to the lower world. and ne, honestumne ractu sit an turpe, dubltant,
ampulla -ae, t. (dim. or amrhora; am1(h}- Cle. : 2, without a verb of doubt, er ralMr;
<nla, amporla, ampurla., ampulla). A. G }kuk, non pins llnobus an trlbua mensiba"- Cle. IJ,.
~ Ck.. B. Tranaf., ~; prqjlclt am· Elliptically{ where tbe first clause is to be un·
piillu, H•1r. deNtood, 'ublto an, baud aclo an, or neado
an, l don.'t how 111~ U ii ftOl, JH"f"MP'J, po«ri·
IDID1lll.i.ofua .. ·am (&mpulla), bo4a. bly; hand aclo an eat111 alt, eum qui lacesserit,
*1J",. Plfn. lnjurlae suae poenltere, Ole.; with a negative,
ampallAdua .... m. (ampulla), • ~ l daft' i .l"nOtD w~ U u; du bl !Jlt an turpe non
Ila.Ur, Plaut. lit, vhlt/w' U u bcue, Qc. C. Like num, ~
ana 38
(poet. or In poat-Augaatan prou). qala llCit an anclpitea, cwpMblott.,Cil'~ ; aucep11 f'aciendl dlcea.
adjlciant liodlemae era.Una au111mae u1npora <ti dlque aapJentla, Cle. C. 1 -Oigw01t•; oral,.
wuperi, Hor. D. In dired or h1dlrectqueation11. hnn, Liv. ; 2, •11CCTtain, t1,;Jttit.ded; belll fortuna.
A. When- both aeuteneea are expreaaed ; 1, In Cic.; proelJUDI, LiY.: 3, u'IUIUled: Lue&11lll
direct queatlon1, utrum ea ve»tra an noatra an Apuhui anceJ>I. •ncnlal• tuluUtn' a Lwea14fa"
culpa eat., Cic. ; I, In indirect que11ttona, id OT " " .Aptdian,- Hor.; 4, dcangm>tU, hie locua
utrum Romano more locutus aft an quo modo tam ancepa, Cic
Stoic! dicunt, poetea vldero, Cic.• B. Etrlptlcally, .Anohfl.109(G1) -1, f. CAnc.Aof).11 ..WI toaia
where the ftrwt part or the queatton 11 aupprealled, q/ TAJ"tU¥ on Uw l'ol&tu Euzixv., now .Akinli.
orteu to npreu irony or aatoni1hment, OT Uw" 1;
an etia111 Id dnblum eat? Cic.; an cemea nihil Anelli• -ae, m. (' An£4"tf), '°"
~ of AetUM; hence 1, adj., .Anolliei1ul ~
o/ <'1'~ mttl
Inter noll oonvenlre 1 Cic. '
~batbram -1, n. (IA~,o,,). 11 f'l.liaed ·tun, bdOft.(Ji"fl t.o A11clli-; 2, Allolliw1Mi9
"'°' JU\',
-ae, m. 11 dace7u:f4m q/ ..tnc.\ii.~; t.e. .A•ltC'U, \"erg.
~ ·ldJ11 m. Allllx.pcr,f), a.SC,tAlan anoile ·la, n. (connected with • ancu.,
etirwd ), 1 4 .Aitld riio\ /ell /rOfll hlW'I& ix
who, lt wru 111Jfd, wvued .AIMt&I '" Ull ti11Y q/
Solon. the tlnu o7 °"
Nv'llUI., tA• f1'V'"Uli01' q/ .rlio\
Uu 1111/dJ q/ Uw Bmnan eapira vu. "'Ppol«I lo
.laaoNon -ont11, m. ('A..turpi-). a lrric dtpeNll, Liv. ·i 2, axr oml IAield, Verg. (hete-
~~ 1'~"' in Ionia(M9-478 a.c.). Adj., Ana- rocl. genit. p ur. anclllon1111, Hor.).
llntOlltiU -a -um, .Atiaere07!.tie.
-ollla -ae, t. a 1ftllid-Mrftlnl, ft:WUl.le aw.
AllMima, n. (&~,..), "" M'Mmmt Cic. ; med u an attrlb., muller ancilla, Sall
or jUlet/or the hta.d, Luer.
aaol1Ji.rl6J.u -1, m. (ancilla), a lowro/aa.Ul-
.lnapJa -1e, f. (' A-yria), ci to1l1ll. '" LattvM, ltTtlll 11t.t, Mart.
mpi~ of the Hem~ now .Anaqn(. Adj., All-
1 -& -um, ocro1'ging to ..tnagnia. anel11Arla -e (ancllla), rtlating to a wtaid...,...
oalU; artlllclum, Ctc.
bapNtis -ae, m. (&.,.~). a rt.rader,
Cle. &11oll1or, 1, dep. (nncilla), to NrW 111 11
arv<ml; lten~, to ICTH alaiiill11, Plln.
4ni'1eota -ae, m. (&NA;.,-), a alaw do.
dutv U 1ooa to coU«t and nmow cnlftbl a/141' a aaollllla -ae, f. {dim. of ancllla). 11 litu.
lfUlll, Mart. fllLlili-servcmt, Liv. ; fig. ldcirco l•tam Juri•
lnAliSda -ae, f. (&N.\~11), proportion, conr.- acient!Am tam'llWD ancillulani pediilequamque
pnriilon, a1111logr, Varr., Quint. aJjunxiAtl, Cle.
banoaeum ·I, n. («rcayir11t'or, uxawldable), aaoi8u -a -um (amb and caedo), n&l nrud,
a l<crge drinking cup, bvMptr, Plaut. Luer.
lldipaenu -a -um (&ri..G£cm>f). pes, or .Alloia ·onla, f. ("A,.Wr, dbotri), and .&a-
ahni•l)' ana:-eatua, o nulrkal /Ml, n1& 1111&- oilla -ae, f. G lmOI& '" PM:lt141'11l, cm tlu A1LrinlMI
pnut (v v -), Cle. 8ub8t., a, aaa..-u -1, Sm; hence Allooaltmau -1, m. "" iUcabUanC
111. 11 vr1·.-i com110ted q/ a114pat1U, Cle.; b, ana-
o/ ...4 tV.0114,
p...tum ·I, 11., 4 poem in ancipaatic wrat, Cic. aaMra ·&e, I. (lyirvpa), a• anclor ; anco-
AnAphirA -ae Ca~). 1, e.u rl#'11g o/
tM henN1'lll bodiet, PUo. ; a, In rhetoric, LU
nuw. jacere, Caea. ; tlgere1 iw.11gere, to end • •
chor, OY.; tollere, lo tOri(JA uc.\or, C&ea.; COD·
l"eflditl01' oJ Cl tOOf'd at tJv btf£Hing q/ Mwral 11iatere ad ancora1u, In auouria, lo lie 4' caMCAor,
1t11U11cu (u in Cle. Verr. II. 26). Caea.
.laiphi -611, f. (' A"4111), an island ecut q/ &Dolrale -11, n. (ancora), a c:alJl1, LIT•
TMra., OM q/ tM Sporadu, now Namft, or .Aaa..'. anokarlu -a -w.n (ancora), bdoRgia.g lo . .
aJM"Aor: lunla, Caea.,pu, -1, nL ("A-woe). 4 r'wr i• SfoUr,
t&MT .SVJ'llCUM, now .AtlGpo. Aaou (eee )(arclua).
Anar&ee -Jum, m. (''A,,apro&), 4 peoJlll in
.Anojra-u. f. ('A~). I. LU dt'cf
of IM T~. eapUai oJGalaUa, now .A"fON;
1. .lnie-ae, m. (" A"ac), o riwr ii. Spcrin, 11ow beace, Anajriau -a -um, bdO'ltfi119 to A•
Wndi-ana or Guadialt&
t. baa. lnltia, f. a duck, Ole.
orni ; Ancyranum mon&nnentmn,
ptd vp br ...4 iegutu Al tM """""°'a• i111CripCiola
t.o Au lnl,U
cit A~ nlaffnp Uu cAWJ CW7lla o/ Au lf/4. D.
ln&t.loiila -ae, t. (dim. of anu), a ffttlt duet, a '°""' '"
PArwta, Ott IM bonfen ~ lllrft4 GM
ld~l8mu -1, m. (aNTO«l~), ClOlft... ancl&'b&ti -u. m. a kind q/ gladtator do
pou!Wl inteTUl, Cle. fougllJ to(fA G Atl1M tAal Md tlO optftitap for tle
lna.xiciru ·&e, m. ('•;dpcn). o plilo- qu, Cle.
toJ'lhtr of tile old Jonia11 «Jiool, friend and ~
q/ Pericla and .IWrlpidu•
AM•nla -ae, f. ('Aa-&ma), Rll oltf
Muacnia, llet10Ct1' Jlegalopolil au JlusttM, DOW
'°""' '"
.l.axarohaa ·I, m. ('Ar~1apxoc), a phUo- AndoroarJ..
aophtr of .A bcUra.. An4eoav:l ~rum, m. and AD4. . -ium. to.
.lnazbnancler -drl, m. (" A~a...S,,,C). ci a Gallic peopl4 01' tltl Loin trilA G
phUo.«>phtr o/ NilttH, J"'pil of Thalr1. same name, now .An.gen.
o/ !!?•
Jn.,dm~ -11, nt. ('Arcat&#At"'!(), a pAilo- 1. AAdea, v. Andecavt.
lflJ'hn· q/ MUtt111, pupU q/ Awa.s•llM27Mkr. 2. Andie -tum, f. '°""' '"
anoe»e -clpJUa, abl. sing. -clpltl (an and eoti1llhJ, blrtl1place or Virgil, now PWcilA.
tM Jl4'1111rCJll
CA rut). L Lit., t100-A«ld#.d; J1mua, Ov. ; acu. Andraemia -611ia, m. ('A~ L
111en mont.111. t100-J>Clllbd, Ov, D. Tran•f..t..with fallw' o/ Amphiutu, 1uubclu ~ • D.
fUJO lidu. A. t~; llCCUrill, Ov. A 1, (also Andremon) t\119 q/ C.CU~ /fltAn' OJ TAoa&
romi ng °" bo4A liclu, btAind a11.d before; quum AndrUcnu ·I, m. C' ~), • alaw rio
a11cep11 bostla et a rronte et a tergo urgeret. Liv. ; PH l i - ( f °"' '°be ' " .,., ,,, ,,.. .........
atll"epl proeltu111, a battle whtn Uw emmr attack on 1:ing Pnwtu, AM CllllMll llN n'rd lll~lu
flotA 1'4u, Ca.ea. ; anocpa metua et ab clve et ab War, vallicA •lldG wet\ tA•~ ~JI~
boi&te, IJy, j 21 of hoo tlell16nl i beatiae Q.uui ""°ClBcnllA proriMt .. Jldallu.
And 39 ang
Aadr0gi09. nr -g6ua -1, m. ('A,,~~), anaulaena -ae, c. (angnis and ~no= gigno).
1011 o/ Miao.J tu•d P~pha•, by tM. .AtM.- ~11.ake°Jxl,.n, Ov.
11i«ns, llJl\.I> 111ert co1lN.'f1tuUly a.tla.rk~cl and sub- angull1a -ae, r. R1' ul, Plaut.
il11tli b11 JfilWlS., and fore'bl to pay a tribute of
ptlu aad lflaidnu lo tJ&e Jllinotm1r. anplm.inua -us, m. n1akt-A.nndtd; ele-
phantus (110 called from the snake-like move-
aadrid'Jaaa -i, m. (.b-&pc)yv~), a Alrm- ments of II.ft trunk), Luer.
•JIA~ilt. Liv., Cic.
~us -a ·llm (anguis), pertalni11g to
.bdrOmlehi -& and -claa -ae, r. (' A..&po- a lnafe, inal.:y, Ov.
"4n>. 1rife of lfo:lor, nnJ, afttr Ut.e capturt! of
Troy, tM cnpti~ of Pyrrluu aftd nd>Utp1t1ltly angaiuus -a -um =anguineus (q.v.).
-cife of Ht~1uu; appell., a 110t1ng and beautiful angulpes ·I>Mis (anguis and pes), 111111.-c·
S'i,t, wan. footed, Ov.
~ -k, r., and -4a -ae. r. (A,,&po- anguis -Is, c. (ango). L a 111111.-t, Cic. ;
llilit~ da111J1ltu of the Atthiopia1~ king Ctplutu vrov., frigidus latet an;zuls In herb&, thtrt u
•lid of C-as.Yioptia, tspOMJd to a ua-monller, but drtn~r, \"erg. D. 1, Utt 0011$U/latio1& l>mco,
ranuti br Pcrwiu (acc. -au, Ov., lrlet. lv. 671, Yerg.; 2, the co/Ultll«ticn& <Jpliiud11u, Ov. (abl.
ud Ari Am. i. ~3.) angue, rarely-but sometimes in Cicero-an~
ADdriDicua -i, m. (' A...&po,,i..Of). L. or T., Angul~neu -entls, m. (anguis and tene.>,
Liriia, lftt mrliut of th.« Renna" tragic ~. a tran.ilation <>r Gr. ·~•ovx~) the Snakc-l&oldn;
•ali11t oj M111p1a Gmttin, the 1lani of M. Li11iu.s the co1U1kllctlion OphhteA1", Cic.
:itrliaal-Or (about 2-IO a.c.). Angultfa. v, Ani;itiA.
.bcbW and ADdrua ·l, r. (''A~). the angiUatua ·a -um (angulus), angular, oor-
"":sf w<trtA_vry of th~ Cgclndt1, nO\Y .A lldro; hence 11erecl, Cic.
•dJ., Aladrl1UI -11. -um, Andrian; subst., AD- angiUO.U ·& -um (angulus), full o/ oorner1,
drta -ae, r. Ut.e WolH(ln of Altdr0$, name of 011e Plin.
~1 Trm1a'1 cmrud~s.
angiUu -t. m.(rootANO, Gr. Arx, whence
iaellaa -1, m. (di!n. or anulns), a little ri11g ang<>, angnstu11, cinw). A. a corur, a112le, C..e11.
Hllr. B. 1, an a11gle in ~tics, Cie.; 2, tlit rx-
iDit!aum -1, n. (.i'...,,Bo..), dill, nniM, Ve~. trt11uty or comtr of a cob1tlry; ext1~m11.1 ang111us
&llftaCltua -Qs, rn. (an aml rrango). A. a agri B111ttil, Liv.; 3, tt ba.stim1, Llv.; 4, a rdirtd
lar11iu9, btntfh1g; aolit1, n:rolHlion, Cie.; anfrnc- 1pot; in nllo angulo ltaliicf', Cle. ; fig., atl ista.11
~ "'"Ill valli11, tri.1ttli11g, \'erg.; recta rtgione, ,·erbormn ang1111tiu et au u111ncs lilteraru111
" nttlh.11 an(rACt.1111 inter~eret, nl) tort1101u ang11!011, Cle.
1rilldi11p, Can. B. Tram;f., a, l~g•d illtricacia; &Dg'1Ulti, adv. with compar. 11nd snptrl.
Jadiciorum, Cic. ; b, prolixity, Cie. (angust.u1), narrowly, i1' a conftnnl maHner. L
aagellua .;, 111. (<Jim. or angulus) a little Lit., A. or 11pacf', llt'dere, Cle. B. or number
ror•tr, Luer. or quantity, IJJ(l.Ti.11gly; uti re fr11111entaria, Cae.'4,
ugiu -ae, r. (ayxci...,). tht q11iniy, Plaut.. D. A. iii n ftllrT011', cim1macribtd 711m111tr;
ang111U1111 apud Graecos valere, Cle. B. brit/t11;
ugiporta.m -1, n. and (rar<'ly) ansfpor- dieere, Cie.
tu ·tl•, 111. (ango and portui;), a 1«in·ow street. aagutla -u, f., i;tn. 1•1. ansbtU..
-Arum, r. (angustu1), 71.l:lrl"Olt'ntU.. A. LiL,
AqltJa (A.Dcltla. .&.n.mda) -ae, r. a frt"torum, Cic.; spiritns, 1Aor/11eu of brroth, Cic.;
9"1'11~ of tJie 1htt.Jla1 1-0-ulid /JU lakt Fuci111u abl!ol ., dqflu, na1T010 pcuau, Caes. B. Tnu1sr.,
(Mw !Ago di Ctlano), q/the Mnr1i ai11l Jfarnrbii;
1, ob1CJlre or narrow r«UOnin9; ta11ta11 In &D·
~nuis Angiti&e, a 9mrt on. the bank qf l(1].;e
gustiaa et stoicorum durnet& (oratio1u:m) com-
flk'iuu (now &lra. tf .Albi). pcllhnw, Cle.; 2..1 or time, llwrtneu; aoi;ustiae
. Analll ..f\n1m, m. a bra1&d nftAI SiuuC, Ut'ing tempori11, Cle. ; ~. or circumstances, llraik1ut1
111-Tn.4 Ail""'rk. co1tdition, portrtr; pecuniae, aerarii, n:I ra1nili-
a.ago. 3. (root ANG, Or. Arx, whence an- aris, Cic. ; abtl-01., poverty, ap. Cic. ; 4, diJlcrut11,
girhiA, angustus, anw). L ro prru t0{1ttha, to di1trtu; in angu11tlas atlduei, Cic.; 5, of di11-
IAmttJr; a guttur, \"erJ:.; b, w 1li•IT"U$; ea J1011itiou, M1T01U·minded11u., Cle.
colbsio mfstlln11n omni.11 generl!I a11i111antinm'riua II, m. (angustus and
wore iusolito urbano:t et agrestem co11fP.rl111n clavu11), wearing a 71arroio •tripe of p1t71./t 011
in arta tecta aeatu ae vigilii:1, Liv. D. hi~ tunic; epithet of a pltbeian military tribune,
lo lonllt11t, 1111ab a1uio1u; alicnlus animum and Suet.
~iqtk'111, Cic.; angebant lngt'nti11 splritus virum anguatu -a -um (root ANG, Or. Arx,
liic1ha :i.anli•1iaq11e :1111i1UU1e, Liv. ; J'&Sll., nngi whtnee ango, ci°IX"'• angulu11), narrotl'. A. Lit.,
1111mi or a111mo or aimply angi, to be griewd or 1, or !!pace, narrow, 1tmlt (opp. l11tu1); pon11,
lrnblel; alicuiua deceSlju, Cic. ; de Statio C1c.; 2, of other things, habl'nl.t', tigfttly drotl'n,
bl&nuuriuo ct 11011n111lis aliis rebus, Cic. ; me Tib.; sptritus angu.stior, short brwth, Cle. Subst.,
anl(it or aubor, followetl by quod, or the acc. a.naustulD -i, n. 11 narrow ipatt; in angusto
and the lnfiu., Cic. ten<Iere, t" ~11mmp in R narrow~. Liv.; an-
IDCor -<jris, m. (ango). L 1, a prtui11g gnsta viarum, \"erg. B. Tran11r.• 1,_ in angu!ltnm
l°"tA~r of tJie gldld~ tlarotUi.1ig, Plin. ; 2, pAr!l· deducere perturbationf'.a, lo bridle, t:lt'.; in angus-
111/ i/111,.,_.,; aeatn et angere vexat&, Liv. U. tum concludere, to oonftM, limit, Cic. ; 2, or time,
111t-itrl <lilt,..,,, CUtVnUA, tro.WU; conllei angori- llwrt; nl'x, Ow. ; 3,,,. orcircumatances, dmit.e11ecl,
""'4, Cit'. poor, ICXll'Cll; re11 rrument.aria, Caes. ; an~11taa
-&'um, m. a GeT1114n lrlb. °" tlte civium domoe, Tac.; liberalitaa anguat.lor, Cie. ;
4, of other thlnga, pl'lmrioua, criliml, •11«r·
taiH ; res anguatae, Cic. ; flde11 angwitlor, CaeL ;
,_&11C111"1111111 -a -um (anguia and coma), 5, or character, "4M"OI0·7'1i!M.Ud: alii minutl e&
••m~~ 111.t1l11 ftafr, Ov.
a11gu11ti, Cie. ; or perception, llf1tsu1, Ch:. ; 6,
lilplclJ'IUI -1, nr. (diu1. or angui.a), R litllt ol speech, a, ooncw; dlaputationeii, Cie. ;
•We, Ov. b, peur, "'1'"'1"• ftlblZ.; concertaUonea, Cle.
_ ~ .ffra -Rrum (angula &Dd luo), Subtlt., . . . . . . - ·I, D. diln"r; ,. .., Ila
~ i Ocqo, Prop. aul"Wd9, CMI.
\ anh ,0 am
lalailado -&lla • anbelltua (q. T.). 0:\1'18.J' unne Seqnanoe nlhll e&MlDl rei·mn fll!enl,
bheli.tor -!'Iris, m. (anhclo), 0'" •oho CaeiL ; with rel aent., onlmadvertllnt quid de
"-uhu witli dij/lculty, l'lin. r.-lil{lone exi'ltiruandum sit, Cio. ; with qnum and
the au~j., anim1dvers111n 1111epe est, qunm cor
Anlailltu .(ls, m. (nnhelo). A. sltorl, quick 1rnlmm1tis alicujua ev11l>1um J\&lpil&ret, Cie. B.
fll"lalAt11g, )'ti/lin.g, 2¢11ting; anhelitmn d111:0•1·e, 1, to tw Mttc. of, l.t. to take mtaBUru agaiut,
Pl11Ut.; a11lll'litus 111ovunt11r, Cic.; a&11lma, 111 pwish.; grnernlly followed by In; In judices
Pllu. B. Transr., 1, u1·w.u~, Ov. ; :a, t:rlialati.on, quo~•l:un, Ci•!. ; rea 1111irna<lv1:rtcnda, Cie.. ;
tlll/JOVr; tcrrae, Cle. c1111hem. ~ pttnlah. tllith death., Ti&e. ; 2, t4
bhilo. 1. (am and helo). I. Tntranalt., to l1la11U1; ea s1111t animaLlvertenli& recent.a max·
draw a l•~•ll',l/ brcatl•, puff, f>l'lnt. A. LIL, Vrr~ . lrne, Cle.
.. or lifr11•!1:f obj1•1·tll, lo roar; fomacit..1111 i~1iia Animal -Alls, n. (fnr anlmnle, from anima).
a11helat, Ver~. IL 'l'ra1111lt. A. to 1•rr•ltrcc 1, a Ii 1:ing bei11_g, a1.i111al; q11u1n inter iuant-
toilh 1-anting; Vt'1'ha luHata ;;{ quasi a11Jwl:tta mnm atqntl an Ima I hn11 111nxl111u111 intcr,.ft, quod
grn•lua, l!ic. B. to panl /or, darire «.1aerly; animal agit aliqnld, Cic. ; 2, an animal, RS op-
ecelus, Cic. r011e1l to a man, Cic. ; 110 co11te111ptnously or nn
bhilu• -a -nm (anht>lo) -= anhel:ms. I.
anin111l •(llke E11gllsh bl'utt, beast), fuuc.~tuiu
fN.J!ln.g, J"1llti1117; equi, Verg. IL :afoton., il1111l animal, Cic..
'7'g to pa11t; fchri11, Ov. blmi.Ua -e (anlmn), 1, Cl>'IUUHnu of air,
blaiUa -ae, f. (dim. of an11s), G UUl• old airy; uatura, Clo.; 2, helongl~ to lifo, liriug;
tliOman, C.:ic. intellij.:l•ntla, Cle. ; excmplum, l..ilc.
.lnlin -!nla, v. Ania. bfmans -antis, (p. a<lJ. from nnimo), liv-
ing. L Adj. ; mnnilus, Cic.. IL 811bsL, mai;c.,
.LaleD81.8, Aminua. "· Anlo.. fem., and ueut., a lioin.g bcfou, aninwl; n1nsr.,
higrO. ·I, Ill. ('.bLypos), Cl rim" Ca Tri· iilius anlrnans, Cic. ; rem., cct•·rae anbnautea,
phylia (f:li1). Cic. ; neut., anllJU\ntla ornnla, Ci"~
&llilla -e (an111). 'btlcft.ging to or lib 111& oltl Anlmi.tlo ..Onis f. (:mimn). L Lit., an ani-
tooman; vultna, Verg. ; rugne, Ov. ; tll!J•· with Tllaling. Meton. \1 = anhunl), A li11ing btino;
the notion of aupel'lltit.ion Pr folly, 1u11erstltio, divln11e animatiouls spccil'I, C1c.
Cio. ; tabt:llae, ol4 toivu' talu, Clo.
billtu, t. (anllia), old
(of worntn),
1. bllllitua -a -um (p. ndj. from anlmo),
1 1 alive, m1i11111t(Yl; ant.·po111111t111· a11im11tll immi·
mis, Cic. ; 2 1 d~><istd tn. mind, iitcli11ed; a,
bill~r. adv. (anllis), We~ aft old tcollt41'; lllllrnlly or polilic~lly 1 l'ompl'in" 1111h1111Lna
Id dlcitis 1uperaUtio11e al.qua, Cic. mdins qunrn purntns, Ci<'.; wllh erga and,
Mbn• -u, t (connected with cU., AJJµ•). L Ch" ; with In and acr~ •• Cic. ; b, cov.rcg1011aly
Lit. A. 'lriftd; lmpellunt anlmae lin~a Thm- '11dintrl, cvuragtous, Cic.
clae, tlw t&Orl.\ wind.~. Hor. ; qunntmn igues 2. Anlmii.tua -n~. m. (anlmo), l'(fl, an.ima·
anlmaeqne vall·nt, or Vulcan'll hellows, Vcrg. B. tLon, Pli11.
1, Ult air cu 1%1' demtHt, Cle. ; 2, U11 b1·-ath ; nni- blmo, 1. (anima and anhmlll), 1, to an.hnau,
mam ducere, Cic. ; contincre, Cle. D. T111n11f., give life to; omnia anl111at., format, a lit, Cic. ;
A. the wLtal principle, the soul (an Ima, ph'111icrrl; animare In, with acc., to l'11a11!1• a li/rless into G
anlmni, IJ'ririh1al); 1, Lit., a, Dt>que In homlne living th.i11g; n11i111a11t In nngnes, Ov. ;
tnes1t1 anirnnm vel anlmam nee In bestl11, Cic.; 2, lo mdowwltha par&iculr1r di811Nitio1'; 11ueroe
Ou '71iriu q/ the dta.d, Bnet. ; thnital principle in. orientes anlmrui atque formuri, Cic.
plaft/1, Plln. ; b, life; 1mlmam edere, to {1il!f: up
CM goo1t, Cle. ; an Imam agere, to be '" tlle agcm iu blmo.i. adv. (nnhnosus), co1m1gtoul11;
of daalh, Cic. ; trahere, w d1u17 on tzi1tmu, Liv. ; antmose et furtitcr f11ccre nliquid, Cic.
dum anlma eat, aa long 111 he is a.ii~. Cic. ; of blmoaus -a -um (n11imn11), r.cura~f'ous, high·
the lllllOd u the eeat or lif'11, rmpureum vomit 1pirited, ardnit, passio11ntr, /uriuus. L 01'n., A.
anlmarn, lift-blood, Verg. ; 2, Meton., a lit'i11u Lit., fortis ct ani11111su>1 vir, Cic..; ..:111111s, Ov.
btin.g; ova pnrire, non antmam, F.nn. ; m1c•i 1111 a B. Transf'., of win•lt<, vnet., ventul!, O\'.: Eur!,
term of endearment, 1oul; \'08 mene cari~si11me Verg.; wilh abl., 71Toud of; ani111nsus spoliis.
a11i111ae, Cic.; l'!1.l'l'gi11e animnt>, Ve1g. B. (Like Ov. IL Esp., inlcu.t on; COITUJ1lor, u briber
a11i111u~). 111.t rutio11al llOlll; auima ralionis co11- toho BJl!rres no e::r:pen-.;e, Tac.
11lilque pa1tlceptt, Cle. i.nlmiila -ae, r. (dim. or anlmn)'. I. a lillZ.
b.lmabnfs. -e (anlrno), animating, ghiing l()'Ul, ap. Cic. D. a little life; tuat: ht.ttlr:1e quae
lifi; natum, Cic. mihi quhlqua111 quasi a11i111ula.e instillaruut, kaN
blmadveralo -Onis, t. (anlmnilverto). I. refruhW. nu a litt/.e, Cic.
1JtrCtptio11, oli.•errolivn.; excimre a11i111n<tv1~rsio11- blmi\lua .f, m. (olim. or animus), (l term q/
em tt diligrntinm ut nc, &c .. Ch·. D. 'l'ransf. A. "'fran11ent; ml ani11111Je, t11y H/e, Plaut..
pun.i.,hmtnt; cen!lnria, Cir. ; l>olahdlati in 11u- ~nlmna -t, 111. (l'Oot AN, connectrrl with
d3<'e1111ct•lemtos, Cic.; v1tior11111, Cic.; U!lL'•I cu- aninia n111l aVfµo~). J. the !/•irlhutl 1•ri11dplt oJ
phem. fur ca11ital pun.f$hment, Cic. B. censure, life in. man, opposed to corpns, thll b<>tl)I, n11d to
blam,.,Cir. a11ima, r~ pri11cip/e of pl111~ica.l lift; 1·recio deos
Anlmadveraor -Gris, rn. (auima<lverto), an ilnmort.1lei1 spa!'llisse n11i11111" 111 cotJl<lrn l1u111ana,
CJb:'«rt·tr, C1c. Cic.. ; mrely of' a11i1111\ls, l~s!.iHf' qn:nnm a11i111i
blmadverto (blmadvorto), -wrti sunt ratl•111is expertcs, ~ic. II. A. thP !Md ~s
(-vort.I), -vcnm1a (·VOl'llUlll), :i. (for animum ad· the scat of /alinl); 1, n111mus ahu11 :t•I Alia vir1a
verto). L to take Mtice of, atulld w; non anim· propensiur, Cic.. ; gcuit. anhni (ah'.1~t p~co­
adverti in race. Cic.. ; followed by relat. sent. : na!<f ic) with adj. or suln;t., aegtr n1111.111, J.1~'. ;
ut. qu1e tl1111t, Cic.; !1y ut or ne dultius a11iml, Verg.; n11i111i metus, C1c. ; v.:ith
and the su1\j., Mlruadvertant ne callida A&sen- animn or animl and a verb, animo tremc1·e, C1c.;
tatione cnplantur, Cle. ; t.t., of the lict-Or, w Anirnl Pr nni111is pendere, to be 1711..Ziotwi, Cic..;
c«rar tlu road for Clu c»nBtll; cnnisul animndvcr· 2 character, d•'.~1)()sition; &Jlf'rtus et 11implex,
tere pro:rimum Uctorem jusait, Liv, D. '1'11111sr. Cfc.. ; esi1e angusti anhni utque demisMi, Cir. ;
A. to p;irc:nw: eoquid 1nlma<lvertia borum silcn- poet., transf., ncilure; rxuorlnt silve1trem
tium, Cle. ; with acc. nnd iufln., anlmadvertit animum, Verg. ; 3, iacli11atMm &oloard.t IOlrlC
ani ann
-: bonn (or &Ueno) anllDO - to allqaem.UM aco., ad eam urbem, Cle. D. flD -"• ""-'•
~ ; P•i anime, "_, tltor," Plant. ; 4, COllf"o or Cllong.UU qf; JW<fitee annaotes equla, Tac.
c;ct, 0'11.fidi!noe, l]•iril ; rac anlmo magno fortlqn• 2. Anno, Y. Hanno.
w, Ci.:.; oeutria animwi •t ad pugnandwn, &DDODA -&e, r. (nnnllll). L ,.cirlJ J'TO<h1oe,
Lif.; 1<> in plur•• aulml caduot, coumgt •iw, crop; 1, Gen., Cul. ; 2, 1AN~ of sub1iatniu,
Cic.; t;ansr., fir• or tritucily in a speech quae e~p. grain; annon:t.e carltas, dt'clnte.u, Cic.;
~i!, qui aniwua. quae diguitiut illi oratorl defuit, villtas, eh.eapntu, Cle. D. Met.on., pri« oJ pro-
Cle.; poet., or a top, dant anlmos 1•la1Ql8, Verg.; t1Uiou; annona salula, of ,,.ft, Liv. ; e11111.
>-0 (esp. in plural) pri<k, 47TOS1'1~.· nxor, lufti.ta
or corn; annonae vorietas, jfudumion in tht 1iria
ad.hw: re-..;iia animL'i et 111uhehrl spmtu, Liv. ; J&IDof~. Cle. ; esp. llLgh pri« of corn; aolatium
ln:wleutiarn noratis hominls, norati1anl111oa 4tju.s annonae, Cle.; annonam qoerl, to oompl1iin o/
tt1piriLua tribu11icioii, Cic.; pone aolm06, Yel'I(.;
CM Aiah price of corx, LIY.; fig., Yill" 1u11icorum
5, wi.s.\, duir•; militum auimi. exl'!etis, Liv. i anno11a 1 /mw Mii lo bl .\ad chtap, Hor.
1JJi1ui voluptatisque causa, Caes.. B. thl to1"
cu L'it !tat of tht 1L'ill; a•I om11ia et anirno et con- -a -om (annus), full ef 11oor1, long·
•11Jo J;aratu~. Cic. ; eo ad te animo ve1oimt1..:1 ut, Hved ; wmlx, Hor.
~-. tcith Liu rt.IQlf?t fl.J, .te., Ci<'~ ; hal:ieo Jn &llBOtatlo (ad·notatlo) ~nls,~f. (:ionoto), n-
;nirno, with lnftn., I am rt.wived, Cle. ; 110 io W1C1rk, aJtnotalioi&, Plin.
aroim•un h•1beo, LIY. ; est mihl In animo, Cle.; ann~tator ~ris, m. (annoto), one 10ho rt·
&~t auimua, with lnfln., Cic. ; lncllnat animus, marks, an obserwr, Plin.
witll ut au•J the aul~I-, Liv. ; ex animo, vrWing/11, &DllOthllUI .a ·Um (annua), CJ )'tlQ1" old, ,,...
Cle. C. CM wul a,, tht Mat uftht thought&; 1, 0111· longing tc last 11ear; ll<lVes, Caes.
nltrm mentes anirnosque perturloar,., Cae.~. ; 2,
~; deflci~otibusanimi", LiY.;UlowgAt, &D.IMSto (ad-noto). 1. to Mk d0101&. L Lft.,
memor iJs bene merito. anim111, Clo. annnt.atum est, witl1 acc. and infln., Tac.; librum,
to ~ nraarks °"a book, Plin. D. Tra11sr.
Amo -Onla (or -enl.a from original Sabine to remark, lake
rorm An.lea>. m., poet.. ADlenua ·1, m. tJw
•ot"" o/, Plin.
Ado, a riwr, trib1ttary to tM Ti.her. Adj., 1, ?111: amailmi§ro (ad-numero), I. L to CO.ftt o1d,
tiui de11ariot1, Cic. ·n.
hieu19 -e, 2, AAiinua -a -um. bdonging with dat., aliquem bis duobus,toCic. rtd:01t 1L"itlt;
; wltlJ ID
ta t.h A 11io. and the abl., aliqoem petronorum In grege, c.1c.
!mu.a -Ii, m. prlut of .Apoll-0, and king of tJw aaaundo (ad-nuntio), 1. to cinMU11.0t, ldl.
b!4Ad of Dtloa, friend of .A nchi11a and .Atnt:aa. nlaU, Pfin.
Alma -ae, r., a, •i.sur of Dido; b, .Anna amiiio (ad-noo) -ftl, s. L to ftOd to; llmnl
Pm.una, Cl Bowia1' gOd.dua atque aibl annui!Mfet, Ck. D. .&. to Q.llUJtt bJ a
anj.JS. -e (annua} L Adj., A. lading 11 w or np; id \oto caplte, Cic. ; with dat., of
,_,., Varr. B. r~'ll{f to a rtnr; lex, IM le110 person, petentl, Verg. ; ot the thing, quihns
111\id dcWJlliuci i.u Mini11n1a ~ ftw Uwl grtat (praetnii11) eiiam rex ipM annuerat, Liv. ; annue
•I- Q,/ troUI, Cle. IL BoU&t.. ama&Jte -la, eoeptls, bl jbwurab~ to oi.r undmakin?, Verg. ;
Ill. (ac. Uber) and plur. annjl• ·hun, m. with fut. infin., (1onm annuli;st't ee venturum,
(libri) pu-lJ rt.CO'NU, Gft1kW, ID early times kept Liv. B. alicuJ aliquid, to promile; CAeli al'C<!m,
by tile PonUftces (hence ann&lea pontlftcwn or \'.,rg. C. lo po(m Obt by a rigfl; quos lllte au-
ldlWts maximi). I.a later tl.mea ee>lllposed by the uuernt, Cic.
li>Olltd &DDaliata (aa Q. FaWus l'ktor), Cic.. annua .f, m. (root AN connected with, 1. (ad-DAto), 1, lo mm'°· Plln. ; S, annlus); rerol11tion of ti1114, hence year. L
",._ "r tJu IUM .J, Ben. Lit., exeunte anno, CK:. ; anno su1icrion~, Clo. ;
lllU:Li.tgo. l. (ad-navlgo), lo tJO)'ft9C lo, Plln. omnibus annla, annualftl, Caes.. ; tcmvns annt.
fflM of l.M ~ 1MJ011, Cle.; adY. phrase-,
meeto (ad-necto) ·llU:ul -ne:mm. S. lo bh&d 1 anno, • whole Jlttlr, Liv. ; in tach vear.
Ill, IDlllUd tcitA. L Ut. atomachua ad llnguaw .,:arly, LiY. : eo, In annol.nia
each ,mr, Cic. :
&nnect.itur, Cic. IL ~r.• 1,. physically, annum, a full yttir, Cle. ; annum, for a ymr,
animoa oorporibua, Luer. ; 2 lo cxmn«t, in a Liv. ; ad annum, nut ytar, Cic. ; intra annum.
•pttcli, rebus praeaeot.ibas lutnraa adjungere tDUhi11 tlu apace of a 11«1r, Liv. ; 2_ of the yean
atque a.naeetere, CSc. ot a person's lifr.; annos LXX natns, aewnt11
amaexua ·1la, m. (annecto), 11 M7Wih1g to, 11 JtCN old, Cie.; Hannibal annornm ferme novem.
lll•'l!tetio1t, Tac. .,.,u,. t\W Jlttlf'I old, Caea. ; habere an nos Tigintt,
hDlbal, Y. Hannibal. Cic. ; annum agere quartum et octo~!limom.
Cic. ; hence, like aeta.<1, old agf-, confectus annla,
Amtfoiril -Orum, IL (' AnurijH&0&), II ltd qf Sall. ; S, the year of a ptrl>-01''1 life at whicll lul
~ pi\iloaop/NrL
eould 1t.w1d for a magistmcy ; ill enlm erat annm,
1111.aiciilaa ·a -am (annoa), OM ,eor old; quo per legia el comulem flerl liceret., Ca.ea. ;
1tpti1, ~ep. annua meos, tuos., auos, Cic. ; eo, tM year of
annitor (ad-ullor) -ntaua or ·ni:m.a, S, dep. ojJict; prorogure anmun. Cle.; 4, a J,ltar with
L Lit... to /.c.a.n ".P01'; ad allquod tamquam ad· l't'l.ation to thejweather, healt.hllltl8S, .tc.; locup~
mh1iculum, Cic. IL Trans!., to ""'" after; de frugibua, Hor. ; granS11imUll et i>estilentiuimua.
triu1neho, Cic. ; with ad and the acc. or the Cic. ; 6, ennoa W&gDua, a cy.:11 of, Cic.
~d, ad hestem!lm decua, Liv. ; D. Transf. (poet.), 1, ttnw of 11t.a.r: porui.!er, au.
bJ ut or - . WJ.tb the aubj., LlY. ; alao by tum"; bibernu.s, vri11Ur, Hor.; 2, tM grqwtll o/
the lnftn., LiY. a~r, Cic.
Almlu pua, en old pl«>dat&Jt-iJy amauto (ad-nuto), I. (intem. of annuo), Co
ai&mw,otwhich T. A.nnins .Milowuamember, tlOf.i lo, aa.t. 11 rign to, Plaut.
Y. llilo. Adj. Annl.inu -a -um. bdmagi"fl lo aaai.trio (ad-llllt:rio), lo woar\M e&t or__.
aa Auiu or .A•nia.. to, Plin.
&llaWeniriua .a -um (amio.a and Yerto), amatiiia.a-um (annus). L J<utit\f far care,.:
\'Drriagewruear; ucra, Cle.; arma, Liv. magistratua, Caea. D. ret11mi11g n.,.., f{l!ICJI',
L Alll80 (ad-n.o). L L lo -m '° or ,._.; annual; labor agricolarum, Cle.; hence, 1ubat.,
With ICC., naves, ~: with daL, veo;t.riA imiii6m ·I, n. or &lmAa ~nun. L • r-rit
erta, Terg.; navibus, Liv.; ienerall,y with ad and aUa"JI, ~ Cllliwitr, Plin.
anq 42 ant
aaq1liN .qufahl -qntaltum (an and q_naero), r.auaa, tl.t a1&11C«U11t mww. Subat., aatlei
s. 1o Mira mrt./llll1, 1o i11q1drr a,fler. I. LU., 4elul. tht nut1c1d1•1t m11.11t; oftener lD phu.
omni& quae aunt ad vivenduru necea.uria anqm- antecedentia, Cic.
rere et pa rare, Cic. D. Transf., A. Transit., aaticido -cesal -~sum, 3. lo go befort, ~
to fat>Utlgatt; mens semper &liquid anquirit aut Clift. L Gl'n., A. Lit.., In apace. agmen, Caee.;
aglt. Cle. B. lntransit., 1~1 t. t. to sd ail tn- absol., atcllae tum antel'eehmt, tum anbeequUJJ-
qui'lf on foot; de perdnelllone, I.iv. ; capite or tur, C:ic. B. Traner., In time (with dat. aDd
ropitiil, oil a charge i1u,olrifog capital punuhmt11t, acc.), alicni aetate r-ulum, Cic. D. FAp. r.
IJv. 1uuk1& bt/ort, to owrtakt. A. Llt., nuntios op-
anaa -ae, r. a 1tandlt, 11~. L Lit., ang pugnaU oppidi famamque, CaeA. B. Trsn11r.,
poculi, t'anth&rl, Verg. ; <.'repidae, Uie_!Jlt lhrou.gll. to .uul: with dRt., qumtum natura hominla
wll.ich a shoe-tie u pa.satd, Tib. D. Transr., pecudihua rellqulaque beatlis anteeedat, Cle•_ ;
ocoo.sw~. opportunit11; habere reprehensionia ID· with acc., aliquem !IClentla atque usu nauticamm
sam aliqWlm, Ci<.'. ren1m, Caea. ; ahAol., et anl"toritat• et ll:el&te e&
Anllanotl, v. Ampsanrtl. lll'U l't'rnm, Cle.
aaai.tua -a -um (ansa), Jn'Ori"'-1 wU1 a antioello -lre, no perf. or sop., to tlwi•
1turullt; homo, a man tcitl& lwndlu, Le., tcith guish O'M$fl/, attl ; 1. of persons, with d1tt. ol
anna aki111bo, Plaut. person and abl. or thing, omnibus lni:enil gloria.
I. amer -lris, m. a go<nt, Cic.
Cic. ; with aee. or the penion and abl. or the
thing, omnea rnrt11n11, Tac. ; with abl. or tl1ing
2. ADMr -&i!1, m. a tmnton p:>d, ftVnd. of alone, mllitari laude, Cle. ; 2, or things, doae
tlu tri11mvir .A 11tonh". aedes sncrae quae Jooge ceteri11 anteeellant, etc.
&D91rinu -a -um (anecr). nlali"'J or belong- an~o ·onl11, r. (ante<.'edo), 1. a ,,,.,.
ing to a Plin.
flootlt, ctding or going befo1·t; quae In orbibl18 conver-
Alltaeu -1, m. (' All"T'af'o<), a JJOtDVftd gw11t, slonea anteceulonesque evenlunt, Cic. ; 2, tltt
f"U.ltr of Libya, "·110 comptlltd aU llrangtr1 comi1111 a11Uot<U11t cntue ; homo cauAU renun \"ldd
to A'6 countrw lo iurutu ioith him, at Uut •la'•
Httt1llu, ioM, oblltrtling tlat tad Hine .Afltanu
b11 earumque )lr'aeg1'ellllus et qu.aal antteeaionea
non ignorat, Cle.
/tll Oil tJu tarth Jie gain«J MID force, MUJ lflR aatioeasu .111, m. (antttedo), a goi11g bt-
aloft'" tlat air a11d ao kilUd ld11L /ore; tu anteceuum, in adranct, Ben.
Anta.D.dro9 (me) -1, r. (''.&..,.~)." eotoa antloarllor -Orta, m. (antecuno), 011t W.
of Afyria, now .A ntu1wro; hence adj., Alltaa- nms btfort; plur. piqnttrt, ndraNtt gvard of a•
drlu -a -am, of .A 1&la11dro1. urar, Caea.
anti (old rom1, anti, wlienoe antldea, ant.I· an~ .Jvi (and ~n.) ·II, -tre (old rorm, anll-
deo, connected with Ur•, am, &vn,..), prep. .t deo), ~ bt/ort. L Lit., alicul, Cic.; aliqUHlle
adv. before. L Atlv.~A. Or place, ante aut Hor.· U. Tmnsr., A. to go bqors In time : alieai
JIO!lt pugnatt, Liv. . . or t.lme, a, bt/on; aetate, Cic. ; aliquem aetate, Cic.; Al anteiae11t
m11lti1 aute 111.ecull11, Cic. ; ante quam, btfurt dtlictA, lad liap,.ttlUU bt.Jvn. Tac. B. 1, to attl;
tltat; ut te a11te \"ltleret quam a \•It.a diiu:ederet, alicul aapientia, Cic. : omnl'll lnt.elligentia, Cic:.. ;
Cle. ; an110 aute quam 1uortuU11 ellt, Cle. ; b, \'ery absol., to d Uiti ngui.M 01UMlf; operi bUJI., br 1ae-
rarely used u aJJ., 11~1e lgnari auniua ante tion., Cic. ; 2, to anlicipalc; damuationem ve-
111alo111111 ( .. n.....,... ICCIAI ..). 'of fOf"llltT l'H.ltr'ngi, neno Tac. (In poet.I and post-Augustan pro.e,
\"erg. D. PreJl., before. A. or place, 1, Llt. ante the syllable ante tliaappeara, an*t., Ov.:
~e11. Cle.; cauaam ante aliquem dicere, b<fort aut.ibo, Tac.).
u j11dgt, Cil'. ; 2, Tran11r., or Jlrefettnce, qnem uatiflro -Um -lltum, ·fe1TP. L to mny
ante 111e dillg.>, tel~ I low tROrt th.a11 fllN11tlf. /on; \:_!gin ti clariuhnarum rarnlllarum lmqino_
Cle. ; ao ante ali011, Liv. ; ante omnea, Tae. B. Tac. U. Transf., A. to prt/tr; Jonge omnlbu ..
or time, ant.e lucem, Cle. ; ante me, btfort tRJI unum Democthenr.m, Cle. ; iuiquiuimam reerm
ttww Cle.; on.en with a partlc., ante urbe.ln ju11tiulmo bello, Cle. B. to a11titiputt, couicirr
.-,o;dltam, btfoNJ tlal /O'tlnding o/ tl&I titf, Cic. ; btfortltallll; quod eat dit-1 allatura, id con1111io
esp. a1 ~nte annum, a year ago, Plln.; b, ante antererre debemus. Cle.
rem, OQO'f'f th. ~At, Liv. ; ante temp1111, bt-
/ort tll.t right tlnti, Liv. ; o1 ante diem, (ca) btf11rt aatibua -a -um, fo•tuud i11.fro11t; trunetl
tlu dav, Ov ., (JJ) before Ou aa71 J,IJfd br /au, o,._ ; oroorum antettxa ora. T1tc. Suber., -tillza
d, ante Id tempua, "P lo Ou pruntt th1ie, Cae11.; ~nun, n. onia711l'ltt.I prcl 011 tltt roof• a 11d gvtttra
e, ante diem, 111ttAii.a~ lttnt; equilea of Mm/It.I; antetlxa ttctilia de<trum .Komanonuu,
ante diem dec.ederent, Cle. ; ! ao to Liv.
mark the date, ante diem quartum ldua ilart1aa aatigritllor -greasu• -grfcll, d<!Jl. (11nte and
(A. D. 1'". Id. Mart.). IM /t1Urtll. day before IM ]du gra(.lior). to go bqort,. L Lit., at.,lla Yt'neriA
o/ JlarcA, Le. tl&t t-tf!A o/ Marcl, Cle. antegreditur aolem, Cic. U. Trau.r cauae
anti& (ante and abl. ei). adv., bt/<Yrt, /qr- antegreiine, a"Uctile11t ar 11-.c, Cle.
wan-111. Cic. ; followed by quam, Cic. uatihl.Wo, 2. to prt/rr, Tn"~
aatiam'lri\lo ~nla, ru. (ante and amhnlare). uatihio (old form, antiJhae). atlY. (ante
a rvllliing fool_,. lo tUtir 111.s toOJI, Mart. and abl. !tic), bt/0rt tAu ti11u, fonMrlr, Cle.
-tielDem (tranalaUon or rpoini-), a ltar, aatil&t1ul -a -nm, ,._ anterero.
Ute llttlt 1lng, Cic. aaWiioiau -a -um (ante anti tux), MJJll"I·
aatidplo -dpl -ceptom, 3. L Lit., lo ing btfore du-,brtak; te1111•11•, Vic. ; ce11a, Ci••.
11tizt btforflumd; pontem Moue tlurr.inls, Tac.;
Joeum caatrh1, Ball. D. Tranar., a,_ lo oJntici-
antillMridliau ·•-um, btfCYrt ta0011, Cit-_
Jl'llL, lo prepare ~!Id; quae oello u11nl antimltio. more JlropPrly MJ•r&lal, ana.
roreut., Sall ; lo ucU.., or 'J1f'Ol'Ok1 b(foreAaJUt; and mltto q.v.
ea nmnla (famem aut aitlm, etc.) luxu, Ball.; AatemnM ·Arum, r. S.•l1in. ,,1rll at tu jtt•t:·
to Mt lAJvr11u11w; noc:t.em, ftol lo tooU for. t ioo of tht A 11io toil It. till Ti1"r; hr.nee, All'--
Sall. ; b. philOllOpb. L t., antect'plam animo rel Di.tee -l11m, 111. tlte i1iJ.abilaMtr ~ .A11"11lu.
quandarn lnrormaUonem, prf!C01tttiwd id•, Cic. anteana (aatemaa) -ae, r. (ua .. bt
_.biA'IWI ~DU!i_ p. adj. (from antMell"), and teudere), a aiil-p.ird; anteDDU ad naaaoe
.,.._,""· L PUD. U. Blip., phlloeopb. t. t.., OU..
ant ant
&atinlr -&ti, 111. (Arni_,) • Tro}aA, ITw da'1191'W ., .. ..,,,,..,. ~ "' Lllrilt, . . . . "
r.,n..Iarw feta~ q/ PGlarivm (Pndua): hence, Ul71ua.
1, Alli.inoriua -a -um. bet'"9i"f to .,,.,... anti01l8 4 ·um (ante), /onllofd, C.. /mtl
a.or, l'"; 2, Antenorldee ...., m. (OVP. puottle111). ..,.., Cle.
("~). G~Mq/ .dAUIM/ff'.
Antfofra -&e, t ( A""'iC'Up&), G tOWft " '
&D~pagme.ntum ·L, a. IM U....., If/• 4oor Plwcia, ,P..ou /fW UI ~. DOW .dqro SJ7U'.
or JKMl. o p-.b, IA.c.o. Hor.
antipia -p6dJa. m. a. Jbn/«IC, a.. anttdea,, antl4eo. utiAbao, •· .....
an~pil&Dl ...,nun. m. CM aoldtln tt"M 1"4'41 an~. Antebac.
fa /rur&l of I.Ju rrilaa' or eriari" Le. IM klt4«
.U ,n.n,-. Liv. •
.a. L <~>. • llftHdolil,
antipono -~41 .p&rtum,
WJbfY; allcul prandium, Plaut. D.

s. L J1laet A.ntfg~D- .... m. ('~•.,.m,f). L (I,~
lo plaa b& ,,/ .Alaulld#' l.\t Onai, Nep. IL cs·~
/NIU. A. Lit., equ.itum locoe aedilibua J•lebla, \'erg.
Tac. B.. Tranaf., lo prefer; le allcuJ, Cle.; Antlg~nlctaa ...... m. and -ldie ...,,, m.
amldti&m omnibaa rebaa bwnania, Cic. (' An·~,,..s.,~),ll4tn1 ~two OlkbrauU _fluu-pU&,...,
antiu6tena -enua, wrr J1"'111W/W, wrr Jw- OIWof 'ID,\om, Cl ~. ~rlahtd ab<1'l6l 44-0 L0.1
""""'- f> la u t. tlw other, a - q/ Dilmlfriiu, o.001'L 838 a.c.
Aai6r08 -Mia, m. ( Arr/p.t), 1 IM
QI' GK~ of llig'4t«f low, CIC.; i,
Vft'"' Antigone -¥, t and Antlgona ·&e, t. (',A,.
Cl 1iU q/ r•.,.0"'1 ). L dav.ghler of Offltpva, •i-'Ct:T' of Pol71"
~I, Plin. arad Ekoclu, pW lo cUaU fer "''"'rir.g her lm>tlliJr
aaia. ·lam. a. ro.. or naMa, e.c. ol .tnea, aga.i.ut '11c com1714ftd of U.. ~~of Tlwhtt.. D.
Terg. d.a.WJh.l.ef' of ~ ~,.., .t ~. d&aagtd i..:O
a 1tc'1"lc by Htrm.
~a.a ·l, m. (ante and lignum),
plar. ant..: ,igli&ll I. eAosea aold Wrl 111Ao /<1t19hl '" r
Antigonea ...,,, t. .bn~WWI or' Amyo ...a)
/rOU q/ IM liiw: to support the cavalry, lkw. 11aJJW of~ '°1o'lw, iAc,,.. i'lllpor1ant of 'IDhkA
•UWn.Cae&. ; hence, aing., ca leadn, Cic. wtr&-& 1 Cl IO'IC7& °" tM CclJdttM, '71 Epirw i
hence, Antlgonenat. -e, ~"' eo ...C""'- (anttato) ·•tlti, 1. 1o da1'd ~e;
tran.r., "'11ar7~; with dat. of pel'90n and abl. g1m I.a ; b , II f - . '" Ifaadoft'4.
ol thing, multum oroo..ibua (dat.) corporum viri- Antlgonua ·•, m. ('Am~), .a.. of,...
bu (abl ), Cic. ; abaoL, ao be proniMnl, Cle. ml of th.t "600CaOf"I of .Alaunder tJw ~ tM
tllCd ceUbmUd of 10honl VlGI A11 tlgon UI I., bor'!l
&11'89&or, L dep. (oontr. from anteteetor). ~ a.c., jolhr:r of Dc-tlldriu Pol~ ~of
lepl t.. L, IO mil lo 111it1W11, Hor. The formula Ph.f'")lgia, and, a./l#Jf" .. laun.dw'1 cUatA., q/ PD.
wu "lied 1" l19ed by the demicndant, phwlia •nd L~ till«i GI [PftU 301 B.C.
and the per90n whose witneu waa requiro<l held
•P Lap of bl.I ear to ezpreu bla cousent: Antlllbb na ·l, m. (" A,,..,.v.&,sa~) a "'°11ttt~d•
Med oDCe by Cicero wit.hon~ reference to Judl- ra nfe '" I'Mt-1' ici.a. "'"" i ng para.Ut.l to JIoval
dal proceedinga. Li.baftiu, now DM:Mbd BICAarki.
&Dtevcnlo -vinf -ventum, 4. L Lit., A. lo AntllochWI ·t. m. (' AnwxOf), '°" o/ Nu111r,
IDtM bef.n-., en gd CM 1tan of; ~r tram it.ea /r1-d of Ach iUa.
occuU.011 uercitum Metelli, Sall IL Trau!lf., A.ntlmAchn.8 -l. m. (" ~i~x°'>. OrW •
A. lo aAlicipa.14, _prftle'JIJ; cooallla et lnsiuia.e pott, 0011 ~'Lponu-r ""4A Plalo.
ho.tJum, Sall B. to ace&; per vtrtutem Do-
bt!Jtatem, Sall.
Antlnona -t, m. A,,..,.....s~). a ben""1W
~h, ~ by the tmpcror" llculria.1', toAo gGN
aateverto. antevorto ·•el'tl ( -vol'tl) -ver- Mm diTliM h.o-Mvn cm Ai-4 tnrl~ ~IL.
1Um (-vonium), S. and deµ. antevortor -vortl c
A.ntiocbia -ae, t. A,,..,..o~~· ..>. AGllY of
L Lit., llJ 007R<! or IJO befon, Co pr-.U; 11klla tum "w=l '°1l' "'- L .A ftlioch ia E pid.a phna I.;, lft
aot.eve~os tum aubsequens, Cic. IL TranitC.J ..l.<i.4'~. Plio.), mp«al of Syria, 0'7' tM riwr
A. Co 11n.ticipa.£e, M'llder by on.l~pali141; &U}ue i o.-tmtu, now .d~ D. W- o/Ca.rin., Oft CM
ipsum qaum ~cum ggere coniirer, Fa1111iU.'I aot.e-<ler: b~nce, adj., A.ntl0chena1JI -e and
nrtit, Cic. B. Co vrcfer; Cae!l&J' omnilJus con- Anti6chinu.s -& -a.m, btlonging k> A l'lli.ocA.
lilli9 antevertendum eilit.imavlt at Narbonem
prolkiacereto.r, Cae.. Antiocbua ·I, m. (' A,,.,ioxO(). L "4'1W' of
thirtun ~}'?"ia11 tfog•, the mod of ICAc.
Antbedon -/, (. (" A..ei,&;.), toum and
mu of w Bowt1a11. ~°"the riwr Mt.Uapiiu, "'"r-a, Antlochua Ill., Afa!T'l'.U, -~ o/
Ha1tniba.l in h"e:ri.lf, OO'llqtU"l"etl by L. ConL. Sc;pio;
11ow L~ b, Ant1och11.1 IV.[Ep\p/ulM.1,tcilo1L~~ l1y
Anthcmii.sla -ae, r. and A.nth6miislaa CM R<lfTUll\ envoy, Poi.tu'"'• ,from lf'lztng ,':!l'tpt;
-ldis, f. o t..>U"n in Muopotamia. o, AutiocbWJ X., vthci« - , Antio•~hus X ! II.,
anth!aa -ae, m. (.i ..B'4l). a ux;J,M, Ov. oanu t<> R<•YM rcUh hv twotMr w w.plwld tlu-ir cJailu
&Dthologica, genlt. -on, 11. (& ..BoAoyuca), on F;gy1•t. IL rianw1 of~ ~-i'flg1
n.lAolcgy, G OOlUctWll. q/ Cl'tl"CICU CJRd im.a.ll IIL A11tiochu1 of A11ealnn, tM phi/c4107,,UT' cj
popu. Pli n. tlw ACOikm.k 1eh.<.iol of 11hilrl&h11lur., o/VarTO
a"lld Ciu-ro; beoce l, Antiochiua -a -um, ti.
AntianU... A.ntlas, v. Anttum. umginq t.o IM phu.o.opMY" .A1ttiuchU3. l:luh,t.., a,
Ant!cato -oni.•. ru. the, a work of AntlochU -orum, m.. CM di.vii'!~& 0/ A nti<ichtu;
C. J-.J. Cauar in two boob, In anawer to Cicero'• b, i;Ul Antioch I.&, IM dogma& of A 11tioi.:htu; 2,
Cato, Juv. Antiochmwt • -nm, a, ~~i'llil ro A 'fllioch"'
ant1clpatio -31119, c. (anUclpo), a preconcep- 111.; b, ~i'NJ to tM phUOllO' Anliochu.
ffo., ill IW.k idea, CiC. Antlopa -Ml, c. anti Antlope .es, t (' Avn-
anUcipo. 1. (ante and <'Apln), 1, lo tab or Oni>. l, da"{lllU-r of 1\"yel,.11J, m.AMT' o/ .A•
IT«ir• t...;;.r~, anti.cipal.e; quod itn sit inform11tum GOO Zclh.UJ; 2, m.nthn of l.M P~
ant1cipatuwr1ue iaeutihus no~trt.. Cic.; \'iam, Antlpatcr -tn, rn. r A,,,.,u.,.p<><). L
lo tra~ urer btfor-., Ov. ; luuo!I, to ultbrau ti. of •evo:rtU k\ng1 of MQtt.ifo11.ia, Liu m·.>11 \mporlanl
~ ~r liJM., :::iu1:t. ; 2, to come before, Luer. of tohom wa1 '1w 007'.fldanl of PhUip alld Alo-
Amlclia ud -cJ.ia ...... f. (' AVT~•i.a), AAdo- IM Great, ki"I Q/ M acecMmMI lli/tM' .4 ~
ant aon
*"•er.... D. t1at111 ~ __.,., Gnrt pHoeapMrl:
a, Antlpater Cyrenalcns, a dilciph of tM t1.ckr
Antoninus Phfl(l8phu", 101t-ltW4e 11114 OtfOJ*d
of tit.I jln-Jlur, nd«f .frMll 161-180 .A.D; 8,
.Arl.ltippw; b, AnUl.,tj~ oC Tarsua, a SW£c, IL Aurelius .Antoniuu, v. Hellogahala!ll.
Uiv:hn of Panaai11o1. L. Caell11.1, AlltOnlua -a -uni, ~n11, tM na""' ofa Rowla•
y, C.Cllus. famUv, th' tn06t diltingui•Mtl mtmben n/ 10.\itl
Alltl~trla -Mo c. ('
Arn-TPla), Cl
Macedcnia., on tAt borikr of /Uyria.
(1' '°'°"' 1t1ere: (1) H. Antoul u.., ftlrnawttd Omlnr, bor"
B.c. lff, put to d.t4tA bf ~laritu and Ci7'11a 88;
Allt.lplal.&ie -u, m. ( .tn.4>init). L f" iritroducm bfl Cicero N a ~alttr '" tJu d~
of tht cunniltal La.ut1'1/gt>nU. D. a'°" of Sar· De Oratore. (2) M. Anwni111 CreUcua, am of
pt.don., killdd bf 7'1'"'"'- (I) dapakhtd again.t the pirae..A of tM la.IUrn
AntlphOn -onti11 ( A...n~,.). 1, a oeT~bral«l
Merliterran«17' itl 7f s.c. (3) C. .A.ntonh111..
.'lroJnd aon of tM pr«ttUng, tM amr.nplic:e o/
Ath.t:11ian. orator, f7Mll a.c.; ~. a top/lilt, oon·
kmporarv and GdWl"N1'1/ o/ .5ocN.k6; 3, a /rud- Catiline, erJllMgM t0itA Ciuro '" tM co11~l1Afp,
.an. and actor. B.c. 63. (4) M. Antonius Triumvir, - o/(2), borll
B.c. 83, tht bUter t11tm1 of Ciara, n,tm- Ca.t1ar'1
Antlpilla -ls, l (' Anlro>.1c), lmrm o/ th.t: d.tatll tnumvir with Otlat7ianw nnd r,,.,,;d'U.11,
Nouilio.114 in Gallia NcwboMMU, now A n.lU>u. df/tated br Od41ritinw at tM baltu o/ Arriu•
antiqu.irlua -a -um (antlquu11), Mlmigtn.g to (a.c. 81); lnUl'rl llinwlf Mortly a,fkr. (~) lulu•
antil[Uity. Bubst., antiqui.rlua .If, m. and Antoniu11, '°"'of (4), by Fu.lvia, bro"'!ht "I' t.,
tM ~[d,.,,. Odavia; henet:, .,tj., AD&ODliulb
aatiqu.Arla -ae., I., an anUqMiirr, Juv., Suet.
antiqui, adv. (antlquws), (" '"' anclmt -a ·Um, of or relating to -"'
antrum ·i, n.
(.i..,.p .."),a cn1-e, Ov., Verg.;
111anntr, Hor.
tranaf., tJu hol/OVJ of a tr He; exeaa.e arb"ria aatro,
antiqultaa, f. (antiquua). L anti· \'er;.(. ; uf a litkr, vehi clauso aulro, Ju•·.
quity, a11.cie11t timu, Cic. IL Meton., 1, th.t:
hi1tory of ancunt tinia, Cle. ; hence plur. tJu Anubla -bidis, m. ("A-~, Egyptian Anup,
ancieiW, Cic. ; 2 tM good old t£mu, primltt~ or Anupu), an Egyptian god., repruelltld "1itA a
~rtw, integrilv, Cic.; 3, grmt age; generiM, Cic. deg'• hw.d; latnuor A., \'erg.
antiq_ultt\a, adv. (antiquu~), 1, .(omv~l11, in ... -um (auulua), bd<mgitt.g "' a
1«.U ri11g; scalae, a place i" RnllU, Suet. t;uti.t.,
ancient tuna, Caea. ; 9, /rom ant11j11.i.ty, Liv. anulari1UI -i, ru. a ri11g maker, Cic.
antiquo, l. (antiquue) to kave in. iU fUT"T1Ur ana.Jatua ·• -um (a11ulus), bcrlngtd, or..
.w.u; hence, to rtj«t a bill; legem, rogatlonem, me11ted witA rings; aurea, Plaut.
a11tiquua -a -um (tor a11tlcu11, from ante). AniUU.. IUUliU1UI ·i, m. (1. &DUI), G ri"9,
L that 11Jhich coell aU o1.Mr thing• £n "ID<lrth; In Esp. L a ftngtr or 1ig1~t ring: in ejai1modi cera
compar. aud sutierL, m<>n! or most weighty, tm- centum 1igilla i.m1irimere hoc&nulo, Cic.; \"ilia-
portant, prr/erabl.e; id antiquiu..J e<>ni1uli fuit, sima uwnailium anulo clau11a, lltuJ.ed v.p, Tac. ;
tJ.t oon8ul prt/trrr.d that, Liv. ; Dtl 9uid vita anulu11 ~uelltri1, Ute gold ri"9 v.ihicll. IL'!U tla1 1ig11&
existimem ontiquius, more importcmt, C1c. ; nihil of a knight in. _&mi,., Hor. ; 1nulum invenire, co
ei fuiBSet antiquius quam {followed by the in· be rai.<ed to lht ran/; of a kni(lht, Cle. D. 01 o~
ftn. ), Cic. ; nav11lis apparAtu!I el sem~r Antiqn- jt:ct:J 11imilar in form, I, a curtai" ring, ;
issima cura fuit, Ci<'. IL tltal which u before 'n ?.,, th.t: U11k q/a/ttur, l'lin.; 3, a ri"flj/Ul of~.
point of ti1iu. A. Relative, old, cincien.t ~. .Mart.
ona t.risUng; a, antlquae muoitionee, Cae3. ; l. &Dua -l, m. tM ./tinda11&tn( Cic.
caUHa antlquior memori& tua, Cic. ; aubat., narn 2. Anti.a -lls, f. Cl1ll ol4, Cle. ; &nu.a
ilia nimi.l! anti'fl1a praetereo, Cle. ; b, esp. with Cuinka, tlu: Sibyl, Ov. ; lu &pf.oaltJon, old;
the 11otion of what la lrimplt, pure., innoeen.l; sact:rd(lll, \"erg. ; oC a.uimals and things, cena,
antiqui homlnes, Cle. B. Absol., havfog en.tea Ov. ; amphora, Marl ; A1>1>ia via, Prop.
for a long tiJM, old, ancien.t, tJenn'abl.; tuu11 an.Jde, adv. (an:llu.s), a7Lriotui11, Sall.
antiqui,s,iimus amit-us, Cic.; esp. of towns, urbs, an:aiitae -itla, f. (anxiua). L auidJ,
Verg. Subiit., antiqui -orum. m. tM pt,aplt atU&oiunua, u a trait In a pe11ton's cllali\cttt,
of ol<l t!IM, ancient aulllora, old atatumtn, mtn uf while angor !11 the tranai.tory ff'eli~1g of anxie!I,
old, Cle.
Antlsaa -ae, t. (' bT<CTcra), a town cm a miaU
Cic. ; alao angor, gruf. angxiah., Ov. U.
Trans[. pclin/IU CIOC'UflUy, Quint.
vlan.d 1Ul1T Laboll; hence, AJl.tlsuel -ornm, asudfer -f!ra -f~rum(&n:dus and t'ero), oawi.,
m. tJu A ntL&!l.uan.s. a?lZUty, Cic.
antlatea -stltis, c. (antisto). L a pruiding an.Jdtildo ·lnis, r. (anrlus),, Cle..
~ or pri-utus; sacrorum, Cic. IL Transf.,
f11(JSUT i7' any art; artis diceutl.i, Cic. aD.ldua -a -um (ango). L a11.Tio11.•, un«aq:
anxii aenee, Cle.; auxium haLere aliqu~m, to
Anttatheni• -111 and -ae, m. \Arncr9C"'I'>), make anzioul, Tac.; anxlua anlmo, Sall. : with
a Gruk phtloaopluw, fov.n.der of tM Cynic ldtooL ahl. or cause, Ira et 1uetu, Sall ; with genlL,
anttstita -ae, t (antlHtes), a pruiding tmti, Ov.; with de and the abl., de 1ucceasore,
prU..•, L.'ic., Ov. Suet.; with pro, 1•ro mundi regno, Ov.; 'ol-
anttsto. v. antesto. lowed by ne, Sall. ; an • • • an, Tac. , •De
(e11clitic) ••. an, 8all.; quonam modo, Tac.;
antitheton -1, n. (Q..,,.i9ncw), a: j!gurc of un<le, Hor. U. Tia11sf., cau.lring an.rid1 or aa
rhetoric, a.nhth.uis, opporition, Cic. g11.ilh; aegritudinea, Cle.
Antium·li, n. ('Asmolf), an old tovmof Latium ADdr ·llria, m. and n. L m. Anxur (A:rttr),
o,. tlN ua-coo.d, now Torr11 or Porto d'..tnzio; an<l Anxurus, a dLity of tJu Volacian.J, f~nti.ft«i
hence., 1, Antl&nua ·& -nm ; 2, Ant.lae -iti11, icith. tM Etruloatl Vtj<>vts: Amrnrus .Juppiter,
btlonging to ~ ntium.. \'erg. IL n. an l)U/ town of tht Vollci, 011 tilt litG-
antlla -a.e, t (anA10 ..), a, Kart. t>, nfltnr;a.rdscnUecl Tt1Tllti"4. AdJ., ~
Antc>nla.ater ·trf.. m. a11 imitator of IAI n"8 ·itis, btlonging to -"'IMnJr.
ora'°'"11 vJ .d nton.i1'1, Ci"~ r
A0u ~Ills, m. .AM..), """ of PolddOfl, -
AntODinlUI .f, m. a taatM a/ .ttverol Rinnan em- old .Boeotian. Mro; hence 1, A~nee -um, ace.
peror1, tlul m.ostnotabU: 0/111/wmars, !_,,.Antoninus -111, m. ('Ao"~), Bototia11: 2, A6nla -ae, t
l"iaa, rvUd /rf¥A 188-161 A.I>. ; 2, a. .Aureliua ('.Aol'i.a), fltlih ie 1'G8U o/ BofotiiJ. i• VIA fm tP1tt
aor apo
l.\f111""11,f(dft R•hccm Clnd tllt sprf:11g .AganfJ1Pt, IL unclo.ffd, ~n, frw, teft!ihtdtrttl, ai:ct1"1.l&.
t.w ruort of t.u M'l.W'A; S, A6nlde8 -um, f. tlu A. Lit., a., vastum atque apertum P1n,rc, Caes.;
Mva; 4, A6nlua ..a -um ('Aovluf) btlonyi11!1 l·arnpi ad <limicalldum aperti, Liv: Snu~t..
Iv .do11ia; vertex, Htlio1m, Ye!')!'.; vir, Hcrclllts, Apertum -1., n. aii 01w1 BJ>act; In &l'erto l'li~tra
~,rii at Tlltba, Ov. ; jUYt'nla, JJippO'fM'lles, Ov. ; 1.. care, Liv.; b, mllit. t..t., OJH'll; pr.w!ium, I.ii'.
de~. Ba(chJU, Ov.; tons and aqnatt, Aga11ippt, B. Trausf. 01xn, acassiOu; lieate vn'cuJi via, Cic.
Ov.; 1orures, th< ltI!UU, Ov. ; vates, a J10et, U\-. ~pex -leis, m. tM top or S1tmmil. L Gen.,
.lol'DOll ·i, m. anct f. (oiopl'Of, withoul birds), montis, Ov.; ftammae, Ov. II. Esp., A. the
V1t L1kt ef A t·erwus, Verg. top of tht conical cap of th.€ lloman jlamm~s,
.loua ·i, m. ('A.;o~), a""'"''" lllyria, notD hen!!e the oop ilsPI/; lnnl;.:eri apic•'S, VcrJ!. ; apt·
l'iii•:i "r, ' cem Dialetn alicui hn11c111ere, to m1tke a 1;er110n
flamen of J1;iit, Liv.; also the tiarn of ta.~t,.rn
6.plg8, interj., away 10ith thu I b« o§ ! Ter., l:i1t!]B and wtrop5, n>g;nm 11plc1,s, Hor.; so ttg.,
Plant. crot1.•11.; apex ~e11"ctutis PSt :111ct .. rih<, Cic. B.
!plmia and -ia -ae, f'. (,u.t111), I, n rown a. hclmtt, Verg. C. Grnn1111., tM long mark over c:a
of Srria Oil tM 01·011tt5, nnw A/amirrh 11r Fu111it; vo~l. Q11i11t.
SI, a tow~ q/ Ph.T')gia on. the Mn1a111ler; 3, a Aphaercma -ltia, n. (cif>o.4'~"'11),a coarre l.illd
1n1"'ll of BUhynia.. Adj., AplLmensls -e and of grits, Plin.
lplmenua -a -um, belongfo.g to A1·rrnua. Aphlreua, -~I. m. (' A4>a1>«vf)- L a king oJ
!pellea -is, m. ( Ain.U.~.). 0111 of the gruiust the M•s.~rnian~. fat lier of Lyncem and [,ias; hence
Grt.'.k J6i1ltt:'• ,fril!n<l q/ ...t /c.urnder tha Grrat.
A.pbarelus -a -u111,f!elongi119 t.o II.
Apelleue -a -um.
AdJ., a Ce11tavr, u•l1os~ arm u-as broken 0/ 1'helt'WI 12', c. (A~nninus and colo), tht W«ldi ll!J of l'irithou.s.
111 illAabitant of the Apennirlu, \"t>rg. aphractua ·i, !. (iitjipo.1eTOf), a long undeckn
boat, Cic .
.\penninlg~na ·Ae, c. (Aprnn!nus and
tgno~ <TM li•:rrn 1lJ>011. tlu Arrnnllt-u, Ov. AphrOdiala -Orum, n. (&4~lcna.), tlu fem•
ml of Aphrodiu, Plaut.
A.Pmminua -l, m. (cumi..•ctt>d with Keltic
Pen, a mountain-top). the chai1• nf the A]>e1111ii<u, A.phrOclialaa ·A.Ila, t f A4>po8uruif), naJM o/
1 rnounWn range ruuniug down through thtt Stc•eral town.a; 1, a t-0\0Tl.lnltM bo-nkra of Phrygia
centre of Italy. a'lld Caria, now Ghdra; hence A.phrodialen-
Aper, aprl, m. a tuild hoar, Cic.; prov., uno in lle8 -!nm, m. Uu! JJ!!oplt of Aphrod~; 2, aha.,...
ultu duos apros cai•ere, to kill two binls wir/, bour in Cilkia, near Port-0 CaiYiliere.
oauto11.., Plaut.; a1•roa i111111iLtcre liquillis fu11- Apll.ous -a -um (aplum), lib panlty, Cato.
Ub111, to do I011\l!thi11g abnird and perverse, Vt·1-g. '-Planua .a -um (apl.&), rdating or bclo1tging
lperantll -orum, m. ('A,,..~pavroi). a p«>pU to bees, Plin.
t. ""'1Aw• A.etcl«i; hence Aperantla -u, r. 'pii.rlua -II, m. (apis), a btJl.katper, Plln.
Arir wnlry. ii.ploatue -a -um (apex), adorned tDUA tM
lpirto -~rut -pertum, 4. (aii-pario, from pru1t'11 cap, Ov.
root PAR, whence pario)- L to uacrwer, to !tty A.lJiolua .n. m. 11 ROflltt1' 11aTM; l\f. G11h!us
lnl'I', to t%J>05i! to ~. A. Lit., c:1put, to un- Apicms, a etlcbrated lpicure in tM time of
cum, Cle. B. Traner., ~nlta, to ma~ known, TiberiU&.
Cic.; 1eote11tinm suRm, to pronotmce, Cle. ; rasn>i Apldlnua -1, m. r A1rl3o.vof), a riwr t•·
l'ntaros, to pndicl, Ov. ; reft., se aperfre and aal71,'1/ of tlui hnew.
middle aperiri, t-0 rtwal 0~·5 tnu character; Aplnae -arum, r. tr\flu, Mart..
atudluqae aperlmnr ln l~o. Ov.; n1omet ip~e
•JJerio q11!11 1lm, Liv. U. to open what 1L'aA Apl~lae -arum, t. a town in Ltrttum.
.-.,, to·~ A., fores, Cle. ; el'htolam, Apion llnis, m. aurna77U of Pfolematm, 'kittg
Cic.; fnnd&menta te111pli, to ercavate, I.iv.; Ilg., qf Cymi.t:.
l)nt. eloquentiae, Cic.. B. Transf., to open up 1. Apla -Is, f. (f11trlf), a b«, Cio., Ver;s..
a GO"Kl&try, ttnder it accusib~; Pnntum, Cle. ; r
2. Apia -is, llC('. -Im, m. A1nr), a aacml buU
Syriam, Tao. ; lOCllJn a11ylnm, to throw open a.t of tl.e Eyypli"'n' al Mnnphia.
aa Cil)'llnlt, Liv; !uuum, to open a rchoo/., Ci~. ; l'ip\scor, aptus, 8. dep. I. to attain to,~
~um. to !14vi.J& Ui.e (poet., or the conetella-
tioD. Arie11, hecau!.e, on the entry or t.he i;un Up to, rt{1clt; m1ue, Cic. II. TnlnRf., 1, to lay
M.!d of, g.,-up, Luer. ; 2,, to a!tf!in tu (the olijet't
llito it the new year began for the farmer), Ver~~. of one's deJire), cL1ju11 (olnis bonoru111) npii.cendl
lperti, adv., wit.11 compar. and !!Uf'<'rl. cn.nsll .• (:0•,·.; sum11iu1•1 hnnnrcrn, Liv.; once lD
(apennaJ. a., ortftly; m<>ntiri, Cle. ; b, tcithuut Tau., with ~nit., domh1ationia.
~ stro";M.ft>rwanlly; scrlbere, Cic. ; a~Ium -Ii, n. parole<t/, Hor.
dietre, Cic.
iperto, 1. (ill ten a. of aperio), to lay bare PlAut.
aplustro ·18, n. (-ltbA-.<TTov), genera.Hy plnr.
ap!u~tr'a -!um,
n. and ·(>rum, n. th.
ipertu -a -nm, p. adj., with 1·ompar. and carr:~ ~:r~'ll of a
shi7•, w'tl• its orTUJm,c~.ts, Luer.
lllp.:rl. (from aperlo). optn, m1cr•V~t'd. I. /o- llp&loti -orum, m. (4irO.CA 77 ·.-c,)- t.11.e '1'".<pT'ntf
Lt., aether, caelum, clear, Verg. ; naut. t.t.,! of,,..,
1!4.,., ~ Cio. ; milit. t.t., und~jimdtd;
L~w;u~, Liv,
itp~~rlU!l1 ·t, n. (.l..o~vnjp~o.-), tM dfVlo
Jj\lll, humerus, 'tl.iuhitl!Ua, exposed, C1v:s. B.
Tl'llllf'. c:Uar, unconceahd, ma1tif•4'; a, actio, ing-room ill a bath, Cle.
Cir_; a~rtum latl">einlum,. Cic. ; ap,...rtnm e$t, Apollo -Jnle ~Onie), m. (' A"'°-U1<1v), .Apollo,'°"
'lluclmT,tollo•1ed by acc. anri inftn., es!e!l.liquod of JuppiUT and .wfo11a, b-rotltM" of Dia7tll, {JM of
nt1111Q pntet1:ant!seimae mentls. Cio. ; in apert<t archuJf, mu.rill, potlry, pt'OPMsyi'l\g, an<L LM rnn
eue, a,.. ro be evident; quo ad cogno3cand11111 b07"ft at D~lm; ht1noe, Deline vatcs, Verg. ; and
Gllluia waatria. magto magiaqae In aperto &hit, simply Delius, Cic. ; ad Apoliinis (!JC. nooem),
Sall ; b, to bl J»UClioabl8; fe11os bieme hostea to the tunp141 of .Apollo, Liv.; aperlt11r Apollo,
tnrodl, Tac. ; o, ot 11peech, olcr, i1itdUgible, tM temp~ of Apollo ~ ~,~;i;!t, Verg. ; pro-
'~; narratio apert&, Cic.; apertis cw monto1ium Apollinis, a prvmr:i,tcrN 1W1'th of
IJ>ertWi.lnia verbis, Cfc. ; d, o( '~huarter, fratlk, Utica, over against Sardinia., now Ca.pd ZU>ib,
lf~llqflT'IQGnJ. ~; :wimu11, Cio. i, Cle. Liv.; heuce, .&.. Adj., A.polllnii.rls ·e. aacrtd
Apo 46 app
to-'pollo: ludl, gamu held h1 honour of Apollo on appi.rltor <)ris, m. (apparet:i, No. II.), a .,..
t/1~ 6th of July, Cle. Bu~t., -ls, t•1ull; esp. a J>1WtU: urvant, e.g., a lictor, etc.,Ctc.
"· a plal% sacred to .Apollo, Lh·.; B. A.pollln~ua apJM',ro (ad-plro), l. to prepare fvr, gtt r«U!r
·•-um, pertailli11g to Apollo; ur!Jl!, Dtfos, Ov. ; for, provid.i; convivium, Cle.; bellu111, iter, ludOti.,
prole11, A~mlaptu1, Ov. ; vateti, Orpheua, 0\', ; Ck. ; crimina lu aliquem, get t1p dt.arg~, Ck.;
ars, prophocy or 17Wicine, Ov. foll. by lntln., Caes.
J.poll<Sdorus -1, m. (' Airo.\.\oS..,p~). 1, a appell&tlo -onis, r. (1. appello), an addr~a.­
rhetorician of Pn-ya11w11i, teacltn' of A ug113'us ; 2, ing. L with words, ~i11g to. A. Gen. hanc
grammarian and mythological writtr of .A.tluns, nactus appdlat.i1111i11 Clluaam, Caes. B. 1.A'gal t.t..,
about HO B.C. c..pJ>t!Ul; tribunorum, to t-'t tribu11.01, Cic. ; IL
A.pollonla -ae1 r. ('A "'°.\.\wvi'o.), 1, cilt.«UZ or 80Ullds. A. Prcmuncialiotl, litterar1uu, Cic.
neu.r Nat1pact11s, Liv. ; 2, tov·r~ in /l/yria, uow
B. Nm1Li ng; hl'nce, met on. = nomen, tta11&«, tUk;
iuani11, Cic. ; 1•lur., regum appcllatione:s, Cle.
Pol~~Lia o~Poli1ta,Ci<!.; 3-.,,t<>wni~.Ma_w:<mia, uow
Polrna, Liv.; hence, a., Apollon{atea -ae, m.
apRell&tor -Orl..s, m. (1. appcllo), an n.ppel·
la.nt, Cic.
a11 inhabitant of Apo/1011ia; b, A.pollonlen- appeWto 1. (freq. of 1. appello), to be CUle1U·
als ·!!, belo11ging to ApoUonia. tlmwl to 11a~, Tac.
Apollonta -idis, r. (' AwoA.\w11if), a toum in 1. appello l. (lntens. of 2. appello). L
Lydia; ht>nce Apollonldonais -e, belonging to a1l1fre.;s, acoost, with words. A.. Ge11. 1,
to Apollo11ia. sini:culos KJ!)'ellare, Cle.; 110111inath11, Cne:;.; 2,
Apollon!ua -11, m. (' Atro.>..\.:011tof), 1, Apol- to ask a J1t;1"11Q11 to do aoniething, to mal.:e a 1•ro-
lo11i11s Alaba:•denKiR, Crrn:k, living 11'JSal t.o a penfm; a, aliquem, Cle. ; aliq uem
obout 1:::0 B.c. ; 2, Apt•llonlus Molo, a Grtek de pro>tlitione, Liv.; b, le:ml t.t., to llJ11JeUl to;
r~ttori.cian, liviilg a!Jout 110 n.c. ; 3, Apollonfu:1 iraetorem, Cic.; tribunos, Liv.; a praetore tri-
Rl1o<lill~, 1111/hor fl/ the .Argo1umtica; 4, Apollo- l lllllO:t, Cic.; de nesti111.atfone et 110lutlouibu11,
Caea. ; o t-0 a11ply to fur paymmt; aliqueu1 de
nlus TyR.lleUll, and 11uigkia11 i14 1st
a11t • .~.o. pecuuil\, be.; d, to s1te; cavendum !3!!t ne ii1Kle1u
IS.:pOlogua -1, m. (amS.\~). a narratitit, a de causls nlii_plect11nt11r, alil ne appellentur qui-
/abl!, i14 tTv 111<.1111~r of Aesop, Cic. clern, Cic.; IL or flOUll<ls, 1, to pro11ou11ce, lit-
tern11, Ck.; 2, to na11tt, tutitfr; aliquem sapie11te111
i.p0phorita -Ormn, n. (O.n-o</>6prrro.), rtrmn •s Cic. ; 11ppellata est ex vim virtus, Cle. ; (Scipio}1
gi11tm to a11~u, upecially at t1i£ time of tlu Satur- Af1ica11uK ob egregiarn victoriam de- H11.1111iu11le
11alU:, Suet. Poenisque appellatuK, Liv. ; henc-~, to 11ie1uiori b!I
i.p6prffgm~na -orum, n. plur. (.ill'Oirporiy- nmne: quos iuctrco non appello hoc loco, Cic. ;
"''""'). in the lJhiloaophy of the Stoica..!. that which aliqucm nutu siguittcationeque, lo 111ake k11CW1',
ti to bl! rejf'CUd (opp. to proegmenu), \Jlc. Cic.
•p6thioa -ae, r. (cim>ihjini). a 1tore-room, 2. appello (ad-pello), -pnli -pulsum, s. to
t11t1gazine, especially for wine, <.:ic. drire to, bri11g tn. I. Gen. A.. Lit. tun-es ad
appi.ri.ti, ad\". with compar. (apparatus), opera Caesa1is, Caes. B. Transr., l\11lmu111 or
'tlJith p1~rotion, 1plendidlr; opipare et rne11te111 ad aliquid, lo ciirecl t/le 111fotl to .90'1R.(·
apparate e<lere et bioore, Cic. · thing; meutcm ad pbilosopliinm, Cic. II. }~p.,
appui.tlo -onis, r. (apparo), preparation, Nautical t.t.. , to bri.1111 to land ; 11ave111 ad
}IQpul&rlurn 111unerum, Cic. ripam, Cle.; cla,;sem iu insuln111, Liv.; Jonct.,
1. appari.tua -ns, m. (appAro). I. Al)'4tr.
ahque1u, With dat., hinc Ule Ui!;rt'llSll:I VC..,lri:1
'!.1rrparutio1i, preparing; operis, Cic.; belli, Liv.; Deus appulit orisl Verg. ; Jlll>lli., MPJ•elli, of tt.c
ship; navis nppe litur ad villam, Cic.; uf the
IL Coner., 1n·tparatioii, provision, t1JUip111t11t. pen1ons in the 11bip, alim1 ud :Siciliam appuliK>a
A. Gen. fRnuiculus, Cic. ; omnis appnratns op- e11se, Cir.. ; reft., se appt>llerc, in port.urn cl3.811e,
puguandarum urblum, Liv. ; J•lur. apparatus Liv. ; absol., hue appelle, put in lure, Hor.
regii, Cle. B. Esp. brilliant 11rrcparatio11~,
apit11.do11r, 111agn~n~, pomp; 1, Lit. pomp; appendlciUa -ae, f., (dim. of oppenc.lix), «
regius, Cic. : 2, Transf., of a speech, diaplay, little culditimi, Cic.
par~; dixit cnU11am lllam nullo apparatu pure appendbr: -leis, r. (appcndn), an appmdn.~.
et dilucide, Cle. ad~litiun, a11 o]l1ot11diz to uriytltinu: vidlt euim
2• .appiU-i.tus -a -nm p. adj. with cnmpar. uppcndicem a11imi esse corpu11, Ck. ; a1'l>e11t.lices
anrl suverl. (from apparo), prepared, rtady; of Ulcndum, 11111fUler contingtnts, Liv.
things, well 111pplitd, rnmptuous, 6plendW; dumus appendo (nd·1~11tlo), -penrli -p('nsnm, 3. to
a11riaratior, Cic. tt¥.iyh to; aurum alicui, Cic. ; transf., non e11hn
app&i'eo (ad-plreo) -QI -ltum, 2. to btcome ea verba me annumerare, pa11 011t, like small
vuiou, to ap1>ear. L G•m. A. Lit. e<pms mecum coin; lectorl putavi oportere, lte'd ta111qua111 ap-
rlemer11us rurKum 11p1111ruit, Cic. ; with dat. of pendrre, wtigh, 011J, like whole bars, Cic.
•erson, ang-..iis Ille, qui Sullae npparuit immo- ap'Dltena -enth1, p. adj. with compar. 1md
l anti, Cle.; 110 of appeRrance before a court or
justice, in his eubf!clliis me npparero nullcm,
supe1l (fmm appdo), 1, duiro111 of; glotiM',
Cic. ; 2, duirom of gokl, amricious; homo uoa
Cic. ; of da~·llght, tltars, &<'., T1b. B. Trartsf., cupidus neque Rp}Jek1111, Cle.
1., to bt t•isibl~, t-0 1/ww it:;tlf, bt manifut; no11 appetenter, adv. (appetens), grttdi171, Cic.
apparere labof'C8 no!ltros, Hor. ; 2, re!i appuret
and apparet, with a1:c. and lntln. or rel11t. sen- appetentla -ae, r. (appetens), desirt, longil&g.
tence, it is cl«i.r, plain, maniJat, Cic. ·IL Esp. to lauofis, Cic.
appmr <U a ~'t>tlnt to some per~on In authority, appitido -Onis, f. (l\ppeto), l, grasping at,
or deity, to Hrve; a, 11aevi In limine regis ap- Cic. ; 2,t longing for, dtsire; with gen it., princi·
parent, Cic. ; b to serve a magistrate, as lictor, lllltns, 1.;ic.
clerk, &c. ; wib1 dat. uf ptmmn, consulll.ius, a'petitua -tls, m. (2ppt-to), a paulonau
Lh". ; with dat. of thing, quue!ltioni, Cic. longing, pt:IMion, appetite; voh.:1Mtlll, Cle.
a~o, 3. to gtt, obtain, Luer. appeto (nd-pt'to), -lvi an:l =I! -ltum1 8. to
appii.rltfo -onis, f. (appareo No. JI.). A. reach to. L Oen. to !JTn.87' at. #LZe 01\ ; a.. Lit.,
.4 wai1ill11 1171011, 8t1-ri11g, Cic. Meto1L plur. solt>m numlbtts, Cic. ; haec enlm Ip&& 111int lion·
• •v111u-it1Jl"Qlf, ae1'l>ant1, Cic. orabilia, u.lut&.rl, appetl, to lave tMfr AG""6
app app
,,._<ed,Cfl'. B. Trlnsf., tod.rird,11u.k; re:::-nnm, apporto (11rl ·rorto), 1. lo rorry, bring to:
Cic.; with tntln., ut app...tat animus o.liqt1i1l l:!.1·i•lc111, sig11a, Cic.
agere aemper, Cic. IL Esp. A. tom.ab far or i.ppoaoo (at..1-posco), S. toa.rkfnadditCon, Hor.
gfJ to a place, to go to, arrive cU; Enrnpam, Cic. ;
mare terrain appc~ns, prt$Sl11g on the laud, Cic. app6slte, ndv. (apposltus), Ol'J1r»priatel11,
appositely; dicere apposite nd pers11asiont~111, Ci•:.
B. to atuu.k ,· aliquem lapi1ilius, <.:ic.: truusr.,
lgnomlniis omnlhus appetit11s 1 Cic. O. lo draw apoosltUS •& •Ulll, p. adj, with COffi[>ar. lllld
~.or tJrne: dies appetebat 11eptl111us, quem anpe1T. {fro111 11ppo110), pltlcm 11ear. I. Lit.,
cotllti tuera t, Ci c. 1itucUe;l, or lying nt11r; l'astellum flumini npp.,
L Appia (Apia) -ae, t. a tcum in Phryg!a; Tac. II. Tn111sf., A. Gen., nudarla tl•lt'ntiae
11on co11traiinm 11ed uppusitum et propin11unm,
hence Applanoa ·:i -um, of Appia, .Appian. Cic. ; B • .1'~!11 .. , fit, a1pri•prial~. a1•1.asite; mc1"1"a
1 Appia, fem. or Applus. ll)'JIOsiti nd nge11u11m, Cle.; homo Lcuc &l'poi1itus
applngo (ad-plngo) ·J>l11xi -pictum, S. t-0 pnfnt nd lstiu~ nutlac:l:im, Cic.
t.o,or upo11. I. Lit. t..lelµhi1111111 silvis, Hor. IL appotua (ad-p<'ltuM) -a -um, Vlrydru11k, PLint.
Tr.Ill.if., to 10rit11 in additio11 ; aliquid uovl, Cic. apprecor (ail·J•ri!cor), 1., dep. to worship,
Applu.a .11, m., Appia -ne, f. a Ro11ian pray t-0; ritti dro11 1 Hor.
pl"llllMlllUll, cornmoll in. the gens Claudia, v. apprehondo (a1l-pri.!h1>ndo) -prl!hendl -pr~
ChuJias; hcuc.,, 1, Applua ·a -um, Applan; hen11um, 8. anu poet. approndo (o.u-pnmdo)
ri-, Ill. ulebro.Ud rori..I fr011' flmru VI Uap11a, ·prentll ·1•rc11snm 3. to uin, lay hold of. L Lit.,
oftmoa.rd• uUfMUd to llrimdi~ium, ro11stn1cted A. Gen., clnvlc11lts ll.d111lnlc11la tamquam ItUllli·
A.O.C.'"2/JytM CeJUor, .A1•p. Cluudius Ccvcus; Lull, Cic. B. Esp., to tC1kl! ~£011. o/: His·
aqua, 11 col\daU et>iutrv.ctl!d. bJ1 t/14 same, LI v. ; p~niu, Cle. IL 'fram1r., or discourse, to bri1Lg
.-\ppil Forum, Y. forum ; 2, Appia& ·l1dis, forward, alltae: ut quiuqui1l ego apprt!hcnclcram,
t a, CM ltatut of a n1J111ph u:hic/, stoo•t ot the 11Ul.tim 11.ccui.ator ext..•rquubnt, Cic.
~11t of tlte abo1>t-nunti1»V.d aqiut.luct, apprime (npprlmni1), arlv., b11 far, above all,
Ov.; b, Appia.des dcae, atatues fa the ttml'I~ of uce<:dwvly, l'h111t., Ncp.
Yt11u, v:l< uood near tl.i1 c;']U&Iuct, Ov. : 3,
Applin1l8 -a -um, /,tfu11gi11g to an .An•i11s, apprlmo ·pre;isi, -prl'ssum, S. (ad and pre·
Ai'P'a•; lllildo (of tlie De1:e1avir A11p, C!.tu,lius), 1110), to 11rcss to,· 1lcxtram alicu.ius, 'J'uc.
u... approbi.i.tio •Ollis, r. (ILl'probo), I. appro-
Appletaa -IUs, t. the antif(IJ.ftyof ti~ An1ia11 l>atio1L, a1•1•roval, a.'i3t11t, Cic. II. Esp., philo-
/:milv, a 11Nrd ill~nud by Ciuro to jf,atlcr .t1•11iu..•. s1>ph. l.t., proof; quae {propositio) 11011 indigct
al'p1 ul1atio11e, Cic.
applaudo (:i.' ·plausi -pl11usum, 3.
L Ir.ui~, lo strike upon, to ci.11•; cnvis a1·1•L111stJ o.pprobitor ~rill, m. (o.pproho), one who
t<>rpore pahnis, Ov. II. l 11tr.111~. to a1•plu11cl, llJ>J•I ui·c.l of CIS.'ertt.!: prufoctl11m::1 1urac, Cic.
Plaut. approbo, a•lv. (ad and probu!i), tiery well;
appUcitfo -Onill, r. (applicn). I. i1tc/iw1lio11; iilu111 110,·bsc, !'but.
approbo (ad-prObo). I. 1 1 to n7•prove of, aa·
anall!, Cic. IL ju~ :ip1 •l il'llti• •1iis, th·' ri~11.i~ srring-
u.g fro111. tlie i·e/..cti<tn u/ /l(.Ltrcm and c:lient, Cic.sc1et l'1; cu11~ili11111 alicttju~. Cic. ; <'Sp. of a !lefty,
appllcitua -a -um. p. 11.11J. (from a1•1•lico), lo IAtSJ, apprort of; quo•i actum est <Iii 4Jlt•N·
app!iedto, lying utar, V:irr. bent, Ci•'.. ; 2, to proi·t, to eiitab/i$h; i•roJ11•:1i·
tiu11e111 :1 pp. ct ti nuarc, Cic.
appU'.co (at! plico), -ivi ·.lt11111 and -Qi -llu111,
1. L tu add to, a1•1•ly t'>, 1.fcrce ttJ or 11N1r, joi11 to, appromltto (atl-promitto) -mlsl -n1lssum, s.
to pru11ii~-. in addition, i.e. to promi$e also in one'1
1'"il to. A. Lit., a., :;e ad tla111111>1111, Cic-. ; oscul11
f•ittro, to 1.-iJa, Ov. ; cnscm capulu tcu11~, to ow11 11amt, Cic.
ilrill!l ill, Ver;. ; 111illt. t. t., corpora c<>r)'ori bu~, appropcro (ad-propllro) -llvl, Atom, -Are.
IJJ e/(lff wp th.I! ranb. Liv. ; b in.J'as,ive, esp. I. Trans., to ha.~tcn; cocptum OJ'll~, Liv.: IL
tu partlc.. perr., l11i1t!l ntar, ailuat near, liuilt lntr:i11s., to liastrn; n1•1'ropcrate, Cic.; appr. all
w1: Leu<!i1s colll appllc:1ta, Liv. B. 'l'r:111sf., co 0 itatuin faci1111s, Cic.
1, lo co11.iuct; Yuh111t.atem ad houestak111, Cic. ; nppropinquitfo -Onis, !. (appropinquo),
2~ ee aJ and se nlicui, to att•1ch 011eself to; se au a1 •prnuch ; 11101 tis, Cic.
alt']nem q1wl 1'atro1111111 1 Ck.; 11t1 ad alicu,tus approplnquo (arl-prt'lt•lnquo), I. to ap-
ttm1l1arit&te111, or nrnidtiam, or 11uch·t 1t.,m, Cle. pruach, <11uw nrar. L or pla<'e, od 1m111mam
D. lo tiirn ur dinct uncard.s. A. Lit. 11n11t.lcal a<111am, Cic. ; with dat. ja1111ae, Liv.; Oeeano,
t.l., to mer a lh.i]J taward.s, to brin'.} la lattd;
nir<:!I ad terTam, Cacs. ; nav.-111 a•l aliqll<'lll,
<.:ncs. I!. 1'ran.1r., a., of time, 1t1 .. 111s nppro·
Cic.; ali!rol., t-0 land; q1wcu111qnt1 liture llJ'pli· pmqunt, Caes.; 11111·oenn, nobls lihcrta." llJ>)'n>·
tiuJsenaveii h<>l!tium 11.11d;sse11t, Liv. B. Tnuu1r., 11l11q11at1 Cic..; b, of 1oer~on!!1 qui jttm appropln·
quo.t ut vidcat, is 11ear to aeern.g, Cle.
ti dn<otc o"t~df '" ; se at.I eloqul'ntiam, Cic.;
(em •!Jplicui, only on~ In Cic. ; sup. ap~li­ appugno (ad·pllj,'110), 1. to ftorm, cu~ault;
c&stra, Tac.
citam and pa.rtic. applicltus not u.;ed by Cic.).
apploro, 1. to lament, deplore, Hor. Appulejua, or ApiUejua ·I, m. a R0111(1n
name; 1, L. App11lcju11 :satur11in11~, tribune of the
,&PPino (ad·pono), -p<S:fl\i -p~slt111n, 3. L to
altt Rtur, to put to. A. Or.n. i:lndium, (.;ic.
r Esp., a, to serw, put on tlte tt1ble ; patellnm,
ptople, 100 n.c.; 2, a Rcnnan u:riter, boru abo11t
ISO A.D., at Mad.1ura, fo .Africa. Adj., I, Appu-
.tc. .; a1•1)(rsita secunda meu~. Cic. ; b, in
lejua -a -um, of or belonging to .A.J!'PUU)us; lex
(dt! maj1·st.'lte) iutrodncecl hy tl1e t1iuu11c A,p-
~nt1nir, to pfoa ~tr: not.nm ad vcrs11111, or epis-
!oli\ Cic. IL Tra11sC. A. a., t-0 appoinl; cua-
1•uleju3; 2, AppUJ.ejii.nua -a ·um, of or be-
t..1em me l'ullio, Cle. ; b, to 1n-ocurt, 1Uborn; lonatng to .AJ>1mle1u~.
0 l'llllniatorea, Cic. B. to put to, add to; 1, AppUUa, Ap~lla -ae, f. a country in the
r-li.· LllDOI aUcuf, Hor. ; vitiis mudmu, Cic.;
ucro, rrdoii cu a gatn, Hor. : 2, t-0 add., by
ioutl' of Italy. Adj., a., Appiilloua -a -um,
11111re, tht. Adiiati.c Sea, Hor.; b, Appfilua ·a
'11 of COilltllJlud, aqua ct l~ni inkrdictum reo ·Ulll, .Apu!iall.
&ppoaftwnque, ut teneretur i1111ulata, Tac. appulaua -ns, m. (2. 11ppello). L a driving
~~u -& ·um (ad and porrigo)1 a- toward.s. A. ari approm.'l.; quod pars e.1rmq
. · wr, Ov. (re~ionum) op1mlsu aol111 exaracrit, Cic. B. '"°
apr AqU
''"""" ~ &, -~: slorla, Cle.
landing on, landCng; "iltonun, LIT.
n. larnl, ut alunt, 1ocl8 plnrfbaa nttmur qt1&111 am&.
c1tla, Cle. ; hence, (a) aqua et lgnl lnterdl~
l.pricatlo ~nta. f. (aprtoor), • ~ c. IM tdlcul, Cle. ; or aqua et lgul allquem arcere, Tac. ;
,.n, C1c. loba11uh; ~)aq11am temlmque pet.ere or posttl'W
lpricltaa ·ltla, t (aprlcu). ftftllinat, """" ab allqno, to demand nibmi.moft j'Nma ~ ~J.
11\iiu, warmlh., Plln. a Persian cu11t-Om, Liv. ; d, aqua ha.eret. C1llre w
a diJlcult11 or a AitcA, Cic.; e, In aqua SC!"ibett.,
lprioor, l., dep. (aprlC1111), lo-~ Oto. to writt in waur, Cat. B. UlaUr In a namnrer
lprioua .. ·nm. adj. with oompe.r. and au· sense ; 1, a tAc ...n; ad aquam, °"
~ sea~
ptt~ (tor aperlcus, from aperio). L Lit., Of Cic.; b, a fat., Alt.nae aqnae deductlo, Ck.;
pl.acea, open to tJi. ""'• ftnnr; locwi'-Clo. ; In o, a river, tteeunda aqua, dolOfl ltren1'11., Lt v. ; ~•
• aprlcum proterTe, lo bring lo U,Al, Hor. n. rai1', Hor.; 3, plur., aquae; a, ~ng•. Verg.;
Tranaf., loving '-" "'"; florea, Hor.; mergi, b, l&ot m.tdicinal .,,,-ing1; ad aqua.s venire, Cic.;
Verg.; Mines, Pe!'L hence u a proper name, .Aquae &rti&e, &:c. ; 4,
Aprilta -e (Aperlo), Aprru. menal1 or 1ubet., of an aq11oouct, aquam ducere non longe e villJi,
t.V mol&th Qf .dpril. Cic. Cle.; 6, WJOUr in tM ~; l1enoe, aqUAn
Aprinus -a -um (aper), nlaffftg or l>elon¢"9 dare, lo gi.e ti11U, Plin. ; aqnam perdere, :;,
lo a wild boar, Plln. lo« teme, Quint.; 6, ttan, Prop. XL Trana!.,
Aqua, a llfrMUllation, Cic. poet.
lprignua -a ·nm (aper), belotlgiftf to 11 tuild
ltoar, Plaut. aqun.oductus -0.11, m. ; 1, - aqiudw.ce, C1e.;
Apana ·I, m. ('" At/telf), 11 riwr of IUyria, now 2, th.t f'i9ht of 001'W1/ing water lo• place. Cic.
Btrzalhw. lquillciUus ·l, m. (dim. of aqoslia), a
aptatna -a -um (partlc. of apto). ~. appro- nwll iooter-veutl ;. hence, tlu bellr, Pera.
priate, Cle. Aquii.J.ta -e (aqur.), tca.UrJ/. BublJt., ~quA.lla
apti, adv.,. with compar. and au~rL (aptua), -la, c. a wa.s-'-bo1cl, Plaut.
~tl11, a pproprio.lel11 ; face re, die ere, Ci c. iqu.ii.rlna • ·nm (aqua), btlimgi"{; to V>!:fn-.
apto, 1. (lntena. of • apo), to JU to, ·a.00pe to, I. Adj., provincia, iu~rintendmot of tJu ftA>r;·:y
adjwt. L Gen., corporl arma, Uv.; enaes dex- of"""1kr, Cle. IL Subst., lqnnrin.s -ii, ~ l..
terhl, Hor. n. lo prtpan, get read11. A. Lit., II uxUer-(l(lnW, JUT. ; 2, an in.spaloT of 00-
duita, ap. Cle.; 3, IM oonstt.UutiClt so called. Bo•·.
arma, Liv.; cladlem Tells, Verg.; ae armis,
LIT. B. Tranat., to malujU or appropriaU; hoc Aquatlcus -a -um (aqua). L liri"<l 1~
Terbum est ad Id aptatum quod, etc., Cle. uiaur, aqwiti:c; lotoa, Ov. IL /uU q/ ~.
• aptUB -a -um, 1. (partlc. ot obaolete ve~b, waurr; au11Ler, bringing ,.nn, Ov.
apo). L Partlc., 1, LIL, feue-td to: gladms A.quii.tllla -e (aqua). li'ltift# or ~ fA a.
e lA.:unan eeta equ1na aptus, Cle. ; 2, Tranat.i toal8r, Cle.
tkpmding upcm ; honestum u quo aptum es Aquatlo ~nl11. f. (aquor). A. A frlcli.i"'ll "'
offidum, Cic. ; with ab!. alone, rudentlhu11 apt.a tt>llter, Cae,.. B. :Melon., a p"1a w.V-0. -ur
fortuna, Cic. B. c.on'MClul, johud, aUUd ; 1, ftl01/ be fetdwl., a watering-place, Plin.
Lit., a, omnla Inter Mi coonen et apt.a, Cle. ; li.qui.tOr ~rl1, m. (aquor), a penoi. &Am
b pre,,artd, equipptd,jUUd oul; omnla sibl ease ftkhu 'IOaU7'' Caea.
&d helium apt& et parata, Clo. ; caelum atellia Aquila -ae, t. (perhaps rem. or aqallua). -
tulgtntibna aptum, a.dOMMJd 'llritA, Verg. ; 2,
Trans!., Thucyuides verbi.s aptua et preasus, Cic. rogU.. L Lit., In mytholo!ffi the bea.n.-r nt
IL Adj., with compsr. and auperL, tvi.table 1 ap- the lightning of Jove, Cic. IL Transr., ~- aa
propriate, fitting; with au and the acc., ml1ite11 cu t'M •landard of eacA .Roma11. ILgi.O'A, cic. ;
minus aptl ad hujua generis hoatem, Cle. ; Id Mcton., &, a legion, Plin. ; b, CM poll of .tal&dard-
palllum esse aptum ad umne annl tempWI, Cle. ; btarer, Juv.; 2, the Eagle, a COMUllalion, Ctc. :
with In and the acc., In quod (genus) minus aptl 31 plur. aqullae, tM eag/4 on CM front and ..._.
1unt, Liv.; with dat., genera dicendl apti· OJ th.e temple of Jupitc" Capitoli1'tu, to.Uc.\ .......
ora sunt adolescentibus, Cie.; abaol., Terbl1 Co 111.pporl CM gable, Tac.
quam mu:lme apUs, Cle. Aqnileja -ae, t. a , _ - CM M71A oJ Ttal'Ji.
apud (aput), prep., with acc. (root AP, now Aquikja or Aglar; heuce adj., AquilU-
wheuee apo, aptusl apud thna meaning bei~9 Jcnals -e, of or belunging to .Aquileja..
ftuttrwl to, near loJ, a.l, tiear, bf, toith, chiefly aqullifer -fer! (ar1uila and Cero). m. ._ tla.gW
use<l ot' persona. L or nearness to persontt, or Mc.ndard-bea.rt1r, Cic.
1, apud allqueru sedere, Mar, Cle. ; plua apud Aqullinaa -a ·um (aquila), ~ to -
n1e antlquorum auctoritu valet, Cle. ; henc~ rogle, Pia u t.
& 1 apud me, cd m11 h£iu.M, Cic. ; apud Ml Ci>11C
(t1g.), to be in JJOSSU$ion of Ofli• faculliu, Aquillns ·•·um, tM111U of a Roma1' geu, Che
Plaut.; _b, &J?Ud exercitum esse, lo be KT' most c&/Jnmd member• of "1hich wtrs-l, C.
a.s a toldi~r, Cic. ; 2, before, in tM pr~nai of; AquUiua Gallus, frirnd of and rollecl{T1U wit.\.
apud Jud ices, Cic. ; 3, with: consequi gratinra CicN"O in th.e prcu:torship <66 a.c.), a ~
apud bonoe virus, Cic. ; hence, with = in th.t orator and jurUl; 2, Aqullius Regulus, en• U.-
forTMr ttndtr CM tmpin; hence, Aquillanua
Unu of; apud patres noatroll, Cle.; 4, of an
•nthor, in th.t worka of; apud Xenopliontem, ·& ·UID, bWmging to .A •1uiliu.t.
Ole. : 15i t-0; apud aliquem queri, Cle. IL or Aqiillo -Onla, rn. (connected '"Ith aquilaa_
places, , in.!~ neighb~rhood of; apud .Aly.lio.m, the black llonny ont) ; 1, OW north u'ind, Cic. ;
Ole. ; 2, at, '"; apud v1l1Am, Cio. meton., t'M north, Cic.; 2, Aq1<ifo, cu a myt.\..
ApuieJua. v. AppuleJUL per-, luuband o/ Orilhvfa, of C.aJaia
A.pUlJ.a, 't'• .Appulla. Zeta.
~qua -ae, t. (akin to Keltlc acb and Banscrlt
O.qiUlonii.lla, -e (aquilo), twnMm, Cle.
apa = water). wc.ikr. L Lit., A. water in the
broadest meaning of t11e word; pluvia, Cic. ;
A.q uilonia ·ne, r. a '°""' "'
the Jlir11i11i, uow Carbonara..
IM rovtlUy q/
marina, '.:lie. ; plur., &9_uae dukes, Cic. ; llJt{'Ci:il aqullonlua -a -um, 1, ROrtMne, Cle. ; 2_
ph!'IUles, a, Mpt'lrgereahcui aquam, toni-<tnimate, 1,,1u1!yi11g to .Aquilo (2); prolea, CalaMl.CMMI zaa.;.
Plaut.; b, aquam praebere, tc rnttr1<1tn, Her.; c, Prop.
~ua otl"ni., IM~oflfl•; non aqua, non lqullu -a -um, darl:-«>lovreillf, bfoddM. Plau\.
aqu &9 arc
~ -l, n. l01c7tll i" Z:.Clam, now .Aqultao. lrazia -is, m. (" Ap~). 4 riwr <A .A ,._n\&
jiij.. .A4,uinU -ltia, belma¢"9 tJO A'lfU1n'm.. arbltir ·bi, m. (from ar = ad, and bite~, io
.lqaitani -Orum, m. inWita!W of .Aquita- 170). L a. 'tD'itMU, lp«tawr, llcnrrr; locn~ ab
hi; llence Aca11.itanla -ae, f . .AquUnnia, ,,,,, arhitri11 remotua, Cle.; remottl arbltrla, Cic. IL
io1't\-itat Jlllrl q/ G1111t. bttwn Utt Garonnc 11nd A. Lt!l(&l ti. t., "" UJll.J)ln, a.rlrilr'lllor; uloiter
ii tis, Cic. ; aBquem arbltram adlgere, Cic. ; arblo-
"'~ ~. L dep. (a.qua), to /ttdt. tOllUr, Caee.
tru1n <\are, Cic. ; aamere Cle. ; euu In allqnn1n
l"'!m arbitrum, Cle.; ad 11rbitrum contugeut, Cic.;
iquiaml -a -um, adj. with compar. and utl aliquo arbltro, Cle. B. Tran11L, l, a jvAt(Jf
l"Jperl (aqus), fall ;,/ 100Ur, tDCttrr; Orlon, nfanr t11aUtr; formal! (of Pari11), Ov.: ar1norum,
\ e11- ; Euro.a. rcaia-bringing, Hor. ; ma~r. Ov. ; 2, ~r, lord, masl•r; bl\Jenili, Hor. ; Ad·
Th"lil, OT. riae, tht llOut1' '117i71il, Hor. ; eleputiae, Tac.
lqnila -ae, f. (dim. ot aqua), " littll toakr, arbftra -ae, r. (arbitier) a.ftaalA toimca, Hor.
1 9Wll itrllllm, Cle.
in, f. (cormected wltb a1pw, I ratat); 1, arbitral'J, arbltririua -a -um, dlplnd'llg
u1i.oerlain, P~t
°" vnzz.
n lla.lioa o/ crtJ&. Klo"4, &c. : a, ara lk!pulcri,
a t-al fJTf'8. Verg. ; 2, J>lur., arne, rocka, arbltri.tus -tls, m. appt ...-::~ ... u~. choke,
\"erg.; S, ca llftOft'lttMM of; virtutls, Cic. ; tei.•h; tuo arbitratu, Oic. ; cuju1 · arottratu sit
4, n .U.r; &ii ar&m conaeerare <leo, Cic. ; 1•ro educatua, Cic.
l."IJ et foris. for Miartha a.J&d Aomu, Cic. ; fig., arbftrlum -1, n. A. TM umpire'• dtcirion.:
11 rr."'9t. protectim&; legum, Cle. ; b, tranar. a allud e!lt jullicium, altnd arhltrium; Jr"ll.icium
~.. Ck'. poet. eat pecunlae certae, ar1.itrlum ineertae. Cle. B.
.Aribarcltee ...... m. \ Apo/J&p~). <UL Ernn>- arbitriumTntnsr., l, anv dtcf.sion, jud{1'TM71t, fret cJ1oiC1;
tid11 M.agUtrau, a 811pn-ior ta:r:-cvlltctor, Juv.; ellgendl, Tac. ; libtta arliitria de
._,i l&rc&St.ically of Pompey {who by his con- aliquo agere, Liv.; tet ab 01•inlonls arbitrio
•cesta increued the tribute p&id to Rome), Cic. sejunctae, Cle. ; nrbitr1a funeri:I, tM tzpt11~t$ " '
a funual, Ci"~ ; 2, 1Mght, ~. authoritJI;
.lrlbee -am, m. (' Ap41Jec), tlll (1lJ&abitant1 o/ 11rbitrio suo, Cic.
'-~ CM .Araf>1; hence, 1, .l.rAb9 -lbis, arbltror, l. dep. (pass. Plaut., Cic., arbitro.
AruMaa; 2, .J.dbla ·Ile f. ('.Apa!J&11), tha Pl1111t.). L to htar, ptrc~ve. Plant.. IL 'lnmsC.,
ro-~; of Arabia, iii tJw soutl-wm of Aria, u111'tl tll r:r:pru1 a11 npinion cu wit1'UI, Cle. ; l1<·nt:t', to
rJ<1xly for auy country inhabited by nomadic think, bt of "Ptninn; qui se natos a<l ho111it1ea
tn\.ies altio t.o the Arnbs ; 3, Ar~bloua ·a -um, jurnntlus arbitr:mtur, Cle.; with acc. &1111 i11fln.,
-'m&ia; '• .lrA.blua ·a -um. Arabian; 5, llt quisque minimum in se esse arbitrart>tur, Cle.
ll'1Ulllul -a -tun, Arabian.. arbOr (nrbos) ~ris, r. a tru. A. Lit., tici, a
tru, Cic.; Jovis, Ult oak, Ov.; Phoebi, tM
iribllle -e (aro). tAa.t ain be pl0ttghld, arabli. jtglaurel, Ov. ; l'nlla<lia, tha olivt, Ov. B. .Melon.,
inft!lix, tlu gallows, Cic. ; mall, c:& auut, \"erg.;
.An.cJme, -e.i, f. (' Aptix"'l). a I.ydian maidni arl>or, an oar, Vt:rg.; a1hip, Peliaa, Ult.Argo, 0v.
r.\li f1l!ntti iAfl) a co-n.ust in 1pinning 'IDitA J.1£..
":"'~ ufld ICW turned into a spWftr.
arbOreua -a -nm, relating to trm, Verg.;
cor11ua, branching. Verg.
Aridna -i, t Ap~), a. Phvtn.iaa1l town, arbustum ·i, n. (.1r1Jor), "plclatlU&<m, a 1riM·
~,,;r RtlGd. A<lj., A.rAdlua -r. -om. yanl 1•lu11ttd with treu, Cic.
lrinia -ae t. (apiixV1J), 1, a. ipider; 2, Ull arbustua -a -um, /uU o/ ,,..., : ager, Cic.
lf'i<ln'& It'd>, Plaut.. arbt'i.t<lua -a -um, rti&lti11g to Ult e&rbutu.s, Ov.,
i\rinoola -ae. t (dim. ot aranea), a little Vt·r:.:.
ll~''",Ck. arbii.tum -1, n., 1 tht /MUI of tM v:i!d rtraw-
irin~lua ·L m. (dim. ot aranea), a litlu ber l'y or a1·b~us trtt., \·erg. ; 2, tM tDild atra»o
lj i.frr, Vtr;;. bur.11 trte or arbutus, \'erg. ..a -um (arao•·a.), 1, /uU of cob- arbutus ·I. r. IM wild stmtObttTJ or tarb'lllu.s
··,&., C.:iL ; 2, likt a C1Jliu"eb, Pliu. tnc, \" .. rg.
I. lraneua -i. m. a 1pi.Mr, Luer. r.
area. ·ae, {root ARC, Whf'llCP, nlso arci>o). I.
. t lrineus -a -um, rtiaJing w a spider, Plin. a ch<•I. liox. A. G~u., Cic. B. Esp., a, <t ci']fin,
~·.1.,L, &raneum -1, n. a cobweb, Pllaedr. Liv.; b, riion.ty <X',/ftr, Cic.; met.on. c: tllt fMne<1
th• o.ff"rr; arcae nostrae conlidito, Cic. IL
Arar and .Arart., -is, m. a rl~r in Gaul, aincell fiw clos1 impr'8onmt1u, Cio.
~o -onis, f. (aro). L ploughinu, ngr£.. A.roAdla .-e, f. (' Apica~a), a oountry o/ tM
n.icn, Cle. D. Met.Jn., a plnughed jUld., Plnut. ; I'el111101111<~1U. Adj., 1, AroAdiu •& -um; 2,
ts\1,, arationes = tlu pu./Jlic domain.a let at a rem Arcadicus -a ·U111 ; deus, Pa,., :Prop. ; ju·
(/,/ ""-e·ll!WA. of t.htfr produce, Ci c. v~11i>1, a .-imp/eton, Juv. ; viq,"<>, ...frethiuu, Ov. ;
iritor .(,ris, m. 1. a plou{1hman, a Atuband- Arc6.s,3, AroAa ·lhlis, tyrannus, Lyca011, Ov. Subst.,
"''·".• cic.; appel. t.uuru,., Ov.; 2, amtores, tenants -lldis, Mercury, Mart. ; Arci.dea -um,
qf 11lt af'Qlio1~ q. v ., Cic. m. Ute Arcadiaru, Cic.
lritnun ·i. n. the plough; aratrum clr<-Um·, adv .• .ttcrrll11, Cic.
do.:ere, Cic.; aliquem nu arntro arcr.s!lere, Cic. arci.Dua -a -um (nri·a, arceo), 1, 1ilntt;
c· h"111':'•. Plaut. ; uox, Ov. ; 2, sccrd, Cic.; pr.-nna
lratthua -1, m. ApaT6ot), a river fo Epirtta, co11~11ia,
ll0w Arta. Liv.; sncr.1. Ov. :Subst.• aroa.num
n. a tJtcr~t. Liv., Juv.
Ari.tu -1, m. \ Apci~). La Grttlc pod, born -i. Arcia '°"
-l\cH!I, rn. ('Ap1<.i~). of Jupiter and
b Ci.llcia, tch.ost ll5tro11om.ical ~m. ~11tvo.1H.-t:i
Callisto, placed in the 11mt·en.s a.s th.I star ...trcto·
t>.u truslaUd br Cicero. Adj., Arateua and phylux.
~U ·a -um, ~ging to .drat-us; carmlna, aroeo -cul, 2. (root ARC, whence area). L to
:C..; • 'nd absol., nostra quaedam A.rat.ea, shut in, ~hUl ~p; alvus arcet et contln~t quod
Ciooroa tr:msl11th•n of the poem, Cle. IL a re<:i1•lt, Clo. IL A. to prohib(t a.cctu to, to ktep
L::;:,.W Greck geMTal, /ou1'<Ur oJ tM Achata1' at a aWan<¥, to hilt<Ur, prttlf!Ht; copiaa hnatiutu,
Cic. ; followed by ne with subj., Liv. : with the

Arc 50 ard
acc. and ab "Ith the abl., al!quem ab urb!', Cle.; Arotiirua -1, 111. (G.p•m•~ot), 1, t'lw ~
with the acc. and abl. alont>, hostem Gallia, star of the coiuttllation. Jlool1ts, Cic. ; a. Boout,
Cic. ; with tlat., Yerg. B. to i;rotcct from; ali- \"erg.
quem periclia, Verg. arcuatua ·a -um (partio. or arcuo), ~nt lib -ae, m. (' AplcttTiAa~) and Ai'oes-- a bow, cunv.l; CUITU!I, Liv.
lJa119 -i, m. ('A,o•mri°'4of), a Greek pliiloSQpher arci'&la -ae, f. (dim. of area), 1, n ottskrl fer
uf Pita11e in Atoli.a (311>-241 e.c.), founder o/ the n~y. jeu-ell, or perf11me; arculae mnlicbns,
/.l itl<lle A et.rdfl!l )'. Cic.; 2 Tran11r., rhdoricul onwment; ownes
Aroisl1l8 -11, m. (' A,o.:1(1Tt~), fathn' of (lsocrati~ discipnlorum arculat>, Cic.
Latrtu, and gra,,,, of UlySsts. aroUli.rlua ·i, m. a ccr3ktt maker, Plaut.
aroeuitor -Oris, m. oru: who calls or fetcAu, arciio, 1. tc beiid or ahape like a boic, Pl in.
aroeuitua. ab!. -n, m. ooUing f<n", 1ummons; area -Us, m. La bow; a arcum int.em.Jere,
ipeius rogatu arceKSituque, Cic. Cic. ; a<ldncere, \'erg.; arcus Haernonii, th~ ron-
arcesao (accerao) -M -ltum, 3. (nccedo), stellatio11 Sagittari111, Ov.; b, the mi11bc10, Cic.;
lo fftc/1 or call to a pl.ace, to iunmwn, L Oeu. c, m1 arch, mttlt. tri11mpltal ClrcA, Suet. D.
A. Lit., aliquem litteris Capua, Cic. ; aliqucm Trnntif., 1, 11nytlli1..g archtd °" c11rrt'cl, \·e~.
in senat.urn, Cic. ; 111LC111. ab exteris uationib1111 O\·. ; 2, a nwtliematical arc, Sen. ; the parnllcl
1111eiscere et arcessere, Cic. B. Trani1r., or a circus wliic/1 bo1111d the zonu of the earlh, Ov.
thought, to bri11g, der&i~; argumentum u~qne n I. ard~a -ae, r. a heron, \'erg.
capit.e, Cic. ; hence arces.'litus,, fi1r- 2. Ardea -ae, r. (' .Apaia), town of th.e Rut.14
ft£clud; dictu1U, Cic. D. Esp. 1, to bri.11g the in. Lati11n1. AtlJ., a, Ardeaa -itis, b, Ard&-
dtad fron~ the lower world, Verg. ; 2, U> ltri11g atinu -a -um, of or belo11gi11g to Ardeu..
the bridt to tlu bridegro0111's ho1ue, Ter. ; 3, lt>!,ral
t. t., tQ n11mw11, bri11.g IH.fore a court of justiu; ard9Uo -onls, m. a lnaybody, Mart.
aliquemj11diclo ca pith;, Cle.; aliqnemca11itls, Cic. ardem -eutls, p. adJ. with compar. and
Archel&ua -i, m. (' ~~xl>.a~). J. a Grttk snperl. (11rdeo), hot, glvwrng. A. Lit., lapide&,
phUosophtr o/ Miletus. IL Ki11g of .Macedo11i.a Liv. B. Transf., a, or the eyes, glowing; oculi,
from 413 a.c., friend of Euripides. lIL Ge11.eral \"erg.; b, of colour, glitte:ri110; apes ardeote.s
of MithrLdatn. IV. Son of UI., /nr&ba11d of anro, \'erg.; c, or wine, 11trono, fiery; Falemun1,
&rtni.ct. V~ the grandson of IV., the last king Hor. ; d, or passions, &c., bur1ti11.g, ta~r. Aol;
of Cappadocia. <t<lium, Liv. ; 1n·aritia, Cic. ; ardenu11 in aliquem
aro!Wtfpu -a -um (.ipxiTVre>f), original, litwrae, Cic. ; arde11tes eq~i, apiri~, Ve~ ; ~.
Jnv. of oratory, fiery; orator, Cic. ; oratio, acbo, Cu:.
Arohliia-ae, m. ('Apxia(). L Auhu1 Llcinlns, arden~r. adv., with compar. and auperl
a <lrttk pod of A ntiocll, deje1ultd by Cicero. IL (ardens), hotlv, viole1itly; cupere, Cic.
a ctlebrated cabinet-maker, hence Arc~ua arclio, arsi, arsum, 2. to bum, glaw, be on Jin.
-a -um, of or belonging to .Archial. L Lit., faces, Cic. ; domns, Cle; mare & eo
aroblp.J\ua ·l, m. a high pri.t.t of Cybtlt, auno, Liv. ; jnm proxi111us artlet Ucalegon, tlu
Plin. house of U., Verg.; ardent altaria, \"erg. D.
ArohllMhu -1, rn. (' Apxi'.>.oxo5), a Grttk Trangf., 1, of the eyes, to glow, Cle.; 2, or colonl"l:!,
sntiric poet, in11enror of ia111bic t•trst. Adj., to flash, sparkle, glow; 11rdebat murice laeua,
ArohllaoJaiu -a ·um, ..trchilochum; appel., \'erg.; 3, offeeling~, a, orthe body, quum munei.
altarp, biting, Cle. artns nrllere videft'ntur, be in p<1i11, Cic. ; b,
of the mind, a111ore, dolore, furore, Ci.:. ; an.Jere
arc~ -1, m. (ap)(, head
cook, o,·, in proelia, 1auerly to duire fight, Verg.; esp. in
poet!<, to bum 'll:ith. lo~; ardere aliqui or in
ArolWnidea -Is, m. (' Apxtµ~a'lf), ultbrrtl"l aliqui\ or nliqnam, Hor., Verg., 0\'. ; ardt-re
M<tthemutical and mtchanioul philosn1ihtr, killril in\'idia1 to 1>t lwrtcd, Cic. ; c, or couspiracieio.
on the capture of Syracuse by Maredlu• (212 s.c.). wars, de., to b11rst out; quum &rtlcret COt\.IU·
arohlmjmu.a -l, m. (cipxi~~), chit/ mime ratio, Cic. ; q1111111 arderet Syria bello, be i1t a
or buffoon, Snet. stale of ucittment, Cic.
arohlpiri.ta -ae, rn. (.ipxnmpa.rijf), chirJ ardeola -ae, f. (dim. ofarde.a), n htro11, Plh1.
pirclk, Cic.
archltectill-6ni!1, m.(cipxinln'•w), 1, ma.•fa·
ardesco, arsi, 3. (inrh. or ardeo), to tn~·eft"·
l:i11dl1t. L Lit., aniit artmdo, \'erg. II. Transf.,
builder, Plaut. ; 2, a 11UUttr in cunning, Plant. 1, lo glittu; fuhnineia ignibus ardescunt und11e,
arohlteotor, 1. dep. A. tob11il<I. B. Tranllf., Ov.; 2, of the p11s11ions, t-0 become infta-l ;
to ileviat, to prtpnn, provide; l'Olnptlltes, Cle. tuendo, \'erg. ; Jibidiuibus, Tac.
arohltectiira -ae, f. architecture, Cic. ardor -oris, tn., b11rni11g, heat. L Lit.,
archftectua ·I, m. (cipxtTio:Twi-), l,.a11 archi- solh1, Cic. IL Transr., 1, the glow or the eyes,
trct, nmsttr-buil<ler; archltccti operum, Cic. ; 2, ocnlorum, Cic. ; 2.J glw:m, glimmer; stellan1111,
Tmm1r., cm inventor, author, maker; huju.s legis, Cic. ; 3, or the reelings or passions, ardour,
Cic. ; quasi arch. beatae vitae, Cic. ftercmess; cupiditatum, Cic.; animon1111 et 11r-
arohoD -ontis, tn. (apxwi-), an archon, cme 111orum, Cle. ; pugnandi, for .fi!Jhting, Liv. ; with
of the cltirf magistrate& of .Athe11s, Cic. ad and the Rec., mentis ad gloriam, Cic. ; ad
hellwn an11nqne, Liv. ; esp. Uie passion q/ love,
Archjtaa -ae, m. (' ApxuT11f), a ph.ilo&opher Ov. ; virgiuis, for a niai&n, Ov.
of Tnrwtum (about 400-365 B.c.).
arclteneua -entis (l\rcus ant.I teneo), holding
Arduenna -ae, r. a ill·Gallia Bdgica.
now the fortst of .AnletlllU.
the bow, tpithd of A;lOllo and Dian.a., Verg., Ov.
arduua -a -um, adj. with compar. and
arct ... =art ••. q.v. 1mperl. (root AR, Gr. AP, whenr.c area. . , ) .
~ -1, f (ripdo~). 1, the grrot nnd little .<urp, L Lit., A. collis, Liv.; ascensus diffl-
bear, Verg., Ov.; jnnctaAquilonibu11 Arctos, the cllis atqne arduus, Cic. l:\ubiit., ardiium -i,
Nortll. Po~ Ov. ; OJ•ac&lil excipere Arcton, to be 11. a steep~; per arduur11 dncnntur, Liv. B.
lutmnU the NC1114, Hor. ; 2, the night, Prop. Poet., lofty; aether, Ov.; nu bes, Hor.; aeae
AroWu ..., -um (dplM'tfjof) bclon¢"'1 to CAI arduus lnfert (Turnus), ti!itA J'f'uud Mitn., Verg.
MrlA J>Olc. ~ lt&rt. lL Tranat. 1 df.lic-ul' to tA.1Ld1rtakc or nae.\; Ma
are 61 arg
ardaae ac •lifllci1e!!, Cle. ; arduam videtur (If' est argentatua -a -nm, 1, ornamt1&Ud tell~
f·•llowt:d. by inl1n., Sall., Liv. 8ul.15t., arduum lilvtr; millte&, 10"4 rilvtrtd 1hulda, LIY. : 2,
·i, n. 1tlw.t i.5 di.Akult lo accompluh., Hor., O\·. provided with monq, Plaut.
iria -a.a, f. (Root AR, Gr• .AP, wbenco argenttSua -a-um, 1.1, madeofnlwr; aqulla,
&l'luuund .tp.u), a high-lying Dj¥"4 ipa«,surfuce. Cle. ; nummua, Varr. ; ue1u1.rlus, Plin. ; or simply
L Gen. colll'mque super planiBSima 1:ampi area, a1~enteus, Tac.; 2, ornar1umua or covertd. u:ith.
ov. IL Esp., 1, a11 optin. ~ ina tcwn, Liv.; •i'ver; scena, Cle. ; 3, of tll.6 colwr of silwr:
2, a sitrfQI" a /vJllM, Cic. ; 3, tM Ct>Urt-yartl, Liv.; a1a;er, Verg. IL Trotu;r., belonging to the Silt-tr
4, L~m-\in.Jjf<)()r, Cic. : 5, th4 parl of IM circu.s Age; prole.i, Ov.
d.trttlu ga.'llU wcJY. Ml.d; Ilg., 1phen, KOpt, Ov. argentlfOdina -ae, r. B silwr mfoe, Varr.,
iriliclo -C~i -f.1ct•1111, 3. to mab <lr11, Luer. Plin.
lrcl&te, n. and Areliia -atls, r. t<Jum in •il•·er, argentOau -a -um, full of silver, ricA in
r,,,liia .Yarbon.euU, 1\(JW Aries. Adj., lrel&t- -1, n. (J.m~). ailver; L slgnatnm,
enais -e. argentum
stain1'"' u·ith. a.1J(l'leril, Cic.; II. Esp., 1, silHr
Aremoncua -a -um (Crom Kcltlc ore = on, I'!a.U, Cic. ; 2, s;/•·er coin, and general:y money,
~1 .. 1m.>r"' .;,a}. lJ!ingon th.It 5~<i; cil·itates, Gallic Cic., Lh'.
1tJt,; o>i tAl co.~ of the En!1lish. Channtl.
Argiletum -1, n. a pri.rt o,f Rorie whtre u-era
hir:.a. -ae, r. sand. I. Lit., aaxa globosa m,u1y 1,eook...«iltr.i' sh·>Jl!I. A-lj., Argilctanua-a
~r.·r,1• i111m·xt.-i, Liv. ; Are11a<' t·arne, tl'..1 sandJI nf -um, of or belo111Ji llJ to A r:Jilct11m.
I .•·:t fo$, 01·. ; prn,·., arcnae maudare 3e111i11a, tc
argtlla, -ae, r. (O'.py.Mo~), U'hite clay, 1;otter11

;i;...: th~ w111i, of a frttitll'SS work, Ov. IL Met.on.,

~Jiqu:1111 e.ut palu<ll's Cla?I, L'ii-.
1, 11 surd-r plao!; un·11am
•rreri>, CJ•'.; 2, IM va-sf>.nrt: optata J•otiri arg1Uii.ci9us -a -um, cla'.1ey, "/clay, Plin.
i'r"l, \"er;;.: 3, the arrna. in tl.e crnti•'1iV1:a!re Arglnussae (Arginusac) -nrnm, f. (' Ap·
1°'.••verf'<I with sand); pl"(lmittere opera,; arl'll:ll', y•i-ovuua•l. i.;/arvl~ 01• tlit co•i-'I of Aeo!i.<, scr11e of
T~r. Ill. Trans(., tM sane ofa11y co11u11tiua or a 11111'Ul v-idor11 of the Athenians ot:tr!l~S1•1rta11s.
1trn1:1'r. l'lin. Argo ·lls, f. ( Apyw), t!ie thip Argo, fo 1c/ti,·h
iireniiriua -a -um, refotZn'J to .a11tl, sa1uly. ma••Y uruk heroes sailetl to Cn!d1~11. wider Jasr,11,
~nlo;t., Arenaria ·ae, f. (sc. fodina), a sand to f.:tch the Golden Flu~. Adj., Argous -a -um.
pir, Cu::.
Argonautae -Mum, m. CApyovaiiTa•), the
trin06ns -a -um, !<1.ndy, Yerg. Aryun.aut11, the heroes 1cho >1liled in the Argo•
. ireD!I -entis. p. adj. (:irev}. dry. L Gen. Argos, n. and Argt -o:·nrn, m. I. the urpital
mu.., .\:~rg. IL di·y with thirst; ora, O\·.; of Arqo/i.'l,aoountrv oft/1~ /',/of':Jllnese. Adj .. A.
po<t. sills, Ov. Argeus -a -um. B.: Argivua -a·um; Argh·e
irio, 2. A. to be dry; aret ager, \"erg. B. augur, .Amphhmus, li<>r.; plur. suust., Arc:ivi
u;i., to be dry wWr. thir:;l, Liv. ·••mm, an•\ i•oet. -um, rn. the Ar11i11u. C. Ar-
iriola -ae, r. (clitn. or :irca), a little open golis -I.Jis, f. 1, Adj., A rgolic; 2, Subst., tJ.e
IJG-:-t, Plin. •Ii ,1 rkt Arqoli.I; laencc adj., Argolicua -a -um,
Arioplgua .f, m. (" Apt10~ .-ciyo(), }.fart Epir113. Ar:10lir. lL Arg111t Allll'hiluchium, a tou:n in
liU al ..C!Am.I, upo1t whkh the C'ntrl called .A rto-
1'~~ Add Us 1ilting.,, Cic. ; hence,,- argiimentatlo -on!~, r. the bringi1r.q /omard
of u J•ro.,_(; argurn~ntalio c~t explkntio aq;u-
gitee -u, m. B mcrnher of tkt court, Cic. menti, Ck.
Area -i.,, m. f Ap11~ ), the Greek god of tear, argumentor, l, dep. L Intransit. to bring
·~·pell., a 'lron-im-, Plaut.
fMwani a proof; ClUid porro argum<'ntt·r, qua <le
ireaco,_ 3. (inch. of areo), tc bte011t.tdry; Cito re lluhitnre nnno posslt, Cic. IL Transit. to
lr<'Clt la.crima, Cic. '"a
cr.ll<',7e proof, Liv.
!rest0rldes -ae, m. ApttTTop<a.,,~). a de- argumentum -f, n. (arguo), 1, an arrmnunt,
!rr0<la.U of .A rut.or, i.e., Argns, his 1011.. 11roof, Cic.; atlene argum1:nta, Cic.; multi~ argu.
irt~ogus ·1, m. (tipnaA6-yo(), a ba."bblcr m<'nti~ lleos <'S5e docere, Ci<'. ; nq;umenta atque
1\.,_-u nrtue, a kind o.f philowphkal buffoon, Juv. i11Llicia sc~ie1 is, Cic.; 2 1 subject, cc11it~nu, matter;
_Arit.hfula -ae, f. ( Api8ovuo), a fountain in a, epistolae, Cic.; b, su1,ject of a drama;argument! fabulae,
~ 1W!N.t of Orty')la at S111w:u.1Jt; myth. a .'iertid To·r. ; c, a drama it.selJ; explicare
bu1'fd ~1!1 the riur .Al;.il1n1.--~, who diud under the €'xi tum, Cic. ; d, subject of a u·ork of art, ex. ebore
di I ig .. 11tis~ime perCecta argument& erant in val vis.
~ h pllrmi.l of hd. .Adj., 1, .lrtSthiisis ·ldb ; (lia>·rclir/s), Cic.
2, !rethwua -a -um, of or belo1tgi11g to Are- arguo -ui -utum, s. (connected with &P"Y~),
/I) 1•11t in clror liu!tt. L Gen. A. Lit. to main-
Arius ·a -nm, relating to Mars; judicium, tain, f?'"Ot'e; sp.•culato1es non ll'gatos venisse,
tk., AtroJ(l{lwt, TA<'. Li\·. B. Transf., to bttruy, 7>rore; degcm·res nni-
~g&nthonlus -11, m. <: Apyo ..9Wrtof). a 1.-ing lllOS timor arguit, \'erg. ; \audibus arguitur \·tnl
tfl,1rf.>s!1u, ·who lii"<d ta a grrot age. vinosus Homerus, Hor. IL Esp. A. to chargt,
, Argei -Orum, m. 1, chapeu of loro.l drliiu in wul."le, upose, con1.U:t; with gen., sum ml seelerii1,
f.·,~: 2, ftg11rts of t11tn, throWJ& inl-0 the Tiber Ci•·. ; with ah!., hoc crimine te non Cic. ; with
ar;;uo, Cic. ;
rm~ )'l'Ur Oil lh• Ida of May. with double acc., id <jno<l me argu!s,
inrin., Iloscius argnitur occidi~se 1oatrt'm, Cic. B.
Argentanu.m -i, n. a tmim fa Bn1ttium, tore11.sure, coutplain of; culpa, quam arc;uo, Liv.
CO• .A Tg! nIi 11-0.
Argus -tl m. CApyo~), the h.un.drtd-eytd guar-
&r-gentirf119 -a -um, 1 rtl<tling to ~il1't'T; dian of lo, s a£11. bJI ).frrcu.T'JI.
nt•~ll!, ril~r minu, Plin.; relating fOfnl)nty;
argi1tatlo -linls, f. a rwtlfag, Cat.
~''i'IA, Plant.; t.aber_!la, a ba?'-tr"1 ltaU, Liv.
!Suli•t, A. argentarlue -It, m a money- arglite, &•Iv., with compar. and 11uperl. (ar-
rkn1", banktr, Cic. B. argentii.ria -ae r. gutu~), $U{laci-0Ully, acutely; callide arguteque
l, (sc. laberna), a"s oJ!iu, Liv. ; 2, (sc. dicere, Cic.
"'~ a bankd1 'rat.le, Cic.; 3, (sc. fodiua), o argiitlae -i.rum, r. 1. livelinua, animat£n1';
llltv m.tu, Liv. dlgiturum, quick mowmem of "'- fhUJtTI, Cic. ;
s. a,~ nllUdtt, mgacitr; oratlonea Arlato and .lrtston ~Dia, Dl. (' AplOT-). G
tantum argutl.t.rum, t&ntum urbanlt&tis habent, philOIQJJMr of Chiol, pupil oj ttno, contempoNlf'J
Cle.; b, In a ~ aenae, cun1'i"f, ci-ibbli"f, Cic. with C4ua.r; hence adj., Ariat.Oneua • -um,
argiitor, L dep. :o cllalw, Plaut. q/ or belonging to Arilto.
argiitiUu .. -um, IOmft111at-U; Ubrt, Cle. ArlstOdemWI -1, m. (' Ap&ITT0al'Jl"O{). L •
argiitua -a -run, p. adj. with compar. and tragic a.cUYr at Athtnr. IL a tyranl of l1Lmai '"
602 B.C.
snperL (arguo), 1, ln relation to the senses: a, Campallia, alKtut
to the eye, ezprtm~ HvelJI; manus, ocu~1 Cle.; ariatOlochla -ae, t. (cipurTo.\oxica>. o plGM
b, to the ear1 pWT"c\"f, peMtra.ting, IAriu ; hlr- tw./ul '" childbirth, Cic.
undo, Verg.; rorum, noisy, Ov. ; poet.a, 'PMlodlou.t, ArtstCSphbea-1.a, m. ('Ap1~a."'I~). I. th1
Hor. ; 2, relating to the mind, a, rignijican.t, grw.t oomic dramatist. Adj., ArlstO-
dm.r; of omens, argutissima exta, Cic. ; b, of phaneua -a -um, of or to Aristophana..
the understanding, ci, in a good sense, 11J9aciolu, II. a celel!raWgrammarian, pu.pifof Eratostluna..
tliltlU; argutua orator, Cic. ; IJ, in a bM1 aeWJe,
tlr, cunning; mcretrlx, Hor. A.rlstotclia -18 and ·I, m. (' Ap10'T0Ti.\Jf<"),
,,.,. uUllraud Gruk rhilosopher, foundn- o/ cu
a.rgfra.spldes •pldum m. (ciP'Y"pll0"11'1&r), PrnpaWic icAool.. AJ.;., A.rtst.Oteleua .. -um.
Mme of a picked.~ in tM Macedonian army,
tM toearerr oj tJu lilwr 1huld, Liv. of or refuting to Ariltotle..
Arladua -ae, & Ariadne -~s. f. (' Apul&V11). lrlthmitlca -ae and ..f -&, r. (mp,ff1.'1"uii.
da¥ghlff of Min.or and i'a.sipluu, "'ho hdptd .:. TiX"'I), ari.Lhmttic, Sen.
TAueu.r to slay tM Jlfootaur, l.'11.l v:aa dutrtt.d by l:rithmitfoa -~111m, n. arithmdCo. OiG.
l(m and thm btlo~ by .&cduu. i.rftiido -lnle, (. drynui, Plaut.
Arli.rathcs ·Is, n ('-'P•"ir), "471M of arma ~rum, n. (Root AR, Greek AP, cf. ril
awral king& of Cappadoda., tool.I, impltnU!nU. I. Gen., arma equea-
Aricia -ae, t. town in La.ti um. a4 tM foot of tM tria, tM! .fttting1 of a horse, Liv. ; cer<:alia, i -
Alron 1\founL A<ij. Arioinua • -run, 'beloflg- pltnunt.J fur grinding and baking corn, \'erg. i
if&f ea A ricia. building tools, Cic. IL imp!cmnzt.t o/ u>ar. A.
In the broadeiit sense, Liv. B. In a narro1u·r
artdillua -a -um (dlm. of artdue), '°"""°hai meanlng,~feMivtarmotLr(tela,
My, (.;At. of!tMititU'«IJlQft•),
Arfdus -a ·nm, a<ij. with compsr. and superL 1, Lit. arma his imperata, galea, dypeum, ocr~e,
lorlca, omnia ex aere, Liv.; arma capere, sumere,
(areo), drv, arid. I. Lit., 1, foha, Cic.; poet. Cic. ; ad arm& lre, Cic.. ; armia dece1tare or de-
10nu1, a drv, crackling sound, Verg. ; 2, dry cernere, Cle. ; ln armls es&e or 1tare, to bt undtr
WA thirst; viator, Vcrg.; 3, sl1riwlled, jfahlc.<:1; aM7t6, Liv.; CLmiliahaberelnannls, Liv.; anna
crura, Ov.; absol., exsiccatl atque ariui, Cic. b'adere, Liv.; ad a.rm&" to arms,"
Bubst., aridum -1, n. dry ground; naves in deponere,Llv.; ; 2, Meton.J.. u'llr; arm.a civilla, Cic.; 3,
arldum subtlucere, Cacs. IL Transr., 1, of Cae!!. p<:tWtr; Hom.:ma arm.a lngruere, Liv. ;
manner of living, poor, meagre; vita, Cle. ; 2, military 10lditr11; levia, light-a~ trOOpJ, LIT. i a.
'AUlUctua.Uy drv, fejuru; genus orationis, Cle. ; ~) .t'lg. ~/~; &nna prudentiae, Cic.
8, avariclow, Ter.
iUies -~tis, m. («p.,.,, O.i>ii 1111). L Lit. a ram, esp. armamenta ~rum, n. impltmtn.ll, ~;
Ole. IL Transf. A.; a batttring ram, Caea. B. of a ship, vela armamentaque, Caea..
• prop, belim, CaeL C. 01!4? o/ tM rigM o/ U.. armi.mentii.rium ·t. n. a1' anno1U"Y, Cle.
IOdiac, Cle. armariolum ·I, n. (dim. oC armarium), a
Ufetatfo, f. G butting lik.f a Nm., 8eL litUe CU}'board, Plaut.
iUieto, 1. to butt lilu a rum, Verg. armmum -i, n. Cl cupboard, elaut, Cic.
Ariminum -1, n. town and rii:er i" Umbria. armatura ·&e, r. A. eq-uipmmt, arntou .. :
.AdJ., Ariminensls -e, belonging to .driminum. Numidae leviB armaturae, ligl1t-armtd, Caei1. B.
Mcton., armed 10ldier1; annatura lcvls, li.gJ.s.
Arlobarzanes -Is, m. ('Ap•oflttp'ci~). na,,.. armed troops, Cic.
qf an•eral king1 o/ Cappadocia, and of 01Wl of Ar·
tMnia. 1. annatus, abt ·ft. m. armo'llr. A. Lit.
haud dispari annatu, Liv. B. l'lldon., a;;;;}
.lrion or Ario ~nls, m. (' Apiwv). L Myth. troops; gravis, hmtty·af'!Md troop1, Liv.
• 1'arp-playtr, mvtd j'rC'A drovming by a dolphin.
2. armatus -a -um, p. 1dj. with superl
AdJ., Arionlu.a -a, -um, bdcn¢ng to Arion. (anno), ar!Md, equipptd.. A. Lit., ann&tus toga-
IL a Pythagortan phUosapher, oontempororv o/ tusque, both in ti.'tlr and in ptt:1c~, I.iv. ; arma.tae
Plato. classes, Verg. B. Tran11r., era.t incredibili arma-
Ariovistus ·t. m. o ~" pri""' ~td tus audacia, Ole.
by C<u.')(lr.
Armenia -ae, (. (" Apfl.fl'itt), 4 oounhy m
.Arlsba -ae, and lrisbi -61, t (' Aplvflr1), Asia; hence,_ A.rtnenlua -a -um. A. AdJ••
town in the Troad. Armt:nia7'. B. Suti,;t., an Anntnian..
&rista -ae, f. L A. t1u point of an Mr of arm.entil18 -e, btJon9'"9 eo a Mrd; equse,
earn, Cic. B. Meton., the ear Ultl/, Verg. II. Verg.
Tn.nsr., bristly hair, Pera. a.rm.entum -1, n. oattl.e lhnng fo hmu; E..p.
.lriataeus -1, m. (' Ap1uT1uof), '°" of Apollo oun and lwrsu; 1, sing. collective, a htrd; Pan
nd Cyre-M, ~gtndarv of bu-k«ping. era.t armentl custos, Ov. ; 2, plur., o:u1'; grege11
Aristarchus ·I, m. (' AplCTTmpxoc), a cdb- armentorum reliquique pecoris, Cic.
bmUd grammaria1' and critic OJ AlamRdria ; armlfer -fl!ra ·fl!rum (arma and Ccro), b«lri"f
appelL a m>tn critic, Cle. oniu., warlike, Ov.
Aristides -la, m. (' Ap1uT~;a.,,c), La ctlebrahd armlger -gm -gi!rum (arma and gero), bear-
.Athmian •latt.ntaft and general, riml o/ Thnnil· 'ng arm1. Subst., a, arn1iger ·gerl, m. al\ a~
t.oclu. IL a poet of Miletu.a. belirer, Cle. ; Jovis, th.t tagU, Verg. ; Catilina.e,
Arfattppua -I, m. (' ApiCTT11l"lr~), a. phUOlop'het- ~. Cic.; b, armlgera -ae, t G /-.aU Ol'-
o/ Cyrm1 (ub<ltil SSO B.C.) found# o/ tM Cpic vwur-bwrer, Ov.
dool. AdJ., Ar1at1ppeua -a ·um, of or bclor&g- arm.ilia -ae, (. a. bra.ccUt, Wd'.':11 bJ both lllM
iflf to Arist,ppv.s. and women, Cic., Liv.
arm art
armlllitu -a um, CIOOrMd ~ a braedd, o, transr., lo airiu: primorea popull ~
Suu. ; canes, WCMi119 a collar, Prop. lumque, Hor.
a.rm.llustrium -Ii, n. (anna and lustro), a a.rrlsor ~rta. m. ou toho .milu approt.'ingZy,
~iru! "' II'hic.~ !lrm.& were oon.secroted, celt:brated a.jfattuff, Sen.
at :a spot in Rome called ArmilllBtrum. arrodo (ad-ri!do) -rosl -r61um, 3. Co""°'° al:
armlp(i~ -entis, mi.g1'tjl i" arm.r, vnrlike, murPH Autii coronam auream arrosere, Liv.; Ilg.,
Km., \ferg.; u1va, Miiwrva, Verg.
a..-misOnus -a -um. "'°'6nding wUA
a...,, ut ilia ex veproculis extract& nitedula rempubll-
cam conaretur arrodere, Cic.
arrogans -antis, p. &di. with compar. and
armo, 1., 1, to ~ with implnnentJ, Co superL(trom arrogo ),assumiTl{l,arrogant, hav.ghtr;
til'Sip; navPS, <.:aes.; 2, Co arm, prqxire for lndutioma.rus !ste mlnax at.que arrogans, Cic.
OOUlt; a, aliqnem in rempublieam, Cic. ; ruilites, adv. arrogantly, hav.ghHlr;
Ca ..-s.; eervutn in or contra domlnum, Cic. ; dicere aliquid, Cle. ; ecribere ad allquem, Cic. ;
tqU111D bello, for batUe, Verg, : gladil<! dextras, facere, Caes.
Liv.; b, transf. to mpply, af"a; ruultitudinem arrCSgantta -ae, f. orroganee, auumptioa,
uctoritate pablica, Cic. ; ae eloquentia, Cic. pn.k, ha ugh.tit~; ex arrogantia odium, ex iD·
annoJ'Acla -&e. f. (·Chun ·li n.), AorlN"IUf£M aolentia arrogantia orltur, Cic.
(cvrhl~ armoracia, Linn.), Plln. &rr0$'0 (ad-r6go), 1. L 1, alb! aliquJd, lo
armu -1, m. (.i.pµo~), 1, th.ulwu«Ur-bla,d,: Co o~l/ IO!ltething Co which OM w
Lli•JS huic hasta per armos tremit, Verg.; In no claim; 1lbl llllpientiam, Cic. ; 2, allcui allquld,
ani.ri:Us, Uie iJwulder; ex humeris armi flunt, Co claim, O<m,/er upon.; decus imperiia, Hor. IL
Of.; 2, CAt IU:U of an aniMal, Verg. 1, CO a.ak, Plaut. ; 2, ro CllllOCiaU one public ojJiulr
Amoa -i, m. ('Ap100t), Uu chu/ riwr qt witJa. another; cui unlco oonaull dictatorem arro-
ltniria, now the ..tnw. Adj., Arnlensis, ~- gari baud 11ati8 decorum Yisum eat patribua, Liv.
lro, 1. (cipd,.,), to plough. A. Lit., 1, arare arrO&or -oris, m. °"'who gnaw at, Sen.
limi:: et sitlcum altius imprimere, Cle.; prov., Arrina (A.runs) -0.ntl.ll, m. "4flNQ/a youAl4IW
non proreeturu litora bubus al'aJI, Co lal>cn.w 'U8&- '°" Q/ Tarquini1'1 Superbtla.
lariyl 0'!'. ; 2, Co farm, cu!timte; Falernl mille an -till, f. (stem .AB, whence ar- -mua, ar-
tlmd jugera, Hor.; absol., civea Romani qui -tua; Gr. APO, dpnl-. ~). LA.. a. irad.I,
&n11t in Sicilia, kMnu Q/ Ul.I doma\n-lalldl, profuricm., art; di88erend1, dial«:tia, Cle; art.M
(d. ar4io), Cic. B. TranJlf., 1, Co /uTTOID, 11ordldll8 t11tall occvpatWM, those of slaves, Cic.;
mlU;lf; rugae quae tibi corptlll arent, Ov.; 2, lngenuae, liberales, ~ruble occvpatWM, Ole.;
of ahlpe, lo ~h Ul.I ua; natum maria aequor, urbanae, jurilprwlen.u tMWJ r11Uor\c, Liv. ; art.em
Verg. aliqwun factitare, Cle. ; exercere, io practi#,
Arpi ~. m. a toum '" Apulia. .AdJ., puriue, Bor. B. Meton., 1, art, J:Mw/.ed9f.
.&rpmu -a -um. Q/or ~longing to .Arpi. thwry (opp. prar-lic4!); res mihJ videtur esde facul-
Arpinum, ·i, n. a town in Latium, birthplaa tate (in practia) praeclara, &rte (in tMor-y); me-
of Cl'..'ffl' iind !Cariw. Adj., Arpi.naa -ltia, diocn1, Cic. ; ex arte (dicere, acribere, &c.), ao-
Arpmus ·a -um, o/or ~wnging to A~ cording to tJu ndu of art, Cic. ; hence as tiUe of
&rquatua, v. areu.atua. treatises on a subject, artes oratoriae, Cic. ; 2,
•kill, e1twrnae; opua 81t vel art.e vel diligentia.,
ana, v. arr ha. Cic.; arte laboratae vestes, Verg. ; a.rte canere,
arrectus.-a -um, p. adJ. with compa.r. (fl'om Ov.; 3, plur.,, UJOTkl of art, Cic. ; 4, Artea,
IJTlgo). ll«p, Liv. tJu, Phaed. IL Trans!. l conduct, eJi,a,.
arrip_o (ad·repo), -reps!, -reptnm, S. to crup rader, maJiod of acting, good or~;!; bonae artea,
:0, I<> ghtlt gnuly to; qui bus rebus non sensim good qualitiu, Sall.; hac a rte Pollux atti~t arooa
ll.qae moderate ad amicitiam adrepserat, Cic. igneas, Hor.; 2, absol., cun11i11{1, dec~u. Verg.
Arretium -u, n. a toum '"' Btnlria, birl.\- Arai\ces .1a, m. ('.i\pCTci.q~). tMflrst Hng q1
~of Matce1'Ga. t.M Parthian.1 : hence, 1, Arsacidea ...e, m.
arrha -ae, r., and arrtmbo -~nJa, m. earnut a. du~m <¥'«1; 2, Araaolus -a -um.
llOVJ, Plaut.., Ter. Parthia1'.
arrideo (ad·rid~), -rhrl -rlsum, 2. to laugh to; A.rtaxata -&um, n. (-a -ee, f., Tac.). mpUaZ
L !I! laug.\ tvith; ridentibus arrident, Hor. II. "1 A TIM1l&a on "'4 .& ra:eu.
tol4ughat,either ln approval or ridicule. A. Lit., Artaxerxes ·lB,~m. (A~Jp~~'), u . . qt d&t. o! pers.1 Tix notia familiariter arridere, Chrtt Ptraian. king1.
Uv.; with acc. ot the thing, video quid arriseris, arte (arcte), adv. with compar. and 1t.;ul
Cte. B. Tranar., a., t.o ~ /al'Ourabu; ~uum tem- (!.rtus), narrowly, tightly, clo1tly. L Lit. artiua
pestas amdet, Luer. ; b,_ to pleaM: • inhibere - complt'cU aliquem, Cic. ; sigua artiua collocare,
illnd tuum qnod mihl n.Iae arri!M!rat, Cic. Sall. ; ll.g., artiWI a.stringere rationem, Cic. II.
arrlgo -rexi -rectum, 3. (a'1 and N'go). A. to Transr., a,. /rMt, 1ou11.dlv; dormire, Cic.; b.
fl'«t, liJt up; aurca, comas, Verg. B. Trnnsf., lhortly; aruua appellare aliquem, Co cm a name
a, lo cu:ile; arrtxere a.nimos I tali, Verg. ; b, CO llwrt, Ov. ; aliquem arte colere, stingily, Sall
lllm¥nige, 011.ima~; aliquem oratione, &IL a.rterla -ee, t. (apTr1pia), 1, c1ie wina-p(pc.
arriplo -ripui -reptum, s. (ad anrl rnpio). L Cic. ; neut. plm., heterocl. arteria, Luer. ; 2,
loiri<ir 01&, lay Ml.d. of, 31MltcA. A. Gen. nruia, Liv.; an artery, Cle.
cibwo un~1tum tenacitate, Cic.; allquem manu, arthritl011.9 .. -um (cip9pmicck), govty, Cic.
Liv:; tabulam de nau!r3itio, Cic.; cohortes arrep- artloiUiirla.., nlatiTl{l to Uw joinu; morbua,
IU 111 urbem inducer&, Liv.; terram \·eJis, to 1aU
9'1idl:r lo, Verg. B. Transr., a, to #i.:e upon, ap- gcnd, Suet.
~take; facultatew IAedendl, quaecumque articillatlm.&dv. A. limb l>,1Zimb,pitcemML,
detur, Cle. ; maledict.a ex trivio, Cic. ; b Co Plaut. B. Trans(, in a mariner properly divided,
~Jlrf1-d quickly; cderiter rea lnnumerabi\ea, d&.ti11dly; articulatim dh1tincteque dici, Cic.
Cir..; litt.eraa Graecas, eau lo ..ntA lfnl, Cic.; anicUlo, 1. Co articulate, lpeak dtMinctly,
IL lo tl1Uh 11Wl~ 11ct ; a, of dlaea.sea. &c., Luer.
dolor, qui 1imul arripuit interflcit, Ole. i b, artlctUua ·l, m. (dim. of artus). L Lit. L,
iep1 t.l. to drag befon • '~ ac..~ l;l.c. ; a joint ; artlculorum dolorea, go1"V or rhn..alic
7wdu, Cle. ; plur. meton., Mir HMbc, Hp., tM arviho ... adnho.
Ji.•UJl!TIL-Lucr., Ov.: 2, of plantA, a hob, tii«, Arvernl -&rum, m. a Gallic f>M1JU (11 .A'lVf·
Cic. .u. Transf., 1, a diuilioii of a diJcovrse; tatne, in what v tw111 .A1.1wrg11t. A<lj •• Aner-
artlculi memhraque, Cle. ; i, of time, n !Mmel&I, DUS -a -um, .Arnir11tm._
cruu; in ipso articulo temporla, Cic. ; 3, of other
abstractions, part, dh1islon, poi1it; per coade111 arrina -ae, f. fat, lard, Verg.
artlculoa et, Suet. &1'T1llD -1, 11. (aro), 1, a ploughtd or w1u
artlfez -ffcls (al'!I and faclo). L 1, an artist, lf,ld, \"erg. ; 2, a country, ttQio1~; ar\·a Jaeu,
artificer,paillm, 1e1tlptor; artillces Kceuici, ach>rs, \'et'K- ; arva Nuptunia, the 1«1, \'erg.
Cic. ; artlfex equu11, a trcihml hc,ru, Ov. ; with Al"t'1l9 -a -um, plougMd, Cic.
gen it. of geruud ; Graecl dlcendl artiflcts et <lO<.'- arz -els, r. (rtom .ARC, root of Ar<'e<>), a f,;r-
tore!I, Cic. ; 2, the '"al"er, m1tlwr, ccntl'irer; pro- tre:ss, citll<ltl, 1tro1111Jaold. L Lit., A. Jn tlil' nu·
bus ejus (1111111di) artifex, Cic. ; S, a tHtuttr of any row seuat:; ne quando arx hostium, Li\'. ;
art: tract.and! animos artittct's, Liv. ; artifex at Rome the arx waa the S.. II'. hti.glU of I~
conquire11dae et comvarandae volttptatis, Cic.; Capllol; tie quis _P&triciu11 lu arce aut in Ca1•i·
krtitlces ad corrumpendutn .lu<lieimn, Cic. II. tolio hal>itaret, Lt\', ; u;,eJ also of U1e whole lull;
or inanimate objects, 1, acti\•e, cliivtr, skilletl; Capitolina, Li\·. ; tAt stronghold or chit./ plu.« CJf
artlfex stilw1, Cic.; 2, pa.<1Rive, iJ..ilfully 1uro11ght a 1<11c11; nmisso oppldo fugerat. in arcem, Cic. ;
,,r 11U«k; artlllces boves, Prop. the stro11gl1olcl o/ 11 kingdom; ad capnt aret!tn<1ue
artlflo10.0, ad\-. iJ..ilJully; i<l multo artif\- regni Pergamum, Liv. ; pro'"• arcem faceTI! e
cfosius elficJre, Cic. cloo<"a, to tnakt a 11101111tai11 of a molt-hill, Cic. ;
artlticlosua -a -um. A. skll/111, acco111- B. Jn wider 11e11se, tht heighl of htavtn; siden"&
1ilished; rhetores artitlciollissiml, Cic.; opus, arx, O\·.; ltmplu of the 9<Xls, Hor. ; (of towel'!!),
Cic. B. Tran!if., ctrtijicial (opp. to natuml); ea be~tae am~s, Corj.IU~ Hor. ; the hiight of a llROllll·
genet'll llh·inandl 11011 naturalla, sed artiftciosa tarn; Parn&SIJI arx, vv. II. Transf. A. nfagt,
uic1111t11r, Cic. bulwark, prol«lion; haec urboi an: omntuin gt:n·
timn, Cic. B. luad-qrw~~r&, chi,ef place ; ubi
artlflcium -1, n. L mt occupation, 111rndi- Hannibal alt, ibi caput atque IU'Cem totius l>tlh
crafl; a11cillarf', Cic. II. Esp., A. thtor11, lf)ljfrJR; eue, l.h'.
componere artificimn lie jure civili, Cic. B. a,
cltwrnt.cs, lkill, art; simulacrum Dianae i;in~u­ aa, &s!lll, m. <~tc), tM teMlt 111 11nily, di\·ided
lari opere n1tittcloqne perfectnm, Cic. ; b, 11~· Into tweln1 unciae~ called uucia rto aextaua l.
quadrans t, trien1 , qulncunx 1\ , semis t. ~ ...
terily, anJ, in a b!\<l 11ense, c11n11i119, cruft; art1-
ficio si111ulationi11, Cie. ; o, 1oork of art; haec tnnx -{,, 1Jes j, d raus f, dextaus ~. deunx H·
opera atque artilicia, Cic. A. Gen., ettp. in terms relating~ to
hal"res ex asse, IOlt litir, Plin. B. Esp., 1. a.<1 a
arto (arcto), l. (artus), 1, to prt.fl togtther, coin, the u11, which originally consbted of a
rt<i11ce to 111w.ll comJ•f.SI, Luer. ; 2, to 11/1ridgt, pound of co11per, l>ut was ulthnatdy ttduce<l to
curtail; In prae111ii!i, in honoribus omnla artata, -s'. lb., and from the time of the :1eco11d Purric
LiY. war was worth a little over a farthing; hence
~JAgbua -1, m. (cip10.\uya.-ov), a oole prov., omnia atl aa11e111 perdere, to the 1£1.>t fnrthiHg,
m111le of mt<tl, wi111, 'nilk, CJil, larcl, a11d ~ppcr, Hor. ; 11on as!liS facere, not to t!lfowte <ti a fur-
Cic. tliillg, Cat.; 2, as A weight, a poMnd, O\·.; 3,
artopta. -nf', m. (opT011T1J(), 1, a bal.·er, Juv.; £111 11crt, Plin.
2, a baker'• t"e.:;stl, Plaut. aebestlnum -1 n. sc. linum (ao'IMcrn.-),
I. artua (arctus) -n -um, ndj., with compar. i11co111b1utiblt cloth, Plin.
and snperL (root AR. Or. AP, whence 2. nrtw1,
arma, 6tc.). narrow, t£g/1f, t'lo~. L Lit., catena, J. AaoAnlua -H, 111.110n of Crnua,
Ov. ; vi11culu111 ad ILlitri11gendam fldcm artius, \'erg. ; or ef Lavi11ia., Li\'.
Cic.; vnlli~, Liv. Snbllt., art1lm -i, n., nar- 2. A.IM>inlua, -II, m. a ri"m" in BUAy11la,
row 11pace; pugtta In arto, Tac. IL Ttn1111f. 1 a, now Tschnlirgha Su.
/wt, so111itl : somnus, Cic. ; b, opprastd by mn; &llO&ul811 -Is, m. (0.o-KavA.~), a bag pipu,
auiruus, Hor. ; c, s111u/l, mttt!JTt; numen111, T11c.; Mart.
t•c1rn111eatus, Liv.; d, tli.J!k"ltlt, 1li#rt~i11!1; res, aaoendo -acendi -scensum, S. (ad a11J scan·
Ov. 8ubst., q1111m in arto rea esset, Liv. do), to t1Wu11t, aacend, go ttp. L Lit. with in anti
2. artu -'l!!, 111. (root .AR, Gr. O.p8p0v), usu- t'be nee., In murum, Pie. ; In equu11., Cic. ; in
ally plur., 11.rtfis -llum, tlU! joi11lj; <lolor artuum, concionem, to 170 ttp to 11pNJ.: to till! ziwplt, Cic. ;
go11t, Cie. ; omnlh11K artuhus contremisc:o, I with nd, a<l Gitanaa, Lh'. ; with acc. alone,
trtmblt in all 71lJI linibl, Cic.; fig., neni atqne mur111u, Caes. ; ri1J&11l equo, Cic. II. Tr:rnsf.,
artu:1 sapientiae, Cic. ; poet., li111.lJ1; &alsus per to risl!, in tantum honorem, Cic. : altiore111
artus sullor iit, Verg. w-adum, Cle. ; gnulatlm ascendei·e \'C>Cem utilo>
iU1iJa -IMI, r., (dinL ot ara), 11 littlt altar, Cic. et sua\'C eat, Ul4 wia! Ti.ring higJur a11.d Aiglur,
U11ndlfer -tera -f1'111m (anmdo and fero), aaoeaalo -Onis, f. all IUUIU, Plaut. ; transr••
rtt•l-lH'ari ug; cnpttt, Ov.
ornton1111, lofty .flight, Cic.
Anuidfnen.s -a ·Um, rmfy; canal~ \"erg.; aecenaua -Us, Jn. a going vp, cliinbhtg "!.!>,
carmen, a sht]ilvrd'a so11g, Ov.
<".,''-HI. L A. Lit., in Cavitolium, C1c. B. -a -um, full of rtbU, Cat. l'ra.usf., pri111111 ad houoris gradmn, Cic.. IL
i.rundo -Inis, f. u ruJ. A. Lit., crint>~'I um- Md.on., IM pl.a<¥ /or asct!n.dillg; dilficilis atquc:
brosa tegt>OO.t nrnndo, \'erg. ; Clisac ex arumli1rn nrJuus, Ck.
textae, J.;v, B. Mcton., for an object ma<fo of aucia -ae, t. a carptnUr's a.u or adu, ap.
roe<ls; 1, a J1<hiit9-rod: 1110<.lt:>rntor arundi11i!-!, Cic.
bir1ls, Plaut., 3,
a}Uhtr1111m, Ov. ; 2, linwl twig~ for rokl&illg
ll Jli'll; tristi11, a at1vrt styl,.,
Mart. ; 4, lM s u1f: of a1~ ctrrow, Ov. ; poet.,
a.eolo, (a1l-sr.lo), •. to ~ to OIUJltlJ, atlojlt <U
onr's 011·11; 11ocios, Verg. ; asciri per adoptio11em,
t~ arnno itMl/, \'t!rg. ; 5, a sJup/1trd'1 pip,, aac:laoo (ad~l'isco), asclvi, &BCitum, S. (ascio)
\'erg.; 6, a jf11t,., Ch'. ; 7...l a 1L't<1t1a's t'oni.b, 0\'.; to ra<:it't, 1ulmit. L Lit., with ad and the aec.,
8, a 1Ct1re-cro1t1, Hor. ; v, a playthhl.9 /or chU- aJ hoc s~eleris, Cic. ; with in, alique111
ilrn, a hcAbv·horu, !for. tu nuineru1n civlum. Cic.; with ioter, later
aso asp
~lot, Tae. ; with dat., 1uperf1 ascltus, (.Aeacus), Ov. B. ..laOpla -ldla, t. 1, .AtgiMt
r, Ov.; with dQnble acc., allquem patro- daught'-T of Aiopu.r, mot.lier of .AtCJCt.Y bJ J11.~f:er.
num, Cic. IL Transt. A. to wfopt, hanc con- o,._ ; 2, EuadM, daughi'1" of .AtghUJ, Ov. :U. a
iru~tudinem, Cic. B. to ap1•ro1v n/; qua.s (lPJ.Ces) firer in l'hthiotU.
U.tini l"olut>runt, &!!civnunt, Cic.; 2, to Aaotua .f, m. (, a 1e118UalW, lLbertLrw,
for 011•se'f. sibi sa1•i•'11linm, Cic. Cle.
J. a&eltWI -a ·Ulll (J'artic. o( &SCISCO), fortlgn, aepiirlgu.s ·I, m. (cicnrcipa.')«), a.sparn;ua,
dtrimlfNM wi!hau.l (opp. nati\'Ull), Nep. Suet.
2 ucitu ·US, m. an acaptanu, reapticm., Cic. aspargo, "· &11pcrgo.
ucopera -ae, r. (civ11:01r~po.), a Ualhu knap- Aspasla -ae, r. (' Aurro.ula.), tht 'fM:1t cclebrattd
Jilr.l, 8u~t. of /lit l:ruk /frl<1uue, 1nistrt.!!8 of Periclu.
A.ecra -ae, r. r Acnrpa), a Im.all town fn BMo- aapectabills -e, irisiblt, Cle.
lia, nrar Mount Jtdicon, tM homt of Htsiod. aspecto, 1. I. tc look at earr&e3tly, or u-lth
A,lj., Ascraeue ·a -um ; a, A.,cra,an, of As..Ta; rapect; a, qui•! me a•pecta~, C1c. ; b, or 1·lace,
r:ieta, Prop.; s.,ncx, \"erg.; 11irnply A<1cr:ieus = to lu toward.,, to face; mare quod Uibemiam in·
J/1Jiod, Ov. ; b, carmcn, llt-•Wdic, or rural, sulam l\llprctat, Tac. IL to obisen>e, alknd to;
\'tflo'..; c, !ontea, lldi.conian, Prop. jus!IA l'rinci1•is, Tac.
aacribo {1vl-:1ciibo) -sciipsl ·srriptum, 3. aspectWI us, m. A. Act. 1, a suCng, look-
(wand sci il>u), to u:rilt to, or in ailditf.on. A. ing, si-;ht; uno ll"f't'clu, C•c. ; oculi mol>ilt>ll ui
Lit. 1, with <lat., }J-Oenam Cororrlbus, Cic. ; asprctum quo \'cllent facile converter~nt, Ci.:.;
wilh in and the acc., ali'luid In eandem le;.;t·m, 2, vltw, limit of visifJr~; orbes qui a.~pectum
Cir.; 2. t<Jftz, arpoi.nt; aliquem tutorem !ili<>ris, nostrum <lel111hmt, Cic. ; 3, pou.·lr of t•i4£.nn;
Cic.; 3, to tt&rol; aliquern in civitakm, Ck. ; omnia quae sub asJ'•·ctnm ea1lunt, Cic. B. l'a.;s.
l'lp., a:, QI a coloni.iit, colonos, Liv.; with acc., 1., 1ight, puwtr o/ /;ein9 ita1~; J>alriam 1•riv:ir&
n! the colony, colnnos Venu~iarn, Liv. ; /3, to aspectu tuo, Cic. ; situ~ 8yra.cusarutn !Ae~us ad
1~roi a.s a 10ldier; urlianae militiac ascribi, Tac. aspectum, Cic.; 2, look, a.sptel, O.pp.!aran.u;
B. Transf. 1, to nckon un&r a cla4s, in.cl1uk; vomorum jucundus aspectllll, Cic.
with ad or in and the acc., or with the dat., a.spello ·pull -pulsnm (ab1 and pello), 8. lo
tn Fero me ascrl\Je In talern numerum, Cic. ; drit'C away, l'Uiut.
lliquetn onlinibus deorum, Ilor. ; with two acc.,
01•illlo •odum me &3cribit tuls laudlbns, Cic. ; Aapendus -1, r. \ Au..•vaOf), a town in I'a.,,..,_
2, to attri./Juti-, tmpv.U, alic:ul lncomwodum, Cle. phylia. Atlj., Aspendl1111 ·&-um, of or btlon11·
i11g to Aapend11a.
ueripticlus -a -urn, 0114 who f.I rnrolltd tu a asper ~ra -!'!rum (-pra ·prum, Ver1,1.), r01191';
IWlllitr q/ a cci•t•;i u.11itv, Cir.
1, t•hy~ic.'llly, a, to the sense or touch ; loca,
uerlptio -on ls, r. an addition ln writing, Cle. 1111He1t, CaPs. ; mnre, 1torm11, Liv. ; aspera
&1CriptiVW1 ·& -um. tnrolltd a1 a supernu· cat:'lo, inclrounl in climaU, Liv. Subst., u-
llOl1r.V, l'lau t. perum ·I, n. roughn~. a raugfl rla.:t, Tac. ;
uerlptor -Oris, m. on. u-ho wil1Cn!1ly add• b, to the !lell!lt'S or taste and litnt>ll, J!Ullflffll.,
ail MJM, oiw: u•IUJ approru of; Jegis agrariae, Cic. aortr; vinum, Ter. ; o to the sense or h<':trin~,
gmlin!J, Cl"~ ; 11 tera aspera, tM letter R,
A.lciilum. ·I, n. toum of the PicenUnu. Adj., l.ars/1, Ov. ; 2, morally, raugh, wild, liarJt.: lromo RSJ'er
A.tctllinue -a -um, of or btlonging to .Asculum.. et durus, Cic. ; or animals, jkrce, anguis 41\per
Mella -ae, f. {dim. or asina),a lillle lht-a81, Ov. siti, Ve~.; or events, adverst, trouhlou.s,•
bellue ·I, m. (dim. of asinu~), a llttlt au, Cle. 011.1: re.i, tempora1 Cic. ; Bent..ntb., 1ucre, Liv.;
!sia -ae, r. ( Avia.'). I. the d~trlct (1' Lyd£a
or SJ~ech, harsh, tJitkr; !acetia.e, Cie..

fttnr tlr.t rivtr C<iy•ter.

aep6re, aJv. (asper), rrnlghlv; loqul, Cle.;
IL Tiit contin1n.l of .Asia. scribt:tt',
llI. Tlv pwill.m'a of Asia ,1/foor; sometimes Cic.
UScd ipecially for the kin~dom or Pergnmus 1. aepergo (a!lpari;o) -speral -spersum, S. (ad
(Uv.), or of tl1e Tr<wl (UV.J. IV. In the nar· Rll<l SJ•argo). L to IJtrinkle; a, guttam bulbo,
ro•est sense (lite onlinary meaning of the word), Cic.; virus pecorl, Vl'rg.; b, to ccul upon, mingi.
lhf £Q1114" proPir&ee of .Mia, /onrvA.l out of tM with, add; !'a.pores hue, \'erg.; transl., alicul
molestiam, Cle. IL to bespatter; a, ara111 san-
Ul\gdo• of Ptrgarntu; hence, 1, hllgonea guine, Cic.; transr., to ~'lly, stain, asperae; ~plen·
·is, m. 1Vr'111JM of L. Corn. Scipio; 2, Asianwa dorem vitae mnculi:i, Cic.; b, to 1lrtw over; ,,11 mm
•-um, t~;o.1gi119 to th• provi1ll:4I of ..tiia. l'lur. sale, Plln.; transr., aliquld tnendacinnc:uli~, Cic.
rnbst.., Aaiant -orum, m. ll~ farmers of thl 2. aspergo (a!lpa~o) ·lnb, f. a •prin.l.-/i11g,
lt be.s1.ri11kH11g, 1pru.y; aquarum, Ov. ; sal:>a ad·
f~l''-.• of the prot°i'l&l:'t Of A!ia, Cle. ; 3, Asiatl- s1°a.rgo, Verg.
CUI -a -nm, .A1ialic, S'!trna me of L. Com . .Scipio; aaperltaa -fitl.s, r. ro11g'h~. L Lit. 1, to
·~.;:die! oratores,_ bombastic, or11al~ Cic. ; 4, tho touch, tLntve11ness; saxorum, Cic.; 2, to th&
Aais-lrlis, (. AsVitic; 5, Aalua ·r. •Um, pa.lus, taste, 1our11UJ; vini, Pl in. ; 3, to the ear, l1ar1h-
tA4 m.1rllh. r01J.nd £1,, Verg. 11ess; soul, Tac. II. Transr., 1, or ch:iracter,
hilus ·I, m. the gatl-Jly, Verg. har$hn.tss,fttrcenu.s, SIJ'l•trity, austerity; Stolcurnm,
kina ·&<>, r. a she~. \'arr. Cic.; 2, or inanimate tliin;;s, setttritv; frigorum,
Sall. ; or circumstancc11, calamity,
Mvtr11 cold,
laininus -a -um, lKlonging t-0 an tw, Plfn. clifficu/ty; rerum, Cic. ; of speech, hariihnUJ;
A.sinius -a -nm, name of a Roman gm.~. of jutliciali11 verborum, Cle.
!rlucA ~ mcsl celebrated 1CCJ$ C. Aslniu'4 Pullio, aspel'D&tlo -llnls, f. rontempl, Cic.
fr~'lld of J. Catsar ancL Aug1utus, 1l11tuman, aapernor, 1. del'. to tk.spiY, contemn, r~iect,
tr~tqr. pod, htstcrian.
spurn; ai>pernatur dolorem ut m:ilum, C1c.;
lJinus ·I, m. A. an au, Cle. B. Tramf., amicitlam alicujns, Cic.; with a and thti abl,
• d«t, blod:htad; quld nunc te, uine, litteru proscriptlont'm nlsl hoc juuicio a vuuia rejicitia
dO<'l!am, Cic. atque Mpcrnamlnl, Cic.
e!aopus ·I, m.. \ AvWft'of). L a, 11 rktr fo aap~ro. 1. to ma~·e r011gll.. L Lit., a, gla-
'!)et)(i.a; b, the river-god Aaopu.s; hence, A. cialt11 hlcrus aquilonibus a.~perat undas, make
Aliplld0. -a8i JD. Cl dac:tnda"' o/ .ABOpUI stcmn11, Verg.; b, to lharpen., tL•hel; aagittas
asp 66 ass
OllSfbua, Tati. U. Traoaf., to adtt, Cll"0"8r; r>ia11M, Jalla'J; f'aceta Jlllrnllitornm. Cle. : Dtt 1111111
aUquem l11 aaeviUam, Tac. In amlcltll14 peatem eA:te majoreo1 quam adula-
upenlo -Onls, f. a 1prh1klfng; aqoae, Cle. Uo11em1 blandlUam, usentatlooem, Cic. ; plur.,
uperaua -Ila, m. a 1prhlklhag, Pliu. blandltiu et assentatlonea, Cle.
aaplolo -spexl -spectum, s. {ad and speclo). aaentadunotua -ae, t (dim. ot U8tn·
L to look at, bdtold, 1«. A. Lit., 11 a, of tatio), trivial jfAJltery, Cle.
W"l':lons, ln~m a.spicere vlx JlQS.'lum, 11wu1re t1'1 auentator -Uria, m. (uaentor), a fto.lttf'n:
J ight q/ dalf, lirt, Cic. ; b, of placea, to look w- ca\·eudum eiot. ne usentatoribus pauraclaml's
"''rd~. to face; ~ Jl&N Brltaoniae quae Biber· aurea, eto. .
nlam iuplcit, Tac. : 2, a, to au~l iupect; Cl~tatirli, adv. (auentator), jlatUringlp,
t.atmlu, Cic. ; b, to look ltraig1' '" w /att, to
toiJhllaHd, co1ifro1U; aliquem In acle, Nep. ; aaentatrbr -tricia, t. (assentator), a /naalt!
hoetem &11J•lcere non poaunt, Cle. B. Traner., flatterer, PlauL
l. to 11.'eigll, cowmur; neque tanta eat IA rebus auientlo -sensl -eensum, ._ and (geo. In cla.c;-
ob.curl tu, ut eaa non penJtua vlr klpDio cemat,
ai rnodo upexerit, Cic. ; 2, to iawrt~; rea sie&l authors) auentlor -sensus sum,
aociorum, Liv. IL Juchoative, to J)el'Oliw; (ad and sentio), to CU1Jt11t to, agree 10i111: a de-
simulac Leotulum upexit, Cle. ponent form, gov. daL or pers., de Veononlani'4
rebus tlbl assentlor, Cic. : with daL of tlat'!
~ -Ont., f. 1, a brfalA(Ag; aeria, U1lug, ut ego aasentior orationi, Cle.; wlt.h n.1·c.
Ch:. ; 2, chalatio•; terrarum, Cle. ; S, CAt or obj., ego lllud &118entlor Tlteo1•hraRto, Cic. j
J>ronl&Cio&11 q/ IA.I lcUer H, cupiratWA, CiC. b, active form, cavendum eat ne bis rehus
upiro, 1. to brcatM, blow "pon.. L lntransit., teruere assentiamns,Cic.; c, pass., neqne percept&
to breall.e ur bloto vpo1t.. A. Lit., pulmones INI neque assensa, Cic.; assentleudum tempotib1111,
tontrahunt. &.'l}>lrantes, c:rha.lfng, Cle. ; aspirant we w&wt accommodate ouNd'Dtl to t1&f! ti111a, Cic
aurae in unctem, totvard.s f!Nning, Ve:-g. B. auentor. 1. dep. (intens. or assentinr). lo
·, a..nKf., 1, to !)(/urov.rabU to, a.uut: aaplravit n&- a.atftt conatanUy, to jlattn'; benevolentiam ch·itun
1110 eoru'!,1 Cle.; with dat., voe, Cltllio1iti, aspirate hlaDdltiis et asBt'ntando colligere, Cle. ; with obj.
caneuU. verg. : 2, to approaa, Februario In acc., ut nibll nobis aasentatl esse vltieamur,
uplravit In Curiam, etc. ; S,, to climb tip to, lo Cle. ; .&lae tlbl a1111entantur, tooae1 U&tt, Cle.
r1i.Uic.111cnir to obtata, to reach to (in Cic. only with
uegativea), u bellies laud&ad Afl·icanum uplra1'8 &Miauor -ciltua sum, s. dep., to /oll.011!.
nemo potest, Cle. D. T11Lnslt., to bNa.thc t1pon, L-Lli.; PorclUR deinde &81111Cntus cum levi anua-
l;/ow on. A. Lit., Juno ventoa aaplrateunti, give tura, LJv. D. Tranat., to rtaeA bN foll.otMrtg, CO'lru!
iMa a fei'Ottrabh toind, Veflt. B. Transr., to 11p to, attah&: a, altquern, Cic. : merit.a alict\jUll
t.ll,/luf!, di\'lnum amorem dlctis, Verg. 11on as.'leq_ul, Cic. ; b, e11;1., to ga!n or attai" to
1M1VtMng /or whicl& onotnvu; eosdem houorum
up19 ·Idle, (&cnri..), CIJ\ adder, cup, Cic. gradus, Cle. ; hnmortalitatem, etc. ; foll. by nt.
uport&tlo .Qnla, r. a taking a1C1Jy, cafT1\ng or oe with the subj., Cic. ; or Ly the lnftn.,
ol; 11gnorum, etc. Cle. : c, or the mind, to grail), oomprthtnd; ali-
aaporto, 1. (abs and porto), to mrry ol, quid cot,'1taMone, Cic.
talce cut'(ly; multa dtl suis rebus aecum, Cle. ; eaer -6rfs, m. (root l\88, whence alAo a""11s
abreptam ex eo looo l'irginem secum, Cic. or axi11) a llalce, a pck. A. Gen., Caes. B. Ea11.,
U»l'itum ·I, n. (asper), a rovgh, vnetn a pole /vr mf7¥ing a litter, Suet.
IJIOt, Liv. uaeroiilum -1, n., or -u." -1, n1. a rMall ·I, m. ('AO'O'Apcura<;), a mytAf.aal alake or J><>le, Cato.
1-\119 of Pltrygia, aoi. of Tro.•, brotMr q/ Gany· 1. ~ro ·&e\i ·llltnm S. (ad anJ aero), to
~~. grand,falhrr of ..1hu:hw$; Assaracl nurua, plal&t at or t1rar; 1iopulua L'ISita limltllJ1m, Hor.
I' tinu, Ov. ; domus Allsnracl, IM Romau, Yerg. ; 2. assfro ·&Mill ·1tertuw, s. (ad and sero), t•
A.uaraci tellus, 7'ror, Hor. jo(11 to. I. Legal t.. t., A. l-0 lay hold of a Ma Pf,
uMola (uMciUa) -ae, m. (&Mequor), a and thereby declare him free ; aliq11e111 in li~r­
,foUou'f!T, aenanl, BJICOphanl; auentatorea eorum t.atem, Liv. ; aliquem manu Uberall cau11a, Plaut. ;
at.que uaeculae, Cle. allquem in llberall c.ausa, Cic, : userui jam m.:,
uaectatlo ·uobl, t. nsptCtJul attmdonce, I haw frttd tnyatif, Ov. B. ro claim aa a slaw:
<?.g., of a client on a patron, Cle. aliquem In servitutem, J,lv. IL Transf., A. to
Jet Ira '"""1 proUct; Re a mortalitate, Plin. B.
a889crti.tor -ori11, m., 1, a companio1', fol· to rlaim: alicul regnnm, LJv.: nliquem caelo.,
lower; cum ducibus lpels, non cum comltatu
&AaeCtatorilJusque confttaant, etc. ; 2, a diaciplfl; tkclan the oelutial origin of a P'!'l'On, Ov. ·
J•hiloeophiAe, Plio. aaertlo ·Cinls, t. a /<mool declaration a.c to
aaector, 1, dep., to /ollot01 (l.Ue)td curidu- frtt<J,qm, Suet.
ouZr (e.p. ot frlenda of canaldatea); quum aasertor -Oris, m. (2. aasero), on.e wTao alMrl6
&fldiUtatem P. CrasAus J!el.eret eumque Ber. IAat anotMr ptrS01I v /rte or a 1law. L J,lt.,
Galha auectaretur, Cle.
wenslo-Onls, l, wM. agrmiwnt,applaw;
popularla, Cle.; rem aasensione oomprobare,
tor libertatls, Plln. B. mu "'"°
A. on.a who chfmda th.a l~ q/ another : a.W!r-
~ that a1w-
thflr ia a slaw; aaertor puellae, Liv. IL Tranar.,
Cle.; plur., crebne aaaenslonea, Cle.; 2, u a liberatcr, saviour, Ov.
phJloanpb. t.t., bdu/ "" tM nalU, of anulblc aaserrio, f. lo, Mlp; toto corpoN"
appmranca (Gr. cnrycaT~a,,), Cle. contention! vocla, Cle.
enensor -Oris, m. oM '°"°~or C1g7WS;
quoti1Ue commemorat.m te unum In tanto exer-
aueno. L 1 a, eo ~; tabulaa negll-
f'entlua, Cle,; allquem domi auae, Cle. : b, to
cltu mlhl fuiue aasenaorem, Cic. toalch, obtrrt'e; oram, Caes.: ftg., to a#t1Ml to;
&aeDSWI ·tllt, m. L cmml, ogrenr&nt: U· jua negligentlua, Cle.
aeD5U omnluo1 dlcere, Cle. IL Esp. A. Philo- arwlo -Ools, r. (assldt'<>), a dtting by Utt
llOpb. t..t. beliq iri fM realU11 of ttiu&blc app«Jr· 1W4 of one (to console); q111te tua fUerit &S1M:aaio,
GllCU: &S!tensum reUnere, Cle. B. Poet., tcAo; oratlo, conftrmatlo anhol mei fractl, Cir~
umorum, Verg. eneaor -6ris, m. (ualdeo), oiu 10ho rill br
....mi.tlo -Onla, t Cl ~"9 Clllll&t or CIJ>' tM IMU to cuNt; Lacedaemonil regtbua aull &Uill·

ass 67 ass
ttm &slHSONml ftederunt; eap. ,·cm aaUtaiU, a ualmllla -e. lLke, aimtlar; with dat.., assim-
jlldici11l a.s.wW1r, l:iuet. · llis Hpongiis mollltudo, Cic. ; with gen., 0\', abl. ·U, m. (a.kleo), cc 1iUin.q by a99lmDltir,adv. (&Sllimilis), in lib maniur,
IAt s:rlr <>/, ProJ'. Plaut..
..everantOr, adv., with comJllll!. (tu1· 1,aalmiiJ.atua -a •Ulll (partic. o( &Mimnlo),
•ilnifnr, Luer. ; 2, /rig11td, preteAde<I, .rimu-
11evemns), tar11tsily, tmp/wttically; loqm, Cle.
lcmd; virtus, Cle..
auiSvir&tlo -onls, r. (&SKevero), 1, earnut-
,.,.$,J i11 a.:tfon ; mnlta assr.veratlone coguntur
aaUniilo, 1. to tMke likt.. LA. dcoa In
patrPS, Tac.; 3, ttluwulll auertwn, as«tYmtio11; human! ori11 speclem, Tac. ; litterae lituraeq1u1
omni as!rovemtione t.ibl aftlnno (foll. by acc. omnes a.sshnulatae, Cle. B.. to compart, Cie. ;
with lnHn.), Cie. fonnam totJus Brltauniae aucton'l! oblong1u1
scntulae vel bipennl assinmlavero, 'l'ac.. IL '"
usiviro. 1. (ad and severllll), 1, to net with imitate, counhrfeU, in-et~11d; anum, Q\•. ; with
tttrHUtllWI; bell& lronia, Bi jocaremnr ; sin &Siie· acc. and l.nfln., Plaut.. ; with quasi aud tbe
Teramllll, vide ne, &:c., Cle. ; 2 to 1J&SCrt r.tmjl.- subj., Plaut.
•lt11t!1, slmngly; with acc. and 'nftn., ldque se aalsto, astltl, no sup., 3. to plact oMMV,
factumm asseveravit, Cic. ; wlt.h de and the take up a poritwll. L Lit., a, ad rore1, Cic. ;, nemo de ulla re poteait conteudere ncque b, to sta.Hd b1/; foribus prineipum, Cle. ; ad
a.sseverarc, Cic. epulu regi1, Cle. IL Tranar. to llllp, Tac.
aaldeo -.etli, -sessum, 2. (ad Rnd sedeo), .-lio, 2. to be accuatomed ; t111ed only In
lo •il 11.Mr, or by Ute aidtt of. L Geu., A. Lit., the third }Jel'llOD sing. and plur., deinde <JUU
~theniu.s ~t, is qui uoblis assidct, Cic. B.
asaolent (scribl), Cie. ; utASBOlet, Bl ia u111Bl, Cic.
Transr., to be nut lloor to; pareus Ml!ldet insano,
Hor. IL Esp., A. to ail al 11 perao11·1 aide, to aaa6no. 1. to 41U1Dt1' with a IOVnd; plangen·
gin co"lf,forl, atfoi~ pTOttdion, &c. ; in C1lrt'ere tibus usonat echo, Ov.
mater uocte!ll diesque assidebat, Cic. ; usiilcrc -...Uiao!O ·fki ·f'actum, S. (• a&SUe<> and
ae;ro collei;lle>, toril at tlu bed.ride of, Liv.; qumn, facio), to C1CCJ1Atom to; ad suppliclA pe.tn1m ple-
Cn. Pompeius Lcntulo frequens IWllderet, Cle.; bem, Liv. ; with abl., quorum sermone qui as·
jndleils assi<lehat, /rcqtU1&Ut.f, Tac. ; tot! .\·It.A suefacti erant, Cle.; with rlat., pedltea operl
litterls, to iUrote oiu•lJ ro, Pli u. B. M !lit. t. t. aliiaque jnstiM mllitarlbtt!J, Liv.; with lnlln.,
flt ""~· blocktuk; with dat., lutactis murls, equOll eodem remaner;.. veatlgio, ~&.
Liv. ; usidens Casilino, Liv. ...UMOO -suhi ·suetum, S. ("usueo). L
aaido (ad -sldo) -&Cdl -sessum, 3. to 1U dow.i; Transit., to aocHliqm; qui pluribus assuerlt
in bit.liotheca, Cic.; super aapldem, Ci<'.. ; prop- mentem, Hor. IL Intra111tit., to ~ oRt- Tulieronem, Cic. ; of an orator, to break down «l/; assuevl, I am 100nt, Cic. ; ass11eh1s, accu>
ill 111ptteh; snbito us~it, Cic. romm; with In and the acc., in 0111nia ramiliatil\
~44i, adv. (assiduns), continulJU$ly, with-
Jura aasuctue, Llv.; with ab!., homines labore
01.t rt1Ri.uion; Toces qnas audio &SSidue, Cle.; asslduo et quotidlano asauctl, Cle. ; with ~t.,
qui1J11s (litteris) usidue utor, Cle. quaestni, Liv. t_with acc., ne taata animls &11·
suesclte bell&, verg.; with lnftn;, assuctl \'inci,
u.146.ltaa -itis, (aaslduut). L collli1ntal Liv. (ayneop.. perf. forms aaauqtl, assuerhu,
prnot'1ta:, altrnlio1' of ~n.d4, rliellU, cmulidalu; assueram, usue&11e).
q11otitlia11a amicorum Mllidultas ct frequentla, ...uitiido -lnis, f. 1, cxatOM, tcM, Llv.; 2,
Cie.; mffiici, Cle. IL Tranar., A. con1tcincy; carnal intercovras, Tac..
~l u...i<luitat.e et vlrtute conseqnere, Cle. B. COll--
i:ClJll r?pditio1&; epistolarum, tmiu.UrmiUent ror- uauitull-a -um, adj. (from IU!auesco), 1 t1wl
rupo~e11oe, Cic. ; moleatiarum, Cic. ; bellorum, to, acct'3tomed to; asaueta oculia regio, Ltv. ;
Cic. 9, uaual; assueti collis cul tores, LIY.
ua14uo = assidue, q. v. auiico -suctum, s. to .rnck, Luer.
ud4uua -a, -um (usideo). L 1Uting '" a ...tua ·ae, r. a IAaving, chi1, Plaut.
)llatt c111utai1tly, atablUMJ. Political t. t., aMl.- a..iilattm. adv. (assula), in lhittTI or
41lU -i, 111.. a adtUrl and henoe re wdl-to-do, ta.r- lplinla3, Plaut..
f'l~i119 citi.:tn, gen. in plur. Ullidui, tlu c:UiffM aaiUOei, adv. (assula), lpli'l'IUMIWtt, Plin.
~f IM 1tppu cltuM!J. opp. to prolet&rll (who paid
no l.1xe11>. Cic. .u. roRti.nwmaly iii oiu 11laet, or U81llto, 1. (Intens. or asallio), to lellp ri?-
!ll<)a9'd i" o~ occupation; a, rurl IJ!si•luum kntly upon. L Oen., femlnae usultabant nt
lll'•nper \'ivere, Cic. ; au<livl ROniae esse homi- sacrificantes aut inaanhmtes Bacchae, Tac. IL
nl'in et fui5!1e AA!iiduum, Cic.; Cl'lp. or the frien<ls Esp., to attack, IUMJ'Ult; tergis pugnantinm, Tac.;
•hn ilt.Unded candidates and magistrates, 111e- !Atera et frontem (agminis), Tac.
~11m (Uit IS.'lldUUS pr&etore me, CIC. ; b,_ COii· aaaltua -n, m. (assilio), 11 leaping upon,
lttt•ll, '11!atl/1; 41ni ft11os 1111os agrfoolas usldnosClSllllUlt, Verg.
eit-e e1tplnnt, Cic.; o, or things, ronstalll, tm· aaum (adsum). aft'lll (ad-nm, adessc to
':<lr.ri119: i111bf\".s, Cle. ; ho1uinca labore auiduo bt prue11t, to bt at • . L Gen., A. or persons, i, of
et 'lll•itidiano a~tteti, Cic. bodily )'resence, heri qnum non adessetis, Ct!". ;
aMlgnado -v11it1, f. cwign11u1it, allol71Unt; omnes qui aderant, Clll's. ; mane ad J•oiiam
&0'TOn11n, qc.
ad~t>, Cle.; In !oro, Liv. ; ante oc11lo11, \'!"rg. ;
portis (dat.)1 Verg. ; hue ade:t, conu Mrt!, \'erg. ;
a.lgno. 1. to amp to an11 oiu Bllot. L 2, of the mmd,
A. Lit., i11fcriorem actlium }lllrtem ailcul, Cle. ; auimia, to alUn.d;in adestote
the phrase adesse animo or
omncs Allillli'I, Cic.;
e>p., of all"ttin~ landd to colo11ist.s, IOC!l, Cic. ; 111110, to be of good ooum{I"; ades animo et omitte
~ colo11is, Cle. ; agnnn militibus, Cic. B. thnorem, Cic. B. Of things, to b1i near, nt lmnd;
Transr., 11111111111 hamanun1 a deoai>sl1t11alutn, Cic. rrmnf'ntum conrerri, 1·0111portAri, adet1sc, Cull. ;
C. ttJ !Ut'Ti~; hoc precepturn deo, Cic. ; aliquill tanli aderant morhiiCie. ; ailesse Ron11mi11 ult1-
homini, non t~mpori, Cle. IL tollt(ll, Pers. m11m di<'tn, Liv. L t-0 be prtlirnt 10~ a flz%d -aJUU, 4. (ad and 11&lio), to lmp to, or objtrt, to be ill ont'1 place. A. l, or men, primnm
~ll.. L ~n .. a, or persona moenibua, Ov. ; J?, me ipsum vliilare, lldeMe, Cic. ; advenm1 hostea,
of water, to daA vp: uslliens aqua, Ov. u. Sall. ; jam omnea reroces aderant, Sall. ; num
fMsf., to }tlm.p to; neque a.'18lllenam atatim &lie1J ad }lllttndum vel ad lmperandum pothu,
tst aJ aeoua illud orat.ionis., Otc. Cle.; 2, or deities, ad.sli; placlduaquejuvea, Verg. ;
ass 68 aat
rebus Romanls, to bt flzvoura.bla tot.. Llv. t 11 for- uterno, S. to tmtur
tu11a co<.>pli11 al1'1erlt, Tar~ B. Nip., .i, ro be 1trtkllcd o"'; 11.11ternuntur sepukhro, Ov.
poac. '" flt
7>rarnt t-0 u:Unl#1 or to aha.rt '"; ad sulf11l~um, &atlpiil&tlO ~nla, f. 1 1, tM aun&llttg '.o, COJt.o
Cle.; with •lat., comlllls., Cle.; pugnae, Liv.; jlrmaHon ofL Plln.
adt-11se ecribendo 11enntus e<>naulto or dt"creto, utlpdli.tor ~rla m. A. Le~l t.t., al Romt>,
to, Cic. ; 2, to bc prue1'l to help or ad- OM 'IDM join.«! another (the 1ti1'ulat<1r) fo 11"
t:iu; semper nllsenll Delotaro, Cle. ; allcujus Roman. co1'tracl called atlpulatlo. B. TMl11sf., o
rebus, Cle. ; alicul &1le1:1e In con~lllo, to bc an 1uppor'Ur; Btolet et eorum astlpulatcr .Anti-
aMusar to Cle. ; to rupport. or d.eftM. (n th1 law- och-us, Cit'.
co11ri6: ;Jesse Quindlo, Cle.; coutra &trlum, aatlpillor, 1., dep. to as.wnt to, Liv.
Cle. ; 3, to bt prue1t.l '" a covrl q/ Jiuttcc; a, a1
the CICC'IU«f, adesse juheri, Cic.; orb, 111 tM ao- aatlttio -tut -tntnm, m. (ad llnd et.atuo), 3. to
CllStT, adeue In judlelo, Cle. pMI, or p«u:. io111.1V!Mr-, Plaut.
auiuno -11umpel -aumptum, S. to tab to°""" aato -11tltl, no sup., 1. L toltan.d fir. A. Gen.
u(/. A. Lit. novaa humciris alaa, Ov. ; plura slbl Alh-ull Plaut.. ; a11tanteet Inspect.ante lpiio, C.aeis. ;
&81iumunt qna.m de se corpol"I\ mlttunt, Luer. n eon1tpectu mM, Cle. B. to ltan.d b11 tlv
B. Tra.nar., 1, to talu/or 011i1 aui&ta1ice; a, of lfdt to help, to a.rial, Plaut.. D. to IUlnd 11prigAI,
persona, foglone11 In Italia, Cic. ; aliquem In Verg.
socletatem anuorum, Liv. ; aliquem In nomen A9t.raea -ee f. ('An, .Astnua, godtUa
familiamque, Tac. : b, or things, allqunntum q/ ju.tllicA, toAo i,Ji tM earth '" CM iron age, and
noetis, Cle. ; usumpta verba, tDOr<U borrowtd toa1~amongthe1tar1 vft<ftr tM M"'4 Virgo.
from another iouru, Ole.; auxllla extrlnsecu11, astr~po (ad-strepo), -at~pul -stri!pltnm, 3..,
Cle. ·[ 2, to appropriaU to 01l.altlJ', to take; a, 1, to mak4I a ftOiae at; RAtrepel».t vulgua, 1'ac. ;
rt>gn Insignia, Ta<!. ; Cererla aacra de Oraecia, 2, to applaud, ; haec dlceuU, Tao.
Cic. ; b, t:JClai""i_ In eo eibl praeripuam laudem utrloti. &eh'. (aatrfctus), or discourse, CO&•
asaumere, Liv.; 3 1 to take (1' addition to; a si ciuly, ~Jl11, Clo.
quls In allqua arte ex1·-tillens ali&m qnoque arlem utrlotu -a -um, p. adj. with compar. (from
elbl &111umpaerit, Cic. ; b, lo!(ical t.t. to Ila.le the astrlngo), tight, comprt.&Ud, dra~ togul&n'. A.
minor pnnlliau q/a 1111llog£tm, Cie., llmen, ahut,Ov.; nonastriet11s 110ccus, '"flli-
....umptlo ~nla, (aaaumo), 1, ~ adop- gtnt, 1/alttMtlJI writing, Hvr.; frona, UTinJ..W,
tion, Cle.; 2, tht m(nor of a 111llogis1n, Cle. Mart.; aq1.1a_e, froun, Ov. B. T11lruif.L..l• ~­
a811umptivua -a -um (asaumo), which derivu jhtN., a.roricww; pater, Prop. ; mos, -.rac. ; 2,
G defen~ from. a" e:i:lralUOUI cauae; causa, Cle. 11! oratory, a., lxnmd b11 the limH• of rhyth'la ;
numero et nstrldn .-t t1oluto, Cle.; b, OOllCLrc;
a.Mtio, 8. to MW on; uuu.t1 et alter &l\llultur contracta et astricta eioqueutia, Clo.
pannus, Hor.
aatrlrer -nra -ft!rum (a.citru1n and fero),
uaurgo -aurrex1 -aurrectum, 3. to rlM ttp, 1ta.rry, pla«d among the ~tar~, Mart.
1ta11d vp. L or persons, A. Gen., uaurgentem
regem umbc1n11 re11111plnat, I.Jv.; quae dum reci- aat.rlngo -atrinxi -strictum, 8. L Lit. to
tatur, vo~ quae.'lo, qui eam detulii1U~. assurglte, Hgliun., draw togahn-I comprtas, conJract, "111d
Cle.; as~urgere alicul, to nn up in the preunce together: a, quae (v nculum) astringit, Cic. ;
o/, as a 11lgn or respect, Cle.; p&lls., haec il'sa sunt a"iquem ad statuam, Cle.; b, of 1:olct, to ccmJrad,
honoraltllia, ealutari, &l'Jlell, decedi, R><blll"jli, Ov. IL Transf., &, todmw tight; patt>r 11i111is
Cic. ; tlrm.illSima vina, Tmoliua assurgit quibu<1 lndulgem1 quldquicl ego ai1trlnxi relaxat, Cic. ; b,
et rex lp96 Pha11aeus, yulda tltt prtftrcnu, V.-rg. of writing or speech, to comprus; breviter a1gu-
B. FA1p., a. to f"Ue frmn. a rick-bed; ne assur- me11ta, Cic. ; c, to bind, fettrr, oblige; \'el "annia
rexl'll!e qu!Jem ex morbo, Liv.; b, to riJt to giw vel legibus totam Galiiam sempllAi-nla vlnculi11,
wwre fOTCf to a /llow; quantus In clipeum 11ssur- Cle. ; se vitlcre a"tri11gere or astringt, to
gat, Vent. ; o, to riu into the air; a.isurgere tn onnel/ to, become gu.illy of, Cle.
a.uTM, \:erg.; d, querelia hand justi1t assurgi11 1 aatr616gla -ae. f.(O.cnpo.\.oyle1}.1Utronomr,Clc.
brtak Olll foto, Verg. IL or things, to ri.Jt. A.
Mlles a...11urgunt, Liv. B. to appear, ahOtD Ult(/;
aatr616gus -1, m. (0.0'T'po.\.6-i«), 1, a" astro-
nonur, Cle. ; 2, 1111 a..strologtr, Cle.
non coel'tae assurgent turres, Verg. utrum ·I, n. (<i'1'Tpov), a atar, a comtellattoJt... -a -um (from areo, &11 cassus from careo), A. Lit., cognitlo astrorum, Cle. ; aatrum natale, L Lit., a. rocuttd, Plaut. ; asaum vltu-
llnum, "°"" wal., ?:ic.; b, or bathing, sol, 1111.Sk·
Hor. ; :eoet. 1 of a great height, turria &duct.a ad
astra, \lerg. B. Tranaf., tollere ID 1U1tra, to uall
i11g ill IM run without bPlug anoin~ Cie.; '1.11-high, Cic. : t'X astrla dtwld .. re, from the higltt<t
t.alnearla usa, a 11D«lting bath, Cle. IL ·u-anat'., gl<>ry, Cle.; 110 iturad ut1-a, thus ti 'mmortalit)'
nutrix, a dry-nurae, Juv. ga.intd, \'erg.
Aufrla -ae1 r. (' A'1'CT1Jpl4), a country £n .Aria., utrito (ad and lltrl1o), -lltrulrl -etrurhun, S.
betwun Mtdfa., Mt.llf>potam.fa., and 1Jabyl011ia. I. Gen. to buLld to or ntari. to build tn addition;
AJJ., Aufrlua -a -um, .Auyrlan; J,l06t., for gt-a•lus, Liv. IL Trana •1 to add to; fonnae
~lld~~- l'hrygian, Phoenician, llul&an, &c. ; anlmum; Ov.
AJlaYl'U -onun, m. fAI .&lllJl'r'iani. aatu (asty), only ace. and abt astti. n. (cinv),
ut= at, q.v. · tht dly (only used ot' Athen11), Cle.
A.ta -a~1 r. ("A'1'T"a.), a tovm 'n
Il(lpanfa &u- aatiipio, 2, to be at, OT.
ffcn, now MUG da .Am; hence adj., Astenala Aati1ra -ae, t. ( Atrrvpa.), a rlwr '" Latf•-,
-e, q/ or bllonging 14> Alta. atlll called .Altura.
.Aatii.owa ·1, m.. Ja.tMr qf Mllan!ppiu; hence, aaturoo -Oui11, m.. an io,.., Pltn.
AatAoldia -ae, m. thl ion q/ .Altacua. Aatiires -um, m. (" AO'T"Vp«), th• .•flt"rl.ani,
Astipa -ae, t. toum '" BVJ>anfa Ba.Utca, a people'" Spain; sing. Aatilr -tlrla, m. ; henoe.,
now &upa. a, Aatiiria -ae, r. tM co1"""' qf CM ..t"'°";
Aatkl& -u, f., and -18 -&, t. (',,). L b, Aatiirlou -a -nm, ..tlt1'Tiatl.
daughUf' of CottU and Ph.oM>a, changed into an
Wand, ftrd Mlltd ..t.deria., ~nit Ortygia, Verg.,
aM. latw ltiU Ddol. U. (Aaterle). • aoomaB'1
Liv.·tlll, m. ollwmat, CIClroUMla,
utiiti, adv., with compe.r. end superL
(. .
MN, Hor. tutus). wnntngl11, ClltuUlr, CJo.
ast 69 atq
um tla -ae, r. adroitnua, altultftul, craJt, Cle. Athinae -&rum, f. ( A.ftivcu>._Athe1u: meton.,
Athenaeu.e -a -u_m;
learllin9. Jnv. ; hence, a,
utiitu -a -nm (aatus), adroit, cltvu, aat.U,
ttt•ni•!l. crafty, Cic. b, Athinlenala -e, Atheniait. ~ubat., Athen-
Altflgea -Is, m. (' AO"n<i'Y'J(). L Kffl9 of len.sea -tum, m. tM ..4thenia1J8.
Mroia., tJ1UruJ/ath~ of tJ1.4 elder c,,.,,.,. IL a J.thinlo -6nls. m. a Sicilia" sM:phard, lto.dff
CC"'P'l lli<m q/ p h i.IUVIJ. o/t'llA 1/awa irL tM 211.d SlaN War (10:.i s.o.).
Aatflna,:lc -actis, m. (' AnvO..,cat)_ I. '°" of l.thioe and Athiue -i, m. (41tof), an atlwUt,
Iftdcr and A ndromacM. IL a traglo actor of Cle.
Ci•'tr'O's limt. Athh!JI. acc. -aim, abl. -111, m. ( .ABcO'•r), a
A.stfpAlaea -ae, r. (' A'"'""1iAt1a.), uland rit~ it& RJuutta, now Adigci, Etd.
nwr CrrU. Atlj., 1, Aatfpllaeenaia -e ; 2, athlita -ae, m. (0.8.\lf'"if), oM tclt.o COJ&tnd1
AfitpAlelua -a -nm, belonging to ..dstypala«i. in tlte public gamu, wrut~r, athleU, Cle~
bjlum -1, n. (a1TVA0 ..), a aanctuary, platie athletloua -a -um(49A1JTi.«Of), relating to an
rfr<Ju.y, ~vlum, Cic.; tcmpla quae asyla Oraeci athltU.
ap1-ellant, Liv. .lthO., dat. -o, ac<'~ -o, and -on, abl. -o
Alymbalua ·& -um (O.o-U,.IJoA<>i), O?U who con- (" A9wf), an!\ A.tho or A.thon -lints. m. a r()('l."'/I
trib\lla MtAing to Utt coat of an enkrtdinmt11t, Ter. mountaill at the end of tM pl•lillmla of Chal·
at (ut), conj., but, ll1QT't0vtr. L To introduce cidia.
a.n idea ciilfereut rrom, but not entirely opposed l.ti111111 -a -um, Mm<I of B Roman gen1: 1, 1\1,
tn, one that ha!! gone llefore. A. una (11avii}c11m Atilius RegulWI (see Regulm1): 2, M• .Atlliu>1, an
XL<iuiani. profug:i_t, at ex rellquis una praE>m~ ea1 ly Roman poet. Adj., A.tillanua -a -um.
Jl!Sliliam, Cic. B. 1, In pl"llyeni, exhortations,
etc., at vf.lete hominla lutolera.bile1n audaclam, Atma -ae, r. 11 totm in wtium., still called
Cic.; S, In expre.ssion11 of utonishment or lm- .Atilia; hence A.tinaa -atis, belonging to .Alina.
)'8.tience. at ver deos lmmortalee quid eat quod Atlas -antl11 1 m.("AT.\uf), l, a high mcun.tafa
did po!!Slt, Cle. II. To exprea~ &n Idea entirely Cn Ajri•:a, on which. the sl:y uw hppoaed to rtsl;
01·~ to the preceding one. A. non cog11011- 2! a niythical ling ana giant, 10n oj lar~tua and
ct! antur roris, at ctoml, Cle. ; atrongthened, at C !(111'-M, 1.."'i11g of Mauret.ania., e1WJ.11g~J. into a
Mitra, Cle. ; d etlam, Cle. ; at vero, Cle. B. mo1tnlnl.ll by l'tT~U; h"nct, !-.1 Atlantia -!dis, f.
1, to lntrotlnce an imaKlnllt'J' objection In 11n afemal~ de.:iundant of .Atlru, ~tttra, Ov.; CitlJIPIOt
&1-i;ument, factumne sit f at constat, etc. ; 2, Tlb.; plur., Atlantitlrs, the Plriadu a11d H11a.ilea;
t.ut at ltiall, 11tt al least, non eat, lnqult, In parleti· b, Atlalltlous ·•-um, mal'tl, Ut.e Atlantic oetan;
bUJ tl'pu!.lica, at In aria et focis, t:tc. c, Atlantiua -a -um, finis, Ubya~ Hor. ; d,
ltibtuua ·I, m. 11 Mi wind C" .ApuUa, tht Atlantia.dis -ae, m. a duclndal&l of Atlas,
llroroi, Hor. Mercury (son of Mata, dAughtw of .Alla.) ; or
!Wanta -ae and -i ~. f. (' ATa.Attl'TIJ) a Htr111aphroditU1(1JOn of JJercv.1'} and grtat-gran.d-
111ai!Ua q/ B~ia or Arcadia., f am<YIU for kr IJ01l of ..4tlaa).
~ '" ntnnin.g: •he Nft1wl. to marry anv one AtOmua -1, r. (aTOµot), uw vlkA uCttmpabZ.
t:ttpC tM person. who could beal her '" IJ ~; of dtvi,rion, a" atom, Cic.
JWlr ~ b1f MilanWn. by the a(d oJ .Aphroc.f,. atque, or ao (ac only before <'.Onaonanta),
u, Adj., .l.Wautaeua -a, m. of or belcmgl1141 and, an.d a!IO. A. Joining 11!11gle words; 1, Gen.,
lo Atalanta.. llJ•&rgeni ae dlaemln&rll, Cic. ; a, a1ld alto; no-
Ult, attat. attatae. attattatae, etc. hiles atque 4:nobilea, Sall. ; b, a.nd moreo'l'tr,
(a"'•TCU), an lnteijeclion expressive or pain, a11d t'Wll; alil intra mocui& atque in slnu urbis
l.Stoniahment, fear, warning, etc., oh. I ah I al.a.a I sunt hoatea, Sall.; with the pron., hie, ls, Idem, etc.,
Plsut., Ter. negotium lll81,'llum est navlgare atque ld melllle
ltAvus -1, m. L tM fa.lMr of tha a!>awt or Quiutill, and upecially, Cle. ; 10 atque t'Uam.
1"fal-grmt-gmn<{tnther, Cle. IL atAvi, plnr. = Cle. ; 2, with compariJtona ; a, with wortls ex·
UllUlon, llaecenas atitvis e<llte regibus, Hor. pressing compa1-i~on, aa aeque, aequus,, Idem,
1tella -ae, r. a wrr anclem cfty q/ CampaMa. item, juxta. i•ar, proxlme, 11lmllls, slmlliter, talla,
totidem; or ex11rel!slng dissimilarity, as aliter,
AdJ., a, A.teuanua -a, -um ; fabella, or gen. &llorsum, al1u11, 1.'0ntra, contral"i~. diasimilill,
limplf A.teJJina -ae. f. a ~ of pap1ilaf' 11ecus; b- with comparatives, for qua'!l_. artiua
~U>AgpopularCn..Roml,Llv.,Juv.; htDCl' 1 a, atqu11 hee1era procera aatiingitur llex, .tlor. ; o,
4teni.Du ·I, m. a JIZ5iytr in thue drawu; b• aimul atque,ru aoo1l aa, Cic.; s with negativM,
AtelliDtu• -a -nm ; Atellanlous -a -um. a.nd not rather (alto with pot1us}; st hoc dla-
iter, atra, atrnm, black, dark (dtad black, while 11uailere est, ac non dlsturliare atque pervertere,
Ri9tt" is{l blade). L Lit., ntmus, 'Verg. ;
Cle. B. Joining senknceff, and ao; 1 atque
mare, ltonllf, Hor. ; alba dlscernere et atra non llli omne11sinll1iuliltatlone oondemnant, Cle. ; 2,
pr.t:se, Ole. ; J'04't. =
atratus, clotW (11 black,·
lictores, Hor. IL Transf. A. black, aa a sign
to join a more important thought, and uptelally;
id estne numera11tlum In boul11? Ao maximi1
ofmoumlng, calamity, etc.; dark, gloom71, tad, "n- quhlem, Cle. ; S, to introduce an adversative
clause, ac t&men, Cle.; 4 to introduce an ob-
/ortvnau, inors, cura, Hor. ; atrt ~ltlJlt (n. tM jection raised by the spea~er or writer himself,
llifmd a ""°'
hia calendar", Uwlt on. tch.lch the rsprwUo had
•4forlmu, Liv. B. malM:iotu,
~; atro dente pet.ere aliquem, Hor.
ao ne sine c.ausa vldert!tur edlxiase, Cle.; l5 in
narration, ancllJO; a.tque Us, quos nomlnavf, de.;
6, at the end of a speech or treatls~ ac de primo
ltblm&nea -um, m. ( MyO.wr), tha .AtM- quldem ofHcli Conte ruximua, Cic. v. Part.icular
M_!IU, (Mcbftafttl of AtluuAank; hence .l~ connectlona and phrasea; 1, &llua atque alius,
llli.1da -&e, t. a covJltf'y en. t.11.e 101'U6 of Epin&I. now Ulu, nmo Uw.t, Liv. ; 2, atque utinam, to
Atblma• -antla, m. ('ABcip.a,), '°"'of .Atolu expresa a wiah, Cic. ; 3, to make an aasertion
IMl tiJ&g q/ Thalal11, fo,lNrr' of PllNv.1 aftd H.ZU, general, otque omnla, or omnea atque ha.ea
lf~brta alld Lean:Au; hen~1 ia, lthaman- omni& verbo oontlneutur, Cle. {• 4l wfth other
conjunctions, artP.r et, non min s e vi ae metu.
tkiaa • -um, annun, Ult goi.aen, .Mart. ; Cle.; after que (Gr. n ••• ica.i), Rubmoverlque
b, ltblma.ntli.dea -ao, m. PalAemon, Ov. ; atque in ca11tra redlgi, Liv. ; with nee, Mart. ;
c, Atblnuntta -Idia, t. Belle. o... repeated In poetry, atqne deos atque aatra. Verg.
atq 60 att
atqut. oon.I. (at and qui =quot =quo), Mvt'T'- attendo (ad and tendo) -teod.i -tcntnm, a.
~ nolwitluta11.liin.g. L Oen., atqul non ego lo 1trtldl to; anlmnm, or ah~nl., Rttend.,rc; Cc
te t'rangere perscquor, Hor. ; fodud, otrtainly, dirtcl IM t<>u\trd.•, attfllrl to; with ad
Cle. IL E!!p. in lol!ical conclu11ion1, to Intro- aud the acc. nttendit•· a1.i111os nd ea qu!'le oon-
duce the minor prcn111e, b1ll TW'ID, MIO, Cic. sequnntur, i.:ic.; with acc., 1•ri111um venom
i.tramentnm ·l, n. (ater), 1, 11"11 bl.ock legiA, Cic.; with acc. and in tin., non attendent
lfvid; 11epiae, Cic. ; 2, (nk, Cle. ; 3, bl1U t'itriol, 11uperiu11 lllud ea re a It' esse ('nt1ct>1111um, Cle.;
~ker• bl.ock; 1utorium atramentum, Cle. with rel sent., 111 paulo dil1:;e11tius, quid de hia
rebus dicat attenderis, Cle. ; with de a11d thEi
i.tri.tu.s .. -um (, clothed '" ~ iA ab!., animus tamen erit 1<>llicitus, ut nihll Il(.a:tlt
"'°""'in.g, Cle. de offtclia legationia attendere, Cic.
Atras: -lcla (" ATJ>Gt), 1, 11 river in ..4dol'4;
S, a city W. TMuaZr ; hence, a, A~ldea -ae, attenti, adv., with compar. and 1Uperl.
m. tilt TAeaial'4" ~. Ov.; AtrAcl.a -ldla, (atten tus)r... attmtiwl11, oa.rt,/ullv;, Cic. ;
t. Hippodam(a,, Ov. cogitare, CIC.
attentlo ~nl1, t. .(attendo), aue,alion.m.
AtrebAtea -um, m. 11 pt;ople "' Gall'4 .&z. atltlUicm ; anlmJ, Cic.
pico; 1ing., Atrlbaa -bltis, m., Caea.
Atreu -61, m (' Arpnlf). '°"of Pllopl, king q/
Argot 111'<1 M~ /u.t!µ'r q/ ..4go'lie1llM1' and
attento (ad-tento), or attempto (ad-
tempto), 1. lo 1trii<s a,/ftt', t-0 11Uem7•t; 1, ut prae-
Jlamla.u; hence, Atr1dea -ae, m. ..4gcmum- teriri omnlno fuerit •tiua QUAID atteutatnm
"°" or Jfrriela"'; p!ur., Atridae, ..4gotM!llno7' deaerl, Cic. ; 2 lo '°""P"' u'it h, tr, to oorrup4,
CIRd M t:'Mla1U. cliiaaem, L.'ic. ; if, to attack ; aliquid lingua, Cic. ;
allquem 'ri, Tac.
i.trlenata -la, m. (atrium), • Mad .raw, attentua (ad-tentua) -a -um. I. Partic. of
*'-rd. Cic. attendo and attlneo. lL Adj. 11·ith comi-z.
atrlolum ·I. n. (dlm. of atrium), • lUU. and 1uperl (attendo), 1, atUN'w; animu~. Cic.;
Cltri1L1n, or /ore-cow1, Cio. coglt.atlo, cic. ; auditor, Oic. ; judex, Cic. ; 2,
atrltaa -ltll, t. (, ~ Plaut. ~l a,ftft* otW'• propertf; at11entus quaesitla,
atrium -u. n. (ater>.
.-ok4! ; CM opeft. COW'C '9l •
t.M "°°"' blad:eud br
Bowlan Aot&ll, '-'°
Hor. ; pate:famUiaa, Hor. ; att.enta vit.& et rm-
tlcana, Cle.
c.\icA opn«1 IM joMl4, or fGlc : plur., atria attlntiti, adv. (attenaatlu), f(aplr, ~
-onim, n. = atrium, Verg.: meton., 11 ~
Ov. ; cM 1lalll of tM gem, Ov. : tM M&U q/11 e..pi.
°"' oniame1'1 ; dicere, Cle.
attintitu .a ·um, p. adj. with auperL
or Jl1d>lw ""'"'""' ; atrium Li bertatla. Oic. : auo- (from attenuo), made "*1k; of d.isooW'lle, llhbrt-
tllonarium, "" 11~1 ~Ole. """41d; ipsa UbL pro Roeclo j'a.Yenilia abun<l.a.ntia
~c>oltaa -&ti.I, t. (attw). A. ~ multa habet attenuata, Cle. ; owr-n:ftiwd; 4'Jwi
AorMnaa, crwUy; lptalt111 faoU atrocltu aut ID- oratlo ntmla religlone attennata, Cic.
dlgnitas, Cic. ; habet at.rocitatia .Uquld lcgatlo,
Aal G ~'"9 cuped, Oic. B. Traut., ......U,, attmii1o (ad-Undo). l. lo tnab t.\t"- A. Llt.,
lloriJmitr; bavidiosa atrocltu nrborum. 010: ; 1,, Ov. ; 2, o"f number, to /u#n., legto
atrocitaa let.a quo modo ID nterem A~ proell 1 attenuata, eae.. ; s. of strength, lo
irruperit, Cle. Ulellkm • Tires diutino morbo attennatae, Liv. ;
4. of the voice, lo Wlke thrill, Cic. B. Tranat.,
..trOcitU, adY. 1 with ;.r:~· aacl llUperl. cwu, Ov.; ilalgnem, dtgradt, Hor.
(atrox), __,iv, Aara\lw, ; Vent l1imlll
atrociter minit&na, Ctc. attero (ad and t6ro) -trtvt (-Un1.\), -trttum.. a. •
Atrop0a -1, r. (&-r,...,, u fol» CllWl'fG), °"' A. Lit., 1, lo n&b agaiu; lenlter caudam, Hor.
~ tM th.n. Paroiu.
2, to ~ or ""'1r lltooN; attrit& ansa, Ve~. B.
•troll: --Oci1 (trom, u ftlroz from fer111). Transf., to ~ "''"; opea, Sall.; aliquem,
I. Lit.. Urrlbll, 1-'Jd.. .,..,..,_ Mrrlblc]; l"el Sall
atteator (ad and test.or), 1. dep. lo ~
.aele1ta, atrox, nefari&, Ctc. ; ot war, proellum,
bear wilMM to, Phaedr.
Uv.; of the 1eUOna, hora fl&grantla Cl'.niculae,
Hor. ; of oommanda, Weaimi-n.g; lmperium, attexo (ad and texo) -te:di -textum, s. ..,
toeaw or plaU °"or to. A. Lit., lorlcas ell era ti but.
LJ".; atl'ocl811lm&e litterae, Ole.: of 1peeche11,
~ L_Vchemena atque atrox oratlonla genus, Caea. B. Trans!., to add, voe ad id, qUD<i eriti
Ofc. .u. Tnt.nst, of persons and charact6r, lmmortale, part.em attexitote mortalem, Cic.
~. 1R01'0.llt, '"""'; .Agrippina semper atrox, Attb.111 -ldls1 f. (' ArB<s), .AUic, .Atltetii4n, Ma.rt.
'l'ac. ;- anlmua Catonia, tmbtndin.g, Hor., t 1, .Attica, Luer. ; 2, "ightinga.U or
Atta -ee, m. IS BoilMm ,.,.,.,... ; 0. Qulntln.1
llOOllmo, Ma.rt. ; 3, nmu Qf 11 frUrul. o/ Sappho, OY.
Atta, a °""U: pod (d. 102 a.o.). Attica ..e, t ('A nuni), .A ttka, tM
attact119 -tll, m. (attingo), 11 lotleA"-g, CotlCA,
bnu«1 cw1'tr, of <huce, with .A IMrufor "-capital.
cdt.- "'°"
oontact, Verg. ·
Attloe adv. (Atticua). i" tM .Attic or Al.\nf.t&•
attAgin ~ola., m. (4rr11yij ..), IS toOOdc:ock., Hor.
tlMl"Mf', d 1 cere, Cic. ·I, m. (''Arrl&A."f), tM t1D1M Qf fltt1mJ/,
atttoluo, l. (4.,.,.,,n,.), to W..U4" tlwl AIAnMM
~ o/ Ptrgomci., Ch.c lad o/ wMM, Att&lwi
tllod4 Q/ lpellki119, Plaut..
Jil'.l ..ltft hi• ~ t-0 ~ Romav; hence, ~·
AttaUcu.a -a ·um, btlon~n.g t-0 Pergamo1; agn, Attlcua • -um ('Arrurdf), 1, ~"9 Ill
.AUM:cor .AthrM, Attic, ..4.thmian; virgo, l.e., ea-
Cle. ; hence McA, 1plrnrlid; cond!tlones, Hor.;
phoros, Hor. ; pelrx, l'hilmn~la, Mart. Plur.
periputumata, '°°""'with th.fflldl q/ gold, Cle.;
A.ttlcl -orum, m. the .AUt.eflia~ Cic.; 2, .AUic,
b_, .A.ttM!s ·Id.ii. t. (' Ane&Afr), WGM.r q/ Cl pild, with reference to style, an, etc., 1tilua,
Ill " tM1LI.
attlUn~n, conj. bt.ll rd, Clio. A•,,Z,. Ole.! aurea, ddkaU, Clo.: heno" A.Wei
= Uu ..A th.nta" Of"'lltoN, Cle.
attat • atat. Atttoua,. T. Pomponlua, IA.I Mfft!MW /'IWfltd
a~gla -u, r. IS A'Mt, Jn. qf Ciuro., who received hl1 surname of A.Wcaa
attem~rate, adv. (attemperatua), "' • ~ from hla long reeldence in Athena.
or 11ppropr14U 11'14,.Mr, Ter. attlneo -tfnfli -tentum, t. (ad and t.eneo}.
att.emooro (ad and tempero), L 1o ft' to, I. Transit., fO AoW .,...., bep. .&:. Llt.L.abquem
~to.Sc. . eastna,, CUCCN, pablloa O'QStod1a. ".l'K &
att 81 auc
Trmlt, llmul Romanum et Numldam 11pe p1U"ll1, utaiblo -tu -tltnm, a. to allot to, IUl'.ga to.
lo .aur. S.U. D. lntranait., to ptrloi• to, or A.. Lit. 1, 11trvoa, p&11torc1 armatatque Us equoe
lllllCfnl, only in Srd person ; cetera quae ad attrib'llit, Caes. ; 2, of money, to asiip., k1UI;
eulelldam vttem at.Uoebunt, Cic. ; eap. in the 11i rnodo attributltur, quantum debetur, Cic. ; 110
ex}ftleion, quod attirwt ad aliquem or aliqnid, or Dloney paid lrom the public treasury ; pecunia
(a ""*' to; qui omnes, quod ad me att.luet,
ft!lem viverent, cu far as I am amctnvd, Cic. ;
attribut.a, numerat.a eat, Cle. ; S, to auign (to
some one to keep or do something); attribult noa
nibil &ttinet me plura scribere, U is q/
1Ule, ''° trucidandoe Cethego, Cic. ; esp. of a milit.ary
commaud, oppidum clvibue Romanis, Caea. ; "l
~ ·tlgi -tactum, S. (ad and tango), to oCa country, toa1uu:i, nbjed; inaulae, quae enn
lll1lcl. .I.. Lit., 1, dlglto M etelum attlgiue a Sulla Rhodlla attributae, Cle. B. Transf., l, lo
~11tare, Cic. ; 2, to arriN at a pZao.; Jt.aliam, add, vive. m-; 11ummua tbnor quem m1bl
Cie.; arces igneaa. Hor. ; 3 1 or places, to toMc1 natura pudorque meue attrlbuit, Cir.. ; 2, gramm.
•poia, z,,,,.ur tlJ'OI', CapJl4aocia regio ea quae t. t. to add cu an aUrUm.u, Cic. ; 3 to aacribe,
(.'ilicialJl attingit, Cle.; 4 w; Sulla quern npute; bonos exitus diia immortalil>us, Cic.
primam boates attigera.n" Sall. ; 5, to eo.cA, attrlbutlo -c}nlll, t (attribuo), 1, tM cu-
u., to appropriate to oMM1J • de pr&e<Ll mea aig1'1Ant of a dlbC, Cic.; 2, rheL t.t., a» ClllCO-
nee tenmciwn attiglt, Cle.; 8, watrUu, eldlgito aory or attrfbvU, Cle.
qaem att.igiaet, poenaa dediaet, Cle. ; 7, to attribUtmn. .1,·11. (attribuo), IM prrdkutc,
~ Ov. & Trao11r., 1, Co ioucA; of sen·
11&111, Yoluptaa ant dolor aliquein attingit, Cle.
Cic. ; i, to kw to do toitA, to toucA, to rmcA to ; attritu -a -um, p. adj., with compar. (from
eorporil limilltado attingit naturam anlml, Cle. ; atteru). A.. ~ awiir
Tr&ru1f., frona, Matraeless, Juv.
'°°'""ov.t, Cle. B.
aWngtn allquem neceaitudine, to h clolely
•._,...ul,Clc.; S, a,to1"11adlt,W111Uf!!.dnoU A.ttus tfariua. a celebrri.W a1'gKT oJ t.U
fflll!tl/to; rempublicam, Cle.: Graecaa lltteru, tiJM o/ Turquiniu Prilcu.
Ck : rem milit.arem, ; b, to glance at etir· .ltga (A.ttfa) ·foe, abl ·te, m. ("'A~,
-U,; Ubnun atrictim, Cic.: 4, In writing or
~fill IWAUo•; lllam injurlam non attingere,
"A~). L ci '°" of Hwculu and O.pl1al.t,
/o.lMr of TrrrAn111 and Lrdus, •rt.\. allCUlor
of tile LJ/(lia1' Cing&. D. tM /ov.tllJ/Jr of Ila geu
.AU18 (Atala uad A.t,a) ·ldla, m. a P11.rr- .Atia.
fl4» liqMrd, btloNd br c~. r
au. tnt.erj., ol t 1ta Plaut.
Amu -a -um,
111e1. . o/
a ROlllOa (lt"IU, tM auoe.. -ci1pis, m. (fOI' avteepR, &om avlti

heaee ud •
_, /awlfl,t ~ o/ tM~ tllaa P. Attlus VarWl,
• Jndor ia A/rll:a GI tM Hae o/ UN toaT" bett0ft1'
a 111.PJIOrler o/ el& laUn-;
DIS ·&-um, ..4ttiaa.
perr. or aop., s. to niiae up, Hft "P.
L LIL .L vlx prae lacriml11 ocolOtl, Liv. ; minu,
aodcapio). L Lit., a/oWIM, bird..QJkMr, Plaut.,
Hor. D. Transr., peritiasimum voluptatum
aucupem aaplenttlm ~ Qic. ; ayllabarwn, a
'l"ibblil&f1 crUic, m11iller, uic.
av.ot&riua -l, n. (augeo)i a" ,11m1aa1. Plani.
1111(oh snake nJ•ing its head ln anger), Verg.;
• &Uollere, or middle, attolli, to nzw ~
Veig. B. lo end, niw; molem, Verg. ; terra Re

auctlo -Onl11, t. (augeo), 1, '"' auctio• :
auctionem fa~re, conatituere, appoin.t an auc-
tion, Cle.; piudicare, proecribere, Cle. ; J•rupo-
IUoliere audena vlaa, to rUr, CIPJMCU'1 Verg. D. nere, to "'u&01&1ta1 publiclr, Quint: ; proferre, to
'l'ranat., to nn., detlfM; a, vocem, Qoiut. ; b, pt1l o§, Cle. ; 2, UMJl wlicA is aota bf av.etioa ;
,. •11111t, ariU, dUCf"fTl'ilA; a11hnoa ad epe1u auctlonem vendere, Cic.
~ Liv.; rempubUcam bello armisque, auctlilli.rl1111 -a -um (auCtio), nlatlwg to e111
Tie. auct/.on; astrium, auction-room, Cic.
•U.dio -tondl -tonsn!!1J. t. L Lit. to .shear, au.otliaor, 1. (aucUo) to hold au aucticm, Cle.
Mw, ftll: vltem, Verg. &£. Transf., w tMke auodto, 1. (freq. or augeo), to iacm&111,,.,.,
,., diai•iM, Cle., poet., Tac.
a&lisdAul -a -um, p. adj. (from at~ dnd: allOto, 1. = auctito, Plaut., Luer.
•1 tMiada ; hence, 1, ll1'11.1Mll, urr · .,..._
au~r -Orla, m. (augeo). A.. orlgifle&lor,
lar ; llllp& i-rs lntegr111 corporibua attoultl
~uut, IJv.; 2, ~; vatea, Hor. ; at- cav.ttr, doe1' ; lucendll, Cic. ; vulneria, Vere. ;
loD1tM &ct-ho matrea, Verg. esp., 1, th.t producer of 4 toork of art, artiat ;
ll&iao -&6n4i -t6nltum, 1. to .crikc wUA th•· templl, art:Au.ct, I.Iv.; 9, U&e/ovndero/afe.niily,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ov. . cincutor ; praeclarue aut.>tor nohilltatie tll&!z. Cic. ;
3,, av.lAor; canninls, Hor. .a. tM
.......... t. lo WWI, mlllg •pmnf, Verg. ongi1Ullor of a propol(Jl or t1nd.trtaki1tg, ltiadw,
l&triodo -c}nls, t. (attraho), a dni10ing lo begimaer: nee auctor quaul\·ia audllcl facinorl
flOtl/: hence, Utteranuu, culiailalioa, Varr. deerat, Liv. ; me auctore, at ·~ nqt!UI, Cle. ;
1UaiJae -tru:I -tractllm, 8. to dl'CllO to, aUrad. auctor lnterftclendl alicuiua, Cic. ; with dat.,
L Lil .&.. OCthinp, magnea~11I, qnl rerrum ad Ille ~gibus Caecilll )btelll oontra auspicia Cer·
• alliclat et attnhat. Cle. B. or persona, to endia auctor, Cic. ; with ad and the acc., ad
~; Wibwaoe ad M jWlllt, Liv. IL instituendam (rein). Cic. ; with In and the abl.,
Traiiit., 1, to a#ra.d; nibll eue quod ad ae rem In restituendo auctorem ruiue, Cle. ; alicul auc-
aiam tam alllc:iat et bun attrabat quam ad aml- torem eue, to ad"'-, NCOMmtnd, se111per senatul
cltlara limllitndn, Cic. ; 2, to taU 10UA OM ; all- aw:tor peels ful, Cle. ; Coll. by ut or ne with the
qaem Romam. Cie. subj., Cle. C. tM author of a piea q/ i1\forma·
l&tne&i&u ·11, ID. (attrecto), II 11.1Jndl,11g, Cio1', warrant /or iU lnaA ; a, certla auctorib111t
~.ap.C.'ic. co1111leriue, Cle. ; b_, aii; malwi aut.1.or
Latlnlt.atla, Cle.; uratlppo auctore, oil tM uu-
......... 1. (ad and traeto), lo toKCA, 1tattdk. tMril'll o/Cralippua, Cle.; non aonlidua auctor
L Oa., blanditia porularia upfoltur, non at- naturae verique, i11Wdijlulor, Hor. ; o1 a" av.thor
tredabi.r, Cic. IL A. to touc1I. talaw/ullr, i• of t&llU; Homerus opthnwa auct.or, Cac. ; auctor
.. ~ -·Rn': llbrolt (Slb)'lllnoa) oon- ftMltn Romana.rum, Aidoriaa, Cle. ; hence, auc-
t:,.m1t11 mlbua attrect&re, Cir~ B. tu l11y torem ease, toci..,,,..,./or, "'1U po•i.livtlr; nee pauci
Oii, to approprial& : gaaa, Li"· auntauctore1 Cn. t'lavium ecrlbam libro. protu-
........... L lo n.W. CIZollg, Plaut. Uaae, Cle. D. Esp., 1, auctor legia or MD&tm
auc aut
eonsultt, propotltf', Liv.; t.1, ftl.pporin' of a '410, f'retns, Cle. ; allculus audaciam debilltare, Cle. ;
multarurn legnm aut anctor aut 11lssuunr, Cle. ; t'rnngere, Liv.; contUDdere el !rangere, Cic. ;
3, auctores llunt patrea, tM 1e1ralon 1alldlon a J•lur., audaciae, audaciot&I dttd1, Cle.
law, Cle.; 4:, deferulir, prouacr; praeclarus lilte audi.cntir, and audacter, adv.. with
auctor BUAe clvit.atls, Cle.; 6, tir.e guarat&ta of a COffil'&r. aud anperl. (audax), boldly (in a good oc
fiUhl to an utau; a uialo auctore emere, Cle. ; bad sense}, au.daciOIUly, nuhlr, impwdn&tlv, Cic.
6, or a. gtJArdian, etc.. 1 apJYrottr, aa'l!dio11t1';
quod mulier sine tutore anctore pronalaerit, audaJC ·leis, adj., with compar. and su~!­
tollhoul the approtial of lur guardian, Cle. (a111\eo), d<1rl11g (in a gc>o<I or bad seruie), bold.
C01Lragw11a1 audad.ou.1, nuh, foollw.rdr; a, ot
auctOrii.mentum ·I, n. (nuctoro), tu JltlJ or persona, \ erres homo andacill;iimus atque aiueu-
ltire for the perform.a1u:;, of any duty, Cic. ti<isim1111, Cle. ; J'aulo ad racinu11 audaclor, Cic. ;
auotOrltaa ·ltls, r. (auctor). eontinvaive, audax in 0011voc11111ll11 hominihus et annandi::i.,
o ca'IUing to eo11tfoiu. L A. tulidity, 1, Ill the Cle. ; b, or thlngi;, consilium prima sJ>ede teme-
case of property, usus et auctoritas, or 1imply rarium magis quam audax, Liv.
auctoritu, f'ali.d righl to 1JTOf~rty ari1ing f1-om audena -entls, p. adj., with rorupar. and
prtsCTiption; 11.IWI et auctorita11 fund!, Cle. ; 2, 1uperl. (from audeo), daring, bold, Vl'rg.
ln case of an assertion, a:te..latio"• -rity,
authurit11; publlcnum tabularum, Cle. ; 3 1 audentir, adv. (audens), boldly, Tac.
anmph, llll\Jorumt Cle.; .allculua aoctoritatem audeu.tla -ae, r. (audens), boldnat. ~
sequi, Cle. B. Ult ori11i1wtlcn of a JY701>osal or Cic.
procuding, mpport, aid; cuiu~ auctoritaa mul- audeo ausua snm, 2. (connected with a'fi·
tum apnd me valet, Cic. C. tht t:rprtuiim of dns), to dare, t'tflture; au<leo dl~re. I n11hlrc
approval or IUStnt, ra-01~; 1, hominum coMilia to a.ua1, Cle. ; with acc., tantum faclnua, Liv. ;
et au1:torlt.ates, Cit'. ; 2, of the will or the proelium, aclem, Tac.; with in and the abl.,
peoplt>, populi Homan!{ Cic. ; Sl or pu\1llc bodicls auaurum se in tribu11is, quo•l princepe rarufli;ie
or magii;trate11, collcgi , Liv. ; q, or the senatt>, 11uaeaus11a lo regibus esset, Liv.; witl1 pro and the
a, a mea.1Ure to which tht mi.ate 11ru auenUd, the ahl., provitamajuraaudere probavi, \'erg.: al>s0l.,
appro11al of th4 umau; auctoritateru senatwi, quod apenmt, quod a mien~ omne Cacs.ari a<'Ce'p-
jussa populi Romani ven1lere, Cic.; b, a rtllOlu· tum referre possunt, Cic. ; adversua Neront:m
tU>n of the trnaU, i1revented from l>erng made ali1ms, Tac. ; audere in pro.. ua, Verg.
a decree by the veto of the tribunes, 111 qnis aucllens -entis. L Partlc. of audio (q.Y.).
hulc senatus cc111sulto lnterceulsset. auctont&.s IL 8uL11t. a hearer, Cic.
iersc1 ll>eretur, Cic. D. au.thorisalioi&,full powr,
legntot1 cum auctoritnto mlttere, Cle.; hence,
r•iu·er, mi91it, rommand; manere in alicuius auc·
audlentla -ae, r. (andio), lttari.g, lutah1g,
attenhon; alicul auuicntiatn r.lCere, "'vet a ~­
i11gfor anJ,I OM lfJI aiknct., Cic., Liv.
toritate, Liv. IL in}fW!IU¥, auV1ority; 1, of a
}'Cr.loll, n., lit., &UCt•mtat,.,m haberu &lJUd &Ii· audio. 4. (connected with auris), to II.tar. L
qucu1, (;ic. ; aud.1.Hitatem re11tituerc, levare, to ha r;e ths power of M.lrring; audiendi aen11u
amit Wl't', Cic. ; b, met.Im., a person in, rarere, Cic. IL to 1w1r W11Ut.1Lin.g. A. clamorem_
a1t i1111ue•1li.ul 1,,.,.~m, Cic.; 2, of things, legum, Cacs.; galU cantum, Cic.; l\ith double acc.,
Cic. ; omtfoni:<, Cic. te, ut apero, propeJ!em cens(lfem audlemos,
auctOro, 1. (auctcir). L to hirt for money; Cic. ; with acr. a.nd intin., saepe hoc ruajorot
ref\. auctorare se, or JlllS'I. lo Hrt ,engage n11p;,/f. natu <licere audl\1, Ck.; wit Ii acc. and partic.,
Hor. IL Transf. to bind ~V; 1 cu ·vigno1e hlque Socrat..m u.uclio dl~ntem. Cic. ; with rel&·
velut auctoratu111 t.ibi proditorem ratus est., Liv. tive clause, 11udire enim cu1•io quid non prube-,
Cic. ; with de and tlie at.I., multa fll.l..a 1le me
auctumniills -e (auctumnus), autumual, 11ucliern11~ Cle.; the pers1J11 from whom a thing ill
Liv. ht·ard is put in tLc 11bl. with aL 01 de, Uc. l'err.
1. auctumnus -1. m. (augco), autumn, Cle.; lllrt., as subl!t., and.itum ·I, n. h.wno.11; nihil
meton., sept.em auc:tumni = 1cve1l ymrs, Ov. f iaheo i•raeter auditum, Cic. B. w listen to;
2. auctnmnus -a ·um (1. auctumnus), au- a, aliqnem lubeuter studloscqne, Cic.; of judges,
ltLmnal; rriguli, Ov. to hmr a cau; audlre de amlAtu, Cic.; of pupils.
1. auctus -a -um, l'· aflj. (from augeo), only to lisun to a flUUftr, to altend th.t cla$UI or l«>
.:ised In courpar., focnCJ.S(d, enlarged., tnriA:hrd; turu of a proje.'ISQT'; anm1m jnm :me.lire Cr&-
majest.:ls auctlur, Liv.; socii l.tonore auct!un:s, tippnm, Cic. ; b, to l&sun. to rtquesu; precea,
Caell. Ck. ; c, or storits or pt-ri;om1, to lis:1m ·w, f.e.,
2. auotus -tlA., m. (nngco), an incrtaat, en· lo give crt~nce lo; sl fat.ulllll audire volumns.
UITJl~ment, vrou:th; corp .. 1 i•, Luer.; lluminum, Cic. ; audio, l bci~ve it, Cic. ; d 1 to o~, to fol.·
Tac.; imperli, Tac. ; maximi1:1 auctibus cr.-11cere,. lvw; aliquctn amicissime moneutem, Cic.; dicto
Liv. nu1lientcui c!:<se; with <lnt., to W!J; non fore
auciipatlo -Onil, r. (aucupor). fowling, Unt- dido aud!entes milites, Cat>S. C. to be ral~
calch i.11 g' Q u Ill t.
(likl' Gr. G.Kotiw), Matutine 1.nter, seu Jane liben·
ti1111 audis, Hor.; hene aw.Jire, to tie tctll ·l'p<>Un
aucii~torlus .. -um (aucupor), rela.ting to of; a vrol'inq uis, Cic.
fowling, l lin.
auciiplum .f, n. (1mceps), bird-ootching, auditio -011!11, f. 1, (audio), Aearlng, li&tn&-
iilg; Aliquid mulUi lectionc at11ue anditlone asse-
fewlill.fl. L A. Llt.1 11ropagare aucupin, qui, Cic. ; 2, hearsay nport; lcvem nuditionem
Cle. B. Met-On., tM bird.! caught, Cat. ll. !111bere pro re co1J1perta, Cic.; plur., ticta.e audi·
Transf. huntin.g after an11thlng; delectatloni,;, tlones, Cic.
a,/Uf' f)Uiasure, Cic.; aucu1•ia verboru1n, cudtung,
gvibbting, Cic. audi~r -Orls, m. (audio). a wrer, audUor,
rclw/a,.; alicul auuitorem venlre, Cic.
aucupor,. 1. dep. (auceps). L Lit. t-0 auditOdum.-1, n. (au<lio), a111act ofa-4~
catch bi.n.l.:t, l'a.rr. IL Transf. to chau, atrhlf!
for, lu in wait for; verbn, Cic. ; errores homin·, rourl of jtt.Jt£et, etc., Tac. ; a acAooZ,
um, Ck. ; lnanem rmuurern, Cic. ; tempestatcs, Quint. ; circle of li&tmers, Plln.
lo troit for jinn- weather, Cic. auditllll ·!lll, m. (audio). L Oen., hrorlng;
audAola ..-e, r. (audax), 1, oouragt, bnldntu, th.t 11t1i.u of hearl11f1, Cle. IL Esp., l~11ing, Tac.
daring; audacia lu hello, &IL ; 2. audacily, aufero, aurerre, abstllll, ahlatum, 8. (ab and
im~ temerUv; audaci& et. impudcntia fero). L to cafTI a'IMl/1 CU"l' of, ~ A.
Auf 83 Aul
IJt 1 tater manu!I e convlclo bmqoam e prnello audro, 1. (angitr). L lo nrl a.' 1u1 mttnir:
anferri, l'ir. ; It'! e con1pect11 allculm1, Cir. ; 11aeerdtJte11 Mlut~111 pop11ll angurnnto, ta~ t1"
anreror in 1eopulolt, Ov. B. Traovf., to dm•<' auvuria }Or, etc., Cle.; Ji&.'la., locus 1111guratur,
ltllli~ froa OJU. 1 4i•, Md!la; ne te a11ferant
thr vlact i5 OOJUft.ntttd by 1111gt1rit1, Cit'.; angurate
t.lioruA1 cons ilia., Cic. n. to !akt mooy 1i·illl, (ahf. al"'ol.), afltr taking t~ a11_gHrlt11, LI'"· IL
bror of; $Oln~ti1n1!ft in go<'<I, hut of'tenl'r lu had Tran11f. A. to prophay, Cic. B. tiJ ha A' a fen-
•n'll!, tn rabt Jhal.. A. Lit., a, of Pf'tson" ; bodh1g or pr-ntlmntl; J'l"llf! a1ilm11~ et
multa poi lam aomam, Cic.; auricn1am mor.tk1111, angnrat quodammodo, qnae fntnra alt snavitaa
IQ btu <If, Cic. ; b, of thlng11; hi htdl XV. dle11 Cie.
auC.,rent., Cle. ; moni Arhlllf'm abstulit, Hor. augtlror, 1. dep. (a11gnr). I. tn P"r/orm tAe
B. Trand., J.. Ula aat.em, quae eontrariia oom- f1H1.dioM of a1t m1g1rr, to forrletl hy trnrJUrlu; ex
1110Uonlt)ll11 aaff'renda 11t1nt, Cic. ; 2, to toM1f oJ', pa~rum nnmt'ro \Jl'!lli ~roj:111i 1mn()j!, <;ic. IL
I.~. tn r;''li•, ~i•; tantum abRt111it q_uantum Transr., 1, to .ferrUll; ahcul morum, C1e.; 2, to
petiit, Cll'. ; respunsutn ab aliquo, Cic.; 8 1 lo lay v-s; quantum auguror 0011jec~1tl"ll aut oplninnf',
fUidt, ~ jrO'A; aufer abbinc lacnmu, Luer. Cic.; quum ex nomine i11ti11!!, qui.t in provtncia
..l1lficlina -e.e, r. a
'°"'" fn. Sa•nium, now fa,.turutt easet, perri''eule horuines anguraren-
tur, Cie.
Aull.UV. • -nm, fla!M of a P.mn41' gen1. Augusta -ae, r. L t14~ o/o.t 1ff\fe, rfattghkr,
Anfidua -i, m. a rittr ifl .AP1flia, now Ofa!Uo. met.Jiu, or ~er of tlt.t R"'na11 U. Mame
Kl'!1glc ·fngl, ft. Cab&Dd fugio), to Ju awa~, nf Ml'eml toimi.s namt'd tM mt.ptror, AuguBta
T:rnrinornrn (Turi11), Augusta Praetoria (.Aoit..i),
Cle. - . Augusta Treverorum (Tri1•u), .Angu!ta Emerita
Aqe -&, r.
(Af:Y'J), d1tug1itir oJ .Altus altd
(Merida), Augu!lt.A Vin<lelleom (.A11g3burv).
N«UnJ, lllOCMr of 1'ekphtu ~ Hm:uln.
Aqiuand Augiaa-ae, m. (Av,,.na.f), ki"g AuguataUa -e (Angm~tus), htlo11gi11g to or
of tl&t Epttuv fa F:iw, the eleanainl' of who:te fo hvMllT of till! Emperor .A1'9UstU& .
atable, whil'h had Mt been cleansed for thirty auguati, adv. with. oompar. (angutdos),
yeara, •u one or the labours of Herculeit. "'1t"Te"lltiall"JI; auguste et 11&11cl.e venerari deoa,
aqio. auxl, auetum, 2.. (ooonected with Cic.
QtU...), kl "IMh to illCMUt.. L to route to groro, .f, w.m of t1ae .Atdtd (•
to /milt.c; bumorem colligen!I terrain au~et Gau.J, now .A11tun..
lmbribaa, M4ba fertile, Cle. IL In a wide 1. auguatua -A -um, adj. With compar. and
1e111e, to 1IUlh largn-; a to atrvmg!M", has llnperl. (augeo), 1, con..~, hol11; Ele11.1ia
munitlones, Cada. : b. or rlvers, to aui« to rlM, Mtlcta ma et auguata, Cle. ; 2, r.wjatk, dig11i.-
gen. In pus., angen = to be 8'WOZU1t; amnla fied; nstis augusttuima, Liv.
almbla blemalibua anctu.a, Ov.; o, of oumber
or Qtlalltity, to in.crta.tll!1; numenim legatorum, 2. Augutua ·I, m. tvrna11U' of Orrdviant11
Cle.; d, of d~, vitlmn ventris et. gutturisi afltr lau tkmtiol& to tJi. (•penal powrr, ci1id of
Cic.; popnll Romani imperlwn, Cic.; e. of mora all subMqutnt Roman empirora.
or int.ellectual qualities or feelings, beneYolen- 3. Augullt1ls ·• -um, f'tlali11g to .A11gwtm:
Uam. Cle. ; luctum, Cic. ; f, lo ttpeecb, to txtol, f'l'X, 0''·; mensis, .At•fTI'-", formerly called Mex·
Id fertl; bostinm vim e~ coplas et fellcltatem, tili~. cl1anged to Augustus in honour of the
Cle. ; g, to ftricA, to honour; eins suoa r.opia emperor.
JmlJll, Cle. ; angeri cognomento, Tac. a'llla -ae, r. (o.uAJj). L tlu/ort-eOffrl in a bttild-
llllge9DO, auxi, s. (Inch. or augeo), to btgin i1tg, Hor.; yard/vr rottlnr'Op. IL 2 at.rlnm,
lb gro.i, to C11C1W1M; a, quae (uva) et suco terrae <tn inMr court, Verg. a palact. A. Lit.,
ti calore 90lia &nJ":'lcens primo est peracerba aula Prinml, Hor.; so o( tho dwellings of the
patu, Cle. : b, pohtically, to incrftlM i11 atrmgtl; gods, ilia ae in aul11 ,\eolm1, \'erg. ; of the
qnum hostiam ree t.antia angelloere rebus cer- lower world, humanh1 janitor au1al! (of Cer·
ntret, Liv. berus), Verg.: of a bee-hive, Verg. B. Ketma.,
~ -lnll. n. (augeo),
iACrmat,_growtA, a, tlll! eottrl, courtUrl; puer ex aula. Hor.; dh·la
et dlscol"!I aula ernt, Tac. ; 't!t
prinaly poton-;
&lllllJ'-llris, c. °"cnigur,.~rer. 11«r, Cle.; anetorit..ate aulae constltuta, t.:1c.
aquae augur annoa comlx, prophdn• of nzin., aulaeum -1, n. (o.iiAC1iC1), mmally plur:.r. 1,
Hor. curtain, fdpatry; auLiea superb&. Vell(.; 3, a
aglri1m -e (augur), relaling ta a• augur oo.nopiJ, H->r. ; 3, curtain of a tluatrt, fastened
CltftfUJ: ooena. Cic. 8ubst., augiirale ·is, below and let down at the beginning or a piece,
n. IM JlQrl oftlu oamp umn t1i. augKriu and drawn up at the t>nd ; aulaeum tollltur1
ftl'r takril, Tac. Cle.; 4, an eml.lruiderwl 1'P1J" ganmnt, JuY.
& ..Onis, f. (auguro). din•ing,
llfillf, Cic.
soot• Aulerol -orum, m. a pt<>pll of Gallia C4!ltica,
divided Into four branches i a Aulercl Eburovl·
~ ·118, m. (auguro), Uv oJflce 6f an cea, in modem~ ormandy; o, 1 ulerci Ceootnaul,
1119u, Cic. In modern Dep. de la Barthe ; o, Aulerci Bran·
aag6rfmn -1, n. (augnr), tlu obaemztioT& and novices, on t.he Loire; d, Aulerci Dlablintea or
I~ of C1Mn1, auprrf. LA. Lit., Dia!Jllnti, in Moderu Dep. de la Haine.
lllgnrium capere, Liv. ; ulutia, aA augury in aullcraa -a -um, (o.iiAif), ~ftf to 0..
liiM of pmet (to inquire it it were perm.lttl!d to
covrt, pnft«ly, Suet. Subst., au11el -oru~
J>rlY to the KOdJI de ulut.e relpubllcae), Cle. B.
m. counien, Nep.
T'ranllf., &, HJ ktnd of yrophecr; 0 IDe& 'fru.atra
Aulle -Idie, r. {AvM~), a part in :&foffa;
semper veriuima angurla rerom ruturarom, Cle.; where the Greek fteet eollect.ed before aaotog to
b, p!'Urlll*nl; inhaeret In mentibn.a quABi Troy.
aecuD. lorum quoddam angurium futurorum, Cic.
lteton., A. Subject., tM ~ of augury[: auloedu -1, m. (®~),
tM flute, Cic.
w11o rixp to °"'
~pollo augurium cit.h&ramqne dabat, Verg. B.
bject.., I,~· oiu.; augurlmn accipere, Liv.;
B, a"""
l'Ol'IB, OT.
~ -a -um (augur), NlatMtg lo ""
Mar TaN'Ulla.
Aulia ..Onia, m. a ~ triu4iatrid
Aultuali& -ae, t. IM tut'e of a CtltMilr .,
Apr, pa. <.'le. p~
aur aus
aura .... old genlt. anril (dpo), air. .A.1;, Cle. IL 'Iranaf., aurea; Oil ..-4 or ..,.W,.
I.le"'°"'°" o/ tit• mr,""!Ml ; nocto.rna aura ur.1 boGrdl o/a plmtgl1, Verg.
fof ahfpe), Caea. : venti et anne clent 1uare. aurtacalpi'llm .1, n. Bil er~ Jilart.
Liv. : a. meton., plur. amae, a, Ui. m"71.1; auritiUua ·I, m. (dim. or aurttua), t.U io.,.
crursum per auras dirigere, Verg. ; stat ferrea
tun-is adauraa, Verg.; b, Uld toorld czbow; venlre eartd OM, i.e., thA cus, Phae<lr.
superu ad auras, "'4 l~A.i q/ "41, Verg.; rerre auritua -a ·nm (awis). A. Lit. Zonq-«md;
1U1b auras. t.o ma.kc kTW10n, Vtsrg. • 3, tnoar., lepuR, Verg. B. Transf., aJUntitte, Hor. i tatis
bnath, lrign.; rumorie, Cic. ; aura popnlaris, tJ&. awitus, a htanay untnas, Plaut.
brtal.11. of pupuiar favau.r, Cle.; 4,.tlu air tli.a.t w.i aurCira -ae, f. (a~, it.>~, ..;..;J), tMI 1lnaJ: of
brtatM; auris vit&llbus vescl, Verg. IL 1, rm.ell., day, red.11.tUof-.orni.719. L Lit., A.Gen., Y~rg.,
Verg. ; 2, gli:U:r; auri, Verg. ; 3, tcho, Prop. Liv. B. Personified, .Aurora, ~ q/ . _
a~riua -a ·Um (aurum), goldn nl.ating ~ (tag, Ov. IL Meton., £Ae tcUI, Ov.
gold, Pim. Subst., aurarla-ae, [.CBC. (odina), &111'1UD ·I, n. gold. L A. Lit., Cle. B.
Cl gol1l mina, Tac. Metou., Jamttl&ittg made q/ gold, gold plCIUI, Luer.;
_IUU'i.tus -a -um (aurum), gold.ot, ,at; tecta, e1. golden gob~ Verg. ; chain, '11.Ul:laor, Verg. ;
Cic. ; vel!t1:1, Ov. rlnil, Juv.; bit, Verg._; the golden jl.eea, Ov.; gold
coill, tMney, Cic. IL Trans!., A. iM coloi.:r or
Aurelius -a -um, '11'17114 of 11 .ffl)tllGft phbrian glilterfog
Fr.& (with the l'urnames Co~ta, Oreates, Bcaur1111). of gold, OT. B. tlv goldm agt, Hor.
Aurelius, M., v. Antoninus. Auruncl -orum, m. the pt<.>plt q/ .durvnai;
Aul."1lnoa -ae, t a t<Mn i" Catnpaaia. .AdJ.,
auriolua -a -um (dim. of anreus). A. Lit., Auruncu -a -um, ..411runcian..
go!den, Plaut. B. Transf., glittering, 'P~id
beau.t\!Ul; Ii bell us, Cic. ' Auacl -Orum, m. a peopi. '" AqvUaaia.
aurius • ·um (aurum), goldn. L 1. made auaoultitl'.o -<ln!a, r. (auacult.o) i J.. 11 Ziltm·
q/ gold; !"r)lt., anulus, Cic. ; nummus, and ing, Sen. ; 9, obed~, Plaut.
absol., 11 ~ «rift, Cic.; b, transf., ezeellellt, .auaoultator •Ori.a, m. (a.uacult.o), AZ~,
beautiful; Ve11us, Verg.; mores, Hor.; a, gil.t, C1c.
cn:iamenud tcith g~ld; am!culum, Cle. ; sclla, ausoulto, l. (!or aualcullto, t'tom ausiculs
C1_c.; currus, tJu tn"mphal OCl!"r Cic.; Pactolus, = auricula). L to h«J.r altmt'wly; populum,
'With goldm sand8, 9v. IL ofm1 colour qf gold; C:it. II, Esp., A. tn lVt.m t" l«Td., ro OU!Thmr,
color, Ov.; CAf.::>ar1es, Verg. Plaut. ; in a good sense, kl at~nd, tolttt a.t the
aurichatchum = orichalchum (q.v.). door, Hor. B. to obey; mihi auaculta ; Yide ne
tibi desis, Cle.
audo0mua -a -um (aurum and coma). L Auseti.nt -aruml m. a s~nisJI. ~u i"
go/;Je11-haired, P. Aug. IL Tranaf., gol<fn..
lw.rcd; fetus arboris, Verg. flMXU-rn Calalon!G; Dence adj., Awretaa:ua
-a -um, .A~iCln..
aurlcuIA ·•e, r. (dim. orauris)., Ou~ o/thA AUllOnaa -um, m. (AwOWT)., aboriginu -Qf
ear, the ear. I. Lit., auriculaiullma, Cic.; auric1>
b.m mordicus auferre, Cic.; praeceptum auriculis Central and SoutAern Italy; hence, A. Ati&Onla
lnstillareJ.. Hor. IL .Meton., pl11r. = jti'llO'fl.rabl1 -ae, f. AU01&ia, LotDllT lt.alt1, Ov.; Italy, Verg.
wring, .t'ere. B. Adj., AU80nlua -a -um; poet.., Italia.a.,
aurlrer -ft1ra ·Rrum (aurum and rero). L Verg. Bubs~, AUIMSDU. = Ausones, Verg. C.
gold-btarLn.g, gold-producing arbor (of a tree in A~ldae -I.nun, m. the iw.Aabitams of .A tu0-
the garden of the Hesperidea)., Cic. poet. IL nia, or generally of Italy, Verg. D. AIUIOnla
bringing gold; Tagus, Ov. ; amnis, Cat. ·ldia, Auaonian, Ital.ia:a, Vcrg.
aurlrex -ficia, m. (aurum and taclo), e1 gold- auapex -leis, c. (for llvispex, from aT111 and, Cic. apecio). L om who obsenes CM lulbiu of birds
aurlrOd.iDa -ae, t. 11 gold •iu, Plin. /or purposes q/ d"riMtion; latores et auspiees
legis curtatae (atesar and Pompeius), Cic. IL
auriga -ae, o. (from old aurea • niiu and Trausr., A. favounr, prot«tor, ltaeUr; Teucro
ago), chariotar, driver. L Lit., Verg., Caes.; duce et auspice Tencro; Hor. B. a per80ft VJho
esp. OM who conUndl ia tha c1lariol race in till 'Wilmsstd tM marriage oo-ntraq, but mcin, brWle-
circu.a, Cic. IL Tranar., poet., e1 Mlmni.a"' Ov. groam'•Jrind, etc. (ropG.v1'9or), Cle.
Aurigina -ae, c. (aurum and gigno)., begottm auapfoatO, adv. (llL abl. abaol ot ausplco).
~gold; epithet or Peraeua, son of Danae, Ov. (1' afwtuna.te h011r; urbem condere, Cic.
aurlger -g!!ra -gl!rnm (anrum and gero), gold- auaploi.tua -a .um (ausp~J.. co7UletTtJt«l
beari1i.g; taurus, toith gilt ltorn.t, Cic. poet. by avgurlt4, Cle. ; 9, /aW'll. ~;
aurigo, 1. (aurlga), to bt a chariotter, eontnd luitium, Tac.
(n tJu chariot ra«, Suet. ausplclum. -D, n. (for aviaplcium). dinna-
auriptgmentum -t, n. orpt1JU71t, Plin. tion br mt.ana q/ birdl. L A. Lit., in &Wlpicio
auria ·is, f. (counecu.J wlth audio), till tar. ease,; ro act <11 aug11r, Cic. ; praeeese auspfcils,
L ~ Lit., aurea; erlgere1 Cle., arrigere, Ter., Cic. adhlbere aliquem in auspicium, Cic. ; &US·
piclo. utl, Cic.; auspicia dissotvere, etc.; esp.,
to <pnck u.p '111; adh1oere, admovere, Cic., ~ to take awpials, propraetores auapicia
a1•vlicare, Hor., to listen.; praebere aures con- nonnght babent, Cic. ; ausplcia pouere, to lCly dotoa a
vidis adoleJ:1centium, Liv. ; dare, Cic., ro gii:e a
Aearl11g ro; accipere aurihus, Cle. ; allquem ad- magistracy, Cle.; imperio &tque auaplcio aliculu.a,
monere ad aurern, to tchi.$per ad1"ia! in tJ&. ta.r V.71dtr the oommand of(in w&r the commander-in-
Cic.; claudere aure:i alicui, Cle.; demlttere aure~ chief alone had the right or takini: the auspicea).
(as a sign or submiuion), Hor.; diceren an.rem Liv. B. Transr., CO!\lruZ, protactio"1__$Uldanoe;
alicui aliquid, Cle. ; fll.l!usurnue ad aurem or in t1ui1 auspiciis ducere Tita.m, Verg. IL MP.ton.,
aureit, Cle. ; offeudere aures, Cic. ; aures refercire an omen, rign; optimum, Cle. ; avea auspicium
allq~a re, Cic.; aures respuunt aliquid, Cic.;
ratum fecere, Cle.
Bel'VU'6 allculua aurlbna, to Bptak according ro tJ&. au.aplco, 1. (auapex), Co ta1u tA• ca~;
Wh q/, Caes. ; dormire In utramvi!\ aurem, ro aliquid, kl acctpl <11 Aft omn, Plaut.
llup 80Undly, be unthout aTl.ridJI Ter. B. Meton., auaploor, 1. dep. (auapez~.1, to lake tM
a, tJt. wring, as jnrlgmg of the merits of a Bwpicu; auaplcari oblltua eat, uc. ; 2 1 to "-ui•
apeecla, .A.Wcoru.m aurea teretea et religiosae, w.11.da- good awpi«I, Tac. ; lo ~n. Bt»s.
&US ave
auter ..trt, m. L U.. '°"'1 dnd, Cle. D. D. Eap., ptor., a, •Ui"1ry povw: eqoltum
lfetou., tM -a, Verg. Jiedltumqoe, Caee. ; b, auxlll&, ouUlarr troop1,
auairi adY. (&uaUrua). WM'el.r, gmwlr, Cle., Caea.
lltllterfl1, Cic., adv. with compar. &Dd aaperL (av..
atuliiritu .£tit, f. (auateru1). L Lit., a, rus). ai~r. ~l1, Cle.
UNA..,.,., .,.,.._ of-"""- Pllo. ; b, darJ.-nas of Avanoum -l. n. capital o/t.U BU!Wiga
rolvur, Pll11. U. Tranaf., IWictnus, au.ttmty, in A<pdta1&fa, now Bo1'~a.
Quint. Av&riter. adv. (anruB), gn.iay, Ptaut.
autiraa -a -um (.U.O'T'llP6c). L 1nr, Minh Avi.rltla -ae (~vi.rltlu -el, Luer.), t. amr-
i• ta.1U. PliD. D. T rallllf., 1, 1trictJ. 1ei•ert1, f«, CUf•idU11, COPdowna1: ardere uaritla, Cle.·
°'""'; Olo
au~nero more ac modn, \;fc. ; 2,
wula~y. bunh7uom.e; labor, IIor.
avaritla perirt, Cit'. ; plar., omnea avariti~, ~
tM., kinda o/ arari«, Cic.
autriJ.18 -e (awiter). "1Ut1'o-ft, Cle. -a -um (connected with aveo and
autrinus -e. ·WU (auster). ~ Verg. avi1Jue). L Gen., oot'dow, grudfl: mare, Hor.;
a'llSUDl ·I, n. (ausu.s. from audeo), Cl dariAg with genlt., publicae pecuniae avanl8, Tae. IL
dtt:d., •ndala.ti1\!1, Verg. Esp., grud 11 o,ft,er l'll01U'Y amri ciou : ho mo
avams et furax, Cfr_ f:!ubat.., &Tal'lUI -1, m.
ant. conj. disjunct., or, or du, or t'UlMr, Cfc.; th.e avaricious man, Hor.
&at ••• aut, eitltn' • •• or, Cic.; neque ••• ant,
'" neque ••• neque, poet.; aut vero, or tndud aveho -vex( ·\'ectum, s. to earrr o/, bear
(naed ironically), Cic.; aut certe, or 11'
Cic.; &ut saltem, ant potius, ant etlam, Cic.
"°"• atoaj, Verg., I.Iv. ; peu. to rid. o§, Liv.
awllo -velli and-vulal (-volsl) ·nlaum (-vol-
autem, conj. adveTllat. (Jn), but, cm tM aum), 3. to uar aioa11, pltu:k a10ar. L Lit., pom.a
rotttrary, h~, mortC1vt1'; ne,·er uaed at the ex arborihwi, crud& 11i sint, vi avelluntur, Cic.;
b-ginning or a clem~e; joined with a.Joo, porro, 11ive ser-etur Rliquid sjve avellatur a corpore,
tum, &st, even with sed ; when used to corTect ll Cic.. IL to take auiaw with violA~ iqiaratc.
lfuni Wore used = did I 1ay t num qnh1 tei1tls A. Lit., tie matris complexu avellere atque ab-
Postum111n •i•pellavit T Te:sti11 autem? Num strahere, Cic.; ex complexu avelli, Cle.; 11vulsua
acell.'i&t.Jr ! Cic. a meis, Cic. B. Tra1JKf., allquew convlcio ab
errore, Cic.
authepaa -ae, t (a;~ and '1fiw), CJ aJOH119- I.vim.a -ne, f. La oat• Verg.; b, ttrlld oots,
~ Cir.
Ck. ; steriles, Verg. IL Tranaf., tM 1~phenf1
a11t0grlph1U1 -a -um (mcSwa.fiof), fDritttn pipe, Ov. ; plur., junctae avenae or ltructae
lltUh O!M!'• oion /'.and, Suet.
avenae, "'' l'an-1iipu, Ov.
A.ut01fcus ·I, m. (AVT~CO(),
C111J, fu~ for Iii.a thefi,.6.
'°" o/ Mcr- Avinaoeua -a -um (avena), oau.; farina,
IUltOmatu.e (lS&) -a -um (~n), lll1j. (a.t.,,;,,a;T~), Avin&rlus -a -um, rt/Qti114 or belcmgi'ltfl to
#J/-adi1eg, Pt:tr. Subet., autOmaton -1, n. CJn oals, Plin.
11~1t, Suet. .lventinum -1, n. and l.ventinua -t, m.
.&:a.timedcin -onU.. m. (AVToµl&...), tM tM ..d 11tnline, om of tM hills of RcnM, Cic. Adj.,
~ of .&ch.Ula; appell., a ehariot«r, Cic. .lventinua -a -um, o/or bdongi'ltfl to tAa Aw ..
A.utOnoe -Cw, f. (AinvrO.,), mothu of ...4cttuon.. till~.
Adj., A.utOnilua -a -um, heroa, ..tctat""- Ov. 1. iLv~o. 2. (from .;,,, or cWfd aiw), lit., to pan.C
autumnus. etc., v. auctumnna. after; hence, to dairt; avoo genus legation is,
&UtlUnO. I. (orig. aitumo, from alo), to .-.y, Oic. ; :::en. with lnttn., valde aveo aclre quid
lll«Tt, Plaut., Ter.
agas, Cic.
2. •veo (hl.veo), 2. to lit 1Dell: found only
&uxllliria -e (aurJlium), gi1'i1'{1 hdp, Cllri&t- In the imp. ave, avet-0, avete, ILaU! fa""'1&l I a
(11g, auziiwrr. L Gen., Ov. IL Esp., aurili· formula or greeting and farewell used bJ the
&l'l:a, (sr_ milites, cohortes). auziliarr or al/Ud
Romana, Cle.
troops, Caes., Tae. ; hence, belo1iging to Uu aUied
troops; anxiliaria aUpendia, Tac. l:vern118-&·um (.iop~),unthmrl Wn:U; toca,
placu 1Chert bircil cxut.nol lir11 on account of Chi
anyDJ&rfu.a .. -am (auxillum), 1 Aap(ng,
auUUiry, Plaut. ; 2. mllit. t. t., mili£e;; auzi- put ullalatiou, Luer. Su hst., .lvernus
lim) troop1, Cic. -1, U.. I.ab A z>ernua, Cumae, said to be the
ent.rance to the lnrernlll regions ; the iu.Jernal
&l!JrDlji.&Qr -6rll, m. (auxillor), ca hdpn-1
~.Tac. ngi07u tl.nuelru, Ov.; hence, a<ij., Avernus
auxnraai. -Ga, -. (auxllior), Mlp, G#fal- -a -um, l.verni.Ua -e, rtlatin.g w .dwrnu.s, or
aaa, Luc.,-r. tM ltJWer world.
&uzlllor, L dep. (auxillum), to ltelp, curiat, avorrunoo, 1. to '""' ato1111, aiim; 1.-m
f!PJIOrl; allcui, Cle. ; eapeci&lly used ot medical deorum, Liv.
&id, Ov. i.ven&bWa (avenor), tlLal /rfYA toAEcl °"'
atudllum -1, n. (augen), Mlp, aid, curidana. tur1L a1D!I'JI, MrribU, ·Luer.
LGen., adjungere aibi auxilinm, Cic.; arce88ere I. i.versor. dep. (avert.o). A. to hlr" a10ar
aJ1quem au:dUo, lo Mlp, Caes. ; ad auxillum con· (on account of shame, disgust, etc.); aversarl
ve11ire, ~ ; dare ad versus allquem au xi Ii um, advocat!, vlx etlam ferre posse, Cic.; with acc.,
Liv.; esse aurilio alicui., Oilea. ; consull ad· tllium, Liv. B. Tranar., to nptl, "'"' atDOy.
rerso1 lntereesslonem eollegae auxillo ease, LlY.; ai•oiti, lhu•; princlpea Syracuunorum, Liv.;
a~leu.l nemo aurillo est, quiu, etc., I.Jv. ; auxfUo preces, Liv;; allquem ut panicitlaio liberum,
et rntumm ne eansam dlcat, Liv. ; expetere Uv.
•llliliom ab aliquo, Cic. ; eupectare vetm'um 2. i.venor -6rls, m. (anrto), a nabt.aslao:
llllillum, Cic. ; alicul rerre auxilium, Cfr~; rerre publlcae, Cfc.
alicoi auxilium contra tantAm vim, Cfc. ; Im· aver9118 .. -um, p. adj. (from averto). ..&.
~ auxilium alleuiua, Cic. ; allquem auxillo lvr'Mll a11nr, btJclamrd, bM'nd (opp. adveraost;
~ Cic. ; petere aurilium ab allquo, Cle. ; l'ldveraus et averaus lmpndlcu.s es, ~ afld
JW•llieuf aurilium allcni rel, Cle.; vcnire auxillo bMi'l&d, Cic. ; quendum actorem neraum (,_.,...
Micul, Ca-.; plur._ Worum auxllill uU, Cle. iag hil baU °" CACI people) aolitum 8IH dicere,
ave 66 Bae
Olo. ; avertl09 bovee In 11peluneam trsxtt, LIT. Tran11r., 1o ....,._ atMf; erperlar ~rte at Mlle
Plur. suti.t.., av81"11a -on.11u, n. tlit back parll; avolem: so oft.he dyinit, bloc avol&re. Cio
urbi11, Liv. B. di.8inclinm, unfa1;011.rable to, AvunoiUu .1, m. (dim. or aVD.1), a -.olMr'•
GHnC Jraa; aversu1 a vero, Cle.; with d&l, broth~r, imcli (patnms, 11 falMT•
aveJ"llUI mercAturla, Hor.
DWI, a gro11.d'lfl,(Jl}iet'1 ln'otMT, a ~
averto(i.vorto)-vertl (-vorti)-venmm (-vor- A't'1111 :!, m. a p~. Cic. ; pnerallJ •
1umt_ It to tvrn a10ay, lvr" off, remoi... L Lit., ClllO!dOf', Hor.
A. uen. Lepld111 88, Cle. ; allquid ab Azlnu CG$fll0f, ~), .mw tWM
oculls, Ci<-. ; flumln.a, dirert Clo.· lter, Caea., o/IM PoiUu Ev.ri111&1, OV.
Liv.; hence, I, pa13., avert! (111 middle), nerau.s
ab mo itlnere, tu"'fag a11ny, Liv. ; 2, active, 1. ald8 ·la, m. (root AO. AG, whence ~
a.s TI!ftenve, inora avertit, Verg. B. Esp. 1, to Gr. ~wr), 117' a:d#-tre.. L A. Lit:., Verg. B.
a rive aiooy bJ/ violrnoe; barb&ros a portls CU· Metoo., fl rAmiol, tml90'JI'. OV. IL Traofll.., A.
trorum, Caes. : 2, to M7T'JI off, appropriau to ths ma of~ tOrlA; krr& circum o.xem ae con·
oM..,lf. rm.buzle; pecunlam publicam, Cio. ; vertit, Cle. B. Meton., a, the nortl pole, Verg.;
h6red!tt.tcm, Clo. ; quatuor t.Ruros a atabulis, b, IM MatJeM; sub axe, in the <pell air, Verg. ;
Vcrg. lL Transf., A.. <kn., 1, t.o kM1> o§ tom.e- 0 1 0 part q/ tM hMl't11.11; bore WI, the MrCh, Ov.
'hin.g dangerov.a; pestem ab Aegyptlls, Cic. ; i. axis (aSllls) -IA, m. (root. AC, wbeDoe
qnod omen dil avertaut, Cic. ; 2, tc kup IO'IM- O.yvvp.•, d:yp.4), a beard, plank, Caea. dn711Jaou..i or d\lgra«/IU ol '°"" OM; qui Axona -ae, m. a riolr Ca Gallia Bdgic&,
me a taut.a lnrami& averterlt. Cic. B. E9p., 1, nowtM4w111.
lo h'm awav, dinrrt (thoughta or wishu, etc.),
.A.ntonil rurorcm a perulcle relpubllcae, Cle.; col(i·
tatlonem a mLleril.9, Oic. ; allquem a couailiil
r::_i. ;2, to ulm"9e; &llcuiu.t anlmwn a ae,
...vla -ae, t. (aYWI), a~. Cle. B
l'f'lirlua .a -um (avt11), rrlattng to birdl;
rete, Val'T'. Sabat., arii.rlum -II, n., a, a b. the aecond letter of the I.tin Alphabet,
~ whert birdJI an kept, an aviary, Cle. ; b, tM
Mivn.ta of 'ID'ild bird.I '7l IM tc'OOd.I, Verg. B
, correapondlng with the Greek beta (J1).
babae (fto.fJo.i1_or 11"u111."), an exclamation ot
ihidi, adv. (avidua), grtldUr; enpectatt, a.stoniAhment Of-JOY, '1001l.der/ull Plaut.
appetere, anipere, Cle.
BAb•lo -6W., m.. o Jbbrloft'4A; appell. • 11
'-vldltaa -Ati& (avldua), t. A. Gen., wM- nabob,
tMJ&t duire, at"idUr; cibl, ~nlae, /<Jr food.
BA'bflill -6nls, t. {Ba#lvMff.). a cUr of ..tA& •
t11C1Uf, Cle.; legend!, Cic. B. Esp., dclrin of ua. EupMIJ&a. Hence, A. Mbflinla -ae. t
ao11q, amnce, Ole.
a tract of~ t.ZU-1MU7'g bthoun. tM Evp1walM
avldua -a -nm (1. aveo), ~llf da£r(ng, and tM Tigri.1, of which the a forenamed city •aa
vrudV· L a, with genlt., clbl, Ter.: laudla, the capital. B. Bl.bflomoua -a -um, Bobr-
Ole. ; novarum rerum., Liv. ; belll gerendi, Ball; loftiaA; Babylonlca perlstromata., ~
!>, with lnfln., Verg.; c, with ln and the acc., tapatry, Plaut. c.. ""Bl.bfloniua .. -um;
uv. ; d 1•with ad and tne acc., Liv. : e, with numen, altrologkal ealet&latUms, j()'f' tolkA t.U
In and tne ahl., In pecnnlla locupleUum, Cle. BabJlmliatu (or more properly the Chaldeam)
U. Aheol A. Lit., a, ooodou, rtTWt!.rof'IMJWJ:
berea. Hor. ; 1t1b8t., a mMer, Cle.; b, 9'Wdr
M ~ of food, gluttcrwul; convtne, }for. ;
_,. noteda~l:!'!d~ '"labUau of~
loll. D. - -e, Babrlo'aim&
leonca, bloodlhinty, Ov.; c, transr., aures aYidae, b&ooa (bi.oa) ~ t. a limy. L Lit., A. Gen.,
~to Meir, Cle.; libido, "'8atiabla, Cic.; mare, laurt '*.-aae, Verg. B. :r.p., tU ,/hlU o/ t.U oUw;
bl<'Olor baOCA Mlnenu, OV. U. Traoaf., A.
Tac. B. Fig., '°"""
Hor. ; d, 1lcC, ardnt, ~ to J,ghl; legionee,
large, 'OllSt, Luer.
M.vta -la, f. (connected with iim1.1). L Oen.,
Hf /nlil o/ G f'OUM Mcrp; arbornm baccae, Cle.
B. aJ(l'-f o/ the Map q/ • ,_,.,, G ,,...i, Dor.
o bird, and coll. tM tDMLl f'OCI! of bird., Cle. IL baooar (baoobar) -lrts, n. and baoearla
l!'.Bp., 01Mft, u the chief method of divination
among the Romana was by birds; avlbu& bonb
Ov.; aecundls, LiT., 'IOU.\ good OllleM; &vi mala,
naeua; also called nardum runttm,n~_tl
tohich ,,Ulded alrind o/ oU; ~UM! Y~ \'...
·la, t (/JWapc.f). the Valerian& c.,!U<ia of Lin·

Hor. ; ainistra, Plaut. ; adveraa, wUA. bad °"""" baooAtaa -a -um, lllt tPIQ pmrll, Verg.
Oic. Baooha -&e, f. II .Bacdtante, OV. t Bacchfa
Avita ·• -um (avut), nlaUftg lo a gmnd.- allqnem lnlU&re, Co Ct1Ufalt Cl'l&J OM Milo IM/#ff-
fal.Jusr, ancutral: bona paterna et ant.a, Cic. ; rol of BaoeAu, LIT.
merum, very old, OT. Baoohi.nal -Ill n. IM plau to1wN iM }tlltffml
avlu -a -um (a and vta). Lout oftM righl of Baa:ltutoaa Atld, ~ut.; plnr. IJMM!banaJla,
'IDlly, t&ntrotUkn; avil Raltus moute11que, Liv. the (Gr«k) futival of Bwxlnu .(not to be con·
Bubst., avlum -1 n. a by-way, a aolitarv p~; founded with the Roman feaat of Llber), cele-
avla dum sequor, Verg. U. Poet., A.. o1'l of tM brat.ed at Bomeevery three yeara, and aup~=
toay, wan.dtring, re-mote; In monte& ae aviua by a decree of the senate, a.c. 186 ; Baec
abdldlt alt-0"1, Verg. B. Tran&f., ltrayfng, IOORder- vlvere, poet., lo Kw rioeoulr or eoa7"oaly, .111T.
C"fl; a vera ratione, Luer. baoc:b~tlo -6nls, f. 11. f-'! ~ o/ tAI
Avooatlo -~nis, f. (avoco), a c:allViig cniar Bacchanalia, P.Aug. ; 9, ~ l"nl0l11"9
frma; a cogitanda molestia, Cic. Ole. ·
i.vOoo. 1. to<nU Cl'loalf, or off. A. Lit., popu- Baochilua -a -um, ~ *> ~;
lum ab arrnls, Liv. B. Transr., 1, to 'Withdrat11, dona, Verg.
nmow, d,""1; 8ocratea videtur pr!mu~ a rebua Baoohiu .a -um (BGIQ'e~). ~ •
occultla nocaae phlloaophiam, Cic. : aenectua Bacch ua; sacra, OV. ; ululatiaa, o/ UM BiaocUa-
&Tocat a rebu gereodia, Cic. : 2, lo rdiew; tu, Ov.
luctum lusibua, Ben. BaooMMae -inlm, m. (Baq....). fbl
•ri!o. l. to Jf.J ~ A. Llt., Cat. B. BaocAiada.I, a•*""" noble /a.U, qf ~\.
Bae 1$1 bar
. . . . , .•• -ldl.. =
t. Baccha. balbi, edT. (balbua), '" 11m•IMrltlfW1a.MW1
BaooJalua -a -um, l*o.g(1&g 1o Baerl•, Luer.
llCra, OY. l. balbua ·• -um (connected wtt.h be.Iara),
baoollor, L dep. (Baccbu11). I. Intnmalt., sklmmcrift9 (opr. pianos); quum (Demosthenes)
A. l, Co~ CM .fu«rol qf .BacrAu, Plaut.; · ~n balhus e88et ut, etc., Cle.; Yerb. ti.Iba, Hor.
)'Vtlc. .Baccbantes = 8aceh11e, Ov. ; S, lo T'Qgl; .?~· Balbu ·I, m. ft"'4'11M1 q/ "'- ..Ctffi, Omw-
tum baceh&ria, tum furl•~Clc. ; quanta fn Yolup- ~:· ., et.I'~

t.U! b&cdlabere, Cle. .a. to ""' abot6I '" 11 balbitlo, 4. (h&lbus). L Intnualt.., A. fo
~u111J1ur, '°raw: ~riem. verg.: stamJMr, ltuttd', Cels. B. Transr., to aptJQk ol>-
ot a !lery orator, eoa et iart arhltra- rc11nl1; desloant blllbutlre.i..aJ>erteque et cl.ara
Ntur, Cic. ; nt prophetic Inspiration, In antro, \'008 .audeant dlcere Cic. &i. Tran>iit., eo "1nt-
Yu~; or lifeless ohjectll, tht' wind, Hor. ; Ml· t"'7" or 1tv.ttlf' ot6C; tilum &.auruw, Hor.
mno.r, ram. bacch.atur per urbem, Verg. IL BA16&re9 -tum, f. (Ba.At~f). lnsulae, or
Tra111it., A. lo raiM tht BaoeMo err; bacchan &hs.1L, tM &tl,Ctm !slaw, ArnjOf'CG, Mhaorm;
Ev·~ Gitt. B.,or pla~, tobun.adc tMtctne 11<1J., BAliArle-e, BAli&rloua -a -um.
q/ &.-cllic nt...1$; l.J&C1· Juboia Npos, Verg. ;
T!Jginlbu.s haccbata Lllcaeuls Taygtita, Verg. bAllidSum or balnium ·f. n., bAUnk
or balniia -Orum, 11. ; heteroclite pl. bAU.niae
Baocllua -1, m. (B.UC)(°'). A. th/god q/whu, or balneae -1.r'um (.B<aAa.Muu•), a bal"-, ba.Uling
1011 af J11pikr a11d .~ma.. B. lleton., 1, the
rlM, Verg. ; 2. innre treq:ueutly, '°'""
3, "'4 Ba«Ate err (lo Bacilbe); &echo auc.lito,
Vcrg. ; 11ICI.1:'-, Ch:. ; • lialiueo or a ballnel1, a,/kr bt:lt•'-'"11•
Verg. Balllo ·Onla, m. a toarthlm ftll01D, from a
baooifttr -r•ra -r~rum, l._ benr('ll9 btn-WI, character ao named In the Pseuc.lolus of Plautua,
8'n.; ~. bmri7'g oHw ~ nllaa, Ov. Cle.
balllata (bllllata), -ae, r. (/Jo.AN..). A. a
BloiDla -is, t. a itt Otr111m&y, probably milita1·y tngine for throu'i 11g lt1 r11~ 1tQM.S, Cle.,
Uie west 1ert of the Thuringian Forest. Calls. B. 1'ra1111f., tM miuUe.s throwll, Pl&ut.
'bloillum -f, n. (<lhn. of baculum), 1, Cl Ii.Ult balllati.rium ·I, n. = balli11ta (q. v.).
Ila/, Cic. ; 2, th.a lidor' 1 staff, Cle.
bal.Diae, v. baliueum.
Baotrl. ~rum n. (Bein~), Ute _clr./ cU11 of ba.lni&rlua -11 -um (balneum), belMtgiflg lo
.Bac:tTW, now Balle: hen~e Baoirt -Grum, 111. IM balll; fur, lurki11g al>oul both.s, Cat. Muhat.,
Ww!.ila7'&1 Cl/ lku:tria.; Baotrla -ae, r. Ut.«
rx·~"''!I of the B<tdri; Baotrli.Du -a -um,
balnii.rla -orum, n. bat.\.•, bulh.i.11g-f'0011U, Cle.
JlacJt;ri.Dua -a -um, Baclrilm. bableaior ·Ori•, m. (balneum), th• kMpn' o/
· 'bicUlum -i 1 n. and bAcUlua ·I m. (con· a bath, Cic.
llect~I with /J~rpov, from pci.w, f30.~w.A. to go), baJ.neCSlum ·I, n. (dim. o( ba!UPUID), a littlt
a lti.d, Jtajf, Liv. ; a 111t111tt1'd'1 staff, vv. ; an bath., Cic.
ng~r'• 1141, Liv. ; a 'lrolklng~&ck, bAlnium, v. billineum.
bld-.0. 1. (It®<~..). eo walk, marclt, Plaut.. b&lo, l. to blttll, Plaut. ; partic. -tum.
Baeblua-a-um, Adj., na111eofapltbria1lRomn n an<l um, t. = ovea, Verg.
ftJU, with the surnames !Jive.~. SulM, Tamphllus; bal•Amum ·I n. (/Jci>.aa.,.ov), 1, tit• l'IOUt·
btlll.1'1 lex BMbla (de J1r&eturibu11 civ.udis). rmellillfl gum of th.I baUam·lrt~, Verg,; 2, Ul4
BatctUa ae, t. a 1-0wi& iA H~"'° .Bc*loa. tr« it«lf, Tac.
BuUI -l~. m. a ri1vr (" Spain, tM Guadal· balteua -1. m. (-nm -1, n.), tM 17irdle: a, esp .•
u 11ervlt1!( to hoi.t a weapon; 1rntil1s, Verg.; b, 11
qtiirlr; henCt', Bae~ -ae, borft cm th4 W<Jnw.ri'sgirJ/,, Mart. (halteldi!i11yll., Verg.10,496).
&ttis; Baetlo61.a -a.-, lfring ftaar t1u Botti.•;
Ba.etlou-a -um, rtlati11g to the BGe«I; B&etle& Bandbla -ae, r. a fou'1\lat1' ntar VMuia,
proTinclJI, now .t.Crtdalu sia nlld a part of Grano.da.; the birth1,/aa of lloroct.
Ba.etlct ~nun, Ill. iMllbUnllt.t o/ &ution; Bantla -ae, f. (BaYTia.), I-Ou."" of .Apulia, Mar
Baetloatua -a -um, clothed in .Bactican wool, Ytn.14$ia. Adj., Bantinu.a ·& -u111.
Kart. Baptae -arum, m. (Bci7M'o.t = bapti.stt, from
BlcOaa ·I. m. and ~ -ae m. (f3lr.- the rite of initiation), priuts of the 1'hracian.
~~~). a nrn11CA at th4 Ptrsian oowt; hence an1 goddus Cotytto, Juv.
pmo11 Id to g1iard 1DOPMn, Ov. ba~ttaterlum ·I, n. (/Ja.1TT•a-n!ixo11)1 s cold
Blcri4a -ae, m. (Ba..,.p0.44f), G rivtr mar ph1n.g~ng baJh, Plin.
Car th~ bArAthrum ·I, n. (JJ&po.9pov}, A. th1 ~.
~ -lrum, t. La t01D1\ on the COOlf of tM Wlotr t00rkt, l'laut. ; b&ratbro don1Ll'8 (to
Cm11pr111ia, a fa t"'1Lrill ruort n/ tht Roma111, ~t­ squander), Hor. B. Tra.usl'., barnthrum masell.i
~ /01' Ua balM. IL Mewn., an:,t watn"ift.i1 (vf a gt"1!edy man), tht aOJIM of tht market, Hor.
~1~. Cle. Adj., BaJanu -a -um, bdcmgfo.11 'blrAthraa -1, m. (/Jcipa.9pof), VJOrlhlulfdlow,
lo B¢jiJt. Lu1·r.
biJtUo, 1. ~ulu1), t.o carrv a burden., Plaut. barba -ae, f. tM btard. I. Lit. A. of men,
biJillua -I, m. a porter, Plaut., Cle. pro111ittcre loarbam, to let the IJ!ard 17row, Liv. ;
bil&elll& -ae, f. (4>0.AAu..a), a whc&Je, 01'. harl>Rm tondere, Cic. ; harba111 poucre, Hor.
B. ot 11ni111als, luvi, Hor. IL Trausf., of plants,
bt.liDi.tua -a -um (Ualanus), ano\n.tld tlritA nucum, l'iin.
baL'!m., tinbulin.ed, Pen.
biliau -i, r. :rarely m. (aci.,\.cu«), 1, a1'
bar'INLri, a•iv. (barbe.ru11), 1, li.kf afoTdgrur:
lnq ui, Cic. ; 2, cruelly, barbaro!Ul/JI, la.edere
~Phu.; 2, aJty fruit of similar form, e.g. oscula, Hor.
11 Hiid of large chal1tu.t, Plin. ; a, Pllu. ;, tlw .Arabian b€hen-nm, from which an
b&rbArla ..a, f. and barbilrlia. acc. -em,
lmtment •u ext;ac!,e(l, Hor. ; or t1u ITU tohWI. ab!. ·e, r. (barliarus), L a foreign ()C)Wn.lry, aa
opposed to Greece and Rome; a quo non solum
f""'I"~' U, .call..d myrobaLurna, Plin.
Oraecla et Italia aed etlam 011111i:i tinrharlea cnm-
blll.tro ~Dls, m. a tns.Jfoori, jnur, Hor. mot.a e!lt, Cic. ; Per.W, Cic. : !'liry')ial Hor.;
~tu -UB, ID. (IJalo), eM blta.ting o/ Meep Gallia, (.;le, ; Scythia. and Britrrnnia, Cc. U.
bd go;zU, Verg., Qv. Moton., A. 10ant Cl/ cvUvn, rudenese, nnrgAnesa;
bar 88 bet
-~ tarllll et barbuleat fol'C'nllll, etc. : ., or Plln. D. Subs&. A. 'blllllloua ·I
wlatake11 ln a1ieech, nee OM 11lic11m liarbarlt'll .Ja•·tu1), CAI la crut o/ tlu dite, Plaut. i.
U -
dooteallCtl l11f'u10&Yemt. Cle. B. f4Va"'""; In· loa -At', t. (lia.O"&Aunj HC. °'"'•or crroci')," btullkia,
morlbmt tlh1clplhut dele\·lt. Cic.
barblrloms. -a ·mn, jl.m.ig"fl, I.e., not Greek liltwkd flftlr u..e.. quandam barliarlaru ex Oeclltauorum Uac MIMO/G hfldi"f(ha Rmne aml other towDB)
tclffallr Mormd tDUA a dovbl• nno oJ coh1aJU, mlli
t11td (JI a Melff1111-111nc1
or Roman; an1iellex, Li\',: e1111., autern.; aurum, qf Wle1dc1&t1 cilld or CAI a.d-aial#mlto1& o/ jmtios;
Verg. ; ope barhtui<-a, V11rg.; uw1ua (of the qnl forum et lNUt lieu non 1poliia pmvhu•IAnnn,
Phrygiau -Urlsela), Ov. ll8tl ('ln1a111e11tla aaulcurunl omanmt, Cic.; buill-
barb&nut ·• •Ulll (JUp/JapO<C). L /ordgf&, (or r-&111 habeo, non villain, frequentia Fonnianonnu
u opl'IOl!etl t.o Greek, ltuliri11, llolll4"flt poota a u1uch-frequentetl place). Ci,.4 C. Mdl-
(Na.ev ua). Plaut. ; u.'tetl for PArrglan, camum, 01IJD. -i, u. " 111"11d4tl """' ~t.
Hor.: for Plrlia."fl, Nep. Subat.1 a fercl.gMr, .....,,..,.. ·•i..
one 1traur to Greek or Ro1J1an life, Cle. IL 11.znnf, a btuUtak, l'llu.
m.. ~). Cl lilld "1
Tranaf., J,, iJ&Ullttttcallr tiJ&ctilff9Clted, ro11gll; bildo_ l. lo lia, Cal, Jfaat.
J1omlm.~• '&Arhart atque luapcrilL Cae11: a, bbl9 -fit and b , r, ~~). 1, n 1*'nlnl.
Wl'nlllr n>tiQI\, •raos; homloea rerl ae barbut,
"""; atatuae Cle. ; a, /iml&datioll, tmll ; villac,
C'aa Cic.; S, mathomat. t.t., trlaugull, 00., Cle·.
'llar~u -a -om (dho. or barbatua), tou.\
.. aligh' htunl ; juvcnla, Cle. 'biat11111 ·fl, n. a kta. eltber of tbe hand OI'
lip, Cat.: baal&jactare, to U.n>t0 l:IMI, Juv.
1111.rbM'aa -a -um (llartia), btanW. L or Ba•l.re1111 -el, m. (&O"O"ap«tk, front ,.,,,..
living beings. A. or men ; 1, qnoa aut 1111·
lierlltlll aut beue barbato• \'idetht, Cle. ; 1d qucm ftpc&, a ,/hl"..akfii, u formh1g 1111rt or tbe clotblug
~elwtet llftrbatum, a flllallo fT'OVI" tip, Hor. ; 51,
ur t11e Hacehantn). a t&<UllC of Bnidua, Hot. ;
.-p., a, or men or the old Roman time, wbeu hence, Bamlrlou -a -um, atlj., Prop.; ..._
\11.s be&nl was worn, uuua allqula ex barbatlat driB ·ldla, t. " .lhcekntt, Pera.
nu•• Cle. : b, 'barb&lua wasrister, A ,,AilolopAcr, Ballt:anlae aud. BuMrnae -I.rum, NI. a
PenL B. orantmal1, hll"<.-ufua, Cat. IL Tranar., Gcr1taan peoj.IU Her CAI ao11Ul 'If CM DrualWc.
of J•lanta, uux, Pllu. BltA\rfA -ae, t tlu pm(MMla Bataria, Hol-
m.rbl&V ~ra. ·pruru (barb& and gero), la.J&d; Bl.tA'ft -ornm, n1. id<lbltall11 of Batattl«:
.,..ring a beard, Luer. BltAvu .. -um, Batamn; Batavorum h11ula
1111.rblt&I ·I, m. aml r. ~~•01). A. Ou = Bataula, Tac.
lpY,Hor. B. Metou,.tluonqmngtotAllrrt, Ov. 'blUU:am (vatlllum). ·I, n. a cAt\ft1111-dLlh, Hot.
barbtua -ae, t. (dint. barba), a ZWZ. lmnl, 'bltlila -ae, f. a naalZ dri1i.kinq-~ Pllu.
Barda ·&e, m. (B4ipcac, connected wit11 'batttlo (b6tuo). 8. lo 1*t. hock, Plant.
Heb~w Barak, UgW.hlf), CAI /ov.1Ufer o/ thl Battu ·I. n1. (81.noi)Btlt,e fi.n""'ff of tire
.lhn:hu ~•fir of CclrtAafl'lt 1o tokich bdoHQ«l ,,ffrLco.-,., cur Orreiac; beuoe ~ -ao, 111 •
llmua Iba l an.d /lam.Uoo.r; bence, adj., Baraillu a1& inAabUad of Cm*; e.peelnlly a11plied to
.. ·11111, lhrcint. the poet CllllimnchUJI, a native orr,•nwe, O\·•
Jlaroi ·&!, f. (D«pq), '°"71' '" CV!fMUn; baubor, 1. dep., to bark, Luer.
llaroael -onun, 111. Ula inlaabitGJ111 of .Barce. bU.t!, adv. (beatUA), AappUr; bcne et ltMte
Bardael -orum, 1n. a peoph of lUrrfa. Adj., vh'ere, C1c.
Bardaloua -a -um, cnlceu11, a kind of aoldier'1 biatlt:u -ltla, t. ('>eatna), ~1'11'nas, bla.d-
boot, in jt•Mt = n ttntMrioft., Juv. nt8', Cle.
1Nardicii01lllu ·I, m. a Gallic owrcoat,vnth ~ti4o ·lnla, f. (bealllll), hnppiMaS, btale-
G llJCJfl TIU.lllr. of trool, Mart. ttulr, Ch~.
l. ltardu -a -um (llpdiit), itupld, "°1D, dull, W.tillu -a -nm (dim. of beatns), IOTJlt'tl1Acd
Cle. ha111111, l'en1.
t. INardu ·I, m. a banl, a flOtl GlllOnf Uie IHSatu -a -um, 1'· Rdj. (from lieo), l111ppft,
Ga1&11, Luc·1na. UtAfefl. L Gen. 1, of pers11n11. qnl licat1111 cat.
Bargfllao -Antm, r. ru11l BarlfJla -i\rum, 111111 intclligo quid n:qnlmt, ut sit lwntior; al
n. (Bepyiij\&a). a ""'7M in Carltr. Hent.-e, a, Bar- ct1t cuim quoll dcidt, ne hent111t quidcu! c11t., Cic.;
dlitae -Annn, m. tht inhabftm&t1 of BrtrUYliae; 11grlcolae 1iarvo be&tl, MJlflr M little mtall.!f, Hor.;
6~ BargfUitloua -a ·um, rtlath«g to ~rgylfae. 2, or cvcntK or circu1111ta11t-c1, 111ot11, Cic.
Nt?ut. icubllt., biAtum ·I. hnppim·•, Cit:. IL
'birfa ·lclos, t. n .,J&aU Eginitian iki§, Prop. J<A:ip. A. tDtt11'1ty, prospm>t&a; 1, of lJl"l'llCllllt, qnl se
baritua v. bmrrltu11. Jo.·nplett-a, honon.tOK, putant., Cle. : i, or
Birium ·11, n. (B~), a 110rl Ls .dpulia, 01~ Ktateit, Dlony11lu1 tyranuUtc up11hmtlaith11116 et
ltt .ddl'i11iir. ll\'l\ti11&hnae <'ivit.ntl11, Cic. ; 8 1 of prol'erty, 1•011·
'bAl'O ·iilll1', hl. a blockluod, ri•plcloll, Cic. Kellllio1111, pae l>Mtae Arabum Bor IL licmt-
ulcuul1 01 the ble:st, Cle
barlio .frc (laamu), to roar (of eleph1mf.3), .:>nun immlac. tAt 111. (IHJ!pvirn),pt<>Jile in lmA11·
Suet. Bebrjoee uin.1.
barritu .fts, m. (l•nio), 1, tAe roar of aa nia. Atlj., Bebrjolu
·a -11111, IJebrydan.
llepha11'; S, tM err of thl German.s, Tac. Belga.e ·dnm1, m. the &l.gcu, a tcarlil.:e 11tOJX.
'b&rru -1, ru. (an Indian word), CAI tlt]Wiu, of German aiul ~ltic mcc, i11.lui1'iti1111 the north 11}
Gaul. Adj., Belgloa.a -t1 -11111, DtlgU:; 11c11cc,
Bor. Gallia Belgica, or aimR11 .Btslgica, ~ ootu&tr1 ~
INuloau4a -ae, t. a bcukd, Mart., Juv. 'tOUn ~ JUdw, Ut.e .snu, CM Marne, al&d U..
bialit.lo -6nla, r. (bulo), 1Nri"f1, a ki#, Cat. <hl"lllaN. Omii..
1aAafAtor ·fa, )ll. (bulo), G ~. )fart. bell&rla -Umm, n. (bellas). claaerl, (Hdtedi"f
1alllllloi. adv. (ba1Ulc11s), royall71, apln&didly, frttU, null, COAfedUmerr, StO«t wine, Plant.
PlAnt. 'bellitor ·Oria, m. (bello), a warrior, Cit•.:
1*tdllou ·&·Om UlacW.uroc). L Adj. rowaZ. med adj., 1UeirUkt, ootirageottl; de\UI, Mara, VeJ'8.\
~t ~1 Plaut. ; Yitla, A kbtd q/ mw~ equua, Vq. ; also ablol.. ca ..,.-Mra., Juy.
bet 69 Ben
W1i&irfu .a -um (belln), tWUtd •11 car· mania, Cle-. : HP. 'of the elophant. 0•'. ; 9, u •
r,i llf OI\ - ; 1tllW1, Cl JJlffNJCiotu, ccmlroHrtial tenu of "'PmAch, "'°"""1', brvll, k.aal : taet.nua
,,,u, run. et 11t11tift'l'll.m belu1un, Cat-a.
HU&&rbr ·Iris, t. (lwllatnr), a /e"lfUJJ• tl'Cll"- biliii.tu• -a -um (IM'lna), cownd tlrltl ftgtAra
rior; JK'let., a.lj., VIW'Uu; diva, l'all111, Ov. ; of, or tape11try, Plln.
Ronlll, Ov.; Ira, Cle. biliiosu• ·• -nru (beltta), /ldl o/ "'°"'""':
bell&Wu -a -um (dim., joc..'Ollely tnmied Occ;111u.~, Uor.
fro111 hell~), prdtv, Plaut. Bilu ·I, m., Myth. a" Ariatic U11g, fo11'111.Mr
belli. adt'. (bellull), ftrulv, p,.dt£111, tltua.Ul11, of J~1l1.11l11n,f11llttr of T>anriiu and A~1 1•11it111: henr.e,
ultly. L Oen. 1criber•', Cic. ; dlrcre, Cir. ; A. Bills ·l•lis, r., ~-en. ptur., Belldu -um, tit•
negiire, polit..111, 011•.; bt·lliSKhne llR\'lgare, Cit-.: ~r·~n1l·•l•111gl1tu1 of 1Jdu1, llu Darw.idu, Ov. B.
prvJlnla belle aedllt1•atit, Cle. IL belle ae Belidea ·Rt', m. Lpl&OtUI, I01' of Aegvptv.1, Ov.
hahcre, or ea.-te, to be fo good lwlllA, Cir~
b6ni. ailv. (from benns tnr bntm!I), comp.
Bell6r~ph0!1 -<>ntls, m. (BcAA•,,.,.), or m .. liu:1, 1111perl. opUme. L -u, ri11li.U1, AoJM>llJ"o
Bell6ripbonte. -u, m. (B•AAt~o~). tM al•/y; cotrn:ut', llor. ; h11liltare, Nep. ; nArl"lll'f\
~~of Uu Chill&lttra. A•lh_Bell6riphon- Cit·.; prmuitl.t.•rt', Cic.; 1~1llic1•TI, Sall. IL Par-
tiu -a -nm. e<1uus, PlfCIU•, rrop. ticular phm.-1•·11. A. With vcrhs, 1, IM'ne a.gem,
bellloisua -a •Um {bellhms), Vltlrl~ Mil· to act ft,irlv, Cir. ; 2, l>011e HuJire, d. anJlo ; SI
a11e. A. i;:eut~ lmmane1 et barl,.raeet lielllL'OAAe, \Jene lilt-ere; a, to •1>ruk tJJtll; lteue Jicel"t', ••
Cir. B. TmusC., dilfc1rnt 111l1i conanlatum iu helli· est, Attlee 1ll1·1'rt>, Cle. ; b, to 1ptak trord:i <t/ g•tt.wl
<'O!liul'l'tn annum, a l'AOrt tollriika J«ir, LIY. DIMn. (~li<f>'l1.u~ v), Pluut. ; o, to 'J'!'i.l.: uvll or a
bellloua -a -um {bellam), rdalh1g to tmr. 1'ersn11, to c"111"'~11d, Ck.~ a~ol., Hor.; 4, bone
L • pllnit. Cit-. ; vlrtua, Ole. SulJflt. belll- r11cNe ; a, to d.o well. C1c. ; bt llC6, heue fa1·ta.

eam ·I, n. ,,,,. ,;!'""'/or tAt atfllCk; a tx:11i.-11111 ftrmoua d«d11; b, med., to be o/ aood clf•d, Cato;
"n~rt·, Cle.; b, tra1111r., toe:rdtt, Cic. Ii. Tn11u1r., o, bentl tacit, UX'~1le'llt, I am much ol·li!J'tl, l'laut.;
l, rigtlro11&, Jl~r11 Cur 1tylc). alt.-r ('n111cy1li1lci;) d to do g_00tl to, Cie., hcuco ltcue frJcta, btMIU.,
inritati11r rl'rtnr ct •le bellicia rdlllll can It el iilm Pf.·mt. ; IS, bene est or llt'ne; a, allrul, U
qu••l:muuodo bellicum, Cle.; 2, tcarlU.:.; Ilea, ii trtll 111£'41 P1~ntJlfiu 111eliu11 est factam, 1'011irtti"'
l'ullal, Ov. ii bdttr in. llMlth., Cic. ; b, it iJ wtU, I na J~•I,
Ole.; 11 benti ha bet, bene agitur, Cic.; 6, bone viv·
belllger -~~ra ·sllrum (llellnm and izern), ere, to liw 'Wtll, I.e., a, luz11rio11sly, Ter.; b, liappi•
.arliJ.t, fn!ld o/ 11>ar; 1ooet.., ge11te11, Ov. ; or in· l11, Cir_; \ lviL11r/lar\'fJ 00111.', Hor.; 7, beuevocas,

anhn,tl' thilll{I, hutJ1, Mart. i n111.11m1, o,·. you at'd tYry l.;Ltt• (Jl()llte rt•fu:-ial), Plaut..; 8, bet1e
belllgiro, l. (bellu1u and gero), to WtlJ}'- uur; veml .. re, to adl deur, Plnut. ; emeni, to 1tll r:h.raJI,
qui bli par In belligeruudo eue poisait, Cic. Plaut. B. As au excL1111ation, good, ti:ttllent,
belllp6teua -e11tl1 (hdlnm and pot.ens), Cic. ; with 1t1'C. aml rlat., gWd lualtA tn JI"", Plant.
•'91il11 ill war. Poet., aull.'lt. • J!ari, Verg. W. With nUJ. Rnd ndv., '°'ll• thorolJ!, bene
rohtt'llllll, Cle. ; bent' J>l'llitus, Cic.; l>t:ue mane,
bello. 1. (bellor, <lep., Verg.). A. to 1roge Cic.
var: cum aliquo, Ck~ 111lvrr;;11.;all·111 .. 111, Ntip.; WniSdtotum ·I, n. (btmedlco),', Pla•t.
bellare l11?1lnm, LiY, .as. 1·ra11 .. r., to fl~ht; i1!ctis
1n11i~. \"erg. Wn6aclo ·f&:l, -ractum, S. v. 1.Mi1u1.
BellOna -ae t (Ucllnm), t1u gocL.ku of uur, Wn6faotum ·I, n. v. bc.•t!e.
Vvg. Wnefloentla -ac, r. (bcnt'flc1111), kil'Llfrta1,
Bell~ ·l'irum, m. a ptr>J•ls in Gallia lld· liberality, btMjlcence, Cle.
f(ca, ""1r nwder11 /~1w1·al.$, bineflOtarfWI -a •Ulll (hent>fici111t1), rtlatt"41
bellia. Y. bclua. ton fni•<JtJ.r, ~11. ::3ubst., b6n6flolarll -Onun,
bell61tu1 ·& ·um (•liln. ot bellus), pretty, tk- 111. soldiers who by favour <>f th•ir ro1111111l11Jers ~
fUl, bnrttt ijuL. u.:m1it from tltt attttrtr mil ilarv lub<tur•, as throw-
bellum .f, n. (oltl f11r111, duellum. a contul inJo: up l11tre11..t1111ent:i, fetching wood,, etc.;
flttio.m h"'•), tror. L t..lomcst it'.mn, Cic. ; prii·ilraed 10t..1~1, Cacit.
11wL1lr, Liv.; plrallcum, Cic.; ci\·ile, Cie:; Jtn· beniflolum'·ll, n. (hcne and fl\cl•1), 4 J:(ftd-
'rak, Cic.; tt>rre~lre, Liv.; r1111cltnrr, excilaro, nt."8, favour, bmtjlt, atrv~ L Om. nlkul beue-
an"t'il:1re, Cic.; movt'rr., co1111110\·t~ru. cnt1flare, flclnm dare, tribuere, Cl<'.; 111 nllq11e111 <'"nr.. rre,
Cic.; parnre or cn111pamrl', Ci1•.; In hellnm Cit·.; np11<l Aliq1wm collocare, Cic.; aliqnem bcne.
lncu111l .. ·ro, C:lr!J. ; i1111t1·111·n-, Cir •. ; n1111tinrc, fldoalllccre, co111plectl, oruare, to do any mua "'1"•
deutmllarr, inolii'cre, to wnr, Ci••.; Slll- via, Cir..; liencltcium acclpero 1 t-0 re«irt a lditd•
ci1i,,re, C1c.; i111lic:1r.. , Cit'. ; 111icui i11fcrre, Cic.: 1t.l.U, Cic.; lie11ellcl11m tm•rl, to ounhu(fMI of a ur-
lnf,·11u '"11tra pat ria111, Cie. ; prorogart~, Cic. ; viet, Cic.; In beneliclo, Liv.; In heueflcil loon,
&ltrc, Cir. ; tnihcrt', to 1•rolvn!], Cic. ; <lnccrll, bencficli cau84, 1161' \Jenclidtun, a.taki.W~u • .,,...
Cie,..; «leponere, Ci1·. ; C••lllJ>o11cr.., Ci,,.; <'•>nll- trict, Cle. ; hcndlt.:io tno, by your ki!ldn.tu, Cir..;
Cl'l'I•, Cit'.; ex~li11;,:nrl'l', rt'llti11;.:11cro, 1lt>lnt•, Cit•.; dcormn hc11elido, sortinm benellclo, C:1e11. IL
rtnovan>, Ci•'.; im~n·let, Uc.; oritnr, Cle.; ln l' life. A. a favour, o_~_"!i_di1tindion,
reua~ltur, Cle.; 111 hello, (Jl H1111 o/ toar, Cic.; promotirin.; )lo pull, favour of IM pwpu, Cic. ; cPn·
llJC.ltin•. Lt:lli in ti11U of tru.r, C.:k.; v..t do111i vel tnrlnues 11ul benelit'il, hi• crr·atu.ra, But>t. ; quum
~Iii. Cic. Ii Tntll'lf., a, trihunicium, confod, 1110 11111g110 he1wMl"io e11act, 1ln.r.c .U 010ed nrnch to
Liv.; b, hl>llum iu•licere phllusophlit, Cle. III. hil rtcomme11d11tioii, Cle. ; USO<I or m 11 i tary pro-
F1,:, colltrnlwn, fight, Sall. motionl4, trlbunl 111illt11m qune 11nteA did,,tomm
bellua -a -uin (contr. from benuluft, dim. fnerant llt!ncflcla, Liv. ; In be11clldi>1 <lclatus e>it,
>f 1~·11•1•, I.e., bonus}, prdty, luiiid:lomt w1rm- among thou recorn111uwt1l for pronwl inn, Cic. B.
'"~· 1ucrl, t14rual>U; liomo, l.'ic. ; evh1tola, Cle. ; Jl'f'it"ilrge, ~7>tio1~; 11\Jerorum, eum1itioll fro,,.
locn,, l'ic.; vultu l't l'rotlte, r:Mtrful, Cic.; eheer- the jU<licilll <>.Di<'4 fa conatqtrtlla of having a 1ptc\-
/M /ri>lfl. good ht111llh; f11c bdlus rcvertnrc, Cic. fttd number of d•ildren, !:inct. •
bil6a ·ae, f. ( PE, whence fera 111111 #hip), ben4§flou ·a -11111, con1r. -entlnr, aupet1.
1, a11y t'ffJ1 larg'- animal, e.g. tht tV,>ltnnJ, liu11, -e11tl:1:timu11 (hc11eHd>1,.i111111t, Cat.), (beue and
~Wt; quantum natura ho111l11i11 1otw1111ih11s re· facio), l;i11tl, gt11tro111, ouligi1lg, Cic.
1~1tt1"'iuc lil:luis aut.ecudat, Cic.; oolua. fcra et Im· Beneventum ·I, n. a to10n of ti~ Hirvi"M c.
ben bid
S..11j-, ..i of cs Romm• colonr (modern Btu· 1Mstla -ae, t. (from PE, whence btlna
wmo) ; hence, B&l6vatanua -a -nm, bdong- and fera), m1 ant111al 'IDitlt.oKt l"l".aaOll (opp. bo1110),
f 114 to BtMl!tntum; In plur. Biniventanl bt.a.Bt. A. Gen., beAtiu mutae, Cle. ; nl&la bHtla.,
-orum, m. tilt people of .&nncn.ttort. IU1 ll tenn or reproach, Plant. B. Particularly
'bin6vili0 adv. (benevolus), bc1U11Q~1Ul11, used of the anlmal11 exhibit.eel In the am1•hl-
kindly, Cle. theatre; allquem ad be111tlu mill.f>N>, to ron11'11u•
to be de1Xmrtd br iM bmatl of th.a am]IAUlwnhv,
'bin6v~lena -entls. A. Adj. wll-wUAing, C..:ic.
bennolelll, obligi1'g, l'laut. B. Bulnit., frU11.~l, beatli.rlu -a -um (besUa), 1Jtlon¢"0 to
JICllro11., Plaut., Ter. anilitGU; lu<lus, a jlghl teoLth 1v~ld bMSlY al ca
'bini'f'~tla -ae, f. (benevolena). good-wUI, show, 8en. Snhst., be8tfi.rlua -ii, 111. ""' who
l-it1ull11 ili6JJO'ULM, 1.i11d1~.u. fru1uUltiJ'• l>mevo- fotlf]hl vri.lh. vr£ld beasU at the Jiublic 1h.01e1, Cic.
1entt; alicul pl'Mstal't!, conre~, C'.c. ; rolligcre,
Cae11. ; erp aliquem habere, eonrcrre, Cic. beallla -ae, r. (dim. or bcstia), a m&all a11i-
mal, t:lo.
bmi6rilua -a -um (comp. -entlor, 11u~r1. I. bita -ae, t. R t•tabk. but, Cle.
-enth1simus), (bene 11.nd volo), U11d,;
allcui, Cic. ; erga allqucm, Plant. ; servua bcme- 2. bita, lndecl. (IJ~TA), Ui.t btta, tM !lfCllwll'tt"
volui1 tlomiuo, ajaitl1,f'w.l 1lavc, Cle. fa th.t Vruk al11hct'btt ; some ti mes uMed prov. ror
tM aeoo1'd, lrl&l't..
binigni, adv. (be11ig11u11), 1, ki11dlJ1, obliging·
l11, wllli1'{/lJI; beuigue rc..'lp<>Udere, Liv. t beuigue bito (baeto, bito), S. to go, Planl
atten~uu au<lire, Cie.; arm& capere, Liv.; lie· Blaa -antis, ui. (Bi4f), a 11h.ih»oplwlr of Pritt~
uigue d1ci11, or absol., benlgne, 11lucA obliged, a in Io11"11 co11ttm110rary u/ Crouus of Lydia, 01ui qJ
phrat16 ullCd either In accevting or refusing an the 11>-0fll l«i 1tve n wist mtn of Gruot.
oftb-, Cic. ; a, gcrurou.sly; pceuoiam praebere, blbll~pila -ae: 111. (ftLjJ>.4oniA~), Cl boo/.:.
Plaut. ; benigoe fa.cere aUeu1, to con/tr beMµ,
a ptrso11., Cla.
°" .UU, l'lin.
biDl.gnltaa -I.tis, r. (beulgnus), 1, Hndnus, brbllithi• -a.e, f., and bhllit.hiai ·{'-',
f. (.8•BA•°'*'"r), 1, a colkctio11 of boob, a li/.rurf;
•ildnu.<, Cie. ; 2, libtrality, gtneroril11, Cle. 2, the 1llaoe where boob are kept, Cle.
binlgnlter be11ig110, q.v. blbo, blhl, blbltum, S. L Lit., to 1lrfnk(from
Wnlgnua -a -um, atlj. with cotnpar. and natural desire): gf.'n11111\, fro11rn et1p srl 1Dithje1r'tls.,
11upcrl. (coutr. fm111 be11igcnu11, from bo1111s and Ve~. ; sangni11em allcujns, Cic. ; rlnre bi~-e,
germ.-). L ki1ullµ, frk11dly, m!«l, pltr1si11.y. A. to yitit to dri11.I;, Cic. IL Parti<;ular f!h"!~i
J10111inC11 lienetlci ct bcuib'lll, Cle.; vultus oonig11i, a, aut bibat nut abent (transl. of Grt•ek 'I " ' " 11
J,lv.; dirs, fort111111u, Stat, n. libeml, ge11eru111; ,;:,,..e,), Cle.; b, Graeco more, to dri11.k to ,,,.,,
A. e1l,"llnliq11m1, Plant. ; a lieu I, Plaut., Hor. ; viui Cle.; c_. at! unmerum, nccordfog to Uat mmd~r of
llOllllll•tJIC loe11ig1111.-, i11dulgi11g in wiM a11A.I slttp, 11mrs tllal a 1..-rso11 t1•i1M.s to li1111, Ov.; d, p~·t.,
Hor. ; 111Y11.lig11l, Plaut.; B. rich, alrnndcmt; ager, hitwre ftumen, to liiit on tht banks <if a ,.,.,.,.,
Ov. ; <ln.1111, Hor. Verg.; Danuvlun!z tn d11~U 011. the banh nf tlv
'bio. 1. (connectMI with beous, bonus), 1, to D1u1111.,, Hor. IL A. Of thlng11, to dri11k ti&,
blus, make hap1>J1; bea.ot or lie4llt i, thal Jllt:«MS sat prata \•il"'mnt., Verit.: ho111111 &1)111\!I litbit,
nu~ I'm glnd of U, Ter.; 2, to make rich; aliq uom Ov.; arrnR hi bit., the rainbow tfm1"s ttp tmln',
1111111ere, Hur. Verg. B. Of periions, Og., amorem, Veri:.;
Blricyntu. -i, m. a fltotmta(n of 'Phrygia, anre (of att.·11livc listetH'l'R), to dri11k i11, ll••r.
aurretl to l~lt; hence ••ll., Binoyntlua ·& Blbraote§ -is, n. n to;1m in (l<lul, onpit11.l Qf tu
-11111,, C11l.,lt, Verg. : herus, JI, so1i of .Anlui on tlu 1110</a11 Jfount &111>mr.
C1111tlt, OY.; tibia, tluJuu 1U1ed at t~ futivau of Blbraz -actis, f. fortreu of tM &mt in G1t11l.
l)JIJtlt, Hor.
blbiUu ·&·Um (\1ilio), fond of arln,kl11.g. L
Birinioi -~~ f. (B"Pf.,;tOJ), l, q1tttn nf I'tolnny Act. fn11d of drinki11!J; 1, with grnlt., t'nll'n1i,
F.1urgrt,,1, whose lw ir nm plar.ttl Unl()ltg tM stars as Hor.'; 2, of inanlmat.e th111gH, lapi", sundllln11r,
a roiuttf1<11i1m : 2, daughter n/ lite Jewi.8h kirig Vl·rg.; Ja110., Uv.; nubes, Ov.; cl1arta, blotti11g
.AgripJn /., 'D•i11trmi v/ 1'itu4. J•tpr, Fli11. II. Pass. drillkablt, t'alen111111, Hor
Biroea ·&e, f. (Bipoto) a towrt in Maudonu1. biceprlt -l'lpltia (l1i11 1111d caput), Aal'i"!7 ,..,.,,
Ht' nee, Biroeaeua -I, m .. , and Biroeenals huul~. tll'o-l1m<ltd. A. l,it., pner, Cle.; Ja1111..,
-ii', 111. a11 ill.ltitbilttnt of &rorn.. Ov. B. Poet., Parna11st1K, tlo11ble·J"al..·td, Ov.
beryllua ·I, c. (~~pv>.AOf). A. 11 '/)!ryl <1 blclinium -i, n. (Llsmul 1C>.i"'1), a 1lirii11!1 !"/<•
prn-inuf .•f<•lt', ofa l«l·fln.tll cnlour, fo111ul i11 Ii1.1/ir1, fm· tht 11Sft of tit-.> J'lf'rsc1111, Plaut.
Jnv. B. Mrton., a ring stt U"ith a l>tryl, Prop. blcolor -ori11 (hi11 n11J color), of two coluur;s:
Borjtus ·I, t. (B'l)ptno~). an ol1l J'ILOtnicurn eqnns, v.. rg.; myrtus, Ov.
tnw.t, 11fla11·w·ds a Jw111.a11 co1v11y, and untlltr the bioornlger -gfri, 111. (his nml corolger), 1iro·
t11111irr, ·""''t uf a lmv school, 1110tlem lkyrout. hor1ud, au epithet of Bacchus, Ov.
Atlj., Berjtlua ·a ·11111, amt Berjtenat. ·C.
blcornl9 ·C (bi:1 a11J coniu), hro hnn1m, o,·, ;
bOa, l•·~ilil'I, 111. (for he -is= bi nae pnl'Ws as11iK), poet., Jmrn, th' 1uw moon, Hor.; ftnt'ac l1iror111•s,
j1m·thi11/s (=right 11nciae) of any wltolecompnsP<I t11'0-pr011!1~d fork$, Verg.; Hhe1111s, wifll llro
or twt·lv1• pnrt.-. A. Lit., a., of " po11111l, tight 11W1LI IL!, Veq;.
01mn·.a, Plin.; b, of the RH (ail n coiu), fe1111s !'X·
bloo~r -t•ri~ (bis and cor111111), hin·i110 lll'o
tril'11ttJ Iii. tl11i11t. fact11111 1Jt'Mih1111, th' tl'W mi.•l'fl front nue-thinl ptr <".1111. for the bndie,, C1c. poet.
11v111//1 to t1m-lhil'tl.~ 1"'r <.'fllf.--i.1•., from 4 p.·r bldena -r11t i!! (bi11 :1.1111 drns), hn ri1tg loco
cent. for th" y<·ar to 8 per ccut., Cic. B. trrt/1; forft•X, \'t•rt:.; nncom, l'li11. ~11h:1t., a.
- l'Ji!)ht, Mart. 111. n hor with t1ni aon/;etl tulh for bl'toki11g d1~1$,
\'er:,(.; b, f, (IU aaiinrtl /<>r Slll'1'ift<'C 1r}h>Se tlf'O
be..alls .,. (hr~), rontailling thl'J n1111thfr 8.
ro11•.:1 " ' tfy/fl. lf'f'l'I! c01111>li:u, \'erg., ov.; nrnl e>1p.,
Beu! -•-•r11111, 111. (Biaao•), a Jit"pTe ill Tl1mce. u Nlter7i, Pha1•ilr.
Adj., Bcasloua -a -11111. bldental -:\lls, n. (hitlen11), a 1ilaet 1tnic7c tl'itA
Beeaus ·i, m. sutrajl <if Bactria. toltn 11u.irdertd lighllliil!f, wltich u'IU afttn.oarch cm1Mcrat&l bf! tlw
.Dr:lrill.'I Codo11U.tn111. ¥1.Crijkt of a allttp (lil<teua), and e1r.clated, Hor•
_ _ _ _ _...
._ __
_ ~;e_ ---~ ..,......,....._,_

Bid bir
B14la •la f. A C - (7' 8'caf, ~ ~ blmari" m. (tMs u• ~>. tM b.P-
Srntt,.... ilence. B14inu .. -um, lll1o1111'"' katJ o/ two triuu, •P. Clo.
lo /{idi1. blmitlr ·tr1a, m. (bl1 and m11ter), Aa.ri"f
bld.uum -1, n. (Ma and did). IAI .,act Q/
da.11•; lu Us oyerilrns cousiillaque con-
noo 'lnOC.\n9: eptthe& or Bacchaa, o ...
bim.i"'8 ·Ila, m. (bimua), &7141 041' q/ tlcJo
s11mltur, Ca.ea.; aliqncm bi•luum clbo toctoque rccm (of plant.a and aniw.ala), Pllia.
probibere, Cic.. ; alll. biiluo, '" CAI ~ q/ t1D0
Ja,... Cic..; eo bi•luo, fo tht etniruo/ UllM
(,'ic.; bi.1luo aut llu11111111w tri<luo,
dail• or
blmem.brla -. (bf11 And mmnbrum), Mft"I
dotiblf ~ lulJ./ fMJ\o lwJ/ &•illMll ; fo1·ma,
arw a.i u.. ~ l:ic.; bi·luo J>Odt.. t1DO dar• a/In'· used or the Centaura, Ov.: bimcmbre.a. aublt._
.irda., Ca.ea. ; l1i1luo quo h11ec ~at.a aunt., hw Cefl.tawt, \'erg.
da)'I after &Av toCU cloM,; b1dul itor &\Jesse, 'blmM&rla -e (bla and •1enal•), ltaMiag r~
fl:> be tvio da~ 111tn"CA d~U, Caea.; IO biilui molllh.t; couaW.Lua, ap. Cic. : porcua, a pig
by U-lf ( anderstood). eutra qau aberant tvio ViOAtla olJ, llor. ; 11t.lpundlum. P411 /or hoo
bkhri, Cle. ~.Liv.
bleDJd'um .ft. n. (bf• and annns), a IJlQtc of bi.m4lua .... ·llm (dim. ot b!mua), l10o rten
Nie> Jft!r.t; blennfo jam conr..-cto fere, f'tc. : bl· old, l:ot., :3uet..
ennium jam tactum cat post~naro o.bll clomo, bimu -a -um (bla anJ anh111), tltlo ,..,.. oW:
U ill 'llOtO hoo JlrliN rilLC8 I If./& h01M, Plaut..; equua, l:'lln.; vtx btmum hunr. Tlbenu1n Cu.iarPm,
lleC., b4ennlnm, for t1w ipnce o/ hoo ftlGT'.t; bl· Veil ; leglo, a. ~ Uaal AGd ~' /"1" tll.10
enniam provinci.llm obtlnere, Cle. ; abL, blennlo, Jll!Grt, Cle.; merum, Hor.; nix, M010 '"'"' /l7r huo
wiU1 comi;ar., blennlo mA,lor natu Voml,i1111, re,.., Ov.; honor, o(liu r:on/nnd fer t11.'0 11earr.
oWrr b7 h&IO JllJOT.. Tac.; lolenuio proxhao, '" ~ Uv.; aentcsntla, a i'Ot• o/ CM aeiw.te prolo1tf1l1&f a.
co.r• q/t1110 J,llUrt, Tac.; bic11uio ante, C100 J.ICQl"I go11eraor"1 "'"" co two11--..
ap. Cic.
bt;for&, Cle.
binl -u -a (14ing., blnua ·• -um, Luer.), tioo
buanam., lldv. (acc. of blCarhu, t.fwbU), '" lJor ttDO, Luer. ; 1, tlOO 01.t-, ao111e1h11~ l'lruply
hro 1.nrt.1: iliatrlbuere, Cle.; caatra btrar!am hoo; unknique bi.D•>e &Pig1111rt1, two fed.
facta suut, Lil', each, Cic.; \Jlnoe lmpc10.toru, hoo <"Or~ a aicur,
blfer -f&a -fhm (bis aud fero), of a tree, S&ll. ; with llllbstt. that are Wltof\ only In the
bmrlu.g twia a Jit*lr, \'erg. plur., or Ulal havo a dllfcn11t 11.eAniog In the
ld.flda -a -nm (bis and fiuilo). lplU
pnrt&, UY,
'"'° ' °° plur., two; bln.1 c.11tra, Cic.; bltllMI lit~rae. Cle.;
with other wnu!ralS, bina mlllla p1111s11uru, c100
1df.6rts -e (bis and foris); 1, Al&ring hco tnilts, Quint. ; 2. of Uuoga that match, bove1,
dooFs, iuh.a, or optning•; val mo, Ov.: 11, with a yol.:I o/ oz.e~ l'li11. ; ecyphl, o pa£r o/ g00ltt1,
two o~d"fP; nui biforem dat tibia cantwn, tM l:lc.; neut. plnr. mbs'-, tlndl In blna, lo b• cll,/f
wllg\119 d.up 11ad high tv>tu of tht jtute, Verg.
blfonni.tu -a -um, Cle. poet., v. birormia. ciitset, v A. Mid let.a"" &Aal
'" twcd!'J Luer. ; Ii bts btna quot cs!ttnt <11'11·
hoo w ft*'"
blform!a ·e (blformatua -a -nm), q/ doMbl• blnootlum ·II, n. (bis and no:r), 11 1,ac:. o/
fon'; J11ou.J, Ov.; vat.ea, Uw ~ ,, 'IUO 4 1100 n i11'1.t1, Tue.
llL'aa, Hor. blnomln!e -e (bh1 and nomen), h1.H·i11r1 tt•'O
blfrona -troutis (bll and frous) toU/& dtiublt _,_; AsCAnla.a (becaDM also callod lulu.),
fortAzad or C01&n!tna1~ epithet or Jo.nus, \'~rg. Ov. ; lster (bt.cltW14! alJIO CAiled Daou\"ia1), Ov.
blfm'caa -a -um (hLs anJ turca), hatn"l1 hcO BIOll -6nl1t, m. (Bi.i•), G tat•riml J)AIJaaopAn-,
P"""'J&, or forla; val Ii, Liv.; ra11111,, uv. ~rst of Uw CyTua&c, &A"'
o/ &M8tt:M .cAaol; lieure
bi&&e -&nnn, r. aud P. Aug. blp -41e, t. Blon,iua -a -um, sermonea, tvitty, caiuli,., llor.
(contr. from bijugae or blJup), 11 J.Gir o/ Aor-, bl611 ·U, m. (ftioc, hit, ct. eau de ~), 11 cet.-
Liv., v~rg. bra.ud GNlk 10iiw, Plin.
blg&ma -a -um (blgae), daaped 1lrith 11 pair blpalmta -e (bia and pahnus), hoo pa.Ima or
ti AorlO; ar~entum, LiY. Su bet., blgatl apan• lo"!I or twood, Liv.
«Um, ltl. IC. DUIDmi, rilwr dl"'1rH IO maru..t..
bijilgia -e., v. bijugus.
MJiigua a- -um (bl• and Jugum), robti hoo
and p11rtio), lo djio\tl•'"'°
blpartlo, or blpertlo (·fvi), ·ltum, f. (bl•
tioo part.t, Cle.
bipartite, adv., f'tom !'Ortic. or hlpartlo, (~
"~; certamtn, a. rur'. l1tt1C'~n t'll'O·horu
cAArioU, Vl'rg. l:!ubet., b!Jilgl -Orum, m. a
ftL'O 1.iru,
11gn.~ ea-.
'"two wa111; dlatrlbuere, Cle.; lnfor19
poi.r of lwrsa, Verg. blpAtella -entls (bis and pntons), dmob/JI
'bllibra -ae, r. (bla and libra), a '"411 of two ~; ~ '" hl.'O dinctiOM; porti.e blpaten-
ptnwu vxight, Liv. t.i l>us, Verg.
bllibria -e (bis and llbra), 1, torightng two blu6dalla -e (bis and J>edlllle), :WO /fat long,
Jl".'l'•l<U; olfae, Plin. : 2, conl44Lntng hoo povnd.8; l>road', thick, or hiyl&; trt.hee, Caea.
eoma, Hor. bfDeD.Dlfer -Rra -t6rum, arnwd to(A a "'--o-
bllinguta -e (bill and lingua), Aa11i11g t1110 td!]eif ~ (hlpeuuls), Ov.
fo11~1; &, ~ing t100 lan!l'Ua11u; C&J1usl11I
more biliu;;uls, Hor.; b, doublt·longiud. trea-
blpennia -e (bis and ~nna). 1, lla1.1ilig t1<'0
10i11g1, Plin. ; I, transr., doublt·tdgr<l; fcrru111,
Wrou, Verg. Verg. Subat., bl~ ·la, f. (!IC. sceurlii), a.
1rilJa -la, t. l1Gll, lrlU. I. LI\., Cle.; autrnsa, doublt·t.dgtd azie, \erg., llor.
pudlct, Pl.In. - U. Fig., a, angtr, dilplt11nt.r•; bl~ ·lldla (hlll and ves), "4ti71g ttoo /ttt,
comrnovere, Cfc.; b, atra bills (Gr. l"NIY,\QAica), biped, Cle., \'erg. Subst. plur., UIJ('I\ contemp-
Ulick bilt-1.e., melaiichol11, Cle.; mad!IUI, Plaut.; tuously, mt"r&; omnlum non biped urn iiolum, acol
bfllic -fcia (bi• and llelnm), only acc. alng. etlt.m quadrupedum lmpurlssunua, Cic.
bilic.i.-rn foantl, haring a clo'IAlile thrw.d, Verg. blrim1a -e (his and rernua). L tt•"O-Oared,
bl1ua1.9 _. (bla aDd luatrum), lalttng Id Liv. 8ubet., blrimia ·la, f. a '10§ 1Mtll two
..,,, Or. oara, Lucan. IL tl1UA ooo bcnt.k.a of uars; uaed
bfm1r19 -e (bis and mare), lfir&f 1111. ltoo Ital; only aa aubet.., a alip tri.I.\ ,_ Ileana Qf oara,
Ci.lriotJua, Bor. ; .LetJlmua, OY. Oia.
bis Bol
"8, adv. Nb,'" ttoo 'llXly•: blat.erque, Ole.;
bla tt:rve, Cic. ; twioe or tAria; bla die, Cle. : bla
dlente Inertia, Ulnlu plemriftg u-. Tae.. Benee
p&lt. partlc., blanditWI -& ·Dm, c:llanMt\f, Prop.
ton111l, a llM11' iollo w bun co1111d tlDics (ltemm
eoneul, a ma• wh.o ii COtl81d for t/M M:Ooo tint'),
bla.Ddlter blan•le (q. \",).
Cic.; hi11 tauto or ta11t11111, twia at gnat, Plaut.; blandltla -ae, f. (blanilus), a oaf'al, Jatlerr,
med In h•1lh a goort a11rl a tmd and not alwaya
with •li11trih11tive uu11u•1-ali>, bis uh1a, Cic.: with In an lnvl<llo111 eeuse, u UAf't1t11Uo, an•I a<inlatio.
('llrulual uu111erals, ouly lu poet., bis quiuque virl A. Lit. 1 po1111tarta, Cle. : plur. benevolentiiun
(1.he d~•A Yiri), llor.; prov., bis &cl eu11tle1n clYium blnuJitlit et -ntando rolllitere, Cic. ;
(ac. lapi<ltim olfunden). lo lllakc tlv.1111M •Wake adhil.tere, Ov.: mullebrea, Liv. B. Ll&at 1111'\cA"
Nia, Cle. aU•ri119 or attroct(w; bla.Dditlae praeeentillo8l
Bist.Onee -nm, m. (BiCN"O~), CM .Biltoius, Yolupt>ttum, Cle.
a. Tl1ruaai. ~ «ttlMl t\Ot pr fros Ahderv.; blanditles -el, f.= bla.Dd1t1a (q.v.).
n.eed poet. for TllrociaM: hence adj., Blat6-
nl118 .a -nm, Biatonian or Th.racia11.; tyn111nu1, blaadu .a -um, }atkri119, fondlhig, ,.,,_
~s. Ov.; ch~lys, ti~ lyre ofOrplwiu, Claud.;
•119; l, Llautlum a111icu1n a v~ro aec1:ruere, Cic.;
turbo, vinlem iwrtA wind, Lucan ; M.iuerva, voluptates, bl1u1rli11>1hua.e dominae, Cic.;
fnrl.lus of iM IDClrlilu Thracilou, Ov. ~uLirt.., daL, blanJiol'ell alienia qnam vestrlt, Liv. ; ~
B1B&Onia -u, t Th.1'0.Ce; B1Bt0n111 ·ldl-. t a or t.hinp, enti.ci119,\g, lern['tir&g; litterae.,
T~n&<:iuia iooman = li<tcchank, liur.: &lea, Procn,c,
Vii/~ of tu TAIUcia.n ki1.g ·rerev., seu. poet.
Cle.; aoui, Ov.; oculi, Plin.; otiuan con11uetn-
dlue In dies blan<iius, taC b«omi11g br AabU
tttrr dar ftM)f'e aUr1u:l i "'• Li~.
blsulcta -e (liis and 1ulc1111), cWtin. A. bl- bl.Atero, 1. lo c:Aa.tUr, babble, Hor.
Rlci li11i;ua (a11gul11), Pac. B. Met.on., ad~
Cot&gturtl 1-.on, a h.ypocrik, Pla11t. bl.Atlo, '- lo talk idly, babble; nugu, Piao\.
b1Bulcua .. -um (his and 1ulcna), split (nlo blatta -ae. r. Cl cockroacA, rAa,/t.r o/ unctrta«•
tioo t"iru; lingua, fr:rrkW., ov.; ungull\, clow1& ipei:iu, \"erg., Hor.
lwof, Pliu.; P68. Luer., Plin. Bnt.t., blsulca blennu ·I, m. ~·~), ca npMI /dlo'llJ,
-6ru111, n. aniJAall with clowft lwq/1 (opp. aoll· PlauL
pecl1!11), Plin. blltum .1, n. (11>.iTo..), a taat«ua 1'erb " - ' i•
Bithjnfa -ae, f. a coutrr o/ AM Jl(Mr, IClla.d, Plaut.; heuce adj., bllteua a- um, i •
betwun the Ma of i\farmora alld Uae BlacJc Stia; npid, lri.lly, Plaut.
bence adj., BithYuicua .a -nm, ftrname of l>Oaiiua, and b~V&rlUll ·a -um (boa), rdati"f
POtApritu, C011•1u•ror of t/M BilJt¥niana, and of lo <>llri.; forum,~ cauu riw.rkrt, Liv.
Al.I'°"' Cic.: Bithymus -a ·WD; Bithjnua Boccar -1.ria m. a ki~ of !fauritanCa at the
4 -um, Bith11num; BithYnU--Orum, nL, Pli11.; thue of the second Punic wu ; hence =al\ ~
Bithjnl ·llrwn, iu. thl .Buh11nU1.u, Tac. ; Bi· can, J uv.
thjn1B ·Ith•, t. a LJUA11nt.a" IOOJIMlA, Ov. BocchUll ·I, 1 7"114 o/ Mauritania, tM/rin.d
bltiimcn ·lnls, n. Cll'J'ha.U'""• bit•mn. Verg., and f1/lllncardt tL
bdrayer <if Jt.1gUrlha; 2, 4
Ov. plant JMJWled aft er him, Verg.
bltiimlDeua .a -um (bitumen), l>Uvafflou, Boebe -M, f. (Boi~11), a lake (" Th"1fll'I/ alMI
Ov. al6o a plact °"
U. . i i - ; hence BoebCl• -!dis
Bltibigea ·l1m, m. a Pf"f'U of .4quit47'Ca7' and ldoa, t. IM lakt Rod>e.. Adj., Boebilu
Gaw, 1uur w ""°'lern to1U1& B"11rgu, Caca. .a um.
blvlum ·II, n. a 7>laee whn-1 hoo f'Oadl ..-, boeOtarchi• ·ae, m. (Bo<WTcipJCllt), Uu lig•
Ve~.: iu bivio distiueri, kl bt diltracted br a ut nwvWrale qf Boeotia, Liv.
love for two ptrttm.f, Uv. Boeott ~rum, m. (Bou.,To•), and BoeoW
blviua ·•-um, la411i119 hoo toaY' or J'ClMJ9U, .{m11u, iu. Uu inhabitants of f>ot()tia, prc-i·ubial
Verg. for &Mir; h~nce Boeotit?- .a.. , r._a ((rU11.-
blaesus -a -um {ll>.1Uo-6~), lilp(ng, •11.di#it\ct; ~ '" Greeot., Mrt.\--wut of At111n; Boeoti.cua
lingua, t11JUU8, Ov.; U~l!d of the talk or
a parrot, .a •Um, Boeolial\; Boeoti& ·hlis, f. lJv«-lic.;
Ov. ~ubt1t., ll.l& et bl~11i, drunk..-, Juv. Boei>tiUll -a -um, BVl!vti«ri.; moenia, TMbu.,
blande. adv. (blaudu11), oareub1~l1, 1<>.ftl11, Ov. ; Boei>tua -a -u111, lfowtian..
tnadn/11, fai.ttt'ri119l1; rogare, Cic.; bl&ndluime B6ethJWI ·ll m. (Aniciu1 l\lanliua Torqua·
apJM.'llare horuint)m, Cle. tu11 &vtiru11), a distingui$/u:d Rm11all 1•hi[.,si.1phu
l»landldlcua .a -um (blande and dico), ~ alld tMoWgial\ of ~ -,-t-clussiml 7-n-Wd; b&-
lf:ri1111l11, l'lit.ut. bt"<uled tu pri11011 (wt.ere he wrote his 111ost cele-
bratt:d work, IJtl CoUllOlatiooe Pbiloeophiae Libri.
blandl16quentillu -a ·um. talking ~ V.) !124 A.O.
tm11vl!f, l'Liut.
blandiloquu• .a -nm (blande and loqnor), Mauntania BOp4 ·adla, m. am '1/ Boccltiu and king CJ)
Tingita1'CI, ally of Caesar and after·
"1-ttawg, fair·,1iok~ Plaut. warils or Antoi.ius, taken prisoner by Agrippt.
blandimentum ·I, n. (lilandlor). L jlaltcy; anu executed (t1.c. Sl)-
n11u;il)y 11lur., hla11<iime11tlt comm1pere, Cle.; b6Jae ·lrum, r., plor., Cl rpeciu of oolle&r, of
blanili111e11ta mullebria, Tac. IL l, wha.tevn' wood ur lron, ror 1lave11 aud crimiuals, Plaut.
pknra tiu .nuu, an a.llu.rt-mut; tine blau<ll·
mt-ulil' expelluut ramera, v.ri.thoM.l 1en«:n, lhli- BOJ1 (Boll). and Bol ·Or•1m, m. a Celtic
raciu, Tac. ; 2, carr.ful "11di119, or a plant., Plin. flttJJ•V, 11eUkd )K'rtly i1' nortll Italy, 7>CJrtl.11 in CV!.·
tral Germany, 1iartly in untral Gaul. 8iu;;., BOlua
blandior, 4. dep. kl jfalur, oare.u, coiu:. A. .1, m. OM o/ tM &ii; Bola. .ae, f. u U'IJ//Ulll of
Lit., govl'111i11g the dath·e, mlhl et per ee et per
iM Boii; heu1.-e, a 1 Boja ·a,., t. tile C<JV11trr
Po11q11·ium 1,1a111litur A11piua, Cle. : Ha11nilx1h:m
of t~ Bo«; b, BoJohaemum ·I, n. (G•·nn.
pu11riliter bla1111it'11U.-111 JJ&trl H11111ilcarl, ut
rlucere1ur In llispaniam. Liv.: auriuu11, Co tickU Uoienhelm), &M ""~of ~ Mi (lieuce mooern
IAe mn, Plin.; 11ibl, kl c.luei1111 fAIMl/, tien.; voti11
mell1, lo dd'Utk OJIU'1,/ Ualo bdietrl1tg wlitd orae BOia - . I. ca Co1DI\ of tJu Aequi '" l.ali~
IOillte., Ov. B. Tn&n11f., ofthi1~11. ulandirbatur now Lugnano. Hence Bolanua .a -um, ,..
DOept it fortnna, furtu-u fa-red Ilia "~i 119', lali ng lo hola..
TaC:; •olaptu seo.ibu.s bluadUu.r, Cle.: bla.D· Bolbiti.Di ..... t (Bci~•TW..), in Uppa'Olm.
bol 73 bra
l:w'lt, now RoldttJ; hf' nee Bolbttinu 4 ·um, to 110me object; aetaa tfro.1iim plernniqae
o/ Bolbili11e; oslium, tlw RONtltJm.oulho/tM r.·i~, mclior, Cle.; with ad, ad proelium '6onl, T11c.;
Plln. with dat., ch·ft11tlb111111uis, Cic.; optimum Cactu,
bOlitus ·I, m. (,9 ..Aintf). tM llaC lt!ld o/ Cic.; 4, a11 regards numbP.r or quantity, bona
•1&14 roo111, Plin. pars homlnum, Hor.: bonam part.em aermonla,
bOlu ·i, 111. (-90-\of), a throw (clusfcal jactus); Cic. D. Morally, ho11.dt, fuithJuL A. Gen.,
vlri boni eit 111ist-reri, Cic.; often Ironical,
1, of dice, Plaut. ; 2, or a fishing net, and hence homines Cle.; bona atqu" honesta aml·
a, 'lt'hat is caw;ltt al 01u tit.row; bolum l'mere, citia, Cle.optimi,
; In vocative, &11 a f&miliar
Sud.; b, fig., 1J good haul, gai1'; la primus 0 bo11el mv good /tllcw, Hor. B. 1'~p.greeting, a, with
t.,,la 'st, Plaut. ; bolo tangere, or multare, or reg1ud t.1 the state, patriotic,
loyal; l.Jonus et
l'mungere aliquem, co clttat a 11141' of hu game, fortia eivis, Cic.; and often in Cic. and 8all.
Plaut. boni = co11.sermtt11u, the 1upporttr1 of th1 ezilting
bomba.Jr. interj. (JJOµfJO.(), an excl11m11tlon IJIRtm; b, cha...te; femiua, Cic.; c, kind; bonus
of ironkal astonishment; ult poaiblsl Plaut. 11tque benig11us, Hor.; di bonl, graci.ou1 glXU I
bombjclnua -a -um (bombyx), rilke1', Plin. Uc.; with dat., tuis, Verg.; with in and the
Pltir. aubst., bombjclna ·Orum, n. '""'"gar· acc., in me, Cle.; d. 11ame ur Jnppiter, Opti1nua
W.Ut!, )!art. Maximus, Cic.
bombjx ·.Ycis, m. and r. (ftOµ.fJvt). L tlu 'bio. 1. (/JoO,,,), to shout, roar; ot pla<'es, to
lilJ.:,r.,mn, Plin. IL •ilk, sill~-stu/, Prop. «ho; 1i.'<1de meum l toto voce boante Curo, Ov.
BOD& Dea, tM good goddt,u, the deity of B66tea -ae and -is, m. (/JocJ'"I(, tht oz-driver),
fertility, wonihipped by the Rorua.n WOUlen. CJ consM/allon. ~" th4 nortlurn. htmflphen, also
bOnfUt.s -I.tis, f. (bonus), goOOIWS1 ezctltntc.. called Arctovhylax.
L or material thing>1, ag1orum, praediorum, BOriaa -ae, m. (/Joplo.c,). A. ~north tlrind,
Vue.ii, Cic. IL A. or ab:stract thin~ naturae Verg. (Class. Lat. aquilo). B. Meton.,tlt.4 north.,
bonitate, Cic. ; bonitas et aequita., cansae, Cle. ; Hor. B. llythol., the hwll(Jnd of Ori.tlill~a. and
lionit:tS verborum, Cic. B. or character, good· /uther of U11lui4 and Zttu; hence aJj., BOriu
i:m, 1.i.ufo,,u, int,,irity; boultas et beneficentia, -a -um, nortiur11.
Cic.: facit 1-arentes bonltas (parental loi·e), non bvia -ae, r. a lcfod ofjuper, Plln.
ntc:eSsitas, Plu1eJr. ; with in or erga followed by
tbe ace., bonitas lo auus, Cic.; divlua bonltate BOrysth45nes -ls, m. (Bopva-fi"'I(), 11 'large
er~ homi11es, Cic. rh"tr in Sarma.tia (now the Dnieper); hence
BbOala ·ae, r. (Bo-rid), 1, G toim& (n C{.s- BOryatheDldae or-itae-irnm, o. dwtlltr1 on
lllpiM Gaul (now Bolog1ia): ht·nC<i adj. Bininl- U.. Bo1111thmu; B6ryathema ·1111:1, t. a Grttk
eula -i!; 2 Cl part '" Galli.a &lgictJ (uow eo/01111 on. th4 Bory1thcnn; Biryeth6DIWI -a
1'~'4lo.J'l.4!); G tolOJ& 01' IJw Da111We (now -wn, IHlong,ng to t1lll /
BG1,,J',; b08. Mvis, o. (/Jo~). 1, Cl:'C, lYullocJc, C01D, Cle.,
bOnum .1, n. good, material or moral ; 1, Liv.; bos Luca, all tf.epha11t, Luer. ; pro\·. bovt
roateri&I, generally plural, bina ·Orum, pro- clitdlas lmponere, to 1<1ddlt 11n oz, i.e. to impo#
Jltrl:J; bona rortuuaeque, Cic.; bonorum om- on. any one U1' oj/ice for 11:hich he ii not JU, ap.
Ilium h1·res, aolc hdr, Li\·.; esse in bonis, to bt Cic.; 2, a kind o/ .ftutfi$h., Ov.
\11 poues;i?n, Cie.; 2, moral, bonum meutla Cllt Boa~nua (Doaphorus), ·i, m. (BonOf>O(), lt
,-irtu•, Cic.; su111111111J1 boutlrn, thd 1111.pnlM good Botlporns Thracius, tht 1truit1 betwu11 Thrace and
(in 1•hilosol'h.... ll!k), Cic. ; bona pacis, tht Uaa- Asia Minor (now th.4 Strait• of CorutanfriwplsJ;
iag• of J-l!G«;. Tac. ; bonum nllturale, foboTii 2, Do.s110rus <.:lmmerlus, o§ tJi.e Crlmi:a (now the
taltnt, Cic.; .,, profit, adm.ntage; bonum pub- Straill of Y1nil:alc); hence a, adj., BoapOri.n-
liclUll, Ilic co11wa.ol\ wrol, Uv. ; b<•no esse ahcul, us -a um, btlongi11.!1 to the Bo•pltoru1: subst.. a
'° pr!'Jftt OM, Cic. ; Cui bono rutsset, /or 1011.oM
edra"lagt, Cic.
d1«Uer on the Bosphoriu; b, Bosp0rlua and
Bo~r45ua -a -wn, belonging to th.4 Bosph.onu.
bOnua -a -am (old form, 4uoaus), compar. Boatra -ae, C. oapilal of tht Roman province
mtlior -!us, gen. ~ria, supcrl. optlmua -a -um of Ara/,iu (tho Bozrah of the Dible); hence Boa-
(from opto), good. L Phfaically an•J m1:ntal17, trinua -a ·nm, of or belcngfog to Bo1tra.
1. good i• ifMV: nnmm booi, g1nnti11t coin,
Cle.; bona Toce, Plaut..; dicta, good IAingi
;au, Eno.; bona ludole, Cle.; esp., a, bta11ti.
= Bottlaea -ae, f. (BoTno.ia), a district of .Vat»o
donia; hence Bottlael -Orum, m. t114 inAalri-
/w.I.; lonnA bona, Ter. ; c~rvix, Suet. ; b, of good tanf1 of tht di1trict.
birth ; bono un,.re natua, Cic. ; o, abld, clcwr; ~vliaum -1, n. (Bovla ..o ..), lotU7l in Samo
l111penator, Cic.; poet.a, Cle. ; Jaculo, goot_l al l"'rl· n£um (now lJojano) ; hence aJj., BOvliallUI
fag~ jatielin, Verg.: hence, aubst.., biu.1, abu -a -um.
111tll; Cic.; d, In war, bru11e; vtr pace belloque
boaut, LiT. ; bonu militia, SalL; 2, good as bOrile= bublle (q.v.).
~nJs the aens."ltlons, position, etc.; a, phy· B6vlllae -arum, r. 1, tqum in Latium, ftOI
llcally or health, valetudo bona, Cle. ; mens fur /romRo11u, u:hich Clodiiu tDa6 murdered
bonit, UT.; bono auimo, of good. oourage, Cic.; b, b'JI J!Uo; hence atlJ., Bovlllanus -a -um,
olphyaieal qualitiea,color, good ooapl.uion, Luer.; pugna (with a VlaY Ob the WOTJ bovillus), tJlll
let.ta bona, J/fl'!Uh, Cic.; or the weather, bona murder ofCfodi11.1, Cle.; 2, iouin. in tht diltrid Q/
~pqtaa, Cic. ; o J)Uaian.t to IJw "nau: bonae ..trpinum.
res, good tlillfl•, ~licociu, Nep.; d, or news, bOvllltLB -a, -um (hos), an ol•? form or bubu·
bona f'ama, good Mte., Cil. ; e, of human his, rrlat£ng t-0 ouii; grex, ap. Llv.
action., etc., bonum exeruplum, Tac. ;navlgatio,
• pood royagt, Cle. ; mors, a MPf'I dtatA., Plin. ;
brf.beuta -ae, m. (/jpo.f3nrri/'>), " judgs, 11,.
plre iA lM public gamu, :Suet.
bona watla, '" all l.illdn~:J, Cic.; bona venla\ bri.oae (braooae) -ltrnm, r. pl. (sing. once
trit.\ y()ltr peM7daio1i, Cic. ; bonae res, gooa
/vrt11.~ Cle.; In bonam yartem accipere, to In O\·.), bruchu, trotuers, hoi4; originally woru
Iott'" good part, Cic.; f, o time, lv.c1.-v (poet.); b7 Persians, Gauli1 1 and Gem1ans, 'fac., Ov.
diet, Verg.; g, or ftood omen, ausplclum, Cle.: 'braoitull (braccatus) -a -um(bracae). L
~~ rerl.a, aiu1Jicioul wonla, Ov.; quod bonum Lit., wtari1111 bruchta. ll. Transr., A. forti!ln,
felix f•astumque ait, Cie.; o, good, wit.h regarl.l barbarian, e§; natio, Cie. B. Aageograph.

bra 74 Bru
n&me = tranalplna.t, Gallla hrac&t.a, 04..Z
~ MrtA .t.14 of tM Al,..., tlw ol-l 1111ru of Gallia
°" Ronwalamore1, .,,.,.,,.., 1'1ae..; a. oftbeq. . .
tlty of 1yllahlea. More; 1ylluba, CIC. ; '• nf di.
Narhorv~w. Pho.. ; Cogt1ftlo l>mcal.4, ti7'dnd cnuf'llt' or wntiug, alt.orl, ool'; WeYee lltt.ene
wWa Jlt!Opu q/ Tnaumlpiu lia1'l, Cle. tuae, Cle.; brnla namaUo, <.:ic.; brevt. '" • Jt-
bracea. aec. ..m, t. 4 kind of COf"A, Pl.In. tt•~rrl•, Cle. ; breYe t•ciam, I V7iU -.1.::1 U ~
C1c. ; ht breve cogere, to allorUn, Cle. ; IO welOIL
bri.ohl&U.o .. (bnchium),"f1 lo 1M or peMIOIUI, quum 111 breYee puteut ellM, longis-
um. Pl&u L 1imi 1i11t. Cle.; breYil - laooro, Hor.
brichlolum .... D. (dim. or brachium). 0 brevttaa -&tla, t (brevls), 1Mr«ua. I.
mall <kli.:nu ara, Cat. Or 11pace, l, In regard to h~nirth or bl'9dtll.
bri.chlum ·11, n. (JJpcal(lwvl. L Uu 4Mll /rfJlffl 1pa11i, Caea.; 2, ofh,.ii;ht. brevi!.&8 uo11t.ra. O'IU'
tM tlbo10 w tlw wrlst (lact'rtu11 =
th4 fm-t-arm); Iii.mi ""''""' Cae•. IL or time, A. LIL, tem-
brachia et lacertl, 0•. II. Oen., tM tolwlt> arm. 1ooris, d1el, Cle. B. 1 ran,.f., a of the quauUty
A. Lit., l>rachlum fra11b-ere, Cle.; diu jactato ofsyll11blea, 1yllat.rum, Cic.; \,,of ape aud
bracliio 11eutum e111it~re, C&ee. ; dlll'e collo writing, brtlri.lJl,0011~"; litterarum, Cic..; ~
braclda, to tmbrrtr-'!, \"t'rg.; as u....t In 111,..aking. Uonla. Cic.; brevitati 11ervire, D 11'"111 brtl'ltr, Cic.
porrecllo brachii, C1c.; lJI dancing, llr1tchia brevlter. adY. (brev!R). lhortll(. L of Bp&ee
nurneri11 movere, Ov.; prov., e11p., Lrachia Ill& Tlb. IL Tran1f., &, of the quantity of 1yll•
pra..bere acelerl, Co a1n.t i1& a critM, Ov.; levi hlfll', Cic.; b, or conch1ene1111 In •pt'~king or
braclilo qere, Co act wi.llt111&t energy, Cic. ; molli WTiting, brU.Jlr; rem breviter narrare, Uc.
brachio ol>jurg;ue, Co u1J1raid Li11hll11, Cic.; dir1·
sere brachia coutra t.orreutem,
" ' ltrt.a"', Jav.

1wim af711iMt
B. TraMf., 1, IM limh1 of
BriAreus -61, m. (Bp.ap~). also called Ae-
gaeon, (l()1l of Uran"', o giilrit with a '""'rlrtd

GW:(llla~ the claw q/ a cmb, Ov.; the thigh of ontU oftlf Mt Modi; ceutumgeminua, Verg.
111a ekpllalll, PU1.1.; ttw q/ a lion., Plin.: tAt Uence Br!ILrelua .. -um.
claw of tlw "4WU1U, Pila. ; need of the siKn Brlgantca -um, m. a tribe '" ~ "°'11 q/
Can061, Ov., &11d Scorpio, Verg.; 2, of thinl(S Brilaait. 111. Nortlt.u~11.l>t-rland or Ol&mbn-la"4:
reeeml>lfng the arm, tM lnuncA of a Irr.I!, Ver!J.; hence ad,J., Brigant1cua ·• ·um.
ftnw&11W td
O""' of tlw Sft'1, O•. ; CM rpv.r of 4 inou1'llli11 t:Aaan., Juli1U, MJ>MIO of CiV'Uu.
Plln.; tJw )'Ord q/ 11 mil= anwnna, Verg.; an
oultoaf"k ocmJM:cting hoo poillU oJ a fart(jka.1io11.,
Brigantla -ae, t. l<>lo1l of tM Vintkl(d
tJv lakl q/ CmufalM!l9 (now Bregnu); hence a4J..
LI v. ; tJu lo114 tCIGUI ~!Wd(rtf ..i.IM7W ~ Uu Brlga.ntinua -a -om, .Brigantine.
~run.I, Liv. .11a, r. (Bp•,....1. IM OM, eplUaet
/,. bractea ( -ae, t. ca AM.~ qf IRdal, ot u~cate, Wied of Proaerpln&,lerribt. Prop.
,· fOld l«J,f, Luer., Verg., Ov. Brft.annla -ae, t. and plar. Brlta.Dnlae
bractei.tua .. -um. A. Lit. ClOMWf '°"" -aru.m, UMCi both of Oreal Brittiin. an•I tlu l;r\lilA
fOld lu/. B. Transf. 1, gill, gli.ttmn.g l<a gout, lllu: hence adj., 1, Brltannlcua -a -um,
91Gg>1ift«nt; ~. gHU~rlrtf,
oitaa, 8en.
'"'Nell, dtltlftw; fell. bert., CM pl4tll IOOUr-doc:k, Plin.; 2, Brltaa-
nua • -um, and 1ubtit., Brlta.nnwa ·I, m. &
bl'aete61a --. r. (dim. or ~>. a liUU 8"'°11, Hor.; plur. -orum, m. ~
l«J/ of gvld, J UY. BritcM, Cus.; Brito -<>nis, m. a Briton, JuY.;
:Qranohua ·L. m. (Bp;l~ot). ca Or.I: eo wham a IJ,.,,.tma, 1.oet. for a Gaul, M&rt.
..i.'Jl!'ll.o ga~ tlwl giJI oJ pro1•/W':r; hence Bran- Brltrumlcl\s -1, m.. IN '°"' of Claudiua a'lld. ·irUID ID. (Bpo.n~>. daottMia.W of M~lina,
Brun.clllUI, tM k,;iitarr caMc of ,,,.,..,,
lnlpl.t of ..i.poUo al Didpa., tWDr Jlllmu.
°' u.e bcrra in 42, so calleti from his fKther's
pretended vicwrle1 In Britain. He wu •t
uide from the 1ucces1lon in favoar of Nero, the
braeafoa -ae, r. Mbbagrc. Plan 10n of hi• step-mother Agrippina., and murdered
Bratuapa.Dtfum -U, n. eo- '" Ga.Ilia. Bd.- artP.r :Sero Emperor.
f(oll. DOW rum• or Brut1upcu1.U, DMT BrdftU. Brit6martU ·la, t. (Bp,.,.o~,f). 11 Ormm
Brmanua ·I, m. (s.Nnoc), 1, '-Ur of t1v ct.i.111, QJk,,_ro. ~ wntA iXa!MI.
~ill" Ga..Z. .iiko tOok a1'd Pnirud ~ R.C. BrlslA -ae, t. lo1Dft '" Ciaalpi1W Gaul (DOW
889 ; :,}, Im.UT of a Gall~ Mm. wAo
~ At1j., Brennloua .a -um.
'"vadtd B~A.t motlln-i:itr of VIT'O'llG.. Bence Mij.,
B na -a -um. q/ or nlali 114 lo BriziG..
brevfiLrius -a -um (hrevt11), ahr(dged. Subtt.., brocohltAa -&till, t prqfect'°9l of CM lutA ift.
brevtartnm -t, n. 111ort
'°""'; "'"'""''"Y·
i11q ... 1 ii, 1tatuti.oal rtpO'rl, Suet.
rqm-t, tpf-- 011,-U, Pho..
broocbu.a. (brocha1, bronchus), projllCtfftf
brevfciilns .a -um (dim. or breTII), .,... (ortttUi); or men and anlmala, hatt\rtf proj«;fM!g
toNit tlhm1 .. r liUu, Plaut. tutlt, Plaut.
brevi'J6quena -entta (breYil and loquor), Br6mlna ·D, m. (Bpo~, ti. tlQUr), a ,....
~ tn 17w#.rh., Cic. "4"" of /Jn.cduu, Plaut., Ov.
brivilc}quentla -u, t. (breviloqnen1), Bruoterl ~rum, m. ca~ Qf NorA Qai.
mntlf of .,JUCh.. Cic. Mani(.

brivts -e (/ipo~lk). A. In ngard to •pece, brev111ailu&, -ae, t. (for brevma, contract.ed t'roa
IC. dle11), tM timt' of tM •hortut day
1, aa to length and bresdth (opp. to longua, of IM rmr, '111 win~ IOUtia. L Lit.., antie
latua), ihort; vta, Verg. ; In breve cogere, to Cfln·
Ct"ClCt (nCo 4 ""4U lp'.JCll, Hor.; 2, as to ht'ight, Cle.; sub bruma, Caea. IL Poet 1
(opp. to longu11, altus, proceru1). judex brevior V'il\UT, """''"'cold; br11111a recurrit lnel"I, Hor.;
quam Ulltla, of 1h-0rf#r Ila.tun, Cle.; 3, u to IIL Meton., IM wear, Mart.
depth (opp. to pr,,f11n•lu1), 1ha.Zlot0; hrevta mt.a, brim.i.lla .. (bruma), 1,"f1 lo aw
Verg. ISuMt., brevia -lorn, n. Ulallll'U.••, \'erg., 11tnrt'" •tar; 1He11,Cic.; sign um, Capriar>n&., Clo.;
Tac.. an'1 sing., a ihool, T11c. B. In rPgard to 2, IDint~; horae, Uv.; fri~us, Verg.
tlme(opp. to long1111). 1, lh.nrl; ..1 hreve tempua, Bnuidlslum ·I, n. a eown fo CaJabrit&, W'ftlt
Cle.; b~v1 post, lhortl11 ~rrLt, Liv.; brevt, an excell.-11t harbour, the port mo11t ueed by tbe
IN ca ltttu Hww, O•. ; 2, q/ aAorr dvratum; Ro111AD1 for journey• to Greece and the East
vitae curriculum, Cic. ; roaa, ftos, lilt um, bloowt.- (now .Brltld"1); hence adJ., Brundiaiuas ..
inf only fer a. Wlf1 """" Hor. ; brevee popull ·um. Brvnd"'4~
Bru 76 Bys
Brut&D (BritU. Brlttll) -<Srum, m. t!'4 biifo -llnle, m. a toad, Verg.
Brrdtii, tlu il&habitant.J of the .BO-ulhcrn ntreml!1J bulbua .1, m. (.JJoll.fJ{;(), an onion, Ov.
of Ttalw (now QMabria Ulurnre}; hence adj.,
BruUlua -a -um, BruU~1l. biileutirfon -ii, n. (ftou..\.n,.r>jp.oa-), tM pla.ct1
of muting Qfa Gruk, Cie.
I. briitua -a -nm (connected with fJo.p.:.C and
tliK,..,.), 1, lttai-y, i?n1no1,Mbu; pondu11, Luer.; bulla -ae, t. a holl<YIO 11UYlling, a bladder,
2, dvU, inM1LSi.bu, wWund feeling or rc~kiOll; but.OU. L Lit., Cl water bubble; ut ~luvio per·
aliorum brutorum qui ae cautos ac sap1.:ute1 lneida caelo surgere bu Ila sol et, Ov. D. Transr.,
pot&nt., Cie. A. a boa!, stud; 1, on girdlf's, aurea bullis dn·
gula, \"erg.; 2, on doors, bullas aureas omnes
2. Briitua -L, m. 11 coqrwnwi of tlu Roman ex his v11h·is non dubitavit auferre, Cic. B. bull&
t;,u Juiaia. 1, L. Jun:us Brutus, rtlatire of aurea, a golden (J1"11a1~11t, ail amulet (of Etruscan
TaTqUiniu Sul'trbu6, f~igntd i<li<:xy, frml Ro_'ITU
origin), worn by triumphing generals and by
fro• iv kingly power, B.C. f>09. 2, )I. Jumus boys or good family, 1111<1 asilitl by the latter
Brutwi, 1lephtw of Cato Uticf11~i1. one . of the when the toga virills was put on; hence dignus
1111.rd.M-€n of J1<litU1 Cauar, inti matt fru11d. of
Ck~o. pltilr.soplttr a11d orafor. 3, D. J11111~s
bulla =
childish, Juv.
Brutus, ftll(Jw cr•Mpiru.tor wilh 2. Adj., Bru• bulli.tua -a -um (bulla). L!tdtd, bom.-
tinus ·•-um. b~fo,,ging to (M. Junius) Brmu.s; bastic, or pn-ishnblt, transitory, Pers. l l Tninst,
L"<JDlili.& Bruti na, Cic. l, fernishtd with a bulla, in the llen!I(' or a bou,
bwb, cingulum, VaIT.; 2, 11Jta1·ing tM bulla,
Biibastla -is, f. (Bo.;prurr1f), an Egyptian and con!l1!quently not yet arrived at years of
grmlui, "PreM.nLtd with the htfl(I ofa cat. discretiou, hiores, Juv.
bubile -ls, n. (bos), a11 ox-stall. Plaut. bulllo, 4. (bulla), to wU up, b1'bbk up, boU
biibo --Onis, m. (tJii..f, j3ii(a.), t1l.4 1CTuch. owl,
11.p, Pera.
\"erg. Bullia (Byllis) -Id is, f. _a~ lllyrian town. and
b'iibalcltor. 1. dep., and bubulclto, 1. to district betu•un Dyrrhachium a11d ApoUonia;
1-i a C>JV:·h• ni, Plaut. h~11ce BuWdeDSeS -ium, m. inhabita11tlJ o/
bflbuJ.cus -i, m. {bos), OM who plqugli.a vnth llli!lis; also BulleDHS -Iwn, m. and BulliD1
ozn, Cic. -&rum, m.
lriibiilua -a -uSt (hoa), relating to oowa or b'iimaatua -1, r. Cl kind Qf vine btaring ...,.,
o:n.; c.iro, Plin. :subst., bii.billa -ae, r. (sc. larve grr11~s, \"erg.
caro), buf, Plaut. Bilra ·&e, ! (Boiipa.), and Biirta -11, t. a.
lriicaeda ·Be, m. (lo0s and cae<lo), 01~ who rown ill .Achaia, forty 8tadiafrom tlu ata.
ka1 ban t<altn u:ilh tJio11g.~ nf o:i: hick, Plaut. Burdigila -ae, r. a town in ..Cquitania (now
'bacca -ae, f. tke chcel.:; e.'!p. when puffed &ni.-ttu.c).
oot L Lit., bucea!! infl.are, to swell with rug(, biirta -is, m. t'ltt crooked hindtr part of tha
Hor.; J•rov., qu"d in ven .. rit. scriLito, plo~Jh, \".:rg.
'&"/i;1tuu romt" intf'J IJ'lUT llUJuth, Cic. IL Met on.,
1, a d-.1ai "ta, bu wirr, Juv.; 2, 01u wlto )ii'/8 his Biisirta -rl<lis, m. (Bo~O'•P•~). an old king oj
~ rtf'I/ J11ll, a parusitl!, Pt:tr.; 3, a m-0uthful,
F.gypt u•ho sacrificed all /oreig11er1 who oamt to Ail
Mart.; 4, a 1-trson with s1roUtn chub (of a
IM!lllpt:'lt>r), JU\'. buatlrA.pua -1, m. (bnstum and raplo), a
buccella -ae. r. (tlim. or bucca), a little robbtr of to~. Plaut.
•1111!.lt.;ul, r.lart. bustiiarfua -a -um (bnstum), belon!1ing fo
the piau where COf1>~8 uvre fmrned; gladiator,
bucclna. bucclnator, t:te., v. bucina, etc. on~ who /011.f1hl at a funeral pile 'ill h.onour Q/ tM
buoco -cmis, m. (bucca), a babbling foolish dewf, Cie.
/tlfo:e, Plaut. buatum ·I, n. (from buro, old IAlt. for uro).
bucciila -ae, r. (tlim. or bucca); 1. the cheek, L the p/aa wliert corpsu u•hert burntrl, Lner.
}atc, Plaut.; 2, thl! bffn-eT, the dsor, the part Q/ IL a grove, MJro.lchn. A. Lit., Cie. B. Pig.,
Cl hdmtt ll'hich ('Q'l"t'TS the CMtb, LI v. tu bustum reipublicae, the dutro.11tr of tl•t Statt,
bucciUentua -a -um (bucca), 'PU.IY·chulm!., Cic. ; bustum miseral>ile nat.i, 'l"ertUtJ 10ho aw
Plaut his ow1i 11<m, Ov.
BilcephAJ.ia -ae, arc. -an, and -ua ·I, m. Buthrotum ·I, n. and -tie ·I. f. (BovfpwnSP
~onian Bo111w,bciAcaf, Gr. Bouo:l<#lcaAt»), the 1111<l ·To(), a tou.•n on the coast of Epiru.s, 0J!'1>06it4
w. of ..t!t.mllikr th~ lktat. BucepbAla -ac, WTC!lnL, now Butrinto.
r. &lid Bucepb.Ali -es, t. (Bouo:t414A11). a ~ biithjala -ae, f. (/3ovfvCTica), (I $0CT'l~~ of o.:i:eftw
/lludtd. ill w lunwur cm tht llyda61>u. Suet.
bfacirie ~n. an<t biioirfua -a -um, Luer. Butrotu.a -1, m. 11 r!t"tT in Bruttium, now
~upt.K). having «<"11 lwr1u Ov. Bruciffno.
bilclna -ae, r. (from the sound bu and cano, Buxentum -1, n. a town in Luoania, now
or contr. from hovicina, from bos nnd cano). L Polirostro
Cl crooktd trompa; a. the wphm;l's MT1', Prop.; buxlfer -a -um (buxus and fero), producing
b, c milltary trv.m1~t. Cic.; usl'tl aa a 11igual for tht bo1:-trct, Cat.
"lieTing guanl, hen<'e ad tertiam bucinam (= buxu.a -1, /. and buxum I. n. (1r~to<;). I.
tigillam), Liv. ; c, tlu tru.mptt 11atd to n1mmon liithe evergreen bo.vtru, Ov.; 2, b<Y.1:-wood, Verg.
!hf popvlar auembtiu, Prop. IL Triton'• hom, Me ton., a.rtidu made of boz·irood-.g., jfv.U,
OT. Verg.; top, Verg.; comb, Ov.; fDriling·tablda,
bfaoln&tor -Oris, m. a tru111peter, Caes. Prop.
'iofnam .f, n. ~ the 101'nd of a fnlmptt, Byna·ae, t. (Btipve1), IM cUadelQ/Corthage.
Pila.; 2, cuhe/l ft$h, .t'lln.
Bya.nUum ·II, n. (Bv~a.vruSa-), BJ1za'!'iwn1
1ri"lc6llcua -a -um. ant! -M -a -6n (JJov· a city in Thraa on the Bosphcrua, oppos1'4 the
G4.cif), relating to 1Mp1&erds, rural; modi. Ov. Jhiatic Chaludon (now Co11stanti11n14f). Adj.,
bfactila ·&e, t. (dim. or boa), a At(fer, Verg., Bysantinua .. -um, BJ'antlua .. -um
Oe. Brzamiu.
cab 76 Cae
debcntur, Cle. ; 2, of perception, to fell '°
twflce of; 1111b oculOtl, t:ie. ; 3, to fa,ll •llder Q
c Ol!Ttain cla.u; iu idem genu"' orationis, Cic.; 4,
. . to fall undu; In uni us )'Otestatem, Cic. ; 6 lo
c, the thml .~eLti:r of the Lalin .Alph:lbe.t,
C cu!Tespo111hng 111 pince and ong111ally. 111
sountl with the Greek ~· y•. At an earl~ penod
agree wuh, be ron.aistent toitk; nou cudit in \ioa
mores, non iu hune hominem ista suspicio,
Cic.; 6, to happw; si quid a<lvenii casurum
!t \\all subst1t111J>d for K, winch, except 111 a few foret, Liv.; fortuito, Cic.; male, Caea.; cadere
mstirnccs. tJ1sapl't'ared from the language. ad 01 in irritum, w be.cmne of no !', Liv.; in-
cA.ballinus -a -11111, btlongiJl11 to a Mra'1; 11per:mti mild cecidit ut, etc., Cic.; 7, to fall, in
fous (i11 je,,l) = llippocre11t, Pers. power, honour, ~tc., tam grnviter, Cie.; tc loae
c&ballua -i, 111. a pack-honit, 71ag, Hor., Juv. or bt cast ill a law-suit, in judicio, <.:~c.; ea:usa,,
C~billonum -i, n. a tmcn of tlu At.dui fo Ci~.;. to lose co11ragl! ~ non <le~mus 1ta ea.dens
. 1 · Ch·" "--' an11111s qu:isl, etc., C1c. II. E!lp., A.. to be de-
Gu IL m .::1t!1<1~uensis, nuw . ""ons-rur....,...,JU. strayed; non tota cadet Troja, ov. B. or per-
CAbiri: -o~um, m. (Kci.,8upo.), gods honvurt.d R<>ns, to bt ldlltd; pauci de 11011tris cadunt, Cu.•a.;
by 11ti:ret nta 111 Lem.nus and Sa11wth.race. in acie, Cic. ; sna manu, to commit suicide, Tac.;
cAchlnnatlo -onis, r. a viclrnt laughing, of the ,;ctims of a sacrifice, ovis cadit deo, Ov.
cm:h.i1rnalion, C1c. oactiiceator -oris, m. (caducena), a A.tral.d,
1. oicbtuno, 1. (cachinnu11), to 1m1gh. cr.lcud; Liv.
ridere co11\·ivae, cacliinuare ip11e Apronius, Cie. oi.4iioeua -1, m. a herald'~ staff, Cic.; CM
2. cachinno -onis, m. (cachinnus), 01U? toho wand or s!ajJ of Jlrrcury, Suet.
laugh$ lwutily, ajtstu, Plaut.; rrofer, Pers. ci.4iiclr0r -fi!ri (caducell8 :md fero), he tAtJl
oaohinuua.-i. 111. (o:ay~uO'JLcX), loud laugl&.ler, bMr11 the oaduceiu, surname of Mercury, Ov.;
jeering; cachinnos irri<leutmm commovi:re, Cic.; absol., Ov.
poet. trausf., Ou splaalti110 of tM 8tl&, Cat. ddiioa.a -a -um (cado), thal tchicA 1uu fo11.c11.
cAoo, 1. (o:cuca..), 1, to void tht acrtJMnl, Hor.; or is falliJl11. L A. Lit., bello, /alum in 1mr,
2, to ckjile tcith. ncrt"11U!nt, Cat.• Verg. B. _Tran1f., legal t. t., bo~ a ~
oAcoethea -ill, 11 • (o:<U'.o,,8«), a 1, obstinate rrndered l'Oid ~Y the death. or ltf)'!-l incaJlacUy of
diM<cse, mt ilc/' or ii1.e11rnble paasioii ; scribendi,
mi ineamble itch to iorite Juv.
the Uga.tu •. w~ich fell to oth,,,. hei~ ,,,. '°.
cht1[1Ur, C1e., legatum omne ca_p1s .nec!ion et.
tAe U·
'. du lee cad11c11m, Juv. II. A. Lit., rndrned or
ci.ciila -ae, m. a soulu:r'1 or o~a #nlant, mrdy to fiill; 1, gen., \'itis, Cic.; ftos, OY.; 2.
PlauL _ el'lp., dtstimd to dit, deroud to tlrotll.; ju\'euis.
cacumen -!nii;, n. 1, tM txCTt"llWl potnt, '°Jl, Yerg. B. Transf., frail, r..erishable, tmn.sitory;
111mmit; monti.s, Cat.; arbo~is, Verg.; ram?rum, res humanae fragiles eaducaeque, Cle.
Caes.; 2, height, ptrfechon; ale!1Ct'.11d1, tJu Ci.durol -orum m. a GaulW.. ptopl.t in .Atl'ci-
grccrtfsl_ !Jrowtlt, Luer. taiLia, /i.tTIWUS for' th.l'ir linen ww.n ufaci1'rrs;
~UmlDo. I. (cacumen), to poi1u, make hence a, adj., Ci4urcua -a, -um; b, suhst.,
pomte1l, Ov. CAduroum -i, n. (sc. stragulum). A.. a a>l'f'T"·
Ci.cua -i, m. (KO..:~). son of Vulcan, an Italia" let of Cudv.rc«m liT1t1t. B. Met.on., Ule lllllrriag.·
rottle-rol>btr slcli.n by JltrC'lllu. ~d. Jnv.
o&d&ver -l!ris (cado), n. a dttul body, mn:iw, cUua -i. m. (•~). a t0i1U? jar; capite sis-
of men ur1111imals. L Lit., Cie.; as a term or re- tere, t-0 ot·e1·t11rn, Plaut. ; meton., tDiM, 1Iur. ;
proach, ah hoc ejecto cad:ivere quidquam mi hi ant also uired for other purpose11, for honey, Kart. ;
opis aut onu\menti exp!'telaam, Cic. II. Transf., =
uma, afm~l urn, Verg.
ol the rui1111 of towns, cadavera oppi1li11n, llp. Cic. Cadiiall -<'irum, m. (Ka.&.;0'&0<), a uu~·liu
cMS&ver08ua -a -um (cadaver), like a rorJJ$e, nation on the Caspwn Sea.
t:a'lcu~rou~. Ter. caocfaa -ae, m. (o:aucla(), c:& north.-«ut tchul,
Cad.mus -i, m. (K~"o1;), the llc>lt n/ .Agrnor,. Plin.
king of Nwe11icin aiu/ of Europa; fatht!r caeclgenua -a -um (caecm1 and gi:;no), bom
of l'olyclorus, hto, S1'1111!lt, .A11t<mot, arul .Agave; blind, Luer.
fomuler of Thebt.s in BOl'otia. Adj., Ca4me~ CaecDlua -a -mu. name of a ctlthrnlM pr,,.
-a -um, Thehae, Prop. ; hence subst., Ca4mea beian grna, the most important family of which
-ae, f. the citcull'l of Theb/'1, Nep.; Cadm.els was the Metelli; or these the most illustriou>1
-Idis, f. arx, Thelxm, Ov.; and suhst., a ftmiale were: 1, Qu. Caee. Metellus, 7rro,tm· B.C. HS,
de.sttndmit nf Cnd11ms, Ov. ~-urnamR<L Mactdonictl.6, fvr hi.s c:on1J1tC~U in J/aa::-
cado. c~ritli, cibmm, 3. to fall. L Gen., do11m; 2, his son, Qu. Ca_ec. Metellus, .ro"-'!"
A. Lit., l, of lifeless things, anna alicui cadunt B.c. 123, sunu11ntd Baltt.1nc;t';8 for lus r1dorrl!.ll
de ma11ib11s, Cic.; of weapons, lev:us, tcith /us n~-rr th!I Balet1res; 3, Caec1lu1, t!tt davg11te: oj
11iolcncc Caes. · of thuuderbolts caelo cadunt J;all'ancus, the mother of thl tnb1me Clod&u•;
flthnina'. Petr. of dice, ut (talu;) ea<lat rectu11,
Cic.; of sails, vela catl1111t, are jurlfti, \"erg.; of
4, C. Caecilins St..atiu11~ Roman comic potl, ~·
temporary of Ennmi, died_ ~t lt>S B.C. ~<lJ.,
rain, 1111ow, tears, and other liquids, guttae ~US ·a _-urn, Cuec1lian, .lex (dv arnb~t~1),
caclentes, Cic.; of shadows, al tis de rnontilms, C1c.; CaeclliiDua -a -um, fa bu la, of Catcth-.u
\"erg.; of tl1in;;s which 11aturally fall--e.g., fruit, ~t<.1li11s, Cic.; 11enex, fa a 1>luy of a~ sume, Cit'.
leaves, &e.; lllotis pom:L ca<luut n1rnia, 0'f.; caecftas -:\till, (. (cae1'.11s), bli'W.illllU, Cic.:
1.iarloa cad1t, Yt'r.;.; of the sun, stars, the tlay, t-tc., fl" uf the mind :m ti hi h1111it1is :.1besset aiecita11
to S(!t; sol i;.1dens, p~t .. the tt·ct.t; juxra" solem pf;,~ qumn liuidlnis ! Cic.
carlP.ntem, \erg. ; of wmds, to I~ l11lltd; cadent~ .. bl" d J . • fi l ·
jam euro, Liv.; of words, to fall from. tht mauth; . .eoo, 1· ~o mahe in • .• • • .g., arg1-
verba eaclentia toll it, Hor.; gra111mat. and rhet.. tioue me!1tes nnpenton1111 •..C1c. • celentate e&e•
t. t., to come fn cm nut; verha melius in 11yllaba11 cata oratto, made.obsct1rt, C1e.
Jongiorel! ~dunt, Cic. : 2, of Ji\·ing thi11i.,'¥, si ca.ectibum -1, ,;. and Caeoilbus ager, ca
prolapsus eecidi1<11et., Liv.; in terram, Cic.; de distf'ict in J.atium, fa11Wl fvr w wine; hence adj.,
equo, Cic. B. Transf., 1, of payu:ents, to fall caeciibua -a -um, Caecuban; vinum Cseeubu.m
due; in cam diem OtMlere nummos qui a Quinto 1md 11imply CaecubWll. wine oJ ~ Hor.
cae 77 Cae
•• aa -a -um. lllij. with eompar. I. AetlYe. t. ...tmD ·11 n.. (connected with Or. .oi.\~
A. Lit., Willllf., Ml _,"I: Ille qal caeca r.etua Aollow), 1, IM Mia""'; caelwn totum ·utris
e.t, Cic.; "ubst.., appard id etiam eaeco, Liv. dillliucturu et omatum, Cle. ; DOD de caelo ue-
B. Transl., """1l.a1"1llr or 'aOl'llUr bl& Md, millll09, aed qui patrem ciere .,._nt., Liv.; cae-
11'i41W ; 1. of 1ienon.s, eaecua animl, Cic.; 2, lum ae terru mi9cere, Liv.; lnitere caelu1n
of f'&'-"ious, timor, Cic. IL Pas.iive. A. Lit., aratro, to do '°11Utli1&g i"'posr1'1•k, O•. ; hence, a.
1, or J•latt-11 that hue no light, ""'*; domus, ol a great height, It. melo clamor, \"erg.; junct.a
caelo montium jup. Liv.; miuari 111 caelum,
C1c. ; 3, of ohjf'ClA, apr-,.ancei., et.en iJtl'Uible,
w.. sr,." ; r.. r~"• \".-.,;.; vericnla, Cic. B. Tr-Jai1r., \'~11(.; bp ltg., as the hdght of jo,·, n:noWD,
l, 1lc1rl;. t&Nilf.Ultigiblt, 11.11l:nt110N: rat.a. Hor.; etc., !'Me m caelo, Cic. ; aliquem or aliquid ferre
:a, Ui Hd. 1u&certGi11, ol>jectlua; caeca e:rpecta- ad or in caelom, Cic. ; :a, ~ hMt'fM, &, aa the
limie, c;c. home of light, cloudl!, ete., caelmn uocte atque
•ed• .1s, r. (caedo). A. ca cultillf 01. a
nttti..g•l..1111&. tilling, slaugAUr, carnage;&, caed·
nubibu" obitcuratum, Sall. ; de caelo ra1kre (of
met.eon), Liv. ; C&Ph1m dil!Ct'dlt, light, Cic. ; Ictus
"'" racere. Cic. ; J•lur. multae et atroces inter ee e caelo, C1c.; b. '1u air, caelum libenun, Cic.;
~le5, Llv.; b, tilling of ftdi., for IOCl'ijlcl: of climate, pvit.aa huJu11 ~Ii. '"'1ualtAi11U1,
hislt'nt.iuin, Hor. B. Meton. a tM ~rtou Cle. ; caelum cruaum, Cic.; 8 h«l~n u the
dci•: caeolis acervi, Verg.; b, ilood •h«l i" home or the gods, de caelo delap!lll!I, " llM'.0·
WNJer uf t/u goda, Cle. ; non ad 111urte1u tn1<ll
"4119/du, (cunus) resperina fraterna caede, CaL
ckidi, caesum, 3. to ~. fdl, etrl
""•"· ~.,,, i1& JMou, .trib, b«lt. L A. januam
veruan in caelum videri ese.endere, Cic.; quid
me caelum sperare Jubebu, WMlrrWgt vntA 11 gcicl.
!1.U:i'l, Cic.; aliq11em virgis, Cic.; ailvam, Caea..
B. Transr. tett&.ibus caedi, to be AaTd prtatd, ~- -1, m. = Caelum ~ife;d a. ca god,
q/ A alld Dia.
Cle. IL A.; to kiU; consulem exercitumque,
41()1' poeL, c-aeai acervi, h«lpt1 o/ tM ala£11, Cat.; oaementnm ·I. u. (caede), f'Ol&9A .to11e /rUfll
caeJUS Rang11i!I, t~ blood of tlae slai1', Verg.; ot tM quarry, Cic.
"'1Crittc~I ,,ictims, hoat.i_u, Cic. B. to c1ll out, Caeae1la ~I, m. (Ka&...WC), or(gillGllr G
maiMJt, da11.g'l&kr of Elat1U, eAallftd l>J N1pl111..
"'~urihus l1umida vina (or wine when frozen),
\' .. rg.. ; btilJJI (1uun111) quam caederetur ruebat,
Ln·. a bar and tAen '"'° a bird.
Ceeni- -ae, f. (Kau-i...,,), lcali1' in IAli1u":
oaeUimia -lnis (caelo). n. a bal-rtlit/, Ov. hence adj., Cll.eni•elllda ~and c.enuau
oaeJ&tor -oris, m. (caelo), ca cllarttr, (/TURI', -a -nm, of or belo1&gi1&g to C<M•ina.
or carrw, Cic. oaeD0.U ·&·URI (caenum), tAuddJ, JUY.
eael&t'iira -me, r. (caelo), tM art of t1&gratr'1tg O&eDUlll ·I, 11. (connected with in·quino),
or cAasi119, chiefty iu metalR or ivory, Quint. ; mud, dirt, }ltA; male olere omne caenum, t:ic. ,
111eton., an tiigrai:iltg, 8uet. as a te1111 of repro9Ch, labes ilia atque caenum,
caelebe ·lfbis, un111arriat, li1&gu (orthe man). Cic.
L A.. Lit., se rectius vi<luam eL ilium caelibem aaepa (cepa) -ae, r. and oaepe (ct:pt:) -is, n.
cue futurum, Liv. B. Meton., vita (or au un- a1& onion. Hor.
111.:1nied, Hor. IL Traosr., or treea, plA· CMplo -Cinis, m. tM eogMJM1& of a patricia•
unus, to v:Jaich 1&0 rine iii trained, Hor. brnlldl of tM gena &nrilia.
cae1ia ·itis (caelum), h«lwnl11; regna, Ov. Caeri. n. indecl., anCl CMrill -Itis or -etl1,
Subst., a god, Ov.; oneuer in plur., oaell*-. r. a vtry olll cif'N of F.tntria, tchOSi! inhahitan~
at god.6, Cic. m:eiued tM ,Roma,. citi.:m.altip, UC#pt tM right of
caeleat:1a -e (caelum), a, ~WnalJ&g to lM!awn, wtiJ&g; hence, Caerie -ltis and -Hi11. f.elo11gi1l9
Atnu1tly; corpora, Cic.; henre subst., oaelM- to Cane; subst., Caeritee or Caeritea -11111,
ua ·ium, 11.. tAillilS in Mll1t1l, tJu Mavrnl11 m. tM inllabila1lt. of Ca.en; Caerite cern (i.e.,
bodin, Ci~ ; b, comiJ&g from tAt 11.ttn'f!n. ftr 1tt1t tabula) digul = duent£1&g qf cine degradatio11,
ill tile h.ra1~11J1; aqua, Hor.; spiritus, Cic.;. c_, Hor.
btlo..qi11g ro /unnn 115 tM stlU of tM gods, c:tustuu, caeri'.minla-ae, f. L loliM&, ll:u:Ttd'llta:
diriu; <lii, Cic.; Mpientia, Cle.; quem prope deorum, Cic.; legatlonls, Cic. IL 1, holy ""~•
eadel!Um fecerint, 1cho11t tMJ! ulmo3t deiµd, L_lv.; r~; summa religione caerimoniaque sacra
htnce i>Ubs*-. caeJeatfa ·II, f. a goddaJ, Tib.; con ticere, Cle. ; :ii, rtligiO'IU WICUJt, aacrtd «n·
piur., m. and r. th~ g0t~. Cic.; tran!tf. for what. is mo111 (gen. in plur.), Cic.
ncdlent, glori.vw, ingenium, Ov. CMl"Oe9l --Orum, m. a PtJOPl« i1' Gallia Bt.l.gica,
eaellbatu.s ·!Vr, 1fi. (caelebs), celibacy, SueL -.r fltO<Urn. L 'IUttllbu rg or L iittk la.
caellc0la -ae, m. (c.'lelum and colo), 11 oaeriUlua (poet. caeriUu) -a -nm (con·
d~-vller ill /ua't"l'n ; poet., a god, Verg. necte<l with caesius). L tlark-colouN'd, dark
caeuter -fera ·ferum, bfaring tM wi't'ILf: bltu:, epithet of the sea and sky; a, or the iiky,
AU&.", \"erg. caerula caeli, or simply caerul.I\, tlu c1.:urt of tM
M:y, Luer., Ov.; b, or the sea, aquae, Ov.;
caeUua -a -urn. L ftaj!M! of a Roman pU. caeriUa ·Orum, n. tM Ma, Eun. ; oi se.i·g0<ls,
bcu1" 9ou, tM 1M4t a!lehroled ~ of 1D/iic1' deus, NtptuM, Ov.; mater, TMtic:, Ov.; cqui, o/
'ftTt: 1, C. C:Lelius Caldus, Ropwn orator and, Ov.; via, Ov.; pnppis, Ov.; c. or ri \'CMI,
la~r; 2, L. Caelius Antipater, a11nali&t of tAt Thybris, Yerg.; d, of other thmgic, a11gues,
&o,11,l Pu11ic War, contnnpomry of the Gracchi; Verg.; Germanorum pubes, bl1u-rynl, Hor.
3, ll. Cneliu'l RuftLo;, intimate fri.enrl and cluir.t Subst., ca.sriUium -i, a blut coluur, Plin.
of Uaro. II. Caelius Mons, a hill in Rom.t IL Poet., dark gr«J&, Ov.; dark, Verg.
IO!ltA of tM }'ulati~ aiul tfl.<t oft~ A t•enline (now
tltt Lal.tran). Adj., CaeUiinua -a -urn, Catlian.. C.W.r -iris, nL a Rmnanfamily namt: iJf tfte
gtra.s Julia, tM molt famD11,S of 11:1dc.A uxre, l, C.
caelo, J. (I. caelnm), l, t.o mgrart or Julius Caesar, who conquered J>om~iiu, ~rthrew
-.mLs or irory, t.o can.'I! ii' ba.s-relwf: speciem tM ~ of iM Slt'llaU, UlCI.! 11UJ1le Di<'u1tor wil1'
aatlare &rgt>nto, Cic. ; vasa caelata, Cic.; 2, o( 614P1'f!~ JJOIDn', and 'ID!l4 mul'lhred by Bnctu..• nl&d
poetry, eaelatum novem Musi.i opu.s, aclorn«l Cauiu..t, -i4 B.C.; 2. Ai.! 11ephew, Cktaviu~. u·h-0 took
bf, Hor. Ai.I namt, witlt tM additiml. offJclavimuis, and U·
L eaellllll ·I. n. (csedo}, LU bri" Ol'mgrG• t4bli&h.ed tlac tmpin1. ARer him all the emiierorw
Mf-lcol, Kart. bore the name of Caear with the title Auguatu..
Cae 78 oal
till, under Hadrian, a distinction waa made, and n1¥mJtaa -&tis, r. A. da11ttJ98. io., 14u...,.
the relgnlngem1ieror wa.~ ~!led Cllesar Augustus, especlall7 in agricultu111, Cic. B. Tranar. 111i.tfol"
and the appointed heir Cae?s.&r. Adj., A. Caea- tmu, damage, calamity, lou; ca lam itatem h>lerare,
Arlu• -a -um, bdo11g4ng to J'Uliw C«uar; sang- Cic.; cala111it<tte prohibere aliqucm, Cic.; 1•l11r.,
uis, Ov. B. C..l.rliA118 -& -um, Cauariaft.; calamitatcB rcipubllcae; especially t114furtu114
snbst. Caesarian!, the parli«Zftl of C<war. O. rnoerM in uur; Cauuensls ilia calumlt.aJt, Cic.
CaeaArlemsts -e, Mauritania, ua. ea6' parl of cAJilmJtOei, adv. (calamltoens), vJiforfluut,,_
Mau1"ita11ia. D. Caesarinua .. -um, q/ l11; vivere, Cic.
(Julius) (,'aaar; cele1ita.-J, Cle. cl.JwltOsua -a -um (calamitRs), 1, act.,
Cae8aria -al!, f. (Kcue1ciptua), "4wtt of ttt1traZ causing los3, destrvctivc; tempestA.~, Cic.; lx:-llum,
tolOM, 1, in l'olati"t; 2, in .Mauritania Cae.'Klri· calamito!<S, Cic.; 2, pass., 111,l'ering grrot loss,
1nri!; S, iii C<i11Jiad<x;ia; 4, fo Plwtnida. misa'able; agt·i vecti~al, 011pres:<ir~. C1c.; hn111i1n_'S
~i&t118 -a ·Ulll (caesariea), long·hairtd, miseri et fortuna mabri• quam culpa caliuuitoa.t,
Plaut. Cic.
oae&Ulu -ei, t. a bwhy Mad q/ ha(r, Verg.; ~UIS ·I, 111, (icd.\aµO(), L a rr«L A.
barbae, the hair q/ tlu btara, Ov. Lit., o,·. B. J\letou., \ ariom1 article11 111adc •>f

reed, a u:ri.lrng n""tl, rc11, Cic.; a ru'1-J>i1.e, 1'11,...

oaeaim, adv. (c.aedo). A. with cutting, u-ith, Vcri;.; an a1TOW, .Uvr.; aji,J,iiu;·r<l'.I, U\".;
•As~~ of thl 1word (opp. to punctim, with the
a lini.r.t twig f<;r fWJl.~"11• Prop. IL any rtcd-
poi11t), petere hostem, Liv. B. 'l'rausf., uf dis· .JiaJ>eil, \'erg.
cou~, '"' 811-0rl untmcu; wembratim adl1uc,
deiude caeaim dixi11111.s, Cic. cAlAthlaoua -i, m. (dim. ofcalathus), « 1H1aU
wicker baskd, (,at.
oaealus -a -um, bluuh grey, used or the
colour uf the ercs; caesit•B oculoll lliuervae, oAJAthua -i, m. (icci>.0.9~). 1, a toicktr bas-
caeruleos N eptunl, Cic. ; leo, tcith grey eyes, Cat.. ket, 111,cd fur fruit or nowcrs, Yerg. ; for svi11-
11i11g, Ov.; 2, a i·~ of &iniilur fon11or111etul or
· caeapce (cespe:..) -ltili (caedo}, gro.u tltat lwa wwtl; a .::hcese-ba.skd, \"erg.; a u-iue-bowl, \'erg.
bun C'llt. L A. Lit. tur;; us•:tl fvr altars, tombs,
m• 11111Js; J•ri1111m1 e:..strucmlo tumulo caespitcm Cii.latla -ae, and Calatlae -iin1m, r. a toK'!I
C&esar }>Oxuit, Tue.; plnr., gladils cacspites in Ca1111.aniq,. .Atlj., C&latinua -& -um, <.:uta-
c\n:umciderc, Cacs.; 11<111 esse nrma c:u·~piks till~
ueque gleba.a, Cic. B.. Metou., a, a liut ''1 tu1J; -oris, m. (1. calo), a. urvant, attotdalll
Hor.; b 1 a11 altar of turf, Hor.; c, a duml' uf Up(m JrJ'it:.:;ts, ::!u~t.
J>la11t.a, \'·erg. IL 1'r111Ji;f. giassy; gr&· calautica -ae, r. a 1.:ind Q/ /tniah At""ldraa
wiueus, Verg. 1A.1.ll111t11AU1tt l1tp1>eU, Cic.
l. caestua -ns, m. (caedo), ga.uJltW /IJll' oalcaneum -i, n. tJWJ heel, Yerg. (!).
~rs, mad~ nf lc&thern thongK, Cle.
oalcar -iris, n. (calx), a Bfl'UT. L Lit. equo
2. oaeatus ·i, w., v. cestus. calcaria tiUbc.lPre, Liv.; t'q1111111 ealcaril.m" cu11ci·
oaeterua, etc•••• v. ceterus, etc. tare, Liv,; prov., 11<lde1e cnlcaria s1••11t" cur-
Ctioua -i, 111. (Kcl.4ico(), a riVl!r i11. M111ia.fa>w- renti, t-0 s111J..r t.Ju willi11y ltvr•c, l'li11. IL ·1 raui.r.
¥1.imulus, incittmt11t; ad1novere, Cic. ; i;cu. in
'"g into "te Sinw Elw.tirns. plur., alkr freuis t-get, alter C11lcaribus, Cic.;
Ci.Jeta -ee (and -e .e..;), r. L tht. nu1·se of calcuria a<lhibt:re, Cu:..
.A~. IL a tow11 cm U~ b'ru-coalt1 on thl bordu·s
o/ Lall-um and Campa11ia, now G«ita. oalc6i.mentum -1, n. (calceo), a corering
/<Tr th<l foot; calcea111e11tum solorum call mu, Cie.
Ci.ju (poet. Ci.1ua), ·i, m., and -ae, cal~um ·i, n. (calceus), shoe 1M1iey,
r., 1, a COl'l1mon prcu1wmm among tht. lwma1ts. Suet.
.At a wedding, the bride aud bridegroom were
called by these n&u1cs, and the bride said ubi tu caloiatus -tls, m. = calceamentmn ( q. '". ).
Cajus, ego Caja; 2, Uu name of a cd.tlm.tled calceo, l. to '1we, provide with sho;:.:;; lnm1i11e:s
Roman ;uriat, more frequently written Gaius, non 11&ti11 counuodt: calceati et vesliti, Cic.
who Hourisbed under the Antoninea at the IJe· oalceoli.riua -i, 1u. (1.:alceolu.s),"n",
ginning of the second century. Plaut.
CMabri -6rum, m. inhabitant& of C'a.labria; calceilua ·l, m. (dim. or calceus), a AaJ1
hence, CMAber -bra -bmm, bclon9'1117 to Cala- alloe, Cic.
bria; poet., Pierides, tl~ poem.11 Qf £1rnitu1, Hor.; caloeus -1, m. (eslx, th,, heel), a •hM, <lis-
Ciilabrla. -ae, f. tht. peninmla at tht. IQIUli-talC tingui>1hetl from the 111111d1d (,.,1111:11) as C•J\'t!riug
c:drtmity vf Italy. Uie whole foot, Cic; calcei ~IC)Ollii, vf Sm11i<"'
Cllaoti -es, r. (KaAT, cl.JM'>)), a toum on tht. norlh lcalMr, Cic. ; (as the Romans took otr their :.l1oes
ooa8' of Sicily; 11ence, ·& um, of when reclining at dinner), Clllceos posc<:re = tn
or belonging to Calacte. riu/rom t<ible, Plln.; ealccos 1ut:tare, to bet'm1~
CIJ.Agurrls -is, f. a town in Spain, now a 1eriator (from a particular kind of shoe worn
Loha.rrc; hence CIUlgurrltani •or111n, m. only by senator11), Cle.
Ute inlia>ntants uf Caln.gurr~. Calohi.e (Calciia) -antis, acc. -antem and
CiUals, acc. -In, abl. -1, m. (Kd.\01~) son of -anta, m. (K<i>.x"~>. '°n of 'l'hestor, IOOlh.S<Lyer to
the Greeks before 7'roy,
Boreas a11<l Orithyia, brothers of Z!tU, who aaom·
p:mied the ..frgo11auf4 and drot>e ojf tM Jlurpi.u. Calchedon -6nls and -Onns, acc. -Onem 1md
0611a, r. (Xo>...:"&.Iv), town in. Bithynia Oil the 1·1-0-
Cali.mis -midis, m. (KO.>.°"'~). om of th4 pon.tis, opposite Byzanteum. Adj., Calched.6-
greatest. .cu.lptora of the of Phidias. Diua ·a -um., Cai<;Mdoniaft..
cAJil,mtster -tri, m. and clilii.mlatrum calolo = calceo (q. v.).
·tri, n. (calamus}. A. a curling-iro1'/or th~ liair;
frons calan11stri notata n'stigiis, Cic. B. Transf. calcltri.tua -lls, m. a kicking, Plln.
~ive ornament or jWuri.slt indisrourae; inept is l. calcltro, l. (1. calx). A. Lit. Co ltrib
tortai.ise gratum fecit, qui volcnt illa cal:11ui.lttria wUh tht. lied, kick, Plin. B. '!'rans!. to opJ>C*
lnurere, Cic. perver~ly and obltina.Uly, Cic.
clili\mistratus -a -um, e11,rud wiUl ,,,,. 2. calcltro -OnlR, m. (1. cakltrn), a 1.-iclw,
curting-iro~; coma, Cic.; saltator, Cic. Varr.; or men, a. bv.Uy, Wmterer, Flin.
cal 79 Cal
-1oo. L (1. Clllx). co tntsd, lo tnmd •J>On· dies, Cle. Sumt., a, olll4a .... t. (a aq•).
L Oen. A. Lit. ali4uem pede, 'J'ac. B. Tram1r., warm w-ater, Pllu.; b.a..ol.ll411D1..f, D. WGf'll&triM
a., lo fnlm}'U vrufrr foot, C01!911C'I'; amorem, Ov.; and toCIUr, Plaut. .a. 1, laol, J,llrr, ~
b, so 'll&Oek, innU, Prop. IL Esp. A. to mad tliount; equu1, Verg. ; c&lid:~Tellta, Hor.;
•l"l" ~pea) '" UW wuu-prua; uvaa, Ov. B.
&o :starap", OOWlpr'llA, Verg. 0. CO trllU (a place);
consllium calluom, Cio.; ~. . - , , Plailt.
oWenclrrma -J, n. o lwad-d,.. qf JlolMMI
l'ia•u. Hor. 10011Un, Hor.
caloUlator ~ria, m. a calc1'lator, bookkupotr, oWga -ae, I. (connectA?d with calceu and
~ullllll, Mart.
oalciU1111 -1, m. (film. or 2. calx), a liltlutoM,
catx, h«l), a"°"' Moe, wp. IOldkf"• Mot, Cle.
callgatua -a -um, toellring t.v oal({1111. c:..aII·
~liUI. L Gen., Cie.; collectivtlly, gniwl, Verg. gatuw venlre, boolld and~ Juv. DUOet.
IL Elp., a, a pitt4 ustd fn tlM &man. ga111.1 of m., a common 1ol.d"7', Suet.
1.&tnmc~li or D11o<lecim acripta; calculum redu·
cue, to ffiTOCt a 7111011e, Cle.; b, a wting pebble, cMigluieua ·• -um (l. callgo). J. Lit.,
fogfJY, 11.i.ty; caelnm nebul011um et caligln01um,
a white one being thrown into the um to ac· Cic. IL 'l'ransr., dark; no:&, tJw "~ ,llU¥rt,
qll.itor to afftnn, a black one to condemn or to Hor.
··~a.tive; al burn calculum adjicere errorl nostro,
Plin.; c, G rounlt:r f<lf" ncl:ontng, hence a oolcu- 1. ciliJO -lnla, t. J. Jog, ttvt, mpov; l'ulne
lalio1&; ad calculoa vocare allquld, lo rubject lo nubis cal1go craasa, Verg. IL Meton., dark-
ca ltria·ndro1'in!1, Cle. nu1. A. Lit., 1, gen., tetrae wnebrae et C;lligo,
Cir.; 2, esp., milt befrw. t1N qea; aliqulu cer·
cal4ua = caliu us (q. v.).
CAlidia.ea -um, acc. ..u, m. °''
of '<zkdonia. Bence A. C&led6Dla -ae, r. th.e
nere q 111U1i per calfl(lnem, Clo. B. Tranar., 1,
mental darknua, diilm"; haec lndoctorum ani·
mis offu11& callgo, Cle. ; 2, calamitr; aoperloria
ll(IF'(A~ of Scotland. B. Adj., CAJ.i4omU8 annl culi~o et tenebrae, Cle.; 8, gloom."'-'.
.. -am. CalttMm.'411. IC&d1iaa, C1c.
dletacio (calfaclo) ·ttci -factum, 8., pass. 2. oiligo, 1. (1. callgo). L lo fPTead a dar1c
cAlefio (calflo) ·factus aum -flerl. A. Lit., mW aroui1d, Verg.; meton., caligantu feneatrae,
to - U toara. Mat; 1, of things, balineum
11w.ki11g diuq, Juv. IL to be dark; caligana
calllui jubebo, Cic.; 2, of anhual11.z. corpu.,, Cic. lncus, Verg. IL Eiip.. of the eyea, to be mUtr;
B. Tran.sf., to di&turo. e:rciU; uabinlum ad c.iligant ocull, L11cr.; tranaf., to be'" darknta,
populUJll lnculcnte calefocerat ll.nmmius, Clo.; Pli n. ; prov., tn aole, lo grope (n darlight,
ell.le!a.cta cordA tumultu,. Verg. Quint.
CA.Ugiila -ae, m. (dl.m. of caliga, ut. 11 litU.
olliar.cto, 1. (lntena. of calefaclo), lo tlla.W 10ldier'1 lhoe), nickname of C. Cauar, t~ ehLrd
toaT!ll, heat.,
Cilendae (Kllendae)-lrum, f. (trom calare,
Roman E111~<1T, '° calf.ed bcoa118C when a OOJ1 '"
tM ca111p of Au fatMI' Gmnan.\c\la he waa ~
Co call. the e&lenda belng the day on which the cu a common sold"7'.
timM! of the Nones and the festivals were pro- oAllJC -Ids, m. (ir,;>..t), 1, a goblet, drhkif&f
clii111ed}, ~ tM ftnl da11 Q/ tJw mo.1th; Ca.I. tiuatl; calix mulsl, Cic.; 2, a"""" Ov•
.Febma.riAe, IMjirst o/ Fe/Jrua111; femlueae Calen·
cW>._ £Mftrst of Mu.rch., tJw day oft114 Malro11alia, Ca1laeo.l (Gallaeci) -Orum, m. a people fn. tM
v b Roalan matro1&1 aacri}iud. lo Juno, Juv.; ncTth.-u;ut Q/ S1<dn. Hence Callaecla (Gal-
on the calends, lntereat of money was paid ; laecla) -ae, r., tM country of th.e C«llau£; adj••
llell<X! trist.a Caleuda.e -Le., for debtors-Hor.; Callaecua -a -um and CaJJA.loua-a -um.
&s there were no caleuda In the Greek year, ad callOO. 2. (call11m~ L to be tMck-skin'Md,
Graecas Calendu aolvere = mwr to paJI, Suet.; Plant. IL Tran~r., A. Intransit., to bl cletier,
~-lltA, Ov. llX}Xrit1ie«t, ap. Cic.; usu alicuius rel, Liv. B.
~T.Calea. Transit., to know bJ1 o:perie1lc4, •ndentcMld;
P0t>norum jura, Liv.
c&lio -ui, 2. (connected wft.b to be
1111:n11., lwl, to glow. L Lit., A. or physical CalllcrA.tldia -ae, m. (Ko.Mufpo.TiU.~), a
heat, lgnis calet, Cic.; centum Sabaeo ture commandtr, klUld at tM battu q/ ..4.r-
alent ar3e, Yerg.; terrao allo sole calentes, ginull(lt.
Hor. B. Of animal bent, os calet tibi, l'laut. CalllciUa -ae, f. a 6mall Aill in. Campan.f.a.
lL Transr., A. Of persons, to bl iujlamal, oalli'.de, adv. (cnllid11s), In a good sense,
GroVld, trciUd; calebat In agendo, lr.4 was aU cUw-rly; Jn a bad sense, c-u11.11iny/y, slyly; callide
j.n i" <v:ti11'}, Cle.; Romani calentell adhuc.ab arguteque dlcere, Cic.; omnia decrnta elu.s peri·
ffl:.ffiti J•ugna, Liv.; cupldine laudls, Ov.; BO t.i.sslme et callidissime vend.itare, Cic.
ol love, ta be in lc1M; juvene, femina, Hor. calUdltaa ·litis, f. L In a good sense, o-
B. Of U1i1Jg.1, l, lo bt urged on.ztialoualr; indicia
ptrt nu~. cl~ernu.s; v!ncere omnes calliditate
cal~nt, Cic. ; res ca!P.t, u ri1.1e for exte!UUX\, Cic. ;
et celeritate ingenli, Nep. IL More frequeutly
2, ll> ~ r;d 10arm, fresh of inlerUS; illud crlmen de
lu a bad aense, cunning, era.ft, artijf.u; scie11tia
nummis CA!uit re recenti, Cic. quae est remota ab justitia calliditas potlua
C&J.ea -Iuni,. r. town in Campania, famo'IU /<Yr
quam saplentia appellanda, Cle.; stratagtm in
iti tci.", now Calri. Adj., CAJ.euus ·a -um, Q/ war1 Liv.; in oratory, artifiu; genus eius111odi
or ~ir,,.9ing ta Cala. c&lhditatls atque cnlumniae, Cic.
cileaco, s. (inch. of caieo), ta ~warm, caWdu.a -a -um (calleo), l clner by rta.son.
of ezperiar.u, de:l:Urou.s, •kil/;J. al11, cun ni n!} ;
Ill JrOi& Jwt; ca.lescere vel at•ricatione vel lgni,
Cic..; tnnc prim nm radiis ge idi caluere triones,a., absol., agitator (equi), Cic.; artifex, Cle.; leg um
Or.; fig., of love, quo propior nunc es, flamma scriptor peritua et callidus, Cle.; a conMisJelU'
J•ropiore calesco, Ov. in art, Hor.; b 1 with ad and the acc., ad fraud em,
CaJeU .Orum and Caletes -um, m. a Gallic Cic.; o, with in and the abl., in dicendo vehe-
lritit in .VllT'JllQndv on the Seine. mena et callidus, Cic.; c:I, with the gen it., rel mill•
taris, Tac.; e, with uie abl., homlnea callidi
cilfand.nuD -!, n. v. caliendrum. usu, Cle.; 2, of things, ct111ningl11 or &lyly dl-
cllldi, adv., with superl. (calldu.s), t11armlr, 'lri&ed; audacia, Cic. ; nimia callid.a juria iute&'-
1p«dily, Puut. pret.atlo, too subtle, Cic.
ciU4u (c:aldWI) -a -um, 10Cl1'Dl, lot. A. Lit.. 1 Ce.'llf'ae -lrum, I. a to.. ia &MMU-.
80 cam
0enr-•e1a. . ·l, m. ~), • .,.,._ ""'"' Olllllfd br Ul-f"*tMLNl/tM, Ole.; 1>,.,..
....., ,,,,.. pod o/ o,r.... /o.lM CICC1IUQtto., wwdieiou ~'°": calumnll
C..Ul6pi -61, !· {Ka.\Auhnr, 11' bmwtti\ll- lltium alieune tuudoe 1~re, Cic.; calurn11lam
tlllrical). a1111 Cal116p6a -ae, r. L Calliop. c.w j11nm,, ~ cJaat •Jt ooew.ctio" u not maltce-
Jlut o/ '11((: I"*'"* or o/"l*'rr '"' ~ Hnr., °"'•
Cle.; nu~i.on., actioll for fo.lM ~&lioa;
OT. U. Meton., ~c •oe. o Calliope, et.c.,oU"" ca.lutnnlam J•rivato Juuiclo non elrugere, Cic.
JI_. colle•·tlvely,Verg.; 2, podrr, O•. oAlumnl&tor ~rla, m. (calurnnlor). cHt. "'°
Oalll.,c5ua .... r. <KaAAiwoA"'). L ca eo- o. lrigU#:r, pdti/uwer; acnp111111 aequi calumnJ.
Ae Tltraci.a... ~...... now GaUtpol'- U. a at.uris eaae; hunl Ju•lil'i•. volunt&tem acrtptorll
auctorltat.!mque dereudere, Cic.
*'-" '" ilM T111&tic CUrlotW&. oAlu.mnior, 1. dep. (calumnia). lo coainw
Oalllrrh6i .-, r. (K.A.ppo.,), 1, daughter o/ tricb., lo CllWck tPU\ a.rt(~ ; Jacet rea In ooo-
Al ri~ .dJ&clov.. 1'7(fe Q/ .dicMa«m; 2, II wdl trovel'lliia IMto wumnlaute biennium, Cic.;
"' ..4 tl&eu, Oil c.w IOlltl rid. o/ "" ..4erope>la.t. lf'U; pu1&bam, etc., I WICIU a,,_J,/
oall1a .fa, m. and (ID proee, ~D.) t II tl4"'l"OllJ V.•ntttaari/11 anziou, Cic.
lracJ; Joot11U.Jh, tt11tU cruet; Jt&liae callee et ...... calVa -ae, I. (calvua), CAI bald ttealp qf IM
torum stahulll, Cic.
II.tad, Liv.

eaiuat:11ue. -i.. m. (LA.U~~>. J>Au.o. oalvio,. t. lo 1¥ fun o/ 'Aa(r, bG:d, Plln.. o/ 0111""''""• tllM a-pun.Led
CM (}rt.OJ illllo ..... CIM di#.d Cl ftolntt ck«rA IAnf. Calvlalua -II, m. Ronwi" MlM, 1, OalY. c.
8alolu111,, lq/QU o/ Caua.r; ~. C.lvisiu.s, &.W •
eamati -Ga, t (K•M•OT•'), dllwgllkr o/"" nuer o/ .AgriJIJ'(M, tM mother o/ Nero •
..4.n:a..l iadi"f LJOllOI'-, llWtlur o/ .d n:cu bJ Jv.piUr,
ck"ifll.l bfJ•no Ml.Co a '-r, Gild placed bf Jv.pUllr calvitlee .fl, t. (calvus), baldnaa, Bm'

ClllM>llf lu "'°"' aa Una. Major or Hclioa. oalvitlum -II, n. (cal vu.), bald-, Cle.
calvor, s. dep. Co /onA '-Cripa, cfecdw,
oall081W • -nm (callum), AG'riftf • Aord Plant..
*"• Aanl; on., Hor.
calV118 -& -um. bald, '"'1lout lair, Plaut.
oallum -l, n. anti oallu -t, m. L ilM Mf'd
tti• q/ 11•i-Z.; calooam..11tum call nm 10lorum, Calvus, iM 11411M o/ a /a.raUr o/ "" a...
Ole. D. Tra1U1f., ~"r.; il"M' labor q1.1&11i Lieinia., v. Llchllua.
Cl&llum qu0<IJa.m oliJucit do nrl, Cic. ; quorum 1. cabc ~ta. r. CM w : certan pngnla, cal-
1UJiml• dlutlll11& cogitatlo callum TetW1tatll ob- ctbu.., Cic. ; ca1cet:l terere calce, U> tnu.J cloa °"
duurat, Oic. CM A«lf, \'erg.; calce11 remitt<c-re, lo kick, Nep.;
1. oA1o,. 1. (ir..W), lo call, "'"""'°": t. t. of proY., a.lven•LB lt.lmulurn caJce. (IC. jactare), Co
religtuua ceremouies, QuiuL; comitia caLitA, cit& kick aguiiut tJw prick.I, Ter.
Ulllllllbt1 o/ 11u nri4M for -"r /'1Nll/l,/, bui-, 2. ca1Jt -ea. f. and (rarely) m. (xa.ut), a .eou.
Ctc. L a pebbk vMd cu a cov.1tUT" '" Nri-Our gamu,
I. cato ~nla, m. (perhape contr. for caballo, l'laut. IL lime,; lintrlhm In eam ln-
from caL811us), G Ml'w-bor, fTT'OO'I', 11 lUter-beaf'8f", materiaan, calec!tu, cuewenlA convehere,
ao.; Cl ft>/'• Ila-, Qlfllp-1111.tllial, Caea. Cle.; u tlMI goal In a raceoourBe wu marked
L cillor ~rl•, m. (caleo), tiurmth, 1Mlat. L wilb chalk, met.on.= a goal, md (opp. carcerea,
PhJL, A. Oen., vta (rigoris et calorjs, Cic. B. CM lf4rtitag·11Uint); qull•W<CUru tam<Juam e car-
Bep., /wJal o/ IM nil or; vitaudl caluri• cauu Ct"ril>Ull t'1Ui:1sut1 11iil..1. cum 11 ..uem 1111 calcem, ut
Lanuvil trea horu acqnlev..ram, Cle.; calt11-e.s dlcitur. perveulre, t;IC.; ail cur.-"tt'll a calCt' ~
mu:lw!&_ Cic.; me<llls ealoriliuiJ, i• fu.ll tummer, vocarl, to tur. back /nlrA CM eu..L to tM beg(n-
UY. \;.. heat o/ a MIC wind; c:alores austrini, ning, Cle.
Verg. IL animal Mat. A. Lit., Tib. B. Tr&IUlf., Cil:9ca4nua -1, m. (K..Avca!~). L ca ri..,.
low; Ov., Hor. 'n <.:ii i<:it.t. IL prmncnCory in CUfmc& cd l1u
1.. CAI.or ~r11. m. ca ,....,. "' &...w., DOW'
MOUth,of t/&e riWI" o/ the llllM "'1111&.
~ CA1:940D ~nla, r. (KeA11&l•), a. wry a'llldfte
Calpi ..-. r. (K&>.1r11), cme of tAe pUlan o/ eUr iJt Adoiia... lienco adj.. 1. CAlJdonlua -a
Berct1J ••, now rr1bn.l.Uar. -um, Calydonia.1'; bero1t, Mekiager, uv.; aumis,
Calparniua -a ·um, tta1M of 11 RoMm& plt- tM .AcMW!u, O•.: rl!gll&, lM A:i1uplarn o/ DV>
btJia,. vc•..,, IJ•~ J11mUiu of whirlt bore tu '""''" o/ ~ in Lower /ta.Ir, Uv.; s11s, •j·,.r, the boclr
FlHlllllll\, Aspnm11.H, Pi,.o, lkdtia, Diliulus. Tlt.c- /llain ~ MtkJa,ger, :.i .. rt.; 2, ClLlydonla -ldJa,
!llGat rt11wrkahu of Chi.I ~ were: 1, C. Calp. C. Calydonian; 11u1Hit..= DeialLlN, Ov.
Piito, pTll~lor und Jl'N11'""lor '" Spai1', 186 A.r. ; Cl\lypso ·t1a. acc. -o. r. (K•A...,,,.'), 11 "YI"~
2, L. Calj•. Pi:10, Cmt.itd in 112 .a..c.; 3, L. Calp. u/ Atla.a, toA.o e1'krt.ained t:lyutt (Jt. U..
Fru;.ri, tri!nou 149 A.c., oownd 133 A.C.; 4, L. Wa1kl o/ Qrtwia.., af&d kept Mm titers inm fet\T'L
Calp. De:.tia, tril1uM 121, 001Ulul 111, and~ oAmAra =camera (q. v.). J11(111.rtha; 6 L. Cal('. Uiholu.., llep-ao1t
o/ M. Bndw; 6, C. Calp. PillO, «>n-i11-l11w of CAmArina (Cl1uM11a) ·U., f. (ltClllepl-).
Ciuro; 7, L. Ctll'. Pi110 CaeJ<Ouiu"- / town h, IJu M11Lth-Wf.dt o/ Sicily, now Camnina or
of Caeaar; 8, Calpurnia, wift uf C11f.,,ur; 9, T. Ca 111<.1Tf1114.
Calp. ~it-ulns, Rmna1& burolk J""t of third u11tury cambiinU montes, m. MOV"'4hu f<>rmi'NJ
.LC. A•IJ., CAl.l/tUn<l.uJt, Calpnruia lex; a., de lM hvti111/1try l.etwun TM....saJy af&d Maoo.lonia.
l"!petnu•lia of L. Cull'. Pisu l"rugi; b, de am- Cambjses is, m. (Kap.J3tiO"'IJC), 1, hu.sbafl.d oJ
bltu or the consul C. Calp. Piao. Ma11,/"1u, futlutr of Cynu tM Elder; 2, .son and
oaltha -ae, f. ca, prob. tM OO.mMm 9'1&ri- ~ of t'yru& the Elt.ln'.
f/Old, \'erg. camella -ae, t (dim. of camera), Cl kind q/
calthdla -ee, t. (cal th.a), G .,.,....., robt Qf a gob~t. Uv.
fCll<"'1 c:uWu,., ·Plant.. ci.melua -t, m. and r. C.'4<11Acx). 11 m'lnd, Cle.
oAlumnla .ae, f. (Old Lat. calv~re. ~on. Cl\mena (Ca1110E"11a), -ae, f. (from cano, orig.
nect.e.l with carJ>t>l't'), trick, artiftct, chicu~, era/I.; crui111 .. 11111 tlit'll can11 .. 11a). g.. n. pl11r t~ l""<>'l'haJl-
a, Gen., i11i111l~1ru111 cal1111111ia..1..Cic.; l't'ligi•~niR ing gUtl..Lusu of r1.ri1tgi, i11 t.1111 ...a l<lentlhed
cal111111Jia, deailftd prtuRa, t;1C.: calu1u111am with tlie Uret:k !II 1121e11 ; 1111·to1t., JIOU"r, Hor.
ad.hibere, Cic.; ID hac calumW. timoria, tMI- oAmira (camara) -ae, r. (c~), 1. Cl w.Ueil
cam 81 can
~. wa11it, Cit'.: 2, a kind of flal covertd ro11dlt, tlJ.'f'"; cnndelam •N•onerc vRlvls, to !let
boat, Tu. tht hOUM on ji:rt, Juv.; 2 a TQ1'lfl ooate1l with 1l'CU
Clmirla -ac, f. and C,m_erium -Ii, n. to prueri-. il/rr,m decay; fasces involuti candeli.$.,
loll'."1& ill 1Ati•1rn. ..\•lj., C._mennua ·a -wn, of Liv.
or bdlltgi n.g to Qimuia. canditabrum -1, n. (candela), a candle-
C8mlllu -1, m. cognome1& of UTJtral number• 1tick, candelubrum, Cle.
~!lite gt1111 Purl3, tlu ~t fvTM11S of whom, M. oandeo ·lli, 2. (frnm caneo as ardl'o from
t"urins C.unilluz;, took VeU, and frud I'.<nn.t from areo). A. to~ of a sh i11ing 1chilt, to 1hine, ~;littt;;
tie Glr'lll. Appell., a aavi01.t.r of cnu'• country; candet eJ.ur soliis, Cat. B. Esr., tc gliw v:1th
oorns Ca1oillua, Liv. heal: ca:1dente carboue, Cle.
cl.minus -1, m. (c4µtJ.'Of), 1, a /orgt, Ov. ; candesco, 3. (inch. or candeo), 1, to btg£n
prov., seml'er artlent.e c:u11ino with ucuelUI in· to 1hin.t, Ov. ; 2, to btg£n. to 9low w£th h«it, Luer.
dury, Juv.; 2,, Hor.; meton., fire; canclldatOrlua -a -um, reluting to a C'andi-
Ju~alentus, Cic.; 1•rov., oleuu1 atldere ca111ino, date; mnnns, Cic.
13 agqrruute all n>il, Hor. oandfdatU8 •& ·Um (CAmlidus), clothed fo
cammlrua -i, m. (Kaµµo.pof), a cra.b, lobsta, 1rhitt, l'Jnut. 8ubst., candidatua -i, 111. a
Juv. cw1didl1te for o.fflu, 1L'110, a11u:rng the J:ow.11.s, u't1!J -&I!, r. (CJ!mpus, er. Fr. cham- alwa111 clothfd in white; cousulari11, for the con·
J<1~e. rJu lad country), a di.strict of Ce11tra.l l'Ulship, Cic.
I• ~·y, tlit capital of u·h kh uoas Capua, now 1'H'ra canclldi, adv. (candi<lus), l, '11. whiu, Plaut.;
di !..iroro. Adj., Campi.Dua ·a -1~111, C"m1-:· 2, clearly, candidly, ap. Cic.
"':"~; ~ia, a t.v-roaa conniicted u·1th the 1·1a
candldiilua -a -um, (•lim. of candldu.~),
AN·ia, Suet.; mnrbus, a kind of u-art on the .(uce shining, cla.:zling; dente11, Cic.
"""'""'I iii Uimpc111u1, Hor.; pom1, t/14 bridge
canclldllll -a -um (candeo), ah.ining whUe,
c·.-r IAt Saro (MIJna), Hor. ; colon!•• Capua,
C'ic.;arrog.inti.<I, Cic. :::inbi<t., Campi.DI -orum, glittering TDhiu (albus, dead white). I. Lit., a,
Ill. CM iwr1ita11u oJ Ca1111a1tia, <.:ic.
lilia, Verg.: tunlcae linteae, Liv.: tentoria, O\".;
ca11tli•.lu111 alll nl\"e Sorncte, Hor.; hence 1111bst.,
campeater -tria -tre (car11p1111), l, relating oanclldum -1 n. 'White colour, Ov.; cxndi<lum
la lml (i1URtry, jlaJ; l11ca c.11npestria, Liv.; iter, Pd, t/14 white o] tilt tgg, Pliu.; b, of U1e hair or
!'.arc.\ i11 a lutl co1111try, Ca.-s.; hence auhst., beurrl, •ifrrr wltitt, 1ilver grey, lirir!Ja, \'e~.; c,
campestrla -luin, n. a plain, Tac.; 2, a, rtlat- of tl1e bo<ly, 111ow-u-hite, corporll (Gallornm),
1r.1 ta t.'lt Campu.1 Jlartiua and its !11JT1&1UL$tic uu- Liv.; brachia caudi<liora nlve, O\•.; of daz,;ling
rin; luJQ~, Cic.; hence sn, oampestre -h1, b€<1uty; J•Uer, Hor.; of a11i111als, a vis, the stork,
r.. (IC. vel:imcrntu111), a roi:(ri11g worn by u:rutler1 \'erg.; of deities, Ilass.ireus, of hearen/JI brauty,
m~d tll.tir loiua, Hor.; b, rtlating to tM H<•r.; d, of the or the tlAy, bri!lht; lu11a,
n!tfa; eertamen, Liv.; quae~tus, Cic. Verg.; <lies, Ov.; e, or the white toga or caudi·
ciampua ..f, m. (connl!Cted with inj1!'0f), l, a 1Llt<''4, Cic.; f, of a white stone, (ci) candida sen-
14' tpot, a plain; caml'OS et. montes per;1grare, kntia, an acquittal. Ov.; (fl) a si[ln of a lucky day;
Cit.; hence, a 'fttCULQUJ, ftdfl; heruitlus aquoMUS· 1·:indi<llore or can<lidissimo calculo notare diem,
q11e, Lil'.; µId of batik, Lh•. ; J>Oet., a lei•tl Cat. IL Transr., a, c.r time, haPJ1JI; hora, qv.;
aur!1ceof & nx:k, \"erg.; 2, the Campus, or Cam}>· c:
111.'11J1% of a111 lifl.d, the acia, \"erg.; so of the level b or writing, cltar, lucid: genus dicen•ll, C1c. ;
of character, ho11Ut, 3traight/urward; }l&U•
11 .lfllrtiu al Rovu, IM plat:e of muting of the perls ingenium, Hor.
CQa.iUa centnriata; hence meton., the comitia, candor -ori11 m. (c!ln<leo), dazzling whit•
fors domiM camp!, Cfc.; also used as a J•lac11 or col(Jur. L or vaint, fncatl mellicamcnta can-
·~ Cle.; u1eton., arty fru. 1paa, fel<l. or tloris et rnliori:1, Cic. IL~ a quality, whlte-
t.Win of w:tiori; quum sit campus, in quo ell:· ne.u Im/re. A. candor mannon-118, Luer. ; I,
•~ltare !JOS~t oratio, Cic. or t'he lio<ly, 1:811.lor huiU8 et procerita11, Ci('.;
C&mu104imum -1, n. a totDn o/ the Trlno- 2 of the sun or stars, solis, Cic.; of the Milky
1.1.illu i11 BrUaan., now Colch.ater. \~ny, Yia 1·andore notauilis ipso, Ov. B.
cimtir .. -um (connected with cO.µrrr ...), Tra11sr., of character, sinceritu, candour: animi,
i-•Jbd, nrl'Wd, Verg. ov.
Cinici -61, f. (Ka.1114K-r,), daughter of .Atoltla. canena -entis, partlc. of canco and cano.
Caaae ·lnlm, f. a coast tcum i1& .Aeolia, now albus), ci.neo ·111, 2. (from canas, as albeo from
f.•i.'.IJt. Kr.ei. ' to ~ u:hitt or hoo.ry; tempodbus gemini~
ca11el><1t SJ•arsa senectus, Verg.; grau1ina eunent,
cbiUa -Is, m. (orig. adj. or cnnnit, fl& tli.e oftkw, \'erg.; partit·. canens, hoa711.
~\·1J.e ~1 a reed), a vxiltrpipe, cllan.11el, canal, \'erg.,
Cats. olbiiphoros .f, r. (>eciV11'f>0po~). a l>askd-bearer,
plur. cAnephoroe (1Ca.V114>0po,), iitatu.u by
ct.nirfua -a -um (canls). rtlati11g to a dog, and Grul; 11CUIJ1for.f reprr~ntin.g Athenian maidwa
~i~, l'lin. .A<lj. prop., CADarla (i111rnla),
bearfag &acrificial ba.Jll.etl.
••.to/ llt Ham I Ja11.fb in the .Atlanli.c; l•lur.
Caniriae. the Ca11arin. oi.nesco, 3. (inch. or caneo). ro become u:liite
or hoary. I. canescunt aP11uo111, ·o\·. IL Tram;f.,
llallcelll -t\n1m, m. (dim. or <'I.Deer), a latti.ce, to become old, Ov.; fig., quum oratio nustra jam
9"0!iA?, or trtllU-work. A. Lit., fort, the bar cauesceret, Cic.
cf a trihnal, Cic. B. Tran sf., bwnda, UmUI;
!ltn t11nc:elloa egretli, Cic. oAniciUa -ne, r. (dim. or ~nls). L A. a little
d1!9, l'lin. B. A r•pell~, ~ violen: 1coman, P~ut.
caDoer -<Ti, m. (COlllleCted With iraplCtVOf). IL A. the dog-Illar, .Sirius: cani<'ula ex1•ntur,
A. llt t"7'UJI, tJu rign of the zodiac in which. t1u su11 Cic.; sitieus, Hor. B. the wm'lt throw upon. the
~ ~ tlit 11tmmtr aolstkt:1 O~. B. .Metou., a, the cl i.ce, all, Pers.
~ ov.; b, 1Ummt:r (l.«J.l, Ov.
cAninue -a -nm (c.·rnls). A. relating to «
Caiidi'l'fa -ae, (. (Ka..6o.outa.), a 'IM1t11taiMW 1lrw], ra11i11.e; lac, Ov. B. Transr., 1, littera, ~he
~~Met of m!fTio.. letta R, Pers. ; 2, or chariicter, a11.arli11.!J, spilt·
eaa46rAc:lo .. f'ecf -ractam (cantieo and facio), Jul; l:1t111re canl11a verb.1 in foro, Ov.
!t !lG.\:e tlf a lh."1i11g TDhilt, Plaut. cAn1e -is, c. a dog. I. J,it., venatlcn!!, Cic.;
eaacli1a -ae, f. (ca11<leo), 1 1 a iroz or tallow alere cauea in Capllolio, Cic.; cave ca.neru, bt-
can 82 cap
amt of t.v dog, Inscription on a honse-door, canthenm !n f'OM&, a P""'°"" (n a 1ul1.U.. ~
Varr.; JlI'OY., cane peju.s et angue vi~re, Ho~. ti8n, Liv.; meton., an imp<>Uxl person, Plaut.·
D. Trans(., a, u a term or rel'roacl•,· a mala.- canthArta -ldla. r. (•uScap"), cs bedle, a.
dmts, !lp'ittful ptrt(>n : or 11(.'CllSf-l'l!, Cle. ; " JlUNl• Spaniah jly, Cle.
liU, ha119Q"·01& ; Clotlianus canis, Cle.; b, &11 a
11tar, ca11i.11 major, \'erg.; canis minor, Ov.; c, oanthirwa -1, 10. (.:4t.f11p1X), 1. a lM'gl' gobltC
IJ&e ua-dog, Plin.; caneH, thl. dogs <>f Scylltc., Verg._; 1oitlt. hand/a, a ta'llhrrd, Plaut. ; 2; a killd "
d, in dice, the 'Kvr:4 throw; caucs Wi1nn11s1, 11«J..µA, Ov.
Pro11. oantllua -1, m. (urlck), the tire ()J a d«l:
cAn.lstra ·onim, n. (.:dNo'Tpo.), a lnf.Ud,/ruit,, a wltttl, Peni.
or jfo1oer bwJ.:d, Cic. oantlou:m .J, a (cano), 1. a llOt'He i• t~
cii.nltle.,. acc. -em, altl. -e, r. (canns). A. a Roman rotJUlly, e11aCltd by <me ~,.. an.If. ac-
U1hiti.:IJ.-grey oolou.r, e.111. or the hair. B. Met.on., companftt:l by mum a'llt.I, Cie. ; canU·
grey hair, Verg. ; old age, Hor. cum agere, Liv.; 2. a llOflg, Mart.; Cl n11g-1011f
delh1ery in an. 01'alc7', Cic.
oamaa -ae r. (.:Awa.). A. a rt.eel; palust.ris, oantllina -ae, r. a" old 10ng hDaddle, cJaatt'!':
Ov. B.'n., a, Ov. ; a 6111all boat,
Juv. ut crebro mihl insu.!lurret cantdenam suam, C1e.
caanAbta -la, aoc. -Im, abl. -1, r., (•~~), cantl'o ..Qols, r. (eano), 1. a ao11.g, ~ut..; 2.
C&IU&Abwa -1, m.,
cannabum ·I, n. hemp, an iltcantativn., endla1&tme1U; venenca.a et cai1-
tlones, Cle.
Canny -arum, (.a maaU t01011 in Apulia, near oantlto. I. (freq. or canto), to ring rtptal·
tM A11jidW1, Been.! of a d.efial of tlui &noons fry edly; c:muina in e11ull11, Cic.
Jlan1iibal 216 A.c. Adj., Cannenaia -e, CJ/ or Calltfam. ·Ii, D. (Li.l!'T&OI"), G dutf'id Oll ti.I
btlo1tgi11g to Ca111uu, pruv ., pugna, a11y discutrou.s !IO'U.tlwa1t cco.t4 of Brita fa, now' Kent.
.U1v,ghter (e.g., tlu prwcription of Sulla), Cic.
cbo ceclni, cantum, s. ton1ig. L Intransit. cantlunotUa -fie, f. (dim. or cantio), a Ji."·
tm11g, mticing song:. 11 cantlunculla tantua '·ir
A. 1 of men, voce, Cic. ; ad tiblcinem, Cle. ; irretitUl'I teneretur, C1c.
in o~tory of a slng-ll<>ng delivery, inclinnta
ululantique voce more Asiatieo canere, Cic.; oanto -i.tum -are (lntens. or cano), l.i
a or animals, or the cock, tc crow, Cie.; or ling or play. L IntranelL A. or the vok-t>, ID
~11, to cmal:, Plln. B. ta play; 1, of ~en, ring; 1, or II)~n, ad mannm hlstrio1~1. to ri1tg
lldiliu.s, Cle.; canere receptul, to sound the ngnal and pl.aJf to tlu dumb-ah.ow of"" actor, Cic.; 2,
for retrtat, Liv. ; a, of instl'Ulllents, tubae cornu- or bird11, cantantes aves, Prop.; of the cock, to
cro10 Cic. B. ro plaJf on a" \JUtrumenl; avc11i'-.
11.qne ceeinerunt, Liv. ; ela11slcum canlt, Liv.
U. Tr11nsit., A. ta• 10ith. tJie will; 1, carmen, i
Ov. of the lnstnunent itself, bucina <'.an tat, Ov.
Cle. ; 2, a, to 1fag :>/, to et>lebrau in l()ng; ad C. to ring an incantation, Verg. D. TransiL,
tlbiam clarornm virorum laudes atqne virtutea, A. ro ring or play; 1, with cognate object, car·
Cle.; b, or animals, to give warnilig by a cry; mlna, Hor.; doctum Catnllum, tM «mfP of
anser Gallos adeslM: canebat. B. to play on a CatuUw, Hor. ; 2, ta ukbraU in 1i.ngbtg ; COil·
•u.rical in.atrumtn.t: 1ignum caoere, Liv.; prov. 1 vivia, Hor.; cantarl dignus, teortAfl to ~ c.dt-
hoc cannen hie tribunus plebis non vobis, sea brated i" to114, Verg.; so eo praise: 11am •1t Rei~,
sibi intns ca nit, thi.nb 011111 of hi& own adra~, jarnpridem iatum canto Caesarem, Cie.; 3, lo
Cic. C. or gods, oracleJJ, seen, ta prophesy : ut rtciU: elegos, Juv. B. to annoo1ltl!, ~ll; vera
haec quae tlunt cantre dii imm?rtales viderer,it!lr, cantas Plaut. C. ro sing an facc111t<llw11; Cllr·
Cle.; with nee and lnltn., tt nuhl mater, vend1ca men, Ov.;
hence, to bnritcA; cantatae herbae,
lnt.,rpres <leum, auctnrum caelestium nurnerum Ov.
cccinit, Liv.; of fame to announce; fama facta cantor -Oris, m. (cano), 1, a ri~r. po<t:
atqne iufecta canens, \erg. 1 cantor Apollo, pl.ayer 011 the 1'.n:rp, Hor. ; cu11-
CAnOpua -i, rn. (KO:""Jiix), a cUJI i1& IhWt1' temptuously, cantor formularnm, Cic.; c ..--intnn-9
Egypt, he11ce metoo., l,ower Egypt, Yerg., and Enphorionia, evlogist.s, Cic.; 2, an ado.-, e.p.
Egypt generally, Juv. Adj., CA.n_!jp_iua -a -urn,
the actor who cried plaudite at ;;,,, end of the pi«t,
of or bd1mgi11g to Canoprt.J; Cl.nop1tae ·&TUIU,
m. ·hahalri.tanu of Canopu1, Cic. cantrlll: -leis, r. (cantor), a /e'lna1A sbtgtr.
dnor -oris, m. (cano), mtlody, song, aound: can.tua ·Us, rn. (cano). L IOl'lg, -Zody, poetry,
Martins aeris raucl, \'erg. Luer. IL Concrete, a song, a mdody. A. t;en.,
dnirua -a -um (canor), mtlo<lio1u, 1tarmon£-. a, or person11, Sirennm, Cic.; b, or anim~l!I,
""' BWttt-llO'Unding. L Neut., proOuensquiddam avium, Cic.; c, of an Instrument, play1n9,
babult Carbo et caoorum, Cic.; so <•f a OJ.ult in music; bncinarum, Cle. B. Esp., a, prophecy;
aelivery, of a aing·song pro1iun.ciatio1t; v~x nee n•ridici cantus, Cc.L; bt focanJation, 0\".
lauguens nee canora, Cle. Suhst., canorum C&DuliJua -i, m. "'111114 of a Ro.a• plttbeiaa
-i, n. harnt.Ol&iowl BO?rnd, Cic. IL Act., or men, gnl8 to whic.A bekmg«l C. Canulajus, trlbv. . of
orator, Cic.; of animals, ales, tlt.t BWan, Hor. ; the 145 B.C., att.l!2'1" of tM la~ pt'
gallua, Cic. ; or instruments, aes, Ute tr11.mpd, 11iarrU:Agu between pl.tbeiam cind patru:ian&
Can~brl -Orum, m. (K01VT&,8po•). a f>e<lf'le in ci.nua -a -um. L Lit., U1hitiM~. fl"!J :
Utl nortA of Spain, not rnbd~d till the reign of fluct•is Luer.; lupus, \'erg.; esp. or 11air, «•·
pilli, Hor. 8ub11t., cAn1 -Ormn (sc. CllJtilli).
.Aug1U/U1. Bin!{, CantAber -bri, m. Cant~b· grey hair, Cic. IL Meton., old, agW.; senectu~
nan; hence, Canf.lbria -ae, (, (K01VTa.f3p1a), Cat..
tAe cou1drJ1 oftAe Cantaln£; adj., C~bricua CAntiatum -Ti, n. a tcw. qf AptdUi (enw
-s -um, Cal&labrian. Ca11.osa). .Adj., CAnUainus -a -um, Caataiuu:
oazrt.Am.en-1nis, n. (canto), incantation, Prop. Jana Cnnu..~um wool, which was very oeleLrat.e<l,
~-Oris, m. a 1lnger, Mart. Plin'.; hence, CAniiaina -ae, (. (sc. vest.i11).,_a
canterinus(cantherinus) -a -um (canterius), garm.ent of Canusian 'IDOOl, Mart.; 06A68i·
mating to a Aont, equine, PlAuL Di.tua -a -nm, clotlied in such a 911~,.i. Sui:t..
oaDtiriua (caotherius) ·l, m. (perbapa •-· cApacltaa -itis. r. (capax). ~ ~
~•d. ca 1*ut of b1mun, a gtldtng, iwg, Cic.; ""'•Cle.
Cap 83 cap
Ci.~ .ft. acc. -1!11, voe. -eu, m. (K«trA· a coptiw, Nep.; o, to tah anlmalll ; {lf acea1 Cle.;
•••"'),OM of cM M:N1l pri.11.ct.1w:ho btsfrgW. 'l'lutu, 2, tran11f., a, to sd.u, take po!stuten OJ; ad·
bl!e.d bf Jupil.n' tcUh a th.undabolt. ruiratio, metu11 cal'it ali1111t-111, Liv.: nO!'I f'OSt
ci.p&JIC -li.d!I (c:i.pio), nblt ti> hold. I. Ut., regcs exnctos serv1tutl11 ot.Uvio ceperat., Cle.;
<'bit ti} MU mwch, l!rood, widl', TOQ'ITIY; urbs, Ov.; b, esp., to «lta.clc, to injure; 1ias:1. capi, to bf
with g.·nit., circtL'I CApaic populi, Ov.; cihi \'ini· iuj11red or distast.d; oculls et auribus c11ptus,
'l'J<' eaµa.cii;simnR, Liv. II. Trnnsf., able to gros1>, h/i11d and dwf, Cle.; captus mente, di<>tracttd,
ar'. atpit1•11', fit for; nures avidne et CApac<'S, Cic.; c, to <ll«i™; adol~scentlum animos dolis,
Ci<" : with i:;enit., capaic imperil, Tac.; with ad 81111.; adver11&riu111, Cic.; ca1oero aliqnem sua
&ti'! the acc., animus ad praccepta ca116x, Ov. J111manitate, Nep. II. to tal>e, receive. A.
Lit., a with the hand, per aliquem unt hon-
ci\pedo -Inis. f. (capis), a bou·l us«l in sac1-i- on·~ nul <livit!11s, Cic.; pecuni.11n, to take montr
f'~•. Cic. by force or bribtry; pervim atque in.iuriam, Cic..;
c:ApeduncUla -ae. f. {dim. of ci.pedo), a t. t., to takt as heir, ex hert'ditate nlhil,
•~tl1--'i !.-J££i, Cu.~. Cic.; of tribute, 1.ay, etc., stlpendiutn jure bellt,
capella -ae, f. (.lim. of l'npm). 1, a me-goat, Caes.; b to rtctive into 011e's body; ciLum,
Ck.; 2. a V>n.;kl/uti·.>ri so rol/nl, Ov. Sall. B. 'rransf., to recei1·~, wffer, 11 nde:·ao; som-
C:\pena ·IM', f. a ton:on i11 F.truri<t, aC tM foot, of m11n eapere non posse, Cie. ; 111iq ui•I det1imentl
l.'c.;•"1 ::i-)ro.cte. Adj., CApeni.a -iiti~. CApen- (esp. in the formula, vldeunt consules ne quid
118 -a -um, of or 'bdonuiny to C<tj-ena; porta rcspubiif'a detriment! capiat), Cie.; lactitlam,
i· 'i°"na, a gaU in 1'onu at tM commencement of
Cle. III. to contain. A. Lit., unn domo capi
non possunt, Cle. B. Transf., to alww of, lo
tiv! r>" A rPia.
comprtlu:nd; nullam esse gratlam tantam quam
caper -ri, m. A. Lit., a. he-goat, Verg. B. non capere animus meus posset, Cic.
ltet""·· the nn~ll under tMarm-pit.I, Ov. oA$)le ·Idis, f. (l'npio), a 011~-handltd tvssel,
cApero, 1. (captor), to be wrinkUd, Plaut. used in llllcriftcea, Liv.
cApesso -ivi and ·II -ltum, 8. (tlesider. or oi.plstro, 1. (caplstruru), to Justen with &
e&f4o), to srlu, lay Acid of tagaly. L A. Lit., halur, Cir.
arma, Ver.;.; clhum orls hiatu et o.Jentilms (of oA.pistnun ·I, n. a halter, Verg.!.), Cic. B. Tr:rnsf., to tah to, to gain:
a, Liv.; libertatem, Cic.; b, to tak1 in oAplt&l -ills, n. (l"apitalis), sc. !aclnus, c
L.illd, bu.Jy <rRaelj with; rempublicam, to tnter ca}Jil<tl crime, Cle.
f'l'h& lift, Cic.; 110 magistratus, lmverium, oApltalls -e (caput). 1 1 relating to tM htad,
honora., provin~w. Tai'_; bellum, Liv. D. to rtlaling to life, tAa.t winch. 11n]Jtrils a ma11'$ l~,
Jt~ to rffl.Ch, to hastnl, ro make f11r; omnes or caput. (i.e., toeial porltio1& and r.ivil righu in
mundi partes mediu111 locum capesseutes, Cic.; Rome); esp. used of capital crimes, res, Cic. t
&ntmllS sn periora cnpto.isa.t necesse est, aims a,/Ur, inlmicu8.t 11 d.«J.dly enemy, Cle. ; odium, m.oruu
Cic.; llditam, Cic.; ltaliam, Verg. ; retlex., se 1u:1trtd, L:lc.; oratio, dangtrou11, Cle. ; 2, ftril,
in 1ltu111, Pl:l.ut. (perf. infin., capes.Hisse, Liv.). chief, disti11g11 isht.d; Siculns Ille capita.lia,
creber, acutus, Cle.; lngenlum, Ov.
<:Aphi.reu.e and Cll.phireWJ, or Cll.pi-
reu -!i and ~o!!, acc. -&i, voe. -eu, m. (o Ka"· oi.plto -llnis, m. (c.'lput), a man with G ZMpt
pe.-;). 11 dan,pcrus promo-ntory on tlu so-uth coo.ti Mad, Cic.
of E"1x!ets, 1Chere tM on returning from CApltOllum ·Ii, n. (caput), the tnnpu oJ
;'°" "'Ill IJtiJlf"nckul. AdJ., Clpb&reUB -a Jupiter buUt UJlO'l tM Tarpwm rock at Rome, tU
·11m, o/or ~longing to Capharrus. Capitol; used often of the whole hill or mone
mplll&tus ·& -um {capillus), hairy, havmg Capitollnua. Adj., CApltOlinus -a -um, Cafri-
wir; adolescena bene aplllatus, Cic. ; vinum toline; ludl, in honour of Ju pittr CapUoli.nua,
e&ptllato <tilfU.!lum consule, tnade 10htn long hair Liv.; hence subst:1 CApltOlinl -~rum, m. ~
w. ~(i.e., ~old), Jav. nipn'illUndent& ofl/ltM, gamu, Cic.
apWua ·I, m. (dim. form trom root CAP, oA.pltilli.tlm. adv. (capitulum), ~N.
whenai caput, and a:f'f/>o.A:•f, prop. adj. ac. crinis). n.mmarily, Nep.
A. &Ac Niir of the head or of iM ~ard {crinla, oi.pltiUum ·f, n. (dim. of caput), G lUU.
_, NIU-); compositus,· Cic.; plur., comptl Mad, .Plaut.
l"&ptlli, Cle. B. Transf., Uu hafr QI 1nhnals, Cappl.d."99 -um, m. (KA!nl'AOOO:f(), tM , .
Car.. ha'bUa1i.U of Cappad-Ocfa; sing., CappUox
•p1o. clpl, captum, 8. (nbs. mt. C&pAO, ~ell', m. a Ca~n; Cappld~cla -ae, f.
L co take,. to iei:e. A. Lit., a with
Plaut..), a d&strict of Alfla Mi11ar, the mo~ ta1tern .As£aHo
Ule hand, arm.a. Cic.; b, to take po,,,,Jon of,
proviru:e,of the llcman.11. Adj., CappUi>clua
Mp. as milit. t. t., colle111, Caes.; to amw at
!!Ip. of ahips, portum, Caes. ; to ulut a place; and CappU~ua ·a -um, Cap;
IOl:um oculis, Verg.; locum custrts, Liv. ; ao oapra -ae, f. (caper). I. a sh.t-goa.t. A. Lit.,
ol auguries, templa ad inaugurandum, Liv. Cle.; ferae, perhaps chamois, \'erg. B. Meton.,
~ Transf., a, oC acts, to take in hand, t-0 lH· tM odour under the armpits, Hor. D. Tr1msr.,
flll; ~. ~ : COD!JU!atum, Cic.; b, or an A. a 001Utellation, Cle. B. Caprae pnlus, tU
<'J.'portuuity, 11&tis acite et commode temptlll pla~ in Ronu 1Dhtre .Rom.ulua dlsapjl(artd, Liv.
&d aliqaem adenndl, Cle.; o, to! as an ex- dpriSa -ae, f. (capra). a roe, roebuck, Verg.;
llllple or pmor, docu111entum ex allquo, Cle.; :prov., prlua Jungentur capreae lupis quam, ete.
!!, of a quality, to take, a.dept· avf prudentlam, (or an impo&1ibillty), Hor.
Cfe.; e, t.o take as a companion, allquem con- Capreae ·ltrum, f. (Kc11rplc11), mall faland Oft
ltlila aocium, Verg.; to ulect out of a number, the Campanfan coast off Puteoli, to whith Tibtriu
111 aillguln!J annos sacerdotem Jovls aortito, Cle.; ffiiml «t th. end Of h.u lift, DOW Capri.
&!1qllt:Dl fta.minem, tu a jlamen, Liv. C. to take
)IOCIUlioii of bJ1 fnru, in 11 hostile manner; l Ut., oaprl'CSlUJI -i, m. (caper). L a rotbuU,
a, lubldo rel1•at.licae caplundae1 Ball.; b,,.,, tu Verg. IL .Meton., plur., prop1, 111.ppo-rtl, Cae&.
war,(c)totahl booty, etc.; agroa denostlbaa, 1.,1c.; oAJ>riCOl'llU ·l, m. a lip of tl&e Zod(oe,
(/)to take 11 tmDn, etc. ; nrbem, castra l1osti nm, CaprtCQT'ft, Hor.
\le.; b)tata.l:t pri.MJner; belli nefariosdaces, Cle.; d.prlliou ·l, m. 111.1 wLla jl.g·trw, alll4 a.
lllnlc. u aubat.., oaptua ·l, m. (= captivua) jh.U, Pera.
cap 84 Car
~~nu -a -um (caper antl glgno), borA know how to begin with, Cle.; !1111pra caput eMe,
o/ goo.U, \ erg. or euemie.'I, to tlireak11, Cic.b· caput extollere. a.
oi.~ulgws ·I, m. (capr:i. ond 111ulgeo). a rni« one·• htad again, Cle.; , 111eto11. a penoa:
goot-11ulker-l.e., u countryma1i, C11t. caput llltenun, Cic.; caru111 caput, Verg. and
cAprinu -a -um {CAJ>er), ttlatlr117 to a goat: Hor. ; in counting num bt:l'lf, c.apitmn Hel vetl·
t>elli11'1. Cle.; prov., de la.1a caprina rixarl tu con· orum milio. cclxiil., Caes.; exactlo capitmn,
tend aoout trijks, Hor. ' j)()U-taz, Cle. ; of cunw:1 1 quo<l illorum ca11iti sit,
111ay it /alt on their huuh, R\l• Cle.; o lif' n-
oi.~pos ·pMls (c.aper and pes). goot-/octtd; iPtnce ; coajumtio In tyramu ~ut fac~ Lh._;
satyn, Hor. esp. In Rome, R man'• politioal and llOcial
1. oa.-a -ae, t. (caplo), 1.1 bo.i or caae for righU; judlclum capith;, u u11ttnce int'l'lliiiug
bool.:a, Cfc. l~ o/ Cl!'l1ut-l.e. 1 • ttot ftttt~rily of lift, lnll q/
2. Ca)l9a -all, r. (K4"6a), a to1M i" Bymcium, cUizt1ulup, ti.g., u1U!; so ca111lis damnttre, Cic.;
now Kcif11n (11011t.h or Tunis); heuce, Capaenw ca11ite tlamnl\rl, Cle.; capitl11 minor, a J>c'f'IO,.
·lm11, 111. the inhabita.11u of Capaa. who has tnJ..fentl a lou of cnput, Hor; so c·apiu
oapsiuiua -1, m. (ca~lf!A), a lllaw who carrUd demluul or minui, to loae cnpnt. to nlJfu a
to lk:lwol hi.I yovng 11&a.J1Ur • sutdul, !Suet. Zou o/ stat11s, to 111.fer a lou of politiml or M>Ciui
oapatua -no, r. (dim. or Cllpll&), a lUtlt cllut, riglW, Cle. ; 2, or anlmo.111 1 jumcnti, Nep.;
Cnt. belua multorum es capitum, Hor.: metou., -onls, r. (capto), an eager llrirlng, a a head of cattle: blua bomn c:lpita., Verg.
Cf.tlc1tl11g; verborum, quibbling, logomacAr, Cle. B. or things without lire, the lt>J•, IJ1l'IAmit,
011ui.dt; papavcrl11, Liv.; arcue cl\plta, Uu tlld1
~pti.tor -ol"is, 111. (capto), one 1olo eagerly Vcrg.; capita upera tnonth1 1 Verg.; ot: riYers:
MUI!.•; &Ul'Re JIOpulo.rl1, M!/t'f' a.fttr /RVOtl.T o/ t1w the aoumi; amnis. Verg.; Rhen!, Caea.; fig.,
pwpl.e, Liv.; abdol. a ltgacy·h1111ur, Hor., Juv. the sounie: quo lnvento ab eo quaai capilt!
captlo ·onh1 1 r. (cflploJ, a, a c1wa, dteeptwn; <llsputntlo ducltur, Cle.; In ea est fotJ& niiuri-
ln parvul11 re r.aptlonis aliquid vererl, Cle. ; arum et caput, Cle. IL Tran.sf., 1, or penions,
met.on., harm, llJM; mM CllJ•tio est, sf, etc., Cle.; t1w head, ch.UJ; omnlum Gmeconnn conclt.anJ.
~. aJ!r.llocy, ~1>himl; qmmtn es.<1et In ver'bh1 cap- onun, Cic.; 2, a, or thinp without 11r.. , tAt die/,
tm, 1u, etl'., Cle.; ca11tlone11 <liscutere expllcare prtnri1~ ; cenne, tht mai1~ dWI, Cle. : civ\111
rcpellere, <.:ic. ' ' prude11H11e, lftuli"ll pri>icipu, Cle. ; b, in laws
oaptl~ atlv. (capt1011us), insidioualy; ln- and writings, Utt most important p<lrt; lt'l,'ill,
terrogllre, C1c. Cle.; c, of money, oapi"ll, de ca11ite lJ.>eo tlc111· ·a -um (captto), 1, dtcrit/Ul; socle- ere, Cle. ; d, or places, the cnpital; Roma caput
tatc1u CAptiOMm et lndignnm, Cic. ; 2, 110phi8- orbl11 terrarum, Liv.
tiool, captio111, (naidio111; captiosi11Slmo tt!!nere ~pf9 .,111 1 acc. yn, abl. ·te or -y, m. (Kcitl'V().
l11tem1gn.tionis utl, Cic. Bu'bat., oapuO.. ll s1m of A.uar(J(.'1t11 fathn' of Anchi.tta; 2, H1tg
-l"1111111, n. aophi8triu, Cic. 01 Alba; S, a oompanion of .dn~1; 4, a litlfl
of Capua..
ca.DtlunotUa -ae, r. (dim. or captioY, /allacy,
•[Uibb1e; onrne.i r.aptiunculnB pertimescere, Cic. ~ -Is, f. {Kcipa.\lf), and J•lnr., Ckl,.-
oaptivltaa -atls, r. (captivns), cnptlvity, lu ·IUm, r. G tow1~ and prom.cmt<>ry Of tlie arme
"!'~ it& Sardinia, now Cagliari; hence CArA-
Tac.; urbium, cow11iut, Tac.
litanua ·&-um, o/ or bdo11uing to Carali.'1.
captivua -a -11m (Cllptua, cap!o), taken, Ctl'fr oarw.Mu -a -uni (Cl\l'baaus), made of MA-
ti1red. L takm in 1oor1 capt ire; a, or _persons,
ch-es Rom,;.tni, Ck; gen. snbst., oapti'VIUI -1, W$; vela, Cle.
m.; captiva -ne, r. a captivt, Cic.; p(){!t., relat- carWaua -1, m. (riipircicro~). plnr. beterocl.
ing to a pruoMr; Mnguis, Verg.; cri11c11 1 Ov.; gen., ca.rbAlla -omm, .ftne Spanl..~A ~; gen.
b, used of inanimate thing!!, conqutrol"'2blui-Z 111eto11., articlu produotd from. il, a liru11 gun11.tnl,
cu n prtfl; naves, Caes.; agrl, Tac. .u. Gen. a .au, Verg.
captured, takm; J•isces, Ov. ' car~tlnua (carpntlnus), -a -um (~,.,.
oapto, 1. (in tens. oC caplo) to lriu, oakh at, 110i). of untanned ltnlhtr; crepidf\e, nutk M«1
Ta11 lwld of, J11111t. L Lit., lenL!!, Verg. U. Cat:
'l'i'lln&C. A. 0.:!11. to strive a,fttr, dt.ri~, •k; ser- oarbo -Onls, m. L cool, charroal: canden11,
monem alic11in,., Plant.; plausue, rtsua, Cle. Cle. ; fig., carbone notare to mark with black,
B. Eep. to «ek to win, en.ti«, allu~ cra.ftily; i.ti., tA.i1t.k ill of any one, do1·.; prov. C&l"b.. nem
i1t11idlis liostem, Liv. ; testamenta, to hunt /or pro thesauro lnv<'nlrc, to find 1011Uthi11g qf litlk
legaciu, Hor. t>altu, Phaedr. D. cognomen of the Pnpirii.
oaptue -tls, m. (capio) 1 a oakh("ll, tald"ll; oar'billi.rlua -fl, m. (carbo). a eAarcoal
me ton., that wit ich u, Pfln.; 2, p;rwtr ofcom- burtter, I'laut.
~n, 11wn 1ttr of oomprthmrio)i, id«l; ut eat oarbunotUua -1, m. (dim. otcaroo). L Lit.
cllptus homlnu111 1 Cic.; Germanorum, C&ea. a littlt coal, Plaut. D. TnlnRt A. a kind of
ltot&t, Plln. B. a ca.rbttn.cle, Plln.
~plia -ae, r. ~=.,,), chU/ tovm of Cam-
pc1nia. Adj., CAp - u• -a -um.
d,ptUua -1, ni. (caplo). L a oojJCt&; Ire ad
oaroer -~ris, tn. (connected with arceo and
Gr. ip«of), 1, a prison, Jail, cdl; In carccl'E'm
ducere condere, conjlcere, contrudere, inclu-
capnfum, w go to the gravtL Luer. IL a-Aandh. dere, Cle. ; emittl e carcere, Cic. ; fig., qui e cor-
A. Gen., aratrl, Ov. B. &p. the MU ofalVXJTd, porum vlnculis tamquam e CIU'cere evolaverunt,
Cic. Cic. ; meton., lhe priwntrs cot\}tivd (ll a JaU; in
oaput -ltla, n. (root OAP, connocted with me ca.reerem 11ffud1stis, ym111ruiternplitdcMpT'Uoa
irt'f>aA;). t1w Mad. J. Lit. and Meton. .A. or im wu, Cle.; 2, gen. used In plur. carcerea. tAe
living thlnga, 1 of men, a, lit., t.U I.Md; 1tarting-11wcc of a raeiecouNe (opp. met.II, calx);
caplte operto, ot,oluto, lnvoluto, Cle. ; capnt e carcenbue ernlttl cum allquo, Cle.; ad car-
allcul auterre, abeclden1, praeeldere, percutere, ceres a calce revOCAri, to btgf,. l\f• ataet0, Cle.
Liv. : caplta conterre, lo J>1tt tArir 1t«Jifl toodller
(or leCl'flt oonwnatlon), Liv. : per oapi1tque oaroiranua -a -wn (career). 'bdo'llfi"fl ro a
pedcaque l':Ji.~clpltem In lntum, to go 01ttr prison, Plaut.
Mad n.I ·Oat.; 11ec capnt neoe pede. Carohid~mu -a -um (K.ip,nUnoc)i Olw\.
(baben). pvT. 1 ot a bulllfll'4 which one doea not tAagi7&'4a, Plaut.
oar 86 oar
earohidum ·U, n. (capxifcno•l. a goblll wltl Oarmentta ·I•, t., and Carmenta .,..,, t.
liadln, C&Rtrad.fd i1' tlw mfcl<lle, V'~rg. (carmen .. oracle), a 'J'f'OrMUu, tlw mnthtr (II
oa.nlloes -um, m. (P1•nllnn card.a, l>nlH, };mnder, tolao ro111e wit!& Aim. to l..ativ.m, ,.,roph.uitd
wrlitt), a l'errian trvop. Nep. °" tlw CcrpUoUn,e hill, and wa1 o,f1ef'1l!an.u rtt't,...
111 a deity• .AUJ. Carmentalla -e, oJ or
oardllo1ul -a •llUl (~). pn-lahlfng lo t'llMl
tA.t ltOlll.<•cA; or penons, iu,fmn.g /ron& Cl dlaMM bdonglllg to Ca""f'ul,; J>o•rtn, a gnu oJ Roirie
of t11t lto'lll4d.; amlcua, JrtT. Snbat., oardl- lit.Gr tllt• Of Car1ntnt!I, the f'i,Jht arch of

lcu ·I. Ill.°"' IOM 111.,fm, Ck.
oanlo ·lnls. tn. (conneded with Gr. ltp«Uaa, ylf>n
trltich 1Da.t rot~ the purta 11celcr:itn, becn?tM the
FaMi went th.rough U Oil thl!r Jour"~ to Cremeru.,
tlley _,.. dtatrored; pfur., Clarmenta-
rr,..W,,.., lo .wing). L Lit. A. tht ltlng• oJ a lla -tum, n. th.efutival of Carmni.til.
door; cardlnem Vf'l'BAre, to ope" a door, Ov. B.
tlil poilll round ll'hiclt anything hm11, a f>O/t (If tlu Carmo -Onie, t. toll'l'l ift Hilpallfa Baetka,
ltxirt111; c:irdo dn1•lex, tlw tRtls oftlw wrth.'nu:h, now C<1rmont, in .A ntlul 111ia.
Cie. port; a point tltro1•gl wltkh a Une f.! drnw1~ oarna -M, t. (cnro), ~tutelary {10ddus of t1t•
/mm 110rt.\ to 1<1t.1th., J,lv.; q11Atuor c,ardit1es fl.Ohler pnr~ o/ tlu, ~ htart, etc., cn11f\1sed
mu11dli IM four nrr11'1wl poi!IU, Quint. U. hy Ovid with Canlea, the godcltu of hi 111;u.'
Trani a cirt.-u111.1ta11ce, or co111lderation oanaarlum ·II, n. (cnro), tlu lartftr, p<111try,
•po• i.:-lfd many olheN depe1~; ha11d tanto Pinnt.lo· a /ramt J>rodtltd 1L'ith h()(lkl to u1J1k~
cessabit canllno 1-erum, Verg. provtir 111 we,., h."ng, Plimt.
canliiua ·I, I?:. a tf1[.•t/e, V~rg. CarniA4i9 ·la, 111. (Kap11t431')(). f'1tilo."'l'ht'I'
ciri, adv. (CArua), IUarly, at Cl hlqh price; o/ Cvrcu, /umukr of tlu tliirtl .Academic -.·hool,
1t1ll111al't', ap. Cle. oppo1unl of Zmo.
cirectum -1, n. (tor caricetmn, rrom carex), oarnlfex ·flcltl, 111. (2. caro and r11clo). the
• .m..."l •ft4, Vel"J. public eucutiorier, htt11!Jlna1i, Cic. ; 11flt'1l ah10 u
ci.r6o ·di ·ltQrna, 2. to N witlwutJ. dt1tUnu a term or rtll'roach, '41Ml&e1ttor, cnrulf~x cl\'hllll
of, w VYll4l; 11:ov. tlrt' nhl. L Gen. A. of 1ier- llOClorumque, Clo.
son.•, dole~ r.,briJ_~le. B. or tltlllj.'1<, lrg" 1·11rens aanalfloina -ae, f. (canlll<•x), 1, tlw Aang-
nv1tu, lall'Uu, Llc. U. 1-;..11. A. w 11mkil 1&0 wum'• ojJlct, l'l1111t.; 2, JllMt oJ torture, Liv.;
1110/: tt>tueto, Cl<'.; Ja.,llCf', nr I\ !'Ince, tc> al"fltt tra1111!, torture, Cl11.
ollt">lt/f from; foro~11<'1111t11t imltllco, Cle.; 1111tri11, to oarnlfloo, 1. (cnntlfex), to slay, btlwid, Liv.
ltrtrc &uu., Tac. a. tQ be ae1>Jirtd of, tn ml#; con·
tlldn<linc 1nnlcon1m, Cie.; li\Jcrtat.., Hur.; 11ho1ol., Ca.mutes -um, m. flt"pl1 '" the wdc"1le o/
q111naquam non cnret Is qui 11011 <le><hlcl".it, t:ll'. ('t(f.uf, toho• i:ltlef toum 101U Gcnab11m, the tnodern
Orlea1U, caea.
Cine ·ntn, m. (K.ip«), i11hl&hit111ill o/ Caria; oaro,
1. 8. to ClClrtf wool, Plaut.
sing., Cir. C!trl&. Hcnet>, Ci.rla ·ne, t. (K~l11),
IU-c "1&/wl!f df.alrict of A1in Mh~r. c&rl- 2., cnrnla, t. Jluh... L Lit. A. Jacte et
CUI .. ·nm~ Carliin.. Sulnit., carioa -ae, t. e.nmt. vlvere, Cle. ; 1•lnr., cnr11P1 vlpercnt, Ov.
(IC. ftcal), ll A."ind qf drW ftg, Cle. B. Met.on., u ..ed t:Ollll'lnJllllOlllll:V or R 111nn, lsta
iieeus tii cnro )'ntitlR, Cle. II. Tra111r. tlUJ
eirex ·lclis, f. lfflgt, Verg. 'P'''MI parn of /r¥it, Plitt. (ol<l nom. cllntla,
drlie, nee. -<'111, nbl. -e (•,flier C&lle9 not Liv.).
fuu1td~ r. f'Oltc1111I'#, 1lt>r.1y, Ov. ~thua (~•) .f, r. (K<iptrc1IOf), an ialond
~ -.1e, f. L tM l"f''-l of a ~h!p. A. Lit., fa tNi .rltuamn HIT, now Scarpa11to. Adj., CAr-
flll'l!"'e 1llq111u1to J•h111lurc1 qnruu 11ostrRnt111 pAthlua •&-um; vaka, aencx, Prott-M.s, Ov.
nanum, Cacs.. B. Mcton., cz ahip, t'Ukl, Veri;. oarpentnm ·I, n. 1, cz two-whult1tf oorriag1,
IL Traosr. 1•l11r., CA.rinae ·Anml, r. R •put fa 11 coaclt.; cnrpeuto In ror11111 luvehl, Liv.; 2, •
&11e Oil the Mr{UiUut where l'ompl'y'I lw11M 1too<I. bagga(ll tD<lggo'll; cnr1..entn Oalllca 111ulta pmeda
elrt:O.U. -& ·tltn (C>trleit). rottt"• !Vml/fd, oncnttll, Liv.
cani;.,; dentes, Plln.; tr&111r., 1cmectn11, Ov. Caroetinl ·6rum, m. tl1e Carptlad, 11 Spa1&-
oirta -ldil, t. (c..plf), a kilkl of cmb, OT. Wi trUJt i1& moderll C:a,..dUe a1'd .&trnnad•rcz,
el.riatfa .., cltarlstia (q. v.). tvith. cllfq tow" Toletum (now 1'oktto).
eirltas -At!il, t. (CAn1.c),, 1tlgA prfct. oarpo ·psi -ptum, 3. (oonnect.lll with ·~.
L Ur., 11umruori11n, llt:ltrcil,o/fltovy, Cic.: ah1101. Sp...0."-'), L to plu..·k, plw:k o§. A. Ut. 1 with
(111-. 111nonat'), kl~~ 1rr_iu of the lltttUt.triu of life; t.hc hnua, ftores f'X arbo~, Ov. • uvam tle p.,\111lte,
aunna In 1nm11ul c.-.ntate e..t, U w a i-cry dear Vc1~.; pe1111t1111, to11•tn, Hor.; !i, with tht' monthL
pvr, etc. U. T1·:111itf. nfftdio1', low, t.<tum. • In a. to tl'.l.:e somtthl11g a.a food; gram~n, to 11ra.u. or
cant,,~ d honore ~,.,._., Liv.; comple1·tl all11ucm a hnnie, Verg.; lhyma, of liet."11, to nck, Hor.; b,
t1mt1t111 et <'&ri~te, l:ic.; benovolt'Utiii. d1wlru-lre to unr, pull to Jrltta; cl bum, Ov. B. Tr:tnsf.,
b:'~ui~ et <'Jlfitnt•!, Cle.; civl11111, ult"11. •if tM !. to 1•luck o.f; a, to «l«l, clwole out; lloaeulos
tlli:tM, Ck.; In lmst••r.-a, Cle.; Inter nAtos eit li1c.; pnncoa att lg11omi11la111, Cle.; b, pn<"t., (..)
parente!I, Ck.: lit..c1oru111, /t'1' ou'achiulnri, Cle.; to tl~OJI; diem, Hor.; &Ul'llB \'itaks, \er.;.;~)
111 plnr., 0111111•,. 011mlu1n carltat4la l'lllrla una of plao·eA, to 'JX•U otrtr, luuk1& Ollel'; 1•rata l'uga.
Cobtl'lcxa flit, Cle. Veil(.; mare, Ov.; 2, a, tomrpaJ,lla11dtr, roltt"""
t1fah; uliquem umlooloo deute, Clo. ; b, tnllit.
~- ·lnl-t, n. (fro:n Cllno and auft\x -men,
t.t~, to a11ft<>!I, l&aNUI: eqnltatn agmen atlvrr·
on;:. t'xnml'n, th"" ci.atuPD, then t'&rJneu) a
""'9, h1v., "ith~r V•>Ql or l111tmme11tal. L o'cn. AArloruu!t Caea.; ~' to wtake1&; vlrea ll&ll lat im,
earmill.:l voc11111, Ov.; tht ¥m.fl_O/ the 11ron, Ov.; Vcrg. .1L A. ut. to rt11d; ~r, Ov. B.
tUarrrull oftlte owl Verg. IL Esp. A. pod.ry, Tnrnaf. to 1t1"4rau, divide; In multu parrasque
•l'l"l o/ rw11 1.:1,'iJ.; a., fundere, con•lere, con-
partea extrcit11m, LI•.
ln•ll!, l.'lc.; eoml'o11.:rc., Hngere, acrlhl>no, llor.; oarpttm., atlv., (Cllrptns CArpo), 1, '" plecu,
lart:e, Vl'rg.; b, f"/lf'il: p<1ttry, Hor. ; l\mabile, '" 8it19le portio111, in lflf4d pnrtl. 811IL ; 2, i1&
fl'11li< ~try, Hor. ; c, a port of a potm., Luer.; diff~11t 71lcz,u; aggreill, Liv.; S at di.ferenC
~~tr in a JlOl''";i lllnd mollitu1imum cnnnen, th11t1; tllml!tlll rarptlrn et alngull, i'ac.
""'"'a, n f'Ttwfkt10ft, OJ'a(''(btr declaraffo1•, Ul'. oarptor -arts, m. (carpo}, oiw wAo eanu
I. urantotim1, Yerg. C. a rtligi01U or lr1111lfur· /001f, Juv.
••bt, Ill a11.:ic11t tim~& cn1111>0114!<l in vcrite ; cru· oarriioa ·ae, t. a kind of J'01lr·whetlecl Cll,...
Clltu~, Cic. ; lex borre11tll carmlnl1, Liv. riage, 8uet.
car 88 Oas
earrua -1, ru. (cammi -1, n.). a kind oJ fOtcr- 2. . . . . . . -hi, ..~n. plur. a ...... -lum, JD. •
Wutitd bag!JUgt-11!t1Wo1', C&ee. Ml. L A. a lvwtn'1 Ad; C&llllell_ _ponere, Ot.
CanltW (Canlotf) -6rum, rn. (Kapcr.:oAot) a B. Tnw•r., a trap, " """"'• Ov. u. • .,,wer'• '
'"''!." in /A.tium., now .Anol£; hence, Oal'N- toeb, Verg.
oauHiram, ·f, D, (....,&.,....c), tiA; heDl"t' I
'1.iaaa -a -um. oJ or belongin-; to CaneoU.
cartija -.e, t., 1 a tt>toi& in Hitpa1'fa Jku. CUaltfrfdM ·urn, f. (r;;.,..npaq). ~ ii11
ti<xr.; heuce..t adj., O&riiJiat1a -a -um; 2, Ula1ull, tlu &:Ulv Illa, Plin.
'°1o1L of tM ulcadu ilf. HUpal.ia TarracoJUiuU. ·•·am, '"1""11 o/4 Roilla• onu, ort.
Cartllaea -ae, t. (Kap8cli&), to1on on CM ao1dh gi 1LaU11 patrician., a,/knoarda }Jlebria.._ The anoi;t ,
ooaat of tht idalld C«l. ; ltenco adj., C&rthaeaa notable membe111 were; 1, L. C&uhl!I Longinua
-a -um, and cartbiua -a -u01, o/ or belong&11g Ra villa, celwrattd cu an ::::Ed~, a11t1&0r of
:0 CmtAaca. t1t.t lex tabellarla Ca.Bala, Uial rJl•na. aAmtld
rote 'fJy OOUot; hence aa -a -um :
Ca.rtbico -lnls, t., 1, tht cUy of Carlka(JI! fa Caicaitm ; judex, an upright Judfl", Cic. ; 2, Ult
N• .Africa; 2, Carthago (Novn), colonv o/ tlu co1uuL L. Cassiu•, conrpured and lUlm by i&c
C4rthagi!Wln11 £• HilJia"ia TarracotinW, now Helt't!tii, 107 A.C. ; 3, C. l'uidus Longfnu.s, o:ru
Carlhage114. Adj., CarthAgbdenaia -c, Car- oft.Ju nmrdl!1·tTS o/ C-<1emr; 4, Cuslua Pannenshl.
l/lag uuan. a pod, a1Ullhtr of Caesar'• t11ttrdn-ers; S, C.
, cm-u.notua -ae, I. (dim. oC cnro), a a111aU Ca8!1ius Longinua, a ctlelmcua latcJ/Cf' 11ruler
pitct ofJeJt, Cle. 1'iberi1u.
oi.rua -a -um, 1 1 11igh·prioetl, dtt'r; nnuona CAU1lll -a -um (perh&J>A fl'om careo). L
carior, &1111011.a carltiidma, Cle. ; 2, dw.r, belotlf!d, Lit., tmJny, holloto; 11ux, Plaut. : 1ooet.., ·111dth
lllkcnuid; }•atria, quae cKt mi hi vita mca multo ahl. or b'l!nit., dq>rivm of; lmnlne r.&:itill• or
cerior, Cic. ; carum hnbcrc, to low, uttem, Cic. Rethcre ca.Hua, dead, Veri;. IL Tramlf. tr'O'l"tl-
Ci.z1ae -irum, t. (Ka.po'°'), town iii J.m;o11ia, """·"ulur, nii'R.; c.a111um quhldtun et lmutl '~
1'0110 decoratum, Cle.; In CUllUm, i" tni"9 Liv.
tDith a rc>Hple to .rl rte111i.s (Diana); henc{', Cir-
fatldee, acc. -Ida.'!, r. t.Ju Laconia" maidl!n.s CuWla -ae, f. (KciO'TaAMr.), a 'T>ring 01'
VJ11v 11<rved in the k11L1•le of Arle11tis; bcucc, iu Mou11.t ParlUWlU, sacrtd to .Apollo mid tM Mu.a.
archikcture, tlu lig11ru of wo11w1 iii t.Ju place o/ Adj., CaaWlua ·11 -11111, and CaatiUla -ldia,
11ill<1r11, \ itr. I. Ca$t11lit11&; M>rorea, the l11U11, Mart.
Ci.ryatk ·I, t. (KclpvO'TOf), 11 tow1' on caatlnea -ae, r., 1, tM c1aut11ut-t~. Qll.
"t11tlt. Wllst of E11~, famous for its ?llllr/1/11; 2, tli.t chutnut; ca.t1tllneae nuces, Verg.
hence adj., C~ua-11 ·nm, and Cl.rystlue caste, adv. (caatus). L f!'!.rll11, apotl'-1'!;
·• -um, of or bel<mging to Uiry1Jt06; 2, town of caste et l~teg_re viv~re, Cic. ~ a, i•'MOn&l/11.
t.Ju Liguriwu. chaaul11, Cle. , b, pi.cnul11, relLgW1£1U11; cute Rd
cA8a ·llC, r. (root CAB, whence CRBtrum), deos adire, Cic.
ft hut, coU<1ge, cabin, Cic.; ba!T('(Ck, CAeS. oaatellAnu -n -um (castellwn), nlalin.g ,,,
oue6lua -1, m. (dim. or CAijCU.'1), a ZUtu a /orlrU8; triumph!, 01& tJu capture of Jartn:w.,.
~.\"erg. Cle. 8ul111t., outelli.Dl -arum, m. IAc ~
ca.eua ·I, m. (cWum -1, n., Plant.), son <if a /orlrw, Sall.
a cli.tue; ca11e11111 premere, to 11iakt cltuu, VefK.; oaatelli.Um, adv. (caatellum). '" ri'llfil,ll~
collect., \'ilia abnndat caseo, Cic. rusu; disslpatl, Liv.
cUla -ae, r. (1r11~'11), 1, a tree with. an aro· aaatellum ·I, n. (dim. or caatnun). L A.
inalic bark, lil:e cinnamon, Verg. ; 2, tht 1wed· a oc'4lle, fortru1, fem, Cic. B. Transt. prokdicm
111.tlUll.{! nu.:tnma., Verg. refuge; omuium &celerum, Liv. IL a d10elU•1
CbDinum, -1, n. a town in Campallia on tJw on a Ii.tight, Verg.
Voltur1ms; hence, Cullin.ates -um, and OMtirla •Re, f, a portion fl/ fl fhip, Wied &a J.
CUlliD.eD.11811 -lum, m. \nJiabitam. of Ca.ri- resting-place for rowel'B, Plaut.
lill Ulll. oastigi.bllla -e (caallgo), YOt'iA11 of pu•ia-
euinum -1, n. a tt>aon in Latium. Adj., me11t, Plaut.
Cllainae ·, <if or lnlo11ging to Carinum. oaatig&U'.o -6nls, t. (cut.Igo), punialtHUJtt,
c1W$tistmllnt, rq;roof; affloore aliqucm culip
Caaplum ID.Ari or piliigus, aud Caa- tiouibus, Cle.; verbonun, Liv.
plua 0cilnua (To Ka0'•,011 11i.\11'YOf), tht eas- oiatigi,tor -6rl1, m. (cutlgo), OM ri.<>,...
pum .').:11. Adj., CUplu -a -um, Ccupian. provec or punishu, Liv.
Canandra -ae, r. (KciO'O'ci...!pci), da11ohter of oaatigatirl'WI -a -u111 (CAStii;o), corrn:ti"!J.
l'riam, on wM>"' t.Ju gVt ofproph«y 1MI O<m/"1"td Plln.
by Apollo, with Uv rueniati<m that no OM .Muld caatigi,tua-a ·Um (pnrtlc. of rnstlgo), clt«J..~
believe litr. re8lrairuil, hence rm.all, 11rat, &8 a tenn of 11raise;
Cauandria and ia. ae, t. (KciO'O'civ!prnl), rectu11, Ov.
"" tow1~ o/ Potidaea \ii. l'halcidia:, destroyed by oaatigo (CA11t11Jll·3go 1 11s pllrb"O = J>UrUlll :\~),
l'hili11, rt·butU a.11.IC re-iwnud by Cauander; 1. to rtprot•c, chasten, J>imiJih. L Lit., pne~
he1ic.e, a, C.nandrenaetl -!um, m. the in- \'erbls, V{'rberihus, Cle. II. Trausf., a, to cor-
1tabit1.rnts of c~flllrca; b, Cas•andreua rect., am.t111f; ~armen, Hor.; b, to ch«k, rrslmi11,,
·t'!I, m. (Ko.O"O'av.Spni() = Apollodorur, tvrant of fig., examen In trutlnl, to nnumd ont'• opi 11io1<o
C{l:11K111.drw, Ov. Pers.
caaae, a<lv. (ca1111us), in win, without ruult, oaetlmonla ·nc, r. (cnstn11), 1. bodilv pur-
Liv. U11, CIC. i 2, nwral pv.rity, Cic. ·
casalda -M, t. a 1ulmd, Verg. aaatltaa -ati11, r. (ca.'(tu11), abstil~ll~ froft
1. ~opi~ (Ka.1TO'lo..11), w(feo/Ctpht11.1, stn.8Ual pkasure, cltaatity, Cic.
-.oiMr of A 111fro1 c111Jng«l into a atar. l. oastor -6ri11, m. (ica0'1Wp), tM beawr, Cic.
2. Caaalopi -es, f. (Ka.cnno1n1), tow1l in
2. Castor ·Or!R, tn. (KciO"n•p). tlie '°" of T.111&·
dan1.1 a11d, t1l'in-brothcr of PoUuz and HtlrL
1. caaat.a -IdlsJ t. A. a metal hdJMt, Cnes. Ec~astor, mecastor, B11 CaaUrr/ a co11110.on tono
8. Meton., war, JUV. or oath in Rome.
cas 87' oat
~ium. -t, n. a?l aromatlo NCNtl01t. ob- ....pulta ..e, f. (u.Tair4A""), Ga . . , . . . .J
Caiiwdjrorll tM i>MNr, V'erg. ucr for 1Arowi11g aN'OlCI, A cataptUI., LIT.
.atreDSia ... (castra), pertaining t.> G c:o111op, oAUpultarlua -a -nm (catapult&), ~
Cle. kl a 1Xitapu U, Plaut.
t:Mtro. l, Co ealtraU, Plaut. uti.raot.a
(catarr.) •&e., t, aud -~
eaatrum -1, n. (root CAS, whence caaa). ea -ae, 111. (.:cm1i>i>cio:Tr1c), 11.. a 10Cdcr/4ll, esp. ca
L Sing., a ocutk, forl, /orfrMI, Nep.; oftener catarart of the Nile, &>n.: :&, a. lluicll or~
in llinf'.. :i.s 11 proper name, e.g., Cu•rum Iuui gau, Plln. ; 3, n porlc1'll'4, Liv.
in lAtium. II. Plnr., oastra -orum, n. A. oltaata -ae., t. (o:cmicnuu), Cl llt4gl tipa
Ut., l, a ca"1p fortiµd bu a aftd a tllAicll llatiU tt'tnl tzpostd fa th• fllGTkd, Pen.
:l!.Ctl1d (ag;•·T) surwwunUd by pal {va.llum);
1t.1tiT·•, J-<'T"7l'U1 nent. Cle. ; aesttva., IU!llmn' quar-
olti, adv. (catua), 1ki.J,/uJly, al«ietly, Cto.
trn, Sact. ; hillt'rna, winter q11arters, Liv.; nl\· •teJa -ae, f. a. A.-md of oorl, Verg.
vali:i, a na..-rl enromJ11'ntnt, when the ahlps were 1. oAtella -ae, r. (dim. of catula}, Cl " " "
drs;vn up on the t.each and 1m>teeted by an ~ch, Juv.
~atn-nchmcnt, Cac'l.; p<mere, Llv.; loc.ite,
f~~. to ui;cnmp, Cle.; nwvere, to brrak up tlia
2. oAtella -ae, f. (dim. of CAtenA), a IUU.
chaLn., Liv.
~:otjl, Ca\!><. ; 1•romovere, to advanu, C11es. ; re-
m<J>c:re. or movere rf'tro, to retreat, Liv.; hoRtem dtellua -l, m. (dhu. ot catnlua). • Utt#
ca;:tri~ exuerE", ro take tM entmy'1 ca1np, Liv.; dog, Cic.
fig., like the Engli~h romp, of a J•llrty, In Epieuri oAtina -«e f. (root CAT, CAS, whence cu-
11~ adv~rll nostrl CAi<tro conjeclmt1:1, Cle.; sh1), 1, a cltaLn, /tt4r; nliquem CL1tenllf \inci~ 1
2, ~p., a, tA11 cximp of tht yrattori<m guard o.t Liv.; aliqnelll in ratenM conjlr.er6, Uv.; allcw!; pr.:i.etorl:m:i.1 Suet.; b, as a PrQJ>t'r unme, cat.enas iujlcere, Cle.; ln catenla tenere, CaM.;
Cutn Coruelia, a iuiJ,jht near Utica. B. Trims!., 111(., rutraint; legum catenae, Cio.; 2, a claM,
'l! a bte·hi•e, cerea cnstra, \"erg. O. Meton., 11eriu, Luer.
1, a da.1/11 "'41'CA; tertlb CMtrh pervenlt, Liv.; oAtinatua •-nm (catena), c:llai!Ud, bond;
2, .artia.l NMlit:ie, magnum in castrla uaum Brlt.&nuua, Bor.; labores, "'lf'tmitli1'g, )(art.
h&~l't' • O.el\.
•terva -ae, t crowd, troop. L or men.
cum. -a -nm (connected with Gr. u8a.pc!~). .A. Oen., magna togatorum, Cfc. B. Esp., 1
L purt, spotlesa, fonocent; homo cutlsslmue, 4 troop of IOldurs, e11p. of barbarian eoldh.•f'll, oi
Cie. IL Esp. A. 1 tnnperau, u~/Jllh; homo mereenaries l\S opp. to Romnn lf'glonarlea, Hur., ae non l·Upl1f11:1, C.:ic. ; la. cJuuu; matro- Tac. ; 2, a company of a<:l11r1, Cic. ; ~. tll c.\orv
narum casti,yima., Cie. B. Tra.usr., or thi11g11, m (he draJ!W, Cic. IL OC n11h11als, verg.
Ca..~ 1•Jfll!ti~,.im.a. dumtlll, Cic. C. of ~llglon,
pioiu, re.ligi<:ms, h.oly; nepot..'-~ caati maneant In dtervi.rlu -a -um (caterva), ~ngfnt to
rellglone n .. potes, Vcsrg.; ca.stam contionero, sauc· 4 troop, Suet.
tum campum deCe11d•i, Cie. dtervl.ttm. adv. {caterva), fa troopa, '"
cl.91U& -ae, r. (tllm. or c&aa), Cl lUtu 11.111, maae.,, Sall., Luer.
tclliiga., dthidra -ae r.
(.:ci9i~J1G). I . .A. 4 Wilr,
o&aua ·111, m. {cado), a.faUing,JaU, Liv. L principally used i>Y Indies, Hor.; als<>, n lUtrr
~n. A. Ltt., a. n1vls, Liv. ; b, of a aeiison, frw eo111u, Jul'. B. Metou., enthedrae moll~,
nd; u.tremae sub casum h!emls, Verg.; o, in lu.t'Uric?u
'°°"""• Juv. IL a. YTQ/WKYl1 chair,
i::rt.nJnoar, Cld.M: CASUt rectus, f/w nominative,
ac. B. Transl., a, fell: quum gruls casu.s In Ci&Dina -ae._m:• _L. Sergius, A RomM of
Mnitium ex TpgIIO (oret, Sall.; b, ocosrion, op- nobZ. birth, do MtUUa a conapiraq aga.i..C Qi
portvnUy; ant vi av' doU. IG C&8UIJl Tictorlne llfaU, ci!ld toa1kilhdbba.ttl.at1''M'IU<u, .. c. 42;
l.!lventurum, Sill.; o,accldlnt. tWJU. ~; lience adj., Qtfliaarl. . ·& -um, CalUilWU'iM.
novi easua ttmporum, Cle.; afil. cuu, l/rc:llaMt; oAtlllo, 1. (catlllua), to Hd: plak4, Plaut.
ennire non tem.ere nee caau, Cle.; d_. dllalter,
!!rld.ap; meua me c&8UI tam horrit>llla, taa 1. cAttllu -1, m. (dim. of catlnua), 4 mall
van.. etc., Cfo..; relpubllcael Sall. D. dt.struc· cffah or plate, Hor.
2. Ci.tlllua -1, m. eon of .tmpMaraua,..., of
Ma. "''A; a, of U1i11ga, urbl.S Trojanae., Verg.;
b, of ~rson1t, 'riolnt dtiat11.; Batumlni atque IM legllnda.111 /ou.ndere q/ Tibur.
Graechorum C&!UIJ (lllur.), Gaea. C ..&ln•, t. (lt•T•Vlllj and Ci.tADi ·&. t
Cl.&Abathm&t ·I, m. (Km~8µ65), a t1Gllq a eo-im on tlw t.aat ooa1t 01 Sicilr, at tM /004 of
a" Uu llcrden of .(fnca A.M, now t1W wUq Mount .tdna, now Cllla.11Ui.. Adj., CAUD...U
~1 A.t..llbal•• -e1 of or bdong£ng to Catiiia.
~11.9 •I, m. (U.T~pGl&Ofh G 'OJJ' J'tw cAtinum -11 n. and ol.tinu ·I, m. • broad,
~7'Ci11:1, Sullt. flat dWI., Hor.
CAtl.d'iipa -&um, 11. (uTG.5o111r•), Ull Nile ~to -Onl.a, m. La. cogM111J!1' bwmp£itg to Ui.t
~ on. cAe EtMopM:ta., now cata.ra<:U plebeian gtn• PO'f'da. ll M. Porciu• Cato Ce1t-
4/ Wadr1 Hal.fa. aorlu.a (236-147 B.o.), « el>ra.ud for M1 VJ>ri41M·
~elAelmua -a -um (c.aT•yr.\c(cr,"Of), naa •nd ltmiuom ni.ppon of ~ old J?oiMa
.-riug aa t1 ni.bjed ofjut, Plaut. ritftpltcitv a.nd dllciplin., author q/ .wwral 100rb,
oltlgrAphua -a -um (uTCiypo.~os), pafAttd, CJ"'°"91D7"a tlkr tJWt Mltd are th• OrlglnM 111111
de Re ruatlea; 2, ~· _Porclna Cato i.fle younger,
~-<l>lott7'ai, Cat.
catimitma -1, JR, IM lmtA 7147"' /Or Gan~
Uadl1' 41 tM ~ll.4'0rUU JX1rl11 °""" ... of p..,.
pei116, killed himulf a.t Utica, u.c. ~ n t1I /dttlA
9ldn. nrl7' of hie porl~ (hence called Utloenlll).
C&tUnla -ae, t. • dWric:C o/ OU Roman Adj., ~tonli.nua -& -um, Ca.to1daa. Subet.,
l"ft"i~ C<tppa.dod&. CA&inial ·ur11111, m. tAI parlJ of UW l01'"'7.,.
eltlJ)llraoh• ·lie, m. (o:cu~aA'nff), fl Cato. Plur., CAtonu. '''"' of IM old Bo1'llaft
&na4.p(4U of iron «nlu, Tao. ; beuce, adJ., t11pe, lib Cato. Cfc. IL .II. Valerl111 Cato, ca
litljbrao&aa .a -um, maiL-ola.d, Liv. /rudman of Gaul, gram111arin a116 poet '" •
eilllJJlu .f. a.. (_..r-'ov,), au arrbal of a tiN of Sulla.
alp; hence metosa.. a •hi.P lMI ii """""""' Clo. oMialam -1, n. (ird,..,,). IM '°*" ...u; witlt
cat 88 cav
4 play on the won! Cato, ve1-eor ne !n catonlum be!ll, Cic.; with lnfln. (poet.), qn&e eanq fnit.
Cato11lnn:1, Cic. CtJnsun;<'re in Mm11, \"l'rg.; ob eam cnusa111 quia,
oatta -ae, t. roi or torostl, )fart. etc., Cic.; qui<.11111111 ellllti cnusae cur, etc., Cic.; -ne, r. a little bitch, Pr'>p. propter l1auc eaulllllll quod, etc., Ck. ; ea f.'St
cau<ia (with 1111hj.), Liv.; (\Uld est causae quin
cAtillinua -a. -um (catulus), relating to a (with ut snbj.), Cle.; els ca11111s quomiuus (\~itl1
doq: caro, PL'lnt. ; or sub~t., cAtiilina -ac, r. 1mbj.), Cnes.; in causa hnec sunt, Cic.; alferre
do/s jlcsh, Plin. causam, Cic.; nllcni inferre cnus11m, Ck.; alicui
CAtullua ·i, m., Q. Vnlcr!u11 Cntnllu.~. a cek- cau~am nlicuiu!I rei dare, Cle.; cnusae e.:1.s.e, Cat"~.;
brutcd lio1mm efrgirte rt1ul rpigrammatic ]>Ort, born causam Rlicuius rei susth1cre, to l;mr the hlaw-~,
in or ntar Vero1w, ll.C. 87. Adj., CAtulllii.nua Cic. ; 2, cxcwie; causam acdprrt>, Cic. ; 8, J>Tt·
-a -n111. text; caus;is nov11.ru111 postulatio11u111 q nae rt-re,
I_. cAtiilua -1, 111. (<Jim. or catus), a yo1rn7 Ci<-.; llngcre causnm, Cic.; 4, ofu diMaM,
mmnal, esp., of the dog or cat kind ; a., bUi!I, Cic.; 5, ab!., caus.1., 011 accouut of; joci n1usa,
Plaut. ; lco111s, Hor.; l11pl, Verg.; ursae, Ov.; C~c.; vcrl>i cm11111, fur uam£1c, Cic.; 111ca ~1111&,
b, e.:1p. a you1t'} dog, u:htlp, p11ppy, c:c. Cit'. ; llO tun, ll0"4lra, etc. B. 1, r.a8t; arm ts m-
2. ~Atillus ·I, m., the nanu nf a braw:h of the ft!riorl's, 11011 c1111sa fiunt, Cic.; 2, 11it11a:tio1l,
plebeurn gen~ L1ltalia. I. C. L11tatim1 Cntulus, co11tlitio1l; erat in muliore causa, Cic.; 3, ride,
comml B.c. 242, who brought the First J u11ic 11'<1r ]l(trf!J; ca11sa qmun Pompel1111 susctipernt, Cic.;
to a tht i·iaor11 of Aeyusu, B.c. :!-II. IL 4, JIOint in an arf11;111t-11t, 1Ubjt!ct; causam diit.-<e-
Q L11tut1uit C11.tt1lus1 co11$1tl with .Marius, 11.e. causac reudl, Cle.; 5 lawsuit; causa l'apiti~, Cic.;
IO:.!, <ufeated the Ci»wri at the batt.U of Vtrcellc!.'; dictlo, iJrot1i11g, Cic.; consam llt·fenclere,
iieri4hed fa ti~ pro6Cription of Sulla, 11.c. 87. Cic.; CDusam tiicere, to plaul, Cic.; c;iusnm s1u-
IIL Q. ~tatms Catu.lus, so11 of tht preceding, u11 rlpert', Cle.; causam perdcrc or causa cadcre,
honest Ull-il popular ar&&tocratic stateaman contcm- to lo~~ a s11it, Cic.
purnry with Cicero; consul, B.C. 78; dkd B.c. 00. ca.Wli.rlus -a -um (cnusa A. 4), si:J.:ly, dis-
catua --~ -um, 1, &ag~cicua, acuu, cltwr (opp. eas~tl, 8cn.; hence sub:;t., ca.usi.rll -onun, m.
st11lt1u1), C1c.; 2, e11n1u11g, aly, in a bad scnite, mi lit. t. t.. ilw<tlidetl, dii;c}l.(1Tgc1l Oil UIXOUfU Q/
Hur., Li".
CBUcUU9 -1, 111. (Ko;i:.:a<rof), mountain& M- o&uafa -ae, (, (lf<1VO't4), a 1L hitt broad-brimmtd

ptmlin{1 Asi1' from, EuroJ¥. Adj., Cauclalua .Maailu11i<111 lwt, l'laut.

-11 -u111, Cauca,·11an. oauslcllcua -1, m. (r.1111AA and dic-o), an adro-
oauda -ae, f. tht tail qfan animal; 1, leonls, catt, barri11trr, U!ie«I cu11tc111pt uousl.v to dennte
Cle. ; c:lllda111 trahcfl.' 1 to wear a tail a fiiol'a oa1), unc who plt>a1ls for money a111.l without skill ;
Hur.; 2, c1mda Verifoa, the a11pe~dagt t<> t~ di11l111gnishcd from orator, Cic.
w11ne of Verrei which was dumged to Verrucills oaualflcor, I. (caus:t and fnclo), to bring
with a piny on the word vcrres (boar). ' /in-ward a8 a rNf.'<)11 or pr;:tat, Pia ut.
oaudi§ua ·• -11111, made of rushes, Plaut. oauaor, 1. dcp. (causa), tc gi))( ns a reason, nr
caudex: (codex) -leis, m. tJu Blem or trunk prttut; to 1llead, prttc11<l; 111ult11, I.u~r. ; co11-
ofa tr(t, Vcrg. 1enaum patrum, Uv.; valetudinem, Tac.
caudlciJ.18 -e (caudex), relating to wood, oa'!-8tlcua -a -um (Kava-nlf~). bur~ing, cuu.-
Plant. t!c. Suhst., call9tloum ·I, 11. cmuttc, Plln.
oaudlcarlua, v. eoclir.!.rlus. oaustua -ae, ':(dim. of.causa), 1, a little late>
Caudlum -Ii, n. an old city in Samni1Lm, 111it, C1c.; 2, a alight occaaum, .Anet. B. Atr.
t1tar the pcus of the Caucline /<"orh, i1' wltich tht oauti. adv. (cautus), cautunuly, <».rt.fully;
Roman a!71&JI waa ~nclnstd by tJu &\mnitu, '11.C. caute 1ie<1etempti111que dicere, Cic.
s:n. Adj., CaucliDua -a -um, CaudiM; rur- oautea (cotes) -ls, f. a rough s'Aarp roct,
cul:lc, Liv.; proclium, Cle. Cacs., Verg.
caulae ·:lrtun, f. (contr. for cavillne, from cauttm, adv. (cnutus), cautiom1l11, carefully,
cn\·11~), 1, a hole, oi~ning, Luer.; 2, a ahetp-foi.d, Tcr.
Vcrg. cautlo -onls, r. (contr. from cavitlo, f'rnm
oaulla -ls, m. (connected with uv.\~). A. an•co). L caution, care, f<>resight, prermdio11;
the st<tlk <if a 1>la 1it, esp. the cabbage-plant, Plin. cautlonern adhibero, Cic.; hence, res eauliouem
B. Transf., anythino qf 1tLmilar form; pcnnae, h1tbet, a_, tht affair 11ttds caution, Cic. ; b, al·
a quill, Plin. lowr of JOrtright, Cle. II. Legnl t. t., 1«11ritJf,
Caulon -onls, m. 11.nd Caulonla -ae, r. bail, bond, Cic. ; chirogra}'hl, wriltcii, Cic.
(Ka11.\..i11), Italian torM in BruUii. cautor .Oris, m. (ca.vco), 1, one woo u o"
Caunua (C1111nl'>~) -i, r. (K .. vvof), ti t6Wn fa hia gwmL, Plaut.; 2, on.e who givu bail /or
Caria. Adj., Cauneus or -lua -a -um. another, Cic.
caupo -onls, m. a small shopkeeper, or i1m- careful, cautua -a um (caveo), 1, a, m11tiotu, •m1'J,
lcre1v-r, Cic. circ11m.Bpect; parum pntantnr •·nu ti J•l"O\·I·
dlqne fuissc, Cle. ; in scrlben<lo, consilia
caup0na -ac, r. (c.:mpo), a tavern, fa11 1 Cle., cautiora, Cic. ; _b sly; \'lllp<'s, Cic.; Hor.; 2, ot
Hur. 1
property, IKfJtJ, stC'Ured; quo mulieri esset
cauponiua ·• -um (canpo), btlo11ging to an re:s ea»tior, Cic.
in nkttJ>t!r, Plant.
ci.vaedlum -1, n. ~ cavum nedinm, Vu opt I\.
cauponor, 1. dep. (caupo), to trade fo auy- q11adra11glc formed by tile foncr w<tll$ of a hoHst,
thi11u, E1111. Plin.
oaupon\Ua -ne, r. (tllm. or oaupo), a little cAvfa ·11.e, r. (<·an1s). L a 1wllo10
i1111, Cic.
caVtty, Plln. II. E11p. A. an inc/vs1trl', n de"
caurus (corus), -1, m. tJu ·north-Wf'.st u•irul, fin- tcilil ai1i1110/$, Luc.; '~"P· a, a bin.kaye,
Ven.:., Cnes. Cle.: b, a ~ehire, .:\'erg. B. a, the unt• in a
O&Ulla (<'aliARll) -&e f. (cn<\o), Cl Ctll/S~, f'ffl.tlln 1 thta.t~ or am1ihithratrt; primii, the first tier,
n1-1tit•t, induornurnt. A.: 1, nlllgn11, lcvi>1, .lust.a, &At phwt of hon011r tchtrt the knight$ Mt; me(llll.,
Cic. ; cum caUN., with. f)not.l rcn.11v11, Cle.; 11lne 11umma, ku di:lti·AUUwhtd • .m.e. Qic. i b, &At
CAU!i& 1 with·111.I reaao11, Cic.; witb genit., c&UJjA wllola tMa.tre, Cic.
oav 89 eel
clvio., civl, cautum, 2. to be °"
L ft> !111<1rd again!l, btlNl'I!, cu~f; 11b.1o ., nlal
rl4rd 1. oldo, cP1111t, ee1umm1.-. 3. L Gen., to IJ'O,
procttd. A. Lit., per ora, Hor. B. Tran11r., 1,
c:iveti~, Cic.; with ab, ah allqno, Cle. ; with to come to to>Mthii&9, to turn CltU, to llappn:
acc., allquem, to ~ 01\ oM's guard, Cle.; allcul male, Ov.; ~. to jflU to tM l-Ot of; ut
p.ll!.IL, onenlla eti.un glorlae cu1•idltasj wt mtul etiam ls quaesh111 hme cederd, Cle.; reK omnis
be oa Oil" gtsanl, Cic.; with nfln., in Alban& In Romanum cedlt lmperium, Liv. ; 3,
quibwi cave ,·ererl ne etc., Cle.; with ne, ut to clirt~ to, to become; lmc omni~ amtrt ceHl4·
ne, and the snQ)., qu~ ut ne arci1l11t cavendum it honos, \'t>rg. IL Esp., A. Lit., to gi.flf!
est, Cle.; with imbj. alone, cave lg11r1sca.'I., Cie.; gro11111l, min; ooda111 atl}ue ahibo, Ci~. : honi.e
with ut anil the subj., Cle. IL to lake pnoou.- cerlunt et dlf'.a, Cic.; e patrla, or (Aim ply) patri&,
Uou. A. With dnt. of )W!J"llOIW for whom, qui Cic.; ab or de oppitlo, Cic. ; e vita or vii.a, Ck.;
it1 Orat.1re tu<> caves tibl per Brutom, Cle.; e 111emorla or 111e111oria, Liv.; with clat. or the
with ad, 11.1tls cautnm tlhl 11d defeuelonem, Cie.; penion before wtwm one retrca1:9, ln~enso hOKt.1,
wilh 11t anrl the auhj., to tab ca~, Cle. B. EKp., Liv. B. Transr., 1, to n:b-mtt, yvld; ml111s
le:;a1 t..t., 1, to giw 1ttVrity for; rraedihus et nlleuius, Cic.; temport, Cic.; prct"ibus allcuiu~,
praed.iia·populol.Cic. ; 2, to get 1«1irity; ah aese Cic. ; 2, to be iriftrior to; allcul vlrtute, Cae>'.;
caveat, Cic. ; ~ to proTJilU /<Jr '" writing, to 3, to give ''Pa right or some 'J1"'Yi'"f'll; with ab!.
tmJLr; a, by will, here<ll velle cavere Cic.; b, and dat., ahcul ['°iute&llone honorum, Cle.; "·ith
in a treaty, de qui bus cautum alt f~ere, Cic.; acc., 111ulta multb1 de Jure! Cle.; ptrmtlto ali·
c, ia a L1w, caututl\ est In legibus Scipioni& ne, quid lracundiae tuae, do ado escentlae, ami-
etc., Cic. (Imper. cAv6 sometimes In poet.) cltlae, trib1w pare11tl, etc.
ol911J'Da ..a.e, r. (cavus), a llolWw pla~. 1T0tto, 2. oid~ and plnr. ce"' (contracted fro1u
aim-;i, Cir.; naviff, ·tM hold, Cic.; r.odi, tM Cf'fllto and cedite), 1, hat 'lllilh it! giiM hue;
111lll1 nf Mn"tn, Luer. eedo Aquam manlltue, Plaut.; cedo ut blhlli.1,
cavllla ·&e, r. (dim. or cavus), tinpty jtsting, Plaut. ; 2, 011t with it! Id w htar, ttU tu; all!O,
cooo tlum, Plaut,, Ter.; 3 to <',all 11ttention,
rui;/.,.11, «offing, Plaut.
irtt htrt; "edo rnlhi leges Atf nlas, Furia.~, Cle.
civill&tfo ·onl11, r. (C.'\VillOf"), raillery, jut-
fag, irony, Cic. oiclra.a. ·I, f. (•i~po~). L tht et!dar, or J,m1i·
1!!'" trtt, Pim. U. Meton., A. cWir-wood, \erg.
clviUator -9ris, m. (cavillor), a, ,:'lien-, B. cmar oil; carmlua linenda ce<lro, """rthy nf
lalll.U1tr itt, Ci c ..
immortality (as Ute cdar oil preserve<} !rom
civlllor, I. dep. (cavilla), to jUl, jou, 1aH- dticay), Hor. ~
Nr, 11<1ke gmne fi/; 1, cum aliqu0, Cic.; in eo
cnillatus est., Cic.; alicuimi 1•ri>Pt<!Xtam, Cic.; CC§Jaenae ·llrum, r. (K~>.1uH.1'), R ~ in
triliun<:J<1 plell..!i cavilla11~, Liv.; 2Lto 1llaU oop- Phrygi.a, near tht Mnmndcr, Liv. Adj., ~lae­
w.111..1 r.l.j«ficiu; cavillari tribu1ii, iv. naeua ·a ·UIU, Celawron.
eivtlliUa -ae, r. (dim. or c:willa), a little jt~. CQaeno -Qs, f. (KfAfii .....). L daug/,u,· J/
Pbut.. .Atlas, J>law.l iK IM 1ky as oru of tM Pleiadu. II.
011.: of tl&L Jlarpltl. Appell., a covwnu 111011W11,
oivo, 1. (cavus), to hollcw, makt hollow, u- Juv.
ai~; naves ex arborihus, Liv. ; oppida cuni·
culis, lo unthn1'iru, Plin.; pnrm11m glRdio, to
oilitor ·<iris, m. (celo), a ooncroltr, L11er.
pttret, Verg.; lunJ\ cavan11 cornua, U.'(:ming, Pliu. oileber ·btis ·bre aud cMSlebrta ·e tt1'11U!r-, o1vAtua -a -um, Aollowtd out, hollow;
0111. L or pl:ice11, meeting!!, .. tc., ~ Lit.,
ru!'e~. Vng.
m11ch /nqtUnttd; portus, Cic. B. Trawir., 1,
11.onoured; fun us flt regium, magis a.more eh·ium
oiV'1llD,.·I, n. (cavus), a holt, ca?:ity, caw, Liv. et caritate quam ('Ura suorum r.elebre, Li,._;
clvu .a -um, hollow, CO>l()(tW (op('. plenus)· 2, rtnownt.d, di4U11911~Jwf, 1l'tll·k11nwn; a, of
L Lit., vena, Cic. ; vallis, Liv.; nul.les, Verg.; things, res tot.a Sic-ilia c•·lcberrima atqne notis·
H:mi:n1, riup-dia1rndu•l, Ver.;.; luna, ww1i11.g, slma, Cir.; b, of versons, /u.mmc.s; claris~im­
Pim. IL Meton., en11tty; Ima.go (ormae. Yer:;. arum urbium tlXCidio celebf·rrlmi viri, I.iv. II.
CAptrua ·I, rn. (KliiicrT~), a rt~r iii l.ydil"t, Q/ttK ttpwttd; vox celeberrima, Ov.
/a!IUJl..1 fur it.I s1rul!~: hence adj., CAY11trlua O~li§bri.tlo ·Olli!!, (. (eelel>r,))i 1, 11 nttml"l'ou'
-& ·Ulll, Cnw!trian; alei1, tht swan, Ov ~111bly; quae celebratio qunli<, C1c. : 2,
00. an hu;epa.rable par:icle joined on to pro- 11111iu1·0tu atttnda~ upon a fe.•timl, ukf,rolio11;
n<-'lll~ <111<1 adverb~ -e.g , hlsce, Cie. ludoru111, Cie.
Ci& -~. f. anr\ ceo.. ACC. C•"o (Kiwf), 011.f
of ~\t C!;Cl&ti.J!S fsl1iiiru, birthpvt~ of tht wt
Oelebri.tor .(iris, m (celebro), OIU who
pro i1t6 or e.-rfl)/8, Mart.
5.i:iv..;1iJu. Ar'j., Ceua -a -u111, C>l<m, Camenae, oilebriltue -a -umt p. adj. (from celP.hrn),
1.\1, ,...,.try of ::iiinrmiil.t-•, Hor. 1, 1111m<rou.sly l'Jtttndta ; a, or places, much.
Ce'benna (Gehenuai mons, m a 11VJUntain· / fomm rerum venali11111 tctlu;i rPgnl
chill in (j.11tl (r.ow tht. Ct1'(n11e.9). maxime CP\r,l>ratum, Sall.; b, O( festival!!, ktpl
solt!lnll, ftstit•t; dies featus celebratusque iwr
Citbren -enis, m. (Kt~p~v), a ri"'-1'-qod in omnem .Africam, Liv.; 2, knou·n; a res cele·
T~>u,_f."Jt/1er of o~nl)M and lft.Spu~. Hen=e, bratissimae omnlum sermone, Cic.; ll, J1raiittd,
Cibrinla -!di~. f. tl&L daughUr of Ctbrtn, I.e., honouM.'; elo.;.uentia, Ta<'-
H11~rit, Ov. .
oelebritaa -ltis, r. (eeleber), l, afrt<fUtnJing
Oiorops ·6pis, m. (Kiirpol/t), IM /mt king of in large nu~, numn'OU.f attc11rlan~ Ill ; loci,
.A~'°':. mvtli_ical /ourulu of .A tht.n'; hence, a, Cir.; of a festival, od'.bmtwn : !!Upremi diei, at
<:ec:ropldis ·&e, m. dua!ndant o/CtN'Opl, e.g., afurural, Cic.; 2, a m•tltitu.dt, co11ro11.1·re; vlrorum
T4.f.,u•, Ov.; plur. Ou .AtMniaM, \'erg.; b, ac muli~rmn, Ck. ; 3, /amt, reno11m : celebrit,.
Cicr6pis -lolill, r. (l ft'lf&llk cUY.nviant of Ctcrop.,, atem sermonis homlnum conseqni, Cic.
e.g., A~lrt111w, da.ugh.Ur of Ctcro]J3, Ov. ; Procne oelebro, 1. (celeber). l to ' /rtq!U11tl!f,
Ollll P~il<im.tla, 1v1tv,1hters of Pandion, O\·.; nrlj.,
or "1. lttrgt numbtn; domum aliculus, Ck.; BPp·
t~~. Atti.,a, Ov. ; ale8, Procne, Ov. ; o, C9- ulcrnm homlnum con,·entu epnlisque, Cic.; 2, to
Cl'..Oplu ·ll ·Um, Cecrop(,(:in, arx, Ov ; a11d suhst., ctltbl'aU, tolemni# ; festos dies lu<lonun, C1c. ;
Cicropla -."le, f. t.M citada of Ath1111~, Plln. ; celebrator omnium sermonc laetitia•1nti ~11-
nlatiu..., w Attica and .41MM; Athrnian, vh·lum, Cic. ; 3, to publish, make kno11·n : fae-
turu elMl6 consulem Mure111un nuntii litttllne'l't6
Oel oen
Ollebraaent, Ole. ; 4, lo ,,,..,_, Aotiollr: egres.
18m ahculna ornare atqws celebraro, Cle.; nomeu
dMtw of tAtW °"'...., &et.: capat ~ flt
eJWJ'"" Cle.: lnteroenam,oi d~-M... ac.;
atlculUJt actlpU., Cle.; 6, to ~"" qfle-. lnY{tare ad cenam. to oat tod£taMr, Cle.• MUe
aerdal: art.ea, etc.; nee uuum genus ea&; dl'riD&- ceoaa, it.are ad ceuu, ac. ; ceoam alleal ·dare.
tionLa put.lice prin.t.imq11e celebratum, Ole.. ao l1'flf •n.1 OM Gd"""", Cle.; ventre ad eenam.,
ce1emaa -ae, t (I '°""' "' O:llltpcln~ not Cic. ; redlni a ~na. etc. D. Keton.. a. *
oot.l TNI at Cl d £ti Mf" ; prf ma, alt.era, tert la, Kan.,;
far from Te1m11m.
oiler -6ri1, -6re (root Cfl!L, conneeted with o, b, CM 0011\plltlJ ind.t«l; lnt;ellll oena aoc:let, JaY-9
cello, celox, aAw, «IAtf<), WJi/f, qutd:, nipid. L tlw place VMN tM d~Mr "giun, Plin.
Lit., navla, OY. D. 1'ransf. A. 1, in a good oiaioiUum -i, n. (ceno), lWnllly aa cffftf-
se~M1 mens qus nlhil est cefet1m1, Cle.; i, In roon&, Varr. ; and ae these were orten in tlle
a l>IM1 sense, IMuty, nzaA., 71rtdpUatc; conailia upper 1torey, th.I fl.pp«' •torey of ca Aoww, LU gar-
eelertora, OPIT 1wuty p!Gu, Liv. rd, altMl: &ma cenacutla eublatA 11.tque au-
cNl16r8. adv. (celer), qu(cl:l), ftlrl.ftlr. Plaut. penaa, Cte. ; mutat oenacula, Hor.
"'16ret1 ·Um, DL (eonne<.-ted wHh iclJ..'f(), Ciaaeu.m -I, n. (q.Neol' iirpcw), LU tl4ft1.
LU MIW Qf CM bodr·guani of Uw Rom4• king•, toattrll pro'lll01llorf o/ Hf&bota, °" of Jw.pitw; hence, a<lj., ae.u..u. ..
tchkA _ , ca
c61Vfpea ·pMla (celer and pea), 1wi,ft- -um, of Cn«Jt'Ua; Juppiter, OY'.
/oot«1., Cle. oen&tlcnu1 -a ·um (cena), nl.a.ti11g lo d(n.aer;
c616ritas -iltis, r. {celer), qulckiuu IVJiftn.ur, apes, Plaut.
ethlrltr. L Lit., equorutn, Clo. ll. Transr., oeDatlo ·l5nia, t. (oena), an eating~ d(a-
oratlonls, CIC'~; actionis, Cle.; anlmnrum, Cle. ing-llaU, Plln.
cNiliriter, adv. (celer), qu£clcl11, 1vri/U11, Cic. cenatOrlua -a ·UJb (cena), rt1atlng le d(1111W".
ci16ro, 1. (oeler). L Transit., t-0 ~quick, Subllt., ceaatc>rla ..Oruw D. clothu to diu '"'
M.tkn, acc&tra.u; tu:;n.m, Verg. IL Intranalt., Petr.
to luuUn, Lui:r., Cat. cenatibio, 4. (ceno), to wh to d(M, Kart.
CiU§ua -i, m. (K,Afo(), 1"rtg in Elt11.1llJ, who CeDi.tu8 •a •UID, V. eeno.
lt.<u11Uahly t11tertah1e-I Ccru, an.d. 10IU la11ghl bl/ Cenclari&e -Arum, t. (K.yxpla,), pore of th.t
Mr agrlculturt and tlu mylkrlu Q/ her toanhip. Cori.Uhiau on t/WJ Sal"O'llCo gv.l,f. Adj., Ctm-
cella -a.c, t. a roo111. L In a RoDl&n houae. ob.reua -a -um, Crnchrean..
A. or a town-house, 1, (I room for penioni, 81J•. oenl'.to. 1. (freq. ot ceno), f{) d(M q/letl, k
tM urvan.ts' room..s Cle.; 2, a~: with or CIOCIUtonuJd to diu: apud allquem, etc.
without pe11aria, Cic.; in cellam <tare, fmpcrare, oeno. 1. (cena). L Intranstt., ~ lab tM
emere, to give out, 01Yler, buy thin~ for tM h.OUllJ, ctna to dine, 1up, tat; een11re bene, Cle;.;
Cic. B. Ot a co1111try-hoU:1e, 1, rtcrthotiM; apud allquem, Cic.; im11('ra., quum cenaretur
penarla, /or corn, olearla, for oil, vtnaria, for npud Vitellios, LIY'.; partic. pe_r~~ cenatu., wiUl
wliu, Cle, ; tran~t., Capua cella atque horreum a middle me11.ning, having dinea, Oi/fe'r cH1uvr;
Campani agri, Cle. ; 2, pla. for kuping bird•, oenatl diacubueruut ibidem, Cio. IL TranaiL,
Col. C. In a lo<lging-riouse, a mtall a.pa_rtJMnt, to d'n.t Oft., to l!al; aprum, Hor.
Mart. IL In a ~mple, Ui.t 1hrt?&11 Qf th4 god"1
(11MJ91, Cle. III. Ul4 cell Q/a 1*/Liw, Verg. Cenom.&1ll -6rum, a Celtic~ "' GcniZ.
Adj., Cenomanua ·• -um, ~maxia11..
oelli.rlua ·a -um (cella), relating "' 11 rtort- censeo -~lli -sum, 2. (root CENS, CONS,
room, Plaut, Subttt., cell&ritu1 -1, m. a store-
~r, etUarer, Plaut.
whence conau\11), to giw an opinion L Gen.,
lo appraU., utimal4. A. Lit., 1 Ii C6nMDd&
oelliila -ae, t. (dim. or cella), ll Uttlt cham- nobis atq11e aestimanda res stt, be.; 9, esp.
ber, or cell, Ter. or th~ censor at Rome ; a, to ta.kt"" acco11 ,,, <>f
oilo, 1. to II.Wk, cortr<al, kttp MCTtt; aenten. Ul4 naww1 and propcrt'I/ of .&man c:Uut!U; ceu·
tiam 1111am, Cic. ; dolor.. 111 vultu tegl!I'e et t&cl· sores populi aevitates, suboles, famlliu pecunl-
turnltatt> celare, Cic.; with acc. or the thi11g asqne cen11ento, Cic.; capite cenlli, Uw
concealed aud acc. or person from whom it Is clcus of Roma" citizen.t, wh<111e peraon1 onl:r were
concl'.al~d; non te l'elavl sermoncm T. Ampii, rountetl, Sall. ; slntne ista praedia cen1ul cenaen·
etc.: with de and the ahl. or the person ; de in- do f arc those utatu JU to~ pul on tu onuior"• IW f
11idi111 u •'.elare 11oluit, Cic. (a.'i the property or the po!lllel&ors), Cle.. b, '°
celoz: -OciJt, t. (root CEL, v. celer), a •111ift make a rtturn. to tht ~r; in qua tribu denique
WQd 1 or yaclU, Liv.; publica, parktt-bo<U, Plaut. isl.a praedia rensui11ti, Cic. B., censeri
l. oehlua -a -um (ffom •cello, lit. drit't" de aliquo, to ht rega.nled"' bcloflging to G orrtain
vp on. high), hi!]h., upright. A. Lit., nlltura ~rson, Ov. IL A. to ezprcu an opim.o., be oj
hmnlne1 humo exrit.tos celsos et erectos con- an opfoion; ita !Jrort!us censeo, Cic.; tlbf. igi·
1Utuitl Cle. B. Tran11f. 1 1, ot rank, nniMnt; tur hoc censeo, Cle.; with ut and thtt 1ubJ., Cic.;
r.elaL'UI ma lledea dignitittis et honoris, Cle. ; 2, with the subj. alone, mngno opere ce111eo de-
morally, loft'/,. et.mkd: clllsus et l'rectus, CIC'.;, Cic.; with lnftn., delubra ease In urbibm
ren!l('O, Cle. B. to tiott, ttrom1111otttd b11 tl'OCll ar
8, in a lie.d aenae, proud, haughty, Cic.; eels! advice; capth·os redrlendos in aenatu non 08D·
Bilmne", Hor.
suit, Cle.; para deditionem, para eruptionem
! CehlWI ·l, m. A. Cornelius, a Latin. writer oensebant, Caea. 0. Or the senate (u Jubere
07' ~ici.M tor the vopulus), Co r#Olot, onUf'; aenatua ceo.
CeJtae -lrum m. th.t Cllt.t. Adj., Celtfoua suit utl, etc., Caea.
_, -am Celtic
oeJUdo -~DIS, f. (ee11aeo). A. Cla crat-nC,
CeltO>irl -&rum. m. th.t'ia11.1, a race atim.aU, eap. CM onuor'r tdi.att, Plaut. B.
,. lAf mWJU of Spain of mired Celtic and lbe· Tranat., ia Jeat, bubula, a to11tt.rgi.11g, P1au\.
riair '>!.JOd. Adj., Celtlbir -l!ra -erum and oenaor ..Ori.11, m. (oenseo), IM oeuor. L Lit.,
CeltfbirlOUI -a ·Um. Ctltiberian. Subet., Cl Roman. 'lllQgWtraU, of 101aoM t10o
(fe.ltlbirlll .... t th.t lan.d of tM CdlUicri.
tc,,.. .i.:.fat,
origi11Clllf cd '""1'mU Q/ flvc ,_.., q,llewwd•
oena -ae, t. u.. prltteipal -u of th.t Rowuliu, Q/ OM )«11' au o Aav. Their buindll wu : •,
~ ._, tJirw or f"'4r o'cl.ock in Uui cU'Ur1'001l, to hold the ceuaa; b, to puniab Jier90IMl ror
.._., npper. L Lit.. cena recta, 11 coa~ oft'enc. apiut morall b7 depadation ta a
oen 91 Cer
lower rank ; o, t.o look after the road• and 1, • OOMpa•r of aoldW., originally 100, af'tie'r.
bridges, pobllo buildings, and the rnenuee of wanl1 dO, Liv.: 2A "omeurw. OM of tJw 193 d~
lbe 1tate. IL Trilnsr., a llWf"t judge, a lion.I into 10hich .:m-vhu TulliUI diltrlbuted CM
fllOrUli.d, A <:1:111VftT, Cic. ; caatlgator cen11orque Roma" JICOpU; 11raero~lltiva, tJw Olft.tur;> 10h(Q
wintll'llm,,Bor. obtain«f by- lot tht prlviUgt o/ftm wting, etc.
oemlirfua -a ·om. A. nlaff11g to tlu «1U0r ; oentiir._t!m, adv. (centurla), br °""9wiu or
homo, owe to.\o Aa.t ftlkd. the o§lu. nf ct1110r, Cle. ; cmnpa.niu, Cae11., Cic.
t&bolu, ~ «1UOr'1 liaU, <.'ic.; lex, Jocatio, a
cii.lrw:t rllllsti"f lo buU'""' or lo tJw public re-
1. oezadl.rli.tua ·Ill, m. (1. ~nturlo), eM
tnM, Cle.; o~ t& fevU t0A'6\ ten.I puJ&i.llwd ~
d£vLtion into companiu or ctnl1'riu, Liv.
IM ~. Cic. i. Tranar., r(gid, ,,_.., Quint. 2. oenttbii.tua ·Us, m. (i. centurto), a.
onturi.o11'1 o.ffi.~, Cic.
..U.. -ae, t. (eenaor), C.U ~. cHqllU)',
• Cl!llOnhip; cenauram gerere, Cic. 1. oentiirlo, 1. (centurla), lo divtcfl (nto
turiu; juvl'ntutem, Liv.; comltia ccnturlata,
IU llU-
oeuu ·Ila, m. (cenaeo). A. UW lftroz.eaJ of
llftd tJu ~ Qf t.w pro1'frC!/ of au
Roola" ciliMu, tlu ~ ; cemmm habere, Cic. ;
tlw aaumblr '" which tlu t0Aol4 Botnan peopz.
11uted ill tlle£r c:enturia (e.g., at the election of
a cor1s11l), Cle.; lex centurlata, a lAto pcueed M
IM'e, lo taa a celUUI, Liv. ; oenau prohlbert1,
#UC.\ an iuaemblr, CJc.
Cle.; een1u excludel'f', lo fVll• to 1nrol '" tlu, Liv.; ce111um per11Ct1re, Liv.; cen1um 2. oentiirlo ~nlii 1 m. (centurla), a oomtllOftdw
1cd!>fre, Uv.; ceu1um 1tllculu1auge~, e1tenuare, o/ a century, a ooUUl"Mm, Cic.
Cir. B. Meton., a, tJw OIMOl"'1 l"8t, Cic.; b, the oentibionatua -Ill, 111. (2. oenturto), tAI
1JU11nt of Pf'OFrl11 'MCUl!lf'W /or enrolm.t1l& in 11 tltct£on. o/ ctnluri.on.1, Tac.
Mt4"- NM:; 11matortua
= = 800,000 auttrou, Centiirlpae ·lrum r. and Cendirlpa
Snet.; equeater .00,000 au~roa, Suet. ; homo -Orum, 11. (Ta. Kt11T0pur11~ 1 a tou,"" '" SicUy, uow
&me cenau. a poor tna", Cic. ; d&t ceuallll ho- CentorW; hence, Centtll'lpinua -a -um, Qf or
ll'IM, Ov. beWngi n.g to Ctnlurlpa.
oeotaurium -II, n. and oentaurlum -11, oentuaate-la, m. (centum and 11)1 a A"ndnd
II. (•fllT..;"'°a-), CM plan.l «ntaurr, Vug.
auta, l'e ra.
Cataana ·I, m. (Kll'Tcav~). L a cmtaur, oin1Ua -ae, t. (dim. of cena). a lUU. fMOl,
1 lllOIUltr, Aa.Jf ""'" alld Ao.If hcne, Verg.; no-
Wl.s, CAirol\, Hor.; ht.11ce atU., Centauriua Cle.
•-am. D. r. uw 1&011tt: Q/ a 1Mp, Ve?K.
cinum. v. caenum.
oeatairiu ·& -um (Ct!ntenua), contah&ff&g ceo.. v. Cea.
4 llaiWraf, nlalMlg lt3 a hlldrtd, Varr., Plln. cepa, v. caepa.
oeaeiDua -a -um (centum). L Slug., uaed Ciphallinla -oe, I. (K~a.AA..,y((l), Waftd "'
()')!lecliTolt, a 1um~lred; ceutena arbore, Verg. Ille Jonte Sta (now Cefalorda.): he~~l ~phal­
IL llur., num. distrib., a tach, Cle. linea ·um, rn. tnhabitallU o/ Ctpnau.Ma.
ota&iefmua •& -nm, DtUn, ordin. (l'entnm), 06phUoe41.a ·!dis, r. (-lum ·II, n.\ loto• oa
!\, AIUldt.dlA; lux ab lnteritu Clod ii, Cle. tht north of .Sicily. A<lj., 06phAJ.oedlt6-
Sut.L, oent4efma -ae, t. (!IC. pars), tllc hu7'· nua -a -um, o/ or belo11ging lo Ctphalotdie.
dredll pan; a, a taz of OM per oc11t., Cic. ; b, Oiphinn -um, m. (KIJ4»!11cr). a ~ OJ
ot lnte?eat or money ou J1f1r on&t. (reckoned at ..ituh.iopia, hence aclJ., Oiphenua -a -um, C.
Bame by the month, therefore • 12 per oeut. per ph.miml.
GQQ); binae centeahnae = U ~ omt.; quat- Oipheua -M, m. (K'1'1>1Jr), a m.yth.kal J:M&o "1
Wtl&e, Cle.; perpetuae, compol6M inkreat, Cle. Atthiopia, h1'1banld q[ C<uriope, /alhn Qf ..t ndn>-
Ollltlcepe -clpltfa (ceutum and CAput), h1'• mtda.. .Adj., Ciphelua -a -um, o/ or~
hl·itad«I; beloa, Ccrbenu, Hor. to ~he111; vlq,-o, ..tftdronwda, Ov.: am,
oemSena or oentlia. adv. (<'entum). a, Ov. ; Ciphiu -a -um, Ethtopfa.a;
hlaind CW..; HS. centles (itc. centena mllia), also, Oiphiw -ldoa, f . ...tndnmwda, Ov•
... -.&llw. tukroa, Cle. Oip~ or OiphlMua -1, DI. (Klfft'0'6t,
oeatl:mlau ·& -um (centum and manua), ltsW>wcrc>,). L 11 riwr ii. Boeotia, and, as a river.
h1dnrt-N?M«t, Hor., Ov. god, tlufat"Mr Qf Nam.tu; honee, Oi~u
oat;lplez. v. centuplex. ·ll, m.= Na"°""'4, Ov. Adj., OeplWda ·!dill,
Olllto ~ula, m. (anpw..), ,,atcAtoOri; a cover· r. Qf or ~n.g to CfphVv.a_:,,!'!_~~-~v. II.•
C., of rag1; in war
or ati11g11UA ~ra,
IQ 10a.rd ol •iuilcl riwro/ AUW, Ov. Adj.,~ -ldlm, t.
of or bt!OftgtJ&g eo Uw Cc~. .
~ fndecL numer. 1• l:, a h.vnd.nd, Cio.: r.
oira ·&e, (connected with fnlPdr). - A.
., llyperboL, G"f i-ndt.~tUUl¥ largt
llelltQm poer anium, Hor.
i ""mber Lit., moll!Balma, Cic.; ceru e::rcudere (of W.
making their hive), Verg. B. )loton., arltcUa
~imlllua -a -um, hulldnd-Jbld; m~IU of fNZ; a, writ!.ng-ta~l.etl ooaUcl t0\111. uiaz,
Ulall!UI, 1'unrlrt.d-aniwd, Verg. C1c.; b, a wa.wn Mil, Cio., o, Cl waaft image.
~pon41um -n, n.a wtgh.t of a hVll· C6rlmiou -1, m. (Ktp-.,.cur6s), llt. 1 Ulit JJ06.
- po11fll4. !'taut.
Ollltum.Vfr-1, m., plur. oentumYlrt-Orum,
tery market, the name of two placa ell Atitm.a, °"'
within, the other 10ithcnt the llXlll, {t\ tlu lat~ qJ
IL Cl MUi;t o/ 105 magi.&lrutu (loc1-eaaell under which atatua 1"T't rrecl«I l-0 tht htrou wlw Jell in
~ tlllptroni to 180), pirlr fitded cu Rome, war.
._a.g }WUrlktioft. over ca«1 nlaein.g to ~­ oiri.rlum ·I, n. (eera), a /te for Mll(ng a
-. cie. dticument, Clr4
.o_tmam.uau.. .e, nladr~ to tlll C'tfttum- o~raatee -ae, m. (1up&O'f'lli'), thf Aomed moa,
flri; e&oa, Manl before Ulit c.mtumviri, Cic. Plin.
~IUI -It.~ (dim. or
cento), " lUU• 1. oirUU8 .1, r. (.riputl'Of), 1, Cl ~
pilCl, OJ' paldi.11.'0rk, UY, Ov. ; 2, a clierT"f, Prop.
tlllttiples ·lc11, a Avftdttd-/old, Plaut.
tlllt6rla-ae, r. (centmn), a di.ririoft o/ 100;
t. 06rua -untla1 t. (KfpcanW), 11
Pcmlv1, 10Mnc8 ecitM #M cl&errij.
'°"" •

oer 92 oer
Mr&Ulllua •ll -um (irtpc11l"'e>s), cemunla oerritua •A·Um (rontractectf'rom °'1'ebrltm.,
1e11111111, or 1ml>tt., oiraunlum ·I, 11. 1 n kil&d from ~n:l1rum), /runtic, tnad, Plaut., Hor.
o/1•rr:cw1u stont, Pli11. oerrua ·I, 11t. a l.iiid of oak, tlw Tur.bir OQl,
C6raUDl1 montea. dn•I alone Ciraunla Plln.
-Orm11, 11. mo1111tah11 in F.pinu. .111111, n. (2. certo), oomut: &, (•
Oerb8r6a au<l ·U ·I, 111. {Kip/Jtpot), Che tArte- gy111na!liC11; i;:ll1.•llntoriu111 vitae, Cil'.; b,anr kitl.d
Jwrrlol-<109 <tt ti., ontt• ti/ Tcrrl4ru1. Auj., Cer- v/riVltlry; ho111oriic et glo1iae, Ch~.; In certaluis
vlrtutl11 vcnire, Cle.; <', a jlgl.t; proelii Ctt'~;
bir6ua ·ll ·um, of or btlongil\g to Cn·btru•. \• cerla111l11e p11ii:nat11111 1"11t, Cne11.; dl COll·
Cerctina -ae, f. (Ktpici1'4), a larg-. i.<la1ul of len.tio11, rirolry; e11t 111ilil kc11111 p10 aria e focia
the A/rka" oocuc, uow Ktrl.iM or Churara or certamen, Cle. ·
7.trl1i. oerti.tlm. aolv. (ccrtatus, from 2. C4:rt.o),
oeroOplthioM and ·U ·I, m. (1Cfpcorr'8tiirof), tm11lo11aly, eugn-111, a.a if llriviug /llf' a prize, Cle.
a kind of fo1Lg-tailed CIJ'lt, MnrL., Juv.
oertado ·unl11, r. (2. 1·ert"), a contut; a,
oercriirua -i, 111. (1ripco11pcx ), 1, a lLg11t 1ptciu In g1u11c11 1 corpon11n, Cic.; b, in wonlat or ac-
of vmd 7iec11liar to Cypru1, I.Iv.; 2, a kind a/ tions, vhtuti c11111 · volu11t;1t.: certa.tlo, Cle.; o,
"4-fta/I, Ov. a ltgu.l conlut; tnultae }>OenRe, aa to the m11ot1nt
Ceroto ~nla, m. (Ktpcii... v), a briga~ (n o/ n fi1u to w infticud, Cic.; d, tmulati.Oll;
AUicc1, Wltd by Thtu111. Adj., Cerotineua certatlo honeiita Inter a111ic08, Cic.
-a -11111, o/ or btlongir&g to Crrcyo. oerti, a1lv. lC•·rtuR). L a, «Ttainlr, na-
oerdo -ouls, rn. (icipclof), a handicn\fbman, 1urvlly; en qu~ ccrte \'ern su11t, Cit'.; In an·
arti:mi, Juv.; sutor ceruo, n cobUtr, Mo.rt. swe111 1 without do11lit, Cir.; b, ci:rte, e<r·
HribrO.U. -a ·u111 (cerebrum), liot-braiMd, tufoly, I b1ou• it, Cic. II. at fo.11t, at all tWJ1t1;
1wMtmJl"rflll, Hor. , mllii «erte, Cic.; Ct:tte t11iae11, Ci•:.
o6r~brum -1, 11. A. tlit brain, Cle. B. Meton., I. oel"to, allV (ccrtns), cerf(tiuly, cururttU"JJ,
a, lht 11111ltr•lmuli11g, llor.; b, anger, Hor. 111u.lo11btt<lly; 11ihil it& cx1111(',tnre qnaHI c.-erto
f11tun1111, Cle.; e11p. In phrnsc, ce1to flCio, l um
C6ri8 ·tlrl:i (root Cl!:U, CUE, whence c1-eo). 1ure of it, Cir.
L tlit Uo111rm {]O<lrku of agrie11Uure, tl1e <laugh· 2. oerto, I. (Root CER, whence cen10 An•l
"' 'If &1111 rii cmd U1111, 1i.d~r of Juptler and Pluto, CNtus), to contt111l, atrt1gyle (with tl1e i•lt'& of
a1Ml 111,1therof l'roBeTJ•fae; prov., Cerurl hna nup-
tl1111 fncere, l.r .. 1oitlwut 'oi11t, Plaut. IL Meton., rivnlry). A. Lit., lit: hupcrio cum l"•}•lllo llo-
gr11i11, co1·11 1 \'erg., Hor.; wht'nce the tiroverb, 1110.110, Cle. B. 'f1·ansf., ll i11 wortlal \"erbb1,
Hl11e Cerere et Liliero rtlget Venus, Ter. .AdJ., orntio11c, Liv.; 2, or l11w, o 1li.spuu; 11tt:r 11e.•,
Cle. ; S, to t·ie with; ollldi:1 l11ter ae, Cle. ; foll.
C6ri&Ua ·l', rtlcdlng CoCeru, rdating toc11ltivu· hy l111in., vlucere, \"t'rii.
tiM' awl <•griculhtre, Ov.; )'npn\"er, the tm.bltni o/
Cert.a, \'erg. ; ce11ae, lplendid, cu at tM /r&th;nl. oertua ·a -um (cerno). I. Lit., llql<tmtal,
af l'tru, l'laut. ; aedllu, wlw ruplrLntt11<le~ tha Cato. IL Trnuar., A. «rtain. dtjlnite, ..,lznl,
decicltd; 1, r.ert11111 est niihi con11iliu111, Pfaut.;
111p71ly of prnvi1£om: hence aubat., Ciri&lla cert11111 e11t (111ihi, etc.), I u11L re10ltttl J aiui
-tum, n. thcfueival o/ Ctru. certmu e11:1e a judiciiH ca11MiK<1ue <li11eetlere,
oireua ·a -um (cera). I. wazen, Cle.; castra, (;le. ; 2, or persons, certm1 11101i, dtttrm.i11t'd to
Uu ctlll n/ a hiw, Verg. Sublt., oiriua ·I, 111. du, \'erg.; certna eulldi, tltltrmi11td Co (10, Verg.
a 10<1z ta~r, Cir. IL Meton., 1, 1DC1.Z-cnlo11rtil; B. 1, certain, jlud; ccrtu11 ac ckll11it11a locn-,
11rt111B, Verg.; hrachia TelP.phl, .mooth aa 'IDCIZ, Cle.; cert! hominn, «rl"i" 11u11, Cle.; 2, ll«"Hrt,
Hor •.; 2, fluible Hke ~; cenma In vltlum to bt rk~11ded on; bona. et certa tern pcst.;1 te, Cle.;
ll•ictl, Hor. certl1111h111L popnli HN11a11i veclii.-aliii, (,'ic.; ot
oirlntha ·ae, t. (lf'llpirfwJ). t11• toOZ J.owtr, a ~ienious, homo certisiii1111111, Co bt 1lt1~11tW.l
Cle. ; S, tnrt, 111idn11l1tnt, llll"t; ugunitntmn
1>i«11t of which btu an/01!.d, Verg . ._
oirlnu .a ·um (icrlpLl'l>f), waz..coloured, Plln. 0tlli ce11iu11, Cic.; est, U is rrrtuln: e,.t
r.ertum qnhl rcs)'ondeam, Cle.; alh1nicl certi e11t,
oern.o, rrllvi, creturo, s. (Root CRE, CIU; 10111tlhiu.g ia etrtuin; si quicq11a111 lm11ianon1111
Gr. Kl'I, whence icpivw, crlbntm.) L to 1tpct· certi c11t, Liv. ; ce1t11111 11eio, I k11ow it /Of"
rak, 1ift: 111lqui'1 In cribriH, Ov. IL Tran11r. cn·tait&; quumulu al1\1tura auut, ccrtmn 1tehi
A. to cli.aU11g11i.ih; 1, with the aenr1eR, a, ut nullo 111000 potest., Cle. ; certum haheo, I
11on 11ena11, 11e<l mente ccmat11r, Cle. ; b, e.-111. of hm1e il /or otrlai111, Cle. ; ce1tu1u hl\·enlrl 11011
the e:ve11, aclea ip11&, qua ceruimua, quae pupula powat (followed by ne (e11cllt.) ••• 1.11).;
v111-atur, <:le.; wlthar.c., Pompelanum non cerno, cortmn respontleo, Cle.; J•ro certo scio, Liv.;
Ck.; with arc. a111l lnlln. 1 cemebntur novi811it11011 1•ro c11rto hnooo, Cic. ; J_Jm certo imto, · ap.
illorum prend, Cnt11. ; 2, with the mlrnl, a, w Cic. ; rro ccrto neg~, C1c.; }IO~liceor. Cle.;
ptrceii-e; 11nil1111!I 1'11111 cemlt et longiua, Cic.; b, dico, C1c.; alflrmo, Lt\'.; }10110, I.iv.; eredltnr,
et>rnl In nllqun re, to ahmo 011utl/, to bt alunon; Sall.; a.l cert11111 1"Clligc1 e, to tn<11.t1 U UrlniJI.,
fnrtls nnlmna et. 111iil"('llt1B dnobna rebu11 maxhue Liv.; cert.11111 (ll11llllv.),110111111111 c~rtum co1111tlt.11·
cernltur, Cic. B. t11 1ltci1k, 1, 111 hattle =to con- erat, Cic, ; of lM'n<OllM, c"rti 1iatrcs, mul-011'1U.f.
ttiul; 111ag11i11 In rebnfl Inter t1e, Luer.: 2, to rt· Cle. ; 4, certain Q/ a thi11g; ccrti snmus periMe
aolV<!, dttermlnt; qnodrumqne IM'llRtu11 cre\·erit, omnia Cir.; certum fn1·ere Rli•111e111, to i11/o"16,
ar.."ltnto, Cic.; S, M IPi:;o.l t.t., lo o~ptan inher't· Verg.; In pro1w, ccrtiore111 f:icl,re nliquem; "Ith
oiir.e; hPrt" cemerc, Cle. ; flg., hnnc qua1d geult. 1 11111 co111iilli, Cle .• wit, Ii cle, de Gt>r111A11onml
fal1111111 he~t..llt.nw111 nlie11M glorla.c, Cic. tllsrcsRn, Crit>1.; with 1u·c. 111111 i11Jl11., P. African.
oerniiu11 .a -11111, falling ht.adlong, with tM nm 11!11111lacrum Din1111c 111ajoril•t1B 1111IR n-1ttil11-
face to1vanll tlte gro11niL; equu11 1 Yerg. l11se, <.:le.; with rel. sent., 1111irl egerhn, l:ic.:
oiro, 1. to niMr or cover tt!ith wcu:, gen. In with sultj. (with()ut IL 1iarticlt:), }lllt1li11per Inter.
}>erf. pnrtic. 11:iR.'I.., cel'llta tahella., Cic. 111ittere11t 1•roelimn, gin• onlfrs to, <'tc., Cic.
oiroma ·II.tis, n. (roipw,.a). A. an oin.tment of oiriUa -ne, f. (•lilll. or cern), a litt/1 7t(«c q/
oil mul t1l(U; 1111ttl by V?rUlln-1, Juv. B. Meton., tOCt.r; 111lnint11, a hml of rttl pencil fur 11U1rl.-it'f1
a, the arena /CJT 'IUl'Utli11g, Plil1.; b, wrtatling erron In M8l:i., Cic.; cen1Ja.<1 tuu mluliitul.u ex·
(1.1.elJ. Ma1t. timesce\111.111, rritiri111u, Cic.
oiriml.tlou -a ·llm (qf*"caTu:6f), anoimtd oerva -ae, f. (cerv1111), a llind, Llv.: poet.,
-.uick the .:e nnna, Ju v. dur, vcrs.
cer Cha
oervWfua -& •Um (cenua}, rdat(Ag lo dter, oette, v. clclo.
Plin. oetm (1<~T0(}1 ~ •• m. anct cl!toa, plor. cl!te. 1l
aerrie&l -llls n. (cervix}, a cuahl<"' /or tht (1<~ua, eontr. •'JT'J), anv Larv1 Ma-jf.ah, th.I wAalf.
Ata.l, a 1'ilfo11J, bolattr, l'li11. dolphi1l; u11cd e.. p. or l/ac tunn)l;jbll., Ver.i. ·
oemo1Ua -ae, t. (uirn. or cervix), a litll• oeu, auv. (contr. from ce-ve, u neu from
llCk, Uc. ncve), cu, like cu: ceu quum, u1 u:hin, Vcrg:;
oervinua ·&-um (eerv11:1), rtlali1111 to" .t..•o; eeu el, aa iJ, \'Hg.; 1·11•. in co111patl110n, a1 Vi
pdli.11, Uor.; 1e1:1".ctn>1, atr<IM old ave, loeca111Jt1 }X'r apert.& volaus, ceu Uber habenJe, aequora,
tht •lat; waa believed to bti very lu11g·lived, Juv. \'erg.
oernJr: •leis, (. tJit tlallC of lhl, the 7WCk. . CeutrOlle• -um, acc. -as, m. l a ptt>pll '9t
L Of Jivm:; loei11;;11, Cle.; alicui cervicc111 fraug. Ga.Ilia prod1'cb; 2, a ptopll ill Gallia l~lgica.
m, t.o brru.J.; the neck of u.n!J 011l, Cic.; dare Ciyx 1d11, m. (K~iiE). L k'"" of TnuhC-.
cervices &licui, to 111brnlt to, Cic.; nl110, Av..ba11d 0 .A /cyot1'-, CMll{Jllll v.r£th htr
eervicu lk'<'.uri t111Ljlccre, Cle.; Ilg., i111po11ere flJher, ov. IL Plur.. &1'1,>el. oeyoes •UID, m.,
'"'°" ki"f"
ln cervlcilJu" 1dic11iu11 Mt:lll['iteruurn uo111111ium,
l.o I.lg tlv Jt.J.:i nf nM.J.,•luJI OIL. Ci<!.; In cerl'lduua
'"' mtilt Id Rflfi.ah1:r1, .Pli11.
'heuh.~ C>UIP, tn {>(' in iur.tt1uo11u and ct.111gtro11.1 Chaeronia -ae, f. (X111•pc.iw•a), a t~ '"
r•Li1 ... t~. Liv. IL Udl"tl o! inauh11ntc thl11g11, Bu1MU.., •·irth.-place of l'Lwarch, IOtM o/ a vldOr'r
&J"t'h"rar. Ma.1-t.; Pdopon11e11i, the /olhnuu of o/ l'ltilip of Maoolon over the .Alhenwna.
wr1n11t, 1·1111. Cha.loloeo6e ·I, r. (Xa..\•ioucof, tdtA th4
oervu.a ·i, m. (1<<p<io<), 11 1log. A. Lit., br1cm h.J.Ju~, 11111ne of the Greek .Athena), th.I
Ck. B. 'J'ra1111r., cc11·1. 1111litary Lt. 1 b1u.1Hhe4 of temple 0/ ,\f(Mna.
lrta .titck fo tl,e i;ro1u11l u1 " }l<UiAWt, lo Lmpede Chalclopi -f!s, f. (Xo>..1u6'"1), daughkf' q/
tJu G1lt>r1o« of an. eM1111;. Caes. .Au.tu, ai&ur o/ .Mctlla, wife of l'hl'Jln&a.
OMJ>eS. v. caesp'""· Cbalola -ldl11, f. (X<lA1<•fl. 1114 chi</ cfty o/
oeuatfo ·(llli,., f. (cessu). 1, 4 tWayi"!I, Euboea, un the ba11kl oj tlw Euripuc; heuca adj.,
Plaat.; 2, i>tu.cliL·•t.v, ctM<t.lion., /u:foeu, l«ilring Chaloklioua -a -um, Chalcidtan ; \'el'llus,
of, WJ.uw; lilJcra at-1uo: utiu11a, C:ic. J'Offll.4 of .e·uplwrfoa, born at Chalcu, Verg.; arx,
oeaitor -Gris, 111. (ceu•1), OM toho loikr• and Cu1111U, 11<11<l to l1a1·e /Jun. a c,.[01111 of Chalci.1, Ver;. ;
u.,-.; ~U&torem eue eolere, prk>1ertln1 In Chalolclenala ·e, Clwk:i<lian.
htttris, Cle. ohaloit!a ·ldls, t. (x<lAc<rn), CC1'Pff on, I'lln.
oeulo -Onls, f. (cedo), a 11Irin{] tip, 11 ce&rioa;.
lepl t.t., in juru etulo, afa·t4li<J11J nirrt11der, Ci~. ChaJ.daea -ae, f. (Xn..\~o.ill), the a&l<ih·IL'tlt
part «/ l..1<1.bylu11ia fr<!1n t~ Euphtv.tu t-0 tM
oe.o, l. (freq. ot Ct<lu). L Lit., to l«i~ .Arabian ck«rt, the litl1dL1tants of which were
~1. l11~ger, 1lrlu!',• C<l!Q.'I!; 111 tAbcllaril non c ...aS)l·. /IUTI1JUS for w.trol.•gy a111l aoothaaylni;; hence,
nn.t. Cle. IL lran.t., 1, to lo•t«r, to be kllt;ia,;, ia,-, Chaldaeu• .11 -um, CtuJ.ldcwan; aubat.,
ri.t11.1 ~re11t, Liv.; 111suv11t~1·ll 1 > atqu" <'p.efl(l, iChalda.el ·orum, m. (XllA6oio.), 11tJl)/Ma~1•,
1.:1c.; b, to be 'M'JltgeiU (n 011e 1 duty, Hor., 2, (.;le . b Chaldae!oua ·I\ -um l'h<ildai..:.
&, lo rat, to t..11:.e rnt; no1111<>Ck, 11011 <lie u11<1ua111 • • .. • _ •
\'flfaveruat ab Olk!~. Lh•.; non c·es~ne with ohl.lfbilUll -a ·Urn, made of llul, Ov.
lnft11., !IOI to c«i•; ille i11 Achnin 11011 ceunt de ChA1:9'be• -um, m. (X4>.11,8tf), a ptopl4 '"
nobi1 <letrtthcrt', Ci<'.; b, to lte idlt, maka holiday, Po11lr1.1, ja11LOUJ for their &tul,
duothi,..g; .1·ur tar~ 111ullos deos nlhil 1t;;1:1'1l et chllybe -tbi•. 111 • (x.U.u>/I). A. 1tul; vuln[ft.
Cl't6&ro pat1~1~r? l k.; et>S"88"6 nia.•, cu•, \'erg. B. !ltitou., artirlu '1U1.<lt nf 1tul;
l'nl4tiwid u11ruiUd, Uv.; ?r lauu, to l14 fulluw; a swnr.1, ::!en.; a horlll'& bil, Luer., tlw Hp of a••
&l14nia cuaare nova lee, \:erg. urrow Luer.
~hend~ne ·~, r. (c•1n~cr<1>n~uY>J), ch~maeUon -~r:l~ ant.I -onUe m. (xQfLa.•·
O• ei~11wjur h11rl11<{J lluMa, Liv. A;.., 11 >, tM c/i{ 111 iutltnn., Flin •
.1. ~ -1, m. (1<•CTT0,), 11 gtrdle, eep. the ChMnea -um, m. (X4011n), a pecf'l• o/ north.-
girdlt ~ miu, Mart.
°/ weJtt"T'n };pirt1.1; lie11ce adJ., C~nlua -a -urn,
2. oe.tu ·tls, m. v. cacatus. F.plrou; pat. r, Jup~er, u·h.oltl ora.;!~ U.'(1.1 nt !Jo.
citi.ri!le ·• -urn (crtu"). relcuing to 1ta-}!!h, rl.. na, \'"rg.; Chi.6nill ·ltlls, r. Cliao11ian; airs,
J•llt>t>1lar11 to the t1111:<1.u-fiah. L A<i,i., '!'Jc. !Iv. 7•iflt"'1 cf lJ..,.f,.na, Ov.; arl)o~, the oak, Ov.
n. ti•tliiil. A. oetarlua ·il, m. a fl1hrru;, I Ch&6nla -a~. r. the diJtrld of Cha£>11ia.
a dtul~r fo, 1.art1eula1)y _tunny-JUh.'. Tcr. · ohAoa. ac<'. 1Jiwe, ab!. duto (~tl•er 1·ue1 no'
B. citaria -ae, f. and oetarlum -11, "· rouud). 11 . (~cic(}, 1, tM 10-~r '11.'l)rld, Ov.; rer·
(<''"~). u buy tn t!M sea u""1-e tlw turw11-Jl!h col· l!., 11 ;1:•.:-I, t/1e j•.J.Chcr 'l/ Ni11h.t an1l !frtblu, \"el'g.;
~ alld -re cnughl, Hor. 2, tht Jha~i.~s m.a81 01d of i::h:ch t/14 un;an•
oete. "· ceto.. IL'<~ m<'11t, ch1J.1J>, UY.
o0th0qu1 Or oeM§rOquin, &llV, ot/, Char& •&e 1 !. 4 root, peth&p9 td/d cabt-agt0
lilr, Cle. Cuc~.
eiiirua -a -um(= ;,.•!'Of), thi othn-, the rw; ChAristla (olLrlatla) -orum, "'· t.xllf>itrna), a
(li11g. 011ly 11><1.·d coU.,cth'ely, 1.:eteta "1&11si,,, Li1•.; fr~tiralcd.wraud ammtgth4 Romal'IJI OI\ tht'J.Zrwlof
llOlll. ting. tna!IC. not fo1111cl); u;ituilly found in }tlJ7'1UJl')I, t/14 chit/ object of u:hd1. 100J tlw rtoon.-
U"' piur. ~rt ·&e -a; omne,. ceterae rea, Cle. ; cilelllen.t of /am.Uy dUagrW1U71.tJ, Ov.
tt ~~ra or eim1•ly cetera, a11ll llO 01•, Cle.; a<l v ., Chilrltea -um1 f. (Xiip•T•f), t1w. C-m~ (p•Jre
et~111, fvr the re.'1, moreover, Ck. ; cetna, /;t.. I.Rt.., .Aotai.a, E·uplmAynl, Gild Thalia,
ridu, Cic.; ao, de et:U-ro, C:le.: ad cetera, Liv. Ov.
Cit.bigu ·!, 111. tlle name o/an. cld 11(1tricVln CharmAd&. .ae, m. (Xopl'!U111f), a di.9Ci;il•
fii•il11 ~1 ~ gc1111 Cornelia, to which ~lo11g"1 C. of l.A.ll'wtult.a, Utlol'l{Jin!J •o the .AccuUmic tchool
\;Onll!li11a Cethl'b'1.lll, " oon.rpiraior wilh CatiHne, (teaclri11g at Atlll'n9, 109 a.c.).
)1111 !O dm<h by Cicero. CbAron -011tls, m. (X&pw ..}, Cha1'07', tlt fnry.
oetra ·&e, r. a cmall Spaniel& 1Aield, Verg., Llv. mrtn, who took th.e coull·o/ t/14 dtad ONr tM riWF
"-~tu -a ·Urn (cetra). ClrllMd tuUh. the ettra, Styx.
...._,LIY. Ch.l.rondia -ae, ru. (Xap.J...&4,), a etlcbrGttd
cna 9f cib
legUlator n/ CalaM, Jiving abou.t the mi<idle or cll1¥mp ·tdla, r., and clll---Y,d& -u, l
the 11nenth century B.c. wool, oft.-
(xA ..1.ui(), a largt "J"PU gat"llU1ito
allarta-ae, t. (x~). a lta/ o/tli.e EUYJl(ian. of purple and gold, worn ln Greece, Cle., Verg.
ptlJ'11ryt•1 paper. -"L A. Lit., chart.a, ChlOrte -!dis, r. (X>..•p•(, CM grun OM), a,=
.smDUUlttl, Cic. B. Ml'ton., a, tJu papyru• plant, Lat. Flora, tJu gocj,lne q/ ~.. Ov.; b, a
Plln.; b, t.llat trAlch u tvritltii. UJlOll it, a ldur, Grl't'k /rm.alt name, Hor.
ponn., etc. ; 11e chart.a nos prodat, Cic. IL Choerllue -i, 111. (Xo•piMt-), a pod !Mo ac-
TTanaf., a thin lttJ,/ of ai1~ rnti.taiia; plum'UeJl, co11lf"t11U:tL .AU-.zander the Grwai ill hu PtniaA
SucL UJ~'fil io11.
ohartiU& ·at', r. (dim. or chart.a), a little obiradum ·Ii, n. (xop~y.ov), U&c trahaiRf e>J
papn-, a lfll(i.ll VJritiiig, Cle. a chonu, Pi.ant.
ChArvbdla -is, f. (XcipvtJ!•~). a dangerot1.s chor&gna -i., 10. (xop~}. M who npplit•
tcltirl1""'T in the Sicilu111 ltmlu, Oppo8ite tlar. the cfu>n<.5 mid ctll a1'1'11rlt1U1nu1, Pinnt.
rock &yllll, Cle.; ttg., ai1yt1'ing t'Oml:W111, artttfy,
or 1il'.dr11rtive; Charybtlim honornm, voraginern choraulea ·ae, 111. uopcniA11f), <t jlute-playu,
potiu11 t.lixcrilu, Cle.; quanta laboraba.s CharyWi, Mart.
Hor. chord& -ae, r. (xo~ii), string. ro.t-gul (or •
Chatt! (Catthi, Cattl) ·•irnm, m. (Xarro•). n musical instru111e11t), Cic.
Genna" JltOJ>le (in modcru Hesse). chorea -ae, f. (xop1iu), a da11.a to tkt 1011>1<l
of tlu tlail.l:t'rs' 1-crices, \"erg.
Chauol -orum, m. a Gn-man ptoplr. on tht
aro-corrn. chorius-1, Ill., anrl ohoriua -i, rn.(xo;w~O<).
chele -ell, f. {xr1 >..~). plnr. chelae, tJu arni..' nf the 111tfrical fool - v, aft.:rwards called a trochtt.
the .swrpi-011 fo the sig1u of thr. Z<>, and (sinca• Cle.
thcgo reach Into tlae constellation or Libra) chor0elthhlete1 -ae., m. (xopo•nB<tP•17~).
Libra, Verg. 1111e u•ho 11cco111p1.1.1iu a choru.s oil tM cit!wm,
ChelidOnlae luHulu, island.son the of
J,/l'ln (lit• .nrulwrv fal1111dir), facing the Chcli.Jo- chorus -i, m. (\op.X). I. a 1ln11re in a rfrrl,,
n1an1111 or Chdl<lo11i11111 pro111011toriu111. n choral dtt11ce; ngitar1>, t'Xt'rcert", \"t't')!. IL
Meton., the }Jerso11s si11gi11!J n111/ Ju11ci11g, th(
chelj'clrua -1, JU. (xi>..~po~). cm amphibious chonis, Cic. A. ll!t., Dry11<lu111, \"!'rg.; Serddnrn.
1111!~ e, \er<;.
\"erg ; the rhorns of ll tmgrtly, Hor. B. 'rr.111sf ..
chelya. acc. -ym and -yn, vor. -y, f. (\i.\v(), a ero1t•f, troop <f trny kilLll; Catih1ta111 ot•IMlt1111
1, tlu /nrfui..c, Petr.; and Ji.,nce, 2, the lyrt nuule clwro j111"t·11t11tii>, Cic.
of iJ1 shrll (pun~ .L&Un, testwlu), 01•. Chr6mee ·tnt'li11, m. a11 old'r Ill Mrcnil
Cherroneaue amt Cher.Onesus ·I, f. of /hr 7•la113 of fcrrnt"e.
(Xrf>i>O••'l17CK). 1, a Jlf'1Liu11ltt, Cic. ; 2, Tlirada, Chrletlhue ·i, m. (Xp ..1nav~). a ci1r1..;t1,.11..,
thL 1'11mda11 pt11i11411l;r 011 tl1t lltlltspo11/, Ck. Tac.
Cherusci -Orum, m. a pro1>le iii North Grr-
Chrtlltue -1, 111. (Xp«rm~), Chi.</, Tac .. Pl111
chromie -is, 111. {xpOµ•~>. r1 SPa-f"'"· 01·.
chillarcb118 ·I, 111. U,•-'•tipx'l~). 1, a rom- Cb.rj'Ba -ae, f. s.1111 Chrjse -e11, r. (Xpu 1711 ).
'flW.iulrr nj l,000 11Vld1us, rue.; 2, a1111111g the
P,.r,..1ans, tlu dm11.allor, or prime mi 11 istn-. NL'('. n tvu·11 in .\fytfo, 1mzr which t1'1'.1.t a tn111J/t r•J
A1 ...llo ."mi 11/hr11s.
~ra -ae, f. (x•1•a•pa, 11 9001), u firr-
l>rrc1Jh11q; monstn- 11'ilh flu fi•rr 1~1rf~ 11/ 11 lion, Cbrjsi.s -ae, m. a rirvr i11 Sicily. now Dit-
thr middl' of a (}<'<II, a11d thr hrnd J•ll'I.; <if 11 tui11n.
<f.rrron11, 1·illed l•y lk:llrruplt1111. A<lj., Chlmaer- Cbrjeea -at·, m. (Xp•·<Tl!"). ti" 7•rirst flf Apv'I"
<•ff l•!f tJ,r
11t Cit ryw, trh0.5( d1rnylttrr 1ms w rru·d
8118 -a ·Ulll.
1;rffk3; l11·11c1-, Chrjsels ·lil11>1, f. (Xpvl7l):<),
chlmaerlter -f1'm, -fl'rum (Cl1i111:wra :11111 th< tl1111!1hter 1>f Chry.<c~ = A.<f!oumu.
frro), prl)({Jtri •t.g tM Chimricm, <111 t)'ithet nj
Lp1. Cbrjslppus ·i, Ill. (Xp11a11rfl'O(). 1, s1 .. ir
phil•»PJ•her •if S11fi i11 ( 1/icw, h is:.?, 11.1·_. ~. "
ChliSne -e11, f. (Xui..,,l, lJ mnthtr of Eumolp11.S jrrrrlmmt. A•IJ., ChrjaippeUJJ
1>11 Ntptu11r: wt ... nce Ch1onidea »•c, m. = of Cicero·s.
-a -11111. of r)r li</011gin11 lo Chrysip1r11s.
E'lt111(l/p11.s, Ov.; 2, nwthcr nf A11tolyc11:s by Mer-
Cftf'1/. Cbrjsls ·!di~, f. (Xpuu.c), lU1111t (lj n11t <f tl1t
Chloe or Clllus -1, f. (Xio~). 1111 1.~land i11 fnn11lf d111rm·ttrs in IM A 11.drra nj Tereiirr
Ute Argm11 Sro (11ow S.:io), fi1111111u fnr it& 11•i11e; chrjsOUthus -i. 111 and f (xpv1ToA,9od.
hencP a1lj , Chins -a -um, Clii.m1; vinnm, chr11wlitt. or t17l(J.Z, Pim.
Plant.. ; or 1mhst., Chium -I, 11. l'hian wint, chrjs~phrya. l\CC. -yn, f ('(ptJl7o</>p1"i ), •I
ll<>r.; Chit -ontm, m. the ChiaM, Cic. ~111r! •1 ~~a-Ji•ft u·ith a a.,/Jru .<)•"t r•rrr rach ry.-, <h

Chirii.gra -RI\ f. (.tnptiypa), the gout in /ht I chrjsos ·i, m (~pv171X), g<•ld, Plaut.
h11111/;, Hor., ~art. chus, v. rungius.
chirogrAphum -I, n. ()(t1poypaibov), an cib&.rlns .fl -mn (ciuns), rr/rr/1119 to Jo1.•I. A.
a111r>!1rup1I~ n 1" r~on·s orv11 hand writing; alicnius l;it., nm \..:."'!'lforruti11g 01tly, 11ot for_w111C', Plant.
d1iroi;rapl111111 i111itnrl, Cic. :-;nl>st., Cloarla ·ormn, n. ft>0tf, r11ttn11.<, /.-/,/tr:
Chiron. Chiro -i»niK, 111. (Xfipwv), 11 w1lu11r. f.on1 olfou·cd to prori uciu/ m1i.gil'l ru/,:;:;, Cic .. ; nd ;,. ,,~
'$()11 of Saturn a111l l'hi/lyra, thr 1n·ro>71!or of for so/ilirrs, Cac11. B. Jrleton. (f1"0111 the f•M~I
..dr6C1ila11iu~. Jason,ancl AcJ1illu, kifl,.lliy lfrrrnlrs ni;nally !:iven to 11erva11ts), vrdinary, cv11uiw1;,
chironomos -i., c., an•I chironom6n paati~, 11/ad: l1read, Cic
-ontis, m. (x"povoµo,-, )!•tpoll'O,..wv), cme who 11ies clbat118 -flll, tn. (cibo). /Or.Xi, ncurWn11.ut,
tl1t Aa11d~ skilJul/y, a num.e, Juv Plant.
chiruriPa -ae. f. (xt1povpyia), itUrtJl'11/, fi~., clbo, 1. (ci\.11~), Iii /ml, 81wt.
acd rgo tllad.4\ cnrare iucipio, chiruCHiae f.all(lct, cfbOnum -ii, n (1t1/lwp•ov), a.mi crl>Orla
'lliolrnt nnutl ii s, Cle. -ae, f. literally, the 11<trl JIO<i of tht! 1<:9yp1im1 1.,,.111:
ob~:f uns -a -um (chlamya), c~tJud in and hence, a laru• drinking-t/Ulel qf .&-.ilar
Maff, Hor.
Uu ch amr,, Cle.
cib 95 oin
oDnlll -t. m. food.fer .,.. """ becut, llOlltiM- 1'11mcla~ ,.,,,,,,, """"
llPt, /r>J.tUr. L Lit., A. Gen., eibum anmere,
a. ~- Ad:!-.
Clmm6rlu .. ·am, Cilnwr'411.. :U. • -.cA'-
Nep.; aubdncere, Cle. B. Esp., a, animalla, oal peop~. li.ri"fl in t.U mrniu wut i1' darn..t
llftriah111.tnt IJ&at tu lunga dm111 tr.m. CM 11ir,
a lid mi.a. AdJ., Clmmirlu• -a -um, OC....
Cic.; b, baU: f'allax, Ov. IL Trans!., 1iul41t- nan = dark; lacwi, tlla lowr VIOf'ld, Tib.
ci""; quidam humanitatis cibus, Cle. Clmola.e -t, t. (K&,...,.\~). oiw oJ a. ~
Clbfra -ae, f. (K•/3upa.), a town in J>i.ridta; l•lnn<U.
htnct, A. Clbjratea ·ae, c. of Cihym. B. Clmon ~nts, m. (KC,-..), • ""'~
ctbjraticua -a ·UIU, Q/ or belonging to Cwyra. general.
cicida -ae, f. a cicada, or tru crickd, Verg.;
fIJiecU!te cicad...._ n&•tM:T, Juv.
olnaedlou -a .um (olnwl1111),
clc&trico1na. -a -um (cicatrix), covatd witA cl'.Daedus -J, m. (.c<va•St>f). ont 10ho '"'"""
1a1rs, Pl&ut. in 111\11.iUural lult, a, Plaut.., Cal Adj., olia-
olc&trbc ·icls, r. a JOOr, cicatrb: ad•ersae or aedue -a -am= lxild, shanu/.e&I; homo elnaeda
u~~ corp-:>re ad,.erso, W<J11nda tt«iwd in Cr"nte, Mart.; b, a u:antoii dancer, Plaut.
~ and tluerefore hmwu.raJ,fe, Cic.; tM marks ClnUa -ac, r. (, a, 1111 i11lalld (n CM
o/i~ns i1' planu, Verg.; the f"Uch. upo11 an .deg.iron. Sea; b, a woma11'a 111191<!, Hor.
old~ Jul'.; Ilg., rerricare jam rei· i. cinclnlli.tue ·a -um (cincinnui<), Mft"f
J!Oblicae cicatricem, Cic. cvrltd hair, Cic.; or comets, stellae eu q1LU
elCCUJll -i, n. (aciuo~), the core of a pom.egran- Graecl cometas, nOt\t.rl cincinnataa vocant, Cic.
~Jt: hence aonuthing tl/K1J'thla1; ciccum non luter· 2. Cinctnni.tus •i, 111. the 11a11tt of G patriM•
duiID, Plaut. fe.mil11 of lM gu14 Qui11dia, to which belonged L.
eicer ~ n. G, Hor. Quincti111 Cincinnatus, a typt of old BowlAA ho.
Cicero ~nls, tn. "4ma of a famllv of th.e gena ta11 Giid aimpllcity, oonnd 460 a.a.. '" 668 B.~
1'1lli4, to which belong~, I, M. Tullius Cicero, called from the plqugll to be r.Ucla4or.
~ gno.zut Roman. orator and 'Wriler, born A.c. -1. m. (o:Ut•l'l'OS). A. owrW Wr,
Jtie, al drpinum, mvrdertd at the oommatld of a lock Q/ hair, Cic. B., antfcical rlldoro
.41110.,.,i"llS A.C. "3; 2, Qu. Tulliu~ Cicero, brother iaJl M"n4mml, Cic.
~t Uu abt>rc.. Hence adj., ClcǤronlanua -a Cinolu -a -um, """"' of a Romaa gma. L
·'Im, Ciunmian. L. Ciuciu' Alimentus~!'nwi.U Gt Uw """ q/ dat
~Dell -um, m. (KGron~), 11 Tllracla• JlfOPll. &co1ld PunU: War. .u.. lL Cinciua A.llmentu,
cloOnla _.e, r. 1, a stork, Hor., Ov. ; 2, ca tribune oJ au pwpl4, 205 B.O., 411.CAor oJ &M la.
gallfre o/ridicult, madt by ~11ding Ch.tfur.J..,.,.. Cinciaforbidd(11.g Gdvocata to m:riw pa.JI. l
Wo tM lhapc oJa. 1UJrk"uuc1c., Pers. oinctiira -ae, t. (cingo), a P,.dlf, Suet.
clcur -11rla. ta11W1; bestia, Cic. obaotaa -1111, m. (cingo), ci ginli"fl; 1, 0.-
clcilta -ae, f. A. lumlork, Hor. B.Hercm., blnus, a particular toay o/ teflllri1'g ~ loflll. M
1,.~~.,. atradt.d from tM Mmlock, Hor. ; 2, G religious festivals, in which one eud wu tbroWll
,~·· pipe. mads /Trim t/14 ~ llGl1:, over the Lead, and the ot.ber ~ l'OWld the
\"erg. y,·aii.-t, so as to look like a girdle, LiY.; I. •
el~,cll'f, cltum, 2. (connected 'lrithalw.«&rftt1), gi.rdU, Suet.
to c:a1UC lo mo11e, to mow., a1la.b. L a, natura otnoiuwa -a-um (cinctua), fiirrUd, Hor., OY.
omnia dens et agi1ans mot.ibus et mutationibus olnefactua .. -um (dnl• and racio), ~
JUia. Cle.; b,· J~aJ t.t., herctum ciere, lo divide i1lto tuhu, Luer.
1M ialurila7Mlt. C1c.; c, puguam clere, to gin! 1't1D elllirarius -IJ, m. (clnls), a .iaw 1011.o Mrl"4
iapt&/• to tJw battU, Liv.; ~_, to di.sturb, agilaU;
mar& Tenti et aurae cient, uv.; e, lo 1Ummon. to '" A.ot ihe i.rou for the llGir-cl,.....,, Cat.
llllUlttt; aliqueru 11d aro111, Liv.: f, to ftl11&11Mm to -ae, m. a trfbvt.ary Q/ ~ Deru '9
Wp; nocturnos manes canuinib111, Verg. IL Btapania TafTaCOnnlil., now Ciua.
&., to or:iu. to arouse; procellna proeUa atque ClDgetOrt:c -rf.ds, m. L Cl flriMI qf fk
~. Li.Y.; atditiones, Liv.; b, tnvtUr; gem- Trlmi i:i Gaul. IL a priMt '" .8ruai11.
ita. Verg.; c, to call by nanw; allqaem magua
t00e, Verg. ;· pa.h-em, 1'&71W1
1"0W <nU 1./rw birtA, Liv.
°"' clngo, clnxl, clnctum, 8. to 1t11T0U11d. L fa
fGtw, te., a narrow sense, I, t.o aurrou.11.d CM bod11 'll1itA a
girdU, to gird; pus. cfnlti, a middle, lo gird
Clll'.ola -ae, r. (JW.ula), a coHtrp o/ ..c.riA oMMl,/; ~r. cinct.a conjux Dialis, Ov.; b,. lo ginl
Jfiaor; heuce adj., 1, Cllbc -lcls, Cilicia,•; pl tntatl/ 'IDUllo a -aapon; enae, Ov.; gla.d10, UY.;
CD1oea -um. m. tM; CIU.aa -ae, poet. with acc., inutile ferrum cing\tur, Verg.:
f, Cilicia.n; apica, «Jiron., Ov. ; 2, CDlclua -& hence clngor, lo bt pt~, nadr, Plaut.; a, Co
-am, OUiclaa. Bubst., Clllcium ·II, n. ca ooarae ""7'0l&M tM 1iead 1llit II cMJild, f.o on>tlm j ci Dgt
di:A, or CIOWriwg wiadt o/ CiUcican. ~ kw. tempara laaro, Hor.; &naff dngunt laeertoa,
Mart. IL In a "'1der eenee, to ftrT'011ftd, n-
cD111a .ff, n. IM ,.,...Zid, Plio.
ClUa -ee. acc. -an, f. (K.<Ma). Cl '°""' ,... e\""': 1, of localities, to nrnmM,'"°'°":
1bolfl. oru nlAria andique clngens, Luer.: collea cln-
Cllnlu -a -um, CUnla gens, a di.ltinguiald gunt oppidum, Oaell.; mlllt. t. t., t.o ftn"OtlJWI
lirwma ~. f"1R toAM-A Jlat«1141 101J1 fh.. with hoattle Intent or for protection; hlberna
ICft&d. rastra nllo, OMa.; Ufbem obaldione, Verg.;
Clm1m -6nlm, m. ~"'°'), "" OMnbriau_
tranaC.,_ Sicilia multi• undiqae einct& pericu&,
• Gcnaaa trUJc wAo '" Uu Rotr&aa Empin Cic.; :;s, to aurro11nd a ,,eno" '" IOCidr. ~
1111 wn tk,fldl«l 1Jr Jlarh11; sing., C1mber pa.11.11; cingere alicul latu1, LI•. ; 8 re dnrll
·brt, .. II CiabrfmL Adj., Clm'bl'loua--a ·UID, round a plaoa; polum eoetu (of awana~, Vera.
a1.D.gtiJa -ae, r. (cillgo), ca
eimes -Ida. m. • kg, Cat.; u a term or 1. oingtUum ·I, n. (ctDgo), • p-41.t,
~Har. ZleU(plur.), Verg.

ClmJau .1, m. and O'fmlalua Jaooa, a iaa 2. CtllgiUum ·I. n. •

.fl ltf1lria. ...,- lo G tlM'9'~• q/ LU "1N .OIM.
Iowa'" HolMlla.
obl.s'tllua ·l, m. (c:lDlo). • f'nlit qf IM ..0..
Cbamhll -6rwn. m. CK&1&,.._). I. • • ...,, Cle.
Oltl cir
alnl.fto -&ala, m. :: clnenrlm, Hor with abl, ~ed_la clrclter nocle, C-.. ; b, PNI
olnl!I ~rl11, m., rarely r. (conne<'ted with with acc., c1rc1ter Cale111iu C'ic. · 9 ot nambll
-6¥1~). a.s/l.o.a. L Lit., A. Gen., In cinerem rlilal.f, ®-t: clrciU.r CCXX nav~. ~ '
lo bto>llU a.slvl, Efor.; fF>•m the Ufle or ll!!hee for olrolWI :s Clrl!UIUll (q.Y.)
1courin1< c·a111e the pr••V. hulu.. 11t•nuo ciurrcm Cit"odeo, Y. ci.ttumeo.
baud quaerirat, Plaut.. B. Esr., l, tu a.•lta of
11 ~iv a,/leT 1-eing bunwi: cinl11 atque ~ah­
clrctUtlo and olrcumltlo -~nis, t. (clr-
curu!I, Cw.; 2, niiJMI q/ a til11 that ltcu bttn. cueo, ctn:umeo), l, a go111i1 rvuriJ; milit. t. t.
, burnt; 1°a.triat' clneres, Verg. IL Trans(., w pUrol, LI~.; 2, ~ rovnd.iboul wa1 of l]·
a symhol of d'..'ilM<Ctiun; Trt~a vird111 at,1ue vir- in.g or a.cling; qu..d ovua est cin:umitiooe el
tutum 011111ium l.<'.erha ch1is, IM 17nm11, Cat.. amfractu, Cic.
Clnna ·&t', m. tu ftllnu of a family of tu otrcultue (clrcQmltns), -Ila, m. (circneo .,,
C01"1v/ii 011tl /frkH. L L. Corat'liu!! Ciuna, circ11111eo), Cl goli11g r11V1'd ' " ll circh nrniil
pt1rli."1<1n of /tfarill.$ fo IM ciril tmr Cl<)t1i1Utt Su;Ja, ttvolMti~. L .A118t~L. A. Lit., circuitu;
flfll,..t f,,r hi• cnulry. Adj., Clnni\nll.9 -a -um, oruis! C1c. B. Trani1f., mlri ~11nt ''' '"'1i
el q11as1
c1r1·111tu:1 In ttbus pulolio·is co111111ut;itiullUlll t'I
r"""'"· IL son. ofl., otu ofl'<u'.1<lr'• mun1'r.ns. vlci11;iit11•li.num! Cic. IL Cu11cret ... ~. u., 1.atA
llL l<>ll of 11., hoia pdrc.imud by .d ugMJl'U.f.
IV. C. liel\'iUS Ciuua, a poc,l, tlw ,frWt4 of t~rerted "' goin.g nYl&nd,_ a rvu.1wu1i .. v.1 11.-a,, cir·
C.:alullus. CUUoU4 rou.r«; longo c1rc11it11 Jlt'.l<-re 11.licp1em
locum, Caes. 1 Liv.; b, In rhetoric, a l"'ri.,./, Cie.;
oinnfJ.momnm or clnllli.mum -t, n. (•u· o1 compa.u, Ctrcumf"erra, e.rUnt; eius 111u11itioni1
...a,...,µo ... "''""""o ..), cin1w11WA, Uv. ; w 11 Ur1JI qf cU"cuitu.. XI 111ilia pu:suuru te1Jt'bst, Caes.
tn<U11n1u1tl, l'la11t.
Cinyps -tplds, m. (Ki_,,). a rl'fl('T' (11 Ub114, clroi'ilatim, lklv. (circular), circ:U-wi.IC (a•
rlrde, 8urL '
belu:mt tlt.e 11£~• Syrlu; heuce adj., CinfpblWI
·& -um, l, rtl<Llin.g or bd<nagi.flg to iM C.:for14 1
clrcdlor. 1. dep. (clrculus), ..,, lo gather ,.
Vef'l(. ; 2, Afnco.1t, Ov. grou,- fer CO!l~i<m, Caes.; D, to enUf' •
grovp, le amwne, Cic.
Cinyras -IM?, 111. (K1..Vpe&~), a m,tAiaJl kl"f otroillua (syncop. clrcltu) -I m. (dim. ol
of Au11ria ur t:wnu, fatlu!r of r11"'lla, and br circus), a circlt, circular J.911.n. L circulus aut
lur of AduniJ. Adj .. CtntrelU8 -a -um, Cin11· orlJl1, qui C.:a:Ao'I' Graece dicltur, Cic.; J.>rlu...quam
na11; vtrgo, M'/lrrlla, Ov.; Juve11l11, .Adoau, Ov. h~ circulo e:reedas, Liv.; hence, lh.c orbU q/ a
Clos aud Cius -11, f. (~ Kio~). a
BUhb nia. now Ghio; hence, Cl.&nl ~mm m.
'°""' '" pla~l: atellae circulo111uoa urLt>sque C<\Dfl.-iuo&
celeritate miraltlli, Cle. IL Esp., &, a11y cin:.-
11\ti1Lhabita11'8 of Cw•. ' lar brid1; ftexilla obt.ortl circulus auri, poet.= a
ctppn.s -1, m. i; a ~ or l7llall tomb goldn c;ollar, \'erg.; circulu11 muri e1terior, LI•.;
Hor.; 2, Jllur. m11it. t. t., pali.ladu, Olea. ' b 1 a etrcu or .f77"01'.r for conlH!r..ation; ci.rcWol
circa (contr. for circum ea). L Adv., round ahquns et aes.i1uuculu con.ect&ri, Cic.
Gbo1d; gra111en erat ..iro·a, Ov.; heuce, circa e:.tte, otroum C1•top. acc. of circus=, «a •
to ~ t"Vtllld a~. '" IM MighhourJ&,,"'1, Liv.; circle). L AdY. n11u1d about, around; qaae
aometlmea directly c11n11~ted with the 11ul1St. l'ircum eii11ent, Caes.; clrcum 11uh ot<>
without eue, mull.Arum circa ch·ii.atum, Liv.; Ver~.; cirl·um unili•1ue, nl'tlnd abo1it on aU Ada
omnia drca or circa u1uli1ue, all thi11g1 aro1ovf Verg. IL Prev. "ith l.{'C. A. r~utui aboul ·
UY. IL Prep. with acc., , of space, J.L, around: terra circuro axem u couvertit, Cic. B. rou...d
at t111 lidt of; ltgna coutuleru11t circa ca..arn, aho .. t, mor, fo tJu cricinit1 of. arourrd; clrcwr.
Nep.; b, round about to; legatos cirea vic111as aliquem e:sse, le be ill ClnJ <>11(1 001n1.anr, Cic. ·
gentes misit, Liv.; c 1 ill iM neifhlmirhood of, haloere ahquem clrcum se, &II.; circum baec
1U0r to; te111 pla circa rorum, Cic. ; d, around or loca commurat.or, Cic.; url>CS quae circum
(n ccmpanr of a J>enon; trecento11 juveuea circa Ca1•uam 11u11t, Cic. ; clrcum pede.~. iri atullda.11.CC,
le lial-ehat, Liv.; 2, of time, aboul; circa ean- C1c.; Wied with verb.I of moti .. o, circum villulaa
dem hnra111, Liv.; luce111, Suet.; Demetri um abou.t n021traa, (.'ic.; legatio clrcum tnaulal
U&t ~i~ of llt11V,ri11s, Quint.; 3, of n~mlier ml&aa, Liv. (circum aomelimes the &ubst..
= c1rc1wr, o.bo1Ll ; ea fucre oppida circa St'l'tua- which lt go•erns, Cle., ofUu In Verg.).
clrcumaotu -a -um, partlc. of clrcumago.
glnta, Li\·. ; 4, a00111, in ru1>ea to; circa bouu J'Uhlica :1ocnrd1a, Tac. clrct\m.Ago ~gl -actum, 9. LA. todri11eor
clrcamoerlum -ll, n. pomoerlum (q. v.),
Cu"' '1'0111ul, to drivt ha a circle, hence a technical
U:rm for I.he ma o um iS!lioo of a s l;i ve, I oec:a
Clrci ·& and -ae, acc. -am, abl. -a, r. (Kip'"I) h11 mMter took him by the right baud, and
Clll ~nlrl!W who l&t~d in. lM neighlmur~ turned ltlm rou11d, Sen. B. Tra11sf. or time,
of Ctrocji, vihl:rt 11~ turrud Mr vicli1111 inU> circumHgi or circu111agere se, to prM ~IDa'fl lobe
IU'in.t, "'"'hl:r of 1'dtgontu "11 U/11sau; hence .-p<m; aunus ae circu111egit, Liv. IL to iv'"' or
adj., Circaeus -a -um, Cil"Mln; 1ioculum, tn- ttuUI rovnd. A. Lit., equos f~ni11, Liv.; cir·
c1'anltd, C1c. ; rnoenia, Tt&aCadum, 11C1id to haw cumageute ae vent-0, Liv. B. Transf., qn<> te
btA lnlill l>y 1'elt11on'U.f, Hor.; litWI, IM promon- circu111a1;,'8.sf h.oto will emde th.c diJftcullv r
IQ'f'f of Ciruji, Ov. Juv. IIL t-0 Uiad or drfoe aboul from 01ut plaa
to anollur. A. Lit., hue llluc cla111oribua bost-
Clrccjt -orum, m. eAe to'llnl q/ Ciru,ii on 11 lum clrcunl&gi, T11I'.; mhil <>jtlls Pst lt' circu1t1aA
J1f"O"W.IU•try of IM MllM nanw ill Lalivm. Adj.,
Clrcejensla -e, of or ~ongin.g to Cirorji. follOID nu about, Hor. B. Tra11sf. w driw
about, di.4tra.ct, mi..dtad; rwuonl..owi 'vulgt dr·
clrccnsl.8 -e (circus), belcn¢"f to CM cil"C1U; cumagi, Liv.
lutll, tht '1am.u in tu circu.1, Cic., clr- ctrcumaro, to plough. rou1'd, LIY.
oenses -1um, m. (sc. ludi), tflLc(rcu gamu, Men. clrcumcaesiira u, c. u.. a:tenial ~ qJ
olrcino, I. (cirdnus), to makt rotin.d, io foT'flt a lx1<l11, Luer
into a cird~, Pli11.; p0 eL,t ea.iiJem circlnat auru olrcumcido -cidl -ctsum, s. (elrcum ano
~ia throvuh '"a cir-ck, uv. ' C8f'•lo), lo cul roMnd, to cul, trim. A. Lit. a.-.
clrclnus -1, m. (a:1pa:u1)(), a p11ir of &b'T1cularu111 quu circumciJat, Cic. ; caes1•ltem
for duc:r1bi11g a circle, (.;&ea. glaol1i11, Caeg, B. Trnosl, w m.&h i.... br
clrcfter, adv. (circus). L Of place, about, cuttin.g, dimlAIM, Olll ol; mullitudinem. Cle.;
IWClr. Pi.aut. IL Truial, 1. of time, a. adY. aumptua, LIT.
oir 97 cir
elre1lm~adv.,a1Jrwnd abovt, ap. Cle., ~ ~rMd a repcrl di.s.m'Ml-e ""°' ·
qnae ..,
Plaut. circumferat tl8Be Corinnam, Ov. ii'.
to carry
clrcumciaua -a -um, p. adj. (from clrcum- round in a circle; 1, middle, 10! ut rircumfer·
cido). or localitlea, abropt, llup, inacussibk, atur, rt11olt'<I, Ole. j 9 1 religiOU. t. t., to l"-5·
aaxum, Cic.; collia ex omni parte circumcisus, tra!~. purl.fy, by carrying mund consecrated
Caea. objects; socio1 pura cireumtullt. unda., Ye1g.
clrc1unolii4o -cJf\91-clOsum, 3.1, to shuJ in, ct..rcumflooto -ftexl -ftexum, 3. to btnd
~n.c~OS£ OJI all autu, ntrT0111td; cornua nri;eutn, ro11.1ul, to tur" a.bvul; longos cur1u1, Verg.
Cat-.>; 2 w 111rro"nd iu a hostile manner; cir- circnmflo, 1, to blow round; fig., ut ab om- duolm,11 exercitibns, Caes.; t.ra11sf., nfLu11 nntis irn·iJiae circumftari po~e videatur,
C:ltiliu.."l mills praesidils, me4 diligeuWi circnm· Cic.
:lll>iUS, Cic. olrcnmfluo -ftuxi -lluxum, a L to fo>w
clrcum~lo, 3. to du•tll around, du·'ll near, ro1111d, 01'. II. A. to 01-erjfow; fig., 11ec ea re·
Li\·. c.huu1ans ta111c11 nee circu111Ruens oratln diffU«,
c1rcum01ll'90, l. {iutens. of circurncurro), Cic. B. Tra11br. to C1bm11ui i11; circumtluere
lo r1t1i ro1111d, Plaut., Luer., Cat. omuiLus copiis, C1c.; gloria, Cic.
clroumdo -•ltl'di -dAtum, I, 611rround. I. A. clroumfltius -n -um (circumffuo); 1, act.,
~ p11t "''nu"l.Jti11g ru11111l St•nutlting du; with acc., jfou·iilg r01111cl, cirr11111jl1u:1l1; hnmor, Ov.; 2,
or the thing )•laced, iuHI <lat., of th~ thing rou11d pa.RI!., jl.uWl!rl 1·ound, surrou1ultdbg 1mttr; in·
which it ii; pla<.:ed, tecti11 Ac nwe11iL1111 subjicere sula, Ov.
igno-s ci rru111dareque, Cic. ; uma hum eris, \'er~; ctrc~ri.n.i!iua -a ·llnl (clrcum and ror-
in tnil!si .. , collo dare brachia circum, Ycrg. a. 11111), 1 rou1ut tM fontTll; aes, ni.o11.ey borrou•td
Tran'if. to 1uppl!f, :racl famam, Tac. fro11l the ba11ktr1 u•hou 1"11.o[J' U'tre round thl
C. to buUd or pla« ro1o:d; 111urn111, Caes.; equi· forum = dtbt, Cic.; 2, atunding at marktta;
U• con1ilrns., Liv. ll. to 1urrou11d IO'f1l(thi11g phar111acopola, Cic.
w:~lt ,.,11Vlhillf tl•; with acc. anJ ab!. A. Lit.
ani111111n corJ>ore, Liv.; tem(l<)ra vittls, Uv.; ctrcum!Undo -rndl -maum, s. to pou,.
resin insnli:1 circumdat.A, Cic. B. to aurrou 11d uroui11/. L A. Lit., gen. In paas., circumf'undi,
in a hostile manuer; on111e111 aciem 11111111 re<l i11 <'r reflexive, se circumfundere, to bt pourtd rouud
f't. curia, ; oppiclum coroul\, Liv. C. = to 1urr1mnd; with d11t., amnis circumfun-
Tra11sf., exiguis quilJusd11.m flnilJus t-Otum ora- ditur pan•ae in~ulae, Liv. B. Transr., or per-
1.ori.!i tnUDDI, Cic. sons, refl., se circumfundcre, or simply circum-
fundere, to flock rou 1ul; with dat., equltes Han· ·•luxl -ductum, 3. I. to lea.I noui Afrisque se circumfudere, Liv.; so pas11.,
rt'lf•«I, ww~ or drice ro1111.d. A. exercitum, as middle, circumfunditur equitatus Cnearis,
Plaut. ; aratrum (or the fountling or a colony Cael!. ; or thing>1, undiq_ue circmnfusis molestii•
,..hen a plough was driven around the site or the 01jvnluptatiLus,Cic. II. tot1u:ont)1<UJ, 1urro1i1ul.
trl\111, Cic.: ftumen ut circino circu1111luctu111, A. Lit., 1, act., 111nrtu11111 cern, Nep. ; 2, pas11.,
Ca ...s B. to ltad round, to lwd by a rou11d-a~~r1d to be WU.(/wl b.v; pnrva quaed11111 insula est cir-
a•wrR: 1, lit., cohortes quatuor longiore it in· cu111fusa ill/) 111ari q11e111 ocea11u111 appel111tis, Cic.
Ut', Caea.; absol., praeter ca.~tra ho11ti111n clr- B. Transf., to !11rro1111cl, tndrclt, ht111 in; prae-
cu1111l11cit. Ile 111.arc.\u rourul, Liv.; 2, trausr., fectnm ca>1trorum ct legiouarios milit'!B clrcu111-
a, to lead a.rtrar, dtttl11t, Plaut.; b or dls- fundnnt, Tac.; gen. in pass., m11lth1 clrcnm.
coane, to tdnd, a.mpliJll, Qnint. _ii.
to ltrul rusus Stoicorum It bris, Cic.
n1111w aboll.t, to take round; aliquem omnia
11ia prsealdia circumducere, atq11e ostent.are,
olroumg41imo. S. tu growl 1·ound llbo1d; ovlle,
Caet!. •--
olroum.4uouo ~nis, r. (circumduco), c1ttal·
clroumgesto, 1. to carrr round; e11lstolam,
'"9· deairi1~, Plaut.
olronm.grldfor -greasns sum -grMI (cir·
clroumductua -a -um, partic. or circum- cnm and grntlior), to go rolll1d, tmwl rm111il,
d uco. especially with ho,;tile rntent; exercitum, Sall.
olrcriimH (olrcuio) -fvl or -Ii -ltum -ire, to terga, Tac.
(JIJ. traNI, or walk rou11d. L A. <Jen., 1, iii clrcmmfolo = circumjiclo (q.v.).
a circ~; ftagrantes ara11. Ov.; hostiu111 castru,
C&es.; 2, a, to go round in a c11rvt; 111etam fer· olrcuminjlolo, s. to thro1D arovnd; vallum,
,,.o:uti rota, Ov.; b, traJH;f., (a) to ch.tat, Ter. ; (fl) Lh·.
t"' t:rprua f'!I circv>nlocution: Ve>1p&si11nl no111en olroumjWo, 2. to l£t round about, adjoin;
..usr-ensi et vitaltundi circu111ibn11t, cwoide-.1 quaeque circumjncent Europae, Liv.
,.., ... tw11i11g, Tac. B. lot1LC!OB1:, 11trrou11d; uciem olroumjectua -ns, m. (circnmjicio). L a
a latere a1ierto, Cae11.; Ilg., in pR11s., Cll"cn1uiri surrot1ndi11g, llLdosirig; qui (aell1er) tenero ter·
t.otius 1~111 ftuctibus, Cic. II. to go th,, ro1111.1.i, ram circu111jeclu arnplectltur, Cie. IL Meton.,
10 a~;t.. ,.f. A. lpi>e e'luo circumiens 111111111 q11em- ut it.a umnita arx c1rcu111jectu arduo niteretur,
qt~ uo111ina11s 11ppel1Kt, Sall.; ur~™• Liv.; J•lel>- Cic.
~111, Liv ; i•rae•J 1.i, to risil, Cic. ; ora111 n1ar1s, clroumjlclo ·jl!ci ·Jecium, s. (cfrcum and
C1c. ; \"i;;ilias, Li\•. B. E~p., to go ro1rnd to Cl.lit· jacio), 1, lo throw rau11d, T!"'
round; mnltitll·
t<r.u or g,,fu-H, senatu111 cum nste sordicla, Liv.; <l1111:in ho111inu111 tnti;; uwe111hus, Cal!s.; hen~ of
c1rc1u111re ordine11 et horU.ri, Cnes. loralities, Olroum.Jectus .a ·um, 111rro1111ding,
ctroiimiqult.o, 1. to ri11L rflund; m()('nia, udjnrcnt; nationes, Tac.; aed1hcia c1rcumjecta
Llv. muris, Liv.; 2, aliqu1d alrqua re, to 1urro111ul.
ctrcii.merro. l. to W<Jntln- round, Sen. t-11elose v·ilh an11th.i11g, Ci~.; circurnjicere extre111t
it.atem coeli rotundo 1unbit11, Cic.
etrcumfiro -ttUi -!~tum -ferre, to carry clrcumlavo -4re and -l!re, to
ro111td, to
~v.fld, brinp round. L l, circumferuntnr tab- 01~rflo10 round, Sall.
ll\ae io•pic1eDdi nominis e&U!!ll, C1c; 1ioculum
circumfertur Liv. ; 2. to apmut uromiil, ch"Cll ctroumll8o. I. 1, tn bind rouna, bind to·
ea ornnia u~pJa mfcstm1 igues, Liv.; inccn•lla nr.tam m~·lr&ti hastae, Yerg.; 2, to Mml rou1J
etCJl)rJt• d ten·orem, Tac.:. Lel_lum, Liv.; 3, with, f•!rr11111 stnppa, Liv.; circumligatllm"esae
lc!llm' flJ11nd tu.r1l i.n all d1rectw111 (uf a part angui, C1c.
pf Ult body, up. the eyes); 01:ulos, Liv.; 4 1 olrolPllUDo, no iiert ·lltum, S, and ~

eJronn rr1p&'u .. ..., .., -U. (tlem
clrcumacribo), ~: breTil e' c:l.rcwMeripta
quud&m uplicatio, Cla.
olreameloo ~ L,. . - . . . - aboU:
aliquJd aena, Cia.
cdroumaidio -dell -eeuum, 2. L Gen., to
1aOflUU i""""
IU routtci, Sen. D. Eap., lo "'"'°"'tld ~
buMgf. ~: allquew ,-allo,
Clo. ; traut., a lacrimi.a omolam eireumuasus,
Clllllu.i, Cic.
ol.roum.l4Nldo ~nl1, t. {clrcamsedeo), e111
neircling wi.tla h.Milt ihtnl, a beleaperi"ll• Ck.
olroumai4o ·sMI, s. to IU ~ befcn a
plaa, buuge; oppldum. Sall
otrcumdlfo, 4.. (circlllll and llllo}. to 1«Jp
or j11rn.p ro11.11d; (pa,ser) clrcurnsllien1, Cat.;
tranar.,to11t1T0UTMi; morborumomnegenus,Juv.
olroumal9to -aUti, or (more rarely) -atfti.
3. to p!au 01i.utJ,f ro1uuf, to .vrrou"'1. A. Gen.,
aliquem, Caea. B. Esp., to lltrrw11d "'°'til£l1,
pra1 ~11d,· plurea paucoa cirrumsist.e'bant.
Caea. ; aex lictort• clrcumsi.tunt, Cic.
oirc1uDa&ao -16nd1 -~Imm, 1, a lo lhM
""°"'nd; clamor hoetel c1rcumsooat, Lfv.; b, ,.
ulw with; Jocu1 qui clrcum1onat ululatibua,
LIT. ; t&Uboa aurM tuaa vociboa undiq,ue cir·
OUlnlOll&re, Cic.
otro11.DU16nwa ·• -am (clre111ru101l<>), -lld-
i"U aroall.d; turlia !'&Jlum, OT.
otromD8peotatrlz -lcla, t. (oircwnspecto).
a /ema.U who lookl roiuut abou.t, Plaut.
otr01llDS)NHrtlo ~uia. r. (clrcmnspicio).
/nruifJhL, cir~\oft, an1tf.oft ; circumspoctto
aUqua et accurata considera.Lio, Cic.
otreu.mapeoto. 1. (freq. or clrcamsplcio)i,
to look a.rou1ui. L Intn.nait., *>Zook round~
pt(l.Ud/11; circt1ID1pect.aot bestiae tn Jt&Stu, Cle.;
!!g., dubitus, cireu1111pect&DJJ, haesit&DI, Cic..
IL fianaJ.t., a, t• look ro.1'4 at. esp. with anxiety
or 11111picion ; omni&, Cic.; patriciorum \·uttua,
Liv.; b, lo look round to wk Jqr .to~i','9. or
~r; eil'cwnspeit.are omnibus rort 11&rt.ibul
eeoatol'&QI raroque ll!ql.l&ID 110.Citare,LiY.; c, to
wait for, waWa /Of"; defecLioDia terupua, Liv.
1. cll'oamepeot'D9 -a -um, p. adj. with
compar. antl su(>l'rl. (t'rom eil'Cu1111piclo), 1,
pass., of Ui i 1ig1, dcl i.btrate, wtll ~rtd ; verb&
circumspecta, Ov.; 2, active, of persons, c:ir-
ctt 11W1,,e«, oa Ill Wxl, Sen.
2. ctrcnftWP9CtUS ob, m. (clreumspfdo).
1, lo<.k ~ rou1Ui, Plin. ; tranal, ofUJ&.ti<n' to;
detiM!~ aliquem ab circum1pectu rerum al'ia·, Liv.; 2, pro'Pfd., N10 °" ~ ricU.. Cic.
olromnaDlclo -apexl -sr.ctum, II. to loot
round. L fntrausit. A. qw In auspfrlum ad·
hibetur nee nee circtU11spiclt, Ck.; clr·
cumspicit (loob rovnd anzio118iy), aestuat, Ci<:.
B. Trans1'., to COMider; circumspiclte et>lerite-r
1mlmo qui !int rerum exitua eo119eCUti, Cle. U.
1'.rnnslt.., io loolc ro-u.nd at. A. _l, lit., urbis
11t11m, LIT.; ::ii, trans!., kl con.Ader carrft,&ll.11;
om Dis pericula, Cic. B. to look around for; l,
lit., Claes.; uxum l11ge111, Ve~.; 2, trans!.., lo
look for, lllk /rTr; extenia auxifia, 'l'ac.
otrcum.ato -et~i. 1. L to *tnd roKftd ~
i11 a circu, to ni.rround, IJldf'CU; 11ellam. LIT.;
hence partic. aubst., ctrw.... 1uta11tea1 ~ bf·
•1Mkn. Liv. J.L to ~OTOWtld tl'if& IOJU. $M•
&ut, to bcl«Jg11•. A. Lit., circ1111111t&n1 Ui\.oQnal
pn&etoria urban!, oblidere cum gla.liUI eanu.. ,
Ck. B. Tra1111f.. qa11111 tlnti 1llldiqU t.en'u?811
circuwstareut., Liv.
atroumatripo ...tripftl ..trlpltum, s. fo
roar, a ft°"4 f'011Ad, .,.., dololorcnuf1
aro.tWI ; Jeptu elamon Md.ltlolarmD clnlwn·
l&repitw', Tar~; wtUt. aec., q11.ldam atroc.lora camJcm. a. aW:r ..,, Cle. ILG 8'rca, Mppo-
dn:umstrepebant.. Tu. drome.. A. ,,. Boru; 1, Circ1111 llaximua, or
~ ....trux.i ..tructum, 3. lo build Circus. eAe gr't/IJl eirciu or l"GClr:l'Otl7* ii. Ro11te, nr-
f'Olllld, l::! ue t. ro11 ndtlll br galleriu. tolkll a«Om'lllludol«f 15&,000
'J>fAlal<,,.,, Liv.; 2, Chl:ua F1aminiua, outside
cdrc1uns1u';;· :·.W -enUs, riling roull.d, Tac. the town, Cle. a.; Cl cif'C1'J iR ~r ~ ; 1,
otroamtig"- a. lo 001.W all ro1.111d, Luer.(!). Circw1 111aritho1111 at Anagnia, LiY.; 2, CDlJ-circu
clroamtire_ 3. lo nib llgflfrUt OK all Ii.Ju; or plac• ioM1w fll!UI can Add, Verg.
poet., 141 aoll'd rot&Md. Tlb. cirla -la, r. (.rcip.<), a"'"'· into riiclSe,Ull.
olre1amtestu .. -um, tnlt'(n. au round; da.vq/Uer q/ Ninu, - . hu"4/l>nwd, Ov.
titcllmkxtum c~ Yewnen acaotho, Verg. cirr&taa -a -om (drrwl), nrltd, er~
alroUJa&iao -Uludi, I. to thull<kr rvuu.d; Mart.
qwi &otum ISt'reWI clrcumtonat orhem, Ov. Clrrha -ae. r. (KINc>. 11 cUr q1 Ph · a.e
elroamtoasaa -a -uni, 1, 1hatt11 or lhurn port af lltlplti., ai.:-nd to Apollo ; hence, °Ci;;_
all ro1111d, Suet.; 2, t.ransr., or dil\COW5e, artl- JIMU -a -um, nlatiNg lo <,Vr-M or .4pollo.
kfal, Sen. clrru -i, m., 1, a lock, e1trl, or riMgld o/
oll'allm'Vado -via.I, 3. "1 a.tta.:i: from ei>ery /lair, Juv.; 2, Ui.efri.J14f$ o/a, Pliaedr.
aid<, to ttUnnllW. L Lit., lmmobiles navu cir· CU1a -ae, t. (ILJp1"a), a WIOa o/ N1t11&UU'1.
cam\-adaut, Liv. IL Transf., cum terror cir· ala. prep., with acc. (connec~ with I• and
eamnsisalst kiem, Liv. Id..-, •·ith demonstrative c pniHxed), on tliu 1idc;
cdremll~ • -11111, 101111dering roKnd, or 1, or place, cia Taururu, Cic.;
i• a circh; ~UIJ, Hor.
&; ol tiwe, cl.a
d1t11 pauc0&, vrithi1& u few days, 8alL
elrolunvMlo, L to ATT1111W ioUA a VX&U, or otaalpinua -& -um, cm U1i.l •ide (the ~),,
~}lulioa, tJJ ~ btUa.giur; oppldum, i.e., tu 1<.11tth 1wu oftlu ..dlPI; Gallia, Caea.
Caei..; Po1upeiuru. Cic.; tlg., tot rm nipente cir- oialum -Ii., n. a liglU tl00-1Ull«ltd gig, Ck:.
CUJDnllaot., Ter.
eiN1uaveotlo -6ala, r. (eircuntYebt>r), 1, a Gennanl, Claes. -a -um, o• this .WU tJu Bltiu;
amyu, NllNd of fllef"CMwt.; yortorium cir·
aunYectionia, tra.IUU dwa, Cle.; 41,, aoll.a, cin:uu, Clae1la ~I, m. (K.nnl,>-._ ki1tg o/ Tira«.
~Cic. /allier Qf H«:Uba.; henet! Cleeila -ldia, r. (L#·'eotor, I. dep. (Int.ens. or clrcum· cnii~), davqh.Ur o/ Cistlev.s, Hrcuba.
Yellor), 1, to rUh or cU '"°"lid: Llgurwn oru, olata -ae. [ <••n:ir>.a chut, aukM ror keeping
u... ; 2, poet., lo ,a lAF't"'lll. dacribd; aingula alla, money, fruit, books, etc., Cic.; for ucred uteo-
d11111 circuruYectamur, Verg. Tib.; a ballo&-b.n, Plin.
elnnuln'ilaer ·Yectus, 3. dep., 1, to Pi& or or
oiatelJa -M, f. (dim. clsta), II lUtle d&ut,
•il ro1uid; jubet cirewnvectoa (equites). ab or aubt, Plaut..
krgo OaUica111 iovadere aciem, Liv.; oa,·ibus cdaieUAtrbr -leis~ r. (cltdella). ,,., ferll4l.c
cin:um~ecU.CMs.; with acc.,cum cbsse Coraicae II.are wAa. bNiMD it 1AU to 1.:eqi tM ~
cnm, Li'f.; traoaf., frlllltra cireumvl'!hor omnia PlauL
mb11, tri to datTibt al unct, Verg.; 2, to ridt clatelllla -ae, r. (dim. or clstella). a lUtw
or lllU '• ettry dir«tio11, Liv. cxukd, PlauL
elroaJnyilo,. 1. lo wil or ron..:ml on all ridu; cl8terna -ae, r. a 6Ubkrra11mn rt«Troir, a
aurato clrcun1velatur aiulctu, Ov. cWern; plscloae cimrnaeque servanJJs-hubr1b-
olrcum9iD.lo -venl -ventum, t. t-0 rome us, Tac.
'"M, rarrotuld, enclrcU. L Gen. A. or per· olatlfer -fl!ri, m. Jcista and fero), on.e lf'Ao
11101, homin4!s circumvent! ftamma, Caee. B. rorri.t.s a bO% or cheta, art.
or pl.acee, Rheons 1uodicu loeulaa clrcumwn· claUphOra.a ·I, m. (..:10-TOc/I~). an A1ial~
leaa, Tac. IL lo hM'OUU ~ Wt~ fale11t. ooii£ wortlt abm.t four dradu11.u, so oalW fT"O'A
.&. LiL, 1, ol penons, bostes a tergo, Oles.; 2, tlw i111prtt.fio11& of a ciata Kpon il : in ciatophoro
ol Wop, cuDCIA moenia exercltu, Ball. IL lu Asia habeo ad BS. bi1 et vicies, in ..4.si4l~
'l'rauf., !, to bad,; aliq ueru jadlclo ooi~, Cic.
caplU., \.1C. ;s. lo ~; lnnocente10 pecan la,
clattUa -ae, r. (dim. or dst.a). (J CIUA:et, Plaut.
.........._,, I. dep., to hDi# or hlrtl cltattm. adv. (cit.atu1). quickltf, Aaleil.,, Cle.
fftlld, Luer. cltatua .a -mn, Jl. adj. with eompa-. and
alroumYerto (-vort-0) ·Yert:i (-vortf)-vel"!lum super\. (Crom cito), quick, mpid, ~: Rbeoaa
(· YOl"llUtl). 3. A. to "'"'• t ll1i.d ro11 »d ; rota per- per nnes TrevirorllDI cltatua lertur, Cael.; citat.o
peQium qua clraumvertltur u:em, Ov. ; mancip- equo or citati1 equis, aJJuJJ, gaU.>p, UY.
ium, to ..a1n1DUl, Qntnt.. B. Transf., to ch- °"
cltir -tra-trom(CI•), .n.udtU. J. Poeltf1'8,
/rad; qlli tne argento clrcnmvortant, Plaut. Cato. U. Comi-r .. cliiri&- ·WI, genit.. -<irk,
clrcamv..Uo. 4. to cl.ctM all r01Ln.d, poet., on t.hiA iidt. A. Gallia, Cic. B. Traner., 1. ad.
•P. Cic. haec citeriora veniam et Mtiora nobia, tlWr4'

elroa.mvlDC.l.o -nnctaa, t. bindall rouiui, cJo.~ly
con/YM\ing us, Cle. ; 2, ol ti1ne, rorli4r;
cfteriores noodum andiebamus, Cle. DI. Su-.
~ 3. lo loot all l'O¥nd, Plaut. perl.; cltlmu or cltiimua -a -um, ""1 llt'llr,
i&Mr~; stell& ultima a caelo citiJD.& turls,
elruwwwfl\Jlw. L 1, to ft'll rou11d; lacus clr- Cie.
cwn..o11tuit. birundo, Verg.; 2, transt., to~ Clthaeron -.'.lnis, m. (K.Scup.;..), a t11ent.ai11
obast, -.,. ~·01u1d; circnmvolltant equites, in. tM IOfcl}i,.fMll Q/ Badia,~ Qf u.. BaccAfc
l.o<:r. orgies.
~ 1. lo flr "11ln4; aliquem·atris clthka -ae, r. (.rt.lilpo.). A. • /cw.r-Cri.,.,.
alil (af'death), Hor. ha.trvmeut, Hor. B. )(eton., 1, IM -ac o/
elNuuaW"OlTO •Yoh1 -vl:ilfttmn, S. lo roll tht citharo, Hor. ; 2, CAI arl QI ~ tM

Plllllld; 10l 1Mg11um circnmvo1'ttur annum, com- cilharo, Hor.
U. 111'~ ciotnw, Verg.
·L m. (~). L 11 dl"Olllar HM;
clthl.rlsta ..e, m. (ir&fCIP'rnid.
I.lie c:illlam, Ter.
11 ,,,,... °"
cit 100 cla
ol~ -ae, f. (1u81&pCOTpta.), G female 'l'°J'11k1r, alfablt, C011rttotu: quid clvilius illo, OY.
pla~et" 01' U&e cUAam, Ter. II. rtlatiny to public lift or lll.t stall!: a, !iClentia,
olthi.rizo, 1. (ct9a.p~w), ro play the C"itharu, L'ic.; ch·llium tf.'rum pe1it11s, T11c. i b, civil,
Nep. 111 opp. to military ; non milllari& 10111111 lM:d
ofthAroedloua -a -um (ir18Clp'f'l11<6~). rtlatiny civlha quoque munenL, Liv.
lo Ure c&llmmedu1, :::>uet. civilltaa ·iltls, f. (civilis), 1, the lt'tncs O/
olthAroeclua -1, m. (1r184Pf1'86f), one who J"I0/1/it:.f, used IJy Q11i11t. u a translation of "
1ings to tM cWiara, Cle. 1rOA1T11c.j; 2, 1•olitt11!!<$, 1:ondt1et111io1t, cirllity,
Cltlum ·II n. (Kfr10 ..), a maritinll! city of Suet.
Cyprus, birth1•lact!. of the SloU: plitlOlflJ•htr, 7.t110; civillter, adv. (civllis), 1, like Cl cili:tll;
he11<'e, A. Cltlemda -e, bdouging to Cilium.. vh'ere, <..:i(·. i 2, JHlliUly, 0\",
B. Cltleua -a ·um, belongi1'11 to Citiv.rn. C. civia ·1:1. c. (from clo or <'ieo, ru"uno11C"1l). L
Cltlous ·l!i,ID, of CiliHm: Zeno, Cic. a citiun (opp. hosti11 or Jot>regrinus), 1:hii1 Ro-
1. clti oomp. oltlus, sup. cltlsalme n•lv. manu>t, Cle.; lllirp1em rlvem ascis('ere, Cie.;
(eitus). ~ qiiickly, 8l>Wiily, Cle.; dto c1{scere neri dVl'ID R,..111111111111, Cic.; fl'm., dvis Attica,
allq11l1I, Cie. B. Trausr., a, non clto, 1ll1J tasily, Tcr. IL A. fellow citizrn; ci\'t'>< ml'i, Cit'. B.
l'ic.; b, com pal'., cltiu.• qwim, aooner than, Ck. IUbjtcl; lm1Jera1-e corpori ut l't'X 'hi unll snis, Ci('.
2. olto. 1. (freq. or clo = cleo). J. to rut oivltaa ·lti11, r. (cl vis). L Alflltr., eitiznuhip,
Cnro w~ 11t motion, herice "'cf.le, '1inimon; a, CM the co11ditio1t or rig/ol4 of " citiztn: civitatern
tenal4; Jt&lres in cuiiam, Liv.; b th. ptopu to dare alicui, Cic.; amittcre, Cl•-.; aliq11e111 Cl\i·
rote; tu campo Martio centurtadm jtOpnlum, late donart>, Cic.: aliquem In l'iYit.:1te111 ascisccre,
Liv.; o t.114 hllg/UI; "Cit.a." lnqul~ Nero, ".M. Cic.: hi popull Romani clvilate111 sui1o:ipi, Cic.;
Lh·lum/• Liv.; d, CM ciliRna to ta.kc IM oath of civitatem consequi, adlplsci, ha I-ere, l1111oetl1\re,
mllll4ry alU.Jiance i cltati IDilil.e.I nomlnatlm adimel'e, Ch:.; «h It ate 111utati, Cic. IL c .. ncr.
&l'lld trthun1>S militam In verlt& P. SciploniM A. (I "don of citize11a, (I arau, commont<¥<tlth;
jurave1u11t, Liv.; e, in a court of justlct>, (a) tlll! civitat.ea au~ uationes, C"itriluro sfatbi or·
}11.rJ; al Ly11iade1 cltatu11 j 11 dex non resJ'ouderit, 0111 triliu, Cll'.: ch·ltAtem iustituel't', admiuis·
Cle.; (13) tM proaecutor,or rleftndallt: l'itat l'l:Ulll, trare, Cle.; civitatea condere, Cie. B. l.leton.,
non respon•let; cltat ai·cu11&torem, Cic.; omue:s a toww, city, Cfr.
11 ab te capltla C. Rablril norulne cltantur, o1ii.dia ·ii\ f. (connected with gladlua), dt·
Cle.; (°)')(I 101tM11: in ltanc nsm te, Naevi, testem rtnictimi. L d#.<trur,tio11 or pl1111tll, etc., by hall
cltaho,Clc.; t.ran1:1f.,quamviscitetur&lamisclar- or rain, IOB1, da111agt, Plaut.; /nss of (I ifmb:
lsslmae testis vlctoriae, Cle.; (a) rhe oondem.ned; dextrad man us, Liv. IL A. disa.'lkr, iii i11ry,
i•raecouls audltll vox cit.antis nomlna damnat-
orum, Liv.; f, to call up<m a g00 f1Jr 1tt111 ; 11 11.
civitatis, Cic. B. Melon., 11trlOIU u·ho
tM di~-ter; rnilitu111 dadi>s, Cle.; geminc•s
quern falso, Ov. IL a, to lhout out: paeane 111 , 8cipi:ltlas cla•lem Lih)ae, \'P.rg. C. Es('., rni1·
Cle.; b, to call forth, to Jn'Oduce; i>1que (auirni) fortune in uur, dt/rat; eladern iuforre, Liv.;
motus aut boui aut mall oplnloue citlttur, t,;ic. facere, Sall.; aedpere, Liv.; hosti lnferre, Cic.
citra, atlv. and prep. with acc. (from citcr). clam ,(old Lat. cilam or dllim, from roo~
Low. thia side· dt.ra Veliam Cle.· eitm Rhen um CAL, Cf,L, whe11ce 1.-el -o). L A•lv., «CTttly
Caea.. II. Tr~nijf, A. on thu ride of (a certau: I (opp. palam), in 1141erd.; es.'le, to 1T111<1in inoog11~10,
bounrlan), u:i.thin, ~fort; 1, or apace, vauci>< . I.Iv.; 11lura clam ri:~1u\·ere, Cle: IL P_rep. a, Wllh
cltra milihus, LI.-.; clt1a tertlam syllaharn, be· nl~I., vob1s, Caes.; clam 1stu~. C1c.; b, gen.
(<Jre tlu third 8111/able, Cic.; 2 or time, within; w1tl1 ace., rlam me ~t, tt is u.11.l"notlll& to tM, C1c.
cltra Trojaua te1upora, Ov.
witlv>ut, u:«pl; citra vulnus, Plin.
a= sine, praetel', clami.tor .(iris, m. (cla.n.o), a lh01tur, o
bawlu, noisy eke/aimer, Cic.
cltrius ·a -um (citr111). l, btlon.gin!1 tii tlu cit- cli.mlto. 1. (l11tens. or clamol, to cry /01111/11,
nu tru; mensa.' fTltidt of cit"'' 1t'OOl1, Cle.; 2, be- aho'Ut iriolt11tly: 1, absol. or \vith acc., C"a1111ea:1
lo~grng to tM citron .tree; ci~rea, tM cilrCJn tret, clamitabat., critd jigs of C,111nw, Cle.; of thi11<."ll,
Plin.; dtreum, &M citron, Pim. 111111111.: i1•su111 caput et auptircilia illl\ l..:nitus
oitrO, adv. (cltP.r), found 011ly In eombina- abrasa c amltare cnlli<lilRtelll vi1le11tur, L:c.; 2
tion with ulh'o; 11ltro et citro, nltM dtr<><]lte followed by o.n exclamatio11 in dir!"<:t spt>ech, 111
ultro citro, ultro ac citro, up a11d down hillu; armn I clamitans, Li1·.; 3, foll. by acc. nn•l in·
and thither, Cic. ' On. in inrlirect Rpeed1, 11aepe clamita11:1 lil~rnm
cltrum -1, n. cilrur tcood, Plln. se liberaeque clvitatis P11se, <;ae.i.; 4, with thtt
,,., _, ,, 'frl roll ty·
w·u.. ,
.1 in • t•· •t
,.., r.t ,,,,, a ... n.. o1 ,.
acc., -al1qu<!m sp•, 1er.
f"UI, from tl.te aromatic timber of which the ctamo, l. (connei:ted with 1ra.>.iw). L Jn:
Romans costly articles or furol· tra11s1t., to JhOtll, cry aloud. ~ or tnl'n, loq111
ture (perhaps Thula orient.alls Linn) Plin. omnea et clamare co~eru11t, Cic.: de 1mo et ux-
-•-- dj (( 1' ), •.'.L orls interitu, Cic. B. or animals, a11i;ereR qui
~·~ '!' -u~, p. a · . 1'?m c eo '1:1' 1""• 'Pttdv: t.intmnmodo clamant noC<>re non pos.•u11t, C1c.
vox! l..:1c., lncessu11, 8al.I., !'es, the 1ambua, 0'1". IL Tran~it., 1, to ouJ.l to or uiion; comites, 0 1 .:
cnvloua ·a -~m (c1ns), relating to (I citiun, morlen~111 1111111lne, Verg.; with douulc acc., to
c(_tl'(c; ~Ila, cl111I v·11r, Ov.; corona, anti simply call aloud; aliquem furem, Hor. ; 2, lll 1•roclaim.
cnvloa -ae, f, the civic crown, a chapltt of oak alllUd.; a, with 11ce., hoc de pecu11ia, Cle.; b, in
leaw.i ~nUd to •'.n'lot t<'llo lw1 .sai·ea tht liJe of a direct sl'ccch, lnfantem Io trium1·he I clarnnae,
Re~" cUiztn in u:ar,. b«lring t.114 foscriptio11, Liv.; o, in Indirect speech, c!Jlrnare Ille quum
ob c1vtm aervstu111, C1c. raperetur, nll1il se miserum feci:.<se, Cic. ; d
~villa-~ (civis). L nlatingtoacitf.m&., cit-le, with ut and the. subj., cl!lm.are coepernnt, siul
chri.l. A. Lit.., conjuratlo, Cic.; disc1>rdia, Sall.; ut ha~ret hercd1tatem, Ctc.
quercu11 = eon;in_a clvlci\ (v. clvicus), Verg.; clamor. <'\ris, m. n loud lhouti11.g, cry. A.
jua, either Ute ct111l laio of the Romana (opp. Jus or men, clamor populi Inf• stus a!-9ue lnlrulcus
natu!'81e) or tlac Imo of private n9/1'3 (OPI'· j11~ Cic. i damorem e<Jere, tollere 1 Cte.; e:tcitare:
pu\Jhcum), Cle.: dl<'s,from midnight to ndd11lghl. Liv.; clamor orltnr, Sall.; a11d1tur, Caes.; ei1p.,
as opp. to the naturalls dies, from sunriu to 1, ihoul of applause; h:iec aunt, quae damores
P.flk_t, V&IT •. B. Traner.[ ar btcomiug a citiztn,
bcJU"'f G cit1.ie1'; nulll c \'II I aulmus, Lh'.; b,
et admlratiolll'S in l~nis oratorth~a eftlciunt,
1 Cle.; 2, wild cry; al:qut>m cla.monbua et con·
Ola 101 Ola
tklll et slbilla conaectart1 Cic. 8, VJlar·cry; ~«'.- ; bt. or things oppldu111 Cle.; v1ctoria clar-
clamorem tollere, Caea. ; "I:, cry of IOl"row; la- 1ss1111a, l:ic. ; 2, In a bad aenac, notoMotu : Illa
aientantium militum, Liv. B. or animals, oppugnatlo fanl antlquissiml qm.111 clara apud
gruum, Luer. C. a sou1ut or liMess thiugs; omuea, Cle.; popul11JS luxuria sul'crblique clarua,
montinm, Hor. Liv.
olimO.US ·• -um (, 1, act., floisy, oJaeeli.riu ·I, m. (clusls), 1 (sc. miles), ·1:1
dmMOror<.<, Quiut.. ; 2, 1.a.-;11., fl/WI with 1wist; solditr 011 boonl ship, a mari11t', Tac.; 9 (KC.
circ11!, Mart. nnuta), a rou-tr, er 6ailor, Oil bourd a wur 11nlley,
olanciUum, utv. (clam). ~crtlly, in Mcrtt, claaBlciUa ·ae, r. (dim. or classls), a liUt.
Plaut., Tt"r.; l'rcp. with ac·c, cla.nculum patres,
Ter. fleet, flolill<i, Cic.
olandeetinua ·& -um (clam), 111CTtt, con· classlcWI ·• -um (dassis). L A. rtlaUnq
In l/ie dus_•ts iuto which tM Roma1' cil~t/U wre
ttiJ.kd, lid.ten, c/111uluti11~; colloquia cum hoati·
b11s, Cic. distrib11te<l; hence, claulcua -i, m. a citizen
<>f the first or 11 da.-«$. B. Transr., clas11i<'11s
clangor -oris, in. a !01111d, €'/mtg, noist; 1, s .. ri1•tor, an nuthor of tlie ftral ro11k, Gell. IL
llt1 cry of bird.s, Ov.; or the eagle, Cic. poet.; rrlali11g t-0 the nrmy ur the jkil. A. relating to
1U Awing of gu.~, Liv.; 9, lhe sau11d Q/ a lnun- the arniy; subst., claaaloum -i, n. the
prt, \' trg.
of '11{lag1'11u-11t git>tn lry u trnmptl; classicu1u
CJin1a ·is, m. a rittr of Etruria. l anlt, Liv.; or tlrr .sig1utl by 1rhi<:h tl1t cl1U.1t.s we1-.

Clialu -Ii, m. a rivrr Qf Campania. atlltd to the co111itia; cwsico ad contionem con·
e1iri, a1.h". (claru~). L Lit. A. As regards \'O<"at, Lil".; a11d meton., lht tnonptl itulf; cl&Sll·
sight, clrorir, brightly; vi.Jere, Plaut.; fulgere, icum lufla1e, Verg. B. >tloti11g to tlu: Jl.ett;
Cat. B. As n:gard:t hearmg, alotul ; plaudere, milites. Li\'.; Lella, naval tt'Ur, Prop.; 1rn.J
dicere, Plaut. ; gemere, Cic. IL 'fransr. A. suhst., olaal'.ol ~rum, m. marinu, Tac.
clmrlJ, dUthu:Ur; app1U"ere, 11p. (;ic.; ostender~, claw• -is, f. (connected with 1<Aoo-•~, 11:il,\o-11tt,
Qulnt. B. illH1trio11sly; ex11leudescere, Nep. from 11.Aiw, amt Clllt'), to n111111wn, lit. tltt n111lti-
.elirio. 2. (<'larus). L to be brighl, to aliir.L, lude S1tt1rnw11ctl). L a clcis.!. A. Lit., 011.t of the
C11:. poet. l l Tran~f. A. to be cltur to tht miud, 1/ivi!linns into which Sert'ius Tullim diviclnl IM tri1ltl4l, Luer. B. to w duli11g1tl.:Jie<l, illt1s· tohol.: Ro>11w1 ' .... n1>le; lie11ce Ilg., quirotae l"la.~si11,
lril)ns, Eun. of tlte lowt,;I muk, Ci<". B. 1'ram1f., u1iy clivi.sio11;
clire8co, dan"\i, 3. (inch. of ctareo). L lllo'rvorum, Petr. II. lu milit. la11~., tht /urea.
.&.. w btrome cwir, lrrigh.t, Toe. B. to sc1111d A. " lu111l army; Hortiuae clllllSes, \'lo'l"g. B.
or rttou.1ul cltarly; clare!icunt sonit1111, \'erg. the jk•t ; clasl!Clll racere, comparare, ae1hlicare,
ll. Trani.r. A. to h«n1M cltm· to the '11i111l, bt· to bu il.I a ftut, Cic. ; iustrner-c at<1 ne oruare, to
~ tri<lmt, Luer. B. to bfcomt ill11strio1u, Tac. ;
fit out a jktt, Cle.; cl1u1se111 a1•1oellcre a<l Delum,
u ge11te Domitia tluae fa111iliae claruerunt, Suet. to lw1d, <.::ic.; poet., <l ,;hi1>, llur., \'erg.; hence,
plnr. cla:1se11 = na\"c:1, \'cl"g. Aen. ii. :'10.
clirigatlo -6ni!<, r. (clarigo), 1 tM lltmuud Clutldium ·II, n. ct tOWll fo Gallia Ci.t-
of ••fo,~1ctio11 r111cl d<'clamtion of 1oar ty a Felialis,
]ICIU<llla, now C'"teggio or Chiuuggio.
Phn.; 2, Uu ji1u i111po~l 011 Cl 111u11 caught flt.
fOHd Uu: lim.its withi11 whicl• 1~ lws beta orderul CIAterna -ae, r., 1tro11gl1old iii Cispada1111
to rr:ma iii, Li \" Gaul (now .Maggio).
clirigo (dare-Le., ctara voce-and ago), 1. cl&trl -<irum, 111. and olAtra -orum, n.
to dtcforc 1l'<tr, used or the Fdialis, Plin. (.. ~~8pa.), a trclli!I or grati11g, Hor.
eliriaOnus .a ·11111 (clams aud sono), clrorly olatro, 1. (clatri), to provide or co1-tr with a
ICAl11</i"'}; vox, Cat. frtllil or gruling, Plaut.
.cliritu .atis, t. (cl:uus). L Lit. A. or the olaudi!io -ere, 2. amt gen. claudo, clausur-
sight, ckunuss, bright11tu brillia11.c11 Plin. B. us, S. (claudus), to limp, lwlt, be /amt; gen. used
Ot the voice, vodl!, Cic. IL TranKL ~ clear11.t$0 fig., 11i (beat.a \'ita) una ex parte clauderet, Cic.;
l'!!p. uf orator11 1 in quacunque enim min (p11rte)
IO Utt mi11d, piai1&11tss, Quint. B. f11.111t, ctltlr 1'l1t11e clauclt!ret, orator es11e nun posset, Cic.
nly, rmom"; ho111ini11 1 Cic.
cliritUdo ·lnis, f. (clarus), clmrnt..'8, bril· Claudianus -i, 111. (Clanclius), a 1-ntin pod,
!U:iw.r.J!. L Lit., of the llight, Jeae (i.e., lunnc), wlw Ii i•W. iiL the 1·eir111s of 'f'luo1lo~i11~ lht Grcal,
fa~. D. Transf., /u.11u:, re1wu•11, <'tlebrity, Sall.
und his 60111 .A rcadius and Jlo11m·i11s.
cliro. 1. (clams). L to make cl~ar, make olaudloi.tlo ·011i:1, r. (claurlico), a li111pi11g,
br1ifht, <.:ic. poet. IL Transr. A. to mal;e pJai11, Cic.
tr1•lt11t; a111111i 11at11ra111 vefl!ilm>i, Luer. B. lo claudloo, 1. (claudufl), lo li111p, bf lu111C :
w.rLi illuslrio11s, rt1ww11«l, Hor. gr&Yiter elaudicare ex vuluere ob rt.'111p11blicam
accepto, Cic. ; cl:rndkat axis mun<li, incline$,
cliror ·6ris, m. (clarus), briphlnrss, Plant. Luer.; tt~ .. to lutlt, 1miotr, bt dtft'Cti1-e; tota res
cu.roe, i, f. (KA~). a 611U1ll low11 i11 lo11ia, Yaciltat et c1Rudiei1t, Cic.; e!lp. or s~ech, nihil
"'' u 1>ru111011tory nt:ar Colophon, f1111w11s far a eurt11m, nihil clautlican~, Cic.
t~1111~t 11111/ orridt of AJ!Ollo; hence CIAriua ·& Claudlua (CIOdlua) ·n -um, the name of a
·u111 (l\>.4p10~). Clr1ri111i, 61trnanu of Apollo, Ov.; Romnn fm11ily, bot/1 1~1lrician 1111<1 plebeian., of
l'"'!a, Uit J:'O"i A ntimr1ch11s, bor11 at Clarw. u•/w111 tltt nio.:;t ctlebraltrl 111tmbtrs u•rre : - L
clirus -a -um (co11n~tc<l with .. ~,011•.X), Appi1111 Clnudius 8.1lii11us Rrgill1.•rn1is, the fo1rnder
rlrHT. l<right (opp ouscnrns, eaecns). L Lit. of the family, <1 Sa/Ji1u of Rtgilltnn, u·hose name
.&.. lu .~.;aul tr1 ~hj~cts of. si~ht, briy1.t, shill· u~t., said to hm~ bu11 origi11ully Altu~ Cla11.1111s.
ug. O(r//H1t1t; Jc1111111a 111nn•li, \ ei;g.; locu~. Cic.; II. Appins Claudius Crassu:t, l!ie 1110.d notori-
)tuet., or the wirhl, l'llltkinfl c/ecrr•, bringing f<1ir OIL!I of tht tlcetnu·i1·s. III. Aj'pius Claudius Caec·
w.. thtr: aquilo, \"erg. B. In rt!b'llrd to ohjcct.q us, ct11sor 312 l!.r. tlu b111ldtr of .screral grtat
of ht~riug, rleqr, loud; vuce, Cic. D. Trnnsf. 1n11Jfic U"Orl.:~. IV. P11l1li11>1 Clu<lius Pulcht>r,
A. clmr, tvitlt11t, zolnin; luce 11unt clsriora uoLis trib1111e CJ/ the 'fltOplt, mimlcred by Milo, B.c. !>2.
tua ccmsilla, Cic. B. 1, illustrio111, renowned, V. 'fiberin!i Clau•liull Dru>1us Nern Gt'rmnnicua,
d1!tl"9t1i&l<.td.. a. of persons, \'ir darissimus, the fo1fflh Rainan t111r.tror. All) .• Claudli.D.u•
Cic.; clarus glori&, Cic. ; clarn11 In }lhilollol1hia ·& -um, Clauclli.Ue -e, ClOdl&Du -a -um,
It oobili11, Cic. ; ex doctriua nouili• et clar1•1, Claicdia1l.
cla 102 oli
l. olau4o, clausi, cl&usum, s. and oludo. clivua -1-, m. a naiL. A. Lit., clavla fe!T9ie
eltls!t_ 3. (~t <.;LA, whence ch1vi11, contix1t tra11etr11, Ca.ea. ; clavna trat>alls, a 'Pia.
Gr. vor. ICAAJ:~ = c>.ut). L Gen., to ah.ut clc'8e as a Bign or linnnellll, an 11ttribut.e or Neceuitu,
Corp. aperire). A. Lit., l forem cublculi, Hor. ; hence, prt•v., traL&li clno Hgere, top
Cle.; portA.'I alicut, Cacs.; Janum, to W,,e Uw firmly, Cic.; a11U&lis, th.I nai:l!. on the idM of
f(J.U.I of the temp~ of Jania, Li\·.; fig., claudertl Sepll11il>er ei·u971w.r wcudri- into the wall of tAe
aure.i alicul rel, Cic.; in ipsiua consuetu· tem/)U of JupiltrCapitolinual Rome; hence Iii,:.,
dincm, quam adhuc rueu1 !JUdor mihl clausit, ex hoc die cl11vum aunt movelJi,., recl.:ol'l tlw
me i11sinuabo, Cic. ; 2, ro c/o&« up a road or a beginning Qf the year, Cic. B. Transr., 1, a
001"tt~, to ~ ~uible; omnes aditus helm, rudckr, Verg.; Hg., clavuru IDl)'erii ten.-~,
claudentur, Cle.; quod clausae hie111e Alpes eaa-
eut, Liv.; adhuc clausum fuis..;e mare scio, Cic.;
Cle.; 2, a &tripe of pv.rplt on Uu tunic, "'°""
broarl by tlie arntLtors(latus), narro10 /,y tht kniylata
3, to close up; a, geograpb. t. t., insula eallinum (an;;u~tuK), latuu\ clavwn a C&llsare impetra\·i,
ab alt-o elaudit; b, milit. t. t., ai;men claudere, I have beco11111 a ltnator, Plin. ; the latus chtvus
l-0 bring up the rmr, Caes. Sul>St., olauaum WHS als11 worn IJy the boys of noule fami!i.-,i at
·I, n. a boU or kick; clausa. elfringllre, &U. ;
B. Trnnsr., 1, to br£ng to aii en.d; opus, Ov.;
Rome, Ov. ~ meton., clavus
brood or narrow atripe, Hor.
=th.I tUllK wUA tJu
~t.a,·1m1 lustrum, Hor. ; 2, or character lJllr- Cli.&6menae -i11Jm, f. (K""{oµcl'O.l'), oiw of
tic. cla!1sus, ucrtt, clou; Titierius, Tac. D. A. Ui.c lwtl~ lnnic to1CU in A1ia Mi1wr.
= intercluderc, to dam up, llop, i~pt; rivoe,
Verg.; commeatus, Liv.; honim rerocia vocem Cleanthea -Is, m. (KAca.~~>. ii Stoic ~ilo-
Evaudri dausit, Liv. B.= concludere, lnclu- 1apher, pupil of Zmo; hence adj., Cliantbiue
dere; 1, lit.., &, to bhul up in; &liquem in curi- ·a -um, Stoic, Pers.
am or in curia, Liv. ; b, ruilit. t. t., to invut; clime1111 -entis, adJ. with compar. and
oppidum uudique, Sall.; or hunting, nemorum su11erL, m.W1, placid, kLi&d, fM'l"cifu.L L a ol
saltus, \'erg. ; c, ro ,encomp:ua, surrnund: urbs persons, clemeutes judiCP.11 et mlsericorde1:1, Cle.;
loci natura terra mariquti clauditur, Cle.; 2, ab lnuoceutia clement1ssimus, Cic. ; b, or c.iJ'l-
transf., a, aliud clausuru in peel.Ore, aliud in Cllmlltaoee1, eventa, etc., e&11tigatlo, t:lc. IL
lingua promptum habere; b, u rbet. t. t., sen- Trani;f., a, or the w~atber, MUd; Oan1eu, CaL;
tentiHS numt!rls, Cic. b, or water, 'l"ia. calm; amnla clementiNimua,,
still, Ov.
2. cla.udo = claudeo (q.v.).
olementir, adv. with compar. and auverL
olaudua (cludus) -a -um. L Lit., l"71pin17, (dt!rutms), mildly, gently, mercifuU11. L Lit.,
halting, lanie; claudus altero 11ede, lame 011 oue l'ien1enter Cacere or ferre &liquid, Cle.; c1&-
foot, Nt!p.; claudi ac deliiles equi, Liv.; pro1·., 111rnter et moderate jus dicerll, C&e11. ; clementer
lllte claudue pilamt..~ne wli-0 am fTllJ.kL proper u« ductis militibus, toUhmU plu11ikri11g, Liv. IL
of nothing, Cic. .u.. Transf. A. crippUd, de· Transf., of places, gentl11 rLri1'{1; cleruenter edit.
fcctivc, wavering; naves, Liv. ; poet., carml11a um jugum, Tac.
alterno versu, elegiac rer«, Ov. B. wat-eMng, fa-
Mcurt; claud.& nee offlcii pars erit ulla tui, Ov. olementla -ae, t (clemeus). A. mUdnua,
mercy, clemency; clementill mansududoque, Cic.;
olauatrum -1, n. (claudo), gen. plur. L a confugere In cle1nentiam alicuius, Cle.; cle-
bolt, bar; clnustra reveller!', Cic.; laxare, Veri;.; m.,ntia utl, C1c. B. Trans(., mUdnaa ofctJallwlr;
relnxare, Ov.; fig., portaruru naturae elfringert', aestalla, Pllrr.
lo laybare th.t 1«rets ojnJJl11re, Luer. II. a gatr,
ind.onre, dam, Umit, boundary; a, venti circu1u CleombrCStua -1, m. (KA1op.,8poTW), 1, •
generul of the La.cedaemo11i4n1; a. a <keUr. pltil""
claust.ra ferunt, Verg.; ~ cwtody, oonjinemenl; aopher of A m.bracia.
or anirn&IP, a !Un, cage; diu clau>itris retentae
ft:rae, Liv., c, q.,ll(!.!.'I or narrow pia.1:,e; claustra Cleon -Onls, m. (K>.1w111), a cthbnJtcd AIMlaia•
uwntium, Tnc. ; milit. t. t., the key or critical de11u1gogut.
poi11t ot a position; terra claustra locorum tenc!t; Cleonae ·Arum, r. (KA•w111cu'). a ~ '" Ar-
clau,;tra Aegypti, Liv. ; Ilg., clau.stra ista (bar· golis, near NtTMa; hence adJ., CliODaeua
rier) nobilitatis refrogi88em, Cle. -a -11111, C~ritaft.
olauaiUa -ae, t (claudo), the end, condv.- CleCSpi.tra -ae, t. L tM daugh.Ur of Ph.Ufp
8\0n. A. Gen., eplato~, Cle. B. Esp. 1, tM of Maooi.un and of Olympial, 'llli./t of Alaallder I.
eJ03h1g ~or c/0$in.g word In a tlrama ; in quo of Eplnu. IL the daughter of .l'toltm!f .d.11leta,
(nrioio) quum clausula non lnvenitur, Cic.; 2, quern of Eglfpt, th.I miatnu of A 1&loniu, 'll"llOlll
iu rhet., the close of a period, Cle. forcu all i«l rith Mr-1 _,., 011erth.roto1l b1f .d. uguat1U
ol&va -ae, r. (clavns), a knotty ~v.r or et1dgrl, at .Actium.
Cic.; also the ataff ultd ill tM drill of recruits or olipo, clepal, cleptum, S. («AelM'w), to .ieal,
ill u.ercisa in tM uu qf 1D«1.po11.1, Cic.; tM club ap. C1c. ; se, to CO't1Mll onuel/, Sen.
of HerC'Ula, Verg. Ov. olepafdra -ae, f. (itAf1/lli6p&), th.I 10Gler elect
ol&varium -!, n. (clavus), a ¢ft qf money 11sed w n~un th.I Ume duri1117 wlt«:h aft orator
ro Roma11110ldkn, Tac. rpolu; binas clepsydroa petllre, lo tuilh. lo apral:
olft.vator -Oris, m. (clava), on. fDM mrriu for the U1tgth. of two ckpsydNU, Plin. ; d1u~. Co
cM clara, Plaut. gi~ Wive to 8Pf'Clk, Plin.; cru ergo ad clt!ptl)'·
dram, rhetorical ~. Cic. ; ao, aliquem ad
olavlcilla -ae, f. (dim. or cl1tvl~ 1 a Httlt hy), clepsydram latrare docere, Cle.
hrnli!, the lwig or kndril bf which CM rine clings
to it.9 prop, Cic. olepta -ae, m. (lCAt'n7J~}, a thilJ, Plant.
1. cl&vfger -gl!rll m. (clava and gero), th.I olibAnua -1, m. («AifJa,_), an eanll"" or
club-b«irer, epithd or Hercules, Ov. (1'07! vase/ JltTforated 10ith rmall llola wed for
2. ol&vfger ·gl!ri, m. (clavis and gero), Ui.c baking brtad, Plin.
hy-can·ier, e!Jilhet or Jaull.i a• 0od or doors, Ov. ollena -entis, m. (archaic cluens, from cluo,
olavta -is, f. (icAatf, «A<i~), 1, a key; adul- icAliw, lo hear, lit. a L Ju Rome, •
ten11a portarum, a /a.Ju or akelttO'l'l key, &II.; clunt, dept7ula~t. OM 1'7Ukr '"' prouction of •
claves adimere uxori, to NJXU'!Ut from O'M'I w\{e, patronua. IL Transf., 1, In Gaul and Ger-
Cle.; 2, a lock; alias cla,·es omnibus portis lm- many, a~; used or entire nations, aUi.81,.
&JOnere1 Liv.; 3, <:la vie adunca truchJ.. a flick/or Caes.; a, th.a 100rahipper of a god; Bacchi, Bur.
lr111ulling a hocp, Prop ollata -ae, t. (cllena), G/«MM oi--. Hor.

ell 103 ooa
o1leati1a -ae, t (clJene). L A. diewMp, to..,,. ClOllias, Lt•. : s, C1oe1la -ae, r. cs .ao.a.
111 rdatio. hdvwn. UM client G7ld Au patron; tRG\dft, ~ lo P'"""4, wAo IVICW back CICrC*
eue ia alic1iiui1 clientela. Cic. ; In allcuiua cUen- Uw TU>tr lo RMu.
telam 1e confene, Cic. B. Heton. (gen. lo Clotho .ftB, r. (lU.s.J), tM api1uur, oM oJU...
P'ur.), dtnw, Cle. IL Ura rdatWr& oJ a tDtaker ParOOL
"'1tlon ti> a mcre powt1'/ul ont, depernkuu; clij,'o· 2. (v. V...), I hlar •Pl/ call«f., I a•
ma.gnu eorum erant clientelae, Caes.; dicare ae callu!, am named; quaecnoque cluent, ~
alien! In clientelnm, Caes. lla.s a name, Luer.
clleJlWaa -i, m. (dim. O( clieDJI), G littll cliinla -i•, m. and. r. the bWlocb. .Mttd4r pa,rll,
dVal, Tac. Hor., Liv. •
olinimen -lni1, D. c· cllno), tM i11clinatWll Clfipea (Clhea.)-ae, r. and plur. Cltlplae
of a '4i119, Luer. -I.rum, r. (transfatiou of Or.' A.tTn~).11 promon.lOrr
clinatu• -a -um (partlc. from obsolete verb and town in Byzactum <n Afrlm..
clloo KAiY... ), inclined, bent, Ula.ning, Lncr.,
Cic. poet.
ClU.lum ·fl, n. a '°'°"
Clfurinua -a -um, of Cltuium.
oJ Etrvrftl.. Acij.,
C1inlu ·ae, m. (KArn..i4o;), Uu faJ.lter of Ald- Clwuua -11, m. (cludo), the lhutm-, epithet ol
biadt!: hence, CliniAdea -ae, m. Alcibtadt.a. Jn nus.
Clio -!ls, t. (K.\.•..W), 1, t11a M"" qf Avtory; Clfmene -U. t. (K..\11µiV>J), the tl){.fc o/ tM
2, a da"'!llr.Ur of O<»mu.s. Atthiopiaft king Jler<JpS, and motMr qf Pluutho1';
cllpeo (clupeo). L to pro11tdt with. a lhiad; hence, Cljmeneiue -a -um; prole4, Pluu-
cliiie-ataagmina, Verg. !:lubst., cllpeatl -orum, thon, Ov.
Ill. scldiu. bearing 1hitlds, Liv. clystir -Cris, m. (U.'llCTT>ip), 1, a cllflkr,
cllpeus (ch'.l~us) -i, m. ancl cllooum 8uet. ; 2, syringe, SueL
(clCpeum) -i, n. t.'ui ro11nd flUlal sl&uld of the Cl'.ftaemnestr& -ae, r. (KAVT0.1#£.,,fcrTpo.),
Msui1t llOldi"'5. L Lit., Cic. ; prov., clipeum daug1i.ur of JMJ.a, of, G<J8tor, and Poi.
~t vulnera sumere, ro do a,nything too /au, Ov. lu, wife oJ .Agatllelllnon and mother of Oratu,
IL Transf., of ohjccts rl"sembli11g a shidd in Wectra, and lphigmia., .Uw her hu,,band tDUJI. tM
shape, a, the duk: of the mn, o,·,; b (gen. help of Aeguth:us.
cllpenmi, a medallioA portrait of a god. or dis- C19tle -es, r. (K.\.wC11), daughter of Octlaft.111,
ii1tgHi1W 71141', Liv., Tac. beloved b1J Apollo, chanued i11w the .fto'llJtf' Ml~
CllSUlinea -ia, m. {K.A«to-BiV>J>}, an Athenia" tropium.
~"" Cnldua(-Os), orGnldua(-Off), -1, t(K.,;Bof),
Clitarchna -i, tn. (K.\.•m1pxo~), a Grtek his- a tou"n in Caria, famtd for the 1D0rlhilp qf Vtan&.
Corian. 1eho accompa11Ud Aluu.11du the Grt(U 01' Auj., Cnldiua -a -um, Cnidial'l.
W~ioM. cOACJervatfo ~nis, (. (CQ&eervo). a iuap(r&g
elitellae -lrom, r. (•ell no). a pack aaddle, ttp (of proofs), Cic.
I )Alir of pa!!.71Un, Cic. ~Aoervo. 1. to 'Map up, acc11m111aU : pectt·
clitelliirina -a -um (clltelh.e), belo'l!.ging or nlae coacervuntur, Cic. ; transr., argumenta.
f'flati~ to a pac1: saddu, Cic. Cle.
Cliternum -i, n. a town Gf tu ..teq1d. Adj., ooiWeaco -lic!11, 8. to become thnroughlfl '°"";
Cllterninua -a -um, Clikrnian. ut euim non 011111e vinum, sic non omnis natura
ClitimAchna ·i, m. (KA.tmi1•a.xo~), al'l A.oad- vetustateSardorum)cnacescit, Cic.; Ilg., quam valdc eam
ttR<e p)iil°'°Phtr, p1.Lpil of C<muat:Us.
(gentem putamua tot tranarueionibus
coaculsse, Cle.
ClitOr ~ris, m. (IU•fr...p) and Clitorium COactlO --Ollis, f, {1'.0go), a colltct't&g; •eo-
·Ii, n. a totol'l i11. .Arcadia. Adj., ClitOriua -n
·U111, Clitoria.11..
actiones argent.arias factitavit, Suet.
Clitumn118 -1, m. a river (l'l Umbria, now coacto. 1. (intens. or cogo), to contpel, Luer.
Clitll•rno. coactor -oris, m. (cogn). L Lit.., a., •
clivosus -& -um (cllvus), hilly, s/.t'-p, 1n-eei11i- collector of rnt.•, 111011.ty nt audicnu, etc., Hor.;
toiu, rus, Verg.-;. Olympus, Q,·. b, coactorea ngminis, the rear-flWl.rd., Tac. IL
cliYUa ·I. m. (from root CLI, whence ac- Transf., oiu who compels, Sen.
CliYi1 and dt>clivis, and cli110 In ucclino, etc.), a coactum ·I, n. (cogo), II cowrld o/ IMcS
9'llllt (U(lrnt or elevation, a hill; lenis ab tergo cloth, Caes.
rii1111 erat, Liv.; c!lvum mollire, Caes.; clivus coactus -fis, m. (<'11go). IJ, compt"61.o4, oem-
CApitolinus, the ~nt from the foru.m t-0 lht pclli 11g; coactu atque etll;1gitat11 meo, Cl.i..
Capitoihu hill, and th.t CapitoliM hill itself, Liv.; coaddo. 8. to add in with, Plaut.
~ cliYL\S ll&C'er, Hor.; prov. for a1' ob!tucl~ which
u to bt nirmotmUd; clivo suclamus In Imo, Ov. c0aedifloo. 1. to build on; camp11n1 Kar•
tlum, Cic.
c1tica -af', f. (frorn cluo l cUl?n.u), a, a coa.equo. l. to level, t11akt plaha, ewn. A.
1e1«r or drain; fos~as cloacasquc exhaunre,
Liv.; b, cloaca max1111a, IM sewer construcV:d by
monte~, ::;,tll. B. Transr.. omnia ad libid.inea
i'"'l1'i1tit1$ I'~. through which the .filth of suas, plaw.L on the, Cic.
~ 1C<U discharged the Til;er, Liv. coagmentatfo ·01119 (coagmeuto), II 0011.-
Cl6i.cina -ae, (from cluo, I clmnse), the nection, bin1li11g to'}tl.Atr; corporis, Cic.
cltatUer, tuniame of Ven.WI 11:lwl#J inwgt stood a.t coagmento, 1. (coagmentum), to jfz logdler,
l.U plaos 'lllhn-t tM Roma""' and Sabints were stick toqttlur, join together. L Lit., opua IJlll&
~iled nfltr the rape of the Sabin.t wonun, a11d s1111meadem, quuecoa1nnentnvit, nnturadiuolvit,
ldltrt thq purified them.-wlves 1DitJI. mvrtle bOl'UhS. Cic. II. Tmnsf., verba com1~•ne et quasi coag.
Cl04iu. CllrndiWI (q.v.). mcnta, Cic. ; pacem, to co11clude, Cic.
ooagmentum -1, n. (P.ogo), & ,iolabtf fo.
Cloellue (Clulllu•) -a -um, na71M! of a,n ')ether, a i"int; lapidum, Caea.
.Alba ad ~ of a Roman gtr!A, the m~
ail/)rakd qf £U "4tM bri11g: 11 Cluitins or coagiUum -1, n. (cogo), 1, tJuU wl4cA CMCara
Clnelina, CAc la6I k:iag of .A.lha, w110 invaded Uu to citrcUe, rmntl, Plin.; 2, meton., n.rd.., PliL
&.a. lurUoTJ 4ftd taadc ""' Clkil'4 /oua or coiUeeco ·il\11, -Alltum, 8. (com an4 aleeco).
coa 104- coe
1, to (/TOID togtl.Arr, to b«omt OM {11 growth, to rrom whlcb were eutered Into the codex evtry
cou.luct, unite; saxa vldea aola coalescere calce, month), in codlcem rererre, Cic.
Luer.; Ilg., sic brevl spatio novi veteresque o0cUci.rt:ua (oaudlcii.rlua) ·• ·llJJl (co-
(milltes) coaluere, Sall. ; ut cum Patribus coales- dex), mmlt of to00<lt>l blocks, nan~, Sall.
cant aulml plebls, Liv.; followed by in, In huuc oOdlclW -orum, m. (dim. or co.Jex), 1, 111U1U
consensum, Tac.; 2, of pl11nts, ta grow: <!urn tablet& 11po1i ll"liich to make n1emora11da; iu coJi-
novus In vlridi coalescit cortice ramns, Ov. ; to cillis exarare, Cic. ; 2, sont(thi11g writkrt o-n
lakt root; grand is ilt!X coaluerat inter sa.:a, Sall.; tablets : a., a letter, Cic. ; b, a petition, Tac. ;
3, or wounds, to clOM, be htaltd, grow togdl.a; c, a codicil, Tac.; d, an imperial rucript or
Og., vixdum coalescens foventi11 regnum, Liv. order, Tac.
cMNulguato, l. to narro-w, limit, ronftiit; Codrua -1, m. (Ko~), tM wt Iring o/
hacc lex coangustllri pot.est, Cle. Atht!ri.!, who wu said to have t'Olu11tarily 110u91llt
ooarcto, etc. = coarto, etc. (q.v.). d««h iti ordtr to obtain victory for tM .Atlt.uiaru
"argilo ·g\11 ·giltum, but -g!Hturus, 3. (com orer the Spartmu.
and arguo), to shew in a ckar light. L Gen., to Coeli Stria -&e, r. (KoiAIJ l:"pia luUow
demonstrole fully, to prove by ti'idtnu; certnm SyrUi), tht cfi&trict bettotm Libantu a;J .A1ttill-
crimen multis stu1piciouibu11, Cle.; perfidiam ali- lxmus.
cuius, Cle. ; sin autem fnga 111boris desidiam, re- ooelebs = caelebs.
pudlatlo supplicum superbiarn coarguit, Cic. ooelea -ttis, v. caeles.
IL A. to proi't to be Jal#; 1, of things, id
quidem coarguere nihil attine1'tl ratus, Liv. ; 2, coeleatls -e, v. cat'lestls.
to protie a person to be wro11g, to co111'ict a per· ooelloola -ae, v. eaelicol&.
Mm of an tTTOr, to om/1cte; quo (decreto) maxi· ooellfer, v. caellfer.
me et refelli et coargui Votest, Cic.. B. to
prove a per8'm to be guilty, to convkt of a crime; Coellu.s, v. Caelius.
aliqucm, Cle. ; with abl. or means, criminibus ooelo = caclo, q.v.
coargultui:i._Cic.; with genit., of crime, aliquem ooelum -1, v. caeluru.
avaritiae, t,,ic. ciemo -iiml -empturn, S. to biiy in. large qvan-
~tlo ·iinie, r. (coart.o), a drawing to- titiu, buy up, te quae teddcctllrlnt coemisse, Cic.
getlur, a cv11fini11g or ltraightt11i11g ii& a mw.U oOemptlo ·ODi!!, (. (coemo), 1, a form of
.pact, Liv. murri.age which couiaed in a reciprocal .alt of
c4Sarto, 1. to co11ftru, draw togdhtr (opp. the partiu to one another, Cic. ; 2, a ji.ctitio111
laxare, dilatare). A. Lit., Thenuopylarn111 sal. marriage to t11able a wo-111<0& to aetJMire ccrtai"
tum, ubl augustae fauces coartant iler, Liv. B. rigl1u, Cic.
Trausr., 1. of diiseourse, to compnu, abbret•iute; 00emptlonil1a ~ (coemptlo), relatillg to
ut quae coartavit, dilatet nobis, Cic. ; 2, of a coemptio; senex, an old ma1' 116'Jd for a fict'·
time, to 11wrkn; consulatum alioruru, Tac. ti.01'3 marl'iogt, Cic.
o&uco, I. (onomatop.), to croak (or a frog), coena, &c., v. cena.
cooomatua ·a -um (coccinus), clad ill scar· ooeDOsU8 ·II -um, v. caenosu.s.
ltt, Suet. ooen\\la -ae, r., v. cenula.
oocchMSua ·& -um (coccum), scarltl e-0lo11red, ooenum. v. caenum.
Petr. o~o ·Ii (rarely -!vi) ·!tum, 4. (com and eo), to
oooclnu -a -um (coccum), scarlet coloured, go together, come togethtr, "~nble. L Gen., A. or
Jnv. Bubst., ooocllla -orum, n. scarlet c/oth.u, lrtl"llons, 1, as frie11ds, Capuae, Liv.; 2, R!I ene-
Mart. 111ie11, ro engugr; inter 11e C•liisse vlros et cernere
ooooum ·l, 11. (.:O.Co:o(). A. the ~trry of the ferro, Verg. B. or things, YiX 111emini 1101.ii.t
icarld oak (quercus coc('ifera, Li1111.), used as a verha coisse decem, that tw worth hart be(1' t.I·
scarlet dye by the ancieut.11 (the real source ()f changed beltotw ti~, Pro)l. IL to 11nite <'I) a.s to
the dye has since been dlscO\'ered to be au iu- form a wlwlt:, to combiue. A. Of 1oen;ons, 1,
settt), Plin. B. Meton., l..! srurltt h1u, Hor. ; mil it. t. t., coire ir1tcr se, Cae::1.; in u1111111, Liv.;
2, Wlrlet cloth or garn1e11u, ::)uet. in orbt-111, Liv.; 2, to tmite ln s•1111e relation;
a, 1>olitically, c11111 hoc tu coire au:ill:I es, ut,
cochlea ·ae, r. (.:o~.\ia(). A. a 1111ail, Cic. ck.,
B. .Mel.on. the snail shell, Mart. Cie.; atln·nn1~ rem1rnLlica111, Liv.; with
nee., soeictate111 \'d l'ericuli \'d labor1:.1, Crc.;
ooohlear -arifl, n. and ooohlei.rinm ·Ii, n. in pas.~., socit•tas coitur, Cic.; b, In 1111iu i11.
Plin., and ooohleare -is, n. Mart. (cochlea), u m.1rriagP.; !tac g<'ncr at<!llC ~occr coeaut mer·
lpOOn, Mart. cede SUOflllll, \'erg. B. 0( thing'!, lo ll>tite
Cooles -ltls, m. the onuytd man, Plaut : tog£1l1er; 1, ut placiuis cocaut in1111itia, Hor.;
esp. Horatius Cocles, the Ronw.n whc dtfwded· 2, uC wouu<ls, 11evc retract.111dv 11011Ju111 cv.:un-
tht bridge over the Tiber against tht arn111 of Por· tia r11111p11m v11l11era, Ov.; 3, to crinlle; c.. it
lt1l(l. rorrnidine sangnis, Ver~.; 4, In~ fro~e11 : 111t'll·
ooctana cottana (q. v.). tiar, 1111 cocat duratu~ fri6ore 11011tu>1, 0\'.
oootllia -e (coquo), baked: lateres, Varr. ; coepio, coepi, coeptu111, 3. (the )Jl'CSd1t.
trruri Babylo11i:1, made of burnt bricl.:, O\•. te11se~ \ery rare 1111<1 011ly .A. Aug.; the l"''f~ct
COojtOs and i\s, .;, m. (KwKVTO~, the strtani te11ses more co111111only used), "· transit. 1111d
of waUi11g), a rfru Q/ the Lou.V!r World. Adj., intrarrsit. (colll and R}liO = apo) to b~gi 11, rom-
COojtua a11d C0ojtlu ·a -urn, Cocyliai&; n1t11ct. I. T11111sit., ~ Act., coepit q11u111 talia
\'irgo, .ilUcto, Verg. vates, \'erg.: clicerc coepi, Cic.; si quae 1api11ae
lleri coc1w1·11nt, Cic.; fnt. partic., c-oe1•t11ru::1.
cOda = cauda, (q.v.) with acc., Romanos omnibus lnstructiol"t!s rebus
e>Odex -dlcis, m. == caudex. I. the trunk of coepturo11 bdlu111, Liv. B. Pas.... , only In perf.,
a tru, Ov. IL Meton., a book, com))Ned of Japides jaci coepti sunt, Caee.; vostquam 11n11as
tvoodtJ& tablas, covered with \00%. A. Gen., a dillcept&rt coepturn sit, Cle. ; partlc.f coevt.uua
book, writing, document, c. falsm1, Cic. B. helium, Sall.; noct.6 coepta, Tac. IL ntnmait.,
E11p., codex accept! et expem1I, a11 (t(C()uu.t-beok, to begi11, ariM; quoniam coeplt Graecoruw weo
" lcdpu (a1hersari4, u clay-book, the accouotd Uo, Juv.; ul>i t!ies coe1•it, Sall.
coe JO.} cog
coepto0 1. (l11ll•n!1. or COl'pi). A. Trnnsit. magnae hnmo, with a large omnulon, CMS.
to ~111 or "U111ltrt.•ke tc1!7ti·l.11; with luiln., cocrc· II. Tra11sr., cnnur.riont agrre1n.:11t, reumblance;
ere u•lltioncm, T.1c. ; appetcre ea, Cle. B. I 11· slu<li••ru111 ct nrti11111, Cic.
Lra111it., C0<!1 •t.'\ntem couj uralioneru dii;jccit, Tac. cognii.tua ·a ·lllll (gnatns natns, from =
cocptum ·i, n. (coepi), a btginnlng, under· nasl'"' ). A. r•l••lt•I, co1111utol b11 blood, Cic.
f,t!:i ;I q. Liv. s111i~1.. cognii.tus -1, m., cognata -:ic, r. a
cocptu.s -!ls. m. (cnciii), a b.·ginnlug, under- rr/11/ion e;tJur 01& the f<lthu or mot!ter's &i•I•,
t-.:':i11!1, Cic. Ci«. B. Trnnsf., relaltd, 'imilar, wgnnte; 11ihil
coep'iilonus -1, m. Cl ft/IOU'·TCl'tller, Plaut. est tn.111 coi;11aturn mcnlilius no.itris q11am 1111·
cliercoo -cui -cI111111, 2. (cnm 11wl arcPo). 111eri, t:ic.
I. G~11., "' tnclo5'1 011 all srde;i 1>1id hold f<1.-·t, to A.cognitlo -<lnis, f. (cognosco). I. knou•/t,tfw,
/.11 .. u•/,·i/;1~ nf or acr1uai11tu11ce u•ilh a thi11r1 or
t·'n1'"-J'1.!$, twclost; munrius 011111ia Cl•tn('ll'Xll
·.110 tc'<·rl'<:t t't co11ti11el, Cic. JI, Esp., l, In r •.,1.
1•·rsr.n; 111111111·111 coguitlunc at.que hnNpitio olig·
1111rn l111lw1•-. Cic. B. k1U1WIW!]t of, llt1ul.11 of; 1,
f.•r, rfslmin; (n•p•a)jul>f'tur COt'rCl'li, t.:i•-.; q11i-
l·t11 (oi··rilou,.) i11tm 111111os C<X'rC1·t11r hu,f1s, gP-n., co;;11itio cont.IJ1111'lnlioqu .. 11nturar, Cic.;
plur., 1111·to11., an idea, a c01vr1•tio11; i1hit;1s tie·
Liv.; 2, tn ktrp fo order; virg:'i lt'\'l'lll u111t•:1 nru111 v .. J potin~ i11nat.;1s C<•6HilionPs hal•·m11>1,
lnrl-i111, Hor.; 3, I<> 1•runt; viU-111 ferro n11q•lll· Ci1>.; 2, IP;.;:il t. t.," l·ri•tl ili1•,.;tiv11tin11: t·o11s11l·
ill~ cnerctt., Cil'.; 4, to chrck, curb; c111•1uitaks,
il•u< c";.:11iti11111•111 <brc, Cic.; co:;111!ioi1wm tlu
Cic.; ,;.:tlitionc111, Lh·.; 5, to 1mr1ish; 111a;.:1st1a· ·l'xi,fi11111tiu11e 11lwui11s co11:;t1t11erc, Cic. IL=
!11< 110xiu111 cive111 rnult :'i, \ inc11lis \'CrlX'ril>u,;1p1e ;.g11il in, r1Tv11niti1m, Ter.
C(1C·r1·do, Cir.
COCTCftiO -f>lii~, f. (e·>l'lCP<>), 1, n COnjini1117,
cognitor ·<u·i,;, 111. (cnr;11flsco). I. J..egul t. t.,
rrs!n,irriflg; 19r1•fn ..:uu111 • 111·id1t.aturu, Tac.; 2,
1, 11 1111t1te<-< to /ht idrnti!y nf ll /:u11wn cil izrn i 11
p!l:JIS.~U'!J • JU:t,:..::l'"'ill-:lllt', J,i\'.
".f.>1 t1y11 cvu1llry, Cic. IL 1, flit 1•rPc111·11ttJr or
nttorn.ry 11·1vl tou/.: clmrye nf u11 ~ti.Im at /11u',
cocrulcus c·an11il'll~ ('l.v.). l'i.:.; tra11sf.. huiu~ sc11wntine, ro11cher for, Ck.;
coetus .n~. m. (f.. r .:oi1•1•, fro111 f'Oto). La 2, a k111tl of 1·ublic prow:utor it~ jl.sro.l matl'.1 s.
~:uti .. ;1 ltt[J'lhrr, Lu1·r. 11. a malin11, a;:~r111. U\",
~./EN(; i11 a lwl sPl 1se, n le<J;tiou111iu:tlin;1; co1·t.u~ coialltua .a -um, I'· o•lj. with cornpar. a11tl
11c-clnmi, Liv.; col'turn or 1·oet,us cel.,Lrarc, to s1ql<'11. (~lroin cog11nSl'<•), k1WW1l, trUd, proved;
IWl11<l./1 i11 largt 2111ml>er1, Verg., Cic. p<>et. "'''"" \'i1t11te cog11it.A, t.:ic.
Coeus -f, m. (Koi:o~), a Titan, father of IA· cognomen ·llil!!, n. (com n11d gnomen ..
trwrt. 110111r11). A. a s-urnanu, fi1111U1111a11t'', tl1e 11a111e
cilglti.te, A•lv. (rnl!'itntu!', from cn~ito), OOrt· f•llrt11•i11g IM 11mnt of the ge11s (t·.:.:., CicH11);
fu,'/_u, th .. uglitf11l/y, with crmsideration; scl'ibere, :oll«ui cog110111"n Coriola110 or Cnp1to11i e,t,
\)~. Ck., Liv.; cn:.;11nme11 hahere 1S1t1'ie11I i~, <.:u:.;
cogitatlo •UlliM, r (cngilo), tliinki11!1. I. r"g111lt11cn s11111ere or I ral1ere or aiLi 11nil'Pre ex
G~n .. A. Act., a, the (ll"t oftl1inki~.'tion; ali11u-i re, t:ic. B. 1111/IU of a place; Hespe• i:1111
J1cdus, ~pt'de111 df'i l""rripi cu;.:11ntio11f', 11011 lirnj1 1·0~1111111i11e t!icunt, Verg.
,.,.n,11, Cic.; f'A qnae co;.:ilatione dt'pi11giniu~, cognomentum -1, n. 1, a 1urna11i.e, Plaut.:
Cic.; b, tt~rtion, mrditat1n11, co111i1lcrution, 2, a 1m11u~ Tn1-.
"'1Sllal1'g; ail bn11c cnus.1111 non ~ine aliqua t<('f' cognomlnatus ·:L -um (com and nnmlnnt11-:t)
et Lo•.;iti1tione vcneru11t, Cir.; n•I reliquo111 cogi-
l.1tiri11em belU se rece1•it, Cllt•s. B. Puss., a 1117u.
<TV1 ...:wvµCK, of the aame mta11hg; vcrLa, 1ynon.-

IAlllU]ht, ufta; nu in ullam cogitatione111 l1nl.11isB!' cognomlnls -e (cognomen). Aa11in11 the «im1
1·i·lt·anrur ii, ck., Cic·.; '"'I'- in JJlur., mn111.lnrf' nain.:; b"Tllltlct COjlnomiue terra, \"erg.; with
lilteris cogita.tiones snus, Cic.; postedores e11i111 tint., cognoininc lmmbrib11s pago, Liv.
N~'illltiones snpif'ntlorei1 111lcnt essc, Cle. II.
L>p., l, a thi1ll..-inq Qf, irrkntlon., duign; acc11S."1· namt cognomlno. I. (cob'no111e11), to giw a "'"'
I<>, cnll by a 1urna1M, VnrT.
tio11I~ co-.,'1tatlo, Cic. ; 2, paR!l., a 1/wught, plan,
r11r7 ..u; 111inor C":;:itl'ltio l11ten·e11it. mx,iortA. Liv .• oognoaco ·b'nl)vl ·gnltum (com and i=noseo
nia.mae e<r-itationl:t 111aniresti~, Tnc.: .,, th..· =
110.ic<•). ll. to btemnt 11cq1Wi11Ud tDith, tt1oor!-,
fe.t:14il11of1r;;;;.1hl und N.jlrctWtl; h"'"" 1wl•1s not ice, ptrC'h•t, 1te; and ln the pt"rf. tense~. t<•
)(lrlietps nctiouis et C0'.,'11.Mlonlit, Cle. know. I. Gen., with acc., cogno.iccre 11at.11ram
rnrum, Cie.; al!q11c111 l1e110 cognovisse, Cic.: with
eogftatua-a -um (part.ii.'. of cogito). 811bst., abl. of mean11, 11liqui1.I experieudu magis •111:1111
COgiti.ta -orum, 11. t/wugltll, ro'jlt~i.on1, i<Ual, tliscendo, t:ic.; with JWT, homo pt"r se cni;:11it 11s,
Cit. Cic.; with nb or ex, aliq11e111 ex lilt.eds nlic11111s,
coglto, 1. (ro-igilo, for com and nglto), to Cle.; with two nccusathes, aliquem l11•111i111•rn
r~t i,ll)~lhfr in tlie mind, It> thl11l;, rrfl~ct, m11sWer. pudentem et o!Hci••s11111, Cic.; with nee. 1111!.l 111·
A. (Jen., cul vil'(•re e>1t cogit.are, Ck.; with acc., lin., Attic! nost.rt t6 \•aide stmliusum rs"'" co~­
1-neuc:A alicuim1, Cic.; 8cipio11em, Cic.; \dlh no"I, Cic.; 11bl. ahsol., C<>l{llito, U behg 1. nn11•n,
1.-r. nncl 1111\11., homlnes ea "l his ucci<lcre possl.' eu;.:11it.o \'ivcre Ptolenmeum, Liv. ; with r,.J:itini
Mn cq.ritant, Cir. ; with de 1m1I t.he ab!., de <leo, sP11te11ce, co;:noseite nuuc, 41111e pot.est.a~ t1'!1:1·1n•
!k; with relntive 1tente11e~, cn:,:lta qnl sl,., Cic.; 1·iri11 el qu:i11ta tletur, Cic. II. a, to rec:>g11 l...y.
with ad a111l the acc., a•I hae•~ l;..'itur cogita, Cic.; quum eurn 8yrneusi:1 nmplius centum clvo:s Ro-
'Kith ut or 11 .. a111l tl1t1 KUbj., Cacs. B. ,-. to think mani co:;nusCl'ft'llt, Cic.; b, to btudy; IJPmos-
cf., 1·lan; 1iihil cogitant nlsi rnude.q, 11fa1 thenem tot urn, Cic.; c, of judges, tohcar, li'-citlt!;
l11ceur11a, C11e11.; qul nne'!ti alteri cogltat, <.:le.; causa cnguita, Cle. ; c<>gnoseerc de aeti11 <.:ae><11ris,
d., ~rrid11in, Ci<".; elli1•t. (in lf.'tttera), lude a•I Cle.
Ta11n11n rnt;1l.ab:1111, I intrnikd t-0 go, Cle.; bi oogo cMgt, c<Sactum, 8. (coigo for com and
to be dis1w1sal t.Q; sl la11111anitcr et aa1•lcnter e
&mahililer in me cogitare vi11, Cle.
ago). I. to l1ring, drive, or dmu.• to nnt p11int, to
collect. A. Lit., a, pticu•lea sllll1ulis, Ver!!.; 1·11p.
cognis.tlo ~nls, r. (•·om and gnucor = nns- na milit. t. t., excrcllum mugn~ue copi11.1,
tor~ L Lit., rtltJlloTl$hip connection bJJ blood. Caes. ; b, politlc11\ t.. t. to aw-mble a 7•ut.l14
A. Lil, cognatio qnac mlhl tecum eat, Cle.; body; eenatum, Cic.; Jud Ices, Cic.; c"miliurn,
CJ11:11atlone cum aliqno cnnjunctum ease. Cie.; Cnea.; o, to bring tog,thtr gifts or money; )'C·
•li-iuem eognatlone attlngc1'C, l:lc. B. Meton., c1111iam ex dt!e11111l!!, Cic.; d, to trniu, gathrr
Jlf110nJ rrluttd, ktndrtd, /amtl1; cognatlouls togeU1er; nubea lmbrea vent.ique coguntur, Cic. :
ooh 106 001
at Jlqulcls, or or a thin material, to Ulid:ln: Mltlo -6nls..t. f. (coe?>. 1, a C01Kh1~ _'°fdMr,
frlgore mella coglt blem.s, Verg.: lac coactum, muting, Ter.: 3, a factum., parl.JI, coaUtwn., ooi&·
curdled, Ov. ; aubet., ~ta .!}rum, n. U..ick tpiracy; 1u11picio colt.ion is, Cle.; coitionea tri·
.oown cloU..1 ftU, Caea.; e, mlllt. t. t., agmen bunorum adveraus nobllium juventuteru ortae.,
".<>gero, to onng up &M t"l!ar, Caes. : ftg., to be Liv.
th.e I.cut; ut nee duees simus nee agmen cog· o0itQ ·lls, m. (coeo), a C071l£ng togtllur, vaioll,
amus, Cle. B. TrRnsr., a, to u11iu, coUtd; jus oonnuion, Ov.
cl vile lo certa genera, Cle.; b, to infer, concluck, o01Aphua ·i, m. (.11:0A..4'0f), a box on. Ui.t ear;
pm11e; hoc cogere vole bet falsaa litteras esse, colapho lcere, or ferire aliquem, Plaut., Nep.
Cle. U. to driw, force a tiarro10 1]1fl«. ColcJwi ·ltlis, r. (Ko~if), Colclti..'i a OOIUllrJ
A. Lit., a, vi et necesMrio sumu11 In portum on. the tt11tert1 Mf)r! ol tM ·Black Sea; ienee adj.,
coactl, Cic.; b, of liquids and places, to conftM; Colohta ·ldis, I. Colchian, and usl!d 11ub&t.=
In artiilsimas r!pas Aous cogitur amnlll, Liv. /tlttha, Hor.; Colchua ·a -um, Colchilln, ve-
B. Trans!.,~ to foru; Bolos in jus judiclum- nena (of Medea), Ov. Subat., Colchua -i, m.
que popull .t«Jmanl, Liv. ; b to eompd to do a Colchia1~, and appell. = a barbarian, Hor.
.aJ!Ulhing; aliquem ad milldam, &II.; with
lnfln., te emere coeglt, Cic. ; with ut and the oiliu, p. ~j. (colo), honouring, rtWI"•
au'Qj., cogero inclpit eos ut absent.em Heraclium enl; qui 1111nt religionum colenteJI (elves), Ci~
condemnarcnt, C1c.; with acc. of the thing one oiliua -1, m. a tutidt, Cic.
is compelled t-0 do, cogere cives id omnes, Cic.; oiliphla (colyphla) .Orum, n. a kind oJ
partic., coadus, con3trafoed; invltus et coa.c- nourislling food by wrestlers, Juv.
tu11, Cle. coU. = caulis (q.v.).
c~haerentla ·&e, f. (cohaereo), a C()Mrm«,
comuxion; mundi, Cic. oollA'baaoo. S. (com and labaaco), to ~i~ io
fall, to toUlr, Plaut..
o0haerio -haesi -haesum, 2. L A. t-0 adMre oollAWtaoto, 1. (com and labefacto), r.o
to, liang together, bt cfostly c6n11ected with; cohaer· cau.. to totter, Ov.; used alllo of the liquefaction
ens cum corpore membrum, Cic.; nee equo moa of hard bodies, Luer.
membra coh&erent, Ov. B. Transf., ha1..-c ratio
J>ecuniarum implicit.a e11t cnm illis pecunii11 oollAWfio .factua ·fll!ri (oom and labef.i.eio).
Aslatich1 et cohnen·t, Cic. IL A. to hat>e co- A. Lit., to be m£MU to totkr or fal.l; altera (navi11),
Mnna, subsist, Mld; muudus"ita apte praerracto rostro tot& collabel1eret, 1ma dasJud
cobaerct, ut dissolvi nul!o mo.lo queat, Vic. to pi.«a; lgni collabefacta. W&tlttd, Luer. B.
B. Transf., \'ix diserti adolescentis cohaerebat Tran11f., a Themistocle colla\JP,fllctus, overt.Arow11.,
oratlo, Cic. Nep.
o0haereaco -haesl, 3. (lnchoat. or cohacreo), oollAbor -lapsl\,B sum, ·labi, dep. (com and
to haTtjJ together, "~uLually adhue; atomi inter se labor), to fall down, 1i11k do11n'&, oollapu ; a. or
buildin~s, towns, etc., collapsa quaedarn rui11is
cohaerentes, Cic.
sunt, Liv.; b, of persons, to /aU d01L-n in B
ooheria ·Mia, m. a colleir, Cic. IWOOn or dtat1I; cecidit collapeus in art~. Vcrg.
•b.lbio -0.i -lt11m, 2. (com and habeo). L to oollAclratua -a -um (com and lncero), wrr
hold, contnin, hnld fl:>gdMr; brachium togi, Cic.; ntucA la« or torn; corpus, Tac.
omnea naturas ipsa (natura) cohibct et continet,
Cic. IL to conjl111:, rt.slrain. A. Lit., ventoa oolli.crimatlo -Oni11, r. (collacrimo,, a
carcere, Ov.; crinem nodo, to tu, Hor. B. WUJJing, Cic.
Transf, to hi11der, hold back, control, rq1re1&; oolli.crlmo, 1. (com and lacrimo), to bt-.ak aliculus, Cic.; manum, ocu\os, animurn out into tears, Cic. ; with acc. to bnwa11, _,,.
ab anro gazaquc regia, Cic.; foll. by quominu1 for VtrJI much; histrio casum meum totlenB col·
and t.he 1111 bj., Tac. 1acrima\·it, Cic.
oCSboneato, l. (com and honcsto), to hon.our oollaotiua ·I, m. -a -ae, f. a /Mn'·,
or ru~; statuns, Cic. or mter, Juv.
c6horrellco -horrl\i, 3. (com and horresco), -i11, n. (collum), an iron collar or
to shud<Ur or &hi tttr; quo (1mdore) qunm cohor- (}win for the neck, Plaut.
ruhiset, Ci1'.. ; e1;p., to shudder from fright, to be Coll&tf& ·ae, f. IO!Oll of the Sabinu Jttar Ro.u;
1wrrifi~d at; quern ut aguovi, equidem cohor- hence, couatinua -a •UDl, btlcngi"17 to Col·
rui, <.:ic. latia; surname of /,. 1·arqt1i1'iU.S, IAe Au.sbaiut oJ
cohon ( cors, chnrll) -tis, f. (co11nccU.-d with Lucretia, nn.tive ofCoUutia.
)(opTo~).I. nn rndn.<11r'- for mtllt, Ov. IL coll&tlo -linis, f. (confcro). A. Lit. n l1ring·
Meton., A. n trO'•I'. throng; fmtrum 1<lipatA, irlg tfl[lr.lhu; a, signorum, 11 ho~tile colli.siUll i1l
Vcrg.; fcbrium, Hor. B. K~p. milit. t.. t., 1, the field, Cic.: b, a oontritnitio1t, rolhction; &ti}Jis
11 t:t>ltorl, a clivisi<HL of. tlu l~n11rn army, bci11g /lie aut 11tci111ae, Liv. ; a pruent for the t1nperor, Tac.
tnith. part n/ <L lr9io11, <.:nes.; often =- IM auzili· B. Trausr. co111pari.Jon, simile; collatio est ora-
ary forrr~ of tht nllirs, Sall. ; 2, pr11ctoria cohurs, t io n:m cum re ex simllitudine co11feren11, Cic.
a, <t bod.11·f11Wrti for th'- 9wrml, Ca<'s. ; b, the coll&tivua -a -um (collatns), brought togttlur,
rrti111u of tht '](11.'tT/IOr of a 11rol'i11ce, Cic.
uniU-d;, swolltn, Plaut.
c0bortatlo -onii;, f. (coh•1rtor), nn uhoritt· oolli.tor -oris, m. (confero), a contribvlor,
tio11, rncn11rage11u11 I ; cnhorl.Htlo quacdam judic·
um ac\ lio1u»1te juuicandum, Cic. Plant.
OOUi.tUB ·& ·Um, partic. Of ronfero.
cohortlcula ·81.', r. (dim. or cobors), a collaudatlo -unis, f. (collaudo). ttrong, or
little cohort, ap. Cic.
cobortor, 1. d~p. (com aud hortor), to tll· htarty J>roi~e. Cic.
couro~. inei.U, r:tltort ,· used esp. of the general's collaudo, l. (corn and laudo). In pro.t. W?Y
11peech t-0 hill soldiers before a battle, aliquem aJ much; orationem imtis multi& verbis, Cic.
virtutls studinrn, Ci::.; exercitum more milit.ari oollaxo, I. (com and 111.xo), co wide1&, e:s:UM.
ad pugnam, Caes. ; ioll. bf ut or ne with the Luer.
subj., or by the subj. alone, Cle., Caes.; with COlleota ·&e, r. (collectus, from 1. COl\illQ). a
ad ant\ tho gerund, aliquem ad honorandum contrib'Ution in money; a con'riYa
Stirv. Sulplclurn, Cic. ' exigere, Cic.
cOlDQ,WDO, J. no perf.. to pollut~, clefill. Cul. collectlclua (collecUtiWlj -a ·wn ''· ro...
col 107 col
~), ~ toget.Mr; exerdtu11, quickly uvWI, oolll'.no -l~vl ·lltum, S. (oom and lino), to~
Cic. IJllltar, daub; &liquid aliqua re, lfor.
collectlo -~n1,., !. (1. co111i;o). I. a colluttng, OOUinWI -a ·Ulll (colll~I. L hUly, r'latlng to
gathcrlng l<>!J~thtr, colvction; rnf'mlirorum, etc. a hiU, llituate on a hilL II. Esp. Collinus OJ
U. Transf., 1. in rhel.oric, 11 brief ucapitulatio1', 01· on th.l Quirinal hill; tribus, Ck; 6!1p., p1,'rta
Cle.; 2, In logic, a condu<i•>n, infer~ru'A, Sen. Cullma, a gt1u of Rom• IU'ilr tht Quirinal Ifill
collectua ·• -um, p. adj. with C•lmp1tr. and Liv.; herbae, g1"01Di 1i.g mar tlu l'orta C-OUinn, Prop'.
1nperL (1. colli~o" oot1tractcd, conci.<c, ccnoen- colllqucfactus -a -um (com an<l Jiquetto),
truUd; dlc.!n<ti ge11ns, Tac. liqtu"fird, m.dlcd, C1e.
oollega -a.e, m. (com and ll!~o), 1, ont 1t•M u oolU. -ts, m. a hfU, lttgh ground, Cle.
~ toilh a Ml~r, a CIJllNI{llU', 1url 1111 iii oJ! ;
ahcnlu11 cnllc;..-am In que..~t11m Cuis~tl, Cic.; 2, oollCScatlo ·Onls, t. (colloco). L Act.., a
4 IXnl<t"CZIU, JU V. T'lacing, eap. a gi1-tng ill marriage; tillae, Cic.
II. l'11s11., a Jl<lsition; a., 11i11erum, Cic.; b,
oollegium ·11, n. (eolltg~). L Ahstrad, rhet. t. t., JJO$itwn, arr.rnge111e11t., order; ver-
roUenqur.,Jnp, tM ccn1V.ri1111 bttwan ouUrogut~. borum. Cle.; 11.ri.;u111entorn111, Cic.; bene 11truct·
l>et>c:-rn tillJ.~ !CM jofotly /Ul tht &wu offiu; P. am collocation""' tlb•sulvere, Cic.
Decm>t (>f!r t"t coll~~i:l ex1wrt.11~. I.iv. IL Con·
en;~. J"T'$0M 11.11.i.t.-.d in c.>l!l'tl'/urship, a bod11,
collooo (con-loeo). L to plua, lay, ul. L
giri.Ld, ror1>0rulio•1. coll'(]t; a., of mit;.;istrate!I, Orn. A. Lit., 1, tahulas hf.'11.- pictas in hono
prae~rum, tnbunoru111, C1,·.; b, nf pri•·st.,.,
lt1111inc, Cic.; simulacru111 Victuriae ante ipsam
110ntltku111, nug11ru111, Cic.; c, a politi,;,•l club; Minervam, Caes.; aliqucm in curru, Cic.; 2
10nrunerul.>1ha 4uae.la111 1·0111';.:ia ex omni fae .. e 111ilit. t.t. to .<tat Um.: Juas kgiones t"t om11i~
urhis ac serdtio c1111!1litut~1. Cic.; d, a trout auxilia in summo jugo, Caes.; al1cui insidias
<:'.Ii.lit; merc1tnrum, Liv.; e, a band body· a111- ante Ciintlum s1mm, Cle. B. 1'ran~f., 1, to
bnblljar11ru, Hor. ' ' plllll, lay, 'put; res eae, q11ae 11;.;j'nf<tr aut die·
e11t11r, sun loco cnllocantl:ll', Ck.; 2, to,
collibertus -1, m. (com a11J lihertus). a roust to rest; in aliquo 111:1g11a111 sp.·111 .Jip:nitlltls
feJJow fruliml.411, Cic. suae, w buihl hopes on, Ck.; 3, of tiu1~. to f'lU.~,
colllbet. or coUfibet -hfut ·•r -hltum est, 2. adole!'centiam s11am in a111ore atquc volul'tat-
(com a11<t lubct or l1l.ict). i111pers. it plta~a. i.• 1bu;i, C1c. IL Esµ. A. Lit.., l, to ~t up in a
a.grl!JIJIJbh; simul ac 1111hi colhbitum ait <le te 7oarl ic1tlar pl11u, erecl; sedcs •C Jomkilium, Cic. ;
cogib\re, Cic. 2, chlarnydcm, ut J>emlcat apte, to arrungt,
collido -Hsi -lisum (com nnrl lae<lo), S. to Ov.; 3, of 1x•rsons to lil'tllt, &t.Llinn; lt1 l'i11s
sfri.J:e Wgdlier, riaM togdhn-: 1, humor ita mot- tetrnrcliia uunm ex Graccis comitil.11~ "uil1, Cic.;
colo11i:1s, Cic.; 111ilit. t.t. to f1illrl, q11arttr; excr·
h~ e!lt, ut facile 0011111ri111i C"lli<li<1ue possit,
Cie..; 2, P"-'"· to com~ intohMli/e rnl/ision; Oraccia eit11m in Aulercis Lexuvi1s411e in loiberni<1, C11es. ;
ba:rbarfae lento collisa <luello, Hor. 4, to&etl/t in poS&e.uwn M 11roperly; aliquem in
patninonio sno, Cic. B. 'frnnllf. 1 to plaet;
colllgatlo -6nil!, r. (2. cnll!;:o), 4 bfn.rling alique111 in "'"l'liRsimo consilio et 11: alti>1simo
~. amnerion; cau!lllrwn ornnium, Cle. Kr&<lu 1llgnilat.i~. Cic.; 2, of women, w Jettld in
I. coWgo -l~i;l -lectum, 3. (C(llll and l/1;:;11), 11utrri.t111t; nliqnam in m:otrimo11ium, Cic.; all·
to bring t<, rol/~rJ. L Lit., a., !"~d1c .. -.., cuiu11 filio ll_lra111.sua111, Cr.c.; 3( of money, to i~
Cie.; Y'&!llA, w park 1111, Liv.; b, ttJ /iring t'>gPther, vat; pecu111a111 111 praed11s col ocur<', Cic.; or to
11.~11Ll>le; ex agn:1 lug .. 111.P.111 1111111~ru111 per<litor- cm11loY,·. BJit1td; pntrimn1iim11 in reip11l•licae l!&-
um hominum, Ck.; mi lite~. Cic.; c, w gnthn· lutc, C1c.; 4, to 11rn,11{1<1 t111•m1w1· ertlei·; verbft
uuo a nrulll'-1" 6J>aa, rontracl; se colli"ere or <liligenter collo~1tn, Cic.; 5, tu dir«t, manage;
Ctl!li;;i in arma, to cowr 011.1!.~l/ with a,., $hiPul rem m1l1tare1n, Crc.
\"er:.::. IL Tn~n~f., a, to g'1lha togell1tr; mul~ coUCSci.\pleto, 1. (com and locupleto), torn-
in ci."'ventu v1t1a in 1tli•111e111, Cic.; b, ro gain, ricll ucwlrngly, '1"-r.
ao1111r'; ex hoc labore 111ag11am gratiam mag.
oollCSciitlo -onl!!, f. (colloqnor), cont'trS<i·
MlllflHe d1g11it.'lt.c111, Cic. ; c, colligere se, or
anmanm, or mentem, to cmnpo!Ul oneu.lf, gain
cc1·11'tl}I; lie ex timore, Caes.; d, in speech, to
twn; cullocntrones
farnlliaris.~i11111e cum aliquo
·Ii, n. (colloqnor), t.tlk, conrtr-
l>n "" 1->'Jrthtr, uU of; n1111iia uella CiYilia, Ci<'.; wtioi;, colloquy, co11fertn«; colloquia i;rcrda
e. t" think of; qu11111 111axim11rurn civitatuna serere cum ali<\110, Liv.; c!:in1le,t1na rolloq1tia
veter~ animo cal:r rnitnt.l'll colligo, Cic.; f (l(
11umi>t"1'111, ro nc/;01i; centnm et vi~inli ann{ ab cnm liost1bus, Cic.; eol1.1q111um ioxpetl'rt•, Ciws.;
dare, I.iv. ; crebra cnlloquis inter se linbere,
rnteritu Ciceronis i11 hunc diem collii;1111t11r.
Ta.:.; g, tll in.Ju, co11.cl1uu; bene etia111 culligit Cnes.; Jlf'r colloquia dt> pa1·e agere, Cae!!.; 111iqut>m
h&cc 1•ueris et mulierculis eue grata, Cic. ad c111l.iq11i11111 e\·{l('arl', Cie.; au cnll0<111111111 cnn-
gredi, Liv.; <lirimcre, Ca.PR.; intl'1-r111nl'Crt'
2. colllgo. 1. {com an•l ligo), to bind, tv, Caes.; In alicuius ro11grt'11sum rollo.111111111<111~ • toq~ther. L A. Lit., 11annus, Cic. B. pcn·cnir<', Cic.
Tr:m•f., a., ro connl!ct; (me11s) homines nnka
u1'<<1>>ehtn:; j11c11ndi::1si1110 in!.t:r bl' serrnoni!! vin-
col16quor ·riltus or -qnilt1111 sum, -lo11ut
(emn an•I lo>quor), 3. tlcp. to 1pr1tl:, t1tH·, cc1wrr$t
t11l•> e .. ltL~avit, Cic.; ~··n. in 1~1ss., res omnPs
1.cith a11y 011.e, to C1tal or mgoti<rlr vrilh; cum
111t!"r se .:ll'L"~ colli!,"alaeque, Cic.; b to joitt to-
nli4uo, Cie.; inter se, Cic.; cum 11liquo per lit·
frl.Vr i" writing; 11t verbis collige11£nr s,•nt,•11·teras, Crc.
tiae, Cic.; c, to join politically; se cum 111ultis,
Cic.; d, to detain; alique1n in Graecia, Cic. colliioeo, 2. (eom and l11ceo), to !hint on all
si.t11s, ro he cmnplrttly illrnniunted. L Lit., sol
ll.11) bin-l tvgttlur the of a thing. A. Lit.,
ot11ne colli;,'lltum "ol\'f pot~st, Cic. B. Trarasf, qui tam long" ln.teque cnll11ee;it, Cle.; collucent
&. to join WgrlMr in narration; scpti11)!t>11toru1n moenia Haa11111is, Ver~. II. 1'ra1111f., vii.Ii ef)l·
annorum memoriam uno lihro, Cic.; b, 111 liin·lrr, lucere otnnia furtis tuis, Cic.
Ctrp; lmpetum furentis vitae suae perieulo, Cic. colliido .lfisl -lfts111n. 3. (com an<I 111<10).
collinCSo. I. (com and lineo), to direct in a A. Lit. to play wUh; pnrlbu!I, lior. B. Tn111sf.
wllh anothtr 1-er-
"'1iighl lin.t; aut s:1gittam, Cle.; absol., to havt a secrti u11<£11g
qois e.;t enim qai totum rlit>m jaculans non nll- so11, to ncl coll•LSivtly, Cie.
qundo coJlinuL MU th.4 mark. Cle. collum ·i, n. (oollUll -1, m.), tht n«k; 1, of
col 108 col
men and nnim.-ils, '" ~llum lm-aslt, Jdl on Ai.& Hor.; 11111ta11', to chan!Jr coltmr, Hor., 01'.:
ti rel.:, Cic. ; coll um t.orq uerl', lo nrau before a Id· 2, l~a11tif1tl co111plui1111, /,,.,,,,,!/; 111u1i11111 ne
b10111l, or lo 1•ri11111, Liv.; posuit collum In pul· cre1lo colori, Ver~. D. Tr:uisf., l, 011110onl sliot",
vere, Hor.; 2, tlu neck or a bottle, Phae<lr. j of a rrterurtl <ll'ptttm11tt; ci\•itnti~, Ck.; 2, esp. of.
pc>ppy, Vcrg. orawry or speech, C(Uf, churnctu, tu11t; col"r
oolldo -lili -11\tnm, S. (com and 1110), to 1ro!h 111ha11itRtis, Cic.; 3, on1nmt11I, n11htllish11tr1tl
lhorou'}ltly, ri11se; os, Plin. ; ora, to quencli the 111111 et color pigmentoru111, Cic.; 4, 1111 <11·tj11
tliirst, Ov. e.rc11se, or colo11ri11g ofa 11uestio11ablt nclio11, J11,._
collua .f, m. = collum (q.v.). o6lori.tue -a -um ([iartic. or colorn), 1,
COllWO ·(lids, f. (colhulo), 001/1,siOIL, a 1tcret colo11ryd; arc118, Cic.; 2, rtd, 1m1liruu·11tti, Tai.
'lm1i.:rsl(l11di119; cum a1iqno, Cic. o6loro, 1. (t•olor). A. Lit., to co/011r: "·
coll'iieor ·Oriij, 111. (collmlo), a, a ]Jlay.J-llo1c, corpora, l'ic.; b, to tlln (of the r.1111); •p111111 i11
Juv.; b, n f,Z/ow-gam)J{tr, Cic. sole a111h11lt'111 11at111'li ht 11t colorer, t.:ic. B.
Transf., '" !lit·t l•mc or colour to .•tylt; urbauital!'
COllustro, ). (COlll Rlld lustro). A. to i/lum· q11111l11111 q11nsi C<•lornta or:itio, Cic.
(nafr on 11/l sidts; i;ol omnia cll\ns,.inui h1cl'
collustraus, Cic.; in pictun>1 alios 0J1aca, nlio:s o6lOQeUS ·& ·Ulll (otoAOO'O'CliO(), Colt.SJOI.
collustrnt& <ll'lcctant, brilliu11t coln11ri11g, C1c. 9iga11l1c, Pli11.
B. Tran sf., t-0 surVfy, look nt 011 all sides; omnia o6loulcua -a ·nm (co.\OO'au~), col~/.
oculi~. Ci\', gig1rntit:, Plin.
colldtUlento. 1, 10 dirty or dl'..ftle all ort:r, c6loasus -1, ni1 (oroAoa-a.X), n Mlou111, 11
Phrnt .• ;luf11t ,,,,.17,r tllllll lifi~: i>11p. n1•plicd tn the

collfl.vfo -oui". nn<I colliivii• ·i'i, r. (collno). f:i~1111tic stRtne nr AJ><'llo at the entrance of the
A. n }friu.>i1u1 l1>11tllta, or cnlfrctw11 nf i1111mrt/1rs. harhnt1r of Hh0<lt's, Plin.
filth, Plin. B. Tran sf., ral.IJ/t, medley, ojf.«:our· c6loetra -&(', r. {o6loatra -<'1mm, n.). the
in17s: 011111it1111 scf'lt'nnn, C'1c.; qnum cx ha<: tnrl1a fir•t t•flu ml1•i11q, l1irui1191, Mnrl.; UliCrl as
et colluvione tlisceda111, Cic. R l<"l'lll of "•11lt'llT111ent, Pinnt.
collybus ·i, rn. (oroAAv,'Jo~). A. the agio <>r o6Uiber -l1ri, 111. n ~rpt11t, •nab, Vf'rg., O,·
f1frcr,Jttttg( char17ed i11 t11011ry-cl11rn171na, Cic. B. o6liibra ·nl', r. n fenw.le acrp111t, a 1nnJ.:t, Hor.
Tnmsf.. /ht. 1nn1w-y·chn119er'1 occ117>alio11, Cw.
c6ldbrlfer -ft:'.ra -f~rum (coluhcr 111111 fcr:i),
OOlljr& ·&f', f. (KOAAvpa). ll J..illd Of cab Or 111(1l.t·bt1tl'i119, s•, rpithct of Mellu~:i..
bun which was brobn into brnth, Plaut. Ov.
oolljrlcua ·a -um, jus, tlw broth V)lth u•hich o6Uibrinua ·& ·nm (coluhl!r), '""b·lih;
the collyra tru• eaten, Plaut. tra11,;f., cu1rni11u, 10ily, Pinnt.
oolljr(um -ii, n. (oroAA•1><011), eye-aaltlf!, Hor. OOlUJn ·i, II. a colrrndtr, litl't, :ltmi11tr, \"1'1');.
o61•. i:tllui, cult•11n, 3. L 1, to r1cltimu, Iii/ o61umba ·U., f. (columhus). n pigt6n., dni't,
thl grou11d, farm: agru•n, Cic.; praedia i1tuclioo<e. Cic.; Cyth~reiaclts (Rs s.1cred t.o \'enn:;), Ov.
Cic. ; v1t.ern, Cic.; 2, to d~ll i11 a place, in·
ha.bit: urlwm, Cic.; 1111;ula!I, Liv.: 11h401., circa colillr o6lumb&r -ari.1, n. (cohtmhn). " .l.:i111l "'
11tra111q•1t> ripam Rhndani, Li\'. II. 1, to fnb
for slnvts likt 11 pigton-lwlt, l'lRut.
mrr of, allt11d t<•; for111111n augl're colendo, o,._ ; o6lumbinWI ·& -um (colmnllft), rtlati11g or
g1 In c1dtimu, rimctist, J/11.tfy: Mtutl1u111 philnso· btlo11!J111V too 1>igt01l; p11lli, Ctc.
phiu a pri111a adole"'c,.ntiR, Cic.; ftdem, virtnl· 06lumb61ut1 ·I, m. (ilim. of colnmlms), n
em, MpiPnt.1am, Cir. ; 3, to J>a!/ rta11trt to; a, of littlr piuron. Plin.
tlf'itil'11, to 1t10rship: dens, Cic.; M11!tllru111 de· o6lumbua ·i, m. a malt dovt or 71i9co11, Jlur
lnhra, Cic.; templmn n1iro hnnol'f', \'erg ; b, of
1. o6ldmella •Bl', (, (Jim. of column1), a
'"""·to ho11011r, uvcrtnc(, court; alique111 summa little col11m11, Cic.
olt,wn:rn! ui, Cir.
2. COUimeUa
o0l6caafa ·Rf', f. Biid COl~UID ·Ii, n. 11 Ro1111111 writtr 1111on ·U, m. L. Jnnius Moderat111,
(•oA<1•aO•a), thr Egy11l11111 btu11, \"t>rg.
agrit:11//11rt, "4tliw of <Adiz.
conltmJIOTllry of Sf11tro crnd Cds111.
Colona -ae, r. (eolonub)," co11nlry woma11, Ov. ooUimen ·lnil•, n. c• celln, tlwt which i1
COlouae 4rnm, r (KoAwl'o.t), 11 town in Troos. mi~td on higlr). L 11 lttight. A., 1ml> 1tltill
Coloneue ·a -nm, 1-tlonging to the Attic tltniL Phrygiae colu1niuilms, 11101111tui11s, Cat. B.
('n/o111,. , ( h·ll 1pn,; Co)rmcus, a trngf.dJI of So- Trnnsf., or persona, tltt chi•/, "w~I di~ti~111i$lt,.,f;
phodr.< cnlumen amicorum A11t.011h Cotyla \'Rri1111, Cic.
colonla -a(', f (rolonns). L n fa.rm, estatt, II. a pillar. A. Lit., Cic. poet. B. Tran11r.,
r,.,1 IL a cr/1>1111. A. Lit., const1tuero colon· columen reipuhlicac, attpport, Cic.
ia1n. 1.'1.-.; .... 1.~.i111s d1· 111 colouias, Cir. columna ·&e, r. (connected with cnlnruen),
B. !lldo11 .. Uv cofont.Jll.<; t1 ..11t1ccre, Cic.; mittero 11 pilu1r, colwnin. A., 111nm1orea, Cic.; prov.,
In l••·.11111, I :1c. lncnrrNe a1111i11tem in columnag, lo n111 on.-·1
ct\lonioua .a um (colnnus), 1 rc!atin!1 or hrad ngai11st n sto11e 11•nl/, Cic. ; coh111111a rostrata,
1,,/.. ng1 riq to &1gru·11llun or n farm: 'cgcs, Varr. ; n colum11 adorned 1uith bNTb of aJtif'J trtr:Cf'd ill
2, rrltth•i.g or lw/n11gwg to " ro/n11J1, colonial; honour of the 11iclflry of I»1ili11~ n1ttr thr C«r·
f'ohorll"A, /;1.•i((i •n Rr1111a11 r1J/onu·s, ca~s. thayinw•I', Quin: ; col1111111n Mnt>11ia. n pillur i11
lht Roma11 fon1111 ·o wh ii:lt tit it<V'S 11tt1! slutlf'.• t•'trt
COlODU8 ·i, m. (colo), } It fiirmN, npriMtl·
f11rul, 1:1c. ; 2, n c-1w11i~t. i11~ahitnnl of a colo?ty,
titd to rtcti1¥ pnrn sJ111~11I, Cic.; henre, a<lhaereac-
rrt' a<i c<•l11nu11111 , Cic.; 11d cohtmM1u 1~n euin-,
C1c.; '""'L tr&11Mf. -"" inhcrbitaut, Ver~. Cic.; coh111111ae. 1h1 pillaN i 11 Ron~ ro1111.d Y•liir:A
C016phon ·\JlllS, r. (KoAo4>fUv), one of the book$ we1·t u1o0•e<f /or aalt', llor. : col11mn1t1 Pro·
hvrfre Jouiwi t<>w11t on the cnn.<t of f,.11dW., fanu.l tei, th' hou11da1 iu of F.qypl (column• bf-Ing ual'd
for 1ls oovalry. A<lj., C6loph6n16oua ·a -um, to mark boundaries), Vf'rg.; Hercnlls,
COlophonfu -a -um, Colopho11ian. tM mountaiiu of Calpt and .Abyla at tht ltmit• of
c6lor (rolna) -(iria, m. (rnln). L Lit., A. Gt>n. Gibraltar, Plio. B. Traner., a, a 1t11ppcrt, J'lillar of
ttninur, tint, h.tte, Cic. ; rolnrem ducrre, or the tltt item; injnrtoso ne pede proruu it.ant.em col·
1;rapf', to bcco7114' colo11rtd, Verg. B. Esp. 1, umnam, Hor. ; b, a wa.ter ..pout, Luer.
~ompll:cUm; vorue, T((l.t.. Ter.; rucatu11. art\Jletal, oilun:uairlu -a .-.m (columDll}, ~r,.r
col 109 com
&o cs pUla,.. Subit., 1, ~lumni.ftt ·Ormn, oimt..abundu• -a ·U•n (comillsor). n.'t'do
m. th.().w 10Av have be.11 11Uni..<lutd at tke colu11111:\ li11a 1 rioting; tl'11111lento 11gmi11e per '1nJiam
)(aeui~ (v. cul11mna), ra.'101!.'f, thieves, ap. Cic.; cornls11&bundu1 h1ceMsit, Liv.
2, c0lnmnFirfum ·Ii, n. a ta.i o" pill11rs, Cic. oommtssatlo -l'111ls, r. (comlssor), a rev1:l,
oilumni.tu.a -a -um (colnmna), 111p1,,,rtttl rior.0111 feu&ti1Lg, C:ic.
Oil Ollui4rtl, Varr.; us, resting 011 the hand, Plaut. com19ai.tor -Oris, m. (coml11sor), a rt11c/ler,
oOlUJ'llua-a -um (for corulnns, from cornlua), riotvw fw.'fter, Cir.; transr., comiHS.~tores con-
llllilt#t of haul V100d; hast ilia, \'erg. juratiu11i11, uccomplicu, Cic.
colu .f and -tls, ab!. colo, r. (in. Cat., Ov.), comtuor (•wµci{w), 1, dl'p. to ma«"' Joyful
a disUJ.Jf, Cie. prOCl'S3ion with m1uU: a1Jd dancing, to rtz:el, feu:Jt
riotously; comis><atum Ire ad allquem, Liv.;
com. ol·~ LAtin =. <:•11n, In clas.~1,~1 Latin; co1111i;::i.1rl h1 dumurn Pan Ii, H .. r.
onh f•iunil m co111po,.1twn. - ltaa ,.t. , ( ) /: · d
..:.:it. • A. 1-' ·' • • oom ·D .18, •• COiii 1II • oour1uy, r1tn •
cuma ..,., r. .<•oµrrl. Lit., the rnnr 11J ''": lfotu, ubliginpnu.,, cfrility (()pp. grant..'ls, sevs-
Jv,.,1. C1c. B. 1ra11'ff.,1,,.11,t ltia1•1·1 of tru.•, u .. r., ritas); comitas 11 trabili!A<i<Jt•e -;enuonls, Cic.
2, t~ 1cwl of 4Mtp, &)>. t;1C. ~ I - ( . 1
0 r ( 1 1 ) h 111·. • 11 11 111111 . cum tatus .n~. m. co.;.: tor}, 1, aJte111 a net,
• C" ~na ·an '" co ~ ~.:, .' Y • co aeq " : rompa,nirin.•hip; optim11rum et clarissimornm
\ "''"''. • g.i)P:\, custetl, \:ci.,. • stell~ a co~t. ~v. • ci1·i11m, Cic.; transr., ta11to 1·irtutu111 l'omitatu
11.•rr::is.·m~ sera comsm1, co1•trrd u•1t/1 ltau~s. \ t"rg. (npnll "~t), Cic.; 2. a trai1I, rttiniu, fi•llowing;
~marchus ,-1. m. (•wuopxot}, the 11wy11r or praerlo11ia impr11l1is:.i1111 societa~ atq11e co111i·
du'/ ....ffk:.l!r of a t11Uage, l'laut.. t"tll'l, Cic.; f"sp. a., in ilnl' .. rial timt-s, tht court,
c4matu.e -a -um (coma}, 1 hairy, M:irt.; im1-erfJd 1ui.U, Tue.; b, a cami·au, coiu"Oy;
comata G111lia = Trantalpin.a, {•Jiu.; 2, sil\'a, 111:1gnu!I, Caes.
i11 jv.Il ltn/, Cat. comlter, adv. (comls), courttously, ciuillv,
L combibo -blbl, 8. to dri1tk in, rue!; ~. kindly, a]fal1/y, Cle.
i ,..};if..:. A. Lit., Vtrneniun curpurr, Hur. B. comltia, v. co111it111m.
F1.;., qu~1 (:utes) si <lum e11t tt!ner c11111J.1uelit, comltialls -e (comltla), rclrcti'llp to the comi·
Ci;. . . tia; <lie~. 111e11si!1, wht11 tke comitia. trcrt heft/, Cic.;
~· co~bibo -oni,., 111. a boo11 cont/1{1 111 011, com· linininPs, nv. 11•1ntly i ,, attend<t1te£ 011 t.~t co111i·
~ t ' ' ' cii wkui9, Cic. . tia. a11d rnvly to v..'l thtir t:ole.,, Plaut.; morhu~,
Combulteria ·ae, r. 1011111. of. tht Sm11111/e.1 on. ti•ilepsy, M ooll"l h«a ~~its occttrre11ce p11t a •top
~ $.111.lh·1!!'--~t borilu:1 of C.tmpaitia. to the co111iti:1, Ct·lll.; hcn{'e snbst., comltli.119
oomburo -lrni;si ·b11~t11m, 3. (c11111 :1n 1 l uro). -is, m. one njflklt<I with rpiupsy, I'lin.
~ LiL, ~o l1urr1 .up, CUll41llfle rnti1·e/y; l.ihrol!, oomltii.tus -n•, Ill. (com:tla), tlte autm1Jly o/
'-at>.s..; altqut:tu nn1111, C1c.: of the l111r111ng of th1 people i11 the conaitia Cic
the d~atl. RI i11uP.m in furn, Cic. B. Tran~f., ali- -~ I ' •_ L
qaem ju•lir.10, to r1ifo, Cic.; diem, to con..<unu: in ..vmlt um ·fl,."· (comeo - coeo). Sin;:-.
rcr>tlling Plaut. an tndo,11<l pluos ''' or ntar tke Rmna11 fr>r11m,
' . wltert the comitia 10tre helil. n Plur. comltla
~m~ustum :'.: n. a ~urii or .•mid, Pim. -ornm, n. tlLe nmmbly of tke Roman 7-,eoplt, nn•ler
come .e_... , (. (~~. !'lllQ!I'}. I. H1era Come, three disti11ct forms; centnri~ta. llll a.~ .. 111/11 CIC·
m 1"-v.i <11 Caria. IL X.1 '111•· CQIO<', a 1•/ace iii cnrdi11g tfJ the u11turiu instit11ttd by Serd11~ 1'ul·
/'w.wia. llL At1torlclos Co111e, a )'lace i.11 li111; cu1i:ita 1 a.,. rusembly of tke C1lrits, in lat~
l'hr.,'Ji.a. ti mu rarel11 htld t:r:ctpt /0TT1U1Uy; tril.rnla, flit
c6medo -Ml -61u111 (-essum} or, 3. to aa.vn1bly of the ~>U in tlitir tribu; cu111!tia
ffll Mp. ru1ullmt mtinl11. A. Lit., ex se natos ha}>.ire, to holtl an autmbly of the ptople, C1c.;
(,,f &tum). Cic. B. Tnnsr., aliquem oculis, to con1ul11ri.a, as.•~mbly .(or tM 7111r11oa1: f!f tlrctin!l.11
t#,rn11.r will• n11e'1 e11e1 Mart.; se to coiuunit ont· coiu11l, Liv.; tr1bu111cm quae11tona, C1c.; com1t1a
s.·'fi11. qrv/. Cic. C. 'to couume,'u.ustt, 1q11urnltr; ini1titu<'rti, ohire, di111ittere, Cic.
patn111oniu111, Cic. o6mlto, 1. = comftnr, pllrtlc. comitatu!I,
comes -!tis, e. (com 11n<t eQ or men), 1, a "''COmpariletl; with, altenis virli., Cit•.; dulore,
cn.,. 1.,,1,,.,ri, cmnralfr, C.'1-'-0Ciau; seditiu1111111 1 Ov.: aui.. bene co1111tare, Cic.
Tac.; .ru:; oc, Cic.; victoriae, CaPs.; csse c11111!t- c6mltor, 1. <1ep. (comes), 1, to join iu 11
ein alicum~. C1c.: ali1Jue111 co1111tem hab1·1·e, com 1ia1lwn or follower, to accompany, to follow;
Cic. ; 1wn. 1,.naehern ee c 0 1.nit..m llliu11 fur<ll'is lll'•I aliq11e111, Cnes.; 11n11tas fuga, Ver;.:.; 11bsol., m11gna
d11~m. Cic.; u .. e.1 of tl1111gis and ab,.tracttons, cmuitante t·nten-a, Ver~.; with dat., t:i.rcli~ 111cnt•
1nortia comes gloria, Cic. i 2, esp. ait urtimda11t; ibns vlrt ns non facile com it at ur, Cie.; 2 ta
e.,tlualtt11da1tt11rt11lo•·ofabuy,\'erg.; b,J'lnr., followtothegra.~e; nliqnem, Nep., Verg. '
<:"'"!!.es, th.~ retin~ which accompa11ie<l a l~ 1 1nan com.mlciUo, 1. tn apot all oiier, polluft
"'"9•Urale into hu pro.11ina, nn•I g .. n~rall), W•Y L Lit., llll\llUS sa11gui11e, Verg. n Tra11sf., se
,,,..l!f nJ. at1tnda1th; co1111tes n111ne11 m:i.:,pstratuu.111, lsto lnhiilto nwbitu, Cic.
Cie.; m later tunes, Uu body of cou .. titr~, tke un- C - - - " , (K ' '} •
pcrlal co11rt, Suet. . o~~en~ ·<:S, •· 011µ11Y'!""', a proV111ce
-..l< -t- ( · ) a t Cle of Syria (c·a1:1t11l ::ia1111)s;1ta), now Ga111«M. .AllJ.,
~me ea -ae, m. " 0 1-''IT'lf • ronu • • Com.mi.genus -a -um C:ommavenian..
COmfCe, aclV. (e.omlClllJ), in the ~1111tr Of 0ommbfpill&rill ·is, m. a &ol<fkr belonging
roll&tll•t; <:om Ice res tr-dgtcas tractare, C1c. to tke Bamt wrnii•IA or company a Tac.
comfcus -a -11111 (c"'*''".X). A. Arlj., a, rel<1t· x- ' '
f•qkl C(Jnl'.dy, comic; p<>eta, Ck.; b, rcL••r:st11ttil oom~"atua -n~t m. (commeo}. I. /ref pa.t·
1· · t . . es Cic • adolescens Cic B 11'1~. OOlll.!1 a1ul oomin!J, Plant. IL !lll'ton., 1,
~. ~:71e, v. sen 'tii ~l Plaut. .'b a'comi~ lil1uty to go t.mhi1t•lered; niilit. t. t., /tat•• OJ
S;,•?"··· &, on actor CD y, • • ab:ot1tOI', furlough; s11111ere, due, Lh·.; in com-
/"'" Cic. meatu e11>1e, to ~ on ;u,.lou!lh, Liv.: cum com·
oomJnus = commlnus(q.v.). meatu ::)v111cu11ls remauere Cle· 2 thctt v·hic/1 i4
COmfll -e (cmnO), CO"rtWUj, 1i11d, friendly, goiu!] or corning;&., a COlltp~n.>t dJ 111~rch•111l•, CTll'Cl•
oJJ/.1q 111g. amiabl~; a.-. nC J'P~so11~, duminn.~, ~ic.; t~111; I..011diui11111 copii ~~got!l\t,orum et co111111t!·
in 11 uicis, Cic.; e11(1\ all11uem, Uc.• b, at11111n 111nx1me CP!ebre, Lie. , b, 1V.ppl11 of pro-
v( tliiug•, comf hospitio acc1pl, Liv. i sermo, T.1c. t1iaio1u, food, foroge; commeatwn or oommeatus
com 110 com
parare, Liv., So.II.; acclpere, arceuere, conveh· F.sp., to &lwly, practiat, prepare for; comment·
ere, advehere, }>Ortare, Liv.; vet.ere, ('ae11.; abar declamita1111 11&rpe cum M. Pi!Wne et cmn co111111eatu prohilJere, Caes.; nll9uem Q. Pompeio quotidie, Cic.; with acc., comment-
co111meat11 et rcliq11h1 copils lnterclu<lere, C1c. ari orat10ne11o1 l11 re11111, Cle.; partlc_ pert. paulve,
oommedltor0 I, dep. to rmt£nd, call to rt· oratio, Cic.; neut.. l>lur. 11111*t., 1m..-i
tn.e111bra11a, Luer. et commentata et script&, Cic. C. to lkflcl,
oommemlnl ·l!l!Je, tor~ fully: utrum compo,.,., wriu doivn; mi mos, Cic.
hoc tu J>an1111 co1111111n11lniati, an ego non aatill 2. oommentor -Oris, m. (comminiscor), a
tn tcllcxi ! Cic. dUcovertr, inve11tor; nvae, lJacduu, Ov.
oommemlmbllla -e {commemoro), worthy oommentum -1, n. (commentus from com·
of rt1umbrunct, worthy of tMntUm, 1Mm0rable; mini•eor), 11 a fictio11, un invelllio11, oo~tnr­
piet..'l11, Uc. an~; opi111on11111 comment.a, fa1~-Us., Cic.;
oommlim~ri.tlo ·onia, r. (commemoro), rt·
miracull, Liv.; 2, a lu, falsehood; millia rn-
1t1n11/Jra1ict, mtnli011, rr111,illding; olf\ciorum, Cle.
mormn c0mment.1, Ov.
oommem6ro. 1. L to call to ml11d, rewlltct; oommeo. 1. to go vp a11.d down, come all.d go,
11i.3itfrt1jllrnlly; \'ulgatmn erat iuter Yejos Rom·
quill quoquc die tlixerim, audierim, egerim, com· amquc nuncios comaneare, I.iv.; nt tnto ab
111e111oro Vt1>1peri, Cic. II. a, ro remind un<,tlur repcntlno ho11tium incnrsu eti:Lm singuli ro111·
1'""''' ojtl()rntthiug, tobri1117 tocrnotha7)tncm'1rt· meare po!!sent, Caes.; Delos quo 011111<•s 11111.lique
mtmbra11et; gratlam, amlcitiam c<>gnationcmque, cum mercibusatque oueril>us com111enha11t. Ck.;
Cic.; b, tu mention, rtlnlt, rtcou11.t; humanam or 11hlps, navi!I, quac ad ea rurta, qnn» reli•llllll~~.
societatcm, Cle.; Critolaus iste, quem cum Dio- commettret, Ci1•. ; or the heawnly l>odie11., sur·
gene veniH.'IC co111111cmol"8.ll, Cic.; de allculua vir- sum dcorsum, ultro eitro, Cle.; of letter.;, crehro
tute, Cle. enim lllius litterne nh aliie ad nOll co111111ea11t,
oommend&bllla -e {commendo), rorm11v1d- find tlitir 100y to w, Cic.
able, JiraiMwortAy; nee ullo com111enda!Jili11 rner- oommerolum ·II, n. (com and men:). L
lto, Liv. A. trade, roninurce; co111mercio prnhibt!re •Ii·
oommend&tlolua ·& -um (comrnen<latua), quem, &ll. B. MPtou., a, the rigl.t of truck;
rtlating to a ncommen.dation; llterae, a letter of commercium In eo agro 11e111ini e.-tt, Cic.; ll&lill
fotrodUClion., Cic. c.ommercinm dcdit, Liv.; b, a11 article of tm.#£,
oommend&tlo -6nls, r. (cornrnendo) 1, Plin.; o, <t place of trade, commerciul dr:p(jt, Plin.
recom11Undatio1', romme11datio11; commendatio IL i1iltrrouru, comrn1rnicufio11, oorru1>011dtnc1.;
uostra cetercrumque amleorum, Cic. ; 2, that co111111erci11111 i.rrr11011u111 facere, Liv.; comurerci·
10hich r~mmmda, uctlltna; ingeoil, llberalit· 11111 belli, nt!]OtiutioM as to nuW1C111 of proo1un,
ati11, Cle. tn1tt1, etc., Tac.; habere oom111en:l11111 emu &Ii·
oommendi.trlx -leis, t. (eommendo), that 'lllO, Cle.
10/tidl. commend$; legcru commendatrlctim vlr· oommeroor. 1. dep. to buy tO(, b11y up;
tutum, Cle. anna, tt'la nlia, 8:111.
oommend&tua -l\ .um, p. adj. (from eom- oommirio -i\I ·lt11111, f.!. (commereor, dep.
meu,Jo). 1, Ttc<•1111M1uutl, cmn.1nc1uled; quae (reR) Plaut.), l, to <lturvt fully; &eHtimatio11e111 (~n·
co111111endatlot' e1it 111e111oriae hominum? Cle.; 2 ae), Cic.; 2, to conuitit afimlt; culpam, P11111t., JWUW, tlal1U1i, Pim. ' oommitl'.or ·111ensu1', 4. 1, to num11rt; sid~r·
oommen4o. 1. (com nnd mando), to ccrrtmft um ambitu11, Cle.; 2, to mtas11n with anytAiHg,
Co tht cnrt, lutpfog, or fll'Oll'clion of cuiy ont. L com.pan?; negotimu cum tem(lOre, Cic.
Lit., tlbi eil1!1 omnia negotia, Cle. IL Transr., oom.mito. 1. (intens. or eommeo), to go /1v:·
A. Ge11., nomen suum i111111orl&litati, Cie.; ali- 'f11tntly, Ter.
quld litt.tiK, to commit to tt'Tilill!J, ap. Cle. B.
Eitp. a, to rroo1m1u1ul; aliqnem allcui dili· oom.mlgro, 1. to n?11Wtoe Ln. a bodv, to migrat~;
genll'r, Cle.; &e CaPsari, Cne!I.; b, to 1d off, in do111u111 s1111111, Cic.
grau, rt1ultr agrtllCrbl~; null& re 1111a 1111\t(ls orat· oommilltlum ·Ii, n. (com and milt>s). A.
orem commendari q1u1.111 vet'horum spleo<lorc a coi11p<1nio11s.hip in 10(1r or military uniiCf:, T•c.
et copi.i, Cic. B. Transr.. co111pa11ioruhip, ftllorcuhip, Ov.
oommemua. \lftrtic. of commctior. oommillto -onis, m. (com and rnillto), •
co111p<111io11 or conirade i" war, Cle. -1, n. (tllm. of com-
mentnrl11s). ci slV1rt trt•1ti~. Cic. oommlnatfo -onls, r. (commluor), a thl"tat·
t11i11g, thrrut, Cle.
oommentarlua -Ti, m. an.I oommentarl· oommtngo -minici -minctum or -mlctu1u, S.
UID·fi, n. (COllllHclltll!I, from ('OWlllilliscor); 1, u
ffk'rrwrnnd111n., OI' 1wtc-/x>t1/;, a diary; in eommen· to nwkt wat" 011, Hor.; tran11r., to dtftl.e, Cat.
tarium referre, Cle. ; co111111entaril belll Gnllici, oommlDi&oor ·mentus, S. <lep. to feig11., i11-
~ nolt6 of Cao<1r 011 lht 1;al/ic war, Ci•·.; 2, vrnt; 111onu~r-.i111111011 deos, Cic. ; 1uendaciub1,
~ei:,ral L t., n bri'J. Cic. Plant.; perf. partic. p.'\118., /t4Jned, inw.llUlf;
commenti.tlo ·t"'llli!I, f. (cornmrntor), 1, rlup co111111cnta f11ner11, Ov.
r'fl'ctio11, <:«r'!'ful ronsit!rmtio11, 111rrlitalio11: wt& oommlnor, 1. dep. to th.rtam& : comniln&U
plii1011e1phoru111 vita co111m1mtatio 111orti!I est, inter :«', Lh·. ; with acc., pugnam, obsidiomm~
Cic.: 2, 7>ruclict, st11rl.11 of "'l omtor; ,•ommen· oppu~nationcm, Liv.
tHtio1w!lqt1t1ti1lin11a•', Cit'.; 3,n diSMrtafi.(111, Plin. commm\\o ·lli ·lltum, S. A. to t11al::e -11,
commentiolua -a -11111 (co111me11tus, from lu~rn, break i11to small pi«U, cn1sA to pi.tea:
eo111111!11i»co1 ), i1wt11ttd, .ftctiJio111: nominibn!I statuam, im11l11m, Cic. B. Tram1f., to I_,.,
novi11 et <'OlllllU'1&tlcil!1 a}'pellata, Cle.; civitas dimi11hlt, lo U'toke11, drprirt of atrmgth; Opd
Plato11is, ldt.ul, Cle.; eri111en, Jul~. Cic. ci 1·itat1~. Cic. ; vi res lngenil, Ov.
1. com.mentor, 1. <lep. (com 11111\ MEN, oommlnua. ad 1·. (con and man us). A. LIL,
root of 111cnH). A. to co•i>itltr tl10ro11ohl11, ufftct a, 111ilit. t. t. (opp. e111in111), 1ut1ttf to 1'alld, i•
vpcm 1luply: rutura" 1't'CllUI 1111,.t'rill!I, Cic.; cte clov comhtrl; 11cc t't11inn:i hastis aut commlnua
popull Ro111anl lihertat~. Cie. ; with rel. clause, gln<lils nteretur, Cle.; commlnus ncritet" lnatare,,
ot ar.te co111111entc111ur Inter no!I quA nttione Sall. ; man um cnrnminu!I conserere, Liv.; al
llObia truduoendum •it hoc te111pu1, Cic. B. hnotinz. co1111uln111 Ire In "Protl, Ov.; b 0 pD.ot
com 111 com
tla1t al han~l: commlnus ad allquem accedere, t'nlit1&e1; nostro commodo, ai our co1n1tlllt1U111,
Cic. B. Tr:msf., /ace tofu«-; comm in us asplcere Cle.; commodo tuo, Cle.; per commodum, Liv.;
1lique111, Ov. quod coiumodc. \"lllctmliuis tu:w tint, Cic.; com-
comml.I, co111111l, cmumi'I = g11111111i (q. v.). modo 1·ei1111blleae fncerc aliqui<I, Cic.; commochuu
oommtrio -111i11clli -mixtnm, or -111ist11m, nllcnins ex.-pcctarc, Cic.; b, u~, cult'<rntnge, COil·
2. to mi.c f<J<J<lktr, to miz up. A. Lit., igne111 1~11ie1u:e; pncis, Cle.; sui cu11111100.i cau!ID. 110·
r..,.t~~ eu111 co11111111ni .uruis incendio, l:ic.; com-
eere nlteri Cic.; 11C1·vire or consultire alicuiu1t
mix!A fm»ta lll<'l'll cruento. Vcrg. B. Transf., eonuuodis,'Cic.; plur.,Jiti'lmr, pririlrge1, frt'Cl-og«·
tern"ritatem cum mipienti:t, Cic. tivu; trit.uu:1tus (militum) ro111111<1<ln, Cic.; o,
loct1i; qnl forum et bruiilicas commo<lis hospitum,
oommlairado -onJs, f. (commlscror), In non fllrtis noce11tiu111 ornB11!11t, Cic.
rhrt.. ric, the of R~ omtio1l fote11drrt to tz- l. oomm.Cklua -a -um (com aml m0tl11!!}. I.
cilf rit11 1 Cic.; abeol., "" n.fccli11g to11t (of voice),
&, projlf!r,fif 1 UJIJllYl)lriaU, OOIH'1mie11t, 81.llief~!'tory;
vnletutline 111inus co111111oth\ uli, Caes.; lrtterae
OOlll!DWreaoo. S. to pity, Tcr. 8."\tis COll\lll()(ille 1lc Urit.aunkis rcuus, Cic. ; wl_th
commlairor, 1. tlep. l to pity, coinml3tratt,
lltl!'lri/; fortunam. Nep.; a
of a speaker, to tJ:·
cill pity; quum commi:serarl, eonquerl ooeperit,
d11t., nulla lex satis co11111101fa 011111ilms est, Cle.;
co111111od11m est, it 11lntSU, u agreeable; al tibl
erit co11111101lu111, Cic.; with ace. and intln.,
Cic. nihil duco eSlle co111111odim1, qua1u de hia rebns
oommlnfo •Olli&, f. (committo). A. a COii• nihil jam nm plius RCribe1-e, Cic. ; b, taS'//, co1•·
ltA or struggle for a prize, Cle. B. Meton., a nmie11t; lter, Liv. IL frit11dly, obligi11g, plta·
WICJ dtcla11mtion, Sen. scmt; mores co111111odl, Cic.
OOllUD.luum ·I, n. (commltto). I. aumt· 2. CommMua -1, m. Roman. tmperor from
!king trndtrtRl;en, an u1ulertaki11g; superornt 18(}-192 .A.D.
nibil aliud in temere commisso quam, etc., Liv.; oommoUor, 4. dep. to set (1• wtotion; rul·
"P·• & a criwu, fault, traiugru1um; factum mlua, Luer.
aut 0on:misaum aud&cius, Cle.; b, 0011.jiJcatum,
Quint. IL a leCTd; eommiua enuntiare, Cic. oommfSneAoio -ft--ei -factum, s., pass.
oomm.luiara ·&e, r. (committo). A. a joir&· oommfSnefio -factus sum, -Herl (commoneo
allll faclo), to remind, warn; allqucm e~iam at-
i~g klgtlhtr, co1uuctio1i, joLIU, kiwt; molles tllgi·
qne etiam, Cic. ; aliqucm bencttcll sm, Sall.;
toruin, Cie. B. Tranar., co1uttzion. Q/ a ~. with acc. or thing, istiua turpem calamitoum-
t4t tlrto.d of a diJC011 rst, Quint. que praeturam, Cle.
oommJtto -mlsi -mlssum, S. to u"ite, con· oomm~neo -~I -Itum, .2. to remi_nd, warn1
l!ld, co11tbiiu. L Lit., tl\lllli noctes, Ov.; opera,
Lir.; nnndnm conunlssr. Inter ae munimenta, imprt.SI upon, brmg to Ont a recoUtclioa: quoo
voe lex common nit, Cle.; qnin i11 unoquoque
Li\'. IL Traner., 1, a, to btg£n, ad on foot;
\;U;nam or pugnam cum nllqno, Cic.; proeliu111,
gmdu de avnritia tua commoncrett~r, Cic. ; 1~011
C&es.; t:.>llum, Liv. ; ludo!!, Cle.; b, to coin111lt exprobrandi cansa, sed co111mone11d1 gratra, C1c.;
11 crime; tan tum facinu.i, Cic.; mu I ta et In tleos
auimos de periculo, Cic.; 111111111 quid11111 ex 111111
et in homine!I hnple, Cic.; o, absol., to conunlt a amicis commonerent oportere deccrni, Cic.
(riiM, to1i1l; nemo enim couunitten•t, Cic.; con· oommonstro, 1. to1kowfullyancldisliiu:tl11:
tra legern, Cle. ; with ut and the suuj., to bri1ig aurum alicul, Cic. •
il about that • non committ.'lm posthnc nt me RC· oomm6ri.tlo -onis, r. (commoror), a delay·
cu•re de epi~tolarum negllgentin poss ls, Cie.; d.J ang, loitai11g, li11gering; tabell;1rioru111, l:ic.;
to in.cur a ptt11Wumnt: poemun, Cic.. ; Jle"· rhet. t. t., tke dWf'lling for some tinu Oil one poi11.(
p:irtic., ferftiW; heredltas Veneri Erycmae Cle.
0)111111ill!.'l., Cie. ; e. ti> entru!t, co111mil to, ~eftcx., oomm6rior -mort11m1 1 s. dcp. to die together
Ill vrN111rt risk 01iuel/: se·in 11ennt111n, CIC.; se with; with lint., ho~tihus, Sall.
urbi, Cic. ': aliq11P111 title! potestatiquc elus, Cic. ; oommfSror, 1. dep. to delay, li11gtr, 11Utke a
collum tonsori Cic.; alicui rempublicam, Liv.; stay in a11y place, sojottrn, torry, remail&; a,
c.1111111ittere alicut, ut videat ne quid 1"t:s pul>· Rornne, Cic. ; unnm noctem ail He!orum, Cle. ;
lica detrhnenti ca plat, Cle. apud aliquem. Ci<'.; fig., consilium .tnum dlutins
oomm64i, adv. (com1nodus), a rightly, in nnnis ci viii bus commorandi, C1c. ; b, rhet.
proptrly, ftU11, appropriately; dicere, Cle. ; min· t. t.. to d1t'tll 011; plnribus verbis in eo, Cle.
1ll! co10rnode audire, to 11.c&vt a" \ndi.ferent rtpu· oommotlo ·unis, r. (eommoveo), 1m emotion,
llllioa, Cic. • b ogruably, phaaantly; ft!ceris ilt· ezcit1m1mt: animi, Cle.
itur couundtle :1dhique gratum si, etc., Cic.; o, oommotlunoiUa -ae, f. (dim. ofcommotio),
IO.lis/adorily; navigare, Cle. a /lligkt illdi~positio11, Cic.
oomm04ltaa -ltiB, r. (commodru1). I. a, oommotua -a ·um, p. adj. (rrom eommoveoh
proportio1l, sy11undry; corporill, Cle.:. vlt:;.e, Cic.; I., totteri11g, ~111tc11.rt? unsteady; .aea alien um,
b, co11w11it11.ce; ob commodltate1!1 itmens, Liv.;
c, }tJtt11, ci flt ocrosion.; commod1taii ad raciem~­
Tac. ; genus (tl1cen<h) m agendo, C1c. ; a,
&n mind, 1JXCit1d; animus commotior, Cic~ .
nm iJonea, Cie.; d, culvcmtage; qui ex besth1t
fnictus, quae eommoditas pe~ipi pot.est, Cle. oommfSveo ·m6vl -motnm, s. L Lit. to
U. of penions, complaw11ce, bnd11u., Ov. move tnlirtly or violently, to shake,_ to mov• from ti
place: I, se ex eo loco, Cic. ; <'astra tx eo loco, to
oommCklo, I. (commotlns), 1, to 11U11.:t flt, ccmSti tkt <1n11y to adinnct, Cic. ; sacra, to carry
a.daf(,, Plin.; ~'-a, to atl~pt onuelf aho11t (at festivals, etc.) the stc.tueJ Q/ th£ god~ mul
to 111., anothu 1'"3llll, to pua&e, _obl1gt, seri;e; ti~ $acrtd ute11sil.f, Verg. ; nnmmum, to ein7!loY
ut eo libeutius iis commodes, C1c. ; b, with iii con11~rct, Cic.; columnas, to cnrnt o.ff, C1c.;
acc., Co/11.rnWl-, knd, giN; nomen auum alicui, a a to h11.11t; cervum, Verg.; b, to ca111t to
Cic.; relpublieae tempus, Liv. ; alicni aurem, y!ew. 'or aive way; hostlmn acle111, Liv. IL
Ov.; to Incl for a time ; allcui aurum, Cic. Transf., i, of the mind or thll 1•a.ssiom1, to
1. ~um. adv. (commodwi), a, al lht »1()1Jt, in/hunce, dhturb; his omnes, 1!1 quibus
rigil U... opportuMly; commodum enim eger· est virtut111 i11dole11, commove11tur, Cic. ; aui
&• dlu,mtfulme Cic. ; b, with qnnm or potlt- libldine aliqua ant metu commotum esse, Cle.;
qQlm and the lndlc., j11st: comn1odum dl!ICUll· nova atque h1u11it.'lta specie commotue, Caes.;
G'&a llerl, quum Trebat1ua venit, Cle. eiuade111 111ist>rih1 ac perlculis commovetur, Cic.:
I. eoamtldam -t, b. (eOIDllloUWI), & 1 con· qu111u e!l;let ex aere alieuocommcta clvlt&a, Ole.
com 112 oom
I, to OllU /orlA, J>1"0ffue'1J, Ollt&N: r111t1m, Clo. ; caplllos, Cle.; longu compta puell" comu, Or.;
magnum et acerbum dolorcrn, Oic.; bellum a.ut praecineti rocte pueri comptlque, Hor.
t11m11lt11m, Cie.; s. to treat o/, nova q11aed11m, comoedla -ae, t. (11:... ,,.~ia.), a conudy, etc.
Cle. (contracted pert. fonna com1noeeem, oom-
mosset, commosse, Cic.). COmoedU8 -a •Um (1ewl''f'Mt), rtlat!Eg to Cl
comedy, comic; natio, Juv. Subst., oomoe-
commflnleatlo -llnis, r. {communleo), I, a dua ·I, m. a comic cvtnr, Cie.
com1111rniaLli11g, fm1H1rti11!]; co11i1illi, Cle.; 2. a
rhttorical fl1111re =avcucoivwcn~. in which~ orator ~mosua -a -um (coma), hai711, Phaedr.
prttendJJ to co1181ut thl 11udirnu, Cie. compi.ciscor (co111 ~ciscor),·, or -pee·
comm'iinioo, 1. (communis), lo lhare, di11id.e tus. -pacisci a., tlcp. to conclwu an agru:mellt,
1uith, ro11nn1rnitutt; 1, ju<licl:I cum eqnestri or· make a compnd wit.'1 any OM, Plaut
dine communlc.~ta era11t, Cie. ; rem cum allqno, compactio -cutls, r. (compln1w), ca puUi"fl
Cic. ; 2, w emn.11wnicrrtr, imJlflrt, (7\(orm, by or joi1n11g l••vrtl~r; mcmbrorum, Cie.
epeakl11g or writing; cow1illn, Dies.; de soclct.•te compactum -1, n. (compaclscor), a ccmpact,
multn inter se, Cic: to take coun.-el with, cMfa a9rur1~"'; compacto, Cle., de eompact.1, Plaut.,
with; cnm aliquo de 111axi111is rehus, Cle.; 8, to ex compacto, :Suet., acoordin.g to avrtcmKnt.
join, unUr.; q11n11ta:1 111·1•1111in" ab uxoril•us dotle oompaotua -a -um, p. adj. (from co11111ingo).
nornlne &eecl'crunt, t111U1e ex 111\a honis aesthn· thid:·MI, co111prt5$t<l, rumpact, Plin.
a.tione racUi. cum dotibue communicant, Caes.;
4, to share aoni.ething wUA om; curam dolor1s compii.ges -1!1, f. (co111pln~o). L ca jofni~
1ul cnrn allquo, Cle. together, c011ne.ri01i; lapi<lum, Ov.; quae (n:\\'ls)
1. commtinlo ·M or ·II -lturu, 4. lo fortify 1>0r se ipt14 0111nihus c1imr•igibus aqu11m acl'ip-
tl1oro11glily 011 11ll Bidu; e&."ltella, Ca.ea.; transr.,
erd, Liv. II. Tran~r., dutn snmue In hl:1
lo jortiJy, stre11ythm; enu~m te11timonll1, Glc.
lnclusl compagibus eorporis, bodi.l11 stnctun,
Cie. •
2. oomm'iinlo -linls, f. (communls), com-
municm, n1utual pnrlicip<ition; Inter quos est
oompi.go -Iola, t comp.iges (q. v.).
eommunlo legls, Inter em1 communio Juris ellt, compar ·phis, like, rimilar; p<istulatio Latin·
onm1, Liv.; with dat., mllitt>s militlbua com·
Cle. pares, Liv. Bubet., oompar ·plr1s, c. 11 C01A-
commiinls -e (old form commolnls, fro111 11(111ion., equal, OOMort, spouse, Hor.
com and root MOIN, MUN, whence moenia,
m11nus). A. comnwn, general, univtrnl, ordinary, compiirabllla -e (2. comparo), eapabu oJ
t11111al, public(opp. proprius=tndividual, private); co111;~t~o11, wmparable; comparaLile est, quod
lcea, pubUc placu, Cle. ; loci, tihilOM>J• or In rebus diversis eimilem allqunm rationcm cou-
rhetorical comm.onplacu1 Cle.; with ,::emt., com· tinet, Cle.
munls homlnum lnflrnnt&ll, Cle.; with dat., more comp~rati, adv. (2. comparo). '"
omni &etati est eom1111111illl, Cle. ; with cum and rilon., bv co111parU<m, Cic.
the nbl., quocum fuit et domus et mlliti11 com- l. oompi.ratlo ·6nls, r. (I. compnro), 11
munls Cle.; with inter ae, mull a sunt eivibus in· prtpi,Ting, 1~eparatio11 ; novi belli, Cic. : veneni,
ter SP, communla, Cle. j subst., commune ·Is, Liv. ; criminle, tvklenu necessary for 11n IJCCIYlr
n., I, tht commmt prOJ>trty of a corpora.ti.on; quoo twn, Cle.
Jus :1tatues comn"!un~ dividundo, Cie.; 2, •taU, 2. oompuatlo -Onis, r. (2. comparo). A.
commonWf'alth; 81c1hae, Cle.; In comm11ne, adv., ci com,.aring, com1>ari.wn.; oration is auae cum
a. fer the public good, for common ~; in eom· seriptis allcnis, Cie.; utilit.ntmn, Cic.; eumpar·
m'une eo11ft•rre, Cic.: b, in gt1£trnl, Tac. B. atlo quibus plurimmn sit triLneudnm, Cic. B.
Trans!., of persons, a.Ifable, co1i.dr~nding; Cyrum In rhet., comparatio erimiu!s, tht #1.-olf o/a gc-00
mt11orem commuuem erga Ly11a11drurn atquc motitie agciinst a crime, Cic.
humanum rutsst!, Cle. oompllratlVU9 -a ·um (2. eomparo), rtlati1'{1
oomm'iinltaa -!tis, t. (eommunls). L com- lo co111pan.son, containillg a comparison, rompa·
m1u1ity, fellowship; nu Ila cmn deo homini com- rativ...; Judlcatlo, Cie.
munlt&s, Cie. II. T11lnsf., a, th6 desire /or comparoo (eompereo) -~r1I, -parsum, S.
humal\ eocidy, Cic.; b, rondc1ct11.Jl011, ajfabiltt11, ta :scrape together, to a<lt~ 1'p, 1 er.
commiiniter, adv. (communis), in comm.on ·}Jilrlll, 2, I to a7ipear, be tlilUJle; otMf-1, jointl11, generally, Cie. cum aubito sole obscm1L~ non comparuiuet
\ H.oruulue), Cle.; 2, to be 1•rurnt, be in~;
. oommurmiiror, 1., dep. to "'"'~'" mur- ,jgna et dona comparere 0111nia, Cie.
mur; ut eerioo secum ipse eouunurwuratua sit, 1. compuo, 1. A. to p1·cpare, get readr,
Cle., furn.ish; eonvh-ium nmg11illce et ornate,
commiitiibnts, -e (commuto), cha11geabu; Cle. ; Ile, to mnl:e onr.sflj, Cie. ; lnaldias
a vitae ratio, Cic.; b, rhet. t. t., exordium, alicul, Cle.; classem, Cic.; exereitum, Oic.; rem
~ a.a e01Ud l>e easily Hdal'led to a tptedi. on tlu
other side of the questio11, Cic. trumentarlam, Ones. ; anlmum au<litoris ldonee
ad reliqu~m dlctionem, Cie. ; alicui a civitatibna
oommiitatlo ·linis, r. (co1111nuto), a change, 11\udationes per vim et metum, Oic.: bcllnm
aZUration; teml'orum, Cic., aestuum, adversu1 aliquem, Caes. B. to a.nungt, Mttk,
commiitatua ·tlll, m., a change, altnation, dU]JOJJe; I, of character sic fnhnus semper
oommiito, 1. A. lo cAange, alter e11tirdy;
eo111pnratl ut, etc., Cie. ; a,
<'f hrstitut.ions, .lura
proeelara a~ue divinitus a nostria znajorlbua
cursum, Clo. ;, Cae1. ; tempora in horas eomparat.a, C1c.
commutantnr, Cle.; rtlpublleae statum, Cie.; 2. oompiiro, 1. (compar). L Lit., a, to
consillnm, Caeii. ; se11te11tiam, Cie. ; nihil com· form into pairs, to '4niu in pairs, Cic. ; labt>lla
mutart anlmo, Cle. B. lo, change aomt· labcllis1 Plaut.; b, to bring tor;ether /or a contat,
tl•in.g for 10inethi11g el.'ll; glori&m eonstantlae cum ta matc11.; compararl cum Aescmino S&mnlte,
earitate vitae, Cic. ; fide1n 1uam et religionem cum patrono dl~ertissirno, Cle. D. Tnmat.. a,
pt!CUTlll, to barter, Cie. • lo; et ee mihl eomparat Ajax I' frr.;
como, compel, eomptnrn, s. (eontr. from homo slmllitudlnes eomparat, Cle.; Attieo Ly-
C<•emo ), lo Jllacc togdlwr. L Gen., Luer. II. 1iae Catonem nostrum_. Ole. ; meum factum cum
lo place togetMr '" order, Co, adorn, tuo comparo, Cle. ; o, comparare proTinciu
eepecl&ll7 or the bai.r, lo comb, plait, adcm&; l.Dter •· or comparare proviDCIU, or atmpq
com 113 com
com1iarare inter !'\e (of magiRtratc.<1). to cowu to oom~titor ~ris, m. a CO'lf&pttftor, Cle.
11.1' C14r«~11.t i'.U
t..J IMir lt'V'<"TCII dutks, Liv. eompiStitrbl: ·icis, r. (compet!tor), 11 /~
compaaoo -vi
vi -past11111, 3. to /ml or gm::t: compditor, Cle.
ll"}tllla; si compasc1111s ngcr est, jus est L'Oln· oompeto ·pMM and -pt!trt -~tltum 3. t<J,
pu:e~. Cic. co11U to<;etJur, to 111ut. A. Lit., Varr. B. Trausf.,
oompaaauua -1\ -11111, 1Ylating to romm•m 1, to a!Tru, coiricidt i1t 1)(Ji11t oftimt; tempor:i cum
pa.,<111n1~; &g\!r, pa3turavt Mid fo romino11, <.:ic. Othouis exitu compctiRSP,, Ta<'.; 2. to be tqual
oom~dlo, 4. (co111pcs), to fcltu, Plaut. t-0, m71t•l>lt of; ut \"ix nd 11r111a <'~'lpieuJa aptanJ·
aquc pu.:11:1c cP1111x•tRrct n11i111m1, Li\".; ueqnc
compell&tio -01111'1, f. (2. compello). a11 acrost- tH·ulis 111•11ue ouriuus satis comp<>lt'llant, Tac.
ill'], r · 11d.:i1t11, re-primnn.cli11g; creurac vel potius
qu.,'ll' c .. mpellntioni>.s, Cic. oompilatlo ·onls, f. (compilo), a 1>ill<igi11g,
I. compello -p!Ui -pnlsum, 3. I. to 1lrive to he11t·e (cu11tc111ptuouiily), a cainpilutio11; Lhr~sti,
oiu '"'"''" wllcd ; lX'CllS totlu,; 1•rovh1ciat', Ck. compilo, I.(com anti pilo ~ t/11>.Jw), to pluudtr,
IL to clri r~, f;fft. A. Lit,, cu11s11\t•!I c foro in
curia111, Liv. ; n:L\'CS in port11111, Cae,..; H1•111a11m1 rob; fa11a, l'ic.; lig., au ivsis t·&psiS jurls, COii·
in c.:istrn, Liv.; u11111c Aur1111cu111 llcllum Punll't· s11 ltoru111 sapie11ti11111. Cic.
"'m comp11lsu111 c,,t, co11fi1ttd to, Liv. B. Transf., oomplngo ·pcgi -pnctunr, S. (com and Jl&ngo).
to fora or i1nprl a p:r.•0•1 tu u11 action, to COlll • A. to pttt togrthtr, co1utruct; part. J>erf., com·
pd; aliqnem ad llcllum, Ov.: !11 eunJcm metum, paclns, construrU.l, Ck., Vt:rl(. B. to coit.fine,
u ... ; in bnnc Si'll'<llll\ et allici llenclicii:> bou1- hitk, co11tYal; sc In Apnliam, Cic.; Ilg., in judicia
io111u et co111pclli iuj11rii11, Ck. et conti1111culns tamqnnm in aliquo<l pi:!tri1111111
2. compello, I. (int.ens. of I. co111pc:llo). L dctrnui et comping!, Cle.
Gen., to w11irr&.,, accost, cull by 11t11nr ; ali•111c111 oompltallolua .a -um (complt&li~). rdut-
voe~. Vcrg. IL A. to addrt"4 u:ith bf<t1ne a11d i11u to tftt Con11iit.1/ia; dies, Cle.; ludi, Cic.
rrprva.dt, diidt, l'eiiu1-t: aliq11c111 etlicto, Cic. oompltalla ·C (compltum), lllati119 or bt-
B. l..i';;al t. t., to areust before a c&1U"t qf justict; longing to er°" r01Ui1; I.ares, the iltities who
ju<licem, Cic. prt!idrd oru crou rocub, 8uet. Snhst.., Com-
eompendliiriua -a -um (compenJium), pltiilla -111111, n. the futival in lumo11r of thr~t
IA?Tt; vi:i, Cic. ileitiu, «rlrbrattd 01t the cross road1 ori n dny 1111·
compendium -II, n. (corn and vanJo, to weigh poinfrd liy the praetor, 1horUy n.fter the .sattir-
,,., A. !Ut•i1tg, par1i111011J1, a111l hence, 1utlia, Cic.
'l'<i·<, profit, adm11ta!1e (opp. Ji-;1,..11•1i11111): pri·
vato co111pe11Jio servire, Caes.; in re uberd111n oompltum -1, n. (competo), a 1•lac~ where
tuo0 or 1110re rc..:ul.:I 111ut, a tr08$ roat.l, Cic.
turpe co111p•mtlh1111 etfugnc, Cic. B. '' .~liort
V!'O.!J, •• $/tort cu..t; per co111pc11dia 111at'ii1 aRSCqui oomplAcoo -cl\i or -dtus 11um, 2. 1, to Jlltt!St
alt1p1e111, Tac. uvtml 1~rso1i.s al n11u, 'fer.; 2, to p~·t<'.d·
oompenaiitlo ·0111!1, r. (co111pem10), a balaiir,- ingly, Plaut.
ilU] of 1111 accv1111t, ro1111~1~tio11: l11co111111oda oomplano, 1. to lel!fll; domum, to mtt, Cic.
CJ,11u11o<loru111 compern1atlone leul:rnt, Cle. oompleotor -plexus -plecti, 8. dep. (com anJ
oompenso, l. to U'tigh tog~Uitr, to rteko1t 011e plectu), I. Lit., 1, tu en1bracw!, t11circlt, s·11rrou111l,
tki:"'J 'J-Y'li1a.'1 a1wtlur, to bttltti<Ct; laetitinm c11111 f1wm11•rst; nliq11e111 111cJi11111, Liv.; 111i1p1c111 art-
duJ .. rilm."I, Cic. ; su111111l labores 11011tri mngna i11:1, Cic.; me artior 11011111us com plexms ci<t, Cic.;
co111rwn~ti g\oria, Cic. 2, to eHclost, su.rrouml; cnllc111 opere, Cae>i.; an-
oom~rencllnatlo -011i!4, !. (cn1ttpere11Ji110), 1:1111111 mundi caelo, Cle. IL Trt111sf., 1, to hold
a J•U..UiivJ op u trial Co tM third tlay, Tac. fast, 11Ul$ttr; quum (facultatcm) quonia111 co111-
1'lexns es, tene, Cic. ; 2 to attach onrN./f to, ts-
oom.perendlnii.tua -n.s, m. comperen-
dinaliu (q. v .).
= t.'ein; quos fortuna complexa est, the /nt•J11ri!t$ oj
fi1rtu11e, Cle.; aliqucm sum11111 benevolentia, Cic.;
oomperendino, 1. (com onJ percndinu>1), 3, of the mind, to t111bl'<ICt, gTaS]l, l'Ot1Lprthei'4;
to re.iw ;ul to the thinl day; tcum, <.:ic. ; 011111ia unn comprehcnslone, Cil'.; 4, to unite i1'
•hliol., ut ante priluos luuos comperc11<.li11c111, 011.o;r/f or itself; omnc!! onmium caritatee pntria
Cic. u11u complcxn est, Cle.
oomperlo -pe1i -pertum, 4. (com ond root oomplementum -1, n. (compleo), thal
PER, whence peritu>1, periculum, anu rcperio, which compltlta or fills up, a compl4TMnt; inania
exJ><:rior), to fi11d out, di.tcover, gaiil cutai11 iiifor- 4nacda111 Verba quasi complement& numt!rurum,
~i.u>t of; haec ccrlls nuntli!i, certis auctorlbns
cviuperi.s>le, Cic.; partic. pei·f., cerluh1, 1m· oompl~o -plcvi -pletum, 2. to fill up. L
df.1t<.Ucd; levem auilitionom pro re com pert.a Lit., 1, fosi;as sarmentie et vlrgultls, Caes.;
b11bcre, fer a certainty, Cnes. ; ca dicimui1 qniw paginam, Cic.; multo cibo et potionc completl,
C'Qlu1->ert.l ha0e111us, quae vitli111us, Cic.; com- Cic.; with genlt., co11viviu111 vicinorum quotirli1.1
pertmn narrare, Sall.; with nee. an•t i11ti11., compleo, Cic.; 2, mi lit. t. t., to complete the
p<:111U!1141L1111 coruperit t1nm posse vive1e, Cic. ;
nnmbtr of crn ai·my, jlut, ew.; classem Roman·
abL a~l., comp;:rto, it hauiJLg bte11 di:1Covert<l a111 socii>i navnliuus, Liv.; 3, to jUl a space
fer ~rtai11: co111perto Eortlaeam petituros with lii.;\1t, smell, shout, clamour, cte.; oi11nia
Ro1n.'ll10;J, Liv.; with tie and the abl., nlhil de clamorilm!!, Liv.; sol cuucta sua luce l11strat
hoc eompcri, Cie. ; )J4rtlc. JICrf., compertus (of t!t co111plet, Cic. IL Transr., 1 clvitntem
Jier:sou.~). co1u:ictecl; probrl, Liv.
comperior = comperlo.
8111111111\ spe et voluntate, Cac!I.;
fat& -sua, Ov.; centum et scptcm annoa com-
to .fulfil:

oompia -J.l~<lis, r. a fl!lter or foot lh.acklt, gen. pksse, Ck.; 3, or a sum, to ~ up; neque
'1t111t.I in the plur, Plaut..; tranqf., qui In com- est adhuc ca su1n111a (imperoti sumptus) com-
r"!\libll!I c:1rporl.s sempcr fn'.!runt, Cle.; Telephum pletn, Cic. ; 4, to romphu, /; hl1 rebwa
lcl1tt puella grab co111pe<lti vinctum, Hor. complotl1, Caes.
eompesoo -pesclli, S. (conne~teJ with com- oompletua -a -um, p. adj. (from compleo),
pel, rompeJio), to hold in rutra1~.,cMcJc, curb; pn-f«l, rofltplete; co111pletu1 et perfectus verb-
equwn angusti• habenls, Tib. ; seJ1t1011em exerc· orum a111loitu11, Cic.
ital Terbu uno Tac. ; claruorem, Hor. ; ramos, oomplo:xlo -Onla, f. (complector), 1. ea..
Vq. ' ~ crm&bi'llatiofi; complexiones atomorua
com llf oom
Intel' 11e, C!c.; 2, of db1course, a, b:".rvil tottus comJM)slti, adv. (oompoelw11), 1, '- Oil
11egotii, a ah.orl. nm.mary of tM whou matur, orderly maniur, in good order; compo11ite et aptt
Cle.; b, verbonun, or abJ10L, a ~. Cfo.; c, dicere, Cic. ; 2, quietly, Tac.
ln logic, tM conclusion of a syllogism., Cic.; d, compOaltlo -<lnia, r. (componoJ, a pll#i~
• di.lemma, Cle. together. L Gen., a matchfog ; gladiato111D1
oomplexua ·11!1, rn. (complector). A. a, compositiones, Cle. lL Esp. 1, a eotnposi.Ag;
an embrace; "'llquem de complexu 111atris avell- a, unguentorum, Cic. ; b, of a book, juri• pontl·
ere, Gic.; currere ad alicnius complexuru, Cle.; tlCl\lis, Cic. ; 2, a B'-t~eme1u of di.ferrnca; paci5,
met.on., a lct.W obj«t; de complexu eius ac sinu, concordi:ie, compositlonis anctor ell8e non dea-
from hi.I favouritu and bosom fr~nds, Cic. ; b, titi, Cic.; 3, arrangtl'Mnt; a, membrorum. C.ic.;
coml>at; complexum armorum vitare, Tac. ; c, b, anni, of the caJuidar, Cic.; c, rhet. t. t., tM
111rrounding, e1~ptUSing; qui (mundns) 0111- ,,ro7>tr arrangt"IMIU of 100nU; composttio apt.a,
nla complexu suo c0t:rcet et ccntiuet, Cle. B. Cic.
Transr., love for; complexus totiu:i gentis hn· oompOeltor ..{)ria, m. (compono). "" .,.
manae, Cle. rcmger, adjttster, Cic.
oompli'.oo ·iVl -i.tum (-QI -Itum), 1. to Jnld compO.ltiira -ae, r. (compono), IJ()(>Jl.naioa,
togetMr, fold up. L Lit., epistolam. Cle. II. joining, a joi11t, Luer.
'l'ransf., complicat.& uotio, confu.itil, intricaU, Cic. oompOsitus ·ll -um, p. adj. with compar.
oomplori.tio -Onis, r. (comploro), u lm1~n­ and SllJ..:'rl. (Mmpono). plactd together; 1, eom-
tation, ct w.:epi11q and be1ca£ling; mulierum com- 1'°setl, quitted; composito vnltu, Tac'-; 2, todl
ploratio sui patrilM.'que, Liv. arrangf<i; cornposito agmine legion~ ducere,
comploratua -lis, m. = comp\oratio (q.v.). Tac.; so of oratory, oratio, Cic; and of the orator
comploro, 1. to bewail or wnp, to fome11..t himself, orator, Cic. ; 3, p«iafttlly !10ftT'11~d,
loudl!I u11d vioUintly : mm1:em, Cic. ; desperata ~ttle1l; respublica, Cic.; hence 11ubst., compO-
complorataque res est pul!lica, Liv. slta. -orum, n. t/l.t orderly co11<lition of a s/.rtte,
compliirea, neut. compbira, and (rarely) l:lall.; 4, a, prtpartd.; ut nemo unquam com-
positior ad Judicium veni!'lse videatur, Cic.;
_pompliiria ·lum, n. rery ma1iy, Cic. Sul!st., b, /dgned, 1>rttt11cktl, 1tudinl; lndignatio, Tac.
ieveral; co111plures ex iis, Caes.
com]>Oti.tlo -Oniii, f. adrinki'rtg party(tra~
compliirlena (compliirlea), adv. (com- lation of CTVJuroCT•o•'), Cic.
plures), 111m1y tima, fre'[lu111ly, Plaut.
oompotlo. 4. (cnmpo!!), to maJ:e f'(trtaktt' of,
complusciUI -ae, -a (complures), a ,ooa Plant. ; passive, to bfMme partaker of, Plaut.
many, Plaut.
complAvlum -Ii, n. (compluo. to flow to- oompotor -Oris, m. a drinki11g rompa.1lica,
getha), ti~ quadrangular roo.f!ess SJ>""'' i11 the com]>Otrbc -fcls, r. (compotor), a fefll.IJ.~
t:t!ntre of a Rmna11 house thror1gh u•h i1·h tiu' wC1tcr
1 drinkill!l companio11, Ter.
colkcttd 011 tM TO(j/1founa iU u-ay to the i111plu\'i111n
below, Varr. ·compransor -oria, m. a di111ur companioK,
boon com11(!nilJ11, Cic.
oomp0no ·p6stll -wslt11m, 3. to put, plare,
lay, bring together. L Gen., 1, inquo(locv)era11t comprecii.tlo -onis, f. (comprecor), wppli-
ea composit.a, quibus rcx tc 11111ncrare cn11stitu- wt io11 of a deity; haec sollcmuis deorum com
erat, Cic.; manibus man us atque oril!us ora, precat io, LiY.
Vcrg. ; 2, a, to place together as oppo11n1/s, Cic. ; oompreoor, 1., dep. ro pray to, npplicate;
pergis pt:gnantin secum poutibus adven;is com- caelestCun titlcm, Cat. ; Cytherea, COlllprecor,
ponere, Hor. ; b to compare; dignitati alicurn" au:iis assit, Ov.
suam, Cic. l l 'f.sp. A. to colfrct together a whole comprehondo (co111prendo) -J•l"thendi
froin uveral Jl<1rl$ 1 com1•ost; exercitus elus com- (-prendi) -prt:hensum (·}'l":1ism11), :l. to St:iu, la)I
positus ex variis gentibus, SalL; venena, Ov. ; /i(!/d of. A. Lit., 1, quid OJ•U" est m::mibus si
aggerem tumuli, \"erg.; of writers, to cum7l0se: nihil comprehc11tlen1lmn est? Cic. ; igncm, to
volumen de tuenda. sanitate, Cic.; orntio ad catch fin, Verg.; ignl!i robom cornpremlit. Erizea
conciliandos plchi!I :mimos compo11ita, Liv. B. 011, \'erg.; nvidls comprenrlitur io:nihus ai;tger,
~-" to com7)ose, Mttle, arrange; arma, Hor.; opes, Ov.; without lglle, comprehensa aediticia. Liv.;
Verj.!.; cinerem, the ash~ of the dead, Ov. ; se 2, as a suppliant, to &ti::e a }>er.;on's haud; com·
thalami'!, \"er,;. ; 2, to quiet, settle, reconcile ; prel1e11dunt ntrumque et orant, Caes.; 3 0 tom.
.:.:mtrovcrsia:i reg um, Ca es. ; A rmeniam, Tac. ; tack, la!i hold flf ill a ho.stilt 11rrrn1u~r, uiu, rop-
amicos a\·c1-,;os, Hor. C. to 1>/ace in a catain ture; a, persons, ta.Ill capitalem hostem, Cic.;
order, arm11qe; 1.l sider:i, Cic.; classia1fos in nliquem vivum In fuga, Caes. ; aliquem in furto,
nurneros le~ioni!I, ·l'ac.; 2, rhct. t. t., to arranqe Cic. ; b, animals, etc., to tti<t, carry ojf; reda.s
t('Ords in thdr order; \'Cl'OO coinponere et q11a,.;i equosque, Caes.; c to ui::t a plact: alii!l com-
co:igmt>llt.arc, Cic. D. 1, to arra119r, smnnth; prehensis collibns, ~ell.; 4, lo 1/iscorl'r or re?Va.l
comas, Ov.; composit-0 ft tlclibnto capillo, Cic.; a crim.e; nefamlum adulterinm. c:c. B. Tran sf.,
togam, Hor.; vult11m, Tac.; 2, a, /,, tli.<pn>t, 1, to embmce; multoa amicitia, Cic.; 2, t-0 co.-
settle iii a 7>0rtic11l<.L1· wny; iti11cra sic ut, etc., J>ri.~, incl11de; ruae omnia una cum deorum
Cic.; anspicia ad ntilitatcm rei)'nhlicne com- notio11c comprebt ndimu11, Cic. : 3t to nlaJ.t. t:>
posita., Cic. ; tliem rel gereu<lac, Liv.; ex com· 1•rr.«, tell in worda or 11:ritillg; breviter com-
posito, as v·e. c1grwl, Li\",; b, to ini•ent, /<1111; )'t•·he11sa sententia, Cic.; nt> plura conMecter,
crimen et 1\olum, Tac. comprehenda111 brevi, Cic.; 4,, aliquhl numero,
comporto, 1. to c.arry, bri11q togrthff, collect; to cn1rnt, e:rz>ress in m1mbn-s, Ve:rg.; 6, &o C011t-
Cru111cmum ab Asia, Caes.; anna in templu111, Cic. r1r~hend, perceive; sensu or •onilibus, Cic.;
oomp0s -p6ti!I (com and potis), hal"ing the animo intelligentiam alicuius rei, Cic. ; int!'l·
nwsll!Tll or ccmtrol of, po.<-.~sstd of, sharirt!I i11:
ligrre et cogitatlone comprehemlere qualis sit
!lnimi, Ter.: mentis, in full TJ'>S..<l'!Sinn of nin1!1!l animus, Cic.; esse &liquid, quod coruprehendi et
{crc-illtvs, Cic.; votl, one tchose wish is f11lji/l-rl, percipl possrt. Cic.
Hor., Liv. ; scientiae compotem esse, to be al>/,, comprehensibllls ~ (comprehendo), uw
to lmow somdhinq, Cic.; ratloni11 et consilii which can be CO?n.prthendm, comprdunribu: na-
c<m1po!1, Cic.; qui me huins urbis compotcm tura non comprehensibilis, Cic.
Cecerunt, rnabUid fl14 to be in this city, Cic. ; tum comprehenalo --Onis, t (comprebendo), 0
patria.e compo\411l me nwnquau1 siris esse, Liv. 1eizi11g with. the hafldl. laJling laid"'" A. Li'-.
oom 115 00.D
l, CIC. ; I, G Mdile lrizirag, ~f"f:
1111111, Cic. B. Tra1111f., 1, a
pvcriri1&f1, MllLJwt·
oonolco. L to ~ GU °""•
fwrulio.g, com1•rthe1'6ioll; cornpl,.ctl 01u11la una
oonoa.edi• ·11ll'D, I. a barrWrl4 n/ tr,,a, Tao.
eon11en·h~m1inml, Cic.; 2. a pfTiod, ~,; ooncAl«SfAclo (conr.alticlo) .fl'ci .f;1etnm,
Tulia cnmpl"t'llt'llllione devilwlr11, Cic. a., aod p&>19. concA16fio (conCAlfi ..), ·fadua
oomprendo = oomprehendo (q.v.). aum, to ni"" 1Aorou11hl1; brachium, Cle.
ooncU6o. t. lo bltoa"" IArough a""l throt1g~
compresee, 11dv. (cmni>re»l'u11), bf-UJfy, co1a.- Pli111t.
cistlt, J~···i•rll11, Cle.; eo1111're11Hiu1 l0tju(, Cle.
oonoUeaoo -cllftl (lnchnat. of conCAlrnl, s.
compreaslo -onl", t. (comprimo), oom71f'#o A,, to beoowu tlloronghly '°"""; cor!">111
lioa q/ 111.~u. OUl&Cilt""'; com prenloue rerum 111111tra 11nl11re anhnl coru-alMCunt, Cic. B.
brena, Cic. Tra11,.1'., lo plmo tr:ri"' low. Ter.
1. oompressua -a-um, partic. olcomprimo. ooncalleaoo -CA111\I, s. a, to ~ prac·
1 oompreuua abl. ·ll, m. (compriwo), 11 ti#.1; tm1111u.a111 ma11u1J n1iere, aic 1rnhnu1 U141l
prari"'V lr"}f'lhcr, Jr""""'N. ~. Cle. euucnlluit, Cle.; b, to btcon~ oalloiu or witla.o1'4
oomprimo -vreul ·preA11u1n. s. (com and /Nl.iilg, Cic.
inuiu), to p~ 11(11-«M ltlfl"~r, comprut. A. Concbl ~rnm, m. (Ring., Conob119.
UL, l, quum dibritA11 00111pre,.,..,mt t1l pul(nuru Hor.), a iaoagc tribe '" Spaill, IDM dru11k huna'
ftcie_nt.. Cic. ; prov., com 1•re..MI• mau i liua 11e.l.. re, blood.
to Iii lllUA foldal .\aw, Mlk, Liv. ; 2, to pru1 to- oonoaatigo, 1. 1o pu"UA• clwutile ui·trt1r,
fll.'er, lllOkc dcwr or tigh.kf<i· onll!'~t kl rloM tlu Pl;111t.
1'111.b, Uv. B. Trauar., 1 to ADIAl back; a, ooncAvo. 1. (concnv1111), lo Mllnw o»l, "'4U
frnmentum, lo Imp '" Uw gGrner, "°'
Ile.; b, to ivpprua: dl'licta ma~na, Cle. : 2, to
kl ~/1, llllllu10 or ooncaw; brachia g~111ino11 ill art11.1,
C1ir1.,.1, ~Ni•, Ov.
ma; pla111'1U1 lpae adminttlone Cc•lllL•IWlllWI et1t,
conoAV118 ·a -um, ht>llo"1, t11u17""1, arch«f,
Cle. ; grtz!llUlll, Verg. ; 3 • lo cruA, NhdU ; 0011m11e; cy111l1Ala, Luer.; 1ltit.111.li11e11 •vclunc-
fweatil bowiala cooat.wn a&que aud&cla.a, Cle.; arum, Cle.; a.1ua, wc/li11g tip, Ov.
leditionem, Lh·.
oomprobi.tlo -6nla. f. (comprobo), ~ oonoedo ·Ct'lll'I ·ce.-1,.11111, s. "' g<> Cltl!llJ, d4J.
Cle ,,art., rdi~, 1Citl11lr1110. L Lit., lllJ't"ri" "" oria,
\'urg.; ah ali1•11i11" ocl\li:<i 11li<t"'\ C1c.; cum con•
oompribator -6rla. m. (comprobo), .,... vAo JuKib1111 ac lihrri11 In arc.·m ~piloli111111p1c, Liv.;
"""'-. l.'ic. docet nnde fultuen venerit, •1110 c"11c1•,.,•ent, Cle.;
OCllllpribo. 1., 1 loGJ'Pf'ON/lllly; Orlltlonem cnucedere vita, 41> d~ Tac.; 1111 ai.,. ..1., q11nn1lo
omni11111 aaioenau, Lfv. ; lalAm tuam 11e11te11tia111 c11111-e1111ero, Tac. II. Tr1tnttf., 1. tit rruu; tumor
la1:11lo YeheruenUMlmeque cmnproloo, Cle. ; 2, to 011111i1J l!t. lrae con•-e'"'""' d .. t1111L\""ri;. ; 2, a, to
..,,.., prow,; 1111tna dictum aapiene tuh"'it; In alil'uiue diUnnrm, Iv.; b, to Jlflll
lemdritu tllii mmvrolo&rit, Cic. over lo'°"" one'• .UU or purtv or IMw; ht At-
oomprOmiuum . :It n. (compromltto), o tal! eententlam, Liv.; S, kl yi,./il; a, lntm111'it.
aatlllll ugr'WIM1ll to aMtU by tltl d«Uiol'& of att (a) volupl.all cunceollt dlg111!at1 1 Cle. ; c1111cc•ll're
~; da hac pecunia comprotuiaaWD racere, nat11rae, to die a ll4l11ral rlmth, S.~11. ; U!> '" giw
ac. fn. CO; aliculu" pnll!Uhlllnnl, Cle.; (y) II> 1onrrlnll;
compromttto -mlal -nllssum, a. eo ~ lo &lit'!Dl» veccatlaf CIC. ; b, trn1111il. 1 (a) to yitld,
~ • atl&M w arbitra.tior&, Cic. giw "1'; alh'u libftrtah•tu In alil111A rt', Cle.;
Compaa -ae, r. UHDJl o/ tltl llirpir&i '" 84• ecinceJant, ut hi vtrt ho11l fHPrint, ''' tht:" ad-
1"11111 (now CoH.Za) ; hence, Compeiaua ·&·um, ,,.u,
Cic.; nlicul prtmu In dlCt'U•ln \"'1-i.-11, Cle. ;
~or btlo"lfi"l1 to Camp«J. (/J) reil'uhllcae dotorem a~ue a1111citin.1 1uaa,
IOCr(jiu, Cic.
1. oomr.tua -& -uml p. &lij. with compar.
l1ld 1u1•·r. (from como,, on1Al!Mmed, adonud; concelebro, 1. L Lit., lo vVU ci plcu1 o/tn,
ontio, Cic. or in. IA&"flt co'"l'araiu, Luer. IL Tran .. r., A. Of
auy ocn1patlon, CO pur~ t.agt.rlv, 11111<iilun1UlJ;
2. comptua ·G.a. m. (como). L a Mcld-drul, atu<tia pt!r otlum, Cic. B. to otM>rnu a P.•tiuilr_;
Uier. IL a bi&IMl, tU., Luer. diem nat.all'm, PIAnt.; 11~t.aculum, I.iv. Cl.
compungo -pun:Jd ·runct11m, a.
lo ,,nc1::., lo J'"11M, cdol; f111na et lit.t.erla elu.a illel vlct.4>
PQdUW OH au Iida. L Pru.Mr.: ft_g., ....t ae rinm, Cic.
com1~111g11nt 1111i11 acumlnihu11, Cic. IL kl 111ark;
batlvuiicum pu11ct1111 uotill Th relclla, '"ltooed. ooncenatlo -<'\nl11, f. (couceno), Cl"'""'"'~
Cle. getlw.T (tnmttlation of Or. crv..&•,,..l'O.. ), Cic.
OOlllplto. 1. to rcc:hm ~. calculaU, cio... ooncontlo -6nla, t. (couclno), a 1b&gi"f1 ""'
Pllf; nlio111:111 digiUe, Plaut..; fades tua com-
palat annne, tln1U.I tlt.11 .ngs, Juv.; abeoL, com· '"""", It.ti """" r. Cle.
Plt&ral.. J>ee11ni&m tm1-etrarat, Cic. conoentu ·llll, m. (conctno). A. 111111¢"1
oompttreaco -patrdl, a. 1o J>'&lrfh, Luer. lngtther, "''""°"'-;
avtum, Cir~ ; t.uharutn IO
coruuum, LiY. B. Tran,.f., Clf11'WllVllt, .\anitllftr
COmum ·I, n. (Kc=.110..), a towm i" Cflalphu o/!7p(11ima, '"'"'· coiu:onl; mellor actionuru qUAIA
~-~· eo..o. A.Jj., COmeml• -e, of or be· aononnn co11ce11tu•, Cle.
-~ lo eo....
OOJl : com. (q. T.).
conoeptlo -00111, f. (conclpln). 1,. a, "°""
eirpticm, a heccimtr&g png•al\t, Cle.; 2, "" drt.a•
-~·• -mini•, a. (conor), G" tlorl, ,.. '"' llJ' of ltgtil f<Yl'Ttl/tWM Ci C.
, Luer., O•. oonoeptu• ·t'l.a, m. (coaclplo), o CIOlaClitn"lt
,_oiDitum •I, IL (cOnor). G1' -~ j pa. Jlftll "'"'Cf· Cle.
,.1'111r., auuat& ellccre, Ole. oonoerpo -cerp8f -eerptum, a. (com and
oOaitu -la, m. (conor), a 1111. a.lU'lll,,C, Cftrpo). lo prdl, r_I~ lear '" p(«u. L Lit.,
t/frt. 1Hidn1a.W"f: hoc 1.-'011atu .fe~t.•tf're, Cic.; epiHtola.I, Cic.. II. Trauat., aliquem terveutt.
-~ tuoa nefarifWll COllAtnli, Cle. ; b, tffltlbU, ahue, a11. Cle.
diJNt1, elor1; tu11111ltu11 Galllc1111 haud maicno ooncertatlo -llnl~. f. (concerto). Cf'tllW,
~ti brevi OP1•l'el411u.1 eat., LiY.; ot '"'~ dri/e; l, 111~1tratuum, Ole.; 2, -"" '-
-1.llldfoa; ut fbeluae) cooatum baoereiat ail tllOl"d.t, tonl"fH1&f1, d~; l1IM Jt'JUD& OOMe1e
llllllllea putua capelMDClo-.. ac. taUone nrbonlm, Ole.
con 118 con
conoertitor -&is, m. (con~rto), Cl riml, oonoDlido -~nls, f. (conetlfo). L a nfl.
Tac. ing, joi1ting; 1, COtnlllunem totillll i,-eneris hum-
conoertatirlua -a -um (concerto), math1g lnnlll c:onclliallonem et co11.11ociatlo11e111 ('(>!ere,
to a coutut in wordl; genwa dlcendl, Cic. Cie.; 2, a, a trxUiHg i1& OJ•ilifon, 1-011,.iJiuti•f:
concerto. 1. to llri111 t.agtrlJ; 1, proelio, ant concilial1011b1 caus:\ le11IU>r nuL tot•rtnotiouis
Cle. ; 2, e11p. or dispute In WONS, nu11qua111 vehe111cnt&r agnntur. l.'ic. ; rh.,t. t. t, tlle gm-.i1119
accidlt ut cum eo verlio uno coocertare1u, Cle. tJu faoour of tJu aM1.fu1&«. Cic.; b, 111di1ullio•;
pl'ima est enhu conl'iliittl•• ho111i11i:o ad ea. llu&e
conoesslo -Onis, r. (conCl:!do), cz 11""1iJ&g, i:mut secundum natnmm, Cic. D. a proc11rittg,
granti11g; 1, agrorum, Cic.; 2, rhet. t. t., alt acquiring; grntiae, Cic.
aJini&aio1' of a favl.t, Cic.
oonoeuo. 1. to MJ.U, haw nff, Plaut.
oonolllator -cirl11, m. (concilio), 0111 ll'lto
'P.rtparu, ~'ru; 1.rnvtiarw.u. ci malcA-»WLtr,
OODC81181111 .Q.,, 111. (concedo), J¥T'l"Wion, Nep.; 1•nxl1t1onls, Liv.
ltai:e ; gen. in abl., concea:su omnlum, Cic. conolll&trioiUa -ae, f. (dim. or concilia-
ooncba -ae, r. (irOyx,,). L I.Jt., 1, n muatl, trix), thal which conciliatu, Cic.
Cle.; 2, a mmsel-sMl/I Cic.; poet., pearl, ooncllli.trts -lci11, r. (conciliator). L Ollf
eonchae teretesque lapil i, Ov. ; S, the wll- toh.o uiiltu, " tnatcll-111abr, Cic. D. Transl.•
ft&h. 111hic1t yi.tldtd tM pvrple drt, Luer. ; poet., that whi-:lt aiUM.S, p1'0ml)tU, brings about; vi:J ora-
purple dye, Ov. IL lteton., a in tit• tionis concillatrix humauae socil•tatis, Cie.
llaape of a shell ; 1, concha saliis puri, aalt-cdlar,
Hor. ; funde capa.cihu.s ungueota de coochis, 1. oonclllatua -a -um, P.· &(ij. with coru-
Hor.; 2, tlte laorn ojTrilon, Ov. par. and suptirL (from conc1lio), 1, Wlowrl by,
Hatnllcarl conciliatus, Liv.; 2, i11cUHtd to, ut
oonoheua -a -um (concha), nlating to a judex ad rem acciplendam flat concillatior, Cic.
miuul-ahell; bacca, a pearl, Verg. 2. oonoDWua. abl. ·U. m. UN v1&io11., co•
oonohla -is, r. C~xos), a ki1ui o/ bta11 boiled nt::rion of rU-Out11, Lncr.
tolth. its pod, Juv. oonoruo, 1. (conclllum), to bri1tg tognln-.
oouchita -ae, m. (•cryxiTJJli), a •u.utl gatMrrr, L to unite, 001uuct. A. corpora, Luer. B. to
Plaut. unite iii Ul&tiwunt, wnn. owr; 1, gen., legioh-t'S
oonchjlli.tua -a -uui (concbyllum), pvrp1'; sil>I pecuuiA, Cic. ; a11huos vlel>1s, Liv.; a. to
~rii1tromata, Cle. rrcoamcnd. Wike acoeptabl.t; dlctht artea CObcil-
couchjllum. -11, n. (iroyxVA'o"), n mussel, or lare snu, Ov. D. A. to JITOC"Tt, JINJ>Clre. pro-
gen. ~flell-ji.aA. L Oen., Cic. II. Esp., 1, au vide, ,/¥mi.Bia; 1, geu., pecuniu, Cle. ; !,, lo
.,,,..ur, Cic.; 2, tlte llull·fl.M toll.ic/I. fit~ a bri1i:1 togetMr, unite; conclliarl vlro, Cat. - . to
purple dye, Luer.; met.on., a, purpled~; veiiti• bri11g abvv.t, mVN, proctU"e; a.ibi amorem ab
couchylio tlncta, Cle.; o, a pvrpl• garmtat, oumil>us, Cic.; nu11tias, Nep.
Juv. oonoDJ'.um -II, n. (com and cio = cleo). L
1. oonoldo -ldl, s. (com and cado), to fall a v.11ioN., co"H.Uio1&; rerum, Luer. D. 1, ia
dow1l, tumble to tM grwnd, 1ink down. A. Lit., coining togtther, auc'1Abli11g; Camenarum cum
1, or things, Cflncidat caelmu omne nect!11se Egerla, Liv. ; 2 anaae»iblr; a paaitorum. Cic.;
ei1t, Cic. ; re~utlm\ rulnA pani eiu11 turris cou- deorum, Cic. ; t, aii a1at11wly 7or dtlibnalioN., 11
cldit, Caes. ; 2, of the wlnd11, to d'TO'/>; c:oncltluut councU; (•) out.i1de Rome, Gallorum, Liv.; con-
venti fugiuntquc 11aves, Hor.; equua eiwa ante cilium Achaicum, tlte Achaean 1Aag1u, I.iv. ; eo11-
slKJlUlll Jovi11 :Statoris sine caWli coucidit, Cic.; stituere tliem concillo, Caes. ; cogere or convo-
In llatLle, ita pugnans concldit, Ca.ea. B. care conclllum, Caes.; aliquem allhibere ad cnu-
Transf., 1, to 1ink, periM, wade aaoa1 ; neq ue clllum, Caes. ; (ft) In llomet concllimn sanctum
enlm tam facile opes Carthabrinl11 tantae con- patrum, Hor. ; conclliutn p1elii:1 baherc, U> Ao!d
cldh1sent, Cle.; tu111 ferocia omnis conchlit, Liv.; a vutt'ng o/ tlte eotnilia trtbtda, Liv.; }>Opuli, ...j
2; or persons, a, to be Mlined, OllCTthroum, to fail; tlte comUia C¥1"1'riata, Liv.
malas cnusas sem1ier obtlnult, in optimi con- oonolnni, adv. with compar. (conclnna11),
cldit, Cle. ; at Jaw, to lo•; judlcum voclbus ehJlalllly, n.eally, .ft11ely, f(uUfvlly; rogare, Cic. ;
tractus reus et una patron! onmes couclderunt, diatribuere, to arnmge a ~pttel& artutimlly, Cic.
Cle.; b, ne unit plagi acce1•ta patres comscripti
conclderent, be dWiro1'te1ied, Cle. oonotnnltu -itia, r. (concinnus), degmtr.e
and 1tarn&0111 of ltylt; verborum or st"nteuliar-
t. ooncido -cidl -clsum, S. (com and caedo). um, Cle.
L to cvt up, cvt in. pilcu, cut down, ltrib to tM
grovnd. A. Lit., conchios equites nostros a bar- =
ooncbmltiido -tnis, r. concinnitas (q.v.).
barla nuntiabant, Cle. B. to ovtrlhroto, annUiU- oonolnno, 1. (conclnnna). L w pvt or ~
au; .Antonium decretls suls, Cle. II. A. to btat ·together ca1:t,111.U'lli_ to arraiige; 111u11uscuiu1n all-
.wrely, cu.clgtl; allquem vlrgis, Cle. B. 1, a, cul, ap. C1c. IL Transf., to prodUC11. CG'K#;
w cut \n. p~; nervoa, Cle. ; b, to cvt through; amorem, Luer.
magnos 11erobibu11 montes1 Verg.; pedestrla ltin- oonolnnua -a -um, 'Wtll ptd ~°""· L
era conclaa aestuarils, C1c.; 2, rhet. t. t., to pltaai11g, that which plta.#11 on ncco1111t of Aa""°"'
divide too atnvtdu, Cle.; 3, logic. t. t., to ana- andf)ToportioJI., tltga1tt, mat. A. Gen., 1111.t edepol
l1•, Cle. concin1111 est virgo facie, PlauL; tectorium, C1c.;
oonol~o -civl -cltum, 2. and (In prose gen.) helluo, tlegan.t, Cic. B. Esp. of di11COursel t.cute-
conclo -ivi -1tum, '- to alir up; 1, Oen., a to /ul, riotishttl; oraUo, Cic.; concinnua et e egan1
moiie viou1ul11; concita n11vis, Ov. ; concitA hu- Aril1to, Cic. IL 111ited, JU, appropriate, pl.taaiag:
rnina, Ov. ; b, or men, to mm.mon, bring to- conclnnu.s amicls, Hor.
gtthtT; tot.Am urbem, Liv. ; exercltum ex wt.A conolno -elnl\l -centum, 8. (com and cano).
ln~ula, Liv.; 2, to ucitt, di.aturb; a, conclta L Jnt.rnm1lt. A. Lit., to si11g tn cAonu, pltq ill·
rreta, Verg. ; b, or men, to n>UM, ltir "P ; stnc11Unts i1l co~rt; concinnnt tubae,;
plebem contiouibus, Liv. ; lmmanl concltus iri, 11lc. lld vada lfaeandrl conclnit albus olor, Ov.
Verg. ; c, to produce, cau., pnmioU; bellum In B. Transr., a, to jo1n t.>gttlur in an 1&Utntn«, te
his provinciis, Liv. agne in .aying; ne ju vet vox lsta VETO, qua
oonolllAbiUum. -1, n.
111t11Wl~, .aarkct place; nun
ir::mo), Cl plaa of
et concW&bula
conclnentes collegaa llUdltls, Liv.; b, to agrn
togdAtr, lanwnilt; cum Perl~teticis re coo-
:>blre, LI v. ciDere, verbil dlacre~ Clo. D. Tran11it. A.
con 117 con
Lil, baec qnum conclnuntur, Cic. ; cannen ad concltor -Ori!!, m. (concleo), ou tcho tzeitu,
d1usu fores, Ov. B. Trnnsr. to ultbrnte; 11£rs up; helli, \'Ulgl, Liv.
laeto-; dies, Hor. C. to prophay; tristia owina, conclunciUa -ue = contlnncula (q.v.).
1.oonolo = eoncieo (q. v.). concli.mi.tio ·Orris, r. (conclamo). an ada-
matioa, shouting togtllr.n-; uuiversi exercitus,
2. =
conclo --Onis coutio (q. r.). Ca es.
conclOna.bundua -a -um, v. contiona· concli.mlto, I. (int.en!!. "l>C concl11mo), to
bundus. shout loudl!!, cry violmtly, Plaut. -e, v. contif)nnlis., I. 1, to sir.out logtther, fa com-
conciowUiua -a -um, v. contionarius. 7'° ny; nd arma, to roll to arms, Liv.; vasa, to oiu
f}i,,sig1uil for par,J~in.g up ba.[/fl!l!lt befrm1 a march,
ooncionator. v. c:ontlonator. Caes.: with acc. an<i infln., vos uni\'el"l>i una
conclonor, v. contionor. meute atque voce iteruru a me couiel'vatam esse
conclplo -cilpl -ceptu111, 3. (c0m and capl0), renq•uhlicarn co11cla111astis, Cic.; with ut aml
lo ta.h toydJ1tr, hold to<;~ther. L Ge11. A. the snhj. to d.:mand l,_.wlly; conclam•\\·erunt, uti
to amtain, hold; multum lgnFm trullis fends, oliqui ex nostri~ arl colloquium pro<lirent, Cau;
LIY. B. Transr.• or WOTll!I, to tr press in ll Ctl'lain with indirect question, co11cl11muvit, quid ad se
for11; \'erh-1, jnsjunw1l11m, Liv.; q11od EX. A~I­ Ye11irent, Cnes. ; esp. a., of a shout of _loy; ad
lll SE.:\TE~TIA juraris, sicnt t:••ncivitur 11v•re quorum ca.,um q1111m conclnmnsset gnudio Al·
nustro, acr.ording to our customiuy /Orm, Cic.; hanu11 exercitus, Liv.: with acc., conclamare
eoocepti.s verl>is ju rare, Ci"~; va.<liruonitun, c.Jic.; victoriam, C.1es.; b, or a cry of grief, aliqm:tn
so, I, lo NP'frC wonl.t ajtu anr1thtr perso11, Qtt. conclauu1re, to beivml ti~ death of M>111t oiu, \'erg.;
l!ll'C:o Pliilip1o0 1•rae~11nte In foro vot11m, Liv. ; 2, to cull togttl~r; couclamare socios, OY.
prtees, Ov.; 2, to pttl,/W1,concl1v:lt; foedu!!, Yer!.:.; conclave -Is, n. (com and clavl11), a f'007JI,
3, cnncipcre ~umma.s, to givt a,,
total1, Liv. 11. c1.a111bu, n dining·i·oo1n, a bedrooll\y Cic.
up. A., 1, nr fluids, lo takdn, drnru iu, sud•; conchido -clllsi -cliisurn, S. (oom an<l clndo
concipit Iris aqua!!, Ov.; terra cauuca.s cot1l·e1•it = clau.!0), A. Lit. to shul up, inclose, 0011jlM;
laeritua.<i, O\·. ; 2, or tire, ro cakli.ftre; mat('ric~, l>estias delectat.io11l11 causi, Cic.; nr.are conclns-
qlll!.fl nisi a.iui.,to ignl igncm Cullclpere po~sit, urn, an inla11d sea, Caes. B. Transr., 1. to ill--
C!C.; n;;., of love, qucru mens tnea concipit, e<··11pre.cs, 1>Juji11e: nllquem In angustis·
ib"Jtm, ov.; 3, of air, CO draw in; 1•ars (a11imae) i;imam ft.rm11lain spo11sio11is concludere, Cle.;
concipitur cordi" pa rte quadam, q11en1 ve11t1fr11l- q11a1tn• tliei hoc lihro eonclmlitur. is compri.>ed,
or.:i cunlia appella11t, Cic.; 4, to co11cP.irt; quum Cic.; 2, lo /Jri11g lo an t11d; epi:>tolum, Cic.:
0>Jn1.-e~·it mu la, Cic.; fig., hoc qno<l conce11t111n pcroratio11em inllammantcm rcsting11e11tetn\·e
r::spublit-a peticulum 1-arturit, Cic.; 5, of phy- <:0ncluucrc, Cle.; 3, thct. to clo."4J 1·h11thmicaJl11,
!F~l qu.11i1ie,., total:~, gai.i; niin~11liai\que vire11, to rounJ. of! in a 1"'riod; trententias, Cle.; 4,
Ov. B. Tian:;(., 1 w r~iL·e, i11cur, commit; philosoph. t. t. to ln·ing trJ a conc/1Uio11, to arg11t,
<ledecta, Cic. ; &r.:f':fus, pcrytelmte, Uc. ; 2, to rnfer; <leinde co11<'l1t•lehas summ11111 malum C.'!158
Ju.I.; iram iutimo 11ni1no et confo, Cic.; 11pem tlolnrem, Cie.; absul., arc,'l1111e11ta rationo con•
r>-gtd, lJY.; 3, tn fultC!J, fo1agil1'; QUi•l lllirUlll Si clu<le11tia, rw.s-J11..ault, logicnl 1iroofs, Cic.
in a~spic1i:> i1ubecilli anirni su1•er~t itiosa ista
c•inci1•iant, Cic.; 4, toco111prt.lui ... 1, grasp; rcrum conchiae, a1lv. (conclusus, from conel:.1<10),
0111niu111 quasi adumorataa iutellic;eutins aniino with. '<'ell-turned ptriods; concluse apteque dic-
a.:: mente c., Cic. ere, Cle.
concise, ad,., (Ctlncisus), fa detachtd or ooncliislo -OniR f. (conclndo). A. Lit. a
wi;nu po11ioni; hem:e, co11cLJiely, Qnlut. sh 11tling, cl<1sing, a111l in military langn~~e. a
11/ocl:fltle, Caes. B. Transr. a clo$t, co1u:lt!.io11;
concisio --Oni~, r. (2. conci<lo), rhet. t. t., a, t<uuclusio muncds ac ne~otii tul, Cic.; b,
Lill brtaki"9 up of a clatue i11to dil:isiorl.!, Cle. rhl't.. t. t.,!l of a S{'t'ech 1 peroration;
concisus ·& -um, p. &•lj. (from 2. concido), c"11cl11slo rst exitus et .leterr11inat10 t-Otlus ora-
diridtd into .shm·C unlencu, /Jri<,/, co11cLJie; seu- ti•Hd~, Cic. ; c, a puiod; \'crl>o10111 quRe1l1un
tenti.:le, Cic. ad 11u111eru1n concJn,jn, Cir.; d, J•hilosoph. t. t.
con.clti.tlo -Onis, f. (concito). 1 quick mow· cm1clusio11 fa a syllv!Jiom, con.seque1tce; l'>ltionl:1,
lll•t; re1i1orum, Liv. ; 2, tu111u!r, stilitio11; Cic.
plebi contra )'atres corrcil.atio et sc<litio, Cic.; conoliislunciila ·ae, f. (<lirn. or concluslo),
3, di.sturwn.ce of th~ mind, pa.ssio11; a.b om11i a joo/i$h i 11jue11ct, 1!(1/try co11cl1uiiti11; contortulae
wncltatior1e ani111l &emper \'&care, Cic. q11ac1larn d 111lnutulae conclusiu11culne, Cic.
eoncit&tor -6ris, m. (concito), 1me who u- concoeni.tlo -onh1, f., v. co11cc11atio.
cittJ, ltin "P; i>e<litioni.1, Cio. concolor -orls, sindlar in rolnur; lrnmerus,
ccmciti.tua -a -um, p. with compar. a11d Q,·.; with dat., concolor est illis, Ov.
su1>erl. (from conclto). l, •11tick, rapid; corr\·er~in oonoCSquo -coxi -coctum, S. L Lit. to /nil
C.1(ii, Cic.; qnam concita.tb>1i111011 tquos hn1nltt- lnqetha. Luer. IL to di!Jtsl. A. Lit., cil•lllll,
m, rpur the Anr·su to a /nll gallop, LI\·.; l'011ci· Cic. B. 'l'ransf., a., to!Jear, endTLre, 6"nruuh; ut
tat.for clllmor, louW!r, Lh·. ; 2, udtctl, 11£ole11t, eius lsta o<lia nt•n 1111rbeam solum !IC<! etia111
pit<iiO!lalt, contio, Cic. concoquAm, Cic.; alique111 senatorcrn (a6 sen<tl«r)
CODclto, I. (fre'l. or concieo). I. 1, to '1Ull't non corrcoquere, Liv.; b, to m.tllurdy,
qsicl:I7, rWlu.tly, stir up, u.:iu; equum r11lc.1ri· delibew.le upo11; til>l din concoqucndurn est
bus, to 'J'Ur to a gaJlop, Liv.; nnvern renlis, utrum, etc., Cic. ; clandestlna concoct& &Ullt
LiT.; Eurns conc:it.-it aq111111, Ov.: es1•. to stun- consilia, ha t·e been. concocted, Liv.
tlllll. by th <roioe; 11enos ex omnibus vie is, Cic. : I. concord.Ia -ae, t (co11cors), agrttmcnt,
cr,ncitare 11ciem, to moi:t forward. tM. army, 101ion, harmony, concord, /ritmL<hip, ~pa.thy.
Liv.; se concitare in liostem, to rwh ayainst I. Lit., cuncor<liam reconrlliare, Liv.; concordl-
l!t( ~,., Liv.; 2, to atir 11p, incite, impel; am conflrmare cum aliqno, Cle.; conoo1-..liam
EtruriAm omnem ath·e:rsu11 Romanos, Liv.; co11gluti11are, Cic.; couconlle.m constituere, Cic. ;
omnem Gal1111m a.d suum 1111xlliumJ. Caes.: aui· met0n., et cum Pirithoo felix conconlla Theseus,
1111 impetu concitatus, 1,;ic. IL to one luait and mirul, Ov. IL Trausf., 1tarmon11,
ai.1UO,, prod11ee: 11e<litionetn ac discoruiam, Cic.; '1Jmp<1thy; co11conlla dlscon, Ov.
illn.iiam lo aliquew, Cio. 2. Concordia -ae, I. thll goddua Coxcord, to
oon 118 con
whom ee•eral ~mples ID Borne were decUcat.ed, qK>t: tota Italia conClll"ttt, Cle. ; lld anna,
ID one of which the eenat.e frequeutl7 held It.a Ora.; lld euriam, Cic.; ad me reatltlle'lldma
llittlnp, Cic. Romam etc. U. 1, a, to Wlftt ""Jdlltr ; ut neq
ecmoorclltir. &dv., with compar. and aa11ere 7,·erl•) coucurrerent ne,·e \'L,fius fliduc-
auperl. (conconi), Aaracmioulr, teW. C011.00rd, antur, tic.; concurrit dext.era lseva, of daJ ..
ainkabl1; concordh1sime vlvere cum 11ll11uo, Cic. ping the Aand1 for applatt«, Hor. ; b, to Aanit•
oozaoonto. 1. (conCOl'll), to a.gru. h i• al tA• taN time; quae ut concurrant omuia,
tcnion; quum animl judlcia oplnionellque con· optahilfl ~st, Cle. ; 2, a, tn n111, rlrtd, .trib
cordaut; with dat., concord&nt cannina nervill, '°!lfthtr; nc J•rorae cont'urrert'nt, Liv.~ b, to
t11ttt in conflict, attacl:, tn(IUge; concurmnt eqmt,..
Ov. Inter ae, Caea. ; omnla ventorum concurre~
oonoon -dis, adj. with comrar. and aurerl. pJ'Of'lia vldi, Verg.; cum acifl lf'gionum net.I
(com and cor), of OM •&had or opil\ioft, COii· rronte, Lh·. : wltb daL, concurrere,
corda1't, agreting, lv'nrwnillua; lratree concord· Liv.; adversua allquem, Liv.; in aliquem, S..11.;
iulml, Cle.; conconles anlmae, Verg.; ol inanl· tranar., concurrentls belll rulnae, torzr 011 Cle
mate objects, n10tlcratua et concors civitatis pohd qf breaking ovt, Tac., Cle. OOD01IJ'll&do-0nis, f. (COnCUl"llO), II rtll&llfllfl
ooncribreaoo ·brtll, 3. to illCMJ.le, Vcrg. ~latr. ooaoourae; 1, or persona, a, pueroruoa,
ooaarid.o -dldl -dltum, s. to'"'""'· COBUftU C1c. ; b, going "°"""; concuraatto regla a De-
to; rem et famaan suam commend.are et concred- ruetriarle nunc IAndam In ooncUium Aetolonuo
ere allcai, Cic. nunc Chalcldem, Liv.; o, akirai.lillf qf UgW
ooaoriSJD!», l. to ,,.,.._ tcp, bura mirtlr; Croopa, Liv.; 2, or things without life, aomnior-
omnla tecta, uv. um, Cle.
OODOl''DO -fll, 1. L lntranslt. to f'dttle, OOA0111'8&tor ~rfs, m. (concuno). a A:lr-
cratk, cla.A, grate; ecabilla concrepant, etc. ; •Wur (opp. statariua), Liv.
conc~~re arma, Liv.; armls concrepat malti- oonourelo ~niil, f. (concurro), 1, a nuut11111
tudo, • ; exercitua gladiis ad ecuta concrep- togtthtr, conc.ourrt; atomomm, Cle.; 2, a Jgure
ult, Lh·. ; al dlgltis concre)luerit, al lhe of lp«Clt., in whicll. the ac.unc Ul01'd ii /rtfJ.'tUll.ll1 re-
1(g1', Cic. D. Tran16it. to rattle, ltrike upon; pta.Ud (Gr. CJVµ w.\o«lj), etc.
aera, Ov. OOD01IZ'llO. 1. L lntranslt. to ""' abcnd.
OODOl'ellOO -crhi -critum. A. Gen. to nclh la Uher and tl&Ulatr; 1 of pel'llOna, a, tum
beOOIM .ti§, to cong«d, cvrdl.e, ha1'tfin: lac, Verg.; trepldare et concuraare, ~.. ; dlea DOC1e!<\UC.
aer, Cic. ; nlve prulnique concresclt aqua, Cic; Cle. ; b. to a!irmlM; inter aaxa rupaque, Lh·.;
frigore aanguls, Verg.; quum claram speciem o1 to trawl about (!•P· of the magiatrates or vro-
concret.o lumlne luna alididit, with. darke11td vmcea). to tnake ot.Jlclal vii~ Cle.; Slot t.hh1~.
UgAt, Cle. B. togT'01D, collect, inert<CM, beferm«/.; ignea concm11ant, Luer. u. Tr&Dlll to ftftt;
aut simplex eat natura anlmantla aut concreta omnea fere domos omniutn, Cle.
e•t ex plurlbus naturla, Cle. ; de terris terram OOD0111'8118-tls, m. (ooncurro). La nu1ni11f
concreecere parvia, Luer. (lntln. perf. ayncop. togdher,co11COUrat; 1, conL"tlnfUBhominwn in for·
C1Jncrease, Ov.). um, Cic.; fscere, to catuieahnlluU orco1'ClOllne; 2 ..
oonoritlo ~Dis, f. (concreaeo), 1, a grotoing of abstractious, •"'°"; honeatinimorum studi-
togtther, co~ling, ~ng; corporuru, Cle. ; orum, eo-opmitio1& ia, Cic. IL A. 11 ltrtki11f to-
a, 111GUrialit1, WMltkr; mortali11 Cac. gether.,_tMtt i ng; corpusculorum, Cic.; \•erborum,
GOll.Ol'itu -a -ump. adj. (from concraco), Cic. .a. a daMLng togetlur; 1, navlum, Caes., a
Ui~, congtaltd, eondeJ&Sed, .ti§eiud; glacles, ltOftUe e11eotilller; concorsus utriu11que exercltua.
Llv.; Jae, Verg.; dolor, llard, tiarlas, O\·. Caes.; 2 ftg., non po1111e auaU nere concursuni ou1-
OODoritolo, 1. to tortt&ni violefttlr, Luer. nlum ph,I011ophorum, Cle. ; !t ot diuxten, con-
cuniua calamitatum, attack, \,'le.
ooncti'bina -ae, t (concubo), a con.ewbhu.
OODOUU1l8, abl. -tl, m. (concutio). a ala.t-
oonotibi.Di.tua -lla, m. (coneublnas), concu· ing, cot&CUarion, Luer.
bh&age, Plaut.
oonotibinua -f. m. a "'4" litling '" a 1tats oonoittlo -cuHi -cussum, 3. I. to lllab rio-
lenUy, agi'4m. A. Gen., a, lit., c.aput, Ov. ;
q/ concubinage, Tac.
terra concussa motu eat, Liv.; b. tranaf!t te
oonotibltua -Os, m. (concnbo), 1, ly(ng t.o- lpsum cancute, aearcA.. ucmirus ,ourie(f, .ttor.
~her (at table), Prop. ; 2, cqpulation, Cle. B. a, to shatkr, clilt11ib, impair; rempuulicam,
oonotlblum -11, n. (concublus), noctia, the Cic. ; b, to a:nrn&, trouble; terrorem metum l"OD·
dtad qf night, the tiJt&e at 10hich. wun arc fa <lttp cutientem deftniunt, Cle. ; casu concussus acer-
1lup, Plaut. ho, \"erg. ; c, to t1rgt, Drift; pectus, Verg. C.
001106.blua -a -um (concombo), rtlath&g to to lllrike t.ogtthtr, frameaa, Tac.
.Ztep, fouml only in the phrase concubii noote, oond,cet. 2., lmpers. U ii proptr, flt, d«Jtlll;
at the t&wi q/ '""''' flm 11«p, al decul oJ "ight, capies quod te condecet, Plaut.
Cic. oond,cWiro, 1. to ador1' mrrJu.Ur; lud<>11
oonotlbo, 1. = concnmho (q.v.). acenicos, Ter.
oonculoo, 1. (com and calco). A. to tnad, 0011demni.,or -Oria, m. (condemno). 4JI a,c..
tram~ 11ndtr foot, Cato. B. Tran11f., to mi11UC,
to de..tpi.sie; miscram lt.Uiam, Cle.; Maccdonlcam
cuur, Tac.
l&Urel\nl, Cic. oondemno, 1. (com and damno). L Of a
judge, to conde11ui, ae11tm~. A. Lit., Cir,.;
oonoumbo -ci1blll -cilbituru, 3. (com and with genlt., of the crlme, aliquem l11jurian1m.
• cumbo), to U. toith., have il&urcouru toith, Ov. Cic. ; of the punishment, capit111, Cle. ; with de,
oonc\tpt.oe -pivl or -pli -pttum, 3, (com and aliquem de alea, etc.; with abl. or the penalty,
cnplo), to dmrc ~rly, cowt, to titdar.umir a,fter, denls millibus aeria, Liv. & a, to tU:t:tUe; ali-
ai• at; eandem mortem glorl08&m, Cle. ; algna, quem lmpudentlae, Cic. ; b, lo diMP1""flre;
tabulu, supellect.ilem, ve11tem inftnlte, Cle. ; tuum factum non eaBe condemnatum judlclo
with inftn., duoere allquam In matrimonium, Cle. amlcorum, Cle. U. or an accuser, to ttrps or
OOll011JTO -cnrri (rarely -cdcurri) -cursom, effect the condn&ftlltioft of a pmon; condemnue
a. L to run tngetAff, come togdlter, Jl«k to one aliquern uno hoe crimlne, etc.
con 119 con
eondenseo = condenso (q. v). frn!ts, to pres:trve, pkkle; corna eondita fn llqui~a
oondenao. l. to makt thick, prus close to- fHec:e, Ov. ; b, of pcl'!lons, to ~Uh; se deserto m
gctAv. Varr. Ii tore Verg.; to put, pla.ct; ahquem In c:1rc·erem,
condenaus -IL -um, dt11u, thick; puppe!! Cic:. ; 'c to l1ttry; aliquem in sepulcro, Cic. ; 2,
lltore, \"i>rg.; valli:s arhoribus conden:m, Liv. tr:rnsf.,' in causis c:onditae (h!dd.en); sun~ res
fut11r,1e, Cic. ; 3, a to 'Withdraw from sight;
condico -<lixi -dictum, 1, to nuikt arra.ngt- ca put iuter nubila, ~erg.: of per~o11s, con<lere
mnit with, agru t1, fix, appeir:t•.satlc; diem, diem, to pas.; the day; longos sole.-1 cantando,
Plaut. ; 2, con<licere alicui, to 11ivitt ontsdf as a \'erg.; b, to conctal, to oo~·er; caelum umbra,
guest, Ck. · \'erg. ; transf., iram, Tac.
condlgnua ·a -um, quilt VJOoTthy, 'Dtry w<Yrthy: condocefacio -fcci -ractum, s (eondoceo
doouiu, Pl.tut. and taciu), to train, instruct, uaCh; beluas, Cle. ;
condimentum -i., n. (Mn•lifl), srri1:e, sea.wn- animum, Cic.
irtg, S1111u, co11<li1n;-1u'. . A. Lit. d Iii ,~m11limf'nt;1m condolesco -<1<11Ui (com a.ncl tloleo), s. to
e"t fames. 1•nt1oni:s s1t1s, C1c. B. lrar~~I., facet· s11ffer saertly, to /et! 1ui11, to 1;0-i~; si .PCS con-
iae omni um sennonum condimenta, C1c.; St''t'~· duluit, si deus, Cic.; latus e1 <l1cent1 condo-
rita..'I alicuins multi.s coudimenti.s huma111tat1s luisse, Cic.
miti;;itur, Cic.
condonatlo -onis, f. (c:ondono), ci giving
condlo -ivi or .lf -ltnm, 4. to pfrl;lc, to pr~ au:a.y; l1onorum possessionnmque, C1c:.
v,.i:e.. A. Lit. a., in 11oi1u! or vine:.;ar, oleas,
C.•to; b, in spice, to 11wl:t saroury; heruas, condono, I., 1, a, to gfre au:ay, _pr~ent:
Cic. ; hence, c. u11gnent~1, to make frClµrant, a~ros l!Uis la.tronibns, Cle:.; con,;uh tota1n
Cic.; c, to tmi!(l.]m.; mortuos, Cic. B. ! ran sf. .Acl1aiam. Cic. ; of the praetor, alien! hereditatem,
00 st'l'!:;O'I\, ornarunr, mal~t 71/.eu..<Jant: or<it1onern, to award the inheritance, Cle. ; b, to !Ji~~ Uf' to,
Cic:.; to soften, temper; tristitiam temporum, sacrifice to; se vitamq11e suam reipubliciM!, Sal~.;
Cic. . c:ondonarl llbidini muliebri, Cit'-; 2, a, lo forgn-e
condtsclpula -Ile, r. a ftlllll"le schoolfellow, a debt· pecunias debitoribuR, Cic. ; b,
hence,' to orerlook, forgfoe a fault; alien! crimen,
Mart. c· Cic.; to forgit•t an fojury for the mke of a th ml
coudlsclptllus -f, m. ti schoolfellou:, 1c.
party; praeterita se Dh·itiaco fratrl condonare
condisco -<ll<IIci, 3. to learn th~~ough{y; <licit, Cat>l!.
modos., Hor. ; with infln., mihi 1.>aulo d1hgc11t1us, Cic. Condrusl -orum, m. ci German ~ople i1l
Gallia JJllgica.
l. conditlo --Onis (conclio), 1. pic!'ling or~&­
ttn·; 'ilJ of fn1if.$, Cic.; 2, a sea&11ung, makmg condiicibilia·e (conduco), profttaou, useful:
saro'll.ry; ciborum, Ov. consiliu111 au eum rem, Plaut.
2.. cond.ltio -onis, f. (condo), 1,, C()l\.o condiico -duxi -ductum, S. I. Transit. A.
d~i.oa,. aterna! position, place, circtimstancu: ln-
to bring or laid together, rolled; a., or persons,
fim:l servorum, Cic.; ea conditione natl sumns exercitum In unum locum, Caes.; vir~ines unum
ut, etc.• Cic. ; conditio i!11_perii, Cic .. : pai:em in locum, Cic.;. b, of thiugs, to bring '"!Jtlh..~,
cum ceteri." fortunae C'.Ond1tionem snb1re, C1c.; unite, co-nncct; partes in unum, Luer.; .v.meas,
2 a co mt it um, sti 11ulcttion, provi..-.-ion, 1?r?Viso; Cic. ; cortiee rarnos, Ov. ; transf., lJropo~1t1011.em
n~n respuit condi_tio1tc11~, Caes. ;. ~onu1t1on~m et; ass11mptio1.1em in unum, Cic. B. to h1rt,
acquis~irnam re1•u1lta~e. 91c.; C?~d1tione.m acc1~
a. of person~. aliqucm mercede, Cic. ; consulem
ere, Cic. ; liac, e.i, 1sta c~11d1t10n~, lus ~O!Jcli· ad caedem faciend:im, Cic. ; esp. milii. t.. t. to
t.iunibus on thar, Unn.s, Cic.; arm1s co11d1t10ne hire suldier.s; homine~. Caes. ; milites Gallos
l'°"iti-<, ~wa co11ditions of ~ace, Cic.; 3, esp. merced.t', Liv.~ b 1 of things, to hire for ust (opp.
o;nditio11$ of ma.n-i.aye, m.arriagt con~ract, n~cu-­ locare), dornum, nortum, Cic:. ; esp. to farm the
ri.agl!; and meton. IM f!lrJIYI\ IM:r:ttd; ah~m fazes; JJ0rtoriur11, Cic.; .c, to midutakt, contract
l-Ond'iti<>nem quaerere, Cic.; cond1t1onem flhae for· coluru11am facienctam, Cic. II. lntrans1t.
qu.aere:re, Liv. ; nullius conditionis non habere to b11 of, to profit, to sai-e, Cic.; with dat.,
pt•t.est.atem, Nep.; in a bad sen:;e, a gal/4JP.l, quae saluti tuae cowlucere arbit1or, Cic.; with
para.m.our, Cic. ad and the acc. 11<1 vitae, Cic.;
with acc. and iutin., hoc maxlme rcii:iub!ic:ie
eonditor ·O!'is, m. (condo), a/~, mal:tf', c:onducit Syriam Macedoniamque deceru1, C1c.
co1'lri"1'. crrm.7•ost:1', author: Roma.nae arcis,
Vn-g..; Rouui.1100 Jihertatis, Liv.; condl!'>r et conducticlus ·& -um (conduco), hired; ex•
in~truCU.CDuvivii, Ci.c.; et>oditor, Romani anni,
erc:itus, mucenanJ, Nep.
ci. ""'icler); Ov. conductlo --Onls, f. (con~ucoi! 1, a bri~ing
eoadi~ -Ii, n. (condo), the pllw! in
togdher, m1iti11g, recapi,11.latwn, (.;1c. ; 2, II.iring, a CMpst or its CUJht$ are preserved, Suet. farming; fundi, Cic.
L conditus .IL -um, partic, of condo. conductor -oris, m. (conduc:o), 1, ane fDho
hires· mercedcs l1abit11tionum annuas conductor·
2. eonditus -a -um, p. adj., with compar. ibus do11a.r.-, Caes. ; 2, a contractor; operh1, Cic.
(rrom c .. wlio), 8al.S01wi, su.wury. I. Lit. c:on- conductue. -a -um, partic. of c:onduco.
tlili.ora haec facit vcnatio, Cic:. IL Transr. sta·
~rwl, <1rnamenttd; oratio lepore et. festivitate conduplico, l. to dcublB: di vi tins, Luer.
couditior, Cic. condiiro, l. to hard~n. ma.kt <1uitt hard;
condo -did! -dftum, 3. L a, to p•rt tog,tha, ferrnm, Luer.
ferm ~tahfish. • urht>1n Romam, Cle. ; Rom11111tm conecto, conezio, v. c:onnecto, connex1o
t.-ent~m \'erg.'; 1:01legium ad Id novu.m, L!v.; 00neato, v. cohonesto.
t7 t1J d,mpo~. write; c.1nnen, Cle.; leges, Liv.;.
h~ce to ~ldJrate in song; tristia bella, Verg. ; confabiilor, L, dep. to talk, eonwrse, Plaut.
C2eiarls al'ta, Ov. IL to put i11... A. to thrust, coufarreatlo -onis, t. (confarreo), an an··
pnu in; en.tem in pectus, Ov. B. l, to pnserve, ci'-ltt and solemn fonn of tht marriage urtmony
rol.lut; pecuni&m, Cic;; littera.<t puhhcas In sanc 7 anwng th« &man1, m 'Which vanlll farreus 1'W
tim"e aerario conditas habere, Cic. ; 11llq11id dom1 11sed, Plin.
1nae cooditum jam putare, Cle.; so esp. a~ of confarree>, 1. (com and far). t-0 manv by tM
wine t'ruit.s etc. to &tare up; frument11m, Cic.; cerenw11.y of confarreatio ; patriclos ooofa.rreatl1
liJ., boaum'. 111 viaceribua medulliaque, Clo.; or parent.ibua genitus; Tac.
COD 120 aon
ocmawtll -e, dttmn.intd bv /<JU, Cle. conf1olena ·entfa, p. adj. (from oonft.;f::),
conteotlo -Onls, r. (eonfleio), 1, a, a making that w1'icA cauaea, t,ftel&, e.(«1if&{I, tj/f.dnd; canae,
nndy, preparation, producing, rompo&i119, com- Cic.; with genit., cum clvit.ate mi hi 1'E'8 est &ct'!'·
f'lding; huiuslibri, Cic.; belli, Cic.; b,mzction; tima et co11t1cientissima litterarum. tllat ROta
tributi 1 Cle ; 2_, consumption, ei;carum, Cle.; do11m trtrytlli11g cart/KUy, Cic.
Ylllt!turtinis, WtlllA:e1ti1111, Cic. oonffolo .reel -rectum, 3. (com and f'acio),
00.Dfeotor -Ori>1, m. (conflcio), 1, one who to mii.le togethn-, hence, L to t.nisA, makt rrody,
prt11(Jrts, C0111plttu, jhtishts; negotlorum, Cic. ; briilg about, acco111plish ; , a, socco.; i.ui
2, a clul~. conmmn-; confector et. commmptor manu, Cic.; litteras, Cic.; sacra, Cic. ; ta11tm11
0111nium ignis, Cle. facinUB1 Cic.; bellum, Cic.; his rebus confecti.•,
COllferolo -fersi .rertum, 4. (com and tarcio), Oles.; o, of business, to co11.Cl11<lt a bnrgai1t or
traruaction; negotium ex senteutia, Cic.; J'E'lll
to p1·tss close logtthn-, comprtu, cram togdlier; sine pugna et sine ''ulncre, C:ies.; fractiones,
conrertae naves, Liv. etc.; pretium, lldthi the price, Cil'.; Rt.sol., con·
oOD.fero, conUUi, (conlAtum), con- flee cum Apella de columnis, atlllt, rrrrr11111r
ferre. L to bring logtthcr, colltcl; 1, a, lit., Cic.; c, or a journey, to bri119 to All t11cl; Cllf"·
sareinas in unl!m locum, Caes.; b, transr., con· um, Cle. ; c. lter ex 11ententia, Ci~.; i11credi hili
feramus igitur in pauCH, Cic. ; 2, to bri.11g together ceierit.ate maguum spatium 1iaueii1 tliebnA, Cil'. ~
mo11ty, oontribuu; tributa quotannis ex censu, d, of time, to complete; 1•mpe cent urn confecis.""
Cic.; quadragena talentaquot1m11is Dehun, Nt<p.; anno11, Cic. ; extremum vit.1e diem moJ1to, Cu:.;
3, lo uuiu, to jofo, cxninect; vires In 11nu111, Liv.; nontlum hieme confect&, Ca~!I.: 2, a, to pro<"?frr;
4, to place togelAer or nt(lr; a, lit. (a) in a permagn11m ex illa re pecuniam confici pns-.<',
fr1C'ndly manner, capita, Cic. ; gradum, \'l'rg. ; Cae11.; frumentum, Liv.; milit. t. t., to !1"' ,.,,].
~) l\H milit. t.. t., to bring into /,ostill cont.ace or tli.:-rs; reliqUllS legiones, qnas ex no\·o •leli>c-tn
collision; Galli cum Fontejo ferrum ac manus confecer11t, Cic.; cxc~itu11 maximos, Cic.; tnh·
contulenmt, Cic.; pedcm ~urn !'*'de, or conrerre um Kuam necess:irii11, to gain or'er, Cic.; b, to
)>edem, to jlghl. foot to foot, Li\•., Cic.; Rigna con- pnJ<lHtt, muse; {a.) allcui retlitum, prOC11r<, t:1c.:
ferre, to tngn~, Cic. ; sc \·iro vir contulit., nuut 111otu>1 animorurn, Cic.; (/3) philosoph. t. t., Ill
/0111Jhl with man, \'erg. ; absol., mecum confer, prort; ex !)UO coullcltur ut, el.<'., ft fr,lfo'H:'3 f•Y>"'
ait, fiyhl 10ilh 1M, Ov.; c1 mferre lites, to co11und, this, Cic. IL 1, toeo1111nM; a, of footl, etc. (er) I•
Hor.; b trani;r., of speech, to in.Urcliange, ez. chew, eat; e>1cas,Clc.; plure.Kjam }>aT011~conft"Ci,
clw~. d'i.tc11a; aermonem cumaliquo, Cic.; con- quam tu pullos colm11\Jl11o!I, Cic.; (/3) fo rli~st;
silia, Li\•.; tum si quid res feret, comm courer- confectus et ronsumptus cilrus, l:ic.; b, lo
emus, Cic.; 5, to compare; Galllcum cum German- waau, dt11troy; p:itrimonimn sumn, Cic. ; 2,
ormn agro, Olt!B. ; <'Um illius \•it.a P. Sullae to dt11troy, kill; haec Mica nu per ad reginm 111e
volii~ 11otihima111, Cic. ; parva magnls, Cic. paene confecit, Cle.; 3, ~ •11bd11~;- Britnnni11.111,
D. to bring to a plt.u%; 1, to ~. tra11~tr; Cle.; 4, to weaken; a, vitae cup1d1t&A, qmu• me
a, lit., suas rationes et copias In lllam provinc· conficlt angoriliu11, Cic.; often in p!IJSS., <.-onfici
lam, Cic. ; esp., se conrerre; to betake omul,J, ramC', frigore, lacriml11, cnrl11, dolore, Cit:". ; COii·
~t; 11e in as tu, Cic.; b, tranar. (a) se conferre macle et sq11alore, Cic.; n1lneribu11, ca ..s.;
to dtrok onaeJ/, join oMMlj to ; eonferre ae ao. b, of states, praev11Jeutfs populi \•ires se ipse
pontiHcem Scaevolam, Cle.; ae ad studium scrib- conHciunt., Liv.
entli, Cle. ; ~) to pul o,f, postporui; allquid in oontlctlo ·Oni11, I. (conftngo), a /ubrication,
longlorem diem, Caes. ; 2, to apply; a, lit., inventio"; crimi11i11, Cic.
peeuniAm ad beneHoentiam, etc.;· b, transf. (a)
of thoughts, etc., to direct, u.; curam ad philo· oontidena -entis p. adj. with com1111.r. and
aophlam, Cic.; ~)to hand over; rem ad aliquem, super!. (from confldo), confalt11t, 111e(f·nlicutt,
Cic. ; (y) to imp11.u, attrib11u; pennult.& in Plan- ge11. in a bad i,;ense, &ha~lu.s, imp11de1ll, Cic.
cium quae ab eo dicta non aunt, Cic.; culpam oonfidenter, 11d v.,-,vith com par. and &UJ><'rl.
in aliquem, Cle.; (a)confert, iHaprofltabZ, 1 Quint. (co11fidem1), boldlg, confidentl11; confldentius die-
oonferttm. adv. (confertus), densely, thickly, ere, Cic.
txnnpaclly; pugnare, Liv. oonfidentla -ae, r. (confldens), a, mllji.-
coafertull -a -um, p. adj. with comrar. and <kllct; conH<lentiam afferre hominibus, ap. Cic.;
super!. (confercio), 1, clo&dy comprtUtd, <knse b, more frequently, impt1dt1tt:1!, boldtusa, M.aae-
(opp. rarus); naves{ Liv.; coufortis· lu&11U1; conf!dentia et lua, Cic.
alma turba, Uv.; oonfertl mi Itel!, in clou for· contido -rfsus sum (conf'idi(?), Liv.), 3. to
mation,; 2, with ab1., full of; iogenti trust, bt assured, conJidt; a, absol., nimis con-
tnrt>A conferta templa, Lh•. ; tranaf., \"It.a, plena fidere, Cic.; b, with 1lat., sitn, Cic.: o, with abl.,
et conrerta voluptatibus, Cle. militum virtute non, Cic. ; d, 111·ith de. de
con!U"Yif&clo, 3. to make "'1'11 hot, to melt, salute urbis, CaeR. ; e, with acc. 11nd in fin., to
Luer. btl~wjirrnly; id it.a fUtUrUlll e.'!Se COllf!UO, CiC.
conferveaoo -ferbdl, 3. to begin to boil, btgin conrigo .flxi -fixum, 3. 1 to faUtJf. logtfAn-,
to glow; transf., mea quum conforbuit Ira, Hor. nail 1.-0gtlher; transtra clavis lerreis, caes.; 2, to
oO.Dfeulo --Onis, r. (conftteor), a con,fe.<sion, pierce through, tra11sjiz 1Cith a uiropo1'; &, ht.,
ackn.f)wltdgmrnt; erratf Rul, Cle.; captae pecun- Hlios suos 11&gittis, Cic.; b, transr., ducentil
iae, Cic.; adducere aliquem ad lgnorationis con- eon.ttxus senatui; consullis, C1c.
fe~'iionem, Cle.; exprlmere ab aliquo confe.'Uli· conflndo, 3. to cl« asunder, Tib.
onem culpae, Liv. ; ea erat cenfessio caput rerum ,oo~o ·flnxi -ftctum'. 3. 1, ~o co11:Slrtu:l ,
Romam esse, Liv. nidos, Pim. ; 2[ to fabr1t:a.U, feign, ui-.c;
confeaaua -a -nm (partlc. of conflteor, with crimen incredibi e, Cle.; crimina in aliquem,
pass. meaning), 11 ndoubttd, acknowltdgtd, ~t.ain; Cic.
res manifest.a, confessa, Cle.; hence, ex coofesso, oonrm1s -e. A. Lit., 11.arirtg tM aanu boxnd-
CtYll.f~y. Quint.; in confesao esse, Tac. ; in ary, conf.trmino1u, adjacc'lll, ntar; oonHnes
confessum venire, to be genua.Uy acknowhdged, erant hi Senonibus, Cae11.; caput conflnis coll'\
univn-sall11 k1wwn, Plin. Ov. Subst., conADJa -l11, m. a 11cigM>o1tr, Mart. adv., immmi.aUly, w!thmd delay; B. Transf., nearly allitd, 6imilar; studio COD·
eonfestim hue advolare, Cic. ; confestlm con· flnla cannina vestro, Ov.
~ul, Cic.; pat.rel conaulere, Uv. oonfinlum ·U, n. (conftnll). 4. Lit., o
COD 121 con
"'''"'· oonu•o• ooamdary,, ~r (or
eou11trits or estates); Tre\·irnrum, C.1e.'I.: con·
transr., '" bri"'.1. ~1ctlur ill order to 0011tT"1rt:
fact um 11dversanl cum scrlpto, Cle. IL ln-
veulet in omni re contrahenol., Yidnita~ibus el tra11~it., . a, to •~ri~·.e toqtthu :. lllae (n;nell~
MuHniis aequum et. facile111 e~e, C1c. B. granter mtcr 11~ 111r1tatae co11thxcr1111t, l 11;es.,
Tran•f., t.U oordt:ring Hiw, 7ltar11us, clo.q oon· b, to .trupule, Jl'iht, contt11<l; cum ho;te, C1c. ;
ritrio"; conftnia 11oetis, twilight, Ov.; breve contra or ao.lveNus ali,111em, Nett.
oonlluiam et. falsi, Tac. oon11o, 1. L to blow llJ!ltlMr, to bfo1D ttp, to
coll!lrm&tfo ·llUis, f. (conftrmo), a, all kilu/u. A. Lit. fl,Uorum opei:'t i•l
ttltlbWAin.g, 1111U:i11!] J.nn.; 1J('rpetu11e li~cerullum, Liv. B.1 ran~r., to uc1te; se.l111•111P111:
hbert&Us., Cle.; b, esp., co1Utlb1lw1l, e1r.co1&rt1!/I!· Cic. IL to mtU. A. Lit., a., or metnl11, Plin.,
"""'· 111pporl; neque enim eont1r111atio11e uostn\ falce11 ln ense1, to /qr-gt, Vcrg.: b,_ "' m~n·~Y. to
e;,~b&t 'rirtua tna, Cle.; c, ro11firm.i11g or "ri· eoi11; aut ftare ant. conftare pec11111:lm, lie. B.
h•"g a fad; perfu;:ae, <.:aes.; d, rhet. t. t., ud· Transt., a, to 111iite; horum. co.nsensus c~n·
dlli'.i111 of proof• Cic. 11pi111ns et paene conftatns, Cic., b, to nrd'r -oris m (conftrmo) ou who tQl)'l.11er, /ort;8, prodw:c; ut una ex duahus 11a·
{./,Hfirtll-• uta/Jli.Jl&a. ~nniae, a iurrtv Cic. turi,. _conHata yideatur, Cic.; c, to prt;
' _ • .-- . ' exerc1tu>1 penht.orum clvlum cla11de~t1110 sceie~
ooaflrmatus -a -nm, p. 1v1j. with com par. conftatu!I, CiC'.; d to /or!l•, i1'rt11t; crirncn. Cle.;
an<! auperL (f~m eonftrmo), 1, e11cnuffllle>l. tm· allcui p<:riculum, ~le.; e, to brood 11rer, -litate;
boldtul; &lt1s certus et conllrrnatns 11111rnu1t Ju•llcia •lotui conftabcint pronuntlabant In foro,
Cle.; a, «, crcdibu; in q11ih11>1 (litteriAJ Lh·. '
tl'ltcoullrmatius idem illud, Cle. oonftiiens -entls or oonftiientea -11110, ru.
eodrmo, 1. 1 Lit., to utahli$h, mabftrm, tlw ronff.,,,11ce or 1•'"°' of jKnclMm of two ril'o:N;
1:J1•f.rm, ltrt11.gtht1' ; hoe uervos conllrrunri put- Alosae et Hhenl, Cad.
a.nt, Cles.; valetu•Jlnem, to rccorer J1rolth, l'ic. ; oon11iio -ftu:cl, S. A. to jlolD tog,thn-: In
se conrinnare, to re.:ortr lf1·wcth, Cic. II. unurn, Cic.; a conftucnte Rh"'la110 c;1!ltra mol'i,
Tn.Mf., A. Gen., to 1trtngtht11, wu1ke uutlng; /roJn tlic ronff.11ena o/ tlw W,rJll~ with I/it Arur,
flleelll, Cic.; co11sili;1, '" ':''l'/IQrt, Cnes.; co11flrm- 11p. Cic. B. Transf., a, of A crowtlhto irt··,..1111.or
~t~ rebus, firmly ut.a.blil/1eil, C1es.; se tralllJ· flock tO!lf.tlier; Athe11ai1, Cic.; all aec 11tn•l1a,
nurinis auxilii~, Cac~.: volit. t. t., to rr1tif11; Cle.; b of ab!ltrartlnnK, ad lpsos laus, hono~,
Id&, t:ic. B. Esp. a, tt> co11fin11 7'tr10ns dl·mila; 1·011ftuit, Cic.
i1;11/egianu, etc.; ju re juranolo inter se, Ca~s. ; b, ~onfodlo .fQdl -fossum, !l. a, to dig thl)o
~> drt~'illMii, enco~rage;. cnnfin11a1e et excita~e r<Jt1<Jh'"; hnrl um, Plaut.; b, w Atah, 1 ,i~ra;
&1!!1ctos ammo-., <.:1c.; en;;e te e.t cm11l~11~a, t11l:e woiu1rl; j ... centem, Liv.; (Cic•·rnnf"m) •le im-
aMu~; anlrnos .Gnllorum vcrh1s, Caes. , c, "'. proviso dnmi Stt:le, Sall.; fig., tot jnuiciis con·
"'>~flr4 or ula 11l1~ U.. truth. 0 / cu1 a3$t"rlioll, !ussi prae•lam111\ti11ue, Liv.
nost.n. argurne11t11J ac ratlombus, Cle.; d, to - I A. L'
offim., a.<vrt rosiliwy; Id omne ego me rei oonformat o :onis, r. (con!~rmo.) 1t.,
publicae suscepiHe connnno Cle. a fnnn, $llllJ't, l•1~1ng, con/vTllllltion; l~neamen t·
• orn111, C1c. B. 1 raw1r., 1, ~en., voc1s, er1•rr<·
co~, I. (com 11nrt ftscus), 1, to l~!I 11 1'. $io1t; verl..orum, arrange111t11l, Cie.; 2, cs1•., a,
J'l'utrw 1.n a cluist, 811d.; 2, to Cl_f'Jlre>J>riau lo pl1ilosoph. t. t., conformatlo anirnl or si11q•iy
t"4 11•lptT1'll lrti~ury, to co11fl.$Clllt, Snet. cnnformatio, 11 " i!Ua, Cic.; b, In rhet. t t., a
OODhllo -<lnis, f. (•·onfldo), cbnff.,/enct, ll!J.rnr- fi'J11rt of s1 uch, Cle.
ua; h·lent.ia, id est tlrma nniml co11flsio, Cic. conformo 1. to form Fy111rnttrimll•1, fr.rm.,
OOll.f'1t0or -ressus 1um, 2. Jep. (com and arm11'J'· A. Lit., mununm a natura conform·
fltoor). L Lil, to co11/~iu, alt ow, ack110111· l\lum e~!le, Cie.; :ul majnra qnnc•l:11n 1101
il>l.}t; with acc., hoc crirnen, Cle.; wltlt nee. 11.1tura )!C11uit et conformavit, Cic. B. Tr.1nsf.,
an<l <lat., amorem nutrlci, Ov.; with dout:le to arm11qt jitlin1Jl11; vocem secu11tlurn rat lone an
acc., '" victoa, Cae,...; with acc. an•I In On., rerum, Cic.; se ad voluntat~m nlicuiu!!, Cle.
n•1lt.1 i6 ignorare, Cic.; with 1le, ali1111i<I <le oonfouus .a -um, partic. of eon!odlo.
'r~eno, tic. Partlc. pt>rf., confessue. a, - .
act., h"rirrg roll/USN!.; 'tuiuque homines cnm· .· oo~~a~os~ -a -t1111, rugg,d, tt~tn, I~
prtbensi at'lue confess(, Cic.; b, pass., l!lln· \1:1,Ll\., 1r.assul•!!t.,11nt11rn1lacts,LI\.
/tved, PGkMwlt>l~~i; quam improbam, q~m oonfremo ·frl!rnl1i, 3. to murmur, roar, mct1:1
111&nift":llam, qu:im conle•snm rem pecunla re- a l-1ut.l 1i-,,.~,; confremuere 0111nes, Ov.
dw;ne conetur, <.;ic. IL 'fransr., to revtal, oonfrloo -frlcl11 -frlcitnm, 1. to r1W; c.:iput
llllle bw1n1.; se, Ov.; tle11n, ru a goddus, Verg. at'}ne os suu111 uu~uento, Cle.
eonfllgro, 1. ~ be dutroytd bv ftN. to be oontrlngo -frc;.;I -frartum, S. (com Rnd
~~c.•t np. A. Lit., classis prne<lonum lncendlo fran!(o). A. Lit., l•i limtk i11 lt(."(I, l.rrn1.I; i•' 1·ifrt':
conftt.;;rab.'lt, Ck.; ti;.;., amoris namm1, Cle.; 111· digitos, Cic. B. Tr:111sf., to dt•trnv, bri11g to
u,adio lu,·i•liae, Cic. B. Tran.•f., conftagrare naught; co1111ilia senatoria, Cic.
invi.J11, 1ti Ju.ll a t"ictim to licrtred, Cic. oonfiiglo -fil;.;i, 3. A. Lit., to ft!J to, tal;e
eonftiotlo -311!11, I. (conftign), a striking ft>. rrfwJe; 11.J. al!g11c1u, a•l or in ara1n, Cic.; in
~. cnllisi<m., a confticl, combut; transr., CAll!I· n.1ve>t, Caes. B. Transr., a, a1l 11lit-11iu~ miser1-
ll'1lm, Cic. crinli:im, Cic.; ad opem ju<licu1n, Cic.; b, to
coDfticto. 1. (intens. or cnnftigo), to nril:t ~''"°t. reco11r;;e to; patr!us au artes, Ov.; co11fu;;it
r~r.\tr i;iolu.ll'IJ; thu11 pas.'1., a, to conihat v;itlt, 1lluo ut ne;.;et, et.c., C1c.
«:'V."'1 with; couftictarl cum adverd. rortu11a, oonfiidum -U, n. (confugio), a place of ,...
~•r.; contlict.~ri cuni l\liquo, Cie.; b, conflict.Ari Jug-., Uv.
aii•105. re, to ~ gri'.1-muly troubled, to •uffer te· oontiUclo -rultus, 4. to prop up, Luer.
rm.1,, !o be haraU>!!tl, tnn1U1tled; lnlqui~Rlmls
•erl-ts, Ci•-.; m·1g111\ lnopia necess.1rlarurn rerurn, oonfundo ·~di .m~um, s. .L ~o r-<m~ f~
CIES. · duriore r lrtuna, Cle. !1'tlt';r, mingle, mu:. A. Lit., cum11licuius lac':1m!s
• l • • lacr1mall c .. nfundere no~tra~, 0\'.; quurn 1g111"
eonfllctua -t\B,_ m. (conft1go), a 3lrU~1n!1 to- oeul1.•rnrn cum co f;.;11i qui e~t ou o~ orru~n,. se
lfl.\tr; 1~11.1d11m, Crc. cn11fu•lit et coutulit, Cic. B. Trnnsf., 1, tojrii11
CO'llfl1go ·ftixl ·ftictum, S•. L Tran>1ll., to l•i'J~lhtr; U\111.i\ 111ultit11di11e confu~ Cae.~.; duo
J:rJ.:t, Lri11g, jOi1' toguhtr; corpora, Lu1:r.; populi conlu!ii in unuan, Li\•.; ea pbil01101'l1ia
con 122 con
q11ae coufundlt nra cum falala, Cic. ; in hnc oonglarlum ·ti, n. (1c. donum), e1 ~
contulli et unlvenl defensione, romplia,etd, di.dribut«I by the eovtds and tmperon a - , cAe
Ole.; 2, a, to oonftutJ, thro111 iruo d~ordrr; ai;.:1111 JMOJ"'• 110 ettlled from the fa.ct that It origillally
et or.ll11e.i pt'•litu111 at.que eq11it11m, Liv.; jura con11i~tecl of a congfua of wine, oil, rte., LiY.;
ge11tiu111, Liv.; p11rtlcula11 111i11ut.1>1 prlinum con·
fu111u1, po11tu in or.l111e111 a<luuctas a meute
a do /Mil irnl i" "'°
prl.mtt ,trUn.u, Cle.
riey to tlu 1old inJ, Cle. ; or eo

di\·iull, Ctc.; b, (Cl) to ol'11curt; vultu111 Lu1111e, oon~ua ·II. rn. a Rmna1t ~rt /or l(qtlidl,
Ov.; (Ji) to 001~., duturb; cnufusa 001ucdn1•11>' #i.z sextaril, Liv.
puJore, Ov.; auJlentiurn a11im<>11, Liv. ; nuwrore
recent! co11tuau1, Liv. IL to pour into; cruor oonglAolo, l. L lotranait., A. Lit., to Jr-.
frii.•oriuu11 couglaclllt ac1uA, Cic. B.,
ao11fu•u1 In Cm111a1n, Hor.; per quaa 1ap11us Curionl UOl!tro tribunstus conglaciat, pa6XI t.-
cibu11 In eam venam coufu11d1tur, Cic. ; tra11sr.,
Mt hoc qui<lem iu tota111 oratiouem coutuDdeDd· aclhoelr, ap. Cle. IL Transit.., to '""' lo Car,
am, nee ruinime In extrewam, C1c. Plln.
oongliSbii.tlo ~nla, f. (conglobo), G Uapi.,,
oontuai, adv. with r.om1•r. (confll1u1). °'"'" pr1Ui119, crolDd~119 logeU&er, Tue.
ftuall11, in a dUlord-erly ma7' loqut, Cic. oong16bo, l. {com aud globus), 1, lo f""1
oontUalo ~nil, r. (confundo), 1, (I mU:tunr,
•"io", cu1111UiM; haec coujuuctlo confu11ioque
'"'° a lxJ.U or 11i11ert; mare conglol•tur a.u-
dlque, Cle.; fl~ura co11glol•t&, Cle.;
Ttrtutuna,Cic.; 2, a,oon/\uion, Ji.aonkr; 11111frng· 2, to prua loil«hn' i1& a 111441 or crotrll(J : a. lit.,
lorum, 110ti1&9 not in tJu ce11t11:riu, b1't man by catervatltn uU quosque fol"ll C011globttverat, ~IL;, Cic.; religioDum, Cic.; b, orla, blwhing, cuuglohttt& In uuutu multituJo, Liv.; b, tranaf.,
Tac. maxime deflnltionea valent. couglobat&e, C1CC11.••
oontiialll!I -a -um, p. adJ. with complll'. and la.led, Cle.
IUpt'rl. (c1111fundo), a, di.<0~-erly, O<mj1i...W.; ita oong16m'ro. 1. to roll, eww, ~ ...
conru111 eat onttio, Ila perturbata, nihll ut sit gtlhM, Luer.
prlmuru, nlhll aecundum, Cle. ; 11tragea, Verg.;
b, oorl,fv-1. '" appeo.rra~; YUltua, Liv.; COD·
oonglutlnii.tlo -6ni1, r. (conglutlno), l_, •
tuawi a11lmo, Liv. didri1tg, unM111ti11!1 Coattlur, Cic.; 2, conne:naw,
Joi:11ing togrtw; verllorum, Cic.
oont'Uto, 1. 1o c:Aeck t.U lmUng Qf a Hq•"d: oonglutlno, i. A. to ttick logdlur, osani
hen~ tr111111f., a, to chul:, reprua; m11x11nl1
doloribus alfectus eos lp.ios lnveutorum suorum fogtthu, Phu. B. Trans(., lo ocn'1ud, MNI
memoril\ et recordatione conrutat, Cle.; b, esp. cloltly; amlcltlu, Clo.; voluntatea noatraa con-
by apeech, lo pv.l dolo", lilenoe, owrthro10; and· 1uetu•lh1eo, Cle.
aclam allculua, Cle.; argument.& Btolcorum, oongri.tiUor 1. dep. to toiM Joy, 001t~
Cic. llU; cv11grlitul1111£ur libertatem concor<liamque
oongilo, 1. L Transit., lo /rtut thorou.g1tly. clvltlltl reatltutam, Liv.
A. Llt., )tart. B. Tra1111t., tn hankn, tAiclun; oongr6cllor -greasua, 8. dep. (corn and
rlctua in laviilemJ.. ov. IL lntr.111>1lt., to /rY.zt; graJ1ur), 1, Iv - ' ; c:um &~iquo, Cic. ; Inter ee, cou~lat, vv.; fig., cou~ela:111e no11trum Liv.; 2, to - i Aodiltlr, '" combat; a, to ,..
amicum laet.a!Jar otlo, beeo11MI ina.ctfot, Cic. gaga, CU7'ttftd; locua, ulil cougressl sttnt, Cic.;
congemlno, 1. 1o dot&ble, rtdouble; lctua co11gre•ll 1ua 1ponte cum ftultl1ui1 proelio, Cio.;
crebr.111 e11:1ii.u.,, Verg. with dat., lmpar cougreuua Achllll, Verg.; b,
congemo -g~mQl, 8. L lDtranslL, to righ to dilpv.U '" ~. argv.e; congredi cum A.cad·
emlco, Clo.
or groa11 loudly; congPmuit se11atua fre'}uen~,
Cle. II. Transit., lo bewaU, lamrnt; mortem, congrigi.bDl.s -e (congt1!~). IOtiablc, "'-
Luer. diMd Cu oollut; examlna apium, Cle.
conger and gong~r ·grl, m. (y0yypol'), e1 M.a OOngr6gi.tfO ..Onla, f. (CODgrego), Oft~
or OOll.'Jtr tel, Ov. ""'°" ;
bli"'I! IA"J•tl~r, 10CUt1, nos ad con~
t1one1n hominum et ad aocletatem
oong6rles ~1. r. (congero). A. Gen., Cl
A.ap, maM; lapldum, Liv. B. EMp., 1, a lvap emque generla human! esse oat.os, Cle.
qf tDOOd, 11 toood pile, Ov.; 2, CM mau of chaca, oon~go, 1. (com and grex). L Lit., A.
<h-. to ovlU:ct iftlo a floc1'; oves, Plin. ; retl., ae COD·
oongero -geul -geatum, 8. A. Lit.. to oarry gregare, or ~.• cougregart, In • ml<lule sense,
together, brillg Wg'thtt, colUcl · 1, 11u<li4ue quod
ldo11eum ad mu11ieudum pul.llrc.'llt, :-:ep.; Ml1s
to fCJrJA '"'° jllxU; &f'ium examln.a congnig·
antur, jl:rrm thf"!Mtlvu folo .noamu, Cle. B.
magnam viam ex proxltnls 11&ii1ii11, Cae&.; maxi· or men, to col~. gathn' togtl.lln; di11perao1
IJlAtu \'im aurl at..111e argeutl 111 rcg11um suum, homlnes In unum locum, Cle. ; retl., &e co11brreg·
Cle.; 0:1cula, to ad·I 01u to anothtt, Ov.; 2, a, are, a11d pa11s.. congrt-garl, In mltldle tten~, lo
lo prepare; allcul viaticum, Cic. ; b, to htap Ur a.uembl~. cn11greo~'&rl iu Cano commeontandi caua,
gethtt; aurl pon•lus, Ov.; o, to build; aram Cle. II. Tra11>1f., of t.hings, lo tniiu; aigna in
aepulcrl arborit.ns ; IO of birds, loc11"' aeriae un11m lucnm, Tac.
quo cougease111 pnlumbesa., haN built their 1Vm, oongreaalo ..Onls, r. (congredior), 1, Q wu4-
VPrg. B. Tra1111f., a, In disco11rse, to bring ing. Cic.; 2, i1tterrouru, IOCUty; aliqu~m ab
togaher, oompri«; turbem patrouorum In buuc altcuiu1 non modo fa111ill11ritate, led etia.111 COD·
11enuooem, Cle. ; b, to luap 1-0gtthtt; ln1o:e11tia gre1111ione prohihere, Cic.
be11encia lo aliquem, Liv.; om11i& or1111111e11t.a oonpeulll!I .Qs, m. (congredlor), a mutiiig;
ad ali4u .. m, Cic.; maledicta In aliquem, Cic.; 1, ajru1ully muting, llOCial foUl"co"""· oonverJG-
onmeii v&11t.lltl agTi periculorumque ltuuliuentium tton; aliculus at!itum, conb'Tl'""um, sennonem
cau.iu In allqu .. m, to iucribe, imp11u, Cic. fui;t>re, Cic.; ofkn In pl11r., congl'C>'llu~ ho1ninu111
oongeaticlua -a -um (congem), Mclped vp, fugere atque otllll!le, Cic.; 2, a h01tilt nvdillg,
9f'tijk:iaU11 brougli.l fogttlw!r; agger, Caee. cmnbat; ante 0011gre1111uui, Cic. ; primo congreuu
congeetua ·Ga, m. (congero), a collttting, teri;a vertere noistro11 cogere, Caes.
Ma1•i"9 tugetMr. L Lit., a, gen., municlpia oongr6ena -entis, p. adj. (congruo), L
oongc>tlU copiarum V1U1ti1ba11tur, Tac.: b 1 e><p.
Of birds, bui/Jitig nuf.6; herb!.tn (PXMttti1111e)
agr"'i""'· fit, appropriaU, "'''®"; vu ltna ei
g..8t.u11 cor1grue11~ et llJ•ta, Cle. ; with cum af'd
avlum conge•tu, Cic. II. Metou., thaJ 101&ich u tl1e &bl., ge .. tu11 cum ~11te11tiia congruena, Cle ~
browghi togeiMT, a h«lp, WMlll; laptdum Tac. with da~•• 11etlonea TtrtutJbua congruent.ea, Cle.;
con 123 con
2, lisl"lllO!lfous, GOOOrdant; is concentus ex dis· oon.j~raUJJ; omen, Cle. IL to U1r011J, to hurL
&imillim&rum voen111 moder11.tio11e eo11cor11 timwn A. Lit. l• quum haec navi>1 iuvitl11 nantis vi
eftlcitar et eongruens, Cic. ; cl&mor eongruens, te111pcst.at1s in portum coujecta t<it, Cic.; all·
11114n.i!ISOIU, Liv. que111 iu carcerem, Cle. ; in vincula, Cic.; in
oongrllenter, adT. (congruens), aptly, agrll· luutumias, Cic. ; se coujicere, tu betakl onaeif.
4/tlJ, ••itllhly; co11t,7Ucntcr uaturne conveuient• flu; se in JIOrtum, Cic. ; se in fugnm, Cle. ;
erque vh·ere, Cic. se in castra nlicuins, Cle. ; 2, to insert, libcll-
congriientla -a.a, f. (congruo), agnemen.t, um In epistolam, Cic.; 8, or a weapon, to
Aoi-lw11y, iya111.ttTTf, proporti.-On., Suet. tllnut; gladium in adveNum 011, Caes. B.
Trausf., 1, naves cortjectae i1111nctc111, brnighted,
oongruo -di, S. (com 11 ud "gruo, connected Cae~. ; se In noctem, to hmle11 away umier rover
with run). A. Lit., &o nm tog,thtr, coma togctMf", of flight, Cic. ; foreusem t11rbn111 In quatuor
..t; ut vic..simo anno ad metam eandem BOlill1 trihus, to di'llUU, Liv.; aliquem ex occultis in-
wide om essent, diee congruerent, Liv. B. sidiis ad apertum latrocinimu, to force, Cic. ;
Trans!., & 1 Of time, lo coincidil; qui 8U08 dies 2, to spend; tantam pecunlam In propylaca,
mell5t'11que congruere volunt cum eolls luna...'que C1c.; 8, to introdiu:t; haec verlia in interdictum,
ratione, Ci.:. ; b, to bt auiUd, JW«I. tc, cnrrupolld Cle.
ieil4, agre.; se11sus nostri nt ln pace semper, sic oonj\igills -e (conjux), f'tlating to marl'iagc,
tum etiam in bello cougruebant, Cic.; with cum conjugal; amor, 'l'ac.
lil!d the abL, eius sermo cum tuls litteri11 valde
ooagrult, Cic.; with dat., non omni causae neo oonJiigatlo -c•ui11, f. (eonjugo), thutymologi-
and.itorl neque personae 11eque temporl congruent cal con11ection of tvord.f, Cic.
orationh1 on um gPnus, Cic.; with Inter se, multae oonjttgator -oris, m.
vnUu; ooni amoris, Cllt.
°"' 10ho C07'MCU,
aa.'iJe inter 11e congruere videntur, Cle.
ocmgriu -a -um congruens (q.v.). oonjiiglalls -e (conJnglum), rdati11g to
tRc&rriage, conjugal; test&, Ov.
OODlolo • ~njlclo (q. v.).
oinlfer -f6ra -arum (conus and fero), cmu- oonjiiglum -U, n. (conjungo), 1, a clcne
001t11.nwn., union; corporls atque. anlmae,
llau-i"ll; cypariMi, Ver-.;.
Luer.; 2, a, 'llw.rri.ape, u'ftiWck; Tulluie meae,
cinlg8r (conwi and gero) = conifer (q. v.). Cle.; tot& domus couJuglo et stlrpe conjuui;itur,
eiaitor ,.. oonnltor (q. v.). Cic. ; poet., or animals, Ov.; b, rueton., kiu·
o01lirio co11nlveo (q. v.). band, Verg. ; wife, Verg.
oonjttgo, 1. {com aucl jugum), to yoke to-
oonjectlo -6nis, f. (conjlcio). A. 11 lvrlingt
tlrorri 11g; tdorum.. Cfc. B,. Tnmaf., C01tjcctvra1. 1Jtlher, to bi11d together, conned; a, est ea jucun·
Wn-praat!an.; so1uniorum, Cle. dlssima amicitia, quam 11imllitudo moru1n con-
ooa,Jeoto, 1. (freq. or coujlclo), to throw to- jugavit., Cic. ; b, conjug&t& vei·b&, w<>rtU ety..
gittilu; trausf., to oonclu~, infer, conjtcture, mologically conntcW, Cic.
nrt'lllll!, fT'IUI at; conjectantes iter, Liv.; rem oonjunoti, adv., with compar. &nd auperL
eve.ntu, Liv. ; Caesar conjectans eum Aegyptuin (conjunctus), 1, C011joi11tly, in C011m:J:ion; con-
llu h&bere, Caes. juncte cum reliqnls nostra contexere, Cle.;
ela.tmn aliq11id1., hYJ>0tMtically (opp. simpl!citer,
OODjeotor ·Ori•, m. (conjiclo), a" fn.Urpreter cat~goricaily), (.;le. ; 2, intimately, on term" oj
of drmuu; lsiaci conjectores, tM prnsu of Im,
Cie. jr£end.Mlip; eurn allquo vivere conju11ctisslme et
conjectrlx -leis. t. (conjector), a female in· amantl.ssime, Cic.
ltl'prtkr Q/ d~anu, Plaut. oonjunotlm, 11dv. (, conjointly,
in common; huius omnis peeuulae conjunctim
OODJeotUra -ae, f. (oonjicio), a {11UBS, con- ratio habetur, Caes.
jtdy.rt, iliftrtn«. L Gen., conjectnmm adhlbere, oonjunctlo -onls, r. (conjungo), 'Uniting
Cic.; aberrare conjeeturA, to be misl<.tl.e1l fn, Cic.;
conjecturam facere or capere ex or de &ltqul re, jnini11.g together; 1, portu,pm, Cle. ; 2, a ot
Cic. ; atrerre conjectur&m, Ole. ; conjectura IUI· thing11, conjunctlo confUsfoque naturae Cle. ;
sequi or conseq11i (foll. by relative clause), Cic.; rhet. and philosoph. t. t. ccmnnion OJ1 idea.8,
~·.1antum conjecturi auguramurl Cic. IL &Ip.
Ck. ; t. t. a co1mutilig }J(ll'ticle, COl\-
j1111ctfon; qunm rle111ptis conjunctlonibus dls>1ol-
l, i'ilterprttatwn of drw.?M ana OIMn.!,
lloll, IOOtlua1ring; facills conjectura huius som11ii, ute plura dlcu11tur, Cle.; b, ot pe~ons, trnfon.,
Cic.; 2, rhet. t. t., a part of tM proof, coajtcture,
conntxilm: (u) gen. BOcleta.a conjunctioqne
'¥:rtv.:, Cic. hu111ana, Cle.; cltins cum eo veterem co11j1111c-
tio11em dlrimcre quam novnm couciliare, Cic.;
OODjectUralla -e (co1~iectnra), relating to l'n111 pejum a Cae11&ri:i co11ju11ctlone a vocare, Cic.;
omjtd1tre, cu11j«ti&ra.l; coutrnversia, Cic. summa uostra couj1111ctio et famillaritas, Cic. ;
oonJeotu.a -ill, m. (conjicio), ci throwing (fl) relatimuhip through marritJ9e, or rdali.on-
~. L Lit., a. naaterlal, Luer. ; b, a ship; coajuoctlo sauguinie, Cic.; coujuuctio
~1ro1ofa9, authig, llur1Lng; lapldum, Cie.; ven· aftiuit.otls, Cle.
ire ad tell conjectum, to comil within, oonjunctus -a -um, p. adj., with compar.
LiT.; oe }'rimu111 quidem conjectum telorum nnd super!. (co1du11go), connected, .Y•intd; 1,
rene, LiT. IL Trnusf. casting or dincting to- subllcuc cum 011111i operecoujunctile, Ca611. ; with
wrdl; vest er in me anlmorum oculorumque con· dat. borlkri1'g on, near; thtmtrum conjunctum
lectns, Cic. <lomui. Caes.; Paphl11gonia co1\111ucta Capp•ttloc-
ine, Nt•p.; 2, co1tltmporary with; conjuuctus
~lcio -jki -jectum 1 S. (com and ja.cio).
A. Lit., 1, to &.\row, oring togtthtr, coluct; igitur 811lplcii 11etati P. A.nth1tius fuit, Cic. ; 8,
l&l'einu io medium, Lh•,; sort<•ll in hyclrlam, a, co-nructed with, agrering with, proportione;i t-0;
Cie.; IOl'telll con.iicere, to lnt&, Cic.; oggerempru1lc11tia cum justitlll., Cle. ; talis l!imulatio est
tn mnuitiouem, Cae11. ; ~. of missiles, to throw, vanitati conjunctior, ii mon 11tarly aU~d, Cic.;
out, 1'url; tela. in noetroa, Caea. ; ttg., petitiones continnata conjunctaque verba, Cic.; 1mbst.,
1~ at vitari non possint, Cle. B. TranHr., 1,oonJunctum -1, n. con'11tCtion, Cle.; b, oC
~. to cu:.,t, direct; oculos in aliquern, Cic.; persons, ro1rnected, allied, jrUndly; homlnes l•e·
maledict.'\ in alicuins vita111, Cic. ; 2, a, to con- uevolentii\ COl\ltrnctl, Cic.; homo mi hi coujunct-
.mve, pus; de matre sua vi& ex oraculo ns fldi11>1il11l grntl:'i, Cle. ; et cum ii11 et int~r se
acute lll'gUteqne, Cic. ; polrtic. perf. suhst., belle co11j1111cth111imos fuisse M'. Curium, Ti. Coruu-
M!Jtel&, cu~·er 11.lTllliMI, Cia.. b. to illUrpr" camuw, Cic.; taJu c.miuncta 1101mlo Romano
etnt.u, Caes.; u.n«Ulne aonjanotf, Nep.; c!Yium lo clW "P:
ln anmmnm Jugum a-i.; I. k
Roruanorum omnfo.m aangula conjunct11.1 ext•· bring forth; gemel101, Verg. B.
Trust 14
tlmamlua est. Cic. .triN teith all one'• '1light; with ahl., quantum
conjungo ·Junxl -junctum, !I. to joifl fogethff animo conn Iti potes, Cle.; with In and the aec..,
eo1~tr. wit.fl dat., cum awl abl., 18, or the In unum locutn connixl, Liv. ; with ad aud the
abt aloue. L Lit., navl onerariae alteram, acc., ad convlucen•lurn eum, Tac.; "'Ith lu!ln..
Caes.; calnmoe plure11 cert, Verg. IL Tnl1111r., to lnvodere hORtern, Liv. ; with ut a11d the 1ubj.,
""''"; l, ohpo.ce, a, of tl•illb'S, 1lext"m dextn1e, lnfantes cour1ituntur, seae ut erigant, Cic.
O•.; eam eplatolam cum hnc epiKtola., Cle.; huoc oonniveo -nh1 or -nlxl, 2. to clow cu em,
moot.em murus circumolatus arceru elficlt et to 11.'ink, bliflk 11.'itA tAe eyu. A. Lit., oculil
cum oppldo conJ11ngit, Caes. ; b, of penious, ut aoruno conulveutlbus, Cle.; altero oculo, Cic..;
paulatlrn - legtonee conjungenmt, Cat-a. ; 86 poet., or the 11un or moon, quasi connlveot.
HaunilnUI, Liv.; 21_of time, noctem dlei 1 to Luer. B. Transr., to u>i11Tc at, let pa.11 """°tiud:
lnivel /Gr '"to CM nigAt, Caea.; 8, to bri1'g uito eonaullbus al non adjuvantlbus, at conuiYent-
001&M:ri<Jll, uflite, join; a, cauum aliculua cum lbu.a certe, Cle.; with In &IJd the abl., qui-
com111unl 11&lute, Cic.; coaju11gere helium, to busdam etiam In rebus conniveo, Cle.
v.7kkrllw ha co1ni1w", Cic.; b, to uiiiU '" mar- conniibliilla -e (counublum), rtlating lo
riage frien<ilhip, a.lliance, etc. ; ftll&ll BUll.8 IHil11 t11arriave, cm.nv.bial, Ov.
aliculu11 matrimonio, Liv. ; me tlbi 11tm.lia com· connublum -U, n. (com and nubo), I, a
munia coajungunt, Cle.; coujuntcere amicitiall, a Uflul JWman marriage; eequ1JUtur counub1& el
Cle. aftlnltnwa, Cic. ; poet., marri<ige In tc .. ueral.
oonJunx = conjux (q. v.). Pyrrhi connuhla 11ervare, Verg.; b, inln'ro11111t,
oonjiiril.tlo -Onls, f. (co1\juro). A.""'°" ocm- Ov,; ~ tM ri.ghl of in.termarriage; co1J11ub1um
/.f"Atd 1111 a1& oatJa; conjurntio Acarturnica, Liv. ; fiultimfa nt'gare, Liv. (In poets of'ten trillylL,
conJurntlonem nobllitatia racerei ea~. B. a connuhjo, Verg., Aen. L 78, vU. 96).
OOJ11plracy, plot; conjunitio Cati luae, Sall.; In
ea eonjurallone ease, to be impU.catut in, Mall. ; C6non -6nls, m. (Kot'..,.,), 1 1 "" ..t~ia•
gt/KTUJ.; 9, a WIC1tlumatician ana ~ q/
eoajnratiouem raccre contra rempulilicam, Cle. ~l'llOI.
C. •tuton. CM conapimlor•; 't'OC611 conjuratloula
tuao, Cic. . cono~um -1, n. (ir111v111tni:0t<)oroonoplum
-11, n. 11 ii.a to kup o§ gnat.I or tROM,lU&lou, Uor.
conjiirii.tua .. -um {conJuro), HiUd by oatA,
cslli«l ; 11ul.i11t., oonjuratl ~rum, m. COMpira· OOnor, 1. dPp. lo U~ lfideaWOter• ...
Ion. Cle. tetn.1.i, ~rt~. 1triw: with acc., opW!I mag·
num, Cle.; with lnfin., faceni Id quod COUt1tit11-
oonjiiro 1. to l'!Mlr togetMr. L lo take CM era11t. Caea.; 11 qui hacc delere co11&ti aunt., Qc.
aUila'l' ~; ut omnes ltallu junlores coajur-
arent, Caes. IL to U1liU by oath. A. oonp ... = comp ••• (q. Y.).
Gen., hlrbarl co11jurare, oblildee Inter se dare coep- oonqunasi.tlo ~nls, r. (conqWU1so), a ...
erunt, Cacs.; with acc. aud 111nn., per 11uo11 prin- Int llu.tking, lhatkrl"f; tot111.11 va.letud.inla oor-
clpes Inter KC co11jnrant nlhil niai commuul con- por!a, Cle.
allio acturo11, Cae&. B. Eiip. lo plot, C07181rire; oonquasso, 1. eo lhab tAoroughlv, M.aUer;
eo11jurast1e supra Beptem millla virorum ac mull· quuw A pull& waximls t.errae moli!Ju11 co11quau-
erum, Liv. ; with cum and the at.l. 1 or with at.a e&11et. Cle.; tra11i1r., couquauat&a exteru
Inter se; II, qulbuscum con,iuraati, C1c.; priu· natlou911 flliua anni furore, Cic.
clpes Inter !Ml eoujurant, Sall. ; with advcrsu11
or contra and the acc., contra rempublicam, conqueror -que11tua, s. dep. to bnua or
cm11.pW.1n. Wlutl'JI; fortunu auaa, Plaut. ; bon·
Cle. ; &dVefllUI 1.atriam, Liv.; with de and the
abl., de lntertlc1c11do Pompt\)o, Ole.; with in orwn dlreption&i, Cle. ; de lati11.1 lmprobitate.
and the acc., cum al!quo In 0111ne ftagltium et Cle.
faclnus, Liv. ; with lnnn., patriam l11ce11Jere, oonquestlo .Onta, r. (conqueror), Cl lovd
Ball. ; wiU1 ut and subj., urbem ut lnceuderent, eotllp/.auu, bcwuili1ig; uui null um aiuilium eat.
Liv. nulla eonqueKUo, Cle.; in rhet., conqueistio •t
oonjux (conjunx) ·Jdgl1, c. tconjungo), 1, oratlo au•lit.orum miserieordlam, Cic.
.,,o-u..u, tvif~. Cic. : more rarely, h.U$l!at«l, Cle. ; conqueatus. abL ·tl, m. (conqueror), ca lam
com1•lain.t, Liv.
pl. a m.arri<d pair, Cat. ; 2,. poet. a bdrotMd
ftr9in, brUW, Verg. ; a c:oftC11.buu, Prop. conqulesoo -qull!vl -quletum. s. to ,....,
CIOnl .••• .., coll •••• (q. v.). 1Aoro1.1y1u11 , w.u u•t, "'P'*- A. to rut bodily:
oonm . • . .. comm ••• (q. v.). vide1nu11 ut conqulescere ue Infante. ~uldem
pos111ut, Cle.; ltaec {ltupeuimenta} conqmeBCen
counecto -nexru -nexum, s. to fa.ate11,, tu to- vetuit, to rut from a 1111uch, Ca.ea.; conqui81Joere,
ftllll'T, 001m~ct, vnft~ A. Lit. lll11e (apes) ped· meridie, to 1l«p, CIM>a. B. to be 1till, '11'Ul. to taa
llins counexae ad lhnhlll !X'lldeut, \'erg. B. rtpa#, ltcp; a, hubre eouquleaeente, Liv.; con-
Tran~r., 1, of apace, Moeellam atf]ue Ararim
quie•cil mercutor11m navib'&tio, ia ~ Cle.;
fact.A inter utrumque foll!ii, Tate.; 2 of time, cunquie.cere a cont.inuis bellia et. vletoriis, Cle. 0
pen1Cquere eonnexoe his runerihus a1es, close- b, to ftnd rut or f'U'Mlticn tn.; In noatria li\Qd.
(olfowing, Cle.; 3, to ""iU; &rolcittll cum volupt- tis libenLi11tdme conquiesclmus, Cle.
ate connt•ctitur, Cle. ; esp. o., ro untu in di.f..
OOUNll; raclliu11 est enlm apt.I\ diasolvere quaru conquiro -qulsivi -qulsltum, S. (com and
dla11ipat.a counecterel Oic. ; b, of logical con· quaero), tu ltt.k far, to bring togt.ther, to cOll«t,
nexion, omne quod Jll!Um ex ee counexum sit get A. Lit., sagittarioe, Caes. ; coloooe
't'erttm esse, Cic. ; c, of rdation.&hip; alieuJ Cic.; _Jiecunla1u, Cic.; aliqueru tot& provinci&,
connexus per affinitatem, Tac. ; pa.rtlc. pert Cle. B. Transf., voluptatem conqulrere et com-
aubet., connexum -t, n. logical oonclu.ri<m. pai'are Ctc.; solebat mecum lnterdum eiuamodl
&liquid conqulrere, Cic. (cont.r. rut. pert. form.
1. connexu.a ·Ill, m. (connecto), conn.trUm, oon4uiMierlt.. Cle.).
11niofl, Cic. conqui.aitlo ~nia, r. (eonquaero), I, ...,,.,
i. connexua ·• -nm, p._-tle. or connectio. oollectw"; i't'CUnlarum, Tac.; t&Uum llbl'onm_,
oonnitor .w.u. or -nlxu1 Ram, s. dep. A. Liv._; a, a P"'-'"fl or fon:f.biA nl'*"-1 tt
Lit., l, kl '-'"" or ~ agai7UI toWI. ~; toldun, oorucrtpttml; eurcltu dtUiaatml. OGD·
nlldo oorpon Uolll'UI, Cia. ooet.. ~ a. qlllaiUone oollfectua. Ola.
oon 121) con
ooncuisitor ~rltl, m. (conqulro), cs ncruitlng te stndlorum et officlorum mnldme con11el111 1
oft~r, Cic. Cic.; con_jnratlonls, co1upimlor, Sall.; po!'t-.
oonqnisitaa .a -nm, p. adj. with Rnperl. conscln fut! si<len1, Vrrg.; nlicnl consci11111 !'!!Se
(coniiuiro), f(llt[lht afta, stffcletl, chik'U!11, t:O$tlJ1, factnorls, Tac.: with dat., co1111cius facinorl, C'ic.;
prn:i~ru; meu~\:S cuuq1tisitissimis epulhs ex· with in 11n<l the abL, conscim1 tu privntls r.. hll~,
1tnme, Cic. Cle.: with de an<l the ahl., his tie rebus co11!1Ci11m
ei111e Pisonem, Cle.; absol., sine ullo co11scio,
oonr • • ·=corr• • • (q.v.). Cic.; 2, e<>n.sei.uu.J ro OM$t.I/; a, with ~cnit., sf
conaaeplo -saepsl, -saeptnm, 4. to fen.« allcuius in.lnrtae sihi consci•1s fu•.iset, Cle.; wilh
roulld, to ltb.lgt ill, :::iuet.; gen., pa1tic., oon- acc. 1rnrl tufln., et.Kl 111lhi sum conBCius me 11imis
aeptua -a -um, /tnwJ rountl: nger, Cic.; cupidum fuisse .vitae, Cle.:. alis~l., conscii &\hi,
oub.t., consaeptum ·i, n. an iltcl<1•ui-e, Liv. Ball.; 1•oet., v11t1111 conec1a, \erg.; b, e.1p.,
oouiliitatlo -Onls, f. (consnlnto), a aal11ta· conACiotu of g11Lll; anirou!I, Sall.
timl Qf iertral ~; fore1111is, Cle. oonaoribWo, 1. (1lim. of conscribo), to
oonsAliito. I. to grvt tof]f-fl1er, hail, tlalnte; acrllible or acmwl all ol'l'!r, Vnrr. ; transf., uates,
i11ttr se amicissime, Cle.; with d•iulilo nc1~., , to mark toith. bloocly wtal1, Cut.
•li11uem dictat.m:m, Liv.; enm Volm1111iam, Cic. coneoribo ·acrlp11l -Mriptnm, s. t,o tln'ltt
oonaanesoo -siinili, a. to btcome hralth.I/, to togctha. L A. l, m'lit. t. t., to enrol, ltry; ex·
g1 ir.l!; illn q une cons.111uisse videhm tur, Cic. erci t1111, Cio.; legion es, Cnes.; 2. politic. t. t., a, to
eonungulneua -a -um, relalttl by li/ood, enrol in a 1.l(lrtic11lar clos~; centur.lae tre~ ~quit.
bn.:lltr/11 .~.July· muurne Q\· 8ubst. con- 11111 <·onscr1ptae suut, Liv.; Col1111.'\m (t11b11111)
!laDgUiiieus ·i' in Cic. · c~~- novnm •tell'ctu perditil5Sh11or111n civium con·
guinea, r. ;isk~, Cat.; 'plur.,' OOl19aD- MCriheliat, Cle.: b, to en~l 111 a 1tnator; hence
guinet -onun m nlat"oiui. Aeilui Ai tbarri the phra:se, patres ~onscr1pti (for pntres et con·
'•l't!e<EJ.tii ct ~ons~n mil:ei Ae1l11orum Caes. . 11cript1), unator1, C1c.; sing.. a aenaror, Hor.; «?•
. I> • \' • ' to enrol w colo11l.sll, Liv. B. 1, t,o pul t1111rther in
trsDaf., ron..angmne-ua Le.ti Sopor, erg. u,'Ti/ill!J, 11.>rite, C:OmJ>018; lihrum·ae consnlatu,
~~gulnlta.e -it1s, f. (C:on11angulneu1), Cic.; epistolam, ki;em, Cic.; absol., to tuTitt a
rc• 1 1' 0 ><.<h11• /.Jy blood, conaangui1nt11, Liv. trttlr; de A11tm1l1l quoqne Balbus ail me cum
conaauclo, I. to t00und uvtrtly, 8uet. Oppio co!1scrip11it, Cic.; 2, el'p. oC l'.h~·11icln~"·
consoel~ri.tus -4 -mr., p. adj. with super!. to prt3Cr~/l(J; pro u lutar1 hns mortifera, CIC.
(~.. n,;cclern), tc•ic-1.·,d, tJil!ain-0111, dt'jllYii·ed; con· IL to wrtte rill Ot't!T; men!lllru vino, Ov.
Jl'dtratissiml lllil, Cic.; trnnsr. of thi11g11, 1Hen11, oonaorlptlo ·<>nis, f. (conscribo), a mtlng,
C1•:. compoaitio1l, wrltten 1)(11-er; falsae conscrlptionea
consoelero, 1. t-0 rlrjile with crime; ml11eram q1111estionu111, forge1l minuiu, Cic.
domum, C:1t.; oculo.!I viJeudo, Ov.; oonsorlptu.e -a -um, partic. of conscriho.
pattm~, L1Y. oona..x co .s.,c ~ !\I -scctum, 1. to cut .n --"
, .,,.....
coucendo -scen11l -scent111m, 3. (c;om nnd plrets dl$incmber. membra f'ratrls, Ov.
s.-a11do~ A. lo a~nd, t11or1111, go 1171; with ace., ' _ '
e!Juum, to 111JJ11nt o,. /wnit>back, I.iv.; vallnm, conseoratlo. -~nls, .f. (conserro), 1,. a, 11
~; 11e..iuor uavibuR \'erg.; with In nnd the c11~tio1'; aed1um, C1c.; b, ". dedl~tion I~
aec., In t'tplos, Ov. h. Naut. t.. t., to go 011 the in.fern~ gods, u:tcl"atwn, CMr..t. caplt1s, Cic.,
bni &Mp, t11tbark; with tu and the acc., In 2, dl'iJ'lcatton 1',/ Ul4 t1nperor1, npoth.tos1..11, Tac.
nnem, Qies.; with acc., nn,·em, Ca•·R. ; allsol., oon.seoro, (con-ucro). I. L A. to coMe-
to nalJart; C<•11scen1lere a Drundh1io Cle. crat1, to dtdicat• to th• '"17iC. of a god; tot am
. oonaoenslo -~nls, f. (con11cen<lo), all embark· Slc!liam Cereli, Cic. ; diem alicuiu"•
1Ag, mbarlutio1&; in naves, Cic. make a /uut-M11, Liv. B. to conNcmte to th•
I "- L a gods belmo, to c11r1t; qnum caput elu11, qui con·
OODlc e~tlLA ·ae, f. <conllclo). - . 1&jolnt tm fecerit consecratur Clo. II A. to ddfg
~:lcclge "'! .\ !!11~t !1Kr f't•·wn, being J>T!Vlf tn: eleV<Ptf to diviM rum1»r;a; Li her· quern noslrl
1 0
111 omruum, C1c., co11111rntionl!t, Ta~., elus- mnjores cunsecraveront Cle.· or the emperors
~~~ ~ln:1rum, (..1,,.; ab!iol. cnnscieutiae con· consec1'11.l'tl Claudium, :si:et. is. Transr., to maJ:;
T~ ' C.c.' ahquf'm In con!!dentlarn assu!11"'re• holy; vetera jam lstn et religioue omninm con·
. IL krww[€(1!1• lfl. o1iut,1/. A. Oen., v1rl11m secrnta Cle 0 to mah immortal. ampllssim\s
M~ranun ac s1iar11m Liv.; absol. nostra ' ·• • · I 't Cl
~~liili!t consclentin, cl('~ B. c-nu<~••mu n/ monume11t11_ memoriam nomm 1 11u , c.
"?ht or lt'l"Onq; a, conscic11tia be11e actae vitae, oonaeotarlua -a ~nm (con~ector). folln,!llfn.g
Cie.; !1C!'ltrt1m et frnmlum 1mar11111, Cic.: ex nullA logically, cons_e1111mt, Cl('-; S11~11t., oonseC?tArla
CGt«lentli de cul pit, Sitll.; b, conscienCfl; animi ·Orum, n. log1ool co-nd1'1wn1, in/,rtnets, C1c.
~'1Ci~nti4 excruciarl, etc.; p11lP.clara con- oonsecti.tlo --Onlll, r. (conRector), Ul4 M{lff"
~enlil, Cic.; absol. 1 (a) a good couscUlia; mea p111'1'11it of a11ything, dlSirt, t§ort, .triving o,fttr;
llllhl con:iclentia 1•luns quam 011111ium 1er1110, concinnltatls, Cle.
ac.; (.B), a bad ron!JCU11ce; augor con1cie11tiae, conaeotatrfx -tels t. (con~e,,t..1tor) a"
Cle.; COn!Cientll fetus, Liv. ttl{ler p11nutr, dtvoltdJrknd.; consectatnoe: Yol·
COuclndo -scidi ·RClssum. 8. to tear or rend uptnth1 llbldines, Cic.
(a Pi«Es. .1. Lit., e1•latolllln, Cle. II. Transf., oonaeotlo ~nis, f. (conseco). 11 cutting •Pt
contcl'!.~i Slbilllt, h.IUl!d at, Cle. cleaving to pU'C'_.; arhorum, Cle.
!'OD:llao. 4. to b4s cxm.fCtou.f o/ irum i nil con- oonseotor. 1. dep. (freq. of consequor). L
IC!re '1hl, Hor. A. Lit.. , t-0 follow, p11nnu eitperlu, Ter.: um.II In·
~ -llclvl an1l ·•ell ·11·ttum, S. 1, fo genii est rivulos consectarl, fontes reru1n non
ll9l'H .,._ ruolve publicly, ihcrt1, Cic. ; bellum, videre, Cic. B. Tr:tnsf., to p11r1U.1 xealowly,
LiY.; 2.. lo bring or i11jlid upon ontMI/, "1/lid 1fri1M1 oftu, try to in~ltau or gaJn; opes aut pot-
11~: 1lbl mortem, or simply mortem, necem, e11tia111, Cic.; ubert.AtP.m oratlonf1, Cic.; vltlum
toQU O'll.Oi/J, Cic.; sibl exsillum, Liv. (syncop. de lndustril, Cle. IL to/ollOVJ hoalilely, p10-1uc;
Pttfec\ tonne cOW1Ciue, Liv.; con.scl11set, Cle.). redenntel equlte1, Cnes.; allquem et oonvlc1l1 e~
.eon.clu -a -nm (com and sclo), 1, 1&4vlng 1ihllls, Cic._
l~•i&C or rommtJn 1,....,.o~e tJJit/l a1'0thtr, priUJI oomMSoutlo ~nls, f. (consequor), 1, phllo-
1"' etJf11ila.NI o/; with geult., homo meoru1n in aoph. t. t., thal 111htch lblloa, cs• e§ed, col&lfo
con 126 oon
f'CllM:f!; causas rerum et consecutlone• vldere, ltl(Mfloe, rutdl /roM; quam eorom oplnlOM:m
Cie. ; 9, rhet. t.. t., order, 001maion., arro1agemnt; magni errores consecnti 11unt, Cle. ; b, to follm•
verborum, Cic. a1 a logical OOllM<]Uenu; tit etiam quod CODM'·
oonaineaioo -•~nt'\I, 3. L to beconu old, quitur neceSll&rlum, Cle. ; 3, to follow a pnrfa·ic·
grow grty; hac casii, Ov. IL In a liad sense, lar object or example; consequi suum qno<l<lain
to bttQnu old, to lou 01~'• strength, to dtooy. A. institutum, Cic.. lL to oonu np to by follo~in9,
Lit. 1, of persons, ln1mntem, indemnatnm In attain to, rmch., obUlill, A. Lit., 1.1.. si at.atim
exsilio cons1rnescere, LI v.; consenescere in .::!icilil\ navlgna, nos Leucade conaeriuere, t.,ic.; a, to
11ub armis, Liv.; 9, of bodily strength, to cltroJL; C07M t1p with. in p11r~uit, o~rtab; ttliq11011
consenescunt vires atque deflclunt, Cie. B. 0111nes equitatn, Caes. B. Tr11nllf., 1, to uttni•
Tranar., 1, invidla habet repentinos impetus, in- to, obtain, gtt; cuh1s rel (imt.Ae ta111011e dift\cilit
terposito spatio et cognitAcauaiconsene11cit, Cle.; Cac11ltate111 con..!ll!cut11m tUIJ tml nl)ll profiteor;
2, In politict1 1 to lo• J>OWf!r; om11es illius partls aec11hnn e~ pni.e 111e fcro, Cic. ; ope~ q11a111
aucto:rea ac soci06 nullo adverurio consene11eere, mnximas, Cic. ; ampli88imo. lionorei<, Cic.:
Cic. fructu111 ampllsaimmn ex relpublicae cau.MM,
OODHnalo ..Qnls, r. (consentio). A. Gen. I Cic.. ; onmia per aeuatnm. Cic. ; fort il udiui~
agrument, harnwny, co1U1trlt; a of penwns, glorlam lnsidhs et 111aliti11, Cle. ; foll. l>y uL or
omnium gentium1 Cle.; nulla d'e lllis magi11- ne with the suhj., Cle.; S, of ohject.i, e\·cut.-<,
tratuum consensto, Cie.; b, of things, har- to befall, haPJ~'~ to; tan ta pl"OtSperitas Caesitnm1
mony; naturae, Cle. B. In a bad sense, a plot, est consecuta, Cle.; 3, to ~ up to in a111
coHllpiracy; co1111en11io s~lerata, Cic. ruptel., to equal; a, verbornm prove nu111eruu1
oonaenaua ·118, m. (consentlo). L agru· seutentlar11111 numero, Cle. ; b, esp., to qpna
wunt, unaiiin~ity, coMCOrd, agru11Unt; a, of per· amquattly 11£ toord.a; alicuius laud ea verbiM., Cic.;
110n11, 01nnlum, Cle. ; optimua lu rempublicam ur.
4, lo OOIM to ill lpeech or tltmtght, to xHdtrllmtd,
consensus, Cle. ; abl., consensu, unanimo!Uly, grrup; 11i11111itudine111 veri, Cic.
by ge1ural 001~11t; reslstere, Liv.; b, of things, 1. conairo -11i!v1 -sttum, S. 1, to sow, plmi:t:
mlrus quidam omulum 9,WlSi consensus doc- a, lit., agros, Cic.; b, tran11f. 1 lumine arva (of
trinarum concentusque, C1c. D. a ucret agrtt· the sun), to cover, Luer.; 3, to pla.Jil, pla~ i11:
mMl, co111pirac11; consensWI audacium, Cle. arboretn, Liv.
oonaenti.niua ... -um (conaentlo), agrui11.g 2. ~ -~rdl -aertum, 3. L Gen., fl)
to, <lflTU4bU with, OOn&OMllt with., jlt, nl\table; 001&1ttct, tUI, joiit, twine; lorica consert&
cum !Is litterill, Cle. ; gen. with dat., Btolcorum hamis Verg.; exod!.& eonserere fabellis potiasim-
ratloni, Cic.; imper1. 1 consentaneum est, with 11111 .Atellanis, Liv. D. to join i1~ a hostile
lnfln. or acc. a.nd lnfln., it agru•, ii rw.sonablt, 1Mnn1:r. A. Milit. t. t., mnnum or 111:1nus con-
nifablt, Cle. serei-e, to 111gagt, Cic.; cum aliquo, Cic. ; inkr
Conaentes DU. the adv!aer•, tht twelve se, &11.; conserere pugnam, Liv.; 1•roeli11111,
1uperior dtitiu of the Rommu-viz., Jupiur, Liv.; navls conseritur, the $hip i1 t11gcigtd, Li,·.;
Juno, Yuta, Ctru, Diana, Minuva, Ytnus, Mara, absol., conserere cum lcvl armatura, Liv. B.
Mercurit11, Neplw111$, Yu/canus, Apollo, VRrr. Legal t. t., allqucm ex j11re rnanum consertu111
vocare, to romnunce ml (l.(tion conctrnii£g pr<>.ftrlJ
Conaentla -aP, f. a town i•~ Bndtii, now bN laying hand$ on it, ap. Cic.
Conse1ua. Ac.IJ., ConaentiJlu -a -um. COllHrti. ad\•. (consertus from 2.,
oonaentlo -sensl -sensum, 4. to a11ru. L ro11necutU11, Cic.
Lit., Clf person11. A. Gen., to agru, to a&<1em,
to ruolve unanimously; abaol., anlml !'onsent- oonaerva -ae, f. a /tUow-#Tmnl, Plaut. ;
lentes, Cic. ; with dat. or cum and tl1e, transf., con11ervae Corea, in tM """~ aervitt, O•·.
consentire superiorlbus judlcils, Cic.; cum oonaervana -anti!!, p. adj. (conservo). rrt·
popull Romani voluntatibus co1111enti11nt, Cle. ; urving; with genit., ea qru1e conservantia sut1t
with de or in and the abl., Cle.; ad with the !'ins statWI, Cle.
ace., Cic.; advenms with the acc., Liv.; cum oollHr'Vi.tfo ..{lnls, r. (conserrn), n 'f'Ttl"'T'1•
allquo de a\iqui\ re, Cle. ; with acc., Cic.; bellmn, tio1i, keeping, laying up; a, fr11i;tu111, Cic. ; b
lo rtSOltte ttpon war, Liv. ; with acc. and lnfln. obNnri1ig, ob«rm11ce; 11eq11abilit.ati!I, Cic. '
or inftn. alone, Cle. B. to plot, co11.spirt, fonn OOD.88rv.itor -orls, Ill. (COJ1ser.vo), l1 prt·
a" unlawflil union; ad prodend!Wl Hunnlball •trtitr; inhnicoruiu, Cic.; relpul•licae, Cic.
urbern, Liv. : belli faciendl causa, Cic. D.
Tnmsf., or Inanimate objects, to agru, har· ocmaervatrm -ici~, r. (conservo), die 1CM
moniM; ratio nostra consentlt, Cle. ; pres.
prmrw1; natura, Cle. (!)
partic., conaentleu -entls, harmonw111; cou- OOIUlel'VO, 1. to lcup, prut'rvt, tnai11tain; a,
senttens populi Romani universi VC1luntas, Cic. of concrete ohject;i, civea 11uo11, Cic. ; onme.11
oonaepio == consaepio (q. v.). salvos, Cle.; rempublicam, Cle.; ?"l'.m familiitr·
em, Cle.; b of abstrftct obje<'ls, to p~rrt,
oonsequen. -quentis, p. adj. (consequor), maintain, o'tiur~ ; pri11tlnnn1 animum, Liv. ;
a, grammat. t. t., appropriate, Qf tM right con- jul\j11ra1111um, to kttp, Cle.
llnu:tio11.; in conjunctis (verbls) quod non est
consequenR vltuperandum est, Cle.; b, philo- oonae..-vua ·i, rn. a ftllou• sln'l't', ttrtvznt, Cic.
soph. t. t .• following logioa.lly, ron.stqutnt; con· OODaMaOr ·llriti11 m. (con!lido), one who sit«
seq uens est, it fellow 111 a logical 007!Mqttt11« "MT or toith, in a court of justice, 111~ a.~tu(lr,
Clo. Subst., ooluMSq•mui -quentls, n.a ~ Cle.; a mighb01tr at a feast or ~pectacle, Cic.
OOAWJ1Unotl, Clo. OO!UletMl1UI ·t\11, m. (consido), (Ill Mumbly (nf
conaquenda -e.e, f. (consequor), a «ms· persons 11itting together) ; in ludo tala1io, Cit-. ;
«~, ~ll; cventorom, Cle. p1'11econnm, Cle.; ludorum gladlatorumqu~, Ci<.".;
oonaiquYa ·ae, f.= consequentla (q.v.). plur., con11e911us theatrales gladiatoritqne,. Cle.
oon.Mqa.or -equn.tua (-lkntua), 8. dep. to oonaid.lrati. ad\·.. with compar. and
(ollow, go a/kr. L Gen., A. Lit., 1, aliquem auperl (con1lderatU11). tk11U4h(fidlr, cart/'ttll¥;
vei;tlgU.. on foot, Cle.; 2, to Jl"'"W; oonaeqni agere. Cir..
atatim Hasdrubalem, Liv. B. Trana!• 1, to OOuidJJ'&tlO·llnia, f. (considero). COnMV'O-
folWao in poi"' ~liflU: mora, quae brevl conae- lion, ocmtnaplatMm th.ought, rcft«ti<m; COllSider-
cuta. eat, Cla.; qui& llbertatem pu: conseque- ationem lntendere in a.liquid, Cic.
ha.tur. Cle. ; j 1 a, to /olk!w cu 117' e.fed or co. oonaidiratue -A ·WD, p. adj. with compe.r.
COD 127 con
and 1u_perL (eonsidero),
& 7 pus., tAorottghly ~­
Mned, t«ll wciglud, ddil>ernU: verbum, C1c.;
publlcla conallils),
'" tu 'ntM'uU of pri'Mt.
Cic.; b, milit. t. t., srotagem., devia;
co1111derata atque provisa via viYendi, Cic. ; b, consilium imperatorium, Cic.; 2, advict, 1t1.g-
act., of persoWI, cautiotu, toaty, circu111$p«t ; gatian; alicui cons!lium dare, Cle.; egere con-
bomo, Cle. silii or consilio, Cic.
oonaidero. 1. (com and root SID, con- conalmllls -e, like fa aU partl, tzaJ!tlf
nected with El.10, 1~0, VID-eo). A. Lit., nmil11r; with genit., cauaa consimllis earum
to loor at, ttgurd carefully, conkmplaU; con- causarum quo.I', etc., Cle.; with dat., consimilia
liderare opus plctoris, Cic. B. Trana!., to con- fub-ae profectio, Caes.; abaol., la us, Cle.
lidtr, wigll. rtjkct Vpc>A : wt th secum, cum oonsipio, S. (com and saplo), to bl "' on.€1
animo 111.01 secum in animo ; considerare secum ttnses, to have pouurioft of aJU • .{acultiu, Liv.
fQs C&SIUI, in quibus, etc., Cic.; with rel. sent.,
considerei quid aga>.1, Cic. ; with de and the oonaisto -attti, s. to put oneatV b anr
abL,nlUlc de praemiis consitll'remus, Cic.; absol., place. L Gen., to take one's stand, plaa one-
ille (ait) ee considerare velle, Cic. ~tl/. A. Lit., 1, of persons, conaistere ad
ml'nsam, Cle.; hi proximi constitere, Liv.;
consido -sMl -sessum, S. neut. L Llt., to esp. a., as a llatener, tot.a In Illa contione Italia
ril rftMn.. A. Or persons, hie in umbri, Cle.; In coustitit, Cic.; b, milit. t. t., to plaa r:nuselj
m•'lli herbi, Cic.; esp., 1, k> At M1o1' in a pub- for battle, ta/u mu'• p~; ne sauclo quldem
1;1<USNnblyor oourt of justiu; ut primurn jud1ces elna loci, ubl constlterat, rellnquendi faculta.s
tr"1sederaot, Cic.; ad jus dlceudum, Liv.; 2, dabatur, Cle.; 2, or dice, to /all; quadring-
milit. t. t., a, to take up onta posiiio11; triari1 entis talis centum Venerios non poase easu con-
suh vexillis considebant sini'itro crure porrecto, sistere, Cic. B. Transf., to a.grtJ1 totth: vldesne
Li\·.; In iuaidiis, Liv.; b, more commonly, to i;;itur Zenonl'm tuum cum Aristone verbia
ltip, l!UDmp; considere non longius rnille eousistcre, re diuidere, Cio. IL Esp. to 1tand
ilu.'I a nostria munitionlbus, Caes. ; 3, to 1tay, still. A. to lltop, AaU : 1, lit.. •• or persona,
ar.d of passengers on board ship, to land; hie conslstite I Ov. ; conaistere et commornrl cogit,
1n Anti!, Cic. ; Tarqulniis, Liv. B. Of thing~, Cic. ; esp., (a) to .top /or oonveraalio1l ; viatorea
~1 fall lo tM f11'01lnd, uttU, link, subside; quae etiam invitos consiatere coguut, Caes.; (/3) to
(.\lptt) jam llcet consldanti Cic.; Ilion ar<lebat stop in wondtr, curiolU11, etc.; beatiae saepe im·
ntqoe adhuc consederat lgn111, Ov. IL Trans!., manl!s ca11tu tlectuntur et consistunt, Cic. ;
A. Of persons, consldere in otlo to rt.J<t, Cle.; (y) milit. t. t., lo halt; prope hostem, Cacs.;
Mam videmua conse<lisse urbem iuctu, S1mk in (6) of travellers, fugitives, etc., to MU, 1top, stuy;
r.VJ, \"erg. B. Of tbi11gs, 1, to stop, uasc; ardor consistcre uuum diem Veliae, Cic.; b, of thinga,
a.u;mi conse<lit, Cic. ; 2, to fall into neglut; vel coucldat omne caelum omniaque natura con-
consedit utr1usque nomen In qnaestura, Cic. alstat nece.sse est, Cic.; eep. of water, to stqp
cozudgno, 1. 1, to stal, w aj/iz a ital a.a an still; ter frigore constitit Ist.er1 Jroie, Ov.; 2,
a~IAt1.tU:Wiol&; t.abulas sign is, C1c.; 2, to vouch trans!., a, to stop, dwell'" ape«ll; in uno nom-
fer, a11UleAtia&U; aliquld litteri.1 1 Cle.; trans!., lne, Cic. \ b, to rut, Of!Clle; quum ad Treliiam
1otiqaitu clariuimia monumentia teEt.ata con- terrestre conatitill8et bellum, Liv.; o, to,
lignataqae, Cic. fall 1'pon: In quo (viro) non modo culpa nulla,
OODSIUi.rlua ... -um (conslllum), rtla:tin.g to sed ne auspicio qu1dem potult conailtere, Cic.;
rownld, ddibcrat!n.g; eenatua, Plil.ut. Subat., d, to conmt, k> bt fOT'tAIKI of; major pan victus
OOJUdliarfus .if, m. an. advi&er, an O.S..'IU80'r, eorum in lncte, caseo, came conafstlt, Cnea.
a.aNt.a"' ~ ; consillario et auctore Ve.atorlo, B. 1, lo ltand firmly, kllp 011¥1 ground, fool,.
Cle.; d&ri alicui consiliarium atque admlnlstrum, (7'11 ; ill tluctibus, Cal's. ; vertice celao aeriae
Oie. ; collliliari I regis, Cic. queret111 coustlterunt, wtr• ft'f"mlll rooud, Verg.;
oonalllator -&1.8, m. (conslllor), cou1Llell.or, 2, tranar., a, to kup one'• gr01&.d lo 1wld <nu'•
lldr.m-, Phae<ir. °""': In forenslbus causil! praeclnre, Cic. ; b,
lo be llrm; neque mens, neque vox neque lingua
oonsDfor, 1. dep. (corudllum), to hold a oon.- consiatit, Cic.
nlt4tion, IX>ll.ltLU, take eou111el; ditftcilla ad con·
lillandnm legatio, Ole. oon111tlo -~nls,r. (conaero),a.owing, planting:
plur., different kit'UU oj llO'llJi"ll or, Qc.
consillu"D ·II, n. (connected with consulo).
I Act., A. 1, Ut.. a deliberaliOJJ,' anuultation, oonaitor -Oris, m. (consero), a I01Dn', pla1'Ur;
lilki11g coullal; consillum prlncipum habere, to uvae, liacclnu, OY.
Add n couvltaliml tuilh tM ch~1 Liv. ; quasi
conlilii 1it res, a. if tM 11w.tUr abOVh'd of con·
00J111ltiira -ae, f. (consero),
ing; agri, Cic.
"'°""""• plaM-
lidmuiim, Caea.; consiliis lnteresse, Cic.; eap. 001111obrinu.a ·I, m. and oonsobrina -ae,
14' ddibmition of a public bod11: consilil pub- r. co'IJ.Sin on tn. mother's Bid4, Cic.; cousin, Cle.;
lid partielpem tleri, Cic.; consilium habere, Cle.; and In a more extended ae~, NCOfU.l, third
1tl~ alicui In conslllo, Cic.; 2, meton., t1u cousin, Suet.
IJJlmbly nf JVNMU giving ad*t, council; esp., consooer ·ci!ri, m. 11jcrinf/ather-b,-la,,,,, Suet.
a, the ~e; senutus, id eat, orbls terrac con· oonaoollitlo -Onla, f. (consocio), ttnW., eot1-
~;liurn, Cic.; b, Uu bod11 of Judgu; ex 1enatu
in hoe consllium delectl eatia, Cle. ; c, 11 council nmon, association; homfnum, Ck.
of wr; consiliu111 convocare, Cacs. ; rem ad ooll80clatus -a -um, p. adj. (from consoclo),
CO!Wlinm defcrre, Caes. B. vnderstirnding;_fore- united, harmoniotu; consociatissima voluntaa,
rifht,; vir maxim! consilii, vaea.; Cic.
Diulier lmbt'cilli consilii, Cic. IL Pasa., the ad- oonaiSolo, 1. to uniU, conMd_ Mart, aaocfaU,
r'.t( or etn1.nul ghen ; a resoltaio-n, plan., conclu- tnab common; consllia cum alfquo, Cle. ; lnju-
Mll; 1, a capere con11ilium, to form a ruolu- riam cum amlcia, Cle.; animoa e<Jrum, Liv.;
tiq,i, Cle.; ~lli renovarl'li, Caes.; imblto consili- nunquam tam vehementer Oil.Ill se11nt.u con-
11.m eepi, ut antequam lnceret exirem, Cic.; con- aociati fulstis, Cic.
Slhurn consistit, hold.I good, Cic.; ei1t consilium, oonaolabllle -e (conaolor), -.olable; dol-
till. by inlin., Cle.; quid sul con11ilii sit pro- or, Cic.
P.Jnil. k4 tzpliiint what hi.$ 11lt111 is, Caes. ; inire .Qnis, t (COWIOlor), oonlOlatian.,
eon.mum s~natua lnt.erflciendi, Cic. ; abl., con- ~urugement, com,/OTt, al~; 1, commun-
lillo, iiiumwnall11, duignedly, Cic.; prlvato con· lum mnlorum, Cle. ; tlmorls, Ci.e. ; adhibere all·
tiho, prlvatis conailll1 (opp. publico consilio, quatn rnodicam consol:itionem, Cic.; adhibere
oon 128 oon
altoat C01l801aUonem, Cle. ; num me una conaol· ooanlolo ..pen .....,mm, s. <eom _.
atlo quod etc., Oin. • uU bac coneola- apecio), '1.. to loo.t 4', ttktO, Wold. to ctaoy.,.,...
tione alicuiua (rolL b1 acc. and inlln.), Cle.; 2, criw: cooapiceJ'9 nostros equites., ~; bdiiitti.
a colll/Olatorr Creatiai or dt.oot&,.., Cle. oculia omnfum eonaptcl1 ~e.; mlltte. iu mmmo
ooaail&WI' -6ria, m. (coMOlor), e1 comoler, colle, Caea.; ptoeul Amntori1,oem auos cobort&Dt-
Cle. em, Caea.; with acc. and lnftn., qui
OOllllilatirlaa -a -um (con901afior), rtU:r""'fl n<111troa victortW llumen tnnsiue conapexerut,
to cm&IOlation, rouolatory; llttetae, Cic. Caes. ; 9, '° look 4l trii.\ autHtim& i Demetrtum
ut paci.I auctorem cum ingentt lavore ~
OO..Olor. 1. dep. 1, or persona, to C01UOlt. bant, Liv.; locum lnaidUa, for cm aahM, 'Vl'rg..;
tm'l4{<m, Co li&r.OUrcJQW ; ee ii le ao1atio quod, c tc.,
Cle.; ., bis (roll by acc. and inftn.), Cic.; alt· in JlllSll., conaplcl, to GUmd Mlia, lo i. , . - .c,
quem de communlbua mlaerlls, Cle.; •1>8 91'1la to be di.rta11g1dMai ; vebi per arbem, conapa
homlnea in milM!rila con11olari aolet, Cle.; al1SOl, velle, Cic.
cooaolando levare dolorem, Cie. ; C.eaar con· ~. 1. dep. (conapiclo), lo Cllll.tA ftflJ
eolatus rogat (eum) ftocm oranJI faciat, Caea.; of, Jl'TC'&N; agmen Aeduomm, Caea.; ex opptdo
2, ol thinp, to alletriale, Ugl&tm, IOlal'AI; dolorem, caedem et f'ugaJn auorum, CU..
Cac. ~- -a ·Ulft (COMplclo). Wible. .A,.
oonMao ·116ntU, 1. 1, to IOUnd tort1ter, Gen., conaplcuua polu, Ov. B. n.arl:abk,
a, conaonante clamore nonunatim
tond lotuUJI ; strikil&(I, ooupictU>U; conaplcuus late vertn,
Qulnctium orare ut, etc., Liv.; b, to echo; pla11&u Hor. ; Romanfli1 conapleuum eum novltaa diTili·
tremltuque vinim conaonat omne nemus, Vere-; aeque t'nclebant, Liv.
:a. tranat., to Mlr910Aill,, be OOlllOMnt t0UA, ooupirAtlo ·Oni.a, t (conapiro), ._ ••UDll,
Quint. Aarmotly, llgf'ttTJ&t1tl, vnion; omnium oononun,
~- .. •UID. A. Lit., IOKM'tlf lo- Cle. ; m8'lll amoria conapiratlone cooaenUentea
fl#ltlwr, AanllO!Uolu; ft la lyrae, Ov. B. Tranal., amicorum gregea, Cle.; 2, in a bad ll8D.le, coa-
accordallt, ,I.I, •Uablc; credo Platonem vlx apinu;r, plot; conaplratio certorum homiDwn
putuae at& conlOOum tore ut, etc., Cle. contra dlgnltatem tuam, Cle.
oomOpfO. 4. to htU to ll«p, lt11.pefJI ; ao1nno OOB8pir&tua -a -um (partfo. ot complro).
cousopirt aemplterno, Cle. ; :£ndymion a luna
conaopltua, Cle.
niorn ~r, ••it«! bJI 41' ~ Pbaedr. &bat.,
OOllllpirM1 -orum, m. CO!Upinaton, 8118t.
- - . -IOl'tla, 1, bn,&, H equal Win ~ L (com and apiro), *> lmatll
wUA, Maring ifl, JX.1rlakin.g of; wfi.h genit., togUJur. L A. to lilOtO logdMr, '°"lid lofdMr;
aoclus et conaora glorl08i Jaboris, Cle. ; meeum aereaque uaenau conapirant comua rauco, Verg.
temporum 11Jo11110, Cle. ~ tribuniciae potest.ati.a, B. to ~ AanllO!lt.. i" OJri•im& at&d /NU_,,
Tac. ; applied to inanimate objeeta, "°"'"'°"; to ••itil; conapirate nobilcum, conaentite ca1n
tecta, Verg.; 2, IM:avin.g 4R eqval Wirt '" pro- bonia, Cle.; militea legion!• nonae aublto coa--
perlJI; trea &attta conaortea, lelul"" i• OOlllmon, ~lratl (toit/t OM accord) pila conjecenmt, Cic
Cle. ; poet., brofAcr or rilttT; con1ot11 ruagni IL In a bnd eenae, llo couptri, lo fM'fA a ploe;
Jovb1, Jvno, Ov. ; adJ. a bro~lJI, lilUrlJI; priusquam plurea clvitates conaplrarent, c.e..
ungulA, Ov.
oompoa80I' -6ria, ID. II joiU "'""' Cic.
eomortlo -6nla, t. (conaora). OOlftJX.I"'°"" comptio -spill -eptltum, s. to qU 11poia,
aAip, oos111ttnU,, JX.lrlwenl'p; hilmana, Cic.
Plaut., Juv.
oolUIOl1lum -II, n. (coDIOrB), i. c:omaunU,
of aooda, tSoet.; 9 1 ft~!Pi 1JC1rlidpatio" '" ; oonaparao, 1. to "°""
wUA dirl, d,,µ... Luer.
st In coneortlo, 81 In 10CU1t&te reipnbllcae eae 1. (iDcbo&t. of conapuo), ,;, lpia
lioet. Liv. "JIO" c:ol&tn&pCv.oui1; noatro., Cic.
1. OOJl8D80tWt -a -um, p. adj. (f'rom con- ooanau -antia, p. adj. with compar. and
aplclo). A. Oen., l'UibU; tumulta hostt con· aupe~L conato), a •tadJI, ftra. t&Adlatigiag,
apectua, Liv. B. (with compar.) drikitlf, n- ia onm"1: quae cunua conatan&es
WMJrl:able, dUtht.p.WWd ; conapectua elatusque habent, Cc. ; pax, Liv.; ftdes, Hor.; conatana
1upra modum bomlnll, LIT.; conapecta mora jam aet.aa, quae media dlcitur, Cic.; b, ot
elua fult, quia publlco fllnere eat elatua, LIT. ; character, ftrm, f"tlOlvll, 'dKCltCl11git04, c:oiutaRl :
tnr\Ja conapectlor, Lh·. . aunt Uritur ftrmi et 1tabiloa et conat.antea (amlci)
2. ~ ·tla, ~ (oonapldo), look, 11llgendl, Cle.; o, ooMialtRl, IM:a1"11101'imu; oratio.
•ight, tlkto. L A.ct., A.' Lit., dare ae alicul in Cle. ; d, unifonn, vnaRifllOU; co111tanti fl.mi
conspeetum, to alloto Oflat'I/ to bf .,.,. b11 Cle. ; atque omnium aermone celebrari, Cic.
in conspectu allcuiua eue, to be toUhi• righl of, oonatan•, adv. with ccmp.r. and aupert
Cic. ; e coniipectu abire, Ca.ea. ; adlmere con- (const.a11•), a, ftrrAlr, oonNteatly, c:otUla•ll1;
1Jpectum oculorum, Liv. ; cadere In conapectnm, conatanter in 1uo manere statu, Cle. : conatant.a
Cir~ ; conapectua est in Capltollum, tlac trlevl u et non treplde pugnare, Caea.; conatanter et lled-
to' UU Capitol, Liv.; coruipectum alicuius ate fene dolorem, Cle.: b. •R\lbrwllf, AaraOtlai·
tugere, Caea. ; privare aliquem omnium 1uorum oulr; conatanter omuea nunt.lavenmt manua
conauetudine conapectuque, Cle. ; of thinp, In cogf, Claes. ; conat.anter libl dloere, Cic.
conapectu allcuius loci, i• rigAt of, Cle. B. ocmataatra -as, t. (constana), a, v'lek"f"'
Tranar., 'IMftl.4l trittD, .urwr; In hoc conspectu abltllUI; dictonmi conTI1Dtommqne conatantia,
et cognltlone naturae, Cle. D. P111., appear· Oic. ; b,. ptrNvem1M.¥> ftrwuaaa; pertinacia aut
"""' Liv. .A.. •Lit., COtl.lpectu IUO. proelium oonat.anua interoeaoria, Cle. ; c,......,.,, kr·
reetltult, Liv. B. Met.on., tuua .tucundiulmua J110nf ; . teatlmonlorum, Cle.
conapectua, Cle. oouternatlo -&Us, t. (cooaterno).. L /ttJ.r,
80llaDel'lrO (con-apargo),-apend ..pemim, S. diltuy, conlUrnatUm, ~; pavor e\ con·
to apri11.Gt, moidm ~ aprin.kli"fl: me lacrtmla, aternaUo qnadr1garum, Liv. ; pavor et oonater-
Cle.·; tta1lat., ut ontfo conapersa lit quui verb-
orum sententiarumque ftoribul, (~
"'•1'U ;
natlo meRtl11, Tac. ; 2. Cl t1&11.ff1'f, .uJci,
triM,, Cle.
~en4aa ·• -um, p. adj. (from
Tac. ; mullebri1 conatern&tio, Liv.
1. oomtenao ..tr1v1 -atrltam, S. A. lo......,
ltDUcf' CX1Wt" bJI ltntc("f; t.abemacula eaesplti-
co;:p; -O)J toortltr o/ being
opu. LtT. i templwn, OT
llOUworthr; bus, Cae11.; omni& cadaveribua, Sall.; conltrata
navia. c dd:N boat, Cael. ; lllblt., ooa.l::a"Aa
• l!r.,f!PC of boaU,
-onun, n... pontltt, ~e Jfooring or gangimtt OW'7'
Liv. B. to tltro1t.1 dcu.•n;
i.em1.,.stas aliquot algnaconstravit, Liv.
I con
coutltiitua ·•· nm. rartlc. of con!ltitm>.
oonato ·Ktlli -~t:'itilru~. l. to ~tand .1tUl. L
Lit., l'lant. IL Transf., A. Grn., 1, a, t"
2. oonat.erno, 1. (intenL of 1. consten10), ui.•t; unde omni,. rerum nunc c_o11Kfrt M1111111•a
1, ta crzwe ro>tftt.,icn, omJIUrnatwn, f•~ar,. to creatA, Luer.:. b, tn ci111..<1st; ex 1t1111110 con-.1:111111"1
fri'lhlr.& · procella tt& constemavlt e<Juos, Liv.; et C<lrpore, C1c.; c, to "'>~ UJ•<>•t, re$! 111'011;
""P· h1 P...., cqul consternllt.i, llla.rtW, Liv.; monuiL eill!I diei \•ictoriam in earum cohnr1 iuiu
J:lllVida et c<>•stemata multitudo, Liv.; alMO, to virtute constarf',. ~""·; ~. ~ coat: 1unl•t1lat1-
drirt t" ~ight by /1ar; in fub'lltn cousttrnnri, uncula prope •111111111<.1 nunons const11h1t 1t1to
Uv. · 2 to uciu lo Mditum or 1·uoll; metu loco, Cle. B. 1, to slaud j.r111., rruwrn; a,
.emtnti; ad arma constematl Liv. mi lit. t. t. to hold one·~ ground, stand Ji.nit; vost-
• qnam nullo lflCO coni>tabat acie!l, Liv.; b, .. r
ooDStipo. 1. lo prw, crowd tagetlur; tantum looks, speech, etc. to nma.i11 tlu mme, to be 1rn-
11wnc1·u1n hominum in agrum Campanum, Cic. alured; adeo 1,..rturltavit ea vox regem, ut DN\
eon.sdttio -stltdl "'ltltlltum, 8. (com and color, non vultus el constaret, Liv.; 2, t-0 be fa
atatuo). L IO cnv# to -tnnd, plaa, put; hom- good. order; J'Ot<tquam cuncta ride& caelo ooti-
i~m ante pedea Q. Mauilii, Cic.; milit. t. t.. stare stireno. Verg.; e!!p., ratio constat, t.M ac-
a, to draw vp i1' Une., ~. st.alir.m., 4t'T!lllge; count ia con-ea, Cie,; 3, to tt711a.i" in t/M "
•il{lla ante tribunal, to .a ttp tu ltandorrb, 3UJ.U, continue; nul111111 est geuu11 rerum, quod
Liv.; legionem Caesar constih1it, d~ 11p, avulsum a ceteria J.161' se lpsum constare possit,
Caes.: naves in alto,; Intra .divas aclem Cic.; utl numeru.s legiouum vidert'tur,
Mhnt:Sllue, Caea.; b, lo; s_igna h:md pro- Caes.; 4, to remain in tluJmllU LhcugAt oropmion;
eal pnrt.a, Liv.; agrnen, Sal.I. II. to put i1' 11 a, to rtmain con.sta.nt; nee anhnum eius 11&tis
~ar placs; 1, lo *l&O'll, 1'0dt. mtle; a, ('Onst&re visum, Liv.; const.are sibi OI' alicui
rrsesidi& in Tolosatlbu1 elrcumqne Narbonem, rel, to be tnu to; rel!qui 1ibi constlterunt. Cic. ~
~; plebem in agris publicia, Cle.; b, to co1111tat humanitatl suae, Cic. ; or n:golves, to b.I
opp:rid to a.11. oj/l.ct: regem, Cic.; allquem slbl fiztd, firm; animo con.stat 11ententia, 'ferg.;
qaaestort.s In loco, Cic.; with the acc., Comm Ium alien I coni;tat, a; prnon u rfaolt•td; 111ihl quid cm
regem ibi, Caea.; 2, &o /ou'&d, ula.blUh; a, of eonstat nee meam cont•lmeli&m nee meormu
bwlding•, &owns, etc., turres, Caes. ; oppldwn, ferre, ap. Cle. ; b, or evidence, fact., etc., to be
C&es..; nidos, Cic.; hlberna omnium legionum oertai1', aun, 10tU-k1WUm; eorum quae constant.
in .Belgis,; b, of in1titutlo11s, taxes, etc., exempla ponemus..l. horum quae dubi& 111nt ez:.
vectiipil, Cic.; of ~tracieft, qnae (poteilt-- emvla alferemus, 1;lc. ; quod ornnlbWI constabat.
at'.l'_s, tmperia, cmattones) constltuuntnr ad pop- blemari in Galli& oportere, Caee.; mlhl plane
uli fructum, Cic.; o, of an undertaking, auction· non sat\a conatit, utrum sit mdln'I, Cle. ; quum
em, Cic. ; act.lonem, lo be¢1' aA ClclWtl., Cic.; de Maglo constet, Cle.
crime.n in aliquo, Cic.; quaf'!\t.iouem, Cic.; d, or oonatratum .f, n., v. 1. consterno.
ttlaUom, to MtablWI.; concordiam, Cle. ; a- A. L
em plum juatitiae in hostem, Cic. ; e, of per.ons, oonatrlllgo ·•trin:d ...trietum, 3. it.,
tres legtones, to fO'rTI&,; 3, to a;M"ange_ &, to draw, bind togttlur; earcinam, Plaut.; b,
appoiJ&L,diqoM,atablMhtftrmly;a, orthebody, lo txm./lM, fttur; corpora vincuw, Cle. B;,
esUlll:ellf corpWt be ne cone tuturn sit. Cic.; b , o,
,, a to ltrtngthm, /oni/11; collBtringere
tldem relli.:1one potiua quam veritate, Cic.; b,
character, animus bene coll8titntut, Cle.; o,
of condition, isituat.io1111, etc., rem familiarem, to COl\ft?&t. HmU, fdl.n', rutrain; orbem tetT&rum
etc.; d. or the state, belle con.stituta clvttu, n0Tl1 lP.gibua, Cic.; o, of diite0urse, to comprua,
Cie.; 4, '°A .tlU vpoa; a, {a) temp•tll, dJem. abbretri<&U; aententJAm apti11 verbl.!J, Cle.
Cie., Cae&.; mereedem f1111eris, Cle.; pretlum fru- ooD9tl'Uotlo -<'lnls, f. (ron11truo). l, a pwlti1'g
IJ1'"nto, Cic.; diem com &Uquo, cae..; with reL togt&htr, building, constrv.cticn, 111aking; hoin-
... nt.., armornm qnantnm quaeque clvttu quod- inis, Cic.; 2, rhet. t. t. tlllJ proper con~ o/
qnt au~ temputt elficiatcoD.11tituit, Caea; with acc. vxmis; verborum apt& et quul rotunda, Cic.
and lntln., me hod le venturum ea.<1e, Cie.; with ut coiustrllo -struxl -strudum, 3. ~ a to hmp
and the subj., ut L. .Beetla quereretur de acttollf- up togelh€r: acervoe nummorum, Cle.; ~\vii ias,
bus Clceronla, Cle.; absol., ut erat constitutwn, Hor.; b, totfl11Jtn£Cl, buUd up; mundum, naveru,
ac.; (JJ)ofpersona, loappoi11-tt ~11pm; aeeus- aediftci11m, Cle.; 2, to cirrange; dentes in ore
atorem, Cic.; b, {a) tJ> aeUU,; nondum construct!, Cle.
satia constit.ui moleatiaene an plus volnptatis at- oonatiipri.tor -<'Iris, m. 11 f'CMIUMr, !Ufllu,
tulerit Trebatiu.s noeter; (JJ) io dettrmtru at 1410, Liv•
.uh, decide; controveniam, Cic.; de persplcuo constiipro, 1, to ravish, violat.e; matronas,
jcue., Cic.; o, lo C01M toa ddtnnhuition, to Nl$iJli-e; Liv~ ; Ilg., emptum constupratumquc judicium,
hue ex re et ex tempore co11Btituea, Cic.; with, Cic.
ionn., bellam cum Germani8 gerere,; with it
u.t and the subj., ut pridie ldns A.quint manerem, 001111ui4vo -el -eum, 2. lo adtriaa IM'flUtly,
Cic. Plant.
conatl~tlo -<'lnis, f. (eonstltuo), 1, COMff- Comrii.i.lla,, v. Consua.
a.tim1., condition, disposition, Mt1're; flrma con- oonaui.llor -<'Im, m. (eonsuadeo), 41' adin.n-,
atitutio corporis, Cic.; reipublica~ Cle.; ilia Ci c. --u-do, I •• -~-• A z.,, Plaut.
.....,., . . . . . .

praeclar& eoDBtitutio Romuli, Cic. ; :is, faring, ct.. 00..... "" "wcu. r- "'J"'""' "
k:rai"iwg; a, tlwi dtftntdcm or Mttling of IO!M- oonauifi.clo -feci -factnm, S. (• cowmeo
tli111; ea coWltitutio summl bonl qn&e eat prae- and facio), to aectistom, habituate, (GaeLulorum)
PQ&ita. Cic.; b, rhet. t. t., tlllJ point '"' ai8putt, multit111.linem ordlnes habere, Sall.
Cic.; c a ntfl1'laliml, ordlr, ordinance; cogeb- OOJUIU88CO -suevl -suHum, s. L Translt..
atnr aiht. ant ex decreto priorom legatorum aut to (JCC11.1to111...,;
•A b rac h'sn, L ucr. JI. I n traIll!it., a,
ex nori constftotione senatns t'acere, Cic. to accwtum. D'M~I/, and often in perf., consuevt,
COIUR.ltiitum .f, n. (constitutus, from con· I a;m a;OC!Uknntd; with inlln., qni mentiri solet,
ltitao), 1, a ftud. placl or ti'IM of ~t£1'g, ttfl~- pejerare con.~uevlt, Cic.; with in1rnim.ate things
wo; V. C41end. igitur ad constitutum, C1c.; as sul.Jjectl!, naves quae pra.esldii caulli Alexan-
~atitutum tuctwn esse cum servls, ut venlrent, driae c811e consoerant, Ca.ea.; ut eonsnesti, a.t
Ctc.; 2 an a.grumtrnl, appointment, oompaa; f/OV cin accustomt:d, Cic. ; b, to bf i?&tiaat4
ad eonatltutum eJq>eriendl venire, Cic. vUh; cum allquo, ·cum aliqui, Clo. (pert. !orma
con 130 con
131 con
t COIUlllltas ·tla, m. (CIOnsulo) • conaultwn ·t&bat, a. ., ..,,. CMllllJ, ..,.
q.v.). a~y graduaUy: A.rt.emlm hlata oonkta ooo-
oommm .fttf -flltunun -tore, to bf, to q,pm. tabuit, Oic.
~ut., Ter. OOD~btilatfo -~ml, f. (oontabulo), G COM""
ooDS11JD.ID.itlo -6nl1, r. (oonsummo) I, ti i"f wUh boanfl, planking, floor, Caes. ·
'tlMair&g up, addCng up, Plln.; 2, a /m'l&hing, COD~biUo, L lo oowr 1DitA boanU, lo pbu;

'W&pleticm, connmmalicm; maxlmarum rerum,

oonsummi.taa -a -um, p. acJJ. with superl.

turrem, Caea.
contabUDdua =cunctabnndaa (q. v.).
contactua -lls, m. (oontingo), 1, a amtad,
·consurnmo), com.pldt, per?tet, coMUmmalt; elo-
lDf'ntia, Quint. ; orator, Quint. touching, touc.A; llaOl(Wllis, O\·. ; 2, Cl to'lu:JLir&g
of $011Uthing unclwn, contagion; contactua
CODBUIDJDO, 1. (com and summa), 1 lo ad4 aegrorum vulgabat morbos, Liv.; transf., oculoe
'.og«J&.r, svm up; trnnsr., to form a whoft, com- a cont~tu dominationis inviolatoe, Toe.
Dldt; quae consummatur partibus, una dies (of
~ intercala.ry day), Ov.; In suum decus nom- contacn ·ii, r. lcontlngo), a towcA., lollaMtlf,
"enqne velut consummat& elus belll glorla, LIT.; Luer.
2, io CClfllplttt, jl1'U1' ; eam rem, LIT. contado -Onls, r. (eontingo), a touelfng, cim-
fla"..on ; I, gen., quum est somno sevocatwl
consiimo -sumpsl -sumpturn, s. lo tab cii. anlmua a aocietate et contagione corporis, Cle. :
togdMT, consume. A. In doing something to 2, a touching of B011UtMng tcnclemt, conlaf1fon,
lpt1ld, employ; pecuniam inagrorum coemptlon- inftctUm;. a 1 physical, contagio pestlferA, Liv.;
fbus, Cic. ; omne tempns In litterls, Ofc. ; in- b, moral, oaa oompan:ioMhip, wU unmv>h; turpi·
geninm in muslci!I, Cle.; omnem laborem, op- tudinis, Cle.; turorls, LlY.
eram, curam, studium In salute alicuius, Cic.
B. fo dlatroy, wcutt, bring to an tnd; a, omnia Conti.glum -II, n. (contfngo), l, toucA, Lncr.;
tel&, to shoot away, Caea. ; or provi!llons1 omne 2, injection, contagion; a., physical, mala v1clni
fmmentum,; ot property, patnmonia, pecoriscontagia, Verg.; b, morat, contaglalucri,
Cle. ; omnes fortunaa llOclorum, C&ee. ; or time, Hor.
to apvid, pa$S; magna die! parte consumpta, conta.mlnataa -a -um, p. adj. with eupert.
Oat's. ; aestatem In 'I'revirls, Caes. ; coneumendi (contnmino), uncleml, CO'fttaminated, Cle.
otil causa, Cic.; horas rnultas saepe 11uavisslmo contam!no, 1. (com and TAG -o, ~go).
~nnone, Cle.; or resources or activity, to 1D1Utt, to rendtr tmekan. bJf contacl or mi:&ture, c.on·
emu.JM fo mill; multam operam frnstra, Cle. ; taminaU; sanguinem1 1:-i v.; ee scelere, Cic. i
b, to tm.!lt, or a10ay, dutroy; quum eam verit;1tem allquo menaacio, Cic.
(quercum) temp<'stas vetustasve consumpserit, contatlo. oontatua. eto.= cunct.atio, cane·
Cic. ; in pnaa., coneumi incendlo, or llamma, t-0 tat us, etc. (q. T.).
bf <lat~ bf ftre : quae (aedes) priore anno
incendio erant, Liv.; of life, to de- oontechnor, 1. dep. "' deNe a trick, Plant.
"roy, kiU ; sl me vis aliqua morbi aut natura lpaa contOgo -texf -tectum, 3. to cover. A. Lit.,
eonsumpsisset, Cic. ; totldem plagis hostem, af lncum linteis, Liv.; eos uno tumulo, to bury,
Hor. ; garrnlus hunc consumet, 1Uill bf ~ <Ualh L v.; b, to concral; corporiB partes, qu:ie M·
of .\im, Hor.; fame conswni, lo du of knger, pectum slut defonnem habiturae, contegPre
Ca~. atque abtlf're, Cle. B. Transf., t-0 c11nceal;
conaumptlo -Onis, f. (conltllllo), " ccm- libidines frnnte et supercilio, non pudore et
nimrlion., conl'!lming, dut7'01ftr&g, Cle. temperantii, Cle.
c~nsnmptor -6ris, m. (coneumo), a Cl!m- contemero, 1. to pollute, dtftlt, Ov
iu.,. ,_. ,., d!Stroyer; confector et consumptor oontemno -temps! -temptum, s. ro think
omnium, Cic. meanly of, dup(«, cont~n. L Gen., casus
eonsuo -siU -stltnm, S. to MO togct'l&tr, .cUcA humanos, Cic. ; Romaro prae sua Capua irridere
tog!tlur, Plaut. atque contemnere, Cic.; with infln., cont,.mnere
coronari, Hor.; with acc. and intln., ut ipsum
consurgo -mrrexf -surrectum, 5. to ris8 ..,,, v1nci contemnerent, Cic. IL Esp., to ridic-ul~,
mlld t1.p. L Lit., 1, of persons, a, lying down ; ma~·e littu of: Adherbe.lls dicta, Sall.; se n<•n
conY)btus (ad terram projectos) consurgere contemnere, to harr a liigh opinion of 01l~lf, Cic.
jtl3Sit, C::tes.; b, sitting; senatus cunctus con-
llll'git, Cic.; esp. of an orator, to riu up tospttl.k; contemplatlo -0nis, l (contemplor), aJ.
consurgit P. Scaptius de plebe et lnquit, Liv.; tentive or rager woki119 at, conumplatioit.. A.
to riat MP in lwnour of somt OM; cornmrrexissc Lit., caeli, Cic. B. Transf., naturae, Cic.
omnes et senem sessum recepisse, Cie.; o, or contempli.tor -oriB, m. (contemplor). one
persons kneeling, ~ulisper adrlubitavit an con· who attentively loob at or ccnttmpl<Uea; caetl; Cic.
eurgendi jam trianis tempus esset, Liv.; d~ of oontcmpl.i.tua, abl. -11, m. (contemplor), a
persona flgbting, t-0 rai# IYll.Utl,f to give 11&07'8 /orot looking at, conU'1\plation, Ov.
tn a blow; ad lterandum ictum, Liv.; 2, of
Uilng11 without life, consurgunt venti, Verg.; oontemplor (contemplo), L dep. (com and
eonsurgunt gemln&e quercus, Verg. IL Transf., templum), to look at attentively or m.inuUly, n·
1, or persona, to rile for any action, join in an gard, contemplat.e. A. Lit., coelum suspicere
MNnu:tiOft; magno tumultu ad helium, Liv. ; coelestiaque contemplari, Cle.; Riturn Carth&g·
:a, of things, to brmk out; novnm bellum, Verg. inis, Liv. B. Transf., to CC1'71.8i<ler carefully;
ut t0tam causam quam maxime intentl.s oculis,
consurrectfo -6nls, f. (consurgo), or~ ut aiunt, acerrimc contemplemlni, Cic.
'II' fron a teat; judlcum, Cic.
contemptlm. adv. with compar. (contempt. .f, m. 111' anclntt Roma" drily, whose us), contemptuoualy; de Homanis loqui, Cic.
worship was said to have been Introduced by contem:ptfo -Onie, f. (contemno), ocmtempC,
Romulus ; hence, Consiiiilla -Yum, n. gamM soorn, di.ldai.n ; pecuniae, Cic.
i• Mnotir of Co1UU6, on the 21st or August and
15th or December. oontemptor -6riB, m. (contemno), O'M 10M
c:wmUmna or dupilu; dlviti11rum, Liv.; dlvnm,
ooui1surro. 1. to 10hilptr togetJier, Ter. Verg. ; attrib.., nemo tam contempt.or famae est,
eoatal>e&.olo. a.'° ClOUMfAI, oauat to 10111tc Liv.; contemptor lucia aoimua, Verg.; con-
. . . . Plaut. tempt.or animus, Ball.
111 con
1. ccmtemptua .. -um, p. adj. wttlh oampu. omw l~arfuY01untarfAqnldam6'11.._., <I&;
ud 1mperl (cootemno). dap(.ttd, dup(cablc, eo. rellqna conterere et contemnere, "-1* ...,.
""'T>liblt ; a, of thi11~1. vita contempt.a ac foot, Cle. ; ferrum, lo tNar GIOllJ br .-.,, OY.;
80rdida, Cle.; b, of pel"IOua, homo contemptua ae In mwilcl1, geometrll, a11tri11, Cic.; 9, ofU11111,
et abJect1.1.1, Cic. lo!!MI, qJAd; orune ot.ioaun1 temrua la
i. contemptu.e .ft.a, m. (comtemno), ca fMll" 1tutlll1, Cic.: bnnum ollum aocordll atQue ~
opi1'ion, cv11lrinpt, ; &, pa."111., bomlnlbua ldi&. Sall
Gallia r•ral' rnagnitu<liue corporum saorum brev- conterr~o -tcmu -terrltum, !. 1o ,.,..,,,,.
ltu no~! ra conl.t'mptrl.l eat, Cae11. ; b, act., COD· /righLtn. tzC«Jt.ilngt11; conterrere loquacltatem an.
temptm tuorlendl, Tac. cuius nltu lp10 aapec.Luque, Cle.; bia nunW.
eontendo -tendl -tentum, a. L Lit. to 11e11AtW1 conterritua, Liv.
mi.di }•rdMV; areum, Verg.: balll~tu lapidum ocmteetatfo -Onla, [.(cont.tor). .........
et reliqua tomu•nta telorum conten<lere alqoe ad- IUppltcoliml, flll9'J' reqvuC, Cic.
duC'ere, Cic.; nr;<l hf'nce of mluflea, to 1/wot, end; conteato~ 1. dep. 1, 1o coll lo lritMll; deOI
telA, Ver1:. IL Tranatf., A. to .enw tnlA all homJoesque,t.1C.j a &, litem,loldatlac:iffollM
cme·1 Oodilr or rurnal. powtT', to &tm'" atrt ou- ,Jbo4. 'ru111gurou all ac:1i<m br cn!Ung lril ~ Cic..;
ltl/: 1, of the bnrlily powen1, a, gen., (a)b"an1tt., b, transf., Yirtu1 cooteatata, appr'l)ffli. Cle.
1nm111a.s Tires, Luer.; (fl) lotransit.1 enitl et con· oontexo -textU ·texturn, s. L Llt. lo lr'!llllW
tendere debet ut Yincat, Cle. ; ruga 11alutem log1.ther, tvriiu t.og1.tla4r, ron.IM!Ct, tiniU; ifoa amAI'·
petere contendunt, Caes.; b, lo """'- °" a anthl1, Tib.; ovlum villi• cont.extl1 homine.
Jo16rriq, lt"j to rtach: Blbrscte contendlt, veatiuntur, Cle. IL Tra111r., 1, to COKlWlCI.
C.ea.; Hg., al potuis~mus, quo contendimua 1mfu; extrema cum l'rimls, Cle.; 2, lo -
pervenini, Cle.; 2, of the mental powe:ii, a, to ttntu; carmen longiu1, Cic.; 3, lo bvLld, co•
turt rmoelJ; (11) tranalt., conten<lit. omnea nervoa llrtlCt, Pf'l togetlln; ale deiuttpa omne opua COA·
Cliry'~l'l'Us ut, etc., Cic.; (,ti) lntran11it., maximia texltur, C-.; equum trabiLua aceruia, Vers. i
la Lori l1Ull et periculi1 ad snmmam laudem 4., lo !U11•ut, '"""'; crimen, Cle.
glnriamqne, Cie.; ob tam causnm conteudl, ut contexti. adY. (cootextua), 4a . _ ,,.,._
plur-a d1ct>rem, Cle.; b, to striw to" ,.,,,...
tl&i11g, 1tri11< /O'r: non erat causa, cur hoc tern·
unon., Cle.
port! &liquid a te contenolerem, Cle. ; ab allquo l. contextWI .. ·Um, p. adJ. (l'rom contexo),
nlde de reditu In gratiarn, Cle. ; nbementer '~ ccmntclld, •Rikd; a, context& coa-
contendcre ab aliquo ut, etc., Cle.; o, to UNTt denaaque corpora, Luer. ; b, perpet.nae d eo.-
!PUh oimftdniu, Wt.ainftd"; eontendente1 num. volu pt.ate&, ai& urlbrobm N7iel o/ ,,,_..-.
quam earn urhem tulsse ex TrlphyUa, Liv. B. to Clo.; o, context& hiatoria eorum temporum.
.eriw toith aoma 0n.t dM; l, a, cum victore, Caea. ; 00!.tin'UOllll, .Nep•
contra Par-Idem, \"erg.; pro vitulia contra leone1, i. contextWI -fll, m. (contexo). ""'"-.,
Cle. ; Inter If! de prtnclpo.'n, Cites. ; cu.m Llbone ooatltZW!a; a, contertam corporum ·diuolvere,
de mittendia legRtia, Caes. ; b, at an auction, Luer. ; b, of almtractlona, mirabllia contenua
lo bid agairut, Cic. ; 2, lo rompart, mnira.c; rerum, Cle. ; o, or oratocy, totua quul oontenu
lp1411 cau!llLs, quae Inter 118 conlllgunt, Cle. oratlonl11, Cle.
1. oontenti, adv., with oomp&r. and auperL oontfcMOO -Uctll, 8. (lnchoat. of contlceo),
(l. conte11t1111), t.agerlJI, earnuUr; conte.r.te pro lo beoorn4 rileftl, to be dt111W, riltrit. L Lit., a, ot
H dkere, Cic. pel"BOna, conaclentil convict us repente conticnlt.,
Cle.; b, of personification.., neque nUa aetM de
t. contenti, adv. (l. contentua), ....w.a,, tula laudlbu11 oont1ceacet, Cic. IL Traluit, lo
rporl119ly, Plaut. becom4 ltill or qvwt, to abaU, OtG1t ; lllae ecllied
oontentlo -Onla, t (contendo), r1w /till..,.. litterae cooticutrunt foreuses et lll!lnatoriae. Cic.
OU. of t1le JKliMn, t.f<W1, atriring. L Oen., vocia,
oontlgnatlo -6nla, f. (coutiguo), toOOdwort.
r1w nd.ri1ig or nmining o/ r1w -ooiu, Cic.; anlmi,
Cle. IL 1, 00111-bat, C01'1~ omuntW>I&, itn/s;
magna wnkntio belll, Cic. ; adversus procur·
atorea dicendi, Cle.; In contentionem
a J.ooring,, 1tore11, Ca.ea.
oontlgno, 1. (com and tlgnn.m), lo
logetAer, lo floor, Cle.
bonorla lncitlcre, rfoalrr ' " #eking ca pMbl~ oontlgilua ·a -um (contlogo). 1 Act., fAjlf
o~, Cle. ; contentlonea habe!'9 cum al!qno, die.\ '°'4clla a~, oo?Uiguou, 1W'4f' ; domua.
e&ee:. ; ~. a, a Wl\lnut, COll&panaon ; ltominum Ov.; para clrcl quae Aver1tloo contlgua, Tac.;
IJ!Sorum or fortunarum contentlone.m facere, Cappedoce1, Tac. II. Paaa. with dat., v«lCa
Cic.: ~' rhet. t. t., amUAuil, }1Utapmtlm\ oJ op- reOCA o/; contlguua mlasae haatae, Verg.
posed ia«U, Quint. oontlnene ·entia, p. adj. with com par. (con-
oontentlosna ·& -um (contentlo), perlat~ tlneo). L 1, lJling nfla,. cadjaC1nt, borderillf
(119 to a roniut, conttntiou.I, qua~, l>lln. "Jl01': praedla continentla hulc fundo, Cle.; oon-
1. coatentna ·• -nm, p. &ttj. (contf'ndo),
tinentlbua diebu1, ,." tht day1 imnvdiaul71 fr,tUov.
fag, Clea.; 2, a, Mu1ging t<1gttlur, t11\brukl'7'; ac·
It~ ie-. A. Lit., f'tmia, Hor. B. ~sf., m••n, Llv.; ~rm cont.lne111, tM matlllalld, Cic. ;
a, onera con~oti1 corporibus facillu1 feruntur, subst., contlnena -entls, f. a eo1'1'tUn.t, Caea. •
remiS11i1 opprlmunt, Cle. ; b, t10.9tr, "1alotU; b, or time, con.tinumu, 1111.brobm; e contlnentl
ad tribunatu10 contento atudio cu11111que venl· geuere,"' tirlbrobm genta~ ~ Cle.;
amoa, Cle. totlua diet eontlnen1 lahor, Caea.; contlnentt c~
2. oontentus .,. -um,~adJ. with compnr. an, Liv. IL km~, mnti~; puer, Cic.; M
(c:onUnro), contenUd, .Uk ; with abl, 1ul11
contlnentl,•r In vita horninum, quam ID pecun!I
rebna, Cic. ; ea victorta, c. ; eontentua qaod, fhl!!se videatur, Caea. IIL Rhet.. t.. t.., aobllt.,
etc., Cic.; with lnfln, Ov. contlnens-entls, r. t1w ma'• point; causae, Cic.
contermlnus ·• ·um, haw119 o.. """' contlnenter, adv. (continena) 1, a, ol
bo1nwJ.ary, ~'""""Mar: cont.ennlna atab- 1pace, in cWMI 11WOUsicnl; ledetls, CaL ; b, al
ala npae, en. 8ubsL, contermlDum -1, n. time, amt'"-.111, tl'itAo-1" CUIO.lion; totl noete
AA a.diotni"9 regio'll, a confine, Tac. lerunt, Caoa. ; 2, ccmtinentl11, fnlJlmlUlr; YIY•
oontero ·trlvl -trttum, e.. L In narrow ere, Cle.
881188, lo n&b aW11y, rtdMCI to nwll portt.ou by oontlnentla -ae, '· (conttneo). CDlllM.._
f'llbbi119, lo grhwt,_pound; cornua cerri, Ov. IL ltif-t'Utrai1'l, IROderal'°"' ~; CODu..&la
In wider 1enM, l, lo ~ ...- _ , : elua ID omni Yictu cultuque eorporta, Clo
oon 133 con
...thleo -tJnuJ, 2. (com and t.eneo). contlmu1ntnr, 11n1 adjacent to, TM-. ; ..,,-ba, to
L to hep togrtha: 1 a, to binlt tOtJtU&.tr, laold forrn into n u1tftnu, Cic.; binas aut arnpllue
IMt; q11•1m a;:i.:•·r aftiure aqua co11tl11eri non 1lomos, !Sall.; ae<lilici:1 moe11il1uR, Lh·.; agmen, CAes. ; trao.r., ll<!C eulm ulla tel vehc· lali1t!li1ne, to tx1t111l, Cic. IL or time, a, to da
wentiu• rempubliC4m contlnet quaID Odea, Cic.; i11 1·api.d 1110C#'.s.<io11, to bep 01t doitlg; 1•ro1'4! 1..-on.
b, lo bq1 t<¢Mr-, "''~}>(JNfM; lrgionea 1100 tinnalis funeribus, the /u11cmls followi 11g clnGe
011.e another, Liv.; b. w Colllin11e witlt.o1tt inter·
in loco, Cacs.; c. to co1u1,t:t, join; quod opl>id·
um G..-nabum pons ftuminis Llgerls contlne .at, r111itw"; dkm 11oc1r111q11e potamlo, CtJrthttwc
Cac-s.: 2, a, "' u~p '"· !11.rro111&d, O'Jnttri n, limit; drillAing da.11 allod nigh.l, l'ac. ; iter die et ooete,
11111noJ·1~ qw omnlll co1111•lt>x1111uo coercct t>t. con- Caes.; mihti:un, Liv.; m~ist.ratum, "3 prow .. g,
tiurt, Cic.; lo co1tfiru; lielu&.\ lt11111a11f':1 Meptis, ::;&IL; alicul consulatum, Liv.
Ck.; milit. t. ,., to ah1d in; Pomp-·jum quam OODtlniiWI -a •Um (contlneo), conMcltd ll'U1t,
1~11sri,.,.ime, C:L<'I.; b, to co11tait&, CA•mprtl1t11Al, 1la1win.g togrthn-, coriti1111011s, unbroA·n•, 11ni11ler·
cr>111priae; t&lea rca qual<!a hie liher coutinet, rupttd.. I. Of apnce, a, L1·11ca1l:t c1111ti111uu11 n•t-
Cit.; de llUtn1no bono quod continet philoso- t're!l habuere C"loui, 00111,,rtrd 11·illi. t"': mai1'
J'hiam, 'll"lli.dlu tht mail& point (n. pliilo~ophy, la11d, Ov.; trausr. or pt•r!;•lf\'4, l'\ervn, conli11UUI'
Cic.; 11&t111 reipuhlieite maxi1ne judicati11 rebu principi, stanJii1117 ftczt to, Tac.; b, 'IHt-t1•11'1frrl,
e<•nUnetu, v (M'Olt'ttl fo, <kptrub upon, Cle. uwli1•1dttl; Hhrnus 11110 11lveo C"lllltiunus, T:ic.;
D. to kttp,!Uafo; 1, a, to kttp jfrm.; na\e& tra11slatiouc.s, Cic. ll. Or lim<', 11to·c,si'I'!', fol·
1oiuu comm.,de copulls cvntinehantur; b, to Unvi1l9 Oii, ti II it1tern1pt.-1t; Sllllf. CnlllillUOS
btp to~t hna t,,~n. toikrn or rectivtd; ah·ua arcet co111plure1 dies temP<'st.atc1, Oil's.; aupt•1 iora
et conllniet q111~1 n.·cil'it, Cle.; 2, a, lo ~ep fo a coutinuorum annciru111 decreta, Cle.; op1•ug11atio,
pl.oc. or ooeu.J'9.tio1t: milites 1ub pel1ihus, <:aea.; Liv.
ee IQO loco, l'a<·a.: sc iu 1uht perenoibua 11tuJiia. CODtfO ~nla, f. (cnntr. from COll\'enUo). 1.
l'lc.; Delp.a iu olftcio, to maintain fa alk11Mince, 1171 CU<Jtmbl' of tM 7>copUI or fl/ the lftldil'n, G '"''die
Cits.: b, t., l·ccp b<Jdr, builtlUabo'Kt; pelimua ab "'"""9; contio11cm advocare, Cic.; advoeare
A11tn11io, ut ea quiw couti11et neque adhuc 1•ro- cn11tionem po('Uli or 111ilit ~-rn, C.1.<'B•. ; vocan~. a~
tulit l"Xpllc~t nobl1, Cic.; 3, to, 001\}111&, contlonern, Liv.; habere, <.:1c.; tl11111ttcre, L1Y',,
1.-«p liack: a, lit., risum, Ci\;.; grad um IQ -:luck, dar" alicui contlonem (of a mw.:istrak, whu
\""If·; b, tr:msr., to kup '°"" 011e from ~J111'! r .. lled the <.:ic.; pr0tliru In co11-
~i"9: IUQll a l'r•,..Jio, C1e1.: contineo me ab tio111t>m, Cic.; 1•r0t.luc•·re aliq11e111 in co11tio111.m1,
u1•11J('li·, Cic.; '1.J k~p obruienl ltolcl in ehcck; Li,·.; aliqnid in cont.ion!:! •licere, Cic.; in con·
'h1111 non tam a11nh1, quam ju11iclorum krrort', tiunrm ai;ce111.lcrtl or cs1..-e11dere, to go 11.p to t/11
LIY.; c, mor;illy, to re.-1truin, curb, TtJ>rYU; 7ilntfi1nrt. to ~/Kale, Liv.; 2, ml'ton., Uie spuclt
om11f's cupi<l1t.ate1, Cic.; uou posae ruilitea cun- nmdt in $U.t;h a11 asstml1/y; conti11111·s t urh11le11lae
tineri qui11, de., Caoa. .Mctclli, temcn1ria1• Appii, furin:ussi111.1ti l'ulolii,
1. ooatblgo (conUnguo), s. co wd,
"'°"""- Cle.; lialiere co11t.i<•111:8 in Ca.,sart•lfl graves,
Caes.; funel•ria, a fu11e1ul orntion, t.:ic.
1 OOAtlqo -tlgi -t.actum, S. (com and tango). oontlonabundWI ·R -um (co11tionor), har·
L T..uait., lo CotldL A. Lit., a, terrain oaculo, aiigving, •1•tr1k111g fo JtUl•lic, Liv.
Li.v.; )•'11<! ~rn1m (or t.he moon), Cil'.; b, lo
f'Ulp; Jextram, Liv.; o poet., to to1'CA,; cllJ.
oontloD.iLUa -e (coutitJ), rt/.ati119 t-0 a 1111l1lic
oe ore, uv.; d, to aprinli:l4; ora nati Mero medic· aaembl!I;
1 coutio1111li11 prol'e cl11111t>r 8('1181 u11,
lllliue, Ov.; e. to reucA to, louc.\; nullu proCoclo Cic.; Ula contionalia hirudo aemrii, l>lood·
krru cul um Cllutiu.;ere, Liv.; esp. geogrnph. aucker and dtma!J"(IUt, Cic.
t.t., to border on, to1uh; quorum agri non co11ti11g· oontlonarlua -a ·um (rontio), rtlati11g to a
UDt mare, Cle.; r. to rMt:h; (ca) an aim with a public a.uembly; ille contio11,rius populus, C1c.
llJuile, a t.llnt.i alt!tul.line contingere hostein oontlonator -6ril1, 111. (contionor), a popular
llOll f"'Sse Liv.: (fJ) a11 ol~rct dei1ir<!'1, opt.Ata111 orator, <kmagog11c, Cic.
cunu metau1, Hui-.; It.ili.1111, Yer;.t.; <r> or the oontlonor, 1. dep. (contlo), a. to form, COM•
Tolce, to f'WU'/t tht ear of; IH?C contiicit u lum vox J10$t an Ct.<.<011/,/y; 11unc illi vos i;i11g11li uuh c-i-sn!l
!De& mortAleM, Ov. B. Transr., a, to be relaUd coutiouuntl'll timent, Liv.; b, to .<7>Mk in p11l./ic
•: allqu,.1u aa11guine 11c g1•n<!rt' Liv.; to conar11, b(fnre an ,...;sn11l,/y; npu1l militcs, Ca.-s.; s111~·nnre
cf-a: Horn.11no1 nihll (cousultati••) coutini,:it, t1 loco, Cic.; also to 1mxlt1im J•Ubli<ly, 11tfUl.: with
niii •iu~leuu~, etc., Liv.; b, to ]'<!/IV.It, d"filt; a loud vvia; C. Cato coution:ttua est ae com it!&
ml11tu cl)ntacti MCrikirio, Liv. IL lntranslt., h:il~rl non siturnm, Cic.
luAll.ppm. to bc,JaU; 111·ith oat., mihi om11ia, quae
upt.o, contin;.;:u1t, Cic.; with lnlin., celeriler .small contlunci'ila -ae f. (tlim. or contio), 1, 11
&ut<"Ctlltrt' 11111nil•llS i11ge11ii i;cloril co11Ugit., Cic.;
ru5011l•l!J, Cic.; n sl11>rt harn11.gul', Cle.
•ith ut &11•1 tlw s11hj., quuuiam autcm, t.ecum contollo, :l. (obsol. for confero), graunm, lo
flt ~m, non coutigit, Cic. betakt ontsel/, l'laut.
oaatln~i.tlo -ouiA, f. (continuo). L Act., oontonat, lm1><:r11. il th"ndut tMLCll.llv,
u tn1brol.:r.n c.o11ti1tv.a.11a, co11tin1tin9; triltunnt- Plaut.
UI, Liv. IL J'a.i ... , A. oon11uio11, co11tin1ratwn, =
oontor cunctor (q.v.).
ul>rol:t11 s11cceuiora; causuu111, Cic. ; rhet. t. t., oontorqueo -tors! -to11um, 2. I. '" l?r·ild,
41 pcriud; Dim is long:\ continnatio verhon.un, Cic. tchirl, turn. violtntly, cn11turt; gul..:n~iclum,
B. 4lll 1"wroktn a1eet:US&on, co11ti11uo1icc ' " time; Luer.; mernhra quocunque \Ult, tu di1·trt, turn,
unbrium, ca.... Cic.; J•rnrnm nd laevas u11<ln!!, \'1•rg". IL f::.Sp.
00DtfD6fta• -II.tis, f. (cor.tinuus), contin.U• to brandish, to hurl, contorq11er·· ha~t~m in,
ifr, 1111brott11 ~111xesaiou, \'arr. Verg.; tr11nsr., vcrbn, to hurl forth, Cic.
I. oontba6.o, atlv. (1·011tinuus), 1, '"'""'d'- oontorte. ad'" with comp.1r. (conto1t11s), in
oMy, at 011or, t:ic.; 2, In conjunrlion with a distorted un/er, in a con.strairu.d 111c.rnntr, ainbi!J"·
nr;;.t!i\·e, n.ot i111111e.fu1tr/y • ft.Of rucl's•arily: In ouoly; <liCf'l'l", Cic.
a •J11e1tiQD JXrl<a1-s IM1& 1 non continuo al me contortlo ·Onl1, f. (contorqneo), 11 swi1111i11g,
111. r:r'l,'\:111 sicariut um cuntuJi, aum 1lca1ius, Cic. tu:utL1111: contortiones or.itionis, <li1i&rlaj U·
~- OOlltlDiio, 1. (continUU!l). I. or space, t-0 prt.s.tion.s, Cic.
hri~,, iNlti ,.,,,, 01,rinn, l>"ln«l. u11ilt; :u:r 111:iri oontortor -<5ris, m. (cont.orqueo),
Ollllti11uatui1 ut, l:M:. i Swouibus ::iltonuu1 geut.:a co11tvru or ptn>erU; legum, Ter.
°"' wN\
con 134 oon
ooaiortllua ... -um (Jim. or conl<>rtua), trahere, Cle. ; c. of appetites, to ~: appet-
,._.,Aat httricaU, °'<eurt, Cic. itu11 011111e.>1 contrahPre, Cif'.; d. or courage, etc.,
to lo1i~r, /ta.Mil; animum, Cic.
ooatortua ·• -um (p. adj. fr1>m contoniueo).
l iatricaU, 0011,fuud, cvmplicatttl; contort&e et oontri.rli, atlv. (rontrarins), in an opposite
d(lftc1les res, Cle.; ~. powtr/11/, viyor•111$; or:itio, dir~ctio" or ""'"'""'": 11i<1,•111 contr.irie proceden·
Cle. tia, Cic.; \"erha rt> contr;irie, Cic.
OODtra(trom com, &'lextm from ex). I. Arlv., oontri.riua ·•-um (rontrn). L Of place, op-
A. Of pl11~. opposite, ortr ogain.~r. on lM oppo· positr, "l""r ngt1i11.<r; colli!I 11:1~c~h.1t11r ad\'l:>rms
rite r,dt; uhuua erat cu11t111, Ov.; ot1111i:t con- hu1e et contrarius, Cars.; n1!11era, 'tt0trnd~ i11
tra circaque 1•lena h0llti11111 eru11t, Liv. B. Of frn11t. Tac. II. A. COfl1ing fro1n tire opposiflt
action•, 1, which an>1wer to ooe another, fo n- di1t"ctio11: co11trari11s irtn'I, a blo•<' from aM
t•rn: quum hie nugatur, contrll nngart lu~t. r11rm11, Cir.; in co11trariu parte~ ftuere, Cic.;
Plaut.; 2, which &rt! oppo.iec.I to one arwther, 011 rlas~i C•'ntraria fta111i1111, contmry td111I<, Ov. ; in
Ult otlw-r ride, on tM colifrary: alia iw~ti111ab1lia., co111p:11 isull, r.. 11 .. wo·cl h)' atqnf>, qui ,.l"rsautur
alia contrn, Cic.; foll. by 11tque, or qnam, 11i111U- co11trario rnotn atq11e C!\elnni, Cir. B. 1. op-
lacr11m Jovi11 contra atque ant ..a fucrat con- 1'°$"/, ro11trury tu; cn11trariae t')'istolae, c.mtra-
Yertfore, Cic.: quu111 coot1a fec.:riut quam poll- dictory, Cir. ; in contr:iria.'I 1~irtf>s tlisputare or
iciti. aiu~, Cic. ; 3L U'll'~ or ho~lile oppo!!~tiou, tlisst.>rcre Je aliqui r•'. f<l <p('(ll.; Ji•r 11111/ agai1~t,, pu_gnare, ncr., con~rslt-re, Caeii., tlic- Cic.; with genit., huiu .. Yirtntis rn11traril\ el¢
ere, Cic. IL Prep. with acc., 1 u1•po:site to, \"itiosita.i, Cic. ; with t.!1tt ., 11ihil lllal11111 t'sse,
9Wf' ugainst: insula qu:le contra bnmt1usinu111 nisi qnn;l virtnti contrari11111 ..ssf't, Cir. ; suhst.,
port1un tKt, Cae11.; 2, f19<'i•f.8t, \11 0}'11().(ifion to, oontri.rfum ·ii, n. lht 02!1"'.<ifr: irt l'••ntruri11111
"1ntraryto; vim at11ue i111petn111 ll11111i11is, Cae!l.; dispntarc, Tai'.; followed lly atq11e or :ic, c1111tt"K-
opi11ione111, Cic. ; contr11. ea, 011 lh.c etmtrury, 011 riu111 uectirntihat nc 1ia11lo aute .1 ..crt·\·t-rat, Cic.;
rAe othn- ka11d, Cae~.; S, ag<ti1ut, in U1e ~1111e of aoh-., ex co11trari11, "Vuin~t, '"' thr orhl'f' •itlc; ut
hust1lity; coutl"I\ J.l<>JJUlum H111111111u111 co1dur:Lo;~e. t·go hoc ex rontrnrio conkmio, Cic. ; plur., COlll·
Cae!I.; co11tradeo01 tlh1p111tare, Cle. (Contra occa- parAre co11trari11, Cic. ; 2, e.-.p. a OJ•J>Ose<i to i1&
•io11ally Is placed art11r it.I acc. in lhe C&lle of a 11 hos!i!L mnunu; nrma, 0\'. ; h, i11jtlrio1u;
ooun, Verg.; or a nil. pronoun, quos co11tra, Cic.) utiurn mnxirne co11trari11111 el4.'I<", Cacs.
oontraotlo -011ls, f. (contraho), a drawiug oont.rectabllitir,aJv. (contrectabilis), 11'it1
logdhtr, co11t,..1dion. A. Lit., contractio et fuli1ig, Luer.
porrectio digitorum, Cle.; frontis, Cle. B. OODtreotatlO-ollifl, f. (COlllfecto), a to11cJLing,
Tran1f., 1, abbrwi«twn, •hort1ias; orationi,.., 1t.a111lling, Cic.
Cic.; 1yllabae, Cle. ; 3, anzidy, <U1rrt$~iu11;
animi, Cic. oontreoto, 1. (contrarto), to tm.:h, Jttl,
ha11dlt. I. A. Lit., vulnus, Ov. B. Tn111sf., tot·
oontractlunoiUa ·•e, f. (t!irn. or con· aque lllt'nte contrectare varias volnptltte", C01'·
tractio), defection., l«d11'""; animi, Cic. sider, Cic. II. to tlishcmmr, T11c.
oontraotua -a -um, p. adj. with rornpar. oontriSmtaoo (cnntrl!rnesco), -trl!m(\i, 3. a,
(contraho), drawn ill, contracltd, 11arroiv: &, to tnniUe vw/~11tly, to •11mkt: contrernilieerc t.ot.i
of j1laces, locu" exiguns at'lne contract us, \' P~.; ment.. :itquc artnlms p111nihn11, Cic. ; b, to trnll-
b, of timt•, 1hortrr; hi!! jam contractioribul! blt /•<-fort, ht o,/miJ. of: pt'l"icnlnnr, Hur.
nocti bus, Cic.; c, or the \"oice, con tract 11 m ~en 11"
'Yocis, Cic. ; d, of oratury, dialectica qulWI\ con- oontrimo, 3. to tr~mhlt 11iolt11tly, qvakt,
traeta et a>1lrictA t'loquentia put..-in<la e~t. Cic.; Lncr.
e of circu111,.ta11ces, '1raitvitd: paupe11<1s, oontrlbiio -triLi\i -trlbfitnm, :I., a, to contri-
Hor.; f, retirrd, •1t1~t; corrlTactu" legcl, Hor. bute to j,. rn111111011 11.'icli oll1rrs; llt'C non l'eneaE' nee
oontr&dioo-Jixi -dirtnrn, 3. to gairu<1y, spt•1l; Spercheitle>1 unilae contrihUt'l'I" ali11uitl, Ov. ; b~
agniiut, cvntrwlict: ~ent<>ntii>1 aliururn, Tar.; ro an nu, fo.rorporott tt"itll., m1itt; Calagun-ita111
nee contra<llci quiu a1oicitia de integro recon· qui ~rant cnru Oscentsib1u1 contrilout i, C:les.;
ctlietur, Liv. Arubr:icla quac tum contriLuerat se Af'toli!I, Liv.
oontradlotlo -011i>1, f. (cootra<lico), a sptak· oontrlato 1. (com and trist.>), to 1'ia.l.e «.ul,
.,7l9 11gai111t, rontrudictio11, Quint. 1'1.<11.·e sorrolt'/1~t sncld1m; &, pluvio frigore C&<')nm,
11wh glocnny, verg.; b, contri.stat hat:e !lententi.a
oontrlllo ·t.nlXi -tractnm, 3. I. to draw to- lialhum Corueli11111, ap. Cle.
fdlu-r ooLUct, v11ite (opp. rli'l>iipare). A. Lit.,
a, mliit. t. t., cohortes ex ll11iti111i!i rq.;i11nil111>1, oontritu.a -1\ -um, p. &<lj. (from contero), lllOnl
Caea.; n111gnam claJse111, Nep.; Luceria111 011111''" 011t, ~ll·11..'let!, rommo11, trite; proverbium, Cic.
oopiu, Cic.; 01unes or omnin ad un11111, Cic.; b, oontrovenla -ae, r. (controversus), dr&!te,
to -bri1117 togtther /<tr ~>&Vtr:111tio11, etc. ; &ipion- di~1>utt, ro1uro1'tT.<y: hereJitatis, about all i1&.htTU-
em et Hasdrubillem ad c&lloquiurn dirinrcn<larum "11c,, Cic.; cn11troversia111 habere de re curn aliqnn,
aimultatum causa, Liv. B. Transr., a, to n11ite; Cic.; co11truversi11 !'st lnteraliqnos de re, Cle.; in
contrahlt celeriter aimilitudo eoe, Liv.; con· contruversia \'ersari, es.'ie, Cle. ; rem adducere in
tnhere amicitiam, to formjhtnlhhi.p, Cic.: b, to coutroveraianr, tlc<lucere in contro\·ersiam. \'oe&re
complete a bu.Yhteu arrangenunt: rem, rationem, in controversiR111, tn 11iake maJtn' of dthatt, Cic.;
negotlum, Cic.; oootrahere magnam rationem 11ine controversii, without dispvtt, Cic.; sine co11-
eum Maurltaniae regc, Cic.; c, to cau!", bring tro\"ersii aolvere, Cio.; sine controversii vi~imm1,
°"• bring abc111t : aes alienum, to cu11trnct tlebt, WI! have undo11btWlyconqurrtd, Cic.; cont1over·si&
Cic.; bellum, Liv.; lites, Cic.; i)(lrca coutracta, non erat quin, there mu no do11bt, etc., Cic.
dvt to tzpiate a crim<', Cic.; offensionem, Cic. oontroveraloawt -a -um (controversi&),
IL lodrawtogtthcr bywa.yofshcrtming. A. Lit., controverted, strongly disputed; res, Liv.
a, l'rontem, Cic.; collum, Cic.; pulino11es se con-
\rahunt, Cic.; contractum ali'JllO 11wrbo hovis oontroveraor, 1. dep. (controversus), to
contend, di3put1., tltlmt'.: inter ae de h1o1iusc1:modi
eor, Cir~; vela, lo furl one's sails, t\g., to be 111od-
eral1, Cic.; b, of limbs, parts or the body,
rehus co11trovt•rs11ri, Cic.
h> oontrod (from cold, dPath, ct~.); contracto oontroveraua -a -um (r.ontro, likl" Mntra.
frigore p~ae, numbing, Vt-rg. B. Trausr., to from com = v·ith, agni11st), 1, pa.~ii., tAat ll"hi~
l'hcrttn, reduct, draw in, draw loql'the1·: a., is a s11l~1rct nf iitbalt, cont rorert"l; res, Cic. ; 2,
outra, Caes. ; or the moon, orhcm, Ov. ; b, of act. 1lU.putntw11s, fond Qf cot1lrowr.!J1; gens, Cic..
apeooh, to Jhcm1n: oratiouem in verb um con- ocmrioido l. co cut in piua. cw awn,
con 136 con
lnt' t1'1tff1f, s7rty: 1fo'hfllt:itn eorpt1te et contrueld· em Hamiihnlem, Liv.; an Imum, Cle.; 111<iaclam
atn, Cie; n~ .• rempul•licarn, Cic. allcuius !'011tundere et f111ngPre, Cie.; calu111nl-
contriido -trflsl ·trihum, 3.1, to th nut. p1111' am stullitlamque alicuiud obterere uc contuntl·
~t!Mr; nullt!a in unum, Luer.; 2, to thruat, ere, Cic.
cn>1od il\lo 01111 pfoi:e; aliqnoli in l111l11 ..a>1 1 Cle. oontiio, contijor, s. • contueor (q.v.).
eontrunoo, 1. to cut fo 1ri«:u; clhum, Plaut. conturbltio ·<mi~. f. (conturt.o), disordn-,
col\f~<io11, 1~rturbation. of nttl\d; mentid, Cil'.
cont6.berniills .f.,, c. (com and taberna). I. oonturbo, 1., 1, to disturb, throw into
a, a f!V<-fma.U, romru.<!A!, 01u who IAortr th1 MJmt order, m11fusion: or•lined Romanorum, Sall.;
tnit; doml nn:i erutlitf, 111ililine contuh.-rnales,
Cic. ; b, a Y°""9 11147' VJho ucc.,ntpanf.ed 11 gentral rempul>Iicarn, 8:111. ; 2, tn distur/1 ill mind, r.11u1t; \"alt't11uo t11a me vi.Ide cnnturbat, Cic.;
to V..•r1' th11 art qf IDClr; fnit in Crcti P<>S!-en
Cllntul>enialis S:\turni11I, Cic. ; so In public r11tiout>.JC, or 11\,sni., <'nnturloare. Cic., to brillg
al'faini, n11•port~r; alieui cuntuhernril!'!m In con· money mattas inlr> co11/1uio1t, to ruill, makt bank·
1abtu fui><-..e, C1e. II. a, romra1IJO, m11~. con- "'J't; conturbare 1<i\,i lieere, Cil'~
lfilllt crntlpa1&ii:11&; hahulsges non hnspittm aed contua .f, m. (1rovT.X), 1. a pole uSl!f! ffJ'/'
cnntub.:-rnaletn, Cic. ; b, tits h.tubancl or wife of pu</iitt(I a boat olorig, \'1•1g.; 2, a long aptur 01"
a "'11'•', Plin. p(kt, Tac.
oont6.bendum .f, n. (cnm nnrl tllbernit). CODUS ·I, m. (.Wvo~). 1, a CCII~, Cic.; 2, tM
L C<'nCr., 1, 11 l.11t, or lrnt ii\ trhfch u11 mtn and apa fl/ a ltelwt, \'er):.
011 'ffi·-"'r 10'11-:•I: rtt>ronere in co11tuhcrnin nrma, convlleaoo ·Ylllt1i, 3. to brcomt slrong. L
c..~.: 2, tlv. C0Jll111'"' drrelli11.g of a male al\d Gen. A. Lit., of thing~. p<>~l•turim pe.•tifer ii.'11is
frrr;,V.,, slru~, Tac. II. Ahstr., 1, fl 1hriring ill convaluit, bla:td UJ', Ov. B. Tr:-insr., a., to gai1'
tu 1-rme ttrtt, conu'>; mllitum, Tac. ; 2, .-trtngth : quu111 111:il11. per longu conv:ilut>re
till! orto.,J,•n~ nfa l/tnJnq 11t<1n tm a g~ntrul tn lmrn mnru, haue btromt rnottd, Ov. ; b, of ~rso11s
t"1t art<>/ ~rr: co11t11krnil 11ecrssltu1\o, Cle.; 3, or state!!, to 17<1in 1tr<'nglh or po'UICT; Milo In dit-a
t:r:"'JXZnio11~hi11, inli1n-1cy, Sud.; 4, tsp. th11 com·alcsceloat, Cic. : his ille (C'.aeMr) rebus lt:i
hn..g lf19"llter rif da~s as man alltl wift, Cnl.; con,·ahtit ut, etc., Cic.; 111111!11 vl1· prope !Id
•nJ. gen. co11c11}1i nag,, Cic. convalt.!leere ope1 rati, Ck. II. E."I'· A. to
contiieor -t!Utus snm, ~- to Tt!JttrJ on all rtcovtr from. 11 di..~tturt, gain 1trt11glh, grt tttll:
i;d.-.s, lv• ulf,1lffrtl•1. A. Lit., n~pidte ip~mn, 11nn R!:fri omni's couvalei<cunt, Cic.; ex morLo.
e>•nl u.,iuini os, Cic. B. Tr.111sf. to co1""itltr, rtjf~ Cle. .as. Trausr., ut t&n<iem 11en11u11 con\·aluere
11.1<01&: qunin (r·en1catio ilia) :i coutuendls uns 111ei, O\·.
111,..lis a voe.rt, Cic. convalll9 -is, f. a mlley slmt fa o" all •idt1,
oontiUtus. ah!. .n, m. (contueor), a behold- Cic.
frg, <&tte:.1tivc lool:i .. g al, l'lin. convaso, I. (com anu vasa), to pack ttp
roggug,, 'l'cr.
OODtiimAcla ·AC, f, (Contumax), lt1'bbornM.o,
r>bsli1t1ccv, i11.f<.ft111«, J1111Hlrti1<'s•; gen. in a bad oonveoto, 1. (intcns. of ron\'eho), to bring
sense, insolP.11tia, su1oer1Jia. contum:tcia, Cle. : logtlhu, c.1/l•ct; p1111•d,1111, Ver;;.
in a goo.! sense, jin1&nas; lit.era conturnacla (or conveo~or ·Oris, m. (conveho), a fdlolD·
~:JCn&l~s), Cle. t'Oytt'.]CI", C1c.
oontilln&cl~r. adv. (coulumnx), oOIUnaltly, conv6ho -vexi -vectum. 3. to bri"'1 l.f\9~111,r,
ltllhborttllf, ill.$>1/e11tly; scri~l'l', Cic. mrr11 i "'" 011e 7•/a~; frumentu111 ex !lnitimi>t
oontillnax -ilcis (cnm and TEM -o, U.mno). rr~i1111ibn~ in url>e111 1 Cae.i.; li11lrib1111 In t'l\111
li1•1hi1, in.<OUnl, .t111bborn, ob.~tinalt; quis 1·011· ln:rnlam mate1 iem, c11tc.. 111, caemeuta, ar111l\, Cic.
tu111acior 1 quis inhum:inior? 'luls auperbior, oonvello .,·elli, and (mn-ly) -vulsl (-vols!)
Cle.; in a gMd Bl'n:ie, firm, u11yulding; conlu- -vulsum (-volsmn), 3. to t~ar, 71luck, pull nu:ay,
max etiam A•h·ersu11 torment& servorum fl<lca, wrenm olf. L, 1, rcpagula, Cic.; gratlus
Tac. Castoris, Cit-.; H .. rcul .. m l'X .sui!I 11ediu11i< c1111·
ooatmnilla ·&e, f. (com nnd TEH -o, vellere 11tque 1111ft>rre, Ck; viri1l .. 1!1 nh h111110
~muo), '•u11/I, a§rrid, outrw;e, co11tur11.tly. I. i<ih·am, \'erg. ; dapc!I a\·ith> llente, dtt'OUr, Ov. ;
Lit. A. contmndiam jac!'!rc In all11uem, Cle. ; 2, millt. !. t., cnn\'t>llere si:;nA, to pluck 'II.fl
bcefatl! aliqut>m co11l111ueliis, Cic. ; nnenue 1111· tfl~ 1UJndarJ.(, ro rit< a111p, Cic. IL T11uu1r. to
;i.oern co11t11111elii11, Cic.: vexare aliqu"m omnibus wraktll, 01·trth1·011', dt~tro!J: cuneta auxili11 rei-
contumehi!I, Cic.; cn11tu111ell:ie r:iu!l:i ailquc1111le- f'Ublicae lalwfilctnri onnvellique, Cic.; >1i "am
~ribo-rt'. Cic.; contumelia appellare :iliq1wm J>t!r· opi 11 ion em r:i tin con \·ellet, Cle.; q uu jud icio 1·011-
fopm, i>1•1c.lti11gly, C.wll. ; vcrtere alifJui<I iu con· vul~mn J><!nitu::i :«:imu11 e11se re111publica111, Cie.
tun1di.1111 sm1111, to lnkt aA an in.mlt, Caeii. B, oonv6na -ae, c. aolj. (convenin), coming to-
di!Mnm1r, Cic. ll. Tr.m~f. danmge, injury; 9tlhtr, l'lnut.; in plur. sul1st. a co1icour.Yt o)
na1es tutae ractno ex rolto1e ad quamvls vim et 1tra11gtr•, nurmbltd mtdtittuil; pa.' tores et con·
cunt.omeliam perft'rewlam, Ores. venas conl(regare, Cle.
eontiimillose. a•I '"• with com par. and convenlens -entla, I'· Mij. (from eonvenln),
Ai-Jeri. (contum.-liosu!'I), iiuoltntly, abu.,frtly; 1, agruin(I, ununi11W1U,concorJant; hene conv~11-
cmitamelios-e rlkert>, lacdere, Cic. i<'nlt>ll pni1d11qui, Cic.; 2, fit for, apprupriut,,
oont6mollo•u• -a -um, ndj., with com par. s11itrif,[,; C••11\'c11ie11s decretie du!I, Cic.; oratio
:US•\ .mperl. (co11t11111t!lill), ii<•ullina, alJ•uivt; telll(>'>ri c .. nn11ic11s, Li\'.; nihll est eni1u ta111
epistnla~ in alifJUClll co11t11111clinM .. , Cic. ; !ti AJ•l11111, tam conve11ie11s ad res vel sc•
c.i1tu1n.. 1iosmu est 1•lcbl (followed l>y acc. and cund11s vcl a•h·c1sa:1, Cic.
lnlh1.). U1·. oonvenlenter. adv. (cnnveniens), agrttablv
contiimftlo. 1., 1, to ht.ap up fa ci tn0un1l, with, suiU1b/.11 to; convenlt>nt.>r cum 111\tura vi V·
Plia.; 2, tu b1trJ1, i.11ur, Ov. ere, cic.; conHt.Knter convenienlerfJue sibi die-
ere, Cle.
eoatllDdo -til.ti -tn,.um. 3. L to br11iu,
<l'uk, Jl01llUJ, br~11.; to 1•iecu; 11llia scrp)'llu111que, oonvitnlentla -ae, f. (convenlen~), agree·
tUJ. IL,,,cni.m_, lu-ui~t. /~at. A. Lit., a~_um nunt, harmony, wn,formity with.; quaedam con·
venil'nl ia d coujunctio 11at11rae, C1c.
l&til, Hor.; pt1g1ffo_s cae::111t.n, cont11~1. C1~.;
Colltllri r.c clehiht.1t1 inter saxa rupl'Sf!llt', Liv. convenlo ·Veni, ·Ventum, 4. L Gen. A.
'- 1. '- tl4tro!J, 111bd11t, criuh, de11111LUJ,; fe1oc· lntrausit., l, to c:ollM! togdher, colltd; ox prv-
oon 136 oon
rinoll. Caea. ; ad hoc judlclum, Cle.; oelerfter (·Yonum), a.lo , _ . t"Oteftd. to.Uri rot111d. 1
Id clamorem hominum clrclter mlllla eex COD· Lit., A. to ,_,. f'OllJ&d lo tM othn' riM; J..
1'enerant, Caea. ; uno tempore undlque comitl· pa!Rm anull ad palmam, Cle.; naves in eam
orum ludorum censenJique caual, etc.; 2. partem, quo ventua Cert, CaeL; e11p. mi lit. t.. t.,
clvitatcl quA.e In Id forum convenlunt, toho ~­ signa convert.ere, to whed rovM, CaCtl. ; terga or
long to tAat distrld, Cic. ; 8. legnl t. t. con\'enlre se c-onvertere, lo JI.«, Coll"&. ; 2, a. lo motJon, lo
to manum (of the wife, to CIOIM tM powu q/ tu"' f'Otu1.d, cAG71gt OIU'I d'rtctiOI&; TOX bonm
Tur luuband by marriagt), Cle. B. TransiL, Herculem con1'ertll., maku llrrctda ~"' 'l"01l1Mi,
to vLrit, 'IAttt, call 11pnn; quot!dle plurimos, Cle. ; Liv.; iterconvertere, Caea.; reftn:., Mt ad montes,
con\'ento Cu. Octa vi•> Uemetriade1 Cic. ; trlb- Caea., or without ae., enm paucl11 ad equitea,
nni plehls non Je:1isteb.1nt clam mter ee con· Sa!L; b. convertere pecunlam pulilicam domum
ven ire, Cic. IL to fit. A. 1. Lit., al oothurnl auam, to tmliazu, Cle. ; 8 1 g"ograph. t. t., lo
lauff !Ila esst't ad pedem apte convenlre, Cle.; /aa, bf directed totoarda, lu tovoardl; •relunca
2, Tr:rnsf., to a.gru witA., bf cori.g1rnial to, W- convena ad aquUonent, Cle. B. to lW"ll ro.tMl
•oni.<£, ,,, fitting; haec tua dellberntio non con· '"a circk, to rniolw; quac (lena) circnm axem
venit cum oratione Largl, Cle.; non In omnea ee aumma cel~rltate convertit. et torquet, Cic.;
f'n111ia co111veniro, Cle. ; with lnftn. or acc. and IL Trans(., 1, to dfful tMmrdl; convl'rtere ln
lrifi11., illicone ad praetorem ire convenlt f Cic.; ae unum omnium virea, Liv.; in ceteroe oniiDea
im1·.. r~ .• mlnlme miror caelum et terraru, ai tll>i eu<lcm vitae conditionea, Cic. ; sa, to dit"WCC OM'•
lta cnnvenint, dimitt.cre, Cle. B. to 111'1ilt; 1, atttntio• er look.I t010Ctrda; video an me omninm
Ut., Luer.; 2, t.rnui;f., a. rea convenlt, or Im· \'eBtrum ori. at.que oculoa eue converaoa, Cic.;
rns., co11ve11it, a thin11 u a.grt~d 1'po11; id 3. to dir&a oM'• 'n.clinalion., m,Rd, etc., louJan:fl;
1ignum quod cnnvencrat, which had bu" a.grce1L omne studlum curamq11e ad hanc scriliendJ
_,,on, Cae~.; JMI couveuit, Liv,; p&etum e11t operam, Cle.; reftex., 1e ad otium pacemque, Cle.;
quud inter Jam inde per consulea reliqua belli ae in or ad allq11em, to J&!lacA CYrUM.I,/ to, Cle.;
perfecta (t!ll.~c), Liv. ; mihl cum IHiotaro con· 4. to <Uvot~ to '°"" olijtd: ratlonero in fraudem
vcnit, ut ille in mela castris esset. cum aula malitiam11ue, Cic.; 6. lo oe>ANrt, Jlft'wrl; al-
copii11, Cic.; impera., quum de facto couveniret, terum (nuxilium) ad perniciem meam erd •
Cic. ; b. beue (optim1') convenit (alicui) cum vobla consulibua coDversum, Cle.; 6, a, &o
aliquo, to be <m !I"'"' Urm4 with; 10roria vir, cAa~. alter; minim ln modum couveraae aunt
omulum wentea, Caee.; cavcu<lum ne In gru••
qulcum 011time cnu\·cuisset., Cic.
oonventicium ·II, D. (convenlo). ac. aea = lnimlclt.las convert.ant se amicitil\e, Cic.; Hecub-
am in canem e88e conversam, Cic.; b. librum e
.,;, i1t•A'1a<naT<1tov, tM nwney rrait'td l1r Gruk
oU&ans /or autndaAOI ' " tM J>OP"lar ~lr, Orneco in Latinum, to transi<ite, Cic.
Cic. conveatlo, 4.. to clothe. A. Lit., Enn. B.
oonventlctUum -1, n. (dim. of cnnventus), Tran~f., to rover, 1'111T011.M; domua duobua lucia
a, a comi >Lg wgrtMr, custm.l1ly, a..•.;uriotioa: COD· conve>1tita, Cic.
venticula homlnum, quae postea civitatea nom- oonvexltaa ·itla, f. (conve:rua). ooa-"J;
ln1'tac sunt, Cle.; b, a pl4ce of muting, Tac. mun.JI, Plin.
convontlo ..Onis, f. (convenio), 1, Cl11t Ullflll,- conveXWI .a -um (convehor), 1. •"1t«l,
bly, \'krr.; 2, a11t agrenwnl, com1>aet, LI\', archtd, OOfl.tia; orbls lunae, Cle. Suust., con-
conventum ·l, n. (oonvenio). a coiie11411t, vexum -1, n., and commonly tu plur., con-
agru11Unt, compad; p&ctum, conve11tum, atip- vexa -orum, n. a• arch; conveu coeU, Verg.;
ulatio, Cic. 2, 1Wping, •tttp; i~r. Ov.
oonventua ·Ill, m. (convenlo). L Lit., A. a oonriciii.tor -()rls, m. (conviclor), • na(WT,
-i:ng tog«~. alt a&Sf11tblfi; a, vlrorum mulier- 1lan<krrr, rtviler, Cic.
1"mque celeberrlmus, Cic.; b, a• ilhfl<ll a.sse:nbl71; oonriclor. 1. dep. (convicium), to -a m,
in nocturno cenventu fUiue apu<l M. Laecam, revil~. rtproacA, Llv.
Cle.; c. a OOfl.grt.11 of stalu; omnium &<>e1uum conviclum -Ii, n. (= convocium, tram com
civitatum, Liv.; d, t~a..<$nn.bl71oft~ inhabitam.. and \"OX), 1. n lo14d C'l"JI, 11wut, cla71W1W; mul·
of a J>l"ovinccMld b111he JIT!Ulor; conventutn agere, ien.m, C1c.; 2. trio~nt rtpr~A, rtioiling, '"ftill;
I<> lwl.d tM auiM.1, Cic. ; hence tM diJtrid of t~ clamore et couviciis et ai\,ili1 conaectari, C1c.;
prorWM:ti for whiGA Cl1' u.embl71 IOIU ~Id; alicui convicium factre, Cic.; noD ruodo acclam·
homo omnlum u. illo couventu quadruplatorum atione &ed convicio et ma.ledicti11 impedlri, Cic.;
deUirrimwi, Cic.; e. tM '"''°"
of .Haman citiuru
in a prwinu f&rml.11:fl a eorporalion; COUV<lDlllS
verl.erav1 te co~itationia t.acito durnt.lX&t con·
vicio, Cic. ; met.on., nemorum con vie la. plcae,
Syracusanus, Cic. B. Of at.oma,
IJ. Transf., agrumud, Cic.
Luer.; t1WCki1111-bi.riia, Ov.
OODvtctio ~ni., f. (oonrivo), IOCiGI ~
converbCro. l. to btal violAUr, Plin. emir«, fcu11i.liari.t11, Cle.
oonverro (-vorro) -verrt (-1'on1) -venmm convtctor -<>ri11, m. (convlvo), ov .-0 w..
(·vorsu111), S. to swup together, bnuh out, Plaut.; wilA aMther, con.ttant GMOCiate, ap. etc.
tranHf., here<litatea omr11um, ecrapc tos/ftlwr, Cle. convtctus -ns, m. (con,·ivo), 1. a Hn-. eo-
oonversatlo -Onls, f. (convenor). L fre. gethf!T, amslllnt il'lUroourw; conventia bomiaum
fll¥nl "-"'• a frtqu.cnl soj.,ur1i '" G pla«, Plln. ac ll•>l'lctu, Cic.; 2. rntt"rtaiAl'M7ll, /tllJllt, Tac.
II. \ntcr.x>Urte, ccnt~rs(l(iun, Tac. oonvtnco -v!cl -v1ctum, 9. 1, to oontm of a
oonveralo -ouis, C. (couverto). A. Lit., a cri1111! or mistakt; allquem aum111ae n~ligtmtle,
hl.rniri.g rourul; coeU, Cic.; men11lum annor- Cic.; multis avarltlae criminit>us, C1c.; COD·
umque couveri;lone11, ~ical return, C1c. victu1 In hoc ace le re, Cic.; with inlln., or acc.
B. In rhet., 1. tlU rounding off of a period ; ut anri lnfln., Liv., ::.all.; 2, to prow! rollduiwlf,
(oratio) COD\'t'rslonea habeat ab8olnt&a, Cic.; 2, lkmo1'8trutt: errorea E1•icuri, Cic.; lnauditum
tM nr.etilwn of IM aanu toord al tM tnd of a facinllli •1•si11~ qui commisit voce convincl, Cle.;
cfoMH. Cic.; 3. cha1Lgt; naturales ease qllAldam wilh acc. anti i11tln., Stoicoa nlhil de dill explic·
converslones rerum pul!licarum, Cic. are conviul'it, Cic.
converso (int.ens. of converto). l. lo "'"' conviso. s. lo behold attntiwly, .m1"'M;
rou111l /rtqi~ntlr; animu1 ee ipse convenana, omnia loca oculi11, Luer.; roe'- (of the M1llt
Cle. etc.), to bMm ta po•, Locr.
oonverto (-vorto) -vertl (-vortl) -veraum oonvitli.tor. Y. oonvlclator
con 137 coq
convitfor, v. eonviclor. Vi:.1nu .AMdyonu:11~
Apti/~,, Cic. of Bubst.,
convitlum, v. convidu111. COum -i, n. Coan wi11t: Col -oru111, m. th& in·
conviva -ae, c. (cmn and vivo), Cl gual; /ia/; ila.ats uf eoo~; Coa -oru 111, II. Coo.11 gv.rmnta.
l1ii.1tu'> rt ben>! accPptus, Cic. copa ·Ile, f. tM ho!l#.s• of a winMhap, Verg.
convivilia ~ (oonvivinm), rtlating to a feast Cop&la ·l<lis, r. (Kwuif), pRlU9, (I lake in
r>r t.1,vp1el, Liv. Bototi,(1.
convivi.tor -6ri'4, m. (1•011vivor), OM who oophlnue -!, m. (1<o4>1110f), a larl18 blu~t or
gir-..1a /ta,;1, Hur., Liv.
a l•oU, hanipu, Juv.
convivi11m -Ii, n. (com and vivo). A. a copla ·86. f. (cMpia, from Cilm and OJ>S)..
f"n't, t4ltrl<1i1rnU!11t, ba.n111u:t: accipere aliqu~m rltnty, 11hw1c1unce. I. Lit., 1, a, or thing.,, l\gri,
convivin, Cic.; a<lliiberl:l aliqut'111 com·ivio or vectigaliu111, p.. cu11iae, Cic.; f1u1no·11ti, Cae..._;
in conv1vium, C1c.; conv1vium apparare opi· coph cum Pg•·st:it" co11fligit, Cic.; in plur.,, Cic.; di1nittere conviviu111, Liv.; di~cederc 0111nium rer11111 :1fllue11tes e"piaP, Cic.; mil it. t. t.,
J., co;1,·ivio, Cic.; inlre co11vivium p11blicu111, .rn1•1·lits, pmi·i~i<'IU; copias Dyrrh~cldi co111-
Ci~.; 111ri.n:.,;.e in convivio, Cic.; producere c••ll· parare, (' .. e,.; b, or p<>rsons, l'irurum fortium
11t'lue i1111oc,•ntium tanta copia, C1c.; esp. 111iliL
\"1\·iuru v.t1 in s.?r111011e 11.<l multam nnctl'111, Cic.;
1111irt· in couvi,·iu111, Cic. B. Md•m .• the c.. 111. t. t., trnfJJ'S, /orru; (a.) si11g., 0111nis am1atoru111
l'J·•J <1S..<t•>W!ed, guuts; vinosa c1111vivi11, Ov. co pin, Cic.: a11g.. batur lllis copia, C11es.; (~) plur.,
OOllvivor. 1. dep. (•-on viva), to eat and drfok copiae pt>diturn equiturnqu.. , Liv.; U'1T¥stres
nnval~sque, Lil·.; c..1pias 111;ignas cogere, Caet.;
fa Mrt7•mu, Jtn.lll, rt"t'tl: non soh1111 in pubhco,
.,,.1 ~tia111 <lt! puhliet>, Cic.
c11mparare, Cic.; co11tmhen.-, Cic.; dimilt.ere,
Caes.; educere cast1 is, e castrill, C:ie~.; 2, ol
OOllV6catlo -lmis, f. (eonvoco), a oalling abstraction><, copill tlice11cli or orationill, /
rogt1.'.er; 1•opuli Ho111ani a<l rcmpuulicam de· of t:rprtssimi, C1c. IL Trausf., ability, J.>UlL't'T,
r-:-Hd1~111Jotn1, Cic. op1-ortu.1tity; est alicui cnpia snmni, Liv.; dimk·
ooav6oo. 1. to call togdlur, utuemhl1, convokl; and1 cum hoste, Li\'.; alJ hoste copia pugn:.11.H
•li>i:S1p.<l()!j homincs, t:ic.; 1•ri11CiJ'U ad se, Gaea.;Cit, Sall.; faccrc alicui consilii sui c•>piam, to ~
l•l co11c1onem, Liv. 11C.:U$iblt to a JH!r;um asking 01u:·s advice, Cic.;
convolDero. v. convulnero. copiam alicuiut, to liave ao1u one in 01u'1
oonv6lo. I. to fly fogetM-r, run. tO!JttMr, toll'k pvu.-.:r, Sall.
11'ythn- ;.,,,1iJ11: cuucta ex ltaliii. ad aliq11.e1u OO~lOM, l\dV. (copioeus), 1, ahunda~lly,
rHoca11d11m, Cic. .,,lwtifully; large et copiose comparare p.1lltu111,
oonvotaua, v. convulsns. Cic.; ~nR~ru111 urn:i. corin_se absolvit, .u:ilh a
lorge maj<.mty, Cle.; 2. o drseoursc, copWtulJf;
OODVOlVO •\"Olvi -v6lut111n, 3.1 tornllrovnd; dicere, C1c.
1V>l 11e <~•uYoh·ens, Cic.; 111 l11cem \ubrica tf'.rg11,
\.rg.; 2, to co~; testudo convoluta omnib1111 coi> -a ·um (copla), 1, riml1 ~
rebus, quib11a ignia jactus e' lapides defeodi l«altliy; urba celehris et copiosa, Cic.; copi011us
powi.t., Cat!&. a trumento locus, rich in, C1c.; opulent! homlu-
es et Cllpin11i, Cic.; 2, cvpious of spetdt, tloqtun.l;
conv0mo, 1. to wmit all over, Cic. homo COt•iosus ad diet:ndum, Cic.; oratio molt.a
OODY11l!li§ro, l. to 100117'd lnleTIZr, PlfD. et varia et copio114, Cle.; liogna copioea,Cic.
convulsue ·• -um, parUc. or convello. =
oi>pla -e copiosua (q. v.).
o661esoo coalesco (q. v.). =
o6po. copon.a caupo, caupona (q. v.).
c66peno -1~n'\i -pertum, 4.(com and overio), copria (copria)-ae, m. ('""'piac), a lhwbu./oor.,
tocora rnlirtl11, eawlop; 11liquem lap1d1bus, to Suet.
Jl!r,'I( to dauh, Cic. ; Decii corpu1 coopert11m oopta-ae,f. («ow"'), a 11ard caktvr bixuit, Mart.
t.cli-1, LiY.; transr., partlc., coopertus, owr- Coptoe ·I, f. (KorTo~). a town of Upper Egwt.
ll:ittl»Ud; tla;:itiis at<1ue facinoribus, Sall. now c;ojl or Kt/t.
o6optatlo -Onis, f. (coopto), ch.oiu, election, oopula -ae, f. (com and • npio). A. a rope,
CO-cptaliM; colle;;iorum, Cic. ; censoria, fillillg hand, t~;
dura copula CAnem tenet. a lea.ah, Ov.;
91> of I/It itMU by tlu uMOTa, Cic. J?.lur., copulae. fcuteni11g1, grap1vl1, Caes. B.
ciSop&o (com and opto), 1. to choole, elect, rran~f., a bond, co1mu:io"; quos irrupt& tenet
tsp. to a public omce or dignity, to tx>Opt; co11ula, Hor.
11cuatores, Cic.; tres sibi colleg&11, Liv.; aliquem oOpiU&tlo -011ia, f. (copula), a tu1itm,
in p.iU>ruum auguratua locnm, Cle.; aliquem naio1~; atomorum inter ae, Cic.
l:JJgistrum equitum, Liv.
COl)Ulattl.9 ·& ·Ulll, p. &<lj. (frnm copulo), OOll•
c66rior -ortus aum, 4. to ar1'e, come /<Yrlh at n«te<1, UJLited, coupled; qu••e<lam su11t in rebus
011a, a}lpmr. L a, of !ltorms, etc., to break out;
siruplicia, quaeda111 copul.ttA, Cic.; tra11sf., uihil
tum aubito teml><"lltates sunt C•> maximae, est amabilms neque copulatius quam morum
Locr.; b, of nres, quod pluribus simul loci~ similitudo, trndiftg to uniU, Cic.
J&ne• coorti es.se11t. Liv.; c, of dis~ase, pesti·
l>-ntia c;IOr'..a, minacior quam periculosior, Liv. ; copiUo, I. (copula), to .ioin togtther, connect,
d, oC political e"euts, of war, sedition, etc., to u11ite. A. Lit., altera ratis huic copulat.a est,
lireiJ; ollt; seditio tum intl'r Antiat~s Latinu11q11e Liv. B. Tra11sf., copulati in ju9 pencnimus,
o_x>rta, .Liv.; e, of laughing or weeping, risu:i, au C1c.; copnlare honestatem cum vol11ptate, Cic.;
Nrp.; libero couquestu coort&e voces sunt, Liv. haec inter se j11ngi copularique possmt, Cie.;
ll. lo rise fer ins-vrrection or fir;ht; sed adeo iu· equt>ster ordo qui tum curu seuaru cupuhitu.
11,~ erat coorta plebs ut, etc., Liv.; Volscos fuit, wtre in ha1"11tony with, C1c.
l!Uuma v1 ad bellum coortoe, Lh·. o6qua -ae, f. (coquus), aftmale cook, Plaut.
. olSorcua -us, m. (coorior), an arising, brtak· coquino. 1. (coquo), to cook, Plaut..
t11.1 furtA, Luer. ooquo, coxi, coetum, 3. to cook, prepar1 food.
.. C6oa (C6ua) -I, r., and CO. -o, f. (Kowf and I. Lit., 1, is qui ilia coxtrat, Cil'.; cibarift, Liv.;
~), Q J!Jklll i.sland i!' the .hgro.r• &'l, off th.t 2, to bake, /.,urn; coquit gh:b:ll! &t!!tas matutinia
<.crntofCaria.. Ad1.,Coua-a-um.C=n; poet&, solibus, Verg.; 3, to ripen; J·ou1a matura et
i'!',11.ta,, Ov.; art1fox. AJ>elles, who!lt picture of coct&, Cic.; 4, to U'arm; calore et sp1r1tu nrnnia
~1.11w All4dJIOIUM t1.1a1 Al Cool, Ov.; Venus, UN coct& e' confect.a, Cic. IL Tran1C., l, ta thVlik
138 cor
gfi meditate, contrive; conllill11 secreto ab aliis, Latium. Adj., -a -nm, ~
LlV.; 2, to dirturb; remineae ardentem curaeque lo C01'Wli; Coriolanus, Cn. March11, tJu c:upltrtr
iraeque coquebant, \"erg. ofCmioli; -orum, m. tli.t tdabi:aMI
oiquua (cocus) -i, m. (coquo), a cook, Cle. o/Corioli.
OOr, cordi11, n. (root CORD, Gr. 1ea.p~ -£4). L o&ium (c6riu11) -11, n. (x!ipLov), 1, AidL, ski1&,
A. Lit., the heart; cor pal pi tat, Cic.; fig., &, the /(alher; animantium aliae coriis tectae 11unt.,
Mclrt a.s the Stat of the fulings, the 1011l, fttling: Cic.; _Petere corium, lo thrtUA, Cic.; ppv., cani1
exsultantia corda, \"erg. ; eonli eat aliquis or a corio nunqunm ablllerrebitur unct-0, it i.s di.#·
a liquid, is d«1r to; 111111m audirem eain (spon- cult to change <t confirmed habit, Hor. ; 2, 4
B&tn) ti bi cordi esse, Liv.; hlque eo mihi magis ltatherr1 thong, atrap, laJh, Plaut.
t•11t cordi qu~. etc., Cir.; with acc. and infin., Cornelius -a -um, nanu of a R011UJn (1VIS, 1Ac
Liv.; b, tli.t ht111rt ns the Mat of tho11ght, the mind, 111ostfiwwur 1.u>mbtrs of tl'hich n•tn!, 1, P. Corn.
jlldgnunt; qui propter haesitantiam linitUM' &ipio Afric,anui; major, the conquemr or Hu-
i;tuporemque cordis cognomen ex contumelia 11ibal; 2, P. Corn. Scipio Aemilianu!I .-Hrieanua
tru:crit, Cic. B. Meto11.i11 ptr:ron: lectijuvenes, minor, 11011 of L. A,.miliuK Paulu11, a•loptl"d by
fortissima cords, Verg. I. Transr., the stomach, P. Corn. Sci pi" (i;.m or Afric.auui; majur), the
Hor., Luer. destroyt·rofCartl111i;:r; 3, Cornelia, tlw youngen
Cira -ae, f. (Kop11), an old town in fotium, ilau1ihter of Afric111111s major, w1fo of T1\J. iSem-
now Coit or Cori. Adj., Ciri.nua -a -um. pronius G1acch11s, the 1noth~r <•f the (iracchl;
4, Cornelia, tire 1fau~htH of Qu. MPtdlu~ Scipio,
o~ralllum -Ii, n. (1COpclAALov), red coral, Luer. wife fl1·stof P. Lii·in. cm ...~H!t, arterwanls or POUi·
coram (com and os, oris). L Adv., 1, i11 pejus. Ailj., Cornell&DWI -a -um, Corndian.
prmnu of, in Jn~ nf, 11(/ort; cornmodius feci11-
11ent, 11i quae apud vos de me defenrnt, ea coram Cornelius N6poe. \" . .Sepos.
potius me praesente dixissent, Cic.; 2, ~r­ 00rDe01U8 -a ·Um (dim. or J. COrlleUs), Mnlf,
aona/ly, in one's ow>' f"'Ts&n, Ollf~lf; intueri Cic.
•liqui1l 1 lo behold with one's own tyes, Cic.; age re, I. cornewa -a -um (cornu), 1, horny, made oJ
to tnrnsact 1>rr101t1:tlly, i.e., not l'>y lettn-1, Cic. ; horn: rostrum, Cic. ; 2, a, /il.t hor-. Itani;
q1111m cor111n BUIDU:I, ~raonul/y prt..-tllt, Oic. cornea libra, Pt.>r!I.; b, horn-colourtd, Plin.
IL Prep. with abl., in pre4ence of; genero meo, 2. oorneu -a -um (1•ornu!I), rrlating or bt-
Ck. ; populo, Hor. lon9i11g to Hie cornrl Im'; \·irgult.a, \"erg.
Corbio -iinit<, f. 1, a torcn of the Atqui; COl'DIMD -cinis, m. (C(ITllU and G
2, n u,u•n i11 llispcrnia$. hon1-bluwer, Cic.
oorbia -is, m. and r. a wicku bad:et; mes- oornicor, I. t.lep. (cor11ix)1 to caw lil.:t a cror,
11oria, C1e. Pers.
oorbita -ae, f'. a 1low-saili11g merclla11t ~l. r.
oorniciUa -al', (dim. or cornlx), ll littk
Cic. · · crow, Hor.
oorbiila -ae, f. (dim. of corbiii), a little basktt, COnlifliU&rfWI ·II, •n. (cornicuium), a aoldin
Plaut. 1rho lu:ui bn11 ]'re.stnftd with /lie coruiculum, ""
ooroiilum -i, n. (dim. or cor), a little htlllrt, adJ11tu11t, 8uet.
used as n term or endearment, Pla.11t. 1. oornlot.lum -i, n. (di111. or comu), 1, A
little lwril, Plin.; 2, ari or1M1nw1't on IN 11.tlrrvl
Coro:fra -ae, f. (Kcip1eupa), Corrym, an ialan1l !Jil't.n
(1l tli.t Ionian Sea, identified witb the Homeric
to drsad ng 1otdicr$, Lh·.
Scberia, the home of Alcinous, now Corfu; 2. Conllcillum -i, n. n tcu,,, '" l.4tiu111..
iumu adj., Corojraeua -a -um, Corcynuicm; Adj., CoruloiUi.nna -a -um, Cor11 ic11lmi.
borU, the garden.a of .Alcino11..s, Mart.. oondger -g~ra (cornu end (lero).
oord.&ti, adv. (cordatas), wilely, prudcMlly, horned, Cic. Bubst., comlgera -orum, n.
Plant. horned cal.Ile, Pli o.
oord&tu -a ·Um (cor), pnufent, sagru:io11.s, oorDlpi9 ·J>Mia (cornn uid pea). lum&-fogled,
wilt, Sen. loo/ed; equi, Verg.
eordaJ[ -dicll (1e0p6al), a licenti01tl 001\CC, oornbl: ·ici111 r. (root COR, whenee 1eo,.;...,,
Petr.; transf'. or the trochaic rhythm, Cle. corvu11, curvua, crooktd~ tlu cro11.1; na.tura cervia
oord~um -Ii, n. (cor and dol,.o), Arortacli.t, et eornicibus diuturoem, Cic. ; gar.
Plaut. rnla, Ov.; annosa, llor.; prov., cornicum oculoe
Cordiiba -11e, f'. n tou•n in lli.sJ><mia ]kl(tka, coufigt're, and ellipt., qui ce>rnici. ocululll, ut
now Cordoru. A.llj., Cordiibonala -e. t.licitur, ~1 dutirt th' .<11g11rkliu, Cic.
oordyJa, f. («o~liA'I), the fr'll of tlie humy conau ·ils and (rarcl)') -n. n. (•cpa~). L Lil.,
µA, Mart. 1, the lwrn of anirnal&, or the bull, ram, ~t.
11tag, etc., Cic. ; Cr.rnu Copiee (Coniuco1tia), tAI
Oorfinlum ·II. n. n town of Uie Ptlig11i in hnrn of tM goot .A.n111/t~a. the •ign q/ pltH.ty,
Smnni11m. Adj., Corfinleaala -P, Corfi11itrn. Hor.; corlll&, poet. for atrrnglA, ro11 m9f'; t.ollne
C6rt.aDa -M', r. (Kap...... ), 1, a Grttk J"Offt.a nf cornua in aliqnrm, Hor.; conma sumcre, !Jni"
TaWl!l"l'fl, ro11l•Mpomry ti.•ith Pindar; 2, the ('()U"19f', Ov.; 2, &, or thin..... of 11imilar mau-rial,
/tlgned 1wmt of Uri.Al"• miltrt•s. 4 hoof, Verg.; a btak of a bird, Ov.; b, of lhin!PI
COrtntbne -1, f. (Kop•.,,of), Cnri11t1t, ri city of ruemhling a horu in shape, the rltplta•f• ttcil.:,
r.rm:1. nn t/1t bthm111 of Cori11t!t. llcnee, A. V11rr.; o, or U1in1t1J made of horn, a bo1C, \"erg.;
Aolj., Cirtnthlua -a -11111, Corinthi111'; at11, a a large f1llTWd tn'mpd, or hor1t, Cic.; a laNlrr1t,
mi.url nvtul '1' gold, sil1•tr, n11d CbJ'Tlf'r, gN11tly Plaut.; "" ofl cr11rt, Hor.; ti fu11iul, Ye11:. D.
prizetl \Jy I he ancie11hs, Cir.; vn11&, HU(>ellPx, tnlldt Tr1111sf., A. The horn H the point or f'Ud of
of Cori 11thian. bra.w, Cic.; anti alr~ol., Cirtn- a11ythi11i;, the top of the helrntl, \"cri;.; tlte t111/1
t.bla -orum, n. (<. Vil!l&), Cic. B. COrtnth- nf th~ aull-y<1rd1, \"trg. ; thr tn<h of 11.e ~lo.ff""'""'
U!hich pa.rchffltnl1 wrc rolled, 0\".; IAt 1ionu Cl/
li.rlua -Ii, 111. a" cwti}.«r i" Cori1dhilrn bm4, till '"°°"• Cle.; Utt arm of ll rirer, OY. ; tilt t"4
11 nk!--na111.t nf .Avgvd1u, Suet. C. Cirtnth- of a prvmim.tnry, I.iv ..; tlu rorner or rrtrnllUy o/
11.ou.a -& -um, Corh&lhian. D. Cirbdhl- a c.-indry, Liv.; LIM 'IC(ng q/ 4n army, de:a:tnm.
8DQ19 -e, Corint.Uan.. 11i.ut11tturn, Ca.a. B. ci vrovt4 lilu a Aora, •
cirl6U -Orum, m. a tO'llln of tlv Yolld (ll large toarl CAc Mad, Hor. (acc. canium, OT.).
Cor 139 cor
Conlic0pla -ae, "· comu 2 7 t11~ "bo<ly prilitic;" tot um corpus reipul•licae,
cornum -i, 11. (cornns), 1, the f, of tM Ctc.; 3, any u·lwle, coll.ectton, nwn: a, or mili·
(l}r~a. \'erg. ; 2, tlie wood of the rorntl-tru; tarr work11, C:i~·s.; b, nC the worl<l, uuiverKi·
m~ton. a l}J'at ina•u of corrul-wof)(f, Ov. lat1!1 corp•1s, C1c. ; c, of a book, corpus omni•
cornns ·i, an•l -n .. , f. (cornu), lit. the 1wr~ jurta Romani, Liv. ; d, a collulio1& of J>'Tll0111:
lrrc; 1, IM rortrtl-fru (corn us 111:H1cula, Linn.), (a) of the t1t11tl', eiu~<lem corpolis, Liv. ; corpus
'" call~·l from the lou:~h11css o( its wood; 2, polilio•l nullnm ci,·it.1li>1, Liv.; {fl) of a COT!'Orutinn, 11
th ~ of the oornel-tru au<.l mcton. a jruoelin u .. io11, Liv.
"'111!t of l'ltrkl-W<><od, Ov. corpusculum ·I, n. (tllm. of corpug), a littZ.
corntit1J.9 -a -um (cornu), hornt!d: ave•, Ov. body, r,•11 J.Pt>c/e, atom, Cic.
Corolla •lie, f. (llllll. Of corona), a little CTl)Wll, corrado -ribi -rfutum, 3. (com Rn•l ra<lo),
Cat. lo &:ra1~ or ml.-i lOiJtlhtr. A. Lit., Luer. B.
COroebua -1, m. cs Pllrygian, BOn of Jlygdon. Transf. lo scm1-t tcyether inon(y, Pl.tut.
cirolliUium -II, n. (rorolla), originally, a amtndm~11l; correct•o ·oni~, f. (corrigo), l~ lmprnrenumt,
fllrlalkl v/ /! 1nctr1, then, a gurlmu.t of giit or sil· corrC'ctio t•hiloMJ(>hi&e v"tc1 i>1 et.
rirtd jlown1 girt" a11uy to w:l·11·s, "tc., \"nrr.;
e111e111latio, Cic. ; 2, in rl1et., a Jiyll.•·e of spuch, i1'
Lenee. a prurnl, d"1U;lmr, gratuity, Cic. ll"hich a1t e.:t1•rt;sion t1lrw.d9 u.s<d is reJ>luced by 11
sl1ungu 01u: (Gr. (r.avopilwo-1~), Cle.
c0r0na -ae, r. (.:op.;,Vl'!). L Lit. a wre11t11,
corrector -Dris, 111. (c•1rrigo), '11' imprortr,
g;ula,al, cJ1_apltt1 crow11, Ck; cast rc11sis, triumph·
&113, uavalt~, c1viCJt, 0U..i<l1onali<, 11111r.ilis, uav· a111£11d.r, cvrrtctvr; corr.·ctur utque emen•lator
111!, Cic.; sub corona vt>11dcre, '" s-:ll into olaury
11ostrae civitatis, Cic.; em~ndator et corr~ctiir
prllOAtfl 1J/ tLUr wl10 wore cliapl.,ts, Cic.; also, nostH, Cic.
•ubeor.. 11a \'e11ire, Liv.; regni c .. r .. 11a, a diadtm, correpo -rersi -reptum, 3. (com anti repo),
\'er,:. II. T1ani1r., 1, a C111tsldlolion. the north· to crrep or craw tl)(;tlhu, w 1li1tk Cn: in oncl1\·
,,,,_ cro1•;·11, Cic.; 2, a ciri:lt, "-'M°m/,/y nf men, riam (navem), Cie.; quoi 11on cor1 .. 1'1111t mem·
Cu:.; m1ht. t.t. '1u btsit~,., of a cit•1; (urlit-111) ltra 1iavon·, wliost limbl cfu not 1hrfol; 10ith
e> 1rnna d11gere, to invut, Q\es.; or, tht dt tndtrs ftar f Luer.
"( A eity, or plau; corona \·allurn delenllere, correpte. a1lv. wilh compar. (co1Tt>ptua,
LIY.; 3, lht halo round tlte n111, Seu. from ronipii>), 6hortly; correptiu.:i exit syllaba,
cirin&rlus -a -mn (coror:a). rtl<•ting to a Ov.
f'Jrlll~./, Pliu. ; auru111, ori;;hiall~-, the gol<lm corrideo, 2. (com an<l rideo), to laugll. together,
lauyh lvudly, Luer.
:r!JIM! Yl<I l1y the p·roi·i11cts lo 11 z·ict'l.-io1'111rnaal,
an~rnar•ls changeJ to a sum of mo11ey, Cic. corrigia ·Re, r. a Bhot-llring, boot·lact, Cic.
Corone -f~, f. (Kop..'.n.-11), a tow•1 in Me$senia. corrlgo -rexl -rectum (com nn<t rego), to mak4
.~·IJ., COronaeus -a -um, <.:oronMan. 1traight, reduce to orcltr, set riglot. L Gen. lode
COronea -aP, r. (Kop.;,vua.), a tr1w11 rn Botolla. aegre cursu111, Liv. IL a, w correct, improi't,
A~j., COri>naeua -n -um, Coro11llttu. amrn1l; 1•1aele1 ila magi11 reprehen<ll possunt
qu.1111 con 1,,i, Liv.; nwres, Cic. ; alicuius sen·
COroneua ·l!i, 111. 1,;ing in Phl)('is, father o/ tentiam, Cic ; uon 111000 super iores &t•d etia111
11e ipse corrcxerat, Cic.; b, ol writing, to correct;
COronis .J.lf'4, f. (Kopwvi~), claughl'r nf Phleg- ens eplstolas cg" ol'ortet persvicia111, corrigam,
~v, ;.u.:ltu of At~laphs; lience COronides Cic.; lau1latio11em Porcl;ie tilJi cvrrecta1u 111!11i,
·ov, rn. Aaculai•iU$. Cic.
corono, 1. (cvrona). L Lit. to wrmt11t, crown oorrlplo -rlt•lli -reptum, 3. (com and rapio).
t'•I~ n 'J(lr/a1U.i; aras, P1op.; p11ppi111, ov. ;crat- L to 1cize violelltly, /011 hold of, lal:e up. A. Lit.,
Ha, \'rri. ; lk'qnel •'\II t11r epulae, q 11a~ inih:mt pro- ho111ine111 corripi j11ssit, Ck.; arcumque manu
J·ll''l'll cn1011ati, Cic.; quis 111.1g11a cor•11111ri con· celerextpie sagitt;i,:, \'t·ri;.; 11e conipere, lo haste1'
t•JJ1r11t Oly1111•ia, to b'- crow11td a~ co11q•1uor ot alNJI, \erg.; corpus cnrripere, to w1rt up, Verg.
L'<i IJ'!rmpic· JarM!I, Hor. IL Transf. to surro11nd, B. Transl'., a, to pluntler, c.arry off: fH'CUniam,
•oc/.:;<;. ir< th-. form of a cirrlt; roru11nnt myrteta Cic.; b, to a<:ni'll', lwfog ro triill; statim corrfpit
>~111mum IJcum, 0\".; orunem nlJitum custo<le, reum, '1 uc.; c, Iv /,lame, u/,11/.e: cousules, Liv. ;
\el')!. vnce 111:1gi~tri corripi, Hor.; d, or llis«a~e, etc.
corporalls -e (corpus), relating to the body, to attack; nee si11g11la morui corpor.i CMripiunt,
eor1"1,11t1l, ~n. \'e1g.; e, of tloe pns'i"ns, to Ot't'rcome; visae
~rius -a -um (rorpus), 1, rtlating to the corr.. ptus im~gi11e
formae, 0\'• IL to gathtr
ln-1~, rnr1'°'"''1; ii le corporcns (lgnis), Cic.; 2 tO']ttlier; 1, of motion, to hasum: tarda necess-
~·~~. ro1~isli•1g ojflt·h; hnmerus, Ov. • ita'i tcli C<J1 ripuit grad um, Hor.; viam, to
ha;len orer, \"l'rg.; ca111pu111, Vi·rg.; 2, of time,
_corp6ro, l. (corpus), fo form into a body, pro· to shorten; 11u111i11a corri1•iant 111ora11, 0\-.
t;Jt 11:dl1 a Indy; mundtts corporatus, Cic.
corpulentla. -ae, f. (corpulentull), jatneu, stre1111tlt•n, corrobOro, I. {com and roboro). A. Lit. to
INJ!U/tnct, Plin.
i1<rigorate; se corrobornre, to gai1'
st1r11yth; q11111n is se co1Tulo<1rn\ isset et ,.ir Inter
corpUJ.entus ·a -11111, a<li. with compar. 'ir"s cs,et, Cic. B. Tr;:insf., conjurntionem non
(Cllrpus),/at, &taut, corpulmt, Plaut. credeudo corrol>orare, Cic.
co_rpus ·~riA, n. (root con, as In cortex). corrodo -rosi -rosum, s. (com nnd rodo), to
L L1L A. Gen. 1, a body, 1Uh,<lance (opp. nul· gnaiv awt1y; Plato11is Politiam nuper apud me
Illa•, anima), the bodyo/mtr1. and animal.s; animl mures cnrrosen111t., Cic.
v"l.uptate.'I et dolor~s 11asci e corporil•US rnl11p-
tat1Lus_et 1!0!01·il1us, Cic.; hence, a ptr.so1&; de· corriSgo. 1. {com and rogo), to br£ng fl)gtther,
!<!tta nrmn corptJra, \'erg. ; unum vile atque
collect by l1~ggi11u; nummulos de ne}'otnm donl:s,
Cic.; auxilfa ab snl'iis, Liv.
1or~n:e corJ'US, Liv.; 2, a lifclr.<~ ~ubsta•1CI', mm~:
individua corpora, the atmiu, Cic. B. J-:qp, 1, corrugo, 1. (com anot rugo) to torin/;le up: ne
Jal; oasa su\ljecta. cor1•ori, Cic. ; corp11" umit· sortliila mappa corruget narcs, mal.:e 11ou tu,,.
tere, &o lo:it ,/U$h, Cic. ; al.Ii it corpus411e ("nlorqu,., up yf'IUr nose in disg11sl, llor.
OT,; 2,. a torplll!, Caes. ; poet. of I/it souls of the corrumpo ·rflpi -ruptum, S. L lo iUstT'01/,
elm, '\erg.; 3, the trunk, Ov. II. Transr. any annihilau; sna frumenta corrumioere et aedi·
"4oltliktabod11; 1, thtji-amt?c.wl.: o/ashfp, Cnes.; flcla ln~ndere, Caes.; "lnens ignl et lapldibus,
cor 140 Cot
8alL ; ru r111nlllare1, Sall. ; llbertatcm, Tac. ; fulgura, Lncr. ; aol, Verg. ; Juvenea auro CIOl"lllld.
multo dolore c11rrupta voluptu, Hor. U. to Verg.
•poi I, mar, lftakt it-orst, <UttrV>ratt; a, ph)'lli· I. oonua -1, m. (irOo.t). a ratrotll, Cle.; pro•..
cally, conclnsa aqua facile corrumpitur, Cic.; In cruce corvos puccre, to bt /"""1 /or Ile cro-.
Cerea corrurt.a 11ndi!1, cnrn apoUtd by lfM.·loollr, lo lit cn1cijkd, Hor.
Veil. ; of ar11111alK 1m•l rne11, to 1orokn1: corrupti 2. Col'VU9 -1, m. a nrna'IM! oj a /amilr of iM
equi macie, Cae11. ; b, or pronu11C'iatio11, to Cllr· gens Valeria, Cic.
f"ltp(; nomc11 Mrnm pa11latirn Lihye11 corrupere,
barbari li11~ua Mauro· pro 'Mc<li11 appt"llanks, CirfbU -lianth1, m. (KO,WtJ2(), gen. in 1•h1r.,
Sall.; c, of writinw1, etc., It> f11l1i/v; tal.111lu puh- C6rfbante9 -lu111, tn. priut.. <,/ t:g~. Adj.,
Jie&11 municipii manu "11a corru1111lf're, Ck.: d, C6rjbantlWI ·& ·Utn, Co1"¥l.w.mtiaii.
morally, to wrrupt; ruoreii civitatis, Cle. ; hniltK COrjoldea, nympbae, (K...,uc£'5,d, fl4-.glkr
nrhiR Jura et exl'mpla corrumpere, Cic. ; milite11 of I'lisf111.
eoluto im.,erfo licentia at<1ue lasd\·iacorruperal, 1. COrfolwa -a -um (Kwpu••«>J), ~lcft¢11.g •
Sall.; corrurnJW're ali<tueru 1ot,-c1111il, to bribe, Cic. the Corydau .-ara °" J.lou nt J>anw.uUI.
oorriio -rQI, 3. (com imd ruo). L lntram1it., 2. Cirfolua -a -um, v. Corycoa, 1.
lo •faU to tilt gr(111.Jlld, fall, 1i1ik dow11. A.
Lit., a, corruerunt aetle8, Cic.; conclave illud I. COrfooeor•Wl-1, f. (KcJpu.. ~). l, "- "'"•""
proxima nod-i corruit, Cic. ; b, or person&, paenl' lain ond ril.V of Ciliri«, a:[,hmted frw a mrv ind
tile tiruore, ego ri11u corrui, Crc.; up., to fall i11 th.t. rnltii'llli11n of f/11./ron.; he11.-e ::.•IJ., COrj-
boUk; ubl Yero corruit telis ohrutuit, Liv. B. olua -a -um, Corycian: crocum, Hor.: ~n .. s:,
Tram1f., ilia plaga pestlfera qua Lacedaemoni- t..:ilicia11, \'erg.; 2, a pro11t0nlo1"¥ 011L the OOllM oJ
orum opes corruerunt, Cle. : or pe~o1111, to bt Ionia.
ruiMd: al uno meo fato et tu et omnes mei 2. oirfcraa -I, m. (ir..Jpw~). n. Mrvl-ba!] i1t tlu
corruistls, Cic. D. TranKit., to throw dotcll, palautm., which the athutu strvck Ill n·ttr-iM tli,jr
owrthrow: hanc rerum 1111mm11m, Luer. stre11uth.; Ilg., corycWI laterum ct. vocii> mt'IMI,
oorrupli, adv. with compar. and super!. Belltia, Cic.
(corruptus), corruptly, illCOrrt.ctly: neque de- o6rflitum -1, n. (corylus), a lwul CfIT*, Ov.
pravate judicare neque corrupte, Cic. o6rfl'W1 -1, f. (* «0,vAClf), a 1'aztl trtt, Vcrg.,
oorruptila -ae, f, (corruptua), tM m«11U q/ Ov.
eorruptwn, CJOT1'1'ption, bribuv, 1<1duction.; mores ~butSr -f'lra ·f'lrum (corymbWl and
hac dulcedlne corrupt.elaque depravati, Cic. ; rero), carrying lnrncll.u of Cvr btrria, cpithei. of
pecunl08i rei corrupt.clam Judlcll molientes, Cic. Bacchus, ov.
oornaptlo -6nls, f. (corrumpo), corruption, o61'J'Dlbua ·I, m. (K0puµ~). n. b1u1cA oJ
a corruptu'g; corport., Cic.; opinionum, Cic. /WVJCT• or fruit, esp. a cl'IUUT of itr11 lwrri.ta, Ve~
OOIT'llptor -~ris, m. (corrumpo), a corrup- omifuhaeua -1, m. (.-oP"'f>«iOf), t1w knMr,
kr, ltd11Ur, brfbtr: juventutia, CiiC. ; tribu11, cAief, Mad : Epicureorum Zeno, Cic.
&nbtr, Cle.; exercitua, Liv.
oorruptrbE ·leis, f. (fem. or corruptor), °"'
CUft,hu ·I (KO,ulOf), l f. a
Etniria, afterwards Cort<ma; !t,
m. tM lfgt11.-
fAGI CMM&pta or ltd-; attrib. = corrupting; darr /01&ndt.r of Corrth1.
tam corruptrice provincii, Cle. oOrjtu -1, m. ('Y'Upvnk), a q11£111W, Verg.
oorruptua ·a ·Um, p. adj. with compar. and 1. o0a. C()tla, f. anr Aard, jlilllYt ~ Ci~;
1nperl. (corrumpo), sJJOiW, damaged, cor"'pUd, esp. a wMtllone, grindMO?U, Hor., Cic.
Mr'7'1CpC. L Lit., phy11icAlly, honleum, Caes.
U. Transl., morally, civltu, Sall.; judicia, Cle.;
2. co-. v. Coos.
C-. (eo.&) -ae, t. (KO-a) and eci. . .
adnlescentulua, Ole.
aora = cohora (q.v.).
·irnm, f. (KOO'va&), 1, a '°'°"ii. EtMiria.. Adj.,
Ciei.Da -a -um, Colan.; 2, a"'""' in 1.trcartia.
Conloa ..-e, f, tJu Lrlttn.d o/ CA1mca £" tM ooemi&ie -ae, m. (KOO'µij-r1K), tJu sltit~ torlio
JftditnraMG1' StJa. Adj., Co1'811.8 -a -um, and Aad charge q/ Ail "'Lrera1'1 wardrobe a1'd toiut,
eor.loa -a -um, Cor1ican.. Juv.
oonez -tlcla, m. and f. bark, rin.d, altdl: coamlON -<Sn (irocrµ&«6'-), btlongift9 Co t1w
&, the barko/tniu: obducuntur Jibro aut cortice world. Su bat., ll citi.u. of tJw tturld, Mart.
trunci (liber =- tJu '"""bark), Cle.; b, cap., lM
llark of tM cork trtJt, cork, Hor.: prov., nare 11ine
Coujra (~jra) and eo.iira cc&a-
iira) -ae, f. (KOO'O'Vpa), a gmall &.land btllOf'JNl
cortlce, to mm Vlithout corkl, I.e., to nud no Sicily and A,fri.oo, uow Panlalaria.
GMiata.l&CI!, Hor.; levior cortlce, Hor. ootRa ·&e, I. 1, a rib, Verg.: 2, a side; aeni,
oortiDa -ae, f. l a rot1nd ktttk or caldron., ~~ .
Plaut. ; e11p. Urt caldron-s/taptd Dtlphic tripod; ooatum -1, n. (.:00'~),
an talltr11 ar"Mllti<:
eortina Phoehi, tilt on.u:lt of .Apollo, Verg.; 2,
plant, employed In the prepe.ration of unguents,
a•ftlin.g in. tJu sha~ of a caldnm, a ciTcl.e q/
Mor-era, Tac. C6eiira and Citljra Coir;i;yra (q. v.). =
Col10na -ae. t. (K0pTWN), Cortona, a town• ·& -u.n (cothurnus), pro,•idt.d
Etniria. Adj., CortOnenata -e, Qf or btlong· with a b1Uki11., hi:nce 1Ublim.t, tragic; de:ie, Ov.
Jng to Cort<ma. c0thurnU8 -1, m. («o8opl'O<). L 11 largt l&ut-
cNniila corylua (q.v ). ing boot, rtacliing to tilt ro.lf, and lared up tlae
oinul caurus (q. v.). front, Verg. IL tM thi•*·solrxl boot wor" by
tragic actora. A. Lit., cothumu11 tra.a.:io'Js, Hor.;
cOl'lUIOO, 1. (connected with 1ropvvv1rt). L to
cothurnu11 major, minor, .Cic. B. 'frB.lli.f., a,
hit tuilA UM horn•, Cle. II. ~ Transit., to
trogwfy, HM. ; b, a tmgic, elevated «rw; sol&
flW1'll qvictlr, Make; tel um, Verg.; ot snakes
linguu, Ov. B. Jntranait., &, coruseant (npea)Sophocleo tua carmlna digna ::othumo, Verg.
ootldiallua, ooUdle quotidianua, etc.
pennl1,}l.tkr, Verg.; coroacat ables, Jnv. ; b, to
a\Civ, }ad. glUUr; apea fulgore coroscant,
Verg. CitmaiSua, v. Cydona
~ -a -um (ooru1ro), 1, 1Aakln.g, Cotta -ae, m. ci ~ of ca ~Alt fiaaar
~"'1: 1Uvae, Vef'I. ; a.
fknftdng, fta, ; gens Aurelia..
cot 141 ere
oot~bu• -1, m. (•om1,80<), a ga~ playtd by Trnnsf., I, Cl1l oil-crutt, \'erg.; 2, t1te craln- of•
1.\m.c""'.I h«lw~ of wiue iulrJ a brazen basin: t.VJlcano, Luer., or a i·o/canic jl"'1rt i" thl eartA.,
1.~11· ... from the similarity of soun<l, tht cradc of Ov. ; 3, a cnn.1t'1!11ti-On., tht C1tp, Ov.
a K"l>i,., Plaut. CrAteru.s ·i, m. (KpanpO..), I a Qt~ of
co~a (cotOna. coctOna, .Akxarulu the Great.; 2, a £cfrbrattd pln;;icia11 in.
-Orum, n. \«cina ..... ), a kilid of I'm.all Syrian jig, the time of Ci~ro; appellat. = a i.kilU:d phy.:1i--
JU\'. eian, Hor.
Co1ttlna -Ti, m. ?1amt' nf t>v ki111Js of tu,-o T.i,,1,. CratLls -tlildis, m. (Kp48,~). a riNT mar
ria~ pV>f'lU i•l tJu C<Ati1i11. .1111s, so c:illed afrcr Thurii, /,,:/IJ)UI~ l.ucania and Bruuiu1"• uow
tht-m. .Adj., Cottli.nus -a -um, Cral.i.
cOttiJa or COtjla -ac, f. (KuTvA11), a 7M.WUTt CrAtinua -i, m. (Kpui"°~), an .AtAt1tia1'
of ~1~!1. ha.l,/ a satar•us, l\Ia1·t, comic pott, conttmporary of .A.rl.iitopl1a11U.
cOturnix ·leis, r. a quaU, Ov. Cratlppus ·I, m. (K,,O.rnnr<K), a pmpa.Ut~
C6tfa -tyis, acc. ·tyn, voe. -tj', abl. tye, m. philosoph~r "! .A.the718, teacher of Cicero I w11.
(Kofll(), 1, 11ame of ur:eral 1'hracian 1:.rinU&; cratl.s -i11. A. Lit. a frame or 00.skd 'IJUUk of
2, of JtitltrW11l<S, pri11u of the Bospcmu. hurdli!s; also, a harrow, Ver;.; mllit.. t.t, fas·
COtyttO -us, r. {Korvu..;), tlie godcleu of tlll- cirus, Caes. ; f4Ub crate necari, an old 11Vthod o/
cnpi l:l p1rn i~h nunt, by whicli tht accu~d trrrt
cJ,,a,srit!I, <ITiginu.lly wo• ahip~l ill Thrace, aft~· p/11c~d uru:ltr a hurdlt, and pru~~il to dt.ith u-. fh
irord~ in .At.Mua a'lld Ct>rinth <ll•o. C6tytUa qrtu.t sloM~, Liv. B. Transf., favorum, 1ro .. r11·
.Oru111, D. t},e fcJlit-al of (),tytto, ll••r. comb, Verg.; spiDae, tht joints of the hflckbo111;
cOvJnarfUS a111) COvinlli.J'[US ·li, ln, Ollt Ov.
clw.fifJAU/rom. a war clt.a1·io1, J.1c:. crei.tlo ·(>Dis, r. (creo), chnire, election, u1a~is-
cOvinua (wvin1111~>. i., m. (a· Celtic word), tratu11111, Cic. -
creator -Oris, m. {creo), the crrator, maker,
1, cA.e 1mr-r.hariol of the a11ci1mt J1ril1J11s and Btl-
giaiu, Luc. ; 2, a trai-.:1/illq-chariut, }fart. /O'Ultdtr: huius urbis Ro111i1las creator, Cic.;
oOJt& ·ae, f. the hip·bone, Pli11. fathtr, Ov.
cozeuclbc -[cis, !. {coxa), tht hip, the hip- crii.trtx .fcls, r. (creatl)r), she who 11ri119s
bout, Phu. fort Ii or pi odua&, a mother; natura rerum, Luer.;
diva, Verg.
Crabra or Aqua Crabra, 4 mall river creber ·hnl ·hrum, adj. with compar. and
lltlV "fWC'UJ1'~.
erabro -on!,., m. a hornet, Verg.
SUJtt!l'l. (root CRE, whence ('l'ffi, cresco). L or
Sl'ace, thick, cro!Dded l09ttltrr, close, pru•td to.
CrAgua ·i., m. (Kp.iyO(), a ;prOTllontory Of gtther; a, crebcrrima aediOcia, Ca~.; ('l°el•errima
Lyeia.. gnrndo, Liv.; crehli lgnes, Sall. ; b, thick with,
crambi -&, t. (Kpa!£1>11), cabba9e, Plln.; fnll of; with itbl., crelier arundmil111s lac11~, Ov.;
emube repetita, cold cab/,aga wanMd up, I.e. qui (Thucy1lides), it& creber e>1t rerum !requentli,
ltaU rrpelilioru, Juv. Cic. IL or tune, rtpta.Ud, nu111eroua, Jrtqunat;
Crinon (Cran.non) .finis, f. (Kp11....;.11, or a, crehnt inter se colloquia liaLere, Caes.; crebri
ktu!I, Verg.; creberrimus sermo, Ck; b, creber
~ ..,, a town ill Th,.uily. AJj. Cruon-
pulsat, ht bt.al8 rtpeat.edly, v.. rg.; Africus creber
lu (~... o~) -a -u111, Cranon£an. procellis, aboundi1ig in, Vtrg.; In scril.iendo
Crantor -Oris. m. L Myth., the armt»1r- multo essem crebricr quam tu, Cic.
llturtr of l'~ll.·u. D. Hist., a phil•1sophcr 1if tht crebre8CO (crfbf>sco), ·'lirtli ( -blU), 3. {creber),
old Academy. to k.comt frtqutnl, inert.alt, gather strtmplA, G•
CraDi.l -orum, m. a Cown on the isl.and of und; i;editio 1'relirel!Cenll, Tac.; horror, Veflt. i
f:.ri•/iJ1/lrnia. cret.rescuot optntae aurae, Ver{;.; crelirescit viv·
cripdla ·3e, f. ( intozicufion, 1·re AKT11'pa111, the re}J<fTi u •yreaa "'1road &,
dniri(v111•:il, drunl:en NV!il; crapulam ctlor111ire etc., 'f.1c.
tt exhalare, Cic. crebrltae -lti~. f. (creher), thickna:J, cloS#>o
eras. auv., I, tn.morTow; 1c.ies igitur forta.'ise nu.t, fuqutncy; seotentiarum, Cle. ; offtciorum,
era.~, (;ic.; tilll•~t., ems istud, qua111Jo veuit, CIC.
~IArt.; 2, in th" /ILl.vrt; quod sit futurum cr-Js, crebro. adv., with compar. crebrina and
fuge q11aerere, Hor. super!. crel •errime (crelier), nptaltdly, frtqUtfllly,
craase, adv., with compar. (crassu11), gr<ml11,vn-y ofltn.; ad &lil1uem creurius litkras mitten:,
Ck. ; crehro respiet!re Homam, Ov.
,,.,l,IJ, rou.')l.i!I; craa~e compositum poema. Hor.
craaaitUdO ·IDi~. f. (c•ra.;sus), thiclmeu; par!· credibilla -e, adj. with compAr. (crtdo),
ttu1u, Ck.i. ; aerLo;, .U11.11ity, Cic. t:rtdibl,, wvrtliy of /Mlitf; narration~ Cfeflihlles
sint, Cic.; cn·<lilolle est (tit, ,.i.fPtur), foilowt'd
L craaaue .,.. -um, thick, dnue, 110lill. A. by acc. and lnlin., it.a tit c1·ed 1 ·., deorum et ho·
Lit., uui;, Hor.; aer, mi~ty, Crc.; fl I urn, ruinurn causa factum u111ui.Jum, Cic.; vis
C1c.; Yi:.;a, coaT.s.!·grairv>o/, u .. r.; a;.:t:r, )ru.•lfu.J,
creJibile bt, Hor.
Cir. B. Tran~r.. Orclh~ ru~ticus cmssa .Mm·
nva_ 1.f ~'1l·1d enmmo11 se1ist, Hor.; t•irlia, rude, cred.Ibllfter, adv. with com par. (credlbili11).
'luu:wl:1rute·I, ~lart. • crtdiMy, Cle.
2. Craaaue -I, m. name of a family o/ the creditor ·6rls, Ill. (credo), a credit-w; ta!Jo
gfu lki111a (q. v.). nlae crt·dotoris, Cic.; fraudare creJitores.
crastl.Dua -a -nm (cra.'1), relating to to-mor- credltum -i; n. {cretio), o loo11, !SAii.
MI<'; di"!f C'm~tiuu!I, Cir.; •lie crastini, to-morrow, credo -d1di ·dlt11111, ~. L lo tML!t; 1. tQ COii•
I.iv. Sul·o;t.., craatlnum ·I, n. the 11wrrow; in jld,, tru~t i11, rely upon, ccmji<frfll'' in: with
crd~tinn111 <lilfi::ITI! aliq11iol, Cle. dat. of person, c~<\ere eorurn neminl. Cic.; with
Cr&ta.ela -lJla, r. (Kp11Tllllf), mothtr o/Sc11lla, dat. of thing, praesenti f·•rtunae DOD crederr,
Liv.; 2, to l.wliti;e, gil'f: i:rtdtnce 141; h11111uct'>ril11111
temere ere.Jens, Cae.a.; ort.en parenthetic, mihi
crater ·i!rls, m. (•panjp) = cratera (q. v.). creile or cre<ie mihi, "'-li.ew mt. take m11 advi.c.t:
Cll'i.&ira -ae. f. . L Lit.., a large bowl '~ veuies, mihi c:re<lt!, exapectatWI, Cic.; with •l1&t.
•lid "''., ~ mU:ul tvit.\ welltr, Cic. IL or
thlDg, fabuh11, Cic.; lacrimis, Ov.; SOllllliia.

ere 142 cri
Cle. : wlU1 de, non credl!i de n•m1ero militmn, .ft11gers, Mart.; pedam, Cle.; dcntium, Cic..:
Cic. IL to trv.,,t, In relation to M111etl1i111<; 1, aeri11, Liv. ; viritlill rnateriae ftagra11ti11, Liv.;
to entnut, rommit, trust MIMlhi 119 to wmt 011~; a, alarmu, Lh'.
am1a militi, Liv.; alicui rea 011111es, <.::ic.; 11t: or•po -ptU -p'ltum, 1. L Jntransit., to crml;,
perliclls hostibm1, Ov. ; aciem ca111po, \"er~.; b, rattle, ru.stle, cracku; <ligiti crc1.a11Us 1igna, a
kl e11tnut to tM /lei.TU:!/ of l<l1M one; alicui arcanuii 3114pping of tM ~'ltfltTS to aill a llrTPllnt'• att"'ti011,
eensus, Verg.; c, to u1id; a\icui vecuniarn, Cic.; Mart.; acuto in murice remi obnixi crepuere,
abeol., kl le11d; cl'e<.lendi mndum coru1tit11l're, cnuhtd, Verg.; crepat in mt'diis lauru!I adusta
Cic.; on.en ID partic. perr., pecunia cre<lita or focts, l'rack:U, Ov. IL Tran1it., a, to au11t to
res, loans, Cle. ; 2, to beliet•e 1ometlli11g; rt.taund, rattle; quum populU!I frequeua laetum
a lo~ convincttl f!f as lr11t; !ere lit.enter ho111-
ir:es id quod \'olunt credunt, Caeii. ; esp. pa.rel!·
theatri:t ter crepuit annum, Hor.; to talk
of, chatter about, pr<1U abol1t: 1111lcos, Hor.; b,
thetic, quod quide1u magis credo, Cic. ; with immuncla ignominiosaque \'crba, Hor. ; post vioa
acc. and infln., CRes., Cic., or relative 11entenl'c, b'f3\'em militiam ant pau1ierie111, Hor.
Hor.; b, t-0 think, to be of tht 011ini1m .: wi_th nee.
and inHn., credo ego vos, Jud1ces, nuran, C1c. ; oripundla -ormn, n. (crepo), child's p/•1·
moesti (cre<leres victos) re<leunt in caittra, yoii thi.11g11, ralllt: naevo aliquo aut crepundlt!I &Ii·
-uld think, Liv.; In pass., with nom aud inHn., quem cogno!lcere, Cic.
pro certo credH.ur necato filio vacuam domum ori1111906Jum ·i, n. (creper), twiligllt. L
BCele!ltiB nuptiis feci1111e, Ball. ; with acc. antl Gell., dubiae crepuscula lucis, Ov. IL Esr.,
i11ft11., quorum n1i111inf'm nisl juvant.e deo tale111 tvm!ng hoilight; lnducunt ollscura crcpnscula
fuiue crooendum est, Cic. ; parenthetic, credo, noctem, Ov.
I btl itw, I think ; male, credo, nu:rcrer de 111ei11 Cria ~ti.11, m., v. 1. Crcta.
oivihu11, 11i, etc., Cic. oreaoo, cn?vi, cretum, 3. (lnchoat. f'rmn rool
·ori4iUI... ·ltl1, f. {credulus), crtdtdUy; CER, whence creo, creare). I. to gro10 11p, •J>ri'Ng
ap. Cic. farlh, ariiw; quaecunque e terra corpora CttS·
oridul:aa ·• -um (credo). A. Act. fH.luvi119 cunt, Luer.; segetes. Ov.; In pai.1
euily, crtxlulMU, con.ftding; aliooi, Verg. ; in partic., eretWJ, 1pn1119 /TOM; morall 11en1ine,
aliqulJ, Ov.; atultus et credulus auditor, Cic. Ov.; Trojano a sanguine, Verg. IL eo grow, i•·
B. Pua. e111Ur belW!vtd, fama, Tac. crti1Ut i'll. rize; 1, a frilges, arbWlt&, auimantd,
Crim¥ra ·ae, m. a ri~r hi Eiruria, mar which Luer. ; in lonjJltuJtnem, Plln.; ut cum lui1a
800 J'abH wen killed. Atlj., Crimire..ala -e. parlter crescant pariterque decrescant, Cie.; J?,
esp. ot boys, to grow up: tot.I alutifer orb!
oremo, 1. to """'· C0718U!M by ftn; a llbroa cresce, puer, Ov; 2, to inerftUC (n. luigAI,
in tonspectu popnll, Liv.; 1't'g&li& tt:cta, <Sv.; b, JmntbtT, etc. ; Roma Interim crescit All•e
•p., o(the burning or the bod.lea of the dead, ntinis, Liv. ; quum Albsou. lacna praet.Pr
Sulla prlmWJ e p:itricli11 Cornel.iis ignl voluit modum crevi!lset, Ck.; Inna crescenJJ, tm.ring,
cremarl, Cfc.; corpus allculm1, Ctc.; c, or sacrl· Cic. : crescit in dies singulos hoiithun numuu11,
ftres, crematos lgni \'ltulos, Ov. Cic.; cresct:ntes morLI, Cic.; creacebat iu t'f.JI
Cremona -ae, r. Crt:TtWna, a town in N. ltalv. ooium, Cic. : a, to gro111 grmt, illCTtllK in ja-.u,
Ad.I CremOD.enaia, -e, of Cremona. 1>0u·tr, etc. ; p:iter per flt! crevisset, Cae11.
Crimolds jugum, a tn0untain nn1ge (11. U.e 1. Crita -ae, r. and Criti -es, r. (Kp.jTll),
Pn&niiu .Alpa.. tM Mtdittrranenn islcmd of Crrte, now Cu11dia;
ori§mor -oris, m. tM t1'icl: fl1ict o0tab1td from henct:, 1, Cria_ -ct is, m., Crdcm; subsL, a Crt·
animal or vegdablt 111.batancu, pidp, crtam, etc., Inn, plur., Cretea -um, m. the Crdan.s; 2,
Ov. Creaea -ac, f. Cmmt; Cre111a nota, of Crtta"
1. oriSo, 1. (root CER, CRE, whence crcsco), chalk, Hor. : lJOs, PnsiplKtt, Prop. ; subst.,
lo \'llR.U, cnoU, produ~. L Gen., a, omnea res AriadM, AtroPf!, 01·. ; 3, Crim- -a ·um.
qwis et creAt natura et tuetur, Cic. ; alicui per- Crrtan; 4, Critaeua ·& ·Um, Creun&; au'hllt..,
lculum, Cic.; b, to btgd n child, Cic.; 1ias.'1. Epi'IM'ltida, Prop.; fi, Crieanu ·I, in. a C""·
partic., creatus with ab!., of father or mother cm ; 6, Crite1Ud8 ·is, enitan: 7, Crit.lom
= da11ghttr or son, Telamone creatus, Ov. II. -a -um, Crtta11 ; sub!lt., Ike 111r11m1u ef Q. MrteUw•
a to i1Ulitutt an offia or 1nagl$trory; tribunlciam from Au con.qu~ of 11t.t Wand; s. CriUa -tldia,
~testatem, Liv.; b, to t~d 11 T1U1giatmu or r. Cretan...
J"'ial; consules, Cie. ; with d~uble acc., Aucum
Xarcium regem populus creav1t, Liv. 2. crita -ae, f. (prop. adj. of 1. Creta),
2.Creo -onis, and Creon -ontis, m. 1.."ing of
Crtlan tarth, chalk, or a I.ind of fidllr'• mrtl,
used for clean»ing gannents, Plaut. ; used allU
Oori11th, who« daughter CrtlUla WWI bttrotlud to for painting the face, Hor. ; for aeals. Cic.
creper -~ra-~rum (Sabine 11·ord connected oritatua -a -um (2. oreta), challatl: fa9cia,
with iu-i4>a.~). dark, obacurt, unartain, Luer. Ci<.'.; tram;f., ambitio, tht canvaasing of tM toll.Uc·
robtd caudidcttu, Prop.
ariplda -ae., f. (irp'lftti(), a sandal, Cle. ; prov.
ne autor ultra crepidam, aJwemaker, stick to your critiua •& -um (2. creta), mac.It of c1alk or
last, Plin. Crttan tarth, Luer.
oripfclatus -a -um(crepida), -.a ring sanclaU, critfo -on is, f. ( cernu), a d«laratiOft of u
Cic. heir w:ct]>ling aii i11htritana. ·
erepido -Inis, r. (.cp'Jll't~). 1, a 00.,t, founda· r.
critUla -ae, (dim. or creta), 1111&a't cla11 for
lion., pr,tlt.stal, Cic.; 2, a quay, pitr, Cle. lft1li11g, Cic.
oriplti.oillum -1, n. (dim. of cre}Jitaculum), Creiiaa ·ae, t. ( Kpiovcra.), 1, davglttr oj
a IUUe rattle, Luer. Crton, king of Cnrint1, 'll!i/t of JaStm; 2, daugltcr
or.Spltioillum -1, n. (crepito),a rattle, Quint. of Priam, 'll)i,/t of At11.«11; 3. a JXW& in Boeotia.
oreplto. I. (freq. of crepo), to raltle,; oribrum ·i, n. (from root CRE, CRI, wbeuce
crackle, nutlt, clatt.r; crepitantia amla, Ov.; also cemo), a aiew, Ck.
lent. crepitans auster, nutlinq, Ve'lt.; multi orimen ·lnls, n. (from root CRE, CRI, Gr.
grandine nhnbi culminlbus crepit.ant, Verg. KPI, whence cerno, 1Cpi .....). L A. Lit., ao:tt•
oripltu• -Ila, m. (crepo), a rattling, crttikitif, twn, cmnplaint, rtproodl., coltc•ny: esae in cria-
,,_.linQ, daltert11g; - dlgltorum, mapping Ult ine, to be ucct'811d, Cic.; dani alicul aliquid. crimbll,
crl 143 cru
Cic..; propulaare, defendere, to rrpd, OD-.fw,te, Cle. Ol'Wu• -a -am (crocus) 1, btlctnf'£fi4 la
B. )(et.on.,"" ob1tct ofrtF!f>OCh; perpetuae crim· ta§ron, 1«/ron; o<lore11, \'erg.; 2,,
en poaurltat.i• eri11. Ov. II. tht /alllt1 uuilt, crirM, ~«kn, ytllou•; ftore1, \"er"'.
cit.\ v:hich a pc1"$01'!. u cJ&,1 rgtd. A. I.It., ha.:c orclolnue ·& ·Um ("pa"•->. 1>;olm1.ging to
cau."I& e11t omni111n hQrum SC<'lerum atque crirn- tl<l.{ron, 1«ffn111-"1/ottrttf, v.-llow; tunlca, Cat.
lnnm. Cic. B. Melon, a.. a11 ob.]tct rtprwnting Sut .. t., orclolnum .f, n. (sc. oleurn), 10..froll·
cs rrirnt; 1•icta.11 l':iele11tia crimlna Ye!ltk!I, 01•.; oil, Prov.
b, cau.•~ of c-rimt; Re cauum clamat crlmenque
caputque rualorurn, \'erg. crc>clo. 4. (...pi.l(w), to ea1D liu a crow, Plaut.
orim.ID.i.tlo ·\1ni!1, r. (··rimlnor), a11. IJ(t"ll."1· cr6c04ilua ·i, Ill. (..po.o!llAOf), a cro.."'O<liu,
tW•i., cul1w111y, chttr~; ilia crlmi11atk> qui in Cic.
Ill<! 11.~ut.1-m u~u" e'.'lt, Cic. crOoit& -al', r. (!!C. ve11ti~. Or. b ...poc..TcX, 11e.
X•Tw ..), u •affrrrn-co/01.1rt1l ru~ U'Ort' b!J 1L'O'IP~11, Vic.
arimlni.tor ·••ris, m. (crlminor), an atctUtr,
cultuu Pl iutor, Tac. crCSootCUa ·&e, r. (Jim. of crocoUi), a liUlr
M§ro11-cnwurtJ. rol.e, Plaut.
crimlnor. l. dep. (criminn, Plaut.; crl·
ruiuor, V'""·, Ck. !) ; l, to acc11u, charyt u ~r:1011 crclou -I, m., cr6cum -1, n. ( ...pO..of. antl
'ltitlt. '' CTir1lt, '" "ilum11iate; 1•atres apuJ "°l'ul- ,.pocov). I. 1111Jfro11, UKt~<I hy the a111'i1!11t.A not
um, Liv.; uihil Hi~tiu111, Cic.; Q. Mete! u111 ouly &.11 a !!pice e.n•I iu mecli.-in .. , J.ut 111 the
&[>ttd 1~•pul11rn flo111an11111 cri1ni11at11s e11t bcllurn pre11aration ofr><•rfumes, 0\'.; l>t't11011ilil'.!, Crocu.,,
du~re. C1c. ; 2, lo cJio.r9~ 1vith, to /11y 101Mthfog a you 11g mw1 chanqtd fll.lo n "1f!ron-j!v1ur, 01·. IL
to the l./u,nt of 5vo&e vltt, to co111puiin of; non Melon., the colour of 1a§nm, 11tllo11-. r erg.
liret omni:i. crimmari, Cic.; contione11 quilm11 CroeaWI -i, m. (Kpo~aof), a 1.i119 of LydMi
quot1tlif' 111earu v<>le11ti&111 invicliose crimina- fizm.JJU< for hi:1 ww.lth; appell =a rich man, Ov.
L&tur, Cic.; with a.c.·. and inlln., me esse gratum Adj., Croeefua -a -unr, qf CroutU.
erimin:iri!!, Cic. ; a b"ol., to rtproadr.; &rgu· CrCSmfon ·0011, r. (Kpo,.,.i..Jr), a villWJt i11
aientanJo crimlnari, Cle. Mtgu ru.
erimlnOlli, a.:lv., with compar. aod super!. crotiJia -urum, n. (cpoTAA1a), an eal"riftg
(cri111i11oaU:i), by 1L'Ulf of a.cwiatio11, rtproachfuUy; consut•119 of ~veral ~ndant pcarll, Pm-a.
qui suspid0otiW1 aut critniuo"ius Jiceret, Cic.
crotM.letrla ·ae, r. a ftmau al\d J>V·
orim.IDO.U. ·• -um (crimPn), rqyroach,ful, /Q~r on tht ccutanetl, Prop.
all1i111n~. lllandtrot''; ille acerbua criminosus
popnlari11 homo ac turbulentua, Cle.; crimlnosum ~Wum -i, n. (<q>O-..l!Ao"), a ca.!tantt, Verg.
nou1e11, Cic.; iambi, Hor.; ('firuinosum eat or Crito (CrotOD) -onlll, c. (Kp0Twv), a iou.."' 01t
bt or ba~tur, blaJMwortliy, Ck. tht mat coast of Bruttium, now Crotont. Hence
CrimlMua (Crimi.sua) -1, m. (Kp•f.•acr~, l, Cr6tOnii.tell ·a.e, m. (Kpo.,.....~~), an in·
Kp&,. •.-.X), a r•vn- iii the llJ'Ulh·~t of Sinly. habitant of Crotona; 2, a<lj., CrOtOnleuta ~
of Crol01l(t..
crin&ll9 -4!, (crinis). nlatlng tc tlit ltair;
l'itta, Ov. SnM, crinile -is, n. a ltafr·band; CrCStapllctes -ae, m. (Kpori....... .,'lf). tht pod
curvum, a dilulem, Ov. Lirltu, gra~n, on tht ~thtr'• ~. o/CT'fltoplu,
king o/ ...frgo1,'0v.
erints ·h, m. (root CER, CRE, whence
<'.. mo, creo, crc11Co). A. tht hair, eAp. o( the cricli.menwm -1, n. (crucio), torture, tor-
hraol, Cic.; crine.1 spar'lli, Liv.; crlnibull p&11sis, ment, Cic.
Liv. B. Transr.• tht tail of a OOJMt, Vag. cricl'.Atus -fi:1, m. (crucio), tort-urt, lor11Unt,
crinitua ·• -um (crini~), prot-idt(l with ltafr, t:r,cutwn; omm'!I animi cn1ciatu11 et corporis,
liair~. -u:ith W"lllJ hair. A. Lit., Apollo, Verg. Cic.; per cruciatum interflcere, Cae.'1.; quin tu
B. Tran~r•• •tella cri11ita, a oomu, Cic. abl in malam pestem malumque crnciatum, go
and ~ hanged, Cic.
crlsplsul~ -antis (eriapus aod auloo),
ltTJ"->thJU, ap. Cac. criiclo. 1. (crux), to tort'Mrt, t<mnut: quum
1·igiliiutque ramecruciaretur, Cic.; allquem, Cic.
czin)o, 1. (cri1pus), 1, to cvrl, c1Vp; capfl.
luu1, PTin. ; 2, to nwvt rapidly 'llp and down, CrUdells ~ (crurh1.11), v'\fo<tlng, UnffUr"Ci/ul,
crutl, foh .. man, hl1rdhrorted; & of persons, crud.
Kwwli.M; h&lltilia. manu, Verg. eli!l!!imus tyranuu~. Cle.; Lepi;/u11 crndelis In lib-
crt.piU1111 ·3 -um (dim. or crispus), c-urly- ~roa, Cic. ; in l;omini>i consularis calamit&te l'!rud·
Aairttl, Cltrly, Mart. el is, Cic.; b, or things, ruuus, Verg.; bellum,
crWp'llll -a -nm, 1, curly, curly· headed, Cic. ; cousilia crudelie!lima, Cic.
2, ill trwtbli ng mot ion, trt11ibling,
P'Uut., T .. r. ; oriidelltu -;\tis, r. (crudelle). cnulty, in·
pirtri11g; latus, \'erg.; !J('cten, Juv. hmoon it11; imp<>rtuna in me crudelitall, Cic.
cr1.sta -aP., f. (connectf'd with creMco, crinis), crfldellt4§r, adv. (enid1>li'I), <T1ttlly, inhu..
1, t>.t ~r~~f a bird, the comb of a co.:k, Juv.; 1111111/11; imperare, Cae11.; alique11.1 crudeU.slme
i, flit ~st or plu~ of a 11t/"tMI, Verg., Liv. interllcere, Cic.
cn.tatna ·a -tim, (crist.a). crcsu.d; a., draco, orudesoe -dtll, 3. to become luml, violtll.t;
Ov.; a\·e!I. cocks, Mart.; b, haL'ing a crt.'it or cruclcst'it morbus, Verg.; 11editio, Tac..
Jilnu; i:;, Liv. criidltae -!tis, r. (crudus), cwrUlading o/tM
Crlthoti -~:i. f. (Kp.11... nj), a town on tht mat $/omach, indigutian, Cic.
COO$f of the 1'hru.cian Chtr!!<Jne3t.
OrUdUll -a ·Ulll (contr. (rom r.ruidus, f'rom
Critiaa -ae, m. (Kp1ria(), OIU of ~ Thirty root CRU, whence cruor), raw. L Lit., 1, not
TlfTalW ut AtluM. prtparrd by fir', uncooktd, raw; exta cruda
crfdcua -1, m. (Kp&T•,..~). a critic, Cle. vlctimae, UY.; 2, not ri1inttd vy Ott run, ainriiv,
poma, Cic.; 3, a., u11cliqe.>ttd; pavo, Juv.: b,
Crlto ·onis, m. (Kpfr•.v), a dilciplcand /rWid suffering from indigestion ; Rosrlu.'I crndi"r l'ntt,
•/Socraus. Cic.; 4, row, not hlalcd: vulnr,ra, OY.; 15, 'Lt.ll-
Cr1'6biilua ·i, m. (Kpu·0,9ov>.Of), a dilciple of l'_Ttpctre<l, ro11gh ; cortice cn1do ba.~ta. Verg.
~ IL Tran!!(., l not rtady, immat1trt, frtah; llel'·
Crlt6Jau -I, m. (Kpmi>.a.«), l, a ptrlpalt& vitium, Tac.; 2,t>iqorcnu, frt•h; 11enectus crud&
~. ~or from Atht11~ tc Romt, viriilis~ue, Verg.; 3 1 ,-ough, cruel; Getae, Ov.;
la& B.c. ; 2. a geMnJl of tM .Achaean lAaglu. ensis, Verg.
cru 1'4
ar6eate. 1. (craentn11). to 9l4b Noocly, to dbltal ·Wla, n. (cubltwn), . . elbolo culCoe.
*'".mt.\ Wood; 111anu• angulne, Nep. ; 11\ad· Hor.
tum, Cic.; ntc.• haec t.e l&t.-erat, baec cruentat o6bltUltl .fl (cuhltnm). of fM lngtA q/ ca
orat.iu, - " " ' · Cle. ftbit; c11\Jitall1 tere can, Liv.
or6entu -& -urn (emor). Moodr. L Gen. a, oAblto, l. (freq. of cubv), to lY t1ow1& ~
alftd toil.\ blood; gutt&e imhrium quui crutin!-881 h ClaCMlOllMd to Ut, Cic.
Cle.; b bloo<l-~d; Ut)rt&, Verg. IL ln a l*1 dbltum -t, n. and oi.bltaa ·I, m. (cubo),
llln1e, b~ &lf'01IO.\ •""~'-. A. Lit., co.,.,..,.J,
"4trud, 1p<>ttul rlt.\ hlood, bloodr; crue11tu• aaug· 1. iM clbo10; t"Uh1to remanere pTeaO, Hor.; I,
ulne ci\"fum Romanorum, l."ic. ; cadaver, Cle.; Cl CllbU, H tU, Cle.
puue1111 Bt-llona crue11t111, i1l tM Wdd.b•f_C)/ blood, dbo -Cl.I ·ltum, 1. 1, ~ to lM dotlm, recHu;
Hor. B. Tra1111r., a, tcll1'1tdfftf; dena1 Hor.; b, In lectlca, Cle.; b, esp. to lwdowmtolUep; cu~
njofd11g ira blood, bloodthirttr, crMl; Ir&, Hor. ltwn lre, lo go to bed, Cic. ; o to ncliu ai ln.1.U;
crmailla ·Ile, r. Cl l«&llamt. pouo\ far"'°""' qund metolnluet quo eorum 'oco quUlque culu.
luet, Cic. ; d, to LUI doum /ro'M illnas, to li~ i•
ca.r.-i"'1 1>11 a stn1p t"OtlrW tM neck. A. Lit., bed ill: rnt..ntem dlsputare de &liqua re. Cle.;
Plaut. B. Tranar., _,,.., ; non delctente crum· ~. &Jlplled to Inanimate ohjecte, partic. e.Jbanl,
.;na, Hor. llop(11g; U1tlca, Hor.
ort.or -tlrl1, m. (root CRU, whenoe alao doallu ·l, m. 11 Mod, 00t0l, Juv.
eru• I u1), tN- hiood wh (c)& jt,ow ftvtr6 a to01' nd,
'°"': cruor lnlmlcl rece11tluln1u1, Cle. ; ftg., dcriilu ·I, m. (irO«cwl). IM Ct&CA:oo, Plaut. ;
tn1'7'lUr, llavgltUr: •TUOr Clnnanua, r.u •ltt1'{1.\Ur • • t.em1 of rei•, Plaut., Hor.
t/ Ci1t114, Cle.; •'&lltu1 a cruore ch11t, Cic.; ad o6o6m.le -m6ria, m. 11 CtCCtClllMr, Verg.
caedem et M'Uonom abiltrahl, Clt"- dourblta -ae, f. l, ca go.rd, l'lln.; 2. ca csp-
oru'D1Mlli.rll -Orum, m. G4"1UA glad~ P"'g·glcau, Juv.
toio /o\;glt '" jvJl C1n11011r, Tac. oUdO, S. lp to beat, J'O'llftd : f'abu, to 4ral i
oriia, cr1lrll1, n. 1, thl lhirt, lhi'fl-boM, lag; prov., i11t.aec in me cudetur faba, I Mall n,ln-
fhulgen• allcul cnu or cnira (of Jlel'llOM crnci- ftn' UIGtl Ter. ; 2, of met&h11, to m•p, lll!at nt,
ftet!). Cle. ; rlglda crura, Ole·. ; 111ccldere crura «K'fl; p umbe1111 nummo1, Plaut.
equo, Liv.; 8, pllll',1 . . . ftl'JJOrll of ca bridgit, Cat. =
ouloulmodl ouju1-cujua-modl, qi Wai
oruata -ae, t 1, ,.. crut, """' dall, !Hsrk kind -wr, Cle.
If Cln y nib.COMl ; oellCl'NCUnt IU bltle curNDtl oiJia -ltle and criiJi.t18 ·I.A (cujua from qui),
ln l!u111i.J1e cnaatae1 CO&ling of MM. Verg.; 2, q/ 10llat OOK7'l"f t w1w11tt r Cic.
-le, ialca(d tcor~ o•
botftng oa rilwr plal., Cle.
'IOGlll, bal-nliq, or ,._ criiJtia -& -um, 1. (cuju1 from qui), 1. lnterras.
pron. to toAom t toAoN f Cttjwn iieoaa f
Ol"Cl8UUam -1, n. (dim. or cruatum), 11 WU. iMole J,oc1' , verg. ; a, relat. pron. 1lllo\olc, la cqja
co.h, Hor. r111 alt, Cic.
orua&um ·I, n. (cnata), ufC.\'-f baW, oilluoimMl (qui, oe, and JUOdua), q/tlllul/,.
Wead, cab, \'erg. lt>tr khw1, Cle.
Cruetttm,rra ..., r. (Kpovrr•~> criiJuadam-DMkU. o/a otrltd" kind. Cle.
(-mirlum -Ii, n., -mlrll ~rum, m. -mlum oiij~ (quia and modua), o/wliat WM r
·II, n.). 4 to1D1' of rM SabirtM, near Ot1 '°11rcu o/ Cle.
tM .AUia. Hent"9 ~ •• 1, CruatiimiDu -a oii.luquimM! (qulaque and modus). ti/
-um, 2, Craatilmlaa ·& -um, of CrvAIUIWria. ewrr 1;(.W, CJc.
onur:, cn1chJ, r. 11 C7"0lf; agere aliquem tn oulolta -ae, f. (calco), ca 9l4Ural, boz.tcr,
crucem, Cle. ; aftlgere &Uquem cruel, I.1v. ; d&- Jrl.llow ; i•lumea, Cle.
trahen ali1111Pm ex CTUCll, Cle.; mlnari allcut criiliua (cull~us) ·I, m. (root CU, whence
crucem, Cic. ; rapere aliquem ln crucemt..Cic. ; cupa) 11 lea~ ltathtt'n Mck, Nep.; aliquen1 ln1u-
abl In 11iala1n crucem, f10 and be Aa.l&Qtd I riaut. ere 111 'culeu111 {the punh1hment of J'&rricidea). Cic.
GITJ>ta .ae, r. (.rpv..,,,), a ftlbUrnanca gal· oilles -lcll, m. G gnat, midge, Hor.
llrif, l'li.U, CT')pl, "roUo, JUY,
or:rstalllDu .. -um (""'1"'~), ~ kUc.U'fl; otUina -ae, f. (contr. from coqulllna), a, "
Hu, Ill.ode o/ C'r!flltal, Plln. Mot.t., oryetal- pi;.li.est.ra tua (phllo110phia) in cullua, a_uea ln
Una ~rum, n. (.c. vaaa), orpCGl m.aa, Juv. est, C1c.; b, met.on., food.. fan.
or7ata1lu ·I, f. and (rarely) m. {apvv• victuall: lfurcna prael>ente dowum, Cavitone
culinau~ Hor•
...U~) (IH't.erod. plnr., cryetalh1). A. Lit., ou.Deu. v. culeua.
~ B. Met.on., a, ca ~.real drinking - l .
)(art.; b, t1t glUin(ng, pttCWIU lloM
'"Cl ring, oulmeu. -lnla, n. (for columen from •cello).
thl top, rummit. L A. Lit., 1, culmen Alpinm,
CtialphOa. ·rhont111, m. (K"t0"4*•), an Caes.; a, tJu ri<lge q/ a roof; culmen tecti, ~Yerg.
..Ctlunaan llt<lt.allUln, frlntd o/ l>tmmtAna, toho B. Tnuisr.t..ft111unit; 11111111111111 culmeu fortunae,
tU/t11dttl Aim 11•htn Cf.CC1Utd by ..ClllCA(nu. Liv. IL roet. = culmu1, Aaulm, Ov.
o6blotU&rfa ~ (cublculum), nlaHng lo 11
O'lllm'Gll ·l, m. (from • cello, like cnlmen), "
elt11J>ill9·roo"'; !Pct1111, Cle. stalk, llaulm, tsp. or grain, Cle.; thlltd~; Bo-
mulf'O recenF bolTt!bat reitl• culmo. Vel'lf,
o6~oiUAriua ·•·nm {cublculnm), btl0ft¢"9 C11.lpa -u. r. JtiuU, error. L U&., 1, euJpa
lo a llNpi 1tg·f'OO'llll. Bu het., o6blciUi.rl118 ·II, delicti, Cle.; &, abL, culp&. br OIN'1 ow. Jo.tilt,
m. tJ challl.ber..etrro7'1, Cle. Cle.; eo mel culpl, tul culpl, etc.; abeaee a
o6bloillum .1, n. (cubo), o ~of"0091o culpa or culpa, Cle.; non abbolTt!l'e •tall culpa,
Wrom111, Cle.
otibile (Ctlho), 1, 4 bed, lllf'. ~ °"
btd; 2, u.. ruting-rlacl of Gllilll4ll lcafr, dn;
Ole.; unl culpam attrlbuere, Cle. ; commlUere
culJiam, Cle. ; dare allcul summam Jaudem Tltio
et culpae, Cle.; t11t culpa mea, Cle.; ut culpa
t<1rarum be..th1rum, Liv.; rtmou en Miia, of tiees, In allquo or In allqna re, Ola. i. _. ID tmlpa.
A(w.a, Vere.; conatntere albl cuhllla nlrloe, Verg.; Cle. ; ntra culpam eue, Ole. ; uberwe allq119JD
lg., tA. _,of a" nCl; ut omnes mortalea ktlu1 culpa, Ola. ; b, praeetare culpam, .., ..a Oft9elJ
avaritJM noo ~.,. ftltlcla, Md IJ* oubWa Ttdere ~ JOr, Ole.; In• 1uol~ leUaa Galp.
JIOUint.. Cl~ am. Olo.; ..... oal'*9 Ok&.; .. mp. ... , .
out 146 oun
. . 'lf1Ulll'Kflace, Hor.; b, -~.OT. ll. Ciimae ·lr'Um, r. (Kv,..,), at1 aflftmt e!'' .t
lletoa .• Ill• ~ ~ .rTor or da; cul..,m ferro C4m1"1(1.t1i11, u Uu n1irlr.11e1 of tlY SUrtt.
COID\ieace_ Verg. Acij. Climanua -a -11111; Ciiml81111 -a ·wa.
cndpaaw -a -unt, p. adJ. (trom oulpo), bla-. l'v.rnattm; vlrgo, t.w Sibyl, Ov.
wert!J ; Pana. v 8rit. oam'ba = c7m\Ja (q. v.).
oalpo. 1. (cnlpa), 1, to bltnu,~fldjl&tdl WliA, c6mira .... r. G ccrll-CAul, Hor.
ea:1u11', dwppro1>111; lauJatur ab bis, culpatnr otlmin111D ·I, n. (.V,,.uior). Uu Mrb etm.S..
ab illis, Dor.; 21 to la11 bla- 07'; art.ore 1H1110 Hor.
.quu t·ulpante. .llor. Y. gummJ.
ealte,. adv. with oompu-. (1. cultua), .r... oamprim19. v. prlmua.
J<t!Ulv: loqul, OT. oumque (•~unqne, qnomque), an adnrb
oultell118 ·l, lD.. (dim. of cutter), a um. ueually round In com~tlon, e.g., qulcnmqoe,
hift, Hor. ublcu111qu1•, etc., 11ii;c111fyi11g l1owe1wr, '"htlkt'",
cult.I' -trt, m. (cnnnel'f.Ml with ~l<r. kar, tn t/Jluun·r:r; sot11!'tl111•·.t1 !it&n<linit l1y ltlelf • quae
-·ul, and Or. rc/Lpw), a knif,: cultrl totumril, Jeruaut qamuqu., 1loloN>111, priin (n I/Peral, Luer.;
~ Cle. ; a plowglultan, roulttr, Plin. : prov., mlhl cUlllque sahe rite vocantl, ~I OGll,
me enh c11ltro tlnquit, ltart• 'M 11'1Mltr Uu 1..,.,V•, Hor.
I.e., illl tM gna.ttst ptrU. llor. oflmilla&e. &dY. with compar. and imperL
oal'&or ·lirle, m. (colo), a Ol&ltirotor, p/afl.Ur, (cu111ulatus), Akndantly, oop(ouly: gratiU
l<11>oi&r.-r. L, A. Gen., terrne, Ci".; &l(ror· ~ere, Cle.
am, Liv. B. 1, abttol., 1&11.•hat1d111m•, Sall.; 2, o6mill&tna ·• -nm p. ad.I. with f'nmpar. and
with gt"niL, an u1Aab"411.t, O<'t.:v.pkr; elus terrae, su11t·rl. (t·umulo), 1, ~toritcl UJ', iucrl"!Utd, en-
~1. U. Tran11r.• 1, gen., a frit:nl.1, 1u~; larged; Healodu" e1wem mensurt\ reddere jube.t,
l ...11.,rnm (oft~ ~timatt.,), Liv.; verit.Ht1a\ Cle.; qu;i &C<'eperls, aut t'th1m cumulatlore, 11i poMill,
~. ~p., ii lLWalupptT; deorum, Hor. : re lglon- Cle. ; 2, perJrct; hoc sen tire et facere perfectae
a111, I.Iv. cum ulat.'let}ue virtutia eat, Cle.
aultrbr ·lcl11, f. (cnltor), 1 a/&4 toho kttda oflmiUo, l. (cnwulus). LA. Lit., loA«lpvp,
""" t<•htJ ntin of, Cle. ; 2, i~oat; nt1morum piU UJ• ; cete1111 oumls generis arm& In acervum,
Latnn!a virgo, Veg. Liv. B. Tnmar.• qunm allae auper all&a oladea
oult:i.ra -ae, f. (cnlo), etUl<eatUm.. cu11111larl'ntur, Liv.; omnes In ahquem honore11,
L Lit., 1, gen., agrl, Cle.: vlti1, Ctc.; 2, agri.- Tac. D. a., to ftll by htapfog up, jtU up, ouerload;
at1h1tt. luubawdry, Hor. U. 1 1 mel'l.lal C'Ulhlrt, fns1111s corporihua, Tnc.; nltariB donl11 Verg.;
etiltiMliOI\; 1mi111i, C1c.; 2, Ye~ rapecl, b, conftteor me C\\mul1ti 111nximo g1m<1lo, Cle.;
ca11rli."11; potenta amlci, Hor. cu11111latu1t la11<le, load;.d 1Dith prniM, Cle.; o, to
1. oultua -a -um, fl. adj. with compar. and 't1cnuse, Mia/Uttt.; lnvidiau1 Liv.; cuumlareelo-
nrerL (colo). A. cul«oatcd, CiUed, plan~; lncl quentii bellicam gtorlam. Cle.; d 1 "1 bring,.
cnlti, Cic.; ai;:erc11ltiuimus, Cic. !iuliAt., oulta perfection.; cumul&ta erant ofticia vitae, pcrftr;llf
-omm. n. cultimled la1'd ,· an culta llX siht'l\· ~lied, Cir.
trib11A facere pot•JI? Liv. B. a, or11a.111r.11t1.d. crilmiUUll -i, m. (connected with culmen &Dd
~; remma cultissima, Ov.; b, p11li•l1rrl, cnlm111). A. Lit., G lwop, piit, man; b0t1tium
fle,; eonum llnguae et corpor11111 h11l1it11111 cnacervlltorum, l.Jv.; aqu11rum, 0.,. B. Trn11t1f.,
~ nitorem cultlora quam pastomlia esae, I.iv. ; atldili<m, ifl(TttUI, 111rpl11.1, mnunit ; co111111t•11<la·
culta cannina, OT. tionls tuae, Cle.; &lieu! afterre cumulum gu.udii,
t. oultu• -l\11, m. (<:<\lo). I. Ct&ltimt-Wn: Cle. oiiaabiila -'!rum, n. (cunse). A. Lit., 11
ai=rorum, Ll".iCic. D. A. ph:it:tit"al or fJU'nfal
Mdti~«m; , a, pllyrical mltlmtioii, rnn, cmJl.e; a, esse In cnnabulis, Cic.; b> CM btd
htf11tg : cnrpnrls, C1c. ; b, ador111nent, dnu; of the yomtg of hcu, Verg. B. Meton., Ula .arliu&
culticua Pnnicns l111hltm1que, Liv.; 2, '!Mntal aboda; gen tis, Verg.
~u.rr. lmitd"rT. t.rl"lfcatlim; animl, lni:enll, Cle. criinae -I.rum, f. (cnbo, • cumbo), a. crodU; a,
B. nwninu, n"T"'.t1, •oorsltip; ... or the godtt, In cunts donnire, Cle.; prlml11 cunls, in mrltm
eultos denrom, Cic. ; b, rr1ptd paM to mm; be- dlfldhood, Ov.; b, the Md of young birda, Ov.
nnolis otnciu111 et dili~n1 trlhnit11rcultui1, Cle. ounoti.bundua ·a -um (cunctor), loitering,
oiUulhul ·I, m. a. rlrinkitt.g-vtuel, Hor. del11yillg, dilc:.tory, Liv., Tac.
oiilna -i, m. tM f11•tfamrn.t, Cat. ounoian. -nntls, p. adj. witl1 c01np:1r. (cnnc·
tor), loitering, lingering, 1lou•, l'lin.; ilex glebae,
1. oum.. conj.= qnnrn (q. v.). tmaciOU&, Verg.
!. cum. pttp. with abl. with.. I. Jn spnce, 1, Otlllotantir, adv. with compar. (<'unctana),
f09fllrN" with: ease, vivere, "~It.are, hnl1itare, llotc/y, lin9trinqly, Liv.
r.e~snre, 11.crmire, ire, a hire, red Ire, mitt<·ro cum
ounotatlo -ti11h1, (cunctor), a dtl1111, linger-
aliqull; cum lmpcrllnv:nti~ venire, Caes. ; esp. hig, lttsitation.: iuvaclendi, Liv.; aine cuncta-
a, ill th" ro111pa11y of a general; cum Magone tione, Cic. ; l\b.iect.'l omni cunctntionc, Cle.
f'qUiti·s Hisp11111lruJn pmemlsso.. Liv.; b, or llOnJ!l
o4llce held in common with some one eltse, unum ounoti.tor -61is, m. (cunctor), mu who U.
lm~am unumque mngiid.rnturn hahero cum
la111, lillgn-1, huitatu; cuuctatorem ex acerrlmo
lpstt, LIT.; o, ix ttlllli.on u•itl&, fo co11•pa.ny wit/I; hdlatnr11 fa1·tu111, Liv.; a. turname q/ tlid dictator,
earn aliquo 8" delf'ct:1re, Cle. ; 2, adonml v1itJ1, Q. fablu11 Muimus.
prot'itlt<l 1t•UA: cum l':illio pnrpureo ver"Mabntnr C11Jlotor, 1. dep. Co dtlay; 1 1 of motion, to stay,
m convivii!i,_Cie. ; legatos c·um nuctoritate mit- tarry; cunctnri dintius in vit:i., Cil'.; tardum
tett, Cle. .l..L. or time, I, at,,,,, lflllU time with; cunct1tur olivum, drOJ,. slowlr, Luer.; 2, of ao-
curu prirnl :i.•.iee Po111po111i dounuu vcuirc, Cie.; tio11, to lusit1lle, li11.g~r, 1,. alow; s•·•lemlo et c:uno-
2, t~tker 1l1itA: aliqultl umgno cum geruitu t.nndo bellum .:••r,.bat, Liv.; with innn., non eat
clvitAth surerre, Cic. ; cum eo t1uod, ut, or ne, eunctAnd1111111rotitcri hunc rnundum animal csse,
f t IM ooiulUimt that: sitllllne aed tamen cum eo, Cle.; non c11n1·tor, roll. by quin 1md the subj.;
t'Jl'l'do, quod sioe peccato meo flat. Cle. (Cum, non cunctan<lum t<xlstimavit, qnln pugnd. decer-
wben used with the per110n11l pronoun, Is alwara, taret, th.en ougli.t to be "°
tl~lay tR, etc., Caea.;
and wbeo ued with ~l&tlve pronouns general 7, impers. pau., nee cunctatum aputl latera, Tac.
placed after fta ...., m.ecum, quocum, etc.) cunotlul -a -um (contr. trom conjunctns cw
CUD our
eonvtnctua). aU aU coUICtiwly, tAc to1'oll; a, )bcfiow, panMJl: qaaeatore.t vehementer lst.iua
1lng., 88_11!~ Cle. ; orbia terrarurn, Verg. : b, cupid I, Cle. ; abdol., Judex cupldua, Cle.
plur., cn:uaca -ae -a, elve11, Cle.; In poet. 10me- ot1Dlena ·tl11ti11, p. adj. with C-Ompe.r. and
Ulnea foll. by geult.., holllinwn, Ov. 11uperl (cuplo), duiriKg, lunging, wiall.hi.g,~:
ctinRUm. adv. (cuneo), in tAaps oJa toedge, novarum rerum, Tac.; cupleutlulmi plebe, 8all.
Caea. oilpleatir, adv. (cuplen11), ~lr, 1'aut.
oa..atu ·• -um, p. adJ. with compar. oiiplo -M or -U, -Itmn, s. to duin, long /or,
(cuneo), po&nlfd Hke a v¥dge; jugum ln anguat- vnah fur. L Oen., a, with acc., 18 quern cnplmu.
um doreu1n cuueatum, Liv, opt&muaque Vt!stltu~, Cle.; pacem, Liv.; J>"l'bc.
mbaio. 1. (cuneus), to drlw '" a wedge, to perf., rea cuplta, Liv.; b, with lnfln., «'Up1en111d
to11tgt in, Pllu. 11uot1 red Ire, Cic.; o, with nee. nnd lnlln., 1-quldem
abillu -1, in. (dim. of cuneua), a liUu cupio Anto11h1111 hacc '}uam prltnum auJlrc, Cle.
tordge. Cle. IL J.:iip., allcul or al c11iu11 1·au11M, to javovr,
atip110rt, wUill ml t-0: quid! ego }'u11da11lo no11
criiUu -1, m. a toedat. L Lit., A. cu11el11 cuplo? non amlcus 1um f Cle.
..clndere llulle ltgnuni, Verg. B. a wedge a.a a
lriaKg11lar jlgure: Britannia ln auneum tenu- ctipitor -6ria, ru. (cuplo), one 1L'ho daira;
atur, u naTTOU'td in tAt •hapt of a wtdgt, Tac. matrfinonll, Tac.
U. TraRl!lf., A. lroopa drawn VJ> i-n form of a ouppedla, v. rupedia.
10tdge, a wedge ; cnneum fnoel'll, Cae11. B. tM dpreuitum -1, n. (cupre1aus), ci crpma
tl!'-dgt-ahaped compc11·tmenu into u:hich the «at• of 1LIOOd, Cic.
Uu amphitlltatn 1DITt dividai, Vcrg.; cuneia
omnibus, lo au UWJ l"pflCta.tora, Ph&ed. olpreaaeu ·• -um (cupreuua), ~ oJ
CllJ'"U lOOOd: algna Junonla, Liv.
otb:aiotUitme -a -u1n (curuculW1), fell of 11.olu ·dprMUier -Ura -arum (cnpreaua &lld
and cavenu, Cat. rero), 111Prm-~ring, Ov.
otb:aiotuu -1, m. 1, a rabbit, ccm1, Cat. ; 2, dpriau• -1 t. -Qa, m. (IMf&purO'oi). A.
an u!Ulerground pauo.gc : mane genus eunlonl· tAc cwrus, sacred to Pluto u!led at funerals,
orum apud eos notum ntque ualt.atum eat, ~11. ; Vt!rg. B. M.eton., a co•hlt ~)cV'Pf"U6 tDOOJ, Hor.
eap. mlllt. t. t., a •ita.; agere cunlculum, Caea.;
aperlre cunlculam, CAM. oG.priu -a -um, v. cypreua.
oanau ·I, t =pudendum mullebre; meton., o'iir (orig. quolrel, culrel, tben cu1re, euir,
~ proetihUe, Hor.
cur), adv. v.'11.71 r 'Wher</ort t for tohal niu>ll t
1, rel., dune aunt causae, rur, ·etc., Cle.; 2,
oiipa -ae, t. (root CU, whence culeua), ci CG1k luterrog., cur non auum? Cle.
or butt, Cle. oilra ·U, r. a.ire. LA. Gen., mtt,ful91n1, llOli-
ot1Didla -ae, f. daintt""8, )bndMSS /or dain.· eit'UlU, paim, trtl1tble (ol!,JI· ncgllgentla), a.Undio11:
Uu, c'.'l'lc. · m11gn11. cum cura et thllgentla acrlbere aUqu!d,
oilpldi. adv. with aompar. and auperl. (cu- Cle. ; wlU1 genlt., rerum allenan1m cura (didl-
pldns), tJOgerly, paa..'lio1iakly 11.otly, tie11e1iuntly, cllls) e11t, Cle.; cura colendl, Verg.; wiU1 de,
toarml1 : auplde appetere ;l1quid, Oic. ; cupitle sturtluu1 tuum curaqne de anlute mPa, Cle.;
prof\clscl, Cle.; cupldlus allquld dicore, Cic. ; verb.ii constructions, adblhero curam in caprla
ego vem cuplde ot llbenter mentiar tui caUBi, et ovibm1 pnrandls, Cle.; agero cnram eivium,
Cle. Liv.; conferre nuiJ.,riwn curam In aliculua ulut·
oiipldltae -1tl11, t. (cuplJua), eagtr daire. and em, Cle. ; non dhnlttere lstam curam, Cic.;
In a b11d sen1Je, pa#ionau 101&(1ing, ~rd !V.-ire. maxima erat cura duci ne, etc., Liv. ; aaluu1n
L Gen., cupldit.u. tnexpleblll1 lnuna, nlmla, elua reg!11 11enat.ul populoque Romano magnae
Oto.; with ohj. genit., pecunla11, Cle.; dominandi, curae tllllle, Ck.; lmprimla tihl curae alt ne mfhl
Cfo. ; with acl, l.ante cuplditu ad redltum Cle.; tempua prorogetur, Cle. ; haliere cnmm rerum
artlere cupldlt.ate, Cle!. ; coercere cupidlt.ate1, dlvtnarnm, I.Iv.; lncumbe· In enm curam', dtWIU
Cle.; exvlere cupidltatea, Cle.; lnoltare aliquem yo11r1tlf to, Cic. ; \lODO!'e CUr&lll· allculua rei, to
cupidita:.e lrnlt.andl, Clo.; servlre cuplditatlbua, lay aside, Liv. ; ponere cnmm In allqua n~ Co
Cle. U. Eiip., a ambition: popularia (of a 1/nlou cmt's uturltitm to, Cir.; anaclliere cur&1u,
dem111og11e), Cle.; 'b, duirt /or ""1nt'J.I, amri~; Cle. ; RUstlnere maxlmam rniram lie 11, Cle. B.
alne cnplditate vlx1eae, Cle. ; o /Qcttousnus, mre for ll<nMlhing, at"1Ltlillg, corl'll.J1, •i~;
parlJI lpirit; cupldltatia atque \ntmlcltlariun 1, of husbandry, qW1e cura boum, Verg.; S, tAl
auKplclo, Cle. adornment of tM body: cura c11ltul(]ue femin·
oiipido -lnls, t. (m. ouly In poe~.) (cuplo), arum,; 3, Mali1'{1, cvn: 11lmplex llla jam
Zong,ng, duf.JV. L Gen., Sall. ; with genlt., cura dolo1i11 tull. Cle.; 4, t.U tron.hfp of tht god.I;
aurl, Tac. ; pecunlae, honorh1, S'lll.; ftagnne deorum, Liv. ; o, ta.kitlfi can of a J"'1'10n ; 11111111
cupldlne regnl, Liv.; Hannlbalem ln~n11 cupido ll01'6rl11que nlloa In eadem cura habere, Liv.;
lnoe111wrat Tarentl potle11dl Liv. IL Eap., a, meton., the oh)tet ofattmtion: tnncura, J•lumbea,
J>A'//sical dnire; aomnl, Sall.; b, low: cu~ido \'erg.~ 6, care/or, '1&a~tbad11,inistmlioil;
88p. or publlcalf&i1'll, CUI'& relpu liClle, Liv. ; CUJ'lo
vlsae vlrglnis, Ov. ; hence personified, Oiipiclo nqvi11111, of the jlut, Tac. ; meton., b1t.ri'ltnl, od-
·In~ m. CuJ'.!'!, ~god. ot ~ •cm of V~''. minutmtwn: quum 11nmu11 neceat1aril1 Dt"JC('tliA
Cle. , plur., lll-Upi41a-. Oti.pidl; o~ amrrct, cnrittque ,·ac11i, Cle. IL care, <tft.XUty IOlici..huu,
cupldo aordldua, Hw.; d., cimbU\on ; tta cupld- dia'J'l'Ut: 1, sine cura, Cic.; aft"erre allcal curam,
tne atque lri, peaalmia coD1ultorlbua, graaaarl, Cle. ; aJllcere allqnem allqui curi., Cic. ; oonnci
Sall. curie, Cle. ; prl111quam ea cura decederet patri·
oiipldoa -a -um, adj. with compar. and bus Romania, Liv.; liherare allquem Curi, Cic.:
auperl (cuplo), dairou ~ eager /Cfld. et. cun\ vacare et negotio, Cle.; 2, ot the di&qulft
L Gen., a, absol., consul non oupldua, de.; b, or love, juvenum cura..: Hor. ; meton., CAt olrj«JI
wtth genlt.; of object, pecuniae, Cle.; novarum of l<We: tua cura, Lycon... V11rg.
rernm, Cle.; te 1111dier.di, Cle.; o, with In and
the abl., in pe~lcienda cognoaccndu.que reruin oiiribllle -o (cura), a:citir&g ccan or J-r;
natura, Cle. IL Esp., a, longing for, loving, vindlcta, Juv. ·
Ov.; b, a1'CU"iciou; homo non aupldua neque ourillum -11 = corallfum (q.T.).
appetena, Cle.; of (a) In a good aenae, dtwt.M oiirati. (our&tus), adv. cafl'JWZr, cc.mpar.,
Co ; homo tW cup dua, Clo.; (/3) in a bad aellJjtj, curatJua legl, bct111et11. tM l'i&a, Tao.
cur 147 cur
oirido ~nla.1. r. (curo). L Gen., a takhtg ottrle -ls, t. (a Sabine word) "" huta, a bMft
mtt, Plaut. U.. .Mp. actemiM, 11ll1M!lr1M!U: 1 or jawliA, Ov.
&. with genJt.., curatio cor1-JOriil, Cic.; b, mal~ Ciirlu • -•m, 11tune o/ a j)UMfa'll gma, oJ
a&111ioa,"!l CMrt ; cu~tlo rue.\lci, Cle. ; 'IDllid1 tM mo.wt Uluatnoiu mens.Mr 1MB M'. Curlua
euntfo valetlldinls, Cle. ; aduibere curatio11c111, Dentatua, th• Ct>IVJUUOT <if thl! Sabina, l:iamnita,
Cle.; praeecriliere curationem, Cic.; 2 f1W Raf'· and of l'vrrllu•, etltbrateJ for hi.a fetJl,pera?Mlt;
l!Wllt, ad111i1&Utrttlloll; e11p. or a pub,ic oftlce, hence appel~ n bra.SM and te-inpmiU 11nan, Hor.
curatlo Nemeorum, <if the N~n gamu, Liv.; Ad.I., Cllrli.nua -a -um, o/ or btlm1vtng to
..Ulattca cunttio frumentl., commisaio11. w bu11 Curiu.s.
tt?rn, Cie.; cuntio o.grarla, commidaion. to di-
rilk lau.d, Cic.; curat1011e111 au11ciptil"" · Cic.;, l. (cnra). L Gen. to car11 for, Jlflfl at·
6"1es Tellurb est CUl"lltionis rueae, Cic. tfntion to, tnltt; a, with acc., uegotia alhma,
Cle. ; b, with acc. 1md gerundive, In l:!idlia
oiritor ·ilrh1. 111. (curo), 1me who taku etirt: 1, f'rume11tu111 emendnm et ad url>f!m mltten1l111n
a 91"1rilimi, ot'"looktr, curatvr; viue l,.lamiuiaa ournro, to get bought and 1e11t, Ci!!. ; o, with
Ck.; muri• relklt1ndis 1rnnto ae.lile11 cnrntorf'-it tnnn., qui rt'.& h1tas sch"!! curavlt._ Cle.: non
nrbls annon11e 1111!01"unique 1101le11u1ium, Cio.; curare, ,ic; to can, to dtcli M, refutt,; in Slclliam
lr;g!hus agrarlis ruratores con11lltuert1, Cle. ; 2, Ire non curst, Cle. ; d, followed lty ut, ne, nt
legal t. t., guardia11 of a minor or idiot or prtl· ne and the 1mhj., or the subj. alone, Cle.: llO In
di!l'll; 1dicui curatorem dare (or the praetor), Hor. letters, curl\ ut valca11, Cle.; e, with de, Qulntua
ciritua -a -um, p. ndj. (cnro), cart,full11 pre· d,e cmenilo nihll curat. hoc te11~}l0re.1.. Ci~. U.
p1rt>l; curatlsaimae precl"ll, 'rue. Esp., 1, to at~nd to, tw care o/, ae, 1.;lc. , mem-
ourotUo -ouis, In. a wuvil, corn-irorm, Verg. Lra, Hor. ; to ati-i to, cu'"' an invalid, or a dU-
WM; curare cori101'11, Cic. ; curari non pollllt\,
C6rie -!um, f. nn ancunt town oft'M Sabinu; Cllf's. ; 2, to attuwl to rtligiou.t; K&Cra,
met<in., tJte ilthabita1u.s of Cum, Ov. Hence .A.. Cic. ; 3 to provide or procunl a ""' of momv;
A•lj., Ciirenllla -e, of Curu. B. CVN ·litla, juhe s:Jes nummos curari, Cle. ; 41 to adminil.
m. a11 fo/\abttant of C11ru. ttr, "sanage ; res Romo.I', Liv. ; all801. to COM-
Ciritetl -um, m. (Kovp~T«'), the ancient ill· mand; curare Romae, Tac. (Archaic fonns,
Aahilanu of Crtte, 10ho ctlebrattd a frantic wor. coiravi, coirandl, ap. Cic.)
IAip of Ju.pi/ff, li~ that of Cybtle by t'M Co711. ourrlo61um -1, n. (curro). L Act., A.
ooi1i.,,. Adj., Cliretlll -!dis, poet.= Cretan, Ov. A'b!itr., 1, nnnhtg, Plaut. : 2, esp. a, a contut
oUrla -ae, r. (connected with Qulrh1). L a in. f"li!l.ning, a ra«, Cle. ; b, a courst, Mlrlt qJ
Ckria, oiu of thirty divi.sio118 into whicl& the heatrn&ly bodw; aolls et hmae, Cle. B. Coner.,
1Wma11_yatrida11.$ tOflt !lwtrlbuttd by RomullU, the chariot uml iu nwu; in curriculum quadrlg·
I.ii-. IL M't'tnn., A. the 11t(dinq-plact <if a C11ria, arum lneurrore, Cle. IL PlUls. the mccgrln'nd :
Tac. B. a, tlv '/ruildi'flll i11 11.·hich the atnate md, athletlle ee In currtcu\o exercentes, Cle. ; oRen
n;1111lly the Curia Ho,.tilill, nrtcrwudl\ the Curia Ilg., 11xiguum vitae curriculum n11.tura clrcutn·
Pumpeja or Curia ,J ulitt ; 1?, Curln &liorum, the 11crlp11lt, immeusum glorlae, CIC'-
"°""' rif tM. Salii O'll. the J'tllali11.e, Cle.; c the
S!'Mtt; aliqucm In curLuu lntrot.lucere, {.iv. ;
ourro, c1'currf, cn111um, S. to nm, 1ttutt1l:
pass. hnpeni., currltur, ou riou, Cle. ; currltnr
d, U.t atll.att-hou.u of nm&-Roman natioM-e.g., ad praetorlnm, Cic. ; pro lltl qui~qne currere ad
at !iAln1Hii1, Cic. ; !:ly111custi, Cic.; Troy, Ov.; :iua tnta!ld~ Liv. ; with cognsta u.e., eoaJem
Athrn!, tltt Arwpagt", Juv. cnraus currere, <'ic.; prov., curre11te111 hortarl,
cUriiUa -o (cw·ia), ~ to tAe aame iucltAre or in11tijl1Lre. to 8P'Ur thl! willi 1i9 horat,
cim.a, l:ic. Cle. ; esp. & t-0 nm in a race; currere bene, Ov.:
oiui&Um. adv. (curia), b)' curiae; populum with acc. of place, qni 11taili11m currit, Cle.; b,
commluit, Cic. of 11hi ps, to ~ail; per 011111e mare, Hor.; with acc.,
currere cavil. trabe vaatum ueguor, Verg.; 0 1 of a
CUrlitU ~rum, m. fta!IU of afl .Albea gem, wheel, si 1tH'R 11lncero curreref axe rota, Ov.: d, ot
'1uw of jovglt.t with tM Horalii. water, currentes aquae, Ov.; e, of the hea\·e11ly
rirlitua -a -um (curia), rtlati1'g to the hodlcM, Jlbera currcooutet ltsobllervatA per annum
CW"iae; comitla curia ta, thl! original asaembly <if sldera, Ov. ; f, or the hem of a garment, quant
lie Roma" ~oph, in tor\icA Uuy 1:01.ttl by cvrilu, J•lllri111a clrcum pnrpnra Maeandro dnpllci Mel·
Cie. ; lex, a la10 paue.d in t.\e comitia euriata, 1h6ell cncurrit, Vt>rg.; g, or fright, cold, 11hame,
Cle. etc., varlni1 per ora cucurrlt Ausoni~nm turhata
Cirtota -ae, t. an
fl80a, llOW Vtglia.
iala.tld °" tM Illvrian frernor, Verg. ; h, ot time, t-0 paas; ourrlt ferox
aetall, Hor.; i, fig., ot' discourse, to marth «JIU)';
1. oiirio -onls, m. (curia), 1, tAe prlul <if a perfaclle cnrrens oratlo, Cic.
t'llria, Varr. ; maximwi, tM ht<ul <if the oolkge ourrua ·IL'I, m. (curro). L A. a cJtariot, rar,
/oTfAld 0, tlw Ulirt1 cunon.u, Liv.; 2, a herald, e11p. a lriumphal mr; escendere In cnrrnm, Cle. ;
critr, Mart. ltectcre currum de foro In Ca~itolinm, Cle. ; in-
l CUrlo ~nil, m. Ur.e Mme of a fa"'U¥ <if Ur.e vehl curnt Capltollum, Cic. B. Meton., a, th•
pn1 t!cri boala. 1t.Mst1, tM tmm: ncque audit currus haben11s,
oirlo.e. adv., with compar. and super!. Verg. ; b, triumph; quern ego currum aut qu1un
(cunoaus), 1 caN.ftdl11; conquirere lat& curloslWI, ltinream cum tna land&tlone conferrem t Cle.
Cle. ; ~. i'nqui.titiwl)' ; curloalus Id f1&clunt II. a plO'llgh with whtiel&, Verg. IIL a sh£p,
q11arn neceeu ellt, Cic. Cat. (11yncop. genlt~ nlur. cur~m. Verg., Aeu.
vi. 658).
rirlom'.taa· -AU., t. (curioaus), inqui&itiw· 01lJ'81m.. adv. (curro}, htUtUy, quickly: cunlfm
lit!&, curi01ity.
agmen age re, Liv. ; cun1lm dlcere aliena, Cle.
Curioeolitea -um, m. a people in BriUan)', cmnlto, 1. (intens. or curso), to nin •P a'lld
•ear modern Corlleldl.
ilown; hue et llluc (or the atoms), Cle.
oirlO.U. -a -um, 1Jj. with eompar. and
lllperl (cura), Mrtful: 1, atten.ti11t, diligtnt; ouno, 1. (freq. or curM), to ru" hillier and
"llrioala oc111i!I per.iplcl non po1111e, Ole. : p41r· U.if.M.r; ultro et cltro, Cle.
.nnlbl alb colligit Chry1dppus, ut eat In omni ounor -l:irh1, m. (curro). L Lit. .A.. ca
blltcrr!" curlnAua, Cle. ; 2 1 i7'qUi#tfw, nnot&I; nm!Uf', especially for a prize, Cle. ; one who oost-
lltt C1Uio11, Cic. "5da '" tM chariot rGCt, Ov. B.1. ci ~.
our H8 oyo
JIOlf'm41', Tnc.; 2, " tlaw wllo ""' ~ Au todlfl1 locus, Uv.; clrcumdare honfbltes eu.atod·
W&a.t/er·s mn-iage, 11 nm11ing footman., Suet. D. lu, Cle.; dlaponerecuatodludiligentiua, Cua.;
Tran11f. IKf"IMI- of L. PaptriWI, tlw ocmqwror of 2, th.e ltati.olt of th.ti f1Ulrd. po.i; haec niea -1eJi
&Ac Sa11l7'U.. est, haec vlgili1, baec cuatodia, Cle. IL Kip.
ounaa -Chi, m. (carro), G ""'"£~. nap(d cu..'4ocly, 14/r·kuping; c111todla li~ra, libaulio•
.aotion &1& Aorwback, (" a cnmage, or 1Aip; mll- °" parou, Liv.; darealtquem ID cu11todiam, Cic.;
ltes canm exanlmatos, Caee. ; curau• equo- eeae In cuat.odil publicl, Cl.c. ; neca.ri in custo-
rum, Verg. ; longarum navium, CaM. ; cursu dil, CaeA.
tendere ad allquem or ad locum, Liv.; ln cu111u O'WltOdfo. 4. (custoe). L Oen. eo pard,,
ease, to trawl'" Aatte, Cle. ; esp. a 1 cAariot or k«{': t1111mcnrp1111 dnmumque, Cle.; se diligent·
lorse-rru11; curaua certamen, Ov. ; ng. the ma las n1e, Cle. ; custodlre ulutem allcuiu"i Cle. ;
pr Q6la. honour, etc. ; ln eodem cunm ruisse a pomn, of a dntgon, Ov. IL Esp. &, lo k«p ir&
Salli dict.atore ad eosdem fere consules, Cic. ; ligh.t, ob..,-ve, watch.; aliquun ne 4ui<I
b OOWN, march., jo11rruy; cura1111 maritlmus, auferat, Cle. ; A. Terentius Varro ad ctUto<lien•I·
cfc.; mild cursu11 In Graeclam per tuam 1irovinc- um lter eorum missus, Liv.; b, to ta.b cure of;
lam eat, Cle.; cursua dirli;ere, Liv. ; curs11111 Uber t1111s a me custodltur dillgeotiaalme, Ci<'- ;
11eeundum huoore, C11e11. ; curaum tenere, Cle. ; CUHt.Hlire &liquid litteria, Cle.; o, t;cJ 1urµ i11
Og., rellquus vitae curi;u11, Cle.; o, tM covrat o/ priaan., hold captiw; ducem praedonum, etc. ;
IOClUr; quosdmu exaruil!Se amnes aut In allum olleldee, Caea.
cunmm contort.oa et dellexOll vldemua, Cic. ; d. 01lato9 -Mia, c. L Oen. a fl'l'J"dfaA, 1D1Itd.·
ol heavenly bodillll, annul curau• aollal Cle.; e, mm&, kuptr, :r-r--r, aJtnulant; a port...e,
of the voice, hla per omnee son<» voe 1 CW'Bl11, Liv. ; custns defensl'rque pro\'lnc!M, ~ic. ; C'''""
etc. t.oa 111 bis, Cle. ; fortltudo custos dlgoltatil. Cic. ;
Curt!'.ua -a -urn, "'°"" o/ 11 .Bolllan. gtU, the
9IOIC noted llWllWer1 o/ VlhicA teen: a, M. CurtiWI,
b, th.t guardia" o/ a roti"f tnaA; cuatos hi·
corr11pti1alm111, Hor. ; o, tM guardian. q/ 11
•Rom.a" routA, 1aid to have j-u"'ped irU<> a cha.nil wonwn; nlmlum Bt:"nat cuatoa Junonlu1 Io, OY.;
Ml tM .ROllMM f<>r1'tl&, wh.ic.A tht11 clo.W; b, C. d, tM o{fillr in cll.arge q/ Uw 1'0li119-tabldl; cu.s-
Curtlm Poatumu1, "" ad.htrtnt of Cae.-ar'•; Q. todee tabellar11m, Cle. ; e, millt.. t. t. a #llli1u·L,
Ourtha Rufus, Ute author of a Lat&n hi4tcrr of fl~rd ; cuatodea dare. Ctc. ; dlaponere, CAM.
.AhomndM tM <keat, probabl~ CO'l&Umporary with IL a, an OVt'nl«r, ovtrloobr, 'Pr; coatos "c
Yapa"4n. Henc11, Curtlu.a lacus, the chcum fa vi11dex cnpldltatum, Cle. ; b, tht gaakr, gv.ard
&Ac fon1m into toh<c.A M. C1'rff"' toa1 «iid to haw of a prls~; jugular! 11 cuato..ilbua, Nep..
Jt-ptd. oiitioiUa -ae, t (dim. of cutia), t1t 1ki11,
ourt:o. L (ounu), lo obridgc, ~ cuticle, J 11v.
...,._Hor, Ciitlllae -lnlm, t. aa old lot01' '" 1M eot&W,
ourtaa -a -um. •hor1eMd, •ta(laud, cul lhorl ; of tJw -Sabina.
1'89, OY.; mulu•, Hor.; tnmaf., or discourse, C1d o6tla -la, f. (root OUT, Or. KYT, whence
More; curtasentlnnt neca.mant redundanUa,Cic. IM-o~). tM lkifl., llor.; Aidt, Uallwr, Kart.
ottri1la ~ (currua), relating to a eN&rlot;
equl, Uw team o/ four iKmu proWUd out o/ Uw
Cfbi ..u, f. (Kvcmr), a "V"',.
a foun.tain /r1r 1wr grief at the Zou o/ ~
cAG•oecf ""°
f*blU:J*nefor tM OC.roeuiall gamu, Liv.; sell&, Cji.nH -&, f. (K1H1r"r), dat1gllr of Jla..
au 01'ncU chair adorMd 'IOitA ,"°'}', tJw o~ anckr, tMtMr o/Ca11nu atad B~blV.
Int of tlw conaula, 1•raetora, and curule aedllea,
ofiithua .f, m. (Kli4'0f), 1, a ladU fer filHttt
ac. ; curulla aedllla, a cu""41 mile, Liv.
ourvamen -lnia, n. (curvo), a cwfttlg, tiatllt-
th.t ~ (pocul11) ""'-' '°"" °"' o/ tM crater,
Hor. ; 2, a mauure of oapac"r = onis-twelfth or
Mg, arching, Ov. a aextariua, Hor.
ounatiira, f. (curvo), 11 Nt!U, ore.A, ofbaeua -a -um, navla and abeol., cfbaea
PUn. ;, Uw rilll., Ov., f. a lcind o/ trauport or tMr'CMnlwla. Cle.
ourvo, 1. (curvua), to btn.d, bow, Cllf"ve; curv- Cfbele or Cfbibi -&, f. (KvtJIA.,,K~lhf),
are brachia longo clrcult11, Ov.; quum nux plur- 1, a Phrygia1' goddua, afterward.I \DOf'M'1>J>ed at
lma curvablt ramoa, ~to bend, Verg. ; toll· RlYl'IU WrioM !Wmu (Rhea, Opii. ~ ilagi;a&
imur in caelum curv&to gurgite, \·erg. ; curvare Makr, ~t.c.), tMott pnuta u.~ ca.llfd Galli; adj.,
genwuua, Verg.; HRdrla curvana CalabroSBlnu.a, Cfbelelwt .. -um, ~ 1o Crb..U; ~ •
Hor.; tr&llllf., Mab ~ bend, '/!ION; nee te vb' mcun ta i" in PMygi.a..
Pieri& pellice uuciu.a cu"at. Hor.
ourraa .. -um (np-nk), ~bowed, arM«J, Cfblatra ~um, n. (rG. KJf!,crrpo.), •'°""'Ml
Cataonia, at tlte foot of Momit Ta"""-
Ollrt'llli, oroobd; arbor ~ 'IOitA Uw tori9h.t Q/
frv.LI, Ov.; antrum, Verg. ; na\•oa, Ov. ; lltu11, 1. ojolaa -Mia, t. (cvc.\ot), " fntl!Jh robe ~
Hor. ; tlumen, 1'ri11ding, Verg. ; curvua arator, .tau, 11.aringa bor! or Vold~.
~down, Verg. ; curva aenect.a., OY. ; aubet., Jav. •
ourvum -l, n. tMGi C. crookt.d ; cuno dlgnoe- 2. Cjolaa -ldla, r.
(ac. ioaula), gen. In plar.
oere rectum, Hor. CyolAdcMI -um, t. (L~). " gro.p of Milaw
ouapta ·ldJa, t. A. Lit. a pok.t, eep. CM "' Utt A~n &a.
pofol or hlild of a ~,.; asserea pedum XII ojoUoua -a -um (ICllCAt•6t). eyclk; script.or,
CUR1'idibU8 praeftrf, Caes. ; or the stfng Of & bee, ,.. epic po« t0Ao. t00rb )br9Mld 11 OO'lftpUU ~
Plln. : of a acorplon, Ov. B. Meton. a, a laMS, qf liltory, Hor.
JGwlin; lufestls cuapldlbus uti, LIY.; b, N.,,.. Cjolo119 -clOpla, m. (l[J..u.+, rotltliWred},
a.M'• trident; cuapls triplex. OY.; o, a rpU, Mart. Cl (\tcl.inrt. gen. In plur., Cjolipe9 -clOptun, m.
cnutOdla -ae, f. (cuatoll). L a watcldt19, tM C11cloPa. a gigant~ o~·eved race, th.e 'lrol"b1tn
pardi"f, ciatod11I oare. A. Lit., &, canum, Cle.; o/ V"1altt; alng., CM Cydopl Polrf'll-u, Hor.
all<Juem diligent custodla aseervare, Liv.; b, Adj., Cjoloplua -a -um, SAU, 5'cil'41', Verg.
mil it. t. t. bep\11f1 g11Grd,; cu.atodlae
olaalum, Cua. ; oommlttere cu•todJ&m oorporta Cycmilua -a -um, l>Wmg{f14 eo tl'll ~
~ b&rbarla., Ole. B. Meton., l the ~. Oycn't.11; Tempe, Ov.
8'MCMll; a, aing., In proee onl7 oo!fectlve, cua- oyoaia.a -a -um (aiir"tCK'), ~,..Co CM
todlam u ac &::-'dlum 11ex mllla homioum ftOU7' • pluuiae, OY.; tamquam ~cnea "1B
.a NliqMl'Ullt_ ; b, plur., frequena cu- divtiJ bominla To:s. et oratlo, Av ,.... •..,,Cle.
eye U.9 Dah
1. ejen119 -f. m. (in>~). fM riorut, fa'llUld in I Cynntdc; Cjrinael ~ruin, m. CA. ~
'ltgt"d f'1r its <Uat~li01ig, 11.icrtd to ~polio, Cic. ; I ph~l~Mrl; 2, CjrinAI~ ·•-nm, Cyrtnaie;
met-00. =pod; Direaeos cycnu.s, Pi-r.dar, Hor. ~Dticl -orum, t>u C!fNna~ plti!0&?J•~; S,
'.!. Cjcaua -i, m. I, king of Uguria, ton of' Cjrenenala -e. Cyrmaic. IL Cjrine-ee, I.

Srplu11t Cal~, cllan9ed into a 11Dall.

Stll.nulus, eAang«l into a 8u<an; 2, tM ton of daugltkr of Hyp«iu, mother q/ .Ari.luuu br
bJ Apollo.
Cjdinia -ae, f. (Kv&;w.,.), an ancient c-j_ty Cyrn0e (~ua) -I, f. (Ki'p~). tlie Watwl
oii tM tlortA oooat of Crttt: hence, 1, CJdOn ofCll'Trica. Adj., c~u -a -nm, Contru1'.
.Onis, m. a; a,
C:f4inli.tae -ii.l'nm, C~l or. Cyrtll -orum, m. a people i•
m. i11J1ahila1\U of CydonMi • 3 Cfdonlus -a Ptt'fu a'kl Media.
nm, poet. for Or-et.aft, Verg:; 4: Cfdilliua -a
-um poet. for Crda11.
-1.. m. (Ku~). 1, tu /av.fl/Ur of IM
Ptrinan Empire; 2, Cyru11 mmor, lttOnd ~ oJ
' Ochu, v;ho /QU{lllt u:ith hi• &rotMf-, .Artaarzu
CJ'l'll • • • "· cycn • •. • Memnon, and ia1s killed at; 3, un arcU-
.eflJJldnaa -4\ri. m. (in:>.,.,apot), 1, Cl cylinder, tect at Ro'llU in the time of Ciara; hence, Cjria
Ck; 2, a rolUr for ltulling tM llT_oun.d, Verg. -omm, n. tM worka of CJf1"UI, Cic.; 4, a y~
CJlllN anct -tia .1, m. (K...u.p), 1, a tnntio'lud bJ Honi«.
Chllnlrj ~· tie Aor.. of Caawr or. PoUuz. Cftae -lrum, f. (KliTCu), 11 city in Coldlu,
c,ne.i -& and -ae, (. (Kv>.>.,,....,). L a high birthplace qf Me~a. .A<lj.~~118 -a -nm,
l!IOl$W\,. is llO'Ttll-«Ut ...trcudia •. WMn Mt~T)I
IPJI !>on al&d rta.Nd. Hence, Mj., 1, CylliDI-
~" = Colrl.iart; 2, ..,~ -idis, (. ~
Oytat:a1', Le., Mtidw..
u -a -um, Cyll.rnian and; proles, Cfthira -Orum, n. (Ktllhff>a), the Wand O,.
JI~, :Vers.; also Cep11altu, IOn of ~tret1.ry,

thnu, 9acrt.d lo VtntU, now Cerigo; hcnet-, I,
Ov., 1~111, Uu pltu1d Jltret_,try, '!erg., su_hs~, Cftbijria -ae, l. Vrnu; 2 ctthirilua. -a
Cyllenlua -11, m. MtTCUry, \ ~rg., 2~ Cyll8D8- -um, C11tilert47'; subst.,
U·a:om, C!lllt~M:inor M_ucurw.11.; flaes, tMlyre, Venw; ,
cftiiri1a ·ae, f.,
-ldis, f. a.., OytAnmi&.
HOT., 3, ~enu -11hs, r. Cyllrnia11. or Mer- Y • 3 .__.,,.__ _ _ _,""
Nia1l. IL 11 to1lm (" tM n.ortA of Elis. einu_, 4 , ....r-.- -a -um, a.uu .,, .,.....,,-
- , fJ __ ,, ,,,.,., .~"'Ci • tbirelU -Adi1, f. aacrcd lo Vmu.
oym- -ae, L («•'" 't\ a-~ ....,._, _..,,, C.1 ~.le..- (Cyth ), -' f. (K -~'\ CMa U-
•P. tAt boat of Cltaron, \erg. . .,. nus .. " h
Oflll'bilum -1, D. (irU~). II or-OOl. l '" tM At.gean Sea, DOW ~kl. •
asually fount.I in the plur., Cir. ~ -i, c. aod ~llav.m -1, n. (no,..<aad.
Oflll'bl1Ull .u, n. (""p./Jlor), ca n&aU ~- Cl klnd of clowr or trefoil •uch tialtled by ~
-i v ~itta, V'erg.
~ ~rg. CJtOru,a -1, m. (K~), a "'°"nla:i11 a1&d
• )
.,,..~ -U. t. (Kv~., · -.. •
""°" '" - "'•
.1 .Atol'-
city i11 Papllfcigoftia, fa1MU1 for bo:r-trua. Adj.,
9!0t.W-cil1 of' l'talaa '" Cam /1(111.ia. A.dJ.1 Cjm- CJtOrll.oaa -a ·nm. C~n; pecten, f11JJ116 ~
MU-a ·IUD, C)llWJM.. IL= Cumae \q.v.). barwood, Ov
tMci:!~ m.. a " " " w _..ria., jbllitig into Cjaknu;(...) -1, 1. (K~ur") and 9j'd~
CfDiou -1, m. (K~), a Cynic phUOIOplw, ~ ~W:,'o;"~ Propo.ti&. Adj., Cjdoinu
• O,W. Adj., Cfaloua -a -um, Cpk.
~bAl'Da ·l, JD. M capt wit,\ G Mm Ha
•ctor·a, Cic.
eyu. and -tia f, f. (K"°"). 41 to.. t•
~ .1., n. (Kw0cr'¥')"f), ca
tlA.ti¥a °""~ .A 1Ae1u, IOenld lo H cn:alu.
°""" D
~Hlpbl.J . . -Imm, f. (K""°' «t+.Ml,
Mia!U), hl:lo 1'·illl Mir ~ ' " TAallnl'fl
t.he fburth letter of the Latin alphabet.
conuponding lu aound and aJphabetJcal
wlth th~ Greek A, a. For Its meanlna
...,,.. C.V .BonlalU ~/tGU.d ~ Mocedoaiau. aa 10 abbreviation, aee Table of AbbreviatioDL
Cf9Wra ..... f. (irw~), tlu llO'rUklla. DAol ~rum, m. IM Daci111U, • carlia ,_,,,.
I'- of IM LUIU &!a.f', UM! pol4 ""• Cic. .Adj.,
CfUsirla -ldilt, ura, t1Y .C...UU. &or, OT. °" Ute IAtDW Da•tlbc ; hen~ lt Daola -ae. 1-
tltir oou7'try, Dacia; 2. uiiolou -1, m. (IC.
~ .anua, t. (K~), • JWO-
AOllklrJ ill ... U ica...
nummllll), a gold °°'"
qwtT!r" o/ t.U Dacima&.
of Do.&i&1', CA. CIOll-
~ ·I, m.. ~.lof), Cl "'°"ntG(n (n daottlloua .. -um ('-rv.\urOr), dadrlW:
llrb, r.v fM«Aplacl o/ Apollo un.d DiCIM; hence, oumerua, Cle.
~ .. -u. m. ...polio; Cyntlda -ae, (. ~icJa -tie, f. (&!nvAtofl;q), 1, e
1. ~ -f, m. •
JJ*lo.-~ inlOG~
'°""' cxukd for ri11g~, ~Art.: 2, o eol~ of . . ,
Wood ,,.. ritlg• Clud gnu, .Plin.
daotflaa (-oe)-1. m.(U.,,,A..f) (llt.a~nger).
1 ~ = eupreau (q.v.). Cl tlM!tricnl foot, WIYWiR(I of OM '°"9, J>llmoetl bf
Cjpru and ..... ~.r. (Ivrpo1), Uu Ulal'&d qf tlDO '11.0'rt 1y/UJbla (- v v), 5 dadfl, Ctc..
~; hence lldj., CJprlaa -a -nm. C!IPrfa•: Daoc!AJa ~rum, D. G lltTOR(llold Ma Caria.
CJprium an, or soblat., Cjprlllm -11, n. copper, 1. daedll1Ut •-om (&U&lAOf), l, act., an.
Plin.. 8ub9t., Cjpr:la -ae, f. YIMll, "nb.: Cj- fsl. /Y.ll o/ 11'1; Ctree, Verg. : 2, pua., ar(fwUr
prU .()rum. m. IM Owriola. ~; tect.&, Verg.

~ ....... ~), • ""'"" of t. DU41U.lua -1, m. (Aaia~). ii ctUbnllal

CGniii1. .AIMnMm arti.ftcer, bvUdn- q/ tM C'ma• labrritlA;
CiriDi -la (. . . -Imm), r. L Cl eUy of N&rtA hence adj., Daecli.;aa .. -am, Drae.lo'-:
'Jr{oJ. ~ ttf CM P°" Clllllblacllu - ' of, tM ~.,._ Prop.
... ,..~ ...""",,.., lk..,o/ ~ N . . . -IMun, ID. (AM&), G &JCMa ,..._
....,. s - i. 94, Oja inaeaa .. -am, "" . . . . . . qf CA. Qiqlll•s...
Dal 160 Dau
'Dal••tae cn.>•¥tae) -lrum, m. (AcaA· damH Romano acoepta hello, liT.; S. G ~
l'at"U), tM Dalmatiau, ir&habUaRtl o/ Dalwlatia. pl!lC1"'iarr •1"d, 010.
Hence 1. l>Umd& -ae, f. tla. ooun.trr qJ Mlll'°1ill ·IA, m. (Aa,&ocA~), G Jriq.d. tf
.Dalmatia °"
IM ea.a ridt e/ l.U .A.drl4tk &o; 2, DumrnM, tyrant oJ S"lf'OCIUI'~· °"
adj., Da1m¥-tloaa -a -um, Dalmatian: aubst., tJi.e tyrant'• protperity, toaa br DWft.ysiw
J)almltl01UI ·I, m. ntrr&a.IM oJ Jlaellu, c:otl- at a nn&ptuOtU f«Ut, and a .u.•ord toG.I Ut do- •
peror qJ tM Dal111atiau. IU lo llang ftr & llatr 00t:r h ii Mad.
4ima. -ae, f. (in Verg. m.), a /a,llov,-d«r, D&mia -Onls, m. (AO,,.....), 1 11 PJ/tluu]ormJ&.,
Bor. /rlmo'UI for 1'1 .lriftdaAip 'IDilh 1'hi11tiaa: 2, •
Dlllla8GU -i, r. <~-·~>. the S¥Tfa" aitr oel"1n:ikd .A.tMnia" muicial\, tmelau of Socro.ta.
11/ Da1IMUIC'M6. Adj., D5meeciau -a ·um. r.
DbAi ·&, (A1111'G1J), dauglUer of ...tcriftu,
.Damateelli!; pruna, damarru, Plin. mother of PtrlltU& b'lf Znu, 10/to V'iliUd 1te1' i• a
D4•¥4dppu .f, m. OOflWllen. i~ IM gem llwwtr of gold 10hen. ah1't ~ ill 11 lolD«T br Aer
Licinla.; hence, adj., Nnlifu -a -um; herot,
damma - dam& (q. Y.). Peran1, Ov.
dam•itfo .Qnla, r. (damno), cor&demnat'Mm ; DI.du -1, m. ('1ua~). '°" "' Bdwa, brothr
o/ .Aegypnu, -4 fa, of iA. JI/tr J.>awa'idu., tM
Ambit&, for briberJ, Cic.; tanfAe pecuniae, lo myth ioal f<rKJ&dn' oJ .A~ ; .hence, • h _ad!-:
JUY, etc., Cic. ~- -a -um, Greek, ...trgive: pl. uaaaa
demnitOrlu -a -wn (damno), rtlati11g lo ·Orum, m. tJi.e Grub; 2, NnAldee ·um, r. th
eondemnaticm, c:ondelllnatory, Cle. ; Judicium, da11gh.ltt'I oJ DanaM.
Cic. Dia6blua (Daidiriu) -11, m. tlM Da1lwhe
.tamno, 1. (damnum). L '-' co!UU•n, tk- (in the upper part or ita course ; the lower pm
clan gwUty, ~ .&. Lit. legal t.t,alkuiua WU called liter).
mlnistroe BOCIOllQ,Ue, Cic. ; with acc. of the c&\llle, dbo, v. do.
ca1111& judlcata aique damnata, Cle. ; with acc.
of penou, allquem inaudltum, Tac. ; damnari DaphDi -~, t. (Aci.fw~), l/othe da11gltter o/ tM
inter aicarios, lo be oonde11nwd cu an aseaai~ Cic.; river·god Peneua, changtd in a l4t1nl tree; 2,
diunnarl per arbitnm, Cic. ; darnnarl nullam ali· a gror:e a111d kmpu to .A.poUo and .DiaftO ""21'
am ob causam, Cic. ; with per!. intln. act., aut A ntiochia i1' Syria.
dabisaut contra edictum fecl"88 damaabere, Cic. · -nldia, acc. -nim and -nin (A~~>..
with quod, A. Baeblus unu1 eat damnatus, qu~ '°" o_r Mtreu'1/, a Sicilia" ~. iiii-ealor oJ
pcutorol pod771, and tM fe1'01trite of 1-'aJL
milite11 Romano• pnaebulsaet ad mlnlsteriuw
caedls, Liv.; with abL of the motive, lnutili fud- daphDO. -oni.a, 1n. (IJG+...,j.,), a grow e.f la•
ore caUNm IDAm damnare, Liv. ; with ab . or nll, llart.
the accusation, damnari eo crimine, Cic. ; with daPll. dlpia, r. (root DAP, Gr. MU,
abl. or the law or formula, damnari eui lege, Cic. ; &.i.11Tw, 6a.trci..,,,), 1, II IJllerijldal /Mil, rrl'9Ww
with abl. or the court, damnari popull judicio, banqlld; ergoobligatam reddeJovidapem. 8or.;
etc. ; wit.b abl. of the punishment, damnare ali· 2, a mwl, ftw.t, ban<itut; amor dapia, Hor. ;
quem capite, ·"'1 Zou qJ chiil rigAU, Cie.; with ge11it. hwnani dape (untl& h1n11an. Jail) Jl&llOere eqaoe,
of the crime, ambltua, Cic.; with pnlt. uf the Ov. ; J•lur., dapibua epulari opimis, \"erg.
puohm111ent, damnari octupli, Cic. ; with de,
danmari de vi, Cic. ; with ad, damnari ad mort- dapDJJa -e (~M\1j~), auaph&otu, pkn.HJ't,/,
rid1ly prwidtd, Plaut.
em, Tac. B. Tranlf., a. or deities, damnare ali·
qaem voti or vote, to runt a penon'• tDUh, and DarcU.ial -<>rum, m. (~), a ~ iH
t~rtbr ~ Aiin to kft'p hil vow; damns bis tu Upper .Moala, iM ~n. Stnria..
quoqne voti8, NO" wiU gmnt praytr, u11d ~ J>ardb119 -i, m. (.acip3o"°'), I01' o/ J~
bind tAc npplian.l to ktep Au oow, Verg.; gen. in and Electra oJ Arcadia, llu •rtAical a11cutor oJ
• pua., damnari voti or voto, to •#aht OM'• toiM;
bia elo.adem voU damnata reapublica, Liv. ; b, f'oyal ,/ilmilr o/ Tr"I/; hea~ lr DardA.laua
..a ·um, Trojan; Rubst., Daraalll ·Orum, m. CM
of a testator, to bixd tAa 11.rir, Hor. ; o, to llml- Troja;.i!{,Du-41.Dl~ -a ·Um, 'l'roja1'; aubst.,
ena to endure or aofrer; damnare 1etema lum- Dar ·&e, t. Troy, 8, DardAlald- -ae,
lna nocte, Qy. ; ~ lo OO!lldcm" 11 peraon. °" CIC·
t'O'Unt of, to i1'C11lpate; aliquem 110mmae atultitlae,
m. a duceildant oJ Darcl.aniu, Aen«U, Yerg.; a
Trojmi., Verg.; 4, ·ldia, f. a Trojc•
Cic. ; e. to blame, di1appnnie of; nee mihi mena wom4n, Ov.; Crni1a, Verg.
dubia est, queri te tua numina damnent, Ov.; f
to assign, de1'0u to (for destruction), IUon"'-mihl DArie ·ri!tis, m. (AGp'lft), 11 tl01llpa11ioa lo
castaeque damnatum Mine~, Hor. .u. to Atn.M.S, II ~T.
proe1m the ~nation. o/ a· ptrwn: 'hoc uno Dariua and Djriu ·I, m. (Ac.pc&~). ~
crimine Ilium, Cic. of llt!vn-al Perrian kin111; 1, Darius l17ataapee,
damllo.i. adv. (damnoaus), ru~; bib- died 48.5 B.c. ; 2. '°" o/ XeTTJU; 3, Dari•
Ochwi or Nothus, dkd 404 B.C. ; 4, Dariua
ere, to tlw 'lwlt'a Zou, Hor. Codomannus, the lllll Ptrrian kjng.
damllO.U. -a -um, adj. with compar. and 4Atlo -on is, f. (do), I. a giring; legum, Cic.;
anperl. (damnum), oauaing loa or da~, mi.9- 2, tlt.e lt.g<tl rigll.t q/ alilnatio1&, Liv.
da~, "'"'°"'• ~.Jrtm.ental; bellum aumptu-
otrurn et damD011um Romonis, Liv. Diitta -tldi11, acc. ·tim., Dt. (, a Jlnk,
gmeral of Dariu.s Hyatarpl.I, d(fmUd. 10it1' .Arlo-
damnum .f, n. (old form dampnum, from plwrna at JlamtAois.
toot DAP, connected with dRps, Gr. '1Ail,
whence &.rci...,,, or tlse rrom dare = tJi.e thing 4'.tor -<lria, JD. (do), II filler; JaetitiM,
g1vrn iu a P!'"ilA""nt), loaa, dmoogt, injury (opp. Ba.ccJuu, Verg.
lucmm). L <nn. contrahere, fat'ere, to I'll§" Daulla -ldla, f. (\C:c), a citr <• Pluxi.;
in.jMl"fl, Cic. ; patl, Liv. ; damnR caelestia lnnne, adj., Da111.1u -idi~l r. Daulw.u\; ales, Prvt:at,
tJi.e waning of the mooJI., Hor. ; maximi.a damnl.s Ov. ; DauUadea pueuae, ProcM and Pl&Uouwil.a,
aft\cl, Cic. ; dare damnum, kl cauae Zou, Ch:. ; \"erg.
dainnum naturae, a 11BtVral dr/«!l., Liv.; atnm- Daml118 •i, In. II tarfAicdl ki"f o/ ..4,,.Z. .
acbum ~uum damno Tulli (t.o IM ixj1i771 o/J ex- fall&er (or ataelldor) o/T'llnu, and ~11-ie. ft/
Jilere, C1c. D. Eap., 1, io. in wr, tUf""'; Diarl&«lu; hence 1, ~--a ·wn. Daw.._;
de UH Dec
hro~, Tvnu, Vug. : gens, t1tl R1"11ll4111, o/ to on, "1 MH to tAa Ilk a ,,.,..,_ jbr, lo k lndebflxf
¥"1toll\ THTl\W U"OI l.·ing, \'erg. ; •lea, J11turAa, to 11 11'"""' for; allcul benenclum, Cle. ; allcai
1i!Jl.:r of T11m1ur, Verit. ; Carnena, the Rama•l \1tam, Ov.
•11st, HHr.; CAf'flr·!I, Uornan, llor.; 2, Daunlaa 4ibll18 ·e, 81\1. with compar. (orlg. deblbllis,
-ldi~. r. .Ap11li<t, Hor. l'rom de an•l hnhllls), /ublll., wak. A. Lit.,
de, 1>re1•., with abl., /rom.. L In 11pace,/rom, corpus, Cic. ; seuex, Cle. ; rerrum, Verg. B.
al<'"• •t /ram, dotD•l from.; rle alteri pRrte ag1i Se· Transr., man cam ac dehilem praetunun Cuturam
qmtnos dece-lere jul>t>ret, ea..s.; •le m:mih1111 awun, Cic.
~u~ .. re, Cic.; de •li::it,, a1111lu111 detrahere, Cir•, dibDltaa -Atis, r. (delillia), ~al, /ul1't·
IL Tra1111r., A. OC tim .., 1, ill IM cou,.. of, IV••, ilefiiWy. A. Lit., honmn integrit.Ha CO!'.J.'"
tlRriM; de nocte \'enire, Cic.; de clie, fa tl&c orls, mi>1e1 um dehilita>i, Cle. ; linguae, Cle. B.
da ..,-1;,M, Hor. ; •le 111e11l'le llecembrl na\"lgare, Transr., 11nimi, Cic.
Cic. ; 2, /ro'JA., im.ivdiaUllf nftn'; atatlm de 1111c-
tione \·en ire, <.:ic.; •llcm tie die dilferre, prurerre. 4ib1Ui&tfo ..'Iola, l. (debllito), 11 ~"'""•
tLYakMss ; anhnl, Cic.
CO J"cl off jro11i 0011 l-0 tlaJI, Liv. B. 1, /rom, of
the place from which a per9'm t,~•111e1; co1>0tlc 4ibWto, 1. (debill11), to l111M, 1otakn, oriPJJle,
via Latini, Cic.; rabnla .1., loro, Cic.; Ubyca rle diiabk. A. Lit. a, membra l•1•ldibua, lu1t-
rnpe Leone.'I, lv11u, Ov.; 2, to denote a it.11s, Cic. ; gl'n, in Jo8l!S., e11p. 111 partlc. pei:t, oC penon11 out of which &<lrne one {!I t..ken; debllitatu1n corpns et contrucl•lat11m, Cic.; b
homlnem 111i11i •le cn111ltlbus 111eh1, Cic.; or things, quae (hit!ms) nnnc op1'011itls 1leht11tal
esp. a, or tl1a bkth, ori~in, clus to which a pnrnicibua mare Tyrrhcnu111, n .. r. B. Tranar. to
Vi'""''° belo111t", 11111110 rle pl.,be, Cic.; b, In the tntrNlt, ln-t1:1k the /orot of, di...iblt; au•laciam
deuilit.o, scelerl resisto, Cic. ; trlbunlcl08 furore-.
!•lace of the par• itive ge11it., de duobua hu11estl11
utrum h .. iull. Cic.; 3 out of, to expreu the Cic. ; debilit&tum metu, Cle.
n1 ·terial out or wloil'.h a tr11ng is made. r.le et1tlem 4ibltlo ...'lniil, f. (debeo), H Mtlf, abC;
c,le-) et Oftt:r.\ eurare aliquir.l, Cir.. ; esp. a, of pecnniat-, Ck.
t!te chaurie or 011e thing to 1111otht>r, r.le te111plo dibltor -'\rls, m. (debeo), oiu wTao owu, fl
careen-in fleri, Cic. ; b, /1·orn, or the property del1tt>r. A. LIL, 11drlic-ere Futl1linm creolitorem
110.hich bears the c:vst or anythlni:, <le 111eu, rl~ del·iti•rihus 1u1.., C1c. B. Trau11r., mt:roede
tuo, etc.., from. mr property; •le 1111bllco, Pt tM aolntl non manet oftlcio del>itor ille tuo, OY.;
p~IJi.c U/V1fM, Cic. ; c, or the part or the ltOdy vitae, owi1i.g J,ia lV• to, OY.
whid1 11utrers p11nlsl1me11t, <Ill ter::;o s.1ti!lfacere, dibltum -1, n. v. debeo.
Ctc.; •, or the grou11<l, CBUJJC or a thinjf, on ac-
COllJlt 01, gravl de cattd, Cic. ; qui •le cnull!, nn 4ioanto, 1. L Transit.., 1, to ri11g, np«ll i•
ac"'1111t of wlticli., Cic. ; 6, tn acconla~ u·Ctll, i11 ain.gin.g; elegos, Hor.; 2, to repeat ot'tr r111<l owr
of,al.i,nu to ~ forlll or aa1111>1e; vlx de 111ea fJ41a(I\; pervulgata prae<'~pta, Ck. IL lntrana1L,
1e11~ntla conceasum ei;t, Cic.; 6, 1rWt rtlatio1& to lldrie off Ii rig ; Bed Ja 111 decant.a ven.nt tor-
to, roncu11i11_1; recte non creli~ de numero milit- tasiw>, Cic~.
um. Cic.; 7, with adj., to ronn an 1uln•rbhl d.ioido -ceaa1 -cesaum, 3. L LIL, lo go /ort1',
pliru.•·~ 1le !111provlso, u1uzptCUdl)', Cic. ; de ln- go awav.i. d.tpart. A. Gen. a. ex noatrl pro-
kgr .•, auno, Ci•:. vi ucli, t;ic-, ; decedere ltalii, Sall.: of animals,
clea -ae, f. (<lat. anrt abl. pl., 1111!1, deh1, delbWI), rli:ccdere e 1oastu, Verg. • b. de vii decedere, to
c Cic.; triplie«1, tM Parccu, Ov.; deae tkpt:trt fr""' orr.i1 couiw, Cle.; naves t11111rudentli
nnn1n, U1t -'/!Ut$, Ov. aut kmpestate p:iululnm 11110 c11111u d~runt,
Cic. ; !lg., se mill! cupid!tate luductum de vii
_ctealbo. 1. ro 10Htewas.11, plcuttr; columnu, det:ea.111.sse, Cle.: a11cul de vii decedere, to fllt&1.-.
Cir. way fur, as a sign of respet!t, Plaut.; aalutarf,
d8ambiUo, 1. to la.~ ii walk, Suet. appetl, dece.dl, to haw ptNOIU matt troy /<Yr rou,
4'armo, 1. to di.turm; qulbus dearmatna Cic.; decedere can I bus de vii, to gd out of tM way
u:ercit1ts hostlum, Li\-. of, Ck.; ti> JIWld to, gd ol&l oJ tM wa1 /or, Cll!Ole 011
dilba.oohor, 1. dep. to nziic, rogt /urloual11; acro1mt of; llf'rae decedere nocU, Vere.; calort,
debit~hantur lgne11, llor. Verg.: c, mi lit. t.. t., to maTChiiway, w ttlCJCUCl.te;
dibelli.tor -Oria, m. (de\Jello), 11 c:onqunor; dece•ll're otque exercitum deducere ex his re-
fefltrum, Vi:rg. gloniuu11, Caes. j pugnll., Liv.; ~1 or the m:1gi1·
dibello. 1. L Intransit. to vxige imf' to tJie trate of a provtace, to leaw 01& ua.e ezp(ratum oJ
trtd.ft• a 10ar; neq11e pr!usquam <lebell8\·ero hi.t tn-m; de or ex or (sirnpl.\) provinciA, Cic.;
a't,..L<Jtam, Liv. ; prodio uno debelbttum est e, or actors, decedere de scenl, Cle. B. E.'lr.,
Uv. IL Tranait., a, to ftght out; rixa supe~ a, to ~part from life, to die; del·edere de vitA,
mero del.ellata, Hor. ; b, to co11q11Q", overcome; C1c.; or absol., decedert', Cic.; pater nobls de-
a11~rlo0s, Verg. ce11s1t a. d. III. Cal. Dec., Cle.; b, or thlnga
clibio -<li -itnm, 2. (for dehlbeo, from de and without life, (11) or water, to ntire; qnnm decess-
hatieo, tJJ ha11efrom 4 prrroA, I.e. to be bound to IMe inde aquam nnntlatnm e"8et, Liv.; (o) of
rutore S()11Vlh i TIJ}). L Lit. to ou-e, be fo~bua; the ann and moon, to Ill; sol decedens, \erg. ;
(y) or <liSf'Mll69 0 to Ol!O/Jt i alter.. 11) qunrtanam
aht·ui pe.:1111iam, Cic.; t.1le11t.a CC1 Cic.; illi qnih- 111ihi dixit de1.'etiaisse, Cic. IL Transr., A. Gen.,
us •let.w, 1AJICM.liturs, Ci~.; abao1. ii qui dt>lient, a, to aha radon. propei tr; d" Jioase&'lioue, Cic. ;
dUJtm-s, Ci•'.. : anhsL, debltum -1, 11. a tkbt; b, to aba11Clon. a 1il111& or opin.£o1&; de senkntii,
rlf'liitum alic11l solvere, Cic. ; debito frantlar! C:ic.; c, to 1wn-i·t /ro111 dul)'; de otllclo et dlgni-
Ck IL Tran11r., A. ro mnali& tru:UUtd: qu0<i tate, Cic.; d, to 11Wa pla« to; with dat., \·lvere
prae11euti tilil peste subncgarnrn, non trib11c111rn si recte nescls, dececle \>Critis, Hor. B. a., ro ~­
eerte. id ab!lenti debere 11un }10t11i, Cic. B. to :rva.w; ut de c.-insa pencull 11ihil dece<leret, Cle.;
oa, tot.. bouud to npay; 1, rn<•rnll~-, with acc., b, to eewe; )10stq\J.l\m ilovlula <lece86efat, !:!all.
alica.i gr.1tlam Cic. ; with lnlln. to IJf bound, to
bf p!Ld11ti1; homi11eiJ, qui te et mnxirne deb11er- Decelia <·ia> -ae, r. (6,.U.u&&), a totolft "'
unt et I>lurimum jnva1e potuerunt, Cle.; pnrtic. ..tltica 011 the /Jot.atian. "'1Nkr.
clibitua ..a -um, bound, 01rtd: •lehltae poe11ae, deoem (&iir11). te11. A. Lit., etc. B. Keton.,
Cic.; 2, to ?J. bound or obliptd ''Y fife or cin~111n­ all indtftn.iu 1lu"'°'1'; decem vitfa, Hor,
lf47'Ct#; ta, nist ''entls de bes Ju,fibrlum, V yc>U D'°9mber -hria -bre, alil. -brl, (de<'em), 1,
4rt Mlbo1tnd to bttorru, Hor.; debltuadestlnatu11- mensl:1 December, the tentA montA oJ tM Roma•
qae ruortJ, Liv.; vit.aquae!ato debetW', Cic.; 3. JlllGI' ~from March, Decnt.btr, Cle.: au bet.
deo 16'
....... ~ cfeeriW; DOYelD homJnlll bODM&- 4iiolliro. L (decolor), lo i""°'°""; qa
tllim<*, Cle. ; eupectationea, Cic. D. ll'.lp. of mare Dauo.Jae DOU deooloravere caedee, Hor.
time, to bcp.U.; Ilic tamen ablnuno deciploque ~110 -cod -eoctum, a. L to boU; olm,
dJem, Or. Hor. It. A. Llt., of met.ala, to fUll GWllJ; pan
dioislo .um.. t. (I. deddo). • ...,... ; U. quart& argent! decocta erst, LIT.; fig., nantu
.WOnem tacae. Cic. decoct.a, iui.P'd, -..11.r, etc. B. Tranat., ablol.,
Diciua -a -am, ~ Q/ • ~ on-, iM lo llec:oMI banknp4; tenesne memoria praeteQ.
_., / - . . ~ o/t111&idt., P. Decim Mna, atmn te decori.ue, Cie.
~ and eon, ~ ClnYdWI to dmtA '"
kUU &o GDI tU daU.
4~r ~rta, m. (decet), 1, "°"" ""°""":
mobilibu deoor naturla dandm et &Dllll, Hor.;
dioli.m•tlo -61118, f. (declamo), I. lot&d. 2. beat&tr; t.e decor late,qnod optaa,eue Tetat,OT.
ftolnt 'J)«&ki119, d«lallUJtWI&; DOD placet mih.l deoOri. &(h. (deco1'1JA). 1, J1"'01¥rir, JUJr1
d~amatio (candidati) qua~, ~i-.glr; ad rerum dignitatem apte et qua
Cic. ; 2, practfa ,,. orulof'¥; quotidUUl&, C1c. decore loqni, Cle. ; 2, ~V'uUN, Cic. poet.
decl&m&tirfua -a -um (declamat.or), n!M- di~ro. I. (deem). A. Lit., lo adon., "-'
. . , lO citd4iaalio1', d.eda11111Jtory, rMtonoal, etc. corau; oppldnm momunentla, Cic.; templa noYo
B. Tran.sf., lo~,.; qnem populna
declamlto, I. (freq. or declamo), a, eo l',PllK 1a.xo, Hor. ain&"'tllaribwl
lowUr, Jtd.ai11& ; Graece apud Caulum, Cic. ; b, Romanll8 honoribna deeoraa.set.
Cic. ; haec omDla vitae decorabat dignitu e6
,. pruc1w : call8&8, to pl.tad /11r tAc ..a "' lntegritaa, Cle.
pradi.ce, Cic. 1. 1, to ~ lotidlr -4 ftolet\ar: decOrua • -um (dee«).. A. µhaf, _..,,
contra me, 1o c1ttlai111 aQ11&111l, C1c.; 2, to practw beroming, c1eoorou; "lth infln., nt m ..u. deo-
orum vlderetur eum plurea dlea esae 1n CJ'Ulll
~ '" public; a, intransit., ad lluctum TlUculano, Cle. ; with dat., color albos praeclpoe
&iunt 10litum Demosthenem, Cic.;
b, transit., to dttlaim; quae mlhi late TIAWI est decorua deo eat, Cle. ; with ad, ad ornatwD
a ali1 oratione declamare, qua.m In alJum ream decoraa, Cle. Subat., diciSrnm ·I, n. t11llal
commentaretnr, Cic. v jllti71i1, JUMiu, proprlar; wpirro11 appell.&Dt

ft'*llbg; an i ml tui, Cle. fades, Hor. ; anna, Sall

hoc G~J noe dlcimus aane decorum, Clo.
4iolaratio -Onia, f. (declaro), • clec:laralioa, B. beauli.rzu,1 gra«/ul., adorMd; aede.,
c\iclaro, 1. to make clm1' fir dWffttd, 1'ftml,
d«.larc. A. Lit., a, praesentblm saepe divi anam orrpU decrepltua -a -um. _, Old, '"""" -.
; aetaa, Cic.
declan.nt, Cic. ; b, to tkclan, pt"OllDM~, pro- dioreaoo -crivl -eritwn, a. lo ..,_, beoollN
daia; &liquem consulem, Cic.; Numa declaratna
ru., L.IY. B. tnLnaf., lo o;iilai1l, mah cUor, <U- gradti.allr nn.all.eT, dt:cr-: oetrehl et conch7W.
omnibus contingere, nt cum hmi parlter Cl'ello-
dlln: a._, Tolatibwl avinm res t'utwu declarvl. ant pariterque decrescant, Cle.; decrescen.tia
Qe.; 'llrlth lnfin., qaod plurim..i.a locis perora-
t.ionea nostrae voluiase uos atque animo con· and ftwnfna, Hor.; cornna decreacunt, beconv maaUa
innalhr, diaappear, Ov.; t&ntum animorum
~ decl.a.rant, Cic.; wit.h relat. 1e11t., de-
cl.araYit quanti me faceret, Cic.; absol. 1 1e1 nobls In diea decreaclt, Liv.
declarat. Cic.; b, eo sign.if!/, nwian.; verU& idem dicritum -1, n. (decerno), 1, a raolw, ,...
•ohuion, tU.cru; consulis, Liv.; senatus., Cle.I
dedannti&, ayMn)"U, Cic.
dicJin&tfo -Ooia, t (decllno).. A. Lit., ca decreta ao.,"4.
t'acere, Cic. ; 2, phllosoph. t. \.
doclrlm., J>ri"°'plc, Cle.
beiwhJ1g airoff, a t1'r11(1Sf1 aNk: tuaa petltlonea
pml""\"i decllnatione elfugi, Cle.; declln· decmni.Du, T. decimanna.
aUo at."Jmi. Cic. B. Transt'., a.. all avoW.li1119, dicii.matea -lum (decimna), mating to
d«li•iA9, tvrni119 a100y /ro1A; appetitJo et de- tUha ; 1gri, lallod.t °" wlJ.cA U. tit.M or lat&d-,_
cliu&tio nat.uraliA, Cle.; b, rliet. t.. t., a d.ig?'o- -.. Jlll"1. Tac.
lioa. declinatio brevia a propoeito, Cle. dicumbo -ctlblll, S. (de and •combo), ~ •
diclino, L lo bew4 CllicU, fw'n. °"'°'·
A. Lit., &, transit.'· st quo ego lnde agmen d•
He dmon, either to sleep or at table, Cic.; ~ te
L Gen., fall, /all dotcm, used of a vanqniahed gladlaf.or,
elfnve YOluiaem, L1Y.; b, intranalt., Cumanae Cic.
eobortea decll.11.nere paulnlum, Uv.; decllnAre deoilrla, r. (decem), 1, •bod.rot em--,
de TII, Ck:.; up. of atoms, declinare dixit VaJT.; 2, 11 elaa, dilliri01', esp. or jurora; Jud·
dornum perpaulum, Cle. B. Tranaf., l, transit., lcum, Cle. ; scribarum, Cic.
1lt declinet a proposit.o deflectatque aent.ent.iam. 4eciirfi\tfo, t. (1. decurio), 11 lffndiflf
Cle.; 3L lntran.til "b1&, de 11tatn auo, Cic.. ; a rell·
Sione omcii, Cic.; , or oraton, wrlten, to d'- ""° tt-r-Uu, Cle.
decWiatua .111, m. {I. deeurlo), • cUl'il.H.flf
,,_ ; aliqnantmn a proposlt.o, Cle. D. to IMIOfd, Cato d«wriae, LIT•
.... ; l, fiL, urbem unam mihJ amoeD.iaal.mam, 1. deciirlo, I. (decaria), to dftlide into bodU.
Cie. ; 2, t.nuiat, 'ritia, Cle. oflnt: equltea decnrlatl, centu.riati peditea con-
declivt.s -e (de and cllTUa), f>mt or inelfn~d jurabant, LIT.; decurlare tribules, Cic.
downui:urda, ti.oping; collla aequ.allter declivis 2. dtScfi.rlo -Onis, m. (decuna), 1, the oapCaC.
Id !lumen. Caes.; rtpa, Or. Subst., declivo Q/ a bodr Q/ Un.; decurto equitum Oallorum.
.a, n. a dtclfvilJI; per decllH ae recipere, Ca.ea. Caea.; 2. a #JWtOf" of a municJplnm or colonJa,
dialiritaa -Ida, f. (decll'ria), ca decUtrltr, Cic.
Oaea.. d~curro -cnrri (more rarel7 -encurri) -e1D'-
cliooator -6rlll, m. (decoquo), a ~ aum, s. L Lit.,
~Cle. aurumA decunit ab
° "'"" dat.cll, ~ dc1oil:
Verg.; ad nnea, Caee.:
dicollo, 1. (de and collum), tn btM.tld, Buel. eooltstiml tmoard.s a lmDer pl.act ;t.a,t., lD
decurro ros, Cic ; eap., 1, mllit. lo 1"4h 1111
4io61or -Orla, dUcr>lourtd. A. Lit., decolor or at a festival, to wianauvre, char(ll: pediU.
)pee 1uo aangniDe RhenUJ1, Ov. B. Tranar., d&- ordlnat.os lnstniendo et decarrendo signa aequl
lmiora:ed; dete.rior paulr.tim. ac decolor aet.u, et eervare ordinea docnlt, LiT.; moa erat 111.11tr.
diccllirido -6D.1a. f. (deeoloro). • ~ b\.to c1tar(/I
,.,, Ola.
tionia ucro peract.o decl were e:ren:ltwn, LlT.;
lo,.• .w.n&; u: <.:ap&.
'°uo bl hostem. LlY. 0 a: oaullbua putibu.r.
dee lH ded
Caes. ; 2, lo ""' •• Cl raoe, ""' lolOllrdl ,., §'OIJl : marltn.. cu A..&a..U, Verg.; with lnftn., 110lll·
nuno 11deo l'.nlcem, ad quam qnnm sit decuraum, cltiire, Ov.
olbll ait pr1ieterea exti111~8Centlum, Ctc.; quusi did ..oo -dldlcl, S. to •nltcrn, ~; nomen
decuntO IV"llo, Cic.; 3, or ship•, to raU: ego rliscl1•li11amq1111 Jiopuli Romani, Cnc.a.; wlLb
puto te lwllhuume cam qtuestore Helclnio de- lnnn., elnqt1ehtia loqul pnene dedleclt, Clo.
cursu1 um, Cic.; 4 or wakr, to nu. dow"; diditlolua -a ·nm (dedltlo), rtlalfng lo
moute 1lecllJTt'o11 vefut ainnh1, Hor. IL TraDllf., OtJpUulali.on or 111rrmder: plur., dedltlcll, t"9
a to have rrc=ru to, take n/ i11.; decurrere 11Abjtcl1 of .Rtmu, U..OM t0Ao 1tad nrrmdintl • •
;I istam coho1 t;1tionem, Cle.; all mi:Je11.111 pre1-es, condUto1raU11 or had no figltt (opp. aocli), Caa.
Hor. ; b..t to jl.niah; prope acta jam a.etate decur-
SRqne, t,;lc.; tn.,eptum uni decurre laLorem, didltlo -<')11ia (dl'<lo), 1117Tmder, capU1dalfn11;
Vt-rg.; qa.:.e ahs to bre\·lter de urbe decuru aliquern in deditlonem RCCi~re, Cua.; In dedl·
aunt, trecUM, Cle. tioneru venlre, Liv. ; tacere deditionem, Caa. ;
diaunlo -<')ofs, f. (decurro), a •UUarr curnpellere in dediUonem, I.IT.; dedi~onls con-
nolvtum or manau1'Tt, clao.rge, ap. Cic. ditio1 Liv.; ogere de deditione, lo, Caa.;
tit Ml Poenoa deJilio, LlT.
dicunua ·DI, m. (•ll'IClll'l'H). L Lit., B didltua -a -nm (t•· adj. with comp&r. and
runn£ng doll'ri; in rns decurro atque In decureu,
Cle.; esp. 1, niilit. t. t., a, ci ma11au~; alloe anpnl.), "'''"' t-0, IUlllJttil to, t:Hl.lmu/or, addM::Ud
decn~u ~ere 111ntu!!, Liv.; b ci chargt, attack; to; Coeplo 11lmis equeatrf ordi11l dedlt11s, Cle.;
adole11ct-ntnlu11 mir1tlco stuillla deditu., Cle.:
snblt~s ex decurst.., t l':;_i ~or water, r1hnf11 \'olnptatil•UR esllfl dedltwn, Cic. i nntrl
runnmg dotr:> ; aquarum, Ov. .u. Transt., tl&e
con&l'letio'll of 4" oj/lce; decunu bonorum, a,/kr
atque som110 de.litus, l:!oall.
ftllin9 ~public o.lfct, Cle. dido -dldl -<!(tum, 3. L Lit. lo gfw up; a.,
4ioa.rto. 1. to cut off, abridge, curlBU ; Al11l11em ad &lll'l'lidum, IJT.; allquem tells
transr.1 or dll<-11urse, mutil& sentlt quaednm et mihtam, Cle.; aliquem tnaclc1anduru popnlo
quasi ueeurt.ata, Cle. Romsuo, Lfv.; b, or the conquered, to giw up,
aurreadtr; cap., dedere ae, or pa911. &i1 mlllllle,
dioua -<')rif!I, n. (decet), that wh!cA cufonla or deJI, lo 11uTm,.Ur; de<lere se JtOl'Ulo Romanol
btautijl.u, cin C>f'nament, llOftour, glorg, gmu. Caes.; ae In· arbltrium dltlooemqne popul
L 0l'n., A. Lit., a, ot tbinb"'· decora atque Romani, Liv. ; se suaqne omnla Caeuri, caea.
on1amenta ranornm, Cic.; hominls decua lngtn- II. Transr. to giw: vp to, dnlWlt, dnlok; aurt'I
lnm, Cie.; clvitati11 dlgnitatem et decus sustl~: 1111ae JtOetiS, Cic. ; tllla111 liblrllni Ap. Clandil,
ere, Cic.; b, or .,erson11, pritU. gWr,; hnperu Cir.. ; ee, to detloCI O'ltael/, giw vp oriad.j to; M
Romani dtcWI ac lumen (or Pompey), Cle. B. totum Caton!, Cle. ; ae ei sludln, Cic.; ded1t.i
Metnn., esp. plnr., decora, ~loiu '" toar, Liv.; operl, duf1>WI1, inlenliollaUr, Cic.
rtno101Ud an.colors, Tao. IL Phfloeoph. t.. t.,
1n0ral dlgnit11, vfrtw, Clo. 4i4Wo. 2. lo cat&U to ""*"'• to •~:
aut docendus ls est aut dedooendns, ~e.; vlrtna
46oWMIO. 1. {dectU18ll. tM •ntenec&" of two f">t•ttl11111 ralsiot dedocet uti vodbua,. kOClla tMll
tr nu), t-0 diTJida ~ '" U&I 1hapc o/ U&I
letur X, Cle. "°' to 11-, Hor.
4e4CSIH -<161111, 2. to t11Gk1 111& nd o/ 11'rln-
dicnitlo -cusal -OUS8um, 8. (de and quatlo). ing, Ov.
to 1hak1 down, IAa.b ofi tl&roio down, hock o§. didiioo -duxl -ductom, S. L lo kad or bring
L Lit., papaverum capfta baculo, Liv. ; rorem. down.. A. Lit., 1, allquem de TOlftris, Caes. ;
Verg.; turrea tulminibus, Llv.; arlete decusal ramot1 pondere sun, to u:ei91l dovm, OT.; pectlne
ruebant murl, Liv. IL Transr., cetera aetate crine11, to cmnh down, O\'.; 2, tnllit. t.t., to l«id
jam aunt decuesa, ltlid a.Iida, ap. Cic. W>w1l; aclem in J>l:111um, ~all ; 8, naut. t.t., a,
di46oet -dootlit, 2. U ia unbl:comtng, •"" to 1prt!(Ul 1ail: tot.a carbua main, OY.; b, lo
tuka.bu to, 1111ftUi11g, gen. with a n~tlve. A.
Lit., neque te ministrum dedecet myrtus neque
dfUIJ a 1hif d010n. to tht 11ta; na ve!ll in aq nam,
Lh-. ; 4, o Pnchantmeut, to bring cloton; Jovem
me etc., Hor. B. Transr., ii v vlUMllly, un· l'aelo, Ov. B. Tntn11f., to ndue11: univers1taU!m
ftltlti.g; with lnftn., slmulare non dedecet, Cic. ; generia btun.anl ad 1dnguloe, Cle. IL lo Z.1d
ram, errare, labi, tam dedecet quam, titc., Ctc. ; a1DUJ/. A. Lit., 1, aliquem ex el vii, Cle.; a11.
or pel'llODR, t-0 aUJwllO'tir: Pomponioa .Attlcaa qne1n In arcem, Llv. ; dedueere atomos de \'1£,
Claudi•1rum Imagines dedecere videb&tur, Tao. Cle.; 2, milit. t.t. to ""'°"8; pr1.e1tidia de ia
dideoor -6rU, adJ. •Ufftllr, Ma.fM/vJ, """ oppldis, Cic. ; lei;lones In hibornl, Caea. ; S, lo
Sall. conatiet, t.tOOTt, llCCO'lllpany a per.m; a to . an
4i4Wro. 1. (dedecu.s), lo dUAoilovr, bring audience, transruga de•luctus (ae) u;Jit.urnm
1hame u 1.a"; sr. ftai..rftiia, Ball; et urbia auctorit- nrbem promitUt, LIT. ; b, to aoornnpan11 a perto1'
atem et magistrl, Cic. froJ'$ eh.I protrhM:U to &N; aliquem secmn Ro-
4ed8aoru .. -um, ahamq\11, ~ main, Llr'.; aliquem deducere ex ult.lmia genti-
Tac. bna, Cic.; o, to ealu to G hou1tct1a f1l'U'; aliquem
4id.Gcu.a -llrU, n. tAairu, dC.Mllour, d(lgraal. ad Janitorem quemdam hoRl'item, Cic.; d, to taa
L Gen., A. Lit., allcul dedecort ease or lleri. lo tmdtr an ucort or gvord; de<lucere Lentnlom
bring 1ha1111 vpo11., Cle.; dedecUB conclpere. Cic. In carcerem, Sall. ; e, to acrom1.anr (as a algn
B. Met.on., tM cri~ ca'IUC of d(lgracl; nullo o( l'ellpect) B 1tatuman ]ro1A hil 11.ouM to tM /OMJ. Ill
dedecore ae abstinere, Cic. ; dedecora mUltlae or •nat.; haec lpa aunt honorabllb uaurgi,
alicul ohjfcere., dWw1wurc1bll condua '" t'AI jW..d, deducl re!lucl, Cic.; ruagnam atfert oplniouem,
Liv. IL Esp., philoeoph. t. t.., nu, ftcl (opp. magna;n <li!mit.Atem qnotidlaniL in d~ncendo
deeus), Cle. frequt-ntii, Cic. ; allq11e111 ad forum, C1c. ; f, lo
acc:xnnpa11r a to tM lwv.u of 11 b~ :
4i41oatlo -llnla, I. (dedlco), a eouecn:&Uon, vlri;i11em ail aliquem, Liv. ; 4, to uaJ forth,
dedimtio1&; .OOla, Lil'. conduct colonist., co found a ooWnf: colo11lam,
4edloo, L 1o d«l4n: I. naturam elm, Luer.; Cic.: fjeducere colonoa lege JuliaCapuam, Caea.;
S, to m4k& ci f'tl'llrn of property to th.I ~: 5 to bri.1111 befon ci coiirl of "110: aliqnt-m ad hoc
b&ec praed la In cenau, Cic.; 2, to C!mltCNU, dtdi- j1:tt1ctmu, Cic. ; 6, or water, co bri1ig; aquam
eau ci; templum allcul, Cle-.; J11oonem, lo Albanam ad utilita~m agti 1ubnrbani, Cle. ; 7,
dtdfrou tAt tl'IA,,U of JuM, Cle. to dilpO&SUI: ex eA po118e8slone Antioch nm, Liv.:
4i4lgnor, 1. dep. to dUdafn., '°°""
f"'Jld cu
•11teorthy; dedlgnarl Dl4rftum, Ov.; Noma.des
MP. u legal t. t., moribus deducere; to mak1
tntrv on [au for Uw·ta.11¥ o/ Jiciri"" tit.• rigi&i ,.
ded 166 def
,.,.._ tried • al1qnem d.. rundo (with or wit.b- arm1, caatromm, C.M.; b In •1'4!eeh or writing,
oo\ moribua), Cle. B. Tra11,.f., a, to ltad aviay tiefe11i1lo mlserornm Cto.; Id ati 1t1a111 defenatou.
Jroa, h&n& cnoar fro•; al\q11t'111 ab hnmanlt&te, em otf'e"1', Cle.; defen1lo11em allc11lui1 or alioulna
Cic.; allquem de RntenUa, Cle. ; bl. of t.hluga, rel 111Rrl1iere, Cle.; o, tAt ~ or mtf"'1 (tN//,
to bri114 to; dedu~re rem ad anna, Qea. ; c, to JqrJ&CC; defenalonem canaae 1uae acribere, Clo.
Jtriw owi1 Dr"igi1t; 110111f'n ab Anco, Ov. c; a. 4ihnmto, 1. (f'rto<t. of defcmso). to be to0nt to
lo deifuct, rial>trod; Cf'11t11111 nn111111oio, Cle.: b, to ~""''· tf,/rnd/r'f'qiuntlv; muM11, t'.110.: l11ec nnn
"''"; leYI polllce Ilium, Ov.; tranar., to OOIRJION 11cri11i1 &ct'lllUl\"lt in aenectute qt1&111 ant.fl& defe119-
(n( writing), tennl df'<lncta poemata lllo, llor. ltavemt, Cle. ·6nla, f. (tif'<lneu), a ltndi"g tfoio1" 4etenao. l. (lutens. of defendo), to prot«t.
L Oto., 1, 11'4 tj111tdl'ri114 11r l1iluth1g of ••l.IVJ'I; dc!md.; ltaliel, q11on1m vlttuw 111oenia defenaa-
i11 op2iJa 111ilit11111 cr111ldi11 t't tnllklr& de1lu<'Uo, bantnr, &II.
Ci<'.; 3, 11 c.. nt111cti11rJ 11( cnl<t11.isU, a rolo11ui11g; difemor -Orta. DL (<lefendo), 1, O'l'l4 'ICM
q11ae f' h1loa 11grt'l4 •le1l11ctio, Cle.; Sl 11 ftdi·
riou cjtd,,.,'lll /n>m 1fi•1•ufttf Jl'N>V"tN, Cle.; 4,
to11nb off'oruw.rtl; perlcull. Cle.; ·a 4 deftllder:
a, In w1u, m11ru11 defe11sodh11s nud'atus, Caea.;
II bri114ing MIL"' n/ tc<•tr-r: rivonuu • route, Cic.
b a tft/tiuler, rn>Uc:tor; esp. 111 a court or law,.
IL n 1.a-ing, d~1hcdfon, Cic. a~o1•tArt• 11lhl allq11e111 deftoll'<Urem IUI Juris, Cle.;
cliduotor •.,ris, m. (1lcd11co), 11 rl~ or lierl d .. f.-11110re111 alleuhuc, Cle.
/rW'IMI "'lo 1JC0011aJ1Gnw 11 ca.Wl<late, ap. Cic.
diduota.m -a ·ttm, p. adj. with com par. (de-
defiro .um .1.unm -rerre. L to brl"f, '*"'•
c:urry do""'· A. Oen. amoeno ex Hellcoue per-
dnroJ. thin, ~ne,; c1n11en, light, uncllll· enul rroncie coronAm, Luer. ; e.sp., a, of 1; ven.
Wiou1, Verg. to carry ®""' witll tllttn; exclpere dolia quae
•ierro. l. to tMlld,,.'""" tAt rigll.l JIQt.\, lOl4 am11h1 defert, Liv. ; b, to clttug1J, nmow to 11
0111'1 troy. A. Lit., In ltinere, Cic. ; lu nrwl· lowtT 1.tacc; aedes suaa sub Veliam, Cle. : acles
pandoa l"t'teris, Sall. B. Tranat, tnagno opert1 In e&llll"l" delata eat, Liv. B. 1-Ap. to mf'T"I
a Yen> longc, Luer. dow11., beur do10" to!lA ~ntos; ruh1l lilt& pro-
difl.uptlo ·6nla, f. (deflltigo).. tc«trlnt#, lapsa acles In praecep11 deferrl, Liv. ; praf'Cl'Jl8
/aligru; 111eiu1Jrorum1 Cle.; h<.111tl11111 1 Caca. aerll speenll de month1 In undall defcror, Verg.
ditl.tigo. l. to tom1'JI, faligiu, tin; a, phy- IL to hear or bring fro• oM lil<WI to anotMI'.
llW!y, exrn·ltum quot.itlianla ltinerllma, Caea. ;
A. Lit., 1, ~n., a, ad ca1111&s 11tlicla jam fact&
domo, Cle. ; eou1111eat11111 In v am, Uv. ; allcul
g1:n. In 1•rtic. J.l&SiS., deratitt"tis In vicem lutegrl evtat.olam, Cle. ; b, 1.ollt. t. t., defen-e 11itellam,
1uc~lnnt, Caes.; b~ meutally, w nee a11i111I
de M. Octavio, to bring the ba.lloting·hox for rolh1g,
neqne corl'ori~ labor1b11a tlefllti~rl. Cie. ; 111111 I.e. to haw thf \IOU taktn about, etc., Cle. ; deferre
010.lo ceu~ore.a, leU et.lam JuJices ournea potest ex aerarlo or In aerarium, to bring from or to tM
d,ratii;ArE", Cic. trcamrr (where t.he 11tandUJ"d11, de<"t"t'e!I of the
difAti.ecor sz defeUacor ( q. v.). ~nate, l•uhlie acoonnta, etc., were kevt), Liv. i
difeoUo -01111, t. (deftclo), 1, 11 dtllt11Co", drf,.rre 1-atloncs, to giN '" tAt accounts, Cle;
def«'io1&, re~llum ; a, lit.,defectlo a pop11lo Ro- deferre cenitum Honmm, to xnd tlte cc1111U·li.U, Cle.; r~re derectlunem, Liv.; 110lllcltl11-e /rum tM colo11uf to Ro11u, Liv.; 2,esJ>., a/oto tab
allqnt'lll ad ddectlonem, Liv. ; 1odorum, Clo. ; alf)(ly 11ioltnlly ,fro1lt 01tt 7.WC1J t.1 aiwthn", drlvt
b, t.ran ..r., a tota ratJone defectlo, Cic.; ~. 11etn1· oar171: liie rumor e11t Aalnhuu delatum (e!llle)
iag, failure, m11Wlin11, d"'1pp-aring: a, vh1um, vivum In 1.!a11ua militmn, Cle.; bt u nant. t..t.
tic. : b, or ll~ht, defectlouea 110111 et lunae, to driw away, carry; allqne-111 ex a to lguotAI ad
ttllprs, Cic. ; c, wa.l'MSI; defecUo m&nlfe1ta, terra.i et in desertum litus, Cle. B. Tnuu;r. 1,
Tac. to o§tr hnn<i ovtr, rf/tr; al qnld petet, 11 1tro
difeotor ~rla, m. (dellclo), Grebel, cfa.n1cr, defer, Uor.; allcul praemlum dii.:111t&th1, Cle.;
Tac. toti1111 bclli snmma ait huuc 011111i11111 voluntllte
1. difeotua -a -um, partlc. of de-flelo. Jeft'rtur, Cnes. ; rem ad a111iem1, Cle. ; re1u ad
2. difeota.a ·!\s. m. (del\clo), 11 /aiiing, cma- sr11.1t11111, Cic. ; 2, to coinmunia1te, 1Vp0rt, ll'll;
fMf, d...a/'1'"1Ti ng: •r
\Ag of l~hl, edipu; unae, Cic.
aq11aru111, Liv. ; b, a fail· t.!f'ferrc f.1l~um e•111it111u 11umeru111l Caell. ; ''<'he-
111e11te1· te essc sollic!tum multi 11<1 ooll quotidie
d.ifendo -fendi ·fensum, S. (de and • fendo). deft'ruut, Cle.; !'!Ip., a, as legal t. t., 1101111m all·
c11i11:1, or 11lfrul11>:1 rei, or no111e11 11licui, to i11form
L lo f'tJre/, ttptds,,, 11.'ard o.f, drive airo11: defoud · again.ct to 5':t a 1•rosn:11fio" on foot; 1lefcrre no111en
ti'! idu1 ac repellere, Cites.; 11imio11 i<olis ar,lort'R
\·enellc·I e11iu5<lmn, Cit·.; defcrre rri111en, to brhlg
(from the vinl'S), Cic.; •lef.. nJere ci\"iUtU ltericuLl, a charge, Ci<'.; deftirre RllquiJ, or de aliqua re,
t.:ic.; _p_roxi1111111 a tedis lgnls defe11ditur lk'gre, or de allquo, to il\form, Ci<'-; d.-ft>rre nliquem, to
Ov. IL to tleft-11,d p1"0Ucl, g11ar.t, VJafch over. CJ.CClW', Tac.; b, 1~•llL t.t., 11d llt'mrinm 1kftorN',
A. n111p11hlka111, be.; 11e telo, Cle.; vit&m ab to rtr1i8ttr; nomlna .l1Hiici11111, Cic.: 11liq11t<111 in
inh11lcoru111 11mladA telisqnc, Cic.: c.111tra, be11ellcils ad aera1i11111 d,.ferre, or sinq•ly tleferre
C.C..; ee11at11111 c..'<lnt.ra Antouintn, Cle. B. Ju allqncm, to reconrnw11d/ur rncartl, Cic.
,;< or speaki11i.: to deftnd ; 1, a Reta Illa
Caf:Uri ... Cic. ; Rf' a.l,ersu" l"'l'nhun 1lomanum, defeneaoo ·fcrvi or .ferliill, s. to ceo1•
Cic.; b, (a) to d~fw.d l.,,/nrt a nm rt r.f lmo, Sex. boiling: or the hf'at of to Ct!M8 to ro(lt,
R0'4Ci111111ian-lci<Hl n:u111,Ck.; ddc·udere crimen, di111i11ioh in 1'i1J/tTIC4!; 1111u111 adolt'acentiae CU}'id·
~ diift,.d ,, f"T.OI~ u11 a c/iarqe of, etc. ; defr11dere it11w" ddervisscnt, Cle.
rrimen latlns co11Jnrat1 .. 11i~, Cic.; allque111 de direuu., v. d.-fdiscor.
arubitu, °" 11 char11• <J,f, Cle.; all•Jlu::m In capltilt
Jle1'1euln, Cic. ; (fl) to v.aintalA or a.uerc in ch..
4ef6U.00r (diff.tlaoor) ·fesau,. s. dep.
to heronit tirrd, <J1YIW 11.'f:ary; gen. fo1111rl In pert
fe'NJI; id aliormu exernr,111 se fecl~11e deft•tulit, pArtie., d.ifeuua -a -nm, u-tarv, tirtd; defr"5ua
Cle.; o, to .aln«ti" 11 f'TOJ10sitfni1 or •fatcmmt; c11ltn 11grorn111, t..;ic.
•leff'ntlclb aenteuti&m, Cio.; 9, tra1111f. to rnutai1' 4effo1o ·f!'!cl -fectnm 9. (•le 11n•l fnclo). L
s pare; vil't:nt rhetori1 atque p<>t·t&11, Hur. ; lntn111>1iL or l'efteic., 11 to rtlotl, rtrolt; a, lit..,
defeDtlett co111111u11e olflchml ce111mrae, Cle. ah rei.:e, !Sail.; 1 repu lohca, Ci<'.: ad Poenoe, to go
difizWro, 1. to JilUll(lf b~ wbt; di111li11doneit ot~r to tM C111tht1')inia11J1, Liv.; b transr•• ab
libertoru1n ad de(t<nerandaa dlrl1•1t•ntl111que pro- 111nlcltla, Cic.; a vlrtute, Liv.; 2, t, /av, ctaM,
tiudaii, Cir. l>trontt /t.'I : a, or the R1111 or moon, to beoomc
difenalo -4'ula, f. (ddendo), 11 defenc.; a, by tel i]>Md ; isol dtillelllllR, Cle.; of flre, to fJO Ot&t; uW

def 166 def
lpem detlcere ntl"l!mum vtdebat, Verg. ; ot lnt.erdum apes anlmum nbl'bat delagrare tru
water, to rd(ni,jhU; utcumque eneatuat aut de· ve1tru, LfY.; deftagrant.e p&ulatim seditfone,
lk!lt mare, jlt>vJI or lbb.t, Llv.; deftclunt l&el!I car- Tac.
u11De ronti1 aquae, OY.; b, of number, quantity, ctiaeato -ften -fte:rnm, s. L Transit., .&.
ete. to bero11M1 laa, fall; non materla, non fru. Lit., a, ro ~ do1ml; tenernm prono ponder$
mentum deftcere poterat, Caee. ; nee Yero levi- corpus, Cat. ; b to turn IUiM; amnes In alium
ta&t1 Athenlenalum enmpla deftclunt, Cle.; o,, Cle. B. Transf..l.._decllnare a proposito
oC time, fo fail, to be too Marl for; dies defteiat, et deftectere seutentlam, c..,ic. IL lntra.uait., ro
at vellm paupert&tl1 cauaam defend ere, Cle.; d, t11rn a.s«U, turn away; a., de via, Cle. ; a verlt-
of 1tniogth, etc. to faU, berolAe weak; ue vox ate, Cle.; b, or speech, to digre#; oratio redeat
vtreaquedeftcerent, Cle. ; memorla defecerlt., illuc unde detlestt, Cle.
Cle.; et simul laiialtudloe et procedente jam die clia'o .ftevl -ftetum, 2. 1, to, weqi fer;
fame etiam detlcere, Liv. ; anlmo <lellcere, to~ lmpendeota CIU!US Inter se, Cle. ; alicuins mor·
M>rl, CM.., Cle.; abaoL to be dulitartened; ne uni tern, Cie. ; 2, to lpeak 11.'ith unra; haee ubl d ..
plaal accept.I. patree conscript! conclderent, ne ftevit, Verg.
aeneenmt, Cle. IL Transit., a, act., toabanit<m,
ww, fail; quoniam me Loont1na civitu atque ·deftoretlOO -ftordl1 S. A. Lit., to ~
legatio propter eam quam dlxl cauum deftcit, 10m, to fa.di; Idem (nos) quum tenui carptus
Cle.; lpaoe rea trumentarla deftcere roe pit, Cael.; defloruit nngul, Cat. B. Tranaf., to lOIN bl009t,
dolor me non deftclt, Cle. ; b, pus. deftcl. to be witlu>r; cum eorporlbu1 vigere et delloreecere
Gbandcntd bf, to bc wanting in; <lellci a ... t.ibua, anlmos1 Liv.; meton., amorea mature et oeler·
Caea.; mullerabwuiat audaciA,conslllo et ratlone lter d~Oore!lcunt, Cle.
defteltur, Cle. ; aangulne derecti artua, bloodlal, clilltio -ftuxi, S. L to ~ d - . .&.
Ov. Lit., &, or water, etc., audot a caplf'AI. Cle.;
4iligo ·fin -ftxum, S. top or jufn. into. L humor 11&.xla, Hor. .i Rbenui1 in plurea deftult
Llt., 8udea 1ub aqua, Cael. ; 1icau1 In conaulia, Caes. ; b, or thin~ not liquid, to pd;
oorpore, Ole.; t.ellure butu, Verg. IL Tranaf., dolia medio amni detluxerunt, Liv.; to R"i•
a, ~ Jz tA.e eya or t.W mind otuot1uthing: omnea doum : seC'undo amnl, Verg. ; to mil tlotMl ; enna
Yigiliu, curu, cogltationes in reipubllcae salute pauci11 nllvlgiis secundo amni, Liv. B. Tnmar.,
deligere, Cle.; Libyaedellxitluminaregnis,Verg.; tojnll dnwn, dacnui, gCiiU dovm: l, quu111 lp.e
In cogltat.lone delbum esae, to be d«p in tlw-.i.ght, deHuebant coronae, Cic. ; of d1"1'111t, hair, etc., lo.
Cic. ; b, Co WllJJuf~; Ylrtus est una alt.IASlml.a fell: pede1 vestl1 deftuxit n<l imo1, Verg.; rustle·
radlclbua dettu., Cle. : o, to ftx in a~, ius tonso toR& deftult, Hor.; of hnnien1en,
lllak. W&OIW!tlus with astonishment., etc. ; deftx· moribundus Romanns labentlbus super corpua
erat pavorcum admlrAtione Gallos, Liv.; part.ic., arm is nd terram deftuxit, I.iv.; 2, abeitr, a,
delxua, MOtioftku "1ith adoniahmrnt, fro.r, etc. ; to be Mi-ittd; quodsl lneiit In hominum genere
quum idleoUo deG.xl 1tetillent, Liv. ; d, to iwi· me1111, ft<le1, vlrtua, coneordla, unde haee 111
pn.t~nnlr; In ocull.aomnium sua rurta atque tem&11 nlsl a 1uperf11 denuere potuerunt, Cle.;
llagtUa deft.xuru1 inun, (,'tc.; e, religious t.L to b, to /a.U to •Tu lot of; multaque men:ea tit.I de-
Uclan, dnottme; quae augur lnjoata, nefaata, ftuat aequo ab Jove Neptunoque, Hor.; o, &o
Yitlou., dlra delberit, Cle. ; r, of enchantment, changt tll .. • lleceiiMrfis artittc1il ad elegantlora
to btttd l>r a lpdl, lo cunt, regls lolciacl1 animum <lenuximus, Cle. IL to .ft.ow a100r, diaappecir, bs
detlgere votia, Verg. w.t; a, or hair, etc., extem1•lo tristl medlcamine
CillDJro ·ftnxl -ftctum, s. 1o /o'f"'m, tll01dd, tactae deftuxere co111ae, Ov.; b, or peniona, ex
~Wr!, Ror. novem t:rlhunts unus me nb11~11te deftuxit,
clifinlo. .(. to (7'dote u-Wtin ZimUs, to botmd. proi'tC folae to 111e, Cle.; o, of time, to diaappmr,
.&.. Lit. eius fundl extrernam part.em oleae di- Ct111e; ut.I aalutntlo deftnxlt? Cie.
recto ordlne dellnlunt, Cle. B. Tninsf., 1, to didkUo -f'OOl -f'ossum, 8. L l, to d(g b, to
~. <Ujilu, cutern&i-n.e; U qui mala dolore, bona rovtr tuith tarth: 11ignum sept.em pedes altum
voluptate deftnlunt, Cle.; esp. a, logical t.t. to in terram defodi, Liv.; 2, t-0 ixmM1l br,
d<,CM, giiie a ci<ft1dlkm qf; rem aeftnlre verbhi, bury; theaaurum sub lecto, Cle.; allqnem hu1no,
Cle. ; b, toftz; suum culque locum, Caes. ; 2, Ov.; Menucia Veatalls viva dero1111a e11t acelersto
Co eottftM "'"-''" lt.U., rutrain; non vagabitur cam po, Liv. IL t-0 dig "P; terram, Hor.
oratio mea longlua atque el.a rere ipl!is detluietur ctetormatlo .Onls, f. (dt'fonno), a tltfermireg,
vlrla, et<-., Cle. di&jlguring. L Lit., eorporis et colorii., Cic.
4i~ti. adv. wlLh 1u~rl. (def\nit~11), deft· n. !1"8nst, tantae majl'stntls, dtgrmlatioK, Liv.
•"tdr. diati'ltdlJ; lex Gellia et. Come he. quae detormla -e, adj. with compl!r. lllld superl.
definite ~tettatem Pompejo clv1tlltem donandl ' (de 1md forma), L deformed, 11iissha}Jffl, ugly.
de<lerat, CIC. A. Lit., a., or per8011S or 1uiimals, dt/ormal.
ctifinitlo -Onla, r. (tfef\nio), a dtftniti""; a, in body; defom1em uatnm esse, Cic.; jumenta
Terborum omnium definl\iones, Cic; b, a fi.r· parva atque deformia, Cl\es.; b, of things, 119lr,
Mtg; judiciorum aequorum, Cic. dilgv.~ti1v;; foeda omnia ac defonnia '1ii;a, Li\'.;
diCmitivu• -a -11111 (dtftnio), rtlalin.g to· aspc?tus defor1_nls atque turpi~, Cic. B. T~L,
"Uion. or Uj>lauati 071 , txplanatm-f; constltutio, a, d_ugrcu:«', dugracrftd; patnae 11olum defonnis
Ck. ~Ill malls, Liv.; b, haUful, foul, .s.llanaqul;
definitu -a -um, p. a..lj. (from deftnio), dtfl· !l"ll, defoi:me malum, Ov. ; deforme «:8t, foll. b7
fttte, distiltd; eonstitutio, Cic.; cauaa, Cic. mlln., C1c. IL /rrrmlt11, slwpek#, deform•
cte-f-10 •ft en,
_, r d e fl c i.:>, to .1ai
" ·l : num· antmae, Ov.
-ro-" . , . ), A.,,. ·
pass. o
quamne causll deflet, cur vlcti 1iacto non stetis, 4.e nu.ataa ·Atl11, •· (d e.fior:rni1. .....,vrait,,
Liv.; lac mihi non &estate novum, non frigore ugltnua. ~ Lit., c~rporis, Cle . .' or1S, Tac. ~
detlt. Verg. Tra.nsr., di.agract, _d~hOll?'"r; ill1u11 fugae neglig-
clia&gri.tlo -<lnis, r. (deftagro), a burning, entlaeq_ue deform1tu, Cic. .
aoumnilig bv fire; terrarum, Cic. 1. cleformo, 1. to j'orttl, jtuhton, ddin.«JU:
ctefli.g!'o, 1. robe burnt down, robe eon1Umt.d tra11sr., ille quem supra deformavi, 10"°11\ I Acaw
bf /.rt. A. Lit., quum curia &lliorum defta- for'llUTly ducr!bed, C1e.
graaaet, Cle.; Ph&ethon lctu fulmlnls defta. 2. diformo, 1. (de and fonna). A. Lit., to
gravltt...Cle.; part. pass., dell.lLj{ratue, con.tUm.ed, bring out of form and 6lwpt, d_i'!lrranr.; a, ot
C1c. -. Tranat. 1 to c.aae ~rning, lo abau, cool; persons, deformatua corpore, ~ Mil fxidJ
def HT
ac. ; b, nr thlngii, f'i'rl..tell nudnt1 ·~ cteformatoa Cle.; to I01'1td, eonim, apud quoe allqold IO\aat
l'llliqult, Cie. :a; Tl'llmsr., to flilgTGCC, df.&Ao1Wur; erit acturua, ment.d MD1uaque degustet, 1'lo.
vict11r1su1 clado,U\".; hmuovitiLI tletomiatllll,Clc. dihlno, adv. fro• llert, lntw, M1!¥rfl.
difraado. 1. lo d«fiw., tk/mud, cwt; L or apses. A. Lit., Tac. B. Tl'an11r. nr the
llU'el, Cle.; aliquem, with abl. or thing, allquem order or 8UOCNl!lon, MreuJIOll, Hor. D. or time,
ne and.abatA quldem, Cic. &, from t1'ia time, lw'l&Olifo,.Ut,; 111e L. Tarqulnlum
filrillataa -n -um (de and t'reno), •Jlbrldltd, 8uperhu1n qulcumque dehluc vt pouum exsecu-
wrutmi11td; cursus, Ov. turum, Liv. ; b, thcrnipoA; Euru1u ad lie Ze·
phyrumque vocat ; dehtnc tall& fatur, Verg.;
tlift1oo ·l'rfclU ·frlcAtum, and .frtetum, 1. to c, thu ; corresponding with prlmum, '" tM
nih, rub A4f,l; dentes1_ Ov.; ag., urbem l&le ate01'd plac:e, 8&Il. {dehinc sometbnea one 1yll-
mnlto, lo .itirtae, ltuh, Hor. able, Verg. Ov.).
~ -fl-~ .fractum 3. (de and frango),
14 brfUk o§; ram um arborl.; Cle. ; ferrum ab
.Ubl.llOO -hivl or ·lill, S. to gape, opn. lplU:
terra dehiscat mlhl, may Uu tcrth avinUow t111 t6p.
lwta, Veri;., Verg.; <.lel1il1cen1 lnterv11.lli1 hOAtlum aclea, Liv.
~·I, n. (fordefervltum IC. mtu1tum),
•ad or 11a11 1Di1UJ bou.d dot111& lo fl .-all porCiot&
clibu•tameatum -1, n. (dehoneato>. &
bltmialL, d<fornaUy, diagracc; corporia, Si.ti. ;
of ill origi1&11l q111atlllly, Verg.
amleltiarum, Tac.
diftido -mgt, s. L lntransll, lo jla a10a1; dih6...W, 1. tod'8Aoftal&r, ditgnuie; tamam, aT>,fectls totu1n slnlstrum coruu det'uglt, Tac., Liv.
Liv. D. Transit., lo ~1 .from, flt1eMf, r' out of
IAe mr of; proeUum, CUA. ; judlcla, C1e. ; auct- 4ihortor, 1. dep. to adviae lo eAa coJ&tra111t
orltatem oonaulatua aul, Cle.; ea.m disputation· to di&nladc ; allquem, Cle. ; allquem ab allquo,
CD, Cle. &ll. ; with lnftn., plura acrlbere dehortatur me
rortuna, Sall.
4itmaclo -f'Qdl -t'llaum, S. to pour dowm., pour
DiUnira -u, r. ('1"'4"..,,.), daugh.lcr "1
Oil; a, vinum, Hor.; aurea frugeA ltallae p1eno Onftca, rider of Mlltager, tD\ft of lllf'C'lllM, wlole
deftindlt Copi& cornu, Hor. ; ~& lo JJO"r fl Hba·
1ioii; defunde merum pateril, n.or. dmUt, Ml cawed by ttlldillg Aim a ganrNnJ JIOC.
oJWd 111UA tAt blood of Nunu.
llifmuror -tunetus 11um, S.dep.toft1dah,com- delolo. v. dejiclo.
pldc, ~rgt, perform, be relined of fill~ or
41ltr; defunetus honorlbua, lwll'i"I/ all Dild•ia -ae, r. ('1"'cJd.~ma). dauglln 41
PllbUc !)ca, Cle.; periculia, Cle.; proel o, bello, Lycont.tdu, ki."11 ill Scynu, motAar q/ .frlTAw br
tlv.; laboribua, Hor.; defunctun1 bello liarbl· AchWu.
ton, cfida~ /rOM t.W WKJr/a,re of low, Hor. ; dib:a. Y. deinde.
b, YitA deflmai, ea du, Verg. ; abloL, defunct.a dillloe)Jll. adv. (dein anct caplo). OM a,Jl.-
(at) •lrgo VCAbillA Lftell&, Tac. annthtr, 1t1CCUSl.wl11; a, '" apace; trea deinceJ>I
clilllllr ~ris (de aud genul'I). A. Lit., tm· turrtlll cum ingentl fragore pmclderunt, Liw.; b.
llDl'fAf oJ on.e'• nJCC, l'lOC 1111iuin.e, rlegn.erau; ill time, qnoa (tree fratl"t!a) \•ldeo delueepa tri!
Heoptnlemua, • of Ait father, Verg.; hi bunOtl 11lebi.a per trlennhun fore, Cle. ; o, i•
lam degenere¥ aunt, mlxtt et Gallograeci vere, or<Ur of nitcU1klii; P. Sulplclua qnl delncepe
quod appellantur, Liv. B. Tranar., morallr eum magistratum pctitt1rU11 putabatur, Cle. i
defrlllTClte, tuurorthr, igMbla ; putrl&e non de· corresponding to prlmue, prlmmn e11t od\alum
poer 1rti1, Ov.; non degener ad pericul:i, Tac.; ut 11e conaervet In naturae statu, delucepa nt,
aet.erorwn precea degenerea fuere ex metu, TAC. etc., Cle. (delncepe, dluyll., Hor., Sat. ii. 8.80).
digiairo, I. (degener). L Intnnslt., to be· dillldl and dim (for delm, from de and
COIM ulU..:.o>&e'•rGCC or I.ind, to/a,ll or,~ locat. sutr. -Im), adv. a, of 11iace, t~pon,
A. Llt., llaoedones In S)'?'Oll Parthoa AegyptiM from. place: via tautum lntcreet pcr:mg-
deguerarunt., Liv. i..poma degenerant sucoa ob-ueta, delnde paulo latior p11tesclt campus, Liv.;
lit& prinrea, Verg. -. Transr., to flegenmlU mor-
b, of time, tMrea,fter, tMrnipo1l, tM1l, (\/hnoc1nfa;
allr: ab hac perennl conteatata.que virtute maj·
Clmbnun Gambrlnlum statJm ad me V<>Mvi,
oru.111,Cic.; in Penarum more11, Liv. D. Tran11it.,
deinde Item acceultur, etc., Cle.; COm!llJIOllcl·
a, tom- to ~; nl degeneratwn in itllia Ing with prlmum, princlpio (lnltlo}, prlus, lnde,
biiic quoqne decori otrecluet, Liv.; b, to dia·post, poetremo, etc., Ca~sar prlllltnll JJl\0 0 dclnde
Auo11r, dai~ br degfruracy; proplnquos, Prop. onmlum ex cons.,ectu remotf11 equlK, Caea.; with
dip. degi, S. (for deigo, from de and ago), other &1lverb11, tmn deinde, Liv.; dclnde pos~a,
to"°"' Cle., etc.; c, in narration or order o( succession,
time ; omne tempos aetatl• sine ruoleatll\,
tMJ&, tt.Ut; ut a prima congreuione tnarls ae
Cie.; Yitam In egestab!, Cle.; In beatorum lnaulis
rcmlnae, deJnde a progenle, etc., Cic.: oorre-
hnmortale aevum, Cle. ; senectam turperu, Hor.;
&biol, to Uw; Ule pot.ens eul 1aetuaque dcget, spondlng with prlmum, primum ••• delnde,
Hor. Cle. (e!. In clalllllcal poets, one syllable).
~ lmpers. U Mita to 114U, Ov. DiMnldea ·ae, m. (A11io"&11t). of DriOM '°"
ticriw, 1. A. Lit. to prua down., opprt.~ ; llM Apollo, i.e., JliUtu
dqravat Aetua caput, Ov. ; qwie (duo mlllia) DeR5pia -ae, f. (A"'o1ma.), OM of 1111 7tppM
illaUa ex transveno 11Jlnie degravaba.nt pmpe o/J11.1io.
clremn•entum coruu, Lfv. B. Tran11t., tn weioA Dilp~bi ..... r. <~•~>. da9'gl&kr OJ
~ iapt!de, didreu; qula vulouJJ degmvahat, Gwucu.
4isrlcUor gt1!11US, S. dep. (de and gradlor), Difpb~bu ·I, m. ('1~). IOl'l o/ PrfGfl&t
" lkp, lll4n:A, tiialk doum; d"ll'eSIU" ex arce,
~111ba.11.doJ Hdtn. a,ttn- i.u ~ of Pana.
UY.; monte, colJ.4, Sall.; in aequum, Liv.; in cliJeotlo ~nls, r. (d~lcio), 4 tArowtng ®'oft,
~pum, Liv.; ad pedea, to di.m&our&l, Liv. legal t. t. ejectfMll.l from propmv, Cle.
- . . . . 1. A. Lit., to ta.sU; a, or pel'8on1, 1. 4iJeotua ·& ·um, p. adj. (from dejldo), 1,
!lde.bde, '8&li.;-riec degtllt&ntt lotot amara fult, Ov.; low-lyingi eq nitatus JIOster dejectia Joela cono
, ot things, eeleri flamma tigna trahesque (of atlterat, \,;&e&. ~ 2, diapirittd, d4icd«i, Verg.
lft), fo lfd:. Luer. i of & We&J>Qn, to flTUM; i. diJeotua -tl.e (dejiclo), 1, a 1At"010t"I/ dotn.
lllllDlnlllll vuinere corpa, Verg. B. Traner., to 11.wlhig doW1l; arhorwn, Llv. ; I, cYclitiUr, ,.._
~ llllb a trial of; genus hoc exercltationwn. pruaion. ; collla, Caea.
dej 158 del
deJ~ro = dejuro (q.v.). laetor, Cfc. : crlmfnlbu1 lnft>rendls, Cle. ; with
dijlclo -Jecl -jectnm, B (rle and j1tcfo), to In antl the al>l., in hac in:ml pru•lentiaf' lau•le
Utrow, cait, h11rl doirn. L Lit. A. Oen., 11Uquem <lelector, Cle. ; in hoc admodum detector, Cic. ;
de 1•011te i11 Til>erlm, Cle.; libru111 iu mare, Cic. in hoc 11•lmodum delootor quad, etc., Cle.; wit.h
B. Es1•. 1, ae tle,ilcero, or vn~s. dejicl, to ru.•h lulln., llor.
down; Vf'ntl ab utrl1111qne tl'rme praealtla mont- deleotua -tla, m. (1. delli,,'O). L Gen. e1
lbul4 1111l1iti nc pmc·ellosl "'~ 1t.-jlcl11nt, Liv.; 2, to ehoosi11g, rhnict, 1tltclio1': Vl·rbonim, a choice q/
throw to the ground: of trees, to Jell,; or languagel Cic. ; eine ulln <lclectu, tl'lthout a11y
atat111•11, to throw down, Cie.; or builciill1'B, to cli.oict, Cc. IL Milit. t.t., a lti1J, rccruitL11r1 oj
Jl1lU dow1l; turrim, CaPs. ; 3, to throw ltit1 into troopt, comcri]'ticm: delectum lu1l>ero, Cil•.; con.

) a11 urn; qumn clcjecta in It.I sors essct., Liv.; 4,

milit. t. t. to drit>t from a 1JOSitio11 ; TIIJl!trus loco,
Caes.; 5, lllL'll., dcjicl, n~ut. t. t. to be dri.i-en awa.v;
aJ. lnfed11rc111 part.em in!!nlae, Cat·&. ; 6, of the
liea•I, eyes, &c. to let fa.fl; tleject.o In pcctora
111c11t... Ov.; vultmn, Verg.; 7, le;;al t.t. to tjtct,
11<'.ere, Lh·. ; 1lekctua provlucialis, ci lettN '" tM
prwincu, Cle.
delegaitlo -Onls, (2. deligo) aft a.srig1&ftlt'ftl
of a ck/,t; a 111:mcipci annul die, Cle.
dilego, 1, to tra11efer, give fo cliarg,,, t-0 "'°'
tr111t, an0n. L Oen., ad se11alnm, Lh'.; fn.
dik]-.osse-1: nmtorl'~, Ci<-.; ull'Jlletn tie posseA11io11c rantem 1111tricil1us, Tac. ; h1111c lahorl'111 alterl,

) run<ll, Cic.; 8, to kiU; JlllUCili 1)('jecti1, Cac3.

IL Tra11rir., 1 nll<JUCtn 110 sentcntla, W1k4 a
psraon chany4 hi1 01iinlon, Cle.; 2, &, allqut-111
de laonoru, to dlprivt, Cic. ; b, uxMe deject&,
np. Cio. IL l<~sp. 1, mercautilll t.t. tn a.uigit a
tlebt or to noiniualt .t0me 01u tllt to pa.71 a ~ ;
allcul, Cle. ; 2, to (mpuU,, cucri~ a.
merit or a /ou/t to any Ofl.ll; critur11 a licui, Cic.;
oarrillll, T110. serv11ti consulis decus ad 11ern1111, Lil'.
DSJ6tArua ·I, m. OM of the tttmrrh.s nf Galat· dilinimentum -1, n. (1lcle11lo\ anytlll1tg
fa, 1fr;end.i!d by Cicero 01' a cl1arge of munltr. coaxu, suotMS, cartUU, a chann., bla11dUh·
dejungo -junxi -junctum, 3. to 11tparale, "11tr, ment; d"lenhnl'utum ani111la Volanl agri divi.111·
Tac oncm ohlcl, Liv.
dejiiro, 1. to 11Nar solemnly, aUtst by 1m C4lh; dileDIO, t. to IOOlhe, tcin, C()(U., C<t!'rs,•, r/t<1rTll.;
Yel'u;::1 r,(J11repti1 drjurare 1msl111 ne111lnem i11- mulil'r<'m 11011 n111•tiallhu.1 donis, k<l llllorum
uu:cu111 tantu111 mole5tlae iuihi<li!lse, Ncp. ru nerl hu!ll, Cic. ; n ique1u bln111llti.i11 \'oluptatuua,
deliibor -laps".l1 sum, s. dep. L :•• gUtle Ci"· ; animos, Cic.
do11111, }all dCtWn, 1!1tk; a, sli.rnu111 de cn<'llJ de· dilenitor .Uris, m. (dPlenlo), one rho IOOlJ&u,
lapsum, Cle.; l'X erp10, Liv. ; b, of a drily, to cajoJu, wi1l.< 01ier; cuiua (ju<llcis) dlllenitor eue
come tlvw•t fronl htHun: caelo, Verg., Liv.; <lebet orator, Cle.
11li•1ui>1 ile c:1clo <lclapi111:1, a person who cc1nu u11er- deleo -ll!vl -lctum, 2. t-0 datrov, 111u1ihilate,
Jlt!ct~dly to ont'11 a ..,i1<1a1ut, Cic.; c, or liqul•ls, to
abnlislt. L or thlugs, A. Oen., urllt's, Liv. ;
jWw tioum; ex utraqne (>.'\rte tl'ctl aqua <lclab- Volsc11111 uomcn, Liv. ; hellll, to bri11g to all e11tl,
ltur, Cle. II. to oltde au~iy, h1·11ce 1, '°J"'OCJ:rtl Cic.; lcgcg, Cic.; i111prololtukm, Cle.; ll{nomlnl•m,
from, be tlClfr'-<l from; ilia 8Ullt au }ii~ ClllpK.'\
Liv. B. Esp. to tjfaa or tf'OU IOJJUthing t1i,.
plura ~··urrn (ec. vocu111). Cic. ; 2 to fall a11\1y gra1ottl or 10ritu11, Ck. ; 11iglto lei;nt.1, Cle. IL
fro111 the right 1·nlh, to Jitll a1my, lo fall, to come or IJCl'S•lll!'I, tn dtsfmy, al\11 ihilttlll; paene hoat<-111,
w; a, in f"a:1 t.liffkultalt!ll, ut etc., Cic. ; in hoe Cal's. ; lil'llatum Ck.; rarely ur a. sin;dc l*l'lWn,
vitlu111 11c11rril•', 1'.1c.; b, to •figrtu; 11esci11 quo C. Curiont'lll delere v11luisU, Cic. ; hoatt'i<, Cae:s.
1111cto 11Jl vn1ecipie1111i rat10111:m ddapsa est oratio
men, Ci<'. ; a ""l'lc11tinm f11111iliaritatil1us nd vnl~­ deletrtx -t1 f<'i!! (delco), that wl1ich d&troys;
ares a111lcitiad ur.1tig n••stra tlelabltur, Cic. ; 3, sica l'al'na •h•lctrix hulua Imperil, Cle.
to /11// into u1101'scn·c,1; me<llos In Iwate.a, Verg. Delia, v, Delos.
del&mentor, I. <lep. t-0 beu.'C!il, lament; nat· doliberabundus -a -um (dellhero), care-
&111 a11P1111'l.it111, 01·. fu/111 co11sidcri11!1, llclibtratino; consules \'Clut
dolaa9o, J. tn tvt0ry, tir11 ""'': ceU!ra de J.t:lilicrnb1111J.l capita conreruut, Liv.
itcucro hue loquace1n <lcL'lssure valcnt 1''auium, deliberatlo -onis, r. (deliber11), cou&idtra·
Hor. t£cn, rmuultu.turn, iUlibtra.tio11 ; cousilil capi-
delA~o -Onis, r. (llcfcro), an illfi1T1naU01~ u111li, Ci~.; rea hal1et Jellherntionllm, odinils of,
~i11Mtany 011~. acc14.lllllio1t, den11nr.£ation; 110- c•1dit ln d1·lil>erutio11em, Cic. ; httuere <lt:liber-~·
u1ini11, Cic. ; nhsol., dare 11lic11i <lclnt ionem, Cic. tiont'S •le ali4na rll, Cle.
delAtor -Oil,., m. (<lefero), an a:cca&Ur, in- deliberi.tivua -a -um (lleliht'ro), relating to
former, llf'Y; criminum &uctorOll <lclatul'Clique, comi.du11tion or lklibuatio1i; geuu..., Cle.
Lh-. ; 11111,k~lalis, of high erta..on, Tue. deliberator ~ris, m. (clelibero), OM tlllo t»
delobllta -fl (<leleo), that can be oblUerattd libeffiU.•, Cic.
or dtJ1tro11etl; liber, Mnrt. delib!ratu• a ·nm, I'· Rdj. (from dellbero),
delectiibllls -e, adj. with 1,ompnr. (1lclccto), decided, 1·csol1"t:d, certain, Cle.
plrn:-J<t11t, ri.diyhljul. agrtt.abu; cll.Jus, Tac. delibiSro. l. {do Rn<\ lihra), to wtigh ca1e-
delootam.entum ·I, n. (rlclccto), cklight, fuU11, c.nL11idcr, co1tb'tllt o.bo11 • I. Lit., maxima
pleumrt, amtUtnu11t; iuania lata aunt delectatn- de re, Cic. ; delil>1·rnre de Cur!utho cum l1111'er-
enta 1•ue1-ornm, Cle. 11tnre U.011111.110, Lil'. ; with rel. clause, utrl pot·
deleoti.tio -Onla, r. (dt•lccto), delight, 1•lea.s- lssimum consulen<ium 11it, <leliberetur, Cic. IL
•rt; mira q}1aed:nn in cop;11011ccn•lo su111 et Trans!. A. to aJk adri«, <'Sp. or 1111 oraclt!,
dclectatio, Cic.; mag1111111 delect.atlonom hubero, ?\ep. B. to ruolve, dtcith as 11 r"nst~nce Qf
Ci<'. dtli.btrutioll : qu0tl lste certe atatuel'nt ac de-
deleoto, J. (lnten&. o(drliclo), to dtllgh/, MUM lll>entver-Jt, non ndesse, Cic.
rUtio-urt or e11jo11mtnt; a &l't., il!ta 1110 snplcutlao delibo. I. to takt a100y a lUtk, to taste. L
fa111a dckctat, Ci<'~; wit~ ahl., of th.-. rause, ant Lit., sol h11111orhi parvam dclil>et part<!n1.z Luer.;
lluria 11111 dcl<'cto nut tlnct11:1 n11111f'ro, Cic. ; with ORCula, \'erg. ; Ilg., ut om1ws untlique no11cnlos
In anti the alil., Ille me 1lt>l<'ct:it 111 011111i gcnere, car11J1m et 1lellbe111, Cle. IL Transr. A. Gen.,
Cle.; with lntln., qu:im 1lckctnl~1t cum defec- to take from., to <Urlw, or to enjoy; ex u11lveraa
tlones eolls et lunae rnulto a11te nubis p1ae- mente Jlvl11a delib11tos auimos ha'Leruus, Cle. ;
dfcere Cic.; b,, to tah 1Wight in; with novmn honorem, Liv. B. Esp., lo d,;miKUA_
abL, fumentle, Cnea. ; nlioll tul te delectarl lake away; allquld de glorla 1ua, C1o.
del 159 dem
dillbro 1. (de and liber), l<J b!Jrl:, p«Z tht Cl•~; gallluarhts Della1·u1 (the people or DellnrD
!..irk •'.f. C&e&. loeiug celehrated for their b111un \'~lilell and ror
dillbdo -tll .fttum, 3. (•le and root LID, Or. their poultry), Cie.
Alli. \\lie11ce >.iro~, d>.ti-f>w), tobt1nuar, <11wi11t; Delphi -Orum, m. (.l.•>-+o•), a towll rt/ Phoc-i&,
mnlti4 lllf'•licamentis deliLutu11, Cic. ; delibutu:1 ulthrnt.>d. for it. orad11 n/ .A11()t/o; he111.'fl ad,j.,
e&J'illus, Cic. Delphloua ·• -uin, /Jtlphiarl, arrd 1uLst.,
dillcati. with com1\ar. (1lelicatua), Delphloua ·I, ni. A1iollo, Ov.
lunrluK.Jl!f; 1lelicate oc molliter ,·in1re, Cic. delphinua -i anrl delphln-lnls, in. (°'f-'4>i~).
dilloi.tua ·a -nm (l\•l.f. with cmnJl&r. an<1 1, a dolphin, Cic.; 2, 11 ron.1ull.alio1t •o (tt//tt.l, O\·.
su1•·rl. (11.-liciae). L dtlvJl<({ul, d4llrmi111J, nll111 .. DeltOton ·I, n. (A«AT•mlv), th# ro111ttllulwn.
i·•v, /1u11ri.0111: co111itatu", cotr\ l\'inm, voluprn'4, call'd tht Trianylt, Cle. pot:t.
Cic. IL ao/t, t,1.dn', tl#li.oole, volupt110111, huur· dibibrum ·I, 11. (de and luo), a tonplt,
iortJ. A. Lit., adolcscens, Cic.; capella. Cat. ;
ahrint, a., a piece fur explRtion ; noctu ex de-
Jtllrrl, j11\·e11t11!I, Cic. B. Tmnsr., Jil.$/illiotu, lubro auditA vo:ir, Lh'.; gen. In plnr.,,
Jai11ly, n.iCA; e.'4t fasLitlli uclle&tiuirul. Cic. h.ol11 pla~•: 1lcoru111 t.>mpla ac dl"lubra, Cle.
dellolae -A.rum, r. (Jelldn, tonll11rr); pltarUrt, diludo -Ill.ii -lilau1n, :s. to moc.<, cli«tl, deludt,
,/,[rf/lll, charm, ltu:ury. A., 1n11lt11111m dtillC· dtctivt; con·um hlantl'rn, Hor.; I'! qUl\e eovltu&
iarnrn cum·~s "lit extrema salt&tio, Cic.; t'CCt' JeluJnnt sornnil\ sen!iu:1, Verg. ; &b.<411L, all-
aliae d.. Jicine (pr..u1'1riou) equitum vlx feren•lae. quanto 1.. ntilus agi-re atqUll uclu<lere, Cle.
Cic. B. Tmu!lf. tM btlot'td ol1.J,c:t, tlur/ing,
nmtMart: ornon:a acJellciae tuae Roilciu11, Cic. delumbla ·e (de a11d lu111Lw1), twrt'fleu.
weak, Per"9.
dillol61ae -Arum, f. (film. or rlellciae), a dilumbo, 1. to maa tMJk c:ind ntn.'Clul:
d11rlit11: T11lli1, deli<'iolae U<>!ltrae, Cic.
aeutl'utiae, C1c.
dillotum ·I, n. (•ldiuquo), a/ttttlt, crime, !U- dimAdellOO ·mLllU, 3. to beromt 1cd, o,·,
li-quo1c~; quo delieL11111 rruijua eat, eo )>Ueno
e5t bnli.. r, Cic. 4iman4o, 1. to tlltnut, girt fa eharg•;
puer••s cnrae allculull, Liv.
I. 4ilfgo -1~1 ·lectum, 8 (de Rn•l Jei:o), 1,
to pirl.:, plvdc: te1111l primam u11g11e roaa111, Ov. ; Dim.1.ri.tua ·I, m. (.11'1/>lApaTot), c:i Corfatl1ia1•
2, to rlklO..~, teled; &, m1,Jti!ltratus. conimlt'm, uilt, /"'h.a nf 1'ar•[Uin111 l'rl.lc1u.
Ctl'. ; 1hqnc111 &>0tl11ah11um generum, Cle. ; lltl f'A>I dimeu -me11tls, nilj., with c11111p11r. and
n"!I co11llcie111laa 01ge1urix dl'li~ltur, CAeit.; npll· 11111 .... rl., out of oM.'1 mi11.d, fo8ant, fooli.•11, 11C11•
mum que111que, Cle. ; loc11111 castria, C1e1. ; b, ro lu.t; a, or pel'lluns, 11111111111)1 viros •le11ipere,
r•idt oHt, "'"" a1A2y; longae,·oe 1t:nea ac luaus .lelirare, tlt·mcntl°!I e!lse •licetin... , Ci••. ; anlxo!t..,
aequore 11111tres, Ye1-g. In tranqulllo kmpe,.tatnn ndvet'lllltn optnre
:t. dOUgo. 1. to lti111l, /aaun., bind vp: navf· 1leme11till est, Cle. ; b, tmnar.. nf thlng11, de-
cul;1111 ••I r11Ja111, Ca.:s. ; all!)uem ad palum, Cic. 111cntiS11im11rn conaillnm, Cle. ; mlrrae, Hor.
dillno (-U!i\·I) ·lltnm, s. to u•ipeo.ff: es qua dimentiJ:, atlv. (1leme111), /oolWWr, u11«-
tantu111 t.-ctorlum vetu:s delltum alt, Cle. lu•l11, ma.U11, IJic.
diltnquo -lfqnl -llclum, 8. lo j.1U, be 10011t· 4imentla ·lk', t. (demena). foolWtnua, mad-
i49, ~v. to fall in duty, a crinu; hac nus, in.«111ily, Cic.
q11nque In re eutn tleliq11l!!se, Cle.; ut nihll Ari· d.imentlo, •· (demen11), to &. mad, i-.M, to
11111! a me dellctum putem, Cle.; 111 quid dcll- niw, Luer.
rpitrn, Cie. ; (rnilet) In hello propter hostlum dim6rio and dep. dimirior, 2. to dutnt
1u..tu111 •lellquel'llt, Cic. v.-eU of. to obli{lt; demc1enili beneHclo tam por,.
diUquesao -ll<'ni, s. to ""'"· ul1l cntt-m populum OCCllsio, Liv.; ae"oa, Ov,
•lelrcnit 11011dum prior (nix) llltera vcnit, Ov.; dimergo ·lllel'lll ·111rnmm, S. A. Lit., to
trauM., ti), di10J11W1t'; nee alocrltate silik, to 1•/ irito, dip 111.i.Ur; 1, lu wa~r, a,
ruWJ i:e!ltiens <leliquNC&t, C1c. C. Mariu:s in pal11<l" uemersus, Cle.; 11e •lcmerg·
diliri.tfo -~111 .., r. (tlellM), /ollv, 1Wirt'"· cl'e, Ck.; b, or l'hil'IS, to riU:; tredecim capere
dM1ge: httA stmllia at.ullitla, quae deliratio 111•· 11n1es, d..ce111 <lemcrgt'n', Liv.; 2, tlapea 11\·lol111u
)"'11.ui solct, Cle. ill al vum, to tu.'U/luw. l h-,: 1•leLit In 1011..aa cl1111c-
diliro, l. (•le and lira, lit.. lo draw the furrow "ll<IUt! f'Xhnurie11il&11 1lc111enia, Lh·. B. ·1 raa. .. r.,
I'll!. 1:11h11 :uiiuius CAelt'11ti11 ex altiaalluo tln111lcllio
ll'IC'T} ill 1.Jaughi11g), to bl crazv, ma.d, ill.sane, to
111re; delirare ct mente c1pt11111 esse. Cle.; quld- tlepressu1 et qun11I tlcmeraus ht terrum, Cle. ;
qu!J dellrant regPS pleetnntur Acl1h·I, tha peoplt plel.a sere alieno <lemcraa, o.,,,. hta4J all.d tar1 '"
l•ftr for tM tJMML acu of their kfllgs, Hor. ckbt, Liv.
delU-U. ·• -um, artj. with compar. (dellro), dimitlor -1nPn~111 aum, 4. dep. to lnlOIUrt,
sill,, cru.::v, doling; aenex, Cle. mm"'rc 01..t; ut verlia \'erl>la qUAa.I d•m1e1111& et
par ill res1J00Jcnnl, Cic.
dellteeco -till, 3. (de 11n1l lateaco), to con· dimito ·meis... lll -mcs.<111m, S. to mow, NJOp,
tf;.u 011~/f. lurk, l~ lr.llf. A. Lit., hoat.·a noctu ctd t1ow1i, or off; rructu-4, Cic.; f'rumeutum, Liv.;
In 11iki!1 ud1tnera11t, ~s.; In uh·a, \"erg.; in huic euae Cll}'Ut, Uv.; agroa, Cle.
cu\1ilil•uiJ, t:ic. B. Tr.111sr., to take rtfuut; in
alicu1t1~ anctorlt.Ate, Cle.; In frigid& calumoia, demitor, dcp. 1. to tMCUUr• or,
Cle.: ~ub triliunlcia umhra, Liv. dem.igrMJO ~Dle, C. {demlgro)1 Im~
delitlgo, 1. to MA>ld/urwu1ly, IIor. Nf'p.
Delius. v. Dt>los. dim.igro, 1. 1, to mig-raU, rml{rral., ftNW
or dtpart /rOl1l a pla.-t; ex hi" llP.t!lttcll8, Caes.:
Delos -1, r. (.l.~>.CI(), c:in iillm1d o/ tM Atgean ex A;,!ria Irr urbem, Liv. ; 111 alla Inca, Cic. ; 2,
Sln, lltl<t of tit« Cyc/wk1, and th# birtlt'f'lac• nf tr:m,f., hlnc dr1111e;rare, to dit, t:k.; <le mc·o
AJlolw 1t1t1t l>iaiia; lience 1, atlj. Delius ·R 11tAtu dernigro, Cii-.
·nrn,; f'ulia, tM lauTWI, Hor.; tellu~.
fltlo1, Ov. ; aubllt.., Dillua ·II, in • .Apollo, Ov.;
dimlnuo -m1r1111 ·mlrrntnm, s. A. Lit., 1,
to diini11i.•h, mfr/u Z,u, ltuen; mlllrum vlrea
Diba -n~, f. Dia1a11, \'erg.; »ilium ·II, n. a inopln fr11111 .. ntl <le111l1111t'r.1t, Caea.; allqnlil fie
!ilt.."C 01t tJ..e JJ.-eoti1111 Culllt WMN JluuJ a k11&1ilt te111pore, Cic.: 2, to nluMU, praedia, Cic. B.
o/ .dpoUo; 2, DOUAoua • ·um. Dtlio.1& ; VMA, 1'rau:sr., a, geu., uli11ulJ de Jure, de,
dem 160 dem
Cle. ; b, up. legal t. t., caplte • demlnuere or dimillor, '· dep. A. Lit.., lo ,.,,_ . . . .
caplte demlnul, to ml,.,. " lou of ~oil rigTW, Ole. to dutrey ulUr-lri_ denwliM; domnm, parletelll,
dem.lnutfo --Onla, t (demlnno), " ~fng, 11tatuu, Cle. B. Transr., demolientel Blo-
dim'"'"Mm. A. Lit., 1 gen., accretlo et dem- cbanalla, Liv.
lnutto lumlnla, Cle.; deminutio vect.lgalium, dimolllfo, r. (demoUor). • ,_,..,
Cle.; 51 legal t. t., right of alU'llation; utique dO'IO'l'I, dnwlilimi. ; 11tatuarum, Cie.
Fecennfae Hlapalae de.tlo es11Ct, Liv. dimouatrido --Oni.A, r. (demouatro). L
B. Tnuut, 1, gen., demlllutio aul, l.ouof ~r,
clipUr, etc., Tac.; 2, le• o/ civU righU; dem-
Lit., a. poi1'ling °"'
(by the hand, by ~tuna,
etc.), C1c. D. Tranar. A.. Gen., a. 'IJ>' ,..,.
lnutio Ubertatia, Cle. ttnn.., dacripttnn., Cic. B. Esp., rhet. t. t., a
demiror, 1. dep. to woWr ""· to '°°"""";
la\ldalorv sty~ of oraeorr.
quod demiror, Cle.; with acc. and infln., nihil
te ad me poetea scrlpeltlse demiror, Cic.
demlasi, adv., with compar. and auperl.
orationll, Cic.
dimonstrativu .,, -am (demonrtro) =
or dedal'll4lory; genua
(demiuue). A. Lit., low, JW:ar th.t grwnd; vol-
~\ Ov. B. Tnnsf.\m.odatiy, lou•ly, humblJ.1, ol>-
dimonatrator -6ria, m. (dcmonstro),
10/w pot..w <*I or imtM:Wa; Si11101iidu dicitw
Jralr 1M0nl1; supp lciter dem!:lseqnl' respond· demoa•trator unluaeuluaque sepelie11di fWlle,
ere, Cle. ; bum1llter demlsaeque aentire, Cle. Cic.
demlufo ~nla, t (demltto). A. Act., a.
siwng, /.owring; 1toriarum, Caea. B. Pua.

dimonstro. L ah.oto, indiccU, ~ o11&.
L With the hand or by ge9ture, llguram digito,
dej«tfnn.; animl, Cle. Cie.; ltinera, Cie. D. to point ovl by algm or
demtsaua -a -um, p. adj. (demltto). L Lit., words, india&U, ~. ah.ow. A. Gen., de-
a, ltanglng dovm; aurea, Veri;.; b, "'MM. low- moD.8trare rem, Cle.; demon1travi haec Ca.edllo,
lring; loca dern i111& a.c pal ustrl&, C&ell. IL Cic.; ad ea <:l.iltra quae supra demonstra.vimua
Tran.If., a, ~We, 10ftlk; demiul Toce loqui, contend it, t.:aea.; with acc. and lnftn., mihl
Verg.; b, """"'1nlli7191 modat; 11enno demissus Fabiua demonatravit te id e<>gitare fauere, Cic.;
atque humill11, Cic. ; o, down-colt, dilpirilcd; with reL 1ent., quanta praedae faclendae facnl·
a.nfmn.a, Ole.; d\ poorJ.. 'lllldJ.1; qui demiul in taa daretur, demon11travenmt, caea. ; eap. la
obf!euro ' ha:oent, rsalL parenthetic ttet1tences, ut supra or ante demon-
demitlgo, 1. "'~ ,,.ild, '°.ftn: puL, 1obe- 1travlmua, ut demonatratum eat, eae.. B. .Kap.,
I. legal t. t., demonatrare fines, ID IAoio a pw-
OO!M 111 i/,J; uosmet ll'lil quotidie demitlgamur, Cle.
cJ&aur tM ~ q/ properly Giid land U OWr" r.
domitto -mlal -missum, s. to .nd down.,
to knoer, la down, °"'-'thrust, tAro10, put doum, "'m.
Cic.; 2, fo trprU&, rigniJ'I; verba proprie
demonstrant.ia ea quae a.iguil!cari ac declarari
oa- to #tang dotun. &. Lit., A. Gen., ae volemu!!, Cic.
l:,us, to let <>MM)/ dOtcm by Uw l&and&, Liv. ; per
manna, C:iea.; al!quem per tegulu, Cle.; dim6rior -mortiiu.e, a. dep. fO dW, du oJ
e<;uum lo ll11me11, Cic.; irnbrem c.telo, Verg., (med of one among a number); quum easet a
veterum numero quidam senator demortuu,
..put ad rornicem, to ber.1i, Ci.c..; vultus, oculos,
to kt f.ul, lower, Ov. ; 11ures, Hor.; fa.aces, to Cic.; In demortu.l locum cen&0r 1n.lncitur, LiY.
Im!~. Cle. B. Esp., 1, dernittere agrot·n, exer- dim6ror,, l. dep. A. lntranait., t.o cW&i,
cltum, etc.; t-0 lw.d a11. army t-0 G ~ positio?t.;lei.Ur; ille nihil demoratua (ID'itltowl ddar) ex-
agmen in inferiorem campum, Liv.; demittere 1urg1t, Tac. B. TransiL, le atop, IM!Miw, ddaJ.
ae, t-0 marcA down,; 2 nauL t. t., demitterert.lard; sliquem diutius, Cic.;, Caetl.; &g·
ante11nu, t-0 /.moer wil, Sal!.; 3, navem demit- men ooviss1mum, Ca.eli.; inut.ili• annoe demorot,
tere, to aaU do1o1I. (a m't~r), Liv.; 4, 86 demlt- d"'il on a UM!aa ~not, Verg.; Teucr09 quid
tere or demitti, to jl.WJ down ; quo se demoror armis, to rutrain]rom battla, Verg.
rln usuerant pluviali1 a.quae, Ov.; 5, to Id Uw Dimoethenie -ls and ·I, m. (.a...,._.."'"),
Mlir or l>Mrd grow WniJ; dcmisRi ca villi, Ov.: Uu otWYraltd .AthA"11l orator.
6, or dress, to let droop; w.,1ue ad tnlos demlssa
purpura, Cle.; tunle& derotM&, hang'ng down, dom<Sveo -ro<>vt -m6tum, !I. to "'°""
Mt girt up, Hor. ; 7 to W fall le tM grow.rid ; """°"°
L Oen.1 dt:moveri et <lepelli de loco,
aul>licu In terrsm, ea;-..; Cle.; allquem ae eententla, mah a ~
8, to into (oC
change hi.I opinto., Cic. IL Esp. A. llllit. l. t.
a we1111on); ferrum in pectwi, Tac.; 0, or plaee8,
to Id down, to cawt to al~ down; molli jugum or of gladiators, gradu aliqnem, ~ a ~
demlttere cUvo, Vcrg. IL Tran~r., &, se 11Dimo, givt ground, Liv.; aliquem 1110 loeo, Cic. B. a,
caea., animum, Cic., mentem, Verg., to lou wrt, t-0 d~, rtmaw from one'• propn-lr; popui-
b«oilu dilcou~; in vectUB, to imprtai um Romanum de suia possession1bua, Cle.; b,
on OM'1 mind, Liv.; se in causam, to en.gage i1', to f'tmOve a person from an office; aliquem prae-
Cle. ; b, demlttl ab aliquo, to be dc¥.endn ,/rofA;fecturf., Tac.
ab alt.o deml1111um genua Aeneae, Vorg. dimugita.a -a -um (de and mqgto). J,llMi
clim.lurgua ·I, m. (&1J1.uovp)'lk), the 1' tM noi..M of lolL'ing; paludea, Ov.
9'Ggiltrot1 'n oertai1' Gr«k .tatu, Liv. demulcio -mulal -runlsum or -mulctum, 2.
dimo, dempel, demptum, s. (for detmo, from co .:rou dOIDlt, crart11 br 1Cn>ki"l1; d.onum (°'
honMll), Liv.
de and emu), t-0 ta.« a1oa11. A. l, \it.., Publlcola
11ecurea de faaclLu• demi ju~sit, Cic.; barbaru, dimum. adT. (from de, connected wtt.h Gr.
Cle.; 2. transr., aollicitu'..!ioe01, Cic. B. Esp.,ll~). al Ltngth., a.t lad, 1, with perticlea rel&Unai
lo tab G1MV from a whole, to rubtract, "'4Jca to time, nunc demum, "'°"'
al length, Cic. i jam
,.. ; 1, lit., part.em eolido de die, Hor.; de demnm, "°"' a.t la.d, OT.; tum <lemnm, """
eapite medlmna l>C, Cic. ; 2, i.rand., plaa ed· indu.d, then al length., Caea.; :ii, to exprea 1
dltum ad me1aoriam not11ini1 noeb i, Q1lalll climu or empbaaia, eap. with pron., ea demum
demptum de fortuna. ftrma amlcltla eat. CAat a.1'd 1114' a.lou, Ball. ;
Dim6crftua -1, m. (~.,,"61rpiToc). a ""'- hac demum tena, Verg.
~ pMloaopher of Abdero, avth.or ofUw .dto11lic 4imurm.iiro, l. to 111.uni.u,. or •taler owr;
CA.eorr; bence IM!J., Dem6arfteu (ltu) -a -um, ter novie11 canuen magtco ore, OT.
~": 1111bst., a, Dim(}crltea -6rum, 4imiit&tlo .()ois, f.(demuto), cla"fllo·
IL tM dodriMs Of ~ Cle.; b, Dim- «on; morum, ~ Cle.
hrllil -orv.m, m.. rM dc,,ctpW of DtlMcrUu.s, Cic. d.imilto, L lo t:Aa.fl#t; llllnuu11, Plut.
den 181 dep
Wl.rlua -a -am (dent), 00tlla'""'9 U.. pl.rte dentata et tortua. .-naJa, Cle.. D.
-'>er &n ; DtUIUDWI or .abet:, deaartus -ll, ..ooeMd tDUA a loolA ; chart.a, Ole.
IL a RotiMl1' NWT ooi7', origi'ltally equivalent k>
,,., ht a,ftenoanb '° ~ a.tllU, 'IDOrlA abot&C
Sjd. Qf En.gLYA t11Mn1q : alicw ad denarium aol-
2. Dentatua. v. Curlua.
Dentheloti -6rum ('111vf'l>.~Tcu) and Dea-
ftl'll, to :POJ m Roma" CWTmCJt, Cle. ; ecquae llelitae -Arum, m. a 1"1' JlfOpM lh1ng
ape.a 8il deruui.l, Qf bt\ftg paid '11 ~" Ctc. near the sourcea of Stl'ymon.
diDa.rro. 1. Co tlCln'llk, t.lll, nlaU ; matrt dentiacalplum -Ii n. (dena uad le&lpo), •
clenarrat ut, etc. Hor. tootApiclc, Mart.. L le nii• ~: Tuaco al no, Hor. deniibo -nupsi -nuptnm, 8. to bl "'4n'W1l,
Co malTJI (of the woruau); nee Caenbl In ullo1
denogo. L l 1o deny, tar no: Aqulllum dcnupsit thalamos, Ov.; Jnli&, quondam Ncron-
DOD arl·itnunurq;il denei;nitet jnravlt morbum, 111 lllor, denu1>alt in domum Hubellii Blandi, Tac.
C1~; 2, more (requently, to de".'llr rr,/UM., rtjtd
a n.quul; operam reipulilicae, uv.; Id ante& denudo, 1. lo l.aJI ban, unrottr, dn1lda; 1, De
petenti denegavis;Je, Cacs.; poteat enlm mlhl Vened d1>nudetur a pectore, Cic. ; transt., miW
dentg.ui occu1ultio tua, Cic. auum consilium, Liv. ; 2 to rob, plurwln: civN
.Romanos, ap. Cic. ; trao8Z, suo eam (jurbl llcieot;.
dint -&e -a, num. dilltrib. (decem), 1, tei. br lam) conceuo et tradlto (ornatu) spollare atqne
In, u111 al a tit11.t, l1y uru: uoree babent denl <ienudani, Cic.
duodeoique inter ee communea, Oaea.; 2, IM:
bla deni, Verg. denuntfi.tfo ~nla, f. (denuntio)1 a" .,...
nou~ 'r&t\'llelticm d«laratW., Clll'llCIL I.
dwc&Ua ~(de and nes), relating lo daltA:
fem.e, a /v.nerol /ma or iOlewa'ftitr Gf1W119 t1w
Oen., pericul.l, Cle. IL Esp., a, poUt. t. t.,
denuntlatlo belU, decZaration of tocir, Cle.; b 1
Bo.Gu (at which the tamilJ of the penon dead legal t. t., nmllWl'lli lli1 of a tuUM.11, Cle. ; o,
,... r·urifled), Ole. 10arni'ftg: quae eat enim a dis proCeeta slgnl4-
denlque. adv. L 1, In the order of snc- catlo et quasi denuntiatlo calam1t.atum, Cle.
eaaion, al last, at kngth, Cle.; 2, to expresa a denuntio, 1. L Oen. co a1uWKiv.t, inff-W.
clhnu, qui DOD ch1um, non denique borulnum tUclart, thrtakrl, d~1w1mct; proscrlptionern, Cic.;
nWDero eMent. twt&, Liv.; 8 1 in fl~ in. tlaon; alieui mortem, Cic.; Ula arma, eenturionea, oo-
omnia deniqu.e, Cic. IL Like demum, nunc hortA>.a uon perlculum nobis, Bed prae1>iuium deo
dwque, - ~: tum delliqul", U..n. fo<Ued, nuntiant, C1c.; with acc. and intln., Gorgiu •
Cic. ad omni& edse paratum denuntlavlt Cic. ; with
denomlno. 1. to rvunt; hinc (ab IAmlo) ut or ne with the subj., or subj. a\one, Lupua
L&miaa Ct-runt denominatos, Hor. mihl denuntiavlt nt ad te scriber1im, Cic.; with
dimormo, 1. (de and nonna), lo ma1" ~ rel sent., ut. denuntiet quiu caveant, Cic. IL
,_.; o 111 angulm lUe proximua accedat, qui nunc E..ip. ~ polit. t. t., bellum denuntlare, to dttlan
dmormat agellum, Ilor. wur, 1.,;1c.; b, mlllt. t.t. lo give urder; denun·
4enoto, 1. to 7114rk out, dt1wU, dufgnatti pn- ut arma capiant, Liv.; c, legal t.t., or the
d.ld~; quum el re11 aimil.ea occnrrant, quu non tirOl'ecutor, (a.) &lieut t.estlmonium denuntiare,
lubeat dell.otatu, Cle. ; clvea necandos dtinot- lo mmmo" a penon cu uritn.t11, Cic. ; (fl) denun-
ITlt., Cic.. tlare alicui, to give not kt of an action ; de iat.o
. . . . deutla, m. (connected with Or. oao&i(). tnndoCaeclnae, Cle.; (y) denuntiare injudieium.
A. 1, a tootA; aprorum, Ov. ; dens eburneua, Co gfoe nolkt lo cme'a toilnusu, fru11d3, rte., to be
Liv.; dent.ea genuini, tl.i grindu1 Cle. ; dent· pruml al t1w trial; d, Co giV8 1tiarning.t o/, to
!baa man<litur atqne extenuatur citrn~. Cic. ; 2, /ornmrn; qui (Hec.-tor) morien1 propinqnam
Iii;., a, e""JI• Ul-111ill, alalllkr; hoc maledlco Acliilli mortem denuntiat, Ctc.; quH.1u11 por-
den Ce CJ.rpUnt, Ci<'.; deus lnvidus, th4 tooth of tentis magna populo bella pernlcloaae·
lllt!J, Hor.; atro dente allquem pet.ere, Hor.; b, que caedes denuntiAbantur, Cle.
of time, vitlata dentibua aevi, Ov. B. Trans(., deni1o, adv. (for de novo), aMi!1, agai": 1 1 •
of tbJnp raembling a tooth, dens ancora.e. lterum, again, a atcon.d time; re hell.are, Liv. ; i.
Verg.; dena vomeria, Verg.; dens nneua, mattock, = rursWI, of that which Is repeated any numbel
Verg..; deoa 8at.urnl, tht ric:kU, Verg. of times; reclta denuo, Cic.
denai. adv., with compar. and superL (dena- Dool.a -ldia, f. (A•wtf), davghler Qf D«> <~
111), 1, a.-z,, PliD.; 2, of Ume, frtqumtlr, Ole. C..V), i.e., Proaerpina, Ov.
4enseo deuao (q. v.). Diolua .. -um. ICICl"td to Crru; quercus, OT.
DeJUIQletae. v. Dentheleti. dconero, 1. to •tt.load, dUburdtn: transf.,
demlo, and clens8o. 2. (denaus). to w.&k4 ex illiu:1 lnvidla deouerare aUquJd et In ~ trajlo-
ere cocpit, Cic.
t.lkJ:. k> tAid:tJl. ~. praa J_ovtther. L
Gell.., male denaatua aggor, Liv. IL Esp., a, deoraum, adv. (for de -vor~um), dmo.•uoordl
&. t. of weavl.Dg, to mat. thkk with the reed, (opp. sunium). Indicating motion ; sursum deor-
OY. ; b, mtlit. t.: t., to prta dole togttMr : acuta sum, up a1wf dotlm, bClc.klUClrdl and f<JNJClrdl:
super capita. lJY.; ordinea, Liv.; c:aterY&S1Verg.; naturill Slll'IWD deol'9WD 1 citro commean-
c. mlna aenwn ac Juvenum denaentur .ru.nera, tibua, Cle.
an crot«kd toget!ur, llor. depAclacor (dep6clacor), ·~ua. s. dePo
deusua ·• -um. adj., with compar. and lo bargain for, trWlk.e "'" agr~; lpae tlW
nperL, &hick, clo«., deiue (opp. rarus). A. Oen., praedia sibl depactua eet~ Cic. ; depaciacl cum
lilva. Cic.; litua, Ov.; Imber denslsaunua, Verg.; aliquo ut, etc., Cle.
den1um caesarle, Ov. B. crowded lo- depango -pactum. s. Codriw into &he~
, clafclr pad:.«l: 1 arl1tae, Verg.; apea, Co drive, ~ M.; Ilg., vitae deJ,.t&ctua tenniuu
erg.; f'rutlcea, Ov.; 2, o} time, following doaly, alte, Luer.
-ir.&ttrn&, fre1rw.em: lctua, Verg.; amorea,
Vsg.; S, f1tMTMnl; den.ea frl£oria uperitas, Ov. depasco -plvt, -pastum, s., 1, to /w:l 01, _,
down; saltue, OY. ; lllluriem ugetum, \'erg. i S.
dentilla ·hu:n, 11. (dena), ~lllAGre, Verg. lo /etd, grau, p1U111re (found aL!o in the aep.
l. clentatu.8 -& -am (dena). L prtnlidtd terith form, depaaoor ·pastua), agroa, Cic.; Hyblaell
lldA. roouvtL A. Lit., II male dentata paella aplbua ftorem dep&Bta aalloti aaepesi.:V_~rg.; - .
~ OY. B. ~ ~ ~; es OllUd puta alw.ria, poet. :=a food oa IM _.... Vers.1

dep 162 dep
tl1Ul!I(.• depm1CO"re luxurirtn oratlonl" &tilo, to Mllll1tr or o,lt«; trlumphum, Liv. D. Esr..
J'rte1u: rlo11·1, tztrv.Mgwiu of law;uuge, Cle. ; artu.a to, lay up for pNMrvalio1l, COlliDlit to f.\e
4le1'1u1citur nriola lcurii1, Verg. cMT{Jt of. A. Lit., pecuniam In delubro, Cic.;
dipiolaoor, v. dcpadscor. ol111i<le11 ap111l eoa, Cae&.; pecunlam apud 11liq11t1n,
Cle. B. Tran11f., jus populi Rom.ant In vestra
dipeoto -pe:u ·)H!Xttm, 3. tc comb, comb d01e": tlo.l.e nc religio11e <lepono, Cic. ; hence dipM-
trlne• LtL-:o, Ov. ; vellera fuhis knuia, w romb
l~ua, l.u!d 011t dl!lld; ut depo~iti proferret f&ta
q§, Verg.
p&rentio, \'er~.; jam prope depositus, Ov.
di~ciil&to:t- ·llrl11, m. (1lepeculor), oiw v:ho
rob• or ti11buzJ.u, aeraril, Cic. dep6piUAtlo -oni 1, f. (depopulor), a la11i"f
u.-ruu, 1•lunduing; aedium 1<&Craru1u p11l>lico-
dipioiilor, l. df'JI. (de and peculium), to n111111ne operum, Cle.
rob, 11lu11der; fai.a, Cic. ; alique111 Ollllli 11r;;ento
l}>Ollare atque dt:peculan>,, Cic.; cur pro istu qui dep6pdl&tor -c11is, m. (rlepopulor), ou
IJ!.ude111 ho11ore111qu11 la1ui liad \·e,;trae de11u:11· u·ho 1urny!& or laya llY'sU; Corl, Cle.
lat us eat pugi1u ! Cic. dep6piilor. l. dcp. to lar 1roSle, rarogt:
A111li:•1r1gi~ lille14, Caes.; ag1os, Cic. (pa"8. tlepo-
dipello -~II ·l'Ul~urn, 3. L ro drive awa11 pulati~ 11;,;ris, Cacs. ; late depop11lato agrn, Liv.).
(or ahephtlrda te11ero11 fotus Ma11tua111, Ver~.
IL w drive 11, cmt dow11, e:rpd. rtiMve. A. deporto, I. to bttJr, carry all'et~. rnnm:e,
Lit.., 1, i;e1L, 11i111ulacra d·~·1rwm depul~, Cic.; co11 rry away. L Gen., a.. of 1>el'll011s and aliips.,
alique111 ex urbe, Cic.; 2.i. esp. a, 1111liL t. t. to fru111e11t um ill castni., Caes. ; Tertiam 11::cu111,
dulodge; ho:;te111 loco, \;&ell. ; b, to lt"l'(J ll; au Cie.; Ple111i11i11111 lei;at11111 \"i11ct11111 Romam, Liv.;
nbere matri.:t, Verg. ;aliquem, Verg.; o, nant. t.t., b, of rin·n1, 1\ilt1s 111a;.:11au1 \'illl Bf!1Ui11u111 se..:mu
to drire 01" of 01u's cour~; aliquem obvii aq11i- fruinenti si111ilium tlicitnr lleportare, Cic. D.
lone11 depellunt, Tac. B. Tran~r. to drivt c11my, E:.p. a., to bri11g homt /rv111 c1 7wori1ia: victorem
kap off, turi~ away; fa111em sitirnque, Cic. ; sus· excrcitu111, Cic. ; 11i nihil aliml de h:\C 1n·o,·incia
picionem a 11t1, Cic. ; alique111 de cau"3 suscepta, 11isi illiu~ benevoli·nt iam <lepo1 tais..e111, Cic. ; b
Ck. ; de llpe conatuque o.l.epulsus, Cic. ; alh1ucm to lxw iNli fnr I ijt (with )l'IM:f of cil·il righb anJ
tribunatu, Cic. proprrty), in i11sula111 Anor-.;11111 Jepor1a1i, Tac.;
dependeo, 2. A. Lit. to hang 1lou:1t, hang Italia, Tac.
fr(J'ln; ex humeri& depen<let am ictus, Verg.; dip0aoo -11up()!ld, 3. to n3J.:, 11tg, ~tttth, dt·
laqueo depen<lentem in\'enere, Liv. B. Tran sf., ?1w.11a tarncstl11. L Gen., certas 11ibi deposcit
tu dt~n.d ttpon; a, ndes dependet a die, Ov. ; nan~s. Caes. ; unum ad iJ lJt>llum i111}'C't11t1,re111
b, to I~ dtrit"td from: huius et tlepollil'i 11tque expetl, Cic. D. Esp. 1, to ad: an
augurlurn <lependet origine verbi, OL office or duty for o'IWldf; sibi id 111unerls, Caes.;
dependo -pen<li -pensum, 3. to weigh out. siui part<.:11 istaK, Cic. ; 2, to lln11a11d /fir J•tt11i-.Jt·
A. Lit. to pc1y: <lerwmlendum tibi e11t quod mihi nunt; Hannibalem, Liv. ; aliquem aJ 111urt~111,
}Jro illo spopono.l.isli, Cic. B. Tran!lf., poen&a CaeK. ; al1q 11e111 111orti, Tac. ; aliqne111, Cit:.; 3,
reipu blicat-, Gi<'. to ch<1llt11ge to COllWat; nliquem a;iloi, Li\·.
deperdo -perdfdi -perdltum, 3. 1, to 6]Xri.l, 4ipraviite, adv. (depravo), 'linj111tl11, iRi-
rui1i; 1lcrerditus fletu, tzha11AU<l, Cat. ; deperd- 11' itousiy; j11di1·are, Cle.
itus in ali<J'I;\, duperottly in lort with, Cat. ; 2, dipravi.tlo -ouis, r. (depra\'o), ft ptrrtrli11g,
to lt'llle; nun &oluDI bona sed etiam honestatem, di.Jtortin!J. A. LiL, oris, Cie. B. Transf, an-
Cle. ; 1iaucoa ex suis, Caes. i111i, tlt['mvity, Cie.
denerio -pl'!rII -pt'!rltnru~. 4. to or be dipravo, 1. (de tmd r•ranu;), to ptrt'trf, di.t-
niiiud utterly; tempestate deperierant nave11, tort, 1Ii.<j!.gurt. A. Lit. quaedarn contra naturam
C&e11.; si ~ern1s deperh1set, Cic. ; esp., deperire depranta baberc, Cic.; depranta imitatiu, cnri-
lml)re alicuius, to be dtsperouly ill lot-e wi.l.h, roturr, Cie. B. Transf. to 11o0il, oorr11pt, dt-
Liv. ; so allquem (aliquam), Cat. prou; 11uer inrlulgentio\ no11tra <lepra,·atu.s,
dipllo. 1. t-0 depriL'e of hair, make bald, )f&rt. Cic. ; mores dulceuine depru-ati, Cic. ; plebtom
consiliis, Liv.
diplngo -pinxi -plctum, 3. A. Lit. to 4ipreoabun4ua -a -um (depreeor), tar11-
paint, rtprr-Mnt in ~inting, depict; pugnam estly e11lreating, Tac.
llarathoniam, Nep. B. Transr., 1, to drat•J or
depict in words; '' hnius, C1c. ; nimlum clepreci.tlo -l"mi11, f. (deprecor), 1, a 100rd-
deplcta, too tlaboraltly <Ulineattd, Cic. ; 2, to ing olf or a1JtTti1iu by eulrtuty, dtprtatti11g; per·
picture to oneiclJ in thought, Cic. iculi, Cic. ; in religious laJJguage, an i111ptea·
cliplango -plauxi ·planctum, 3. to btu-ail, tum, curse; deorun1, inroking tM cur• of tM
gods, Cit•.; 2, an tntrtaly fer fargi'N'ltUI; eiua
lameiU, Ov. • facti, Cic.
diplelnUI -a -um, cla.iping, embracing, Luer. diprici.tor ·Mis, m. (deprecor), ont rio
•· doplore, I. L Intramdt.. to 1t'ttp 1tiohntly, t.o ~s off, arl interct.3$01'; huins periculi, Cic. ; f'O
lame11t; de suis incommodl11, Cle. n. Transit. deprecatore, at hi.ii inttrrUBion, Caes.
A. to la'llU1tl, bttc·ail: alicuius in~ritum, Cic.
B. Transf. to regard CI8 lost, gi~ up; agros, Liv.; diprecor, I. dep. L "°
pray taNtt~tly to
«mu JJtr~n or for ICnlUthing. A. Gen., a, ali·
spem Ca puae retinendae deplorata.m apud Poenos queD1, Cle.; deprecari patres ne fl'stin11rent,
ease, Liv. Liv.;. n?n deprecor, foll. by quominus, Li.\";
dipliio, 8. to rain clown, Tib. b, al!qmd, ro °'fJ for, tntrtat for; p&O('m, Ct<".;
· 4ep011o -p6sllt -µllsltum, 3. to put· plact, with ne and the subj., unum petere ac deprec&ri
by doum, put away, put aride. L Gen. ~ Lit., ne, etc., Caes. ; prim um deprocor ne putetis,
aaput terrae, Ov. ; mentum in gremio, Cic. ; onns, e~ .• · Cic.; nihilnm deprecans qnin, etc., Li\".;
Cic. ; arrna, CM!f.. ; comas, Ui cut the hair, :Mart. ; with int1n. =
UJ aUtgt II\ trC11~; errasse rt'gem,
plantas sulcis, Verg. ; aliquani, t-0 giu birth to, Sall.; ct aliquid ab aliq_uo, f':> b~g for; mult.-.rum
Cat. ; vi tu lam, _fay os a u:o.gtr or cu a prizt, Ve:-g. \'!tam ao a.llquo, Cic. ; civem a civibu&, C:c.;
a Transf., &, to nnouna, lay cuuu, put QI~ end d, absol., to i nttrw:li; _ pro aliquo, Cic. B. to
"1; a1111citias, simultates, Cic. ; adeuntlae Syriae t.ucralt, cttr.u, Cat. IL w avert br Vllnal)t
consilium, (..,'k. ; memoriam alkuius rei, or ali· btg o;·; nwrtem, Caes. ; poenam, Liv.
quid t-X memoria, to fvrg(t, Cic. ; b, w la'J dcwn deprehendo and deprendo ·rretienol
an oJJ«;e; imperium, Cic. ; o, to dtpriw o/ an Q>renJi) -vrehcnsum (-J!ttllllum), 3. t.o ~ '.at
dep 163 des
WI ti, catt1. L Lit., A. Gen., t.abet111rfos

to fMr d0ton, malch awar; enaem nglnl, \'rrg.:
deprebendere Utterasque iuterclpere, Caea.; aliqultl de mauu, Cle.; aliquem de provtnel11,
111Yea, Caee. ; of storms. deprenllis nautls, Cic.; (lcl) alterl, Cle.; tranat., quantum de mea
=~IU ill 4 atom, Verg. B. Es/'·• to .ru.T'J)rile auctoritate derlpuia11et, cumUtd, Cle.
ddtcC. esp. lo a Mime or rau t ; deprel14'ndi dirieor ~ri11, m. (derldeo), 0111 who mocb,
In mauire$to scelere. Cle.; 11Uguem In sdulterio, deridu, a mocktT', Hor.
Cle. U. Tranar., A. to l'(T'Cf.lttt, obserre, niark;
:es IDll,,"'llas 118.t'pe In minlmls rebus, Cle. B. 4eriaus ·!ls, m. (derltteo), mocbry, 1Uririo11,
Pass., deprehendf. to be 1urpriW, e1nbarrautd; Phaedr., Tac.
• deprehensum nei;are non potuisiie, Cic. dirivi.tlo ~nle, r. (dt>rivo), a tvrnlJt{I or
deprihemlo .Onls, t. (deprehendo), dtUo- drawi11!1 off of 'ID(Utr; aquae Albauae, Liv.; de-
&u; \·e11enl, (;ic. rivationea tluminum, Cic.
dipreuua -a -um, p. adj., with compar. dirivo, 1. A. to hi"'.._ draw o§ vater :
au<l superl. (deprhno), l010-lyiag, iu1il; down; aquaur ex: tlumfne, Ca.ea. B. Transr., to htna
domus, Ck.; convallls, Verg. olf, dil"fff; crimen, Cle.; responslonem allo, Cle.;
diprfmo -pre11si -preuum, S. (de nnd premo), eulp1un in allquem, Cle.; partem curne in Aslam,
to •illk dovm, 1•rus dcnon, Mprw. L Lit., A. dirigatlo ~nls, r. ('1erogo), Ut.t ptlrlial
Oen., altero nu front.em sul>lato, altero ad ment·
um depreuo aupercilio, Cle.; d 1m1tro re]>t'U oJ a lat.0; plur., legum tlerogatlones, Cic.
(IC. In temim), Verg. B. Esp. l, to 1'lunt or dmgo, I. A. Lit., to nptill p11rt of tM
plilci dttp fa the ground, dig dup; aaxmn In J>TO~i.sloM of 4 law, to T11Strid, modi!JJ a law;
lllirand:m1 altitudi11em depresaull, Cic.; 2, of hulc legi nee obrogcirl ras e~t nt'que derogari
1hlI". to 1ink: nu·es, Caes.; ela11.-1em, Cic. IL ex: hac allqu!il licet neque tota abrogarl potest,
T?llu11r., A. Gen., to pre.1111 down, depress, opprus; Cic. B. Tt1ln6r., to dimfoi•ll, take away, d~­
fort.unam meam, Cle.; s1iu illiua eivitntie, Cle. roqate from: de hone.itate quiddam, Cio. ; ndem
B. Esp. to put dcwn by 11.•on.U; multoru1n iw- ali1·ui or alicnl rel, Cle.
prob!tate del'uasa veritas, Cle. dir0.119 -a ·tlm (part.le. of an unu.sed vtrh
diproellor. 1. to co11u11d violentl11; ventos d··roJu), g?UXlCfd aaoay; cllpeoa esse a muribus,
1equore fervido deproelianteR, Hor. Ci·~.
dipr0mo -}'T'Olnps! -promptum, S. to bring diriio -rt'll -r11tum, s. to cmt doum, oi-trlten:
/rlrlll, prorlw:t, fetch. 011t ; iiecunlam ex aerarlo, ftg., cumulum de laudibus Dolnbellae, Cle.
Cic.: ~nl•um cellis, Hor,; transr., oratlonem
u Jure civili, Cle.; verba domo patron!, Clo.

diruptus •& -mn derumpo), brol:t/l off;
hence, or pliicta (conf. &l>rupt11:1), vr«i1•ltou1,
diuril>6ro, to ~; alleui coronas, waw rtup; ripa, Liv.; colllit, Tac. Subst., de-
p1ctfy, Hor. rupta -ornm, n. prtclp'ku, Liv.
dipidet t. lmpen. to cc. to be desaevlo .If -ltum 4. to rag• noltntl'f:
IJ/11uutl, to be shame/tu, Ov. pele$u tlesaevit hle1rui, Verg.; toto Aeneas de-
clipigis .. depyg1"' (q.v.). saev1t in aequore, Vtrg.
dipugno, 1. to Ji9ht, •truggle, r.011Und • disoendo -sc.-ndl -ecensum, 8. (de and
ltl.lly; ut acie instn1cta depugna1'!nt,Caes. ; cum scando), to mp dourn, oomt down, dacend (opp.
Hect.ttt, Ci<'~; tranat., voluptaa d~pugn11t cum ascendo). L or '(lel'llOIUI, A. Lit., l, gen., ex
honest.Ate, Cle. equo or equo, Sall.; tie mstria, Cle.; moute,
Verg.; ooelo ab alto, V1:rg.; In amu11l11tlonem,
dipulslo ~nla, f. (depello), 1 drlring away, Cle.; ad navtculaa, Cle.; 2, eap., a, dl'scemleni
drit'i1111 off; lumi11um, Cle.; do\orts, Cle.; 2, In or a<l forum, or simply deireeudere, in Rome
In r.~t.. iUfena, <..'1c. t-0 conie dotrrn foto the Forum, 111 order to attt-n..i
dipulaor ~ria, m. (detiello), one who drfou tli1:1 Comitln, etc.; bO<lle non 1ll'Sti!ndlL Antoniu.c,
a11111y, a dulf'011'1"; domlnatns, (;le. Cle. ; b, or An army, to Macentl from 11 hLighl
diptito.1. to J'f"l'ne, cut of!; umuru, bnznc:llu, tht J>lafn; ex 1111periorlb111 locis In 1•lan·
Ov. itlt·m, Ca•·~. ; In aequum, Liv. B. Tran~r.. to
dipjgta -11, CMr& b11.Uocked, Hor. /ou~r 011~, to hatrt recour• to, to conductwl to,
deque, T. ausque deque. agr,,ri to, uii·e U'<IJI to; sencs a<l ludum adolesc·
DenMitla ·I!!, f. and Dero~tO ·!ls, f. eiotium descendant, Cic.; ad vim 11tque ad arm11,
(.1fpc"""'), a Syria" godde&J (also en lied Atarg-
Caes.; In pl'ece11 omnea, Verg. IL or things,
ltiA). fdinlijkd with tlit Gruk .41•hrodu..
A. Lit. a, Of weapons, lo ritn:I, to ptMtrau;
fen nm In corpus descend it, Liv. ; b, or 111nun·
dirillotfO ~nls, f, (derPliOQllO}, Cl duert£Ag, tains, to slope doum; Caellns ex: alto •111ll: mons
/11rra4i111J; commu1111 utilitatls, Cic. des~niHt In lll'QUUm, Ov.; or the voice, to
dirillDqu.o -Uqul -llct•1m, s. to fortau, ~ink, Cle. B. Tl'ansr., quod verbutn !11 J'lectus
clam er.tint11, a.ban.doll. A. Lit.. tota11 arationee Jugurthae al ti us quam quls ratus erat deiicendit,
derelinquere, Cic.; n&Ve8 Ab &e8tu clereliclae, atnk cittpff, &11.
Ctes. B. Tninsf., derelictns au amieia, Cle. descenalo -~11111, r. (dncendo), a go€ng dl)tl'n,
ctmpaU,. adv., l'Uddtiily, ap. Cle. d'1ten.dt11g, dacanl; Tiberinn, royaga down the
cliripo -repel, S. to crup, era icl down, Phaedr. Ti~, Cic.

4irid6o -rial ·risum, 2. lo 1'.11igh a.t mock, discenau ·1111, m. (descPndo). a dt.'ttnd&ng,
dnidt, tKXJI at; allquem, Cle. ; abeoL, derldet, dua11t. L, dl'St'en~us difficlhs ..t artAe vine,
q1111m., etc., Cle. Liv.; poet. with dat., facllls de."ICl'O!!tl!I Averno,
Verg. IL Meton., 4 d~ndi iig u-ar; descensua
tiridlcriUtW .. -um (dertdeo), wrv rldlc»- ripae ntriu11que ln alveu1n treceutorum fenne
lou, ~ lauglaabl•; alterum d~ridlculum eue passuum, Liv.
llreddere ratlooem, Liv.; auhtt., 4er14loul·
•·l, n. rldk1&11, rtdfcttlu'lunt~; ease or h&beri de.olsoo -sctvt or -sell ·•cltum, s. A. Lit..
tllridli:ulo, lo b9 an. obfecl of ridlcuk, Tac. 14 rm>U froM.. ~ to; mnlt&o elvttatea &b
A.tranlo descl11cunt, Caes. ; tleschK-eN! A pupulo
~ (dlrfge9co) ·rist11, a. to gT'01t' q1'fta Romano, Liv.; a aenatu, Ci1•.; ab t.tfuls ad
=er ~Ml; derlpl9Cii centi, Oy. ; derlguere
I, erg., OT.
Roman011, LIY. B. to wlthdra10, !Uparl, diNrpe
ftvm.. fall o; /rf1m,: a prl1tina causa, Cle. ; a
tirf»lo ·rfpClt -reptam, ' (de and n.plo). •erltate, Clo. ; a ae, to be vttt"" to on-V. Cle.:
llence, lo ftJll
fortunam, Cle.
""°· •
cftgeiwrall lo; ad l.ncll.Datam 4W. -aJdfa, m. (desldeo). Cd1I. ...,,
(nadtve; lledemo.s dealdea dom!, LIT.; nee rem
d..aribo -acrtpat -ecrlptum, a. L to tn:i• Romanam tam desldem umquam tn1ae at.q111
ICri.bc, oopy ; quint um 11 de FinJbu" Ubrum, lmbellem. Liv.
Cic. IL to dd(~ or rtprat1l.I in dialdio -Mil IW1Ull, t. lo .U UZ., ID 111
writing or by rlgtu. A. Lit., ge• •metric&& tormaa Cd.k, •lcUt/IU, Ter.
In anrna, Cic.; carrnina In !olils or In cortice, diaidiribllla ~. adJ. with compar. (de-
Vng. B. Tr11.m1 r., 1, to rtpruenl (" word.I, to lidero), dcrirablc ; nfhll enlm dealderabU. COD·
dtscribe; a, or thin;;s, bommum sermones mot- cuplecunt, Cle.
M•1ne, Cle.: regionem aut pugnam, Cle.; ftoruen
Rhoinum, Hor.; b, of persons, to portray; con- deai4ori.tlo ~n1_! 1 t (dealdero). • clafn,
Wnglflil for anytMtag, \.1C. (T)
jn;.:em 11ine eoutumelia, Cle. ; 2, to dtjhu, -
plain; describere olficia, Cic.; 8, to WWJrk out, de&dorlum ·U. n. (dealdero). L dmre or
11rrang1, cJ.u.m/y; rationem totius bell!, Cic. ; longing,, grief for tJw a.b«JWt or ZOll8 qJ
jus civlle generatim In ordlnea aetatesque, Cic.; a ptnon or tMll{l; mberum me desirierlum urbla
4, to (.m~, appotiU, µ, allot; clvitatibus pro tenet, Cle.; e1111e lo dealderio rerum alb! car-
numero militum pecunlarum aummaa, Cle.; laalmarum, Cle.; me tan to dedld~rfo alficia ut,
auum cul•tU'! munWI, Cle.; duodena lo 11inguloa etc., Cle.; dealderio tabeacere, Cle.; dealderio all·
bominea jugera, Cic. ; 5, to divUU, diltnow.; cuilll! mortuum eeae, Cle.; meton., th. t1'Jjfd Qf
populurn c~11~u, ordinibus, aetatluus, Clo. duirt; dealderlum meom, Cle. IL Esp. A.
dcacrtpto, ailv. (descrtptua) itl Ol"!Ur, ,,. t1atura.l dain; cibl atque potionia, Liv. B.
CJ toWt., duin; mllitum, 'l'ac.
lernalic.aliy; dc:;cri11te et eleete dlgerere, Cle.
dcscriptlo -6nls, t. (describo). L o <;5>PJ; diaidiro, I. (like coDaldero, ft-om root Biil,
descri1°tio iurni,.'O<}ue, Cie. IL a Gr. lA, ElA, to look'TIJ at), to loftg for _,
~or tMng tAal is a.blmt or lolt, to toU:A fer.
rtpnM""1ii011 by u'Titing or Agna. A. Lit., o dt-
tcriptimi., rtpru~ntaliml; descrlptil aedificandl,
L Oen., a, of persons, aliquJd Cic.; aliqu.ld ab
pla11J1, Cic.; numeri ant descril'tionea, g~onutrl.c allquo, Cle.; allquid In aliquo, Ctc.; with lotln.,
ftguru, Cle. B. Tranat., 1, o ~ta.twn in haec scire dealdero, Cic. ; b, ot things, ca ,...
wurda, o ducriptWn.; region nm, Cle.; 2, a quire, llCed ; rea noD modo umpoa aed etiam
dtjinu~; nominis bre'i,. et aperta, Cle.; 3,
animwn vacuum desiderat., Cle. IL Eap., 1,
ping, UmUing; ex~te~dai:um f'ugiendarumque with the notion of a fault, '°""''-; u me audia
rerum, C1c.; 4, distrihut'I01'; pos!eSSlonum, quid lD orat1one tua deslderem, Cle.; S. Co
Cic. : 6, arra~m, MtUng, cUririo,.; mag· lou; lo eo proelio CC militea de.lderarit., C&ea.;
lltratuom, civitatls, Cle. quart.a (legio) victrlx deaiderat nemJnem, Cle.
descrtptus -a -um, p. adj. with compar. disidla .-e, t. (deaes). .ioCA, MfZ.-, (nac-
thnl11; ne languorl ae dt:aidlaeque J.edat, Cle.
(from descnw). J1!'0Pffl11 orraM«i; ordo verb-
orum, Cic. deslclloei. adv. (deatd.iosu), ~. Mflr,
desEloo -skdl -aectum, I. to MID o§, c.t ol; Luc:-.
partee ex toto, Cle.; aurea, Caes.; l<'getem, deslcUOtnul -a -um, adj. with compar. and
Liv. auperl (dt:sitlia). alothftil, WU, laq; a, ot per·
desenesco -a~ndl, s. to fl'T1lll ' br ~; •aona, quJ nolet Herl des1d!oam, amet, OT.; b,
Ira belll, l:illlL of tb!pga, call6\ng rlloth; lllecebrae, Clc.i.!«!ect-
atlo, Cle.; loertisstmum et demdlos um
desero -s~rdl -ae~1 8. (de and aero, to otium, Cle.
tft't1' OM' 6 COii.nt.J!°£<m tMiA), to duerf, f orsa}u,
Gbandori., ltat'll. L Oen., 1·, lnamabile regnum
desere, Ov. ; 2 to leave uninha.bittd; 1tgro11
4Csido ~ and -«ldi, a. 1o abJ: "°'°""
~ 1<ttlt; tern., Cle.; tranllf., lo '"-'-VA.
Jatos ac fertile& 1\rserere, Cle.; lnsula11 desertlls, dturiorau: mores, LJY.
Cle. II. to abandmt, bt vmnu to, chMrt.. A. deaigni.tlo -Onla, t. (desi~o). L Lit., ca
Ut., 1, gen., cum amicl Jo&rtlm deseruerlnt me, marldng uu.l, d.r..rignin7 ducribtng; penonarum
partlm etiam prodiderlnt, Cle. ; p111t11., with aul. et tempurum, Cle. IL 1, CJrn&~t, onkr;
alone, dt>11ernr conjuge, Ov.; desertus suis, Tac.; totiu8 operl11, Cic. ; 2, appoi"'1Mt!.t to 11" O.#a ;
2, esp., mil it. t. t., to dan1; exercitum, Cle.; annua de11lgnntio, nomination of connU, Tac.
exerrltum ducesque, Caea.; CRKtra, Liv. B. designator -Oris, m. (dealgno), OM tolo
Tran11f., to mgltct, dilregard; 1, gen., &, or arrangu, a" t&tnpirt al the pt&blic gama, Cle.
persons, de.~rere officium, C1c. ; curam belll,
Liv.; nee fratris prt"ces nee Sertii promlsaa nee 4estgno, L to mark °"'• '"1« out. L Lit.,
&, urbem aratJ'O, Verg.; Hnes teruplo Jovta., Llv.;
1pem mulit·ris, Cic. ; b, of things or abstrac-
tions, multo tardius fama deseret Curium Fabrl- b, to po("' out by riQn1; allquem dlltito, Ov.;
clum, Cle.; a me11t.~ di'~l'rl, to lolt ~1 IM!ud,Cic.; notare et dealgnare allquem oculla ad caedem,
S, eap., IL, or reli;;ious rites, t-0 Mgl«t; puulica Cle.; c, to akddl., dtli~ Maeonls ehu;am
aaera et Romanos deo!I In pace, Liv. ; b, legal imagine t.aurl Europam., OT. IL Transf., A.
t. t., va11i111ouium, to fail t-0 apptar, Cic. Gen., to rig-Jiih, allude lo; bac orat!one Dum·
desertlo -Onla, t. (desero), fttglect, LIY. (T)
nortgem designari, Caes. B. Esp., 1 to
trive, perpetroU; quJd DOD ebrietaa Jeaignat f
dcscrtor -Oris, m. (de11ero), l, mu 11•11.o for· Hor.; 2, to arrange, ~; et
aaka, aban<.lona, o dtM"rttr ; amlcorum, Cle. ; deslgnare, Cle. ; 3,_ polit. t. t., to ftOmi!Mlk to n
desertor commnnla uttlitatia, C1c.; 2, In mllit. olfitt, tltcl; ut U aecem,..tratum habeant., quoe
L t., a daertn', Caes.; poet., CJ fegiliw, Ov., plebs dealgnaverit, Cl~; Mp., designatua., d«:C;
Verg. consul dt!:iiguatu.s, oon.ntl tlca, Cle.; tribllDlll
desertu -a -um, p. adJ., with compar. and plebi!1, Cle.; civta delllgn.atu (of a child DO$
auperl. (rle!!ero), /or~, abandoMd, dc.serUd; born), Cle.
locllll, regio, Cir.: Inca, CaeR.; deaerta. aitl regio, deslllo -sDdl -aultum, •(de and aallo). eo ,_,,
Ball. SutJt1t., doserta -Orum, n. duem wU- down; de nav1bu11, Caes.; eJ: naYi, Cae&.; &b equo,
~. Verg. Verg. ; ad pe«les, dinno'll7't, Cua.• of things, u
dcaervlo, 4.. to serw -zo.u&11; &, to - ci alto deslllens aqm, Ov.
,,.-r.eon; alicul, Cle.; culvU, Cle.; b, lo be ck- dealno -au -altum, a. to r.w ol, '*'-t !Fi•
wtt.d lo a thing; dlvinla rebus, OSc.; ID a bad owr, dui&t(opp. coepl), L TrautL, art.em, Cle.;
sense, lo 1- a dave to • oorporl. <Jo. ffl"IUI, Vere. i poet. (JIDr clelenn), fo allaadoll;
des des
bJllnam, OY.; with loftn. en MW to; de11ilt lit J1l'OIAi• a wu1idnt '" 'INmTia9f, bdrotl: flllaaa
defr!WP~. Cle. ; lllud tlmere d~lno, Cle. ; with ali1·ul, Cic. IL Trausr., A. Gtm., lo proa'-t
alJI., deaineqUMllO ron1111u11ibus loci11, Cic.: with giw 11.p; qllk'Cunu1ue (11~11) e11t, ea deepoud·
~il, tandem n10Ulu111 querelarum, Hor. ; des. dur a11110 cowmlalull tu1, Cle. B. Eap., cle-
init in lacrhnu, t1ul1 f1!1 t«ql&i&g. Ov. ; pa!IL im- 11pondere animos, to''* 0011.ragr, duportd, LIY.
~ni.. ai ~Uactit.atum, non e1111et dui twn, Cic. dMpUmO, 1. to 11.:fot. ol; follla UDdam abenl,
D. lntnL111it. to c.ftl.llO', slop, trld; in piscem, 0\1. ; \' t·rg.
rhet., nftht close of a period, qnae Mi1111li~r de· deapiio ·Mpl\I ·llvl\t11m, 3. A. Jntranslt., lo
tin1111t ant q•1&e caJ1111t. 11l111ilitcr, Cle. .•J'it 1111 t (a >11l!Jt!n<lit1m 111 ll!lllK'! for averting evil);
dillpleu -entLi, p. adj. (dealpio), /ooli.&h, ~1111111 uLi despui religio e:.t, Liv. . . 1'raualt.
CIC. Ilg., le ,.,jtd, abhor ; preees nostru, CaL
diefplentla ·ae, r. (desiplena>. /oolWlnu1, deequamo, i. to t.ah (II tJu lllllla, 1o -u_
ltvpvlily, Luer. Plaut.
dielplo -11lpi\i, 3. (de and aaplo), to~ foolish, 4..terto .tnl, s. to J.nisA 6110rlllf; poet. lo
ril/r, to ad joolisltly; 1111111mo,i viros dt!lipere, jiniRh drmmin(T, Pen.
Cie.; duke d""i)'ere in loco, Hor. desW.lo, 1. to drop do1cn, diltU; leatam d ...
diallto ·stlll ·11titu111, 3. to duUit, ltttt't off, tlllat. ab i11guine ,·trn11, Veri;.
oM1M: de illa mente, Cic. ; a defensione, Caes.;
C<111atu, Caes.; with inftn. c!estili stomacliari, Cic. dutlai.tlo ·6nis, f. (destino). 4/.z(Jt4,
111i1u1tim1, ri.:1t>l11tio1L; parlium, quibus ce19urae
disOlo. 1. to ltnt•• 1olitary, to /or10.1:e; in· aut nun et"fll!Uru11 ~l, Liv.
~let &:,'l'Ol!, Verg. ; frequently in perf. partie.,
disOl&tu .1 -um, fan<tkm, duolate; deiiolatae de.tlno, 1. (from root STAS, whenr.en..W..
t lCTTOl'W, lit. to jlz jirlfl.) A. to ffl4ke Jal'. ,,,""'
tm~. uv. fi1#te11; 1111tt'n11L'I ad 1naloot, Cae11. 11. Tran11r.
4espeot!O ·on is,(. (desplcio), a /Q01;in91lo1Cn; &, to ji.r, i/tttT»Lillt., Wtl/e; t1'111pU8 )OCUJnqlle IMl1
lran•!. ront~11f9>t; humauarum opinion um, Cic. certn 111 ,. 11 , Liv.; alique111 ad mortem, Uv.; cleblU
deanecto. l. (intens or deitpicio), to rtga.rd destinatique 111orli, Liv.; deatlnataeque
/rT1W4 aLoiit, -IOOk doum upon. L Lit., a. or per- 11ente11tiae, Cle.; with i11ll11. to rtlOl re to do; quae
'!Ollll, terra.~, \'erg. : b, or J•l&ce!I, to orn-look; agere deJ1tina\•erat, C&ell.; cinu urbell dlrept11ro1
q11ris des~ctant moeuia Al.iellae, \'erg. IL Ke 1lestinavera11t, Liv.; b, touiJM ot wilAa •'-il•:
Transf., lo dupiae; lib.lros ut multum infra, Tac. loeu111 01111, Liv. ; o, to ftz llJIOll, iuki«I lo bvr.
I ~ •• 11 'ti 1 Cic.; d tubttrotl&,fi.ru1io11wu11.•i/t/or.,.,o.u;
dnpixil, ikspicabir:~j~ ' p. -...,,., wi coml'ar. Lepida ~e11li11ata quondam uxor L. Caesar!, Tac. ;

t deepeot;ua .fts, m. (desplclo). A. a look· e, to Ml«l, ~ tlJ'JtnL for "'' o§ice; deatinare all·
i.1gdorn, <lote1llC<JN v~w; erat ex opphio Ale11ia quc111 co1111u tllll, LI\'.
dcsp«tu!I in campmu, Ca.ell. B. Transr., co 11 • 4eatltito ·stltl11 ·atltutum, 3. (de and at.atuo),
ltwf4, daj1i.sing; &licui tle!!pectui ease, Tac. to ..d. L to Id do1cn, to plUtt.. A. aliquem ante
despiran&ir. adv. (de!lpero), ckspairingly, triliuual regh1, Liv. B. Tran1f., q1111111 In hac
4uptkulJ1; loqui, Cic. mi!it!rrlma fortnna destitutus 11it, Cle. D. lo
pl11« on 011t side; 1, to lttu't, abmtdoit.: DUtlott 111
Wperado ~uis, f. (Jespero), hoptlts.mas, litore Jil!CCC!C, \'erg. ; &li'lllelll ill COllVIVio, Cle.;
Jai.air; vitae, Cic. ; reeuperandl, Cle. 2, to lttw~ iii the lm·rh, /or.a.kt, dutrt: allquem
cleaperataa ·& ·Um, p. adJ. with compnr. in lp:m diacrimlne pericull, Liv. ; nud11.1 paene
&1Jt11upnl. (Jesl'ero). dit<penik, 1wJ>tku; aegrota I est dl'l<titutus, Cle.; •lffill mercede pacti, lo
IC paene deiiperata res publica, Cle.; morhi, clltcct, Hor. ; aves de11tltult, I.Iv-. ; partic. pert.
Cle.; 11enes, Cic. ; desperatiuhno iierfugio uti, abar1do1tttl; ab onme 11pe destitutm,, LIY.
Cit. de8tftutua ·a ·Um, partic. of destit.uo.
dapiro, 1. to ~ tUUh.out llt>pe, to dt.11pair,
gii.i ap; de republlca, Cic.; honores, Cic.; 111bi, deatltudo .Onls, r. (destituo), a fonaki"f,
Cw.; 1ui1 fortunia, Caes.; with acc. and intln ab<mdmifog, Cic.
bita vera esse, Cic.; often In p&M., de11pcrati~ dMtrlotua -a ·um, p. ndj. with comi-r.
nostris rebus, Ca.t-11. ; desperatur turpitcr quid· (t.le.striugo), 11harp, #t'f'N; destrlctior accu11&tor,
quid neri pot.esl, Cic.
. deeplci.tlo -onis, r. (despicor), oonltmpl;
d.ea~go •Btrlnxi .11trletum. 3. L to drip
•~ piur.. ooia, invidia, despicallone11 adversantur off. A. Gen., Quint. B. to draw or bart IM
vvluptatil?UA, Cie. iu·ord; f.•d_i11111, Cic. IL to touclt lightly,
· 4-ploi.tu.a -a ·Um ~ ·Ith 1 gro..zt. Lit., aequora alls, Ov.: pectora 11111•1·
(.J~pieor). ·'~Uinl
. . . -·y
aupilxJ.·-. ·

w d supert-. m~ sagittA, O\'. B. Tr:ansr.• to aatiri.M, «n.sttrt;
"'• omo esplca 11h,,ue111 rnordacl carmme Ov
~•nus, C1c. " • •
. 1. cleaplcatua .tlJI, m. (desplcor), C011tempt; delltriio ·atruxl -struttum, S. "! pul~ d~in.
,, qui~ ducitur Oic A,. Lit. to .dt.•t.roy {~l'l'· co11struo), 1u.•d11lc}~111,
' • C1c.; moema, \erg. B. Transf. to clutroy. nHn;
desplclontla ·lie, r. (despicio), contempt; jus •le!!tr11ere ac demoliri, Liv. ; bosteru, 'fac.
rtrum hnmanarum, Cic. deadblto, ad\'. S"Uddenly, Cic.
.Jo~lclo -Rpexl -spectum, 3. ~ to look de.tido, 1. tl'l 1Wtat violrntly: tT'llnsr. to turl
• _'9flnl fr°!'& aboaie. A. Lit., a, mtrnni'lit., ontulf, labo-ur hard · In aliqua re Cic.
de vert1ce monhs In valles, Ov. ; a summo caelo - • - ' • •
in uquora, uv. ; b, transit., Juppitcr at-there ~e~o -feel ·factum ( desneo and
•ttnuuo d"'plciens m&re, Yerg.; varias gente!I et fa··w), to disuu, mal.·t u11.accust•"'!1ud to; u1ulti·
Yrbe!t J~p1cere et oculi!I collustrare, Cic. B. tudr: 1lesueraeta • contiombus, C1c.
Transf., to look down upo11, <ltBpiM; 1l ..111•icere deaueaoo -suevl ·suetum, 3. A. Transit. 141
't eo11te11111ere ali<{Ue!!1.i. Cle.; partlc. with sen.. <, hri11g into dil'ltu: rt!!I <le!iueta, Liv. . .
de.ipieiens sui, Cic. .u.. lntranait., to look away lutr:i.nsit. to ~OOll~ u11accustonutcl to; anu in pert.
/rol#., Cic. u1111st,{l to; desuetus triu111phi>1, \'erg.
desn6Uo, 1. to plmwtT, dt3poil; aliquem, deauetiido ·lnl!!, r. (desuesco), dinl«; ar-
Cicc. ; 1Te9pollandam temphun Dilmae, Cie. 111on11n, Lh·.
~Delio -apondi ·Rponsum, 2. L to rro- 4e.ultor -oris, m. (deslHG), a c£rciu riUr
•ia. A. Gen., Syrlam hominl, Cle. B. Ellp., 1DM leaped from one horft to anocller w.\Ut bot"
des Ul6 det
_,., t11 /rill sf"'!.:.
UT. ; a fiu:outa1ll "'1ed; Am~, c.ts..; nitlun 1~m ci"1HI,
f'OW'J' ; amoru, OY. Cic.; p:artic. ~rr. (pass.), lielb 10&tril>us dete.rt-
~ .. -am (desul&or), rt1o:ll"f lo• ata, Hur. IL Trausf., 14 aettrl, -rd <>$; o
dariltl1r, ac.. c!'i homortalea, avutit.e d. ckte5taulini hGC
disam -flli ~to be~ -..a.J, tro:rding, ODIC!D., Cic.
to Joa. L Gen. omnia tfttrant quae, etc., Ct~ ; 4iteso-texili -textnm, S. A. to plait, •alr
wflh dat., tf1Ji nullum otliduma me defutt1 Cic.. ; by 1 !aili111: ahquid ,;miulbm wollique jul!CO,
with In and the abl, deAnnt (nrlia) in C. 1..aenla \"erg. B. Trani.C., w . bUl (of cWlcomse); de-
comm~lando, Cic. ; d - . , ar non deesae, uxt.a P"•l>e retei:ere Cic. .
folL by quominu. and the subj., dwas sibl res, ditlnio ·tlntli .(entum, !.. (de and teoeo), to
qnomlntL~ in 'llllgllll et fn roro diceret defui.sse, "'1ld m1•1u1, hold bad:, drluiH. L Lit., no'ri$sim••
Cic. ; nihil deut, foll. b}· quln, ai ti hi ipsi nihil proelio, Ca.t-s.; .Roma.110 1-ello in Italia detlnt<ri,
lfttSt, quod in forensibus civilibu~que rebus LiY.; aliqut:m, Caes.. IL Transr., l, to 1tol1l
\"C~tur quin sew, Cic. IL Eiip. A. "°' It> lie fir#, /t!lfrr; me grat.i detiuuit compede llyrtJllf',
JfTt~nlat; con\ido, Cic.. B. It> fail, l>t u-a11ting, Hllr, ; 2, to oa:11py, tnrage; in afieni"' nt gotii'!I
w.t to l·t,p, tJJ kaw in tM lvrrh.; nullo loco dt!· <1 .. tineri, Gic.; aliq11en1 de or ab aliqua re, to
es~ alkui, Cic.. ; ailti, Cic.. ; Qft\cio, Ci<'.; non wt.:zin jroa; ah ci1cumspeclu aliatum rerum,
<ll'*'S"'"• foll. by quin, d"esse mihi nolui, quin te Liv. ; 3, detinere se. to 111J>por t t.rist"''~; se
admonerem, Cic.; nl'>l'll, nos consoles de,;uuna, mi!k"randis alimeutiit nonum aJ <llcm, Tac. : 4,
are va11ti11.g in. wr d11.1~, Cic. to t.l.t1~in po$SU3iun. qfpropcrly; pecuuiam, Tac.
4eafu:no -sumpst -sumptum, 3. lo choo~, deton4eo -tondi -tonsnm, 2. to 5Mar, dip.
«l~d; silti, UY. A.. Lit., crines, Ov. B. Tran.sf., detonsae frig·
4ea6per, &dY. from Gbow, csOOve, Cae& ore fron<l"-'S, mwle ltt.t}tn., Ov.
deaurgo -surrexl -surrectum, 8. to rile 11p, dnu·11 detOno -Wm1i. I. L Lit., to th1111d", thv•ultr
lfa.nd up; c<X'nl, Hor. ; hie (Jnppiter) uhi detonuit, O\". IL to
c.·a<t to thltndtr, tr.11:sf.
detego ·texi -tee tum, ~., 1, to 1111con:r, la,11 detonet omui'.'I (nuh.-s be!li), \'erg.
= cnrait to rage; dum

bare; :ie<t .. m, Liv.; capnt, y .. ~.; 'lllia po~~it

tierl, ut (ilia} J1&tefacta etdetccl.'.111111t-:11tur, Cic. ; detorqueo -tonsl -tortnm., 2.1 totvrllavuy,
2f to ~tut. dUc«>&e, bttra1; hwdias, consilium, ~'"' (l.<ide; a, lit., ponticulu111, Ck.; habenas,
Yer-.;.; iu dextram partem, Ck.; pronm ad
L v.; culpam, Ov.
u11da.., Verg.; b, tn.nst, volupt:1tf'S a11imos a (·tend i) -unsnm, S. to w.!Ulrttcl&; victute detorqneut, Cit~; 2 1 to t1oi5' a11ytlti11g
tabemacala, to .tl'"iU Ute tnll, Caea. out q/ iU 1•ro1<r ll1af)(', disron; corporis JllU"teia
ditergio, -tel'lli ·tersum, 2. L to tci~ off, <letort.~e, Cic.; transl., calumuiando otntlia do-
tripe airay; lacrimas, Ov. ; primo nnno LXXX torq111:"11<loq11e suspect.a et lnvil'll elficere, Liv.
1leteraim11a, goC toi/Uller, Ci~. IL to clM. nu 111 detractlo ..Onis, r. (detraho), fl dniwiJ&f
t0£ping; cloacas, Liv. · llL to 1trip o§, IJ,yak mcay, witJ.Jrawa.l, taling all"Cly. L In a gooJ
o§; rem011, ~ sen3l', A. Lit., 1 1 gen. 1 doloris, Ci<".; 2 1 e!ip.
4itblor ·Ids, genlt. ~ comJ1Ar. adj., with 111edic. t. t., a p11rgit1g, C.:ic. B. 'fr.ln~f., a t<1J.i,,q
snperl. deten1mus (connectp<i with detero), away, v:ilhdrau:al; cuius loci detntdiune111 lleri
vroru,.(11/tri-Or, fJOOf'tt': vedi~-alia, CaeA.; aetllll, velit, Cic. IL taH11g 1111.'111/ (in a Uitd .;t'D>:it');
\"erg. ; J>C'lit&tu, '1-cal;er, !'\' ep. ; homo dcterr· detractio stquo a}'petitio alieni, of a1111thtr fitr-
lmua, Cic. ; neut. ambst., io deterius, /or the IOn' $ proJ't rt 'II. Cic.
trorse: in deterius mutar.., Tac.
ditiriu-. adv. (<leterior), ll.'OTU, in an infnicr
detraeto det.recto (q.v.).
man.Mr; de male Grft.e<:is La tine t.Cripta dete1ius, leu, detractor .Ori~, m. (detraho), ou tcAo mda
Cic. a detructor; sui, Tar..
ditermmatlo.-Onis, r. (determino), a bound- detri.ho -tmxi -tract um, 3. L to talt do1rR..
ary, end; mundi, Cic.; transr., orationiJC, Cic. A. LiL, aliq11e111 de 1·urrn, Cic.; aliqne111 e•ruo,
Liv.; rnuro!I cnloniac 1 Tac. B. Tran~f., to lo1CYT,
ditermlno 1. to bott11d, fix lice Umits of, liumiliat~;
dtl'.rmine. L Lit., augur r1•gionc<i ah orit>ntead am 1let1~thi,regmu rna.1est:ite1111liffidlius ad medi·
Liv. II. to ta/.:.- atmy. A..
oN"..a.'lum determin:wit. Liv. IL Tr.u1sr., id 1, lit., alicuietc., de digito n11ulu111, Cic.; torqucm
qn(•d d icit &J•iritn 11011 a1 te detuminat, Ck. l1osti, Cic.; veste1u, Cic.; pellem, li<•r. ; 2,
4itero -trivl ·tTltum, 3. A. Lit., to rub off, transf., a, to remm-e; de homine &ensus, Cic.;
ncb army, uvnr out; detril..'l te;;mina, T:ic. B. b, milit. t. t., to drt1.JA:h; ex l•rtia acie sin;;ula1
to le~" ill llrtn!llh, to u-.~,rl·rrl; la mies e;.'Tr;ii cohorte.~, Cites.; c, numeri•·•tlly, to tl'll)Jrad /row
(!:tt'11.'lri11 t't tuas, Hor.; si qnid :inl011s ac a sum; de tot.;1 summa \.inns quinquagesima.,
ferol'iae mill's hahuit, popi11is et coinb:>atiou· Cic. ; d to ta kt u uv111 som,, 111e11lal or nwral ccil
lbu11et1•riucipis imltatione dcteritur, Tac. 1
or go.XI; alicui c:damitatern, Cit·.; detract&
4iterrlo -terrdi -tenitnm, 2. to frighten. from opiuione 1•rol1itati:i, Cic. B. to take au-ay, n-
anytl1ing, dtltr by fmr, cliv.aumgt; horninl's a n101·'-: tram;f., a, inimknm ex Gallia, Cic.; b 0
1eribendo, Cle.; ·~t<>icos de scntcntia, Cic.; ali- to coml'fl; aliqucm ad bane 11ccul'.lltio11cm, Cic.
qu<'m a dimicatlone, Cle.; aliqnc111 verbis C. totlmgai.vt!f, ta.1.:t fro,,1; l, lit., spolia hostium
ne (with subj.), Caes.; 111iqut'11111un deten-.,re quo- k111pli:o1 porticibusque, Liv.; 2, traosf., a. alicoi
niiun.s(with subj.),Cic.; nihil deterreri qunmi1111s, ddoitnm honort:m, Cit-.; 111ulta desuh1co1J1modis,
et"-, Li\'. ; aliqueiu twn detern're qnin, etc., Cic.; do lione11tattt .. t de auctoritate alicnius,
Cles.; simply with acc., aliquun, Cars.; with Cic.; b, to cn/1wr nicrf.-, slandtT; de aliqtw, (;il·.;
acc. of thin;::-, to 100.rd off; vim a c.. nsorilms, Liv. ahsol., nl.lst'Ulil.ns dctrahcudi causi 111ale<llce
4etestabll1a-e (detPstor), adj., with cornp~r. contum .. Jiosc<JUe uke1e, Cir.
(detestor), abc>m.inab~, dtlr-<fuble, h·n·ril,le; omen, detrectatlo -6nis, f. (detrecto), e1 refusal;
l.1C. militia .. , Liv.
diteat&tlo -6nl1, r. (<letestor), 1, cur!in~. detrecti.tor -~rls, m. (detrecto). o di•
t.rer·mfion, horror, d,,tutntwn, Liv.; 2, a 'll."ard· J.oaroryer, dd1actor; laudnm suarnm, Liv.
i 11·1 of', a.verti119: ~elei·um, Cic. detrecto. 1. (de-tract<'), 1, to dec1L11t, nt.ftt1'!:
ditestor, 1. dep. L 1, relig. t. t., to in· rnllitiam, QI.ea.; certi1111en, Lh·.; 2, tocliip<tragt,
t"Oke tM 1:1irH of a god; mluas pericul .. qne in tlctruct Jrom, dtprtciau; vhtutea, Liv.; tie ...
alh:ui111 c:aput, Liv.; 2. to =we, al11w1i11att, facla, Ov.
det 167 dev
ditrimentosus -a -um (•tctrlmentum), div.Snlo -venf ·ventum, 4.. to cimu I<>, arri.,.
d~1nnu111.t.1, hur·lj11l; ah hl}sW di~ceJern detri· «t, rtach. L Lit.. ad senatnm, Cic.; J>•>d. with
ment .. ;11111 e~se f.Xbt.i111ah:1t, Cftes. acc., speluncam, Verg. II. Transr., in victons
detrimcntum -1, n. (detao), damagt, (n· m:inus, Cic.; ad juris atudium, Cic.; in medium
fair''• drlri111rnf; a, geu., cletiimentum ra~re certamen, Cle.
or accipere or fa1·er,•, to 6Ujf<r, C1c.; alien! orna· 1. divenor, 1. dep. t-0 lodiJe a.r a f11~$l or
ment11 et prae~;dio non ddrlmento esse, Cae11.; 1tra.ngtr; apud Rliqa.. m, Cic.; In ~a do1uo, C.::ic.;
b, polit.. t. t., violeant (providt'ant) con~uli:s or absol., paru111 laute, C.:ic.
tk!tat (cons11l) ne quid ~spublica detrlmenU 2. diveraor -Mis, m. (deverto), a gutst, Cic.
ca1·L1t M a<'cipi:tt, Cic.; c 11111it. t. t., l0$6,
dtjc.rt; ma;;na •klriuwnta il1f~rr··, Caes.; d, loss deveraoriolum ·l, n. (dim. of dewrsorium),
of sw>V'.u, proptrt!J, et<'.; ae,tima111lo cuiuM1ue 4 1moll l0llgir1g, Cie.
tletriiu~111.o qUJtuor pro:;enerl Caesaris ddeo.:ti, diveraorius -a -um (clcvcrt(l), rel•1ting to
Tlc. tAe w:con11110<lttJi.orL of $trangers; talierna, Plaut.
detritus -a -am, par tic. or detero. Snbst., divenorium -Ii, n. an inn, /V<l'.1in9;
detriido -t•il~i -trusum, s. I. Lit., A. Gen. penip1,ortm111111, Ck.; e111ere de\·ersori11111 Tar·
t-0 1·~J!1 """Y· dov•n, tlrru~t tlou"'n; nav•~$ raci1mc, Cic.; transf., a plitce of T!$Otl, reiti11g·
!!<'tlpnl•', Y•'rg.; .. cuti>1 tr:..:nmenta, C.'\es. B. p/(1.{·t; stuJiorum deversorium esse non lil1idl-
E.sp. l, milit. t. t., t-0 tlislodqe arl tiumy /roin. his nu111, Cic.
f<O$itfo11; impetu con~ri detrn•lt-rc virnm, Liv.; deverticillum (tlevortlci'ilu111) -1, n. (•le·
2,1~.;tl t. t., to di.$J)()$M"• tjtct; ex praedio vi, verto). I. A. Lit., a by-way, 1i11-1'ath; quao
Cie. IL Transf., 1, t.o /O'l'U, comptl; alique1n <lc1·1•rticula tlexione~que qua .. ~il"i.-ti, Cic. B.
de sua s•·11t.>11ti:i., Cic.; 2, to po.!lponc; comitia Tra11sf., a digrt$.>ion, Liv. IL a., un inn, lQfff)·
lnmensem ~L111ium, Cic. i11g-plat:e, Liv.; b, a pln.a of ref11.1Je, hid in:;·
_detrunco, 1. l, t-0 lop or cut o.J!: arbores, place, Cic.
Liv.; 2, to 1111ltila.U, bdtead.; gladJo detrnncata deverto (de,·orto) -nrti (-vorti) -versum
corp-,ra, Liv. (·\·or:imn), 3. L Transit., pass. (iu l'l"<':le11t
tenses), devt>rtor, with 111id1lle !li;.;ni1icat1"''• l•J
deturbo, l. t.o drLi., away with. rioltnct, cast tum u::si<U from. the IL'UY, uelul.:e 01/t~lf; ><i qni
doi.::~. L Lit., A. Gen. aliquem de trilmnall,
Euromago dewrterentur, Cic.; esp to s/,111, lorl:1e;
OO.; 3JiQU"10 tah11la, Cle.; nlicnhl!I statuam, ut locum puhlke ~arar.:t, ul>ideverter.-tur, Liv.;
Ck. B. l:.:sp., mi!it. t. t., to dislodg~. dd1~ <>1!; Ilg., quid ad ma_p1cas deverterls
nostl"'O$ <le 1allo lapidibns, Cae$. IL Trans(., course to, Ov. I.a.. lntram;it., arte11, hare re-
A. to d•prire; aliquem de sanitat.e ac rneute, cum perpaucls \·ia, Liv.; transt.i to turn aside; a,
Cic.; •ltlnrt.u-i ex ma1,'11a spe, Cle. B. up., to digrus; redearnus ftd illud unueot discourse,
l~l t. t, to tjccl, dispOSJUI; aliquem v<>:ises-
Cle. ; b_, to lodge, 61ay with, go to; ad bospitem,
llOne, Cit-. Cic. ; all villam alicuills, Cic.
Deucillon -Oni!I, m. ('\.t..,.,), ron of deveX118 -a -um arfj. wit.h Cl}rnpar. (de anil
Pro~tiu·us, k• 11g of /'hthia in Thu$il/y, um aai·td
vd10), !1"ilL!J asiM.
aloiu 1rilh /ti..t 11:ifc P_11rrl1a from tht d.-lw1e, rt· from, L or motion. mot'i11!7 aimy
r1,llin!1 /rmn; a, of space, amnis dev .. xu:1
f"'ll!'rd the ll'Jrfd. by throidug storit.s bchi11d his ab ln•lis, Hor.; Orion Ul'Vt:xus, si11Unq, 11 .. r.;
00<:.t, ll'hich sl-01LU becarM me11, while the $font.s b, of time,
t?.il.l Pyrr/ui th.rtw b«anu: 'IL'0111-m. Adj., Deu-
jam a diutumis lahorihu,; de·
a•l otium, inclining to, Cic. IL or posi·
cilioneus -a -um, Deuoolionian, undae, the vcxa tion, sloping dow1lll'<mu, shelving, &tetp; lucus
d!iar, Ov. de•·~xus i11 novJm \·iam, Cic.
deunx -nncis m. (<.le and unria), tkven- divlnclo ·\"lnxl -vinctnm, 4.. to bind, ti~
l'fl't!J)I.$ of unily; lieres ex tleunce, Cic.
fa.;t. A. Lit., nliq11ern fa11cii11, Cle. B. 'fr:rnsf.,
deiiro -ussl -u'ltnm, 3. l, to l>urn down, burn to bi11d, f<tsteii, con11ect; a., g•·n., lllu•I vinrulum
•ttnly; a:;ro" vicosque, Liv.; 2, of eolJ, to qnod primum hornines inter se reip11blicne
dnlro~, 11ip; hiems arbores <leus~erat, Liv. suciet.ate devinxit, Cic.; b, rl1et. t. t., to co11.·
deus -1, m., nom. plur. dei, dii, an•l di, 1V!Ct : verba. co111prel1c1111ioi11-, Cit'.; c, to fdta,
gturt. <leorum or denm, <111t. <leis, diis, and cli~, bind (by power, elnqui:uce, etc.); urlx·rn J•rue-
'~sin;:. tl~ns (c;H1nected with Zni~), a gmi, a ~iJiis, Cic.; animos 1·oru111, qui 11u11ia11t, volnp-
di-!'Y· A. Lit., 11lique1n ut d1•11m eolere, Cic.; tate, Cic.; d, mornlly, to biiul, 2iltdge; aliqucm
di1 homl11e,;que, /J.,; u·l1n/( WQrld, Cic.; of fenrnle l>enetido, Cic.; se scclere, Cic.
dtiti ..s, 1!11,.t"11!1: tlco, Veons, Veq;:.; nee clextrae dovlnoo -vie! ·Yicturn, s. L to co11qi1P.r
ma11t1 1feu!I af11it, Allnfo, Ov. ; e~r. phrnses, thoruughly. 111bj11gate; Galliam Genn:rninnlftlle,
di or dii l>011I, Cic.; (pro) dii immortale~, Cic.; Caes.; Poeno11 cla:ssP, Cle. IL Tr:rnsf., Catoni>i
pro_ deum atque homi11u111 fidem, Cic.; clii aententia devicit, ut In decreto perstardur, Liv.
n:ehora (, Cle.; si dii Vnluut., Ck.; si devinctus -a -um, p. adj. (from <le,·i11cio),
dus pJ.icet, Cic. B. Trans!., a, ur <li>1ti11;;11ished bou n.d to, tln,okd. to; tis atudiis, t:lc. ; devinctior
P<Mn~, 11udi:-1m1ut Platnnem qnasi que1111lam
alic11i, Hor.
deum philo~ophorum, Ci<·.; b, or patron,i, pro-
l«t11r.1, etc., l'. Lt>ntulus cuius l'ater deu!l ac divitatlo ~nls, t (devito), c:i11 avoiding;
p.lrfns fortu11a1: ac nominis ruei, Cle. le;.:i"nu111, Cic.
detitor -titi -usus, 3. dep. to mi311u, Nep. devito, 1. ta avoLd.: procellarn, Cic.; dolor·
divaato, 1. to lay tea.SU, deimlau; agrum, elll, l'ii·.
ftnc~. Lh·. devlus -a -um (de and via). A. Lit., a,
from th~ l'lraight road, out of IM wa!f;
diveho -vt'xl -vectum, 3. t.o btar, carry a1i:ay, rtmou<l
iter, Cic. ; O}'Jli• lnm, t:ic.; b, tiring out of the
C0~1>ty 1.111:<1y; legionem equi!t, Caes.; r1 umentum
woy, rtlirtil, ~ec/11.<Ud; devla et silnstris
Ir. UrJedam, Li\·.; pass., u~eJ Rl! rni1hlle, Jevehi Liv:; esqo de1·los, Cic.; 1•oet., 11.mide>i1r!1: gc11~, 111ihi
(!IC. n.,ri l, to s11il; \' eliam de\·ectm1, Cic. dev10, Hor.; uxores, goots, Hor. B. T1-:111sf.,
devello -velli -TUhum, 3. to pull, pluck, ttar ou.l of the wa.v. rrrn1Uo11.s, u11rea...<0nable; ho1110
ciiro~; rain um trnuco, Ov. in o •• mibus con•iliis prae<:eps et deviu!i, Cic.
develo, l. to unveil, uncover; ora, Ov. 4ivC>co, I. I. to call d-Own; suos ab tu mu lo,
diveneror, 1. dep. to wMrllU, tl'OrShip; Liv.; Jo\'l!lll deosque nd 11uxilium, Liv.; trausf._1
de~ cum pr~ OT. phllosophium e caelo, Cle. IL to caU au-ay, mu
dev 168
ol, f'tUlU; aliqucm •In provincia ad gloriam dext.raa tallere, fidtlit11 toW:UnU tlMl.tttn, v111-:
CIC.; trans(., non avaritla ab lustituto cursu ;;J <P) dextram alicul tendere or porrigere. to Atlp,
pra.e<lam aliquam Jevoca,·lt, Cle.; 11e11e SUM Cic. ; (y) rnei <lextr-4, br 111.r r&gAt hmtd. i.e.,
exercitusque fortun&!t in Jubium non Jevocat- power, bra""'ll, Ov.l Hor.; 2, delden or
urum, Caes. dextra -oru111 1 n. u·11at u on tJU righl, tM rigjt
divolo, 1. L to fly down. A. Lit., per cael- ltidt, Cic. IL Transf., a, propitiolu; dextc
um, (of Iris), Verg. B. Transf., to hastm dvw1i; adl, Verg.; b, ski/Jill; rem dexter egit, Liv.
a!H praeeiJ•ites in forum rlevolant, Li\'. IL to /I'll clextiri or destri, adv. with compar.
away to. A. Lit., turd us devolat illuc, ubi, etc., (dexter), dezttrotul'JI, skilfully; apud recem. 1ib-
Hor. B. Transf., ad florentem (amlcitiam), Cic. erali1~r dextreque otiire ofticia, Liv.
devolvo -volvi -voliltum, 3. .A. Lit. a, to dextiritaa -Ui,., t. (dexter), slcilJulvn,
roll down; saxa · musculum, Ci\es.; corpora in du:terit y, rtadi nes.s, Liv.
humum, Ov. ; pas~. with middle signitl('ll.tion,
to roll down, f1.1ll hrodlong; veluti mont.e prae- deJrtronum and dextronu.e. adY. (from
cipiti devolutus torrens, Li\".; b, to rnll op·; dextrornrsum), on tM righl llaHd, 101DQ.rds th~
pensa fusis, to .,pin off, \'erg. B. Transf., iier right, Hor.
audaces nova dithyramhos verba, Hor.; pass., Dia -ae, t. (Ai'.a), old nanu of th• island Q/
<le vol vi as 111iddle, to fall illto; ad spem e!lti!I Xar:os.
i11anem pacls devoluti, Cic. DiabliDtea -um and Diabllntl -orum, m.
devoro, I. L Lit.. to s1t'lllfow, gufp dow11, pe,iple in Gallia L119du1unsis, ill lt'hat is now Dip.
<ltvo1.r; id quod devoratur, Cle. IL Transf., A. d~ let Mcti11e.
Or persons, a, Of pr<:>perty, lo C01l$Utn.e, U>aste; d!Uima ·llth1, n. (s •.u.,,,...o.), a royal head-
pt'C1tni11m p11blicaru, Cic. ; patrlmonium, Cic.; drt.>S, ti iad(m; diadehiA alicul or ca pi ti alicuiu'I
b, to swullow, s11ppress; lacrit11as, Ov.; c, to imponere, Cie. ; Jiadema ponere, Cic.
tfr!'01tr, C011.S1Wlt; ue\'lll'3re Spe t:t Oj.lillione praed- dlaeta -ae, r. (&'o.tro.), a 10av of liring T'""
am, Ci<'.; d, to det'Our e11guly 1ueutally; illos scribt<l by a physician, regimen, diet: 1'le<l ego
lihros, Cic. ; e, to dim/low 1lvu•11, hmr 1cithout <li:let.a curare inripio; chirurgiae taedet, Cir.
1L11<krsta11.ding; eius oratio a multitu<line et a
foro <levorahatur, Cic.; f, to su-allow u1111thi11g Df.agoraa -ac, ni. (A•a')'Opcif), 1, a 1~t owl
tm11lt<1$1111t, to rn1lure; ho111i11um ineptia.~ uc 11hilo"°J•htr of .Aft'.1011, C011~111porary with Pi1Ul<1.r
11tultitia.~. Cic. B. or thingH, me Zanclae11. a11d .Si111011i<lu; 2, u1~ athleU <If Rhodes, amta&-
Charyb<lh1 <levuret, Ov. porury u•it/i Pi1ular.
devortfoiilum. v. <leverticnlum. 1. dWeotfoi, aJv. (Jialecticus), tlial«ti·
cully, Cic.
devortlum -Ii, n. (deverto), a by-way, by·
vath; itinerum, Tac. 2. dWectloe -es, t. (8,a.\.1nunj IC. n=x.,,,),
thti art of <lialectic, logic.
devotl'.o -on is, t. (devoveo), 1, a co11surati"g,
d~t~ 11g (e~p. to the l_nfernal i?()(ls); vitae or dWectfous -a -um (St(l,\.~n-11t6f) rtlatiNg to
cap1t1s, Cle.; P. Deed consuhs, Liv.; plur. <lisr11~.<i<Jn, ilia/ectirol; captiones, Cic. ; subst.,
l>el'iorum devotiones, Cie. ; 2, ct c1trst, Nep., a, dUUeoUoa -ae t. (sr. ars), the art of dia-
e11p. cm tncha11/nu11t, a11 i11cantatio11, Tac.; 3, uctic, Cic.; b, dWectlca -orum, n. di11lrcti-
q i-011•; cius de\·otio11i8 esse co11\•ictum, Cic. cal di.~1'1.ssio11, Cic.; ~ dlAlectloua -i, m. a
devoto, 1. (intens. of d!~voveo), to orns.:cratt, 1liafrcti<"ia11, logiciait, l:il'~
Vl'Ott to dfHth: qu:ie vis patrcm Decium, quae
flli11111 <lenitm·it, Cic.
Dlilia -e (~i~ •Dis in Diespltcr), rclati11~
to Jupiter; flamen, Liv. ; or sim11Iy Dialis, Tac.,
devotus a -um, p. adj. with cornpar. and ti"" ]> of Jupiter; conjux Hancta, the wife oj
1111pnl. (.tevo\'eo), cfr1>oleil; _l, to the infernal the 1•riest of J111>ita, Ov.
go<l!!, acC1irsttl; arb•.)r, s.allgms, Hor. ; 2, devoted dWogus .f, m. (&u£.\ayo~), a 1>hilosophical
to any our, faitlif11l, afft.t:lw11ate; clie11:1, Juv.; diu.l°'Jllt ur con1·rrsatio1t, Cle.
1ml>st. 1 devoti -{irum, 111. faillifulfullowcrs, Cacs. Di&Da -ae, r. ("hi fonn for Jana, or A1.0.....,,=t'M
devoveo -vuvl -viitum, 2. to ronsecraU, de- da1t!1ktu of Zeus, orig. Diviaua =Diva Jana), "'•
vote. L H•·liJ.(. t. t., to devolt to a deity. ltalia11 yoJ,frss, idmtifi(d u•ith th<- Uruk ArtN11i!,
A.. Gen., Dia11ae •1110<1 in suo r<>~no pulcher- Jmt!lhta nf J11pila a111l Latona. irutn- of .A polio,
rimur1; 11at11111 .,sset, Cic.; Marti ea q11ae CeJ>- the virqin guJJ;s.• of till! wwa11 and of /um ting,
tnrnt, C:ics. B. Esp. l, to dnv1te w the i11/a1uil tria vi1·gini~ ora Di1rnae, tlit thra f&rm.s of .Diww.;
qoJ.<, to dwou to det11 1i; se diis immortalil111>1 pro I.ww i1t hl'lw.:n, Dia1ia on ~urth, Hct:a.11 in tke
republic.-i, Cic.; d"vot-A curiiora (D"ci"rum), lv1rer rrorld, \'erg. ; meton tht: moon, Ov. ; tM
Liv.; 2, a., to rurst, uecrale; alique111, :S-cp.; b, cha-'!', l\lart. Adj. Dla.n.lua -a -um, btlo11gi114
lo bt1dtrh, 1·11rlw11t, Tih. IL Tra11~f., 1, It> r/,-rvk, fo fJiu11a, Ov. Subst., Dlii.nlum -Ii, n. a,"
giu: up: denwerc a11imam alicui, jf1r <tlw/hrr, plw·f. drtlic11Jl'(l to I>ia11a; b, a pramaulory i•
Vng.; 2, se dcvo,·cre ulkni or aliP11i rei, to dt- ·'1•1in, 11ow Drnia, Cic.
t'Ole, ntlaclt 01.eself; se alit-11ius amidti:w, Caos. diarium -Ti, n. (die~), a day's nllo ...-axa of
dextans -antis, 111. (<le and 8cxtans), fire- 71rurisiru1s for sol•liers, Cic.; slaves, Hor.
rixths, :Suet. dibaphus -um (fatcr) -a -um (&tf!coc4>«). 1loul>l"
dextella -ac, f. (1iim. of ckxlr:\). a little il11nl: p11rp11rn, Plin. Suhsl, dlW.phua -i, f.
rigltt hand; Quintus lllius Autouii est dextella, (s•·. \'t'Sti~). thr purplf·.striptd r~ n/ the hi9lur
Ck. 11wqistrntes at /fom.'-; Curtius dibephum ~itat,
dexter -tcra -t.~rum, or nwN' freq. -tr.l -tn11u, is /<l119i11'J fur oj}ice, Cic.
comp. dexterior -lu~. super!. dextlmus -a dlca ·:I", r. (~utl)), (l lato-ntit, nctillll iit a
-um (l'at<np-0>). L Lit., A. A<ij., riuht, 011 the Grt·1·k court; dica1r. scribere alicui, ti> bri.119 a"
rig/it ha11•i, on the right sidr; ma11us, <;ic.; latn3, actiun w111i11 ·~. Cic.; tlicam aortiri, tu ulect tM
Hor.; ab <lextra p:nt..', Ca•:s.; rot.1 <!exterior, f!M'y bv lot, Cic.
Ov. B. Sul>st., l, dextera or dextra. -a<',
l (sc. manus), th,_ right hand; a., lit., ad •l~x­ dicii.citaa -atis, t. (dlcax), ptingtmt .U,lllllirc,
tram, to IM right, Cic.; I\ dextra, on lhf right, railh ry, C1c.
Cae11. ; dextera or cit·xtri, 01i the rig/if, Cat·~.; diciLtlo -on is, f. (1. dico), lettliftg aa a cUj.rn
dextr11111 Jare, lo git..: the right ha11d (a" pledge in <uwtlur ~f11tt, Cic.
o( faith), Liv; b, tig. (a) fale/ity; dominonun dicruc -acis, adj. with compar. and auperi.
die 169 die
(l dico), 'tDilly, ttitirlcal, ironlml, .tarooctic: De- -um, arva, Ordan, Verg.; rex, J1'piter, Verg.:
mcsthe1&f's non tam dicax fuitqu11111 fa1..-etus, Cle. Alina., Ov.!lorius .1, m. (&•xopn~), a ®ubk troehu, dlotlo ~nla, f. (2. dico). L Gen., A. a •re
Cle. hag, 1pt,akf1lg, vturtng: 11e11te11tlae, Cle.; causae,
c1JaU. genit. (rrom unused nom. dix, from IUfence, Cle. ; mnltae, }:ring, Cle. B. Meton.,
dici1~ found only In the pliruell, dicia causi, a, CM an.notr of an oracle, Liv.; b, coaveraalU>fl.
ilicis gTiltii, /or /0"1'711.'• 14.1.kt, for ap1>e11ra11.<'e sake, Tac. IL Esp. A. cltcla111atic11, tlocvtio1l; <lictl·
Cic. oui 011t:ram d~re, Cle. B. Mcton., lt.. a ~l"cdi;
1. dlco. 1. (intens. of 2. dico). A. Lit., a, dicl io11es sub1tae, altm.poriud, C1c.; .s, dtcl1on;
rtligioua t. t., to cm1srrmtt, dtdiCHlt, dtt·ote Attica, Cic.
t~ tJu gOO.s; don•11n Jovi <licalum, Cic. ; aram, dlctlto, 1. (frt>q. or 2. dlco), 1, to aay ojkn;
Jovi, Liv.; te111plum, Ov.; b, to dtifl/, pl<1ce rtiterute, assert re1'1(.(l(.tdly; ut. dlcUtabat, Caes. ;
t1l!IOJ19 !Ae gods; inter nmnina dicatus Au,;ustus, quo<l le\hsimi ex Graecis dictital'e sole11t, Liv.;
Tac. B. Transf., a, to dti·ote give up to; hunc with ac•:. an<l illfln., Catilinam Massili11111 ire,
totum diem tibi, Cic. ; b, se ah!'ui, to dt1'0tt 011t· Cic.; with double acc., 11lif)t1<'m SilDUJn r~cteq11e
,a/ to; St' Cr.lsso, Cle.; se alil'lll in dientclnm, valcntem, Hor.; 2...t ('sp. dic.:titare ca us as, to plead
Vi<!S.; se civitAti or In civit.'lt.em, to btcome a ca'USt's frequently, \;IC.
eitizit11 flf a110thtr llatt, Cle. d1oto, 1. (inten!I. of 2. dico). to rtiltra.ll, rt·
2. dioo, din, rlictum, S. (root DIC or DEC, ptat, wy ofttn, to dictate to a1i amw1ue11si~, pi1pil,
•h~n·~ &130 die-nus (dignus)i.dec-eo, a.&.vu,.u), etc.; quo<l non mudo tiioni 1lictarn, i;cd ne ipse
liJ my, f'daU, Cell, me11tiun.. Gen., Ille, quem quidem nuderem saiherc, Cic.; epistolam, C1c.;
c!i:ti, At I hav.! menlfo1wl, Ck.; ilia quae versus, Hor.; caruii11a Li vii, Hor.
diti, Cie.; Hila rum dico, I '"tan Jlilco-1.n, Cle.;
aedicam not to say; crud elem ne dl1•a111 sccle1 at- dictum ·I, n. (2. di co), a tuord, sayinfl, 'Pftch.
um, Ck.; di('et aliquis, one might Bay, Cic.; L Gen., nullum 111eum dictum, non modo foe·
qnid dicis, if 1101& Aaw n.olhing to aay again&l tt, tum, lnterce>1~it, quod, etc., Cic. ; dicta tristia,
l:ir..; eauum, to pltad a roUM, a11su'<!r an ac- complaint., 'll'<lilin_g_, Ov. ; wutua dicta re<ldere,
CMllMI-, Cir. ; C&UStlS In roro, to pltad 4S an ad· to cont'tTae, Liv. IL Eiip., 1, a ma.rim, srntence,
C'llCllU, Cic.; jua dicere, toadmintsur jwtiu, Cle.; mfin.g; Catonis est dictum, U M a mm:im oJ
1H1ltnti3n1 (or a senator), to i·ot., Cic.; ut dixl, Caw'&, Cle.; 2, a witty saying, a bon-mnt; dil·ta
Cie.; ut dictum eat. CaeL; folL by ut or na and dicere In aliquem, Cic. ; 3, a oomma11d, or<Ur;
the auhj., to co11n11and, Cle. ; pau., dicor1 dlcer1a, dicto po.ruit cou11ul 1 Liv.; 4, '1.>akh-'Word, ~
dicitur, etc., U v .aid, thJ! rtpOrl ii; wtlh nom. 10ord, Ne1>.
and intln., A~culaplus dlcitur oblf1?&visse, Cic.; Dlotynna o&P., r. (Alinvvv4), 11m1ame of .dr-
diM•• citius, qukktr tlla11 ca" be •Mi. (n a triu, U!nU. Hence, Dlotynneum ·i, n. Um.pie q/
Ytrg. IL Esp. a (intransit.), to lptGk, ddivtr an ..trtnnu DictJl1lna, near Sparta.
oratioq; an ctlcendl, tu art of tloquen~, Cle. ; 1. Dido -0.s or (gen.) -Clnis, r. (A•&I). tA.
diem pro reo, Cle.; contra aliquem pro allqno f<lUrukr of Carthage, daughter of &lt!s, king oj
apud centum Tiroa, Cle.; b, lo nanu, call; Tyre, 1l!ter of Pygmalion, wife of Sic.luuiu; also
orbia qui onillAoir Graece dicltur, etc. ; with ace. called Eli:\& or Eli811A.
ol name, cul .Ascaniua parentes dli:ere nomen, 2. dido. dldldi, did!tum, S. (dis and do). a,
LiY.; lritb duuble acc. 1 9u~ dli:ere chaos, Ov.; to divide, distribute; dum mnnia didit, Hor.;
c, lo li"fl, duc:ribll, ~ '1l wne, compou;
b, to ll}JT'ectd, d\uemi11au; diditur hie suuito
YU5UI, cannen, Ve~., Hor. ; carwlna in im- Trojana per agmina ru1nor, Verg.
vmtorem, Liv.; alicuiua tacta, Verg;; d, to
-h1ate, appoint; dictatorem et maglstrum didiioo -dUJ:i -ductum, S. (dis and duco).
equitum, Cic.; with double acc., aliquem dictat- L to dra10 aparl, strttch. out, upand; pugnum,
ortm, C&es. ; e, to fiZ, appoint, uuu; diem 01iert, Cic. ; rictwn, Hor. ; foru, Tac. IL to teparak.,
t'lc.; f, to la]/ JIU, ajfinn (opp. Dego); quern essedivUk. A. Oen. 1, &, aasem tu park~ cent-
n-p.,, eundem esse dlco, Cle. (ayncop. pert. um, Hor.; b, milit. t. t. (a) to dit-id4 distrilrute;
dixti d.ixisti, Cic., 0 v.). aciem in cornua, Liv.; (/J) to aoolkr tM t11"1ny,
diaper#; adversar!orum man us, Caes.; 2, tmnst.,
ticritum -l, n. (~ov), a - Z 11.aring orotio rlvis diducta est, non font1bus, C1c.; vast-
~ l.uw of Qin, Cle. lua diducuntur verba, Cle. B. Esp., 1, to at·
dlctaamum -1. n. and dlotamnu -i, t. pa.raJe/orciblJ: all quern nbaliquo, Cic.; 2, transf.,
(U.T..,...o,, and -~>.1_ dUta1111 4 plant found on animus varietate rerum diductus, dislN'cttd, Cic.
.lfo1111t Dit:U and JlfOIHll laa (Origanum dlct- diductlo ~nis, f. (diduco), a 1tparaliug, Cic.
11111111111, Linn.), Cle.
dlctita -Orum, n. (dlrlo), Oaae 1D'11.ich u die- d.leoiUa -.e, f. (dim. of dies), a UUU day;
dieculam ducere, Cle.
~ l11 a uacAtr1 yrtaJJU. ndu; il.sdem de
nhlla ll'lilper qwuu dictaf.a decant.are, Cic. .4iee -ei, m. and f. In sing. (In Cie; fP.rn. o_nly
when it applies to a ttxed time or pt!r1od or tlm&
dlctitor ~ri.1, m. (dlcto). La commande7", or ·in the date of a letter), In plur. only masc.
diaatiJ.r; a. cu cltief. fllllgistra.U .In the Latin L Gen., ·A. Lit., a day; hesltm10, hodieruo,
~nrns, ae., LIT.; b, 1n Rome, dicrotcr, an a-
crastiuo <lie, Cic.: postero die, Cic.; postt,ra die,
~.., _,utrau.. ~ in Umu tJf grMt
Sall.; diem de die, Liv., or diem ex di<', Cat'11.,
~for riz mmttA8, npe-rltdiJ1g all otAn-
from day to da1; in <!it's, daily, Cic. ; ad di .. 111 or
'lllafi*aUe, alld arwud 1IPUA abcloltlk ~· IL ad diem, /or the ap}'oi11ted day, ~s.;
Triuf., t4e clt UJ """""'""' of, a ""./eY,
tuulto die, late in tlu duy, Caes.; ad multum
,~uem or ad multum diei, till late in thr day, Liv.;
dlctit.Orl'.u .. -11m (dir.t.ator), rtlatinp or l•b In die, twiu a day, Cic.; die et 11oct.•, a dav
lidoaji,.g to a dM:toAlor, dir:lutorial; gladins, Cic.;
lulidia, 4lflllliul IM dkkUor, Liv. ; juvcnhl,
f { . didldor, LIY.
and a ntgltt, Cic.; noctes et dies._night and day,
Cic.; so diem noctem, Cic. .n. Mt>t1•n. 1 tht
bu.riflUI or nitnb of tk day; die! l><"'n:is daie,
tlo&i&in. -ae, f. (, tl~ oj/I.«. o/ dic- Cic.; exercere diem, tli.t duy'• work, Verg.; day.
l&lor, didato-r'11ip; dictaturarn gu.,re, Cle.; ligh.t, Verg.: tranKf. videre 11iem, to see tlul light
dict&turi 1e abdlcare, CaeA. ; dictaturam abdic- of day, Ov.; a day• 1 trum:h: dierum ~!us tri-
an, Liv. gint.a In longitudi11eru patere, Liv. IL Eap.,
l>lcii -&, t. (Al.m,). a 1'10nlaia (1l Orltc a"
,. A. l, gen., ajl.:«d day or ti mt; pecuniae, 1'<1Y·da1,
~ J.,u.r.., 'f'lartd; adJ., Dlctaeua .. Cic.; prodlceN, to pMl o.f a ftaQ. da.11 1 Liv.; diem
Die 170 dig
n: die ·ducero, to put off froni om day to anotT~, nlhll hnlc diftlndere po1umm, I 11.a~ notU114 lo
Caes.; diem 1ierexignam postula\·i, Cic.; diem 11ay again~t you,. opi1~ion, l must agrtt to it, Hor.;
obire, to 11.uii for, Cle. ; aliOIS non solvere, ali· b, legal t. t.. diern, to postpo11t', Liv.
orum dit:m nondum esse, day for payment not d11ftugo -finxi -flctum, S. (dis and fln~o"), to
arrivtd, Cic.; 2, e."p., birthday; dies mens, Cic.; /om~ again, foTf1e aneK'; ferrum incude, Hor.;
S, the day of death.; obire '.1.iem supremum, Ilg., to change, Hor.
Nep.; 4 elate of a Mter; In altera dies erat diff"'.. :r " · 2 d (d. d fi toor), to
ascripta Nonarum Aprilium, etc., Cle. B. time; 1.-or . .,n, · ep. 19 :m 11
de11y, disa1:ow, Ov.
1uod est dies allatura, Cic. d11Buo -ftuxl -flnxum, 3. (dis and ftuo). A.
Dleaplter -trls, m. (Umhrian =Ale Hnjp),, to ff.ow in diffem1' dircltions; ut nos qlla5i
lupila, Hor. extra ripas coerceret, Cic. B. &,
dUl'amo, 1. (dis and fama), Ill $]>1'Md abroad juvenes sudore dilflu .. 11t.. s, dripping with,
an evil rrport, to defame; viros illustres procac· Phaedr.; transf., otio, to gfre om:Ml/ up to, Cic..;
lbus script-is, Tac. Jnxuria, Cic.; b, to dis.wit-~. melt awe1y; dir.Hmt
difleren.s -cntis, v. dilfero. acervus, Luer,; traD~f., 11li per s()C()rd1am \'ll"CS,
diJl'erentla -ae, r. (ditfero), difftrtntt, di&· tempus, ingenium <lilfl11xere, S.'lll.
ti11ction; honesti et decori, Cic. diffU.gio -fngi -fflgitum, 3. (•tis and fugin), ttJ
diJl'erltaa -ati•, r. (diftero), diffcrtntt, Luer. fly apart, fly in di.fftrent tlirectiOll...•, lo dj$pcNt;
dUl'ero, disti\li, dil:itnm, differre, 2. (dis and metu perterriti repentc dillugimus, Cic.
Cero). J. Tran-;it., A. to carnJ in difftrent direc- ditlUgium -Ii, n. (ditfu~io), a llisparion, Tac.
tioM, •prtad abroad, scatter; 1, lit., ulnos in dift'u.ndo -fildi -fi\sum, 3. (dis and !undo).
versum, to plant, Verg.; ignrm, !o.<pread, Cae11.; 2, L Lit., A. to pour 011t on all .•idea, pour fort.It:
transf.,a.,(o.)rumorem,tospi·m1.:,Liv.;(ft)aliquem vina, Hor.; sangui11 per venas in omne corpus
variis rumoribus, to malig1', Tac.; -b, of time, diffunditur, Cir. B. to spread, scatln', di..f.11.¥;
to put off, dt.lay, postpo11~; t.empus, Cic.; bellmn, pass., dilfundi, m1ed as middle, lux diffusa tct-0
Liv.; aliquem in t<.!mpus ahud, Cic.; rem in caelo, Cic.; diffusis capillis, Ov. IL Transf.,
aliud krupus, Caes.; !16 dilferre, to tarry, O\'.; A. Gen., Claudia nunc a quo diffu111litnr et
with inlln., nee ditrerret obsMes ab Arretiuis tribus et gcn!I per Latium, Sf'1Y™i abroad, Ycrg.;
accipere, Liv. B. lo separate violtntly, disperu, error long6 lateque difl'usus, Cic. B. Esp., to
!CCI.tin-; aquilo differt nubila, \'erg.; classem hrtghttn. up, gladdt11: dilfumlere animos umnere
\'is venti distulit, Hor. IL Intransit. (without Bacchi, Ov.; ut bonis amici qual!i di!fundantur
perf. or supine), to differ, be aiffertnt; Inter se, et incommodis contrnhantur, Cic.
Cic.; ab aliquo or ab aliqua re, Cic.; cum aliqua ct11fiiae, adv. (ditru.sus), copiouJly, di,fU1cly;
tc, Cic. ; nihil ditfert inter deum et deum, Cic. dicere aliquid, Cic.
dUl'ertue -a -um (dis and furcio), stujfed full, df.ftUallia ·6 (dlffundo), easil11 u:tendi111
crrnnm.ed.full; provincia ditierta praefectis atque itself, d iffu~i vt; aether, Luer.
exactoribus, Caes. d11fiiau.s -a -um, p. adj. with compar. (dif-
dUl'lollis -e, adj. with C1Jmpar. and snperl. fundo), spn:a<l out, uien.sit-e, "'Uk. A. Lit.,
(di11 and facilis), difficult. A., res arduae plat:mus Jilfusa ramis, Cic. B. Transf.• jus
ac diffieilcs, Cic.; of places, difficult, dangerous; ci\•ile quod nunc ditfusum (proliz) et dissi1iatmu
lter, Sall.; editus, Caes.; of time, critical, dan- est, in cert& genera coacturum, Cic.
gtro11B; tempu11 a1111i diftlcillimuu1, Cic.; est
difficile with infln., est difficile confundcre, Cic.; cllgamma, n. lnuecl. (!i')'GloL11a.), or cllgam-
with ad, difficilius ad eloqueu<lum, Cic. B. ma -ac, f., or d.Igammon ·i, n. (!i'Ydl'P.011) or
Transf., of character, hard to viea.u, surly, morose, dlgammos ·i, f. L the Aeolic digamtlUl (f).
car•tio1u, obstinate; parer.s in liberos difficilis, IL (In jest) = rental or inrestmmt book, from
Cic. ; ditllcili!I alicul, Liv. F, the first letter or Fenus; tuum dlganult'l
dlft1onlter, adv. with compar. diITTcilius videram, Cic.
a11d superl. diITTcilllm~ (difficilis), with. difficulty, Digentla -ae, f. a brook ff.cnci119 tAro11g.\
Cic. Horace's e8late into the .Ania, now Lict~
dlft1oultaa -atls, r. (difficilis), difficulty, nud, digero -gessi -gestum, 3. (dill and gt'ro}, ta
peril, t:aub~, di,~trrM. A. Lit., dicen<li, na".ig· carry apart in. different direclioiUJ, to sryumlt,
andi, C1c.; loci, S.~I~.; mag.nam haec Caesar1 d1ffi· sunder, divide. I. Lit., 1 to :r.>Iant out; vai:uos
cultatem ad cons: Imm attercbat sl, etc.,. Caes.; si sit digest.a per agros (ar\lOr), Vcrg. ; 2.l. to ar·
nummaria, p<.Cltniary ntbarrassnrent, C1c.: do- rangt put iii order; capillos, O\·. II. ·1ran!>f.,
111estica, distn.ssed circu~tancu. Cic. B. Tran,..1., I 1, to di11idt; sept'°m digest us in cornna. :K1lu~,
obstinacy, m-01ostnns, Cic. l OT.~ 9, to arrange; jus dvile in gl'nern, Cic.;
dift"loular, adv. (dlfficilis), 1Cith. difficulty,
! rt'mpu~licam be:1e, .Cic.; nomina in ~o<licrm
accept1 et t'XJw11s1, C1c. ; 3, to ccunt; qui niatn:j
dUl"idens, p. adj. (diffidc), distrustful, di/· <ligent a11110s, 0\-.
fidmt, Sall. digestio -onis, f. (digero), rhet. fig. 11 <p111· =
dUl"identer, adv. (diffidens), diffidently, µo~, Jistriuutiou, Cic.
wif!iout con,fi<knce; altera ti:nide et dirlidenter digestus -a -um, v. <ligero.
attmgere, Cic. . digitulus -i, m. (dim. of digitus), a littli
dUf'id~n~ -a~, f. (d1ffide~~). uxtnt .of con- finger, Cic.
fidrna, dt 1 Wen~t, d1..:1tr.ust, ~cspatr; f1dent_1ae con:
· I e11t
snnu are,
Sallditfidcnt1a, C1c.; J1tt\tie11t1ain re1
: .
I digitus -i, m. (conu. with U:1_oirn•). L Lit.
A. 11tC Jt' 111,1(r,• polle'·.,, tl·.c thrt 1; ii> , C::i~-
}for.; dii:::itos comprimere pu>:1111111<111e fa,,,.r..,
. ·n 1 •.
.... ~ ...,., 1 f e ,,

dlfr:ulo -ft.~1~11 sum, S. (dts and fldo)~ to 11a1;t Cic. ; digitos extendere, Cic.; c1,ncr"pare di.~iti~.
~ cc1ifid.ena, mi.qrust, be h?J'.ll:Uss, de~1>a1r; .1i1b1, Cic. ; digito se cs.dum attigisst> pntnl't', tri th id:
Ct.c.; suls rebu~, Caes.; Y1rtut• m1h~um, Sall.; himself almo.<t inluarrn. C1c.; tu0s digitl)" no,·i,
w~h acc. an~ mfin.! re~1 po~se. conhcl d1~do, thy skill in c-0u11ti119, Cic.; liceri digito, C1c.;
Cic. ; absol., Jacet, d1tlld1t, &bJeclt h.astas, C1c. tollere digitum, to roiu the .finger as a rig11. of«
dtMndo -ttdl .flssum, 3. (dis and flndo), lt1 bid at an auction, Cic.; ne dlgitum quidem ali-
~lit, chaw. A. Lit., saxnm, Cic.; portas mun· cuius rei causa porrigere, Jwt to mm·~ a fi'll{1n',
eribus, open, Hor. B. Trausf., a, eQni<lem Cle. ; digito aUquem attingere, to touch ~llll1
dig lil dil
Ck.; t•rimorilm!I I.thrill gusta;i,;e ho<' :;1·1111i1 \'ltae 4iliidloo, 1. (dis and judlco). 1, 16 dtcidt,
et extr.:1uis, ut dicitur, llll>itis attii.;ii1se, Cic. adjuJicatt, dtUrinine; controversiam, Cle. ; lit-
B. tJu ~; i1111i5tere digiti11, lo treml on ti~ t;:iu, em, Hor. ; to d(c-ilu by ann.6; diju< bl-111
Ov ; constitit ln dlgitos arrectui1, Verg. IL fortunl, Caes. ; 2, to distinguish, dilctr11 a di8tr·
lileton., as a musure, a jin9n-'s breadth, cm enct ; vera et falsa, Cle. ; vera a falsis dijudicare
i11clt., thl l'LTUmth. part of a Jloman/oot; quatuor et distlnguere, Cic.
r-tens digito1, C&e!I.; prov., ab hac (rt>gula) CU,,un ..• v. disjun •••
1uiht non licet tran.sversum, ut aiunt, digitum
di~dere, Cic.
dilabor -lapsuA sum, 3. dep. (dill and lahor).
L lo gli<U apart. A. Lit., a, of hon-. bodiei.,
diglAdlor, 1. dep. (dill and gladlus). A. de., to fall to pi,,ee.s, full down; aedi11 Jovi vet-
Lit, to floht for lift and dtath, 1tn1g11l' jkrctly; ustate Jilnp&l, Li\'.; b, of ftuicl>i, to melt, diA-
inter~ sid,;, Cic. JI,. Transf., to di.fp11te in wordl; IOlr~, di$t1ppcar; eadem (aqua congla<:iatA) R1l-
inter se de aliqna re, Cic.; cum ali11uo, Cic. n1ixt-0 colore liqueract.& et dilapsa, Cic. B.
. dtmitlo -?ni11, r. (dignor), dignity, rtpula- 'l'mnsf., to fall to dr1:<111, be r11innJ, di.-«11•1~ar;
fom, 1n11our, Liv. rem familiar<'lll dilat.i sinere, Cic.; dilap,,.'l c11so
dlgne, ailv. (Jih1ms), 11' quis de tali rohoro. corporm1l a11inH'I"J111que, Li\·. II. tu
Ci\·e satis di;;ne un1<1ua111 lo<111dur? Cic. glidi! aimy from. A. Lit., to slip aimy, esp. of
soltliers, to t-'Wf"', di.'l(lppwr; t>X<'rcil111' brevl
cUgnltae -iitis, f. (di~nw•). L worth, t1'>rllii- clilabitur, Sall.; nocte in sna t<·cta, I.iv.; of
""..,, writ; ho nos ct ignil&t~ impetratu!I, Cic. IL river~, to glide n1my: f'ibrenu'I r.1pic..le dilap•lll~,
NttolL A. the co11.«'11ue11ce of tcorth; 1, ulum, Cic. JI,. Tran~r.. torn11i$h, dis•1n~1r; 1, sunt
r•pdali->n, hon<mr; a. dvitatis dignitatem et nlii plurt>s fortass1~ se(l cJe 111ea 111e111oria clilab·
dri:tt5 sustinPre, Cic.; b, m"k in the .<late, ])()St· nntur, Cic.; 2, l'Sp, of time, to go by; dilap..'o
''~"; altus dignitatii gradus, Cle.; aliquem ad tt>111poH', Sall.
summam dij.:nitate111 ioerducere, Ca<'S.; c, an
o~~ of lumour, Cic. ; d, dignitnteci, meii of nwk
dilAoi§ro, 1. (<tis aud lacfro). to tm.r iii
aw ]lO'ition, Cir_ ; 2 honottr, tlif111 ity; ngcre A. Lit., aliquem, Ov. B. Trans!., rem-
cam dignitate. Cic. B. Tran~f., of things that publicam, Cic.
dil&mlno, 1. (dis and lamina), to split in t1ro,
brio!: hOMUT, a, of persons, a dignifed, sctmly
atnior; in formis alii:1 <lignitatem esse, aliis 0\".
ve1rnitate111, Cic. ; b, or buildings, etc., imJ>OS· dilblo, I. (di11 aud lanio), to tmr ill pitcts;
1~9 Bpp«Irunce; J'Olticus, Cic.; c, or expres- cadaver, Cic.
sion, digi1ity; orationis, Tac. dilarglor. 4. dep. (dis and largior), to la1•i1h.
dlpo, 1. to consi<Ur worthy; quae consimili ahroad, gi1·,, liberally; qui omnla quibns voluit
laude d1gnentur, Cic. dilargitus est, Cic.
dlgnor, 1. dep. (dignus), 1, to consider worth!{; clilii.tlo ·on is, f. (clilfero), n J>ulti11g off, t"71ty-
~u·l equi<lem tall me dignor honore, \'erg.; 2, ing, p<Jsf;•o11in!1; t.>rnpori"· Ck.; tit>lli, LI\·.;
flJ f't1<1rri ri.; 1C-0rthy of ontul,f, to dtign, aml with sine dilatione, Li\•.; rt-:1 dilntioncm 11011 rt'cit•it
• nt;., lo disdain, Verg. or 11on 1•atitur, Liv.
dlgnosoo -novi, :i. (•li11 and nosco), 3. to (dis and latu!'I), l. to $J>rmd 011t, f':C·
my:ii.<t Its diffrrtnt, lo distinguish ; rt>ctum t~11d. L Lit., 111ant1111, L'ie.; nci1·111, Liv. IL
t 11r10, llor.; non civem hoHte, Hor.; geminos Trantif., A. Gt'n., 11orne11 i11 conti11ent1hus terrii,
rnt~r se similes \ix 1lig11oscere l'OSSe, Ov. L'ic. ; !1'gem in online111 1·m1cl11111, lo e:rtr11d, Cic.
B. Esp. 1, litter;1s, lo 1•nH1M111cr l1n>adly, Cic.;
dlgnus -a -um, 1vlJ. with compar. ancl 2, or speech, to e11/arye, ro11pli/y; onitionem, Cic.
-i;1..;rl. (clir-1111s, rnot DIC or DEK, whence
·I~.,.,~ ll'Otlh.'f, d~stri:in{1. I. With abl. law.le, dilator -<'iris, m. (<litrero), a ditatorv ~·1011,
C:c.; mt1n0ria, Cic. : with supi111>, dktu, Liv.;
a /..,ifn·,.., Hor.
r:•llowe-1 hy ;\ l'elath·c, q11i aliqua1ulo irnpe1et dilatus. v. t!iffero.
•!1wa\ Ii.''' 0111 to comma11d, Cic.; wit.h ut and dilaudo, 1. (t.lis aml laudo), to praiJt higMy;
t!1e •11l•j., c1nr·~ ut ~ocios habercs tlig1111s duxisti, libro~. Cic.
~1v.; po"t. with infin., putr caoitari di;;nn~. I. dilectus ·a ·lllll, I" a<li. with c01npar. aud
\.·r;:.; with ad, amicH!I <lignus huic ad imitanrl- sn1•erl. (frolll diligo), bcloml, dtur; dilecti ti bi
'1111, Cic.; absol., cliligere non 1liKnos, Cic. II. 1•1•etne, Hor.
Trrn;r., ll'~rlhy of a. J>n"<o1~ or thing, bPcoming,
·~'r"J.!e, fllt111g: with abl., facere quid dt•ct-0
2. dilectua ·fls = delt"ctus (q. Y.).
bn111i11~ et an11cn <lignum fuerit, Cic.; with pro, diUgens ·t·ntis, p. a1lj. with comp;1r. ancl
1lli•hiam lJM .. rrcnsione homiuum dip111m elo<p1i su1•erl. (frolll 1\iligo). I. Gr_·n., crs.<idw>us, nrn1r·
""'im, Cic.; ab,;01., fitting, s11it1tble, sufficirnt; ate, carr/11/, scd11fo11s, d1/i'.Jrnt (oI•!>. 11~glii;e11~),
~~1 ni:oernr di;;nus in tanta cala1nitate inwnirl a, of pen,nns, om11ibus in rt'bus, Cie.; with
l'":t.t, Cic.; <lit;num est, foll. Ly intin. or acc. genit., dilii:l'ntissi1Jl11s omnis oITTcii, Cic. ; with
~1th 1111:11., Cic. 1lat., Corinthios put.licis equis nssigna11cti11 fuis"e
diligente!'I, Cic.; with ad and the gerund, ad
ditredior ·gressus sum -grl!dl, (di~ and custndit•nri11m, Cic. ; b of things which bear
'"'Ji.,r;, 3. dep. A. Lit., to go erpart, go asundu, marks of attention, assidua ac diligrns ~criptura,
1'J""1t•,; luna tum congredien!I cum
'·!.:. t 11111 1 igrcdien11, Cic.; ab aliquo, Cir.; a Cic. II. Esp. rnrrful iii ho11µl.cqiug, tco11om.-
C:;.rc}l·a, Liv.; ex loco, Cae~.; in nrbem, 'l'ac.; ical, sai'ing; homo frugi nc diligt'ns, Ci<'.; in re
~l:t, Ll\·.; B. Transf., to drriatr; a, de caullll,
hert>diUlria, Cic.
ltc.; a l'...\U'ia, Cic.; b, or <liSCOUl'lll', to digreu; dillgenter. adv. with co1111•nr. anri super!.
41ered1 ab eo qnoo pro}'0SUeris, Uc. (dilige11~).mr.j111/y, ns.<i<l11011.</y, ncrnmtdy, dili-
geHtly; idiqul'tn henigae et clilig<'nler autlire,
. digreaalo -0ni~. f. (rligre<lior), 1, a Mpara.- Cic.; itt•r CJ\utc diligentcrque fac·ue, Ca1>~.
t·o•, dt]Xlrtuu, Ck.; 2, a tligTt.';:licm in du·
1•uw; a 1Jr01>0sita oratione, Cic. dillgcntla .ae, f. (diligr•). A. Gen. rnre/111-
ncss, allr11rirn.r.<~, m·e11nrcy, di/ig~11re; with ohj.
digreeaua -lls, m. (digredior), a sq.aratU>fl, g<'nit., test11111!'11tornm, Cie.; with in and tlie Rbl.,
<kport~re; <ligres!lns et discessus, Cic. ; digreiis- pro mea ~umrna in republica <liligrntia, L'ic. ;
WI (lu1iae a ~ole), Cic.
non n11'cliocn·m adhihere dilii;entiam, C11 .. s.;
diJiuUci.tlo -Onis, f'. (di.judlco), an adjudi· diligentinm Rdhihere ut or ne (with the RHl•.i.)..
catioa., dttllion., Cic. Cic.: l\clhiht>rr ail ron.~illf'ran<la~ N·s (•t t1·11111n'
dil 172 Dio
et dllfgentfam, . Cle. ; omnta acerbf11lml. dnt- 41.mldl&tua -a -um (dimldlum), 141\ltd, tff.
gentili perpemJ~re. Cic. B. Esp. oure in man.agc- tridect, haJJ; mcnsia, Cic. ; versiculorum.
111Unt <>/a hmuuio/d, fntgaWy ,· res r11miliaris con- Cic.
eervarl (dcbet) diligent.ii. at.quo parsimonii, <.:le. dimlcU'.ua -a -um (ells and medlus). M.l.t,
dillgo -lexi -lectum, s. (dis and lego, to fli1:i<Ud. in half; gen. with pars, dimidia pars,
thoou), to prize, love, ntttm highly; aliquem, th.e haifi Cic. ; terrae, Cic. ; or
p.;rsons, fraur
Cic.; allquem rliligi·re et carom ha here, aliquem rneua ai111idi11s major est qua111 totus, Cic.
colere at.que dilil(l're, Cic.; se ipsum, Cic.; lnkr 8ubst., climldlum -Ii, n. tht half; pecuniae.
se, Cle.; of thiug~, lmnc locum, Cic.; alicuius Cic. ; dimic.liu with n compar., stultior. bf IUJlf,
com1ilia, omcia, to ~ iatilficd wilh, Cic. Cle. ; prov., dimidium facti, qui COflltit. habet.,
diloric0, 1. (dis ancl lorico), to ttar opt7t; well bcgu.11 i& ha/J done, Hor.
tunicam, Cic. dimlniltio, v. deminutio.
diliiceo, 2. (dis and luceo), to be clear, ettMfent; dimlulo ·Oni11 1 r. (dimltto), 1, a sendi111
dllu<.-ere deinde frnus ;::oepit, Liv. 01U; libt:rtorum ad provincli1a, Cie.; 2. a. cii.1-
4iliioeaoo -lnxi, s. (lnchoat. or diluceo), to fliissinp, duclw.rging; remi;;um, Cic.
vrow light, l1rtv1M dny; a., 1iers., omnem ere.le L dimltto ·llllsl ·missum, 8. (dis and mltto).
to send forth, .end in dif,erent directio111; puer-
diem tit.I dilnxis~e supremum, Hor.; b, im·
pers., qunm ja111 di111c~~ceret, Cic. os circu111 a111icos, Cic. ; littcras per 01nne.<1 pro-
vlucias, Cat'.~. ; nuntlos in omnes p;:irtes, Caeo.s.;
diliicldi, adv. with compar. and super!. :\elem (oculorum) in om11es partea, Ov. IL lo
(dilucidus), clearly, 71/uinly, lucid/11; plane et u11d au·a11 from on.esdf, Id go. A. Lit. 1, gen.,
dilucide or dilucide plancquc dicere, Cle. a., legatos, LI\". ; taLellarium, Cic. ; host..m ex
dilucidua -a -um, cforr, lmid, plain; oratlo, munihu~, ltt slip, C1t·s. ; re~cm spoliatum, Cic. ;
Cle. ; dilu..:idis verbi:1 uti, Cic. b of th!11gs, I<• let drop; signa ex metu, C3e!S. ;
diliicdlum -i, n. (diluceo), th.e bttak of day, 1i£1uro e 111anilius 1 Cic. ; 2, ~sp. a, of 1-e.rson1,
dawn; primo diluculo, Uc. ; diluculo, at®"''<. (a) to adj01J.rn a muti11g, d~smis<; ~natnro, Cic.;
Cic. (ft) milit. t.t., to discha1·gc; exercitum, Caes.; b,
diliidium -Ii, n. (di11 a11d lu•lus), tM ~riod or things, to git't up; provinciam, Liv. B.
of ttst for gladiators 11• lwff'1~ the r/((115 (JI pul./ic Trn.nsf., 1, gen., qu11re istos sine ulla conturueli&
e:z:hibitio1'; trnnsf., diludia posco, bn:a.thi11g-1Lme, di111ilt~1mu><, Cic. ; 2, esp. to Id drop, gi~ "P•
rut, Hor. re11ouHce, abandon, lcat't; opi•n:;uation~m. Cat"S.;
diluo -lt1i -llltum, 3. (dis and 1110), to tDaSh qu11estiont:111, Cle. ; iujuriaiu lg11omirnamqoe
au'l'.ly, to dis.w!t·e. A. Lit., a., ne canalibus aqua nominis inultam impunltamque, Cic.
im~issa l:\tercs possct, Ca<!S,; 11ngue11ta dim~veo -mOvi -motum, 2. (dis and moveo),
lttcmms, Ov.; b, to dilute, U'mJ>tr; vinum, Mart.; to moi-e asunr:Ur, part, MJ.arau, diridt. A. l.Jt.,
venenum, Liv. B. Tnmsf., a., to 'W€a"n tilt terrarn aratro, to plough, Verg.; aquam corpore,
/orct of, Z..sxen, impair; rnolestins, Cic. ; curarn Ov. B. to at/Jarate, remove, to takt a11:uy; a., spa
rnulto mero, Ov.; b, to expo68 the falstnus of a soclt:tatls equltes Romanos a rlebe dimo\'e~
1tCLtement, r.juu; c1imen, <.:ic.; diluere aliquld S.ill. ; b, st a tu sua sacra, LiY.
et falsum cs:;e docere, Cic. DiDarchua ·i, m. (~dvapxot>. a• .dClan.CGit
diliitu -a -um, v. dlluo. orator, cont~11•µ<11m"11 with. Dt11w$l.htnu..
dildvlea -EI, r. (c.llluo), a toaah<ng a10ar, '"" Dlndfmua ·i. m. and Dlndfma ~rum.
"ndutiu11, Hor. n. (Ai..Ov,..<X, ti.i~vµo. Ta), a muu11t11in i~ Jly1W,
diluvfo, 1. (diluvium), to ovtrftow, Luer. 114crtd to CNbeU; hence Dlndjmiai -ea. f.
diluvlum -11, n. (diluo), a tiood, deluge,
vnilotio11 1 Veri;.
'n· C11btk, Hor.
d.inoeco = dignosco (q. v.).
climano, l. (dis and mano), to {fow in differ- dinbmtsratlo -Onie, r. (dinumero), - ...
ent dirtctions, spraut ilulf abroad; fig. mens merativ1~; didu111 ac nodiu111, Cle.
hie fore11si" labor vit~ie•1uo ratio d!manavit ad d.indmero, 1. (dis and numero), to eot11d vp,
existimationem ho111i11U111, Cic. e11umerat(. A. Gen., Htl"ila11, Cle.; regia annos,
dimenafo ~nis, (dilnetlor), a meaw.ring; Cic. B. Esp. to Ctttmt mo11ty, to pay; c.. nturlat
qua1lrati, Cic. Capuae, dinumerat, C0111lt.I out the goW, Cic.
dimetlor -u1ens11s, '· dep. (dis nml metior), DIOdorua -l, ni. (ti.uiwpo<). La E1~avsop1ur,
to flUaaure out. I. Lit. A. Gt>n., a., ad., atquu con.kn1p<m1ry of Ptolenuu11.1 Soter. IL G pcri-
ego ista snm dl1110!11sus, Cic. ; b, pass., a quo p:1utic philos011l1er, of Tl/Te. JfourWlit117 aboW
ei;s1~11t ilia di111l'nsa Ht.que descripta, Cic. ; tir;na 109 B.C. DL (Sil:ulus), a Gruk histo1·ia1L.
di111ensa ud 11ltit11<line111 lluminis, Caes. B. dloeciala ~os and -ia, f. (8•0.:c.,a,(), &A.I en.
E:ip. a., rnilit. t. t., tu m.w.rure (l'U£ a J•lace for a met of a TrlO{listrau, Cic..; op•; re dime11so 1 Caes. ; b, astronom. t.t .. dioecetea -ae, m. (~•o,ICT/'"ld, a.Jhl411a1 ojf,M"
caelum o.tque terra111, t:ic.; pass., cc1tis di-
mensus p~rtihus <>rbis, Ytrg. ; <:_,_ metric. t.t., or treasurer, C.::ic.
syllal111s, Cie.; \'ersum, Cic. .LL. Trausf., uu- Dlog6ne• -ill, m. (~•Oyf"'1f), tlac ""'"' o/
diam civcm <libitis pecc:1 ta d imet ie 11 tem sua, Cic. Btt>eral Uruk philnS117•l1<'1'$, tht m~l noloriou of
dimeto, 1. (dis and met1•l, awl dq1. dimi- u·hmn tc•ns the t 'yn1~ 1ihilosq•lier of ~i11~
tor, I. lo mra<ure tM bmrndarie.1 of, Ci1-, ; locmu Diomede• -is, m. (A10,...~011(), 1, a Mrc> of
cai;tlis dim.,tm i jussit, Liv.; dep., eorurn cursua the 1'ruJ<W tear, son of "/'y•./(11.$, prince of Callfdo•,
(ace.) dimt:tati, Cic. 1aid to Junie suiscq11rntly Mlllrd i1• :Ap11/ia, c111d to
dimlci.tlo -on is, r. (d!mlco), 1, a fight, stnig- ha toe founded Arp'; hc11ce, adj., Dlomidiu
gle, wnlest i1~ a1 nu; 1irodii, Cic. ; ~. uny co11- -a -um, rtloti11g to Dio1.v1tes; 9, l.:ing of thL
tut or strWJgU; vitae, fvr life and death., Cic.; lJi.•tonts in Thn.1.u, who ga 1·e hi.4 ooptii>es a.a food
capiti3, Cic. to his horsta.
dimlco -ivi or Ill, 1. (dis and mlco). A. to Dion -oni~, m. (ti.lruv), brnthrr·in-latl.' of Dfo•J-
ftght, coll/.(11d, 1trW)gl£ in ar111.•: pro plltri11, Cic. ; riua I., lyrunt of Syracui;;., l..illtd by a con$piruCJI.
p1~•elio, Caes. B. Trnnsf., '" struayle, co11u11d, Dione -es, r. and DIOna -ae, r. (.l.•w"'I}. L
1Crive; omni rntlone crit di111icandum ut, etc., tM molheT of Venus, d(w9liter of O<Ya11UJ aJ!ll
Cle.; de fama, de civito.t.e, Cic. 7'ah11 or Q/ .detJur ana GaetJ; 3, Vmv.a. Adj.,
Dio 173 dis
DfiDaeu -a ·um, nlaUng to DfofU,or Ynua, J'O": ad aertam rationla normam, Ole.;
matier, le. Ynu, Verg. ; Caesar (hy the legend), ntilltat.e ot'ftdum D\&gia quam hnmanitate, Cle.
cfamida1'l of.Am.«1.'1, t<lliof Vc11111, Verg. : antrum, dlrlmo ~ml -emptum, 8. (dis and erno). L 1,
111crrd ro Y tlltl.I, Hor. to parl, 1tparoU, .under, divide; &lblnac 1111111·
Dlbjslua ·Ii, m. (li.u•...Vcr1ot), 1 CAt KbUr, erea ex trannenJO lm~tu facto dlrimeN
Trra..t <>/ S!f"OC'llM ·~307 A.c. ; 9, 1" '°" llCles, dlrlmere lru, Liv.; 2, to foUrr-upt, /tinder,
alld Hcv.wr, trnnu, 867-858, A.c. duh,rb, put o.f, lwwk off; a, an Msemhly or
Dl6ajau ·f, m. (li.u)ncrof), IN Grut nmM convenation, actum eat de el) nlhll ; nox dirl'ln·
of &ixA'lf1: hence Dl6njala ~nun, n. CM It, Cle. ; ea res colloquium nt clirernl~set, Caea.;
/c1' of Dioiiynu. esp. or omeua, to inurr11pt (:1s lnnt1Aplclo111);
con.silla, Liv.; b, a flght, e11g11i;cment, pro•·lium,
dlOta -ae ~. (~u:m1). II hoo-handltd vrlM-jcr, Liv.; a war, con~ntion, bellum Phlllp1•um
Hor. atque Aetolos, Liv.; c au alll:mcl', 1..agnc to
Diphllue ·f, m. (tl.l<tit>.Of), u romtc r.od
Qf br111.1k up; veterem c:o1~(1111rt lo11em cl villln, Cle.
Siaur-t. ixrnknl.p;:rrory of .!fe1t01ldtr and Ph~ IL to 1livide: qu:i<' urbs Vultumo !lu111i11t1 dir·
'IUlaied by Pl-mtm. empta Falernum a Campano ai;ro dlv\,Jit, Liv.
cllplOma. -ltis, n. (~.: ..>.wµa.), literally, a/oldtd dirlpfo ·rf1111l, -reptum, S. tdie and rnplo),
ldUr: l. under the republic, a circv.lar lttur L to to pUoios. A. Lit., Hil'polytum, Ov.
q/ i1llrodtldi~11 gfot;a t<> tmvtl/cr$ 011 t.M go11ern.- B. Tninar. to pllmdv, piling~. dutr-oy; 11ocios,
•!ut, fa (J'('dt:r U1 fa..-ilitaU tluir journeJJ, Cle. ; Cle. D. to ciway; a pcd•'re wstcm, Ov.;
2, llDder tli., t'lllpi1e, a l]Q~> 11mei>t wieumcnt res pulcherrimaa ex tota Asia, Cic.
Cllflf!Tri1l'J prii-ilt<IU ~ ~ ~rsoM U1 10/wm U
WI add!UUd, Tue. dirltaa-Atia, r. (dirus), l, miefortunt,,
DipjlOD, ·l, n. (li.ill'llAO"), f.M doubl4 door,
Cle. poet.; 2, crmlt11,•: quaut.ll 111 al-
- o f Ike Tlu·uuW:n gaU al AlM/1$.
tero dhit:ut, in altero co111ltae, Cic.
D1roi -es, r. (~c'.p.rq). L t.M 'll:ife Q/ Lf/C'IU ctirumpo -rap! ·ruptum, 8. t.o brtllk in
mg of Thtbta, bottftd to a bull by Ampllion and pitea, ahatter. L Lit., t"'nulBSl11u11n quarnque
Zd.\u, alMi Ch f'O'lln\ (or cha llgt.<t) i7® t.M jbtuitai n partem (nubia) diviJ.ere atque dlr11111pt"re, Tac. ;
uwdaftl!r hu. IL Uufou1ilu.i;; Qf IXrc., to tM 0101110) d!r111•tus, nipturtd, Cic. II. Tninsf., at
"""4-tOUt Qf Thrllca.. Adj., Dlroaeua -a -um, dlrupl me paene In judicio Galli Caninii, ahoutta
1Jif'!ltll11y .&>dotiull; cygnua, Pin<kl.r, Hor. '11'/lu/J hoar,;s in defwdin.g, etc., Ci~.; middle,
dfrumpl, to. bltrsl "'"-' eJUl)I, grkf, anger, etc. ;
directi. adv. with com par. (directua), dlrumpl plausu aliculu.s, to burn tuith envy at tJui
Cr!Hgkt/ononrd, fa a 1traighl li1~; 1, horiJon· GppUttull givm to aiome one elle, Cic.; dolor!!, Ck.;
llally, Cle.; trarusf., dicere, dirta111, Cle.; ~- b, to #&1eT, break "P; awicitinm, Cic.; 110ciet-
pendlcularly; directe ad perpendlculum, . ate111, Cic.
direotO, adv. (directua), (n. a 1tnJ(gA{for1DCrd dira.o ·tli ·t1tum, 8, (df11 and ruo)1 to f'll.ll
•r. dir«:Uy, Cle. cfc1on, ~ to tM ground, dtttroy. a.. Lit.,
4irectu -a -um, p. adj. with compar. (dfr. m·bem, Cic.; agmlua VMto lm1ietu, to 11eatttr,
'8u>. 1, lh'RigM, d£nct, either In a boriJontal or Hor. B. Tran1f., aere dlrul, to bt mulcted Qf
p&rpeudicular direct.Ion; partes, Cle.; lter, Cle.; oru'apay, Plin.; ln qnlbus (<astria), qnum fre·
trabe1, Cua.; 2, .craigh(/orwcmt, plai1', ""'Pl•; qut'na euet, tamen aere dirutus 1:11t, mi'~ bf1
Tel'bl, C1c. ; ho1110, Cle. gambling, Cio.; homo diru1• dirutuaque, bank-
diremptua -tl.I, m. (dlrfmo), a ~ rupt, Cle.
Cle. d.irua -a ·um (connected with &#l~). /«1:r·
4ireptlo -Onla, t. (diripfo). a plu1Mlm1'g, /W., hon-Ulle, dirt. A. gr unfavoun11Jle omena,
pillagi11g ; urbll rellota direptlori{, Cle. ; bonorwn omen, Ov.; 1ubat., dirae -arum, r. u111ucky
dlreptlo, Cic. omen1, Cle. ; ao din -orum, n., Cic. B. Trausf.,
!fireptor -6ria, m. (dlrlplo), G pancknr, 11.orribZ., cruel, frightful; &, of t.hlng8, !XBe-
Jl(/Jtlga', Cic. Cr&tio, Verg. ; venena, Hor.; eubi<t., clirae
dlribio ·GI -ftum, i.
ha.11t<>). lo tort &A. -.oting
dU -hibeo, from
wl\(U to1r11 cmi
•&rum, f. CUT~; diiis ag1u11 VOB, llor.; COD•
tlngere fUnebrllins diris 11i8na tela arma host-
Milo CA. ballo«"f urn.; tabellaa, Cle. lum, Liv. ; b of persons, cruel, terrible: dell,
Ci~, Ov. ; Hanniba.I, Hor.; 11ubst., pen1011if.,
4lrlblti'.o .Oniit, f. (dirfbeo), the aorting Qf Dira -ae, f. a Fu.rJ, \"erg.; gen. plur. often
tAe l!Olii<g tickdl, Cic. with ultrlcea, F"riu, Verg.
4frlbitor ·Oris, m. (dlribeo), the oJflctr 1011.oat 1. dla. tuseparablA particle, me:111ing awav
datr fl mi to M>rt tJu wting tkket1, Cic. from., takes the forlll of uis-, di·, l\llll u;r•.
dirlgo -re.xi -rectnm, S. (dis a11d ~go). L 2. Dis. Diti.s, m. a. 'no :iie of Plvto, god of th.
~ stC mu(ght, arrange in a 1fra(ght li11e: pnsa.
dirig1, tn prorud i>i a 1lraight liM; transr., lower worl1i, Cle.; domlua Dith1, l'r08!:rpi>i.a, Verg.
dll'i!Ptnr (arguu1e11t-1ttlo) quum proposult :11i- S. clia, d!th1, R<lj. with compar. anrl super!.,
q11id quoo l'robarct, Cic. IL to a1-ra1<g~. 1-ich.. A. Lit., <ii11 hostis, Liv. ; a.pud HdvetioA
d''."d· A. Lit.. 1, as regard11 motion, a, of rlitissinius fuit Orgd.orix, Cac,.. ; \~ith g~ult.,
&hi1••, carri"gt!>(, journeys, etc., to dirtet; act ditis~i111u11 agri, Yerg. B. 'J'r.,lltif. ri.;hly p1·odtf.ed, C...meliaraa vela, Caes.; c11rsu111 eo (qno). niaking 7-idi; ditia :itip;n<lia, Liv.
Cic.; lter ad Mutluam, Cic.; b, of weapons, di8cedo -eessi -ct>ssum, S. L to go a.~111dcr,
fo ai-, direct; hAStam In aliquem, Ov.; c, of part, upar<tU; in du<ts pul't••q, 81111.; <·:u·lnnt
u.. 1lgbt, &ciem ad aliquem, Cnt. ; 2, or J•OSi· di!lcedit, tJte hmvims ope.~. Ci.,.; tr:rn~f., 011111is
tll)U, a, to arra1ige order, df1poae; (a) In qnin· ltitlia anhu~ di>cetlit, u dil'i<ird. ~bll. IJ. A.
t1l!lceru ordinea (arboru111), Cle.; (iJ) 1111lit. t. t., Lit.1 1, gen., to, go a1rn11; e Llallia, Cic.;
Ill_ dnno up; aciem, Caes.; nave11 ht p11g11am, de roro, Ck.; f\111bm1 Au~nnine, Ov.; used h11-
LiY.; (y) to raw, trttt; opera, Cne.s. B. Trnusr., penio11ally, a c1111tlo11e disce<litur, Caes.; 2, e11v.
&, to, 1111id4?; dirige valla opus, 0\', ; in- &, milit. t. t. (a) or twops, to 111<1 rch CJ>cay; a
tl1Da(Cit. to l«Jd; ad veritalem uepissime dirigit, Hrundi.-•iof Cues.; ab sign is, to l>rn.1.k tlte ra11h,
c.; b, to direct the tlwu{JhU, attention etc., to ltave IM £1u Qf battle, Caes.; nu nr111i~. lo lay
IOaetbing; 111&S cogittttioue11 ad allqnld, Cic. ; 1low" an11a, Cae.a.; (JJ) to comc oul of a 0011test,
0. lo d.i.~ a ~ kl, to Clddru1; oratiu11e111 to come o,f; victor, Caes.; vlctu11, Bi1ll.; acqu()
Id 1:1qu1d, Cle. ; d. cc. .ua., ~. A di.a· llarte cum Vol11cla. to haw a d1"CJ111n battU w:ilh,
dis 174 dis
Lh., so to come out of <1.11y cu11/ (e.g.• In a 1, to dmre (l.m11dtr, 11p/it; c1,tem uovacul&. Cle.;
rotirt of law); 11upc1ior 1li11ci>dit, Cic.; turpl>1· tnmiif., a111kilinii, Cic.; 2, to t~uroptn; t11nicau:,
s!me, toconu offu~tli dii<g1w:e, Ck.; b, toabanclo11, Cic.
d,s,~t; ah amici11J... Cic.; ah aliquo duce ~of dlaolngo -cinxl -ci11ct11m, 3. to taJ.:t o.f tA•
aohhen1), CM>!!. .a. Trnw1r., 1, gen .• • ex vita girdle, m1gird; Afros, to di.;..1nn, Juv.
ta111q1ia111 l'X hol'lpitio, Cic.; a vita, Caec'!.; a'""• dlao:plina -ae, f. (discipulu'>). L i ttstr•t·
to digr~ss (of an orator), Cic.: 11mu-111a111 ex tiori, t•uc7uug. A. Lit., litter&<! reli'}naeqiw l'\'t
aulruo mco <lisci><tit illi1111 viri lll•·morLt, Cic.: 2, qua.rum est db .. iplina, nc. ; 11 uvnm aliqn.- 111
esp. a, to alU1rido1l a tl11tu, dtl'iate, s1<•er1y Jrvm alien! iu <li:<dplinnm tr::i.lert>. Ck. ; 1th aliquo
1-ri 11ciplu, etc. ; all c,tficio, Cic. : a cunsuctud int!, <lisci plimrni acci P•·t<', Ck.; sllhj. "gt'l1., •li~il'lill:t
t,;I'.; b, pol it. t. t. ol thi> senate, in ~liquam majurum, Cil'.; ub.i. grn., Jisciplillll \ii tutio•, cw.
s.-11tentia1111lisn"it'r<! 1 tu s11pport H r•s•il11li<"l; in B. Met<•ll., wfti,1i ~ 11111 ,1ht, /.:o.rning, J,.-,.e>1r.
Hlia om11in J1'1ccdl!re, to /,, quite of t/,e co11trury lttige, scienc~; a, g"1L, 1.,11ica, the nrl of 1nrr,
opi11io1~. Ck.; c, discetl1•rt> a.ti itliquo l!r ah Rli'}ua Ck.; n:walis, Cic.; lrnllt'rc quas,lam etiam don.·
ft', to txceJ.t; quum u vol1is d1scc:1,,1·ri111, you a- i>stk:i'i cibeii,hnas, Ci··.; jai i:> ei\·ilii, Ci.-.;
CCJ•l•d, Cic. b, It )'l,i/v,·•1•hfru[ sd1wl, 11 ~y<:t'ol; 1·h1lu~"ph1.11.e
disocpti.tio -<ini11, r. (disCt'l 1tt1), 1, a de&rt/f, discipliua, Cic.; c, rhrt"rj,·,1/ -''""""/or .<y"1fl1';
11i,.-u.<:;io11, co11lru1"t'1s.11: 1·11111 quil;u,; u11111is fort• 1Icn1tllg<>nU', Cie. II. 111 n w1.J1'r :<t'I1s.-, lrni11·
nulJis 1liscept.Jit i11 e1111t..11t.i••1uc est, C~.; with fog, educntiun. A. Lit., a, P'I•., di-;d1•lln.i.
)Ct-l!lt., 1lisc~ptatio jmis, Cic.; 2, a judidal pnerilis, of /"'-''·'· Cie.; disl"ipl111a fa111ilwe, <./
1fr•.·i.,im1, crn•ml; disc.,ptatiouem au rege all Ro· ~la rts; gravis l't eons tans, Cil'.; b, e"'P· niil:I·
111an~ re\·ocJbant, Li\·. ary truini11g; 1111lit<lri~. Li\·.; 111ilit1.1.:, C1l·. B.
disoepti.tor -<•ri:1, m. (tlisceptl)), ail arbi· Meton., th~ rcs11/t nf trui 11i119, c-1i..;to1n, /r11!1it, order;
trirfor, judge of a cv11tro1•rr81j; <lomcaticus, Cic.; a, gen., disciplrnaP 1.11111ctit.1,, Liv.; c.-rlli
111ri.~. Cic. n1·e11di disei1>lina, Cic. ; b, the ordui1,:1 -f n
cliacapt&trix -tricis, f. (disceptator), one statf, constitutio11; disdplina reipubl1nH', Cu·. ;
11.•lw dt.;i,u.1, C1c. <tisciplinarn Jari>, C1e.; o rnore111 pral'Cl:irun. d1>·
dlaoepto. I. {dis aud rnpto), 1, to dfcirle a eipli11D.mq11e qu11m .a majC>ribus acet-pi111us, C,'ic.
tu it or'l'. wljurliwt1, cltttnni M; ci>ntrovcr- dlaolpUla ·ae, f. (<liscipulus), a /~malt
i;ius, Cic. ; in~r populum et rcgem, Liv. ; 2, to schulur, Hor.
disl'11tr, del>, di.<c11ss; verLis de jut!!, Liv.; de disolp\'ilua ·I,. m. (1liscu), a sd1olar, J.•u11il,
c11ntruvrrsii~ apud se potlusquam intersearmis, di.sciJ•V, Cic.
Ci!ei<. ; de jurc pul,Jieo armis, Cic.; transf., in cU.ecludo -clibi ·cl us nm, :i. (dis 3111 1 d;ii1<li>),
u110 ptn+:lio omnis forluna rdJJIJOliCAe disceptat, L
.i, ,..,,.1~ upvn, Cic. to .~hut tlJI upart, to :w-µarutt,
1 1'..rt>a
!-,•onto, \'erg.; tigna, kup at tli.e }""'f"'r di.<t11n,.t,
disoerno -crevi -crctum, 3. A. to st1vr, c:ie~.; 111011 s qui An-t'rnos all Ikl\'iis disdu<lit,
~'1•1rt1t4': rnons qui tlu<·s t"1rm11 <lisce;-11i'ret, !Sall.; Cues. II. Trans!., 111t•1-:;11s rvhori.s, to foost11..,
<lnae url1e11 111agno in!Rr se maris t.·rrarurnque \"erg.
11patio dis1·1'tlt.'ll', Liv.; tlL.;cretae setles piorum, disco, dl<llci, 3. I. to lrarn. A. Gen., littern.s
~P.t UJ>(l<I, Hor. B. Tran,f., to d~tinyui.;h, di3· Graec·as, Cic.;jus ci\'ile ant rt•111 militar-c111, l'i<'.;
r~rit; alba t't atrn discernne non pnsse, Cic.; i•l ~nod ex Jilurihu,; t<>,tibus prionhnsactiuuihus
with rel. ~nt., animus 1liscunit1 quid 11it eius- <lithebtis, Cic.; nh , 0 :Stl'ico 1lialt·ctica!11 diiiic·
de111 generis, quid allt'.rius, Cic. erat, Cic. ; aJIU<I aliqnem httera..~. Cic.; m
diaoerpo -cerpsi -c<'rptum, 3.(dis aud c.arpo). c;i,t ! is pn la!•on·m 11'u111 111i!1tiae, ~'lll. ; "·ith
A. Lit. to pluck tu pi'"''· tt.1r ii; piecu, dismmi- i11tin., salta1e, Cii'.; L•t111e !tlq11i, &lll.; q11111·
/~; lllt'rubra gruis, Hor.; a11imus nee divi<li queremes (!lll1t·rnare t!it!ieisse, Cic- ; with tf"i.
nee <lisceq>i )•otei;t, Ck. B. Transf., in a di:.1· clause, 1•lure>1 uisce11t q11t>111 ad m<>dum haec
conr~·» to se)'amtr, didde; qui q1111e eomplecti tlant qtU\l!I q11<•111 ad 1110.111111 his resistatur, Cic.;
tot.I\ n»queu11t, h:1ec facilius divul:.a et qua1>i ita diJtcis,;e" rnaj<>ribu~ ut, de.,,,, hau so l'<trk.l
discerpt.'\ eontrcetant, Cic. to ce m«~•1,/.n11ed t•>, Ca1·s.; <lbco titl1llu~. to lttu><
dlaoessio -0ni~, f_ (di~<'t><lo), 1,a g,..i11g away, to 1·!t1y 011 t/1-. lyre, Cil'.; ulisol., \'alt>11t vu..:11,
dep«rt11rr,T111·.; 2, polit. t. t., t'-1/i ny, d1t"isio11 in the stutliusi' di~c11at, 1iiligt>1t!t'r tloc.,utur, Cic.; \'ol-
~11afr (iJy g•,in~ '"'Pr to oue sidi, or the other); 1111t<1:1 d1sct11di, Cit•. B. E>p., di.secre causa111,
senatu!! eo11sultum ruccre J><'rui~et'ssione1>1,wit/i- lq;al t.t., f!J ';]fl up tht. fiats of <t ~. of an
end diK11uio11, Cic. : disc1·11sioneru facere, to rote, ath«)cate, Cic. IL lo l:rco:1tr acquC<i1ited u-iU.;
Cic.:!l t-st disccssio iu se11teutiam alicuius, 1, gen., me peritus discet HiiJcr Rhot.iauique
Cic. putor, Hnr.; 2, to bct"onv ao111aiiiftd 1cith a fort,
dtaceuua ·fis, m. (disc»uo), 1, a parting, /ram, find out; diJki ex tui:i lit~ri11 te omniltll.ll
atparutio11; caeli, lighluir1:1, Cic.; 2, a departure, in r1'lms habuisse ration!'m, Cic.
going away; 11b urhe, Cie. ; e vita, Cic. ; esp., discolor -~ris. A. of rlifferrnt colours i signa,
a, miht. t.t. ma.rr/iwg o_tf, Cae:1.; ab Dyrrhad1io Ck.; miles, bfork mill 1chite (of tlie n1ta at
cliscessw1 exercituum, C1e. ; b, euphem. ba11· <lra.n~hts), Ov. B. 'l'rnnsf., diftrt>tt from, ~~­
~hmnit, Ci<'. li!.r tu; matrnna !neretrici atqhe,
dlscidlum ·Ii, n. (Jiscindo). I. a t.-a,-illg Hor.
aimy, 1lit•idi1UJ; nuliis, Luer.
dil'i>i>1n, 11(1rti119.
A. Lit., ronjngis miserae,
from" u•iJ', cf'k ; esp., or the p1lrtin1; of I.overs
I dlaoonvenlo.... to disagru, not to MTnWJt•
ht; vitae ort.lin.i toto, Hor. ; im1rers., eu di,..
couvcnit inter m<!qtte et te, Hor.
or o.r divn.rce, Cic.; tlivortia atque ~ffinita.tum dtacordla -ae, r. (<liscol'l!). I. a, dli.nufo"r
d1.sc1d1~, C1c. B. '.fra.nsr. lltJ>aratwn infulrn~s, diStigr~tmtnt, discord; !Jaec discordia non ren11:&
dL"-"•:n~<m; bell1 <l1se~<lio, Cic. ; deorum od111., 11eJ wrborum, Cic. ; b, di~Hicll, l«liti-01•, T .. c.
d.sc1d1a, <liscoi-dlae, C1c. IL Persouif., Discordia, tM V~ q/ DUcon:L.
disoido. 3. (dis and caedo), to cut in pitcu, Vi:rg.
lino i•' piecu, Lui:r. -a -um (discordia), jlLll of di•·
dlaolnctus ·1' ·nm (p. adj. of dlsclngo), oord,_ mutinous; nilb'1111 sediti0&u1u atqne di.s-
tnrtle.s&, rtc1.:la1, dUsolute., utra1:1aga.J\t ;. nepoa, Ct)rd1o:tum fu1t, Sall..
Hor ; oti11, Ov. ,41.acordo, 1. (dl11Cors), 1 lo be at di«ord to
41aclndo -scltll -sclssum, S. (dla and lclndo), di.aa.g'iu; cum CheruacLI. ~ ; • db:
dis 175 dis
sldm 1tq11e dlseordnre, etc.; anlmu>1 a se dls- dlsperst, ~trr: nubem, Ov.; umhr11, Verg.:
1i<len1 lleCUITI'llle di.:1c()rJan1, Ci<'. ; or soldle111, di~c11s11a est <'aligo, Cle.; 2, k>/'f'Ultra.U, bring to
to be 11uit£no11s, Tac.; 2, to ~; quautum no11;1ht, 111pprcsJ; eam rem, Liv.; c;aedem, Cle.;
dite0rdeL parum avaro, llor. coru111 c.iptione~, Cic.; eorum advocatiouem
d11oors -eordis (ills nnd cor): I. 1, 1li.s11!Jrte· manilm!I, folf"n, lapiJihua, Cic.
hg,illkar11lllnL.JU:1,di.sconfo11t; ci vit.a3 i;c.::u111 ip><a d.Iaerto, ndv. with supl'rl. (dlsertuii), clearly,
d.Ueors, Liv. : (Jf i11~nl1nat.e old~d.:1 1 \•e11t.i, Ver;:. ; plainly, rlo-1iuntly; <lic~re, Cic.
!"Ila, Ov.; 2, 1rnlil.e, <ii.>simil1Jr, differeiit; tam dlsertus -a ·um, p. ad,f. with compar. anti
d.Ueordia Inter !le respons.1 Liv. 8U!>erl. (dissero), tlo<j1ttllt, well-uprc.'iiiecl; a., of
d11crepantia ·:IC, f. (1liscrepo), di.iagTU- the J;1n~u:1ge, orntio, Ci<'.; hlsl111 la, cit·. ; b, of
"'"'• dif£r,11c~; ,;crivti ct vvlunt.atis, Cic. the per11011 speaklug, homo, <.:ic.; diife1tissl111trs
cUacripitlo -Onh1, f. (•liscrepo), disagrN- orator, Cic.
lllllt, dim11ion; inter consul es, Liv. =
dielclo disjlclo CiJ.v.).
cUscreplto. 1. (i11ten!I. or dlsrrepo), to be or
dlsjecto, I. (intens. disjicio), to ea.&t about
Rlirdr dwi11&ilar, to be quite unliu, Luer. set.1tlr.r, Luer.
dflcripo .pa,·i, I. not ta SJ:J1.1nd together. A. 1. disjectus ·•-um, v. dlsjicio.
Llt.,to bt out of tini.e, to be di.Jconlaitt; in llillh11~ 2. dlsjectus ·fi!I, m. (tliajicio), a 100tleri11g,
aat In til..il3, Ci<'. B. Tran!lr., to di,.;agrCP, be dl1per•i11:1, Ln1·r.
difmu, be unli/;e; cum allquo or cum 11liq11n dlsjlcio -jcd ·Jectum, 3. (dis nn•l jAcio), to
re, Cie.; ab allqua rt', Cic. ; sihl, Cic. ; inter ca.:tt am 11>/er. I. Lit.. , A. Oen., a, nr builtli11;;-1 1
M>, Cic.; nunc in re, Ci<'.; with dat., 11ua.ntu111 ck., tu lhrow down, de.•tro.l/; i:tis.fccta tc1111°1:st;1te
1iroplex hilarlsque nepotl di.•crnpi·t, lfor. ; i111· st.atun, LI\·. ; disjecta ae1liflda 1 Cacs. : b, ta ll('al·
pcra.,$CreJ>aL, lMre i.s 4 c1i.lny1·ternmt, 1~011/e ur, di.fptrse: n:l\"e:\ or cln11Sl'111, Liv.;•cta
art 1lol fll]rud; discn•1•at inter s<'riptores, Liv. ; coma11 1 with cl i.:Jherrlltd hair, O\·.; <I lsjectn mc1nlon1
i:lud haudquaqul\111 discrep:it, Liv.; with acc. poetae, Hor. ; disjec:ta manu!I, Ck; milit. t.t.,
~od lnHn.., Liv.; uo11 or l1auJ. dlscrepa.t qui11, flJ acalttr; phalang .. m, Caea. IL Trnn~r., to
etc., Liv. brinr1 to naught,jrustrat•; consilia duels, Liv.
cll.lcribo descrlbo (q.v.). dlajunctlo -011is, f. (dilljnngo), sepamlio11.
diaerim.en -lnis, n. (diRCemo), that ichlch I. Lit., 1111:or111n, Ci<'. IL Tram1f. 1 1, g1•n., dif·
dicit/r,t. L Lit., A. Co11cr., the divllli1ig lfne; fao1ce; nnim .. rum, Cic.; 2, esp., a.f In logic, a
'!lllltll f>ertenul tliscr-i11ri11e (1!110 maril\) Separar· disJ'u11ctfre ]'1'opositim1, Cle.; b, in r 1et. a ;itrits
eutur, Cic. B. A h'4tr., a., the 11iaa btlwun; of u11unct.1 wW10Ul conn ..cting parCiclu,·
~patiu111 di:icriluina fall it, Ov.; b, in music, in· deto11, Cic.
rmul; s.:ptem tlis.,ri111 ina \"QCt1111 (or the lyre dlsjunctua -a -um, p. Rrlj, with compnr. and
"•th v.ven strings), Vel"ri. IL a., sr1-1mtion, s11pc1 I. (di~ju11~0), scparat~d, sumltrtd, dista11t.
d~irtr.tio.~, dijfe1·ena; <lelt'ctu 0111ni r.t 1lbcrimine I. Lit., quae (Aelnlia) procnl barbaris disjuncta
r?iuot-0, Cie.; b, tur11i11q-point, criticYJl 111»111ent; genUbus, Cic. II. Tra11st., A. Gen., remot•
e:i rta nunc in discri111i11c ver:1at11r 11tr11m l~'>i· /ronl; homine" Gmed Ion~~ a nnstroru111 h0111in-
.<itue ••• an, Cic.; in tlis<·rimen aJ<lnctum er<se, 11m gravitate dbju11cti, Cir. B. Rsp., 1, in
Lil:.; c, cri,is. ha:ar.Z, d1111rru: in tan to tlis· logic, di~j111ictiv'; 2, in rlaet., di.scon11ccUd, Cic.
crift1ine 1iericull, Liv.; ad ipsum •li!lcri111e11 eius disjungo junxi -ju11ctum, 3. to "nl1ind,
t~1uporis, Ck.; re.s ease l.n summo c.lhscrhuine,
(;.a... l00$t11, ise11(J.rate. I. Lit., &, to unyoke or unhar·
jumenta, Cic.; b, to Sl'parat~, ¥U11iltr, 1·cmort;
clJ.acrimlno, I. (tilscrimen), to upar4le, 1un- M..,; intr.n·allo loc .. ium ct tcm1~1re di><juncti su111uR,
du, dir/J.le; J-:truriA?n 11i~cd111inat Cassia, Cic.; Cic.; Itall'4 11i~j11ngi111ur oriR, Vl'rg. IL 'J'ra11~r.,
rif.U..rum sm1mi1p1., uec die nee uocte dill· A. Gen., to UJl(lru/P; aliquem a!J al1qun, Cic.
uimiuata h·mp•Jra, Liv. B. Esp .. lo 1li~ti11g11i,,;1&; iusaniam a furure, Cic.
41.scrlptio -Onia, f. (<liscribo), a divislon, diepalor, I. dep. to wander 4b01't, to 1tra.v,
dilcrUc!o, 1. to tortttre t'fhrmentl.11, f?rme11C: K•·I'· dlspando -pandl -panl'lum, 3. to upcmd, e:c-
r.f bo·lily torture, <liscrn«iatos neearc, Cic. ; of
rnt11tal an:.:uL,h, rell. or pas:1., to ton11t11t 011e.it1.J, tmd, strtlch. out, Luer.
.,,1;c o•tstlf 111.i.ernbit, Cle. dlspar ·p!lri,., ti.nlike, diftrent, dis.tlmilar, -dlbiH -cl\ultum, 3. to li~ down; 1111e11w•l: r.. rtuna, Ck.; l.t'mporn, Cic.; with dat.,
&1 turedi11~ al l<r.Me; disc11bui11111~ omnes l'raetcr
ilia oratio liuic dispar, Cic.; with gcnit., quid·
J1la111, Cic.; il11pers., <liscumuitur, 011e g°",s to the q11n111 Jis1•n1· sni nt1111c dis.~imile, Cic.
1·11./e, Cu:.; b, tu 11/c~p. go Co bt1l; ct'nati <liscub- diepargo, v. <lispl:'rc;o.
~"11111t 1ui•ll'111, Cic. dJ.apii.riUa ·I', unlike, di.~lm!lar, dijftrt11t,
cllaciipio ·hi -Hum, S. to <k:;ire i:ehenunlly, 1tne•111ul: disl'a• iii~ t·X~pimtio t1·rra111111, Cic.
Ctt. diepAro, l. to stporufr, 1111rt, di ride; seniorei1
cllacurro -l"iicnrri and -cnrri -<'nrsu111, 3. to a junivrihus di\"i,it eo:"lll<' ita t1i21•a1u·it ut,
r.,, i111bpao1t1Ji1·(cti•ms, r1t11 Hbnut, r1u1 to and etc., Cit'.; i•artic. s11l1st., d.iapllratum ·I, n..
fro; in 111uds, Cac>1.; circa d1·11111dl'111lira, Liv.; rhet. t.. t., the co11tradktory rroposUi.a11o (e.~.,
•.l 11m;1 1 I.iv.; i111('er~., tot:\ disc1111 itur urlie, sap··re, 111111 s.""Lperl:'), Cic.
~ti',;.; of thiugJ;di ve1 sa rneas S•·l'klll discunit
in .. r.1, \'er;;:.; 41111111 111c11~ 1hscurrit utro11ue 1 Ov.
dlspartto = tli~1•ertio (q.v.).
dl.acuraus -ii~. 111. (discnrro),.a nmnin11 u;. di.1fue11C dlspello -piUI -pulsum, 3. I. to drir• '"
direclia11s: pecudes, Cic. II. to scatter,
a... / tJ,"'"• '' r1tr1.•.i11~ uf,,,ul, ri11111i 11(1 to a11d fro; di~J"tel; u111l1ra~. Vi•rg.; transr., ab 1tuimo tam·
11ah_t11111, Li\·, ; lupi, Ov. ; of tldu;.:s, lrucr iuter qua111 ab 1..-11lis 1·aligi11t:111, Cic.
•·r.~111cs tl1scurs11s, of a. ~Iii p, 1111/ti 11d~1 ,.i rnolio11,
l1r dlapendlum ·li, n. (1li'l'enJ.o). u1iendUu~1, -i, m. (~;crco(), a q>wit; <liscum au(llre e.rptn~··, {o:;s; facer.,, to &11jT<r loJ.1; tramsf., du•·
q1.1.a111 1•l11l1"'"Phtt111 111al ie, Cic. l'e1111ia rnv1ae1 /vs.:; e>f time, Ver;;.
cliac6tio -cus11i -c11ss11111, 3. (di!t nn•t quntil)), =
1. dispendo dis1~mr.lo (•!· v.).
~~rt1.:1 •·~1£11tltr, I. to shatt.-r, bre<tl.; 1Jow11: tri· 2. dlspendo ·1•e11su111 1 3. to wdgh out, \"arr,
..... lrletll,l&d aliquantu111 murl, Liv. IL 1, to d.iapenno = J.ispauJo (q. , .. ).
dis 176
cUaponaitlo ~nls, f. (dlspenlO), 1, manage- 2. cUaposltua ·Ila, m. (dlspono).
Cit •Dill,.
tM111 uo1101,.ia.u admillutratw11;, Cle.: mt11t,
anuo'u&e, I.Iv.; 2, t~ offiet of a dil1.1t1~tor, Cle.; dlsputiitlo -<lnls, f. (dlsputo). 111' mvv'""·
regia, t1>< ol}fa o/ trf41'Urer to a kin.g, C1c. dtlJUti1<g, ur!l'Ulnt1\t, dtt.alt; h~ la Utr&luqlM
dlspcnsator -<'>rta, m. (Jh1penso). a 1Uimrd, par~ru di~putatione haliili, Cle.
'balli.D, /ruwucr, Cic. dlapiitator -Orta, m. (disputo), a debaUr,
dlspeuso, 1. (inten1. of 2. dlspendo). I. to di.r1•uta11t, Cic.
wigh out or pay auoay monty, Plaut. ; lo dfridt, dlsputo, 1. to diJcu.1.!, teti~11t., d<L,'tr~. arvu;
ciialribult: oscula per natos, Ov.; lal!litiam ali11u1<1, C1c. ; de a\iqua re, Cic.; ad aliqnam
Inter lmpotentes JIOl'Ull a11i111rn. 1 Liv.; lu rhtlt., rem de aliqua re, Cic.; pro omui\.ua et co11tra
lnnnta non solum ordine, t1e<l etiam nw1nento omula, Cle.; e<>ntra propositu1u, Cic.; di~1·11tan
quvd&m atque judlcio, Cic. II. a, gen., to ar· lu utratnque partA!m, for a1ul a~·a\n1l, C1c. ; wit.'i
rang~; annum intcrc.'llariis llltlnsil.Ju.i iuterpon- rel. ll('llt., ego enim qulJ duiderem, non quid
endia 'it.a 1llsptl11s;i\·it ut, etc., Liv.; b, esp., lo \'iclerim dis1•uto, Cle.
9'Glla9t a hou.><:hvul; res dom<>sticas, Cle. disquir~_, S. (dia and qnaero), to i11.']1'in itl:O,
dlspcrdltlo ·<lnls, t (diaperdo), • Sotal ini·.. stivatr, uor.
dutructio11, ruin, Ck. dlsquisitlo -Onl1 (dls<Iuiro), a" (nqiiirJI, ,,..
dtsperdo -d!di -111tum, 8. &o dutf'OI/, "''"• fJt$tiyation, Cic.
•AnihilaJt; posscSiSiones, Cle. cllssaepio -saersl ·&ae\•tum, 4. k> 1t.ftf~ al,
diapcrco .u, 4.. to ptrllh vtterl11, be entfrely u1>11mt~, dii·ide; ali11uitl knni muro, Cic.
ntfoa!; lundua disperit, Cic. ; dispeream, al, dlasaeptlo -Onla, f. (dissaeplo), • J»r'"~
or nlsl, may I periJh. if or t.%Upt, C:lt., Hor. Liv. (').
dispcrgo ·~persl -spenmm,3.(disand spargo), dlssaeptum ·1, a. (dtssaeplo), a born.,
&o ..:alter, 1preml abr11a.I, duper•; a, tam mult.a partition, Luc.
peatifera terri marique, Cle. ; lo duprrll!_ ai.
•rmy, Cara.; b, rumorea, to abroad n- dlssemlno, 1. lo aprtad abf'oad, du.t-abau ,·
portir, Tac. sermonem, Cic.; malum, Cic.
cU•perao and cl18penlm. adv. (dlapersu11), dlssenslo ·<inis, f. (Jlssentio), disagrtt"IJlC\t,
M diJi:rt1u placu, duptrlltdly, 11.ert and there, varia 11a. L Of p;ir.!i:)ll"• a, In a frie11Jly man-
Ctc. ner, ln~r homlnes de Jure, Cic. ; est qull.e'd;un
dlsper•lo -6nia, t. (dlapergo), • toa.ttering, lnwr nos pan·a diue11sin, Cic. ; b, in a b011tile
dulructwn, Cic. mHnner, di:1.Stvion, disunion; dis:oi<'nsio ac die-
dtlium, Cic. ; diueu:o1io ch;lis, Cae.s. IL Of
cUspcrtfo (<li!'-partlo) -lvt and .u -ltum! f. ah:1tractlons, oppoJitio"; utillum cum boue.alil,
fO l<tJ<irul~, dividt, di.slri.buU. A. Lit., t>ecunmm Cir.
Judlclbus, Cic.; exercltum per OJ'plJa, Liv. dlssensua -tll, m. (dlaaent.lo), dt.."'°"'9 d~
B. TranllC., tempera voluptatis laboris4ue, Cle.; agru1nwt, Verg.
dep., dlspertlor -lri, aliquid In lnlinlta, Cic.; cUssenta.ncua .. -um (dl$.St!ot1o), df~
admlnldtratiouem Inter se, LIY. ing, difftreni (opp. coneentaneut); alkui nl,
41spiclo -apexl -1pectu111 1 3. (dis aml apeclo). Cic.
L eo 01-rn the eyu and 'btgin to tu; catull qui dlssentlo -aen1! ·HDSWl!i 4. to bf QI o di/·
Jam dispecturl alnt, Cic. IL A. to ca.tell light fermt opinion, noi to agru. L Lit., Of penons.
t/, puaive; l, lit., Luer. ; 2, tra11i1f. 1 populus a, In a friendly manner, ab allquo, Cic.; al>
Rom:u1u1 libertatem Jarn ex dlutlna aervitute aliqua re, Cic.; de aliqua re, Cle.; cum aliquo,
dh1pidcns, Cic. B. 1, to percrlve 1J1tntallu; 1i Cic.; lntA!r 116 Cic.; with Jat., conditionii>us
dlapicero quid coq•ero, Cle. ; wltl.a rel. aent., foedis, llor. ; b, In a h1>stile manner, '4 lit at
aed ego quod aperem uon, Cle.; :a, to \'ariana; acerrime dlHeutienU>s civea, Cic. IL "11(m,; res Rowaua.s, Cle. Tnmsf., of things, to be oppo#d, di§trrnS; a
dlapllceo -pllcdl ·pUcltum, 2. (dla and more, Cle.; quid !pawn a ae dlMeutiat. Cie..
placeo), to (opp. plaCl'O, complaceo); cU.sacp ... "· diuaep •••
alicui, Ctc.; 11.licul de a liq uo, Cic.; tuihi or allcul dlsaercnnsclt ·avit, tmrera. (lnch0&\. ol
dlspli<'et, with lnttu., Cic.; diavlicere aibl, to be dissllrenat, iJ cUiar1 'llJ' (i•C the weather); quum
ciiual~'fltd 1'-ith. 011.U(I/. Co be tMtlau.cJwly, otU q/ undlqne d1sserenavlsset, Liv.
lplri.U, Cic.
cUsplodo -pl~al ·plu11um,
dl..ILiu, &urd, Hor.
s. '° tpnad mil,
dlsscrenat, lwpen. (di.I and Mrenua), "
cltan 'llJ•, ·Phu.
l. dlsscro -•ht -attum, s., 1, eo ••ntttr lfltd,
cUs~ono -~sdl ·p/5eltum, 3. (Ills and pono), Plin.; 2, to plaBt IU a diltaMi: fa tlw gro1.nwi;
llo pui "' di.J!utrit p!naJ, to di.etribuU. L Oen., tak1L..q 1 Ca•.·s.
A Lit., pocula Hacchl! Ov.; slgua ad omne11 2. dlsscro -16ri\I, -eertum, a. Co au111&,.,,
coluuwu, omnibus etuun lntercolumniia, In trrnt of, di.<t-u.u a 1n1lljtct; with l!.<'C., let.a, Cle.;
1llvadeuique diai·o~ita sulJ divo, Cic.; tuilit. t. t., with acc. a111\ luttn., Cic. ; with relatlYe ~nt·
porti1 atatlones, Liv.; praesldla aJ ripas, CaetJ. euce (quom()<lo, qui, quid), Ck.; with de, quae
B. TransC., a, tc distribiile cm a d~fi11 itt 1•lan; Socrates supremo vlU.t1 die de iwmortalitate
Imperil cur&.:!, Tac. ; b, rhet. t. t., verl•a !ta, ut anlmorum d111serul111et, Cic.
plctores varit1tatem coll)ruml Ctc. II. to arruttge,
dl.l]>0u, .a m Of'dN". A. Lit., .llomcrl lihroa cUsserpO, S. t-0 CTttp in di/treftl d~
ant->..& conrul08, Ck.: b<.'ue dlspos1t~1e comae, Ov. 'PTra..t im;otri;,t11tibly i late diaRrpunl tnmon11i
B. Tnm11f., di8poeit& ad honorew studia, Cic. Lncr.
cUaposlte, adv. (di!!posltue), proptT order, disscrto, 1. (lnten1. of l. cliuero). lo ,,...
ll&tlhWimlly; accusaro, Cle. q/ .li.«·u.,~. argiu: aUqulJ, Tac.
dlspoaltlo --Onla, f. (dlepouo), a regvlar _... dlssldco -•M.l -eeuum, 2. (di.I &od lledeo),
N"4nlll' 11.l or im.ler b a lp(.«A, Cic.
lit., Co ail a1••rt. L to bc dra11'7' apan; al t.oga
di~siJrt lmpar, nu '4n.tllmly, Hor. IL to bl
dlspoaltiira -ae, t. (dlspono), arrangnM'M, di.•/11111, t-0 be Mpamtt.l. A. Lit., or placft,
ordn-, Luer. g_11a11tum Hyi:i-ni11 \'eueto dillllidet EriJ:ino, Prop.
l. cUsp6sltus -a ·um. p. adJ. (tllapono), _.. B. Trnusf., nol lo agru; a, of person•, to d ..
N7'ged, PUD.. ~rw, di.>u11J, be q/ o dVtnntOJ"1tW.; blw-.
177 dia
Cle. ; u allqao, Cle. : oua allqGD Cle. ; ck dla¥ok. l. L 1o ~rat., . . - dh'-Mi•
aJiqa. Cle.; with dsL, dh1slden1 p\ehl 'rirtus, frlendablps...! etc.; morum d1saimllitu<lo dis'IOCia'
Hor.; Jn a hnstilo 1e111e, lo tie at wria!llCll, Clo. ; a111lcitias, {;ic. ; JIKertoa a <loctla, Cic. IL or
b, ol tbillJr.', to bt opro-i, cnntmry; acrlpt•mt pla~•. to uparo.l4, divide; ui (monv...s) 1li1111ocl·
a 1e11tealia di1<11idttt, Cie.; r.u1iklit.a~1 iut.or ae entur OpAca vallc, Hor.
clissi4e11htdiolcordaot, Cic. -e (tllasolvo), dinolublc, 1qror-
dbaddlma ·ll, L (ditlldeo), cl~, abl•; mortale 01un11 animal et. dis.olubile et
tfiaftk.ia, Cii'- dlvldunm eit nece:1se est., Cic.
111lllllo -sa1tum, 4. (db1 "nd 1111.llo), to dla61iiti. adv. (diasolutu»), 1 1 diaco11nfrl·
Ml!' ap:rrt, hnc a.<1111dff. A. Lit., hll'lc \oc:\ tdly, loosely; dissvlute dice1·e, witho11t CQfl1U'cli11g
dl.nlui"9f munt, v.,rg.: dil!lllit omne eolum, particles, Cic.; 2, carefouly, n.e9lige11tly, without
Ov. B. Trirnsr., p;1atia •le r.-atrum gemlnorurn energy; minus 11evere qua10 dccuit, non Ulmen
dis!ldu1t,-.. brotn •p, Hor. 011111ino <lissolute, Cle.
,,_,.nsa -e, ~· -a·ith compar. and 11uperl., clluOliit(o -onis, r. (dlasolvo). L Lit. brt.ak·
MllJi:e,.1l~iaUar: with gen!~, verum tamen i1&g 11?, di.f.:1ol11tilm, de.~tr11ctwn, aflnihilation:
r11it tum 1101 11issimlll1, C1c.; wltl1 dat., quiea naturae, dtcrth, Cle. ; nnvib'1i, Ahipwreclc, Tac. IL
eft tam Jissimi:is homlni, qui non, tit<-., Cle.; Trimsr., 1, dc.-.trw:tioi&, a/lolit#on; lei;um, jut.lid-
With Inter w, duo f'Uerunt per Idem ~1npus oruru, Cic. ; 2. rtfuta.lio1i (Ir a charge; orh11i11um,
dltlimile.1 Inter 16, Cle.; with Inter 11e and the Cic.; S, want qf sHerg;, 10tak11u•; rc111is.sio
~nit., qui aunt et Inter se dissimiles et 111ioru111, animl AC dissolutio, Cic.; 4, ln rhet., want o/
~-; witll atque (ac)quam and et. dluhnllla est eonntrion, Cic.
militllln CAUS& e\ tua, Clo.; abaol., naturae dil· diu011itua -a ·Um, p. 11d.J. with compar. and
siruilell, Cic. lllJ•erl. (1lissni vo). I. not boun•l IOfJfl/ier, 1.,,_,,.
•!tdmDltir, adv. (dlsaunllla). d.i.ferni.Uy, t1'1'd; 11:iviitini11, lea.Icy, Cic. ll. T1-a11sf., .1.
b.adi/n't11l7"41'AU, U\P, rhet. t. t., ducunMCUd, loo~, C1e. ; 2, want1119
dlmmllltiido -lnla, r. (dlsslmlll•). tnalib- ill energy, laz; i•oterone esae In eum aissol 11tus
- . di.Jmnot; looorum, Cle.; h&bet ab Ulla rebua qui, etc., Cle.; 3, pro.fligaU, cUnolim; dlsllolut-
dlslimilitudinem, Cic.; diuhnilituttintirn non iulmus horninum, Cl~.
nulla111 habet cum ilUua adminlRtratione pro· dl.8Hlvo -11olvl -s'5111tnm, s. L ro loose1',
'1Ddat., Cic.; qaum tanta ait oratores bonos mUoo8t. A. Lit., 1, ge11., 1eo_pR11, cliveum, Cle.;
diuimilibido, Cic. 2, esp. to 'flVlt; aes, Luer. B. Tn11111f., l, gen.,
dt.fm6Jan~r. ad\P. (dlsaimulo), ttcrdly1 Co break up, dutf'OJI; aocletatem, amlcltlam, t:ic..;
' - (1 dU-l>li"11 '1114"Mr; •erba non aperte ll6tl legeft, Cle. ; 2, esp. a., rhct. t. t., to dividl : ora.
diDiualllanter conclu3'&, Cle. ; non or Ile dilJ.. Uonem, Cic.; b, to rquu a•a.nertion, chargt,
etc. ; criminatlout!m, Cle. D. to pav, durhiuv-
limulantu, 1Ditll&w.l diaembl,ng, Cle.
dllalmll&tlo -6nia, r. (dlahnnlo). Cl 001'- a debt; 11e.. allenum, Cic.; pecunlam
IJG/ing, dilumbli11g, di&simulation, Cic. ; esp. o/ ulli civitatl, Cic.
Wt!1t1 tin the Socratic IOllee). Cle. 4lu6nua -a ·um. A. dllcordcill.t, (llAar-
fAlffliutu, d~nt; clamore1, Liv. B. Transf.,
dladm\Ui.tor -6rl1, m. (dlsslmulo). 11 dV. d\ICTMl, di.algrtd11g; dissonae gentea aem1one
hblcr,co.cealu; opia proprine, Hor. murlbuaque, Llv.
4181tm61o. 1. to -.a tmlU.. L
'° ~
Achilles veste virum long& dissimulatllll
diuol'll -11ortls111a11inga dt§ere'll Wt or ftJ,tc;
Ab omni mili~ d1110r11 gloria, tlot aAarca wl,
erat, ~ hil manhood bllU<ltA 111oowm'1 rubt, Ov.
Ov. U. lo act or to speak cu if a th'11g whtdl. i.• cUuuid~o -auial -auiaum, 2. lo advilll
~ ~. A. to di,.qem.ble, dilgu&sc., kup leCT'rt :
aqaiJUt, oppnn by arg11'"-'; legem Rgrariam,
•liquid ailentio, Cie.; dill8irnnlata, roncio4l· Cie.; de c111•tivis, Cle.; with acc. anll inflD..,
"'9 ktr diui11ity, Ov. ; with acc. Rnd lufln., Cic.; Cic. ; absoL, diaau&Ahnus 0011, l &pOkt agaiu U.
•1th ut a11d the aubj., Cle.; nou, Cic.
fnllowed by quin, Cic.; diaslmul11re non 11init
q~1n del~ter, Cic. ; absol., to dinembl~ : 11011
dlssuialo -<Snls, r. (dlllSuadeo), advi-9,ng to
d•s.-simulai, Cic. B. to ig1t0rc, leave unn.otictcl;
the wntrury, 11ieaking agairut: rogationis eiua,
liissi111ularl! CUILIU.llltum 1tlicuii:.~, Tao. Cic.
dluuiaor ~rl1, m. (dlnuadeo), oM who ad-
diadpAbllla -e (dlssipo), Cl&al en b. ICC&&- 11ises to tu co11tmry, one u:ho lpf4kl against; roga·
~; ignia et aer, Cic. tionis, Cic.; lcgis 91(r&rhu!1, Liv. ; trans!., of
diaalpitlo -<Su ill, t (<lis.<ilpo). I. srolunng; things, Auster quui dls.'!ua.-ior conailii wei, Cic.
c1nu111, Cic. D. A.. d !$;~ion by Bu/~; prnedae, dlsauarior, l. dep. to kia.s t..l.gCrly, np. Cic.
Crc. B. Rhet. t. t., tlu·anal11.U of an idea, Cie.
41811ulto, 1. (i11tcn11. of di~silio), to ltap apart,
4luipitua -11. -nm, J>. Mij. (dluipo), «al· burst QciUlldtT; nee fulmine t.lnti Ui8'1Ultant crev·
lfre.i, cl1.ro11.11tcted; oratio, Cle., Yerg. ; dii;sultant ril>!le, Y1irg•
.cllalpo, 1. (dill and 9 JJipo). L to !Oatu'r, dludo -sO.i -11tltum, 3. A. Lit., lo un.<titr.Ji..
<fL~itr:;;o, 'P'"f4d ahroad. A. Lit, m~mbra frl1tris, B. Transf., to 01-en wide; shium, Ov.; tv loosM
Cic.: 11iu1t alio, Cit-. B. Trauar., 1, ea contrah· gc11tly or by drgrtu; talcs nmicitiae tlissuentlae
•r, ainicitlam, dli;sipAte discordlam, p11t an end inagis qua111 discindendae, Cic.
fo. Crc. : 2, tunam, 'fYN!tld Clbrood, Cic. II. to
~br ~ofoict. A.. Lit., 1, mllit. t.t. t-0 rout,
dJatantm •Re, f. (disto), differmu,;
~; h~tes, Cic.; dissipata fuga, Liv.; 2, to
morum .. tutliorumque, Cic.
,-..u dowm, dutror; •t.atuam, Cic.; tecta, Liv.; 41stendo -trndl ·tcntum 11nd .tensum, S. to
3•of ~1ierty, to lplln~r, dutTOJI; patrlmou- str&tcha1iart,apmi.d,uttnd. l.Gen.,aciem, Cae'!.;
iurn, Cic.; reliquiaa relpublicae, Cia. brachia, Ov. IL 1, to fill Jull, distrnd; 11bera
cytiso, Yerg.; horr"ll plcn:i. 11picis, 'fib.; 2. a,
dlllitu, partic., Y, 1. dwero. milit. t. t., to divide, to cli.'<lract ti~ atte11tion oj
diuOcliblUs -e(dissoclo), 1, act. O&al t11hich U... enemy by altacks in diJJere11t placu; copias
llJlll7'atu; oee11n 119, Hor. ; 2, pus., CAat 'lohich hoatium, Liv.; b, to distract, pcrplu; distenclit
~ be U!\iUd ; res, Tac. ea res animos S:imnitlum, Liv.
~tlo-<Suia, r. (dilloclo), cateparation, l. cllatentua -a -um, p. adJ. (tllstendo), dY.
, . . , ; l}l&rltu.t corporieqae, Tao. lllUWd, J11U; ubera, Hor. 178 diu
2. dla1:entu -a ·um, p. adj. with auperl. (dis- grammat. t. t., t.o ltave a ltialtur in a f.Jef'Sfl: Toeea,
tlneo), btuy, 1XX1tpUd; tot tantisque negotlis, Cic. Cle. B. Transr., 1 c.listrahi In co11traria.s parie.
dlatermlno. 1. to Mparau by a boundary, (or 11ententlas). Cle. ; oratoris lndni1triam in
diritu, Ck. poet. ; quod (ftumen) Dahu Ario~- plura studta. to dutract, Cle.; 2, esp.1 a to
que disterminat, Tac. dLuolve a leagtU or ttnion; omnem soc1eta~m
cUatlohua -a -um (cSlO'T•XOf), COIUUth:.g of two civitatis, Cle.; con<:lllum Boeotorum, Liv.; di!5·
f'OWI; aubst. cUatlohum (-on) ·I., n. a poeni uf · trahl cum allquo, to fall ov:t 11.'i1h 801'llt mtt, Cic.;
luoa Ii Ml, a dutich., Mart. b, to bring to 71cu1qht; lianc rem, Caes. ; c "'
cllatincti. adv. with compar. (rll11t1nctus), tdtle a dUpuie; comruvers1a!I, Cic. IL to kr
dearly, deft11iltly, dilti.nclly; dieere, Cle. fr(ffTf. 10111dlifog. A. Lit., aliquem R complexu
suorum, Cle. B. Tr:11111r., te ~tran{I'!; aliquem
dlatinotfo -clnis, f. (dlstinguo), 1, a ttpara· ab aliquo, Cic.
~io11 in sp<tet : 110111 lunne 1tldernmque omnlum, dlatrlbdo -ill -Qtum, s. to di.ttribul1 dil'idc.
tifertnt orbit1, Cie.; 2, a diMi11gui1king, di.a- L ..,
:-rimillatiilg; facilis est ~istinctlo ingenui et Oen., populum In qul!l~ue classes, Cic.;
illibtlrnlis jocl, Cic. ; lf!X t'~t justorum lnju11t- pecunias exercltul, Caes. IL Esp., to
orumqne distinctlo, Cic. ; b, rhet. t. t., a di.,tin· or dii'irle logically; causam in crimen et in auda-
guishi11g betwun the #tlM t1"ml 11scd in diffarnt ciam, Cic.
way•, or bct~t•i Wtaa 11Mrly ali~, Cle.; 3, a, dlatrlbiite, a(lv. with compar. (dlstnbutus),
di1ti11ctio11, difftrtneit: modn lntelligatur, q11n 6 111ttJwdically, wilh logical arrangenient; scribere,
alt causarum c.li11tinetio et c.llssimilituc.lo, Cic.; Cic.
b, rhet. t. t., a paUSt, divisio11, Cic. diatrlbiitlo --Onls, f. (dl11trlhuo). a, a diri-
1. dlattnotua -a ·um, p. &tij. (dlstlngno), ~ 1, Cle.; b, logical arratignitn&I
upn.rukd, diltincl ; urbs delubria diati11ct111 °1 weaa, Cu~.
11111.tiisque communibus, Cle. dlatrlbiitua -a -nm, p. adj. (distribuo),
2. dlatinctua. r.i.11 •• Q, m. (dlatlngno). di/tr· logically armngtd; expoKitlo, Cic.
•nu, distinction, Tac. cUatrlotu -a -um, p. adj. (from diBtringo),
cUatlnio -tlndl -tcntum, 2. (dis and teneo). a, bu8!f, occupitdTengagtd; conuntione ancipiti,
L A. Lit., to hold anmdln', kup apart, atparate, Cic. ; b, uvere, ac.
dirilk; tigna hlnls utrimqne fl bulls distine· 41atrlngo -strlnxl -strictum, S. A.. Lit., bl
hllntnr, Caes. B. Transf., a, g1m., duae aenatum draw a1iart, stretcA 01l.l; radlls rotarum dlstrict-i
dl•tlnebant sententlae, Liv.; b, esp., tJJ delay; pendent, Verg.; rig., destrictus enirn mi hi l'iileri1
pa<>em, Cie. IL to prttotnt 1mihng together. A.. esse, to b11 on the rack, Cle. B. Traner., to m·
lillit. t. t., to prevent the union of forcn ; Caes· gage an tntm.y at di.fertnt points, divert, OCCW.Pf;
arl1 coplu, Cic.; Volscos, Liv. B. to r:evmt Hanniba.lem in Africnm mittereatl diat.ringcmJus
tAe wnantration of 011e'1 thov:9hu, to dwract; Romnnos, to maU a divtr1ion, Liv.
maxlmia occupatlonibus dii1Unerl, Cie. cllaturbiitlo ·onis, r. (dil.1turbo), dtstruai.o";
418tlnguo -stlnxi -stinctum, s. (from dis and Co1'inthi, Cic.
•atigo, stinguo, co11nectcd with vri~w ). I. to aqia· cllaturbo, l. to drirt aparl, N]l(lraU V'ill
mu, dit•ide. A. Lit.,01111!1 numero distinx1teode111, violtnct, throw into confu.rlon. I. Lit., A.. Gen.,
Ov. B. 'fransr., 1, to KJl<lmU, di11tingui1h; dis- N1ntlo11e111 gladiis, Cic. B. to dtslroy, ~ te
tinguere \·oce~ in varte,., Cic.; vera a fa Isis, Cic. ; tht: ground; domum meain, Cle.; acdea, Luer.
illlpt'l'll., quirl inter natumm et rutlonem intersit IL Tr;mgf., to brfog to 9"'1Ul}ht, .fnutrate. nd1&;
non diRtinguitur, Cle.; 2, grammat. t.t., e,, J>llllC· socictatcm, Cic.; legem, Cic.
tu.ate, Quint. IL Meton. A. to point out, mark clitesoo, 3. (3. c.lis), to become ncA., Hor.
011t; n~tttam medio f'wntem dh1tinctu!I al> all.JO, dith"'ramb"o"• -a -uin ( 0...... ,..,. .. 11.-~),
Ov. B. to decorau, adorn; pocula ex 11.uro " a - ""r-1"11'-...
quae ge111mis erant distinct& clarissimill, Cle. ; dWiyru.mbic: pot!111a, Cic.
of oratory, oratio distingu'tur atque illustmtur ditll:frambua ·I, m. (cS•flipap./lO(), a difAJ-
aliqna re, Cic. C. to mry, change, 11£1-e variety n:unl.iic poem (originally in houour of Baccluu),
lei; hi!1toriam varietate locurum, Cle. Cie.
CU8to. I. (dhl -sto). L to be apart, uparatt, dltlo (dlclo) -Onl;i, f. Pf'W", aowrtignly,
~iat<rnt; 1 of apace, quae tnrres pedes LXXX ai1thority; csiie in ditione alicuiu•, to 1" iii tl1t
rnt~r He d1stareut, Cae,.,; ~r or time, qllllntum powrr of, Cic.; focere (litiunis suae, Liv.; red·

dilltet ab !nacho Codrus, .ttor. II. Transf., to li;:cre bellicu~issimas gentcs in ditionem huiud
differ, bt distinct; inter se, Cic. ; nb aliquo, Cic.; im pcrii, Cic.; urues sub lmpcrium populi
acurrae (dat.), Hor.; impers., distat, then ia " Homa11i tlitionemque &uLjungerc, Cic. · rew
di.ftrn.h, Cle. Nolauam in jus ditiouecqull dare l'oeno, Llv.
dlstorqueo -tors! -tortum, 2. to twist apart, clitlor, clitlulmus. v. S. dis.
di$i1Jrt; Ol'll cachinno, Ov.; oculos, Hor. 1. ditia, v. 8. dis.
dlstortio -<>nis, r. (distorqueo), di~tortion; 2. Ditls, v. 2. dis.
lllt'tnhroru111, Cic. clito, l. (3. c.lis), to enrich. mah tttnltly;
d1Btort1111 -a -um, p. arlj. with compar. and prncmils belli sociol'I, Liv.; miliU!llt ex hostibus,
super!. (<iistorque1>), di.1tort,d, cifjonrud. A. Liv.; l', ditl\l'i as middle, to bcc<.mu ricl,
Lit., •·rum, Hor.; of pcrsnns,distortu>1Gall11s,Cic. Liv.; transr., sermonem Jlfilrium, Hor.
B. Tra11sf., of di~1·11urM', pt1'Vtrse; 11ulluu1 1. diii, n•lv. (o!lt ab!. or dies). L by day: <liu
(gcnu" e111mtiandi) tlistortius, Cic. noduqur, 'foe. IL 1, a long timr, a lo11g v:l1ilr,
418tractlo -onis, f. (di.straho), 1, a dividinq, /<1sli11g for a long tfou; tam 1liu, j:i.m diu, Cic.;
«1>0.ruti11g: lrnma11orn111 animornm, Cic. ; 2 diu rnnltumque or multmn diuque, Cic.; 2 o ion, lli.ucMioa; nu Ila nnhl!I socleta.~ CUit; louy timt H!/O; jam din, Cic. Com par., diuti.'1s.
tyrannis et potius s111111ua distractio est, Cic. a, longer, Cic.; b, too lm1g, Cic.; paulo diufius
dlstrA.ho -trnxl -tractum, 3. I. to pull apnrt, abes>1e, Liv. Superl, diutissime, Ci!'., Cal's..
tmr as11.1ufrr, tmr in 71irres. A. Lit.. 1, grn., 2. diii. v. diu11.
vallum, Liv.; C'orpu!!, Ci<'.; equi~ distrnhi,Verg.; dlurnua -a -um (ror dlnsnu~. t'rorfl dif'S~
&cit»< Jl~trohit~1r, ii divii/cd, Cae!!.; fuga Jis- I. /usti11y /or a day; opu~, a t.Uty's work, Cic..;
trnltit ~liquo:1, Cie.; 2 esp., a, to 1tll 71roperty eibus, ratio11.1, Liv. Subst., a, dlurnum -1, n.
by aucl1all, lo put vp ;or 1 ao.k; agroa, Tao. ; b, jo-ul'7laL acco1'nl·bvok nf hcnue ~nditwrs U}Jt bu
diu 179 div
1...,,., Ju.; b, 411U'lla -orum, Y. act&. IL L ut. a. o1 penona, a paaperrtmo dlftl r..-.
-,.,_,"9 &, dclW : oaagna dlurna nncturnaque eat., Cle. • with abl.. agrta, Hor. ; with genlt,
IUoera, Caee. ; mctu1 dtoml nocturolque, Cle. pecorl!. Verg.; b, of thfnp, U!rra dlY&I amomo,
diu .. ·nm (arch&Jc an<t poet. form of dl't'U!), Ov. .u.. Traner., rlc4; & e1•latola, Oltnlaidtlf
pod-IW. L A.iij., A. Lit., dlu1 Fldlu1, Y. much, Uv.; lingua,~. Hor.; dlvlUor fluJ.Jt
Fldl111. B. Tranlf., 1, M>hlfl : dla Camilla, dlthyra1nbaa, Cio. ~ b, ~ coaa,; cultua.
Verg.; 2 bG.t(fl&l. /cM; 11enteutla dla Catoull1 rich 1lru1, OT.
Hor. fi tlubott., dinm -II, n., 111b dlo, and divezo, 1. (dl1 and Yexo), lo ,_,. ClfttlolW,
(Al'thaie) •Uh dill, '" ~opt!& air, Luer. ~1tm11, 1•luntkr; agroe ch1um 011t1morum, ~'to.
41utlnu.e -a -um (din). laatitlf o io,.,, IPu, divido -vial -vlitum, S. (from dla and root
losg ; IPTVl\na, Cle. VI l) wlience vlduua). L to R'flC'f'fJ.U, ditli.d&.
41uttus. dlutt.sslmi. •. 1. din. A. lit., 1, gen., omne animal 11ecar1 ac dlv1dl
('Oteirt.1 Cle.; 2, lo datroy; muroR, Verg. B.
dlatu.rnltae -itls, r. (<li11tnrau1), loRf dura- Traner., 1, a, to dtv«M tnto part.; 11xercitum In
Hoa: tr.ru1.oria, Cle. ; belli, Cnea. dua11 partea, Caee. ; Oallla eat omnls dlvisa ID
dliitnrnu•-a-nm (1. din), lrutfnga long lt71W1, parte11 trea, C-.; poJ"•lum In doaa 1•rt.,11, Cle.;
cf lo..g ci1Lrr1-tion; glori1, bell11m. Cle. ; or pcr- b, of logical dlvh1ion, g..:nl8 la
IO!l&, quae DUJl81t, non oiutunia fliit, did 1'<11 lit>• 11~clo11 partlri et dlv1dere, Cle.; o, poli*-
loilg, O•. ; non pole• e11He diuturnua, rw cannot t. t., aent .. utlam; Co di"""' a ruolti.tioi&
mvdt! long 4• J.'l'.Nf' po1ilw1', Cic. porll
a, ca
IO m•
tlh'll each parl t.. rol«j - , Cle. ; 2.
dii;de amtmt Jin''°"'• diatr<m.u, a.UDt:
diri.rfco, 1. to ttrdtA apa.rl, IJ'f"IGd otd; agrnmt hona vlritlu., Cle.; J•Mleliam per mllitea,
homi:11••n, ()ic.
Liv.; o, to Hpara.U a mullilv.cle in1'> tLiJ!n-ent
d!vellc. -vdll -vulsum (-volsum), S. L to; In hiuema exercltum M111{nesia111 e'
P'•4 ,;part, a.ni11<ur, MJ><irau bN /orot. A. Trnlka Ephei1um•}lll!, Liv-.; o, poet., imbelU
l.!t, mo8 artu11 lacero, Ov. B. Tran11f., cith1tri cam1l11a., lo n:\f, Hor. II. to v1"1.rat.
l, l"l!I a natur-s cnpnlata.1, Cic.; commo<ta civ-
ic.Ill, Cle.; 2, to l>rmk "Pl. <U.lrot/: afft11itaum,
l11>n 10holu ./rfYWI mwtM.r. A. Uen., A., lit.,
to ditiiJl~; 011llns ab Aqultar.ln Oaromn11 rlivi<tlt,
Cle.; aomn11m, internipt, uor. IL to ~r a w<ry, Cac~. ; b~ tran11f., to di.oti"!1uia4; lewim honam
~... HJGruU. A. Lit., lilieros a co1nplcxu a m11la, t;ic. B. lo ad.on!.; l'ulYUID qnae
~ntum, C1c.; 118 ab hoste, Liv. B. TransC.,
divi<l1t 1111rum, Verg.
dt•elll. to ~ O'flUel/ owa11 ./NnA; ab otlo, a
toluji~tr, Cle. divldt1119 -a -um (dh1do), 1, cHftribla, Ole.;
2, di11111'd, park.d : aqua, Ov.
diVClldO (-vendfdl) •Tendltum, I. lo .U '"
~ iut•; bona popull Rolli&Ili, Cle.. cliviniltlo -6nla, f. (dlvlno), 1, 11' ~ oJ
'.P'f'Ol•/ieq, dttrlNJtW1', Ole. ; ~I L t.; IM
diverbCro, 1. to llrib apa.rl, mw, "'""'; 1tlutiml of a pr"ONC111c1r out q/ Cle.
TO!UC'1'1'11 auraic sagft~ Verg.
clivini, adv. (dlvln11.11), 1, br d!trlJM Cup(m-
diverblum -ll, n. (dla and nrbum). a cffo..
lofw"" Lite nag~ LlY. 1!1%UllniJl11 Cle.
tion, 1iro1•lv!icall11, Cle. : dltrl!Wlr, admiNblJ,
diverse. AllY. •Ith compar. and auperl clivi;Jtas -Itta, f. (div1nn1). L o divCu
(dlve,.,.u,.), in dtjft~fll dirtt:timu, di§tre?&lly, ta.al1mi, div&n.U11, Cle. IL A. th.t_J"l"«'f q/ pro-
4iwPSrl11; lnconsta11s e11t:i_ quod ab eodem de plo..q or dtvhullMm. Cle. B. ~ IW]lll&t-
eldem re dlvflnie dldtur, l:lc. lRf mml (or an orator), Cle.
dinraltas -atla, f. (<liv1>raus), 1, ocmtrarltty, divinltU. adY. (dlv1nua). L Lit., dltrlMZJ,
d~v11t: lut-er E'Xrrl"ituin lml'eratoremque, by dun11e in)h,n1.ce, Ole. IL Tmnaf., A. ~
Tac.; 2, difnvn.u, dhiersit11; 1nppllcti, Tac. (MptmiMm. bp !MOM qfdivhullion., Cle. B. ~
divers0rlum. v. deversorlum. tft.irahl71, wobl11, divintl11: loq 111, Cle.
diversua -a -um, p. adj. wit.h compar. and divi.Do, l. (dlv1nua), tofurttm, J11'01'1t.ur.!O'Noo
Mlperl (lliverto), tu""'1 in different dW!ctlona. borl~, dt.viric tA. falun; W'ith ace., hnc, Cle.;
l A. Lit., dh·eniam adem in duu partea with nil. aent., quid rutnrum 11lt latrorinlo trib11·
Cflnatltuere,; dl\"ersi ahe11nt, Uaq go dV· nnrum non dlV1no, etc.; abaol, prae-
fcrml '°°''' LI•.; ubl plures divel'Sl\e 11emttae
en.11t, ltorli119 diff,unl waus, Liv. B. Tnrnsf.,
aentiP1111 atque dlvtnana, Cle.
divinD.8 -a -um, a<1j. with compar. and
tllQ)IU/aJ&l, irrr&<>tuu, wattr\119, ind«ui~; metn (dlvu11). L ~bmying or rdalhig lo Cl clrlty,
IC liloidlnl! dlversns &!;l'batur, Sall.; In dlvennun dh-1-u; rea dlviua, tht llN' of tM god&, Cir~;
1UctoT1111 tu.hunt ulru1n ••• an, art Mt cgrud,
Lh. C. ll"parot!~, Wi/au,l; legntol alium ex
10 ree dtvlnae, but re11 illvlnae (allll>) = rmtuml
ohJrctl u opp. to rea huma11ae, and naiural law
alto divt·l"llu!I •t-:greditur. Sall.; ex loci~ tam a11 n~p. to n·:i hum;iuae, JH•siti~, Cic. ~ul~t.,
longilJiluia ta:nt1ue dl·~ersi>J1 Cle. II. tvrn~ divinum -1, n. 11 11arri.fia., Liv.; plur., divlna,
bay from, in 11 differ'n.l irl!dirnl. A. Lit., div1ru, Liv.; the atlril•ulu of IM gt.>d.a,
l, quo < abl!t, \'erg.; diverela a 11umloe Cle. II. Tran11r., A. di11indy i11.1<]•irP•I, pro.
regi1Jnibm, Cae:>. ; 2, lyittg out qf ~ tot1r, re- p/'~k, Cle.; Tat.ea, a 1""''• llor.; 1i:'lllt., divinu•
11eee; de Aclia!;ie urlJihus re"lnnl11 a ae dlvel"!IBe, -1, m.. a -.er1 Cle. B. div!iu, uulle11t, 1WbU,
Lh.; arva rolehat divenia Aet11ae, Ov.; 8, '" ad"'imhk; 11lvlnua Ille vir, Cle.
aa oppo.iu dirutimt.; equl In divereum lter
COflCit.ati, Liv. ; angull maxlrue Inter 11e dlvt11'11l, divialo -4.'!nls f. (divldo), 1, dfoi.'i°": a.
Cle. B. diff'Tn.t, nppoMd; a, lwstik; a1·lea, orhis tcrrae, Ball._; ~! rlwt. t.t., dtt>ision of c
fth;,,ct, Cle.; 2, dutn11utwn; agrorum, Tac.
Tac.; b, diJ!n-ml, Of'POMd '" cliarru:ur or 11ah,re;
•Ith a or ah, haec vi<J,.ntur e11.11e a proJll•"ita divisor -6rla, 111. (dlvldo), 1, a dit'ider, d~
llU.ooe dlYl!rM, Cic.; with Int.Ar 11e, dlvenia i11lt1r tributor, cap. of la11rta ID a colony, Cle.; .2. a
le niaia, lnxuria atque avaritia, &II.; ah~ol., hirtd hrihn'JI ogm, Ci<.'.
llria tt itiveraa stud ia et Br1t'!1 1 Cfo.; of persona, 1. diviaue .. -um, partlc. or dlvtdo.
41fnn1 '" chamcur; ah ali11uo, Cle. t. div1aue .Q9, m. (dtvldo), d(Nfn; Mace.
4iverto (di•orto) -vertl (-vortl), 8. lo ,.,,. donla •llv111ul facilla, LIY.
_,, lo dh,,,,,. jlrMn., differ, Plaut.
clivltls:Le -lrnm, f. (dlvea), ric'MI, tf.llCll4. L
tine ·l'ftla, compar. divitlor -lu, pnlt. LJt., au lJt:r&re di vl\lia, Clo. D.. Traur..
~ IQpwl. diviUaaimu, rlM. ~,. bige.nll, ao.
div 180 dol
4ivo~um -U, n. (dl•erto or dlvorto). I. doctor ~1·i11, ru. (u~), a taiclier; eiu~tni
or things, a, of placea, tM poi c u·h~NJ roor:is, sapientiae doctores, Cic.
ttc. ttp(l.1YJh, eroa-»ood1; dlvorUa not&, Verg.; doctrina -ae, r. (doceo). 1, knchin,,, in~n•c·
b, the bov.ndary l:nt betwun two co11tint11ts or tion; puC'rilis, Cic.; honest.arum rerum, l"tc.;
countria; artissimnm inter Europam .Asiam'lue 2, that t~·hirh i~ imparfi'<t in teochi»(T, J.:wnc/r,1.:,,
divortium, Tac. U. Of persons, a, a divorce; learni11g; Piso Oraecis doctrini.s ern<litus, Cic. ·
divortium facere cumaliqua, Cic.; b, •paratio1l a11imo11 11oslros doctriuii excolere, Cic.
ge.neraU}·, Cic.
divorto, v. diverto. doctus -a -um, p. adj. with cmnpar. ar.d
super!. (from doceo), 1, a, of Jlflrsons. /ea.n.m,
divulgatua -a -um, p. adj. (from dlvulgo), iu.strucU.d, todl-informed; Gr;iecis litteris et
S}tread abroad, madt conuno1l; levis- l.atinis, Cic. ; ex disciplina Stoicoruru, Lie.;
simus et divulgatissimus, Cic. suhst., doctl -ornm, learn.ed men; wit.h g.·nit.,
divulgo (divolgo), 1. (dis ancl vulgo or fandi, Vt>rg.; with acc., dukes mo<los, Hor.;
volgo), l to maU public, publiah, spread al!Toad; b, of tl1i11gs that show J40,arni11g, ar::1, Ov.; ser-
libru1u, Cic.; l'em sermonibus, Cic. ; 2, to ma.kt mones, Cic. ; 2, np..riC"1v-l'a, cl.n'l!T', '11rncd ;
rommon; cuiua primum tempus aetatis palam doctus u11u, Caes. ; aetate et. usu, Liv.
fuisset ad omniuw lihidines divulgatum, Cic. =
docillnen -lnis, n. documentum (q.v.).
divns -a -um (from deus). L .Arlj., belonginq dooiimentum -1, n. (doceo), unm7>l,, p<it-
to tht ckity, dfoim; diva part'11s, Verg IL tern, warning, proof; P. Rnt!liu~ doc111uentum
Buhst. A. divua -1, m. a god, Cic. ; diva -ae, fuit ho111inibus nostris' irtnti~, Cic.; alic11i <locu-
f, a goddes.-, Liv.: in imperial times divus was mento esse, Caes.; doc11mt·nlum sui dare, Liv.
the epithet of the dliifte<l e1!!Jlt'ron1, di vi gerius,
of Octavianus, Verg. B. d1vum -i, u. thi sl..y;
DOdona -ae and -e
·C..'1, f. (~w&>r11), a city ('.f
E1dru$, renoumtd for its mJc groi't!:I and orrtd(;
only in the phrase, sub divo, in tM open. air, 11en<:'<1 atl.I., 1, Dodonaeus -a -um, of Dodo1.a;
Cic. 2, Dodonis -!dis, f. of Dodona.
do, dMi, dll.tum, diire. L to gii'e, offer. A. dodrana -:1ntls, m. (<le and quadmn<:), thrtt·
aliquid; 1, lit., dare donum, Cic. ; populo fow·f/.._,; 1, ,.::Pn., aediticii reliquu111 <1od1~rnt··n1
Romano anua, Ck.; or letters, to snw, dr']'Ufc/1; en1Prl', Cic.; h('r1·s ~x dO(lrant<', hefr to
trcs eplstolae eodem ubs te datae ten1po1 c, Ci"'; f<nirt/i.s of tM 7>ro1•Prt?1, Suet. : 2, ('-<p., a, as a
dare poenas, to 811jJer puniblt111ent, Cie.; dare i;uperficial n1eas11re = thrre-fourths flf a11 acn.,
lora, to let IM reins~. Verg.; n·l:i. da1 <' vo:ttl :~, Liv.; b, as a 111t•as11re or lt•J1;;th, nine snc.\a,
to .~il, Yer.;.; dare alkui l'crvic ..'S, to ofcr tltt three-fourths of a }oot, l'lin.
week j<ir ]>Llnishment, Cic.; 2, t n111 ...;f., fo git'f, dodra.ntarius -a -um (<lo<lrans), bdon.gittg
k1id, bntou:, offer; alicui vit;1m, Cic.; 11om1·11 to th t"ff·Jnurtlts; tabnlae, the 1·egi.•f1·r n/ <Vbu in·
alicui rei, Liv.; dare alicui l•ISces, co11 <11/ar puuoer, trod11l'Pd by the lex Valctfa ft•111·1·a:oria, tdtrrtbf
Cic.; eum locum colloquio, to Ji.;, Li\". ; :wci l'io the 1ht>ts 1crrr retiucm to one-fourth, Ck.
quod datnr, what u ojJeud, Cic. ; co11.1<1ri omne
tempus, Cic.; id misericonliae, to grnnt, yir! 11p, dogma -i\tis, 11. (Myµ ..), a 1,Jtilosoph\col doo-
Cic. ; dare alicui contiorlt'111, Cic. ; d.11·c urhem tri11e, pri11d1°le, dogma, Cic.
exciJlo ac ruinis, Liv. B. aliq11~111 (also corpu~, Dolabella -ae, m. a R011Vln family nam.tJ of
membra, animum); 1, lit., dar.. aruitrum, Cic.; the gt1ts Cor11diti, the l>rst k11own mnnber oft1:hic1'
:nata111 genero, Verg.; 2, trnnsf., nliquam iu is P. Corneliu!i Dolal'lell:i, thi 6071-iti·law qf
Jlll1trimo11ium, Caes. ; aliqtll'lll morti, Hor. ; 3, Cice,.o.
dare se or pass. darl, to girt one.-;elf up; sc dare dolabra -ae, f. (1. dolo), a1i au, ~ a
aUcul in cu11spectum, Cic. ; to throw oneself; se militco·.11 i111pltme11t, Liv.
in viam, Cic.; dare se (nlicui) obvinm, to uvet, dolenter, ndv. with compar. (dotco),•·
Liv.; dare !l1l aomno, Cic.; se labori ct iti11eribns, f11lly, sc.-rv11'}1uly; hoc diccre, Cic.
Cle. C. to give sometlti11g fro11t 011,y/f; 1, lit., doleo ·dohli, fnt. 1•artk• .tol!turus, 2. :o
clamorem, to vtur Ver,;.; dartJ (alkni) res}'on- $11.ffU tiain. I. or bo<lily )i:lin, p..'S, ca11ut dvlet,
sum, Cic.; dare i1tem :«>cundum aliqu<'111, to Cic. IL ~l .. ntally, 1, of pcrso11s, fo rnfer pain,
decuu ill 0'1te'11fa110ur, Cic.; impetum in uliq11e111, to griue, btu:uil; rlc Horteus:o, Cic.; meu~
Liv.; 2, trans!., alicui dolorem, Cic.; docu- <'as111n 111ctumque doluenmt, L'ic.; wiU1 acc. arl'd
menta Jare, Cic. ·
i11fi11it., se a suio; i.u1~·rari, Cic.; foll. hy quad.
diSoeo, doclli, doctum, 2. (DOC -eo, c.'\usa- t..:aes.; si, Hor.; absul., neque dol .. ndo, Cic.;
tlve of DIC-sco-i.e., disro), to !, inst1i1ct. 2, of things, a., to gi·ieve; inject.;1 n1onstri.s
L Geo., with acc., aliq11P111, Cic.: aliqU<'lll e•1110 lt'rra doJ..t. s11is, Hur.; b, to cause 1"'"'"; uihil
annisqne, Liv.; aliqnem tit.Ii bus, Ck.; with ad, cui•1um11 dolu1t, Cic.
ad qurun (lP.gem) non docti, Cic.; with adv., doliolum ·i, rL (dim. or dolium), a littlt
aliqm•m Latine, Cic.; jus civile, Cir.; with cask, Liv.
double acc., alif)uem litteras, Cir.; de 11liq11n re,
doUum -Ii, n. a large cnrtM1111'(trt jar or
with intln., aliqnem aaperc, Cic.; absol., quum
wooden wsk, in which new wine was pl:i.c<:d; de
docl'o et, explnno, Cic. IL Esp .. a., theatr. t.t.,
dolio haurirc, to driuk new wiue, Cic.
dcwere fabulam, like ht!a""""v 6piiµ,a (lit., to tench
l. dolo, I. I. to Juow with a11 au; robur,
a. play to tM actor;), to briny out, exhibit, Cic.;
b, to bring a mauer before a }'Ublic body or Cic.; tr,m~f., nlir•uins <'llJ'Ut lutnl•osqtw s.:i.ligno
patroa; judice" de injuriis, Cle. ruste, to crHlgd, llor. IL to work witll an au;
11on 1•st (lt.,1110) e saxo sculptus nut e roloore
dochmlus -II, m. (50x1ul>f, sc. m>tis), a dulatns, Cic.; transf., illud O}'U!I, to U'Ofi: roughly,
~its of fQflt in. poetry, th4 dochmiac /OOC
(v - - u -), Cic. 2. dolo or dolon -~nls, m. (ooAaw), 1, 11
doolllA ·e, adj. with compar. (itoceo), teach-
'IOOOden st<•.! u:ith. an iron p<>int, Ver~.; transf.,
tM $ti11g of a Jl'JI, Phaedr.; 2, a &Jna.U fort${Ul,
able, docile, atte11tii-e; attent.u" judex et docili~,
Cic.; docilis atl ha.uc dlscipliuam, Cic.; with
Liv. ~
genit., modorum, Hor. Dolops -!~pis and plur. Dolopea -um, acc.
doollltaa ·at1.s, r. (docllls), ttachabUna.t, do-
.a.s, m. (~o>.oir~~I, thd Dolopa, a 1iw)>la '" TAn-
tility, Cic. taly. Hence, Dolopla -ae, f. (.l.o,.\owia.), &Al with compar.andsuperL(doctua), country of tM Dolopa.
ltanudly, 1kilfuUy; luctari, Hor. dolor -Orts, m. (doleo). L bodUr paf-,
dol 181 dom
..,rill: pedum, Cic.; laterumiHor. II. IMJltal gentium, Cle. b' rel (o~ the jnd~), Cle.: e1p., &,
paia., gr-VJ. I07T'01D. A. Lit., , gen., inj11ri11.e, a lct•tr, Ov.; , attnb., b<'lonyi719 Co a waaaur;
Caell. ; dolorem l\CCipere aliqul re or ex aliquA p<)i't., m.in1111 domlnRt1, Ov.; 3, Ute anunger, G
re, Cic. ; tllnto dnlore &rftcl ut, etc., Cic. ; <lnl· pn"t01l that orfkn WIMllaing; or gladiatorial
orem alicui facere or-ettieere, or dare, or alf··rre, gRmPs, Ck.; of an auction, Gie.; with or with-
Cic.; hoc est niihi dolori, Cic.; 2, ro1<rovr, out convivii or tl'uli, tht J"r"'n. WM arrangu ca
oa.l1llOl1'1J, Cic.; quo dolore ex:iNit, Ca.e11. B. fea1Jt, ho1t, Cle. B. Tra.11<f., ruin'; vit.M necl..s-
Met.on., &, tM CUM« oflbf"T'OV1, Ov.; b, in rhet., qur, Ot:Jf'r lif'- an.d ikath, Liv.; comitiorum dom-
pit4ol, etc. lnum eflse, Cle.
dolc>se,. at!Y. (dolo1n111), dtctit/uUr,; domlporta -ae, f. ('1omwi and port.o), w
"Si do:. ise, Cic. WM mrr~ 1'ou# Up<l!l baGt, IA. naU,
dolc>sus -a -um (dolua), cra.trr, dueitJu.l, ap. Cic.
eu•uii1117; consilia, Cic. Domltlanus .f, m. T. l'la1.(u Dmllitia""'
dolu.a .f, m. (&>.~). L Legal t. t., doh1R A uau.•tlLI,'°"' of V r•r""im1, "rot lvr of Titwr, horn
51 " n., Emperor o! Home from 81A.D.to00 A.D.
malu,, fra'Ud; q11111n f"X eo quaereretur qui•I
t:i!Rt ))(;In~ malu1', re~poudebat quum e~st·t DOmltiua -a -um, namt of a pltbtian. gnu at
thud sirnul..1t11m, aliu<l actum, Cie. II. A. Rori~, the mmt fanu,u~ mtmhn-1 of 'IChicA V>t'N : -
fra.'l.d, drortt, guiu; fraua ac dolua, Cic.; ut Cn. Domitiu~ Calvinus, cm1~ul 5S .1..c.; Cn. Dom-
ma,is virtuk quam d11!0 oontenderent, ca. ...... itius Alicnobarbus, ro11.rul 122 .1..c., ~
B. lfeton., trick; doloa (= retia) aaltu delu<lit, of tlt.t Allohrc>ge~; Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbua,
OT. tri/111.M 104 A.c., pro7>0ser of tht le:r Domitla de
domabilta ·f>(domn), IMtCXM bd1'Nd, 14,,... sact•nlotliR (bit 'IChicA tAe prir.dhood.I ~ ftlkd "P
llbU;, Hor. l1.u the t'Otel ofl7 tribu cho.9e1' by lot): L. Domitiua
di>mestlous -a -um (domua). L btloftgfng Alienobarltua, coU1U M .LC., gn1n-Bl a!\d ad.M-
"'ttu tn1w or rJu family, dmnutic; luctus, <.:le. ; rtnl of Prmi~iiu; Cn. Domitiua Ahenobuhua,
di!llt-uJta..,., pot.'rrly, Cie.; tern pus ~ at 1'oJM, fnthtr of th,, f:m~ Nt:ro ; Cn. Domltiua Cor-
Cle.; dolllQtlcua homo, Cle., and aubllt. domea- bulo, 11UJU.<.iful gni.em.l in Gtrmany and .A~MI
1'ndn- tlt.t Emr~ron Clatuliwr and Nwo. AclJ.=
bcu1, OT., a frintd of tht 1'oue, wwmbn- of a
P.,ily; plur., dCSmesticl -Orum, m. tM '"· Domitia1&; via, road itl Gaul "'°''' by Dotnitiu.s
.Ahenobarbu.,, tM ro11qiuror of tM .Allnk-ogt.t, Cle.
91('.!tJ of ou" I, tMml~rs of ont'1 family, Cie.
D. Tt&naf., J'f'iWJU, dnm.t.!IU, tMJ.t'ive (opp. to Hence, Domitl&nua -a ·um, of DomitiU1;
/rJrrlg'1I or pvbli.c) ; crudelitu, towarda citu~, milites, tlt.t toWU1"1 o/ L. Doll\ititu ..dhnobarbu,
Cic.; 11 1uperaviuent vel domestid1 opibus vel Caes.
externil auxillia, Caes.; belln1n, cillil trur, Cle. domlto, 1. (lntena. of domo), to ta~ ...W..;
d~mlcWum -li, n. (domu1), a place o/ reri- bovea, \'erg.
cha, dil'tlirng. A. Lit., aliud domicilium, domltor -<'!ris, m. (domo), 11 lal!Nr. L Lit.,
ali.u ae.:le~ paraut, C1v·11.; domlcillum collocare a, of anlmala, equorum, 11 lacr#-brtt1ker, Ole. ;
In &liquo loco, Cic.. B. Tranaf., imperli, B~ b, of men, OtmqWror, victm; domitor Persuum,
Cic. ; 8U perblae, Cic. C1c. IL Tran.el., Saturnina domitor maria ~ti,
dOmina -u, t. {domlnwa). L t114 mutrut of Verg.
1 Auuu.Wd, ladr, Verg. II. aUlrus, tpum, domltrbt -1et1, f. (rem. ol domitor), w Wo
biy. A. Lit., a, aa a term of reaped to god- tamu; Epi<laurua domlt.rlz equorum,. Vera. ;
du0;, ot Venus, Ov.; of Cybele, Ve~.; b, like clava domitrix rerarum, 01'.
&:ni;liah ml1treas, 11 ~dheart, Tib. B. Transf., domltua, abl. ·t1, m. (domo), tam(719; em-
nltr, l'.OlltrolUr; justitla domlna virtutum, Cie. ; cimus<loruitu noetroqnadrupedum veetJonee,Cla.
10l"8 domina cam pl, Cic.
dimln&tlo -Onla, f. (domino), (rrupoMl>1'
domo, dOmftl, dOmftum, 1. eo tame,
L Lit., a, anlmalsJ beluaa, Cle.; equoe 1tlmulo
po!LW, dopotini., are.ilrory g<>Wnlmntl. L Lit. , et Yerbere, Ov,; D, m~n, peoples, cou11trlee,
.&. 1mln.!1, Cle.; ClnnAe, Cle. B. Meton. =<lo- .tc. Co conqu4", tubd'"; but.A p~antem, 01'. ;
minantee, absoluu .-.iu., Tac. IL Trnnsf., maxlmas nationes virtute, Cle. IL TraDllr. a_
fOM"4i119; temperantia eat rationia ln libidinem concrete olijrcta, ipsiWI ftumlnia vim, iJ.,.. ;
trui. et. RJoderata dominatio, Cle. arborea mulLl. ml'rcede, Verg.; uvu prelo, •
dOminator -<'iris, m. fdomlnor), l"lller, pnu, Hor.; b, abstract. object.I, domitu haben
fl'Wnlor; rerum Deua, Cle. llbidineA, Cic.; lnv!Jiam, Hor.
dominatrix -lei,., f. (fem. of dominator), 11 domua -ft•, f. (ct Ok. rootAEM,aJ,......, whence
~~ic 1rti.•trtn; transr., caeca ac teweraria a.;~~). L A. Lit., a Ao_, (88 a dwelling·place.
llliml cuplJiw, Cle. aa a home, !'Cat of !amUy, etc., while aedea:::
domlnatus -Qi1, m.. (dominor), 1, ablolv.U bowie u a building), u opp. to insula (which
pevw; domiuatus regi uit, Cic. ; 2, rwu; domln- was let out in tla.U! or lodgings; domus =a
atna c11pidit.at11m, Cic. house with ii.& oua.uilding1 and gar<Un; dnmum
aeclitic.~re, Cie.; ali•p1cm tecto et dorno lnvitare,
domlnium .IJ, o. (domlnua), 1, "'"· pouv.r, Cic.; u~··d n<lverl1ially, doml, at ho-nu, '" IA.
Btr..; 2, a frost, ba1Vput; huJua argento doruinia
ftstra nm&ri, Cle. iiouu,Cic.; mrat> domi (tu&e, lfuae, nostrae, etc.).ot
my hou...,, Ci1·.; alien&edomi, '"'~hOUMof another,
l!Ominor, 1. dep. (domlnus), Co rwJe, bt lord Cic ; do1111 ahquid babere, to haw at ~ to
at ..Wtr, to domin.ttr; In advers.uios, Liv.; pos.<r$j, hf': 1>ro!"idt.I with. Cle. ; domum, hmlw,
1u11mi.t arc,,, \"t>rg.; domlnarl Alexa.ndri:ie, Cic.; lotrarrl.s hcml.i", h->mrward, Cle. ; domo, frcna Aoirw,
ill soos, C:ie. ; In, Ck'. ; in C.'lpite fortun- out of IM hm;..,, Cic. B. Tran!lr., poet. a dtotU
bq11e bominum honest i~simorum, Cic. ; in i11g-1ilaa, of tnnls, \"-:rg.; ot the gods, Verg.; of
fl!dicils, etc.; tr.ans!., domina.tur libido, Cle. ; '.he 11pirits or th" d.-ad, Verg.; of the labyrinth,
qtod nnum in oratore dominatur, llO!wrrin tlt.t Verg. IL Meton., A. 1, iflmatu of a Mu-,
llfTl'"¢l ~f tM ""1tor cx>?YWtl, Cie. ho11$~f1<>ld, Cic. ; 2, a philnsaphiMl .c.lwol or uct,
domlnu.a -1, m. (domus). L Ut.t ina..tUr of 11 Cic.; :::;... ·ratica dnmus, Hur. B. a 1lmuUl.old,
~. tM h'4d of tlu 111.iu.ukold, lord, flUWtr; managemrnt of a h.o1.t.M, Cic. C. Ao!M, ftalhl!I
PIW"., domini, mastn- and mi.ttrur, Cic. IL wvntry; <lo111i, at holM, (n o-ne"1 mcm Cl01'nlry,
.&. Llt..1...1. wwuU1", O'IDMT, p<>ut&IQf" ; aed I fie ii, Cic. ; dorui militiaeque, Cic., belll domique, Liv.,
1&111, l..lC. ; 2. turd, ""4r; la allq11em, Cle. ; " ' p«JC1 GM \ft tOM (archaic geniL. or locat..
don 182 dub
doml. In classical writ.en only= at h07M; dat. locupletasti et omastl, Cle. ; b, a qualU,, e.00..
domui, abl. generally domo, also domu; pl~1-. TMnt; dotes ingenll, Ov.
nom. domus, acc. domus and domos, ~emt. 40talla -e (doe). relating or btlmlgiri.g to s
domuum and domorum, dat. and abl. domtbus). dowry ; praedium, Cic.
dOnal'fum -Ii, n. (donum), 1, templt, lhriM. dotatua ·a -um, p. adj. (from doto), rlchlt
altar, Verg., o,·.; 2, a t:ative offering, Liv. dou·ered. A. Lit.. Aquilla, Cic. B. Trans!.,
doni.tio -<'mis, r. {dono), a givfog, gift, richly endouM; Chlone dotatissima form!!., Ov.
present, donation, Cic. doto, 1. (dos), to provide 11.>it.\ a do-.cry, ni.~:
doni.tivum -i, u. (dono), an inl~rial sanguine Trojano et Rutulo dotabere, vlrgo, Ve~
largtilil, or don.alive to tM toldwy, Tac. drachma ·ae, r. (Sp4~-.j), 1, a small Grttk
doneo. conj. (shortr.ned rrom do11eque, don· coin, a dnvh1n, about equal in va/1U to a Roma•
lque), l, as long as, while, Liv. ; ?onec gratus dntariu.s, Cic. ; 2, as a weight, t of all uncicl,
eram tihi, Hor. ; 2, until, C1c. ; with usque eo, Plin.
Cic.; or eo usque, Liv. J. driM>o -onls, m. (Spciirwv). A. a kind of
11~. dravon, Cic. B. Meton., a amstdla.tio•
dono. I. (don111n). L (alicui a liquid). to give so called, Cic.
aa n. pr•.-rn,I, to prr$WI. A. Gen., l, lit., non
pa11<'a suis adjntorlbu!I, Cic. ; 2, transf., a, to 2. Drlioo -on!s, m.. {~aw), Draco, a• A.tM-
grrrnt, btstow; alicni aeternam immort.alitatem, nilrn ltgislator.
Cic.; poet., with inftn., alicui divinare, Hor.; b, dr'-conlgina -ae, c. (draco and gigno) = llp&·
to .4C!crifict, gi re up to; inimicitias reipublicae, ICOV'l'oyrv~ 1 arago11-born, SJfMlng from drol}O'"·
Ca•·s. B. Esp., 1, lit. tiJ remit a d~bt or obliga- 1ttd; urbs, Thtbu, O\'.
tion; 11lir11i aes alienum, Cic.; 2, trans(. to Drepbum ·I, n. (~piwa.J10 ..), and J>ri..
(or'.Ji i·t, 1"' r<lon (for the tiake of snmeone else),
i1oxae damnntnR donatnr populo Romano, Liv.
pana -ormu, n. (~.-• .,,.), a tmpn on tM wa
coast of Sici.lJI (now Tropani). Adj. J>ripbi,.
IL (ali4ue111 aliquii. re), to pre.sent n 1vrscm with tanua -a -um, of or belonging to Drepa1n1.JI\.
so1nPthi11g; C"h•irktn militaribt!S do11i'I, Caes.
dromaa ·A.dis, m. (5po,..4s), a dnmuda1J,
donum ·i, n. (<!are), a gift, present ; 1, gen., Liv.
d'•na nuptialia, Cic. ; rlono dare, to give era a dromoa -1, m. (apo,..,5), Uw rat:e·C01'rN oJ &At
7.rescnt. 1 er.; 2, esp., n gift to t.M godl, a votiw Spar!a.ns, Liv.
offai11g, Cic. Drientla .ae, r. ci rivtr in Gallia J.qvliag
Dontisa ·ae, r. (~ovovcri11) 1 an island in the into tM Rhont, now tht .Durance•
..4egcm1 Sea, trist of Nazos. Driildea -um, m., and DriUdae ·inlm, m.
doroas ·icli11, r. (6opic4(), n ga:ellt, anldopt, (dawydd or dryod, old British= wiu man), LU
)fart. Druids, Ute prvsts of '111 CtltU: ftation.s, Cic.
Dores -um, m. (~wp«ic), tht Dorians, ont of Drii.91UI -i, m. a cognomen of thl GtJt.S Liiii4
tltt lfrlUmic races; hence, 1, adj., Dorloua and Cl.auaia. (I) M. Liviua Drusus, mnrdtrtd
a -tim, poet.= Gmik, Verg. ; 2, Doriua ·& -um, for attempting to rtvive somt of tht Grar.chan lmcs;
I>uriarl; 3, Doria ·lclis, f. Doria1i: subst., (2) Nero, son of the Emprus J.ivia, br An ~,.,,
a Doris, <1 countl"J/ in the north of Gruee; b, htuband, Tiberiiu Claudius Ntro. Hence a, adj.,
the u.·ife of Ntreu4, and mother of the.fifty Nereidii; Driiaii.nua -a -um and Driiainua -a -um, QI
melon. the sea, Verg. or belonging to .Dnuua; b, subst. Driisilla
l. Doria, v. Dores. -ae, f. name of aei~ral /tmalu of tlul g1llll Littia.
2. Doria -Idis, r. {~wpi~), wifr. of Dio11y8iu.s I. 1. Drtk -iclisL r. (Apu4(), a wood 1tppA,
of S!! Drycul.; gen. plur. IJTyades, Verg.
dormlo -M or ·l!t, -!tum, 4. 1, to slup: se 2. Drfia -antis, m. {Apucr.{), fatJur_ oJ Lrcvr·
dormitum conferre, t;ic.; ad donniendum pro- gu.s, king oJ Thraa. Hence Drfantldea -ae,
11ci~ci, Cic.; dormientem excitare, Cic. ; lnnum- m. the son of Dryas, i.e. Lycurgus, Ov.
ernliilia saecula dormisse, Cic.; 2, to rest, be Drfopea •UDI (Apv01r~~). a Pelasgic pt0plt,
foar.tiVt; bcneflcia dormientihus deferuutur, Cic. who wtrt drfr1m southward$ by the Dorians, aAd
dorm.ito, 1. (dormio), to 1>t slupy, to b<gi•l to atUkd \n Mtsstnia.
1uep. A. Lit., dormitanti mihl epi~tola ilia red-
dita., Cic. ; jam dormitante lncer~a, j1~st go_ing
duble. ad\·. (dubius), I. A. dcubtfully, ltui·
out, Ov. B. to rlr.:a1n, be lazy, lruu:twe; 1sta u1ti11gly; inter confessum dubie dut!eque nepn·
tern, Ov. B. <UmbtfuUy, uncertainly; ut aliquod
oscita1•s et dormititns sapicntia &aevolarum, 11ig11um dubie dntmn pro certo sitacceptnm, Cic.;
Cic.; quan<loque bonus dor111itat Homerus, nods, hence, hn•td dubie, ntc dubie, non dubie, ccr·
Hor. tai11/y, tritlwut daubt, Cic.
dormitor -<·ris, m. (<lormio), a sleeper, Mart. Diibia ·is, m. rivn- i11 Gallia &lgim, now tJu
dorsum -!, n. (dor•ua -1, m.). A. Lit., the Dcmhs.
back, c>ithcr of 111e11 or anirnals; dorso onm1 snb- dubltabllia -e (dubito), doub(.ful, unttrtai1t,
ire, Hor.; <lors11m demulcere eqnis, Liv. B. Ov.
Trans(. crny elet'<ilion of similar form; duplex diibl'.tanter, adv. (dubito), 1, doubtingly:
(dentalium), the projecliug irons of a plough-<hurt, duhitanter unum quodque dlcemus, Cie.; ~.
\•erg.; irnrnane dor:1urn, £L rock in the sea, Verg. ; hcsilntingly; i\lnd vcrecundi et re·
of 111ouut d11s, slope; jugi, Cae'i. ccpisse, Cic.
D6eylaeum ·i. 11. (~opv~•uov), a town in di'ibltatlo -onis, f. (dubito) L doubt, u~­
Phrpqirr. lfonce, Dorylenses -ium, m. the crrt<Li rrty; sine ulla <lubitatioue, rrrtainlr, Cic.;
ir.Ji.a/Jikinls of /Jorylc1l'1rn1. res non haoct dubitationem, tlu! mat~r admiu
dorjphoros -i, 111. (3oputb<)po{), the­ nf 110 doubt, Cic.; with ohj. gen it., dubitatio nd·
b1•c.rrfr, t11e name of a celebrated statue by Poly- vent11s le~inuum, CU.ubt as to the romiRg, Cic.;
clet.11~, Ch:. with de, illa :-5ocraticn1lubitatiodeomnibu!I rebus,
(&it). A. Lit (l dmcr11, pM/io11;
doa, dc\ti!I, f. Cic.; with rl'I. sent., si quando dnbit.atio accldit.,
ardpc•rP. P"cuniam nl111x•ire i:lntis nomine, CaeM. ; quAlc sit id, etc., Cic. ; followed by quh1 whtn
tlliae nubili clokm coutli:ere non posse, Cic. B. a negative precedes, hie locus nihil hat-et duhi·
Transf., a, a gift; cuins nrtcm quum indotatnm tatlonisquin, etc. admitsofnodou'>t that, Cle.; nnlla
es:ic et lncompta1n vlderes. verl>orum eam dote dubitatiu est qulu, etc .• Cic · nisi ciubitationem
dub 183 dum
alftrt quln, etc., Cll". IL 1t.nitati1m, Ul(Jrtrino, ctkbrafe<l of, Cie. ; 3, nxorem dneere, lo 111arry;
irrt:JOi'lt.tio11; dubitatio belli, ru to tht i:o11clm·t· of 1!11eere 11xon·m 11l1c11i11s lili11m, Cic.; ali11ol.,
tM lt'llr, Cic.; angunt me d11l1lt;itiunes tu:1t', Cic. .J11e~re ex !'Id•<', to riuo· .. y fl'Ofn 11mon9 tht 1•ltl11 ..
dub(to. 1. (•lubius). L to drm1it, tvarer fo Liv. ; 4. to lead l1!f the 1'08<', cli.tut, Ov. ; 5 <•!
Qpiuio:rl, 114 1rn~rta'n.; de hoc. Cic. ; haec, Cic. ; watl'r, to C<.,nd1tct; aq11am 111 urloem, Lil•.; (/, lo
utrum sit utilius an, etc., Ci•·. ; lio11i>stu111ne toke with one; suas 1H1dinc1llas S!!Clllll, Cic.; 7.
ractu git au turpe, Cic.; non duhito q11iil, etc.; to 01·du, arr1111ge; alicui fnnus, Cle.
hOll duhiUi quin, etc., I hnl't 11-0 tloul.t th11t, Cic, ducto, 1. (in tens. ofdueo), to lead; exereitu111,
IL w111actr in Tfl$0[ulioll,h•silale; a, of person~, Sall.
qo.i•I dubltas, Caes.; dnbito, foll. hy i11fl11 .. Cle.; duotor -oris, m. (dneo), a lt~tder, comman:ll'T',
11on d11t.ito, fvlL by iufln., Cic. ; 11011 d11l1ito. Ck. ; nrdinu111 tluctor, ri ceuturion, Liv.
f.1IL by quin, Cle. ; b, of things, <lubilavit aciel duotus -us, m. (<Juen) I. drawing; a, oris,'•, S:oll. tht a11tm11e11lil of the fuu, Cic. ; b, 111url. lr11il<I·
dilblns ·a -um (dno}. I. Subject., doubUnq. iug, Cle. IL /ea.li11q; 1, 111ilit. t.t., comnm11d,
A. 1rua. irig in opinion, do11l1ting, doul.tf11/, ua- l111dershlp,· nlic11ius dnetn, Cie.; sc ail d11ctu111
•xrtoiri., Cle.; with genit., sententiae, Lil'. ; haurl Po111peii a1•1•liea1e, Cic.; 2, co11dudi11gof 1mter;
•lubill!I, full. by acc. 1mil i11fin., co11fide11t tlu•t, Lh'. aqua• um, Cic.
B. wFtring i1& ruoit'e, ltt!ilalifl.!l, w1cMtain, dudum, adv. (from diu =die and dum), 1, a
ilTtlOlute; dul.fus an transiret, Lh·. II. Ohjeet., lit/le u•hiu ngn, not long 1i1ice; quod tibi <!u1lu111
d0¥bt.M, tl<YUhtfu,l. A. undecided, t1nc•rt.1in, (iu,,t 1tow) vi1lellatur, Ck.; 2, a, qu:i.111 tl1u!11111,
dt;ubtfttl; ge1ius causae, Ck.; victori;o, Caes.; e1s Imig ru; qu;im dudum nihll J1abeo 11uod n<l
caelum,dou.ty, 0\".; nnn estduuiu111 quin, t/1•Tc i~ le scribarn, Cic.; b, .Jam d11cl11111, 11ou· for<' long
M do11bt Uial, Cic.; d11t.iumne est or cui tlut.111111 time; que1u jam d11d11m Cott.a et Sul11icius ex·
eo1tquin ! Cic.; mun or 11t·111ini dnl•it.111 est, with peetat, Cic.
ac ... &nu tnr1n., Cic.; neut. subst., generally di\ellum. duellicua, dijellator = bel·
"ith a pre1,,..s., in dul>lum ,·oc;1r~ (lr rewwart· 1 111111, bellicu!I, J:>..llator, q. v.
lo we dmil1tf1il, Cic.; i;iue dubio, Cic.; pro<:UI
d11bio, v:itliout, Li\". B. Met<>n. 11o11Nful, Diiillua ·a -mn, 1urriM1 of a .Rmrw1' gnu, (lj
d~bi.:n£s, d'rngi:ro1u, critical; res dul>lil, Sall.;
which the most cr/e/1raltd tr<IJ C. Dnlli11s, c.•118. 261
ternpora, Hor. A.c., 1t'ho oni1ml a 01·~at narol vkto,.y 01~ tltc
Cartl11117i11iu11s, 11u1r t.\e LiJ><lrewi ls/uiws. 111e
diicinl -ae, -a (distrib. or duce11ti), two h11n- victory wus 401111m·111oratcJ. by the ere•·tion m
d1«1 tacit, Li,·. the forum ofa cul1111111, ad11r11t"d with the prows
ducezatea!ma ae, f. (fem. or dncentesimuit1 of slilp11 (columna
frrnn duceuti, S•". 1•:u~), the two hundredth. pa.rt, dulce, adv. (dulcis), •wtdly; cancre, Hur.
tU a tu, oru-lw/J J>el' ceut., Ta.e.
ducezaU -ae, -a (dno and ceutum}, 1, hro
dulcedo -lols f. (<lulci~). L Lit., a 11vtd
taste; 1mng11inl~, Ov. IL 'l'rausr., a, awed1uu,
h11ltrcd, Cie. ; 2, generally a1iy large ni11nbcr, plecua11'11tsS, charm; dulccdine 4uaJam gloriae
Hor. eommoti, Cic.; dulcl'dine orationis, Cic.; b,
d11oezatlis, adv. (dueenti), t1D0 hundred duire; du1cedo in\·ttsit plebeios crenndl, Liv.
tiiw, Cic.
dulceaco, s. (dulcls}, to become ewut, Cic.
diico, dud ductum, 3. L tc dra10. A. Gt>n., dulcloiU'Cla -a -um (dini. of dulclB), 1ome-
f1'n& ruanu, Ov. B. Bsp., 1 to clrag behilul; u:lull &we.el; polio, Cic.
sidfra crioem 1lncu11t, Vel"',t.; 2, todmw to1car.l'
dulola-e, adj. with compar. aml 11uperl. (con·
~If; a, lit., t!11cere remos, tc rowJ Ov.: co-
lore111, to gr:t a da1·ker colour, \'erg. ; o, tl'ansf., n~etet.1 with yA.11"u~). L Lit. '1Vllt (opp. a~arus),
la) to dwnn, nltrad; fahellarnm audittnne duc- vmnmJ Hor. ; nnda, fruit, wnt,r, Ov. :Sul>llt.,
untur, Cic. ; (I!) to druw aimy, mislmd; en·ore duloe -Is, n. wliat i4 stved, Qt'.; dulola -lnm,
Jaci, Cic.; (y) to dra10 to, inftiunrA; me ad cred· 11. swut thfogs, Cic. IL Trnnsr. A. 110«t, ploa•·
tndum tun d11cit oratlo, Cic.; 3, to draw i1&; ant, del€9htf11l, «!Jreet1blt; now .. n libc1tatistCic.;
atrd spirit11, Cie. ; p<>t:t., KOmnos, to•lup, Verg.; 1oemata, Hor. ; orator, Cic. B. JH.endly, fhu.r,
lti'l'Wf; )>O\·Ula Le!!Lii, Hor.; 4, to draw out; J>eloi~d; auriei, Cic. ; uiJed In aJdrcllses, dulcia·
rmum \·nginii, Ov. ; sort.cs, C1c,; aliquid or slme Attl~, Cic.
aliqutm B-Otte Cic. ; 5, to d1uw out, txtend, dulolter, adv.(dulcls), with com par. dulcluL,
!"JU. wild, 7a:iJiio1'; pnrilltl>IU, Cle. ; lllllrum, superL dulcissime, mutiy, Cic.
Liv.; vallum, Caes.; ocreas argento, Verg.;
6, lo 1lra1c out a thrtad; Jann.~, to spin, O\·, ;
duloltudo ·Inls, (dulcls), IWtdMM, Cle.
tr•nsf., of il. poet, <·arml11a, to mnka 1't»IU, Hor. ; Diillohlum -Ii, n. (~ovA(~wv), a1' u/and '"
the Ionfa1l Sta, forn1£ng pa.rt of lM J..i11gdom o/
7, to pr..lo11g; a, to pass: aetatt>m in Jitkrf!'I,
C1c.; b, to dtluy, protract; hdlmn, Cle.; all- Ulysau. Adj. Diillohlua -a -um Dulichian,
qnem diem i:x die, to put off, Caell.; 8, to d lstort; poet., bt/ongtng to Ulyau; rates, Vccg.; dux,
os, Cic.; 9, to draw do1"n; transf., a, to derfrt; Ulyws, 0''•
no111en e:ic a!ir1ua n>, Cit:.; etymolog., ab enmlo dum (like qnmn and tum, the acc. or a lost
uomeo (Jani) ei.t ductu111, Cic.; b, tc btgi11; al> J>rn11ou11). I. Adv., joined as an enclltic with
en.:lem \·ert.o <ludtur sael'iu:t oratio, Cle.; 10, to other word11, a, with non, nullne, hRud vlx, etc.,
(1Ud, rtckon; fe1111s q uat<'rnls Ct>nttl>limb1, Cie ; 11nndum, net yd, Cic.; so necdum, Liv.; neque-
•ll·iutu1 in hostimn numero, Caes.: aliqnld dum, Cie.; unllusclum, no one yet, Liv.; \'ixd11111,
1a:1·i, lo t~l~mi ~Ult, Cic.; plnri~, Cic.; pro scarcely yet, Cle.; nihllJmn, notMng yet, Cic.;
111h1lo, Ck; 111iquem dtsple;1tui, to <k>pis,, Cic.; nednm (Re. dicam), not to "'11·
Cic.; b. with
with accri:i. an•l in fin., to co>t.!ider: qni St: regem iluperat. then: age dum, Cie.; ltera dnm, Cle.;,
e-;i.; tlacet.~t, Cic. IL to I.wt. A. Gen., I. or IL Cun.i., 1, u·hile; gener11~ly with indicat., Cle:;
i~rwns, dueereequmn, Lh-.; 2r of thing~, duxit ~. as _lo11g as_; ind1CJ1t., Cle. ; Sr~ u11t1l.
ni_ in lenlter e<litum collem, L '" B. 1':<1p., 1, hll; w1Lh snlo.1., C1c.: 4, fo llO far CU, v rmy,
1~,11t. and l~g:i I t. t., to lea-f /,~foro <i court of juslict, provided that; with tloe suloj., Cle.; strengthened
°':to ka.d auuy for p11ni11hnunt; aliqnem in jus, lly modo, dn11111111<10, Cic.; dulllile, providtd ~
Lir.; in cnrcerem. In vincula, Cic,; 2, a, milit. not, Cle.; duu1modo ne, Cic.
Lt., lo 11111rrh : cohortes ad munitloues, Cae:1. ; dumetum -1. n. (dumus), a Owm b1'8h,
abiioi., ad hostem, Liv. ; b, to commaud; ex· thicket, Cic. ; fig., cur cam tantaa In anguatiu
treitiu, Cae~.: tr.rnsr., famillam. to be tht 111o:t ct Stoicorum d11111eta compelllmuL Cic.
dum 184 dyn
4ummCSdo, v. dum. In conduct, "4,..Aly, lltVtt'dJ; durhu ID de41tGI
Dumnorlx -lgls, m. 'brotM?- o/ Ow .Atrluan consulere, Liv. ; durlu1aliquid11.cdpere, Cle.
Dfri.tiacu~. duresco dllri1.I, s. (durus}. to gro111 1lanl;
dumosus -a -um (dumus). cowred 'With thorn frigo11 t.u11 dure11dt humor, /rtuu, Cic.
bu.tlta, bu$hy, Verg. diirltas ·1tls, f. (durus), h.arlhne-. 11l\fr'WIMl-
dumtaxit duntaxat, q.v. linu.•, Cle.
dumua -1, m. a them& bush, bramblt, Cic. dii.riter "" du re (q. Y.).
duntnxlt (dumtaxat), ndv. (dum and taxn), durltla. -ae, f. and durltlea ~. f. (duru1),
aaaly, a.cCIJf"ding to tM rig/it 11Ua3ure, not more hartl1te.u. 1. Lit., of nature, at.rae ~llis, Ov.
and 1iotlt1111. I. noi1 nuimo <l1111tn xn.t vigemus, as far IL Transf.1 a, hardnt", a1Uleri.t11; duritia viri-
cu tM m(r&d uronurned, Cic. IL a, <>nly, 'JIUNly, lis, Cic.; al> parvuliB laoori ac duritiae litnde11!,
Cic.; non duntaut ••. aed, not 01tly ••• lriU, Caes. ; b, llar,hna1, 1<t~rity; animi, Cic.; c,
I.Iv.; b, al k<Mt, Cle. IIL in"° far; exceptia 1t11erity, oppruri11ena1; operum, Tac. ; caeli
duntaxat iia gcntibua, quae regnantur, Tac. militiaeq•e, Tac.
du6 -ae, ~ (&vo}. tV10, Cic. diiro, 1. (durus). L Transit. A. LIL, to makt
dtio-dcclcs. adv., twelve tinw, Cle. hard; 1, gen., caemeut.a ca.Jee, Liv. ; enlCS in
scoimlos, Ov. ; 2, esp., to d'"ll ttp, mab df"/I;
duO-declm(Juoand decem), t!DtlN; tabulae1 terram (by beat), Verg.; Alba.mun fumo uvam,
CM twel1>11 tablu, Cle. aometimes simply duo· Hor. B. Transf., 1, to make hardy, iii.Kn; Ill!
declm, tM T!Dtlw. laoore, Caes.; in 11 fod M!m1e, to ul&der callo1u;
duo-declmua -a ·um (duodecim), iM twt(fth, ad omne Caci nus duratus, Tac.; 2, to tndt&rt;
CA.ea. laborem, Verg. ; imperloslWI aequor, IIor. IL
duCS-denl ·&e, -a, 1, twdw each, Cle. ; 2, I ntranalt. A. Lit., to bttmne hard or drr;
Ctvtlve, Verg. aolum, Verg. B. Transf., 1, to btcome Aard or
duO-de-qu~iigesrmus. thirty- tighth, oall-Oua; In nullius unquam suorum necem dur-
I.iv. ravlt, Tac. ; 2, to tr&dure; unam hlemem In
du6-de-quli.driiglnta, thirty-eight, Cic. ca11tris1 Liv'.; sub Jove, Ov. ; 3, ro last, renai-,
contiruu; durat ai mulacrum,,Verg. ; totidew d~
du6-do-qulnquagesimus -a -um, the are per annoa, Vcrg.
forty-eight/a, C1c.
dU.CS-di-triclens (-trlcics) adv., t11.'tnty-tfgkt dii.rus -a -um, adj. with cornpar. and 1uperl,
h.ard. L Lit., a., hard to tM tO'Ueh ; fern1m,
li!MI Cic. Hor. ; b, har~h to the tasle; aapor Bacchi, Verg.;
dtto-do-trigtnta. twm111.n.ghl, Liv. o, h.a,..1' to tM tar; voci1 genus, Cic. ; oratlo1
duO-di-viconl -ae, -a, d!]h.tun eacll, Liv. C1c. ; d, to tM eye., rwk; algna dun -1.
duo--do-vigillti, t"i.ght-tn, Cic. tamen molliora quam Canachl, Cic.; eL of feel- -&rum, m. 10Zdierr of ing, h.ard, rough; poetA duris.simus, t;ic. IL
Ac 22nd lrgicn, Tac. Transr., 1, stro11g, enduring; 8cipiadae dwi
belln, Vcrg.; 2, in demeanour; a, a10kv.urd,
di\0-et-viceslmua -a -um, uw lwenty- tlncouth.; ut vita sic oratione duna, lncultn1,
llCl>nd' Tac. borrldus, Cic.; b, sha1ntlu1; os, Ov.; 3, a,
di1plez -pUcls (duo and plico), 1, doublt, h.ardr, au.iten; homo du?"UI ac priecua, Cle. ; b,
tv>o-fol.d; amiculum, Nep., amictua, Verg., witkout ta.t.t for; C. Marina, qui durlor ad haec
pannus, Hor., a garou11t fol<kd tu.-ia raund atudiavtdebatur,Clc.; 4,fnUnglen, den&,__,.,:
IM body; palmae, both h.and.1, Verg. ; 2, a., Varius eat hahitua jude:r durior, Cic. ; 6, a, of
"°1d>ltd, ~ a.r Tmu;h; frumenturn, sti('cn•I· weather, ettTn; tempeat..'ltes, Caes. ; b, or th•
lum, Caea. ; b, double-faad, fa.J.~e, drceiiful, soil, hard, diffirult to wor·lt ; gle bi&e, Verg. ; c, al
Hor. work, liard, di.ffe<.-itlt; auhvcctio, Caea.; dt lwlr.4
dupllcarl'.ua -a -um (daplex), miles, a pa(Jl/Ml, tlT\{aoourable., adllfNI!; cond!Uo aurior,
toldfrr wlw ~double rations, Liv. Verg.; paupenea, Hor.
dilplicltCr, adv. (duplex), do-ubly, Cic. diiumvlr and duovlr ·vtrl, m. gen. plm.
diiplico, 1. (duplex). L Lit., to fold (n two, dnumviri or duoviri1 a pair of~ L
double ttp; duplir.atque virum (hast.I&). tran111ixi In Rome. A.. duumvni perduellionis, tM _,;,,.
dolore, Verg. II. Tran~f., l_. a.r to dottble; uum- tratu who tl'V.d C<.l.'!U o/ perduelllo LIT. B.
erum dierum, Cic.; b, au1• icaro \'crba to duumvlri aacrorum or saeris facund!JI, blptrl
npttlt, Cle.; 2 1_a, ro lengthen, crcscentes umbras of tM Si~UiM boob (afu!rwarda lncrea.aed to
(or the sun}. verg.; b, to increa.u; duplicarl ten, and then to ftfteen), Uv. C. duumvirt udl
IO!licitudinea, Cle. faciendne or locandae or dedicandae, a c:omwdain
fer lruildillg or dedicating a temple, Liv. D.
diiplus -a -um (duo), ttci« :u, doubu; duumviri naval!"~, a t'lm1miuian fur lookiJLg a,/tfll'
1, a1lj., pani, Cle. ; pec11nia, Lh•. ; 2, subst., CM ftut, Liv. II. In the Roman munlcipia and
duptum ·i, n. tM double, esp. a cloublt penalty;
~nam dupll auliirtl or In duplum ire, Cle.;
colouiae, duumvirl (jurl dic1111do). CA. Ai:"..._,
magi.stralu, Cle.
Judlcium dare In duplum, Cic. dux, d Qcis, c. L a lmdff, guU., c:JOlldvdor;
diipondiu -U1 m. (=duo uses pondo), • locoru111, Liv.; arrncuti, O\'.; transf., tmpietatfl.
ooin of two cusu, C1e. Ck.; tliis ducihus, u rider tM direction. of tM f10dll.
4\irabllia ·e (duro}. Za.lting, durable, Ov. (;1c. IL a rukr. A.. Gen., 1uperwn,, -inJa, n. (duro) h.ardnua; aquarum, Verg. B. E11p., 1, a 111ihtarv or ft41'Cll cc:a-
- , Luer. ma11<ler; dux praefcdu!lque claas!JI, Cle.; 2_1M
tmpanr, Ov.
diirllteus -a ·Um (cfovpanof}. toOOdna., applied
only to the Trojan hotl<e, Luer. I>Ymi.a -mantis, m. (4vl-Laf), /rr./Jiw o/ Iltnba.
diiri. and diirlter, adv. with compar. Hence llym1tnti11 probea, or aubaL Djmantla
-tldl11, r. Hecuba., Ov.
dl1rlua, 1uperl. dtlrii!~lroe (durus), hardly. L
Lit., a, "1th respect to hearing, unplm.wrnt/y; Djme ~ t. (4vµ 11), and Djmae ..aram, I.
pleraque dure diccre, Hor. ; b, or works of art 1 a town ill .dchata. Adj. Djmaeua -a ·am. fl
ncddy, rotighly; quid aculptu111 lnfabre, quio or l>'lmt(lif14 to Dynw.
tu.eum durlua eeset Hor. IL Tran11f. &, In dfnaate• ·ii, m. (&vr~). ,,.,.., piMI,
demeanour, awhoa;:Jz,; durlua incedit, Ov. ; b, Cic.
Dyr 186 edi
~o!Wnila ·ldls, t. (ixwriif), is ndri1t(I J,ah,
rtmora(Pcheneia re111ora, Linn.), Ov.
ioh14Da -ae, t. (l~lll.,..). L the 11lptr, addn·,
aa an attribuU of the Furies, Ov. IL Pr<>per
nonn, A. Echldna Lernaea, tha vnweun hydm
.tilled by Htrculu, Ov. B. a m.on.sur of the lo111er
100rl.d , m.otlur o/ l'IThenu a.nd of tlu Uf'ncua 11
hydra,Ov. Adj. i:ohldnewa·a-um, can is echld-
neua, Cerberlt a, o v.
E ;iahini.dea -um ('E~'".U"-, Urchin Islands).
a gr011p o/ jive illarul.a in t.U lO'lliaJ& Sta at tlu
e. the fifth letter of the IAtfn alphabet. ror- W>Utll of tlu Achelou.s.
E re.ponding in the Greek alphabet both to•
and •· For the meaning of E u an abbrevia-
ichinua i., m. (i>:il'Vf). 1, IM tdiblt - .
11rcAin (eehinus esculentua, Linn.), Hor. ; 2, a
tion, aee T&ble or Abbreviations. ln-aun duh tl.$td/OT W<LShing goblet&, Hur.
i. prep. =ex (q.v.).
ei.. adv. (abl orla,sc. parte), Own. JJv.
-iohion -<Snls, m. ('Exi•.w). . L °"" of the
TAtban llcoe..• who sprang from, dmgon's tuth
iadem, adv. (abL or Idem, IC. 'ril), bf Uu aoum by Oadmu.5, h.11sl><111d o/'!:, filth~ oj
.,_.rood, Cle. Ptll.tlurw; F.chioue natus, Prnthlua, Ov. Hence,
U.-propter"" proptel"l'.a. 1, i:ohionldea -ae, m. a '°" o/ Echion-i.e.,
~11.S"' ea tenua(parte) adv., 80,Jbr; foll. Pe11thelu, Ov.; 2, i:ohionlus ·n ·um, Echin-
by qua., qooad, Cle. ; by ut ana the s11bj., Cle. nia1i, and JIO•·t.= Cudmeilln, Thlba.n, Verg. D.
ibinua -i, m. (fJJ~'), the 11Hm11 eru, ~o1ly, '°" o/ .'rferc'ltry, OM o/ the Argonaut.I. Hence
Verg. adj., Echionlua ·& -um, of or tc
iblbo -bThl -bitum, S. L Gen., to drink t1p; Echinn.
amnr>S (or the se&), Ov. IL 1, Nestoris aunos, eobo ·ii8, f. (~>:<al), 1, a.n ec1o, l'lin. ; 2,
to drin.l: cu tn4AJI C1tps tU Uu JtaT-' of NutOT'I age, persouir., EdvJ, a wood·nlflll-ph, Ov.
OV. ; 2, Co 1qua1Uler; ut baec ebibat, Hor.
iblancllor. 4., dep., to obtai1' hy !fatUry;
eolog&rU. -orum, in.
f"l83Cl{lt.> or e:ctmcts, Cie.
= locl elect!, ltMd
omnia., Liv. ; enitere, elabora, vel potius ebland- eo-quando, adv., 1, tvt:r, used In an Im-
lre, etftee ot, ete., Cle. ; partic. passive, eul.and- passioned in~rrogatio11, ecqnan<lo te rationem
tta Ula non enucleata esse autl'tagla, Cle. factorutn tuorum ri:dditnrllln put.asti? Cic.; 2,
ibrie\aa -ltfa, t (ebriu.a),, n- twr, Indefinite, after nisi, Cic.
wlli"", Cic. ec-quf, ecquae or ecqna, ecquod, pronoun
ibrlomtas -IUa, t (ebrlosus), tA. low of interrog. adj.= numqul, an11. used In an Im·
dri"1; .\abil o/ d"'1'km-, Cic. pa11sioned lntnTogatinn; eequl pudor &1t? ee-
ibrlieua -& -um, (ebrins), drink-loving, Cic. qu11e religio, Verres? Cie. ; quaeris ecqua apes
ibrlua -a·-um, 1, drul\k, Intoxicated, Cle. ; sit, Cic.
I, tranaf., (~ toUh., full of: dulci for· ec-quts. eo-q,ufd. pron. lntel"!'Ol{. subst.
tuni, Hor. whether any f an11 O'n/l f any thing t in impas-
ibullfo. 4. L lntransit., to boil 11p, Sen. sioned interroi;11tion, ecqnls retulit aliquid ad
n Transit., to QIU# to boil Up; transf. 1 to OOasl conju1em ac hheros, praeter odla? Liv. ; with
of; virtutes, etc.. nam, eequisnam tibl dixerit, Cic. ; adj.= eequl,
ibMum ·i, n. (-us, L, f.), llu d'IDGr/ ~­ ecquia Latini nominis populus defecerit ad nos?
trtt (samlmcua ebulus, Linn.), Verg. Liv. ; nsed ad verbi1tlly, a, ecquid, 10hether; C:le
aclam ecquid venturi sills, Cle.; b 1 ecqut ..
ibur ~rla, n. A. Lit., frory; slgnum ex num- aliqui, Cat. : c, ecquo, tohitAer 1 eequo te
ebote. Cic. B. 1detoo., a., ot thing:i made of tun virtus pro,·exi8Ret? C1c.
ivory, a datue, Verg. ; a ./f14lt, Verg. ; tlu IM.atl
ofa SIDOl"tl, Ov.; tM cu71Ue chafr, Hor.; b, tlu eciUcWJ = equuleu11 (q.v.).
.Upllant, Juv. edacltaa ·atls, c. (edax), gru4£n.n1, gluttimy,
iburne~lua -a -nm (dim. of eburnena), Cle.
1111d~ of it<Ory: ftatula, Cle. edax -ltcls, f. {I. e<!o), 1, (/Ttedy, gluttonotu ·
eburniWI (6burnu:1) ·A·Ulll (ebur). A. made hospc~. Cic.; 2, transf., datruclive, cu1~'1lmin.g '.
of irory, it>oT1f; signnm, C..ic. ; dens (of the i.:.!1is, Vug.; curac edaces, "eating caru," Hor.;
t!ei•h&nt), Liv. B. .Het.on., white iu ivOTy; bra· tcm pus edax re rum, Ov., cuvii::, Ov. Eciessa ae, f. (''E~~ao-n), 1, toum in J.fau-
EbUrinea -um, m. a GtTman peoph in Gallia do><fo., rtsi<Lt1t1::e of the old Mactdcn.ian. king4.
Btl·'ioo. Hence 1tdj., Edesaaews -a ·um, o/ or bt1ong-
EbiUnul an<l -0a ·I, t., an uland in tM .'rftdi- lng to Edessa; 2, C•11•1lal of the prori11e11 of
Oshrotn~ i'I\ Mesopotantia.
lnru11tan, ojf tile Spanuh. eo<ut, now It'Ua or
:riy.n. edico -<lixi -dict11111, 3. 1, to make known,
eoasior. v. Castor. pul•bh, OTder, a)'{''int; hoc simui, Hor.; foll.
ecae. adv. (for ence, from en and ee), bthnld ! by a rel. 11ent., Cic. ; 2, esp. to 1nil>li.•h n1.-11l!I
lo! 1.u I ecce tuae litkrHA", Cie.; ecce tihl ex- (hy a hnald or otherwise), to <kcru, onloin /Jy
ortua est boenLtes, Cic. ; ubi ••• eece, Verg.; 1>rod1u11ation (of rn11gb;trat~~); diem comitii~
d11m ••• ecce, Hor. ; ecce autem, Cle. Liv.; with acc. and i11fin., Cle.; with ut or n~
ecdloua .J, m. (<iic&a:~), among th4 Grub, a aud the Httbj., Cic.; with suhj. alone, Cic.
pidil~ a.ttorm11 or pros«Utor, Clo. cdictum -1. n. (edico), a decret, edict; a., ot
i:cotra -ae, t. capital of Ow Vol!d. Hence aIlium mai;i~t.rat~. g1,neral, king, etc .. Archiltlchia in
rdi.-ta llibuli, Cic. ; edicturn constituere
l:oetraaua ·I, m. a" iAhabila.n.t of Ecetra. or proponer<', Cic. ; praemittere, Caes.; b, th11
~ . •., v. etr ••• proclamatwn by a pmtt<Jr on his entering office in
.Ech~te• -ae, m.
(' Ex•Kp.i'"lf ), a Pytl&agO'I'· which he publuhed t.M pri11,cipla '1lal toOuld
ai11 pk~, cq11Umporaf" Plato. gowrn hia jv4iciaJ, decisiona, Cle.
edi 186 eft'
idisco -dldlcl,s. 1 to. l«irn thoroughly, tntirtlysubdut; viti011&1J1n&turam doctr'.nt. Cic.:
llam ~.(, /Jr h«irl; aliquid ad verbum, word for orl>em (tern.rum), Ov.
WJOrd, Cic. : magnum 11nmerum versuum, Caes. ; :i:doni -lirnm ('H&.i..oi), a 1?irocian TWP'«.
2, to Imm, 1tudy; istam artem, Cic.
famed for the wonhfp of Bacchus. Adj., 1, Mi-
id1a.iro -si!riH -!!t!rtum, S. ro explain., aet
forth, ~lat~full!I; resgestas, Liv.; neque neces11e nus -a ·.um, poet., Thr~ian, Verg.; 2, UO.
est eihl'!kr1 a 11ouh1 1 <1uae Huls funestae familiae Dis -nld111, r. poet. adj., Tl1racia11, Ov.; irnl.t.t.,
flat, <.:ic. a &ccha1tal, Prop.
e~rto. l. (in tens. of eJissero), lo sd forth, ed~rmlo. 4. to ha:tot one's slup out. I. In·
f.xplmn, nlate txaetly; neque aggrediar narrare t~n!llt., !o slttp auu11, .ro 1tl«p ont'• jf.ll; quun1
quRll edissertanda minora vero fa.dam, Liv. (vrnolenti) e<lormive1unt, Cle. IL Tranl'it., a,
lo ~ltep ojf; crapularn, Cic. ; b, Fufiul' 1llo11n111
idlticlus -a -um (2. edo), put forth, an- edor111it (ot' an actor), 1l«p1 througl' tlit 1x1rt o)
nounced, propostd; ju<iices, the pand of 125 Iliana, Hor.
ft1dicta Uury), ofwhiclt the acetUed could rtjtd 75
a~ ' idi\oatlo-onls, f.(educo), bringing 11p, tNiin·
i~g, tdu.ooiion; ot' children, educatio libcrormn,
idltlo -iillfs, r. (2. edo), 1, the p11bli&hin.g oj C1c.; lnistitutus llberslitereducatione <loctrinique
a book; maturare llbri huius editionem, Tac. : puerili, Cie.
2, a staUment; In tam ~iscrepante editione,
Liv.; 3,, legal t. t., editlo trabuum, thf proposal of idiioator --Oris, m. (educo), oru who troi1t1
f011r tribu b11 the plaintiff or pro«euwr, out of or bring• up; a, a foslfT·fatktr, Cic.; b, a tutor,
which the jury wtrt to bt cholen.. Tac.
idltu -a -um, p. adj. with comp.v. end iditoatrtx ·icls, f. (educator\ a foslt!·r-tnothN",
au~rl. (2. edo), 1, _high, lofty; collis, Caes.; nurae; tram1!., earuru (rerum) parens est eduo-
locus, Cic.; subst., idltum -!, n. a loftv rit11a- atrixque sapie11tia, Cic.
twn1 _height, Tac.; 2, transt'., viribus edit.ior, I. ecU1oo, 1. (intens. or 2.. educo), to bring up,
mtglllifr, Hor. rear, tducalt; a, of human lteiugs, aliquem, Cic.;
1. Mo, 6dl, Esum, edere or e11&e (i&.), 1, to caelum quo natus educatu!lque essem, Li\'.;
tat,' nee esuriens Ptolemaeus ederat jucund1u1 homo lngenuus liberaliterque 1:ducat11s, Cir.; Ad
Cic. ; multos modios sali11 simul edendos e!li:e: turpitudinem edt1catur, Cic. ; b, of animnls, in
ut amicitlae munW!I expletum sit, many btuifuls of eJucando perfacile apparet aliud quiddam iit
aalt muat bt tamt together, i.e. tM,frUndship rn.Wlt (bestiis) propositum, C1c.; c, of things.!.. tnrns{.,
bt of long standing, Cic.; 2r of inanimate thinl(i>, educata huius nutrimentis cloquentia, t.:ic.
to oonnllW, eat a10Uy, corr<KU; eulmos edit or est 2. idiieo -duxi -ducturn, 3. I. to dmw out,
robigo, Verg.; el quid eat anlmam, Hor. (con- lea1~ out . . A. ro dm10 out; 1, gen., gladiu1n e
tracted forms, es, eat, eatis; subj. essem, intln. \"alln&, C1c.; 2, esp., t. t. or dra\Ting lCJU
ease). 11ortem, Cic. ; ahquem ex urna, Cic. B. to ltiad
2. ido -didi -d!tum, 3. to glw. out. L Gen., out; 1, geu., homineui de se11atu, Cic. ; aliqurm
anlmam or extremum vitae apiritum, to b1·tatM in provi11ciam, Cic.; 2, c11p., a, rnilit. t. t., to
011£'1 laat, ro du, Cic. ; of things, cunlculWI ar· mai·ch '1-oops out; cohortes ex urbt>, Cae... ; excN'-
rnatos repeute etlidit, br1mght to li'}ht, Liv. IL itum In expeditionem, Cle. ; b, legal t. t., w
E.ip., l, to bring into tltt world, to br~lt!J forth, lroii btfort. a CO'Mrt of la iv: aliquem i11 ju1t, Cic_ ;
11it-.e birth to; partum, Cic. ; Rli<!uem, Tac.; edi aliquern ad con11ule11, Cic., or silnpl) educt•n-
In lucem, to~ brougltt into the world, Cic. ; parlic., 1tliquem, Cic.; c, neut. t. t., to tal,;t a ship v1;l l)j
Haecenas atavi11 -edit• re;.:ibus, d£'1undtd frolll, port, naves ex portu, Caes.; d, ro '''"' out of a
Hor.; of thiugs, toproduu; (terra) edit innu111eras cou11try: equO!I t'X Italia, Li\·.; e, to bri11g 1tvltr
llrecie:J, O\'.; 2, l-0 giu Jorthfrora. 011.1~!/, to (by aqueduct); lacum, Cic.; f, to b11ilrl 11 troll
1ttttr ; clamorem majoreni, Cic. ; 3, to 11w.kt 011 ro a rit't'T; mule!< quam eductarn in Rhtenuru
Jrn.011?1; a, of writing, to pub[ iM; illos de re- retulimus, Tac. IL to roi># "'1'· A. Lit.,
publlca llbros, Cic.; b, to spread n report; quae allquem supera!I sub au)1111. \'erg.; Ilg., in utrn.
oplnio erat edita in vnlgus, Cic.; o, tu Bet to praiae •ky high, Hor. B. 'frausf., a, turritt
forth, rt!alt, tell 1 di1111lg'; e<le ilia quae coepera!!, summis sub astra educta tectis, \'erg.; b, lo
Cle.; consilia nosliu111, Lh·. ; esp. (a) of the bring 'llp, rtar a child; aliquem, Cic. llL Ot
or:acles, t-0 staU, an11wr; Apollo oraculum edidit time, to live, Bptnd; pios anaos, Prop.
Spartam pe1ituram, Cle. ; (fj) legal t.t. to ji.r, de- edUlla -e (1. edo), wta.bU, Hor.
termillf; judlrlum, Cle.; tribns, to nominal" tM edliro, I. ro last, endurt, Tac.
t~bt.s out i;il which the jury u.n-t to ~ clwstn, Cic.;
ahquem s1h1 socrnm in, etc., ro propose, Cic. ; (')') idiirus -a -urn, wry hard.; plrus, Verg. :
to wnmand; ederct consul quid tier! vellet, trausf., eduro ore negare, Ov.
Liv..; partic. s~bst., edlta -orum, n: commands, i:etlon -Onis, rn. ('HnU...,). fathfr of .A.ndro-
Ov. , 4 1 ro bring abaut, cause, furnish ; a, ru- 'f!!CU:M, prince of Tlu!lxu fa Cilicia. Hence aJj.,
inas, C1c.; annunm operam, to strvt for a year, Eitlc>neu -a -um, of or belonging ro &lion.
Liv.; magnam ('lledem, Liv.; b, or magistrates, effarclo -feral -rertum, 4. (ex and farcio), i.
to provide gama for the Pfoplt; ludos, spec- ltujf full; intervalla grandibus saxis, Caea.
taculum, Tac.; I), of time, ro clou, bring to an
t1'd : vit&m, Cic. effatum -1, n. (n. of partic. Of eft'or), 1, aJI
announument, pndiction; fat.idicorum et vatum,
. id0o~o -d&·dl -doctum, 2. to teach, instruct Cic. ; 2, an aziom., Cic.
'1wroughl11, to inform.fully; generallv with douhle
ace., juventutem multa facinora: SRI!.; with . t?fl'eotlo -o~is, r. (etftclo),. 1, IJ dQin~, pnl&
relat. 41ent., quosille edocuerat qu11e fleri velleot tl$tng; art111, C1c. ; 2, an. tj7icW1U oawe, Cic.
C11e11. ; with infln., omnla venalla hahere edocuit' effec~r- -oris, m. (eftleio), OM who prod-,
Ball.; with acc., ot' things, ornn!a ordine, Liv.; or1guu:itu; eft'ector mundl molitorqne
freq. In partlc. pert. pass. with aec., edoctus de1:1s. Cic.; o! things, stilus optimua et praestanL- belli, Liv,; of abstractions, with ut and iss11uus d1cendl elfector ac m11gister, Cic.
the l!Ubj., edocuit ratio ut videremus, etc., Cic. effeotrix -tricis, f. (effector), lht that rowu.
ideno, 1. to MUI out 1Cith 11n to brtng into or produet.1 ; terra die! noctisque effectrix, t..:ic.
Mape, oomplae; f:lUod jussel'all edokvl, Cic. 1. effectu -a ·um, partic. or effteio.
8'Umo-d~mdl-d6mitum, 1. totatM~hl~. 2. e1fectu ·ill, m. (eftlcio). L Act.. dci11.g.
eft' 187 eft"
•.rf.:tl'lt{I, tm"Ulforl, performant~: 1. ~n., t'Onatns birt~ to voung), trtal-eMd, t:t1ia11.tltd, e/ftit.:
ta:n t.rajil'lendarum A!plum et effoctns, corpus, Cic. ; vi res, Verg. j lnnu111erfa eltt'tns
Ll-r.; In effectu esse, Cle.; postquam Ad r.lfectnm laniger annls, Ov.; eneta \·eri aenectu11, in.-
operls Te11t11111 tst, Liv. ; 2. eHp., tl1e working; capabli of truth, Verg.
qu:irnm (herban1111) caui1mn ig1vn'are, vim et efflci.cltaa -lit la, r. (emcu), e.lfmev, ~cy,
elfrcturn vilfcres, tic. IL l'ass., eflut, con- Cie.
!'~titnr.; efftctns elc>qt1Pntiae c~t 11111lic11ti11m
ipprobatio, Cic.; sine ullo elTel'tu, Liv.
e«Icaclter, adv. with compar. and anperl.
(l"lfknx), tffutively, tj/i.caciou.al11; Id acturoe elfi·
etremln&te, a.iv. (e!l'eminalus), 'ffeminntely, cacins ratl, Liv.
Cie. eft1cax ·Ads, rtdj. with compar. and snperl.
etremfnatus-11-um, p. Mj. with com par. nnd (f'flclo), t.ftctit'l!, tffid,(nt, tfficacW!u; a, or things,
lllp.!rl. (lri1111 elftmluo), fJft1n.i11.aft, wonurnish.; i;cicnti11, Hor.; with n•I, quae maxi111e efflcaccs
e••qJ(lra, Liv.; (Jpiuio, Cic.; elfemlnalissimus ad mulit·bro ln;;enimn r.recea sunt, Liv.; wit.h
l!n:,ruor, Cic. in and the ab!., In qu1b11s (rebus) peragcnclis
ctremlno, l. (ex 11n<l reml1111), 1, tom~ into e .. utinuatio ipsa efficaci~!rirna f'ts.~t, I.iv.; with
11 lf'tlman; dleminarunt 1'11111 (aerem) Juuoniq11e iutln., amara cnmrum cluere cfficax, Hor.; b, of
Lrilincrunt, Cic. ; 2, to •nal;e tJTt111inl1t~, to wu- per><o11s, Hercules, ac~i1•e, Hor.
talt; virnm ln clnlc1re, Cic.; eftemlnarl coglta- eft1clena -en tis, fl· a<U. (from eftlelo), tfficfent,
tionlhos molli~"i111i!I. t{f"··d ire; res, Cic. ; canAA, tfficunt cause, Cle. ;
eftCritu.a a -um,J.. a.<lj. with compar. and with genlt., cffidcns voluptalis, of, Ci<'~
~upcrl. (1. etforo), td , aavagd; morea ritUSl].UC, effl'.clentor, a•lv. (efficicns), tffic:Untly, power·
Llv.; gr.ntcs, Cle. /ul/11, Cic.
eft"erot'.o, v. elfardo. eftlclontla -ae, t. (cffidens), tJ!lc!tncy, Cic.
efirU.aa ~tis, t (elTerua)., tDildneu, 81ltaf1"· eftlclo ·feel -fectum, 3. (ex and rncio). L to
llll.1, Cic. produet, effect, mak~. A. Gen., 111un.J11m, Ci<'.;
L effcro, l. (efferus), to make wild, 111ake magna'I rerum cmnmutatlones, Caes. B. Esp.,
!!!l!'!l9t.A. Lit., h:lrba et capilli f'fl'1·ra\·ernnt a, to buUd, erect; columnam, Cic.; b, of land,
6JY.'Ciem orls, I.I\•.; t<-narn im111a11ita!.u l>eluarum to bear; pluri111111n, Cic.; cum octavo, eiyht-fol<l,
f!ferari, Cic. B. Transf., a11lmos, Liv.; odlo Cle.; c, of n11111hcr, to make up; pass., eftki,
lr.i.qne elfer:\ti, Liv. come to; ea tribut.a vix ln fenns Pompeii qno<l
2. eftCrO (el'f~ro), exti111, fllttnm, elferre (f'X satls est effici1111t, Ck.; d UI bring togethtr;
and fero). L to ~ar, carry ou.t, brim1 out. A. magnum cratimn numcrum, ~nes.; •luas lrgiorws,
Gen., 1, lit., tel:i ex aotljbns aliculus, Cir.; deam Ca cs.; e, phil11so1•h. t. t., to prove, ahow; 111 i11Uli!
in, Liv.; e>1p., a, IM'dem or Be efferrc, to lnterror.;ationihu~ qnod proposuit efflcit, Ck.;
k:<tle Dl'.t;r/j; pcdern porta. non effcrre, Cic.: b l·X qnibns vult etlln·re, with aec. and in fin., Cic.;
milit. t.t, 1:lfrrrc signa (vexilla, nnna), ro march ita cffldtllr 11t, etc., Cic,; f, to mal;e; Cati·
out; tigna poi tis or ext1a urhcrn, Liv.; c, ttJ et•rry lina111 n>nsulem, Ci~.; hostcs ad p11g11a111 ala·
lot/1t1c11.1-e, bury; alique1n, Cic.; pa~g., e11'.. 1Ti, to ciio1 e11, Caes. II. to lirin.g to an tnd, arcom•
be l,;:,r11e uvt, burnd, Cle.; fig., ingens p<•riculum )II ish, t.reeulc, compfrte ; 1, on me opus, Caes. ;
mantt ne libera respubliCJt efferalur, Liv.; d, sphaNa111, Cle.; hoc Id illud cfficero ut, etc.,
t0Lri119 forth., bmr: ube1 iores frngel!, Cle.; cum Cic.; si111ply efficere ut, Cic.; non t'ffi.-i po!R1>t
tli:cimo, lrn/ol<!., Cie. ; 2, tran!lf., to utter, a, to quin, etc., Cic.; 2, to a« (of a 111.1rcl1),
n:prru; bi graveii sentm1liM in1:on.Jiti, \"erbls q11nnt11111c11111qnc itinerls equitatu rtftcerc 1•otu 0

etr~r1111tur, Cle. ; b to pulilish, nlfrkc bwwn; era!, ra.,~.

al1qni•I i11 \'Ulg11!i, Cle.; ne lias meas ineptias effigies ·~I. f. or efllgla -ae, r. (effingo).
dl'crati~, Ci<'. ; c, se, to $how itself; \"olo enhn se L Lit., 1, an imag', liktnu.f, effigy, portrnit;
~lf~nt in adole~•·ente f.,cundita~, Cic. B. t<> quaed11m effigies spirantis 111ort11i, Ci<'~; hanc
rarry fl1Mi/; 1, lit., ]l(cssi11111 hupctus p!'r hostes 1•ro Palladio l'lllgic111 111.ntuere, Verg.; 2, form,
txtulit :vl cai;tra, Liv.; 2 tra11sf. 1 lo carry &h(lpe; a. simulacrnm dc:te non effigle hunmna,
curoy, ddt>e to; si me elforC't ad glorian1 ani111i Tac. ; b, a sha<U, f]host: effigies, humo umbrae
dolor, Cle. : sc t'ffertl aliquli re (I act it iii, dolort'I, hon1lnnm, Liv. II. nlistract, capy, imitation.,
st11dio, lracun1Wi), to be carried av:ay, Cic. II. image; et humanltldi~ et probitatis, Cic.; elf·
to rafu up, lift ttp. A. Lit., a, scutum 1;uprr igic~ just! im~I ii, ufrnl, Cle.
e&Jrut, Liv.; b, to mn~ to appror: lucem, Verg. eftlngo .finxi ·flctum, 3. (ex and flngo), 1, to
B. Transr., a, lo rrc~: aliqnem 11d 1111111m11111 t11irv 1ff, wipe out: e foro s1111::;11ine111 S[)()ll~iis
1mperian1, Cie. ; b to praYe, extol; ali11uP111 or l'ni11:.:r1 e, Cic.; 2, a, to /orn1, fi1.qhfon; oris
aliqnid la11dilJ11!'J, Cic.; c, effeni or se efferre, linra 111,.nta, Cle.; b, to rtprtswt; (11ntura)
10 pride 011n~lf on, to be p11fft1l up b.11: elferre se speeie111 !ta fonnavit 01i11 ut in ea penlt119
ln'IO!enter, Cic. ; parlle., elalus, pttffed. up; re· ret•nmlitos mon·s 1'1011;.:P.rl't., Cic.; so ttJ txf'l'tU i1l
et>nli Tictoria, Caes.. wortl<i: alic11l11s 111nrt•s, Cic.; c, to imttalt, strtr~
eff'enus ·I\ -urn, p. adj. (from effarcio), 1ft1.ftil to rtach; ilium i111ila11do, Cic.; to conu!ve; ca
/llJI, f111l; nfmlJus t-ffertus tc11cbris, L11cr. effi11g.. nda animo, Cic.
efinta -a -um (ex an<t rerus), t'try tdld, effio -fI~ri, pass. of efficio (<}. v.).
!atajn; r,.da tyranni, \'erg. eftlaglti.tlo -6nls. f. (<·ffla:.,rito), an urgent
eJrervesco -rerbili nn•I -f('rvl, s. to boil up, d,,ma1ul; elflagitatlo ad coemHlam socielakm,
fea14 up, t§eri;uu.. A. Lit., t-a.e aquae, quae Cic.
eft'enescout aubditls ignibus, Cic.: }'net. of the eftlaglti.tua ·11!1, m. (eft!aglto), an. urpent
st.irs, at t.he creation of the worh , to sU'arm. Ttq11tst; coactu atque em11gitatu moo, Clo.
fertfl, ta break 011l into a glow, Ov. B. T11111sr., efftagfto, 1. (ex nn<l llaglto), to ask tarivstly,
&, Puntns annatus, efTer\'escen'I In Asi:uu a 1<1ue dtnumtl, t11lrtat: uostram mlaericol"llllun, Cle.;
mimpens, bur.ting forth, Cic.; b, to r<iae, Cic. ; 11.h ducibus slgnum pugnae, Lh·.; epistola111,
esp. or an orator, to be pauwnale, Cle. Cic.: ut se ft<l regem mitkret, Cle.
dervo, S. (e% and fervo). L to boU 11p or efftigo -fllxl -flictum, 3. (ex and ftlgo), to kill,
oetr; etrervere fn agros \'itli111m1 nmlantem murtler, slay; Pompeium, Clo.
Aet111Lm, Verg. IL ro .tiro;rm/orth, Verg. emo, 1. (ex and fto), 1, transit., to blow '""·
eK"etQa .. •Um (eJt and fetu11, lla1:!11g gfre'I& brtatht out; lgnes ore et naribua, Ov.; 2, lD·
efr 188 ege
t.nnsit., lo brtc&tM.forlh1 Luer.; animam, Cle.; to nn.pty, Hor. IL A. 1, to tArmo down ; &Ii·
extremum balltum, ·w du, Cle. quem solo, Verg. ; esp. of horse11, to throto tlwir
em0resco ·fti'lr!ii, 3. (ex and flore.'lco), lo rldns; efl\mdere consulem anper capnt., ;
b~m.. brmk int-0 blooln, flourish.; hulc emoresc- 2.z. to driw: fortA ; excutiat Teucros vallo atqot
unt genera partesqne vlrtutum, Cle.; sl quldem enundat in aequum, Verg. B. I to loosrn, UC
efllore'4cit (ilia aetas) ingenii laudibus, Cic. go; iterum sinum, unfold the toga, Llv. ; na\ibus
omnes habena.11, Verg. ; 2, to pour, throw: of
eaUlo (fcfh'\o) .ftuxi, 3. (ex and flno), 3. to flow weapon!!, telorum omu\11 generls vis in~en!I etfu5&
out. A. nna cum !mni;uine vita, Cic.; aer eH'luens est In eos, Liv. ; or other objects, primnm im-
hue et illuc vcnto~ etficit, Cic. B.1, to rn11ish.; petum quem fen·ido lngenio et cacc:i irii etTnnd·
tanta est enim intimorum multitudo, ut ex ii~ unt, Liv. ; 3, to stnd furtA (a number of men),
ali'}nis i;otlus emuat qunm novo :;it aditns, Cic.; auxi\ium castris, Verg. ; reflex., 11e etrundere.,
2 a, to tm1ish. out of rhoughf, to be foruottm; middle ell"unrli, to 1trtam fort"lt,, pour f<>rtA;
eiitu~re ex anlmo alicuius, Cl<'.; ahsol., quod cnnctum seuatum, totarn Italiam esse etrusam,
totum efftuxerat, Cic:. ; b, of thought, to bt lost, Cic. ; Celliberi omnes in fUgam etrunduntur,
juil; alical ex tempore dicen ti snlet etfluere Liv. ; 4, to pour forth, git•t fort It; a, or sounds.
mens, Cic.; c, of time, to di~apJJWr; ne elftuat tales voces, Verg.; vox in coronam turbamque
11ef88, Cic. ; 3, w IX•?M to light, btrome k1town;
effuaditur, Cic.; b• of fruits, to bring forth. iw.
efflu1111t rnulta ex vestra distiplina, quae etiam ab1mdana; segetes etfundunt fruges, Cic..; 6.
nd nn~tras aures saepe pennanant, Cic. of property, to :Jptnd., 1qwrn1ftr; patrimoul&
eftluvlum -Ii, n. (etnuo), flowing nut, outld; elfUndere largiendo; Cic. IIL Tni.nsf., A. lo
eonvivium elftuvio lacu:t appositum, Tac. pour out, Ull, (mparl; elfUdl vobis omni& quae
etfOdlo -fMI -foi1sum, 3. (ex and fotlio). L sentiebnm, Cle. ; In a bad sense, omnem suum
to dig out. A. Gen., fcrrum e tem1, Cic. B. vinolentum rurorem in allquem, pour fM1J& cm,
Esp., 1, to gouge out ; uculos, Cic. ; 2, to fnake Cic. B. Esp. refteL and middle, to ghlf! ~
by diggi119, to; .portus. Veri;. IL to 11p to, indulge in; eft'nnrlere se In!"lua lffiidine,
diq up. A. Gen., terram, Liv. B. to l'U111n1age; Cic. ; nlmio successu ln tantam hcentiamque
llomibus elfo~is, Caes. socordiamque efl'usus, Liv. O. I, to Ult, upe11d,
effor (ecfor), I. <lep. (ex and filr). L 0l'n., to ma.kt full u.te of; omnia relpubllcae remedia,
spw.k out, txpre#, rpeaJ.;; verbum, Cic.; nefanda, Cic.; !hi omRlll elfusus labor. ~. \"e4;
Liv.; tum feruntex ornelo ecfatam t>11se Pythiam, 2, to brtathe forth; spiritum extremwn ID vtc-
Cic. IL Esp., A. In logic, to staU a 1m>p0sition, toria, to die, Cic.
Cic. B. T. t. of augury, to fi,x or dcU-rmiM a etfiiae ·adv. with compar. and tmpert (enu.
71/ace; templum, Cic. : partie., elfatus (pass.), us). L ftcr aml 1l>ide; ire, in df$arckr, Sall;
/f.rW., determined by the augurs, Cic. vastare, Liv. IL Trausr., 1, fJ'l'O/ludy, lat>Uhly;
enren&te. lldv. with compar. (elfrenatus), donare, Cic.; 2, u11rtstraiMJly,- imwwdnvtt/11;
wnn.stmiMdty, violently, Cic. exsult.Mre, Cic.
em-eni.tlo ·unis, f. u11bridltd impetuosity; efftialo ..Onis, f. (etrundo). L Act. 1. o
animi impoteutis, Cic. pouring forth.; tutantur 11e atramenti etl'Usione
sepiae, Cic. ; 2, t.rtrat'G!)'antt1 prc)(H41Glitw; hae
effrini.tu.s -a -um, p. auj. with compar. and ll<'cuniarum eH'uslones, Cic.; ansol, llberaiitaten1
SUpe'rl. (from effreno, P. ll!'t loose), 11n- t•ffusio imitatur, Cic. IL :Middle, 1, lit., a,
bridW. A. Lit., equi, Liv. .as. Transf., m1re- aq11ae, Cic.; b, pouring out ofpeapk; elfuaiontW
1trai1~. uncl~ck·ed, vwlnll; furor, cu1•idita.'I, bominum ex oppi<lis, Cic.; 2, tra.nsf., tr11bnu1w:w
homo, Cie. ; elfrenatior vox, Cic. ; elfrenata in· of spirit"!t a«uive Ailaritr; elfuaio anhui in
solentii mnltitudo, Cic. laetitia, \;iC.
etft"enu.s -a -um (ex and frenum), un1>ridltd; etfiiaua -a -um, p. adj. with compar. and
1, lit., equus, Liv. ; 2, transf., trnrestrainru; super!. (elfundo), pourtrl/orlh.. L Lit., 1. ld
amor, Ov. ion~; etfusae comae, Ov. ; etruso cnrsu, at
emingo -fri.'gi -fractum (ex and frango), 1, full 6petd, Liv.; 2,; mare lata
to break opm; fores, Cic. ; januam, Cic.; 2, to elfusum, Hor. ; 3, or soldiers, dilorderlr (in
brrok off; crus, Sall. march), effus-0 ngmine, Liv. ; fuga etniaa, LiY.
etfiigio ·fii1--i -lilgiturn, 3. (ex and fugio). L II. Tra.nHf., &, ulramgc:nt; in largitiooe., Cic.;
Intra11Hit. ,to jiu, fly au·ay, f'Scape, get off; e praelio, b, u11rtslrai1ud, immoderate; licentia. Liv.
Cic.; a qnilms (ludis) ,·ix vivus elfUgit, Cic. eflUtlo, 4. {ex and " fntio, from root, FUD,
IL Transit., to e,sca7ie from, aroid, jiu jram, FUT, whence fundo, futilia), to l:lab out, cAatttT;
$huti; equitatum Caesaris, Caes.; alicuius impias aliquld, Cic. ; de mundo, Cic. ; abeol, ex I.em·
manus, Cic.; with ne 1uul the subj., propinquae pore, Cic.
eladt• nrbis ipsi, ne quid simile pat.erentur, etfug- eatituo -ili. 3. to aquander i11 dtba~
erunt, Liv.; me etfugit, it t:11capts ~. e.scapa Cat.
my obseri'<ltion, Cic. egelldna -a ·um, 1, with tile chill off, lv.u-
eft'Uginm -Ii, n. {etrugio), 11 flyi11g away, warm, ttpid; tepores, Cat. ; 2. cool, IOmnrhat
flight. I. Lit., Luer. II. Meton., A. an out- cold; ftu111cn, \"erg.
let fvr flight; si effu~ium J>at.ubset in puulicum, cgens -entis, p. aclj. with compar. autl
Liv. B. the mean.a or opportunity of flight; SUJ>crl. (l'geo), poor, nwly, iruligtnt (opp. locu•
uwrtis, Cic.; effugia peunarurn ha here, Cic. ples); egrns quitlam calumniator, Cle.; with
eft'ulgeo .fuJsi, 2. (<'X and fulgeo), to shine genit., \'Crborum uon cgens, 1t0l tkficie11t in, Cic.
out, (llitrer. A. Lit., nova lux oculi~ effulsit, iSgonna -a -um (egeo), nudy, tro11ting, iii
Vcrg. ; auro, gli.Ua u•ilh go/J, \"erg. B. Tmnsf., nud of; with irenit., omnium egena corpora,
elfUlgellant Philippus ac magnu!I Alexander, Liv. ; of condition, poor; in rebua egenis, po-
Liv. 'l'trty, \"erg.
efl'l11tu.a -a -um (ex and fulcio), resting upon, egeo -t'li, 2. L to 100nt, be (n flttd, be d"sti·
l'UJ>JIOrt~d l1y; Yelleribus, Verg. tut~. be Medy, poor; &, absol., e.gebat ! immo
eff'ando -filui -ffisurn, 3. (ex an<l fundo). to locuplt'-'i erat, Cic.; b, wbtin 11:a11l of somdlting;
ptntr out, p1mr forth, sh,d. L 1, of liquids, with abl., medicini, Cic.; with gex;it., auxilli,
lacrirnas,Cic.; TilJerisetfusu!I superripas, Liv.; Caes. IL Traruif., I (= Clireo), to be withOMt,
imoor en·usus nubibus, Vcrg.; 2, of things not not to hat't'; witll abL, anctorltate. to Mf'f .o
Cluid, to pour 011t, pour forth.; sal"COS nummorum, autlwrity, Cle. ; with genit., c:lassi.I, Verg.; 2.
Bge 189 ela
(: dtsfdero'), to dttlrc, tot..\ /ctr, Wftt; With~ecto, 1. (int.ens. of t\licfo), to lhro10, CllW,
abl., i-ne., Hor. hur 1mt, tjtct; 1, aren&11._favillam, Ov. ; 2. N
lcfrla -u, t. a" Italia" t&VJl&pA, t1l4 iii· wm.Ufortla; cruorem ore, verg.
ltnd,.,, of Ntr1114 Pontpilitu. '3Jeotua -tla, m. (f\llclo), 11 ocuting mil, Luer.
igfro "1"81 -~tum, 3. fQearry, flfar, bring, iJ(olo ·Jkl -jectum, 3. (ex andjaclo), tlJ throw
fl' OtlL A. Lit., 1, gen., tantum nivls, Liv. ; 011', ca&t 01£t, drlwmu, drivt awar, tjtct. L Gen.,
2, ~p., a. to. ca'r!JI off, as plunder, praedam ex A. Lit., aliquem ex oppldo, C&es.; multoa 1ed-
hOlt.iam tect11, Liv.; b dapes, to romit, Ov. ibus ac fortunis, Cic.; se in terrilm t1 navi, Cle. ;
B. Transf., expletur lacrlmia egeriturque dolor, fig., sl quidem bane sentinam huius urbis ejec-
ii updltd, Ov. erit, Cic. B. Transf., a111orem ex anlmo, Cic.
i,..... ·ltia, r. (for egenta11 from egeo). IL Esp., A. t-0 oostforth, tdrer: vocem, Cic. B.
M ilit. t. t., a., to driVI! away: cohortes, Caes.; b
L afmiit potoertv, indigtna, ntt.d. A. Lit.,
111& paupert&8 vel potius egestas ac mendlcitrui, se ejicere, to r11shforth; se ex oppldo, Cae.s. C.
Cic. B. Ttansf., animl, Cle. ll. 1L'ant of. <J,,. to dri11e auuy; a, from house or property, ah·
~MJ in; frumentl, Sall. quem domo, Cic.; absol., dnmnato et ejecto, Cu~.;
of the wife (with or wit.bout domo). to diwra,
igtpo. 3. to product out of, Luer. Cle.; b, t.o banUih; allqnem ex patria, Cic. ; or
Zgnitla (Gnitia) -ae, t. a town fa A1111lla simply ejit'ere aliquem, Cic.; o, to remor111 fm111 a
rw:dia. 11wgi.&tracy, guild. etc.; aliqnem de colleglo, Cle.;
lg~ {<.,.....'), pron. pen. genlt. mel, dat. mihl, e senat.u, Cic. D. Naut. t. t., a, to bring to 1/icn;
acc. me, abl. me ; plnr. nom. DOR, genit. nos- naYem in terram, Caes.; b, in pass., to be o-,.t
tn:nn and n011tri, dat. nob!,,, acc. nos, ab!. no bis, fl.Shere, atraridt:d; classls ad Baleare11 t>jicitur,
l,~plur. M"e. L Lit., 1, gen., alter ego, my 11«011.d Liv. ; Pjlci in litol't', Caes. ; ejPctus, a sh ipwre<"ktd
"'I. Cle.; genit. no!'ltrum partitive and po111es- ~r!lfm, Cic. IC. to throu· o'ltl a dro.d brxly, leat~
llfn, noetrl, objective, Cic. ; 2, esp., nos for unburied; ne corpus ejlciatur, Cie. F. !_, to
ego. nobt. conaullbis, Cic. IL Meton., A. ad stretch forth, th.rust out; linguam, Cic.; ;;::, to
111e, to-, to •Y "°1u;f, Cle. B. a me, fr<Ym my clialocau; armum, Verg. G. to hiss an act<) otr
~#. at •1 ape~: se a me solvere, Cic. the singe, Cic. ; 8fl transf., to reject, di.Japproi~ of;
(ego, etc., atn!ngthened by -met in all casei1 ex· Cynicormn ratio t.>ta est ejicienda, Cle.
cept genit. plur., egomt:t, etc.). ejiUatlo .Onis, r. (ejulo), wailing, a lamtnt-
iuidl'or -greacua, 3. dep. (ex and gradior). o.tton ; ilia non \'irilis, Cic.
L fntranait. JL to go o¥t, J'l!-&!f 011.1: 1 Lit., a, eJiUAtus-ils, m. {ejulo), a tluiling, lamenting:
•cabieulo; b. mlllt. t.t., (•) t-0 kat~ t~ mnh; ejufatus ne mulie1i quidem concc~~ms est, Cic.
~I ordine, Sall. ; ~) to mart'.h out of camp;
e eutrta, Caes., or simply castris, Caea. ; aft
eJiilo. 1. to wail, lament; maguitudine do!·
orum ejulans, Cle.
ll"Olllum, Ca.ea.; b, 1ia11t. t.t. (..)egredl ex navl
or simply aavl, Cic., to diltmbark; 110 egredl In etliro and iJero, l. to refuse or dtny on oath.
~ ac.; absol., Caes. ; (ft) egredi ex p<>rtu, I. Legal t. t., bonam copiam, to ~u'Car that oiu i•
It -" •-r, Cie. ; 2, In discourse, to digrU&; insolrcnt, Cic.; forum slbi iniqunm, provinchu11
I propolito, Cic. B. t-0 go up, cucend; ad sum- sibl iniqnam, allquem (judicrm) iniquum, lo
•hl maatte, Sall. D. Transit., A. ffl go out of: declare by oath th-Ota court or jurlgt ii portial, to
arbem, UY. B. Llt.1 1, to 1"'" beyoru.i: munl- chdllmge, Cle.; magistratum, lmperium, to ruig11,
tioeea,~; I. tnnsr., toortr&Up,pallJ; modum, abdicate, with an oath. that tht duties hat~ btt11
Tic.; to fO Olll oJ; tlneJi, Caea. duly performtd, Tac. IL Trans!., to gfoe up,
abjurr, abandon, duo11m; pa.triam, Tac.
egrigli, adv. (egregiui1), m:tllently, admir·
"'"'!~. 11"flllarlr; with verbs, plngere, Ioqui, Ck ; iJnsdemmCSdl or eJuadem mCSdl (idem
•1th ldjectjves, egregie fortis lmJw>rator, Cle. ; and modus), in th~ .!la!IU manner, Cic.
~e 111btUla llCl'fptor et elegans, Cic. ejuam.~cU or elm m~ (is nnd modus).
iuidaa ·•-um, (ex and gTt>X, lit., not bt· I. of this kind, such; ~enus belll est ejusmodi,
ID-ifftf ~the conu"R.()'71. lm-d). admirabu, uulunt, Cic. II. = it&, so, qu1m1 vlam tensarum atque
~nary, di1t£ng1ti1htd; civi11, Cic.; with pompac rjusmodi excgisti, ut, etc., Cic.
1u and the ab!., Laellus in belllca lautle, Cic. ; ili.bor -lapsus, 3. dep., to{.lid~ out of, slidll
With ad, vir ad cetera egregius, Liv. ; with au-ay from,, 3/ip away. Lit., A. Gen.,
abl, bejlo, Verg. ; with genit., Rnlml, Verg. anguis ex eolumna lignea elapsus, Liv. ; quum
::rt., egregl& -Orum, n. d£stingul$1wt acticas, se convoh·ens sol elaberetur et abiret, Cic.
B. Esp., to slip au1Qy, tscapt; e manibus curant-
ecn-u ·DA, m. (egredior). L a qoi11g out,
dqnrttt.,y: veaU!r..&.. Cfc. ; \·ent-Os c11stod1t et arcet
ium, Liv. ; animi corporibus clapsi, Cic.; with
acc., custodiRB, Tac. IL Transr., A. Gen.,
Atolwi ~'Tl'!;IU, uv. II. A. a landing from a dii;ciplina elapsa ellt de m:mibus, Cic. B. Esp.,
~p, d'-"arkati.on; egressus optimus, Caes. to be acquitted, escapt from puni3h1ntnt, get off;
a plllllllgt 01t'; egrcssus obsidens, T.:ic.; poet., ex tot tantisque criminibus, Cie.
1At .aoitt.\ ofa river, Ov. e!AbOro, l. L Intransit., to labour ho.rd,
ibeu, Interj., expressing griefor pain, ala.'! stri~, takt pai11.~: generally with in and the
llll)f ! eheu me miserum ; often followed by nbl., in ltturis, Cic.; with ut and the r;ul~i .. in eo
q111m, Hor. (l'!heu in epic and lyric poets). quoque elaborare ut, etc., Cic. II. Transit., to
.et. (hei), interj., expressing pain, ah! ll'<>e .' labn11r on, 111or.I; out, tl<rboratt, prod11N!: ca11$11e
ei ro1hl conclamat, Ov. ela.boratae et tanquam elncubratat,
Cic.; versus omati elabol'Rtique, carcjul/11 u:orktd
eil and Jae~ (tio), interj., exclamation of joy out, Ck; as opp. to natural, artifkial; elaborata
t11d IU?prillt', ltallo ! wtll tlun. ! beia wro ! Cie. ; concinnitas, Cic.
!la_ qt, or utbl)rta.tion, quick! cmnt then.! Verg.
ilafo= ~ieio (q. v.).
it1aea -ae, f. (EA.. ia), a town in Aeolu.
il&mentabllle -e, very lamentabk; gemltus,
iJlollor, 1. dep., to tltrow out, hurl out: Cir.
lq1118, Ov. elangueeoo .g111, 3. to btrome tt'fflk, lHI re-
~~mentum -1, n. (t'jl'<·to), that trhich i1 laxed, l>ttume languid; lllienli. lgnavlli, LiT. ;
··-"""' irp; mans, Tac. d!Hcrenrto de.hide elanguit res, Liv.
iJtoUo .QniA, f. (ejicl), banilhmtnt, aile, Cle. ilarglor. 4. to la'UUh, giw lUH'rell11, Pers.
ela 190 Eli
eli.ti, adY. (elatu11), 11• loftily; loquf. Cle. ; llenohu .1, m. (lA~~ot), a pearl petlda-'
2, arrogantly; se gcrere, l'tep. · 100Tll aa an tia.rrlni;, Juv.
Katelu -a -um, o/ or belong£ng to Elalv.t. :ilephantini -es, f. ('EAef><Ll'Tt""f) and
Subst., 1t1n of Elalua, I.e., Catiuua. ile.,,hantls ·t!tlls ('EArt/IClVTit), an islar.d h.
eli.tlo -linla, f. (elfero), l,/fi!71cl, :t0aring: elatlo tli. Mu in Upper Egypt, opposite ~yen&
et maguitn•lo anlml, Cle. i elntio at.que altitutlo
Ol'lltlonls suae, Cit".; 2, mvatioii; p.11ium coin· elopha.ntus ·I, c. (In classic-al proS(I com·
varatlo nee elationem li:d:>et nee aummwlonem, moner than elephas fn ol•liqne cases), a11 cZ..
Cle. rhant; clepbanto belu:irum nulLl prudentior,
Cic.; meton., (wf'l/, Verg.
eli.tro, 1. to bark out, crv out, Hor.
eli.tus ·a -um (partll', or 2. effero), tltvated, llephi.a (-an:;) -J•hantls, m. (<Aitf>Clf). A.
Lit., iJie tltpha'lll, Liv. B. lleton., tli. d~
emlttd: of dlHcourse, verba, Cic.; of tile mind, lltphanliaril, Luer.
animus magnns elatusque, Cle.
EtlviSr ·~ris, 11. a tribula171 o/ thl Liger, now :&leua -A .um, v. Ells.
the Allier. Eleus1n ·lnl.9, t. ('EAwcrlv), 41l andenl cit:r
Elea -ar, r. ('EMCl), to111n fa Lotctr Ttal11 (LRt. fa .Attica, farMW for th• worship of Ceru. alkl
Vtlia), liirlhplna o/ /'arme11Wu a11.f z,,l!Jl, the for tM mysttria thtn cclehra.ted. Adj .. :iieu-
/ou'Tl.ders of tl1t F.Uattclehool of pliil•>$OJ'hJJ. Hence, ainus -n -um, EleuslJUl maur, Ceru, Verg.
ilutes -ae, m. Ztiio,!Clc. Adj.; ileatlous i1eutherlua -a -um ('EAni81pio~), Wll."illf
•& -um, Eltat€c; phllosophl, etc. free. Subllt. I. m. th11 Libtralor, a sumanu of
olectO, lllh". with compar. (electua) cM!cel11. Jupiter. II. Eleutherla -6rum, n. (11!". sacra)
ttlcclly; <li;;crere, Cic. Uu/uthial of J11pikr /,it>mitor, Plant.
eleotfo -onl~. f. (cll~o), r.hola, ltltctlm: &, elevo. 1. (ex and levo). L Lit., to l<ft tlP.
or pensons, senatns elrctionem (legatorum) Gal- raist., elemte; contabulatlnnem, Ca.ea. IL
bae pcrmisernt, Ta<'.; b, or thin~, jndiclum Transf., to lessen; a, In a b:l.<I senllo, to ~tn,
eleetloque verborum, Cic.; lis tr1um cond1ti· {mpairJ disparage: artversarinm, Cle.; T'e8 gest:r.s,
onuiu electlonem fcrre, Liv. Liv.; o, in a !!nod sense, to allwfa:e, ltghkA;
Electra -ae, f. ('HAo'.npCl), l daughter of snspidone11 olTi.nslonesque, Cle.
Atlru, onto/ the l'leiadt3, mctl1tr of Darda111~ by ellolo ·lk!U -lkftum, S. (r.x and LAO .fo). to
J1tpittr; 2, dau.ghfrr of Agamtmnon, wife of allure, entlCil out. I. Gen., A. Lit., 1, hosi:etn
Pylcuk.t, rl1ter of Oruta and /phi<Jtnia.. ex silvlsque, C11e11.; 2, to tnroke t11t
electrum -f, n. (..jAu:rpuv), l, aml•tr, Verg.; ft'TtBl'nce of a god or departl'd 11p!rit; lnfel'flruin
2, a•l c:lloit of gold. and lilloer, resemblin!l amher 1rni111as, Cic. B. to inritt allurt, in.du~;
(II cnfour, Vcrg.
nliquem ad dl~pntand111n, Cle. IL to bri"g
forth to lht li!]lit of day. A. Lit., 1, i:r.n., fcrrnm
1. electus -a -mn, p. 111U. with compar. nnd e terrne c:wcrnis, Cic.; 9, es1>., to pnxl11~ emf.lit!':
snperl. (t>lii.:o), chnsNt, select: a, or pcrson!l, lnpi1lum ictn ll);11em, Cic. B. Trausr., 1, to rln
1n:m11•, Tac.; b, of things, vcrua elcctissima, from, unin; alin." lith;rns ab nllquo, Cic.; 2, to
clloiu, Cle. Bl'arch 0111, find out; CilUAAln alicuius rel, C1c.;
2. cleotus -tls, m. (ellgo), chooring, chofce; sen t"ntiam meam, Cic. ; 3, to awah; mlseri-
nee!~, Ov. co1~1i111n, Liv.
elegana -antiii, adj. with compar. and Eliolua ·Tl, m. (elicio), a .rurna~ of Jl/71itn-,
snperl. (f1•r cligeus, f'rom ellgo), chol~, .tine, 'Mnt, hr, fnnn 11:/wm a hca~11lr 1/gn u ca.Utd f)rtll,
tasltful, cleyant; a, of persons, non p.1rcu!l Lh-.
sul11111, scd eti:1m el~an~, Cle.:. snh~t., clcg- elido -Hsi ·Ileum, S. (ex and l~erlo), to >tril:t,
anks, jh1t /otk, C':lc. ; b, or thm:.:s, ta!lr/ul: t'hrutt, drire out. I. tit., aurl;::Rn1 e <'Um1,
artes, Cle.; c, of omtriry anrl riktion, fi 11e, cor- Cic.; morbum, to trptl, nor. II. fo da.•h to
rect. d•ga11t; ell'g~ns In dkc11do, Ck.; sn\J~t., pieas, shat/er: t1a\'es, Cat's.: aliqnem, Cle.;
ekg:mtl'<1, fiiu orators, Cic. ; epistola elcgant- c.1p11t pccmlis BAxo, Liv.; fig .. nervos oumes
issi111a, Cic. virt11ti11, to break, Cle.
eleganter, 11.clv. with compar. and super!. ellgo -litgi -lectum, s. (ex and le~). L to
(clc<.:ans), tastrfu/1.11, chokrl)!, ntally, tlega.11tly; pick out, to c!too.v, 1elect: ~micM, Crc.; ut de
scriliere, Cic. ; scrihcr(', psa\lcre et 11altAro elt>i;· tribns Antriniis eli;.,'11~ quern velis, Cic.; ex multis
antlus qn~m nccesse e~t, Sall.; Latine loqul lso1·r:i.tis lit.rt,; trlidnta fortasse Vl'T1!11~ Cic.;
elcg:mfisslmc, Cic. hnnc mhl co.11<lenda*' locum, I,iv. IL to ront 011!;
olegantla. -ne. r. (l'll'gnns). a, ta1te, rrff ne- fig., suprrstitlonls stlrpes omni's eli~ere, Cle.
fnP,nf, umc~ tlcwr11re: intPgrit.'li\ ct cll'g:111tia Climfno, }. (ex nnd limcn), lo carTJI OtYr I.he
111icn[ull, Cir.; ele;;antin vitae, (.;ii~; dnclrinae, thrc.;hhold; dicta foras, to blab, Hor.
Cic.; b, of oratory or <lktlo11, urc:u, oorred11€$$,
e/~qa.nrf', 11rnlnr..q; elc;;a11tia loqucmll, Ch:. ; dls- elimo, 1. (ex and limn), to flu off, 8f'nootlt4.
sere11•li, Ck. polish. A., grnciles ex acre ca!A'nA>! retiaque
et ln•11te11s, Ov. B. Transf., to poli~/1, rlaboratt,
elcgi -on11n, m. (f Aryo1). eltgnic WTSf$, Hor. ~rf..<"t; O'Xo,\10" aliquou ad allqucm, Cic.
clcgia -ac, f. {<AtyriCl), a poe11~ written in ellnguls -e (ex and lin;::n:l), 1, $]"cdltl<,
elc![,i-1c v.:rse, Ov. Ci<'.; 2, without tlol[IU'net, Cic.; rnutu.-; atquc
Eloleus -1!1, m. ('EA•A••:r, from iArA<v. the elin!!nis, Liv.
Ba1·chlc cry), a rur11ame of J:ricchu.,, Ov.; hence, Ells -lil!l'I, f. rHAi<). a tnritory of Wt.sUr1t
EUileldes -nm, r. 1Jaccha11tr~. Ov. I'clopo1111cs11s, in 11:hich the Olµmp!c gamu 1«1'f
elementum ·I, n. I. an rli:nunf,1.rst prill· solrnrniud; hence adj., 1, Elena -a -um and
ciple, Plln. ; oftener In plur.,\Ci<'. I Trn'rlsf., :ii:lius -a ·Um, Elean, Olympic: amnlll, the
plur. (')ementn. A. tJ,,, feller~ nf the ol1°lu1l,rt,
Al1•hM1$, Ov.; 2, El.els -lill~, r. Eleau; 3,
111<1 the alrh<il•et it.':t'l/, 8uet. B. the rw.fi111ents
or elemtnt•; a, in rewiing C\r writing, pucrns r.
:ii:lla.s -idi11 1 Elcan, Olympic; equn, a hant
!lemcnt.a docere, Hor.; b, tht tlen1.<nls of an11 t'tl11t1.i11g in tlie Oly111pic ganl(I, Verg.
11Cie11ct or art; loq11e1111i, Cic.; c, the btginning1 iJ.lasa (tlisa) -ae, f. ('EAiO"va.), nomt
of other thing•; prima Homae, OY. of Dido.
eli 191 eme
illx ·Ich, m. (ellclo), a dtep /uf'TOUJ, lo wUA- mon~ ut deduct us In aequor, Ov.; flg., Illa lnh<-9
iraw 'ltlOUlur1frorn tlui roou nfplo.nli, OY. atquc eluvics clvit.'\tis, impi,rUy, Cfo. IL Palls.,
illxua -a -um (ex nnd lix), boiud, Hor. l,fillh; siccarecluvi•·rn, Juv.; 2, a pudclle, po11.d;
ellebOrua (hellebOrua) .f, m. (JA>.lfJopo~ in Jlroxima eln\'ic pucros exp1•rmnt, Liv.
•nil <u..•fk>poi'), aud i:•·n. ell6borum (hell«S- eliivlo -6nls, f. (cluo), a" foundation, Cle.;
b6rum) -1, n. lulltllore, n plant suppo!!ed to plur. n•1u:irum eltl\'ione.~, Cic.; eluvlonea et ex•
b,, a 1'1'111P-<ly for m:11I ne~"
; ex1•ulit ellel>oro IDOr· ustiones terr,1ru111, Cic.
huru uikm•1ue meraco, Hor. -mUdi11, t. ('EAvµ.<1ff), a Prrsia1'
iloco, 1. tc ut, let 011 hire; fund um, Cle. di:slrict to the u-cst of the prt3e11t prod nee of fra7'.
filocutl'.o -oni~. f. (eloqnnr), oratorical CU. .Adj., ilYm.aeus -a -um, El11inMan.
U~ry. tlocutwn (= ~pO.a&f), Cic. iii:lylllum ·Ii, n. ('If.\,;,,-,o.- •rn5iov), Elysium,
elogium ·II n.1, a 1/iort manm, npophl1"f1111; the abode of tlia blalied; hence 11dJ., i:ljslus;nis, Ci_c.; ; an \nscrip!lon cm a gmwA~11.e, .a -um, Elysian, cam pi, Verg. Subst., El.Ysll,
tr••.aph, C1c.; D, a cla1U11 m a wUl, a codicil, m. the Elysianfttlds, Mart.
eloqnens -e11l111, p. adj. with compAr. amt Qm. !11tcrj., lta/ indeed/ Cle.
sut"'rl. ~troin eloquor), elo']11t11l; omnlum elo- imancipo (emanciipo) 1. I. to rtlea~e or
quenri<~1111i Ti. et e. Sempl'(Jnii, Cio. t1na1i.ci1'afe a so1i from tits patria potcstas, Liv.;
il~uentla -ae, r. (eloqucn3), tlt• art of II. A. to tranefer a ~" to the pou·tr o/ a11nther:
rpm.king wt/I, eloquence, Cic. 'tilitUn alicul In a•loptlonem. B. Transr., to
m~ OtYr, giw up, tra114fer; e1t1anclp;1tu111 esse
i10qninm ·Ii, n. (cloquor), I rXJ>rrssion nf r.lkul, Cle.
fll0tl:Jhl,1pnrh; tnlit eloq11iu111 iuso{!tmn fnc1111rlii1.
p11eceps, I for.: 2( eloqurnce; 'llll licet elnquio (ex aud mano). A. Lit., to flow out,
lhlt1111 qnoque ·Ncs ora vi neat, Ov. Luer. B. Tra11sr., ll to ariu, 11pring, emanatl
from; alil quoque a!lo ex Conto 1•rnl'CP.ptorea
e.t6quor (ex-llSquor), -l<ici\tns (·l&iul\tWI) clicendi e111a11averunt, Cic.; 2, to sprewl almxul;
litlm 3. dep., to ·~ out, 1ay out, er:prt11; id a. 101111\ quae a Lacednemoniis 1•rofcl'ta eman-
quod se11tit, Cic.; cogitata praeclare. Cic. arunt latlus, Cle.: b,t or speech, ne per O•>S lti>t
~ilorua (Belirua) -1, m. ('E.Wp~) and ~ermo tmn emanet, t;ll'.; ronsilia tua cmanare,
Elorum (Belorum) .1. n. fE>...,pav), rittf' Liv.; Coll. by ACC. anti iufin., Liv.
im IM east coast ry .'iiMly a1"1 a tovm o/ th. IClml :itnUlthXa. -ae, r. ('Hµ ..6i',.) an o14 Mnu ffYI'
114111. Adj., 1, Elorius (BZ51.) -a -um, qf or Mawtoiiilt., Vt•tg.; a dlstrkt ~J Alaetdonw, Liv.;
~1111 ro Elor111; 2, :ilorinl ~rum, In. in- poet., Thu..<aly, Vc1-g.; beuce adj., 1, :&mA-
Mhita11t1 of thl town. thlWI •& -um, F.mathlan,; du:r,
J:lpinor -llris, m. ('E>.~.,...p) °"' o/tM com- Aluandtr, Ov. ; 2, EmAthta -Idle, t. Maoe-
Jllltii<nu of UlyMtl, ~hungtd by Circt fato a hog. dcnian.; Emathidcs, IM .Musu, Ov.
iluceo -lmd, 2. (ex and lncen), to btttmforth, ematiireaco -tnrul 3. A. Lit., to btc<mU
L\illl 0111, !llitltr. A. Lit., splcndl·li~sirno eand- ri7ie, Plin. B. Trnusr., to becoiu mild, b•
ore inter ft.1111mas elucens cln•nl11R, Cio. B. sojlt'Md; ira, Ov.
Tran.~r., q•111e (scintilla lngenil) jam tum eluctliat ·l!ci11 (emo), fond of buying, Cic.
In pneru, Cic.
emblem.a ·ltis, n. (rpfJ>..11,..... ). 1, in!·1i<l or
iluctor, 1. dep. L Jntranslt., to •IT1l{lqla mollflic ""irk, ap. Cic.; 2, ruiwl or rr.lirf orua·
o•t, bunt forth.. A. Lit. a1ua eluctnbitnr me11t1, Cic.
mnnil, Verg. B. Transf., velut e!lwtnntla \"crl.a, embiSllum ·II, n. {;,,.fJoA&o.-), a dramatic
Ta.c. IL Tru1111it., to struggle out of, IUnnmLnt fotalud~, Cic.
11 diJlailfJI. A. Lit., q1111111 tot ac tam vallttae
manua elnclan<hle essent, Liv.; nivea, Tac. B. emendibWs -e (emendo), that may bl
Tr.lnar., lncorum difficultates, Tac. amen.ded; error, Liv.
iliiciibro. 1. to cmnpt13e by lampliflhl; c:mue imendi.ti, adv. (emrndatus), tXWTecll11.faUU.
diligtnter elahomtae et t.111q11a111 elucnbratne, ll&ll1/; }•urn et emendute loqul, Cle.
Cle. Dep. form, elucubror, 1; eplstolam, Cle. imendi.tlo -<lnis, f. (emendo), imprownunt.
iliido ·lillli -ln-,11m, 3. (ex an<l ltulo). L In- rmwdutwn, amendiMnt; coirectio i•hilosophlae
trauMil, t<1 1lruh. forlll, play (of the waves or the vctcris et rmrndatio, Cle.
sea); fpsum Ht1k1n 111are sic ternun RJIJ•etens imendii.tor -<lrls, m. (emendo), a11 amende,-,
liturihn• elu<lit. Cic.; qua llnclns elutler~t, corrector; quasi emend11tor 11ermnnls usitati,
Cic. IL Tra111>)t., l to parry a blow; nbsol., Cle.; emend:•tor nostrau dvitatis, Cic.
quasi rntlib111 ei11.: elu.~it or.ttio, Cic.; 2, to ct.'lllie, emendii.trtx -Iciit, f. (emendator), 1l1c who
lf'!I to t<o•1~; pn~nam, Liv.; 3, to mock, rldicv.le, corrccl:1oru11i.-111ls; \'itiorum emendatrkcm ltg.·m
1..k; 11liq11cm oumibus cont111ncliis, Liv. csso oportet, Cic. : o pT11eclaram emendatrlcem
iliigeo -luxl, 2. L Intransit. 1 to1iwm·n for vitno poclicam, Cic.
l•J one diuing tM ~ pertod, Liv. IL emendAtus -a -nm. p. 11<\l. with comp:ir.
Trnn.•it., to mourn for; patrlam, ap. Cic. and Huperl. (from eme1ulo), fru from mi.<t<1ku,
ilumbla -e (ex and lumbus), weak {n tM fuultle.•s, J>trftct; a, int.. llectually, locutio, Cic.;
lol111; tra11l!r•• of orators, wtak, ftt!.le; T11c. carmina, llur.; b, morally, mores, Cic.
iUio -hli, 3. to · out, wrish clw.11, imendo 1. (ex and mend um), to fru from
ri~, clro11u. A. Lit., corpus, Ov.; t111t1b'ulncrn, trro1 $, tnien.1, conwt, improt-e; a, lntellectnnlly,
Cle. B. Trans<., to tlXISh uwa)I, 'ffa..:,, renwr~, 11lic11ius nnnales, Cic.; b, morally, civlt.'\klll
'Jdril.tof; nrncull\9 fnrtorum,Cic.; crimen, Ov.; Cic.; couscius mil ti sum con·lgi me ct emeudarl
amicitla,. remisslone usus, grudual111 ~n, c;1stigalio11tJ posse, Liv.; C•>11snet111linem vltl·
Cle. osam, Cic.; res It.ilias lt>gihu~, Hor.
ilitna ·• -nm, p. adj. with coinpnr. (from imentlor -itns, 4. rlep., to devise fal.tel11,
eluo) •rnWd out, 'ID<JUry, (MfpW; irrlguo nihll co1111trrft•il, falsify, prcunJ; au~picia, Cle.~
eat elutius horto, Hor. fnlsa naufra~ia, Li\•.; with acc. and iuftn., eo
il~Vfes -ef, f. (elno). L MM<lle, a washing me benelicio obstrictnrn es.qe ementlor, Clo.;
1et1r, iaiindation, ft<JOd; maria, Tal'.; eluvie a~ol., to make false statementa; in aliquetn, Cle.;·
eme 192 emo
partlc. perf. (pus.), ausplela ementit&, Cle. ; emlnus hastJa aut com minus gladiis utl, Cle.;
neut. plur. snbet., ementita et falsa, Cle. emlnna pugnare, Caes. ; 2, at a diltantt, frora
imerfo -di -ltum, 2. and imi§rfor -ltus, 2. ajar, OY.
dep. L ~t to duenie, foll by inHn., Ov.; b, to imiror, 1. dep., to toOlldtr at at.Wdi719l1, be
~Kl"'f)t weu of a pn-wtl; aliquem, Ov. IL to aston.Wled at; aequora, Hor.
«rvt; stipendia, Liv.; partle., emeritus, a imlnirlum ·Ii, n. (emltto), aa otdlrl Jar
that luu urvtd hi.a Cime, a wtttan, Suet.; transr., wain, Cic.
old,«i; aratrum, Ov.; pass., annuae operae im•eirlua -11, m. (emitto), a~" st11t
emerentur, Cie.; tempus emeritum, ended, Cic. Otlt to gai"'RCt, cm tmf.ssary, a spy, Cic.
imergo -mersl, -mersum (ex and mergl')), s. imlufO ..()nlll, f. (emitto), a Mnding forlA;
L Transit., to tnllM to ri.ftl up; emergere ae or 1, of missiles, baliatae lapldum et reliqua tor·
emergi, to riu 11p, tfMTgt. A. Lit., serpens se menta co graviores emissiones habt,nt, quo snnt
emergit, Cle. ; emersns e tlumine, Cle. B. Tran sf., contenta atque adducta vehementius; 2, lt:tting
to fru 011ue(f, Co riu; emergere se ex malis, lOO$e ; anguis, serpentis, Cic.
Nep. IL Intransit., toc<>mff!YT'th,eot1-uup murat.
A. Lit., equus ex ftumine emer11it, Cic. a Lit.,
1, to tdrioo.U <mtsel/, get cUa.r, tnW!T(1t; emergere
imiuua ·tls, m. (emitto), lending /orlA,
exjudicio peeulatus, Cle.; ex paternis probrisac imltto -mis! -miasum, S. (ex and mitto). L
vltiis, Cic. ; 2, to oo~ to light, apfHXZT; emergit to send forth. atnd out. A. Gt"n., equit.atus pa·
rursum dolor! Cle. ; ex quo magis enrergit, quale bulandi caud emissus, Caes. B. Esp., 1, milit.
ait decorum i lud, Cic. t. t., to M"nd out against an tntmy; cohortes ex
iJni)rftuJs •& •Ulll (partic. of etnereo). statiolie et praesldio, Caea. ; e~u!tefl In host.em,
Liv. ; 2, a~ to drive away; altquem ex domo,
6m6tloa -ae, t. (i,,.mtj), an emttic; ap. Cle. ; b, to /lurl forth; in ftnes eorum,
Cle. Liv.; 3, to und forth from 01tutl/; si nubium
imitlor -mensus snm, 4. I. to mta.Jure out. confllctu ardor expresst111 se emiserit, id e55e
A. Lit., spatlnm oculis, Verg. B. Transr., a, to tulmen,.. Cic. ; varlos sonltus linguae, Luer. ;
pass oi·er, trauru; una. nocte aliquantum it:Rr, 4 1 or nuld11, tout forth; &q!Jam ex lacu Albano,
Liv. ; partic. perr. pa~~ .• toto emenso 11patio, Liv.; lacum, to draw ofl, .C1e.; 5, or a book. to
Caes. ; b, to JXl.'8 thro11{1h a spau Q/ ti77Ul; trc11 p•; ai quando aliquid dignum nostro nomine
princlpes, lirt thrcrugh thr rtiqns of, Tac. ; partic. P;:!;simus, Cic. Il. to let go, Id lC><JIM. A. Gen.,
perf. ll&llS., emensae in lucem noctes, Ov. z::.;. :, Lt., aliquem noctu per vallum, Caes.; mano
to mMsuri1 out, btstow; ego autem voluntat.em ,,:·;.. ::, Cne,;. ; 2, traosf,, aliquem de manibus,
tib1 profccto emetiar, Cic. to lrc-.141>. Ck. ; emis..o;a de mauibus res est, Liv.
im!to (·me.~st1i) -messum, 3. ro reap, mow; :$. Esp., l, itt ~he circus, to start, 11tnd au-ay;
pluM frnmenti, Hor. quibuscum !anc;:c<-:71 e carccribus emissus sili,
emfco -mlci11 -micatum, 1. to ~ng out, leap Cic. ; 2. a, to ld out of prison; aliquem e or de
forth, appror qtdcUy, dart Jorfll. LA. Lit., I of catcere, C1c. ; b, tc let go; angu('m, Cic.; ah·
lii;:htuing, flnme, etc., flllmma emicat ex ocn,is, quern l'X ohsidione, Liv.; aliquem 11ub jugum,
Ov. ; 2, of water, blood. etc. ; RC&turigines fl) send umie.r tilt yoJ.:e, Li\·.; legal t. t., of Rlaves,
tenue.i emicant. Liv. B. Transf., a to brr,ik aliqucm manu, to fret, Liv.; or a debtor, libri
out; alieui 1'8vor emlcat, Tac.; b, to ~iine forth, et aere libemtum emittit, Liv.
be di.stinguiaJwl; Inter quae verba forte 111 emo, emi, emptmn, 8. to buy, purcha11t. A.
emicuit decorum, Hor. IL 1 of weapons, Lit., domum de aliquo, Cic.; awes ab aliquo,
missiles, etc., to whiz forth; tefum excu.ssum Cie.; with abl. or genit. (1"ith adjectives am\
velut glans. em_lcabat, Liv•.i...!I• or persons, to pronouns). or price, emere grau<li pe~unii, Cic.:
jump out; m htus, Verg. .U.L t-0 nuh up; 1, magno, dear, Cic. : parvo, ch«J.p, Cic. ; e111t>n1
or things, in superos ignes, Ov.; 2, or persons, domum prope dimidio cariusquam acstimab."ttur,
to juml! up; 11010, Verg. · Cic.; hene, chrop, Cle.; male, dtar, Cic.; min·
imlgro. I. to rtmOV!I frrnn. a place, U"(lnder oris, cMa.prr, Cic.; pluris, dearrr, Cic. ; bo11a cle
forth, migrau, emi~l"llU; hue ex illa domo prae- aliqua duobus millibus uumm1lm, Cic. 8ub6t.,
toria emigrabat, Cic. ; domo, Caes. ; transf., e emptum -i, n. '1~ conlract Q/ /lal~; ex empto,
vita, to dU, Cle. Cic. B. Transf., to bribe, buy; judices, Cic.;
emlnens -entis, p. adj. (from emineo). A. emptmn judicium, Cic.; emptadolore volupt.'ls,
Lit.. proniinent, projecting, lofty; promontorla, Hor.
Caes.; ocull, standing out, Cic.; genae leniteremi- emOderor, 1. dep., tr> IRO<UrciU; dolorem
nentes, Cic. B. Trans!., iUustriou.s, distingu~hed, veruis, Ov.
tmi1urnt; oratores, Tac. Bobst., iJnlnentea im04ulor, 1. dep., to ri"fl, praUie '" Writ;
-!um, m. remarkable ptrS011$, Tac. Musam per undenos pe<ies, Ov.
emlnentla -ae, f. (emineo), a, r:.otubtran«,
pmminence; nee habere ullam sohdltatem nee
em~llmentum = emolumentum (q. v.).
eminentiam, Cic.; b, i.n painting, th4 lights of a emolllo -ivi -ltum, 4. (ex and mollio), "'
soften. A. Lit., tundas et 11menta, Liv. B.
picture, Cic.
, imhleo -mindi, 2. (ex and mineo). L Lit.,
I. to projtct, stand out ; ex terra nihil cminet
quod, etc., C1c. ~ eminentibus oculis, with. pro-
mores, Ov. ; b. In a bad sense, to
ate; exercitum, Liv.
Transf., a, In a good sense, to flutl.:emild, 6(1jteii;

jtcti.1111 eyu, Cic. ; jugum directum eminens in imolmnentum -i, n. (emolior, to trork 011t),
mare/ Caes. : a. or the lights of a picture, to lJ. 'ffort, labour, t.ttrtion, Caes. ; 2 1 the roult oJ
tgort, gain., advantage; emolumeuto ease, Cic.;
ltaM out; magis Id, quod erit llluminatum,
exstare atque eminere videatur, Cle. IL Trans!., ·emolument& rerum, Liv.
1, to, btoonu tri.rible; tot.o ex ore crudelitas emonk. 2. t9 warn, admon.uh; aliquem ut,
eminebat, Cic.; eminente animo patrio inter pub- ete., Cic.
licae poenae ministerium, Li"'·; a. to be oonspicu· imirlor -mortttus sum ·m<Sri, dep., Co die.
mis, rtmarkable, emin.tnt; Demosthenes unus A. Lit. Of persons, pro aliquo, Cir,. ; non mw·
eminet inter omnes in omni genere dicendl, Cic. ; erabiliter, Cic. ; per virtutem, bravtlr, Ball.
tantum emlnebat pel't'grina virtus, Liv. B. Trans!., to ~; laua emori non potest,
im.llll., adv. (e and manua, opp. commlnua), Cie.
1. tnllit. t. t., at a«, from a dilta~: imh" ·JPClYi -motQw. 2. X. eo 1110W
191 eno
- . . . , , .-o111. .&.. Lit., multltudlnem e 911ualON enecU, LIT. i ~ aect.aa
t!M, Liv.; aUqaoe 11enatu, Liv. B. Tran11t., tra.lere, uhtrtU1Ud, Cle.
lnl7lUI dlrtitl, \'erg. IL lo 1~, dlalUr; muroe enervatu.e .. •utn, p. adj. (eneTYO), ~
l'llll•, Vers. attd, J'<NM'f'lrM, a. of pel'llOna, Clo.;
J:mp6d6clea ·la, m. (E1o4 .. ,&.A>if), a p>et b. of Lhlllf(a, mollh1 et enerTata oraUo. Clo.;
.,.,1 I;/"''..'"''"" o/ ..tgrigc·nfom; heuce a•IJ., eaervata rnulielirtaque 11ententia, Cle.
Empodaclell.9 ... -um, Emptdocltnn; sangui11 enervt.a -4' (eic and nervu.s), ~ ..,.,_..
(ai·c. Lo the d..,.·trfne!I of F.mpeclodes), Ul.e «nd, z.a, -ik; orator, Tac.
Uc. 8ubat., Empid6olia -<>rum, n. tl&e c&oc- enervo. 1. (enervte), to ttlUkr ~. ~
lr\IMI of E"'Jlftluclu, l..'ic. las, fjfem.i.11JJU, to eMniaU; of age, aliquem, Cte.;
empirloua ·I. m. (i" ..."', ca" "MCieMifl.c or ale!"P• wine, etc., Liv.; bellum, Cic.; nt eaen·
~'i<ill, nllpirU:, Cle. etur or:itiQ compositione verborum, Cic.
&mpc;rlae -I.rum. t. ('~1r0p~), '°""' '"Engf6n -1, n. (" EY'f"°"'), Cl toum in S(celr;
H'-/••11•·• ·r.i~. oolon1 o/ tu P~M, beuC6, Englilnus -a ·um. q/ or ~"f fill
DOW ........riaa.,
8mpOriWD .(! D. (/,.,.,.6p,ol'), 11 J>'larAO/ t'ffldt,
1111.rt, tlllpo-r\16•; et frequens emporium,
enlco = eneco (q.v.).
I.Jv. enim. couj. (from 11 and Dam), for; 1 0 to
eJtj'l1un a previous 1tt.1tement or word, de cor·
emptlo -{)nht r. (emo). A. a bu11\ft9, JY!tf''- pu~c11lorum (ita enim ap1iellat atomo11) con·
tb•"9; bfta fa~ et 11imulata emptio, Cle. cul'llione fortulta, Cle. ; olt.<'11 whne a 11entence
B. Metoa., 11 J*~; l'ronnu e1latia emption· la to be un•lert1tood, tum ~ocrat.ea, nun enlm
Ibo. nallam deaidero, Cle. parul11tl mihl revocantt, ~ not to be~
&p. Ta.e.

emptlto,, 1. (t:req. of emo), hf "J', lo buy, at /or, etc., Cle. ; 2, to 11trengthen a prev1ol18
statement, fnllr, ceriai1'l1; In his 8tlt enlm
emptor -6rta. m. (emo), Cl Piuyn-, JNrcNutr; ali111ia ¥"Curit&a, Cle.; with other couj., at enlm.
1111pc... r fuudl, Cfc. ; e111ptore1 bonon1m, Cle. ; 11eu euim, l>t1t tl1nt, Ck. (e1ii111 generally the
trural., <iedecorum pretioaua emptor, Hor, 11ee1•1t•I or third word In it.a clau11e).
imulgeo -mul1um, 2. to 1"Uk °"'; poet., ~nimvero, 1, to ,,. - . . omahal1, Clo.; I.
llu..t., a..1lrai" '*'• lo ezhaut ; paludem, Cat. bul l"'lu.d; 1tronger than at (to introduce &D
imuago ·mun.d ·munctum, 8. (e and otijectlon), Cia.
'111111gu). A. UL, to bl010 the "'*• Juv. B. Enipeua .p411 and .p1os, m. (En•.Vf), 1. •
Ttu1r., a, homo emu.n1·tae nav1s, with a keen rilln' i11 Tllullalaota., .ftovMta in4o IM ..tpida..,;
112111 /rlr' pn-.,.,.S fllvU., llor. ; b, lo clidll, 2, a riwr '" Pi.t'ria, l.iv. -
dtfr-1, ""'""'-; allquem, Hor. inisu.. v. enl%WI and enttor.
im1in.lo -maah1 or ·ml1nll -mQnftum, '· 1, entteo ·di, 2. to tMM md, rl(M /brlA, N
lo_ferti/~. ltrntg~. Mah ¥1/t; locurn, mm:um, glitur. A. Lit., enltet campoA, Verg. B. Traut.,
LiT.; 2, to mab reatfr, pnpan, tlMl.b ~; to be COtl.SJ~; quo In beUo v1rtua enlttdt
lilTU IC paludes, Tac. egregia M. C.tonla, Cle.
in, lnterJ., 1, demonstr. with nom. or acc., enlteaco ·tdl, s. (inchoat. ofeniteo), toglta1"'
lot 6'tAnld I - 1 en ego vaster Ailcaulna, Verg.; 1hi1~ firrth.. A. Lit., eult.eiiclt pulchrinr nmlto.
• qnatuor anlS, Verg.; en Clllltlll, Cic.; ah>1ol., Hor. B. Tratu•(., belltun novum exoptal.Jat,
111, eai tu lil1t1roe eomrnlttu, Cle.; with a11plce, ubi virt1111 enlteKcero 1~111.set, Sall.
ID a1pice, Ov.; 2, ln~rrog.1 en, quiet ago T \"erg.;
With un•1nRm, en WJquarn ruturum, etc., Uv. enitor ·DlllUA or ·nixu•, s. dep. L lntran1lt.,
A. to work one·. war 11p, to •ln.ig(Jlt up, 4UCefld r
inarri.bllls -e (enarro), tAal .,. bt ""'" per adverso,. tluctus lng.. ntl la!Mtre re111igum,
PIUl>l or ialct, Verg. Liv.; In alt\ora, Tac. B. to 1tri1~ 1trvggU!.,
inarro, 1. 1o
10n1111u111, Cic..
..a, tlGn"GU ; enanve alletd make an t§Mt; with ut anti the 1mhj., Cic.; eniU
et conU!n•lt're, euitl et ettice~ ut, etc., Cic. i
inattor ·nitua ltllJl, 9. dep., lo (/f'OVI 0Mt q/, with ne 11.uu the 1mbj., &IL ; puguaro et enltt
lpr\''JI forrA, arlM ,/rott6; lauream ln puppl navi1 ne C1c. ; witl1 neut. acc., quod qui<lem certe
lollpe euatarn, LIT. enltar, Cle. i quid enltl et qui1I etHc·cre po111lm,
Cic.; with l11Hn., &II.; a1.,. ..1., In ali4ua re.
in1lto, l. to l'Wi• /r't>a. ucap« by 11Ci1M1ting. Cic.; 1d t.llct'11dum, Cle. II. Tran>1il,, 1, to
A. L1L, st t'ractia en:itat exMpe1 navihhl', Hor. tn:trifl /Mth., f),,ar ; partua pl urea, Liv. ; 2, to
B. lr.t11:4r., to eztrinll, 0111M(f /rrrM a diJfi•'1uty; elimh ; llfQ(erem, Tac.
rdhj11i lo.1Lere ae videntur ang1111tlu.1; enat.ant•·n, Cic. Oni:Xi, adv. with Comfl&r. Rnd aupcrl.(enfXUI).
w11aly, •trtnu.ofl.jl11, w1/011dy; euixe ali.iuem
inavat1111 -a -am, per/Of"IMd, JtnuW, Tac. juv:ire, Cne ... ; e11ixe opera111 dare ut., etc., Liv. i
inavtgo, 1. L lntran11lt., to ia.U away; enlxe olo<t.are, LIY.
8g., e q111Lu1 tanquam e 11cr11p11!011ia cotiliu1t enixus (euli<u~) ... -um, p. atlj. (enitorJ.
enanzavit ol'lltio, c..:lc. II. Tran11it., to iaU ""nw1u, tlaflC"', ua.lmu; enixo 1tudio, LIT.
twr, lllil lltrMcyh; unJam, l.lor.
Enna Henna (q.v.).
ZnoelAdus ·I, m. (Ey.riAdad. °""
~ fAe Ennlua .11, m. ~ lllOet ~ltbratt.d oft.U a,._
f(al\U, 1"11" f>y th~ ltghln("9 of Jv.pitw, Giid .dugutan poet., bona GI
Rmfifll ill CalahriCI, a.a.
h,Y.I htlltallt. Adl'MI. 2a9, died 1611, tlu! crtator q/ Roman poetry.
endo, •rchl\ic = In. EnnO.lgaeus -l, m. ('Ev"'°uiy(l&Of), tM
eDdromiS ·ld.11. (. (•..&poµi(}, a COMW non.. Eartltil/1uku, 1ur11ttmt q/ Nq>t11.M, Juv.
doa.I: '""'"•I/In'~ in Ul.e l''tlrl'slra, Juv. enol. A. Lit., to woim OMt; 1, e conch&,
Endymion -Onie, m. ('E~11µ'"'"), '°"
q/ Cle.; 2,to uca11t by 111rim11•ing: In ternuu, Uv.
JttMi1u or u/ Zev.1 alld Calyr~. /nthn Q/ A'tnlua, B. Tra1111r., eo flll r111•11.11 ; humetwn &>er
'bW,r;.,/ by S.lnte a1MI taken to M11u1'1 Lat11t.lll i1' geliclllM ..1111vit ad Arcto11, Ver~
C4rill, an./ hulat lo perp«14al 11.«p; appcll., enodati. adv. (enodatIDt), ol.crl11, pl&(Jllr:
• a..a.t~l JIO~ Juv. narrare, Crc.
incco -aocru -nectum, 1. to torrMnt, tort"ri; inodiitlo ~ula, r. (enodo, °"
"~lld.I. •
tit! tucctna Tantalus, Cio.; Came, Crlgore, llluvie, pla rw.l iv 1~, ezpolit ion ; copi tio enodatloD.Ja la-
eno 19i epi
llgen11, .Cle. ; explicatlo fabularum et enodatfo aceln11, to commit a faul.t, Ov.; fre In- dnphnn,
aominum, Cic. to gi1'f! a double pennUy, Cic.; ierat in eauaam
iDOdAtua -a -um, p. ad,.I. (from enodo), frwJ. praeceps, Liv. ; e, Ire per aliquid, to Vo OtW;
from kll.OU, '"', hence, made char, uplained; Ire per laudes tuorum, Ov. B. of tJ1ings, a.
praecepta enodata, Ci<'~ clamor it ad aethera, \"erg.; pugna it. ad J>ed~.
thty figkt afoot, Liv.; . b, to mm-e; nee peg
inOdJ.9 -e (ex and nodm), teithoue knou; pote11t, Ov.; o., of tr.L11s1les, to go, pler~; ut
truncus, Verg.; abies. Ov. liasta, Verg.; a, of Li~ids, to jl.v1~; it narib'"
enOclo, 1. to talu out tM 1rnoU; trnnsr., to ater sanguls, Verg. IL 1, to JXl&i au111; eunt
tnab dMJr, tzplain, UJJl'"nd; nom~ Cic. anni, Ov.; sic eat quaecumque Romana lugebit
in.orm1tl -e (ex and norma), 1, irregular, 11ost.em, Liv.; 2, to go, to happe1~; incipit rn
11n1Wll<ll; Yicl, 'tac.; 2, titry large, tmmenae, inelius Ire, Cic. ; 3 1 to laat; si nnn tan ta quies
cncnwuf; hut.a, gladlus, Tac. iret, Verg.; 4, ire in aliquid, to bt cha1ignl to;
i1l~telt00 -n6tdl, 8. to become known, lit made sani;uis it in sucos, Ov. (perr. it, Verg. ..ftR. ~.
fl'bl~ ; quod ubi euotuit, Tue. 418; Ov. Ma. 8, 349).
emd'.ler .fi!ra -mrum (ensia and fero), 11C<n'd- 2. ff, adv. L Old dat. or is, a, thitht-r, to
harift{I; Orion, Ov. that place; pervenire, Cic. ; b, ao far, to aw:A
a pUch; eo rem adducant nt, etc., Cic.; with
eD9l8 -la, m. a 81D01'd, Liv., Ve1g. genit., eo consuetudinis Adducta res e&t, Lh·. ;
l:la&eJla -ae, t. ("EVTc.Ua), a town fa the eo w;que, to that po£rit, Cle. IL Abl., a, <-it
tftltrior of, now Enhlla. Adj., J:ntol- that accourit; eo quod, Cic. ; e<1 qui&, Cic. ; ffl
lin.Ull ·• -nm, of or btlongfo.g to ut, etc., Cic.; non ~. dico, quo, Cic.; b, with
enthjmima, n. (Cvl~µ.11µ.a.), a syllog~m comparatives, eo magis, tht more, Cic.; c, in •
, fa 10l ic.A OM of tM thru ttrm& u u.1i.aprused, Cic. pla.u; eo loci, at .that very p~. Cic. · -nupsl -nuptnm, 3. to marry out of eOdem. adv. L Old dat. of idem, to tu .!IDIU
cme's rc11k; e patribus, Liv.; from OM tow" to, just so far; eodem mittere, Caes. ; trani;f.,
•ootlwr, Liv. eodem pertinere, Cic. IL, res eat eodem
inuolMH,a1fr.(enncleattU),clearly,plainly, loci ubi reliquisti, in tht 1am.e condition. Cic. (opp. ornate), Cic. iopee = i:o lp:;o.
inloliatua ·a ·Uru, p. adj. (from enucleo), EO. (..j..f,) and io.
("Et.if) (occurs only in
or discoune, ckar, plafo, 111uulor11td; genus nolll.), f. tht rtd of tM m.orlling, dawn; hence
liicendl, Cle. adj., Eoua and ioua ·a -um. btlongi~ to tAe
inflollo, I. (ex ftbd nucleus), to tab out tht morn£11g or bd.onging to the Ecut, taJJttrn. 15ubst.,
ltrncl; tran:1f., acu quaedam enucleata·argu·
111enta, Cic. ; tlulandlta ilia, non enucleata e11so
EOll;S -1, rn.·a, tht ~i~ liar, and n1eton..
tht East t'~ a dwrUer in tht )iast, Ov. ;. b, OM Q,j
aufl'ragi&, givm from oontricticn, frtt from corrupt tht htrrsa of tht sun, Ov.
moH.,.., Cic. ; haec nunc enucleare non It.a ne·
eeae eat, er;plai1' ,,. ddail, Cic. Epi.minonclae -ae, m: ("Ell'1111n....:..&11~), cs
inibaeratio -<>nh1, r. (eb11mt-ro), 1, a co11nt· ultbrottd gentrtil of the TM/Jans, killed '" tAc ko1ir
of victory al Ma11linta.
i"f "'· e1n,IMTalion; 11i11gnlorn111 argument-
orwn, c,ie.; 2, In rhetoric, recapitulation, Cic. epaatUll ·a ·Um (pascor), Mfm "P; · acae,
ini'DD,ro. 1. 1 ro reckon, count up, enu· EpilSa and -eua <iPiua) -1; m. ("Ell't'•ck),
jMrot•; pretium, 'lo compuu, pay, Cle.; 2, to
«11'"' vp, '1l1Ut~ in diltcourae, recapitulaU; son of Pa1wpem, buildn-oftM Trqja" hone.
11111ltit.udinem beneficlorum, Cic. iphebua ·I, m. (i<f.11/Jix), a youth from hi•
in'lllltlatio ..()nis, f. (enuntlo), tnunciation, aixtrenth t-0 hia ttl'tntkth year (generally or
propo11twn, Cic. Greeks), Cic.
en-datum -1, n. (euuntio), a proposition, diary, C1c: .ephimirla ·ldis, r. (t4'1Jµrpif). a jO'llrna/,
inuaUo, 1. 1, to tell, dh-i1lgt, di.9elo~; con· Ephisua ·i, m. {"E<Jl~O"of), one of tM tn!T.e
1111ia Adversariis, Cic.; enuntiare my11teria, Cle.; Tonic totMS fa .Aria Minor, famous for its
stlenda, Liv.; rem Heh·etii11 per lndicium, Caes.; ~mple of Diana and school or rhetoric.· Hence,
with rel. aent., J•lane quid sentiam euuntiabo Bphealua -a -um, Ephu-W.n.
apud Jaomlnes faruUianssimos, Cic. ; 2, to cU· ~phtpp~~ ·• ·Um (ephlppium), protidtd
clar•, announ.ce, trf!rtss in. u·ori:U; a, aliquid wifli an eph1ppmm.
nrbls, Cic. ; b, logic. t.t., to stau a proposition,
lo prtdio&U, Cic. iph1pplum ·i, n. c;<flinra.ov), a h.orit-clatA,
. inuptM> -Onls, f. (enuho), marriage 9\lt of ~i11f, w.ddlt, Cic.; prov., opbit epbippia 00.
r·1ger, optat arare cabellua, no OJW is content w:itA
~·a ~"" co1UlUion; gen tis, out of oru's gtn.~, his cunditi-On, Hor.
l. iphorua ·I, m. (i4'opof), the epltor, a
initrlo ·lvi -Itnm, 4. to Muruh., rtar, bring. Sparta11 magistrau, Cic.
"P; puerum ldeis 11ub antris, O\'.
1. lo. lvi and fi, itnm, 4. (connect.ed with 2. Eph~rus -i, m. ("f~"Po'), a Grukhi.stori.a"
Gr. •?,..•). L to go. A. or livln~ beings, l gen., of Cyme in .Asia Minor,jfourishing about 340 ll.C.
dl>muM, Plaut. ; ad forum, Plaut. ; su~idio Ep~ -ae, and ii>~- -es, rE4>vP<1), r.
suls, Cae!. ; novu vlas, to 11'14ke n jo11-rney in La sea-nymph, Verg. IL·the an.c~nt na111t o/
vuM>ln lands; Prop.; pedibus, «> go b11 land 0rinth; hence, Ephfrilua -a ·um, Corinthian,
Li1'. ; maximla itineribus, to make forr£d march4!8: 'V e!:P·
L1T. ; oubitum, to go to bed, Cic. ; equis, to ride,
Uv.; poppibus, to '"4U ~ *1y04t, Ov.; 2, esp., Eplcharmus ·i, m. ("E ..<xaw.Of). cs pAilofo.
Apadanu, ap. Cle., &n-
ad _Blg'll, Cic., to fly to p'Mr a_ !Id pt>et of Co8, and o,ftcrwa.rrb of SJ1"1'C11'1,
•r-. prtp(.IN for tmr; b, ID eenteoti&tn {with di.w:ipl6 Q/ P~ora.s..
or without pedJbn11), ·io- support a motio1' fn- tM iploliroe .1, f. fE,,.&u'IPOf), "u... B"'-. •
.....,. Cle. ; in alia omni&, to oW<* a moti.m, Mme of a comtdr of Met14n.Ur.
«ltf (• tA.e negat£w, Cle.; o, Ire in aliquem, to iploipus -a ·um <••Urewef), ~ wtcl
~ UY.; a, la poenas, to puniM, Ov. : I" oan ; phallel o.s, Cic.
Epi 196 equ
~ -1, m. ('EirUi:ovpuc), G1' .Atllmian ~pill&rla -e (epulae), rtlalht.g or ......,..,
JlriJMoplw,feu11der oftlu Jo.'picun1tll dool, 11Jhic1' to a w1111iul; 11ccubitio amlcorum. Cic..; aiar(J
Mid &At.If 7.UOsure UU.f the higltut good. Hence l!clnm, Cic.
adJ., i:tfcii.riua (-iu.a) -a -um, Ep(curta1~
eptt.latlo -6nia, f. (epulor), • , • •, .... """"
Snbst., EploUril .{}rum, m. t.U diaciplt• of ling, C..:ic.
Epicvnu, Cic. epiUo -llnl11, m. (epulum), L. • rew&rt
iplou -a -um (e..urck), tpic; poeta, Cic. ; f«11ltr, Cic.; 2, Tresvlri (aud 11ullfleqneDUJ'1
S..ptemvirl l'l>ulou ..,., a college of priau who lad
1-oema, Cic.
chu.rge of the 1aerijicial /ea11t1, Cic.; • almplr
ip{daphna -ae, f., ancl Epldapb.llie, a epnlones, Cle..
~JI.MT .Antiod ill Syria.
ipiilor, 1. dep. (epulae), lo fM.<4, - . L
ip{4alll'09 -1, t. ('E•i&1vpcx), 1 a tow1' '"' tntrnnslt., unil, tn11ethtr, Cic.; cnrn allquo, Oio.;
Dr!IWttia: 2, " toll'n in J.aco1aia: ~. a town in modicc, Cic.; Saliarem In mn•lnm, •1il-W.flr,
Argoli•, v:Aere Auciilapius 1wu worahipptd in the Cic. ; with abl., dapihu11 oplmia, Verg. D.
for-. of e1 let'pellt. A~. Epldaurlu -a -um, Transit., al1<1uem epulandum ponere llleDliil,, C.
J:pidmtrin. Suhst., Zpldaurlu -II, m. ..tu- plau Oil the tablt to be eaten., Verg.
tw/1tpi111, Ov. epiUum ·i, D. a soi'llUl OT Jrnblia ~
e11terlai11111t11I; epuli domlnua, Cle.;
Eplg6ai -<!rum, m. ('E"•yOJIO•), the after-born, ftw1t,
t'pulum populi Ho111a11i, Cic. ; allcul e1•ullllll
""u' of tlu &nm "t1Ri!Ut Tht~, who rt11tu."d the dare nomlne allcnl1111, (;Jc.
wr P/ their ftdlter1 : flaflW of a tmgtd11 oJ Au-
ohliu and of OM of Ac:clus. equa -ae, r. a mar11, Cle. (dat. and abl. plllr.
generally equl11).
iplgramma -1\tia, n. ((.,[ypG#'-/J.0.)1 1 1 Gil in-
a:riptima Oil fM 00.. of a lfatue, Cic. ; 2, an epl- 6quet1 -ltls, e. (equns). L Oen., a AMWllMlt&,
gra-. Cic. ridtr; i1111m eqnitem 11ex dlerum 1i-U• nan.
cnrrla11e loni:ituilinem Itallae, LIT. IL Bap.
ipll6gua -1, m. (~wi.\oyor), a C01M:lulion, A. a harsi-&olditr, (opp. pedes), and uaec1
pmrutio11., tpilog11.t, Cic. collectively, caralry, Liv. "B. eqult4os, lAc
Kplmillldea -ls, m. ('E1r'*'cvlc5itr), a Cretan, knight&, a distiw:l order in the llomall ~
o pt)fC <»IWntp<rrrtrg U'ith. Solon. wwlth, betwun the unau a11d tlv, pltb1, Ole.
Kplmetheus -1!1 and -1!08, m. ('Einµ.,,B•iif), iqueater-atrla-stre (equus). Ll, rtlalft111C.
J! of l>yrrha, '°" ol lapdlU and brother of horsemen and h.orsemw1ship, tqwstria11; atatnae,
l'rmttkta H1>11ce Jl:plmitlds -thl•lis, t. Cic.; 2. rt.lati11g to hone soldvr~ and mw.lry;
(En,u,6ic), da11ghttr of Epimetht111-i.e., Pgrrha., prot'lium, Caes.; pugna, Cic. IL relati"f 14 tAc
knight&; ordo, Cic. ; locu11, Cic. ; censua, Ole.
°"·6p&idlum 1
n. e«ir: and
reda or raeda), Subst., equeater -stris, m. a knight, Tac.
tAt llTUp by v·JuCA a ltoru uw / to a 6qul4em (str1>n1ttl1ened form ol quldem 1ll'
Ctlidt, traa, Juv. addition orcnmonstrative prefix e·, cf. enhu and
ipiru -1. f. (''H..n~), a rountry nff:rttce, na111), " dt'monstrative particle, gtnerallr uRed.
~ Jlac:.ttlmiia, Thesaaly, and the /onU:in Sta, with the fll'fft per11on, 1, iniu,tl, tmlw; nihil,
inquit, equidem novl, Cle.; eqni<l("fll ego, Cle.;
1l4rf of tM prtvut Albania. II!n~e, 1, Epir- certe equidem, Yerg.; 2, In a couc ..sslve aenae,
Glls -e, of E}'iMU; a, :l:pU'otea -ae, m. of course, certainly; with sed, vermn, sed t&men,
(Huipoi~), all Epirotl; 3, :tpiriticua -a Cie.
·um, of Epinu. 6quinu -a -um (1>quus), relating le Mnet.
~ -ae, f. (;,..,OToA>j), a wrttm communi- equine: 11eta, Cic.; nervu1t, Verg.
mtm, ltttcr, epistle: epist.ola ab aliquo, Cic. ; equirla -mn or -6111m, n. (eqnus), AONll-
ad aliquem, Cic. ; epist()Jam clare, to st11cl ojf or raees fa honour of .\fr1r.<, which t()f>k pfo<'l!ttl ~
to atliNf'. Cle. ; epist()Ja G1"1U>cis lit.teri11 con· fa th.t Campu..~ M·irliUIJ, t1'Cry 2ith of F~
ll:ripta. !An. : epistolam lnscribere alicui, Cic. and 14th of !tlarch, Ov.
eplst6lfUJD -Ji, D. (•••0'1'0ALoa-), a littlt letter, iqultatua -fill, m. (eqnlto), 1, camlJ"l (opp.
l!Ok, Cat. peditlltua), Cle.; 2, th.t tipiotrian 01>ler, Ole.
hlti~hlus -H. m. (irnT~•or), a funeral equlto, 1. (eque~). A. Lit., It:> ride 111& fl-Orst.
orcziLm, Cic.. baek: in equuleis, Cic. B. Transr., of winds, to
iplt0ma -ae, amt oplt4Smi -es, t. (Ji:no",;), rush; Eums per Siculas e11uitavit uudu, Hor.
Ill abrid1111tnt, tpitomt, Cit:.
equlil611l!J -i, m. (dim. Of f>•t1111S). A. fl r"'IJ.flf
ip04ea -um, m. a kind of JJalt-u:attr fts'f., Ov. hnrst, colt, qe. B. a u.'OOden rack in Uw lllia,,.
tina ·&e, f. (eptUI l'flllllS), the proltcting of a ht>rst, Cic.
poddm ofhor:te$, CUSf'J, etc., Juv. equiUua -1, m. (dim. of egJn!!), 11 coll, Ole.
.,_-llpis, m. (i1r0t/I), th.t 1tOQ1JOt, Verg. iquus -i, m. (l,.,.~). a 1i~orse. L A. Lit.•
~redfa -ae, t. a Roma" colo1111 in Gal/la horse, t>quornm olomitorcs, Cic.: equ11s hellatOt", 11 trrar•
Verp:.; equus puhlicus, pire11. b11 tM ~1tt,
fran&pada.1U1, now Yrrea.
Liv.; equum conscenolere, Liv.; In equum
e,o.. indecl. n. (c"°'), a~ epic poem, epo6, asccndere (opp. ex equo d,.scendere), Clo. ; I.a
Ror. equum in:1ilire, Liv.; se<lere in equo, Cic.; vc.lii
il>Oto -p6t.'ivi -p0tus and ·J..:'>t:'it(l11.1ll 1. (ex in equo, Cic.; eq11ii1 ln'lignibns et aurato CUITll
&Dd p<Jto), a. t.n dri11k up, drink out (in clalls. reportari, to ride in tri1111111h, Cle.; merer& equo,
Lat only in partic. perf.); p<>culo epoto, Cic.; to •trt'I! in. lht romlry, Caes. ; ad equum re-
Ppotll medir.1111cnto, Liv.; b poet., to &11ck up, i;cribere, to 'lllah $()nit om a knight, eae~.: equ1111
Uallc>v:ttp; terreno Lycue ellt epotus biatu, Ov. Troj1111us. tht Troj<tn horse, Vcrg.; Ilg .. of a
ipl1ae -arum. r. food, dishu. I. Gen., secret conspiracy, Cic. · B. M.. ton., plur., equl:
llltlwe conquisiti:<simls ep11lis eltlltruebnntur, l, a C'harwt, Verg. ; 2, camlry; equi Yirique,
Cic. D. Esp.. btrn1p1tt, feast; quotldianae Liv. ; so prov., eqni~ viris or viris equl,.111e;
tJllllae, Cic.; f1111eatas epulRll fratri Clllnparare, "l('ith all mat's might, Cic. II. Transf., of things
Ck.; &d epula!! regis Hsli1tere, Cic. ; alicul like a horse. A. t>quu.i blpes, theua--lwr#., Verg.
epola1 dare, Tac.; fig. (pan1 animl) uturata B. the C07Uttllation Peg<UV.1, Cie. poet. (genit.
blmarwn cogitati -.num epulia, Cic. plur., tiqu~m. Verg.)
Equ 1913 ero
Jlquua Tiitl'ou .f, m. a 111U1ll totim '" the thtn : quid ergo f to1iy t.Vn 1 etc. ; o, wfth fm.
of the Hirpini in J..owei· Italy.
CIOlllttry per11tivea, th.t11, t1Mn, Cic.; d, to resume some-
thing thd had been dropped, wtU ~. as I UGI
irido -rasl -rasum, 3. t-O scratch out, to 1trike 1<111i11g,
91. A. Lit., aliquem albo senatorio, faom t~e No. II.). Cic. (sometimes ~ w meamng
una.torial list, TRc. B. Tran!lf., to d"troy, ercuhc·
CIU; element.a capidinis pravi, Hor. irtobtho -!ls, f. ('Ep•xlJW>. ti!ia•
~ ,-u f. \Ep411Cl), mpital of tM Elnt· witch co11mltw by P0111ptJ1; transf., a wllch, Ov.
~rocilkn on. Maunt Amaniu. irt.chth6nlua -Ii, m. ('Ep1:.;66s-.or), 1, o
Er~inna ·I, m. ('Epa.O'il'Or), rit"tr in ..4.rgolil, mythirnl king of Ath.tri.•, th.t first to '!i"b firu.r
now Kephnlarf. hor.<e8 in a chariot; adj., JCrlohth~DIUB -a -uo1,
Alhrninn; 2, ll m11thical king of Trnv, .•on of
ErAtO -ils, f. ('EpoTW'), the flUUe q/ amorou1 DC! rria nus, /atlttr of TrOI; hence, Jbiohth6Dl-
:J>O':.lry, Ov.; appell., miuc, Verg. ua -a ·Ulll, Trojan.
ErAta.thenea -ii, m. ('F..paToo-9iV1Jr), a orlolua -Ii, m. (a h.tdgehog); millt, t. t., G
GNtk and po4. bfam thickly studded with iro11 spiku, eM«zw:-*
eroleco, erctum herclaco, l1erctum (q.v.). friM, Caes.
'ir~bua -1, m. ("E p~{JfX). 1, a god of the lott'fT :irldbua -i, m. fHp•Oa.vik). 1, m11th. and
'IDOTld 30n of Chao• and brothtt of Nox, Cic.; 2, ]IO(t. 1Ulme of tAe ri.i'ftr i'ad 11•; a, a coucllatlQ~
Utt 1-0~rr world, Verg. Adj., iribiua -a -um, Cic. poet.
"&longing to tht lo&eer tt-orld. erlgo -rexl -rectum, 3. (ex and ~go)! le wt
Erechtheua ~i, m. ('Ep.x:Bnif), a mythical Gen., up, pl act u1iright, lift. up, . tf'td. L Lit .• A.
kh•g of AtMTL$, of Orith11ia and Procris; scalu ad moema, Liv.; nm.nm, 1
a ma.U,
Cic.; oculos, to raiM, Cic.; anres, w pricl: "P ~
hence, 1, adj., Ereohthiua -a -um, m. Atlun- rars, Cic. B. Esp., 1, to iii heig~; a, of
ian, Ov.; 9, Erecthidae ·&n1m, m. tlu Athen- placell, to. mal.:e hi_ghtr; <louec ~rec la 1~ aicem
iam, Ov.; 3, irechthla -ldls, f. Orithyia, Ov.; vii\ est, L1\".; ~·1 mnldlt>, to riu; msula. S1c:rn1um
Procri1, Ov. jnxta latus erigitnr. Yerg.; b, le raise. t"Tfct a
l>1!ildin17, etc.; tmTelll, Caes.; 2_, n11l1t. t. t., _to
irectua -a -um, p. aclj. with compar. (from mnrch n 11(ld1J of so/din·s up 11 hnght; i.gml'n rn
ttigo), vt up. L Lit., '1pright, tr«:t; stAtm;, Cic. arl\"Prsum clinun Li\•.; R•·iem in collem, Liv.
II. Tran sf., A. Oen., high._ tlewt~; a. in I\ ~oo<l IL Trnnsf., A. den., to nrituu, arllt; auimnm
&ell!le, eels us et erectn", C1c.; b, ID a ~d sense, ad audieu<lum, Cic.; nuditor erigatnr, ~ (ltftt&·
prowl; et celsus, Cic. B. Esp.: a., tivt, Cic. B. E~p., to mi# up, t11CfY11.raQt.~~~;
on.i:iowi intent, with niinds on the stretch; jud1res, aliquem, C'ic.; aliquem ad spem belll, T.1,..:
Cic.; q~um clvitas In foro exspect:ltione erectit 11nlmum, Cle. ; 11e erlgere, to tnrott~g• ?»<.«tf.
11tal't't, on the tiptoe of ~:tation, Liv.; b. r~o­ be t11cmirag~J; erigere ae in spem legis, Lh·. ; so
hitt, litiely, cllttrfu.l; alac11 anlmo et erecto, C1c. pass., erigimnr, Hor.
erepo -repsl -reptnm, 1, to creep thr011gh; itrigoni -&. r. ('Hpt..,.6""). tu dcn•gkl_rr (If
a~rum, Jnv.; 2, lo clim~; montes quoa nun-
fJUam erepsemus (= ereps1i;sernus), lior.!, trnnefoTml'd i11to tlu couUllatum Virgo;
adj., :i:rfg~nilue ·a -um, Mrmgh1g to
ereptl'o -onis, f. (erlpio), a taking lJY for«, hrnceErigo11e; canis, tT~ dog of Icanu, Mura, cAaugad
Mi.:tire, Cic. i11to the constellation Ca11.ic11/a.
ireptor -orfe, m. (edpio), one who taX·ts army Erlgonu• -1, m. (Epiy...v). o tributary q/ tAI
,., foru, a rollber; bononun, Cic. ; libertatis, Cle. .Axius i1• .Ma~donia, now 7"ztr11a.
Eretda -ne, f. ('Ep!!Pt«). L a town 'lcrrr (IHrillus) ·I, .m. (''Hpt.Uof), a Siok
]'har1<Ilu1 ill Phthioti.a. ll. a to!l'n in the Mll11d
f>f Eu~a. Mtil't WIL'1t of the philosnph" J.lnie- philosnphtr nf Carthage. :l:rUUt ~rum, m. t1c
dem1is founder of the F.r•lrian sch0til of philo- diYiplM of Erillu3.
IK>phy.' .Adj., a, :irltricua
-a -um; subst., Erlnnya (Erfnys}Jlos. r. ('Ep1..Wr). L 01;e
nf the Fttri~~; plor., Erinnye~. the Furirs. IL
::irltrlol -Orum, m. tht philosoplura of tht Transr., A. sc011rge, eurst; patrfae commnms
.,, Cic.; 110 Er~trl&cl ·Orum, m.
Entrian achool,~
Erlnys, Vrr~. B. fury, modnt.~; quo tristis
Erinys, quo fremit11s vorat, Verg.
Cic.; b, J:retrlenala -e, Eretricrn.
:Eretum ·i, 11. (Hpl)Tov), 1111 old S"f>int town irlphyla ·Ile, r. and Eriphyli t
em tlu Tiber, now Creto11a. A!lj., Eretinua ("Ep•it>v>..,), <in11ghYr of Tala11s n>1!f l,•1s1 m11r.Jit,
-a -um, Errtiru. wifr of A111phinro111, tl'71om llM bttrn11rd to P"lir
nias for a 1oldr1~ necklace, for 11·hich w was
erg&. prep. with acc. (rnot ERG, whence $lnin l>u hrr son Alcmruo11.
~'lpyw), tnwanis; 1, in 1·c/rrlion tn; P:\ prim:t Tiherif)
frga ~cuniam alif'uam !liligl'ntia. fnit, Tac.: 2, enpfo -ript1i -reptum, 3. (u and rapio). to
in rrlatinn to, toimrd.s (of one·~ feelini:s or attl- snntck airay, tu11· out, plurl.; 011t, to~-, llll.'\7:V;
tu<te towards a person or thing); &, in a good constr. with ex, ab. de with the abl. or the ahl
llPn&e, erga nos Rmir.1' et henPvole collegish, alone, or with the dat.( of the person). L Gen_.
Cle.; amor rrga te suuR, Cir..; benf'volentia erg11 ensem vaginll., \'f'rg.; aliquem ex equo, Liv. IL
allqnem, Cic. ; b, in a bad sense, odium erga Esp., A. In I\ had 1't>nse, to tear nwa11, ar.afcA·
aliquem, Nep.; invidin erg:i aliquem, Tac. mm11 b,11 1·folen\e; 11liquem ex m1mibus pop111i
Romani, Cic.; hereditatemah aliquo, Cic.; aurnm
ergaatiUum -i, n. a house of rorm·ti.1m for Gailis, Liv. ; Scipioqu.amquam estsubitoereptna,
~lm•u; Ille ex compedibus atque ergastulo, Cic.; 1nalchrtf au·ay by dtath, Cic.; alicni vi~m. &11.;
nllqnem ln ergastulum dare or ducere, Liv.; omnem usum navium, Caes. B. In a go<'d
apud allqnem in ergaatulo esse, Cia. ; ergastula sense, to fru, tear away; aliquem e ruanibu1
l!olvere, Caes. hostium, to f"t.ICUI, Caes. ; fllinm a morte, Cle.;
ergo, adv. (iP'Y'!'). L With a genit. pre- se ab ilia miseria, Cic.; aliqllem ex SU\itute,
ceding it, on account of: vlctoriae, non valetnd- &11.; alicui tlmorem, Cic.; ertpete mora.e, lltrof
inis ergo, Liv. II. Abaol., co11uquently, thf'rt· with. delay, Hor.; eripe fugam, •n.atcA tAa t1PfJOf'--
fort, aCCQTdin!Jl!I, thrn. A. Oen., Cle. ; itaqne tunity of flight, Verg.
ergo, Liv. B. Esp., &i_ of losncal consequences, irOdo -ro11i -rosum, s. (ex and rodo). to ~
llKn/ore; el\'O etlam, cic.; b, with questions, C1U"(11J, gnaw into, oat (nto; vftea, Cle.
ero 197 880
irfPdo ~nla, f. (erogo),
,.,,,; pe.."llnlae, C!c.
pa,_.,.,, ~£­ irtldiU -omm, m. mea of -~ Ole.:
traust, or things, t.empora, uecula., oratJo, Cle.
irico. 1. (e:r: and rogo), wpav from tAe ptd>l£c iru.mpo ·rtlpl -ru1•tnm, S. to bnak ow,
tnu.ntry ; pecuui<lm ex aerarlo, Cic. ; pecunlam
ID cluaem, Cic.
brtnk f()f'lll. L TTanslL., A. to m••
to burd
forth; 1, lit., 6fD. refteL, se erumpett, or pus.,
e1Tilnm4ua -• -um (1. erro), imndtring; ei:umJti, to bttrlt /~: 1ir1rtla 1e erumpere roru,
or persons, nuuo errabundi domo1 Auoa perng· Cll'. ; 2, trauar., ro Wilt, d~; atomaclium tn
a.reotur, Liv.; of aoimala, etc., veatigia bovhl, aliquem Cle. B. to bnnk L\rougA; nubem,
Vug.; odor, Lu..-r. V~rg. iL IDtraoslt., to btcrS forth,, brMk ov•
wiilt. t"ioluce. A. Lit., lgnea ex .A.etoae vertice
.-ritloaa-a-u1n(l.erro), 1R1rtdtrir&g, ermtl.o i erumpu11t, Cle.; mllit. t. t., w rusll /<Yl't.h.; ex
~. Ov._; liti.a 11erpen& multiplicl lapsu et castri~, Cat:f.; h!l_Pers., duabus simul porti1
enatico, Cio. erutnl'itnr, Liv. B. Tranllf., &, erumpat eulm
erritlo ·l>nis. t. (1. erro), 4 ltJO'IMf~hig, dray. aliqua1ulo ,·era et me digna vox, Cic.; erupit
(ag; uulla in caelo errntfo, Cic.; euru (caell deinde 11e<litio, Liv.; b, w brtak out iHto; with
motwn) au omnJ erratione liberavit, Cle. in or ad arul tho acc., ad minas, Tac.; c, to
ernUum -1, n. (1. erro). a /mill, errrtr; 1, brtak 0111 agai1ut; sentire potuit sermones In·
technically, erratum fllbrile, Cle. ; erratum 19.uorum in suum pot!Mimum nomen eru111P1Jtt,
menm, tuum, etc., "'Ulak• ill r«lwn!Hg. Cic. ; 2, C1c. ; d, to coiu to light; at i11U11tnmtur, si
morally, errata ..,tati.a mse, o/ m11 JIOVtA, Cic. e111mpunt omnia, Cic.: e, lo '""' 01tl, ,....,.Jt;
erritaa -lb, m. (1. erro), V11Jndni1i17 almit1 haec quo ait eruptura tipieo, Cle.; ad pemiciem
1tru1i"ll; longi.s erratibus actua, Ov. clvitatia, Cle.
1. erro, 1. L Co t0011cfno, .im,,, row. A. Lit., iriio -rt\! -rO.tum, 3. to dig out. L Gen. A.
1. lutiaIWt., quuu1 ni.'llll et euul erraret, <.:ic.; Lit., 1, ger1., mortuum, Cic.; aurum terril, Ot'.;
of ilt:111i1natP oJ.ject.8, 11tellae errantes, Cle.; 2, esp.• a, to di11 up: bumum, Ov.; mlssi 11\tna
2.. trau~it., ten-it!' erra.tA!z 11xnvkred owr, Verg.; luiaU, to 11inu, Ov.; b, to uar out. pluck a1«1_r;
lifnra e1T&ta, \ el"',t. .a. Tr-.1011!., ne VAb-arl eruitur oculos, Au t!JU are torn. out, Ov. B.
et enare ~"3tur oratiu, Cic.; ne tuus erret Transr., a, memoriam alkulua ex annallum
lio11tl:5J!v.; sententia ~rrans et vaga, u11ctrtain, vetustate, to br£ng forth, Cle.; b, to bring to t1u
ligl&t of da1, to atarch Md, rmtlllWflt out: 11 quld
Cic. u. to tt:andtr fl"Mll. Ou right palll, la« on.ii'a lndagaris, inveneria, e:r: t.enebria erueria, Cic.:
wr. A. Lit., errare ,·ii, \'"erg. B. Transl., to '\\itb rel. sent., mlhi. aicumle potes, erues qui
"_r, bt iit trror, be mbtabn; Vt"heruenter, valde, decem ltgati Mummio fUl'rlnt, Cle. U. le dt·
Ct~.; si erratur in nomine, Cic. ; cul, errato,
null& ,·euia, a miida~ u lRC!dt, Cic. &troy uttrrly, nue; urbt'm, \'erg.
t. UTO-Olrl11, m. (I. elTCJ), a trondtrrr roiier
eruptlo .(inls f. {enunpo), a &ttntlng or
togrt1>o"'1; esp. of slaves, ·Hor.; of unfaithful forth.. l. 01'n., eruptio AetDAMnun
!Men., Ov. ignlurn, Cle. B. lililit. t. t., ltlll1, urt11cl.:;
eruptio ex opphlo aimul duaboa portia, Liv. ;
error-6rls, m. (1. erm), a tmndtringabout. L eruptiouem facere, Calls.
Gm.,A. Lit., eJ"lllill'&ediaipatioclvlum Ck. B.
~Dir., amm-i114T, un.a:rtaf11ty; qui tibt aeatnA, irfoina, ...,, r. T. Ety:r:.
q111 errnr, quae t.enebrae erunt, Cic:. U. Esp., irJJD&Dthk -1, m. ('£pl-~~). L t1
111Qlllferi~ /Yf1K Uu right way. A. Lit. erroi-e mou11tafa '" .ATCQllia, 1Cherw ileri:11/u J/ew t11t
Yiarum, Liv.; curaus errore f'aclll, c{<'~ B. Erywian.tAfa~ boar. Hence, 1, BrtmauUata
Traruit., 1, nror, d«eption.; Hrore tlucf Cle. ; ·fths, t. (Ep11µ.o.Hfi'.(), El"/lllUJn.lhian; cu,;tos ursae
in. fl'l'tlttru induci, rap!, Cic.; rnentis, de.; 2, Ery111a11thidoe (Callisto), i.e., JJootts, Ov. ; 2,
~; ferendu.a tlbl in hoc mem error, Cic.
iril.beloo -nlbtll, s. to grow ml, bluaA; a, ~dllua ·• -um ('Ep11µ.hfi.~). ErY'!"ln·
t.Aian. U. 11 r£ver oil CM border1 o/ Elw, /alll111
mtt.u""" genae, OT.; b tn 11ro10 mi/rOlll lfianu, tlll! .Alpht'IU.
!Ir IUAl11111d; obi erubu1l" C1c.; with iu and the
ahl., Cir. ; with abl., Liv. ; with ut and the :irhiothon -th3nia, m. (Epvo-i"'-">. tlu
snbj., Cle.; with iuftll. 1 Li.v:; iribeeoendua $Cnofth.i 1'busalia11 king 'I'riopcu, wo mu cvf'Htl
• ·mu, o/ icA&eA. etlU •AOtUa be cuham«l ; igues, by Crru with, a royiug Aungtr /or laavi1&9 cttl
8 fff. down 011t of htr groi·n, a1td who finall1 dNOttnd
iriica .u, t ca 1-i JM.I of colnoort, Hor. hi.s OU'n jk&h.
iruot.o. 1. to bdc1' /onA, throw up, wmu. irfthia (-ia) -ae, f. 4 tma.ll Wand ft«lr, t"ltt~ Jltreults ltok th4 o:un Q/ c~ •.
A. L•t., 11a11ii>m, Verg.; a~. sermonibu.a suis
ea.ffiem, to talk of, Cic. B. to ca# 0111, tmU, Henre, irfthita -thelrlia, f. Errtheaa; praoda,
t;td ; are1wn, Verg. tht oun of 1:tryo11, Ov.
iril.dlo ·lvl 11nd -Ii ·ltum, 4. (u an1l rudill) ertthinu• ·& -um (~pvll~). Cl li1td Q/ rtd
lo ln.trvd, UMh., tduoott; aliqni>m, Cic.; wit!; barl,..7 or mullrl, Ov.
a~L, aliquem artit•US, Ct.c..; with iu and the l\bl.,
al111utui iuj11re ri\·ili.Cic.; flliosomniuu~artihus
Erfthrae -arum, l. (Ep\llpai). 1, a
Boeotia; 2, Erythr&e Aef.ulomm, 4 touna itt
'°"'" i"
111 G~1ru111 discipllnam, Cle.; with two acc., Aetolia; 3, one of the t111tlrt Ionia~ towiu '"
alique111 cla11111osaa, Ov.; wltl1 infln., Ov. A.sia.\linor. Hence adj., irfthrMua-a -um,
iril.4iti, adv.. only used In compar. and
:;:rrt(erudit.u.'4), l.cornecUy; eruditiu.a disputare,
Erythrean.; Erytbraea terra, or simply irf-
thraea -ae, f. thrl di.iltricl of E,.,ihrae.
~di~ ~nis, t'. (t'n1•11o), 1, tme.Aing, fa· irftbraeua ·a -um (ipvfpcaiod, mldiM; mare
llnvti1m, Cl!'.; 2, h&mrl..dg~ learning, trUdUion; Erytl'iraeum, IA. Indian. Ocean, PHn.
erudltione atque doctrina, t;ic. iryz -~els, m. ("Epvl), a tMU!ll4(a (alao
~difflaa ·I,· m. (dim. or eruditua), IOIM· calletl Erycus mons). tt1ftA 4 citroftlwl m..e *UN
T - akilkd, Cat. on tM nortl&-wut cood of Sicilr, 'IOU.\ a /aW>w•
irt4itaa .. -um, p. adj. with rompar. and temple of Vrnua. Adj., i:rfeiau -a -nm, of
lllptrl (Crom erudk•), kar-1, f111tnldtd, pol' or btlongingto F.rp,VenuaBrJciua.Cic.; Erycina
lf'W!Uc: bomo, Cic. ; enttlitior lltteria, Cle. ; alo11e, Ve""'• Hor.
tl'llditilllmu dMnplinl. Juris, Cle. Subst., . . . . . ·M. f. (1. edo), 1, /o04, ......,,, hC1 q/
eao 198 Eum
.,. •IHI uiwwU. Cic.; 2, bait, O\·,; tran1'r., no11clu111 etiam, vixdum etiam, not .,,a, limulr
wl•vtas f!llC& maforum, Cle. yd, Cle.; quum l21te etiam cubaret, 1111.Ull A4 _,
eeoArla.. -. -w11, (e&ca), rtlating or belonging ttill, .tc., Cic. IL li In answer, on'faillll', ,es,
,. food. 8ubet., noarta -orum,· n. eating indttd; aut etlam au non reapondere, to ciJUWr
tdnarill, ·ltn. ya or no, Cie. ; 2, etrta\Juy, bJ nU tiitalll; etiam,
etlO«IUlo -acendl -scensum, S. (ex and inquit, ~tam, sed non beatiulmam, Cle. ; 3,
&ea•do). L lntranslt., to climh up, aBCe?Ul; 1, to exprells a climax, nen, 11ar ew1t ; vooe, motu,
la rota•, Cle.; iu rogum arde11te111, Cic.; in funno. etiam ma.gnillca, Cle. ; non solum •.•
tribunal, Uv.; In currum, Cle.; 2, to go 11p l!f'd (or verum) etiam, Mt ••• bu' al.o, Cic.;
tum (or quum) •.. tum etiam, al well ••• cu,
fro• tht -~ inland; Ilium a mari, Liv. Cic. ; 4, tttn, ""JI; tabulas nihil .J.D~turu,
D. Tra..IL, to IU«l&d; Oct&m, Liv.; J'Olltra, etia111 plus sullpicionls f'utunun, Cle. cigui1t:
ewoemw ~nls, t. (escendo), l<mding, du-
nabarhU£o11; eacenslonem racere ab navlbus in
die etla111 clarius, Cic. ; etlam atque et.iam, agctin
aiul agC1in, rogare, com1iderare, Cic.
t.rram, LtY. etlam-num and iStlam-nauo. adv., '"·
still, till 11010; de materia loqnl orationia etiam·
eacenaua, aul. -1, m. (e.acendo), climbfog;
n11ta. Neefts'll n1unh11enta., Tac. nunc, non lpi10 de genere diccudi, Cle. ; niLil
etiam nunc, nothing further, Cle•
=, eseant erlt, erunt, v. sum.
etlam-st. conj., ei:tn if, aUh01<gh. Cic•
. e9e1l1 • • • Y. aesc1il • • . etfam-tuJll and etfam-t1UaO. adv., tWI
esciUeahul -a ·Um (CSCA), nlaliug to tutin9, tht11, till tlwt tinu, till the1&, Cle.
•li.lilt,ut11lt11t: rrusta, Cic.; subst., eaoiUenta l:triirla -ae, f. a co1mtry in Ce11trol ltal11
·•rum, n. '"'4Wlt.s, Cic. now 1' Adj., l:truacu ·a -um, Etnucm1 -
JCsq'lllllae -arum, r. (ex and colere, lit., the et--st. conj.' 1, ctltlwugh, 11tt: foll. uy ta.wen,
01ittr lolo1t, tlui suburb), tlui most ron..Ukrable of
at, certe, t!tc. ; et11i 11011 sapientissi111i, at amic-
tlw kill! 0111L'l1kh lwm.e tro.5 built, now the heiqhl i::lsimi Jiorninis auctoritate, Cic. ; 2, nml ytt,
of S. Alcirl4 Jfaggiort; heuce, 1, a<lj., Eaqull- 1wtu•ithstaruli11g; do poenas temeritatls rneae;
lua -a -um; 2, Esqullin1111 -a -nm, Est1uili11e; etsi quae fuit ista temeritas, Cic. -
1mbst., lllllqullina ·llC, f. t/wt &1[Uili11e gaU, etjmOlOgia ·&e, f. (tTVJoLo.\Oyco.), t'tylllofogy,
Cle.; .3, Zsqulllarlus -a -um, Esquili1u. Cic.
--~da ·ae. r. = esse<lum (q.v.). eu (~), interj., good I Vldl done! an excla111~·
tion of joy and appro,·al (sometim~ ironical),
euid&rlua. -Ii, m. (E>s.seda), a ftghUr in a Hor.
BrilW• or Gclil~ war-dciriot, Caes. Euadni -es, t. (Ei.48..,,), myth., tuift: of <Azpn·
iuect1UD ·l, n. (o.. Celtic word), a 'Dar· ntll3, one of tlu. Ut't:n toho fouuh' ag<'ilut Thebes.
clariol 11Md ti1n01ig ti~ Gauls arul Briton.s, and Euander -dri, and Euanclru.e ·i. m.
cj'ttrwa1..U A<lopkd by tM! in their public (Evo."6pot), myth., son of Hennu and Cm·11uiiti&,
g«im.t, Caes. ; a trovelling charWt, Cic. who led a colony from Pa.lla1ttium in .Arcr.ulUi, aw
eaiirlo; 4. (de.sider•. or 1. edo). A. to bt built <l town on the P11lctli1u hill. Adj., EuaD-
l&ungry, ckrin food, Cic. B. Transr., to ritsire dri'.us -a -um, EvaJUlrum; en1'is, of Paluu, IOll
.agerly, kmg j(Jr; nil lbi, quod nobia esurlatur, of Eran<ler.
erit, OY. l:uboea -ae, r. (I-;iilJoUl}, an ialand in LU
i8iiride ~Is, f. (esurlo), hu11ger, Cat .Ac9ron &a; hence aJj., Eu'bilCll.9 -a -um, a,
i9ua -a -um, partle. or 1. edo. E1t~cm; cultor aquaru111, the 1m-god Cilaucus,
It. colll. (er. Gr. in). L and (joining single \'erg. : b, poet., ~longing l-0 CmNae, a colo11.r
words and sentences), 1, et • • • et, bolh • • • from J:ubola; urbil, Cu711(U, Ov.
aad; et ha p&tre et in tllios, Cle. ; so et . . . que, Euclidea -is, m. (Evll'.Af~l)t), 1, a philll#-
Cle. ; or que .•• et, Liv. ; 2, nee (neque) ••. f'lu.r of M.:gara, fou11dtr of the Mtgaricm dool oJ
et, t&Qt ~-"' ••• but; nee miror et gaurleo, 11hil03Qjlhy; 2, ct math.em<itician of .dlumulri<t..
Cle.; e' • . • nee (neque), not only • • • but al&o Euenua -1, m. (EiiiJ~). myth., 1..-ing of .Aetolia,
')l()t, Cle.; 8, et quidem, and indet:d·; duo milia father of Mar;ie-osa, droumcd in therivtr Lycormcu,
jugerura, et quidem immania, Cic. ; so et alone, which rcuirrd the nm1u of Eunu.11. AdJ., JtuiD..
11md i1uiMd; magna vis est con~c-ientiae, et magua inua -a -um, of or btlonging to tlle (river1 Eueutu.
in utnmque partem, Cic. ; 4t et etiam, a11d l:ugbei -orum, m. a ptOpl.e in U-pper Italr,
alllO; auctorltate et consilio e etiam gratia,
Cie.; 6, et vero, and truly, Cic.; 0, et non, lit'ing near Pata1•i11ma11d Vtrona. Adj.,~­
and Mt, au ftol milter; dicam eos miserns, qui neua ·a ·Uhl, Euganmn.
nati sunt, et no:i e1111, qui mortui snot, Cic.; 7, ~ug~. interj. (~), wU dOJU I (110metimeg
et delude, a11d I.Mn Liv. II. <11.5o; 8'.ldam tt ironical), Pers.
Hind etimn, Cic. ··Iii but .. nullane habes Vitia r euhaD (euan),. interj. (tv0.11 or .;, av), W>vt
huo alla, et fortasse minora, Hor. of the Racchmia/$; euhan euhoe euhium; Enn.;
ftinJm. conj., 1 (explanatory), namdy, Cic.; personif., Iacchus et Euhan, Ov.
9 (strengthening a previous a.:ssertlon), truly,
mid tnduil, Cic.
euhana (eu.ans) -antis = ~ci~.,.,,, sh011lilig
tuhan, or the Bacchanals; with acc.l.enlant.
:ite<Mslea -is and -008, n. (ET~o«:>.~~), myth., orgia, ol'!tlnuting the orgiu of BaccJuu, ,·erg.
AIO• of Otdipus, of PolJ111fas, l'illed in the Euhemerua -i, m. (E\nip.~pof). Grttk rJt£lolo-
•itplr of Tlttba.. pher a11d hi...•toria1t of .&grige'ltt1&11t, ftowuh.lny
~teelae ·arum, f. (i"l<f'4L, sc. ciwµ.ol). winda about 315 B.c.
1oh kA bloio for forty dn .I/I every yM,r abo11t the dog- Euhlaa (l:ulaa) -ildis, f. (.Vt:a(), a Ba«laxk..
_,., toinds, Cle. l:uhius (Eulllll) ·II, DI. (Eii<ot), 6Ur1&4DU of
eti8lua ·• -um, Ettsia11., Luer. Bacchus.
itlMSlogua i, 111. (1f9oA.~), one toho mimics euhoe, Interj. (fliol), lho1d o/tlu &ux:Afi1'1a;
<a 'l'Orf tJu pteUliarit!u of otAertt; ml ml ethologi, euhoe Bacche, \' e!lf.
a~ . Eumenis ·is, 1u. CE""'""'>· gnemJ oJ -'*'
itlam, conj. ( = et jam), lit. ciftd alnndy. andtr the, after kt. dcatl QOWr'AOr ff/
J. tt.o ex1\ress duraUon or time), cu 'Vfl, ltUl; C<lppadocia.
Eum 199 eve
Bummddee -111n. poR&e oratore.9, evadere, Cle. : b, fio rwwlt, ,_,.,.
1. (Ev1&013er), P.'11flWlliM,s,
At grario!u OJ&U, eupbem. uame for the Furies. out; quo evasura slut, Cle. D. Tn.mdt., 1, C.
Sumolpus -1, m. ~Elip.oA.~). myth., aon of cliab1 ao:nd; grad us altos. Verg.; a, to pcus,
POll!idol4 iind Chi.oM, a 1 priat of Dni.tlrr, tro"' owr; rlpam, Verg.; enaerant media,
foundn- of the Elt'U6inta1' my.'ltenu. Hence, Liv.; 8, fio ucape; 11&,mmam, Verg. (1yncop.
h.molpidae -~rum, m. (Evµo.\.tri&u), a family perf., evaati, Hor.).
i11jl.vM/NnA1CMd. IM priaU of~ wen ivi.gor, 1. dep. I. Intralllllt., " . .n.t:1cr.
o\D-. 1t~11 aiDay. A. Lit., a, of J•lundel'el'I, elfu8e1
eunuchua -1, m. (W..Oiix~), a nmtic1', Cle. Liv.; b, milit. t. t., to ~ to tM r'P' amt
l#,ft, 11M1M!,n1re; nullo iad evapndum rellct.C>
hphorbua -1, m. (Elictio~), a Trojan, spatio, Liv. B. Tranat, appetitua loogf ua
rioiv. JtJUl Pgtllagoro.1 bdi.eiied to lla11e duan<Ud evagantnr, Cic. II. Tranaft.., to ...,..,,. ; or-
lohiflWl/. diuem rectum, Hor.
Buphorlou -6nls, m. (Ev+oPl...,.), a GttJtJc i~e900 -viHU," S. Co ff'O'° litnrAf: l ID
jlOf't of CW<:U in Etlbota,jlourWi.inga.OOvt 220 .t..O. turoultum, to grow i1&1.o G tu•11lt, Tac.; if, k>
hpbrate. -Is (al110 -1 and -ae\ m. (E.,.p<i- prcmil, oome \nto tJogtU; natloni&· nomea eval11-
1"11(), IM Euph.ralu, a riotr '" W~ .Asta, l1111e paullatim, Tac.; 3.r. Co !iatie ponr, Co be able:
r!si119 in Arme11'4,joinin.g the T;gri.1, alld ~11g with l11tln., sed non uara.anidao medieari ..,_
i111D tM Pmiia11 Gui/; met.on. tM d1«1.Un cm the pidis ictum e\·alult, Verg.
Eur./tmJa, Verg. iTan, v. euhan.
J:up6Ua -p(Jlfdis, m. (Eii-.\n), "" ..dthmfan ~der, v. Euander.
eomic pod., oontempornry wUA .Ari#&Jiha'IW.
l:uripftte. ·la and -1, m. (Ev"'~). the "°"
iYi.aemoo -viotU,S. A. tomtl(M. ~.
a10011; evaneacunt vionm et •lmmeut.umi
f?/!hrald AtMnian tmgic poet. Adj., Euripl- vetuat&te, Cle. B. Tnr.osf., evaneeci\ memoria
diu ·& -um, of Euripida. aliculus, Cle.; apes, Cic.; rumor, Liv.
Euripua -1, m. (Eiipuror), 1, achanml, stniU, iv&nldu -a -nm (evan-.-o). -VMttg.
e.1•. tJv, ~t1Lw1L E11bow.and the mciin land, ptlllling away: pectora in tenuea abeun~
Ck ; 2, an artificial callal or tooter-count, Cic.; evanlda rlvos, Ov.
!At di/al, or mool comtructtd rott1&d Ult CirctU evana, v. eubans
Jl!ll"imtt.!, Suet..
ivaato, I. to detWtaU, lar ...,,,;
Zuripa-a.e, r., and :&uripi-&, f.(EvpoJ'"I)· agnun, vallem, Liv.
L Myth., d<m~hltr o/ Ajrnor, king of Pltot1ticia, iveotua -a -um, partlc. or evebo.
*'>llvr of Sar~dim an .Millos by JttvUer, w1'o
i11 tA.t /°"11. of a bull ca77"Ud Mr- o§ to OreU. II. iviho -vexl -vec,tum, 3. L to OSrT'J
~r., IU tm1tint11l of EUrfJflt, aaid to hatie !Hien lwar out. A. Lit., ali1nld plaUBtria •x ,.nls
lllilM1 after F.•iropa.. .A~ .• J:uripaeue -a -um, Cle. ; aquaa ex planls ocis, Liv. ; pau., evehi
bfln1UJin9 to Europa; dux, Minos, Ov. (used && a mld1lle); 1, or ships, to 1aU a100y:
hrOtaa -a.a, rn. (EvpcJT11f}, IM cAit/ ri"1' qJ away:In altum, Liv.: 2 se evehere and evehl, to ridit
LaC9l1U1R01tia, now Raailipotamo. se lncaute, Liv. B. Traner., Dliddle evebi;
a, e Piraeo eloquentia eveeta eat, Cic.; b, to be
euriua -a -um (euru11), t1Mtern, VeTg. carrU:d atl'tlJI; spe vanm, Liv.; o, t&Ulea eiua
81IJ'U -1, mJ (dpc~). a IO'UtA-mat !Mn~ Verg.; e'\'ect& immla!I, rpread abroad, Tac. D. to niU..
• ..W wind. Ov.; poet.., wind (Jt gmeral, Verg. lift 11p; aliquem ad deos, raw to UN Ataw~
.Eurfdlci -es, f. (Evpu.!i'"I), V7{fe of ()rpheu.i, Hor.; evchere aliquem ad consulatwn, Tac.
h!if.d by a M:rprnl's biU, rtrovertd from Hadu by evello -velli -vulanm, s. L to ,_
'JTpiitvJ, but Iott agafn. 1>y his looking back at Mr pluck out. A. Lit., alicui llnguam, Cic.; ar-
Ggllill.Sl Ais a.grum111.l with Pl-uU>. borem, Cfc. B. Transf., to tear oul, t:ra#, n-
. ~.!din .(, m. (EJpV1£fa.,,1"), rim" moi~: consules non modo e memoria sed
"P1111pA11lia, now Kaprl...Su. etiam ex fa.<1Us evellen11l, Cle. ; allcut ex anlm<>
brfmldea -ae, m. (EJpaµl~), 1cm qf Eury- Cic. scrupulum, Cic. IL to tear atoar; eu.tblema.
""'• i.e., TtltJih ru.
:lurfnome -ea, t. (Evpu..011•.,), daughUr qJ forth. eriulo -'Uni -ventum, 4. to eonw °"'·
L Lit.~menies pro"1ndo, pnld1rior
lkttill~s and Ttthvs, mother nf Ut«:otlta.
evenit, Hor. .u.• Trani;f., 1, a, to h1rt11. o1Lt,
lurfpftua -1, m. (Evpil11"UAo~), 1, a aon. of; bene, Cic. ; alicul feliciter, Caes.; vi<les
Hmu/t5, nn4 king of~; 2, son of EUClll'm01I, omn!a fere contra ac dicta sint evenl11se, Cic. ;
OM o/ Ille Gruk commandtrs 1"/ore TTO'j/. bf to fall to the lot of; i•rovincis (sorte) evenit
~heus ·l!i, m. (Evpurim), myth., Ion al cul, Liv. ; 2, to hap]1ffl, btfnll, occur; Jlax
of St101d11$, king iu My«nae., who inipos«l on evenit, Sall.; ut plerumque evenlt, Cic.; forte
Htrr-J.!(s his twd ce labo11rs.. evenit ut, etc., Cle.
~ l1:uftua -1, m. (wplmX), myth., king fa eventum -1, n. (evenlo), 1, IM iM!cs,·
'tt'Actlia, fi1tM:r of IOlt aud Drycrpe. Hence, qwnct of an action : cauMamm cognitio cog-
lmftia ·!dis, r. dall{Jh.Ur of Eurytus, I.e., lo~. nltioncm eventi facit, Cic.; 2, ea evrn.t,
lu~ -es, r. (t:.ii-rip.,.,,), the muae of har- qunmoccurrmce: cansae eventorum magi11 me moven'
"'O~~. Hor.
ip..'13. event&, Cir..
iventua -lls, m. (evenio). L ~.
lutripfu -II, m. Flaritu, a Roman historian i.wut, ruult; 1, gen., eventus rei, Caf'B. ; event-
t/ tM fr,urth ernhtry A.D. Wi rerum qui accillerunt, Cic.; eius diei, Caes.;
luzllau -a -um {Evfm'Of • Aorpirable), an belli eventus pros1~r, Liv.; 2, esp., &. issut1
~o/t.\(Black Sea; esp. in the phrase Pontus end, caUutrorht ; (a) or a drama, 11emper IM1
Lllxiniu ; mare, aq uae, Ov. eventum fe11tinat, Hor.; (IJ) or pen1on11, imJ•i-
Li1'ido -va.<1um, $, to go out, go forlA- orum frntrurn, Liv.; b, f<wDt1rablt iuue, l1lCUS3:
fotran~t.. A. Lit., 1, a•m., ex b&lneis, Cic. ; casu~ eventu~que rerum, Tac.; nee. eventus
~;l 1 ido,_Sall.; J>er praeruptlbm saxum fn Ca1•ito- defmt, Tac. II. cnt occu~ ewitt, Cic. ; fate;
~~Liv. ; 2, e.~p., to t«ape, gtt oJ!; e manibus auditnr Deel! eventus, Liv.
to tiurn, Liv. ; e periculo, Cic. B. Transf., a, everbero, 1. to rlrih vfolntltJ, jlJJ.p; cl;rpeam
hml Ollt, "'1u, beoo1M; quoe judicabat non alls, Verg. ; cauda pendentem e.acam. Ov.
eve 200 ex
i'Nl'SO. 8. co •Rd
apert.oe rivoet, Liv.
amd fert1i.; DUllOI ..Wtm .. •Ulll ~- of noco); 1uhlt.,
a wtlra1t tCl\o lad •rwd Au HMit bttt _ , liaWa
iftrrlotlam -1, n. (everro), a J.ali.,.,..., to be mlled "Pl"' it& a•~. eae..
drag-'IUlt: ftg., quod umqua111 l1uiW1Cemodi i~ 1. to mU OH.t. L Lit., A. Gen., all-
eve1Ticulum ulla in provlucia fUlt (with a quem e curia, Liv.; mercatorell uudlque ad 11e,
pun on tbe name or Verres), Cle.; everriculum Caea.; aliquem litt.eria, Cic. B. Esp., 1, r.lig.
malit.tanun OllUlium, Judlclulll de dolo 111&lo, t. t., a, to tuAMOI\ tl«J lp\rit. of tu ali-
Cie.. quem ab lnferi1, Cic. ; b 1 lo cnU fertl a drift
iYerro -verri -versum, S. (CO 61DftP nt); fro111 4 ooaeged a1td lwtiie cit11 by proai.shtg •
tnmsr., to pl1uukr; quod fanum. non eversnm templll at R011t.ll : evocare dcoll, I.h";. ; 3, CO ,.,..
at u t 11 rt1 (-'th a un on u mon: a, or lll&l{iKtrata, etc. aliquem ad M",
name t'X er>1um re que
<J " of Verres), Cle. •• P ie Cfc. ·, aliquem ad coll•""Uium,
-, Lh-. ·, b, to - -
- 1 mon for military «rvict : le~rioues ex blbernia.
eveJ'lllO .Qnls, f. (everto}._}, 47\ overturning; QM:a.; C fO IUllUltOll to a place of Aon.our; &Ii•
coluntnM", Cic•. ; 9, transf.,n dtttr11dion, niiti : quem ;[ eum honorem, Caes.; S, i1& a r.o.tU.
ritu, C'ic. ; Jllltriae, ruum publicarum e\·cnii- nuuuur, to mil t1pol'l tJu nae 111 y lo eo~ oat to
ont"11, Cle. fight; magna cnm coutmnelia \el"borum nocrtcoe
iversor -Orts, m. (e,·erto), a1i oi'f'Tturntr, a<l J•ngnam, CaeA. U. Transf., a, alleuim
drslm!Jf!I': eh-itatiis, Ck. ' ramilinm abje1·tl.m rt obacuram tenebm in
iverto -\'erti •\'el'lllllll, 3. L A. 111 ol!'d11rn, luc·cm, Ck.; b, t11 call forth, prodxoe: milleri-
'11row d1nc11; l, lit., 11ave111, Cle.; arbort>111,\'c1){.; cordia tn.a nulliu11 oratione evocata, Cle.
heuce, or a city...i,_to tktlwUah, mu tn th4l gr•111tul: ivoe, v. euhoe.
Carthaginem, '-'•C.; 2, tram;f., to owrthrow,
cltslroy; run<lltus dvit.atRs, Cic.; ronstit.ntam
· ev- ll!lo 1 L t0
u • · .
011 t ·~ ..-..
• _,.. -~,,. -..
a Lit.

·1 I la Ci - i lit . . ex quercu, C1c. Tran ., to come fo'rlA
p h 1 Oil~ 1 111, c.; a 11que111, 1o ru n po 1et1 11 y, quic~·ty, t·ush forth, ha.'!Un i~y: ex corporu111
Cic. B. lo UJ~l or llftcl frrnn. o1te'• 'f»'O~rty; \'inculis tanquam e carceni, Cle.; e aenatn, Cic.;
aliq11e111 bonis, <:ic.; perfttlu111 fortuniic pat1iis, e coui<pectn, Cic.: flg:.l!x alicuius ae\'erita~, 8
Cic. IL to raist up; aequora ventls, Verg. }>Ol'tia, to WXIJot, Cic. u. tojlyup; concu.qisqa•
iveatigi.tu.a -11 -11111, tmcX·trl 011t, diSfOl'f'ml: levis pe1111i11 sic e\'o>lat alell, Ov.
l11geuii11 evcstignta prlornm, O\'. ivolutlo -Oui~, r. (evolvo), th tmrolli1tg, and
:i:Ylaa, v. Euhias. hence, rt.1ufi11g of u book; poet&ntm, Cic.
ivldena -en tis, Rdj. (t'X and \'ltl!'O), I, vi~ihft: ivolvo -vol vi -vi'>lt\tnm, 3. L A. Lit.,' to
111c11Httra quae.tarn, Ci1·.; 2, tran~r., dtttr, 1'1"i11, roll 011 t, roll forth; 1, per hum11m evolvi Tac.;
,,.;,1e1LI: rt'!!, Cic.: e\'iut.>ntior t·ausa victoriae, n<>, o f a nver,
· · 111a1-e, verg.; ~.
se evo I \'ere 111 J.. Iig.,
J.i\·.; quid ei;t e\·idt'11tius? Cic. e\'ol11t11>1 illis inU>gnmcutill tlissimulationla. 1u•·
iridenter, ::.1h'. (cvitlens), visibly, 111a11i· 11uul.rd, Ci••. B. Tfllnsf., 1, ro r.cfriro~; ae ex
/r:•llg; e\·identer prat'nit<!~, Liv. his turlois, Tac.; 2, f<J dqrrii·t: ilJOll ex praed.a
ivfdentla ·llC, r. (t'\"idens), cli8ti11ct1tt$$ of
l<1nyiui~. Cic.
ciand~tinn, 11Cctkt to 1li~1<•rgt, Liv.; s. of neWIJ,
evol d, lo 1tpmu.l; a<l au res quoqne milltmn dicta
ft>rocia 1t\'Ol1"cb8nt11r, Liv. ~·IL to roll oport,
ivigllo, l. L lntransit., lo 'IL'<llclt, be O/ll't1; wnviud. A. Lit., 1, gen., volu111eu epb-
,·igil<111t; iu quo e\'igilan·ruut cnrae 1.-t cogita- tolamm, Cic.; 2, a, of the fal.eii, t<J q>in; fU91'111
tiont>" 1 mene?f Cic. .,, IL· Transit..,..a.,
,_ lo
I 11.'(r.U:/&
Til .mco~.
o v.·; b to 1·eiw,
··' st uuy;
-' l"hrur
1 11, c 1
·c• - -.
th ro11g11, pct.<& •.-11x1n.1rny; nox ev1g1 ... 111 a, •.; Transr., 1, to1 flllikr. clmr, 1mrratr; aliqui<l a.c-
b, tu da.1'°11rte oor~f11lly: lil>ro11, Uv.; com>ilia curat.imi In litteris, Cic. ; 2, io fiiul out: exituiu
e\•igilnt& cogit11tlonil.tns, Cic. cri111lni11, Cic.; S, to think oi:rr, rtj(td ttpoi&;
evilesoo -vilui, S. to btcouu t', 100rt.lalus, haee snl> a11tri11, Verg.
co11tl111ptl1.le, Tac. iv6mo -!'Ii ·ltnm, S. to vomit forth. A. Lit.,
eYlnoio -vinxi ·Vinetnm, 4. t• bind, birni co11cha.'I, Cic. B. Transr., a, "' wait forllt,
rounil: 11i11demate caput Tiritlatis evinxtt, Tac.; 0<4.<t 011t; (urbs) t..antl.111 pest.em evonmit
viri<li e\'it1ctus oli\'a, Verg. fora.'i(jne projecit, Cic.; in quo tu, accepti et
ivinco .vrci -\·ictum, 3. to ronq11er tntirtly, devoratA pec1111ili 1 evomere non pot:E'ras, disgor~.
tttltrly 111bd11t. L Lit., itulw.•lles At<lnos, Tar-.; Cic.; b, of speech, In aliquem absentem Ot1l·
evicit 0111nia assuetu!i praedae miles, Li\'.; \•IRt· tionem ex ore impurissimo, Cic.
a1111s l'll6icb>i l'\'incet uhnos_, u•ill (let. the bt.tter i~o. 1. to P1tblu1t, make 1.."""°1C1l; Jn•
of, tin rt crn'<iy, Hor.; 0pJ,10inta.s _g11rg1te n1olc:1, civile, Liv.; Octaviae lnjnrlaii, Tac.
to gtt pa.'<! or tl1ro11gh, 'eri;. IL Transr., A. --•-.. , .
Gt>n., a., to p1·tmLJ t1pon a }>trSOn; lacri111is, e:v~o .-Onls,. f. ~e\ello), a pulling 01<t,
tlolore }Jl't'Cihns evinci Ye~.. b to co1irptu n ,.Z11chng out• dr11t1s, C1c.
p11..,1io1~ or frrli11g: t'\'h'.it mil:lt:rat'io Justa iwci-1 ex, prcJ•. with ab!. (it, {re), e before h, d, g, j,
I, m, n, r, "•.from or 011t of. ~ 1, In llJ>ll""., otct
orn111 superhiam ing... nita111, Li\'. B •. a, to brh.g
o/, from; ex1re ex nr~tt>, e vita, C1c.; 1111hus
it about that: with nt an<l tlnJ subj., su111111a ope
l'\'iceru11t ut M. Furinli c.:unillus · c1·enrcturexeo loco dedueere, C1c.; delah1 ex e.1110, L1\".
Li\'.; b, I to prol't irrt.~istil>/y: si puerilius hi~
tllll~ ~ •.it follows ,·erb~ or
taki11g, }>f!rcei,·ing,
ratio e11se e\"ineet nmnre Hor. questwmng, antl the hke-e. ~·· 11umere, ~r-
-...:;_ .· ' . . ciperc, &f'cipere, auferre, colhgere, quaereM',
~vJIO~L (ex antt '1r), to ar.dinlt, Cat. perr·unctari, disl'erc. intelli~ere, etc.; b, so the
eviacero, J. (ox an<I \'iscn!l), to t.<1J.:e 01it tl1t
J•hrnse, l'X 1•ersonn alicuius, muler lht mask-i.e .•
l;ou·ds, ecisamle, ftar i11 )•i«u; (f'ol11111l.ta111)
iii flit rharncftr of tiny out; ex 1111s persona,
pedi1ms eviscerat uncis (of the ha~k), Verg.; iii one·~ otcri 11.wiu, }or 011eulf, Cic.; 2, to
e\'iseemtnm corpus ~-etrls, Cic. dt>nnte position; a., ex equo colloqui, ~s.; qru
eviti.bllla -e (Hito) that can bt nroidetl . 111h1l ex O('CllltO nge11<111111 put.ant, C1c.; b,
tehun, O\'. ' ' lahorar,•. f'X J>ed~l>us, to $1ljftr ill tht fttt, Cle.
- -to l t . id h . .. n c· II. Of t1n1e, I, SlllCt; ex eo k111pore, C1c.; ~p.,
~Vl , · o cti~ , ! 1111. suspieione 1 • tc. ex Cjll<\ ft"am whi.-h ti111e, si11ct, Liv.: ~. on, at;
JCvlm, v. Euhrnll. hnnc j1111ic~m ex Kai. Jnu. non habebimn!I, Cic.;
ev~r --Ori11, tn. (e\'OCO), Ollt tchO Cctl/s to 3, ctflrr, im11u11iolr/y 11J>Oll; Cotta ltX COnsulatu
arm1; 11ervorum ct civiu.m per<litorum. Cic. est i•rofectu~ in Go.lliam, Cic.; allud ex aiio. ""'
esa 201 exa
,,,.. ...--. Cle.; diem ex die, day a/W ..,, -~: • oam allqQf\ Cle. : eaeqmrl tJlaal
ae. ID. To denot.e orf!_du, ~ owlo/. of: 1, Cle. ;o, to tqllGl; allquew. Ov.
a., quidam ex Aruldta IM>isftN, Ne1•. ; vlridnn •• Hl"fl I. L Int.ranatt., lo &ofl t&Jti..Jhla
n acenlutio Veatae, of tM prlntlooil of S'Ma. wp: mare, Y.; 11.llda fma vertlclbua. Verg.:
Tv.; b, of et71t&Ologkal drrh"&Uon, urbtma quam tranaf., mena euetltuat irl, \'erg. U. 1'ran~t.1
e eao ..Une Roluaan Juidt 11ou1i11ari, Cie. ; I, to giw forlA; boe lgttnr tellua omnea euar.uas
to denote Uae wllnle out of wl1icla any 1iart lit aeatwa, Luer.
takell, wau ex 1.wt. laUmhl, Cle. ; e numero, of ~do -'\nl1, f. (enpero), dnallo11,
fk -allcr, Cie.; henee, &. Q. VettiWt Vettiauua uallalLon; &1ul'litudo et qtllllli qllledam eng>
e JlanlUI. 4 Jl11nin-. Cle.; b, 111 plat:e of tlee
p!lliL, tu deuoir that tn which a11ytblq belonp, geraUo quam alUuhna antml, Cle.
pappes e barbaris uaribua, C...; 8, to denote ~ 1. to Amp w~L Gen., A. Lit..,
tM material of whlr.b anytJaing la made or com- Plln. -.., Tn.m1f., fo m ctnok: animaa
poqnded, px-ula ex auro. Cle.; ao o( the aourc:e Ylrtutlbua exaggeratus, Cle. lo limp wp, '""
fl'OIA which anyUaing 11 paid or gained ; lari;iri C1YU#; 1, gen., rem ftlmlllarem, Cle. ; 2. esp.,
c:s alieno, Liv.; vivere e raJ>t,o, Ov.; 4Lto de- by word", lo Atiglluit, null, waagJJV,y; bene-
note the <"&Wle or oce&11lon of anything, JT01'&., 01' ltelum verbla, Cle. ; vlrtutem, etc.
CICCIDUU of, bJ "°'°"of; ex eadem canaa, Cle.; edglti.tor --Orta, m. (englto). oJN 111Ao
Demetrius e tloctriua elarn•, Cle. ; esp. with blaniu, ti u1tsitr'tT; omnlam rl11torum, Cle.
~ in tllfi planae. ex eo qu.,cl, ex eo qul1,
Mee CClllnClll, llftow-, Cle.: ex eo factum eat
°" edg(to, I. L LIL, to driw anrtllif&9 ~
ill JIOlitioA; a_ of anhnalll, lo llllrnl, C'Aaas; et
qaod, M1ICll U aJ9N nbosl Uia.t, Cic.; ex qno, e le1•u1 hie alll11 exagitaU.11 Brit, o,·. : b, of wtnd11,
qllibas, o• RQ:OtCM of v:Akl, Cle.; e vulnere tn mfM • quum via (ventl) exagltata fonu erump-
•-1, U v.; &, to d'-uote a change front one ~oft· ltur, L~acr. U. 1ranaf., 1, ta ll11nu11, tfi11qtCiet,
diUon ur occupation to· another, ex ontore dW•rfl, ptrttelfk; exagitatt latiu1 hl,jurihl, Cle. i
arator fact'aA, Cic. ; 6, aeamlhtg to, in aa:ordclnct ab Snebls eornplures a1111oa engttatl bello
9lf4; ex edlc:tn, Cle. ; ex, Cle. ; ex premeha.ntur, Clea.; quoe Illa quaeatfo ex·
fi:>edere.. Liv.; ex re et ex tem1onre, aa:orrli"f to agitabat,. Sall. ; a, lo llCOld, blmu, ~
~ 11Md cin:1l1Mln-, Cle. ; e1p. a, ex rum, tu& ct1U1Cft, crUfci.; allqaem, Cle. ; 0t1111e1 • etc..
re. fer -.y, ~ adm~, Cle.; e reimbllca, /ur hudes, Cic.; to dilnppr'Otlt of: qui bane dlcendl
ti. bnt~ of CM npllblic, Cle. ; ex usu eMe, to be exereltatlonem exagitanmt atque coutemnerent,
ex-tentia. ialW,Jhdorily, Cic.; 7, i" ,..nt
fl#.fd, Cle. ; b, ex anlmo, AatrtUr, tnTl&Ully, Cle.;
trid. raped to; e ratione ll~rtati. ; e llOlftra
Cle.; ~ to ariu, irrUalt; lllebem, Sall.; maer·
oretn, lilc.
. . . ......,. ·bt11, 8. lo ff'OWI w.WC, tva pall
dlgnft.Ue, Cle. IV. AdY. phrueA, ex lnduat.rla, t11UA/rigAl, Cle.
~. Cic. ; e memorla, frorJ& WUlllOl"ft Cic. ;
ex pute, a parl, Cic.; e veaUglo, /orlA.uA, ...,..._ -lnla, n. (for englmen, from ex Md
c.e..; e reglone., opporitc lo, Cle. ; ex loopinat.o, ago). L t1 nirara. A. Lit., of 1-, Cle.: nf
wupe, Liv. B. Transr., atllro11g, cr.t0tl1 Mwal;
eervonun, Cle. U. A. the trn&fM of 11 oala"llCf!,
edoerbo. 1. to irritate, p1'0fXJU, e.mapmlCa, Verg. B. Traner., luting, r.oruidemt~. tntati-
~; conwmellfs hostee, Liv.
em.ado ..ooi., r. (e~>. L 11 driri"9
cq«Jnoa : regum, Cic. IL 1~ a den&41Ul f ng, mld-
°"" gatiolt: examlna legum aervare, to npplr, Ov.
ezNnlno, 1. (examen), to toriflt. A. Lit.,
ad certum pondnai~a.; non auriftoi1 11taterl,
i-afl, colkdiAIJ oftkbt.11, tribvte, etc.; ~ act., nomin- Bed quldam popu art truttni enmlnari, Cle.
u.n1, Cic.; capltum, poll-Im:, Cle.; b, Jll.ll., tAat B. Traner., t11 wig.\, coMfdw; a,
wid is ooll«Ud, (MOiiie; exactto prior, Cle. ; verberum omnium pondera, Cie. ; with abl.,
&-~ dim:t'°11; operum publlcorum, haec mebt ponderiboa, Cle. ; b, or jadgett male
veruan examlnat ornAl1 colTl!Sptwl judex, Hor.
ametor' -«a, m. (e~), L one tdo dntw ex-i.m...... llCOOTdiAIJ ID Ile "Jllllt"e or nde,
owt, apdl; rqum, Liv. ILl, 0Mt0.\od11Mndl tmeUr, auvratdJt. Plaut. •
or aru:ta, t1 collt!dor of taza, Cacs.; 2. an ln- mDOlo, 1. to a:hau, eJnptJ. A. Lit., vlnurr.
qwdor, -,m""'1&dlJ&t, o..--r: qnom lpee lm-
prrator tit exactur; circumiret, Liv. pocolo, Plant. B. Tranaf., ID bfar lo IAfl nd,
av.fcT, e11d11re: JaoorM, Cle.
mrae&u -a -um, p. adj. with ccimpar. and ewl.M•ido ~nla, t. (exanlmo), /rlgll,
auperL (from exigo), (ICC1U"llU, pr"fCUc, rmd;
oumeros, Liv. """""' Cle.
e:dciio -tii -fttum, 8. ta Mel~,. lo 11 pllilll, ednlmt• -e and jten. ednlmua -a -om
(ex and anima), 1, lifelu., d«Ut, \'erg., Liv.;
1llA1:c al«trp. A. Lit., fUrcas, l erg.; ftg., nm- 2, lifelm, «nlelall with urror, Verg.
cro11e111 aliqnem tribunleium In noe, Cic. B.
Tranllf'.. a quum anlmns exacnerit illam, ut mri'nYmo. 1. (PX anti anlma or anlmua). L
ocul•Jl"ltm, '1dc iugenii nciem, Cic.; b, to tftif~, to dtprive of ""-atll. A. I.. lit., duplicl eurau
ltir •p. ill}a'IM: aliqocm, Cic.; anlmoe in bclla,
Hor. ; iri ~xacui, Nep.
exanhnari, Caes.; millw cursu exanlmau,
bTtathlua, C&.eB.; 2, tn.m;f., to fllClkt hrtalhltu
1Cith fror, tn slvn ; te rnetua e:unituat, Cic. B. or eJmCIYen~ J•rep. wiUl to deprit·t of life, kUl; 1, lit., allqoem, Cil'~; 2., OPJ'°'itt ; end \"en;us eum loc:um, Cic. tmn11f. to uha"Nst, 1omKn; aliquem ftuereliA,
ezaedlfloi.Uo -onls, r. (exaedllleo), a 1rttild- Hor. ii. to brtallu 01&t; nolo verba exiliter
i1t1 tip; ng., of an oration, ip!I&. anl~m exaedi· cxanimata exire, Cie.
katfo posita Cllt In rebus et. verl•t", C1c. emtlo= exanclo (q.v.).
9Jl:ai8dlfloo. 1. to b11ild, lnciiti ttp, ,,-r~t, lfHfA1 exaptua -a -um, fiultw.ed, attac1ied, Luer.
hildin!J; Capif.flllum, Cll':. ; •lo~o11 et vil!W11 eaanle9oo .and -anmm, 3. L Lit., 1 1 to
&11.; ft;.:., "' j,ni81t; exaed1fi1·are 1<1 01.u." quoo
IGJ.~ JiTt, ti1uile, bvnr. "P; null& matena tam
llll<titui11ti, Cic.
facili11 ad exardes«ndum est. quao etc., Cle.;
naeqa.itlo -onia, r. (ex.aequo), a maki1i.g 2 to l¥001M hot, to glr»D; aetherioque recena
apal, tqllality, LI v. e~rsit &i<lert1 limu11, Ov. IL Tnnaf., 1, of
aaeque., J. a., to ~ OA a ltrel, v1au pen101111, lo be violtntlr euiktl., be in,.fawted: Ira
epal; jura, Cic.; racta dictia sunt e~u"nda, cundiii. ac atomacbo, Cic. ; ad spem llbertatifi,
MllC be rtl4Ud in an adtl[IUlU manner, Sall. ; b, Cic.; of love, to burn ; imia tot.a exarait medullia,
ex.a 202 exc
Cat.; 2, or things, lo brtak out; e:un'llt bell um, ezoellentla -ae, t (e'<celle1H1), u~l/rn.-,,
Cir. · di.sti11guishcd mtrit; animi ex,.ellentia m:ig11i-
exi.resoo ·lirlH, S. to drJI, 1;ecome quiu dry. t11rloque, Cic.; absol., propter excellt>ntiam, pre-
A. Lit., .. x11reacunt amnes, t,;ic.; fontcl'I, Caes. ; u11i11wtly, Cic.
lacrimae, Cic. B. Fig., to dry UJi, beco?M cx- exoello (excelleo), 3. tn n·crl, ht disti1l-
l1.m1swt; exaruit faeultas orationis, Cic.; ,·ii\es (1Uishcd, be e111i1u11I; illu<i exc.. llit lf')!'illm no111en,
enim ex11.ruh1se jam Yeterl'm urha11itAte111, Cic. Cic.; with ah\., a11imi m:i;!11it11dine, Cic.; 'llilh
exarmo, 1. to di.!larm, dtprii:e of amt&; in and the ahl., in qna 1•11rttl t'Xcello ;!'_..,., Cic.;
cohortes, 1'ac. with, quns po..o;!l('t. exct·~lGr'o·, Cic. ;
e:Kho, l. L to plouph up, dig up: puerum, with 1•raeter, in co g<'ncre pmeter cdcro..;, Ck ;
Cic. IL to gain by p/011ghin11; plus quam with !!uper, quia sup~r cd.ero!! excel lat, J_,iv.;
<lecem medimna ex agro, Cic. III. to 1'1o11gh; with d11t. (of prrson ex1·ellt"d), ita tlgnra.tum es.<1e
a, lit., VatT.; b, trausf., frontem rugis, Hor. ; corpus ut exct"llat ceteris, Cic.; in quibus tll
c, nwton., to write or 11ote on wa.un. tJlbi.:1"8; longe nliis excellis, Cic..
exnravi ad tc harum exemplum in codicillis, Cic. exoelso, a1h·. with compar. nnd imperf.
exaspero, 1. to tnakt rn11r1h. A. Lit., a, (excelsus), /!f; dicere, in a &lyle., Cic.
Plin.; b, of the 11ea, lo make stormy; exasperato excelaltaa -iitis, f. (excelsus), height; tra.11sf.,
fluctibns mari, Liv. B. Transf., a, to makt ani111i, elemtion, Cic.
BOtYtgc; duratl tot malis exaspt'111tique, Liv.; excelsua -a ·11111, p. adj. with com1>ar. and
b, to irritat~, aciu; animo,;, Li\·. super!. (l'XCcllo), /../111, high, tltmttd.. A. Lit.,
exauotOro, 1. to dismi11s from military set'• 111011s, Cat's~ ; lloeus, Cic. Subst., ezoelaum
t:ict, discharge; aliquem, Liv.; se exauctoraro, ·i, n. a lofl!f J•lnc~ or situation, Cic. B. Tran,.f.,
to /lie. !l(n'ict, Liv. t/e()(!ted llbove the common; 1, or pr•sitio11, di.a-
esaudio, 4. L to hear 1>lainly: maxima ti11g11i.'h~l, e111i n.ent, illustrious; in exct"lso et
voce, ut 011111e.'I exandire po11slnt, dico, Cic. ; no11 illustri loco sita Jaus tua, Cic. ; sul•st., ex-
exaudito tubae sono, Caei1. II. to htar favuur- oelsum -1, n. high dignity, f>011ilion : a,
ably, listen. to; a!. a liquid, to listm to 1>raytr1; sing., in excelso vita111 a~t're, Sall.; b, plur.•
vot..a ptt>cesque, verg.; b, aliquem, to obey; excelsa et alta sperare, high honours, Liv.; 2,
mouitor non eXliU<litus, Hor. of the mind, dignijUd, euwted; magnus bnmo
elraugeo, 2. to increcue txettdingly'; radiorum et excelsus, Cic.; auimus excclsus, Uc.; 3, of
the style of a writer or speaker, /, tu1,a:ed;
lctu111, Luer. orator grandior et quoda111modo excelsior, Cic.
exaugtiratlo ·Onls, (. (exanguro), ti profan- ezceptlo -iinis, f. (excipio), 1, an t.rtt1.ticnt,
ing, duecrating; sacellorum ex11uguratfones, Liv.
rt.strfoN011, /i111itaJion; cum exc1>ptitme, Ci<»;
exau.gliro, I. to dew;rate, prrifcrne; t'ana, Liv. sine exceptione, Cic. ; qnodsi excel'! i<•nem t'11cit
exoaeoo, 1. to makt blind. A. Lit., aliqu!'m, 11e, etc., Cic.; 2, an t:rctption. to tile plni111ijf1
Cic. B. Transf., to atop a riur or chcrnntl; stt1tt111~1t of a COM ttnck1Yd by tl1e;
ftumina, Ov. exceptionem alicui dare, Cle.; exceptione ex-
mr::oandescentla -ae, r. (exca.nde!!co), Mat, cludi, Cic.
irascibility, Cic. excepto, 1. (intens. of excipio), to ta'kt old,
exoandesoo -d ui, s. to ~~ hot tcith catch up; 1, barbatulos mu\los de J•iscina, Cic.;
pa.s.•ion, 1" g/010, burn : ahi101.. id postquam siugu los, Ca es. ; 2, aura.'I, to snv.ff 11p, Verg.
ne.'ICiit, excanduit, ap. Cic.; with abstractions, excerno -crevi -cretnm, s. to upamk, i<i/f.
rii1i irii exc.1nduerit fortitudo, Cic. sort; l:laguntinos ex capt()rum numtro, Llv.;
excanto, I. to charm out, bring forth by fa. hae<li exaeti, uparo.ted from tl'.eir molktr-', Verg..
con.tatio11.1; sidera excantAta voce Thessali, Hor. excerpo -eerp·li -eerptum, S. (ex and carp<•),,
ezoarnlfloo, l. to tear to pW:es; aliquem, to 71ick uut. L Lit., semina pomis, Hor. D.
Cic. Tran sf.• A. t<> gathn' cnit, ~hoose ; excerpere ex
excAvo, 1. to hollow out, exromle; ex ana malis si quid inesiwt boni, Cic.; cxcerpe1-e nom-
genm\a prnegrandi trulla exca,·at.a, Cic. inu omni um ex juniorum tabulis, Liv. B. to pat
exoido -cessi -cessum, S. L llltransit., on oneaitle, aeparate; Je num~ro, Cic.; se uumero
A. tn 110 out, qo cw·n:y, gn from; 1, lit., viii, Liv. ; 1lloru111, Hor.
oppiilo, Caes.; urbt!, Cic.; ex prnelio, J•nwlio, exoesaus -ils, m. (excetlo), chpartuNl fro111.
Caes.; 2, transf., a., ex ephebis, e p11t'ris, to P«-'S life, deC1ll.; vitae. Cic.; e vita, Cic.; al.Jsol., lai·ti
01d of the <tge of boyhood, Cic.; e memoria, to pass excessn princi1~!1, Tac.
out ofnlJ!nwry, Liv.; c vita or simply vita, lo die, excetra -ae, f. a 1nab, Cic. poet.; tr-ansr., II
Cic.; cxcerlerc palrnii, to rt&i.g11 the 7iriu, Verg.; spiteful tcoman, Liv.
b, to digrwi ; paullnm at! enarrandum quam
etc., Liv. B. to go btyond, r_:rcted; 1, lit., ut
excldlum -Ii, n. (exclndo eX!lcindo). dt·
stru.ction, annihilatioa; a.1 of places, Libyae.
nnlla (pars) exceder!'t ultra, Cic. ; 2, trnnsf., a, \"erg.; ex<'iuia urbium rehcta.rum, Liv.; b, of
to uttai11 to; eo lautlis excedere quo, t'te., Tac. ; per11ons, exciclium meorum, \'erg.; lei;ionmn,
b, to rtimlt in, t11rn to; ne In altercationem ex- Tac.
cedrret res, Liv.; c, to paM 1Jey01!.d: qnum li- l. excYdo -cidi, 8. (ex and cadn), to fell rmt,
bertas non ultra voceru excessis11et, Liv. ; d, or
fall down. L Lit., A. Gen., sol excidi!lsf' 111ihi
events, to lwp~; insequrntla excedunt in eum e mundo videtur, Cic.; gladii de manil•ns ('X·
annum, etc., Liv. IL Transit., A. Gen., to ciuerunt; poet., vinclis excidea, esw1~. Y.-n:.
ltare: cnriam, urhem, Liv. B. to beyond; B. Esp., 1, or a lot, to fall ou.t; ut cniusque
mod um, Li\·.; tempus flnitum, Liv. 11ors exciderat, Liv.; 2, tn fall cnt, "'- /o;,I; l1t-
excellens -entis, p. adj. with compar. and teras excidisse in via, Cic. D. Tran sf., A.
super!. (excello), high., lofty, uetlhnl, di&tin- Gen., ut quodammodo victnria e ma11ilo11'1 l'X·
gui.ahed, remarlro.lile; Brutus excellens omni cideret. alipptd out, Cic.; In vitium libertas ex-
genere laud is, Cle.; excellens pulchritudomulle· cidit, Hor. B. Esp., 1, to sHp out unmmTf'\
bria formae, Cle. ; una excellentissima virtus, urope; verbnru ex ore alicuiu'I or alkni, Cic.;
justitia, Cic. libellus me imprudente et invito r.xcidit, Cic.;
ezoellea~r. adv. (excellens), txetlU'ft.Uy; 2, to vanish, dWl:)Jpear, pn.s.s away: a, vultu'I,
qnae magno animo fortlter excellenterque gesta oratio, mens denique excidit, Cic.; exd1\it. i\11
aunt. Cic. metu, led conacioumt.U. OY. i b. esp., to J!Q.A
exo 203 exo
n'ftY from tuWn"Y or tltUKgAI, ~ /rYrt)Ottui.; Car- l'rtd: tuITem, Cacs.; sepulcnim, Cic. : tranlf..
Uia;;iuem excidia.'c de memoria, Liv excitAta fortuna, farourablt, Cic. ; 2 of a fire.
tuum mihi excirlit, Ov.; cogitntio 111i'.1. non to J.i11dle, inj!a111t: lgnem, Cae8. ; fncendlum,
rxcldit, Cie.; 3, to fail; maguis excLht o:;sis, Cic. ; 3, a, ro provol."t, prod11ct, roll forlh.; plan11•
o •. um, Cic.; ftetu111 slicul, Cie.; b, t-0 prottob,
2. esai4o -cldi -cisum, S. (ex anii ~edo), to ,nust; amore$, <.:ic.; lmlomi!AS lrn.i, Verg.
l:l&l olllt. L Lit., A. Gen., lapides e terra, Cic.; exoli.mi.tlo --011111, r. (exclamo), in rbet., a1'
&roor exci5&, unn e\·ul>1&, Cic. B. F..sp., a, to uclam,alio11, Cic.
ltiO ow, uicamtt; saxum, Cic.; b, to dutroy;, I. L fntran"it., to itho11t, cry aloud;
or places,, for.:~ 0(1(11, Caell. ; <lomoK, Cic.; In i.tadio cursorrs exclamant qt111111 maxime )'OS·
of persons, Co anuihUoJ.r; 811;,~mhro.'I, Tac. II. suut, Cic. ; continues saepe exclamare vidi,
l'rin.'lf., to root out, 1..mw1; illu•l tri11tissi111u111 quum apte verba co11cidi'4seut, Cic. IL Transit.,
tempus ex an no, Cic.; cau!l&S bellorum, Tac. 1, to shoid out, cull alvucl by tUl/Ji.t ; Cicero11e111,
escleo -civi -citum, 2. and (gen.) e:a:clo np. Cic.; 2, to ~hou.t out; 11ihi llliet exclam·
-civi and -di ·citum, 4. to roll forth, 111nunn11 out. are; pro Deum, etc., Cle.; witl ohjective clauM!,
L or persons, A. Lit.• l, gen., M res ab st.ativi11 qumn11111.gnli \'oce 'xclarnnsset .1t, etc., Liv.
excivit Mettium, Liv.; artilices e Graecia, Liv.; e:a:cliido -C'li\sl -clllllum, (e~ 1.n1l claudo), 9.
aninJM imis eepulcris, \"erg.; 2, ellp., to 111m- L to shut 0111, e.rcl11dt. A. Lit., a, or µer1101111,
"'°" to lulp; Romanos a<l l\UXilium url1is ob- aliq11e111 a clu1110 !Illa, Ci<'. ; aliq1.em muenihus,
lel5Sll.e, l.i\'.; auxilia e Germania, Tac. B. Cic.; ejlcere 11os mag11u111 fuit, excludcre facile,
Tr:rnsf., 1, to pro110ke: hostt'm ad dirnieaniiu1n Cic.; ~ or a !'lace, to cut off, upa,.ak; l~um,
acit', Liv.; 2, "ith or without somno ore somno, Lh-. a.. Tran11f., a, to excl1ide; ab h'reditate
lo a.roaise, aiml.:t, Liv., 8&11.; 3, to frighten, patema, Cic.; hi11 praemli11 et ho11oribus, Cic.;
Alarm; conscientia 111entem excitam \'&stabat, b. t-0 renunoe; aliquem a repnblica, Cic.; o, tel
Sall. D. or things. 1, t.o call forth, udtt, pro- prt'Vf:nl, h.i11der; Rom:inos ab ro fru111entaria,
dtu%; tumaltum iu porti:!, Liv.; timorem, Liv.; lh ut off, Cac!I. IL or bir<ls, to hatch; pullos
2, t4 s1ulke; 11ul.1uq11e ['C(lum trcmit excita suos in nido, Cic.
tell us. \"erg.
esclplo -c~pi -ceptum, 3. (ex a111l capio). I. e:a:oliialo -c•nis, f. (excludo), a 1h11tlilig 011t,
e.rclll.sion, Ter.
to ttti·~ 01u. A. Lit., aliqnem e mari, Cic. B.
Tranl!r., a, to acq>t; ho>ice homiues excipio et excogltatlo -on is, f. (excoitito),n contriving,
aeoemo, Cic.; excipere aliqu"m or excipi, full. '1ei:isiug; ilia \'is quae tandem est. quae l11vestlgat
by ne, Cic. ; non excipi q110111inu.~, Cic. ; b, to oeculta, ci.uae iuventio atque excogitatill dicitnr,
-.a..W a. cv.ulitio1i, $f•llt UJH'tuly: lex exciµert>t Cie.
ut... etr-. Cic. II. to tnl<e 11p, cntch. 1111. A. or exco~to, 1. to scho11-t, deviSt, conlrirt, iii·
things, 1, sangi1ineom pat.era, Cic.; 2, lo mtch rt11t; 1111ra qna.edam genera fnrandi, Cic. ; with
•p by li.sknin'}, to li.itm, ot•erhror, Cic.; 3, a, to clat. of gerund, or ad with acc. (to exprt>s!4 the
rtt:;tiN:; vulnera, Cic.; b, to 1111ilert<1ke; labol'ell o~jcct of the invention), alia t11.,11<li11 urbiLn:i
111a;:11011., Cic.; c, lo ~11ffer, rn.durc; omnem <liu excogitat.a, Cic.; excogitare multa ad a,·aritia111,
collectam ,·i111 1111probo111m, Cic. B. Of per- Cae:i. ; with re lat. !\entc11ce, excogit.'l.t, i;anc acute
l'>mt, 1, to cutch; 111oriliun<l11m, Liv.; se peu1b11s quid dc.:ernat, Cic.; ab:ml., ad haee igitur cogita,
or m pedes, tn s1 •ri 'l.IJ ta tlu grouwl, Liv.; 2, to mi Attice, \'cl potius exco:;ita, Ck.
cutr.\ (in a ho-.tile manner); a, lit., servos in excalo ·Ci'lh1i ·cultum. 'l. A. Lit., to ttnd or
pabulatione, C.aes. ; b, trausr., to 11u1tch cd; vol· c11ltin1u carP/11/ly; arva, Mart. ; Janas rucles, to
nntA~ liominum, Cic. III. to 1·tctire. A. Lit., ~pill, Ov. B. Trsnsf., a, to adorn, polish, tn-
1, excipi ah omnihu~ clamore, Cic'.; 2, lo titler· 1wble, r•fi11t; Tuditanus omni \'it.A atque virtu
taia; allquem, Cic.; 3, of places, illam (patriam) excultus, Cic. ; aoimos doctriua, Cic.; vitam per
ahi exet>pti sumu!I, Ck.; 4, to al/leek; a, Ore;;~s :irtes. \'erg.; b, to strrt, 1w11011r; quaeque tu,
n··ipit iocautum, \'erg.; b, to 1001111d; aliquern est pietas, ut te non excolat ips.1m, Ov.
in lata-1, Verg. B. Tran!lr., 1, UI hear, receive; 8:.ECOqUO -COXJ ·eOCtUlll, 'l. to boil down ; 1,
mot.u"I fnturos, Vert(.; a.">sen~u populi excepta to 111tlt rlown, rtjint; \•itiu111111etallis, Ov. ; 011111e
rnx.. Liv.; 2, to awt1it; qui quosque e\·entus per ignes vitium, \'erg.; 2, to balct, 71rnke hard;
ectcipt>rent, Cae11. ; S, to fo/lf)1t•, .mcc~e1l; ora- t1·rm111 sol excoquit, Luer.
lioll<'lll Tullii ex•~eperunt preces ltlultitndinis,
Liv.; Herculi11 irnmortalita~ excipit, Cic.; e:a:cora -cordis (ex and cor), fuolish, silly,
huuc excipit Labienus, s11Mka rurt, Caes.; 4, to without inttlligt11ce; anus, Cle. ; hoc qui nou
rouli11111, prolong; me111oria111 viri, Cic.;_f? 1 poet., \'idet, excors est, Hor.
to I~ toicnrd&; porticus exdpit Arcton, Hor. e:a:crementum -i, n. (excerno), ucrrnu1Lt;
escialo ·iinis (exddo). dcstri1rtio11; kctorum, oris, spittlt, Tac. ; narium, Tac.
Cic.; urhium, Cic. e:a:creaco -cri!vi -cretum, 3.· to grow 11p,
8Jl:Oltatns -a -um, p. a•lj. with compar. and spring 11p; In hos art us. in haec corpora, qtiae
S:Up;!rl. (from exclto), litoely, mti11uttetl, vigor011s. miraumr, excrescunt, Tac.
lorul; !Wlnu!I, Cic.; clamor, Liv. e:a:cretws -a -am, partic. or excerno or of
esclto. l. L to T0118' forth. A. or living
ert>aturel\, 1, ft'ra.'I, Cic.; 2, In mil forth by excriiclabnta ·e (excrucio), dueniing OJ
1Aouti1111, to sm11.11w11 ; ela111ore exdtat11111 praesid· torturt, l'laut.
iom Rm11a11or11111 1 Lh·.: ali<inem a mortniR or e:a:oriiclo, 1. lo torlnrt, tonwmt ezcwf!ngly.
ab i11feri>1, Cic.. B. Traniir., of thing", alicul A. Lit., servos fatno ''inculisqnc, Caes.; excnt·
111emnria.111 CAralll, UI rc1ie1u, Cic. IL l-0 n11ist ciare aliquem vinculi11 ae verberifJus atque omni
wp. A. of J>"'rsons, 1, &, lit., 1111inl">li rurims snpplido, Cic. B. Transf., a, of physical pain,
proci<\.,rnnt, tandem excitatl curia rxcessernnt, fu1110 excrnciatns, Cic. ; b, or mental wrture,
1..iv. ; b. transl., M consolt, raise II/>; animum mt'ae me miseriae magis excruciant quam tune,
amici j&1~ntem, Cic.; a!Hictos, Cic.: 2, to !llnl· Ck.
WOil; triarios, Liv. ; recitat.-,re>1, Jectorel1, Cic.; excublae -nnim, f. (excnbo). A. Lit., B
teate8, Cic.; 3, a, to arottst fro1n slup; 11liq~em kupi11'1 tc'Olclt, kuping guan:l; o exf'ubias t11u,
e soumo or somno. Cic. ; b, to arou.e, cmimfl.U; o ftebiles vigilias, Cic.; excubias agere alicui, to
lnpido nnntio excitatus, Liv. ; aliqm~m a<l lab- kttp W«t~h over, Tac .. ; of animals, excubiae
omia et laudem, (.,"'ir~ B. or things, l. to, viiiilum canum, Hor.; poet., excubise dlv1)nt
exo exe
aet'lrnae, Uu /.rt, Verg. B. Met.on., •on hud toi Verg. B. Esr., l, "' tcor ato11r;
IAc perdOJU who ketp watch, watch.1JtM, guard, agnam ore upl, Ov.; transl., atudia de hl&lli-
Cic. lms, t:.c. ; 2 .... or wea1ion11, to lltool; glan.lCJU,
8Jl:olbltor -oris, m. (excubo) 11 •11liMl, Liv. ; t. to tATO'ID (or a boraf', etc.), equos eJt-
aoatchman, guard, Caes. ; or birds, excubitor ales, cuS11~! c,.;uitem, Liv.; c, todriN awar; ali~Ul'lft
ll&e cock., Verg. patr1a, \erg. ; 3, to prua out ; i;udorein, N<>p. ~
eJColbo -bO.i ·bltum, 1, to lu or lleq
doora. L Gen., In agris, Cic. ii. to •tand Nn-
°"' rif transr., riimm, to/OTC#,, Hor.; 4, io ~stro,.
mah 11oid; roe<Iua, Veflt. ; 5, aomno excuU, to
i&ml •. kup wmch. A. Lit., in annis&...Caes.; pro be 1list11rbed from. II.up! yerg. ; a,L~ aprtad ""';
eastris, C&es. ; ad liortnm, Cacs. .a. Tranar., brachia, Ov. IL to &llaJU f.!iolt'llUT· A. caesar-
a, Cu11ido excuba In i;enis, Hor. ; b, to be iem, 0\". B. l, to atarch, aumbu (by shaking 1a
VXJ.kJiful, vigi.Lsnt; excubabo vigilaboque pro per1!<m'11 g~n~en~), non te, s! quid f~•rle
vobhj, Cic. ren1 habu11ti, C1c.; 2. to '"'· Un!MJ&e, V't1gl;
omuea eorum delicias, omnea ineptias, Cic.
8ll:Oiido -ctldl -ctiaum, s. L A. Lit., to
1tri.U out; scintlllam silici, Ve_rg. B. Transr., exeo ... v. exsec.
to 11.atr.A : pullos ex ovia, Cic. IL to rnab rMttr ezido -edl -&ium, 8. lo «U ttr, dn"011r,
by •triking. A. to ha11nner, forgt; 11pirantla COtl$U11~. L Lit., Plnut. IL to 0011n1'11«', dr"1Tof..
molllus aera, Vcrg.; or bees, to 11wuld; recentca e11p. of the action of tln1e, ruat, <'tr. ; a, lit.,
ceraa, Ve!J?. B. TransC., to compoae (of writing), exesis 1iosteriorlbns 1iartibu& versiculomm, C.:ic.;
allquid, Cic. bi trimsr., or the mind, to _,. al1'1&1f, (ti' into,
exoulco. 1. (ex and calco). to tramJlu ftrM, GAav8'; aegrituclo exe11t aulnium, Cic.
Crtad l&ard, ltat•p j.7'11~; slnguli ab lnllmo solo e-'4ra -ae, r. <«ti&pa), a room, or hall far
pedes terra exculcaba.ntur, Vic. conwraatim& or debaU, Cle.
exourro -cllcurri and -curri -cuniwn, s. L ez~mn -11, n. (iti&puw), a riUiltfl-roota,
to run. owt, haltcnforth. A. Gen., 1, lit., ex- Cle.
rurrat allquia (11c. domo), Cic. ; 9, transr., exem'Dlar ·iris, n. ( -la, n ..
quorum animl apretis cprporibu11 evolant atque Luer.). [. A. a copy, trmucript, Cic. B. a rat·
excurrunt forai1, Cic. ; campus In quo excurrere Urn., modd, e:«mplar, aat1&zile, Uir_ D. ax imngt,
Ylrtus po111sit1 Mo1t1 ftltl/, Cir. B. Esp. 1, mllit. Ukeneu, Cle.
t.t., io attaac, make a sortie; omnibus portis, exemplirls -e (cxcmpluN1) wrri119 a1 a
Lh'.; ex Africa, Cle.; 2,a,_tran11r., to make a d£- copy. Su1*t., e:x:empJ.i.rea. copUI; 011111ium
Jrtuion.; longius, Cle. .u. or places, to rtm riut, lltteranun, Tac.
to 7orojttt; promont.orlum In altu111 excurrens,
Liv. ; produetlora alia et qUASi hnmoderatius exem:vlmn -Ii 1 n. (Cor exempolum, Crom
excurrentla, Cle. cximo, 011g. IOml'thui.g chUSl!11 froM " tttuNhtt' 11/
eJl:OUnllO -Onls, f. (cxeurro), 1 a .uppi110 the same l.:iml). L 111ml'Llii110 iri11&ilar; 1, n taJ'N,
onmrd (of an orator), exeunl!o 111;/crata caquc tra11$Cri7it; Cacsari11 litfonm1m exemplum t.ihi
rara, Cle. ; 9, an atlilck, a~ult, aally ; excun;l- misi, C1c. ; 2, ma111ter, fllJiltim&; quaeationeaa
onem ftlcero ex oppiflo, Caes. ; exeursioncs et ha\Je1i N1t.lem ex0111}1}oquo M. Pomponlus prart.i"
latroclnia l1C111tiu111, Cic.; fig., prima excurslo habui:;sd, Liv. IL 8111ftdAinf to be iaU.,fetl.
oratlonis, Cic. A. Artistically, "" origbtal, patttrA; in mutum
simula1·ru111 ab anlmali exemplo tranafertnr,
exCUl'llOr ·Oris, m. (excurro), a scoul, akir- Vic. B. Morally, 1, 11 Cf!T'N• -.odtl; exen1plm11
MiJlitr, Cle. lnnoc1•nti&e, pu<licitiac.t C1c. ; cxemphnn m1iere
excursus -ns, m. (excurro), 1, a ninning or pct.ere ab aliquo, l:lc. ; 2, Cit& ua.wa1ile lo 1~
/orti'; exc11r:i1~11e breves tPntant (of bees), imilllutl or "roitlcd; aliquid allonuu exeri1111o
\'erg. ; 2, m1ht. t.t., an aUack, aallv, CU$Clult; iustitutoquc faccre, Cie.; plus ll'C~mplo qtu'111
excunms mllitum, Cae11. • pceeato mwcnt, Cle. ; 3, a tllOMl(ng cmd detn--
excriiaabnla -e (cxcuso), uc111ablt, dutrving ri"ll UUfllJile, uemplllry pw11~; exemplma
qf tXC11.9e; delicti 1.ars, Ov. acvrritat.i11 e<lere, Cic.; exemplnm Rtat.uert" iu
exciiaatlo -onls (excnso). L an. r:ixuM: 1, aliquem Clr in aliquo, Cic. llL that tdticl
gen., witl1 subject. genit., Pompeii, Cic.; witn illl11trak.1 or uplaintJ, iflltallCt, na•pl#, proof;
object. genit., pecati, Cie. ; excusationem ex- magna exe1111•la casm1111 huma110111m, [.iv.; cx-
clpere, Cic. ; stultitia excusationem non l1:thet, empli cau!!i, or graUli, or in exemrlu111. Jot·
ftn.IU n.o euu11e, Cle. ; excusationcm probare, Cic. ; anmple, Cle.
justA et idonea utl excusatione intennis!lionis e:x:emptua .. -um, partJc. or exhno.
lltterarmn, Cic.; plur., grourub Q/ UC"Ust; nullae exlo -II (-lvi) -ltum, 4. L Jntram1it-, to go
iatae excn!l&t!ones sunt, Cle. ; 2, esp., rrf11sal, cmt, go awav, f10 fm-th. A. Lit., 1, ex ur~. Cic.;
declininq; cxeusatlo Bcrv. Bulplcii legatio11is, ab urbe, Liv.; de tricllnlo, Cir-: <101110, Cio.; 2,
Cle. IL 1illa, IM/ena: cxcusationl'lll oculomm or t11lngs, a. or Ioli quum de con1111larilnu• IUtlllL
accipcrll, Cle. ; cxcusatione uti te1111>0ri~ or vale- p1ima 11ons exl8118t, \Jlc.; b, to sprlt1g "P• spront
tudinis, U> all~qe in e.rcrue, Cic. furth; de atamine ramplnus exit, Ov. ; ~t ro 1. (•·x amt 1·ansa). L to c:r.'; se rise in the air, <UttWi; curribus nu111.1' in acw~r­
aprnl aliquem or S•~ alicui, Cle. ; s1• de ali11ua re, ias, Verg. B. Transr., 1; gen., de or c vit.a, hi oit,
Cae11. ; tanlita~m litkraru111, Cic.; excuure Cic.; e patricils, to lOM one'• rank a.11 o ?X'!tricia11,
allquem or se quo<l, etc., Cic.; Kl Lysiade11 exeu- Cic. ; exisse ex or de pote8tate (ment111), to lua
setur ArcopagiteK c;;sc, is tzeUMtl on the gr01md control OVtT one.(f. Cle. ; 2, esp., a, to roaM om
that 1w u etc. Cle. IL to allegt in exc1111e, to of; aere alieno, Cle. ; b, to bec:oMe htO'IOn ; exit
rlmd: 1, morbUm, Cle.; valetmlini>m, aetatem, oratlo, Cic. ; c, or time, /.o ronu to "" f!ltd, pau
Liv.; 9. to decline; reftex., 11C excuMre or p&..'16., 1m'f1y; qulnto anno exeunte, Ole. IL Tra.u.'lit.,
f'Kcnsarl with abl., to be ucr!&td from, rclitred 1, to 11(1# Ot'f!r, beyond; Avernag valles, Ov.:
frowt 11 dtdy, etc., Tac, transr., mod um, Ov.; 2, to weird oJ'; vim viril>ua,
e:ircumua .a -nm, partlc. or exoutlo. Verg.
eJtail& -cu881 -cusaum, S. (ex amt quatJo} eseq ••• v. ex-aeq •••
L to •hake old, ltrilu 011t, t.Armo out, drl1't out. ~ exeroio ·di -!tum, 2. (ex and ARC-eo),lo-S
Gen., 1, lit., anooram e n1we, Liv.; lltteras In t~gll1, jhligtu, tomry. L Lit., .. lqOGI
terr&Jn, Cic. ; 9, transr •. to 'l'fmM'e, driw a1PC11f; aequore campi, to ~. Verg. • lnaomtt.u
metum 4le corde, Ov. ; nliculua vooee, 1o JH'IN tw quails undu exeroet Auater, Hor. i b, llo oc.,,,
exe 201) en
,.,.,"' a. Hu '• work: u1ldula brachia tells,
Ov.; o 1 ot 1lavea, anhn11lst etc., to 11Aploy in
(JOCUlum, Tlnum to
aerarlum, Cle. B:
n&ptl ,,_ dn"1cing, Cle.:
Trana ., 1, lo, ,..,.
irort; tamalu ad lumina 1011go penso, Verg.; po11erU/I.; facultates patrtae, Cic.; homtbc1 1 Clo.;
d, to t110rl: Aara Al; sol um presso sub vomett, to 2, to vv11kenJ.. tthall.ll. ; eermo bomlnum «sX•
calliria.ll diligtllll", Verg. IL Transf., A. Gen., haustus, tJic.; S, to bring to a1l md, com-
lo Aanw, trouble; meos auua In qui!Jus me 1ilc'"; maudata, Cic.; 4, to tndurt, m§cr;
rortuna vehementer exercuit, Cic. ; exerceri lahore.. , Liv.
poen!s, Verg. B. to OCtmpr '" '°""
....m.. :nvctU.; a or the boJy, hoc vocem et
activUr, to exhiriclo. 1. (exherea), to d irinMrit; all·
que1n, Cic.
'fil'l!S aaas, Cic.; mfllt. t. t., to e:urclM in arma1 exheria -Mis, dui-nhn'ited; with genlt.,
drill: oopias, CaelL ; reflex., 118 exercere au<t pat.crnorum bouorum exhcres, Cle.
middle eXPl"<'erf, lo pra.;!m1 r.«rci#; or &thlclc11,
se In cnrriculo, Cic.; b, of the mind, memoriam, exhllHSo ·hlbdl ·hlbltum, 2. (ex and habeo).
Cic.; adoleACentel ad coplam rhetorum, Cle. ; L Gen., a, to produce, brir.g fortli; e11p. 1 to pro-
refteL, Ml e:rercere, or middle, exercerl, to prac· il11cd11 a oourt of justice; pnr.illum, fratrcs, Cic.;
tU.; 11e quotidian la cominentatlonlt.111 neerrime, to produce fa1· 7troof, etc. ex 1lbe librarium lllud
Cic. C. to lllaU uu of an instrumeut or weapon, leg11m vestrarum, Cle. j b_,to hand over, d.tliver;
to tmploy1 we; 1, ge11., a, 11nna, Vcri:c.: diem, to omnia ali<'ui integra, t;iC. ll. 1, to a/1ow,
do nu'• rta.'Jf• wor1·, Verg.; b, or politicA, to use, display, t.rhibit; a, dt!a formam removlt anilem
J'flldiM; facllitakm et le111tudh1t·m animl In Pul!Hdaque exhlbult, Ov.; b, populo Romano
alll1un, Ci<>.; ;:nn·ei1 iulmicltlascum aliquo, Sall.; phtloaophlam, 1d forth, prtu11t, Cic. ; 2, tn
libl<liue111 et &\·:uitiam in socins, Liv.; 2, esp., mo.kt, to ca11u; alicul negotium, to muse troubl~,
a, ot land, to cultimt~; prae.lia ru11ti~a, Liv.; Cic.; ao alicul molcstiam, Cle.; 3, to ura11t, ·
of mines, to 'WOrk; mctalm auri atque argenti, allow; toros, Ov. ; exhibe lihera111 contlone1u
Lil'.; b, to prcu:ti.&e RI\ art, etc., mediclnam, Cle.; vel Argls vel Lncedacmone, Liv.
c, lt1.:11l t. t., {ci) to praid.t owr, to cond11ct; qui exhllAro, I. to mab chttr/Ul; mlrarl11 tam
exhllaratam e11se serYitutcm nostram, Cle.
exel"C>!t j111liciu 111, Cic.; q 11ae11tio1u·m h1ter lllcarios,
Cie.; (.8) H'Cti;.'lllia, to 11w11og~, Cle.; (y) to l>ringa exhorroaoo -horrOI, S. L Jntrn11slt., to
lall'irttu tUCttti<tn; Jcgem co11fc11tius exercerl, Liv. s1111ddtr aae1ti.nglyl bt ltrrijltd; aequori,. i11K~r,
exerclti.Uo ~niA, f. (excrcito), fmZCti#, u- Ov.; nwtu, C1c. ; n allquo, Cl<'. IL Tnuunt.,
mi.e; a, of the hotly, corJ.IOI'& nostJ·a motu to tremble at, to drtatl;, Verg.
atqne exerclt:ltione n-calescu11t., Cic.; b, or the exhort&tlo -61119, f. (cxhortor), ezhortatio11,
111i111l, with 11:e11it., diccrnli, Cic.; juri11 clvills, enco111'a!}t11U'nl; ducu,n, Tac.
Cic.; c, J>mcti.«; virtutis, scelerum, Cic. exhortor, 1. <lep., tn ezh.ort, e11couraoe;
exercftatua -a -11111, p. adj. with compar. natum, Vcrg.; roll, by ut and the auhj., Tac.
111tl •uperl (from exercito), 1, /n1&itt.l; agrh1 exlgo -IH .actum, 8. (ex and ago). L to
1'1bi~11dis, Cic. ; 2, prt1rti~l, uercisd; a,_ of drive O'Ut, drfre am1y. A. Lit., 1, of living
the boitr, homiues in annh1 exert'itati, t;ic.; beh1gs, regea ex t:ivitate, Cic.; &cl'vam e rnon-
r~cn:itatus in uxoribm1 ne<'&nclis, Cic.; b, of tlbus, Liv.; 2, or lhini,'11, a, Meer admi88lla
"'" 111in1l, In arithmeticis satis ex .. rcit.atm1, Cic. exlglt llebrus aquas, pours into the tta, Uv.; b,
IL tro1;b/eil, l&arlU*'d; ~yrtes exel"('itatae Nnw, agrornm f111ctu11, to srll, Liv. B. Tmnar., otium,
llor. ; coris agitatuJt et exercitatus animus, Cic. to bani~h, Hor. IL to drive iii, to th.n11t; t'nsem
exercltlum -Ii, 11. (exerceo), practict, t.Ur• per juvent>m, \'erg. III. to rompl.et11, ji11i11h.;
cj.,: e<Jnitutn, Ti1c. a, 111011ume11tum aere iierenniua, Hor. ; opus,
exerclto, 1. (iutens. or exercen), to practiat, Uv.; b, of time, to B]Je1Ul, paaa; exacto per
\'arr. !<Celern diC', Tile,; to compltU, bring to an t11d;
exact!~ mensibn'!i \'erg.: l'X&ct& aetate at tlt•
l. exeroltus -a -nm, p. adj. (e:rerceo), 1, rnd of life, Cic. .1V. to uact, dema1id. A. Lit.,
tmin,.,l, a·lv•oled; militia, Lello, Tac.; 2, 11trt:re, a, or money, p«c1111ias, Cic.; V<>ctigaiia, Cic.;
fttulitn11, Tac.; 3, tried, l1ara..•xil, Cic.
b, or work1 a'·tles p1frnlas \'clut publicum opu!!,
i. exeroltua -fis, m. (ext>rceo), a, a trained 11iperinttnu the exec11tio1l of, Liv.; esp., (11) to
ll-Jdy of 60ltlitr11, army; exercitus urrestri!!, rt'lltir• the b11 ildi11g or mal.."in{I ()j 1V1Mfhi11g:
na1·ali.i, Liv.; tlncere excrcitum, Cic.; co11- vlam, Cic.; (ft} to 111al.e a rtquisitum or ckntnnd
11e1 ihere, Cic.; Jll!.rare or comparart', Cic.; con· for iomtthing; equitum }"'(lit11111quc certum
ficen', Cic.; cogt>re, Cues.; l'epe11le conftarc, n11mcru111 a ci\•it.-1til111s, Ca<'s. B. 'fra11sr., to
C1c.; rauci111liehull facert>, Cic.; acciJ:W>re, Cle. ; de11wn.ri, rrquirt; jusjuranilum, Liv.; Veritate111
nerciru;i alcre, Cic.. ; cxerciturn ex ca..~tris c'luc- a t"lltP., Cic.; )'rt1111l'4111tm ab allqun, Cic. V. to
t!l', Cae11. ; exercltum cxpo11ere put oil sliip, mtcislll·t, 11'ti(lh, uu111inc. A. Lit., col11111nas
Ca ..i;.: esp., the infu.11try; uerc1tus cquitatU>i· ad peqwn•liculum, Cic. B. Tm11sf., 1, ad ii lam
')II•', CaC'S., I,iv.; his 0111nihns dicbi1s cxcrcitum t1u111111am H'rilatcm l<'gitimmn ju11, Cic.; 2, to
('3.,fr:~ '"11ti11uit, eq1w:;trl pr(wlio 11unti11ie co11- cmisitln-, rrfted tq>o11; tem1•n!I BeC'nm it~<;a, opua-
tr1,.lit, L'acR. ; b, poet., cromt, lll'(lrm; con·· que exigit, \'t·q;.; non aati::i cxacttuu quid agam,
ur11111, \'erg. 1iat urt11i11, Cic.
exiaor -orl11, m. (cxedo), one wh.o gna104 or exlpe, a1lv. (exigum1), l, spnrlngly, JCm1lily,
tnl• "'"'"· Luer. scarce/11; l'rum<'ntum exiguc dicru111 xxx haLere,
exhAJ.i.t(o ·onls, r. (t>xlraln), an u1utlatioa, Cnt>s.; nimi!\ exigur. ct exililcr nd C31"ulos re-
nr1••11r; ex ha lat inn cs terrae, CiC'. vomrc nmicitiarn, too 111irrn1cly, Cic.; 2, briefly;
exh&lo. 1. L T1·an!lit., tntxlwle, emit t'!l}'OICr, cxigue ~cripta t'!!l (eplstola), Cic.
a, ••f rhi11;,;", 11cliula111, \',•r;;.: .. 1or1•:;, Luer.; b GXfgUftaa -iitii1 1 f, (exigl!U!!}, 1, or space,
<>r!J"Nt•ll"I, \·it1u11, \·erg.: a1d111m11 1 (h'.; c·mpul1m: smal/11e~s; c.1st.rnrn111 1 Cat»!.; 2, of 11t11nber,
or vi11Ulll. Cic. II. l11tra11>1it., to brtalltt forth, 1~rni:ify; cnpi.1rum, Cic.; 3 of' ti111c, shortruu;
Ov. ut tc111pori11 t·xiguitas p0!1t.u1abat, Caes.
exhaurio -han"I ·lian .. tum, 4. L to draw eEpWI ·& •Um (t"Xigo), mutll, littlt, tcanty,
Olll A. 1, or flniclr<, St'llt.illlll11 1 CiC.; 2, gPn., I. or quantitr, A. Of space, small, little; ca.~tra,
lo tab out; tE>rram 111:111ili11•, Cnell.; 011111e111 Cacs.; pars terrae, Cic. :.. nel~t. suhst., esld-
pecunlam ex ~rario, Cle. B. T11u1>1f., to t11ke um ·I, n. small1ttM; spatu, Liv. B. Of numl>er,
av:uy; partem ex tnis hm•lihus, Cic. D. fo em1ll.I/ 1i;anty, 811Ulll; nu111e111s ora~1111!!. Ck. C. OC
"•I. A. Lit., follSll8 cloacali<illc 1 Liv.; puteo11, t.une, .slwrt, 1ea111y; vita, Cic. .1.1.. Of q•wUy,
ext exo
1. A'-. llYllflN; corpa.1, Rep. ; ll IJ>fl'°""• fllmo; lmpe_!'S., It.a l.ntelllgfmua wi,o af8tl.
llDUJ; top, llor.; laua, Oto. ; 8, o 1trength, marl, Cic. B. lo J""4,., ~ ,,a. jlt~:
wmk: 'rirea, Verg.; YOX. OY. eap. of critical judp:mevt on literary work.a,
md1ls -4l (tor ntgllsitrom ex1go), Httte., tAi7l, with de and tho abl., de scriptoribua, qui
~. IMllfT'P• fJOO'f'; , of number, lewones, nondum e<li<lerunt, exlstimare non pouumua,
wa.t, ""' 41 tMir proper "1'mber, Ole. ; 2 or etc.; bene or male de ali1p10, Cic.: with rel
quality, &, '-''"· alt'n(ler, mtagn; cor, Ctc. ; sent., exl11timari non, m exlatln~
femur, Bor. ; b, or discourse, ~· dry; potcat utrum ••• an, etc.,, Liv.; absol
puua aennools. Cic. ; c, poor, "'-'fgn~nt, partlc. 1ubat., mdatlmantes ·lum, m. aw
1m"'r; 10lum, Ole.; domua, Hor. critia, Cic.
es:illtaa -itlB, r. (flxilis), "'"""'"' Mtagre- exltlabllls -e (exit1nm), de3dl11, dutnrdfa•;
""'· ~; ln dl~111Jo, Cic. bellun1, Cic. ; tyrannll.!, Liv.
es:illter, adv. (exills), tMnlr, J100Tl11, m.ea- exltlalta -e (e:ritiu&1), d·-J;'.'rudh1t:, fld.;J,
.,..Zr; a, •f0t"htgl11, pamtn0nwiulr: nimi11 ex- drodl11; exilue, etc.; donull" ~ 1 :nr:-•ae, Verg .
fgue et oxillter ad calculOll revocare a1nicitiam, exltlosua -a -um, a<lj. with ("omp&r. and
Cic. : b t1ni11Uruii"!ll11; annalN sane exiliter 11npcrl. (ex.ilium), r1',$i.'Mldt!tt, fr.u·:t, rf.•:ul, JJ ,· eon-
deacriplt, Cle.; c, ot etrength, wt:akl11; nolo, Cle.; exit.iosuru esse retpubh:1u~. Cic.
·nrba exillter e:ununata exlre, Cic. exitlum -!!, n. (e"'.oo, ~rt., ri :;dr.;J CNl :>r
exlmie, adv. (e:rlmlue),, estra- au·u11), ck.<t"'-Cti<>n, n..i1': 1. Ht, hulua nrbb,
~inarilr, eztrrnidr; diligere, Cic.; tcmplum Cic. ; exitio 611'i8 alien!, t.. ~ f~'fl.l to, Cle.. : om!:lla
UJmle omatum, Liv. exitia public:1, Cle.; 2, m,!WD. 1 :114 oaMe of ta.
eJdmlua -a ·nm (exlmo). L cupud; tu itritelion, Hor.
111101 e:rimlua eo, ln quo hoc praeclpuurn ac exltus -'18, m. (exeo), a g<'1"1g m:t, cs g:;J;!tf
1lngl'!nre valeat, Liv.; te !Iii uuurn eximium /cn·th.. L A. Lit., rediium :.iil11 rl1.riosU!D ill·
cui conanleret tulsse, Cle. IL e.r~x··pti0111il, d~­ juria tu!l dc-dlt, non cxitl•lil c.1!al111toquru, Cle.;
tinuu k!U'd, utrooroinarti" uncommon; f:.ciee, ln- omni exitu et {ll\hn1'1tion6 mtH~h1.~i, l' ; wlt.h
geulum, •pea, Cic.; lromc., lltae vcslrae elrimlae ab, ue <:xitn.i hdu8iS ab ur'..1P ~~.•et, Liv. B.
pulchraeq uo vtrLutl'.a, Cle. lfeton., a. 71!au Q,f goin; cut, torit; qw.J trosticum)
exlmo -i!ml -~mptum, 8. (ex and emo), to dcviUITI mu.ximl atque oceul-:~;imi exlt11.s ent,
fah out, ta.h away. L Lit., unam apinam do Liv. U. Tranar., A. Gen., quse plurimo.; exit.Ill
plnrtbu&, Hor.; all~id tamquam e vinculis dant. ad eiusmodi digre88iO!lem, OJtprA'hmtli~ fer
allcuiWI rel, Cic. IL TTanst. ro ta.let away; digusswn, Cle. B. Esp., l, tJu ntd; adJuct&
1, a, &liquid e:r rerum natura, Cic.; unum diem ad cxitmn quaeHtio eat, Cie. ; hie tuit
oppugna:.ionis, Cu.ea.; tri;;t_ .. , c:;itu.; h:ibt:;-e, Cle.;
ez menae, Ole.; moram certamln!R hosti, Liv.; esp., a, of a tragrdy, th.I! oo!f',,lrorhe: ut trng\ci
b, of time, &o dtw)I, procnutiut~. vwu; diem poelae1 quum expiicare &1'!.;umentJ exltum non
dlcendo, Ole.; 0 1 of pel'!IODA, aliquoru ex or de pote11t1s 1 Cic.; b, the tnd Q,f iife; humauui1, C1c. ;
rels, etc. : 2, lo take awa11 from 1011U tt•il; a, 2, the rmdt, ocmMqtitrw:it; d1t1c'.Cj1'.:.tio slue exita
allquld de, to frw from; agrum de ve<.tlgalibus,
Ole.; b, &liquid a!icui, to ~ t<»Mthing away fuit, Liv. ; 3, w~, ruull; en11 rn~ atque exit ti.I
Jn:ym: allcul curas, OY.; c,. or peraon11, allquem rerum, Cic. ; e:r.itus tuturi teuq•ori.1, lior.
u: with the abl., or wtth tne abl. alone, Co Jru exlex -legls, lawltn, bo1'nd bf n. law; • ·
/NnA; allquem e:r culp!\, Cic.; aliquem alicui legem e88e Suilam, Cic.
rel, CO &GU away from; allquem vilal?,. Tac.;
8yracuau In Uoortatem, lo tr... Liv.; a., lo ea:-
8lDDOV60 = emO'ft~O (q.v.).
«P': allquem, Cic. e:x:Odium. ·ll, n. (itoo.or), a COMf.c: ~
Liv., Juv.
eJdD = ezinde (q. •.). ezlJleaoo -l~v\ -letum, s. L to f'l"O'l1 to Jt;JJ
eJdniinlo -t'ri -ltnm, 4. to tmJJlr; na•em, me; only In perf. partJc., exoletu11, Plaut. D.
Ole.: agros, gentee, lo plunder, etc. to pa.S8 awa11 from t1..ce, M mLt of dau, 00.old~; ne
extndO (exin). adv. L Of plal'e, Jrqm tAtnr, vetu111tissima ltalia6 di11eiplina per deeidi&m eso-
SMnct, thereupon, M:Z:t; marl ftuitirnu11 aer, Cic. lMceret, Tac. ; exoletum jam vetustate odium,
D. Of time, 1, tMrtupm~, a/Ur that, &ht11., Cle.; Liv.
2 1 In the enumcratlou or a series of facts, thtn, ex~letue -a -um, part.le. of exolesco.
Md, Verg., LiY. e:xoncro, l. A. Lit., to unload, di&bttrdea:
extatfmii.tio ~nls, r. (exlstlmo). I. the a, Plaut. ; pleuas colos1 ·"' IJrin o§, Ov. ; J:>, co
opinwn Ulat 11 man hru of a thillg or penon, remow, #M au·n11; mu1t1tudincm m pro:runaa
Jwlgmm; non militis de imJM1mtore e:ristima- terra.s1 Tac. B. Tran11f., to frtt, rtlm.~~ rclW'w;
tlonem eBSe, Ll'f. IL tht opinion thal other clv1tntem motu, Liv. ; regnum praegr&Y&Dte
perami.s have of a man, esp. rnorully, rtpUlation, multitudlne, Liv.
good M-, Aonour, c/11m1cltr; bona, lntegra, exoptii.tua -a -um, p. adj. with Cl'\mpar.
magna, Cic.; allculu!i exii<tilnationem oft'e111lere and 1uverl. (exoptu), du!ml, u•ishM/Df'; nunUua,
• oppu~nare, Cic.; veuisse 1u eaw e:r.iatimatr Oic. ; nlhil ex11J>t:1tiu11 adventu meo, Cic.; exop-
lonem, Cic. tatlBSima, Cic.
eJClstlmii.tor -Oris, m. (exl11ttmo), ou viho exopto, 1. to dulre eagerlv, mrnutlr ~
/f1r'ml or giw~ an opinion, 11 crtlU:, Cic. for; exopt.are ea maxime, Cic.; Samnitium ad·
extatlmo (exaestiimo, extatumo), 1. Yen tum, Liv. ; tilii pestem exoptirnt, "'i&\ 11os.
to }11Llat a thing according to il• volue. L to eo11.- Cle.; with lnfln., Cle.; with ut and U1e 1ubj., etc.
Wkr, Ii.old, ngard., 1$tunl, dum.; with prcdic. acc., exorii.bnta -e, adj. with compar. (exoro).
ext11tumare aliquem anrum, Cle.; aliquem BB(I· eiuil11 entreated, placalk, etc., Dor.
lentem et appellare et exletum11re, Cic.; In puR.,
homo, ut ex1stimabatur1 avaru1 et tut&J: ; with exordlor -on!us sum, 4. dep., 1, eo lay •
In and the ahl., in hnatium numero e:rlatlmari, tDO.rp1 begiA CO vieave; ftg., pertexe qnOd esorwu
Ole. IL Tranar., A. to U&ink, be of opiniot&, II.old: eii, Cic. ; 2, to begin; bell um ab caui-a tam ne-
with acc. and lnfln., non posimm existimare plu1 fanda, Liv. ; without acc., of oratora, CO ~"i
qoemquam a 1e Ipso quam me a te amarl, Cle.; ab lpiia re, Ole.: with inftn., dlcere, Cle. Partic.
.llricano run attull886 ex.ilthnatu1 est, Cic. ; 1ubllt., exoraa -6rum, n. th8 bcf'""'-'•
wttb pronoma llOC. 1 qaod ego nullo modo exle- es:ordlum ·U. a. (uordl "'>.
l, &M ~
exo 207 exp
of• wb, Quint. ; 2, a. tAt begi11.ni119 : vitae, fmmentariam, Cal's. ; o, to nplai1', d.fl'll1 : om•
Cic.; plur., revocare exordia prima 1•ng11ae, V.-.rii:.; nem experliat morbl cau.."llm, Verg.; prius<j11tu11
b, ~p.. IAe 1lt9L1~11tn.g of a rpudt ;in <licendi ex- huiusmooi rel initium expediam, Sall. ; ea <le rt'
nn:lio permoveri, Cic.; as a 1-art or a speech, Uu quam veris>1i111e expediarn, Tac. IL A. to
(ltrod11ctio1&, Cic. bring forth, prot>Uu: I, lit., virgas, Cic. ; Cer-
uWlor -ortu.• sum -~riti, d«'p. :l. and •· L erem l'anietris, Verg.; 2, tranllf., a, milit. t. t., to
Ill rlst, riM •P· A. Lit., omnes exorti, 1pranq 111ak( ready; 1U1.ves or classem, Ca.-..~. : se ad
up, Li>·.; tllp. of the sun, moon, and stars; p<>11t pngnam, Liv. ; 1?z to find out, di.'<·uver; alieui
aolstitiu1u Canieula exoritur, Cie. B. Tram;f., vicarium, Liv. .1:1. res expe<lit, or impeni. ex-
1, to appt(tr, ~ foruoard, 111ak( OM'B appearonce; peuit, it is t.rpulinu, u.~ul, ailra1i.UJ.Qecnu: non
repentinu.s Sulla nobis exoritur, Cic. ; e:rortus quo111inus expediat quidqnam Caesari ad diuturn-
est aervua, as al\ RCCU.'"• Cle.: or abstractioT18, itatem dominationi>1 1 Cic.; with acc. and i11fin.
noritur Anti1oatri ratio ex altera pllrte, Cle. ; or the inlln. simply, omnibuit boni11 expellit
2, ton.. upf~ a miefarluM brtatltl. a1f(li1'; ego salvam esse rempublicam, Ch'. ; witb ut auf the
none reulum exorior, Cle. U. to a nae, vrou~. subj., Tac.
tah riN. A. exodtur ingens per litora Hatus, e:KDiditi. adv. with compar. and Ruper!.
Verg. B. Transr., l exoritur fama alieuius rei (expeilitu.s}, I, q11.ukly; expeditiua navigare,
or de aliqua re; with accus. and inttn., Luer.; Cic. ; 2, 1dthout di.ffic'u.lty, M6il)I; expli1•are, Cic.
2, toflf'OCM:lfrom; houestum quod ex virtutibua espiditlo -Onl11, f. (expedlo), an undert11k-
exoritur, Cie. inq aga!11$1 rui ennny, expedition; milites ex
aorni.tlo -onia, f. (exorno},, orna- hlbernie in expeditionl'm evocare, Sall.; milite11
MIL A. Lit., Cic. B. tmbelli&hment Clf a BpUCh, equitei1que In expeditionem mittere, Caes. ; In
Cir. expeditionem exereitum educere, Cir..
aoruator -Oris, m. (exorno), one who espeditus -a -um, p. adj. (frnm expedio),
11donu, a11; eeteri non exornatores I. unim7Jt:dni, unshackled; a, lightly clad ; Clo-
rerum., R<l tantummodo narratores fuerunt, Cic. dius, Cic.; jaculltores, Liv.; heuee, 1mbllt.,
aorno, I. to ftirn.i&h 'With, prouid4 plmti- e~dit1l8 .1, m. a light·aT"TMd foot-solrlier,
/'dly: 1. \'icinitatem armis, SalL; 2, to orna- Caes.; expedlti, not b-urd~nw with ', Liv. ;
lll.tll, adm'•; a_, lit., domum, Cic.; triclinium, b, without obstaclta, easy; via, Liv. ; locus, Caes. ;
Cic.; b 1 tra111r., Cic. ; Grnecia.m praestantissi· c, not hindt'red by obsttrclu,, quick; ad
mis •rtiDUS, Cic. ; philosopbiam r&IBa gloria ; of suos receptus, Caes.; expedits et facile eurre1111
speeeh, orationem, Cic. oratlo, C1c. ; d, 11ot hindertd by lmsi11tss, free;
a:iro, 1. L lo entreat earn.utly, obtain by ut expeditus in Galliam proflclaci pos!!et, Cic, ;
ntrmt1, prniail t1.pon; exora supplice prece deos, e,,Jirrpartd.; expe<litus homo et paratus,
OT.; exorve J>&eem divtlm, Ve~. ; with ut and C1c. ; ad icendum, Cic. ; of aoldier11, rtud1f for
the subj., den1quc e.xoravit tyrannum ut abire fiflht; eopiae, CHe.s.; copias in expe<lito habere
licem., Cic. IL to propitlatt, mot<e; carmiua ad, etc., Liv. IL dise11Uln!1lcd; a, put i11 ardtr,
rxrrrut deos, O\•. ; ~:xorare aliquem or exorari settll!d; negotia, Cic. ; b, dtti«ivt; victoria,
foll by nt or ne and the subj., Cle. ; noo exo- Ca1-s.
rarl by qnin, Cic. ; absol., virl non esae neque expello ·p'llli -pulsum, 3. t.o drive out, auu11.
exorari neque, Cic. I. Of anirnals, pecus porta E!!q11ilina, Liv. IL
L 8XOl'llUS ·& -um, partic. of exordior. 1, to dril!f! army, txptl, throw aWf'llf; a., lit.,
genie oculus, to rear, Ov.; b, tran!lf., naturnm
2. UOl'llUS -ns, m. (exonlior), a beginn("ll; rurca, Hor. ; 2, tn drfre fnrtll., th nut forth; a.,
oratfonis meae, Cic. lit., ab liton~ nave~ iu alturn, Liv.; sagittam
ezoe -<l!lsis, 11:illvntl bonn, Luer. ar.,u, Ov.; aliqul'm aethere toto, Ov. ; (u) e~p.
ezoeoiUor, I., dep., to kiu frequ.ently; ali- milit. t.t., to d1·i1"' out; aliquem ex oppido, Cae11.;
ni11JJ1 manum, Tac. H.omanos castris, Cac11. ; (J3} to d ri:r~ out of a
homw or country, to 'bani.,h; aliquf'm domo sua,
eicouo. I. (exos), to OOM, f(rke end tM bonts, Cic. ; patriii, Cic. ; ex urbe, Cic. ; aliquP.m bonis,
Ter.; ex~tum 1oectus, bondus,fe.rible, Luer. Iron~ 011~·s propt'rl.11, Cic. ; to dri1~ out kin~s,
a:oatra -ae, f. (~Wa-Tpa.), aths>atrirol ma.chine, tyr-~nt.'I, ek., aliqul'tn rri.:no, Cil'. ; (y) l'Rp., lo di-
11J "'ltidt Ck iusitk of a hhuse was 1·ei-eaU>d t-0 tlie rorC'-; tl!iam ex matr-imouio, Cic. ; b, trausf.,
IJ<tctalon, Cic. (a) aliquern vitii, to bri119 alH1ut a perso11's dmth,
. a:cNau -a -um (ex and odi), hating t1X:Vd- Cic. ; (J3) t-0 drire away, banis/,; omnt>m d11ltilA·
1119lll; exosus Trojanos, \"erg.; templa oculos tionem, Caes. ; somnurn or, v.,rg.
aosa. viriles, Ov. e~ndo -pendi -pemmm, 3. to v.·righ. L
. ezitfcua ·• -um <•ttlt'l'utO(), fartign., ov.tland- A. Lit., ut jam expendantur non 11umen>ntur
UA, a.-.tic, Plaut. peeuni&f', Cie. B. Tran sf., t-0 11·Pi11h, er111ni 11.(,
Upll11Meo -Hii, 3. to b«mu 'HT!/ pale, to fe..4t; expe11<lt•re at<1ue nP,.ti111are voluptaks, Cie.;
groir, 11•hiu; toto ore, Ov. ; p°"t., with acc., testem, Cic. IL to ir·eigh out, pay 011.l 111011ty,
Pindarici fontis haustus, to drt:ad, Hor. to A. Lit., auri pomJo eentum, Cic. ; esp.,
fcrre alicui expPusum, l-0 p11t d-Own in oiv,'s at:-
ezpando ·JIBn,.i, -pansum and -passum, 3. to count book a payme11t to sonie OM ,/!JI'., Cic. B.
strtt<h r111t, apand, irr1rrcul. 011t. A. Lit., expa.o;sae TranNf., to pay; poenas i:ederu111, Yerg.
delubri fores, ope1ud, Ta(!. B. Transf., t-0 u-
p/din; rerum naturam dictis, Luer, expergefl.cio -leci -factum, 3. t-0 wake up.
L Lit., Suet. II. Transf., to 1·ozt0e, txcite; ac,
apitro, I. ro squa~r, Cat. Cic.
ezpiveeco -pavi, 3. to be ezcudingly terri· experglscor -perrectus sum, 3. dep .• to
Y.d: ad id, Liv.; with acc., ensem, t-0 dread au:al;e, 1/'al:t up, rit1e frorit sl•'PJl. A. Lit., si dor-
acudingly, Hor. mbs, exp1•rgise«re, Cit'. B. Transf., to a1Cake,
apidfo -lvi and -Ii -Hum, 4. (ex and pes). rouse 01u•,sr1J; experrecta nolJilitas, Cic.
L rod~, d~ntan9le, llll free. A. Lit., se experiens -entiR, p. arlj. with compar. and
ex. laqueo, Cic. B. Tra1111r., to /ru, htlp out, superl. (from experior), ai:tive, iwl11strio11s, tn-
briJ19 o/: ee ab omni nceupatione, Cic. ; a, ler]>ri.sin.f!, r.xptri.enCPC! in; f•romptus h()l!l0 et
Ciaudla111nanua per acuta belU, lead ~ly, experiens, Cic. ; with genit., exl'eriena laborum,
Hor.; jaealum tran. ftnem, to thT01t1, Hor. ; b, Ov.
lo dapakA., ldtlc, ~; 11egotia, Cle. ; rem esperientla -ae, r. (experior), 1, trial, o.
exp 208 exp
JArfMi'J&l; with genlt.., patrlmonll ampllfteandl, to atone far: 1, lit., acelus wppHdo, Cle. : tda
Cle.; 2, lh.t k1towled9t gaiMd by nptrimt11l, n:· 1celera dli In uostroll mllltea expiavenmt, ~"'
,,.,-1411«; multarum rerum experlentlA. cognltus, aVfl71gtcl °"our soldicn, Cie.; a, traiaf., to atou
Tac. for, mah a1u11d•ftn': incommodum YirtuU, CMS.
•xrrimentum ·I, n. (experlor), trial, expl900I', l, dep.. to fi.sA
tx"p"imtrit: hoc maximum est experimentum, 1tt1rch cmt, jhtd out; omnla ab aliqno, Cle.
°"': tranlf., to
Ci<'. ; Metelloexpl'rirne11ti.~ cognitmn erat. genu!I ezpl&nAti, a.iv. with compar. (explanatus).
Nurni<lanuu perUd11111 es~e. Sall. clt11rly, pl<ii11l.11, Ci1·.
expirlor ·pc111t'I 1111m, 4 dep. (ex anct root expli.n&tlO -i1niR, f. (CXJ1l&no). 1 gen., II
PER, wheuee com perio or ·perior, pcritu!!, tit•ri· 111.alduy rlmr, '.xplan11tion; natural", Cic.;1 2, esp.,
cul11111). I. A. to try, ttN, prot'f, 1••1t to the tt.~t; a., iltltr1irt.tnlin11: 1•ort1mt.ol'Ulll, Cic. ; b, rht:t.
l, gen., alic11im1 l\morem, Cic. ; vim venc.>11i in t.t., il/11:dmtio11, Cle.
servo, Cic.; n111ii-os, Cit-.; 2, ""I'·• to tru i1~ n
hosfilt 11H011U'r, to mta.ttrrt nru'a si1''11•1th with 8XJ>tani.tor -ori1', m. (exvlano), mu ,.,..,
a11othe1·; a., In liattle, lli 1t .. mn1 rxix•r!ri \'elint, l'Xpln111R, 11n inttrprtltr, tzpc1itor; oracalorum
lterum p11rat11m es11e deeertare, Caell. ; b, in a et vatit·iuntionnm, l.'le.
court of law, kl li.tigau: 1'11111 aliquo, Cic. B. expl&ai.tu .a -um, p. aitj. (from explano).
to try the S1icuv of Stlmtthitlg, to ri.'~" /uminl, cltor, 71/ain; vocmn lmpres!do, Cic.
make a trie&l of: 1, gen., cxperiri Id nole11t qn~I, 1. (E'x anti planu!I), fo npTctill, a-
lie 1u111ef1u! 1ios11e dlft\dant, Cle. ; rei eve11tum 7m111u1, 111(1).·,, cleiir: 1, Ille tibl 0111nia explanabit,
experiri. Cat's.; althua audere atque experlri, Cic.; 2, a., to i11te1I:rtt: canncn, Liv. ; b, to .<ltC
Liv.; with ut Rm! the suhj., experiar certe ut fortlt,; de ('U ns homlnls moribUI rauca
hinc avolem, Cic.; 2, e!!p., experhi jns, to go to priu11 explanauda imnt, Sall.
laio, Cle.; experhi jmlichnn populi Romani, tn
lfflt't it to th.t dtci.s101~ of tht Romaa ptOJU, Liv.
explau4o eiplo<lo (q. v.).
D. to txptritnc.t, ~nt.l, or k1W10 btJ ui~rit11c.t : explio ·plevl ·pletum, 2. to ftll.fill up, eoapldr
1, 011111ia quae d1co expmtns In nohh1, Cle.: b11fi/li11g. L Lit., pal11<lc111 eratibus atque agRCre,
with predle. acc., deos constantes lnhnlroR, Ov. ; Caes.; rimas, Cie. IL Transr., 11..gcn., sent.en·
with nee. and inl111., jam ant.-11 ex~rtus sum tlae mollioribus numerl11, Cic.: ~. e1<p., a, to
'1111·11111 mi!!eris l'R!le, Sall. ; eqtml'em In me amount to, make up; aurum ~uod 11umma111 tt·
lent.i Attlc·i expleret, Liv.; miht. t. t., trimn 111il·
1pso 1111epi11sime (!Xpcriorhut ex11lhesca111 111 )•rill· limn
rlplo 11icendi, Cie. ; wit relnt. ~cut., expelirl 1111meru111, Liv. ; b, to fulfil, du.:Jlm·!lf;
li\Jet q11n11tu111 audeatif1, Liv. ; de me exper1or, I 111111111s, Cle. ; c, to ""1ief1/, 1(11trtclt, «J'Pffl-'t; sitim.
trptrit1ice it in myself, Cic. ; 2, to txptrieuce Cic.; vercor ne non 11Crlbet1ilo tc expleam, Cw.~
1M11rlhi11g m1plttusant: nomlnm alteram fortu11a111 wit.h geuit., a11in1111n ultrici~ fta111mae, Ci<'~ : d,
expert mi, LI v. (p&llll., libert4tlsd11lcedl11e nondtun to 711ltkt good ; ea da11111n, J .iv. ; e to .ftfl up, evt•·
expcrta, Li\',). 11/tlt tM 11umber of; centnri&.'I, tribus, Lh'.; lr;.,'1·
11nc11, Cnes. ; f, to romplett, pnftct: \"lt..a.111 \,...
experreotu .... -nm, partic. or cxpergiscor. 11ta111 l'lllllUlate, Cle. ; g, or t.ime, to txJ•Jildt,
8'.l'J>81'9 -pertill(ex and pars). A. haring no fi11ish; cxpletum annum nnhet.o. Cle.
p<11·t rn, 11ot ~hari11q ill; with gl'nit, pcriculorum, explitlo -onls, r. (expleo). IO.liefyin.g; na-
pnl>liel consilil, Cic. B. Trimsr., '11Hl1iti11g in, tnrae, Cic.
tlt.itit11tt nf; with gen it., omniR ert11litioni11, Cie.;
viri, without R 1111.•lxuul, Ov. ; with 11bl., ramA explitu -a -um, p. al\j. (from e\':plco), f"rfrd,
atqne fortu11i11, Sall. com1'lttt: expletus omnibtt!I 11ul11 partibus, Ck.
expertlUI -a um, p. adj. with compar. an1l expUoi.ti, adv. (expllcatus). plai1uy, rltarly,
1111perl. (from experior), that wll.ich ha~ ~m oJlffl. Cic.
t,~1,.1, tried, a1•11rovrd : exercltus, Liv. ; with r.
explloi.tlo ·l>nls. (exrllco). A. "'" fttl·
~·nit., E'Xpertm1 belli, Verg., Tac. : with al>l., folding, uncoiling;, Cle. B. Transf.,
expert1111 trihnniclis certaminib111~, Liv. erpla11ation, UJ>Ollitiim intnpretation : in 11i1<1111"r-
expetendu -a -nm, p. 11ilf. (expet.o), to bl endo mira explicatlo, Cic.; explicatio fabularum,
dt.•irt<l, desirable; glorla111 ex1~terniam putare, Cic.
Cle. explloator ·l'.irl11, m. (explico), an t.:rpQKHdtr,
expeteuo, 3. (cxpeto), to desire, wish /or, interprtter, nplaintr; rerum explicator 1•rudeus,
Plant. Ci<'.
expito ·!vi ·ftnm, 3. L Transit., to W>rirt, 1. expUoi.tua ·a ·Um, p. a<lj. with COnlJ\U.
"'is/r, or low1 for: vita111 alic11im1, Cic. ; nuxilinm &TH! 1mpt·rl. (explico). L ordn-W, armngt;/;
ah nli<JllO, Cil'.; with inf\11., vincrre illi expetunt, provincia q1111111 maxime a1•ta explicaUiqne, Cic.
Ci<'.; with RCC. anrl iufln., nolltrnm gl<Jrinm h~ IL 71/ai11, clwr: littnae twie, quibu.s nil1il
\'11t11t'! a11g<'ri expt'to, Cic.; wit.h nt an<l the pot.est e>1st' explfratius, Cic.
:mhj., Tac.: of tliing!!, m111'!' lllf'tlinm- t..•rrae 2. expllcatua -us. 111. {Pxplico), t.rpl1111alion.
Lie11111 expdeu~, m1:1·1><u:hi11y 011, Cle. IL In· UJ>O$ilin11; difficilcs habere explicatns, Cic.
transit., to /rtll upo11, ~Ji1//: ut in eum omnei1 explloltu -a -um, p. &•IJ. (from expliC<J),
tu: J'eta11t huiusctl elatle!! belli, Liv. stmig11tfonmnl, ~asy; ex dunb11:1 consiliis prn-
explatlo· -uni~, !. (expio), olont111ent, t.rpia- po~iti!I exJtlicitius /\idebatur lien.lam re,·ertl,,
Ho1•; sl'elerum, Cic. Cal·~.
expil&tlo ·{•nis, r. (exl> lo), a plundering, oxpllco ./M -atum, and (not in Cic<>ro) -di
roblii11g; sociornm, Ci!'. -lt11111, 1. tu 111ifol4, 1t11roll, di#nta119lt. L Lit.,
expil&tor -oris, m. (expilo), a plumurer, A. v11!11men, Cle.; 1111as pennL'I, Ov.; ftonteri., to
tm11Tinkl,, Hor. B. to RpTlWl <»II, utt11rf, a--
robba, Cic.
1><11111: f111·11111 laxnre et usque ad atrium Liber-
oxpilo, l. to 1•lu1uler, rob; aemriu111, Cie. tat.i11. ext•lirare, Cic.; C&pua plzmi1111i1110 in loco
exptngo ·J•inxl -pictum, s. to paint, ducri~. explicate., Cit·.; c!lp. &A miJit_ t.t., to ~ttflMI. CM
depict i11 u·riting, Cic. nui/.-.• . ./t7l1111; 11g111en, 11ciem, onlihea, Li\', U.
e:spfo, l, I. to pro1"tlate, appraM . .. ·A. Transt:', 1, explioa. atqne excnfe lnt.ellirn·
poenis manPs mort11oruu1, Cic. B. to ai-rrt ·nn tlom t11M1_i, Cll'.; 2, tQ 1•nwi1w, 111T011gt; rem
omt11, or aign of tht wmlli oftlu g0</s: prrnligimn. rrument1mu111, Cac11.: S, tu •et Jrw; n1111;qua1D
Liv. II. A. t11 'JY'Jr!/11: f••111m a eeeleri11 vest!· laborant, QUl'l11 ad 111ndu111 IC' pn1he11t, led qaem
gilil, Cic.: r~llg' .>Ut'IU aec.liu111 1uarut11, Cic. B. ad u1odu111 11e ex1·lieeHt diu~nJo, Cic.; 4, "'
exp 209 exp
a«, att11ft, briny nho11t: ratfonPs mras, exporto, 1. to CO""fl out. L Oen., omnla
a«OllHL•, Cir.. ; alicui11:1 rw:;otia, Cic.; mnn1lata, 11igna PX fanla plaustri1 evecta ex1>0rtntaq11e,
Cic.; of a debt, to pay off; nomen, Cic.; 6, to Cie. IL Esp., a to trpM"t: aurmn ex Italia
apla.i" in ilW.11rse, trpo111ul, intul',.,!t; <'All!l&lJ qnotannis Hierosolyma, Cic.; b, to ba1&uA, driw
rcnun. Cic.; with relat. lll'llt., expli ..are loreviter Ulf'(1y; porteutum in ult.lmaa tenu ex1.ort.-
q113ll milii sit ratio et cansa enm Ca<'><art>, Cle. ; andum, Cie.
al"'ol., explicare, de reru111 natnro, Ci•-. ; 6, to expoeoo -pOpoael, s. L to demand wlte-
dUcm-er, _ti1td out; ut explicare111 qui<l optimum mt>ntly, entrtal earMstly. A. Gen., signmn
U'ltt faetu, Cie. prot'lii, Caes.; mlserlconliam, Cic. ; with iulln.,
explOdo (explaudo) ·.Plflsi ·t•losum, 3. L \'erg., Tue.; with acc. am! lnlln., Verg.; with
to 1frfrt off wilk n Miie, Sen. II. to hiu a 11/uytr or pt-1"11. and subj., preeibus expnscere plebem,
off Ou >iuq~; histrionem exsiloilare et explodt're, u11u111 sihl ch·em clonarent, Liv. ; ab!ol., ex•
Cic.; traru<f., to rtjul, di61Zppru1-e; sententiam, poscentibus mllitibua, Caeii. B. Esp., 1, to aak
Cic. of tlu god1, l-0 pm11 frrr; victorlam a dii11, CAea. ;
mrplorati, a.<lv. with eompar. (nploratue), 2 ro ck11u:u11l th• dtlii'tT'JI of a pu1an; allquem
en-tni11/.11, 1t1trrly, dtjh1iltly: ad te explorate a11 poe11am, Tac. IL to dc-man.d. require; nee
scriU.•, Cie. opes exposcere m&gnw1, Ov.
exploratlo -oni~, r. (exploro}, cu1 ezplortng, expclaltlo ·t'inls, r. (expouo), or dillcourBe.
11uvst~1atio11; occnlta, Tae. a 1tak1no1f, wting f<l1'th, UJiNllivn, t1arraiiol'l;
explorator -ori11, m. (exploro), 01u who ,,.. ex1i.111itio stmtentiae suae, Cle.; plur., expoisi·
rtsi1gulrs, •rn u1Jorr:r, i;cout, IJ•y, Cacs. tiones rerum, Cic.
ezploratu -a -um, l" a•IJ. with eomJ"Clr. espWtua -a -um, p. adj. (from expono),
an•l .superL (exploro), atabliahrd, co11jil'mtd, ttr· expalet/., opm, aa:usiUt. A. Lit., or i·laces,
tnix, 111rt; s1oe11, Cie.; vil-toria, Caes. ; <le quo 111olllbus expoisitum Zcphyrla Lilylw.eou, Ov.
mihi upl1mtt11rn f'>!t, I om cowufoool, am 11u-e, B. Trausf., CICCUlible: domus }lateus atque
foll. by acc. aud lnlin., Cic. aileo exposit.A. eupiditat.I et volu1>tatibus, Cie,
exploro, l. L to Mtl• 011t stCO'l'h out, fn.. 0. vulgar, Juv.
n>.<iif1<tl', t:LJlfort.. A. Africam, Cic. B. Esp. 1, ~nls, t. (expoetuln). L a
111ilit. t. t., to gain illu/ligmre, 'P1I out, ncon- dtm11wl; bonnrum, Cie, IL com1ilai11t, n:pos-
,.,,;i,-c; ho;1ti11111 itRr, Cat's. ; iu abl. 11Lsol., explo· tulati-011; expostulationem fal'ere, Cie.; fuerunt
rato or cxplomto ant.', nfkr faul/iyrnct had bu" nonuullae expostulationes eum abiente Pom-
gui n~l, Liv. : 2, trnnsr., a. to i.<rorch 011t, tZ· peio, Cic.
rotti lit, inivstigal•.; 1e111, Cie.; b. to lf'Y eJqMNStiUo. 1. L to duire, demand tar-
01d f"r .a1n.dhi111,; frt;;am domlni, Cie. II. to 11e<1UJ1. A. Gen., aliquld ab a.llquo, Cil'. ; full.
t·~. try, Jlltt to ]tr()()/; explornt r11b11ra fumus, l>y ut or ne and the 1111hj., Tar'.; hy nee. aut.l
Y.-.-,;.; epnla.,, cil>0s Jl<'tn.iqut', Tac. lnlln., Ta.e. B. to dcman1l tlte 1Micay nf a
explO.lo -0111~. r. (cxplodo), a hwhig o§ Jlfr110n.; aliquem ad supplir.ium, Tne. IL to
t~ uw;r.~aµ. Clo. 111ake a ctm1,.l11i!ll, to tx11<J.<lvl11u; cum 11.llquo de
eJQ>Olfo ·M -Jtum 4. to sntl)()th, polish, lo nliqua re, Cic.; cum aliquo aliqniol or uliquem,
co11Ct'1'11iun a thing or J•Ts1111, Cic.; expostul1u-e et
zWllislt, rrjiM; l)ionem Pll\to 1lroctri11is Olllllihns
t"Xpnln·it, Cic. ; 11011 t•i\•lem mtioue, Cie. querl, foll. l>y acc. anu ir11i11., Cic.
expCSlitlo· ·<'>nllf, f. (<·xpolio), " 1111001/1ing, =
expostu. expositus, v. expono.
poli.J1i11g. A. Lit., nrlonua, of 11 toum-lwu~. Cie. =
exp0tua epotrn1 (q.v.).
B. Trau.if., of 1lh1coun1e, J1Uli.ilhi11g, tnibtlli.11/iing; expreuu -a -11111, p. n<lj. with eompar.
i11n·11ti urtilieiosa, Cic. (frt•~n cxprimo). L or l'ronunciation,· clt'tfr,
czu61itu. -a -um, p. n•lj. with cnmttl\r, an1l d1sl111cl, Qn111t..; In a ha< !lense, crjftrti:il; lit-
~11\"''l. (<'l'IM•lio), 1, ~11100111, polislw.t; rlcus C'X· tert\tl ne<111e expressne neque oppressae, Cie.
)•• iti•>r, Cat. ; 2. fJO/is/mf, rf/111ttl; vir omni IL 1•l•ti11, eridwt, i·i~ibu. A. Lit., litteme
'iti exc:-ultus atquc cxpolituR, Cic. litm-apqne>, Cic. B. 1'11ui11r., express&
11celcri11 ,.~;itigia, Cle.
expono -1>(1s11i -1.Usll11111, 3. to 7ri1t 0111, 1•/a«
011t, Kl 011t. L Lit., A. Gc11., R1·ah1.>1, put up, exprlmo :Jlrcssi ·pressum, 8. (ex and premo),
\"eri;. ; cx1~it11s, 1.f t•lnces, l.11i11!J tuuvmls, }Jln1·t'd tn J>re,;s vuf, J•n·ce out. A. Lit., 1. 11ueina soli11
tl.r'llr; ex positac pm pc in i psh1 lit{)riLns urhe11 radils e~pre.-ss~, . Tac. ; curpo!'IB poudere coniAA
Li\•. ; Sll)'cr •'XJ">:1ta ( = expoKit..'\) JN•11t..1, \"el')l'. tenuem Jlllll span tum exprcKB1t, Tac. ; vestis ex-
B. Esp., 1, to 111!.l <if!. /n11rl; a, to tlm.iw on the primena. si~itulos art!-ls, shou-lnu, Tac. ; 2. of
la1ttt; os Orphel pcrt•grirali nreni11, Ov. ; b. pro11une1atiou, to nrt1~-uluu dbti1u:tly: exprlm·
11aut.. t.t., to i<oul, di..."Cmliark; t'Xponere frumf'nt- ere lltteras putldius, Cle. B. Trn1111r., tn u-
mu, Cic.; e11p. of troops, 111ilite11 uavibull, Cues.; tart, t!'7"tllt, sq11eeu '-"; nu111mos ah aliquo
2, to n:pa~ optrtly; 11liqni1l \"t'lt1llt.ionl, Tac. ; hlandlt.fo1 1 Cic.; expressi ut negarPt, mcrdt him
ea1•. for show, vua :sa111ia, Cic.; 11.liquem populo dt11y, Cle. IL tu u:prru, mocltl, ~rtray, rr111·n·
videndum, Ov.; COJ•ins in umuibus eollihU!l, c11t. A. Lit., expres11l \'1tltm1 Jter ahenea openl11, Cat-s. ; 3, Iv ~LI<'" a cl1ild; iu 11ii.,'11a, Hor. B. 1, to txpr11111 fa 1l'01'1ls: a., dt·
proxfma allnvle pucruH, Liv. II. Tram1f., I. to 1CTilie; 111ores alicuius oral inne, Cle.; with rel.
.1111111, plnc't "<fore 011e; p1ac111i11 alicui, Cit-.; per sent., qnl c:nohro liicat diligenter oportere ex-
urhcis lx·nll(11e 1.'<'lllllll'A'\ht.•, J.h·.; 2, of <liill'onrs•', pri111i, qnne \"Is subjel't.a sit V<><'lbns. Cic.; b 1 to
to Id /nrth, ul1ibit, u1il11i11; v1tnm alieuiuR tm11Jl11tt; aliquit.l Latlne, Cle. ; verhmn e veroo,
tot.ant, Cic. ; with rel. 11t•11t.• (with qnl, ')uhl, Cle.; all \'erbum t.le Graecis, Cle.; :d to fmitatf,
fJllP.111&1hnu<l11m, etc.), Ck.; 3, to eJ}l(Jl>t, n11·t cop11; all1·11ius v1t.a111 et 1·11n11uetu1li11em, Cie.
t1tt1wuk1:I&/; mare 11imii\ 1•ropinq11itA.W. 11t.l 1ier- III. to 111i1t u11; quantmu hl11 quotlt.llo.nus agge1
ic11la c:la>L'<h1111 extemarum cxl'ositu111, Liv.; expresserat, Cacs.
li\,.!rt.a:I e:<f"''tita n•I lrtimil\s .M11•i11i•AA.. , Liv. e~bratlo -onis, t. (rxproun•). nproach,
(lll)'lleop. JICl"f, parUC., expo~tU:f (f11r cxpoRitus), t1plm11Ali119; ulkui \•eterls furtnnae, Liv.
Ve11;.) expribro, 1. (ex nud probrum), to ttprooch,
eJqJOrrlgo ·tcxl •rt'CLnm, 3. to 11 rrtcli 01it, twit u·ith, 111.11 lo the clu1rge of; with ace. officia.
n1•11t.t.I, utrJ&rl,
8xportAtfO -OniK, f. (c1q1orto), t.r/IO,.tUlton i
Cie.; f'a (vltia) 111 111h·ersariis, Cle.; w th nee'.
a111l tint., lanec hoKtl, Liv.; with dat. and de,
l'lrum rerum t 1uihu.i :.l>u111l1m.!11111i1, Cic. with the au!., de uxore mihl extitol!r11re, Nep. ;
exp 210 exs
wtt.h acc. and inlln., exprobrare nihilo plus and 1111perl. (exqulro), I, carefully ~~. ~
anltatla In curia quam in foro e1111e, Liv. : 1¥lth aqt&iaiU, aaeU.ilt adtrnrabk; aenteotiae, Cic.;
quod au<4 Lhe 11utij., quaai exprobrare quod In vita exqnhJiLhAM dieendl ge1111A, Cic.; esquillitissimi!I
manea.m, Cle.; abaol., circu11111tab&nt annati verbie laudare, Cic.; 2, art~Mal, /Rr-Jeldt«l;
ho.tell ex11robrantea eludenteaque, Liv. uiuoditi& exq uhsit.a 11imi11, Cle.
es:pr0mo -promJl11i -promptum, S. to bri"fl emrlorifloo, 1. to IUCriftor, ap. Cic.
fbrtl&, produce. L Lit., omn• apparaLua sup- eaaevlo, 4. to mgr to a11 ntd, Ml.w to ra91 ;
pllcil, Liv. D. Tran11f., 1, lo /tkh. ovt, uttu; dum reliquum tem1iest.ntii< exsaeviret, Liv.
rnaeatas vocea, \"erg.; 2j to ull.ihit, dilplay: a, ........... -e, bloodlea 10W1ov.t blood. L
crudelitatem auam in a lquo, Cie.; b, lo pro-
t101&1ice, Id /orlA, ltaU; legoii de religione, Cle. ;
Lit., uu1bme, \"erg. U. Ti;ni.;f., a, li,Jrlua;
cansaa et ordinem belll, Liv.: with rel. 11e11t., corpora 111ortuon11u, Cic.; b, pale Bl a ooriw.
quanta via eit (eiull) eloquentia.e expromere, Cie. tlmtAl11 pak, Cic. ; color, Sall. ; c, ulur.111kd,
weak, Cic. ; of \'Oice, speech, etc., Caln1s e>J:ll&U-
espromptu ... ·11111, part~c. or expromo. guia et aridus, Tac.; cJ.. acL, tu/.i11g pak i
ezpupabllle -e (expugno). that fll4Jf bt cwuinum, Hor.
baitgnl or rapiurtd; urbs, J..iv. eaa:rclo -(s)arUlrus, 4. to patcA vp, tlMWr
~do -onill, f. (expugno), tlat toling good, n-Jlair, Ter.
or mpC111"\ng of «AJ.1 place br 1ton1i; nrbis, Caea. ; exsi.tlo, 1. 1q Ml i41J thoro'Ug1ll:r, IRliak.
plur., expugnationea nrblw1t, Cic. A. Lit., \'ino ciboque, Liv. B. Tranar., 1uorte
espupi.tor -6rls, m. (expugno), a tahr, alicuiu11 ex1111tlari, Liv.
Cflplurer; uruill, Cle. ; tranaf., pudiciUae, Vio- e-.AtlrabOS. -e (exuturo), tAal ma bt
lator, Cic. •lliaUd; 1100 ex.•turabile pectua, \"erg.
ezpapo, 1. to take, eab by "°""
001&1ft1er, o~ A. Lit., urbes, naves, Caes.;
oapt11re, exd.tilro, l. lo 1t1tU/r, llali<&U. A. Lit.,
lJelua eiuiaturanda vlHCeribua mels, Ov. B.
urbem obt!idione, Ca.ea. ; t.yrannOft eius, non Transf., eius cruciatu atque •Ut>t•liclo JllUltt"'
tp;am urhem, Liv.; or U1ings, fames o'bliellso!I oculos auimumqne exutnrare, Cic.
ex1mgnavit, conipdlN to irurttl\de~, I.iv. .B.
T11m>1f., a, to OLltTCIDllle, itcbd'IUI; an11nu111, Cic.; 8DOelldo = es<-.endo (q.v.).
pertinaciatn legatonun, Liv.; b, to dutroy, t'io- eDOen•lo- escenifio (q.v.).
lt!U; qu&e11tiones, tlnoart, Liv. ; pudiritiam,
fliolau, Cic. ; c, to foru, COfllJltl: leRBtionem,
emaaus f!llCClllUS (q. v.).
Cle.; with ut and the 11ubj., bring it abo11t Uiat,
molado -scldl -11Ci1111nm, to dutror v.tU1-l11,
ra.w: to tl1e ground; Numautiam, Cie. ; of per-
etc., Cic.; d, to acco.plWI; coepta, Ov. llUD&, to dutror : bo11lem, Tac. •
eJll:PllblO -Onls, f. (_ettpello}, CJ drit:iMfl_ out, eJalOl'io. 1. to couuh. or 1ta1ck out; tolienis
ap11L1ion ; Laenatia, Cic. ; plur., expuleiones ela11AAi1 ante fore11, 0\'.
vicinorum, Cic.
ezp'1]ao, I. (in~ns. or e:rpello). to drive ovt, eaoribo ·11eripl'1 -acri1•t11m, 3. 1, to COJ'Y:
litte1"1U, Cic. ; 2, to nou tlolMI., npillttr; ei 1111cr.s
drilv: oock, .Mart. onmia ex11cri('t.:t eX11ig11ataque attriLnlt, Uv.
ezpulaor -Ori"• 111. (expello). ont rho Jrir.!1 exaculpo ·eculp11l -sculptmn, S. 1, to scmkl
ovt oi· Ufl'l8; h1t.c homo acc1Tilnllll, bonorum <>11t rruu; \"Cl"Hlll!I, Nep.; 2, to c11t wt trith a
p<.»1seMgo1·, expulllor, erc11t.or, Cir. cll~l, t-c1r1·e or acoop out; nliquid e quercu, Cic.
espultrhc ·t.r!ciic, f. (exp11lsor), 011e who e:.s8co -sl!ciU ·, 1. to cwt ""': Ir liu-
o:ptU; l>l11l0110phia eXJltlltrix \'itiorum, Cic. rimm, Cic.; fig., \"itiOllll.ll pa!"te.s reipuh it-a<',
ezpuqo -punxi -punctum, s. to strike 011t, Cic.; trausf., quinas hie ca11iti mercede>1 cxsecat,
Llot out, upttng,, Plant. .. <lffi11ct1 /rum. llu: pri11cipa.l, Hor.; 2, to ro.rstrnlt_
espargi.tlo -<iniic, r. (expurgo), a vin<lica- Cle. •
"°n· jristi.ftc:ution, Plaut. ezeiorf.bnla -e (exsecror), 1, dt.!lt'Tril•-t
ezpurgo, 1. to, 'f'llri/y. A. Lit., Mll'>'<S; fu1t1111a, Liv.: 2, cum>lg, U111Crotin1;
quae ~ten111t unquam 11&.th1 expur1;are cicutae, <'&1111en. Liv.; hence, dtcK/11J; ira 11tqup odium,
Hor. B. Tram1r., a, expurgamlW! est senno, Liv.
Ctc. ; b, to justifll, cleftnd; di,;simulanoi e&W\a euleratlo -f.ni11, f. (exse-cror), 1, a Cltl"llt,
aut 11ui elq>urgau<li, &11. attmtioll, Cle. ; 2, aii oath co11tai11i11t1 a,. i111-
eJQ>iito. 1. to comprt1le1.C, ap. Cic. preoati01t, Cic.
ezquaero= exquiro (q.v.). ~tu• ·• ·nm, p. atlj. (from e::ueeror),
cttrstd, tz<'crated; ex11ecratus l'opulo Rom.tno, Cic.
bqulllae ·Arum= Esquilae (q. \'.).
ezaloror, 1. dep. (ex and ~r}. to c11rw,
e:sctuiro·qt1i>1ivl-<1ui:1itum, 3. (ex and quaero). IJZltCTRU; l, a, aliquem, Cic.; eonsili:I. Catilinae,
L to «.tk 011c; 11 a., lit., a11tiqua111 111atre11~, Sall.· b, to utl#tr a C11ree; lo Cit put alicuim1,
Verg.; 1ter per allquem, Caes.; b, tra11>1f., \'er1- Lh-. ; eX11ecratur primum ut naufragio pen:st,, \'erum, Cic.; with rel. sent., quid in Cic. ; 2, to suv:ar u•ith at& imp1roatio1'; haec!
omni genere vlt&e opthtllllll et wriuirnmn sit exsecrata ci 1·itns, Hor.
exquirere, Cic.; c, lo Wik, in1111ire; exquirere
palam preUa, Cic.; ate nihil certi exquiro, Cic.; e:xaectlo -onls, r. (exseco), a c11tti"11 oot:
ex aliquo caUMS alicuiu11 re.i, Cic. ; with rel. linguae, Ci<'.
eent., quid iis de quoque omcil genere p~ac:_eat exeeciitfo .Onls, f. (U!lef(UOr). ptrfontWn«,
exquil·ere, Cic. ; partie. 11nbst., ezqUJ.111.ta accm1t}•li.'111111tnl; negotli, Tac.; exsecutio S3Tia.:,
.Orun1, n. illq11iriu, Cie.; 2, to, ~led; administration of, Tac•
verb& ad (acconling to) sonum, Cle. U. to ~ulae ·lrum, f. (exsequor), a /K'f&n'Ol
ltXlrch through. A. Lit., \'esceudl c.ausa wari procusion; just& eXlleqi.iarum, certtnOftUI qf,
tenaque omni&, Sall. B. tc iwrch, tut; fact.a Cle. ; exsequiall allcuiur. fuueria proeeqai, Cle. :
allcuius ad religionill ration1m11 Cic. exsequias celebrare, Liv.
UL tc iuk for; alicuiWI r .•nsilium, Cic. emquWia -e (E.X:Seq,uia.e). nlattwg OI' ,,..
ezquimti, ad\'. with cnmpar. and Ruperl. lon.gi119 to a /uMml pr'O«NiO•; nrrnlna, Ov.
(exquisitna), aoov.nUcly, ca.ref11lly, admirablr ; de mmiqaor -Hcntoa tn1m, s. ~· L to foll""'
• crimine accurate et exquisite disputare, Cle. a oorpee to the graw, Cle. poel. IL A. to follot:";
a.a11ittit11a -a -um, p. adJ. wit.b compar. auam qllilque apem, na ooo•Ua,. CDmmuibWl
8][8 211 en
deplorath, exseqao>ntes, Liv. B. 1 lo aCCO?"" ao lot Ml b«n aut, spttially cJwltr&; ducunt ea-
ptUA, a:tt11k; a, m:ind11ta vestra, Ctc.; ofticta, sortcm Ae11eac (equum), Yerg.; 21 llat-iKf •
Cic.; b.l. to Q.Utt"t, mt'1i11t11h'; jus 11uu111 armis, .•lum: in, dtprii:ed of; "·itb genit., aulcls vitae,
Caes.; ;.s ti) foll01D ttRn~,/ully, to att>lge, punish.; \'erg. ; amicitiae, Liv.
tera riulata, dolorem, Liv. ; rem tam atrocem, e~tlor, 1. dep., to digr'm fron1 th.t pa~
Liv.; 3, to nW.u, dl!.•T~, ezplai'M: ea vix dtuilllt front. tM eo11r1t; exspatiantur equi, OV.;
verbill exaequi pot15e, Cic.; \'iaan cousili sceler· or ri,·era, exspatlat.a ruunt per apertos Humina
ati, Liv. ; alicuius or 11li1·uius rei lnudca, to campos, Ov.
sprMd al.road, Liv. ; with rel. Rent., eXSt>que- eJD1D8Gt&1'nt. -e (exspecto), that 1rliicA ii
b.,tur i111le, quae sollemnis d1•1i\"nlio c»,;ct, Liv.; ezptctt•J, 7>r0fnrblt, Tac.
4, to prc<Mcutt, carriJ out; aliquid UllqUI' al\ ex-
tn-11111111, Cic.; 5, 111 <'!!Cfrl,.ill, find ""'· Liv.; ezaDeCt&tlo ·Onis, f. (exspecto), a m1it'111
6, to su.frr, 1'11dvre; clad .. m illam fngamque, Cic. /or, lo(J;ing for, t:r}1tclalio11; with subj. gi:nit..,
exaero -!!'~nli -s.•rtum, 3. L Lit., a, to 1:xi;Jicctatio11e hominum majore qwun spe, Liv.;
wit 1 ohj. · i;:enit., exspectatiouem sui facere or
st"t.:h. 011t, thrm•t out ; lingnam, Li\·.; raput concitare, Cic.; with de, quantum tu mihi moves
ponto, Ov.; b to oort; brat·hla, 0''·; A11111zon ex:o1pect.ationem de aermoue llibuli, Cle. ; with
unum euerta fatos p11g1111e, Verg. IL Tra1111f., n-1. 1W11t., 11u111111a omnium t'Xspectatlo, quldnam
to~ ; lie aere a lieno, t:ic. (!)
11ententi11e ferrent judiees, Cic.; abtiol., obl!Curt
emrto, l. (in tens. or exsero), to atrttch. out; spe et ~cca exspectatione pendere, Cic.
ora, V..rg. exapeotatua -a -um, p. adj. with rompar.
essertu ·• -um, partic. or cxsero. and super!. (exspecto), tTJlf!rttrl, td~hm. for, 'INl·
elUlibilo, 1. to 1,;$$ an actor o§ th.t dt•qt, Cit'. cm11t; 1·an1!I omnibus ex!!pectatni;que \'enies,
ezslocatu ·& -nm, p. adj. (from ex11icco), Cic.; eupt•rtati art arnplissimam tli;..'llita~m. a.
tlr!I, J'j•iu; genu!I orationls, Cle. 1ttrttd to an-ire at th.t lng/1tst ra111;, Cic.; lltterae
ezalooo, 1. 1, to dry thorm.1gh111; 111 horea, exspectatae, Ck.
C'c. ; 2, to drai• dry, to empty uy drinking ; mmpecto, 1. to teait for, look for, tzp«J.. L
riua culullia, Hor. 1, gen., transit um tem pesta!i'J Cle.; partlc. pert
e:mdgno. l. to put a nutrk trpn11, mark; sacra s~11JSt., ante exspectatum, WJ01·t U ul!U t%f!·cttd,
omni& exscripta exsignataque, Liv. \'erg., Ov.; witlr rel. 81.'nt., ex!lpecto q111tl tri-
hunus plcuis excogitet, Cir..; exspectare qnnm
eiadllo -slll\i -aultum, 4. (ex 11nd i;.11in), 1, to mox, '!C., Ci~. ; wi~h dnm, cxspet•tas f?rtaslle
IMp otd, 1pri11~ <l'ld; in slecum (nf a s1111ke}, •lum d1cat, C1c.; "·1th quOR•l, ~ep.; with ai,
Vttg.; oculi exslh1rre, Ov.; 2, kJ lmp up, spri11g Caes.; with nt an•I the suhj., nisi forte exspt'O-
11p; de IM'll11, Cie. ; gaudio, far joy, Cic.; ex- tatis ut illa dilu1un, Cic.; non exsp,ctare f11IL
e:iluere loco silvae, O\·. hy quln, Caes.; absol., to wait, loi.Ur; ad porlllm,
exalllum .fi, n. (ennl), 1, lit., banWiment, Cir..; 2, esp., a, to 1roit for ci ptnoll or tllill(I
ttUe: rxi;ilii poena, Cic. ; aliquem exsillo afflcerc (till it Is ready or Hnishetl); 0111t••rea multM
nr multare, Cle.; in naillum ire or pergere, horaa, Cic.; b, ro rr1roit; me tranquilla
Cic.; aliquem in exsilium mitterc, I,fv.: ali- exspectat, Hor. D. lo wait 'Willi lo11ging, fmr,
quem in exsilium ejicere or pellere, Cic., or hope, dt1irt, l'lC., ro hopt for, lo11g, dread; testa-
agere, LIY.; aliquem reducere de exsillo, Cic. ; menta, Cic.; 1tliquid ab or ex with abl., ate hoe
2. met.on., a, Che place of crilt, Cle. ; b, exallla civita.s vel potlus oumes cives non exRpectant
= exult'11, plenum exaillis mare, T11c. solum sed etiam postulant, Cic.: with acc. 11nd
emdato (esi8to) -stltl -11Utum, S. kJ arL«, inHn., .quum exspectaret etfoaos omnibus portie
CIOIM /crrlA, RJlJ>tl(lr. L ab ara, Cle.; of aoldiera, Aetolos in ftde10 auam venturos (esse), Li,·.
to ll«rC "I'; e latebris, Liv.; or th!_n_p, ab 11etle eupergo (e:r.-1pargo), ·Spersum, 8. to soo.Uer,
Junonis ex arce (of a voice), Cle. IL to ip1·ing, Luer.
ariat, rome i1llo cristeJI«. A. Lit., ex stirpe exapea, adj. (only In nom. sing.), tt"'ltAmtC
qw.dam, Cic.; in atatuae e11pite, Cle. B. Tran11r., hope, lio1>tlesa; erret inops, exspes, Ov.; 'll·it.~
tat tyranni exi11terent, C1c. ; exaistit motu11, genit., exspe& vitae, Tac.
Caes. ; ex luxurta exlstit avaritia, Cic. ; with
predie. nomin., ego huic causae 1iatronWJ eu~i, exapiratlo -Onis, f. (exsplro), Clll uhct,._
tic. ; wiU1 ut and t.he subj. (of 11>gical co11se- tM>n ; te1Tae, Cic.
que11r.e). eir. quo exlatet, ut de oihilo quippiam exspiro, 1. L Tran!llt., to brtalM out, a-
nat, Cie.; with acc. and infln., exaiaUt illud, lattlt ; a, Hammas 1iectore, Yerg. ; b, of tbe
n1ulta esise probabilia quae, etc., Cic. dying, Rnimas, attra.'I, Verg. IL IntransiL, 1,
mmolvo -solvi ·•Olfitum s. L to lOOferl, """ tn give np ~ 11hmt, to die; in pugua et In aci.,
loo«, ui1t&e, u11bl11d. A. Lit., gl&ciem, to du- Liv.; fig., quid~ 111 ego morerer, mecum ex-
9111~, l..ucr.; fig., nodum huius erroris, Liv. sphatum rt!l{>Ublira erat, Lfr.; 2, to Ii/ow fortA,
B. Tran11r., exaoluti pleriiue lrgie ne~us, Tac.; r1•sh forth; vis ventorum exgpirare cupiens, OT.
IT.mem, drirt away, Ov. L to sd /r~, · releaat. eJDl•Uo, l. kJ plv11titr, rob, dtsp0il; fana
A. Lit., se rorpore, Verg. B. Trana!, 1, to. atqne dPmos, Sall. ; exercitu et pro\·inciii. Pon>
{rtt; plebem aere alleno, Liv.; ae occupatuin• peium, Cie.
ibu~ Cu:. ; 2, a, to po.11; nomina, Cle. ; stip· exapiio ·11pl\i -spntum, 3. to 1pit o1U ; transr.,
l·tlllium 1•rae~ritum cum Ode, Tac. ; b, to du- to gel rid of, a>•t airuy: hamnm (of tlllhes), OY.;
t.MT9f?, to frr(fil aa tngagt""'7U, 1vJvrm a pro- nitionem ex animo, Luer.
IAW or llOflUtl1i11~ dvt; quod pro111iserat, Cic.; e:ssterno, 1. to fl'iohttn, te1Tijy, Ov., Cat.
junmdum, Liv.; poenas morte, Tac.
eJmOIDJlls -e (ex and 1omnas), alttplus, wake· 8JCStlll01 l. IO drOJ> 1noislurt, driJi, tricJ.:le,
Plaut., Tcr.
/11l, \"erg.
morbio -sorbC\i, 2. to tuck up, '"ck ill. e::mttlmiili.tor ·oris. m. c.. xstimulo). aa
focitu, iic1tig11tor; r1:bcl11011is, Tac.
A. Lit., sanguinem, Cle.; gustan11 ch·ilem aan·
gulnen1 '·el J10tlu11 ex11•,rh11e1'RS, Cir-. B. T111.n11f., e:xatlmiilo. 1. to goad, to t.i:citt, tnstigola;
. &, to nttl•n; mnltuntm tljtticultat.em, Cic. ; b, \ irum <lictis, Ov.

lo 11Ca11ow up, dero1•r; qifantu l11te Byzanti· ezttnotlo -01111. r. (exatlngno), an11.i/1ilatW.,.
arum praedn11 e:uor1JUit, Cic. nti11ctio11, Cic.
eaon ·ll()rtl8, wWlotd 161; 1, tlwt fw wlticl& e:xatlnctor ·Oris, m. (exi;tioguo), 1, ou-.
exs 212 ext
tzh1tgui&Ma; incendii, Cic.; 2, eu who dntroys, triumph : laetiUA or gaudio, Cic ; in rulnia al-
a1utiAUutu; patriu, Cic. t.erius, Cic.; Graeci ex11ultant quod, etc., Cie.;
exattnguo -stinxt -stinetum, 3. L Lit., to 2, a, of orators and of discouni.e, to r111t rial;
put out, ~.Mi11g11iah; incendium, Cie. ; middlt!, audacius, Cic. ; ~erborum audacii euult.ana,
ei11tingui, to go out; co11sumplu!I ignis exstingui- C:ic. ; b, of discourse, lo mo~ f1·ul11; cau1pua
tur, Cle. II. Tr1111!lf., l, to 1lry up: aq1111111 in quo exsultare po86it oratio, Cic.
rivi111, Liv.; 2, tu q1m1t:h; :<ili111,01•.; 3, tokill; eimU.Dirabllia -e (exsupero), that cnit ~
i11\'ict111n bello ju1·e11e111f1>rtu11a111urLo "xi1ti11xit, CO•«/UeNd or 01ierconu; non exsu~ralJile saxmn
Liv.; mhhlle, ex:itiugui, to die, c>1p. 11uddenly ur (of ~i!l~·phu!I), \'eri;.
1•1·c111al11rdy. Cic. ; 4, to nbolisl&, 11.ulruy, an11i- eJD1uperantla -ae, r. (exsupero), su~rwrity,
l1iwte; ex1>ti11eto Meuat.11, Cic. ; gralia111 alicuius, pre-fflli11t11ce; virtuti>•, <.:ic.
Cit'.; ehp., to blut out tl1r 111trrwry q/ ~omdhillg, to
ln·i111; into oblil1io11: memoriam publicam, cri· ezaupiro, l. L lntninsit., A. Lit., to
mi11& su11, Cic. ; middle, cxstingui, to bt for· mount up, crpptur aboi·e; fla111111ae, \"erg. B.
golttm; rumor ex11ti11guitur, Cic. (syncop. plu- 'l'ransf., l, to lie prominf'nt, t:rcrl; quant.11111 ft>roci
11erf., ex11tinxem, for exsti11xis11e111, \'erg.). ,·irtnt.e exs11per.:11i, Vcr·g.; 2, in ootlle, ,_ gd the
exstirpo, 1. (ex anrl stirps) to tmr up by ~ t111per ha11d, Jll'f'nlil: iii 1100 potenmt exsuperare,
root; trn1u;f., to root oul, ulirpuu; vilia, Cic.; cad1111t, Ov. IL Trani>f., to 6111·nw1111t 1JOnktl• i11.9.
h11111a11itah:111 ex a11i1110, Cic. A. Lit., l, to surmount a htiglit, to pass ot"Cr or
beyo1ul; jngmn. Verg.; an jam omues a11gustiae
exato (exto), l. to 1ta11d out, project. L Lit., exs1111erat.1e, Liv. ; 2, to Jlf'Ojert (IOOl'e; a11g11es
milit.ei; cupitt1 solo ex aqua exstnnt, Caeli.; quo ex~uperaut umlas, \"erg. B. Transf., 1, a, to
altius ab nqua cxstan:t, Liv. IL Trans(., A. ~d; niagnitudo sceleris omnium in~enia ex-
Gen., quo 111agi>1 id quod erit ilh1111in'llu111 ex!ltare supcrat, 1111rpwssu all thought, Sall.; b, to nr-
atqne e111inere videatur, Cic. B. l, to be visilJle, 1"'ss, go beyoru.l; omnes Tarquinios superuii,
•how i.l~IJ, <tpptt1r, uist ; ex!ltant huius furtitnd· Liv.; 2, to 01~1·ronu; consiliuru caecum, Verg.
inl11 vestigia, Cic. ; ex>, impern. with acc.
aP .1 In fin., Cic ..; apparet atq1~e ~xsta_t, utrum
enurdo. 1. (ex and aurdus), to deafe11,, L
.•• an, etc., C1c.; 2, to be .,till i11 ~~. to Lit., Plin. IL Trnnsf., of tute, to make d11U
k at"'u; ex¥tant epi!ltolae Philippi, Cic. ; non or blu1u; palatum, Hor.
ex&tat alius, Liv. ezaurgo -surrexi ·surrectum, s. to ri# up,
exstructlo -unis, r. (exstruo), a lmilcling up, ZVt 011tself 11p, stmul up. L Lit., 1 or person..,
ertctw1&; ea exMtructio 9.uae, etc., Cic.; plur., quum exsnrgeret, simul 11rridem1, ek., Cie. : ex-
1:x11trnctiones tectorum, Cie. surgit faeein attollens, Verg. ; esp., tu o>u-
self to one's full htight to git'e fm"« to a /.l1.w;
exstriio ·!ltruxl -structum, 3. to hrop up, altior exsurgens, Verg.; 2, of thir~ (Roma)
'IJi/11 11p: L Lit., rn~um, Cic.; magnum acervum totA simul ex>1ul'gere acdifici1s, Liv. IL Tn111sf.,
li!JC'onnu Dicaearcl11 silii ante pecles, Ci<'.; divit- 1, to rise up, to rtgnin strtngtlt; 11xs11rgere :itttue
111.11 in altum, Hor. ; focum ligni:1, Hor. ; 111c11sae
erigere se, Cic. ; auctor1tate ,·est1ii. res1•11hli<'&
l-e11qui,;itis11i111is epulii1 exstrnchautur, Cic. ; exs111g1·t, Cic. ; 2, of political risiub-s, i11\·idii
menue ex!itructae, piltti llJI with food, Cic. IL eor11111 exsurgere rur.i11s J•le \Jcm, Lil'.
Tr•llll1f., ex11t.rue animo :iltitmlincm ex<'ellcntia111·
q ne \'irtut1J111, buihl 111•. Cic. ; aecu1)1tc 11011 mo<lo eJmuaolto, l. L Lit., a, to airokm fro•
u1ulata, veru111 etiam ex!ltructa. diseipliua, Cic. sl!!ep; te (juris gallor11111, ilium (im-
exeuotna -a -um, partic. or exsugo. }l{'l'aton·rn) bucinarum ca11t11s 1•xs1~~citat, Cic.;
b, to l.:iudle fire; Ham111a111 a uni, Ov. II. T11111sf.,
exsiido, 1. L h1tra11sit, to oome out ill fo u.:ite, <irouse; quac cuni etiam exswwitat
1weat, uiult; inut111s humor, Verg. IL Transit., animos, Cic.; se exsuscitare, to 111·011st cnir:Jtlf.
to s11-eat out. A. Lit., Pliu. B. Tran sf., to su.'tal 111£tl, e u 11 tff<>rt, Cic.
thrcmg/1, t-Oil through, J'f'lfon1t with gnmt /11b01ir;
11ovu111 de integro laborem, Liv. ; cert.amen in· exta ·ornm, n. the entrails of a1'.imals, esp.,
gcM. Lil·. the Mart, l1rngs, liver, etc., used hy tlte Ro111a11i1
for divination; exta iuspicern, Cic.; si est in
exa'i.go -suxl ·!!Uctum, to suek out, 11Uck 11p; cxtis aliqua vis, quac <leclaret futura, Cic.
ostrea. \'aculs exsuct11 nwdullis, Juv.
exaul -si1Jis, c. (from ex nud the root of salio; exta'be8oo ·tibili, 3. to wnste au<ry t11tirtl11.
cf. COll-bltl, lJl':le·lHIJ). A. a /Janishctl or eri/tJ A. Lit., corpus macie ext:1l1uit, ap. Cic. B.
1.erllOJl, an tzile; q11um vagns et exsul erraret, Tram1f, to 1·anuh, dis<Ippear; opimones wtus-
Cic.; exsules rctl11c11nl11r, Cle.; num qui exs11les tatc extabuisse, Cic.
restituti, Cic. ; with genit., pat.rial', Hor. ; with extemplo, adv. (ex and templurn), itnmcd·
ahl., exsul patria, dmno, Sall. B. Tran'lf., de· ic1td11. clirrclly, stn1ightrmy, Cic.
71riivd of; with geuit., exsul rnentisquc domus- extemporaua -e (.. x and ten1pus), t:rfrni-
411e, Ov. 1•ono·y, u•1thaut prrco1ioiderntio11: oratio, actio,
oxaulo (edlo), 1. (exsnl), tu I.e. ha11ishetl, Quirrt.
Ii l'e iu e.xilt. A. Lit., Rnmae, nt Rome, Cic.; npml extempiilo = extemplo (q.v.).
Prnsiam, Cic.; in Volscos cxs11l11ttt11111birc, Lil'.; extendo -temli -h'flsum aud -te11tu1u, 3. to
apt is si111us ad exsulnn<.111111 loc·us, Cic. B. strrtch 0111, e.cp(t11d, e.xtrnd. I. Lit. A. a l•ra·
Transr., meo disce.!su exsula!:lsc rempulilic:uu, clii11111, Cic.; cxtentu1u fu11t•111, tight rope, Hor.;
Cic. ri;;i<lacer\'iee et ex ten to eapite currere (oflwrst"11),
exa'llltatfo ·Unis, f. (f'XSUlto), ft fraping 11p. Lil'. ; wilit. t. t., to e:rtrml i1~ onler of buttlr;
L Ltt., Pliu. IL Tram1f, t.n1lt<ltio11, erce.<~ii-e acicrn in radirilms 111011tis, Liv. ; b, or tilile, to
rrjoicing; ilia exsultatio Atha111antis, Cic. e.dend, ~·ro/01111; ab horn tert ia ad 11octe111 pug·
eJCSultlm. auv. (exailio)jl'iskillf1ly, Hor. nam, J.i\'.; micldle, to lost; ta111q11a111 non
ezsulto (ezulto), 1. (freq. ofexsilio), to leap 1011~111~. quam \'ilae hum1111ae sp:itimu est., cupi·
11p fr1•p1wtly or t1in/rntly. L Lit., a, of Jiving ditas glorine exten<litur, Liv. B. 1, to strekA
suhject.i, equi ferocitate exs111t.1nt~s. Cic.; in on t/1t !1rv11111l; allqnem arena, Ve11t. ; toto i11geu1
num~ruin, to rlan«, Luer. ; medias inter caedes extcml.itur (Ctr\Jcrn~) autro, i.• strrtchtd1 Verg. ;
elfS11ltat Amazon, Verg. ; fib of things! v~a 2, to 111crtast: egros, Hor. IL Transr., 1,, te
euulU.nt, dash up, Verg. Traniir., A. ap- txtrt; se snpra \'lrl's Liv. ; itinern, to uiarc11 al
petltus q1uu1I exsulta11te1 1ive cupiendo alve 11rtat spretl, Lh·. ; ll\·idoa <'llnma, to hllJten ragrrlr,
fuilendo, Cle. B. Eiip. 1, to rtjoice ur.uditiQIJ/. Yenr.: 2. t-0 uteiwi; nomcn lD 1•ltima:a ~
ext 218 ext
Hor. : In Aatam quoque ~ltlonem, Liv. ; edro -trl•l ·trftum, s. lo m aut, nib o/
fama1u factia, to lpnlMl abToad, Verg. Luer.
.:a-to. 1. (int.enL of exteodo). to dnlc:A ~ -krri\I -tenitum, 2. to Jrigltltn
"'- to att'lld ; nervoa, Luer. nddtnl1f, t.o ttrrif1I; periculo suo aliquem, ut,
mdeataa r. -um, p. adj. with 11uper1. (from etc., Liv. ; in p1188., praeter 111r11h1111 ex terreri,
ntebdo). ckndrd, tuidt; sta,,,"fla latius extenta Cle.; partic., exterritus aaJJl!Ctu, Cie.; of tbiftSS,
Locrino lacu, Hor.; ca.;tra quam extentisaimi cxlerritus amnis, Verg.
poteat nlle locat, Liv. ezt4Sraa. v. exter.
eadntitlo ·unis, f. (exten110). LB "'4king estlmeeeo -timft.I, S. L lntran11it., to le
Clia, l'lin. D. Rhet. t. t., a ftgure or speech, B grtatl11 a/rui1f, lo lit lffrl.ftta; d~ for\11Uilf COlll·
di1Nia11tio1t, u~ning (Gr. l'fi..icns, OPI'· exag- munibus extimeiicere, Cic.; f111l. by ne and ths
aeratio), Cie. 11ubj., Cic. IL Transit., to bt: grtall'!I afraid ".f.
extillutua -a -um, p. adj. (from extenuo), to 1lf'fCld; with acc. of the thing, advenhnn
-.t, ,_,,,., llight; ,·estigia, Cat. ; co11ioll\c ex- tnum, Cic.; with ne aud tbe su~j., u1111m illud
tenuatiMimae, ap. Cie. extimesceham ne quid turpiter facerem, Cic.;
estiniio. 1. tc make tltin or 1111<111, to rtd11et, with aec. of the penion, \'ictorem orbis turarum,
tiiai11i.~ L Lit., 1, aer extA-nnatu:i, rartfitd, Cic.
Cie.; dent.ibu11 cxt.enuatur et 111oht-ur cihue, Cic.; eztlm1UI, v.
ntenuari in aqu.ai1, di.s.."Olrt~ into, Ov.; 2, milit. eJCtltapez -splois, m. (E>xta an41 •spl'Cio). "
L t., to ~ n liiu or colrimn 'lllllke thm; an- soot1Mt1rtr u•ho prt{iicl• jrCYm tht tntrai/$ of vi<:Ci'IMI,
custiae exte11uabo.11t _agmt>n, I.iv. ; extenuat.'\ Cic.
1u.•r111n ade, Sall. IL Tran!lf., 1, ltt lr3.wn, extollo, exti1li, and rarely exau11tdli, S. to l\11
wahn. dimin~; smuptue, Cic.; spem, erimen, !!_f, mi~ 11p. L Lit.. , cruentum pugionem, Cic.
Cic. ~ 2, in llJ>eerh, ew., to llispnmgi-, ckzrreciate; IL Tram1f., 1, exlt>llere Rnimttm or allqne111, to
1uum munus, Cic.; fa111am belli, Liv. mist, ekmtt, t::rult ; ('Xtollcl'f' auimos, to ~"''
elder and eztirua -a -mn (fro111 ex), out- iMolt:11t, Cic. ; sc extollere, Cic.; aliquem sec-
wrard, fonign, 1tm1~. L Posit., jus nationum tmdll oratione, Sall.; 2, h1 words, to t'Ci.w:
nterarum, Cic. IL Com1iar., exterior, n. aliquld verbi11 in maj1111, to ~"-. I.iv.; to
-ha, gen it. -Oris; orbis, Cic.; hoi.ti1', Cir.; exter-
prow, r:elebrau, e:r:Col; fortunam alicuius, t:lc.;
lorem ire 11.licui, to 90 on tM ltft side, Hor. DL
oliquem ad caelum, Cic. ; 3, to adorn.; horloll a
Lucullo ooeproa insigai magnifi~ntii extollere,
Super!. A. extrimua ·ll -1im, the 011tuin.oM; Tac.; 4, to railt to ronk, JIOWer, etc. ; jacente111,
1, lit., 1ml1At., estrimum -i, n., a, tltat 1chich Cic.
u Ol&ltnnolt ; c:ielum qttnd extremum at~ue eztorq11M -tonri -tortuni, 2. to heist out,
ultimmn mundi eist, Cic.; b, tJu 01d11nne1•l, Inst; tcrUt aioo1f, wrrnch ovt. L Gt'n., .A. Lit., arma
.-rs, Cir..; vitae dies, Cic. Suhilt., eztrimum e 111anibus uiviuRl, Cic.; alicui slcam de nianibws,
-i. n., thll! tmt; extretuttm hnl~t, has an 1md, Cic. B. Tntnaf., to obtain b!f f~. u:tort ; a
Ck:.; aestatis, S.111.; the t11d of life, rltalh, Yerg.; CaeAare per Herodem talenta· Attica L, Cic. ;
ad e1tre11111m, ad,·., to the e1ui; all ext.reRmm alicui veritatem, errorem, Ci•.; ex animl11 cog-
resenatus, Cic.; at the tml, Cic.; frntinly; ad nitiones ,·erlJornm, Cic.; wiU1 11t and tbe 1111\U.,
eXlrelllUlll 1.erdilus, Liv.; extremu111, allv., at extorsi11ti ut fateror, Cle. D. Esp., to dill~,
tu trul, Ov. ; for tht lRSt time; extremum atrarl put Otlt of joint; pra,·a extortaque puella, ,u,.
or all~ui aliquem, \"erg. ; extre1110, at Uu md, /, Juv.; to tortt1rt, Li\',
Nep. ; 111 extremo, at thl t11d of a ltUer, Cic. ; exton1a -e (ex and terra), driven from tit~
rlur., estrima -ontm, n. lllt t111l; agri, Cic.; cquntry, ailed, lxmishtd: huic CXXXll patres
z. transf., a. utrt11u-i.e., only tti;e<l. in the f111niliai& extorrea profugernnt, Cic.; with abl.,
gttatest need; 1enatm1 c1111sultu111, Cae11.; b, agro RoMlano, Li\'.; patriA, Sall.
tzlru1t, grtQlW, 7IM>llt dcrngtro1", 1110$l 1liJlic111t;
teu1pora, t..rlttmt ttttd, Cic.; <'Xtre11111111 bonorum, ezva(= ext.eri BC. parte, from L
11ialorum, the highest good, evil, Cle.; 11ent. snh!it., Ad\'., A. Lit., oulri<lt ('>PI>- iatus); quae extra
-ritam i1•sa111 in extrem11111 11dducta111 1 1'11.c. ; 111111t, Cic.; quum extra et iutua host.em haberent,
extretna pati, tM worst ulrt111itiu, \"erg.; with Cae11.; cnmpe.r., exteriwi sl'8e (11r!Je11), Ov.
gt-nit., quotiens in E'Xtrema periculon1111 \'en tum, B. Transf., utt:pt; extra quam, extra quam si,
Liv. ; c, the /01ctst, 100rst ; hand Llgunim ex- n-eq>t, 1inlU11, Cic. IL Prep. witb, .A. Lit.,
tunm11, \"erg.; utremi ingenli (of the l01N'ft 1111- P,,Yond, outside of. vritliout; provinciam, Caes.
dn'flnndi11g) est qui, ew., Liv. B. B. a, uetpt, toith Ult tz«plio'I\ of; extra ducem,
-a -um, IM outermost; orbis, Cic. Cic. ; b, beyO'fld, ouUidt; extra 111odum, Cie. ;
extra ordlnem, Cle. ; c, •L"ithO'llt; extra jocum,
extidbro, 1. to hort out, utract by boring; jo/;ing apa'l·t, Cic.; esse extra culpam, Cic.
ex eo auro, quod ext<'rebratum e.iset, Cic.
eztrAho -tr.txi -tn1ctum, s. L tt> dmw r>ut,
extergio -ters11111, 2. to v:ir~ elf, tt'i~ er.Intel. A. Lit., telum e corpore, Cic.; telum
dry; tr:rnl'if., to #l'i11rlm11, pl1111dtr; fauum quo<l de \'Ulnere, Ov.; ''h·um pueru111 alvo, Hor.;
nou ew·r;;mn ah11te ext.en111111 rcliqueris, Cic. velut ab inferis extractu~. J,i\". B. Transf., a,
ellrtirior, uteri1111, v. to e.rll"icutt, fret; urbem ex ))('riculii;, Vic. ; b to
eztermlno, J. (ex aml t<'m1i1.11i:\ tn dri1·P. tl,stroy, root out; religionem ex :rnimis, ~ic.
lKJo•ul thr. f,.nrnd11rit11; hence, 1, lo drfrt: out, IL lo ilraw forth; 1, lit., aliquPm turl•a oppos·
tz~l. bw1i~h; aliquem f'X urbe, Cic.; or urbe, itis hmnnis, Hor.; aliquem ,.i in J1Ul1licum,
Cic.; de civitate, Ck.; 2, to pt1t u~idt, rrowi't; Liv. ; aliq111"111 <101110, Cic.; milit. t. t., hostes
eucl,.,ritato~m seuatus e Cl\'it:ite, Cic. in,·itos in 11eiem, Li\'. ; 2l a, to bring to light;
exten:aua -a -11111 (exter). L th«t which is scel~ra in lucem, Li\•.: o, to bring ou.t; all-
a11taitft, utenwl; t~por, Cic. SuU;;t., ezterua qu11m ad honort'111. Liv. III. Of time, 1, to pro-
-<•rum, n. 011t11urtf r11•1ieara1tu$, Cir. ILforeiy11, lo1•g, delay, prolror,t; res varii11 calumniis, Cic.;
tllraRgt; host is, Cic.; amor ("fa fortig11er), Ov.; certarnen usque ad noctem, Liv. ; aliquem, to
timor, tl-rror (of a. furtign t11t111y), Liv. Subst.. , put off, Liv.; ~. to u-aste; aestatem eine ullo
&, aternua-i, m. a /orti{Pln', Liv.; tt drangtr: etrectn, Liv.
eannm odium in extemOA, Cic.; b, ezterna eztraaiSua -a -um (~xtra), thn.l t•·hirh is rnd·
-Orum, n. tltcit 1t•h.icA i$ fortit}'n or Btru11r1t; ex- sidt. L not belonging to a thing or s11hjttt, e:z..
ten& Uonifm t.mmplu) libentiu.a in tali re tmneom; res extranl'ae, Cic. ; omamenta, Cle.
'llWD 40J11eallct recor<lor. CiR. II. not bdongin.g to a housr. /amily, or eo11ntTJ,
Jlnlp. llraage; nercit.atio foreuts et utnmta, Cle.; aeni1;;atem muliebrem., UT.; ~
Cle. Sut.t., estraaiua -i, m. a farriper, gtt rid of, Tac.
.....,.,,,.. ; ai extraneua deed, domJ bolrt.enl exiro ·USIA -astum, s. L to btr"' Old ; aliia
quaerunt, LiY. ac:elus exnritur igni, \·erg. ll. to hra tip,
~- -a -am, t::rtnumfi114f7, C0111111U n&ti"lJ; aliquem vivum, Ck.; clAaRtn.,
rtMmtnw., irrrglda.r; petitio consulatus, Cle.; \'erg.; exuatos agpr, drVd •p, Vef"I(. DI. to
Pf'CUuia, obtai1ud by gift, ltgm:y, etc., Cic.; cup- bt&ri&; 1, aol i:racile.i exurit artus, Tib.; :a_ ol
ldltatt-s, un.lfulKrul, Cic.; imperium, Cic.; milit. thirst, to bl&rn; sit is exurit misel'OIJ, Lurr.; ex-
L L, equite:s,, OT simply utra-onliu.arii, u11t u" ltos lliLi ,·et.eris u bertatis exaruit. Cic.; 3,
troops of tlit u11.riliu.ry jorcn, Liv.; port.a,tn l&tat; &, antra JO:"litis exusta caminis. OY.;
rutoria. near which the extra-onlinarii bad b, lo in~~ v;itll. lot¥, Tib.
teuta), Lh·. elnlStlo -6nis, r (.. xum), a btrn&i11f.,,, -
mrtrariua -a -nm (extra), 1, o.l1rlll"d, a-,Jral 10111 ; tl>rraru 111, Cic.
""'41, a:triii~; 11tilitu aut. in corpore pogit.a edriae -ar11m, r. (exuo), Uial tol&icl ia laha
flit aut in u:trariis l"t'bu11, Cic.; 2, ltra¥, o.lf from tlll! wty. L or men, a, d,...,.; bu
/<n'rig'lt. 8ubst., estriirlua ·I, m. a ltro.lll}ef', enim exuviu mihi perftdws ille reliquit, Verg..;
Ter. b, spoils takn' /rOffl. Uu tllt'lay, aMtU, etc.;
extrimltaa -lti11, r. (extremus), tM P<l, n11uticae, Cic.; tu ornatus exu,·iia buius, Cic.
,/arlkut porlio11, t.c.lrtlllitl; mundi, Cic. IL or animals, at Uu '1-i• or llotu]l . . icl u
exbimua -a -um, Y. laid a.riM (natural y); exuvia.s ponere. Vel'"I[.;
eJEtrioo, I. (ex and tricor), to diM11U!nglr, b, tM ski" oaphlrtd and la.ta or,
CM ~icle;
mrfrr1lt. A. Lit., cervam pl11gis, Hor. B.
leouia, Verg.
Tran11f., to 1>roc11 rt with. d ijftnilt1; uummos, Hor.
extrlnsictUlo a. Iv. (extra and sec us), 1, /nm
t11Wwut, fnJ1n. "'" ou.t1idl!, Cic. ; 2, 01< tM outsid4!,
f/Wl10Urdf11; column& extrinseciu inaurata, Cic.
estriido -tr1111l -trnsnm, 3. ro pmli.<mt, tit~
Otlt, utnuli! ; a, of (*l"l'-01111, te in YJtun, Cic. ; r, the 11txth letter or tlae attn Alphabet,
extnuli a 81'natu In Macedonlam, Cic.; b, of
iblngi1, mare 11i.:gere, ro dt1m out, C'
, corruponding in rorm wlt.h the Aeolic di-
gamma ( F), though In souud moet nearly repre-
eztundo -tf111f, S. L to /,,aJ out. A. Lit., to sented by •. +· For the meaning of this letter
form 1>11 btuli11(1 1dlh a l1a11w1.a; lap11& aucilia when nsed as an abbreviation, tee Table ol
Cftelo extwlPrat, V~i:g. B. to fottnt, dtrUI; Abbreviations.
alicul artc111, Verg. JI. to hMt rmt.fortt; tran!if., fl.b& ·Ile, f. a bta", CiC. ; proY., lathuc ID me
to drirt a1cay; quum labor extuderit ra.~tidia, cndetur faba, I lltall hart to n§er /or ,.v, Ter.
Hor. fl.b&Ua -e (faloa), of or rdaling w btou; lltip-
exturbo, 1. to driu airoy, thnut out. A. ulae, Ov.
Lit., homines e possessionihus, Cic.; aliquem FAbl.rla -is, m., a trib11tr1rv of tJu Tiber U..
~ro\·indfl, Cic.; aliquem e furl uni~ omnibus, Cic. /lit Su.him eottJttry, al90 calle_<}. Farfarua, now
B. Tra11sf., omnem s1icm paci11, Liv.; ment.e111 Furju.
alk11iu>1, to put out of ro11Jt/rnmLCt, Cic.
filbella -ae, r. (dim. or fabula). L II lUU.
eriWro, I. A. Lit., of fluids, ro oiv.rjlmr; 11tory, littlt narrotiVt; fabellarum auditione duci,
alte i.p11111is ('XUll('rat umhra, Yerg. B. Tr.rn"f., Cic. D. Esp., a, a fabu, Hor. i b, a WU.
lo alit1111ut; l\i luxurii foliorum exuberat amnis, drama, Cit'.
Ver,?.; pomis exulterat annus, Verg.; tam lato 1. &ber -b1i, m. (perhaps shortened for faci.
te_tenore exulierat, Tac. ber from f11cio); 1, a VX>rktr, esp. i'l 111ty hard
exul, v. cxsul. maleriul; :ig11ari111, a ct1rpe11ter, Cle. ; In the
exulcero. I. L to make i-0", Plln. D. anuy, fahri, t11t tnginttrs, Caea.; p~fectus
Tnrnsf., 1, In make tcor11e, Of11J1arolt; ea quae fabru111, oono11" mlu of lht engi11«n, Ca.ell.; :i, a
aanarc 11cq111:1111t, exulcerant, C.:ic.; 2, to irri/11/t, fish. perhhJl'S lilt dory, Ov.
1111/1illrr; ut in .-xulcemto a11ir110 facile lictu111 2. aber -bra ·brum, i11gBim11, U:U/11l; ars,
cri111e11 insideret, Cic. Ov.
eJdUdlo, I. to howl out, howl lowlly, Ov.; l'Ablua -a -um, na'RU' of a Ron&lll& ~u, of
elriiliilAtua -a -um ; a, hadfl.!1 hmrled, o,·.; u•ltirh tltt m<Mt fmnrms IL""'!: lt Nnmerins Fabiu11
b, 1nroktd 1•>ith howli1t{JI; mater Cyheleia, Ov. Pict.or, Rimu1n. 111111nlist at tl\t btgi1t.Ai11g of tJu
exundo, 1. 1, to oivrjlotc, to flow O'llJ or our; Seco11tl P11.11 ic u·ur; 2, <.1u. F11bius )Ill xi mus
tuta hal.,.'l1111111ue vi tempE"statum in adven<a C1111ctator, lht 01>1t011e11t n/ ll11n11W<il iu tu &roiui
lltora ex11ntla11t, Tac. ; 2, lo orerfo>w, abound; Pirnie U.'(1r; 3, Qu. Fabius :'\fnximns Aemilianus,
&rm nf L . .Aemili11s p,,,,//1 ..<, consul l·H A.C.; 4,
la~1111 et exundan" inge11ir fons, J 11v.
Qu. F11l•i11s Maxim us Allobrogieus, aon Qf tilt
exungo -u11ctu'I and esungor -ungi, S. to J•rrr·r•I i "fl• Cf<l•'J"' ror of tlu .A llohrorw.s, lmildl"T of
anoi111, IH'<1111tr1r n·ith u119uenls, l''1111t. a tri11111}'1vtl arch on th,. sacm t"ia (callf'd fomix
erio .Qj -iltum, s. (connecte<I with ind-no). Fabil, fomix Fal>inR, fornix Fahisnm1, Cic.); 5,
L ''' tlmtv 0111 or off, to /al;e out. A. se jugo, &-rvi11s Fahins PiC'tor, ctltbraltd l<'tf'Jl'-f", pmtlor
Li\·.; 111111111 C'Xuta J_>erlem vincli>1, Vf'I):.; se ('X 145 A.<". A<lj., Fablua -a -um, Fabiart. Hence,
h1K la•111Pis, Cic. B. Transr., a, hominPm rx l'Abl&nua -a ·Um, of or btlo111Ji"!1 to FabitU..
bo111irw, rle111ir< of ttll 1111t111tn fPdi11g, Ci•·.; mihi r.
Fabr&tiria -ae, toi•·11 of the Vol-'Ci on t/M>
ex a1ii1110 .. xui non powst es.<w drh!I, I cannot 11111 Tit-er Trrr11.-t. llem-e,'Jl118 .. ·Um,
bdinv, C'tc., Cic.: b, to <Uprire; aliq1w111 "b'TO of or b~lt111~i 11g to Fnbral,rio.
pat<·rno, Liv.; 111ilit. t. t., to strip an rnnny nf;
ho!.t1·rn impt-tli1111-ntis, castris, am1is, \•ml'•lil, fabre, a<lv. (2. fl\bcr), akilfully, Plaut.
C11t-~.. LiT. IL lo 11111 asitlr, put riJ', '"kf nff. f'Abrefi.clo ·ltci -ractum, 3. to tllGb or
A. Lit., en~•·n1 or i•hnrt-t1111u, Ver;:., o,·. B. fu.•ltio11 sh ilf11lly; ex aere nrnlta fabrdact.a, UY.
Tran•f., a, Li> ln.y a.•idt; tor\'am facienr, \'c~.; fAbrloa -ae, r. (faller). I. (11C'. anr), th are
ho11.inc111, ht11111111 11111.11,.., Ov. ; b, to lay a.sid~, ofa faber: plctura et f11hrica, 111-clliUcCwtt, Cle.
TUt1ow, dint/ rnwi~IJ of; humanitatem omnem, IL tlit uwk of a faber, 100Tki119, 1114kixg; fabric&
f'ab 216 f ac
acrii. "- fem, Cic. llL (ec. offlcina), CM t00r1c· Cle.: with ad and the acc., raaciles ail recept.nm
lhup ofa fabcr, Cic. 1mguMtiae, Liv. ; esp. with gerund. !llud autew
ti.bricatlo -onis, f. (f11h1ico), 1, makin17, facile ad i:re1le11dm11 ei;t, Liv. ; with ill a11u the
frami11'], co11..tr11rtfon; hn1tii11i~. Cle.; 2, artt- acc., altt·ra c1·epido hnml facilior in ucen11u111,
fa.'t. d.r:r<; lit' ilia quhl"1u tmductio in verbo Liv. ; with the 11u11!11e it1 u, or the al.ti., rea
q11nn<l:u11 fahrie;itio11em h:1bct, Cic. cognitu tacili11, Cic.; with in Jin., facile eMt )ier·
Jlcere ut, etc., Cle. ; with ut and the 1ml>j., quod
fabricator -<'iris, m. (fabrico), a 11ut!.-rr, arti· ei fuit facilli111u111, ut in agru111 Rutnlorum
firer, Jnonu; ta11ti opcris, Cle. j ipse doll fabri· proceJeret. Ck.; with dut., s11ita.ble: campus
cator Ep•:ns, V"rg. opl'ri fadlis, Liv.; 11c11t. Sllllllt. with prep., iD
Fibriclue -a -um, nnme of a Rnmnn gens o/ facili el!s1·, lo bf ta.1JJ, Liv.; e or ex facili, ta1il11,
tr.hi•·1' tlu ''""t c/isli11g11i:1hea uw C. Fubrlcins, Ov.; 2, of circ111111itance11, fortunt', etc., favour-
c-ins•J/ 2H".! a>t(l 27S B.C'., r.011q11tror of l'yrrhus able; 4uae (res et fortunae) quutirlie facilio"'8
fl ml the ·"'"'"' it.,,i, /Hmd /or ti~ simplicity of /tis mihi et 111eliores vi<le11tur, Cic. II. Act., A. l,
lift <111d the ri!JOll r of It is c.-nsorsllip. Adj., Fub- that v:liich dou a thi11g et1$i/y, ;acile, 11.:il/ul;
riri11 n; pons, a bridyc iii Rrrnie. Hence, Fab- manu facili, O'"; 2, dtxtervu~. clt\'tr; facilis d
rloli.nua -a -um, of or btlf'nging to Fctbricitu. exped.itu11 ad dicendu111 T. Ju11i11'4, Cic. B. 1·twly,
fabrlco. 1. (falier), to form, make, /arge oiit utiiliny, ilielined: 1, with •lat., commercio faclli•1
of luwl r.11-1tcriau; arma, Hor.; pocula !ago Liv. ; with ad, fac11i fe11ii11an11n creduhtate au
tahncata, Ov. gRudia, Tac.; poet., with inll11., Pro11.; 2, eap. of
character, ro11rteou1, acuuiblt, <•.ffu.ble, tt.UJI, good-
ti.brloor. 1. dt>p. (faber}, 1, to jraTM, makt, nuturtd; facills et libcr11li>1 l'ater, Cic.; morea
forgP- 0111 of a hard material; gladium, fulmen, facillimi, Ci1!. ; with ad a11d the gerund, facilia
1>ii;:na, l:ic. ; Capitolii fai;tigium, Cic. ; 2, to ad conce1lend11m, Cic. ; with in and the abl.
f.i..1J,iJm, form; bomine111, Cic.; vcrba, t11vent facili"& In ho111i11ibus au<liemlis, Cie. ; with in ana
J1(w '11.'0rdil, Uc. the acc., si facilea babca:t in tua vota dPos, O\•.;
fi.brille ·t> (fabcr), rtlati1tg or b'.lnnginu to an with oat.' si mi hi di fncilee et •unt in &11101'8
tr.rtifiur; errntu1n, Cic.; scalpmm, Liv.; opera, secumli, Ov.; with abl., facilis amicitili., &1lL
\'er~. : 11eut. plur. subst., rabrilla ·lum, n., f'AoWtaa ·ii.tie, f. (facili11). L P1111., eaainas,
tool•, Hor. tr11t; faeilitas cnmporum, j(l'f' marthiilg, Tac.

fii.biila -e, f. (fari). I. tcdk; fabulam tleri II. Act., 1, 1·tatHneu, di..-JJ<16ition, Cic.; 2, WU.
<>rt'""'"• to~ thec-ommon. talk, Cic.; c01u:trsntio11: li11gneu, /ri.tndlintsa, aJulrilil'll, uood-twture,
courte~nt&B; fadlit&s in autlie11<lo, Cic.
fit\1nla .. co1tvivial1>s, Tac. II. a tall!, flllrmtivt,
sU>ry, fi•IJ/r. A. Gen., 1, lit., fabul11 t11ntu111 ::i11e !Aoln6ro•ua ·a -um (facl111111), full of tl1n:ru-
a111·ture edita, Liv.; 2, trausr., fnl,ulac man.-s, f1ll dud~, wicUd, alrocia1111, 11t/ttriu11•; vlr, Cic.;
U.C nnpty 3'UILie.•. Hor. B. 1-:sp., tM plot, atory vita, Cic.; J•lur. aub!it., facinoro11i, aba1uloMd
-0/ a d?ama, Hor. ; a dram<1; in ii11 quao ad me11, Cic.
SCE"t1am componnntur fabulia, Cic. \ fAolnua -~rls, n. (facio), 1, a dwl, actio11 (good
fi.billor, 1. dep. (fal>nla), to talk·, oonverst, or l>1>d),,ulcher1·imum, Cic.; io11ig11u111, Cic.;
di.rttu: quid Ser. Gnlba fultuletur, Liv. 2, a ba dud, crime, t1illcii11y (11ot 80 Ktru11g
a word as scelua, which = i11jirmy); faci11uaa
&billieue -a -11111 (fa \min), rrnou-ned i'utory, l'St vi11ciri civem Homa11u111, scrlu11 verherart,
/a'blt!<I; Hyda.~pes, Hor.; )~1.lumbcs, Uor. Cic.; facinus facl'rti, obi re, c111111111ttcre, Cic.; ID
aoeuo. fl1ccRSi, 8. (i11ten11. nf faclo). L 11e ad111ittere, Caee.; patrare, Sall.; meton., &, tM
Trnn:;it., w do eagerly, pafonu, fulfil, occo11111li.<h; instrunit11t of cri111.e; fad1111M ex<'u~sit 11h ort', tl&t
jusq, Ver~.; nq;otium, tD gii..i trouble to, Cic.; p<iU.ontd cup, Ov.; b, a crimiual; om11imn HRgi-
alicui J~riculum, l:ic. IL Intrausit., to be off, tion11n au~~1e taclnorum circum se stipatorum
!ltl a'lroy, depart; alt omni so«i<·tatr, reip11blicae, (·ntt·n·n•', C1c.
Cic.; ex urbe, Liv.; urbt! tl11ilmKque, Liv. fAolo, f~ci, factum, S. L Transit., A. 1, lo
Aoiti. urlv. (facetus), wittily, humoroU1ly; make, prepare build: alicni Rnulum C1c.;
i;I (ecrntnmelin) facetius j11ctutur, urbanitus r11stra, Caes.; hence, &, lo wdle down; htterae
dicitur, Cle. Rt! aliciuem, Cle. ; b to 7ttrforni IQme action o}
fl.citla -ee, f. (facetus). L Sing., wit, Pllmt. the body; grad um, de. ; lmpctum in hostes, to
IL Plur., wit, fa~ti111J111ess, drolltT]/, /,m1wur; attarA·, Liv. ; 2 to pmlll(;(; ignem ex lign\1
Sd('iu omnes 1111le facetilsque BUJ1erab11t, Cic. viri1libus, Cic.; ~ence (nf Hll Ol'lltor, poet, .:tc.),
!l.oitua ·& -um (root FA, Bkr. bhll, Ok. 4>a, to COml'f•U; oratio11em, venrns, poema, Cic.; s~
IAiM, whence 111110 focie,.), 1 1 ji11t, 1lt9a11t; orator, to go in; pnterlam, Cac!I. ; lucrum, manubias albl
Cic.; Bt'rn10, Cic.; 2, witty, jocdiOW$, Cic. ex, etc., l:ic.; stipcndia, to ll'ITe in war, &II.;
4, to rain, ltt'Y; trihntum, Ck ; auxilia mer-
f.f.olee -ei, f. (root FA). L Abstr., 1, IM t:r· ccJe, Tac. B. 1, lo rl-0, ,,.,,form,,
unial form or figure; & of persons, quern 11e txtc11te; ego phu1 qnam feci f1H·t're non po!Plnm
de racie quiJe111 no><ti, Cic.; b, 01· thi11gs, cet- Cio·.; cac1lc111, f11rt11111, fr:11111'-111, Cic.; 11lic11l
en1111 fnciPs totius ll•·ii:ntii variu, inl'ertn, foctla 111r1lici1111111, to c-11re, Cic.; i11tlutia11, pacem,
atque 111iMcraltili:<, 8all.; 2, esp., a, maimer, hl'llum, Cic.; fui:Rm, to tcu.e lo fliyht, or lo 7'1'l.kl
ki11tl; in facie111 bcJerae (tt/ll'r the fu...•hio11 of), ,1f i,1ht, Sall., Liv.; facen! tie aliq110 or de nli4ua re.
rro1uklWt're, Ov.; D•)Il Ullf\ p11g11ue fucie~, Tnc. ; al i111111or11li•J11:i r<', alkui or nlicui rei, cum aliqua
b beautiful. txttrior, /,.,mtly; Tyn.Jari•lil', Verg. re, to tlo witlt, or do to; r1ni.J hoc !tomine, or huic
i:L Conr.r., 1, figure, foari; Hon11'ri, Cic.; 11e in hcnniui f,1ciaM, Ci<'.; 2, a., to mu11<1~r or ho~l a l:lre-
omnn facies vertere, Verg.; 2, the fa«, cou11te- 1110>1y; l11d11~, Cic.; s;ocra, or l!llCriliclum, or re.a
M11«, Cle. di\'i11as, lo sac...,.;fiu, Ck.; b, to 1>racti1t a pro-
~. adv. (facills). L easUy, withoitt di.ffl- frs.<ion; praecomu1111 Cic.; 3, to 111oc-uri:; omtlonl
a&lty; 1, gen., ha<'e facile ediscere,Clc.; 2, esp., an11ic11tiRm, Cic. ; sih·11tiu111, I.iv.; 4, to gra11t;
tosily, i'4Aii-8p?dably, urtainly; facile J•rimuK, )'Ote,.1,1tem, permi.•sion, Cic.; 5, lo aTOUM (some
facile p1inceps, trnli.•pulal1ly first, Cic.; facile fcelinl(, etc.); alicni dolorem, Cic.: SJ>t'lll, Cic.; 6,
doctisa1mu~. Cic.; nou facile or hand fncile _ not to ant-•c, l1ring it ab011t; with nt and the subj,,
tlllUy, ltardly, Cic. IL vrilHngly; pati, ~ic.; focis ut runms )'lllbea in A venti11nm sevocanda
facflllme aucliri, t.:ic. ei111e vidcatur, Cic.; with sul~. alone, di faceren~
Sc.W. -e (facio). L Pasa., 1, thiU uillieh ii sine patre forem I Ov. ; fac sciam, ut t11t hww,
..,, to ~ dOM, ta'1J; &llCeDllUI, Caes.; .AditUll, Cic. ~ faclo, with De or quo and the 1ubj., llO.ll
fao 216 f al
tacen foll. by quln or quoruin111 nnd the subj., dare alicul ftl<>ultdem lrrhlentli roll. Cic.; hAhere
facere non po1111um quln qnotlJie 1.1 1• f.11 1111t~111 eftlciemli lilcultntt·m, Cic.; rt'" mi hi \'i•lctur ~
(llttera.s), I cannot bul, Cic.; poet. with llCC. and rncult.1tA' (lit. prac:li«) Jllllf'clnra, llrW (ill lkfflrr)
inftn., illum ronna thnere rae1t, Ov.; 7, kl mab, 1neclioc·rh1, c.c. ; alicui facult.'\tcm dare, offrne,
nprut1tJ; with nee. and intln. (or artlwtA an1l conl'edere with 11ta111l the 1111hj., Cir. B. 'J'rausf.,
poeta), quem tamen llomerua apud infcro11 cou- a, abtmdanrt, !JrfflJ; 011111i11111 n·nnn in
Teniri · faclt ab Ulytee, Cle. ; 8, It> m7poae, as- oppido H11111111a facult.11M, Cae11.; b, inrmur, re·
M"IU; with aoc. llnd lnlln., eAae dt'Otl titein111u11 .roun:a; gen. in plur., Cic.
Cic. ; 9, with double nee., ta 'lf&Qkc; ali•111mn &oundi, a•lv. with oornpnr. an1l !lllJ>Prl.
ronsulem, Cle. ; n1e unum ex ii• red qui, etc., (f~c11111l11H); tl.0tpuntly, jhuntly; all()(Jlli l10.<ctr111,
"'4dc •r•lJ o1'l lo bt, ttc., Cic. : with a<ij., ali- Liv.
quem an um, diserttttn, Cie.; aliq11em certlorem, fiicundla -ne, r. (tacumlull), tlnqut11r.#., rrru1'·
T. certu1; 10, to "'4k• 11omdhi11g tl&e propert11 nu.r o/ 8]itt•·h: Rnmae Me111111i fal'11111lia clant
<if 80IM om, to bring into the pf)tl'tr of; with pollen111111c fuit~ Sall.
genit., tot& Aida populi Uomani r11eta t-11t,
Cic.; r.~re aliquid pot.estatl!1 or ditlo11is snae, fti.cundu -a -um, •"J.
with eompnr. and
super!. (fari), tl""J1ient, jhunt, rtflJfy of 1t7>'ull;
Cic.; with pron. poi;11CM., aliquam t.err11111 imam,
to IUl>jld, Cacs.; ll, to utce>n, 1vr/?t1?; with gen it., inl{ellia ho111in111n snnt fttl 1111a111 cuique hl\·1u11la111
f4Lrvl, mlnimi, pluns, maxi111i, nihili, Cie.; n<'qui cull'a111 11i111io pl1111 facnnda, Liv.; Ji11g1111, llor.;
'bonlque raceffl •liquid, to ,.,, cvnu111 tl'itl•, Cle.: orntio, Hall.
12, to suffer; naufl'llgimn far.en", Cie.: d1u11nu111, taecilJa -ae, r. (dim. or racx), tht t11ru1r or
detrimentu111 facere, to :ittffer lou, Cic. ; 13, to r:rlul o/11,i11t, 1111cdeithcr RB adrug 11rco111li111c11t,
do, referrjng to another verb, me ut ndhuc fcci!1tis Luer., Hor.
audlatia (where recftlti11 = nndivistis), <.:ic. IL Pae8iUae -irum, f. tourn. in Ell'1tria, al the
lntransit., 1, to act; humaniter, liene, amire, foot 1rf llv .Apt>&ni11t1, 11ow Jf'iuolt. Hence &tlj.,
Cle. ; 2, tacere cum, or ab aliquo, to act on ti~ -a -um, of or bdongillg to Jlae-
1uu of, mpport, hi of tM 111111te party; contra nos, .ulnt.
tn be of the opposite J>Rrlr, Cic. ; 3, to 1acrijiC4 ; faez, raec111 f. A. the drtg• or f't/111t <if""'
Junonl &spit.Ke, Cle.; 4, to be iuUed fur; li1piitl, Luer., ilor.; the tartar or crtill <if wi11r,
)le<lene raciunt ad sc.~ln• omne 111anu11, Ov. ; Hor.; tht ltrint o/ 11ir.kfu, Ov. B. Tra11Hr., tAe
5, w be aervittablt, ailvanlagtmll to, tn imit, to 1lrr.g1, the lown- ordrrs: fa.:x populi or J•lthls,
l>e of 1trlrice ; nee ooelum nee aquae faciunt nee Cle.; 111 Romull faecc, Cic.
terra nee aurae Ov. (archaic rut. Jl('rr. fnrma, fi.glneu -a -um (fngns), bttche1& ; frouH, O\•,
fiixo = fecero, Verg., Ov.; faxlR, Hor.; raxit~
fligbaua -a -um (fagu11), b«chtn; JIOCUla,
ap. LIY.; (Axitls, ••,. Liv.; raxint, Cle.; faxltur, Verg.
a11. Liv. The pasirive orf'acio is tlo, q. v .).
tacrt41CS... a word rom1ed from r11<'io, In Imi- f&gua -1, r. (.ft~), tl&e bttth trt,, Cae11.,\*efl:.
tation of the Greek = (aclendum, Cic. ala -at', r. 1, Cl wooden tovn- /mm 1rltlcll milt·
l«rt throum into a beaitged city, Plant. ; 2,
faotlo -0011, (faclo>. L a flllll.-ing, ®Ing; OM rlf t/it reven W001lt1~ pillan on. tlie RJ•ina <•r
1, lit., Plaut.; 2, tra1111r., the right "' mnl·t11g barrier of tlu circru, Juv.
or doL1'f1; factlonem t.MtamPnU non hnbcre, "'be
('11.CQpabl« of JM.king• will, Cle. D. 1, a JIOlitiml flU&rloa <p~oa) -ae, r. 1, a Aiiae
Jlllrfr,/uctio".1. side; pop11lu1 tlAUcorum <actioue lptar /1urlftl 10•llt the hmul, Verg.; 2, a tni#Silt
eppre1111u1, 1..:&ea. ; triizinta lllon1m con!ICllllU& coiYtttl with to1v m1tl pitclt, lrnrltd /rottl& tlu rota·
d factio, Cle.; 2, a_, a factw" CIT partr i" a tAMtre 1m1t, a bm1ul, Llv.
or cirmu, Suet.; o, tAe )lllrtiu inw which tkt. lalciriu -fl, m. (falx), a lcytht or •icl:t.
clurnokera in the circvs ~' divitl«I, Suet. tnaker; i11tcr falcarloe, tkt. .strut of tM qtM-
taotlO.u -a ·llDI (factio), fond of f'OWtr, maker1, Cic.
feclioul; Rdoleaeen11 1lObilh1, e&ena, factl03ttB, faloatu -n -um (falx), 1 /tlr11Wutl teUA..
Hall. ; exs!Ktunt In republic& plerumquc la~t­ icytlu1: cu1Tns, qnntlrli..-ae, Liv. ;2, «ytht·
Ol'f'JI tit facLioel, Cle. sl&apeil; en11IK, Ov.; Ki111111, a w11, Ov.
tacdto, 1. (freq. or f'&clo). L kl make, <lo lalaller -rnra -rnru111 (mix nnd frro), Mrrtfh1g
/rtqt~r. bt occmtomed lo make or do; ''erbA a IC'IJl]u or 1ickle; aenex, Sahtrnw1, 0\'.
compone et quul coagmcnta, quod ne Gmecl Pil6rU ..Qrum, rn. tlt1 capital of the Faliid..
quldem vetered ractltaverunt, Cle. II. a, to lle-
rlare optnlr, ro mab or do: quem pnlam heredem Pilernua ager, the 1·a1en1itrn co1171trr, at
11empcr factitarat, Cir.; b, to follow ll trcule, pmc- t'lit font of /tl'1tlnt .\10111ic11B, ill ('nmJ""' iu. Adj.,
till#. a pro/t1aio11, nwh a tmdt o{; nccuMtiouPm, PAlernua -a -um, 1'i1ltn1iw1; \•it""• u'·nc, Hos
Cir.: dclatiout-111, Cic. ; c, to etkbml• 1uiu11.lly; Sul!Kt., l'Alern11111 -i, n. Jo'aln-11i<m 1ri11t, Hor.
MCritlcia g .. utilicia lllo IJ>90 in saccllo 11tato loco PAUaol -&rum, in. n 11toplt i11 .f:tn11·ia. Adj.,
anni\·ersaria, Cic. PIJ.lacua -a -11111, Fuli1«·u11. Snll!!t., PlJ.18.:.
faotum -1, n. (faclo), t11<1l v·hirh 1uu been 1lo11e, cum ·i, 11., t/1e territory of the Faliaci.
a dud, act, '.!flnit: benc fllct:A, !JO!lll dkda, Cic.; fallaola -11e, f. (fallax), rlrrtif, h'ick, /mud,
recte fact.a, Liv.; poet., rueta 1.ioum, tlit workl of artijkt, croft ; 11ine fuco nc falt1wii11, Cic.
o.ien-1.e., a ploughldjWd, Ov. lallAcDhuue ·• -um (fallax aml loqul),
taotua ·R -um, p. adj. (raclo), 1, tcTOUghJ, 1peaki11g fnl~Ty or <lcceit/11lly;a11. Cle.
vorl·ttl: a~entum f11ctu111, •illln' 11latt, Cle.; 2, t'alli.cltir, adv. (f11llax), dctXi(fully, cm,flily,
·rolishtd, rrfi1U!tl (of pel'!<Uns) : qui illue factnH fi1/lorim1.<ly, Cle.
111at.ltutnS11llC venisset, Cic. : liomo a'I ungntim fa11aJC -liic:h1, adj. (fallo), drttitful, trmcltn'-
factus, Hor. OU8, /<tl:$t, /allarioua; homincs, Cic.; l1l'rhae non
11.otUa -Ae, f. (dim. orrax)," littlt torch, Prop. falli.cM, twt disappoi11th41 tht! /armtr 1 Cic.; 11pea,
&oultaa -iti11, r. (Old Lat. racul = fncile). Cle.; r11llnces et captlo11&e iuterrogl\t1onea, Cle.
L A. capacity,~· abilitr, capahilUr; faeultas f&l1o. fMelll, rat1111m, 8. (o9ci.U»). L to .au
dicendl et eop1a, Cic.; lngenli, Cic. B. E1p., to llip; glactes fallit pecle1, Liv. D. Traner.,
~~ oratorical r.c;>wtr; facultAth1 tJmor, a, ro make inll'Uible; 1ig11a 11equendl, Verg.;
Cle. .u. A. · JIO"ib Uitr, opportu" i tr, J1111on-, longe rallens agitta, coming uruwtictd/f'ow4 a,fal,
••"'; llllonl maneudl ouu. facultas 1 Cio.; Vefi.; aew l&bitur occnlte rallitque. gHdq """

f al 217 far
MtCwl, Ov.; b. to makt in.1'/trtft1'-, to drli~ a troy, u'f»1tlln 11'ho had pa.s.'ld fn. flurnum t1lrl, or nn
~Ut; lnfamlum amorem, Verg.; 1·ura111 vino u11marrierl wonian whose fathtr 1L'l(J3 ilellll, Cle. ;
et l\omno, Ov. ; c, to brtak a promise, etc.; tiliusf11111ilias, tht 1101l still under his /ulhtr's
foedns ar. ftdcm, Liv.; ftdem host! datRm, Ci.-.; poll'tr, Cic. B. a Jamil.If: 1. lit., a, in a wide
d. to tsw~ tht notice of, be COnct!Clltd /mm; ens· scm1e, raa (llyn. with gc11ll); .ramil~am u11am (iic.
todias, Liv.; non fefellere lnsldiae, Liv.; ail- Clautlinm) sublsse c1vl!at1s onus, L1y .. ;
quem fa.llit or non, with at-c. and lnfl.n., b, iu n uarrower sense, a faintly, as a sl!IM.h\'1·
Cic.; allt1uem non falht quln, Caes.; eiip. (hke sion of a i.:ens; Lneliorum et Muciorum famlliae,
Or. Ao...6.ivw) with a partlc., hostls !allit inccdl'n!I, Cil'.; 2, tnm>1f., sect; tota l'eripat~ticorum, Cic.
l'On&t• unn.otictd, Liv.; e. to l«td cr!ltra11, to dt- fimflli.rla ·C (familin). I. btlon1rin9 to the
aive: pass., fallora.'I midJle, to makt a mi,if(iki!: slnttt.! of a hnu..<t, Plaut. 811 lost., familli.rie
fallere alieulus spem or opinionem, Ci1•.; fallit -Iii, m., a srrvunt., plur., the uri·anl.t i11 a lwu~.
tne tempus, die.!!, I am ml.3tnkt1l in, Cir.; 11isl Liv. II. belo11gi11g or rrlating to fl fa111i/11 or
me fort.1 fallo, Cie. ; non In sortitione fallcre, /1011Sthnl<l. A. Lit., a.. belu11gi11!J to a h.ol1selwltl;
Cic.; si fallo (In o:iths), if I do not kup my WOT<!, Inn's, Cic.; 1·»pin<', Liv.; res familiaris; (o) thr
C'ic.; impers., '"" fallit, I anl inistal•en, t1T; hlYUMlwld, Lh'.; (.8) propert11, Cic. ; b 1"l1111!1i11'1
q1L111tu111 11011 fefcllerlt, vi<les, Ci.-.; puss., 1'01.eMt tn a fi1111ily; fUnus, n death. in. tht femily, Cie.
lieri ut fallar, I ma~ be mi.stak.w, Cie. B. Tn11111f., a., with comp:1r. nn1l super!., A·no11'n
false, adv. (falsus), fal.ltly, Cle. in the hnu.<t or }111til11, i11tima1'·, /rie11dl11;
falslpl.rens -enti!I (falsns and parrns), l·ioluo faeft1!1 ei1t mihl fa111iliaris, Crc.; sulist.,
h111•i lf!J 11 l•lflatiN! /athtr; .Amphltry111iiadc!I, famlll&ris -is, 111. n./rirnll: 1w familiaris -i~. f ..
J/Nc11lu, Cat. a .r~11wlr /rimd; exd:un:it f;imiliari>1, Ck.;
n~tliin;.:s., onlinnnt! ft1;mili11~-, co11jidential; flerruo,
falaO, atlv. (fnlsus), fa.l&ely, wronaly, trront· Cw.; at11tns fam1l11u1or, Liv.; b. t. t.ofau;::ur~"
011$/.y, u11truly, Cic.
fissnm fn11iilial'l' 11r par,; farniliaris, th.t r•irt o;
falaus ·A -um, p. nrlJ. (from f111lo). I. in1·cnted1 the entrail1 rein.ling to tht 1oerso111 sacrijicin!1,
f'i.g1ud, Jil.IY, u11ttiu, s1•urioit.•, madt UJ'; gn1111i- Cic., Liv.
11111, Cic.; Caesaris co11u111·ntarli, Cic.; v ..cnlae, fi.mlJli.rlta• ·i'itis, f. (fnmillari~), 1, t'On·
/itl ...etto, Cie.; orn nnn fal!la, ven11int, Ov. Snhst., fidenlial
frin1d.•hi11, i11til1U1f!f, fllmilinrity; in
falsum ·i. 11. <Ill 1111tr1tth, ~"111t1hi11q fit/at, a lie: alic11i11~ fa11iili11rituk111 VPnirc 01· l11tr:1rc, or 11e
n.f t~ fals11111 scripsera111, Cic. ; fal11111n jumre, dart', Cie.; mll1I cum ali<]UO
fo111iliarit;1,i est or
Ci•'·; falso, a1lv., /11/:>tly, Cle. IL deuit/11/, fi1/.~,., interceilit, Cic.; 2, meton., j11miliar
h•1/>0<.·•·iti.-al; in amnre, T111·.; lin~ua, Ov. :Subi!t., praecipna familiaritate .:-leronis. Tac. frienils; 6
falaum ·i, 11., a., dtcrit, hypoc.,.isy, Tac.; b. tela
i11 fals11111 jacere, at ra1ulo1n, Tac. flmllli.rlUr, adv. with co111par. and SUJWrl.
fa.Ix. falci<1, r. l a acylht, aif'~·le, bUl-hook, (fa111iliaris), c1111fidmtial/!f, fi1111 ilia.l'ly, fotimattly: cum uli'lun viwre, Cie.
pnu1i11g-lu~•J., C'ic.; 2, a 5icl.:lt-$ltoptd fo171/rm,nl -n -11111, rulj. with <'OlllJtar. nnd superl.
of war, 1t;«>tl Jur t1ari11ydown stn1·1.<ule11, etc., Cat'M.
L l'ui;s., a. i11n~nod11('11Ke, murh SJ~·krn
fama ·ll<', r. (fari). I. tu/I•, trmlitio11, a re- (fa11111). re1ww1utl; urbs (of Jer11sak111), Tnc.; 111ors,
ro'"''- r11111011r, intt//i~7c11ce, ll!taltfhe11ficat(i{ lltU'J; of,
Hor.; b, in a l::wul s1·n11e, i 11famnu11, iu>tnriu11.~;
11uli« 111lhuc fama ve1wr:1t., Ck.; farna est, there si qua ernt. famoim, Cic. II. Act., libtllou&, uf·
i.r a rumour, Liv. ; fa ma 1'1111'1 ~It, Ci<'. ; farnn /cr11wtnry; venms, Hor.; libelli, Tac.
111111tial111t, Cic.; fa111a 1111111at, full. hy 11c1•. nml
1111111.; fa111a acdpcr<', to htnr by rumour, C'1tes.; B.mul, familla. v. famulns.
Joersonif:.: Fa111a, a grxlda.•, da11gltter '11",,rra, famiU.i.rta -c (fam111t1s), rrl11li11q 11r hrlo11gi11(1
\"a;.:. .1L the q>ininn of the crou'<l, public tn 11Prr<11115 or sl<u·t11; Yestis, Cir.; j11ra farnularla
ori11io11. A. con1ra famn111 opinio11<•n1<1ne om- dart>, to 11111/.:e 11Uirts, O\·.
11i11111, Cic.; fama popularis, 1-r•p11/ar )ar1111r, Cic.; f'A.miili.tus -ns, m. (famulor), IC('Tt"ict, .<l'ri·i·
ho11a lama, goo.t OJ'i11io11~Cic.; 111ala fama, Sall.; t11de, s/111•f1·y, Cic.; trnn!lf., fJll:\111 111iser \'i1t11tb1
f ..1111;1 s;lpientiae, Cii-. .a, r~p11tatio11; 1, gO(J(l famulatu~\•lentis vol11pt<1ti, Cic.
"''"'": famae cousuli-re, Cic.; fanrnm 11ororis fimillor, 1. ilep. (fl\11111111.•). to bt a aen•ant,
1ldt•111lere, Cic.; 2. rril repuuition; mover! fnma, to strre <11111 mu, Cic.; 11lit-11i, c':it.
fdmftlua -n -nm (rfll•f F.\ ~I) • .•a1'i11[1, 11rn-ilt;
tami.tua -a -um (fan1a), hat•ing an ill rrputa- verkx, Ov. Suust., a, fAmulua ·I, w. 11 ~-rr­
t itJ,,, Ci···('!). ant, .<i<ll'e; nr a 111:111, Ci•·.; .. r ll 1leity, Ck.;
fii.molicua -a -um (famP11), 111.ftring h1111gtr, 1111te-1·lnsii. form, famul, Luer.; b, fAmilla
huuyry. )umi:1htd: armeuta, Jnv. -11e, f. a female J/acr, li1111d111ni.d, \"erg., Uv.;
fAmee ·is, r. hunuer. I. Gen., A. Lit., clbl tran~f., vi rt us fnmula fortnnae est, Cic.
<·11ndi111e11tu111 e11se f1une111, Cic.; 11liq11i re fa111e111 fini.tlcua -a -11111 (fanum), in.~ired 1111 n
toleinr<', Qi.I'S.; nliqua re fa111c111 ilepelkre, to dtit11, t11th11.-iir1~tic, rario1r. A. Lit., of persons,
twrti'flJ, Cie.; l"X1'le1~ Ci<-.; fa111e111 nb n1~ dvinm Unlli f1matici, Liv.; isti pldl11sn)'hi superslitinsi
prop11lsare, Li\·, .a. Tnrnsf., I. iu11t1fiablt de- et 1onene fa11atici, Cic. B. Trnnsf. of thin~s,
11ire; auri t<Acra fames, v .. rg.; 2, por-l'Tty of tx- Yatici11antes CHrmlne fa11ntico, Liv.; fa111tticu11
,,,,..,..~rion; Jejnnitas et f1u11es, Cic. IL /m11i11t, error, Hor.
tim~ of /a mint; in fame frume11tu1n cxportare,
C1c. Fannlue ·l\ -um, namt of n. I'.rm111n gtn.•, oj
1diich tl1t ·1111>.<t /amMts 1rat C. Fnnniu~, mi hi5-
fAmllla -:ic (-ns after the wortls pa.ter, tol"ian, n 11d Ii is 1111clf, C. Fan11i11s, a11 nratnr, rn11-
tn.'ltcr, llliu~ tlli:i), f. (from rnot f'A ~[, wht•nce tt'ln]>01·ari.e-< 1~{ Scipio .A"111i/i111111s. IIPuce nrlj.,
fa11111lus). L 11 liu11sflwld of .<l<11·ts, lw11s~huld; a..
Fannlanua -ll -11111, nf <•r 1·dating to Fa11ni11s.
familiam l11tclligan11111, quae coustct ex sen·i.1
}•l1triht1><, Cic.; erncre Cl\nt fa1111liniu n Cato11e, fi.num -i, n. (fari). I. a., a J'lnre so/,,,111111
Cit·.; b. a llf!11<I of gladintor•: glnilintorin, Sall.; rnn."t'tTllltd lo a uiwl, Ci•·.; b, Cl ltlllj•le u·irh the
C' .. 111p:irn~ famllinm, Cie.; fa111ilia111 1l11cere, to /anti ru1111rl ii, ii 1i11/!f J•lrrct; In sin,;. ~~n<'rally
1..., tel tltt Mad, tn takr l/1i _llrst J>itta, Cir. ; c the with th.ena111eofthe drity, Apollinis, Cic.; fanA
1ie~1UuH.U, i-a....-ial• o/ti noblt, Cues.; d. tht 1Shiru 11pnliare, Cic. II. Proper 11n1ne, Fanum -i, n.
cf" ttmplt. IL 'fn11111f., A. Ou e11ti1"t h.ol1sth11ht tt1w11 011 the coaat u/ Um/11·ia, now F11no.
••r Jamil¥; bcul'e, pnterfa111ilias, the head of tht fir, far1i.i, n. I. Lit., 'JJ<'lt (trlticnm spelta,
h01ueAohl or fe11,Uy; 111ak1·1amilla11, '' married Linn.), fun-is sei;es, Liv.; farri>1 acervus, \'erg.
far 218 rat
D. Tnnaf'., a, atal; pereontcr qu.ant.i olu. et Ing, olua, llor.; ouania pavouem rbom-
far, Hor.; e1p. M wted in ucriflces, far pium, buuique, Hor. D. Tranlf., to be awne to, di•
Hor.; b, br~ad; una farria libra, lior. lw, Wat.U; rlialn in recte fact.hi aaepe l'iuti-
•P farelo, rarat. rartu.m, 4. (root F ARC, Or.
.u·, .,tiy-lfV,u, +pc&rrw), t.l }ll fv.J.t, lllll jr.ll;
pulvinu1 rObi wtw;, Cic.
diunt, Cic.; preces alicuius, Liv.; with inftn.
ne f.a11t.idi.:ria noa iu 11&eerdotum nuruerum at
c~re, Liv.; with acc.. and infln., est aliquia,
P&l1i.rua. v. Fab&ris. qui :if! iuapici, acstimari fastidiat, Liv.
~ adv. 11·ith compar. (futitliosus).
flriDa -ae, f. (4r), mtal, flour, Plin. ; btonce, l,r1t/\ loathing, di.slib; huic et,"t> jam !
du or poi.rtkr of any kind, Plin. ; tlg., noatrae
fasti<li~. lmmo ex Sidlia, luquam, Cic.: 2, a,
farill¥e, of our brtd or tori, Pel"'I.
f<utillivull~. dainlily; quam tl11i~nter et quam
arini.riua -a -um (Carina), rtlatfrtg to -Z, )•ene fa.st1tlio~e judira1nu'I. Cic. ; b 1 dUdai11·
aad.e of mta.l, Pliu. fvJly, oon.t~plu0111ly; futi<liositlll ad bOC ~n~
tarrao6ua (-lua)-a -um (far), of oa- btlbtagiag senuon is accede re, Cic.
to ipdl, Plin. faaticUieua -a -um, adj. with compar. antl
tlarn\go -l11ii1, C. (far), 1 miztd fo4dn' for super!. (rasuuiu1n), full of loo.Jhi1"!1· L f«li"9,
Olltllt, \"erg.; 2, t.ranaf., a matk;, Mi.d¥nr; nuatri loathing. A. Lit., :1<J1W1mi1h, Yarr. B. Trani.r.•
lil.Jelli, Juv. a, ncJ: of, di.sgtUtrd trilh, im1.ntinl.l of; with
!arri.rfua -a -um (flll'); rslaHng to qtU gr to J,:eaiL, Latinanm1 (htterarum), Cic.; tenae,
vm'" gt1iaally, Cate. Hor.; b, eap., 11itt, dai11ty, jadidi()IU; AJ1t.onlus
facilia in ca111i1 reci1•le11dis erat, wt.idiosior
flarri.tua ·& -um (far), I, protridcd 111Uh grain,
Peni. ; 2, '"'u:k of cont.; neut. plur. aub6t., far· Cra.ssuit, aed tAmen redl:'i_ellllt, Cic.; 0 1 a:mietRJlhr·
rat.a, JJCJ1-rldj/e, Juv. ou, dUdo.inful, Plin. IL o:nuit&g Wat.\ir&g, d~
gi1ninu, ioot.bomi, Hor.
tarriua -a -um (!11r), 'IMd.e oJ ~U or oo"' faatid.fum ·Ii, n. (FAST-ldium, of llftllle
generally. bubst., farrium ·I, n. a •pell-rob, root as l. fL,tu!I}, loatlti•g. L Lit., tM loall·
~119 of food ; cibi aatietu et fastklium, Cic.
f&rtor~r!s, tn. (farcio), afaturwrq/fowl•, Hor.
IL Tranaf., .&. dillikt, awrrio11, di"'}'; do111·
tart1lm -1, n. aw.l ftl.rtua ·us, 111. (farcio), tM eatirarum rerun1, Cic. B. a, fa~titli01inins,
ltvjJCng, tAt i1ui<U, Plin. hyper-<Titicimt, favlt-jlndiHg ; deli('¥tiUimum,
fie. n. indecl. (root FA, Or. •A·O. wlience Cic.; audlem.11, Cle. ; b, _,.n, havglttiuns,
Aleo farl, farn111), 60'11dhfog rpokm. L cltrine priik; futi<lium et auperbia, fa11tidium arro-
laio aud right (ol'Jl· ju11, h11man law and right), gantiaqne, fa>1tidium et contumacia, Ci<>.; fu-
rU1'liu c:omnimul; jlll! ac fa11 011111e tlelere, Cic.; titli11111 11lic11ius nou fel"ft, C.:ic.
contra jllJI faaque, Cic.; lJt'!"M>llif., au<li Juppiter, faatigati, adv. (fa11tig:itus), .slantinglr, Can.
amlite tlue>1, nutlict fa11, Liv. IL A. Gc11., that
tohkh u alltii«d, pn-iniUtd, lawjvl, right (opp. taatigatua -a -um, 1iartic. of fa.,Ugo.
neflul); per 01nne fb et 11ef'111 aliquem sequl, taatiglum -11, n. (1-'AST -igium, l'Onnec·Ud
Liv.; faa ut, it u allOWfd, iJ la'Wful; quo<l aut with ci-4>>.11~0"). L a alo~. dtl'lirilJ, dua»t;
11 b (ll•pldo lt)(·11s knni futii,rio \"er0-ebe.t, Caf"S.
per 11at11ra111 fas u.-;et aut per legeH llccret, Cic.;
al fu eitt, with infln., Cic.; with 1111pin.!, 11i II. the trt"mity, tilhe-r aboff or btlow. A. Lit.,
l :ilxwe, 1i•i9/1t; a, gen., htigltt, nimmit; pari
J1oc fu e.'lt dictu, Cic.; f111 e11t or 11011 fas e11t,
aftit11tli11is fastigio, Caes.; b, e11p., tht srrnnJCil
with lnfln., Cic. ; !'&< put.are, with infln., Clle>1.
B. /aU, it.linr; fa.'! o\1Stat, Verg.; fu eat, with nf t1 ro<.j; lo0th, (o.) the wholt of tht roof, Ck.;
antl (JJ) tht gflblt nttf, pnli11ttHt ; fastlgium C:ipi·
1111111. or acc. and inlln.; 11i caJ.ere fu e11t, if I
a11i Juti1ud U> fall, Q,·. t.olii, CIC~. ; OJ>t'l"i ia11·f1uaro, prope t&lllell Aboio-
lnto1 ta111qna1u fastigilllll implltl<'re, 1!1•1 tlu la.d
faeola ·lie, f. <i bandaqe, baJMl. L Lit., 1, n to11c11 to, Cle.; 2, ~low, tlrpth, Cae!I. B. Tran .. r.,
mrgioal bandage, Cic. ; ~. eiir., !£ " v'011lrm'1 1, ilig11it11, m11l·, ~ilio11; tlktaturae alt!u1
gh·du, Ov.; b, a bul-glrth, Cic. .u.. Tnmaf., a f11>1tlgium, Liv.; 2, pri11cip(ll ]10i11t (in 'll'ritiu~);
atrraJ.: <>f cloud fa the d.11, Jn,·.
11111111111\ seqnar fastigia ren1111, Verg.
ia.clciUua ·i, m. (dim. of fuels), a little faatigo 1. (fll!lti~iu111). to .Wtrptn to a poi•t,
btmtlle or paclut; epistl>larurn, Cic.; librorum, a, 11pwa1Js, 1·01li:1 est in moclurn uu-tae in
Hor.; ftoru111, n nostgay, Cic. ac11t11111 cacmnen a. fu111lo HatilS lnto fastigntu~
tallolno. 1. (j3aATir.o.1vw), ro bewitch; agnos,Liv.; b, to >!opt dow11, 011\y in pe.1tii:.-., fastib":ltll&;
,·erg. co\lis leniter fastigatu!I, Cal'!!.
laaolnum -1, n. and faaclnua -i, 111. faatOaua -a •lllll crutns), pr011tf, ltmtghty,
(l'<iv.,o....ov). L un enc1'm1ti11g, bewitching, Pliu.
II.= 111e111ltr11111 \'irile, Hor. 1. faat1111 -1ls, m. prirlt, ha11ghtiness, nn-og-
aeolila -D.e, f. (tlirn. of fascia), <i little band-
m1<Y; 11tirpis Arhilll'ae fastus (11lur.), \"erg.;
nge, Hor.; purpureae fasciolae, ba11da9U rouud fastn Prgn patrin.s C)'llllls, Tac.
tAt ankle u•o1.,, by 1oom.t11, Cie.
2. faatua ·& -um (root FA, Gr. •A-... wl1ence
taacla -is, m. n lnrntllt, pacbt. L Gen., fntum, <$>0.v"'"'• 4>11~..1. dies fa:1tua, gen. )llur. dies
1An11enton11n, Liv.; ego hf)(' te fa11t-e le\"aho, fa11ti, or :simply fa,.ti, the tlay1 vn 10i1id& t.\t
Verg. IL Esp., plur. A. Lit., fascett. lnmdlc.s pratlOT coul<l udmi1iisltr jtillia (opv. 11ef11&ti);
of 1tic.h with ct1' aze proj«ting, oc1rrUd by lidorsille dies 11efL'it11s crit, tier q11~111 tria verlia ldo,
b(fonthtchW Ro111a11111agi..traU:t; f&11Ct'B praeferre,
dko, adtlicu) silentur; fai;tu>1 crit )>er que111
Liv.; ha\Jere, Cic. ; dare alicui fa.ii<"CK, the am·lcge lice Lit agl, o,·.; n list of th.tat dny.s, witA Utt
nlate, Cic.; 1ummlttere fasce11, lo 1010tr tu a li{ln
ft.tlfml.t, mugi~tmtts, cliief n·rnu, etc., the RUJRG1l
ef ruptel, Liv.; Ilg., aiicni, to yiclil tht P"ft~11~
rolendctr; fast! 111e11101v11, H1,r.; a poetical for•
to, Cle.; dewh1si po)'ulo fl\l>l'e,;, lnwend b(fore th•
of this ettlmdnr romposed bv Ovid; f~tl con·
petiplt, Cle. B. Meton., high o,lict, e11p. the C01l-
1rnlart'>1 or lllRj:'i11tratu11111, a l'-l oJ tM Aiglaul
nlau, Verg., Hor. magi.strolu al Rome front. tM «arliut ti.u, Cle.
a.ilua. ~Ima, etc. pbaaelus, etc. li.tilla -e (tatum), rtlating to duth•r or ft*.
(q.v.). L a, fated, clt'•tintd by /ak; uecHS.ltu, Cic. ~
. . . . -&um, ni., v. raatua -a -um. nnnus ail i11k>ritu111 t111hu1 urbis fatalia, Cie. ; b,
flMRidlo -lvt ·ltuml. 4. (tutidium), t-0 loaUci, /utq11l, conMCltd 'IDUA Ute fu.U o/ ca Jl"IO" or
,..,. d~ or iiilg1ut. L Lit.. o( pby1ICAI lu&tb· thing; pi111ora, tile l'allculiv-, Ov.; libri, U..
fat 219
s;1, 111liu bonh, Liv.; helium, Cie.; dear, tM to11), myth., ~ 1itrdamn1' of tilt .Albatt littf
M,;i, o,.. IL In a twul sense, d«idly, falal; Amulim, t11h.o 1avm a11d brotlghl up &mv.l1U1 ad
tdum, V1•r.:. ; jaculttrn, Ov. Rtmiu. ·
fitilltcr. n•lv. (fatnlis), according tn fcr.U or faulltus -a -um (root FA\'-, faveo). L bri1'f"
dt.•li11~: 1ltfl11itu1n e~se, Ck. i.nq luck orgoodftrrtunt, fQrtrmat~. lucky, IJ"lpiei-
fiteor, r...... 11s 811 m, 2. 1\1•p. {root F.,., Gr. ou.,; die~ fa11stUF1 allcul, Cie. IL All a proper
1, to ronfi:...,, ad·
<!>\...,, wheuer• a!,;o f;iri, <f>nTi,w), ! '!"llH', • fam1tus, a R&m.a-n ntf'lltt~; ~· Com.
mil, all•11c; vnum, Cic.; de fiu·to tnrpl; with a<'c. : !'iulla f au .. tns, son oft~ dvlnt1i; 811/la, Faust.a,
Anrl inlln., ~i 'l"i" 11e arniei canRi fPcnuie rat..i1.tur, l dm19hter of the dictator Sulla, 1M/e of Ml.lo.
Cic.; 2 lo di ..,·ot·a, mak,, knr1w1i; iram vultu, 1 !autor -6ri11, m. (orig. f&vitor, from faTt'O), a
Ov.(1•~•., ')Ui (ai;;er) publicu~ e1111e fateatur, Cle.). I fa•'OUrtrr, protectnr, patrmt, ,,~,.; dli<nitatia,
fitlclnu .0 -um aud fi.tlolnua ·a -um Cic.; bow1ru111, Liv.; alisol., an applmufer, Hor.
(fatum a11•l cano), pop~tic, Ov. fautrlz -trtcl11, f. (fantor). a fa.rourer, pro-
fitldloua -a -um (fatum and dico), a1u1Mtnc- ffcior 1 promoter; vuluptatum, Cic.; regio suorum
i·~1 Jui~. proplv.~ittg, p1YJpMlic; vatett, Ve~.; ra.utrix, Cie.
ant1:t, Cir.; :.ubst., <L soolhlia.11er, Cic. fans, fanris, f. (wmally plur. fauoea -lum,
fi.tlfer ·fi·ra .ffrnm (fa tum and fero), dffl.lh· f.). L I~it., tht_ jaws, 111tlltt, throat; arente faure,
br;~, 1 ; 11g •lmtll •/ f<tlal · arCH!I \'erg. Hor .. ; 1nt1s ui:it fa11ce11, lfor.; tlg .•. quum. inex·
. - .: : '. • . • . . . plebtles rorult fauces examernnt llbertat111 lllti
fAtl~do ·ulllR, f. (fatign), 1r<>Hrin~.u,•J1V. • Cic.; Catihna cum exercitu fou1·ibu- urguet, i8
cu111 f~tii;at1011e ettuorum Ktqll!! ho1111n~111, Liv. ut our throat.., &ll.; q11u'!1 Caucibus premeretu~,
fl.tigo. I. (p<'rhRps cnnn1•f'ted with fRtl8, tn/um the knife 1r<U at Ins throo.t, C1c.; pl'enut
,.·lu·11c•· ali;I) allatim). L to '~'ary, ti1·,, fati(Tftt; fauces 1lefer111i<1nls tuac, strangle~, uuil~s i111poa-
rerYos jaculn cuN11q11e, Verg. ; se atrod J•UKnil, &ilh, Cic.; nrbem ex hdli ore ac faucibus erer.
I.iv.; iti11eiv, 111al{nn ae><tu fatigati, Cacs. IL tnm esf<... , Cic. IL Trausr., 011ly in plur., t
TrJ.tisf., to Vf'.T, hm· A. Of tliti ltodv, verberl- jau:.~, clulSm; patdacti11 t~ria<' fancibw1, Cic.;
1~13, tonur11ti:11, ii;ui fu.til,'llti, Cic. B. Of the 2, ,,ntrn.nct; portus, Caes.; ma1·clll, Cic.; St
r11111d, 1, animum, Hall.; se, !Sall.; qui punit rr. 1111rrnw pc~'IS, defil~; a11i;u!!Ut.e, I.iv.; artae,
;d111ue111 :111t v .. 1 ui~ fntigat, Cic.; 2, e11p., to tm.<t, Tac.; F:tmrlae, Cic.; 4, a, inhmm, 11,,ck of lan1i;
>r-0.-ry ,,.ith eutrmliu, ete.; ali11uem pl't'cibus, artae fau1-ee (lsthmi), Liv.; Graeciu, Cle.; b.
Liv.; Vc~t.:1111 pre ..e, Hor. strait.s; Hellesponti, Liv.
f&tDOquua -a -um (futum and loqul), an· fa\veo, fii.vl, fauturn. 2. L to )bvour, be
~01rncill!1 Jrrff, proplutic. Subst., a prr>pMt, pro- fnvoumhl~ or inclintd to, litlp, 'P"oUcl.; with dat.
7>hFV.<.•; Carmenta mater ••• quam fatiloquam of pel"80n or party, favea11 tu hnsti, Cic. ; si tibl
rniratae hae ~ntt!s ruerant, Liv. dei ft1\'t•11t, Cat.; favere 1mi~, Cic.; with dat. of
fl.Us -is t whence acc. f&tim 111JicU1Uly thing, favere euim pietAti fldei<Jue deos, Liv.;
pn,.t-Ang. ' • ' ' tilvere et reipuhlicae rt dignitatl ac gloriao
~ttsooi s.toan<i. ftithloor, s. dep. {xo.Tiu, ~~~u1~~o ~~~ :1 ;~~~e~~~rin~~tfi;ei-u!:: ri~~

~anaa: ... ), clunk, gapt, crack. 01>en, part · d h 'bl tra

11$•niU:r; n~ve!I rirnls fatlscnnt, Veri;.; 2, to fnvetur, Cle.; with pro an t ~ a :Lor con
'"'·:amt weal: droop dLrrtfUt • seditlo fatlsclt Rn<I the acc., hac pro parte, Ov., qui rarthorum
Tac. .• uum·' ' .,. • t'i t, T' ' quoque t·ontra Romanum nomen glnrlae favent,
copi ... a scun ac. Liv.; with acc. and i11f1n., Ov.; with neut. ace.
fJ.tilltaa -Atis, t. (f'atnus), /oolialuuu, lim- (aa regards), quod quidem ego f'avi1ae me tibl
1fl.1eit11, C1c.
1 fHteor, Cle.; Rhsol., dum favet. nox et Venna,
fitum -1, n. (for, far!), an 'Ultmlflll. L tht 1Hor. ; multitudo audiens favet, odit, Clo.
Uf'r~<.mt will of a JJIJd, rophtcy, prtdicti&n; fat& ' u. Esp., to favour with the mouth, heart, etc.,
!!ihylliM, Cic. IL dt•tiny, fatt, the ap- hence tc bt Bilrnt, favete liuguls, Cic..; ore !&Tete,
piilllfd ord.l!-r nf thJJ 'IDO'l'kl, tht fate, lot, or dut!ny 1 Verg., bes 1tunt; absol., celebrate faventes, Verg.
of llll<ll; ~mni~ fAto fl~ri •. Cic. ; fato rerum pru- ftivtlla -at>, f. (faveo). gl010ing aahn, esp. flw
d.tmt1& ~~1r, \' .. ri.:.,: ahem filtum est, with lnf1n. 1 itill glntt."ing ashu of tht dl'.Wi; reliquiaa Tino et
Uc.; alieuiu11 or 11.hcul fa.tum est, W!th acr.. ana bibulam lave re favlllnm Verg.
inftn., Cic..; fmt hoc s1ve me111n a1ve rel pub- . '
l1cae fatmn ut, e~ .• Ci!'.; tht will of a god; elc &vltor ·Ons, m.= fautor (q.T.).
f&ta. Jovis poscunt, Verg.; and per1111nlf., Fata, &villlus ·II, m. thir fDt'&t'IUind or _,,lrrtol'riQ\
tlv Pamu nr Fate.q, Prop.; 2, a., lM natural term b~IO at tlu~ llfgin1ling of spring, Cle.
of life; matur!us exstingui 9uam fa to suo., Cic. ; &vor -Oris, m. (faveo). L fero\lr, goodwUl.
&.to cerlere, Liv.; fato fungi, Ov.; fato ohire, to partiality, inc/inntimt; with subject. genit.,
di~ a !'"t";ttl <Uath, Tac. ; fllta pr~ferre, to '!!""' popull, Cic.; with object. genlt., nominill. LIT.;
fong ltft, '.er.{.; b(· m1.•fr>rl~.'u, rim1, calamity; with In and the acc., Liv. ; Rrnple<..-U allquem
1111µemlet fa tum 11 iqu()(I, C1c.; mPton., a ea~ ' favore Liv · In fiworem alicnius Tenlre Liv.
of oalamity or ~t1iutfo1i; duo ilia reipubllcae : U. E~p
~11e fat;i, Gabiuiu~ "t Piso, Cle.
a' a#mlUm. at a f'tligiow cer~ny •
plum p~es~re et mente et voce favorem, Ov.';
fAtiiua -a -nm, footi.J1.h, idinlic, fnt1wua; a, b, applatJM at tM lh«UN, approballmL, accla-
or ~r:;o11,,, puer, Cic.; fatuus et a111en11 ee, Cic. tion; quod studit1m et quem t'Avorem in ~nam
Snll.'lt., f'Atiiua ·i, m. a. fool, idiot, Cat.; b of attulit Panurgus, Cle.
th111g.11 1 fuo/iJh, i11•ipid, Pfft·rnre: P.rim.flll lilaa tavorabllls -e, adj. with compar. (favor). :a
nhlosu'Ut, (litteras) sat fatuaK dedlstt, C1c. favour, popular, btloved, plf.aring: otatio, Tac.
.FMUlus ·I, m. (root FAV·, faveo), a mythic 11.YUS ·I, m. 11 honeycomb; flngflre faTos, Cle.;
lill<f of, ret'f!red ~ a. '1~ of woods and poet., fnvoR Jiluc Baccho, hmu¥, Verg.
k/J,; Au\,geque11tly identified with Pan ; hence, ... _ ,,, ·I .. _.. L A. Lit. f. f
l'aunl fort.St god.a, Ov.
- d • t ) ha u " -•·l
- "" s, •· a torwo. , aces n-
chlere, Liv. ; faces nuptlales, Cle. ; a /unnul.
.fa ~a v. (1aus 118 • PP y, .10f'1un......, V; torch, Cic.; a .ftn-bn:uuf; tacea iucendere, Cl<'.;
t\•nire, Lie. Ilg., eius omnium incendiorum tax, .A 11tcniu.s,
fauatltu ·lltls, f'. (fanstns), ~ty; per- Cle.; attribute of Cupid and the Furies, Ov.,
eonlf. ll!l a ~odde!il of the field!!, lior·. Vcrg. B. Fig., 1 gen.1 f'acel dleendl, fin-y elo-
l'auatulu ·I, m. (root FA V.., whence f'&ua- qu1nu, Cio. ; alic~ ad lioldinem faoem praeferre,
fax 220 fen
to t1liri&.ur "1, Cic.; facem hello vraeferre, to I.;inclle Sulla felici11simus omnlum, Cle. ; with gen!~
the flame of unr, Tac. ; me torret face mutuA cerebrl, Hor. : with ad and the acc., ad casurn
Calais, with the jlmut of lot't, Hor. ; 2, esp., that fortunamque relix, Cle. ; with alil., morte fellx,
which. proi•oku or cmut.!, the author; 11uhjicere Verg.; with abl. gerund., tam fellx vobiit cor·
faces i11\'idi11e aliruius, Cic. IL Transr., 1, the rumpendis f11lt, Liv. : with in and the abl.
light of the 11.oon; crt's<:entem face Noctiluc11111, gl'rnml., 11i minus fellces In ,\iligttndo fui11semus,
Hor.~ 2, a fi1try 11uleo,., sltvoti11.g slur, etc.; fiic.,11 Cic.; with nb 111ul the nbl., ille Graeeull ab omni
caeleaks 01· cadi, Cic. la111le felicior, Cic.; with lnfln., felicior ungere
l@.zim. fuxo recerim, fecero, v. facio. klll nin1111, Ver~.; Felix, the I. ucl.:y 01", ,,,,.•
1w11~ of Sulla, Liv.; 2 esp., ~£ rich; tam fellx
tebrioUla. -ae, f. (tlim. or fehris), a slight 1
e::s~e. Ov.; b, succes$J11l; st"<.h lo, Liv.; arrua,
ft1~, ftrtrish11r$A: febriculs. incipit, Cic.; feb·
Yerg. B. Act., a, bri11ging good lurk: omen,
ric11lam hahcrc, Cic. Ov. ; so the fon1111la, quod bouum, fa11stu111,
f' -a -um (febricula), ftveri1h, fdix fortu11at11111qne sit, Cic.; b, blt-tl u·itl~
Cat. healitig porcer; 111al11111 1 Verg.; c, nu.U.:inp juyftd;
fibrta -i~. f., art\ -em or -im, nbl. -e or -i (for puma, U\'. ; d, 111nki11g fruitful; li11111s, Yerg.
feruis, from f~rvt•o), ftvt.r; In febri111 11uuito ill· femella -ne, f. (uim. of fe111ina), a yo1111g
cirlere, Ci•'.; fehrin1 habcre, Cic.; fcbrl cRrere, wo1111111, 11 girl, Cat.
Cic.: Ron mm \'l'lli!lsc cum febre, Cic.; Febris per-
eonif. 1111 a g1 .. ltless, with thre~ temples in Horne.
femen fc11111r (q.v.).
fimlna -nc, f. (root FE·o, er. feeundu11). lit.,
fibrii.rfua -n ·Ulll (febrnu~, febrno, to purify), m1y fnn,1.1/1 c111i111al that t1tars young: a, of human
rtlaling to elm 11..•i119; a, rnP1111is Fl'hruarius or l.ieings, a wo111u11, Cic.; b, of animals, the female;
slmt•ly Fet.rnarius, the clron1i11g nt01lth (so eallr•l porcus ft!minn, Cic.
~use of the purilir.atory sacr11ices in It.'! gecontl
halt). up to ~o a.<:. the last. month or the year, fimlni§ua -a -um (femina), 1, rtlating to n
in the time of Cicero the secon<l; b, btlonging 1ro111crn 1 fatUtlt, f1111i11i11t; calend1e, the ht o)
lo tM mon.lh February; Kllle111.lae Februariae, the M11rcJi, when the Matro11nlia u1tre ctltbrattd, Juv.;
lit of Ftbnuiry, Cle. curae iraeqne, Verg.; 2, IOO'll&a11iai\, •/n1i1H1U:
amor, Verg.; fuga, Ov.
a."briius -a. -um, purifying (In the religious dnaur -<}ris or (from femen) -Inls, n. (FF.·o,
aenae); subet. tlbrium -1, n. a n1ean1 of rtU- cf. recundu11), tht 11pptr part of the kg, t/1t
giotu pw·ift.:at!on; hence, l'lbriia -tirum, n. thigh, Cle. ; femur utrnmque, C11es.
the /trut nf purificutio11 held by tht Roman& at the rinlbrla -e (fe11u1J), rtlatirig to i11ttr1~t;
t1Ul of F~br11ary. leges, Llv.
riclA119 = ft<tialls (q. v.). finiratlo -onis, r. (fenero), lt1u.li11g at ill·
fioundltaa -liti:1, t. (fccumlus), fr11il/11liit!ls, tere•I, 11b·11ry, Cic.
ft1:1111dity. L, a, of persons, mulieris, Cic.; finir&tor -oris, 111. (ft'nero), ont u·110 /rn1/1
b, of the earth, aq11arnm lr1d11ctlonlbus terris 111011eJ1 al iu/t1·esl, 111011ey-lemlu, u111ra; fe11crntor
ft<Cnn•litatrm damns, Cic.: c, of the Intellect, acerblsslmus, Cic.
volo se effl.rat in a<l<1lt'scente fecundltas, Cic. feniro (faenero), 1. (fr.nus), to lrnd 111011ey
IL Trnnsr.• ulnrndunet, Pliu. : at iilttrf:lt; ue fenerare lit-eret, Liv.
Ceoundo, 1. (fecnntlus), to fructifrJ, ftflilist; teneror (faeniror), .1. dt"Jl. (fenns). to lt11d
\·lri1le111 AeRYl't11111 11igrii arena, \"erg. mmrey at intttUt; pecu11ia111 1'111i1J ce11teril111i~,
fccundua -a -um, p. ailj. with cotnpar. and at tuv:rrty·four }'" Cl!llt. J>tr a1111um, Cir..; pro-
Slll'erl. (FE-o, wlreucc fetu>1, femina, fenus), vincias, tu cltspuil lfy U111ry, Cic.; t1,., be11etlciu111,
/n,itj11/. prolific. L A. Lit., term, Cic.: conjux, to trade in, C1c.
Hor. B. Fig., rich, nbou11ding in: with genit., f6neatella -ae, r. (dim. or fenestra), Cl little
saecula fec1111da culpae, Hor.; with abl., geus 0~11i11g, (port.a) Fenestella, a littlt gau ill Rc111e.
Inter accolM latrocinii>1 recnnda, Tac. II. dneatra -ae, r. (connected with •a.&vw). a,
Transf., 1, ahuwtcmt, full, plentiful; quaestu11 1 a 1vinclow, Cle.; b, an opt11i11g; lato dedit ore
Cic. ; calices, Hur.: with abl. (speeus) fenestram, Verg.; esp., a loopl}olt for 1hooti11g:
fecu11d11s aquis, Ov.; 21 making frui(ful; fe· fene11tras ad tonnenta mitteoda In atrueudo
cmulae vetbera dextrae, uv. reliquen111t, Caes.
fil. fellis, n. th.8 gall, the gall-bladder. A. Gen., finiua -a -um (fenum), of lw.11; hominea,
1, lit.~Cel g11lllnaceum, Cic.; 2, flg., a, bittunt.u, n1e11 of 1traw, Cic.
T1b.; o. anger: ntrum fel, Yerg. & Es\>·• tht
titnonl of a .ttrpt11t; vlpereo splcula felle ltnnnt, rinloiUAriua -a -um (fenlculum), btlonging
Ov. to /t1111tl: hence Fiuloill&rl'IUI campus, a dis-
felea (faelea) -ls, and fiUa (faella) ·I•, trict i11 SpClin, Cic.
t. " oot, Cic. fenlodlum. -1, n. frnnel, Plaut.
felicltaa -iitis, f. (felix). L /trtility, Plin. finilla -!um, n. plur. (fen um), a lw.y-loft,Verg.
IL Tranllf., a 1 lia1'1>ineu, felicity, good fortune, finlaeca -ae, 111. (fen um 11.nd aeco), a motDtT;
.-uactM: perpetuii qua.dam felicitate usus ille tra11,.f., a co111d1·y1nt111, Pers..
exceelfit e vita, Cic. ; plur., iucredlblles Mlcl-
taw, Cle. ; )'ersonif., Felicitas, Good Fortune as fonum. (faenum. foenum) .1, n. (root
a goddtu, with a U>rnple In Rome; b, 111actu, FE·o), l111y; r~num alio:1 es,;c ~·1>01kre, 11wst Ml
esp. In war; lfolvetiorum, Caes. hay, I.e., bt dolt1, Cic.; 1•rov., fonu111 hnl.>et In
cornu, Ile is c/1111!Jtro1u (the ltorn!J of \'iciou11
filioltir, adv. (felix), 1, }r11it.fully: illic cattle were bound with hay), Hor.
VHiunt fellcius uvae, \"erg.; 2, ha1l}Jily; a,
vlnrt', navigare, Cle.; b, In a wish, au8pici· fenua (faenua) -ori11 n. (root FE-o), lit.,
01uly, fcwo11rcrbly; )'recatui1 11u111 nt eK res 111ihl, that which is produetd. L iuttrrst of mo>tey:
populo plt>hlque Ru1111111ne bt>M utque fclicitt'r pec1111in111 11lkui dnre fennre, to /rnd at i11t,.,.,,t,
•veniret, Cic.; c, gc».i luck! felicitel" \'elim, Cle. Cic.: t*Ct111iam acripen• fouore, to hon-ow, Liv.;
pt>•·1111ia111 otcupare gmutli fPnnre, to irit'Ut, Cic.
fills= fcles (q. ,.. ). II. Mt•tou., 1, tlr'1t, i11drhtt1lrius; fenore ohrul,
fillx -lch1 (root FE-o, cf. fecund us). L fruit· 111eni1.1111 e11se, laborare, Liv.; 2t ropital: duu
/11l. ftrtilt: arhor, LI\'.; reglo, O\'. lL A. for- fenon~ parte!I In agri11 collocare, &l'.; 3, tUUrf;
Omatt, ftJ.Wtiro.bu, propltfo111, lucky; 1, gen., feuore truclwmi patriuiouluw or plebem, Cic.
fer 221 fer
flra .M, f. •· ferDL fintu .w., t (ferua), .,,Ud...., •1'11gt'ftw:
bominls, Cle.; leonla, Ov.: loci, Ov.
&raoftir, adv. with compar. (ferax), /nfU·
JWlJ; . \•elut ab •tirtiibtUt Jaetlua ftracin11que fermi, adY. (enperl. of fere = ferlme), altlUJd,
renata nrbe, Liv. nmrlf, 'lrli1"'" a little. L b11ee terme ge11tn, Liv. ;
firau. .. (root FBR, whrnce also FeroulA, a, o nnmben, a.botd; sex mlllh\ fenne t•,..
ln-rtr-nna). L nilaff•f to cAc d«ld, /N'Mtt<ll: R1mr1. Lh-.; b, with negatives, lutrdlu, 11mrttl11,
CUpr't'SIUe, Verg. : tempua or dif'a, = feralia, Cle. IL= ae111 pt•r renne, Mcirlr Cllxvra, 1m1ullr:
Ov. Snllllt., firiilla -lnm, n., a, Ute,/ath"'' of ut ft-nuo evenit, Cle.
Cle d«ld OJ\ Ile 10th of FtbnUt7'11, Cle. : bL tAhtr. hrmeato, 1. (fermentum), to catl# to fer-
nlatL11g to tAIJ daut or f{) burial Tac. D. Tmna ., •um t, Plln.
. dmtA-briMglng, dto.dly, fatal; dona, Ov. ; annu't, rermeutum -1, n. (fnr fervlrnentum, from
Ta!'. rerwo), 1, that 1rhich CO.tt1t1/en11tlltcition, ltat't1',
firaz -lcl1 (fero}, fncit/ul, ftTtilt, Jh'Ollftc. yr<181, 1'ac.; tnmsr., a11gt1·, or tilt 0011• of,angtr,
A. Lit., agri, Cic~. ; with genlt., llierln fer!IX Pinnt.; 2, m~ton., a 1.:ind of bttr, \'erg.
H•u .. norum, Hor. ; with abl., reraMor uvla, Ov. ; fero. tiUI, litum, fcrre (root FER Gr. 41EP,
B. Tranl!f., nnllus fnaelor in philosoplila. l11eus
eaSt qnam de oftlciiR, Cic.; with i:euit., Illa aetate
perf. tull, from old form tulo, supine J.atum,
orig. tlatum from old tlao, r>..U..), to btar, bring, ..
qua nulla vlrtntum fentcior fult, Liv. carry. I. Gen., A. Lit., a, to btar ; races in
ferWo, v. ferveo. C11pltolium, Cic.; (a) to ro.rry nil one'• ptnon.;
feroiilum and dncriUum -1, n. (fero}, 11 cervice jugum, Hor. ; (/J) \'entrem, to be preg-
lltttr, bj,,r, truy; a, for carrying the spolla Mnt, Liv.; (y) mllit. t. t., arma contl'll aliqnt'm,
1111im1t 11nd the tl'<l11hies 11t a trinmph, Liv.; b, Cic.; signa in aliquem, to c1Uack, Liv.; b, to
for C'&rrylng the itnages or the (t()llS in p!"OCe&- bring; vencnurn, Liv. ; allcui 0::1c11l11m, 0\'.;
11ionoc, Cic.; c, for bainglng In dh1hN; hen~, 11.licnl trlbutum, Liv.; to <•ft"T(to the go<l>1); Mera
mt-ton., 11 CIOtlru, Prop. dhiil, Yerg. B. Transr.• a, ro btt11·; (11) nomen
Aemilli Paull, Li'r.; aliqwem in oculi:e or c>enlis,
firi, adv. (root FER-o), al111<11t, ntarly. A. to be vn-r f<lfld of. Cie.; t•nte se fem~ nliqul1l, to
Gen., totiua fere Galliae lt•gati, Coes. ; onrnel! diqla11, mab pt1blir, Cic.; ohilcnre r.:rre, to COi""
ft-re, Cle.; a, esp. with expression 1lenotlng CML, Cie. ; (/J) to t?td11tt, 11tln11Lt to, btar; eontum·
time, qnintA fere hori, Cic..; eii<lem f'ere horn aciam aliculus, Cle. ; ea \'Ina quae \·etu11tatem
qui vtnl, about the AW?IM ltour. Ci1•. ; b, with ferunt, 1rhi<"h ury for a 101111 lime, Cle.; ·with
n~-atlvea, llM~f. hm'dly: aetiite11 l'estrae nlhll J>el'll. o~I., optimates qula ft'rat? Cic. ; with acc.
a11t non !ere dilf'ernnt, Cle. B.= aem- an•I l11H11., f'erunt anrea bo111lnum ilia la11d11ri,
per fere, luarl11 ahooy1, tel'Hilll11; ftt enhu !ere ut, Cle.; altMOI., 11011 re1'8.m, non 1111tinr, non sinam,
etc., Ci«'~; with a negative, Kldc1n, Cle.. Cic.; with a•h·., aliqnid ferre RE'l:,rre, moJ ... Rt~,
ftSreniiriua -11, m. (f'ero), 11 Hghl-411Md gr&\'iter molesteque, to to/;~ it ill, be i•tz,e1l t•I, who fo11ght with. mi#ilu, 8811. Cie.; aequo or i11iqu•1 11ni1110, Cic.; fal'il,.., cle·
l'irentinum -1, n. L 11 town of t1ac Hernki 111e11k1', Cortiter ac, Cle.; with acc.
o•' t/le Via Latin.a, now }'ertnto; adj., a, J'ir- 11.1111 iuttn., el quis negre ferat i<e pn111lf're111 esse,
eatinua -a -nm, J'ere1diM; ca put aquae Fer- Cic.; p&rtic., 11011 fcren<lttll, intolo.,,11/e; facinns,
eutluae, or 1im11ly ca1111t Ferentlnum, tile 1m1rce Cic.; non ri:ren•hun, with ace·. a11d iutln., Cic..;
af a M"1tlm runniug nmr F1mmti1rnm, Liv.; b, to bring; (a) ope111, nuxilium, Cic. ; 111icul
fraudem, Cie.; f'erre re!iJtOllSA 'J'uruo, \"er~.;
snhst., J'irentina ·II.I', f'. a !11.1<lclas of Ftrtnl· r.ornlitionem ferre, to 'JITOJ.wt ltnm•, Cic.: all·
fn1n"; b 1 l'erentmaa -ii.tis, Ferentim. D. a quarn, to propo~ wml! 011t us a tri/t, Cic.; legal
W!C1l i" Etruria, llOW Fere11ti110. t. t., sulfragium, to rote, Cic.; 1Pge111, to 1•ropon a
l'iritrlus -Ii, m. (feretrum, fero}, a aur- la u•, Ci•·. ; Mo ferre cit- nliqua re nt, etc., to 1•ro·
11n111t of J11pittr, to whom the spolia opima 11)(rt pt>st tlu1t, Cic.; (alii-ui)jndicem, of the pro><ecntor,
bdiroted, Liv. ro propo6'! a jttdgt to tht clrfr111lo11t, Cic.; (J3) of
teritrum -1, n. (fero}, a bU'I' fer CtJT7}in.g a ahstrnctione, to 1km.<111,f, rt1111i1·c, o//01r; i;i lta
ror1« to the grave, Ov., \'erg. res rerel, Cic.; nt nwa fert <>l'inio, Cic. IL E11p.,
fiJiae -arum, f. fol' feAiae, Mme root as f'e!I· A. eX(lCnsum f..rre, to 1-.t do11·n iii a11 uaxnrnt·
t•1a, day• of Tt'st, holitluy1. L Lit., novendiales, book iu pailf, Cic. B. to BJ>rracl c1l11'0<id, r•1.01·t,
Cic. ; ferias 11.gere, Liv. II. T11111sr., rest, llor. speak of; ft:onr~ haec nmnihns ser111011ihuK, l:11.l's.;
ferunt or pm•s. fe1tm, feru11tur, ptofi/e suy, it fl
terlatua -a -um, p. adj. (from ferior), kttping reporlttl, with acc. aml infin. nr in pasK. nom.
holiday, idle, urwccupvd, diM11gagt1/, at lti8urt; 11ntl infin.; farna fert, the story gon, with acc.,
d"us feriatns tor1wt, Cic.; with ab, feriatus a Liv.; ferrt', with doultle acc., to gire a fJ"I'~"
nl'gotii:i puullci~, Cie 011t to be; 11i te ptc'titore111 fel'(l, Cic. C. t-0 th ink
tenoUlum fereulnm oi·tr, consuur; i<I co11sillo ante ferre J.ebt't11us,
firinue -a -um (fern11), ttlatr1t!J to a untd Ci!'. D. tn oon-y off; l, in n goo1\ sense, wniam
br<lil, wild; caro, Sall.; vellera, Ov. Buhst., ptc't-O fer~ue, Liv.; uon tacitum fe1e!l, I. u·i/I m>t
firina -ae, r. fttah of wild an.hnal•, g<l.'IM, be si/n1t aoout it, Cle.; fructus PX repul1lica, Cic.;
\'erg. grati&m (thanh) alicuiu11 1-el, Liv.; pol it. t. t.,
repu!sam (a populo), Cic.; ccntuiiam, tribnR, to
reno, '· to llril.:f!, knock, btat, hit, nnitt. L gai11 the 1Jolri of, Ct.·.; 2, in a had sea.!le, to rarry
A. Lit., murum art ..tibus, Sall.; fronte111, Cle.; off t•ioltnt:u; te fata tnlPnmt, \"erg.; ferre et
ferire mare, to row, \"erg.; absol., l'.011tra ferire, agl'r", to piu 111kr, Liv. JC. to brin!J forth; terra.
~L ; Cerit eiden '·ertice, muhu to tire Ii<• rs,
fr11,.es forre potei;t, Cle. F. to pt1t .irt motion..:
Hor. B. Transr., to hit; 11111Jta patent In 1 to d1·frt nm.iy, frtUI; ferre se or mt•l<lle fern,
eorum vita qu11.e fortuna fcrlat, injlutnrta, Cle.; uI httslt11 rri.,h, and or things, to flow, 11w1111t, silll.:;
medium fcrire, to l:ttp the Tltilldlt of tlrt rood, a. lit., hule clonrum 1-edem, \'erg.; 111ilit. t. t.,
Cic. D. 1, t.:I lltrib d«id, alay, kill; hostem, i;\g11a ferre, to n1arch auv1y, Liv.; so ferre alicul
Sall.; humil<'m agnam, Hor.; and J1P.nce, foedus, oltl'iam, Ch:.; se rerre ali•1ucm, to act ns, to pro--
to 1llGkt a trmty (because a sow was Uren slain), fe54 to bt>, to 1kclart 011e..~lf to be; libertum i;e
Cic. ia to nu in piecu: strletn retin&l'Ula ferro, populi Romani, Liv.; 11.•I enm omni celcritate
Yerg. ; 3~ f11 bring out, utter; verb& palato, Hor. ferri, Ca~11.; Rhenus citatus fertnr per, et<'.,
(syneop. imperf. feril•11t, Ov.). nuhu g11ickl11, Caes.; b, transl'.',• llli'ltlt'm In or
tirlor, 1. (feriae). f{) hep hol(<t111, Varr. ad caehiw laudlbua, to praiH 1ky-hi1/h., Cle.;
fer fes
q_w eanu 1119PO 1011ttaque flSrtar,
ferri aliqul re, lo bl bont11 <ttallf bf, to bl
ftlriaa -a -um (tero), frvU/fll: ana, ap. Oii.
f4ritla -ae, t (fero), 1, tu Mrl> fe•ftlll: 2. •
""'" " br: crudelltAte et acelere, Cle.; i of rod tlMd to ptt'll.iM llig~ o.fe'fl«ll o/ · - au
aroad,etc.,toleadto;\'l&fertYerrugtnem,Lfv.; cAUdrm., 11 /~,Hor.; used aa a for
tranBt, ai qua ad verum Yia ferret lnquirentem, cattle, Ov.
UY. (archaic redupL pert. tetullt, ap. Ck.). liru ·• -um (root FER, connect.ell with ....,
~ ~ f. (ferox), a, In a good sen1e, Aeolic 4)llip). L Lit.,. tc'ild, ulltmMrf tr~
ltp tpiril, IJOMtage, Ck.; ti1 in a bad 111tmse, m:Ud; bestlae, Cle.; mon~ \"erg.; ailvae, Hor.
~ frroritr, Cle.; tranar., vinl, ~,..,,, Buti.t., a, fera -ae, t (M. l>Ntia), 4 tuild a.Uwaal
rotegluuu, Plaut. (es opp. to cicur, a domesticated animal); fer-
115rioHaa -ttfs, f. (ferox), a, rou.mge, v• arum rltu, Liv.; feru 1gitare, Cic. ; trauat., of
... BWU r , Cle. ·, b , 111 a '-·
vaa 1
~ •, .,.,~,
~, ,,.,.. -- com1tellations, magna mlnorque feru, t1UI Grml
lta.wg , Cle. all.d Liitu Btar, Ov.; b, feraa -1, m., a tll1Ud
--~_..... ad (fi ) i """"' becut, 4 teild boor, Ov. ; a1t oz, Ov. ; 1l07'1l!, \"erg.;
-~··1 ,___, Li ' a.,
v. erox ...: nl • "'~._d 11en11e, •'n" ve rg•
.....,,, u. .,...,, ~-1.
Tra naf., ··-''-' - - - u--
·~•If'"-~.,.., -
cou ..'11.v~y, VT""'"lf• v.; u, n • .,.. eetl9e, civUia«l, cnul; gens, Cic.; hoatis, Cic.; facinus,
ndtlr, rcntghly,ftm:tl11, Cle. · Liv.
l'irinla .ae, r. (root FER, er. reralis), R1' old fervts~o -~i .flt.ctnm, 3. (ferveo and facio),
Ital"11' godd.m, patroiw1 of fr«dmt.n. ·to makdot, htat, boil, TMll; pix ten·erict.a, Cl.ea.;
drox -6cl1 (connected with feruA and Or. jacula !en·efact., Caes.
llip). L In a good eense, rourageou, higl&· f8rveilll·entl11,abL -entf, p. adj.(fromferveo).
.,,trUtd, wa1·like, bran; juvenis ferociflllimus, fl~Wi~g, hol, heaUd. L Lit.,_aqua, Cie.; rota, C!v.
Liv.; feroces ad bellandmu \irl, Liv. IL In D. 1ransf., a, Ira, Ov. ; Dt. or character, tlli-
a bad sen!IC, wild, mwridltd, proud; with o bl, petuoiu, fery; fortis animus rerrentlor e111t, Cic.;
'1;olide ferox viribus suis, Liv.; with genit., Catssl rapldo ferventius amni lngenium, Hor.
linguae, Tac.; vlt'torlll eos ipM8 ferooiores Im- ferventh, adv. (fe"ens), Aotlv, toanaly;
potentioresque reddlt, Cic.; of things, ferox loqui, ap. Cle.
aetAs, HQr.; oratlo, Cle. fervio. ferblU -ire aud (poet.) ln'To, feni
ferri.mentum -1, n. (ferrum), an1 ilUtrnmtiU ~re. L A. Lit., to be ioilitcg Aot, Co boU, ~
or tool, e11p. in agriculture, mad11 of iron, Cle. glow, Cic. ; validum pollito medicsmen aeno
ferriria. -ae, f., v. ferrarius. fervet, Ov. B. Tran11r., a, to glow 10it1& pa.Nimt.,
ferririu -a -um (ferrum), rtlatlng or be- etc., tobehtat«l; fervetavaritilpectus, Hor.; qui
longing to iron: faber, a blacbmUI&, Plaut. usque fervet fertnrque &\'&ritll ut etc. Cic. ; b, to
...___..,_._ bt ca'T'TUd Ol'l brUkly: fervet opus, Verg.; c, llo
811bst., &u.-.a·au.a -ae, r. irol'l mf11t, gli.tttr; jam ferv~re litora ftammill, \"erg. IL 1.
18rr&tna ·• -um (ferrum). L /t1rni.alud or to rage, foam, lllltht, hi#; a, lit., fervet freti•
tot!trttl witlt iron, Liv.; hai;ts, Lh'.; agmina, spinmtihus aequl)r, Verg. ; b, tra11sr., of a poet,
froR-clad, Hor. IL o/ iron, iron; oulcea port- montc decurrens velut amnis fervet (Pi11danU1).
arum, Tac. ralJU, Hor. ; 2, to be ill qflick movt111t11t; a. of
femu ·ll -um (ferrum). iro1t. A. Lit., made n crowd, t-0 B1C'<1Tlll /orlA; rervi!re quum videss
of iroii; clavl, CaeiJ. B. Metou., likt iroll; 1, clai;sem lateque v11garl, Yerg. ; b, or pla~s, to
ltard, litr11, fln/ttlin{!, cnul; Aristo Chi us, prae- iru:ar11i 1L'ilh; instrueto Marte videres f~rvere
rractus. ferre1111, Ck.; o~. Cle. ; 2, lasting like Lencaten, Yerg.
iron, i11111um1~1e. u_nyituii!lq, .lirm; corpus anitn· ferveaoo. 3. crerreo), to ~ hot, ~gi" ta
usque Ottoms, Liv.; 3, .Jtam, opprusiw:; 11ors glow, bt!lin to boll, Luer.
vitae, 0\'.; rmmnus, dtath, Verg. fervldua -a -um (ferveo). I. bolling, 1titt11i11u.
ferriigfneus -n -um (ferrngo), iron-colo1trtd, .&;1, lit., humor, Ov.; 2, transf., of orators,
.dusky; hyacl11thns 1 \'erg.; cymba, Yerg. r<!ssionatt, txeiled: paul? fervidior era~ oratio,
forriiginus "' ferrugiueus (q. v.). , C1c. .B.. burn!nu, glow~11g, hot; 1, ht., pan
_ . rnu11d1, Cic.; vma., Hor., af transr., flay, 1wt;
ferrugo ·l:11oJ, f. (from. ferrum, u aerugo fcrvi<li animi vir, Liv.; wit 1 ab!., fervidus iri.,
from aes), L mm nut, Pim. ; 2, the colour of \'erg. IL mging, foaming; vada, \'erg.
iron rust, cl_mlc!l (iron. flttl/, dark bli«, stttl blue) fervo.,. ferveo (q. v.).
-c:oloKr; vindh1 ferrugme be.rba, Ov; ....__ ·" 1 • (' ).. L .. .J,, L -1,
... . L . . .. M>&"YGr ur !l, m. 1erveo uv•..11(1 "'"''
aez:rum ·I, n. troa iii. its ro11gn liatt, ore. raging heat. A. Lit., medils ft>rvoribu11, in tU
A. ~'!-.. C1c. B. TT&nsf., hard-ht'artedn~, in- htoJnfnoon, Vt!rg.; mundi,Cic. B. Transf.,Atal,
sens1?1lity, cn'.tlty; in pect-0re fl"TTtlm· gent, Ov. ardour, pauio1'; mentis, animi, Cle. IL Tafling,
IL iron t('Orktd up, metc:n. A. Gen., m1y iron foaming; Ocesni, maris, Cic.
i11Alrnmmt, lht plough, \erg.; an att, Hor.; a F------.. ( d F --" Ii
6ty/u.. for 111riting, Ov.; Kissers fr:rr hair-cutting, ~a ·De,. ·•an esoe.u.auum : !
Ov.; curlin1J·iron.•, 'Verg. B. Et1p., a sworn; ~·· a to1cn m Eiruna fa_TMUsfor tht Fescen~ml
ferrum stringere, Liv.: 11liquen1 cum ferro in- \ersus. :ArlJ.! Feenenn 1 n~ :•·111~,F~'lttlle,
\'a<lt're, Cic. ; url>es ferro atque ignl vnfitare, ~es~nnml 'ersu~. rudt satiri<:al ursa, hence
Lil·. : haec 011111ia flamma ac ferro dt>lere, Cic. licent111 Fescennlna, Hor.
'- - ! · t pr fesaus -a ·Um (fatiscor), ~ary, tirtd, a-
ae~eD · ms, n., cemtn • Ill. . hnust!'d; de '·i:i, Cic.; militili, Hor; ; plornndo,
ferrumlno, I. (ferrumeu}, to c~111.e11t, b11vl Ck.; corpus fe~sum vulnere, Lh·. ; in the genit.,
together, Plm. f!!ssi rernm, Yerg.; fessa 1tetas, old agt, Tac. ;tu
ferUlls ·e (fel'o), fruit/111. prolific, fertile; 1, fessae, dist"e.'l!, \"erg.
~1, Cic.; with genlt., multo~ fertile& agros ali0S I festinanter, 1tdv. (restino),!ly, rapidly,
aliorum tructuum, Cic.: with ab!., tnFnla agro quickly; nimium festinantct dictum, Cic.
ferti!is, L11·_.; transf., yectu~. Ov.; 2, fertili•inq, ! festiii&tl'o .i'jrns, t. (festino), 1'.a.s-~. IJW6,
tna.ki114fru1tfid; dea, vtrM, Ov. ; Baccnus, H0r. ; hu.".y; fer;ri:iatio ~raeproper.a •.Cic.; Wi~h ob~ct..
fertllltaa ·i:'.tis, r. (fertllts), fruit.ft1lrttM, fer· 'sentt., ad1p1:1cendi honorls, C1c.; ODlIU fesf.Ul&.
lilfty; with 11uhject. genit., a~rum, .Cle. ; of tione propel"!lre In patr~m, Cle. ; plur., quid
penong, indoluit tertilitste 1uA, Ov. affcrebat fest1natlonum, C1c.
flirtum (farctum), -i, n.. a lclnd of~, adv. (festino), 1"uHl11, n.ip'4lr,
cn.1:-e, Para. Pliu.
tea 223 ftd
IMtiDo, 1. (fe11tlnu11). L Intranlrit.! '"·be'"
napMI waolioll, to luuUn., lt11rT?t; plura MCnps1SHe111
fioidiila -ae,
ftro, Plin.
f. (ftcua), a mall bH, IM-..
nbt tui feattnarent, Cic.; wit!; a<.l aud the acc., ftoti. a<h". (ftctus), fnl,sd71, jlditlo111l11; ftcte
ed eft'ecton1 operia, Lh·. IL Trauait., to hnatw, et fallaelter, Cic.
~; profectbne111, &ll. ; fogam, Ve~. ; ftctnta -e (flngo), earthtn, 9'aile df cla11; '"a.a.
part.ic., featlnatus, ~Neel: lter, Ov.: with Cic.; ligurae, Cic. Sub8t., ftctlle -la, n., ~u--
10Hn., tanto opere nngrare, Cir. ally plur., mrtl~nu~are, tart.jl.n -11; omni&
leetinua -.i ·llm (fem), Juuuning, ha•ty: (ponuntur) llctilibuR, Ov.
canm r~tinm1 anlaelo, 0\". ftotor -orls, m. (ftngo). 1, a• baage-ww.ker, G
fe.tivi. N:h-. (restivui;), A1onoroml71,fo.C'-tiou1· Alatwiry; 1•ictDre!' ftctoreaque, Cic.; 2 .a ft&glur;
lv, T<"iltil!T; belle et fe!lth·e, Cic. fandi tlctor Ulysses, ma.cter iia dtti!it, 1verg .
• flastivlta11 ·:itis, r. (re~ti\'11!1). L ~hject., ftctrbc ·!Chi, r. (flctor), •ht t1llll foT"l'IU or
A. fl'"'i~ty, pfrasure, Plaut. B. J;:>1p., featn·!tatei1, fc1.>hio1u: materiae flctrix et rnoderatrix divlna
-~Tli.sluM11ts, or1wmen.t.~ (of d1~urse), h11 ff'R· est pnwi1kntla, Ci<".
thitatibus ini1ole11ti1111 abutitur, Cic. IL Snb· ftctiira -ae, t. (fingo), a formin.g,fa.ahia.l'ltfl.
Je.·t .• t:hurf11l1tt8', h11111011r, fltoM!ltry; lepo!! et Plant.
fe->tivita..'I, festivit:i.s et facet1ae, C1c. ftotua,, parlic. of fingo.
festivus -a ·um (fe11tus). L Gen., l,pZtasmit, ficUla -ae, t. (dim. of flcus), a lWUjg, Plaut.
'1qruab/,(, prtll!J; poema, Cic. ; copia ubrorum, Ficillu (Ticulnu) -ae, t. to1111& in. tu
Cic. ; 2, nf places, bright, pltasmli, Plaut. IL cou 11try of tile Sabiil.ts on tu Via Nomentana.
&;p., 1, Of character, good·hll7N.O'ltrtd. cJiurf1tl; Fi X• l
•uer, Ck.; 2, of di11conrlie, or of spea~e111, Adj., IClllenaiJI ~. Ficv t«IL
l bright, droll, m11usi11g, hu1noro11s, witty; ficuln:na (ficuln~ua) -a -nm (flcula), o/ or
oratio. Cic.; festivus homo, Cic. rtli1ti11g to thefig·trtt; truncus, Hor.
leatuoa ·Re, r. (fero). A. Lit., a stalk, stmw, ficus ·i and -1111, f. (perha)>8 rrom fto, feo), 1,
Pliu. B. Transr... tht rod with v:hich slavu 1cere the fig-trte; arbor flci, Cle. ; a.a flg, Hor.
touchtd i~ thtotrem.crny of m.a1uimi&Bion, Plaut. fidi. adv. (flclus), faUhj'u.U71, Cle.
1. festua ·• -unt (root FE, whence also fldeioom.mtaum -i, n. (ftdes and co•
febrnns). llU:Ml., Aallc1rW, dtooUd to ftstimls, rnltto), legal t. t., a tnut, Quint.
fati~; dies, Cle. ; cborl, Ov.; lux (= diu), Ov.; fldel6. adv. (fidelia), f4i.tlJ'ldl71, Plant.
tempWI, Hor. ; dies festoA 1nniveM1&rfos agere, fldilla -ae, t. "·• t.artM!ltDare pot 01' nu..
Cic. Sub&t., feetum -i, n. a. /talt, Ov. Plant. ; a pot for irl.itewaM; prov., duo partew
!?. Featua -i, m. Sext. Pompeius,. 11 Lath~ .de eadem tldelia dealbare, to kUl tlDo biTIU toill
'lm!R»wriaii, u.-ho lit•td probably at tht tnd of tht one atone~ ap. Cle.
~rth ot11tury A.D., author of a 100rk i" h«11.t71 fld.eua -e (1. ftdes), tlal mn be tni"'1d or rtlWd
looou, "De \'erborum Signiflcatione.'' """"' true, IUac(fast, faithful. A. or peJ"llOnR,
fidil1a -i!I. m. n fttial, plur. f'iailea, a A<>ciu!I, amlcus, Cle.; allcui or in aliquem, Cic.;
ro{J<'J'! fJj htmlds u·holfll buai11tss it was to de11w11d in amicitlis, Cle. Subst., fldelea -tum, m.
rmrt• of grf.tmuca, 1ltclare wnr, etc., <2_1c. : in C01l.ftdant8, faitlt,Jlll fr£ntda, Cic. B. Traner., of
lling., legatus f..tialls, Liv. Adj., retli.Ua -e, lnanimat-'l object.II, consllium fldele, Cic.; lac-
kloliging to tll.l!ftlln.Us; jus fetiale, Cic. iimae, gtnuhu, Ov.; meton., dura~, losth&g,
titiira ·ll<', f. (fetus). A. tht br.ariag or strong; lorica, Verg.
bril19i11!1 forth. of11ou11g, 1'1'mlillg, Cic. B. MetotL, fldelltaa -liti11, f. (fldelis), jnithji1l11m, fntlf.
tM ytm11g brood, ofspri11g, O\·., Verg. U'Orlhiness, ftdtlity, etc.; erg11 patriam, ap. Cir.
I. fitua (foetw;) -a -um (parlic. or • feo). fidilltir, adv. with oompar. anr\ superl.
L Pull., A. Lit., 1, pre'}mrnt; peens, Verg.; (fldelis). 1, fafthfttlly, truU10orthil11, hoMstly,
2 tran!lir., a, frnitful,ftrtih; terra feta "1.lgibus, 8?, Ck.; per quorum Inca fldeliter (jrn OJ
de. B. Poet., full of; machina feta armis, danger) mihi 1-ateret iter, Cle.; 2, meton., pro-
\"erg. D. Mid<lle, thal haa bro11ylltforth, 11t1L'ly perly. u'l!ll; ingenua11 didiclsse fldehter Artes, o,-.
iklii:-ertll; ursa, lnpa. Ov. l'idenae ·ilmm, f. ancl l'idena -ae, f. "
• 2. fitua ·O.!!, m. feo, whencenlso fecundu11), toiml ill Latiwm, now Caltro Gitcbiho.
Fidenaa -l\tis, of or btlongin.g to FidtlUH.
LIM btnriu.g, bri111i11gforth, or hatching ofyou11g;
labor bestiannn in retn. Cic. ; of the soil, !:>taring, fidena -entis, ab!. -entl, p. adj. (from fldo),
pnx.luci g; quae fmgibus atque baccis terrae ti:ilh01tt /tar, conjidtnt, 001tragt0Us; boi~o,
fetu profunduntur, Cic.; ftg., nee ulla aetate animus, Cic.; with genlt., anlml, Vellt-; with
uberlor oratornm retus fult, Cic. IL Metou., abl., tl<lent1 et animo et viribus, Liv.
that is brought forth; a 0§1pring, brood;
Gtrmanla quos horrida parturit fetu11, Hor. ; lid.enter, adv. with compar. (fluena), con-
fetus 11uis (mding-pi.g), Verg. ; b, of plant.q, falt11tly, 001rragtoo1ly, Cic.
fntit, product!, llhoot; nucls, Verg.; _rneUores et I. fidentla -ae, f. (ftdo), etnt.jldrnu, cottragc.,
grandiores ~etns ~ere (of lan.<l), C1c. ; tig., ex boldnt&, Ci<'.
quo triplex Ille ADllUl retus exs1stet, Cle. 2. Fi4entla -ne, r. town €n Gallia Cispodana.
fiber -bri, m., a. beaver, Flin. 1. fldee -t'!i, r. (lldo), trust, confidtna, rt·
r"'lbra -ae, r. (Hndo). 1, a flbrt, filament, In liance, credence, btlvj, fa!th. L L~t., A.. Gen.,
uiimal!I or plantll; atirpium, radicum, C•c. ; 2. ftdem decipere, Li\·., or fallere, C1c.: allrul .()r
IAumrall.a of an animal.; bidenti!I, Ov. I
,.J!cui rei ndem !1abere, t.o -!'la~ c~njfdtna 111,
J'ibrinua .f, m., a rii:tr in Latlum, ntar with acc. anct mfiu:• ~1c., ahem re1 thlem
.Ac·•1'm' Jov:ing inro UM Liril now Fibrt1io.
· '
tribnere, adjungere, C1c.• ftdem fllcere, to a1•al:tJ
confidrnu, Cir.; nuntiabantur1 tadcm
u -a ·Um (tlber). qf dr. to tlu Curioni ; sed aliqnamdlu tldea fleri noo _poterat.
llllotr, PllD. M reliance 1ro..s pla~d fa tht news, Caes. B. Esp..
ftb41a -ae, f. (con tr. f'br figibula from tl~o), merot.ntile t. t., ertdit; quum ftdes tot.\ Ital.I~
a·bilc.IU, broocA, olaap, Vug., Liv.; an u·o" esset angustior, impat.rtd,; fidem mollri•
. . , , ji:utnlt114 ,,_,,.., togethn-, CUii. Liv. ; 11de11 concidlt., hcu .falkn,· Cle. ; ftdee d•
l'iolDa -ae f. -:1 ~n ii\ Lali1"1l on. tlf road foro nblata eat, Cle.; ftdem renonre, Ck!.;
lo llltia. ' ' often with rea, proptrt71, rea et ftdea, s.n.;
fld 224 fln
ubl res eoa jam pri1lem, ftde1 nupor defirere ohjecta, tam fld1 canmu cmtodla, Cic. ;
l'(){'l'it. Ck.; homo !line re, slue flcle, 1tinf! 111-e, 111Hle Ilda carinh1, a11 in11.catre uaclloru1P9 Jor IA ire,
Ch•.; tran11r., sr_geti11 1-erta ftuc.11 m..a•·, 1n~/ur,,, \"el")t.
r<t11rn, Hur. IL Metrin .• A. thal 1chidi.111..-"lllcc.s 8.gtiau (flgiilinua) .a -um (flgulUA'), of 111
Cl)11fide11l·t, faithf1d11tu, .ft1lelit11, con.teitntiou.•11e.u, btlonging to a 710tttr, Plin. Sul1&t., l, 8gliDa
honuly, CTl'1iibilily, tn1lhft1/1t.t.cec; 1, i;en., elt· -ae, t. a, a pottrr'• an or i:rqft, Plin:.; b, a 1«ln'•
emplum anti']Une prn\.it.atls ac tlrlei, Cic. ; Hdem worb/l(lp, potln"y, Plin.; 2, 8glinum ·l. L
praestnre, to be loyrrl, Cic.; of faithfulress in earthe11ican, Plir1.
tre:itif's an•\ political alliances, pro \'etere ac
perroetna erga Ro111a11u111 Hrle, Cat's.; a, in •I,. figo, fhl. llxum, 3. L to fir_, fi1$fn• •. 111tib
peal!! Hnd oatl1M, tl<lt·m vestram oro att1ue nh- fiw, moh ]in1i, alt11ch,ajJfz. A. Lit., a, nhquem
secro, jndice11, Cic.; pro 1kn111 atqne hominmn in cr11ce, Cic.; caput le<.,ri8 in poste c111i4.-, Ch:.;
fl<lem, Cic. ; b, leg:1l t. t., ex hona tl1le or bcm!t anua arl JIO!tlem, Cle.; b, lo l1Uwl; moenla,
ti1le, ill good faith, si11rrr~ly, h011eslly, Cii·.; O\·.; c, 011t'ula, to impri11t, ,.er,.:. ~ .Transr.:
a neqnitine modum suae, to aet it limtt, Hor.,
ju.lieia de male fide, di!!lionnty, Cic.; F'iiles
pen11111if. as a go<ltles11, Cic.; 2, e~p., a, a pro- b: \'estigfa, t-0 check one's $t,11s, v. . rg.; c, to .fl.z,
mak• Just; flxum et statntmu est, Cle. ~
1.. iS'-, rr~~11mnct. 'lt"n·d of honour, t11gngtme11t;
flrle111 fallere, fr:11l!ll'l"t', \'iolare, to brtul; a pro- A. Lit., a, to tltTllll in, drive in~ m1H'ronef!l Ill
t11ise, Cic.; dare alicui, Ck.; obllgare, to m1•l;e an h'klte Cle.; b, to tran3/i:t; al1q11e111 sag1ttA,
t119<1ge111tnt, Ci<'.; llbt>rare, ae~v11re, to klJ!P a Tac. 'B. Trauar., a, 11liquem male<iictls, ottacc
fJTV1tlile, Cic.; fltlem pr.xlere C1c.; ftrle mea, on with rt11roacl1u, Cic.; b, tn jl:z:; oculos in tettam,
t11y wor1i of ho11our, Cle.; b_, fides publica or Liv.; c, to jiz in 0114!'1 attrntw'I&; illud fi;icuw ill
simply publica, a prot11i• OJ protecti1m in the animls veRtris tenetote, Cle.
name of the stale, a a<ife-CQ1uf11cl; fidetn puhlicam f1git1irta -e (ftgulus), rtlating or belmtgin1
po11tulare, Cic.; Lusita11l contra ~ a potter, Plaut.
ficlem interfeetl, Cic.; tide &C('('l'ti nrierat lu figiUinu = figlinna (q. v .).
c.1stra Romana, Lh·.; o, faithful prolttti.on1 flgtUu .f, m. (root FIG, whence flngo), 11
corl.•lrrnt htlp; eonferre ae In alieuh111 ftrlem et tDOTbr fo clar, a potlrr; a ftgulis mu
clientelam, in aliculus an1lcitlam <'t ftdem, Cic.; urbem, BabN11m, aad1 ojbricl.:, Juv.
se suaque omniA in lldem atque tern {IOPUli
Romani permlttere, t.:fc.; <renlre in al1culua flgiira -ae, f. (ftngo). L fOT"IA, '11apt, .ftgwre:
flderu, Lh'., or in RlienilllJ ftdem ac potestatem, ~J horninis, Cic.; b, an atom, Luer. ; c, •ltad11
Caes. ; alicuius ftdem 1Wqul, Cae11. ; alique111 In OJ a dratf peTIOll, Verg. IL a, l."ind, natu,-.,
tldem reefpere, Cle.; in alicuius ftde et clientela l}ltclu, form ; negotll, Cle. ; b, ln rbet., a flfl'll.T'll
esse, Cic. B. credibility, tnutworthi11us, or re- of 1pttch, Cle.
>0rLI, at.atementa, etc. ; 1, fl<lem facit &liquid flgUdtu -a -um, partic. of ftguro.
J udldl mel, Cic.; t.Ml•ular11m, Ci<'-; 2, a, pl"oo/;
1uanlfesta ftde11 pulillt-11 01oe \'olll('l'ltl h08te11 atlju-
rtgiiro, 1. (ll!tUJ'&), ~ /arwt., 9AINJ'!_, I/ 1,
ita 11guratum corp111 ut excellat alr111, C1c. , 2,
to11. Liv.; b, cvtai11t11; \•erloa Odes at:qultur, Ov. tnlllsr., OM tenenim pueri ball>umque poota
~. fldM -Is, r., usually plur. ftdee ·fnm ftgurat, Hor.
(ovl>i~ri. or perhaps from fiudo), lit. a gut-airing fil&UJD. adv. (fllum), tAnad by tlread, Lu<'T'.
for a tn11airol illstrum.t'lt; helll'e, a lyn, lute, fill'.a ·88, (. (ftlfna), II daug'#aUr, Cfc.; vi!J;O
harp; dlseere, Cle. ; ft1llbus Latlnis Thebanoe
aptare u11xlo!!, Hor.; sing., fidea Tela, Hor. fllia, Cic.; poet. tranar., plnua 1ilvae ftlia noblhs,
Hor. -
fldloen -elnl11, m. (2. f\ties and cano), a filloii.tml ·a -um (ftllx), adontd rllA /em•:
playu oil the har,., lyre. lute,· Cle.; poet., a t71rlc paterae, embollud or cha.wd 'IDilhfern lecnv.-, Cic.
pod ; lyrae Romanae, Hor.
flcllclna -ae, f. (fldlcen), a /t111al1J playw °" rlllola -ae, f. (dim. or ftlla), o lUlk duugAter,
Cle.; sarrastkally of an effeminate man, duce
th• lute or harJI, Plaut. flllolti Curionls, Cic. _
fl'.cllclnaa ·& -um (fl11i1·en), f"elating or bt·
longi11g to harp-playing, Plaut. rlllolua -i, m. (dlm. of ftlius), 11 littu '°"'
filiua -Ii, (v()('. elng. flll), m. (reo, whence
fidloiUa. -ae, r. auc..l gen. plur. fldlcriilae fe1·u11uus, ek.), son, Cic.; terrae, a ma" of llttl!in
-Arum, f. (dim. or 2. fldes), 1, a little lyre or lute, ori(lin, tmkn11u-n J~rao11, Cle.; fortunae, 11 cJuld
Cic.; 2, an instr11nu1ufor torturi11g Ila vu, Snet. of fortunt, Hor.
Flcllu .fl, m. (conn'"'•·tcd with tides, fldo), in rntx -leis, t. /ern, Verg.
full Dins l''itlhill, a J:Oma11 deity, per30uificr<tion
of faith; rue Uiu11 Fi•lius and medius fluiu11 filum. -f, n. (flgo), a tlmnd. I. Lit., a. of
(ellipt. =it.a me Dius Fidius ju,·et), So help me wool, linen, etc., wlamlna fllo pleno, Ov.; pro':·•
God! Cic. pendere tllo (tenul) to han[J lly a th-rod, l~ u
gnut da11gtr, Ov.; b, a tc00llt1& Jilld rovnd t1w
fido, risus sum, S. (root FID, Gr. Ill8, cap of the jlamrn; rapite velato ti lo, Liv.; c, or
ttti8-w, ir<iB-op.11.•), to trust, beliei·t, ro11fide in; other things, rleducit aranea filum pcde, 0\".;
with 1lat. or abl., aibl, Cle.; nocli, Vt'rg.; pru- d, the thrtud of life spun by the; sororum
deuti:i, Ole.; with acc. and infiu., Liv. flla trium, Hor. IL Trnnsf., a, the form, IJ•<'~
fidiicla -ae, f. (fldo). I. Lit., a., co11.lidt11C', of auything, Luer.; b, tM, /orm, tA1'Md
truat, re/io11ct, n~s11ra11ce; 11lic11ius, in 111>me nru, of disrou.rsc, Cic.
Cic.; sni, fo oneself, Liv, ; arcne uostnw, Cic.; ftmbrlae -tirum, r. plur.,fri119', border, mfN;
b, 1t/f-C(1njidrnt:e, :ld/-rf.liance, !'OU10!Jt, hraray, mat1.,11tes cincinnoru1n flmliriae, extrt111iti€s, (;ic.
Caes. II. l/ogal t. t., a contract by u·hich n 111a11
temporarily tro.11sfers property to anotha, 11 Ftmbrla ·Rt\ m. (0. FlA\'iU11), frit"fl.d qf
p/edgin[J, 71(11!'11i11!], mortgaging, etc.; fonnula Mari115 qeneral in the Miihiidatic IMT.
fiducia ... , C1c. ; flducia accepta, Cic. flm,;u .f, m. 11nd flmum. -1, n. dung, mn-
fidiiclii.rius -a -um (fiducia), e11trusted, corn· '1Unt, d il't, Lh·., \'erg.
milted, gii'm i11 trust; urbs, Liv.; opera, Caes. ftndo, fldi, fissum, S. to !'cplit, cltatt, ~~.
fidua -a -um (fido), ln4.e, faithful, trusty, cer- divitlt; lrgnurn,Yerg.; ftndere agros sarculo, Hor.;
tai11, 111re; 1, of persons, amlci fidi, Cic.; with bile lnsuli qnasl ro11tro finditur Fibnmus, Cic;.
dat., Al)t:lux fluns 11nte Poeuis, I.iv.; with genit., ftngo, ftnxl, fictnm, S. (root FIG, whence
re 0 ina tui tldissitoa, \'erg.; 2, ot inanimate ftguluA). L to stroka; manua 1egras 1uanlbu1
225 1la
arnlef, OY. U. A. to fiu]avin, form, -U: 1, flerl aolet, aa tut1a1, tu Cl ~ tAc 0t•: ut flt
lit.., a, molliui111arn cl'ram ad nOBtrum ar\Jitrium J•leruurque, Cle. ; flt uepe nt non respondeant
f';Jnnare et flngere 1 Cle.; ~. imago tlcta, a lbrtur, ad tem1rns, Cic.; pote>1t. fteri ut Callar, I may be
C1c.: natora tlng1t homm,,111, Cle.; ~. transr., ckoeii•td, Cic.; tier• uon pote..t quin, etc., Cic.;
&, to inGfiru, antttit"t: fin~it6 lgitur co:.;lta· It& fit ut, etc., Cle.; (JI) to foUow; It& ftt ut
Unne lmaginem hulus r-0nditio11!11 IUl'&e, C:ic. ; saplt'nlia aa11iti~11 ait anhul, Cir.; (y) to be: nee
w:th e~c. and lnfln., fiuge aiiquem Herl sapl- pot.est fleri me quidqUllm superb:ua, Ck. B.
f'nt.!m, Cic.; b, to fovc11t, fabricut., dti;iu; F..sp., a, to btca111e aomtthi1111; conaul01 racu
c;imina. opprobria In aliquem, Cic.; partie.., snnt, Cic.; b, to bt t~t,tnvcl; me a te pluri111I
tictua, i11rc11tPcl.feigW; tlcla fa hula, Cic.; hence lier!, Cle.; o, to be sac1·iJfc«l.; quum pro populo
an list., tlotum ·I, n. 8'1ml'lliill'] i11rtnWl, a lit; Heret, Cic.
!kt.a loqui, 0\'.; cJo fri:111; nihil l1nga111 1 nihil flrmamen -Inla, n. (ftnno), npport, prop,
dissimulem, l'ic. .as. to m1"a11g'-, order; 1, lit., Ov.
B, crine111 froude 1•1e111it fing .. ns, Verg.; b, flrmi.mentum ·f, n. (flnno), a mtani oJ
tlugere ,·ult um, to 1.,tt 01i a f1'iwdly lnok, Ov., or WJ>Jl()rt, a /'1°''J'; 1, lit., t.rans,·ersari.a t'l~'lla quae
to put 01& o l11u1·~ look, Caes. ; ficto pectore Catus, tlrmame11to e~se possint, Cic., Cae11.; 2, transf.,
Ver-A. ; 2, tra11,;f., w Jor»l; 01-atonnn, Cic.; ae a1 reipublic~e. Cie.; b, ln rhet., ths main poi1'1
totum ad arhitrium alicuius, Cic. 01 an aruumtnl, C:ic.
rm1ena -entls (partic. of flnlo), 80. orbis or flrmator --Ori"• m. (llrmo). one 'ICM mah•
cireulu;i, tlu hori..lon, Cie. flr111 or tal<J.b/idte.•, Tac.
rwo, •· (ftnis). L Transit. to bound, limit, flrmi, adv. (flrmnR),ftrmly, nerulfastly; ali']nld
nu./ntUi u·itllil& limit9. A. Lit., /111peri11m pop111i co1up~h.,r11.lere, Cle.; flrmis .. une aais~\·.erare, Cic.
R.. 11nani, Caes.; lingua tlnita denribn!!, Cic. tlrmltaa -litls, f. (ftnnu~). flrn"''"• d11ra·
B. Tra1111r., I, to t11Cloae t11ifhi1' bo1wd1, rutrain; bitily. A. Lit., corporh1, Cic. B. Jii"m11ru,
an 1o0test c111Jiditas flniri? Cle.; 2 to lhjlTV, ltrrngth of mind, oouta11cr; animl, Cic.
d'tt:rmi iu, 1•rrM:ril~, appoin.l: aepu,cris 110,·ia
1n0tlum, Cie.; with ue and the auQI., potuine ftrml~r. adv. (ftrmua),, s/r(ln!Jl•t:
fiuire seuatus conaulto ne, etc., Liv. ; 3, a, ftnulter lnsistere, Caee.; tlrmlter atabillre all·
quern, Cle.
~"·· to vut "" rnd to, ocrnclude. md, .fl11£M;
b.!llurn, Odes. ; labores, Cic.; and p&1111., to ead, tlrmltiiclo-dfnls, f.(ftmma), ~"""'"• 1trt11i]th..
MJM!: b, («) fi11iri (n1i<ltlle), to di4, Cic. poet.; A. Lit., operis, Cal's. B. Transf., atrell,(Jth, jl.nn,.
finiti. CL'I udiorum domo, having be<.'01M eztim:I, tuU, conata11c11; anlml, Cle.
Tac.; (fl) t•>flHWI ~kin.g; omnia llnlerat, Ov.; armo. 1. (tlnnns), to makeftl"ll\, ltren.gthtll. I.
C,.) to bring a rtriod to 11 cla.: ut seutentiae Lit., nrbf'm eolonia, Cle.; rnstra munhtrl'ntis,
verh'" finiantur, Cic. IL Intran11Jt., a, to du; IL Traner., a, to maJ.·e du1·able, to mab _,..;
ale Trb-·rius flnh-it, Tac.; b, to ftni.111. 111talring; (•) veatigia phru, ~tead.11 hu IUpc by, \"erg. ; ~)
flt•il'rat T1·lamone !!Btns, Ov.; to bri11g a J>eri0<l w politically, remtiubllcam, Cle.; b, to ~atron.J,
ad•-; illi philosopho pJRcet ordirl a aupe1iore to drrngthen; (a) phyllically, vlru, Vr,rg.; \"OCelll,
paeoiie. posteriore llnlre, Cle.
rm1a -ls, m. and f. (ftndo). I.°"
limil, lronl>r. A. Lit., elua Joel, Cle. ; pro-
Cic.; (/J) morally, auimum adolei.centls non<lmu
conailio et ratiune flnnatum, Cic.; (')') to t•l·
couragt, chur, animate; nostros, Cae~.; ali•J1te111
.vinciae Glliliae, Liv.; plnr., territor.11: lter In alloq 11 io, Tac. ; o, to pr<>t'', utabl i.dh : aliq u id
Santonuru ftnl'S facere, Caes. B. Tran.sf., a, rationlbus or jurejnnm<ln, Cic.
l.-olu.dary, limit; mlhi flnea terrnlnoaque con· l'lrmum ·I n. n town in Pic:t11um., now
stitu.1m, f'Xtra quoa egre<.li non possum, Cie.;
b, term., limit; lld e11111 tlnem, "°far, <.:le.; fine
Ftrmo. A<.lj., Flrmanua ·a -um, of or btlo1tg-
ir.11 to Firm11111.
(tni), with genlt., Cl.3far ru, fine genth1 1 Ov. IL
UtL eN.i; &, ft11is vit.te, Cic~ ; ad flnem venire,
flrmua -a -nm, firm, ltro11g, 1tout. L Lit.,
Liv.; finem faeere, with genit. bellandi, Caes.; ramus, Cie.; with tlat., 1nea tlrrna templfs ac
.,,llirituolinis, Cic.; flnem facere, with dat. portieihus 1111sti11e11di:!, Cic. IL Tra11sf., 1,
l'hy~frally stro11g, powerful., lua/lh11: a, C1>rp11s,
1•retio, Cic. ; flnem capere, QOm4I to an ernl. Ci<'.;
b, ~p., (a); Neronis, Tac.; (JI) the highest, Cie.; b, millt., strong; equit.1t11s r,t prtlitams,
Ui~ atnmit11 ; honorum, lll~lorum, grl'Utest good,
Cic.; ad dimicandnm, Caes.; 2, of timt>, di11 able,
vm1t~t evil, Cic.; c, ob~ct, end, aim; domus
l<1"1i11g; ftrmissima \'inn, ti:hich J.-etp, Yt>rg.;
11ni.~ et usus, Cic. (ab!. sing. fine anJ. llni).
tninsf., lasting, mlicl; neta Ca~AAris, Cie.; 3,
m.nrally a'lld t11111tally slro11g; a, steai.lfnst, tirm, adv. (flnitus, from tlnio), model·attlg, im11U>11ab/~; animus, Cie.; aceus11tor, Cic.; C••n-
vi,tl,in bvll11d1, Uc. tra perleul11, 81111.; flrmior in !11•ntenlia, Cie.; b,
finltllnua (finlti1mual -a -um (tlnis), sure, jlrm, to be ulied u1>on; litterae, Cic.; Kpe~.
'Mi9hb<ml"i11g, <VIJw:mt. A. Lit., Galli Bel~is. Cic.; with ab!., cnpi11e et numero l't ~·~11ere et
C:iei.; afrm11ri flnituma, Cle. Snbst., finitlml fidelitate llrmis>1imae, Cic.; with ad aud the 1u·c.,
...jrum, 111. 11eiyhbtmr~, 1i'if1hOOurin11 Btatu, Cle. firmos (eos) wUitea ad tuendaa nostras res etH-
B. Tr:111sr., rdattd to, 1·ue-111bling, ~imilar; vieinn eere, Cic.
em!! arqn~ fiuitiura dialectlcorum 11cie11tia, Ck.; ftsoella -ae, f. (<llm. of tl.aclna), a small nish
with dat., lruic generi bistoria flnitima est, Cie. or u:icl:er lxuJ..""t, Yerg.
rJDitor -l'iris, m. (flnio), OM tohO dtUrminu flaoina -ae, f. (flscus), "1mall ba&ktt o/'llJicl..tT·
lm1rularia, a land nwrtJior, Cic. 11.'0rk, Cic.
rJ.DJtiimua ftnltimus (q.v.). flaoue .f, m. 4. 'Wicktr ba&J.-el; 1, a TMney.
btuiket, momy-b<ig, 7lflrst, Cle. ; meto11. = mo»eJ/,
rJ.DitUS •& •Um, J>&rtic. Of flnlo. Juv.; 2, the ~u1tt. tr.asm-y, Cic.; 3, nn<ler the
fio, !l\ctus anm, fleri (connected with ~vu), empire, tltt em~TOl··1 prirau Jll'rllC (opp. aerar.
p&s'!'.. <>f facio. L Lit., to bl mad11; Ide uhl flt tum, tM state treum1·y), Tac.
doctl ruulta corona manu, Q,·. IL Transf.,
A. Gen., a, to bt t:Umt, to oriu; flt clamor, Cic.; tlADI• -e (tindo), that en~ 1111 clo1'lm or lplU;
l<l el loeo uomen factnm, Liv.; per aliquem flt lignum, Yerg.
quomh1us, etc., Cle.; b, to happen; (11) Powpelo tlllalo .(inia, f. (tlndo), a lplitt£ng, cltaring,
tntlins rst .factnm, Cic.; esp. with 11bl., quid d~ridinu: glebarum, Cic.
fllo tlet, tL'llat 'I/Jill hnppen wUh. him I Cic.; with tlea11m ·f, n. (ftndo), a 1pUt. cl4ft i ln anglll"J',
de, quid de l'ulliola wea flet f Cle. : ut ftt, ut 11 divided Unr, Clo.
ftst:Uca 01· feetuoa -&e, f. G nlllllMr, fll4lW, 10Uh f10MW11., to.ger, whaiu1u, anlef.t; cupidita.-..
(ab. Cle. : nmltltudo, Cle. IL Esp., a, of the eyc:a,
bti'iJa -11c, r. L Lit., a tubt, pipt; esp. a glo10!ng; oculi, Ov. ; 1?.o of colour, glUteriu~;
•1•altr-piJ~. u>1ually of lead ; f\11tulas, qullmll fta~nmH sldcreo dlpeo, verg.
lllJll& suj>pe<litnh11.t11r Jovi11 ten~pliH, praeciden;, ftlcranter, ndv. (flAgrana), UJ9trlf/, ardntlp
C1c. II. Tmm•f., 1, a rttd-p111t, a wpl1ertl 11 t'f!hnnrntly; cupere, Tac.
71!pe, a tttd; t'.bnrneolR, a pitdl-]Jipe of foory,
Cic. ; 2, a ki.nd Ct/ ulcer, jtst11fa, Nep. ~tfa ·ae, r. (ftagro), gllJtCing ; ocul-
orun~ Cic.
ftstiUi.tor -Oliff, 111. (H11t11ln), one 10ho 7Jlay11
tt11(m the rmf.11ipe, 011e 11;ho git-a a note witA tllt fti4a'o. I. (root FLAG, Gk. 4>AEr-w, co11ne<'W
pitch-pipe, Cic. • with FLA-re), to blau, lnm1, glo1v, ftanu-. L Lit..
1 tc b111·n; 011erariae l1agn111~11. Cle. ; 2 t11
tlxua -11 -11111, p. 111Jj. (from flgo), flrm,jU"ttl, fo1- 9!011•, glitttT'; ftagrant l11111i11a nyrnphae,Ov. U
11w1table; Yesti 0 i11, C1c.; fixmn eat, it i:8 fixed Transf., 1, or co11crete subjects, Clllp. of perso11J1,
dtfl'r1ni11tt.l, Cic. ; dccn·t11111, Ci<'. a., Italia llagraw1 bello, Cic. ; lnvldii 1•ropter
ftabellum -1, II. (clim. or lfal1rum), ll 1111(11[ iuteritum C. Grncd1i, Cic.; b, w glow or lmrn
fti11, Prop.; Ilg., c11it1:4 linp:nli qunsi ftabello se<li· with. pa.'!.•ion, to be eager, vtlrt11it11t; •l•·siderio,
tionis ilia tum 1•st egcutium contio ventilata, amore, cnpiditate, odlo, stmllo dkemll, Ch•.; 2f
Cle. o!' a\/11tract 1mbj., ftagrabant \'itia lihilliuh1 apn<
fti.bnle -e (flu), airy, Cic. '.!I 11111, Cic.
fli.brum -1, n. (Ho), gen. In plur. 1labra ~ -1, n. (root FL.~G. Gr. n.~Hl' or
-Clrum, bwst.1 o/10ind, biuztJ, Verg. llAHK, 'll'A~ITITW), Cl llCOIO"gf', whip, used for
flacceo1 2. (ftaccns), to l1e fai1u, 11>tn1.:, ltrnguiil: p1111ishing slaws; flagro cacdi, Liv.
tr1111sf., tn J<lil or flag ill an uiwltrtaki1111; Mestiala l. -lnis, m. tli~ prie!t of 110111e r<rr·
ftaccet, Cic. · tictclar deity; there were three flaminc1111111,j .. ri.-,.,
flacoesoo, s. (inch. from fla<'ceo). to bt!lin to Dialh1, of Jupiter (the highest iu rank), Marti-
fmle, to l.1trome. fafot, weak, languid; ftaccescebat alis, of Man, und Q11hinalis, CJ/ Rcm11tl11$, an•I
oratio, Cic. twelve &mines minore11 (Vulcanl, Florae, etc.),
flacoldus -n -11111 (ftaccus). wi.tlu1·td, flabby, l1a111inc111 ina11g11rare, Liv.
flacci<l, weak, languid, Luer. 2. ft&men -l11it1, 11. (flo). L a blCtwiag, bfo....t;
1. ftacoua -a -um, 1, jfa.bby, flaccid, Va1T.; fla111i11a veuti, Lncr. IL Met.on., A. Vu wi.111/;
2, of men, ftap-Mrtd, Cic. rl•ru11t BU& 11amiua clalisern, Verg. B. (lit.;,.
2. l'laoows, Q. Horatius, v. Horatius. 'II'•'°'""'""
fl11t~, Hor.
a.ri.W11) tlamilu\ tibiae, Uu twk.s Q/ a
3. l"laooua. C. Valerius, v. Valerius. fti:mlnlca -11e, f. (sc. uxor). thtJ urVe of a
8'gello, 1. (flagclhnn), to whip, ICIJUrge, btat; jtn111e1&; flaminlca Dia Us, Ta•!.
ro\Jont. 1iartc caudae, Ov. l'la.mlninws, a 111 rmune of "" 1iatrici.t11i
ft.Agellum -1, n. (dim. or llagrnm), a whip, Gc11s Quinctia ; ,._ Qninct.ius.
acourge. L Lit., &, Cle., Hor.; Ilg., the scourge of ftii.mhdum -i, n. (Hamen, sc. sacel'\lot111111
cn-ucientt, Jnv., Luer.; b, a ridi11g-whip, Vci:g. or munU!I), th, n.Jlice or dignity of a ffct111tn, Cic.
IL Transr., A. the tltong of a }aveli11, \'erg. B.
u yotmg 1pro11t, t1ilui-1hoot, Verg. C. Plnr., l'li.mlnlua -a -11111, nci11it of a R011ta1i grsu,
flagella, tM ann.! of a polyp111, Ov. the '1wst cclcl1ruled n1t11&berofwhich 1ru.• C. Fla111.i1t-
i11s, who, whe11 censor, built acirc1u cmd 1nade oiu
~tatlo -Onis, f. (flagito), an earnest deman.d cif the rJiicf nliliutry road., in Judy, aiul w:rko,
or entreaty, Cle. t1Jltm cvns11l, 10011 clefeateil by llcmniool cd tu
~tator -OriK, m. (flagito), 01u who eor- l'!C1ttle of L1.1cm Trasimenus. Adj., Flt1mi1rdaJL.
flUlly dt'l1lilndl or e11treat1, Cle. ; with geult., Hence, FJj.mln•anu -a -um, q/ 01· belonghag
pugnae_, Liv. ta Fla111i11i11s.
fti,gltlo.i, adv. (flagitiosus). 1hm11rfull11, ftamma -ae, r. (for ftag-ma, trom root FLAG,
baMlJI, disgro.ct./Ully, infamously; Impure ac flngi- whence flug-ro). a fla11u, bl(lze, bla.zi11g }l..rt. L
dose vlverc, Cic.; smnus ftagftloKe iP1pnrnti, Lit., .A. Gen., effusa flamma pl11ribu11 lori!!I Tt'-
Cic.; alien I us amori ftRgitiosl11sime scrvire, Cic. l11xit, Lh·. ; sc fla111111l eripere, Cic.; ftam111a111
flacltl0.1111 -a -um (ftRgitium), shamefttl, <·01wipere, tc cotd1 fire, Caes. ; prov., 1•1ius nucli"
di&grac<ful, i1'1Ctmo11s; ftngitiosa 11tqntl Yitiosa l1111111111t (!le. 111isceat11r), $00Ul'T 1ri/l "&ingk
vita, Cir_ ; ftagittosum e;it, with acc. and infin., 1Vilh 1mttr, or !lOllldlting h11pot111ilJJe, ap. Cic.
Sall. ; flagltlosum dnco, with iufln., ·Liv. B. llfetou., a., a jl1rnli11g star, lf.ght11i11!], Yerg~;
fl&ld'.tlum -Ii, n. (root FLAG, whence ftngito), b, glitter; galea fta111111M vomen11, Vcrg. IL
L -ci-ai.graceful adwn, 11hcrn1<f11l C1'ime, 1hai11e, Transf., .A. Gen., belli, invirliac, Cic. B.·•
dugrace, i1ifa1n11; ractum ftagltil plenum et de· the. fire or glow of pauum, esp. of lo,·c; am on&,
dccorls, Cic. : iHta ftagitia Demo<'riti, llha:mtful Cic. ; gnlae, mgi111) hunger, Cic. ; ultrix ft1.1mna.
nprcRSi-Otu, (1c. II. Metou., acoundrel, ra.M:al; b11r11in!J t·ermge, Cic.
ftagitia atque rnclnora, Cic. ftamme~lum -1, n. (dim. of 11ammeum), a
ftiiglto, 1. (root FLAG, whence al1m flag-ro) sm11!l l1rulc1l 1•eil, Juv.
= ftagrantcr posco, to 1mtrm.t, alllt, dn11tmd ear- flammeaoo, 3. (flamma), t-0 btcoint il\lfamttl,
ne5tly. I. GPn., a., ofpcnions, alk11im1 auxilium, Luer.
Cl<'. ; nwrc1:1lt•11t gloriae ab aliquo, Cic. ; with ftammeua ·a -um (ftnmmn), fl~ry. j!m1u-IH"t.,
double acc., aliqu.-111 frmnent11111, Cic.; with ut f111111ing. I. Ad.i., .A. Lit., >1tl'lla, Cle. B. T11111sf.,
and tbe 1mQI., Kemper !111.gitavi ut com·ocarenmr, j!w1ie·colo1crt1l,.fitT'y-reil; eorpora. I.ner.; \'Ci;ti;:ia,
Cir.; with lntln., Hor. ; abtlol., lla!,'1tat tabellar- i1~ hot l1<11<tf', Cat. II. Muhst., ftammeum -i,
11111, Cic.; b, or nl1stract suhjec!M, quae tempns 11. a fta11ui-rolourtdbridal i·ril; ftauuneum e&Jic~
ftab'1Uit, Cic. u. ERp., &, to demand ro know; Cat.
}IOllCO atqnP. adro ftai;lto cri111en, Cic. ; b, to ftammffer -fi!ra -Grnm (flaruma and f<'ro).
denurnd; tllinm ab allquo, Cic. ; c to 611m111on jlL11ne-bcaring, jla1ntng, fiery, O\·.
l>tfore a court ofj1istitt; aliq11e111 p<'cnfntnrem, Tac. flammo, 1. (ftamma). L Jntranslt., tn llmi,,.,
flagrana -a11Us, 1i. adj. (fro111 lfogro), burning. 111a::r, b11nt; tlammantia lumlua, olitteri1111,
L Geu., A. Lit., tch1111, Uuht11in17, Verg.; tlag- Vcrg. U. Trani;it., to ttt 011 fl1-r, fn}fmM. A.
J'&Dtt.iWUI aevtne, Liv. B. Trana!., glowfog Lit., ut iutcrireut cruciltuij alttxl aut l1&1Ulll&lnli
!27 110
Tac. B. Tmnaf., ft&mmato corde, tl1UA angry the Voice, TOCll genut, Cla.; b, ot lpteela._
~"·\"erg. nihil est tam ftexiblle quam oratlo, Cl"-; c, ol
ft&mmilla -ae. r. (dim. of llamma), a littlt pereons, J>liant, tractable, or in a bad 11e11te,
Jame. Cic. changtable; aetits, Cle.; quid pot.est etll8 tam
litil:UI -Ila, m. (fin), a blourl.11f1, lilrut. L Gt'n., ftnilJile, Cic.
Alplni horeae, Verg. ; fig., pn.1s111•ro flat11 for- fleJdlla -e (ftecto), lfuible, pliant, nPJll..:
tnnae uti, Cic. IL l1r«ithing. A. Lit., 1, llatn~. cornu, Ov.
tAe lmnlA, Verg.; 2, a, •norting; eq11or11111, flexll6quu -a ·um (flcxus and loq11nr),
Verg. ; b. blowing°" a fluu, Hor. B. Tmnsf., h11d11{1 two mem1!1'{11, equitlOCal, atnbiguol11, Cle.
Ac11ghtineu, aTT0!7ance, gen. i11 plur., Ver;:. flexlo ~nla, f. (flect.o), bendit117, L Oen.,
livio, i. (ftav1111), to be !Jtllow or gold-<:olmtrtd; vlrili lat~nun flexlone, Cle.; tranRf., vorli< 01
rartic., flaven11, yelltno, gnlrlm; coma, Verg. ; niodorum, 1111J1tltlation oftltt voi~. Cle. IL K!lp.,
attna, V~rg. turitl'1f1, "'indillg; deverUcula ftexlo11e11q11e, Cle.
6iveeco, 3, (Ila veo), to bcro11U! 11tllo w or !JOld· ftedpea -~lie (fl<'x11:1 and pea), croobd-
cnlvuml; ca11•pus flavescet ari>1ta, Vcrg. footci.l; f1cll1!rae, twining, Ov.
11.ii.vll:aa -ae, f. a rou:n in Etniria. .Adj., ftedosua ·A-nm (flexu11), full Qf 10iflllht.Qll
FliviDlaa -a -um, of or bdonging to /i'lavina. a11<l turninga, crooked; iter (of the ear), Cic.
l'li'Viaa -a -nm, name of n Roman Qt1111, to fteJriira -ae, f. (ftecto), a bending, Luer.
!Mio\ the Eaperors Vupmi111t, 1'itWI, anil J)ami· 1. 8e'JICUa -a -um, partlc. of ftecto.
Ii~ bdongm; hence Flavius = IJomiti1m, Juv. ; 2. fte:iras -ns, m. (ftecto), 11 bending. L
Cn. Flavius, a freetfrrvrn of Appiu.J Cl1111dhis :Mi•ltllc, bending on~.l~ tuNlir&flz winding. A.
u:lw jtrst pttl•H.<hPtl tlie fornrnlae usrd ii& Gcu., 1, lit., a, cerv1c1s, Ov.: o, a turning o/
'4w-11tiU. Hence 1, Flii.vl8lle -i11, m. (with or a road, "11-patll; In quo flex1111 ut ad it-t>r Ar·
without f1:11nen), the jfm11.r1~ of thll Clll'M Flavia; plnaR, Cic.; 2, raril>tlo11, mud iflmtion, clulllfl'I;
2, adj., l'li.vlADUJI -a -um, Flat'iall. 1-.•rum publicarum, Cic. B. In t.he clrcu11, Ut.e
Jli'l'US -a -um (root FLA, wht!nce fla-i;ro), tur1<fog round of tlrt rJwriou Unl'fird1 thll j100l:
vG1du-yll01C, gold-colour~·'· ytllo1c; nrvo, \'erg.; fig., In hoc ftexu 4ui1si aetaUs, Cic. IL 1'81111.,
criuea, VeI"11~, aurum, \'erg.; dcccm ftavi, ten being t"rned, turn(ng, winding; duros introitua
gold piun, inart. habent (anres) multie cum flexlbua, Cle.; ftexu1
flibl118 -e (fteo) L Pass., ktmtnlal>U, tDTetch- \&Ilium, Liv.
td, dtierri114 u.ars: ilia species, Cic. II. .Act., fttotua -n.s, m. (lllgo), a atriking t¥Mr,
m11~i11g lamentati<nl or uar1, tearful, doleful; a, da.,hi1117 agafoat; cava11 dant 11011itum llictu
or things, gemitus, Cic.; b, of per:1on11, 1LYtpill(j;, Verg.
ln•l, Uor. fligo, 3. to IJttit or daBh d010n, Luer.
llibW•, adv. (fleltilh1), tearfll/ly, dolefully, flo, ftlM, fl:'ltnm, 1. L lntntmdt., of wlnda,
Cir. to blow; qui ventus In his locl11 flare consuevlt.
fleoto, flexl, ftexum, 3. I. Transit., to bend, Cic.; ita lie lie no bis ab J<:piro flnvit Oncho11111ltel,
bow, f!(;isl, cur~. A. 1, lit., membra, Cic.; Cle. ; or pel'!lonM, sclntillam levem fla11tlo 11ccend· sunm or viam, to dit't1'flt from <mL1 march. cruut, Liv. ; or the flute, protintte lnflexo Bere-
or Jwniev. Liv. ; 2, tnrnMf., a, to m0t.lulate cyutia tibl& cornu flalllt, Ov. ll. 'l'mnsiL, A.
(the Yoiee), v~>ecml Cir. ; flexu11 aonns, a 1n_elan- a, to blow forth f1mll thll 'nouth; fta111111n111, Luer. ;
doly lmtt, Cle. ; o, to chanpe, a/ta; v1tam, b, to blow a~ iuEtM171U!11t; f11rlo11a ti\Jla llatur,
Cic.; rata deum, \'erg.; to mart, to 11wk' ll per- Ov. B. to t11rt11l11 to ma~ into coin, llJ
''"' witige hi.s 011i1ti.11ll; n11i111um or aliq11e111, ftaro pccuniam, Cic.
Ck.; l!ecti 111isericoniia, Liv.; ulhll ftexerunt floooua -1, m., a lockof1e00l, Varr.; non ftoccl
:1ni111os quin colle111 rlefenderent, Liv. B. to
bt1J.<I, lvrn, direct; 1, lit., equoe, Cnes.; currum faccrc, to think 110U1h1g of, Cle.
de rriro in Capitoliumjj Cic.; ncles (= oculos) Flora -ne, r. (floe), the goddua of jlo1Der1.
lluc, \'e~.; middle, ectl In l<Yrum, w turn .At!J., Floralta .e, belO'll11ing to no-ra; RUh11t.,
roulld i" a cirt:le, Ov. ; trausf., or places, tlectcre l'loraua -Iu111 and -Iorum, n. the festival of
•or m!Jdle flL-cti, to tur" towardB; hiuc (ail va) Flora on the 27th of .4/irl.l; Florillolu -a -uw,
se llectit ainiistro1-sm1, Caes. ; 2, trausr., to turll relating to thtftstitVJ. of Flora.
trow, di!lfWJt.le from; aliqucm a proposito\ Liv.; flor8119 -en tis, p. a<ij. (from floreo), bloom'1tg;
a stuclio ad imperium, C.:ic. C. (.(I cloubtt, tail 1, fresh, Ji ne, ·t:iaomu.s; a, or orators, etc., tlorena
rovud; Leucatmn, Cic. ll. Intransit., A. to orntlnnis genus, Cic. ; b, of ag1~,, Cic. ;
l1m1, 90; ad, Liv. B. Traner., ad 2 glittaing, !ple11did, 1•r0."1>troua, jfoul"Ulli11g;
11pi.,ntiam, 'fa.c. - (a.~ fortuna, Cnc11.; res pu bllca llorc11ti~11ima, Cic.;
lio, fliivi, fli!tnm, 2. L Intm1111it., a to tvtep; (ft) with abl., distinp11i&he1l for; gmtiii atgue
de lllii mortt>, Cic. ; lapides tl<'rti et Ca:mt'11tarl ho11pltlh1 florens hominum nobiliS11i111oru111, C1c.
~re, Cic.; b, or fluid~, to trickk dawn, Luer. Wloren.tla -ne, f. a 'own fa Etruria, now
IL Tr:mait., w 1''Up for, la11wi11t, btu.'fli.l. A. Lit., Flormce • .Adj., l'lorentin1111 -a -11111, l'lorentine.
jr:mnem, Ov. ; tJlii uece111, Tnc. ; with acc. and
inlin., Verg. ; flen•lus, 111orth11 of bd"ll._ la11umkd, ftono iii, 2. (fl08). L to bloom,ftowtr. A. Lit.,
OT.; lletus, 1«ptfor, lame11tl'd, Yerg. B. Tran!lf., baoc ...oor ter ftoret, Cic. B. r'ig., a, nf thinl(l!,
earl katuiline u111ore111, si11,g m011rn/ull11 of, Hor. verliorum vetus interlt aet&s, et j11vc11m11 ritu
(Synrop._ perr. forms ttcsti, Ov.; fterunt, Verg.; ftorent modo natn virent1111c. Cic.; b, of pc111011s,
hie, Liv.). to bt in 011t'1 prime, to 1>rarptr, be Jfouri..•lling, b8
in high rt]JUU; floret Eµicurus, Cle.; with ahl.,
l. flitua -a -um (part!c. of tlco). p;rati:l et auctoritatc, Cic. ; honorihu!I, Cle. U.
2. litaa -11s, m. (fteo), a wuping, bfwaili11{1; Trnnsf., A. Poet., w be full of; tlbl pampincu
P!'lellet.u, Cic.; clamore et fletu omnla complere, gravitlus auctumno ftoret ag•·r, Verg. B. ro
Cic.; nrbe toti fletUJ1 ~emitwique neret, Cic. glitter; florentes acre catervae, Verg. C. Of
"'!rdnimua -11. -um (flecto and animus), l_. win~, lofrotl1, Ov.
ll!Qti11g, a..ftctl11{1: oratlo, etc. 0 2, a,tectea, ftore900, 8. (lnchoat. of floreo), to ~" ro
io.cMit, ""1w.d; ap. Cle. blo-, C07ll.I (ftto jlo11.•trr, A. Lit., Cle. B. -e (ftecto), tha.l can be bent, jfulble.. Transf., to btg(n to jlo11ria1'; Sulplclue ad IUDl•
A. Lit., 1uaterta rerum, CiC'. B. Transf., a, ot mam glorlam ftorescens, Cle.
IlO 228 f oo
8irlSua -a -um (ftoe), ~_.made of flowers: serta, fltU'.t.o. 1. (lutens. of 1'1110), to jlhtD Htlur a.He
Tlh.; 2. rich ill flowera, J'°wtrJI; rura, Verg. tliither. A. Lit., a, of streams, wa\·ea, etc.,
florfdiUU -& •UUl (dim. or ftorh.lus), lfn1U'" ftudle per rictus 1mrum vldcrea.. Ov~l
tl~hat blooming, Cat. of shipii, etc., to farat, tnove up and clovm, be
01' the wattr; 1111ve111 ftuitantem in alto
tlorldua -a ·mu (ftos), flowenJ. L Lit., a. ct.bout
blouomi.11q; nuuull Cat. ; b, 71iade of Jlown-i<; tl'111pe11tatihus, Cic. B. Tran11f., a, to _.wr;
ttuibl1111 te11tudo 'J'nc.; b, to fttttkr, flap abotll;
llW'rta, OY.; plur. 1111bKt., llorlda ct \'&l'ia, Cic. ; c, ftnitanUa
rlch \1l flo1Dt!T11; Hybla, Ov. IL Trausf., a, or vola, (>,.,; c. to M u1icertai1', to mew.
age, )fouriml11g; aetas, Cat. ; b, or expres11lons, lut~ to be douUJul; mobilia et caeca ftuit.ant.ia
~. florid; Demetrius est ftoritUor, Cle.
11orte, Hor.
flirlfe.r -mra -r6rum (ftoa and !ero), flmrer· L fliimen -lnls, n. (ft no), jlowhtf! wattT, CJ #Nil.._
Lit., A. Gen., ftmniue vivo, t"lmnt1i.g uater,
bmrixg, Luer.
Verg.; ftumlne secundo, dot1n1.!t1"m1~ CMia. B.
flirDiSgu.s a -um (ftoa and lego), cullhtq E>ip., a riNr, a Btrrom., Cic.; Ganmma ftumcn,
flowers ; apes, (, "· Caes. IL 'ba1111f., 1 a ltrtCm of artrtltiRg ; of
Florua ·I m. a Rotttmi hiltorian of the tlnu blood, Cic.; or tears, Verg.; 2, or the miud, a.
of 7'n~/all and, who com1ioud ail epttom4 011t1)1mring, flow; nulllu11 tAntum ftu1nen etlt
of Roma11. hilltorr jrorn. tJu /otmdation of t1uJ cU11 to lugenil, Cic.; b. of oratory, etc., flood, Joto,
t1i.e Clfl' of .A ttg1isht.a, 1tream; ftumen orationi1 aurenm, Cle. ftliris, m. (connected with lflA~}. a Fllimentina port.a (flumen), tJu rittr-gnU,
jf.otl'ltf', blouom. I. A. Lit., flontm onmlum a (J<ilt ill Ron~ ntar the Camp11.1 Martitl&.
\'arletu, Cic. B. Meton., Hores, tht juice of
jlOVJtr1, Verg. IL Tram1f., A. the prinu, jto11Jtr; fliimln~ue -a -um (ftumen), of or rtlating '°
l, gen., Gl'aeciae, Cle. ; virl11111, Liv. ; $!, eKp., a 1-iver, Ov.
fto.i oetatiR, t114 fto11v.r of yuufh, Cic. ; en fto11 fli1o1 ftuxl, ftuxnm, S. to ft<M. L Gen , A.
J11ventar., Liv. B. tht flowrr=the be.1t, tlv.finut, Lit., or fluids and fluid ll0llie11, 1, ut ftumlua iu
the J1'1'1tle; 1, gen., Hos totius It.ali'"' ao robur, conh'&riits 1iartea flnxeri11t, Cic. ; ftuit de cor-
Cic. ; ftort'lll et colortlm defui11se, urau. of tr.· po1·e 11udor, Ov.; 2, to flaw, rlrip 10ith cmy lit[llicl;
7lf'Ullion, Cl•~ ; Bacchi. ltnmgth, Luer. ; 2. l'!lp., cruore, Ov.; 1mdore, OY. B. Tranar., 1, to~;
ftoa .t11ve11ilis, tlUJ first '?e"rd, do11:n, l'O simply a, of air, wlud, t>tc., veuti ftuuut., Luer. ; b, of
ftos, Verg. ; ftammae, ghUer, Lu•·r. clotlaes, to flow clown; ft11en11 vei;tls, Ov. i..C• of
flOllOiUU ·I, 111. (dim. or fto11), a little flower. t11e neck, to sillk; ad te11'1l111 ftuit cervix, verg.;
L Lit., llcta om11i& tamquam Ho11culi deci<hmt, d, of branches toto 1trea111. 2,
1J1»md; ra11108 co1111le806
Cle.; 011111i ex genere omtlonh1 ftorreulm1 ca11•a111, ftnente.<1, Verg.; fortli; multa & lm.:a
Cic. IL pri<le; o qui fto11culns eai Juventloruw, 1nanant et fluunt, Cle.; or a crowd, turl.ia ft ult
Cat. cnstris, Vcrg. O. Fig., 1, to bl spread abroad;
fluotltriigu.s ·a -um (ftuctus and f'rango), Cle.; Pytbagorae doctrina quum longe lateque ftueret,
toave-l>rer.1king, I,ucr. 2 to ~ <ltrit.'td ,frtm&; 1Ml6C omnla ex
eodem fonte fluxenmt, Cle. ; 3, to jl.010 do1r111.;
fluotiiiitlo -~nl11, r.Aftuctuo), " 711ov£no back- a, to pt'OCU<i v:ithout fottrrtiptio"; In rel•ua
'IDanl• and /orwarda, uctttatto1i: tra.nsr., in· prosper!& et ad voluntatem fluentib~. Cle. ; bt
cleci1ion; anl111or11111, I, v. to tt'lld to: res flu It ad lnterreg!Jnm.r Cic. ; c, or
fluotiio, 1. (ftuctns). I. to 1~ in ,oave-likc oratory, to M di§tt•, la:e, Cic. IL A. to lllad;tll.,
'11Wtio1l, 11wve np a111l down. A. Lit., mare, btromc 1Md:; mollitle or mollitiia, Cic. ; ftuunt
Plaut. B. 1 to heave, undulate; fluctuat tell us sudore et la&Ritudine membm, Liv. B. 1, to
aero renldenll, s11i11uners, Ve1-g.; 2, to rag~; Ira fall dow1l; fluent am1a de 111anibn1, Cle.; 2, to
ftnctuat, Verg. IL to moioe "P cmct clown in the duapptar, fall gradually; a, lit., poma, Ov.;
Bttt. to be tos-otd a.bout. A. Lit., of men and b, fig., to vanish; ftuit voluptas corpori11, Cic.
1hlpR, Cic. B. Trnnsr., 1, tn WCtl'tr; aclcs flue· fluto, 1. (for flulto), to flow, float, 11Dim, Luer.
tua11K, Liv.; of 11peeeh, oratlo qua11i flnctuam1,
Cic. ; 2, to waver in ruolve, to ixu:Wate; In suo fliivl&lls -e (ftuvius), o/ or btlo1tging to G
decreto, Cic. rfrtr; uudne, Verg.; anas, Ov.
fluotiior .fitus !!Um, 1. dep., to waver, rocil· fliivl'.i.tllla -e (ftuvlus), of or bdo1lqh&g to o,
lalt; ftuctuatu11 nnlrno &1t, utrum ••• 1111, Liv. rivtr; tcstudo, Cle.
8uotii0.u ·a -um (fluctus), J11ll of warts, ftiindua -a -um (ftuo), jWwing,, Luer.
itoro111; mare, Plaut. fliivlua -Ti, 111. (ftuo), !, jlott1ing uuter, Verg.;
fluotua ·0.!1, m. (ftuo). L a 11tremninf1, few· 2, lilrtcmt, river; fluviua .t<urotas, Cic.
ing, Luer. IL a wavt, wave of the .wa, billow; fluxlo -on '11, f. (ftuo), a flo1uing, flood, Cic.
a, King., fl11ct11 operiri, Cle. ; b vlur., fluctus 1.• -a -um, p. adj. (ftuo), jloicillg. A.
aedare, Cle.; prov., cxcltare ftuclus in Killlpulo, ,mviugJutterinu, loo1t; crines, T1tc.; laabena,
to 1naJ,:e mttch ado ttbout nothing, Cic.; fig., coin,,. Liv. .at. 1'ra1111f., a. tmcerlain, iJtro1Ufm1t,
toot ion, 1li&turba11ce; fluctm1 contio11u111, Cle.; cha11geablt ,· gloria, Sail; b, or charackr, mcil-
vlar1.1111, Vcrg. lati11g; animus, Sall. ; c1 dttnyi11u, <ltclinixg1
fliieu ·entis, p. adj. (ftuo). L A. flowing, to~ring; murorum aevo nuxa, Tnc.; reis, Cle.
~. jfuenl; tract.a quaetlam et ftuens oratio, 2. flmr:ua -ns, m. (flno), a flowi1t!1, Plin.;
Cle. B. ttnrtslraintd, difUM; ut ne nut dis· tr.msf., autumnl, the pcuring a1Dlly of autam1',
solnta aut ftuci111 sit orat10, Ci~ IL hanging Tu~ .
do11111, ftabhy; baccae fluentes, Cle.
rOoile -ls, n. (for faucale, from raux), CJ 'tDTGp-
fliien~r. ad\'. (fluo), in a flowing manm-r, per for the ntck, Hor.
Luer. flk>iU1111 ·I, m. (dim. or focus), l; a ntall
fli.ientlaOnus -a -um (ftuentum and so110), . ~lore for cooking, bra.tier, Juv.; 2, a ""4ll allar,
rrwm1tling with. UYwes, Cat. Cle.
fli.ientum ·i, 11. (lino), nmnill17 1mtcr, a fiScue ·i, m. (root FO, wl1encc also fovco), ca
1trMm; 11mca Cocyti, Ver~. jirq>lau. A. Gl'11., Ov. B. E8p., 1 1 tJu ~rt·
fliUdus -a -11111 (ftuo), fto1ring, jfofrT. A. Lit., rilaet in a Mutt, htnrth; a, lit., Cle.; l>, tneton.,
en.or, Vcrg. B. Tra1111f., a., lax, lruig·uid, flaccid; hottu, family, ht:>TM; domo et fooia pRtriii1 ali-
frondes, Luer.; pendere lacertos Ov.; b, du- quern ejiccrt", Cic. ; 2 1 an. altttr, Ov. ; 8, tM fo?
toltri"fl ; cal or, OV. of a funeral pile. VeJ'i.
fod 229 for
fOclloo. l. (f'odio), to di!J, pkru; l11tu111, to dig 2. Fom. Ponti•, m.,and Fontua-1, m. t1111tiw
i~ tM 1i/J4, Hor.; tr.111><f., ruclit·antihua iill rebus of Jan111, god o/ fou'IUatn.s.. Adj., FondniUa
qua.s tnala11 e1111e upinemu:-, troubli11g, rai11g, Cic. ·e, btl"ngtng to 1·0111; port•, a gat« ill Rm11t 011.
fidlo. fUtli, f'ossum, S. (root FOD, Gr. B09, the Q11iri11al, mnr the Campu1 Morti111, Liv.
~b .. 1we JJ08po~). to di11. L Intrauslt., fooit, -a -nm (f'on11), ~longing or nlating
i11Te11it a11ri aliqunntnm, Cic. IL Transit., A. ton 1pri11g or founlui1l; 11111la, Ov.
to dif}; IL ln1111u111, Ve1-g.; 2, to dig 011t; ar- Fontejna -a -um, 11amt of a Roman 11"'1·
g!'llt11u1, i\
.; lo tx<Y1mlt; }'Uteum, Caea.;
all!tol., f1xlil'ntc>1, fllillUd, Lh·. B. ro pin-a; 1, fontloulua ·I, m. (dim. of fons), a littkf011.J&·
a, pectora tcli!I, Ov.; anrso!I (eleplaantm•) 11ub ta in or "1""ing, Hur.
011'11~, Liv. ; b, to g•mge 011t; lu111lna, Ov.: 2, Fantini.Ha, v. 2. Fona.
tmnsf., of grief, pu11git <lolor ••• fu<llat sa~1e, for, fat us, 1., <lep. (q>, 4*>), to 1,,mt, ltl1J;
l:ic. l'Rp. of b'"(l<lll, oracles, seera, &c. A. Gtn., lo
foecun4ue. foecundo =fecund us, fecundo IJl<'uk, IKl)I; ad aliquem, Cle.; aliq11i<l 1 \'erg.; fitn<lo
('}.\'.). au.tire, liMr '1!1 rtp<>rt, Cle.; IJG.rtic. fandua -a
foede. ndv. (1. fi>e<lus), foully, horribl!I, -11111, tlU1t trhich may be 6J>Oken, hence, ri111it, la1L··
crurf/y: fOftle exerc•·1·e \"ktoriam, Liv.: foe<l· Jul; resywrsne rando nefandoque 81l11~11i11e aral',
illJI 1.1111:<1, Liv.; foe11i:<si111e a;:crc causam, Cic. Liv. B:. E!4J>·• a, of poets, to 1i11g of, Prop. ; b,
foederatua -a -11111 (2. foe•lus), co11,ftd.trate, to prorhr6Y, \'erg. (Tht forms which &rf' f1>uml nre
a/IW; civitate!I, Cic. fatur, r:mtnr, falJOr, fabiturl farer; partie. pcrf.
foedffrAgua -A -um ('.!. foedus and frnngo), fains; perr. fatus sum ana eram; 1m1ier. fare;
rrmty-!IrcaJ..iug; Poeni, Cic. i11f111. fori (falier, Vc1g.) ; gerund fnnc i, fando;
111pi11e fatn; partlc, pres. fan11).
foedltaa -fit.ill, (I. f0t'1l1111),ftl11lllt.t..f, hidmu ..
firi.bW. -e (foro), tW can be bomf tlaTO'llgh,
'llat, JilJhiuua; a., phyz<i<'A'll, 0tJ1orii1 intolembilis, Cie.; Yes ti tu,;, Cic. ; b, moral, turpilicatl pt11rtrahlt, 11ulnl'Tllble, Ov.
nniml, Cic.; <lecreti, Liv. ·1111", n. (foro), ti 1iolt, <rperturt,
foedo. l. (1. foe<lu,;) tlJ mabfnttl, mah.filthy, "J~11i119; a, natural; rorn111h1a U-rrne, Luer.;
fl,.J/t, 1>0ll11tt, dtf01-,11.,!Jlirt. A. Lit., pccto111 foramlna Illa quae ~·11te11t ad Rlli11111m a Porpore,
pu;.:nis, \'eT')!'..; c11nitiP111 pnlvcr.. , Ov.; ali<111i<l Cit·.; b, arlilicial; convi:xa foramina retls, O\·.
sanguine, Q,·. ; 8t"rt'll09 vu 1t us, \'t-rg. ; "Sri rcsr... ad\•. (connl'Cted with forl!4), 011t of doors,
fo•~dati, fr1i•l trfl!de, Liv. B. Transf., to diA· forth, out; Ire foms, Ov.; ali'lu"m Jirojlcert:
llouour, di:<grrn-t; aliqucm nefario sctlere, Cle. forns, Cle.; J>0rti1 i;e forna erumpere, Cic.; ea
1. foedua -a -urn, /0111,jiltliy, hordblt, 11bumfo- scriptll fonui dare, Cle. ; quae (nstigia) ubl
ahle. dt:tt!d•tJ./t; a. J•l1p•i<-ally, mo11atrn111 foe<I· 011111ia fol11.1! \"CJ"K3 vi<llt, Liv.
i"Simum, Cic.; foe I oculf, staring, blnod.•hot, _forcep9 -clpis, m. a11d r. a pair o/ '°11!1•.
ball. ; with <lat., pestilentill focdn h01nlnl, Liv. : pinci:ra, Ov.
with supine, rem uon 111000 vlsu f'<~dam scd fordua -a -um (f'ero), prt9111111t, 0'1'. Sul"lllt.
etiam a1111it11, Cic..; b, morally, l•ellurn foed· ford.a -ae, f. (sc. 0011), a row i1l rol/, Ov.
iMi11111111, Cie.; ludOll vero 11on facere, quid
tCSre, f'l"rem, -es, etc. (fur fuerem from old
foeJins! Cic.; with su1>1ne, f'oodu111 lnceptn, Liv.
fllo, of;v .., I am). I. f11re111, 1, es1W111, Sall. ;
2.. Coedn• -~rl111, n. a lmgvt. L Lit., a, 2, = fuisscm, 0''· IL lnlin. fore, I,== futnrum
'betv~n stnte11, fnedns facere cum aliljllO, or (-om, ~.etc.) e.s.11e, Cic. ; 2, = es.!!e, Cic.
icere, or fl'riror. Ci<-.; f'oedns f'mngere, ru111perf',
Vi••lare, Cle. ; o, n etnnp<rt:J, co1~11a11t, U{lrtnnent tCSrenata -e (forum), rtlati11g to Ilia fMr~·rt or
bd1cY,..,. i1tdirulm11'; 11111oru111, Uc.; eceleru111, fnnml. A. Gen., 1, rtluting to tlct /orll'm; fnctio,
Cic. D. P0ct., " law, Verg. turha, Liv.; vestitm1, dnu worn out of door4,
atau drtf.C, Liv.; 2, relatinp to tlw faru1n 01 a
foem . • .. foen ••• v. fem •• ., fen , •• place for ad11iini.7trntlo11 o/ju1tiu,; causn,
foetio. 2. to ltaN a bad 1mt!Tt Plaut. Cic.; )lat"!!, tloq11t11ct, Ov.
Coetl4ua (6'etldue. fetfdQ) ·a -um, a<tj. Fkentum -i, u. to-wit in.Ap11lia, now Fore1izo,
with com par. (fu.:teo), Ail ·i .. g a bad 11Mll, Hor.
llinki'fl9, /did; 1•&, Cle.
fortes ·ficls, c. a pair of ahror1 or 1Ciuor1,
foetor·Ods, 111. (foeteo), a bad 111tell, 1tfak, Cic. Mnrt.
foetua. v. fetus. =
ftSrloa -ae, f. oof;ra,,.:.,,, Juv.
Filla -ae, I. a witch of ..Crimlninn. 1. firla -Is, t. (conneet.e<I with 2. forts), 1, a
fillAtum -1, n. (folium), a ealw or o!Z of door; anol plur., fores, foldi11g-doora; clautlere
1pik'-""'lrtl ltaru, Juv. forem cnbicull, Cle.; fores aperlre, Cic. ; aJ
fOllum ·II, n. (connectel} with 4niMov, 1 a fores a.s11illtere, Cie. j :a. optniiig, rntran~; equi
alius with &.u~). a ltaf; fibyllae, a pro1iltee., a·uei, Cle.
eraclt tl.'Tittnl. on lta1u, Juv. 2. f&1tl, adv. (trom obsole~ nom. fora) L
nut of door11, oulailir, 10ithout.. A. Gen., aliquitl
foWciilua -1, m. (dim. of Collis), a little tack q1111ere
or bo9, Cle. forill, Ci<'. B. K-.p., a., not at home; forl11
cenare or ceuitare, Cle.; for111 \"&l<lc p\aaditur,
foll.18 -Is m. a lt.atlter bag. L Gen., Plllnt. (1flw11g the pt<Jplt. Cle.. ; toriJI e!!36 Oabinium, ill
D.. Es1•.. i, a pair of bt/lo1ra, Cle. ; follls tltbt, Cle.; b, 011tlid1 the anw.l•". Cic.; o, out.tide
fatt!'ilis. Liv. ; trnnsr., ufthe lnn1t11, folles splrant IM ll<•lt, 011lWl11 llnme, Cic. IL from tcithout,
naenllada, Jnv.; 2, a Uatliern purM, Juv. from abroad: allq nld fo1i11 pet.ere, Cic.
fimentum -1, n. (for fovimeutum, from rorma
-11e, r. (ft>ro), form, Jgure, 11.apr. L A.
foveo): I, n po11.ltiet, f<mu11tatlo11, Hor.; 2, Lit., 1, gen., corl'oris, Cle. ; 2, ""I'·
a 1 lht fact;
transf., crlltl'ialiou.; summorum malorum, Cle. forma nm1tra reliqua11ue llgnra, Cle.; o, bffluty,
lime. ·Itia, m. (foveo), lovch1COOd, ttndn', Cle. B. Trana!., 1, gen., form= go1Yrn111t11t, COii•
Verg ~itrltion; f'onna rerum 1111blit-an1111, Cle. ; In
1. fou -fontfs, tn. (orig. tuns, from f'undo), 1, fonuarn provluclae redl~ere, Liv. ; 2, e11p.
• 11>ring, _,l, founta•n. Cle.; ineton. poet., cho.ructer, form, '1al11rt, kind, mannv; fomui
(ITl4 or 'Pf"i"'9 VJt1ter, Ver;::. ; 2, transf., 1prl1ig, insolitae 1•ugnae, Liv. IL jlpv.rt, imaga, Uh-
Prifl1&,fov1t.tah1, .eoxrcc; .vhllollOpblae, Cle; Juris, Mii. A. Lit.1 fonnae vlrorum, Cic.; f'ormae quu
Liv. In pulvere aeacrlpserat, Llv. B. Traner., a,
for 230 for
ovtlfu, 1l:ttcA: totlua negotll, Cfc.; b, fn iogtc, fonds ·lcll1, m. an areh, mtdt. L Oea.
lp«iu, Cle. llL fcm11 as a modd : &, a shnt· parietl11, Cle. IL E.'lp., A. Fomlx F'l.bll, Cl
last, Hor.; b, a mould, stmitp for coillfoo, Ov. trimnP.hnl m-ch. ~cttd /YJI Q. Fabitu Ma.ziau..
formi.mentum ·i, 'n. (fom10),, jorfl1, B. M1ht. t. t., a, an archtd llCllly-rW>Tt, Liv.; b,
Luer. . a cove1·td way, Liv. C. B ln'Othd, Hor.
formi.tUra -&e, f. (formo), B fonrc., forming, =
fona11a f11rnu.s (q.v.).
tbr11i.ati011, Luer. foro, l. (cf. Rngl. bore), to pin"OI!, Plaut.
Formlae -11.rnm, t to1D1' on t114 of fora. ahl. forte, f. (fero), only In nom. and aN.
1.ntinm, fam£d far it. wine, now Mola di. Gaitu. sing., chmiu, l11ck. L I., gen., Red baec ut fort
Adj.' Forml&nua .... ·UUI, of or ~lo11gh1g w tulerit, Cie. ; 2, esp., a, abl., fom, br ch4•oo,
}'on11irr.e. ~ubst., Formli.num -i, n. (se. used with 111, 11!11, ne, nlsi, etc., Cic. ; b, a<ll".
J•Mlcdinm), an ut11lt nro1· Formiat, Cle. =
fof!I f'ortnll11e, 1111 chmi~. Verg.; s. f'on for•
formioa -ae, r. (co11nectoo with 11-tipµ.71(), an tuna, (IOOll heck; cuu aut forte fortnn.'\, Cle.
a11t, t:ic. D. Pf'riionif. as a deity, dt>a Fol'l', Ov.; ~p.,
Fora Fortuna, Liv.
formid&bDfs -e (f'onnldo), ezcitifl9 terror, forsia. a•lv. (= fors 11lt an), perhaps, I.Iv.
frorf11l, for111idnblt; lumen, Ov. ·
1. formido, 1. (perhaps connect~ with for&lt, adv. (fors sit), perlia]», Hor.
hoi-reo), tn ftet1", lte /righlt11ed, tt1Tijltd, to drtrul; foraltln. :idv. (fors ait an), J>rrhaps, Cic.
0111ni11, Cit-. ; with the h1fln., naribu11 utl, lfor.; fortau6. adv. (fors).1ie1·Jui1.111; a, with ver-M,
with 11t and the 11uhj., T11c. dolent fortn11Ke et anguntur, Cle.; with 1mQj.
2. formido .Jui"• f. (J. f'ormldo). L Lit.. , fortai;se ilix1•rlt quispiam, Cle.; b, with adj.~
A.}''"" tire{((#, ttrror; Stolei <lt•finiunt f'onnl•I· at\\'., res fortai1Re \'eme, Cic.; inconrliu furta.sse,
tlinl'm mdnr11 JWi-111n11<•11te111, Cic-. ; f<•rmldl11e111 Cic. ; c, with 11m111Jers, about; trigluta fort."\ISe
111icui injit·en., Ci<'. B. J<;Kp .. ttlilli.01111 met; \'l'rtlllS, Cic.
exi11t1111t honihileK fonuidiuc!!, Cic. IL Meton., forti, v. fors. '
that which causes jrur, Cic.; a11d e11p. a llalrterow, fortloill1111 ·a -um (dim. ot tortia), tW:rublJ
Hor. atrong, bnrrt, covmgt(»LS, Cle.
formidol0s8,, adv. (formldoloeus), fear-
htlly, tn·riltty, Cic.
fortt. -e (old form foretl11 torectis, from
fero, 01;g. 011, tluit can enlfurr. mudt), lltnnlg,
formidolosus -a -um (2. formlllo). L 1>0~rf11l, chtrcrble. L Lit., phyidcally, arintg,
.Act., uciti11g fw.r, tt1Tiblf, frorful; tempora, tlumblt, po11~frtl, ro1mst, staut; ligna fortisairna,
Cic. ; helium for111i<lolo11i1111i11111m, Cie. IL Neut., Caeii.; colonl, \"erg. IL Tm11sr., mentally, bmnt,
fmrf11l, timi,/; with ohj. gcnlt., formldolo1dor coumgeou.a, llO'Ht, ~ttatlfaat ; 1, or peT110ll8, horurn
lH>stimu, Tac. omnium tortiuimi 11unt &lgae, CaM.; fortior
formo. 1. (f<'>rmn.). L to form, lllutpe, fruhW'll. in dnlore, Cic.; vlr forti1111imuscontra audacU!m.,
A., materiam, Cle. ; orn.tloncm, Cle. B. Cic. ; forU11 ad peril'ul&, Cle.; prov., fortes for-
'l'mnsf., 1 ro, order, n•vulott; fom1atis tuna atljuvo.t, for'11.11.11 f11rour1 tltd lmive., Cic. ; so
c>11111ib11" at\ belli et pnch1 11s1111, Lh-.; 2, toftuhio1l elliptically, fortea fort&ina, Cic.; 2. or t.hlnga.
I'll e<lttcution crnd hatiit, to acct1llto11i, lhnpt; uovoa r.011rag;!01L1, tnergetU;: sententla, C"ic. ; geuua
collcga11 in suos more11 Liv. ; S, to diirpo11, prt· diCt'nrli, Cle.
1'" re: anlmo11, Cie. ii to fiuhioll 011t of IDllMI· lord•, Adv. (fortl11), 1, ltrcntfly, ~""111;
thi1117. A., of i;culptont, etc., 11lgnum fn forthia attrnbere lora, Ov.; 2. hnim11, c:oaTCJ-
111ullt'lire111 flgumm, Cle. ; cl118lle111, to build, Cle.; geoualy, IUad/astly; ferre dolorem, Cic.
.JIC!Tl!Olllllll llO\"llm, of nctorf!, to f'tP"stllt, Hor. B. fortltiido ·lnia, f. (fortia), brtuirrr, eo11rrr~.
Tnm11f., to/>rod11et, fonll; quatuor mod ls formatas litad/astmu, jlnruttu, /m'titwle, Cle.; plur., for-
in anlmis 10111inu111 deorum eMe notioues, Cie. titudlnea, dud1 of bmttt'T'll, Cic.
formona ... v. fonnoa. forttito (~ adv. (fortuitua), bf
formo.8, mh·. (formoau11), PH.rudl.ftilly, graCe- c11anct, br accWmt, fo1'ttntotttlr, Cle.
/111/y, Pwp. forttitua -a -um (fol'll), accidtlllal, mnttl.,
form6altaa -i\tls, r. (f'onnosus), beauty, Cle. /ortttit°"'; concuraus atomorum, Cle.; .ubitA
formosus -n -um (forrna). 'htattti/ttll11 fCWTMd., et fortnlta oratio, tmprnud&tattd, Cle. Subet.,
l'f1r11tif11l; viq.:i11c11 formoelsKlmae, Cle.; of ab- forttiita -{irnm, n. chan~ OCCKTttllMI, Tac.
11tractio1111, 1e111p111i, spri11.g, Ov.; virtuu nlhll {ortiina -ae, f. and J>lur. artiinae -Arum.
nt. furmosins, Cic. • f'. (fon), cluina, jau, lot, luck,f(1f'ft11u. L Gen.,
formiila -ne. f'. (Jim. of tonna), 1, a "'le, A. a, sing., 11r011pcra, tJeCund11, go<><I /ort-wru,
rnturn, tclmae; <lieen<.li, Cle.; ad fonnulam Cle. ; advef!IA, mi.eforltt-nt, Cle.; fortunae se or
vi\'ere, \ie. ; 2, eRp., a, tlle form Q/ an agreement 01m1iA oornmitteno, Cle. ; b, plnr., fortnnAe
111'tH'rt1t tlie Roma11 senate and ill aUu.&; Lamr111- t1el'11m111e, Cic. B.. PeJ'llOn!t., Fortuna, tl~ !PO'f·
ace11os in socloru111 formulnm ref'en-e, Li\'.; b, <lrM of clioiicv, Cle.; flllua Fortnna.e, a farottnu
t~ ruti110 ()f tltt ansor; censum agere ex f'or- of fort11.11t, Hor. IL Esp. A. Without an
11111l1t, Liv.; c, lt:g-n1t. t., form Q/ lDONU,fornu1Ui; eP.ithet, l,= {ortun11 111 cuntla, Cle.; fortuuam
)10st11lntion111n, testnmcntorum, Cle. s1bi lp1mm facere, Liv. ; per tortunu I br tAw
fornacilla -e (Cornax), relating to a7' own: tuna gC'Od fortunt ! for Htat"f'A'I .ah! Cic..; 2,= for-
rlt>a, the pocldts• of OVllll.6 (Fornax), Ov. Bubst., adversn, contra fortunam . paratua arma-
tnBque, Cle. B. 1, lit., &, lot, cmadUicm, "'*-
Forn&ciilla -!um, n. the futiml of tM goddus modt of lift; l11ftu1a 11Uvoru1u, Cic.; mngna, o
F01'11a.T, aaid to ~en imtituttd br N!ITIKI. Mgll. porition, Llv. ; b, of things. boua belll, Cic.;
fornaoiUa -ae, f. (dim. Of fornax). B little 2, rneton., a lot, 1hans; eui eeult triplicla
own, Juv. fortnna novl1111ma regnfj OT. ; b, propnf'r, JW·
fornax: -icl11, f. (root FOR, connected \\'Ith lffll"iom; gen. plur., al cui boria fort11nuqot
fer-veo, liEp·,.,ck). 1, an otltn, f11rrwa, lifa; adimere, Cic.
ardens, Cle.; poet., Aetuae, Ult cra.ttr, Verg.; 2, fortiinati. 11dv. (torlunatua), 7iapp0r, p.
venonlf., Fon1ax, the goddta Q/ owns, Ov. tu11attlv; vivere, Cit'.
fornloatus ·•-um (forulx), MCAed. wtclttd; fortiiUtua -a -um, p. adj. (tortwio), ~
J.11.riea. Cic. ; via, Liv. lucky, Jbmmcm. L Gen., homo, Cle. ; reailUb
for 231
Uta. Cle.; lnanlae. Uu Wa!MU o/ CM blal, Kl111.., tn.gltlll-e (frango). LA. Lit., tarily&rol'.tll,
~ Plin.; eo fortunata nemora, El)llium, Verg. /ragih; ram!, Verg. B. .Meton., crockl~'114;
Babst., fortimi.tua .f, m. a favourite of fnr· Jauma, V"rg. U. Trana!., a, frail, tmuitory;
"'1w, Cic. IL Esp., well off, t11talthy, rich, Cle. corpus, Cic. : n•1 hum&11ae 1 Cic. ; b, 'IOflClk.
fortiino, I. (f0Tt11nn), to fll4kt M'Jl'PV, blu!, 'IUf'Wh#; annl, Ov.; Pedlatia, Hor.
1"0'Jlfr: ti bi patrimonlmn del fortuneut, Cle. tri.gllltaa -:ma, t. (fragilie), JmUty, ~
1. Qirill -6rum, m. (dim. or forua), a book· 11na; bu1111111I generl1, Cle.
IJJll, Juv. fragmen -mlnl11, n. (fr1mgo), a pfeot broke"
2. I'~ -3n1m, m. a ~ fn tAe S<tbtne off, JroriTMnl; lo 11lur., ruiH.1: lngcllJI
CI01Ultry, now Chrlta ToM~llCI. Verg.; frsgmln11 navfgil,Ov.; fragme1ill,remGiU.
rvina, V11rg., Ov.
Sram ·I, n. (cr.nnected with foras and for!Rl, ftoagmentum -1, n. (fl'llngo), 11 pf.tee brom
ma opn L in front of a tomb, a p. Cle.. U.
A. an opi!ll 1ff11art, nuirktt-ril<ra, Liv.: e11p. at ojf, jragrunt; pl11r., "'"'"; Japidle, Cie.; frig·
Rome, 1, a, fornm Rnmanum, or magnum, or ment.a saeptorum, Cle.
Yet11i1, or simply fomm, an optn 11la~ a4 I~ foot trif.gor -~rla, m. (frango), 1, breakfng ta
of tk Pabitiiie mtd Capitnlirns llill.I, when kgol, f)feca, Luer.; 2, G loud 1i0i~, crash of /nlfb&f
poliliaJl, a1td com"1LT'Cilll blaina1J 100.s tra'Madlll, ~. Liv. ; 11oi.e of the 1ta, Verg.; ot thunder,
Cir.; b, forom Cae1nri11, fot1ndw by J. Cat-"llr, Ov.; t'ragorem dal'f!, to, Ov.
&et.; c; fnmm .Aug11sti, buill by .dugtl.lttu, Ov.; frk6aua -a -um (fragor). L JragUe; A.
d, forum Trajan!, bviU b11 Trajnn; 2, as mere Lit.,- T:m,r. B. Trans!., rough, untt>en: sllva,
niarli:et·, a, fomm bovarium or boarinm, Ov. ll. cmahing, roaring: torrene, Yerg.
U., «1tUt-11U1rUl, Cle. ; b, forum olltorium, wr1e-
ft'aarana -antis, p. aUJ. (!'ragro),
"1bit nwu·tet, Liv.; c_, forum pi!ICllrium or plara- t«ntttf; mella, Verg.
tori11m,fll,l&-ma:rket, Liv.; 3, in reference to pub-
lic bu11i11e1'1, Jaw, and mercantile tranMCtiona, fragrol 1. to 111ielZ IVltct, bl fragrant; UD•
Term di! fom arripere, to 1t1t common a1td vulgar guento, & l.
crprtsiio111, Cic. ; ann011 jnm trliclnta in Coro tngum, v. fraga.
VCl'S&ril, thou. 11.a.1'1 bttn in burinua th&rt,, YfJ!lTI trango, t'regl,, S. (root FR.AG, con-
alrett1ig, Cic.; forum attingcre, to btgin to a:Pr_Zr nected with p~y""µ'), to brt1•1:, brtJak in. pifclu,
OWttlf to 1nl.blic lnuinu1, esp. legiil, Cle. B. shatter, dash to p-Ucu. L A. Lit., 1, domum
Tnnsf., 1, a place of trade, VaccR, rorum rernm Japldum r.onjeetu, Cle. ; compluribus navfbua
mi11ium tntluR regnl maxime celebrl\tmn, Sall.; fractia, da.~M1l to pi~, Cae@. ; l'Uhlm laqueo,
I! !At cltttf pltios or tnarktt-toum of a di.strict; to atraragu, t!RIL; glebea rutrla, to brmJ: """U.
dvitak>a qnae fn fd tornm convenerant, '111hich. Verg.; 2, e!lp., a, to grind; fruice.a axo:..Verg. ;
art ill tllal dmrlcl, Cle. ; forum ai,'f're, to hold. an b, to bre.ak (a limn); bracl1jurn Cic. B. Tranaf.,
lllli:t, Cic. Henre, the name of sevel'lll tow111, a, reftu. ae rrangere, to ONaA: 1
up (of weather,
a. Fo11:1u1 Appil, 011 the Via Appia in I.a ti um; b, colc.l, heat, etc.), t:ic.; b_.. to slwrtn ti!IMI; diem
Torum Anreli11111, ""Etruria, on the Via Aurtlia, morautRm mero, Hor. .1.L Fig., 1, to 'ICtCIUn,·
now Nonu .Altr.; o, Forum Comelll, in Gallfa ae Jaboribw1, Cle.; 2, a, to ~r, tame, 111.b-
C~<ota, now /7Mfo: d, Forum J1111i or dus; nat!onea, cupidltatell, impetum, Cle. ;
Julium, '" r'.allfa NnrboM1UU, now Fr-.Ju; e, b to di3<·011mge, dilpirU, h'Um11le; Clodium,
Forum Vocouii, i• Gallia Na.rbo1U1Ui..s. de. ; frangi animo or frangl, to he ducouragtd,
An.a ·I, m. 1. Uu aanf11ony of a '11ip, Cle.; Cle. ; 3, to bend, to11cA, mow; te ut ulla res
~t plur., a 1"0U1 of 01t• fa the thtalTI, Liv. ; 8, f'ran~'Bt, Cle.; 4, tobrtJak, v£olaU; ftdem, Cle.
par., tlu cdl1 of btt41, Verg. trater ·tris, m., G broC.Wr. L Lit. fratre9
roa -6rom, m. a German people near t1&e geminl, t1Mn-brotMTI, Cle., Ca#Qr M;l Pollu, Hilduhe£rn, Tse. Ov. ; fratres gemelll, Ov. ; gnmanus, oum brotMrt
,. . . -ae., r. (fodlo), a di""lt, tnn.cll: a fossam Cic. U. 4 fratre1 (like G.~>..+oO, brollaen aM
dncere, Caes.; fa...eere, Codere, Liv.; oMucere, 1ister•, Tac. B. a., fra ter pa.truell1, Cle., and
Jll'M'tlucere, Cic. ; vallo et foasi cingere, Cle. ; simply frater1 COt1$in, Cle.: b, brotMr-in.-l4w,
fOMa.." irnplere, Liv. : bJ canal, bed of a rlwr; Liv. C. brotl'ler (as term ofen<learmeut),frieJUI.
Rhenl, Cie.; !<>Mae Clull ae, Liv. Cle. D. fmtres, or things alike, poaitl ex
folllo -00.11, I. (fo<lio), ci digging, oeaiiatioti, ordlne frntres (of writings), Ov.
Cic. friiteroiUua ·I, m. (dim. of trater), a lUU.
foe.or -~rl11, m. (fnclio), ci digger, deZwr,Verg.; brother (a11 term of endenrment) ; ap. Cic.
poet., a boor, clown, Cnt. tri.terni, a<lv. (fratemua), f" R brotl&erlr
loesiira -ae, f. (fodio), a d(gging, Suet. manner, U.u tl brotlltr. A. Lit., ftLcere, Cle.
fitua, r•rtlc. of ff>veo. B. Trans!., heartily; ab allquo amarl, Cle.
fOvU ·&e, f. a pU IU a trap /o'r catch(ng ganu, lratendtae ·itla, t. (fraternu1), brot.Jurllootf,
a pi.t/a.ll; In foveam focldere, Cle. fratern tty, Tac.
!ario, fllvl, n!tnm, 2. (root FO, whence traternu -a-nm (for frllterlnns, from frater),
frm1'9, Comc11tum), to tmrm, kup 11ltirm. L A. brotherly, fmltr7W.l. L Lit., hert'dita..q, eon1ing
Lil, l, esp. of a bird keeping wann Its ~ or from a brothtr, Cle. ; Jyra, rtr.dvnl by .A polio from
Jounii, p111!011 pennisz Cic. ; 2, to ba.tlu, fcmrnl a hu MffC11f'")I, Hor. ; nex munii:r nf ca
wom111 or part of tne body; vulnua lymph!\, brotlier, Hor. D. Transf., A. related; eang•ils,
Verg.; poet., a, to Mal; ora, Verg. ; b, to 111p- Verg.; fratemll peto, 'M ai"'ll'LI o/ my cou.ri•
P'T1; colla, Verg. B. Met.on., 1, to 1fa'll con· .dchillea, Uv. B. /rfrrully; amorln DOii, Cic.
11411'tly in. a 1w•ce: l'.astra, VPrg.; 2., hlemcrn tratrlcicla -aeJ m. (frnm frater and cneJo),
Inter s.e lnxu, pua ti~ wi11kr, Verg. I&. Transl., OM who kil/8 a brot11er, u. fratricide, Cle.
L lofe4u; 1pe111, Liv.; a, to ch'; 11li<Jt1em, f'l'audatlo -6nla, t. (f'raudo), d«ril, fraud.
dLlc.; 3, to 11i1porl, /ai1011.r; voluntatem patrum,Cle.
lraudator -6rls, m. (traudo), a dudwr,
fractus ·a -um, p. adj. (frango), 10'41:, powr- defraud" ; cred It-Orum, Cle.
b; 111i11ms, broke1l. ®um, splrille.u, Cic. traudo, l. (rraua) to clmll, defmud, d«ri-.
fraeno. f'rl.enum = treno, frenum (q.v.). A. Lit., with abl., ~ecllinm magni pecuni&.
ftica -4lrum, n. """'1bm'tu, Ve.rg. CJc.; wllite1 praedi, Liv.; credlt.orea, Cle.;
fra 232 frt
lllqnem ht ht'n"<litarin R'>Cletalt', Cle. ; p.'lrti•·.
1mlmt., traud&ta ..Un11n, 11. i11i]Ottm !Jftilu;
II. 11(time, A. Act., flf''I"""'• ronurrnl; Plat.
nuolit11r, Ch,. ; cum aliquo fn••1111•11t.·111 .-..-w·,
fraudat.1 n"J<titn, Clll'i<.; B. Tnu111f., to sttal, ro be often i" o pcrlf01l':r tYim1ui1y, Ck B. Pa.M...
en&l~ul<': 11ti1ientliu111 eqnitum, Cac11. frtq1U11tl111urtd, nuintro1111: l'OCUla, Cic.
fraudillentla -ae, r. (frnudulmtm1), dtcelt· trequenti.tlo-Oni><, r. (frt'flll!'llto).Jrc•r~11.ry,
/11/, l'l1111t. ftt•JIUllt uae; argumenturmn, C1c.
traudiUentua ·a -nm (fraus), dtCXitf11l, trequentatus -o. -um (partic. of f'N"]neuti>),
/nrnt/ 11frllf; t:arthnginie11111•11, Cic. ; venditlo, Cic. full of, ol101111rli11u fo; :;t·umi 11~ntentiis frt·•I'•Cllt-
D'aUS. fr:i111li~, f. dtttit, dtct1•tion, fm.111/. 11tu111, Cic.
I. A. Lit., 1, frnus odio •lii.:na majore, Cic. ; frequenter, 111h·. (frt>qu1·ns), /1-r1111~11tl11,
1<i11c fr.111•le, ho11011robl!I, CacH.; frauilcm foccre m1111rru11~/y 1 i11 /<11'fl'- numbers. 1, •11111111 :aol cum
legi, I.iv., or contra legt'm, Liv., or 11euatns freq11r11ter tier cos tlit's wutitaturos ,.., ...s..,,•
c•u111111lt.o, Cic. ; 2 ul/-duei!Jion, error; in dlxiAAent, Cic.; 2 ftt•{'1t11tl11, oflc11 : :i•ll1il.:·11<l:i.
rr.u1tle111 inchlere, de,alol, Cie. B. Meton., iitjflf")/, frequc11tiusetlam i!la orn1111u.mtu f!'l'Ulll Nlll1t, Cic.
1l.a111ngt, lo~, caiual by dta]1tlo11; 11\ieui fraudem tlrequentla ·at?, r. (fre1p1e11s), 1. " lurlfC
r.. rre, or !lheul fraud! elllle, to amu luss to, <;ic. coiu·o 11 r1e, m111itr0111 <U1Snnbly: eh·ium, Cie. ; tn:·
D. a crimt,. oft1ia; f111udt'111 1uscipere, C1c.; quenli:'i. crei;cere, ro incrmst in 11()111tlnli1111, l..i\'.;
franrlem c-p1tale111 admlttere or auilcre, Cle. 2 a large tmm!Jtr ab1u11la1u;e • 11Cp11lcroru111 Cic.
(gcuit. plnr. fnrntllum 11.nd fraudum). 'tlriquento, 1'. (frequen:). L A. ~. or
lra.Jdneua ;• -um (fraxlnus), o/ cuh-wood, pel'l(n 1111, to coUict in lurue u1111Wt-rs; •le 1ln1110
OAliw: trobt'M, \erg. 11erib:111 ad aerurlum, Ck.; b, trnu!lf., of tl1i11i..'><,
1. traJtiDUJI -a -um = f'raxlneus, Ov. 111ulta acervatlm, Cfr_ B. to visU i11 lar'l"
2. traxlDua -1, r. 1, lit,, nn flJ!ll-trtt, V:erg.; 'l!ITl~lffl; a., to attend 'UJI01' It ]'!{'r!'O!l tll l••f11t'
2, met.on., a lt]'t«r or javtli1l, tlit 111cVf of which munbtn; Mariu111, Sall.; b, to ctlebrufr o /"'4-
UlflA t11mlt ofruh-wood, Ov. ivity ill lar9t t111mbtrs; fcri1111, Cic.; c, to uwl~
l'rigellao -irum, f., rown of the Vol•ri, in '.'pin« pop11lou~, to ~01>/c: url~~· Cic. ; 11olit111J.
I..atifim, 011 the Liru, now Cqn-aiw. Adj., Fri- 111e111 lt.al111t', Cic. ~ A. to ,,,_.,, /1Y:t/ttt11tl.11. to
gel.lan1111. ·n -um, F~llan. frtq11tllt; don!um, C1c: B. to rtJ>crrt i'01u;t1111ll!f;
- - f'. ,, El . vcrul tra111d11t11111c111, C1c.
• ,,....genae •11 rum, • town OJ mrui. . trisua (f~sisus) -a -um, '" frcndo.
fr~~ibun4ua ·n ·um (fremo), gro10/m17, lrotum -1, n., nn<l frotua -n.., iu. (romu·..tcJ
..... it ' •
711urmurtng, Ov. • w ltl I P•fLI'
• · anu 1 l'l I
PfLOJ/)01' • • a, I • t I(" ...... ;
.1 • .,, ) rrel 111'
u-amldua -a ·Um (f'remo), mgu1g, Ov. Hadrine, Hor.; b tht' !Jn·rnq (ru; the time of'
tlremltua -l\11, m. (fremo), a /O'ID murmuri11u, trau1'1itlon from colt\ to 111!.it), Lner.; c, 1t~111, rin-
wurlftring, ~ling t&Oilt, mt1rnl1lr, roar; i:imr· lr11<Y, mgi11g; aelati11, Luer. ; 2, o 11lmit, ,iu11111I,
1111111111til1 mans, Cle.; tl'rrae, Cle.; egcntimu, firth, chauncl; gen., a., Sicilicnsc, Ilic ·"'"'"'" nf
Cic.; equorum, Liv.; apum, Verg. /tft...sirw, Cic.; noKtri muris ct oct·n11i, tiu- St1uil•
tlrimo ·di -ltum, S. CJJ~#A"")• ro roar, murmur, of Gilmiltar, Sall.; b, esp., the .Sl1Uits uJ
groll'l. I. lntnmslt., a., of anl11111!11 and things, Mt.'Qlina, Cic.
leo, eq11u11, Verg.; f'rcmunt ri}l&l', nutlt, Verg.; =
1. unu~l.'ll fr"t'o l sfren!]tli-
b, of pen10n11, 111etlth\ fremunt, Verg.; a<lvcl'lim1 tn), 11trwgtht:ntd, hence nlyinu 011, c<111J!tli11'1 i11,
ln,lutlam decretl f'remen>_. Liv. JI..1'rnn11lt., tru11ti11g, d?>tn1/ing on: wiU1 the 11.hl., \·nlois,
1, to m11rnmr 01it 10n~th1n.p, upra11 i11 «c-rt:t, Ck.: i11tell1g<'ntia vc:itrii, Ci<:.; with dat., 11ulll
pr11m11/,, complain; uno onmcs eatlc111 ore freme. rl'i, Liv. ; wiU1 acc. nud i11li11., satill fn•l 11-< t'"-'>t"
liant, Yel"l(.; witlt acc. aud 1111111., ful11.111 esse et etin.rnuuuc tolcrauJo cerlmniui lq.:at11111, Li\.
a llCri~ vltlatall (lltteru) freme~nt, Liv.; haec
tr.-mmt pleu11, Liv. ; jam vero Arnu1 eon11ulat11111 ' .
2. tretua -Uli 111 . frctum (q. v.).
•ilii ereptnm (remit, Cle.; 2 ro dtuwiul rullfor frloo, fried!, fr~ctum, nu<l frlr.at11111 1 1. to ml•,
10ilh ttttri or ragt; anna, Verg. ' rub '!.'nD11.; (su~) ri:icat arbore custa.~, \ er:;. .
trimor-oris, m.(fremo), '1l1<1'111t1ri11g; varins, trigeo, 2. (juy«w). L to 1~ r.•lr!, ,,,. 1<11ff tt·1 1i
V'!l'l(. cold (opp. <'lllcre)i co~pus fn,.;1•11t1s (of. u olo.'3(
&endo, trl111um (f'l"f'Ksum), S., 1, lntr:im1it., J>erson), Vcri;., I • 'lra1111f., A. lo I~ t11<1d1_r:•
with or without dc11tlbt1!1, to g1111~h tltt tutli, life/a.<, lang_111d, to jl11g: qnum 01111_11a t·o11s1ha
Cic. • 2 transit., ro cruah, brui.$t, grind; fubam, fn;:e~t·nt, C1c. .B. to l>t colrl/11 rr··.,r1·.t, f.11l··''
Varr'. • exc1trnu a1>Jirob<uw11; 1taq11c (cu11t10) fni;:cliat, C1c.
friDl -Orum, m. v. frenum. frigero, 1. (frigns), to ooul, rrfn:s11, C.-it.
IJ'ino, 1. (frennm), to bridle, curb; 1, lit., lrigeaoo, frixl, 3. (fri:_:eo). I. Lit., In l>rcnrnt
eqnm1, \'erg. ; 2, trarn1f., to MlrV, rtstmin, check, cold; Jfl.'tles 111a1111sq11e, Tnc. IL Trnnsf., ru l~-
lwz.l in; cur1ms aquarum, \'erg. ; furol'l!s, Cle. co11tt 1'1n!7uid, inactit•t: ap. Cic.
Frenti.n.I -•1rum, m. a Samnitt tlt!oplt on tht friglde, :i.1lv. (fri~hlns), coldly; hl'll<'<' t1~m,.f.,
ftUlt coast of IU!/11. Hence, adj., l'rentanus la11g11irlly, /u/Jly; ali11uid ngcre, np. Cic.
-a, ·112n. Frtntanian. _ • friJd4iUua -a -11111 (<li1n. of frii:iolns). l.
~D1!Jll ·I, n., plnr. ~ ·urum! 11., n"!'tl 1<0111e1Vfwt cold, \'erg.; 2, trausf., .o;cmrwl"'t f11i1t1,
!rent -orum, m. (ftendo), hmflr, rc111.<, 1111; /a 11 u11 irl, Cat.
rrcna remlttere, to gu"t !ht rdn.f tn, Ov. ~ so fr_c1111 ftigidua .o, ·nm (frigeo) r:oM friqitl m.•I.
dnn>, o,., ;
frenos lnh1ht'~e, to tlmw rn •. L1'" ;
fig., frcnos drne lmP'>tentl natul1\•', to {llt't full
L A. Lit. ftumen Cic .. r:ir.i \ .......: • 1~m 111 s
,· y,' : ' tri.! id " :-, . '
llhcrt11 to, Liv.; nli!'ul fr('J1os n11liih1•re, to hritllr, ttrnlrr,_. ';rg. 8 l~ 1•st. P1ur., g ~.; rm~•:~'.·
Cle.; rreno11 rt'dJ:l<'rt', to '111miit to t/11! rein, Cic.; ro/1l, C11 ..• or thl cl11l~ or dl'atl1 or. ll 1..,!11, \I I~­
rrc1111m monlt·re, to rhnft ct!7nin..'lt rtstrninf, Cir. B. 1:'1nsf., .11 i:ot_~. t1Uict11:r•. N1111s:s •• 1wl 1:l1 :"!:
(hi iroRe, nom. pl. freni and plur. frcnos nc~nsator fr1~11h_ssm11U1, C1l'. , h1t.ernc, ~". , 2,
l th frel 1a) of tl1l!co11nic, /rtgL<I, dnll: c.'\hu11111:1, C1c. U.
commoner an • Act., arnsi11g cold: si1lcm, Ov.; 1nu1"J<, Yt·10 .;
frioueu -entlH. L of' Apace, A. _Act.! of rumor, d1illiug, anuing fl"igM, Hor.
a crowil, etc., nm1~rou1, crowdtd; lei;at10, Liv. ; . . ( . ), ,
senatmi, Cle. B. Pull., ofpll.<'es,ful/,/rttpitntttl, frlgo, fnx1, frlctum, 3. 4>pvyw fl> roo;N.,
fllltd, po71111irns; theatrum, Cic.; m1mkipium, 11((rr~, Hor. . .•
tic. : with abl., freouens cu11todiis locus, Li\•. frigua -iir1s, n. <P•')IOf), coM, coo111ts.J, rolJnus.
f ri fru
L Lit.., A. physi~Tll cold: 1, gen., vis Mgnris nomy, worth, e:rctllenc~, Cir. ; cognomen Flugall·
e~ Cllloris, Cic.; 2, esp., a., tlu cold of 11.'£,./er; tati:1, the 511Nlllm~ Frugl, Cle.
r!"lp~r f1lgoi-a,; b, meton., (Cl) wintu, friigaUter, adv. (frngalis).frugetlly, flCC1!(>11\£•
\'erg.; (/3) a rold 71!ac.:; frigus nou l1ahltnbile, cally, "'"' u, ;1,1, ltr.nm.:rnbly, Cic.
Ov. B. cni1111t! co/,/; a ofd1·ath, Vt·r~.; b 1 of tr- • fr
fr'i:ht, \'erg. IL 'l'ra11st., a., coldrltis iii actwn, ug ... v. ux.
i ·«iO:~r1a, rt'l'li~srt~•. ap. Cic.: b, coldnt" i1• friiglfer -f!lra -fllrum (Crux a nit fpro). A.
lKlt<wt!:-ur, etK.1Iu.~"• disf<H'Ollr, Hor. Lit., fr111t-l1ml'i11g, fruitful, fei·tik: ager, Cir.;
11111111·11, 111rti. iug f."uit/11/, Ov.; with ab!., alimcuti:t
frigiltio (triguttfo), 4. 1, to twitter, chirp, f111;.:ifer.1 lnsuln, Liv. B. Tnm~r., profltab~, ad-
Suct ; 2, to sfomuicr; Plaut. t'tll11i1:1r111u; tota philQsophia fntgifera et frue-
frio. 1. to rub, cnt111ble, Luer. tnos.'l, Cic.
Frislt -ornm, 111. the 1'"ri1i1111!1. Adj., Fris- friig!fereJlB -entls (frux and fero), fruitful,
lus ·a -urn, Fri.;i<m. fe1tilr, Luer.
fritlllwi -i, 111. a diu-'bor, Jnv. trugilegus -a -um (f111x and leg..,), collecti119
ftivolua ·& -um (frio). 5illy. tri.ffinp, miatr- fruit: for1111ra1!, Ov.
nl.:•, t:."'' t!.;,.,_., Pli11. Suust., frivola -ormn, n. triiglparus -s -um (frux and pario),·
tcrt!dv<i fur11.iture, Juv. ful, 7m.1ljic, Luer.
f.rondator .(i.;-,, 111. (1. fronll). one 'Who cul3 triUtua. friiitiirua, v. fruor.
!.'ff /•..;lN$, a JITllll.l'T <f tra.•, V~rg. frUmCDtiirlUS •I\ ·Ulll (frnmentum), rtfafin(I
frondeo. 2. (I. from1), to be in ltrr.f, be ua/11, or belo11ai11{! to ar11in or rorn: reg, tl1t 5!1/'l'l!t nJ
r.ul4 w1tl• lral"C.S; nunc fron<lcnt silvne, V~rg. rorn, Cle.; lex, relat'1111 ta thl! 1•rice of grain,
frondesco, 3. (ind1ont. of frondeo), to come Cic. Snb~t., trliment&rlua ·Ii, m. a cor11·
'11.'·) fr,./, pit forth 1mrt4, Cic. '!Mrchan.t, Cic.
ft"ODdCUS -R ·Ul11 (1. frm1$), ltt:tf!f, full Of u.a.f, friim.entatfo~nl>1 1 f. (frurnentor), aforag£11g,
t;<;rrr~u. rit/1 frill''!•; llClllllli, v~r.;.; tccta, lea/11 CnP~.
co~rn = tra!I in full leaf, \'er;;. triimontator -llrle, m. (Crum en tor), a forager,
f.rondlrer -ters. -f~111m (I. frons and fero), provi<lrr nf corn, Liv.
lr..j.l:r:crri "(], ltct/y, Luer. friimentor, l. dep. (frnmentum), to /<n"a{}t,
tr-ondO&ua -a -nm (1. fro11s), full of ltaves, f•kh rum: fr11111e11tari in prophrquo n.:,-ro, Liv.
Ut.if!I: r:u1111"I, Ycrg. friimentum -i, n. (fruor), grain, cor1i, Cic.
I. frons. frond is, f. A. a lfaf, ltr1f11 twig • triior, frnctus 1111d rro.1t11" sum, 3. dep. 1, to
<>f' 1'ro1nch, fi•l ia_11,; Yia intl'l'cln!lll. f1 Oll(lilms et tn,iny, to drli11ht in, to derit'e ndmnf1111r from: wit.h
Ti~11Jti~, Cic. B. JIJcton., a c11apltt or crown. of ab!., vit.'i, Cic.; volnptnk, Cic.; vot!~, to obtain
ktrd, llnr. one'a U'i.•h,,.•,
Ov.; nmiciliae rccor'liatlonc, to l<tktl
2. frons,, front is, f. tllr f1rehv1.1I, brow. I. Lit., dcliyltt ill, Cic. ; nlisol., jucundin!I est c11rcr1• ciuam
A, frnnt..-rn cn11tmhere, to froum, Cir.; l'Xl'lican~, frul, Cic.; 2, to hara the. 11se and tnjoy111eitt of;
tJ ur. •:ri uL Ir: lht /,ro11', becomt c/1ee1j11/, Hor.; fu11'1i~ certi~, Cle.
front.em frrirr nr )'P•Tukre, Cic.; b, ti~ fi»·ehn:ul FriUdno -011ls, m. town of tM V.1lsc! f1'
cu 4 ,ign of the faliurrs; laet.a, Yrrg.; sollicita, f.atimt1, uow FrosinoM. H1mce, Frilalnaa
J'rot... rva, Hor.; frilnte occultRre sent .. 111 iam, ·litiR, of or br/011ging to Frusino.
Cit"~ IL Tr:iusr., A. the fJltfsi<u; 1, ~eu., tnhe1· trustra (for frustern, Rhl. or. frustcrus, con-
11.le, Cat.. ; 2, tsµ., tht c1lge of a roll or t-olu.~, <l 1 f t
Ov. B. tltt .frout, f"rrparl; 1, gen., frons a•I· nected with fran o), , in error; rns ra essc,
v 2 T t to be deaiTYd, flli.•takw, Snll. ; 2, fa ro!n, tttt·
versa (moiot il\)• l'T~.; • eSI'. 1111 it. · t., a, less/y, tt•i//1out effect, 111111trr.~.'<f11·i111, Cle.; !rustm
t.u va"; et a fr 1te et n t;·rgo circumir•• hostcm,
C:it•:1:.; a. fruntc iu~tare, Liv.; b, the /•"Ollt line
es><e (nlicui), to fail, 8all.; frustm tempus cou-
fa battle; fn>nklll ae11uarc, Liv. C. fro111a'}4 (iu tern, Cic.
llKa.'onring t:iwl), Jlor. frull'tri.tlo -rlniR, f. (fruglro), /allure, dia-
an~~::::l.~~~ ~1 ~'.· ~tror,
fron'talla -Ium, o. (2.. trona), tlufrontld of a I. (frnstra),
hor,,., Liv. to cheat, de~tiiv, trick; 11os fn.l~ii. atciue inani
fr-onto -~nfo•, m. (2. frons). L a miin- wlth a 11 pe, Liv.; Cocerj11:1 vidc nc frn~tretur, <.:le.
1.rr.n.-l /nrrhrad, Cic. IL Frnnto, a R01nan. 811.T·
,.n.,.,. ,... frustum .1, n, (fruor), a bit, pftcf, monel oj
rroC!tliarius -a. -um (fntctni1), fruit-bt'aring, foo<l; fl'm;ta esculcuta, Cie.; in frui;tn secare,,tul; "';.;'' i frnctnarlos hnbcnt. ci\·itat.•s,
l)llOS Ycrg.
fr·r v;/ifrl• ,, 1~>rlio111if tlte J.rod1tce is ]laid, np. Cie. friitax ·llc!R, m. (perhnp!I connectl-d with
rructu0sus ·A • 11111 (fructm1), frllit·l>earin(I, f3p1;w), 1, 11 thTllh, bush, Ov.; 2, II.ii a krm of
fruitful, f-:ifr/f. A. Lit., agi·r, Cic. B. Tr:iusf., rl'prnnch, /,/ocl<head, Plaut.
t..t.-. ph1Juso>phia fru~ift•m .-t fructuos.'l, Cic.; friitfoetum ·i. n. (frutex), a t71ic1;tl, 1101·.
froccl uo .. um .. ,.t, with i11t111., C1c. frutlco nml ftutloor, I. •lt•Jo. (frutcx), to
fructus -fis, 111. (frnor). L Alostr., rnjoy- shPot o-ul, l1cco111e bu.shy; 11un111 fruticctur (arbor),
" 11t, '''l"!JiTl.rf. A. Lit., Phn~t. B. Tmn~f., Vides, Cic.
;, ; ·' "'"" rnd fntct urn, /or Tn!J rnM/rrlual e111011· frutlcosus .a -11111, nd.I. with com par. and
'""'• Ci<!. II. C1111cr., t11r., _1nojir, s11p1·rl. (f1 nlcx), bushy, thick u-ith leans, full oj
l·'Q (,;.-e, fruit, i1u·"11u, A. T.1t., l'.l'<lt'<l10r11111~ ut<slres, O\-.
~1r.: fruct1111 J>f·rciJ"-·rc, d_cwctNc~ C1c.: ft uct 111 frux. frii,;is (li·nor). A. Lit., jrtt4t, prod11ce:
'""'' alic111, to /,ring J>Tnjit to, .Cic.; In frnctu 11011 011111c111 frugt'lll neqnC' 11rl1on·111 iu ng10
-~ktl', ro C•'116;dcr 11 :·r.jitalilr, Cic.. B. Tra•.1.'f., l'l'llf'rirl', Cic.; plnr., frlTaC fru:;rs 00!'.1CVC nr-
''•hn:t·•:r. g.1i11, J•r,.fil; \'ernc .vututiq, ~ie.; hu1·11111, Cic. B. Trn11i-f., a., fn•it; fr11gr11 in·
11U1·ft1111 f;:rre, or en p<·rc, or pl·rcipcrc ex ah<1na 1!11st1 h•', Cic.; hon:uu frugcm libutat1s fr1TP.,
te, C1c. . Lb.; b, mom! txctllrnce, t'irt11e; l\(I Lounm fru-
fragills ·c (frux), frugol, !<J)(lrtn.!1, tcouomi~'.'l, g"111 sc l'<'Cipcrc·, tu in~7orore oneself, Cic.; frugl
~rt·,~ r.tallrul; co!n11n>1 fr1;1gah~s1111. 11 ~. C1c. lltil'•l as an ndj., v....;ef1tl, worthy, hu11est, tli..<c-rut,
fJ .,-,..j(j;.,. iiut n-;ed in cJa.s~. L'ltln, frugl ms!cacl). I nt<<icmu, tempaate; humo, Cic.; ~rm0<lc:;tut
triigilitas -4tis, t. (fr11:,.:;alis), /rugulit11, CCO· , ct bu11ac frugi, Cic.

tuo 234 ful
tiio&tu • ·nm (p. adj. of fueo), 71ai1&ted, ftiglto, 1. (in tens. or fugio ), to ..41 ,J'ruM, oroid,
rou1ikrfeU«l, •in&ulakd: nltor, C.::lc. ; omni& &hun; quacst.inne111, Cic.
fucata et simulata a ainceris atque veri11 (secen&· tligo. 1. (fuga), 1, to pui to ftU)1r~ c1a4x mroy,
ere), Cic. drive away; homiu .. " mermcll, Cic. ; fundcrT.
l'iaolnGB ~•. m. a ~ in SoulMrn. ltal11, in atque fUgare, &II.; 2, to drivr airo!I; a, ali·
tAe cov.n•ry QftM Mai·si, uow Le.god' Cdmw. quem, Ck. ; b, esp., to drire into e:r:ilt, O\·.
fiioo, 1. (l. fucus), 1, to rolour, dye; vellera fU.loimen -lnis, n. (fulcio), a prop, -"'J'l<!rl,
byali colore, Yerg.; 2, to pai1tt, rotl{lt, Ov.; pillar, Ov.
tranaf., liadem ineptiis fucata sunt ilia omuia, fulolo fulsi, fultnm, 4. L to prop wp, mi'"
Cic. port.; 1, lit., porticum, Cit'.. ; vitis fult.'l, Cic..
fiio0.119 -a -um (1. rucus), puint«l, simulaltd, 2, transf., to sup1)()1·t. ~l<ty, tt]'hold; amicn111
co1111urfeiucl: merx, Cic. ; amicitia, Cic. C1c.; labantem re111puhlica1n, Cic.; Theru11uu
1. fiout1 -i m. (ipv11:~), 1, red or p"'rpk litt.eris, Cic. IL to 11tre11!7tM1l, recMn; post.-.>.
colour, Hor., Ov. ; 2, = proJ>0li11, the rt:d<lish \"erg. ; januam llt!ra, Ov.
.-i1l1stmice with b«s stop up the t11.lra11Ce to fulcrum -i, n. (fu\cio), 1, a post or /vol Qja
their hir:u, bee-glue, Vef!:. ; 3, rouge: 4, tran11r., cou.:h, Vcrg.; 2, 111l'to11., a, Juv.
dtceit, di.'<llimulation, prett1tce; sine fuco ac Falfiilae -arum, r. a tow11 of Uu: Sanu'""·
fallaciiR, Cic. tulgeo ful:;i, 2. (root FVL, wbeure lllY>
2. fi.0118 ·i, m. a drone bu, Verg. ruln1s). I. to lighu11; Jove, or caelo, fulge11te,
Fiifiu.s -a -um, nam of a Roman !Jell.I. Cic. II. Trani;f., A. Of Pericles, as a puT.-erful
f\'lga ;ae, t. (~). L A. Lit., 1, gen., 01:ator~ comp~red w ~upiler, fnli.;e~. tonare,
flight, r1hunng a10ay; fuga ab url>e tuq1i11sima, C1c. .as. 11 lit., to Bhine, glra111, glitkr; auro,
Cic. ; ex fuga se reci perc, Cues. ; e&1e m fuga, Cic.; fulgt•oat luua, Hor. ; 2, tra11sr., to ~ di..J·
Cic. ; in fub'llrn convertere, or dare, or ti11guuhcd, to sl&illc; virtus intarniuatis fulf~t
conjicere, Caes. ; in fuwim se dare, se confe1Te, houorihus, Hor.
11e coujicere, Cic. ; fu;,,'TM.l 11e mnn<lare, Caes. ; 01· fulgldua -a -um (fulgeo), shini11.g, glea111.i119,
•lare, C..:ic.; fugam dare, to flu, Verg. ; or, to ltt glitttriu!J, Luer.
,'l-te, Verg., Hor. ; fugam facere, to jlte, Sall., Fulglnla -4.e, f. n town ill, no11'
Liv.; or to make to.fl«, Cic., Liv.; fugam slsterc, Jiolig1w. .Adj., .Fulgilll&tllJ. of Fulginio..
to stop, Liv. ; J•lur., q11antae in periculis fugae
proximorum, Cic. ; 2, esp., flight fro111. 011is
fulgo. S. fulgeo (q. \'.).
ooun!ry, uilt, ba 1d$hllttnt; fUJ;& .Mete Iii, Cic. ; fulgor -oris, m. (fuli;eo), 1. lightniil!J; f1:l·
lllt'ton., the plru:~ nf uil.e, O\". B. Transf., di&i11- gores et to11itrua, Cic. ; 2, glitter, brilli11"c>,
dination to, avoida11.a of, at'trsion to: la\loris, bright11US; umorum, Hor. ; c:u1rlclu uri, Cl.:. ;
hellRndi, Cle. IL jfyin9, Slcijt courSt, Verg. ; of 3, trausf., brightntss, ylur11; uowiuis, O\·.; uvr:i>-
a ship, facilem f'ugl\111 exspectare, Verg.; trausf., ris, Tac.
fuga temporum, Juuitcning, Hor. fDlgUr -1\riR, n. (f'ulget>) 1, li!lhtning, Cic.;
tiigaclus. adv. in compar. (fugax), in a
2, cc th1111d~bvlt, Ov. ; coudere fulgur, Iv burr
an olijtcl u:hicli Jui.s bll11 slrud; by liglttuiilg, Juv.;
7l1tm1ur 11wre indi11l'<l to flight; utrum a se
audacius an fugacius ab hostibus gcratur helium,
3, poet. fulgor, l1rightlu11S, brilliancy; &•Ii->,
Lh·. Luer.; 1-apidum Aetnaco fulgur all ic;nc jad, OV·
(plur. fulgora, Cic.).
tiigax ·icis (fngio), 1, rtady to jlte, flying,
hnst~nill!J; I'RrthuR, Ov.; fugncissimus hostis, fUlglrilta -e (fulgur), ,-t1ati719 or bdtJ111gi1<9
J,iv.; 2, tram1f., a., jll',eling, tran&itori1; anni, to /ight11i11g: lihri, trraling oftM (religious)•ig11i·
fican~ of Lightning, Cic.
H•Jr.; ha<'C OllllliR urevia, l'ngacia, cauuca exist-
ima, Cic.; b, with geuit., avoidiiuJ; conditionis, fnlgUri.tor .Oris, m. (fulguro), a ha""f'l'l
Ov. who illterprtte<l the omt1i.s/10in light11ing, Cic.
filglens -entis. p. adj. (from fuj?in), flying falgiiritua -a -um (fulgur). struck br ligll-
from, 111'<1i<.li119; with genit., lalioris, Caes. ning, l'laut.
fUgio, fil~i, f11gltum, 3. (<J>uryw). L Intransit. fUlgiiro, 1. (fulgur), to lighten; J O\"e fulb"'llr·
A. to jkt, take to Jlioht, nm away; 1, gen., &, antt', ap. Cic.
lit., long .. , Ov.; poet., of a birrl, in auras, Verg.; ftillca -ae, (.a coot, \'erg.
b, transf., 0111111• animal ap~tit qunedRm flt fugit f'Uligo -lniR, f. (root 1''U, whence also fumns),
a quibusdam, Ve~. ; 2, e11p. a, of sol<liers, ex 1, soot, Cle. ; 2, a powder tueJ /O'r darl.zniwz
prot-lio, Cic.; b, of fugitives, a Trojn (of Aenea11) 1 tlie eyebrows, Juv.
Cic.; e6J'. of t>xiles, a 1iatria, Ov.; c, o{ slaves,
to nrn au'<ly, Hor. B. 1, to hastrn away, depart =
ftiUx ·leis, r. fulica (q. v.).
quickly; fui.;ientia Hum Ina, Hor. ; Camilla super fllllo -i'.inis, m. nfuUtr, cloth-fuller, Plaut..
amnem lu;:it, \·er;::. ; 2, to p<LSs a1cay, t·a" i,,h, fulmen -Inis, n. (orig. fulcmen, f'rom fUlt:to.
di:,,1ppear; fugiunt cnm sanguine vireR, Ov. ; and suffix -men). L ajlush of li9hlni1;g tdic.\ fngieus, lkcoming ), Cic. IL Transit., strikn SO'IJ"..tthi11a, a t11.111ulcrbo/t; fnhnine pcrcu.-
Co fee fr(lni. A. to runaway from: cen-a fui,riens KU>i, Cic. ; ictn fulminis deHa.,'Tilre. Cic. n
lup11111, Liv.; velut qui cnrrel~1t fugiens hostem, Trnnsf., A. n th11111kr·bolt, l"1-ushi1i9 mbuieil!f:
Hor.; patriam, \'er1-:. B. 1, t-0 aroid, $hun; &, fortunae, Cic.; duo fuhuinado111um pereulcnrnt,
lit., coucilia conventu»que hominum, f'.-ae!:I. ; b, Liv. B. mighty or irruislil>U! 1>0lf.Tr; Vt'thon.;111,
transf., (a) ignominiam ct dedecns, Cic. ; ~) to Cic. ; 110 of herOt"s, duo fUhnina im}'erii m,,;tn,
du:liM, rr1,u111Wt, reyct; aliquem ju<licem, Liv.; CM ttoo ScipiOf, Cic.
ncque illuu fugerim <licere, Cic. ; fuge quaererc, IUlmfneua -a -um (fnlmt>n). A. Lit., r<·
d~ r.ot uek, lfor. ; 2, to e&capc from ; Acheronta, lnting to lir11tt11illg; igues, Ov.; ictus, Hor. B.
Hor.; KCic11tia1n alil·uins, Cir. ; nliquid aliquem Tmusf., sln_yi11g, murdtrou~, datruclin;; en~is.
fugit, elhVpe$ the notice of, Cic. ; with iufln., de \"erg.; os apri, Ov.
Dionysio fugit mead te antR.a scri'l>llre, Cic. fU.lmlno, 1. (fnlmen), to lightt1t, to C1tv11da
ftgltana -antis, p. adj. (from fugito), ftyilla nnrl lig!>,tm; Jnppiter fuhuin:mit, Hor. ; impc~.
from, avoiding, Ter. horeae de part.e truds quum fulmiuat., Y1:r.;.;
ftgltivus -a -nm (Cugio), 1, adj., ftving, fl1gi- transf., Caesar fulminat bello, \'erg.
Uve; a dominis, Cle.; 2, subllt., a fugitive, esp.
a .!t"11tivulave, Cic.
fU.ltiira -ae, r. (fulcio). a aupport, J1l"OJ'1
(of food}, Hor.
Ful 236 fun
l'llriuter, v. Fulv1aa. S, or bodlee not liquid, a, lo J>OI'" ottl: 11egetern
1'111\'fu -a -nm, nanu of 11 Rom.411. gt118 of In Tiberlm, Liv.; b,_ of met.ala, lo ttUlt, oost:
lliirA tAl most ~J,bmt«l numbe1-. were Ill. F•tlvius quid fusum durius, ttor.; o, to aprl'ltldt: tern·
Fliccus, 1u1•po1 ur of C. Graccluu, and Fulvia, pora multo mero, Tih. D. Transf., A. 1, to
~ a/ Clorliua, and '4/terward• of A ril-011.i1u. llt.f"O'ID lo Uu grot£nd, often In parlic., th.r0tc1l down,
J'nlvlaater -stri, an. a• imitator of Fulvius lying; f'usi sub remis naut.Me, Verg.; 2, milit.
(PostumiIU), Cic. t. t., to r"ut, d#/tal, IOOUer, irut to jligh.l; hostes,
Liv. ; middle, to ni&A a11JUy; turpi fugi fundi,
fllh'u -a -um (root FUL, whence fulgoo), Liv. B. lo let l~; 1. middle, fundi, tc s11read:
dark or Ndduh. yello1t1, trt1c•l/I, ~llowish bfmo1l (of vltls f\mditur, Cic.; 2, a to diacharge »ii.mlu:
lion!l,wolve$,&and, gold), Verg. ;caesaries, Verg.; tela, V!'rg.; b, !uni\ per ?enestram se f'undebat,
aquil& or ales Jovis (beca11.1e of lta yellow eyes), strtanittt thr011gh, Verg.; S, of persons, reftex.,
lo 'MUlh out: plenis &ti portis, Verg.; 4~ a., to
fiimiu -a -um {rumus), S'lftOky, fuU of~ pour forth. from. tht mouth., lo titler; sonos mliJles,
\"tri,.:-. Cic.; esp. of poet.a, to pnur jbrth, oom.po.~; venru!l
fimldua -a -um (fomus), smoky, full ofsnw'ke; hexametros ex ternpore, Cic.; b. to giVI! forth, to
t&.-.!;1, hrg.; altaria, Ov. produce; terra ·fuudit fruges, Cic.; queu1 Maia
fiimifer -~ra -~nun (fumusand fero), 111&0b- fudit, gm~ bi1·lh to, \'erg.; c, IQ &q1Ul11t:ln": Opell.
~.... ri"lf, snwty; igues, nox, Verg. Hor. UL Fig., a, midolle, furnli, to sprrod;
utrumque eorum fuudi quoddHmodo et quasi
fimlflcua ·& -uin (funms and faeio), ccuuing diL1ta1i, Cic.; b, lo pour forth; mult.o
,,.,.,u,o,·. cum sauguine, Verg.
fiimo, l. (fumns), to 1m(Jk/:, s/Mm; Rgger 1hmat. fnndua -1, m. tM botrom or baM Qf anything.
~-: do111us fumabat, rte/;<rl with IM 0<.U>Urs of
L Gtl11., 1, a., lit., amiarii, Cic.; a.eqnol'H. ciere
fen.rU. Cic. ; equilm funurntia colla, Yerg. fundo, from tM bottom, Verg.; b, trnnsf., largitio
timiaus -a -um (fumus), ftt.ll of llfMkt, amol..11, non ltabet fuullum, klww~ 110 bouwi>, Cic. ; fu1ui-
lttm•i•g, slMked; arae, Ov. ; lmaginea, .ftg11ru u111 lieri legis, tfJ M.Lnction, auth.orillll, Cic. IL
~! allt.ll!itors, Cic. Eiip., the soil, afarni, UV.Lie, Cic.
timu -i, m. (root PU, whence also t'llligo), fiinebris -e (funus). 1, relating or htlonging
t.11<lh,, ioapaur; fumus ganearnm, Cle.; to ci /1111.era.l, funerml; epuluin, contlo, (.;ic.;
fumo ucr11ciari, Cic.; fumo tfare signum, Liv. ; subst., tiinebria ·Ium, n. funeral cuemo11.iu.,
1•lur., f111ui iuceudiorum procul vldebantur,
~;prov., vertt-re omnt' In fummn et cinerem,
Cic.; 2, dt-tuily, dutructi~, crud, fat,a/,; bell um,
"1 .i'jU(llld~r, COIU111nt, Hor.
Hor. ; mu11er11., Ov.
fiDil1a -e (f11nb1), rrlating or btlong{ng to a ftmei-al, fiinerel18 -a -um (fnnu!I), 1 relating to a
rvpt. Subet., mnile -is, n., 1. the th01&g of
j'Unn-tal; faces, Verg.;2, of tlwt wltich
alling, Liv. ; 2, a wax-tcrch, Cle.
causes or httolr.e11s death; dextra, Ov.; bubo, ill-
on~d, Ov.
tllambiUua -i, tn. (funis and ambulo), a
"J1"-411iar, Ter.
fiinero. 1. (funu!'), 1, to lmry rolemnly,
with f1111eral rites, Pli11.; 2, to kill, Hur.
flulctlo -011is, r. (fungor), ll ~r/ormana, per- fiinesto, 1. (funestus), to dJjilt or 1l<lUuU 1°'U.
,'ir1'11111, u:te11tilll}; 11111nerifl, Cic. munla; ams ac templa hoslii>i huma11is, Cic.
fUDcla -ae. f. (2. ru111lo), 1~ a sling, Caes. ; fiinestus -a -um {funus). I. filled tmt.\
f1111<la mitkr" glanoles et laJii<kll, Liv. ; 2. a mo11r11i11g, d,fi[ed by dmth; agros fnrn•.-;to11 red·
aut111g-1ut, \"erg. dere, to pollute witlrblood., Luer.; familia funesta,
tundimen -ini,i, n. (1. fundo), a fou11datw", i11 111o-un1i11u, Liv. IL calam.itori.•, mo11rnfu.l,
1•. ,..; 1••n~re or ja.cer•~. Verg. dilltl.~tl"otu, tlrmlly; tribunatus, Cic. ; fax, Cic. ;
tund.imentum ·I, n. {I. fundo), 1, lit., a with dat., funesta reipuulicae pestis, Cic.
f~~"'lali.J11., ba~; fundaml!nta jaeerf', Cic. ; a fnngor, runctns sum, 3. dt,p. to bt lmsy, occupy
fun,Ja111enti~ <liruere Ptelf"u111, Liv.; 2, tranflf., one.<rlf, lie eng(lred uoith m1.11tl1i11g, to 1vrfor111,
fi•"1t•Wir>11, 1.a..ri.4; pietM fun•lamentu111 est om- tnc11te, wxorn11lish. L Gen., a., witb ab!., 11111-
brn1u •irtntmu, Cic. neribm1 corpori:-1, Cle.; virtut~~ fun;..:i, to slww
Funclialus -a -um, 1ui1M ofa Roman ge111. brai·,,r11, Bur.; munere iwdilicio, di..<churf1e the
o.ffiu ofnnlilf, Cic.; ,-ice cutis, to v1u i11slewt of,
~tor ""6ri!J, in. (1. (undo), a foun<Ur;
lltht s, \"erg.
Hor.; tlupilmfl, to Uik~ /<lrHi, Ov. ; sc1•11lcro, !O
b11ry, Ov.; b, with Rec., hominum of icia, Tac.
tundatua -a -11111 (p. nclj. from 1. fundo),flnn., IL a., to rn.Der; mala 11111lt:a, Luer.; b, to com·; funclati'll'ima farnilin, Cic. p/ete, ftni$h; gen., fuuctum esse murte, tc die,
funclitor --Oris, 111. (funtla), a li9l1t-armt!cl Ov.
rr./;i~r, fu.mislied with. n sling, a sliugrr; gen. fnngus -i, m. (u<t>oyyo~, 0"1rOyyo~). 1 a mush.-
111 plnr .. ; sh1g. collective, fu111litor Ba- room, f1wgu.•, Cic.; as a term ofrcproac~ applied
b.rill. Li\·. to a dull, stupid fellow, Plaut.; 2, a thv.j fa tM
fUDditUa, atlv. (runc.tu!I). I.from theqro1111d, wick of 11 ciindlt, a candle-anu.f, Yer<J.
A. Lit., 1u<J11t1mP-nt.a delere, Cic. B. Transf., fiinioiUus -i, 111. (dim. or funis), a thin rorit,
H•i'ttrly, tRtir•ly; everte!'t! amicitiam, Cic. II. cord, string; funiculus a puppi religatw1, Ci1·.
~to,~ bfJl~Jm., belo<t7, Luer. fiinla -Is, m. (fem. Lncr. 2, II:14), (I rnpe,
l. fnndo. 1. (f1111d11,.). I. IQ frry thefou11.11otfon cord, line; per funem demitti, 'frrg.; of ship's
d, fo/r,•r11d; an·e~. Yer;.:.: urb.>m coloui:<, Verg. ; ropes, ancorarius funi~, Caes.; fnncs qui n11-
d•ti~ ~uaci aucora fun•1abat tlll\"es, fa$lened to tenna.'1 ad malus religabnnt, Caes.; //,, rope oj
/,\1110~111l, Verg. IL Transf., A. tcforrntl; ac- a "TOJ!€·daiu:er; pt"r PXtenturn fuurm irt>, Hor.;
•:•1nte non modo fundat...\ Vt:rum cliam tlX11trneta prov., ne currente tf'tro funis eat t<>ta, tlial aJ./.
di-ei1•liua, Cic. B. to mnkt}ir1n, to 1trenglhrn; your lal>our 11nt IJe tvasttd, H"r.; dncere,
n:be1n l~gibus, Vet-g. ; nostrum impcriurn, Cic. to guide the rop:-i.e., to commnnd, Hor.; se•111i,
'!.. flmdo, fiidi, msum, 3. (root FUD, COil· to follow, o~y, Hor. ; reducere, tc c/1u11f1t on.e·1
x•. .
li~~Leil With xEliO"w), I<> )l{)Ur, pour 0111. L
Lit,1. l"lf liqnids, sanguinem e p.1tera, Ci<-.; 1i-
mind, Pers.
tinus -~rfs, n. ci /unffl.11, o!Mtquia, inJamnat.
q1..,l'l!1n de p.1t.era, Hor. ; l:icl'imas, Verg.; mi<ldle, I. A. Lit., funus <jUO amici conveuiunt R<I ex.
In J:'J~r; ing.mtibua proeellill fusus Imber, Liv.; seqnias cohonestanda8, Cle.; fun us alicni facere,
fuo 236 fus
C!<'. ; 1lt;Cf're, Cic. ; In fUnus vcnlre, Ci<'- ; fUnu1 ta.rni.rla -ae, r. ((urnUll), the trade of a l>',
,·clcbmre, Liv. B. Met.011., l, tJu tW/•Sf.'; laccrum, Suet.
vl'I):.; 2,.lmtll; crut!di fUllCl'e exi;tim·tm1, Ver;..;.; furDua -1, m. (root FOR, er. foruu.s), aa
edc1e fuucra, tn /.:ill, \'e~. IL Tram1f., tlwnu:- ortn, a baktho11se, Ov., Hor.
li1111, ruin; 1-eipulilicae, Cic.; 111cto11., the 11tr1S01u ftiro. 3. (<'onne~tt:d 9V..i). L to TU_!!!.
v:ho t-ui11; paene fuuera reil'ulilicae, de- raa, be 1na<l; fnrerc ac 11imul11vit, Cic. D.
stro.ven, Cic.
Tr:msf., A. Of persons, a, to mtJ', ~ /tirfot11;
mo, fi\i, futflru>i, etc., v. sum. Cnt.iliua fure11s au1l:tciil, Ck-; fnreni< Nel'tm111....,
tiir, fllris, c. (~.:.p), a thief; 11on fur, &e<I tltr TU'.Jin.g V'U~, Hor.; with acc., r11rore111,\'eri:-~
ercl'tor, Cic.; fur 11octuruu:1, Cic.; us :i term of with ac<'. a111l intin., (Cl0tliu:1) furcbat a Racil\I·
reproach t{} slaw:i, Ver-.;. lie co11tu111nciter urbl\11eq11e l'exat11111, Cic..; b,
f'iiraolter, a.iv. (fnrax),'uhly; uomOl! tn ~i1•t 1111r1Wlf 11-1' to an!/ vio/e11t f"rssinu, e"l'· IOt?;
r11raci:1>1i111e scrut.ari, Cic. Ji\Ji<li11ibn" infta111111at11ll et fu1.,11s, L'ic.; f11r?n
fiiraz -aci>i (1. furor), i11c/h~l to steal, aliqna, to Ix »uuily iii love "'W1, Hor. B. Of in.
l.h.iui.ih.; ho1110 avaru:s et furax, Cic. a11i111att' objects, te111pcstas or ig11iK furit, \'efb.
fu.rca ·ae, f. (fcro). L R tu·o-1n·o11gecl fork, I. f'Drcr, 1. tlep. (fnr), l, lo sll11l, pll.fer; h3eu
tikh-fork; rurcii <lctrn<kre a\iq11e111, Liv.; pnn·., quae rapnit et fu111tns est, Cic.: lilnu11~ -.u aliqno,
nat11ra111 expcll&.'I fnrc.1., t.1111e11 u ..quc recu1Tct, (uf plngilirists), Cic. ; 2, trausf., a, t{) o,";!uin 113
Hur. IL Trausf., A. a fork-~1111Jl<'tl prop or ])Qft; &teal th; civitatem, Liv.; b, lo 1dt/ulrm" an:.-ctly;
v11.:Ji furcae<pw bicornc11, \'erg.; fllrcae dt1o<le11os oculos lal>ori, \'erg.; c, le make ~tcrtt nttccd:,, TY.
ab tt'rra sp..·ct.'lcttla alta Sllllti11e11tc11 Vl'<l<'>i, Liv. 2. f'Dror -Uris, 111. (fnro). I. m111/.,e.'8, rrrriNr,,
B. 1.111 i11:1tr11111tltl of 1•1111i.5lrn11mt put ui·u Utt 71cd•, fo.wmity; ira furor breds e11t, Hor. ll. Tr:msf.,
to the tn'O Jlrony~ ofwl1id1 the unit& were tud, UY1l A. or )lt'n!Ont1, 1, a of the llaccliic fury, 11.aj-
t11 p1t11isl1 8/Hres w11l t"rrriciiles, Liv. ; tig. ire orem ors& f11rore111, \·erg.; tig., n·rs:itur 111ilt1
a111b furcam, Hor. C. a narrow pw; Fureac ante ocnlos as1x-ctns Cethcgi et f11111r in l'c"tr.I.
Ca1111i1111e, v. Caut.lium. cacllo bacchimtis, Cic.; b, i11s1•inttin1i, itt51•ir.....l
furcifer -rera ·fcru111 (furca an<l fero), one who rage; negat sine fnroro Dem(l(·rit 11!!1
<Ylnif1 the f111u1 ns 11 ).1'mi.shm.l'11t, a term of re· 111:ign11111 eSl!e po8St', Cic.; c, of 1111u1 r.1g.. ,. ,.;k
!'roach usually applied to islnvcs, gnllow:1-birr.l, a11h11i>1 jnvenum furor a<ltlituK, \"c1g. ;J>c1.,,..-u1il,
Cie. l"nror, &111111 ntten<lant or lilnrll, \'er~.; • tht nrgtt
furollla -ae, r. (tli111. of rurca), a littv fork: of a1101:r; tum regia J 11110 act:t furor" i;r.i. Yi, \' c~ ;
prov., furdlli\, lo I>!' n:1lf'lleil by fim:t, Cie. e, 1~1ssio1urte loN; intus cr11t furor ii.t11c11,.., <..1'\·.;
111eto11., t1U1 object of pwio11; si\'e 111ilai Phy Iii,.,
furciila -ae, f. (tli111. of furca), 1, II fork- si\·e eo1sct A111~·11ta.i, sen qnicumqne fnn•r, \'c.-rg.;
all<l]lt'tl 1•ro1•, Liv.; 2, '' m1l'fow Jiass; fureulac 2. ilelui1ion, frni.zy, mge; a, itlc111 furor et
Ca111!i11:w, Li\'.
Cretenscs lacerab.-1.t, Li\'.; b 1 mgt, l1111rnlt. S('<ii-
f'iirenter, a<lv. (furcns). furimi..~ly; lr:i11cl, Cic. tion, rtt'<>lt; furor nmltitt1lh11is, Cic. ; nlic•ai~r,;
fUrl'n.r -l\ris, 111. l, Imm, Plaut. ; 2, 1culd, furorem fran~ere, Cic. B. Of i11a11i111at£' <•l~c."ClS.
llC!of 011 the skin, Plin. funil't's et rabies b\11t.'\ cacti mari~ne, \"er-.;.
fti.rla ·SC, r., U3tllllly )'lt•r. (f\1ro). L f'f!!Jt, furtlm, a<lv. (fur), b11 strultll., sltultllily,
'D1tuilless, p<1s.•i01l, fury; 11111\iehn:ll furiae, Liv.; secretly (opp. pal11m), Cic.
\'enturn111 furiac, Ver:;. II. Pc1">1011if., Fi\ria turtivi, a1lv. (furth·us), stealthily, lttritlJ,
-ac, t. aml ;::en. plnr., FUrla.e ·llrt1111, f. A. the f111·ti1vly, UV.
F11rus (:\kctn, ttk~:iera, Tisil'lione), Ute 1/tities fartivua -a -nm (furtum), 1, ictoltH; ~trigilis,
who 11rr11yP1l crim,.s ,.,,,, tur111.e11te<l crim.i11a/s, esp. Hor.; 2J. 11«rtl, co11unlrrl, ftirtire; itcr ioe.r
~1rricicle~; cos (parrici1lns) ni.:ite11t Furi11c, Cic. ltalia111, lJie.; a111or, \'erg.
B. Tr:rnsf., of 1"''"''•11>1, a, ilia Furia, Clodi1u, furtum -i, 11. (fur). L A. Lit •• a ll<'Jf;
Cic. ; b, focifrr t11 r.ri11«'; hnuc juvenem tam· fllrt11111 foccr<' nlic11im1 rei, Cic.; f1111.i 1la11111ari,
qunm li1ri11111 facc111•1t1<' h11i11s hdli, Liv. Cic. B. Mcto11., tht tl1i11g .,-t<•h11; fort.a n·d1l.-re,
f'ill'Ialls -e (furia), 1, furimts, rn9i11g, terrible; Cle. IL Tran~f., A. 1111ythi11!J ~rd or M•1·
vox, Cic.; i11ccss11s, Liv.; Ericl1tho, inspirt1I ettiln1, hiutlrn trLck or de•.·tit; fu11n lact.atn"I
1i:ilh Baer/tic f11r!1, Ov. ; 2, belonui11g to the inani, Vl'rg.; hence fnrto, n<lv.= rm1_i111, ~Td/r;,
Furi'~; 1t1Pt11ur:i, \'l'rg. Verg. B. 1, accrtt or $lolrn lore, \erg. ; ~. in
f'iiriallter, atlv. (f11rialis), f:irio'usly, madly, wnr, a stmta,gcm, :iecrtt ultuck; parnL furt.a per
0\'. occ.-1.sio11c111 tempt.antes, Liv.
t'iirllm.ndus-n -um (ruro).1, mgin~.f11rlo11s; fiirunciUua -i, 111. (dim. of fur), a litllc tAief,
furilin11filiH Jw1110 a<: pcrllitu:s, C1c.; 2,•ired; u little rusml, Cic.
prn'..'<lictio, Cic. fnrvua -a -um (from root FUH, wl1t'l1ce al,.;0
FUriDa -ae, f. 1m ttncitat Ro11urn g0</1lrs.1; fnscnll, connected with fmnn~ fulip:11)., darl.:-
lwncc aalj., Fiirini.llll ·P, of or belo11gi11g to coluttred, durk, blac/,;; a, gcu., eq1111os. o,·.; b.
F11rilm; 1mb!lt.. , Fiirinilla ·lu111, n. tlie fes- of the lower worl•l nncl tl1i11:;11 relati11g to i~
ti1~•l of F11rina. antrnm, Ov.; Pro~rpin:1, Hor.
f'iirlo, 1. (f:tria), to 111111'1! furio11..5, must to m!Jt, fnaclna -ac, f. (connected with fnrca), ci
i11f11riut~; mntrc.-. cq11onn11, Hor.; p11rtic. 1 fnri- three-1n·o11ued fork, tridn1t, Cic.
ntns, 1'flgi11(1; mens, \'erg. fnsco, J. net. (fnscus), to m<11..'t <1ur>:, 'lnrl'n.,
fliriose, ;uh·. (f11rins11tt), /11rio11sly, madly; blncl.w; dente.~, Ov.
ali<ini.t furiusc farcn', Ck. fnscU8 -a -11>11 (ori~. fnrsr·ns. from root Ft: R..
fihiOsv.s -a -11111, ntlj. with ro111p;1r. l\nrl whe11ce f11rv11s), 1, clork·1"fJ/m1retl, rl••r1., 11!.•"i;
~n;1•erl. (f11ria), raqiny, f"ftt'i11f1, mod, furirtu~; cn111ix, Cic.; purpura pn«ne fmwn, Cic. ; 2 Pf'·
mnlicr jam 11011 m11r\H1 s<·•l sl'.l'lcre fllrio-.a, Cic.; )llit><l to lite \'oice, hom·se, rnH!Jh; i;enuos ,.~>Ci~
tra11t1r., of thing", cupi<lita.~, Cic.; tiuia, i11· Cic. •
1piri1Lg, 0\'. fiUe, aih·. with compar. (fn,m~), at TnunJa.
Fiiriua -a -ttm, nrr~ of tt Rm1um !Jtnil, lh.t 00J1'm1sl11, di.f11stly; <licere, Cle. -
m.o.•t famm1s mnnl>a of w/iir.h 1•~1S ?If. 1"11riu11 fii.allia -c (2. f11111ln), mtltnl, mnltnt., ztrp;,,;
(':rniillm1 1 1l'ho frud Umne fr<nn lite c;auls. \dj., a11ru111, Ov.; fcrYentes fUllili (~11t1Q. ex aq:illa
f'Urlanus ·a -um, of or btlo1i9inu to l'urtua. glandes, Caes..
fus 237 gan
fti.elo ..Jmls, f. (2. fum}n), II potcring-~nd, ntfl. galblaum -!, n. (xa.\Pci,.,,), tht ruhtmu 1117
po11ri119; 1111111th1111 ~ ciu" (rlcl) auimi fu>1iune111 of a .\yria11. plant (11110011 i:;alba11u111, Liou.),
anivenam, Cie.. Pli11.
tastlll ·ill. al•l. ·I ant.I -(' 1 m. a aticl·, atal, p.lbbu -a -um, grm1iaA ~llow, vrllowUh,
cwlgel. obib, Cic. Juv.
ftle&i'artum ·li, n. (HC. auppllclum, from galbimn -1, n. a Lind of ji.Ud or ba1ulage/ar
fmrt.i,.). ber&li1eg to dentA t1Jit1' 1ticb, tile t11ilitarr tht (ITU& 1 i!lll('t.,
p1utisln•'lll for datrti.m'; rm1tuarinm merert: or galbblu .... •DIR, grttR#Nt·Jlt'lltJV1; a11b8I.,
n~reri, Cic. Kalblaum ·i, u. a g1·rt11Wt-gdluw garp&e11t,
1. fiau ·It ·Ulll (p. Adj. nr 2.. fnndo),· IJlrtad Juv.
offl, u;:,utd: I a, or place;i, campl ruiil In giUea -ae, r. ll lttlmd (orig. or leatller, opp.
n111ne111. partcm, (·.·r-,t.; b, of IJ011i1<K 1 Kllllt full& ca...11i11, ot' 111ctal), Cae.i., Cic.
et ea1.. l1tla l'Orl"•l'll, _kshy, Liv.: 2, let llXIU; a, dUo, 1. {plCA), to 1•1d mi a hdmrt; partic.,
~11rir&41 fnr; c1foe11, \'<'.,;. ; D, or diilcotll"lle1 gare&ti.Ui, aMMII VTit4 a; Mi11crv11, C1c.
tliftue ; g.n1ui 1tennoni11, Cic. Glleotae -Arum, nL craMWT-cu), a bod1 u)
2. ftis1IS -i, rn •• 11 api1ulle; fu1111m versnl't", SicUi416 aun, Cle.
O•.; b au "ttributo nf Uae Parcae, auia gi.lirloiUum -I, n. (dim. or galerum), 1, a
di:unmt,, c:nrrite fnsis, Vt!rg. ~p, Mart.; 2, a wig, Suet.
fiilllla -e (r.onnected Ytlth 2. funrln), 1 that gi.liritua ·• -um (galcrm1), 1, tD«Jritrg a
Clllll•ot llol<I or contai1& ; glacit:K, briUlt, ~erg. ; •bdl-«&p of /Kr, Prop.; 2 tnmsf., &,'lllerlta a vis,
2, 11111i•. Y10rl.Alts.,/11tile, good for 1wtlahag; baru11· LU C1Utal lar1': (al1uula cr111tata, Uun.)
pic:P.11, Cic.; sent-cutia.r., Cie.
gillirma ·I, II. (g'1iraa ·I, 111.), 1, a r.ap QI
li.tllftaa -4th•, r. (futills), 'IOOTthluiru•, folly, /Kr, al.""1"1-cup, Ve.,;. ; 2, a tDl!J, Ju\·.
Alli-, Ck.
Ga1esua = Galae11111 (q.v.).
fltiaru ·A ·Uni (pnrtic. fut. or r110, Used U galla-ae, C. LU gall-1utt, oak-<ip)lt, Verg.
lbe pnrt.ic. of 111111), fi1tHn, nhofcl to be; re... , Cle.:
tem1oW11 Cic. Snl:>Mt., fltiirum ·I, n. tl.e Galli -Orum, m. tlat r:cmli, a C4/ltic ~.
f•t•rt; band lgnam futuri, Vea-g. ; vklcl"l 111 litring to tl&c 'IDtM of tht RlliM nf&d in tlte 11.nrth.
r~tnnu::, Liv.: plur., ftliira ..()rum, n. tile of Italy u 1Dflll. a.a '" Pl•~&; Ring., Galla.a
fst'UI; l'llt.ura prospicett, Cle. ·I, m. a Ga'lll, and Galla ·ae, r. a Gttul&i.4
lllOllMllL llence, A. GBllia -nc, r. aa11/, IM
la1Ml of tl1• Gaut.; eli.alph111, or ulkrinr,·
banlr; transslpinn, or ultcrinr, Gaul Rortl& QI
tM Alp;, Ca~ B. Oalllci.uus ·•-um. llf'l••1111·
f11g to G<rllia pnniincin, tlte1ot1th-emt p<&rt ofGa11l.
G. C. Galllous -a -um, Gaulish.
p11Jam b1Ja ·f, Ill. II «Jnfl of the prlut1 of
g, U1e 11evenlh letter or the l.Atln alphabet., Cy&le, MarL
G , ofrn11111ly repreatcnted by C, lnti'oduced
i11t.. Uae ~Lin alphahet about the time or the
gaJJjna -ae, r. (l. gallus), a hm, fowl, Cle.
pJljnWua -a -11111 (gallina), relating to
SrcQ1o1I Pw1ic War. For the Ulle or thla letter ID poj/lf'J/; pllus, Cic.; m. a oocl;,
a!JIJl"eviaUou", eee Table of AllbreviaUon1. aaUiDArfus -a •11111 (galllna). n'ating or
G&bil1 -6rum, m. aud 0Abile9 -um, m. a belm&gtng to povllrr. Subst. gallinirina .1,
p.Jp/4 ia-4U 1011c.wa.t of Gallia .491'Ua•ia.. m. °"'ti/NJ Aa.l IM cnrw oJpowlt,-,, Cle.
OAldl .-Um, m. R wry RJICfnl cU1 o/ l.a.tiua, Gallon'aeola -ae, r. = Galatia (q. v.).
Wt-. ·a-. mtd Pmucau . .Arlj., GAbinua Hence. a&uograeou -a -um, t:alatia11.
-a -am, r.abi•ia•; via, fNnlt GobU to Ru.M, Liv. ; 1· e-"' I cock d1111 h1·11 cock I
Jaun, Aoll01lrttf i1& 1;al1H, \'P.rg.; el11ct1u11 R J>ar· - U · • m. a ·, 11 ·: P ·
tialar _,. of v:aJriiig tile toga, '" wAf.c:A ou loruni cnntoa, cock-cnnolllg, Cle.
racl . _ prz.-l owr tile M«ul, aHd tJu otl&tr f'011i&d 2. Gallua. a Gaul, Y. Galli.
!h -id, Liv. s. Clallu -1, m. (r~), _~1 a Plirwlnn
G&malua ·• -um, 'lltllU of o Roma11 "'"'· tM riwr, now .KodMan&: hentt, ~-. Galll01UI
1lod ~ ~ of wAkA tt'1.I A. Gabinlu.11, -a ·Utn, Jinet. = 1'1&"71t1ian, Tro)aM, Prop. ;
.U ratcrnd cu EgyptW.1t lrf1tg Ptol.nta1111 Aultha I (henre), GaUl .Orum, 111. the 1iriaU of C~:
ro Ii• tiragdoa: hence adj., <i«Wnia.11: In, 11 law 1l11g., Gallua ·I, m. a111l Oalla -se, r.; he11oe,
firiaf utruordi•(JT')l •UUarr po1otr to J>nmptiUI. adj., GaJnoua -a -nm t11r'blt, the priaU of /all
Adj., GA1Mn•inu ·a -um, of or btlo"!Jhlfl lo whoee worship reaemb\ed tl1:it of Cyliele, ov.
Cdi•fa. 4. Galla -1, m. Cornelfiu (®-26 Le.), a po
G6di9 and Gidlll -lum, t. 11 to11:1& i11 tM nd orator, ./rlnlJ of YergiL
.,.,,.._... of Spaf.1&, 11ow Cadiz. Gadit&Du Glmilloa ..()nill, m. (ra,&'!fAU:...), Ille M1Y1"1.
-a ·um, o.tor btlortgh&g lo Gatla. tulllA of tM .4ttie ,.ar, corrapcmd,ng tfl oiir
·t. n. a wry drollf awd Amwr JawZC11, JHVG1'J, Cle.
a Gaullsl t«*p<m, CMi.a. trbk -ae r. amt pnlum .f n. (cn11r.cctt!tl
Geedll -6rum, m. a JllOlil• '" ~ with .yd....,,,~.....>. a Joto eating-~; met.on.,
'-/rltt& AJ,J.., Gadiilu -a -um, poet., .4,fricaa, ckhn1&Cl&trr, Cic.
Ul,a-. gAnlo ·6nla, m. (pnttA or iznneam). a
Gila and GAia,, Y. Calua. Jifitr" ptnOll, dtlJatdel, gfvlttm, CiC.
G&Jaem -1, m. a rim- '" U.. """1 o.f Italy, Oaagl.rl4ae and ~des ·nm, an. n
._ Cciruo.
CliHtae -bum, m. a Ctllk ,.,,.,,,,. «ltlMl Ca a a...-
peo1.t. i1' lndfa, oa tll• C'r<tnga.
·hi, m. (r4'yyirc). U.. rlrn" GaH,.a.
,at of PArwfa. Reuce, -u, t. U.. Adj., Gangitfoua -a -nm, &11d Gangitls
.,..,,., o/IM ca1a1ae. r.
.1c1ta, poet.= IJldma, o•.
a.a. ... ID. Gc:Gf7ll0*"qftMs.Jpfeiclt1ffRL pmaio. ... lo " ' tMfM, lo norl, (l'l'Otlll.
PDIMa -a -u111 (plbanurn), qf or f'llaffJ&f "'""""'· Plllut., Ter•
.......-. v.-. . paaitaa ·Ga. ID. (pn•lo). 1. • barl:I-..

Gan 238 gem
~pin17, inarli11g of doga, Luer.; 2, applied to Gi§lia -ae, voe. Gela, m. (rc>.af), e1 rhw 01<
men, )!art. the snuth e<Kut of Si.d!y.
Ganymede& -is, m. (ra.vvµ>j~~), SOil of the gel.Aainua -i, Ill. (~A111TLVO~). ll dirAple Oil
Trojan 1.:i11g Tros, cnn-Ud off 011 nccoHnt of hi$ tM cheek, Mart.
brouty to htilttt1~ btl an w11lc, and nw<k the cup- gelldi, a•l\'. {gelid us), coldly, 14KVKidlf.
bearer of Jow. feebly, Hor.
GArAmantes -11111, m. (rcipa.,. .. .,.,H), a people gelldua -a -um (gelu), cold, icy-cold, Jrod'I,
in tlu interior of Afdca... Hence, GUiUD&ntls icy. L Lit., Rqu11, Cic.; hu111or, i~, \'rl'l!'.
-ldis, f.= Africa11, \'erg. Subst., gellda -ae, f. ice·«·l<l uutcr, Hor. D.
Gargan'W!I -i, m. a mountain nf A]ntlia, now Trnnsf., applied to the chill of l•l<l age, fear,
MonJ, di S. Ang•fo. ..\clj., -a -um, death, etc.; sanguis, \'erg.; mors, Hor.; m"'tm,.
of or belo11!]i•1g to G<1rg1m11~. Ov.
" - GeWua-a-um, ftanl.t'ofa Roman ~n1t, tlt1i ""'""
G argu.phle -es, f. (rapya.<f>ia.), a valley 01 /am01U m,.,mher of 1•·hkh 1"111 A. li"11i11:t, n "nm'11-
Boet•lfrr, sacred to Dim111. marian of the ucn11d ~11t11r11 A.D., 01u of tcN..ilt
Gargara -or11111, 11. (r<ipy~pa), the u•orks, !\octci1 Atticae, is stdl atw.t.
11t1.1/: of Mount Ida t11 .Vus«r, wtth a town <I/ tlte g"lo (geiu). L T ·t •~ . t " .
.won' name. ., • 1• . ra ns1 • ' "' IXL~ a J ~.
. to frre:•; pav1Jo gelantur p~ct.ore, Juv. D.
t!arg~ttus -i, 1~. _(ra.p"f'ITTO~). a deme. in 11ntr.111sit., tofrea(, Pliu •
.Atlrca, bwthpla~ of Epicurus, he11ce called Gar- ""lo-nl - (r , ~ "'-th·
...-·ttins '"' -ornm, m. t""'vo'h a. ~~ 9 1<1• 01
c- · . Sannutia" JH!opk 010 th-'. Rory1sthe11.u, tch.o ta.ttootd
Garglllus -h, m. a R 01>wn name. themsYlrrs. Sin:;., Gelonus ·i, m., coll. tAe
gAron = garum (q. v.). Gewni, \'erg.
g!U'rio -ivi nnd -Ii -itum, 4. (crmn~cted w~th geln. n., gelua -fl~. m., gelum -1, n.., 1.
Y'IP~.w}, to. cliullt~, pra~'· btt/JIJI~; a, mtra11~1t., frost, icy cold; rura icclu clau1lit liiems, Ve:rg.;
111 11~ ph1l•~iioph1 garnrc coeperu11t, _Cic. :. b, 2, the chill o/u~, d«1th,fmr, etc., \"erg.
trans1t.,~qu1cqu1d _h'. lmcca111 (:sc. venent), C1~. . gemebundus -a -nm (gt>mo), groaniil.!;J.
garrulltaa -alls, f. (~annlus). cli<1ttering, s1gni.111, O\'.
of rnagp~•·s, garrnht:ui rauca'. O\'. gemeWpR.ra -ae, fem. arlj. ~melli an<J
ga.rrulu_s -a ·Um (garno). ~ Lit., 1_, of pario), t11:i.1-lwm·rng; dea, or <li\·a, Latoua, Ov.
nw11, t.dl•.ot1u, garr1:/o11s, chot1u111rJ, l1ab~l1119; gemellus .a -um (dim. of 1?<'1t1inno;), tiri•,
ga1T1_1la hn~ua~ Ov., ~'. appl1NI to an1111~ls, /tri•i-l><:mi. A. Lit., fratres, prr•les, Ov.: h,.noe
co1 mx,. o~." l11ru11do,_, ctg. II. Trausf., 1wrsy, Slll•st., gemellus -1, m .• (! twin,; plur..
80trnrlrng • nvus, Ov. • lyr~ Ti~. ).'.t'111elli, twi11s, Ov. B. Transf., a, f!fti.nd,
GlLrumna.-ne, f. a rtt'tr u1 9auZ, now ~ t10111./c; quum (lt•gi11ne111) factam ex dnabus ~
r.aronn~•. Hence, GArumnl ·ornm, Ill. the 1111•lhun appell11l.1t, t':tt••.; b, rcseu1lili~ rod
people hrnng 011 the Garo1111e. otl1u like twi 11.<, si ... ilur; par nohile frat.nim
gArum (giU'on), ·i, n. a .;os//y fish·,<(IUJ'.e, Ov. nt>quitii l't nui;is pr;,vorum t!t amore gewellwn,
G a~ • - ·Ulll, Ill. (I Jl'!O/l I C In · .•
· A qu1tania. Hor.~ " :. [• 1~
ir-=-tfo -vu.,., · ) J ___ ,_,.
x . . gem.u&A \.bem1no, a ...,,..,.,.,;
gaud.,o~ gA\l~ll!I Slllll,. 2. (root -~A. rA; \'t•rhornm, Cic.
whence -yau... , -ynvpu~. Y'18'w), to rt;ou:e, fi111 ml . .
''ltasure or titlir1ht i11 auythillfl, be glnd, ddi!Jltl ~e . ~o. I_. (gem!n.11s). ~. '!nmstt., 1.. tt
fo. L Lit., A. Gen., a iutransit., si est 111111 c do /,/e, v1ct~mae lact1t1a111, Ln ••_aera. to .trib

ulltts ::auden•li l<>cus, Cic.; poet. with partic., t •Ytlhcr, Hor.; .. part1c., gemlnat~ -a -uiu,

ga11•lt>11t scrilien11's, 1cri.Je 1cith. pltw111rt, Hor.; duul~/ed; sol, Ltc._; 2, lo n1..:11t, ~1nte cload_g;
rnihi gauil.eo, ,-e;oii-e for my p<rrt, Cic. ; gen. gemmata ac dnphertta po11n11t11r, C1c. ;, to pair;
with all!. of can11.. , eorrt•ctione gr111tlere, Cic.; serpe11te~ an bus, Hor. IL lntransat.., lo be
b, transit., gc11. "·ith acc. and i111in., q11a.e doulilt, Luer.
p~rft>eta esse g11utleo, Cic. ; p(){'t. with in tin. 'emlnua-a -um (pt>rhaps from geno = gigno).
alone, laeut·re gaudes, Hor.; with q110<l, su11e lw111, tv:in·ll'1r11. L Lit., frntrt>s, Cic. Subst...,
gu11dl'O quod te int~rp..Ilavi, Cic. B. Esp., 1, gemlnl -orum, 111. twin.•, e,.p.·cially Uu twin•
In 11inu i-:a111lere, to rejoice in se~rrl, Cic.; 2, t:astor a11d Pollur. II. Transf., A. a, d01'bled,
i11ft11., gnudere as a sal11tatio11, Ct!lso gaudere of doubl6 nature; Chir1111, tit~ <Anlaur, Aaif 1114.u
re!er, tal.:e tny grr·rti11g to Ctls11s, Hor. II. arnl half horM, Ov.; Cec1-oys,! Gruk al&d Ital}
1'ransr., or lna11i11111te ul~iects, to delight i1~; E9111;ticrn, O\'.; b, d011bu< = tu:o; lun1e11, Cic.;
sce11a gauden11 mi111culls, Liv. aci1·~. Ycrg. B. ~imilai-, alikt; geminwi et siw·
gaudlum -Ii, n. (:.:Rndeo), joy, glad11t.<t.,, illimus nrquiti:l, Cic.
d-tngltt (n11 an Inward freling, while lnetitin de- gemltua .fls, m. (j:emo), a $lp1t, g'T"Oal\.. L
notes th .. external exprPs"1u11). L Lit., ga11dio, .&.; Lit., geuiitns tit, Cic.; gemitum or j:emitus
(for joµ) lacriu111re, t1in111pla11re, Cic.; eJC!mltare, dim-. Ov. B. '.\leton., pai11, Vt'rg. II. Trans!..,
Cle._; al!quem gamliil affict:'re, Liv.:. gaudia cot" u gr()(!11i11g, i·0<1ring; pelagi, Verg.
poi:1s, Sall. II..llct,on., that which produces gemma -ae, f. (proloahly connected Tith
delight; 1111a gaud1a, \erg. "(i/l'W). L a li111l or ~ of a pla11t, Cir_ IL 4
Gaunts -1, m. a mou11tain i1l Campania, now j'1";/, uem, prerio1111 ato111i. A. Lit., Cic. B.
Mo11re 1:m1rn. Meton., 1, n thing 'nadt of or adnri1m •rill&
gauslLpa -ae f. and gausApCS -is n. and jw·,1.~: a, a f!Ohftt: bi~re gr111111il, \'erg.: b,"
gausapum -!.' 11 .', and gaudpes -i~. m. ~r1r/·ri11f!, si;al; ~iguari, Ov.; 2,,
t1l.t' t11es in!! 1>tacock s tml, Ov.
(-yuV<Tci.'"1(). a voollrn cloth, 11:ith a 1011g Mp on
Otlt' ~ii/t, frin:e, o,·.. Hor. gemmatus -a -um (gemma), lid or adonwd
gaza -ac, f. tht rnynl trea..011re of Ptrlia, tn:a111re u:ith jw·e/s; monilia, Ov.
ge11.en11/y 1 riches n•t'alth. 1· rem& Cic. gemmeUll ·& -um (gemmn), 1IMJ(ic OT M "tt"itl&
Gela .11e, r. '(riAa.), tn11,;: ~n thll aoutlt COfl.$t of jcweu, gtmmtd; trulla, Cic.
Skily. Hence, l, adj., Geloua -a -um, of or g~mmlfer -f~ra :ft'!rum (gemma and A-ro),
1•elo11,,111 11 to Gr/a; 2, Gelensea .1 11111 , m. tJit bearwg ur prod11etng Jtlt~u; mare, Prop.
itllinl•itwru of Ucla., 1. {gemwa). L to btld; 'rites, Cie
gem 239 gen
IL A. in oc
~rt with jt1t1tu; scel'tra ge111111antla, gen.Wit&-, adv. (genfalls), jovlnlly, gnily,
ov. B. to glitur like jeweu; herhae ge11m1auteK Ov.
n>re n:-c"'uti, Luer. genloiilatua -a ·um (geuiculum), 1rnoUy,
gemo -lli -lt urn, 3. L In transit., A. Lit., to full of k·11ots; culmuit, Cic.
sivll, 11ro.-iii; tlesi<lerio allcuiue, Cic. B. poet., genlofllum .f, n. (dim. ofgenu), 1, tile knee,
tran.'\f., a, nf a11ir11als, of t.he lion, to roar, Luer.; Varr.; 2, a knot ofa pl.ant, Plin.
,,f the turtle-d•>Ve, to IX)(), Verg.; b of innni11111te
ohjecL-1, to qroan, creak: ge111c11tii1 fitora llm1pori, geniata (genesta) -ac, f. tM plant broom,
Hor.; t;enmit sub pomlerc cy111h11, Verg. IL Vcrg.
T1"111sit., to sigh or yrotul ovtr, lament, bemoan; genlt&blltll -e (geno = glgno), relating to
aliquicl, Cic.; lt.yn, Hor. prad11ctio11 or birth, fruUful, productivt, Luer.
GemoDlae. -arum, f. (sc.. scalo.e), or more genitalia -c (geno = i;igno). brlongl119 to
rarely Oe111011iae scalae, ll /tight of ldeps /ram tJie birth, !ft'l~rution, ge11eraling, ]1Totli1cing, fmitful;
Au11.lhle hill to the Tiber, dclO'll. wl~idi. tlie dead 1, dies, birt1'.da11, Tac.; 2, suhfft., Genltalls
l>9ttie..• of mtJJ. u.-en throw1i. -h1, f. ~urna!M of Diana as pruidi11g ot'er births,
giDA -ae, f. 11;111ally plur. (cf. ytl'llf), I. IM Hor.
cltttJc. Ch-. IL Meton., a., tht tytlld, Enn. ; b, genltalltir, adv. (genitalh1), fa a /nliiful
C..V 'Y'·h.ok, Uv. ; c, the eyu: et patiar fo1111ill ma.1u1t-r, Luer.
lr1men al.ire w-nis, Uv. ginltivu.e. v. g~n~tfvus.
GinAbum -i, n. a town ln Gaul, flu capital ginltor -6rls, m. (geno = glgno), 1 a begetur,
of~ Carnuta, now Orleans. A<lj., ~ben­ fatntr. Cic.; dedm, Jupiter, Ov.; 11rl1is, Room-
td.a ~.of or bl!lougin.g to Ue11abun1.. /us, Ov.; 2, producer; quae genitor pro<lnxerit
Genaunl -Orum, m. (rn'Clii.,oa), a ptOpl4 in ueni., Hor.
Genava -ae. r. a tmon of the Allobrogu cm
genltura -ae, r. (geno gigno) 1, a. htgtt·
tt11!J, e11gmtleri11g, brfogu1g forth, Plh1. ; 2, tlu
tu oorden of tloe J/eliYtii, now Genna. consullat ion which pruitlu over a birth, Suet.
gOnialogua-1, 111. (yri-caAoycx), a gtnt.alogilt, g~nlus -II, 111. (geno =gtguo), l, tl1e g1mrrl£an
BJ>iril of a man or p/cu;11, a grnius; geni11111 J•inre
gUier ~ri, m. a son-in-l11111, Cle. ; grand- or placare, Hor.; genl11111 curare vino, to e11.io11
d.rn9l<Jer's 1uuband, Tac. ; sometimes = brotlutr· ouc~tlf with, Hor.; Dcl"emhcr geniiK af'ce1•tns
i1..i1r.r, Ne p. (licca1111e of rest from toil in the llcld11), Ov.:
gidr&lla -e (gen1111), 1, rtlatfog or btlOl'lging 2, l11lent, ge>&ius, Juv.
Iii fl k:i111l or g1mus, generic; co1111titutio, Cle. ; 2,
1f1lnY1 l ; 'l'l°' ltla m deco rn 111, Cic..
geno gigno (q. v.).
ge119, gl'ntis, r. (geno, old form or glgno). L
ginerilltir nd v. (generalis), i1l gneml, a cla7>, a nmnbtr of famiU.u conntcted togetl«!:r by
~11mJ./Jv, Cic. a commo1l desetnt and the we of tlie amnt gentile
gilleraaco, 3. (genero), ro be generattd, to be 1«rW1 (orig. only patrician, after thti e11tabliHh
pro.l1u~l. Luer. went of conn11bi11m between patricians and
generatlm, .:tdv. (genus), 1, tuX"rding to plebclAns. plebelnn nl110) A. a., ht., vlr J'l3triciac
hiuu or clu.~; copias gcneratirn, co11stlt11c1"t·, gcutlll, Cic.; gena Cornelia, Liv.; Peru\'im1, sine
Cai.-s.; 2, i11 gencal, gmtrally; loqui de aliqua i;eute, of low origiJi, Hor ; patncil 111ajon1111
rr, Cic. (senutcraa11poinled by Romulus), et 111i11or11111 (Clp·
generator -Orl11, m. (genero), a lNgttter. 1ioi11tt<l by ;'ar1ufn), ge11tiu1t1, Cic ; a bretil or
rn•lna-r; nm1:re breneratorell suoa optlme pote· 6Jll'CiP.s of crni'rrwls, Verg.; b, traOllf., 1lli n111jornm
rant, Ok. gentinm, tlie lfltprtmc or ru71trior grxl! Cic. ; dil
gmaero. 1. (genus), to btgct, produce, crro.IJ'.,
mi11on1111 gentinm, tits 111ftrior, Cle. B. (Poet.)
Meton., oJ!sprillg, <le.~danl: vib.jJHne, rll'ftm
('Im~ t1J trW, brh1g to lift, generate; deus 110111-
gens, Aenca f Verg. D. a peopl,, tribt, 11atton.
inem i::eneravit, Cle.; Hcrculis stirpe gener· A. 1, lit., exterac nntionea et genies, Cic.;
atu-. Cic. ; quale portentum nee J ub&e tellns l:!nevorum, Caei1.; 2, tram1f., o., a dutru-t, can·
~"l'll('rnt, Hor.
lturum, Liv.; b,
to11; i_P81111l In eam gentem
gmaaoae, adv. (gcnerosus), nobly; perlre,
pal'tlt1ve genit., uhlnam gentium 11umus? whtrt
u..r. l11 the 11Jorld an 'Wt f Cle. B. gentffl, fo'l'f!ignl!r11,
giJa8ritnul -n ·nrn (genns). A. 1, ofMbu
birth. -..t>Ne; virgo, Cic.; 2, applied to animals,
genus, gens bu111ana, the hu111(1.n
met, Cle.
1·l~nts, or i11n11i111ate ohjectJI, excellent iii H111I,
gentlCJ18 -a ·Um (gens), belonging to a nation,
'<·-·i;ft, of1111-.crior •11talily, 10tll·brtd; J>ecU!I, Verg.;
natio1wl, Tac.
'iuum. Hnr. ; or abstractloni., ortus arnlcltiii,
gentillclus -a ·Um (gentllh1). belonging to 11
l:ic. B. Tr~11sf., rwble, ma.g11animoua; vlrtus,
()~.; 111i:rn1, Ov.
particular gms; sacra, Liv. ; sacrlftcia, Cle..
gentille -e (genll). L btlongi11g ro a gnu,
gibae81a -ls, r. <rr~u,~). tk co1!6Ullatl01'
'llZ-i i.-1 t'ruida owr one /1 birth, J uv.grntilt; man us, of the 300 Fabii, Ov. l:!Ul"lt.,
genetiV118 (genltivua) -a ·Um (geno =
gentilla -le, m. a clansmt1_!11 a ~ of the
.wim1 gens, Cle. ; plur•• Cle. II. bel011ging to tlu
~~no), 1, inhonl, i11nalt; i11111go, Ov.; nomina,
.ame coumry, national; nllgto, TAc.
f1.,.;11 na""~• Ov.; 2, ca.'lus, the gtn.itive ~-
gentilftae ·itlR, f, (gentflls), relatiomh(J)
g&aetriz -tricis, f. (genitor). A. OM v•ho
bttween the member1 of a gt11.11, Cle.
hi""' forth or 1,,..m•, a mother; magna dl'Ulllgenu -lls, n. (vc:ivv), the knt~. Cic. : accitlt're
i:<nctrix, C~le, V1·rg. B. Trm111r., JIM thal pro·
•Iv~~; tmgu111, Ceru, Ov.
iteniuus aliculm•,; attlngere allcultu1 genu,
gi'pWla -e (geniuK), of <fr btlanging to tlte
~;,,._ oenita -ae, f. corut-WIH it& Lfgvria, now
I. r1tlating to tlu genilla of marrwg,,
•kptial: lectos, the marria(lt!·btti, Cle.. ; and snl)St.
~Wte -m, m. (JtC.. t.orus), !ht marriage-~.genWe ·111, n. (genu), a knu-baltd, gamr,
;.;: IL relating to tAt ~nnu aa partllhng Ov.
11 ~ plemanl, j01Jful, ga.71, ddigl\t/ul; 1. genlinua .. ·nm (geno = gigno). tl4t11mZ
~m, Ov.; hJelNI. Ver.i;c. inMtl; genuln~ domutTcaequo virtutes Qao.
gen 240 Gig
2. g~niiinus -a -um (genae), rtlatlng CJt' bt· germlno, I. (germen), to 17>M11I ~ Hor.
longing to lhe cheek or jaw; dentes, the back· 1. tJ;Cro, gcs!'ll, gestumi'. s. to carry. L Gen.,
tutli, Cic. Subst., gin6i.Dua -1, m. a jaw- A. Lit., s.1xa in 111uroi;, Iv. B. Tran~r, 1, SE
tooth, Juv. gerere, to be ha tie ont~IJ. to CtJnd11ct owself; u
1. genus -l!ris, n. (root GE~. whence geno =
honcste, Cic.; with pro ( <U) an<l tl1e ab!., iU.
= gig110 a11d .,,....o~). L birth, desu11t, origin, i;e jnm tnm pro Cl\'e gessis);(', Ck. ; 2, to to11·
esp. of high birth; gencris a11ctor, fulhtr, Ov.; duct, managf!; quid nr.;;otii g<'ritur, Cic.; ne-g·
iceuus putricium, I.iv.; ph·l,..i11m, Liv.; ma· otium, or rem, bene, or malt~ gerere, Cic.: ~m
ternnm, 1.atem11m, Cic.; of animals, Ov. IL or res gerere (of generala), to hold the c.-mtmnu1!:
ra«. A. 1, natio1t, stocl:; Hispannm, Liv.; 2, Cnaeus tP.rra, Pul•lius navibus rem s-ereret, Li\".;
a, fmnily, ho11Je; ge11us Acmilium, Fal•ium, Liv.; also rem gerere, to fight, Liv.; rea gestae, U·
gencre reb-io 11atnm esse, Cic. ; b, ojfspriug, dt· 71/oit.•, esp., v:arlikt u1•loit1, Cic.; Dei?•,tii ger-
act11t.lmtt, and collPctin•ly, <ksctndanu; gennll entes, b11sintsJ ~oplt, Cic. ; tsp., a, to hr;l•l tun:.~
dcorum (of Aeneas), Verg.; 3, ra; genus \'irile, public o.Jlice, to hold, to manag1:; rempublicam
mulicbre, Cic. B. 1, or living beings, a, 1u«, gerere atque administrare, Cic.; magistratum,
kiurl; genu~ human11111, Cic.; b, (a) of persons, Cic.; b, bellum gt'rere, to wage tcar, cum
cl~, sort, kfod: omnis generis homines, Cie. ; nliquo, or advcnm!J aliquem, or In aliquem. Cir.;
(/3) or animals, 11otcies, clul'I; multa genera 3, J•l1le 11e gerere = prae se fern>, to t'..rltibi!.
lerarum, Cae11.; 2, of thing~. a, lit., J.:i111l, ma11ife.,I; util1tatem, <.:ic. IL E.<ip., lo carry
rnridy, aort; omne genus frugum, Lh-.; Id on 011esclf. to liart. A. Lit., 1, g~n., hastam,
~e11ui1 im1~rif, Cic.; philoRoph. t. t., genus Vrrg.; & to /,enr, J>TOdtta; platani malos gf'~fl'.
111 loi.:i<', ge111111 universum in species certas Ver.;. .as. Transr., 1, personam alicuios gert'n>,
J•a1tirl, Cic.; b, fa~ltion, mnnnn-, u·ay; tota to aci the part of. Cic.; 2, umiciti11m, to tr.l<r·
u1111111s in omni genere •liligens, Cic. tain, Cic.
2. genus -tls = genu (<i. v.). 2. gero .Onls, m. (1. gero), a carrier, Plaut.
Gendaue ·I, 111. a rirer 011 the 1'orcler1 of Geronlum -II, n. town. in. .Apulia .Daunicl or
Nrietdonla, now Iskt1m,. Sam11i11ri1.
geogri.phla -ae, r. (yfwypa"'&a), (ltogmphy, gerrae -!trum, f. (ylf>i>a.), 1rottltd hoigs, Yarr.;
transr., trijl.o, nonse111t, Pla.nt.
geometrell -ae, m. (y«wµfrpri5), a geomtln-, gerro -on is, m. (gcrrae), a trijf.r-r, idler, Ter.
Cic. geriilue -i, m. (1. gt-ro), a ro1 tcr, carritr, Hor.
geometrla -ae, f. (y«wµnp&11), gtometry, Cic. Gerton (Girfo) -{mis, m. nntl Gerf6nes
gcometrl'.cua -a -11111 c.,,.,..,..,.p.ic~), otu· -ae, m. (I'qp\/Wv anu r11pvo...,5), m3t.h., n 1..·,.,iJ
n1etrfral; formae, figures, Cic. Su list., geo- with thre4 Wits, li.rhig in t/1~ i.'<lattd <'J Erythi..:i,
metrl'.ca .Orum, n. (ltOllltfry; geoauetrica ui· ' artr. u:tn ru.rritJ co§ l1y lltrcult1.
dicissc, Gic:. gestamen. ·Inis, 11. (gesto), 1, tltat vhicA ii
georglcue -a -um (yrwpy••~). n9ric11//11ral. <'<II'• ittl t:ithtT as a burden ora11 ornament; clipeo~
Suust.., Georglca -Orum, n. the t.ieoryi"11 of g1,stnmen .Abitntis, Verg.; 2Llhal in or on tcl1icb.
Vtrgil. 11ny!hi11u ii carried, a littu, T11c.
GCraeatlcua portuR, a hnrbour 11t<•r Ttos, gi>~t11s), geatlciilor, 1. dep. (from gesliculus, <lim. of
'Sn Ionia. to make p<1ntornimic 9r:>l11ns, y.!lticteluk,
111 1·rprr~cnt or txpress lry panlc-111imt, Suet.
Gerae8~S Rlld -U ·I, f.(rrpa<O'T05), stn]>Ort
town in E11./1ot:Jl. 1. geatlo -Onls, f. (I. geru), ma111•!fnf!tnt. ptr-
; 11egntii, Cic.
Gergovla -ne, r. !OIL'll of the .A Tt'trni ill Gvll ia fon111•1tce
2. gestlo ·i\'i An<i -II -itnm, 4. (gPstn,.). l,
Germalua (CermiUua) -1, m. a part of the to aull, to ~ dortrf11l, lirrly, to ~ 111111.•r"rleol;
laPtiti:"i, Cic.; \'olurtale, Uc.; 11ni111\ls t:!t",,ti1·11,.
Pafotine /lilt at Rome. rehns s1·c11111lis, l.i\'.; 2, lo tlt$iT• pa.<.>iv11.,ltf",
germane, ndv. (i;erauanus), faithfully, lum· Ire ""fl'•·; with intiu., !ICire t>J1111ia, <.:ic.. ; 111J~.,1..
cstly; rescrilJt-re, Cle. 11t111lio lav;111dl, \"eri;. ·<irn111, m. the f:erma11s; l1enl'e, 1. gestito, 1. {f1eq. or l. gero). to carry often,
Gennanua -a -mu, Grrnwn: 2. Germania C<1n·y much, bt nccustomttl to m1·1 y, Pinnt.
0 ae, f. Gtrmuny; sup«'rinr, i11f~rinr, Ta<'.; plur., geato, 1. (iult-nll. of 1. J.:<'rCI}, lo ffl.rry, btar,
Germaniae, Tac.; 3. Germi.Jl(cua ·a ·Ulll, Ger· <Y1,.,.y uh<n1t 011t, u:cur; cla,·u~ 111a11u, Hor.;
man. Subst., Gennanlcua ·I, 111. as a sur- 1·a1•11t in pilo, Cic.
name (on nccount of hill \"icturies <>Yer the Gt"r· gestor ·Oris, m. (1. gero), a·liMrer, !lf)SSip.
mJU1s), Germanic11s Caesar, son of Drnsus, uud Pl1111t.
ntpltew of 1'ibcriu..s. gestue -ils, m. (1. gt>10). l, tltt C'!•rri119t of th
germi.Dlta8 ·dtis (g.. nn:rnus), 1, fht rtlu· l!Ofly; 1·nrporis, Cic.; 2, e11p., the stmlil'tl ,,.,furry
tio11ship bttu·een br1•tJ,,rs u11d si.itcrs, brnl11trh"o.I, or ~t.•lir11/11tion 111111 uctor or ornlor; hist• iuunm
sisltrhO<td, Cic. ; 2, tht ("(11111tzion br·tarem cit frs 11n1111111li gestus, Cic.; iu i:;estu 11('Ccare, Cie.
ic/1ich are CtJlonic.s of the sumt molhPr-city, Li\".
Gctae -a1m•1, m. (riTu1), a 1~0,.te of Tllra~
1. germi.Dua -a -11111 (like ~en11rn, from liriuq nrnr the lJa1111bt. Sin~ .• G~ta -ar, m ..
geno gign11). A. havi11fl tltr rnme 1-<1,.tnl~ or nrnl Getea -al', m., gen. collect., the t:ttn.e; hentt,
at lta .../ the iotrnu fnlh~r; fmter, somr, Ck. !Suh,;t.,
a, germinua -i, m. 01t•11 brotlia; b, ger- a, ~dj., Get.ea ·llt>, m. Gttic; b, ~tlcus
= Tltruci<rn; c, G6tlci,
mana -ae, C. 01r.n si~tcr, Ye~. B. Trausf., a, ·a -11111, pod.
ctfler tlit t:rtic ji1sl1i"n; lorp1i, O\•.
brothtrly, sisterly: in gern1an11111 moclum, PlauL;
b, qrn11i11t, reitl, lrut; scio me asinu111 germnuum Gitulua. etc.=- Gaet11111,., l.'tc. (q ..... ).
fuisse. Cic.; jnstilla, Ch•. ' gibber ·t!l'a -t!rum, 11ump-backtd, 811et.
2. Genni.Dua -a -um, ''· Germnnl.
gtbbus -i, m. (connected with
germen ·lni~, n. (perhap~ from geno b-ii:mo a h11m1>, huJ&th, Juv,

anil sumx -men, orig. gemn_cnt then gPsme.n, Glgaa -g1mth1, m. (r{YG~), a gim1.t; vn.
f?_er111en, er. Cll~rr.e~). 1, a <rt.W, lpTOltt, twig, plnr., Gigante11, sn1u of Ttrra, who .t07" t.\1
\erg. ; 2, 0§1pr1119, U\', l1Cart1t1, btlt vitrl kilkd hr the lightning of hJ·ilcr.
gig 241 glu
Adj., GIJranteus -a ·11111, rtlating to Utt giants, gU..Co, 3., 11 to gr<no 11p, s1un ttp, 'hftu:r wp;
gifltrnlit:, Ver;;. adJu,·c11ik111 1!1111li11e111 cc•pia voh111t11t11111 :;ll:o1el$
gigno, g~11f1I, gl'lnitum, :1. (geno, co1111P.Cted ilia, ut ii;ni'i oko, Cic.; ig1ii>1 sul> p1.·ctorc J(li>i·
with ..,1.,0µ01, yi-yvoµa•), '1J IH'fJd, lJt:tlf, l1r£111 fol'th. ceus, Luer. ; 2 to i11C1"tuSf, swell, S/l'ff'lt•l; 11c gli11·
A. Lit., Hc·rculcm Juppitl.'r "'e1111it, Cic.; Hecuba ceret 11cgli:.te11Jo bellu111, Liv.; i.;li:.ce11tc iu 1li"2!
.~1.xa11d111111 ~cnuit, Cic. i.
Tran sf., t-0 ca11st; 1ieditio11c, Liv.; 111ultit111lo r;liscit i111111e11s11111,
incN11as 1-cry much., Tac.
Jll'rlnoliune111 anilnun11n, Cic.
gllvus ·:I ·Um, pair. yr/low, Vt>rg. globo, I. (glolms), 1, to form. iiit.o a 'h<11l,
Pliu.; 2, lo form i11t1• a mwis, to erum.l toyttl1u,
gingiva -ar, f. tlU' g11111, Cnt. Pli11.
glnltrtx = g"netriic (11.v.). glob011119 -a -urn (:;lobus), spl1tria1l, globe·
glli.ber . hm · lin11n, hair, m11>otl+- sht1f""'; term, Cic.
sl.:iti~.-.1. l'J.111 L 1 glo'bUlu• -i, 111. (dim. ofglohus), a little rou11cl
glAciatia ·e (glnclc.'1), relating or pertaillinu IK1fl, !/l<Allllt, Pli11.
11 '"'· u:y; hie ms, Verg. ; frigus, Ov. globus -i, Ill. I, a r01111tl b«ll, globe, sphtrt:
gliclea -ei, f. I, i~; dnm et. altc concreta stt:llaru111, Cic.; tcrrne, Cic.; 2, a, a r111111d
gbc1t11, Liv.; plur., glacies Hyperboreae, Verg.; /~11' or muss; llammnrum, Yerg.; b, a trovp,
2, ltarr/n(..S$ ; ncm1, Luer. crr.tW<l, ma.~ of people; glol>us circ11111stnns con·
ali.clo, I. (gl11ci0<1), Ui frw:e; niv..11, Hor. sulis corpus, Liv.
glldlator -tili>i, 111. (;.:lrulius), 011.t u:lw 1MI glomoramen -l11is, n. (glomero). a ro11111l
l;ir,.,l to .fi!Jltt at public shnws, ftLntmls, cte., <t truu<J, ylu!N, Luer.
giadiat~r. A. Lit., Cic.; a~ n tenn of rcpmnch, glomero, l. (glomua). L Lit., A. to 1ciml
/m,.f.t, ln-iga1ul, t;ic. B. Mclt111., glac\i:ltorcR =-ro11rwl, 11Utf;r a lxill,form iiito a 111•hert; Jnua111 111
gl11di11loriltl t.rhil~tion; <Ian', Cic.; a.hi., gla1liat- urltci;, Ov. B. Uf foodL!o roll i11tu u b<1ll; rrnslA
t•ril•n,, cit tlu glrul iatorial umn.e.•, Cic. 111cro glnuwmt~1. O\'. Ai. Tranllt, A. OC linl'>ie·
glidlatOrlus -a -um (gla.liat.or), a relati11g 111c11, :rnpcrl>os ;.:_ressus, to mak~ a lwn1t l"ltn·rt ur
rr 1)('r/-i11i11g lo alwliators, gladu!loriul; I 1t<l 11s, pm11ct, Verg. .u. to gather togttlur, cvllect, fi>r:11
Cir.; f.1111ilia, a troo1> or /land of gludurtors, Cic. ; i11to a 11ui..o;s; :i.,;111i11a, Vcrg.; glo111cra11t11r ap1.·s
Joens, tltt 1ilac.e. of ahibitio1i, Cic.; co11srs;i11R, //111 in orbem, VeJ'!::.
••AAt••ltled .•J~cfatm·s, Cil'. 11111nw1, spect.'lc11lu111, glomua -his, n. (akin to globus), clue, 31.-tfo,
Ci~-; b, t11111,..f., totiu!f corporii1 linnitnll, Cit:. lxr{l oj thrnui; lo.1111c, Hor.
~ul"St., glAdiati>rlum ·Ii, n. t~ pay of glrulia· glorla -ae, f. (root CLU, CLO; Gk. KAY,
Inn, Li\'. KAE, whence Latin Jans, Gk ...MO(), fimtt, rt·
glidl&ttira -:i.e, •. (gl:idint-0r), a combat of 11ow11., glory. L Lit., tlol'trinae et inge11il, Cic.:
~ln,/i(l/ors, Tac. i11 s111m11m11 glorii1111 veuirc, Cic. ; gloria111 l1nbcrt>,
glAd.lua -Ji, m. (root CLAD, whc>nee also cn11l!e<J11i, capere, 11cq11irerc, Cic.; gloiia111 seqni,
CIJ.Jrs), fl ~1roni, ~ sftort srrol'tl (en~i;i, a lonyrr Cic. ; ali'Jllf'lll gloria attlcere, to ho1w11r, Cic.;
Olli~ A. Lit., gla1\ilHI vnginii \'llCUU>i, a 1uil.ttl 1•l11r., gluriae, <>1•port11nilies for fanU!, &II. IL
""ml, Ci<·.; i;:latJi11111 stri11gcre, l'ncs.; 1], .. ~!don., A. a, c1 glorio1~ <ltccl, 'fnc.; b, prirlt,
•lri11~""'- Cic.; <"lttccrc, C:w'<,; 1111d:ire, to dn111.• ylory; tn11rns J>t'Co1·ill, er nr111c11t.i, i;loria, th·.
Iv ""'"nl, 0\'.; alit111cm gla•lio ins1'(l'ti, Ck.; B. 111 a l~Lu 8Cn~, vain-glory, lxic1~ti11g, mu.hi·
llic11i gla·lium i11t.-11t~1rt', Liv.; tra11:;lig1;rc :di· / ivn, pride, Cic.
q•i•:m i:latlio per p+'ctt1s, Liv.; prov., plumhco
¥ j11 011lari, Ui I!<! 1U:frn1«1l 1dth little tro11Me, illy, Ck.
glorlatfo -~"'inis, (glorlor), a glorying, boold·
C1c. B. Mdon., tlial which iJ dont by llte glorlola -ae, f. (dim. of glori:l), a little glory;
,.~,,-,/; !.'\t1t:1 gl:idionun i1111.u11it:i.~. of11rnrtler,Cic.
liisce cum orue11 gloriolne i1111ig11iliu11, Cic.
glaeba = glP.lx-L (:]. v.). glorlor 1. d"P· (glorla), to glory iii, boost of,
glacsum (gleaum) ·I, n. amflt'T, Tac. pride •illtsrlf 011. «; 1, a\11101., hie tu me
glandlrer -ft:ra -fCr11111 (glans o.nd fero), i.:lori:iri vet.'l.'I, Cic. ; with 111\\•crbs, 11i111b1, Cic. ;
"'"r1t·bturilty; qucrcus, Cic. i11guJcnttr, Cif'.; wiU1 a.t,·ersus nn•l the nee., IHI
glans, gl:indi~. r. (.Bci>.cu'll~). 1, an l!('(>rit, aml advrrsus tc 'lllidern gloriabor, Liv.; with In nnd
ge11. a11y /n1il of similar ~htrpr, Hnr.; 2, a Int/let tlil' abl., i11 vict.,ria wl igunviti gl .. ri:iri licct,
du<.~<ir:Jtrl from a :.ling; glmulci; f•.• 1111is 111 callas Sall. ; 2, with nhl., no111i11ilt11s \"ckrn111, Ck. ;
Jar•ll'\', C11:.ii. !!llli vif't.,ri:\ tam in!<olrutcr, Cat>!!. ; 3, with 110
glirea. -:ie, r. f!7Yl ioel, Cic. 1tn1l the :ihl., de tuis benellciis l11tolerantissin1e
gl11ri11ris, Ck. ; 4, with acc. :'Intl iuli11., h1 mfl1I
glireosna ·:\ -11111 (j;larcn), urorelly, full of l'tiam t;lllriahitur se omn1•R 11111giRtratus 11iuc "'-
grurd; s:llC:1, Li\·, Jllll"''\ ~secut11111, Cic.; 6, with pro11•11111 11cc.,
glaucoma -itis, n. (y>.a.6Kw14a), <1 11is.'(1St of n·lh:m cquiden1 Idem pt.>sse glori11ri q110tl C.rrn:.,
tht t~e, l'li11. Cit'.; pnrtic. fut. paR.~, glnri:\, utoriutts,
I. glaucus -a -nm (y>.11vKo<). 1>/ui,h·!JT't"IJ; wr11·thy to be bw.stm of; l>eata vita glunn1ula et.
111ix, \'~r<~. ; 1uuictu:1 Arcthusae, Vcrg. pracclicandn cHt, Cic.
2. Glauous -1, m. (I'A11vJC6~). I a J1shernu111 glorio.O. nctv. (glorioo111s). I, 'M.:A glory1,
t-f A11/kit/1111, t·ha ni:wl illto a .<e1.1-g0tf, tlit Jirt'J•htt !]luriotcsly; aliq11id i,:loriosissime et 111a~nili·
•if tJ,,. Ya,,;.C.•; 2, so1t of Si$JJJ•h11s, tom tu pitoo; ct>11tissi111e conlicere, Cic.; 2 1 ro1rnti11gly, /,c>tUt·
., Iii.; 1;ir" /,,ir.<e11. ingly; 111e11tiri, Cic.
gleba Cdaeba) -:ic, r. (co11nect<'<l with glodOtm.8 -a -um (gloria). L Ol1jet•t.,
::l 1 •t.u~ ancl glomus). I. a lump or clod 1•/tarth, famn11!, yloricnt!: mor.i, Cic. ; j!l11riusf~si11111111
t:ic.; 111el, la11d, soil: terr& potcn:. nt)('r~ gkl>1w, ractu111, Cic. IL Suhject., a, nmMtiuus, Cic.;
\~r:;. IL 1'ransr., a piece, lump ofuny substm1ct; b, 1•rc/rnli1>11.s, />()11/llfrcl; mile.~. Cic.
1•1c1x, Cnei1. ; turis, J.ucr. glubo, 1?h11•~i. i.;lupt.11111, 3. 1, to pul, tab
gliblU& ·&e, r. (1liin. or gleha, a littl, cl»tl), nff the ri11d or l•url;, \'Rrr.; 2ltnmsf., to rob;
1, "lil//'.fi1nn or ufalt, JUV.; 2. a Wl1t/l {11111p 11111;;11a11 irnos Hc111I 11epotcs, Ca
or bit o/ m111 •1cl>!l/&11.<"t, Flin. gluten -thii~, 11. ut11e, \'e1i;.
cliawn= glac1m111 (q.v.). glutlniltor -i1rli1, 111. (glt1tf110), cnu 1rhr1 glut
Ilia, gllrfa, m. a don1WUl8, Plin. to,rther /,cl()}.;..•, 11 bookbi11tler, Cle.
Jli.dno, 1. (gluten), to gZw or JIG* ,.,,..,_, GraoellU -1. m. CM u... "1 • }tlaflr flf a.
Plin. Gena Sempronl&, tM tJIOIC /wfltJ1U ~ or
Sliitlo (g111tdo) ·M or ·ll ·ltum, 4. to ..Z.\ torn Tib. and O. 8emprouio.a Gnechua,
lotD, plp dotoa; epulaa, Juv. IOU o/ Tib. SemJ'f'O"i"' Gracchua 4'14 Cornclill,.
Sliito (gluUO) ..(lnla, m. (g1ut1o), 11 gltdton, daugMn- o/ tu elder &:ipf.o ~u. Adj.,
Pen. Gnoobi-nua -a -um, GniocM-.
Glfoira ..a, r. (r>.vcipa.), a "'°"'41''• t1am1. grMIUa -e, •lflMMrJ. tM,., .inn: 1, Ht., paer,
Gltoo ancl Glfcon ~nla, m. ~rAvK..".), 1, Hor.; capella, Ov.; "' transl., of dillcoane.
• cel4&raud, Hor.; 2, a pl1rncl41'o Cu:. •implf, "Withoui onMUM1U; wateri&, Ov.
Guaeu -1, m. a .Rom41' Mnu, ahort.ened Cn. grAoWtaa ·itia, t (Kracilia), WA--. .U-
pi.rltaa -itia, r. (gnarua), knotcltdge, Sall ,.,.., lieMtrllOI; corpor&, Cle.
para -a -um ·(root ONA, whence alao grlotuu -1, m. a.jaJ:kda.VJ, Phaedr.
gn&VWI navua), 1, knowing, Aa11b1.g, J.."1l010lfdgt 8J'i4Atlm. adv. {graclUI). Mq b,. ,,., br
of, cuqucii'llUd wLU&; with genlt., reipubllcae, gradation11, gnlduallr, fir dqna, Cle.
Cic.; Lattnae llnguae, Liv.; with rel. sent., eum P'14Atfo-6111.t,f.(gradus).inrhet.,dhlas,Cic.
gnarum CuJue, quibu11 or11tionla 111odill quaeque
anltnorum partea pellenmtur, etc.; wilh acc. ~or, greaaua nm. grlcli, dep., fo *Pr
and lnfln., Haadrubal aatla gnarua Hanuibal~m • C c.
tranaltus quos<lam pretlo 111err.11tum (e11Ke), Liv.; Gri.di'f"llll -1, m. (gradlor, ii 'llJlll.b ia
I, pua., k1'oum; guarum Id Caeaari, Tac. ba.Ule), "•ma.., o/ Man, LiT., Verg.
Gnatllo ..(lula m. Uae name of a. parariu '" grl.du ·tla, .m. (lradfor). L ca Mp. A.
tAe E111'uc.\u o/ 7'.rrn.o.; hence .. pamnte, Cle. ; Gen., l, lit., gradum facere, "' make a. .up, Cic. ;
GDi.thOnlol ~rum, m. pa.t'IJIUa lih GMIAo, celerare, Verg.; corrl~e! Hor.; addere. to
Ter. At&ltn, Ur.; gradu cll:llUI, pl~o, at Qtr.U:.t
-ir.-. -
Gnatla - Egnatia (q.T.).
_ . . _ pavu = natu'• navua (q.v.).
Gal.du ... Cuidua(q.v.).
Marek, Liv.; gradnm refem, to go back. Liv.;
Llv.; gT&dum cont'er:re,
LI '" ; ••

gradurn lnrerre In boltM, co GdtlllUI agaiiut,
ft g., •• a. _,,
~ w ._ OOlllbal,
..............._ _
_ _... ,
, ;
GnO.U. (0n0991Ul)·i,f.(K..-dr,K-cnrM), )ll'tmualtradua Imperil flac'1ll est, ae.; grad111a
CIAO.~ cUr o/ C,..,._ au nhdetlc:c o/ Jltw; leclt IMf" oen1uram, Liv.; b, #q, oppromeA:
hence adj., 1, Gnonu-a -um, G1'onaft, Ctttaa; quem mortil ttnnut gradum, HOT. B.. ~
atel!M coronae. crot11n of Ariadne, Hor.; 11ublt., ,.uMm, poe (of a oombat&Dt), allquem gradQ
Gaiala -ae, r. .triadne, Prop. ; I, GDO- movere or demovere, &o driw /roa <YHi• ~
•lioWI -a -um, <hlotklA; ru, Minos, Ov.; Op LiY.: 11.g., aliquem de gradu d~ or gr.du
Gaielaa -adl1, r. Gnoriaft, poet.= Cnla1'; anct dt:pdlere, Cle. D. Metou.., .up, air, ""'"
aublt.= AriadH; d, GnOalll ·ld11, r., corona, of a. ladder. A. Ll~l a,gradua templorum, ac.:
tM conllllla.tio" of Ariadtu'• Cl"01llll, ov.; aublt., b, eap., gen. In piur., au f"OW oJ .au \a a
Ariadi"' theatre, ete., Tac.; lling., at Noviu1 collep
g6blu (oi'blu) .If, m. and giblo ..(lnia, gT&du JlOllt me u110, Hor. B. Tranar.,
(~), pdgeol 0 a, muaic. t. t., tll4 gn.adatiou oJ ao1tnd; llOll-
m. a. l, v. orum gradua, Cic.; b, ~.; a TiJ'.
Qom.phi -6rnm, m. {r6f141o,), a. to101& i1' TM. tute ad rationem \•ldeo te veniene JFMlibu, bf
1«ly, cm tit• Ptiuu.s. Hence ~la_.. 1tagu, Cle.; onmea gradua aetatla, Cic.; o, "!Jira
·lum, DI. tAc'MabUcm"
•onger, v. conger.
of Goapli. of rtlatiouhtp; ueceasit.udinmu gradu•, Cic.;
d., ra.n.t., poniion; g111<lu1 aenatoriu, Cic.9 la-
Gordlum .u, n. (rdpatov), '°'°" '" PArrufd.
Gordlu ·Ii, m. (rop&ltf), a. Pllrrgiaii king,
llmua fortunae gradus, Cle.
Graeol ~rum, m. (r~ Ult Greta; llvg.,
(a.mLd/or a knot cm Au ehariol, U" u11/uitener of Graeou ·i, m. a. Greet, Cic., and Gr..oa
tcltich, according w a legend, tr10uld be tll4 ruur o/ -ae, f. a Gr«k tDOma11, Llv. Hence, A. Graeo-
.ibfa. .Alua1'<hr tllc u~ ct&t t1u bot. ua ,. -um1 Gm.t; td Or&ecllla Calendas, v. Ca·
Qordlutioholl, n. indecL (ropl&ou "''xc>r>. a. lendae; au oat., Graecum -i, Greek lmt~ or
place i• Caria.. lu.ratun; adv. Graeoi. '" tAc Gnd: ..,_,.;
Gor!'f-:- B. Graeola -ae, I. G1W« ('EM&,). l, Gretee i•
·&e, m. (ropyia,), 1, a. GnetaopAiat i.v Mn"OW7 aue; I, Mapa Gnaecla, Cl• Gnd:
of Leon4fai, con.U•porarr oJ .SOCrata; I, a. rluWrl- colonia (" tM .tOUlA o/ /taJ.r. C. Graectllu
cian at At114i&a, conCtaporarr o/ CMlm>. -a -um, dim. adj., G1"fJ8k (ge1i. ued Ironically).
-Gorgo -g6nla, or ·gila, I. (rop')Mi.); plur., &t.t., Graeoillaa -i, m. ca JiUl.e Orwlc. QWll
Gorgouea, CAI Uane davglttM-1 of P/Lon:-u (Stbeno, contemptnoullly or the Greek JlhlloenplaerB aDd
Euryale, and Medua.), mouten 1DUh 1MJ.:u for rhetorlciaaa in tile boa.lea uf t.he rich at .Home,
Mlir, 10.\a11 look to alo11t, tll4 c.\fr,/ etc.
o/ tohoa, MtduatJ, "11ll slai• br Ptnftl1, a.nd lier
Mad stt in /llinm:a'• Mfdd. .Adj., Gorgmaiu ~· J. dep. (Graecua),, lo ffw (a GnrJ:
-a -um, Gor11cm; equua, tll• Aoru Ptga.111.1, Ov. Q~ -la, r. (I'pu11~). a hUd-
Gorgob~ -ae, t towm o/ tM Bou cm tAc ("fl '" tu Roma" Fonc-. rreelai for tAe ~
bordn-1 uJ .Aqu ltHia.
Gorgon. v. Gorgo.
of lodgi"fl Gredc a.tad oCAer foni4a
Gortjaa ·ae, r. (rOp.,v..c.l. cJtW '°"1lt o/ iM Grill ~r11m (and poet. -6111),, m.= Gneei, at
Wa1&d o/ Cnll. Adj., Gortjnlu -a ·WU. and Grua, Cic.; Bing., Odhla ·I, m. a nn.t..
Gortjn)'.Aou -a -um, Gortyuia.n. Hence, Grl.lua -a -um, Gnel:.
04lthiD.l CGitiDI.) ·Grum, m. a Gmno" Z*J1U GrUooiU -Orum, m. ca Gall(a peplr f• at
cm U&e riwr /.I a.n:A. Gro ia1' .A lp1.
04lth0.. (Gitiau) -um, m. ca Omnoa OrUullla ..e, m. (Oralu ud aao=
f'tUple. glgno), a. i1nd: fir birtA, a. Onrk, Vvg.
gdb&tua -1, m. (~~. a Macedonian grimea ·lnla, n. (root GER. C~ wMn01
word). • low ~ ca
com"'°"' ~ lledll«Jd, ~>.
1, ,,,,_, ""'I. UT.,
v-.,; a. ,._,.
grAmlni'lllJ -a -nrr. (gTamen). L lfli\de nf .,,_ (E11rhrnsyn·~. Aglaia, and Thalia,) tAc 111"'-
,,_.. A.. Uen., corona "b11idionaH1, Liv. B. dnses qf g1'008, cluinn, agreenbknt.w, etc.). B.
llkltW of cu11C or; hast.a, Cic. IL IJTO'"Y; Tranar•• 1, feroftr, yma; &, petivit In tie11encii
campo.s, \' "rg. loco et gratiae, Cic. ; grat.iam dioendl tlr.cere, to
gra.mmAtlca_ v. grammatleua. allow ta i1'fflk, Liv.; in Krntiam alicui1111, to 1i1~ ..
grammiitlcua -a. -um (yp•,.,,_ci.,IMk). I. .90'/MO~ Lh-.; ab!., gratia, 01t aCC01tnt of; hom-
lnum gratii, Cic. ; exempll gr&tii, for 11:1XJ1111•k,
A•fj., rdl•ting to grammar, grammatical; tribu~ Cic.; b, indulumce (towards 1111 oneuce}; udicti
grammatica.s adire, tM oompn1\y ofgrammaria"4, gratiam facere, to bt in.dulgtnl t-0, Sall.; 2,
Hor. IL Suhst., a, grammAtloua ·i, ni. thanlqulnu!, tlvrnh: grat.inm ferre allc11i11>1 rel,
n g-raa11i4rim1, Cle.; b, grammi.tloa -ae, r. Liv .. gratiam p•·r~ol Vert! di is, Cic.; gratias age re,
and grammAtice -ee, f. gram.mar,, to thmd:, Cic.; alien! pro 11110 1111mmo ben .. ttclo
Cic.; c, gram.mi.tloa -orum, o. gmmmu.r, grat.ias agere, Ci ... ; gratiarum nctfo, girl"9
philol0111, C1c. thank#, Cie.; gratiam hitliere, to be than1'fv.l, Cic.;
grammi.tlsta -Ile, m. (ypcip.µaTuTT>j(), ci t:ratiam referre, to 'lltOO a rrl14rn, Cic. ; gratillm
IM.cil.rr nf IJT<tnrnvrr, ttal'lv.r of, 811et. redclere, &11.; di>1 gratia or grntia dlit, thad:
Ov.; al,I. plur., gratiis or gnititi, withom
Gramplua Mons, a wi.ou11ta(n in Scotland, God! ncmnµtnu, for nntl1 i11g,; gratiii; euffil-
oow tltt 1;mmpums.
flc11ri atque emcf n&Vt'lll, Cic. IL A.. /<1.1'0tU'
gr&n.arlum ·Ii, n. (granum), ci gra1iary; with otlw!r P"/fQIU cndil, in.ft11euce; gT&tiam
gen. iu vtur., Cic. allcuins i;ihl r.oncdiare1 Cir. ; grRtiam li1ire Ab
gran4aevus -e. -um (grandia and ae\·am), aliqno, Ck.; lll'tt•l or RU aliqucm, Liv.; In ~rat~
r<try old. ; :S ereus, Verg. es>1e, to be btwittd, Ci1·. B. Tn111sr., 1, frl..ti•ld-
grandeaoo. 8. (grandt11), to become grMt, ship, uga:rd; 111 grntia111 n.•tlire c11111111iq110, Cic.;
illCl"f'{]M i1l rile, Cle. cnrn oonR ~ratia 11liqucm demlttere, Cle.; 2,
power, dignity, Cic.
grandlfer -f~rn -rnn11n (gnrndla and rero>,
prod11ci1&g {l'rml profit or 1u1·1A-t, Cic. gri.tlrfoatlo -~ni11, r. (gnttlflcor), com1t1ai.-
nn.·~. n1'1i9i11gnuJ, shmcing kind11'-..'8; tlulla1111, Qj
grandD0quua -a -nm (gnmdis an•l loquor), Sulla to hi1 80/diers, Cic. ; impuden..~, Cie.; grat.i-
1, •pttlki1if1 gr .,ull1t, Cic.; 2, in a b1vl. senlftl, tlcatio t:t bcuevolentia, Cle.

l;oa.cftal, fTl".iivl ilo•11Unl, Cic.

pandlnat, imiiera. U lw.Ua, Sen. gratlf'foor, 1. dep. \gratus aru1 facio). 1, t•
er.ct so as to ]iltu# nny 011.t, to oblige, rrrn.lifl/, "" a
gnuullo, •· (grandia). L Transit., to ma.b favour to; alicul, Cic.; with rle allqna r.,, to
']NIU, i'M:1't.a...-e, Plaut. IL lntransit., lo bf,CQD~ couimu11icau; qui de eo quod fpsioJ superttt, allis
gf'fUI.. Cato. grntitlcari volunt, Cle·. : 2, with acc. or thl11g,
grandlll -e. L Lit., gnat, Zar~. A.. Jn to gi~, ~·1t to; populo alitma et &WI, Cic.
"xt.euL, I, c_pistola, Ci<'. ; 2, in stature, tall, gratlis, \", grati&.
vuer, Cic. B. Of weight, etc., large; ponuus
~nti, Cic. C. Of lime, old; grandis natu, Cie. gr&tlO.aa -a -um (grat.ia), l, mjoy\ngfarowr,
D. Tranaf., A. gn:u.t, importan.t; N-8 grandiore>i, fawured, ~OVf'd; apud oumes ordine11, Cic.;
Cb!.. B. Elip., vf i;tyle, high, loft11, gm11d, £h- in provlnci1t, Cic. ; 2, 1hoaoln.g fallQHr, co•
i::all'd. nblim.-e; genus dicendl, Cic.; orator\!& J>laiilan4; gr1'tii•sl acr1bae !lint in d&Ddo et
gnndl'S verbis, Cic. L-edeodo loco, Cle.
grand.ltaa -:ltis, r. (grand ls), or discourse, gri.tta, v. gTlltia.
wft~-. sublilllitv; verboruru, Cle. Gritlus -II, m. (F1dlacus), a llom41l pod, C:Oll·
grando -lnis, f. Jiail, hail-&lorm., Cic. ttmporary of <ivid.
Gri.niaua -i, m. (f'pa.r•c!Sf), river '" Mpia, congratulate gri.tor, I. dep. (gratus), 1, to ww.nifnt J<rg, M
f/Pwtu for oiu of Alamu.vr'• riictorWA. ciny ont; alicui, \'el'J(.; aihi, Ov.;
gratatur l't'cl uces (sc. eo11 es...c), Verg. ; 2, ton-
gri.alfer -ft!ra -f!rum (granum and rero), jtJkt; Jovis te111plu111 gratantes o\·anteaque
fmi1'.-()Rrrying; agmen, anti, Ov. adire, Liv.
gri.zaum -1., n. ci grain. or aud; UT'&.6, Ov.; gritdito, adv. (gratultWI), without pnv-llt,
Dc1, Cic. grot11it\J1Uly; alicui gratuito civitat.em lmpert.lre.
~pb.larlu.e -a ·um (graphinm), rdaUng to Cle.
~ gric,,ll.(1tm, Huet.
gratt1itua -a -um, 11ot paid for, gmtvitoa,
grApllfum -li, ·n. (yptuf>iov), a 1t11u or 1harp- /ru, &JIQntaneous, t'Olcmtary; 1uffrn~i11, oomltia,
r;<1iR.t.elt irutru1M11lforwdti1tgon U.oaxln ta.ble%$. 0 v. 1tnhribed, Cle. ; amicitla, Cle.; pcob1taa, li~ral·
graaeiitor -6rla, ru. (grassor), 1, an id.Ur, iw,Cie.
Cato ; 2, a ttoctarn«l vagabond or ri-Oter, Cic. gratilli.bundua -a -um (gratulor), '°"'"
graaaor. I. <lep. (gradior). L 1, "1 adm~. gratuh1li11r1. Liv.
prr:>ettrl; ad gloriam vht.utis via, &II.; in poMeS!I· gratdlatlo -Onls, r. (grat.ulor), 1 a wu.,
iooem agri publici, Liv.; 2, a, to go to U."1r/.;, to jo11, con11rat11latWii; clvium, Cic·.; l11uJ.ia noetral',
µrocttd; Jure, 11on vi, Liv.; \•eneno, Tac.; b, bt001JM nf, Ck. ; In sua ~ratulatimtt', wht11 11.e VYU
<"BP,, t11 procftd vinle11tly, to rage; ut paucor11111 11'-tng 0011grat1tlalcd, C1c. ; 2, a tha~illi169
1~-t.-ntia grasaaretur, Tac. IL to go about idl11 futirol; rei1Jt1blicue bene gestae, Ci<'_
;,. 1~ #rerl&, to lotkr, riot; Juventus gnusans i11 gratiUor, 1. dep. (gratuH), 1, to manifut }Q!J,
-;uburra, Liv. to tci.IJh. a per11011. joy, co11qrattdaU; alicui de
grMi, adv. (grittWI), 1, tciUingl11, wilh. plea- rerlitu, Cle. ; alicui i11 aliqua re, Cic.; with acc.,
i'tr'"• Cic. ; 2, tAankfu.Uy; et grate et pie facere, alicui rt'CUperatam libertl\tem, Cic.; with a~.
.(ic. uf respt·et and i11tlri., Cic.; alicui quad, etc.,
IP'a&ea. &l'C. gra~. &bl. gratfbua, r. (gratua), Cic.; with or without sibl, to rejoii'.-e, wis/1 OMM/J
/Milka, up. to the gods ; alicul ~ates a11:ere, jog, Cic.; 2, to gi~ 30lemn to a deit11, Ter.
Cic. ; lAudes et gratea allcol habere, Tac. grattUJ -a -um (root CRA, Gr. XAP, whence
grida ·M' t. (gratu11), agrttabll"Mll8, pleaaaf&t. Xt1PTO(, ;iccipt(, xaipw), plttcl11i.g. L charmiitg,
wr. L A. lit., that u•ltich ii pl«J4ing, chcrm; plti~~:uu, agr•"(l)Jl,,; Ve1111>1, Hor. ; gratl11i;ima
patia »on deeiit verbia, Prop.: hen Ct! pel'&linir., tellc111, Dd~. \'.,11!(. IL 1, a, aqreeabk, we~
Grariat, 1Ju Gracu, d«'IUlhkN ~ z,.,,, and Kurr- /,dot'td; con viva, Hor.; (U&tissima vlctoria.. Cic.;
244 gum
b, . gmli'ful, de.~ervfag thank&; veritaB etlnmsl grigAUa -e (grex). L hdo11gi 11i1 to • Mr«,
jU<'llll•la non e!lt, mlhi tamen grat.I\ e'.lt., Cic. ; ll. Transr., A. belollgiftg to tAe mJIMI m•
gratnm est, with infln., Cic.; 2, gmtefld; gratus p<1n11 ; &rs suhllt. plur., p.igales -tuml m.
in or el'ga aliquern, Cic. Sub'.1t., gri.tu.s ·i, rn. rompanio111, CJMOCiatu. CJCO'.lfApli«6; Catll Mil
gra.Jdul 11w11, Cie. Cic. B., of a comlll.01&; amlc
grA.vanter. adv. (grav1'M, from gravor), ulum, of a private wldU1", Liv.
with dtlfic"Uy; reg:ili O:illorurn hand gravanter grig&rlu ·• -um (grex). ZH>lonfi119 lo CA.
ad Pne1111111 vcueruut, Lh·. lierd., com11W1&; mile11, a 1>Mmte aoldier, Cle.
gri\vate, adv. (gr:m•r), 11•itli di.ff;cully, un· -Jriptlm, adv. (grex). L in flocb or Aerde,
wiTliw;ly; gia.-ate ille primo, Cic. Pim. D. Transl, ill troop11 or crowd$; 'ridoti•
gr&vedinosu.a -a -um £gravLxlo), irubjttt to civei1 gregatim eonjeeto!S, Cle.
cold or u.tlanh, Cic. grimlum -II, n. tlt.t la1•. A. Lit., in gremio
gravildo -lnis, r. (gr:ivis). hro\t\nw of the matri11 1.<e;derei... Cle.; fig., a.bstn.~l e grem~o
limb$ a11d /11.••Jd, cold, catarrh, Cle. pl'triae, Cic. .11. Transf., etl\tre, •iddle; 1nedio
graveolen.s ·lentls (grave and oleo), atrong- Graeci&e grem!o, Cie.
BITll'lling, nmk, Vcrg. grwua -0.S, m. (gradlor), a •UJ», Cll1IU'W,
graveaco, 3. (gravi='), 1, to beronu gritvo1u, way; grcssum tentlere ad moenla, \'erg.; tzanar.,
grow worS<!; aerumna, Luer. ; 2_, of nnimals, to or a ship, hue d.irige grcssum, Verg.
~171.t' pregnaitt, Plin.; transl., ncmus fetu
-ir.lVCscit, !$lat.Un with fruit, Vcrg.
grex, gregia, m. L a ail
A«rd, jllxJc of
atiimals; tiquarum, Cic. ; avlum, Hor.
gri\viclltaa -a tis, f.(gravidu>i), preg-nmu:y,Cic. Transf., A. or h111111U1 beings, 1, gen., troop.
band, 0011tpany. eometime.'I co11te111ptuou11ly, a
grarido, I. (gravi1lus). to fmctify; tc1T& herd; :i1111cor11111, Cle. ; pniedomnu, Cic.; 3.
gravi,lata 11e111inibus, Cic. esp., a, a philOBOphical ltd; philoso1•hon11u,
gravldua .n -11111 (grnvis), prt!]itant. A. Lit., Cic. ; b, or sold lent, a troop; often grege f'acli•,
Cic. B. lwlr.1i, jillcd, fttll; with &bl., pharctra in cloise order, Liv. B. Of things without life,
AAgitt1s, Hor.; urhs bellis, Verg. ; tcrnpest.'\S hya<lnm, Ov.
C11lu1inilH1R, Luer.
grmmlo (grundlo) -fVI or -II -ftum, 4. Co
gravts -e. L hea1,.y, ~ighty, b11rtlt?l.S<f1JU gru11t like a pig, Plin.
(rp11. levis). A. Lit., ouus armormu, Cae>1.;
<ti 1>11s, heavy, oonl to dV;~t, Cic. ; ag111t:n, he1wy- grunnitu.s (grunditua) -Ill!, m. (grwmio),
the grv.nfo~ of a p£g, Cie.
ar1Mil, Liv.: aes gi-ave, lwwy coin, :iccortl111g to
tlic ol•I rllckoning, In which an a'I weighed a grua. gri\is, m. antl (gen.) f. a cnuu, CiC..
pound, Liv. B. 'fransr., a., of 1101111<l, low, de~p gryllus -l, m. (woi.Uo~), a crickd, f1"'G#'
(opp. 1tcutu,;); vox, Ronni;, Cic. ; b, of per>101111 hopptr, Plin.
or t.hings relat.i11g to per>1011s, W£ighty, important; Grjnea.s -a -um, v. Grynla.
lcsti~, &H<'tor, Cic.; of style, rlt1!(1frcl, tlignified;
Grjnia -ae, t. (rpv~10.), and Grjnlum -Ii,
15e11u11 epistollu11111 scvcn1111 et grave, Cic.; c, n. (l'pii.-iov), a to'IC'n fa .Atolis, with a temvle
grfrro11•, p1.1i11/11l, lwrtl, luir•h, seurt, un7>frlL'$Ullt; an<l oracle of Apollo. Hence, Grjuiu -::.
ternl'csta:i, Cle.; vul1111>1, Caco1. ; nc quit! gravim1 -11111, Grynemi.
In frntrem statuertt, take harsh nte(l~ure.' uguinst,
i:::a.. s. ; d, (a) of smell, stro11g, fetid ; odor cncni gryps. g1Jpls (grfphis), m. (ypuo/I), a gri_#n,
gravis, \'erg.; (JJ) 1111u:ho/J'.sonie, u11Ji,·"!thy; anui Ver~;
te111 p11!!, Cic. ; (y) oppre.uin~. tro11/,/,:so111e, 11ml; gQberni.cMum Cmbernaclum) -1, n.
se11ectw1, Cic.; grave est, with inlln., Cic. IL (guberno), a rudilu, T.;1m; 1, lit., a•t guber·
loa<leil u:ith, /adui with. A. Llt., a~111c11 p!"lk<lli. 11aculu111 &ece<lere, Cic.; 2, transr., ti iT'llClion, 1Hllll·
grave, Liv. B. Tran sf., a., pr<'!Jiurnt, \"erg.· b, llgnneat, go1'tT1111ie1tt; esp. of the 11Ultt', accetlPre
J11:m-y with s/up, food, wint, etc.; ~rave~ sornuo ail l'l'ipulilicae gnbcmacula, Cil'.; &<l sliq11eu1
<!pnlisqnc, Liv.: c, u·~1k, ill; 111orho, \'erg.; d, g11lic111ac11la rcip11hlicae <lefcrre, Cic~; 11<l gubrr·
admnctd in U{IC; gravis act.ate, Li\". nacnla reipublicae s ......1ere, Cic. ; guliernuc11la
Grlvtscae -arum, f. a '°w11 in Etrnria. Tl'ipublicae tnctare, Cic.; sc11atu111 " gulJer.
11acnli!! u!'jit-ere, Ci,c.
gravitas ·iltil'I, f. (gravis). I. 1i·right. A. giibernatlo -Ouis, f. (guberno). 1, lit.,
Lit., nru1<1ru111, Caes. B. Transf., a, weight, co11~­
(Jt1rnce, i111portmttt; Rententiarum, Cic.; b, di11- 11ttaing, th<! art of sturing, Cic. ; 2, trans(.,
nity, w11bli1nity: oriR, Liv.; esp. of style, dkc11<fi, clirtctiu11, got'tTnme11t; t•mt<1111111 ren1111, Cic.
Cic.; c, a11tltvrit11, seriowmess,, gnffily; giibernii.tor -Oris, m. (gubemo), 1, h€1HU·
cum gravitate et constantia vh·ere, Cic.; d, (11) nuo1, sreenrma11, pUot, Cic. ; 2, trauiif., lcmltr,
high 71Tu:e; annonae, Tac.; (JJ) "11huilthiness; director, go1<tr1wr; clvitati:1, Cic.
cacli, Cic. ; (y) 1mphasantne..<i of inne/l; odo1"i>1, giibernatrbt ·lei~, r. (g11bemator). IM tkat
Tac. I_L a., prrg1U1.nc_y, O~.; b, du/1u-u, _lwtvi- uads, 1/ irtct11, govtr115; ista 1•raeclara gtihernatrix
'™'·"ll, /u111t1w13; corpr.rts, C1c.; hnguae, C1c. civitJltum, eluqucntia, Cic.
grAvltCr, adv. (gra\·i!!), a. or sound, deeply; gilberno, 1. (1tv{itp*). A. ki st«r a slip,
s011art\ Cir:.; b, impussi1:r/y, with dignity; Cic. ; prov., e terra, from a place ofsafdy to di.Nd
oratio11c111 E;fa\·iter hahere ct sententiosc. Cic.; tho~ 11•ho art in dcmgrr, Liv. B. Trau11f., a, ln-
c, ''iolrntly, 1Yhemently; b'Tnviter ae~rot..ue, Cic.; trn11sit., to sit at the helm, to stttr; jAm 11ri<lc111
qucri, co1n\ncri, Cic.; gravis.-;ime dolere, Caes.: gu tJernare me taedebat, Cie. ; b, tnu111it., :.o '
d, in all unliealthy co1ulitio11; se non g-ra\'1ter gufrl,, dirtcl, govern; remp11bliCA111, Cic. •
l1ahtre, Cic.; e, irritably, horrlly; aliqni<l
gi-aviter acdpere, ferre, to be vexed with, Cic.
giibernum -i, n. gubernaculum (q. v.).
rila -:ie, f. 1, lit., the gtilkt, tlirocll; obtorta
grii.vo, I. (gravls). L Act., w lowl, bttrdtn. gnTa, Uc.; ~lam Jnqueo fr&nb-ere, tn strongfr,
A. Lit., aliq11e111 R&rcinis, Tac. B. Tra11sf., n., to Sall.; 2, meton. grttdi.11tJB, gh1tto11.y, Cic.; in-ita-
h~ir;htP,11, o:irggrmrr, incrense; iHvitll:i111 111:itri~. 111enta i,,rulae, Sn1 I.; o gulam imml,.m, Cic.
T&"-; b, tO()J'J>rU~, lnm~1i, tro11l1le; i.;1-a ,·nri i11j nriis ~O.U. ·a ·um (gula), glt1tto1&01U, grtittjy,
1111ht11111, Liv. IL I'&Sll., gravor u"e<I as tlep., to darntv, Mart.
bfflr or do t1111uil/in!Jly, to lie trm1h/ct.I, annnyr.d, lo
ttf't"-, iltcli11e; with inlln., mi;.) nl ne grnv1:ri:< giimla -ae, c. ltft rpfc11rt, g01<n1umd: ap. Cic.
exae1litlC'Jll"C ill opul! <1Uod lnstituisti, Cic. gummi. n. indecl. (1e6111'&), pin. Plla.
llDSU ·IUll, 111. (rrnm root G ,\ R, to simlloir, gjraa ·I, m. (yVpot), a circlt. to1m1t;
wl1e~tec aleo h'Ul.1~ L a tcllirlpool.. t1tl'!y! <!"YU; a, gy1,1111tmherc (or a s11nke). Ve~. ; g~·r1111 per
~ ht., Rht>111, -.;1c.. ; b, Og. gul"\;~ hl!1d11111111, lkr:l ducere, tn H:'l&tf'I throH!JI' tlie nir (or liinlis),
\;IC. ; gurgcs ac vul'l\go 1•tru1101111, 11111w11dtrer, Ov.; \Olat l11::C'11ti gyro (t.llu111), \'er~. ; esp. or
t..'ic.; tu gurgcs nlqne hdluo, Cic. IL l'°'~L a honcc, gyro:1 dare. to cxvcc:r, c11rvd, \'erg. ; Ilg.,
trarud., RK!f tletp 10<1tu, G ,,,.."'·, le(C; In gyl'llm r:1tlo11i11 et 1lnctri11ac dnei, to 11U.d;e 11
C&Ta•UthL<i, Verg. "7i1l<1 rJigrc..aion, Cic. ; <'X lngcnti qunda111 nralomu
1. g1ll'gtllio ~ob, r. (SN! gurgea), the ioilld- lm1ne11111ique uunpu In l·Xigunm gyrnm 1:0111·
pi1c, Cit>. J'Cllcrc, Cic.; b, poet. (or U111e), cin:uU; 'brmua
ni1·alc111 interiore tllcm gyro trahlt, Hor.
!. prgtlllo -linls, m. "· cnrc11llo.
l'Q.l'S'll.llti1Ull -II, IL a A•t, ho~l, Cle. Gythium nnd -ium (r.:Bno"), and Gy-
thlum -Ii, n. (rti6,ur), town ia Laamia, tAc pur'
gaaama ·Ila, m. (gusto), 1, "'*· °"'
Ile «iues, Cic. ; ft,;., verae laudi11 g•111trtt.11m non
tU q/ of Sparta, now Paleopolta.
baberc, lo Anw rao ta~e f<W, Cle.; 2, tlll ta.IU,
~r q/ ""~i1141; l'OlllOl"\UD, Cle. 1. to t<Nk, t<1b 11 lWU "/. A. Lit.,
aqiia10, Cic. ; guatare eaugnlnein aliculus, Cic. ;
al-.oL, quomm nemo gustavit cul».ns, Cle. H.
a. Tram1r., ta pariah of, tn.Jflf ; amorem '',
Luer. ; lucellutn, Hor.; lletrodorum, lUte!l lo
for 11 Uuu, Cic.
H h, tlie elgl1th letter or the Latin Al ..halK•t,
, corret1po111tl11;; to the Greek 11plrlt111 m11~r.
pRua ·Q.s, m. (root GU-o, rY-, whence Ibl f'O'lition 11t the beginning or a word Is oltcu
al.., gusto, .,-V.., .,,ffOf.LG.&, .,.U«r,t), 1 tl&e ta.:ltiftfl: uncerwin, nis, for im1ta11cc, we ftud .llrll!i}M:X for
ll'IL'fto explurare c:lbnni, 110t11111 ntfcuiua, 1'ac.; haru11pcx: a 1111 on the contrary, ho11u11 for 01tUK,
2, 111eton., a, tM H'ltd or rtlW.. ta.ktn. befoni a cte. Jn coml.ilnation h before t 111 1sometl111l'11
-cl, ll&rt. ; 0 1 tAc tG8te or faL'f)f)Kr of a1&rtALitg, cha11gcd iuto c, ns tra110, 1 tncctus, and with fol-
Plin. lowini:; 11 for11111 x, as trnxi, vexi.
gutta -AP, r. A., a 1lro1> ofttr&'!f li'fuid; ha! an exclamation, Ila! lwt.d! 1tqp! la! 'ta/
~tt.•c imbrimn q11&11i cr11e11tae, Cic. B. Tran11f., Pinnt.
'11ltJte, s11C11sor ""'rbo" cmillwll, 1to1iu, Verg., Ov. hAbina -ae, f. (liaheo), thfrt by riicla a1111tnf119
gnttuT -11rl11, n. t1ie 111iud71ipt, throat; 1, lit., iJt lit!rl. L !l f1on9, or A 1dlng, \"l'l°'J.: " H'lti/',
1E1•lt11r alicui frangere, to brtak a ixrson'a 1uck, Hor. IL E.'lp., tlll nil" (gen. In plur.). A. 1,
Hor. ; 2, met.on., glutto1ty, Juv. lit., hnlJenas tundere, dnre, to gittt tM rein, ta la
guttua -1, m. (gutta), a narrow·ntd;ed Jug. lOOlll the rtin, Verg. ; halocnu ad1lurcre, or 11re-
Hor., Juv. mere, ti> tigh.ttn, Vcrg.; 2, poet., tl'll1111r., or 1•nll1,
G1i.ros -i, r. (I\i~}. and Of.Ira -orum, n. hnmittit ha~11a11 clu'ii, cr01~ ''" 111il, \'el'J(.
(foi1Sp4), an u/aml i>l t/111 1fr!1Cllll Sta, Ont of t114 B. f<'il·• 1, 11111icit.i11c hnlJelWI 11dduccre, remit-
C,<l&l'.:1• now Clii11.1a, or Jum.. terc, Cic.; 2, gootn111v.11t, g11ulall.Cfl; rerum (or
Gjia-ae, rice. ·nn, aud Gfea -ae, acc. ·t:u, Ill. the state), \"erg.
{l~). I. a gia11t with a hundred arnu; 2. a 0011&· hAbio -QI ·ltum, 2. (root HAB. eC>noccted
Jl"1&im• of AtllftW. with 'Ail·w, cinw), to ht!u, ltfJld. L Lil,
Gv......, -1~ and ·&e, acc. -en, rn. [•"'-). l, u A. 1, to Ii.ave, In the hnn<l or on the neck, etc.;
,..,._ · ,.,. to et.1rry, 1venr; a, co1'011a111 In capite, Cic. ; ve.;ti11
fttronik ef Ca11dt1ttla, l;illg of L1J' ;a, f(lhflm M bonaqunerlt hnlJeri, to be fCOrll, Ov.; of inanimate
wtrudaolandnccttededMl..ilfC. Adj.,Gjpeua ohjccl.:§, :iltera \'Cstcii ripa 111c.,a habult, my
-a ·0111, of or bt'longi1111 to G'!Jf/O. 2. a youtA t1Un· clol.l1ca lau upon the othtr l1c111l·, o,-. ; b, tn h<tw
lio11nl blJ /Joma. llS 1•1rt of onutlf: f<.'lllill:te d11pliC1·11 papillaa
gJ'DIJli.darohua ·I, m. ("(llµro.D'impxo~), the habcnt, Cic. ; 2, of places, to lmld, Im rt, co11fufo,
-.ultfr of a gyMuai<itc111., Cic. l;ttp; Tarfara babc11t Panthoirlen, Hor.; 3, or
gyJllDialum (pmy..t'nm.) -Ii, 11. (yv,...,4. the co11te11ts mr a wlitlng or hook, nihll <'nlm
.,._). et trnblic acl1ool of g.1111111t.'4tics, gy1111uui.m11 (cpistola) hit be hat., quo.I, etc., Cic. B. In a willer
(11mo11g the Greeks). Cic.; the ~y11111&11ia in Grctee !ICnRc, 1, to h.cirt Jl08$U8ion of, hart 1io1rtr ortr:
were frequented by phil<>Mpllcra and sophists, a, to inhltbit CL JiluN!; Capuam, to humbit, Lh·.;
heuc:e n p«iu for 11hil0&0phk:a.l di.6c'U$$Wi&, Cle. b, of nu e11emy, to ncct1py; h0Htb1hnl.Jet111uro11, 11
~caa -a -nm ,yv,....a.crnic~). rtllltlng in 7l08«S8i01L of, \'erg.; c, to he&vt cua rultr, to rule;
to !J!f1H.1Utslie uercisu, Plaut. Romam a J'rincipio reges habuerc, Tac. ; anim1111
ha bet cunct.a ncque lp>ic habttur, 8811.; d, to hm:e
~CUS -a ·lllll ('Y"I'-"'"'~). gyinmutac i ~oputy in act1ull )JOSltUion; gemmas, argentum,
lo.ii, C1c. ; certa111en1 Cic. ~---:- or. ; a bso I. , to possess T''"CJI>erty, to .,., ... ---·"h
........,. 11;
gjnaeciam -1, n., and e1--..&UID ·I, n. hallere in Bruttiis, Cic. ; halJet idem in nnm111i11,
(,.,.,.a.. «'i'.o•), tlll "1001Rtn's apart111e11t1 fa a Gruk hall<'t In J•raediis urbe.ni11, Cle.; halJendi n.m.or,
b11~, Cic. \"er;;.; nliq11id Mil.ii, to JJ"-..'lt.S~ er l·'-tJ• /or 01~1Je/f;
gfuaeconitla-fdls, r.('Y""a.tict11.,;n1) = gynae- sihi habert-nt hnnore;,~ Cic·.; hence the fo1111ula
ce11111 (q. v.), Nep. nf dl\•11rce, 1·cs tu11s til>i haheas (h11lie), Plaut.;
Gjndim -is, m. (r•ivll'I~), a rit-er in A/tlyria, ista111strn~ res sibi hal.ierejussit, dimroo/, Cle.; e,
riow Krr>rh, <•r Knri!ll S11. to /;«Ji cattle, aui111al!!; )"'Cui;, fo ~Prp or 1"Mt&ll a
QPSO• · ~YJ"4 1
) tll ·u jtocl:, Verg.: so domi 1lhison·s, Cic:.; 2. lo ktt11
• cortr 1CL ' !1!f1>!1t1m; 0011&/atitly i111011~ J10Silio11, mai11k1i11; a.,11rou11d
p.•rUc. gypaatus -a -llUI, roi·ti·etl with. !l!ff>ll!llll; "neself, to krcp a perStm fur a })(lrtietrlar JnlrJll)M;
1..-s (the f«'t't of»la,·es for sale loeing 111arkl'll with alirinem i1e<•mn, '" kttp near 011 ~vlf, r-;et•·; ,.11 .
gypoium), 0,·.; (:)'ps:tlb!1i1:&i!l ll1Allih1111. 1rilh lim1.1ls tcrvas ft:iAitirnwrmn circum se, Still; b, tu btp
rllit1! 'lf'ilh gypsttm. (as or actors who played in $01nt pluct; n1ilitcs lo castris, to ku11 tlie 110ldit1·1
l'nmeu· 11 JlRrl:.3), Cic. i11 ro11ll'• Sall.; arm!\ Jtrocul. to kup arms at a
gypsum ·i, n. (y•:.f/cx). 1, {l'J71$Um, Plin. ; <lwmm:, i.e., to aroi<l UTIT. Tac.; c, to co11ji>it,
2, 111el.n11•• a g!!J>6U7", or pltlllUr /it.Jltrt, Jut'. to hr71 fi•st; 11C11at~1111 in curia l11cJ11 .. u111, Cic.;
Ojrtoa .Oni!I, (C'vpTwr), and G)'rtOni ·C'4, ali<JUClll in .vinculls, 81111.; .ill c11st"'_lia111 haheri,
t (~wnr). a tou.•11 in T/i.uil{uy. ! to Ix: 21laool u1co11fi11cme11t, Liv. IL 1 ransr.,A. Ju
hab hae
anarroweraenae, l generally,all<iuld In n1anlbus, T ra naf., a, to d4ocll, to be n liou yt b • plaer, re
lo MPI in haHd, Cic.; ali')ui•I in a11i1110, lo 1utV4! frtA111.t11t; in foro, Cic.; q11,.n1111 in vultu hahit~t
MU.. "'ind, i11und; ,.·ith inli11., C1c.; nli'luem oculi mei, Cic.; b, to d111tU Oil a ..Wjflt:I; in eo
In animo, Co haN in O••e°• tho119ht1, Sall. ; 2, or genere rerum, Cle.
the condition or the mind or body ; &, vulnus, b.Abltuclo -lnia r. (habeo), f-. ap,;
lo b« 'IOOUMi«l, Ov.; fehrem, Cic. ; Rt1im11111 cor,.ori11, Ter.
fo>rtem, Ck.; bonum ani111u111, to be of 11ood
CIOUrtigt, Sall.; odium in alique_rn, to chuish l.atnd, 1. hAbltua-a -um, p.adJ.(from habeo),ferDltd,
Cle.; b, to~ cu aqvulily; 1110.leotiam. Sall.; oout1t1u.L, Ter.
Caewr hoc babebat, lad th.ii c~tom, <.:ic.; c, to 2. bAbltue -ns, m. (ha.hen). L Lit.., tMCt1ft·
dmvi a.fltr cu a CIOJUtll'Utlld, hart cu a ruult, to diti.111i o/ t.W body, app«l_rmtot.. A. Gen., cnr-
Mt""-: benellclnm habet querelam, Cic.: rnlseri· pnris, Cic.; ori11, Cic. B. Ellp., tluJ approm1trt
cordiam, to MU. pity, Cic.; 3, a, to bring into of tilt. drw of tilt. body; habitwi atque n:l!lt.itns,
u C'!rUii11 condition; mare lnfeatum, t" mal;t 1'n· Cic. ; and meton., dnM it&eJ,f, Tac. IL Tra11111f.,
lltl./r, Cic.; aliquem 11olliritum, to makt a11.-ri111u, A. lht "atu,..!L omditwn.; pecuniarum, Cic. :
Cic.; b, to trtal, b-:h1ive toward-'; aliquem l1lot•ral- lt111iae, Cle. .a. di1JX1$iti4n; virtus eat animi
IJJ11l111e, Cle.; pleht>'I 11ervoru111 loco l1al1etur, hahitus naturae modo atque ration! con11enta·
Cle. ; exercitum luxurinse, Sall. ; c, to iu!t't or 11e11:1, Cle.
l:up for l<)IM objl!<:t; 11liq11em ludiltri", to make a hac, adv. (abl. oflilc, ac. parte, or rill, Attt,
mock of, Cic.: rt'mpublicam quuestui, Cic.; 4, to thi.& u·ay, by this side, Cic.
~t, hriW, oonaidu, 1-r!JClrd: aliquem parenh·m, in
LU liqht Qf a part11t, <.:ic. ; aliquem pro liolit<", a.
hactinua. adv. (lit., hie parte t.enu11), 10/a.T.
L Lit., of J•lac-e, up to thu ptii ..t; hact•·n111 dom·
a1' ciumy, Liv. ; aliquid pro certo, Cic.; (in)
in um est ilia 11ecuta 11u11t11, Ov. IL Tran:tf., A.
numero boatlum, Cic.; aliquid religioni, to mab In writing, <li~our>1e, etc., 1, vp to thil poifll;
a wuitter of c011.1Cima: of, Cle.; paupertaa prohro hactenus 111ihi vhJeo1· de amicltia quid aent.irem
haloeri eoepit, to b« oon.11idtrtd u di11Jmll, Sall.; potul~lle di1-ere, Cic.; oft.en ellipticall~-. to close
5, a, to #t abovl, order, hold, arra1t(lt: couc1lium a discussion, sed haec baectl>nns, Cie. ; or to
J•leltia, to hold a council of tht pwple, Cic. ; iter pas:1 on to &0methinit new, sed haec hactt>nu11;
Aei.:~·l'tum, to go to .&Jy,>t, <.:ic.; b, of speech,
11u11c ad nste11ta \'cniamm1, Cic.; 2, 1>nly SI>
to 1tller, tldir:tr, propound; orationcm in senatu, fiu, ottly thu, only ao much; qnare tibi hactenus
to d•livtr a 1p«ch, Cic.; 11ermon~111 cum aliqno,
man<lo, etc., Cle.; 3, i1110 far cu: with quoa.d,
to hold a co1tvtr1tuio1t with, Cic. ; hab<>re verba,
quo<!, etc.; or with ut or ne, Cic. . . or time,
w1Ptttl.:, Cle.; h:i.bere dinlogum, to coinptJ!'-, Cic.; till •U.1l', hitl1trlo, Liv.
c, of time, to pau, 1pe1id; aetatem, !Sall.; 6, to
btp, ob~r1'fl; ordines, Sall.; 7, alicui honorern, Ba4rla (Adrla) -ae, f., 1 is i - '" ~
to pay h.o11ovr to, Cie.; 8, "'flex., ~e hat><: rt·, or a1t1<111, now .Itri; 2, a tou·" in t'ui flfl'l'th of Ital)
simply habere, to furt, to ~ eirC1till3Utnctd, ~ittt· l>du:un tht Padiu 01<.d the Athui~. now Adria; 3,
aUd; a, of persons, i,'T:lviter sc babere, to ~ generally masculiue, the .rl•lrintic &a. Hence,
nry ill, Cic.; 1ingnlo21 jAAucios) ut se haberent Adj. 1, lladriAcua (AdriAcua). ·• ·Um,
rogitan'I, Liv.; b, of thing!!, res isic or ita se Hadrialic; 2, Badrli.Dua -a -um, bdm&g-, or simply HIC or ita s" habt-t, <.:ic. B. In i ni1 to Hatlritt (!<to. 2.,); 3, JladriAUcu -a
a wider sense, l, ~en., a, t•1 h<1 r,, P'>ss.-"; dim Id· -um, Arlriaiic.
111111 fact! qui eot•pit ha\)('t, Hor.; b, to hai•e, 1. Bad.rl&Jlua -a ·Um, v. HadrlL
w illjonn.ed of; habes cni1silin nostr11, Cic_ ; 2, 2. Bad.rli.nua -I, 111., P. Aelius Hadrianus,
to havt, t.rr~rit•ve; nonnullam i11vi<lia111 ex eo
quO<!, etc., Cic.; 3, to have in S<Jlllt rdutfo1< or con- Ront1rn Emptt"'Jr from lli to 138 A.D.
dilvm: digni sumus quos habea21 tui con~ilii Jladriimitum, v. Adrumetum.·
participes, Cic.; habeo aliquern acerbum, CiC".; haedinua -a ·nm (haedn11), of or J)ft1ainitag
with pass. partic .. dorniUis ha hero l!bidines,Cic.; to a l."W.: pelliculae, Cic.
4, a, ni~i quid ha bes ad lurnc, haiv, sum•fhi 11g haedillea-ae, r. (diin. or haedua), a zua.a kid,
to 81\!I. Cic. ; b, tn ht"''''• t-0 ~ in a cond1liun to; Hor.
haU."f) etiam iliccr-e. Cic.; nihil habeo quod in-
cu11em senectutem, Cic, haedillu.a -i, m. (dim. or baeclus). Q li#le kid,
hAbllls -e (habP.o). L eurily ma1w1,d, handy, haedua ·i, m. 1, ci kid, "°""11 goat, Ch-_ : 2,
l'l•J1p{t; arcus, \'erg.; C"Urrus, O\·, IL Transf., hae<li, th• Ki<U, two llan of tht ~alw•
~it<1Ut, fiJ, co11t"wient; a, i•hysically, ,-ig0r, A 11rirµ:t, Cie.
Yccric.; with ad, calceul! halnlis et aptus ad
pe<l1:1111Cic.; with <lat., l(ens eq 11is tantulll l1abilis, Baemonla ·ae, r. (Ai.,.o.-ia), Haemonia, oil
Li\". ; o, mentally 1l.i/j11/; with 1lat. of gerund, 01'.l 11am~ ft/ Thntlaly. .Adj. 1, Baemonlwa -a
ha\Jilis capesseudae reipublicae, Ta.c. -um, 'fl1c.;S11lia1L; 11up1•is, tht s/, i"P A""", (I\', :
jun·nis, .ftw111, 0\'.; pue1· or locros, .rlrhill,,1, '"._;
~bmtaa -itis, f. (babllis), aptitude, ability, 111l'ton., as Thessaly was notorious for witch~~.
Cic. artes, arts of rncJiantmt .. t, Ov. ; 2, Baemolllll
hAbltabDla-e(habito), habitablt; regto, Cic. ·nl•fo1, r. a 11u:.;.....Ui<in u,·oman, O\'.
hAbiU.tlo -onhs, r. (ha hi to), du·tlli11.g, habita-
tfo1i; i.uinptus habitation is, Cic.
haeredltaa (q.v.).
haerio, haesi, haesum, 2. to hang to>, lltirl.: f(>,
bA.bitator ·iiris, m. (babitlt), om: who dwtll.s cleare to, adhere. L Gen., A. Lit., haerere in
or i llhul..iu; a, of a house, ltabitatorcm in hac equn, Cic.: or equo, Hor.; terra radicibu~ sui•
caelesti ac divina J.,1110, Cic.; b, du·cller in a haerea!z.. Cic.; fig., haerere viseeribu~ ci\·itatis,
rov11tr11: suut e terra howiues non ut incolae Liv. .a. Traru;f., a, to ttmain i1t a plaiy: hie
et. habitat.ores sed qua.-.i, etc., Cic. haereo, Cic.; b, haerere alicul, to k~ cln:q r" fl
bA.blto, 1. (freq. of habeo). L Transit., to per"1f)n, cltart to, Ver:;.; in a hostile ~n..e, loat'l'ere
i11habit; urbes, Verg.; in pas11., to b« inl1abitt•l: 111 tergo, or i&tergis, or simply tergis ho<itium,
't'ix 1.ars dimidia (urbis) babitabatur, Liv. IL to hang upon tht rmr of an tnnn)I, Liv.; c, to
l11transit., A. to dwell: alibi, Liv.; ad ora1•ud rt1Minfi;ud, to kttpfirm, Mt to l«Jrt:; haerere in
aliqnem, Cic. ; cum aliquo, Cle. ; in via, Cic.; jure ac praetorum tribunalib~ Cic.; memorla
impers. pass., habit.e.ri, alt Xenocrates, in luna, rei in populo baerebit, Cic. u. to ~ f"'OOUd to
Cle.; partic. subst., habit.antes, Uw ilthahita.11ts, a rpot, to 1taftd Ital. A. Lit.., upectu t.erritwl
OT. : tlg., nietwa habitat in v1t.a beata, Cic. B. baeait cout.inultque p-adum, Verg. B..••
247 ha.a
a. ro lie rdanfed, I<> CtaM; Ae11~ bi.matua -a -um (liamna), 1, J'l'"O'INft4 tcnll
manu victori&
llsait.. \'erg.; b. to be iu tJt'rnlaitv, to be embar· lloob, hooked; ungues, Ov.: ~ curred Ha a
mur11; haci:ere homQ, verUr1,, Cic. Aook, hooktd, crooktcl; corpora, 1.;ic.
hae..a herell (q. v.). BAmllcAr -cllrls, m. (' A,,.i>.Jccif), tMHM oJ
baerMCO. s. (haereo), ~ adhcrt, cl«ive, aticA; ~reral Carthaginiau, (1) the of Giago, cup-
Luer. t•rrn.I. awl kill~1l by Agalh.ocla: (2) Hamilcar
Barca, Carthaginian 17t111ral '"' tha Fini h"ic
baeriala ·009, t (.Upccn~). a phile1ophical War, fatM-r of Hannibal.
llfd, Cir..
Bammon. v. .Ammon.
baeslt&ntla ·ae, t. (h&eJSlto), a .ti.eking /cut; bi.mua -1, m. (perhapa trom habeo, "thot
llngui.~. ~a11~1iuring, Ck.
which hnlJ1°'), a hook. L Lit., A. Gen., baml
u.lti.tio -l·ni'4, f.(haeslto), 1, astickh.g/IJ6t, ferni, Caes. ; ham is auroque trilix, the li.nTu of a
laitalilm i>& $~h, id1.L111.mcrlng; q•1anta haenit.atio t:oa.l of nwil, \"erg. B. Esp., a /ish·hook, Cic.
tra.·t.u111tue \"t'rbon11n, Cic.; 2, ·ptrpluity, em- IL TranHC., a, tht tal011.1 of a hawk, Ov.; b. a
llarmu.v.Al, ltuitali.on, Cic. tlwr11, Ov.
baeslto, 1.
f'fm«i• fiu!.
(i11tell8.. or haereo), '° ltick fll.!lt,
L LiL, in vadh1, Liv. ; abli()l.,
HannlbAl -b!llis, m. ('Awi~cic), na'llU OJ
ureral Carthayiniau1, th11 T7Ul6tfanwUJJ being Han·
CAt""- IL Tra11,;f., to Ito~ A. or tlie tongue, nibal, imi. of H11111ilrar Baroo, 11'-'"'T<Il nf t/11i c,,,..
'IUJ:;ua., to Jtam11iu, Cic. B. tc be pery/tx•d, cm- tlm'fi11ial'UI in the ~wmd P111ii~ W1u, dtj,,11t(1I 11,
1.inrro-z., Co hailaU., be a.c a loa; non liaesi tanJS &ipi-0 at Zama.
rtsJ .or1de bt>, Cic. hAra -ae, f. a pen or coop f()f" dfl'llllAll<
BIJ•eea, v. Halesa. a11ima/.,, a pig-1ty, Cle.
Bilaeaua. v. Ha.leaua. hi.rena, v. aiena.
halc8cl0, v. akedo. hAriol&tlo (Arlc"Sl&tlo) -Onla, t. """11M"6·
halcfon. v. alcyon. ing, ap. Cic.
Balcfcme, v. Alcyone. bArlc"Slor (Arl61or). l. dep. (hRrinlu!!), 1,
hi.lee. v. alee. to utter J"fTCJ'fJh'ri~.s. prerlid, Cle.; 2, to talk n~Jllo>
Balee -leUs, m. nM" (n Lucania, now ttnv., fooli.'h~. Pll\ut.
.dltllfl). Ju\riolu• (llrlc"Slua) ·i. m. (dim. or. harios,
llAIOsa CHAlae•) ·Re, f. (" AAo.tO'ci), a t01Cn i'pni~). n. VJ"thSllyer, f!TOpMt, Cic.
i• Sidly. Ad1., Baliai:llua -a -um, of or be- 1. harmonla ·ae, f. (.ip1-<nv•11), 1, tM agru-
ltJn11in..q w Halelui. ment or 1kilf11l bltnding of Mt111d8, harmony (=
Cic. ; 2, coucard, harn11)11y, Luer.
B:aieaa.a (.Alisua) -1, m., a dtsetridant of c<1nl'entus),
.dgamnl&'IW1'. 2. Harmonia -ae, r. f!.. p,,.oa-ici), dn11ghtrr of
M11,r• and Venm, '!rift of Ca.dnm.s, Q/
hi.les. v. alt'C. Sn~elt anrl Jno.
BAliaemon(Allaomon)·mOni s, m. ci rfra
harpAgo -1'\ni~. m. (ci.p,,.&~), a Tar!lt hook, a
ill .\Jr.vei(1,1,ia, DOIV
drn1, n gnwpling-ircm, Cae:s.; transf., a T(•JXlci-
hAliUtos and b&llaeeto. ·l, m. (cWa.ic- (}U< J-trvin, Plaut.
ro<), w
Mn-eagle, os-prty, Ov. harpO -es, !. (iipni), a cvrtlf.d or sickle-11/laptd
JIA.llartua ·l, f. ( AAicipTOf ), 101L-rt in BototvI SIUJr•f, ()1•.
o.. th.t lrih CtrpaiA. Hence, llill&rtll ·orum, HarpOOrAtea -Is, m. ( J\p1r0«p<iT'l)f), aft
ru. th.t i111&ahitw1u of Halk<rtu.!. Et1.11i•ti1rn 1/•it11. th.t god of siltnet; alici1.1e111 red-
llilicarnaaaoa ·i. f. ('AAt ..cip11atrO"~), town dtre JJaq•••cratein, ti) impose 5Wntt upon, Cat.
'" Cutia, b•rthpla.ct of llerodotll)I, ller.11Ui.etU, Barpyiae (triS\"11.) -arum, r. (' A.pft'll<ll<, fM
a .. d C1Jili11uu:hU8. Hence, 1, BAlloarnaa- s1111t•:l1u-<1, tit• fl11rpi,,~, mythirul monsitr!I, ho/j
sensea -lu111, m. th.t i .. Jutl,itan.ts of Hu.ii.- birrl a 1111 1'11/f V:l'•nrin.
' " '1tlL'-<1IS ," 2, llii.llcarnaaseua -fi, nl. Bariides ·Um, m. a German pteplt bdwu•
f\~, .. apv .. tr0'11;(\, IJ()rn in Jlulicr•.nllUS•tS; 3, tM Rhi11t, the M11in, and the Dci11ube.
BA.licarnassil .f1rum, m.,it<rnt.; of llcili.· hArund ... \'. a.r1Jnd.
h'1ruapex (~pex) -sp1Ci$, n1. {lrp<if,
B.tlieyae ·llrum, f. CAA••vcit), fown in Sicily,
Boe11t1an ta.p~. Etru~can hams anrl • !lpec10), 1.
....... /. ;i 11 1.. ,.um, '"""·'"ltiai. Hence adj.,
a sooth..<.<1y-.r, out ll·ho forttolrl tlv future from t/14
BAlicyenais -e, o/or lx:lo11gi11g to Haluycu. iMp'-Ctirm of tntrails, or from. the inf1ff7TTd/1ticit.
balieutfca. -on, n. (iiA••VT..rci), the Htll of of 11alural phmmntna, as th u 11,J,,r, lightni11g, etc.,
" 1 ,,,,., •.J 11ci1f.< on jl.shing. Cic. ; 2, gen., a ~tr, prophet, Prop.
halitua -us, 111. (halo), lmath, uhalatWn., bi.rusplcinua -a -nm (harn!!peX), rrlntfng
Cl<'.. to tltP. inspmi.on of entrails, Cic. 8ul»<t., hl.rua-
ballcx, '"· a.lee. plcina -ae, f. (sc., th'. arl of tht h•tr"~/~T,
th.t art oj inspo..t·ing entroil1; haru~p1ci11atn
halo. \. L lutran.,it., lo l1Nnlh.t, tU&ale, be racere, to 1•rw:tiu th.e art of h<1nupu, Ci1~
fn11m11l; 1&1~e !lerti" t.alsnt, Verg. IL Transit.,
to 1,,.,,,11.,_ J.. 1th; nec!Ar, Luer hAruaploium ·Ii, n. (haruspex), tM inlJJl!J•
ticn of t11lruils, dii'i11atirm, Cat.
b&liic . . . v. aluc ..•
BaadribAI (Aadrii.bAl) ·bAlis, m. namt
Biluntfum. v. .Alunt.lum. of sunul Carlhagini«ns, esp., 1, ion of .Unqo,
JL\lua ·i, f. toll11l in ..-4asyria. tu.~l1e tirtU.! gentra.l, died 480 A.C.; 2, 1011An·laUJ
B.Uyattis. v. Alyattes. of llwnilozr /:arr.a.; 3, son of l!amilt>'.Lr barcn,
brotli'-1" of HanniliUl. hlled at tM "battle of tht
Balya ·l.fos, acc. ·lyn, m. (' A.Ut), riwr ~n Mrlatm•s; 4, Carthaginian general \n CM Thircl
~sui Mi11or, rrow the Kirll·lrma.k.
Punic War. <Am&), .ae, t (a,.JJ>. 11 btad:d, eap. a hut& -ae, ~- _1 1 a ~.,., a pf.kt, ja~t1'•:
~rt1111l4°S bllCket, Juv. amentata, fur11i.&Ma 'With. a thong Co aMi.l't '"
BAmaclrfaa(~U)..Jdls, t f:A'""" thrcnoing U, Cie.; eminus hutis ant comminot
'"'),a torod·wymph.. lanwdTNad, Verg. ghdio uti, Cic.; prov., ha.\ta.a abjicere, lo IOH
has 248 Rel
t1J11rn11e, Cle.; 2, a, a spl'nr slnc.k in the ;;ro11111l Bebe -«s, r. (lfflyt, i,mrthl, fl.! tf.,,,,1:.r-, "J
wn,; the tola·n of R p11l•lic auchott; h1•11 .. e, s11h J1q1iter, 1:111~/Jtara 1'.flhe !Jl)(fa, wiJc of //uw!c,.
)1a~ta 1·c11<ltTl\ to Mil l1y 11111lio11, Li\'.; e111ptio
ah li:ista, Cic.; h11.;ta \'t'nilitionis, Cic.; b,
hebenus, v. cU..·nm•.
n .«1111// "l""rr, ,,,itfi wltidt the bride's lrnir m!J' heooo, 2. 1, to '"' h/unt, dull: frn-um, Li\.. ;
pr r/r-d tJ•1 tlu lt'Cddi11!J·d<1y, Ov. 2, tri111st:, to /.e tlHll. ltrary, i1111.ti1e; sa11gui,;
lichct, Verg.; sic 111ilii 11c11sus hcbet, O\·.
hastatus -a ·tllll (hasta), 1, nrme<l with a hebe& -etis, 1,/11111. <111/l. I. Lit., a., C:c.;
spear, Tac.; 2, i;11lost., -l>rurn, 111. '~" glndius, o•:.; b, 1,/w.ret/, stmr..r11; lu11ac C<'•lllUa.
fir.~t linr nf the J:on"w <rTllll/ wlu n drttll'll 11;1 llL
or,/er nf l1<1ttle, the first rn11/:, 1m1!J1urrrl; heucP, C11·.; c, hcl•·ti ict11, 11 Uou: th11l /.;n1is1«> "'"' ,foo
1•ri11111~. secu111lus, etc., hnst:.t11>1 (sc. ortlo), till
not puree, Ov. 11. Tra11;;f., a, of the ~··ri~,,_
first, seconrl, etc., nf tlu:.u:n111iuniu into which the t/11/l; a11l"cs, Ci"·; acies oc11lnn1111, Ci<'.; b, •·I
hastati were rlivit/(1.i, Liv. action, sllf!f'/ish, we11k; hel•'s ail su'' 1111.·1"11!"'
laborem miles, Sall.; c, of colour, dall; c"1or
hastile -j,;, n. (l1al!ta), 1, the shajt of a s'iear, non hchcs, O\'.; d, 11tt1d11lly dull, !tmn1, '.!l'j·i•!:
C!c ; 2, tl1e .''J>mT itYlf, Vcri;. ; 3, n Jifo·e of 1~'00<1 hcbeti ingcnio essc. (;ic.; ho111inl's hclo..:k,.,, C1c.
in the. furm OJ a slwft, " shoot, a prop for v111es,
Vcri;. hebesco, 3. (inch. l'rom hl'lieo), to 1,,..-.,.,:~
dull, ltlunt, dim; men tis ncic", Cic.; a11d(,1it:.ll~
ban. interj. oh! a.n exclamation or pain, acies, Cic.
hand (haut), nrlv. (an emphatic negative), hebcto, I. (hehPs), to 111,11.-~ c1i11. 1./11r>r. A.
1111t, uni nt 11il. 11!/ 1t0 TM<rns: 1, gen.,. a, with
Lit.,, Liv. B. 'J'ransf., '" 11111/:e rl1·r/, l./•11d,
to dmilrn, di111; fla11111ms, Ov.; nlicni \·isn", \',.r,.:.
n·rh:; haw\ .tuloiti), Cic.; ha11tl scio, C1c.; 11aml
twio ;11,
etc., Cic.; b with adjcct.ivcs, hand Bebraeus-a -nm, l!ebrcw, .hiri.-h, Tac.
111edionis, Cic.; c, witi1 1•ro11ou_11s, hau<I ali11s, Bebrus -i, 111. (E{3po>), tJ,e l'f,irf rir~r r']
I.ii'.; d, with subi;t., wit 1 or without a J'l'CI.'·• 1'h rare, jfowi 11g '"'° tltr .tlc!Jean Sm.
hR11•l i11j11ri:\, Lh·.; o{ w1tha1\vcrb,;, ha1.11l •.lt~IJ1c, Becabe, v. Hccu1,a.
ball. · han•l sec11s, L v.; ham! lo11ge, cae ... , 2, HecAle -C:,;, f. ('EicciAyt), a poor ol.Z tt'Omn 11
i11 a1;tithl'>1C>1, ha111I ••• sc•l, Cic.; sec! ut ·. . . u:h11 e11tcrtai11ed Theseus.
ita haw!, Cic.; 3, co1Tcl!poncli11i; with other
particles, ha ml . . . tam, L1 v. Hecate -es, f. ('EKaTyt) anti Hecata ·;\('. f.
"slu I/mt U'IJrks fro1,1 ufi•r," tJ.r !J•Hldc>> '-'f l'H"'.'•'
hauddum (hautdum), ndv. not at all as a11tl eJ1chrrntme11t, 11/ten ide11ti}inl 1"ilh /1i•u"' ""'I
·irt, 1101 yet, Liv.
Luna. Hi>11ce, a•l.i., 1, Bccateius ·a -1u11,
hn.udqu&.quam (hautquilquam), ad\'.. and 2 Hecate1a -ldis, f. llecutcw(; he11cc-=
by no 11tt'<' 1<s, 1tol ut all, Cic. magicn}, Ov.
hauri'.o, ha11si, l11rnst111n (f11t.p11rlic.hnus11rus, hecli.tombC -e.~. f. (t.uToµfJ'iJ), a ltm1tr•i1i;.
Verg.), 4. (c1111ncctrnl with O.pvw awl irraupiw), to S!rcrifice of <1 ltmulred o:rw, Juv.
tlm111 117>, drmu out. I. Gt11., A. or llni.<1s, 1,
lit. to 1/m111 m1ta: nq11a111 tic pnteo, C1c.; 2, Hector -U•ri!l, 111. r1.-:K.rwp), SOit of l'ri•rm,
tra;1sf., a., tn t/;wo or fl"/ ch n siyh ; 1rnsj1i111 tns, lrns/,wut of A ntlrr:nnache, the 1rm re«t of fllP Tr":''''"
Ov.; b, to tear 117•; terrain, Ov.; c, to shrcl b/<.orl;; killed by .Achille.'J. Adj., BectOrius -a -11111
1<a11g11i11c111, Cic.; d, tu rclic"Ct togdlu:r; 1•11l\'1s ('Enop<os), belo11ging to J/ectur; l'<•<>t.= 1'ri'Jnii,
Jia11st 11;;, Ov. ; 3, fig., a., hamis de faecc, you Vcrg.
1/nrw from rite clrrgs, •(IWlc the wor.,t nrritors, C1c.; Hecuba -ae, f. and Becuoo ( -i:~.
b, to t11!.r nm1y; s11111ptmn ex a,•1.11rio, Cic. B. f. ('Eica,6yt), wife of Priam.
Met.on., to rlmi>t dry, n11J1'!1; 1, ht., JJOCttla ore, hidcra ·•ll', f. il'Y, a plrrnt sw:rrd to fint:<hu$,
Ov: : 2, trnw<f., a, to pierce; \.atus g)1\1.110, Ov. ; Cac>1., Hor.
b, fa ·"l'"'nt/cr: ima, Tac.; c lo affom11l1sh; bederiger -:::"ra -g-1'.irnm (11P1kra a11.1 ;::;•·rn).
car lo tnl•lim11 sol i:.:rlC'llS 01 hl'lll ~1a11sernt, \'crf!.; iv1;·bmri11!/, iry-cro11•1ted, Cnt.
3, Ilg-., ll, to op/'rr.,s: exsnltantia haurit rnr<la
p:n·nr pul-;ans, \'1·1g-.; b, lo ol1<11r.<f, 11"~Hkcn; hederosus -a ·tllll (licclcra), il'in/, full nf ir·y,
ltaliam et. prnvincias ill1111c11"n k1111re, Tae.; c, Prop.
111 .<irJii1·; cala111i1aks, Cic. II. _Esp., to <lmw Bedcsaa, "· Edcssa.
intn our~clf; 1, lit.., alwu" haunt aqna~, Ov._; hedychrum -i, 11. (~6ti_xpovv), 11 f'u'Jr'"'t
2, t.n11sf., a., lo de1·1mr, 0111s1111u; 11111lt<1~ ha11s1t 11<1/i-e, Cic.
flam111a, Liv.; b, to drm1tr wilh tlte ryrs or rrtr.•, hei, interj., o1ns ! hci 111ihi, 1me i.:1 111e, O\'.
to rlr-i11k i11; \'O<'Plll hi,; auri\Jus ha11si, \'<'IJ.:.; 3,
Ilg., a.,
ali'llli•I cogitati•llll', .Cic.; a11i11111 s1-c111
Helena -ae, f. nwl Helene -es, r. n:.hn1\
tl1111qht,.r of J,rilf! mul J111•ilf:r, sist~r of ('11.,ft•r,
i11mu•111, tlri11k in, \'1•rf!.; :11111110 ha11n1·1., /.u 11t- J'oliux, mtrl Clyte:m1v-/111, 1110/h~r of Jfrr111io"''
te11tl, Tai·.; b, lo dri11k !he CllJI •!f 11/m.rnre or wife of ,\fr11clmr~. r<1rrierl 11JF l>y l'ari.::; :o TTl•!f,
pain; volupt.atcs, Cic.; dolorf'111, Cic. awl thus tltt: muse "ftl•r. Tro)<tn ll'!?r.
haustrum -i, n. (hnario), a machine fur Hclenus -i, m. f F..Ao·o~). so11 of I'1·inm, 11
water, Luer. . son//c'ilr1"·r.
haustus -fl», 111. (11a111io), fl rlrrrn·inrr of waler; Belilldes -nm, f. (lfA,£i8•~). tltr ilfll·(l·~'n> 111
1, l•'g'al t.t., aqnae, Iii,, ri_ght <:f dmu·i:>(1_ 11n!rr the Sw1, 1cho, rtt tlu rlf11lh of tlinr /,rorhr /'/,,,r
from a w,,//, Cic.; 2, tlnuci11~1 tn; a, uf air, 1H· t!Hm, 1t'frf d1011y»d i11to j'<•J•l1u·s, r1111/ tltrir fl'lfn
ho/i 11(1; apiht1>l l':"c ha11st11s ad]ll'rios, \'1"!'1,(. ;_ b, into
nml·rr; )11•11cr, 1w11111~ Jkli:1•l11111, ti 1•·1""'
d1·i11!.i1111 a11ti cu11c1ctc, 111irrlt1!1ltt: aq11a1\ Liv.; grut•r, 0\'.; Ileli:ul11111
laen111a1·, 11111/ll'r, U\-.,
fo11t1s 1'1111larici, Hor.; c, tt lrnndful; urenae, Ov. i;e111111a•·, 111111,,,,., .Mart.
haut -=-· ha11tl (q. , •. ). helicn. -a•', f. (€Aiicyt), 1cinrli11rr. Cic.
hlivco, v. aveo. Bclicc -es, r. ('EAi'.-.,), 1, n tnu_.,, in Arlwi11,
heautontimoriimenos-i, 111.(:avT~ v nµoip- tlrslro•1rd /1y un mrtlr•1•111l:r, :17:! A.C. i 2, <t c"'t·
oti1uvo~), the sdf-ton1u:utar, t/tf tilfr of one of std/11tirm, l/IJ' (;rl!(tt JJmr, Ck.
Ttrr11a's om1ir•lies. Helicon -011i!I. m. (EA •• .,:a-). a hill of B1v1..fin,
hebdomas .:\<\is, f. ({f3So1"i~). t!tr m·i:1tth m1·rcrl to AJ>o/io 1111</ the M11.~rs; Ilclicnnla
dn41 of ct di.sen.'IC (su1•l"'ticd Ul \Jc a critical period), al11111nat', tl1t .M11sr.•, Ov. Hr11cr, 1, 11.1\j., Bell-
l'ic. conlus -a -um, Jltli.:onfon: 2. J!ell-
Hel 249 her
coDIM.\ea -u:n, t.
nncl S, Helloonl4os -um, Sea, now llualcle or Erekli; 4, a toll'1l in Skil1
L tltt .Utt >I'S. on the JlulyrN, al/JO rulltJ. /tft110<1.; 5, Hemelea
Bellodorua -1, m. (H.\10.iwpo(), a rtle'brattd Sin ti CA, a tntr.m i.11 P11ronia on the Sll"11111oH1. II ence,
r"-'t"ri.~i.11• itt the ti11u nf J/ortia. a., Heracleensea -lm11, tile inhabitants oj
Bellop0U. -fos, f. ("H.\«i .. o.\u-), ll a toll'n llem<'lm: b, Ber"4tleotes -ac, m. ~lcmgirig
fo ( 'oel.espi.u., now .Baalbek; 2, a town. n. Lowa to llernclw.; plur., :lleraoleotae .l!.fum, m,
t:~y;4. tht i11/rnl•itc.wls uf Jleruclea.
Helle -fs, r. ('E.V..11), dattghttr of At1:1tmru Heri.oleum .f, n. ('Hpa1C.\1.011), a tou·n in
alld Nq·hrle. u:hn jftx.t jrom her slt)HMtlur fo11 Mam/011 i<t, 011 tire bordt'T.t of 1'/~ly.
o" a 11·Jid.,.,, ram; an.t uus dro11n1ed in. the Htlle&· Beri.olia. v. Heraclea.
pont., so nanted a./ltr her. Beri.olidis -ae, m. ('Hpa.<.\•t6"1f), Ponticus,
helix -lci.s, r. (t.\•0, a kind of ivy, Plln. a Gree!; philo$<>pht!r.
helloborua. v. ellcborus. Biri.clitus ·I, m. ('HpciJV.m·o~), a Gmk
Belleapontus -1, m. (E.u>1.,..,,.o~), 1, t'M philosn7>her of liphw111.
ff,l!Qj•Jnt, fh.1 nurnelfr~; 2, tram1f.• the co<r.•l 011 I. Beraea -iirmn, v. Hera.
/1.41' lli·l~4 of tlte Jlrllt8]101tt; metnn., the illhabi- 2. Bcraea -ae, t. ('Hpciia), town en ..4rcadia
Cu.~ c·flld1 oxut. Ncp. Henri', atlj., a., Bellea- on the .Al1•ht116. ·
pontiua -a -11111, ancl b BollespontlAous herba -ae, (. (tf>lpfJ..,, tf>opfJ·.f, Orljt. ferb-a,
-a. ·U111, of ur ~lonai11g lo th; Jlcllupo11t. whence nl~ febrn, f\bra), 1t plant $Wlka,
helops (elops, ellope), ~pis, m. (iMotJi), a r1nw, 1•l<1nt, hub (sing. often e<>lle .. tfre). L
lllr">ll.T!J, 11e1l1aps the >1tu.rgeon, Ov. I :e11., st ir('!'ll et hcr'Mc, Cic.: sing. collective, In
BC!otee. v. Hilo!Ae. lwrLa ,.;e at.1ici-rc, Cic. IL Es11., a., t/U! atnlk of
11•/""1t, Cic.; b,; officiant 111.etis ne frugibua
hiluatlo (helltitlo) -onlll, (. (helttot), glut. ht:diae,
torn;, Cic. \' e1 g.
heluo (hclliio) -oni:1, m. ci glutton, gor· !'Riil pus, Liv. -a ·Ulll (herbn), full ofgrrut, uro"Y;
wta.;r1ii:9•rt Cic.
heluor (helluor), l. dep. (helno), to g11zzle, berbifer .f('!ra .fllrnm (herba and fero), full
!!"'Tm<t•uli-f, Cic.: tJ·ansr., cum aliquo reipub- of herbage, grauy: colles, Ov.
lica.e ~'ln~11J1n~, Cic. herbJgrAdua ·II. -u111 (herha. anti ~ra<lior),
helvolla -ne, f. a 1111llll pot-htrb, Cic. going through tfi.I grau, epithet of 8 811Rke, np.
HelvetU -·~·rn:n, m. tht! llflr,tii, tht inhalifl· Berblta -11e, f. ('Ep/lml), to111n in th,. {n.
a~t; '1 the i.irt of <;alli.IJ. now called 8u•it:Pr/t111d. t•rior of Sicily, new Ni<osia. Hence, 1ulj., Ber-
Ifrn•'e,, Helvetius and Helvetlcus bltenata ·e, of or btWTl{ling to Hubita.
4 ·Ulll, J!~/,·,tU.111.
Helvll (Belvl) -<>rum, m. a people in Gcillia {/Ta&y; herbOaus -a -uni (herlia), full of herb<lfJP,
campus, Hor.
l'ro .-i .v:u~.
hem. interj. nh ! oh/ t«lll only au I herbilla·a1J 1 f. (.tim. ofherbn), alittlt herb,Cic.

/,1(),(· 1 hem caus:u11, Cic. Beroiua -a -nm ('EpuiO(), a :!l11rnr1111e "!

hCmorOdromua -1, m. (>j,,.1po.5p6/Lo(), 4 Ju1•ilt'1" M tht J>roledor nf the hQUjt, courtyard,
,, uprua, Liv.
!.ll<'• ,.,[
herolsco (erolsoo), 8. (herctum), to dfride
himicUlu.a -i, m. <?t~ and 1e1.\M(), half au i 11heritu no', Cic.
a .. ·u·, a t~rr11 uf reproacn, Cle.
Herole, v. Hercules.
bemloycllum -Ii, n. (-,j1wr:Jir.\1ov), ci rnni· herotum -!, n. (proh11lily connerted with
cin-•I" r .~!tu fur ro1it".rsat!on, Cle.
here.~), a11 i11herilaoce. found 0111\' in the phrase
hem.ina -al', f. (~µiv11), a 11Ua.mre of ca1ndt11, here turn cie1e, to iii vide an inheritance, Cic.
h;.l! :i s.:xtarius, ne<1.riy half a i•iut E11gli1>lt,
l '1.u: t. Herculaneum -1, 11. L t01Jm in Campanfrr,
d~.~lroyd /,y m1 ~r11ptinn of Vesut"i11s, t1ndtr th1
hendoclayllAbl -li111m, m. (ivlifir<10"V.\·
.l.atl.o1 '. i·u,«4 of el't'f:ll lf'!lllu/.,lu, Cat. t1111;eror 1 itus. He11ce, adj , 1, Herouli.n~n­
ais -e, of JI,,,., 11/11,,1·11111. !, in H(•rrulnuensl,
Heootl -orum, m., v. Veneti. fo the di,trict nf llac1tla11t11H1; 2, Berciila-
Benloohi -&rum, m. (Ho·foxo•), a 'f"-OPle of neusan<I Beroillanua-a.u111, of Jlercula1uum..
..k1•ti.: S·mnntia. Hence a1~j., Benlochlua II, town i1t Sn.1wiu11i.
wd Hinloohu11 -a -mu, lltidocJ1im1.
Hercules -is ancl .f, m. ('Hpa.-.\~~). the .•on nj
Henna (Enn11) -~P, f. CEvvci), an ancient J1111ilrr a111L Alrn11!111r, h11.•l>at1'1 of [lri..111irtt etrHl
cir11 ••i Sic:Jy, ,,J,1,,·11f P.l f•r a 1,1111•/, nf Ce.-~. (afar his tleifimtio11) nf l/elir, tile 1rnti""''l hero of
ll··:in: 3-lj., B~n1uensls -e, a111l Bennaeua the norotut11A: thr 11t>:fo•i·1r11r of tit'rlre lrr/J(l11ra im·
-a -ur11, of or i~/011uiw1 lfJ lfriina. poSl'cl upm hi111 by l·.'ii1·11,the1u; rr111trtfol tUJ tha
Bephaestfo ..-,ni,., 111. ('H~11•a-,.i111v), age11eral yii'~r of ric'l-l'.6 and the u11it/e rif the M1tSt'J, Vncnt.
aw fri,1ttl. of .!l1<P11ul~r lht f:rw. sin;z., Hl'rcules or Ilcrc11le and Hercle (an onth
hepterl11 -is, f. {i,,.,...;p~). a grillt.y witll set"en of the Ho11111n~). lry l/r1·.-11les, Cic.; also rnel1er·
0011.l.·.i '~l t•tr~'f, Liv. rules or 1111·h,.1r.nle, Cic.; Herrlo sane, Cle.
1. hera (era) -ae, r. (11crns), 1, tht mi.strt.'3 nf n .. 11ce u•lj., Berciileus -a -11111, lluc11/t{ln;
a hou'lll'. l'la11L, 'fer.; 2, mi3trm, q11u11, ;t11i.alt
arbor, the 71<1p/11 r, \"erg.
rulu, Cat., Ov. Bercfnia silva -ae, f. tlrr lfrn•rnfrrn forest,
2. Bera ·II'\ r. ("Hpa), tht Grt.ek go<i<Tt.cs iii t '"' r•rl li~r11w.ny; nll!o, Bercynla -ae f.
!dr,.tifcJ u:ilft u,, J1111.11; heucc, BerAea thr J/"ri-!111 in..11 forest, Tac. '
-.:>ru111. 11. (Hpaia), ti~ fut61~il of /Juu, Liv. Berd6nla -ae, f. town in Aptrlia, dutroyed
Biriclia (·ia) -ae, r. ('HpelKAft4), tht! rity of by H111111i111rl.
H1r.iclu (Hercules), 1i.ame of ,.,,..,rul 1;rt.d~ tnwM; here= herl (q.v.).
1, a rol>J1•11 ojthe T1.1r~nti11e3fotht1out/1 nf flaiy, heridltarlus ·a -um (here~). 1, relatin!T to an
•r.. u., rfrir Siri.JI: 2, a toU'11 ill Phtlrinti.s, 1var inhtri'" 11c.-; auct10, Ck.; 2, i nlrtritul, herulitarv;
T.~eraopi;lae; S, a tvwn fo Bill111nia 011 tli.t! JJ/uck cognn111t•11. C1c. ; eontroversla, Cle.
her 260 hio
hiridltaa -l.t111, r. (heres), (ttltrUR11~~ A. lliillha ..,,, r. and llialoni -&. f.
Lit., hert'>tlltate po1111ldere, Cle.; hereditate111 ("Ha•o!'I), dm,gh.ur of /.C111-1o'lf., Htv,7 of 1'nll.
ai'tire or cernere, Cle. B. Transr., heredltu rwcual bf lltn"Ctlla/rOM a Ml·•outer.
gloriu, Cle. Bespirla -Mia, r. ("F;ernpic), --'""': aqnae.
BereDDlua ·• -um, MWI« of" RowiA gnu. Italia71, u lt.aly wu to the west or Gh!IMI;
A•U., Derennliaua -a -nm, /frrm11it!n.. Verti;. Rub8t., D~ -um, f. (.& 'JW.
hiri41um .If, 11. (!!Prell), a 1ia1n11wny, Nep. 1np•&.c Nii111'0•). tJu fniperi<lu, 1"11117hl•rs "/tu
hirea (hael'Oll) -bllll, c. (oonnected with hlr, lfomiitg, l'"'"' '" 11 • i4land '" Uu a:I~-'.
Ort't'k ')(tip), nn heir. L Lit., hcreA case allcul i" R gRnle1& tuilA golcUM appla. g 114rderl. bw •
or alicuiu11, Cic.; aliq11e111 hcredem 11crlherr,
facerc, lruitituere, lo mah R I'"'°" ou'• Mir,
cld~nua ·• ·Utn (i--'··or), .,._
tNICent,· • -
Cic!.; 11rc11111lt1!!, R flt',.,,,,,, nRllMWi lo Nltriiie Uu /roly, Verg. Buhet., Beaplrla -ar, I. CM
i1thtrila11ct if tA. or14i1ml 11,.ir a&flliOC 't&Mrit, "'Ute'"' la.wl., lt.&171, VCJ¥. : ~JIClin, Hor.
•;~c. IL Trnm1r., ll«Xn*•r; vet.eris Academlae, lleapiru 01· ..- ·I, 111. ("Ecrnpos), CM
(,ic. fll11 b'tar, Cic.
hiri {IMri), adv. (')(Bfc, l•t. Hll:S, when~, heatenau -& -mn (from root HES, wb"nt"e
ft nit hesl, tl1en herf), 1, 11"'-:denlay, Cle.; !II, laUl¥, hmi), o/ or t"daffll/I lo ~'; cliea, Cic.
Cat. JaMtenao. adv. (helltenms), J01Unl11r, Cie.
hirltllga -ae, ru. (11en111 aud fugio), a /lllJ£. hitaerlo&t ·i! -<Sn (n.up..6f ·it .Or), ttlati•'
tirt, r11na1my, Cat.. to co.naduldp, Nep.
hirilla -e 01eru11), of or nlalit\f1 lo tu tnadw heu, lnt.E>rj. an MClatNatitm of pmn, l'l ! tlltt• !
or •'i:itrus nf the lwUM:; 1neo11&, Verg. 100C / lieu I me ml11t·rum, Cic.
Bermaeum -1, n. \&Pf&'Uo..), lit.,« Wtr&rf4 Jaeuat Interj. Aallol lo 'lwnl Mn! J1f'tl1 tn
of l/t'T11,,,a; a •~Ktll·tolo1' o/ lJntutu1. qui•• &l(l:t ! Cle. .
Berm'«~ria ·Mt, m. ('Ep,.a.,.6par), a RAodMin Jaedmltir -tra -trum (fliµ"PM ), ~ ri.:r
rlvwrlci411' of ai11mt tltt #CU/kl IMUJ of Uu ~ /td (of mc!J"t,); hexamett'r v .. 1111111, or venu.
oentnrr .l.c. hexau1ct.!r, a hUXJ 111ttu, a ttr1t of 1a /«I, t:ic.
hermaplaJ'.lditml -i, rn. (tpp~Tor). Cl" hezirla •hi, (. (•~•p'IK), Cl gcU/tf V-ill As
UrHtaphroCliU, Ov. ba11~1 n/ 001·1, Liv.
B~thina -&f\ r. ("Bpl'Cl"iv.r), a doubr. hl&tua .tllJ, m. (hlo). A. R W!,/J, oiienixg:
mut •1 Her111r1 and At11tm1, on tu annu ptilalal, orii1, Cic.; ten-atJ, Cle.; ab8ol., Uu 111-i11g nf
Cie. tlu mouth, t/1$ OJ>en jaw1, Verg. ; quid tlig11nn1
Bermiraolell ·illl, m. ("Epµ11p<1MA1jc), R dot1bh tant.o reret hie }'romluor hlatu, of nrh 1'0"' ,,,.,.,,
lm.•t of Jfrnr1u aiicl JltTC11lu, Cle. language, Hor. B. Transf., a., dl-1irw <\fl'r:
Dermu ..... , 111 • (Ep,.~, Uu god HenMA, prae111io11J111, 1'iic.; b, lu grammar, 11 Ai11fR1,
lrtrr.-11 r_y). 11 71t1$f, th.t to11 o/ wlllch tRU mrt'M into tM 'lllttJi1tg of tVJO votodl, Cle.
"lrl'l1cl, Jilaaitl in tM llrtdl, osp. of .At.VIII. Jllbires ·Ulll ("'llJ'!P~d, or gencrsllr Blbirl
Dermlini ·Cil, r. a.nd Berml&aa -ae, r. -c'5ru111, m. tu llUJeria.11.1 (/hni1111.1), , IA,. i11-
(F.p11-uS.,.,), 1, clatigl1tu qf Jlt1telau1 and lleln&a, hRbitnnt$ of l/ibtrla in Spain; sing., lllbor.
'K'ift of Om1tr.1; 2, town in .Argolu, now KCU1tri. Hor.; 22 IAf iHJi.ibitmlh of HilJwi,1, ill .Aria.
Benet', 1111j., Dennlialoua -a -um, of or Hence, A. Blbirla -ae ('llJlrpio.), 1, " 7"'" nf
lwlongi11g tu Jfrr111lO'M. tiJ'aili; Sill diatrid ill .Alia, now GflO'l'fi4. Hor.
BennlCSnN -um, 111. 4 peopr. of r.er1111u1.r. B. Aclj., • lllbirioua -a -um. and SI, Blbi-
Derm11Ddiirl -orum, m. a Cln'llla" 'ribe \J' =
rua -a -um, Hiberian, J>Oet. SpaniM; gnrp
the WC11tern Ocean), Verg.; ph1cla, CM~.
tUlllT th.t llOUrotof th.t Elbe. or.; paa to r •-' wap1ex, ('rtryetll, Ov.; vaocae er
Derma ·I, 111. ('Of), a ritJt'T in f,yd(Cl. b1wes, belonging to GtrtJOn, Ov.
Hendol ·l\11.11n, m. a people iA T.alitt•. Adj., lu"berna -lirum, n., v. hlbemu11.
SendOWI ·• -um, HtN&icat\. hiberDAoU1Ull ·I, n. (hihemo), plnr., J1iber-
llir0 .n11, t. (Hp..'..), a. priattM o/ Aphrodiu al nac11l11, u11U or Atit-1/0'f' winter qva,-...,-,, Lh·.
Stxtns, btlurtd by 1-"lniler. D1bena1a ·l\e, r. Trtlu.d.
Diridee -Is, m. ("H~), Herod IM Gnat, lu"l>erno. 1. (hibernua), to toillkr, k. rJ.,
1.:i11f111/ .lud.i,n.. t0\1'Kt r
· •- ; 1 gen., i u I I000 (0 r 11 I i I"')• IV.;· "'
D~CStua -i, m. ("Hpd&orOf), Uu jnt grtat Cll('. l\!J mi it. t.t., to hep in wiMkr q1111rkN. Ck.
Grttk hWori.o·n, born 484 A.c. lu"bernue ·&·ut11(11iems). L Lit., witl.lrr, k'i•·
heroioua ·• -um ('1!*&•6f). Nlalh1.g to tu urly; ttm1pus, 1111"111!111, Cle.; annus, tiwu: oJ ,,.j,,~r.
J~n,,11, htroic; tem1iora, Cic.; personae, Cie. Hor. ;· Alpcii, rol1l, Hor.; cutr&, toi.ttkr qt1Rf'U1-..
hiroini -es, r. (1,peoot.,,,>, a d~iqotldeu, Liv. Snbst., lu""bei'na -0nih1, n. (sc. Mllltn).
Aeroi1~,Prop. tcitlUrr •JlUlrkl·•: dle.t hibernorum, ti.wu/or f10&•!1
hirila -tdis, r. (1,peoold, Cl dtm"1oddua, Mrtnll.t!, intn 'll-iti.Ur q11arters, Cae!I.; hibor11a a.editl1-an·,
o,·. (Or. Jat. plur., herolsln, ov.). I.iv.; l~ihortea in hihema mitt.ere, Ci<>.; ilii
hihton1a. habcre, Liv.; ex J1i\Jemia diaceden·,
DerCSphlle ·t!•, r. ("Hpo+iA11), a priuUu of t'J.:rl'•li, Cic. IL T11msr., ltormr; mare. HuT. ;
A1•1llo. ve11t11s, Verg.
hirO. -01!1, m. (~l*f), 1, a dem{flod, 1tno, Cle.; 1. Hlbirua .1, m. ("IIJ'IP), 4 riT¥r i" ·">Gi"'
9, a dutingui.tW ma1t, hero; noster Cato, Cle. 1tow "'" 1-:liro.
hiriua -a -um (1,~), "'llllfng to " 11ttn, 2. BlbiruA '"· lliherea.
luroic; 1ies, vcn11111, (]•le l'tnt (h.,xameter), Cic. hn>lsOUlll ·i, n. (i#liO'ICOf), ,,,, ""1nll·11UT1lnir,
Denllla ·&e, f. wif'- o/ Jlomultu. Vt"l")t.
h~rua (erua) ·I, 111. 1, '"' maatn- or 11.ttrJ "' B hibrfda (hfbrfda) ·ae, e., 1, or anlnu1l11, 11
'llcu~lrold, Cle.; 2, ma•ftr, nu•11tr, lord, Hor. h11l•rid, Plin.; 2, or men, d1t 11.lf,.~ "/ "
llealidua -1, m. ('Haio&~). 111,. oldnt r.Tt#'k Rmnan b!I a/ureil)1~ t110man, or of a~" bJ a
JK:>e' a/In' H011&11". Adj., Bialodiua -a -um, &lClw, Hor.
HuWcUa.n.. 1.llfo. hu.c, 11&, pron. demou.atr. (fmm l"'°'
hio 251 hip
D()ll\ina\ st.em I, whence also Is, with de111on- h1lla ·&e, r. (dim. of hlra), i, generan1 iu
g!rat1ve authx ce). this. A. Ge11., hie an111cnlus, •lur., tM 111ialler intutinu of all a11imau; :&, a
cic.; l1ic ip;oe, lue ille. hie isle, hie talis, quidam ·ind of w11aage, Hor.
Ilic, Cie. ~ hie ••• ille, hie • • iate, hie re- Bilotae. and ilotae -lrum, m. {EiAWT.1),
r~rring to the oh.iect whkh may be the rem0kr the Htlot11, slfn>u of tAt Spartan•.
,,,,;; in the M'nte11ce, but is the nearer in the
~1,.;;aker's thoughts; hoc, subst. with genit., hoc
hilum ·I, n. (anotlier form or fllum), a trljll:
com modi est, quo<l, etc., Cic.; o.bso!. plnr., hRRc, neque (nee) hilurn, nol a whit, not in tM lea#,
&, tA!'..s toum, this .<ialt; haec delere, vastarc,
Cic.; b, the u:hvle t'iribfr world, Cie. B. Esp., Hlmell& -ae, t. a stream in tM Sabi'll
a. hunc homi11em = '"'' Hor.; b, of time, thia, country.
th~ r1rt.M11t; his te111porib11~, Cic. ; absol. plur., Bim6ra ·&e, r. ('l,.ipa), 1, namtriftwo riwrs
l.a..:-c~ tM prU1t11t stnu Pf affairs, Cic. in Sicily; 2, town on 011' of thtM ri1·tr8.
2. hie and helc, adv. hert. L Lit., in thi~ hlno,&dv.fromhert,Mnet. LA. Lit.,anobi11
r'·I~ i11 thi.s.<pot. Cic. II. Transr., A. hrrrin, i11 hiuc profcr:ti, Ci<'. B. Transf., 1, fr<»ll tki8
t~•• matta, Pit thi.$ occasion, Cic. B. or time, nrns•, Ck. ; hinc illne lacrimc1e, Ter. ; frr111t thi&
iltrr"1""• her~, Ctc. mntta: hinc qna11tum eui videbitur deci<lere,
hice, hae~, hoce, pron. rlemonstr. (a morr Cic. ; 2, of tirne, a, henceforth; qui~rp1is u,
E-m!Jloatic form of hie, l:ace, hoc), this; a., Cic.; amissos hinc jam obliv!scere GrainR, Verg. ;
in questions with -ne, hicine, hnecl11e, hod111·, b, thereupm; h!ne tot1J prneeeps 11e cnrp»re ad
Cic.; b, of time, tl1t pu.<t'•d; huucine 11ulc1r1 undns rmslt, \'erg. II. on. thi.1 sidt, in Util
tam nigr11111 surrexe mihi, llor. dirtctinn; hiuc atque illinc, O'll thil side and on
Jlicetaon -(mis, m. {'licn·ac.w), sm. of Lao- that, Cic.
•tdo11, 1..-i11g of Tn1y. Ad!., BloetiOnl.b -a hinnlo, 4. to neigh, whinny, Luer. Tl1ymoetes, aon of J/iuluon, \"erg. hlnnitiis ·Ii!!, m. (11inn!o), a Mighing, Cle.
mootaa ·ae, m. (1.riTo~). a Pythagorean. e>f hinnUleua (hlnnfilua), ·I, 1n. (binnua), ca
s~. you11g hind or fi11rn, Hor.
IUclDe, v. hice. hinnua ·i, m. (iwof). a m1lle, the offrprin.g of
hl6miilla -e (hlems), 1, 1Mntry, 1Mnterly; aa 1tallion and a sht·a&S (mulus
ht·a&B and a mart), \"arr.
tM off1yring of
~111pus, Cic. ; 2, stonny; navigatio, Cle.
hlemo. J. (hiem!I). A. to 11Jinter, 1ptnd the hlo, l. (connected with xol,..., )(OCT«..,). L
tri..ur; a, mediis in 11n11i11, Hor.; b, esp. of Intmusit., to "J)ffl, &tandr,, gape.
A. Gen., 1
!lllMiers, to kttp in U'inur q11nrter1: hie1nare In lit., cnncha. hians, Cie.; ~. tra11sf., ofdisC'our~e:
GIUiia. Caes. B. Trallsf., to be ltormy; mare to be badly 1>11tCie. tq/tthu, lmng together bad/11; hi-
hie111at, Hor. antla loqui, B. Esp., to ope11. toilU tJ&.
mouth or jaw1; 1, lit., Verg. ; 2, tranHf., a,
hlema(blemps) -~mit1, f. (x,.,...:,,). I. rainy, to duire U!Uh open mouth, long for; Ve~m
dilnny 1ffatM-r, M••rm; hieinis magnitudo, Cic.; 1naril1a hia.nte atque imrninente fuisM, Cle.; ~
dam pebgo desaevit liie111s, Verg. II. A. tht lo open the mouth in cutonishmtut, \'erg. 1£.
nd"y NIJ.IOtt, u:inur; Arabes !'ampoa hicme et 'l'ram1it., tn f'01lY forth; carmen lyra, Prop.
U11tate peragranks, Cie.; pet'>401dr., glal'ialis
H1em!l, Ov. B. Met.on., 1, cold; letalis hiems htppi\gogoe -iin, acc. -n~. r. (oi ''""Cl)'W'YO''),
m pect.ora venit, Ov. ; 2, 1/fl'.lT; poRt cert.D.11 tro1181<0rts for mrulry,
h,.•nies, Hor. Btpplaa ·ae, rn. (I1r1r.:af), 1, .'IOn of P'Uill·
JIUro, and BJeron -linls, m. cu,,... ..), 1, tratiu, t)lrnnt of Athens; , , a sophist of EJU,
Riero I., ruler of SyraC1U't (•77-•67 A.C.); 2, contemporary tt•ilh Soc-ratu.
Hi~rn 11., ntln- of Syracust(269-2HI ~.c). Adj. Btppo ·iini~, m. (lnnJv), 1, Hippo rcgiu,
Bleronlcua -a -urn, of Hitro. lo1Cn in Numidia, now Bona; 2, fotvtt i1' H&lt-
J'<rnia Tarraconfnm.
BI6riolN ·is, m. (l•poicA~~). Cl Grttk rhdor-
feia11. ronlemp<>rary of Ckero. htppCScentaurua -1, m. (<""°"'""Clupot), •
Bieronymua.-1, ru. fl•p..Jwµ~). 1, a ruler u11/.<11cr, Blppocritia -le, m. (l'"'oicpcinif), a phJlll.-
I>/ Simu:t1M, ncCU¥1T of JI wro II.; 2, a Grtck cian ofCO!l (flourishing about 436 A.c.).
im1'(1.tetic philosophtr.
Bler&solfma .. 1,rum, n. ("ltpoaoAvµ.11), the nnHippc)crene -ell, f. (i'nou "P>i•·>J), aji111ntai•
Mo1rnt Jlrliron, produced 11J1 a blou• from II~
capilnl of J11daffl. II eue», Bler6soljmi.rlu~ hoof of Prg<w1s.
11id.nmn.t of Pomp.-y, "/hP, hero of J<r1wtlcm'
(,_,,,.-u11u of hi.a priding him.self on hiJ orunlal BJppOdAme -l;ll, r..
and Btf.pOdlimea
~ri.>.s). Or -IA ·&e, (. (I11"11'00cljl.'J, ·~HUI), , claU[7/1ff'r Of
khtg of Pm in Elil; 2, uift of
hlito, 1. (int.ens. or hio for hlato), to open Otnnmmu,
CA~ ao1ttk, gar~.
Btpp6diimus -1, m. ('J,,.,.,;s.,,,o~), the hone-
hllAri, adv. (hilaruR), churf111ly, merrily, tamer-1.r,.,
WWuly; vivere, Cic.; hilarinR lfl<}ui, Cle.
Castor; poet. = ridtr, lllart.
hlpp0dr6moa -l, m. (inoopuµ~). a hippo-
hllA.rt8 -e, and hDA.rua -a -um (iAap0~}, rfr»me, or racuauru for horia and chariola,
ckrrful, m~"'11. blitht, gay, jncmid, joi-ial;
anim· Plaut.
111, vi~! Cic.; esse vultu hilari at<jue Jaeto,
C1c. ; h1 ariores Jitteme, Cic. Blpp0lfti -I'!~, r., and Htpp0ljta ·M', f.
('hrlfoA•'l''J), l, Quern of the Amuzun.•, takm yri.
hllArltaa ·.liti~, f. (hilaris), ch«r/ulnus, mirth, 11D11rr hy Thut!U; 2, tcift of Acmtu1, Ki11g OJ
f11iay, hilarity, Cic. /ti agnaia.
b.llAdtudo -lnia, t. .. hilaritas (q.v.). Btpool9tus ·1, m. ("l ......oAVT~). I07l of n,,.
hJUro, l. (hilarl!I), ro make joyful, churf117, stus a113 /lippolyte, or A11ti011e.
lo d1U'I" wp, txhilaratt; l111!11s suavitate ma:dme hlpp~manes, n. {l1t1top.a11/(), 1, a al!my
hila.ratae Athenae sunt, Cle.; multo convl\"in ~11mour which jlou·s from a mart u·hen in htt1J
~ho, Ve~. \"erg.; 2, a 11' mbrane on the lil'tld nf n fttw·OOr~
llfariilua -& ·Um (dim. Of hllarus). IOmtlDhat foal, Plin.; bl)th 1 and 2 were used for love-
~lid., Cje. i'Otione, Juv
Hip 252 hom
HlpHmenea -ae, 111. ('Itnro,.iV1J~). 1, the 2. JllBter ·tri, m. ('"IO'TpO() nanv of tlu lOtt"W
husba11J of At<tlunta; 2,falht-r of J,imone; whence part of 11..e Danube, binomioiB (a.11 the upper part
Rlpp0menels -neldis, f. = Linunu. was called Danuviu11), Ov.
Wpp0nax -nactis, m. (l!Mndva.!), a Gruk hist6rla -ae, f. (iCTTC>pio.), 1, h\$lorica! fUl>"m-
llaliriCal pott of tM sixth century 11.c. Hence tirt, history: historia Graeca, Roma1l h~
adj., Bipponaoteas -a -um, biti11a, satirical: rvritUn in GTUk, Cic. ; lii1>t.oria Italici leelll t"t
praecu11ium, Cic.; llipponacteos ettugere vix civllis, Cic.; historiam scrihere, Cic. ; 2, tUJrra·
posse, Cic. titoe, narration; historia dignum, worthv of nar•.
hipp0p0tamus -i, m. (;mrmrOTISf'~), a ration, Cic.
rivtr-lu:tr.1"., hippopot<imus, Plin. hiat0ri0118 -a -um (lnop1.«ck), rtla1i1117 or
~la11{ling to hi.Wiry, his!oricv.l: genuR. Cic.;
Wppotadea -ae, m. ("l,,.,,.0Tc:il!11~). tksctnda11t suhst., hiatOrioua -i, m. a11 historian, Cic..
of Ji ipp1>fts, Aeolus (!lra11dscm oj Hippot-es).
hippOtosota -ae, m. (&,,.,,.oruto~), a Bl.etri -Orum ('IO'Tp<>•), lstrians, inlvtbitw;t:1
mou11ted urchtr, Cnes. of lllrfa; he11ce, A. lllatrla -ae, f. ('IO'Tp•al,
lli$tria, a c011.nirymar IU11ria. B. lliatricua
hippiirus, or -<Sa, -i, m. (t,,.,,011po~), a ft8h, ·a ·um, HWrian
perhaps the gold fish, Ov.
hiatriOUJI -a -um (, of or 1Ylri.ting ro
hir and ir, indecl. (connected with x•ip). the actors, Plaut.
ha11d, ap. Cic.
hiatrio -Onis, m. an actor, Cic.
hir8. -ae, f. a gut, intestint, Plaut. hiatrioni.lls -e (histrio), of or Ttlati11g to
hircinus -n -um (hircus), of or ul<!ti119 to a actors, Tac.
M·g0tit, folles, made of goat $/.:ins, Hor. 1
hiuloe, adv. (hiulcu.s), ina duccmn«:W 111.011-
hircc>sua -a -11111 (hircus), s111£1li1i.g /ikw goat, ner; loqul, Cic.
goat~h, Plawt.
hlulco, l. (hiulcus), to ca11se to gape, to si·lif,
hirofilus -i, m. (dim. of l1ircus), a little goat, Cat. .
Cat. biuloua -a -urn (for hiulicus, t'rom hio),
hircua ·i, m. alie-aoat, \'er~.; olcre liircum, to 11aping, cltft, open. L Lit., hiulca siti arva,
smell lil~e c1 yont, Hor. ; used as a term of re- \"erg. D. TransC., &, ofdisconrse, ill put k/,
proach, w1 olcl ga(lt, Cut. discon1ucted; concursus veruorum, Ck.; b.
hirnea -ae, f. a ron or jug, Plant. tugn-, lmi,ging, Plaut.
hirnUla -ae, f. (dim. of Mmea), ct little can h6dle, adv. (hodie = hoc die), to-day (oM'-
or jug, Cir_ Cr&!I, heri). L Lit., hodie sunt nonae 8exti! ..",
Birpini -orum, m. a Scimnik people of Lower Cic. II. TransC.• a. at tht presrnt timt, Cic. ; b,, at present; si hodie bane gloriam atque hoc
Italy: adj., Birpinus -a -um, llirpi11e.
orbl:i terrae imperiwn teneremus, Cir.; vp to
hlrquua,. hirquinus hircus, hirci11us(q.v.). t~day, up to tli.e prunt ti~; q11em. \"ivere lrodie
hirsutua -a -um (conn. with hirtus), 1, aiunt, Crc. ; c,= at once, d1ruJly, C1c.
coi•trcd with hair, hairy, h inule, rough, sJiagyy, hodfernus -a -nm (hodie), of or rtlati11.g to
Jl'l'ickly: impercilium, \"erg.; crines, Ov.; aliae to-day: dies, Cic.; e<llctum, Cic.; ad bodiemum
(auimantium) spini11 hirsut.1e, Cic.; 2, tmu;h, mt· diem, up to to-day, Cic.
adorned; nihil e!lt hirsntius lllis (:mnalibus), Ov.
hoedua, hoedinua, ete. = haedus, bu.U-
Blrtiua -a -um, nanu of a RommL gens, tht n us, etc. (q. v.).
most ctle1rmle<l member of u·hkh v:a• A. Hirtiu!I, tht
friend and follou·er of C. Ju/i111 Caesor, slain at Bomerua -1, m. ('"0µ11PC>f), tM alelJraUd
th' liulll'- nf MotleM, the a1<thorof tltc Einhth bnok of poet; hence, adj., Bomoriou ·a -mu,
Grrtk epic
Cotsor"s Bell. Gall. Hence, adj., HtrtlnUB
-a -t1111, of or bela11gi11g to lfirtius. homlcida -ae, c. (homo arid cMclo). I. Lit.,
hirtus ·I\ -nm (root HIR), 1, shlrggy, rough, a municnr, murdn-tsS. hmnici<le, Cic. ll. 111 a
good sense (Gk. O.v~po<t>ovo~), oC Hector, sfoy" oJ
l1<1iry. priC'/:ly; setae, Ov.; capellac, Ov.; 2,
transr., nmg/1, Ul1cultit'afe1l; ingenium, Hor. mn1, Hor.
hlriido .111is, f. a leech, Plin.; trnnsr.,
homfoidfum-19' n. (homicitln) 11u1rder, 111un-
slaughter, homiciclt, Tac.
anarii, Cic.
birundininus -a -mu (hirundo), of or re- homo -lnis. m. (old Latin h~1110), a human
lieing, man. L Gen., mon, as opp. to the l.t'asts
ll1ti Hy lo su·a/lou:s, Plaut. (\•ir, man as opp. to woman); in plur., ho111inn,
hirundo -dlnis, f. (x,,\,owv), a swallou:, Yerg. 11Vn. in gnurul, peoplt, Cic.; homo nemo, or
hiaco, 3. (con tr. for hiasco), 1, to open, split nemo homo, 11ot a ~ul. no QIU', Cic.; odium
0['(1>, '"'Jtt, Ov. ; 2. especiall:v, ro "~n the mouth, homini:J, a hateful man, Cic.; inter homintts
to 111J<tler: r<>s1•011dehis11e ad har,c aut. omnino esse, a, to lir,, Ci~.; b, to 111ix in SO<.~tr, bt
hiscere au<lcuis? Cic. in tlui u·orld, Cic. IL Esp., A. & a mart, in
Bispill -p;\lis, n. and (more commonly) th~ better st>nse of tht> word; nil1i1 homini-1
Hispalls ·i~. f. fown i11 81•ai11, now Sui/Ir. e'se, to be 1t'ifhout llu btlttr qualities of u 1>1<111:
H1·11c1., BispA.llenses .Ju111. the iuhnl•it<rnts of hn111i11em ex lwuiine tollere or exuere, to fol•
lli<J><tlis. from a man that 11:/iich cmrstitults 11 m1111, Ci1·.;
si quirlem homo Psset. i/ hr had th' /ttling$ nf" -onnn, m. th~ S/'fWi(lrds; lirnre, A, m""• Cic.; l1nr11ii1es ,·isi snrnn!I, Cic.; \'irur11 te
Bispii.nia ·:tl',f. thr wholtnf//,,81<111i<lt1"·11i11:mh1 pntabo .•. hn111inf'm 11on pntabo, l praist
(inr/11dili!I Potl11f1rt/) tli>'itlrtl ittlo cit. ... l"ior, ti" 110>1rp<1titntt nn<l 11ot yoHr t1!3t•, Cic.; b, a man a•
"ff.<l,r11 J"rt (lat,.,. lli•q>. Tarracnncntii~). 111111 li11l./e to urar, n mnrta.l; quia httmo t>st, Cic. B.
11ltertor. th~ aml ll.'f.<te1·1l r~rrt (lat<'r
.<u11fhr1 11 U si>rl in pince of pronouns, Yal1le homineru tli ligo,
J.11sit:111i3 1111<1 Baetira): lie11ce plnr. Hi~panint>. (where it Mtands Cor hunc, e11111, or ilium). Cic.;
B. Bispi.nicnsis -t>, and C. Wspi.nus
·II ·11111, SJKlll i~h.
hie homo = ego, Hor. C. a llat't, NrraHt;
Quiutii, Quintius"s t11an, Cic. D. Plur., hom.ina
hiapidua -a -nm, r01111h, sl1aggy, 11airy, illfur;l11J (opp. equites), Caes.
bristly; focic~. Hor. : a~r. wili/, Hor. homoeomeria -ae, r. (o,,.~o,..ip~ua), li1111\-
1 hiater == hist1io (q. v.). larit11of11(}.rts, Luer.
Hom 263 hor
B~mlti -&, f. (0,.6.\11), n mounta.(" '" Thu· J'"'fterarl or dlcere, to any "b1 ,m'r ltJn'M,,. Cle. ;
.,,,,, tdtrn fun tCCU w:orlhip1...,l. hn11nri11 can!ll.'L or gratid, out of rr111r«l; qnem
hCSmullua -1, m. (tllm. or homo), a lUtlt tll41l, honnris causi\ or gratlA nnmlno, Cle. ; honoris
91aiti.b1', Cle. Di~itia<'i et Aeduorum caud., Cle. ; 90, ad hon·
or!'m alic11im1, Cle. ; ad h1111ore111 atque Ampll·
hCSmuno!o -01111, m. (ditn. of homo), a little tuilinetn tuiun, Cle.; 11u1•re111us hnuoa (tht U:ut
t11t>l, 9'ani.ki11, C1c. h011t>u1' = b11ri.a.l), \'erg. ; co111111u11I In morte
homunoillo• .f, m. (dim. or homo), Cl little honore cartre, Cle.; mnrtiit h1111ore carere,Verg.;
•tn 11, mnnikin., Cic. B. F..sp., a, an 11fice of di.gnit11, a 7rultli.c ojffce;
hlinutaa -Atia, r. (honP~t111). L hnnot1r- iu:I ho11ore11 ucc111lere, Cic.; ho11oriuu11 a111,>lilllll·
nlolr.N'f'lltalion., ho11011r, rupecttrl•ility: hont' mis perrunotuii. Cle. ; b. a /Ult nf lto.,011or; ionot
an1itlel"', Cic.; appet~1111 ho11es!Ati!1, Cic,; honc~­ milit.uris, Liv. ; o, a rtuiard, fu; honos medic!.
b.tfos Ci\'itatis, 'ltolo/.ilili#.a, Cle. IL u·orth, Cle. ; d honour rt1ult1'ftl to the gO<U, kl.Crljlct,
rirlu, AnJV>UmJilt C'MNJCUr, prohity; 1, vital', Verg. ~. l'cr110111r.. Honor, tlt.t god of honour.
Cic.; hinc (pu)(T1at) houe."11111, illi11c tnrpil 11ol•>, IL· Poet. tra11sr., bfa11ty, gmu, orminin•t ;
Cic.; tnam1f., of things, l•ecmly: te:1tudi11i~, Cil'.; honon1111 rurilt, cmpi, Hnr.; 1ilvarum, /ullagt,
2, phi!Otlol'h. t. L, vil'lut, Cic. Vo·rg.
h6neatO. a.Iv. (hone!ltus), 1, lionoumbly, I. hira ·R!'!, r. (aipa.). L ti nu In gen.; nnm111111m
t:ntlitubly, r~pttf1Jul11; cenarc, Cir. ; 8C gen·re, te CtMtilla ralll't hora, \'erg-. D. a d'jll&itt lpac4
Cic. ; in p11KJ1a honeste catlere, Cie. ; 2, lto11· of ti"~- A. a lime of tltt' 71t11r, ill'a.:iun; vernl te111°
c11Nlbly, fWbly; honeste geuitl, of T1ol1le birth, pnri!I hora, Hor. B.a ti nu of tht: day, hour; l, lit.,
Liv. 111 l111n1111 vlvere, to lt1"t for tha moment, Cic.;
Mneato (hone-fft.m1), to hmwur, dl.!tinvr1iah, horil nmplinM, more tha11 an hmtr, Cle. ; In hora,
lflforM., di!]n ify: aliquem lam.lo, honore, Cic.; iii an lio11r, Cie. ; In horns, hourly, Cle. ; hora
d.um11m, curiain, Cic. qnota est? u·hat's o'<'locl.: 1 Hor. ; horae lt·gitlmat,
hours ft-ad a.s Tim ill to" .,iuch, Cle. ; 2, me ton.,
hCSnestu9-a -um (honor). L honourahl~. ~tl­ horae ·Arum, r. a clock,, mit.~re aJ honui,
ablt, gfrnimts; l, i::t'n., victnrh\, Liv.; rlit>11 h1ine>1!.-
lnimus, Cic.; with snp., houesturnne Cactu sit Cie.
an turi..-, cic.; hone... tum est with acc. anJ 2. Bora -u, r. tha na11U! of lltuilfa tohm
innn., Cic.; RUll!IL, h6nelltom -1, n. momlity, dtijltd, llt.t u•lft of Quirfoiu.
rirt~. Cic. ; 2, esp., a, Jirui, bea11ti.ful, 1't"r.; Borae -Arum, r. ('Opct), th, l/011r~. godtltau
snbit., h6neatum ·I, n. /it-1v/y, Hor. ; b, !tpt· who 7>ruiclt1l or'r the cha11ot.9 Q/ the uaaou, at·
ci01L•, Ji iV·•'"'"1.tli119; l1nne11tum et prollfl bile ttndant1 on the run-god.
nomen, Cit'. II. u~•rthy of hor1011r, di8ti11gu t.tht'd; Bori.tlWI ·• -11111, Mme of a Roman gt111 to
fam: Ha., Cic. ; h•lllt>l!Lo loco nut u~, Cle. ; \'Ir which bt!long'd, 1, the thru Horatll. who fought
hOnt'.Jilllll Or h1111P~ti~si111t1>1(lilie or the klli!{ht.<1), n!t«in.ft th~ thnt .Alhun l'ltr£utii; 2, Horntius
Cic.: 1ml•!!t., hineetl ·6ru111, m. J>rople Q/ di.6- Cuclt's, 11•1to dtftndtd tl1t hriilgll ovtr the 1'i~
tinrlio1&, lfor. 1Utni11.8t the army of Pur1erta: 8, Qn. Horatius
hinor = hono11 (q.v.). Flaccus, ton of a jrudmnrt of the Hvmtian grna
(tiC.-8 A.c.), the ttltbrattJ Ronurn lyric poet.
h6nori.bllle -e (honor), hon1mrahle: hae<'
l?Jllll sunt ho11oral1ilia, 1;11lutari, appeti, decedi, hord6i-oiu anti -clua -a -um (hordeam),
U.'<uq;:I, etc., l'ic. of or rtlaJi ng to ba1·lty, Plln.
h6nori.rloa -a -um (honor), rfont or gt~n ln horde&rlua ·A -um (hordeuru), of or re·
A.o1101tr of. /ionarary; vin11111, fr 11111 .. 11t11111, Cic. ; lati11g to bar/tlf, Plln.
Op<!r:i, Cie. ; 1ldectare honorarium (C11t), dont out hordeln• -a -nm= lrordeaceus {q.v.).
o/ l'VJ>«l fo-r tht mulitnct, Cic. hordeum (ordium) ·I, n. burley, Liv.,
h6nori.te. adv. (honoratus), wWa Mltour, Cae11. ·
koiu.mru!,/!f, Tac. horfa (6rfa) ·•e, r. a rma.llfaMng-boat, Pl11ut.
hinori.tus ·• -11111, p. ariJ. with and
1n1>('rl. (h•111oro), 1, h.1>1w11rtrl, d~ti11g11ished,
h6rlola (irlola) ·At!, r. (dim. or orla), ca
111null ./isli i1tg·wllf, PlauL
f'f'$/>t'dtrl; vid, Cic. ; 11111•qus111 est scueelu!t
hrinomtlor, Cic. ; 2, MIVr'ftrrJ by a rnwtk ojffu, h6rlor, 4. (1'111111ected with 8p"""'), to urge,
incilt, encourage, 1':1111.
,_,.,..t',I i1& a lii']h pusition_ '" o;tu; honorntl
qu•tnor fl Iii, Cic. horison -ontl>1, m. (bpi,..,.,,, tl.e hcm:on, Sen.
bCSnorltlce, adv., comp. honoiiHce11th1K, bomo, at! v. (homn~). thi• !/'-'Er, Plaut.
lnlp~·rl. honotitlce11t.i~11i1ne (honnritlc1111), with hornotlnws ·n -um (l111rn11s), of or relating
lfl1tm1r. (n 1111 l1n.1&1c1ul•k or rtsl"'rif1d 11vr111U'T; to tht 7•r~jr11/ ytar; fr11me11t11111, Cle.
hnl!ontiCt:11li,.. i111e ali1p1em appellare, Cael.; hornua ·& ·lllll (for horinus, rrom hora), qJ
aJ1•111"'" ho:innhcenti>tsime tractare, Cic. thi..1 ytar, this rttar'1; \'inn, Hor.
h6norfflcus ·n -nm, compar. honor!flcen·
hor, -t111•·rl lrnnoriflct·ut.i!l:lirnus (honor a111\
horliliglum -Ii, 11. (.;.po>.0y.o..), a cWcl:,
dial, or wot•r-rlock, Cic.
facio), rulL.lling hono1tr, hn1wuml1l11, hu11ouri11g;
ho:-oaoes~. .{in, in. (Upoo-dm><), a Mt"O>
8e11at11i1 cowrnltnm, Cle.; 11c11cctus, Cic. ICO/~, I'cr11.
b6aoro, 1. (honor). 1, to kono11r, lh.ow hono11r horrendWI ·A. ·Ulll lpartlC. or horren), 1,
tn . .ili'l11~111, Cic.; 2, t<t aJ,1r11, digui.jy, J.unour 11orri1'1t, h(.rrid, friohlfttl, drMdftd: 11101111tn1111,
V'i.lli; ahqnem ,..,115 curuli, Liv. \'t>rg.; 8ihylla, Vt'l'j.l.; lll'Ut. as B1(v., honen<llllll
hononis -a .um (h()t11>r), hono11rable, Tac. striden11 1.ielua, \'t'fjl.; a, tu0rt!111 Q/ rtttrtlu:t,
bonie an<1 honir -Mh1, m. I. hon1mr, Mn- wnemJ,le; \'irgn, \'erg.
.,,,..,j,f~Ji..tittditm. A. Oo:n., houorem alicui horrio, 2. I. to bristle. A. Lit., a hon-et>O're, t:ribnf'ro, Cic., 1111u::,.tare, Ov., lio11nre sei.:es nrit1ti11, \'t'l'jl.; b, to bt harcl a,.J T011gh
al1qnem afflcere, to •hn111 /l.{)111iur to, Cic. ; 11•ith frost; tf'r11\111 uno tempore florere dt"intle
bnnore •li'lllflll augere, C.u•.11. ; in hon ore ha lk!ie, vlciflt1im horn·re, Cie. B. Or hair, to 1U111tl o"
C1c. ; e&,.,, .Cic. : e!!i«:: 11 lieui s111111110 hnuori, to t11.d; comae hor!'f'nt, Ov.; ~~tic., hol"1':na,
J>1"m: ~Mltru.bu lo, Cic. ; aliquid in ho11ore111 J>rirkly, rough ; rubi, Verg. D. Of person11, to
add11cen., t.o bring to Ao1i.our, Cle. ; honnri duci· &It i ur or sh u1ltltt' 1rlth onld or frl11ht. A.
•WI. ii u etm1kkr«l cia iao1WUr, SalL ; honort'Ul lutnmslt., horreo aalmo, Cle B. Transit., Co
hor 264 Hoa
.rH1tfdtr11~; f.rhnen, Cle.; with lnftn., non horreo ne anti the 11ul:U., bm-tatur eo1 ne anlnt0 ddle
ln huuc locmn pl'llgredi, Cic. laut. Cae11.; with aubj. 11lu11e, bttrtatur 111)11
horreeco, horrtU, s. (horreo), 1 to idarui 01& aolum ab erupUoulbwl cavea.nt, etc., c.~; •ltlt
""t, bri.tlr, be rough; ho1Tneruntque <'.Olllae, lntln., bortamur fllrl, Verg. ; with ad, l'"l'uluw
Ov.; mare cocpft ho1TeScere, ro be 1tormy, Cic.; ad vindlcaudum, Sa.II.; with h1 1111tl U1c aoc.,
2 to tnmihlL, be17in to shudder, begin f.-0 drttul, Gcntium In amlcitlam 11CCU111 et Cum Mace.Ion·
de.; horresco refere1111, Verg.; with acc., monma lb1111 J•mttendam, Liv.; with de, de A11fi•liano
nnmine nihll tc hottor, Cle.; with 110<·. of t}1h•g.
futurna, Verg.
horrium -1, n. a barn, 11~. maga.riru, paccm, Cie.; prov., hort.nri current.em, to spv1'
rm11ary; CRJ>llll horreu111 Campanl agrl, Cic.; tJu tcillfog 1w111t, Cle.; b, of inanimate subjects,
}ioet., a bee-hi«, Verg.; an 1111t-hil1, Ov. . multae reg ad hoc consillum Gallus hort.1l111nmr,
Cae11. ; with lnfto., relp11blle11e dignit.M mlnora
horrlbllla -e (horreo), 1, horribU, frig'lttful, b.aee rellnquere hort&tur, Cic. IL :EffJ>., ,.
rlno.d/td, ftarful; pcsti11 reipubllcae, Cic. ; hor· haratigi1e aol.dten Ix/ore a battle; anos, Caea.
tlbllo e11t, with 1111111., Cic.; ~' attol&iahing, won-
t.krjul; horribill vlgllantJA, 1,,1c. hortillua ·I, m. (dim. of hortus), 11 liUJI>
ganle11, Cat.; gen. plur., hortuli, grouttda, a 111t4/l
horrldi,. a<lv. 01orridus), 1 roughly, wttl&- 1X1rk, Cic.
Otll evlbtltw11MIU; dieere, Cie. ; ~orrldlua utetur
om.&mentis, Cic. ; 2, roughly, harMl.11; alloqul, hortua -1, m. (x6pTOC). garilt'lt.: Epknri,
1'ftC. (where EplcW118 taught), Cle.; metoo., gcrnlf1l
horrldillua -a ·Um {dim. of hottldus), 1, produce, Hor..,
""""''Mt rough, projecti11g, Plaut. ; 2, tra11Bf., hOllJ)M -pltts, c. (akin to hostJs), a ltra,.gtT,
fortit)ntr; hence, o. guat, guut frteNl, Cle.;
*"1! r011gli, u11adonwl; orationes, Cic.
horrldus ~a -m11 (horr~). I. rough, &haUUJJ, transf.= ttnkno1C71, imzperiet&Ctd (n; nee J>en'·
brlstly. A. Lit., ba.rba., Cic.; suit, Verg. B. ~rlnum atque h011pltem fn agcndo esae debel"t".
Transf., a, rm'IJh, wild, lltlmge; cam1ms, Cic.; Cic.
b, rough, witho11t refi11e111,l!11t,, "''" hoeplWta -e (hospes). 1. rrlating w a pal
oouJh; Tul.Jero vii.A et omtione hotridus, Cic. or hM ; cublculum, guat-cAmra"'-r, Liv.; 1SC1ll"ll 0

IL 1, ahuddering, lrt111hlfog wi.t/\ cold; 111 pre- Cic. ; caedt>.s, t1mrder of a gu~. Lh'.; J up1•iter,
mcrem vento!llUI honidus Alpea, Ov.; 2 drtad- prokdor of gtttlU, Cle.; 2, .fri.t1uily, 6.0l'ftit1tblt;
/ul, lwrriblt.; procel111, Veril'.. ' dorno ho11pito.liMimna, Cic.; wit.h In and tlie acc.,
horrlter -f'i!ra -f'i!rum (11orror and Cero), Cimonern in suos cnriales LAciadaa hosJ•ital•m
oa11,i11q ~recuf, bringfog /tar, un-ible; bo~. Cic.
Ov.; Ern1y11, Ov. hoeplWltaa ·Atta, f. (h~pltalf5), 1t011-•lity, Cle.
horrlfloo, adv. (horrilicus), tlritlt. drrod,
Luer. hospltilltir, adv. (hospit.&lls),"11,
horrltloo, I. (hotrillcua), 1, to niaU rough, Liv.
Cat.; 2, tc t,,rri.fy, Verg. hoepltlum -If, 11. (11nspe11). L hos1•itnlily,
rtlatioft btt1Ctt11. M8t aud guut; mihl cnna
horrlfloua -a -um (horror and facio), caua- thd
aliquo hospitium est, Cic., or inte1-cedit, ea...._;
(ng terror, horrible; letum, Verg.
alicu:us hospitio usu& sum, Caes. ; hospitimu
horrlaCSnua -a -um (1wrn:o and sono), seu11d- emu alil!uo faeere, Cic.; jungere, Liv. IL bos-
ilt11 l&orribly; fremitus, Verg. pitality, frinufline$$, 11.oapitali/e rrceptit>n. A.
horror -uris, 111. (horreo), 1, a ahakillg, aliquem lio11plUo magnft1ce11tiS11imo acci1l4'te,
al1it-rring with cold, <1{11tt:fU; quomam jam 11inc Cic. ; allquP.m hos1•itio invitnre, Cic. B.
horrore est, s1wrn e:;se, ut volumus, Cic. ; 2, Meton., a guut-chambn-, fl1U4t'I lod!fi'lt!1, i11~;
trf"'111bli11g I a, from d1'\la<l, terror horror; qui h?Rpitimn parare. Cle.; cohortca per h()!>l;)'ltia
me ho1Tor perfu<lit, Cic.; b rcligi011a drtad, d1~pcnme, 'l!illdffl, Tac.· tram1f., tht rrJrtiH9·
a1r-e; p1!1fusu>1 horrurc ve11ernbu111l11sq11c, Liv. p/aa (l/ rm ima/3, Verr..
horaum,. ar!v. (cnntr. f<>r hucvonmm), fo h~pltu!I ·II ·Um (ho11pe11). L 11h"an(7',fim-:i.g»;
tAi1 dirrctio11, liitherwcml, Plaut. nav111, Ov.; nequnra, Veil(.; ronj1111x lwspita
Horta -nr, r. town fo F.tniria, now Orte. Tcucris, Ve~. Subst., hoeplta -ac, f. ''
A1lj., Bortmus -a -u111, of Hm'ta. foreirmer, Cic. .. IL M.~italile; kn-., Vcl'l:.
hortamen -lnis, n. (hnrtor), an cncournge- Sulist., hoaplta -ac, f. CM ho.otua, Cic.
11un1, i1tl'itr111c11t, a:hcrtaticii, Liv. hoatla -a•. f. (from 2. l1ostio, lit., the thit1.g
hortamentum ·I, n. (ho1-tor), mcoura!Jt·, an animal 1/ain in 11<1•-rifla, CJ riit-o.fftr·
.. e•1t, i11ril•11u11t. &JI. iuq; hmuaua, Cle.; hostlrut it11111ularo, Cic., or
hortatlo ·i'illi8, r. (hortor), txhorlation' eii-
mactRre, Yerg.
()()ftmgrmrnl; hort.atin11t! a,,.crc cum a.liquo, Cic.; ho11tlatu!I -a -um (hoatla), providM v-i.t1
J>lnr., Cic.
cnllliPlll'll bortatlUllC!ltjUC, a11ima/1 for lfGCriJlcc, Plaut.
horti.tor -orh1, ur. (hortnr), a?1 l".Xhcrttr, en- h08tleua -a -um 01osti11), nl11ting or l11t-
ocni1"grr; alosol., iKtn hortat<)re, Cic. ; with lm19iil{1 to the 11&emy, ho.tiU; ~er, Liv. :-;ut..t..,
i:c11it., st11tlii, lo study, Cic.; with atl a111l the hostloum -1, o. tllll emmy'a territory; 111 1--
i:or1111cl, anctorcs hortatore11que 11tl me re11titu- tieo, Liv.
t1n<lu111, Cic.; wit.Ji ut and the subj,. 1 Cic.; esp., hostlflou -a -um (hosUa and faclo), ltOlllilt,
&11 milit. t. t., 011.e who exhort.& tht routiera, Liv. Cle.
hortatua -ila, m. (hortor). incitt71U1U, tzh.ort· hoatilla -e (ho1tls), 1, of or nlat(1'{1 to tA•
alw11; id fel'isse aliorum consillo, hortatu, Cle. enemy, he~.: expugnatio, Cic. ; In augury,
Borten.slua -a -um, naTU of a Roman. gtM, pars (opp. f'lm1llaris), CM part of tM t11tmil.! mid
tJ.,, ,,,,,.,.;/ fam-m1~ mrm/H!r of which 'll.m Qu. llor- to reftr co :h~ t11t111y, Lucan.; 2, likt tln ntt'Tll!I.
teni;ius lln1-Wlns, mi orator of I~ tim~ of Ci~ro. u nfrun<;iy, hostile; hostili °'lio et l'rudl'lit&te,
A•l.i., BortollBianua -11 -um, /lor1'11~im1. Cle.; mnlta<l10lltllia a11cle1~·. Tac.
hortor, I. dep. (contr. from horit,,r, int"n~. hostillter, a1lv. (hoot.11111), 1to"1.i/;J!f, lib Oil
of horlor, to t11rv11mgr, from th" sa111c root t11emy; quid ille tccit h0i<t.ilit~r, Ci1·.
&JI opvt111-t), Ill exhort, i11ci/r, l'nt:nllntt]r. L Gru., KoatiUu.a ·II, 111. T11l111,., th irtl kit111 ,,f /tn11t'.
a.. nf t"·r~c11s, 11liq11c111, ric.; with Ht an•I !110 .\•ll., Boetillua ·n -11111, l/°'tiliart.; curia., lrllUI
subj., niagno u11crc tc hurt.or ut. ch:•. C1c. ; with b11 Tulltu 11,,,.wu", Llv,
hoe Hya
bo9&imenADll-1, n.(l. b011tio),cxmJl"U!UU>n, hurneroe M11011 eft"erre, Cic.; ftg., comllla bomeria
~l, Plant. auis austinere, Cic. ; b, of animal.II, the alwuldtr,
L iao.tto. 4. to 'l'ttl"U.. ncoapeue, Pl&ut. /ore·71H1rter, Cie.
2. h Oiiti 0, 4. tO ft _,L.
T • ....,,
Pia Ut • hiimeaco,
. \' s. (bumeo), to bfcoony wet, wro111
mo11t, er>(.
hostis -l!t, c. originally a ltrafl{ler, but· - iU d fh id ),
11111\ls an tnfTll.y, a p11/1'ic f~ (opp. inimicns, a hUmld ua -a -um ( im. o um 118 IOll.-
jJf'irlll.t tr1nny). A. Lit., cives hoMtesque, Liv. ; what wt.t, 1™.•i.ft, Ov.
<rmries nos statuit ille non lnlmieos set!, hiimldua -a -um lhumeo), uitt, moist, humid;
Cic.; po1•nlo Rom:uio, 11dversus Romanos, Liv.; lit;rlll, Cic.; mella, lir1uW, Verg. ; Ide, rich i•
hosll'm aliqu1•111, to <Un.ounce a.! an slrtam.s, Ov. t;ubst., hiimldum -1, n. a wd
<llr.llY lo Iii-> COJ1ntr11, Cie.; sing. c•.11.lect., ca11ta pluce, Tac.; humitla ·<:irurn, n. wet ]J(lrt.s, Cic.
hosti•, tM femal~ ca,,tivu, Liv. B. 'l'ra11>1f., l, hUmlfer -fl\ra -ftlrum (humor and fero), oc>tt-
a M.tta f°'-''' prit~IU life; hostia omuium homin· taining, moi..11, Cie. i•oet.
um, Cic.; 2, a rit'<il in love, Ov. u.u.u.u. -e (h nmus) , z~"
h""-"""'- v~.
L L't •--
I ., a , ..,.,
hiic, adv. (hie), hitJ,,r, to th!$ placl', 1, or (11s opposed to high), arbores et vite~ et quae
5f'!ICE',huc ades, cov~ hither, Ycrg.; turn hue tum !lunt hnrolliora, (;ic.; stntunI humlli, Nep.; b,
1lluc, Cic.; mmc hue nnnc llluc, Verg. ; hue et (as opposed to deep), shallow; fo1<sa, Verg. XI:
1llu•-, hue, illuc, Cic.; hue atque llluc, hithu Tran~f., A.. Ot position, rank, etc., low, mta1&,
qq,/ tl1il/ttr, C1c. ; 2, not referring to place, hmnlJ/t, poor, insigni.ftcant; humllibus pnrenti·
11!llv, Ihm for, ta Uli.a point; rem huu dcduxi, bus natus, Cle. ; bumillimu.s de plebe, Liv. :
l'ic.; hue te pares, /<Jf' thi$ object, Cic. ; accedat suhst., humWa -!!I, 111. a puson of low rank,
hue, Cic. Hor. B. Of character, a, alij-.ct, baiie; humill
r r
hticlne, adv. 30 far a1 far aa th!a hueine animo ferre, Cic.; b, s1tl.m1is.<ict, humble; ob-
t&n<ltm 0111nia reci<lerunt? Cic. secratlo hum ii is, Cic. C. or expression, mean,
hlll. interj., exclamation or astonishment, 'Without tlet>atwn: or11Uo humilis et abject.a, Cle.
ri•l1cule, etc., th I ltallo ! hui, quam timeo quid hiimllltaa -a tis, r. (humili:s). L inna.U'ltU8,
txistirne!, Cie. low1u", 'IU<1rnus to tM ground; animalium, Cle.
hii,JuamOdl or hiijullC>imOdl. of tku IL Transr., A.. wu:n&U of birth. or !taticm, in·
killfi, of au.:h. a kind, Nth; ex hujusrnod.I prin· rlgnijlcanct, obscrrrtt)TT1117cuins humllltatem
cipio, Cic. despicere, Cle. B. humility of dilpositio11, ...uf>.
hiimi.n.i, adv. {hnmanus), 1, humanly, Hill mimve-11t!I, ah:J«tnai; humilitaa et obsecraUo,
11 l11J11a11. btiAg; morbos et humane Cle.
<me. Cic · 2 hvmaMl11 kindly CO\irtecusly · billnlll~~ adv. with compar.•and 1uperL
f:(it hum~1~e, {;1c. ' ' ' (humilis), h11~l11, meanly, abjectly; aenUre, Cic.;
llliminltaa-ltls, f.(bumanus). Lhu.manUy, aervi"', Liv.
kllllll!ii n.ttlurt, human ftelin..g; omnem humani· hdmo. l. (humus) 1, to C0"'1" tcith. f4rfl,
tatern exuere, Cle. ; fae, id quod est huinanitat!s bury: aliquem, Cle.; 9, trans!., to fl'Tf""" &M
tnae (t11hat you 010t to yo11.rat(f a• a man), ne qnid .funeral rUa 011er a corpu (buMi, etc.), Nep.
~ud cures hoc tempore nisi ut qua.m commod· hiimor ~ris, m. (llkin to )(Vµo(, a liqtdd},
i~i111e eonV&lescas, Cic. IL Esp., A.. humanity, moiaturt, liqi1W, fluid. L Gen. Bacchi, wim,
Awll'.all kindnu.s, kindnus, ·phila11thropy_, mild- Yerg. ; Jacteus, milk, Ov.; circumftuus, CM 1111(1,
..., ; edictorum, Cic. B. reftne~tt of td!L(Gtion Ov.; hum .. r in genas 111 bitur, ttara, Hor.; plur.,
«1111 taau, good brttding, Mental cu.lti~atimi, cu.l- humores msrlni, Cic. IL Esp., tM aap of plants,
tvn; communium litteranim ac politior11 hu· Verg.
tn&ni~tis expers, Cic. hUmWI -i, t. (akin to ')(a.p.·a.i), tM grou1'd,
hUmau.lter. adv. (humanus), 1, humanly, earth, soil.. L Lit., hnmus ln.leet.a, Cic.; humi.
'" ci tt'!l.y btcomiug h.uman -nature; vivere, Cic.; on the ground, 01& the jforrr; ja<'ere, Cle. ; stratus
ll, poliUly, court~tntslr, kindl11; litterae hnml, Cic. ; hnmo, a, frm" the f71"01'nd; aurgere,
script.le, Cic. Ov.; b,on. the grouna; serlere, Ov.; c, o1't oftM
htiminltiia, 11dv. (humanns), after tlu ""'"" grmtntf; fUndit humo facllem vlctum .1u11tlsslma
lllT 'if_,,; si quid mibi 1111111.anitu.s accidii;set, tt>llu11, Verg.; d, i" Che ground: ttgere pl.Antu,
Le. if I should du, Cle. Verg. IL Met.on., lalld, country; Punic.a, Pon-
hiiminua -ft. -um (homo),huma11, tica, Ov.
loh111nmi lieing!. L Gen., genus, ti/A' hu1nan race, hjlcin:thlnu ... -um (ircu&a'8,11G<). AyacM-
Cic. ; facies, Cic. ; res hm111111ae, human a.f<drs, thiM, belcnging to the hyacinth.; fto11, Cat.
Cic., or happmin!J to man, Cic.; hm1tia, l. Bf~thua (-OS) ·I, m. ('Yci.on"'°1;), 11
ilv'l!Ul" 111cri.Ji«, Cic.; i<eelus, nun, Liv. ; btnuti,Jid Sparum youth, belon~a of and~
huma.num ..,.t, it i.s .lluman, Cic. ; 1ullst., a, aliy killed by Apollo; from hi.a blond sprang tlu
humanua -i, m. 01M!! of the hum.a" rau, Ov. ; .ftowt:r oalltd by hi.! name; heuee, Bti.olnthla
b, -Orum, n. affairs; humana -Orum, 11. aftstfral ctltbruUd at Sparta.
nusc~re tlinnis, Liv., or th.ingJ happening ta 2. hf4olnthua -!, m. (iiu•..6od, ajfot«r, tJw
ma11, !Ju fau of man; omnia huma111t tolernhllia hY<u:inth (not the ftower so called hy us), Yerg.
!me, Cic. Il. Esp., A.. huma~. kin.d, phl.lan-
t!1rop~; erga aliq11e111, Cic. B. civilised, rtjf.nal; Btidea -um, f. ('Y<i.5~). tJtt llyadai, a f/TYN1
gens hnmana nt<1 ue doc ta, Cic. of 11et'l!11 atara i7' IM OO'ftStellal.1.on Ta·, Verg.
hillni.tlo --Onis, f. (bumo), "burying, inter- hfaena -ae, f. (v&<vo.), tJi. hyma, Ov.
Wlfnt. Ck htAlua ·I, m. (vaAOf), gla.3a; color byali, grta.
hiimecto, I. to 10tt, moisten, water: qna nlger grtt11, Verg.
ham~t11t nawentia cnlta Galeeus, Verg.; vultum Bfam~U. ·pOlls, t. ('Ycil&~c>. a ciq '"
la.rgu l!u111\tw, Verg. the K ef P"kocis.
~timio, 2. to be 'fllC', wel, 0'1".; partlc. pres., Btantee -Ium, m. ("Yo.vr•f), an old ,.a.TU /fir
humeu -4!ntis,, 10et, thwy; umbra, Verg.; the .Boeotiana: adj., a, Btanteua -a ·om,
t'Cul1, Uv. /k>ffltum, Ov.; aqua, Ca..•talia, Mart.; b, Bfan-
hiUnirua ·I. m. CM ahoulikr, a. of men, tiua ·a -uni, Botf)tian; sul>St., Bfantlua ·ll.
Satitrae peudebaot a!> bu1nero, Ov.; puerum In 1 111. Acta.ton, grandB<Jn of Cad111ud, Uv.
Hya 266 las
llfaa -anti:s, m. rva(), .<on of AtltM, nnd hfpOdldaaclilua -i, m. (vwolk!&cruA°"), cu.
lwotltn (or ji1ther) of thl' llyw/r4; S1Clt111 llyant1:1, 1ott/cr·/fn(:.'1t'r, Cic.
t~ llyaJu, Ov. (acc. si11~ .• Hyan, Ov.). hjpomnema -mil.tis, n.(i11ni1£1"Jft4), 4 lll.t'lllOT'·
Jljbla -ae, f. and B:Yble -cs,_ r. ("Yf!A.a.). 1, aud11111, wJ/e, ap. Cic.
a 11unrntain of .Sicily, firnvd for tis bte.s; ad.1 .• htpOtheca -ae, f. (ir,,..,fhj'°'). a pfo.lgt, S«tll,,.
llyblaeus -11 -um, Jly/1/&an; 2, ncm1t 8f thr'e ity, mo1t1a1J•', Cic.
torvn.s ill Siri/11 (parva, major, an1l 1111nor); hence Hypslpyle -es, r. and Bn>aipyla .,.,., f.
llyblenaea -111111, m. the inlu1IJif((11t8 of H.11uh1. ('Yy11n;A17), •ruun of Le111110$; ~11·e<i hu fotlta
Bfdaspea -pi:i, m. (Y.50.<T'"I(), 1, a rii·rr ilL 1c/1cn lite wo111e11 of Ll"lli110& killed all the 1>1t11;
lwli.a. now lkhu.t or l1felu11; 2, 1uw1c of a11 re.-fit"e•l tlte Argonaitl$.
lndi.a11 slare. Hyrc&nl -Orum, m. ('YpKavo•), t.~- in_hri/•it·
hydra -ac, r. (iillpa.), 1 the Tll!lll!f·lw1rlrd <wt.; of llv1·ca11ia. Hence 1, adj., Hyrcanua
1crrltr·S1L11l.r of th.P Lcrnu<'<tJL lal:c, slaw by lier· -a ·Ulll, /ly1·co11irln; 2, suh~t .. Byrci.nia. -~e.
c11us ; 2, " 1·.11.stell<uion ulso L~tllti/ ,\ nguis; 3, a f. the /rtwi oftlte Jlyrco11i i11 Asi11, lxt1;·an .\1,.,1,,.,
fltO••slu of lhr lou·a u·or/d u:ith ji}ty heads. l'urthilf, and tJie Cu1;·i1111 :)cu..
hydraulua -i, m. (iillpa.11.I.~), a 1tult'1' organ, Bjl'rie -c:;, f. (Ypi11). t1Jw11 and l"J..·! in kc't;11.
Ck. HyrieU8 -t:i, m. ('Yp.n.lf), father ef Ori"'"
hyclrfa -ac, r. (vllpia.), an urn, uutu-y.1r, Cic. .\dj., Hyrlctul -a -um, prolcs, Urio•1, Ov.
hydr0chotu1 ·i, m. (itllpoxo~). tht rn11.•lrlla· ByrtAoldcs -nc, m. ('YpraKiS11>), the ~or. vJ
tio1~ Aquarius, Cat.
llyrl<!c11s, i.l'. SWu-5.
hyclrOpicus -a -um (vllpcull'•K!X), dro1•sirol, B;vstaapea -is, m. (YC7Tci<Tmi(), father of"'"'
Hor. Persian ki11f!, Darius.
hydrops -6[.li:i, 111. (iilipwolt), the dropsy, Hor.
I. hydrus -i -m (iillpo(), a 1<'<11N-s1wl.e, h 11tlm,
Verg. ; cip1./i,,d to tht htiir of .Mtdu:ia <wd the
l'uriu, Ver;;.
t. Byclriia -d111nti.;, r. (YCpoii~), anti U,·
druntum -i, n. tcu;11 OIL the E. c'O<tst uJ Calc~/,na,
now Utru1tf(J. I.
hfema, hfem&l18, etc.= lticm~. etc. (fl.\'.).
I, tli;; !ii 11th lr/ttr of tltr l.({:ill al1•lt<1l"'t. Fo1
Bjlae\18 ·i, m.
(, a crntnur o/,,in by
• 11.eani11g <•f I as an :ibLrenat1c•11, M-C Tal•le
of 'A t.l.revi11tio11s.
Bfl&a -ae, m. ("Y.\~~). so11 <>f Thiodm1'"·'• a. lacchua -i, 111. (~lcx:'(of), 1, a 11ai.u of £<1<-
bt1iuti.ful y1,uth, IM fnrnrl awl cOlllp<l1t/011 nf
Hn-culu 011 th.e ArgMurntic uptditi,m, ca1·ri1:<.I 11f c1, 1t:i; 2, 111eto11., ·1ci1.t, \"erg.
by t~ tmtu·uymphs iii Jlyoia. 1. filyaus
-i, 111. ('lti.A.11.,.ix), t•1u,·11 \11 l<fio,J•~.
llylltul -i, m. ('Y.\AO(), Mm of llerr:ules <011/ now ./'. Heuce, fiJfslus ·A -um, }":>t"t. =
.Drianim. Rliodi1111, 0''·
aYmen -/lnis, m. ('Yµl)v), 1, the god of mar- 2. fiJfsus -i m., S-)•t nf Sol.
riage, Ov. ; 2, tht 'llurrriltge so11g, Ov. Iambeus ·a ·um (io+<f!••~l. iambic, lfor.
hf.mi~ or ·Us -i, m. (vµiva•u~). L tl1e lambtul -i Ill. (taµ,B°'), 1, Ult ir111bH5, (! !c:F!.'1·
murriagt-so11g. A. Lit., hymcuacnn ca11en\ cul ./<'"I (u -): Hor.; 2, an iamlric 1>0"'"• t111 .. "ic
Uv. ; canere hymeuacos, \'erg. B. (ge11. J•l ur.) J'°"li"y, Ci•·.
mcton., thP, u:etfdinQ, \'erg.; t.ransf., tlu J>a•;111:1 lanthlnus -a -um (i0.119u-o;), rfolrt-et•/r,1:r,..1,
ofa11i11utls, \'eri. II.llynurn, tl1e!)tJ1.lofnu11Twye,
Ov. Plin. Suu,,t.,ianthlna -orum, 11. i-iulct-c"l)t·c«t
clothe$, Murt.
BjmettOsawl BY11lettua ·i. m.('Yµ17rro~). iapetus -i, m. ('Ia.mTo~), <i ginut, fmhu <]
a mountain in Afrirn, fn11wl.l.j fvr i~ bee..; a11<1
Ati<u, Epimetlu~11,,, a11d l'ro111etho1..s: gl'11t1s l:ipt'l1,
"uu·/;/e. A<lj., Bfmettiua -a -um., lly111tttia11.
Bymnls -i<lis, r. ('Yµvi'(), name of a comtdy Proniethw~, Hor. I_I1•11ce, ia~tionides ·:ii',
111. 11 ~v" 1Jj 'lu];(tus, 1.e. At/a..<, Ov.
of Crui:ili.11< ::ituti1i.s.
Btpaepa. -orum, n. (Tn 'Ywauro.), a to11~n in fapydes -um, m. ('lcir.vll«). a 1~:lr i"
L1J1l irt, now /:irglu or lkrcJ..i. nlJ'T'th-1·-..;t lll:1ria. Hencl', 1, fapya -p~·.ti!!..
Bj'phis ·is, m. ("Y,,.a.v1~), rii:e-r i.11 European ial'?/(litt11; 2, Ii.pydia -ae, f. laJ-yc.lia.
Son1utlit1, 11ow the /;07. fapyx -1·~·gis,. m. ('~a'"'~). I. the, s-Jn rf
fltutlo/n~, p·Jw tgnrd iii a 7;aTt of &i1L01rr1.
HypAta. -al', f. (¥,,.a.Ta), lotrn in T/1.-s<aly.
Adj .• 1, Bypataeua -a ·11111; 2, Bypatenai.s Italy, tltf,tce fttllcrt lnpyg.ia. IL A. <r 1~<t-11orth·
·C, r(( or /)r/.,ugi 119 to IlYJ"-1.UI· wrst 1cind, f"ro11rable f(JT CT°''-'"ill~ from 1Jnn1·
du,-ium tn Greccr. B. er rit·rr in A;mlia; fapyg1S
HVnorbOrei -iirum, m. ('Y1up,86pto<), tht ana, Apulia, Ov. C. Adj., ln['Jl')ian. Brni:e,
H117,;rr';ort1111.q, ct jalmlo11s J>rnple, tlwe/lin'l at the
Japygla -ne, f. ('Iarrryia.), a ''.i«ti·ict ~f Mn!/"'1
atrr:n~ nr•rlh; he1we, a1lj., Hyperboreus r!rr11,1·i11, ]Jart of Calabria, now 1 erra <[Utrnntc..
-a -u111, lyili'] to IM 1tnrth, 11ortll./;n1, \'erf:.
farba, 1111d farbas -ae. m. an Afrit'lrn ki11:1.
ByP8rides -ae, n. ('Y7r<p<io11~). nn Allunimi
on1t,,r, rnnl1w J>OT'nr11 with [Jem,osthnt'-'· rim/ <>f Aeitcns. Hence, farbita -ae, 111.= a
ilfllurelr1:0 i<L11, Hor.
BtpCrion -ton is, In. ('Y11'tpiwv), l,ll11f'i'r·irm.
a Til•rn, father of 11,,. S1ut : 2. the ::>un god hi111- farda.Dls ·nidis, f. a daughter of JarJo 1t us,
s,,lj; hcnc ·• 1, Hyperionius -a -um, of or i.e., Omphal~, Ov.
lxltmgiMg /11 Hyperion; 2, Byperionl.s -!dis, iasiul!I -li, 111. ('lri<Tux), 1, an Argit:e l.i"<i·
f. A11roni, Ov. fl/ of Atalanta; 2, a Cretan,_lxlui·al by Ct"lu
Bfpermnestra -ae, and -e. -r~. r. ('Yrr<11· · (;1lso called IAsion). Hence, 1, Iasidea -:ic, m
,,_~crrpa.), the ye11rng~st uf th /)nnrzide~. the 011/ 11 ' ( lao-ili11~). a de.~and11.nt of la.-i«.!; 2, iAata
OIU 11:h-0 di<I 11ut i.:ill htr h11.;1'u1t<l (Lyito:eu.). ! -.i•los, f. a daughter of fo.>i>tI, i.e. Atal<znla.
las 267 igi
fisOD -isnls, m. ('Icicrwl'). L .,.,._ of .dtso11, pastor, Cic., or ju1lex, or hospes, Ov.. ParU;
ki1'19 ill, ll!tUkr of tM tr~dition of the b, relating to Mounl Itta in Cra&
.Aryanauts to Colchi.s to/ tM gold~•t jlua. Adj., idMie -l!s, f. ('l~a>.llJ), a nrna1M of Yl1l...
iasonlus -a -um,; earina, th4 Argo, from ldaliu1n.
Prup.; remex, thl Argo1wuf$, Ov. II. a tyrant idWum ·Ii, n. ('l~a>.to.,), ~ a7'd
of p,~, ooriurnpomry with Epumino11das. towit fo C!1prus, with a temple of Ven.tu1. Bence
iaspis -l<lis, f. (~cicrm~), u jusper, Verg. 1, adj., idi.lius ·a ·nm, poet., belo1tging to
iassus (fii.sus) -1, f. ("IauCTo~), a town ill Cyprus, Venus, \'~rg.; 2, St~bst., i~i& -&e, r.
(sc. terra), lf1¥.·ne~ghbuur(l..()()(l of ldalium.
G1ria; he11ce, iasse11Sos -Ium, m. Ult inhabit-
a,,1~ of /<1.$>1/S. ldclrco (ioclrco), adj. (id and circa). on tluU
fazyges -um, rn. ('lii~uyt\), a Sar.matian a1xo1111~. for tlw.t r1nson: absol., <;ic.; followed
Ly quod ur quia, Cic.; by si, Cic.; by nt or ne
tri!J~ ort th.e Vfli,ul1!. Sing., fazyx -z)'gis, used and the suhj., Ci('. : hy qui and the subj., Cic.;
a.~ aa adje<.:tive, la.zy;;ia11. by quo faciliui and subj., Caes.
foor ... v. Hiber ••• idem, ca•lem, Irlem (from is and euftlx -dem),
ibi. <uh-. (rnm pron. root I, whence Is). I. the &ime; idem vclle atque iilem nolle, to have
1~rr-., ·~t that place, Cic. IL Transf., A. Of the same liw and dulikes, 8all.; amicu.s est tam·
b1w, tlinl, thereuym; ibi iutlt, Liv •. B. in that alter irlem, a second sdJ, Cic.; 10metimes
I.'•.,:'· in tht:U mutter, Cic. to be translated by also; snavisalmlllll et idem
facillimus, Cic.; followed by quJ, atque (ac) et,
Ibidem. adv. (ibi and demow1trat. suffix ut, quam, quasi, cum, etc., eadem virtus, quae
-dem, ;,, iu i-di:rn), 1, tn the sanu plaa, in that in J'l'Ol1\'0, Cic.; foll. by dat., idem tncit occi·
~'"'! 1./·w~; hie ibidem, on thu very plua, Cic.; denti, hlacted like, etc., Hor.; neut. sul.Jst., Idem.
2, r.uJr~•JU:r, Cic. (iblJ!!rn, JU\'.). juriR, the same rigkl, Cle.; eodem loci, on t/14
ibis, gen it. ibis and ibi1lis, f. ft.8•~). Ult ibia, a very .-p<Jt, Cic. ; with ct or que =and i11.dud.;
11v.r<:J. bird a11'Wng the Eg•1plia1M, Cic. certis..;imi et ii<lem acerrimi, Cic. (abl. eOdem-
lbiscum. ibrida = llibiscum, hibrida (q.v.). que, ea.demque. trisy!L, Verg.
ibycus -I, m. ("ItJuo:Of), a Grllk lyric poet, idcntidem. adv. (idem ·U -<I.em), ~r.
flcv,r~'li1i>ig about MO A.C. again and agu.i11, Cic.
icadlna .n, rn. ('lo:citto~). a notori<nu ptrau. ldeo, adv. on that account, tTiLrefon, Cle.; fol·
icllrius -11, m. ('l11:cip10~), the fat.her Qf Pene- lowed by qnod, quia, quoniam, by ut, or ne with
the subj., Cic., or by quin with the aubj., Liv.
lo1-~ Hence, icArJ:otia ·ldis, f., and ioiria
·l<l 1>1, f. Prn.elrype. idlota (idlotes) -ae, m. (i&...inrc), CM epo.
rant, uncu.ltfrated man, Cle.
iciirus-i,m.('l1Capo~). I. theso1tof Dcudallt.9,
d,..>1,med in tMi Aegr.a11 &a, whilst flying from
ldmon ·m<'.'lnis, m. C'Io,,_w.,),/atlter o/ ArachM.
C:rm with wings 1nade by his father. Hence Adj., Idmoulua ·a -um, Anachne, do.vgAUr o/
Idmon, Ov.
adj., icArltu1 -a -um, Iea.rium mare, or absol.,
icarinm -Ii, n. tM Icaria11 Sea, a part of the idomeneua -ei, m. ('I&op.•vt~). aoa of IJnca,.
lion, king Qf Crete.
J.~;·-:::rn Sea. IL t/ui father of Eri{lOne, changed the consullutim Arcturus, or Bootu. Adj., idonee, adv. (idoneus), ~y. ~r.
icA.rius -a -um, Icaria11; canis, the conateUa- idoneus -a ·Ulll, JU, appropriat& L Act.,
tior, C:111i.B JfaJ<1r, Ov. flt to do 10metMng, capable, qualijled, .uitabl4;
lccirco= iJdrco (q.v.). constr., a, with dat., with nd or In and the acc.,
lccloe -i, m. {Lei~, li1;e), brotMi- Qf MOf'· c:i.stris idoncum locum, Caes. ; idonel ad hoe
p.'« u ~. negotimn, Cic.; itlonei In eam rem,; b, with
Iceni -orum, m. a people in Britain. in tin., fons rlvo dare nomen idone11.1, Hor.; o,
ichneumon ·Miit, m. (lxveuµw"), tM khneu· ahsol., Verba minus idonea, Ci('.; or persons,
su.(1icie11.t, sati..~fuct.ory ; idouei auetores, Cle. ;
Tll<i11, Ci.:. with infin., ldoneum visum est direre, Sall.
lcio, or l'.co, le!, ictum, S. to strike, hU, 11niu, II. Pass.,/lt to$U.fftr or receive ao111ahing, worthy;
ltah. I. A. Lit., lapi<le ictus, Caes.; e caeln eonstr., a, gen., with qui and the subj. (like
ictn.~. struck by lit1htni11g, Cic. B. Meton., lcere dignus), tilJl fortasse nemo tuit quem imitere,
r :..:d ug, tn r;ia.J.;,, a treaty, Cie. IL Trans!., partic.,
Cic.; b, absoL, minus ldoneum praemio aftioere,
ictu:., af.:i=Ud, touch<'t.l, /7l-Ot'(!d, struck; conscie11tia Cic. ·
ict:1•. Liv.; desideriis !eta., Hor. (pres. also ico, fdiime ·l!s, r. and fdiimaea -&e, t. ('ISov·
µ..Uci), a clUtricl in Palestine, bordm"ll cm Judo.ea
fconium ·Ii, n. ('J..:civtov), town i1l Lycaonit.I.. and .Arobi<I Petraea. Hence, ldiimaeua -a-wn,
lctericus -a -um (<Kupuco>), 111..ffering from I d111naean.
jaurid:.a, ji:.wndked, Juv. idus -i1um, f. (root ID, VID, whence Yiduus
ictus -il~, m. (ico), a blow, 1troke..1. ltab, hU, antl llivido, ti~ dividing), the Ida, t!.. t11idd.U o/
llu:1~1. L Gen., a, lit., gfarliatoriu.s, 1,.;ic.; sagit- the Roman. moath, the Ntte1itll clay '" March,
t:m1111 Liv ; lapiil11111, Cacs. ;; aµri, Ov.; /llay, July, Ot"fober; thl thirtunth ii\ t/14 otMt-
l~'l.'ki.~. the stdl:i:!fl of ti~ lyrt, Hor.; flllmi11is, months; ldus bfartiae, the 15111; Qf March, Cle.
t1•pl111r.:r-.-1trcl:~, C1c.; sr>lll1, u 1runbeam, II11r.; b, Idyia -ae, r. ('Iau&a>. the motlier of .Med.ta.
tl".;n,r., 1,:0•('; uova(' calamitntis, Cic. IL 't,p.,
A. the ~lir!T!J~ 01· assmtlt of an enemy; !IUlJ ict11m igIUum -Ii, n. a 8mall ulood °" Ur.. 00'1llt o/
<lari, fo I>'. O"{JO'!M tri ti11! < of tlie 1memy, Etr1ti'i1t, now (iiglio.
Tac. B. In mnsic, MHlin,g time, l>r.ttt, Hnr. igitur, adv. (from le and snmx -tur -tus, =
11$ it.'\ from i •Sand Sllffilt -ta), thf'IL. A. Of logi•
ida -:te, r., and Ide -es, f. ("loa. "lo>J). I. cal conser1ue11ces, "°• tlrer'f()Tt, then, CICCfJr!liu.r1l11;
4 1e0 .. v1.I;, Vt>t"",!. IL A. ri mourit11in. 1te11r i;j 1nentin~, mentiris. ;\fontiris 11ute111; i~itur
Tr'"I· B. a mounhtin. ill Crete, 101~ JnJ1itei· 111entiris, Cic. B. In asking quest.i1>11!1, tlltl' t
tro; nur.,ed. Adj., idaeus -ll ·ttm, a, rellltfo.g in quo igitur loco est? Cic.; ironically, baec
lo Jic.unl Ida fa Phrygia; parens deum, Verg., i~itur est tua. disripliua ! Cic. C. With impera-
or mater, Cio., C111>Ue; navea, Trojan, Hol:'.; tives, Ch.en, ao t114t,; fao igitur quad, <Ao.
258 ili
D. dlglwslon1, p&rentheaea, etc. to resume jecl, ""°"""/or Mind, Cle.; I, ,,,,,._o/ tM JI!»
the argument, '°• cu I nu aa.ying; 11eripsi etiam lion.I of low or Cl"f9"', and meton., fOI' tbe peraon
(D&ID ab orationibus d~ungo me fere). acripsi beloved, meua lgnia, Verg.
lgitur, Cle. I':. In a climax, thrn; pro iruperio,
proexercitu, pro provincia, etc., pro his 1git.ur
lpibW. -e (in and gnobilis nobili1). 1,=
vnkftov.-ii, oluc-tlrt, i1tgloriod;, Caes.; 9,
omnibus rebus, C1c. (l~itur stands most fre- of low Mrtl, of m«i1' atra.c:tWm, '9uble; famil~
quently second or third m it.e clause, but some- Cic. ; vulgUll, Yerg.
times tlr'!lt, esp. in Sallust). lgnobWtaa -atia, r. (ignobili1), l, ingloriows-
lgnArus -a -um (in and gna.rus), 1, fgn&mnt flf"· obscurity, Cic.; 2, mean birt/L; gen eris, Cic.
of, u11acqu.ainW 'ICith, inaperUMtld in; with
genlt., faelendae oratk>nia, Cle.; marfti, un- lgnomlnla -ae, f. (in and gnomen = nomen),
the dt1,rivalicn of oru'• good naTM, dUgra.ce, dilr
"'4n-Wi, Hor.; with acc. and inOn., non sumua lunwur, iqnomiJ&y; ip;nominiam accl1oere, Cic.;
lguarl multoa atudlose contra ease dictnroa, alicui injuugere, inferre, Liv. ; inu:rere, Cie. ,
Cle. ; with rel. sent., l~aro populo Romano ignorninii aliquen1 afllcere, Cic.; lgnominii
quid ageretur, Cle.; qmd virtus valeret, Cic.; notar.-, Cic. ; ignominia111 babere, Cic.; }>er tg.
maltoli eae dicturo11, Cie.; absoL, Liv.; 2, nominiam, Cic. ; with subj. genit., a.enat11s, iA·
pua., unbwum; with dat., prolea lgnara par- flicted by tlu ~au., Cic.
entl, Ov. ; regio hoatlbua lguara, Sall; ab&ol,
ign&rl montes, Verg. -a -um (lgnominla), ftdl o/
df$gma, ignon,inwus, di.Bgrocefll.l; domlnatio, and tgn&ri•, adY. (lgnavus), Cie.; fuga, Liv.
la.rl1y, 1lotlifull1, "with.out 1pirU; dicero, Hor. ;
!acer~. Cic. lgnori.bW. -e (ignoro), u"1:n0ll>7l, Cic.
IJl:D&vla -a.e, f. (!gnavus), idlrntu, lazifl.t.u, lgn0rana -antis(partic. of lgnoro).~ralll,
li.BtTes11ru.,,, 1loth, ciowardia; contr&ria fortitu-
dini ignavia, Cle. lgDOra.ntla -ae, f. (ignoro), ~nt of bow·
Wge, ignorance; loci, Caea.; absol., Cic.
lgDi.vlter lgnave (q.v.).
lgnori.tlo -iinis, f. (ignoro), VVJRl of b&OIP-
. tgnavue -a -um (in and gnavus). I. Uk, 1.tdgt, ignoranct; locorum, Cic.; sui, Cic.; &bee!.,
11.tJllf,fw.J., LUtlua, inactive (opp. strenuws). A.. Cic.
Lit., a., homo, senectus, Cic.; with genit., lgnoratlul -a ·um (partlc. of lgnoro), u~
le.giones operum et laboris ignavr.e, Tac.; with 1.."ll01Cn; ignoratum a 8yracuaanis 11epulcrum,Clc,.
ad and the acc., ignavissimus ad opera ac
11111nientlum hosti11, Liv.; b, cowardly; mile11, lgnoro, I. (ignarus), to ~ toithoW knorkdgt,
Cic.; hostU., Liv.; subst., -i, m. a ignora1ll of, not to know; a, with acc., cau11&m,
OQ1l.'(l.rd, poltroon, Sall.; plur., Cle. B. Trnnsf., Cic. ; alicuius faciem, Sall.; aliquem, Cic. ; b,
or inanimate objects, il'IC't, aluggish; nemus, with inftn.\ Cic.; c, with acc. aud infin., Cic.;
unJruitfiu~ Vcrg. ; Jux, a day in. wit ich c>M i.9 d, with re . senL, quum Id quam vere sit ig-
lazy, an idle day, Juv.; gravitas,, nores, Cic.; e, with de and the abl., Cic. ; f,
Veri;. IL .Act., causing a/o!h and. idltna1; absol., Cic.
frlgus, Ov.; genus interrogationis, Cle. tpoace'1• -entia, (p. adj. of lgnO&Co), for-
giving, placalJle, Ter.
_lgneeoo, 3. (igni11). A.. to kiwi~t, ~,..,.,
Cle. B. Transf., to burn., gloVJ untA pasnon;
Rutulo ignescunt irae, Verg. nosco, "°'
lpHOO -nOvi -nMrun 8. (In and gn<>Sco
to taJu ft-Oliaon. to ov.rlool.·, /01-gir.,
pardon; with dat., J1aeaitationi meae, Cic.; orat
IJm~ua -a -um (ignis), JitT1J, burning, glowing 11t sibi ignosceret, Caes. ; with neut. ace., hoc,
1'1it~ heat. L Lit., a, sidcra, Cic.: sol, Cic.; Cic.; with si or quod, Uia.t, Cic.
b, glcwing lib fln,ru; astm, Verg. IL Transf., l. lgnotua -a -um, part.ic. of ignosco.
A. Of colours, flaming, gloll'ing, Plin. B. Fig.,
glmoittg tuith pauion., low, anger, etc.; furor, 2. lgnotua -a -um (in and gnotns notu11).
I. 1, unknown~ with dat., plurimia lgnotiMimi
Ov.: vigor, Verg.; Tarehon, \'erg.
1.n.foUlua ·I, m. (dim. or ignis), a lUtle ftn, gentlbu11, Cic.; jua obscurum et ignotum, Cie.;
lUtu-fta:nw, spark. A.. Lit., Plin. B. Trans!., subst. tgnotua -1, m. an. unbimvn
Cic.; 2, """°"•
igMbl.e, obanl.n1 (opp. generosus}; mater,
a, e1rdour; desideril, Cic. ; b, a spark, begin·
nt11g; virtutum, Cle.; desiderii tul, the ardour, Hor.; hie ignoti.&simua Phryx, Cic. IL Act.,
gloto, Cic. ; ingenii, •parka of ta/.ent, Quint. igJUJrant, Cic.
Igniter -llra -arum (ignta and fero), ftn· Igt\vlum -Ii, n. a t01C1l in. Umbria, now Gv~
bearhlg, fiery; aether, Luer.; axis, Ov. bio or Eugubio. Hence, 1, fgiivim --Orum, Dl.
tgnlg._ -a.e, m. (lgnis and geno glgno), = and 2, igiirinatea ·Inm. m. IM inhabitatUI
born, epithet of Bacchus, Ov.
IJrnlpee -p6dia (lgnis and pes), jWry-JootMJ; flerda -ae, t Wllm '" Hilpcmia. Tarra-
equT, ov. confflSu.
tpl~ -entls(ignis and potens), mighty nerglOnea -um, m. and murgavon-
-~re, ruler 91 ftre, epithet of Vulcan, Verg. euea -ium, m. a ~u fo tht ecut qf Ri.spa11ia
lgDla -is, m. ftre. I. Lit., A. 1, gen., lgnem Tarrcuonensi.s.
a:>, comprehendere, te catch fire, Cic.; Dergetea -um, m. a peoplt in Hilpania Tar-
lgf.OOndere, Verg.; ignem ab igne c&pere, lo kindle, raCtJntn.sis.
Cic.; operibus ignem lnferre, Cae.'1. ; allquem ilex -Ici11, f. tht holm-oak, Verg.
ignl eremare, necare, interflcere, Caes.; 2, es~., l. ilia ·Ium, n. 1, tb part qf IN body 1"111hr~
'1 wnftaqrat~; pluribus simul Jocis, et tis the riba and. tJ1igh.s, tb flank; au trod~ ilia equi~,
d1verwfa, lgnes eoorti sunt, Liv.; b, a; Liv. ; ima longo Ilia ~ngultu tendere, Vtrg. ;
ignibus entinetis, Liv.: c~ a fire-brand; lgnibus dur·, to draw the ./f4nkl logt,tMr, to b«.onw
armat.a tngens multitudo, L..iv.; d, tht ~ of broktn·immdm, Hor.; rumpere. 14 buTlfr Veq;.;
Ow /11.nercil pile; ignes 1mpremi, Ov.; e, lighl- 2, the i!Uutinu of e1nimau, Hor.
11&fng; lgnl!I corui1cus, Hor.; 1i_ light of the 11tars;
lgneis ourvat.I Jun&e, Hor. JS. a, glow, heat;
2. -ae, f. v. Ilion.
tl('ll!s, Ov.; b, glitUr, fin, of the eye.s, Cic.; c, illAoua. v. Ilion.
ft!Jdnsu; sacer ignis, St. Afttiumy'r .ftn, Verg. illoet (= ire Jlcet). L A.. Lit., ld .,, ~
D. Tn.naf.. 1, huic ordlni novum lgnem sub- you ma11 go, a fonn of di8mieml anclentl7 uaed
ill 269 ill
at the clntc1 nf a mHtlng. Ter. B. ·transr., it u Illa Medea, etc.; hie Ille, flu !]lorlo11•1 ett'.; hie
all orrr, nll u lost, Plaut., Ter. 11. fmmuliately, nunc Ille an.nus ~u•, etc.; c._ llae Q!l~ftft,
/orthwitlt, d.mightway, Verg. ht !ndttd, Cic.: non llle ..• led nlc, Cac., d,
illoetum ·i, n. (llex), an ilu-!]roiv, Mart. referring to and prepsriug for what COtne11 after,
lllm1 perlibenter audivl te eae, etc., Cic.: e,
illc0 = lllico. hie et (atquE') ill<', tht ont mtd th.I otMt-1 Hor.;
illemte. v. Ilion. ille nut (vel) Ille, thi& or that, Cic.
iJJgnua ·& -um (ilex), btlonging to tM ila; llleoebra ·8t', f. (illlcio), 1, ttn alltH"llMfll,
glans, Hor.· tntii:tmtnl, attral'fio11, charm; voluptM est tllec·
illon or iUum -D, n. ("IA 1o ..) and illO. -ti,
ebra turpltu<iinii;, Ck. ; 2, met.on.,
a decoy-bird, Plaut.
a• wi«r,
r. ("IAu1~). Troy; hence, 1, adj., &.UU8 -a ·Um, 1. lllectua -a •Um (In and lectua, from I~),
Trojan; subsL, a, illl -Orum. m. IM Troja.M; tmrcad, 0\'.

mcthtr of R011t11liu and Rtm11•, \'erg., and

b, iUa ·•e. f. tM Trojan v:onwn Rhta. Sylria, 2. lllectua ·tla (llllclo), m. llductioit., atltin-
ment, Plaut.
hence, ilD.4a -ae, m. the dawrriant of Ilia= 3. lllecttUI .. •Um, partic. of flliclo.
RMtulu or Rniiu, Ov.; 2, ilD.cua ·a -um,
Trojtui; cam1en, 01& tht Trojan 1ro r, Hor. ; 3,
lllepldi, adv. (lllepldua), tu1gmctJ'ullr,
,ltga 11tly, Plaut.
iJJensa -Ium, m. tM inhabitants of Ilium; fllepl4ue -a -nm (in and lepldns), ti~·
4, Dilda -•e, m. Ganywwlt, Ov.; 5 1 fills f11/, fot!egant, ru.dt, 11nmanntrl11; paNn1 aV&n111,
-lilis, f. at. a Trojan 11:onwn. Verg.; b, ttu Iliad illepidu~, in liberos nlfllcilis, Cic.
<>! Ho'IUT, t..:ic. 1. · utex -Ucis (illlcio), alluring; cubit., i. ta
iffi>na -ae, r. and ilI~ni -i!11, f. 1, the tUJtjt decoy-bird, Plaut.
llauoliur of 1.i1t!1 Priam, 1dfe of Polym11utor, ki 11g !?. lllex -li!gis (In and lex), lawltss, Plaut.
ill throee; 2, = Hectlha, Cic.; llionam edormit., llb'"batua ·a -um (in and libo), u11di1ni•llhtd,
li.tyart o[ Hecuba, llor. 1111curtailed, unimpaired; divitlae, Cle.
Dithjia -ae, f. (EiA,&811u1), tM godcku who lllibiriilla -e (in and llberalis), 1, vnworl.hg
4ided iromtn in. cAUd·bi.rth. of? fru_ mmiJ.. ignolilt; te in me llllberalem put-
Dlturgl (llllturgl) -Orum. m. _a f>[a~ in ab1t, C1c.; :;,s, trans(., low, mmn; quaestua.
Hi-panU! & Ht-nee, Dlturgltanl -Orum, Cle.; genm1 jocandi, Cle.
m. tlv inhahitanLI of IIUurgi. llh'"Wri.Utaa ·Atis, f. (illlberalls), illWml.ity,
Ula (llle), adv. 1 (abl. of ille. sc. parte), nt 1tingi11tu, mMnnua; llllberalitatis anritiaeque
IMI r-1111:1, Phut., Tar.; 2 (dat. illai, sc. p:vti), 8U!lpicio, Cle.
to tlwt plart, o,-. UJiWri.Uter (tlliberalis), 1, ignnbly, W1tianl11;
IUA'befaotua -a -um (in and labefacio), un- patri11 dllill:entiA non llliberaliter im1tltutm1, Cic.;
tftnu1t,jinn, Ov. 2, inn MJrdill, ni{/gardly manii:er; facere, Cic.
Ulabor ·l:l~11s, 3. dep. (In and labor), to fall, l. tllic, lllat.c, illftc, pron. dl'monst.r. ~ille -ce),
,!i,f,, ft1/l i,,111, firll do1r1t; 1, lit., iii fractus th•tf there; in lnterrogath·e sentence11, 1lliccine,
11lahat11r orhi~, Hor.; in ~to111acho illahuntur Plant. ; illanccine, Ter.
f'a qnal! ac~pta. snnt Ort', Cir.; 2, transf., per- 2. lllic, adv. (1. lllir), 1, th,,,e, ot that p(a~,
nici~~ illnpsa ch·ium in animos, Cic. Cacs.; 2, trans!., a, on that side, Ta('.; b, ("
llllbOro, l. (in an<I Jah<)ro), to 1ror~· upon, that r,ase, J.,iv.
ln~r,11r at; domibns, {n lmilr/ing hous'-!I, Tac. Ullclo -lexl -!er.tum, 3. (in and • Jacio), tJ1
lllio, n1h·. (illic). L (lit. ah!.), there, at this entia, uduce, all11r~, decoy, ini-tiglr; conju~em
]"lao•; l1:ic atque ill:ie, liar iliac, TPr. IL (lit In stuprum, Cir.; aliquem ad bellum, &II.;
dat.), fr, thtJI plare: t.ram;f., iliac racere, to stand with ut and the suhj., Liv.
°"float rid", ~fo7t!J to tMt party, Cic. Ullcltator -Oris, m. a: sham l:tiddrr rit an.
Uliceuitns ·:& -um (in and lacesso), un- auction, n puffer, Cic.
11.llad·t'l, u11prnrokrd, Tac. llllcltus -a -um (In and llcltns), not allc~
UlAcrimabllta -e (in and lacrlmabilill), 1, Ulirit, illegal ; exactiones, Tac.
1111np1; ornne!I illacrim11bile<11 urgentur, Hor.; llllco (illco), adv. (in loco), 1, on tht spot,
a,· llOt l-0 ~ T'M!;-,,d bu ttnrll, piti[,$.1; Pluto, Hor. in that rtry placR, Ter.; 2. transf., on Uu ~.
Ullcrfmo. I. (in and farrimo), to 1r'ttp, im111erliu1P111, Cic.
OtU"lil; with dat., errori, Liv. ; absol., ebur lllido -llsi -lisum, 3. (in and laedo), 1, tll
mai>stum ill:tcrimat tcmpli!>, Verg. striv, /;, beat, dash against; lateri l\l~m,
Ullcrimor, I. dep. (in and lacMmor), tn \'erg. ; i;axcam yilAm vatlis, Y<'rg.; llh<fere
~ o~r. boroil; morti, Cic. 1leniem, Hor. ; 2, lo slw.tur, crmh, 1flisA t•
pi,u.~; "erponi; fllisa morietnr, Cle.
il1aeauJ!J -a ·Um (in and lae<io), 11nhurt, ltn·
hjimd. Ov. llllgo, l. (in and llgo), to bind, Hr, fasl,tn, L
_ . . .. A. ar.itra ju\'enci11, Hor.; Mettium in enrrus,
lllaeta.bflfs ·t' (m a.nrl laet.11'1h1>), .<rirrn~ul, Li\-. B. Tran sf., t-'> binrl, to (nnnrd ll"ilh ""'·"'U:.
9fonm!/, (hN!; orR, \erg. I f,;,,1 f'! "n'.•"lf; a!iqnrm piironrih11s, Cic. IL A.
llllquco (in and la'}Uf'n). In '"tMp. ,ns1111rt, tri f'1<ln•, nltnrl>; a., lit., r'ruFtas in atirPih J•OCll·
t11f'l111]/~; tig., illaquf'atus omnium lei;um pnic· li~, C1e.; b, transf., i;ententiRrn nrh1s, C'ic.
uh~. Cic. B. tfJ ,,.,_111ngl,, imp<:ri"; a, lit.., llli~atur prae.-Ja,
tllaud!l.tus .a -um (m and laur1atu$), ur:· Tur.; b, transf., angnstis et concisis rli~puta-
JlMtwf, oJ>s-·•1rli; Bn;,iri1', Verg. tioniht:s i!li;a!i, C!c.
lllautus <= illotu 5 (q.v.). , tlllm, adv. = 1llinc, from. thrr, from. tlvtt
m . . . . . ,., ..._ pron.
e, 11la, 1llud, gen1t.. I 11 lll!i, •1emonsc,.
(JW!rha~ for is-le, rmm i 5), tho.~; a, i~lll heatitas
P'"r' :.. C1c.
ill~mla -e (In anr:l llmus), fru from 111.iw.,
eur ant in 1101.. m ilfum ant 111 hrrnc mmHlurn cl"Cr. fons, Ov.
eadere nno poko;t, Cle. ; of time, qui illorun1 Ullnc, nch'. (illim -CP). I. frnm tll(l.t p1?c..,
lernp•m1m hlstoriarn rel1q11t>rnnt, C1c.; b, that fug1t 1llrnc, Cle. IL Tra~.• from. that •i.t111,
'!Qiiou or -notori<nU; ille Epantlnomlas, Cic.; from Iha~ peno,l, thence, Cle.
ill 260 imb
. Wlno ·Hivi -lltum, 3. (In and 1i11n), to 1ml',(lr, nljrla -ae. r. I/111ria ; 3, Dlfrloua -& -um,
dmcb 1Jl'1Yild owr; 1 aurum ,·cstiltu'I lllitum, li/11rian.: e11t.~t., Illtrloum -i, n. lllyria: 4,
Hur.'; quo•lc11mq11e s'emel chartis i!ll'\'erit, har nitrta ·l<lis, f. lll!lritHl; sul>St., lllvna, Ov.
u-rittm, llCribblttl, Hor. ; 2, to rortr with: po_cula Ilotae ·arum= (q.v.).
eeris, Ov.; fig., color ve11ustat1s noD fuco ilhtus,
Cir. itua -1. tn. \IA<K). 1, SQ" <Jf Tro•, falltrr o}
llUquef&otus -a -um (in and Uquefacio), l.tv1m•dcn, buil•la of Troy; 2, 11cl11~. =
tl'1lt.n., liqru}ltd, Cic. llva •R8, !. a• island to tM 1U~ of £!ruria,
now J;/lia...
Wit~ri.tus -a ·llm (In and litnatns), '"'"
llrrrn(d, ig71-0ram illitoutt: a., Ill peri1ons, v1r ImAchara ·&<!. f. town on th.I ffl•t of Sicil.u,
11011 illit:llratus, Cic.; b, of thi11g~, multa ••• now Muaara. Adj., lmAchArensla -e, bt.-
11ec illiterata videantur, Cle. longi11g to Imarhara.
Wo, a<lv. (orig. illoi, dnt. of Ille), 1, to Utat Im= eum.
plw.1, thitl•t-r, Cle. ; 2 transf., to tlull fll'1tter or fma.dni.rlua .. -um (imago), (111.aginary;
thillg; hnee on1nia e~em illo pertinere, Caea. fasct'ti, I.iv.
lllOo. ldv. (1. illlc), tliilhtr, Ter. imR.ginatlo ~nls, r. (imagh1or), (magina·
tllotus (lllautua, Wutua) -a -um (in 1;0,,, fi• 11cy; pr11\'i11cins Orieutis aecretis ima.i;in·
an•I lotu~. or lai;tus, from lavo), 1, ttnwmhed, 11tiooib111 agitare, Tac.
"''cl«ln.,, Hor.; 2, noC too.$hta of; sud or, bnaglnor, 1. <lep. (imago), w fmagint, COil·
Verg. ceit-t, 7•ictt1.rt to 011tstl/; pavurem, Tac.
Wuc, :ivlv. (Ille). L Of i;pace, tldthn', to that lmii.go .fn!!'l, f. (i-uot IM, whe11<'e nli;o i111it11r
platt. A. Lit., hue at<iue llluc, Cic. B. Transf., R11d siru -ilis). L Ohje..tivc, A. Lit., 1, a., ;.:1'11.,
tq tkat ""'Iler, or prrwn.; ut illuc revcrtar, Cic. an. fn1tt~, reJ•re.•t11/utivn, 7001·trait, fi<1vre, lm~t.
IL or time, up to tl1tit tinu, Tac. stattu; tlcta, a statw, Ci.'..; pi•·t.a, 11lli 11t.-.t l.111•t,
1Uuoel1Co (Uliiclaco) -luxl, 3. (in and Cit-.; a J)(lrtiait rn9ra1•td on.a ~-rinq; est
ln~i:o r1r l11dsco). L to f.tcomi: li!!hl, btgin to !<i;.:num notu111, i111:0;.:u avi tm, C1c. ; b, esl'.,
1hi'IU. A. Lit., qunm tcrtio die sol illuxisset, i111agiues (mHjomm). 11'(1I~1i fiuur,.s, portrnil4 "f
Cic. ; Ulr1<'Pscet aliqnnn<lo ille dies, Cic. B. onustors who had h<'ld curule oflkes, plnt'.'ed 111
1'rnn11f., to show rmaelf, apptar; quum in U-11e· the atria of Roman houses, and carried in runer:tl
lffifl vox 0011sulis lllnxc!'it, Cic. D. Impers., procrssio~s, Cic.; 2, a liken.r~•, rott11t~frn:
lllnceseit., U grow light, u day!ight; ubi illuxit, 1mRgo animi et corporls tul, hims t111111, C1c.;
Liv. ima"O &nimi vultwi est, Cle.; 3, a., the >hrnlt or
phost of a dead 1'1an; ima;.:ines mort.uorum, Cit:;
llliido -11\si .JQsum, S. (In and ludo). I. to b a drrain; aomnl, 11oct1!<, a dN!am, Ov.; c, in
J!,6)X1rl with.; chartis, to play with p<IJ>er, tl:e Epicnrf'nn pl1ilnsopl1y, the mentu.l irlat or
I.e. mnwe omttt.lf •vith turiting, Hor. IL In a bnu npre.srntulwn of a rm/ ul•1«.t, Cic.; 4, an td10;
een~ 1, tQ 111ock at, laugh at, maa a mock of; Jaus honorurn \"irtuti rcsonat u1111q11.<1n i111R1:0,
a with dat., c~q1to, Verg. ; nlicuius diguilatl, Cic.; 5, Ind i,;i..,nirse, a 11ufaphor, 1imil,, ill·~;
ere.: rehus h1111111nis, Hor.; b, with the RCC., hac ego Ki co111pdlnr imnginc, Hor. B. Trn11.~r..
n1t!;r.ros illu11i nolunt., Cic.; art.em, Cic. ; the a]'Jll'<lT!lnct, J>rrtwct; pacis, Tac. ; . clecnris,
ah!<"l., illn•lf'11s, ironically, in ridicule, Cic. ; 2, Liv.; im:iginc111 rdput.1ic:1e nullam reliquernnt,
to 1/raf.Vfl; Cretensl's ornn.,ii, Nep.; lllusi pe•les, f/1ri1 /rfl 110 "ltadow or trace <J/ t11L rtt'1thlie, Cic.
stt•wrriliq, Hor.; 3, to 1.ltstro11, rui 11, diJgraa; II~ t:inl!ieetivP, 1, the nPJ>W.Ta1tct, i11111 " \"Cni-
cui (frondi) silvestre>1 url illudu11t, \'erg. 0
e11tis Turni, Ve~.; 2, the inuigt, f.lltu, CMteqr
lllfunl.ati, adv. (lllumino}, lumi.rnnuly, lion mtntnl rr1.rt..<rntalio11 of 111111 ol'Jt:rl or n>e1lt;
el«irly; dicerc, Cil:. <'aelli11, Ov.; tantnc piet.atis, \"erg.
Wiimlno. 1. (in and lumino). A. to make lmbeollUs. v. lmbecillus.
light, enlighk1L, iUumifrate, Cic.; luna illurninat.a lmbeallUtaa -itis, f. (imbedllull), wroh"SS.
a sole Cle. B. Of d1sco11n;1!, lo 111uM clear, sd im/,rdlily, ful•lene-.;a. A. Lit., 1·orporls, Cle.
o.f, ad~'"'; orationcm s1•ut•'l1tiis, Cic. B. 'l'rnnsf., co11sllii, Cic. ; animi, C.ieR.
Ulualo -<111h1, f. (illudo), irony, as a rhctor· lmbecllllua, ndv. com"'''· (imlx'cillus),I07llt-
irJll figurl',. Cic. what wtakly, feebly; RRSentid, C!c.
llluatrta -e (in and lustro), /iqhl, full of lmbeclllua -a -11111, wroJ.·, fuhle. A. Lit.,
li!fl•t, bri!1lit, l>ri.lliant. A. Lit., i;kHa; !~men; tlliui< Cic. ; imhedllior valetu•line, Ci<'. B.
J1w11!!, Cie. B. 'fransf., a., r/n11", 7•/<1111, tndoit; 'J"ran~f.. a., reg1111111, i:-1111.; b, or tile miud, u-rok,
or1Uo res, Cic.; b, distinyuis/,Pd, fflrl,, wWtout energy; &nirn11s, Cle. ; accnsator, Cic.
ill1'.•wfuw, famom, rrnownul; illustriori loco
n:.tus, CA6fl. ; nomen illustriue, Cic. ; c, Ttmark· lmbelli.s -e (in and l•t>llum). L u 111D11rlil·e;
able; res lllustrlor, Cacs. !.1rnultitudo, Liv.; telum, feeblt, YE-rg. ; dii,
YCll'IL.!l and Cupid, Ov.; 2, CO'U'(Jrrily; re.!,
llluatriu.a. adv. compar. and lllustrls- cowardly bt:haviour, Cic. D. without wur. pe<t..Y-
llmi, adv. superl. (illu!!tris), more clearly, more fl<l, qui.«t; 1mnu~. Liv.
diali"4111 ; dlcere, Cic. Imber -bria, m. (<iµ,Bpo~). a 11w!Ce'r or stOTJ!t
Uluatro, 1. (lllustris), to enlighten, make of rain, ptlting roin (lJluvia, gentle, fertilising
Ugh&.. I. Lit., sol cunct11 sua 111ce lllu~tmt, Ci~. rain). L Lit., mngnus, rn11ximus. Cic.; so a:><>
IL Tnmar., 1 to brilig w light, make k11nwn; lactis, snnguinis, ln1·id11m, Ck. II. Tmm1r., A.
eonsilift, Cit'.; '2, to txJil.ain, illu&lrnle, el11cufo.u; a stormi...rain-cloud; super e>1pnt Mtitit l:n't>t>.r,
Jue obecurum, Cic.; 3, to a.<Wra; s., of sl'ced1, Verg. .as. waur or any jluid; ttumini!I hr.N>r,
onitionem eententlis, Cic. ; bl w mau illlUI· Ov.; tort11e, hail, Verg. C. Of a shower of
lriotla, uubraU, tlo honour to; a iqnem laudibus missiles, forreus Ingra it Imber, VE-rg.
Cic. ; aliq11id Musi, Hor. lmberbta ·e and lmberbue ·& ·um (In 1.11d
llluvlea -~i. r. (illuo), a, an inundation, barlllt), btardlul, Cio.
~ Tac.; b, dirl, mud; morbo illuvieq11e lmblbo ·blbl, s. (In and blbo), 1, ro driftt
peresus, Verg. '"- C011cnt11; de vobls malnm opinlonem 1rnlmo,
lllfrU ·6run~ m. a peqple on. the .A.~:-iati.(l Sta, Cle. ; 2, to raolw:, to <Ulc1"17liM upo1~ 411.!/ tlti"'f;
ta CM ~ val111atia and .A.Uiania. Ht·nce memor eiu.s quod inltio conaulatwi lmblberatr,
1, adj., Dlfrlua ·• -um, Illyrian: 2, subllt., Liv.
tmb 261 unm
l1a1lnz -lcla, c. (im ber), a laolloto Uu (to tmm.em~rabllls -e (In and me1uonb1fls1,
keep the rain oft), ued i• rooftng, Verg. 1, inducri.babU; spatium, Luer. ; venius, ""'°
lmbrlfer -~ra .mrum (Imber and fero), mfa- 100rlh.y of rtprt!lfrnlltlion., Plaut. ; 2, rilmll, '"'.
bringing; ver, Verg. ; aueter, Ov. romm1micat£ve, Plaut.
lmbro9 and lmbrua -1, r. \111-/Jf>Of), a"' ·• -um (in and memoro).
i...olaad 11' tla.e .A~ii Sta, mar to Lem1&0&, now not 1ntntic11ed, not narrated. Plur. aubllt., lm-
E11Wro. Hence ac.ij., lmbrlu -a ·um, lmbriaA. mem~rata --Orum, n. 'MW tA.i11p, w. Ml
yet rtlu.led, Hor.
lm.bito -Iii ·O.tum. !I. (In and root BU, con·
nected with Bl iu blbo), to tl'WUten, 11v.l, stup, lmmenaltas ·iitis, r. (immen111111), im--
llU1'raU. L Lit., vestem sanguine, Ov. ; im- mro.ble11ess, imnUlnllity; latituJi11u111, alUt.ul.liu·
butl unguine glaJli, Cle. IL Trnn:\f., A. to um, Cie.
~. atai1&, taLnt: imbutue maeula 11eeleriR, C1e.; lmmeuus ·a -um (in a111l metior), im·
lmbutllll superetitione, Cic. B.. to accustom, mta.11trublt, im"llU!, txUt, bo1111dlf.u; 11111.gni-
iH1'~, foitiate, fo~ruct: pcetora reliio:fune, Cle.; tudo regionum, Cle.; mare, Cic. Su1*t., lm-
lmbutW1 c.ognitionilm" verhorum, Cic. ; with menaum ·I, 11. i1111iunse siu, i1n-.uuru/Jlt
aJ and the acc., ad quaru legem non lnstitutf spar~. immt111ity: altltuJinis, inutW1w1truble
led lmhutl sumus, Cle. C. PU<:'t., to begt11, make lUJ•th, Liv.; In h11111en!11t111, to tt11 imllVMM! li.ei{/At,
GJl asar of; imbue opus tuum, Ov. 8nll.; aJ imrnensum, to a t'<Ut ei:tn&l; augere,
~ti.bllis -c (lmitor), that caft. be imUcited, Liv.; immensum est dlcere, it v en ~
i111.ililhle: oration is subtilitas, Cic. task to tell, Ov.; adv., immensum, ,,..,-.our; -fni.11, n. (imitor), an in1U<ition, crescere, Ov.
rwpnsnitaticn:, Ov. tmm.ereu -entht (In and uusreo), •• ,,.
lmlti.mentum -1, n. (lmltor), aft. imitating, .stn:ing, fo~, Ov.
'•italion; lacr imae vel dolorum lmitamenta, lmmer'o -mel'lll ·rnersum, 3. (In and inergo),
Tac. • 1, lit., to dip illto, plu11ge foto. im111tnit; m&llia
lmlti.ilo -Onis, r. (lmltor), aft. imitation; iu aquam, Plin.; aliquem undi, Verg.; 1111·
Yirtutis. Cie. mersu.s in ftumcn, Cic.; 2, ti·ansf., lnuucirgere
se in eons11et.udine111 allcuiua, to '"''""_,,, GM·
Imitator -eris, m. (lmltor). an imitator; atlf, Cic.
principum, Cie.
tmm.irlto, v. immeritWL.
lmlti.trbl: -lcill, f. (Imitator), 1/a.e t1U1t imi· lmmirltua -a ·um (in and mereo), l aot.,
lata: irnitatrix boni, voluptns, Cic. .
not dturt!ing or 111eriting, illnoi:Mt: plUl, Vlf'K.;
lmltor, 1. Jep. (root IM, whence also Imago). morl, thal haa not tk~l ta du, Hor.; I, Pf.A.,
L to imit<ite, copy. A. Lit., arnlctum alicuius 1111dtMTVtd, 1mmnittd: laudes hand lnuuerltae,
aut sta~n111 ant 11.10tum, Cic. ; ·lm1.eclarum fac· Liv. lmmirlto, adv. undeservtdl11, C:Xc.
tum, Crc.; or th111gll, en be l1 ·t, to rutm.ble:
hnmor poto>st lmitari 1111110...,111, Cic. B. Transf., lmmerai.bWa -e (in and merso). inn-
)JOet., to ttplace, or hP]'l11 '1.11 so1nuh.i11.g similar; not be sunk; ad\"el'llii. rernm immeraabUh11U1di1t,
pocula vitea aclJie 110rbi11, Verg. IL to rtpre· not to be orawhtlmed by, Hor,
•ILl, de~t, uprua; allquld penlcillo, Cic. ; lmmiti.tua ·a -um (in and meto), 1rn-
caplllos aere, Hor. t11ea:mred: jugera, Hur.
lmmJ.deaoo -m~dl, !I. (In and madl'sco), to lmmlgro, l. (in and mli,tro). A. Ut... u rt·
btcomc moUt or wet; lacrimla lrnmaduisse genas, mo1't foto: In '1011111111 et. m paterno11 fiorlot1,
Ov. Cic. B. Trnrn~r., ul' ea (tran>1lat.11) Yerlia 11011
lmmAni. adv. (lmmanh1), frl.ghifully, drtad- irrui11se In alicnum locum, sed in11nltfr&SHe In
ftd/.J, aavagtly; leo lmmane hiltns, Verg. suum diceres, to have fallen riatvrallr utto Uttit
tmmant• -e (In and root MA, whence also place, Cic.
manus ( = bonus), Manes, etc.). L tn.nrmc11s, tmmlnlo, 2. (in and mineo), to kfui.Q, bti.d,, imfM"nM, Tlt()nJtrous: eorpurum magnitudo, incline 01"tr, projfcl 01oer, 01-erJiaftf. "I. Ut.,
Caea.; ingens imounlM1t1e praeda, Cic.; ant.rum, quercus ingens arbor pral'torio immlnebat, Uv.;
Verg.; immane qusntum dlscrepat, differs to an populus autro imminet, Verg.; collie urbi ho·
11&oniw1u utC'llt, Hor. II. Tran11f., /rightful, minet., Verg.; car('er lmrninen• foro, Uv.; luni
~1o11:1gt, lwrrib'!, inh.u1'14n, fince; h011t.ii1 gen!I, irurninente, by the light of tht t1too11, Hor. IL
C1c.; belua, C1e. ; ftumen, Verg. Tran sf., A. a, of evils, to ha.-r.g 0"'1' tA.rtaU11·
lmmiinltu -ltls, r. (lmmanis), samgtuu~. ingly, be i111111in1ml, th.rrattn: tnors quae quo•
~n. i1'humanitv, cnitltv, barbarit11, /riyht· idie immi11et, Cic.; imminenUum neecill5, tg·
fr.l1W16; vltiorum, faclnori.s, Cic. ; m~ton., in 1wra11t of tilt im111niiat1 j'wl11rt, Tac.; b, to 1111
bac tanta lmmanitate versarl, i1' the midst of near 11•ith hostile intent, thrmltn; cutra RomD.n&
:/lat iuuma11 perwiu, Cle. Carthaginil! portis i111111i11r~nt, Liv.; vldet bosteia
immirrere, Caes.; _gestu!I iromi11ens, IAr«UAi"g
lmmaneuiiua ·a -um (In and mu11suetus), demeu nv11 r, Cic. B. n, to tAreate11, lo be on the
111ltamed, unrutrained, u-ild; gen11, Cic. point of aHackirlg; imminent. duo rege& totl
lm.matUrltaa ·Atls, f. (immaturus), im- A:1i11e, Cic. ; b, to be on tlu watch fer. lo look
""1lurity, hence= untimely haste, Cic. 011t fol': in victoriam, Liv.; ad caedem, Clo.
~tiirua ·a -um (in ·maturus), 1, lit., lmmlnuo ·ill -ntum, 3. (In and minuo), '-
tn&nPf', '"11nat•ire, Plln. ; 2, transr., 1111tim•l.11: ln<r11, climinisli. L Oen., A. Lit., oo_pia•, Cle.;
mors, Ci~. ; interitus C. Oracchi, Cic. ; si llliull ,·~rl.Jnm imminntum, ahbrwiattd,Clc. B. Trana(,
immaturus obiis11et, Hor. I•> /e5sr11, curtail; imminultnr &liquid de volup..
lmmldloi.bWs -e (in an1l 11u••lic:ihili~). that ute, Cic. IL A. to 11-eaken; corpus otio, an Imum
CUA1'°1 be; Yulnus. Ov.; tel11111, the wutrncl lil.Jidinibus, Tac. B. Trana!., ta uwike11, dutrOJI,
/r'1fA 10.\UA cannot be luuled, Verg. i11j11 re; 111aj1'st.ate111, Liv.; auctoritatem, Cie.
tmmemor ·miJris (in and memor), 11nmind· lmmlniitlo -Onl~. r. (imminuo), Cl '"''"in9,
/td, forgd.fvl; with genit., mandati, Cic. ; nee dimini<1hing, wrohning: 1, eorporls, Cle.; 3,
Romanarum rerum lmmemor, familiar u•ith transr., a, dignitatis, Cic.; b, a rhet. figure=
&o.c" A."1ory, Cle. ; libertatls, Liv. ; poet., ..I.mi~ (e.g., nun mlnlme for nia.xime), Cle.
eqoua lmmemor herbae, paving no lued to, Verg.; lmmllloeo ·mlsetl1 -mixtum or -ml.11t11m, 2.
&biol., lnjenfum, Cle. (In and ml~ceo), to m!z fo, mfogll 'IDith, <"'-
imm 262 imm
..... L Lit., a, or Uiings, nlves caelo prope lmm~lci,, ad\". (lmmodlcna). l••o&rotdr,
lmn1lxtae, Liv,; poet., l1111nh1ce11t mnnua 111an- fnuni1-traul11; hac lmmocliC'C ac
tbns. they jlghl hw1d to hand, Vt>rg.; b or tlf!r- 1u1-erbe 111111m ease, Liv.
IOll,.1 tlli," h11111istl turbae militum, \.1v.; se lmmodlcus -a -um (In and mndlens), (. .
llllllhis annls, Verg. IL Tran11f., to join tl'ilh, 1110tltntul ~''lre; 1. lit., frigu!I, Ov.; 2, tn1n11f.,
t1HlU togtthrr; a., or thing!!, votn tlmuri, Verg.; m1rr.•tru 1ud, unbridled; a, of perauus, with In
w.rtem rt'gni eum rebus RCl1111111i'I, Liv. ; b, of anti tbe abl., In augen1lo nnmrro, Liv. : wit-II
1ienona, IMl colloquila moutanorum, Liv. ab!., i11111111dicu11 lingui, Liv.; with geuit.,
lmmldribllla -e (In and miserabilis), un· l:ietitiae, Tac.; b, or things, hnpefiA, LIY.;
larntnutf, t1111;itiol, Hor. l'lll'i<lo, Liv.
lmmWrloora -cordis (In anti miscrico1'!), lmmodiilii.tua -a ·Um (In and modulatt111).
1111mudful, Cic. (nJ,urnwnio111, Hor.
lmmlssfo -linls, f. {lmmitto), a lttli11!J grow; lmmoenla, v. lmmunlt(.
11nr111cntoru111, Cic. lmmomtlo -liuls, r. (lmml)lo), a aacri)ci>lg,
lmmit1s -e (in anil mitls), 5011r, 11orsh. L imnwlutio11; iu Ipso l111111olatio11fs te1111.ore, Cic.
Lit., H\'a, Hor. II. 'l'ransf., ro"ph, /111r.~h. cr11fl, 1mm6lii.tor .(}ris, m. (immolo), a
v:i/il, pi tilts.•, in,.roruble, ottrn; ty1 a11nus, Yer~.; Cir..
hnmiteiJ 01·uli, ov.; lupus i111111it1s, ov.; ara, on lmmolitu -a -nm (In anti molior)., 7mfU up,
1d1i··h huma11 $/Vrificu tL~re offerf.<l, Ov. tredtd; qu:ie in loca pnblira lnaedificata i!u·
lmmitto ·mlsi -mi1111um, 3. (in and ruolitave privatl, Liv.
I. ttJ Sflul i11, ca11u or allow to go in. A. Lit., lmm~lo, I. (in and moll)), orig., to ~htHt
l, sen·os nd spoliandum fan um, Cle.; corpus In trit/1 1UCTt1l ~; lienr.e, to tlal:rijl~. i"2.11Wlatt..
11111lam, Ov.; naves pice co111plcta.~ in classem A. Li!;.., bovem IJianae, vitulum .Mnsi11, Cle.;
Pompeinna.m, Id loose 111ain.,t, Cac~.; 2, esp., a, w!th abl. or ~he l"ic:tiru, Jovl gh1gulls,
milit. t. t.,torl~('Ulch, ltt ,o; equitatun1, Cat!•.; se Liv.; absol., 111 Cap1tnl10 1 Liv. B. Transl, lo
in bnstes, to attw:k, Cic.; b, to diSJ:hargt, 1!ioot; devou to d~ith, 1lay; aliquem, Verg.
ula In 111iquem,; c, to rink into, ltt into: lmmorlor ·n1011.llns, 8. dep. (in and morior),
tig11a machinationibu!I iu ftnmen, Cat"S.; d. to to du i" or npoa; sorort, 01I h.£6 rider'• bodJi,
ccmcl11d, con.rty: &'JU&m caualibus, Ctes.; e, to Ov.; Euxinisaquis, Ov.; tra111r.,1tutlliB, to to0rk
1tngrufl; fcmt·e11 plautas, Verg.: t, t-0 u-ork fo: orie•tlf to dt(lt/1 oi·er, Hor.
lentum lilis aurum, Ov.; g, legal l. t., to p11t lmmoror, 1. (ill and moror), to lllay, rr1114{-. pos&eaion. of pro~rt11; tu 1oraetnr in 111ea l' I Pl
boua quo!! voles i111J11ittes? Cic. B. Trausf., 1, •ll{ltr iii a P ace, iu.
hlo corrector In eo ipso loco, qno reprcheudit, lmmorau.e -a -nm (In and morcle0). I.
llnmittit iuiprudens ipse knarium, Lua iJip in, bittrn iuio, bitu11; ln11n111'So collo, Pl·op. IL
~r.; r
2 esp., B, .., •ft #II d , ,•llCI'tt; l lnllll's S us 1·n
rempub ica111, Cic.; b, t-0 cuu•e: Teucris f'u;:a1n
aclius, or.
l1 (b'·, aharp, Li ting fooJJ; stom-

a..tr111nqne ti111orem, \erg. II. A. to la fru; lmmortaU. -e (In and mortalls), iftatA1ra,
jttga, Verg.; rren:i, \'erg.; l1abe11as clas'li, to immortal. A. Lit., dii, Cic.; subst., lm-
crotcd on sail, Verg. B. to lu grow: p.'llmes mortilla -is, m. an immortal, Cic. B.
laxi.9 lmmissm1 habenis, Verg.; capilll, Ov. Trausf., a ererlruting, imperlihablt; me111011a
lmmissua .8 -um (immitto), fong, uncut; et gloria, Cic.; a111icitiae lmmortales, inimlcitiae
barbel. \'er~. mortales esse d~Le11t, Liv.; b, OOJ'P1/ beyoad
tmmtxtua or lmmiahlll. '" lmmlsceo. 11U<Uure, dii:i11ely blUsetl, Prop•
.., lmmortalitas ·!\tis, f. foimoP'-
.uaaaa (iun~). atlv. (for lpsimo), ytn, uu,
•--o- ,, or ._,,, y; 1 , l't.
...... ·
1 , auuuorum, Ic.; 2 , t ranl> f ., a,
""Y rather; often with etiam, vero, trni111vero, tr:erlcuH11g rtnou•n, an i.m111ortality of /um~;
maglt!, pntinA,etc.; \'l\'itl hnrno in se11ntu111 \"Ctiit, glorlae, Cic.; immortall!Ol.U 1·011J111e11.Ja11: or t1ii-
ttl111 t1tore, 'M comt8 iuto tM u11ute, Cfr.; eausa tlere, Jo makt iminortal,Cic.; b, tJtt liivhut lw1pi·
non bona est! itn1110 optima, 11w., the tYry ~st,, Ter.
C1e.; fa11riliare111? !1111110 111ie11issi111um, "ay, Lut lmmortillter, sd 1•• (lmmortalls), i7!fi11itt1y;
rwllw. Cic.; non neccsse esse? 11111110 prorsus gaurleu, Uc.
it:i oeneeo, nay, on tM cnatrar11, Cic.
lmmotus -a ·Um (In an•I motus), ttftmor~d,
lmmobilla -e (In 1md mobilis), 1, imnwti· m'·tic111 /t...s. 1. Lit., a, of thi11g<1, arl"1T('!l, .,,~.
,_,,,_; terra, Cic.; 2, tram•f., precibns, fou:or- duturl~d. Liv.; die,;, c.tlm., win.Jltu, Tac.: with
uU,, Tac.; Auso11ia, flOt agilaUd by tear, \'erg. 11b aud the alil., portns ab accessu \'entrum1t
lmmOderate. a<lv. (lmrnoderatus), 1, with- immotUR, Verg.; b, or pcrsm11;, stat g•a\'is En·
o"I nde or 11100411re; 1110\•e1i im1111Hlerate et tellm1 uli;uquc humotns emlem, \'t>rg.: esp. ot
fn1tuito, Cle.; 2, (mmockraltly, i11U111pvuttl11; soh.lii,rs In h'lttlt, a•lnrsus i11citata>1 tunnn"
l·h·ere, Ci<~ i111mota ba11111itlu111 11cici;, Lh. IL
lmmOderi.tlo ·!!nls, r. (immoileratus), Transr., e., u11rl.un!1td, unbrol.'en: \>:IX, 'l':ic:.;
tmnt Q/ modtrulion, a:uss, iulempera11ce; effe1Ti b, ptd, firm, slw£1}<ut; men!!, fata, '~r.;.
i111moden1tio11e wt\Jorum, Cic. lmmuglo. 4. (in and 111u;;i1.), to bell"w, 'l"OCll',
lmmoderatua -a -um (!11 a11d rnoderatus), rt.>oulld in; l1111llugiit Aetna c111·e111is, Ver;;.
1, tcrithcut 1t1eamre,'arnmi1,,, e111/lus; lmmulgeo, 2. (in anti mulgeo), to milk i11U>:
cunras, Cfc.: 2, trn11sf.,i111mnderatt, iute111~nite, teneris i1n111ulge11s ul.oe1a laLrls, Verg.
'!1tbridled, unnstrailltd; libertas, Cle.; orat10, 1mmunditia -ae, {. (lm1uuntltlS), u11c!ean ,,.,
Ole. _ im1•urity, l'l.111t.
lmmOd~. 11dv. (lmmi:><leslns), imr11odt· lmmundu -a -um (In and 1. mundus), "-"'
•·at~ly,. urr.J,~0111t•1qly_; !111111 •J1c~ l1111nodeste'!U•: ; clra11, impure, foul; l1u11111s, Cic.; canl.i, lior.;
l!'loilan Hm111ll.11le \'JCto a se, Ln·. trnnsr., uicta, Hor.
lmmodest{a -at>, r., (im1notlc-;tus). 1, in-
le111ptr1ite 0011duct; .rubhc:inoru111, Ta_c.; 2, fa.
immiinlo, 4. (in and munlo). to forti.!'J, Tac.
immiinis -e (in aud 1111111is, from root llUN,
111lionlinat101i; 1mhtum vestrorum, 1\ep. I wJw 11 ce also mu nus, rnunia), /rtt, txnlljlt; I.
lmmodestus ·a ·um (In and mo<lestus), in· "1tl1 reference to tbe state, 11;.,-er, taz./nt, (,ic.;
,..,,.~rutt, 'IMf'1'1ridl!d; genus jocandi, Cic. , 1111litia, tzt111J1t from mllitarr urL'iu, Lh".: with
imm 263 imp
~nit., porlortnrum, Liv.; immu11es mllitarh1111
c>pemm, Liv.; 2,
~en., a, fru from. worl.:: with I.iv,
Cflt1ragto111, 111ufa11nted; vtr, Hor.; pecto1-a.

genit., imn11111is o:rcru111, Ov.; b, amfrih11ti11g lmpedimentum -1, n. (lmpecllo). L II

11.othi•!'.J; fnc11~, \ el"'J.; non ego te 11wis 1111- hi111/ru.11u, imi"dime11t; lmpeilimentum alit"ni
munem tu~lit.or tini.:rre prw11h:1, Hor.; quem fact·n•, lnfen-e, Cii·. ; alferre, Tac.; eue lmpedi·
5ei~ immunem Cynarae pl:icuissc r11pnei, with· rnt•nti loco, or impt>•li111ento, Caes.; Galli•
01<1 pi/I.•, Uor.; o, inu.di1·(, Cle.; d, fra from; nra;;no ad p11g11am crat i111pedi111euto qut>1I, etc.,
with geuit., 11nli 1 Ov.; alosol., manni<, sl<linlrs.•, C11e~. IL E~p., in plur., ti~ hrav11 baggage oftfll
H••r. arm.11 or truce/ltr, carried i11 U'llggo111 nr 01l lxiut1
tmmiinltaa ·f'.tla, f. (hnrnnril•. 1, nrmption of l111rtlen (snrcinn, the aoldicr'• l.:11a11$C.1ek); 1111·
from )rUhlicnJ!fcoorbur<U11..4; ~·ith).!enit., omnium 1){'Ji111e11ta t-t aarci11~11 mvadert', Liv.; impe1li·
n-.11..1111, Cae,..; plur., hn111unit:1t1·s tlarc, C1c. ; 1111•nta ex:;pectan<ln aunt quae An11g11ia vemuut,
2, iuw11111i/!f, txc111ptiot1; rnagni 1\iu11crrs, Cic. Cic.
irnmiinitus -a -11111 (in nn•I munitrn1), 1, tu1· lmpi§dlo -f\'i nnd -II -ltnm, 4. (In antl PF;D,
f<rrti.iir,/; oppida ca"ltclla11uc, Liv.; 2, 1111pa1·td; TIE~. wht11ce nl<10 )1C1l·S (pes), tr~·f (lfo .. ~).
t'ia, Ck. ,..,_. ·aw). L t'> tntm1glt, 111a1wrt. A.
tmmurmuro, 1. (in and murmuro), to mur· cr ura vi,iee1 ibus; esp., w rtndtr a plart im11u:<$-
wiu1· 111 .. r ,,, ; ~ih·i" humnnnurat Au~ler, Ver~. Hbu; saltnm ll1Ullltio111bn~, Llv. B. Trnn,,f.,
- - I . . . 1 1 to tmburi·a.,s, {1tvolve, Tnc.; menkm llolure,
lmmutab Us -e .<m aiHl mtdnlulb), 1 m· C1c.; 2, to hi11dtr, inlJ111tlt, ,,,.tvt1tt, ol•stn1,·t;
•11t~ 1 ·/P, _'"~ l<lf11~1'11Nt. ~U>rurt:'\~, etc. . . . nli1p1em, Cle. ; iter, Liv.; with nb nnd the uh!.,
tmmutabllltaa -iit1 .., f. (11111nutal 0 11!~). tm· se a suo m1111ere non lmpe<lit, Cie.; with nhl.,
wt11utl-i 1it•1, Cw. ne rne dief'mlo impcdfat, Cie.; nnn or nihil 1111·
tmmuti.tlo -i'•ul~. r. (i11111111to). 1, a change. pt>dire, foll. h.\' q110111i11ns n111I the 111tl•J, C'ic.;
alttnrlir111; onlinis, Cic.; 2, mrlouym11, Cir.. lll!pedire, foll. 1.'y ne nn<l the 1mhj., Cle.: 111iq11l l 0

1. tmmuti.tua -a -um (in an<l umto) tlll· nhque111 i1111oe<J1t, n:1tlr inh1.1., Ctc. ; \\{tl1 ml nn•l
elnng(lf Ck ' tire aec. i.:.-ru111l, laes. ; with in 111111 thu nl1I.,
· ' -· _ . C•lt'S. IL ta 111rrou11d, 111rap rn1t111l; t:apnt
2. tmmutatua ·a -um, ro.rhe. of i111muto. myrt11, Hor. ; e•ptos fre11i11, to bridlt, uv.
lmmuto, I. (In an1l m,1~to), 1, f? rha"fl'• tmpeditlo ~ni>t, (. (i11111e1lio}, n hinderi>t!J,
aJi,..r :. onlrnem VPrltorum, C:1c.; nl1qut•I ile 11.1· hind"'''~; a11i111u:1 liber o11111I impeditiono <:Ura·
st1t11t1q pr1orum, Cle. : or J><.'T~llllS, J'tO~('Crl~ rtllll Cic
r<'lms i11111111tari, Cic.; 2, a, In rhPtorie, lo 1<.<~ '"' ' • - • •
ua•t of mrtnnymy: Emdu~ pro Arri!i imwut;it implid1t~ ·& ·Um (11nre•!io), hind"".t~i Hll·
Afric.1111, Ci<' .. b to UM alfrguricully. ln11nulala /i<dw. L Lrt., a, e.. p. n." t111llt. t. t., h111. e1td
orntin n//,, 1 ., 1 ~ Cic. ' l1!1 l•a!J<J0'1'. not rtatl11 for /,c:ft/r (nrl'- PX)lj'fhfus);
- ' ; ' 11111c~. Cl\l'S. ; b, of placrs, 1m1•ruahlt di.ffit'111t
1mo = 11111110 (q. v.). o/ accr113; slh11, C:ies. IL Tr111111f., n hi11derw,
impii.catus -11 -nm (in nrni pacatua), wa1 li/;e, wru111/,ered; 1111lutio, Ck.; i111p.-Jitl,. a11i111i:1,
disi .. d111rrl to 1<act, rutZ...ts, Verg. b1u.11,Ca.. !I.; b, tro11bleam1te; lmpe<lrtus 11neillaru111
lmpalleeco, ·l'·•llili, 3. (in n11d 1•allesco), to JIU~rornrnque co1niL1t11s, Cic.; c, rn1barra&kt.l;
gro•u 1•tl! onr; 1111ctu111is ch:irti'<, Pt'rs. kmpora reip11l11ien~. Cir-.
lmpar -1o;his (in nml p;ir), 1, a, u11r111rnl, tm~llo :J•flli ·pttlsurn, !l. (in a11tl pt"lln). I.
'llllnt": par tt itu)'ar 111der•., 111 }'Ir<!/ at od•l crntl /IJ llfnlrr, stnl.t "/IOrt: ~hor•l1l.•: Ov. ; 111ater11as
"''"• Jlnr. ; 111 ...Ji hup.'lre~, hnumda and 7ie11tu· 1111p11l1t nurrs 111et11s Ani1ln<'i, \ rq.~. II. to pti-h
'llVlrr, Ov.; 1<i tu;:::1 <lbsiolct i111par, sil/J au·ry, J.wu.•onl. A. trJ !tl in 1110/ion, dda on; 1,
ll«r.; n11111cri i111p:n1~s au n.. q11all'!!, Cie.; b, lit, 11>1\·e111 rcrnill, \'erg.; aliqut•111 in r11;.::irn,
trnnsf., di.ffnrnt, Cic.; 2, a, u1u•iwil itt •frtnr1tll, Cic.; 2, tr:111sf., a, 11li•11te111 In 1i111w ea~11111. Ci!'.;
Ml a >I/It/ch tor; h11p:1r C<•n;.:re~,.;us Acid Ill, \'er.:.; b, to i11~itt, ttrge 011, im~·tl; 11lit(lH'lll R•l ~.celn~.
CP1t.1111••11, Ov.; b, uf1t11f•/1t«l /,frth, of itt)erior C'~e.; nl1q11e11111t,d<'.,C1c.; allqu1•111w1th mtln.,
l.iith: 11nl••r1111m genus lmpar, Tae. (abl. si11~. 1.11'. B. to throw to t/ie •lrMLll•l; 1, f'~p. Ml
gt•11. i11q·ari. but lmparc, '°"11!· Eel. 8. 75). 111.ilit. t. t., t"'t .to yi,/d, to n>l.~; lro~tt·"·
tmp;'l.ri.tus -n -um (in anti parntus), ttllJ>Tt· 1..1~'.; 2, tra11llf., nlt<111em prace1p11n11tl'111, to
1J<!"''; qun 111 a militilm~. tum a pecuuin, un· gu~ a p~uh t•~ avnu one fuUu1g, ro co11lpfrte a pt•·
1•r1.-i-ltd, u•ilh, Cic. ; i11Pr111i!I ntque im1•11rat11s, ton~ rum, C1c.
c...... lmpendeo, 2. (in an•I pe11deo), to hang 01.,.r,
lmpibiter ndv (lml'ar) m1tvenly u 11 trzuallv Ot'trluttrg. A., cen·icibns, Ci<', ; sax11111
IJ .. r. • . ' • I i111pe111lere Ta11t11J.1, .c ..... B. Tnm~r., ro ,m,~111l

t1 r ( \' ) •
lmpartlo tmpartlor impertio Im r· or hang 01-er 111r11.<1crn;"/JI, to thrrll/£.11, l•e clo"! 11t
I re hand; In me t.-rr111'('ll 111q.>endent, C1l'. : 1•111n1h11:!
' ' 'l· · ...... (I terror hnp••111let, Cic. ; 111asnum ctiam l·ellnm
1mpaa .. 040. ·ll -nm 1
f.11,,.,,.,, · '. \erg.
n nn• pa.sco), 'Unfed, ltnpl'.'ndet n Pnrlhis, Cic.
1mpend1-o, &•Iv. (1mpendlum),· m1'eh, wr11
.~mJ>Atlbille (lmpetlbilla) ·e (In ancl paU· tl\uch; with eomp11rativea, magis, far mort, Ci ...
vi.1,), '".f,,fp1.,1!.lt, i111ttffciu/Jlt; dolor, C1e.
. . l mpen u 41 m 1·
· 1, n. mpen1 o , 1 , trpt!n$(,
(I I )
lmpAtiena -e11t1s (m n~·l patiens), 'M11ablt to U)it1u1iture, mi/lay; h11)ll'1111io 1•11hlil'o, at
l>f.,r •·r to ttlJiUTI', i~tf"l!lettt: a,, hf 1wrs:•11s, the 1•ulilic tx]ienat, Liv.; sine irnpendlo, Cic.; 2.
lat•nrt1111, .ov.; vnl11ert>1, \er;;.,: solrs, Tac.; 1r11e. it1ttrt3t o/trumty, Crc.
'tCmthfnl, fae.; b, appllerl to manhnate objf'Ct'I, 1m (. d )
cera impatiens calur1s, O\•.; nbsol., l111patien11 pen4 O ·pe~•ll ·p<'mmm, !l, Ill an ~nrlo •
animus. Ov. to u~11d, lny 011t, I, lit., J>t"e1111iam In ahquarn
rem, C:o. ; 2, tra1t!lr., nil lnccrt um Crt.Sum l't
~DAtle~~r adv. (im1-&Ue11s), impatit11tly, eventllln eertna quotauulii labor et eertus sump·
••1C1l1i11ul!1. 1ac. tus ltnpen<litur, C1e.
1m~tlentla -ne f. (1.mpatien~), imp<1tlrn~, tmpenetrabnt. -e (In and ~netrahlll~). 1,
(Mi'>Uif.11 tn t:11clru11; 1ile11t1l 11np11ticnt1Am, Tac. hn,.111utruble; silex lmpenc-trab11i:t ftrro, l.i\'.;
lmpAvl'.de, adv. (lmp11vltlua), JtarlUlllJI, """ ~gimen ad\·ers1111 IC't111 hnpcuetrnblll', Tac.;
4ov1,u.Jl1, Llv. 2, 11nconquerablt, i1ltnr&cibl1, Tai-.
ba~vlda. -& •Um (In and pavidu~), /tar· lmpenea. -ae, (. (lnapensua -a •UIR from
imp 264 tmp
lmve11do). uptmu, outlar, C06t ;. 1, lit., hu1ien· Umit«l po~r, Cle.; 2, mUUary pmotr or tmto
um taoere in aliquid, Ci<"- ; nullA lmpeus.i, Cic.; mand; summum lmperlum, Cle.; anaritimnm.
2, tnmi1r., applied to other than pecuniary out- cAitJ ruuinl CO'lll.mand, Caes.; lmperia rnagl1tra-
lay, cruoris, Ov.; operum, Verg. tusque, civil and militarr h01t011n, ?\er.; alicul
tm~. adv. (lmpemms). L at grtat ooal, lmvertum prorogare, Cle:. C. Meton., , the prr-
11m or ptnrona tzrrcisiAg aMSAorily; erat p~na
Pera. U. Transf., urgently, ta(lffly, prt.Uinglr;
orare, Liv.; nunc: eo faclo id hnpensius, Cle. lictorum et lmperiorum pruvincia, Cua.; lm-
peria et potestates. mililary crnd civil awllori-
tmpemu ·• -um, p. adj. (trom lmpendo). 1, lits, Cle.; 2, tM cou1itr11 gowrrud, alf. . .pirw;
lit.. ol ;>rice, con6i.derablt, fll'tal: impell!IO vretio, ftulum Imperil nostrl propagatlo, Cic.
Ci<". ; a\Jl'IOI., lmJ><'nso, al ll high pl"i«, Hor. ; 2,
t r:inlff., lltroAg, wliLrrunt; voluntas erga allquem, lmperjuntua -a ·Um (in and perjuro), that
Liv.; volunt.l!s bonorum, Cic. by u·liicA 110 ont Alu •worn or daru to 11wtur
fu1Ml11; aquae, t/11 Sty,z, Ov.
lmpirator -~'.ri1 m. (impero), a commandr., lmpermle8ue ·a -um {In and permlUo). for-
lnuler. L Lit., A. Oen., povutus est lmperJtor bidden, Hor.
omnium gentium, Cle.; vitae...!. Sall. B. tht com-
ma11def'·i~-ch~ of a1& urmy, \Jic. ; hence, a title tmpiro. I. (in and pnro), to order, ron1Jr11rn1I.
gi\en to a general after a great success by th1:1 L Oen., with ac1•., <111ae im1>t·rarentur rac:ere dix.
army and senate, Cle. ; !Wt.led as a title to the erunt, CaeH.; part.le. subst., lmpiri.tum -i, 11.
nau1e, "~· Cn. Pompcio Cn. 1". Magno im~ratori, that u"\icA /uu bttll comma111l«l; iruperatum. or
Cle. IL Tranar., A. name of Jupiter, Cic. B. irnpcrata facere, Cae~.; with luftn., ftt"Ctl're Iler
afler Julius Cueaar, a name of the Roman em- 11ocii11, Verg.; pa.'<B. iutln., in eas<lem lautumiaa
perflra; lmperator Augustus, Suet.; and absol, etlam ex C<.'teti11 OJ11>i<lh1 de<luci imJ>erantur,
== lu lWm.<11' nnperor, Suet. Cic.; with acc. antl lnfln., esp. with ac<". and
pns:1. in On., Cic.; with ut and the suloj., Cic.;
lm~ratOriue ·I\ ·um (lmperator). 1, ofor ne and the suloj., Caell.; with thl' suh.I. alClne,
rdu.tiRg to a gtntral; n<•men, Cle. ; ju11, lam1, Htringere11t ferrum imperavit, Lh·. D. E.!1• .•
l1tbor, Cle. ; 2, impn-ial; uxor, Tac. A.. 1, to rule over, gn1·~rn, CO't1Lfll.(t111l; Jngurtha
IJDperab1Jr ·ICi!i f. (imperatAJr), a fint<tlt omni Numidiae lmpt'rnre pt1rat, Sall.; adP-"~
n1/rr or cnmm<cni.Ur; (urcastically). a gtntrul i1& lmperamlum, Cie.; 11~., si!.i, Cic.; cupiJitatilJwc,
pttticoou, Cle. Cle.; 2, traw1f., of agriculture, tu U'()rk uJ; nnis,
~perceptaa -a -um (in aml perciplo), ttn- romrotl to prod11Ct! crop11, \'1•rg. B. to ordtr !01114
ptrenved, unl11owi£; frau!l, Uv. actioti,· l,ofjprivale life, ce11a111, Cic.; a. pvliL
tmperouuu ·• -um (In an<l percutlo), 11ot and mllit. t.t., to t1ljoin, 1•rrscriM, t11akt u rt•~iai·
1trucl.:; impercuuoe noct.e move re pedes, noiM· tum for; frumentum siui In cellam, Cic.; arma,
luf, Ov. Cnes.; (art'halc fonn imperaMit =imperaverit,
lmperdltua ·a ·Um(ln and. penlo), not slain, lmpertenitua -11 -um (In and perUJT('(l).
t.oulM~d, Vt>rg.
ttn<lau11ttd, ftarlts11, Verg.
lmperfeotua -a -um (In and perftelo), in- lmpertlo (lu-parllo) -lvl 1md -11 ·itum (lm-
compleU, unflniMtti, i11i1iuftcl; verba, Ov. ; J>"rtlor, dep.), 4. to i 111part, c1J1nmunuattJ, irltnrt,
reli-.uum corvus imp<>rfectum ac rude relinqucre, k<tnu-, givt; a, alicnl cle aliqua re or aliquid,
Cic.; neut.., impt>rfecto nee abtloluto ttimile il1di~t:'ntihus de re famlli:iri, Cic.; alknl ci\'i·
pulehrum eJl.'e nihil J><1test, Cic. tatcm, Cic'.; t.empu11 cogitation!, Cic.; b, all·
lmperfOllSUB -a -um (in and JW"rfodlo). ttn· quem sliqui re, Plaut.., Tcr. ; partic. 11utMt.,
""bbed, unpiuad; ab omni ictu, Ov. lmpertita -ornm, 11. fitt'Ourt, ccnuuioJU, Liv. -a -nm (imperiurn), 1, powerful, lmperturbi.tu.s ·• ·nm (in and perturbo),
mighty, J'()trnl; pop11lu11, Cir.; virt:n, lht fasr:ell, untlistur:b<tl, r;r/m; os, Ov.
Ov.; sibi, ma!SUr of Clntu{J, Hor.; 2 mmurful, lmpervlua -a -um (in and pen·ius), i"'JXU'"
lmptrioiu, tyrannical; philosophus, <3ic. ; cupl<l- nblt, imptrvunu; iter, Tac.; amids, Ov.
itu, Cic.
lmpiriti, adv. with compar. and superl. bnpe& -pHls, Ill. (in and J>eto) im1~tul!, =
i{rlwrantly, d11m.d/!f: attack, m1set, force; lmpete vasto ferri, O\·.
lmperil,e absunleque, Cle. ; quid p..•tuit =
tmpetlbllls -e lmpatlLilis (q. '").
dici imperitius, C:c. impetral>Ws -e (lmpetro). 1, pns~.. tt1$!f o!
11D.ueritla -ne,I r. (imperitus), 'IL'ltnt of sl..ill 11ftui11111rnt, nttcri11ab/e; Vl'nia, Li\'.; pllX, Li\'.;
and 1.:n010ltW1e, ina,Yritu~, ig1wranCtJ; with 2, act., thnt o/,tuius ta.~il.11, 1Jucrn•f11l; or:\tor,
subject. geult., juvcnum, Tac. Plaut.; transf., uies, on 1cl.ieh tci1hu llui·t l"r"
lmperito, 1. (i111.t•11s. of impero). L Transit., fnljilhd, l'lnut.
to romnw.nd: aequam rem imperito, Hor. IL lmpetri.tio -C·nls, f. (impetro), art 01Aai:ii119
lntran".lit., ro ha~~ pmva cn·tr; 111 Nero im· by <ui. i11q, Cic.
peritaret, Tac. ; with uat., opJ.ti<lo, Uv. lmpitrio, 4. (<le.sider. of lmpetro). to pd; t•
lmperitus -a -uin (in and peritus). unstil/ed, ol,fai1l a good 1.mu11, Iii obtaiA by ftn'Otrrablt Q1tlt11J,
inr:rperi<'m-,tl, ig11omnl; with genit., juri11 civ- Cic.
lli:rnon imperilu!!, Cic.; 11bsol., homlnes lmperiti, lmpetro, 1. (In and patro), to fl''· olitni11,
Cic. aN'.011t1'li.•h, •Jfer.t, ll!I a result of effort or tnlrt·at~·;
lmpirfum -Ii, n. (lmpero). L an order, optatum, to gtl 0~·1 tt•iall, Cle.; nllcui ch·itat.:111
com111a11d; accipere, to rtffit>t, Liv. ; ex11equi, to (cili.unship) a ca ..snre, Cle.; with nt anrl the
t:nnit~. Vng. IL tM right or p<>wcr of cnm- :.uhj., imp<.•trabisaCae~:ire, ut t;bi abesse li~at,
t111111di11g, po111tr, nuuury, command. A.. Gen., Cic.; nbs»I., h111·c si te('nm patria IO'luatur,
dot11ru1tic11111, Cic. ; anlmi lmperio, corporis 11er- noune hnpetrare de beat! Uc.
vilio magis utimur, the tni11d cu a ma.sin", the tmpitu ·fill. m. (impes), riolt11t itt:p1:T5',
00.111 OJ a slart, 8811. B. JLsp., 1, th.e.govu1n1tt11t m1iid motion, violt11a. L quinqueff'mi" J•r&e·
nr tupttmt auth.orUy in a llatl': cadere ~ub P. Int.a lmµetu, Liv. IL altflcl:, a.s8ault, chargt..
R. lmperium, Cle.; 1ub P. R. lmperh1m re- A.. LIL, 1. hnpetum l'acere In, CM'!!.~
11igere, Cic.; de lmperio dec<'rtare, dimicare, excipere, &U!ltinere, fetTI!, to rtttivt an attack,
Cie.; of magi11traeles, In imperio esse, to hold CaeF.. ; impetum dare, to attack, Liv. ; primo
an o~, Cie. ; cum lmperio eHe, to have un· lmpdu pul11, Caes.; 2, of' thlnp, ftwu, no-
imp 266 imp
~;In magno marls atqne aperro, tmpllcatua -a -um, p. arlj. (!mm lmpllco),
Caes. B. Tran5f.. • or persons, a, i.lnpu~.
conju.sro, t11.rn11:;/ed; partes oratior1is, Cle.
/orct1: impetu11 di vi nus, in.apiration, Cic. ; b. in- lmplfoiacor, s. dep. (implico), ta btromc
ciilllOlion, viount daire; irnpelii delendi, Cic. ; 0011/LIM!d, disor-.lered, Plaut.
o, 'rioh110J; impetu m:i.gls quam con1.ilio, Liv.;
2, or things, t.anU belU impetus, Cle.. lmpllclte, adv. (lmplicitus), 0011.,fu.stdly, Cle.
lmpexu.s -a -nm (in and i•ecto), l, •Htcom1>ro, lmplico ·plictli -pl!cltum anrl -pllcavl -pllo-
Ver;;. ; 2, transr., ruck, uncouth, T11c. ii.tum, l. (in anrl piicoJ. I. to rnfol.i.i, rnwrap,
rnb.m9U.. A.. Gen., l, lit., se dextrae, to cli1111 to,
tmpie_ adv. (irupius), impivuslv, 1Cickedlv ,· Verg.; i111plicari remis, Liv.; 2, trnnllf., im-
al1quitl impie 11celerat<'qt1e conmiitt•!re, Cic. )'ircari or 11n1•licare se aliqua re, ta bt
lmpletaa -itis, r. (impius), imputv, irreli· in, u1gage'l i11; iuq.Ji,·ari 111orl10 or iu morLum,
giqn, vngodlintsa; a, gt>n., Cic.; b, esp., 'rea8Q11 to be attacktd by, Caes. ; negotii!;, Cic.; se socle-
09«i JtSt 'ha 11llperor, Tac. tat~ civfum, Cic. B. fo r.nnfus~. ~In; a.,
implger -gra -grum (in and piger). un5loth- implicare ac perturhare acie111, ::)all.; b, aliquem
{wl. diti!lmt, active; in scribendo, Cic.; a<l lall••rcs incertis respunsis, Liv. II. A. kl twi1u aro1111.d;
belli, Cic. ; militia, Liv. ; with genlL, militiae. brachia collo, Verg. B. to wtave around, to
Tac. ; with infln., hoatium ve:.<are turmaR, Hor. irurrcrund; tempora rau10, Verg.
implgre, adv. (lmpiger), acti~ly, qu.kkly; lmploratlo -0ni.•. r. (i111ploro), an imploring
impigre promitlere auxilium, Liv. for hd1•; with suhject. g-enit., illius, Cic.; with
object. genit., d~um, Liv.
lmplgritae ·ltis, r. (impiger), acthrity,
q1uebu!s.s, Lie. lmploro, 1. (in and ploro). L to call upon
wW1. c.-ars or tntrtaties. A. Ot>n., nomen ttlli,
implngo -1.egi -par.tum, 3. (in and pan20), Cic. B. Esp., to be.such, impl~; deos, Cle.;
14 !'trike, beat, da.:ih, drit-t, rn~h.a9ain.1t. I. Lit., alic11iu~ auxilium, tl<lem, mis.-ricordiam, Cic.
uncnm alicui, Cic.; litoribu11 impar.tus, Tac. II. to ask )or; auxilimn ab aliquo, Cio.,;
IL Tr>1rusf., A. to prt5J Up<nl on~, to th.rust into with ne 1111d the ~ubj., Caes.
O"M'.s hi:.uui; 11licui calicem mull!i, Cic. ; alitui
epi.!!tolam, Cle. B. to drfo~; a;;mina hnpliimia -e (in an<l pluma), 'llftfttdgtd;
muriB, \'erp:.; in vallum, Tac. p11ll1, Hor.; fetus (nvis), Verg.
implo. L (impins), to rt1L<i:Ur •in/ul., defile with lmpluo ·pill!, 3. (in and pluo), to rain upon;
th; st-, to .sin, Plnut. with dat., Peneua sum mis aspergin1i sih·is im·
pluit, Q,·.
lmpiua -;l -um (in and pius), {mpio1i.s, god-
~. Tqrrolxlu, un..l11tiful, unpatriotic. I. Lit., hnpl'ilvlum ·II, n. (impluo), a WJt«lre bruifl
cfvi:o, Cic. ; 6Ubst., roeFarius impiusque, Cic. in the jluifr of tl1e atrium of a R•mian houst, in
IL Trans!., of thing::;, bellum, Cic. ; arma, -which. tM min-watu, cumi1'11 tArqugh. tha com-
\'erg. pluvium, wa.s receive.I, Cic. -e (in and placabills), implac- lmpc)lite, adv. (impolitua), p/ainZr, wU1l.ot&t
crhl.t, irrcro'fadleahlt; nhcui, Liv. ; i1.1 Rliquem, ornmnent; d1cere, C1c.
Ci.c. ; ot things, ir;1cun•i1a6, Cic. lmpolitua -o. -um (in and pullo), rough, •n·
lmpl&c.ibWua, a•lv. Jn compar. (implaca- polish~rl,, iMltgant; forma ingenil sd·
bllis), more implaa.bly; lmIJlacabilius 11.licui mndum impolita et plane ru<lis, Cle. ; res, """
irasci, Tac., Cic.
tmpli.catua -a -um <in ant\ placo), tmap- pollute-1, lmpolhitus -a -um (ln and polluo), tin·
~a.std, uruatiVied; Char~ bdis, Verg.
undtfiltd, Tac.
lmplAcidua -a -urr. (in auJ 1Jlad<lus), rough, I. to pui, ut,-p6st1i -pl.lsltum, S. (In and pono).
l·1y, place in; aliquem se11ulcro,
ri1dt, har1h, 11.llXlfit, fia~; geuu:o, Hvr. to IJ11ry, Ov.; col•mia111 in agro &ruoitium, Liv.;
lmpleoto -plexi ·plexum, S. (in aud plecto), praesi<I 1um A bydl, at Al>y•ioJ, Liv. IL to pv.t,
to interui.a~-e. Wt""~. or t11..i&t with, <>r; 1, lay, rta.:e upon. A. Llt., 1, gen., 11\icni cor111111m,
hL, 1mHexae cr1111b1111 an~ue3 Eumenides, whou C1c.; dextram in caput, Liv.; o.liquem in rvgum, is i11teM1.'?uen u:ich. S(rpe1tls, \'erg. ; 2 Cic., rogo, Verg. ; 2, esp. as n1rnt. t. t., iru-
transf., vidu• iwpleXrt luctu continuo, plu71g;l 11onere in navel! or suuply imponere, to put on
in, Ta1.:. ship, to tmlia.rk.; Jegione:! eq uite~~ ue in naves,
lmpl_eo ·pl6Ti-p!?itum, 2. (in 1md • (.lleo), to flll, Cnes.; exercitum Bruudi:iii, Cic. B. Trausf., 1,
IW uµ, flit f11.ll. L A. Gen., &, ht., fossas, Liv.; kl pv.t <n'tT Cl.! maoter; regem Macc<loniae, con-
... ith aol., gr~mi•Jffi frustis. (;ic.; 111ero pate mm, sule1n populo, Ctc. ; 2 to lay upon Cl.! 11 b-unltn,
\"er-g. ; with gen:t., ollarr. ctenanorumbCic.; "ith i111p0!e; frcnos animo aficuius, Lrv.; alic11i 011us,
de, n°lumi11a >le istis rebus, Cic.; , trar.sf., Cic.; inv1uia111 belli co1buli, 81111.; 3, to imp"st
urt.=r.·1 J,1me11tis. Liv.; lmplere aures aliruius upon, ch rat, <.Uorit'e; with dat., Catoni e!{r»gie, l'1c.
Liv. B. Esp., 1, t? fiil 11.:Wt /orxf., sa;i.1te; im· III. to plac!on. A. Lit., clan~s port1s, Liv. B.
1.:~11tt1r ''H<;ris Bacchi piuguis·l_Ue fcrinae,Yerg.; l r;111M., 1, 111anu111 extre111am (3urnmam, Rupr11-
2, tr, 'llr.~·t p~gT!ant, 0\', ; 3, to filL a ctrtam 111arn) al1c11i rei, to put the last tou.:h to, Verg.;
''""''-'"'!, t? ~'H1p:etf a n •;; impleta ut essent tinem i111p<>11ere nl1cui rei, Liv.; ll>'>rlu111 al1cui
>>eX :r.;J1:. a;·:u:.tur'-IUl, LI\'. ; of the moon, Juna rei, to yut l.HYU.nJs to, Liv.; 2, to add; a, 1ol1L·Ui
q•:;s••:~ _;1mc~1s imi•lernt c-:1rilibus orbem, h.(J.ft com- nomPn i111po11ere (with gen1t. or n...... of the
P:•'!l ,•;,_.,rel~, Ov. II. Fig. A. ornnia terrrire, name); b~ i11 a bad sense, to cause; all'·ui vu!nus,
Li•·. B. E·p., l ta sal~.':J, content; s~se regum Cic. ()'art1c. perf. sy11cop. impostus, \'erg.).
~n::u111~. C1c ; ~. t? romp/ere; qua~o:r undeuos lmporto, 1. (in anol portc>), 1, to uri11g i11,
d•cC<'llib;e.;, to hat-'t l1;;e<.l rhn,,,..h, Hor.; 3, to im1-vrt; vinum ad se i1111•ortari ornnino non
l>o.C"'!•!f (I f'?Jit1r1r1: !ocu•u v~mc1pt-m, Ta.c. ; 4, ft) sirmnt, Cae~. ; 2, tr11nsf., a, to bring in, i11tro-
fi<;p, 'JA'}:,rrn.; cttic1•;m sc.,ib-eu<l1, C1c. ; fata, riuc(; i111portatj,, llrtiloU'I, joreig11, Cic.; b, to
J,j\'. brinJ upon, cau.s~; al1cu1 <letri111e11tum, Cic.
lmplexus -a t:ru, partic. of lmplecto. lmport1ine, adv. (i1111 .. •rtunus), unst<WJn-
lmplfcatio-6~. ;;,f.(implico), ar1 int~rtwin in g, ably, r'')1, v10/ently: 111~istere, Cic.
foltr ...~.a~·,n7; l, l:t., o~rvoruin, Cic.; 2, transr., lmportiinltas -:itis, f. (imp'>rtunus), rt1d~-
&1 a 1L't!<ri•:J tv;u1,,,_r; 1-::con.:m cvm:u111.inm, 11e;,, 1m11ol iteness, insolt:iC(, inci ui litv; anin1I,
CIC. i b, rm1'arra~J111.1mt; ni f!lllliliaria, Cio. Cic.
imp imp
lmportiillaa ·&·Um (In and POR-o, PORT-0, roor; ~. lit., derenslo, Cle. ; 2, tranaf., WJNllr
wbence portus, port.a, etc.), l, lit., uTUUitablt, iU- bod, 'W\Cktd, dq>ralltd, rtprobciU: homo, Cle.;
adapUd; loca machlnationibus, Sall.: 2. transr., lex, Cic. : subst., a rogue, etc. IL beyond -
a, or time, ul\faV011rabu; tempus, Cic. ; b, of iurt; a, beyond t.M 1U!Ull 1iM, enonnmu, i • - - ;
circumstances, troublt.some, Mirde7uo11w, opprt&a· labor, MWT·rn.ding, Verg.; rabiea ventriJJ, ,..,.
,., ; pauperles, Hor. ; c, rvd . . UJteivil, unman- tiabu hungtr, Verg. ; anser, anguls, ~
Mrl¥, churli.lll, mi:agt; mulier, hostis, libido, Verg.; b, transr. (..) 111Uchttwu.; Pl!er, Verg.;
Cic. (/:ll "bold; Aeneas, Verg.; 8M.nuleu, '"'""""';
lmporttlO.U -a -um (iu aud portuoaua), siren, Hor. ; ('y) Uuciviou, lftld; c.-armina, OY.
wnth.o'ltl; mare, Sall.; litus, Liv. lmprOoirua -a -um (In and proceras), ...a,
lmpoa ·}J6tis (in and POT, whence alao loto of llalurt ; pecora, Tac.
potis), having no J>01Mf' over; animl, Plaut. Impromptus ·• -um (in and promptas),
lmp0elt1UI -a -um, partic. of impouo. not ready, not quick; lingul, alo1D of ~. LiT.
lmp~tena ·entls (lu and potens). L tue4k, lmproperatu -a -um (In and propero), ue
i111pou1tt, having no powtr; homo, Cle. ; plur. hasty, alow; vestlgia, Vcrg.
subst. lmp0tentes -lum, tht w~ak, C1c. IL lmprosper -lira -1.!rum (In and prosper), .,...
hai·ing no pov·tr ot'tT, not ma8ter of. A. Gen. /ortunau, unprosptrous ; clarltudo, Tac.
with genit., equl regendi, Liv. ; irae, Liv. B. lmpro~ri. ad\-. (lmprosper), nproe-
u11ab/t to eont11U1nd cnu's pa$$ions, 1-iolent, u11· ptrously, trnluckilv. Tac.
rulraintd, furi011s, cndragt111u; a., lit., homo,
Cic. ; animus, Cic. ; b, transf., or the passions lmprovldO, adv. (imrrovldus), ~ /onr
thouglit, improvuu11Uv, Liv.
themselves, unbridled; injuria, Liv.; laetitia, Cic.
lmp0tenter, adv. (impotens), 1, ttYal;ly, lmprovldua -a -um (In and providus). L
powult"11{; elephantos lm.potentius Jam regl,
rwt /ort.Sf.~ing; impro\·ido11 lncauto5que hn11tea
Liv.; 2, i11Umperottly, pas.nonately, Lil•. opprimere, Liv.; with genit., imprO\ idns ruturi!nis, Liv. IL tcitlto!Ll fol'ttlwtcghl, it-
lml>Otentla -ac, f. (impotens). L impotenct, catctious, hudlu.•, imJ11·oddtnt; duccs, Ck.;
Ter. 'lL pa.ssio'ltattntu, trngoi·ernabltntss, irt· improvidi et creduli senes, Cic. ; with genlt.,
kmpera11et, utravagalU pa.ssion; anirni, Cic. lmprovitlus futuri, Tac.; transr., of ·thingx, lm·
lmpraeeentlarum (for In pracsentii re· provi<la aetas (pucrorum), Cic.
rum), in pruent eircum1tancu, for tAt yratnt, at lmprorieO, adv. (improviaus), suddenly,¥•
prt.Unt, !Sep., Tac. UJ>«Jedly, Cie.
lmpran&Ull -a -um (In and pran1u1), tlutt lmprovisu -a -um (In and provideo), ••
M.r nol brto.k/asl«l, /ailing, Hor. fore~rn. u11anticipattd, u11ap«tt.d., 811lldtn; rea,
lmpr~, 1. dep. (in and precor), to wilh Cic.; ad\'entus, Cic. ; de or ex improvillO, or
any thing for a;iy ont, to call dou.'lt ttpon, to im· improviso, suddtn~y. u11ezpecUdly, Cic.
prtcLttt; lltora litoribua contraria, Verg.; alicui lmpridena -entls (in and prudens). L 1lol
diras, Tac. foresuin'), not tz11tcli11g, nol knowing; aliquem
lmpreea~ -Onls, t. (imprlmo), 1, In rhe- !111prt11lentem air.ired!, to attack unav.uru, Caes.;
toric, & 1 a di.tlincl aprtuicn, t7npha.,is, .trw of impru<lente Sulla, 1L-ull01JI t11t lmou-1.Mge of Sttlla.
wiu; explanata vocum imp~sslo, Cic.; b, im· IL a., ignora1tt of, not aci[Uai1'1«11L·itlt; legia,Cic.;
l'ressiones, raising and lowering of tht voia, Cic.; mari!-1, Liv. ; b,, rush, imprudtnt, Tac.
2, vh1loaoph. t. t., tht impr~ions of 011t1m1·d lmpridentor, adv. (imprudens), 1, ignor- rtt:eii'fd through tht ltlt.#5, Ci<:. ; 3, a <rntly, unu·ittin9{y, unaWGrt.'1, through ig11oran«,
yresnng·in·upon, an auack, Q.S3au/t; non ferre t:ic. ; 2, imprudtmly, i11CQ1lnooaltly; uibil Im·
impressiouem Latinorum, Li\', ; of political con- prudenter facere, ap. Cic.
test.ii, me \'I et impressioue evertere, Cic.
impridentla -ae. f. (lmpmdens). L ab·
lmprimia, adv. (in and primus), up«ially, UMt of d~sign; tell missi, Cic.; quo ne lm}Jruden·
/mt of all, principally, Cic. . tiam quidem oculorum adjiel fas fuit, ca&t a loot
lmprimo -,vressi -pres.suiu, 3. (in and t1Mv"aru, Cle. IL 1, ig1wroncc of; event115,
premo), to prus in or on. I. Gen., to ;tra& u1ion, LIY.; 2, want Qf fortsight, imprudttttt, i1tad-
press into; lmpre11so genu, \'erg. IL&, to pras t•trltnct; per imprudent1a111, from imprudeacc.
i11to, imprus, drivt in,· aratrum muris, Hor. ; Cic. ; propter i111prude1.1tia111 Int.ii, Cau.
aulcum altius, Cic.; b, esi~·· to stamp, makt a lmpiibes -Mris and lmpiibla -e (in and
tnark; s1 0 11lum 111 cera, C1c. ; c, tran~r., as pube:;), b!low tht age of P"bnt1. uncU:r agr,
J1hll0soph. t. t., or ide:is, etc., to impu$S on the youthful; filius, Cic. ; anni, Ov. ; genae, becud·
mind; quum \'isa in a11imis imprhuantur, Cic.; lwi, \'erg. ; qui diutissime imput..eres perman11-
d, to srol; signo suo impres:;ae tabellae, Liv. ; crnnt, th~ir rha.stity, Caes.; plur., i.m·
e_, tc> i11/.ay, cortr ;. crat(!ra i1~presisum signis, pubere~ or iu1pubeR, boys, LiY., Caea..
c11~d. tmbosw:l, \erg. ; f, 1!1o1., quae quum
viderem tot wstigiis i111preis::.a, Cic.
lmpiidena -e11tii1 (in and 1•udens), 11aC
ashamed, thamdw, impudent; tu e11 impuJen.s I
lmprobatlo -Cmis, r. (improlJO), d~ppro­ Cle. ; trnnsf., mendacium, Cie.; impudeutissiluae
IKilion, blame; rn1vrob:ltionc homi1.1is uti, Cic. literac, Ctc.
lmprobe, n'h-. (improbus). 1, wron,1/y, dis· lmpudentor, adv. with compa.r. and superl.
~ow,·uy, u·1cktdly; dicere, racere, Cic.; 2, min· (im pudens), shamt/l$$fy, impudt11tl1; mentiri,
tonl)I, impudently; impiobissime rcspon<lere, Cic. .
Cle. impiidentla -ae, f. (lmvudens), lhamdut-
lmprobltas -~tis, r. (, lxtdnw, nts;, tmp11J~11a, Cic.
tt•ld;ei1ntM, d~pra> i•y; alicuius, Ck; applied to lmpuclicltla -ae, f. (impudicus), kuid11a1,
animals, f>imiae (roguery). Cic. i11conti11rnc,., U11(haatity, Tac.
' improbo, 1. (in aoJ probo), f() diwpproi·t, tmpuclicue -a -um (in and J'udlcus), a•
b/"d f<lult tl'ith, rt.:ect; rnultorum open., chwr-.. ltu:d, i11co11tintnt; homo, Cic.; tranaf.,
Cic.; with tlouLle acc., aliquem tkstem, Ck. P. Clodii imperatori11 i1uputlentia, Cic.
lmpribiUU8 ·& ·Ulll (tlim. or iwprobus), r.
lmpugnatlo -~ala, (iu1puguo), a" a.uaidl,
10m.~v1wt bad, 1nck·al, JUY. au,1ck, Cic.
improbu• ·a ·Um (m and probus). I. bad, lmpupo, 1. (In and pugno). to auack, u-
imp 267 Ina
'°""• CU1J1U.. L LIL,
h01tium, LIY. ; absol.,
u mlllt. t. t., terga
Cnes. IL Trnnaf., a,
alUtudl11em pedum aedeckn fo111&mque rcrduclt
Caes. : 2, or divi!llon,; Gallia eott onmll
l<i ~ •rank agaiul 01\J OIU, aUadc, a. dlvisa In tres IJl'rte&, Can. ; deacribere cemorea
.nl; regem, Sall. ; b, to a.aaU 10U1' toont.; dig· blnoa in a.lnip!las civltatea, t100 for each llUl.U,
nitatem aliculns, Cle. ; &enteutlam, Tac. Cle.; 3, or obJect,/or; nu Ilam 1iecunlam Gabiuio,
lmpulalo -<'inla, r. (lmpello), ll
an aternal nlai In rem 111ilitare1u datam, Cic. ; lu hoc, /n
thv Jl'Urpost, Hor. ; 4, or manner, according to;
C•ft•tll« or /tm:te, a" im.praston or mpul« from
..Ulout, Cle. ; a, a" ('MtigatUln, incitm.tnl, im- tradere regnum in ftdem alicuius, on the u'Ord of,
8a.1L ; In eanclem sententlam loqul, Cle. ; jurare
ptdlt; omnia ad omnem animl motum lmpulsio,
Cit-. In verb& allcuius, Hor. ; in unh·ersum, in
lmpul9or -&is, m. (lmpello), a" b•igator, Dtntral, Liv.; In vlcem, Cic., Caes., or in victs,
fiteiUr; prorectinnia meae, Cle. ; Caeaare Im· Ov., in t11ru; 5, of direction, a, to, ill tM pre-
JH.tlaore 11.&que auctore, Cle. MllC4! of, b(/ort; de servls quaere In domlnos,
Cic. ; b, tou:ards; amor in p!!triom, Cic. D.
lmpalaa -tlll, m. (lmpello). L a11 outward Prt'g'Tlant constr., aliquern in careere111 a&t1ervan
JJrec, sAod:, prt#Urt; acutorum, Cic. D. 1, jubere, to~ taktn lo pris<m and k'pt th.t:·:, Liv.;
.. illcikMent, iadigalion; lmpulau meo, suo, in Tw!culanum ruturum ellt!e, to wish tn come to,
vestro, Cle. ; a, a" i1llt'(l1"Cf imp11Z., 111ddell pu· Cic. IL With abl., '"· A. Ot space; 1, esse in
sio11, Cic. Sicilia., Cle. ; lu oculis ellse, to ~ before oM'&
1m_,1uM (impunis, from in and poena). adv. eyu, Cic. ; 2, ei;p. or dre:1S, etc., esaP in veste
tAt4 1mp1111Uy, witlloll.l pu11illl.TMnt. A. Lit., domestica Ov. ; cxcnllare in arml11, Cae11. B.
fattre, Cic.; ferre, to~ u11pu11ilhtd, Cic.; non
impune abire, Caea. B. Tran1f., witho11t Jl'Til,
of time; i in tht C011Ne of; in sex mtnsibu,.,
Cic.; i11 bel,o, Cic.; in delihcrando, dtiriug,Cic.;
.i.fdl; in otio ease, Cic. ; revi.ere aequor, _Bor. 2, at; In tali tempoN, Liv. ; In eo eat ut, etc.,
lmpinl$aa -ltis, f. (in1punis). A. Lit., on tM paint uf, Liv. ; in t.t>mpore, at tht right
i•pnitv, (!Z)ffllptW'f&from punilll11Unt; peccandi, time, Liv. C. or other relations; 1, or the con-
Cic.. ; •!icui veniam et i111punitatem dare, Cic. ; dition in which one ill, in; in hac solitudine,
lmpunita.s non mo<lo a juilicio, &ed. etiam a ser· Cic.; with persons, in tht cau of; 111 hoc homine
mone, Cic. B. Transf., frtttl<Jm., lietnct:; Oagiti- non act:ipiu exc11satiunen1, L'ic.; 2, or action, etc.,
orum, Cic.; su1ierftuens juvenlll •11idam im- in; in motu esse, Cic. ; 3, of the subjects ot
punitate et licentil, Cic. education, in; erudire in jnre civill, Cic. ; 4,
tmpUD.iti_ aJv. (impuuitus), v.'ith impuUr, ainongsl tht numbtr of; lu qui bus Catilina, Sall.
Cic. 2. In. inseparable particle, with 11djectivea
tmpim.itua -a -um (in and punitus). A. 1rn· and participlca, without, not, e.g., indoctu.i.
p11uuW, tumpt fro't'll. punWuMnt; multorum lllac06UU8 -a ·Um (in and accedo), iiiac-
impnnit. seelera ferre, Cle. ; al lstlus haec «IS"ibu ; Iurus, Verg.
lnjuria iml>unita discesserit, Cic. ; aliqnem Im· -lcili, 3. to bi!oomt sour; tra1111f.,
pu111tu111 d1mittere, Sall. B. Transf., unbridkd, haec tiui per totos inacescant omnia sensul'I, Ov.
urt.atrainttl; mendacium, Cic.; omnium rerum
libertu, Cic. IDMhWl(inAohoa)-i,m.('lvAXOf),amylhiocd
king of A rgo1, falhtr of Jo, qfttr u:lionl the rirtr
1mpilratua -11 -um (impuro), vilt, aban· lnachus i11 .Argo/'4 V."<U nanittl.; hence 1, adj.,
M"M, i1\fanw111, Plaut., Ter. i»Mblua -a -um ; a, relatfog to I oochus; Ju·
lmpiiri, adv. (lrnpurus). tmpurtly, vUtly, venca, lo, \'erg.; b, Grul.:; urLes, \'cri,;. ; 2,
1Va11to1u!y, slw.111,tjully ; multa facere, Cic. ; IDl.ohldia -ae, 111. a cluunda11t of /1wchu.,
1·1,·ere, C1<'.
Ptrstua, Ov.; Epaphu.s, Ov.; ·3\ IDMhia ·hlis,
lmpUritaa -it11t, f. (impurus), 11Mm!l im· (. rtlalit1g to JnacJtu.s; rip&, of lM riVt'r lnm:hru,
Jwit11, Cic. Ov.; subsL, a davyhttr of liuv..hll3, lo, Prop.
lmp'iirwa -a -11111 (in and pnrua), 1, Iii., ten· ID.Aduatua ·a -um (in and aduro), 11nburnt,
d't111, sliJiJ1rtl, i111p11rt, Ov. ; ~. usually in a
m1.oii11ged, Ov.
moral sense, ;.,,1n•rt, d'fikd, i-ilt, shameful, i11-
/a1101t.S; homo, Cic. ; ani111us, Sall. ; hiaUlria, lnaedlflco, 1. 1, to build iii or 11pon ;
Ov. sacellum in <101110, Cic. ; aliquid in locurn, Lh·.;
1. lmputatoa -a -um (111 and puto), un-
2, to build up, b/ocl.: 11p, barricadt; vicos plat.-
pru1url, u11trim1Md; \'inea, Uv.
eMque, Caes.
lnaequabllia -e, a, vnevrn: solum, Liv. ;
2. lmpitatua ·a -um, partie. or lmputo. b, 11ntq11al, roryi11g; motus, Cic.
lmpflto, 1. (in and puto), to impun lo, lay to lnaequabWter, adv. (inaequabilis), tm·
rlullltrge of any 011t, <1$ a fc.111/t or 11~rit, to account, tr.ially, t'ariou...ty, Suet.
l'f(kori as a fault or mail; a., as a merit, qnl11
tnihi plJrimurn hnputet, Tac.; b, as a fault, ID&equalla -e. L "'"qual, 11.uven, unli~,
11.hcui natutn, Ov. t'<lriou.s; lJ lit.l_ loca, Tac. ; calices, now full,
now half fu.11, Hor.; 2, transf., varletru1, C1c.
imMua -a -um (dim. or imu.,), lou·ut, Cat. IL Act., u1uqual; tonsor, Hor.; J•ro-
imua -a -um, superl. from luferus (q. v.). ccllae, dWurlnnD tht /!rtl of tht S<".a, Hor.
1. in, pn!p. with acc. "" into, 1~ith abl. = ht. 1Daequ&llta8 -iitis, r. (inaeqnalis), in·
L With tht! acc. .A. Of space, illlll; ad urbcm e'1u11li~y. di,Yimilarily, irregularity, \'arr.
1el r.obus in urbem exerdtum adducere, Cic. IDaequaJJter, adv. (inaequalis), w1c111ially,
B. or Utne; 1, w; tlormire in lucem, Hor. ; u11n'<'nly; inaequaliter t:rni11entcs rupcs, Li1·.
al1quid in omne t.ernp11s perdhlis'le,/or tvtr, Cic.;
~,/!J'r, 14; m&gistratum rTeare in annum, Liv.; inaequo, 1. to mak~ tr~n or lat/; hacc
in multos ann08 prae<licere, Ctc.; in diem, e., lev1bus cratilins terrii.que inaequat, Caes.
for a 1/t.ort tini.t, for tM day; in cliem \'il'en', lo inae•tf.mabllia -e, 1, a., that cannot bt tJfi·
ltl't /vr tht mo11t€111, Cic.; b, dai/11; in <11 .. m mat1d; 11ihil tarn incertum uec tam lnaestimal.lile
rar·to ,·ivere, Liv.; o, /O't" tli.t fulurt; in diem quam auimi multitudinis, Li\'. ; b 1 1nicdt•s,
P'*nA:J pnu.•sentis rraudis dii re:\ervaut, Cic.; iautinw.11k; gaudium, Lil'. ; 2, tuwing no
'~.dies or In siugulo11 dies, (11) from drJ.y to 1la11, (rciati,e) rnliu(Gr. ci:r,.fi'"' ixw11), Cic.; in a b&d
(1e .. ; (8) daily, Cle. ; in t.or11s, hourly, Hor. ; sense, u11JL•orth.y ofbri.11~ l'Olu«i, Cic.
in Stngulol! annos frr:nn ywr to yrnr, Liv. c. or lnaestiio, I. to boil, TlllJt i'f&; ftg., 11 melt
othtr relatio~; i, or dimeWll<>o, ill; wun•m in inaestuat praee-0rdiis bilis, Hor.
ina 268 inc
IDatrectatua ·&·Um (ln and atrecto), natural, tte11'a. to A«lr Cl #Cf'ft; allquid de allquo, eta.;
ti1U1Jecied, Pli&J. de allqua re ex allquo, Cic.
lnalpiDua -a -um, .Alpim, dtllf!lling h' the l. lnauditua -a -um (in and llUdlo), wn.Atard
.A lpr; subst., lnalpml -orum, tlu dwtllcra h. of; 1, a., iuaudita crlmlnatio, Cic.; b, ull.luord
~ .Alps, ap. Cic. rif, unurual: a~er lnauditus, Caes. ; nomen t'!lt,
non dlco inmntatum, ven1m etiam lnauditu111,
lnibnabDls -t', un11lrasant, hateful, tmlot!C!Zy, Cic. ; 2, uNIMrd, vnthou.t a hiaring (Uefore a
odiou.i; pal us (or the St)' x), \"erg. juclge); allquem inaudituw et inJefensutn dam-
bUUni.resco, S. to become bitter, Hor. uare, Tac.
lnambltiosua -a -um, not ambilio111,
preteiitioiu, Ov.
•11- 2. lnauditua -a -um, partlc. or inaurlio., adv. (lnaaguro), after h.a.1'iag
IDambutatlo -onis, r. (inambulo), a walking tal.-cri thenuguriu, Liv.
t&p a11d d.o1U11, <.:ic. lnaugliro, 1. L lnt!'llnsit., tot.ake tht at&g11.-
lnambwo, 1. tiJ walk up and dov.'fl; cum riu, to didru; Pal11tium Romulus, Remus
Cotta in porticu, Cic. Aventinum ad ioaui;uran.tum templa capiunt,
lnAmoenua ·a -um, unplea.sant, unlovely, Liv.; with rel., M-nt., inaugura tlerine ~
dlmial; regna umbrnrum, Ov. 11it, quod nuuc ego mente con<:iplo, Liv. IL
Tran:;it., to conYcralt, i1,_stal, inaupraU; tem
lniUllae -4rum, r. (inanis), emptiness, Plaut. plum, Cic. ; llaminem, Cic.
lnan.noquua (lni.nDogus) ·a -um (in- lnaurea ·lum, r. (in and aures), tamJlglo
anls and loquor), Bptliking in ruin or em1itily, Plaut.
Plaut. lnauro, 1. L to gild, oover 10itA gold; gen.
lnhlmi.lla -t>, lifde8$, (nanilll4U; anlmalia In p:irtii:., inauri.tus -a -um, gilt; statua, Cic.;
lnanimaliaque omnia, Liv. vestil'I, gold-u:orktd, Ov. IL Trans!. (in jest).
lnAnlmatus -a-um, liftltM, inanim.aU,Cic.(?). ro gild, enrich, Cic.
lnanlmentum -1, n. (inanlo), empthi,ua, lnausplcato, adv. (tnauspicatus), vniAotd
Plaut. 007'$uUi11g the au1fPicel, Cic.
lnAnlmu• -a -um (In and anlma), lfftlt.38, lnausplcatus ·• -nm. L v:rithout auspion;
ina11i111ate; neut. sub:<t.. quum inter inanlmum lex. "d-Opud U.'ithout o.iupica, LiT. D. Trans!.,
et animal hoc inte1"Slt, Cic. unltu:ky, iM111piciou., Pli n.
lni.nlo ·lvi -Hum, t. (lna11ls). to empty, make lnausus -a -nm (in •md audeo). '11Jl dand,
t'oid, Luer. nol attnnpltd; ne quid lnttusum &ut intract&tum
fni.nls -e, empty, void vacant (opp. plenns, sceleris doli\'e fuisset, Verg.
co111plet11s, confertus). L Lit., A. Uen., vas, lncaediiua -a -um, not cut dou-n, utifdkd;, Cic.; equus, without rider, Cle.; navis, lucus, O\•,
unl•><lded, Caes.; corpus, IO'llll~·. dwd, Cic.; lncMesco -cil.10.I, 3. to glow, btcol1U mlrm; a,
lm11ina, blind, Ov. ; gait>&, takm from the Mad, or things, incalPS•·ente sole, Liv.; bl of pt'l1'>1'DS.
\'ei;!.; with genit., Hor.; with abl., epistola ro glow iuith wirie or passion; ,-ino, i\•. ; e.ip.. or
inlltiis aliquii re utili et suavi, Cic-. ; subst.. , love; vidit et lncaluit pelagi c.leus. Ov.
Inane -is, n. 1paa, empty 6P'JCt, Cic. B. 1, lncalfJ.clo, S. to lual, 100rm, mak.! llOt, Ov.
esp .. empty-handed; a., re<lire, Cic. ; b, poor,
indigent; civita.'I, Cic.; 2, tmpty-bdli<'d, l1u11gry, lncaWdi, adv. (incallidus) not clnffl?J, "1il.\.
Hor. IL Tran sf., 1, emptµ, voi4 of; with i;e11it., out ingenuity; nou incallide (= 1kWullg) ter-
h11111isslma pru•h·ntiac, Cic. ; elocutio, Cic. ; gi \'er.<ari, C1c.
subst., Inane ·ill, n. mnity, empt•, Hor.; lncallldus -a -um. "ot rlttn-, 'tci.th01ll i •
2, groundkss, min; mot us, Cic. ; 3, t'Clin, tut· genu.ity; servus non iucallidus, Cic.
leM: contentiones, Cic. ; 4, i·ain, conceited; lncandesco -candt'\i, s. to ~n to glcw vitA
animus, Cic. heat, beoom& llt•J' ho'; incandescit eundo <1•lulll-
lni.nitas -ltfls, r. (lnnni'l), 1, tntp/int,!, bum), Ov.
tmpl)I SJK•U, Cic. ; 2, transr., 11.·01·t/./($;, lnci.nesco -clniH. s. to become white; ornus·
iru111it11, Cic. que incanuit albo tlore p1ri, \"erg.
lni.nlter, adv. (lnanis), tmptily, Ninly, lncanti.mentum -1, n. (incanto}, ci cAann,
tlll'!les..<l.11, Cic. incantation, Plin.
1. UUU-i.tus -a -um (In and aro}, unploughed, incanto, 1. to OOJUtcrutc with charms or •J.~;
fall \'" r;;. vincula, Hor.
2. 'alaratus, partic. or lnnro.• -a -um, q11.ite grey; men ta, Verg.
lna.rdcsco -arsi. 3. I. to burn on: humerls lncassum. ndv. (v. cas~us), in t\'.iin, mi1r.y,
Hercub, Hor. II. /.() 'hcgin t·J 9/•>w, to ki11d!e. UF/e";/y, \"ng.
A. Lit., nul.J.>s inar·l~« it sol is r:idiis, \'erg. B. incastigatus -a -um (in .. nd castigo). 1'J\.o
Trn1hf., 0f pa.s~i"ll", re• !,:,Ju-, IJun,; amor specie c1wstiSt:d, 1111cvN"tcUd, Hor.
ii•a"'' ut1s i11arsit, Ov.; ~1wci~ juvenis, Ov.
lncaute, adv. (incnutus}. inro11t!ou$/y, rar~
inaresco ·irlli, s. to becorM dry; vi soils,
frss/.v; incaute et stulte, Cic. ; com par., inrautiu.a
r .. c. S(''lui, Caes.
i:nargentatus -a -um, silared, p:at(d with lncautus ·a -um, 1, ir..routious, ro.ulrss,
'· '' .,., 1' l!ll. had/tss, unuoary, (nconsidaale: homo in<'auturi
InArime ·~'l, r. "" Aenaria. et rusticus, Cic.; with ab and the abl., incautus
ini\ro, l. to plough, i., c-11:tirnte, Plin. a fraurle, Liv. ; with genit., futuri, Hor. ; 2, nc.t
9u.:m.Ud agclinat or thul u·hich cannot ~ g10.,1,Jnl
inassuetus -a -um, u=c.:ustomed; equns, ag1iirut, u.nforuun, untxpecttd, tinuruu.i. un·
prottcltd; repente incautos ag1os iuva.sit, Sall.;
lnattenuatus (in and att··nuo), undi111i11· hostibllil incautum, Tac.
l$/i .. /, unimpaired; fames, 1rnuppeastd, Ov.
tncedo ·C(·~si-cessum, S. I. Intrnnsit-., tou.'alk,
lnaudas -ii.cis, timid, ftarful, Hor. go, 1narch, step in, cnU>r. A.. Lit, a, Jot-des, Oil
lnaudlo, 4. to hear; particularly, to luar foot, Liv. ; moUiter, &'UA a light IUp, Ov.; qui·
inc 269 inc
cumque incederet_ Cic. ; b, u mllit. t. t., es11ent, LIY.; subst., lnoertum ·I, n. tAal
lo mard, odriance; usque ad port.a.~
Liv.; In tchich ii un~tatn, u11Cfftaim~; ad or in In·
percuhos Rom&nos, tocmMon, Sall. .a. Trana!., certum revl)care, to make ulU'ASrlain, Cic. ; plur.,
a, to come on, lJrwk out; postqua1ll U!11ebrae incerta belli, the u~rtalntie.s of'IJ}llr, Liv. B.
lncedebant, Liv. ; incessit in ea C&!tra via Transr., of person!!, un.ctrlain, h.uituti1l{l; qu111n
morbi, Llv. ; b, or news, reports, etc.; occultus lucertus es:;em ubi e&es, Cic. ; wiLh geuit.,
rumor ineedeb.t (with acc. and inttn.), Tac.; r.,rum 011miu111, Liv.
c, of political events, to talu pl-.«"1', 11riu, 1prcad lncesso -cessi or -cessivl, 3. (iutens. of
abroad; lnee.'4sit timor Sabini bclli, Liv.; with inc.,do), to attiick, assail, fall U£.1Jn. A. Lit.,
<bt.. pent., to uiZ<! ori !___gra\'i:1 <'.lira pat1 ibus in· aliqut>in jaculis saxisque, Liv. B. Tr:rnsr., t<>
~it, ut, etc., Liv. II. Transit., 1, to u·ulk 011; <tSMil with rt1H·o,1ches; re-,;e;i dktlll proten·is,
IK'('Uarn, Tac. ; 2, to hap]Xll to, con..i to, be,/<.1.1.l; Ov.; aliquem criminibus, Tac.
al1quem valetudo advcrll& lnces~it, Tac.
inceuus -!ls, m. (inc~<lo), th4 gait, m<Xk oJ
l.Dcelebratus -a -um (in and celebro), twt
SGLie k1wwn, not !< abroad, Tac.
'Ul!llkirig. L Lit., A. a., ... ,
rnrus iucessus Oc.!
ita lungus, Cit'. ; ince:itius c1tus mi.'Jo, m0.lo
mcen4l&rlu.s •& -um (incendium), rclati11g tarduti, Sall. B. Esp., a host•lt attack, a.<.>J.u:!:
lo a con.}fa(!rotilln, incendiary; ht!n.:e, aubst., primo inces:su solv1t obsiJrn111, Tac. II. ,,..
bloendlArlha -11, m. an. inc.endwry, Tac. tra11ce, approo,ch ; alioa incessus hostis claucte1 ~.
blcendlum ·Ii, n. (incendn), n conftagrati.on., 1D.ceati, adv. (lncestus), i.mpurtly, ri11/u1ly,
/.rt. L 1 lit., incendium fo1·cn·, cxc1t.are, Cir.; Cle.
eondaie, Liv.; 2, metou . .ftre-l1rund; inceudia inceato. 1. (lncestus), l, to <Ufilt, JN/lute;
poscit, Verg. ll. Tran~f., l,)!r.;, glow, (of cla..;s~111 ruuere, Verg. ; 2, to dejil<, di~lw .. our,
the 1JA3Sio11s); cupi.!1t.1tum, Cic.; 2, danger, Verg.
dutrudwn, ruin; dvitati:1, Cle.
1nceatum -1, n., v. incest us
blcendo -cendi -c1:nsum.t 3. (in and •cando), l. lnoestna -a -um (in 11nd C.1.:>tu;i), impur1,
&o kindle., / to, burn. 1.. A. Lit., a., tus et
sinful, imJ,ious. L Uen., os, Cic.; m!\n.i!, Liv.;
odore$, Cic.; b, to .el 011 fire; urb~111, L'ic. ; sul•st .. incestus, a liHful paMJn, H»r. IL Esp.,
c, medic. t. t., incensi aestus, tll.l t.ur11 ing I.tat unchaste, uuxi i a, or perdons. judcx (ot PsrisJ,
of fcwr, Verg. B. Meton., 1, to ki111/le .fire upvn.; Hor.; b, or thini;:3, ttagi11um, C•c.. subst.,
altaria, Verg. ; 2, to make bright, brul•a11t, tv inoeatum -1, n. uncl.aJi.ty, uu'linua, i11Ct1t;
n.lig1'U1l; solis incensa ra.dii11 luua, C1c. IL mcestum facert:, Cic.
Transf., 1, to 1tt on. fire u1ith }"Wio11, incite,
e..riU, st~r up, irritizU, inuMt; a, animus jn· 2. 1nceatu.e ·ib, m. ~l. ince&tus). 1.n.::h<u:ily,
dic11m in aliquem, Cic.; desine me incendere ina..t. CIC.
querelis, Verg.; tsp., to uc;te tv 101¥; aliqu• m, lnch6o, 1. to begin, oom.~na. A. Gen.,
Verg.; in•·endi, to burn, to glow, to i~ irritatr.l. no' um delubrum, Cle. ; re;i quas (c0m111urii:s in·
iJ&C(tUVi i ;.more, desi.!erio, Cic. ; i11censu~ ml., tdl1gentia) in animis oodtM~ inchoa\·it, C1c. B,
Cit>.; b, of flh~trad objecbtl, to urouu; i::.q·:d- E!lp., 1, to i11tro<iuet, l>egin to trt.J.i <'/; philu·
itatem, u-lia. C1c.; 2, to ellha1tr(, raise. ir,aw..i<; s0phiam multis locis, Cic. ; 2, to /,r,ng a m...t!:tr
luctum, Vo:ri:.; 3, toji.U (as with tire); cu1,luw l>t.}vr.: 1he srn.a!.t: iuchoante C&c3&rt! de, etc.,
clan1r•r•:-, \' frg. Tac. ; 3, p.trttc. J•crf.. lnohoatua ·a ·Ur'.l, Mi~
blcenslo -onis, r. (lnceudo), a burn.ln(l, 0011• /,ou.1i, JWt .fini.J.UJ., i.~mp;,c:it, Cl'gn1t10 1 c-ttl.du:n,
flagrati"ri, Cic. Cic.
l. lncido ·cldi, S. (i::i and >:.s..ia), to JC.:.l in or
l. lncensus -a ·Ulll (in and censeu), net cm. 1• .A:c:·icn::al!y. A. Lit., foHam, Ci~.;
nro~d /.,y the cen1or, una.s.i•ose.i, Cic. with d;;t., ca;:i.tib:.:s nr.;,t~13 1 L\·. B. Tran~f.,
2. blcensua. L Partie. of inc~ndo. II. 1, ro /..JJ.!, to liw~! 1qon; in i:H1d'.a.;i, C1c.;
P. adJ., fl;;., or orator:i, fiery; nhc111c1.s et iu- i1;ci<l<re altcu1 .:ir ir: aiqucm, to mut 1.;r.•.:1,.,cteJ:~.
census, Cic. C1c.; 2, of tirr.e, to f.1:' upcn, 'l/lf'J..:i: 011; in
lnceptio ·E>ni'>. r. (i11cipio), a 1'e:1i11r.~ng, un- hunc d ien1 lnuJuot myst.1;;11a, C1c.. 3,_ to full
dLr:a;;;.,g; ta.rn praecla.1 i opens, Cic. into a di.sea.>e or sonu tt·il. in morbum, Uc. ; in
incepto. I. (intens. of indpi•J). to begin, aesalien::im, to run int.,ritbt, C1c.; 4, V..fa:l upc•1~
w:11dertr1l~. Plaut., Ter. by chance; e., or pprso:.s, casu in e.Jrum m2n·
t1onem, Cic. ; in DioJ.,, um, to fa!l in i..-ith tht
inceptor -Oris, m. (incipio), a beginntr, Ter. op in wn of, Cic. ; b, of tliing~. incid1t wihi in
iD.ceptnm ·i. n. (inci1·io), an u1dutr1;.in~, mr:ntem, it into my mind, Cic. ; 5, to
btgin111,19, e11:n·priv; in<:',•ptnrn non ~uc.::i-.[cl,at, 1'~1pptn, occ-ur; lncidunt saepe tempora,
Liv.; inCt:J,ta J•atra1t, ~1111.; au iliCe!•l(i<j,;,:5kre, etc., Cic. ; s1 qna cla•les ineid1s.~et, Liv.; fort.a
LiY. io1·1 ...:it ut with Aubj .• Liv.; with dat. per> .. to
lnceptua -ns. m. = inc•:ptu1u (q.v.). h•t;i;1t" to; mult>i tale~ casu~ incide1 u11t, C1c.
1D.corno -uevi ·crHum, 3. to sift upon, to IL Purpos<:Jy. A. L:t., Into a place, t; I
bu:reic ''.~ ,·:_fl i •1;;; piJ1H alh·cim cum sale nigro i11to; ca,t:1s, Liv.; In hostem, to at!ack, Li1._
i[J1:ret·""• Hr.1. B. Trnnsf., to fu.ll i.p01,, >ii.zt; terror in~1dit
excrt:itui, Ca<:s.
incero, I. to cour ie1th u:cu; iu ;~st, ;.:enua 2. incido -c!dl ·Cisum, 3. (i!'l and caed)) L
deorurn, o cnt·(r with i:otii" uu.r t-11,:,is, i.·e., to
l>t.uc;c;,, i 111p/,,.·e, Ju v. tu cut i1uo, make an". ;n, cc.t o;..t11; 1, ge•1.,
a1 t,.;res, Caes.; plllmu 111•:1>U3, L'ic.; 2, E:•iJ, a,
l. iD.certo, adv. (incertus), n<>t calainly, h i1iscril-.e, e;q;rure ari i•i>,'n]>!; h,;cs 11, a~s.
tlovbtJ1tily, l'J .. ut.. Cic.; n1;tt:r11 ~st carmt::t.1 in12iiu1n ii, Ri::'I°'~:crc:.\ C1c.,
Z. iD.oerto, I. (incertus), to 1:1a7:e unctrlain. b, to 11U1;.;t Ly c"tti•1g; fact•. \"erg ; c, le c:,,,,
or doubtful, Plaut. prnnt, C11l; p:iinas, Cic. II. to ci.! t.\ r~·i.::;li.
iD.certue ·& ·um, uncertain, doul,tful, not A. Lit., linum, Cic. B. Transf., l, Iv c•.t :f, ·rt,
Ill.rt. I. A. casus,Cic.; resp ·n~urn, Li1·.; rum•ires, bri11g to an t1Ld, break off; po~ma q 110(\ in'>!1tu-
Ca..:~. B. Esp., a, 1H1t dt11rl.11 ~·i.,si/,le, tfin<, dark; eraru, Cic. ; s1:rmonem, Lh·. ; gtnus ,·oc1a In·
luoa, \'t:rg.; b, not nut (r•f a h10w); securis, cidc:11s, !Jra):ln o:T, i11terr11pted; 2, to take au:av;
Yer.;.; c. di.JE>rderly; cnn•:s, Ov.; vultu~, di.3· spem omnem, L1\·.
"'1-btd, C1c. IL A. 111uf!tln11intd; os, stammu- lnclena -ent!s (connected with,,
i1111, Ov.; with rel. :seut., iacc:rti socll an hustea iy«llOi), pregnant, wilh ~oun.g, Plin.
inc 2i0 inc
lDciU.8 -e (for inci<lili" frntn inc1do). c1d; baclimeatia •U, [. (iOt"WtllCll"), --•Y't
subst., baoile -i•, n. a ditch. or nu"J for curry- /ttl-uu. ri'.J"Hr, hursJ.uss: Jinlm, \'t"rg.
illfl o.f toa.ltr; n~. t.a111qu:u11 in '1110Ja111 inc1h baclini.tlo ..;ni.", r. (iuclino), " umtittt
Ja111 omni" a<lb&rM:ruut, ap. Cic. ~11•l1119, ir1diN1r1inu. L Lit., A. corpnris, l-;i.
lnoiJo. 1. to blallU', l/l:r.Wl, rtbKLt, Luer. B. rht1••'Jf o/ th~ roia, Cic.. IL Transl., 1, a
lnctJlgo -ciuxi -t'i11ct11111, 3. to nrrrn1uul, tll· au:Rlnl l11111i119. ilfdil&lllim•; ad rul'liorem s~m.
finlu; iuci11ctus einctu Galiino, I.iv. ; trnnsr., Cic.; 2, a, i1tcliiu11io• n/ rill, gnotl· ID ill, liJ.i •g;
uri.Jf,i 111oenibu11, Ov. volu111.;,fi,., (,'le. ; b, c/tn1tgr, a/Inn/inn; t.f-111·
pt •111111, Cu·.
baclno, 3. (ill atul cano), '" <i ''IJ· rr "I'· baclinatlls-a-11111, r- adj.(froin inclino), nrnl-.
bacipio -cepi -eeptum. :1. (in a111l c.11'io), to
~;,,, cu111111,na. L Tr.tnbll., A. G<"n. u1th a1'C.,
L Lit., of the vnict-. "'"'· tlr'7': vox, C1c. IL
Tr.rn-;f.' 1, Sllnkr .. , fallr11: rort11na, C1c. ; 2,
p11;;na111, Li\·. ; with iutin., b<-lla i;"rere, C1c. ; iucli'll'-11 tn1rt1nl~. fu1Y>Urahlt to; aJ paCt'm, Liv.
al>llol., 11t incipiendi ratio neret. Cic. B. tv
~'" w •prol:; Mic statina rex incipit, ~111. IL baclino, J. (in a1;1l clino = d&rw), to llf'J&d,
l11tr:ini1it., to co-.n11tr4Ct; tum incipt-re , ..-r arb1· ~'"· lmn, i11cli11t. L Al".t., A. Lit.. J..'"f"Til1A
t.nalJ:ltur, Cic. &rf'llis. 0\'. ; Jll.llos, tlu mast~. Liv. B. Tra1111f.•
l to i11rliu, t11n1 RICWl!I: omnt"m culpcun ira
baclpt..o, 3. (iucipio), to btgi11, comauna,
afiquem, to '"II tlv bla111t na, C1c.; "hue anim11111
i11ch11ant ut Cn'fl:\ln, indrra: nct ro btliat", Ln .
IDci8i a"'I lDoi8lm. lltlv. (inciJo), iR .iwrt, 2, a, to lo ckcli1u, chaufll' far tl1t V'~;
dif('(}11 •1<cW Mnttna.; <l1cere, C1c. 011111ia liimul inclinanu !ortuni, Lh·. ; b. '"
lnciafo -Onh1, r. (inciJo), a diri•ion or cla1ue tluult, gin a rltris11v tMn1 to; fraus r..:111 i1u.: li11-
o/a MHltuu, Cic. &\"it. Liv. IL Rl'I!., &e iuclin."\fe or li11111•ly
lnciaum -i, n. (inciJo), a dil'ilion of a xn- lnclinarl', or 111i•hllc 111clin:i.ri, ro k11.1l, inrl • ....
tt11<'t, Ci.,. A. Lit., 1, of a11 :i.nny, lo l<"nrr, 'Jlit/d; ac1n
inelinatnr or iudin:it., Lh·. ; 2, or thc sun, or ,,f
bacilriira ·U, I. (ineido), a cttlti11g i1llo, ill· time; in1·1i11:1ln in l"'llwri1ha1111m t.t-11111us J..-,
cuio1t, Plin. t11r11i111J f(l1roril; r1"<11i11g, l'ic. B. Trausr, 1.
baeit&meatum -1, n. (indt.o), '"' i1icilt11Unl, p:rnlulu111 inclin:i.ri t11norl', Iv sm1itr, Cit" ; 2, a,
j41luoer:itlll, inttnli11e; i11cit.a111o:nt11111 pt:ricul- to i11c-/i11t i11 npi11imt; a<l :)t..•i<•f>s, Cic.; s.-11tt-11ti:&
onam l't la!Jonam, Cic. ><t"n:i.tns inclinat ad 1•:ict-1n, l'it". ; with ut awl
lnelti.ti, 1ulv. (i11citatn'4), lu1~if.lf, 1'iolt11t/g; th!' snltj., Liv. ; b, to/)( /c.uourublt to; plurilm~
tncitali1111 ferri, flut-re, or R}.ll"t."Ch, Cic. hisc .. , llor.
lncltatlo -<mi.1, r. (i1wit•.1), "" itici1i119, itt· bacliido ~lf\.-;i ~lil.i;11111, 3. (in anJ cluJu.
dif!Uli•'!J.z uriliHf. L Act., li"'gucnti!I l"'ptlli,
cl:i111l11). L tu shut 11p, sli11t i11, t11r1<>11t. A. or
Cir. Il.. Pu,.. A. rioln1l tnt•liOll : taut.a ""I pusoual ol•jccts. 1.andilms d('O'I, Ck. ; ah.1ur111
in n·lla Co11t·11nlial'. C1e. B. Or in:mi111a1c oh·
111c1tat1v11e fnlur, Cic. B. Tr:iusf., ul"iffmnrt,
nr./mr r, tllUflll, t't/tcm.tllCl; f. lllllli, Ca ..!!.; numt.i:<,
jtcb, 11 a, to i nlit'T"t; em L.Jt'111at.A in 1wa11l11'(
Cic. aureill, l"ic.; verbcl v~r..u, Cit".: b, lo sun 011,.1/;
i111r:1s llllro, \'erg.; tn i - r t 111 nil r1•U..1<v; ah·
lncltntus -:i ·lllll, p. :ulj. (from incito). A. ljlli•I hrali1>ni, Ctt'. IL t.o Cll'8tni.:t, hi11dcr, ~1·;
r111°11/, ,..-/,~111r11t: t'<)lltl i11cil:it.>, 111/11/T g11ll"I'· Cic. v..c1·111, C1c.
B. Tr:i11sr., Clll'>illll in or.1t1 .. 111> inc1tatior, (;ic_
bacliialo ..,;nis, I. (incluclo). a uncltiH!J 11/\
baclto, l. to 11111 iuto Tu11itl motion, 11r~ on, cn11.fi11,.111n1I, Cic.
to h<1slrt1. I. A. Lit., t'fjlHIS, ca .. s. ; prov., ill·
<:i!.arc c11rre11tr111, to ~p11r tlit ll'i//i1'!/ ,,,,,.,..., <.:ic.; lncljtns (lncliitus. lnolltua) -a -um (in
,·di., K<! i11c1t.are, or 111i1l11l,. i11c11an, tfl 1111ic~"' :1.1111 chwu), <'clel1ratrtl, fi1111ntu, rt•wu•11ttl; pc•1•11li
oru's 1~1rt, In /ut.•ltll; itli1 <'X t·.1stris ,;e iut·it.ant, rl"i.:•·S•JIH', Lw.; lt·~es !:loloni11, Liv.
Cars. B. Tr.111sf., to i1vil•, '"'"'""· ttr9r, ~1111r ' " ' ; l. lncoctua -a -um (in anti coqno), 11nrooknl,
1, a11i111os, ing1·11i11111, Cir.; l';u·s:1re111 ;ul iii l•t'll· mw, L'lant.
um, Cae:<. ; 2, a., to i11s11ir1·; h-rra•~ Yis l'yt.l11a111 2. bacoetua -a -nm, partic. "r int'oqno.
incit."lhat, C1c. ; b, lo i11.-itr, 11,,rl;r h<b/•lt, :>111· bacogitalillla ..... thotlfllitl1#, inco11.Sulu111t,
"l'; 11li•(l1t·111 in llh•1•11·1n, Cw. II. ,,. i "' rr·1St'; Pl:i11L
1 amni~111citatu~ pl11vi1:<, l,iv.; 2, In r•1/l..u1u;
CI0'1IU:11tli cel.-rit:i.t.-111, (.:1r.
lncogitans -antill, harorui<lnnu, Ter.
lncogitantla ·31', r. (i11cogitans), tlw11glltlts.s·
I. luoitua -a -11111 (m an1l dco), i.1 mpi1l H,,s.<, lir111/r.'-i11r~, Plaut.
nwtiou, rflpid, ~'''ifl, \'t>rc;. bac0gitatua ·a -11111, i11C011.Ji1ltrat1, Plaut.
2. ineltus -a -11111 (in anct ri1•0). immnrt1Ut:
l'S(•. llW<I or a l'it•Cl' in the ga111e nf dra11~hl1<,
lncogito. 1. to co11tril)t, 1•la11; frauclcm socio,.
Plaut.. lncogilltua ·A -um. I. t01l.-uo1!'n. A. n~
lncivilis ·t', 1111j11$I, t11run11irm, Eutr. incir,;11ilu pro t"1•g11itia habt'anm!l, Cic. B. ~I
lnelimlto, J. (inl..t'11ic. of i11cla1110), to rail U .. 1101 r.mmi11r,if; incognit.ii. re judicare, Cic.
0111111111ih"1, l'lant. IL 1111r1"i11wl, Liv.
lneliuno, I. lo ct1ll 111w111. lomll11: 1, izcnl'rnlly, lncohfbeo, 2. to 1iol1l togrthrr, Lncr.
ali11'1e111 11u111i111!, LI\'. ;
cu111it.·111 111111111 ::lt.'t11C't incola -al', c. (incnlo), nn inhnl1it"'1t, rlwtlltt-
l'L >.•C1•ill", CIC.; with tint.., Allon1111s l"Xt·rt·iltlll fo 1111y 1·lna. I. Gen. A. or lo<'M;f)llS, ['ythai:·
itu·la11mt. C11ri:ilii1<, uti opc111 frr:111l frat ri, I.iv.; ord i1wol:w (~"I.enc nostri, our /f'l/<1111-cn111tlr!J1oUA,
2, 111 nl/l 111~•11 /"r lu:l1•; ucuao i11cl:u11a ~ rl l"1tru- Cie. ; with i;1·11it., 11111111li, C1c. ; J•oc•t.., i11cula
n11111, Cic. lnrloa, 1111tin-s, Ov. B. ur a11i111ah1, :iq11n.r11m
baelirosco -cl:\rui, 3. lo lx:comr ill11strio1is, i11e11hw, Cic. C. Of win•I", tmli~; aipul ..111-s,
Tnc. llor. II. f:sp. = ,.;~o~, u Tt~ulrnl tuUJioulfeU
lnclemens ·rnti11, 111.nurri/111, 11nt rlrn1411/, ,.; ri<' ri!Jhl.•, <..:ic.
Allr.•h, r1111gh; dictator, Li\'.; indc1m·11Liu1 i n·rl·o bacolo -ctill\I, -cult11111, ~. L Tm11sit., i.
•Pl><'llnre, I.iv. ill/u1l1il, 1l11v/l irt; ca:111rl1es, Cic.; , ..ntJr. s11hst...,
lnclementcr. aclv. with co111p:1r. (In· incolontea ·lum, 111. tht i11hnl1itl1uts, Liv. IL
ch!mrnl<), larah/11, unmrrri/11Uy, ri11oroullly; in· l11lr:111sit., lo 1lwtll; intl'r 111a1l! Al1'C>•<t1u-, l..iv.
dc1uent.i11s invchi in allquem, Liv. bao0liimla·e(in &1.1J •ooJumis, from •cclJu>.
i.Jlo 271 inc
"~· lqfc mvi llOUftd, tt'itho11l damagt, Cle. ; out eonridtrutinn, mahl11, (11con.tdtNJtel11; agere.
D&YN, CaMI.; with ab and the 11bl., incolumUI Cic. ; dicere, Cic.
a caLimitate. Cic. lnoomiden\tna -a -um, 1 tAoughtleu, '""
lno0Ulmftas ·Atl11, r. (lncolnmls), «1,fdy, conaidaatt, Cic. ; 2, unad~, "nccmd~;
tmrndn'"· g""..t cundiri.c11, 111u11di, cupidit.:Lot, Cic.
Cic.; incolumit&tem d~dit1s pollicerl, Caes. tnconsolabnt• -e, tncoflsola.ble: transt,
lno0m(taT"!ltl ·I\ -11111 (In 11n<l comitor), Ull· vulnull, i11cuml.ilr, Uv.
llCCQQl/ an.vcl. u•1thout Trlinul', alanr, Verg. lnoonstana -sbnti~, changeable, un.<tablt,
lncommendatus -a -um, git•tn 11.p to, aban· inrn11sl<l11t; milil ridicule cs vi~us e11se In cons tan.a,
Jtirud; tell us il11:oinrnenilata ve11tis, Ov. Cic.
lncomml>de, ailv. (incommudu!i). lnconi·,n· tnconstanter, adv. (inconslans), (MOn•
kntiy, 1;11.fill•t, "1t$1iilul1/y, UMt<l&OIUll./y; \'e11i1a-e, st..1.11fly. i11•·u1i-i.-tenJly, cnpridous/•1; luqul, Cle.;
Cw.; iucornm•>-liu-; 111ecu111 nctu111 e~t, C11:.; in· tiacc i111·011st:1111 iss1111e dic11ntur, C11,.
commo.lis."i111e 1111\·i;(J\re, Cic. lnCOIUlta.ntla •BC, f. (inconstans), change•
lnoommodltaa -ali!!, r. (incommoJus), ill· a.bllli.C.'13, 111~tu.l11lity, 1nconstan~11; mc11ti.~, C1c.
~nt-rttitnC', uns11italilt11rss, di.Nrlm11tage; incom. lnoonaulte, adv. (inc()11sult11s), inconrider·
rnO!lit.u alie11ati illins auimi, Cic.; te1nporl11, attly, u1w.. ldsr1/ly; inl'.ousulte nc te111cre, Cic.
ll, LI v. 1. lnconaultua ·a -um (in an•I consulo), .1,
lncommOdo, 1. (incommoclus), to be tin· not W1U11lt.:d; inconsulto >'C11atu, Liv. ; 2, with·
f'lt.USlllll, burtfnllUllU, lroub{tl<.t11U to QI&)/ <mt, fO out adder, u11cv!ri!<fd; i11consulti niie11nt, \'err;.;
in.commode; with dat., inimids, Cic.; nihil alteri, 3, inro,,sidert1tt, im1•r11denf, i11di.<rrul; ho1110
Cic. i11consult11s ct te111rrarius, Ci<-.; r11tio, Ck.
tncommodum, v. lncommodu!'. '2. tnconsultua ·t1s, 111. (in aud consulo), IM
lncommCSdua ·a -um, inconi'l!nitnt,· 1101 asl. i11y a1fri1'<', l'laut.
ahlt, ,,n_lit, truu'.fr.wm.., llis11gra<thl'. L Adj., a, lnconaumptWI -a ·um, "1'COnsuirud, undl-
of thiugs, v.11~111<11.•, fll·hl'ulth, Cic. ; c11m1•·u., flti•· 111.,,1, Uv.
non lm:o111motliore loco •1tlllm, !!le- Cle.; super!., lncontamlnatu• -a -um, (In and con·
res eiu5 incom1110<11ssi111ae, Cic.; b, of (>t>isons, ta111ino), un$11<1tttd, unpollultd, 1'llC011lami11attd,
trol&ble-<nnu, a111toyin!J; alicui inco1111u()ll11111 t.'ll:i•', Liv.
Cic. IL !-iubsr.. lnoommodum -i, n., a,
diJtJJ(ran/aye: i11c•>11111•<•lo t110, Cic.; b inJ"TJI,
lnoontentua -a ·um (In and conlendo), noc
11lrrlcl.r1I; hilt>,;, out qftunt, C1c.
rn~/01 tu1tl'; co1111111>H'ri 111co111111° •lo ';if,·t u.t ini11
tua.e, Ct, ... ; iucnn111H'<l";LRicl. (.;ie.; nli('ui 1ncn111· lnoontlnena·entis, inccntintnt, (mmoderau,
mool11111 f··rni, Cic.; iucu1111110<.lum capere ur iufr111pr11ll<; ·11tyo:t, Hor. ; manus, Hor.
accipere, C1c. lnoontlnenter, n<.lv. (in .. ontinens), (mm"d-
lncommiitablll.s -e, unchangtabl~; rcipub- tr<lfrl v, i11w11li1Uritly; ni liil iucontiucnter fuo-
llcae i;tat11s, Ck. t'fl', C1e.
IDcompl\r&blll• -e, foromparahlt, Plin. lncontlnentla -nc, r. (inconUnens), tneon·
ti11t1tCf", t11ft:mJXrouct 1 (.;1c.
lncompertu.s -a ·Um (in an<.! eonq·~rio).
tr1tk1tuW•I, 11ul lt..<Cl'dHi11,./, UIU:eTlui,.; i11ler Ccl.:ra lncontroverawa ·a -um, "nconlroi'trted.,
vetustate inc11111pert.a. Liv. u.11dis1,utnl, Cic.
lncomp0slte, adv. (incompn"ifull), ill a dis- inc?nvenlena ..·ntls, not agrrtiTll} 1uith, dir
twderl11 r;w1111u; hoi.tis nc;.;ligcnter tt lucoin· ti1111!11r; lnc1n, np. Cir.
~it.e ve11ien'I, Liv. 1Do6qno ·coxi ·cod um, 3. to boil iii or u•ith.
lncomp0sltus -a -um, disor<lt-rrJ, disnr· A. rad1• "" l.l.~«d10, \'rq.;. B. to dyt, colo11r;
~rlp, frrrgul<lr; I.' agm<·n, Li,·.; i. .. sh-~, Lh·.; \'ellc1a Tyrins iucocta rnl>ores, \'erg.
2, t.ransf., of ... tylt', ''"'lll'e li1c11111pusito 1•cuc incGrreotUB ·a -urn, t1namt11dtd, ttn'11•·
currere versus L11clli, Hor. proivd, lh'.
lncomprehensiblllo -e. that ca11no11>e 11.11· lncorrupte, adv. (incorrul'tus), fncorruptly,
derslood, i.11comJ>relie1.s1ble, Quint. j11slly, i1111.u·ti1L!l!f; jud1care, Cic.
lncomptus -a -um, a, 1111tend.>d, 1111/rimm,d: tncorruptus ·11 -um, not corrupttd. L Lit.,
Cllf'llll, u ..r.; b, nulr, arllt.<$, Tac.; of l't~ It'. Rall)(Ui,;, C1c.; te111pla, not dt$lrnyctl, Liv.; 111·
tri1Ji,..nd OT11.fll7Ullf, nuh, TOll.<Jh ; uralio, C1c. ; c .. irupt:\ s.1uitate I'S,<', Cic. II. Tia11Mf., incor·
ven11!1, Vtr~. ru1·t, 11nl1ri/1ed, w1111i11r, u11i11jurtd, u1Lim1•uirtd;
1Doonceu119 -a ·um (In a11<1 conce<lo), not testi,., Cic.; \"iig», 111ll't, Cic.; j111liciu111, up-
aJ/,..,..·fld, f<Jrl•iddt1l; hy111c11nei, \\•1g. right, Liv.; i11lt•6rita:. Latiui sennu1ii'4, Cic.
lnooncWo, 1, to win artfully to ont'J 01t·n sid,, lncr~bresco -crt-!1111i, 3., and lncrebesoo
Pb11t. -cn:ui11, :J. tu f,ecu111l' frt•111r11I, ~tn.111g, praalc11t; to
i11crr<L$f! ,,rernil; \'l'ntu~, C1c. ; 1uo,·e1 bin, to be·
1Dconclnnua -a -um, a11.'!:1mnf, i11tlegn11t; 1
eome a 7>rore1b, Liv.; q1111111 lioc 11cst•i11 quo
q•u in aliqu-1 gc11erc l11co1ocin11us et stult11s est, moclo inercl1111iso;ct. 'I\ itlr acc. a11d iulin., Cic.
lncODCUS8US ·& ·um, 11ns11aun, firm; pax,
lncredibilts ·e, 1, a, focredilile; au1litu,
Cic.; <liclu, C1c.; 111t•11wratu. :sail.; b, fJ:tra,.
T•c. unl11111ry; tt<lt•>1, Cic.; n,. ill)o(<'l•ii, Cic.; 2, not
lnoondlte, adv. (lnco1u.litu.c;), cc11,/11Mdlv; V.'Or/11 y of />r/frf (of pcrsu11,.), l'laut.
Yersn!I Grace"" dicere, Cic.
lnorediblliter, nolv. (i111·rr<hbili!4), '"·
lnoondlto• ·a -um (i1111n1l conrto), disord,r/11, crc.11/iiy, utravrdt111.1.rtlv; <ldectari, Cic.; per·
c<>n;uud,; Acie11, Liv.; jl16 ci\·iie, un· t1111~ct·r ... , C1c.
arru1111td. Cle.; gc11u11 dicemli, C1c. tnoredulWI -a. -um, incrtdutous, ll'>r.
tnoongriiena -enlls, not agreei11g, un.uu· lnoremeotum .f, n. (incresco), tM gro1cth
ahk, l'lrn. of plalW or uninwla. I. A. Lit., vitium, Cic.
tncomriderantla -ae, r. (In and consldero), B. Tnu1sr., urbid, Liv. II. Mrton., 1, that frc-"'
tWsuJlallnlll.U$; tnconsidemu1'"3, Cic. or by which C111ytl1ing grows,; i11c1-e·
baconsideri.ti. ad'f'. (lnconsl<.leratu1), 1CUh- mento 11111ltitu.ll11i,., Liv.; dentes 1-opuli In·
inc 272 inc
~rcmrnl.A futuri, tht Mtd, Ov.; 2, pot•t. =off· tio11; lllholl hon1,rCS de11ertoll J'Cr fllCUltUm el
'J'r"L!I; .J11\·i!I, \'erg. fll'glig1•11tia111, Liv.
lncreplto, I. (iu!Rns. or incrcp.l). L In· tncumbo -cl\lii1i -ei1hlt11111, ::. '" 1;, upor1,
tr:lll'lt., 111 wll luwlly to 01111 01"; tum H1li1tt' redi11< or /<111~ UJ>•.HI, lw111I "'· I. I.if... A. !'>'nii~,
dt·d1t 11"'r•·1'1t.:111~. \"eri.;. II. T1·a11~it., t<J cry to ply, Vt•f'K.; cm1111hti,; inaq11a S>trt"i11h 111,11r... r.
tu, r.-1•r•J11.-lt, rhidc; al1qul'111, \"..rg.; i11crc•pitnre l:iv.; inglat!,ium, Cic.; 1•j ..cto(<'qt11t1). 1.. rn,/, ''"•
V•lt.'lloll" q1111d, etc·., Ca,·s.; ill<'l"l'l'ilan· n.·l,;11St[lli \,•rg. B. Esp., l, a, 1111!1t. t. t. .. t•• tl1r""' '"•e<rlf
(with s11hj.), L'acs.; pcrti11acia111 pmt'lnr1>1, Liv. llJ••IL t/u t/IClll!/; SlilJ t'l Ur111n!lllll l"'ll•f.-1·1· Ill
incrcpo -iii (·.ivi) -Hurn (-at11111), 1. I. In· h11ste1u. Liv.; b, to 1•r'""-. hard 1iH: 111 ~t11t11-.·111 1
l1irns1t. A. tu ru~tl<, n11t/e, ll'hi:, 1"1•'"•
11111ke 11 C11'.; 2, of thi11g~. a, lo ,,,.,,/,,II"./: !:turn .. 111-
11<>i,,.·: l, d1~Cll!i i11cr••11uit, Cic'.; 2, lo />t' noiud C'lltllht_•fl~ nrae, \"erg-.; b, to /;ur.\l 11;J.t 1 1J, t'ffrf«·I.:;
ulin1H1I. l1i111m1• J.:11ou•1t: ~i11111l~1tqll(' inl'r·t~puit tcm1lf's~Ls i11e11h111t sil11~. \'t'rg. II. Tr.111,f.,
s1"pi1·i11 t1111111lti1.~, Cir.; qnie1111itl i11t•r,•pucrit, A. lo 11/•/ily OIUSl"lf to'.I, rurl n11r,tfJ; fai.e
l '.ti il111a111 t1111~ri, <..!11'. B. /tl Mii 111•111; ill· 7•t1i11.• witlt, /~·11d ,,,,,.·s mi11./ to: ill l•·lh1111, l'.1o>'.;
.:rl.'pat 11ltr11, \'er~. C. With i11 a111\ I.lit' Ill'•'., I<> i11 aliquotl 1<t11.li11111, C1e.; ad Ja11d .. 111, Cu·.:
1/.111dt'f', "";fr; i11 F11lv1 ~i11iilit11dint>111 11o,111i1il~. 11ovac e1•gitati11111, Tue.; with nt>11L an:., l1arc
LI\', II. 'J'11111~it., A. lo C•lll-<<' to so1111d, '"''~ i111't1111l .. ', Cit'.; with i11ti11., \'.,rl(.; \•ith ~UloJ.,
fobr h<'o11ol; ly1·:1111, O\'.; t11lc-Lilii;<"ll!t'l11 so111it11111, Li\·. B. lei l'"·'j lim1·ily 11J"'"; ut jum Ill·
\'t·J"~. B. a, ,,, c.1·,·l1lim H9dih .... l. to bf11me, "J'• cli11!1t.1 (j11d1ci) n·liq11a on.tin, l'u·.
l11-.1i.t, .-1i .. 1•., Tt'/"."''"h, rrl•11k.-, rtpr11t'(: Tu Ilium lncUna.biila -\1rn111, 11. Lswucl11li1t!]·doth~~.
""""'"" l.1\.; al11111t111r,r-.i\'ilt"r1p1o1.1, .. 1,•., Li\'.; Ph11t. U. ltll't1111., l, t.irtli11u11·r; i11c1111abul:i
w1l11 llc'•'. :t11d i11H11., tu $/tuul o11<t i11sulti11ul!I; no~lr;1, L'ic.; 2, vrit]i11, rommt'11«01u11t, l~gi11·
~•111til 1111·.r1·p:111t.· •1111 vulueravcrat lial..-n· qna(·;.t- 1ti11q; i11c1111:·~111la noslrnt> v1•t.,1i:1 1111.:rill>1qua
urr111, L1\'.; wit Ii rc•I. !It'll!., •11111111 1111.li11ue tlt1Ct':i, tloctrina•', Cit..
\"u:t1S.llt' na"l!i11ti f'l'\."'t"Ot, llll'l't"JLU.l-t'lll, Li\',; b, tv
lnciiratua -a -um, 1111car... l fur, trnlt.tulcd;
111umulr, tJ•'il~; 111orautf'."l :tt·ri~ rauci caunr in-
ulc.~ra. 1J,1r.
rrl'J'at, V.. r;(.; C, lo l/iruw i1L Ollc(.i /'dh, lo 1'(-
/'''"'"" •I JWr~ulL wi/11, tu /,/,rn1t ;;.r: 1><·rlioli::u11, Cic.
lnoiirla -ac•, f. (in amt cnn), etll"d(.snes.;,
tLft]/rd, ncgligolle, i11tliffcre11ct; 11.licuius ~1,
lncreaoo -e1... ,·i, :1. L I·• !)ro11' ;,, 1111yrhi11g; Ci ...
i'l'lll"'"a" euti lll('l"t'!<•'lll1t, llv. II. /<J qr<.111'. tnciirlOai, a1h-. with ccunpar. (incurioim,.),
A. (fo>n<·n scgr8) j:i.,11!1~ 111cr..,vit a1•11tis, \'erg. 1u;y/iqo1tly, rnre/r$.,Jy; 11gcre, Li\·.
B. Tra11:1f., i11<:r..,sc1L et'1"t;.111cn, Liv.
lncretua :I ·llfll, (' or
lncUrioaus ·11 -11111. I. Act., c.1rvles•, 11rgli·
!lflll; ~e1"t'111!1s frugi1'11~. Tne. IL J'as..'i., 11t.;-
lncruenta.tua -a ·11111 (i11 a11.1 cruenlo). 1H1I lrrtt:d. C.ll'cfr.<s ; ti nis, Tac•.
f,/.,,)t/v, 11ul 1'1<1i11(./ u•illt bluud, \)\'. lncurro -rurri (-eileurri) -<'1tnrnm, :1. L to
lncruentua -n -11111, lilvoJ/.-:1:1: 1u-.•di11111, nw /lltr/""'ly t1g11i11st .~muthi11!I- A. Lit, l,
vi.:toriu., Liv.; ex.,r1·it11:1, lhut has lust 11u 8UIJ ias, ineunrrd in eoli111111as, prt•\"., to riot one's htud
~-11. U!J'I; 11.<1 11 4/u11e 11·ull, Cic. : 2, ns 1111 lit. t t .. a,
lncruato, 1. t.1 cv,.,,,. with. a ri11.I, t11.:r11sl; to as:><til, 1.1lt11cl.:; i11 Hon1a1tos, Liv.; with 1lut.,
le\'i nru1at11rac l111sti111n, I.iv.; with si111pk l.h'C.,
Vll:i s111n•r111n, tu bedt1ub, Hur.
lncubatio -011is, r. (111c11llo), a 'ilti11g 111~111 h11st.111111 latus, Li\',; b{ tu '11111ke <111 i11c11rsio1&
l!f<J.<, i 11rul>utiut1, l'li11. i11/o; in MacPJ'Jl11a111, .h'. B. Trnusf., I<> M·
l11cl.-, t11 i11aigh t1gai11st; i11 t1il11111us 1111lltat'<'S,
lncubo -i\vi -:Hum awl ·t1i ·Hurn, L In lie in LI\'. II. tu nt11 11ecitlo1tal/y ot1ai11st. A. Lit..
or 011. L 0 .. 11 .. >itrJ111.,nt1,., lh•r.; C••rtiei, Liv. i11 .. urr1·1t' at11tie incidcrl' iu alii1t1••1t1, Cic. B.
II. A. tu pa.53 lite 11iyhl i11 a kmJ./t to r;,·tirr" Tr!111~f., 1, i11 on1l·•~. to mert lhF evr, Ca'.; 2,
divint 111<:.SIKfjll llr riu·f of11 di•<'t1.<e; in Pa>
"' pl.1<"es, to border on; privati at:ri, 11111 111 J.'lllr
fano, C1e. B. 1, lit, of !Ji rile, "1 sit 011 or ht1ld1
l1e11111 L'u111anurn i11eurreha11t, C1e.; 3, of l'Cr·
rg11s, to brood; nitlis, Ov.; 2, transf., to In'""' s1111~, a., to ,111111/,/e ott !l<Jmcthi11g; in ah•1ui:I, Cic.;
t>l'U, wrncstly uxitch 01·u; J>ectmi:i.e, Cit'.; nuro,
b, tu fall i 11/01111y rril or 111isforlu11t; i11 rn11rt.o,.,
divitii~, \'erg. C. to st.1y i11 <L }Ju•a: Erym:i.ntlw,
C1e.; in (>di:i hom11rn111, lo i11rnr lht halral of
Ov. D. Transf., ponw nux at1-a, ulllcs 111r11, Cie.; 4, uf ti111t>, e\·ents, tte., a, toh11pp1rn,
on, \' er1;;. <~'<'!Ir: i11cunu11t t.·mpora, Cie.; fo h•rppn1, lwp-
lnciido -clldi -ef1su111, 3. to forge, fahricute: 1~" to; rn1ms qui 11: sapie11lt>m pot;.·st. inciole1t',
laµi'I inousull, a 1harptmtd 1t-0111 for'~ hand111ill, 1>1ny fall to /ht lul of t!tt 1t"i.-r, Cir.; tu·c ulla esl
\'erg. tl1llputntio, in q11.1m 11011 uliqui~ lucus i11c11rrat.,
lnculoo, 1. (in and calco), to tmmple in. A. dors not occur, Cic.; b, tojiill 011 a ctrlui1L time;
to fo~t in, mi.I: in; Graeca vcrba, Cle. B. i11 aliq11e111 die111, Cic.
Transf., 1, to impress t1p011, i11cu/cat1; traJatur lncurslo -u11ii1, f. (incun-o), 1, a runuing
vel etiam ineulcetur, Cie.; with ut and the 1117ai11st, c,illisio1L; ato111oru111, Cie.; 2, a h'>;;tilt
1mbj., Cie.; ~. to f~ upon, obtrudl U}l<!11; se 11tt,.cl.·; i11eursioatq11e imf'('IU!lnr111ato111111, Cic.;
alieuius auri l.u1s, Cre. ns 1111!it. t. t., an i11r0<ul, i11msil}J1; ineursiunern
lnculpi.tua ·a -um(in and cul po), unblamtd, fa,,,.re in llne11 Rnma110<1 1 Liv.
blamflus, Ov. lncurso, 1. (i11!R11~- of incurro). L to nul
lnoulte, nd1'. (I. mcultus), l, roughly, rudtl11; 11V<1i11st, strikt a9ainst, 11ttack. A. Lit., in ai;men
vlvere, C'ic.; lncultiu!I agere or agitare, Cic.; Homanum, Liv.; agr•'S Romanos, lo 11111h an
2, or orators, indeganliy, t1•itho11t rtjinnnmt; ilj.("11rsio» into, I.iv. B. Transf.• ineursal111t in
d1cere, Cre. tc tlolor, Cie. IL lo run; ru1·ibUA,
1. lncultu ·a -um, 1incultimtw. mtlillrd. Ov.
L Lit., A. ager, Cle. 8uh~t .. lnculta -tirum, lnouraua -n~. m. (lncurro), all atucdc, a3-
n. u'<uilc.~. deserlJ, Verg. B. unArrcrngtd, du- $Cltrlt, a pr~ssi11g ttpon, inC'Ursion, injfur. L
erdtrtd, untidy; comae, 11ncombcd, Ov.; homines Lit., a, of thin!{•, aquarum, Ov.; b, of p ..·rson!I
ll;1tonsi d lnculti, Liv. IL Transf., UHJllllishcd, and a11imal!'I, hostile attack; 111porum, \'erg.;
unrejhttti, Jtnwlorned, rude: ho1110, 11!illw11t e~p. as milit. t. t., a<litu!I atque i11eur:<11S ad
tduaition, Snll.; ineulta atque rust icana pan1i· defen.lendum, Ca"'"· IL Transf., iucunms
monlll, Hor. ; \'ersus, rough, 11111>0/ i.fhl<l. Hor. animus \'&rioa babet, efforts, plalll, 0\'.
2. lnoultua ·ii•, m n~gltct, want o/ MJltim· lncurvo, 1. (lncurvue), to bend, cau·i..,, t¥h
inc ind
erooud ; 00.Cillum, Cic.; arcum, Ve1g. ; membra thft:rnkd, un~; Capua deserta lndefeD-
h1curvata dolore, Ov. saque, Liv.
lncurvus -a -um, bent, curwd, crooked; lndifeasua .. -um, u11te1antd, ll1tUrcd,
l.ac11lu111, C1c. Verp:.
lncus -l'ildis, f. (!ncudo), an CJnvil, Cle.; lndeflitus -a -um (In and defleo), unwept,
prov., unll opere ean<lern i11cude111 nockm diem·
que t1111<lere, to h~ alu~•ys hammai>11g ut the same
tlti-r:'J, to be always rngaged in the sam1 occu.-
lndiJectua -a -um {In and dejlcio),
thrown down, Ov.
Jlllll wn., Cic. lndilibllls -e (In and deleo), impernhablt,
lncUsa.tio .-Oul.s, (lncuso), blame, reyroach, (nd~lible: 11ornen, Ov.
Cl«tol.adfon, Cic. tndelibiitua -a -um (In and delibo), """
IDciiao. 1. (in and ca11sa), to oCCUJt, blame, touched, uninjured, midiminished, Ov.
ttprn<, fi n.d jimlt with : n1irp1e111, Cnf'~. ; lndemnatus ·3 -um (in nnd damnatus,
qnietem Africa11i 11ostri so11111ia1111s, Cic.; with from ua1nn .. ), 11,,co11dem11td; civcs, Cle.
acc.. 1111<1 infin., Liv.; in pa-~ .. with nom. and
inftn., 'fac.; with rel. sent., Verg. lndeploratua ·a ·wn (in and deploro), """
wept, unia1.1n1t,4, Ov.
IDcussua. only In abl. -il, m. (lncutio), Cl
beating or dl.rshing against; armorum, 1'ac. 1ndcprchensus (lndiprensus) ·& -um
(in a11il <le1·rehe11do or depreo<lo), undUco11trtd,
lnenstOd.itua -a -um (in and custo<lio). L unol»en-td; f>ITOr, Verg.
•"", 1u1g11arrltd: ovile, Ov.; urbs, Tnc.
D. Tramf., 1 11oi obSttTtd, Mgltcted : ob.•er- lndesertus ·•-um, taot/or9Clkln., OT.
ntio 01erum, Tac.; 2, unco11C111ltd; amor, Tac. lndeatrlotua -a -um (In and <lestri11go), u•
tncutio -cussi -cus~um, 3. (in and qm1tio), touwd, unh11rt, Ov.
"' slrila, dculi, bt:al ag<,in.•t. L Lit., sciplonern lndet0n8us -a -um (In and detondeo), ",..
in ca1•ut aJi .. uiu~. Liv. IL A. to throw, h.11rl; 1horn., Ov.
it-la saxaque, Tac. B. to Itri/a into, inapirt lndivitatus -a -um (in and devito), """
ri!Ji, ucite, produce; terrorem allcui, Cic. ; r&- aroi<lcd; tel um, OT.
ugionem animo, Liv.; desiderium urbis, Hor. index -dlela, c. (in•lico). L Lit., A. O'M
bactagatio -onis, f'. (1. lndago), an inquiry, who illfornu ordisclo~tlf, Cle. B. Inn bRd s"n,;e,
'•cat•11u.tw1&; veri, Cic.; i111tioru10, Cic. crn. informn-, tmitor, spy, Cle. II. Trans!., A.
lndagator -Oris, m. (1. lndago), a" "'.,.. Of things, I/int which injOT/ll$1 a sign, fol.:tn; VOX
Index atultil1ae, Cic.; index digitus, Hor., or
li.flaJcr, r.rp/f~, Plaut.
lnd&gatrtx -tricis, I. (lndagator), w toho simply index, Cic., th• fore-fl nger. B. 1 1 tht till.I
~anlv~ uu.o or u;ploru; Jihiloaophia indaga.t.rix
or inscription cm a book; libri, Cle.; a1so on a
virtut.Js, Cic statue, Liv.; 2, a t-Ouch·ll1m1, Ov.
1. l.Ddi.go, I. 1, to follow a trail or ICMl.t, to Inell ·Orum, m. ('I11&i), t'M tnhabitantl o/
track: canis natn~ nd lndai;:n.n1hun, Cle.; 2, India, tM lndia11.f; sing., Indus -i, 111. an
trausf., to :search. Old, tzplurt, fove.<ligah; In· Indian ; collcrtive, Verg., Ov., and= CJn ti"'
dic:ia., Ci~.: with rel. sent., quid culque esset phant-driver, mahout, Liv.; poet., a.,= .Aethiop-
110:1-essc, Cic. fan, Verg.; b,=.drabian, Ov. Hence, A. India
:?. lndago ·lnia, r. 1, a 11irroundin9 of any -ae, t. ('l111iia.), India. B. lndicus ·a -um
('l..l!ur6~), India'll. C. Indus ·a -urn ('I~~)•
.,.,,c 'lrnlh n h or ~attn'° aa to en.dose the !1"11lC;
Indian; de11s, frOf'}', Ov.; concliae, pw,ru, Prop.
S."1.ltus in<la;;111e cangere, Ven;.; velut indagiue
di.~i1•tos 8amnites agcre, Liv.; 2, mvutiga- lndlcatlo -Onls, r. (i11<Hco), a 1ttti119 a priu
ht•ll, rr~rch, inquiry, Plin. upon. anything, a valuing, Plaut.
lnd6, adv. (from ill, with adverhlal ending), 1. lndice1111 -entls (In and dico), that dou
f.hL;1.u, from. thrrr, Jrrm• that place. I. or space, not iay; me indlceute, without m11 1a11i•g a
non exeo imle nnk vei1pcrum, Cie. II. Transf., 10ord, Liv.
A.. a, from. thenu, fro.11 that cau..<e; !rule (i.e., 2. tndioens. partic. of iudlco.
ex audacia) 011111ia ""elem ¢gnuntu1·, Cic. ; b, tndlcium ·Ii n. (index). L a di.scoi-ery,
/'ro1ft. thcnceL.. of )'crsons, •1u<.U indo ori1111dns disdorure. A. Lit., ccJ11jumtio11is, Cic.; in·
erat, Liv. .u. Of Lirne, n., lhn1, thenup<m, Caes.; dlcia expc>nere et edett, Cic.; J'rOliteri, ro 111ul:1
b, frv,. that time /Mth, Cic. ; c, with ab and a confessio11 ~/ore the jud!/t, Sall. B. Transr., a.,
\he al•!., frorn; Jam iudu a pri11C1jJiO, Liv. 1iermi.ssion to ronfus; indiciu111 i1oi;tulare, Cic.;
lndebitua -a -um (in anrl d1·bco), that vhkh. b, a ttU.'ard for giving tl'idtnot; parte111 in<licil
Ce"°' tnt:«l, not dm; non imlebita poi1co, v.,rg. accipcre, Cic. II. a mark, nun, tul.:en, tddence;
tndecens -centis, unbtcomi11g, unsum./11• sc1!lc1 is, Cic. ; iuc:iicio ease, to bl a lign. of, urw
tig(11. ttnnghtltt, Mart. to show, !'ep.
indecenter, adv. (lndccens), unbuom(ngly, t. lndico, 1. (int.ens. of 2. indico), to disclose,
in.lrren Uy, Mnrt. IUclare, nual, make known, betray, 1how, i1«
tndcclinatus ·• -um (in and declino), """' dial.le. I. Gen., rem do111inae, Cic. ; dolorcru
claugi:,I, firm; aanicith, Ov. lnl'rimls, Cic.; vullus h11licat mores, Cic.; se
lndicare, to re11eal one·1 (IU>n. nature, Cic. ; in
tndecore, adv. (in•kcorus), unbteomingl11, J•ll.Ss., with nom. and intln., Cic.; with rel.
t11<lccvrou.slv; face• e, Cic. sent., Cic. IL A. to injor11& 11gainst. 11ire ev!·
illdocoris -e, 11•bcwming, ingluriotu, slaamt- !knee about : co11scios, Cic. B. to put a ;:rl<itl
/ul, Ver;.:. °"• value; fuodum alicui, Cle.
IDdecoro, J. to di.~grau, di.<honour, rJor. 2.. lndioo -dixi -dictum, S. to make rrublicly
1Ddee0rus -a -0111, u11~mi11'1; a., of out- k"11Jntm, an.n01'nce, proclui111, jl.z, appoint.. A.
• &JIJ'tarauce, u11s~elllly, un;iy/.tly; mot11s, Gen. alicni bell uni, to dulare 1L'CLr, Cic.; com-
Lir. · b morolly, i.ndewrirv.&, disyruc,fu.l.; 1:1i ltia, bv.; diew co1111tiis, Liv.; excrcitum Aquj
nihii'm11fum nisl quo<.l turpe, inl11111estum, in· leiam, orr.lcr to, Liv.; wiLh ut an<l lht• subj., Liv
decorum, p~vuro, Cic.; IJJ<kcorum est, with B. w impose; trihutum, Liv.
Inna., Cle.
blClelen.sU8 -a -am (In and defenrio). • •
J. tncllctua • -um (in and dlco),
uJUaid. A. Lit.. lndictis carmlnibua nosLria,
"°' anid,
ind 274 ind
·i.n'111t17, \'erg. B. ~p., 1rith1111t a trial, tl'ith· quidquam \·itlit lndigni1111, Cic.; lndignum m.
.:111t <I hmri11g: aliqne111 Cllpitis condemnare, Cic. with intln. or IM'C. anrl inf\11., il ii t1N.<;11if11l,/1,
2. lJldlotua -a ·11111, partic. or 2. indlco. irmppr01rriu/t; no;i in<lignnm \'idftur mE'nwrart',
~II. ; it is 11nu:o1·thy, di$(1mceful, 1hctrtll/1d; in·
Ind.Iona ·a ·nm, v. lndi. 11 ignnm est a pari \'i11ci ant 11uperiore, Cic. ;
bldldem. :i.dv. (imlo and idem). 1, from the facinu1 Inc.lignum or indignmn facinus, with
eame plo.a,/ro11l that ~r11 pln~; l11d1dem Amerioi, inlln. or acc. a11tl infin. as an exclamation, U
Cic.; 2, tr1111:1f., froin the aame nlntler, Cic. u-011/•f be disgraceft1l; racinus indignum ! epiJI·
bldlffireu -enti11 (111 anti dilf1·ro), in· tolam nemlnem rcddidisse, Cic.
di.lfertnl ( == O.oui~opo.,), ntill1u yood nor bwl, Cic. blcUgua -a -um (indigen), 71U<fJ1, in IL'On.t of;
lJldlg'na -ac, c. (inc.Ju and p;cno), nalit-t, with gl'nit., nostrae O}>is, Verg. ; with abl.,
beu111gin11 to onr's own. cou11/ry; 011d suhst. (opp. auxilio, Luer.
adveua), a 1u1ti1't'; ne 111ajnre~ q11ide111 eoruu1 lJldillgeu -ent~. ntgW:t/ul, Mgligtnt, lftd.
illdigtncu, sr.d ad1-e1w.s ltaliae cultorcs, Liv.; lus, Caes.
of auimnls, ho~. aper, Ov. lJldillgenter, ll•lv. with compar. (in-
bldlgena, v. in<ligeo. diltgeus), cartlusly, hwlles1ly, 11t.gligt11tly, Cic.
bldlgentla -ae, r. (intligeo), 1, want, ntc<f, bldillgentla -:ie, r. (indiligens), mrdu.01u:s,
Cic.; 2, insatil1ble dtsirt, Cic. ntgiigenct; .Ae<l11orum, Ca.t>!I.; litt.erarnm amiu-
1\l"lllll, Cic.; vcri, ill the in1ntigatio11 of trntk, Tac.
lJldlgeo ·tli, 2. (it1d11 =in an<l egeo). L to
want, nttd, lttoud iii 11tnl of, trujfer u-a11t of; lJldlpl8cor ·deptus s11111, 3. dep. (indu an.I
with geuit., r;ep.; with at.I., ii11 rebus qune ad apiscor), 1, 1-0 rtach, (ITTUp, (l/tain; i111leptu111 use
oppug11ationem castrornm sunt usui, Cacs. navem manu ferrea inject.a, Liv.; a, lo 00tai11,
Sub.<1t. lJldlgen• -enfo1, n.1. a nudy 1w:rson, attain. gt!, Plaut.
Cic. ii ro nrnl, uquire; with gemt., tm co11· bldireptua -a -um (in and dirivio). VII·
11ilii, C1c. ; with al.JI., cohort.atioue non in<ligere, 1rWag,d, 1ac.
Cic. bldl.acriti. adv. (lndisrreto~), 1CitAout dif·
1. Indl'ea -gHis, m. (!ndu = In and gcno),
e: 11atil'( de1t.11, esp. .At11M.1 mul llie de.qanda11ts of
/ere11c:t or disti1lction, Pli11.

Atnro.s, lh.efobltil aitcutor• of the Rvmans. Sini;.,

bldlaoritu ·a -um (in and rliscemo), 1,
.Aentu~, \'erg.; plur., the dttctndulW of Amtcu,
u11ul·ercd, 11ndiride.l, Tar. ; 2, tnldicingvidtd,
i11cli~ling-11ishahlt, witAout di.fcrtnct; prolrs in·
Liv., \"erg. Ji&creta suis, \"erg.
2. bldlgea -is (lndigeo). netdy, ap. Cic. lndlaerti, adv. (indisertus), irul0q11ntl1, Cit.
bldigeatu ·A -nm (in and digcro), di.!· bldlaertua -a ·um, fuloquni.t; homo, Ci<'.
ordered, ro11f1111td, unarrangtd; chaos
i11dige.itaqu1: moles, Ov. bldlaMaftua -a-um, ditiordtrly, vMrra11~l,
IDd.lgettw -um, 111., v. Indiges.
lJl~liibllU -e, indiuoluble; lmmortales
bldlgniibundua -a -um (indignor), filltd et indissulubiles, Cir.
'11-ilh it11lig11atio11, grwlly indigna11t, Liv.
bldluOlutua ·a -nm (in and diasoh-o). 11111·
lJldfpandua ·a ·Ulll (parlic. of indignor), diS.'lCJlt•tol, Cil'.
dtserviru; indium1tio11, to bt 1corntd, Ov.
blcllgnana ·antis, p. atlj. (from.inllignor), im· lJldlatlDotWI ·I\ -um, 1 1 ftOt #paraU>l, nol
arrangtd, Cat. ; 2, trnusf., unarronged, co•·
palienl, indig11ant; vi;rlia, Ov. f1111tt.l, i11di.>tiiu:I, ob1e11.rt, Tac.
bldignatlo ..Olli!I, r. (indignor), 1, indigna· lJldivlduua ·• -um, 1, indh.-Uible; corrora,
tion, disdni11; inclignalionem movere, Liv.; 2, atom.!, '1t0nm{$ of I he Dan.ocrittc.rn :tyslu&, Cic. ;
tht rhttorkul uciti11g of indignation, Cic. subst., bldivlduu.m ·i, n. a1& a.tom, Cic. ; 2,
lJldlgni, adv. (indignu!I). I. 11.n1110rthily, insrparabfr, Tac.
di8'}roctf11lly, dWumourably, 11.1uieun'edly; in· lJldivisua -a -um (in and divido), uJ&diri<Ud,
dig11iS11i1ne cervices frangcre civium Roman· Pliu.
orum, Cic. IL impalitnlly, t1nuoillinal11, inclig·
Mntly: i11tligne pati, with acc. and i.nfin., Cic.; bldo -dltli -dltum, S. L t.o put '"or oa, Mt
inuig11e fern>, with qn0<l an1I tho suh;., Cic.
or place ii& or on. A. Lit., ahquem,
Tac. B. Tnmsr., 1, to tntroduct ; novOll rit11~
bldlanltaa -atis, f. (lndlgnns), 1, 1mu·orthi· Tnc. ; 2, lo cautt, ~io1i ; alicui pavorem, Tae.
Tiu~, 1·ift11r$$; hominis, nccusatori.i, CiC'. ; 2, II. to pl11tt 011 JQl'lltthing. A. Lit., ('&SUiia
transf., a, 1111u·ort11y bthm•iour, mtanne.'l.Y, inrlig·
11it.11, b<rsfnrss; hominnm iusoleutium, Cic.;
rupihus, Tac. a. to givt, impose a fta!M; with
<lat. of the name, Superoo ei Romae inditum
0111llt'" i11dig11itates perferre, Cic.; b, metou., cogno1m·11, Liv. ut u1u£'1'1'thy trtatmt11t, Cic.
lDdooWa -e. L A. tJaa.t aunwt bl tavgAL,
lJldlgnor, 1. dep. (intiignus), to consider as tlmt lcarn1 with dijficulty, 11.ntaultable, indocilc>;
m1u.,rfily nr 1rn!Jecn111ing, tukt ru an indignity, ~ 1 lit., homo, Ck.; with infln., pa.uperiem }'&ti,
"' ojftll(/,d, i111lig111111t at; aliquid, Cic.; 1•ro Hor. ; 2, ig11omnt, inui1trie11ced; genus, Ctc.
aliquo, O\·.; foll. hy quo<l, Cncs.; !Jy nee. and B. that rannnt be [; usu8 disciplina, Cic.
in1!11., Cat's.; transr. of things, pontem indig· IL 11.11taug!tt, unsho1t'1l; via, Prop. ; nun1eros_
natus Arax .. s, Verg. artltss, Ov.
lJlcllgnus -a ·um. L twiu•orthy, not duerv· lDdocti. adv. (indoct1111), ignom11tl11, ill a•
inv; a., with abl., omni honurc intlignissimus, v.11lta1'1Ud or inuperimced ttlarmer; facen-; Cic.
t.:1c.; b, with gcnit., 11u1gnoru111 an>rum, Verg.;
c, with su1:ine, iu autlitu ~ic~rc_indignum _esse, lndoctua -a -um, v.ntaugltt, 11.11ltanud, u1t-
Liv.; d, with rel. sent., tnd1gm crant qm lm· Bkilltrl, Cic.; with ge11it., pllne dlsclYe, Hor.:
petrnrent, to obtai11, Cle.; e, with ut and the with intin., juga rerre nostra. Hor.; indoc·
11uhj., Liv.; f, with infln., Ov., Hor.; g, tum, without art, Hor.
ahsol., dlvltiaa qulvis, quamvis indiguns, habere lJldolentla -ae, f. (in and doleo), /rflba
potest, Cic. II. Tronsr., 11.nWtJTthy, u11becominp; from iiain, ab1enu of vai11, Cic.
a, with 11bl., imlignum est sapientis gravitate lJldolea ·is, f. (indu and alo), 1, '1otural ton·
et rn1111La11tiA defendere, Cle. ; b, absol.i u11· 1tituti11n or qucility, 11aturt; aervare lndolem (of
.wonA11=dUgnueful,11u.tmt/ul; hoc uuo ao non plants), Liv.; 9 1 of men, ut.l'Cl.I du,,onAo11oo
ind 275 ine
ble11t•, fn.di'll4l£cn.: ailole11cPnte11 bonl lndole 1. lnductus -a -um (partlc. ot lnduco).
p~ili, Cic.; imloles via luti:s or all \'lrtulem, 2. lnductua .n, 111. (imluco). (nd11«ml!nt,
C1c. f1l.Jtigali011.; huius persua~u et inductu, Cic.
lndolesco -d6Hii, ~. (in anfl doleo), to ™ lndi1gredlor ... inzredior (q.T.).
J"'i1wl, j/J"W~ at an11 thing, Cic.; with acc.
!Iii.I i11ri11., tarn St'rn u coi;nn~cer.., Ck.; lndulgena -entis, p. adj. (t'rom fndulgeo).
"'th at.I., nostris malb, Ov.; wilh 11eut. ucc., ki111l, te,.dtr, indulgt11t; peccati.1, Cle.; in Clip·
i<I ipsum iudoluit Juuo, Ov.; with quo<l or ti\'oi1, Liv.; irarum iut:luli;enlt!9 mlnistrl, Liv.
q11i3, Ov. lndulgenter, AA\'. (in•lul:.:ens), kin.illy, tt""
lndomabllls -e, that cannot
dom.italh, l'hrnl.
™ tani.ed, in· t.Vil.11, Q/,Jivi11gly, indulgtntlv; 11lmi11 ln<lulgeutea
!()(111i, Cic.
lndomltua -a -um (In 11n..t domo). l, imtamtll, lndulgent[a -ae, f. (lndnl~ens), ki11d11tS1,
o 1ir~sln.1 i11td, wil.l ; o., of pers1J11S, )•:!Stores, t•1ulen1u:1, tudulgmu, with obj. i;e11it.; corpo1ii1,
Ca~.; liars, furiouJ Ji!1ht, Vt·r;;.; b, lran~f., of Cic.; with In anu the acr., 111 capth·os, Liv.
llii11g-~. cnpidil1ts, furor, hi.ii.lo, Cic.; 2, 1rn· lndulgeo -dulsl -dultum, 2. (in and <lulcl~).
l11rwr.1.f1fr, 11u·incil.ill'; inors, Uor. ; .Falernurn, I. l11tra11~it., A. to be C(llll/ilaiw.nt, /0"1ieari11g,
i1w icrcJ!ihli', l'cr~.; ira, Veri;. i11d11/17wt, to fo.dulgt, flTnlify: sibi, Cic.; eio
lndormio -i\"I -itum, 4. to &!up ln or on any. sibi indul~lt, 1~ allowed hlmstl/llO many li/Jtrtiu,
llwq/; \• ith dat., con~··sti~ sacci:1, Hor. ; fig. to Sep. B. 'J'r:msf., 1, lo gii-e o!IU'lf 11p to,
gv lo ~up oi-er any 00.,&1/"llion, be tu'gligent in; intl11lf1.t in; nnvi>i n1111dtlh1, Cle.; viuo, Ycrg.;
with d«t. or In au•I tl1e nhl., L111t.'le c<111~e, Cic.; orui111bus, to wlurge, Ver,;.; 2 1 to ro.rt for, c1ttt11d
liuic t. 111pori, CJc.; in ist.o Jw111ine colendo lam to; \'alct11<linl, Cic. ; hosp1tio, \erg. IL Tm1111it.,
inJ01111 i ~isse d1u, Cic. to give, to grant, allow, concedt; nlicui sa11:;uinem
lndoti.tus -a -urn, without a dowry, portion· suum, Liv.; Jari;iLionetu, Tac.
v&<. L LiL, 1'01or, llor. IL T1ansf., co1·pora, lnduo -dili-dutum, s.(=J11av...), tuputo1i. L
'' f11.ntml honoursl Ov.; ani, unadonud, Lit., ulicul tuulcam, Cic.; p11ss. wiLh at.I., socci
poor, withuu.l t1u gijt oft o<j1Un.ct, Cle. qui!Jus indutus e&11ct, Cic.; ln<lutusduabus 'lll&lli
lndi\. nrch:iic form of In (q.v.). pcrsnnls, 1L'ith two ma.;/;s, I.e., playing u Jou/Jle
;.art, Cic. IL Tran!ff., A. l,to cJ.,.,the, surrou11d,
lndubltii.te, adv. (i ;-id u bit.a t11s), tmiloubttdly, Cllr-er; <Iii l11d11tl 11pecie btm1ani, clot/ml i11 ltu111an
Liv. form; hn111i11es In vult11s ferarum, to ch"'•(ft,
tndubltatus -a -um (in and dul•ito), un· \"erg.; arbor i11duit se in flurem, \"erg.; cralera
duu'>Ud, uot 1/ou/Jlful, ctduin, l'lin. corona, to crow." with a garumd, \'1:1g.; 2, to
lndiib_ito, 1. to doubt of; with dat., euis vut on, a.<1Ume; peri;o11n111 ju<licls, l:ic.; pro-
nnLus, \ ;:r.;. ditorcm et l1oo;tem, to plaµ tlu 1art of, Tac.;
hldubius -a -um, not doul.t/11.l, certain, Tao. sociel.llte111, seditio1u•111, to tngage in, Tac.; slbl
lnduciae = iu<lutiae (q. v.). coi,:nn111e11, Cle. B. 1, se 111 nli~nld or alicuf rel,
to fall into, fall on; se hll.lltis, \i .,rg. ; 2, transf.,
lndiioo -d11xi -<111ct11m, 3. L to draw over. to entm1gle ontsel,f ill, btCOJM i11t'Olrtd with; se
A. lo druw 8Q11uJhi11g Wtr so111tlhing tlst in ordtr in caj>tione>t, Cic.; lllUI&., lndul confcsslo11e sui,
c:o«r it; 1, ge11., t.ectoriu111, Cit-.; pin·
Ill to™ tntangled ii& hi3 ou·n co11ftS4ion, Cle.
111a.qmern brh1, Hur. ; 2 to put on artidt.s of
dollt£11g, arm..~, etc.; n1~ 11iir11s caei;tus, Vcrg.; l'_nt:t. lndiipedlo, lndiiperator a lmpedlo,
,...,.._with occ., tog.1. imludtur a11us, Yerg. ln11>er11tor (q.v.).
wKr; 1, 6•:11L1 pclhuu:1, Caes.; 2, to trau turit· lndureaoo -dnrilt, 3. to ™C-OJIUJ hard. L
ing o~ tablets, to draw a liltt through; nomiua, Lit., stitia ln<luruit. Verg. n Transr.. mile11
Cic.; to ra.,,/;e, nwkt inmlid; senntus c11n>111l· h11l11rncr;ot pro Vitelliu, had /Juome cor:firnied. 111
!um, Joc.atio11em, Cle. C. to bring in, to rt··l.011 attach mt ru ;ur Vitelli us, Tac.
'" 011L's 11cca1111t-buok; pecuniam In ratio11c111, Cic. lndiiro, I. to make hard, to Aar~n. I. Lit.,
ll. to U.ul or b1·ing ln. A. Lit., 1, rnilites in niv"m iu<lurat Doreas, Ov. II. Trnusr. 1 to
vngn.1m, Liv.; 2 t:"I'· a., to bring iiito a Ju·ell- h1irdt11, to 1tetl; lnduratus resietemlo ho~11uu
, ..9; In ro·gi:1111 cansa, Cnes..; b, to ti11ior, Liv.
iutroduce or l1ri11'] ll/'"" the 3/ugt or circ1WJ, 1·1·0- 1. Indus, v. Iudla.
duu 011 the sttt~re; gladiatorl'S, L'ic>. B. Tuu1sf.,
1, ~en., aliq11<·m i11 erro1c111, Ck.; di'!cordiain in 2. Indus -1, m. ("1.-.!o~). 1, a rlrer of India,
<'IVitatem, to tnlr<J<foct, Cic.; 2, 111ii11111111, or in now Sirt1l; 2, a riutr of l'h1 JIS/ltt and Curia.
:1.nim11111 ; a, to /Jri11g ont'1 mind to, to re>oh't; lndtu1tda ·ne, f. (lmlustrins), i1ulustr11, dU(·
!"•lmt i11.t1were ani11111m, 11t 1•alre111 essti iw~c ge1ue; in agen1lo, Cic.; indu11tria111 111 ahq11a re
uh1i\·i:.ee1..t•Jr, Cic.; b, to di1t<'l 011e".• ttltt11li1111 r·onere, Cic. ; dti lntlustria, Cic., ex i11dustrl:i,
II); in sp«111 ":.()g1tatio111·111q11c 11u·li()re111, Cic. ; Liv., 011 p11rpMt, purposely, inu11tionall11. ·
3, to 'ndi.u:e, mou, ucit; 1wrsucule; ml n1is1·ri- tndustrie, (in1lustrlus), fodU&trlcwly,
roroliam, ad pig1·wlu111, be.; with ut a11<1 Lht! dili!Jeiilly, u1.tii:d11, Caes.
sul1j., ali•111,·111 ut 1111·11Liat11r, Cic.; with i11fi11., lnduatrlus -a -um (for ln<lu·st.arlus, f'rorn
Tac.: aLsol., inrl11ctus SJ'i!, ct1)'i•lit.1ti-, ittj11u1iced i11d11sto = i11sto), dili~ent, act've, ualcrus i1~
by, Cic.; 4, to bring ill, intru..tua, 1·tJrl"<Sl!1tt in dustrio1u, ll8si.<luo111, Cic. '
IJ"lfflking or writlnq; ltinc 1llc Gn;cs i11d11citur
& l'IJton~. Cic. ; 5, to /,ri ug in, intro.l uce n
tndutiae -/irum, f. (from Ind no= tcmpus In·
1lutu111, or ln~<'rtu111), a tTUll, al'mwllct, su.tptrr.·
eu.s~n': niore1u novum judicioru111 In 1·e111publi·
1ion of hos/ilitit.t: iutlutiaa fllcere, Cic.; dare,
cam, Cic.
Liv.; \·iolurc, Cacs.; nunpere, Liv.; 1•0:1t11lare,
inductlo ..Qnls, f. {lnduco), a kndino or Sail.; IJ<:tere ab allquo, Nep.; tollere, Llv. ; per
bri119ing to a pfa«e. A. Lit., 1, into the art11a; i11dutias, dul"i11g, &II.
ju,·e11u111 annat.11r11111, Lh·.; 2, of waf.t!r, 111-
ductiones aquarum, Cle. B. Tran11r., 1, 1111i111i, Indutl6mA.rus ·I, m. prl11u of thti Trt0erL.
l"l30lw, dttennination., i11u11tio1l, Cic.; 2, erroris, lndiitus, only in tlat. ·Ill, ab!. plur. ·llou~. m.
~ing, Cic.; 3, ~w111"D'.ln1111 llcl.I\ imluclio, (i111lu11), u J>1<tti11g on a dreu; ca, qua111 imlutul
feiptd fotrodudioll of perdtJ111 in a com1.ositwn, i;cre!Jat., veiitis, 'l'ac.
Cle.; 4, induction, Cic. lndiivlae ·Ii.rum, t. (induo), clothu, clothing,
Inductor .Qi fs, m. (Jndnco), OM toho 1tlra Plaut.
WJI or rouu, a, Plaut. lnebrlo. 1., 1, to hatozlcak, (JUbriaU, Plin••
tne 276 ine .iah1nltr wUA; aurem, to fllljWl o/ "11.r talk, 111tlw, Liv. ; ~)or time during which nothlog
.Jnv. is Jorn", idlt; hora, Hor.; tempUK, u,._; ()-) of
I.DWI& ·&e, r. (in nnd edo), felting, al11tintlltt ruod, earn, i11sipid, Hor.; (6) act.. mabng "1/e
('r0111 fuod: vigiliis et iuedii 11ecatus, Cic. ; inedii1 or 1/othf'lll; ftigua, Ov. B. oowurcll11 1 Cic.
co11sumi, Cic. Inertia -ae, r. (iner11), 1, 11ns1.·i1/1dnts.~. 1001.t
lnidltua -a -11111 (In aml e1ln), nvt p11blisllttl ofskill,Cic.; 2,sloth/11/nu.~, $111ggish11tsS; le.uoris,
or 11r.a.dt k11ou•11: j11\"f'11e11, quorum i11edit11 cura 11rtrsio11 fo icl/J()Ur, Cic.
(work, i.e. 1crifi11gs), Uv. lneriiditua ·a -um, vnlmrna.I, illitmrt,,
lllefibllla -c, 1111utttrablt, Pli11. ig1cortrnt, Cic.
l.nelegana ·Blllis, i11t/rg1mt, nof chokt, hl~t­ (nesoo, 1. to ctllllrt trilh ., ooil; tnnsr.. "'
VU, 11ot lora11tiful; gen. wlW1 uegalivc, orat.lonis t11tict, cltetfrt; DOii caeci !!pecie parvi beneftcii
cnJliA, 11011 lrn~kgaw1, Cic. ineRCamur, Liv.
lnilegantir, ••Iv. (lneleg1ms), int!t'gnntry, lnivectua -a -nm (in Mid evelao), raiMd
taat.-le."lll!J; histuria non inelega11IN scripta, Cic.; 11po11, born.e 11pon, Verg. Ji\·itlt·re, il/<>gicully, Cic. lniTiti.bllla -e, intvitable, una.t'<!Ulabu; ru1.
lniluotabDJa ·C, tluit OCtnllAt bt 111ccaefully 111c11, Ov.
urugyltd agni1ut, i11.t11itablt; fatum, Verg. lnes:oit118 -a -um (in and excleo), vr.mcl"t•l,
lllimirlor ·imurl, 3. dcp., to di.I in or at; <111itt, \"erg.
1pcctaculo, Hor. ln.ell:0Uaa'bllla-e, 10it1'c1'l tJ:nAlt, i11t:IUC.Ut,
lnemptua (lnemtu) -a -um (in and emo), Hor.
11nbu11uht; d11pt>11, VeJ6. lnezerofti.tua -a -um (In and nercito), w11-
lninarrabnta -e, huiucrmblt, inupru1· r.urci.W, t1npractiae<i ; miles, v Nirilltd., Cic. ;
'bU; labor, Liv. hli1trlo, Cic.; prompti et non inexcrcitaU ad
diccndum, Cic.
IDinarrabWtir, adv. (inenarrabilie), in·
d11erilxibl11, Liv. lnexhauatu• -a -um (in and exhaurio), tnt·
uhau8ttd, iliahmutihle; .met.all&, Verg.; pub-
lniaOtibDJa ·e, (in and eno<lo), i11e.rtric· t'rlas, vnt11fubltd, Tac.
able; rr11, i1ttrpli.cnliu, Cle.
ln~o -Ii (·!Vi) ·ltum, 4. L lntransit., ro go
fnex:orablUa -e, iM:torablt, "°'to be "'°lll!li
l•y t11trro1.v ; a, of persona, In ccteroi;, C,"ic.;
in, ti4tt". A., in lll'liem, Liv. B. Transf., aihersua te, Liv.; delictia, Tac.; b, or thinp,
of time, to btyin, conn11tnrt; inien~ aeta!I, you tit, 1llsciplii.:a, Ht~, Tac.
Ck. ; ah inennt.e aetate, from youth, Cic. IL
Tramtlt., to go ill, trtltr. A. Lit., do111u111, Cle.; lnelQH§ditua -a -um, Aamptrtd; pugna, Li\'.
viam, to t11ftr 11po11, hr!li 11 n jo1u11r.y, Cic. B. lnes:perrectua -a -um (in and ex~rgiiicor),
'l'ra•.a1r., 1. to con1rnt11ct "ptriod of time; lnita not awake11rd, Ov.
1u•!tatt>, ut tM ~11i1111i11g •1, Cal'~.; 2, or some lnexpertua -a -nm. L Art., inU'pnUIU'fff,
kiuil or action, to begit1, to t11trr 11po1t: magi~­ m11rrucfi¥tti, • vnac<ptai11.ttd 'IL'itl&: with genit.,
\ trat11111, Cic.; 1•r..elium, Cle. ; 3. to u11dtrt.1kt; lnscivi:ie, Tac. ; with. dat., bouia inexpertnii
•iumerum, to tnumtralt, Liv.; lnire rationem, to aupte immetus, Liv. ; with ad and the acc.,
t tt111lft 1111 t.Jfinrntt, Cic., an<l transr., to oonridtr, animus 11d contumeliam inexpertm1, Liv. D.
Ci~. ; K<>Cif'tntem cu111 aliquo, to triter a lta911t Pa11R., 1. 1mtrird, 1rnalttmpttd; ne quiil irteJ·
wlt/1, Ci1:.; Cllll'•ilium, to form " plan., Cae.t.; pertmn reliuquat, \"erg.; 2, tmtritd, ttrtll&ttl;
"1lt i:1.111 ah Hliqi;o, tc ear1l tlui11.~ from, co>1ciliat1 a., or persons, leglones bello civili lnexpertae,
tl1t/<uYJ11r of, Cic. (perf. luit = iniit, Luer. 4,SH). Tac. ; b, of thiugai, pup pis, Ov. ; tides, Liv.
mepti. adv. (lneptns), un11tit~bly, inappro- lne:xplabllle -e (in and expio), 1, inupwbU;
p.-uittly, abiurd/y, foolilhly; dieere, Cic. acelus, C.:ic.; 2, i•nplacable, irreco11ciltaba; homo,
lneptlae -arum, r. (lneptns), foolilh behav- Cic. ; bellum, olminat~, Cic.
iour, 1illinur, abrnrdity, fool.try; hominum in· lnezplebllla -e (in nnd expleo), huatiaNt,
e11tiac ae atultitiae, Cic. ; ut eoa partim scelerum thnt cannot be .inti.'lfltd; 1. lit., !Sen.; 2 1 transf.,
auorum, pa.rtim etiam lnevtlarum poeuiteat, a or things,, Cic. ; ~pull fauce.,
Cic. de.; epularum roerla et inexpleblhs libido, TaC'.;
lneptlo, 4. (ineptu.a), to talk fooluhly, talk b, or }>er.ions, with genit.• vir inexplebili,o; vir·
'l'IO?Utn.w, Cat. tut111 wrneque landis, ·u:ilh. al\ in1atiabu dt-
lneptu -a ·um (In and aptus), un1Uitablt, sirt for, Liv.
ina1')1ropriatt, la!ttlus, foolish, absurd, aill11; ID.e:xplitua -a -um (in and ex1•Jeo),t111.JU/td,
11egotium, Cic.; Oraeculua..i.. Cic. ; anbst. plur., ina<Ui11te, i11.atialiU; i11exvletu11 lactimana, tlwl
l.neptl ·6rum, pt<lan~, \Jlc. ; compar., nam cm1P1ot bt1ali.sfitd u.'itA u:uping, \'erg.
qui<l est lneptiue quam, etc., Cle.
lneQlloi.bllla -e (tlt<tt m1111ot lie
lnormia -e, and lnermua -a -um (in and trnnMf., 1, intrirott, imprarlimblt, diJIC'tlli: In·
arron), 11.narmt<l, u:tapu11/u1. L Lit., a, gen., PXJilicabiles continuis imbribus vl11e, impnaa'llM,
Cic. ; gingiva, toothltss, Juv.; mlliws, Caes.; b. Liv. ;, impractirnhl•, Cle. ; res tlttncilis et
of countries, tmdt/rndtd by troops; ager, Liv. lnexplicnbilis, Cle.; tal'ilitaii, /roding to itn tt11tlt,
JI. Transf., in philoso1•hia, not tall t~r«d in, Liv.; 2, illupliaibll; haec lnexpllc:iuill& esse
Cic.; c&rmen, ino.ftll.lirt, offending no ont, Ov. dlcltls, Cic.
1. lnerrana ·antis (in and erro), Mt wandtr· lne:xplorati, adv. (inexptomtus), trithotd
'ln.g, jiud; stt>llae lnerranree, Cic. uploring, witho1u recon11oitrill!l; l'roticisei, Li'f.
2. ln.errana •nti1, partlc. or in;:rro. fne:xploratus -a -um (in and exploro). n-
lnerro, 1. to rot'e or wa"der about, ?lln. uplcrtd, u11iru.,.'1igated; st&gui vada, Liv.
In.en -ertls (In and an1). L simple, 11ru1..-il· lne:xpugni.bUls -e, unooJtllumib~, imprEfl•
Jul: poet& lners, Cle. IL inactivt, lazy, idle, Mlil<'. -i. Lit., a, Rrx, Lh·. ; b, g1-an1en, tlta:t
illtrt, aluggi1h, $/olh/ul. A. a. homo, ~enectu~. cnnnot bt rooted out. Ov. ; \1a, in11cre.<.'fiblt. Li't'.
Ck.; b. transf. or thing11 am\ abstractions, (e&I IL Transr., with dat., inexpugnahilc amorl
gen., otium, Cle.; aqua, sittg11ant, Ov.; aequorn, pectus, Ov. ; or petsona, volu111111! cum qui
lltM.lilturbed tlr 'lllind, Luer. ; atomnchull, not \Jeatu1 1it tutum I'S!", hiexpuanabilew, saeptwn
r!!gattng, Ov.; terra, immowWe. Hor. ; querel&e, atque muuit,wu, Cic.
ine 277 inf
fa~tua -a
p«Utl, Cic.
·Um, ftloo«1t/nf', •M»- baftlctor ~rt11, m. (inftclo), a d1/fT, Ole.
1. lnfeotua -a -um (fn and thcio). L u""
baexatlnctua ·• .nm (In and entfng110), wn· ,mrh·ed, "1twro11glt.t: ll~'l'ntnm, Liv.; aurum,
ati1111rdslitd, i1u~l:ti1117"i31lablt;
1 lit., lgnls, Ov. ; \'erg. II. A. 11ndon;. 1 u11fi11isl1td, ineompltte:
2, t.ransr., fames, libido, iTl$(lti;blt, Ov.; nomen, Jtro lnfecto hahcre, to con.sider ttl ltat"ing nettr
i•'lllOr'fal. Ov. t,,~·tn p~, Cic. i ln.recta NI (wUhm1t httving ru:·
tnmuperabnts -e.. that Muot be prused roinrli!htd th~ ounnua) discedere, Cacs., ab-
ner or crosM•l, i11111nrwmttabU. A. Lit., Al pea, <lnct>re cxercitum. LIY.; fnf.:1·tu negotlo, Sall.;
LiT.; paludes, Liv. B. 'l"nmsr., &, umurpau· lnf,·ct~ victnrlil, Liv.; lnf1•ctii pace, Liv.; in·
aJU., Liv.; b, iiuuperallU; via fat!, Liv. f•·ct" brllo. I.iv.; reddere lnfectnm, to mn~·e roW,
11 .. ,._ B. Trnnsr., imp1-acticabu, imJ'01rible;
fnextrioabllla -e (In ant\ e:rtrlco), CAat rcx nihil infcctnm Metcllo creden11, Ball.
os1uw1 be di.tntanglm, fn"1'trlrohu; error,
tnd of tohkh iH• impomble to finrl one'11DflJI, Verg. 2. lnfeotus, partic. or inflcio.
bafAbre, adv. 1tmk!lfull-v. ill an un.workman- tnreoundltaa -I.tis, r. (infecundus), barrn-
UU man1u:-r; vasa non infabre t'acta, Liv. tr.t.~a. sterility; terrarum, Tac.
lnfeound1111 ·a ·um, unfruitful, llarrtn,
IDIJ.brloatua -a -um (In ancl fabrko). '"'" 1terile;
~ught. unfu-'h.ioiud; robora, Vorg. nger, Sall.; 1lg., funs (lngenii), Ov.
lafl.oi~ (iafloeti), adv. (i11f11cetua), late· mteliclta.11 ·ltls, r. (infelix), Ul-luck, un-
Zasiy, coan;eJ11, ~ humour, tiuct., miefortvm; hnruspieurn, Cle.; alicuiu1
In li~ri11, Liv.
blf~tlae (tuflcitlae) -arum, r. (lntaoet-
US), cn-trse 1uu, poor wit, Cat. lnfolicrtCSr. adv. (infellx), unluckily, un-
fortu11atel11; totiens inteliciter temptata anna,
Saacitue and hlflcitua -a -um (In and Lh•.
facPlus}, roane, n«k, u11ma111terly, unpol~ed, mteliooI fDfilioito, 1. (lnfellx), to t7lak4
h1111Wur or wit; ho1110 non infaectus, miaemhl~
tc'.U-.{J".it P aut.
Cic..; transf., mendacium non ln!aceturn, Cic. lufillx ·lets. L un/nlit/ul. barrm; tellu1
lDfj.cundus .a ·um, not tlmpirnt: vir acer r111gibn11 lnfelix, Yerg. IL Transf., A. utrlucky,
n..c infacurn11111, Liv.; compar., quia infacundior u11.happy, mi.terable; a, or per11ons, homo mlserri·
lit_ Liv. mus atque lnrellcissi111us, Cle.; infclidor doml
lnfimfa -ae, r. (lnt'amls), ill rq>0rt, shame, qnam mll!tiae, Liv.; wit~ gcnit., anlmi, i1' mind,
dW..011,,z.:r, di,<groo1, ignom!n,11, iiifitm!f; lt.. lit., Verg.; with abl., opens summi, Bor.; b, of
infamiam lnferre, Cic. ; movtre, to cauu, Liv. ; things, patrla, Verg. B. Act., cauring unhappi·
lnf&mia n11pergl, to C011W into bad rep11u, Nep.; r&eas, t1nfort11nate, unlucky; 1, gen., a, ot per-
infamfl, <.:Res. ; infnmlam habcre, Caes.; ll0!1•• qui relpublicae sit infel~ Cle.; b of
1ubire int'amiAm scmpiternam, Cle.; 2, met-On., thmgs, co11sillu111, Liv.; 2, esp., infellx ar&;r,
~ rou~ of ill repuu and infamy: nostri ea.ecli, Utt gallaw1, Cic.
ioU di.•gmce of our age, Ov.; infamla sllvae (of lnfenae, arlv. (lnrensu11), hM«ld11, acrbnc•
Cacllll). 0 v. (oiuly; infe11110 invcctua, Tac.; quls Isocrati est
tnfiimta -e.(ln and rama), 1, oJ ill f'f1'11k, adversatus infcnsins, Cle.
~. (n,felmou; hominea vltlls atque lnfenao, 1. (infensus), to trtJtzt in 11 hcstila
derlect1re infames, Cle.; vita, Cle.; 2, briftf\ng manMr; Armenlam hello, to attack, Tac.
hlo Ul rtp""• dugracf/ul; nuptiae, Liv., 1. (infamis), 1, lo bring '"'° lnfenaua ·a -nm (In and • fendo), Aottile,
Ul full of hat~ and bittwnU6, enmgtd; &, or per·
nprtZ.., 1ll4ke infi11110'US, d<fiJ.m.; aliquem, Nep.; sons, rcx Ira infensus, Liv.; with dat., lnrenstl8
aliqaM, Cic.; 2, to blame,, find fault with.; alit-ul, Verg.; with in and the ar.c., eo infen11I·
rem, LiT. orihue In ee qunm In Ilium judlclbus, Liv.; b,
bafand1UI -a -nm (lu and fart), unutt"611lt, or thin~. animus, Cle.; Opel princlplbus ID·
tuup«r.Jcal,Z~ unMard of, unnatural, abominable; fenl!lle, dangeroru, Tac.
oorpus eius impnrum et infan<lum, Cic.; ea.edeR, Infer -a -urn, lnferl -nmm, v. lnferua.
Liv.; dolor, ll\bores, dies, \'erg. S11b11t., ln- IDIOrl'.ae -!trum, r. (inferi), 8C!CriJlou or ojft:ra
fanda ~rum, n. Unhf'ard-of rnormitiu, Liv.; ings in honour of tM <.kad; allcul inferlaa afferre,
itifandum or lnfauda I abomfoable I Verg. Cic.
lnfa.n• ·!antis (in and fari). I. A. dt1mb, lnferclo, v. lnfarclo.
'Pflt!CAleu, Cic. B. or cl1ilrtren, 11ot ablt to 8flt<J~·;
ldj.= "°""g, irubRt.= a l!ttlt chUd; 1, a, lit.,
inferior, v. inrerua.
alim, Cle.; infantlbus parcere, Cae11.; b, met-On., lnferius, 1, adv., v. infra.; 2, nent. adj.,"·
(•) ~L, ~o~girig to a cAild; pect'1ra lnrantla, lnferus.
Ov.; (JO cA.ildilh, fool'-M; omnia fuere lnt'antia, lnferne, aclv. (infernus), on U&I lowr ftde,
Cic. IL w£tMut tM gtn of ~ch, dnoid of bcmath, b€low, Luer.
~; lnfantes et lnsiplentes homlues, Cle. ; lnfernus -a -um (Infer), Utat 10T1ich ii below,
tn.nsr., pudor, '71Warnu.sed, Hor. ; meton., bis- lowe1·. I. Geu., partes, Cle. IL Esp., a '"t•
tori:a, Cic. dtrground; gurge11, Ov.; b, of or relating i, the
IDlantfa -ae, r. (infans), L A. Cftllbility to lower world, infernal; rex, Pluto, Verg.; Juno,
IJltl•k; li11guae, Luer. B. ehildltood (up to the Prourpim, Vrrg.; pal1111, tM Styx, Ov. Hence
age of senm); prima ab infantiAi Tac. II. suhst., &, lnferni -Cirnm, m. the inha.hitant1 of
Transf., toant of e/ot{IUJ&Ce, .Zcwnt$1 OJ •~tch, Cic. tl1e lnwtr u.'01"ld, Prop.; b, lnferna ·Orum, n.
tnJarclo (lnferolo) -r11rsi (·feral) -farsum the lower world, i1ifernal regions, Tnc.
{-ftrsum) and -rartum (-fertum), 4. (In and lntero, lntftll, llliitum, inferre, to lwbr..17, btnr,
farcio), k> •tu.If in, cram in, stuff full of; Ilg., carry in, to put or plllCIJ im. L Lit., A. Gt>n.
ntque lnrercien:J verba qt1&11i rlmus expleat, Cic. templis limes lnferre, to aet.ftre to, Cle.; aliqnid in
t~em,Caes.; In equum, to pulon ltor.Jtbark,C11e11.
SnatigabDJ.a -e. CAal OGnnoc be totaried, 11. Esp., &, to bury, inter, Cle. ; b, to give in a1l
1.IWJi.uigobU., Plin. •ccotmt; rationes, Cle.; sumptum civibus, to
bafAtUo, I. (in and ratuas), to tllak4 a fool o/, charge, P'd to tM CICO'NM oj· c, to sacri./tce, pay;
i¥tvat.1 ; aliq 11em mercede public&, Cic. honorea Anch!K&e, Verg.; d,
manna alicul or In
lnf&a.tus -a -um, uftluckJI, •71/orl•Mll; aliquem, to lay hands o-n, L'ic.; allcul vim, to do
&Ulpiciwn, Verg. ; cUea, Tac. ~ to, Clo. ; e, algna In hostem, to attack,
int 278 inf
fiarorc, Caea.; ~. bellum alleul, or contra all· dangerou.t, 111tM\ft, h&MiCUf"t, 'IMUlltd: tter, Cle.:
quem, to Rab toar on, Ut1N 1£'l1T agaiiut, Cle.; mare lnft'stum habere, Cic.; with abl., via Illa
g, pedem, tn enter, Cic. ; in a hOl'ltile mr,aning, lncurslonibus barliarorum infNJt.a, Cic.
to attack; Alicul, Liv.; 1fO gnulum, Liv.; h,
reftex. and ml<ldle; (a) reflex., se inferro. to be-
lDflcetlUI, 111ncEte
(q. v.).
= luract'tu.s, intaccte
tnke rmuel.f, to go, lucus quo "ll JH.•niaepe in· lDflcfo -reci -rectum, 3. (In and Cacio). L
ferebat, Liv. : to charve the t11tm'f; elfosi 11e
1tantib111 vobls int:11le1"1ntf.Liv.; (ti) mi<l<llc, in- to 1mt or dip int-0; h~nce, to H'll!]'l!, ~~.
1tat11,. colour; 1, ht., a, 116 vitro, Caea. ; nwis
fer1i tn urbem, Liv. I Trnm1f., A. 11e in B11ngu111e, llor.: ora pallQr albus !nttcit, TNnlu
periculum, to fall, Cic. B. a, to produce, colour/tu, Hor.; b, to miz with; l1oc (liictanmo)
bring fonDllrd; sem1onem, tn JJ>tak, Cie.; men- fu11um labris splen<ltuULus amnem inficit, Veri;.;
tionem, to J1Untion, Liv.; b, to ro1m 1 occasion; 2, tranef., to inibtu, instn1ct; _(puer) j:irn itatlri
11pem alieui, CaeJS. ; hostibua tenort!m, Cic. ; debet In artihus, etc., Cic. IL 1, to poiao";
perlculum civibus, Cic.; o to trrite or 1ttk to Gorgoneis Alt-cto infecta Yenenis, \'~.; 2
euite; 111isericordiam, invl~iam, Cic.; d, to i11- tran11f., t-0 «tint, infect, com11•t; ut cupitli:
/tr, conclude, Cle. tAtibu11 principmn et vitiis inflcl solet tntA
lDferaua and lDfertus, v. lnrarclo. civltas, Cic. ; poet., lnfectum scclus, th'! criac
~ ·a -um (connected with il'fpot), an<l with. tuhich they arc stained, \'erg.
l.a.fOr -a -um, compar. lnfi5rlor, super!. lD- lnlldeU.. ·e,, untr11e, 1~dioris,
flmu and imus -a -um. I. Po11itive, fiiithlus, Ck.; superl., in!ldelissiml socii, Cic.
lDferua -a -um, 1, tJuU which u ~lom, lou:er lDfldelltaa -Utls, r. (infickli11), mifsithfal-
(opp. 11upcrus); 111are, th'. 1':trUJCa11 Sea (opp. neu, fi1ithle11.'m~; amicitiamm, Cic.
m1ue Snperum, the Adriatfr), Cic.; 2, that lDfldelltCSr, adv. (in!ldelis), un.fa.itliftdl~,
which. i.s in tli.e lo~r world; lnfl'l'i <lii, Cic. faith~s:>ly, Cic.
Hul>St., tnfirl ·6run1 nnd -ftm 1 m. the ilC"pal'ted,
tht <Wid, th.t Iowa world; ab tnferis cxsistere, lDfidua -a -urn, unfnithjul, faith/tu, untrue;
to riJe from tht daui, Liv.; apud inferm;, in tht 8:• or perso1111, amici, Cic.; b, of thinb'll, ao-
lou~r 11'Mld, Cic.; elicere animas infcrornm,
r1ctas regnl, l..!v.; nihil e:st euim stabile quod
Cle., ab inferia exciwre or revoca.rc, to ra~ i11fldum est, Cic.
from the ci«id, Cic. IL Compar., lnf8rlor. lnfigo -Hxi -flxnm, S. tn fir, fasten to, or ill,
neut. lDferlua, htenit. ·loris, tht lou,"C" (opp. to thrust .in. L Lit., i;laciium hosti in pect111,
11uperlor), 1, of position, labrum, tht undu-lip, Cle.; hasta lnflgitur portae, \'erg. IL Tnust,
Claes. ; ex iuferiorl loco dicere, t-0 6ptak from tht to imprint, i111prtu,jlx; curu erit inllxa animo,
body of tht court (opp. ex 11uperiorl loco, from Cic. ; animns inflxus est in 1iatriac cariUite,
the tribunal), Cic.; 2, transf., a, of order, versus, Cic. ; in hom!num sensibus positum atque in-
tht ~ntanietn", Ov.; b, or time, later, YD1Ul{Jtr; flxum est, Cic.; inflxum est, it iJ Jf,:ud,finallr
aetate !nferiorea, Cle.; o, of uumber, inferior ruoli·td, Tac.
numero navlum, WMker, c.ies.; d, of rank, lou'tr, lDflmi.ti8 -is, m. (inflmus), a pa-IOll& oj tJw
mtaiur, of le.3S importance; grad us, Cic.; infcriori11 lowest condi.lio1t, Plaut.
Juris magietrat1111, Liv.; e, of power, wmktr; lDflmus -a -um, anperl. of inrerus {q. v.).
with ab!., Inferior animol Caes.; fortunll, tn lDflDdo ·fl<ll ·fi11S11m, ~. to cut fa, clrorlf:
forturu, Cic.; in jure civil , Cle. llL Super!., 1111lc<'8 tellurl, Verg.; poet., sulcos ma.ri, to mil
A. tntlmua (lDfiS.mus) -a -um, the lo11.v~ thrO'Ugh tht 5ta, Vcrg.
(opp. snmrnus); 1, lit., a., sol um, Caes.; b, lDfinltaa -titis, f. (in and finis), inlfnil),
ad lnflmos rnontes, at the bottom ofthe111c11mtaim, tndlt361~.:1S; lnflnitas locorum, Cic. ; in inllui·
Nep.; ab lnflma ara,/rom the bottom nf tht altar, tatem om11em percgri11ari 1 Cic.
Cle.; 2, transr., or positi1m, !011.Y.91, 1nearu...t; in-
fltuo loco natus, Cle.; faex popnli, Cic.; prccihns lDfinite. adv. (lnflnitni;), inji11ifl'l'1, bottnd·
!11!1niis, 'ICUh ahject prayer&, Liv. B. imua lNiSly, e1ui/usly; secare et dividcre, Cic.;
·a -um, the lowut; 1, lit., a., secies ima, Cic. ; concupisccre, Cle.
ab huo,from th.t rJOttcm, Caes.; Rb irno suspirare, lDfinitlo -onis, f. (infinitus), i11.ft11ity, Cic.
to Bigh. deeply, Ov.; neut. plur., ima -onirn, lDfinitua -a -um (in and flnio). L 1, lit., ot
tht lower t1."Crld, Ov.; b, ab imis 11nguibus ad s1oace, nltltudo, Ck.; 2, tr,msr., a., of tim<\ e.d-
ve1-ticem Rnmrnum, Cic. , gurges, the bottom of, l!Ss, uncecuin!]: te111pus, Cic.; odium, Cic. ; o, of
Ov.; 2_.. transf., a., o! tone, duptlll, lowest; vox llUmber, cou11tltM; !nttnita. corporum YnrietAa,
Ima, ilvr.; b, or posltior., super! imique Cic. ; o, of extent. size, de~ree, bou11d.Jua, i•·
dcorum, Ov.; c, thela4t; ruens!s, Ov.; ad imum, 11UllH; rnagnitudo, Caes.; silva, Cle.; iuflnitum
to tht end, Hor., and at tht tnd, Hor. est, with lnlln., Cic.; 11ubst., lDfinitum
lDfervesoo -ferbQI, 3. to begin to boil, gT<>11J ·I, n. that u•hich is botmdlus, Cic. IL imU;tnitc,
hot, to be boil.ffl down; hoc ubl confusum llleetis general; !ufi11itlor diatributio, Cic.
lnferbuit lterbl11, Hor. lnftrm&tlo --Onls, f. (inftrmo), l, a reft"iM;
lnfetlte. adv. (infestus), in a h08tiu manner, ration!s, Cle.; 2, iilt'lllilfating; rerum judicat-
Liv.; com par., lnfestius atque lnimicius, Liv.; arurn, Cic.
supel'l., lnimlcissime at(jue infestissime, Cle. l.nftrmi. adv. (inflrrullll), wrok/y, feimlJ;
lDfesto. 1. (infestus), to attack,, d~­ socii lnlirme animati, Cic.
quiet: latua dextrum, Ov. lnJlrmltaa -tfitis, f. (inflrmus), \Mlknt11,
powtrltu1VB8, infirmity; 1, corporis, Cic.; valt--
lnfetltaa -a -um (In and • fendo). I. Act., tu<linls, Cle.; 2, tranaf., a., mffl.!11i tA!ailU'ss;
1t011lile, inimical, dangerotu, troublaol!U: 1, of ltominum, Cic. ; anirni, v~nt of spirit, wunt •J
things, a., provlncia Gallia, Cic.; with tlat., cou,rage, Cic.; b, in$tability, 11n.sUad"1"u eJ
al!cui lnvisus h1fe11tu11qu1> 1 Cic. ; with In o.nd t.he character; Gallorum, Caes.
acc., lnfestus iu suo11, Cic.; b, m!lit. t. t., u:u1'
l101tilt inunt, in hostil.t array, pnpartti /Qr l.nftrmo, 1. (inftrmus), to tMZk~n.; 1, lit., le-
baUlt: ab Tilmrc infesto sgmiue profecti, Liv. ; gion~s, Tac. : 2, tnmsr., a, to shakt; tldt.tll
a, or things, lnfesth1 oculis conspici, Cic. ; ustis, Cie. : b, to nifuu; res leves, Cic.; o, •
a1mul: act.a ilia atque omnee tea auperioria
lnfeatls signls1 in lw.9tih array, Cacs. : hast&
lufesti, with ta'llct eoticMd, Liv.; lnfestis pilis, annl, Cic.
rtadr j()r tlu thro10, Caea. ~ Pus., made marmu -a ·um, 'IOllMi. fnblf; Wra. L-
279 inf
IAt., pbyste~lly, vlres, Cir..: clnstd!t, Cle.; 111· s11'tll; nmlia!I bncca.11, Hor.'. nm11!1 inffatm1(:1q11!11),
tinnl homit1e:s ad resistendum, Cae11. IL Liv.; b,to Mou• out a 1vmndf11lly; alirpii•I exten-
Transf., a, wt11k; res infirma nd pruban•ln111, natur, intlatur, Cic.; 2, tnrnsf., tn 71uff 11 p, mak1
Cle.; b, mentally &n•l morjlly, wmk, ti11wrou1; proud or arrovrrnt, cliIU; anlmos fals3. ape, Liv.;
anlmo lnflnno e!lse, Cic.; 1uperstitio111, Hor. mll11tu~ lnetitii\, Cle.
lnftt, defective vnb f11cipit, 1, lu! or $M
btgin.s; "ith lnttn., Verg.; esp., 2, he or sl~
inftlio .fltud -ftuxnm, S. to jfm11 In, strl'rtm f?t.
Cars. A. Lit., non longo n rnnri, quo Hlir1111s
begiiu U> IJlf!Jflk, Verg. iutlnit, fihe11us In Oct>anum lntlu!t, CMe.; with
tnfitlae, r. (in 11.nd thtenr), (I denlal ; round si111p!e nc•·., laeum, l'a•·~. B. Trnnsf., 1, In comii
only in acc., i11fitias ire nliq11id, to de1&y an!l· i11111U11rort.!, 1-0stwl in; inaure11,Clc.; In n11il11off,
IAiNJ, Lh'.; with nee. and i11tin., 1111\tias eunt, Cic. ; 2, to strrom. ill, rush in, flotD in; In lta!in111
tMy deny, mncrdem ae \M:lU Homanitt Infer· Oai!ornrn copi11e, Ch:.
eudi 1oacto5 (cssc), Liv. lnfodlo ·ffi<li ·fossnm, 8. to dtg in, b1t711:
lnfitlaits -e (iufltiae), tttgative, contaC11£ng corpora terrae, Verg.; t.'\leas In tl'rrnm, Caes.
• de11in./.; quae.'ltiu, Cic. tnformatlo --Oni~. r. (i11fonno), a conccp(ion,
tnfitfi.tfo -Oni .. , (. (inf\tlor), G dtmying; id«!.; llei, Cic.; antecel'ta. anhno rel, un prior£a
nq;atio i11tltiati·~11eCacti, Cle. Wea, Cle.
tnfltli.tor -~ds, m. (infltinr), mu who deniu Inform.le -e (In and formn), 1, /orn1z,ss, t.111•
or di.sarows a debt or de1>0$U, Cle. formed; nh•·i, Liv.; 2, u11.•l1111-ely, mi-for11wl,
tnfltlor. 1. dt>p. (in and f':itel'lr), to dtny, deformtd, hidtoUJ; <'.a•laver, Vergo.; h!e1m1, Hor.
diwrolD, not to rx>1~feu; 1, with acc., verum, lnformo, I. to give form and •haf"' to, to form,
Cie.; with nee. nn•I infln., neqne eito in hoc me f1Mhio11. L Lit.. , l'lip<'um, \'erg. IL Trnnsr.,
homine111 es~e inlltiabor unq11nm, Cle.; 2,_ to a, to f<,,..111; a11i11111~ a natnm hene h1for11111t11H,
demt a deLt, rtftUC to ruture a deposU; quia al Ctc. ; b, to /or1" b11 in,fruclion, in.slruct;
bifitfatur 7 Ci1·. qui bus &etas l'llCrilis &U humanitlltem inf'ormarl
lnftammi.tlo ..(5nf1, f. (!nftammo), a fl.rt, tWll't, Cic.; c, to sketch. rtpraent, <Upict; orat-
~1linn.; inferre inflAmmatione111 UCtill1 orem, Cle.; cautULrn, (;ic.; d, to f11rm. af\ idea,
Ci.e.; tr.msr., anbnor111n, /'1'1, ha.spiralion., Cic. oonaption, 'mogeof a11ythillg; eos (deos) ne con·
jcctnrl quldem informare 1'<>188, fora a C01'·
lnflammo, 1. A. to light ttp, kindle, 1tt ftrt jectural W«i of, Cic.
tD: t&edns, Cie.; cl:iasem, Cir. B. Trnnsr., to
i~IM, exeite, 1Ur up, •timulir.U; populum In tnfortiini.tu.e ·• -um, u'\ftn'tunatt, "MaPWo
hni•rohos, Cic.; infla111111ari ad cnpltlitAtes, Cic.; mwrable; niltil me lnfortnnatlus, Cle.
lllft&mmntus ipse (orator) rt ardens, flery, Cle. tnfortiinlum .If, n. (in and rortunn), •Y.
lntitlo -Onis, f. (lnflo), or the bocly, Cl fortu.11e, ill luck, Hor., Liv.
,,.,.jftn.g up, hlolcing Old, jlatuTtncc; inftatiunern Intra (for lnferl. sc. parte, t'rom lnferu1). L
Dlll; h,.bere, to cmuejfattdenct, Cle. Ail v. 1, lit., a gen. (a) posit. 011 the 1'nlier
lntitlua. adY. In co111par. (inflatus), too aide, below, btneaA; !1111mneros supra infra,rlextra
poafl01'sl!f, 11rowlly. ltaughtily; haec ad eum 11lnistrn tlenis es>1e Cle.; '" tirriti11g, earum
latius atque lnflatiua peracrlbt-bat, Cle. (litteruum) exemplum Infra scrip10I or scriptu1n
L tntitu.e -a -um p. a<lj. (from lnflo). A. eat, Cle.; (/J) com par. lnferius, lower dow11; in-
ftltlling, 111:0/lrn; collnm, Cle. B. Transr., a, ferins 111119 frnternos currere Luna a<l111irat11r
ICOT'Jt,ftu; animu, Cle.; b, M'U{lhtv, proud; equos Ov. ; b fa tlu! lotcer world. Tib.: 2,
iaetiti;i, Rpe, etc. tmnsf., btlow cf n
rank), nee fere unqnam infra
ita de.~cendenmt ut ad inflmos pervemirent,
t. lnflAtua ·ftll, m. (lnfto), 1, a bl01Dfng foto; Liv. U. Prepos. with acc.; 1, lit., In apace,
prtmo inlfatu tlbieluls, al tlu! bla1t, Cle.; 2, btnMth, btl010; ninre Infra oppldum, Cie.; infra
'1ll14ra.tfo1&; diviuus, Cle. euru locnm ubi J>onl erat, Caes. ; 2, transf., a,
tnaeoto -flexi ·fl1>x11m, S. to btnd, .bo1D, curw.. of size, hi aunt m11gnlturllne J•aulo infra (lut
L Lit., oocillum, Cic.; quu111 rerrnm 16 inflexls· than) elephautoe, Cad.; b, or time, later thaf\:
~t, C1es..; lnftcctere nullum nnqnn.m veatli.:ium Homerus non infra superiorem Lycurgnoi fnlt,
sul euniu11, Cir.; ocnlos, Cle.; middle, lnfll'cti, Cic. ; c, bell'alh, below, In nmk, e11tlmation; rea
&o curtt: si11U:S ab lltore h1 urbem inffectftnr, humanaa infra se 11rbitratl, Cic.
Cle. II. a, jus dvlle, to tt'Clrp, Cle.; b, lnfraotlo ..(}nls, r. (lufrlngo), brtoli1ig;
Co ffV>dulate the t:IOicc; lnfl.,xi ad miserabllem tnmsf., nntml, dejectio1t, Cle.
sonnru vuee, Cle.; c, to alter a na~; suurn
nomen ex Grae<'o, Cle.; di of persons, to chang1, lnfractua ·• -um (p. adj. rrom lnrringo), 1,
w;.ore, a.ftd : Rliq11em lev ter, Cle.; aensua aul· broken, Plln.; ~. a, broken, uhausted; 11nlmo11,
m11m<J11e 1:1u11nwm, Cic. dejtcttd, Liv.; .ti, lnfracta loqul, to 1peuk diloon·, Cic.
lnfletu• -a ·Um (in and fteo), unwtpt, """ ~ -e, 1, twt fmgilt, that cn1uiol be
la.-11tt<I, Vt>rg.
broken., Plin.; 2, 1trong; \'OX, Ov.
lnflexlbllla ·e, tMt cann.nt bt bt11t, injfa!ble,
Plin. l.nfriSmo ·fri!mdl, 8. to roar, growl: aper,
lnfledo 15nls, t. (lnftecto), n ~ing, IWCJ11· 1. tntren.i.tus ·a ·Um (ln and freno), will'loul
hg; lat .. 1 um lnftexio fortls ac vlrllis, Cle.
bridle; eqnltes, riding without a bridle, Liv.
lnflezu -lls, m. (inftecto)i a btndinu, curring,
luv. 2. lntrin&tus -a -um, part.Ir. of' lnfreno.
tmligo -fllxl -tlictnm, S. L to llril-t, l'"MC.k, lnfrendfo, 2. to gncuh teUh &ha taJh: dent!·
dtrsh ll.{1<li111i; 11Jicui secmim, etc.; pnppiK inflicta bus, Verg.
n.li11, drul!erl on, Verg. U. t-0 L11.flid, muse lnfrinle -e and fnfrinua ·• -um (Jn and
11.!rrt nr d11111rr1e: 111ortiferam plagam, Cle.; alicui lieunm), wUlwut b1-UUe, u11b1i.dUd; equus, Verg.;
turpit11•li11c111, Cic. Numidae, riding without bridlt, \'erg.
lnflo, 1. L to blow on or 11': a, to plav on tntreno, 1. 1, lit., to bridu; equos, Liv.;
illifld iiutrv'1W!11tf; calamos leve11, \"er){.; tibl1111, currus, to har11es.' the horsu to tlu! chariot, Verg.;
Cle..; and ahsol., I<> gtce a blast; simul lnftavit 2, tran11f. to rutroin, hold back, cMck; hon11n
fil•lcer!i..Cic. ; b, to produce hy blotoiTtg; son um, alterum •{r. fnlsse lnffenatum consc!euUi scel•
Cic. .u. to bw'ID out; 1, lit.., a, to P"'ll out, to e.-11111 et fraudii.:m auarum ut, etc., etc.
inf 280 ing
~ -entis, i1ifrequ11t. L Of space. lndnho. 1. L ro t.1plalll I•, ""'"""
A. not numerotu, ft1D in nvmber; host.ea, Liv.; produa : natura ingp.nerat amorem, Cic.; partlc.,
coplae tnrrequentiorest Caea.; aenatus lnf're- 1.Dgairi.tua -a -um, implanl«l by nahtrt.
que1111, Cic. B. or piace..,, toot full, tca11tU1 fnnau, natural: familiae rnigi', Cic. IL t.o
populattd; Jll'r& urbls lnfrequens aediflciis erat, create; anitnum ease lngeneratum a Lleo, Cic.
Liv.; caui;a, atUnded by/ewluarerr, Cic.; sublJt., baginli.tua ·& ·Um (ingenium), t1&dototd bJ
tnfreque11tissir11a urbi11, Uw: lttut f>OP11l01U 11(lrt1 Mlure, Plaut.
of tlu city, Liv. IL or time; or persons, not IDginIOei. adv .(ingeniosus), BCUhly, mwrl1.
doin{1 a thing o/ltfl, inJrequnit, OCC(Uicnal; i1tflellious!y; ista t.ractare, Cic.
deorum cult.or, Hor.
tngjmO.U. -a -um (ingenlum), 1, na""rallw
~uentla ·&e, f. (lnfrequens), 1, fn»- cltwr, talented, acute, ablt, ingn1fous; quo quisque
Mn, 1ca11tinua of "umber, thfonu1; Renatils, e3t sollertinr et ingenioi;ior, Cic. ; 2, or inani·
Cic. ; 2, 10lit1UU, londi1lw; locorum, Tac. mute objr,ctK, fit for, adapted to; terra coltnti,
bltrico -Crlcill -Crictum and .frlclltum, 1. to· Ov.; ad sf'getes ager, Ov.
nib in or on, ~Jin. tngenltua -a -um, p11rtlc. or ingigno.
bltrln&o ·t'rCgi -fractum! 3. (!n and frang;n). lng~mum .Ji, n. (in and geno = gigno),
L to breaf, break off, break in pue&. A. Ltt., ttatun, M111ral r-on...•titution. L or things, ar·
remum, Cic. ; hastam, Liv. B. Tran~r., to brtiak, vorum, \'erg. IL Of men. A. ttotural dis-
dulroy,, cl&eck, enfuble, crut doum; vim pcsition, mnperaJMJtt, charadtr; ingenlo suo
mlllklm, ~.; spem, Cic.; co11at1111 adversar- \'lvere, o,fter on1'1 ov•1t hcli1Ullion, Liv. B. a,
iorum, c.e..; animum, Liv. ; 8a11111IUu111 vires, e11p., cl~, U!ltnt, t1U11tal po~. f14'tti .. ; IL to bock aguiut; llmlnlbus lumbos, docilltas, memoria, q11ae rere apl'f'llantnr uno
Hor. lngcnii nomlne, Cic.; tardum, act'rrimum,
lntJoom -trondia, l«1/W•; ager, treilui, Ov. acutum, magnum, Cle.; ad flngendum, Cic.;
IDtnlottlO.U -a -um, u'\frlli(ful, transf., b, meton., a ma" of geni'IU, a gtnitu, Cic.
nprodvctive, fndtlm, weleu; militia, Tac. ; tnpa -entla (In and geno = gigno; lit.,
Jaus, Tac. f"OIMI to (J grtat,, iml'MtU!f, t'JIOrnwtl&.
blfiioatu -a -um (in and tuco), rouged, L Lit., pecunla, campus, numerus, Cic. IL
painted; fig. vitla, Cic. Transf., exitus, Verg.; bellum, Ov.; with abl,
lnftUa -ae, f. a tand or ~ Made of loch initena viribus, Liv. ; with genit., femina ingena
of 1000l, knotUd at illkrvall, 11/0rn b11 priuts and animi, Tac.
Veltal virgin•, and wed to duornte trictim1, lnginiie, adv. (lngenuus), 1, nobly, liberally;
altnr1, etc., Cle.; also worn by auppliantl!, Cae11.; educatns, Cic.; 2, fruly, franklJI; coufiteri, Cic.
hence, 11m1Uthing Ml11; his lnsignibns atque ln- bagenitltu ·tlltis, f. (ingenuus), 1, the co•·
rulls imperil Romani venditla, Ille inalinal>k dition of a frtemcm, frtt·birth, Cic. ; omamenta
public Lnnd, Cle. ingcnuitatl11, Cle.; 2, 110blt-mindednus, t1prif]lit·
lnfiUiitua ·a -um (lnrula), adorned with or ftU8, /mn.&.'llUI, Cle.
11."taring inrula, Suet. -a -um (In and geno). L 'ftatiw,
lnful<Uo -ruisl -rultum, 4. to ltv,f in, cram not foreign,; fons, Luer. IL natuml, inncrt.t,
(n, Suet. color, Prop. m. free·born, o//rtt birth. A. Lit.,
IDfando -tftrll -msnm, s. L to ,,our in or Cle. B. TranRr., a, that which btto11US n free
o". A. Lit., 1( aliquid in vas, Cic. ; 2, to flt4ft, t1ob~, Aono11rabu ; vita, nrtea, Cic. ; b,
admlnUter; alicu \'enenum,Cic.; alicui poculum, frank, 6i11cert; homo, Cic.; c, lMlk, d'licak, OT.
lo prtMnt. Hor. B. Transf., a or a crowd of tngero ·gcui -gestum, 3. L Lit., to curry,
people, gen. reftex., 116 lntundere or passive "tllroti', puf, pour in or upon; lignafoco,Tib.; hast.u
intundi u middle = to pa11r in, 1trrom it1 ; in- in tergum rugienttbus, Verg.; saxa in subeun~
fusm1 populu11, coll«ted '" largt tn111&ber1, \"erg.; to h11rl at, Liv. IL Trau!'lf., a to limp on, to
b, or wind, sound, etc., to pour into, to allow tdter; probra, Liv. ; corwlcia alicui, Hor.; b,
to perutmte: puaive as middle = to ptnttmu, '" preu upon, fortt upon; ali<:ul nomen, Tac. ;
Cle.; vltia In clvitallem, Cic. IL to pour on aliquem (a1 judgt), Cle.
or orer. A. Lit., a.1 of liqlLids, largos humeri11 lnge9ti.b0J.a ·e, Mbtnrablt, i~;
rores, VeTg.; b or bodies not liquid, ignis onus, Plin.
lnfusus, Liv. B. Tran11f., lnfusus with dat., tngt.po -gi!nili -gi!nitum S. to implaRl b~
1prmd, lyinu on; gremlo, Verg.
birth or m:1turt; natura cupiditatem homini in-
IDfaaco, 1. to tllah dark or black; to oblcun, genuit veri videndl, Cic. ; partic., burinltu
blacken. L Lit., vellera, arenarn, Verg. II. ·a ·Um, innate, inborn; ut ha beat quiddam in·
Transf., to duftg11rt, corrupt..!. 1tain; viclnlt.u genltum quasi civile atque populare, Cic.
non inruseata malevolentli, t;ic. ; eos barbaries l.nglorlua -a -um (in and gloria). "1i&tit
lnruscaverat, Cle. fa"MI. nr glory, inglorious; vita, Cic.; rex a1,uru,
lnfiielo ~nls, f. (lufundo), a povring in or undistingui.<ihtd, \"erg.
on, i iiftuion, Plln. lnglii.vles .el, r. (for h1gulvlee Crom In and
lngaeT~nes -um, m. ca ~" Cribt on the gula), 1, the craw or crop of bif'CU, the aato ~
1horu of tlu North Sea.~ a1limals, Verg.; 2, tneton., gluUony, Hor.
IDga'lllll ~rum, m. a tribt. lngrati, adv. (inivatus), 1, unpl«ua111Zr,
lngemlno, 1. L Transit. to double, re- Ov.; 2, u11gratef1'lly, Cic.
double; Ictus, \·oces, \'erg. ft lntransit., to tngri.tla ·&e f. (ingratus), t1ntAan~l1'1CSS,
btcome dovble, to i1'CTllCUe; Imber, clamor, \"erg. In clas.'\. Lat. on\y In abl., lngratii.s (ingrati.I),
ln$:~mleoo (lng~mMOO) ·gl!mi'l.I, 3. I. In- agaillst the will ·of, unwiUi1'gly, Cic.
tra11111t., to 1igh or groan: al1SOI., nemo ingPmuit., lngri.tia, v. lngratla.
Cic.; with in and the abl., In quo tu quoque lngri.tua -a -mn, 1, unpll(Ul(lttt, v:11plt!Ui11g;
~_gemiscia, Cle.; with dat., eiua minis, Liv. ne invisa diis immortallbus oratto nostra ant
IL Tr11nsit., to righ or grocm oVtr; with acc., lngrata esse \'ide&tur, c~.; 2, a, ttnthanl..;ftll,
quid lngemiacla hostem Dolabellam, Ck. ungraujul: homo, Cle.; itigTatl animi crime11
~emo. S. to 1i.g~ groan owr; with dat., horreo, Cic.; with in and the ace., ingratua
labonbna. Hor.; aratro, Vera· in Dtmocritum, Cic.; with genit., salQtis, ow
1Dg 281 ini
accowe fl. Verg.; with fn .and the ab1. ID· lnhrbM -ftf -ltum, t. (In and habeo). L to
gratua lu referenda gratla,; of things, Mld hold back. chd:, rtstrain; tela, LIT.;
ingl11viea, in1ntiabu1 Ho~. ; b 1_ u11pro,}f.tGble, eq_uoa, Ov.; ai te lllins acerba hnploratio et vox
CAu11.klcss; labor, Sall.; per1cula, verg. m1serabilis non lnhibt'bat, Cle. : &R naut. t.. t.,
bagr6Tetl00, 8. 1, lit., to btcmn« Mcatif,
iuhibere remis, Cie., or navem retro lnhllier<>,
Plin.; 2, transf., a, In a good ense, hoc (philo· Liv., to ro10 ci boat bacJ.."'llJard.a, to ro1J' a boot stcr1'
sophiae), atudlum cotidle lngrave11cit, '8 fol- first, to back '11:1ClUr-. n. to turci8t, practiu, UM,
lo'!Ottl. 1ROf'f HT'Wu&ly, Cic. ; b, in a bad sense ; em.ploy: supplicla nobla, Clo. ; lmperium In de-
(4) to bticollU ai.noyil&f1, tr011.ble&OflWI; annona ln· ditos, Liv.
gravescit, !m:oma chanr, Cic.; ingraveacit In mb.lbrtlo -~nls, t (lnhlbeo). ci f'utratn(ftf;
dies mHlum intestinum, Cle.; (IJ) to~ opprua«l, remlgum, a rowing backwardi, C°lc.
11.'«lrftd; corpora exercitationnm defattgatione lnlllo. 1. L to, gape u•ith. 'IQQ'lldt.r; tenuit
lngravescunt, Cle. 1nhia11s trla Cerherus ora, Verg. II. to gapt
tngravo, 1. to 1R4b heavy, to oppreu, ff'ouble,
for, open Ul.4 mouth wCth. desCre; Romulus ll\ctens
nberlbus luplnls lnhl:rns, Cic. ; fig. with dat., to
Gl}gra1XJ.U, ttndtr 'IDO~; flla (conjugis imago)
r011d, duirc, long f<n"; alieuius hortis, opll.rns,
m.-,QS casus ingravat,Cic.; Ingra vat haec Draneea,
Verg. Tac. ; varios pulchri testudine postes, look tuUA
tngridlor ·gresst11 sum, s. (In and gradlor). duiTI upo11, Verg.
L lutransit., A. to t11ter go (n; a, lit., In lnh~neni, adv. (lnhonestns), duhoM•rably,
aavem, tn tcrnplum, In f1111dum, Cle. ; intra d~71; allqu11m accuaare, Cle.
munitlones, Caes.; b, tranaf., to mter on: ln ID.h~neato. 1. (lnhonestus), to dugrac11, dfl.
bellam, Cie.; ln ea.m omtlonem, Cle. ; In apem "°"°"";pr.I mu, OY.
Jibertatis, Cle. B. to go forlJ&, toalk: tnrdi1111,
Cie.; per nud11m Intra glaciem, Liv. II. Transit., ID.h~nestua -a -um, 1, dilhonourablr, •ha~
A. to e1'Ur; domum, t;lc.; r.uriam, Liv. B. Of f11l. disgraceful; homo, Cle.; vulnera, Ov.; lnhoo·
time, to ~"; a, itt!r, Cle. ; b, to commenoe; estisshna cupidltas, Cle.; 2, ugl11, uuightly;
oratio11e111, Cle.; with iuftn., dlcere, Cie. Vulnns, Verg.
lngreullo-<>nle, t. (lngredlor), l, cul 1ntcriwg, arh~niri.tua -a -um, 1, Mt 11onourtd, hoJ&.
i9i11g i"; a, lit., fori, l.'ic.; b, transl., a be· c~ ,c d
by"° picbl£e o,JJl.ce, pr\t-'Cltt, rttirm: vita.
bonorstu11 atque lnhonoratus, Liv.; In·
fi11.n.ittg, Cic. ; 2, gaU, J>CICI, Cle.
honoratior triumph us, Liv.; 2, tr'ltT'llwa.rrUd,
tncr-u. ·fls, m. (in~-redlor). L ci go(ftg tlrithout giJU ; al!quem inhonoratum dimlttere,
i.M.o, a• 1111tmtt.g. A. LiL, ci laoatilll entrantt, Liv.
a• i'l&road; lngre!Ulu!f hostilea pl'llesidlis lnter-
cipere, Tac. B. Transr., ci beqi1uling; ingressua lnh~norua -a -nm, 1, unh.onound, und"-
capere, to begift, Verg. IL ""11king, goi"'f1, tinguilh.ed, Plln.; 2, 11gly, uuightlv, Tac.
lleppift.g: lngl'tlUus, cur.ins, accnbitio, ineliuatio, lnhorreo -111, ll. "' br(atla touh. : baud aeca.a
sesaio, Cic.; lngreau problberi, ttae lo N Gbl.t lo quam vallo aaepta lnhorreret acles, Liv •
.ow,Caea. ID.horreaoo ·horr111, s. L tobtgi" to hri11tls,
blgriio ·di, S. (In and •v,rt10, connected with to brilU. liJp; a, aper fnhorrult armos, Verg. ;
ruo). a, of persons, to hrtak ift, fall UJlO" t1fo- splcea jam cnmi•ls measla lnhorrult, Yerg.;
ln&ll11; mgruit ..£neas ltnlls, Ver~.; b, tra1111r., lnhorruit unda tenebris, Verg. ; b, to N rvt1g1'
of t.hiugs, lo a.uault, attru:k; Jiericulum, bt:llum with. frost; quum tristis biems aquilonla l11hor-
iDgruit, Liv.; morbl iogrunnt in remige.ii, Liv.; 1uit alls, Ov. IL lo lhudder ahinr, from. cnld,
u nullus ingruaL met11M, Plira. /evrr, fri,ght, etc.; 1, lit.., dicitur lnhor11.lsJe
btguea -gulnl9, n. Ula gro£-, Verg. ciritu, Cle.; 2, tr&oar., of things, 1o •hw..a.
tremblt; aer, Ov.
bagurglto, 1. (In and gurgett), 1, to pl1,nge;
1e in tot ltai;itia, to plun!Jt. irtto th4 10hh"lJ100l of lnho•pltalla .., (MolpUal>Z.; Caucasus,
9'a, Cic.; 3, esp. rel!., 11e lugurgitare, to gl!U or Hor.
~ oflUtl/, to gormandiu, Cie. ID.hoeplWltaa -tltis, t. (lnhospltalis), we&IU
lnguati.bllia -e (In and gusto), tAat
lll~ Plin.
•'"'°' of ltospitality, Cic.
lnhoapltua -a -um, (Mo.tpUabl•; teeta, O•.:
lngu.ati.tua ·a -um (in and gusto), u7'1cuNd, Syrtis, Verg.
tlot ttUl€•1 /,.1-/vrt.; ilia rhnmbi, Hor. lnlliimani. ad•. (inhumaous), fohumanly; -e. L tluu caniiol be llandkd or inhumaoius dicere, Cie.
91ais,c•ged, u11ma1111g~aMt; navis, Liv.; telnm ad mJuimi.nltaa -t.itia, t. (lnhumanus), 1,
n:m.itten•lum inhahile irnperitis, Liv. D. ti.Sf.· cru··lty, inhumanity, Cic. ; 2, a, incirility, di.s·
Ins, uuµ fo,., ill aJa1·l~·I to; t<>~irn,.n inlil\t,iJe ad co11rt,sy, dlsobHghignut, Cle.; b, sti11gineu, nig·
retutgtndum, Tac.; u1ultit.udo inhauilis ad con- gartlliness, Cic.
1e11s11111, J_,iv. lnhiimi.nltir, adv. (lnbumanua), vneMlly,
lnhll.blti.bDla -e, tmiM«bitabZ.; maximae ru<Uly, discourttmuly, Cic.
ftK!oues i11babitauiles, Cic. lnhiimi.nus -a -um, 1, cnul, liarbaro111, l11-
lnbabfto, I. to inhllbit; eum secessum, OT. AumH1': homo, scelus, Cle.; qnis inhuman for?
IJlhaerio -haesl -ha,.sum, 2. to ltfck (n, Cie.; 2, a, ru!V, u11c0Jtrttotu, u11eidl, u11man·
nerl71, Cic.; b, uncultivated; nures, Cic.
dtttot to, nrJtui" .{a&t to; 1, lit., ad saxa, Cle.;
vbceril.n!ll, Cic. ; sitlera setl1lius sui!I lnhaea·ent, ln.htimatua -a .um (in and humo), un!turittl,
Cic:.; 2. transr., inlanerct in mentil>us quO<irlam Cic.
a11;;urium, Cic.; virtu~s 1e111per vol11i•tatibua lnhilmo. 1. to COf'tr 10£tA earth, Plin.
111la;irrcn!, are ul U'!I.!JI COllfttciti.l 111ith, Ci,,, : Bein· lnibi, :ir\v. 1, or place, Uur~i1l, in llurt plaC', ill
per alicui, to IJ11 "lwuya in th4 cxm1pan11 of, Ov. that matlr,., Cie.; 2, of ti111e, alm9st, 11Lt11l•1, 011 tkc
IDhaeresco -b.:lesi ·haesum, 3. (lnchoat. of point of; ioibi est, il u o:L tht ]'Oinl of 1<1ki11g
lnhaereo>. to nml4ill Just, to cleave to; iu meu- place; aut luibi esse aut jam e¥Se couf1:ctu10,
tibal, C1c. Cie.
lnhilo, L to llrtatl1r u,.nn : qnum isto ore lnlclo = injicio.
fnetido teterrlma1u 1111\Ji» po11ina111 inhalassea, lnlmico. adv. (lnlmieU!•), ltostilely, fl'& !WI
Cic. u11f1 inwll11 mwui"; insectari aliquem, Cle.
ini 282 1nn
lnlmioltla -ae, t (lnlmlcus), mmity, Cic. : B. ERp., 1, to tltrow or call 01'; palllum ali~ni,
gen. in plur., eumallquo mlhl lnlmleit. \e aunt, or Cle. ; 'iilll VC11te111, Ov. ; vincula anlmo, Cil'. ; 2,
lntercedunt, Cle.; lnhnleltlaK gercre, ~ie., txer· transf., injicerc alicui manm1, to lay hmuls c.n ;
cere, Cle., suscipere, Cle. fig., mih! veritas manum injecit, Cic. ; esp., to
lnimico, 1. (inlmleus), to mah 11-0stih, •et at lay /!'m!U 011 fo ortler to a]Jproprutte wlwt ilf one'~
mmity: Ira miser&'! lnimlcat urlies, Hor. own, to tal.:e po&aesawa of; man um virgini \"eni·
enti, Liv.; Hg., manum Parcae, Verg.
lnlmioua-a-um(inandamicus).. L Act.,11n·
fru1ul!Y· ~nif!Lica~, ~rJ~·trn. A._ Lit., a, adj., lni~nl­ lnjiioundi, ad\'. only in compar. (injuc·
cus 11.hcui, CIC. ; m11111cus ce111s sumptuoiJis, C1c.; u111lu>!). mi11lwsa11tly, in a1;, trn/riwdly muu ne;-;
()t' l11n11imak objects, hurtful, prrj1ulicial; odo>r res il~jneundius aetae, Cic.
nervis inimicus, Hor.; b, subst., lnlmicua lnjiicundltas -tatis, r. (inj11cnndm1), 1111·
-i, m, an tlU?ny, f<H!, Cic. : lnlm.ioa -ae, r. a pltcl.'fc1nt11~ss; ne quid ha beat iujueunditatis
female foe, Cic. ; inlmici!lsiml Sthenii, the bitterest oratio, Cle.
foes of S., Cic. B. Poet., transf. = hostilis ; terra lnjii.oundua -a -um, unvltas(lnt, displttUi119:
lnimica, Verg. II. Pl\ss. = hat«l; gener in\'isus minim~ !JObi:i injurundns fnbor, Cle.; adveraus
lnimici soceri, Tac. maloB llljuctmdus, u11/ritndly, etc.
lninteWgens -entis, unintelligent, Cic. lnjii.dlcatua -a -um (in and judico), Ulltritd,
~qui. adv. (iniquus), 1, 11n~ly; lnl- uru_·o11demned, undecidtd, Quint.
qmssnne comparatum est, Cle.; 2, un/uirly, un- lnjungo ·Junxi -Junctmn, 3. L to join to,
fuslly, Cic. /astt.11 to; tignos in as.seres, Liv. IL A. Lit.,
lniqultu ·tAth1, r. (lnlquus). L U!lt~n­ to joi11, "!'nittL..amnect with; vineas et aggerem
nt.U; a, lit., loci, Caes. ; b, transr., un/avour- muro, Liv. .as. Transl:, 1, to r1tuM; alieui in-
able11u1, diJ!iC11Uy, un~pitiou1neu; ternporls, juria111, Liv.; 2, to inflict upon, ocrosion., bring
Cle.; renim, Caes. IL u11fair11tss, inj111tiet, upon, to lay or i1n]J'Jlt upon, charge, e11joi1t; alicui
unrtasonabltntu; .hominis, Cie.; iniquitates n111nus, Liv.; dvitatibus servit:item, C.e11.; alicui
maxima.e, Cic. laborem, onu11, leges, Liv.
lniquua -a -um (In and aequus). I. uneven: 1, lD.jiiratus -a -um, 11n.sworn, not havi1lg talm•
Jlt., locus, Liv.; 2, transf., a, mifarourablt, dis- an oolh, Cie.
advanlagtow ; locus, Cne>1. ; defensio angustior et lnjii.rfa -ae, r. (iujurius), an injllMJ, injustitt,
fniquior, on unfai'Ourable ground, Cic.; b, of time, 'WTong. L Lit.., A. injuriam "alicui infcrre, im·
vnpropitiou.a: tern pus, Liv.; c, or character, ponere, facere, Cle.; in aliquem immittere,
'm.pamnt, di6c<mte11ted: anhno lmquo ferre, with jaeere, to commit, ;11j!ict an injury on, Cic.;
acc., to be vt:mlat, Cic.; animo iniquls11lmo mori, aecipere, to nfftr 10. ong, Cle. ; propuls:u"t!, Cic.,
to d~ most reluctautly, Cle. IL unequfll; 1, defendere, Caes., to, etc.: per injurlam,
lit., too gTtJO.t: pondWI, Ve1·g.; sol, too Mt, Verg.; wrong/u.Uy, Cle. ; lnjuria, Cic. B. 1 an i n.sult:
2, transr., a unjust, 1111/air; pncem fniqul spretae formae, Verg.; 2, legal tJ., dmrw~.
conditlone retine1·e, Cle. ; b, 11-0stile, adi;trse ; harm, injltT1f, a§ront; actio injuriarum, Cic.
animo lniqui!laimo infestisaimoque aliquem in- IL Meton., 1, a ponessio-11. 11..TU11gfull11 obtaintd;
tueri, Cle.; subst., lniqut -onnn, m. tntmiu, pertinaces ad obtinendam injuriam, Liv.; 2 rc-
Ck. ; aequi lniqul, or aequl iniquique, friend.a 't'CnrJe fo.,. an affront; eom1ulls, Liv. '
a.1ld/ou, Liv. bajii.rfo.O. adv. (injutiosns), illegally, 1t'"T0"9"
lnltlo, 1. (lnltium), to inUiate into a 6tCTet fully, injuriously; in m11gistratus decernere,
WOT1hip; aliquem Cererl, Cle.; aliquem Baeehis,
Cic.; mercatores injuriosius trac'81"e, Cic.
as one oftlu Bacchantu, Llv. lnjilri~ua -a -um (iujnrla), acting wrong-
fully, un,1111t, wrongful, unlawful; vita, Cie.;
lnltlum -11, n. (ineo), a btgi11ning, commtnct· injuriosi In pl'oximos, Cie.
ment. I. Gen., initlnm dlc~ndi sumere, Cic. ;
lnitium caedi11 or conlligt'ndi faeere, Cle. ; initlum lnJiirius -a -um (in and jus), 1CT0n(lful, tnijulf;
capere ab or ex, etc., Cie.; ab init!o, from tlu quia 11it injurium, Cic.
beginning, Cic.: initioi.i7l t1u btginning, at tlu lnjiirus -a -um= lnjurius (q. v.).
co111mtnetment, Cle. I Esp., gen. in plur. A. I. lD.j1188UB -a ·Um (in ancl jubeo), wnoom·
tht.• or first rrinciplu of a ScUnct; lnitia manded, unbiddtn, spontane011.1; gnunina vir·
mathematlcorum, Cic. B. In natural philo- escunt, witlw11.t cu.ltiiution, Verg.
''°P~.Y, ei.tmei:its, Ci<:. C. tlu btginnfog ofa reign;
lnit11!1 T1ber11 aud1tis, Tac. D. a principle; 2. ln.Juuus. m. round only In abl. in-
lnitium cognoscendl, Cle. JI:. In plur., a w:ret jussu, without ortkrs; injussu imperatoris, Cic.;
t1.1orship, hf.Wfenritts, mysUriu, Cie.; and meton.,
injussu suo, Cle., or simply lnjussu, e.g., pug·
things used in suc4 ritu, Cat. nsre, Liv.
lnltus -Os, m. (ineo), 1, an C?'l'Tival, en- lnjuati, ad\'. (inju.stus), unftutlv, 11.k.ftiirly;
facere, Cic.
trana, Luer.; 2, a bcginn~ng, Luer.; 3, copula-
tion, Ov. lD.justltla -ae, r. (injustus), injustice, vnjud
procteding; totius injustitiae nulla est capit>
lD.jectlo -Onis, r. (injieio). a laying on; nlior, Cic.
manus, Quint.
ln.Jectus -Os, m. (injiclo), 1, a throwing 011, ln.Justua -a -um, 1, ul\{air, unjust: homo.
Cle.; noverca, harsh, ltvtrt, Ve~.; re!OJ&, un-
throwi11g over; lnJectl' multae vestls, Tac. ; 2, ju!tly acq11irtd, Ov.; suhst., lnjustum -i, n.
a putting in., i1Ue1'ting, Luer. injustice : metu injustl, Hor. ; 2, hmt'lJ, bul"l.inr
1.D.Jlclo -j~cl -jectum, S. (in and jaclo). L to I0"1M, opprusil:e; onus, Cic.; fascilf, \'erg.
throw in. or, ca&t or put fa or foto; 1, lit., 1nl .•. v. ill ..•
man um foculo, Liv.; !le in medlo11 hostee, to throw
onestlf into the of tlte ene111y, Cic. ; 2, tnm ... v. Imm •••
trnnsf., a, lo ca1ue, in.rpirt, infuse, occasion; lnnabDls -e (in and no), that cmrnot be nova
alicui timorem, Cle.; alien! mentem, ut audeat, in;, Ov.
etc., Cic. ; b, in conversation, to 111.ention, let tnnascor -nii.tus, S. dep. L to be bonr,
drop, throw in; alicui nomen euiuspiam, Cie.; grow, ari.~e in or upo1t; neglectis fHix innascitur
quum mihi in sem1one injecisset, with nee. and agris, Hor.: salieta innata ripis, Liv. l l
lntin., Cie. IL to thrcno 'lr pl.a.a on. A. JlOll· Transf., to bf- 11r()(l1tctd, arise; in hae elatione
tem tlwuinl, Liv. : brachia cullo, to 111tlmu"t, Cle. a11i11ti cul'iuital! inullllcitur, <.:le. , parlic., m-
tnn 283 ino
n.ltu ·• -um, C7l1Ulle, (n1111r11 : ID.Sita quaedam lnn.tlo -111, S. to uLw a w to, Wike 4 1lg11 or
vel poth1ll lnn&ta cupitlitas, Cic. 1ig1'al to; alicuf, Plnut., Ter.; ubl fnnueriut, LIT. 1. I. w 11Dim i·•to: tn concham lnn.uptu. -a -um (In 1111d nnho). 1, 1ui·
hiantem, Cir. IL A. Co rwim or J,oat in nr man-Vd, hat•ing tio htubmvl, Verg.; snh11t.,
11po1L; with dl\t., lactUCli acri lunatat stotnl\cho, lnn.upta -11e, r. a tli"'ffin, 11oun11 dam.ul, Verg.:
Hor.; with acr., uwl:im ln1111t11t al111111, Verg. 2, lllPton., ~111µtlae l11n11ptac (yap.~ i.yap.u~). a
B. Tr.msr., to flow i11to or oveT; lnnatat unda 111ard<1!7e tl111.t is uo fllilrriuge, an. "n.hal'l'Y mar·
tlulcia freto, Ov. riage; ap. Cic.
iJlnatus, part.ic. of innascor. lnniitrio, 4. to brllL{l ur, educa.U toith or
lnn.Avlgabllla -e, not nad!JQble, LIT. I am_o11~; lnuutrftu~ re~idmis, Tac.
lnn.ecto ·Hex Qi •lll'XUIO, S. to tit, hind, futtn, lnO ·lb RllU ·~1118 0 f, (' ft.w), daughter Of Cad11LUI,
tt1t-•r~ t0< L Lit., comR.'I, Ve1-g.; f:tnc<'" 1L•ife q/ .A.tha.maa; adj., inoua -a -um, of or
J.vp1eo. Ov.; palm&-'1 annis, Veri,c.; inter ae inn,.xi liclong!nn to !no.
rami, Tac. IL Transf., A. c.1usa11 morandl, lo lnoblitue -a -um (in and oblh'l!!cor), mind-
hrinlJ forward one 11fter the otlur, Vcrg. B. Jul, not forg'.fjul, Ov.
~:.p.. 1. tt} elltan9lt, inlJ•liMte; iMex11111 con-
scientine alicniu!I, Ta<~; 2, to ,.,,nn«t; Hyroanis lnobritue ·a -um (In and obruo), not Ovtf'o
per affiuitatem lnnexus erat, Tac. 1rh•fovd, Ov.
lnn.itor -nlxm1 1111m, s. dep. to lta1i u 1ion, n't lnobaervi.bllls -e,
"1-0n, s11p7>0rl <YTV.Ulf b11. I. Lit., sent is. Cae11.; ~C.-J•til•h, Cat.
"°' to be observtd, fm.-
ha..o;U, Liv.; alis, to fly, Ov. II. Tmn11f., uni· lnobaervantla .-e, r. mgllgen«, oartle~·
,·iro, Mei;sio, t'ortuna hostium lnnititur, Liv. "'"''• inatte11tia11, Suet.
lnn.o, t. tn 1wim in or on. L ftuit.a11te11 et mobeervi.tua ·a -um, t£nobstrw:d, m111tf'o
lnn:\ntes be lune, Cle.; with d:tt., aquat', Liv.; ceivtd: 11idcra, Ov.
with a!'<'., ftuvinm, Verg. IL a., to Jfow over, lnooUJ.i.tlo ·6nia, r. an. mgnrfling, Plin.
Hor.; b, t-0 Mil or.n-, 11avigate; 8tyg1011 lacus, ln~doror, t. dep., to troca 011 t 0 ,. 11 thing, co
Ver,:. nndl out, Cic. (?).
lnn.ocens -entis, h<1rmltu, not hur(ful. L ~-
Lit.., iunoccnti!! pocula Lf',;hii, Hor. II. Trani~r., uaodol'UJI ·a -um, u:itlwut amdl, iilodoroua,
A. epistola, Ci~. B. innoctnl, har111lt~, tn- P•· 111•
.f~111;1,,, bl<rmtl~S&; innocens Is dicltur qui lnotrensus -a -um, 'rlthovt ltum'•ling, "nre·
nihil nocet, Cic.; factorurn, Tae. strnintd, u"hindutt.I, 101.11bstructed; mare, \'er.;.;
tnnacenter, ad\'. (innocens), inn0«11tl.'/, cursus honorum, w1inlt1-ru.1>Ud, Tue.
l.•la.~le.'!$ly, hio.fensivtly, irrtproachi1blg; 111· lnoft'lclc>sus ·a -11111, 1, C()lrtmry to nr
nocentins ogere, Tac. ntgltclful of duty; tes111mcntum, fn whkh t111
1.Dnocentla -ae, r. (innocen.<i). L harmltss· 11r,,nst rtmtit-e.1 art p<t.sstd 0t1tT, Cic.; 2, dl1-
'IU!; ferornm ani111nli•1m, Pl in. II. in 11 ortnce, obliging; In Rliquem, Cic.
1.lamelusrv-4$, i"nffo1siu1uss, dl.si11t~1·e~t~lnes.s, lnolena -eolis, u-ithovt 111UU, lnodoro111,
Cic.; meton., = tlv, i1111nant; i1111ocentiam Luer.
juiiicior11m 1>0ena liberare, Cic. lnolesco -<'IHM -lllltum, 8. to grow fn. or on:
tnnocue, adv. (innocuus), harmle.ssly, fo. 1, lit., udo libro, Verg.; 2, transf., pt-nitusque
~11tl•t; ,·h·er<', Ov. necrsse eat multa (11111Ja) dlu concreta n10018
hulOciiua ·R -um. L A<'t., fonnc1tovs, harm· inoleset're mlris, Verg.
1.,.,. A. Lit., herlia, Ov.; Jitus, Mft, YerJ?. B. lnomlni.tua -a -mu (In and omen), '11·
Tr.m!:f., in llOCent, hqrnil.eAA, blainelr$il; homo, Ov. 1mvnrd, unlucl;y, Hor.
II. Pa .. 5ive, unhurt, unltarmed; carir1ae, \'erg. lnopla -ae, f. (inope). L 'ICUnt, need: In
tnnotesco -nl'iti'll. s. to l1ernme knowa or Rhndiorum inopia (t.o<rnt o/ /onti) et fame, Cic.;
t1oltd: nost.ri" innotuit Illa l!IJellis, Ov.; quod fr11111ent11rl11, Caes.; with l!Cnit., fi11;;11m, Cic.;
ubi lnn"tnit, Liv. transf., consilil, Ck. II. M/ple.<Sne&, Cic.
l.Dnovo, I. to rrnn": se ad euam lntemper- lnopinana -antis, 'wt ex,.ecting, ttnerptrlt<l,
antiam, to return to, Cic. ttnmmru; aliquem iuoplnantem n~redi, Caes.
lnnoxiua -a -um. L A<'t. A. t11Mrlo11a, mopinanter(lnopinans), unt:rptct~dly, Suet.
1111rm1Ns; ""~nis, Ve~. B. Trani;t'., fono~nt; lnopini.tO, adv. (lnopinatus), "flD.'J"Cledly,
cri111ini11 in11oxla, Liv. II. Pass.; A. un. Liv.
h11rt, unharmed; irsl lnnoxil, SalL B. untie· lnopinii.tua -a -um. L Pass .• unupected,
ICTTffl:; pau1;, Tac. 1111/nok'd for; res, Cic.; malum, Cae11.; snbst.,
inniibllua -a -um, unclo-udtd, clear, Luer. lnopinii.tum ·I, n. an unt~cttd e1v11t, Cic.;
lnniibo -nnp11I -nupturn, 8. to marry fllto, PX inol'inato, Cle., lnoplnat0 , Liv., 'llfll':Tpt'Cltdly.
eo11.n«t omuljwith 1ly marriatJ•; quo lnnnpslsset II. Act., nott:rpl!Ct(~; i11opinatos lnvatlere, Liv,
Liv. lnopinua -a -um (In and oplnus, from
tnniibus ·l\ -um <in and nu ho), unmarrwl, opinor), i11ll%ptCttd, unlooked for; vlsus, Ov.;
withnut a h11,~aivl: Sil•ylla, 01•.; laur1111 (because quies, Verg.
Daphne, while still a \'il"gin, was changed into a
laurel), 0\',
lnop~osua -a -um (lnopia), rum,, (n.
of; co1111ilii, Plaut.
ln.nmnerabnfs ·e, that CGllnol bf counted, fnopportiiJlua o& •Um, (11opportmu, tin.
i'llnu11Vrobl.t; 111111titudo, Cic. 1ta.ana'>1e, Cle. .
t.nniUnerablUtaa -atl11, r. (lnnumerabilh1), inopa -<'lpit1. L wWioul tMani. A. poor:
i1dujh1ite nu~r, inn.umerubltJiu.1; nrnndorum, 1, a., lit., aerarlum fnop'll et exhaustnmf Cic.;
Cie. b, tran!lf., f'001' in word1 or tlwughta; ingua,
lnniim~rablll'.ter, adT. (lnnumer&lihlll}, oratlo, Cle.: 2, 1ioor in 10mft1ring, u-anti11g in;
Cn11M:m.erably, Cic. with genlt. or llbl., or ab anti the abl., pec11nlae,
lnntlmiriills -e, countlat, innu""'1&hlt, Liv.: verbon1m, v ..rbls, Cle.; amlcoruw, ab
Luer. 11micl11, Cle. : tnmsr., hum11nltatis, Cle. B.
lnnmn~rwa -a -um, cio.nUcrt, lnnufMl'llble; po1C'"lus, tD«lk, LiT. U. hd11lus • lnoJ)tll relict&
&eDtes. Verg. , a duce, Cic.
mo 28• ins
l:airl.tua ·& ·Um (in and oro), MC ,fonnall11
bro11ghi fOMIJClrd and luard; re inoratA, Cle.
'ntli.Dir adv. (ineanua), m:1dl11, inaa11d1: In
silvam ue igna feras lnsanlus, Hor.
lnordhaAtus ..& -um, diaor<Urly, in con· fDlinfa -ae, (. (lnaanus), madnua, lollS OJ
/usion: dil!J>f"ni, lnordlnati exibant, Liv.; aubst., rMa<m, (nsanity: 1, a lit., nomen lns.anlae sis·
baordinatum ·I, n. diaor<Ur; ex inordinato nlftcat mentis aegrotaf.ionem et morbum, Ci~.;
in ordiuem adducere, Cle. concuplscere allquld ad lnsan!arn, madly, Cic.;
lnirior, 4. dep., to arise, appear, Tac(1) b, transr., meld duirt, mad, !Je'lt~lnll ~. 1n1M·
lua r.xtravagana: libidinum, Cle.: 2, ,.-tirol
lnorni.tua ·& ·Um, unadorned. L Lit., raptun or i11spiratwn; amabllis, Hor.
rnulieres, Cic. IL Transf., A. orator, Cic.
B. impruised, uncekbraltd, Hor. buin.lo -!vi and -Ii -ltum, 4. (inaanus), to
ragt, l~ sciud u;ith madnui or jrtnzy ; a, lit.,
lnp ... =Imp .•. (q. v.). ex injuria, Liv.; niin !gO lnsanlo., Cle.; of thinirs.
lnquam ·is ·it, perf'., lnquli, v. tler. (con· lnsaniens Bosporus, raging, Hor.; b, trausf.,
necteil with '"'""')• l Bay; a, in quoting the to act likt a mad1'Mm, to ra~; insanit statuas
words of a speaker, est vero, mquam, sign um, emendo, Hor.; with acc., 11imllem (errorem),
Cic.; with dat., inquit mihi, Cle. : b 1 in repeti- Hor.; sollemni&, Co bf fashionably aad, Hor.
tion, for the sake of emphaal11, hunc unuru lDsanltall ·ii.tis, r. (inanus), menlal di.IMM,
diem, huuc unum, luqu11m, diem, Cic.; c, In insanity, Cle.
OQjections, non solemua, inqult, ostendere, Cle.
(The forms found are: lnquam, Cic. : lnqult, lnsin1111 -a ·Um. L o/ un.,,ound mind, 'flllld,
Cle.; inquimus, Ho1-.; inqulunt, Cil.'.; inquiebat, i11.$Um. A. Lit., Cic. B. 1, acti.n.9 like a mad-
nu.u1, raging, stnseltsi: homo flagitiis insa11us,
Cic.; inqull, Cat.; lnquisti, Cic.; lnquies, Cat.; Ci<'.; contio, Cic.; or things, &, ruging; flnctni.,
lnqulet, Cic.; lnque, Plaut.; inquito, Pbut.) Verg. ; b, of grtal size or violma; 111oles, Cic.;
I. lnqulM ·His, r. dilquid, u.Jnt of rul, cupiditn!I lnsanlor, Cle.; 2, inspirrd: \·a~.
Plln. Verg. IL Act., making mad: aqua, Ov.
2. lnqulea -t:tis, u11quW, restlus; homo, lndtli.'bbla -e (In and satlo). L Pa.u.,
Sall.; nox, dies, Tac. thnt l'All not be l(ltisjitd, in.satiablt: cupidita.<1,
lnquleto, 1. (inquietus), to dilquut, duturb; Cic. IL Act., that d°':r not sutiatt, uncloying,
victoriam, Tac. u11wroryi11g;. pulchritudo, Cic. ; insatial,ilior
lDCJUfitua ·&-um, unqui.d, ustltu. L Lit., species, Cic.
Hatlr1a, 1tor111y, Hor.; nox in1p1ieta, I.iv. D. lmAtli.bWdtr, "'.h'. (insa.tiaLilia), in1«li·
Transr., o., nstlua in disp<A-tilion: inquiet11.11 ably, Luer.
animus, Liv. ; b, politically rtstllS1, Liv. lndtletall ·!ltis, r. \1U1Jtiabltnus, Plaut.
lnqulliDua -1, m. 01U who dwella iii a place lndtiirabllla -e (in and saturo), in..atiaUt;
twt hi& oum, a te11ant, lodger; transf., inquilinUfl abdomen, Cic.
ch'is Romae (said or Cicero, who was not born
In Rome), Sall
1atu1bly, Cic.
ad,., (insaturabi.lia), i•·
lnqulniti, ndv. (inquinatus), jllth"y, i11&- lnllcalpo, 1. to nagmttt, Plin.
purel11; loqui, Cic.
lDaoendo -scendi ·11Cernmm, S. (In antl
lDQ.ulnitua -a -nm, p. adj. (trom fnqulno), sc'&lluo), to a.scu1d, mo1mt, go up; In rogum
dirtU(l, bf/u'Ukd, dtftkd, polluttd, ronlami11.aUd, nrdenU.m, Cic.; navem, Plant.
IOrdid, IAamt/ul; homo vita omni inquiuatus,
Cic.; 11en110 luquinati.saimus, Cic. lnaoeulo -onis, r. (iuscendo), a goi119 01'
board; in navem, Plaut.
lnqu.lno, 1. (connected with coenum), to bf. bulcleu -entis, ig11ora,1t, unau<are: me in-
foul, po/111u, dtftlt, 1tain., contamillatt; 1, lit.,
aqua turblda et cadaveribull lnquinata, Cic. ; scitmte ractum, do11t 11:ithcnit flly l.:1to11.'ltdgt, Cic.
aquas veneniis, Ov.; 2, transr., to rorrMpt, thftlt; l.mlclentir, adv. (insciena), ig11oruntlr,
omnem svlendorem honeatat.ia, Cic. ; se parri- stupidly, foolishl11; facere, Cic.
cidio, Cic. lnaefeDtfa ·&e, f, (iDSCiens), 1, iqnOTURU,
lnquiro -quisivi ..quialtum, 3. (in anti quaero). inezperim«, vnnt of acq11afotw11:t u-ith; iullCi·
L to suk for, uarch for; corpus alicuius, Liv. entia mca, nostra, Cic. : foll. lJy genit. or tbe
.U. A. to itiw1tigate, i11q11irt into; diligenter in subject, vulgl, Ca~.; or the object, locoru111,
ea. Cic.; In enm quid agat, quem 11u modum Caes.; <licenui, Cic.; 2, philnsovh. t.J., v.-allt oj
vi vat. inquiritur, Cic.; orunia ordi11e, Lil'. B. etrtain k11owkdflf (opp. sclentia), Cic.
Lt>iiaJ t. t., U! 1tarch/or tt-idtnu agai1ut u11y o"M; lnaoiti, adv. (inscitus). cluflu<ly, au·karurdl,,
in competitores, Cic. (I>luperf. subj., i11quisis- un~l.:il.fully; inscite aliquid cu111parare cu111
1Mmt, Liv.; perf. inftn., inquis1sse, Liv.). aliqna re, Cic.
tnquiaitlo -onis, r. (inquirn). I. a smrrhfog lnacitla ·&t', r. (inscltns), 1, clum.si11tss, alt'k·
afltr, looHng for; corponun, Plin. U. A. tf'QTll nts.s, ir.,zptritnct, ignoranrt; with gen it. of
i1ut11tigatio11, i1tquir11; veri iuqui,.itio atquc sUhJe·~t. bnrburoruru, Cic.; or object, llegotil
inve.'Jtigatio, Cic. B. Legal t t., the ~arclt for gere111li, Cic.: disser1·ndi, Cic.; 2, ignt>ralltt,
tllicltnce anr MU; caudidati, again&t a stupidit71; legion um, Tac.; erga domum 11uam,
ca11di.k1tt, Cic. Tac.
lnquiaitor -oris, m. (inquiro), an i11quirtr. lnacitua -a -um, ignomnt,{!Ul, ab-•111'11,
L a spy, 8uet. IL A. Philosovh. t. t., an. in· .silly; quid autem est iniM."itius qullm, etc., Cir.
W&ti11ator; rerum, Cic. B. oiu who amrclus for tn.solua ·a -um, igttora 11t, nc.t h.ori11.g; medici
111i..tt11rt to st1yport a1' aCC1Uation, Cle. insl'ii imperitique, Cic.: followed by xen.,on111iu111
blr ... v. irr ..• rerum, Cie.; culpa!', /rtt /ro'm, Verg.; equut
Tn>icius aPVi, not ronjid.enl of it.s urmgtA, \'erg.;
1Ddlii1n111 -e, 11 1H1hmlthy, Plin.; 2, 1'7t· with rel. sent., inscii quid In Aeduis gereretur,
antiC<"able, un1m>fitabtt, Plin. Caes. ·
IDdliitatua ·ll -um, un.grttltd, of whom
jb.nwtll hn.s hfeia 14ktn; in the tmesis, lnque
"° baaaribo -llCripsi ·llCriptum, 3. L to 'IM'ite
in or on, inscribf; 1, lit.. a:i~uiu In basi tn>pae-
•lutatam li114uo, Verg. orum, Cic.; n-0men monumf'ntu, Cic.; libn1m, to
ln&i.aibllla -e, incurable: 1, lit.. morbua, 17ivta titlt to a book, Cle.; ftg .. to i1'tpru1; 0111tion,.1n
Ch:.: 9, transr., contumeliae, Cie. ID animo, Cic. ; 2. t.ranJ., a, io uRgJi ; .n~
ins 285
aomen philosophl, t-Oauvm.t, Cle.; b, to IJ$CTi~; lll9ervlo. 4. to 1Jtt11t. L Lit., as a \uW nt
deos sceleri, to elUJ.rgt t1't god4 with. cri111e, Ov. subj .. ct, reges insenienta, Tac. IL Tranar., lo
IL A. to givt un inacription or tUu to; ln~ribo itTve. A. to be detwd to, to pay attentio1l to;
epistolam patri, to cutdrua, Cle.; liber qui Oeco- alicul, Cic.; nihll est lnservltum a. me temporia
nomicus inscribitur, i& entitled, Cic.; flores causa, Cic. B. to be deroUd to a thing, to ta-"
IDM'!ripti nomina re~m, marJ.wl wilh, Verir.; care of; inservl (valetudini), Cle.
Yersa pulvi11 inscrib1tur hast.a, ii marked with., lnaeuua. partic. or insideo and insido.
\'er~. B. to bmnd, Jav. •---bllo, 1. to h us,
.LUDl ·
· pipe, 'IL' h ut · o v.
· le in,
1naor1r.10 -Onis, f. (inscribo), a writing in lnaldeo -soot ·llt'Pum, 2. (in and se<leo). L
or 111:.011; ~-, noniini~, Cic.; 2, the iMCTiption on
· / ,, book C"
1ntrallSlt., ·
to Ill U7>0n.
A. L.It., &, Wit · h d at.,
a staliu, t,... ht e OJ a ·, IC. or al1I., immanl et vastae beluae, Cic.; eqno,
1. ln9ortptua -a -um (in and scribo), un Cic.; b, to ha1tt 011t's srot or place (of the
w:ritten, Quint. Penates), Cic. B. Trnnsf., a, ln:tidens oof.ulo
2. ID8crtpt119 -a -um, partic. of lnJ1cribo. man us, rt.,ti11g upon, Tac.; b, to ~ sett/ti , to
tnaculpo -sculpsi -sculpt um, s. to cut or d1l'dl, rtm-«i•1; insidet quaednm in optimo
rorrt i 11 , t.11f}rm·r; 1, lit., sumnumi palrimonii quoque virtus, Cic. IL Tr1miiit., a., to takt poa-
u.xo, Hor.; foedull columnii. aeueii., Liv.; 2, session of, occupy; locwn, Lh-.; b, lo fohabi,t;
trans(., fo impress; natura iw;culpsit in meut· ea loca, Tac.
ibus, C1c. tn.sld.lae -ii.rum, f. (lnsideo), nn nmbwh. L
•--:::ca-bn•- th t t L. £ Lit.,&, insidias locare, Liv.; collocare, Cae11.: b.
u....u 1.ue ·e, a ca ii no "" cu 1• ruepar- or tlie pla~ of ambush, milites In lnsidiis colloc·
ablt, i1uli~·isibu, Quint.
•--x are, Caes. IL Transf., &, a imirt, trap, trtJachl!ry,
U&IKIOO -secui -sectum, I. to cut into, rut to deuit, pl-Of: ln!lidias vitae ponere or facere, Cic.;
pieca; gurguliones, Cic.; cutem, to mak:t. an imi<lias ponere contra ahquem, Cic. ; insidiu
lnd.1io11 in, Liv. alicui parare, Cic.; insidias opponere, tendere,
IJ; ~Is, f. (in11ector), 1 1 lit., a fol· collocare, struere, adhlbere, com, Cic. ;
lotn11g, 1nu-a1ut, Liv.; 2, tran:>f., ratlrng at, de- insi<liM cornponere, Tac.; per insi<lias, ex 111·
ridi11.g, i1uulli.11g: alicuius, Liv. sidii11, orin3idiis, treacMrouily, Cic.; b, iUusi.o11,
huleot&tor -oris, m. (insector), a pv.rslltr, deception,· noctis, \"erg.
perattltUJr; 11lebi11, Liv. lnaldli.tor -ii1is, 111. (insidior), a 1py, tca)-
......_ ... ..., •
I • de~ ., t·~ 'A'lo•ft
v JV<
.u1r-·• · 1 ' lit. '
~. y - · - '
laytr, lurker, traitor, Cic. ; viae, Cic .
aquila Insect.ans a ias aves, Cic.; 2, tran11r., to lnaldlor, I. dep. (im1idiae). L to ZU! '"am.-
P"'rsue wUh harsh woNU, reproach, i.nrtlgh bush again&tt l~ i1t 111ait for, Caes. ; hostlbua,
1J9v.i1ut, rail al: a.liquem maledictls, Cic.; aud&c- Ov. ; ovili, \'erg. IL a, to plot against tM
iam improbormn, Cic. life of; alicui, Cic.; b, lo u:(ltch for, wait for;
tnaidi.bWter, adv. (in and sedo), inu· somno ma.ritorum, Cic.; tempon, to wait for
tinguishably, unqutnchably, Luer. the fitting Op]JOrtunity, Liv.
l.mreneaco -st\nui, 3. t.o grow old at or among; lnaldlO.i, adv. with superl. (inaidlosus).
libris t!t c11ri11, Hor. deceitfully, treacher01l1l11, iuidiotuly, Cic.
lnJlenallla -e, inse111ibl£, impactptible, Luer. lDsldliau ·& ·Um (lnl\idiae), deceitful, CUI&·
ning, trt11rherou.s, full of anart1; a, or inani-
l. l.aaipultua -a -um (partlc. of in.sepelio). mate objects, insidiosus et plenus latronum
2.. tnsepultus -a -um (in and sepelio), un- locus, Cic. ; clementia alicuius, Cic.; b, of per·
b•ried; acervi ch·ium, Cle.; aliquem lnsep11ltu111 sons, quis lnsidiosior? Cic.
projicere, Liv.; sepultura, burial urith.out the lDsido ·sedi -sessum, 3. to ait, aettlt, ptreA
nuklina.ry ~(mnitits, Cic. upon. L floribus (of bees), \"erg. ; digitos mern·
bul8quor -skutu1 or -st\qulltus sum, 3. to bris, sink into, Ov. IL A. to Stttlt, dwtll; jugla,
folloro a,/ltt', folUJw on, auccud. L A. Lit., Verg.; with acc., cineres patriae, \'erg. B. J..
insequitur acies ornata annataque, Liv.; wit.h to butt a plar.e, take up ont's po•t at; with dat.,
acc., temere insecutae Orphea silvae, Hor. B. silveatribus locis, Liv.; with acc .. tnmulos, Liv.;
Transf., & mors insecutaestGracchum,overlook, of things, semen in locis inse<lit, taku root in.,
Cic.; b, o? time, to fol/cw; hunc proximo saeculo Cic. ; 2, transf., to sink d«p; In animo, Cic.
Tbemist-Ocl~ insecutus est, Cic_.; annus in- lnalgne ·is, n. (insigni!I), a aignal, token.
sequens, Liv.; c, to pursue a 6ub)tet; insequar A. Gen., Cic. ; nocturnum, a night-signal, Liv.
lan;,rius, Cic•. IL to.follow or ~mie ~vith. h~ttle B. Esp., 1, the nfficio.l badge of a. magistracy;
inlLnl. A. Lit._. alllluem gla.d10 etr1cto, C1c. ; . lnsigne regium, Cic.; more commonly plur.,
clamore et. rnl0111, C1c. B. Transf., &, to prua ' Insignia, ba.does, insignia.; imperatoris, Caes. ;
lard; ho111mes bene\"Olos con~umelii,_ Cic.; b, sacerdotum. Liv. ; regia, Cic.; trans(., insignia
ti censu.rt, rrprocu:h, attack; ahquem 1rridendo, virt11ti1<. laudis, Cic. ; 2, oratlouis lumiua. et
Ck; vitae eius turpitndinem, Cic. quoddammodo insignla,, Liv.
I. lnaero -s~vi -sltam. 3. 1, to IOtc in, pl.ant 1Ds1gn.lo, 4. (lnsignis), 1, to put a mark,
in, P.lin.-; implant; in.serit novas opiniones, sign, or toke1i upon, to imprt.t8; in animis tam·
evelbt ms1!-8s, C1c.; parti<:·• lnaltus -a -um, quam insignitae notae veritatis, Cic.; 2, a., to
lmpla.11.Ud, &n nate, inborn; 1nsitu11 men ti cognlt- 1 di..stingui&h: aliquem not.A, Liv. ; eum omnls
ioniJI amor, Cic.; 3, to unite; corpora animis, annus funeribus et cla(iibus insigniretur, uxu
Cic.. rrowrkablt for, Tac.; b, t.o ad-Orn; agros tropaeis,
2. lnaero -!l~n11 ·Bertum, 3. to put, pl.a<Y, sd Verg.; clipeun1 Io anro insignibat, Verg.
i11, :PlM!t. L _Lit., collum In laqueum, Cie.; tnatgnta -e (in and signum), di.itinguWted bJf
ocu(og in ahcwus pectora, to fix th.f ~t upon, a tol:l'n, rr:nutrkui,:r, noted, notable; 1, lit., bos
Ov. IL Transf.,. A. M~ton.! to in_trodUl'.e, maculis insignis, \'erg.; uxores insi~nes a.uro et
inlfn"t, in_ui;ningu Wtth; Jocos. h1~to11ae, purpura, Liv. ; Ph<>l'bus insignis cnnibus, Ov.;
Ov.; de~ mm1m1s rebus,_ Liv.; se 11llc_u1 rei, to ini;igms ad defsrmita.tcm, remarkably ugly, Cic.;
mtd41e wi~h, Ov. ~ to in.corporau with., plaa 2, transf., remarl.:al1/e, emi~nt,, u;..
111M11J1; ahquem vat1bus, Hor. traordinary; improhitas, Cic.; virtus Scipioni&,
baaertlm. adv. by iuurt~n. Luer. Cic. ; insi~nP. ail irriJl'ndum vitlum, .Cic.
b:ulerto, J. (intens, of 2. lnsero), to in.1ert, t.natpite, adv. with compar. (insignitws).
pllt; clypeo slniltram, Verg. rtmarkably, cr:traordinarilJI, Cle.
ins 286 ins
lnaignl~r. ad•. with eompar. (lnalgnls), /~: quaedam di.cclf'llnae, Cle.: b. ..,.
ttaw.Tl.:al.ily, ertraordiMrUy, Cle. pontitlotu, not gn1uhtt, .Phaetlr.
bullgnitus -a -nm er. adJ. trom fm1lgnlo). 1, budtor -Oris, m. (1. lnsero), G ~. Proi'-
marked 10 a1 in bt kno1C11, twtictabu, pltrin: lnaltu• ·ll ·um, partie. of 1. lneero.
Imago, Ci<'. ; veritat111, Cle. ; 2, 1triking,
ttmarkublt, UJLU11mpl~rt; imagines, Cic. ; i11- IDMolabll19 -e, chat CCJn'IWI be JoCMd loo
1ignitlor contnmclia, Liv. gdher u1110cia.blt, trnSl>Cial; gl'ns, LI v. ; wit.h
dat., tomlneii geueri buruano insodabile11, Liv.
ln.slle -Is, n. the IJIOOl or bol!IJf~ on which lnaolii.bWtir, atlv. (in and aolur), iJ&Qmo
the yam was twisted in weaving, Luer.
IOlably, Hor.
lnslllo -slltli -sultum, 4. (In amt salio), to leap, tnaolena -entl11 (ln and 1oleo). L uJtwtUll,
rpling, j11mp in or on: in pl1al:ing""· Cac11.; in eo11tmi::r_ to C1UWn&: quid tu A thenu ln>K>lens?
equmn, Liv.; tergo, Ov.; with accw1., Aelnam,
Hor.; umlas, Ov. (pcrr. i1111ilivlt, Liv.) Ter. IL A. to, u11wtd t.o; in·
famial'!, Cle.; In dicen•lo, Cic. B. 1, t11tunaL.
lnabnulii.tlo -Onls, !. (lnsimulo), '"' czccuaa- utmoogant: vcrhum, Cle.; 2, or beliu·iour, a,
tion, charu'-; probroru111, (;ie. rmlfliyal; non fulsse IMolcntem In 1-ecunla,
ln.slmillo, 1. to char~, a~. bla17U: with Cic.; b, pro11•I, hau!Jhly, urrogant, 'insolent:
&<'C. or pen1., ali11uem fa)so, Cic. ; with BCCU8. exercitu'I, jfwslttd with. t1icl0711, Hor.; osteutalio,
&11•1 ialin., quo•l cos l11si11111lcmus om11ia lnccrta Cle.
dicere. Cic. ; with acc. or per!I. antl ge11it., Ile lnaolenter, adv. (lnsolen11), 1, vmmwlly, f•
1~c1·ati qu•ttl, etc., Cle.; "ith si1111•le acc., quod a way controry to custom; en·nir1i vu Igo soleat,
e<.;o i11siJ11ulo, Cic. an insolt-nter et raro, Cic.; 2, a, im111t)(krutely,
ln.slncerua -a -nRl, tainted, yutN,fying; uctasii·tly; his festivitatibus in11ole11tlus at.uti,
cruor, Verg. Cle. : b. haugl1tU11, a.rrugar1tl11, b1.aou1.tl11; ae
tnsiniiatlo ~nis. r. (inslnno), 1l1et. t.t., l1u elferre, Cle.
gaiiii "!l th£ favour oJ the audience, Cic. . ln.sOlentla ·ae, t. (lnsolens). L the not brir&g
accuaunrud toa tliing, iunprrV11ct in, slrongenn.;
tnainuo, 1. to introdUC#J by uindings or huius disputationls, Cic. IL A. 1tru.119en~
tun1in11.s, to insinuate. A. Lit., Ho111anl qun· a.fftttation, no1-dty of dicti1m; verhorum, C.:1e.
cnmque data intcrvnlla essm1t, insinuaL.'\nt or. B., f'T'"fllXMS.s, <:ia. C. pride, ar-
dines sno!I, pushtd f~ru:anl thdr fil':' into tht rogance, iruolenct, Cic.
gaps n/ tht w~my. Liv.: rf'ft, se 111smunre, or
11lmply lns!nuarc, antl 111itlt.lle insinunrt, to 1~· tnsoleaco, s. (in and aolco), a to bthatt a-
tmte, 11.Xn'k on~·, wuy in, to in1i.11uale 011t1.1e/,f, tru.vw1antly; magls i111;olescC'nte Pfancini, Tac.;
fnsinuarc in forum. Cle.>.; se intA'r equitu10 tur· b, to· /,ecome h<11tght11 or i1uolt11t, it tlattd: pet
ma.'!, Caes. ; f!lla se Inter valles fl11men lnsinu:i.t, licentinm i11solel1Cere anlmum huma1111m, Sall.
Liv. B. Transr., se in fanilliaritatem allculns, lnsOlldua -a ·tlm, weak, llO/t, tender; herb&,
Cic. ; i11sinuare 66 in pliilus1Jplii11111, Cle.; 66 ln- Ov.
si1111are, or l11!1inuare ollcui, to gain the good will iMolltua ·a -nm. L Act., ttna.ccustomw ">:
of, Cic.; )'Cnitus in causam, to get to k11uw nil labon·m, CHe>i. : with ~~11it., rerum bellio-
Chorougll/y, Cic. arum, Sall. IL, a, unusual,
lnaipleu -entla (ln an<l saplem1), foolish, hncc insolita mlhl ex hoe locu ratio. dicen•lil
stupui, Cic. Cic. ; b, vncommon, unu.,-ual; lnsohta mlb
luqnncitas, Cic.; verbum, Cic.
tnalplenter, au•. (fnslplens), foolishly, 1tup-
lnaCilubllia -e, i. thn.t ca11not be, Sen.:
(t.lly, Plaut.
tnsipfontla -ae, f. (inslplens), ft>olWu1ess, 2,Insomnia illcontrotiertible, i11dubilablt, Q11iut.
-ae, (im1omnis), alttpl#n-Mst,
1tu1>idity, Cic.
loss o/ islcep; gen. in plur., iusomniis carere, Cic.
tnslsto -stltl, 8. L to 1ta11d 01t, att foot on, lnsomnla -e (in anu somnus), 1leeyJtsS; In·
tread on, i•laa oneself on. A. Lit., 1, ci11g11lus so111nes magls quam pervigiles, Tac.; tlraeo, Ov.;
lunae in quo qui insist.oot, etc., Cic.; digitis, to
1tarvl on the tip of one's tots, Ov.; limen, Verg.; of things, nox, Verg.
J>e•lum primi11 vestigia plantls, Cic.; insiskre 1. tnsomnlum. ·11, n. (in and somnns), slttp-
ve~tigii::1 alicuius, to tnad in the sletl.! oJ (fig.), it.s:SntsS, l'li11.
Cic.; 2, es[l., a., to enter on a jourllt!I, pur,uc; 2. lnaomnlum .JI, n. (in and aomnn.•), •
lter Liv.; follolD hard on: rerere11tilms drtam; si11g., Tai·.; plur., Verg.
pcd~m. LI\', .u. Transf., 1 perge tenere h1ta111 lnaono -s6nui -elln1tum, 1. L Tntrnnsit., to
vi<1m quam institisli, Cie.; ~. e~p., tofolww any mal.e a 11oist in "'" nd, res01tnd; inM>nuere
o/Jjtct or occupatimi. t.a{1'-l'l';I, persist in; totus ct cavcrnae, Verg. ; flai;<>llo, to crack a \Chip, Yerg.
mente et a11imo In bel111111 insist It, CnP!I.; with II. Transit., l-0 mu.kt to aou1ttt; vcrbera, Yerg.
arc., rationem bell!, to fo/1010 011t the 1•lan oJ th£
,,,vir Caes.; munns, Cit:.; with dat., ei rei, Liv. tnaons -sontis, 1, inMctnt, rr11illlns; in-
II. 'to rem<lin still, stand still. A. Lit., etdlne sontes 1:1icut ao1tte'5 cirenmvenire, Sall.; 2, poet.,
il•~istuut., Cic. B. T1an~f., 1, &, lo 1top, 1-u.u.~e:
tran'lf., harmlu.s; Ccrberu~, Hor.
In speech, qu:ic qunm dixi1'sel paulumque ln- tnsopitus ·a -um (in an•l, not hdltd.
1tltissct, "Quid est," i11q11it, Cic.; b, to pame to slup, u·akf/ul, wntchjul; draco, Ov.
orer, dwell u,.on: singul!s peccatorum gradi\ms, tnapargo = ln&J'ergo (q.v.).
Cle.; 2, to be jiu<l or ob1dinate in; huportunl', tnapecto, 1. (lntenio. of lnspicio), ft) look al
Cic.; crullelitatl, T11c.; with i11tin., SCfllli, Cic.; or in obsen·e, i•iew: inspectata spolla Sam•
3 1 to be at a stwul =to doubt; in rtliquis rt:bus, nitiu~, Liv.; lnspect:mte exercitu h1terlitl, Cic.
maperana -antis (In and Rpero), not l1ophig?
tnslticlus -a -um (1. lnscro), engrajteil, not experting; insperantl mllii aetl val1le optaull
/oreig11, l'li11. cecl•lat ut, etc., Cie.
tnsltlo .{)nis, f. (1. lnsero), 1 ci (!Taf/i11!J, tnaJ>iritO. adv. (lnsneratus), untrfJ(cttdl1,
bu.tldi ng; pl11r., in!'!itiones, the ki;Js of gra.jli11g, Pinnt.
Cic. ; 2, n1do11., th£ gn.•ftinq sea.son, Ov. tnsperitus -a -um (In and epero), v"ll11optd
lnaltivua -a -11111 (1. ln11ero), grojle;.l, tn· f11r, una:ritcte;.l; pC'cuniae,, Cic.; rualuru. Cic.; ex
'/Tatt~d; 1, lit., pin~, Hor.; 2, tra11sf.. &. ius1>erato, 11.11CEJ">tetedlJ1, Liv.
ins 287 ins
illllDerao and bulpargo. -8\ieral (·•rarsf), lnatiptrlz ·trlela, t. (Instigator). IM tAal
-apemm (-spanmm), ll. (In Rnd B[llll"KO). L to (JWigcuu, Tac.
ltl'tltJ, 11>rinJclr- i" or 011; molam et viuum, Cle.
IL to lltsprinkh, l'lin.
m.tigo, 1. (In &nrl STrG·o Wht>nee = rn,.
alao in11ting110), to in.•ti!1<1f,, in.citt, ~ti11111/<1ft;
blaplolo -1pezl ·•rectum, s. (In and 11pecf11). Rllquem In aliqut>m, Liv.; allsol., h1Mtiga11w tt.-,
L r.o look, ,,,.,. in. or O"'- A. Lit., l, f11ci1'111, Ov.; al rour (rtJ>tigation, t:ic.
speculum, Phae<tr.; 2, to bx>A· foto, rttrd; ll'J.!'!'.11, lnatlllatlo ~ul1, t. (instlllo), 11 dropp(11g
Cic. ; v~rl:N\, Ov. B. Tra11Mf., to t:tr1111 i "'• luol;; into, 1'lln.
flllo, bf'o?7M aCtpro(nt,.d v:ith; aliquem 11 1•u~ro,
ct("_ IL fl> rontnnplate, r~w. oJ·~rrt; 1, g.·n., ol1:um lnatlllo, 1. to drop '"• po11r ' " br dmri:
lilfnum 1•ublie11rn, Cle.; 2, e11p., a, a1 buyer, r.o aurlculis, luminl, Cle.; t.ranst., to tastU; praeceptu1n
f1111<ttt; c-an<telabrum, Cle.; b, as" mes11tngt>r,
to i 11 ~nigau; 11ocloru111 rc11, Liv. ; c, 1111 an in· lnatlmttlator -l\ri11, m. (lnstlmulo), an '""
11ieet.. r, milit. t. t., to i~rt: anna tnilitl,., Cle.; ltigator; s•·<litio11ii1, Cle.
vlro11, Uv.; d, as a sacrlllcer, flllrn1, Ov.; e, lnatlmillo, 1. to •ti"'ulau, 4f'01Utl, (nclu, ov.
u a spy, domoa, Verg. IDatlnotor ·Orl11'rm. (ln11tl11guo), an focittr,
bulpioo, 1. to 1harpt1' 11 poflll, Verg. (n.sti!1'1l11r; 111·elerla, ac.
baapiro, 1. 1, lntranslt., lo l1renth• vp<m, lo m.tlnotua ·Os, m. (ln1t.ln~o). 'nd(gritfo1.,
WOV' vpu11.; conebae, Ov.; 2, trandlt.. a, lit., to fncitcmtl\l; inatlnetu dlvlno, Cic.
brt<1t1tt, bl0\11 in orm'; venenum morsil11111, Verg.; m.tlnguo -atln:rl -stluetum, 8. (In and
b_. tnn11r., to brtalM into, forpirc, rou•, illfa.Lm.e; BTIG-o = cni,..,, whence al110 lnatl~o), to in·
am·ui oc• ultum 11,;nem, Verg. ltigatt, (ncitc: gen. In t)artlc., lnatmotu
IDaDillatua -a ·um (in and apollo), not d,. -a -um, tricittd, tmpelltd; furore, Cic., 1lOt pltu\llntd; anna, Verg.
lnllt!piilor, L dep., to 1tt11Ulatll dr bargaha
laaptio ..pcu ·•pQtum, 8. r.o qU fn or vp<m, for, Pinnt.
blspiito. 1. to ,,,U ttpon, Plaut. lnatlta -ae, f, II MS"', bonier or jfounu
la4IJ/1 robe; meton., a ludy; nufla, IJv.
blatAbllla -e. L Act., A. that doa nl>t stand r.
lnatltlo -1\nla, (ln1i1to), a ltandhlg ltlU;
,.,._.,!, rotteri'llg: pe<les ln11tilbllil4 ac vlx
vado lltlena, Liv. B. Trnn11r. a, un~tM<lf, not ltellarnm, Cle.
kttpt11g tu fl1"01'n.d; l10titl1 n1t.1bili1 ad eon- m.tltor -l5ri!I, m. (lnato), ca bn>br, /actor,
fennrlu manu11, Liv.; b, unllal.11, (nC01Uf«nl 1 httehter, pedlar; meTC'is, Liv.
c4a•gtabU; tnotua, C&e.I.; animus, Vl'rg. IL ID8tlt0rlum -II, 11. (lnstitor), tAt ""1..si11tno/ 11
Pa.u.,o" 1Chic:A U ii (mpouihl.e Ill ltand, fn#C\lrt; h411'ktr, 8uet.
ti-JI ua, 0 v. lnatlttto -ft! -fttnm, S. (In aud stntuo). I. to
lllsti.bWaua -ltla, t. (ln1ta'1llla), (ullll>UU1, 7111t or rfllce into; v..stlgia nnda alnistri 1>edi11,
Plln. \'erg. II. to arrange. .A. Lit., 1, milit. L t.,
IDnaaa -anti•, r- adj. (from lnlto). l, yrutnt: draw U/• tn ordrr; aclem dnplieem, C.1es.; 2, lo
BQ\:bt.. buJtaDa -antis, n. tlu lmmtdi.uu pracnt,
Cic.; a,
rortuing, vrgent: ln11tantior eura, Tac.
prtpart, make rrady, ln.iild., ooiutn1cl; turrim,
lJOUteR, 11aves, CA····; vlueas, Cic.; d~ies, v.. r~.
bult&ntir, adv. (ln1tan1), urgtntly, 1111nautl1, B. Tnnsr., 1 to 11uike arrangewv.'1lt• or, btgin,
wAnura.tlr: h111tantiu11 roncurrere, Tac. trndertakc; l1fstoriam, Cle.;, ie.: with
buatanda -ae, r. (ln1to). t1t4 prt.llt1't tiMt, Cle. l11ft11., to rrf!Olre '.''P''"· dtttrmfot; op('idnm op-
pu~11are, C1c.; l1111to1ias scrlllere, Nep.; 2, a,
IDatar, n. lndecl., 111' h1111gc, lU.·ei1-, p(cturt, to appoillt, ord<1iu, rstobliih, htroduu, in..<tUute;
mte4; a, quantum ln11tar In ip1m I u•11at n11 1aort-0ri11m, Cle.; 11iea festos, Llv.; ludOR, Ov.;
(apoting ~n~, Verg.; izen. with gt>nlt., if.kt with ut Hn<l tile subj., lo arT1111/111
lo,"' g'fflil a.c, u.fltr tM ftu11~ of; nHht cy\Jat>a with lnlln:.t Caea.; b_. te ultU, to adminukr:
'"°'• t>te., Cic.;
maxima bire111i11 ln~tar, C1e.; l11star mo11tl11 ehltat.i-11, \;le.; o, to i111fM1ct, t#Oeh td'IUlllU for
eq11UJ1, \'erg. ; ln11tar alleuhu or alle11h1a rel esae, a partkular puryou; allquem 141 dicentlu10,
IDatar b&bere, h111tAr obtinere, to bl lib, to bl w Cie.
fOtri u, tn be fo th" r.Zn« of; Erana qu11e f'ult non lnatltiitlo -l5nls, t. (lnstltuo). 1, 11rrcinge-
Tlcl lnatar secl 11rbil1, Cic. ; Plato mlhl 11n1111 est
lnatar omuhun, Cic. ; allcuiua 1'1!1 h111tar put.Ire or ""'1lt; rerum, Cic.; lnstitutlonem &Wlm con·
mtthcx~ 1 t:le.; 2, ift.Btrvction : doctorls,
r.r1, to tllfok ''thing n.e good a1, connder U tqUal 11ervan',
ID; fdque al accldat, 11111rti11 fnstar p11teu11111, Cle. ; Cynica, Ult prtnciplu of tlu Cyntc pl1ilo-
Cle.; b, or n11111her, a11 man11 cu, cu lnrge a.a; 1Cphy, Tac.
cohort.ea q1111edam quod inat&r legion la \•lderetur, lnatltiitum ·I, n. (lnautuo), 1, an u11dtr-
ea.... ktl.-in!1, Jl'll•JJOM; 11011 ad 11nst:n1m lnstltutnm
ID9ta1U'at!o -6rils, r. ( npttltion, pertiuct, Cle.; 2, a" CJld-utlll•lUhtd cu.tum, ar·
mngmtenl, in1titt1twn: mnjorun1, CIC'.; lust!·
l"l"lltlC'Ql; lu1lorum 1 Cle.
tutum vitae capere, to odopt 4 nth of li,ft, Cic.;
tnstaurativua ·• -um (lnatauro), nntwed, t'X h111tituto, acconli1117 lo c111tom, order, Liv. ; 3,
reptatw; ludl, Cic. Cn.stn1ction, precept; 1•hlloao11blae, Cle.
lutauro, 1. (In and • atanro from sto, atare).
L to rtnf!lD, rtpfXJt, lltgfo 11/IA'W : 1, a, or )'II blic 011lnato ·•Utl ·•tAtt\1'1111, 1. L lo lfand '" or
110let1111itit'11 and c1•rt'monle11, 1111.Critklum, Cle.: b,
; rectam luataa \'lam Plaut.. IL A. to bl
or any kln'1 nr at'llnn, 11C•·h111, C'aeJem, Ci<·.; close to, follow cloldy; i, tit., vestigila, Liv.;
novum de inkgro bt'llu111, I.Iv.; 9 1 a, to rro11t· 2, tr>tnsf., a to priu ""°"• pur11u• rogtrly, t1rge,
11111tlf!, rulton; l11stauratl (:11111t) a111ml, \'t>rg.; b, harass; absof., C1c.; with dut., a1lversa1fo, C!e. i
to npoy, rttp1ltc; tnlia Gratia, Yer;. IL to ul l1oe!I, Liv.; b, cu1Tnm 1 to be ztalous in /ruilding,
abovt, 7•r~tart; d1oro11 1 Vt·rg. Vl'ri.:.; to r11rs11'- or clct-ott onutl/ tngtdy to 11ny·
thi11f1: open, Verg.; wiU1 followl11g in fin., to
luterno -etrlvl -atrlUum, S. L lo ltrt10 ~rsi3l, 1111t to etiut, to Jltf'ln'trt; iaoeeere recu·
OMT, tMvr ortr; eqnu111, to taddlf or oowr with 11 pt"1atores, Cie.; c, to ~raUrt, "11£.tt, ask prtMingly;
•11l1llt-dnt1", Lit'. IL lo lpnad onr; modlda alkui ln~tare ut, with subj., Cir.; d, ortime, to
t4,'l1!Ji, Hor. aJ>pT"OOt·h, draw nigh, tltrtaln; diea quo,
lutigaCOr -6rl11, m. (ln1Ugo), 11• (mtlgalO'J', 1·te., Cic. B. to dand UJIOI'. 6f Jad : Juma,
sth1nllator; "llJI qalaque dux et lnatJJtlltor, Tac. Verg.
ms fnt
I. tmlrMa .. •am (bl and aterno), •• lmllinu .f, m. (fnnbt), 11n ~. Cle.
eoWTl'Jd, Verg. lnaulei, adv. Clnsulan~), iiuipUUr, ta.&tclaalr,
t. lnatl'ataa. i-rttc. or fnaterno. dllilr, absurdly; loqul, Cic.
lutriniiua -a ·um, inactiw, laq, idle, bumlaltaa f. (in1ulso1),
Plaut:. tadeluaftUI, aM!lntitr; Graecorum, Cic.
1nstripo ·111 ·ltuJn, 8. to tll4b Q ftl>W, mttlt, bunllsa.11-a -um (in and 11.lsu11), 1, wlUllZUd.
clatw, cniiJk; aub pondere a:rta instrepat, Verg. iuipid; 0 gulam inanlaam, plea«d ""'-' la*-
lnat:r1qo -•trlnid ..trlctwn. 3. lo "'""'; in· U. food, Cic. ; 2, iuipid. t.a81ma, a.bnmi,
Artct:a tldea gemmls, OT. fool.Wt.; genua r1dlcull, Cle.; adoleacena, Cle.
lmtruoti. adv. with eontpar. (fnatructm), bllnllto, 1. (lnten11. or ln1illo), 1, to r.p at
tDitA gTtJCJt .rmPJralim&; lodOll in1tructiua recit, or""; bwtta, Hor.; nemora, da.ftee tJtrow.ghlVe,rg.;
Liv. 9, to «t>ff a.t, ntri.U, ir&ftllt, cUrW; al t'UI ID
lnatrllotlo ~nil. r. (lnatruo), Q tetl£ng '" calamitatc, etc.; multoa bonoa, Ball.; in rem-
ttrray, drawing "P in order: militum, Cic. publicam, Cle.
ldnnlo'4>1' ~rf1, m. (ln1truo), 11 pnp11nr; lmultiira ·&e, I. (lnsillo), a ltapiJ&g at or°"
convh'ii, Cic. &llytAing, .Plaut.
1. lnatru.otue -a ·um, p. adt. (from fnstruo), blS'am -nu -eue, to "' '" or Otl: 1 Ht..
conae insunt caplti Ov. • fenum quale £.;ti&
1, pnrridtd wil1, /kniUlttd; Graecia inatruct:a
oopila, Cic. ; 2, i!UCf'tldid, Ua.nud; in Jure nlltaribus fnest, Llv. ; 2, trans~.1 lo bt ia. lo
clvill, Cic. ; inltructtor a Jure clvili, Cic. bt COl&ta(nai in., lo belong to; witn in and the
abl., 1upenrtltlo iD qua !nest lnania tUnor, Cic.;
t. lmtractaa ·tla, m. (lnat.rno), a p~m­
' °"i protnrioA; fig. = tt«Uter (In a apeech),
whl e ornatua=f'Mloriclll onta""111, quocumque
vitlum allquod ineae in moribu, Cic.; with
dat., cul \ir1le ingenlum lneat, Ball.
(oratio) ingredltur, eodem eat fnatruotu orna· lnaiimo -aumpat -aumptom, 8. t.o lab Jttr
tuque comltat&. Cle. a.1l,iling, upt1lll; terunclum In allquem, Cle.;
IDatriimelltum -t, n. (inatrQo). Lo tool,. somptum in rem, Cle. ; paucoa die8 retk:i·
imJli!tm.tnt, iiutnimnl; a, aing.. lnatrumentum endae claaai, Tac. ; operam llbellia accua·
vitlae, imflltm.mU of llUlba1'dry, Cic.; nailltare, torum Tac.
Caea. ; belU~c. ; b, plur., inat.rumenta anilfa, ~ ..t1i ·lfttmn, 8. to "'°
W. '"" ttp, . . ,
dr•, Ov. u. 1'r&Ut, 1, st<m, ltock; oratoris, on; allquem iD euleum, Cle. ; inautwn vestibu
Cic.; 2, nwnn.t to 113 ' " " ; instrument& ad ob- aunun, ni6rcritflrtcl. ~ o&, Ov.
Cinendam saplenttam, Cic. lnattnir. L Adv. A. Lit., 1, abow, owr,
lnatrito -struxt ·atmctum, 8. L to buUd '" owrMo.a; · tnsuper iDJieere cent.ones Caa • S.
or i.UO; contabulatJones In Caea. U. /TCIJA allow; Jugum iDsuper immlnena, Uv.
.A. to Id up, buUd; muroe, Nep. B. lo 11rmnge, B. Tn.n.r., owr a1'd a.flow. m ad~ mon-
prepare; a, lit., apud allquem epulu inat.ruere, owr, buidu; ln1uper etl&m, Llv.; iDauper quam,
Liv.; b, transf., lnatruere fraudem, Liv. 0. to Liv. IL Prepoe. with aoc., Cat.o.
(urn.Uh, tqU&p, protlide; 1, geu., a, lit., domum
1aam In provlncia, Cle.; domus lnatroct:a or aedea
lllatipiri.'bD.18 -e. 1, '"'"'""°"nlabl-,
:_a,. tranlf.,
fX"l'JbZe; via, LI•. •MO~;
tnstructae, a. Jurn.W&td hovM, Cle.; b, transf., genua inluperabile oeuo, Verg.; tatum, Curit·
aecosatlooem et petitlooem adornare at,que in· e&bU, Ov.
lltruere, Cle.; of pert0111, alJqoem mandatts, blnrp -llUl'T9XI -aurrectnm, a. lo rill .,,.
LiY.; 2, esp., a milit. t. t., (Cl) lo a.rm; mite tnw&/ up. L Lit. .A. or peraona, to n..
exercitum, Liv.; (/JJ1 to draw up in order ofbo.lth, to one'• fu,ll Might, In order to give more force to
ID poll; e:a:ercitum, aclem, Cic.; b, lo t.ecic:1I, aome action or the body; arduwa lnsorgena, Liv.:
"'8t~ : allquem ad omne oftlcli munu11, Cle. of rowers. lnsorgite remi11t p1't a.U row ~
lm'a.&'ffa -e, nol llDttt, unpUia.laft.t, dilagref- blo the~. Verg. B. or thinga, lnde collea
ak; llttera inauavlulma, ill-I01'nding, Cic. ; lnaorgunt, Liv. ; of the wind1 aquilo, Hor. ; ol
bomo, Hor.; vita, Cic. water, vaatiua inlurgena decunae ruit lmpetua
lmii'bra -lum and -um, m. &M ltUKbrlau, undae, Ov. IL Tranaf., a, lo i~ '" pt1tlJtft";
a ptOP1' '" Cilr:llpiM Gaul, whose caplf;al was Caeanr paulatim lnsurgere, Tac.; b, lo nae ..
CIQlll lM ; auis regnla, Ov.
Mediolanum (.VUan); sing., luti!Mr ·brla, m.
CA I~ AdJ., lllati'bir ·bril ·bre, ln- lndaarro. 1. lo d.Uplr, toA.iqer t. IAI flllf':
IVbritin. !, intranllt., &lieu.I, Cle.; in aurem &Uculua.
lmii'bh, v. Iuubr-. Cic. ; b, tranalt., alicul canUlenam, Cle.
lnaii4o, 1. to nmt '" or a.t ; llbellls basudat
tma'bellao ·tlbill, 3. 1, to piv, "'°*- tcUMr
manua, Hor. moar gradually : dluturno morbo, Cle. ; ~ to
becolnc liquid, t!WU; eera igni, Ov.
~ -a •Um (hl ..ueo &nd faclo),
~to, i•t1nd to, Cael. IDtaotDlll -e, tMI oannoC bt touc1wd, Luer.
bllnlMOO ·•ulvi 4U!tum, S. L IntranliL, 1. lntaotlul -a -um (In and tang:>). u..
to CZOCIUton OflMe1J lo, to lHlco1M turd to; corporl, tov.cMd. L Gen., nix vi.rgin, Liv. ; cervix
Tac.; ad d~plinam, Liv.; with lnftn., victaril juvencae, untoucW by tk yoke, Verg.; Brltanna&,
frul, Liv. IL Tranalt., lo ~ 1&a.bihia.U unconquertd, Hor.· lntat'tum Graecia carmeo,
csay one to; insuevit pater hoc me, Hor. tlllt attntptttl by, Hor. IL F.sp., a, •dvn;
1. blsaitlaa -a -nm (in and aueaco), l_,
~ to1 ""~ to; with genit., lanoria,
""° prope lntacti evaaere, Ltv. ; b 0 P"f"t. cAad4;
Pallaa, Hor. ; c, tntactua aliqu.1 re or ab aliq•
re, free from; lnfamll, cupldifate, Liv.
Caea.; with aat., mo1'1bu1 Romania, Liv.; with
ad and the acc., atl atabilem pogn&m, Liv.; with 2. lntactua -b, m. iMci1'gibiZitJ, Luer.
lnAn., vera audin, L1f'.; 2, JlUI., unUIUGZ, IDtiJnYnit;aa -a -um (in and • tamhlo,
ti1uoo11ttd; aolitudo, Ltv.; poet., inaueta (neut. whence ai.o cont.amino). v""4Mud, •~;
plur.) u adv., U1'116U4Uy; rudere, Verg. honorea, Hor.
2. IDauitlul -& -um, partic. or iDsuesco.
mtlla ~t t 1, WaM, Cic.; 2, e1 cUtaeA4ld
1. ID.teotua -a •Um, 1, ~ •tlCWW,
uft4n11td; pedea, Tao. ; du, Tac. ; 2,
frv,ftk, Tac.
lo:v• or bv"4"'47, let out to ltwml poor /IJ•i-
ha, Cle. i 4 ldf'fd lodfiftf, Tac., Suet. 2. blteotua .. ·'lllllo partlc.°' illt.ep.
int 289 int
IDtegellua -a -um (<lim. luteger), eoln'llbl11 knowhdgt. A. qnla diffieilis erat anhnl, flDld
•nin;nrc:d, praty .aft, Cic.. aut qnalia esset lntl>lligeutia, Cle.; lnb.~llii;en•
integer -gra -~rum (for lntni;:er, from In A.nd tiam jmis bat.ere, Cic. B. a, the k11owl"l!111 oJ
TAG-o, tango), whoit, eutin, uadiminuhtd. L a co1111oil4e11r i11 .t0me a.rt, toau, Cle.; b, u11dtr-
l'hy~iC!l.lly, a, 11nJ1arme<l, 11.11U101&ndal, Ck.; in- sta11ding; fretus lntellig.. utii vestril, Cle.; quod
t<!'~ros pro saudis arcessere, Sall. ; b of food, in nostram intelligentiam cadlt, Cle.. ; reit a:ib
Jnsh., lllltl•inted; aper, Hor.; o, u11h11rt, un- lutelligentlam cadente", Cle.
dir,,&,li.shFd, u·holt; snblil'ae quarum pars ln- tntellfgo (tntellego) -lexi -lertum, s.
frrior int~1-a. rernanebat, Cars.; opes l11tegrae, (inter and !ego), to m1drrsta11d, rom1n-tl11md. L
Hor.; exi,.timatio, Cic.; d, unmwd, pure; By the ee11scs or understnnclln.:, lo mark, ~
fontes, ll<>r.; e, of strength, fnsh, unwta,lr~d, crlr-e, obrtrt't, /tel; de gestu lntclligo quid re-
"uuJ..111.Sltd, i>\yorowr; i11t.egri1 viribus repu.:- spomleas, · Cie.; intcllrxi ex tuis llttclis, t.e
nare., Ca.e11.; f, chaste, p111Y: virgo, Cat.; llC, of amtisse, Cle.; ex qno iutclllgitnr or lntdllg·
l1ealth or age, sound, l·lou1nin.g: valetudo, Cic.; enrlum est, or lnt.elli~I pot.est, with nee. and
>n~r aev1, in the pritlUl of li/1, Verg.; h, of lnlln. or ret. sent. (with q1111m, quantn~, et~),
time, eP!irt; 111111u11, Cie.; i, undimtni&Md, Cic. IL t-0 Jann an, idm or cntic"'J>timi, lo thi-llk,
fruli.; iategram Camem a<l ovum atrero, Ciu.; de lo understand. A. corpus quid sit lnklllgo,
intq;ro, wiew, Cic.; so au inU>gro, Cie. ; u legal Cic.; with nee•. a11d inftn., to bl o/ tl&A opi.11i.<m,
t. t., in lntegrum reistitui·re, to rulore a thing to to think; ipai h1tellig:unus nat.urt. gigui aeusum
U. Janner con.dill-On; Jln1.eJia, Cic. IL lllorally tliligcndl, Cle. B. E~p., 1, to be" co1191.oisu11r.;
anti lntelleetu:illy. A. Iutellectually, a, vn- tanwn nou nrnltum In istis rt"bus l11tdligo, Cie.;
db.-id.l'd, vndU..·nninm; rem iutegnuu reli11- 2, to 1'nderltand a per111m'8 t:haracfrr, j11Jyt. ape
qutre, Cic.; causam integra1n reservare alicui, 1•rtciatti; aliquis fnlsus iutelligitur, Tac. (sy11cop.
Ci<'.; in inkgrc> mihi res c>"t, or iutegrum est perf., lntellexti, Ck.)
milii, I ant fu'l11 at libtrt11, Cic. ; foll. by lnfln. Int«Sm~W (IntlmeW) ·6rum, ~1. a ptnph
or nt an<i the subj., Cie.; sibl integnun rcserva1 e on the tlll8t si.k of tlte .dips, a brauch of the
de ali•1no nr de aliq ll\ re, to ruene ont'11 jrado1n Liii;nrians. Hence, lntemellum -li, n. U..
t>f io"ll, Cle.; dare, to leatt or grant full Ubtrty, chfrf town of the lntcnieiii.
Cii-. : b. !11npninlced; ru•l"m me et intl'grum
dbwipul11111 llccipe, Cie.; c, intdlf.ct11allu whole! tntemeri.tua -a -um (in and t.emero), _.
v111ti'lSt«!, fo1piitial, fru from prejud£ct: lnteg_n apolud, mu.IP.filed, fo'; fides, Verg.
te,.t;es, Cic.; inrcgrnm se servare, Cic. B. lntemper&JUI, 1, e:rtraTJ<rgaiit, M-
Xor:tlly, a, tttt.:orr11pted; !IC integroK castosque moderote, inklnptroU; intemperantis est, with
con"'en·are, Cie.; b, blamfltsS, innocent, ['Ure; lnlln., Cic.; In augendo eointcm~rantior, Liv.;
nemo integrior, Cic.; iute;;cr vlt;1e sederi~11ue of things, liberw, gloria, Cle. ; 2, esp., lnco~
11urn.'I, Hor.; c, i'nviclau; tides, Tac.; jus, Cic. tinc11t: In aliqna re, Cie.; or things, Int.em·
m,tego -texi -tectum, S. tD cover : t.urre1t veruntissimne perpotatioucs, Cic.
corn", Caes. tntemperant«Sr, adv. (intemperallll), , ...
IDiigraaco, s. (integro), eo break out etf,.,.ah, 1110</etutely, extravqga11tl11, intempercrtdy; int.em·
Ter. penu1tius opibus 11uis uti, Cic.
tntegratlo -onls, f. (lnt~gro), ci rtnewing, tntemperantla -ae, f. (intt>tnperall'l), a,
rt1u:wal, Ter. irantof moderation, immod~tne!l!l, l'.r<:r$.~, i11fr.m-
tntegri. aclv. (integ1>r). L pu.rd11, eorrtcfl.•1: p.:rana; libldinum, Cie.; vini, immllt/crot~ iu.dul-
die~re., L1c. IL a, /r.o,.t.tly, uprightly, impur- grri.ce in, Liv.; b, tnsubordim1tio11, (fllOkn«.
tially; judicace, Cic. ; b, duinUrukdly: in luiughtinus, arrogan«, Cie.
11rivatorum vericuli11 caste integreque venari, lntemp~Srate.t ad\·. (intcmperetus), fottw-
Cic. ~mtely; vivere, t;ie.
tn~grltaa -itls, f. (lntPger). L a, unim- lntemperat119 -a -um, int1mptra1A, im-
J711irtd condition, 10101dntS.!, hta!th; eorporis, m1Jdaate; lntempcrnta q11nrdam bcnevolcntia,
Cic.; valetudinls, Cle.; b, purit•1, correctnl&S; Cic. ; intemperati nocte, in the dead of niglt.t,
tncorru_E.ta qn:i.ed:im sermo11fs Latini ihtegrit.u, Ov.
Cie. IL lwru.aty, uprightneu, intlgrit11; in- tntemplrlae -irum, f. (iutenipN'O), i~
tegrlta.s \1tae, Cle. ent, ur\{aVO'l&rabU -Uhu; trans(., qnae te in·
tntegro. 1. (Integer). L a, ta rtnew, np«Jt, temperiae tenent P ClN ~ou cra.ey f l'laut.
lif>;in afrt:lh; pngnam, Liv.; lacrfmas, Liv.; lntemperlea -{If, f. L <nclement, u.
b, to htal; elapsos ln pravnm artus, Tac. IL ttuaonable tOtalhlr: ca.ell, J,iv.; aqunrmn, acu-
to refn'J#h: animus lnteb'l'lltur, Cle. .rlve fnll of min, Liv. II. Transr., A. intern-
ID~gitmentum ·l, n. (int.ego). L ci rovtr- pn-au behai'ii>u'r, outrageous conduct, insvhorili- lanx cwn int~umentls, Liv. D. Trousf., 11ation; amlel, Cle. ; cohortium, Tac. B. in-
a cll>ak, diitguisa; baec ftagltiorum integ11111e11ta, cmuineme, inkmpnunct; uuius ex illls vlrfs.
Cic.; evolutum Ulla integu1nenti1 dissimulati· Cle.
Ollil tuae, Cic.. tntempeative, adv. (intempestivus), UflSl!Go
tntellectus -!ts, m. (lntelllgo). L ca pw- aon<1bly ; aecedere, Cie.
crit:i7'9, perceµti.<m, U111Cltion, Plin. D. a• 11.11- tntempestivas -a -um, tt11U(UQnabU, ""'"
duit<rndhig, comprtM1!.rion.; boni, mall, Tac.; timely, inoppo11vne; eplst<Jla, Cic.
iDtellectum habere, t-0 be understood, Tac. tntempeatua -a -um (in and tempus or
tntel]Jgena -entle, p. Rdj. (f'l·om lntelllgo), tempeetas) 1, 'MfUU'asonal,/e; intf'tnJlPSta nox,
1, inlclliqefll, u7'derltmiiling or 10tll acq11aiatr.a tM dead OJ1 night, Cle.; personificci, Nox intem-
'lt'i.Ut anyth.hig; a, of irenious, vir, Cle.; euiusvis pe.«ta, th4 flWther of the Furi.u, v .. rg.; 2,
JeneriA eius intclllgens, Cle. ; b, of thin~s, wholP.I01M, uniUalthy; Graviscae, Verg.
JUdloinm, Cic.; 2, a con11oust;t1r; homo in- tntendo -tendi ·tentum, S. L t-0 strf:Uh 01'1,
~niOlltlll et intelligene (n{>P· ltllota), Cic. ; iu hisoe
extend. A. Lit., 1, rlextram ad stntuam, Cic.;
rcbla lntelligen» esae, C1c. 2, of weapo1111, to aim, di·rl!Ct : tela, Cic. B.
llltelllgen~r. adv. (lntelllgen!I), inUll'- Transf., 1 transit., a, to moVt' in any dirtction,
,.,.Uy, witli understanding; au.liri, Cle. tn dirtd wwanls: in or ad loeum, to di.rd
lntelllgentla -ae, f. (IDMl!gens). L a one·1 cour&e tcncard&, Liv.; b, eo apply tM miad,
OO'N:tJilio"4, f.cUa, Cic. IL iMigA.t, intell(genc., d~rect the th-0-ughtl to; animuu\ eo, Cic.; 11nimum
int 290 int
or rnentem In allqul<I, Cle.; oculo11 mentesqne Interamna. ·&e, r., 1, a tottm if! U"""'4.
Ad pui;11:1 rn, Caes. ; o, to dirtct with holtiU! fo. now T11r1ii; 2, .a town in l.11tium, now T~ao,
fn.Ji-011, to tzeUe; eo helium, Liv.; perleulum Hence, adJ., 1, Interamnanus -a -um ; ~
alieul or In aliquem, Cle. ; alicui !Item, Cle.; Int~ramnii.s ·Atis, belonqiti(J lo In:eram.a.
I, intranslt. or reHe:r., a, to direct <nU'• courst; Subst., InteJ-amnatea -Ium, m. the ~oph oJ
quo l11te11derat In Manllanacastra perve11it, Cic.; Inttramna.
b, to di rut OM'• t.fforll; quocumque lnte11<lcrat, mteraresoo, s. tc btcollt4 dry, to dry t1p,
res a<lversa.e erant, Ball.; o, to din'Ole onad/ to; dtcay, tra1111f., Cle.
ad puullrAS Cur&R, Tac. IL to stretch. A. Lit.,
arcum, Cle.; vincula stnpea oollo, ltrttch l"O'Und, fnterbfbo, S to drink up, Plaut.
Verg.; tabernaeula carbasels vell11, to pitch, ~c. lnterbito, S. to ptf'Uh, Plaut..
B. Transf., 1, to crerl; ee ad tlrmitaf.em, C1c.; fntarcAlarta -e (intercalo), inUrmlary,
2, to (ntend; quod anlmo lnl:Alnderat, Cle. ; calend&6, "" firlll. clay of an inttrcalary •OllL\,
3, to raw; vocero, Verg. ; 4, to mahltai11, try Cle.
IO prow; Id quod lnl:Alnderat conllrmare, Cle. fnterclUii.rlus ... -um (lntercalo), '-W-
1. fntenti.tua -a -nm (In and tento), ""'" calary ; men1!111, Cle.
loticlu:d, untri«l; nil lntentatum noatrl liquere fntercAlo, I. (lit., lo oall out t~ IOll'Utls.illf
poetae. unattnlpWd, Hor. u inurted), 1, to in1trl or intl"l"OlllaU ci day or
2. fntentatu .. -um, partle. or lntento. in tM ocikndar; al scies Romae int,erca!at-
lntenti, ad't'. (lntentu11), cartfuUy, dfligmtlv, um aU necne. Cle. ; 2, to dtfer, put o§; poena.m,
a.ttmtivtlr, tligoroulr; allquem lntentlua ad· Liv.
monere, Ll't'. fnterclpido -lnls, f. (lntercaplo). 11" ~
val, inlffmi.uicA, p:suM, rupiU; molestlae, Cle.
lntentlo ~nla f. (lntendo). L a directing,
o.tuntio"I&, abaol., me.; with subject. genlt., vul· fnteroedo ·ceui -cessum, S. to t10 ~
tu.a, Tac.; with object. genlt., fusus, Liv. IL come bet1Dtt'll. · L Lit., Inter singulaa legiones
.Wmldng; a,. oorports, Cle.; b, or the mind, lmpedlmentorurn rnagnwn numerum lntercedere,
Cltl t§cn1, Glllf1107'; anlml cogltationum, Cic.; o, Caea. IL Traner., A. a, or places, lo .dnMl ·01
CntemicA; advenartorum, Cle. lw bdwun. • palus quae peryetua lntercetlebat,
Cae.s. ; b.t. hence or time, to \nlerveJU; no:r nnlla
fntento, 1. (lntens. or lntendo>z 1, to drttch lnterces111t, Cle.; c, or events, to ha.ppm~:
lo'IDClrd.a or a.gain.It, to ltrttcA out uu·tatmhtgly; sa.epe In bello parvis moment!• magni cum in·
manus In allquem, Liv. ; 1icam allcui, Cic. ; 2, tercedunt, Caes. ; d, of relation•, to bl blt10ml1;
lo thnatttl to'lth Aoatill .P"fl>OI' ; arm.a l.Atinls, Inter noe vetus nsua lotercedlt, Cle. B. Ot
lo tArealeft toUA toc1r, Clo. persons, to mp bd10Utl; a, by way of hindrance,
1. fntentu.8 ·tla, m. (lntendo), a dreWtiflU to faUrpott, tDitlutand, protut agai7UI (of the
ovt; p&lmarum, Ole. tribunes when they exerdsed their veto); legl,
t. lntentu -& •Um. L Partlo. or lntendo. Cle.; allcul, Cle.; b.t. uamedlator, to~;
JI. P. adj. (from lntendo). a, anzimu, £tlttnt, quum vestra auctor1tas lntercesslaset ut, ete.,
full o/t111:p«ta.ti.01'; omn64 milites lntenti pugnae Cle.; In money transactions, toataMl ftr.fy; pro
proventum e:111pectabant, Caes.; with ad or ad· allquo, Cic.; magnam pecuolam pro aliquo, '8 A
versu1 allquld, or with dat., auew.tiw to,i toaUfog larg1J ium for, Cic.
eagtf'lll for; in omnem occulonem, LIY. ; b,
with dat., or ad, or In wlth the acc., a.tunttw
fnterceptlo -an1a. f. Cinterclplo),
away: pocull, Cle.
11 fdi.,
to, hl.knl •JIOI', btuWd ttrlA, .eealou '" ; operi lnteroeptor ~rta, m. (lnteretplo), ou tMCI
agrestl, Llv.; esp. of soldiers, readr for battk; tGku a troy, "" l!'ll& ; praedae, LI v.
paratua et lntentu., Ll'f'. ; o, adiw.J un«aaitlg,
~; lntentJashna c;ura, Liv.; ~ rlgorou; lnteroeaalo ~nl•, r. (lntercrdo), 1, ~- M-
dlsclpllna, Tac. ttreulio1', in.Urporition, ruretyship for ClllV ou,
1Dtel)4o, t. 1o bl lukttocl,.., Prop. Ole.: 2, a protut or tttreiu br till tnbv'llM al
their veto, Cle.
IDtepeaoo ·Wpill, I. (lnchoat. or lntepeo), fnte.rcessor -Orts, m. (lnt.ercedo). 11 a "'rdr.
to become lukel.oarm, grov1gradv.a.Uv wann., Ov. bail, C1c.; 2, OM who protau C1911in#, Of1POltl,
fntlr (in with adverbial ending ter), prep. (of a tribune tn the exerclae of hil
with acc. betlNe1t., a"'°"9. amid. A. or space, veto); legls, Cic.
1, of rest, maror inter aru, templa, Cle.; 1. fntercido -cfdl -cl1n11n, a. (inter and
qmun (Hercule1) inter homlnea esset, am.on.g caedo), to cut ojf, c1ll cuurukr; pontem. fo df.
Ul.4 tWmber oJ, Cle.; Inter falcarlos, in. tM ltrut molWi. pull down., Liv.; montem, k> c'llt ~rotlfl.
o/ l1w ~. Cle. ; 2, of motion inter Cle.
atationes hostinm emlt<sl, Liv:' B. TrUat. 2. fnteroldo -eldl, S. (Inter and cado). 1, -.i
of Ume, 1, btt1LW!t; inter boram tertlam e'li1 jtUl betwttn., Liv. ; 2, transf., a, lo ha.~, e>&o
qnartam, Liv.; 2 during, mllw C01t,.. o/; Inter a.r; sl quae lnterciderunt, Cle. ; b, to ~
decem annos, Cfc.,.;. Inter cenam, Cle. ; Inter lM, dtoay, periah; lnlmicl, ap. Cle. ; memorii.,
qendum Verg u. 1, among ci; ado- btforgotteri, Liv.; lnterci<lit mlhl allquid, I MN
lescens lnter 1uoe, Oic.; 2, bttu.wn. (parties, forgotten 1omdhing, Hor.
adveniarlee, etc.); Inter Marcello1 et C1audlos
patricloe Jndlcare, Ole. ; S.t or division, portion, fnterolDo. 1. (int~r and cano). lo Aflf t.
Inter le, l>d!DUft OM Cl1'0CMI", Ole. ; 4, betwem 11c«n; med ios actus, Hor.
(of friendship, bostllity, etc.); amlcltiam nhd fnterclplo -cilpl -cepturn S. (Inter and caplo),
filter oonoa ease non poue, Ole.; 6, with pro- to take by the way, itltera'pt. L Lit. litteru,
nouna, inter ae, Inter noa, Inter voe, inter lpsoe, Cle.; commeatus, Lil'. IL Transf., 1, to c:r.
~ one C111.0tMr.J.. •tllv.a.Uy; Inter se, priw of. t"Ob, st«Jl; agrum ab aliquo, Li'f'. ;
fo low°"' atlOt.Ur. uic. D. Particular phrases, allquem nee!, Ov. ; 2, to rn.atcA away, co:n-r o/
a Inter ltcart09 accuaare, lo CICC1'# o/ murder, prnJtiUv.nly; aliquem nneno, Tac. ; 3. to etat
Clo. ; b 1 Inter f'&Ue& and inter psucos, aptda/lY._, ol; lter, Liv.
pirl&ou1arly, Ll'f'. ; o, inter cunct.a, before au, fnteroiae, adY. ( ooVu.WIJ.r, "'-
Hor.; d. inter baec, lllCtltohU., Liv. linter aome- ~plldly ; <tlcere, Cle.
tlm• put after Its cue, q1109 inter, Ole.). fnteroliido -cltlal -cltlaum, a. (Inter and
mtlramen.ta -6rum. n. (bater), ou 'IOOOd- cludo, claudo). L to block ""• l'tldw; alJcuJ
wrk o/CI Mip, Ll't' fugam, Cle. ; Gg., omnea aeditlonum 'f'tas. Cle
int 291 int
IL A. to cut o§, ieparate from: allquern ab blterteo~o -3niB, f, (lnterftclo), a llavfng,
ex,.rcitu, Ca.,.1:1.; allquem re rnunentarla, Cael!.; ap. Cic.
Ii~., h1tercl11dor dolore qunmi1111s, etc., l am tnterreotor -3rl9, m. (interficlo), 11muriUrtr,
prl'rmhd by grief. Cic. B. to 111.dou, shut fo: ala11er, Cic.
ali·tnem in iis insidil.s quas, etc., Cle; angustiiM lllterreotrbr.: -trlcls, f. (interfector). a mur-
interdudi, Cae-s. dere ..,, Tac.
lllterclu.Io -l>nls, f. (intercludo), 11 .Wppi71!1 interffolo -feel ·feet um, 3. (lnU>r and tacio),
or blo.:ldng up; nuhuae, Cic. to dutroy, pu.t an t11d to, brin!J to nar'iJhl; a, of
llltercolnmnlum ·Ii, n. (Inter and col- thing!!, lllCS!IE'S, Vt'rg.: herhas, Cic.; b, or pt!r·
umna), tlu 1p<1ct. bdwee1l two columns, Cle. 11ons, tn murder, to slay, kill; :iliq11t>m h111i<lii1,
IDterourro -cncurri o.n1l -curri -cul"SUJU, s. Cic.; Crn!1!lurn snipte interfectum manu, Cle.
I. 1, to ru11 l>l!twe1m, Luer.; 2, fig., a, to sttp
btt10tt11, inlerctrlt, Cle.; b, ta run alo11g with, ~
lllterrio -rn!ri (pass. ot interficio Inter· =
llcior), to perilh, Plaut.
a1R011g, minglt with; hill lilborio1ds uercitation- 1nterfli1o -fluxl -lluxum, 9. to flow lidwten:
lbni1 et dolor intercurrit, Cir. II. to run. or
Acut'.11 ta in tM =n.whUa; Yelos ad c•mtlrm· Naupactum et Pat.raft, Liv.
&n<.los militum anin1os, Liv. tnteriUiua -a -um (interfluo),,Jf-Owi1tg between,
llltercul'1IO, 1. (intens. of lntercurro), to
""' b.!tir.ee11, Liv. llltert'Odlo ·todl · -fossum, S. to dig into,
blterouraU. -ns, m. (iu.tercurro), 11 ru1tnin.g pltru, Lu<'r.
bttli.Yl'n, interposition; !ukrcursu consulum, lllter!or-fMus sum, 1. rlep., to sptak betu.-ttn,
auorum, Liv. inttrncpt in discourse; alique111, Liv.; or absol. 1
bltercua -ciltis (inU>r and cutis), urnkr thl Liv., \'erg. (1st pers. t•res. uot found).
Sin; aqua, lM dropsy, Cic. IDterriigio, s. to jfu ~twwi, Luer.
blterdl.tns -a -nm, partic. of lnterdo. lllterfulgens -entls, mining or gltamfog
amoug or ~twun, Liv.
IDterdioo -dixl -dictum, S. L to forbid,
f"'Olt.ibit. A. Gen .. a alicni aliqna re or 1tliquo; llltertun4o -ffidi -msum, S. to pour !J,twttn,
Romani! omni Gallil, Cai's.; b, alicni allqultl; midclle, interfundl, to flow btt1u~n; nuvie11:1 tit~
alieui orbem, Ov. ; c, with or \Ylthout <lat. or in~rf'nsa, \'erg.; ti1111st'., maculis interfusa genas,
person, foll. by ne or ut, etc., anti the subj., ln- sta&11ed with, Verg.
t.erdicit at.lne imperat Ca.cisivt:llanno ne Mandu· lllteribl, adv., tManwhile, in the mwntiuu,
~io noct'at. Caeii.; In pass., PythAgorels In· Pl1tut.
terdictum ne fubil. vescerentur, Cic. B. Esp., 1,
u legal t. t., interdicere alicul aquii et ignl,
IDtlrlolo interjlclo (q. v. ).
to, Cic.; 2, sacritlclis iuterdlcere, Caes. lllte~ adv., 1, ~anwhiU, '" Iha l\ta1'-
IL~ order, roml7Ulnd; 1, with nt and the snb,I.,
ffme, Cic. ; 2, howt~er, C1c.
familiae valde lnter<lit.-ere ut uni dleto audiens sit, IDterlmo -emf -emptum, S. (inter and emo),
Cic. : 2, or tbe praetor, ta mnkl a prot•isio11al to t<~ atroy out Q/ the midst: 1, of things, to
or i.Urlocutof"11 duru; tie vi, Cic. ; praetor ln- dtstroy, annihll11te, TTW~ an end of; sacra, Cle.;
t.erdixit ut unde dejectus esset eo restitueretur, 2, of persons, to put out of the way, to },;ill, llay,
Cic. m11nkr: aliq11em, Cle.; stirpem tmtri'I virilem,
IDterdictlo -l>nls, f. (lnterdlco), 11 forbld- Liv.; se, to commit inddde, Cie.; to:-;,,nsf., 1110
dill9, prohibUwn.; aquae et ignis, ba11i.sliing, e:ramlnant et lnterimunt hae vocea llilonls, Cic.
Cic. llltirlor, llltlrlu ~ris, compar. adj.,
blterdictum -1, n. (intertllco), 1, ti 7»"0hibi- lntlmua -a ·Um, auperl. (in-ter). L Compar.
tio11: with :mltject. geuit...Caesaris, Cic.; 2, a intt•rior. A. Lit., 1, inner, interior: )111.l":t
~· inttnlid or 1rrovi.sional QTcUr, Cic. · aerli11111, Cic.: lnteriore eph1toli, fo the middl11
of the letter, Cic.; Falemnm lnteriore nol:A, /ron1
baterdlu (lllterdlua)Ladv. tn. tlu daytimt, th,, 1Upt1i of the ullar, Hor.; Interior !ctibus,
"1 day: 11octe an inten.liu. iv. within ahot, Liv.; 2, a, remote from. the sea, in·
baterdo -<lldl -diturn, 1. to give betwun1 dU. land.: natio11es, Cle.; lnteriom regni, the interior
lrlbuU., Luer. of tha 1.:i11pdo111, Liv.; b, 1uartr, sho-rrer (or the
interdWittm = int~rdum (q. v.). racecourse); gyrus, 01~ the insid~ of tM couru,
tnterductus ·t1, m. (* lnterduco), four- Hor. ; cursni, shorter, Cic. B. Transf., 1,
pvlldiuilio11, Cic. interior periculo vulneriR, too 11ear to bf! i"
dn.nger nf a wo1111d, Liv.; 2, a, more aecret, more
blterdum. anv. 1, iomethnu, occasioMlly ronflde11tial; amicftin, Cle.; b, duptr: {11) timor,
MID a11d thta: interdum , , , luterdum, Cic.;
2, a.ta1nchilt, Tac. Cle.; (ft) more eruditt, profou11.d: lnteriores et
reconditae litterae, Cir. II. Super!., h1tim11'1
baterddo = lntenlo (q. v.). -a ·ttru, i1111101t. A. Lit., fntlma Mace<lonia, the
bltiria. adv. (intRr 1tnd abl. el), 1, fo the very centre of MaCIJtW11w, Cic. B. Transf., 1,
tMun/imt, mt(mwltile, Cic.; lnte!'ell quum, Cic. ; duptst, TMlt profound; dl11putatio, philnsophia,
2, m-rtrlheltlS, Mtwithata11di1l!l, Cic. ; quum Cit·. ; 2 mo4t secret, conJ!ilential, iutiuwtc;
interea, Cic. nmicus, Cle. ; intimu:1 alien!, Cic. ; familiaritas,
lntiremptlo -3nls, f. (interimo), llaug1iter, Nep. Subst., IDtlmua ·i, m. an \ll.U7nat1
1laying, Cic. friend, Cic.
tnt.irio ·D ·ltum, 4. to ptr'8h, to be lod lllterltlo -6nls, f. (intereo), dutruction,
amon!l. L Lit., 111uriae stilla interlt magnl- n1in; aT>1t-0rum, Cic.
tudine ma1is, Cic. II. Trnnsr., ta perilh, ~ lllterlt119 -Us, m. (lntereo), dt$l~ticn, rut-,
dntroytd, ~ loJt; a, P( things, intereunt sacra, annihilation: a, or things, lt"gum, Cic.; b, of
Cic.; b, of men, to die; fame nut ferro, Caes. persons, consulnm, Cle.; with ab!., exercitus
(srncop. pert'. fonns, l11terisse, lnterlssent, Cic.). nostri in terltull ferro, fame, frigore, Cic.
baterlqulto, L to ricU bttwem; ord!nes, tnterlua. 1, com par. adj., v. interior; 2,
Liv. com par. or intra, v. Intra.
baterfii.tlo -lSnis, t. (lntert'or), a ipea,1..'ing lllter.Ji.aio, 2. to Zi.I between or umong:
btticu11, i11krruplion i" diloouru., Clo. abeol., interjace~t camptu, Liv.: with dat.,
int 292 tnt
campo5 lnterjacens Tiberi ac moeni'bua Romania, I dropptld, Caes.; verm ab usu quotidian I MTT8onis
Liv. fntenniua, ob«JWc, Cle.; b, of time, ~Id J'U#;
haterjectua .ftB, m. (lnterjlclo), a ptdffn.g ne quern diem tntermitterem, Cle.; with ab an.i
ba1run; a, of place, fnterpositu interjectoque the abl., ut rellquum tempUll ab labore inter·
terrne, bawtim me .mn mid tM moon, Cic. ; b, or mitteretur, Cael\. ; with ad and the acc., nnlla
time, an inurval; interjectu 11octis, aJler a.n pani nocturni temporis a<l laborem lntermittitur,
fo!utYll of a 1iighl, Tac. Caei..; with a ncgat.. folL by quiu and the ~nbj.,
·- ''l~ c•-• ..
.uater, ":i.O .ua .......-:& ..ll ) • • • t
,_,...o ·JOOI -Jee um, 8 · to
nequc ullum fere diem lntermit.temt quin
""r.spiceret, without a;amfoing, Cacs.; c, lo
throu•, ro1t, plaa, put among, or betuwn. L Lit., .~
legionariaa cohortes, Cae.s. Partic., hater- dUironti.nut, 8U$pe11d an offla; lntArmissis mag·
Jeatua .8 -um, i~ thro!l'n bet10ttn: istratibns, Cic. IL lntransit., to cmat, lalw
nasns, quasi mu111s oculls interjectus, Cle. IL o.f; qnA tlumen intermittit, Caes.
Trnnsr., 1, idque inte1jecit indi\iduum haterm~rior -mortrius sum, 3. dep., to dit.,
atque iii, etc., Cic.; inter:jectus Inter phllo- ptri.$h, decay; 1, lit., Suet.; 2, transf., a, lnter-
80phos et eos, standing betwun, Cle.; 2, a., or mortuntur rellquiae conjnrationis, Cic.; civitu
time, to put in lJet'IOf'Jen; ruoram, Tac.; anno in- intermorltnr, Liv.; contiones intermortuae, life-
terjecto, ofter tM i11Urml of a yeur, Cic.; b, of lull, Cic.; b, tc jai1U aaca11, Liv.
word11, to in~rmingl.c; pleraque Latino sermone, hatermundla --Orum, n. (inter and mundus),.
Cic. ipacu bttwmt tM 100rlds (according to Epicurus,
haterjungo -junxi -junctum, 3. to join. to. tM abo<U of tM gods), Cle.
get"Mr, unit~. 0011n«t; dextru, Liv. hatermiir&Ua-e, baween tMllB; amnll, IJ•.
haterlAbor -labi, S. dep., lo glMk, fall, haternaaoor -ntltus sum, 3. dep., to fTOVl
ftl'Jw t-~twun.; in tmeale, inter enim labent.ur behvem; lnternata virgulta, Liv.
aquae, Verg. haterneoinua-a -nm, v. interneclvus.
lnterligo, 8. to pluck, ga.t1ur M:rt a7'd CMrt, haterneclo (blternlclo) -6nis, f. (inttt-
Vm-g. neco), mtire datructUm., uurminatiol&, ~
haterllno -l~vi -ntum, S. L to daub bt- c:arnuge; clvium, Cle.; ad internec:ionem ad·
houri; caementa interlita luto, Liv. IL to ducere gentem, to ann.iMlaU, Liv.
~'canal, to faJ.sif11 by tTQIUTt i testamentum, bltenaGOlVllS (hatenl.eoinUS) -a •Diii

hater~uor ·HSctltus (·l~u11tus} sum, 8. (intemeco), 11nirderoua, fMrlal, deadly, i1'1.fT·

der., to inU?'rupt a. pmiO!\ aptaking, Ter. Mein.a; 'helium, Cle.
haterliioeo -Iuxi, 2. L to aAint, gknm hatendSoo, 1. to duCTOJ t.ctterZr, a:UraiJMl.fe;
bawun.; terrena qnaedam atque etiam volocrla hostee, Plaut.
animalia plernmque interlucent (in amber), Tac.; lnternecto, S. to bind tt>gr,thtr-. to M1'd "JI;
fmpers., noctu interluxi&Be, tMn Aad btltn in· ut fibula crinem auro internectat, Verg.
tcrvall of li91U, Liv. IL A. to •ltiM forth; hatennclo = intunecio (q.v.).
qulbus inter gradus dignitatis et fortun.u ali- blternlteo ·nlt.ill, t. to ahhu aMOr&g, glc•
quid fnurlucet, Liv. B. lo be transparent, through, Plin.
mpable of being .wn (on account of
small numben1); interlucet corona (mllitum), haternidlum ·li, n. (inter and nod us), t.U
Verg. •pace betwem two knou or join.ti, Ov.
haterlumum ·II, n. (Inter and tuna), Uu blternoeoo -n~vi -n6tuml S. to di.lti1t(f'W1
dange o/tM m-00n, time ofmw moon, Hor. betwun; geminO!J, Cle.; quae ntemosci a fa.Ia
haterUio ·i11, S. to jfqw bdW«11>, 1m8h bdwun; non poBSunt, Cle.
fretum quodJ Capreaa et Surrentum interluit, haternuntla, v. lnteronnUus.
Tac. lnternuntlo, 1. to wlld t1Uuen.gui bdaal
bltermenatriiua -a -um, behom& two two partiu, Lil'.
tnoiUAI: intermen1t.rao tempon!, a.t tile time of blternuntlua -a -um, adj., uaed as subsL,
1111 ehatigi: of tM tnOCm, Cle.; subst., hater- a, negotiator, go-bet1Ctt11.; &, muc.,
lllenatriium ·I, n. (1c. tempWI), IM U?M of the Jovis lnterpretes internuntlique (of the augurs),
4M1l1 "'°°"• Cie. Cie.; b, fem., aves internunt1ae Jovis, Cic.
I. bltermlnatua -a -um (In and t.ermlno), haternua -a ·um, in'IOllrd, i'llUrnal, ciiril;
•nboundtd, ooundl.e#; magnitudo regionum, Cie. discordiae, Tac.
2. haterm.ln&tua -a -um, v. lntermlnor. hatero -trivi -tritum, S. to nib, ~
IDtermlnor, 1. dep., to thr~, forbid 'With pound in. an11thhig, Plln.
Urw•, Plaut.; partic. perf. pass., eibua in- haterpell&tlo --Onis, t. (interpello}. intn'·
tenninatus, /orb~ with threats, Hor. ruption, hindran«, diat1irba11a, especially in a
lnterm!sOOo -miaclli ·mixtum, 2. to mix Rpeech, Cic.
with, i'iltnmiz; with dat., tnrbam lndignorum haterpell&tor --Oris, m. (lnt.erpello}, 111& '""
lutermiscere dignls, Liv.; intermixti boetibus, urru]>Ur, duturber, Cic.
Lh·. haterpello, l. (inter and • pello -are, intena.
hatermlaano -onls, r. (lnttrmitto). I. oov- of pello ·lire). 1 to inhrrupt a sptnktr; crebro
fng off; epi11t.nlarum, Cle.; oftlcii, Cic. IL dicentera, Cic.; !!, to di.&lnrb, lti'llM7°, imptdl;
rupitt, i11Urrupl.io1t, inln-1-al; verborum, Cic.; a, of persona, allquem in ,lure 11uo, Cle.; aliqnem
sine 111111. temporia intennlssione, Cic. ne. etc., Liv.; comiti&, Liv.; b, or things, batt
~ua -a -um, partic. of lntermitto. tota res interpellaia hello, Cle.
tatermitto ·misl ·mi1imm, 8. L Transit., haterpOlatlo -®is, f. (inUt'polo), an a.ltmi·
A. Co bet~; trabes p&ribu1 intermi.N&e tion, Plin.
apatti1, Caea. B. to l«il'lltupaee betuwn., lmvefrte, hate~U. -e (inter and polio), fe.rbWud,
"1IOOC1'.pied, t1uurrovnded; 1, lit., pars oppidi mmptd up, repaired ;-hence, not genuine, Plaut,
a ftumfne intermtau., Caea. ; ~oe& cuatodlbus Plin.
lntennlua, Liv.; 2, transf., a, to uaw o.f for a haterpOlo, 1. (interpol!a), 1, to a.lkr, ,fl&rbiM,
&inu, giw owr, brtak o.f, fotn-ritpt, mgl«t; 1tndia, npair, romp vp; togam _praetextam, to tt-dJlli
Cle.; proelium, Caes.; with lnlln:1 alleui litteras Cic. ; 2 to 6'p0il., oornipt, JbllVJ; 1emper allouicl
miture, Cic. ; vento lntenniaso, w tl1i1'd haring dem,,tido, mutando, lnterpolando, Cic. ·
int 293 int
baterpiAo -p&di ·JXS11Itum, 8. to ptct, plate, blterrltua -a -um (lo and t.el'TfJO), ttftUrrl.,c.I.
lilJ betwltt1l or amo119, interpose. I; Lit., 1, undaunud, Verg.
"ll~pb.antos, Liv.; 2, a, to iMtrt, intercalaU; lntemgatlo -6nill, f. (int.errogo), a question,
tneose. intercalarios, Liv.; b, to imert '" dis· quutioni119, inte1T0gatio11, Cle.; esp. a, legal t.t.,
cM'r~; ne lnquam 11&epius lnterponeretnr, Cic. the tmmination. of 1DUnusu; testium, Tac.;
D. Transf., A. or time, to aUow an illterval to absol., Cle.; b, logic. t.t., an argument,syllogilm;
J)(Ls:f betu:ten; spntium ad recreandos auimos, apta lnterrogatione concludere, Cle.
Caes. ; spatio hiterposito, after aonu time, Cic. ; lntemptlmacriila -ae, r. (dim. of interrog-
moram, Cic., cunctationem, Tac., to inttrpost, ntin), a 111.ort 811llO!Jimi. or argument; mlnutae
dt/11_11. B. to cau.- to 00111e betu.ven, to inlt~;
operam, 11todium, laborem, to we, apply, Cic. i11terrog11tiunculae, Cic.
C. tc intnYluce, bring forward; a.1 judicium, lntemgo. 1. L to ask, q11utiMt, (nterrognte ;
edictum, to bring forr1:ard, Cie.; o, to bring te eisdem cJe rebus, Cic.; interrogabat suos quis
forv:Hni, allege as a re.a.son or pi·ttext; gladi- e11set, Cic. ; interrogaos solerentne veteran!
atores lnterpositi sunt, Cic.; c, to p/J:dge onls milites fugere,; with double acc., pu.~i·
tt'lmf; in aliquid or in aliqua re !idem suam, onem quendarr. lnterroga.vitquaeda:mgeomet.rica,
Caes. D. to admit as a llelptr, participator, etc.; Cle.; lnten·ogatus scntcntiam, being aaktd h~
1, jn•lices, testes, Cic.; 2, 11e lnt~rponero In al!- opinion, Liv.: partic. sul'l!t,, mterrogatum
quid or allcui, to engage in, haw to do with, med- -1, n. a q1u,,tio1l; ad intcrrogata re~pondere,
dJ,,; 11e in pci.citlcationem, Cic.; Re au•laclae all<'n· Cic. D. E11p., a, to interrogate judicially, to
ius, Cic. E. to falsify; rallon~s pt11nilorum, Cle. emmine; testem, Cic. ; b~ to accuu, bring 111'
adio1& against; aliquem legibus ambit1111, SalL
1Dterp6aitlo -<>ni11, r. (interpono), 1, a bl"ing-
'ng forward, introducing (in a speech); mult.arnm mterrumpo -rfipl -ruptum, 8. to break
down, bToo.k in the n&iti.dle, break asunder. L A.
pei ,;rinarum, Cic.; 2, a p11Uing in, insertion, Cle.
1Dterp0eltua. abl. -n, m. (lnterpono}, a pontem, Caes.; aciem hostlum, Liv. B. to
pv.Ui1i9 1,,,tu.'«ll, inlerposHion; lllD& interpoeitu stparate; lnte1Tuptl ignea, Uolaltd, Verg.; lnter-
terrne deflcit, Cic. ruptae \·oci11, broken, Cic. U. Transr., to in-
ttTTUpt, disturb; a, gen., Iler amoris et omcil,
lnterprea -pri!tis, c. (Inter and PRET, Cic.; b, to inttrrupt a spw;A; orationem, Cic.
+PA.ol., 4>p~w). L a flegotiator, '!Mdiator, mu-
-uer; judicii corrumpeudi, Cic.; divllm, lrler- lnterrupti. adv. (interruptus trom lnter-
cury, Verg. IL A. an txpqu.nder, a:tplainu; rumpo), interrupttdlg, diaco1&nectadl11; DOD in·
jun:«, Cic.: poet.arum, Cic.; divdm, prophd, terrupte narrare, Cle.
proplletus, Verg., Liv.; lnterpretes comitiorum, mtenaeplo -saepel ·ll&eptum 4. to ~ or
tu haruapicu, who dtclare wM.tht:r tlw oomitia fe11u in, inclose, hem in, block up. i Lit., foram-
Aot>' bun. rlglit-ly held, Cle. B. a, an i7Un'preter; lna, Cic.; quaedam operibwt, Liv. D. Transt,
appellare or alloqui allquem per interpretemt cut off, ieparat4; url>em vallo ab arce, Liv.;
Cle. ; b. ci translator; nee converti (orationMJ lter, Cic.
ut interpres, 11ed ut orator, Cle. bateraolndO ·BCldf ·BCiBBDID, 8. to CJ41 Or Mto
lnterpritatlo -onl11, f. (Interpretor). L asunder. L Lit., pontem, Cic. ; venas, to open,
crpla1UUimi, exposition, interpntatum. A. Gen., Tac. IL Transr., to c11t off, separlJU; Cha.lcla
jnris, Cic.; verborum, Cic. B. Esp., tmnsla- arcto lnteracinditur freto, Liv.
~ Plln. ; con er. = tW which u tranalaltd;
foederis, Cic.. U. 1M0.1ii11g, u1iderstanding; nee
lnteneplo intersaepio (q.T.).
1. lnteraero -B6vl -Bitum, s. to .,,., or pant
lnterpret.atio est facills, Liv. bet10Un, Luer.
lnterp~tor, 1. dep. (interpres), to 1%J')laln, 2. lntel'Mro, 8. to put or place llemn;
e:rpqund, utterprd, translate. A. Lit., 1, jua oscula mediis verbls, Ov.; trans!., cauaam loter-
alicui, Cle.; tulgura, somnla, Cle.; 2, to tranal.ate; serens, alUging, Nep.
epistol&m, scr:lptores, Cle. B. Trans!., 1, to yir.l
oa i'll.Urprdation on, to understand in ci ~rtai1' lnterapiratlo ~nl1, f. ci brtathing bettotn,
111411iur; male, Cic.; aliquld mitiorem in lllntem, 11 taking bitath., Cle.
Cic.; with acc. and iutin.,reditu in castraliberat- 1. bltentlnguo -stinctus, 8. to cowr 1llU1'
um se ease jurejurando lnterpretabatur, Cle.; ~ or lptdclu; faclea interatincta meJicamini·
2 to u1wn1-<rn.d, graap, com~~d; recte bus, Tac.
;ilcuiua sente11tiam, Cic.; 3, &o ~; 2. lnterstlnguo, 8. to uttnguialr. ; igoem,
neque, rectc an perperam, interpret.or, Cle. Luer.
(pLu., Cie., esp. in perf. pa1t.ic.) tnteratrepo, 8. to roar, make ci iwiae i" Uwi
baterpunctlo ·onis, t (lnt~rpungo), puno- midst of, Verg.
hralion; v~rboru111, Cie. lnteratrtngo, s. to aquuu tighl; alieui
mterpungo -punxl -punctum, 8. to punc- gulam, to throttle, Plaut.
hl4te, point; narratio interpuncta, wtll-divf.ded, lnteraum ·Mi ·ease. L A. to be betWttn;
Cic.; partic. subst., clausulae atque lnterpuncta a, of space, ut Tit>eris inter eos lntercssrt, Cic.;
Terborum, diuia«m.B, Ci<:. b, of time, to inl1:rt1eM; Inter prim um ct sextum
baterqueror •Q'Jestu,. '!Um, 8. dep., to inter· consulatum XLVI annl interfue11111t, Cic. B.
nipt with 'Mnplai11U, Lil". (?) to be di.ffennt, be disthl{l'Uished frani; ut inter eos
baterqulesco -quH!vi -quI~tnm, 8. to pa1'811 ne minimum quidem interslt, Cic. ; inter homi-
ltrl1<:e~n, rut iri. the mtan time; qunm haec diJ:-
nem et beluam hoc maxlme loterest.Cic.; quod ab
b•.. 111 et paulum lnterqule\·issem, Cle. eo nihillntersit,Cic. C.tobe pruent,tahparti7';
with in and the abL, in convivio, Cic.; with
blterreguum ·I, n. a ptriod bttwun two dat., convlvfo, Cie. IL Jmpera., interest, it
nig11.~, a1l i11terrtgnum. Cle. ; un,Jer the republic co1icern.•, it imports, ft is of importance; constr. ;
at Rome, the time during the abmic.; of the con- (a.) with genlt. ot person or thing, or witlJ the
"'11, or bd1Df:tn the death or retirement of the fem. abl. of the posse11s. pron., mel, tu!i, Billi,
eonsui.. and the choia of 1UC<:e$SOrs, Cic. nostri., vestra, eajA, nam eorum quoque vehe·
mterrex -regis, m. a regent, ptl"IO"/l tempor- menter interest, Cle.; ve11trli hoc maxime Interest,
fJrUj in.outed wiJh roycil autliority, Cle. ; in later Cle. ; (IJ) with ad and the ace. of the thing, ad
Um-, a pernn appoinled in. the absetw of th4 nostram laudem non multum interesse, Cle. ;
couvll to hold the com.Uia /ar IM ekciion of the£r (y) with the neut., multum, quantum, t.Hntum,
~Cic. plus, plurimum, or with adv., maxlme, ve-

Int 2H fnt
hementet. magnoper-e, or with gen It. of value 111111, Ov.; Tlmlua, Caes.; a,
a, lo ftllerla«:
nragni, parvl, mlnorls, /lurld, magul, Cle.; (a) venae toto corpore lntextae, Cl.c. ; b, to 'Ater·
With lnftn., or acc. an inftn., or ut or ne, or '" dilcoune; parva magnt.s, Cic. D. t.o
with rel. sent., magnl Interest mei uni nos toeave around, to toind aroimd, to nrround;
e"~e, Cle.: lllud magnl nlel Interest ut te vldeam, folils, Verg.; hederae 110lent. lntexere
Cle. ; nunquam enim interest uter sit eorum truncos, Ov.
in iieJe extremo, Cic. lntlbum. (lntfbum. lntiilrmn) -1, n. and
tntertexo-texill -textnm, S. to 'IMlVf togtthtr, lntlbu (tutfbm.. intitbue) -1, c. t1Miiw,
(n.Urwm~; ftores hedPris lntertextt. Ov.; 611.«CTy, Verg.
chlamys auro intertexta, Verg. . tntlme, Adv. (lntlmu!I~ l. co11j[dent£aUr, ia..
lntertrAho -traxi, 3. to ta1ct awy, Plant. tunattly, Nep.; 2, cordw.U11, 11trongl~; com-
lntertrimentum -l, n. (Inter and tero). meu<lari ab aliquo, Cle.
L loss !'¥ fricli-O!!L. '°"in working gold and ail~r; lntlmm.. superl. from Interior (q. Y.).
~-genb, Liv. .u. Trans!., Zou, damage; sme inttngo (lntbaguo) ·tinxi -tinctum, 3. lo
u1fo lntertrimento, Cic. dip in; faces sanguine, ov.
baterturbatlo .Oni1, t. dise1'rbance, diaquW, ln~lerabllla -.e, mibMrablt, intolerabll;
Liv. frlgus, dolor, Cic.; saevltla, Liv.
intervallum. -l, n. (Inter and vallus), a llltCSlu-andu ·a -um, unbearable, uMlad.,... bdW«n two pa.liaadu; hence, L A. an able, Cle.
intervening 6fJ<JCe in~, diltanct; pari inter·
vallo, at an equ;J dWana, Caes.; looorum, Cic. in~lel'&IMI -antis. L Act., impatimt qf.
B. an interval of time; lit.erarurn, Cic. ; sine to btar; with genit., corpora lntolerantis-
lntorvallo loquacita."..!, 'Witlwll.t inlermiui<m, Cic. ; sima. laboris, Liv. IL Pass., 1uw1111raWe, ill-
lougo int.ervallo, aµer a long ti1n4!, Cic. IL tolerabu; subjectis intolerantior, Tac.
Q.i.fferrnce, unlikeruu, Cic.; as t. t. or music, in~leran~r. adv. (intolerans), inunodc--
lutervalla. = di.slincliona betuun high. and low auly, ucesnvely, imJXlliently; dolere, Cic. ; ia·
fWW, Cle. tolerantius ae jactare, Cle. ; int.olerantissime
lntervello -vul:d -vulsum, S. to pull or pluck gloriarl, Cic.
out 11.Lre arid th.ere, to thin, Plin. ln~liSrantla -ae, f. (h1toleran!I), intolenlble,
intemmo -veni -ventum. 4. to cOTIU bet10een, i71.8U.ferabu conduct, in..cohnce; regis, Cic. ; ill&
~mu up while anytMng i& doing, to intervene. superbl& atque intolerantia, Cic.
L verens ne molest! vobis lnttlrveniremus, Cic.; in~no -Wnlli -toni.tum, 1. L lntransit.,
hulc oration!, Liv. IL Transf., a.. or time, to to Ch.1'1lder. A. Lit., pater onmi_pot.ens ter
intavent, to interrupt ; with dat., nox intervenit c:aelo clarus ab alto intonuit, Verg. B. Transf.,
proelio, Liv.; b, of eveuts, to h«pven while a. to th.under, m.ah a thun<tmnq 1Wise, especially
10mething el~ is being done, and so to i11terrupt; ol a BJ•eaker; ja.111 hestemi eonc1011e intonuit vox
with dat., intervenit delude his cogitationibus pernlclosa tribuni, Cic.; 1:_>_, to cltuh; Aeneas
avitum malum, Liv.; exlgua fortuna lntervenit horrentlnm intonat armis, verg. IL Transit.,
sapienti, oppo11t1, Cic. a.1 to t~u11kr forlh; _4uum haec i11to11ui:sset
tnterventor -uris, m. (lntervenio), a11 inter- pietlllB mie, Liv. ; 111111as, Ov. ; b. to "'au
rupter, a visitor; magis vacuo ab interventoribu11 to roar upon; Eois iutonata fluctibus hierus,
die, Cle. mging on, Hor. (partlc. perr. pa.s&, intonatus,
interventu• -1111, m. (Tntilrvent.lo), fottrr-e11- Hor.)
tl<m, interposition. i11terferenc.; hominis, Cic.; intonsu -a ·um (in and tondeo), unshona.
noctls, Caea. 1.. Lit., caput, Ov.; ot anjmals, intonsa Milena.
Verg.; of persons, with l011g hair or 1.eard; deus,
interverto (-vorto) -verti (-vortl) ~versum Apollo, Ov.; ot tbe ol<l Romans, intonsi A\'i, Ov.•
(-vorsum), 3. (to turn aside), to em.buzlt, appro-, Ov.; Cato, IIor. ; or savage nations.
priau to one's ownuae, purloin; 1, regale donum, homines lutonsi et lnculti, Liv.; iutonsi Getae;
Cle.; 2, transr., to takea10011, deprive of, defraud Ov. IL wooded, Uo./1J, f&(lt cltartd q/ tTTU;
of; promlssum et receptmn {r.onsulatum) in- mont.t>s, Verg.
tervertere et ad ee transferre, Cic.; 3, to spend,
lavish, Taq. intorqueo -torsl -tortum, 2. L to t'll.'W or
turn rn1md. A. Gen. l, paludame11tum cireum
lnterriso -vis! -visum, S. 1 to look aj'Ur, in· brachium, Liv.; 2 to wind; rudentea intorti,
qicct aecretly ; crebro lnterviso, Cic. ; 2, to i>Uit Ov. B. to h.url; tefum in host.em., Verg.; tranar.,
from tiwu to ti?M; aliquem, Cie. oculos, to roll, Verg.: intorquentur
lntervCSllto. 1. to fly about among, Lif inter fratres gravi1111imae contumeliae, Cic. IL
tntervomo, 3. to pour forth among, Luer. to twist asi~, t11r11, u'rit/;t. A. intorti eapillia
lnteati.bllla -e, di.tquali.ftt<l from being a Eumenidum an_guc!I, Hor. ; navUI vertice retro
uritnus or from making a will; hence duhon- intorta, Liv. B. to diltorl, t1'rn awa11; mentt•Dl
01'rable, disgraceful, i1\{amviu, tuerable, Hor., iu d icenlio, Cic.
Ball.; perjurium, Liv. intort11• -a -llln (partic. or intorqueo,.
intefltiitu.8 -a -um, 1, having made no will, tntri. (for lnteri. sc. parte, from • interrui
intutate; adv., or ab intestato, intuta.U; -a ·Um). L Adv. (rompar. lntt!r1ua. supl'.rL
mori,. Cie. ; 2, not convicttd by witne.w.s, Plaut. intlme), ; compar:ii.rapiat sitiens int.eri·
intestinum -t, v. lntesttnus. usque recond1tt, Verg. Prepos. with acc.,
within. A. Lit., of space; I. intra parletea.
tntestinus -A -nm (intus). L inward, in- Cle.; 2, int-0; iugredi intra tlnem loci, Cic.
ternal; subet., intestinum -1, n. an intestine; B. Transf., 1, or time, "--ithin, in th~ !'P°:tt of:
and plur., tnteatina ·Orum, n. the mtutiMIJ; intra tot annos, Cle.; intra annos XIV, Caes.;
brtestinum medium. Cle. ; ex intestinl1 laborare, foll. byquam. intradecimum diem quam Pheru
w ha1!1t a pain in the bcnctl.!, Cic. IL a.. domu- venerat, in Len than u11 day• aft«r It.ii arrit'Gl,
tic, internal, civil ; lnteatinum ac domesticum Liv. ; 2, with numerals, intra centum, U.. tA.4"
malum, Cle. : bellum, Cic.; b. aubjective (opp. a hundred, Liv.;_ 8 1 of other words expressing
oblatus, objtclivt), Cic. boundary, etc., ceqere Intra ftnem Jun.a. Liv ;
lntello -texlll -te:rtum, S. L to weave in, Intra legem epulari. vnthin IM bOtlftds ~
pla.U itl tnttnora "'; l. lit., purpureu notu br law. Cie.
int 295 inu
llltri.'bllla -e (Intro), Cleal mn. bl entertd, lntriido -trlbl -tr1l.sum, a. lo thrull '": Bf',
a«u1ibl•: amnis os multis 11imnl venlentlhus ro i1&11-ude, Cic.
baud aane intrauile, Liv. lntil.bnm -1, n., tntubu• .f, m., v. lntibum.
tDtracti.bills -e unrn.anograble, intractable, tntu~or -ttmus sum, 2. dep. to lnok al n_t·
111190reM111bU, ,f'OU!Jh; geuns intract;at.lle bello, ttnlirely, gaze at. L Lit., Bolero, etc.; ID
t111.ro1ltpUTe<i, 'V erg. ; bruma, rough, \erg. allquem contra, rigltt i1' the face, Liv. ~· A.
lllu-aotatue -a -um, "°' handlm. L Llt.,
equo'.i intractatu~ et nnvus, Cic. IL Transr.,
to considtr, con~mplate, pay atuntion to ; alu11111l,
Cic. B. to look until or adrni rat ion
•Ratlem.l'Ud: scelu!i, Ver.;. at; Pompei um, Cle.
tntremtaco -tn'!rniii, 3. (inchol\t. or lntremo), lntiUtulJ -& •Um, p."lrtiC. Of intueor.
to btgi11 to tremble; genua ti more intremuere,Clc. lntUmellCO -tnmni, 3. to 1well, si«ll 11p. L
llltrimo, 3. to tremble,~. Yerg. A. Lit. 1 lntumult venter, Ov. B. 'J'ram'lf., vox,
Tac. ; l nt11mescente motu, Tac. IL Fig., a,
llltripidi, adv .. (lntr~pi<lus), taithout trm· to tt11:ell 10ith. pride; su perbia, Tac. ; b, to su·e1'
bling, un.dauntetlly, intrepidly, Liv. with anger,~ a1tf11']/; lntunauit Juppiter, Ov.
tntrCpldua -a -um. L Mt tnmbUl\g, 1£11· lntti.miU&twl -a -um (In and tumu\o), U1'-
da1'11.ted, in.lrtpW; <lux, Ov.; with dat., tn- buried, Ov.
trepidm minantibus, 'l'l\c. IL /Tu fTCTTll cure
or alar11t.; biems, undisturbed by war, Tac. tntiior, S. dep."' lntueor (q.v.).
tntrico, 1. (in and tricne), to~. en!an!Jle, lnturbldu -a -um, 1, pass., undisturl>M,
bri 7'U ii~ con,fusion.; Chrysl ppus lntr1catur, quiet; annus, Tac.; 2, act., noc turbule1u; vir,
Cic. Tac.
tntrinMcriia, adv. (Intra and secue), (tr.aide, tntiis. adv. (in and -tus, cp. cll'To~). wit~in.
uKJG.rdly, inkrnu.lly, Cato. inside. :I. 1, ea quae sunt lotus In corporc, C1c.;
poet., with abl., tali lntu>1 tempi':>, Vcrg.; 2,
I. batritus -a -um (in and tero), 1'0t toorn tnm11r_ 1 within tM ht;t!rt; intne In an11nl!'l 111clusae
airoy; tni.nsr., vnezhaulted; cohortes lntritae ab (cupltlitiites), Cic. IL With verus of motion,
labore, Caea.. into, to tM in.Iida; duel lntue, Ov.
2. ~tua .... -um, partlc. or lntero. lntiitua -a ·nm, unprokckd, u~e. L
L batrO. &i-lv. (for tntero ac. loco from *ln- Pass., castra, Liv.; intut" moenium, tM
teru.a -a -um), tcitllin.; Intro Ire, Caes. ; flllam tecUd. parts oj Iha U'<llls, Tac. IL Act.,,
Intro vocare, Cle. (naecuns: latel>rne, Tac. ; amlcitia, Tac.
2. bltro, 1. (*interns), to go into, tnlu. A. lniU.a -ae, f. tM plant tlecampaM, Hor.
Lit-., re:.,'llum, pomoerlum, Cic.; In hortos, O'·· ; lnultua -a -um (In and u\ciseor). L tln·
ail munimentll, Liv.; Intra praeshlia, Caes. B. arenged; injurlae, Cic.; ne l1111lt11s e~set, Cic.
Transl., a, co tnter, renttm.u: In rerum naturam, IL 11npuni3htd; aliquem lnultu1n emere, or
Cic.; in alicuiua f11miliaritatem, Cle.; b, of inultum esse patl, Cle.
things, quo non modo lmprobita'I aed ne im·
prmkntia qnidem poeslt lntrare, Cle. lnumbro, 1. to IOOdt, &Mrshadow, COl'tT with,
chade-; ve11t1Lulum, Verg.; inuml.rante vespeti,
lntrOCliioo -duxl -ductum, 3. to I.tad ot con.·
cf.a il\IQ. L Lit., coplas In fines Belloncorum,
1U the shade• of tl-ning
ora eoronis, Luer.
WtT• coming on., 'l'11e.;
Caai.; exercilum In Ligure11, Liv. IL Tnmsr.,
A. to bring i"9 introduce; philO>IOJlhlam in lnunctlo .()nls, r. (lnnngo), 41' anointing
cfomos, Cle. ; consuetul\lnem, Cle. B~ 1, ro ICUh aalre or ointment, Plin.
Wrod1t~ i7' lpttcA; lntrotlucta rel alnulltudo, lnUDdatfo .()nis, t (lnundo), nn. i•undation,
Cle.; 2, tt> mainta£n.: with acc. and in On., Cic. flood; inumlatlo ex lacu Al Lano, Liv.
bltrOductlo -onl!, f. (lntroduco), br£nging lnundo, I. L Transit., to ovtrjtcw, inund-
'"' il&lrnd1tction.: adolcscentulorum, Cic. ate. A. Lit., hnnc (tenam) inundat aqua, Ck :
In~ ·lvl and .fi -ltum, '- to go inro, enter;
Yestro sanguine Enna inundabitur, Liv. B.
In urllem, Cic.; domnm, Cic.; port.a, br the gate, Transr., to stream Ot'tr lib a t-Orrtnl ; 11'.nc rlen11l
Cic. ; tr&n11r., In vltam, Cle. cunsua lnun•lant Troe11, Verg. IL Intrnnsit.,
to Ot'tf'jl010 uri.llL; inun<lant sanguine fo11.sae, V~rg.
lntrifiro -tiill -rerre, lo bear, carry '"; lnungo -unxl -unctnm, s. lo 11n~int, smmr
liberil cibum, Cic. 1DUh oint1iunt; oculoa, llor.
lnri~dlor -gressns sum, 3. dep. (intro lnurbani, adv. (luurban1111), 'UnpolUelv, i,..
and gra<laor), to entu, Verg. ·
ehuun.tly, witht>Ul VJit or Aumour, C1c.
ln~ltu.9 ·lls. m- (introeo), an. entmJICI. L
I, lit., :Smyma.m, Cfo.: in urbe111, Cc.; 2, lnurb&nua ·a -um, nule, unpoll81w'n, rnvph,
tlsn'lf., ~ginning., 11Ttm11bl•: fa bu J- clownish., boori.Jh ; 1, in demeanour, Cic. ; 2.
ae Clodianae, defensionia, Cle. IL M:etoo., a In speech, unrejlnm, Cle.
plllec of entrallll, ~. Cle. lnurgeio -ursl, 2. to pv4h, tAnut against, LnC1'.
lnrimlUO ·mlsi -ml1JS11m, a. to and in, lniiro -ussl ·ustum, S. L to burn in. A.
CD1IM to tn.ln; leglones, Caes. Lit. not.nm, Verg. B. Transr., to folprint
lntronu (lntronum).ady. (for lntrover- ind;,libly, brand: notam turpitudinls vitae
alicuiu>1, Cle.; alicui dolorem, Ck. ; inuri not.I.
IWI), 1, lo1DC£rch U~ imi~, inll'Urd1,_ Caeii.; 2,
i•1011rdlJ1, in.ter'MUJI, Hor., Liv. ce!Wlrlae severttAtia, Cic. IL a, to burn, burn.
"P: vul:nere 118.ogul~ ln~stu11, Ov.; lmrn or
lntrOrumpo -rllpi -ruptum, 8. to brtak in, cinge with the curlmg-ircnu, to cur • flg., Illa
""" bf ftJtU : eA., Caes. • calamlstri11, to adorn elaborately, Cle,
lntroeplofo ·spexi -111iectum S. (Intro and lnii•lti.ti, adv. (, tlnu.ruall)I,
speclo) co look into, look urillLin; i, lit., do11111m llmngtly: inUllitate loqul, Cic.; iuusitatius con•
tum Cic.; 2, tr.mar., to loot alte1Uirel11, OOatrl"t, trahere, Cle.
emmlM: ID orunea relpublicae putc11, Cic.; In· lniialti.tue -a -um, vnu.sual, ctrange, u"""
trospice In mentem tuam ipse, cadci look wUhin,
Cic. ; allonun fellcitatem, Tac. co11u11.0n: re11 lnusltotA ac nova, Cle. ; llP,Clcies
navium lnusltatior, Cle.; with dat., lnnR1tatus
lmriveraua,,. lntroraus (q. •.). nostria oratoribus lepos, Cic.: lnusltatum ut
tatrciYioo. 1. to coll '"• coll within, Cic. with lnlln. 1 or with ut and Use anbj., Cle.
tnu 296 inV
lauatu -a -um, :p1rtic. of lnuro. -1, n. (lnvenio), . . i•watfotl, lfu.
IDiit.llla -e. L 1&1elus, ~. tui- OOWTJI, Cf c.
pro.Jf.tablt; homo, Cle. : with dat., Yaletudlne lnvenuati. adv. (tnYellutu). ~
aut aetate inutile11 bello, Caea. ; with ad and imlegan.U11, Plin..
the acc., ad uaua civlnm non inutile, Cle.; ln· lnvfautaa -a -um, L '~· ~
utile est with inftn:, Cle. IL hurtful, tnju.rioul, Cle. ; 2, uftAappy '" low, 'Ter. ·
harmful; aedltlosu11 et inutills eivia, Cle.; oratlo
lnlitilis aibl et clvitati suae, Liv. lnvericnm4u -• -um,, _,,...,:
deus, ".BaccMu, Hor.
iniitD.ltaa -iltla, f. (lnuWla), Wlfle&mUI, vn- lnvergo, S. to poxr •pm&: front.I vlna, Veq.
projiroblemu, Cic.
iD.iitWtir. adv. (lnutilis), 1 0 tt.i-Zr, """ lnverdo -Onls, f. (lnTerto), iT'Ofty, Cle.
pro)Uably, Liv.; 2, hur(fullv, ,,._,,,riouslv, Cle. lnvenraa -a -um, p&rtic. of lnvert.o.
lnvi.clo -visl -vuum, s. L to go in inter, lnverto -vertl -veraum, s. to hi"' owr, hlB
tonu: in; a.. in eas urbes, Cle.: with aimpfe acc., about. L Lit., A.. in locum anulum, Cic.; poet.,
portum, Verg.; trla mill& stadtol"!"!1 adiu~ lnversuru contristat Aquariua annum, COIJI~
Tac.; b, trail.Bf., to undertake OO«Ufl; 11llqu1d Cic. B. Esp., l, t-0 tum owr; a, or the pfoug~
lnllgnum, Verg. D. A.. to attack, auault, fall vomere terras graves, Verg.; ~'--or the winds.
upon, auail, invade; I,. lit., a, of persons, in to upturn, Dor. ; 2, to turn 11.pawc dotrn., ftftptf;
boetem, Cic.; urbem, verg. ; b, or Inanimate vlnaria tota, Hor. IL Trans(., A. to \Jt.wrl,
objects, to pemtrau, attack; qaO<'umque fgnis turn upnde cWu>n, cAange, trnrupore, alUTiJWr-
invl41lit, Cic.; 2( tt1lnsf., a, with words, to wrt; ordinem, Cle.; inversl mores, Hor. B. *>
attack, auault; a1iquem minaciter, Tac. ; b, of pervert, giw a different m~uling lo ; verba, Cic.
diseases, peet!lentfa populum tnva11lt, Liv. ; c, lnv~raaclt. s. impera. U grow dtirt,
of paaalona and other evils, tv attack, befall ; beccmu twili9ht, Liv.
peetls in vltam fnvasit, Cle.; furor fnvasernt lnveatisatlo -linla, f. (investigo), aa flt..
lmprobls, Cle.; allquem lubldo invadlt, Sall. q11iring into, invutigatUm; veri, Cle.
B. ta fall upon. in onhr lo get polMUion of,
wurp, #izl; in alicuius praedla, Cle. lnveatig&tor -Ori,,-, m. (investigo). aa ' •
quinr, invutigatcr; aniiquitatia, Cic.; coqjur-
iD.rileeoo ·vlldJ, S. (fncboat. of invaleo), to ationls, Cle.
g<Uher ltrtngt}&, beco11U strong; tantum opibt.s
lnvalult, Cic. lnveatigo. I. kl Ma.rch otd, track ovt. L Of
dogs. canum tam lncredibilfs ad lnvestigandum
ln~itiido -Infs, t ind{lporition., Cic. sagacitaa narium, Cle. IL Of men ; a, a1iquem,
lnvillldua -a -mn, 1, wtak, po-ll'fflur. /ubl.t, Cfc>_ ; b, conjurationem, Cic.; verum, Cle.
impoUnt, indiapoled, Ul; milltes, Liv.; with ad lnvetiruoo, s. (lnvetero), to becowat old,
and the acc., ad munera corporls senecti ln- (JTO'll1 old. L a, to fl'NYID old '"; lnnteraverunt
'f'ali<lus, Liv.; 2, transr., wtak to rtri&t; exer· bi omnes cornpl11ribusAleundriae bellis, Csea.;
citus, Liv.; moenia in val Ida ad versus irrum pentes, b, to becom.e obsolete; si (res) fnveteravit,
Tac. est, Cle. IL to become old, becolftc ate&bl\dai,
lnveotlo --Onls, f. (lnvebo), 1, importation, beC01M ji:.wl., to be root.a; inveteravit jam opinlo,
Cle.; 2, aii invrig'/ting againat, uwtctfre, Cle. Cle.; with dat., quormn noruen et bonos invet-
lnviho -vex! -Yectum, S. L Act., to oo.rry, eravit et huic urbi et hominum ramae et ser-
bmr, bring in; 1, lit., a, pecunlam in aerarlum, monibus, Cle.; or persons, t-0 be .f.nn.111 UlablisMtl;
Cle.; b, to import; vinnm In Galllam, Liv.; 2, exercitum hiemare atque inveteraecere In Gallia,
transl'., to introduce, brinf al-01t,g wit1'; quae Caes.
( tlbi casus lnvexerat, Liv.; dlvitiae avari· lnv~o -onis, f. (inntero), ci becoaillf
tiam invexere, Liv. IL Middle, idvehl. A.. to old, an inweteraU diaetue or miltake, Cle.
ride or travel on horuback, in a which, in a ahi:i;; · lnvitero. 1. to alloio to become old; and pua.,
curru in capitollum, Cic.;-equo, Liv.; ftumine, to
3ail <m, Cle. B. Rell., se invehere Rnd middle lnvetirart,. ta gTO'llJ old. ~ old. L COD·
lnvehi, to pendra.U, burlt i?'l.t-0, attack; 1, lit., lnveterata, o/ longltanding, Cle. IL
Romana se lnvexft acies, Liv. ; quum utrinque rooUd; Middle, luveterati, ta beronu ntabliM«l, J.Y"'IAlr
invelal hostem nunciaretur, Lh·.; 2, traruit, in opinio l!lveterari potuiuet, etc.; ol'ten
aliquem or a.liquid, to attack with. word&, a&ail, in partic., lnvetiratuJI, old cstabluhed; ami·
ini"igh. agai1ut; petulanter in aliquem, Cle. citia, Cic. ; Ira, Cic.
lnvencUbW. -e, un«illable, Plaut. lnvl'.oem. adv. (in and viels), by tu'P"M, altlr·
nately. L hi rursus lnvicem anno post in armls
lnvimo -veni -ventum, 4. L to ~ or sunt, illl domi remanent, Cua. IL Tram!.,
light upon, find, mul with. A. Lit., 1, aliqnem, a, mutually, rtripn1C'Uly; iuvicem inter 1e
Cle.; navei1, Caes.; 2, ti> find writtni, oomt upon gmtantes, Liv. ; b, on both. rid#; multae in·
in rtadi"{I; de aliqua re nulla littera in veteribus vicem clades, Tac.
libris invenitur, Cic. B. Transf., 1, to find out; lnvtctua -a -um (in and vinco), unconqvtt"ld,
ipsis durior inventns est, Caes. ; 2 to procure, 1mS"Ubdutd, unconquerable, ini-incible; a labore,
acquire, get, earn; hoc cognomen, Cle.; gloriam Cic.; ad.Jabore10, Liv.; adversuru aliquid, Tac.;
ex culpa, Sall. IL to find out, disccver. A. HRnnibe.I armis. lnvictus, Liv.; absol., im-
Lit., argent! venas, Cle. B. Transl'., 1, to tjfect, perator, Cic. ; defeusio, uRanswcrablt, Cic.
bring abovt; per me Invent.a salus, Cic.; 2 1 ta
find out from. athtn, learn; conjurationem, Ctc.; lnvl'.dentla ·ae, f'. (invideo), enryin.g, rnvy,
invent~.un est with acc. and fnftn., Cic. ; with Cle.
lnvl'.deo -vidi -visum, 2. L t.o look ttpen V'itA
rel. sent., non !nveniebat quomodo, etc., Cic.;
dolor se invenit, s/uno.s it.self, Ov. ~ ti,il eye, Cat. II. t-0 ney,, beell"'°"'
a, with da.t., paribua aut lnf'erioribus, Cic.;
lnventlo -onis, f. (invenlo>. 1, inmt.t«m, of; hono1;, Cic. ; in lmpers. pass., superioribus
Cic.; 2, tM inventii·e /acult11 1 C1c. saepe invidetur, Cic. ; b, all cul &liquid or simply
Inventor -oris, m. (im·enlo), an inventor, aliquld ; alicul honorem, Hor.; qaoad id ipai
~1&.<Mr 0'1"; oovorum verborum, Cle. iuvidere dei, Liv.; cl allcui in aliqua re; In qua
lnventrl.s -tricis, r. (inventor), slu thatftnds ti bi in video, Cle.; a, allcui aliqua re; non in-
JIU; oleae Minerva inventrix, Verg.; illae om- video taut.le sua mnlieribus, Liv. ; e, poet., alicul
llillm doctriaarum inveutricea Athenae, Cle. alicuiwt rel; Uli ciceris, Hor.; f, With lnfu:L. 0
inv 197 Ion
or acc. and fnfln., Lfbtlmle dedacl tnumpho, nam, Cle. ; allquem tecto ao domo, Cle.; b,
Hnr.; g, with ut or ne and the subj., Verg.; h. lnvitare f!8. to iak• oM'• ftll; ee cibo vinllque.,
ahilll, Cle. Sall. IL lo foviu, alluN, ni.liet; allq oe111
tnridla -ae, f. (ln\•ldns). L "'vy, gnt.dging, praeml111 ad rem, Cle. ; somnoa, to fovite, alltff'I
Nc11. IL 1, a_. hl1trtd, jroloU$J!, ill-will, odium, to alup, Hor.
11.n.1-011u/.iril.11; mvidlaw alioul facere, conftare, to lDritua -a -um. L tn1111Uling, agalmt OM'•
u.·tt~ iU-ll'ill o.gaili.'lt, (,'1c.; habere, to be u•
toiU; invitus faeio ut, etc., Cle.; eum wvitt..
[Cpl4lar, Cic. ; in invi<llirn1 VPnire, Cle.; lnvi<llam al mum dimisl, Cic.; me, te, se in vi to, again.ft my,
In ali'loem commovere, conclt.are, excltare, Cle.; thy will, etc.; lnvith1'<imls Stolt-is, 1piu of tlut
1mi•liam lenire, Cle.; ahslt tnvidla verbo, Liv.; qpposititm of the Stoia, Cic.; off.lilng11, in vita !ego
b nit>tnn. (a.) jtulou or t1tviou pn-80M, Verg.; ag~re, Cle. IL Poet., given uniMIHnglf; lnvlti
(B\ S<•iM.tlling e1lvied; inviiliae aut pP.atilentia.e ope, Ov.
1•.,.-1t·-c,orel!, Cie. ; 2, reproach.: lnvidiae erat. lnvlua -a-um (In and via), impauah/11; saltus,
a111i ... um Creuierae pr&eAidlum. Liv. Liv.; maria lnvia Teueris, Verg. ; In via Yirtutl
lnvld.loai. a<lT. (invidiOSU1), mvlowly, J«Jl· nulln est via, Ov. t:lubst., lDvl'.a -llrum, n.,
lllllLJ, lritterl11, Cic. £mpnssa.b~ place.!, Liv.; poet., lorica In via 11&- -a -um (invfdia). L ,/'NU of ency; gitti~, impe"Mtroble, Mart.

~t t11riou; ~mne~ ma)ev?ll, inlq1;1I,_ lnvldiosl, inV~cAdO ·1'.>nle, f. (lllTOCO), Cl c.alling UJ>Oll.
t:1c.; ~. catt$tng rn11J, enoitd; lnv1d1nqe opes, itu)Q(ation; deorull1, Quint.
Tac.; non i11vitl iusa voluptaft, Ov. II. full fl/
ltate; 1, ~li"fl hnte, hatiJig, Ov.; 2, a, o:nuing Cle.
1. lnvooatua -a -um (In and voeo), ""calltd.
l.••f(, pm•luring odium or ill-feeling; erimen, 2. lDvici.tu ·•-um, partlt>. of lnvoeo.
Cic.; with In an<l the acc., ut invidiosum eit in lnvico, 1. to call in, c.all upon, mil frn' hdp,
to~, Cic.; with dat., hoe lpsis ju•lieibus invldi- inroke; Junonem, Cle. ; allquem a•h·ocatum ad
ogis~i111orn futnru111, Cic.; b, hateful, IUte.slld; commune m im peratorum fortunam de fendendam,
lll'n.atus pote11 till, Cie. Cic.
lnridus -a -um (lnvideo), mvtoua; L Lit., lnToli.tua ·tlA, m. (lnvolo), a flying, ~igl&t,
Cic.; aubst., a" enrin'; lautlle, Cle.; obtrecta- Cle. (011ly found in abl. 1ing.).
wres et im·iJi Scipionis, Cle. IL T1-an11r, or lnv~llto, l. to Jy in ; traner., ot the hair, Co
thing!', cura, a.eta,., Hor.; nox coeptla fnvlda float or wave°"1'; comae involitant humeri•, Hor.
D08trii1, tnifawtLmbk to, Ov.
tnvolo, I., 1, to flu at, a.UacJc Juriotul11 :
lnYigllo, 1. to watcA i" or owr, be tDatchfu,l castra, Tac.; 2, to 1eiu or pouMe upon, tab
or o~r; gi'N grtJO.t attenticm and rure to; posaeui.on of; in po68U"ionem qua.'!! caducam ao
Ten11tu, Vt"rg.; reipubllcae, Cle. vaeua111, Cic. ; provineiam, Cic.
lnrioli.bllla -e, inirldablt, that ro•rwl bf lnvolucre -la, n. (lnvolvo). ca Mpkin, Plant.
(ajltrtd; piguus, v~rg.
tnvoluorum -t, n. (inTolvo), a tDl"llppe-r,
Inviolate, adT. (invlnl11tt111). fot'iolatL!y: me- oo~er, ClU'!; 1, lit; candt"labrf, Cic.; 2, tranef.,
moriam no~tri pie inviolateque servabitis, Cle. 1
involueris simullu;1onum tegi,\Cfc.
lnrioli.tus -a -um, 1, vnfnjurtd, 11nhurt; lDvoliitua -a -nm, p. adj. (from fnvolvo). ol>-
lnvulneratJ inviolatiqt}e vixerunt, Cle.: in-, oonfuwi, (nvolved; rea lnvoluta.e dellniendG
'iolat& vestri. amidti4, Cic.; 2, invfolabZ,,; explicare, Cic.
tribun1111 l'lebis, Liv.
tnvolvo -volrl -votntnm, L L to roll '";
ln'rislt&tua -a -um, nae IU1'; hence, 1ln.- lgnl 1uo lnvolvunt, Tac. IL to roll along; silvas
tuwd, •trwn.,,e; magnituuo, Cic.; forma, Cle.; annenta virosque, Verg. ID. lo roll owr; cnpae
llOI'& •Cif!S, Liv. lm·olutae labuntur, Caes. ; with dat., to roll
1nri9o, 1. L to (JO to!lll, to virit. A. do11mm upon; Olympum 0Sll&8, Verg. IV. a, to roll
DO!ltrarn quoad poteris lnvi1111a, Cic. B. to visU up, 'll!1'ap up, co~; sinlstru agh1, Caea. ; nox
Cl fitN<m. or place; aliquem, Cle.; 11uos, Liv.; involvit umbra diem, Verg. ; b, t.ranllf., se lit-
Delam., Verg. IL to permw, ga a 1ight of, Cat. teria, to Wf'tl onuel.f in, devoU 01tt11tlf to; se aui
1. lnrisua -a -um (In and video), 1lTUttn, virtute, Hor.; helium pael1 nomlne lnvolutwn,
lllltrd; sacra occult& et maribua non aolum ln- oon«aled u1'der, Cic.
•lsa llt'd etiam, Cle. lnvolviUu -1, m. (lnvolvo), ci caterpUlar
2. lnviaua -a -um (in video). L PMA., luued; which wro1>1 it8el/ up in lwvu, Plaut.
a, or renions, Cie. ; with dat.• lm·IHll8 •lt"o, Cic.; lnvu.l&'o, 1. to depo«, "'"" mdena, Cle.(?)
b, or things, eupl"('ssi, negotla, Hor. ; ju11ici11111 lDvulniratua -a -um (in and vulnero), u,.-
lnvisum etiam jmlicibuii, Liv. IL Act., hating, wounded, Cic.
~: invlAnm quem tu tibi flngis, Verg. 1. •o Interj., an exclllmatlon of joy and trf.
lnvitamentum -f, n. (fnvlto), an invitatiim, umph.J hurrah. I Verg., Hor.; or or pain, oh! Ov.
atlmcttm, allurement; with subject. genit., nat- 2. lo (Ion) -Us and -6nl11, f. ('I,;>), dau.ghur
orae, Cic. ; with ohject. ~enit., temeritath1 in· of the ~rgive king, Inachv, bt.lowd by JupiUr,
vitameuta, Liv.; with ad and the acc., multa chr111ged by JuM ; nto a cow; identi8ed with the
ad luxuriam invltament& pernielo!lll, Cle. E@'ptian goddeu, Isis.
lnvitatlo -6ni!I, r. (invlto), invirotion; with loliiu -l, m. (IOA&o~).
1t1hject. genit:.t hospitum, Cic. ; in Epirum, Cle.; constant compa•icm of Huciilu.
'°" qf Ifoiclm, iu
ot bibf.retur, 1..;ie. ; ad tlolentlum, Cic.
lnvitatua -n, m. (lnvito), an in.vUat'®; tlutlolou Hi•) ·I, t. ('Jw>Jrtk), toum ' " Th.uaaly,
luvitatu tuo, Cic. home of JCIMYll. Hence, adj., lololAcus
-a -um, of or behmgfng to lolcua.
invite_ atlv. (invitm1), unll'illingly, int•olun- lole-e~. t. ('lo>-l!). dauqh.ter Q/ Euf'J(t1u, gil!ti.
"'1-uy, agiiin.sC on.e'1 tvill; invite cepl C.apuam, by Jim:ulu to hit wn H11llus.
Cic.; vel pudentia11 vel lnvitius ad hoc genWI
1ennonis aecedere, Cle. 1. ion, ·li, n. (to,,), 1, tM h/114 Mr>Ul, Plln.; 2.
lnvito, 1. to int"'-t, requat·cfoilly. L Lit., A. ca preci.OU$ ltone of 1imUar colour, Plin.
&hquem in lf'gationem, to int'ite O"U to undertake r.,
2. ion -1'.>nls, v. Io.
41' tm.00."Jf, Cic. B. Eiip., to inrilt r111 a fl1£t8t; lc>nu -um, m. (''Ia,w«f), tAt lMlW.m, a peopi.
a, aliquern ad cenam, (.;ic.; aliquem domum of Gruct, OM of tht four Greik roca ; hence, 1.
iot 298 irr
~ .• loallcu .. ·um, r°"'°": 2, lomou lrftllcAtu.a (In and r.lf&o). •Bbos11d;
11. ·11111, lon'4": 8, lonlu -a -um, '°"fa"t croceu lrrellgat.a comu, OY.
lrrillgloei. adv. with compu-. (lr• .allg:losus),
I°"~: mare Ionlum, Ult 1ec1 btllOlfl!. Italv a"4
Gtwct, LIY.; so aequor lonlum, Ov.; •lnu• Wrel'9\01Ulr, tmpfoMIL1, Tac.
lo11iu1, Hor., or lllmply lonlum -U, n., Verg. lrrillglOeu -a •Um (ID and rellgi09UI).
Bubllt., lonla -ae, r. ca di.ltrid "' ..._. . .ll"'°7' CmligM>u, W.JKoul; lrrel.igtOftDl ratu., with
l i d - Corea aJWI .dtolw. lnfln., LIY.
· lit.a n. indecl. (Wni). 1M ,.... ~ 1M Orwk lrrimiSabllla •(In and remeabUJa), Inna
VOtOd, I, 1, Cle. wllicA th.,-, v "° ~; unda, Verg.
iphfJnHH -M, t • Iphigenia, Luer. lrripl.ri.bllla .. (ln and reparabWa), Dtal
fphlla ·ldil, t.(l+aaf), datigAUr o/ I~C., Le., CIDftftOC be ~ 'fTfJIGl"l.lbl.t, '' l'WDOPSI 111* i
lJuadM. t.em pua, Vers.
iphlg~D.ia ..... r. fl.a-,1"14), clat197'Ur o/ lrripertua -a -um (ln and reperlo), • .-.
.d g<l-Mn, ~ bf 1wrr /a.t>&.r lo CIPJl'O'I
tilt wratA o/ DiaM: or, according to another
oowred, "°' °"':
/Otl.M aurum, Hor.
lrripo ·repml · S. to crap, end '-:
legend, Javed by Diana., a!lld carn.d -r, ca!lld Interim (Oablnha) lpeo declmo die lrre119lt. cm11
'IMlic A.r Jlriu"" '" Ta•rV. cretp(llf Cn., Cic.; tranat., lo ertep '"- Cnriatll.ll9
IPM -a -um, genlt.. lpalu. (poet. lpetua), d&L fJ'llUCV iftlo: In men tea hominum, Cic. ; ID _....
lpaf (i• and .pee), rd/. L Gen., die lp1e, etc., meut.a locupletium, Cle.
lrriprilaenna -a -um (ln &D4 nprebendo),
Cle.; ego lpee, I m.y$t/f, Cle.; ipse lntervlso, Clo.;
ln me lpmo probavi, '" "'pev, Cle.; et lpee, aZa>
too: victor H At>qul• In Vo1900I tranallt et
...wame11, l>la""'411, °"·
lrriqufetua -a -um (ln and requletua),
lpeos \iellnm molientes, to1'o °" IMCr tCdf .,.,. rutlal, 1"""'1>W; Ch:irybdia, OY.
preparillf toar, Liv. ll. E•p., A. ""'J, CdntM:GJ. lrrheotua -a -um (In and reeeco>. -.cU;
a:ridlv ; &, eaque lpsa belll tult, caftd Uicat pollex, Hor.
wry lhf-.g - l>IC oa1'.N o/ lilt_. LIY. • natal!
suo Ipeo die, jtult °" 1wrr Wrti\dcar, bic. ; i>, with lrria61iitu.a .. -am (In and raolTO), lllGI
looNd, "°' tlacbMd; Ylncula, Ov.
numeral1 =jut, cr:icu:tlr: Ipso Yicealmo anno,
Cle.; eA lpel horl, Cle. B. IJ>M, tpn. uaed em· lrritlo,, "- (In and • retlo, from rete), eo mlcA,
phatically of a 'lllG.IUr, •vtraf, leacMr, etc.; l'IUl.lft.914 '" ca MC; a, lit., allquem, etc. ; b. ftg.,
lpee dlxlt, '"' "'4ltlr (I.e. PrU1a9CJf'UI) 1wu 111'4 u, allquem corrupl.el&rum lllecebrfa, eo nl'llClnl,
Oio. C. = lpO!\ta~J, o/ OM'I °""" Cl(ICOl"Cf • Cle.

tmMt(/; genltor 11ecum !pee

per se, and simply lpe., of 1'
Yalvae ee lpeae aperuerunt, Clo. D. aloM, wUl
Verg.; lpee
,_"11 1't-U,
' lrrlStortu -a -am (ln and retorqueo), MC
tvn&ed or t.n.ud back; oculo lrretorto, Bar.
lrriT,rentl& -ae, r. (lrreverena from In and
illoM; moventur lpu per~ Clo. Iii. Uled for reverene), tmAt of t"CIJ>d, lrrntrftlGI; juTeDtuUa,,
the refhl:dve pronoun, quem at parum pudor Tac.; adveraua f&I netuque, Taa.
lp1lu1 defendebat, Cle. ; tpee wltl:I 1uftl:1 met, lrrivloi.bW. -e (in·re'Yocabll11). &Aat cmMIOI
lpelmet (nom. plur.), Cle. (8uperlatiYe, lpel•· ei. oall«i bl.lck, irn~ L IJt., aetaa, Luer.:
almua, OM's wrr tt1/, Plaut.). nrbum, Hor. n. Tranaf., A. ~;
Ira -ae, r. L wralA, CMl9fl', en, Cle.; trsm C&IWI, LIY. B. '"'~Tac.
nomere In allquero, Tac. ; lrae lndulgere, LlY. ; lrriT~oatu• -a -um (In and re'YOCO), !. MC
irae caelestM, diriu wralA, Liv.; with genlt.
of the cause of anger, dletatorla creat1, U•.; mllt,d bclck, l.11.,"°' '°
cubd Gtlri",.,.
Hor.; i, "°'to oc call«i or 1'ftd back, OT. (1)
Ira acheT'lllWI Roroanom, LIY. : veterea In populum
Bomanum bu, Liv.; tra111t, of Inanimate ob- lrridlo -rial ·rlaum, t. (In and rldeo). I.
ject.a, ~ f"Gl/I; belll, SalL D. lleton., Intranait.. 1 !<> la-,1' at, jtn' cat, Cle. IL TramU.,
i.V CCI. . . of CMf'rt ()y• lo Mad; naictUI, dmd4I; deoe., Cle.
idoundi. ach. with compu-. (lracundu), lrridlotui, adY. (In and ridicule). .ca.w
vmdh,/'14U y, aft.grily, pcurioft.attlr, Cle. .U or Av71W11-r; non lrridlcule db.IC, Ca-.
iraoundla -ae, f. (lracundua). L ca" Cl""V'J lrridloiUum -1, n. (lrrideo), ca latip'1isf-
d~ion, ~. iNUCibilitr, Cle. IL dock: lrridlculo haberi (eae), fo be Wladl ~qt,
llfVJtr,/vrr. vrralh; lracundiamcohlbere, Cle.: ex- Plaut.
cit.are, Cle.; plur., lracundlae !mplacnbll61, Cle. lrrlPdo -&illl, t (lrrlao). a ...,.,_,, tr-
iraoundua .a ·um (trucOr), C7'dfned lo 11.,-, rifattoi\ : agrl. Clo.
fru.teibU, ~. 11""7\', Wl"'CIJNW, Clo. ; ln lrrla'o (lu-rko), 1. L to OOIM:f'Md ._,. at
allquem, Cle. or oiA.r Z~id to any plaot: lmbrea, Verg.;
iraacor, S. dep. (Ira), lo be csitgry, tonaUV\ll: transl, eo
di§tut, per membra quiet.Im! ~ell­
allcul, Cie. ; of a bull, In cornua, lo c/W.rgt wrai.\- n. to toeler '""'1aU: Aegyptum Nllua lrrtpc.
/Wlr tuith eJw horn1, Verg. Cle. ; hortuioa fontlbua, Clo. ; tranar., fll!lllllOll
aopor lrrigat artua, 01i111pf"1Qdt, r¢ah.•, Vers.
irate, a<IY. (lratus), aftg!"Uv, .Phaedr. lrrlgtiua -a -um (Inigo). L Act., __...
ritua .a ·Um (lrucor). a"9T}', full of -mA;
alleul, tD'Ul any one; iratlor, lratlsslmua alleul, '""' irrlfl.llf"fl: fona, Verg. ; tr&D.a!:i. 10mnua,
Ole. : quam lratus de judlclo, Cle. ; orlnanlmate d~'"9• rcfr'8Mi1t9, Pera. u.. Pua.,
~ L bortua, Hor. ; oorpua lrrlguum mero,
ob.J.ecta, raging ; mare, venter, Hor. IOClktd, Hor.
Irle ·rldl1, t. r11uc), u.. fM#tfl,gg ofU.. gob, lrrido -611111, t (lrrtdeo), • lng~Mlf st,
CM of U.1 raMWotll (acc. lrlm, Vorg.; voe. ~. dm.riotl.; wtt.haubjeCl genlt., omnlum,
lrl, Verg., Ov.). Cle.
lrnk = hlrnea (q.v.). tnUor -6rfa, m. (lrrideo), & IHgJw, 9IOClllP,
ironia ·ae, 1. <•1P·... Ca>. '""''· aa. dcrlcUr; with oQ)ect. genit., huiua oraUonls, Ole.
lrpinl = Hlrplnl (q. Y,). lrrinL8 -ila, m. (lrrideo). ,_,AW1 ~
lrriauJI -& ·Um (In and rado), vnlAcaNll, dcriricm; lrrtaul tae, lo tis & lcaufA~
Plrmt. Caea.; ab lrrilu (~n. dtri.dcla) 1lagum eDel'lft
lrrauoeaoo, or lrrauolo ·rausl, a. (ln and LlY.
raucua), lo becaN 1'ocltw, Oic. · lrriti.bDla .. (lrdto), ~ llUflrt"OUltl
irr fat
ln1t.'.lblles Runt, animi optlmorum. Ole.; genm Liv.: d;ld est, that u, in.explanation, hoole, Id
ntum, Hor. est, Cal. Oct.. Cle.; e, et 1s, IBQ.ue, atque Is, and -lnls, n. (lrrlto), an. incUemen.t, t1&al too, and in.dud; ,Antonius cnm u11A Jeglo~
inducemenl ; amoris, Ov. eAque vaclllante, and that vacillating, Cle. IL
trriti.mentum .f, n~ (irrlto), i:nd~, that, .. the .correlative or qu!L_quae, qnod, Is
ill.dWX11Unt, ·1m1vooali01t, inuntive; with object.
qui physicus appellatur;Cfc . .uL aucA, of~
genit., cert:Aminum, Liv.; libidinum~ Tac.; with a kind; a., sul)st., neque is es; qui, quid sis,
d&t., hu:ni, Tac. nescias, Cic.; b, culns ea stultitia ut, etc., Clo.
trritatlo -onls, t (lrrito), a atirring up, ldra -ae, f. a r£ver in Gaul, now tM lwa..
prorokii&g irritating, irritali<>n; with subject. Lauri --Orum, m. (°Icrcu1pot), tJi. lacrMriana.
genit.., nuhi.8 conviviorum irritatiOJ;libus, Tac.; Hence, 4. fsaurla -ae, r. ('Icraupici), a mau1'-
lnitatio quidem anlmorum ea prim& fuit, Liv. taincu& country of Asia Min.or, north of Oilicia..
trritatua -a -um, partlc. of irrlto. B. Laurioua -a -um, surname of P. Ser'llil£iu
trrito,. l. (in and "rito). L to atiT up, ltim· VaJia, tht ronqueroroj tire Jsauri. C. f•uru
tilau, i'llciU, aci.te; aliq!!_em ad certamen, Liv.; -a -um, /&au.rian.
nm et odium, Liv. IL to e:cciU t-0 angQ" ir·
ritaU; aliquem, Cic.; animos barbarorum, Liv. Iata ·Idis, r. ('Jcr,~). the Egyj,eian goddus Isis.
lrrltua -a -um (in and ratus). L wi.d, in- Adj., isUous -a ·Ufll, of or belonging to Im.
mlid; U:stamt111tum !acere irritum, Cle. U. lsm&rus .j, m. (''lvf.iapo~), and I~
roin; a, of things, min, .iM§'eclual, without ;?:~ n. a mountain in Thma. Adj., Ia-
tJ'td; inceptum, Liv.; dona, tela, Verg.; remed-
ium, Tac. ; subst., irritum ·i, n. t1&al whtch is Tereus, Ov.
ua -a -um, poet. Thracian; tyrannus,
roiJl; spes a'I irritum ~It, i& dimppOinud, Liv.; lsminua (-0a) -i, m. ('Icrf.i11...6~). a rivtr in
b, transt, of persons, witlwlU doing anything; Boeotia. Hence, A. Jamenla -ldis, f. poet.=
irriti lepti remittuntur, Tac.; with geuit. or a Th.tban wo1nan. B. Iamenlua ·a -um,
the object., Iegationls, Tac.• ·
trrOptlo --Onis, r. (lrrogo), tM imposing of
pot>t. =
ieocr~tea -Is, m. ('lcre>«p.i~). a celebratt:d
a fine or ?naltY; multae, Tac.
Athenian orator. Adj., is0or&Lteus and iaO.:.
trrig'o(ln-rogo), 1. L t-O~tothep!'>Jfu ~tiua -a -um, IsocfaUc.n.
a nua.rure a11y01U; alicui 1ege'n1, priv1le-
'1nm. Cic.; alicui, poenam,.Cic. IL to l88a -ae, r. ("l!TCTC1), nn island fo tM Adriatic
t•ftid, impose: poenas peccatia, Hor. (irrogaaslt &a, off th.t coo$l of Dalmatia, now Li$$(],. A~ .•
= irrogaverit, Cic.). A. lsaenals -e. B. Iuaeus -a. -um. C.
laaAloua -a ·urn, of ur belonging .to Issa.
lrrOro (in-roro), I. to t'l'ICUttn. 'IDith dew. L
to wet, moi..~un; crinem aquls, Ov. ; lacrlmne tatac, ·adv. by tlia. 'll'<ly, Ter.
irrorant foliis, trickle down upon., Ov. •ll. to lataotenus, a<lv. thus far, Plant.
ipTinJ.:u upon; liquores vestibus et capiti, Ov. late, ista, istlid, pron. de111onstr. (i<; and -te),
irrumpo -rilpf -ruptum, 3. (In and rumpo), th is or tha..t per.~on or thing (aJ>plies to the pe111011
to brtak in, bxnt into, ru.M i7'. L ·Lit., ·1. in spoken to). I. Gen., qu.i<l quo<l adventu tuo
castra, Cic.; with dat., thalamo, Verg.; with ista subsellia (those swts u·hert yo" sit), vacue.
acc.., portam, Sall.; 2~ to """'-seize upon; facta sunt, Cic. IL a, in letters, relating to
ln no.trum patrimouium, Cic. i i . Transf., places or conditions In which the person ad·
lnxntles quam in domum irrupit, Cic. ; imagines <ll"l!!!sed is, perfer i11tam militiam, y01J.r military
in animus per corpus irrumpunt, Cic. ; to brtak seri·ia, Cic.; b, emphatic, referring t<> some·
'" upcm, suk to prttient; in nostrum tletum Ir· thing 11&id sythe persona<ldresscd, Att. "Plat<>n-
rumpes, Cic. (?) em videlicet dieis." M. "istum ipsum," Cic.; lsta
trr:ito {if!·rilO) ·rlU, ~·to rush _imo, '"v:~ upon. quae didtis, Cic. ; o, in speeches, referring to
the accused, Cic.; d, ironical or contemptuous,
A. Lit., 1, m ac1em, Liv.; in altquem, .,1c. ; 2,
to ""'" a11d seiu upon, ta1a posses.rlon of; in ex quibus generibus hominum istae copiae rom~
aliena.s possesfiiones, Cic. B. Transf., ne quo parentur., Cic.
irroas, make 11011U blumkr, Cic. ; in odium offen· =
later Bister.
lionemque po pull Romani, rush bli n.dly inro, Cic. Isthmus -i, m. (tcr8µ6f), an isthm11~; a, tM
lrruptlo -Onis, r.. (irrurnpo), a lmakin9, uthmus on wh.ich Cy::iCU!J was 1ituated, PrOp: ;
bunting in.lo, irrupti<>n; etiamsi irruptio nulla b, especially the Jlthmir..s of Corinth, Caes.. Adj .•
fact.a eat, Cic. lsthmlus -a -um, Isthmian; labor, in tM
lrruptua -a -um (In and rumpo), unbroken, Isthmian gama, Hor.; plur. subtlt., Iat.hmla
·~; copula, Hor. -orum, n. the Isthmian. Gamu, Liv.
irua -i, m. ('IP<K), tlu name of a 1Nguar in lati, adv. (iste), thert, Verg.
Itliaal; appelL =a poor man (opp. to Croesus), 1. tsd'.o (lathlo), istaec, ist<5c or lstl1c (iste
Ov. and hie), this same, this very person or thing; lstie
la. la Id. L M, she, U; thu or thaJ penon or labor, Pla.nt.; subst., istuc considerabo, Cle.;
tAing (the demonstrative pronoun chiefty used in interrogative sentences, istice, etc., Plaut. ·
to refer to something already mentioned). A. 2. lstic (iathio),(iste and adv. hie), 1, there,
a. subst., mihi venit obviam i.mer tu us; is mihi denotes the place or the person spoken to, hen,
lit.eras reddidit, Cic.; b, adj., in eum Jocum, there; quonlam istic sooes, Cic.; scribiw quid
_~;ob earn causam, Nep. B. a, referring to istic (= in Rome) a.gatur, Cle.; 2. in tlti.&
a following subst., ca libera conjecturn est,
LiY.; b 1 used pleonastically for the 11ake of em-
niatlfr_,in affair, Cic.; istic sum, I am aU
tars, Cic.
phasis (a) with the relat.. , quod ne id fllcere 1st1m. adv. (iste), /rom thtTt, Cic.
posses. Cle. ; esp. in apposition to a clause, si
JIOll, id qnod debet, nostra patria delectat, Cic.; tsthao (tsthino), adv. (isteandhinc), lheit.ce..
(If) with a noun, nrbem novam, coni:litam vi et front Chtna. A. Li(, alludes to the place where
annl&, Jure earn condere parat, Liv.; o ld the. pe.!Jion spoken to may be ; qui iatinc \·eniuli~
IUbst..; id temporis, id aetatis, at that age, rue. ; Cic. B. Transr.. of that .thing, tlaenu, Hm:.
Id gaadeo, I njmc.e becat.f.811 of that, Cic.; in eo ~uam~ of tllae ~114 w IO'Tt, sv.<:h; ratic>
W.. or res in eo est. it i8 on IM point of, ere.. lstiusruodt, Cio.
1st 300 jac, adv. (late). L tltitlift', lo tllnt fllllll, to ltU-um. adv. L a, aguill, a #C01UI lhu;
CM plaa U.'Mrt 11ou ars; venire, Cle. IL 'rransf., C. 1''lami11i11s com1ul iterum, Cic.; b, of rel'ea.U.l
&Mrt1mto, t1uU thing; admlscere aliquem, actions, semel ntque ltorum.J.. Cic.; iteru111 atque
Cle. lterum, again a.11d again, 11or.; c, In order of
latOo, adv, (1. lstlc). L th.Wier, Plaut. IL events, ucondly, semd •.. lterum, Cle. IL
from that place, Ter. ' o" Ute oth.«r hand; pares iternm accnsandi
latonum, adv. (lstoversum), t1'Witrwanl1, cau81\8 esse, Tac.
.. that dir«ti01l, Ter. lt!Ulca -ae, and lthlci ~. r. ('IBU,,}, a•
lstrl, v. Hl11trl. island in. tM Ionian &a, tM Acme of Ulyuu.
1. lado, n. ofl. l11tlc (q.v.). Hence, adj., A. ltbiLcentda ·-e, Itllacan. B.
t. IRiio (lathUo), adv. (late and hue), lthf.oua . -a -nm, Ithaca."'- Babst., ltbAGU
0.Ullff; venlre, Cic. ·l, m. UlVS3U, Verg. .
I~ adv. (1-s and ·t.a). to, thw, in nc~ tcrl«. L ltldem, adv. (ltem-dem), '" Hke waat&111r,
Gen., a, te lt.A velle certe aclo, Cle..; b intro- lik.ewi6e, Cic.
ducing • following thought, with acc. an~ lnfln., ~tlo -OniB, f. (eo), <1 going, trawrlliKg; domum
Cle. ; o, eat lta, or factum est it.a, in anewers, M> U itio, Cle. . ·.
u, Cle. ; it.a pror11111, ita plane, certainly, Cle. ; d, ftlua rortus, a f'Orl of IM Morini from t01'i~
lnterrogatlv';i ltane 1 rl'ally Y Cle.; quid ita? tohy Caeaar crosstd ovrr to .{1rita'1', perhap1 WU-ScuM4
*' r Cle. IL Esp:, A. With comparisons ; a, SarnlgatU, or Boulogm.
gen. with ut, more rarely with quemadmodum, lto, 1. (int.ens. o!'eo), Co go; ad coena.a, Cic.
quomodo, quasi, etc. '° ... : u, t1' ..ucll a
manner ••. as; me commlem ita feciatis quo- ltone -&!, f. (I-r.:."") and •tODua -I, m.
modo _paucl factl snnt, Cle. ; b, in asaertions ('1.,.11111011), a town. '" &H:oti11, with. <1 kmpl4 oJ
and a<IJuratJons, ita vivam ut maximos 1111m1•tus .AthtM. Hence, l*lij., ltinlu -a -um, Itonia"-
facio, Cle.; saepe1 It.a me dil juvcnt1 te desldenl\'l, people'""'•·
ltiirael -~111m, m. ('ITOVjllllOl), ci
Cic. B. of 1iu:n a kind, 111eh., 1~ 6uch a con-
dUion; it.a sunt res nostrae, Cic. C. and,. so, nortll-taSt of Palestine. Hence, adj., ltiiraeua
C01Utqwntly, and theft: allqt!ot dies aegrotasse -a -um, Iturata1'.
et it.a e88e mortuum, Cle. D. To express con- ltu -ns, m. (eo), a going, dcpartvn; noster
dition or limitatlou, It.a ••. ut, to ~ utenl itu11, reditus, Cle.
Uw.l, only Chat; It.a tamen ut. ti bi uolim mol611tus ftflua -1, m. ("ITv>.cx), ion of the Theban ki1&f
esse, Cle. JC. toith the object thai, duobua con- Zt.tluiu a11d At{fon, killtiI lty hill own motMr.
aullbus lta mlsals, ut alter Mithrldatem perse· ftfa -t"os, dat. -ty, acc. -tyn and ·tym, abl.
queretur, Cle. F. To express degree, llO, to Bl4C4 -ty, m. ("hv,;), wn of Tem1..1 and Proc1~, kiUed
an f.ZUnt; !ta mcndose scribuntur, Cle. br hi.a motllff and 1ervtd up/or food Co hu /atlwr.
iWl ~rum and -~m, m. tht inhabitanta of fiiliua =Julius. L namtd a/kr It&ltU, '°"
Italy, tM Italian!. Hence, A. itAUa -ae. f. of ...te1i«ia, avi, Ov. IL bel01tgi"ll lo JNliu
Italy. B. itllloua -a -um, Italian; eubaL, Caaar; Calendae, ut of JuJ.y, Ov.
fdUoa -ae, r. a to1D" (n H'8pania O. ·i, m.'°" qf .Am«U, aho called b'
i~u -a -um, Italia.A. D. iWla ·ldls, f., oanim.
Italian. Plur., Italldes =Italian 10011leu, Verg. lxion -Onis, m. ('Itlw"), :H•g of the I.apilAai
l~qu~1 adv., l, aftd Ultu, and so, Cic.; 2, in ThtMaly, fathtr of Piritlloul; for a" inntlt to
fAt:rt,fort., 1or that rt.a.10n. on that account, Cle.; JuM he 1001 hurltd dovm to Tartanu, and bot&u
31 after ' digression, to resume the thread of to a rerl~tuaUy 1"tVOl11ing 111lal. Hence, A. A<\i ..
dl8COUJ'k, so, Cic. lxi6Dlu• -a -um, of Izi.on.. B. Jzi6nl4ie
Item, adv, (l·B and -tern). L al.lo, likt>wiM, -ae, m. ('lf'o"ia~). Cl'°" q/ ~ PhithotU, Ov.
"'like manntr: Romulua au~ur cum fratl'e item
augure, Cle. IL A. In comparisons, in lib
fllQnnt.r, as,· fee is ti item ut praedones, Cle. B.
et Item, itt'mque, and abo, and IWtl.; aolill de·
fectiones itemque lunae, Cic.
lt¥r, ltini;ris, n. (connected with ire, itum).
L <1 going, uulk, Wily. A. 1, in iter
equl concitati, Lh·.; 2, a, a 11oiHg, a jo11r11ey, a j, a consonRnt, originally written with the
tM.rcA: fter facere in Apuli111n, Cic. ; lter lngredl,
Cle.; in itinere, on the march, Caes.; b, n 1uaroh, J , same elgn u \he vowel I i, yet recognised
by th'-' ancients as a different ietter.
considered 1lll a measure or distance; cum
abessem ab Amano it.!r unius die!, oiu day'• Jl.oio -cdi ·clUlrus, 2. (akin to jacio), lo lu
Jot.trM?1, Cle. ; quam maximh1 ltlneribu11 pot.est, (opp. ~ta~. pendere). L, A. Gen., hmnJ,
tDith the loug(.'!f pouible stagu, Caes. ; S, a, a Cle.; m lnwne, .Cle.; lecto, Ov.; &UJ)e!'. corpua
kgal right of troy, Cle. ; b, permmion kl marCh; aliculus, Ov.; ad alicuiu11 pe<les, Cle. B. E.sp..,
negat se posso lter ulli per provinclam dare, 1, lo lie ruling; a of penons, to ~; ID
caes. B. Fig., defes~u.s labore atque ftinere lect<\ Cic.; b, to ~ine at tabl.I, OT.; o~ to lu
dJsput:itionis, Cle. II. Concl'('te. A. Lit. a sicl', oe ill; te jacente, W!hils ,av an iU "' bt'd,
troy, rood; ikr angni;tum et dltl\f'fle, Caes. ] i ~ic.; 2, to lu th~n to tJu U"!"'M; a, ~
Fig., ~ way, ··ourse: lter amor!s nostrl et 01!:1.cll JACes, Ov. ; b, to he dead, be s/11\n; pro Jl"tria.
wel, t.:ic. ; 2, metl10<l: nnturam auo qnodam Ov. ; S to lu or tYmain for a IO'ltg tilM; Brun.
ltinere ad ultimmu pen·enil'e, Cic. dusll, Cic.; 4, a, to lie gtO!Tl'tlJ>hicaU"· he situa.U:
jacet inter eos campus, Liv.; b, ro lu lote, bl
ltiratlo ~11i11, r. (ltero), <1 ttpdition, u.m- ftat; domus depress&, caeca, jacens, Cic. ; c, fo
tion: ''erborum, Cle. lie i" ni iu: jacet Ilion lngena, Ov. ; d, of
l~ro. 1. 1o do a It.COM ti'lfl.I', rtrJMt. L clothes, to Aang loolely, be lOOlf; pr&e\"errunt
pngn&m.J.. to rrnt10, Liv.; aequor, ro takt ship latas veste jare11te viu, Ov.; e t.o be coat do1cA;
again, 11or. U. A. to J>/011[1h. again; 11i:;rm11 vultus attolle jacen.tes, Ov. i:L Fig., A. t>riora
non semel arare sed iterare, Cic. B. to rtprot tempora in ruinis ~ipublicae noatri.llque ,J&Cue-
(words); verbn, Cic. runt. _,.. "niied t&rit.\ Cic. B. 1. to be "'u
Jao 301 Jan
"1: In maerore, Cle. ; 2, a., to be owrt0'9le, M.ot, Verg. IL tM throw o/U.t di«; teMerarum
JXllOtrku; (•) jacere Cat>!Ulre111 otfen!llone povu- prosper jact1111, Liv.
lari, Cic.; (ft) to be ho~/~, dispirlted; jacet, Jhillabllta -e (jaculor), toot can be thrown
dilftdit, abjec1t, Cie.; (y) Co be rug1':cUd or or tel um, Ov.
dr.~piud; 1•hilosophla ja•!Ult usque ad haoo
aet1tem, Cic. ; b, to be owrthrou·1l, put out of Jlci'tliitYo -30!11, f. Oaculor), a throwl11g,
cvurt; jar-ent hi suis testibus, Cie.; jacet lgitur hurling, Plin.
tllta co11clusi•1, C1c.: c, to ctau: jurllcia jnccbant, Jlctuator -l:irls, m. (jacul11r), 1, 11. tl1rou·~r
Cic.; d, kl bt lnw in. pda; jacent pretia prae- 2, a jat·elirv.nurn, a li11ht·ar111;,J
hurler, Hor.;
dlori1rn, Cfo.; 3, of 'l'rords, to be in comm-0n u3e; aoldier, Liv.
(verbll) jaceutia, Cle. JAciUi.trlx ·leis, f. (jaculator), w U1'1l
J~ ~rum, m. a ~ople in the 11orth of Aurls, tht hunlrtu (Diaria), Ov.
Hi!l[/.lnia ulterior. . Jllodlor, 1. (.lnculum). L Jntr1mslt., 1, lit.,
Jll.clo, jtcl, jactum, S. to throu" ca&t, hurl. to throw a ju velin; totum di1·m juculari, Cic.;
L A. Lit., 1, gen., in allquem scyphum, Cle.; 2, transf., to muke an a'tack with u:urd~; probrla
mat..riam de 111uro in aggerem, Caes. ; se in i•ro- procncibus in ali1uP.m, Cic. IL Transit., A.
l'ondn1u, Cic.; 2, esp., a, t-0 throw d~; talum, to cast, hurl; 1, it., ignes, Verg.; Rilicem in
Cic.; b, Co thrvw out an anchor; ancoram, hostee, Ov.; 2, trnnsf., verbuni, Luer. B. to
Caes.; c, to ~Lfl.IJ au-ay; ve.~temprocul, Ov.; d, shoot at; 1, lit., cuvos, Hor.; 2, tran:if., to aim
lo irottu, dijftJ.M: Hores, Verii. B. Fig., 1, to at, 1trii-e ofln"; multa, Hor.
lo\TO\C, r.a.t; contumelia10 111 aliqucm, Cic. ; 2, JAcitlum ·I, n. (.iaeio, the th•ng throum), 1.
to Id full i1' ~ldfl.IJ, to utter: as11fdt11\8 ore a dart, jarclin; fervefat·ta jacula In ca..itrnjact'lre,
qnerelas, C1c. ; !!Uspiciooem, Cle. ; de habitu Caes. ; 2, a caning-Mt, Ov.
cnltuque et institutis eius, Tnc. IL to lay, Jam.. adv. (is), 11010, already. I. Tt'mporal,
lnrild, trtet; a~t!rem, Catlll. ; f11ndamenta urbl, .A:; a, of the immediate prestot, )11.-t 11010; non
Liv.; Ug., tundamenta pacts, C1c. quia jam slot, sed qula saepe slut, Cle.; jam
Jactau -antis, p. adJ. (from jacto), bcwif,u, jemque, dtrectly, Cic.; jam nunc, just no10, Cle.;
mi11gloriom, Cic. jam tum, jwt then, C'le. ; b, of time ju11t
puaed, fwM_ latelr; illa his quae jam posui con·
Jaotaatir. adv. with compar. (jact.ana), sequcnt.1a, Cic.; c, or future time, immediately,
llOO!t.fic.lly, 11aingloriolt1ly, Tao. diredlv pruent/y: quam pulchr11. 1int lpse jam
JactantJ'.a -ae, r. (jacto), 00a1m1g, brtJgg(ng, dicet, Cie.; thus (a.) IOOl\; jam te premet nox.
Mill'}!ory ; 11ul, aboul o1'Utll, Tao. Hor.; (ft) of commandA t1C1D, at unca; sed jam
J&Oti.tlo ~nh1, f. (jacto). L Act., a thr010- age, carre viam, \"erg. B:
a, till now, vp to th.I
fltg, 1hal.i11g, rlolently lltbrlng up and d010n; a, pruem time; 1eptlngentos jam &111101 ampliu1
corpor~ Cle. ; b'- exto~ling, ~lnudtnu; cultns, unis moribus vhunt, Cle.; Jam dlu,jam dud um,
Tac: u. Pa11t1. 1 J., bring ~ abo1a, touing; jam pridem, now fO'I" a long timl!, Cic.; b, frorrt
IP., navis, Cle.; b, tnmsf., 11iolmt t1111otioru, Cle.; 1'I010: jam coocedo non mlseros qui mortuJ
2, applaiue; jactationem l111bere lo populo, Cle.; Bunt, me.; jam non, not from thia time, Cle. c..
3, tafft!Jlorr; alicuiW1, Cle. To express something th11t happena unexpti~dly
Jacti.tor ~ris, m. Oacto), a boaater, osten.ta- early or late; a, already; omnes jam l11tiu11
generls legatiooes eraut eo1111tltutae, Cle. ; b, at
licu J>""01', Cto.
Inst: te aliquandri jam rem transigere, Cic. I\.
Jacti.tua -tl.9, m. (Ja<'t11), a, moving Ot other relations. A. then certainly, fl010 ar-
pic1:l1 1tp and doWll; peonanun, Ov. tainly; d& mihi hoc, jam tibl mu.imam part.em
Jactlto. 1. (intens. or jacto), to produc. "' defenslonls praecideris, Cle. ; thus used to ex-
J11'blic, w u.Uer; ridicula, Liv. press the consequence of something, M1D in.-
Jacto 1. (int.ens. of jacio), to Utrot0, caA. L dud, so ·hldud; Id tu jam iotelliges qnum in
.&.; Lit., i, g"'n., faces iu vicinorum tecta, Cic. ; Galliam venerle, Cle. 'Bo To lt1troduee eome
vestem de muro, Cae.t.; 2, a, to diCl; nu- thing new.further, moreoi·rr; et auree .•• item·
meros ebnrnos, ·ov.; b to t11row av:ay; amia. que nares • • • jam gustatWJ 1 Cic. 0. To
mn.lta Jlft!li<lm, Liv. ; £! le dijfuu, 1prtad, acotter; emphaRiRe or limit RtatenienL~, JUsf, indeed; a.,
odortm late, Verg. .IS. Tranef., to throw, utter, with pronoun, jam illud non 1mnt a1lmo11endi,
lvrl; minas, Cic.; jocosa dicta in adversarios, Cle. ; b, with adj., non scire quidem baruarum
Liv. IL to mo~ 11pawl doum, thrcnc about, drivt jam vidctur, Cle. ; o, or llUllH'11lfS, ju!l; a11nt
Gbotd,to.ts. A. Lit., 1, brachia, Ov.; cervlcul11m, duo menses jam, Cle. ; d, with particles, non
C!c.: cum ad versa tempest.ate in altojactarentur, jam, not indttd, Cle. ; nunc jam, ti't'n now, Cie.;
Cic.; ~tu febriqne ~acturl, Cie. ; 2, eAJ!., to tum jam, ju11t then, Cic.
ll!'01C ahoul gesti.culating: ~. Cle. & Trnn11r., Jamdudwn. Ja.mpridem. v. jam.
l. gen., todritlfl hithu and thither; curas pee tore, Ji.niill.. v. Janus.
V~rg.; middle, jactab."l~ur nummuR, ftttdw.Ud, Ji.nioUlum -i, n. (Janus), ont of tM hill8 of
Cic.; rell., se jactiire or middle jactari: sc In R<nnt, on the ltJt ftde of the TibM.
eansi1 centnmvlralibus, to busy ont3elf 1vith, Cle.;
2, esp., a, to W1'71U1U, dis111d~t ; jaetatur domi Ji.nlglina -ae, c. (Janus and gigno), rA.ild of
•nae, Cle.; b, to talk about rtptuttd!y, discUS!I, Janus, Ov.
lptQ.!: ()f; rem in cooUone, Cle. : c, to bo<I•t of, Jam tor ·l'iris, m. (janUll), a door-kerptr, porttT.
t11111Jtt; gratiam urbe.oam, Cae11.; genus et no- I. Geo., janitor carceris, Cic. IL EsR, A. or
rnen, H•,r.; d, rt-ftex., jactare 11e; (a) to boast, Janus, coeleetis aulae, Ov. B. Of Gerutirus,
brag, Cic.; (ft) to behat•t <YIU#l/ in a 0trtain wa1; janitor immanle aulae, Hor.
le magnitlcentissime. Cle. Ji.nltrtx -IoJs, f. (Janitor), a f'Orlrus, Plant.
Jaatiira -ae, f. (.laclo). L a throwin(f, thr01D- Janb ·ae, r. (su Janus), I, tht outer doctr
(119 awav; in marl jacturam facere, to throw of a hc>UM: janua.m claudere, Cic. ; quaerere ali-
om-bvard, Cic. IL Traoar., A. lou, wcrifiet; qucm a. janua, to ruk al the door for soms cnu,
jactUl'ae rei famll i1Lti>1 erunt fllciendae, Cle. ; .lae- Cic.; 2, tranat, tnlra7M¥, pcwa:1e; Ditle, \'erg.;
t.nram crimi11um, Co forego, paa D1111', Cle. lllarie gemlnl, of tht BoirphQf'll.3, Ov. ; earn urbem
B. cwt, upe1ue, Cie. sibi Asiae jaouam fore, Cle. ; fig., qwl nolul
Jactua ·tll, m. (jaclo). a tArot1.ring, CIJ6t, tA.row. januli sum ingreuua in caull3m, Cle.
L tulruiuuw, Cle.; intra tell jactwn, wUhii. Ji.niii.riua -a -um (Janus), belong&"" lo
Jan 802 jud
fa1'u; Jannarlua menala, CAI """"1 JtJfW.Gf'f, J~, ,._jecar.
Cic., or &imply Januariua, Caea.; calendae .Jana· J~ .f, m. (plur. Joe! and joc&). L ajob.
aria., tM l.C of Janttary, etc. jut; jocf canal, for t.U juf1 ...a, Cle.; per
Ji.Dua .1, m. (root I, to go, whence a1lJo janua). ]oeum, C. JulJ..Clc. ,i_extra Jocum, re.illoto joco,
L a" old llalia11. deity, tha god of CAI ...,ar, re- jokif&/l llJ'lGrl. L1C. .u. Tram1f., a. a giiwu, OY.;
presented with two faces looking In opposite b, '°Vifl{I, OT. ; o, a nbjed for juthg, Hor.
directions. II. 1, a covered pauage,::tlJ; a, OIWI 1. Jtiba ..., t, 1, tM marw oJ GftJ a•
.t tM foot o/ thl ArgUetum, adMmd lltal1lu Cle.; 2, t,U ontt oJa Aelmd, Vug.
of Janiu; b, OM of the Jl'!rfal.I o/ Utl porta Car·
mentalls, Liv.; o, mu qftlwarcuda (11. tM/orv.m
t. ..xba
a!.1."- ),
-M, 1111
ft~H'--' w-..
~~ «m <v ..,_,_... - -
at Rumt., or which there were three, J!lllua sum- oJ NumidUJ. °"'CV tupporlert o/ Pom.pd1'1.
mus, Imus, and medlm, where the merchant.a, Jtibar -&rill, n. (= jubare (sc. lumen) &om
bankers and booksellers had their shops; 2, lul:i&r). a Mimlng lfgh.t, mdia~ esp. ot the
poet., tu1 wwnlh of January, Ov. Hence, adj., h~venly bOOlea, a, Ut., Utl l~h.t o/ Uc""'- Ov. ;
Ji.DAU.a~ bel<mg(ng to JcmMI. o/tlw ~ Ov. ; o/ftn, Ov. ; b, met.on.,• Illar,
j..,our, genlL Jt!cllrl.s and jkinllrla, n., an
d ear.'tib-
t1u f1W1"11.i "9 llar' varr.
J~cm, genlt. jllcln~ris, n., tha Uwr, Cle.; as J atua • -um (Juba), Alitrifl{/ O 91ARCo
UW lt'Jlll qf t1u pa.uioti.a (a<:cording to the belier ere&Ud; anguia, Liv.
of the ancients); fervena dlfflcill bile tumet Jubic>; Juul, juasum, t. to ordw, C09Un41ld.
jecur, Hor. (Varro and Cle. uae the form jeeorla, L Gen. constr., &, with aceu.s. and lnftn., C&e8ar
lJ j I rt 8 )
vy oe ne •
te sine cura Mlle juult, told 71ov "°'
Cle. ; Dionysiumjube salvere, ~t Cle. ; pontem
to be ~
J~ouaotUum (,~uaciUum) ·I, a. (dim. Jubet reaclndl, Caea. ; In pus. wtui ID1ln. &Ione.
of"Jecur), a liUlc liwr, Cic. oonsulea jubentur scrtbue, Liv.; b, with lnln..
JeJiini, adv. (jejunua), or style, dr1,Z,, alone, receptai canere Jubet, Ca-.: o, wtt.h •'
9VJllgrtl71, /rigidl71, wUhoul mrrvr or t4*; de and the subj. jubere ut haec quoqne rererret_
allqua re Jejune et e:dllter dlsput&re, Cic.; haec Caea. ; d, wtth subj. alone, Tac.; e, with accas.
dlcuntur lort&ale jejunlua, etc. alone, friltrta neeem, Tac.; f, absoL, def-
JiJim.10.U -a -um (jejunlum). At1"11"Y,Juf.- juhendo eat saeva Jovia conju.x, Ov. IL A.
wg, l>laut. or phyaielana, to J"l"UIC'ribe; aegrotua qnl
JeJiinltaa -&tfanr. (jejunua). L 1ni~, alt vlnum aumere, Cic. B. A.a political t.t., a,
• 0 r d·--~ d or the Roman aenat.e and people, to orUr:
tmptinai, Pia nt. Tran a..., • """'urae, '11" aenatus deerevit populuaque juaalt, Cle.; llfln&tos
twB, ~. fri9idU11, p/a(ftMU: lnopia et dlctatorem dlel juuit, Cle.; legem Cle.; populua
Jejunltu, Cto. ...., la•
JeJiinfum .u, n. (jejunna). L ajtul, abaH"" 1~:1; a~1 ::~ ~~·: b, tranat, of• w, les
lftU /r'Ufro /ood; 1, lit., jejunlum Cereri inst!- Jii~ioun4i). adv.(jucundna),pi.i.
tnere, LI~&~ lunger; jejunla pucere, aatiare, lllfltly, )J..cWigAc/MUr; vtvere, Cle. ; Ja-
aolvere, • plaeare, to tali.VJ A~, Ov. cundiua lbere, t,,1C.
D. Tranllf., W1'11U1, Verg. _
JiJimua -a -um, /allVA(J. L 1 Ut. It.a je- Juoun41tu (JOcnu:ulltu) ·ltl9, t. (Ja-
Junua ut ne aquam 2uldem gustarlmpn;Ctc.; 2, cundua). ~"'"""' ~ cWigl(fW.
me ton., a, .. " ungry, Ie.; b , wm ... ,_.
.. y, p.: 3 , ""'• <mad/ vpvit.a19i
to gtwf)Uanre; Cle. ; dare
to 1"'°"'"1 Cle. 18 jucuDdit&U,
a, nlpl71; corpora auco jejuna, Luer. ; b..l ""'" Jilcundu (J0oundua~ -a -um ~or ~
fr¥i(JW; ager, etc.; o. ~11; sanlea, verg. ''~-"·
IL Fig., Ii.. jejnnae huha orationl.a aurea\,,.,... cundua, f'romjuvo),~nt, "'If'---. ig
acqua'n.Ud to'UA, Cle. B. a, poor, tnta•; ca um- plea.ring: est mtb{ jucunda In malla veatra erp
n•· Cle.· b "" -'-~L oratio ,.,.c.· 0 me volun~Clc.; comes allcu~cundn• Cle.·,
pUi,ful, mn' ~..;~t.wwngre,
wud vero .,,.,.,.....,
J>USllll ullmt '..,.et l-"'1
i- verb& ad au endum jucunda, -.
inalevolent JejUDi et ID&nl», Clo. Jiidaea ...., f. ("~), Jtida«a or (IO!De-
a. (Jento). • ~ timea) Palut£M; hence, 1.a adj., JUdaeua -&
-um, Jewl.IA, and aublt., Judael ~rum. m. eM
Jento. 1. lo~ Suet. INI: 2, Jiid&iou -a -um, J..W..
J0oatlo ~nla, t. (Jocor), 11job,}at, Olo. Jiidez-lc~1 m.(•Judicare),afaulfll.

r: :
J0cor, 1. dep. (jocus). L lntranalt., to job,
cum aliquo per Utt.eras, Ctc. ; me apJ>ellAbai
ocans, Cle. IL Tran.&it., lo lllJ "' JM: baec
ocatus aum, Ctc.
L select! Jum~ ..,_ bf el. prad<Yr, Cle.;
judex quaeationla, 0 Jt&dat dloeM to prvUU cd
11 Crlal, Cie. ; dare Juclicim lo ~ ca ~
(said oft.he praetor), Cle. ; )udlcem .Ucui rem_
of the plalnWf. lo P"OJM* • Jv49t., Cle. ; judJcem
Joooae. adv. (Jocoana), Ht. JM; Jocoehui scrlb- dlcere, of the defendllt, Uv.: allquem Judlcem
ere, Cle. 1nmere, or habere. Cle. ; judlee. ~ieere, to
J~c0sua -a -am (jocua), jocoa, h~ ob,J«C to, Ole. : apud Judleem cauaam ~ Cle.;
tolttr.t. IJJO'"''"'-,,.,,.,.,,"11u; Ma.eccnu, Hor. ; judlcem MM de allqua re, Ct~! ~ w th femill·
NI, \;lC. ; tranat, Imago (voela), tlw IJ'O"ffw eoAo, lne nouns, dlalectlca veri et raw quaat diaoepta-
Bor. trU et Judex, etc. ; hac Judice, Ov. D. Tranaf.,
J ~tuarta .. (joculua), .,.,.,_.
"'-'-, ·A-Al.~"7·
• - .... - -
or a person who judgea or decfdM OD anything,
aequl.aslmua eorum atudiorv.m •
hldic:roul; licentia, Cle.; whit., a. pl., JNI· judex, etc.
JAr1a -tum, n. JuU, Hor. Jii41oitlo-6nla, t (Judlco), 1, aJ11eHdol C.S.
J6ot\li.rltel'. Ml•. (Jocularil), JoovlGrZr, JM- t4'atioil, Clo.; In a speech, t.U emmftlG&ta o/U.
"'i1l11. Plln. d.t,/nd4.t1 p.a., Cic.; 2, o ~. opiMoa,ao.
J0ctUator -6rla, m. (Jocular), •JobJr, J«ttilor Jii41o&tum -t, n. Jl!dloo), a cUcMW m-.
,,.,-.tem, Cic. . }tldgwlcM. ~ ; ju~ tum DOD facere. Oic. ;
J6oiUor, 1. dep. (joeulua), to Joa. JM, ~ Judleatum aepre, Clo.
,.00.Zr ; quaedam Joculant.ea, ~ Jiadloi&u ·tll, m. (Judfoc>), Al q#M or h.c.
~ eoldw-;.t., Liv. . . . Q/ a Jv49t.. Cle. ·
. . PJau.
J6otUu 1. (dim. ol Jocu), • Huz. Iola. or
• .••
Jii41oli.Ua -e (judlclam). nlaffttt to • -""
t£jw;ff,ot, jwl4oW; aaua, Ck
jud 303 Jun
jidloliriua -a -um (jadtclum), rdattftf to adverritr cu wll iu ill proaperit11, Hor.; 2, a,
a CIOl6rl of jv.Rict ; q uaeatwi, Cic. the marriagc-tW, Ov.; b. ihe rokf of llavery;
Jiidlolum -11, n. (judex). L 1, a trial, jugum accipere, Liv. Xi. 1, tM 1101-.t undn
~ i1uut~; judiclum dare or reddere, which t1u Rmnana compdled their mnquished
Cic.; qw judiclum exercet, I.e., tM pratlor, C!i'?· i m.em.iu to pa~ '" token o/ 1111.bmi&>-ion.; mitt.ere
2.z._meton., a, a la'IO-auU, Cic.; b 1_ tM jiuhcw sub jugum, Cic., Liv. 2, a., the con.stellatio"
Op, Ball; O, Ut1 pla~ of enal, Nep.; d, ~ Libra, Cic. ; bs IM beam of a pair of scala, Liv.;
jwdfa; Judlclum 1ortiri, Cic. IL ~. 3, tlu beam OJ a tMaver'1 loom, Ov. ; 4, juga,
~ A. Lit., of an authority or superior, tM rowers' benchu, Verg.; 5, a r!dgt or1ummU
Cle.; lll!n&t11.1 1 Caes. B. Transf., 1, opini<m, 1Mv1; of a mountain; eummum jugum mont\1 1 Caea.
jadiclum facere, to d«ide, Cle.; meo judlclo, '" Ji1gurtha -ae, m. ki"fl o/ Numidia, wAo
. , op(•i<m, Cic.; 2, a, tM judgment, po10rr of oarrica on. a lo"fl war 111ith th4 Romana, and um
JiulgiAg, d~~. vll<kr.<landing; intelligens, e<mqutrtd bJ1 Mariu.r. Hence, adj., Jiigur-
Cle.; aubtile, Hor.; b, rtfleelio1', COIUMUratkm; thinua -a -um, Jugurth.ine.
Judiclo allq tacere, Cle. Jiillus -a -um, name of a &mall gn&1, the
Jitdloo, 1. (jus dlco). L to ill'DUtigaU judi- ""'3t «lt.brattd YMmbtr1 of wh ieh wtrt a., 0.
elall~, to bf a judge, Cic.. IL to judge, decide. Jull111 Caesar; b, hw ado,,too son Octnius;
A. Lit..l.rem, Cic. -;, Cic.; aliquirl contn. ali- and o Julia, da'U{lh.ter of A ugu.st1c.1 u:iJe oJ
qaem, 1..10:; with acc. and lnftn., deberl dot.em, Marce~w, Agrippa, nnd Tibtriua. A<l]., Jiilian.;
Cle. ; judicata res, a iUcided ccue, Cle. B. lex, o/ Juliu1 Ca;..sar, Cle. ; mensls Julius or
Trantr., 1, to dt:tenni1u, dlCid4; judicatum est, aimply Julius, t1u of July, so called In
Cic.; 2, to j~; a, U quoe ego posse judlcare honour of Julius Caesar, formerly called Quino-
&rbitrarer, Cic.; b, io utum, wlue; prudentem tills.
aon ex ipsi111 hab1tu sed ex aliqua re externa, Jumentum -1, n. (=jugmentum from jungo,
Cle.; o to be of a" opin\<m; quod ante judlc- =

aa examen exagmen), an animal uaed far CU"1f•
a:am, be.; with acc. and lnlin., judlco ne- tng or drawi1'g, beast of burden., Cle.
mlnem t.anta habuisse ornament.a, Cic. ; or In

e with nom. and lnftn.; noe bene emlsse

caU 1umu.a, Cle.; d, to ckclart open.l1; Dola-
boste judicato, Cle.
_JfiJ:iUa ~ (Jugum), ~o~ together; a, 1ubet.,
Jlgilea -lum, m. a etam or ~ke, Verg.; b,.
Junoi§ua ·a -um (juncus), of or mating to
nuhu, m.ad4 of nuhu; vlncula, OY.
junco&1111 -a ·Um (juncus), fu.U of nuAM,
nuhy; litora, OY.
junctt.m. adY. (Junctua), l'IU:CUriwl11, both
111atrilleolt14Z. twptial; vinculum, Verg.; dona, together, Suet.
Ov. jUnCtfo ~nla, f. (jungo), II joht.fng, C01'--
Jigirlua"1cu1. a.part of RmM, m OU foot of fW!rion ; eorum verborum, Cic.
CU tri.pilol, IMJm.fd afttr Jv.M J'U{la, wM had Clft )unct~ -ae, f. (Jungo), a jo(1li1'g. A.
Illar~ Lit., a Join.t; t1gnorum, Caes.; laterum, Verg.
Jlgitlo ·6nill, t. (Jugo), IAI tmml11g Qf Nia B. Transr., 1, generla,, Ov.; 2,
°"a 1rtUw, Ole. rhdorioo.l combination, J"ltti"fl logetMr, Hor.
Jigirum -1, n. plur. according t.o the Srd Junotua -a ·nm, p. adj. (from jungo), joiMd
decleiulon (jugla), i, a plot of land ~"° Jut ltmg togtlhtr, 110W t-Ogdher, oon11ttUd, unitttl. L
!If 120 bf-rod, and containing therefore 28,000 junctlor cum exitu, Cic. IL I, joined by affec·
IQllL'"e feet, Cic. ; 2, u a translation or the tion, rtlatwn.&hip, ~tc. ; jnnctieslmus, nearly
Greek •Alflpov, a measure or length, conWning connected, t'tf"Y ln.hmale, Ov.; 2. rhet. t. t.,,1DCU
100 Greek or 104 Roman reet, Plin. put together; oratio, Cic.
Jigta -e (jungo), joi-1 toe,thn-: &, Juge Junoua -1, . m. (uxo~vof), a nuA, bti.Znu.\;
&a1plcium, 41' arupice marred liy th4 du"fling of Umosu1, Verg.; juuci palWltres, Ov.
pobii 011n, Ole.; b, ~ual, col\lhuww, ntllllf'o jungo, jun:a:I, junctum, S. (root JOO, Gk•
~U!n.g; aqua, Cle. ; puteus, Cic. ZYr, whence {rtl'Y""11-•, (vy6 ..), to join, uniU. ·glandi•, r. (=Jovla glans), a
U!Oln"'· connect. L Llt. 1 A. res inter se, Cic.: sli•1uid
cum allqua re, Cic.; oscula, to ki.s6, Ov.; tlu,·ium
Jigo, 1. (Jugum), to bind togtther, COftnect; a, ponte, Liv., :(>Ontem, Tac., to throw n. lrritlge
Yirtute. lnU!r sejugatae aunt Cle.; b, to marry, ovtr a rit•rr. B. Esp., 1, lo yoke; equos t'urru
Qitit ~1' t1MHTil1ge1 Verg.; ahquem or allquam (dat.), Verg.; 2, or places, In J?88Si~t;. to bonkr
tlicul, Verg. on: Jano loca juncta, Ov.; 3, m1ht. t. t., to
JiigO.U. -a -nm (Jugum), mov.ntahwru, Ov. unite troopa; 11ocia arma Rutulie, Liv. ·IL
J6g!Uae ·lrum, f. (• jugulua =Junctus), OU Transf., A. cum hominibuacuoauetudlnesjuug-
elm 11ar1 10Af.c.\ /""1l tM IH!U of tlu 0011.11tellatwn
et.t, Cic.; with abl., improbitas scelere juncta,
Cic.; with dat., indignatio ju11cta conquestioni,
Orioii, Plaut. Cle. B. Esp., 11 to unite in; aliqnem.
J6gillo, l. (Jugulum), to cut tJw tJ&roat, 1la11, secum matrimomo, Liv.; allcul, Ov.; ee alicui,
b1l. L Lit., auem, Cic. ; elves optimos, Cle. Ov.; 2 to connect bJ1 ajftcti.on, rtl.11tinn.,Jiip.
ll. to n&in., dutroy; aliquem Cacti& decNtiaque, Jri.tnd&hlp; se ad aliquem, Cic.; ar11ic:lti:i111 eunl
Cic. ; jugulart aw\ confessione, Cic. aliquo, to form, Cic.; 3, to unite 71u/ iticcrlly;
JiigiUum .J, n. and Jilrilua -1, m. (jungo). foedere or societate alicul jungi, Liv.; 4, to
L IM rol/ar-bo'M, Plln. If. IM lwllcw abort tM connut grnmmatka.ll11; juncta verba, Cic.
collar-bont, tlta throat; jugula concava, Cic. ; jiinlor, v. Juvenla.
Jugulum dare (alicul), Cic., or porrlgere1 Hor. ;
of the defeated gladiRtor, lo prese'lll hia tMoat to Jilnfperua ·I, t iM jun.fptr·tru, Verg.
Ml adrfnti,.Y• ltTOlu. Jiinlua -a ·Um, tJw name of a Roman ge11.1, UM!
Jigum -1 1 n. (root JUO, whence also jungo, mCtat farncu.r members of which were L. Junlu1
G~. ZYr, wnence {vycS.., {rtlyw1.u). L a 11oki Brutus and IM two Drutl, Al. Jun. Brutus and
puri"V OWT the ntekl of two ou", a llone'• D. Jun. Brutus, t1l4 murckrer1 of Caemr; adj.,
oollu. A. 1, lit., juga lmponere bestllll, Cic.; Junian; mensis JuniWI or simply Junius, th4
2, mtton., a, a t.eam or rote of oun, Cic.; b, month of June.
o lai• of Ao-riu, Verg. ; c, traner., a pair, a Jilno -{mis, r. (::. Jovino), tla. godtlw Juno,
CDllp/f; lmplorum (of Antoolu1 and Dolabel11t), dauyltttr of Saturn, mur and wife of Jupiler:
Cle. B. Fig., 1, rerre Jugum parlter. to love '" Juno lnferoa. Prole'rpine, Verg.; so Juno Averoa,
lup 804 juv
OY. ; urbll Janoala, .Arpo1, OY. Hence, A. oppoeed to eqllity; 1ummum Ju, nmm& lnjaria,
.J'iiniaAUa -e, ~tlg or belcn&glnt to J11.n.o; Cle. ; jua dlcere, to dtolan tAe ICM fo dtdM
tempus, tht ~ of Jtuu, Ov. B. JUDOnlua jv(Ucia.Uy (aald or the praetor), Cic.; b• meton..
-a -um, Junol\Mln; hospitta, Carthage, Verg.; a ootlrl of 1"'"°'; in Jilli vocare, Cic.; adire,
ales, U&e p«1DOCk, Ov.; cu11tos, ..4rr1u, Ov.; Cle. IL 'tran•t, A. right, la10, u common to
menils, June, Ov. c. JiinolllMla -ae, c. ca mankind; dlvlna ac humaua Jllr!11 Cic. ; usorea
~i~ of JnM D Jimolllgina -ae, m. eodem Jure 1unt quo ~t lcw JM taRC rifiAls
~of Juno of v•n Ov aa, Cle.; Jure or.timo, br ""~of rigltal...Clc.;
jns est, with nffn., « u riglt, Cle. .& L
Ju~pltez:. JISvla,
• •
(prop., DiuspatA!lr,
Diu11p1te~ D1eapiter, tM Jat}ier of Ute Atawu),
right privilege; Ju• clritati• Cle.:
iui, Liv.; 2 lega.l rigll, 111 1~; us agend1
aoxilil Joa
Jv.piUT, i, tllc ftprtrM god among tht Romana,
brofMr ani! htuband of {uno, con-upon.ding to tht
cum plebe de.· 1ul Jam eue, bl Wlciepnldal,
Cic. ' '

z~ of tht. Grub_; Jovis satelleR, Cle., aleis: tllc J~iiranda•, JtlrilUdrandl, D. C&a oaa:
qZ., Ov., Ju~iter Sty~ua, Pl~. Verg. • 2, alfoui JUBjurandum dare, folL by acc. and infln.,
tnnat., !'-• tM Mt Jttpmr, Cl~.• b, air, lky, to provlW oa oat.\, Cle.; JUIQurandum accitiere.
Mil~• sub ove, ~ti&& OJ1e" air, Ov. to tab an oath., CaeA. ; Jwijurandum viol&Te, Cic. i
-ufro!'. a mount<iin.-chaln ez:Un1H111 conaecrare, Cle.; ftdem aatringere jurejurandn,
t11c ban.kl of tht RAone. Cle.; aliquem junijurando obitrlngere, with
Jiirandum.-1, n. (Juro), aa oath, Ter. aoc. and lnfln., Caea. (Sometimes .eparat.ed,
Jiir&tor -Oris, m. (.juro), a l100N °""""'•
u- e.g., Jus 1tt1tur jurandum, Cle.)
.utant nf tlll Miior, Liv. Jueaum -i, n. ~ubeo), gen. in plnr. L •
1. Jiiri.tua -a -um partlc. or juro. C011ltnand, order, Cac.; jUll8& ef!lcere.- Sall. D.
_ _ ' A. Uu prucription of a Jlkflician., Ov. B. SM
2. Juratua -a -um .<Jus), IUIOrn, bound br "" C0111111a111i of tllc Botna" ~; pemicioaa et m.
~; juratl judlces, C1c. justajuua, Cic.
J~uultua = juri&Contiultua (q. v.). juuu .ft, m.'. (jubeo), a . CUMftlBnd, 009-
J~Juro, 1. (Jua and Juro), to noear br aa t11e1ndfng: vestro Jassn, br rour or<Ur, Cle.
oaU&, Liv. Juati. adv. (justu.<i), jutly, rigl&tly; imperare,
Jii.riiMritu = jurispt>ritua (q. v.). Cle. ; facllius tleri potuerit. eL jmtiua, Ci!.!. ;
Jurslum. ·Ii, n. (Jurgo), ~ wrial lmmo justisiJime, Cle. ·
ocmtmtion, tltri/e, q11arrd1 brawl; juJ'Rio uepe Jutlflcnul -a ·um (JllBtul and taclo). a.:tiaf
oontendere cum aliquo, C1c. }u&tl71, Cat.
jurgo, 1. (=Jure ago). L Intranslt., to -ae. t. CJn1tu1), Jdi«, IOllr q/~
qt1a1Td, col\tmd i• •"lllf'<la, brawl, Cia. IL equit71: juatitiam colere, die. ; juatltia erga deoe,
Trarulit., to llCOld, Hor. Cle.; in bo11tem, Cic.
Jiirldlcl&Ua -e (jurtdieus), relatl11f to rigM Jutltlum. -11, n. (Juris ·atltlam, from JUI
or j1Utia ; conatltutlo, Cic. and &isto), a wqeuion of bv.rint.a '" IM cmitfl
Jiirlaoouultua ·I, m. on. z.u.ui "' Uae qf latD. L a, justitlum iudicere, edicere, to prrr
kio, a la11111tr, Cle. ~ G tuape118ion of ltgal btuilWI; juat.itium
Jiirta4todo ~nls, f, L tAll IJdw&(~(.dmffoft rem1ttere, to cl~, Liv.; b, transr., ca 14~_co­
o/ jutia by the pnueor, jvdfcfal autlwrily, Ole. ; IGlion, 1t.1apenncm; omni um renun, Liv. IL •
jurtadlctio urban& et peregrlna (of the praetor public 111<>tint,11f, Tac.
urhanus and peregrinns), Liv.; jurisdictlo la J118tu.s -a ·UDl (Jus). L Ot_penons. Jtu!I.,
libe.ra clvitat& contra leges aenatusque consulta, v.prl.ght, impanial; Jude:t, Cle. IL or objl"Cta,
Cle. JI. Met.on., a ~ UJt\tre jtutto. ii ad- A:- jvat, tq'lfitahU,/a"': su~licium,Cic.; bell~
ai1aidcncf, an auiu-totm, Tac. Ltv.; bo11t11, haring tlaf ~ on Ail .WU, Cic.;
J'irlap9ritua ·l, m.
M tllc law Cic
°"" lkUled or~ s11bst., justum colere, lo 1t1Mt ii ri~Ai. Cle.
B. 1'1'!-nsr.J.. 1, well gT'Ot.11&d«t, ~z,, c.auaa,
- ' ( ·j ) L tra It ,_,._ Cle.; 1ra, uv.; 2, 'l"tglUar, proper, perful, ~
Juro, 1. 2. us ·. . 1n nll .. , ~ ltOetlt', ......, plett, suitabla; proelium, Liv.; vlctoria. ~ic.; 3,
cm A. ex a1.nm1 ~el sententaa, Cia.; per /Uting, right, 111J(cUilt; numerus, Uv.; altttndo,
deos, Snll. ; pro al1quo, in tha plMe of '°""' om, Caes. ; neut.. subst., plus Justo, m.or1 tlaan. is
. Liv. B. in verb& alicnlua, to11&Mraj?wa certain right, Hor.; 80 lont1ior Justo, Ov.; plur., Justa
fo1'11t.ultr., Ltv.; _In oerta verba, Cle..: ln legem, to -oruru a, what ii JtUing; Justa praebere servis;
1inear to, Cle. , omnis exercltus 1n se qulsque Cic.; b, ifua f<YNM aftd obtermnc:a, eap. ,fv11a"Ol
jurat, eac~ aoldw took IM oath. HP<lralel11, Liv. ritu; justafacere alicul Cic.
D. Tramnt., A. co~; juravt verisslmum jns- - '
Junmdum, Cic. B. to aJf'rm on. oatll, to awtar Ju~ -ae, f. ~j.nvo), tllc n!f'IJJ>1t of a lpri.,
to • morbum to tM /act. that om ii iU, Cle • in Lahv.m, ~ of '.l um11s, uiorslnpptd a' Rcnu
ra11mm Jurare, Cle. ; Id In litem, in ni.ppore of·~ and mcrlftoe4 to '" t~a of ~·cUy of .ur;
ftit, Cle. : with acc. and lnftn., Cle. C. to call a ¢1'9 Mar ti&& n.Nr N••ici1", allo '°°""
Utt god& to; de011, Ov. D. to dAny cm lllipp«i. _
oath; <'&lumnlnm in aliquem, Liv. 1. Jilveni.lls -e (juvenls), ~; oorpm,
Jiiror · sum, dep. 1. (= juro). to rwmr; Verg.; ludu3'.. Liv.
quid jnratu11 Rlt, Cic.; partlc. juratus 8U'Ofilt 011. 2. Jilriniilla -is, m., D. Junius, a R°"'°"
. oatll; sl diceret juratu!I, <.;le. (only usfid in pod. tori~ of llCtlm, oontt71lpora1'1f of DomUiaA allll
and iwtic. pert).
I. JU.. jllrls, n. (connected wltb
''•· {vw), brotA, aoup, Cle.
Jilveni.U~r, adv. (1. juvenalia), Wis •
tfOUng ma11, with tlu ltrcngth. of a roung man, OY.
2.. JU.. jllrii., n. (from the Mme root a.<i jubeo JilVeDOUS -a -um (Cor juvenicus from Ja·
lit. =Jussum), right, Imo. I. A. Aa contatn;J ve11ls), you11g. L Adj.,equaa,Lucr. IL SublL,
In statutes, etc., prinelpla Juris, Cle. ; jus ac fas A. ,fiivenou -l, m., a, G flO""f 911111, Hor.;
omne delere, Cle. ; jura dare, to giN laU11, b, G ,oung b'llUnck or oz, Yerg. B. J'-•-oa
Liv. B. 1, 1'1101 as comprising rl~lats; ~us -ae, r., a, a rong to011uuL, G maidca, Hor.; b.
homlnum, ""'""" lat.11, Cic. ; jaa gent.1um, C1c.; a t10U11f eo10, MV.,., Verg. (geuit. plur.,Javucbl.
ju oivile, CAI com1110n law, Cic.; :a,a. laio, u Verx.).
Juv 306 lab
jlmaH'lt -dntu, s. (junnls), 1, lo "'"'
wp lo fOutA; vltuhtA, Hor.; 2, to Zlccoiu P11f
4'J11la: j11veneaclt homo, Ov.
Jtftailta .. Onvenls), youth/Ill, }uwnU.;
I, corre1rondtt to the Greek lamMa
licentia, Cic. ; redund.anUa, Cle.
JiviDilltir, adv. (jt&venllls), f10Vlla/rdly, Hb L , Fur lts use as an abbreviation, v. Table of
(A, A).

•)Wt.\; AnDib&l Juvenillter exaultana, Cio.

Jin~ ·Ill (juvo). L Adj. 1 young, routlt- Hbaaoo, 8. (labo), 1, lo totW, tAM!Un to
/ll; 1001. OY.; comp&r., junior, Liv. U. Jb.ll., Luer. ; 2, w giw way, Ter.
Su list., Jti.v~nle -ls, c., a 11oi&11g mcin, JOU"'1 -e.e, t, tJu Up= labia (q.v.).
IMlllll, OM i• tJu pr'-u of liJ• (generally from IAbicilla -ae, t. (dim. ot labes), a llttk 6pol
the twentieth to the fortieth year). Cic. or ltat1', a slight diagrace. Cle.
Jhiaor, 1. dep. (juvenis). lo ad Hb a Hblaolo ·flei -rKctum, s., J'L'IS., lAbi!ffo,
,ot1t1; tril.\ JIOVlA(Vl '-.diacnttila and '11\¢"" ·faetus sum ·fli!ri (lnbo and raclo). L to ma~ to
llfity, Hor. · totter, aJiakl, lo<>Mn.; partem muri, Cliett. ; cha1·ta
J6ffll.ta ·U, t (juvenls), ~ L 1, lit., 11lt a vinclls non l.abefact& suls, Mt ~nt.d, Ov.
t.M U!M ofl/(Jll.tlt;, Liv.; 2, met.on., IL Tra11sr., 1 a, to 'veakm : corpora ae11tu1
(.1) tM f/OulA =tM )'OUAg; lmbellis, doeilis, lmpntlentla la~fecit, Tac.; b, polit!C'ally, tq
Hor.;~) prirua juventa, tu down. on 4 ~ng ahakt, impalr; jura plebis, Liv. ; 2, to cau.wi tu
MA'• cAttkl, Verg.; (y) abltract tM force o/ ahab or toalltf'; quern n111la unquam vi11, nullae
fJllll; vlrtus et Juveuta, Uv. ii Personlt, mlnae, nulla lnvhlht. labefecft, Cle.
tAt gocLUsr of yovtA, Ov. lf.Wfacto, 1. (lntell8. or laberaclo), t-0 caiu1
.Jiiventaa ·atis, r. (juvenls). L youtA, tAc to totur, a/take violently. L Lit., slgnum vect.j.
luru of ,muh; 1, llt. 1 Vcrg.; 2, meton., .a, bus, Cle. U. Transl., l_. a, animam sedibua
prima {uventu, tJu M10n. 01& a young mat&'• lntus{ Luer. ; b, t-0 i71JU1'1!, tCMlmi, ckstr&11;
tAttb. 'erg. _Lt;»1 _tJie mgour of ~outAl. Hor. U. alleu us ftdem pretio; to corrupt/ Cic.; amicitia1n
Pmon., CM gvoaas o/ ,oul.\, He&, C c. autjustitlam, Cle.; vita.a ho1n num, to dlaturb,
Jhatu -tltis, r. (juvenls), youth, tlu rer£od diaquiet, Cic.
of1;.fe ~the twentitth a"d the fertktl& ytar. 1. Ulbellum ·f, n. (dim. of 1. labrom), G
A. Ut., ea quae juventnt.e geruntur et vlrlbUB, lUUe lip, Cle. . .
Cic. B. Meton., yoang ""'"; juventn1 Romana, 2. lf.bellmn .f, n. (dim. or 2. labrum), Cl
UT.; legendu.s eat hie orator juventuti, Cle. ; mall bathing-VUMZ, Cio.
pnnceps juventutis, in repubfican times, Ua. LAWrlua ·D -nm, MN o/ a Roman (lt!M,
Int GNAf CM 1:nighU, Cio.. . . the JMst /atMUll ~ of tohtcA tDCU D. Laberius,
Jiivo, jllvi, jutu~1 fut. partic., JdvAtQrus, 1. 4 knighl and tDrikr of"''""'• Olmlnlponir'f oJ
L.1111dp, Alrid, aia, be of~; aliqnem In J '11.L Cae«ir.
lliqwa re. Cic. ; allquem auxllio lalJOris Cle. ; labea ·Is, t (l. labor), a ·}J.11.fag in, ainl:ing
?osta frumento, ; juvante deo, diis JUvant- in. L Lit., e1p. of the earth, multla locls labes
1bu, ~God'• Mlp, Cic. IL t-0 cklighl, plea«,
1; nt te juvit eoenaf Hor.; ltaeedlet>nt Rillt, Cle. u. Transr., A. Jlrlma label
mall, t1ti first m{8chanu, Verg. B. 1, ru.i11,
ran, Cic. ; often iml_>el'!I., juvat, with lnlln., dutruction; lnno1entiae labes aut rnlna, Cic.;
dtlig1'U, U pl«u1H; Juvlt me tlbl tuaa llterss applll'd to a person, labes atque pernlcles pro-
proruiue, Cle. ; fonan et haee olim mem.inl11se vlnclae Mleiliae, Cle. ; 2, a lpOt, at<iin, blemuh;
Jnnbit, Verg. a, physical, 11lne labe toga, Ov.; vlctlma labe
Inti (connected with jungo). L .Adv., A. carens, Ov. ; b, moral, mark of dilgrace, staltt Q/
Of apace, cl!* to, by tlr.4 •Uk of, Mar, kard b1: i11fl~my, dUgra.ct,, dlalwnour, ignominy; illa label
ltgiO quae juxta constit.erat, ; sellam juxta atque lgnominla relpubllcae, Cic.; alicui labem
P'.>nere,Sall B. Transt., inlibmanaer, ttrually; ln(erre, Cle.
v1t.un mortemque jnxta &eRtirno, &11.; aliaque JAbla (a!HSa) -ae, r. and Ulbl1lD1 -II, n.
t.utellajuxta iguobilia, Liv.; juxta ac el host.ea (lambo), a Up, Plaut.
adesaent, Liv. ; juxt& quam, Liv. ; with dat., Li.biol CL'.riol) ~rum, m. and LAbioum
res parva ac juxt& J1183nil dlftlellls, Liv.; with -1, n. an old Lalin town., ftflttm mUu IO'Ulh·ectst o/
~m and the abt., juxta rnecum omnes lntelll·
Ro11U. Hence, adj., Lf.bioanua -a -um, of or
r tla, Sall D. Prep. with acc. A. Of apace,
, Ill, 1U11r to, Aard br; juxt& murum caatra
!">Rit, Caes.; 2, transt, immediately aftt:r or
belonging w Labfcum; snbst., a, Llbioanum
·I, n. tM tmitory of LU>U:um; b, LAbicanl
"110ll., lleU to: jnxta deos In tui manu positum -orum, m. the inhabitantl of Labicttm.
~ Tac. B. Of time, j1Ut before; ju rt.a flnem Llblenua ·I, m., T., a legate of Juliu.s Catsa.r,
Tl!u, Tac. wlw deaattd to Pompdtu at tJu breaking out of
~uzttm, adv. (connected with jungo), 11«1r, the Civil War.
bJ, Luer. lAblisua -a ·um (labium). 10Uh. large lipa,
JAbium -II, n. =labia (q.v.)., 1. to totttr, wawr,• ~ ab""4 to fall, btgi•
t-0 rink. I. Lit., signum lahat, Cle.; lah:\t arl1ite
crebro janna, Venr.; lahantem u111i p11rte aciem,
'll.'ll.t~i719. Liv. IL Traner., 1, to U'()WT, wuer;
omnes reipubli1'.11e partes atgras et labantes

K t
The ll'tter K, k, w11.1 originally a part of
the Latin Alphabet, but afterwards almost
:tirely diuppeared from It, and was repla<..-ed
sauare et conllrmare, Cle.; memoria labat, id
unurtafa, Liv.; 2, to waver 'n jiclelit.I/ or
opinum; sci to labare meum conailium, Cic.;
tides sociorum labare coepit, Liv.
r. C. K was only used in abbreviations, as l. labor, lapsus sum, S. dep'. to glide sltde,
"' Kaea.r, = Kalendae.
fall down, slip. I. 1, lit.; ex aqun, Liv. ; huri1or
Ulen4ae Calendae (q. Y.). In genas furtim laltitnr, Hot.; l!tellas praecipit~
Jtartbigo Carthago (q. v.). coelo labt, Verg. ; la1.>11I de fontil>us amne11, Ov•.;
lab 306 Lao
ctula. coutinenter labere~tur et ftuerent omni&, ~ of, Cle.; meton., &Ac edge, ria, u,.
Cle. , 2, tranar., a, to glide, to run, to ftow ; sed rosaae, Caei.
labor longius, ad propoaitum rnert&r, I waJ&dtr 2. 11.brmn .1, n. (lavo), a, a bcuia, ...i,
ff'071f, tlu point, C1c. i. o,atio a.ed,.te placideque htb, Verg.; b'l.:especlally, ci batAiRf·WSlld. ac.;
labitur, ~te
·-· """'' ....,,.,, b tolt::
nl-n, l..lC. ,· or time, awa11; meton. poet. • bra Dianae, ........S...•L 0
.aabtmtur mpora, Hor. ; , to iRC int to, JaU l&braaoa -ae, f. Uie 1t1Ud l'i1tt, Verg.
i1do; labor eo ut assentiar EP.lcuro, I fed •11"1/ · ·
dm.1tt1& into, et.e.., Cic.; civitatum mores !apsi l&br1utoum ·I, n. tkc /rvU of tM tt1Ud tilw,
ad mollitle111, Cle. U. .A. to glidl down, glide Verg.
or, dllriaU /r<nt&.; ne aUjectae voces laberentur 11.bunaum -t, n.
atque errarent, Cle.; hac spe lapsus, deceived, Laburnum, Linn.), Plin.
°"lahri&u• tree (Cytisul

Ole. B. to &lip, to stumble; 1, lit., agaso pede 11.bfrlnthiu -a -um (labyrlnthna), lalJr-
lapsua, Hor.; 2, transr., a, to 1114.bu.uUp, to make rinthiM, Cat.
atni.ttah; erravit, lapeua eat, non putavit, Cic.; 11.bfrlatlau .f, m. (~IK~). a lobyriatl,
In· aliqua re, Cic.; per errorem..! · Cic.; propter ........ ·~- 1,.>.._._, .. ,_ ,.._,_ --'r··-',.J,,., n......r-'-·
imprudenttam, Cle. ; in ol'llclo, l:ic. ; b, to be "" .. ~,, """ _,,,, ....... ~ .. ,,._,, ...,.... ~ "• ........___
iM poiiat of falling; labent.em et prope cadentem Verg.
rempublicam, Cic. C. to glide ma, to faU out; lao, lactis, n. (akin to ~ y&Acurroc), -UC.
viacera lapu, Ov.; or persons, to slip ci10a11; L Lit., Cic. U. Transr.. tlu •ilkf/ 1a.p 41
custodli, Tac. D. to /u.U to the grO'lll&d; cnlor plant., Ov.
088& reliquit, labitur, Verg.; labenteii deoru1n IMaena .-e, r. (AW..N), Sparlaa, LaodM-
Mdes, Hor.; tranet., to/all, bt dutroytd; lapsun1 moiiiaA; virgo, Verg.; suhlit., ci Spa.rlcl• 1DOaa&;
genus, Verg. esp., Jfelm, Verg.; Lldci, Mart.
2. . .bor -Oris, m. to0rl; labour, toil, ejforl. Lloi4aemoD -Onla, f .. (Aaa~), tlc
L Lit., a, gen., res est magnl laboris, ia diJkult, cUy Lattdat11101& or Sparta; hence, llilij., Lltoi-
Cic.; capere tantu1n laborem, Cle.; lmpenditur daemilllu-a-um,~iaa;Tarentum.
labor ad incertum casura, Cic. ; laborem homln- lnfilt by a col01&11 /rO'IA Sparta, Hor.
run perieulis sublevandis impertire, Cic.; lab- ...:-- -x _.._ L n...-- ~--'
orem lnterponere pro aliquo, Cic.; labor est, .._.... ....,.,ra .....,n.m. .,.. ..... , Cont, • t h - - .
..... I ll ~· .... _........ ,, d'"'-'t
wi "" n n., M w ca· ....... ~ o,, t.v... - ' ' Li b dinl4mbertd, torft to pieca; corpu, Sall.;Telltil,
v.; ' Tac. U. Act., t«lri"f to piecu; morsus, OT.
activity, industry, capacUy for work; homo magni •lll-Z.-=.-..¥0 -6nls, r. {lacero), a tca.ri•n eo~·
laboria1 Cic.' ·51, meton., a, -trork, ruuU of ._n.w ..,,
labour; niultorum ruensiu10 labor lnteliit, mciiming, WU11lf1li"f,·laoeratio1': corporis, · ·c.
Caes. ; b, dud, vndlrtaking; belll, Verg. U. a., 1i.oenaa -ae, f. ci mantle
lanil.\ip, fa.tig!u need, <listrt11, di.8fc11,lt11 ; cul us on a jounuy or i• bad watAer, Cic.
"'°"" owr tU toga
erga me benevoientlam vel in labore rueo vtl ln JAoenai.tu -a .um (lacerna), clad i• tr..
honore perspex!, Cle.; poet., labores solis, tclLpae laurna, Juv. ·
oftht11m,Verg.; Lucinae,painao/labour,Vcrg.; JAcero. 1• (laeer), t.o ,_,.to pUca., 111aia,
b. ftd:MU, Plaut. mangle, lacerate. L Llt., alicuiua torpwt lal-er&re
11.biriler ·lira ·f!rum (labor and rero), btar- atque vexare, Ctc.; lacenre aliquem (\Dlni
'no toU and ha.nJ.a4ip; Hercules, Ov. cruciutu, Cic.; pontes, to datroy, Liv. U.
IA'biriilli. adv. (laboriosus), laboriotuly, Transf., 1, to 100und d«plr, rvi1', dotror:
wUA toU andjatigw; quo quisque est ingenioaior, lacerare rempubllcam, Cic. ; patria1u &l-elere,
hoc docet lracundiua et laborlosius, Cic.; dilift' Cic.; esp., a. to sqva1tdcr;, Cic.; b.
entl•lme laborioaillllimeque accoaare, Cic. · to
distresi, torture; meus me moeror quotidiallua
J.ibirlillu .a -um (2. labor). L/tdl of toil, laccrat, C..:ic.; 2, to 1001uul w«A u.'OrtU, rail. at,
1aard.ship, trouble, laboriou..s: a, vitae genus alf4'f'lt, attack, f'tnd; baec te lacera~ hae\:
laborfosum sequl, Cic.; b, or persons, in.du#rl· cruentat oratio, Cic.; aliquem probris, Liv. .
ou, Cic. IL troubled, ha.ra$Md, undergoing Jaoerta -ae, t L ci lizard, Hor. U. •
·aro.bU a1'd Aard1Mp: laboriOI& oollora Ulixei,, Cic.
Hor.; quid nobis duobus labori011ius, Cle. lloertOau -a .lm (lacertus), •vsnlar,
libiro, 1. (2. labor). L lhtransit., A. a, powvf1Ll; Cl'lnturionts Cle.
lo to0rk, toU, labotlr, striw: sibi et populu 1. l.Acertua ·I, m gen. plur. = tlu •1'1rla.
Romano, non Verrl laborare Cic.; in aliqua re, I. Oen., l,' lit., lacertos exercitstio expraait..
Cic.; 4le aliqua re, Cic.; de aliquo, Cic.; in Quint.; 2, fig., or oratorical vigour, tn L)'Sia
&liquid, Liv.; with ut or ne and the subj., Cic.; sunt lscerti, Cic. 11. l, the m1ucln Qftl&.e "7'P"'
non laboro, with lufin., Cle. ; b, to lit tr1mblcd part of /Ju arm (!'rom the iJhoulder to the elbow),
about, to be di.stressed, to care; quorsum recl•lat Milo Crotonlates nobllitstus ex lateribus et
responsum tunm, non magno opere laboro, Cic. lacertls suis, Cic. ; 2, fig., or oratorical Tigoar,
11. Co 111ffu, labovr un.dtr anythi11g, lit oppressed a quo quum ameutatas luutas acceperit, ipee ea
'M-ilh, c1Jll.ictal with; morbo, to be ill, Cle.; ex in- orawrh1 lacerti1 viribulque ~rque!Jit, Cle.
testints, pedibus, renib1m, to 111.jfer pain in, Cic. ; 2. JAcertu -1, m. = lac.:rt& (q.¥.).
ex lnvldia, Cic.; a re rru111entaria, Caes.; In re 1l.oellllo ·iYi and .u -itum, s. (iutens. of
famlllari, Cic. ; aheol., to be i1' danger; illi * lacio), to provoke, atimulatc, uciu, e:mspemk,
laboranti subvenire, Caes.; of tllinp, l\lod irritaU: a., virum ferro, c~.; allquem 11roelio,
vehemente&• eiua artUA laborarent, oa he "' end hello, Caes.: aliquem ad pugnaru, Liv.; me
,,,,,_ fl'"U, Cle.; 'dlgitorum contracUo nul o in scrlpto, provoke 1lll to tcrite again., Cic.; 50 ad
motu laborat, Jhi.d1 M di.fficul.ty in, Cic.; quum scribcndum, Cic. ; allqvem iujuril, Cic. ; deoe
luna laboret, v eclipttd, Cic. IL Transit.• Co "b H l · - ·1
to0rk out, to ~ prqia.,.., form ; arte labor- prec1, us, or. ; Ile agu~ carma, ~ .ten owr,
atae vestes, Verg.; dona 1.aboratae Cereria, com Hor.' b, with ace; or thing, Co begia, occadclft:
L--.o V pugnam, Liv.; 1ermonea, etc.
.- •"'°
--"'· ,
unuu, erg.
liboa -Oris, m. !. labor (q. v.). -Orum, m. (Acurtta9'0''). Cl ~ ia
Hiapanici Tarraoonmril. Hence, Laoitiala
LabrCS. ·l, Di. f.>4/Jpor), ncimc of a. dog, O\". ·&e, r. tM countrv of Uu l..dttta.•i.
1. libram -l, n. (lambo),. a lip; 1uperiua, LI.chill -etia, m. (, _,,.of JI~
CM ,.,... ffp, Ca.ea. ; pr.o-v:., prlfU,ia J,abris guat- gtneral Qf tM .AtAnia111, swu a McW&Ml
IAM ph71iiolQiiam, ea Aavc cml11 G mpcrf.cfal , (418 B.c.).
Lao 307 lae
f. (Aa)(t'O'lf'). tlw OM o/ tM
J.loh91da -ls, lloiina ·ae, t. (for l.aculna, from Jacus). L
th~ ParruetW 1pu.n t1w threai! of · a rorrit.11, hollow, cavern; 1, a, lacunae salsae,
lMIJlrlma ~), v. lacrhna. tht mlt dtpth.! of tM atn, Luer.; b, In the l~y
JAchrimo (lAohrfmo) and -or, v. lacrhno. or animal!t, sint motlici victu.s rarve.eque utrim·
que lacu11ae, dimples, Ov. ; 2, a 1J001, pond,
Li.c!A4ea -ae, m. ('lf), btlongina to tM ditch:' a11tae lacunae Orel, Luer.: eavae lacunae,
Lida•l demti (in .dttiru), Cic. Vct"JZ'. IL TrHnsf., a gap, ckj'td, lO#; ut illam
lAciDJa -ae, t. (.\.turi~), a lapptt or jfap of 4 14..:unnm rel f'aruiliaris expleant• Cle.
gar-nl • prov,, Aliquid obtinere lacinl:\, to hold -iri11, n. (lacuna), a pa11tllerl et~l~11a,
~y the airer.Ml e-11d, to h1.1vt but an inst'.CUni hold, Cic.; l'rov., 11pectare lacuuar, to gaze at the ctdwg,.
Cic.; in lacinia servare ex mensa secunda semina, I.e., to pretend not to su what i3 goiltl) on, Juv.
ap. Cic. l&ciino, 1. (lacuna), to tc0rk i7' panell, to
Lf.cin(um -II, n. (A-<r•or <iicpo11), a promon- panel, Ov.
Wr in Lrmlium., ru<Lr Croto1w, wherl! Jur:io
Llcinia had a famous temple. llen ..t>, arlj., -a ·urn (lacuna), full of hollow
gaps: nil1il la1:unQs11111, defective, Cic.
LAcinlua -a -um, Ladnian ; di\·a lAlcinia, tM
l.Alcfoian goddt~s (Juito); 111~ton. = the temp/4 o/ J.Mua -n~. m. (root LAC, whence also Aciuof,
Jv.M Lw:inia, \'erg. l11c1111a). L a l<ike, Cic.; used poet. for a1111
~ (UoOn.) -llnis, m. (AaK•w), a Spartan,
large body of u:ater, \'erg., Ov. IL a unlt'r·
trough or basfo, Hor. ; a blacks>11ith'1 trough,; (ulvns Laco, a Spartan ho1md,
Verg. IIL any large f(rnk, uat, tub, espcdally
Hor.; plur., Uc0nea -um, _!II. tht Lac.cdae· that Into which the wine flows when JH't.>>1,.,t·•I
l!W11lia1U. Hence, 1, wlj., LAcODl'.oua -a ·um, from the grapes; trans(., nova ista qu11si
Lacmt.iall. Subst., a, LAooDl'.oa -ae, f. or 1111111to ac fenhla. oratio, Cic.
U.OOD.lce -es, f. (Aa.xcaw•Kri), the roun.try of Li.oydea -is, m. (Ao.ictio11~). a11 acacltmic philo-
Laco11irr, Xep.; b, IJ1coD.loum -1, n. (sc. sopher, foundu oJ the Scio Academy.
balneum), a s1croti11{J·roo11L in a bath., Cle.;
2. LAoOnls -I<lis, f. Spartan: mater, Ov.. Li.diia -ae, in. (.\.U4~), a La(onfon athlttt,
whu~s~l in.runni11g was proi-erbiicl iua1ttir1uity,
1'crlma· (lAorUma, J.aohrima. or ~h­ Juv.
J'fma) -ae, f. (oaKpv, M.icp111Lo.). L a tlf!r; Li.don -onls, m. (Aci&w), a rfrer in Amulia.
molt~ com lacrimb1, 11.'ith a flood of tMr$, C1c.: laedo, Jars!, lacsum, 3. to hwt, i11)11re,
lacrl~ profundere, to shed tears, Cic.; prae damage. L Lit., cursu aristas, Verg. ; frou<lr!!,
lacrimis (for ttf!rs) loqui non J>O;~sum, t;tc. ; Ov.; .zona laerlcre collnm, to strangle, Uor. IL
d'bilitor lacrimi11, unmanJUd by, C1c.; lacmnl,. Tran sf., to trouble, ojfcntl, an11oy, i·e.x, calumn !at~,
gan<lio elfusis, Liv. IL tire triul<Uion f1·om attack: aliquem J'Crjurio suo, Cic.; famam ah·
en-tain plan.U; turis, Ov. ; Heliadu111, amber, Ov. cuius gravi opprobrio, Cic.
licrimabWa<acriimi.blllil) ·e (la.crimo), Laelius -n -um. na111t of a .Roma11 gen.!!, the
deplorable, la11Untable, W()(ful; tempus, Ov. ; bel· mwt 7>rcn11inmt membtrsofu•hich Wtre: C. Laelius,
lom, \"er>;. thefrielrd of Scipi.c, and D. Laelins, a suppo1·ta
ll.crlmabundua -a ·Um (lacrimo), brealdng of P01npeiU1. Ueuce, a<lj., Laellanus ·n -um,
Mato tears, 'llXtping, Liv. IA.UlW.n.
llcrlmo (Uchrymo, lll.cri\mo), 1. to 11."tep, laena -ac, f. (x.\ai11G), an uppergarm.enl oftJi.ick
tit«J. knrs.. L J,it., ecquis fuit quin lacrlmaret! cloth, Cic.
Cic. IL or plants, to utu.i.e, to drip, drop La.eriis-ae, m. (Ao.ipni~). the/al11erof Uly5<c.i;
dtncn ; 1iarti<'. pass., lacrimatae cortice myrrhae, bence, 1 adj., Laertlus -a -11111, I.nrrtin11;
drippi11g fl"'nn., Ov. 1·e~11a, lt~acu, Verg.; heros, UlyllSeS, Ov.; 2, (U.or~m08ua) -a -um (lnc- LaertlMea -ae, m. tl.e son of Lat1·us, I.e.,
rinia). L tei1r/ul, shedding tears: lnmina v!no Ulysse~, Hor.
la.•.:rim~. Ov.; voces, Verg. IL .a, causmg
tmn; fomus, Hor.; b, nw11niful1 pilevws; bel· laeslo -onis, r. (laedo), rhet. t. t., an oratorical
lnu1, llnr. nttnck, Cic.
lAcrimiUa -ae, f. (tlim. or lacrima), a little Laeatrjgones -nm, m. {Ao10'Tpilyo .. •~>.
l~tr, Cic. myth., a race of oonni&als £11 Sii:il.11; sing., Lae-
lAoriima. etc., v. lacrima, etc. strjgon -6ni!'I, 111. a IA1r~tri1ao11ian: url>s
Lllnd Lnc~try:::oniis (i.e., Formiae), Ov. Hc-uce,
laci.&o. 2. (Jar). L to nick; Jactens Ro- a1lj., Laeatrjgonlua ·8 ·llnl U1eJlrygonia1L;
mulns, Cic.; l:lcten!t ho!!lia, Cic. Subst.., laO· do111us, F<tnniw:, 0\-. 1

~tea -!urn, f. (<>I'. hostinc), un1CJtanetl aninulis,

a.ii \"ictims furn !>&CriHce; lack11tilius rem •livina111 laetabilla ·e (laet-0r), joyful, gla&omt, )or
f;u:ere. Liv. II. l'I &e mi:J.:y, jnic!f, co11t1ti11 milk, (JUii, Cic.
to~ full of sap; frument.a, \'er;,:. laetatlo -Ouls, f. (laetor), a rt)oid11g, j1,y,
lacteolua -a ·um, adj. (<lhn. of lacteus), Ca•·M. laete, A1lV. (Jaetu11), joy/11/111, {lladly; a.liquid
milk·U"hit4, Cat. .
latte atqne insolenter fern•, Cic..
1actea -lum, r. (lac), tht snwll fntt3tine.s, outs, laetlfloo, 1. (laetilil:u'!). L to cheu, glatl·
lacte8co, S. (lacteo), to btronu milk, be Cic. dt11, deli!]ht, 111111.:t joyful; sol tenam lactitlcat,
r/v1>1~d into fl~ill.:; om11is rere cibus Jnatrum
II. to ftrtuise; agros aqua, Cic.
bet~re inclpit, Cic. laetl ficus -a -um (lactnund Cacio), en using
J.acti11.9 -a -um (lac). I. Lit., 1, min'.!/; jo.11, gu&<lllenlng, cliuri11g, joyous, Luer.
l111mor 1)v. • 2. f11ll rif milk; nbera, \'erg. IL lae~la -o.r, f. (1aetus). L joy, uprt&SCff and
)let.on: mib.:·whiu; cen·ix, \'erg.; via lactea, w11fitrainei.l gladnell8, 1le!igh.t; lo.etitiam capere,
OY., ,,; orlJi.s l11cteus, Cic., the Mill..-y War. per!'ipere e~ aliqua re, Cic.; dare alicul ln~~itiam,
Cle. ; laetiham nllcul al1erre, Cle. : laetitla fr•1i
I. la.cto, 1. (l4c), to gfrc milk, to be full oj maxlmae praeclari11Simaeqne 1111gnae, Cii-. ~
•1ill;, Ov.
a 71lttuing apptaranc.t, ~auty, gract; orati0111~,
~- laoto, l. (lntens. or "laclo, to tntfce), to Tac.
llllitrt, whccdll, duJ~. dtah~, cajole, Plaut. laetor, l. dep. (laetus), to rt~ be jo11f11l,
Jaotica .ae, t. (lac), a lettuce, Hor. tlrl.'t clelight, be glad; a, with aLa., bouls rebns,
Lae 808 aan
Cle.; b. with In and the abl., In omnlum gemltu, a:'.o11; gen. ID pJ1U'..:.! ae lamenU. IL 1Uebrit.e
Cle. ; o with de and the abl. de eommunl ulut.e, lacrimbque dedere, uic.
Cie.; ~.with ex and the abl, Ball.; e, with acc. L limla -ae, r. (Aa,it.). gen. pJ11r., -.....
of the neut. pron., utrumque laetor, Cle.; t, with tl1itcAa bdWWd to IUd: cAUdM'I Wood, ....,Jllf.N.
ace. and lnftn., ftUoll tui t.e delectarl laetor, Cle. ; Hor.
a, with quod, 11t1 laetari, quod etrugtuem duaa
maxlmu vltuperatlooes, Cle.; abioL, Jaet.ant.I
anlmo, Clo. .
2. r.4rgJa -ae, m. a ~ o/. 1A1 .d.r"9

8. Lela ·ae. I. (Ayla), 11 IOIO'I& '" n-11

i..et6rlu ·a -um, MN o/ a Ro9ia• ~ (now Zfttv• or Z.Un').
laetml -a -um,}oJLIW, glad. L a, Ht., of per- Jiwfpa and Jamna ~· (perhaps em-
nected with latwl, bniad), a or tl.ia pi«I f//
hl vagantur laetl atque erectl J>911lm toto
110J11, 9ldcllortll4rblc, etc. L Lit., aenea, lJY.; 3,a,
foro, Cic. ; with abl., mlnlme laetus ongine novae ""°"'Md gold and .Uur: lnlru cua lamnae, Hor. i
urbla, Liv.; with genlt.., laetus labonun, Verg.; b • plalc of (rem, lalteci a11d v-.d Jar '°'1•n:
}?, transt'., of thin~ oratlo, Liv.; vultua, Cic. la~lnae ardent.ea, Cle. ; o, Ute blade o/ G Nllnl.
.u. A. wtalift9 Jo1J!Ul, pltmtng, ~; omni& Ov.; d, CM WalM o/ a lllW, Verg. D. ca ..,_
erant Cacta laetiona, Ole. B. Tra~st., l.1/c11~'11r­ 111.ell, Ov.
'"f1• /erh,1Mlf41, propUiot&I; augurtum, UC. 1 a. ·tildia, acc. -plda.. ace. plur. ·llld•
a /rll.Ufvl • pucaa., Liv.; laetae aegetes, rfo\, I. (Mi_,,.nc), a. torcA. L Lit., ferg.;
clc.; b, ol animal•, /al, Verg.; o, of orat.ora, aand -ng-torcl, Ter.; ai.o used at &be torcb-
copio11a, ~,..,..,,. dcl'9~: nltidum qnoddam
pnm eat verbonun et laetum,-Clc. race when one runner delivered bl1 Wrcb to
l&eYi. adv. (laeYUB),
•wborlrdlr, Hor.
°" another; hence, quail CW'IOrea vitae lam~D.
IAt ltJI laatld, hence tradunt, tAd U&e COtlU"ll o/ tllrir zv~ Luer.
Jleton., brioll.tMa, brilliance; Phoebua, &M lffM
lae't"llll -a -um (Aa&6t), "ill- L Lit., a, adj., o/IM "'"'• \'erg.
manus., Cle.; awnil,t.U"Jt bank, Tac.; b_, aubll,
(a.) laeYa -ae, r. (ac. maom). IM left aaM. '-"
Lam~ ·I, n.and Lam.-.-(-->
WI; ad Jaevam, Co IM ltJt, Cle. ; (JJ) Jaevam ea&tfl'Jr& ·I, I. (Ayl{la.«or), a Cotm of JIJllflJ°"
o/tM llellopcmt. Bence, ad.I.,-.-
-1, n. tM l4l' nd4; In laevum flectere curaua, d.Oilau -a -um, of or beloltgift9 lo
Ov. ; p!_ur:.1. laeYa ~rum, placa Iring Co "" WI,
Ov. D. nansf., 1, Zc/1-Aandtd, JoolW&, rillr; ·I,· m. (A&,aot), king qf Ck ~
numa, Verg. ; et ego laevus I wha.t a fool 1 a.m I tma, /ot1.Mlrr o/ CM 1oW11 Fonaftll; urm Land
Hor. ; a, "U7LH&itabll; tempos. Hor. ; 8,
~. unpropUiotu; plCUll, Hor.; 4, In augu1"7,
u• Forata., Ov.
1lmfraa ·I, m. ~por), Cl1'
Jhvounabll, u the Roman augun loOking south, ~.o~ .
'had the east or lucky lide on their left hand; lilla-ae, t (A''°'' Doric A&i.r), tOOOI. L OI
laevum lntonuit, 01' U.. 1'Jt, Verg. anhnala, _!J a, lit., lanam ducere, OY., trah-
1'guum ·I, D. (AA')'U'OP), • a.a fllCUU q/ ere, to .,nia, Jnv. i la111m aulllcere ~
llowr atld oU, Hor. mentia quibUlda.m, \;IC. ; b, meton., wool...,a.
1'gina lagoena (q. v.). "''"9: lanae dedita, Liv.; 9; uooU1 AaV: proY.,
rlx.ari de lana caprlna, Co quan'd tlWICA'-f.
Jj,gio9 -ii, f. (A&,-.,or). a GfW1& ~"" o/ "'M• Hor. D. CM don ow. le-, JrwU, de., Verg.
lkoena -ae, f. (.\4yip.or), a large tllrlM1l li.Uriu -a-um (lana), otor~ lo ..r.
Jar or boUlc ~ laaftdlU a Mrroto u:k, woollft, PUn.
liai.tu -a -um (lana), l!Jd.lmritlf, .oollr:
Jlgilll, f. (~), a Mnl, perhape a 1 lit., capraa lanatu qulbuadam er.ctu (Mllil),
MalhCod; or g1'0'll#, Hor. ilv. ; aubat., Jinitae -lrmn, r. Mlfp, .Jav. ; I~
~ -ae, t (dim. of lagoena), a lUU.
cfotaRr, cowreci "'"1 cto.,.. PUn.
botUe or /f4lk, Plln. lanoiSa -ae, f. a 1'91'& IJl8Clr or lacs. will •
leaU&em thong allacMd Co U, Luer.
Ligua .1, m. IM ~ Ptollmr, lcift9 o/ 1anomo.. 1. lo &ear to Jri«:n, wea,.,i., natl ta
Egypt. Bence, adj.,
Egypt1an, Mart.
·& -um, poet. = ¢ecu ,· -J; ift., PUn. ; s. tramt., pateraa bona,
lqtlafllUT', Cat.
Lila -ldls and ·ldoa, t. (Aotr), a ccUbrated to J.ilMma ·• -um (lana), .ac:r. q/ 1IOOI. ..,.._;
Corinthian bea-.t71.
Wu, or~- ·I, m. (A.cir~}.'°"~ La.bdac- i.Lang~bardl lit.., pallium, Cle. ; a, ~cu toool,, Oat..
.u, father of Oedipu. Bence, LAM• ·ae, m. Germany, t1&I Vied -Orum, m. a JJeoJJll ta urA
'°" o/ Lahu, i.e. O«lipua, Ov. °" ride o/Ulc £lb&.
1&ma -ae r. (perhaps connected wiih lacuna, langueaf.olo, a. (langueo and faclo), 1o .a.
Jacus), a oo,; slougll., ditch, Hor. languid or /aiftt, Cic.
J.ambo, lam bi, lambltum, s. to lick; a, of 1angue. -gd1, 2. to "' ftr.""'·
animals, tribunal n1eum, Cle. ; b, poet., transf., I. Physlc&lly1 quum de via languerem, t111m7triA
...i; i.apil..
ot' things, quae Joca rabulosua lBR1bit Bydaapea, t1'ejoumq, Cic.; partlc., langoen.s, tollClk, ~
bathu, W(Uhu, Hor. ; ot ftre, flamma summum lanpid ; vox, Cic. D. Tranar•.L~ z.. la1lflAd,
properabat lambere teetum, Hor.
li.menti.bllla -e (lament.or). L lammta.bll, languena
iMrt, inadiN; otio, In otio, l,ic. ; langueat
vtrcs, Cic. ; partic., languena,
labensque populua, Cle.
deplqrabU; regnum, Verg. D. dol(/\d, fllOUMljW;
Yox, Cle.; mulierum comploratio, Liv. . Janguuoo, lana1ll. S. (langueo). to becoac
/aiflt, Wm.t, langvfd,-to lc"fll'ilA. L -Lit.., 1. car--
IAm.entado --Onia, f. (lament.or), a lamnl(ft9, pore, Cic.; aenectut.e, Cle.; Bacchua lang1ie9clt
aep£ng, toail&ng, lam8"""iim; plangore et lam· in amphora, bfco7MI wdltkr, Hor.; a, to ,..,_
entatione complere forum, Cic. aa.t Ulrovg~ illMU; nee mea con1111eto langueeo-
Ii.mentor, 1, dep. L lntransit.., Co~ ent. corpora lec~1 OY. D. lo &.co.. lcaapW,
toail, la'91e1lt; ftP.blllter In vulnere, Cle. lL "'ocfftie, lilUtu,
Tnniait.1 to bealil, __,,owrkla__,; caecltat.em,
Cle.; with ice. and bdbl., nor.
1ilDatam ~I, D. 4 toGU,,,.,,
guUUr, adv. ~!i~tdlr.
ftwblr; nepnt
~,.,. la..,.,. quam dlc&wD .... Jup1clh1a,
ab Ullo oeopbo qald- --
lan 809 Lar
lalt.suld.iilaa -a -um, (dim. or languidu11), 14ploidinae ·lr11m, f. (lapls antf ,.nf'd~, the
ltllflalurl f11i11t, laRguid, limp, Cle. lloM •;1t1t1Tir1 U3l/f p1&'1i.!hnv.11t, Cic.
a pla~
laa£ ·•-nm (langueo).fa£Nt, wllk, lll'l'l· IApidi.rlua -a •Uo1 Oa1•il), q/ or rtlati11u to
pid, dK/l. L Ph~·1<iCAUy, l, iren., &, or pen.01111, lloM, Plaut.
11no vlgillls11ue i&t11{Uidu11, Cic.; b, of thinl[s, IApldatlo -1'.nia, r. (lRplR), a thro'IM'l'lg of
vent1111, gnit!c, Ov. ; 11.qna, tcilh. gtnllll c1~rrt,.t, 1to11~ ; fa1·t& eat lApldatio, Cic.
Liv.; 2~_esp., or wirre ijtiJN"tl np, milAl, >IVllOW,
Hor. u. ur acti\'1ty, llug!1uh, inacti•...i; a, 11.pldi.tor ~ria, m. (laf-ldo), a thrmi'ff of
paa3., aenrctus n .. n mu<lo la111ot11ida et i11en1 u1111
rtmu:.•, Cic., Cie.; 11!111111101, Ck.; b, acL, lau;;uii.lae vol· 11.pldews -a ·nm {lapl11)1 '11.l'ltle of at<lnt, :Jtrure:
apt.aka, t1urmting, Cic. murus, Liv.; i111hcr, a sho1t>er of sto11ts, Cle.
lallguor -iirlit, rn. (l11.n~1M), faintlV!.-., Zall· IApldo, 1. (lapis), 1, to throw sto11r.s at, Suet. ;
por, ''""riuu.t, ful,/,,,,'11. I. Phyi;i<.•Rl. l, cor· 2, hup.·1'!1., lnpitlat, it roin1 atonu; Veih1 <le
pnri .. , t:ic. : 2, ln.u911ur, wwzkn,11.f arMit1!1 fr""' caelo la1•i<Javerat, Liv.
i/\, iU-lunlt/a.; 11qnrn1us, dmJUy, Hor. IL -a -um On pis), 1, f11ll of 1t01v1,
IUUusJV.<6, i1111cti1:ilN, i•llrn,.<$, liUfl!Ji.flrnuJ; ae stony; 111ontes, Ov.; 2, <IS hard cu stoiu; pi111iit,
la~llOJi dedere, Ck. ; lJuguorem alicui alfcrre, Hor.
Cle. IApfilua -1 1 m. (dim. of lal'ia), a little 1tone,
~tua -tis, m. (lRni .. ), a mangling, uarinp pebble. L lap11li crepitantes. Ov.; whitt• :;ti111es
i• pi.Mu; with 1mhJ. iienlt., ft'rarum, Cic.; ftg.l we~ use<l to mark lul'ky, am\ hlack stones 1111-
Ii reclndantur tyra1111oru111 meut.ea posse aa11ic lucky days, hen,..e, r\iee 11ignn11da meliorlbus
laniatua et ktns, Tnc. lapilli11, :Mart. II. 1, a prtci01ui ltonll, qnn;
li.Dlolum. v. lanltlum. ni\'ei viri<ll'sque lapilli 1 7it'lrlf o.nd emllf'ald11, Hor.;
lblina -1u1, f. (lonlus), a 'butehn'1 aAop. 2, a pebl.ilt tued at tria.1.1 (a white one for AC·
d.tnr&blu, Ll'r qnittnl, a black one !or coude111natlon}; lupilli
ni\'t•I atriqne, Ov.
lAalfloua .. ·nm (Jana and faclo), wor1.·i11.g
ia lt'Ovl, 61Ji•rning or u·a.urin.g woc;l; ars, Ov.; IApls ·l<li!I, m. (Acia~). a 1to1Lt-. L Oen., often
aorores, tA.t Parau, Mart. collective, bibulu11, pumicc-11tmu, \'erg.; a1<e1111,
11 111Pli:nril: 1toflt, Liv. ; ali~uem lapi<lihu~ J'f0-
IADl&er ·gm ·!(~rum (Jana an<l gero), VJOOl· 11equl. Cic.; lnJ•iclilrus ahqucm cooperire, or
f).i.1ring. L Adj., bltlens, Verg. ; poet., apicea, obrn'!re, Cic.; la)'it1ihns pluit, it ra£n1 .•tn11rs
~~""~"' Verg. IL f:lul>at., li.Dlger -g~ri, m. /rum IM sky, Liv. ; l:IJ•itle t"&nclidlorr dif'lll 1111t·
4m11t,OY. arto, lo llCllrk a day cu lwky (cf. laplllns I.), Cst.
lblo. 1. ta trnr or<"" Co pWicu. IL E!!p. 1, a bou1ulary-!Wl1e, Liv.; 2, a gm rt•
au; hominem, Cic. ; aliquem beatlls, Liv.; crin- 11to11t, Prop.; 3, a prtriou.utcne,jewel, esp., a ptarl,
f'nl ma11ih1111, Ov. : transf'..l et tua ucnlegae Hor. ; 4, marbfr; Parlus, \'erg. ; albu11, a f11hl.t
lanlarunt. cannin:\ llnguae, uv. of whi.U marble. Hor. ; 5, a pita of flto1oi<', lior. :
1An.lsta -11e, m., 1, a train11r of gln.diaton, 6, a mtlt·11loM; intra v1cesimum lupii.lrm, I.iv.;
Cic.. ; 2, al\ i111ti~1t1Mr, inciter, Cic., Liv. 7, th4 stoM, or platform of on 1,.J.irh IM
pntwi ltood at tM 1lovt-auctioM; dnos dJJ lnpide
lialtlum ·ll, n. (lana), 'IC'OOl, Verg.
emptos tribunos, Cle. ; 8, Juppiter IRpis, o.
IADlua .Ji, m. (lanio), a, Liv.; transf., stone h,,.ld in the hand a1 a aymbol of JupUtr, rmd
& llaxgma"• ueculiorur, Plaut. mwn by; J ovem la)Jidem ju rare, Cic.
lalderna (li.terna) -~. f. (conn. with U.plthea -ae, m., plur., Lapltha~ (Ao.wi8o.i),
~-. A<l4l•iif), a lA111ttr1&, lom1t, Cle. th4 J.1.1.1•itlu~. myth., a 1at'1'.l!7e nwuntai>I race,
laatenaarlus .11, m. (1&11t.ema), a lantern- lning mar Olympuf and Pelion i11;;,
bearcr; Cati Ii nae, Cic. f(lmwt for their flgh.t 'vith tltt CrnUtur1 at lht
IMlqo -lnis, r. (lana), tM dorl'll of pl«nt8, Hen ..e, adj., 1.
u:f!dding o/ PirUhou,r.
Plin.; tlt.tftr•t If.ft 1fou:11. oftM bt.u.rd; ftavtmt.em thaeua -a ·um ; 2, LAplthilws -a -um, cu
primi l&ougine malas, Verg. or IJ,/ouying to the LaJ!itluu..
LiAl:vlum -Ii, n. a to1m& in Lniium, fert11· lappa -ae, r. a bur, Verg.
w1dh-eaJt of Jlorrui.
ff9At 'fllila Hen~e. ••li., -a ·um, /.ll!lo11:1i711 to /A:t11t1t·i111n;
lapalo -<1nis, f. (1. 111.bor)l a glfd£11g, an(""
cli11utio11, Undtncy tolVl'lrds, Cc.
1ubst., Liu:Avillum ·i, n. an uwu near Lanu·
'ri4-.,Cic. laJMO, 1. ( of 1. labor), to totln' 1
lanx., l&ncis, f., 1, 11 plate, plattu. a largeftal Priurn11s 1apsane, Verg.
cUil, Cic..; 2, tMi 1ca1e of a b«lana, Cle. 1&1>9118 .o.s, 111. (I. labor). L a gm.dual 140o
t1li'1i 11g, sliding, Verg.; th'l}lll1t•ing of u·a.trr;
LA6c60D -ontis, m. (hnr,,.O...,.,), a prk<t of 1c.m, sl la•; 11s enrissus lnp~n et curHu 111111 i11 more pro-
Ntpt•u '" Tro11. uiAo with /tu tu.'O .iu.1 waa de- t'l11xi11~et, Ci<:.; I/it flight of bird~; volucrum
~nd br urperttl.
la1 ... us atque <·antus, Cic. ; th4 gliding of a
LiUAmia -u, f. (hao.5ci .. u .. ), Wiu!Jhl,.,. of BIVlkt, v .. rg. II. a .fullin{I, fall; 1, 1&}•8118 terrae,
AOll.llCu and 'Wi/• of 1-'rtJtuilalJ.ll, 11n wh°" Cic::. ; 2, u. mnrnl fi1ll, fu11/t, error; quum sint
.U "41111 •erldf. P'"l•Ulo.r·;~ lll•llti Ya1 ii•1ne laps11s, Cic •
Li641oea -ae, f. (.\o.t)g{,.""), name r,f 1trl!ml lAqu6ar-~ri9an<1 -la, n. (laquem1),
'°"'"': l a lou.>Ji in i'hr.11girt ,\fo 1r1r. n<•W E.•A·t- n. u pand fa a ~!illy, pa11~Il«l cetliriv; gen.
B~r: ~. n lo11rn in ,s,1~11,·i~ i'1. Syri1J, "'""' l,d.ili .. 1>lur. 1 J;v.. i.earia tpi;t.i, Ver~.
kty«. Henc.e, EMU., L&Od.Joenats ·e, v10./irtri11.. 111qu6<>, I. (la<j •1'!•.111), tn (J(fi)Nt with a J'<lln•ll~tl
L&6midon -ontls, 111. (A .. 01..f&....,). a Ung of mlin:l; (JDly ill partir;. !JCrt., Jllfjllt:'BlUs, Jaqueata
Trov, fltb.n' <Jf l>riam; h'!nce, l, adj., Lii6mi- te<'ta, C1c.
4otateiaa -& -u111, /An1nl'/lfl>t.tro1i, p•.ro:t. Tnjan, l'qu~ua ·I, m. a n"01:t, rn11rt, trnp: 1, lit.,
Verg.; 2, LUmi~ontfua -a -un!! T.a~n· rnllnm ln"'"'··re in l~<j11e111n, Cle.; la'lue<• ;.:11l11m
&rt; 3, au bet., LMSm6dontD.di• -ae, m. a fra11;.:~r", !"nil., c,r pt'<'m• re, Hr,r.; 2, tr:rn~f., a
tl4/.t daontdanl of l.aomtdoll (l'riu11l), Verg.; .•n11r•. nt><',·f; alien! layu!'os ponerc, lo lily .<11<<r(I
plur., Ulomedoat.tadae, Utt 1'rojart-J, \'erg. ; .. r, 0\' 1 ; i11 lac;m·"11 cailere, Ov.; laqnei l<'gum,
Upl&Jaum ·lz~ n. and lAp•uiua ·I. t. luh:rrn;.;atiu111u11, Cic.
~ ..Jor), 10rrd, 1.1or. 1. Lar or Lara, Lartis, m. "" Etrtuctm title
Lar 310 lat
ngnV\'ilt.11 U>ri. jou'fllf. 11.1 11. pm~; Lan Li.riaa (LUiaea) -ae, f. (A.Opt.aa, Ac1pt.,..,.al.
Tolumni•111, (;ic. ; Lara PCJl'llena, Liv. L lmlm '" P~laagU>tis, i1' Theualy, flOW ~
'2. Lil", Uris, m., usually rtur., I..u.. ·um HP,11ce, a. Li.riueua (Lariaaaeoe) -a -um,
and (more J'fl!"!ly) -lum, tut,lary dtil~• among Lariuf:an. = 1'htssalian, Cle., Ve~; b, Li.ri-
tit'. Ronuui.•; (;'lres l', Ov.; Litres dom- Mlllletl ·!nm, m. Utt inhabii<1'11.l• of Larila. IL
estici, ramllia1<t:>. pru'llti, pntrii, domutfc cUIUW!, l..11ri~ C:remaste, tow1& in Phthioti.s, in 'l"haaaly.
the gr•d.$ nf tht h~r,li, <>v. ; perm:irini, <kie~ of Ill. a forl.ru11 of Argos.
lht sro, Liv. ; ruralP.3, aiz;ri custo<iee, gvartlicms Lirl'.us -Ii m. name of a bt:kt i1' MrlA Itllly,
of agricuUurt, Cic. ; mcto11., htt.trth, dtl)(Uing, now I.ago di Cont-0. Hence, adj., Lirl'.ua -a -um,
1a4mt; nd !Arem suum M1·erti, homt, Cic. of or belonging to LariU1.
Ura and Urund.a -a.e, r. a whom lArbc -leis, r. (>uip,t), tMI lo.rell., Plin.
Jupiter dq>rimi of her tongw. btoottSt of htr
Lara. v.
l. Lar.
Larclua ·& -um, of a etlcbmtM Roman Unmda, v. Lara.
gt~, tht 'llUJ$t <"tltbmted membtr of which wa.s tlu larva -ae, f. (2. Lar), 1, a ghost, 'PfCITt, PlauL:
ftnt dittal<Yr, T. Larcit111 Flavus, Cic. 2, a ma8k, Hor.
lardum (li.rldum) .1, n. (connected with Lia, acc. Un, f. <AO.~), a to11m in l.ac1'nia,
Aop....0..), ti~ fil1 of baco11, la.rd, Ov. 801llh·U'fst Of Gyt/itum.
LArenti.Ua ·Ium, n. a /«Ut in hon-0ur of IA.duum ·i, n. (.\.4aa.vo.,). a rooki1'f·1tWt6il.,
.Aero J,arentia. Hur .
Larentta, v. Acea. laaoivo, au v. (l:isci vus), la.sci l'iously, 100.,..
lo11/ y, .Mart.
l. LA.ree, v. 2. Lar.
2. Li.ree. &CC. Lares,!bus, f. a town
laacivia -ae, r. (lascivus), I, in a good aenst\
pla.y/11 l1m;s, .•port i 1'( 111·t.S, fro! il'~>mr n~s.< ; h ilaritas
iti. Numidia, now J,ar!Ju&s or 1.crb'U4. ct lasC'ivia, Cic. ; 2, 111 a ha.LI scni;e, wanl01incss,
largi, a<lv. (111rgus), largely, pltalijully, li.u11tim.isntss lnscit'io11.R1uss, i11sn/01c.c; quos 50).
abundantly; •lare, Cic. ; large atq11e lio11orifice uto imperln hceritia llt41111• Jascil'ia corrnperut,
aliqnid i1romittere, Cic.; senatus cm1s11ltum la1ge &IL ; lil.sch·llltn a \'obis i•rohihetok, Liv.
factum, 11•itl11wtqring provinons, Tac. J.aaoivibundu -a -um (111.sci\·io).. t.ron.lo•,
larglflous ·& ·Um (largus and facio). bou11ti- s110rti1•t', Plant.
Ju1, W~ral, Luer. lalloivlo ·Ii -!tum, 4. (lascivui;). to sport, plny,
largUUiua -a ·Um (large and fluo), jfowirg l>t sportfr~, 1r<mron, to~ iMvltnt; agnus IAsci-rit
VJitJ, full stream., Luer. fni;it, Ov.; 1>lc\•s la><civit, Liv.
largll~UlUI ·& -um(large and loquor), talk- laacivua -n -11111, I, in a good Rense, J'laJ-
ative, loquacious, Plaut. · ful, spnrtivt, /ro/icsr:mu:; J•l!ella, \"erg. ; f.E'tas,
larglor, <l. dep. (largus). L to gfrt nlm n1l- Hor.; 2, i11 a ltnd l!t'll'le, uu11.to11, licc11tio1.1s, la.1·
a11tly, l1tsto10 libtrally, impart; qui eriplunt. ci ciu11.:;, i11~oumt, ove11m1ri11!]; Epic1at.:s, L.'ic.;
11.liis quod aliis largiantur, Cic.; absol .. In 17i1•' puella, Ov.
libtrnl J>r<·sr11ts, esp. for the purpose of ltrihing; lAaerpicU'er -~ra ·fl!rum, producing I.At
ex alieno largiendo Allquid parare, by nittHI-' of 1•/11 nl ln~o1>iti11111, Cat.
bribt-ry, Cle. IL Tnmsr., to [!il't, bestow, grrint;
populo lihertatem, Cic. ; allcul dvitatem, Cie.; li.aerpiolum (llaerpidum) -Ii, n. n
ca/Int sil1>himn, use.I in mcdiciue and i11 cooking,
}lhtriac sunm sunguinem, Cic.
largltaa -iitis, f. (largus), lihfmlity, lxtunti- laald:tudo -inill, r. (la111m'I), n't'nriM.~•. lnfli·
falnt./IS; term cum maxima hugitatc frugt•s fu1111it, S111ll, Cic. ; l&11situ<.line exanimari, conlici, C.aes.
lardt4!ir, adv. (largus), abundrinU11, plt11ti- lauo, 1. (lassus), to makt wtary, ti~,;
fu.lly, Targt.lfl; poi1se, t-0 be powerfal, Caei1. ; de corp1111, Ov. ··
judicio largiter esse reznl11sum, Cle. lasaillua ·I\ -um (rlim. of l&ilsus), WAUriat
larJ.itlo -onis, r. (Jarglor), ('t ¢ring ,frtRly, wrary, ru.tlu:r ltrrtl, Cat. ·
libtr11lily, spending fruly, taviskin.g ,· 1, lit., a, la.Mus ·I\ ·Um, WM1'11, tired, t!lMau...ct..n,. jai.U,
in cives, Oic.; largiti.oue benevolentiam aliC'nius lan.guid; a, of petMons, itinere at.que o~"'
consectari, Cic.; prov., largitio non habet fund- castrorum ct proelio fessi lM!'!ique erant., S&lL;
um, giving ha. n-0 li111iu, Cic.; b, giving or ab equo domlto, Hor. ; with genlt., mari1 et
Bprnding in ordtr to gain tht fai·o11r of othas, viarum, Hor. ; b, applied to lu::uaimate thingii.
bribff'I/; largitionis susplcloncm reclpere, Cic. ; fructibus nssiuui11 lassa humUJJ, Ov.; lauo
2, granting, btltouti1'g; clvltatia, Cic.; aeqnitat- papavera collo, drooping, Verg. ·
is, Cic. li.ti, adv. (latus). L br(lll{lly, v:id.tly; longe
largitor -3ris, m. (lnrgfor), a libero[ gi~. latcq:1c, jar emit wuu, Cic.; vagari, to U"alUUr
.ptnder; praffiae erat largltor, Li'V.; nbsol., as far rind wide, Caes.; pnpulus lat.e rt'X, Yerg.
attrib. = gentr0us, Liv. ; In a b&d sense, a briber, IL Tra.nllC., I, nn; la.te pattt, Cic. • lldei bonum
Cic. n,11nen latissune manat, Cic. ; at laigtA, 2,
largua -a -um. L abundant, P.fenliful, amply, copiau.sly; fuse lateque uice1J de aliqua
'ln.1maous, ropiou.s; quum sol terras largi luct: re., Cir.
cnmpleverit. Cic.; lmbre8, Verg.; with genit., 1'.ttibra -ae, r. (lateo). I. a conmil~lll.
fich ill, aOOltttding in; opmn, Verg. IL libttral hilii11g; iu qnil1ns nor. invenin quae latd1ra
in qiring and SJ>«nding, l•otrnliful, profuu; qui t.o..:atis hominibus es11e pos11.!!i Cic.; ltm:i.e, a"
Bi largillllifnlls es."4! veUet, Cic.; plar. suiJ6t., rr(1pse of tht mr>0n, Ln<'r. ll. O>ucr. A. Lit.,
l.a.rgi, {11'11eroW1 persons, Cil'. ; with ahl., ln~ui; hidi11g-11lncc, lirrkin!J·plact, roi·rrt; l:itehrac f"lll·
a11i11111, fl/a go10·1Jw;di>1'o~ition, Tac.; promi;;~is, rum, Cic.; lntchra t<'li, the plt!.:t when tlu an"Olt'
li.bcml in., Tac.; with inlln;, spos do11· is ,.n,/,,ddtd in tht body, Ver:.;. B. Tranllf.. 1,
are novas, Hor. hiridPn place, ~cut rtlffat: q11nm in animis
l&ridum ··i, n. = lard um (q:v.). hm11innm tantae l/lt.ebrae sint, Cic.; 2, 11 .~
Li.rinum -1, n. town in Lcnotr itafy, now u:r.fugr, prettnu, shift; late bra mcndacli, Cic.
La.rino. HPnce, ndj., LariDU _-itts, q/ or Jatibrfo~la ·ae, c. (latebra and eolo), OM
~ina to Larinum. 10ho dwU.-in eo11ccalmtnt, Flaut. ·
lat 3l1 lat
IAtibrOei. adY. (latebro11us), Mently, !J& a J.ltfto, l. (int.ens. Of latM), Co lu hill, be Mn•
OOrHtr, Plant.; a cxtrahitnrdt•mo JatitansOppia1ii1·us a
IAtibrO&ua -a -um (latP.hra), fllll of hldintr· l'tlnuho, <!ic.; invi11ae atriue latitanws res, C:i.1"11;;
&i:cra, Htirtd; ,·ia, Cic. ; pnmeY., 1oorou•, b, '!"l'-r to conwil, so aa not to appear 111
court., Cie.
Jiieius -entis, p. ntij. (from latco), conctaltd, 18.tltudo ·1Dls, r. (latus). L brtnrlth; a,
r.,,,~c <.:nee.: b, ntent, grtat aiz•; possession um,
li-lrl,,,; Cic.; cau11a, \"eri:.
Cic. iL a broad pro1m11dation; verboru111, <.:ic.
lAtenter. ntlv. (1atco), lll'cntly, Cic. LAtlum ·Ii, n. L a district nf ltalJJ, fa
lAteo -t11i, 2. (c.,1111ccte<l with A&-6ciV111). L 11•1tidl Jeonic 1005 ailuut,d. IL Met.on., l, the
tn k Ir ul, bf cn1wmu1l; 1, 1,-e11., In occult<•, /.atina; jus I...atii (''· Latinit..11>1), Tnc.; 2, =jns
Cic.; nl,.lite, Cic.; lat...t a11gui11 in hcrlln, \'erg.; Liltii or Lat.initns, Tac. llcurP., a, LAtlua
""'·is lat.tot portu, Ht•r.; latet sub c!Mlli1J1111
aeq11or, i-• cn1tN"nl,..I, covtrtil, Verg.: vnrtus lat.c:t,
-a -um, btlongin.g to .Latitwi, !.ntin, poet. =
llm11an; for11111, Ov.; b, l.Atmua -a -um,
u .,_~"11.£1L jro11l tM wi1llh, Cle.; 2, esp., a, to /~r.liit • con\·erlere i11 Latinurn, to tm1ulate
lttp out of si11l1t, in order not to nppt·ar 1~1 a 1~rti11' Cl<~; ferine I..ati11ae, or si111ply Li1tinae,
t11c r.. .'tin ucrnit,, Liv.; oLn~lv;, LAtine, in Latin;
court of justice, Cic. ; b, to live obscurity;
beue qni Intuit, Ilene vixit, Ov. D. Tran:if., l,
to be t-oru:~ultd; sedus latere inter tot Hai<itia, Lnti11H lru1ul, Cic.; d, .a..atinle1!9l8 -e, 1.ntln;
Cic.; 2 to be cv11ua[,,l or lll1fe /ro11~ 'ni.".f(}l'lune; e, Uti&lla ·I', LMiii: f, ~IArla ·e, I.otfa;
aul> u11:hra a111icit1ac Ro111a11a•', Liv.; in tutela J nppikr, a.s 7111t1'01i of tlie /..(lhfl. lrogue. Hence,
ac pr.i.csi<lio IJelliCAe virt11ti!1, Cic.; 3, tn ~ LAtlar ·iiris, n. a /ea~ of Jupiter Latinru.
11nk1tlllr1& ; a, aliac (causae} 111111t per:1pk.uat:. Latmua -1, m. (A<iT,.01>}, a mountain in
a\i&e latent, Cic.; b, res alic1ucmt. it '' Cu, iu., u•ltcrt &lene laitl Jo:rulymioa to lllup.
rollCallfll from, u1tk1wu:n to, a xcre' to, verg.; lh-1wu, adj., Latmlua -n -11111, Latmian.
10 Tel' Lrtet a\icui, Ci('. Li.ti -ns, f. &1111 Li.tin& ·&e, r. (A>JTw), the
!Ater -~ris, m. a bricl:, tilt, Cle., Caes. nwt f.,,r of .rl /H>/lo ar1rl lJltwa, whom ahe lx'!:8 _to
IAtiramen -Iuls, n. (later), nn tarthm resxl, ./,,Jlifer in tlte /s/a11ol of J>dns; hence, a,
Lacr. nlus-n -mu /,uto11itrn, Lat1111ia vii).:" or :1i1111JlY
Uteri.Dua -a ·urn, family 1wm.t in the gtntu f..atouia, LJi~na, \'er~.; b, Li.tODigina ·Ile, c.
Claudia, .sntw, a1ul I'lu11.ti1L. {T.11to11a and gigno), ojf>'Pf'ing of Latoua, Ov.; c,
JA.terciUua ·I, m. (1li111. or lnlt'r), ci ln', Latiiu.a nntl Litilua ·a ·t1111, fofonirm;
Uh, Caes. p1·11lt'll, A1iolln a:w Di•111a, Ov. Subst., Li.tiiua
m. A l'"llo, and Li.tila -ae, t Dia11a, Ov.;
11.tiriolua ·ll -um (later), ln'ick, buW of ·Ii, d - Li.tila or Litola -IJls, r., Latonin11,
trkl.; turri11, Caes.
C;~laurcu, :iw:rtd to J,u.1011.a, Ov. ; subst., 1Jia111r.,
Utirlum ·Ji, n. an ututa of Qi&. Ci«ro at Ov.; e, Latiu.a .a -um, /..alonimi •
.dry•i,.um, Cre.
l&terna,, v. lantema.
Latobrid -Orum, m. a Gallic JH:llple, ntigh·
00111'~ of I/it Jidt1Ctli.
J.&terD.i.rlu.a, v. 111.ntemnrlus. Latina. etc., v. Lato.
IAteeco, S. (lateo), to hide ontMIJ, be con- lator .Olis, m. (fero), th4 propom- qt a latr;
c.Ucd, Cic. IPi.d~ :iemp1'011iae, Cic.
11.tex -tlciR, m. a Jfui<l, lv111id; used or water, Li.tOua, v. Lato.
occulti Lit ices, Lh·.; securi latices, Vt•rg.;
barklv; pott.
=l&tritor -Oris, 111. (1.
fr11b'tllllla.ticumque cupi•ln, hunger aiut thirst, latro), a
Lncr. • 11.l!IO of wine, lllPt·i, Ov.; Lyaeus or rl1111, \"1~rg.
Le11M.>~i1, or simply latex, \"erg.; latex absinthil, :t.atri.tna -0.s, m. (1. Jatro), 11 bm·1.:i11g, Veri;.
WQ]:atwood ju!~, Luer. 1. latro. 1. to bark, bay. L lntrnnsit., 1,
LAtialla -e, Y. Lntium. lit .• l\lltr<l si lul·e q110t111e 1:1t11es lat1e11t, Cic.;
I.Atl.i.rla -e, v. Llltium. 1•a1 tic. i;ui>st., latnurs, n l1ar~·er, I.e., a du:1, Ov.;
2 t r:111sf., a, nf 111en, l'J lot1rk, lrn11ol, rant ; lat rare
11.tlbiUum -1, n. (lat<'o), a hfdillg-placa, a ml .. 1t·psy1lrarn, Cir.; b, of i11n11tmntc 1>hject.'I, to
z.. ,.~ i>t11·1>lm:~. L .Lit., a, or ~nl111a1,,, quum ''()ltr; 11111lae latmntf's, \"erg.; 11tm11aclr11e, rmn-
dia111 ft'r:Le latib11h11 KC lt•;.,•nut, ~IC. j b, Of men, l./i1111, Jlor. IL 1'mnsit., 1, to barf.; ul; S<'ll•·m,
laliloula lot·orum nc1·11lt<>ru111, Cic. II. Tra.n11r., 11 .. ,:.; 2, tra11:1r.,or lllt:n, to a11out out; ca11i11a
latit.11lum nut pcrfui;ium doloriil mel, Cle. \'t'rl~1 iu foro, Ov.
l&tlcli.vlua -n ·nm, hauin'I a broad purplt 2. latro ·llnis, m. (AciTpt(). L a 11irt1l ur·
llri1.e {the ti j,,tin~ui:diing \lt'Cllliarity Of llt'llatorll, ro11t a '11ercrnanJ 10/tlier, Plaut. IL Tra11sr.,
"l "''"tr·ian udlitary triltuncll, 1111<! sous of noble
(0111ili<'s); trrl•nnns, ::iuet.
a a ~obbtr, frrc/Jnoltr, Ix• 111lit, briga11<l; im1itlimm1t
,.(, )'lenns Jnt.romtm loc11!1, Cic.; b, a hunter,
l&tifllndlum ii, 11. (lahu and rundus), a Verg. ; c, a ]'it-ct on a dmuylll-bonrd, Ov.
lan1t ltt w/1:d c·.stuu, Plin. :t.atroclnlum ·11, n. (ln.t.iocinnr). I. 111ilitnrr
I.Atine. v. Latium. Sfrrice, Plant. IL l, rnbbn·11, hi!]liu,111 rob!.uy,
Latinlensla, v. Latlum. j•intCJI; a, lit., hll'Ul'lliOllC!I ho:1tiu111 Pt lat.rocilli:t,
LatiDitaa -atis, f. (Lntimts), 1 a pure fotin Cic.; tr:111st'., i·illa11y, 1'0!JlltTY; qnitl fnturum
slylr, lAlirtity, <.:k.; 2, = jus Latil, Lalin 1·!gl1t, sit Jat1 ocinio trihunorum, Cic.; b, 11wto11., a
a !'UtVliti•M 1/l(n7111'< b1·t1CY~ll I'.011111.n. CitlZlm• ba1w of ro/tbtrs; nuns ex t.Anto latrocinio, Cir.;
s4iJ' ctt1•l tli<! cnnJitio1l of aliws, Cic. 2, a gumt 1if <lrauyhts, Ov.
1. Li\tiDua -a ·um, "· Latiu111. lii.troclnor, 1.'p. (2. Intro). I. to urrt "s
2.. LAtinua .f, m., a l;i111 of the l.aurf11.tiana, a 11urCf.'1H1.r•1 svldicr, l'lnut. II. to Jl''CU·t~
.,1u, ni;i;i1·ei.t Aenraa hospitably, a11d gave hilli hi• rol11Jl!rJ1, 1•in1cy, brlua11dagt, Cic•
darrqhtr.r iii 111arritl{Je. :t.atrunciUus .f, m. {tlim. or 2. latro), a
~tlo -6nis, r.(rt!ro}. a bri11gi11g. I. 1111x11il, hiyh '"' !/111a11, /rtrboot~, banrl it, Cie.
tt111ft:ring c"'si~i.1110-, Liv. ~· a, lei;i:t, a_ 1'':?· 1. latua -a -um, pn1tlc. or fcro.
Jl0$inq, ltrinuiug /onrunl, C.:1c.; b, 1Su!lm0 11,
roting, Liv.
2. li.tua -u -11111 (ori;.:. stlatus broo1f,.,1t1l M1f,
txttndctl), brocul, u·itle (op11. angn11tu:s). I. Lit.,
lat a11 Iav
a. foua XV. pedes lata, Ciaee.; vfr:., etc.; tn Laa.rimm -1, n. (1auM15), 11 f11'1?W q/ ~
latum ereeoere, to gro111 broud, Ov.; b, l!ZUufw, tilt Mme of a ipot cm Ute .A1'C'llthac Hill, Suet.
toidt, la~; locus, Cle. ; lat!Mlmae solitudines, lauriua-a -um (lauru11), of or nlatutg lo Ill
Caea.; c, of persons, proud,; Intuit ut In laurd. L Ad.I., corona, Cle. D. &lhlt.,
c:irco SJlatiere, Hor. IL Trans!., a, or pro- laurea ·a.e, f. 1, tM lnvrd trtt, Liv.: 2, a, die
nunciation, broad: culns tu Illa luta non mnn- la•rd c:roum or la-..rtl braHCh., a.1 a. ap cv
quam hnit&rls, Cic.; b, di.6'"4 copi-Oui, j'w.ll, 17iclof'1/; decemvirt laurel coronati, Liv.: b,
rick.; oratio, disput&Uo, Cle. metvn., triumph, vieloT]I; quarn laur1'&1U caw
3. Wu ~rls, n. U&e 1ide, fl«.nk. L or a lauJatione eonfcrrem, Cic.
body ; 1, a, or men, laterls dolor, Cle.; in the Jaurloomua -a -um (lanrus And coma),
action of an orator, virili laterum i11flexio11t1, coven::tl with. laurel-trtu, Luer.
Cic. ; latua. dare, lo ~ the lridt to (in boring),
Tib.; malo latua obdere apertum, Hor. : ab laurlger -g6ra -gt'n.1111 (1aun1s and gerv),
alicukla lat.ere numquam dlsct'dere, Cic. ; arti- avumed toUA la•n:ll, -1-i>tg ltiarda, Ov.
ftcea lateris, dancers tvho lllake parUamit1t.U: lauru9 ·I, r. tlw laud or baf-CN#', 8CICnd ,.
gatures, OT. : b, or animals, eulua (equi acn~i) .A poUo, will whicA pocb, tri N.•pM "' fl' wrala,
In litt.cribull fores e1111eut, Cle.: 2, ea11., a, tlie a1'tl, on ~tain. ocar8iona, /,atMR• and a~ml
sldt, as the •"t or the bodily strength, ueque b1utl U¥rt t."r011n1t:ti, Cle. ; ht' nee, ruel,•n., tritu11pll,
euim ex tr. nobilitatus ea RO<! ex lat.eril>t1s ct trictory, Cle. (ahl., laum, Hor.; num. antl a&:.
lacert.ia luis, Cic.: b, meton. = tlu: bod1; IAtna plur., laun11i, Verg.).
fessur:·. Joug4 mlliUi, Hur. IL or an objeet, 1&118, laudill, r. pmL'll', fain,., glnrr, IYlll·
1Wt>, jfmik (opp. from1, tergum); 1, Ntl· memlnlion. A. Ut., arlipl~i lan.trm, Ck.:
t.rorum, Cat's.; msula, cuiu11111111111 latus estcunt.ra cnncre ad tlblnm clarontm virorum L111•IPS, Cic.:
Galliam. Caes.; 11rora avcrtit et undis <lat latus, c.111ere (ro rorn) ex hac una re 111axim:11n 1Rm1Pm,
Verg.; 2, milit. t. t., tht jfan.k of a" army; C:ic. ; Ct"lebrare alir.1111111 l1u11lrJ1, Cir.; ""umnla!'WI
l\ostros lat.ere aperto aggressi, Cacs.; a latel't', a aliqnem omni la11tle, Cic. ; elfer~ ali<Jnrm bu<ti-
lateribul4, on the flank, Cat's. bus arl eaehnn, Cic. ; in la111h· vivcr.~, Cff'.. ;
~tusoiUum -1, n. (dim. or 2., n liltu alieulua lauda. dlcere, Vcrg.; 1100 in burl~
aide, Cat. pon1>, l cm1Sider thil prai3<·11't)1"t/a.!1 iii llttt, Cic.;
non JauJetn habet de 111e, ht A11.s ttoiJI i1._, l'1 btiGsl
laucl&'bllls -e (lamto), 1, praiuloorthy, la1'd· ofaa far ru lam co11ttrnM..,Ov. B. Mct.ou.,a.a
able; :vita, Cic. ; orator, Cic.; 2, good in iU pmiMtrorthy action; hae t:intac 11um111is in reliua
kind, ucellt11t; vinum, Plln. laudes, Cle. ; b, plur., 14udes = 11fYli""'11\"»"t41
lauctablllter, adv. (laudabilis), la.udably, in qualitin; quarum laud um gloriam aJamn.ri<i. Cic.
" praiaewcn·thy manMr; vi vere, Cic. lauti, adv. (lautns), 1, splm.Hdlg, brillUUltlJ,
laudandu .a -um, p. adj. (f'l'Om lando), mag11ijiccntlll; lauti us rea domcstiCA!f tueri, Cle.;
deurvi11g prai.le, laudable, Ov. 2, admimblr, txe>!Utntl?1, thorov.gAlr: hooie l1W!
Jauctatio ·<"inl11, r. (laurlo), .J!"'d~ L com· emu11xcri11 lautiaaime, ap. Cic.
wmutatio"; lau<latio tua, Cic. IL 1, In a eoun lautla -6rum, n. (connected with laYO), Ile
or justice, a tntimof}y to cha.racier; gravi.saima nittrtainment givna to /orti17A ulllbcaaadora Id
auiue omatissima, Cle.; 2, a fu11eml oration or .&mu, Liv.
1"111tgyric; nonnullae mortuornm landationes, lautltla -ac, r. (lautua), tplt1tMw-, el'4flaot.
Cic. ; 3, a 1101t of thank.I to ti provincial governor magtt\ficetl« in OM'• tnGIUlff of liring; me& DOY&
rent to UI'- Roma" U114tt, Cie. lnutit.ia, Cle. .
laudAtiYUIJ .a ·Um (laudo), lavdatorr, Quint. Lautiilae (kutOl&e) -&rum, r. • ""1a fl/
laud.i.tor -oris, m. (lllUdo). L a prai.str; Uu Vul:tcic1111 httwetn An.rur all.d 1'•111ii.
tRmporia actl, Hor.; pacis aemper laudator, Cle. lauttimlae (li.~mlae) -irum, (A4ni,a· r.
IL 1, a 111Une.q toho bean favourab~ tulLmrmy i'tu). a atone-quarry, Plant.; a prilort. or d•fi9!"0•
lo cAa.raderlClc.; a. OM who dcliwn Cl .ftmnul cut out of rock al SymctUC aftd Rowu, Ci4"., Liw.
Jautu -a -um, p. ad.I. (from lawo). Ut., tftMMd.
laudatrtx -leis, f. (laudator), a praiMr; balAtd; and henl-e, 1, IPUndirl,brillicnd, elegawt,
vltiorum laudatrix fama popularis, Cle. nmptuou1; aupellex, Cic. ; 2, itlutrio111, d'-'
laud&tus -a ·Um, p. adj. (from Jaudo), pralu- tillgvillltd, gmftd; hominea !Jaut.i et. urbani, Cic.;
flJ<Yrthy, uttrnud, erceUtnl; vir, Cic.; vultus, Ov. laut.A liberalitas, Cic.
laudo l. (laus). lo praise, lau,f, ertd, com- IAribrum -t, n. (lawo), a baa, Luer.
mend. L Lit., A. o.liquem, Cic.; laudaro ~ritlo--Onis, f. (1a\·o). L ci ttonsltiwg, bGIAiJa.r.
landibus, Cle.; foll. by lnlln., extttinxi11se nefa_-1
JandRbor, Verg. B. Esp.I a, to bear favourable
Cle. IL Meton., l, littthing ap:io~h.a, r~, .
!, tca.Ur for bathi11.g, Cie.
tntimony to any one'• CAaracttr, Cic.; b, ttl
dtlivtr a fuM'l'<ll pantggric ovtr ~nu ()'IU; all· Uverna -ae, r. th• f!Ollclm of gai• (jt•st
quern, Cle.; c, to call h<t1'1"V, rontider fortuntttt; or 1111ju11t); bt>nce, pN>ttctr'M qf tAul'U GftJ
agricolam lauuatjurla peritu11, Hor. D. Tranar., cluou; l1C'nce, adj., UvernAUa ~. btlo"fi"I
to name, tRenlion, cite, qt«>U; aliquem auctorem, UI l.av.-r11a.
Cle. Lavenllum ·ll, n. a plaa '" Loli-,
laaria -ae, r., v. laureus. Formiat.
laurli.tus -a -um (laurea), crowned 'Witll Uriel. etc-., v. Lllblrl.
lmtrel, TaurtlUd (esp. &.'la 11ii.:n of victory), Imago, r.
Li.vinfa -ae, daughttr fl/ l.atin11t, ~ "'
Cic.; fasees, lictores, Cic. ; liU-rae, bri.ngirtg .lftnl'tU.
tiding• ofvietory, Liv. Li.vinlum .If, n. ",....,,. i• T.atiua, hilt l>r
'Lwurentum -1, n. town in T.atium, bctwun .Acneiu, and truTmtd uftn' Ilia wift l..ciri1&H& (now
Oatia a11d /,attinium. Hence, ad,!., a., Laurena Pmlw). Hen""· Rrlj., L&vinlua .. -um., &Del
.entis, T.('lurtntine; b, La.urentlu ·a ·um, L&rinua -a -um, LaviniaA. .
La1trt11ti11i!, ~vo. lavi, lautum, partic. Jautus and 1Mus, ·
lauriola -ae, r. (<lim. or
lauru), a laurtl IRvire, a.nd llvltum Alld lt.Yiturus, llvirP
braKa\, lawrtl CT01Dn, and meton., triump.\, Cle.; (.\o.;..,), to toa.ah batht. L Oen., 1, a, transit..,
prov., lAureolam In muatac:eo quaerere, IQ auk manus, Cle. ; b, intran11it. lavare and JIU-II.
fO,N in hiftu, etc. lavari, to wwll 011Utl/, botlat; l'Ul' te laut1ua
lax 313 leg
'olalt. cenatom noluii occidere, Cle.; 2, to /mil o§rrtltl. to CM go<U, iit Ult\ia Clrir CllltlgCS
..ulc•, iort, ba.lhf: vultum l&cr1mla, Ov. U.
!o !L'f.1"4 oway; mala. vino, to driw Cl10aJ, Hor.
1Df7'f placed °"
befon lh•m, Liv.
llOtldw i 1' " " ltruU, al\d food pvt

lazimentum ·I, n. (laxo), a 'IDi<init1.g, Jeotlto, 1. (lnt.en11. or 2. !ego), to nttd ti~

UU'l&di.Jl9; 11 lit., g"n. ; 2, traner. ca rsla.ring, to rtad witA 1111~ni.u.t and attention; Platouem
-niligl'.JJi-, culttial inn, rapiU; si qu d luamentl stmJiose, C1c.
a bdlo Samniti11m euet, Liv.; la:umentum dare leotlunotUa -ae, f. (dim. ot lectlo), a 1hort
~>i. to releutt, Cic. Nadi1111, Cic.
lazi, adv. (la:ims). L 11.'ide!r, tpaeiotulr, at Leoton and Leotum ·I, D. (AHTOll'), a pro-
wide i'llttrmll; 1, lit.,, etc.; 2, t.ransr., mn11tory in M11rla.
of time, laidn" l'fuferre diem, to pw.t farther o§,
Ck. IL lrioscl11; l,_ lit., alique!11 ,·incire, LiY.; leotor ·6ri11, m. (2. lt"go), 1, a r«&dtr or •
~. tran,r., loo#ly, without rutn:n.t; vlYere, book ; avtus ad delectatfonem lecturis, Cic. ; 2.
a ptraon who r«&d.I alDu4, Cic.
laldtu -Uls, f. (la:rua), widelwu, romRi·
lll3S; in ctomo clari homini11 adhibenda cura eat lectiUWI ·I m. (dim. ot lectus), a 11mall btd,
laxitati~, Cic. a bt'd, oo1'Ch. L For sleeving, In lect.uli• suis
mori, Cle. U. a co1&dl tor tt:sting on; a, ror
lazo I. (laxus). L to tcidel'l, a:Und, 1nlargt; rea1lini;, Cle. ; b, for dining, 1itravit pelliculia
foruu1, Cic.; 1ru111ipul<>s, to t.ztuuf, ww
a rpace haedin1s lectuloa Puuicanoa, Cic.; o, a Jv11it.f'OJ.
bdtrU11, Caes. IL IQ u1"00N, un/aafQ, llack<n,
btd, bed of state, Tue.
rrf.fU: !_, vincula epl~tolae, Nep.; claustn.,
Verg.; ;.s, to #4 ~t. fro""; elatum pedem ab 1. leotwl -a ·um, p. adj. (trom 2. lego), 1,
•tncto nodo, Liv.; 3, a, to vn~1u1, nlaz, cAo#n, Hkcl«l : verb&, Cle. ; 2, trauar., ~
rtfrt.Jlt., lnll-; animos curamqne, Cic.; quum a:rieJZ.n.l; adulescen•, Clo.; femioa lectior, etc.;
l~ti curia aomua, fra from, Cic.; b, to fe111l11a lecti11&itua, Cle.
•llljllltt, nla%, remit; Illiquid laborf11, Liv.; !. 1eotua ·I, m. (2. !ego), a bM, couc1. L For
annonam, to lolDt.T tlU!. price of, Liv. ; lnt.ransit., 11e.. ping, a htd; 1, gen .• euhlcularis, Cic.: l"cto
a.nnona. hand multum laxa,·erat, fa.I.Zn '" price, t.e11ert, to l.:tep om'1 brAl, Cle. ; 2 tM marri~·
Liv.; nbl !au.tam pugnam, Liv. brd; gPnialis, Cle. IL a couch t'or reatini; on ;
Jaxu -a ·um. L 111idt, lp0Ciou1; 1 lit., l, a dilcift,,-o>11ch, Cle. ; 2, 4/u'Anul. cove.\, Tib.
1n1111lu1, Ov.; spatium, Liv.; 2, tnm11t., of Lida -ae, r. aod Lidi -es, r. (A>j41J). tM
time, die;n 11tatuo aatls Luum, tu.JlcUntly did· wife. of Trndan.&1, who bore to Zt111 Pollw: a11d
1111\t, Cle. D. l00111t, laz, rtla.nd; 1, lit., arcus, lltlma., Ca.llor and Clyknrnutra. Bence, adj.,
Verg.; laabenae, Verg_; funis, Hor.; male laxua Lidaeua ·a -um qf or bclongin.g tn !Ada ; del,
in Pf'·le CKh~eus haeret., Hor.; jan1111, open, Ov. ;
fig., 1.&xi....~i111as habena.1 babere amlcltlae, Cle.;
ea.tor a1&d Pollu, Ov.; poet. = Sparta• ; Helena,
3, transf., &nnona la:rior, R lowr pril:le Of pro- lipt&rlua .11, m. (legatum).. a llfaUc. Suet.
MllU, Liv.; milltea laxlol'I! lmperio habere,
~II. ligi.tlo ·t')nis, r. (1. lego). L ti•• M111li"9 OJ
all e1""'; 1, th« ojftca of an ambauador, Im·
1ia ·ae, t. (leo), a lfoMll, Ov. b<wy, kgation; legntionem susclper...1 to v.ndtr-
liaeDa ·ae, r. (Mcu ..a.), a lionul, etc. take, CaeL; obire, Cic.; libera Jegatlll, pirn,il·
Liander and Lia.ndru ·I, m. (A.ia~), riong(ven toa 1tnatur to tra~ltoUh tliepririltgu.,
a 11<•1<111. of .Abydo;t who '1D4m niglUl.11 acroa tu rd 10Www.t tlu dv.titl, of an amlxwndor, Cic.;
Htl.IUJiO'IU to mil H tTO ~ Sulul, HU u vu1 votiva, a llhera legatio, to\\k.\ .\ad fur U.. objtd
drr;111W ii\ a 1torm... tM falftl""1tt of 4 "°"'• etc. ; 2,.. m_eton., &, Uw
Liarahua ·i, m. (Ala.p)(of), th4 '°"
oJ.Aeha"'41 °'"
111U11< or a11.1'WtT' qf amba..aifo?·; legatlonem
renuntiare, Cic. ; or referre, LIY. ; b, tJ&. prnona
ttlld llW, kiUtd h11 liia ftr.llwr '" " } l o/ Madnu.t. atlm'Md to aA tmbn111 ; legatio Ro111a111 venlt,
Heoce, IA&rohiua -a -um. qf or bclongi."ll to Cic. II. the ojftca of l'.f}OtUI (with a general or
provincial gover11or); legationem obire, l.'ic.
Libid.ia ·&e, (. (A•"4i&tta.), a ~ in Rototia,
MMcl!tl /<Y th.c (~ alld GrotUJ qf Trop.\on.iUI ligitor .Oris, m. (1. Jego), a lutator, on. toAo
(uow Lirodia), Cle. ltavea 110m.dh.i.11g blf 1Dill, ~uet.
Lihid.6e (-ua) -1, t (Af/f•&K), a ~ '" ligatOrlua ·• ·um (legatus), relatin.g lo G7l
/o•l'l. amlxu$(llfor or ltgat1'1; provinci&, Ctc.
libia -titis, ni. (Ai~), 1, a brotUI. bttl4 or ligitum ·I, D. (1. lego). G ltgacr, btquut •
l'fl•ldro11, Often given KR & prize in
g&lllel, V.. rg.; eolntiu le)(all, Cle.
2, a wrol vt&Ml tlMdfor toallhing 1/1.4 kiln.di, Ov. ligitua -1, m. (1. lego). L an ambcwad,.,.,.:
,._~obaeum -1, n. (.\i)!cuoJ>), tlw port of legatos mlttere, Cic. IL a ltga.U: &, a. lit11·
.,..,.,!lfh o" tht t'orin!h.ian Gulf. tent1nt, adjutant, Mrond in comm~md to a gnural,
l~ioa ·•I', r. (lectus), a 1001nqMb1 or lillff; Ca<-M.; b, the. chit/ of!it:tr of the !1f1t'l!T1'rt'I' of a pr<>-
ltetiu 0clllphu1·0 f,.rri, a 16tttr bonu by ti.gAi vi nce; Jegat111n aibi Legare, Cic.; Oz~ In i111~rial
"'1w-, Cic.; cu lo~ iu lectica, Cle. tirne!I, the gemra.J. or go1ttr1Wr ~·UN thttmp<ror
to tuh eum11urnd of a provina, Tac.
lectioirlua -Ii, m. (lectica), a littw.bfarrr, ligffer .fera -rnrum (lex and fero), la!D-gii·ing;
portn, cl111irm<1ll, C1c.
M1110>1, Ov.
}fletjcilla -~e, f. (1!1111. o( lectira), B 1m1aU
ltttrr: l, >:en., lecticulA iu cnriam deferrl, Cle.; 14§gfo -onl!I, r. (2. )pi:n), a 1t¢mi, a divili01t
:i, a l1ur, Nep. of the Ro1111.1•l arm'.11, N>,.~;~riug of un. ro~urtA o}
i11fanln_1, with an uu.xiliary for~ of 300 ml'f•lry,,
leedo .Onis, r. (2. !ego). L 11 7>kkfng ottl, altogtt/1.4r ~houn 4,200 011d 6,000 met&, Cie.; •lnas
..iro,,,!I; judkum, Cle. IL A. a rtadang, lci;c1011es ibi cuusera lwre, Caeii.; trans(., a, of tlie
~ 1 L«ll; libron1111, Cic. ; li>c·tin aine ulla delect·
t.run1>11 or otht>r 11atious, Liv. ; b, an ann.11, V.:rg.
"~"ue, Cie. B. lt.'etiu se11atu~, a rMdi1&g 011t or
f"fJJl,rtlJ ortr of th~ na11its of tit« .e11ntors (l1y the leglouariua -a -um (ll"gin), btlon9i'flg or re-
c.-u.,,r, who at the snme tliue !ltruck from the laliJlil .to a ugi<m; milite11,; plur. 1111bet.,
list the names or tho11e he considered unworthy), liglOnaril -omm, m. legionary tr()()p&, Liv.
Liv. ligitlmi, adv .(leglthnua), l, lawfuUr, ~r.
lectiateralum -U, o. (lectu1 and lterno), a Cle. ; 2, rightlv, proptrlv, Tac.
log 31• Len
legitimua .a -um (lex). L la10/l&Z, 1.efal, lena ..e, f. (leno), 1, a
procunu, bated, OT.;; dies comltils h&bendis,1. Cle. ; con- 2 slu! micu; natura quui e li len&, ,,...
troveniiae, legal, ~ ~ law, t.:lc. Sub8t., ti~ing puscnu to 11..r, Cic.
lcgltima -orum, n. legal t&aagu, Nep. . IL Lenaeua -a -nm ( .\ 'lll<ltof), Bacdk; latices,
Tran sf., right, ,µ, proper, j'!Ut, appropnau; wi~. \'e~.; Leoaeus pater, or aim ply Lenat:us,
numeru11, Cic. ; poema, Hor. J3aah.UJ1, \erg.
lcglunoula -ae, r. (dlm.
kgiou, Liv.
legio), a m.a.U =
lone, adv. (lenis) leniter, gmtlw, IO/Ur; len'
sonantis aquae, Ov.
1. lego, I. (lex). L A. to tend a" ambal- linimen -1nls, n. (lento), a t1Van.1 of a.Uel'i.a-
avlcr; aliquem, Cle. B. t.o appoint w legal( or tion, mitigation, a.&IU4giRg; te.studo laborum
MCOnd '" command; aliquem Caesar!, Cie.; all· dnlce Jeuimen, Hor.
quern 1ibl, Cle. IL to btvwmh, Wivt cu a le~: lenimontum ·I. "· (lenio), a initiga.tict>.,
allq uld all cul ab aliqno, to leave a legacy t.o be a.Utt>io.timl, Tac.
paid to tht ~at« ~ th.. Mir, Cle.; alien! pec-
uniam, Cic. lenlo -h1 and .fl, ·ltnm, 4. (lcnls). to tMh
2. lligo, l~gt.lectum, S.(.>.iyw), to oollect, galM<r
"'ild., a..t31Lagt, .ootl~. n:~.
L Lit. stomachum latrankrn, Hor. ; TU!nera.,
fogtthtr, to J')ick. I. Lit.. l, nncea, Cic.; spolla Prop. ' IL Trana!., se consolatione! Cic. ; aii-
caesorum, Liv.; m"la es ubore, Verg.; legcre quem lratum, Cic.; des1deri11m crehrl8 epi,;toll.s,
ossa to coUut tk l>o~ 'J~r a body 1uu IJtt'll Cle. (Imperf., lenibat, leuib&ot., Verg.).
bu~, Cic.; 2, a lila, of the Parcae, to wind
vp, lpin, Verg.; vela, /.o furl the 11aiu, Verg.; b, 1en1a -e, ~. IO/I, "''ld· gentle. L LiL,
to Itta!: sacra divum, ll;>r. ; 3, a, to pasa or eensUJI judlcat lene asper11m, Cic. ; veneuum,
toarulir thrvugh. a plaa; saltus legit, Ov.; vea- slight, Cle.; vlnum, mtllCiw, Hor. ; ventue ltin·
tigia alicuius, t-Ofol/bvJ or t1"11« tlu!foo1'1,epJ ofa"'tl issimu1, Cle.; cllvua, riling gradllillly, Liv. ;
ont, Verg.; tortos or bes,'' warukr th.r01-9h, Verg.; 1t.agnum, Jlotoi"9 ptntly, Liv. II. Traner.•. A.
of ~hip~. to OO<Ut oram ltal!ae, Liv.; b 1 Po~uJD.11 Romanua In bo!ltes lenuu1mua, Ct<:- :
to ch.o!•;;,, ~lut, pick ou.t: judice11, Cle.; vlro11 IM1 len1orem aenteotiam dlcere, Cae,f. B. Of d11-
COUJ"lle, •ild, ml•; oratio placida, aubmiua,
bella, Ov.; aliquem In senatum,Cic. II. Traner.,
1 to catch nglit of, look at1 rtf}ard; omnes &d- lenia, Cle.
v~111os, Verg. ; 2, a., to rtaa, J'trUR; eos Jibro11, linltaa ·lti11, f. Oe11t1), gtflllfflla, IOfht.u,
Cic. ; apud Clitomachum, in, tht work.I of Cliw. mi.W11U1. L Lit., vocls, Cic.; Arar in Rlaod1n11m
11Wchtu, Cle.; partic. sulist., legena -enti11, m. lntlnit lncrediblli lrmit.ate, ~-. ~lltlefu#,
a rtrultr, Ov.; b, to rrad alo1ui, reciu; volumen II. Trans(., A. ~ leni.l1: an1mi,
auum, Cle. ; hence, senatum legere, to caU ow:r Cic.; Jegnm, etc. B. or dllcolU"le, •ilciva,
CM MMlt f() go~ tht lut of ~lll1'01"I with a view oolm'/l.UI; verbonun, Cic.
to erase t'hc oawt!O of the unworthy, Liv. lcnl~r. adT. (lenl11), 10Jtl11, gently, gradv.alli.
JeguleJua .1, m. (In). a ptt,tifoggtng ~er, mtldLy, quietly. L Lit., arridere, Cir..; iter f&et>re,
Cic. llcwl11, C&e&. ; collh' lenit!'r e<litu!I, or &OChYll,
riling gradually, Caes. II. 'l'ransr., A. grnOy,
lcgiimen -t111t1, n. (!ego), ptU#, or aftv Z.V. mildly; alloqui, Ma a frU1U.lly ""171Mf', Liv. B.
"'11111u11.• 1•/ant, Cic.; e•p., th.. bean, Verg.
Of disco11nie, dicere, Cic.
Lelegea -um, m. (.\•.l.•yt(), a~. aca.tund lenltitdo -lni11, r. {leuis), ~. ai.l.d11Ut;
"' <lifft-rcnt plw;s ovtr GTuce and Ana Mino-r. In aliquem, Cic.
Bruee, a., Lelegela ·ldla, r. ukgwn: b,
J.Olegeiua .a -um, ull9um; litora, roast' of leno .(mis, m. (\enlo), a procurer, Jlll'ldirr, al
Mtyara, Ov.; moeoia, ,\frgura, Ov. lvrtr, ~duccr, Cle.
leni>clnlum .u, n. (leno). L IM Crodc oJ
Lemannua (Lemi.nne) -1, m. (with or a procvrrr or bawd, Cle. II. Transf., 1, G1' n-
wiU111ut lacus), a lalu in tlu! covru~ of tM tiu"nwrJU, allvf't'IM°IU, Cic.; 2, fiMrll i• drui;
Belvet1i, now tlu! LaM ofGrneva.. Cle.; 8, of discoW'lle, JMrttrietotu onr&G-U.,
lcmbua ·I, m. (Ai11-/Jof), a l'l'Mll, w.!(ft -Z, Tac.
Min, frlucca, Liv. linocln<'r, 1. dep. (leM), w P"rnte tAe
Lemnicola -ae, c. (vmnm and colo), an of a. procurtf'; h"~c~, tram•f:, J, toftaUer,
W.ali1tunt of Lnnn<•~ (e>f Vulcan); Lemnioolae bl mm"1v llW~•unl to: ahcui, C•l". ; 2, lo ad-
lrtirl's, i.t:'., Eridithoniu,, O\•. m11tt, prn11Wt(, increa.; feritati arte, Tac.
lemnlscatua ·& -um (1emnlseu1), adornr.d linonlu.a -a -nm (leno), n:/.ati11g or belo"{liKt
'llrith ril·l10111; ~ll11a., a ])(llm·branch. or~n&e'nUd to a procv,.,,., Pia 11 t..
'ICith ril•bon1, tht reu·11rd of a vtctcr, Cic.
len.a. lentis, f. a ~U. Verg.
lemnlaou.a -1, m. (-''ll'""'"°f), a..ftlltt, or MO- lente, adv. (lentns), 1, lllo1oly; proeeditur,
bcm girotn in wkm of hcmuur, usually aftixed t.o Ca.ea.; curritur, Ov.; 2, tran11r., •• iL.-ithout a111.'-
a crown, 1·alm·Lranch, etc., Liv. maliim, CXllmly, roolly, patiently; ali~u1d ferre,
Lemnoe (-us) ·l, t. (A-ii.u."o~). tht uland o/ Cle. ; respondcre, quii:tly, p},l~iroll11, Cic.;
Um.noa in tlu! At!/tal\ Sro, tht abc<U of Vuloa.n. b, del~lv; lente ac faaticliose probare., <-'ie.
Hence, a., a•ij., Lem.nlua .a -um, Lnnnian; lenteaco, s. (lenteo), 1, tCi l>ero1ru pl1a11l, l!Oft,
Lemnius pater, Vt>rg., and 1uboit., Lemnius, atick11; tell us picis in morem ad dig1toe lentnot
Vulcan, Ov.; furtum, that of l'~l~, u:h.Ci habt-mlo, Verg.; 2, to WKb1', r~ /f.alJ; le.nt·
llou ftrt /rOfll. V\l.loon at UmM~. Cic.; b, Lem- escunt tempore curae, Ov.
nIA.a ·Arlia, r. a. U111nian 'WQ711<11\, Ov.; Greek lentlsclrer -fllra -f~rum (lentiscn.und fero),
dat. l'lnr., Lemni&si, Ov. producing tlu! mcutich·lru. Ov.
Lemonla tribu11, a Rmrta" eov"t.,, trlbl °" leDt.l80U8 ·I, f., an<! Jentlacum -11 IL tN
iM via /.ntiiu1. mcutich-tru (Piat.acia leutlarna, Linn.), Cic.
LCmovicea ·um, m. a c.dlu pwpi. "' tAe lentltndo -lnls, f. (Jentua), 1, sloWft~ alu,-
ll&Odtrn Limowin.
(/Uhnr...i, Tac ; 2, (~lUy,, Cic.
l~miireti -um, m. Ou 1hatlu or ,,.trill of tli.t
dead, pho.U, 1p«tra, Hor. Hence, Lemilrla lento, 1. (lentu~), to lllal:I ftnihlc UJ ben.4;
~rnw. a. a /ul1va.l hdd, ICi a.ppuut <kpar"-'1
lenta11dus remus'ln •.u d&, 111.v..sf be plwa_ Verg
tpiriU, °" w ftiftlh. of Jlaw, Ov. Lultillltaa ·ills. r.• v. Len"1.lm..
len 315 Leu
1. leJltiUU-t. ·Um (dim. or lentua), IOIMWhat lobour for anotMr'• adM1ttagt, Ov.; 2, tAI COll-
io'ID (fa paying), Cic. attllalion Lqnu, Cle.
2. LeDtiilu ·i, m. tlltnanu ofu111t of thl fami- lepuaciUua -i, m. (dim. of lepo.i1), ca liUt.
liu of the patrician gtns Cornelia, the nwat lw.n, Cic.
fam.oiu of tht ~m~rs of v:hich m1re: 1, P. Cor- Lerna -ae, r. and Lerne -ie, f'. (AipVI)), a
nelius L>ntulll!l Sura, a ftllo·w-<'onspirulor with 1na1·sh ill A rg.,lis, i11/mbittd by lite Lernatan
Catilint; 2, P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, Hydra slain by Htroulu; belua Lemae, Verg. ;
!Cho proposnl the recall of Cicf"l"o fro11~ ailt. hence, auj., Lcrn&eUS ·t. ·UID, lernaton.
Hence, Lentiilftaa -iitis, f. the /umily pride of
fAe u11tuli (a wortl coined in jest by Cic.). Leabo•-i, f. (Aiuf!or;). an uland in the Aegean
&fr, /,irthpl<~ ..j l'i.Uaciu, AlcrleWI, ThL<Yphre.stWJ,
lentu• -a -urn, tough. L l, gen., radix, Arion, and i:xJPJ,hO, fumou.1 for us wi11t. Heuce,
Yerg. ; 2, a, 1•li.a11t, fln:iblt; brachia, Hor. ;
lent.1or salicis rurui1:1, Ov. ; b, 1tic1.:y, clummy, ndj., a, LesblAcus -a -um, I~.sf1ian; libri (di11-
log11~• 1~( l>irnt111·c/, us), Cic. ; b, Le•blaa -:Wi,.,
u11.viuu.t; glnteu pie" lentiu11, Cic. ; 3, fig.,
ldltusal:Jtsto, rtmai11 lo11g av.'(ly, 0\". IL Trnnsf., f. J.,.<hi1tn: suLst., a L~ian woman, Uv.; c,
l, llmi:, motio11lu.s, iuucti•.:e; mnrmor (of the Leabla -!dis, f. Lvibian; lyra, of Arimi, Ov.;
au}, unrv.jffol, \"erg. ; lento igne, Ov. ; pugna Leshii; p11ella, or simply Lesbi11, Sappho, ()'·· ; d,
ltnta, Liv.; le11ti1•.rem facere spem, Ov.; 2, Lesblu•-a-um, l£~biii11.; civis,Alcae11..,, Hor.;
&, rlrav.·ling; in u1centlo, Cic. ; b~ lingerfor1; plectrum, lyric, Hor.; pe11 1 lyric pl€tr11, Hor. ;
infitiatQr, a bad paytr, Cil'. ; c, 01 character, vates, Sappho, Ov.; l!Ullllt., Leabl1UU -Ii, n.
iizggish, aµathrtir, ph/eg11Uilic, i11.unaible; jn(l~x. 1£shian u•ine, Hor.; e, LeabOua ·& -um,
Cic.; nihil illo lenUus, Cic.; lentissima pectora, Labian.
Ov. leesua. acr. -utn (found only in acc. ~ing),
lenunciilns -i, m. (for lembunculus, dim. m. a 11wurnful cry, /ament1ui.<rn. fi;r tAt iltwl,
of l~mbus), a smull b<.>tit, or s'ld.!f, Caes. ap. Cic.
I. leo ·unis, m. (Aiw.,), a lion: 1, lit., \"Is let8.lls -e {lctum), dtcully, mortal, fatal;
ltonss, Cic.; 2, trnn11f., the co1wtllatio11 /.£-0, Hor. arundo, \'erg.
2. • 1eo -fre, to blot out; the root of deleo, lethargfou• -a -um (>."'aP'yurck), dr0V11y,
ktum. etc. lftlwrgic. l:iubl:lt., lethargloua-i, m. a druwsv,
LiOcOrion -II, n. (MwK0p10 ..), tnnple al lethargic person, Hor.
Alhms to tlU! th1·tt daugliurs of Lco1, who liircrificed lethargua -1, m. (A>illono~>.,
II.fir lfrt.sfor thtir country. lethargy, Hor.
LeOll -ontis, m. (Aiw ..), a pkrce ill Sicily not Lethe -es, r. (.\>j9')), a rirc- in the inftr1U.ll
/11r fwm Syroc-.Jst. rtgions, ti~ drinking of the touurs of u.·hich pro-
Leimidaa -ne, rn. (Arw ..i&:~). king of Sparta, duud complete of tht piut. Ileuce,
hl:rJ •1/ tM dtfma of the pu8S of Thermopylat. adj., Lithaeu. -a -um, 1, rrlating to Lttll.t or
lioninus -a -um(leo), of or relating to a lion, lht infannl rrgiu11s gtn.trnlly; Ldhaca vincula
l1111inr, Plaut. abrum11ere alicui, to restore to lift, Hor.; 2.
Leonnatua -I, n1. (.\eowaT~). a general of ruusfog forgetful>ttss; S()lllllUs, \'erg. ; sucus, Ov.
..!lt..arndu t~ Ureat. lethum.. v. letum .
Leontini -urnm, m. (.\t'oi-T& ..o.), a roum on letlrer -f~ra ·f6rum {letum anu fero), <htrlh.·
llu t~t a ..ut uf .Sicily. Hence, a<lj., LOontinua hrfoging, deadly, fatal, mortul ; arcus, \"erg. :
·&-nm, 1~01ui1U!. locw1, a 11lu~ o" tM body tohue a u•ouwt is jutal,
Leontlum -ii, r. (At.ivr10.,), an AU11mian Ov.leto, 1. (letum), to kill, slay, Ov.
Aftaim. friend of Epicurus.
lepld8. adv. (Jepidus). I. pltturlntly, agrtt- Letols. LetOlm = Latois, 1-'ltotus (v.
aUy, charmingly, caMtally, prettily: lepidissnne, uniltr Lato).
~llellli¥, Plaut... IL Of style, rmartly, wittily, letum -i, n. (• Jeo, whence deleo), 1,
turpi leto perire. Cic.; letum sibi par<:re manu,
I. leDldu -a -um, 1 pka.tant, charming, to wmmit suicide, \'erg.; leto adimere nliquem,
"'Jruablt, t~gant, 1U1at, p,;/ty, Ter., Plaut. ; in a to ICLvt fr<rm. dLath, Hor. ; 2, transf., or thin191,
1-d 11tnae, niu, effeminate; bl puerl bm lepidl poet., ruin, annihilation; Teucrtim res eripti
ae delicati, Cic. ; 2ii esp. or discoul"'lle, witty, leto, Verg.
AulllOT!nU ; dictum, or. LeucMlla -ae, r. (AtVKJia), and Leuola
2. Upldu. -i, m. tht name of a famil11 of -Adil!, f. (Af'llirii\), ail island of tM Jonia11 &a,
14' pal! gtu .AtmUia, tAt mod farrvnu ~m­ witli a lemplt to Apollo (11ow S. Maura). Hence,
btrs of JL•hich u.~re: 1_, M. Aemilius l.A!pidus, adj., LeuoAdlm -a -um, Leucadi«n; dens,
Jlnlt'loT in. Sicily, connu e.c. 79, the bitter enemy Apollo, Ov. ; more Leucadio (in allusion to the
of Sulla, v:host mm.rurt$ ht propolltd t-0 annul, aud Leucadian custom of throwing a man every Yt'.itr
tJ1m~brought about a civil war; 2, M. A6tI!ilius from a rock lnto the sea), Ov.; subst., LeuoA-
Lepidus, 1'riumvir with Anton:itu and Octai1ianu, dla -ae, f. name of a play nf Turpilitis, Cic.;
a.c. 43. Leuoi.dli -ornm, m. lht .UUcadiam, Liv.
LepontU -orum, m. all- Alpine pwple in Cil- Leuob -i!.rli'I, r. (i\nnrci<), 1, t11t i1land of
a!puu l.laul (in modern Val Levenlina). Leucadia or ifa eapital; 2,= .UUcata.s.
lepor and lepOll -Oris, m. 1, fl«Uamne11, leuoaapls -lrlls, f. (Atiiirainr1~). hari11g whm
~lt1UJS, clw.rni, Cle. ; 2, o disooUflle, 1hitlds; phalanx, Liv.
~lllry, wit, llumcur; scurrills, Cic.
lipos -Oris = lepor (q. v.). Lenci.ti.a -ae, m. and Leuoi.t.ia -ae, m.
(.\wKAT11~), &nu LeUoU -ci!.dis, f. a prcmumt~
Leptta -ptis, f. (,\br-m), Iqtu, the ftamt of of the island Ltu;:adia, now Capo Ducalo.
Mi. citiu on; t~ oocut nf Africa : 1, Magna, now
Ltbida; 2, Minor, between Badrumetum and Leuoi -C!s, !. (.\win7), 4 '°'°"'
in Laconia.
Leuol -<'.\nun, m. a pwple in Gallia &lgim.
Thapcua. Hence, Leptltani -Orum, m. Ute
~.U of Ltpti$. Leuolppu. -1, m. (Anlrnnr~). L Myth.,
Alipua -1'1ris, m. and c. (akin to A.4~),· t, 4 /nlll.tT of Phoebe and HUairo, toh.o 1Dtn! Mf'TVAI
llrt. Vera. ; prov , alW< leporcm .,ntare, lo o.f bJ1 C1:11tor 4'1ld Pollu. Hence, Leuolppl9
Leu 316 lib
-ldts t. a dattg1'Ur of l""cif"1'1U. IL Hist., e1 ~. lqftlv: Jevtu11 C!MUra rtla sperab&t, c-.
Gruk philmJOphtr, disciple of Zmo U.. Elm& D. Transf., 1, slightly, not mucll, ~:
Leu~pitra -Re, r. e1 pn111M>"'°'7 "' .Brut· sauclus,
Cic.; aegrr,tare, Cio.; at levtssime
tium, 11ow Cap dtll"Armi. dlcam, to q;eak"' tM •ilchd am1, Cic. ; ~.
equ11nim«y: ferre, Cic.
Leuoopbrfna ·Re, r. (>.n11to4>p0V1J, I.e. wnth. toit1' }. 16vo, 1. (1. levte;, to m~ rvr
ti}", eln<l'IU.
10/tiu t.i1tl1ro11.:$), a 11it•1aame of I>iaM arr&Qflg t.M
Mag11tsiafUI. L Lit., llt' attollere ac levnre, L1•. ; de CReepite
•lrgtt ~ levat, Ov. IL Tran11r., 1, fo li(lflU1&,
LeUOOefa ·&e, f. (An11t1aur&a), an Uland ti.MT tll4kc light, rel~ /rO"fl& Cl fDdght: ego te ruoe
P~stum, now Licl>lla... levaoo, Verg.; allqnem mc>ttl, Cic.; IMI at'~
LeUOOtbea ·Rt', f. Rn•l Leuo6th~ ·1!11, f. aliene>, to /rt~, Cic. ; 2, to Tl'litw, tuJ"P('rl, ro~
(.\rV«coflia, i.P. th'- vh(r, ''°"'''~s), namt (If IM, '°"'·
allevia.U, 'lftitigdU; CUMIDl et llD~»rerll :mimt
da11ghtn- uf Cadmw, aftn- •M bt-tn tv.n<tJ<L into mei, Cic. ; 3, to rtfruh, 1tre11gth• 11: Ceaaodi oor-
a aro-<kity, crjUrwanu iclenii,Md with. tM old poris nrtus, Hor.; 4, to dimi11ilih.,
/Wiuri go.ti.UM, Maluta.. i•pair; ndem, Hor.; auctoritatem, Cic.
Lcuo6th6i ~s. 1. davghtrr n/ tM ~ 2. livo. 1. (2. levi1). to 111<t/u llM'>th, f'Ol£A:
ki•iy Orchamiu and Euryrwnu, !)1-l,,rtd hy Apollo. eorpu11, Cle. ; transf., ol disCflunie, UJ>t'r&, Bw.
Leuctra -i'ir11m, n. (l\roi(Tpa), ,1 mi11ll toum livor ~rlR, m. (2. leT1s), ~hruu, Luer.
<n /;11f'»tia, when Epamtnmida.s dtftatm. Ow lego), a sdf<>rm of trorda. L
les, H:gie, f. (2.
t,parlfLM. Hen~. Leuctrloua -a -um, Ltu1>- a pra;HJ.'<ition mab !Jr a mayistruu to tlu! ~.
tritrn. bill. A. Lit., kb'"TII !err<:, ro.carc, to propllll! G -ltd~, n. (1. levo), a mitl(/llliO'n, bill It> tht ptopl,, Cic.; .idsce1 e, jnl"'r" (of U.e
alltl'i·•lion, cmu10/atWtr., 101.u:.i; quod si esset µeople), to f.lCCt']lt or pau a t>ill, Ci•'. ; repudiare,
&liquod levamt!n, id esset in te uno, Cle. nntiquare, Ill rtjtcl, thr&ll.• 011.t a l>ill, Cic. ; p1'>-
lCVAmCDtUm ·i, D. (l. lt'\"0)1 al/trfltlWn, 11111l..;a~, to publish., Cle. B. a law, b>gal mad·
mitig .. 1i11••, 1olaa; mill<'riarum, Cic. mtnt; l, a.. !!·gem ferrt, to f(UI a. la"7, e!Mld.
leVi.tlO -<j11js, r.
(1. lt)V1>), 1, an al/etriatiO'I\, Liv.; ahrogare, to npr11I, Ci<".; leJ!'f'S'cim
tabularum, the laws of tM 1"uotlve Ta1:il1Ja, dra1M'I
tfnl•grttion: lr1venire levat1• .r11·m ruolestii1, Cle.;
2, u •Jimiriuti<m; vitic.rum, Cic. up In/ 111.t Decemvirs~ Cic.; leg~, le~ihus, utlefi
t. levatua -a -um, v. l. levo.
adv. = ltgall11, tu:cvrd\»g to luw, N ep., lege agere,
(<1) of th<> lictor, to e.u.-' o ~ Liv.; (ft) Co
2. leritwa (laeTatua) -a -um, v. 2. levo. bri1111 on actfon, Ci<".; lex e11t Lacedaemonii1
l~viCUIU8 ·3 ·UDI {<Ji11:. of 1. Jevl!I), SOme'IL'hat <>r apud Rh0tlios ~foll. by nt. and the subj.).
min, l1:•h!-tnindtd; levlculus noster !Hmo· Cic.; b, meton., (a) fow a.s writttn (opp. roC'T't'S,
stht-n1•s, C1c. consuetu<lo), Cic. ; (ft) law gtncrolly, including
levldenals -e (1. levls), lightly mctde, of Dtin positive and natural law, Cic. ; 2, a la10 Id
ltrtu r(: transf., slight, poor; mnnu~ulum, Cle. 1.11 a t1tan to h.imsiiU; legem 11ihl statnere,
levlpea -p~~is (1. le,·ls an-! pes), liyhl-footcd; Cic. ; 3, a, o rvlt, prin.ciph, prt.«pt; legt>11
lepns, Cic. philosophiae, hif1torial', Cic.; veniil>u11 e~ cuta
lex, Cle.; b, mamur, way, fUU1'r11, ki'lld: f'X
1. levls -r, light, not hwr·y (opp. gravis). L lege loci, Ov. ; c, order: aine lege, u·~
Lit., 1, 9S n·~ards weight; pondu!I, Ov.; l~vis r.rt.Ur, irrtgltlarly; equi sine lt-i;:e rount, Ov.
annatur:i, l 1·1lit armour, Cat>!<., an•l concr. = li11l1t· II. A. ct formula; Manilianas \'e11alium vendend·
arwwt .rolt/1ery, Cir..; 2, light or quick in morr.- ornm leges ecliscere, Cic. B. a co11.tmct, 001."C!Ulnl,
t1r.nU1, swift: cervns, \'e~.; hora, transiton1, agrttmrnt; lex operi faciundo, a building con-
Ov.; 3, ~rnllt, 3oft, mild; 1mmnus, Hor. IL tract, Cic.; lei;:em alicui scribere, Ci<"1 ; leges
Tnrnsf, l, light, trijli11g, trnimpm'tant, iuig· pacis, conditions of pro«, Liv.; homines ei lege
nijica,,t, of small t·fl.lue; a., dolor, Cic.; periculum natos, on thue kf"'IM, 01~ thi.Y conditwna, Cic.
le' ius, Cal's.; a111liti1J, a tri_tfing, u11fou~
rq.ort, Ca"s.; subst., iu lcvi habere, to regard as Lesovlt -6rum, m. a. pe,ople of Gallia L119-
a trifle, Tac.; b, or p~try, light, 11nambitio11s d1111r11si.I on tlu &quana (Seine), whence the
(of love son;.:s, etc.); :\lusa, Ov.; o 1 tri!'ial.,
modern J.isicux.
•li!thl, iw.11flio ie11t; le vi~ causa bt·lli, ~tv.; pee· -!ni11, n. (libo), 1, a libatfott.i.. o§.-r·
unia levissi11i;1, Cic.; of per6"ns, lcv1s pauper, fog of wine made w tlat god.sat a 11t1<TiflN!, \eJ'll'.
'Who'r ere,/ it i« wn1P, Ilor.; 2, li•1ht, mUd, 9n11/e; 2, transf., 10ha1 i. first. tal:e3, a l!llmpll!, ~
reprd1ensio It'\ ior, Cic. ; 3, li'.1/t/, ficl;/e, lif]hl- mm; tu nova servatae carpes liba111ina fam&e,
'" ind.-rl, unstable, unsteady; homo, Cic.; amicitia, Ov.
Ci<'. lib&montum -i, n. (libo), a I~ Cic..
2. levis (laevis) .e (>-•io~). itmooth (opp. aspn). libatfo -onis, t (libo), a libation., Cic.
L Lit., 1. corpuscnla, Cic.; 21 a., polishrd; libella -oe, f. (dim. of libm). L I, a.
pocula, Verg.; b, poet., smooth, 1,mnf!Pss; ju v- coin, l·lOlh of a drnarill.5, equal in va111e kl tlu
ent.a.~, Hnr. ; ~l'nPX, b"lcl, Ov. : hence= ynuthful:
as; prov., a 11try small sum of mcnl'1/. afartAi-J.
pt>ct11l!, Ver~.; \ir, rleckef/ rnll ..~prur:v, Ov.; c, a mitt; hence, ad libellam, tro<.tly, Ci.·.; 2,
i;lip1~rv: sangni~, Ver)!. IL Of style, jlmning, transr., heres ex libt·lla, hir to th~ 'll:hok pt"()o
smcdh, pvlislwl, oratio, Cic. perty (cp. ex asse), Cic. IL a oa.rptn.Ur"a uw,
leviaomnua -a -um ( 1. levie and sonmus), Pl in.
light/11 s/.', Lu1·r. llbellua -i, m. (dim. or libt'r), a Wtlt bool:.
I. levltaa -fitis. f. (l. lP.vis), lightnt'u. I. L seripsi etiam illuti <Jll<•hm in libel!r>, Cic..;
Lit., 1, li!1/it11r<> c>f v:e.igftt: armorum. Caes.; 2, pl. melon.,= uboohd/a'~shr1p,C11t. II. Esp., a,
liqhtn1·,;s in Murc1ric11t, Luer. II. T1a11sf., l, a 11,,fe.l1o()k, memornnd11.m-1"1'>1:, diary/: retulit in
lightrtess, l;,rity, ficUen!ss, chanura~•ltliC.S.<, in· lilwllum, Cic.; b, a, a ~tit ion; lihel·
cm1~1anr,>1; lcvit<item alien ins t>Xperiri, Cir.; !um composuit, Cic.; c, a note of iniittatioft,
levitatt•m insectari, Cir.; 2, gro1111dlr~•$rtess; program1M; gladiatorum libelli, Cic. ; d, •
opimouis, Cic. plaoml, hand-mil, e.g., announcinR the of
2. lmtaa -atis, f. {2. levl~). 1, 6111oothnus; gnrnls, dejicere libellos, to put nff tkt ~ Cic.;
speculnrurn, Cic. ; 2, 111nvollrncss, polish. (of styu); e, a lttler, Cic.; f, a satiu, a libtl, Suet.
.Al'scilini, Cic. llbeDll and Uibena ~ntis, p. adj. (, I,
levlter, adv. (1. levi11). L lightly, Mt willi11g, with good-it·ill, 'lll'ith f'; lih•nt1
lib 317 Lib
anim°' .mi~ Cic.; me libente, 1lrit1 •» h"°blrator ~rla, m. (libero), mw toAo m
poodwil&, Cic.; :.s, }or/vJ, ~ glad. Plaut., Jrt,e, a l\btrator; patrlae, Cle.; attrtb., liberator
Ter. populus, Liv.
llbenter (liibenter), adv. (llbens, lubens), libiri. adv. (1. liber). L Hb o fr•nttu1.,
'lllilli.114Lr, 10itA pl~an1.rc; libenter uti verbo lihtrally, Ter. IL 1, fr«ly. tDUMtd rutmi'IU,
Catorus. Cic.; nusquam llbenliUA cenare, wit.\ 'IDitAout hi11dm11a: v1vere, Cir.; reaplrsre, Cic.;
btlUT appetite, Cic.; libentiuime dare, Cic. 2, •i. qo1&ta1uoul11: tP.11118 omni& llher!m fere.
llbeatfa (liibentla) -u, f. (libens, lubena), bat, verg.; b, jran.Jclv, ope1\ly, boldly: loqul,
dNr/uJ.TlUI, 9ltid11~•. Pl:1Ut.; pel'90nif., Llben- Cle.
Ua -ae, f. tM godd~M of mirtA, Plaut. liWrl -i!rorum and -lrum, m. (1. liber). 1,
chUdrtn: libcroa rrocreare, liberia operam dare,
Llbentina (Liibentina) -ae, f. (ll~oa, lo Mgtl childrm, Cie.; 2, Uu ~ng o/ a,.imal.s,
lobens). a na1r1e of Veiiw, a& the (/Oddua of1tnl'!Ull Pla.ut.
~~ libero, 1. (I. liber), to "' ftw, liberau. L
1. liber -i!ra -i!rum, /NL L A. of fru birth From sla\·ery, to mon.1'inU; aliquem, Cie. IL
(opp. st'rvus), aliquem non liberum putare, Cic.; to ~t free from something that fetkNJ. A. ro ad
of state.s, /rtt, indq~ndtnt;,; fret, libuatt, dtli.1·er, rtlllaM; te ab eo vindico
aubst., liber -eri, m. a frctti.IJl(ln, Cle. B. ac libt,ro, Cic.; Ji vi.nun a.nimu.s liberatu1 a cor-
Tran~f., 1, fru from. ta.% or tri.liutt; agri, Cle.; pore, Cic.;·u"'111 culpa, Cic.; ~liqui;m periCll
2, of bnu~es nud places, /rYA from i.1t/iul1ilanta; lo, Cae!!.; ohs1d101wm urbui, to raise, Liv. B. l,
..._.tes, uninhabiltd, Liv.; 3, unt'l\C'Umbtml with ti> Id frtt J,.,ym a debt or t119a17e111tnt: aliquem,
dLbt; ut rei fnmiliaria libenim qulilqnam sit, Ck.; aliqnem eo<lcrn illo l'rilnine, Cie.; with
Cic. D. /rrt froa fetter1. A. Lit., Plaut. genll. of th" debt or fault. aliqnem culpae, LiY.;
B. Tran11f., 1, frr,e from anything. Ulitllo'IU; a 2, tempi• liloerata, haring a frtt prmptd, /rtA
delictill. Cic.; cura, Cle.; 2, frll from rtatraint, from 1»1ildin!]B u·llich oloslruct the view, Cle.
•1tlwidW; a, adolescentta., Cic.; tllgn, veaU!l, h'"berta -ae, f., v. libe1tu1.
iM t"'J'l ririlu, Ov. ; custodla, ~llaflll. etm· libertaa -Uis, f. (I. liber). L /rttd<»Ay
~11111Wn.l to a •i"']le Aotc.w or toum, Cie.; fenns,
lfbuty(opp. slavery). A. Lit., 1, se in libertatem
1utlimitwl by law, Liv.; lihermn habere allqnld, vin1li1·are, Cic.; 2, &, civil lil>atv, a<; containing
to MN i1' rompku poUUl!ian, Liv. ; libennn e!lt cert&in rights; ad nsurpandam libertJltem vocare,
mill!, foll. by infln., I o• frtt to do, Cic. : b, fr"
ill tltovg/U or aprruilm: animus, Cle. ; ll~riorea to"''"mo" ta tu 'l"•ti119, Cie. : libertatem erlpere,
to ·ta~ away po/itiral privilt?tJ, Liv. ; b, 11.ational
litt.era.e, Clo. ; 3, flWnllly fru; a, i1' tlu 1>Aila-
aopllicol ~ Cic.: b, in a bad sense, = pro}li!Jfde,
frudam, t1111.tp1ndeftct; libert.atem capeasere,
Cic.; perdere, Cic.; recipere, Cic. B. Tranllf.,
vttbridhd, v1'rutl"Oin.ed; turb& temulentl>rum, 1, frudom, lil>trt11 of action, frtulnm from rc-
Cic. •trai Pli; a, \"i\'en•li, loquendl, Ci<'.; <lat populo
2. Uber -bri, m. L tM i11'M!" bark of a tN't, ll~rtatern ut qnoJ velint f'aclant, Cic.; b, lianu,
Verg. IL Aud, u this was used by the ancients Cir.. ; 2, frtrilom af l]J'tth, frn nJcn,$~, c1111lfnur;
u a ma~rial upnn which to wri~. a book, multa •·um liLertate dlcere, Cle. IL Lihertas,
'K"riliJ&g, trenti~: a lllnum lnehoore, oonflcere, per~nijftil tU tlit goddeu of Frudom, hav£1t.9 a
Cic.; libri Sihyllinf, Cic.; nos autem in libri1 k•1p/.a 011 tilt ..CW71tiM lliU, Cic.
(l.loCICOll1U boob) habemu1, Cir_; b, o OOol.:. o
di~ int.a whida a t00rl: ii dMdM.; trea llbri
libertinua -a -um (llbertus), of or ttl1tthtg
de Yatura Deoru'!.'1 Cle.; o, o rtt;ilUr, catalogue, kJ tlie C/""'4 Of .{rudwt:rl, l.:IC. j hence, IJllh&t.,
Cic. ; d, a ltttn", .N ep. libertinua .f, m. a /mdman, Cle. ; liber-
3. Liber ·i!rf, m. 1, Cl1' old Italian deity, tina -ae, r. a .{rudW<mlan, Hor.
pruW.; na oou agricull1'rt, and i1' later ti mu h"bertua -a -unt (for liberatus), plnettl i•
id11&li,(l~i wit.\ t.W Grulc; 2, met.on., frwlom: 1111b8t., a., libertua ·I, m. afr«dmafla
~M, Hor. Cic. ; b, liberta -ae, f. a frettl.woman, Cir..
4. Jiber -lri, Y. liberi -~rum. Jlbet Oiibet) ·Mit nr ·bltum est, S. Im·
LiWra -ae, r. (S. J..iber), 1, Prompi"lt(l, per1., U plt<11u, is Q.9T'ttablt: mihi, ti Iii, etc., or
~a/ Ctta, .riiUr af Liber; 2, .Arfadiu, abtloL, facitf! quod libet, Cie.; non Ii bet plura
'IC'ift of Baccluu. acril.,.re, Cic.
Liltirilla -lum, n. (S. Liber), the f~.tival of Libithra (t.rif3.,,8pa) ·Orum, n. anti Li-
UberO"r& tlle I itA af Morc/t., al vmidl youtll.t rtttiwd bithru.a -i, m. (Af</l,,Bp<k), n Th.t.ualirtn spri11g,
r.v t<;ga. ririli.8, Cie. wend lo the .\ltJMI: hene11, adj., LibithN
libirills -e (1. Uber). L rtlating ro fru· ·!dis, f. nymphae Libethrltle11, flu Mwu, Verg.
dcnl; ca Wiii, a launui.Hn wh.U:la lheftwlnm of ltYIM llbidlno.i. adv. {libldluoeua), ltat}WL1, ""l·
ptrJM& u tM mrtlltr in. 11i.'lpUU, Cic. II. be- ftd/_11, u·u1Uanly, Cic.
C01t&ixg or nit1tbl~to a frttdma"4, r.oo/e; 1, mens, HbicllDO.U. ·IL -um Oibidn), /11U of <k~in,
Cic.; arte9 liberal<'ll, lihtrol arla, ,.uch. cu a f'""d· un{/11l, 1&anl<m, lua(ful; h11111n, Cle.; caper, Hor.;
91411. uri.qll ro he t'Ultd in, Cle.; 11amptn,., n~n.&U
"VPlkd to ubetraet things, llbidinoei.uimae
lo hq vp irtatwro a111i ttpptamrvu (cpp. Ot'Cl'I· lit>traticmes, Cle. ; sententi&, Cic.
•ril), Cic. ; 2, a, kiAll; n.-111.0111u1n, Cle. ; b,
libido (liibi4o) ·lnis, r. (Ii bet), •foU11r deaiN,
li«ral, gntertYtU, girill{I fr~ly, Cle.; laudh1 avidl,
pecnniae liberalea erant, Sall. al'J"tllll, longing. I. ad liliidinem, Clllllrdi1141 '°
incli1ui.ti1,1&, Cic.; ex 1ihiil111e, Sall.; lil•i•lioe,
liWralllaa -itis, r. (llheralla). 1, 0 ftobl• wo.11ta11l11, out of mert cnpr·i~, Cit•. ; liLl1lint!ln
dupoaitimi or dtarader, ki"41, frinutfr dU,,O.i· h&herc In armi11, to talu plttuv•·e in, Sall. D. 1
tio!t, Cic. ; 2, libualit11, ymtr06it11, Cle. immod~rau or unrestrainttl de.Yirt, ~"(f-tcill, u:i"t.
h"binill~r. adv. (llberalla). ill a '1114nner f11lr!U8, 1001ttanneu; allcuins libldinl iulversart,
bcron.i1&9 u. /rttrlma11. L Mblr, 6tcoMhtglr; viv· ohalstere, Cic.; libidinea ref'r\ouare, Cle. ; 2,
trr, Cic. IL E.~p., a, '" a frw1ully, ttn-•1ial dui.rt, lu.,t, Utodnae: meton.l.libidintt,
killdlv, l!hnail11: lfberalluime erat polllcitua ohaot•il~! in ptllntifl(I aftd 1e11l7otun, Cie., Cie. ; b, riclily, b<1v1U\fa&ll1, Cle. Llbltin& -ae, r. L the goddtJIS of rorp.wl, ' "
liWrA&lo ~nls. f. (libero), 1 1 o 1t!U11g ./rfA, whoa k"l•ple tlw; rt'1"Uil4' for a fv11nal 10tn kqC
""-A_, jran; c..'Ulpu. Cle.; 2. o llgal RCtj1tiUGl, for lire, au the ngUU-r a/ deatlu Wiii ~
Cle. IL Metou., 1, Uu ttq11ilit11 for o /ll.>1na1.; peati-
Jeutla t.anta erat, ut Llbltlna Vil[ suft'lceret,
118 Lig
Uoena -centla. L Partte. ~f
Uceor (q.Y.).
Liv. ; 2, dt.alA; multaque pani mei vit.abit D. P. adj. (llcet), ,frw, "'"rutra1Md, tit&bridled;
Llbltinam, Hor. Lupercua, Prop., oi things, licentior dltby·
libo, 1. (>..«i.fJ..,). L to take a1R1y from. A. ranibus, Cle.
a natul'a deorum Jibata!l auimos habe111us, Cic. Uoentir, adv. (llcena), /ruly, a.coordit19 to
B. l, to ta.&k: jecur, Liv.; hence a, to to11ch; on.e'• own phtuun: and In a bad aense, boldlr.
cHK>R digitis, Ov. ; b, oscula natae, to 1..;.,,s, \'erg.; impucle1ltly, u1n·utraiMd.111, Cle.; or discourse,
2, to pour a libnti01L in Aon-0ur of a 9od; In errare, to wa'lldtr on 1VWM>t1t ruk or onler, Cle.
mensam, Verg.; 3, to IOCTijia, offer, ocmur.rate; Uoentla -ae, r. (licct), frtttdom or pcn11iaio1&
diis dapel', Liv.: frugem Cereri, Ov. IL to to do what mu plmau, Ua.u litt11«, ltbert11. L
dimfoUh or injure by taki11g av.iay; ·vi res, Liv. pueris non omnem ludendi dam us licenti&m,
libra ·ae, r. (Afrp.l). L a palantt, pnir ·of Cic. ; tantum licentiae dabat gloria, Cie. D.; 1, a, lit., llbrae lanx, Cle.; per aes et Esp., a from ratruiut, liu'rla!; poet..
Jibram, aere et libri, a fiditio111form ofllak UMd arum, C3ic.; \'erborum, Ov.; b, diuoluunaa,
in making will.a, ttdopting .tOM, etc.; mercari liuntioti.1111.t.SS; comprirnere hominum licentiam,
aliquid aere et llbri, in due fo,.,n, Hor.; b, Cic. ; personir., Liceutla, as a goddess, Li.ce11«,
meton., tM Roman pt111.nd ofl 2oz.; ,!, tM oon.lkl· Cic.
lation cnlkd tM Balance, Verg. .u.. a ltvel, a
plummd ltt•el; ad libram fecisse turres, Caes.
Uoeo ·fll -Itum, 2. to bt on 110.u, to bt ml1Ud
at, to be atimated at a pr£ce; quanti licuisae tn
librimell -Inis, n. (libro), balance, pot., scril>is hortoa, at Vlhat mm they wrre t>, Cic.
Liv. lloior -cltus 11um, 2. (liceo) to bid for, o§t'I' a
librimumtum -1, n. (libro). L that rhich price for; liciti ~uut usque eo, Cic. ; followed
17ivu a thing a dQWnWttrd motion ; a, 1vright, by aoc., hortos, Cic.
Liv. ; b, that which giva a •Wik iU impetus; llcet -cwt or ·cltum est, 2., fmpen. and in-
tormentorum, trni thong, Tac. D. Transf., a transit. L it ia allou"ed, al/011:ablt, oiv: au& or
lwrizontal pla1i.e,faU niperficiu, Cic. may, one u at liberty; 11·ith dat. of pers. or
librarla .ae, r. (libra), a/em.a.U who weightd absol., a, with lnftn., as subject, licet J"(~n!
oul tli.e wool to tM slavu, Juv. may I CU1' f Cic.; licet intelligi, on.t ron, t111der-
:-..._;:._,,ll(l ( atand, Cie. ; with acc. and infin., nos frui liceret,
lilH"...,.&V ua -1, m. dim. or librarius), 1, a Cic. ; with daL or predicate, Tbemistocli lies
Sran11CTiber, oopyi.&t, lllCTdaT'fl, Cle.; 2, a book· esae oti080, Cle.; w1th acc. of predicate, ch'i
leller, Cle. Romano licet esse GaJitanum, Cic. ; b, with a
libri.rlum. ·II, n., v. librarluL neuter pronoun or adj. as subject, quid decat
b""bri.rlus -a -um (2. liber), of or relating to voe, non quantum li\!eat vohis, 11pect.are det.etia,
books. L Adj., taberna, a boobhop, Cic. D. Cic. ; c, with eut\j., fremllnt omnes lie-et, Cic. ;
Sub:1t., 1, libr&rlua -Ii. 111. a tran.fCribtr of sequatur licebit, M may follow, Cic. ; with ~r
•·- n copyu
boo""'· · t , c·1c. ; n.o, i-1 b..;;
..-....-.. •1·1, n. a au<I the acc., fir me lict!t, a1o far a6 I 0111 co11-
plact to keep book$ in, a bookca."l, Cic. urned, Cic. L Transf., grontP<L that, alloictd
libri.tor -orls, m. (libro) l, a levellu or g·i~; foll. by the aubj., omnia Jicet cuncurrant,
.urt'f!l/Or, Plin. ; 2, OM \Cho hurt. miuile.s blf
mwns of a nuu:hiM, Tac. Llchia -ae, m. (A(\'.4~). a1.ermnt oj lltrn11'•.
libratua -a -um, p. adj. (from lihro), uiell- lichill .enia, m. (>..nx'lj~), m.oss or licMn, Plin.
rn•sl'fi, .~trung, lturwl u·ith foret; glans, Li\·. ; Llc~ua ·• ·Um, nanu ()f a Romn" !JtllS, tle1
lctu ..;, Liv. 1110s/ r,/tbratcd 7n1mbtr1 of t1·l1irh \l'tl"'l: 1, C.
librilla ·t (1ihra), of u pou1td '!«ight ; funrlae Licinius Crassns, tribune nj tM ptople; 2, L..
lihriles, slint;a, tli.e atonu of wh.ich u·ti-;hcd a Licinius Cra1•sus, a rtltbrnttd oratar; 3, :M.
pountl, Caes. LicinluR Crnssus, the trimnrir.
h""bro, 1. (libra), a, to poise, ktep in t']1Jilib- llcltatlo ·onis, r. (licitor), a biddil:g, bid, at
ri~m; terra librata poncl.eribus, Cic.; b, to a 11alt or a11ctim1, Cic.
1wtng, hurl, launch, brandish.; glandem, Liv. ; Ucltor, l. dep. (intena. of liceor), to bid JM,
se, to poUt onud/intli.e air(of bees), Verg.; poet., Plaut.
<:orpus in herba, to stretch out, Ov.; c, to kttp Ucltua -a ·Um (licet), oUol«d, per711&itted;
BUtpt'flded, keep i1l ill plaa; veb librantur ab !lermo, Verg.; neut. plur. sub6t., th.ing1 P"D'ittcd,
~~~ ~
Ube, llbis, m. (>, a wut-30Uth-wtst wind, liclum ·II, n. tM thrum, or nmnant of old
Plin. u·eb to which. the weaver att!UM1 tM new fabric:
b"bum -i, n. a cab offered to the godl, espacially telae licia addere, \"erg.; in general, a tit read, 0l".
on a birthday, Ov., Verg. llowr ~rl!!, m. a lidt)r, plur. lietores, lltc
Llburni .()rum, m. tlit 1,iburniaru, a pmp~ lictors, th1 publicattendan4 oft1uprincipal Roma"
(flhabUing tM W>dern Croatia; sing., I..ibnrnus, magistralel, 11iho hon befort. tllnl tMfusaa as nia·
a J,iburnian, slave, Juv. Hence, adj., a, Ll- blem of !Mir criminal j11risdicti01t, and U«Vttd -um, Lihurnian; subst., Llburna
-ae, f. a light Vl!~>tl of 11.vtr, schooner. l>rigo.'ltint,
Caee. ; b Libu.rnlcua -a -um, l.iburnion.
I IM u11t.tnca u:hich thty prono11.ncttd. Of these
lictors, t.he dictator wa.s attended by twenty-
four, a consul by twelve, and a praetcr by l'ix;
Libj,; -ae, f". and Llbfe -es, r. (A.~u11), 'lictor proxi.mu11, the 011e_nt111rt~ to tJu cc.nsul: Cic.
J,iliya., tli.e Northern part of Africa. Hence. l, Uen ·'nlll, m. or llinl.a ·Iii, m. tlu nill, or
Llbfcua ·•-um, l/ibyan.; fera, lioncM, Ov.; 2, ~· ~laut. . .
Lfby• -y~. Libyan; subst., Liby11, a Libyan, Uenoaua -a-um (lien), B'plend1c, Plaut.
Ov.; 3, Libyaaa ·&e, (. Lil/yan; are~, lfai.meD -lnis, u. (I. !igo), a ttri119, ti.t, ~­
Cat.; 4, LJ~ystls -ldi!, f. Ltby:it1; ur:m, a,1e, l>v.
Verg. ; lS, LlbftUI -a -um, LU>yan; 6, Lib~ Ugamentum -1, n. (1. lisi>), a 'bandage. Tac.
tinua ·• ·nm, 1::_ibya7'. Llcarlua -a -um, the of a RomaJt geJt&,
Llbfphoell.icea -um, m. (A..~ivr.«•f), a tltt mon fa""1ut mtmbtrof whidt V1(Z.I Q. LigariU&,
~ ~. duot:n,d,ed/rofll Che Phomiclana, in a 1JlnAbtr of tM Pompeian. JJ4rl1J, takr.i pn_.,
~. a,/kr IM b<UUe of Thcipwul, aM baniahed by Coast.
Lig 319 Lin
l/ftfvcnb pil"lfcn«f, rll,/end«l by Cictf'O. Hence, Umbv.a ·I, m. 11 borclu, Mn&, M111l9', Jrlnff
..1j., LllPiz1,iDua -a -um, rtla.ti111} to Ligari11$; rovnd tM edge of Grob<, Ver~ •
oratio, Cic. i and 11ubet., Llg&rl&Da -ae, t. limen -l11ia, n. (eon111•cte<i with 1. llmus and
Cictro'1 'J'UC" cm bthaJ/ of Ligurnu, Cic. nb-liquu11), th,, lhr•Al1<1ld. L A. Lit., lnt1are
Lfgia •&e, (. (Ai~·-- tJu CUaMIO~ ft411W li111en, C1c. B. MPt.o11., l =
hou.~, dtt.Ylllng;
of a tcoo.i·n11rnp1'. li111i11<J contlner:I, Liv.; limiue rielll, \'erg.; 2,
e1ltrunC'(; In limlne 1.ort111, Veq(.; 3, a, the
Llgir -gl!ri11, m. a rlrer 1m the borden of 'iarli1tg-fwrinl of a chariot-r<.&U in the circ1u;
Aqnit1111ia a11d Gallia Lw1.funen1il, now the Ihnen relinquu11t, \'eri:.; b, lnnfrr, bovndary;
l.cirt ('ace. Lilo(f'rem and J.lge1 hn ; abl. LI
an•l LiK~ri, Cal'11). extra Ii men A pullAe, Hor. IL 1:;g., Cl bifli"'"
ni ng; loelll, Tac.
Ugui.rlua ·II, m. (1ig111un), a oorpenur; Inter limea -ltl11, m. (1. llmu!I), G cro.<1 pat.l or
lignario~. i•~ lht wood-marku, Liv.
'by-u1uy. L A. Lit., tJu bv1111·"il1rv btlu.•u1' t11-o
Uni.tlo .,-,.,is, f. (lignor), G /tUi.11g of tlmb'.r, fitld1 indi«llle.t by a 7>alh or 11011<, Verg. B.
'Coo.T-c11tti11g, CaeH. )frt.111., 1, ~ 1,.rnn°illry-line; 1-artirt limitt:
llgnj.tor -oris, m. (lignor), a wood-a,ttn, camp11111, \'erg.; fig., a dulinction, dilftrrnu;
CaP8. Ju•licium hrevi lir11ite falle t1111111, O\·.: 2, a fort&·
ligneolua -& -um (dim, of Jigneus), woo.u11, jird /,.mn.fary·li~, TaC'. IL G 1.athway, rood;
Ci~. AppilM', Liv.; acclivi11, Ch·.; tra111werisus, Liv.;
llgniu ·A -nm (li:;cn11111), l, "'"dt ".{ U'O'l<I, lllllituis Jime11 ftumi111~. rli~r-bed, uv.; 11ectu,, tM
'; \>'•11t1c11l11:1, C1c.; 2, tm11sf., lil.:I. 1VOO<l, zodiac, Ov.; qua.'11 limes ad caeli a.<litum Jk"llet,
M,; co11111x, Cat. Q\'.
llgnor, I. cll'p. (lignum), to fetch u:ood; lignari
pabulariq11e, Caell.
Ltmnuum ·I, n. (A•,....Ma), a
'°""" '"
lignum -1, n. I. tcood, e11p., jlrt1mO'l (npp. l.tmn.itl'.a -Utile, t. (,\tul'GTH), G IUTJUUM oJ
111attria, 11·ro<l uKd for bui/diag); ii;nem ex lig111:1 Dwna, (U IM pal1'1l11i'8S of ji11h.tT11Un.,
1iri<i1b11s i11 loco ang1111to tieri jubere, Cic; pro,·., limo. 1. (lim:i.). L to fi''; 1, lit., gemmaa,
in aill·am ligna re~. to oan71 coola lo Nt11:UL•tlt, Plin.; 2, lo whd, sl1<,rpe11, Plaut.; 3, Iii,:., a, to
Hor. IL Met<m., 1, G wrtli1117-tabl1 of wood, pnlUh, ji11iAh; qu&<J<lam ln11titul, quM! 1irnA11t11r
JuT.; 2, =CJ tru, Verg. a 111e 1~•litius, Cic.: b, tn inruttyau tl<Y-Uruleiy;
1. Ugo, I. L to bi11d, tUI; allquem vlneulo, \"eritatem, Cic. IL lo fi!t off; Ilg., to tab ruroy
Tac.; manus post ter;;a, Ov.; l•lscr_. In glacie from, to dtmi11!ah; alteri aftlnxit, de altero lima·
llgali,fro:mfcut, Ov.; to bi11d 11.p, lxu11lt1~; vul· vit, Cic.
nera vtste, Ov. IL 1, a, to harn.tu; mu lam -a -um (2. llmuJJ), .•limv, mirr,
llnr.; b, laque.:> guttura, to tie UJ>, w bi11d m11<ldy; laeuJJ, \"erg.; µlanltie11, !;All,
&l'O'ltnd, ov.; 2, transf., to bind ~hu, conu.·t, Umpldua -a -um (connected· wit.h llqulJus),
11.CiU; 1li!lllod:i.ta loci11 concor<li pact: 11gavit, Uv. cltar, li1117.ul, J>elliuid; lacu11, Cat.
2. Ugo --Onis, m. 1, G Aoe, Hor. ; 2, meton., 1. limua -a -um (connecU<l with Ihnen and
fillat]e, J UV. obliquu~), of the ey~s, 1i<Ulong, looking 11icltu:ay11;
ligila (UngiUa) -ae, r. (rlim. or lingua). ocelli, Ov.
L" little to119uc, a111l hl'llC'e, a ton!]•IS Q/ land, 2. limwt ·I, rn. (lino), 1, 1limt,, mLrt,
pM1VJ11tory, (;;leis. IL a shot-slrop, Juv. Cic. ; Ilg., 111al•1rum, Ov. ; 2, dirt, .ftltlt, Hor.
Llgiirea -um, m. lhe Li!]Uriarr.1, G f't"T'llJ in 3. lim118 -1, ni. (I. ligo), an apron tri111111td
'JIC<lrr.i /'ialmont ; King., Llgb (Llg6r)-gdriJJ, u:ith J11ir1•lt, worn by CJ priut whtn
c. 11 I.i1uria11.; adj. = l.ivuri1w. Hen•·e, 1, aacrifit::'-, \'erg.
Llg6rfa ·IP, t. th~ rountry of the Ligur••; 2, Llmfra -lintm, n. {Alµup.J., r.i), an<l Llmfra
J.lguatlcu -a -um, Liguria11; 3, Llguat- ·ae, r. or Llmtri -~s. r. (.\,,.\;P"· >1>. a WU"1' in
mua ·a -um, I.igurian. the south of I.yew. on :h~ riur L!mvnu or Limvru.
llgiirlo (llgurrio), 4. (llngn), 1, w lick, 1. llnctua, partlc. oi lingo.
Id: 11p; jus, Hor.; f111 ta, to Jttd UJ1011, gloat ot'l!r 2. llnotiut ·ll, m. ~lingn), a lid:in:7, tastt, Lncr.
lf'ft/Uiil-,, Htir. ; 2, to l11•t after, un.g for; lucra,
lie. LtndO. and -du ·I, f. (Ai~·•f), CJ town in.
llgurritlo -~nls, t. (lii:ttrrio), dai11ti11u~, Cic. linea ·llf', r. (llnum), a linen thrtad. I. Lit.,
Llgua -~Ori11, m., v. Ligu~s. A. l'l!n. : lint-a clivr", a urini) of"f1':<1rls, M11rt. B.
Llguatlcu -atinua. v. Ligurea. n car ~nrtr'.• ]>lumb-li11t, Cic.; lln1.-li. di!lcere uli,
llguatrum -i, 11. prii-et, Verg. Cic. ; R•I liueam, u11dly 1traiqht or ~ry:oendic1tlar,
lillum ·II, n. (A«lptov), a lily; 1, lit., Verl!.; Cic. II. Transf., a line nwcle u.-i"1 a p1m or ]"l(llril,
~ametriool li11t. A. Gen., lineam 11crib<!rl', Cic.
2, tra11sr., 111ilit. t. t., a kind of fortification B. 1, a /Jf:ru11dary-H11e ill ti~ cirt'lU, G darting·
CUM~i11g of fo10 J>alUl&dH, Cae11.
J10i11t or go(ll: ll;!., 11i qni<lem est peccare tan·
Lllfbaeon (-baeum) -1, n. (Ar.AiifJa1ov), a qua111 transilire li11r11.>J. Cic.; mors ultima line11
ill the U't.<I nf .51.dl", now Capt> di rerum e11t, the final !Toal, Uor.; 2, tM line ill the
llocxJ, with a town of the $3me nRme. ,\11.f., theatre by which. tM MUU wtrc 11tparnud; coi;it
a, Lllfbaeus -a -u111, b, Lllybelua -a -um, nos linea jungi, Ov.
an1l c. Lllybaetanua -a -u111, l.i/yll(Man.. lineamentum ·I, n. (1inc11.}, a line dm1rn
1ima •Ile, f. (limo), a jilt, Plaut.; Ilg., or Btyle, tt·ith J-t'1' or 11(11cil, CJ pronvtriettl Iinf-. L Lit.,
po/ishi11?, rtri.,in11, correctum; deruit et 11eriptia in geometri11. line11111enta, Cic. II. Tranllf., 1,
bltima liina meis, Ov. pl., a ilrau·i11g, Mlirvfltion, &ktt(·h, o"lli1~; tu
lim.ite, adv. (limatus), tlaborauly, tlt!Jcmtly, 111oer111n llneamenta sollertidsir11e 1ier;ipicill, Cle.;
2, a ffc1t11re, lillta1nt1lt; corp<iris, Cle.
Cl c.
lim.itiUue -a -um (dim. of lhnatus), prill11wl, lineua -a -um (linnm), n1ad.c of linen, linen;
"ft11t1L; ''!"'US eat hue lluaatulo et JIOlit-0 tuo vincula, \'erg.; lauterua, Cle.
JuJicio, Cle. llngo, linxi, linctum, 3. (-'rixw), w lick, Cat.
limitua -a ·om, p. adj. (limo), poli1l•cd, Ltngonea -um, m. CJ ptoi>Z. '" Ga1'l, whence
l\(IM:d,. tk1N11t; genm librorum liruatiu.a, Cic. the mut.lern 1.ai19ru.
lin 320 lit
Uiunaa -u, f. n '°"~· L A. Lit., llnguam UppYdido -lnla, f. (llppu1), (l\jlaall.affoll U.
ab i:Trsu e:uerere, Liv.; llnguam ejlcere, Cle. Uu eyu, Cle.
B. Met-On., 1 1JWCA, la11'J'Ull}t; llng11am diU· llpp118 -a -um, 1lari11g inJa.lllUd or -terr t!G-
~ntlulmeeonlinere, lo rutrai"t. Cle.; Aetolorum l>lfar-eJl"d, Hor.; ac1M-blind, llrtlf-bli'ltd, Juv.
llnguaa n!tundere, to liltlKJt, LIV.: tmn11r., or Uq'lli&olo -f'kl -ractum, s., Jl&U., Hqnenn
the sounds or animals, linguae volttcrum,Verg.; -ractua sum -n~rt (li9uoo an<l fi;cio). to ffltlt, di#-
2, &, a langwt14t,; Latina, Cle. ; Oalltca, l'Olw, lllOke liquid. L Lit.., 1, glad<'~ liquefact.a,
C.1tJ1. ; utraque lingua, Grttk and Lall" ; b, a Cle. ; st, to J111lrefl/; viscera llquefacta, VerJ..
diol.-ct; dlsclpllnla llngu5.que dlvlam, Cle.; 3, U. Tran111f. to .ab 10Mk, eJUTmU; aliquem
nntH1ta1 of~ tloqutn0t; est anlmu1 tl\li, languidia \ 0\nptat.ibus, Cic.

l'llnt mores et lingua ltde!!que, Hor.; in a bad

11e1111e, loqtcaeU11; poenarn lin;ua commeruis11e, Uquio. Uqul or lledl, 2. (A.ri~). L to bs
Q\·. ; or boodiJ19, Ov. ; or bold. talk, Ov. IL ftiiid, liquid; concrescendi, llquendi, Cic. ; beure
Transf., of tongue-shaped objeete1 a
land, potftOnJorr, Liv.; tribua naec (Sicilia)
'°""''' q/
partlc., llquena,ft1'id, liquCd; vina, \"erg.; cempl.
tJit aiea, Verg. U. Tl'llnRf., to be ri«ir, to be
<'xcurrit in aequora llnguia, Ov. evid.tnt,appa.nmt; a, uh:it 1ibl lhJuere, Cle.; wiU
accu11. and lnfl.n., cut neutmm hcuerit, n.-c ellH
linla. v. lln!'&. deo1 nee non ease, Cle. ; b, legal t. t., non liqnet,
Jinlimuatam, \·. lineamentum. a phrllll uMd bf/ U.1 jvry 1cAe11 tlttr d.tdiKtd t11
li.nlglr -g~ra g~rum (linum and gero), pr0110lt~ the aoctUtd ptTIOn. eitMr ilm0a1lt or
f'/othtd. iA Li11.t11., applied to Isla and her prieata, guiltr, Cle.
0\". llqueeoo, lfcdl, s. (lnchoat. or liqueo), to r.-.
llzao, llvi and l~vi, lltnm, S. L to111UOruJX111, co111t ftuid, to JMU. L Lit., 1, cera liqueacit,
1prtad ovn-; medlcam~nt& per corpora, Ov. U. Verg. ; 2, to putrt/11: llqueacunt corpora., o,-.
to bulMiir, anci1tt; 1 111•lrame11ta cert, Verg.; IL Tranaf., 1, to become tl1'1Aintl"1; volaptaU,
2, a, 10 COl'tT; laura aricni, to rh«lt, roaen, Mart. ; Cir. ; 2, kl tMU or t.DtUI• atoar; Jique.cit ror-
t.ecta auro, Ov.; b, to ndl 01-tr u•ith tht bl1111t ndof tuna, Ov.
th.I ,rylv.a tDhal luu b«n u·ritttn OI\ 1ro.U1& tabU.1$; llquldi, adv., with comp&r. and llUJ>erl.
digna llnl, V>O'rtllr qf Ming mutd, Ov.; c to (liquldus), cltnrlr,, po1i.livdr; Uquidim
besniMr, dirfr: ora luto, Ov. ; fig., 1plendida negare, Cic.
raeta c.annine foedo, Hor. llqulclo, v. liquidua.
llnquo. liqui, S. (A.•i•lll), to leatv. L Gen., Uaul4u -a ·um Oiqueo), ftvid, jfotci"f,
A. Lit, &OCios ignot&e terrae, Verg. B. Transf., liqvia. L A.. Lit., odorea, Hor. ; Nympbae.
1 to Uiavt, gi1-e up, abtlnd.ol\; baec Cle. ; ~vera, nrmJ>/11 qf lpri.ngi, Ov. B. T1a1111f., ~enua 14!1'·
Hor. ; .!,. with double acc., nil lntentatum, n:on1s, Cle. U. cltor, brigl'..1, A. Lit., Contes,
Hor. u. lo ltat't., d.tpart from; tll'bem, Cle. ; Verg.; aer, Verg.; \"OX, \'erg. B. Tram1f.• 1,
lin•1ui, to /ai.>ct, Ov.; llnquere dulces anlmu, Jl'UTT, cha.r; liquida voluptas et libP.ra, Cic.;
lo di~. Verg. 2, oalm.; mens, Cat.; 3, rkar, rtrlain, Plaut.
Unteatua ·&-nm (linteum), clcith«l in U11cn; Subst., llquldu.m -1, n. ~aittlJI, Liv.;,
leirio, a Snmnilt 1'gion, '° Cl'llled frr1111. tlu oonro,, llquido, clw.rlJI, pluinlg; dicere, Cic.
rorvri ng of tht place tc"htrt t/1111 took tM military Uquo, 1. to mai.:t li1J11id, mtlt, liquefv. L Lit.,
0001, Uv. Ci<'. poet. U. to itt-ai"• ptTCOlate, cla.rifr;
UntHlum -1, n. (dim. of llnteum). a 1mall \"iuum, Hor.
liMn clot1', Plaut. 1. liquor, s. deJ'· to bt Jttid, bt, /,ow,
linter ·tris, f. La boat, ikiff, V!htrry; prov., mtlt; toto corpore audor liqnitur, Verg.; tran11f.,
loqui e llntre (of an orator who swa!!_ his body to m"U away, pu;1 awaJI; in part.em pejorem
up and down in spe&king), ap. Cle. U. Transf., llquitur aetas, Luer.
a tro1tg1I., tray, t1'b, mt, used ip the vintage, 2. liquor -6rle, m. (llqueo), liqttidit~ • .ft11Witr.
\'erg. L Lit., Cic. U. Met-On., a liqttid,ft11id, li'l"or;
Untiu -a ·um (linum). linft, wtade of line11.; perlucidi amnlum liquore11, Cic. ; abeol., tM 1t11,
ve11ti1, Cic.; librl, 'Wri.ttni llM>&, Liv. Subat., Hor.
Unt6am ·I, n. lint!\ dotA, li'llel\; mercea llnteis Lirl~pi -&, f. (A~ipum1), a .sea-nppll, _.
delatae, Cle.; esp., a lllil; dare llntM ventta, qf Narcwu1.
Ov. LirtJI ·I•, acc. -em and ·im, abl. -1, m.
llntriotllu -1, m. (dim. or linter), a amall (Attpit), a rit'f!r ttf Lati11lfl, jmoing iAtotM Siu1
boat, Cle. Cajeian111, now the GarigliaRO.
linum ·I, n. (AillO.,), flaz• liiun. L Lit., lia (old fonn, 1tll1), litls, f. aronteJttiont,
linum tenul1almum, Cle. &A. Meton., 1, a 0011.troversr, L Gen., aetatem in Jitil.sua
tAread, lirte; &, lht thread wWl u:11.ic11. ltttn't 11.Yrt conterere, Cle. ; lit:M eorum sedare, Cic., com-
tUd Uf: nos Unum incldin1ua, legimu11, Cic. ; b, ponere, to Btltlt, Verg.; diacernere, to d«idt,
a .ft..Jl.uig·liu, Ov. ; :II, a Ii.Mn-cloth or garment, Verg. IL a ltgal rontt11tio11 or coftlropersr, CUI
Hor. ; 8, a rcpt, oahlt, Ov. ; 4, a l\d/OT lurnling ac«<m, nit; l, lit., lit.em alicul iutendere. la
or fUh£ng, Ov., Verg. allquem inferre, to bri11g an aclio1i ago inst, Cic.;
Lina <-&) -1, m. (Ai-), Liruu. L
Apollo and PsanUllht, da~hur qf tilt .Argivt
'°" of lit.em habere cµm a!lquo, Cic. ; litem 11ua111
f.acere, said of an advocat~ who n~lect.a hill
li.n.g,·Croropus, tern ii. pi«IU bf/ doas. U. IOn of clitnt·a buslneg1 to defend hlm1t1lr, Cle. ; 2,
Apollo and tilt Jltut Ter~, etWnultd nngtr meton., tilt ntbj«l or az.ue qf a; litem in
arid poet, the tmGhtr of Orphelu aJtd Htn:'lllu, reni auam vertere, Liv. ; litem lite, to
Ult latln' of wha. k"""1 lir111 with a: blow qf tM iUtutrole Ont obacurt po(tit bf/ aJM>CMr, Hor.
ivre. Lt.... -i, r. ' - i n tAe IOtiltA qf DcU-.catMI, now
LIP'ra ·&e, f . .ud LIJ:Nf.ri .a, t. (Atw~), AluliCJ, OT !A«la..
IM largut of tM .Aeolian~ ftCt'th of Sicilr, IJt&aa ailva -ae, f. a ftyrot '" OialP'••
now Lipari; plur., Liparae, tlw .Aeolian Wand•. Gaul, 1o11Atre tAe Rowl4u an~ br t.u Onll,
.MJ., &, Llplraeu -a ·nm; b, LI~ 2HI A.C.
-e, Lip11rell11.. lltado ~nil, f. ~CIA o"'J'(cfou .~'
11DD!o1• '- to MW ION ..... 1le W.,......i; ·~~; --.Jona-.~
Quufulenwr lipplnm. Cle. ceeme. U•
lit HI loo
litlra (llttlra) ~. t. (I. lino). a ldW qf
th alpliobd. 1. Lit., llteramm notae, Ole. • J1omo
•J'ltlOSt'llbf• mu1t,
lltat. OY.
""*"'"'_.: Ylctlma
IL Tra111lL 1 lo ~
,._JWlr I
triam litavum =fur, • CA:W, Pinnt. ; \It.Mae 11&eria lltatf,., Ve~.
gnindeti, w11Citrl eAnracten, Clo. ; t.ristl1 (C), which litlri.Jla -e (litna'). of or f'lllattwg to Al don:
etuod uvau '1111 lxlllo\iug ticket. for Condcmno, du, f/Od• o1 ""W>re, oat.
alatarW (A). for Abaolvo, Cle. ; llteru dlscere, li~riu • -um (Ut1u), q/or Won,Cttf lo CM
fo i.n. to nod, Cle. ; ad me literam nunquam &lore: arena, OT. ; IVCll, \'erg.
mflit. ..,, 11 llu. Ole.; llterl1 iiarcere, to k
•1JGl'i11g 10iUt; pc&per, Ole. II. M•ton., A.. Sing., Uttha, etc., Y. lltera, etc.
lite!&; ~. kkchoric,..,: ad 1hnllltn1llnem Uterae lltiira -u, t. (lino). 1, fM· dralOf-. ft/ Ut;a
tuae, C1e. ; 2, poet. for plur. literae, a, t1 bl"1&£ Hd o/ IAa llrlu1 owr tAa ~ tablcl lo
ltUtr, Ov.; b, an epitapA., Ov. ; o. G boild. "°" toAcit Aiu '*" VITilkn, Gil ll"IUUrt, oorrtetim&:
Ov. B. Plnr. literuo, 10AkA. u .,,,;ua: ftagltJou, lltnra tabnlarum, Cic. ; 2, met.on., t.U
1, turitt1n ncordl: quod parvae et rarae per JlCUltlf7' mued; nomen eiise iJl UtGra, Cle.; poet.
eade1n te1111oora llterae fnere, Liv.; 9, a, transf., a biol, OT.
""""'• doc1iiunl, d-1, OlnUrad; Utteru con· Uttu.. etc., Y. lltus, etc.
qalrere, Cle.; b, 11 wm, prhm• or njlc(cll cfa.. litu (Uttua) -t~rla, n. (lino). L 1, CU .a-
~ cdfd, cWCr#, q•UUt: dare &lieu! llteraa
ad allquem, to r• to Cl ~r Cl letter /tJf' Cl
Wni ,,,..,., Cic.: Uber llterarum mi.sarum et.
W>rt, bea(-A, .ttmtad. oocuC; )Uu1 lnanlac, Ole. ;
naves agere In litua, Liv.; proY•• lit.Ila arare,
toplO"'flh tluJIN1re, lo la.lxnirfo t11dn, Ov.; In lltu.
allatanun, 11 book q/letttn 11 n.d ncdvtd, arenas fundere, toonrryc:oallto NtlDCClltu Ov.; i,
Cle.; O, lit.raftirt, letl17'11 1t:le11«, CtdlUN; lit-
eril omnlblUI a puerltla dedltu.e, Ole.; llt.eril
t/uJ MWOalt, 1trrUor1 "'°"
U.. COtl•t: cu{ lltu1 ar-
and mn dedlmu1, Verg. D. Trau1r., tAa aor1 qf
tinetna, Cic. ulakt, OY.; q/a riwr, Cic.
li*6.rlmt • -nm (lit.era). nfaliwg lo nadCwg llttiu ·I, m, (llto). L tr.. curwd "41 or
flllthoritll1g: lud~ e11ula111..alcuydool, Tao. wa!MI q/ 111& GUft'!i Cle. D. Trau1t. 11 cvrwd
lithate. ad.,, (llteratna). L dUlh1cUy, clearly, tru•pd, c:larioH, \llC.
lagibl1.i.. literate et ICite pel'llcrlpt.&e rationea, livina -enUa, p. 111\1. (from lino), 1, Wee.
Cle. u. l, lUmlll1, 'IOOrd/orto0nl; rupondere, coloteml. blv.llA-grq: plumbum, \'erg.; cn1ra
ao.: 2, ~r. acntiftcallr; diet.a, Otc. eotn}ledl00-1 Ht1Wl, lllacS au bliu, Ov.; I, ..,.
liiiri.tor -&ii, m. (liter&). 4 plLElologfae. grciai.- ttioti.t, Mart.
--'a'lt critfo. livM. I. l, lo l!Jc qf 11 Wu uh colour, OT.; I,
lfthMUra -ae, t. (llterae). L a torU£wg t.ranKf., lo Ila nftou, to "'"'; allcul, Tac.
. .Jllll'd of Id,.,.. : a, AGt tohitA u '°"""'•
Cle. ;
b, tM GlplGbtt,, TaO.. IL ~urc. l111rid111,
liveaoo. a. (Uveo), lo l>eoolM M.W, I'"'
Hrid, Luer.
11:1iolanlip, Sen. liv14tilu .a ·nm (dim. ot lh1dm) ......,
litiratua ·a -om (llterae). L ktmwl, ill· 1nt>w111, JnY•
.mbed wWl u.u.n; lllrYUa1 bn&Maf. Plaut.. D.
li'vldu -a ·um (llYeO'). WWA, Nva. L Lit..
i.ntd, libm:zll1 aci1UXltati; Cantua 11ec lnfaoetua race111l, Hor. ; vaita (of· the Styx), Ve_rg. ; eap.
et aatis IU.cratus, Clo. i tr&Dsf., othun, lfarud from blows, Hric!, black and bh1a; brae-bl&, Hor.
lcinin, Cic..
Liienaum -1, n. 11 town C•
of tAt WIOtffA q/ t.U riwr l.Uarau, now Patria.
IL Traner•• 11111'oiu, ~. ~: dttrer
opua, livid& lingua, tu'lllll, OT. i obllvlo, Hor,
LiTlua .. -nm u.. qf 11 Roa4A ,.,.., Gt
AdJ., a, LiHrllua .. -um : b, Litenainu tllod etltbraled """'},;; q/ '°~ wn : l O. or M.
•·am, Likrnlan. Subst., Liternimlm ·l, LIYlna. nnuJtRtd SaUnalo'r, beoo.,. qf ai ..u.w
D. H atata ....,. Lilaitt&M. whicA A. '~ 10/aen esiuor: I, Llvlwa
litUilla 4e., f. (dim. or Utera). L a lUtla Andronlcna. nt 'farent.11111, 1lara q/ Ltvtu Salhl•
ldUr (or thl' alphabet), Hterulae mlnut.M, Cle. ator, Rotnt&a trugio awd CllJMU pi>et: 8, T. Llvlu
U. Plur., Utcrulae. l, a lUU. Wt.r. itoCe, Oic. ; Patavinna, ot Padua, Ula ~t RoJMta Allloria-.
~ldWI, IUart.atura. lUmz17 a'lld lllNRI~ c.U.rt, bom H .a.c., dUd 16 A.D. ; 4, LlriR DruBtlla, "'
ltC07&d wC/to/ t.U E1nptr0r ..4v.g111tui; 6, LIYI&
lldceD -cfnls, m. Oltuua and cano); • ,,.__ Oreatilla, toVe qf U.. Em)JCl'O! Cal{f1'la. AcU..
"*'• ~owr. Cle. Liwlaa: lex, Cle. ; ben1-e, Livlaau • -um,
LtriaA: fabulae, q/ Liriut .dlldroafcu. Cle. i
litldtor -lrla, m. (Utlgo\ 11 Fir CA • ro. exercltua, q/U.. "°""''JI.
Ltriu, Liv.
au, lliiga11e, Cle. li•or -<im, m. (llveo), l, 11 blu11A colollr,
lidg!O-. • -um (lltlglum). JWJ q/ -V.. Hrid lpol o" the bod11 : nlger Uvor In pectore,
Cl>IUf11tW1u. L comp. aud.auperl., fond q/
~Ht~; homo mlnlane lltlgloaua, Cle. Ov. ; 2,- '""'• tpUe, mcalfce; ap. Ole.
IL Of things. a /11.U qf dClplda, qvam'lloaa: 1bm. -ae, m. t1 ""'"'• Liv. ; plnr:1 .lbme
dllputatlo, Cle.; i;, coatMadal laao: praedlolum, -lrmn, In. catn'J»'/ollowra q/..,.,.,, and., a&.IL
Cle. l~tlo -<inl.. f. (looo>. a ldtfwg end to Afn,
lidglum -U, a. (UtJso). a gmrnl, COlllAffoa, ltaling; a, lit., Cle. ; b 1 m~ton., a coUrad "'
litlgo L (fM Utem ago). lo q1&0IT'll, cl"1nalt.
&n&d. L
llUlttg an.d Airi"f• a lcals, Cic.
JA5oellu -1, m. (dim. of looulu), •
Gen., &C4lrrlm11 cum allqno pro aUquo; tMnl in achul, Olea.
Cle. D. Eap., lo f/O lo j Doll patl fratrea lfflto, 1. (int.ens. of looo), lo ld Old lo Mn, 'fer.
llUpre, 0c. lloo, 1. (locus), to place, lay, put, Id. L Oen..
U 1. L lntranalt., A. lo briwg aa Glll»pC· 1, lit., cutn, Cio. ; mllltea super nllom, 8&1L;
Ible '""''to
~ n 111t1pfcfou or
/atmJrabla .,....,.. ;allc~eo,Id flindamenta urbla, Verg. ; 9, tranar., lo ~
homlnea ln ampllaalmogradu dlgnltatl1, Cle. u.
Cle. ; IItemu!I Lentulo, lo apptaM, "'4U "" Esp., A.. to glw '" 11111rri<rge, bertoto la turriclfl;
alottnutat It>, Cle.; wtt.h &bl. of the aacrlflce, Tlrglnem In matrlmonhun, Plaut. B. a, to la&
Jll'Oximl ha.tll lftatur aaepe pulcherrlme, Cle. ; ovt to Airt, to /ant4 owl ,,,_,: Yectlgalla, pozto
lltato (abI ahlol). non anaplcato neo lltato orlnm, tundum, Cle. ; agrum cam1oanum tra-
IClw lnltmnnt. •itAotd u..C11g ol""" a•
Gt&lpC- endnna. LIT. ; with abL of the price~ ~1n rro-
eeo. ~ LlY. . . Ot the Ylctlm, lo ,... mento,,Jbr a IMIA pcirl q/IM Jll'04'"'9 JAY.; aumt..
Loo 322 Ion
1•tum -1, n. tllal whlch is 1.ct out to hfrt, Cle.; lidbc -dlcL'I, r. a rougA blaaket, rug, eo11v.r-
b, hence, to gitie out 01i; 1l:ltua111 facl· 1ra11.t, Juv.
e111la111, Cic. ; o, lo hire oul, ltl one's 11uvicu on lOgeum ~1. n. and l~pum .n, n. C~'­
lirt; se, Plaut. 0. to und 7no11~1 at interest, arnJ .\0y•ot-), archivu, Cic.
Plaut. ; se locare, to yul1l an inurut. prnjlt; Jogfoa -u, f. and Jogloi ~. r. (.\oyuoj, sc.
dit1Ciplina quae crat ab hoo tradtta 101-abnt He
non minus, etc., produced no ~ than, etc., Cit•. ; Tix.,,J), logic, Cic.
ng., benctlcia &l'lld gratos, J.iv. (loe&1111int for logf0119 ·& -um (.\oyurcif), Zooical; snbsL,
locavorint, Cic.). loglca -6ru111, 11. logic, Cic.
~ ~nun, m. (Aocpol), 1, tAt lnAabltanta lo~oa (-ue) -1, 111. (.>.~), 1, a woni, PlauL;
q/ Locr&I, '" Grau. Hence, a, L6oreD998 2, ii Joke, Jf.#, bon mot, Cic.
·I um, m. t.\c Locria M ; b, Lclorla · fll i 11 an <l loligo, \". lolligo.
·ldos, f. a Locrtnn 1001nan, Cnt.; the country Jollum -Ji, n. dnrnel, rockTt, tarts, Verg.
Locri.11, Liv. ; 2, the 1Ht11U of a low1i in /,owtr lolligo -glnl~, f. n cuttle-jiUi, Cic.
Italy, i" .8ndnu111, with tAe name Epizryhyrii,
c1itf alao of inJ1abita11u, the Locria1u. LoWue ·&-um, nt'tm'-ofa Romcrn ge1U; henct>,
LolllQ.nua -a -urn, J.ollia11.
lkillua -1, m. (dim. or locus), a liUlc plac.c. lomentum -1, n. (lavo), an 1m!1flL11.t fr>r tM
· E1p., 1, a 01.fl"-t Plln.; 2, plur., locnli, a bru: or
f'ltrJHl.~•· of the, mo.iU ri/ heon-7rlllal
eMat ~tning ma1ir di.viliMu, a ro§er, caska;
nummu111 in locllloa demittere, Hor. and ria',Mnrt.; a 11UilN n/ rlnutsing, ap. Cic.
lhilpl• -pli!tls (locus and • pleo). L pos- Londtnlum (L11Jldhllum) -Ii, n. Ln11ilo11.
ltlring large 1andM property, Cic. D. rnh, longaeV118 -a -um (lonp;us and a.evum),ag~.
teealthr, op1Ll.cnl; 1, lit., a of penon11, mu lier old; paren11, Vt'rg.; mnnns, Ov.
coploea plane et locuples, Cle. ; with abl., copiis longi, adv. (longua), long. I. Tn space. A.
rel f&mfii&rls looupletes et peounlosi. Cle. ; b, a lo11g way off, far off, at a distanu; 1, lit~,
or things, villa tot.a locuples est, Cle. ; anmui Jonge absum, Cic.; Jongc vi1lere, Cic.; di11ee<ltre,
locuplM truglbus, Hor.; aquila, the 1"crative pod Cle. ; lo11ge J11tcqtu>, /<tr <t11d rifft, Cic. ; 2,
cif t87&l•rio"-, Juv.; 2t tra1111r., a 1 rich, abound- fig., &; fur off; longiMime 11beRSe a vern, Cic.;
Vt9 i•; Lyaiaa ora lone locup1es, q/ copiom llU aliquo longe &hesse, TIOt to htlp, Ca"s. ; b,
doqwr&e1, Cle.; b, crtdiblt, tr114ty, njficUnl, aalil- far; longe diBHimilis coutentio, Cic.; longe dia.-
fo,cUYry; auctor, Cic. ; testis, Cic. ; tabellarius, 11e11tire, with corn par. and super!., by /<tr; longe
Cle. (abl. 11ing. locu}llete and gen. (In Cic. melior, Verg.; kngt1 111Aicim1111, Cic. B. fro7a
always) locu11let.i, genit. plur. locupletium, Cle.; n.far: agnn!ICf're rt'gem, Verg.; Ilg., tam longe
li'lcupletum, Caes.). repetitn J•riucipia, far·, Cic. IL Trani<f.,
lOOiiplito, l. (locuples), lo enricA ; homlnes or time, 10119, for« long ti1iv, far; aetale longiua
fortu11h1, Cic.; templum picturls, Cle.; ti:ansr., provectUJ1, Cic.
11&11le11tem locupletat lplllt natura, Cic. longbaqultaa -i\tls, r. (longi11qmu1). L Lit.,
lkua -i, m. (plur. Joel, llingle plalls; Joe.a, length; 1, itincris, Tnc.; 2, duta11cr, rt111,.,._
~11 OOtl!ICdf'.d vri.tlt om another, fld£1hbourhood, nus, Cle. II. Tra1111f., or t1111e, lr11uth, dHnJ-
fegiOtl). L a place. A. Oen., 1, lit., omnea llull; temporum, Cic.; morbi, Cic. ; ht'lloru1n,
copias in unum locum convenil"e, Cle. ; ex Liv.
1c:>e0 au periore a~.:tc, or a speaker from the longlnquus ·A -um (lonims), 7rmg. L Lit.,
l'Ofttra or or a judge who gi\'08 judgment from 1, a111111'H, Tnc. ; 2, o., d i3fri11t, ji1r, rnnot1;
Uie liench ; ex acquo loco, of a speaker In the hosti11, Cic.; Lllce•lac111on, Cic. ; t' (PX) lt>ginqno,
iei1AMo, Cle.; !IX inrcrlore loco, or a pleauer in I\ from. a distcmrt, Tnc.; b, lit"ing nl n di1tn11n,
eonrt or jm1tice, Cic. ; 2, Ilg., loeum Jare, to gitie foreign; homo alicuigena et Jo11gin'111ns, Cic. ;
ooca.rio1'; consillo, 1mspicio11I, Cle.; often with o, 1ta11ding at a distanot, Cir. IL Tnrnsr., uf
putlc. ~nit., quo loci, Cic.; eo loci, Cic. ; eo, time; 1, long in duration, lonu; oltservntio, Cic. ;
a tltt f"111ht or proVff platt or occasion ; nee vero morb1111, Cic. ; 2, dUtam; In longinqnum te111pua
hfc locus est, ut multi dlcantnr, Cic. ; dulce eat &liquid dilferre, Cic.
tlPsipere in loco, in th.c right place, Hor.; b, Longino ·I, m. the Mme o/ n family of Iha
plaot '" tu order of .uccusion; secnndo loco, gena Cassia, v. Casslu!I.
«C-01MlJr, Cle. ; loco <llcere, in his tum, Cie. ; o, lo~tir, adv. (longns), far; Ab Jeto crrare,
posUio11., degru, rank; esse ex equeHtri loco,
Cle. ; lnftmo loco, Cic. ; loco, with the Luer.
~euU.. , '" tM pla« of; alicui parentis loco case,
longltiido -lnis, r. (1011gm1), lt11gth. L Lit._
Cle. B. Eap., 1, t. t., or military or pugiliRtic itl11erit1, Cle. IL Transf., le11yth qf ti1iu; nocti.'4,
language, place, grou1ut, post; locum tonere, Cic. ; orationis, Cic.
reliuquere, Cic. ; fig., loco m°'·ere, drive froni longlusotuua -a ·llln (<lim. ot comfl&r.
011i11 po11itio1&, Cic. ; 2 1ilace, irart of a book; lo11gior), IKYnU!U1hat lo11u; versus, Cle.
aliquot loci11 slgnlllcavil, Cic.; 3, loci, nunll.f of Lon.giUa, r. a Yolscilui toum 1101 far from
frrOO/; locoe DOS8t', Cle.'. 4 tt piru of !J"'OUAA CorWli.
an ulak, Cle.; 5 1_ ~· tt d1'<tlling, ho1m; lor,a et longtUi, adv. (longulus), 1<1nmclu1t far off, at
Jautla, Liv.; ~1 pu= town; opportunltas loo(, a litUt disl<Ln<Y; ex hoc loco, Plaut.
Cle. ; o, 'lttigM>01irhaod; ea Joca incolere, Caes. JonglUUB ·A -um (dim. or longus), 101110;-#tat
IL Tr.mar., I, time; &, ait id locorum, up ro long; iter, Cic.
L\at tiKt, Sall.; b, opport1mity, O('CtMio1'; ai est
-.llu1 pudendi locus, Cle. ; 2, condition, 6il11a- longilliua -fi. m. (longus), a lcng polr, rod,
lto1&; meliore loco erant reA noi.trae, Cic. mil, C11c"
J. liouata (liiouata) -ac, r. 1. a l0C1~; longua ·A -um,1. long. L Lit., 1, gen., a, of
lucuat.arnm e.xa.mina, Liv.; 2, a kind of lobaier things, epistola, 1.;ir.. ; spatrum, Cae11. ; navis, o
er crab, Plin. m.on-of-uiar, Liv.; versui., the luiznmttcr, ap.. Cic.;
with acc. or length, ratis longa pedea centum,
2. LOousta -ae, I. a to0man in. RoTM, notor· Liv. ; b, or penions, Cle:; loUgllB homo est, Cat.;
"°"-' fer Mr skill in poi«nt i ng the conU'lllporary ?., csp._E_O<'t., rost, apac&-01U; treta, Ov. ; J>C?nW..
· ""'' llCrolllplice of N tro. 11or. IL 'l'ransr., of time ; 1, gen., long, of lonf
licriitlo (lkuutlo) -lSnlll, f. (loquor~ 1, a d1tration, ttdiowl; horae quibus e.pectabam"'7, ~ Ctc. ; 2. J"'OTl10tciation, C1c. longao Yldebantur, Cle.; longa mora, Cic.;
loq luc
wtlll - . ~ XLV clll9 lonfQI, Olo.;
lmlgua ;;t dlcere, " " "'"°"' '° ,..,., Olo. i _~
liibl'loe. L (habdeua),
J*"l1 JUT.
'° ..-.-......
loog'lllll alt, ne loDgtuo faclam, fO sakl a IOllC1
"'1rJ More. '• bncf. Olo. ; nlhll eet mJhl loqlua,
li.blrlcnla •-am..,,,_,. L Gen., A. IA,
glatllea, Lt•.; neut. nbllt..L. lii'brlcnua -1, n. •
I a-. AardZJ ..U, Oto. ; in longum, far a lofto
.-., ~~.;ex longo, fer a '°"9 """bade. el~ plaol, 'he.
u a:pp1Mll1 t,() persona, proli:r., l«IWv.1 : nolo ease '""°""' B.. TT&naf., lli1'JWY, . .
lolUrittg, ~; aetu puertlla
muime lubrlca atque iucert&, Clo.; lubricla de-
lonaUi&. C:Sa.; a, esp., a, ot _117Uatlea, Zona; fenaionil ratio, Cle.; poet. with lnftn., TUltaa
qtl&b&, Olo. i b jt1t"-#dag, lookM&q Pr (U> &M nlmlnm lubrloua &1pioi, da~ lo loo.t tlfORo
JWwn; apea, Hor. ; poet. tranat., of persona, Hor. ; In lnbrlco versart, Cle. D. Tralllf., A.
kmgaa 1pe. loping lo Hw lollg, Hor. imooti\, 1HtJty; angula, Verg. B.. qvfaly 9'0riftf.
llqv.i.ottu -Itta, f. (loqou:), ~ ftati"f: 1, lit., amnl8, Hor.; 2, tnnat, llllDU,
loqMaCitJ; me&, etc. qvickl11 pa.Mtlf, OT.
Jlau.ioltlr, adT. (loqau), ~t ...zi,.. 1. Li.•~ f. eo..
ad1Jlllij n11pondere, Ole.: Hence, adj., Luoemda .., "1 Z....

16quaotllaa .. ·mn (dim. of loqau). .,... I. Liioa. T. Lucanl

eAa: IGLtal'w. LllcT. -6nlm, m. (A~ sa llalfa.
llquas -qalcl• (loquor), W>=Hw, ~ PIOJM"' Low#lr- Ilalr, and metion. = fM _,..,
~ i..l, of peM10n1, homo omnlum loqua- QI iM .Lw.a11M, Caea.; sing., Luaanu, collat...,
ctaatmua, uc. ; 2, of animal• ranu, -~"'' Lt•. Hence, 1, adJ., Liioanua .. -a-.
Verg.L8, vamt, or thlnp. Dldua, /Mii of..,,.. Ltm•4aA; S, Liio&nla -ae, r. IM °"'""'7 ti OW
Jl'Afl. verg._; atagna,fwlJ,oj}rofl, Verg.; 1.Jmphae, Luoat.'; 8, LiioAnloaa -a ·um, 1.Alema'91l;
~,.,, Hor.i epi~la, ~.Cle.; vliltua,
aprwnw., Ov. whet.. Liioinlca .a, t. a liu o/ ISUllfll.
etc. ; 4. Liioa -ae, m. !Mmftm•: Luoa hoe.
~uila ~uella) ...., t (loq~). L 11 a Lt&mnCa• m; le., a. eUpllant, bealuae the
.,.aki"9, 11*M. c14.teolltw, Platn. IL 'l'ranat., Romana ftrst l!&W elephants fn Lucanla with
1, a word;- tundJt hAI ore loquelu, Vng.; ~. • U'IDf Of fyrrbUL
14Squltor, 1. dep. (tntena. of loqaor), lo ll)llllt, 1. LiioAnu .. -um, T. Lacant.
Plilut. I. LiioA.nua .f, m., 11. Annaeua, a~
o/ Oord'Mba. '"Spa'-, ooMt•pom"I of
14Squor, IISctltm ~6qu~ sum, s. dep. Nrro, a.utlaor of Ull lffll i=:tant PhlJ"ll&
(oonnected with >.r,.. to L lntranait.,
lo l'pfl(JJc (of oonveraa on; oere, of an orator); liic.r -Irle, 11. (lucna), IM tllOlUf
Jr<m tlw tf'«l.Nrr, sipend, io1a,.,,Tac.
i_ llt.1• belle loqul de allqna re, de &llquo, Clo. ;
cum auquo, Ole.; pro allquo (either='" dl/tfllJI liioellum -t.. n. (dim. ot loorum), • .,..
oJ or "' 48 """" of '°"" OM}, Ole.• apud (before)
allq1181!!t._Cle.; 9,, ut OOIUlueludo loqultur,
projlt, 4 naa.ll gdA; AproDlo &liquid luceMi J11o111
aunt~, Cle.
Cle. IL 1'n\n3lt. 1 to ;a,; quid loquar de LiioenaJJI, "·Luca.
mflltu1 ratione, Clo.; 'oquuntur, they aar, with liiOOo, luxt, 2. (luir), lo be brlgW, IMu, f(itt41r.
acc. and lnfln., Cle.; 2. lo talk Q/, lptak of 007'- L atalla. lucet, Cle.; lucent ocull, Ov.; lape:e.,
mntlr; clas&es, Ole.; proella, Itor. · 3, to tell, luce~ U '9 lfqht, U u da11!{gM, U u da_i_; nondum
wintm: pugnantla, Cle. (archaic 1ocuntur = lucebat, U tca1 not 11tl light, Cle. IL to aAiiw
loquuntur; Cio.). /orlh.. be J>la"', ~: nuno imperil noatrt
liri.tua -& •UID (lormn). iotlllCI .,.. IAollp, aplundor fllia gentlbu1 lucet, Ole. ; q•um .._
Verg. lpsa tot, tam olar18 argumentla luooat, Ole.
l0n119 •-um (lorum), made of~ Plaut. LiicMSree -um, m. OM qi tM CMw W'1NI ,_,.
wi\ic.A th. RoMa.n.t q/ t.M f14f q/ .ao..lw _.. _,.
lirioa ·Ml, f. (lornm). L a l.atlwr ev,nw,
CIOrl8ld, Clo.;, llbroa mu tare lorlola, lo lo Aaw 1*ft d,1'ida:I..
ttMa•gl 11tw41 /or toar, Hor. IL Milit. t.t., 11
~k. JW'C'.Jld. Caea.
Liioerla -ae, r. 4 to..'" ..fpt&Z'4 (now~
Hence, LiioCSrinu -a -um, of~
lOrico. 1. (lorlca), to arm .nth a CW.W or li1oorna -ae, r. Ouoeo), 11 ro.p, oa..i..p;
o.nnua; fP!n. partjo., lorioi.tu -a -um,~ lumen looernae, etc.
wU1l a cuimM, Liv. liioeeoo (liiotaoo). lmf. a. (lnclloat. ~
lirum -1, n. a ttnip or ao.g Cl/ i.auw. L luceo), to begin lo 1Mm; a_ pel'll., DOTUa eol
Ln., eap. for blndlnJi. quum apparltor Pod· loceaclt, Verg. ; eras luceecere Nonu, ~.
umium lu:e vluciret, •Quin tu,• lnquft, • adducit ~"· t ~. impera., lu081Cit, U grow l~ daf fl
lorum; Liv. D. lleton., 1 ""gird1'1 of V111u, orea.ang, Clo.
Kart.; a, a rrin; lorla duoere equoa, Liv.; =
lora rlan!, to rcla.-e tM rd11.1, Verg.; 3, G
•Mp; loriB urt, Hor. ; loris caedere alJquem,
'°°"""" liiot loce, T, lmt.
liimdi. ad•. (luctdua). ._.."' ,......., ...
Cle.; 4. a U!a.t1wrn b-ulla (v. bulla), Juv. cfdly ; deftnlre Yerbum, CiC.
LO~ genlt. ·phlg~n, m. (AWTo+4')'0&), liioldua -a -um (lu), JWJ qf U.W, -.,.,
myth., iAe«:iUrs, ca ~opu"' .4,JHcu. bright, lucid. L Lit., 1, amnla, OT.; aldera,,
10tmt (-11.8) ·i, t. (A.1"6~). L thl &nniffcm Hur,; ad':·•lucidum tulgentea ocultiiHor.; 2,
lnigM, 10Mu; ovt1, Tib. Tranel.,
Wu, Plln. IL 11 tree grounft{I i• HortA ·...c}Hro, c:Wr, pl4in, lucid; orclo, Hor.
111(d to Aaw baa tM food of Ur.t Lohu-w.Ur•;
tnnat., Ow,frwU o/Uu lohu, Ov.; meton., a.ftuu liioU~r -rnra ·f'!rum Qux and fero), u,M-
9ladt of 48 lotus-tr~ wood, Ov. Ill. m. and r. bearing, light·brl~. L Adj., 1, gen., equl, tM
"" Italia• plam (Dlosp1roe Lotot1, Linn.), Ole. 1lona of Uu moo7', Ov.; !il brl~"f to HgM;
IV. ca )llaftl wed/or fod.IWI", Verg. manna (of Lucina), OT. if. Subll~iicltlr
1. 10t1UI .. -um, v. l&vo. •f~ri, m. LucVtr, tM tMming 1tar, tM Mt v...,
Clo. ; myth., t.M '°"of .duroro, a.ftd q/Olp;
2. 10t1UI ·1, f., T, lotoa. henee, Luclrero genltlUI (= Gerz), OY.; meton.,
Ltla •At!, t. Cl f10ddMI lo toAom .... tJCVINncl "' CAI dar; t.ot Lactrert, OT.
...... '°'" d«ilca.tld. liiolftJrua • -am (lux and tngi~ alH1tNf, lulddo, etc..= Ubet, libido, etc. (q.?.). CAI l~; Dlatita, Vq.i tnnat.,laomnee, Ola.
Luo lud
L6eilfaa .. •Um, llR_, q/ II Rolu11 f'lll, th ""4; in arldo 10lo, LIT.; In turba. Hor.: wlUt
~ ~ tM1IWen Qf whicA 1L'tTt: 1 Qn. Lu· abl., Africua luctatur Guclibwi, Hor.; roll llJ
1Uh111 Balbua, fl Siok pllilolo]'Mr; S, C. Luclli1111, lnnu., telum erlpcre, Vef'¥. B. lntellectuall7,,.
hMI al Saicua Avru11ea, a.c. US, diid 11.c. 103, a llrhic, ll"'f1rll•; cum allquo, etc.
iio.a11 higAt, jbuJMier Q/ Roaa" ltlliric PMtrr. l1lottiilli. IMIT. (loctaoeu), ~It
Liiama -ae, r. (lui:), "WI t.lial " " " " to ligltl,"
.., godlUa Q/ birua., a 111MMlllM Q/ JHo or qf
"'"°'°""''; LI".
luotililnua -a -um (lnctoa). t1101J""'91, .,..
l)(artfl; met.on., a bearing qf cAUdntt, birCA; TOIJ"fal, 1n~1tlablt, dWJkl, bolt/Ml; o diem i1hn11
Laoinam (lCltl (of the cow), to mlw, Verg. relpuhlll!U luctuosum, Cle.: lnctuoaiaslmu1a
lioleoo = (q. v.). bellum, Cle. ; mi.era tempora et luctuou, Cic.
Liloia -11, m. a COll&nw" Roma• prae110an luotua -Os, rn. (lugeo). L notcntillg, ln~
(gen. ablireviated to L.). ti.oil, esJlt'Cially for a bereavement ; 1, lit., a,
luctna domestlcus, etc. ; luctus pebllcm. 'PriT-.
lloratiYaa -a -um (lucror), allal4ld toUA atua, LiT. ; luctum mlnuere or len.rt', Cic.:
P•t)WO~; IOl, Cle. lu<'tum e:r aliqua 11' perclpere or haurire, Cic.;
Lloritllla ·la, m. a 111o""lfll• i• tAe Sclbhu plur., uprn1iou Q/ 10rro111: In a11axin.o. luctoa
COll,'lf, purl of Ute lllOdtra Morllll lnclfil're, Cic.; b, mo11rd119 Rppartf, •owr11i•1;
L1ioritlua -a -nm, "41111 nf a Ro111e11& ,,,,,,, tlu erat in luctu acnatus, Cle.; 2, nlf'ton., '"'' a111 ...,
9lod Jo"""'" JMMbmr oJ ll'l&icA _,..: 1, Sp. Luc~ Q/ 10rrow; tu •.. l11ctu11 craa levlor, OY. D.
Un. Trlclpltlona, ftlm'.-W Q/ L. Ju,., BrwtMI I»Cn<>"V_., Luctu11, the god qf mo11rainf, \'er&.
'" CM co"""1au; S1 ll!• da1111Ater Lucretia, do, liioubr&do ..(lula, t (lucubro). 1, to0rl"i111
bring nisruMd b~ ~"'• tile '°" of Ta"'l"iltilfl
6'abbed Mrwl/, aAd tlt.ertbr l«i tn IAe t.L·
b1f 11igAt or laap-ligllt, l&Od1&r•ol 1ttufy; •ht dlpa
lucnbratione anicularum, lo be told br nltl iohw
if tAt klxga fro• Roat; S, T. Lucrdlua tolile 11pi111&ing at tdgAt, Cic.; plur., lucubratione:.
, Ro1114" pod, COJIWapomry Q/ Ckero,
~ qf IM llUZ a:taai ~ De rerum oatura..
luorUlolo .fki ·factu10, s. (10metl111eii
tAal die.\ ii prodt&Cftl •r
detraxl et merldlationea addidl, Cic.; 9. met.on.,
laap-liflt, 11 l11Cllbrw·
tio1& ; lr.cubrationem mean• perire, Cic.
Written aeparatel1 lacrt faclo), to gall&, reuive as liiou'bro. 1. (lux). L Intranait., to
~At; inter lucubt&11tea a11clUH aedere, Liv.
~; pecuolam,etc.; tritlcl modloecentum,Cic.
liGrlftoAbDl8 ... gcafJ\fMl. prq,(talU, l11Cm· IL Tranait., 14 prod""' ._ n.iglt, to cioa.JIOll oi
lligAt ; parvum opuaculuu1, Cle.
li.mdoua -a -nm (lucram and raelo). gcah&· liiotueati, lldv. (lu1:ulentua), uorll.atly, mf.
111irabl1, IJ>ltndtdllf: a opua texere. Cie.;
JW..rJ.ta'tM, Plaut. Ironic., cafeface~ Cle. ; b, of at1le, acrllnll1;
liaGrlftip -ae1 c. (lucrum and fuclo). ou acribere, dlcere, \.ilc.
We>"""' gui-, PJaut. liaol.leDtir, adv. (lucnlentua), ...unu,,
Luarinua ·I, rn. (with or without 1acu1), a -u; Oraece luculentu acini. Cic.
lake on tAt cacut of Campc11da, Mar Ba.iac. Hence, l'iiotUen&u -a -um (111%}. L /tdl ~ li,Al,
adJ,, a, Lloruiu -a -um, Lxcriwe; concbyll.a, Pmgllt; camlnua, etc. D. Tnnat., dil«a-
Dor., and aub8t., LloriDa ~rum, n. Mart., guWi«I, spltttdld cnellnt ; a, of outwanl ap-
~ ~ celebrated for their flavour; pearance, funna, 'r;.; b, of, utent.
plap, Cle. ; patrhDtll'llum, Cle.: o, or reputation.
b• la'iiorilumata -e, Lamttt; res, ~ Cle. auctor, Cic.; d, of 1tyl.\ oratlo, SalL; verliia
luaror, 1. dep. (lucrnm). to gtt guitt, to gai1&, luculentloribu, Cic.
prop. (opp. pcrdere). L Lit., aurl pondodecem, LilcndlM ·I, m. 'i\, ll09W Qf ci /a•U11 o/ e1'1
Cle.: atipcndlum, etc. IL Tran11r., nomen ab
Africa, lo tl1i~ Hor. ; lucretur lndicla Teterla
Rtn• Llclola. Tl&e "'°" dilliflfl'UMd q/ eu
Lacalti VJ1111 L. Liciniua Lucnllua, gt-KnUlagaid
lnllamiae, I toUl matt Am a prfM1ll oJ, Le., I toUl JlltAndala, "°'°"°11• for flu nclaa alld lariM
... "°"'""'
lit - cabot&t, Cle.
1UOl'Oll1UJ .. ·Um (lucnim), /IUl qf gat11,
llZ)le1ldih1rc. Adj., 1, Liacnalliaaa -a •1th1;
2, Liicnalliu -a -um; 8, L1umD•uu
pro~lc, lucnzt*, OT. .. ·Ulll, I.vcidla.11.
luormn -t, n. (cl. Aaalw). orac,., ,,,.,,µ, adMll· liaotllua ·I, m. (dim. of lucua). a Uta. f"'ONt
*""'(opp. damnum). L Lit., lucri canal, Cic.; Suet.
ad praedam lucrumque revocare, to"'"' to oiu"• Ll.otim.oand ayncop., LUOIDO or Laemill
Cle. : ponere In lucro or ln lncrta, to ~nl.s, m. (Etruacau Lauchme) : plur., Llielk-
rrE "11 gcaill, Cle.; lucra faotre ex vectipllboa, miaM. tile 11&e1glMllU Q/ Etnirla, no ..,.. al.lo
; lucrl with dare, ~re. addere, conrerre, priuU, 41' Etraria• priN» attd ,n.t; pleritm
umerare, anftirre, cu gal11, Ck.; de lncro vivere, Luco1on =a•
Etnirill1&,, Prop.
Aaw to thank ton" 01" elu for beir&f albt,
i <'. IL Met.on., 1, tlu love Qf gni11, e&&Gri«,
or. : S, lucrt, richU, Ov. ·lnla, n. (luctor), t/orl, amfoA,
l. liloaa ·I, m. a allCnd f'l'Ow. ~
tcOOd, Cic.; poet., ci toc>od, Verg.
2. luau m. -a. <=
lux), lifM. Ter.
lln1gglh19, toU, Verg. liadla -ae, r. (lndiua). l.11tt1 accn. or /119111•
luat&do ~nil, f. (luctorJ. L "" t11nAU119, danc:e~c,_Hart.; I, Cl gladialor'i wf/t, Juy,
Ole. U. Tran1f., A. a .tntggl1, 001&lul, Liv. li.dlbrlum .u, n. Ondo), ct.ritior&. aarl.-.,.y.
B. fl coltUlttion. i1' u.'OTIU, dUptUI, coxtut ; aport, jut. L Lit., aUcui elM ludlbrln, etc.:
magua cwu allquo, Cic. per ludibrium audltl dlmlsaique, hard au
11IO&i.tor ~ria, m. (luctor), a, Ov. ilinllf.#ld 111itll toorl\, Hor. U. u lawgli11g-*'1:,
J>la.11tAing; la ludlbrtum v~wi 9,Wlm comes.
luotllloaa .. -nm (luctus and llaclo), cauf119 Liv.; fortunae, Cle.; ludlbria venti.a, Verg.
grit/, m.ounV'd, bait/Id; Alecto, Verg. liidlbundu -a -nm (ludo), 1. lllolr/all.
~- -a ·nm (luctua and aooo), .,,.. lpOrliw, Liv.; S, tranar., playiag, I.e., .ia-.;
~11i11U11ot111dir&f; mlJlitus, Ov. wWtoat dUCcultr or dciflf"'; coelo MreDO ID
lutor, 1. dep. to vnua..L Lit., tulvi ltallam ludtbundl pcrvenlmua, Cic.
areal, V..irg.: luotabltnr Olympila J111o, Cle. lii4leer and liMUaraa ~cram (ladm),
D. .&. J'llfalcall1, IO ""'Wt.. Miw, OOllln4 dOM /r1I' 'J'Of" or ,......,""'- -""'f • ... CIC
.....,,,,., ~ lpOrffw. L AdJ.. 1 gen.,
~"'lo a.,,,.,.; an,...,, '-'10.
1ermo, Cle. ; ara lodlcra armoru~1 Cle.ii.• esp..
liidJoram ·I, D. 1.1' ~.:_•_~ plarlM"f, Cal.; It
•P.• 4 tMalrimZ.Pf"~ Jl"bliolJllldacU. LIY.
lidlfloat:lo -6nla. f. (ludllco). • .....w,.,
flW of, dmdiRf, tUedn,., : quum omnl morl,
llldilleatione, calumnll, leD&W auctoritu lm•
ped.i retur, Cle.
lidllloator -6N, m. (ludlftco), ou tllll\o
llGJ:a Q111911 o/ otlOlAer, a ~. Plaut.
lidltloo. 1. (ladu• and faclo). lo 9tGb on•
of. .aU a tnoet oJ, dm4k, c:1uat, cmn; aliqaem,
&11.; &biol., Cic.
lidlf1oor. 1. dep. (ludaa and tado). L
• IMl.b ~ of, WIRb o Mod: o/, dmck, <kltuk,
_,: auqnem, LIY. ; abaoL, Ci& D. Tranaf.,
to ~ t111f11, ~ 6r au(11g; ea qaae
1ac9ta •~rent, IJY.
lid""~ner -trl, m. a dool..,,,,., aa.
li41o -6nls, m. o pcixtom'-k actor, LIT.
lidlaa -n. m. :J., a paxtomilrio actor or
'°11orr, Cle.; 9, 11 glOtffalor, Ju.
lido, tllltl, llllnm, a. lo - . . L Intro.It..,
A. Lit., alel, Cic.: trocho, Soi. B. Tranar., 1,
to Jllay, tpOrt, tor: e.xem pla hone.ta ludendi,
Cl~; {n DUmt'!nnn, lo cla1'0I, Verg. : a, lo rpore.
••••nae({; lasilU utla. Hor.- D. Tranalt.,
to 'l/l4J. .A. Oen., proella latromlru.-., &r.;
ntelllllftl, aa.,.
ladam ln10leotem lodere, Bor. B. 1, lo do ftw
tn&ael/ toll.\ dcri"f, to plar
will: «'PD. Bor. ; canaam Ulam dh•putaUn11t1m·
gae, Cl.-_; 2, !'t to rallr, mtlUr; allquem, Cic.;
b, lo demw. cuiwlc, CiG.
Ii.du ·I, m. a Q"l.., IJ»rl, ,...,..._ I. Lit.,
1, lutlua campestrla. Cle. ; onV'CUD alb! allquem
ncoglUint In otlo ludum, Cle.: dare Judum
alicul, et;;,~ e11p., a, Judi, Jll'lllfo ,.._ or
~ ""•"" UllOllT qf a.
°""""'*• ""*: ludOI
lloere, lo fiftl, Cic.; ludS., Ol IM ffWY qf
; Jodoe cnmmlttere, lo ""1'• tM
; b, a '°"": ln Naeril ludo, Cle.
u. Tranat., ~ • QrllU, Cl e1U4• ~ Cl ~;
Illa }lel'dlteere Jndua eaaet, Cic. B. o 1porl,
JltC. JoO : per 1udum et JocWD, Cle. C. • JJlCICI
wAm tll boclr or "'"' v l:llft"Ci.MI, • «1ool :
Clldlatoriu, /fir fnd1&("f gladWort; eap;z a
ldclolfor ,_,,., tU ~ o/~-Clc.;
hldu Htenrum, LIT. ; loctum habett, tO mp Cl
dGol, Clo. (archaic ronn Joedna. Cle.).
ltiila Otlella) .... t (loo), J'H~
aplaffo11., l.ncr.
1ilill ·la, f. (Joo>. • ,,ia,.. fl'dUttw.. 009&-
lagiou dilt.laae, Verg.; traDar., a, a word of
re}ll'Okh for criminals, ,,.,,, plaaa. Cle. ; b,
.., tofclt.rprmdl"f or •"{ttnllll oala•Ur, ~
loil, WlllT0 Tac. t .art.\qttcaa, tllftped. Tac. -1, n. '°'°"°"a. tM>TtA liorda-
o/ Gallia Narbonenm nd Gallia Lugdunemla
(Dow 1..totu). Adj., Lq4iNmate -e.
liigio, la'ld, luotam, t. I. Jntnn.alt., to

tlOU'll, 6' '" lllOK""., (u lhown by criM ancl
Olltward llgna. wllH• uaaereo = lo bl dl}fcUtl):
aenatua. Cic.; lvgere pro allquo, Cic.;
campl lagentes, J>ltua qf 9!0llr1dnf (of the lower
'!OJ'ld), Vug. U. Thin.SL, lo bsn«l, lruMm,
deplorl, to 'loem' 'aOV"'(ft9 jtir; matronae annum,
~-parent.em, mm lnxerunt. LIY.; ~em.
""'-: mortem alJculna, Cle.
., licibrl. ady. (lU¥1lbrta). ~Zr,•
ttrdJ, Vrrg.
lQcibrSa -e (lageo). ttlotl., lo tll0Vt"7lft&f,
~ L Lit., Luneotatio,jtir a. Cle.;
duin111, a ious q( 1110tu'"'""· LlY. Bullitt., 18-
liRI& -lwa_ a. _,,.,,., aUW.. OY. U. l,
lup 326 Lya
liill'US -1, m. (l••Of), 11 tDOI/. L Lit., genus Lil~du ..., -um, MWW of e1 ROllMI• flr'M, "· .
aere fuporn1n 'atque canum, Verg.; prov., lup111 CatnlnL
la fllbula, talk oftlut devil, and M'll aJ11*1r, Cle.; liitiOlu .. ·um (dim. of lute11.S), vitll01DiM:
lwl nrgei lnpusi..!'ac canie angit, to be bd1Nt11. e&ltha. Verg.
kil> ftra, Hor. .u.. Transr., 1, a wmcWv.s jW&, Lutitta fl'lrHorurn) -ae, f. ~ ia Gallia.
IA• p(b, Hor. : 21 a, a 1wrae • bU 'IDilh jaggW. LvgduM•tsU (now Pari&).
J'Oi.U, OY.; b, a AOOlt:; fen-ei. Liv.
l. tuteu -a -um (lutum); a, of t1it roloHr oJ
Jureo -ools, m. a glttU01t., gormaftdiMT, Plaut. th' pla11.I luturn, yrllvw, snfron-ytllow; Aurora.
Jiir14u -a -um, pale yellow, lfri.d, lurid, Ve~.; b, !'!JSP,-Cu/011rtd; Sl.>CCUS, Cat.
g1'aslllh 'ml11 pa.It. L Lit., (l&llor, Ov.; deratcs, 2.. ldteua -a -uin (lutum), 1, of mvd or day,
Hor.; sulfur, Ov. II. Tra1111f., produc111g JWt· Ov.; transf., u'Orlhltu; negotium, a trifa!, Cic.;
11us; horror, Ov. ; aeonita, Ov. 2, dirty, COtYntl 1t'ith dirt; Vulcanus, Juv.
Jiror -Oris, m. ghasiti11U1, tlMthlJI pri/t1•',&8. 16to, I. (111tnm), to beJm~ar 1rith 1nud or dirt,
Llle.r. Mart.
hleef•la •e, r. t/u 1li{Jhlhigak, For. 16.ttilentua -a -um (1!1tum), 1, Muddy,
1119elJ1~la -ae, f. (dim. or IUPCIJlia), :a lUtl.e dirty; sus, Hor.; J1umus erat. lutult>nta ,·i_no,
-'fAtift98le, Plaut. Cie.; a11111hi, Ov.; 2_, fig., filthy, ~irt~; homo, Cic. ;
J. Juaeiau -a ·nm (loscuR), '>fU~ytd. Plln. vitia, Cic.; e11p., 01 style, turbid, 111ipun, li•Jr.
~ IAuloi:DUlli. C. Fabriclus.. "· Fabrlclus. 1. lutum -1, n. L a plan.t ~ for dyeing
laaelOellll and luaoltlO.Ua.-" -wn (lWICus), ytll1JW, dyers' wud, weld., Verg. IL Melon.,
J"tf"bliu, 1ii-'ft-6ighud, Plaut. ytll010 Cfllcur, Verg.
bulo'aa -a -nm, l, holl11W-tt(td, blil'ld ; etatua, 2. 16tum ·I, n. (>..:...). L mv.d, mirt, dirt;
Juv.; ~. oiv-cJlrd, Cic.; dux, Han.11ibal, Juv. volutari in luto, Cic.; crates Into eonWKere.
Cae11. ; prov., in luto esse, haerere, to stirk ill Uu
liudo ..0011, r. (ludo), a playing, lpCt1; lusio mv.d, be ill g~t Jitrplaity, Plaut., Ter. ; used u
pilae, <..ic. a term c,f re~roach, ftllAfl /tJ.lo1D, acu~ of tile
Liudti.Dla -ae, r. U&t Cl(IVfl.try of U&t Lu.ritan.i, mrtA, Cic. IL loom, clay; caementa mterhta
lict1oN" tM .L>vriu and tht Tagus; tht m~ luto, Liv.
Pl11't1'gal, WA a part of Ute MOCUr-1' Spai.1'. Hence, lmr, Hlcia, f. light (root LUC, Gk. >.aic-11). L
adj., Liulltinu -a ·um, Laitanian. A. Lit., 1, gen., &olia,Cic._; lunae, Verg.;·
Ju~ 1. (int.eD11. or ludo), to play, sport, orum, Cic.; 2, esp., daylight, ~ay; cum
Liialu -n, m. a rit1tr of .Arcadia.
lure, prlmi luce, as "'°" as u was day, Ci_c. ;
ant.e lueem, Cle.; ad ?ucem, intM nwrJSW&g, Cic.;
liiaor -&i~ m. (ludo)- L OM OW pla.111, a luce or Juel, by day, by daylight, Cic. ; meton., 11
pla~r, OT. D. a, a playful or U'anlon 1DTiter; day · centesima lux ab interitu P. Clodii, Cic.
teoeroru• lWIOr amorum, Ov. ; b, 4 mccktr, B. Transf., 1, a 1.«ivmly buiy, Cic. ; 2, tJu l'JJAt
Plant. (of life); a, in luC11m edi1• Cic.; b, meton., life;
lii.BOriu .. -um (luaor), nlatittg to play, Plln. corpora luce carentun., verg._; 3, tJu ~- ~
sight, Ov. IL Trana!., tht light; 1, pvblicU1f,
lnatralla -(9 (2. lnstrum). L frlatittg "' tJu pwblic ~. tAe siglll of men; res occuliaa
tr.pialioa or aloRlmlenl, c:rpi.atory, atoni"il; in lucent prorerre, Cit'. ; IRocrates luce forenai
aaeriftchma, Liv.; exta, Verg. D. nlati"il to a caruit, Cie. ; 2, light, ill11strmio!t, tf ~W. :
period -' >- ~ (becaWJe or the qo.inquennial histori& testis temporum. lux ventaLis, Cic.; s.
nplatory aacrillce at Rome), Tac. li{/lu, htlp, .tuCC01ir; 'luceu1 itfferre reipuWi<'81_"',
lunrado -Onla, r. (lnatro), 1, a J*~icm Cic.; 4, light, orna1M1U; haec, lnx orbia
tr~. ~1ticl\ ; lustrationls S3Cro pera~to, tel'l'llrum, Cic.
LiY.; ~.. • going. f'.OVn.d, rJOifl!J over, trar_trnTl'J, lllll'.or, 1. dep. (luxus), to riot, rtttl, Plaut. -
~..,; mu.mciplorum, C1c.; soils, Cic.
lustre 1. (connected with luceo). L to lmr:iiria ·t.e, c. and lmdirlea -ei, r. (luXUJ1). ~L. UlumiM. A. sol cuncta aui luce L Lit. ofplants,ranl."11.!U, uvbtru1uorlunrialll
lostrat. ef com pl et, Cic. B. 1, to look al, regard.,
growtA'; segetum, Verg.; ftg., Cic. IL Tl'1lnaC.,
acus yrodigalitr, diuipatioft.., riototu liviJtg,
eb#rN, c:i:u•i•t!; quae sit me circum copia,
hlBtffl, Verg.; allcuius veatigla, Verg.; 2, to l1'rlirY; &, odit populua ~mAnl_l8 prh-:a~.111
luxuriam, publlt'am magntflcentiam d1hgtt,
-.dcr °""'• trat·eru, pas.t through; .Aegyptum, Cic.; b, unbridled iruolt~ Liv.
Cic.; aequor navibWI, Verg. D. to purf/11,
tlertlUI by sacriflees. A. Lit., populnm, exer- lmdirlo, 1. and Jn'ldirlor, 1. dep. L "'
ettnm, Cle. B. Meton. 1, to nt>U1o, mtuter bt luxuriant, mnk, abundant i11 ,-,rc;wtA; hu1111u1,
- (when a llACtiflce WU otfel'ed); e:r:er• aeeea Ov. ; transf., a, or animals, to bt pfil"!Jf•l,
eit.u m, Cic..; 2, "1 go rotmd, daH« round, ncin:le; irpcrtfvt 100mon.; lud1t et In pratis luxuriatque
allqm• choreis, Vcrg. pecoa, Ov.; b, to bt "1tbtru1't, _abot.nd ill; faciem
I. laatruJD -1, n. (luo or la.o). L a bog, decet delicii.a lnxnriare nov111, Ov.; lo '-'I.
_..., Varr. IL Transl., 1, tAe de. or laif' of incrt:a1e; membra, Ov. D. ', robe l-u.-
• tuiW Neut; ferarum, Verg.; 2, a toOod, fC1Tt.U, rioJU, "'" riot, be . dilllolMu; ne ~u~riarenl
Verg. ; 3, a brothtl, Cic. oUo anlml, Liv.; Capua luxw1ans fel1c1t.ate, Cle.
S. bua'1l.m ·i, n. (connected with 2. luo). lurirliiei. adv, (luxuriosus), ZU'IU'ioulr,
tlOluptuoiulv; vivere, Cic.
L - ~ 1acri.flrie, o§tnd tvtT1J ft• years
., &U MUOrS al tl&t CU- of tJw ~JUU on. bUwJ/ JurirlOeua -a ·um Quxuria). L Z1Ullriatlt
•I tM Jloa4• peopk, Gt 10h«'A a11 o:i, ah«p, and in growth; frnmenta, t:lc. D. Fig., a, ia.
'°" tl:IO't aacriftct,d; ln11tn1m condere, to o§tr UN moderate, aom-in; laeLitia, Liv.; amor, OT.;
b l11ZU.rio1U, dUlllolVU, prodigal; nihil luxuri-
~ ~ Cic.; sub l~trum cenaeri~
ti nrolJM ~r tJw tJld Q/ tJ&e MUV.I, etc. U.. os"iUR (homine illo), Cic.
)(et.on., 11 ptr"iod of ftw SHJare, 11 Zturln; oetaYUJll 1. lmma -a -um (>.~). dialoaJUd; JIM
elaudere l.Wltrum, Hor. SalL
1iulml ·tl, m. (ludo). L 4 plarfng, QIHM, 2. lmma ·Ila, m. 1, ZtczUrJ, dtbcn.tcMry,....,.
.,,-f; trigon, Hor. D. Tranaf., lpOf"t, lltlltl#> tl4l t:ZetM, nwlli.Jl9, etc.; 2, q1n4.,.,., Verg.
~ trl,(i•g: 1, per lmum atque INclviam, Lfaeu -1, m. (~), tAt nLeaar .tru- can.
U•.: L ddlliclttes, OT. ftll"IMDN o/ BcacU"'; pater 1..Jaeua, Vug.; ........
Lyo 327 Kao
to("'; uda Lyael tempora, Hor. ; attrtb., latex rlVN' tllllUr, Verg.; rerwnnlf., Lymphae s
Lyuas, Verg. N11rn'P1il of tu .,.nng1, Hur.
Lycaeu .f, m. (AvHco.,), a 11vHuitai11 f"
lymplitl01UI -a -um (lymr ha). mring,
Ar•11dia, KJ.CTtd to Jttpiur and Paft.. A<\i., raging, in.llA1MJ, mad, frantit:; 1evor, a paaio
Ljo&elUI ·• -um, L~"· terror, Liv.
Lfcambea -ae, m. (AvK~). a ~" J.ympho, 1. (lympha), to mah lltlld, ltrik•
111.M, far refvsifVI l&ia daughter '" marritt~ Co t111th fn11zy, Plin. ; partic., lymph&tWI -a -um,
.An:AUod&1'4, 'ICIU aUocktd bit IA~ pod in. aur,\ mo.d, frantic, i M~~; Jymphat& mewa, Hor.;
111routic _.....$
IAat Ju and hia dauqhUr lta1L!ft!d lymphati, 1truck with. panic, Liv.
&AtM« Benoe, adj., Ljoambiaa ·• -um, Lyuoeatae -lrum, rn.. (Avyirtcrra{), a pecpi•
Lrcns.1*11'. (n the 1oulh-uv.<t of MIU'~nl4 ntar whoa tQ(&I
LfcaoD ~ni!li m. (Avirdon•), l.-in9 of Arrod((I, a fwntain, the 'ICalers of u:hich caued dnn1ken.-
"'°"'~ IJ'!I JupiUr (nto 11 'IC'lff, fallur of ""'- Adj , Lynoestlae -a -um, Lpautia"·
CGUllt~. Hence, e., atlj., L~oaonlua ·• -um: Lynoeaa -~I, m. (Avy1C...if). L 11 Mes.~n£a11
Arcto1, Ctt/li$SC, tu 11 1xnut4!l711timt, Ov.; whence hero, one of IM A rgona uu, renowned fc•r Uu sharp•
am, rM 1W1'11l'"' ,,...,, ov.; b, Ljoaonle ·ldls, nua of hil sight; hence, l, adj., LJnciua -a -11111,
t G.llli•w, dt:1119hU'r of Lytxunl., Ov. a., btlonqing lo Ly1iutu, Ov. ; b, 1h.arp-1i!}lttnt.
Ltcaonee -um, m. {Av.c<io"«f),!M L~a.o7tian1, Cic.; 2~Lynoidea ·a.e, m. a dtsmsda...t of L.r1&·
a pt<>pll in. Asia MiMT bd11.1«1& Ca1>1iadocia, ceiu. .1.1•• a companion of Atnt11s.
Cilkia, and Pi4idia. Hence, at!J., Lfoaonlwt Lyncaa -1 (A.ry..-~) L m. a 1:i7'fl iA Scythia,
-a -um, LJICM•Lian. Subst., Lfoaollla -ae, r. cAangetl into a l,ru. D. r. tll• Claf1i.lal q/ u...
IAt ccnutry of th t Lyoo<mU. Lyncnl(V,.
Lfeiu.m ·i, n. and Lfoium ·fl, n. (Avrnov), lyuz -els. c. (Ally~, a lYM, Verg.
1, a g,rm1'a.S1um at AtMn1, ut to.Uc.\ .Arufolu ltr& ae, t. (Avpe&). I. tM l'Jrt, • ltrl1tgtd
ta'ltglil; 2, a gymiwai11m wi.U&a librarr '" Cic4ro"1 inst1•t1iu11t: quum (Th•·mistndes) l.n epnlis
TU¥.tdan villa. recus.m:!t lynun, Cle. IL Tmn,,r., l, lyric
lJchDU.cua ·i, m. (.\vxvcnixos), a loap-atand, poetry, 11<111{1; Aeoli11e lyrae amlca, OY. i
mndtl.a~•. Cle. ro11.•ttllati11n Lym, Ov.
a. tli•

lyob.nua -1, m. (Av:icNf), a lamp, Cle. Lyroelua (Lyroeua) -• -um, l'wlo1111£1tg to

Ljcla -a.e, t. (Av.cia.), a 1X1Untrr of .A.ria Mlnor th4! mou!Uain Lvrceum bdu.~ ..iroadia and
llrt•cu11 Carla and Pamphylla; !Jenee, adj., .Argolia.
Lyclu ·• -um, /.ydaJI.; deus, .Apollo, Prop. ; lfricaa -a -nm (..\ of or NlaUng to
aorte5, t.M omrlt of .Apollo at Pattira, Verg.; the lyn, lyric: vat.P.s, " lyric pod, llor.
bft~~. of tlle Lycian king Sarped<m, Ov.; anbst., Lyrnesos -1, f. (Avp,,.,,O"'Of ), l<>tD1l f" t11t Tmaif,
I.toll ·Orum, m. Uu Lyciana. Mrthplau of Briui•. Hence, l, Lyme.le -Mi~,
Lfoiwn = Lyceum (q.v.). 11ulost., t. Briltu; 2, Lyrnealua .a -um, Lyrn-
Lf~m84es -is, m. (AvlCo,.>J~), ki1lfl of the
Uland of Selfl"O', VJMrt .dcAilltl hid himself in Ljaander-drl, m. (Ava-e&v!po(), 1 1 a ctltbratP.iJ
ftmnlt attire. Spartan gtn~l, con.queror of lM Attuniam; 2,
Lfcophron ·phr/Snls, m. (Avd~POJ,,), a; Gruk anLyslaa tpMr of Sparta, friend oftht king Agi&.
-ae, m. (Avuia(), a Cl'ltbrat«.l .Jlheni<l1'
lragu pt nf Chakil in. Evbo«I..
orator, c»nUmporary u:ith Socrate.s.
Lyo0rii.a -lWis, (. (Av.cwpccif). da1'gl&tff of LfelmAchl& ·ae, t. (Ava-1,.<ixn•), a town i1t
Ntrt-.i1 and Dari1, a 1e11-nymp1'.
Tllruce, fov.nded by Ly1imaclnu. Heuoe, Lyal-
LJcc>rlll -Idle, t. a frudwomi:t.ft of Yolumniu1 ml&ohie!Ulea -lwn, m. tM inhabilant.J q/ Lys;,...
Eutroptl111, Uu of th11 triumw .Anumill• machia.
11.W of t1l'- ~t L. Carndi'!l.s Gall11.1.
Ljehnlehtu1 -1, m. (Aucn'µe&)(O(), ou of tht
L:foormi.s -ae, m. (Aviropµe&f), a rlvtr (n generti.ll of Alezandn- tM, ndi11g uJUr .d.'•
..tao1v.. tkath in 1'hrau and Pont11S.
Lyctue (-Os) ·l, f. (.A.inOf), a t-0'1lm i• Crue. Ljalppua ·i, m. (AvuunrOf), Cl Otldlrole<l
Adj., Lyotlua -a -um=, Verg. VJOrktr in mdal of Sicyon.
Lfcurgua -1, m. (AuKOiipycx). L Myth., Ljala -ldis, m. (Aiio-t(), l, a PytM.gorraN.
'°" of !Jryas, Icing o/ tM Edon.i in Thrace, who philo$nphtr of Trirrnt11m, t,nchf'T of EptlmiJWnda.s;
prokibiud the worship of Bact:h11.1 among hu &1'b- 2, a rira in A.•ia.
jt.d.s. IL Myth., ion o/ Aleu.sand NMl!ra, fa!Mr Lyalthoe ~ t. (Avcn86'1), d.a11gh.t.l:r o/
of AllCQi1t.s, king '".Arcadia; henre, Lfourg- Oet:e7tua.
idea -ae, m. = ..4.11AXU'!U, Ov. Ill. Hist., a11
Afl1cn.ian orator, famed for hi..s uvrrit71; hence
Lfcur'et -om~ m. (Av.coi:pyf•o•) = strict, fn...
k.rii/le citi.zms. .a. v. Hh1t., lM celebraUcl Spartan
I.You (..0.) -1, m. (AvKOf), na1M o/ sewrol M.
rirtr$; 1, a rii:er in Paphlagonia, flowing into
tht l'cmlus Eu~nus, mar Hrrac1'a (now Turak); "lf.
m, the t"elfth letter of the Latin Alphabet,
2, a river in Phrygia, jlowi'lf.g into tM Ma. ll , corresponding in formanu sound with the
4>1dtr. Greek M, ,._ For M. as an abbrevilllion, see
Lydia -ae., I.. (<\v&ie&), AaiaMbwr, Table oC .Abbreviations.
from lL hk.\ aJY..ording to tM U!Jtnrl the Etnucana
M&cl.re11t1 ·Ei and -OOs, m. (Maxe&pnl(), JOft
01"igiMlly..:ame; bence,a1lj.,A. Lydia.a ·I\ -um, o/ Atolm, brother a/Cana~. Hence, MAcAreI•
a, Lydian; au rifer 1rnmi~, l'uctolus, Tib.; b, -ldis, f. (MaKapl'Jt(), tM daughlernf Macarcw1 (/s.;e).
Elnucun; ftuviu11, the Tiber, Verg. B. Lydu llAoedo (-On) -don is, m. (Me&.c*&.>v), ll loface-
-a-um; a, Lydi11n; puella, OmphaU, Verg.; b, dmian; plnr., Miloedones -nm, m. tM J/,1a1-
Etru.11can; plur., Lydi, the Etruscans, Cic. Bence, l, llkMonla -ne. f. (Mrut«-
lympha (Umpha) ·ae, t. ckar llpri"fl or ®"i4). a countr71 bel1cun Thf!SJ<dy an..:f T:.rn.ce;
mac 328
I M.WdWOIUI -a ·um, Macedotdat1; 8, maetaldlla -e (mact.o), daaf, Luer.
iitWdh.111.1 ·& ·Um, JlCIOlllcmic111. maotatua ·ll, m. (macto), Cl A~llf, tUlU,,
m.iioeJJiri- -& -um (macellum), qf or ...Wt- Luer.
'Ag to the~ t1t11rbl. But.t., m.loe1- maote, macti, v. ruaetoa.
liriua ·U, m. a, pro~. Suet. macto, 1. (In tens. or" mago. akin to msctm),
nULoell1Ull -1, n. a ~ntari:d, tneat· to Amwtw, glotifr. L lo Ml&Wr a l70CI ..Ul 11
market: annonam In macello cariorem rore, Cle. ~; puerorum extis deos manes, <;ie. ;
-"'-...: •- Pla t. transr., a, to rnoard, Amt.ovr wUA aartlrill9;
- o . t. lo bl""'"• u aliquem honortbwl, Cle.; b, in a bad WllBt', u
1. ~ -era -erum, Ua:n; tall?'UI, Verg.; a._#kt, put1iM wu.\: aliquem summo impplieio,
tranar., or soil, poor; aolum, Cle. ; ftg., me Cie. D. to aacriJiee, o§n:: hostiAm, Hor.;
macrum reducit, Hor.• tnnst., to de.olc; aliquem Oreo, Llv.
2. llWr -eri, m. ci Roman /a.allr 1&11111e; 1, maotu -a -um (trom • mago, maxi, mactum
C. Llcinlus Macer, CJ Romat1 Ai.storia."; 2, A.e- = augeo), 1, round only in the fonrui macu,
mlliuallaoer,a.pott,.frind11/Yn v"a.ftdond. macti, joined with an abl. and generally with
mi.okia ~1 f. {l'UtAOf, or p.wllov, an the Imper. of the verb uae, 'k"tll tlo'M ! bmro !
ndonin), a wau mclorift{I a gordn, p{M)(Jrd, all hail I good lvck atteftd thu ! macte virtnu I
or parl:, Cle. Cle. ; macte esto virtute ! Hor. ; m•cte virtuu
maoiro. 1. L lo IOOk 11«p (n 'IOGUr, Ter. dlligentlique esto ! Liv. ; macti virtnte, milites
D. Traner., 1 1 to Make ;;;t, bring ®WI&, ftd1'C8; Romani, est.e I Liv.; with .~en!t.L,macte animi.
aliquem eama, Liv.; 2, lo tonllent, c.a., va:; )(art.; 2, = mactatua, 111U:Tijiad, ncr.
qoae voe, quum iellqueritis, macenmt dealderio, m.l.otlla -ae, f. (connected with maceo, mac-
Liv. lea, macer), 1, alpOI, t!MU"k: equus albismaculis,
~ a. (maoeo), lo vro111 tl'-, ba:cnu Verg.; 2, Uu tAt.M of a tut, Cle.; 3, trans!., a
l«Jt1, Plaut. blot, dain, bhmiaA, favU; hunc tu vitae splend-
mobaera -ae, r. (pixcup&), Cl noonl, bVf, orem maculla upergis t Cic. ; wniliae,
Plaut. Cic.
~hiru -t, m. <-x~>. ml.oti1o. 1. (macula), to eo"7' trilA spou., to
arM.t.d WilA-a ~ or~ clc. mah qiotttd, atain, polluu: 1, lit., terram tabo
w _ .. - -
• -aou -6n .., •- ~ •""", maculant. Verg. ; candor corponun magis san-
m. " 0 7C-"h m,, ..... , "17' guine atro macul•t.tur, Liv.; 2.. tranar., to
e/ .tCUCl&lapiu, cdebralt.d piciaJa. Bence, adJ., ataiK. de.ftU, pollv14; rex ille optlmf regia eaede
~JaUalu -a -um, qf or belonging lo Ila,. maculatus, Cie.; partua aooa parriciJlo, Liv.
mioJJlaa -ae, t (,,."19XIU'lf). 1, a fAaCAint, afty mi.eiUOeu ·a -um (macula), fall of sp<.>ts,
orli_kWcl amtrhia'l&QI for rrfr>r'Mi'D9 trork, espe- ipotUd, llpl!Ckhd; 1, lynx, Ver_g.; . 2, Sfaiiud.
cially a machine ror moYing heavy weights, Cle., polluUd, tUftUd: veatls Pompeii, C1c. ; tig., de-
pullingdown columns, Cie., drawing ships down flkd, polluttd; sen.atores, Cic.; neras, Hor.
to the sea, Hor. ; fig., ut omnea adhibeam ma· m.ldeaolo -feci ·f•ctum, 3., p&88. m..idi-
chinaa ad tenendum adulescentuluru, Cic. ; 2, a fio -factus sum .fli!ri (madeo and faclo), to
•UUa,., mg(M, a. catapult, balWa, etc., Sall ; S, ma.kl ..a, ~. aook : glad ii sanguine made-
CJ pla.(ft>rm cm wMc1' Uf/U _,., aipond for llC&li, Cacti, Cle.; sanguill madefec:irat herbas, Verg.
Ste.Cle. ; '• a delli«, ocmtrimKC¥, trkk, ltratagea, mUeo .ru, 2. (,,...!&.), to z,, tod, W&Oist, u.
( 1 drip, Jqw. L Lit., A. Gen., nataliant 1iavlmt!nta
midu imentum -1, n. (machlnor), a vino, madeb&nt parietea, Cic. ; sanguine tena
91GC.\int, ilUlnlmeiU, Lfv. madet, Verg.; partic., madens, moist, Cic. B.
mjo'bJnitl:o -6nle, r. (maehinor), 1, CC>fUriP.. Esp., 1, to melt (or snow); nix &ale maden.s,
fM1Ce, WlaCAbwry, JMCluminl; cum macninatione Ov.; 2, to be dM1nk, Plaut.; 3, lo bl boiled, kl t..
tsnldam moveri aliqnid videmns, Cle.; tnmsr. made soft by boiling, Verg. IL Transr., to be ft1U
• euanift{I dtviot, macAina.twa, Cle.; 2, met.on., of, abovnd in, o&"UPto tcitll; pocula madent
• Wl«Aot\iail ocmtrimnce, a macAiM; navalls, Baccho, Tlb.; Socratlcis nwlt:t eermunibu.s. IUepM '"• Hor. •
miohfnitor-6ria, m. (maehlnor), 11 ~ m.Mesoo, mldi11, s. (ma.deo). to beoomc .~
qf .acUKU, arcAU«t: torment.ororn, LlV. ; 2, or JL'd; aemusta madescunt robora, Verg.
tranar., In a bsd aenae, a. dtvt.r, contriwr, ori{/· m.Mldua •-um (madeo), '111.0iU, tod. L Gen.,
'nalor: borum omnium scelerum, Cle. ; hnJWI fasclculus epistol:lrum tot us aqua maditlus, ~.;
belll, Liv. genae, 10d tcith ttar1, Ov.; vestis coceo madida,
mjo'blnor, 1. dep. (machlna), 1, to OOl&triw, d,ed will, Mart. D. Esp., drvllk, Plaut.
Ct&wnt, de-Mie; opera, Cle.; versum, Cle.~ 2, to
plot IOIM wa, conlriw; pestem in aliquem, CIC.
UIAUU&" -6
, m.
( __ , ) _,,J_..
lllaueo • ....,..... vre,

mW. -~I. r. (rnaceo). 1, Z«.U&KUS tAinnus; Sall. lt- • ...~- >

a. or men, corpua macie lnt.abult, Cle.; b, or llaeand.,.- -drl, m.and ~eanu.n111{-ua
• o tra -drl, m. (Maia~). L a riwr of Asia Afittor,
eon or crop11, poverty, barrt?lnat, 0 v. ; "• nsr., J'l"ONTlrial for iU tDinding oot1rse, now Jlti~"r:
~of~ Tac. i• the ltge1ul, .fatMr of Ct1attf, the DU>tlttr o/
mlolleatua -a -u1n (macles), tAi'n, lmn, Gau"'" a!Ml Byblis. IL Appellat., n 1Vi>i.i/i119,
Plaut. turning: a, of a road, Cic. ; b, tt V'ifld i11g horr.frT
-a.a, 1, a.I Iriver inn Italy,
M ...... Ligurla•
"' ·cu of d H
a. rt.BJ, ,..we~·- Hence, a dJ .• •~~ a ......
....Jr- &. ._.
ciftd at Ml•-. now ~I· ...... Cume "'OJCpct -a -um, of or be«mging to Natatukr; juvenis,
...;,,...,). a. place (1& LocMI on~ borden of I" Ca unu, o v.
ml.orelloo, mAcnlJ, S. (macer). lo gt'01D ""11&, Jlaecinia ·itis, m., C. Cllnius, a Ro111aa
btcome thin, Hor. k"1liglt, tJ&e frl.end of .J tlpltw, a.1'd tJ&e palro11 q/
IUorl and Campi lllcri-6rum, Horace Vergil.
m. a w.Uey in Gallia OUpadana. lllaeol- -a ·um, Mattia"- L nmnt of a
~blu .IJ, m., 'Aurelius Ambroeius ~ '" Lati'ltm, noe ,far frorA L1111v1·i""'· D.
l'beodoai 118, 0. gnHl&nlaria1' qf tJ&e JVlh cnturr, A.,D, of ta RoTJt<m ~' qf tol&icla tilt MOit ceJcbraled
mior6ooll1Ull ·I, n. (pa.p&r..Aor>, paper qf ~ tro.r Sp. Haecius Tari- a ccltbn&t«l
tlc larguC ria, ~ paper, Cle. Botno• riCo.
329 mag
llae4l -6rum, m. (Mai&o..), 11 ftrada• J'ltlOrt" IDA«illa -tom, n. (& PuDio won1), A.i., - .
AdJ., lllaedlcma -a -um, bdorlgifag to tu Mcudi; Iago, iowU, Verg.
aubit., llaetlloa -ae, f. Uie CtN'lllryo/Ui.e Matldi. mqi = magi5 (q. v.).
Kaellua -a ·um, M!M o/ a Roma• gen1, of ~OU .a -um (p.ayurck), relating to magfo
te.\idi 11' mo.I cml:rratt.d wum.ber tDa1 Sp. Mae Una, or 1!11Mantl!W&t, magical; artea1 \'erg.: dll, godtl
llaii&, l'IUpicion of a'11&ing at kingly power, by
C.. Strriliu1 .Ah.ala, flUUler o/ Ua~ hor1t1 to the
tnvoktd t~ m.chan.tnuntl (u P'uto, Heco.U, Pro-
11npina), Tib.
didatar Cinci'.llnatu.
m~Ia. adv. with ccimJ'll.1'. (from root MAC,
maena (mena) -ae.. t. (li.alV11), ca liJ&d o/ with adverbial ending -Is), more. L Of degree.
lflWl.ll StJa-jish., often salted, Cle. mnn = i1& a <kgru. A. Gen. 1 with
JllaenMua (~a) ·I, m. and lla.eniUa adj. and adv., to form the comp. of a;{j. and
.Qrum, n. (McU'vllAov), a TliOUnlaill ill Arcadia, au v. not inftected ln the comp. trulgis necea-
111C1fd tJJ Pnia. Hence, 1, llae~us -a -um, aa1iui1, Cle. ; 2, with Vt-rba; a, folL by quam,
Jfoo1aHaa, .Arcadian; c.leus, Pan, Ov.; vergu.s, tiwrt, ralMr • , • Uaall; aed praeterlt.a ma.gla
paJtoml pottry, Verg.; 2, M'aenMIJI -1dis, f. reprt·he1111i poasunt qllllm corrlgt, Cle.; b>. some-
ltlon]ing or relating to .Alcte11.alau; uraa, Calluto, times without comparison.I. ma;,<is aedi1i1 ease
OT.; ora, Ar.:adia, Ov. non potuisset, Cic. B. l"Krticular eomblna-
llaeni.s ·&dill, r. V.,cuv.l~), 1 Cl bacc11anU, tiona, a, non (neque) magia , •• quam, "°'
Ov.; tran1f., a, a :prlutut of ~piu, Juv.; mnre ••• than, jwt cu nu1c.\ ••• a.t, Cle.; b, quo
b,, a priutur of C,belt, Cat.; 2, a prophaua magls ••• eo magis, tM mons ••• tll4 man, Cic. ;
(r..umlldra), Prop. quo magis • , • eo minus, Cle. ; o, eo magist '°
m'llCh th.e t1Wre, all Ute more, Cic.; d1..~ith aol.,
MaenA.dem_ v. lraenu. impendio magis, coitllderctbly mon, uc.; multo
Kaem'.u. ·• -nm, MIU o/ a Roma11 gem: magis, much tMTt mOTf br Jar, Cic.; nihilo
columDA Maenla., v. columna. Htnce, Maen- magis, put a1 little, Cic. ; sollto magis, mor•
linu -a -um, Mam.La"" Suhat.,Maenli.num than usual, Liv. ; e, magis etiam, even moni,
·I, n. a 'Pf'o}«tlng balcoar, flrat introduced by Cle.; f, magls magiz>que, magla et magla, more
C. Ma.eni us, Cle. nnd mort, Cle. IL= potlus, Tallur, '1Wrt: tcil-
Mae~nea -um, m. (Kcdovn), tAI iMabUant1 lingl11. A. Gen., magia ld dlceres, si, etr~, Cic.
o/lluto-nla, tM Jlaeoniau; hence, & llllaeODla B. Particular phrases, magis malle = potlna
-ae, L ()IA&OK.t), M1U011.ia, 11part:J14/dWi, and, malle, Cle.; magia est quod ••• qnam quod, or
u the Etruscana were said to derive their origin magis est ut ••• qoam ut, it wmon tu oa1t1t tJud
from Lydia= Etruria, Verg. ; b, llae~dia •••, etc., Cle. Boperl., mazime (mas-
-ae, m., (11) HO'IMr, aa a native, according to some, iimi. adv. (for magi11:tlme, from old magua =
of Colophon or Smyrna, Ov. ; (J3) an Etf'vsoa.n, magnns), tn. the h.ighm degre1, 1l'Wll of all, UJI&'
Verg.; c, llaeOnla -ldia, f. Cl Lydian tDOman, cially, tzelldingly, very. L Of degree A. Gl!n.,
.4rac.\na1 Ov.; Oniphale, Ov.; d, llae~nlu. 1, with adj., a., maxlme ftdus, Cic.; b, to fonn
-a ·um, {11) M1JW1iian, Lydian; rlpa (of the river the 11uperl. or adjectives which are not. inflected
Pat-t-0lus), Ov.; esp., senex or vates, llomt:r, Ov.; In the supert, maxlme necessariu.s, Cic.; c, to
IO Hrmuric or heroic; carmen, pes, cb&rtae, Ov. ; add force to a auperl., aberratio lll&Xime libe1al-
(ft)E~; naut&e, Ov. lssima Cle.; 2, with verbs, a cupere, \"elle,
llaeOtae -I.rum, m. (M~..). 4 Stythian Cic.; b where the meaning must ln ~rt be anp-
1_>lied, aficui conftdere maxime, implicitly, Caea.
people on I.ah M~il. Hence, a, M'.aeOtlou. B. Particular combin.atlon.s, a, with uoua,
-a ·lllll, .UaevUc; palus, 1114 I.ah Alaeolil, Plin.; omnlum, multo, m4lt of all, far bef&r• all t/&4
b, llaeitldae ·I.rum, m. the 7'flNOM Hting oa rm: unus omnium maxime, Nep. ; niulto
I.41:i Ma'-Olil; o, Maeitl'.e ·1dla, r. relating lo maxfme, Cic.; b, quKm wa:rime, OJI maicA cu
a. JllMIOUu or to Lah Alat.Otu; eep., MaeoU. pollrible, Cic. ; ut quisque •• , lta maxirne, tM
)*11111 or lacWJ, DOW tha St.a of .AJotl i d, Jlaei- mort • • • Ult more, Cic. ; hoc mnxlme olflcll
tfU -t. -um, Maeotia~ est, ut qulsque maxiu1e opia lndigest, its er.
maer6o, 2. L Intransll, to be md, mourn- potissimnm opitularl, Cic. ; quum maxlme, Jtul,
/IV., lo griue, movn, lamam; maeret Menelaus, ~ly, Liv.; q11u111 maxime, jutt t1ot0, Cle.;
Cle.; with abl. ot cause, auo lncommodo, Cic. ; c, qua.m or ut qui maxlme, hi. tM highat poe-
with aul or Instr., sono tenul, in a gen.U. ton.e, sible de(l1U, Cic. ; d, non maxhne, 11ot altofluher;
OY.; maeret, foll. l•y quod, ha ia pa£ned, etc., ingenium non maxime defuit, Cic. D.= poU.-
OY.; partic., maerens, ffW'UM\{"1, IM'Tfn.cful,: quia simnm, principally, particularly, uptclally; 1..
l!ullam maeren~m vidlt! Cle. D. Transit. quae ratio poetas, maximeque Homerun1 b:U-
to~. mou.m ot'el', btreafl: casu111, Cle.; ftW pulit, and most of all JIOJMT", Cic.; quum •••
mortem graviter, Cic.; with acc. and lnfln., tuuc maxime, bot.\ ••• and up«ially, Cic. ; 2,
Cle.; talia 1naerens. vltmng lam.entotiou, Ov. jiut, t:roctly; nunc qunm ma:rime, Cic.; 3, In
maeror -~rls, m. (maereo), mo11.rning, grief, colloquial language 111axlme la used to expresa
IO!Toio, tad'llUI; in maerore jacere, Cie. ; waer- emphatic assent, and with lmmo, em1•hatlc did-
Cftm mlnuere, Cic. 11e11t ; vos non timet.ia eam l Iwmo vero maxwne,
maestltla -e.e, f. (maeatua). L ladnu1, .,,.._
~-. ~ectfM&, grief; esse in maeat!tiai nmgtater -trl, m. (ro<•t MAC, whence
& D. Trans!, gloombuu; orat.ionia quasi mag11u.«), nuul4r, ntler, 1.ruidtnt, chief. h«Jd,
llllo'-lt.iam 11t<1ul, Cle. dircctur, leader, super£nteudent. L Lit.1 1,
.,,,~tiido -lnl.t, t (maestua), tadftus,
populi, diclator, Cic.; equiturn, mastt:r OJ thll
ciaur.. her~, the dictatur'1 lit:utenanl, Liv.; morum, tli.
cenaqr Cle.; societatis, tu dire~tar ofa wmpan'JI
JDaeat1l9 .... -um (maereo), 1ad, lfWT'OtDful, /or;;;J /o-r farminy Uie n111e11uc, Cic.; sci-ipturaa
dl,i«Ud, ca&l down, "'lltlancholg. L Ulixea, Cic.; or in scriptura and portus (or n cnmp:my that
aent:r, Cic.: mano11. en·. IL Transf., l, gloollly; farmed the rents, tolls, etc.), Cic.; P. 'lt.:rcntius
necl maestum dimitt.i~., Verg.; 2'/u causing or npcrns in pnrtu ct 1criptu1:i ,\~ia.e pro ma~i~tro
"4Mxiti1ti,r IOrTOtO;, Prop.; nera, Ov. dedit, rrcrciltd t~.fu,nctio11.1 oft"ice-dir6CUIT, Cic.;
,~u ·B, m. Cl bad p.ld of~ tbrw of elepha11ti, driVt:T, Liv.; a11ctionle, dfrta.or or
co1ul .. cwr of a 1nle by a11dlim, Cic.; CBD!'ndi, t~
1ldga ~. t (magua), tM ltldui1'tr.a. 01'. (?) pruidtnt of a /east; nnia, a., 9'CUUr, captain.,
mag 330 Ma,J
LIT.; b, Atlnunurn, Vl'rg. ; llldl, Mhool1111•sl'-r, (mag1111s ancl rado). L or Pf'nom1, a, nui,.
Cic.; 2, a, tlu tri!.$ltt ofa htinkrupt·~ '·•tr1tt, Cic.; ns.Jktnf, /CJ11J.l of rli.cplay; in 1mppli.-iia
b, a tm<lttr; art.him, religion is, \·irtutis, Cle.; 111agnlllci, dotni pim·i, lS:ill.; b, 9l•.rin1U, di,.
11l!Ull est 111agl11ter optimus, Cic.; gladiat.orum. a tiny11isl1td; \·ir facti~ 111n~11itic11", Liv.; c, illl·
/tneinq-mastcr, Cic. IL Tran .. r., a1' \113li!1atnr, pr>sin!f, dig11 ijltd; a•lh,.rtator, Li\-.; d, hi,,._
inciter; magister ad dei.1JO!iandum IJianae ~1111fol, w/fy; ntoimo l'X<:rbn Til:lj:niliCf'l'Jllf', Cic.
tcmplum, Cic. II. Tra:i11f.• uf thin,.:M, a, .~11/('n1/id, ma~1· itirt11t;
m4glatirlum -Ii, n. (mag111ter), tM oJfu or villa, Cic.; b, 17/oriiJ11.~; lll'tlilit:i!I, Cic.: c,
pou-er Q/ a fll(U/tr, pruidt11t, duef, direr.for; dig1tifit1l, lofty (of l11ng11:1~('); dict·11•\i .:c1111,.,
morum, tM «nsorship, Cic.; ll&Cerrlolii, pric;t. Cle.; awl in a hall sc115t>, bQ(1•tf11l, 7>1}m1m«; aha
Aood, Liv. ; me 111agh1teria (con,·h·iuru111) de· maguinc.a pro i;e et ill is doleutia, ~all.; d,
lectaut.. Cic. fuino11.s, tmi11t11t, disti11g11i1htd; maguiftcenttt-
111.AgtRra ·ae, r. (magi11ter), a mi.O!lre.'111, simum dccretum, Cic.
directrt111, lealkr; transf., lex aetema quae magn.Dkuentl& -Ill', r. (magniloquu!i), 1,
q11&11l dux et magist.ra stu•liorum, Cic.; arte lofty or l'/traltd langua91; Homcri, Cic.; 2, p<t11&•
magistni, b11 tM help OJ art, \'erg. ]>•JIU, bocut/Hl lung1'4gl, mtl!J1lilot[11.CnCC; alu:uiw,
miglatratua -Qll, m. (m11gi1ter). L tltt Li\'.
o./flt:t or dig1'it11 of a 11111giltu, a 1TUT9i1trnry, magn.DiHluua ·&-um (magnu1 and loquor~
oj/Ecial dig1&ity, olfl«; magi11tratu111 gercrt', Cic.; po11111Uu1 or bou.stj'ul in talk, mng11ifoqt1t1lt; os, Ov.
lnlre, ingretli: &ill.; deponere, Cacs.; magistl"Atll magnltildo -Inls, f. (niagnu1), gr1>ntllat,
abire, Cle. u.. )leton., a 711419istralt, high. nJllcial. siu, 111ng11iti•dt. L Lit., A. 1, or Kf>ace, muudi, In Rome were either ortlinarii-e.g .. Uc.; fhu11ini1t, Co.c,.; 2, of number, f!T!UI qua•
the praetors, consuls, etc. ; or extraortli111nii- tity; frucluum, Cic. ; pccuninc, Cir. IL Trail.If..
e.g., dictator, mai1ter of ti1<! horse; curu\c11 or 1, aiot, importance; a..t beneflcii, Cic.; b, poll'tT,
non curule11, according to the seat on which rcipullllcae, Sall. ; :&, grtalnt16, high dtgtU;
they 11at; patrtcll or plcbeil, according .... they 111t1orl11, Cic. ; animl, inn11na11.imity, Cic.
were taken from the 1•atricians or plcbefonii ; maguopir9, and l'eJ•arately magno
majores or mlno~, the elections to the fomier Operi adv. (ma{lllUS and opu11), grmtlJ, CZ•
taking place In tho eomltia ~ntnriata, to the ccnli119f11, nry 11uich; 11il1il 111irnri, Cic.; 111:sg11<>-
latrer In the comitla trlbnta; eiit proprium 1iere dcll'Ctlu-c, Cic.; non mai;nu opcrc laltQro
munua mal(l11tratus lntelligel"l'l se gercre per· qunrsum, etc., Cle.; in the superl., 111:uimopcre,
eonam clvitath11 Cle.; creare rnaglstratus, Ltv. Cic.; 111axi1110 opcre, rery grrot111, Cic.
~ltu ·itls, r. (magnauimus), magDU8 -a •Um, eompar., JD.i.jOr ·115;
(/Ttat1uu Qf aoul, 1nag11animity, Cle.
11•11ierl., mazfmus (maxillnua) -a -um (from
~blmua -a -um (magnus and animul!), root. MAC, wh1:mt-e 111agi1t, 11111ct11,., 11wcto =
l'9h-11nri.dtd, ro"rageoua, high-spirited, 'lltll!Jl1<111j,.. 1&iya(), grtal, le&rgt. L Lit., l, uf ~iz••, /u l"fl", !JrMl,
IROl<B, Cir. (gcnit. plur., mag11ani1111im, \'ert;.). lltll, 11111g, broad,; do11t1tR, Cic. ; 111011tc,., Lal. ; lit·
llagnes ·neth1, v. MAgnesia. terae 111axhnae, Cic.; 111ag11ati aq•i.'l•!, "'' i1rn111lt1·
Kagniela -ae, r. (Mo.yv>1Cl'io.). L a dWrict tion, Liv.; 2, a, applied to 1111111ller, l.ulk, 111&:-;a.
-.! ThU$C!l'!1. IL e& town fn Caria on the .\lat- maxirnnm pvndus auri, magnum numeruln fra-
andu (now /fuk-btuar). DL " tOUl'll in r.~/dia menti, \'illl 111ellis maxitunm cxport:1sse, Cic.;
on MoKnt Si['1Jlva (now Mantua). Henr.e, 1, multitudo J>e<litatn11, C11e11.; b, uf \·alul', iri!71l,
Magnie ·n~tls, m. (MciyVIJ(), MagMsian; f'sp., !Jrmt, consi .'.TClblt; omatus mulicLri11 JH-etii m&J·
lapis Magnes or simply Mnli,ne~ a loadllto1u, ori!I, Cic. ; thus abl. magno and genit~ magni, a&
Wtgnit; plur. subRt., llagnete• ·nm, m. the a high t'(llttt, dear ; mugni acstimare, to tslcltr&
Magnulau; 9, -a ·um, ?ting· highly, Cic.; magnl, maxim! Cacere, Cic.; nu:.gno
fiU\an; saxum, U&t TMg~t, Luer.; ~ 11&«- emere, Cle.; 3, of sound, loud; vox, Cic.; ex·
Dea& _ -&e, f. !! Magnur.a.n ~. Hor.; ~. clamare mfjus, i1' a lotukr toiu, Cic. IL A. Of
llagnetarchee ·ae, m. th,,, cAief magiatro~ time, 1, long; annus, Verg.; 2, magno natu, ~
grtal agt, Liv.; and esp. in comp:.:r. and super!.,
Qf tM Mafl1l1Bia'11.1, Liv.; 6, llagnitla -llli>1, with or without natu or amua, older; natu
t JfagJUaUJll; Argo, buU& at Pagasae in Ma..g- major !rarer, Cic.; annos natua major quad·
tuala, Ov. raginta, Cic.; Fallii Amb11sti IHiae dnae nuptae,
Magni Campi -!lrum, m. a place i" .Africa Ser. Sulpicio major, minor Llcinio Holoni t"rat,
ttot jar from Utica. tht tl<Ur lo, the yo1111!1ff to J.ici11i11$,
maamdloua -a -um (magnua and dlco), Liv.; majol"eJI natu, tM olikr ~J>l.t, Cic.; esJ\.
bciiit]iil; Plaut. =the atnate, Cic.; maj-Ores, anct31ors, fortJuthcra,
magnU'loi, com par., magnlfloentlua: Cic.; maxima virgo, tltt.oldtll of ti~ Vtuals, o,..
super!., magnlfloentiulme, adv. (magni· B. Of lmporta11ce, 1, grwt, in1portant, •i.'1·
flcns), a, ap~ndidly, nobly, grandly, pompo11.1ly, nijico.nt; magna et ampla negotia. Cic.; rei-
magnijlu11tly; habltare, vive re, Cic.; b, glori· publlcae magnum aliquod tempus, Cic.: 2, a,
ously; v1neerc, Cie. ; o, el~ntly, in a lofty grmt, pot'.:'lr/11/, might11; propler i:;ummam 11obil~
.train; aliquem, Li\•.; in a had sense, itatern et &ingul11rem potentiam 111agnus erat,
llaughtily, proudly; loqul de hello, Sall. 1 Cle.; b, of talents, ability, di&tingui~lw:d,
tmiMnt, able; 11e1110 vir m11gnus sine nliquo
magnlf'loentla -o.e, f. (magnlHcu)I). L Of alftatn divino umqnmn fuit, Cle.; 3, Btricn,
JlerHOns, 1, loflinua of thought anti. oct1011, high· htcwy, 11tt·ere; ~rieulum, Caes. ; lnfa!llia, Cle.;, magnanimity, Cic. ; and In a. ~I 4, a, 1tro1'!J, /,igh, n.oblt; magno ammo, Cic.;
IM!lllle, bcaating, pompo.rlty Q/ lanq11age, Cic.; 2, b, 71T01ul; 111ag11a verba, Verg.
flUJgnifa:itmt, spl~ndour; odit populus Romanus
printam luxurlam, publicam magniHcentiam Mago (-OD) ·onla, m. brother rof Hanr.ibnl.
cllligit, Cic. IL Traner., or inanimate objects, 1. IDAgu8 ·i, m. (µciyo~), a ltarntd ma11o or
lpl.tluWur, grandtur, magn{.ltornce; epularum, magician among tM Persian., Cic.
\'illarmn, Cle. 2. mlgu .a ·Um, magkal; artes, O\·.
magnlfloo.r 1. (magnltleua), to prize hf9hl111 ll&ja -ae, f. (Mo.&,.), tM daughUr of .Atlas.
tst«m, J:"lAut. u•ho 1Jort Mercury to Jupittr, one of tllt PldodM:
magnU'lou -a ·UID, comp&r., magnlfl- Ma.ii genltu.,, Verg., Mfji nAtus, Hor., lbJI
Mlltlor: superI., magnlfloenttulm.VA creatus, Ov. Mtm11ry (acc., HaJan, OY.).
maj 331 • mal
mi.Jiills ·18, m. (I fitldl'd boar, \'arr.; used ht>stile intl"'ltt) ex provlncia t'wes.~um, Caes.; sine
as a t<·1 m of rt'pro:\(•h, Cic. 111ln 111al<'licio, witlrnut doing any ltarm., Ca1•s.;
mi.Jestaa -atis, f. (mRjn~ =- magnns). I. 2, $ .. rur!f, T:ic.
gmn.k11 r, divnuy, majesty; npplit>d to the gods, m!Ueflcus -a -um (mnl··fllcio), wri.cktd, fli.alic-
to all J'<c'l'>l<>D'\ in high orlice, amt frf.'qnently to~ i<nu, mi8c/1il!t'OtL.t; homo, Cic.
R· '"'"ll pt"<>lJle. rl ii non cense11t e&S<' su:t" •nn.ii'st- m&leaui.dus ·a -u111 (male and s11adP.o), ill·
a! i:<. to be consisu1i.t ••itll their mo.1~··· . l"ic.; advising, srd11·:tnoe, pcrsu""li11g to 1wil, Verg.
<'ou·mhs, Cic.; µatria, th4 1l(lteT11fll aut/1orily,
l..h.: p<•puli Romuni, Cic.; m:1jestate111 mi11ut•re, Mlileventum ·I, n. an old town of the Ilir·
to ojlcml a9'f1iiut the sort:1Yig11ty of tM pe<•1llt, C1c.; p£ni iii S'w111i ,,,11, rite name of whicl1 the Ro1mut.1
cri111e11 iuaj~t.:1lis, trmso", Cic. ; lex uiajestar is, chan,,ed to J:enac11t1w~.
Ci1·. IL /wnovr, a:ctlkna, 1pll1l<Wur; watron- mAlevolens -e11ti~ (uinlc an<l volo), tnviOU1,
arum, Liv. malanlcnt, Plaut. ; imperL, m:tle,·o!entiRSimae
major, majores, Y. magnus. olih-ecta1 ione~. Uc.
K&Jus -i, n. mensis Maj us or simply Majnll,
miilev6lentla -ae, r. (malevol<>ns), ill-will,
11i.alit"c, lvll 1ul, 111alei•olt11et ; malcvol•·ntia. est
th~ "'""'"' of May, Cle.; used adj., Cfll~mlae \'olu1•tas ex 111alo alterius sine emolu111<•11to suo,
lfaj:i. .., Ci!'. Cic.
mi.jUSOiiJUS •R ·UIU (dim. Of major), 1'0171(• mAlevolua -a -um (lnale and volo), iU-dio-
v:luit lai·!Ju, so111t1oha.l grta.ltr; In aliqua 111aju~­ poSl!U, 11.·ishing evil, 11wli~io11s, enriou.,, •1•ileful.
cul;1. 1·ura, Cic. fllaltwl.ent; alicui, Cic.; in aliq11e111 1 Cic.; male- -ae, r. (e<>11tract"'l ror manctela from voli de me sen11•111es, Cic. Supcrl., v. male-
niauoJ.,, a.s sea la folr sc:u111 ... 1a fro111 sca111..lo), l, the volens. Subst., mi.levoll ·urum, m. env«nu.
c.'i•d-lo(}11t, jmc-b.. ne, lw•th in Ult!ll an.I nni11111ls, ill-di.•poud person~. Cic.
Vt"rg.: 2, tht chuk; nta.lae decentes, Hor.• Malllcua sinus (1<6.\'ll'Of MM.,GK~). a qv.lfin
m.A.Jacia -ne. r. (}Lo.Ao.Kia.), a cal1n. at ua; Thc.•.-i.1ty, OJ'J!OSile h'ubota.. Heu(·e, MR.llensla
t:u1t:1 s11hito malacia ac tra11quillitas exstitit ut, -e, Muli•t11.
~tc., C:.i""·
miillfer -r~r11. ·f6rum (malmn and rero),
mAJ.Acl.sso. 1. (JLa.Jyu.:i,...), to 11-0ftrn, ren~r appte-bw.ring, Ve~.
pl whit, PJ.1ut. mAltgne, adv. (malignus), 1, maliciously,
mUA-Ous -a ·'.lm (.1111An:1<0(), 10ft, pliablt, enviously; loqui, Cic.; 2, atingily,
l"Lut ; l!i.c., t.ff•mi11ate, tl•lic<ut, Plaut. sparingly; tlividcrc, Liv.; laudare, Hor.
mAJ.e. :ulv., comJlllr., pejus; imp(•rl., pea- mAltgnltaa -atis, r. (malii.-:nus), 1, '111./lliclo-lu-
fme <111" I us), httdl11. ill. L Lit., l, 11111.le oleJt, ncss, ill-11.11.ture, maliynity, spite., Liv.; 2, stin.g'-
Cic.; male v.,stltus, \)ic.; L. Anton ill male sit, tt:i.I. nes.~, mggardline$s; rnalignitas praadae partitae,
~ tn L. A 11ton.iM, C:ic.; m;.!'! audil"'!, to be ill spol:en. Liv.
r.J, Cic.; 2, a. 7 v.iro11gl11, i.1'11>ropul.11, badly; male m.Alignus -a -um (opp. henlgnus, malus
a;.:en', Cic.; uic11i 111ale fa.-f're, Cic.; b, 1111su.c- and gig110). L of ba.d di.<}'nsition, ill-dispoJed,
re..••/idly, un/orluMf,·ly; !'UC•S la bore~ et apparatus m.a/iciowr, nurligna.nt, wickrd; vulgu!!, H9r ·
male c•·l'irli;;se, Cic.; c, i1Wpf'ort•11tely, i11 /ht ocnlis ninlig11is !lpt'ctare, Verg.; leges, Ov. II.
tcro1V1 pfrt~; male sali;11s, Hur.; d, d ishnneslly, A. 1, .</ i 11yy1 ni!l!l•tnlly; caupo, Hor.; 2, tnm!-f.,
tck~o;I/": male agere, l'ic.; Cartha!{o jn.111 diu 8:• barren, u11j1"Uitjul: colli!!, Veri;. ; b....,smull,
tnak c":;;itans, Cic. IL Transf., l, uitttrly: httl~, scanty; lux, Verg.; a<l1tus, Verg. .u. 0071,
ma! .. o•lisll'!, C1~s.; 2 a., too much, e.rcusivdy; shy, Ov.
male ""J."'r~·11•:. Caes., b, with a<i.i allll pnrtic., to militia ·ae, f. (mal ns), badntss of quality. L
give a ·lirt>ctly <•pposit·~ 1111!ll11in;:, male sa11us,
v•ic/.:tdncs.l, 'CiC'I!, 8311. IL era.fl, cun1iinq, malia;
Cic.; ma.k gratus, imtlw.nJ.j11!, Ov.
malitia est Vl'r1'11t1 et fallax nocenrli ratio, Cie.;
MAI.ea -ae, :v:c. -:1n, f. (MaAia, MaAt',o), pro- somet1111es u>1ed in a playful i;euse like our
•m.t'ln/ in U10011U1 (n1Jw Mali.a di S. A119do.) "r0t;1ur11:" tllmen a malitia non discellis, Cic.
mi.ledlce, ailv. (m~ledku,,.J. rolumniously, mMltlOse, adv. with compar. (malitiosu:1),
11b1t.· i ,.,, ''· .<c11 rri/1J11.s/y; d i<:ert:, Cic. 11:itktdly, knavishly, ptrfidiov.sly; facerfl aliquid,
mil.ledicens -l·ntis, p a•IJ. (from male<lico}, Cic.
ttii·<Jofrrl:i"'l, al1u~it·'-, &<;11TTtl•J1•S; maledice11tis· mi.lltloaus -a -um (malitla), crafty, roguish,
1in1a civ1tas, Cic. knat'ish, wicl;ed; homo, Cic.; Juris interprctatio,
~edico -rlixi ·•lictuu1, 3. to speak ill, Cic.
IW.'Lrirr, asper.1( 1 <rl;u~. rri"il•.; alicni, Cic. malleolua -1, m. (dim. of malll'11s), a liUU
maledlctlo -~na. r. (m>«ledico), a reviling, hamnur; l, a lta.mmcr-sliaped slip ("f a vine), a;i11J, Cic. ma/lrt-shool far 11/anting, Cic.; 2, a. l:ind offt re·
du.rt, Cic.
matediotum -i, n. (maleitico), a roiling <1~­
CH¥Ui-11t, /o•il, ahu$ire language; naaledi..ta in m&lleus ·i, m. a, mnll~t: a, ~-.
t"it.lfn alil'nius conjicere, Cic.; male•lkta in Liv. ; b, esp , the wed for slaying animal&
olliquem <lice~ or c .. 11r.:rre or cm1gerere, Cic. offered in !nr.-rijire, Ov.
mA.ledlcua -a -um (maledlco), ahusive, scur- Malloea. -a", r. town (n ThtsMly (near mod·
rih11 _, ; con ,·fria t-Or, Cic. ern Mologhwsta).
m.Alcfii.cfo -fc•·i -fa.ct11m, s. ro do a.n injury, mi.J.o, mlUili, mane (for mavolo, from mAjrls
IO i1t;1u·~; .11icni, f'laut. volo), to choo~ mthtr, prefer. I. Gen., a, wit.h
a~c .. hunc 11ni111n111, Cic.; b, with in On., servire
malefhctor -nri!I, m. (malefM:io). a" 1vil- quam pug11arl', Cic.; c, with nee. and i11tln., malo
d«r. tnJL/PJ<lCtor, P1.1ut. 111e vmci qu1t111 vincere, Cic. ; with potius, Uticsa
~factum ·i, n. (malefaelo), an Ul datd, poti11s qunm Romae e!!se maluisset, Cic.; with
\f!ju...,,, Cic. magi~. Liv.; d, with nom. anti inf111., c•s!le quam
mAJ.efloi, act v. (maleftcm1), malidoW1ly, mu· videri bonus malclont, s~11.; e, with subj.,
chUTou#fy, Pla11t. mallom cognosCtJrem, Cic. IL Esp., to b4 more
mAJ.etlclum ·fl, n. (maleflcus), 1, an evil fl:nvntroh!~to; in hac re malo nn!versae .Aaiae et
lerd, erinw, mi.~chU/; maleftcinm committere, oegotiat.orib11s, Cle.
admi~ C1c. : ae DOD maleftcll causl (1Dith mal6bAUlron (-um) ·l, n. (µo.AOJJa9po1');
ma1 . 382 man
1, 01' ITtd(Br& or ~mn 7'1Bnl, /rOfA "1Afc'A a C011Z11 manolpklo -<'5nl1, t. (manctpol. a jbnuC
oiat11Un.l 1m.8 prtpnrtd, Plin.; a, meton., tM oil tro1t~er of 11roperty ; alao p1u•cAaat, Pho.
q/ the pl<rn,, Hor. llUUIOlp&tua ·11B, ni. (manclpo), a Ill'-. Pltn.
J. mAlum -i, n., v. malus. manolplum (mancritplum) ·Ii (niAnus
2. m&lum -1, n. (µ.qAov), an applt, and ge1;er· and capio}, u krHrig by Utt Aa1&d, au old ronu
ally uny similar fruit, M the quinr.e, peach.. of purchase in Rome in the preseuce or fiVf
po11v.!Jmnatt, etc., Verg. ; prov., Rb ovo m1que wit11eS:1e11. Hence, L UL, In Roman law, a
ad mala, from to rnd (All the Roman for111al, leual pnrrhiue qf anything; lex mancipi
dinner began wiU1 eggs and ended with fruit), (mancipii), tlii! contmct of 1e1lt, Cic. ; 111a11dpt0
Hor. dare, to 1"ll /01'"flw.ll11, Cle. ; mancipio acci1oerc, ti
1. ml.Ina -a -um; comp., piJor ·u•: 1uper:., biiy, Cle. ; n•s mancipi, proJltrly tt•hkh cotdd bf
peulmua ·a -um ; had. L ISubjectivt!, A. ba.d, «Ct[Uired by tM! ceremony of mancipium, Cic.. U
J•hysically and intellectually, 1, mali versuis, Meton., a alave acquired by the l'f'O«SI of man·
Cic. ; loquendi c-mauetudo, Cic. ; a, a, t.tunp· cipl11111, Cic.
abU; pocta, Cic.; b, eown.nll!J, weak; Juxt11 bonl manolpo (manotip:>).1. (manua and capif\),
111aliqui.c 11t.renni et. imbellt>11 inult.i obtnmcari, I. to tm.1u(11r b-/1 manc1pinm nr formal mlt, fo
Sall. Morally h«<I, wicl.~t; 1 rnala corume· stU Jonna.Uy; alienos, Plaut. ; qul\edam man-
tudo, Cle. ; 11ubst., mains, a uilla:iA, Cic. i 2, cl1iat usus, !Jh'U a cuz. &o, Hor.; tranar., to 1&«
in plllitic.'1, tvil-tlispowl, <ti~oyal, dnllll!logic; up to; saginac, Tac.
cive11, &II. U. Object.Ive, 1, a<~t., a, l1t1d, a.s mancua -a -um, l, nwimtd, crippled. "'-t; condition, p011ition, etc. ; 111ala valetnJ.o, 111a11ct111 ct omnibus 111embrl11 captus ac debili¥,
ill health, Cic. ; mala copia (uCl\l.f) stomachum C~c.; 2..1. transf., imperf"?'-, (11.COfflplde, dtj«Uw;
aolllcltat, Hor. ; carmcn, a libel, Hor. ; malam v1rtua, \..le. ; praetura, C1c.
opinionem habere de aliquo, Cic. ; fama, ill n· mand.ator -<iris, m. (mando), OU tMo ~
pu.U, Sall. ; b, 1rn/avourablt, unt11ccts.<,ful, dis- oriu accusera or i1\fonMr1, Suet.
adro~01U ; pugna, Cle. ; in }iejus l'Uere, to
bwnn.e woiu, Verg.; ausplciu111, i l·omtMd, Cic. ; mantitum .1, n. (mando), 0 c:o••Uliotl.
a, 11ubst., mAlum .1, n. an evil; a, hona aut charge, ill.jm1cti.o11, order; arad esp., 4 wrW
mala, !JOO<l qualitiu QT faults, ~11. ; b, liann, dia- COIRlllWio"1 wuaagt; a, d&.1-e alicni mandata ut,
cukr, wil; ne malum habeat, Cic. ; mala civilia, etc., Ch•. ; man data eftlcere, Cic., peril~
Cle. ; ma lo e!Wle allcui, Cic.; as an iut.erjcctiou to Liv., to aecu.le a cotntnU:iion; negligere, fallere.,
e:rprcr.s aversion or dislike, quae, malum, ttt ist.a fail to ettcute, O\·.; mandato meo, bJ mv eoa-
tanta audacia atque ameutia, wl'at in tM 100rld, tllt mamf, Cic.; b, mandati judicium, an acti.oafer
nM&·ptrfarmaue of 4 CO!lltftilsion, Cic.
2. mil1U1 ·I, I. (2. malum), cinapplt-tru, Verg. sing. (111a11uo), a abl. -n, m. found only in 11bl.
commt&sion, order, iAjtni.ctioM;
8. milu -1, m. (prob. from root MAC, mandntu mco, Cle.
whence magnnR). 1, the '1141t of a lhip; malu111 lrlandela ·ac, r. a tow11 i1' Ute Sabine couatry.
erigere, Cic.; 2, in the circus, Uu poll lo at•Aich
111.t awming11otre fasuntd, Liv. l. mand.o, l. (perhaps ror manui or In man um
do). L to com"'iC to the chargs of, ntnuC,
malva -ae, f. (p.0M.x11 1 from ~ck). t11c deli~; alicui ~istratum, Cic. ; aliquein
trM1 llmt•, Cic.
aetemi1 tenebria, Ctc. ; corpua humo, lo ~tc?t -mertls, m. the Oaoon and Sabine Verg.; se rugae, to take to flight, Caes.. i
namr of /tlnrs; hence lli.mertinl -orum, m. mem oriae, to CO!llmU to """'°'}', Cic. ; litt.erbi,
(1tms of Af<us), the ntlTM ru.s1rn1f.d by Cfi'tliin nitr· scriptis, to commie to .uritiag. IL to elljoia,
r.m«ry troops who uiz#',d /tfo1sa.1m. Adj., K&- or<Ur, command, commi.sricm; a, wiU1 llCC.,
mertinua -a -um, Ma11Urtint; cl vi tu, Muiana, typm1 tibi maudo (sc. oomparandoe, emendiai),
Cle. t:ic. ; Rltodiaca vasa maudavl, ordn-ed, Cie.;
'Mj.mnlua ·a -um, name of a Ro111nn !!""· b, wiU1 ut. or ne and the subj., or si11111ly the
subj., tibi mnmlavit ut, etc., Cic.; Tre\.Jouiu
ml.mllla -ae, f. (dim. or mamma), a brtalt. mandavcrat ne, etc., Cic. ; hulc niandat, Ren1011
ttat, pap, Juv.; as a tt>m1 of endearment, adcat, Cic.
Plaut.. 2. maaclo, mandl, man11nm, 3. (,.La.., ,..a.->.
mamma -ar., r. (µGfl.l&A). L a brMst, Uat; to cMw, 111m1tfcnte. L anlmalia 111ia sugunt. aiia
a, of men, mamma et barha, Cic.; b, or women, carpunt, alia vorant, alia numtlunt, Cic. ; eqnl
msmrnam matriR appetere, Cic. ; o, of the fc· fulnun rnamlunt 11ub d1•ntibu11 aunm1, cl&cuR7'
maleit or anlmah1t..!'uibu11 mammantm data est IM bit, Vcrg.; humum, to bi.le CM groa11d
multitudo, Cle. u. nwther,, Mart. (cf. mortlcre humum), or U1ose who fall iu
m.ammO.U. -a -um (mamma), /&ll-brt<l.sted, battle, Vcrg. IL to eat, dtt'OUT, C011$1C7ne; Ion..·iny lar!Jt brecui/.$, Luer. Liv.
M.i.murra -ae, m. a Roman kn{,ght of For- mandra -ae, f. (p.~).1, a stall, cattlt-pt1'.
miat, praefect11s f;!orum In Caesar'11 army In Mart.; 2, a heTtf of catae, Juv.; 3, ci row oJ
Gaul, where he ama.'lse<l great wealth; urbs pa11•1a.s, 011 a tlraught-board, Mart.
llamurran1m,, Hor. llla.Ddiibll -orum, m. " people '" Gallia
mi.nabllla -e (mano), fanoing, penttratitl-!1; Ctlti<:a, u:ith a ro.pital Alma (now .Ali«).
frigu11, Luer. mandiioua ·I, 111. (2. mando), a "
IDAD08P9 -clpis, m. (manuR and capio). I. repre~eut n !Jl11tton, Pluut.
a PfTsnJt. ll'ho bought an!1thing ac " 1.mhlit: l•[/(tl Maaduria -ae, r. " to101' ' " Lov:a Italy,
a11.cti-On, and esp., one who p11blicl11 0011tl"CU'led t-0 belu¥n~ Aletifrm and Tarenhn1'.
farm. atau property; a purch~r, Janner, con· mani_ KUbsl lndecl. n. tM 'earlJ ""1Mll1l!71
trador ,· praedae, Cic ; mancep~ fit ChryKogonus, daum of morning; ad ipsum mane, Hor.; ruulto
Cic. IL Transf., 1, a tenant, lulu, Plin.; 2, mane, very early in the JMrning, Cic. Adv., i•
a 1111rtty, Plaut. tM morning, at early lllOT1'ing; hodie mane, earlt
Manoiaua -1, m., C. Hostllius, cxn&8td nt this morning, Cic.; bene mane, tirry ea~ '" IM
Romt, dtliwrtd up to J;,e Numontinu in tmiMJ· fll()f'7l ing, c ic.
qumce of a dWwnoura:,: peace mode br hill) with mbfo, mans!, mananm, t. (p.1-). I.
lhtt:1. 10hk.\ the «natc nfuatd tc rat(fy. lntransit., to rrnw1 .. , ata11 in. Rft.11 f!laa, A.
man 338 man
aeu mane&nt, sen proflclscnntur Caes. ; in hli. son T. Manlius, who recefrtd. tAe 1urna1M ''I
patria, Cic.; ad uerclt11m, Cae11. B. 1, to stay Irnperiosus from the£r stveriry. Heuce, adj .•
LU •ig/U; apud me, Cic.; sub Jovu fligldo, Manllanue -a -um, llfonlian rd11ting to .Man..
Hor. ; 2, a to remain, endure, lu1t; nihil 11110 /iU$; turlia, aedltlo, Liv.; Manlian;L imperla,
st&ta manei., Cle.; bt to re1nain fast, continue urer8 comm,..mds, Liv. Babst., llrfanlliinum
suadfa.'lt ill: in aruicitia., Cic.; in voluntate, Cic.; -1, 11, an tslaJll of Cicero'1.
In conditione to abide by, Cic. ; 3, t•> wait, 1. mannua -1, m. (a Celtic wort.l), a 61Mll
l'l3ut; trausr., to wait for, au.·.rit; cuius fatnm MTM! of (j,11tli.,h brud, highly priztd by lM
lil•i man1it., Cic. IL Transit., a. to wait /"1"; Jlo11wn.s for ii$ srriflntu, Liv.
hl><\timn advcntum, Liv.; b, to awail a1 /au or
dating; quis me exitus? o'·· 2. MannWI ·I, m. a god of tM Germaru,
ofT11i.-co, Tac.
miinea ·lam, m. (lit.= bonl, tM good). L
~ •'"'<U.<i of tht Jt1"1rttd tM 1,.irils of the dMd;, l. L Intransit., to flow, r111l. A. Of
dii 111an~s. Cic. ; of the 1i1ade of a Kingle person, flnitl>1, funs nigm sub llice manat, Ov.; aliqul
patris Anchisae, Verg. II. Tram~f., 1, poet., re, ''' jfow, run, drip with anything, Cic.; Her-
&Ju loicer trorld, \1\fanal region•, Verg.; 2, the cnlis Ri11mlacru111 rnulto t1U•lora 111anavit, Cic.
J11tlli1hment of the lower world; q11is•111e suns B. or the air and other thing>i, tc jfow, ttpread;
JGlimnr uume.-4, Vcrg.; 3,carp~, asJ1a, remains; 1, ner, qui p<>r maria manat, diffustB il1df, Cle.;
aceipict manes p:i.n·ufa te:ita meos, l'rop.; 2, tmnst., to 'f'TOCl'trl, conu from; pe-ccata ex
om11i11m nudatos lllanPs, Liv. vitil~ mnn11nt, Cle.; 3, to spN<td abroad, 1pna.d.,
bet diffused; malum manavit per 1talia111, Cic.
mango -011is, m. (µoyyo.vov), 1, a dealer in IL Transit., to t:zutk, gice oul; lncrimas (of a, wliicA M IS'el.'s to 1eU by rubbina up, fur- statue), Ov.; Ilg., uiella poetica, Hor.
bilhing, Pk.; a roguish <kt.tier, Plin., (.lulut. ; 2,
eap., a &lat:e-dea.Ur, tiuet. mansio -onis, r. (maneo). L a remain{n9,
mnloa -ae, r. (ni:rnus). L t7i.e long 1leere of stay, llOjou.rn; in vita, Cic. IL a st<1tio1l, halt·
tA4 ' rcachi1i.g to the hand, and serving IL1 a tn9-place, n ight·quarun, l'lin.
glove, ~ic. IL Transr., li.a1&J.~11J!, manucle, manslto. 1. (intens. or mnneo), to abide, atar,
Hor., \er;;. sojou,-n,; sub eodem tecto, Tac.
mlnloatus ·n -um (manica), having long mansuifti.ofo -feel ·Cactum, 3., pass. man-
&Uti-u; tunicae, Cic. auifio -factus sum -flllri (rnan~nes and fHcio).
mhloi:Ua -ac, r. (dim. or ruanus), a little L Lit., of a11imals. to ta1>u; uri rnan!lnelleri non
Aaltd, Pla.11 t.. pn~:<Ullt, Cnes. IL or men, a, to B'>fttn, pacify; -n -um (manlfeatus), pla£n, plthern, Lh·.: b, to civilts«; a quibu11 nu111su&-
11iail>U, evident, manijut, Plaut. fo(·ti et cxculti, Cic.
mblfeat:e at.Iv. (mauirestus), pla£nl11, manauia -1:1 or ·lltis (m:mus and sueo), tamt,
..UUMr, crwnl1!/, m11nVutly, Verg. Plaut.
1. mnlt'esto. adv., v. mRnlfestus.
mansuesoo ·8U!vi -su~tum, ll. (m1mus and
suesco). I. Tnmslt., to tame, \"erg. D. ill transit..
2.. mUlfeato. l. (manlfe~tus), to maniful, to b«oma tame, grow tame, to l1tC011U mild, IQ/t-
sloio clrorly, rclllld, discover; aliquem, Ov. ened; nesciaque hun1anis preci\Jus ma11sucscere
mhlfeet;us -a ·Um (manus and •fem.lo, lit. corua, Ver:;.
ltrttck 1t•W1. the hand), clear, vi.<ible, tviden,, maDBUOW, RdV. (mansuctus)1 mUdly, g11ntlJ1,
llUlnife.<t. L manifes~e et. res, Cic.; quiet/11, Cir..
rnanifestum nt<tue depN-heusum sceluii, Cic.; mansuetiido -Inls, r. (mansuetua). L tame·
adv., manif.,sto, clt11rly, 11/ninly; manifesto nts.t, l'lin. IL Tran11f., mUdneSI, cltmenc.v, gtnlk.
deprehenllere, comp~hendcre, comperisse, Cic. nus; impcrii, Cle.; uti clementii et mansuetu-
IL cauaht in, 111'1.nif~,tly bftraying; uti eos dlne In aliqucm, Caes.
uiaxime ma.nlfestos l1al.icant, c11ught i1' the act,
&II.; with genit. o( l'rime, rrrum capit.alium, mansuetua •& -um, p. adj. (from mansu-
f'SCO), tame. L Lit., or animals, sus, Liv. IL
tl&ll.; \"itat·, giving eddent sigas of lift, Tac.
Transf., tnild, aoft, g1:11tle, quiet: manauetua in
Ki.nillua -a -um, 11' of a Roman gens. :<enatu, Cic.; ut mansuetissimns \'lderer, Cic.;
c. Maniliu~. tribune cf the r>{;l)plt, B.C. 67, IM .Muaae ma11suetiore:1 (of philosophy, rhetoric,
attihor of the I.ex Manilia, which guve to /'011iptiu.1 etc., as oppo!!ed to cont.enlioua and polltil'al
the io'~ command in tlu .II it/&ridu.tic IVnr. eloquence), Cic.
alllpretlum = ma11uvrctiu111 (q. v.). mantile (mantile) -Is, n. and man-
mAnlpiUii.rla (umnlpli.rla) -e (n1anfpu· tellum -Ii, n. (mauus), a towtl, napkin, Verg.
bu), l,elonqing to a 111<1 ni1'1e: .ln<iex, chosen frmn a
lllllniplt(frnm the co1111non so!Ji~rs), Cir~ 8ubst.,
manteU:um -Ii, n. maotele (q. v.).
mhlpiilArts -is, m. a cammon soldier, Cic mantelum (mantellum) -1, n. a coming.
veil, c1mcwl111e11t, l'luut.
mAnlpiili\rbu -A -um (ma11ip11!11:1), bflung·
i?tg or rrlatin!l to a privah 1aldier, 8uct. mantloa -ae, r. a 'WC!llet, knapsack, MJddkJ.
lxt(J, Hor.
mhlpulatlm. a•lv. (rn:rnipnlns), 1, fo Mantlnea -ae, t. (}fdni.. na), a town in Ar
1'undlr~ "r handfol•, Plin.; 2, mil it. t. t., in
'llll~iplu; 111anipuiatim strncta acies, Liv.
cwlfo, 11ce11..e of the victo.,.11 and drnth of Eiiami~
mAnlpulus (poet. mamr.lus) -1, m. 1. ma.nto, 1. (freq. or maneo), to remain, waU.
(1ua11u,; nnd • plco), a ltandjul. • Lit., a 171u1ll u-ait for, l'laut.
ln1ndle or handful; filicu111 mnnipli, V••rg. II.
'fr:iusf., a comp.m!J of foot aoldit1"8, a division oj 2. Manto -ils, r. (Ma~.,..:.). L da119htn- ofthr
!he R.;man arn1y, tltree 111.11.niples fur ming a cohol't Tluban llUT Til'esi.aa, mother of the seer MoplUS.
(!IOcalled hecaus•! in earl~· tinws the stm111ard wu II. an Jtalia1~ propheteSI, mother of Ocnus, th.I
a pnle with a bundle or hay at thu top), r.aes. }ouwltr of .Mantua.
M'.aDUus -a -um, MYIUI of a Roman gem. Manti'ia -a.e, r. a l010n in north ita:y, on th.I
L M. Manlius Capltolinu~, 1t•ho Tt]ntfwl the rirer Mincius, near to llv. birtl1pillce of VtrgU.
attacl: of thi Gauls upon the CavUol, ajterux&rds m.AnuiJJ.a .fl (manus), adapted, filled to tlul
tkro10n from the Tarptian roekL on 1u1picion of harul, jifti1t!l the ha11d, relating to the hond; saxa.
oh11f"9 at kln.altt wwer. II. ~ Manlius and thrown by /1(111d, Tac.
man 334 Mar
mantib(ae ·:4ru111, (. (111al1Ut1), 1, t/U! 11WIL~y M~thon -ouis, 111. anti r. (Ma.ptss.;,..), .s
~tuined fl'Om the .ule of bout11, e11p. tlli! !ftlltm/'11 1>lui11 ·in AUfra, where the. J'tTSirm army :l'l1I
1hi1r1!, u·ho us11ally s7~nt it i1~ trtctiruJ sonu pu/Jli~ ileft1.tted fry the A the11 w1i.s. A•IJ., MarathoDIWI
b11iWi11!1: porticum rlr 111anuLti:1 Ci111brici:1 fedt, ·II -um, Jl1"rutlio1Liat1.
Cic.; transf., tl1t 1rr11)it~ of un ojfi~; ma11ul>ia11 MArathos ·I, f. (Mcipo9o(), a l'ht"JC1iiria11 lolL'll
alicui concedt>re, Cic. ; 1'l u, booty, ~ud. ; 2,
OJ11•1sile to the ~lwul uf Amdus. Adj., l!llArA-
iu augury, a flash of liyhtni11y, Sen.
thenus ·a -um, belvugill!f tu ,\Jumthu;.
manublaita -e (111auuLiiw), of or relati11g to mArli.thrum -i, 11. (µ.ipa.9pov), f~1111d, o,·.
booty, ::lud..
-x-.x l;;;;.....JL Maroellua -i, 111. th.J.: r"!/111111,,,,,. uf u 11 dlu<!-
&DA.Uub -a -um (m:rnnuiac), 01 or rt· rio11~)i111•ily 11fthr f/W..f Cla11<iin. I. !'ti. Cia111lit1>1
lati"'J t.o l~JOty, Plant. I l
~ M1ucl'lltt><, the COtl•/111'.l"Or of -"!1n11·11 ...,, • •Jn!fr•
manubrlum -Ii, n. (1111u11u1), a lwfl, hctnJu; l/111rnilJ<1l nt Solri, slew Viridomarn" kin~r of tltt
aure11m vash1, Cic. / 11s-ubn·., with /Lis ou•n lwwl. II. M. <:ln11diu11
mAnilf ... v. manif •• _ J\for<" .. 1111,;, mi l'/Umy 11f 1'<1,,sar'>, but fl/frru..._1.,,,ls
x-,..,,~ l ,, .-m/011,,d l1y lti11i.
m&WAui6U8 -i, 111. (111a11m1), tltt long 11 t'tl't OJ r
m. M. Claudius 1\tRn·dlns,
11eplvm, udv}'lr~ sn11, a111l sa11-i11·lcw• "f tlu: F.m-
a tu1iio:, PIaut. 1ioror .~ 11gu~t11:1. - - -oe U"-
Il··rwe, .i.mzu -
Ulo -urttm,
mA.niim.188[0 ·UfllM, r. (rnanumitto), the II. th~ F•li ml of Murr·r/[u.<, a frsti ,.. c1 of Iii£ family
t11ut1ici1.,ti<i11or11ut111111L/8~i·m o/u si<Wt, Cle. of M<ll'l'r/lu.< in Sicily, Li\'.
mA.niim.ltto -llli>li -111iS>1lllll (manus aml maroeo. 2. L ,,, 1L•ithe,.,_ tv droop, !tlart.
mitto), :l. to 11ia11u11til, t:111<111.:ipute u 111'.tve; II. Tratisf., tn ~ fi~i11.t, lunynid, faltl.-, /u...:J,
ali4uern, Cic. either from old age or i11dulgc11cc ; marcen$
mhilpridum (mblpretlum) -Ii, n. lnxuri!, Liv.
(ofte11 found. in two words, 111n11ns prctinm), marcesco. 3, (111arreo). L to 'brgin w droop,
u.'agts, h.ire, pay, Cic.; transf., a reward; pen1ita.e Pl in. II. Tra11sf., to languish, grow u·eak, f(dJit;
civitatis, C1c. vino, Ov.; tlesidiii, Liv.
mli.nus -ns, r. (connect.ed with µaw, to touch), marcldua -a -um (111arceo), 1, fade.J., 'ICitMr·
the h<tllli. I. Lit. aud fig. A. Ge11., mauu.~ illy, dnoopiug; \ilia, O•·.; 2, trans(., e11f~r/iurl,
dextera, lneva, Cle.; accipcre aliqnid 111a11ibuR, urnguid, '"'ltt'.!/, 1x'.,YJtted from, i111mO<Umte i11<lul~­
Cic.; 111anus nclhibere Vl'Ctignlibu:;, /m1 hands on, dw~ in l'ati11g, dd11ld11g, or slapi11g; i;u111110 11ut
rob, Cic.; confi>rre ferru111t•t111a1111R, Cic.; ninuns lil>idinosis vigilii!1, Tac.
uare, to surrtnder, Cic.; <lcponcrc alirp1id de Marc[ua -a •11111 , 1tfl11ll! <>/a Roiwtn gtus, tht
manibus, Cic.; elabi de mani bus, Cic.; eslle in nwst cddmtffd nwnbera of trhich ii:-ert: 1, Aiicw1
maul bus, 1, to IH! i1& our lu111d.-i: oratio est in Mure ins, fourth. l.·ing fJf Rolll.t:; 2, L. Marciu,., a
11urnibu11, o:rn be rtad, u U'tll known, Cic.; 2, to Ronum kniyht, u·lin t"()11l1t1af1Anl ·iit Spai'I\ .,_ rJ,t
he in 11reparation; liber mild ei;t in manibus, deitlh of Scipio. A<lj., llfar.-iim: aqua, an 0 , ,1,.
Cic.: 3, to be ntar, to lie 7>re~rnt, Cat•s.; scd ecce dud eimnnenced by Ancus Marcius, u.<t,,rril 1.y1 Q.
In mauibus vir et pmestantissimo in~cuio, etc., ftlarci 1ts lle.x; saltn~ (in Liguria, so <"allcil from
Cic.; fugcre e rnanibus, Cic.; lavare ma nus, the •lcfeat of Q. Marci us, l&i n.c.), Lh·. IJ..nre,
Cle.; prehendcre alicuius ruanum, Cic., aliqu1•111 Marolanus -a-um, Af<tnimt; fuc•lns, mm/e 1.y
[llann, Cic.; ue manu111 quidem Vt'l'terc alicuius
rei cau!ll\, not to nwi•e "jiuga, nut to ki/.:e auy L. Marciu" with. the inhabit1111ts of Cudi..::.
troul1le, Cie. Particular i1brast's: victoriam in 11.11<1 Marc6mannt -oru111, 111.
maniuus vi<lere, at hand, Cic. ; ad wa1111111 esse, a JtOWaful V.:rman tribe.
to I>'- 1wir al luin.d, Liv.: servum sibi ha here nJ marcor -f1ris, m. (marceo), rotU?tnas, decrry,
lllanum, IU (' prit'ale 8'Cl'(lttT1j, Cic.: ue 111a1111, putrefaction, l'liu.
with ont's own hand: farere, Cic.; de 111an11 iu Marcus -i, m. a common Roman pr=men,
manmn trndl're, to gi1oe from one·~ lmn<l illt" the -.
han<t of another, Cic.; ple11i'i. 111ant1, li/1ernl/y; gen. ab 1in·viate<1 ,,1.
plenii. manu a\icuiuH 111utlcs in &!ltra tolll're, Cic.; mi\re -is, n. the Sfa. I. Lit., mare Acg:ie111n,
per man us, with the hmid;:; trahere, Caes. : froni Cic.; mare ocea1111s, Caes.; nostrurn mare, tl1t
hand to hand; traditae pe1· mnnus t'l'ligioncs, Mcdilt'rra neari Sr(L, Cncs.; superum, tlv Aririol«,
Liv.; manibus aequi 11 (with rrrual culr<mkriie, nftl'r Cle.; inferum, tltt Tuscan 8ai, Cic.; t•011c\11~111J1,
a drawn battle) dirimel'e 1111 g 1111111 , Liv. :B. f.:s)I. iHlitnd sea, Ca1's.; cla.usum, not M rig«IJfr, Ci1-.;
I. the. foll, used fur coui;agt>, fon·e, violenl'e; mare inj.(redi, tu yo w ~a. t:ic. ; mart• inf,.,,.111111
manu capere urbcs, &11.; 2, !talltl tu lumd fig/ii; habt•re, to infest the sea (of pirak:i), Cic.; ten ;i.
reK venit ad mann~ at'"jlle ad Jmguam, Cie.; 3, mariqut', ll.1/ sea coul lawl, Cic.; polliceri 111111i:1
abl. manu, by nia111wl labnur, /,y art, urti_/id<.1.1/1/: et mo11tt-:1, tv ma.kt bound/as prcnniMa, Sall. IL
mann sata, sown by /urnd, Ca!'l!.; nrhs ma 1111 Meton., 11ea-u!uter; Chium maris expers, •mmiud
munitissirna, Ci<'.; 4, J>OWer, juri!!dktion; h11t>c with sru-watcr, Hor.
:non sunt in rnann 11o~tra, Cle. II. Meton., 1, M&rea -ne, (. or lllli\reota -ae, (. (Mcipi.. ),
tht hand, i.e., the work of thr. artU;t or cra)ls111an; a /a/;p 1rnd city of Ll}Wer Egypt, /amo1u for it;
extrema, tl1tftni.shi11!1 to11clt, Cic.; cxtre111a 111a1rns wi1u::; ht'nt:e, u1lj., 1, tireotloua -a -ul!I,
non accessit eius opcrilm11, Cic.; 2, ha11d1 11riti11!1; Mrir,,nlic, 1';yyptian; anbst., Mil.riotlcum -i,
retieo ad meam mauum, I hai't' ln 111in Hgain lo n. Mill'entir: wiut; 2, Mi.riotla ·ldis, f. pueL
write. with my own liand, Cic. III. Trnusf., 1,
eht tT'ml.: of an elqilmnt, Cic.: 2, 111a11ui1 ferrt>~l, a
=1'1/t/f'li<ln; vitcs, Verg.
grappling-iron 11.•ed in naval 1mr/tLTf, Caes.; 3, margarita -at:, r. {,...a.pyupi.Tf)<;) and mar-
a, a ba1ut or body of 111l'.n; conjuratorum, Cic. ; garitum -i, n. a ptarl, Cic.
b. an arm,td band; manurn laeere, Cic., c1111- mar~o, 1. (margn), tc; makt a bonln- tc, to
ducere, Cae.-i., cogere, Caei1. IHtrif,,,-, T.iv.
m.iipilla -Ium, n. (a Punic word), huu, margo .Jui:i. 111. trnll f. L a 'bo-rdu, tt.1gt;
hove/$, the. movalile habitalior~ uf the A/ric<w ,;cnt.i, I.iv.; fo11tis, Ov. IL Tt':l11>1f., bv1.1ndary;
Nomads, Sall. impt·rii, o,._
mappa -ae, f. I, a tahle·napU11, Hor.; 2, a MArica -:ic, f. a nymph tn whnm a grove ftt41'
cloth or 'napkin thrown do1mi in tht circ11.$ iu u mu<"rtil; l>oet., a laJ.:e n«ir Jli""
"'7Mll for t/M nl«4 t-0 btgin, Juv. l turnae 1uuned a/Ur hrr, I or.
mar 335 llrtas
mJ.rinua • -nm (mare), of or rtl11ti11rr tn th11 Hectot't'us, with Htclcr, Ov.; lnvadnnt mart.em,
W(I, 11111ri?ie; rnnrini terreulque hu11111rt•K, Cic.; ~!1Ln th< fray, Ver!{.; sun mart~ ca.lunt, in flght
ros, T~TJI, Hor. wi/Jt. o~ a11vth,r, Ov.; fo>miue .. mArte cadf're, in ·ae, C. 1, a largt jig, Mart. ; 2, tM fi!1ht i.cith. a w"""' n, Ov. ; prov., suo mat1t', 1>11
pi/(;, Juv. one' a <'IN' 1·t.«>u,.rt:.f; rex suv tu<lrte rea llll&JI re·
c11p1•r1wit, Cic.; es1>., TIUl11ner of fig/iii rig ; t>quitt-1n
mi.rita. v. maritus. !ll\11 ali .. 11uqu1! 111ark J•t1gnarc -- i.t•., bvtl1 on h.7f'U
maritalla -e (m:1dtns), ttlath1g to marrin~ a11d 011. Ji><'I, Liv.; b, tr:rn,l:, of \.-;;al di11vuw .. ,
or c11wtrrii>a pair, CO'r!Jtt:f<tl, matrimOft.Uil, maTitaJ; foreusis, Ov.; 2, the furl 1111.,• or i..{S11to/ u:ar; Ht'•~ uo
Te~tis, Ov. 111art.i, Liv. ; lidli ""mmuni:1, Cic. ; 3.
mArltlmus (maritumus) -a -~1m (man'), /Jrarery, warlike S!'irit; si 1•atrii qui.I 111;11 ti.i:
1, of 111 r..J11ti,1~r tu tM 5"AI, 11u1rint, maritim.:; babes, \"er~. II. Trans(., the plan.el .Alurs, Cic.
prat'tfo, a pirate, Cic.; impcrium, a 1Wt'ill cnm- Adj., Martiua. llartli.lla (q.v.).
"'''"''· l'i<'.; 2, on th~ srn (ll' on tht .<crt·O•tlll; llllantl -Orum, 111. L the Mar&ian1, a ptopltJ
civitas, Caes. ; silva, Cic. Suhi;t., m&ritlma of L.uium, 1'ot<>riaus as ><1Tt:crer11 and srwke-·
.,·,mm, n. maritim<' rrgio11s, plti..:es on the 11C<.1·cwd, charmer$. Adj., a, Maralcus -a -nm, Mar11i.c;
Ci<'. bdlurn, the Soci11l War, L'1 .... b, Maraua -a
mi.rito, I. (maritus). L ro 1«d, marry, gire -n111, Mtirsian; nenia, end1a11J~11t11, Hvr. IL
in •1tr1rritlf1t: principem, Tar- II. Tra11sf., of a J>er>1•le i 11 1Jermany, btt1ctt11 thtJ Rhine, the Lippe,
1•la1d:.1, to bind one to anothw, to train 01te on and thP. Em.•.
maritua -a -um (mas).
marauplum ·11, n. (JA.aptni11.011), a monc~­
I. Arl,1., 1, lit., of bag, Jiursr, l'o11ch, Plaut.
or rdalmf1 ~ marriagf, mrrtrimoninl, nuptial;
f0t ...!us, Ov. ; Venu11, nmjug11.l lo11e, Ov.; domus, Marsyi.a -a•·, m. awl Maraya -ae, m. (Map-
h,.·u~s of marritd fl&JJlle, Li\'.; 2, transf., of CTtin~ ). I. Cl ll(ltyr, lif>alt11 i11 11 musical cu11lut
plants, titd or trai/l.ed iuyether; ulmus, Cat. IL with A1>ollo, 1t'ho Jfoyttl him crlia. A st11tue oJ
llul>.,t., 1, mA.ritus -i, rn. a., a h.u.sbnnd, Cic.; MarsyM stood in tlte Ronw n j<Jn,m, nt th~ si'()I
b, a lun·r, suitor, Prop.; c, transf., of animal!{, whtre lawyer& tranMctN their lnisint.<6. II. a
DJ&ritu>i olens, tJu: he-goat, Hor. ; 2, mA.rita rirer in l'h rygia Mojnr,;towing into the .\fCUJl nder.
-ae, f. a u:ife, Hor. 1. Martl&lla -e (Mars), 1, of or nlating to
Mlriua -a •Um, the 11ome of a Roman gen.•, Mars, co11stcruted to Mars: flamen, Ck.; Ju pi,
tM nw.•t distingu~htd mrmbcr of 10hich Wa.! C. /JMTeft to .Man, Hor.; pl11r. su\J!lt., llarti&lea,
Marius, Mn-n times ro11s1ll, cn1"1"eror of Jugurtlta 111. tM 1rrir•ls of Mars, Cic.; 2, n:laling tu the
and tht Cimbri, rii;ul of ~ulla, leader of the Ltgio .\Iurtia; miliU-:1, Cic.
pnpulnr parry u.l Rome. Adj., .ilforU?11. Hence, 2. Martl&lla -is, m. M. Valerius, the celt·
Jltlrli.nua -a -um, ,\ltrria11. brated l.'oman tpigranmwtist of Bi/bi /is in Sr,ri n.,
llarmarica -af', f. a tli.<lrirt ill Afrira he· u·ho ftourishtd undtr the empervn l.Ju17iirian,
tlc«a J-;,,!/Jil and the Syrtc.1, 11ow R<1rka. lfrure, Num, cmtl Trajan.
llannaridos -ae, 111. a 111a11of11-farm«rica. Martfo61a • ae, c; (Jltars and colo), a v.,,,....
marmor -Ori~, n. (Jl.ap11apof). L marble. sh i J•J'ff of .\l<trs, Ov.
A. Lit., Cle. B. l\lcton., 1, a marble .tutUI!, Martlgena -ae, c. (Mars and i;eno =gig?••'),
O\",; duo mannora, Ov.; In plur., 11u/,/ic 11wn1'· be~1 .. ttni o; Mars, of~pri11g o/ Mars, Ov.
writs, Hor.; 2, tht wliite /00.1_!1J! S'Urfar~ of the Martina -a -11111 (~ars). L of or relating w
w; 111armor inlidum, Vcrg. IL Trau11f., 1t01U tl1t !J"'L Mars, sw:red to MaT11; a., lit.., mensis, the
generally, O\·. tnonth nf March, Pli11. ; C.a!t·nrlae M:irtin.E>, tht 1st
marmor~ua -:i. -um (mannor). L marble, o/M .. rch, ci.·.; prolf's, /lom1tl1J..!l and Rtu111s, Uv.;
'aade of 11111rble, i;ii.:11u111, Cic.; aliqtH'm marmor- miles, Roman (as !'tlnrs W>UI cnnRitlere<1 t .. tie
tum facne or l'llll<~l"t', to wa~ e n 11utrl>lt slnt1u of, the llOf'estor of the H•>miu1 people), O•·.; C1rn1flllS
Verf:. IL Truu-,1"., like marl.le in sniootlw~s.i or ~lartin~, the 1•ltli11 of .\/11rs at Ro11U, Cic.; gr11.:11ine
colriur; cen·ix, Verg.; i;elu, O\·.; ae•1U<>r, Vcrg. l\laitio, on the Cm111•111 .lfartiua, Hor.; Murt1A
Miro -iini!'I, m. the cognomen of the pou P. legio, ?iamt of a legion, Cie. : b, rul'ton,.
Verviliu.j, v. Vergilius. u:urlil;e; l'enthe~ilt>a, \'erg.; Tl11:l>t', '""ll of
llaroboduua -i, m. king of the Svevi, who man.11 mir.•, uv. II. Trnn~r.. f:wolcmvinq k> the
VX£.; defeated by A rm.illius, fed to Italy, and um
7>/rtnet .liar.•; fnl1<·~r rut1lu14 lwniu1l1sq1;., terrils
hndly recl"irni by the Rcrman.11. 1p11·111 Mar11ur11 dicitis, Cic.
llironea (-la) -ae, r. (M11pw11na). La town Marus -i, m. a ri i·i-r in Dacia, now tJw
of ltaJ.11 in the .Smnnite cou.1try, now Marano. Ma,. ..."·/;.
n a town. in Thract, now Marogna. llcnce, maa, 111:!.ris, in. tha 111L1le (opp. femlna). ap-
llflironitea -ae, rn. it .Jlaronite. plie<I to m .. n. animals, aud plaut.11. L Lit., a
prirna co11g1ess1nne mari!I et ti·n1i1oa.P, {'ic.; n1as
llilarpe88U8 (Marpeaua) -1, m. a moumain vitt'\lus, a male y1>/k, i.f'., tf,ttl tCl>l1/'l J•rt•dr1cr £l
\11 tl1t /.<land of Paros. AdJ., Marpeulua 1nnlt chick, Hor.; applied tn 1•la11ts, ttre inares
<lila.rpCaiua) -a -uru, Marpessian. ol<'as, 0\'. II. 111a11l_11, rigc·r1>us; auimi Ill.ires,
marra ·ae, f. a hot/or rooting up tD«cU, Juv. Hor.; male 111a.q, u11ma11ly, tfftmlnatt, CM.
llarrilbl'.um -li, n., v. Marruviu1n. Masa.esull ani1 Maaaes;tll -01 um and
Marriicinl ·Orum, m. a pto-pU on the COOllt -f1111, rn. 11 , .... ,.:,- i11 Nirntidirt.
of wtium, bcw·un. the Frentani and lhe river masculintta ·a. -um (masculns), of tht md6
.Al!rn1LS. Ht'nce, aJj., Marruoinua -a -urn, au, mi.1St:'11li ii~. l'haedr.
Of or Mongit1!J to the Marrucini. masoiilua -a -um (•lim. of ma!!), of t~e mttlt
Marrivlum (Marriiblum) -If, n. ca7>Ual :ux, 11wle. I. Lit., turn, Verg.; 11l»·~'" Hur,
of the .\tarsi, ll7l the brmk.B of the Lar.iu Fucin!J.8, ~nbst., maaoiilua ·I, m. a malt, Liv. IL
now S. Benwtto. Adj., Marrivlu -a -urn, Tran~r., ma.·rnli11~, manly, bold, coura{l,ou.a;
q/or btlonging to .Marrvvium. proles, Hor.
Mara, Martis, m. (poet. form, Mltvors}. I. MA.slnlaa -ae, m. Ung<>! Nmnldia, / of
Jl.ar1, tht god of tror. A. Lit., Mnrs Oradivu9, Mici~a, grandfathtr of JugurtlLa, ally of th.I
Liv, B. Meton., 1, war, battle, fa.lht; a, lit., Romans.
maa 336 mat.
• · - .ae, f. {,.Lci{a), a lt1mp, flla#: pfcla, fTIDtMr'• lldt, Verg.; C&Mar clnpna matema tem·
Verg.; esp., a, lactls coactl, qf cliaM, Ov.; b, pora myrto (i.e., uf \'enuR, ruotber of Aeneu
of 10etal1, Plin. ; abaol., a t11aa of gold, Ov.; aud myth. ancestreM or the Julian gens), Verg.
capper, Verg.; o, c:Aaol, Ov. matertira -ae, r. (mater), a ..atkr'• "'""·
K•wlgltils -&e, m. (M111T1Tayi1"'1(), plnr., wtaUT'nal a1ml, Cic.
M1uag6tae, a ScytAian peopk on the tad cocut of m.khimAtloua -a -um (µafitµanirdc). L
till Ca.pia1l &a. AdJ:, 'lflat.Wliaatira.l, Pllu. D. 1, 1ubst., _..
llauloua -1, m. a tK01111kdn in Ca•panw, tbimAtloua ·I, m., a, a motl1t111aticimt, Cic.;
/anwu.. /or iu wiut, now Nonle Jfa.Q-O or MWI· b, an astrologe~, Tac. ; 2, mAthiml.tlca -ae, heuce, Hasaicutn vluum, or subilt., Maa- f., a, tn1lllmltal1e11 Sen.; o, cutrulogj, Suet.
llloum -1, n. AlnS1ic wiu, Hor. ; ao, hu1uor ·I, m. a lllOllntahi. ii& Apulia, /aatltU
Mlllldicus, Verg. for iu ltoney. Hence, adj., KAtuaua -a -um,
KeeeDJa -ae, r. a ttltbrattcl tOICll i" Gallia Ma tint.
Narbo11t11sis, colo11i.sed /l'om Ph()C(Ua iii .Ana, f. toll'I& of tllt ..ttdui (a Ga1J~
Minor, now Alaruillts. Adj., Mp•Dleula -e, DOW J./afOll.
of or btlongillg to .Mll&Sllia.
ll&Mfll -i'>rum, m. and (poet.) ·flm, a people llatlua ·• -um, Mme of a ROWll.lii "'"'·
~11 Numidia. A<l_j., ...,ylua -a -um, poet. llatralla -Ju111, n. (mo.ter), the a11r&ttalfutitlfll
"" .lffricun; equites, \'erg. o/ tltt Miiter Mat11t.R, ctltbratetl on th.I 1111 ti
J1111t, 0\'.
mutigla -ae, 111. (JAaOT•yiaf), a t00rlltlea
ftllow, 5<"0u11drd, lit., 011t avlto J.utrves u whip- m&trloida ·at, c. (mater and <'Udo), Cl JJf'·
pi 11g, Plaut. soa trho 11111rd,,.1 hu llWtlitr, a 11ttUrici~. etc.
mutr1ioa (maatriip) -ae, r. (a Sar<linian mi.trleidlum ·II, n. (matrirltlll), t1tt $layi11r
worJ), u •'011gh garmt11t of aheep-skiti, Ullt!d 8.11 a of u ,not/1tr by hu ao11, matl'it"idt, Cit'.
term uf reproach, Plaut. matrlminlum .Ji, n. (111ate1"). L marriugr,
mutriioi.tua -a -um (1nastn1ca), clotl&td iia 111ai1'1"111111111; aliq1111111 in 111ntri111onfu111 duttre,
Ille 1111i>!trul"ll, Cic. tn 11111rry, Cle.: 1l11re alicui lili:rn1in11111.trimonium,
Cle. ; h:tliere ali.111a111 In niatri111011i~Cil'.; ali-
llUdi.ra -ae, r. ant\ matl.rla (mae4Srla) qnam ex 111alri111onio expellere, Cic•. ££. Melon.•
0 111, f. (a Ct•ltic wurJ), a Vallie )•ikt, <.::u-a. 111atrhnonia, t1mrritd w11111t11, Tac.
mAteWo -Onls, m. (<11111. or niatula) a 1111all mi.trimus -a ·Um (mater), haPh1g a W10t.ltt
f'Ol, "'"''· Cle. st ill li 1•i •I!/, Cic.
mater, matris, r. C,..>iT7Jp), n molhtr. L Lit., 1. matrc>na -ne, f. (mater), a marriAl 1001ll411,
l, or men, a, tie Jtietl\t~ In matrt'm, Cit'~;
t11<1tro1t: eiip., an ho1toumUt, t1oblt, rupectub(c
matre111 Heri de Jo\·e, to l~mt prtg1u111t by, o,.,; lwl.11, Cle.; uR tpitl1tt of J1mo, Hor. ; more rarelr
b, l'Sp., (4):::: woma11, 'U'i/t, Liv.; (JJ) applied to
= wift, Cic.
a nurse, \'erg.; (.,.) to goddes!le11, Mater Terra,
Liv.; magna mater, Cic., or simply, 2. ll&trOna -ae, m. a rivtr in Gallia Lttfld•·
(sc. tleorum), CylJtu, Verg.; Amorum, Ve11111, nt11sis, now the JlarM.
Ov.; 2, of animals, da'lll, part11t, Verg.; 3, a, mi.tron&lla -e (matrona), of or rtlating Coa
or plants, the partnt aten&, Verg.; b, of towus, nwrrit1l U"Ol1Ut11, f.t/or a matron, matronl11; decos,
trwthn'-<"ity; Populonla mater, Verg. ; c, or Liv. ; fe1iae Matronale.i, a /atival of the Rmlia"
co11ntrie11, haec terra quam matrem appellnmus, nwtro111 htld i11 ho11011r of Juno Luciua Oil tlu
Liv. IL Y.eton., motl1trl11 love: simul matrem lit of .Mnrch (hence called fem!neae cale11dae), sensit, Ov. III. Fig., IOUTU, origin; Juv.
mater omuium bonarmn artium t'!lt sapienlia, matta ·ae, f. a mat of nuhu, OT.
Cic.; utiljtas just! prope m1tter et aequi, Hor. mattia ·ae, r. (µanuca), a dai/l.lN d£J11:, a
materciUa -ae, (. (dim. of mater), a liUlt dainty, Mart.
wwtller, Cle. llattllcum ·I, n. a k>Wll uar t1it 9'0!kra
matirla-ae, r. and ~rl- ·ei, r. (mater), Wit.&badttt; bence, llattlkua -a ·um, relating
'OUltter, maUT-ia.l, atu§ of 11.'hich. anything ii com· lo Mattiacun•.
ptMd. L Lit., A. Gen., materia rerum, Cic.; ma- mAttua -ae. r. n t't11tl, pot; as a term or re-
t.eriam praebet aegc1 arida, /, Ov. ; materiam 11roach, rim11lcto11 ! Plaut.
11uperabat O\•Us, Ov.; e11p., buildi1'fl flllltt1·ial.a; mii.tiirati, adv. (maturatus from maturo).
d~ata mat.eria omnis infra Veliam, Liv. B. Esp..
quicl."ly. l'laut.
l, wood: a, grun ~: !11aleJ'.!e11 vitls, .the sttM,
C1c.; b, trOOd /or btnlding, limber, C1c.; ma· mi.tiri, adv. (maturull). L at t1it rigJi.l
teriam caedere, Liv. ; 2, provi.tions, Ov. IL tfou, utuo1iably, 01>pQrt11ntly, seutire, Cic. ; satia
Transf., l, matter, atuff, material•; ad jocaudum, mature oct'nrrere, Caes. IL I. i11 gcl(l(f tilW,
Cle. ; artis, Cle. ; 2, inritnntnt, oo:a8ion, cause ; bcti111u, soon, tarl11; M>nem ltt:r1, Cic. ; maturioa
setlltionl11, Cic. ; aunnn summi materies mali, proHci>1ei, Caes. , maturis::iime rem vindicatt.
Hor. ; materiam dare invidiae, Cic. ; 3, natural ti<'.; 2, too 1oon, 11rt111aturc/y; mature decessit.
ililpoli.tio'll, abilitiu; Catonls, Cic. Nep.
matirfi.rlua -a -um (matt•rta), o/or rtlt1ting mi.tiireaco. mltQriii, 3. (n1aturus). L t&
lo ttmlwr, Plin. Bubllt., mi.tirfArlua -Ii, m. riptn, llfcomt ripr; (@11111 111atureacere rrumen~
a ttmber merchant, Plaut. lnciperent, Cat>s. IL to a>IM lo 1114ltcrify;
partus 111aturescunt, vv.; nubilihu1 matunlit
m&tirlea -~I, r. = materia (q. v.). anuis, Ov.
materfO, 1. (mnterles), to bu!ldt Nm.$lr-uct Of mii.tiirltaa -ltis. f. (m:itnrus>. rip1rua.. L
wood; aedeii male materiatae, of oaa wood·worl.., Lit., of fruits, fruf!Um, Cic. IL Trawtf., &., J.O.
Cic. dtt'CIOJmitnt, riJ1tntsS. maturity; SC'elerum tuatur·
mi.tirlor, 1 • <lep. (materla), to ft4l wood, It.all in 11ostri consulaUis tempus t>rupit, Cic .• of
procurr wood, Cat-!l. tht> d~velol'ment oftht minJ; aetatis 11d prudent-
matirla= 11111tara (q.v.). il1111, Cic.; b, tM t"i9lir mv111t11t qf lifflt,/Mbta1 o/
mi.terDaa -a -um {mater), of or rtlalira.g lo tim.t; eius re1 maturitu n..quedum venlt., Cle.
a mother, tnaltTllal; u.11gul11, Cle. ; tempora, mi.tiiro. l. (111aturus). L TranadL, A. IJt..
~riod u/ ptgt1a11q, Ov. ; uobilltu, on Uu to 11iakt/n1it1 ripe, to ri1~n; U\'&1, Tib. ~ mauara&&.
mat 337 med
uva, l'i~. Cic. B. Transr., 1, t-0 do tti~ly, betimu: ooughllr of kin.g .Atttu in Colchu: 11elptd J<UOfl.,
nmlta .•• quae maturare ~atur, Verg. :. 2,. to tM Argonaut, to obtain lite goldm ~.fled. aU'(&J
quiclct11, 1'a.1Un, llC('.llcm~; hu1c mortem, C1c. ; m- 10ith. lti111, afteru:urds dt«rttd by htm.
sidias consuli. 8&11. ; ikr1 Caes.; fugam, Ve:rg. ; lledela -ldis, r.(Medea), magical, Ov.
with in fin., to lwutt11, ma1.:e hcutt tc do anllfht11g; m~dem -er>tis, m. (partic. ofmedeor),subst.,
ftumen exercitum transducere maturavit, Caes. ; a pl1y11ician, Ov.
oro ut matures venire, Cic.; ni Catilina matur-
11.!1-'!et sign um dare, had bull too ha$ly in gi.ving tht medeor, 2. dep. to heal, to cvn; 1, lit., a, of
1igMl,8all. IL lntra1111it., to hattten, ha3te; pernons, with dut., morbo, Cic. ; b, prov., quum
auettuor tuus non pot.est ita maturare, Cic. capiti rnederi debeam, reJu\•iam curo, to ntglect
a gnat evil whifr takin,g cart.. of a small orie, Cic.;
matilrua -a -um. L ripe, A. or fruits, or things, to clo good t-0, be good for, Li\·. ; 2,
pnma, Cic. ; uva, Verg. B. ripe, mature, ptrfect, tronsr., to henl, u.<$ist, alleviate; incouuuodis
1ta.~Mb1"; I, lit., physically, a, maturi :1oles, omniuiu, Cic.; aOlictac et pertlitae reipul>licae,
po!l'trflll,_Verg.; b, ripe iii point. of ag~. gr?wn Cle.
11p, rnarrwgroble; virgo, Hor. ; with dat., v1rgo lledl ·orum, m. (M~.5ot), tht !tledes; poet. =
matura viro, Verg.; progenie~ matura milltiae, the Ptrsiu1l-', .Assyria1111, PartMans; iiing., Meuus,
ri~ for, Liv. ; al!';O aged, of ripe ytars; senex,
Hor.; maturus aevi, Verg.; acta~. Hor.; 2, the !rfrdt, poet.= Ptr1ian. Hence, a, Media -ae,
tnn!r., a, intellectually and morally, ripe in r. (MJ).5ia), Media, a dist1ict or Asia; t!umen,
111idtrsta11.ding and character; annls gravis atque Euphrates, Hor. ; b, Medicus -11 -um, Mtdia11;
animi maturus Ale~s, \'erg. ; b, ripe, developed, transf., A8syriHn, l'trsia'l; c, lledua -a -um,
!llatnrt, timtly; glorla, Liv.; matnrum vide· Median, poet.= Persian, A!Slf1'ian.
Latur (ii smM<l th.e proper time) repeti patriam, medlaatinua -i, m. (meuiu!l), a .Zani who
Liv. IL 1, tad!J; hiems, C!les.; decessio, Cic. ; ptrfonntd menial o,Jlces, a drudge, Cic.
2, transr., 'll'id:, spwiy; judiclum, Cic. mecll'.ca -ae, r. (~111.5uoj), l11t:"T11t, clover, Verg.
llituta -ae, ! tht goddtss of the tarly morn; midloabllla -e (medicor), curuble; nulli11
gt11., ~Matula Mater, 1ui u11ci.e11t ltalicrn godde.."'5, amor est medicabilis herbis, Ov.
idrnl1fteil with I iio or Leucothta. ·lnis, n. (medicor), a dn1g,
mi&Utinus -a -um, rorly in tht morning, medicine, 111ttlio:al $Ub&tU1«:e. L Lit., A. In a
ptrlailli11g to the 11wrni11g; kmpora, Cic. ; equi, good sense, Ci~. ; fig., iratae medicamh1a fortia
h·".J of Aurora, Ov.; pattr, Jauiu invoked ·i1' praebe, Ov. B. In a bad sense, poiso11, poiJonoiu
tht lllOnting, Hor. draught, Tac. D. Transr., 1, colouring 1natler,
llaurt ·ornm, m. {Maiipo1), the Moor11, fa. dye, anil esp., rouge, paint, Cic.; 2, an artificial
Wiitallhof Jfauritc.mia; hence, 1, Maurus·& 1nean.t of improving a natural product, Plin.
-um, Mooritth; poet., African, C:u.rthaginian; 2, medloi.mentum -1, n. (medicor), a drug,
Jlauritaala -ae, r.Maurita11ia, a di.strict in medicine, rtmedy. L Lit., A. salutarc, Cle. ;
A.fricti, betWttn N11midia and Uit Atlanti.c Ocw.n. Ilg., rtJMdy, cnrt; doloris, Cic. B. a pouo1wu1
llauriiala -ae, f. (Ma11pova'ia), .Ma11rUani4. drug poiaon, Ck ; coquere medicamenlB, Liv.
Adj., llauriialua ·a -um, Mauritaniau, also IL funsr., a rolouri11g suhsta11.u, dye, Cic. ; Ilg.•
!M't. for African.. fucati medicamenta ruboris et candorls, Cic.
Kauolua -1, m. (Ha&ivwi\of), ki11.g of Caria, 1. medloatus -a -um, p. adj. (from medico),
liL.OOn.d of A f"Umi.sia, who erecua a ttpltndid ht<1ling, medicinal, Plln.
lllOJllUMlU to hi.a memnry. Adj., llaUllOleua 2. micllcatus ·ils, m. (medicor), a m«i111 "1
·a ·um, bdongi.11.g ta .ltlawolu.&: sepulchrum, or encha11tme11t, chltrm, Ov.
gen. Rubet., llau.aOleum -1, n. the tomb of mecll'.oina -ae, r., v. mediclnua.
Mauolu; or, in general, an111plendid .sepulclirc,
Suet. meclloiDas ·& -um (medicus), relating or
belonging t-0 the art of htaling. L Adj., ~arr.
miv61o = malo (q.v.). IL Subiit. midloina ·ae, r. · A. (11c. a111), the
Jlivora -vortis, ~~ archaic and poet. for art of healing; me<licinam exercere, to practise
Ma.I'!!. Adj., llllAVOl'QUS -a -um, belongiilg to medicine, Cic.; mediclnam facere alicui, to /teal,
Mars, Afartial; moenla, RoIM, Ov.; kllus, Cie. B. (sc. res). mean& of healing, medicine;
ThN«, Verg.; proles, tht Thelxrns, Ov.; subst., medlcinam adhibere, Cic.; flg., curt; laboris,
llavortius, Mtleager, the 11on of .Mars, Ov. Cle.
m.&xfJJa -ti.fl, f. (dim. or mala), the jaW·OOM, m«Sdloo, l. (medicus), to htal, cure; 1, to
jaw, Cic. . $JJMnklt with medicinal juiu.a, to m«ticau, dnlf;
JD&Jdmi, superl. or magis (q. v.). semlna, \'erg.; partic., medlcatus,e.g., medicatae
.m&Jdm.ltaa -lti11, r. (maxim us), grealt&UI, sedes, 'llUdicattd, iprinkled with a preparation,
nu, Luer. Verg.; somnus, procured bf drug• or magic, Ov.;
2, tc dyt; capillos, Ov.
mulmiper'9 v. magnopere. meclloor, l. dep. (medlcus), lo heal, cure;
l. mazimua, superl. or magnu.s (q. v.). alicui, Verg.; aliquld, Verg.
1 •axJmu, v. Fabius. 1. medlcua -a -um (medeor), Malhtg, whole-
m.uonCSmus -1, m. (}'a{ov6µof), a cha~, - . medicinal. L Adj., ara, Ov. D. Subst.,
large dUh, Hor. midlcua -1, m. a doctor, phyrician; medlcum
m.eamet_ meapte, v. meus. ad aegrum adducere, Cle.
miitus -ils, m. (meo), 1, a going, pauing 2. llecll'.C>US. v. Medi.
ll!Ot1011;aqnilae, flight, Tac. ; 2, a tear, path, medle, adv. (medius), moderately, Tac.
1'1!Jaqf: Danubtus in Ponticum mare sex meat-
ib1U (1110uth8) erumpit, Tac.
medletas ·Atis, r. (medlua), the middle,
midst, that which i.9 in tM middh, translation or
llicutor, v. Castor. the Greek 1uo-6rrjf, Cie.
1D.ecldix -leis, m. (Oscan metidelcos, giver of mi41mnam -1, n. and me41m.nus -1, m.
CO~iutl), Ult 11.ame of a 11Ulgitttrau among tht (µi5cµv~), a Gnek mea.n1re of capacity contain-
Otln111: with the addition, tutlcus, meddix tutl· ing ttix Roman modii, Cle. (genit. piur., gen.
tut, clWJ111a,Wrau, Liv. medimnQm).
1liclia -ae, r. (Mij&ne), H 8114Ao"1"", midlhrla -e (mecllua), ~. middl,nf.
med 338 Keg
L Ut., lpl\tluo1, C.ae11. II. TraMt., 1, middlifl9, Cle.: 2, of time, a. gen., ultimura, prmlmnm,
-1i<x:n, Wlnabbl, WldiJftr'n.t; orator, vtr, <;ic. ; medium tempus, Cic.; mP.dii11 diebu11, (a LM
eli1<111entia, Cle.; 2, "'odtralt, cal•; anilnu.a., i11ttrHning day1, Liv.; or age, media aet.,
Cael'I. . tnldd/e agt, Cle.; b, 1.arlitive = U.. mitl1IZ. of:
midl~taa-litis, r. (merliocris), 1, tnOJna. metliu1 dies, t.U •iddU of IM dl111, Ch'.; 6t
tit.1', 1.. rdium, the mo111 l>'-l"~'ll '.hV."8 ond J,q"ut; 11ullflt., m641um -fl n. tM W&idtfl.e; jam die•
111ediocr1taku1 illam ten~rc r1uae e.. t iuter nimi- medium erat, Liv. 11. Fig., 1, tltat to1Hdi slaw
u111 rt parum, Ck.; aurcam 111rdiocrlt.a1'~m <lilig- h#tiotm tu.-o tt:tnmitit'11; a, ge11., quum in~r bel-
er~, flu goldtn. mt'an, Hor.; plur., mediocril.iltcs lum l"t par.Pm me<linm nihil sit, no mi1ldle tki"fl,
prohal>ant, ntNUTation (n J•iui.on, Cic. ; 2, 110 me.aft, Cle.; b, lfa1111i11g bdtoun. tw-o rin:'J or
TJU<iiocr"u· i1\{eriorUy, (n.signijicance; iugenil, ,.artiu, fk!"IJtral, intllrm.«1iaU; medium qut;
Cic. cursum tenelre.nt, Cic.; medi11111 se gerere, t.o
midl0crlter,adv. (mediocri'4), 1, tnO<ltrately, 1.:ee11 onaelf tcrntral, Cic. ; mc<liOR es:ie jam non
tolc.-ably, not a:lr,,or1lirvuiiy; ncmo me.liocriter lic.'oit, <.:ic.; c, onlinortt COflllMll, tuual, mid-
t.11..-tus, Cic.; iu aliqua re mediocriter ver11atum dling; gratia non media, Uv.; 2, a, contairtiflf
esiw. Cic.; 2, with. modcratiim; aliqnid non 11 111u:ture of t11:0 OJtpOSitu; medium ernt iu Aneo
mP<liocriter ferre, Cic. ingeuiuru, et Nu111ae et Romuli memor, Liv.;
b, a.-ting cu mo.lu1tor; medium ..e otfert, Veil!.;
llediCSIADum -i, n. and ·lADlum -11, n. 111ediiis 11iis, Ov. ; 3, ooming bdwee11. two ptT'llOfU
to1c1L in L'i<;a/p1ne r;aul (now Milun). H"uce, adj.,
to dill1.1rb or uparau; quoa inter medi1111 ve1u'
lledloli.Deneis -e, belonging to Medi·ilanum. furor, Verg.
MedlCSmatriol -Orum, m. a pwpll in Gaul, medlua fldlua. Y. fldiUL
011- the .illwelu.
me41s:, medixtutlcus, Y. merldhi:.
Medlin -Onia, m. (MtllC:...v or Mfllt'wv), town medulla -ae, r. (mt"dfn~>. tnarro1D "'bow'I;
ill .t4carnania. Hence Jrledlonll -OrUJJl, 111. 1, lit., cum albis os"a medullh•, Ov.; 2_. tran~f..
the inhal»tant.t of Mnfion. the in.most part; mihl hneres in meduhi!l, I loiot
mecdoxlmua (medfoxiimU9) •Iii ·UIO ymi from the bottom of my htert, Cle.
(metlius), that 11:hich is in the middle, the mid- Medullla ·ae, t. a town ill Latiu•, t!>k>ny oJ
"'°"; dii super! atque lnferi et mMioxumi, Allxt (now St. Angtlo). llPnee, adj., •idul-
btt1Dlll'l ~ celutinl 1md i1'/cmal dtitiu, Plaut.
medlti.mentum ·i, [I, (meditor). a thinking
linu• -a ·llm, of or belonging to -'fr<lullia.
upon anything, pre1J(1ralion; in plur., be Iii 111etli- meduWtiia, adv. (me1lulla), in au WTJ
tamenta, Tac. marr1>u•; fi).(., iitu"«rdly, conlu1ll11, Plaut.
medlti.ti. adv. (metlitatus, from meditor), medulldla -at', r. (dim. or medulla), .....
with mr•litutwn, designedly,thoroughl.11, Plaut. f'OU'. Cal.
meditatlo -oni!1, r. (meditor). I. a thinkifl9 l. Medus -1, m., v. Medi.
ovtr a11ything, con,templation, f1Wl ilation; 1, 2. Medus -1, m. (M~Sof). La rittrifl Ptnia,
gen., futuri mAli, Cic.; 2, e::ip., a pntp1ralio11 for now l'olwar: i"'et. adj., Me<lu111 fiumen, HM.
a1lyll1ing; obeum1i mum·ris, C1c. II. practice, IL son of .'1edta, titlr of a tragaly by p,,ctH'ilU.
eurci~; locos m111Ui. cornme11tation~ atq11e medi· Medusa -:ie, f. ('.\fi.5ov.,.a), th1: rlo11ghttr <tf
tatio1ll' par:itos atque exp.·ditos!re, Cic. Plwrc11.~, mother of tl•r /ior~e Pegasus 1>11 ,\·c1°t111,..
medltitua ·ll -nm, partic. or meditor. Ollf of /hr Gorgo"M, s1ai11 l•y l'eruvs. Hence, adj ..
mediterri.neua -a -um (rne<I ius nnd terra), Mediisaeua -a -um, Jfrd1·~ea": equus, Ptfl'-'"
(nland, fur Jr-om the ~a (opp. mari~i111t111); reg- 1us, Ov.; fons, Hippoert•lt, O\'.
loncs, Cae~.; urh!i, <.:1c,; iter, Liv. ::!ub~t., MegAbocchua (llegAboccus) -1, m.
medlterrilleum -1, n., ge11. plur., meiliter- Caius, ftliow-co11,S1•irator witli Catui1r.e.
ranea, tf\la1ul countf'JI; meditemmea Galliae Megaera -ae, f. (Miympa.), one of iM Fwia.
petit, Liv. Megili ·i!s, r. ~(M1yci.-'.11). Uu Grtal Ow,
medltor, 1. dep. (connected "'Ith p.~A•Tti.w, name of Cybele. Hence, a, Megiilensla -e,
as l:icri11m with llrurpuov). L to think OV€r, con- belonging to the J11a9na Matllr (Cyltele) : ~n.
aider, meditate; I, gen., a., with acc., liaec mul- subst., MegiileDSla -!um, n. and llegAlisla
ta, Cic.; b, with de and the abl., de sua ratione, ·!um, n. the/ratiml annually c.tkhmW on tAe "~
Cic.; ~ with rel. sent., mecum, quid dicerem, of April, (n hon.our of Cybelt, the J.fagna Jlaln;
Cic.; :<!l, esp., to think upon a11ythi7l!1 in pre- b, JrlegAlesll.oua -a -um, rdaU11{1 to tlil
paration, study, P" ~~f f)f", JMditatc, festiml.
inttwl; a., with acc., alicui peskm. <..:ic.; accusa- lleg6.lop0lls, acc. -im, t and Meg&li
tionem, Cic.; b, with ad and the ucc., ad prae-
dam, Cic.; c, with in and the ac,.., in prodia, poU., acc. -in, f.(M•jt0.\oiroA,cand M~.,....w~).
Verg. ; d, with lnfin., multos annos rei.:naJ'\•, Cic. a t-OWn in Arcadia, bit1hplau of Poly'1i1£1J. Hence,
ll. Transf., to pro ct ise, t:tlN' OMsrlf; Demo- a., MiSgillopolitae -arum, m. thl! iuhalJita,t.tJ
sthenes perfecit meditando, ut, etc., Cic.; partic., of .Megalopclis: b, arlj., MePJ61Mlitiau
m~dlti.tus -a -um, pass., mroitattd, ()()11..,idertd, -a -um, of or bdongit&g to Mt.!Ja/.opolU.
reflected, Jfl"epartid, devised; mooitntum et cogit;.. Megara -ae, f. and Megl.ra --Orum, n.
atum scelus, Cic. (M.!yopo., rci). La to1un iti Jfl!{lari3 {now Magaro).
m6dlum -ll, n. ~ midd~, v. medlua. 11. a town i" Sicily (now Cal taro). Hence, a., adj.
medlus -a -um (connected with p.ltro<; "'1 -ov), JrlegAreruda ·e, Megariaa; b, JrlegA.riu•
the middlt, midmoirt, micht. L Lit. 1, of space; -a -um, .Mt.garian; c, Megireua ~i and ~.
a., gen., medlus mundi Joens, Cle.; b, partitive, m. of Mtyaro: d, MegiU'lcua -a. -um, Jltga·
= ~ mWdh of: In foro medlo, tJu midst of thll rian. Subst., Medricl -orum, f.'h.iLolOphm
forum, Cle.; o, au bet., medlum -Ii, n. thll midst, of the /.frgaric 1chco1. discipla qf Bvelida; e,
the middle point; medium fcrire, Cic.; alique111 Jrlegiirua -a -um, Mega ii.a,.,,
In m1~dium accipere, into their mid3t, Liv.; oh-
1coenas voluptates faciles, communes, in medio 1. Megi.reus v. Megara., ai·ailable to all, etc. ; tabulaesunt in medlo, 2. llegire119 ·WS, m. (K.-,, ,,,., QI
'" tvt'T1J ont'• tritw, Cic.; rem in medium vocare, Neptu-ru, /alhllf' of Hippom.IA& Hence, Kip-
to ~ring befort a court of law, Cic. ; aliquem tol- relus -a ·UUl 1 rtlating to Jllfl'llM" i beNli, Jlip-
lere de medio, to rtmOW out of thll wa11, to wnmier, po11UllU. 0Y.
Meg 339 Kem
·~ -ltli11, f. (M~yo.pi~). La district in meltsphyllum and mels.Mphyll&a .f,
Grt.t«. IL a ~wn in Sicily, also called Megara. n. U.•A•l717o•livMov), balm, a of which bees
migtsti.Des -um, m. (lu')"CTTav~). grancuu, nre very /vnd, Verg.
11111g1uita, 1'Wbit.1, Tue. Heliuue -i, m. OliA•l717~). I. a f":rttk
mihercle. mehercule, mehercnles, v. Her· philoso1•hcr of Samas. lI. C. MaecPn&..'I Mdii11ms,
cul~.i. tlte frwl111a ll of Jlc~11cu, nm.L libm riu11 to .A 11·
mejo, 3. to m(f1;e uvrter, Hor.
·&I•, r. an1l Hellti -ii'I, f. (M<AiTYJ).
met, mt'llis, n. (µt'A,), h<>nry. I. Lit., 11tilla I. Melita thr i<l11111l n/ Mn/1.1. II. <111 ii<lu11.d 1uur Dal-
melli:;, L'ic. ; plur., ros1·i•la rn .. Jla, \'~rg.; J>rov., now M'l"'IH. DL (for111 -e) ti 1N1-11ym1•h.
or a \ain attempt., n1dla 1:ieterc in tllt'•lio ft11- 11111li<1,Ali.i., Helltenala -e, of or btlo11gin11 to the i.•lrr111l
111ine, Ov. II. 1'ransf., JtNtl 11us, pltn.401it 11.~s.~; of Malt11; vei;ti~, Cic.: an1l sithst., lllelltenala
J><~tica mf'lla, II<11'.; hoc jnvat et lllt'lli est, is
1.U.Uwl, Hnr. ; as a term of' ~nrlearment, 8e111- ·!urn, n. M11ltrst garnu11t8, Ci~.
!Jro11iu;i, 111el ac uPlitiae tuae, ap. Cic. mellU80Ul0 &th". (111elit1!1Cllllls), IOmt!lf'1Wt
ll~la -ae, 111., Pomponit1>1, a Ronu11i writer 011 bttttr, pretty u•<zl (in health); alicui est, Cic.
~"'1Mplty u11du the P:1111"Jtro1· C/c111di11s. melluacillue ·• ·lltn (dim. of compar.
Kelampna -p.)tli:{, 111. (~fo\ciµ1ro11~). 11 1·de· melior), St•mtwhat btlte1· i1~ hl't.1Uh, Plant.
bnitrtl J.h!Jsici1111 1111d, Sl•ll ••f A m11thaon. Mella -ae, 111. er ril'et 11, Upper Italy, nm.,
melaJlcholicua -a ·lllll (,LfAAY,(OAuco~), Mtlci.
larir..g bltu:k bile, 111e/a11choly, Cic. mellloiUum -1, n.-= melculum (q. v.).
Kelanthlua -II, m. (Mtwfi~). the goot- melllfiSr -fl?ra -f'l!rum (mel and fl"ro), pro-
ltrd of U/y.'l.,es. d11ci11g ho11ey; ap41s, Ov.
K6lan.tho -n~. (Mc.\u-8..i). a 1tJa-nymph, mellitue -a -um (me!), 11Dtthned with hoMy;
dJU1ghttr of l>mcalion. placenta, Hor. ; tran11f., cu twea cu ho11ty,
KiJanthua -i, m. (Mi.\t:U'80f). L a river of plnurtnt, agrua.blt, <Uligl1tf11l, Cat.
Saniw<tia. II. king in Athen1, fatMr of Codru.s. l. mESloa, n. (l..f.\~). a tune, ao11g, melody, Hor.
Hence, adJ., JllelaAtheua -a -um, of or rtlating 2. Helo• -1, r. (M~.\o~),' an islarul of th•
lo JItla 11.l}ms. .Aegaeai~ &a. Hence, 11tlj., Killua -a -11111,
m'lAniirua -i, m. (I.le.\&~), ci kind of ltftlu,n. ·
tw:AMl, Ov. lllel~mene -es, f. ()ff.\1ro,,_i.,,,), the "'""
Kelaa, acc. -Ina and -an, in. (Mf'.\at). L a of h"agic ancl lyric pottry.
<1 Sicily, now Mtln. IL a rh.v,r of 1'hnsaly.
rii;i-r membrana -ae, r. (memhrum). L a ski"'
now Mcn:ra-11eria. IIL a river in 1'h.racc, now memhrant, in the humm' or a11y body;
Kamtdl. natura oculos membranls te11uissimi1 veMtivit,
melciUum -f, n. and meloiUua -1, m. Cic. II. Transr., I, the 1kin or sl01111h of a
(md), little ho1~11 (a term or endearment), Plaut. s11al.-t, O\•,; 2, eKp., ski1' prtpc1rol to write on,
Keldl -Orum, m. a peopk in Gullut Celtica. parcl1111tnt, Hor.; 8, mrfciu of (lll!/thi119, Luer.
KeliAger and Heli~a (-h) ·I, m. membraniUa -ae, f. (<lim. or nre111l1ranll),
(lil<AiAy~). son of Ot11tus, hug in Ctuyi.fo11, a11ll a little 11um/,ra11~; tn1.11sf., 1ic1n:l111ie11/, Ci<'.
of Alth.ttte; his life dcpt11d1a on. IJu })f'e:ttr'P(tli"n membratt.m. (111P111l1r11111), I, limh 1111
<if. a.,. uttngMUhed ftrt-brond, whicll was b1m1t by liir.h; <lcperdt"re IM'nsum, Luer.; 2, tran,if., pitce·
1u 1111)~ i• aJ19er at t/14 death of her brothu by nttlll, sill11lv; quasi 111e111l1rati111~estmn1wg11ti11111,
IM llalld of Mtl«Jgtr. Hence, Jlleieagrla -ldi!1, Cic.; of ct isconrse, in $AO rt, tl.ttachttl se11lt1i.:a;
dicere, Cic.
!., plar.,{dea, a, sc. aves oq~allinae,
gn11ta.-f=ls, Plin. ; b, the si$tcr:1 of Mtl11ugtr, membrum -1, n. I. « limb or 11iem~r o)
IOM, acxorcling to the ltgrnd, wtre chan!]cd t-0 tM body, Cic. ; raptns (criirplcd) omnlbu!! 1111'111·
t•i11t11-fcnd.s 011 his dtttth. l1ris, Liv. II. Transr., a, a limb, nwn~r, "f'(lrt,
portim' of a11ytht11g; omnes eius (philosophiat-)
!. Kelea -etis, m. (Mi.\>t(), a rirer •ear partes atque omnia membra, Cic. ; b, m1 aJ'flTI·
S!llyrna, 10htre JllJ'rMr i.s said t-0 lune btm born. nunt nf a hou"4!; cuhicula et eiusmodl men1bra,
H~nee, adj., a, lliliteua -a -um, ~lori.ging to Cir.; c, a cltu1u in« se11trnu, Cic ..
MtlQ, poet., Homvic; b, lllelitinua -a -um,
liftmgi119 to J.ltl.u. momlnl -nl~se (ronne<.' with moneo, menll,
Gr. µi,.vw, ,..,..t..,). L tn rt111t111~r. rtcolltct, be
2. Kelee -!um, f. a place in Sainniu11~. mindful, btar i11111iml; (a) with gf'nlt., vlvorum
Kellboea ·al', f. (Mc.\i/)oui), a town in Thts· memiui, Cic.; (13) with acc., dicta, Cic.; (y) with
!!.r/y Oil Afou1tt Osm, birthplace of Pltilocktts. tie, t.le Hermie et !tlettio mr111i11ero, Cic.; (6) with
H~ncf, adj., HeUboeue -a -um, ft!tliboean; rel. sent., memlnisti quanta e;i~t, etc., Cic.;
dux, 1'11ilocttft1', Verg. (f) with acc. an•I i11tln., 111emlni te uarrare, Cil'.;
lliUoerta (-ee) ·1te, m. (Mt>.urlpTl?~), .son of ({)with infln., Hor.;('!) absol., ut ego meminisse
Atlvrnuu nruf /Ito; /110 pl1111qrd tJ!ith hin~ intn vi<l<'nr, Ci<'. IL Tran:-1f., to niakt mtntion of, to
u., am to urope the jury of· her h11sba11d, and mt11tio11; de cxs11lihus, Cic.
t.\lrruprnt Afrli~rl<t U'OS cha11gtcl into a ~a-qod, llemmlua -a -um, 1u11iu of a Rom.at1 quu,
~ltd Palarnum by the Greeb and Portunrnu$ by to ll'hirh l1,fo11~1rd l '. Me111111iu!!, the friend of Cictro
t.,. Rn111aru. uni! f,t1.-rdi 11<, ll'lto 11'fl$ co11dn1rncdfor bribtry ciit.d
meucua ·• ·Um <~u.\.ur.X), musical, Luer. ; l('tlll illto r.ri/( 11t Athms. HPUCE', a, Hemmi-
'3Jr., lyricul, lyric; p11ema, Cic. Adis -ar, m. MIL of tM .\lemmian gt11$, a Men~­
.M.ille -e'4, f. (M<.\ia). a nymph ~loi·eil by tlui n1i 11•.'l; b, Hemmliinua -a -um, b€lo11gi11g to
rnitr-god l Md111~. .Mr111111i11s.
llemnon -···11is, 111. (Mi~,,...,,), ki11g in Aelhi·
() v.lllilllotos .j, f. (,.l<AiA..,T~), a apeciu of clurtr, opiu, .<ou II/ 'J'illw11u.i a111l .Auroru, 1..·illtd before
Tro11 h!I A chi/Ifs: 111ater lutea Me111noni:1, A urvra,
lllillmilum -i, n. (JuA.i,..,.\ov), a houty· Ov.; l\t .. m11u11i:1 saxa t:ftl~iP11, 11 1tutue of Mromo1'
'nok, a kind of 111·ut a1>pl,, Hor. 11ear Thebt;1, whicl1 guvt forth, a note 011 ~ing
lliUor ·UI, comp. of' booua (q.v..). 1trud.; /Jv the .ftr1t ra111 qf the •un, Tac. Hence,
mem 340 Men
a, adj., Kem.nOnla -ldls, r. of or relatl"!I to Gruk corn{c poet, imitated by Tertne& AdJ..
Jfemnon; subst., Kemnonldee -um, the r. Kenanclriua ·&-um, J.ft1•a1ulrian..
bird$ of Jfem111m, birds whkh aroae from his MenApll -Oram, m. a ~e fa Gallia c~
cuhes; b, Kemnonlua -a -um, Mtmnonian; beticet•L the MrU3t a1id tlu &hrldt.
trnnsr., ttultrn, Moorish, black. menda -ae, r., v. mendum.
memor ~ris (memlni). L milM{ful, not mendaclum .fl, n. (mendax). L a /fr,
forgrrful. A. Gen., 1 of persons, (11) with
gen it., hencllcil, Cic.; (fJ) with rel. sent., memur fiilsrhood, untruth; lmpurlens, Cic. ; me11d11clum
quae essent dicta, Cic.; (-,.) absol., mernori alicnlus refellere et redargucre, C1c. IL drcrit,
animo notavl, Ov.; 2~ransf., of things, mcmor ri«qitfo1i; o.-ulorum reliquorumquc scnsunw
lil1ertati!I \'ox, Liv. .as. Esp., 1, a., remem/Ju- mcndacia, Cic.
ing, thankful, grateful; nimium mentor nirni- mendaclunciUum -1, n. (dim. or
umque ~ratu!I, C'ic."; b, 11na711,..A1Sable, relentleu; dad um), a little lit, Cic.
rnemore111 Junonii1 ob ii am, \'erg.; 2, thought- mendax -!leis (mentlor). I. l11i11g, ~11dt1·
ful, \'erg.; 3, wilh a good m<mory, rtttutivt: c£oU3; homo, Cic. SulJst., mendax -.kis, m.
memor an ohhviosus sit, Cir.. IL Act., rtmind- a liar, Cle. II. Of inanimate ohj•·d.s, dc~itfel,
(.ng of, er.11/i11g to mind; imlicii rnemor poe11111., counurfeit, falM, 1111tnu; visa, Cic.; speculum.
Ov. (11\il, sing., memorl nlways). Ov.; !undus,.bearing la& than tJu ~ed crop,
memori.bllls -e, adj. with compar. (metn- Hor. ·
oro), t·ei11C1rhl./Jlt, u:orthy of mention, memomblt; Mendes -etls, r. (Mi~~). a towl\ fo Ei!Y1'>l
vir, Liv.; virtus, Cic. on the NUe. Hence, adj., Mendealu.s -a -um,
memorandus ·11 -um (memoro), worthy of Mrndesian.
being re11uml1ued, 11umnmble; of pcrsons,jnvcnis mendicabiUum -1, n. (mcndico). a l:>ef'..:.]Clr,
memora11tl<', \'erg.; of thilli;'I, proclimn, Liv. Plaut.
memori.tor -Oris, m. (memoro), a narmtor, mendicltaa -litls, r. (niendicus), tha con-
relater, Prop. dili.o1L of a benur, indigrnce, pin;erty, Cic.
1. memoratus ·11 -um, p. adj.( from memoro), mendioo. 1. anil mendlcor. 1. dep. (men·
et:ltbrutfd, wt!l b1ow1L; inter puucas me11101ata <lieus). L lntrnn~it., to beg, go /xggi11g, Plaut.
pop111i Homan! claues, Liv. II. Transit., to beg /or; mendkatns cibus,
2. memoratu.s -ns, Ill. (memoro), a mtntion, mendlciilu.s ·a -um (dim. of 1nendicns), bf.
me11ti111tiH!J, Plaut. lo1111ing t" a begg«r, Plaut.
memoria. -ae, r. (rnemor). L Gen. A. Lit., mendlcua -a -um, poor a.r a beggar, bt!]g<trlJ,
1, of the 1•ast, rl'memlmt11ce, 111.nnory; primam iitdigwt. L Lit., of pcrson!t, soloa sa1·ientes
sacr1<10Pnti 111e111orla111, Cacs. ; Pompeii mcmor· es~c, si mendicissimi (si11t), di\·itc~. Cic. Sub,,t.,
iam amisisse, Cic.; liepnnere, to forget, Cars. ; mendious -1, rn. a b'gJar, Cic.; J>lur., 111en·
me111oria al icuius(rel )•·Xclu it, or a bii t, or abolcvi t, dici, the l>eguing priests of C'yl'i'lt, llor. IL
'It has fallm into o1'lidon, it has bun foryolten,
Trnnsr., of thi11gs, pullry, pit~/ul, btg~irly; ill·
Li\·. ; lllCIUOriae J•flMlerc, Cic. anu Nep., or strumentnm, Cic..
tradere, Lh•., to co11w1it to u·riting, to leare on
record (ofhistori:ms); viri di~ui memorili, w11rfhy mendose, a1lv. (mendo~us), faultilp, trro1~
of remembrance, Cic.; 2, of the future, thinking, eously, iltrorr«tly; acrlbere, Cic.; mendrn.~iwe
thought; pcric11li, Liv. ; 3, meton., rtroltection; scriptum esse, Cic.
nostra mcniori:i, iii our rwollectWl\, Cic. B. mendosus -a -um (mendum). L Pae.s., full
Tmnsf., handing dnw1L by 1DOrd of mouth or by of faults; a 1 full of 1•hysicul 11/tmi.fh,s; nee equi
t1·riting, troditic11, J.istory, i11/ormation: de menilosa sno lllo clcteriorque viro facies, O\·.;
ho11iinum Jn('tnnria (nral eridenre) tacere; b, full of foaccumciu: historia rerum nnstrarnm
arum mc111oriim1 (11:rittcn. evkiena) flagitare, ei,t facta men1losior, Cic.; o, p<>et., full of m.nral
Cic.; aliquhl prod ere memorHL, by 1oord •./mouth, /,lrniisht,i; me11dosi more;i, Ov. IL Act., ma~i~g
Caes. ; memnria ac litteri~, by word of mO'Uth and a mistal•e; cur servus se111per in \'errucil nowme
by writing, Cic. IL carxu;ity for 1·emnnl>erinq, lll<'n<losus e:iset, Cic.
111emory ; memorla horia, rnclinr, Cle. ; aliqui<J mendum -1, n. and menda -ae, f. L ca
u1e11wriae man<lnref Cic.; memoria comprchen<l· bo<iily dtjecf, bltmish, Ov. IL a, an rrror, 11tifo
ere or complecti al quid, to remnnber, Cic. ta~ in writing; qu0<I mendum ista litura cor·
memorliilta -e (111emoria), of or rdaUng to rcxit? Cic.; b, a mista~ in rtaJ<ming or rolcllla·
tntm.ory or remembra11c~. tiuet. lion, Cic.
memorlola ·ae, f. (<lim. or mcmoria), Meneolea -Is, m. (Moue>.~~), an .Ariatio
tnelM11/, Cic. rhttorkian of .Alaba1HitJ. Hence, arlj., Mf!Jnic-
memoriter, adv. (memor), by htort, from liua -a -um, of or relating t-0 .Maw:lr11.
memory; orationem mem1J1·iter h111'ere, Cic. M' (-oe) .f, m. (!'tto4>.a~). son of
memoro. l. (rnemor), to tnt!ntwn, (".(tll to Atreus, irotl1er uf .Agnml'm11on, husband of Hrlu.
'11i11d. recount, relate; (a) with acc., artihus q11~s Ht>nce, adj., Kenetaeu.e -a -um, of or rtlati11g
.;upra memoravl. Sall.; (p) with de and the nl>l., to Men,la11s.
de 1nn~11a virtut.e, 8nl1.; (y) with acc. aud i11fi11., Menenlua -a -um, name of a Roman gn"
id faetu111 per nmbitinuem consulis memor- to which belonged J.fenenius A!{rippa, C<>JLStll,
abont, 8all.; in pas~. with uom. aud infln., uul saitl to ha1-e composed the dijferwcu brtir«1' CA.
ea gesta csse memorantur, Cic. 7l(ltrfrians a11d the plebeians on tht ~ion o/
Memphis -!dis, r. ('!.fiµ<J>,~). 11 celdm:tted city the latter.
of E.'gypt. Hence, a. MemJ>hitee -ae, m be· Meninx (Monbt) -ln:;:i8, r. (l-l~111yl), 41l
lon(ling to Memphis; bus, Ap1.1, 1'iu.: b, Mem- island near Afrioo., now Jeri>£.
phitlous -a -um, btlrmging to Jtfnnphis: c Menlppus -1, m. (~ivl'lnr·~). L a Cyitic
MemphitlJI -ltlls, r. belonging to MemphUI, and phi/O$Ophtr. IL the onattsl of the .tbiatic OTQo
poet. = Egyptian; v~ca (oC Io), Ov. toN of the time of Ciuro.
Menae -lirum, f. (Mivat}, town in Sldly, now Menoeoeus -1!1 nnd -1!09, m. (Mn-ourM), $01\
Ntneo. Adj., Kenaenua -a -um, of .Me11ue. of the 1"heban kin!J Creo11, trho S<tcrifictd hi1 lift
Menander -drl, m. (M/var4pl>f), a. famov.1 for hil country in obedience to an oracle.
Men Ul mer
MboedMia -ae, m. (Kuo,n4a~), tM '°" Jntranslt., A. Gen., 1, ot penona, st te menthi
dicis, verumqne dicla, mentlria, Cle. ; aperte,
"'Muottiiu, i.e., Palrocliu. Ov.
. - . . . mcntla, t. (root MEN, whence memini), Cic. ; in aMqua re, de allqua re, Ci~ t.rani1r.,
CAe aiiid. LA. the mfod, OJ•i1&i.o1,, ll'(&yofthinJc· or inanimate object.II, to d~hie, • ; fron&,
it&g, cltnra.cur; vestrae mente.11 atque 54'nte11tiac, oculi, ,·ultus pe1118Cpe mentiuutur, Cle. B. 1,
Cic. B. tlu mi11.d tU tM :u?tll of fctliTVJ; 1, ~rn., of 1>0et11, to feign, i1u:ent: ita mentitur (Hom·
men.11 mollis ad perferent!&ll calamitate11, Cic. ; erus), Hor.; 2. to fail in a promiar, break one'•
2 ellp., tilt corucitfl«, Cle. IL l/ie mi11d, 1111dtr· word; quod 1•romi11il1ti mihl, quod mentita, in-
-:il&dinJ, rffl.8011., inttlltcl, jultgnu11l. A. Gen., ilnica e11, Cat..; mentiri honestius, Cle. D.
men.<i cui regnum totin11 aniuai a natura trihutum Transit., A. tfl "'Y MJJMthing fa.bely, to in rent; 1,
est., Cic.; m.. nte complecti alif)uiJ, to comprthtMI, gen., a, lit., Cle.; rem, 81111.; res 411as
Cic.; mentis !Suae e~, meutis compotem e.1111e, 1111>11tiri1, Ov.; b, tra1111r., of thi11g11, in quibuA
to br. in p<>..-s.rion. of oue'& fucultiu, Cic.; raptus nihil umquam immensa et lnftuita vetnsw
ment~, i1111<11tt, Cic. B. Esp., 1, ujfection, iii· mentlta 11it, Cic. ; 2, t11 rited~, di10ppoiw.t:
AIJht; Rine ulla mente, Cic.; 2, Ct'mragt; atlJcre sege:. mentita 11pem, Hor. B. 1, lo nlh'gc /aL"1l'!I,
ll)("ntem, to '""'Pi rt coicroiJt, Hor.; llemit~re 1ptttk faiMl.y a/lout : auspicium, Li\·. ; 2 to
men tern, to l•l~t couragt, \"erg. ; 3, p11.>Bio11, Hor. ; <:ou.nterftit, put on, a.uume; ce11t111n ftb'Ul'U, bv.;
4 the tlto11ght.(; a, venit (mihi) in 1111mt~111, it partic., mentitua ·• -um, as Jl&liS., invented,
oc~IU's Ii> int, I ~11~nll~r, t:ic. ; tcmporh1, Cic. ; ftia1wl, \'c~.
non ,·en it in men tern (lll1'11a? Li\·.; da~scm ea Mentor -Xri~. rn. (Mivr111P). 11 ctM>rolm
ment.e comp&ra\'it, ut, ll'ith that ilLl1!11ti"n, Cic.; nrti-'t i11 mtl•1l "V>rl•. Hence, adj., lleDtiriu
b, t'S(l., opi11ionJ.p/1111, rr.soli·t; nfbta jarn ist:1111 -a ·11111, fl/ or rel1di11g to Jim.tor.
ml'ntern, Cic. "'· Peniun., Mens, as gotl<l~5.1 of mentum -i, n. tM chin, Cic.
11111ltrstan•li11g, Cic.
menaa-:ie f. (perhaps from root ME!<I', wl1mce m6o. 1. (connected with eo), to go, ft".U:
emiuere, anythi11g rai..wl 111>), a table, 1, esp., 1, of persons, domua Plutonia, quo almul
a tuhle for w.ling upon; a, lit., mensa.'I cibis 111eari11, Hor.; 21, or Inanimate objects, quum
n.struere, Cic.; mensarn ponere, to bring iJt triremes hue llluc mearent, Tac. ; meantia
din~r. Ov.; tollere, Cic., riimovere, Verg.,
sidera, Ov.
tn takt din.ntT away; bi.,. met.on., a co1tr.'4!; men!Sa m'opte. v. meus.
i;ecunJa, <ki.strt, Cic. ; :d, a, tM t<1blt nr cou11ter miSphiU. ·ilf, f. 1, a noziOU• tzhdlation fMwt.
of a money-changer, btt11ktr: publica, ti p11blic the tttrth, mawria, \"erg.; 2, pcrsonif., Mcph·
ooJtl·, Cic.; b, a 1acrificial table, altar, Yerg. itis, tM goddtu u,.ho prol«u malaria, Tac.
meDUrlus -Ii. m. (mensa), a mon.ty·clw.11gtr, meraoiUua ·& -nm (dim. of meracus), toltr·
OOJ&ktr, e.i('., a 1 11blic banker who rtgul<tted tM ably pure, 1111mi.utl, Plaut.
paym.e11t.s 011t of tM treasury, Cic. ; rneusarii tre&- miracus -a -um (111eru11), f11crt, 11nmi.ud. L
Yiri, quinqueviri, Liv. Lit., vinum meracius, Cic.; hellebonun, Hor.
men.&fO •{mis, f, (metior), a m«J.IUrhig: VOC· II. Transf., midiminWled; libertu, Cic.
um, t:ic.
meroabnta -e (mercor), thal can be bovght,
men.eta -is, m. (root MEN, whence,_,;.,,",;....,, Ov.
English 11Wntk), a month; lntercalarius, Cic. mero&tor -5riR, m. (mercor). I. 11 YMr·
menmor -Oris, m. (metior). L a mta.nLrtr; char.t, 111hnlualt trtlller (opp. can po, a 1lwpkuper,
m.aris et. terrae, Hor. II. a mta.s11 rer of land, retailer), Cic. IL Transf., a b1111er; signorum,
Ov. Cic.; tra1111f., provlnciarum, Cic.
men.sUi1alis-e (menstrUUll), mo11thly, Plaut. meroatorlua .. -um. (mercat.on. relating to
menatr'iiua -a -um (mcnsis). L monthly; a trwltr; na\·i~. a mtrcluint·ahiip, Plant.
llllura, Cic. IL laating for a mouth,· apatium, meroatiira -ae, t. (mercor), trade, tmjffc :
Cic.; subst., ·i, n. (11c. frumen- mcrcatnra>i face re, to carry°" trade, Cic.; tran11r.,
tum). 11idual&, rotiona for a mo11th, Liv, non erit ista amicitia, aed mercatura quaec.lam
meaaiUa -ae, r. (Jim. or mensa), a liUle utilitatnm suarum, Cic.
table, Plaut. meroatua -f1s, m. (mercor). I. trode, tm~c,
memriira -ae, r. (metior), n m«z.rurin!1. L b11$illf.~, Cic. IL a 'JIUtrk''• fair, pt1hlic J•Vl<"A
Lit.., mensuram alicuiu!S rei facere, to 1nec~1&rt, of bu~ine.•s; mercatnm lmlicere, hahere, Cic. ;
Ov. D. Meton., n m.u.umre; 1, lt119lh, thlck- ad nll'rc11t11m profici:1cl, Cic.; frequens, a /u.U.
,.aa, 1iu, circumference, e~. ; a, Of llp&CC, nol!SC wirktt, Liv.
tn~n:snras itlnerum, Cae~.; b..i. or time, alicui 111e11- meroidiUa -ae, f. (dim. or ffil'rCP.!1), 1, a
1uratn bibenJi dare, Ov.; :d, a 111ta.nirt, that b11 81/lllll rnvard, Imo 1'"'9U; mercedula adducti,
'll'hid& a11.ythi11g i& me1;1nrtd; majorc men:1uri Cle. ; 2, l01o rent; praediorum, Cic.
reddert!, Cic.; qui modus mensurae medimnus
appellatur, which speciu of '1tta.S'lirt, Nep. ; 3, meroenniriua (meroinariua) -a -um
9'ttl.1Ure = siu, nalitrt, chara;ttr; mensuram (orig. merecJinarius, then merce<lnarius, then
nomini~ implcre, to be worthy of 01u's nanie, assimilated niercennarius, from merccs), Aired,
cAaracter, capacity, Ov. ; legati, Tac. paid, merctnary; miles, Liv.; te11tes, 111.borntd,
Cic.; of things, arma, Liv.; liberallw, Cic.
menta (mentha) -ae, t. (JLi...BYi), tM Mrb Subst., mercenni.rlus -U, m. a hired RrWnt,
1th.t, Ov.
hirelinu, Ci•:.
mentlens -entis, m., partlc. or mentlor, as mercis -edis, r. (mereo). L hire, pa71,
nbst., 1J fullucy, s'1plli$111, Cic.
m1gt&, rtwm·d, Ju, !alary; 1, gen., a, In a good
menUo -onis, r. (meminl), n ~1tking of, se1111e, operae, Cic.; conducere aliquem mercede,
•1:rttit>n; mentif·n~m facere alicuius rei, or de Cic. ; b, in a bat:! 11411111e, hi rt, bribl:; lingua
aliqua re, or de aliquo, to '11ake mention of, lo astricta mcrcede, Cic. ; 2, eKp., a, thP. /Pt of a
aentwn.; esp., to bring before the stn<ru, Cic. ; uacher: mercede docere, Cic.; b, ths pay of
C&IU in eoru111 mentionem incidl, I mtntiontrt &0ldirr&; mercede milites conclucere, Liv.; 3,
tA.e1t accidentally, Cic.; alicnius rel me11tionem t.rarn1f., euphem., a, pay= p1111uh~nt; temer·
1110,·ere, to mtntion, Liv. ita.tis, Cic. ; b, == harm, /ou; lstuc nihil dolere
meador. 4. rlep. (mens), to lit[ 11tttr that non sine magnu. merccde contingit, Cic. IL
.,,.idl i4 Mt '""· whd1'er intentional y or 1wt. .I. itttmol, re11t, i~om1,· pl1'tl•liorum. Cic.; ln!!ul·
mer Kea
an•m, fftl, Ole.; qnlnu hie oaplt.I meroedea mlri41i.Uo .on11 1 r. (mertdlo). & t100titi1k
eXMC"&t, r. p!r oml., Hor. fVJIOH. fllid1lar sz.p, 11.t1t11, c1c.
merolmiDl11111 .u, n. (men), pxU. ..,,._ miridlea ~I, m. (for mod Idles, frona me4laa
da11disr, Plaut. and dlea), 1, Midday, nooii, Cle.; ~ tlw ~;
meroor, 1. dep. (men:). I. JntranRlt., lo lntleot.en1 101 cunum t•uu ad aeptct.ntrioues.,
OlrTJ ""' tradt, to traJk', !>laut. IL Transit. tum ad meridlem, Cl<'.
"'bu:y; a, tit., funduw de puplllo, Cle. .i allquld miridlo, 1. and miridlor, 1. dep. (auri-
ah allquo, Cle.; allquld tant.o preUo, ulc. ; b, dles), to tab a 1lata or middny .ltt.1i, Cat.
tra1111f., officia Tit.I, IDUA Z\(t, Cle.; boo w~o MerlCSnis -ae, m. (!l11p&0~), a Crtta.1l,/ri"4
met<"<'11lur Atrltlac, toOUld g(N G AiO' ,,,-fol /or, Clt&d cAarioUer o/ ldOTMtUK&.
llercrliriua .If, m. 1, llercur7, Cdenl~ tundus L mirlto. 1. (lnums. or 111ereo), ta erinc;
toil/1 tM. Uruk H~J_'°" of JupUff and Ma_~1
qui aeat.ertl& dcna.merita11Set, brougltl ia,
~ 'lllUX'll~r Qf eAc flOCU, Clwe1ttor of CAi l1f", goa
o/ orutorr, ooridlldOf' qf '1W IO'l&la qf IAt dead &o Uu 2. mirl&O, adv. (meritua). doerwdl11, ttnt.l
lower 'IDOrld, patroll Qf flln'CAa1'11 and th"t'"; ncuo~ rUjhl/11: n1nlto 11u111 in.tus Metello, Cic.;
merito ac Jure lautl.iui, Cic. Superl., naeriti•
fh~Ac J'laftd Mm:v.rv. Bence, adj., Kerotirl- simo, Cle.
·e, o/ or relating to Jtcmcrv; ,.,rt, lrnc
mirl&Orlu-a -um (mereo). Ltlatfor'IMM!li
pott.•. Hor., Meroilrlalee ·lum, m. 11
corpnratimi qf ln:ukrs at RorM, Cle. hire 1a or ~ 'Whic.t 'llWfl'Y u trWUi1: rhe<la,
merda -ae, t. GICl"lllMftt, Hor. a. hnckney-coa.rh., Suet. Bubst., m6rltOria
-Orum, n. lodgings, Juv, U. gaining WWIU'J 1>f
m6ri, adv. (meru1). purtZr, wCQoMI amve. prostitution, Cfo.
Plaut. mirltum ·I, n. (mt>reo). I. dt#!"t, and
m6renda -ae, t n ~ ....i, ~ hence, t"tWuf'd, pun.i!thmmt; merlta lnvenlre,
bet""'" • aud 6 P.N. Sa.II. IL dt.Mrl mmt, uy actioll. '!MU-A ~
m6reu -cntlt1, pArtlC. of meten, tMnb or NKirt~ A. magnltudo tuorum tu me
mirio .QI ·ltnm, 2. a11<l mirlor ·ltu1 aum, meritorum, Cle. B. 1, e1 good a.etion, ~;
~- clt·p. LA.. ro tHrn, ol1t11i11; 1, lit., merer! non dare et re"lptere merit.a, Cle.; 2, dnieril, bla.-.,
amphua duotlc1·i111 aeria1 etc.; nardo vtna, to rz. fevU; non meo merlto, Cle.; nullo meo tu se
clln11.!]t, Hor.; .~t tranar., to'°"" tri•; uulla1n n1ert~1 tAO'Ugll I cun guUfy of tW offfMll qrcnu:t
gratlA111 hoo oe.ilo, Liv. B. " ~ JXIJ a1 a him, LIT. ; 3 1 'IOO'l'th, roiiu, i m ptlrlt•tUC of a. Cli"f;
Mll<li•r =to ..,.,,., ai cs ~: pn. merere or qno sit merlw qu11.eque nolata Ille&, Ov.
men~rl a1Upen•Jia, Cfo.; 1ub allqllO lmperaLore, m.6rltull -a ·Um, pe.rtic. of 111ereo (q.v.).
Liv ; equo, equi1, in CIM cnro.lrr, Cle.; peolibt1i., m6nbl'bu ·• -um (nierum and bfbo),
in tht i11fantrr, Liv. IL A. to duerw, fMTit, drinking v•i11.t 1111.mimi, Plaut.
be V.'Orth11 of; 1 fn a good senllf!, praernla,
laudem, Caes.; ul bononbu.a 4econ1retur, Cle.; Mine ·&l, t (M~p01J), a lar!Jf W4ftd b tM
2 1 in 11 bad sense, to mnit (p1111lsl1mcnt, etc.); Nilt.
oolmn, Caes.; poenam, OT.; tuataa1ium, Lh'. ; ll~npe -&, f. (M1p6'"1). duvyhur of .Atltu,
merul!llle morl, Ov.; part.le., a. meren,., tU- VJC/t of Sisyp1im1 o"e qf tAt Pltindu, wfwsto llttlr is
M'tli1'g; In a ~ een11e wor1hJ1, In a baal 11i6D86 dirnmtr Cha-n IM other1 ~ tM aamed a
1T"iU11, SaJL; ~1 merltu11; (•) act., dutru!wf1; mcrtal.
meriU juvencl, verg.; (JJ) pua., drMrverf, 1Mf"ltcU; 1. lllroP11 ~phi, m. (Mipo+), kiW11 of ActM·
do11a, Liv.; irac:undl&, t:ic. B. merer! de, to opia, hu1b<1nd of Cl1tintnt, wiho lJore l'J.atnw,. lo
dutrw <ii; in a good and bad ae.nae, bane, Cit>· .dpollo.
time de republic.a, Cle.; male de civl\1us 1111i~, 2. m~ropa -CSpla, r. (p.lpo+ >. ~ Mn&, tAic •
Cle.; lt.n se de JIOI>nlo Romano merltoit esse ut, l!al1r, \'ng.
etr.., <'111'11.
meno. I. (int.ens. of mergo). to dip
m6ritriole, adv. (meretrlclu11), afttr tht<e; l(rt>,:1•111 tluvio, Verg.; trnnaf., mersarl
mo ia-
mn1111rr 11/ 11 hf11·/11t, Plant chilibus u111.1i¥, llor,
m6r6triolus -a -11111 (meretrlx). o/ or rtlating miri\la ·1tc, f. 1, a blackbird. Cic.: 2, aJMt.,
to 11 harlot or 111·ustit11Je; am urea, Cic. tke sea-carp, 011.
mllritrioUJ.a -ac, r. (dim. of rucretrlx), a m6ram. ·I, n., "· merus.
J*blk prostituU, Cic.
m6rus ·I\ -nm. L pvrt, t'7amixttf, esp. al'"
mlr6tr1JC -icl11, r. (mereo), Cl pablic prolti- plll'•t to wine; vinnm, Ov.; and 111bst.,
"'~ httrl<>l, Cic. mirum -1, n. 11'iM uniniml with toater (nnly
mergae -irum, r. (mergo), a two-prongld drunk by the intenipt·mt ..), Hor.: unctnf', "'"''ti'
fork, l'laut. 'ltnt mixe1l 1t-ilh 11'int, Ov. ; fl;!., mt'ram hautions
mergh -gltl.a, r. a wu/ of oom, Verg, Jil,..rt~t.em, ttnrr$train~tl. LiY. IL A. ftahwf,
m.ergo, meraJ, mt'l'llum, 8. L to di1•, 1•ltin110 "Ufl.('-OF'f'rcd; }>I'S, Juv. B. 1, mere, only, ft.Oth~"9
111.lo 'llUitr, i11U1i.ent. A. avu quae '"' in mari lnit, Cic.; nwrum bellu1n loqnl, to talk t>f'llo0ti"9
niergunt, Cle.; 1100 me deu!l 11equore mersit, b1~t U'<lr, Cle. ; ?J nnl, genuine; nicri prlocipe11,
Vel'K. B. to 1fok: na\·~ in alto, Uv. D. C1c. ; libertas, 11or.
Tra111r., A. 1, to rink d01Pn, i11, jlz ill; mel'JC, mert!ls, r. 'lllerriumdise, go<'lfs, tml'W;
<'&nes meniia In corpora r11stris dlla~n1nt fRllucca et rucui;ae, Cic. ; remine:&tl, f<JT 11lO!M71,
<lomluum, OY.; caput in terram, Liv.; mitldl•', Ov.
mcrgi, of,., to 1~k, Ov.; 2. trausr., to •ink, ll~eembrla -ae, r. (lfo1•1iplc), a.,._,. t"'
owrwhdm, immtru; me hli malia, Veri;.; funt·re Th~ al Che f<>()t o/ Mou'll.t llnnnw. Hence,
acerlm, to ddlrOJI ~a bitter d•1th., Verg. ; se In adj., Moaembl'U.oUll -a -uw, o/ or rdati119,.
voluptatea, Liv.; vino so1JU10•111e mersi jacent. Jlesembri11-.
aunk in wi11e cuid 1lttp, Liv. B. to hide, conceal; 1116-~tAmla -ae, f. (Mt'<T01"WCl,..lCI). A
suoa in oortlce vultllll, Ov. c=nt~ of .Asia bd~ CIM Kuphra.fel i:md. C.W
merpa ·I, m. (mergo), ct divtr, pU, Verg. Ti{lm.
m6ridliulu• -a -um (merl~11). I. of or Meualla (lle..ala) -ae, m. a. cog,_ of
-rd.ll~ng to midday. 7Uridia.n; U!mpu11, etc.; rhc f/£'11.S VaJerill~!.U mo.~ oelt.brawl ~ Q/
sol, Liv. D. SOtitii.trn; reglo, Liv.; \-allls, Uv. 10lli.c/I, 1M't: 1, a. Valerius .Mess&lla. Corrina.
Kea 343 meu
tU Jlftlr911 n/ Tibvll!u, R udlltd omfor; a11d 9, Cltus, Cfc.; 9 1 to tltMAtO'll, trtJ'llef'#, JIRll' 0"8f":
Mesu.lin11, tM rift of the Empn-or Clm11lhu. aequor curru, Verg. : lwr amnlum, CAt. IL
Kmina .ae, r.
(I tOll'1l in Sicily,
llmi~ ~tu-rnt lt•tl!f n11d SicU!!, 11ow Mwina.
the °" Tran11f., to tnl!U1£TC tcccomi 1'l{1 to a OtTUl huta nda:f'llf,
fn meaaurt, utiriu:U, j1"lg1 of; 11onantia nuribua,
Cle.; octtlo lntu11 allc11i1111, Hor.; 011111ia q11ne11tu,
Hrnl"<', lleuenlua -n -um, Afrtu1linn. tlli»1ate 1rifh. n/rttnre to flltin, Cic.;
Keaapla -ae, r. old n1uru of a part of Lower odium aliorum 11110 01110, Liv.; llJolit.atcm ex
Itnl11, Cnl11uria. Hence, Keui.plua .. ·U111, blC'a con11eit•11tl11 1 Cic.
Jlt!lalpWIL. lletlollidum ·I, n. toum in GaU'4 1.'114·
Knoini -&, (HorO'cniV'I), IM rhWJ fown in dtme11si.~, i1' the country qfthe &nonu.
tlit dilltrit:t of Mt81tnia. intlw Ptloponnue. Hence, 1. mi§to, meiiai11, 111eMnm, S. L Intranalt.,
K-enl'IUI ·a -um, Nusalian. to reap,"'°"'• {lCUMr harwat; In metendo occupatl,
meeai• ·h•, r. (meto -m), 111•rwd. L A. Caea. ; applied to tl1e vintage, Verg. ; 11rov., ut
Ut., "'""·"rm a111ltt~rf', Cit'.; tlui gatAwi11g qf 11cm11ntem feecrh1, It.a et metes, '"a71&111~ aoica, &!.I
~JU!t, \'el')(. B. Met.m., 1, &, tltt gmiii ga.lMrcd ilwll 1w mip, Cle. IL Transit., A. to mow,
i-., lliu-wat; illi1111 lmmensae rupenmt horrca rrnp; arva, Prop.; f11rra, Ov.: transr., 0f bees,
IMNe!I, \'erg. ; b, IM crop, lla1Mling crop, Ov.; opt•i1111et.11nt ttorc1, Vcrg. B. l, toeropoJr. pluck
i, tkt tinl.4 of har~•t, 1iarvut-ti<u, VcJ'l't; nnrl off, nil vlf; virgd lilla tmmma 111etit, Ov.; b&rtam
poeL, tltc 11«1r; 11exa..:c1d111a llll'lldi&, Mart. IL forttce, 'Mart.; 2, In battle, to M1o dmon, mow
Fig., Illa Snlliu1i temporia mesai11, Cle. 1fv11m.; proxima quacque metlt gladlo, Verg.
mMMr -l>ris, 1u. (meto-&e), a rtaper, mower, 2. lrl6to (-OD) ·fl11is, m. (MiTwv), B «ltbrattd
Cic. .Athe1<i1tn aatro>1omer,
mea0riua -a -um (meuor}, of or relating to mito -arc = mctor.
Cl re:J)'l'r; corbia, Cle. mitor, 1. dep. (met.a). L totltM81Ln; caelun1,
mil& ·&e, f. a confra.lor prmmill-ahaptd.ftf111rt. Ov. IL to mtcuurc ojf, llig 0111, rhjitU! tlui bo•1nd-
L <:ttn., collis in moJum met.lie in acuturn CBCll· cil'iea of uny spot; rcgioued, Liv. ; cwitnl, &11. ;
llH'n futigatn11, Liv, IL KK)l., 1, the 1'Jlnilrli1lal front.em cutrnrum, Liv.
alirc11u11 nl tM ntrrmitiu 11/ tM llmnan circ111 metrit& .ae, f. (J.Lrrf)1tnjf). l~ a <:red: Ziqv,id
( race coosi1~ in 111aki11g the circnlt 1cve11 111ca11o·e, co1&tninllig a.lxmt 1'i11e A1t9luh. gw&l.lo11.1;
tlmrs); 111d111q11c rcrvhlls U\'lt.'lt.\ rotl11, Hnr.; II~ .• 2, 11 /arae '"''• ro.ak, Juv.
lu ftcxu R.etati11 hlll'11it 11<1 met&!!, M t0tu mi·, Cle.; hrnct', 2 a., a J>ltttt 1·oimd whi<'h lllitrlHlorua ·I, 111. (M11r,,o&.pof). L 11
Ctlt' "".. to !Jll; 111rti1B h1MlrHTfl r11chy11i, Verg.; b,
iii.<dple qf J.;11icur111. n. u rlU>.to1·idU1& und
11hilnsopher of ~ltqi.:iu in Jly•ia, diaci]>lt of Car·
tJu. fl'•''• nuf, tum, lx>111•d111·11; 111orti11, aovi,Verg.; 11roda.1,
Yitai' 111ct.11111 tangr:r!', O\•.
llitn~Ue, ACC. ·Im, f. (M1JTp011'nA.1f), "'11111
mitaJlum -1, 11. ~fra..\Ao ..). L 11 mdnl, fa 1'hf,"Jlii1y; l"'tt""" /'harMillui alMl t:om71hi.
gold, 1ilrcr, iron, el<'.; J>0finr 111et&lli11 liliertu,
i;vl.t and ailru, Hur. IL Md.on., a tni11e, Heuce, a, lli~~litae -lnnn, m. (M1JT,,..
"'uzlTJI; rc1lit1111 md.allorum, income, Liv.; 111e- ll'OAtTat). inhabUa1tt.a of Metropolu; b, Jllitri-
talh1 in!ltituit, J,lv. ~lit&nua -a -11111, b.!longing to Metropolil.
mitlmorph0ef9 ·IB, f. (J.Lna.,,_6p-f111101t), a metrum ·1 1 n. {J.LcTpOI'), ll !lltl'UllT'e; and Hp.,
tro~",f11mu1tion., m'l11mor11l10.•i6; Jilur., 116tli- tl•e 111~n.rnrt of veritt.•, tJl.dns, .Mart.
morpho8ell -l!.-111, "" Wk of a Jll>Mn by Ovid. llettlua (llithua) ·II, m. n ~of th
Kitl.pontum ·I, n. (Mno.w0vno"), Cl Gri!!.k .A llmitlendua
1m1 i.
-a -um, p. adj. (from metno).
rolorry fo I.umnui. llt'llCt', 1ulj. 116~ponb.­
ll'llll ·A ·um, Mtta1>1mti.nt.
/tarf'lll; mctuendaeque re11 1 Cic. .
mit&tor -iirls, m. (mctor), B flltCUUrtr, OM mitiieu -entls, p. adj. (from metuo), frar· ·
t11Ao wwrl.t; ca11trorum, Cle. ; urbla, Cle. ir19, •tl'lrv.Ung in awe of; legmn, Cic.
Kitauru -1, m. (Mlro.vpot), " riv«r (I\ mittio -nt -ntum, 3. (metus). L Intran11it.,
to fror, be a/mid (etp. oC some threntenlng
U111hria, v-Mrt J/c·.ldn1l•1; UKU tb/ttiUtl or.ti ~Ttiin evil, while timere ls rather of fur of an objret
207 A.r. Aolj., poet. 1 Memun1111 flumf'n, Hor. actually pre11rnt); de 111a vita, for hu Ufr.,
Jllitellue ·I, 111. a rog11omcn in tM Dtecilill" Cle.; ab llannllJalf' Liv.; &enectac, Verg. IL
grM, tlu: 11111:;t Tt'marknblt »f.1"171.liers of t"11 i<'I". wrrt:, to.ftttr. A.Ali1}ue111, Cic. ; lm1idias ab
1, Q11. Metellus Maccdonlcm1, who mrrde Mn~· aliquo, Cle.; mf'tnit tang , 1w u o,fm~d nf bting
doff{;1 u RQflmn prcn:in~. pnwtrbinl fnr ti~ !t!uYYSS foudwl, Hor. ; metuo ue ••• I ftJ:tr that .IOtlU•
of ltis prit"<rtt nnd ptthlic lift; 2, Q11. Cal'C'illns wiU happe1~; metno ut ••• I fear tltat
Jtct..11119 Numidlcui1, gtMTal in the tvar agai1ut 10111,,thi11g •vill not liappt11, Cic. B. to aliu-n auk
J•gurtlia; 3 C. Caeciliu1 Metellus Ct•ler, a con· to at'Oi1l; uocentem corporibua Aust rum, Hor.
ta117'<m1r11 o7
Cfr,ro, lw.i 1xrnd qf Clodia; 4, Qu. mfitua -n11, m. fear, 1tpprel11•nsion, drtnd. L
C...<.'Cilius Met.ellus Piu11 (8cipio). wn of Sci1iio Lit., 1, i11 lll!'tll ease, Cic.; a<lc.lul·erc itliquem In
Naaiai, ndo}'tit't! !J()n of Qu• .Mrtfll111 I'i111, f<1t/,,r. !'Ulll mctu111 ut., etc., Cit'.; ln<•tum facrre, w ca1..-
i"ll·laiC' of Pom~ifu. Hl'rwc, a.lj., lrl6tellinus /rt.11·, 0\'. ; deponere llll'tum, Cir.; with genlt.,
·:l -11111, rrlafi11~ to ,l/e:d/1111; or:1tio, a11ai1ut e·<i~ti111ntio11i11, Cic.; with alt nr ex, a Rouurni",
Jltt<lliu Nrp0&, brotha- of Ctltr, Cic. Liv.; with nc nn•I tlw 11uh.f., Cic.; metuH hoRUllH,
K'teriua ·&-um, J.!dn·,an; turbn, a peo11lt frur of an t11n1111, Kall.: J•ropkr t<>, Cle.; tie ml',
t1.tar tlte Daruwe°" tM Black Sta, Ov. Cil•.; 2, r~rn·t!u.n', ""''-; la11r11s multos metu
Kithymna ·"6, f. (M~9v1wa), n tW'n ill 1wrvatn. per lll'lllo!!, Vl'rg. IL M1•to11., 1, tlw
1~1100.. HPnce, adj., a, llliahymnaeua -a
nbjrct 11f f,.ar, Tac.; 2, d1111!Jrr, N·i.oci.<; 111etu11
maximi bt·lli, Cic. (llat., mctu, Verg., Tai•.).
-atn ; b, Xidl7mnrAll -Adiit, f. qf or relating
lo Jldltym1w. miua ·a ·Um (root MF., l'tll), l>ORR. pron.'"'"·
mint, '"Y t>1t"ll. I. Arlj., 1, mcum dictum con·
mido'IUO.U. -a -nm (metus}, 1, fall n/ ft'Or Kulis, Liv.; 111eu111 Cl4t with inllu., ii is 111y t/11tv,
fftlr/ftl, Plaut. ; 2, uciling /tar, /tarfal, Plaut.
/al/a to m11 lof, Cle. ; mrus lite r11t, he U. ill •ny
mit:lor, men11M ~1mrn4. dep. '" """"'"· I. po11't'r, l'l;iut.; 11isi plnn1• e1<lle vcllrm nirt1K, on1it
Lit., A. 11gn1m, Cl~. ; cs 17llab111, Cle. B. 1, I ffli«fv1t '" '14! 1111itt 11rif!inal, Cle.; Nt>rn llll'llK, my
~ ""1nin o.U, ; fru111eutoru111 cxcr· /rii:1ul Nrm, Cic.; 2, ngttinat TIU'; <'l'i111i11a mea,
Mev SH miln
cAar!1a agalnst "''• J,iv. JL Sub8t., 1, mia or lo tmr, militnry: trllrnnl, Cle.: 1!~11, Cle.;
•ae, r. 11111 lot-., Ov. ; 2, mium -1, II. mint oit•ri; nclns, the l'flttl period Qf Tlliltta•·.'I Rrric.e, fro•
pl11r., mea -On1111, n. 1ny pn.•11t-<sio111, Cie.; 3, U1e 11trr11lft11lh, 1111.nll'ly, w tl1t fortr·sizlh l'f4r.
met -l'>rnm, Ill. "'11 altt11da11l11, ~fovu, my ptcplt, Tile., milltarla -i.1, 111. a .oldier, tclQl'O
Cle. (voe., sing. mRsc., ml, lout ah<o 111wt.. , rior, Tnc.
111011&, Verg.; ge11it. l'lur., mct'\111, l'l1111t. 'l'he miUti.rlter, adv. (milit:iris), (n a mUilary
ca:ies or lnt'll'I nro frcq11c11tly 111 n·ngthenerl hy or uurlike manner; tecta &ii.ii mllitaritcr Mdi·
tlic encliliendditinus, met, plc; meopto, me:ipte, 111-nre, I.iv.
n.ei\1111.'I, l'lnut..). milltla -ne, r. (miles), military ~n:fct, toar-
Meviinla -ac, r. a town in Umbria, DOW fal'C, I., 111m111s militiac au:;t inl'r~, Caes. i
&vagnn. diRC'<'l'e, Still.; militino varnlio, t.UmJ4ion froa
Mesentlua ·Ii, m. (lit •• a vrlnct, ruler), t1ame milil<tT// serrlcr, Cacs.; dn111i militint>que, doml
o/ a tyrunl of Cami or Ayylla. et militine, at hmne and abl'oad, at ~ace and i•
mioa -no, r. n cn1mh, morul, grain,· mica Wt1r, Cie. IL l\11·to11., tha military, aoldiny;
ealic11~ (sr.. 1111.iis). Ifor.
cogl're 111illtinu1, Liv.
Mlolpaa -o.e, m. ion of 11Iaa£nfsaa, kfag of 1nldirr; millto, 1. (miles), tn Strt'I a.t tJ 10ldltr, t.I Cl
Nu111 itli11. in cxercltu nlicuim1, Cle.: suli aiimls
alic11in!i, 'luufrr any rm'-'8 command, Liv.; trausf.,
micana -R11tls (pnrtlc. or mien). shinfog, glit· to llt'r11e ~1111fi.r the banntn of loi·e; lllilitavi Don
Uri1•.!J, spurkliitg, Uv. slue i.:lo11n, Ilor.
mloo ·di, I. to mort ra]>Ully up and dnw11, mlllum -11, 11. (Ju>.lvrr), mUlet, Ve-rg.
trrmblt btat lib the 7mlst. L 1, wnno et art11·
riM ml111rt1 11011 1let1l11u11t, CiCL; 111ic.1t (C'quui1) mllle, nmueral a thc11sand. L Adj., mms
nuriLnR, Vcrg.; corda timnre 11dcR11t. Ov.; nuti· p:1ll~ilo11~, Cari<. h:. ::5uh~t., a thO'USand. A.
buR, Ver;.:.: 2 mll'nre <liglti11, '")>lay at n 17am~ Lit., !li11g., niille wilh g<'11it., mllle homln11111
11•hirh ronsi8tt.f in holdinu out the 11un-.~ !111l,fr11/.1f vcrsab11t•1r: plur., mi Ilia or 111illa, vi:.;intl niilli·
Iha.I 111101/ll'r miultt vw•.•1 their m1111llf:r(tlw ltnlia11 \m~ p1'tllt11111, q11nt.11or cqulh1111, Liv.: es}'.,
gn111P. ()r nlla mom); 1111M enim Rors <'St? l•k111 mill!' pnssnum, n tlinu.•nnd T'°~'• a t11ile (amn11g
prnl'c111nd11111 qund 111icnre, Ci•'.; tirov., of a tire Jln111R11s, less by 142 yimls tl1nn the F.:ni.;lish
thornngh ly hnnourahl,. mn11 ; 11ig1111:J q11i.:u111 In milt•), Ci<·. B. Tr1111sr., in11umerahlt, cxJt111tlt111;
tcnt>hris 111i1•rs, Vic-. IL toshillt, ylitttr, sparkU; millc pro 1mn Cnrsones exstitillllt!, Lh·.; temvtat
Jg11ilms aether, Verg. ; 1111<-nut glmlll, Liv. milk 111CH!i:1, Hor.
Midis (Kida) -011, m. (Mi~a~), a kl11g of pars, mlllealmue ·ll -um (mllll.'), Ute thou.sandt'li;
Phryyia, viho ncrwed fro11' Bacd1u.s ths ylft of Cic.; ndv., rnillcsimum,/ur tM t!10W1a1ullA
turuino to gol<l e1>erythfog I/rat lte to11chtd; as ti111r, Cic.
j11clve tn a mtuical wntr.•t l>tlwun. .A1iollo and Pa11 mlllli.nua (millarlua) -a -um (mille),
hf dtcid~d in faVQ'IJ.r Qf Pun, and AJ>ollo prmlslted co11t,,i11i11g a tho1t~ml. L Oen., Plin. D. F-.. p.,
hint by clra11gL1l{J lli1 taTI into tlwse of an au. c011tlli11i11g a th011sa11.d 1>aa1. Sullflt., mllll-
Migdllyba -1;9hls, m. (µiylla. nnd >.iw), ont arlum -11, n. " mile-sto11t, Cir_; aurcum, Ute
of Afrialn and 7'11ri<m race, cu tht Cartha· a11trnl stone errdcd by .AU!JU.'IUS in tire fun...,
ginia1t11, Plnut. frnm tl'liid1 the miles u·ere 111c,,surt(l, Tar_
migratlo -Onls, r. (mlgro), a rtmm'al from mmrea (millcs. miUena), adv. (mllle),
cme J>lare nf all(l{]e to a11ot11tr, 111fgrution Cle.; 1, a tl11Jtts1111d ti111u; plus 111illic11 audi\·i, T .. r.:
trnnsf., vcrlol 111i~raf lours (s11ut) 111 nficnum 2, inn 11111rmble times, rou.111lrss time.s; milliea
mult.'ll', mdaJ>horiool uses, Cic. melius, 11 tlwvscrnd tinu:s bater, Cle.
migro, 1. I. Intra1111it., to rt111.(lw from 0nt a t'clelimted1. Mno (-on) -ouis, m. (MiA111v), of Crot011a,
place to another, 1111£t a 71/ct•'t, dt1••rt. A. Lit.,
etiam mmi•s 111igr:l.runt, Cic.; nb Tn1-qui11ii>1, 2. Mno -011ls, tn., T. A1111ini1 )lilo I'nplanus,
Liv. B. 'J'ransf., 1, g1~11., do ,·!In, ex vita, to trib111111 of the ~011/e v'ilh Clodi11..• (f.7 D.c.), tt:llOlll
die, Cir.; 2, esp., to cha.nut; 011111in mli:;-rant. all a1frer.<ary ltc uvH, nnd 1nlto111 he sl<10 in a .tTHt
thinas clurng'-, Luer.; in colnrcm 111nr111oreum, brawl on lltt .AJlJ•ian Waif; on hi.s trial fr>r t111
to Le cluinucd intn, J,ncr. II. '1'1an11it., 1, to munl_er ~e U'<Lt dejrn.d<d by Ciccm. Ht'Dce,
rcmo1•t frm11 on41 plrrct lo a11(lt!tcr, tnui.<port; Mll~nl~nua -a -um, rcluti110 to Ni.lo; 1Jubfit.,
mlgrntu 1lilllcilia, diffi<.'1Llt nf tm11,ziortalion, Lh'.; -ne, f. (se. 01atio), t~ ipucA qJ
2, to tra11sgrt.~s: j11s ci\'lle, Cic. (archni ..t. 1 Cicero in. d./e11ce of Alilo.
mlgral!Rit 111i;;m,•1·1·it, Cic.). MlltlAdea ·is 1111d -f, m. (M•>.nci&rr;), a rtz..
mll ... v. mill ••• bra.teil Atlm1irm general u·ho 00111111ucd tJu Pn--
Milblon ·onls, m. (MCt>.etvi'•v), luuband of sia1111 at Mar.1tho11.
Jf tu.I a nta. mililinua (mllvinua) -a -um (mllvus), o/
milo1 ·ItiB, c. (1111llc), a $OTrlifr. I. Gen., or reltil1t1f1 to B kite; JHtliu~, a J/(11111(1 1.."iU (fig.
a., lit., a soldier; scril.>crc 111ilit1•s, tn earol, Liv.; or the ><on of nn avaricious m:in), CiG.
onllnare, lo dro10 up fa order, Liv.; 111crcctle mili1ua (mllvua) ·I, 111. I. a kit~, l!nri,
concluccre, to tul;e into 1~1.>1, Liv.; 11imltkre Cic. II. Tm11sf., 1, a fish, the gurft4rd, Ov.;
111iiite11, Cic.; a comnitm soldier, Liv.; b, ]loet. 2, a star, Ov.
trn11Rf., (a) or person~, novn miles r111111, Ov.; Mflfu -lltll:i, r. (Mt.>.wif). n district cf P'llryrJUi
(11) a piwi on a ilmuuht-lmurd, Ov. II. milites Jtlajnr.
= i11firnlT1J, RS npposf'•I to cavalry, Cues.; milce, mUna -ne, t (mlmu11), afemnle minu, Ck.
USC'tl cnlle1,tlvely, Liv.
Mimall~nla ·ldls, f. a Buulianlc. AJJ.,
Miletua ·I (MiA..,To~). I. m., myth., f11ther
oj Ca 11111111 and nyblis, myth ictrlfoun.dtl" nf Mi fr I us. Mlma116niu ·• ·UID, na.·clw11nlian.
II. f. a town fn Cana. Hence, nrlJ, 1, Miles- Mimiia -antis, m. (MP._M). L a tne\11'l4ia
lu -n -nm, llfilesian; 2 Miletla -Mis, f., a, in /oriia, opp06ite Cl1i01. U. a giant.
dttughte-r of Miletiu = Ry~li1, Ov. ; b, belo1tQinr1 mimloi, ad,.. (mlwlcua), lib a .,.. °"
'" th~ tou·ll MUetw: urlitii, 1'omt, a oolouv of the /1u.Di•nn, Cnt•
.AHfrsin n.•, Ov. mimlcua -a -um {µ1~1irc!~), 1, •i"'fe, faro.
millti.1'19 -e (wllea), o/ or relatfllg to a eoldkr (cul; jocurs, Cic.; 2, countl!T/tU, unreal, Plin.
M:im 345 min
IOm.nermua -t, m. (111t,.v1p,.Of), a Crttk txmt, attendnft.I, a:ulalant, Suet. ; 2, eAp., ""'
eltgi.<1c pott of t:oloJ'l/1.<111.. trha 8Upplitd all adt'()C(lt• t.cUh tlie/acu neidt.d tft.
mimiUa -ae, f. (clim. or mlmn), Cl ftmalt /iii orotion, Cle.
ai~. Cle. m.lnlatro, 1. (minister). L to ~. too.U
mimua ·f, in. (ui,.O(). L a mime, m£mic u110n: 1, 111ic11I, Cic.; 2, esp. to U'Clft at table,
a tor, 1ian.U1min116t, Cle. II. a dmmalic p£tce 60 to M.nd; servl ministrant, Cir..; cibos, Tnc.;
otfltd, bToadft1rct; 1~·n1ona de mimo, Cle.; ng., poc:ula, Cic.; cocnam, Hor. IL Tra11sf. 1 I, to
a fu.rct!.; fam:un mi11111111 facere, Cic. attend to, t(lke cure of, govern, direct,· Vl'li,., to
min'= ruihlne, Pers. atund to tlui aail.•, Verg.; juRsa me<licorum, Ov.;
2, ta afford, procure, 1'rot•ide; faN'li furii>< Clrnli·
mlna -ae, r. (µi-ii), I, a r.rctk tt'fight 100 = Riiis, Cle.; prolem1 Tih.; furor nrn111 111i11istrat,
druch.11W.1, Pl!n.; 2, a Greek Bifrer coin= luO Ycrg.; vlnu111 quoo verba ministrnt, Hor.
dmch11UU or Roman dtnarli, l'ic. · '
mlni.clae -lrum, r. (minitx), threat!, t11e11acu, mlnl'.ti.bundtUI ·a -um (mlnitor), Ut.renlrn-
Pla•tt. ing, mc11.11cing, Lh·.
mlni.ol~r, atlv. (111lnax), thrw.tenl 11g1y, Cle. ml'.nltor, I. rlep.. (1. minor), to thrtr1ttn.:
Rlicui mortem, Cic.; lr11ic orb! ferro lg11l•1ue,
mlnae -arum, r. (connected with minco). L Cic.; 111initans per litter'l\S so 011111!11 quae cou•
tAt baltloneuts, 1iarapd11 of a tot1ll; muror 11111, urc11tur proliiLituru111, Ch~
Vcrg. IL 'J'rnnsf., thre.1t1, me11acu; 111i11as, to lhrrotcn, Cic.; of 1111i11111ls, Ov., Ye1g.; mlol'.um -Ii, n. (a. !:-lpa11l"h word), natit•e cin-
or of U1e wind, etc., Ov. nabar, rtd·ltad, t1trmilio1l, \"erg.
mlnanter, arl v. (I. minor), threaten(ngl11, Ov. l. minor, I. dep. (counected with minns
and mlnco). L to jut out, 11rnject, hang orcr;
mln&tl:o -onls, f. (l_. tnlnor), a threaknLng, ge111!11i miuantur 111 carlu111 scopuli, V1·rg. IL
&Artat, !Mnaa (plur)., C1c. I, to thre.1ten, mtnurt; alicnl, Cic.; nlicui crucc111,
mlnax -!ich~, r. (1. miMr). L overhcmgh1(1; Cw.; 2, to promiu b0t1~lfully; 1111111.H, Hor •
.c1111ulus1 Verg. II. thre.1tn1iWJ, full of l/1rtnl": 2. minor -orh~, comp:ir., parvus (q.\'.).
1i_.. 111•>, (.;re.; vituli, O\'.; littcrn.e, Ck.; ftu,·iui;,
hni;. Irmo• -oiii, acc. -ikm 1111•\ -oa, m. {Ml~).
li:inolua ·II, ni. a r£ver near Jfontua, uow I. a mythiCtll kint1 n11d lirn'!fiL'tr fn Crtlt, 8011. of
Jliuio. .1.e11.•, ond, nfler rle11th, jwlge in '1'11rt11ru.t. IL
/II i nos II., ki 11gof Crett, prandson nf tl1e1•r~rediny,
m!Deo, 2. to project, octrhan!J, Luer. (?) h11.~/H•11d of l'asiplwf-, father of A rj,11/11.~, l'wre.lra,
lllnerva-ae, f.(Etr1111c:rn Ptfr11erfaorMe11rfn), 1111d J>e-ucalio11. Ill'1H·c, a, Minols -Mis, f. a
c.\c ouddu¥ .Mtnai'tl, dvufllittr of Jupiltr, (IOtlt/'-3$ dm1ghltr of .Minos, Ariwlne, 0\'.; b, n•IJ..
of tciYdom, and patro11tsS of all tlt4 arts n11.1l Minolua -a -um, rcl11tin.g to Minos, cretnn:, tdenlifitd uoith the Uruk .AtheM; prov., vir~o • .Ar-(a{llle, Ov.; c, Minous -11 -0111, re·
c~ (l1i111(ul) Minen-ii, with homtly mothtr·ll'it,
/uti1111 to J\li110!; poet.= Ct'e/1111: Thoas, li071. oJ
l'ic.; IUl'I Miucrnun (lie. docet), u·/1tn a f<>oli~ft
Ariml11e, Ov.; arcunc, 11wrt of Crttc, Ov.
1"<rson. l>egi1t11 tn tem:h a 11·Lae one, Cic.; luvit;"i
Mincn-1, without u/,Wty, Cic.; metou. = workinv Minotaurus -1, rn. (~11·wTavpo~). a monster,
i '' trool, \"erg. Ji,1l.fl111ll, half·m.11n, the ojf,;pring of 1'1'3iphai
Mlnervlum ·If, n. (1nx Mincrvae, Verg.), a and n b11ll, $lllin by 1'hcse1~.
ru;tlc llntl tc1111•lc tu ;1Ti1ltn'a in. Culnbria. mlntha -ne, f. (µl"8tJ.). mint, Plln.
lllnervae pro111011torium, a promontory in.
C111111"111ia, 1<J11th-i..1llt of ~urrentum, th• aeut of
Mlnturnae -!\rum, r. totvn (n foti11M
the wrJrr• of Cam]l<rnia. ll1•nc•', S<lj., Mln-
tkt .Sirtlt.C. • turnonsla -e, relati11:1 to .Mi11turiuv..
mtngo, mlnxi, mhrctum and mlctum, S. lo Mlnuclue ·a -um, name of a l:Omnn gen/I,
Mitl.t iru.ter, Hor. tlte 1110.<t nottd f1U111ber of whicli w.. s M . .Minu .. ins
mlnl&tiUua -a -nm (<11111. of mlnlatu~),
tchat colom·e-i or ti11!JC.l with. cin11.abar, Cic.
'°""'" Hufus, magistt:r ei1nitum to t/11 diclutor Fu.biu.t
lilaxi111U.j Cunctator.
mlnli.tue -a -u111, v. minlo. =
ml'.nume 111i11ime (q.v.).
mlnlme. v. paru111. =
mlndmua 111i1111111us (q. v.).
mlnlmua, v. pan·u•. mlnuo ·!\I ·f\turn, S. (root .MIN', whence 2.
1. mlnlo, 1. (111i11i111n), to cnlo11r 1rith cinnabar miuor, "'"':..,, µ1w9w), to 11111~·e s11wlltr. L ta
or red-lead, Plin. I\u"\ic., mlnlAtua -11 -um, mt ttp into smnll 1•icct.<, to rltop t•]'; li·.:1111, Ov.
rolou.rtd wilh cin11<1bar or rn.l·ltud, 11<liliitd red, II. to ln.<(11, 1liniitti.•h; 1, lit., 1;i1111pl1t'! l'i\'i·
Cic. tnt11111, Cic.; lllillllf'lltc llf'stn, crl the cl1l1i11g of the
tide, Cal's.: 2, tm11sr., tn /c.<."<'ri, rlimini.<h, low""'•
7. Mlnlo (Mumo) -Onis, 1n. a rfrer fa Etl'u- ntlure, limit: gloriam nlic:11i11~, l'k. ; 111011'111 in!!
rltt, now Miqr1.011e.
\'il.1w, Ck.; ut co11ti11\·crsi:u11 111i1111a111, lin"'•
mlnl•ter -tri, rn. an<l mlnlatra -ae, r. ro11jiM to tlu poi11t, Cic.; P. R. per
(tuot Ml~, wh .. ucc nlso minus), u .<t'rcant, at- \'1111, to njfrnd aanirnit, Cic.
tcada1'l, cusi•tant; a, in 11 house, 111i11istcr c·11bi-
c11li, Liv.; tr:1w1r., virtntcs n1l111'lat11111 111i11is- minus, compar. L A1lj., v. parvu1. II.
trae, Ci•'.; b, a .servant in a temple, the acr1~111.t .Ad\'., \'. pnrum.
of <t !Jod: l\lnrtitt, Cic.; c, In n pnhlic office, mlnuacdlue -a -um (1lh11. or f'ompar. minor),
1ui11i,.trl imp<'ril tui, Cic·.; d an 11.,:1i.>t1rnt, ~11p- 110mrwhat lt.<s, som.ewlmt small, Cic.
1o01·ter, 11ida, hclri:r; lihi11i111>1, Cic.; 111i11istt·os miniital ·lills, 11. (111i11utus), a di."'1. of minrt»
ac {'tul'IK'11t 111 j1111icih1 omtnriLns, Cic.; ales ftlCHf, ,) ll\' •
D1i11111kr fulmiuls, Jt1pittr d e-•gle, Hor.

mlniiti.tlm, n1lv. (111h111t111•), fo !mall piut~,

mlDistirlum -Ii, 11. (111irii,.tc1). L ltl'Vii::e, bit by /1it, ]litce111cirl, grmlunlly; 11liq11hl autlere,
cusi.,taftl'f, arte1ulml.N', o.Jl.ct, tm71/0!Jlnt1i.t, occu.p..c.- Cic.; l111t·noi;:1rc, Cic.
ff<m, Liv.; mlnistnio fungi, Liv. II. Meton., minute, a1lv. (mi1111t11s), in !mall portion.s,
a, li'rrnnt.1, Tac. ; b, rettti ue, perwnnel; 11erlb- meanly, 1iettily, pultrily; res 111in11tius tract are.
anu11, Liv. Ck.
lllhl18tra -ae, r.,
v. mlulster. minutia -ae, r. (111lnutus), smallMU, little·
llllnlstrator -Orla, m. (minhltro), 1, ca ,,,.. t1C44, mi11ute11t.u, Sen.
mlaiitua -a -um, p. adJ. (trom mlnuo). ml.aere oert&mlna, Liv. D. 1, to aw• Z....
-.a.U, liUle, mi1'1£U, ""llll90Na1't, trijU119: nl9 a.gc, prtpare by mi.ring; ~ UL, mulaum, Cle.:, triftu, Cle. ; philosophl, peU11, '""'1- pocul11 alicul, Ov. ; b, to •hr "P• ucik; 1:1~ndia,
•~M. Ole. Veri;. ; motus ammorum, Cle.; 2, u, CXl1\/'il'9,
Mfnlaa -ae, m. (M&..Vac), a f'ie1& king qf col\(ound; a caelnm terramque, to mt. a ttona,
Orchomftt61, thd fabul.ou an.calm qf tJu Alin,a.. Verg.; b, ol moral and political events, m.U.
Hence, a, Mlnfae -lrum, m. (MuN<u), CM .A.r- contlonillus rempul1lkam, Co di.fturb, etc.; 3, •
jUl; domum gemitu, Verg.
gon.allla, of Ja¥Jn: b, Mlnfillla
-ldls, r. da"fl1itlr of Minp: o, Mlnfelua mlaellua -a -um (clim. of miser), "'~
•-um, belonging lo Miny<U. tl7rdc.hcd, 1'n.happy; homo, etc. ; apes, J,ucr.
miri.bW. -e (mlror). L wondtr/IU, a1k>• Hi.sinus -1, m. tA. trvmpeter of .A~
uMng: mh-ablle eet, followed by qunm and the Henc:C', M.iainum -1, n. a promontnry a>,d tOtOll
•uh.I., Cle. ; by qnomodo, Cl~.: with 2. 1mptne, (n Campin'4, now Cap di M~no; monii )J ii&enn.,
amlltu, Cle. ; dlctu{ Oic. IL t.:draordinarr, ft· Verg. Adj., MiaineJUd.11 -e, relating to Jlf.o
wnal; mlrabllem n modnm, Cic. Mn.1'm.
mirabnltir, adv. (mll'l\bllis), ~l\iUJ, mlaer ·i!ra -!!rum. L mf.ltrablt, U>retdwd.
Marvellou1l11, Maiilarlr, txlranrdin.arlly; cupere, •t1haPP1f, pitiable, u'\, tkpl<mible: 1, of
laetart, Cic. ; mlrabllltcr moratus est, i.I of an pel'llona, hie mlsl'r atque lnfellx, Cle. ; miser·
amonfinar,, dUpoliti<m, Cie. rimum habero aliqnem, to tormnit greaely, Cic.;
O me ml11erum I Cle.; 2, transr., ot thlni,'9,
mirabundna -a ·um (mlror), feU of~. miaera fortuna, Cic.; as parenthetical exrlnma-
wondering; mirabundl quidnam esset, LIY, tlon, ml1enim I 1aoio V11'111ched I Verg. IL tn1.§tr-
miricillum -t, n. (mlror), a t00ntkrj\d thiftj1, ing, ill; mlserum latua caputve, Hor.
901Uhf' pr1xHgy, miracle, marwU011mu1; mlrno- mJHri.bnts -e, (mlaeror). L ~
ul11. ph{loeophormo aom11lnntl11m, tht vxmdtrful toretd&ed, lawwntabll, deplcrabU: upeetm. Cle.:
opiniou, etc.; adjiclunt miracula hulc pugnne, aqualor, Cle. U. llM*t"t\l'UZ, tad, plaintiw; voz.
toondm, Liv. ; magnltudlnia, a toollMT for .W, Cle.; elegl, Hor.
mlJrerablll~r. adv. (mlaerabll!R). L -'-'·
mirand.119 -a -um p. adj. (from 111lror), ably, lam'1ntably, pitiably; mori, Cic. U. Ma
WM&thr/tll, ri'f191llar: mlra11du1n in modum, Cle. a mourn/Id or plailltiw maftMr; c.-pistola m»
mirii.tlo ~nil r. (mlror), a toOftdtrlng,
ckr, uton.uhmcm, etc.
"'°"" erahlllter acrlvta, Cle.
miri.tor ~r11, m. (mlror), an adminr, Ov.
mIMranda.a o& •UDI (ml11eror), pUialM, er.
plqrobi•: mlaerandum lo mod um, Cle.
miri, adv. (mlru11), wondtr/ull11 utnzonim. :mlHri.tlo -6nll1, r. (mit'Oror). L Jl'UJ, eo..
Grily, a.stmi.Mtngly; favere, Cic.; m\re quam, b. J1GR1ion; cum quail:un ml!!eratlonf', etc. D.
• vxmtlerJul man ntr, Cio. JIQthdic 01' "'°""'f llJl#Ch. or IOIW; ntl mi.Hratton-
mirlfloi, 11.11 v. (mlrillcua), too'Adtr/ulZN, artt'll- lbus, Cle.
ord'110rily; dolcre, Cle. m.IHri, ~v. (mlaer). L 1tfl'"ttclttdly, ,,UC.
miriffous -a -um (minis and faelo), catt.ring ably, mtltrably; vlvere, C1c. U. vfolntly, •
to01ickr, wondt1/ul, a.atoni&hiug; homo, eto. 0 eetd'71.gly; «mare, Ter. ; deperlre am ore, P111t1t.
turria mlriflcis operlbua ex11tructa, Caea. ; con- mls~no -aBrili -ll!rltum and -sntum, !. and
Yiclum, voluptas, Cic. mlserior -a~rltna and -scrtus sum, 2. dep.
mlrm.ll1o (murmtllo) ~nl1, m. 11 l:«nd of (mi1er). L fo pilr, ltave cmnpn#in1' a., -
gladiatorL gen.t'nlUy malclwd tolth tAc T7Lraca or •is8mU: aoctomm, Cle. : labonim tantonun,
ntia.rli, l;IC. Verg. D. Impcns., miseret or 111is.•n•tur me., 1
miror, I dep. L to won.tUr, be artcmulwd pU1, I a"' ICN'1f for, I haw Wlftf){J~iotl °"; tne
at; negllgentiam ltomlnl!I, Cl~. ; foll. by acc. mlseret tu!, Cic.; c.-ave, t.e frat.nun rro fratrt8
and lnttn., me ad accnsan<lttm descenrlere, Cle.; alute obeecmntlu1u ml.Aereatur, Cle.
foll. hy quod, mirarl quod non rtderet haruspeir, mlHreaoo, 3. (mlseroo), 1, lo pttyl.. Mii
Cic.; with rel. aent eiu11 rel quae cauu e11s<•t com~ on, co11'milerart: regta, Verg. ; -., tm-
nilratus, Caea. ; foll. l1y al, miror illi 1uperbii
alquemquam amlcum habcre potuit, Cic.; tniror,
pers., me miscrescit alicuiua, I
have comprusionm, Plaut..
a• llln"J for,
I to0ntkr t I oa1uwt 1'ndtrslan.d, I am curi01J1 to mlairla -ac, r. (miser). L 1Ur1tc1wdnt.a1, ....
boto; m1rantea quid rel esaet, Liv. IL to ad· happin1is, misery, llOTl'ote, ~ aJlktW1l, dUt1U1;
m'Ll'll, look on. witll admirntion; pueroru111 formu uloi virtna est, lb! ei<se m•~<'ria non potestl Ck.;
et corpora magno 01iere, Cle.; with geniL of in ml~erlts venm.rt, Cic. IL Penio11tf., )f seria,
cause, Verg. o/ 1·."relnu and Naz.
tht daughter
mirua ·•-um, to01ufu/tll, aaoniM,119, a:CrGo mlsirlcordla -ae, r. (mlsertcors), pUyi C09o
ordtnaf'JI, wrr great ; de11iderium urbi1, Cic. ; prr.asion., Ctndernu4 of heart, ~; i.opu i, °"
mlrnm quam lnlmlcua crat, it " to0nder/ul the part of tht people, Cle.; puerormn, fM" bt>rs,
lollil~, l.e., e:reuctingly hosti.le, Cle. ; so mirum Cle.; adhlbere mlsc.-ricor<liam, to 1Aow, Cle.; 9d
quantum protnlt, Liv. ; mlrum eat ut, with mi~erleordlam hu:tm·ere, Cle.; allcul auam ml•
nhJ., etc.; quid minim? whal t.DOndert Ov. ertcordiam triboere, Cle.
lliaargfridie ..e, m. (Jl.wapyvpia. lialrtd mlaerloors -cordis (mlsereo and cor), pi&
4tftn011eJ1), a haUr of tROMJf (a name invented b7 /tll, ccmpaufonatt, ttntler-11tartccl; In aliquem,
Plautus and applied to a uaurer), Plaut. Cle.; quls millllricortlior invcntua est? etc.
m18celliinea -orum, n. (misceo), a hcuh Qt mla~rlt119, v. misc.-reor•
.df.terent nuau, hotchpokh, t1MI food o/ gladialora, mls6rltir, adv. (miser), tDNkMflr, -..,
.Juv. abl11, Cat.
~4So, n?l11cftlt mlx:tum, and (later) mlst~m, :mlHror, 1. dep, (miser), lo ~. a.. -..
-t. (JWryw=~'VWll.'I· L Gen., lo mU, •ingi., 1, pR#to1' °"• bnoaU, lament, dqlon; tonoma,
Ut., mella Falomo, Hor. ; 2, tran1r., aA. to Cle.: cuum, Sall.
&Ind, mingLs; gravltatem modesttae, u1c.:
mlsertua, v. mlaereor.
~ senUI oum altquo, lo "'°""'·
mtxta metu apea1 Liv.; b, lo unU.; aangulnem
Liv. i 89 mlsoere
'9l1ta, Verg. ; corpua cum allqua, Ole. ; of b&LUe, /rO'fA MlliU&ry """°"
mluicla.a (-tlus) -a -um (mltto' 4Cdarfl'
U1 mod
mtune -i.. Y. ml11&ilil. mltto, mlsi, miuum, S. to Miid, Id go. L lo
mtatlia -e (mitto). Ci\a.t ~"'bf th1'0llm, •if. Miid, A. Gen., 1, lit., to uw aaroy;
Ah; lapides. Liv.; fem11n, a. ja.wlin, \'erg. tlli11111 ¥d propinquu111 sunrn, Cic. ; legatos de
Subet., gen. plu.r., mt.Dia -Orum, n. mwilu, ded.itiooe ad eum, C11e!l. ; misi, qul hoc diceret,
Liv. ; tt~ misail~, or subst., miaeilia, g\fU tArowi& Cle. : Deiotarus legatos a<l me rnislt, se eaae
~ ~ pwpU, do114tiva, Snet. ventnrurn, with tM intellf1e11Cd that 11.e wa abo"'
mltado ·lmis, r. (mitto). L 11 amdfKV oJ!. to comt, Cic.; Curio milli, ut medico honos haber-
alldirtg c:noay; legatorum, litterarum, Cic. IL etur, I sen.t word to Ouriu.s, etc., Cic.; a<l mortem,
o ldtin.g go, relea1i1t9; 1, a.1 of a prisoner, Cle.; lo put to d«ith, Cle.; litteras ad allquem or
b, adi~~ or dim&f$8i01a.JTom mi.lila.,., llC'f"llfetJ; allcul, Cic.; 2, tranar., aliquem in po~-cs'llonem,
nondum ju!lta, lnjustR, Liv. ; honest&, honour· lo p1d (ll pntt.!lioni Cic. ; f1111era Teucris, to
abk ditclv&'l't]t, gratiusa, O'Ul o/ /a1J0Ur, Liv.; o, prtpan, Verg. B. , co ckdiCCle a book to cs
• prnni.ssV!n giw1~ to gladiaton to or4M jtghting; ,.,--; librum ad aliquem, Cic..; 2, to col&d.ud;
sine mislllvne munas gla•liatotium <lare, to ez,. aliac; (animas) sub Tartara ruittit (of ~lercury).
llil>il glu.diaton teho /ou~Al lill ~h., Liv.; 2, v,rg.; 3, to #n.d /o11h /rOfll. onatl,/, gi1·11 /t:m.h;
msm.t ioia, t~i11atio1'; ludorum, Cle. luna rulttit lucem In ~rras, Cic.; vl>Cl:m pro
aliq110, to 11p« /or, Cir.; 4, to pwh, thr<1111:
mlMlto, I.(t'req. ofmitto), to send rtpea.Udl11; 1•u•·ros in profluentem aquam, Liv.; t"lum ex
auxilia. Liv. aliquo loco, Caes. ; 5, meuic. t. t., to ltt blood.
mluor -Oris, m. (mitto), ~ 1oAo ahooU, 47' Sen. ; fl~., mis~us est sangnis invidiae sine
crcher, Cic. dolore, Cic. IL A. to ut go,~ gif'll up;
l. misaua -Ila, m. (mltto). L a ¥>1di11.g; 1, 1, lit., Cat.; 2, transr., mittere ac flnire odium,
misan Caelil\ris ventltare, l&at1illg W.n unt by Liv. ; JD&estuw timorem 1 V~rg.; Of oratllN, to
c.aaar, Caes.; 2, a tl1rou<ing,; pili, ~ ~pwki11{l, not to rpem:, to auoid, JltUI orer;
Liv. U. l, a •ho,, CM di.alaa.oe dot; miss WI mittn illud dicere, I p<W oi·er thn~Cic.; 111itto
ht• mllle sagittae, Luer.; 2, In the public races, de RmisSll parte exercltlls, Cle. .a. 1, In tbe
• a:mne, htat, Suet. raee-\.'OUrse, "1 f!art the competitor1: qtiailrigas,
2. m.luus ·a -um, v. mitto. Liv.; 2, to clU11uas a" all#fll.bly; aenAtnm, Caeia.:
mtet:tm (m.lzUm), adv. (mfsto. or mlxtua), 3, a., to dimaw, diachargc, lm.d al/)(]y: esp. of
oo'l!,/\L.-'tdly, Luer. sololins, lcglones ml1J1111s lier! jubere, (ic..; b, te
rdaulfront. im~; mitti ewnjubere, LIY.
mt.tiira (mlxtii.ra) •M1 f. (mlaceo), Cl mitiUu(miitttlu) ·I, m. (p.&n!Aof), olJ*(el
•izi11g, amure; rerum, Luer.
of tdible miusel, Hor.
miii_ adv. (mlUa). 1ftildl11,•qftl1, ,.,.Ur: mltius
ferre. peria-e, Ov. miztilra, etc.. =mistura (q.v.).
mftella -Re, f. (dfm. ofmitn), II baftdags /OJ' mna= mioa (q.v.).
CM Mad, luad-drw, h&rmn. Cic. 11Dim6nldes -am, r. aw JltuU, cfattgAtns
mite.oo, S. (miti1), to ~ mild. L Of q/ M1lnll)S!(M, Ov.
fruits, VI ripen, b«ome ripe, Plin. D. 1, ot' the JllnemMfn,i .u, r. (x"""ocnJ.,,,), M71e1110SJM.
~tl1er, to ~ mild; hiem11, Liv.; frigora, mothn of tM Jluu.
Hc>r. ; or abatrnct thini.'ll, to be allayed, to rul>- 1Dllim0.jnum ·I, n. (/l."1fl'OCPW01'), a....,
1i~: seditio, Tac.. ; dl!ICOrdlal', Liv.; Ira, Ov.; ori11l, C11t.
2, t.o ba:o!IMI taiu; f11rae quaedam. 11unquam mibills -e crnr mt>vit.ills, from moveo). L
mitt-scant, Liv.
tnorl!l1ble, W8]J to be mored: n?t firm, Ml .ftztd; •la, m. (M•lptdci'"I\'), kfng (ft 1, lit., ocull, Cle.; 2, transf., a., ucitablll, plwble,
Pou!iu (13.)..{;3 s.c.), •cho ~ a long 1D11r 1t'it1a jlezible; mohllia aeta•t. .Verg.; gl'nll a<l 01nnem
CMRorrta.1&1,ndt011aco1t~ by Po11tpei.u. A<ij., aaram 1pei mohllis, uv. ; b, cha11{leablt, i•
.Kithrldi.ti'.oua ·•-nm, Mtthridatic. c:oumnl: anhnU8, Cic.; Galli aunt In capiendla
miUllco,. 1. (mitlficna), to tnak4 aUd, «>ft; cow1iliia 111obiles, Caes. D. rupid; rivi, Hor.
cihu• mitil\catus, wll cligul«L, Cic. mibDftu ·•, t. (mnhlll>1). L 711(1~
mitlg&&lo -Onie, t (mltigo). an CLSlllQ¢714, Mas, tMbilUJ; animal m"hllitllte celerrlmt.
.zlnialittg, appea.ring, Cic. Cic. ; llngu:ie, Cle. ; tran11,S tnconstancy, eAange.
midgo, l. (= mite111 af(f)), to 111.4.b •Ud, IO/f. abltnesa; allculus, Cle. .1..a. rapid it¥; equitum,
L Lit., frog~, to 'fltllU ripe, Cle.; dbam, to maa Cae:1.
toft ,,. cooJ.·iRg, Cic. ; a~ros, to ln°«.ik up, loou11, mibDltir, adY. (mobilis), mpidlJ, wUA
UU. Cic. D. a, or d11tracter, ro sooU11, tnab quick '"otioa; pal pi We, Cle.: ad bell nm mobll·
ftlllU, JlllCi/J; ao!murn all.•oulu1, to IOOl/u, Cic. ; lter excltarl, llU"ily, quickly, Cae.. ·
Lampaceoos in 1st um, C1c.: b, of t.hinc;s, to mibWto. l. (u1obilla), to make ftMHlllllWI, pd
IOOtle, aauage, aUeviat1, eharm., tnck-int; i"'o mQ/io1t, Luer. ·
ltiam et aeveritatem, Cic.; doloreru, Cle. m~irabW. -e (mnderor), 'l1IOdmlU; nihD
mitla -e, mild, gtnlle, ripe. L or frnit_,, mc>J"'ral1ile 11uadere, Ov.
pnma, uva, V"'rg.; fl~.• 11f 11tyle, Th11cy•li•le!J mMeri.meD -lni., n. (moderor), a 1Mt11t1 oJ
lniii,..,r naaturior t:t n1irior, Cic.; nt' clirual.f', caelo gottr1&fog or g1.dd\ng (e.g., a Ilda, rudder);
miti~::oi1110, Liv.: of \Ya1er, winil, etc., fl11,·i111, 11avi:i, Ov.; tranitr., re1111n, tll tnaM9f"""'9
v"". D. Tranar., of character; a.., or pt'f80l1!1, gorerttm.enl o/th.t State, Ov.
ailfi, flt'&llt, jru from. h4nhnu11; nomu mltis-
aimu:o1 au1ue lt:ni11-,i11111s, Cic.; or Rllimals, taorus, mldirantir. ad v.(moderana from moclerar),
O\·.; b, of t.!JingtJ, 11&ild. ge11tle: dol'>r, Cic.; """11 ,.., , ti 11, 1Ditll mtnleralion, Luer.
1li~ui<l mitlnr"'rn in part .. m iutei·pretarl, put a mlderati, Rdv. (mnderatas), WYltrnftly, tDftA
knitnt intu1·rctcrtiv11 UJJf1fl, l'ic.; c, of •veech, WSOt.lerntion; moderatius l<l volunt flerl, <;le..
alW; ruitis "t compta 11111tio, Cic. mCSderatlm, adv. (moderatua). MOcl.cruUlr,
mit.ra -u, r. (}A.frpa), a l&et.ul-drus, i1& ~ gradu111l11, Luer.
1&11e a11W1t'J A •iati.c: 1wtwA~, bill i1' Greeu alld mOdira&lo -Onla, r. (moderor), 'AOdcnzti119.
P.011t1 toor11 o4lJ1 br U.'O•nen and e,feminaU ~"' L A. flWdcrati.149, TUtrni1&i1&g; elfn:nati Jl'•Jmll,
Cic. Cic. B. go1.1tl'ft1MHI; 11111n11i, Cle. D. 1111.>dcra-
mivata -a ·Um (mltra), """"''"' tAc •Una, &i.oi&, kt11peranoe; te111J>o·rantla et moderaUo
Prop.. 11atu1'8 t.uae, Cle.; vocia, a~Mm, Cio.
mod 348 moe
moderi.&or ~ria, m. (n1oderor). a gowne.or, V 01&111 tiot, pro!NUd that not ; tttt.ia aderit, modo
pilk, mauager, nler; equorum! 11 driver, Ov.; ne Publlua rogatus sit, Cic.; b, with relatlYea,
arundini.8, a }Mier, Ov.; mvubl cae, Cle. serVW1 nemo, qul modo tolerabili conditione
micl8ra&rlJc ·iclB, f. (moderator), Me tlial sit sen1tutis, ~ M 01tl11 be, proridtd ow.1,
ruU.s or gowru: respublfoa moderatrix om· tAal he u, Cle. ; c, sf modo, iJ only: tu !Ids,
nium ractorum, Cic. al modo meministi, me tibi dixil'se, Cic. ; 3, in
mOdera~ ·• -um (modero), modm:lte, tea-
negative sentences, a, non modo • • • lied
ptrau, keeping ioithi11 d1«1 11UWUre; or pel'!IOnll, (verum), not 01tl11 • • • b11t ; non mO<io • • •
sed (Yerum) etiam, tt0t only • • • b1it al8o;
frugi homo et in omnibus vitAe partibu.s moder- non modo • • • sed (verum) ne quidern, tld
atus ac temperans, Cle. ; or thin(C11, convlvium, 01lly • • • but Wit eve1', Cle.; b, non modo bOn
Cle. ; ventus, Ov. ; otiuru, Cle. ; ol'lltio, Cle. • • • &e<l, sed J>0tius, sed etiam, Mt oR.111 MIC
micl8ro, 1. to modtrate, kttp tcWtin bo-u'l&d.s; • • • but ralhtr; nou modo non . • • sed ne
voci 111ene, Plaut. qnidem, not onl11&0t ••• but notewn. (.,""ic. IL
micl8ror, 1. dep. (modus). L to set bou'l&d.s Transf., or time, A. a, now, but 1WW, j11.Jd 11110¥,
to, kup within bound&; to rt~, ~rot.e, )1Ut; ad\'enii1 modo? are you rome" Ter.;
rut rain; (11) with dat., alicui, Cic.; animo et b, used also of a remoter past, lauly, SOt1U t i -
oratioui, Cic. ; lna.e, odio, Liv. ; (/3) with acc., ago; modo hoc malum in rempublicam iuvuit
animos, Cic. IL ro direct, gu.idt. A. Lit., (i.e., 1ew11t11 years prtl'iou~ly), Cic. B. modo
(11) with dat., n1wi funfculo, Cic. ; (ft) with ace., ••• rnodo, aom..ttimu ••• IJ()fflttima, now •••
habenas, Ov. B. Transr., ro goiyrn, rule, rtg11.latt; now, ut ont time • • • at anothtr; modo ait,
(11) with dat., quibns totis moderatur oratio, modo negat, Cle. ; in place of the second modo
Cic. ; (/3) with acc., Deus qui regit et moderatur et is round nunc, I.iv.; interdum, Sall; aliqua.ndo,
n10vet id corpU&, Cic.; cantos numerosque, C:ic. Tac.; saepe, Sall. ; modo .•• tum (dein<le,
mOdeati,. adv. (modestus), modtrntdy, Um• paullo post, postremum, vicissim), nmo • • •
prattly, di.scrtttly, tl&Odutly; Romam \"enire, Cic. tMn, ill tht jirtlt plau .•• i" the lltCOW ~~
first • • • o.fttricard1, Cic.
~ ·ae, r. (modestu~). L A. modera·
tion, te11Lperance; neque mod um neque mode11tiam mOdiilate, adv. with t'ompar. (modulatus).
victores habere, Sall. B. 1, applie<l t'1 be- ill good lime, in tim.r (or music); modulate
haviour, modl'MJI, unaasv.ming condud; In dkend<>, canentes tibiae, Cic.
Cic. ; 2, r~, obedUn« ro autliorily; in milite mOdttlator -Orli1, m. (modulor),
1trvu a regular rhythm, 11 musician, Hor.
°"" '11.'lao 00.
modestiam et oontinentlam desiderare, Caes. ;
3, as translation of the Stoic phrase riire&tia, mOdiUi.tua -a ·um, p. adj. (from modulor),
oood, proctical J1ulgrrunt, Cic. IL mildneu; properly flll!(tSUrtd or modul.akd, in good that,
hiemis, Tac. rltytlrn1i1X1l, melodiow; verb&, Ov.
mOdeetlul ·& •UID (modus), nwderak, mping mMiUor, l. <lep. (modus). L to mtaS11rt,
to it hi 11 bound&; moder<lU in dtsirM or pauionJ, 'flltQ$Urt ojf, 11U'alu1·e regularly, Plin. IL 1, t. t.
teniperaU. A. modei1tum ordinem, Cic. B. 1, or tnU!liC, to 1llttUUl"e rhythmirolly, to 1tl.001tWlt, to
mo<ieRt, unauu.ming, unprtknding; adolescentuli mark tini.; voccm, Cie.; virglnes so11um vocis
111oc.le11tissimi pudor, Cie. ; 2, 111odtsl, cha.U, pulsu pedmn modulautes, Liv.; 2, a,, to 11it19;
iiirtuoua; videas dolere ftagitiO!lis mo<lestos, Cic. cannina, \'erg.; b, to 1>lay; lyram, T1b.
mOclialla -e (modius), e-0ntah11illg a 11u.dhu, mMiUua -1, m. (dim. or modus). L a "'"'"
Plaut. aure, standard of mectS11rt'llUnt; metiri quendam
mOdloi. adv. (modlcus), moderattly: 1, sno modulo, Hor. D. rhytkM, 1111Uirol ti,..t,
Wtrrtbly; modice locnples, wlerably-ll off, Liv.; mttrlll "• 11lelody, Plin.
modicc \'lnosns, M grt!lll fDiu-bibbtr, Liv : 2, mOdu.s -!, m. a mm111rt, stm1dard of fJU(lntn.
mockrattly, with MO<Uratioll, temperatelJI ; facere, 11u11t. L Lit., Varr. IL Transf., A. :rizt,
agere, Cic. qucrntity, ungth, etc. ; 1, gen., agri certua
mOdlcus -a ·um (modus). L 711-0demte, not modu14, Caes. ; 2, esp. as mw.ical t. t., rhyt11111,,
wry largt, middli11g, ordinary; con vi via, po· mdcxly, time; vertere modum, Hor.; es~ in
tiones, not ~~. Cic. : rossa, not ttry dup, plur., ftcbilibus mo<lis concinere, Cic. B. 11
Liv.: acervm1, Hor.; lau.s, Tac.; equites, senatores, nuasure, boll.nd, li1nit, bo-undory; 1, gen., mod um
pouu:ri1&g 'lftOderaU Wlt4llh, Tac. D. modtratt, im1>0nere magistratui, Liv. ; mo<lum lugcndl ali-
knping within bou1ul1, uraptrak, modut, u11· qnando racere, to tlW.kt an rnd of bt1raili119, Cic.;
preltnding: severitu, Cle.; modicus vol uptatum, 2, e14p. in action, modcratiou, oont1·ol; imitari
temperatt iu e11joynwlll, Tac.; animus belli ingens, cat>lestium ordinem vitae 111odo et con,ritantii\,
domi modicus, Sall Cle.; sine modo ac O>ode;;tia, Sall. C. on~.
role; aliis modum JlGC"ls ac Lt'Ui racere, Lh'.
mOdllloo. l. (modn.11 and f'acio), to measure D. 11wn11tr, modt, fashion, u'ay, mttkod ; ron·
ojf, 111w1ure, moderak; verba ab oratore modi· cludendi, Cic.; sen·orum modo, o.fttr tilt 11U11uttr
treat.a, Cic. of slllru, Liv.; hostilem in mod um, in a 1tOlltilt.
mOdlus -H, m. (modus), a dr11 11~re ma11ntr, Cie.; mirum in modum, C&P.s.; quonaw
among tM RomaM 16 satar_ii1 a11d containing modo ! Cic. ; eius m0<1i, in that manur, Q/ tAo&
aomewhat lua than two imperUu goU01u, a peck, I.ind, Cic. ; huius modi, Cic.
Cic.; pleno modio, in ful.l mtaSUre, abundantly, moecba -ae, r. (moechus), an adulln'r#, Hor.
Cic. (genit. plur., modiftm, Cic.}
mid~ adv. (modus). only,alonL, but. LA.
moeohor, 1. dep. (moechus), to 001R•il
adultery, Cat.
Gen.,quod dixerit soltn modo, non etiamoportue, moeohus ·I, m. (µ01xck), a forJ1ica.tor, adaU·
Cie. ; n1-mo eonim progre<li moc.lo extra agmen trtr, Plaut., Ter.
audeat, only to {l(l, llO much. a1 to f10, Caes. ; ut
ea modo exercitui satis superque foret, that it moenera == munera (q.v.).
a1011e tL'al more than enough for tM army, Sall. 1. moenla -tum, n. (connectod with munlo).
B. Esp., 1, with wil'hcs, commands, etc., only, L the walls or fortijim.tioM of a city; sub lpsit
just: veniat modo, Cie.; \'ide modo, only att, Nurnantiae moenibus, Cle.; transr., a, poeL, tM
Cle. ; 9,_ a, in conditional sentences, modo ut, or walll, uttrnal compaa, 1ttCl011trt; navis, Ov•.
modo a1one with subj., provid~ thut, if only; theatri, Luer. ; caeli, Ov. ; b, d'fr.n.ce., prot«tioa;
quos, valetudo modo bona sit. tenuitas ipea btilwarkll; alpes moenia Italiae, Ov. D. Meton.,
delectat, ~U&iAt111ltU1onlrqood,Cic.; modo ne, 1, tM c't11 ~ witli7' tAt MlllllZI; 8yrac1111o
moe 349 mol
arum moenl11. ac portus, Cle.; moenla tripllcl miUor, 4. dep. (moles). L Transit., A. Gen.1
efr("Utndata muro, Verg.; 3, man.rio11.,d~Uing; lo ttt (n n&0tioll, fVllWW, dMplace; ancoru, to wlfll'
Dit.111, Verg. anc:Aor, Liv.; naves ab terra, to 1'11"'°°1', Liv.;
2. moeul'.a .furn, n. = munla (q. v.). montes aede sui, Liv. ; tulmlna dextri, lo A1'rl,
moemo munio (q. v.). Verg.; haben&8, lo guide, dirt/Cl, Verg. B. 1,
lo lo totter, un.dermia.1;, Liv.;
l. Moenua ·i, m. IM ritter Jlain. transr., ftdern, to 1tndtnllint credU, Liv. ; 2, lo
%. moenu "" muims (q. v.). v:ork, c11ltivale the ea.rth.; terram, Liv.; a"a ferro,
moerua muru11 (q. v.).
-orum. m. a propl'- in tht JJWl~rit Serril!
alld B11!9aria ; hence a, lloeala (llaeala)
Luer. ; 3, a, to buUd, erttJ, rtar, raiM; muro.,
arcem, Verg. ; classem, \'erg. ; b, of abstract ob-
jl!cts, t-0 undutakt; null& opera, Cic. ; 4, lo
muse, pradua; 111orbo11, \'erg. ; sibi opem, Verg.;, f. tlu cmrntry nf tht Mou&; b, lloealAcua struere et moliri alicul aliquid cala111itatis, to
-a -um, ~fo119i119 to the /.IO<'si.. plot, dtvitt, Cic.; alicui insidias, to U?y mart.t.
moereo, moeror, moestus = maereo, maeror, Cle.; peregrinum rtg_!1_um, lo strit'll airer, tndeaii-
11at-st11s ('l. \',), our to obtain, Liv. IL Refte:r., lo t-Oil, llf"U9gle,
m~la ·&f.', r. (molo), lit.. a mllt-•tont. A. u~rt orr.uelf. A. Lit., in demolien<lo slgno per·
HP1wt-, !liing. an<l gen. pl11r., fht miU-stont tltt multi homine11 moliebantur, Cic. B. Trans!.,
Wliil for grrnrlia)o( corn, olivei;, Ptc.; 1noli11operam agam per me lpse et moliar, Cic.
dar.-, Cic. D. Meton., grits, coarse nual, or JI.our, molitlo -6nis, r. (molior), 1, a dtnwlitio11,
usually nf i;pelt, which, mi ~t>rl with salt, was dem.Qli.fhi11g; valli, Liv.; 2, rm t§ort, labori.eiu
11prinkl('tf rm vi<:tims before sacritlce; mola et u11dertaki119, prtparation, ; rerum, Cic.
vmurn, Ck.
m~l&rla .e (mnla). L of or rellltin!J ti> a molitor ·6ris, m. (molior). a blLild'.r, trtclor,
produar, contriver, author; mundi, Cic.
wiill; 1, lit., subst., m~h\rt.a -is m. a mill·
do•u, Verg.; 2 1 tranltf., ~ big~ a fllill·WY!lt; molluoo, 3. (molli"), 1 lo bttorM soft, Ov. ~
aaxa. Sen.; sut,st., -1s, m. a hw;e 2, tran11f., to become aoft, tffeminau; tum genus
blo.·k of Ucrtl':i Verg. ll. fl'-l1>1"1ii:g to grinding; humanum primum mollei;cere coepit, Luer.
aub!ot., m.618.r1a ·ii, m. a molar tooth, grin.du, moWcellu ·& -um(dim. ofmolli11),10111e111W
Juv. soft, 110nuwhal tender, Cat.
molett -is, f. a 1711l.'3, a Mo.p. L Abstr.
atim.e.thi11q hfflry, 1reighty. A. Lit., opJIOSUi
= moWoUua -a -um (dim. or 1110111!1), 1,
what 1<>ft or tender, Plaut.; 2, transr., IOfMWhal
molem cli~i, wtighty sh~ld. O'··; ingenti mole effeminak, Cat.
Lat111u;1, \'erQ. B. Trans(., 1, ma&S, Maf = moWo, 4. (molli11), to make pUab~. fluibu,
gr~r1t11us, mi']ht, ptJl"l'f'; tanti imperii, Liv.; llJ/l, suppk. L A. Lit., lanam trahPn<lo, to 1pin,
pugnac, Li":.; 2~ro~ble, dij/kul.l!J; majore mnle Ov.; artus oleo, Liv. : cera111 pollice, Ov. ; cibum
pn;,'lULre, Liv. .u. Coner., A. a heary, shapelus vapore, Luer.; fdgoribus durei1cit humor, et idem
llVl.SS; chaos, rudiis iudigataque mole:., Ov. B. mollitur teperactua, Cle. ; glebas, fo lc>oMn, soften,
Ei;p., 1, a ma$$ilY co1i.structio11; a, a dam, molt; Ov. B. Tran!lf., 1, clivu111 aurractibus modici11,
opp<-.sitae tlueti bu1', Cic.; b, a ltLrge buildi11.g; to diminuh the lltttpnus of the tUCr/l.t, Caei1. ; 2,
insanae substructionum moles, Cic. ; c, moles fructus feros colendo, torendtr 1- ho.r;h, Verg.
belli, large miWary machinu, preparalion.t for II. Fig., A. lacrimae meorum me interdum
tllar, military work.t; refectis vineis aliaque mole mnlllunt, Cic. B. 1, to «>./kn, lo mr.l.U mi/Mr,
belli, Liv.; 2, a, a mau of mtn, large number; mnkll pt11tle; poetae molllunt anlruoa no11troe,
hoi;teJ nu.jorem molem haud facile sustinentes, Cic. ; feroces militWD animos, Sall. ; vocem,
Liv.; b, a lMU ofclrnuu, •torm, Verg. make WQ71lanilh, Cle.; ferro mollita juventus,
m~l..ii. adv. (mole1tu11), 1, unwillingly, emasculaUd, oostra.Ud, Luer.; 2, a to make
teilA l'Qlalion, with a11noya11ce; moleste fero, I milder, lt.u rtlldtr bearubu; verba.
'4U il ill, I uni annoyed, I am~; with acc. usu, Cic.; pc.<!nam, Ov. ; b~ lo tame, rutrsifl,
and inftn., te de praedio aviae exerceri moleste kup within bou11d.1; llannit.lem euulta.ntem
Cero, Cic.; foll by si, Cic.; by quod, Cic. ; by patientia au! molliebat, Cic.; aedare motua et
acc., Cic.; 2, fa a trl»lblumne or disagrceablt animos eorum mollire, Cic. (syncop. imperf.,
W11t1uur; of discours,, gait, etc., a.ff«Udly, Cat. mollibat, Ov.).
mOlestla -ae, r. (molestus), annoyanc.e, di&· molllpea ·pl\dis (mollis and r_ea), tt0/t-footed,
ltZli.lfaclicn, chagrin, disg1t.#, d(.sl£b; 1, gen., I.e., hariilg a trailing 10alk (Gr. nAiirollf), Cle.
fasce& habent molei.tiam, art attended with an· mo111a -e (= movilis. trom moveo), fl(}jt, U1'-
aa,ana, Cic. ; sine molestia tua, without trouble du, pli<lnt, 1upplt, ftat1,Z. yUldi1\g. L A. I.
lo yo11r«lf. Cic.; ex pernicie reipublicae molest- lit., juncus, acanthus, \'erg. ; crura, colla, Verg. ;
iam trabere, w be clUlgrintd al, Cic.; molestiam brachia, Ov.; arcus, u,.,r.strung, Ov.; zephyr!,
alicui upergere, to oouu ann.oyanai t-0, Cic.; 2, gentle, Ov. ; 2, trans!., a, or works of art, "'.ft,
a/«1.ation, 6tiJ"n".s1 (of style); Latine loquendl not 1tijf, graU,ful ; 1dgna, Cic. ; of oratori; 11.nd
accurata et sine muleatia diligens eleb>&ntla, Cic. poetry, oratio mollia et tenera, Cic. ; b, ot
mileatU -a -um (moles),, t!"OUOU- places, vrith a gmtlt GIOt!tt; tastigium, Caee. B.
'°'9U, anr&Clfin.g, irk&ome; 1, Jen., labor, Cic. ; 10.ft to tM tcuch; 1, lit., cervix, maous, Ov. ; of
ni.ti molestum est, ex1mrge, · it be not inoon- th.e ground, mollls bumust, Ov. ; 2, t:ansf.,
w•iell.I, Cic.; tunica, a dre&1 of injlammabu TIUIUr- miJ,d; aesta.s, Verg.; vloa, Hrg. IL Fig. A.
tal& p11.t on cond.tmrud criminal.I and Id alight, genlle, 1ensitire, tender; 1, mollls animus ad
.Juv.; 2, oC dLicourse, a§«Ud, labourtd; veritu, acciplcndam et ad deponendam olfeuionem,
Cic. Cic. ; homo mollisaimo animo, Cic. ; 2, effemin,.
llU)Jjmen -lnis, n. (molior), a grt.aJ t§M't, ak, unmanly, wtiak; p_hilosophua, Cic. ; dlsci-
mrlioa, u11derlaJdug; res 100 lpsa mc.liroine plina, Cic.; vita, Ov. B. gentle, mild, pltaaant;
f::.'fil, Liv. ; metoo., b'Uilding; moliroine vasto, !,. mollem ac jucw;idam e.lftc.ere aen.ectutem,
t;1c. ; 2, a, compauwn.aU, genth, mild, com-
moli:menta.m ·i, n. (mollor), a IJf't!Gl t,§orl, plawat, ttuy; oratio, Cic. ; jwaa, V~. ; b,
G11rlioa, t1Ukcrovr; sine magno comma.ta tender, 'lll011in.g; verbls mollibualenlre aliquem,
ltqoe mollmento, C&es.; motam sede aui parvl Hor.; Ulud mo!lissimum carmen, Cic.
molimentl ..1mfnlcGli8, bJ aac.\inu o/ n.all molllter, adv. (mollis), 1, roJUJI, 1t1.U71.
"l'IW'". Liv. ge!Ul,; qula1 membra movere molliua poutt;
mol 150 mon
Hor.: ei:codent Bt'lrantla molltus aera, Yith otlklum consen-are, Cic.; 2, to fo.tT11rt, prowtpl,
n,qgul; tu vat,i,m, tu, dh·a, mone, v~~-; de
tn0rt graot or skill, Verg.; 2, fig., a, gtntly,
aliqua re, Cic. B. 1, to adm•·nish bJI P""~
~ily; quod ferendume11tu101liter saplenti, l'ic.;
In a bad sense, v:t.<tklfl, without e1'D"gy: nimis Tac. ; 2, kl urge°"'; canes, Prop.
molliter aegritndinem J>11ti, Sall.; b, efferni.n· monerts -is r. (J'.ol'ljP'lf), ca iia.sel Aavillf osZr
o.uly; d~licate rt moUiter vh·cre, Ci~ ; c, !f1ildly, one of oar~ Liv.
compa8SIOJialtly; feel parce et molhU?r, C1c.: llloneta -ac, r. (moneo). L A. tM flU>l}.a ,,,
moWUa -ae, t. and mollltlee :e~ •. f. thelllusts(= 'IV1Jµ;oail.-.,). B.asur;ia!W'o/Ju""•
(mollla). L Lit., 1aftnu1, ~leniaa,fta1b1l1ty, and iu the Roman money was coiT1ed in the
'J'liancv; cervicum, Cl~. D. Fig._. A:- Gen., .unr tem'pte of Juno )lonet&, hence, IL A. IM
dl;nl&U, gent~"":'• mtld1t1:ss, se1mbiltty; an11nl, aht, tM/.lau tt:hue mollty 1ro1 coi'IUd, C1c. B.
Cic.; naturae, C1c. B. ~p., e.Jfnn~1!4C1!• ~ Jrletou., , cc.ilwl wulal, fl\OMtJ, Ov.; 2, tli.t dW
flUI; clv1ta.tum 1norea lap111 ad molht1am, Cic. or ata111p u:ilh ichidl money v-aa toi~. Mart.;
mollltiido ·inls, f. (mollis). L aoftnl!.U, t.raw.i., comwuni feri~ carmen tri"i&le mood.a,
tllio.bility, j!aibilitp; assimlll1 epongiia n1olr Juv.
l!tudo, Cic. IL Fig., trnderna.T, aoftnt#, am&· monetilia -is, m. (moneta), f'd.afoag lo t.u
Ui.t:eneu; hum11nitatis, Cic. mint; iu jest, ou u:ho a.b/Of' mo1UJ, Cic.
molo ·t\i -ltum, 3. (mola). to grind in a mill. mon.ile -Is, n. a t1tcklaa, a rollar, Cle.
Pa1tic., molltua ·• •UIO, ground; cibar!a monlmentum = mouumentum (q.v.).
molltn, 'llWll, Caes. . .
JllolOrOhUll -1, m. (MG.\opxo~), a poor v£n,e. monfta -<irUl.11, 11. (mN1e<>), 1, 'ID(lnl.Ulg, Cic.;
dr-r near Nemea, who hl)spitably reaind 2, }'Topheciu; deorum, C1c. • _
Herculu v·M1& about to 1/ay the 1'.'tm«ln li<m; moDIUo .(')nis, f. (moneo), a na~lldr.111l,
Molorl'hi Juel, poet.= Ute Ne1Mlln tDO()(.fa, Verg. t11e1n1 i119, ad131mUhi11g, admoni.l&on., Cic.
Koloeat -<')rum, m. (MoA0<1croi), tM in1aabit- ~oDltor .(')ris, m. (moneo}. L oiu to.\o
nu of M ·Loma, a dutrict of &ukrn Epinu. tt11nnd8. A. otJlcll, &IL B. a, ou 10lo ,.,,.
Bence, adj., a, Jllolossus .8 -um, Molouian; 1./..1u an onUof' tc1th facts, an a.u1~ta1tt, proir11.u:r,
cania, Ht1r.; subet., 1161.outuJ ·i, m. a Molo1- C1c.,; b, a ~clator, tt:ho r~1_1ldl .cnt.11 of 11"":
lian hountf in gnat rtq11llt a. a iporUng dog sr11t1 na~, C1c. IL an advi.oer, uut"4C-tor,
' . ' !atuus, C1c.
Hor.; b, llloloeeicua ·a -um, Jlolou111'1L "--•-- n. ( ~ l . _ _,.
- - ""· mva&• ..... ....., m. moneo , , a re11un.ui"f,
moly -t~. n. (µ;w>.v), Ule 1terb moly, ¢W1'. v11 10arning, adrnonitioll, Ov.; , an i1'llaatwll o/
Mt-rcury to Uly..,.,,& ~s a counUf' charm agaiMt tht will of tit~ god.a by oraclo, aug1<T)',,
Uw m.eMntmrnts of Ci roe, Ov. omen& etc.· monitua Fortunae C1c.

m0me11 ·lnis,_ n. (= movimen, from moveo),
e sa\~o co~surgere mom·
t11011tnVnt, mct101l;
KcSa~ .f, m. (Mci .... uri:.,
he t1aaJ. d'!Odll
alcnw), 11inuime of Htret,ru; .Monoerl An: et
lne pontl, Luer. ; 2, 17Wl!ltntum, impulse, Luer. Portua, prO'llWrttory and llarbotir n I.Ac C<1fUt qf
momentum ·I, n. (= movlmentum, from Lt.gvrto.., now Jlcnwu:o.
moHo). L morrnun.l, m?twn. A. l, lit., ash-a m~nogrammoe ·on (J'.o~..,,.,.~). or plo-
f~nui iJ•si ~ll:ur1que SWl m~meuta. suslkutant, tu res, consisting only or outliut>s, al.:t'lc'luld;
C1c.; 2, or tnue, a snwll portwn. of ttmt, nunl4U, EJ•icurua monogrammoa deos et nihil
'tlWlnrnt; parvo mom'"nt.o, Caes.; mom1.>11to temp- commentus est LllCorportu.l :;hadoV!JI Cic.
.oris, Liv.; momento horae, i1' the 1hort l]iatt oJ -x../ · ' . '
an hour, LI"·; or simply momento, Liv. B. ~oao~~ ·li, n. (µ;ot'OrOO•Oll'), a lable
Fig., 1, oscill<Uion; siue mome11t.o rerum, Luer.; to1th one Joo!, Liv· . ,
2, clw11qe, al«raticm; momeutum facere an- m~uipollum-li,n.(.i.wwo~.,),aW>•opoly,
nonae, Liv. IL that which put1 in motion, of II.LU, 8uet.
IOU ri.ght A. Lit.., ut (arbores} levl momento moll&, mo11tis, m. a moulltai11.. L A. Lit.,
impulsae occldercnt, Li\·. B. Fig., l, i?tjl1U"71a, mous i111pende111, Cic.; prov. of large promises
.(:(lust; pan-a momf'nt& in &JX'm metu111•111e follo1\"ed t.y small 1.erl11rma11ce, 1.arturiunt
animum irupi:lltre, Liv.; 2, turnin.g-1.uint, in.- monrea, na~tur ri<licnlus mua, Hor. B.
~iuncing rou.ct; a, pan-o mon1ento 11! ad- ~lct.rn., a rock; lmvrobu'i, Yerg. D. Transr.,
juvas-.ent, with ilight h.tlp, Liv.; b, weight, im· a wr~ nia~, f/Ttal ':(WlnJiJy; mona aquuuru.
porta11«, in.tfiunre; 11 quid babeat mome11ti \"erg.; D1aria montesque polliceri, to tRakc kuyc
commeudatio mea, Cic.; eMe ruaximi mo111e11tl prom&Au, :sail.
et _ponderi>i,_ Ci~.; argun;ientoru!D mo111e11ta, momtrator~ria,m.(mon1tro),11di~,
dec~'t 7.-r•,n}s, Cic. ;_juve!11s egregiu.s max1111nm U!acJ~; aratai, Triptolnrnu, Verg.
mome11t11~11 rerum e1us c1vltnt1s, a man of - mon.strlfer -~ra .rnrum (mon&t.rnm and
aandtng tnjfurna, ~,,._ r~ro), produC'ing montten, 1wrribU, ~trou,
Kina -ae, f. a11 z,!11n./ nff Ult ooa.d of BrUain l'lin
-(.A11g1'tttl or tht !alt vf Mun). m"onstro, 1. (= mnnPstro, from n1oneo), to
K6naellis ·is, m. (\fo1·aicrq(), ca gtMral of 1h1Jll', l"'int out. L Hy signs or gct>far""s, <l1gito
iAt l'arthians, \OM dt/ruud th<! Romans. fndiee a<l bu.-, Hor.; prucern.111 p>1lm11rn ~ll
monedula ·&e, r. a dau., jackdn II', Cic. mo11strant, Cic.. IL By word•, A. to JMK',
mineo ·11i -ltum, 2. (from root MES, wl 1ence poifll owl, ttac11, i11form; tu istic si quid librarii
mens), to rtWlhtd, anm••niah. L Tl'rcntiam de mea manu non lnt4-llii:ent monatrabis, Cic.
..e11tamento, Cic. IL A. Lit., 1, a to ,rorn, B. 1, to ordai", imtituu, o1'poi"t; piacvl.a,
UIUA, admoiji&A; with de anti the 11bf., aliq•1t>m \"er~.; 2, to in/arm uguuut, cUIW'UIW'; al.ii ab
de Sestii gratia, Cic. ; with acc. of amicis monstrabantur, Tac. ; 3, Co admu, •rpe:
per11<m and neut. &f't'., id t 1 .~um quo.I me mones, cor.ferre m&num pudor lraqae monstrat, Ve~
Cic.; with acc. and h1fin., ma).'.i!t it.loneuni temJ•U!I monatrum -1, n. (= moneslnlm, from
te esse ullum n111q11am rept>rturum, Cle.; with moneo). L a ft&ptnaaturol tunt, a prodtgr,
rel. sent., i:nonet quo atatu sit res, Liv.; b, portml, Cic. IL ca 11&C1uu-r, fM1!.llrority; a., of
lo adtriu, rtieom1M11d; 111ith ut and the1mhj., ut persou, moustrnm borren'1um, Polyp-11"'-M,
mag11a1n lntami&m fngii•t, Cic.; with snbj. alone, \"erg.; i111ma11i.1111imnm ac fUt"di.11<iimum mon•
eoa lioc IDODeo desi1111.nt furere, Cic.; with ue aud 1trum, C/odivs, Cic.; b, or things, DOD mil1f
tbe sulU., De id facereL. Cic. ; wit.b lnlln., jam furtum, aed mon1trum M prodighun 'ride-
mon 861 mor
batar, Cle.: esp., 90lld.en or _,...; monstra Cle.; morbo lahorare, opprimi, Cfc.; conftletari,
DIUl.ti&re, Cic. Nep.; morbns ingrnelcit gn>109100fW. iftCrlla.lll
tft riolmcc, Cic.; n: morb:; crmvalescere, to gd
mons&riio.i, adY. (moostnlosu.s), ltrangtly,
~fully, 7'WIMIT0'!&.'1lV, Cic. uitll, Cic.; morhnm aimnlare, Cic.; ~' personlr.,
moutriiO.U. -a -um (monstrum), rtrange, as a goddess, Vcrg. IL or meow diseases,
lingula~ wcmdtrful, moutroiu; mon.struosissirna
anlmimorbi 8Untcupiditateshnmensaeet inanes
be.'lli&, t.:ic. divitiarum gloriae, Cic. -a -um (mons). L of or relalifl9 mordAclter,atJv. (mordu), bitingly,slcarplv;
to a llWlmUiin, dl«lling Oii 1J1011ntaiiu, found O'l lirua mon!aciua uti, Ov.
ao1'; loca montana et. aspera, Liv.; mordaJr: -lcla (mordeo), biHng, girm to
Liguru, Liv.; subet., a, montanua -1, m. a biting, &nappi."- I. A. Lit., c1u1is, Plaut. B.
"'°""lai1U1tT. Cnes.; b montana -Orum, n. 1''ig., a, biti119, lalirical; Cyliicus, Hor.; car-
•multainctu dutr-Lrn, Lv. IL rich. in mnun- mco, Ov.; b, wtr.1ring, corrodi11g; sollicitu<line.>J,
"eating ooTes," Hor. IL a, 1tinging; urtica,
taiit.&, m.ount.ainoua; Dalmatia, Ov.
Ov.; b, sliarp; fcrrum, Hor.; c, pungtnt, biting
mont:lcOla -ne, c. (mons and colo), a d~ller irt taste; fcl, Ov.
among tt~ mcu1tt,ti11s, mcuntatMeT, Ov.
mord~o. m/SmordJ. morsum, !. t.o bi.U. L
montl'.~ -a -um (mons and vagus), A. Lit., 1, caues mordent, Cle.; 2, t,o, mt;
W'and~ing o•·N' tJu mountains; cursus, Cic. pabu!.i deute, O\·. B. Tran .. r., to but• .ting,
montiiOstul -a ·nm (moos), mountainou.R, hurt, pain ; aliquem dictis, Ov.;
/vU of mr1Untains; regio 11spera et m"ntuosa, mor1lcor, Cic.; valde me 111oraC\nlerunt epistolae
Cic.; sub.<it., mont~Oea -Orum, n.1R0UnlaiMu.s tuae, Cic. IL ro biu into, cul into, ta.kt Jul
di&trict&, Plin. hold of; a, fibula mordet vesiem, O\·. ; b, of
m4ntimentum (m~nlm.en.tum) -1, n. rivers, to i11dt11t, t«.ar away; rura quae Lirla
(m1,ne<>); that which u i11undtd to prt..~~ Ute quiet.a mordct aquii., Hor.; c, to nip,, 1tlng;
.-eoolkctio11 of anyll<fng; c:i 1nrowrial, 'llWl\llmen.l. matutina pa.rum cau_toa jam frigora mordent,
L Lit., monumeoti caus1, Cic.; esp., a, a Hor.
llllilding, statue, tvr&ple, gulluv, etc.; mounmenta =
mordl'.oltus mordicu.s (q. v.).
Africani, ~tutuu, Cic.; b, a aepukAre, Cic.; c, mordlcus. adv. (mordeo). L Lit., tcUh th~
toriUe11 ntLm<iri<th, unnall, memmr1; monument.a t.uth., _bl/ !riling: aurerre mordi('US auriculam,
rerum g,.st.arum, Ci<'. ; commendare allquid Cic. IL 'fram1f., tenere aliquid rnordicus, w
monumentis, Cic. IL Trausf., laudis, clem- J.:«p faat hold of; perspicuitatem, Cic.
entiae, furtorum, Cic. moritum -1, n. 4 nutM: lala.d JMde of garlic,
Hopell --Orum, m. a Mble fa1111l11 i?& CompML parsley, iotne1111r, ofl, etc., Ov.
Hence, Hopaian! -orum, m. tlu dt:pmdantl of m6rlbundua -a -um (morior). I. Middle,
t~ Mopsii. I, dying, U]'iring: jaccnt<'m moribuudumque
Jllops6plua -a -um (from Mo1'.oir'4, an an- V1•1lsti, Cic.; 2, iubject to deoth, m.orf(fl; rnembra_
rirnl Mllll vf Attica), ..dttic, .Athe11ian.; juvenia, Verg. II. .Act., oov.sing dei1th, d.M.dly, Cat.
Trlptolem1t3, Ov.; muri, urbs, Athens, Ov. morlgeror, 1. dep. (mos and gero), to ac-
llopeuheetla (llomue.tla) -ae, I. a t.otn eommodate oniulf to, comply with, gratify, lllb-
'- c-u iriu. Rri:'e; volnpt.ati aurium morigerari de bet oratio.
Koptnl8 -1, m. (Moi(,o~). L tlis llttf" of Ute Cic.
.Ar901lau.t.1. II. IQn of At-oil<> alld Ma1Uo. llL morlgerua -a ·llm (mos and gero), rom-
f«IJM of a Wpl.enl. i11 Ver!{iL pli11.nt, oliedient, aci:cmnnoda.tfng, obnquiou.s, Luer.
1. mora -ae, f. L dtlay. A. Gen., moram llorinl -orum, m. a pecplt in Gallia BelgiaJ.
alicni rei inferre, alferre, Cic.; creditoribns m~rlor, morU11l8 sum morttnrus, s. dep. to
f&cere, to put off the da11 of pay>Mnt, Cic.; trah- du. L Lit., ex nlnere, th·. ; ferro, Liv.; hoc
en, Vet')!.; res habet (rn.fer$) moram, Cic.; non morbo, Cic.; lame, Cic. ; frigore, Hor. ; in auo
(or n11ll11) mnra est with ciuin or quominu., and leetulo, Cic.; vocea morientA,s, qf a _dying mall,
the suhj., Cic.; sine rnora.l without delay, Cic. Cic. ; moriar ai, 11VlJf I di& i/, Cic. IL Transf.
B. 1, on 11. march, Liv.; 2, a pause i?& A. to ~h vrUh low., Ov. B. 01 things ana1
di«our~, Cic. IL 'fl'anar., 1 1 tpac. qfffm.e,Ov.; abstr. suhjects, tc die awa11, wither awa11, dvny;
~a hi1id.ra1&C1t, Liv. a., segetc!I morluntur lu herbis, Ov. ; bt of fire,
2. mora ·ae, f. (µc)pa), 11 ditrirlo11. of tlu SpartaA to be uti11guished; ftamm&11 et vidl nu1lo con.
9"11J, o/ 4d0, ~. iOO, or 900 1M11, Nep. cutit•nte ruori, Ov.; of part.a or the body, to lo~
mori.Ua -e (mores), moral, ethical; philo- lltrenqth; at hi (lacerti> mort.ui jam annt, Cic. ;
l"phia.e var.1, Cic. c, or alJ!itractions, to come kl an. end, perilh; memoria moritur, Cic. ; p.
m0ra&or ..(iris, m. (moror). I. a loUerer or auavi~imi mortuua ·a -um, dead; subst., mor-
l.r•f}'.Jn' bdiilld, Liv. IL a clt:lu11er, retarder. A. ai!J.,
Gen., publici cou1modi, Liv. B. an. advocu1£ tuua ·i, m. a derul man, Cic.
¥4-0 talktd against tii1!4, Cic. mormyr -Sris, f. {>l.opµiipl)(), a 11t1t1.~h, Ov
l. mori.tua, partic. or moror. moJ'OlOg1l.8 •II •Um (µra>po.>.~),,g like
2. mori.~ -a -um (morei1). L having a fovl, fooluh; aubst., a fool, Plaut.
oatain mamwr" or morals; bene, melius, optlme l. moror, 1. dep. (moral, f() lin17er, Litter,
moratos, Cic. U. adapttd to munnus or charac- t<1rry, dela11. L A. Lncceius narmvit
tu, eharackrl.atic; poerna, Cic. ; recte morata valdti morarl, Cic.; with in fin., a)i(;Ui Lellum
labnla, '" 10hic.\ ~ eharacUTI are corrtctl11 inferre, Cic.; niltil mornr, foll. 1.y q11()111i1111s
drawn, Hor. and snbj., J,IY. B. to rlay, tnrry in <t place;
morbfdua -a -um (morbus), 1, trickly, dU- Brunrli!1il, Cle.; in t•rovinda, Cic. II. 1, to
T!lflrd, hey back,
ft!M:d, trWrbi.d, Plin.; 2, vnw/1(>f.t>"'Jllte, cm&Sing c.aUM delay t-0 IUtOtMr, to dtlay,
ct&.Na.<e, Luer. detain, hindtr; impetu111 sustinere atque mnrnrl,
Caes.; allquf'ru ab ltioere, Liv.; 2, a, esp. of
morbOeua .. ·um (morbu.s), ricldy, dilta.Ud. the ju<ll(e in acquitting and di~missin;; a rwrson,
tror 11 O'flJ, C11 t.. C. 8empmnium nihil lll"ror, Liv.; b, a11 a for-
morbua -1, m. di&MM, rkk11u1. L Physical; mula, io breaking off a diseourse; ne te morer,
a, mort.irer, Cic.; in morbo csse, to be •IU, Hor. i c, nibil morari, (a) tccarenothingfor; nee
mor 852 mov
dona moror, Verg.; (JJ) to Aaw "°'°""'
to .say etc. Cle.; mos eAt or mort1 eat with ut aud t11e
agailllt; nlhil moror, eos salvoa eue, ap. Cic.; 1ut.J, mos est. homlnum ut nollnt eundem plar-
8, to cUl.ah& tll.t atten.ticm qf. ftlkr; novitate lblui rebua excellere, Cle.; eum morem tenere,
morandu11pectat.or, Hor. to ob«rt:t, Cic.; abl. u adv., more m11jorum,
2. m0ror, 1. dep. ~), to ~ foolilla, ,., ~ a,/kr tM 10ar o/ the a11tt&tori, Cic. ; meo, tuo, 100
a fool, Suet.. more, Cic.; b, ftuhio11., mr;de: ita ee
- - - ( ) , hl '-··-' morea liahent, 8811.; 2, gen. plnr.,. llVl~M'I"&,
mor--. adv. moroeua , ptt1i.s y, eapt.,,.....y, clw.rcu:tc', di 8pontio11., ""'rat.; 11 ua\·1u1ml, Jll!IU,
Cle. reri, Cic. ; vltam, naturam, mol'l'ooqlM
mil'Oeltu -itla, r. (moro111111), J>tt1'Uhru.u, aliculus cognrn1cere, Cic.; df'llCribere homillUDJ
/rt.(Jul11U1, mor0«11U1, Cic.; pt.danlrr, acusit•e sermoncs mnreiique, Cle. B. Traniir., l, qttaLUr,
/aatidwMMM in 1tylt, Suet.. Mture man nu, and 100nt; 11i•len11n, \'erg.:
mirieu -• -um (mos), puviJ1', mcrost, cap- more, 'ad morem or in morem, ofter tM fa.Ai""'
ricitnU, captimu, frtl/vl; 11enes, Cle.; canitles, of, foll. by genit., Cic.; 2, r11le, /'111•: mores viri11
Hor.; morb119, obdinau, Ov. · ponere, \erg.; 11ine mol'l', rithollt ntle or oontml,
llorpheu -6<>1, m. (Mopof>ws), godofdreanu. Verg.; quid feni duritii pugnacius ! aa1 ttdit
mon, mortia, r. (root MOR, whence mo:ior, et patitur mores, Plin.
connected with /Jpo'r~. 1&apG•M11), dtath. L A. - - -ae, f. a nt'CT in Gallia .&lgf.r..a, DOW tlw
Lit., omnium reruru mors est extremum, Cir:.; Mtuie.
mortem sihl consdiscere, to commit llliride, Cic.; llOllOhU -I, m. (M~Of), a rlu1Mici.a1& "/
mortem alicul lnferre, tll sliJy, kill, Cic.; alicui Ptrgamiu, accuatd ofpoi4on1ng.
mortl e1111e, a peraon.'s dt.0th, Cie. ; aliquem ll&lella -ae, r. n rivn- ill Gallia &19iai, now
ex media mol"U eripere, Cic. ; plur., mortes, tM J,llJM!le.
1ci1'd& of dtath; clarae mortes pro patria oppet-
it&e, Cic. B. Personifted aa a g<Xlde88, daughur lloetinl ·Orum, m. tll.e (M.abUanll q/ tlu
of Erebu.a and Nt>Z. IL Meton., 1, a corpse, Lydian town. Momma or -tn.
Plln. ; ~ lift-blood; ensem mull! morte receplt, mOtlo -onis, f. (moveo). L momM1tf, wt.Oli°";
Verg.; .,, on.t who bring• d.ea.lh. or dutrudfon; corporum, Cic. IL Tranar., emotwn, f«li'lll;
mol'll terrorque aociorum lictor iextiuA, Cic. motiones anlmi, Cic.
morsas ·tls, m. (mordeo), ci bite, biting. L mito, 1. (int.ens. or move<>), to mol.'t •P a..C
A. Lit., 1, eerpentia, Cle.; mol'lu dlvidere down, m.ot'I! /rt,q?UnllN; lacertoa, Ov.; .1ephyris
escu, Cic. ; 2~ 'Ating: mensarum, Verg. B. motantlbua, Verg.
Trans!., 1, a ie'dng, la¢ng hold of, like the bite l. mitua -a ._um, partic. or mono.
or an auchor, Verg.; and meton., tllal whicA, morsus uncu11, the JI~ of all cinch.or, 2. motu ·tls, m. (mo\·eo). L a moti-On, wwre·
Verg.; rohori.s, tll.t cl.tJl of ci tru holding jfJllt a 11ttnt. A. Lit., a, natura omnia ciens ruotibu•
,li_!eli1t., Ve1-g.; 2, a biling tasu, pu~. Mart. aui11, etc.; b, tcrrae, an mrt/11[1L1tk.t, Cic.: c,
IL Fig., 1, a carping ur nui.licioiu aUack toilll 11Wtio11 of tllt OOdy, morie1M11t, guture; ei;p. or an
wor<U, ~or:; 2t. mt1ltal pa.i1&, w.mtion; curarum, orator, manuum motus teneant illud decorum,
Ov. ; do.ons, C1c. Cic.; ex motus mei m~diocritat~, Cic. ; tM p
turu of actor• or pantomimil! lfd:l\Orrt; hand
mol'Wla-o (mors), aubjtcl to dtalA, morlal. L indecoros mot1111 more Tuaco dare, Liv.; datt
Lit., 1, omne animal ease mortale, Cle. Sul>st., motui Cereii, in l«id daneu, \"erg. B. Transf..
a, mortilia -is, m. a mortal man, a man: and 1, m.oeiim of tM mil«i; a, or the !W:nse", dulceia
esp., plur., '1Wl1«U, ~. Cic.: b, morWe motum afferent, Cle.; b, or the mind, adirity:
-la, n. that whidt. u 71Wrtal or ~l.t, Cic.; motus animorum duplices s1mt, alt.erl cogita-
2, transr., tra1uitory, tem_EOrarr, pa&Jing awa11; tionls, alteri appetilOs, Cic.; e:;I'·• (ci) tnort11tn.l
leges, lnimicitiae, Cic. IL Transr., rt/a.ting or of the pauW!&a; motus animi nimii, Cic.; (/J)
belonging to morlal !Mn, mortal,, earthly; 'IMtion of tM will, iMpttlM; 11ine motu animi ~t
con<l1tio vitae, Cic. Bubst., mortalla -lum, n. cogitatione, Cic.; a, political nwrrnunt, in111r·
fllUl'tal lhing11, mortal affair•, and e11p., hum.alt. rection, riot, ro11unotum; omnea Catilinae motuil
Rfferings; et mentem ruortalia tangunt, \'erg. prohibere, Cle.; motum afferre relpublicae, Cic.
mortilltaa -lltis, r. (mort.alis). L the being IL TIWOltttion ilt. a state, Cic.
6Ubfe.r-l to dm.lh., Cic. · IL human Mture, the m~veo, movi, inotum, 2. (connected with
nature of man m;artkd aa n&Ortal; mortalitatem mu tare, ~«ifJn11, etc.). L to"'°"'• Stt in motiotl.,
explere, t-0 die, Tac. atir. A.. Lit., a, cselum, Cic.; reftex., terra movet,
morti.rlum -Ii, n. ci mortar, Plin. Li,._; b, to move tM body; ae mo,·ere and moveri,
mordcinu -a -um (mol'I), dead, Plin. to danu, Cic.; c, milit. t. t., movere anua, IO
mortlfer .rnra -fi!rum {mons and ferc.), oaiu- take up arm1: adversus aliquem, Lir. B.
,,_,,, ,_, ln Tra11sf., 1, t-0 prodll~ a bad tlfcd on the bod'!J, to
in.g death, fatal, ....,.,..,..y, mor ..... : vu us, morbus, attaf~·. alfect; int.oleraada vis aestus corpora
Cic. ~=•r- movit, Liv.; 2, to mort mnitally; a._ M! ad .Jum, n.(mortuus),/u'MT'Ctl I01llJI, motum fortanae, Cata.; b, (11) to i11.jfUtna, 'lrork
dirges, Plaut.. upm, afftd; pulchritudo corporis movet GCUl~
mortilu -a -um, partic. of morfor (q. v.). Cic.; moven aliqui re, to bf di1t11rbt.d, flV.ld•
mirum :iJ n. (}Wpo11, ,U,po11), 1, ci mu~. an.riolu by, Verg.; (JJ) tom<>« rompaui&ft, mow,
Verg. ; 2, ci ouu:kberry, Ov. a.ftct; Roscii mo1te moveri, Cic.; (y) to tl'Orl:
1. morua ·, ,,._,
-1, '· a mu..,..,. ,-tru, v.
o upon, ind~; with ut and the sul'ij., Cic.; 3,
li . to rowrt ci comJIU) t wn,
· ·--'•·
po t1ca11 y, arov«, ........ -;
2. mirua -a -uw (p...pOf), 1iU11, fooli.lh, Plaut. omniA, Sall. ; 4, t-0 change, slw.kt, shatter: aliculua
mos. mori1, m. the wiU of a perl01!.. L «if- aententiam, Cic. ; fldem, Ov. IL to 'llWtll' /i'Oa a
~ caprice: ID?rem ~licu!__gerere,. to com.ply plau. A. ~' li~um e g:tll"gite.• 0"'.·; bp foa:il&M,
uoith a per/1()11, 1 w1.11hea, Cic. II. A. Ltt. 1; produa, uciu; ni>um, Cic.; m1sencordl3m, Cic.;
1, a, C'Ultmll, u.age, wont; de more suo aecedere, c t-O bring tc not', bring bifryre; hi~-t.oriu,
Cle.; ease in more majorum, traditic-Ml line of Hor. ; d, to be.9fn; bellum, Cic. B. to renww.,
omr.dv.ct, Cic.; mos est with genit. gerund, mos put ou.t of fU pkJll; a, fnndamenta loco, etc.;
est itA rogandi, Cle.; with lnftn., magorum mO!I Re de Cnmano, Cic.; b, milit. t. t., movtre signa,
est non humare corpora, Cic.; with acc. an<l castra, or simply movere or moveri, to "'4rcA
fotln., moa eat. Athenill laudarl lo contio12e eot1, . ClltTllf, mon from a Pace; castra ex eo loco.
mo JC 353 mul
Caea.; o, lo df..lpouca; all9uem ex agro, Cle. ; mulgere hlrcos, ot an lmpoasible unJertaklng,
d, to ca1U1 to motie from. one• po11t£on, clWodge; Verg.
host.em atatu, Liv.; e.., ea espel; o.ll•1n"m de milllibrle -e (mnllr.r). L of nr relating to
eenatn, Cic.; f, to m.aA:t I.I perl01!. change hf.I a woma!l, 'l£•010011ly, ft1ninine: vox, Cic.; ve11tls,
opia~; allquein de aeutenlla, Liv. Nep.: bellum, Cle. ; ccrt:mren, 01' account of a
mos. a.J \'. (mov..o). L or ruturl! tlmP, .:>Oil, W011uu&, Liv.; Fortuna Mnliebrls, rrrereJ '"
pre..-cnl!y; jn"l!it mihl nunclari mox se ventnr· wu:mOTJI of the vxrn1e1& who hnd appetiseii t/ie anger
um, Cic. IL t/ieu, tlttteupon; mox redilt Cre- Qf Corio1anua, Liv. IL Trnusr., womani.dh,
111onnm r...tii1uua populus, 1'ac.; 01ox ••• poa- e.fniinaft, •.rnm<111ly; aeutentla, Cic.
lre111n, Liv. miillebrltiSr, a•lv. (m11lkbri11)1 Cl/ler tha
Jllojau -la or -1, m. Most•. m< of a u·o11111n, e.femi1u1tely, 11J011µ11d.:1hly;
miioldua -a ·Um (mucus), mouldv, mu.tty, ~e lameutis muliel•riter lllcri111isquc lll'.tert', Cic.
Juv. muller ·l!rl::i, r. I. a W•WIQn, Cic. ll. (I
Jllliiclua ·A .um, ftl'llM of 1t Roma" ge1u, lh• V'ift, m.111,..111: vlrgo nut mulicr, Cic.; eras
flU}Stttlebrat'4 meinbtr1 of UfhicA wers: l, 0. 111ulicr erit, Cic.
1luciu!\ Cordus (Scaevoln), a Roman tcho came millleriirlus ·A -um (muller). t1JOmanhh;
to Pur!t'IUJ•I camp to A:ill him, and bliing dtttcled, man1111, a troop of aoldirr.J aent by a woman, Cic.
Utnut his ri9ht hand into U1e ftra, nnd rtceit'eli mil.llerc\Ua -ne, r. (•lim. of m111i1•r), a littlt
tlte Mme Q/ Sc.Jtl~>la lftjl.hand~); 2, P. Mucius wonurn, usc<l conternpt 11011!1ly, suas accum mul·
Sc.'evola, /rknd of the Gra«hi, erumv of the lercnlns In l1\Stra ducere, Cic.
younger Scipio .Afrkanu1; 3, Qu. lluclus
IScaenlla, augur, }uuband of Lutlia; 4, Qu. milllerosltaa -iilis, t. (mullcro.sns), t:r:etB·
Mn· ius 8cAl'•·ol11, {11ri4 nnd 1fatQ111an, 1'1>11.tijez ~£vt lot'I! nf ll'Omen, Cle.
Jl1&.ri11nc1, whose 41 mi11i:llratlon of t!u pro1'ini:ti of mtillerisua -a -um (muller), fond of womc11,.
.Am waa ao upriglit th-it the .Aru•tic.J C'elcbrated Cic. .
a fatiml in Aonour of him, ooUm .Uuciir : 5, miilinus -& -11111 (mulus), o/ or rtlulh&g to 1.1
Mucla, the '!Life of 011. Pomptiu1. Adj., Mucian: mule, Juv.
anbst., lliicla ~rum, n. tht fesfft!(ll iMtilultd mullo ..(511ls, m. (mulus), tl mule·kuper, 111ule-
(11 h.111m1r of "1Mciw Saurola(IY). Hence, 111lj., drirtr, 111ulelur, 011e v:ho let• mulu to hire, Cic.
lliiclanus ·•-um, rrlaling lo Jlfuciw; exitus, m1illonlua nnrl (later) miillonlC1111 -a ·•m
IUath of Qu. MMciu Scatrola (lV), mutderc<I by
Dam:tsi 11pus In lhe temple of Vesta. (mulh1) 1 of or rdatl ng to a m'lllettu, Cic.
miicro -1\uls, m. a lharp point or rdge. A. mullus ·I, m. the red mullet, Cle.
Lit., a, cultrl, Juv.; b, eap., a noord'1 point or mulsus -a -nm (mr.I), 1, mired with hn1tt11,
edge; transr., the 1word: mucrones mill tum a-wutew witlt hone.11, Plin.; subst., mulaum
tremere, Cle. B. Transf., 1haT'', point; ·I, n 'IOi11e suw:tentd with honey; calix 11111lsl 1
f;ribunicius, Cle.; <lefenslonla tuae, Clo. Cic. ; 2, trausr., cu suoed a.t Aontv; dicta u1uJs:i,
miioua ·I, m. (munE;o), tM muooua matter of 11«tt tOOrdl, Plaut.
UK na3t, Cat.• multa (mulota) -ae, f. 1.1 1l'tinllhment eon-
li~tinq in Losa of properly (orlglnally a fine In
miigll (mii.gflis) ·la, m. (p.lit~), 1.1 jf,111, per- rnttle); mmlllly amouty·ftnt, fine, mulct; mu
haps tM ntulld, l'lin. <liccre, to fi.r a fine, Cit:.; multam peterc, irro;.:·
muglaor, 1. 1le1•. (mugln), to lolttr, triJf• are, to propo.<e thnt an accultd person Bltould bf
8Utay lime, d.dfy; dnm tu mngmarls, Cle. fined lo a certain amount, Cle.; multAm certare,
miiglo -lvi and ·II -lturn, 4. (from sound mu, to on both ridu th.I amovnt of aftru, Cle.;
I. Lit.,
wl1tnce 1u111:cM.), lo blill01D "'all oz, low. a.1ique111 multi!. multare, to puaill& by a ji.11.4, Cic.;
of cattl~, Liv.; sul>lit., mugit>nle.s =oxen, Hor. mnlt.1111 co111111ittere, to incu.r ajLM, Cle.
IL Tra11sr., to roar, bra,11, ru11thlt, !7f'On1': 11111~it multangi'Uua -a -um (rnultua and angulus),
tul~1e c.IAngor,Ye!'g.: 11ub pt'tlibus mu1.:ire fl>llum, 111any-C'or1urrd, multangular, Luer.
Verg. ; si mugiat. Afrlcl.i malull i•r.,cellis, li<•r.
miigitua -118, m. (11111~0). L tire lowing, multatioln• -a ·um (mnlt.a), belongt119 or
rel11ti11g to a fine; vecunia., Liv.
llclicu·• 1tU of cattle; ooum, \'erg. II. Tran sf.,
a rvmbling, groaning, crt.a.l.:tng: terrae, Cic. multi.tlo -15nls, r. (1. multo), a penalty, Jl.n.e.
mulct; bonnnun, Cic.
miila -:ie, r. (mulus), a femah mu.le, Cic. multcalmus -a -um (multus), wry mall;
muloeo, mulsi, n111ls11m, 2. to ltroke. I. A. pars, Luer.
Lit.., m1111u mulci:ns bnrbam, Ov. B. Tm11sf.,
to to11;:h lightly: ,·frga r.apilloa, Ov. II. Fi;(., multlcAVWI ·& •Um (multua 11nd CaVWI),
li/ to charm, tl.:lioht, rnch<iiit; aliqnem listulii, having ni<rny holu, porous: pmnex, Ov.
or.; 2, to IOOth~. OT'Pt'I~e: tigrr1:1. Verg.; r.t ip110 mnltiola -oru111, n. (multus and ico), lo/I,
ruulcentP. et increpante Murdo, Liv.; aliq11e111 fln.tly·t1.'01·en garmnib, Juv.
dictio, Ov. : ftuctus, iraa, Verg.; vuluera, to alluy multlfi.rlam,a•l v.(nml tlfarius f'rom mul tus),
pair., Ov. on m.any sides, tn mun31 placu, Cic.
llulclb9r ~rls and ·i!rl, m. (mulce11, lit., multlfldua -n -um (multus and 6ndo),
t1-w: mtltn), 1, a .tunviiM of Vulcan, Cic., Ov.; cloi•en into m..z ny parts: f:\('1'&, Ov. ; transf.,
2, metn11.,, O\·. (genit. 11yncop., Mulclbri). lster, hatrirtg l!illlLJl l>rtrnchu, Jllnrt.
mulco, L (MULC, whence also mulc-eo, multiformla -e (mnltns and forma), 1iaving
mnlg-eo), to, maltreat, cudgd, handle many slinrics, multiform, manifold, Qf manv kinds;
roughly; m11le mulcatl clavls ac fwti hus l'epel· qualirotes, Cic.
luntur, Cic. multlforus ·I\ -um (multus and foris).,
mulota, mulcto, = mnlta, multo (q.v.). having muny 01ieni~, 7>ierud with. many !toles;
multiforl tibia 1.Jnxi, Ov.
mulotra -ae, t (inulgeo), a, Vcrg.
mulotririum -Ii, n. (mulgeo), a milk·paU, multlg~n~rts -e (mnltu11 and genns), o/
Hor. '11Uiny kinds, of manv iom, Plaut.
mulotnun ·I, n. (mulgeo), a milk-puil, Hor. multlgena.e -a -um= multigenerls (q.v.).
muJg«1o, mulsi, mulctum1 ,~ (root MULC, multljugua -a -um and multll\tgla -e
•heuc:e &I.lo mulceo), lo ·~ Verg.; prov., (multua aud Jugum). IM"f·i'Obd, voked man1
muJ mun
lofder. I.
~. qf _ . ,
'°"", UT. IL Tnml.1 - - ' -
Uteru, Cle. .
e1 w,w ,,..-. ac.; ... mW CIOMClanUa p1mt1
Ht qnam omnlum eermo, u of _.. -""'
Cie.; aUquem plu.ria -tlIDIU"9, lo t.\.id: ....,.
'° ..,.
JDuJUmldU.. adY. (for ma.IU. modJa). M
91G•r - ... mriolulr, Luc:r. &if.U. of, Cle.; mperL, pluriml, ~ tUaT- ; - .
multlmMua • -um (multu and moda.t), Cie. IL Ach., A. multo, t>, Jru, with co..
paraUv~ or word.I ot 111111il&r force; multo paud·
..,;au, 9147'\/old, LIY. (1) orea,t.'le.;multoantep,uert',Cic.; non multc• poa\
multlplelr ·pllcl~u.ltu and pies, from
plico), Acw\llf -.i11tr L LIL &, alvu• est
"°' lollf Q/ln', Cle. B. multum; 1, or degree.
•'llCA, N"ry; lonp multumqne auperare. Cic.;
aultJplez et tort.aoea, Cle.; b, ;(ii ma"' trriMI Yir multum bonua, Cic.; non multuw ei.t DlllUua.
ad Nrat"P; YIU. merpena mult.iplicl lap1u, Cle. ; 2, of time, o,/IA; runltum me<-um J.o.
Cle. ; 0 1 '°"-' __, IG,ert; lonca, Verg. ; ~,, #
quuntur, etc. C. plus; 1, of number,"'°";
a.w., -•r parll ; corona, C1c. ; e, -nv-a. non plua qaam aemel, Cle. ; without quam,
90"9 AVllYTOU;
f#~, Ole.; t, _,.,Ii-
an1ltlpllOM fetue, ••t11erou
quam pro numero d&mnum Mt, UY.
cu la.rve; multiJ•le•
vlua mllle capt!, Liv. ; with abL, nee eue pita
uno, Cle. ; a, nf degree, 9IOl"ll: qu~m phu
plu.sqoe ln diet1 dlligo, aorw 11"'1 wiDN, Cic. D..
Traml. A. Of~hln o/ 111a"r dileri11l kindl,
9'1,.,...~ - ; multi1•le:1 ratio dl•put.-
plurimum, "'°"; ut te plurhnum dilignm, Cic.
andl, Cle. B. penona, .a•J-ridl.d; variua lluluccha (llulucha) -ae, m. a riwr •
I& multiplex et ooploeua, Cle.; multiJ•llcea .lta1'rita7''4, no• MalMia or Molu'N"-·
at:ane. Cic. : tngellium, ~ Cll4~etc. millua ·I, m. o att.l.e., Cic.
multlpUcabW. .. (multipllco), MlriAf llulviua, M"1vi4": poua, a 'bridfl
..., Joltl., Cle. elbow RmM °" iM W:a Fia1111i111w, now PCYltU Moll&.
multlplfoo, 1. (multfpln), to ~ "'4ny llummlua -& -nm, 1ta1M of 11 Roma" ~
" - • att.l.tiJ>l11; . . allenum. Caea.; ftumlua tAt lllM?st faWl<J'IU 91.tmber q/ 10hicl - . . L. Mum-
collectta muIUpllcantur aqW.. OT.; domua mul· m.Ju Aeh11ic119, CM datfVll"' of CorifttA.
UpUcata,,Ml'l, Ole. lliinatlua -& -um, !MUM o/ 11 Roma• geu,
multltiuto ·lnla, t (multUI), 11 la.~ •uinbtr, IAt llMMlt /o.flWV.I - b t r of whvA L. Muna·
..U«tw.k L Gen., Utterarum, Cle. IL Eap., ttus Planeua, OM o/ CM kgatu o/ Canor•
ef DID ; 1, a la.'l" •'llmber o/ tU1l, Cf'OtOd, a1'lff-
flldt; tanta muJtitudo lapldM ac tel& jaclehat,
llunda -ae, f. '°"'" '" HUpll"w BadUa,
_,.. o/ 11 ~ o/ Juli"' C<war owr CM '°"'
Cua.; 2, lD a oontemptuous leDlle, CM OOl'l&11W7' o/ POl1'pri'lla, 4b a. c.
peopU, lliob, •.UUwt.; f.aml et mulUtudinia mundanua • -um (mundua), Q/or relate.,
JGd.lclo moYeri, Clo. 1o tlw toorld, 11Huld11M. Sut...L, mundii.nua
multl•61ua • -am (mnltu and Tolo), -1, m. 11 cU\MA o/ CM to0rld, Cic.
~ _ , """"- or cfutru, Cat. mundltla .... r. and (not in Ole.) mun-
L multo (mulotol. 1. (multa). te pv•UA; ditlea ·ei, t (mundu). cltcJ&RU&. L Lit.,
allqu-.m morte, Ole.; uilllo, LlY.; bomlnum l'laut.. IL iwatnas ~. wga.fKlf; 1, llOD
41.amnta, lgnomlnlla, Yineulla, Cle. j_ allquem o<liosa neqne exqnlHlta nhala. Cle. ; muudit.iis
pMIUDll., 14 ,,...uA wU.\ a~ Nep.; Veneri eue caplmur, OY.; ai111plex muuditii•1..Hor.; 2,
aultataJD.. pt&•w.I w(4 G /AN J>GM! l-0 Y"'tu, tWOtwa, "41citW of "11"• qnl mundlga, homlnel
Clo. quA elegant!&, Cle.
I. multo, maltul, ued adY., "· multu. . mun4o, l. (mundaa), lo ckcuu•, J*~,Ve.rg.
multua •·am; oomp., pl'iia. pUlrl1; 111perl., 1. mundua ·• -urn, cle.m, Mal, degtifll. L
aa.mber, ....,t
pliu1mua 4 ·a.JD, •td. L Lit. A. Of •npellex, Ct•t'll&, Hor. IL l, or Dl&llner of life,
MHnnotU; militia Yerbla, Cle.; elegant, njhwI; homo, C1e. ; cultu1 juat.o
Tbi, etc.; aau1U. 111anr penou, Cle.; mlnlme muadlor, too wg<int 4]'pardJ... LIY.; 2, of d.1..-
m•IU. -''n.glr.t-. Cle.; quam mlnlme mult& coune, t&«U, ~nl; ver\Je., VY.
natlp, cu few cu ~ Nep.; multi• nrbla,
,,.,.._,, ~. Ole.; elliptically, ne mulu; i. mun4us ·I, m. (1. mundu.a, ll'lte Gr. IC°'1'-
M mulUe, ~y. "' bn<(, Ole. ; multi ( • 01
, L OMWmt'ltt; rnullehtis, Liv. IL tM
-un!vt"rM, tM 11•rrrld, and th.e bodiu. A.
AeN; anua CM de
- ·multi.I, ~
· "' etc.; orator e m11lti:1, hie ornat1111 mundl, harrrwny of t1'1 ""'wnt, etc.;
CM COl!\111• .
Cle. ; oompu., plu1'811, genlt. plur1um, •t>tml, mundl it1aumerahilea, Cle. B. 1, thit Mo""I;
.,,... tu• OM, Ole. ; quid plura r "' tlwrl, Cle. ; luet:n•, Cle. ; 2, th.I t00rld, Uu eartl ; a.
plur1bu1 Yerbla rogare, Cle. ; anptlrl., plurlml, quleumque mnndo terminus oblltitit, Hor.; b,
meton., tM (n/labilanta o/ iM toOrid, WIGMilld;
Wf'J ..anr, '"' "'""; plurlmla verbla, Cle. ; Ca.11t.o1 evolvere mundl, llur.
mon1, 'Hfj/ ra.,.,., Verg. ; Aetna, IM grt.a.tut p11rl
~. OY. B. Of 1tre11gtb or tulneu1 m1'Ch, great, miin6ro. 1. (munus), lo giw, fJ'f'Uftl:
llrollf, ~; 1, multo 1&hore, Cle.; q Ut<lll 1Lli4 ui re, Cic.
super!., plurtmua 101, wry w, OY.; a, of time, miineror, 1. dep. l-0 ,,,..,.,,., ; natur& allu4
ad multuru diem, Hll laU '4t Ille doy, Cle.; mnlt.4 alli 1111111eratur, Cle.
noct.e, Zau al 111(g1't, etc.; multo mane, W'l' «rrly, mWila -lum, n. dtUia fanc&tu oJleW
Cle. c. or BpitOO, g"'tJIJt; mult& l'•ra Eumpae, d14liu, oJ!reial btu{nas: caa<lldaturum, Ctc.
LIY. Il. Trauat, A. Of dlecounie, copimu, di,fuae,
prolU: i... ne In re uot& mnltU8 et lnsolena elm, miinloeps -el1ils c.I (munla and caplo). I.
Clo. 1:1. Ot an action, btuy, 'rigoroua, ualova; tM ciliun of 11 munielpium ; lllunl1-ep!1 eo..&nu11
In eodom genere ca1uwrum multm erat T. of C0811, Cle. IL a /dJow..cUU-, rotillllrpaota.
Juventlus, Cle. C. obtnmvc, '9vldllum"41; qui /t/1010-ootmtrp14111; meus, etc.; munici ~ Jovll
In allqUQ genere aut lnconclnnta aut 111ultu1 eet advexlue lagoenu, coti~ o/ J~, Le.,
Cle. He11Ct>, multum. "ompar., pliia. Nupert, l'rala7', JUY.
pliirlmum. m'KClt, a greal parl.. I. M11l•t.., A. miiniolpf.Ua -e (municlplnm), rda:t&ng or
111 nu111. or acc., with genlt., ad mullum diet, btloft¢"9 to a munklplurn, "'""iripal; h1•mlnea,
HU law '" th• darl Liv. ; multum dl11l, a largt etc.; 10tuetlmea ln a cont.emvtnoua eenae, pro-
part o/ '"' oor. Bal.; comp&r., Jllna poMe, plus rit&cia.Z; eqnea, JuY.
flt.eere, Cle.; plua pecunlae, etc.; plnrtrnurn Jl0889, miinlolpfum ·O. n. (mnnloepe), o '°""'-
Oic.; plurimum gravitaUe, Ole. B. In genii., ~ ':,~ tMabtt«"" o/ -~ Aad CAI
of prioe or nlue, plmta em.., nndere, d«mr, at BolM1I. bvt an gowrMCt b<r ~
mun 365 mus
mn wtagiatralu cind la tot; G./rfJI town, t1lUt1.icipal miirW. -e (mums), of or nltJfftaa loo 10all,
1o1on.. Cic. mural; J>ila 11111rallll, wed by thnu .uho dt/tJftd. Cl
miinlfloi, adv. (mnuitlcns}, 11lVn1ftctntly, v·1ul, Cacs. ; falct>s, llOOkt 01· grappling·iroM for
&wntijully, ~ic. J1ulli11g down.walls, Cnes.; corona, ti~ crown g\w1'
miinlfloentla -al', f. (muniftcus), ·munt- to the 011t who flr1t a.•C$1t®l the UJalt of a bui&Jtd
}ctll«, bou1t.liJi1.l tius, 131111.
city, Liv. ; nlso corona, tht dirukm of C1beU.
adorned 11>ith walll and tower11, Luer.
miinlflco, 1. (munillcu~). to pruent, to givt, Jlrlurola (llurtla. Myr~a) -ae, t 11 ftr·
Luer. nanw of Ve111L8; ail Murciae (Mc. aedem), or ad
miinlflOUIJ -a -um (mu1111s and faclo). m1uii· M urciam, a willey lfJrtLrating tJIA l'aladu /f'O'IA
ftixiU, li~r.1l; in dando, Cic. (co111par., munift· the Ave11ti1111 nt !Wm.e, Liv.
centwr, superl., muniflcentissimus).
miuUmen ·lnls, n. (mnnio), a prottetwn, i. milrena (miiraena) ·Ml,r. (l'vpe.uta), o
11«1.-jl,Jh hiuhly prized by tM lWma11-1.
defmu, /ortific11tion; munil11i11t1 cingere fossas, 2. Kiirina ·ae, m. (I. murenn), a. cognolltft
Ov.; ad i111hre,., t~ ruins, Verg.
bflonqi11q to the arna Lici11ia, tM most etlelwnttd
miinimentum .f, n. (m1111io). L a Jortift· !Mmliera of which wert: I, L. Lfcinl m1 M urona,
mtion buluurk, dtft1K:t, protection ; ut b111tnr <vfr11.dei.t by Ciaro, ill the exta11t omti<m " Pro
mnii bM scpes munlmentit pn1eherent, Cael4.; Murena," on a. cJw:rg11 of bribtrN; 2, L. Lieinius
unere 146 munimt>ntis, mtrt11d1111t!11t11, Tac. IL Varro Murrnn, fritn.d of Ciuro, tnC1itrd fur..,..
f'ig., prot~ion; ratl noctem sibi munimento pec:U1l com1•licit11 in a plot A uyustu...
fon:, :Sall.
mimlo (moenlo) -lvl 1md ·II -ttum, 4. miirex -lcia, m. L the purple-fish., a IMU-
ftsh. front whi.clt tM Tyri11n dye wrr.• obt1ii1ud; tbe
(mo•·nia). l. tr> builrl, bui.Uf with 11:1alls; o~ !!hell in poet.a ia reprel!ented as the trumpet or
v1<111111, Hor.; at>::1ol., to buillrl a. uull, Nep. II. Triton, Ov. ; it wns nlso used to nuorn i.:rottos,
·A. to ntTTound with a. t00U, /ort(/IJ; 11 a., lit., Ov.; 111eto11., 1, t/14 purplt dye uaclf, Tyrioque
palatium, Nep.; montem, Caes.; castra vnllo :rrdebat murice laena, Verg.; 2, a sharp done,
f~4ue, Cacs. ; b, trnusr., to prot,,,ct, <VfauJ; 11rojccting rock, !!_scmlili11i; the murex 111 t!hape;
Alpihu11 Italimu muniernt natura, Cic.; domum ar:utuit, Verg. IL a.n edible alie.Jl-jiah; .Ba.i&uus,
praesioliis, Cic.; quae (l1crhci;cens viriclita!I) Hor.
contra avium monms 11111nitur vallu aristaru111,
Cic. ; 2, Hg., to aecur~ make BUN; munio me 1111 lllurgantla -ae, t. L a town'" Sa"'"'""'•
haec t .. mpora, Cic. .D. to moke or build a rowl. now C1'0C41 di Morcom. IL town fa Sicilr, now
lo Jlflt't! a road; via111, Cic.; itinera, Nep.; fig., M11111lri Bianr.hi. Adj., Kurgantinua -a ·um,
munire alicui vit\m nccu11andi, to prepara a way relalinq t-0 AluryanHn.
/<Ir, Cic. murmlllo = n1lrmillo (q.v.).
miinitlo -onis, f. (mu11io). I. forlify£111}, miirla -nc, f. (OJ,,.vpi~), brhte, pickle, Hor.
t11lrc11.r/1i11!/; 1, lit., milifr>1 1111111itione J•l'Ohih- murmur -i1ris, n. (onomatop.), a ,,n,f'!llur,
crc, Cac~.; 2, meU>u., a Ji•itijicalion, nurench- a. hu111111i111J, buz:i111}, roari1Lg, growlin(I noii;e, L
111t11I; 11r~m oP<•ribtHI 1mmltioniliusque saepire, of men and n11i111als, populi, Liv. ; of indistinct
Cic. IL a 11tuJ.:~11!) J"1118abk, 1iavin.g of; supplication, plucare deos prccibu!I et munnure
ex viAtum muuitione l]Uaeslu111 facere, Cic.; longo, Ov.; lM humming of bta, Verg. ; tlw roar
muuiti.• fluminnm, lwW.yi.1111 owr, 'l'ac. of a lion, Mart. IL Of things, of the sea, Cic. ;
miinito, I. (intens. of munlo), to pa.rt, make ot the wind, Ver{(.; or the sound or wl11d-iruitru·
pa.mlde; viAm, Cic. ments, cormmm, Jinr, ; lnHntl buxi, Ov.
miinitor -<iris, m. (munio), a lmilder of forli· murmiiro, I. (murmur). L to murmur, mal;e
"°21ion1, a. IJQ.J>pt:r and miuer, milihiry enginur, a hu"uniw;, gr(>wli1l.17 noisll; with acc. ftebile
Liv. lingua 11111m1ur11t exnnimis, Ov. II. Ot things,
miinitua-a-um, p. a•~I. (from munio),forti)f,.d, to roar; umrll murmnruns, Cic.
tnalk ,"'1./t, secured; oppi<lum munitlssiumm, Cic. 1. murrha (mnrra) = 1. myrrba (q. Y.).
mimua ·liris, n. (moenus). I. an olfl«, .f1111c- 2. murrha (murra, myrrha) -ae, t a
tilm, rr.1pln,111'Uut, tfoty; reipuhliC',i11\ ii p11hlic mineral, licrhup:J fluor llJlar, ouf. of which coitly
O~l!t, Cic.; olticii, the perfur11w,n(e of a duty, Cic.; rnsea a1~1 qolilds were ma<U; hence, poet., Ult
tuurn est hoc 111un111, Cic.; cnmrnlart1 munus goblets the111.!elvea, Mart.
l\llltimmi, Cic.; oolll lllUllCl'a iuter se p11rtirl,
1. murrheua (murriua) = 1. myrrhe11a
Liv. IL A. a.n ojfecti()fl,(f.le sert•ict, favour; neque (q v.).
vero ver\iis auget suu111 mu1rns, Cic.: muncre
alicuiua rl'i (poet.), by the l1rlp of, Verg. ; e11p., 2. murrheus (murreu, myrrheua) -a
tM /cut Rtrmces to the dend, j111wrnl ltu11ours, in· -um (2. mm'l'ha), made of ftuor spur, pc:>cula, Proi1.
lerinmt; munere lnnni funi;i, Ver~ B. a gi,fl, 1. murrhl'.nua (murrlnua) = 1. myrrhi·
present; l, alicul 111un11s mittcrc, Cic. ; mlttere nus (q. v.).
alicui aliquiu mnneri, to ~end or gii~ <1$ a presmt, 2. murrhlnus (murrl'.nus, myrrhmua)
Caes.; mtmer:l Liheri, 'Wint, Hor.; Ccrerls, b1'ead, -a -11111 (murrhn), mwle of or relating ro tht mineral
OT. ; tra.n~r., 01•usculum 111ajorum vigillarum called myrrha, Plaut.
muuu.~. thefrvU of. Cle.; 2, n, a sacrifi.ce; mun.
era rerre t~mplis, Verg.; b, a public 1how, murt . • . v. 111yrt •••
U]'f.Ci<llly of gmdintora, generally given by tM Murtia = Murcia (q. v.).
cudUu Co tM pwp/Jl; 1111rnru1 magnlfkum dare, miirus -1, m. a 11iall. L A. Lit. a, ca wall
pra.-here, Cic.; munm1 gln1liatorl11111, Cle.; hence, round u city; urltis, Cic. ; muro lapidco urbem
a building or tMatre erected.for the 1~ople, Ov. d11gero, Ciu.; b, tM wall of a pdmte .lru.ild-
mW.u.ciUum -i, n. (dim. or munns), a ilia, Cic. B. T1~11~f., 1, the 11:all of a builduig,
fllll1/I gift, l\tll<ll prtsenl; allcul mlttere muuus- Cic. ; 2, a bank or d111U of earth, \'nrr. ; 3, tM
culnm Je\·fdense craaso fllo, Cic. rim or edge of a wsul, Juv. II. proucttonl de·
f~; lex Aelia et Fufln propugnncula mur que
lliinfohla -ae, f. (Movvvxia.), one of tht tmnqulllltatis, Cle.; Graium murua Achilles,
JIOl1I of JttJ.eM. Adj., Miinfohlua ·• -um= Ov•
.d&Atni«11, Ov.
1. mi.a, m11ris, c. (,,.ii~), ii ~; rn11tlens
L miiraena = murena (q. v.). or ~t.l.a, fleld-mous, Hor. ; non solum In·
2. lliiraena = llunma (q. v.). qulllnl sed etlam tnurea mlgrarunt, Cle.; under
Mus 356 .Mut
the word mus the Romans comprehended
co.t, martin, 1111ble, tr111int, etc.
thf I
lliita -ae, r. (mntus), a nym~, toAo• J11pitu
mwir dumb becau.!t of her loquaaty.
2. MU.. Mnris, m. tht name ofafamUy of tht . miitabWa -e (mu~). c~angmblt, i:crwl>U,
gens Decia, two mvnbtra of which., P. Dtciua Mua t11H111slc111t; ea forn111 retpubltcae 111ut.ab1lls est,
and his ion of the aame namt, <Uvoltd thematlvu to Cic.
dt:eJt}& to gain VlctoTJI for ~ir CO'Untry. miita\bllltu ·li.ti11, r. (mut.abili.s). cJaa~
lliiu -ae, r. (MoiiO'Cl). L a mu~, godda3 of tms, mttlllbilily; me11tis, Cic.
mU.fic, poetry, a11.d uen.erally of the fi'JU am.
The miitatlo -•)nis {mu to). L a rhangi11g, cltange,
Muses, usually said t-0 be the daughters of Zeus 11u1uition: facere mutatio11e111 alicuius rei, C1c.
and Mnemosynf', were nine in number, namely, II. a m11t11al clumge, uclta11ut; officiorum, Cic.
Clio, Melpomene, Thalia, Euterpe, T!:!J'Richore, mutllo, I. {mutiluR). L to maim, miitilalt,
C.lllope,.Erato, Urania, Pl!lyhymnia. II. !tf:eton., cut off; nasoaurihusque 111utilatis, Liv.; cauds111
1, song, podry ; pedestm1, p<JdTJI b~rderrng on e-0luforae, Ov. II. 1'mnsr., to curtqil, dim in is.II;
fcrost,Hor.; 2, musae, ltarntng, atudiu; ngrest- excrl'itmn, Cic.
ores, C~c. A mntllua -a -um (µ1T11AOT, ~U1'1Ao(). L
1. lluaaeu ·I, m. (Mo110'Cl<Of), a /abulC11.1 maimed, 11111tilmtd; esp. or animals wbichl
Greek pott. lost one or both horns ; alces mutilae aunt com·
2. miiueu -a -um (Musa),pottical, muaical, ibus, Caes.; so transf. In jf'st, sic mutilus milit-
Lucr. aris, Hor. IL Fig., of speech, nrntlla loqul,
mUllO& ·ae, r. (JA.vfO'ICCl, dim. of ~Vl11), a fly, briefly, Cic.
Cic. ; transr.• a troubluome, inquuUive ~80n, lliitlna -&e, r. lotO!t (n C~M Gaul, DOW'
Plaut. _ . Modtnfl. Hence, adj., lltttlnenala -e, reloti"f
mlUIO&r(ua -a ·nm (musca), 1, of or relrihng to Mntina.
to f',iu, Plin.; 2, subst., muaoirlum ·Ii, .n. a m'iitlo (muttlo). 4. (from sound mu), fo
1'11-JW;P. ~ of pt:etcocks' /ta~r• or an ,oz 5 or mutter, mumble, murmur, Plaut., Ter.
hortJt 5 tail, Mart. miititlo (tn'1ttitlo) -6nts, t. a •tdfm"f,
muaolpiUa -ae, r. and m118C~pttlum -1, f1utmhlinu, Plaut.
n. (mus a_!ld cnplo), a mouse-trap, Phaedr. . m'iito, ·1• (for movito), to nwt't. I. to mo~
m118Co•ua ·a -um (muscus), co~rtd v;u~ a11x1y, rrnwioe; ne quis ln\'itus civitate mutetnr,
'noss, f•~U of .mcu. nwu11; fontes, V1rg. ; mh1l slwuld bt ren1ot1trl from tht stlltt, Cic. Q. Transf.,
muscos1W1, C1c. . A. to change, (Iller; 1, a, transit., 11entRntiam,
muaciilua ·I, m. (dim. of mui1). I. a littlt consilimn, vul11ntatein, C1c.; mutari al it<', to ht
tllOtut, Ck. IL Transf., 1, milit. t. t., a ahtd, ch1111geri foto n bir•l, Ov. ; b. ttftelf. fulltafu,
mmuelct, C,aes. ; 2, a specia of 1'1hale, Plln. 111Hl pnss. 11111tJ1ri, to bt cha11gtrl; annona nihil
muaoua -i, m. tnoU, Hor. • muta.vit, Liv.; 2, a, to d1fe; Yellera luto, \'erg.;
mu.iua -a -um= 2. musMtlS (q.v.). b, vmmn mut.at11m, spoil~, scn1rrd, Hor. B.
- I .;;._.. - , to chn11gr, t.r.·hange; 1, .111mentn, to rha1.g«
ma.a oa ~SA', r. and m~oe -es, f. (µ011cruo1), hor!JU, Cae11.; uut, mut.are calceoll et velltimentA,
rrtt!IU;; ~nust?m tract.are, Cic. to.undrrS!, Cle.; e1p., mutare vestem, .lo Jmt 011
I. 111.iisloe -t!s, r. = musica (q. v.). mourning, Cic.; mutare terram, to go i11to auotur
2. miialoi, adv. (JA.ovO'utWf), apltndidly, pk«- cnuntr11, Liv.; mutata verb&, u.w 1Mtapltorl.I>
1111ntly, ji.Mly; mualce hercle aet.atem agitis, ally! C1c.; 2,_ to uchange, barter;. merces, Vera.;
:Plaut. • res mt-er se .. tin II.
miialoua -a ·um (µovou:tk). L btlonging or .miitUtlo -onis, f. (mutuor), a borrowiflf,
relating to muaic, mu.•ical; lege!I, rulu nf music, Ctc. _ _ .
Cle. Subst., a, mU.loua-1, m. a muair.ia 11 , Cic.; . muttie, adv. (mutnus), mutt1ally, rte'ProroUy,
b, mialoa -6rum, n. musir, Cic. IL Esp., tn n~urn~ respondere, C1c. .
Nlnlillg to l>O'try, poetical, Ter. mutiio, adv. (nrnt~us), mut1tal111. f"tf'IJITOC·
muulto, I. (intens. of musso), t.o murm1tr to ally; aestus mant1m1 mutuo accede11tes e\
Ottl!Si'.1/, to m1ttttr to oneself, Liv.; clam mussit-0, reced_entes, Cir..
Liv. .mutttor, I. dep. (mutuum), to borrou.. L
muuo, 1. (like mutio, from sound mu). I. Lit., a, m?ney, etc.; pecunias,. C11es.; without
a, t-0 mvrm1tr, mu.tie;, whU;ptr to o11e-<.1lf; mus- acc., ah ahquo, C1c.; bt other things, auxil1-
eantcs inter se rog1tabant., Liv.; b, tn hum, ad bel_lum, Auct.. bell. Gar~. II. 1'ransf., orator
buzz; of bees, n~ussant OTIUI et limina circum. subtthtate1"!1 .11~ Acarlem1cis mu~uatur, Cic. •
Vel'l?. II. to bt in/tar and unctrtainty; mu8811t verbum a aunih, to ~k mdaphonrnlly, Cic.
rex 1pse Latinns, quos generoe vocet, Verg. m'iitua -a -um. L unable to 1-p«l).-, not po..
mutao~um (muataol'um) ·I, n. and susi!ig t~t power of 'J~tth, dv.mb:
m~ua (mut&olu) .f, m. (mustum), bestu1, Cac. II. T~nsf., A. rnuta dolorc Jyra
a miut-ca4, a la11rtl-cala, a sort ofwtddlllg·oala, ~st, Ov. B. 1'1tering ;no aound, mutt, liltll.I;
rni.ud with. mun and bakul on bay-leatu. prov imago, Cic.; artes quasi mutae, tlitfiru aa
Jaureolam In mustaceo quaerere, w look ior fa~ oppostd to _rhetoric, Cic: C•. a, of p]acea :whence
In trijfa, Ck. no ~ouncl 1s heard, Bt1ll, quu:t_; forum, C1c. ; b,
mu.stila .
(m---H-') _... r. (di m. or mus)•
............... ~. ·
or~1111e, te_mpu1 111utu1u Uttens, when not/ling ii
wntttn, C1c.
a, 01c. - ...x
m~lillua (muatellinua) -a -um (mus· mu.uua -a ·um (muto), lit.! gif:n in c--
tela) of or Tllating to a weaatl Ter changs. L borr~wtd, leftt; pecumam dare mut-
' • · mun, to kiul, C1c. ; sumere ab 11h9uo pecuuiu
muetum ·I, n., v. mustus. mutua11, to borrow, Cle. SulJ8t., muttium. -i, n..
muatua ·a -um, young, 11t10, /re&h. L Adj., a loan., Cic. IL mut11al, rtciprooo.l; nox omnia
agna, Cato; vinum, 11Mllt, Cato. II. Subst., erroris 111utul hnplevit, oii both sidu, Liv.; bene-
muatum -i, n. t1e1D wint, mu.•t, Verg.; fig., nova volentia, Cic. Subst., miittium ·i n. ncipro-
iata quasi de musto ac lacu _fervlJa oratio, Cic.; city; mutuum in amicitia, Cic.; Pedlbna per.
meto11., tAlr centum musta v1dere, vintagu, Ov. mutua nexis, fcutt'nt:d cm MCh oth.u, ~erg.
ll~ul&ml lll~ -Onlill, m. a lll'litfci -~s. r. t01en fo Sicily, now Modica.
totirlikt pt0ple of Nvm1dia. Bence, adj., llli1tfoeaaia -e, rclali?lg to M1dycc.
Myc 357 nam
llfoili -es, t. (M"«ciA11) a promontory
J!Jf\ia, opposite tA. wa11.d of Sa111111.
K...Wlu ·I, m. (M.;cm.\oc}, ca• ..4cACMllti,
jinl.ltJtr ~oJ t 'rolona.
llfoinae -lrum, r., and MfoiAa-ae, r., and Mjal ·orum, 111. (Mii1ro1). t1tt ptaplt o/ Jlpia
Mfcilai .es, r. (Muinj.,,u, M".ni"'I), a dt11 i1~ ii& .Asia Miuor: hen<'e, 1. Mjala ·&e, r. tMir
.Argnlil of 111hkh .Agom.t1111wn wru killg; hence, l'OU11ffJ1: 2, lljaua ·&-um, M11rla11.
1, adj., Mfoinaeua -11 .un~. rtlating to Mymie DlY•tl«ogu ·i, 111 . C,.UOTca')W~).11 pritll or
or t-0 ..fgaJUUmon: 2, llfoea~ ·him. 111. atk1ulu11t 11•ho silo1Vtd th11 templ11 to 1/rangfr•;
i""®itant1 of Mgc.iuu: 3, Jllfoiale ·i<li:i, f, a cicau11t, Cle.
a JI~"''"' W011i.ali, e.g., lph~rntia, ov. myatirlum ·II, n. (µ1HN>jpi.ov). L Sing., ca
llfoialu HS.> ·I, r. (Miiau11of), 0111! o/ tht UC"'· ucrtt •l'itllCf': ali11ui1I taciturn t.amq,uarn
Crd«da lsla1"1.! in tl&e .At11«111 Stu. myst.e·i11m tenere, Cic. IL Plur., myatirl&
llygdiSnia -um, m. (M~o11n), a Thracian ·lirum, n. (,.UO"njpu1). A. mysurita or Ycrrl rilU
ptop/Jt who 1dlltd in PhTJlgi.a, Bithynia, a11d with li!hi.l'h JOJM f10<.i.ll of a11tiq11ity Wf'rt wor11hipptd;
Jluopot.amia.. Hence, 1, llygdinla ·ldie, r. CSpt'Cilllly th11 Elt_u1i11illn 1l.'1>r~lti11 of l'l'rU, Cle.
= Lydia11, Ov. ; 2, Jlygd6mu .a -um
PArygimi, Hor.
= B. lltCTtt11, my.•f';nt' (or an art) ; my11t.erla rhet-
orum aperlre, C1c.
Kyg4ial4i8 -ae, m. ton of Mygdon, kin.g of m~ -ae, m. C,.liO"T'lf), a priut at CA.I
Pltrygia. mysttnu, Ov.
M:fllaa-iirum, n. !MiiAaCTO.), a t-01un ht Caria. ~loua -a -nm {Jt110"T1ao(), relating to tu
Bence, A. 11,flUiDi -Orum, m. and B. 11ty~ttru•, _Stertt, my8lic, Verg. _ _
llj'JUeDM8 -!um, m. tM inhal>itantl of llf'tDew ·irum, r. Rnd llftlliDe ·U, r.
Jly«ua.. C. JlflAaeua -~I, m. an inha.bita 11 t (M~nA~"'J), i:rpital of tl&e island of ~.ubo~ Hence,
qJ Mr/.a.m. n. 11,flAalua -a -um, Mylaaian.. Mlj., llftllenaeua -a -um, M11t1u11ttt1&.
MJ'DdU (-&) ·I, f. (Mii11&x:), sea-town in llfU -untls, f. (M11e>u(), a town Ln Cdrica.
Caria.. Hell•'t!, llJ'DdO -<!rum, rn. tl&e in-
Witaw of .Vynd1U.
mjtllu mltulu.s (q. v.).
mf~~ -Onis, m. {,t110•Gpc.w), a mall pLrat·
icnl lki.f. Cic.
mfrioi -ea, and mfrioa ·ae, r. (p.11pl""),
tl.e, Verg.
K)'rina ·ae, r. (M",M11a), /orlift«l ua·port of N.
Ute Aeolian" in Mym
il)'rmioldis ·ae, m. (M"Pl''l";a'lf), a ult· D, the thirteenth letter or the Latin
bmlid .culpror. N
, alphabet, corre1pond1 in sound to the
llyrmld6zaea -um, m. (Hup,,.1&>.,.f), tht Greek nn (N, 11). Jo'or the useic or N. u 111
Jlrrmi.dofu, a peo,X. in Thtnali.a Phlhiotu unclrr abureviation, see Table or Abureviatlona.
Uu rule of Aclt&llt.a.
Nl.Wt&el (Nl.bAthael) ·<\rum. m. (Nll,k·
lll7r'lll1llo = mirmillo (q.v.). T11~0•, Na.~118a&o•), the 1'i11bat11tun1 in .Arabia
l l f r i ..()111.a, m. (Klip.~). a ulebro.ted Gruk /'dram. Hence, ·& ·Um, Naba-
ICMlplor. t11ta1l, poet. = .A rabi(tn, &uttr11; su bit., NA-
mfripila -u, m. (p."po•.OA'tf), a ulltr of Wtaea ·ae, r. (N~n.& .. ), a rountry o/ ..Crabia
tutg11111'U, Plaut. /'ti /"flttt
mfripOUum ·ti, n. (,..11polh.M•o ..), a shop Nabla -bldi:1 1 111. (NQ,81f), Iring c>/ Sparta abotiC
wlvre u11vu11n.ta an aoW, Plaut. :!OO A.t:.
1. myrrha (murrha, murra) -ae, t zaabllum cnaullum) .u and nablum -1,
(J..•.PP,..), 1, tM myrrll-lru, Pliu.; 2, 711yrrl1, u 11 " ~'""'!ft'" u..strum.~111 of u11certai1' /oT111.; 11
f1'• obtainMjro11& tM 11ig1Th-trr11. ki"tt•' of /111.rp or l11rt, Ov.
2.. myrrha = l!. 111urrha (c1. v.). nae == I. ne ('l.v.).
3. llyrrha -at:, t. (Miipp11), the daWJhtn- of naenl• = ne11la (q.v.).
Ci11ynu, chan.gtd illro a 1r&yrr1'-trtt. Naeviua ·R -um, na'llt of a Roman gen1, Q/
1. D171Thiu (mv.rrlliu, mum·aa) 1rhich. the m.ost Mtable mtmbtr UllU Cn. Naeviua,
-a -um (mynha), 1, ~Jt1mdl or anoi11ttd with Romun dramatic at1d tpic pMt, born about 274
•pk, ilor. ; 2, mvrrh-rotourw, ydlow, Prop. A.r.. Hence, NaevlADua ·• ·Ulll, ,\-.uvio.11..
2. myrrhiu = 2. murrheus (q. v.). DMYU ·I, m. a molt <>n tht bod11, Cle.
1. DJ.71Thlnua (murrhlnua. murrlau) NalaaD&rvall ·Orum, m. a <'rerman tribe.
·a ·UlD (1. myrrha), of myi·rh, Plaut. Ni.Ila -Adie and N&la-lllis (·!dos), acc. plur.
2. myrrhlnua= 2. murrhlnus (q.v.). ·klas, f. (!11.U"cif, No.if a IWimmtr), 1, a water.
myrtitum (munitum) ·I, n. (myrtns), a n11111ph, Naiud; used attrib., pucilat! Naladee,
fl'OH or thickd ofmyrtlt-treu, Sall. \'er8.; 2'- a "llympA, ha111adryml, Streid, Ov.
~ua(murdua)-a-um, l,o/ornlaling Het1Cf', Ni.IOU ·a -um, belonging ro the Nai.adl.
lo tu •vrtk, Verg.; 2, mrrfle-colcnirtd, Tib. nam. conj. for (•liffel'll Cn•m enim In 1ta11dlt!J
myrtum ·I, n. (,.iipTo ..), themrrtle-btrry,Verg. at the begi1111i11g or a clause or propo$ltion). I.
Int.rodncin!.( 1m l!xplanation, i11 pagus appella·
mYJ"hUI ·I a11d •US, r. U&Uf>TO~), tM mvrtlt,
batur Tigurinus; nam otnnis civitu Helvetia in
ayriU-tru, Verg.
quatuor Jl&g••ll dh·iu est, Caes.; hence, esp., a,
M)'l'tllu -1, m. (M11pTiAOf), tM aoll of Mn-- 1ometit11es l11trotJuci11g a panmthe1i1, in lnaula
eurr, toAo IAMD AifllMIJ into the Na, henc. accord- quae est in Tiberino (nam opinor illud altert
'"' lo aoJM cxalUd mare Kyrtoum (but 1ee under ftnminl nomen e11ae) sermoni lli-mus operam,
Jlyrtos). Cic.; b, or taking np the thonght Interrupted
ll7rCoa ·I, f. (MvptOf), a 11nall ula1'd Ator by a parenthesis, tluplex lntJe Hannibali gaud·
E1'boM: hence, adj., ll~u -a -um, mare lum rwt (neque e11i111 quitlquam eorum, quae
Jlyrtonm, R part of the Aer1ea" , . ~ Crete. apud b()9tN a1erentur, eum fttllebat); n11n e'
IMP~ and EubolG. libenur. Jilloucll tem\!ritatcm, etc., Liv.; alao o.
Nam 368 nat
lntrodncingenmples in illuatratlon ofa previous narro, 1. (for gnaro = gnarum facio), to mah
general assertion, vivo Catone mlnorll8 natn known. L to rela.U, tell, 11arrole; t-go ti bi e& D&JTO,
multi uno t.Ampore oratores ftoruerunt; nam et quae tu melius 11ei1 iproe qui uarro, Cic.;
A. .Al bi nus et literatua et dlsertus fuit, Cic. IL de mea solicitudi11e, Cic.; male bene, n.arrare. llf
Introducing a reason, argumeut, !act, in justit!· bring good or uad lidi11g1, Cic.; with acc. and
catiou of a preceding st.'lt.'ment, celebratote lnfi11., Cic.; with rel. sent, Cic.; pass., narrator,
lllo11 dies cum conjugibu11 ac liberis \'e11tris; nam with nom. and infln., it is narmtfrl, it is told,
multi 88epe honores dis lmmortalibus jnsti Liv. II. to say, speak, tdl; nnrro tibi (a form ol
habit! !!Ullt, sed profect.1 justiores nnmqnRm, asseveration), I cuaunJ you, Cle.
Cic. : also used in rhetorirol questions to express narthiclum ·Il, n. (vap9~.<•011), a ca. fer
a climax, numquam Ulum ne minima quhtem k«pin!J prrfumu and medU:in(J, Cic.
re otfendi • • • una domus erat, !dew victus
isque communis; nam quid ego de studiis narus = gnarns(q.v.).
dicam ! Cic.; of'kn round In connexion with Naryoum ·i, n. anu Ni.ryx -rtcla. t
hercle, mehercle, t-depol, Cic. IIL U11.-d to add (~O.pvt), a tcu"11. of tht Orn/inn Locriaru, tdttll.CS
emphasis to an interrogation, Rlltl in this apJ.!li· the tou•IL of U>cri {n. Bruttium V'UI /oun<kd..
cation often enclitic, quis ei;t ruun lndll!I in Adj., Narfclu.s -a -um, Naryeian; nr!Jti, L<ICri
o.ndis I Verg. iA It<<ly, Ov.
Namnetes -um, m a jXople in Gallia Cdtica NAaAm.0nea ·um, a. ?DT'I' in the sm1th-1DtM OI
twar tM 711.0<.U, n Nantes. Cyrc11aiet1. Hence, adj., NasA.m.OniAoaa -a
namque, conj., a mure e111\1hatlc form or ·Ulll, Na.mmunian.
nam (q. v.), 11tandiug like It at t 1e l..t.·ginning or nasoor (gnaaCOr), nl!.tus sum, 8. dep. L
a sentence or clauae, though sometlml's arter the Lit., A. to be bo1"11, uascl patre certo, Cic.; non
first or second word: prodi.,rium extl'mplo de· 11obl11 solum nati "umna, Cic.; po:it horuinum
dicationem secntnm ; namque lnpidilms pluit, s.;euue natum, •i~ the begin' of tht trorld,
Liv.; Alcibiades ad omnes res aptui1 consiliique Cic. B. to ckscend from, spring .frorA; natus
plenus; namque imperator fuit summns mai·i et summo loco, nfa goodfarnU11, Cic. IL Traus~. 1
temi., Nep. to nrist, ~ produced, tipring forth; nASCitur iot
nanolsoor, nactus and nnnctus sum, S. dep. plum bum, Caes.; ab co tlumine collit1 nascel111.tur,
to gd, ol1tain, mut. L Lit., to find, fal.l on.; ltega11 to rise, Cie.; nulla tam detestabills pe.>tis
anulum, Ter.; morbnm, Nep.; spem, Cic.; f:lllt-m, est, quae 1100 homini ab homine naSCAtur, Cic.
Ov. IL Transf., A.= to rn.tch; vitis claviculis Niaioa, m. name of a family of tM
1mis1 quicquiu est nacta, co111plect1t11r, Cle. B. &ipio1, the most faTTWIU 11Um.btr of v·h id!, 1l"!U
lofl11d, mut with; aliqu1:m, Cic.; turbidam tem· P. CorueL Scipio N1udca, famous/or his intrgrity.
pest11k111, Cal's.
Nantt.i.tes ·furn, m. a ~/tic Alpine peopl&
Naso ~nls, m. the oognome1~ of the porl
P. Ovidius; v. 0\'idiuL
nanua ·I, m. (v~, vavof), a dwarf, Juv. Nii.sos -i, f. (vciCTOf = VJjcrof, i.rlaiu!), a parl OJ
upaeua -a -um (va.1fdl0(), of or nlating to ~ lily of Syrncuz;e.
,,,,, forul: au bet., nApaeae -Arum, r. tllOOd Da88a (naxa) -ae, (.a Mrr01D-11~d.:eJ b.111;d
nymphs, Verg. for c<,/ching fish. Plaut.; fig., a trap, fitl, '"urt,
N&r, Narls, m. a rirer of Italy, tAat jlowa ex hac naxa exire constltul, Cic.
Cnto the Tiber, now Nera. naaturclum (naaturtlum) ·Ii, n. a li"4
Narbo ·Onls, m. tcum in Callm Narbo11tn.ria, of crus, Cle.
now NarbonM. Hence, adj., Narl>Onenata -e, naaua -i, m. the nose. L Lit., A. nuua lta
of or ~longing to 1\al'l>0. locatus e!lt, ut qnaal murus oculia interjectua
narcissus -1, m. (vG.puCTCTOf). L tlu '114ra. e~ vldeatur, Cic. B. tlu nose; a, as the seat
111.t., d<1§odil, Verg. ll. Proper name, Narcislu.s, ot' smell, nasus ill is nullua erat, Hor.; b, u
'°" of ~phtsu& and Llrwpe, a youth of nmark- expressing anger, scorn, etc., 1liq11e1n or aliquit.1
n11110 snspendere adunco, II) tvnl up tlu t1oa at,
a.ble bea11ty, 1oho fell (n lot't with hi.sown rtjf.tction
(n afovntain, and 1oo.sttd away HU hewcucAanged ridlcuu, mock, Hor. D. Trana!., tJu - . Jlloull.
Mto the fa>wer of the same name. spout of a t."t.'istl, Juv.
nardus ·I, r. and .f, n. (~). D.Uiitus -a -um (nasus) 1, Aaring a laNJf
1, t1ard, a '114mt girtn by ti~ a11cit11U to various Mst, !for.; 2, acuu, aagacU:nu, ICIJirical, lfart..
aro.atk pla11u, l'lin. ; 2, the 1m:1iun.t or ballam. Di.ta •Ae, r. (naacor), a daughkr, Verg.
of nard, Hor. Dii.taliolaa -a ·um (natalls), of or ~tltttiAg lo
Di.r1J1 ·Is, r. tM noltril; plur., birth, nnd e~p. to tht time of birth; pnlt'dicta, a
n&ru ·furn, r. the n~tril1.
A. Gen., f&11Ciculum horoscopt, Cic. Subst., natilicla -Orum, n. "
ad narea commovere, Cle. B. Esp., the n.oae, a~ birtl&day futfral, Cle.
expl't!111ive of sagacity or or scorn or anger; homo natilis -e (2. natus), of or relating to blrC1,
naria obesae, a person of dull perception., Hor. ; natal. L Adj., dies, Cic. ; lux, Ov. ; hon.,
homo ewunctae narla, a ma11 of ket1~ ptre(Jltion, Hor. ; diem natalem 11uum agere, «lebrn/4!, Cic.;
Hor.; nu.1 ibus uti, to la~h at, mock at, Hor. ; ne IL Subst., Di.tall.a -la, m., II., a lrirtlt·pl<1ot.,
mappa 111l~s corruget, c:mue !lie guest to turn vp Delos nataiis Avc>llinis, Hor.; bf a b'rLl&.-daJ,
Ail "AOU, Hor.
Cle. ; nata.li11 Romae, fath'Gl of Pa ilia '" Mtwtir
Marnia -ae, r. a toum in. Umbria °"
the Nar, of tht fovnding of Ronw:, Ov.; plur. lli.W•
now NaMti. Hence, adj., Narnlen.ets -e, n:- ·lmn, 111. birth, origi•, rouditicn; Cornellua
ZaHng tn .\'1•rnia. 1''u11cu11, clari.s uatalibua, of Uliutriotu orifi11. Tac.
narrabllla -e (narro), Uwt can be told or DI.tans -antis {partio. of nat.o). S'lt'inuning;
tuJrrakd, Ov. poet. 11ubat. r., natantea, jbhu, Verg.
narri.tJ'.o -onle, t'. (uarro), a ulling, 114rrating, r.
nAtatlo ..onts, (nato), mmniiirg, ap. Cic.
n:lu.1 i"'}, 1111 rratio11.; rem 11111Tare ita ut veri·
ahnili11 narratio eit, Cic. nAt&tor ·Oris, m. (nato), a ftOia&lr&eT', Ov.
D&l'l'i.tor-6ri11, m. (narro). a nlaler, Mrrulor, nAta, V. naUL
Cle. natlo -®la, f. (na8COJ'). L Abetr•• II lid.,
narratua ·11.s, m. (narro), "tw.1'1'aticm, """' bom, btrlA: nat.ione Numldl, Tac.; hence, ~
mu-. Ov. aonir., Nat.lo, tAt f"""'"- ~ lAnl. Ci&. IL
nat 369 DAV
~.. ncr•• A. Lit., cs "4ticm, ,,eopU: externae preuiom u non naucl habere, to ..,,.. l~,
natloDflll •t gen tea, Cic. B. Tran1f., Cl ln'ud, race. Cle.
ipeda. dock, class; CAndldatorum Cl11.; Epiour- ua~um -U, 11. (for n11.ylfniglum, from
eonun, Oic.; veatra natio (of the StoiC11). Cic. navis anrl l'rango), a ahipwredc. L Lit., nan•
du. -ls, r., nsually plur.• uie. ·lum, t. Ult (ragium (nauh-agia) t'acere, to w.§w •h.ipwrec:k,
Cic.; nauf~io iot.erire, Caea.; perire, Cle.;
nmp, l'tvttoc.b, Hor.
ni.tivus -8 -nm (2. n11tu11). L born, t'laat 1vhieh pro\"., naufragia aliculus ex terra intuerl, to bf.
1Mu COJJU into ~ by birth.: Anaximandrt hold da.1iger from Cl place o/ lafety, Cic.; flg.,
oplnlo est, nativos eue deos, Cic. IL inborn, misfort1int, ruin, l'"1; fortunarum, Cle. ; patrlm·
m'IVl'U, ftati re, natuml, not ; be1uae onii, Cle. ; tabnla ex naufmglo, literally, a
uativis testis inhaerentes, Cic. pla71k from cs •kf,,,,,m:k, a mean. of wj'ety, tDaY
of ddivt-ranct, Cic. II. Meton., tM remains o/
dto, 1. (front no, nare), to runm. L Lit., a 1hipwreck, 1AJrtckags; ftg., collijNre n.autragiwu
atudfosialmus homo natandi, Cle.; in o<'.eano, retpublica.e, Cic.
Cle. ; natant aequore piKces, Q,-, ; natat uncta
c.arina, floats, Verg. ;_poet., followed by acc., naufrii.gua -a -um (for navifragus, from
caeca f'reta, Verg. II. Transr., A. to strwm, n11\'it1 and frnngo). L PHs~ .• that suffer• or Aas
11prcad abroad; qua Re Tillerlnu.s in altum dh·idit .uffertd shipwieik; Marium Africa de\'lcti ex
et campo liberiore natat, Ov.; flg., to loller= puhmm et naufragum vldit, Cic. ; corpora,
to be tu 111ihl natare visus es, Cic. B. V~rg. !__puppis, Ov.; Hg., patrim~nlo naufragus,
1, to S'Wim with anything, be full of, overflow; Ctc. II. Act.:.t poet., oaus1ng alnptDTeck; mare,
natAl'X1nt pavimenta \"lno, Cic.; omnia plenis Hor.; undn, -.rib.
rura natant fo!u1is, Verg.; 2, of the eyes, to B"lui~ naullum =nabllum (q.v.).
fl> bt grn.&11; vinis oculique an!mlque nat.abant, Daulum ·I, D. (v«u>.ov), fare, pcuaag~,
Ov. Juv.
11.&tris ·icill, f. a 100lt1'-1nakc, etc. naumlchla -ae, r. (va111.1axia), 1, a·al
natiira -ae, r. (nascor). L Mrth, etc. ; naturl battU exhibited as a spectacle, Suet.; 2, tM Jilace
frater, adoptione tllius, Cie. IL ft<ttun. A. 1, in which, the spectacle was exhibited, Suet.
9alunll quaWiu of anything; a, of tl1iags, naumi.ohlarius -a -um (oaumachia), of or
haec eat natura pr(\pria anhuae et vis, Cic. ; nlafrng t-0 a 1no.;k Ma-flght, Pli u. ; h u list., nau-
montis, C&e!I. ; loci, Caes. ; b, of men, natun:, DUi.chli.rius -i, m. OM who fouglit in a 11M>Ck
illatvml cHqorition, character; quae tua natura aea-fight, Suet.
est, C'ic. ; versare suam naturam, Cic. ; n8turam rurca., tamen nsquti recurret, Hor. ; 2, Naupaotus (-CSe) .f, f. (SaV1r4KTO~). a Bta--
Mturt, a, tM laws of 11alure, tM order and COil· port 011 IM G11lf of Corinth in IM"ri Ozo/W!, now
ltituliml. of tM world; ~uod remm natura non Nepacl.ns or Lfpanto. Hence, a<lj., Naupa.otiua
patitar, Cic.; na.turae satI!ifacere, to pay thr. dtbt of -a -um, of or relating to .i.'iaupactus.
tlalure, Co dit, -Cic. ; naturae concedere, Sall.; Nauportu• ·i, r. a town fa Pann.on(a, lli)W
b, M.ture, pn&i.bility; in rerum natura fniHe, to Ober· fo ibach.
b8 f'0$11i.bU, Cic. B. 1, a. tM world, crtation; In nauea (na11111a) -ae, f. <-IJO'ta), 1r.a-sick-
fllll, rerum natura, (;ic.; b, nature as tM sold of ness; na\"i;.;amus sine ti more et nause&, Cic.;
Ow vnherae, Cic. ; 2, an elemtnt, subwnce, u- trans!., 1ickn.-.&S, nau.;ea, Hor.
#11«: ex duabus n:tturis cnnflata, Cle. nauseo (nauslo), 1. (nausea). L to be 1ta·
ni.tiiraUJI -e (natura). L that which hat 6ir.k; epistola quam •ledlstl nauseans ButhrotQ,
Arisen or bun produad by birth, natural ;_pater, Cic.; trans!., Co vomit, be sick; quidlibet, modo
own. fat.Mr (npp. aJicptit:e futlitr), Cic. II. 1, ne nauscet, raciat, Cle. IL Trans!., lsta etrut-
tlatural; societas, lex, Cic.; neut. plnr. subi1t., lenwrn nau~are, to ~/ch ou' nonsenu, Cle.
nataralia anteponantur non n11turalibm1; that
ti!l&ic.\ v natural to that u not ftatural, nauaeola (naualola) -ae, r. (dim. of
Cic. ; 2, relating to 7talure; quaestiones, Cic. nausea), a 1light sq1uamishnu1, Cle.
ni.ti.riJiter, adv. (naturalis), 11atu.roU71, by nauta -Re, m. (f'or navlta, fro111 navis), •
"4turt, acco-rding Co nature; di\'inare, Cic. aailor, 81'•.iman, mariner, Cic.
1. Di.tu.a ·I\ ·um, p. a<lj. (from nascor). L nautious ·8 -um (va.w""o~). of or rt'lating IQ
Adj., born; 1, l>orn fC>T, fitted by natur~ for; a su.iloi·, nuutiml, na1ial; verhum, Cle.; scientia
with ad or In anti. the acc., or with dat., Judael atque usus nautiearuru rerum, Caea.; subet.,
et Syrae natlonc11 natae i;er\'ituti1 Cic.; poet. nautfoi -oruru, 11.1, 1a.Uars, Liv.
with inr., aniDllll natum tolerare iabores, Ov. ; UViJ.18 -e (Davis) 1, adj., o/ or relating to
2, flCltura.llif constituttd; it& natui1 locus est, sh.ip.~. naval, nauti-;;;/; l.iellum, pugna, Cic. ;
Liv.; 1•ro re nat.a, under prtM71.t circumstancea, castra, for tM prolution of &hi1ia umn. dra!MI,
GI tking• are 1W10, Cic.; 3, with a date, ex- upon. slwrt, Caes.; socii navales, $<li/ors (chosen
presses age, eques Romanus annos __r_rope XC from the freedmen of the ("Olnnists an4 a1Jles),
natna, al1Mlt n~nt.!71 71«Jrs old, Cic. IL Subst., Liv.; pedes navHles, gallcy-slat•tJ, Plaut.; 2.
1, Di.tu.a -1, m. Cl son, Cle. ; 2, Di.ta -ae, t. a subst., a, naviile -ls, n. a ~tation. /or ships,
daV{lht~r, Terg. Ov.; b, ni.vii.lla -lum, n., (a) a docky11rd, and
i. natua ·tl, m. (found only In th'! 8b1. sing.), ellp. a plaa i1l RIYTM 10 calltd, Liv.; (fl) matt·
(naSCQr), birth. (partii-ularly applied to denote rial.3 for 1hip-building, Liv.
age); magnus n::.tu, gran<lill natu, of comid"· ni.VarChUS = Dauarchus (q. V,),
able ngti, Cic.; qui fuit major natu quam Plautus
tt Naevius, ol-du, Cic.; ex his omnibus natu
nave= naviter (q.v.).
minim us, ~ y()ungut, Cic. nii.vloiUa •8e, f. (dim. or navls), (I litae ship,
a'/.:iff, b()at, Cic.
nauarchua ·I, m. (vo.vap;ico~), a oaplai1' of a
IAip, Cic. navlciili.rius -a -um (navicula), relatin1 IQ
nauol, T. naucum. mall ships, boats. A. navl'.oiili.ria ·at, f. (SC.
re~). the b11siJU>ss of one wlio lets 011t Bhips for
::Nau~tes, acc. -em, m. (N«virp<£ni~), Cl transport, IM busi1tus of a 1hip-ow11u; navic-
Gruk orator, p11pU o/ llOCratts. ulariam facere, Cic. B. navl'.oiUarlus ·Ii, m.
Datl011Dl -1, n., lit., a nut-1hell, fig., Cl trifle, one who lW ou' lhipa/or 'ra118pOrl, Cl 1hip-o'
IOIAUhifl(I WriJ small; only used iu such ex- Cic.
nav 360 nee
11&.rtrku -a -um (naria IDd frango), m111- alnt m.laericordee I~ turibu.a menril, ne lllls ...,..
C., .tltpwd, aAip-dlllrorh•g, Verg. guinem nostnuo Jarglauturii.cml" Id ,._ uC
UYlcf,ltllla -e (navlgo), ""~; mare, la11UA our blood, Sall. Coltj.,. t14d "°'-
Lh-. A. to express purpose ; galllue pennis toTent
11&9fs&do -&111. r. (navigo), a 111Uirtg, roriige, pullos, ne f'rigore laedantur, Cle. ; ne molt&
M1'igalio3; bona, Cle. ; prhnam naviptloneru ilicam, in 1Aorl, Cle. B. to expreu con11eqnenee;
(cAan« qf aa.Uing) ne omlserls, Cle. hoc te rogo ne demittaa anhnum, Cic. C. I.
u'lfser -gera -gt!ruin (navis and gero), 1Aip- Yl'lim ut ne, tltat tt0t; quam plurimls de rebcu ad nie
6ft&nng, Mvigabla; mare, Luer. acrlbae, ut 1•rors11s ne quid lgnorem, Cic.;
2 1 ne non, tltat fUll; tirnt!I> ne non lmpetrem.
n&Tlpilum -1, n. (dim. or n&\'lgium), a lUtlt CIC.
sltip, a bark, ap. Cic. 3. IMS, lnt.errog. ancl enelitic partil'lr. L In
nA'l'IJdUlll .tf, 11. (navigo), 1, a sailing, WlVi· 11i111ple que.aUonK; 1, In direct q11e11tio11K, n~iH.o
gating, Cucr.; 2, a 11tUtl, '11.ip; navlgium tacere, alioa; etiamne 11oh111 expedit ! Cic.; 2, in i11-
Cic. direct question~ ut vi<leamm1, sati!me i~ta .. it
Di.Tiso, 1. (uavie). L Jntran~lt~, t4' Mril, defectlo, Cic. .11.. In compouml qur~tious; 1,
1'0~- A. ex Asia In Macednniarn, Cic. ; of in <lirect questio11e, satisne ergo p11tlori con·
11h1p11, decrevl1111111, ut cliu;'li& in ltaliarn ria,·ig- sulat, si quis 11ine tt>llte libidini pareat, an est
aret, Cle. B. Trans(., of 11 naval war. to Jlrv- ali~uid per ae ipswn ftagitiosum ! Cic.; 2, In
cud, go; quam celerlter, Cn. Pumpcio <luce, i111hrect que .. tlous, nu~io gratulerne tilti an
benl lmpetwrt navill&vit, Cic. IL Trntu•it., 1, time:un, Cie.
to saU otitr, mil thrO'Ugh,'igate: tE\mun, Cic.; Nup0lla -p61is, ·ice. -J>Olim, r. (N•a~).
aeqoor, Verg.; 2, to gtt or ear1t by ,wt•igutiMI; L a part of Sy1'1JCVJ1t, D. a_ 9!6-~' ift Urlll·
quae homines ara11t, navigant, k<liflcant, 8811. pania, now Naplu. Adj., Neapolit&nua -a
navla -la, r. (lfaii~). a ahip, vmel. L Lit., -um, Neapolitan.
navls longa a man-of-war, Liv.; oneraria, a . lliblla .-ae, f. (~.\,,).. L Lit., 1 ttltala-
lhip qf bur~n, llhip, Liv.; praetoria, tlo1', fog, mid': ma tu Lina, Liv.; 2, poeL, clowd,
admiral•. "!ip1 jlag-llhip, Liv.; tecta, Liv.; cou- Hor.;_pnlveria, a clo1ui qfdtul, Lw:r.; 3, ntolY,
atrata, ctecJi:;ffl, Cle. ; a pert.a, 1l n.thrkt1l, Cic. ; Ov. n. Traner., allrtAing '°ft alld traMpart1ll;
navls aurl, ladenwith gold, Cle.; na\'em <lcducere vellera nebulaa aequantia tactu, Ov.
In aqoam, to launch, Liv.; aub<lucere, to drag
on Blwn, Caes. ; conscendere in TlllVem, to tm- nibUo -Onie, m. (nebula), a good-for-w.otAi"I
bark, Cie.; prnv., navibui1 et quadrlgls, with all /ellou.•, idlt rr.ucal, 1D0rthleS1 wretcA, Cle.
oiu's might, Hor. IL Fig., or the state, una. -a -um (nebula), •wr, foggr,
navls bonorum omnium, Cle.; esse in ea<lem clow.t11, dark; ne!Julosum t:t caliginoswn caelum,
nnvl, to be in the 111me boat with. an1 one, to 1/iare Cic.
a common lot, Cle. · Die and dqu' negative particlea. L A.
navlta nauta(q.v.). cmd not; quia non viderunt nl!C selunt, Cic.:
ueque verp, and iradttd 11-0t, Cic.; nee,
nAvftall CJmaritu) -itis, f, (DAVUR), CU· and ret 1101, Cic. ; neque etiam, alld indtied .a,
siduity, ual, Cle. Cie.; nee enim, neque enlm, for not, Cic.; neqne
nAvfter, adv. (nllVUS), 1, aafdumuly, ua,l. non, a11d; necuon, and als.J, and ind«d, Cic.
ou~11. acti1'tly, Liv.; 2, mtirel11, quite; Im· B. 1 and also not; 8tolcum eat nee ndmodwn
pudens, Cle. Crt'ditlle, Cie.; 2, and '11.dtal not; nuntii nobbt
nAYO, 1. (naVUB), to do anything ~alcmly, tristes nee varii venerunt, Cic. ; S, a11d yd not;
ac!imly, 1U11iducU8111, diligently; na_vare opef'!'m conscrlpsl f'~!tolam nt'Ctn ; nee Hie ad me
ahcul, to ~ to lulp, nnder as~$tana, Cic.; rediit, Cle. II. Joined with other puttcles;
fortiter in acie navare operam, Liv.; qu&m 1, nee . • . nee, or neque . • • neq_ne, 1lritAtr
vellem Bruto atudlum touna navare potuisMes, • • • nor; a. neque • • . et, ""' only wot •••
Cic. ; helium, to CUrTJI on war "1itlt encrf111, '!'ac.; but al.lo; nee rnlror et gandeo, Cic.
rernpuhlicam, t-0 11uve tM 81.aU, Cic. Deedum, adv. and not ytf, Cic.
' UVU ~'ftla) -a ·Um, aclirtt, diligent, D~i, adv. (neceasarillll), n«a1aril1,
energetic, aasiduoau; homo DA\"UI et industrius, 111uwoidubly, Cic.
Cic. • n~o. adv. (nece118&rlua), ~ra,,
naza -ae, f.= Da.8lla (q.v.). 'UllUVOidably, Cic.
Maxus (-i9) -1, r. (NO.t~>. m& Wand of iM neoe.&rlu -a -um (nece888), MCl'.lmrJ•
.Atgtan &a, tM largtsl oftM Cycladu, now ,\'uria unavoidabU!, in.evitablt. L Adj., lex, Cic. ; mon,
or Aria. Hence, Naxlua -a -um, Narum. Cie.; res, 11.tctuity, Caes. ; omnia quae aint ad
1. Di (nae). adv. (.,,,), yu, 'l'trily, truly; ne vivendum neceS1111ria, Cle. ; quod mlhl maxlme
llli multa saecula exspectanda fuerunt, Cie. neceuarium, Cle.; neceasarium est., with Ir.fin.;
2. ni, the original :Wtin particle or negation. senator! neceuarium est, 11oue re!_l!l.luLlic&m,
I. Adv., A. Mt; obRolete and rare In this sense, it u MOU91Zry, indilpeuable, Cle. n. Tranar.,
which however •PIX'•rs in compounds such 1rn clQMl]J l!OnMCltd or rtlated; esp., anbst., Dice•
nemo (= ne-hemo), ne-scio, etc., and In such .artua -11, m., -a -11e, r., a1& i1&ti~ /ri.e'Nl.,
phrases as : B. 1, ne .•• ~uidem, not eve11; ro11naio1&, 11tar relatio1i; meua 1&miliaria ac
lie in oppidis quidem, Cic.; 2, ne ••• qnoque neeessarius, Cle.
= ne ••. quidem, nt1 quie, etc. C. a, with the MGH•'- adj. n. (ne and cedo), found only
Imper.~ express a prohibition, ne timete, Liv.; in connexion with esse and habere, t1ttaa:1,..,,
b, with the subj., to express a prohibition, faud, 'UMvoidabk, ineritabU, (~;
aobie nost.ras ne ademrri11, Cic.; o, wlt.b subj., nlhll ftt, qnod necesse non fuerit, Cic. ; hominJ
si eertum est facere, facias, verum ne post ron- necesse est morl, Cic. ; neceue habere, to eo11·
feras culpam in me Tac.; with a negative Ader ~,.,, be obliged; eo mln111 habeo ne-
Wi!lh, ne id Juppiter Opt. Max. airlt, Liv.; illud cease llCribere, Cic. ·
utinam ne vere ecrllx'rem, Cle. ; ne vivam, si n~taa -ills, t (neceae). L LIL, A.
tcio, may 1 du if I hmo, Cic. D. 1 with neceaitati p&rere., etc. ; neceultatem alieuI im-
eomi111r., 'Mt: ut hoc deslderium ne plua 11it ponere allcuha.a rel or allqnld fadendl. Cle. B.
annuum, Cle.; 2, In conceuive and restrictive 1, a, tltat aicA u i11nUabk, faM: mon est
cl&11.1a, sint MDe liberalea ex aoclonun furtuuia, DeCe1ait.u aatww, Cle.; b, ..U, ...i, ~
neo 361 neg
Tac.; a. plar., necessitates, ftttUICZMu, TUCUalrJ n~tariu -a -um (netu), inipWu.s, abomiMbl.&,
ei:pmsrs, l.'aes.
IL Transr., i1'limatt connuion, e.ucrable, ntfarimu; homo, Oio.; bellum, Cic.;
frinM:iship, relation.&hip; si nostnwn necessitatem 11ub8t., a_ nefli.rlua .u, m. a wicl"f4 person,
hmiliaritatemque violasset, Cic. Cic.; b, nof&rium -Ii, n. an abolnina-Ole, U6'
nioell&i'.tudo -fniil, r. (necesse), mcusily, in- cmble action, Liv.
ttilabloess. L Lit., puto llanc ease neceasit- D~faa. n. lndecl., that which ii ain/11.l, contrary
udincm, cui nullti. vi resist! poteat, Cic. IL ro dfrine command, u·nlawflll, W7'01llJ, an impio11a
'rr&nsf., 1. of things, close connaio1'; rerum, dud, a 1in., cri11W!; 1, riuicquid non lieet, uefas
Cic.; 2, el<J!Je connexion or ulatio11.ship, intimate p11tare debem us, Cic.; llercurius, quem A..,gyptii
fr~IUUhip; liberorum necessitudo, Cic.; i;unt nefas hahent nominare, Cic.; per fas ct nefan,
r..ihi cum illo omnes aruicitiae necessitudines, by fair mwns or foul, Liv. ; in omne nefas se
Cie.; familfaritatis et necessitudinis oblitu11, parare, Ov.; nefas est, it ia a Aft; with inftn.,
Cie.; 3, plur., intimate .{rW&d&, MO.r rtlations, indicare in vul;us nefas (est), Cic.; sometimes
Suet. used aa nn intt>rjection, •Mcking, dreadful! heu
necesaum. and n8ceuua est ::z neceMe est neraa I Hor. ; 2 a Mrrible thing; exstinxisse
ii is nm!ssary; with inlln., Liv. ; or acc. and nf'fas lnu•lrihor (Helen as the cause of the ruin
infln., !,iv. of Troy), Vcrg.
:necne, o~ not. L Generally in the second nifastus ·a ·Um, forbidden, ttn1wl1/. L or
half of imlircct questions, sintne dii necne, time, a., relii.i;ious t. t., die11 nefasti, on 'IJlhfrh ·iw
Cic. l l )Jore rarely in direct. questions, aunt .~gal or pub I ic ln1st11UB roulri be transttcttd, Lh-. ;
haec tua verba necne? Cic. u, unll!cky, tnatUJpicious; ille ct nefasto te
llecDOD (neque non), v. nee. pusuit difi, Hor.; nc qua terra · nf'fasta
victoriac suae, Liv. IL Of action, forbiddri1.
llOco, 1. (nex), t-0 1.:ill, llay(usuallybyhunger, linfal; a., as relil{ious t. t., quae 1111g11r inj11sta,
poison, etc., m~her than hy a WQapon); plebem nefasta ddlxerit, Cic.; b, trans!., quid intactmn
fa:ne, Cic.; aliquem igni, Caei;.; aliquem vcr· nefasti li11uimus? Hor.
beribus, Cic.
negantla ·ae, r. (nego}, a dcnyh111, Cie.
McC>pinans -antis, Mt upeding, M1141L'QTe j negi.tlo --Onis, r. (nego), a denying; negatio
aliquem necoplnantem liberare, Cie.
fnfitiatioque f&cti, Cic., adv. (necopinatus), Unt.r· negfto, 1. (Int.ens. of oego}, t-0 deny frequently,
po;lolly; si necopinato quid evenerit, Cic. per~ist i11. denying; quam multos anno11 esse
.n5c0pinatua -a -um, 11nerpecttd; bona, Cle.; negita\'i3set, Cic.
es DP.C'lpinato, u1urpectedly, Liv. neglectlo -onis, t. (m~glfgo), mglect; amic·
necopinua ·a -um, 1,, 1'11aptcttd; orum, Cic.
lllOl'S, Ov. ; a_
act., not aptdin.g, rartlus, 1. neglectua ·• -um, p. adj. (from negligo?1
Phaedr. mglecttd, dmrgard.ed; quum inter nos abJect1
nectar -Iris, n. (vi1tTo.p). L tt«tar, the drink neglectique aimua, Cle.
o/ tilt gods, Cic. U. Applied to anything very 2. negleotua ·118, m. (negligo), a ~gluttng,
Slfeet or pleasant; /l.qney, Verg.; milk, Ov. Mglect, di.wt.gard, Ter.
neoii.riua-a -um (vurT~~), aicul cu Meto.r; negleg ... v. neglig • • •
Iqua, Ov.
negllgena -entis, p. adj. (from negllgo), 1,
DeOte, nexlli and nexf, nexum, 3. L Lit., 1Uglige1u cartleu, indifferent, unconcerned; in
A. to tit, bind, jcuUn, co11nul, 1e1ave or frutm amicis ehgendis, Cic. ; with genit., amicorum,
f(;; catenas, coronam, Hor.; comam myrto, Cic. ; 2, esp. in regard to property, carcltu,
Ov. B. to bind, felt<r, tll.'lla~, especially for prodigal, eztroooganl; adoleseentia negligena
debt; nexus, ci person tTUlmotd in coMt'ltttiice of luxuriosaqne, Liv.
ddit, Liv.; eo anno plebi Romanae velut aliud
!nitlum libertatis factum est, qnod nectl de11ie· negllgenter, adv. (negligens), cardusly,
runt, Liv. IL Transf., A. lo ajfb; atlach; ex unooncer11edly, negligently ; acribere, Cle.
hoc genere causarum ex aetemitat. pendentium negligend'.a -ae, r. (n~lig~ns). L au·•
fatum a Stoicls nectitur, Cle. B. t-0 connect;, mgli!}l!"1lCI : in acem;ando, Cic.; accu!BNI
omnes virtates Inter 11e nexae et jugatae sunt, allquem de llterarum negliitentia, of omitting to
Cic.; dolum, to plot, Liv. ; causas inanea, bring 11."rite a letter, Cle. IL iu17Zed a1wum to10arda
/rmDard., Verg.; numcris verb&, Ov. perlOM: deQm, Liv.
nici'lbl. adv. lut anywhere, thal M'WMrt, negllgo Cneglego, neclego) -ten ·lectum,
Caes. 3. (11ec nnd lego), to 'Mglect, disregard. I. Un·
niou.ndAS. aih'. lut from any quarter, that Intentionally; m1tndatum, Cic.; with de and the
from direction, Liv.
ahl., de Theopompo, summu homine, neglex·
irrms, Cic.; with iutin., obire diem edicti, Cic.
nidum. adv. (lit. while mit), 1, much less, IL Intentionally, 1, to w1k~ light of,,
atilt l«s, to aoy nothing of; fnU. by subj., pwy no httd tu; periculum fortunarum et cap!tis
optimis temporihus nee P. Poptllius nee Q. 1;ui, Cle.; 2, to otoerlook, paas over; injwiaa Aedu·
Metellus vim tribunlciam snstinere potuenmt, orum, Caes.
ne;Ium bis temporibus sine vestra sapl1.ntia
ulvl ell9':1 poMimus mtich ltu at pr~nt, Cic. ; nego, l. (perhaps ne and a!o). L
With ut and the 1mbj., ne voce quidem ~ncom­ lutransit., to sav 110 (opp. aio, to aay JIU); Dio-
modi, ned~m ut ulla vis fl<>rct, Liv.; 2, much genes ait, negat, Cic. ; with dat.,
lllOT~; consoles bellicosi qui vd in pace tran·
sacpius idem rog1tnti, Cic. D. Transr., A. to
d~11y, to maintain or aaurt that a Chi.Ilg u not;
qllilla beUum excitare possent, nedum in bello
f'l!8pi~ civitatem forent pusuri, Liv. crimen, Cic.; with acc. and infin., 8toici negant,
quicquam el!llC bonum nisi quod honestum sit,
nffauctaa -a ·!Im (ne and fari), not t-0 be Cic.; p&llll., with nom. and mfin., ibl vis fact.a
sp.Jotn of, tmpiou& uecrabu, abomh1.ablli; scelus, (f'llae) negahitur, Cie.; non negare (roll. by quin
Cle.; neut. su\;t., dil memorea fandl atque and the subj.), negare non poK8e quin rectius sit
11efandi, of righl ciftd vm>ftlJ, Verg. cxercitum mitti, Liv. B. to deny a r~, torr.·
Mfirii. adv, (nerarlua), ,,.piou;y, abomi•- fu$e; nunquam reo cuiquam tAm praeclse negavl,
lllly, uurnhlJI; aflqqid netarie t.acere or com- quam hie mihl, Cie. ; of inanimate object.a,
llllttere, Cic. puma negat feiio, re/1UU lo produce app'lu, Ov.
neg neq
n¥gid&lbs -e (negotlum), o/ or "'°""f to Tenrus Lacnt, Hor.: at dat t.antam peeoniam
hrir1us, Cle. Flacco, nempe idcirco dat. ut rat.a 1it empt.lo, o/
negotlam -anti•, m. (JlllrliC. of negotinr .. eoa,..., etc.; n"rnpe Dl'g&ll t etc.
1ubst..), a u-holuale dtiakr, 1'l&ttclu111t, banker, Cle. nemu ~ris. n. (wftOf), 111000Cf Vtith 91adts
negotl&tlo ·on is, f. (11e,.:otlm ), wholeWe and paetun land /o'r oa.ttle, grow, f<yrat; l agri
bwinfn, utnr.aiw trade, banurl buri11ea; re· et nemora, Cic.; 2, eap. 1 IM grow at :::lricia
liquiae negotiationia vestrae, etc. .a.ored to Di41ta, Cie.
negotiator ·Oris, m. (Mgotlor), ci large n~ma.(uaenla) -ae, r. afuneral. •>n'1, dirgt:
t11holucit dw.ler, utensiw mtTCha11t, ban.1;er, Cic. 1, ht., C1c.; 2, any muurnfttl &crng, H••r.; 3,
negotiolum .f, n. (dim. of negotium), ci " 10ng of i110antation, an incantalktn, Hor.; 4,
&mall tra11.8<l-Ct i.on, littl4 bu.Ii 11-us; tua negotiola a J>OJ>Ular 10ng, nuru-rv •ong, h1/lab-y, Hur.
(n~nili (abl), diss)·ll., Ov. }'ast. 6.tJ.t2.).
Ephesi curae mihi fuerunt., Cic.
negOt.ior, I. dep. (negntiu111). L to ocirrr °" Dio, nhl, ni!tum, 2. «•w). L to ~·:
b11<1i1u:u, espedally on a la1 ge scale, as e.g., 11 stamina, tlla., esp. of the P11rca.e, O\·. :IL to
'IL'Wtie, interweave; tunicam quam molli nevera.&:
ban~; Patris, IU Patrae, Cic. IL to 'f'GCU, auro, Verg. (syncop. 1•err., nerunt., Ov.).
DegOtfOaUS ·&•Um (negot.iuru), full of buri- NeOclea -i11 and -i, m. ('.li<oJCA~~), J<UM:r of
nes.t1 lnwy; vrovlnci&, Cle.; homo, Sall.; diea, Themist-Oelu.. llt:nce, NiOcl.idia -ae, rn. IOlt qf
wor1eing tlaJI"• Tac. Nwcl..n, i.e., 7'/lnni.stocla.
negotlum ·li, n. (nee and otium), abMt.a of nipa -ae, f. 1, a tc0rpfon, Cic. ; tM ~
leisure, b11si n.t.!s, occupation., mnvloymrnt. L lat i<.uL 10 ~lle.d, Cic. poet. ; 2, tt.e crab, Plaut.; tM
sati.s negotii habul In aanandil, Cle.; cvn•tellatwn '° calltd, Cic. poet.
neque ts&e quidquam negotil (ciay dijfic11lty) X6pite -is, n. a town o/ Et~ria., now N~
h:t11c sub sarc111is adorirf, (;aes.; negotiuw &lieul Hence, adJ. Nep6tinua -a -um, of or Nlati1t1
exhibere or facerc, to ca1'M trouble U> ci P"''°"• lo Nepeu.
Cic. IL Trnnsf., A. '°'"-' single emplr,~ or Nepheti -es, r. (S«4><>.11), w\fe of .Athafl'IJU,
occripation; 1, negotia. privata, domestica, Cic.; mother of Phrizu..a 1111d Helle. Bence, Xepbi-
negotinm snsclpen-, C11~; co11flcere, Caes.; 2, lei& ·eldos, f. a daughter of Nephelc, JJi:lle, O\·.
a, pul.lic bu.<i ncu; negotia forensla, Cic.; b, or
a battle,; facie.s negotii, Nill.; c, 1'/WIW!Y· . 1. nepoa -otis, m. and r. ci {1ra1ulehild. L
tronsaction.s; haberc neg11tia vt:tera in Sicilia, A. Lit., Q. Pompeii ex fllia nepos, Ck. B.
Cic. ; d, ma1u1gwunt of a hau.sehold; 11egnti11m Trnruif., 1, ci brotha'• or •istt'l''ir cAild rttjJMoo,
male gerere, C:ic. B. )tetc>n., of men, Callis- Suet.; 2, a de.'IC'endant, Verg., Hnr. IL ?tleton.,
thenis quidem vulgarc tt notum IH'i,;utium, Cic. cispendthrijl, prt>diyal {opp. patruus), Cic.
Nwews ~i. m. (N11A~vf), ci 111ythiool king of 2. Nepos -p0tis, m., C. Cnmelius, 11 Roma•
Pylo~, ;iithu of Nrstor: hence, 1, adj., Neleius hisl'>riai1,fl'ie1td of Atticus, Cicero, and Catull•u,
-a ·um, and 2, Neleua -a -um, <Jf or nlating to lin11g pr00a.bl11 between 9-& arid 2-& A.O., of whN.11
Nele?U or N,..&tar; 3 subst., Nelidea -ae, m. 'IJ)Orh a part of the book De viri.s illu.stribus ii
a nu•le dtscoulant of l-iek11s, Nestor, Ov.
nepotiUua ·I., m. (dim. of nepoa), 11 lUtlc
Nemea -ae, r. P••uitt), and Nemee -~. f. grmu.Twn, Plaut.
(N•µ•JJ), " city of A ryo i8, near Hercules

li;illed thll Scmean, founcU:d IM ;\'e111ea1l neptta -is, f. (ncpos), a gn:rnd-daatghtw, Cie.;
gamu. lfrnce, 1, a<lj., Nemeaeus -a -u111, neptis Vent:ris, /flO, Ov.; doctae neptea, tA.
MVM&, Ov.
Nem~an; leo, Ov.; 2, subst., Nemea ·6ru111, n.
th.t .l\w:wn gamu, Liv. Neptiinine ·ea, f. a daugh.Ur or 17~4-
Nemesis -se0s, f. ('.'iiµ.•<T•~), IM 9oddtss of daughUr of Neptum, Cat.
j1tatia a11J tquity who i•uriislwt pride u11d arTu· Neptiinus -l, m • .l'iqitune, god of tlte Sf'llt
gance, also called Adraslro and Rham11wia. brothtr of J1111iter, hwband of Amphitritt, i<l1M-
t(1frd mitll. tM Gruk Po>rid!!"'t ; meton., the ~
Nemote& -um, a 'fNOple fo Gallia Btlgica. Vi;rg. : hence, adj .• NeptUniua -a -u111, .Yq~·
nemo ·fnis c. (f11r llt:hemo, from llC and t1111i1111; Troja, built by Ntplu>u, Vf'rg. ; bt-nr.i,
bemo = homo), 71fJ man, nc one, nolnxly. L Th.t>11t1H, Ov.; dux, Sat. Pcnnpei1U, Hor.; aquae,
Subst., ne1110 omnium mortalium, Ch:. ; ncmo a 11.-.:/1 at TarTacina, Liv.
unull, Cic. ; ncm .. aliu;;, nn 01!1' ~1~. Cir.; n~mo nequa!_D. adj. indecl., corupar. nequlor,
Dec d~us nee homo, no gt.d or T11hTtal, C:ic. ; nemo BUJll'rl. nequlaafmua (Cor ne-aequum, from
est. qoin (with subj.), tltrre ii no one 11•ho rloa aequ11i;), u•orthff.$~, good for nothillg, tUClt•,
11ot, etc., Cic.; nemo non, ererv 011t, Ck.; non
bad, wiclud; quid est neq•1ius elft'minato r·. f
nemo, many a ont, Cic. IL Adj. = no; homo Cic.; liberti nequam et improl•i, Cic.
Cie.; ch-is C'ic.; Romanus, Liv. (of the olJliqn~
cases only ncminl and neminem are usually
nequi.qaam. adv. ,,,, n.o meanir, '" wlll, "°
n~mori.118 -e (riemus), of or .,.rlatiilg towooda
Deqult =Dec (q.T.).
or urorrs, sylrnn; umbrtte, ant.rum, Ov. nequedum (, adT, Gftd tMJC ,el.
DemoreD818 -e (nt>tnU!I), ~l{)nying to a grove Cic. nequeo -lvi and -Ii -ltnm, 4. to M "nahll:
or wood; esp., o/or relating to tilt grore of Diana uctam aetatem memlnisse nequimns, Luer. ; cum
czt .1fricia, 8uet. Dt>mosthenes rho dicere nequiret, Cic.; pass.,
nemorfoultrtx -kis, t (nemus and cultrix), quicquid sine sanguine clvinm ulcisci neqnitur,
cm irth.al1it<mt uf the u:oods, Pl1aedr. j11re factum sit, Sall. (imperf., nequiliat, SalL;
nemoriviigua -:i -um (nemua and vagus), pnrtic., nequit>ns, Sall.).
toandtrinq int~ U'Oods, Cat. nequiquam (nequlcquam. nequid-
DemorOeUB ·& ·Utn (nemus), 1, 'WrJodlJ, full quam), adv. (ne 11u'1 abl. quiquam), in roia,
Of (ffOVl'JJ; Zacynthos, V.. rg.; 2, thicl;ly lwnJ, fruitlessl11, to no purpose; et seru t-t
full of foliage: silvae, Ov. pudd, Cle.; alicuius auxllium implorare, Caes.
nempe, conj. (from nam and rlemon«tr11tive niqult4lr, adv. (nequam), worthltnly, trTrttA-
IUlf. ·Pe), f<>rsoolh, tntly, rtrtrzinly, to be rure, tdlv, f.adly, mmraNy; Ille porro male, prave,
namelJI; nempe lneomposlto dixi pede currere neqaiter, turpiter eoenabat, etc.
neq 863 nio
aiqmda -ae, r. and a~altre. -II, t. (lle- Ml howeng, ~RC, tlMtNf't, ~"",
l. ~~. laz1M11, Mllm&u. i7l·
ci.uam), nf'11cla me11a bomlnam fatl aorti1111ue rututae,
odirifr; fnartissirni hr101lnes Deacio qua 11lngu- Verg.; non •um Deiiciua, ista inlt1r Graeco• dici,
wl nrquitil prat'ditl, Cle. ; 2, atraroga11C1:, etc. B. not lnlowing ho1U &o do u.1111t1,i119, tinabll
prodigalilf, Cic.; 3, 1001Uo1uwu, proftigOCJI; uxor to do a11ything: .P~eri ran oeacii, llor.; oedere
pauperi1 bycl, tandem oequit.iae
tue, Hor. ; 4, .nc1:~,.,.,
modwn neeclna, Hor. U. P .... , 1'1'knotoft; neacla
iillaiJly, etc. trlbuta, Tac. ; cauaa, OT.
Nirita.m ... D. Cl . . . . " ' Calabria, DOW Kisls ·Idle, t a• illafld '""" Gul/o/ .Pl&leolC.
li.UIJ. now Nui.ta.
Nereu -&s and ~1. m. (N"IHY'>. 11 MS-god. Keuu ·I, m. (Ntl~). L 11 rititr '" Tl&nule..
.,. of IJCt4ll1" and Ttth'jfl, ,fatltn, br DorU, of tAa D. a Ctnta•r kUhd br Here!Ua 'll'(th. G 7JOiMud
Nenie..1; metoD., IM a.t, Tib.; hence, 1 1
1'iril8 ·l<li~, r. a dafl911.ler of Nl!1'tw, 11 Nl1'rill, Kntir -lSrts, m. (Nlcrn.p'), '°" o/ Ntll!WI,
OT. ; 2, Merine -e-1, f. a Nn-ci.d., Vel"!t·; 3, king of PJ/hu, tM o/J:Ust and molt uptrftnetd o/
adj., Nerelu• ·a -um, of or belongi1~ to Nernu; tM Orwk fwroQ befon TroJ.
pnltrix, Til.ltU, mot>Mr q/ ..dchillu, Ov.; nepos,
AcAillt..,, Ov.
Nitam -1, n. a
q1 8'ci.Zv, tot&tA-waC o/

Jferltna (.-0•) -~I m. (N~p•TOf). G mot.11'- aeu = nen (q. T.).

tria of /, alao 1A1 -name q/ a nnaU viand aeuter -t.ra -trum (oe and ntr.r), ..Ulur of
..,. ItMioa.; hen~e, Nirltlu -a -um, N1ritia1'; hDo. L Lit., quid bnnum alt, quid malnm, quid
1"1119, iM lhip of Olysse.J, Ov.; dux, Ul11uu, Ov. neutrum, Cic.; neutram in pal'Um movPrl, Cle.;
Niro ~ois, m. ca fa.111iliJ naDU o/ tu g111.1 neuter com1ul11m, Liv. D. In grammar, nomlna
CJndia, tJv. m.-•.tt cdtl>rnUd of 1Chkh u:eni: neutra, or simply neutni, 11euttr fWtlnl, Cic.
1, C. Cl11uriltu Nero, conml 207 B.c., who <U-
/lillhd Hudntb<rl at tht baltlt of /ht Mftxl'ltrtu;
neudquam. 11dv. l!y tto 'IMIM, 11t
monebaa de Q. Clcerune ut eum quldem neutl·
"°' au:
2, C. Claudius Nern, the ftftl& R,,mnn tm}'ff01' quam relln'lueram, Cic.
~A.D.). Hence, ariJ., l, Ntroniua.a -um,
llld 2, Nironl&nn.a ·o -um, ..veronian.
1aeutr0, adv. (neuter).'" vithtr dittctio", to-
trorclt 'MUh"1' rid.; ne11tro lnclinata re•, apea,
...... -arum, r. II tovm ln Italy, prOO®ly ht Liv.
lAM-.. aeutritbi, adv. (neater and obi), i• MUA.r
l'6rlllum ·f, n. t:Jorlffltd platt Cn Luooniti. plaar, Plaot.
lferYll ..(,rnm, m. a warUb JJt"'l''t ill the
~o/Gflllia&l~ka. Bence, adj., Nervlcu
nm or neu. lld'f'. GM"'°'· or Mt, Mr
(follo'lll'I ut or ne) ; rogo te, "" contrahM, neve
-a-nm, ServMia.. alnaa, etc.; cohortatua eat., uti sua.e p1isLioae
Mno.i. adv. (Denoaus), atrongl11, viflO'I'· Yirtutia 111emoriam retineorent, neu perturbu·
ewtr, mergai.cally; nerv~ius di<"ere, Cic. eotlll' animo, Caea.; sometime!! follows I.he eubj.
.., -a -am (nP-rvas), lt11.t111J1, fteMIOt,., only, hie ames dlcl pater atque princep:t, ne11
L Lit., J>OI•lea, Ov. IL Fig., or ulscoul"l!8, 11lnu Medos equital'8 inulto11, Hor. ; aometlmea
repeated, neUhtr • . , nor; ut id Deve 111 hoc,
tlfgorou, ften.'OUa ' " 1t11u; quia Ariatotele Der· neTe in allo requiru, Cic.
TOlior r Cle.
unillt1.11 -I,, m. (dim. ot nervus), nnw, =
llivta. nevult non vis, nonvult, "· nolo
*"gtA; in plur., nervulos adhibere, Cic. lleJr. nkis, r. (ct. Gr. ...r~). L tlinl"ftl dtalh,
nervua -1, m. ("tiipo.), a riMw, u1vl<n1.i."""" : ''"'mer; necem llibi cnn11ciscere, to rommil
l!n. plar., nervl, tht rifte!DI, 1ld'wa. L A. Lit., auicUU, Cle.: vitae neci11que pnt.e!ltatem ltaliere
lleni a qulbus artus contiDentur, Ci<:. B. in allquem, CIU'S.: alicui necem iuf~rre or
Tnn.d'., 1, tilt #ring of CJ mtaiatl instrwnv.nt; olff'rre, Cle. IL .Meton., blood of th,., pe1'fOf6
quotldiano caotu vocum et nervomm et tibia rum flll(A; maoua nece Pbrygii lmltutae, Ov.
tcta Ticinit.a.11 personat, Cle.; 21.. CJ bowstring; ncmlll8 -e (necto), tWd, botcnd to-
neno apt.are !.l:'\~itw, Verg.; o:s, ti~ lmthtr gdhtr; ~inua, Ov.
eith tohieh shielris are cov"erl, Tac.: 4, a 1trap aexo, 1. (Int.ens. otneeto), lo tw togttlurr, bind
or IAong iciUl iohtc.\ the limbl ciu bound, bonds, togUhtr, Luer.
/ftten, and hence, pri#n, bwprhonmtnt; ID nezum ·I, n. (ner:t-0), t: formal tnm.-ict(<m
llelTil U!fler1, Liv. D. Fig., A. 1, ntr111, bd1l'ttl'l dtbtcr and crtd(toi', by tuhich tl&t dtbtor
~. vigour. t.forl; in quo omnea nervos
pUdgttt his lillm11 tu aecurUy /<Yr hi.I dtbl, Liv.;
aetata lnduatriaeqne meae conteu<lerem., Cic. ; met.on., th• obligalWni creattd bf nexum Cle.;
3, esp., of ui:icour..e, 1'igaur, energy; nervl quum sunt propter uolus llbidinem, omitla nexa
oratmii, Cic. B. tJw chief ltrt11.gt1'; nervi belU clvium liherata nectierque postea desitum, Cle.
~nla, money tht rimu.·11 Qf 1mr, Cic. ; nervl
COQ,larattooia, Li V: nezaa ·118, rn. (necto). L a binding, tylfag
together, ntwini11.g, am Meting; atomoruru, Cle.;
Deeolo -lri and -n -itam, 4. Mt to 1rnOUJ, to b. serpeDa, baculum qni nexibu11 ambit, Ov. D.
(gnoml\t of. L Gen., de Oropo oplnor, Bed
certum nesclo, I do flOt eertain/11 1.."1101C', Cic. ; Fig., A. legia nexu11, Tt&C. B. the rdatwn or
with 1'1. sent., nesds quanta cum l!X11pertatione obligation an.ring from uexum; nem vinctt, Liv.;
llm te audituruR, Cic.; quid agend11m ait, ae oexu obligare, Cle.
llellclo, Cic.; ne~cio qnl, qa11e, quod (lnwrr11g.), Iii. adv. and conj. L= ne ID eentencee with
1M11CH> quia, qnid, I J:-now Mt U7l&o or 'IDllal, IOllU·
llodr or IO'llWtllbag; caa11 nescio quod, Cic.; In
oppidum, n&;cio quod, Cle.; nesclo quid ex-
ni r why "°'
the 11ubj., ni t.eneant curaua, Verg.; hence, quid
1 Cle. IL= ai non, \f Ml, acept,
uttlus; morlar, nf puto, I ~ I mar die \! I
&cul1iserunt, Cic.; oescio·quomodo, I k1&0\0 not don't think, Cic. ; plnrea cecidiaent, ni nox
'°'°· I01llthow or, Cle. IL E11p., A. Mt to
bioiiP or ntog'nfM a peTICm or Ulfn.g; non nesdre
praelio lnte"enlaset., Liv.; mcidium minit.ana,
ol ca.t111am anam disaoclarent, Tac.
~m, Verg. B. not t'1 "ndtntand anythin.g,
lo be t11!4bu to do a1L11t1iing, MC to haw l.tarni;
Nicaea -u, r. (Nl.:CUA). L 11 '°'°"
tAynia, DOW [ mi.t. D. Q N1Dll Cft Locri.a, 'lld
f• m..
llon tam praeclarum eat sclre LAtine quam turpe 1J,r /rmn ~la&.
llelclre, etc.; Stokl omnino lruci Deaciunt, Cic. nioaeua • -um (~. ~>. qrithd
Jlllolu .. -am (ne and IOio). L .Aot., A. q/ JtipUM'.

liio 36• 1'1o
Wi-..der -drf, m. (Niira..&poc), poef, gm• Dlhllim.&a119, v. nihllum..
91arioft, arid p11pkia1' Q/ ColopAo1'. ·I, n. (nlhil). tlOtAa"f. L
aloMor ·6ria1 _ace. plur. -6ru, m. (aucit'..p), ex nihllo orlatur, Oic.; ad nlhllum venire or
CM CORgtin'Of' ; aocciM!r qf a bodr·f1"11'd Q/ PlrltUI, rccld~re, Cle.; pro nlhUo est. U u M (/OOtJ aa
li"f qf MRCldoft.ia. ftOl.\ing, Cle.; nihlli, I.he genit. or price; racere,
lfioiplllrlum (~) ·II, a. (N&'"14>oP'o..). aeathnare, to think ttotAifif7 Q/,[ Cle. ; de nihilo,
1. a grow MGr P..-,11111.••; 2. G tOtlm fa Jluo· toitl&o'lll ground or reruon, L v.; abt nlhllo,
with com par., by 'llOtAifl(I, AO: nihllo \,e";;evol-
p>l4'1R in.
Hioiplllriu -11, m. a riwr"' -'"""'Ml. eut.ior, Cle.; nlhllo magl1, Cle.; nihilomlnm =
no lat, Ntt...,.tlltltss, ti.ot1citllatandfo9; nlhtln-
Dioi&irlum -11, n. (~P'o.), U.. nteeinl of mlnus eloquentlae atudendum est, et.i el. quid&lll
ftdc>ry, ]>, JU\', perverwe abutuntur, Cic. U. Adv•• i'll ao _,,
lfio6midila ·111 n. (N,"°fllj~), tMlllH of Hor., Liv.
ll1'tral l.itrp !1/ RUhy'llw. :ail= nihll (q. v.).
lfio4eiU.. act', -Im, r. (Ntiro1r0A,,), 11 ~ fri Dilum = nibilum (q. ".).
.At11rna111M1, /ov11dftf by .A•p•hu to c:omWMmOrllle
Au ttirlory al .Aetium. lfilu• -I, m. (Ne&Aof), tllt rlwr Nik; hence,
Dloto, I. and motor. 1. dep. (• nlco, to 1. adJ., lfillAou .a -um, bdo'llg(1tg to tlu NUe;
rera, n croeodil.e, Mart. ; modi, EgyptMiw, Ov.;
..-~ko1&), 1, to mot'fl U&c t11f'Jid wp and d~, to
2, lfillpbaa --.e, m. (Nllua and gigno), oiw
'Wini.·, Plin.: 2~ to wink wUI& U.. ~ cu B
rignnl; alicui, P1aut. oorn °" IM Nile, a,.
CCMl, Clq1&ttl1'Ct, Cic.
IJ:grp(i4A; s. tralllf.= •
nlotaa -Qa, m. (• nico), a wnftk\ng 10Ull. CM
qt, Ov. (!) Dlmbatu9 -a ·um (nlmbu1), Mrndal '"
doud or midi Plaut.
Di4imeatum ·I, n. (nidua), Cle WdcriGll of
Cl wat, Plaut. Dlmblfv -fl~ ·flrum (nimbus ~ rero).
atorA-bringillg, dot"l&V, Ov.
Didlfloo. 1. (nldua and raclo), to buUd a Md,
PUn. Dlmbitram -a -um (nimbua), ra.ittJ, stonar;
Didor -6ri1, m. (connected with irvlo-o-a). a ventua, Ov.
tia.po11r, odour, .uam arili"f /ratA CIArfAing w/ddt. Dlmbu ·I, m. (t'.onnect.ed with nubo). I. 4
is coohd ; ganearum, Cic. atorm Q/ rain, tliot.n.t lhOV1!n' qf mi"; 1 Ut.,
lli41lu .f, m. (dim. or nldua). 11 zuae t&at; nimbus. etfusua, Ll!;j 2, tranar., rerreua, ~
!If mwua, Verg. .u.. II IU>Nll: 1, lit.. ,&, Cle.;
I~ Illa in upernmla eas.ul11 tamquam
nkiulua afllxa, Cic. b. ca donll-toill.d; toto 10nneruttt aethere nimbi,
\'et-g.: :a. fig., hunc _9nidem nimbum t'ito traua
Didaa ·I, m. ca ftUt. L 1, lit., e!Bngere et. ia11e laetor, Cic. DI. a cloud; 1, 11 blllck mi•·
eonatltuere nidos1 Cle. ; ni.Jum tlguia 1u1pet1dlt
hlnindo, Verg. ; ng., me nuijorea nldo
cluud; involvere diem nimbi, Verg.: s.
G dolld,
mut, Liv., Verg.: S, t.ran1f., a, fulYae nimbaa
ul.elldiue, '8 mile o'NUtl,I above tM ocmdUioA '" anmae, Ver1J.i b, or a large number of penon1
10MeA. OM i.s bona., Hor.; 2, met.on., CM rot'"O or tbinas. a"°*'; podUum, Verg.
birds "' tM """ ftUfliAg•; Didi l~WMIN, V•rg.
U. Tnnar., ca dwelling
Acherontlae, Hor.
°" G /&AgltJ; oe1ue llfmlO. Y, nimlua.
nimiram. adY. (DI= De and mbum), ••·
nllrm- ·gra -grum, blcacl, dcrkol<Nftd. L ~,, dotlbilal, lnllJ on1cai11ly: ulmirum
A.-D't..; hederae, Verg.; lilTae, Hor.; coelum Tbemiatoclea e1t auct.or aaiiibendua, Cle. ; oftf-11
a ironically, do1'bUua, fanooUt,; uni n.imlrum Uhi
!Nee nlgriua, OT.; eubllt., IU0'1lm ·i, n. o rect.e aemper erun.t rea, Hor.
1'lack ltpOt, OY. B. Ket.on. t!IGB"I black, blael:·
ert.f~; A~ Verg. ii Tranaf., 1, of or lldmlll, adv. loo •.a. owrM•cl, ainftwlJ:
Yalde, nepe, Cic. ~ roll. by genlt., tnaidiarum,
'Nl4tit19 Co : lgnea, Ile /'tl'MrO.l pUi, Hor.;
Cle.~ non nlmil, MC parffet&larlr, ftot wrr awA;
dlM,. ~ d4y qf dtat1', Prop. ; 2, &, "~' •ft·
J'l"OI'~; b, of cha~cter, black= 'Urichd, Cle. praeaidlum non nimi1 llnnum, Ole.
Dicram -antfa, p. adj. (from nlgro), Wack, mrmum. Y. Dimiua. ~
d.Grk~nd, Verg. Dfml• -a -um (nlmia), loo f'"IGl, too •Id,

Bigresoo .grill, s. n~), to becmM black,
f"7ll1 dark Ml. colour, f1"01" dGrk; teDebrta Di·
acealve. L Adj •• A. Lit.., 1. gen., a, or thinp.
celerltu, Cic.; b, or peraona, \HU7Apmltc, , . .
~unt omni& circum, Verg. tlWdenJlc; nlmlua in honortllua decernendil,, 1. (nlger), lo bt blacl; Luer.
Cle. ; with genlt., Imperil, Liv. ; 2, too powr-
fv.l, loo great.; Oegio) conaularlbua uimla, Tac.
aqror -6111, m. (niger), ~; mortls, B. Tranaf., wry ZMgt, &a'CISimr larpis: nimiutu
Lacr., to Gft a:traordinarr dlgJW; u.Jea la
llDdl and contr. nil. n. lndecl. "°'1iftg. dlc.:ndo nlmlUID quantum \"Aleut. Cic. U.
L Subat., A. ""41&ing ;nlhil agere, Cle.; with Subst., t:.a:a1, too"'~· nlmium dixiue, Cle.;
gen it..or aubat. or neut. adj., nihll rerum human- ninilum hoatlum, Liv. UL Adv., A. nimio, lit
uuru, Cic.; mhil mall, Cle.: nlhll eat cur, quamo- far, wrr •tieh. t:ze«di1tglf; eep. with compar••
brem, quod, CAnt. ii "° nwo1i t11Afl; nlhll l'lt cur
g..UU, etc. ; nlhil ad rem, il 1aa.t t& Co do
Albt, ne doll'll plUA nlm!o• Hor. B. nlmium.
too, too •tacit.; nlmlum d1u, too long, Cle.. ; non
10UA. tu buiiwu, Cle.; nthll non, ewrrtAing; nimlum. t&Ot partiadarl71, Cic.
nlhll mali non lneat, Cic. ; non nlhil, IO!Mtling Dinco (ablstio>. nlmd, 8. (nlx). to now;
Clo.; Dihil nL!t, tlOthing bat, Cle.; nlhll aliua
nlli, tlOCA.£719 tlie but, Cle. ; nlhil ••• quin, e.g.,
1. u1ually lmpera., ninglt, it "'°'°"
tran.r., ningunt. ftoribu1 roearum, Luer.
Verg.; I,
alhil qia quin ego audl&m, JIO'I' do AOIAing tAat
1 do tiol ACf' o/, OIO. B. Cl fiOU&("lJ; Dlbtl 8811e, llblgula ·la, t "'°'°•Luer.
to be good fer n.otA.i,.,~«;.i, allq1:1em nihil put.are, lftnu ·I, (NCJ10C). L m. l\tlf o/ .A_,,;..
Co tlil&k "°'1i11g of, Cle. u. AdJ. in ~-u>hraaes, ba0011d Q/ Sndrall&ia. IL t N(ftnlA, tAc
lllbil qmdqua.m, nthil unum.z Cle. UL A.dY., capital Q/ ..cnrnci.
"°' at GU, Ml. "°'""' ; de n lh ii ego t.e
aceuaYl, Ole. ; ' nlhll motl aunt, Liv.
JIQ'bi -a.. t and 1n1. . ...c. r. CN""">.
da'U{1htcr q/ Tatttalu, 1D\(I q/ ..Cwap.\fn. Beaoe,
allaD41lm, eoDJ. notAing cu rd, Ole. &dj., 1Ui1»iu • ·um. Q/ NWllt.
Nip 365 nob
Nlp'taAte. -ae, m. (NL~d'l"I)(, u.. llltl1D·M0111'• Cle. IL 1''1g., tltga11t, rcjf1u~1. pol!.!llfltr, mil·
flti 11), " 'IMtutlai• q/ tile 1'nunu "'"9' ill .Ar- livated; ultldum quoddn111 gc11u:1 verLornm et
atitfrt. lael111n, Cle.
N""U'91'9, acc. Nlrea, m. (N,pt"Uc), '°" of
Ckar11p11~, TU':rt Co Achilltf tht most bcautj/ul q/ all ta1Lia.
Nttlobrigea -um, m. a Ctltfc people in Aqui-
tAt Greek lierou al the mot of 1'ro'J/. • 1. nitor, ntsus or nlxu1 smn, S. dep. to rest,
N""uaae119, Niseis, Niseins, v. 1. Nlsus. /~an, 1111•p<>rt 011ntU' upon a11ythillg. I. Oen., A.
nlal. conj. (for nI-111). L if not; q110tl nli1I, stirpibus s11i11, Cic.; l11u1tili, Cic-.; Lnculn,
asct, certe postel\ non disccssissct, Cic. IL A. O\•.; 111 l1natam, Vt·rg. B. Tran~r., 1, to rtst "<'°"•
Alter ne~at1 Vt>S anJ qut>11tio11,c, actpt, unlu.s: hnc rlt~ upon; in te nltit.m· Ci\'itatis salus, Cle.;
eenUo, n1sl in bonl11, a111icitia111 non posse, Cle.; 2, to confltl~ in, put 0111'1 trust in., laui Upoll;
L&bienns jura\·it se, nisl vlctorem, in cnstra non .:onsillo alicuius, Cir.. IL A. Lit., 1, to trtad,
reversur11111, Cic. ; !lf'tcr nihil aliwl, quitl aliu1l1 mo1-c; slmul ac prlmum nit.I pm1su11t, Cic.; 2,
et.·., nisi = t1u11i, but: erat hlst.nia ulhil allua to git'C b£rtll. to, bril'!] fort11, Ov.; 3, to mu.U an
nial annalium confcctio, Cic. B. ulsl al, W'tpt (.lvrt, Cacs. ; 4, of Lirtl:i or wii1gc•I c1 ratures, ta
fl. ~pl iii cau that; nisi sl qui Rd me plura hei(lh.t; ft.11, \'tirg.; 6 1 to climb, a.sctnd, push up to1mnl.J Q
acripsit. Cic.; nisi QU•><l, rrapt thnl; prae1l1a 111e grnt11b11s, v.. 1-g. B. 'l'ra11sf., to strain,
nlde rlelect.111t, nisl quo<.! lllum aere alieno stri1'8, eurt 011uelf, tJulro1•our; tantum, 1111n11t11111
obruenmt, ~ic. pofr11t, qul"quo nltatur, Cle.; prn hbcrtate,
t'.<all.; ad i1111uortalitatc111 i;loria .. , Cic. ; with
Nlalbla, nee. -In, f. (:-itc1l/J•~), capital qf the acc. 1111d l11fh1., nita111ur li;it11r 11ihil posso pC'r·
pro11i1«:11 of .A!ygdo11 ia '" JIC$0J>Otamia. cipl, Cic.; with ut or no and the subj., Nep.,
1. N""l.9119 -1, m. I. l.ifJ.!7 fa Jlf!]tim, /nthtr of !:la II.
Sey~~ chan~d intoa1pa1-r1Jw-hawk. Hence, adj., 2. nltor ·~Ma, m. (nlteo), brU1£an(e, bright·
4. l'll:aa&e1l8 -1\ ·nm, Ct/ Ni.su1: canca (of Scylla, 1!.UI, lplrn1lour. L Lit., dlumus, da'!f/iyht,
the t1:i11ghter of Phorcus, C1)11f\1~d with Scylla, Ov.; argent! et auri, Ov.: tlei1r111~. chorni,
daughter or Nisus). Ov. B. N""ll!llu ·Aili!1, f. beauty, Cic.; urlt me Ulycerao uitor, llor. II.
= Jfrgarian, Ov. C. N""uaila -ldfs, t. Scylla, Fi~ .• l'J'le11dvur, tkga11ce Q/ lt'/lll: oratio111~. Cic.;
daugllttr of Ni1111. D. N""ISilua ·• ·Ull!: o/ or nitor ct desc1 ipUonum, 'l"a.c.
relating to Ni$US; virgo, Scvlla, Ov. .1.I. Ule nltrum ·I, n. (vlTpov), ftatroa, natural •O!la,
frit1t1.I of Euryuh1s (il'l Yc1·gi1'1 An&eid). used for wasl1ing, ap. Cic.
2. nia1111 (nixua) -ns, m. (1. nitor). L a nlvalla -e (nix), o/or re/atiflg to :tM10, 111.ov•y.
lttp, trffld; 11tat gravla Enldlu11 11lsuq1111 llll· I . .A. Lit., dies, Liv. B. l'lleton., 1110111-wliite:
iuotus c0tle111, in the samt 11(R!, \' t'I);. IL 1 1 eq ui caudoro ui l'ali, Verg. IL coi<tml with 111ow;
aiuuccnt; nlstt!I per aaxa, &11.; 2, Jli9ht, Verg.; 01hryi1, Verg.
8 1 Ula course qf tlw lllarJ, Cle. ; 4, tlwl pairu of
labour, a gi11i11.g birth., Cle. JdvatU -& •Um (ni.x), cooled with. 11&C111, (ctd,
8. nisua -a ·um, Y. 1. nltor.
1. niviS = nl (q. v.).
nitidula -ae, t. a jltld-nt01Ut, allr~ 2. niv4' = neve (q.v.).
nitella = nlte<lnla (q. v. ). JUVeU8 -A •Ulll (ulx), of or rt1ttt£1Pfl to lnl>ll',
11101t-y. I. Lit., n~i;:er, \'erg.; 111u11s, cvrertd u•it4
1. mtens -c11t1~. ~· a<l!. (from nluo). I. 1, 111.010, Cnt, II, ltll·ton., "'hilt a.t 'nO'U', 111oil.iy;
ll'rtfl'l<J, bri!Tltl, glilttnny; 1Rl"rlrnil9 ocnlos s111f1111.'\ lacertl, Ycrg.; Inc, Yerg.
nitente.• Vt>rg. ; 2 or animal11, tam u11, tltek,
Verg.; 8, or men, ~ri9ht, beaut(f11l, Cat. : 4l of JllVOSUS •8 •Ulll (nix), abounding fo 11tOID,
plants, bi"oming: 11ite11tiaculta, \"erg. II. 1'' g., 1nou11; granclo, Liv.; hlema, Lh·.
brUlilu1t; oratio, Cic. ntx., nlvis, r. (•"'°"• acc. v:<1>11). I. Lit., 1M10,
Cic. .1.L =grey liair; nives c.1pitlg, Hor.
t. nitena -entis, partle. of nltor.
Jdtio ·Qi i. (nix). lo 1hhu, gliUtr, be br1!7ht. Nixl dii, thru i111tt9u of gods fa a k11e,.li11(1
L A. Lit.., \nna, Luer.; qnl nitent un· pnsilion in the Capitol at Rome, (nro/.;c<I cu th•
g111·11tis, fnlgent purpur•\, Cle. B. Fig., lo be dtitiu of child-birth.
l•rillianl; illorum vldt•s quRm nitent omtlo, Cle. nlxor, 1. dep. (In tens. of nltor)1 to lean UJ>01'.
IL Transf., 1, of men 1111d anln111ls, to be 1luk, rut 111ion, to llrit't, strain, Luer., ¥erg.
appear in. good. CC11diti-On, look br•gl4 or bMul\ful, 1. nlxua = 2. nlsus (q. v.).
Hor.; 2, of things, to abcnrnd, to ftouri.ah; 2. nlxua, r. 1. 11itor.
Yeetl:;:al in pace, Cio.
mtelaco, 8. (i1it{'O), lo btgfo to 1hint, to be uanws, no, 111ivl, nllre (1,/w), to l'lrlm. L Lit., hcstlae
Cle.; prov., 1111rc 8iue cortil'e, to be able
1'ri!Jltl. L j11n11t1111 nn<latos humeros oleo {tf'r· to do v:ithout a gu11rdi.1111, llor. II. 'J'1a11sf., to
fllM uitesl'it, \"cri;. IL or animal.~, to be lluk,
(a f,1nocl ronditw11, Plin. 1rctl, ff""''• ff.ow, fly, \'erg-., Cat.
mtldi, adv. (nitidus), brWiantl71, 1plendidl11; Gen., nobllla -e (nosco), notictable, well·l.."no1n1.. L
cenare, Plant. lnimicltine noblles il1ter eos erant, Liv.
IL A. cclebmted, reno1ontd, well-krwwn; ex
nltldluaoule, l\dl", (nltidinscnlnR), IOll!t· doctrina, Cic.; ut arcmdls aceleribus exc>111plum
trAill qnudidly, v:ith n1odtrate lrrillilince, Pl.l\ut. no bile esset, LI v. ; In a bad sense, if\/<rnu;ms,
nltfcllusoiilua -a -nm (cll111. or compar. notorio111; nobllis clnde Romrrn1l Caudina pax,
nit i•lior), toff&IU•hut lpltttdW, aomewliat brilliant, Liv. B. of 11oblt birth, noble, bdongi'll{J to o
Plaut. fumily some n1embn-1 qf wl&ich had Mid cuMtZ.
nltfda• '6 -nm (nlteo), bright, brilliant, mar1i~trudu (oPf.· novua or lgnohilis), Cic.;
lltinfag, glUttrin.g. L A. Lit., ebur, Ov. B. 11obili geuere nnt, Cle.; homo, Cle. C. ez<:tllt""1
Tr.uuit'., a, of animals, 1/eck, fat, in good. co11· ftobll; tre,. uobilisshnl tuudl, Cic.
dilW.; vacca, Ov.; b, or men, (..)sleek, hroJtJiy. nobWtas ·Atis, t. (nol>ilis). L fa1ru, celd>-
~"9; me pingucm et nlti<.lurn bene cu rat A cute rft11, Cle. IL noble birth, •obility ; i;enere et
t1sea, Hor. ; robur, Liv.; (JJ) hrc1"Uo11U, lt)>ru~, nobllitat.e au! 111u11lclpll facile primnR, C..:ic. ;
trint, tlega.7'l: quoit pexll capl!lo nitid111 vs•lelis meton ., tlwl 111Utocrall, Uie nobility; omni!! 11011tra
Cle.; ex niticlo tit ruatiCUR, Hor. ; o, of tlelds ana nobllitail luterilt, Cae.s. III. ucelltn«, VXITll&,
plant.a, )fo1trW1£ng, blovmi11u, lu.:ruriam; cam1•I, 1t1periority; elg11a summA uobilitu.t.t', Cic.
nob 366 nom
nobmtlr, adv. (11obills), uullentl11, admir- imper. ; noll putare, don't ima¢ne, Cic. ; veUe,
abl'lf, noblr, Plin. Liv. ; 1101lein, J cvulll wiah 11ol; CartluiginNn
noblllto, I. (nohllis), to makt hown. L f't Num:mti:un funditus austulerunt; 11011..rn
Oen., re111, Liv. IL to mab/amoiu, ttn.owMtl; Curinthnm, Cic. IL to wish tvil, t-0 be to\{awu-
a, tu a Kood !tense, poel.&e post mortf'm nubilit- ul•I' to; alicui, Cic.
ari voluat, Cic.; b, in a bad 11ense, to t1iake ift. Nom.U -t\111!1, c. (roµci~). pa.~uri119; b1mce,
(ain.cu8, nolorioua; PhalAriM, euiu1 t:st 1m1eLcr 1, plur., No111adea, t1011uui~, mtlinits
cewros crudelitas, Cic.
"'""° IMJ a
miyru.tory, pa.~toral li,/r, l'liu. ; 2, tlu! ."l'um.Willru,
n6oena -entis, p. adj. (from 11oceo). L Gen., \'t-r~
1&11r(/u/ 1 inj11riv1u,11o:riou1; canlc.~ Cic. IL 1<:11p., nomen -lnis, n. (from root GNO, whence
c11lpnl>le, ITimi11nl, guilty, ulick;J; Lomo, Cic.;, a 1W1ltt. L A. Lit., gen., 1, 11on1en est
surn.t. n()(;ens, a guilty person, Cle. quod unieuiquc pt:ntonae da-~ur, quo suo qnae<pte
n6ooo -01 -!tum, 2. tt> hurt, injurt, harm; t•ono:re proprio f't eerto vocalmlo a1•pellatur, Cic. ; lift·
wlt.h dat., Riter!, Cic.; with dat. and neut. acc., nova rebus nuulina, Cic. ; appellare
nihil Ii~. Caes.; with nee. and inftn., nocet esse 11liquem nomiue, Cic.; cantu11 cui 1mme11 neniae,
deum, Ov.; pass. impers., ne quid eis noceatur, Cic.; 110111e11 due, Cic., edere, pronteri, Li\'., ta
Cle. give in om:'a name as a anltlin-, enlist, Liv., 9,
esp., the 9en.til' na.m.c of a Roina1', 8!1 e.g., ())r.
nffi"118 ·• -nm (noceo), 1&urlfv,l, iajvriou.s, 11eliu11 in l'. Cornolius Scipio, though so111eti111e1
Pl&aedr. used for the pnwnomen (Puulius) or tLo cog-
n~r ·f1rl. m. (nox &nd fllrc), tlw "ight- nomen (Scipio), Cic.; S, met.on., a, no111ina
h-i.,-, I.e., the Eve!\ing Star, Cat. =
tanta (liko our great 11amu grtal 111t11). OT.;
nootlliica -ae, r. (nox and luceo, IOflUtl("fl b, nomen Roman um, tM Roman 1.0111n. B. Fijt.,
t1&Gt lt\(na by tti.g-"'), tfM !ft~, Hor. 1, t1am.e, /nflW, glory; nomen habure, Cic. ; 2, a,
Jl(1111e, cauu; nomine meo, tuo, in my 71.Rnu, ()Jl •r
aoodvlgu.a -& -um (nox and ngus), 1D111MUf'· bMN.!,
'"rl by night; currus (of the moon), Verg.
Cle.; Domine lucri, for the take o/, Cic.; uno
nomine, at on«; accnsati sunt uno nonaine con-
nootia (another f'orm of nocte), a, abl. 11 hac sularea, Cic. ; b grouttd, pTYhzi ; uom61l in-
noetu, Plaut.; b, adv. by 111QM, tn the ftigAt ductum refigiorl11, Cic.; S, tM xatM (aa
(opp. interdiu, by day), etc. oppoaed to the thing); legiuuum, tht atre na~.
nooti\a -ae, r. (•noctnus from nox), the O'Wl, Cic. IL Tran1f., polit. t. t., 1, nomen alicuiu.1
Verg. deferre, to gitoe in/orm1Jtion. against, aCC'll~ ;
noctiiabundu ·•-um(' noetuor from nox), C'Wlly, Cie.; nomen recipere, to reaiw an il\f<>na-
tmvelli11g by "iglal; tabellarlu11, Cie. ation, Cic.; 2, a Mcurit11 /or a debt; l"ertia
noot4in.u ·a -um (noctua), qf or nlating lo exRolvere, nominibus, on g()od B«Urit11, Cio; numina !JOI \·e~.
t1u 0101, Plaut. expetlire, to paJI a, Cle.; nomina
exlgcre, to colltt:t 011o1'1 debt.I, Cic. ; nomwn
nooturnu ·a -nm (noetu), by 11ight, 11ightly, sua racere, to ut dm1m a debt in ft\t acco"nt·book, to
11octunaal; la bores diurno11 noctumosque ausclp- lend tlWll'f, Cle. ; meton., '"Ii' cUbtor; bonwu
ere, Cic. ; f'ur, Cic. ; lupus, previn.g by 11igl&t, nomen, a good JX11"' Cic.
Terg.; Bacchus, '111Qf"Jh.fpped at ""-"'· Verg.; nomenoli.tlo ·<'inla, r. (• 11omenclo, from
aubst., XootUl'Dua -1, rn. &M god of f14gl&t,
Plaut. =
nomen and calo voco), 11 oaUitlg t>., - .
t1ami1'g, Qu. Cic.
nhiiu -a -um(noceo), hur(IW,'"i""'°"'·Ov. nomenoli.tor -ilrls, m. (• nomenclo), a . : -
DOdo, I. (nod u11). to 1m.o!1.tit i" •bot. L Lit., who t-nld hu tll.a4ter tilt ft.amt• of hw clU1't.e at U•
orlnes in aurum, Verg. u. Tran1r., fo /ttkr; rtcq>t;u, or of tAc JJWI01'1 whom "M fMl '" IM
collum laqueo nodatua amator, Ov. 1h'td.s, Cic.
DOd0.118 -a -um (11od1u1), full of knoll, bony. Momentum ·I, n. a f()VJ7' ftw.r'- •"-
I. Lit., lina, "'"· Ov. IL Fig , knott11, full of 11orth-tast of Rome. Henoe, adj., Nomcmc-
d\llculti111, Sen.; tninsr., Cieut&, a "'1tr1r, cun- anue ·a ·nm, o/ or bfl°"Vi"rl to No!lle1lht11\.
ni"rl ift ~ring debtors, Hor.
nOdua .1, m. a kiwi. L A. Lit., Cic. B. prts.•i11, nomlni.UJD. adv. (nomino), by - . •
partku/ar/y; centurio11e11 nominatim.
Keton., a, a g'rcth, Verg.; anni, Ule lqU(Uor, Kppellare, Caee. ; de aliquo nomluatim deottnen
Luer.; b, IM lmot iftlo which the Aaw ~ somt· ut, etc., Cie.
Sill\U eolluc.d, Ov. C. Fig., 1, a tie, bmd,
roftll&rion; amleltiae, Cic.; 2, a, a lmnd, obli11a· nomlni.tlo ·<'inls, r. (nomino), Cl MlW&i"f,
ti<m, /clln'; exaolvere animOll nod is !'E'lil(ionum, nomination to a priuthood or other pt&blk olct-,
l..ucr. ; b, a d\8!ftlty,, perpl.aity; Cic.
dum hie nodu11 expediatur, Cie. IL 'J'ransr., 1, a nOmlnatua ·a -um, p. adj. (&om nomino),
kt\Ot or hob cm 6u Joinl qf an animal; crura wtU-known, "'1"'1, celebrated, Cic.
aine Dodls articull.aque babere, Oaee.; 2, a k11ot
"' tM wood o/ plGMI, Verg., Liv.; S, a "4T in roll by name, ua.
nomlnltoL 1. (In tens. or nomiuo>. eo "°""'
tM ~ PV<:.a, Cic. poet. nomlno, 1. (nomen). L to"°""• fl(W4 ftG9ll
Nila -ae, r. a io- in Campattia, now Nut.a. to; amore quo ami('lUa est nominata, Cic. IL to
Bence, r.dJ., NolAau -a -um, btllon¢1t9 to mention, ~ about; ad flumeu Se.bim quod
Nol4; subet., NolAn.l -orom, m. the (1\habitanll supra 11ominavimu11, Cic.; Sulla quem bonori.I
o/ Nola; subst., In Nolano, in the territory o/ ca1Uli nomlnu, whom J fUfttio'lt to d.v Ma~.
Nola, Cie. Cic. llL A. to make /4IMIVI, t1ta.b ~;
Qraedicari de ae et nominari voluot omnes, Ole.
ailo, noldl, nolle (ne and volo). L to be B. Polit.. t. t., a, to 7WlM, appoild,
1'nwilli"fl, not to wh.; with aco., qnae etiarn- a priutlwod. or othtr ~; me angurem oomin&·
11.0W,_,. lo
sl nolnnt, Clo.; with aoc. and infln., nolo enim,
eundem populum imperatorem e&l'ie et por- alWn
tit.orem terrarum, Cie.; pluribus prat"t;entibus
verunt, Cic.; b, to accuMj11df.cia.lly, gil'fl
ogain1t ,· aliquem apud dict&t.orwn, Uv.
eas res jactari nolebat, eae..; with inftn., NMnlua (~ ·Ii, 1n. (N6,&tM), iM Jl(lltwtr,
&lienare nolul, Oie.; with subj., DOlo accusator II fll.llll~ o/ .Apollo (,/r"ofn hu ila\'i"9 jtd tM J«Jt$ f/
tn judlclum potenti&m atrerat, Cle.; the imper., .Admdua).
nol1, nollte, nolito, ls f'requent.17 used with the n6mtema (Dt\mt•ma)-mWs, n. (~p.a),
1ntln. ar &Dotber verb to f'orm .. perlphrutlc a oof"', a pWoe u/ tM!tty, Hor.
non 867 not
DOD,_ ldY. (from old Latin noenum = ne UD· nO.. plur. or ego (I). v.).
um). L ?Wt. A. non est im, j11dice11, non e1t
profect.o Cic.. ; before neg11.tivcs, non forma "
Nortla -ae, 0
r. (for Nevortln, from ne and
Torto, Gk. ATpotrof, the Unchau!ft!llhft), mt Etru-
weak afflr111ativ"• e.g., 11011 nihil, non nemo, non oan goddui of fau, V1CJrshi1'f'W at Vol•itiU.
nullu!! Cic.: after n!"gatlve!I the al'/lmultlve thu1 noeolto, 1. (lnf.tonit. or noseo), to get to hwm.
fonned Is emph11tk, nihll non lld ratlonem dlrl· L Lit., A. Gen., to alisrrt't, percth't, Liv. B.
gt:bat, Cic.; wi~h attlr111ative a•U.,ctives the F.M(l., to in1¥st0.. 111, eri•fort'.; ae•lt'!I, VE"!!tlgia,
Df'!lJlt.ive forme<I by noni1 empl11,, I'll tt.0 mta1U; Pinnt. II. Trau!f., to rteognist agaan; aliquem
~Lhc~us ho111n no11 prnho.ti111i11111a, Cle.; homo
fncie, Liv.
non apti111il11ua m.1 j11~11tl11111, Clo.; nou qu0<I,
non q 110, 1wt that, ""' as iJ; non quod aola noaoo, 11l11'I, t10tum, 8. (root NO, archlliC
ornent, 11etl •1uod .. xcellant, Cic.; non nh1i, oi.l11; GNO, whence ftTIOllCO; Gr. rNO ·0, 111·hr11ce
non 1110011111 (1wlu111). nol onlJI, Cic.; non !ta, .,..,..wcr,....). L Lit., to Nco'IM acqtmi lf.le.l u•ith,
non t..,rn, w•t ve.-y, not partk"Vlarl11; slmulacra gt btowltdge of; a11d h~nce, In the pt'rft"Ct
penmpla, sed non ita antiqun, Cle. B. 1, non t.en!lea, to be acq11ainttd urUh, to kl\010; (a) pre-
m q11e,.tit11111 = non1111? non idem fecit f Cle.; 2, aent. ten&P&, atudeo cursos iatos mutatio1mm
poet. = ne, non µetlto, OY. IL URe.l In an- noscere Cic.; (13) perfect ten st a, quam 1vlrtukm)
awers, "°; aut diam aut non re&llOUdere., Cle. tu ne de fal'ie qui<lem nostl, Cic.; al Cae11&re111
bene novl, Cic. IL A. w reeagnill ; lld re•
Nin&crle ·h•, 1. (N..OvairpH), a tnot"alain (A IU&S DOIJC6111IU recii•ltm•laaque, Liv. B. or a
ANXlllia. Hence, adj., 1, Nonaotja'!:l• ·• -~n, judge, to inwatigau a oo.; quae olim I\ prnet.or·
Arar.clwn; vlrgo, CaJIW11, Ov.; 2, Nonaonu.a ·a lhu1 001ceb&litur, Tac. C. to allow, at.lmit, ao-
-um, .ATCadian; hel"Oti, Em1r.c.ler, Ov.; aubllt., knowltdge a reutm or Ut.'lU•; tllam Jll\rteru ex·
Xemaorla -ae, r. = .Atalanta, Ov. cusatloul.a nee noaco, nee prooo, Cic. (cootracWd
ainae ·irurn, f. (nonus), tltl t101w, Ur.e jl,fth )ierfeet te1111ea, nt>3ti, noaUa, noram, nonu, noase).
day fo alt tlu month1 (excupt March, M"'J•
July, wht>n it Wa.R Ure 11eventh), IO callt jro1A
and n08ter -tra ·trom (1101). m&r °"'"'· L Oen.,
a, subject., provincl& n01tf1l, C.:e11.; b 1• oldeet.
bdAg tM n!ntlt day bt.jore the !du. ( • '°1Dlln1' tl•) amor nnat.-r, Cle. IL up., A.
noni.gin&rlu• ·• -um (nouagenl), tonfa(•
i114 11iiut1, Plin.
wr, 01&r adlwrnt or /rie1ui, 01l °"" ~ Otte qf
"': a, Furnl 111 noater, our /rlnl.d Ft1rniu, Cic. ;
aoni.ginl ·ae • (nonnginta), nittd)' each, 11ot1trl, Otl.T peopl11, Cic.. ; b, noater in jest= ego,
Plin. Pl11ut. B. /aVOt1rabt. to""; no1tra loca, Lh'.;
aonagielmu.a ·a -um (nonaglnta), Ur.e •ine· noster Mara, Verg.
lfah., Cic. noetr- ·llis (nr,.;;tl'T), o/01lll'COV1"T1/, flatiw;
aOni.glia, adv.(nonagintl), n(netr "ma, Cle. nririllce caµior Cacetiia, 111axime noatraUhus,
Cle. ; phllo1iophl, Cle.
aoDAgtata. numer. ni1utr, Cle. D~ta -ae, f. (no1co). a mark tol'm, f\Otl~ lign.
nemanua .. -um (noua, 8<'. le;:io), belo11fri110 L Gl'n., 1, lit., aigna et notae loco rum, Cic.; 2,
14 tA. ftinlhlegi<I"; 111ilt>11, Tac.; or 111bet., fig., 1luti11g1ii11liin11 mark, sign; 11otae argunumt·
Dini.Dua -1, m. alOlil~r of tit• nillth le(liml, T11c. orum. Cic. IL A. ma.rka in u:rifin11; 1, ltUera
aondum. adv. ~ vu, Cle. o/ tlit olpltal>U, number•; notae litterarum, Cic. ;
aongeutl -ae -a, nim hu11drtd, Cle. puet., met.on., not&t', a 111Titi11g, ltlter, Hor., Ov.; lil.trariorum, marks a/ pu11ct11atlo11, Cic.
aonni. lnt.errog. adv., a:1k11 a q11e11Uon to .11. marks OIL an ob1ect; l, fOOrh on th.t botlJI, Hor.;
which au amrmfltive an11wer Is expt·ct.-d; 1, In 2, a br11mud mark, brarid; bnrbarus com1•unct111
uirect questions, uonne a11i111a•I vertis r da yotl 11otis Thraeclis, tattootd, Ci<'.; Iii;., disgr<'rt, !hamt,
1loC percdi•e T Cic.; :a,
lu hu.lirect <:1.nestio1111, iglw1nilty; <l,llue nota do111csticae t11rpltui1ini11
quaero nonne id elfeccmt, Cic. 1100 inusta vitae tuue est? Cle. ; 3, a mark 01t a
nonnimo, Donnlhll, v. uemo, nlhll. oaak nf 111i1111 or honey (to mark tl1e quality); a,
aonnullua (non aullwt) .a -um, ,...,11'l, interior notll F~leml, a lHtkr 1..-tnd, Hor.; b,
«ttTa.l; nounulla In re, tn 8011Ul rt6'ptcl1, Cic. ; t1-a.11sr., 10rt, rrual ity; aliq11e111 de rneliore notA
non11Ulll\ para milltnnt, CP.t':<. : non nullne co· commendare, Cic.; 4, a mark in a book (to ex·
horu-_,., Caes.; subst., nonnuW, 101nc, Cic. ptPllS apprO\'lll or tlii1npproval), Cle.; 6, 1114
nonnumquam (DOD Dumquam), adv. ojfici11l au..rnn of the st1111tr; motise 11e11atu 1111!.'\.'I
IOmtlimu, Cic. aiwribere, Liv ; 6, a disti11qui.•lii110 11ame, mark
nf honour; Ille N111111111ti11a traxit ab urbe 11otu111,
DODDWlquam, adv. in some placu, in aeWTOl Ov.
pl.att1, Pli u. notiibWl!I ·e (not<>), 11otnble, remarkable,
nonua .a -um (::. novenus, from novem), th• stril.inq noteworthy; exitue, Cic., Cic.; 11uhst., DODa -ae, (. the ninth h.o11r noti.blllt«Sr. nrlv. (notabilis), 'Mtubl~1. r/Jo
(ahout th1ee o'clock p.m.), when the chit:f meal
(cena) was taken at Rome, Hor. 1T111rkabl11, utraonlinarily, Tac.
ninuadoolmu•, nonadeclma, nonumdeo- notarlua -Ii, 111. (uota), a rapid turiier, 1Mrt-
imum, tM 1', Tac. ha11d writer, Quint.
n~tiitlo -Onia, f. (noto), a marNng. L Lit.,
NOra. -Orum, n. L a town in Sardillm; t.ahellarurn, a marking of the v111i119-tid.~ts with.
hence, Noren.sea ·Yum, the "1habitaru1 of Nora. dijfcrent colaurtd waz, Cle. IL l, the gfi•mrn o/
n. a fort iii C«J'l"'doda. tlv censor; censorin, Cle.; 2, a clioiu: j11Jicu111,
Norba -ae, !. a town. in l.atiwn, now AlNl•'· Cic.; 3, l/1t1 11t11m.olo1111 of a word, Cic.; 4, ob·
la1-a. Hence, 1ulj., Norbi.nwt -a ·nm, of ur rerving, not!ng, taking notice of; uaturac~, Cic.
bdol&ging to N orba. DOti.tUS ·I •UID, p. a1U. (from noto), J.:11own,
N6riJa -ae, f. a tel.on in Noricum, now Neu- mark.:d; homo omulum ace!erum liuldlnuu11111.,
111arkt. notla 11otatis1tlmus, Cic.
Nirlou.m -f, n. Noric.m, a country 101Jth of noteBOO, nOtdl, l'f. (1. notus), to beco~
IM.Dn1uibt. Hence,adJ., Norloua -a -um, Nr>rlc. known, cat.
norma ·aa, f. (noacu), ~a mriie11ur'• BIJ'Uflf"f nothu• .. •Um (.....;90f). I. Lit., 1, of m'ln,
hr 1MUU.n11g r(ght a"fllta, rlln.; 2, a nilt, pre· ill~gifimat'-, bastnrd, Vel'~. ; 2, of nnlruals, qf
OIJ', 'lllOdel, potterft.; dlrilere vi tam ad mi.ud brud, hyl1ritl, 11w11grel, Verg. II. 'l'mnaf.,
ntiolll1 normam, Cle. tlOt gtn11ine. rpt1riou1. Luer., Cat.
not 368 nox
b.OtfO ·•'lli!l 1 f. (no9('0) 1 a mul i11g OlltU/J Ill" fnrtig1L countriu (opp. lndlgetes, nnt;rr dit'itil·
'/l111i1•tc.t 11.'ilh crnything. L 1, ht., PLtut.; 2, titt), Lh'.
tran11f., "" idea, nolio" of a11J1thi ng, ima~. m&ll· DOYCDUS ·&-um (novem), nint racA, nint, Uv.
tal co1U"qition: doorum, Cle.; rer11m, Cic. IL
A. an i11V<!stigotion; pontittcum, Cic. B. tlie Verg.; 11CSveroa -ae, r. a eup-mothtr, Cic.; ueva,
i111·utiirati.on of tM a11svr; l, j11.ticium et 11otio
prov., apud novercam queri, i.e., ,,. roh•,
rensona, Cic. ; :I, tM bla11W!, aniniadwr1ion of l'laut.
lM ot1U0T; ootionea anhua<lveraio1188que ceoa· nherci.Ua -e (noverca), of or ,-eJat(ng to a
oru1.n, Cic. IUJMnot/Nr, JU V., Tac.
notltla -ae, r. (1. notua), a being known. L M6Yealum .If, n. fort. of • Ultii °" tM
i:us., l,_ bi propter n~tit!Rm 1unt intromlui, Rlt.iu, now Nt:11M.
Nep.; ::.s, fa11u, cekbri.lJI, Tac. IL Act., 1, n6Yiol1111 -a •Um (novus), ft.tit', fra'lt., Pl~ut. :
kr.owing, bteomi.1ig aa,ua~nted with: 11otitia nova up. of perscru who Aavc not long b«n tulai'tld;
111ullerit1, Cic.; 2, a, knowkdge: corpori1 1ui, auhltt., novicii; Byrum nesclu quem de grege
Cle. : b, a" UWi, notio1l, co1iaptw1l; de!, Cic. noviciorum l'&ctumeue cuusulem, Cie.
nOtltlea ·61, f. = notitia (q.v.). n6vlia, adv. numer. (noveru),niu Ci111U,Vllfl.
nlto, 1. (nota). L lo mark. A. Lit., lt NCSYICSdiinum ·I, n., 1, ci Cott.,,of tile Sva-
tabellam oerl, Oic.; 2, a, to mark out: nota JioM1, DOW Soiuon.s; 9, a town of tlu 11Ltttri9a
et deslgnat ocnll1 Ad caedem unumq:.iemque
nostrum, Cic.: b, polit. t. t., of the ce1111or,
C\bi, now No11a'll.
nivltaa ·itis, r. (noYUI), ftt1DMtS. I. Lit.
to plau a mark agahut a Roman citiz.m'a A. annl, tM lpring, Ov. ; plur., novlt..u11 =
ruuw.: in tlt.e burgu1-liM, to cenl'Ure publicly, 11cqw1'nlancu, Cle. B. t/&.t amJuio1' of a ho111<>
blame, rtprimand; quo11 cen1ore1 furtl et c11p· novu1 (\'. 11ovu11). MwMU of nobilitv, Cle. IL
t&rum p~uniahlm nomlne notaveruut, Cic.
B. Transf., 1, to "'4rk, dmoU; re,; nomlnlbu11, tiMvut11, 1nu1111ul1u.u, 1trongrnta; terror qu11m
bi rei uovl t.a& nttulerit, Cic.
Cie. ; allquid verbia 1Atini11 1 to e:rpreu, Clo. ; 2,
lo 1114rk out, wiake not&Cllab~; aliquem decore, nlvo. 1. (novua). L to mah fll'ID, f'nlft'. A.
Cle. ; S, to blarnt, «MUTI; verbl1 allquem, Cie. tranatra, Verg.; 1n11mbra, to ntiw, Ov. i agtr
IL to~ by ,41,.,. A. 1, lit., to MniU; lit· novatua, a.ji.thl nplougMd, Cie. !L Tranllf., a._ 14
teram, OY. ; 2, a, to ,mnt wt &Aortly; caput, rettit•t, r<fruh: (anhnuv} riau novatur, Cic.; o,
Cic. : b Co ob#T'W: cantua llYhun, Cle. B. to changt, alur; aliquld in legibu!!I, Cic. ; D<n'&re
i'tir., ·to l-.-pra1; dicta. memori peetore, Ov. - res, to alur t~ ron.9titulio" o/ a lltMe, aa.U •
revolution, Liv. IL to in-' IO!Mth.tng M1l7;
n6tae 2. notus (q.v.). verba, invw.t nel(1 trord.I, Cic.
1. notaa ·&-um, p. adj. (l'rorn no1co), ~ Do"1UI -a -um (...C••t}, •ut>er!., n0Yis1lmua,
L 1, lit, res not.a, Cic. ; notl atque lnslgnes "'10, ,/rUA, VoU'll.17 (npp. ve•u11). L Lit., A.
latrones, Cic. ; aliquid notum habere, to how, Gen., miles, 11 rtel"'lllt, Liv. ; novM l"f!fl, 'IM>Wll!a,
Cic.; 1ubst., noti, frUnd.s, acquaintance.1:: 2, Cle.; and Np., pol\ti.oal tM1!91t, r«il'O<..tiou;
trans(., a, :c: jHntdly; noti1 compellat VOC· rebua novl1 etudere, Cio. ; lac, ftl.'10 cilk, \'erg.
luus, Verg.; b, eu.stcmar-1: ulmu1 not& quae Sub•t., n6Yu.m ·I, n. a nnt• 1'4&1l9, 1t0wity; num
l!t'des fuer11t rolumbis, Hor. ll. 1, distin· q11idnam uovi f Clo. B. Eep, a, novua homo
g1ti.8hed, ttltbrttlM; ecnptor, Hor.; 2,
niulier, Cle.
"°'°"°""'; or t.omo novue, tlt.e jirat Qf a fa rr.ily v:ho htl.t
a cur-~u oj/lct1 in ROflW, e.g., M. T. Clef'ro,
2. notua (-&I) ·I, m. (..c7To,), tu S'O'Utl• wind; Cle. ; b, none tabulae, nt11• aaio1111.l·book1 (that
1, lit., Vng.; 2, transf., tM wind, l'erg. ill, a total atinction of dtbt1), t.:k.; c, no\U
no'Vi.otua •&tl, r. (novo), ll lharp kni/• or tabemM, or novae, otrtafn mcmey-<h.u11crr~· s,'OJl'
razor ; cotem novacula praecidcre, Cle. in tM frm1m t1.•1licA bun btlnlt civwn A. i;.c.
norille ·ill, r. flnct DoYile ·I•, n. I, fallow 543, and T"tbuiU: sub Novl1t, t.:ic.; d, Nnv&
lmut, Verg. ; 2, a cndti.ooUd 1(.1.d; novalia cult&, via, a road '"' &nrie ltad£ng d.ovm to tM forvm,
Verg. Liv. IL Tra.n11f., 1, frtJJll., inu;pemnrt<i; e..1uu!I,
nodtrls -rci!.1 f. (nova~r). tM Otal rlftnlll; Cic. ; llOVU!i delicti•, i~c::«! '" criDU', 'l'ac. ;
2, fl4:'W, fWWl, ""~• c.rtroun.linary; genua
rerum, Ov.
di1·endi, Cle. ;s, =alter, a l«(m.d; Camillu1, a
nCSvi, adv. (novu11). L MWlr, in a MW a"4 aeml\.ll Camil/11..1, Liv.; novus Hannibal, Cic.; 4.,
v11u..1'llal man~, Plaut. IL novbsime; a, uf succession, the Auperl., 110viaafmua ·& -um
lavl11, ntt11tlv, s~n. ; b, Zrutlr, in tM /cw pla.ct, =(Cl) tlt.t latut, la.It; agmeu, IM Y"fflr, Caes. ; (,})
81111. the ertttmut. UWT"ut; exempla, Tac.
nCSvell1111 ·l!l -um (dlm. or novuii), a, nev•, .;o,
no-. noctis, r. (.. nighl. L A. Ut., 1, gen.,
1101.111y; arl:or, Cic. ; b, oppld&, laUly corAJutred, nocte, or de nocte, by night, Cle. ; urn!tA nocte,
Liv. •le multa nocte. dup in the nighl, latt at ftigAt.
nCSvem. numer. 1".hw, Cle. ; decem novem, Cle.; noct.e tnP<lii, de nocte m~ia, a.l midnight.
nintlrtn, Caes. Cic. ; nocte.s et dies urgeri, 1t 1ght ant! day, Cie.:
Nl>vember -brls, m. (n:>vem and sutnx -ber), se conjicere in noctem, to llasUr1. away \1'11.drr
rtlatinq to lht r.urrl>llT niu; &, niensis Novem· 11htlttr of 11ig1'.t, Cle.; f'lllll uoctem ~-rv1in1are.,
ber, the nintA mmitl. q/111.e Roman ymr, Not-- Cic.; 9, pc1n;onlf., Nox. :ht godda8 Night, si.IUT
lier, Ctc. ; b, bd&11gin17 ro the montA. of November: of Errbtu, Verg. B. TraWJf., 1, m~ton., iktp,
kalen<lae Novembres, Cle. Vrl')(. ; 2, a, tM darknu.s of a"'°"""• Ve~.; b,
nCSvemcleotm. uumcr. (noYem and decem) tile Uiu.•tT u'Orl<!J Verg.; c, ~h., \"e~.; d,
JLhvfrcn, Liv. blindnt.u, Ov . .iL Fig., 1 1 ooaeuri!y: mei versus
novondl&lla -e (novf'm and dies), 1, lhal nliqnantum noctis habebunt, Ov.; 2. ~
which hap]lffll on the ninth d.111; coen:i, a funtnJ.l clarlmtsJ, pt'ril; haec relpubllcs.c nox, Cle.
ba11q1ut held on the ninth day 11.fter dmth, Tac. ; nos.a -Ae, f. (noceo). I. 114rm~~jvry, da~:
:rn1lnre~ = 11r.w, fTl'sh, Hor. ; 2, that whir>. lasts 11i11e ullius urhis noxa, Liv. A.\. Melon., 1, 11
r.ine da.~s; foriae, a. nine dayi /ut"it-al celtl>mted crime, fuult, offtnce; In non esse, Liv. : 2,
o'• t.M occ1Mi1m of aay JlO'TUnt (11ud.1 83 IL shower pu11is1lmnit; nod libers.rl, J.Jv.
ot ~tone~), Cic. noJdo. -a.e, r. (sc. can&&, trom noxlus), 11fli"'.U
Newenane. di! (no\'11?:: &nd sutftx -ensitls), o.ffmct, crinw; allcw no:.i&e eue1 Co be ACCX>¥11Ua.1
god~ u:.WM: 'ilNi sJ,•p hll.4 b.:..'11. Wrod~ /r()'tn aft.', Liv.
nox 369 num
aoslua .. -um (noxa). L t10rl0111, hurtful, unadonted, pla£": commentarll Caeaaris, Cle.;
f1&juriou; tt-la, Ov. IL criminal, culpabl4. 2, bare, mert, alime. only; noda tat.a, 11 ponas,
pilly; aliquem noxium jndic-are, Liv. Crc.; hoc nudum relin<t11itur, Cle. -ae, f. (dim. of n11l>t>11). L a little niigae ·lirum f. (n11uc•rm), trij(u, 'IW1t!t71M,
dowl, Plin. IL Fig., a tJ'01jbled, dark erpru· atu§, trumpery. i'. Lit., hunccine hnmincm tantis
iio"; frontis, Cic. ddectat11111 esse n•1g-is? Cic.; ap)'lied nlso to
niibea -is, f. {cf. nubo), a cloud. I. A. Ut., \·1m1e>J. ne!lCio quid mcclilans nugarum, Hor.
aer concretus in nu bes cogitur, Cit•. B. Transf., II. Tran sf., of pen1011s, a foolish, trifling fclloto;
1, 11 dtruil, e.;.:., or dnst, pulveris, Liv.; 2, a a111it'os ha bet meraa nui;as, Cic.
7rtt:.I nic '.'•ber, ma.fJ of anv objut.s ! locust- nugator -Oris, m. (nu;;or), a tri~r, /oolhll.
11r.11n, Liv.; \'olucrnm, Verg. II. Fig'., 1, a fei!?n•, a je1ttr, Cic.
ri'Jud, or dark upre.><rion on tM cauntnw1~u; nugatorJ119 -a -um (nngator), trifling, good
df>me supt>r.-ilio nubem, Hor.; 2, t·dl, co11ccal· /or Mlhing. frirolo!U, futile, nugatory; mal&
~: r1a11tiibua objled 11uLe111, Hor.; 3, a 1111gatoriaque accus.'llio, Cle.
cloiul, I.e., thrrounlng or im~n<ling mi<jortu'M: nugax -leis (uugor), trifling, frirolou.a, np.
belli, Verg.; 4, a sw.l, mfserable ro1tdition: rei- Cic.
publicae, Cic.; 5, a clotul (as emblero (If some- niigor, 1. dep. (nug:ie), 1, to trip, be fri110o
thing unsubstantial), a p,\anlom; nul>ea et Ttnl.8, talk non inscite, Cic. ; cum
lnania capt.are, Hor. aliquo, Hor.; 2, to trick, cajole, make garru of,
niiblfir -rnra ·f<!mm (nubes and fero), cloud- Plaut.
btaring, .-lou.d-brira.gfn!J, Ov. null118 -a •nm (ne and ullu11),
niib!gena -ae, c. (nubes and glgnn), boMl o/a body, 11.0 one. L A. Lit., 1, adj., nnllll unli re,
"°• MM, "'°"
dowd. produ«d from. a elated; esp., of the Cen· l:ic.: null•1 modo, 1111110 Jlllcto, bv 11.0 mtam,
t.1un, o/ /:riim and a cloud; Nubig .. nae Cic.; 1111110 certo ol"lline neque lmperlo, Cn~s.;
alone C<nla111•1, Verg. 2, auhet., a, nullua =nobody, no "n.o, C1c.;
nubllls -e (nubo), marriagtablt: fllia, Cle. b, nullum -1, n.= 1U>Uahi1. Hor, 11. Fii;.,
null us snm ; a, I am ruined, « i'.I all ot't1'
11.iibllu• -a -um (nu bes), ro1~rtd with clouds, 1, with. 7M; 1iUJlu1 repente frri, Liv.; b, of persor11
cloudy, OVtTraAo L A. Lit., pl 1 1r. sulist., aml thiugs, I am no longer in uuunce; de
niiblla -Orum, n. clouds, IIPr. :e. Transf., 1, m••rtuis loquor, qui nulli Krrnt, Cle.; nullus =
aet~, doud-bringing; Au!t~r, Q,·.; 2, dark;
rnortllU14, Ov.; ,.ellenr nulla, Ov.; 2, imig11ifi·
via nubila taxo, Ov. II. Fig., 1, of expre11siun, cunt, of no impona?&«, ti-ifting, poor; uullo1
d4rk, gloon&r; luto nuhiln vultu, Ov.; 2, un· juchce11 l1nbemus, Cic. ; nullum argumentwn
.{a:l;okrabU: uubila na><cenU non mihi Parca fuit, est, Cic.
Ov.; 3, dark, U'llhaP1•Y; temporn, 0\'., nupsi, n111•t11rn, S. (stem NUB, wht>nce which num, lnterrog. Jmrtlcle, asking a que11tlon to
a ne;.:ative answer is expected. A. Jn
nu bes), to cozier, tvi!; a11d especially, of a diro•ct questions, num eenscs etiam eosdem
bride, lo be marrit1l to, to marry any one; ''if"Jl:o f11isser (;ic.; M111pounded with ne, deum ll's11rn
nu1>1it. ei, cui Caecilia n11pta fuerat, (;ic.; nu pt&ru n11111ne virlisti! Cic.; num quid Yis? is thn-1
e:ese cum aliquo, Cic.; 11ubere in f:u11ilia1n, to a11yl/i in!T tbt which 1/0U U'llllf T (a C0111111on form
tll4rTJ Imo a Jamiiy, Cic.; aliquam nul't11111 In hu·e·taking), Hor. B. In Indirect que'I·
collocare, to 9'" in ma1Tiuge, l:aes.; vartic., tlu1H1, trhf/ her: q naero, nurn aliter ac unnc
auptua -a ·am, niarritd; !ilia, Cic.; Hubst., eveuiunt e\·eulrent ! Cic.
nupta -ae, r. a Vfi/t, Liv.
:Niioirla -ae, r. a eoum (" Ca111pa,nia, now Romr. -ae, m., Pompil!us, tAa ltCOnd q/
Nocaa. Hence. adj., Nuc~rin1111 -a -um, re·
lati11g to Nucuia. Numantla -ae, f. a tolMJ in Hi&pt1nia Tar-
raw1un11is, tul;en crnddatroyed b.11 Scipio .Af1·ioanu1
niioltrangibiUum -1, n. (nux llnd rrango), the youn:1er. Hence, adj., Niimantinua -a
a avl-cra.d.:tr (iu J··~t =a Coolh), Plant. -nm, f\'unranti714.
nucle119 ·I, m. (nux). I. Lit., 1, IM numarlu• = nummariua (q. v.).
•fa 111d, or any nid·likefruit, Plin.; 2, tJr~ sl01it
or 11.IU4UJble br'ld of fruits, Plln. II. Trani1r., numit118 = nummatus (q. v.).
Ck kenul or (11Si<le of a11.ything; conchae, Plin. ·l11ls, n. (= nnlm~n, f'rom nno), 4
nii41U8 = nunc dius (=dies), U u now the ftO(ld~nf.1, beckoning .nth tM Mo.d.; a 1tocl, u
••• Ll<1Jf6htcc;ahv.1ys ""ith theordjual 11u111era\11; s1i.:n of a command, a com111Gnd.. L G1>11.,
hudius tertiull, the d1111 lwfort ytslm.Jay, <.:le.; n11111e11 ve.,frum, Cle.; magnum numen senatus,
h11tli11~ tertins df'clmus, th!Ttun days ago, Cic. Cic. II. Esp., or R deity, a, tM divine u:iU,
divine C'Jmmcintl; numen intf'rdict11111que deorum
niido. l. (riudus), to mokt 71.llktd, to mai.·e in11uort:\li11m, Cic.; munJu111 censenl regi na·
bart, slri.p. L A. Lit., 1, 111iq11f'm, Cle.; 2, a., rninti deorum, Cic.; JoviiJ 11u111ina, Phoehi nn-
lo la!I bart, tU1.corer: gladium, In 1lru111, Liv.; 111irm, \'i:rg.; b, (<t) the mi9ht of a 1lcit11, muj(st11,
murus nodatu:t derensurilm~, Cnr!I.; b, milit. <lifi11ity: qui 11111lam vim essf' dicit numen\'e
t. t., to lay burr.__lean tmdcftndetl; C.'l!tra nn· Jl\'iuum, Cle.; or deities tlrt>m11elves, COllVcr~a
dentur, c.. e~ B. T1a11<ir., 1, to atrip, makt 11u111i111&, pia numina, Vng.; (13) of the Homan
007'1 by rob"'1'y, to SJIC!il, 1"11nder: !lllfllia\·it emperor11, vlolatum numeu Augu!ttl, Tac.
n11da1·iui11e 011111ia, t:fr. ; q1wm J•r~C*'I'~ nll'I'
hll•lat, Hor.; 2, fiJ rltprivt: nliquem p:aasi<\io, nillnerabllilJ ·e(numero), Uuzt can be oou'fl.ttd,
t.:ic.. IL fo'ig., 1, to ::1t1 ip, lay bart, upo~; nu1lata enum.e1·atcd, Ov.
omnibus rt·l•ll'I trit.nnicla pot..11t.1>t, Cnea.; vis num6ri.tUS -a ·Um, p. adj. (from nUmt>ro),
lnge111i 11Cie11li;{ jnriit 11111la1a, Cic.; 2, to unco"r• co1mfrcl, i1' hard ca.U&, in rtflcl!/ 'IJI01UY; do~,
apow, make t-i.,<l1le, rtt·cal: a11irn1111, Liv. p•:cunia, Cic.; 11uhst., niimliratum -i, n. lrard
lliidua -a -urn, naktrl, undotMd, nud,,, l»rt. oo:sh., 1111Jnry down.; nu111erato soh·ere, Cic.
L A. Lit., 1, Cic. ; um.lo 1·a1'ite, bart·hra1fr1l, l. numliro. l. (n11111er111), to W1&ne. I. Lit.,
8all.; 2, uncoiYTttt: vert1>x, V1·r11:.; 1111\.s1·1tia, A. 11li•111crn a ae prim nm, Cic.; aliquiJ 1•er
Pae1111t, (;ic.; terga, Liv. B. Tn111sr., 1, dtprivtd dil(itos, 01• tM f!Tll'ftr.,, Ov.; eonsnle et 11u111.~ra
of; with ab!., 1•rae.ciilio, Cic.; wit.h genlt.., Joca (se11;1tum), c01111t lite h.ouse (wiLlr a view to •let er·
llU•la i;i;{l1e11tl11m, 8all.; 2, 11·ilM11t: respnhllr·a mine whether a aufficieut 11u111her to trau!klct
Dilda a JU3i.;iatr11tibu11, <.'le. IL l-'i;,;., 1, lfmple, Lu11i11eH were pre11e11t), Cic. B. to cou11t, 1.e.,
num 370 nup
to pay tROMJI; mDIUbua .Upendlum, Oto. II. like the Engll1h f>M"'• jhrtldff.9 Ctn express a wrJ
Transr., 1( to coaRl 111p, nickcm, "'w.1Mf'CIU: dies 11mall 1um); ad numnm cnnvenit, U eimaa rioltt co
deftclat, a vellm numerare, qulbu1 boull male a furt.Ji ing, Cle. <gentt vlur., icen. numma.m).
evcn~rit, Cle.; 2, Co reckon, cla.111 v11tlw; suOA, Cle.; Inter hu11el4to1 homlnt11, Cle.;
numquam, aolv. (ne aiul nn.,uam), "'""'•
Ci!-.; 111111111u11111111lhue, n1111111u11111 Hnt.e, ru1111qnam
mort.eru In be1u•ftcll 101·0, Cle.; 8, with duui.te lllin.~. Cic.; lllllll<jll&ln uou, al11'<JJ'f, Cic.; DOD
acc., In pus. with double nom., k> rouM, . . i - , n11111'l 11a111, wnulimu, Cic.
hold. ~In ; t:h1l1•it'ium 11ecu..atore1n 1uum
numeBhat, noa compt"tltorem, Cic.; aa1•le11tea niimua = nummua (q.Y.).
clve1, q11alem me et ehe, et numerari vo o, Cle. nuno, aJv. (vii..). L IW'll', al ~. 4' tAf.s
t. DUmerO, Mh. (lit., &bl. or nume~Ull), 1, mn111,.,1t: ut 11u111~ est, 11.1 lhin!I• arc fWll', Cic.;
nn11c i p~um, at thi• tvry mo11Lcnl, Cle. ; qni nunc
Jvd, t.rt"'-lly, a1 Plaut. ; 2, qiiickly,
"°°"'• Ctl(l qvv~i,,cA.Coorigh.l """'·
IO<>ll, Plaut. 11m1t, IM prr«lll fl~titioll, Cle.; DllllC • • •
n1111e, nmo ••. notl', al 011< ti'"'- ••• at anotlwr.
nt1m6roai, Mlv. (11umero1uK), l, t"'tMrOtllly, Liv. IL btd "°10, tt0w howet1tr, Cic.
Plin.; 2,, ~rnwnwll.flr; clreum·
&el'il't.fl nnmerolle\{Ue dioere, Cle. nuncclne Duucne f =
ndmer0.1111 ·• ·um (numf.'ru1). L ""_.. nuncla = nuntla, Y. nuntlaa.
°"'• ha fl'"tul number; nu111efOlllaalma clvit.u, nunciatlo = Dunt.iatio (q. Y.).
po~ Tac. IL r•1&.\nt.Wl, ~~'°""; =
n unclo nuntlo.
oratlo, ute.
nAmerua ·I, m. (connected with nnmrnUI),
nunclua nunUn1 (Q.T.).
& """lbtr. L A. Lit., l, numerum lulre, lo nunctipii.tlo -Onie, r. (nuncu}lO), 11 fll4tU"fl,
th< ] o.[f,ring or pro=uncing of a"°""; aol·
covlll, Caea.; 2, a, ca Of:rlal"', a '"'mbtr q/ lenmi11 nuneup11tio votnrum, Liv.
perlOll.S or CAlng•, OOMWkrcd cu a tohok; Ml
prt1tl11um num.,rum duo auguru ad<lh.lit, Cle.; nuncdpo, 1. (nomh1l' capin), ~ 114'""'• Mll 1.y
baec enlm aunt tria 1111mero1 ci~ clt.nt '" ""mher, ftllllMl. I. ahquld nomloe tlt•I, Cic. IL A. lo>
pro!Wl&nct tol~n nly arul OJ'f!nly; a, Yow a ; vnta
Cle.; numero quadra¢nta, JO"'I '" """"""· &ll.;
re(eJTe ID deorum 11u11u,ro, Co cou"' CU Cl god, vro F't'puhlka, Cle.; b, an aolol•Uon, Tac. B.
Cle. ; b, 41' 1'ftttT'f4ill llumber, a Map, fNUI ; lo "°"'' '"itt at Mif'; beredem, Tac.
bomlD111n, Cle.; ln1111111era\iilltt frum.,Dtl 11amen11, nundinae, v. nundlnua.
a.7!. qauin.tity, Cle.; o, 11 di""'- o/ cA. nundinlitlo -()nla, f. (nundlnor), CM Wdi"fl
&f'lll.r, °""'J.O"J ; 1panl per provt11ch1m aumert,
of a tMrket,"fl, Cmdc, bt&riMU; fu1'
Tac. ; d, 11 etpA., Le., q/ llMl ~; ooe nundlnatio aliqua, Cic.
numer111 1umua, Hor. B. Mf.'tnn., plur., ni:a·
merl • 1, di« (u being ruarkcd with numbers); nundinor, 1. dep. (nandinMO). I. to tra,.,,..
numero1111ue maoa j11ctahlt. eburno11, Ov.; 2, act in..u..,.., lruil$, Cra,fric. A. lntransit., -Jere
~b. Cle. IL Traner., 1, eAe pal1 Q/ a numli11a11tcm, Liv. B. Tm11sit., to ti.t1; jUI
'lllholc : elegane omnJ DlllUero )'04'111& 1 ' " tVft"f al> aliquo, Cle.; totum lmperium P. R., Cic.
'f"UP'!d, Oie.; 2, a, 11Wlody, m1'rie, Verg., Ov.; IL T1"&1.t11f., lo be JJNlleftl '" grtal
at a warket); abl ad foeum augueJt nund.inari
b, ®""'• Cle.; o, Cl llldria&Z fool, 1 ,.,,.mber; nu-
mert ac modi, Cie.; poet., oumen graves, M.rai<: 11ole11t, Cle.
wrn, Ov.; d, In oratory, Aannoft)I; orator11111, nundin1UI ·& ·nm (lit., nouendlnua noven· =
Cle.; S, NM, plaal, poritlmt; obtiuere tLliquem di1111.11, IT•Jtn novem and 111 ..,.). ~lonflt"f t.o ti.t
numerum, Cle. ; Dumero or In Dumero, '" cA. "~"th day. l:!ub8t., L nund.inao -lrum, r. WI
f'O" o/, a.s; panmtl1 nu1uero - . Cle. ; 4, onJ..,., llWf'U:-<ia!I, Mid .wry ni .. th cia!I, Cic.; tran1f.,
-ruk; bl aumerum or numero, aooording lo nill, a, llu maf'kd·place; llll Ca1•lllllll nund1na." rustic-
l'erg. orum, horreu111 Ca1111°ani a+:n I.'- •ohu•runt,
N6miou (N6m.iolu) ·I. m. o ""'2ll nver Cic.; b. CruJ!ic, lf'cw, buri,._; Yt"eti?hu.m
tn. z..a,,._.
-'rdl'G., now liufAklo.
IM TvrrMiw , . Mar ftagitl0Kii111lmae nnndiDae, Cie. IL nundillum
·I. n. (llC. tempu•), ~ mo.rkd·tiJM; tr111uu1 llllD-
Nt\mlda ·&e, rn. (nomM, ...,~fit), a Nv.muna"; dinum, l.lw tnltnlcM beht·tn °""nuirkd-•la.11 a1111
plur .. Numldae ·irum, IM, attrib. l.lw -U l>1&l 01U <1J'fn' (17-~f days); ae praeaen1-
=Nv.•u1la.11t; Numldaejaculat.ore1, Llv. Hence, trtuum numliuum (all cA. three markfi·da,.),
pt•Uturum, Cle.; comlUa ta trinuw 1uu1d1nwn
1, Na.mldla -ee, t. • OOVMrJ '" N"'1A -'.fMca.; ludw.ere, Liv.
9, NQmldioua -a ·um, N•IMJMl"-
Dt\mlama • nomillma (q.v.). nuntiia.tio ~nla, f. (nnntlo), mlgloaa \. "·
is ckdaraliv1', aniwu~ made bw c.M OtlfW
NO-mlatro -6Dla. r. eo- "'Lt1m•'4,.,... IA. o/ M' oh8tr\Ction.t, Cle.
~. q/ .. ,..z1a. nuntlo, 1. (nuntlua), lo a7\fl01t11«: vera, Cic.;
NOmltor -6rta, m. ~ .t .AR>il, falNn' q/
ma.. t}NlflAl/nlMr o/ Ron&w.lw.1 Bfttu.
Dummartu• ·• ·nm (n11mmu11). L bdoll.a·
qnl n1111t1&N-nt Jlrope orune11n&\'es1111lict&ll NM,
Caea.; oppug1111ta domua C. CaeAris Vt"r mull.AS
1ioetia ho1u nuotiaootur, Cic.; "'ith ut and the
iftf lo fRDM1; theca, Cle.; dlltleultu nummaM'a aulij., J.lllUlo po1L ferunt. nnntiatum Si111u11idJ
or rel nummariae, -"'"' o/ lllOMJ, Cle. IL ut pro<liret, Cle.; ab8oL, nuDtiuto, clt.i.t bri.g
&nblld vrUl WIOIWJf, enal: Judex, Cic. Gll.flOU 7V.ed, LI".
aammatu ·•·nm (nammaa), prot'fd«j tritA DUDtfU8 -& ·Um (contr. from DOYeUtilll).
'll'IOMy, r1cA ; a.lolescena DOD mJoua bene nam· 41l7W'M1U."illf,l>ri"i!ing llnM. I. AdJ., nlPIOI',
matw quam caplllatua, Cle. Cie. IL Sub&t., A. nuntlu.s ·Ii, m. 1\ -
niimmdlu ·I, m. (dim. of nammaa), "UttU aniger, allnmi.n«r ; facere &h1111e1n certiorem
moM),""""' ~ : aarumulla aocepu.& j1111 ac faa \>er nuntium, Cle.; 2, a.,
-ge, tw1N; nuntium
allerre, Cle.; b, 11u11t1u111 allcul remlt.t.el'\'l, to
omni.' rtelere, ~ c. ,.a.Ury "'"" Cic. wrid IYflL• to(/• 4 ktteT o/ ditlOf'OI, Ctc.; tn\nsf.,
nummu (nilmu) ·I, m. ("°v""'°'' Taren tine nuntium remlttere virtuU, f<> ntWll.n.oe, Cic. B.
and islelhao =
.o~t. llu l'WQ1Ua.r IUl1W mirr~).
nuntla 441, C. IAt iAat ci11iww.~•; hJ.toN
L 'llOIW¥. co6a: adultertnf numml bod lllO'MJ,
Cic. ; hahere In nummls, to Aaw {" OIUA, Cle. uuutia verit&tla, Cle. C. nuntium .U, "-
IL Eap., IM ..Uro1, a Romo• oof" worth about, ft.t1'11, Cat.
ltd-; qlliDqae mllll& nummum, Ole.; transt., nup6r, 1aperl., niipenimi. ad't'. (for
---------- -- ·- -~--

nup 871 obd

.,,,..,.., from DOVUI, lalel11, "°'
loiag ago: qui xanu Qf BaccAUI (so rail~ bec:iuae bla my1terlea
nuper Ho111iae fuit, Cic. ; sometimes employed \\·ere celeltrated toy night), Ov.
to denot.e a more di~t:1nt period, nu1ie.r1 ld eot, uympha .-, t. and llYJDp'bi ..f9, f. (...;,.,..,,.,).
paucla ante 11ec111is, Cic. L a brwu, tro11141' l11frf11 lfl41'ri«l, OY. IL
aupta -ae, f. (nnbo), 11 toVt, l'JIOfU', bride, OY. Nyrnphae/ tM Nym,.hs, tJ,ing1 of 1t41Fdirin.e
auptlae ·irum, f. (n11ho), lfUll'riaqe, tiupt!a/1; n.Uun, M ~lo inhabit the tta.J, strmnu, 100011~,
Coroiuci& multM.runi 11uptiarum, ojlr" 1narrwl, etc., \'erg.
Cie.; celebrare nupLias, Liv.; cenare &i'ud &Li· Nymphaea.m ·I, n. (, 4 promo•
quem in eiu~ 11upt.ii1, C1c. COry and 1m·porl in. lllyria.
auptl&Ua ·e (nuptia.e), of or rrl~L"'I Co 4 Nyaa (Nysaa) -ae, r. ('.'\ VO-ll). I. a tOIL'I&
aarri'"''-; cena, Liv. ; tJonum, Cic. fo Caria. IL a 1-0u:n in Palt.stiM. IIL a city
nuptue -a -om (pa.rtic. or uubo), wt.arried; ill. /wfia, 10Atn &vrh11s wa1 mi<l to lvivt bu11
lllsa, mulier, Cle. bro11!7hl up. HPll<'•'o a<tj., A. Nyaaeua ·a ·um,
J!(urefa -ae, f. a tow1' ill lh.e wul of tM Sabi TV X.11van. B. Nyllila ·!dis, r. s11~m. C.
OJ1'!1&1.ry, now Norcia. Hence, adj., ND.l'BiDU Nya!Aa -lldis, f. of or relaling to Bacchus. D.
-& -um, ~lOw.Jl"9 to .Vur1W.. ' Nyaigen.a -ae, m. born in N11-. J:. NyMua
af1rua ·tls, f. (..Wf), I, a da11glt.Ur-t7'·law, ·ci, a 1urnanw of .Bu.ccluu.
.-.. ~·, '111i,fe, Cic. ; 2, poet., a yaung matrO'll, roung
••1rri«l 1001llll1&, Ov.
au.aquam. ndv. (ne and usquam), MIL'Mr&.
L, nnsquam alil·i, Cic. IL l'ransf., I, in
nr.tll.in9, 011. "" occusion; pra .. st;1bo 11nmptum
r.•U1qoam melirH 1•011! posse, Cic.; 2, to nothing;
at ad id omnia referri oporkat, ip~um autem
DUYp1am, Cic.

auto, l. nuo). L Gen., 1, to 1Mt't up a1'd
1. 0 , o,alphabet,
the ronrtrenth letter or tht'
corresponding to thP
,,,,,.."· k>tVr, U"<trtr, 1W<l; ornua nutAt, \'erg.; Orc~k letters Omicron aml Omega (0, o. n, w).
nntaot galeae, Liv.; 2. tran~r., & 1 to uui·er; f'or the 11,;e or O. In aubreviationa, see Table or
nut.ans adt:~, Ta•'.; b, to wtu-tr, ~ u11.,...rtain Abl•re' iations.
t11 opi11.io11.; etiam Democritus nut.are vi<letur 2. 0 t and oh t in~rj. an tzclamatw1& of joy,
in natura .teoru111, Cic.; c_, CO u·a11n- in _fiAtlity; aslonish>n.ent, rfrdsicnl, aorr010, pain, et--., gPner-
Galliae nut:tnt~s. Tac. IL tn more t!V! lt1~d up ally followed by voe. or acc. ; o p!lterni 1?enert1
u 111l cloic1&, CO nc~l, Plaut. ; of pe111ons, sler;phl!l, oblite I Cic.; o me misenun I Cic. ; IOllll'timee
H .. r. with nom, o fortunata morsl Cle.; in wbhes, o
niitriclus -1.i, m. (nutrix), a f04ter·f~. si, V only I Verg.; poet., put the aec,1ml tvord of
gu:ardia.1&, Cacs. the clau11e, spes o f\<li'4sima Tencrum I Ov.
aiitrico, I. an•\ niitrioor, 1. dep. (nutlix), clf.riin -Ouis, m. ('Oaptw.,) =Orion (q.Y.).
lo ~kl,, M11rish; tra11:1f., to 8U/?>Orl, trtulain.;
muuduis omni.l, sicut memura et iiartes suas, 6..xee -It•, m. ("Oat.,), a riloer '" CN:u.
autricatur, Cic. ob, prep. with acc. L Of space, a, with
uutrioilla -ae, (. (cllm. or nut1i-..:), nurse, Vl'rblf of Cic.;motion, loVYITda, to; knis qui est ob OS
Hor.; trausf., Gallia nutricula ~litiosorum, eft'Usus, b, with ,·erhs not denoting mo-
Cic. tion, al, before; ob oculh1 versari, Cic. IL I,
on accourtt of; ob l"t."111 judlcao<lam pecnniam
DUtrimeD ·lnJ.a. n. (nutrlo), MUrilhmtn.C, accipere, Cle. ; unlns ob irnm prodirllnr, Verg. ;
Ov. ob eam rP.m, 01!. th~ account, Cle.; qnam ob
niitrimeutum ·I, n. (nntrio), nouri.&hmtn.C, rem, 011. 1chicltaccount,; ob Id, ob id ll'<;Um,
lli.lrimeJll; tran:if., a., or fuel, al"lda nutriment.&, ob hoc, ob h11ec, on thu account, Ch.err/art, Liv. ;
Verg. ; b, 811.J>pqrt, training; edu~t.a hulus ob metu111, out of fear, Tac.; 2, in cansiiftrati-01' cloquentia, Cic. of, for, a.a rtro11tWM8 for: ager oppositus e~t
uiitrio -lvi and ·li -!tum, 4. (niitrior, 4. pignorl ob decem minaa, Ter. ; 3, ob rem, to Ou
dep., \"erg.), Co give 11UCI:, .ucklt, no1•ri8h. L 1mrpost, with adMnlaqc; verum Id frustra an
Lit., A.. a, or animals, nutritua lacte ferino, ob rem faciam, in vestra manu situm est, Sall.
Ov.; b, or 11lant.,, terra herb.aa nntrit, Ov.; c, obaeratua -a -um, adj. with compar. (ob
of lire. ign&1 foliis, Ov. B. to knd, wu,U upm; and 11es), in &hi, Liv.; plur. aubst., obaeritl
eorpora, Liv.; d11mnum naturae, remot-e, Liv. -Orum, m. tftbtor1, Cic.
IL Tr;1nsr., CO nourish, support, SU-:llain.; aruorem, obambiUo, I. to walk u.p and down, back·
Ov.; mens rite nutrita, eduoaltd, Hor. '!Darda anti for1ca:rds; with dat., muri!I. J.h'.;
aiitrillt -leis, f. (nutrio), a nurse,/a&kr-motMT". w!th acc. 1 Aet11a111, Ov.; with prep., ante rnllurn,
L Lit., ut paeue cum lacte nutricls errorem Liv.; In ner\Jls, Ov.
1uxiss.e vi<teamur, Cle. ; rueton., nutrices, th.e obarmo, l. to arm; dextras securl, Hor.
brt.IMU, Cat. IL Trausr., oratoris, Cic. ; cur- obuo, I. to plow;h up, Liv.
&rum max.ima nut.rlx nox, Ov.
niitua -th, m. (• 11110). L in.dinalion, down· 1. obba -ae, f. a S]Jf!,Cies of drinking-cup, Pers.
• .-,rd t.en.dency, grarity, Cle. IL a nod, a signnl, 2. Obba -ae, r. a cown in A/Tica, Mar Ca1'-
or M:ko-riing of th.t h.eo.d. A. Lit., Liv. B. thagt.
Transf., I, 00111111.1111.d, will; deorurn nutn, Cic.; obbriteeco ·tdl, s. to beoom4 bru&A, 1tvpid,
&ucU>nt.ate nutuque deorum, Cic.; 2 aslf'nl; Luer.
annuite nutum uumenque vestrum fuvlctum obo . . . v. occ •••
Cunpanis, Liv. obdo -dldl, S. lo st.t, p11C, plaee be.fort,
11UX. nilcis, t. L 4 ftut. A. Lit., Liv.; put aa<iinst; pessulum o&tio, to b<J/t the door,
prov., nux cassa, something tn.tirdy worthl•s.t, Ter.; tores, to shut the doaf", Ov. ; nulliqne m11lv
Hor. B. Tr.mar., or si111ilar fruit, castaneae latus obdit. al'ertum, offer• an. unprotected ri<U
1111ees, cli#muls, Verg. IL I, Ch.e nut-tru, \'erg.; to no ettil, Hor. ·
2, an alm.ond.-tret, Verg. obdormlo ·Mand .IJ -ttum. i. to go Co ll«p,
Kjote§J.lua -1, m. (i'i11•Ti>..°'), 11.ighlly, a mr- Cic.
obd 372 obl
ob4onnl8oo, S. (obdormlo), to go to slap, iSbiri.tlo --Onls, f'. (oblrascor), a bring angry,
Cle. d aftgtT, Cle.
obcliioo -duxl -duetum, s. L A. to ro10 obiri.tua -a -um, p. adj. (from obirnst•w),
owr, draw \nfr°"'; 1, f'ouam, Caef!·; fig., callum a?i,gry, v.:ra,AAJ.; with dat., fortuoae, Liv.
dolori, Cie. ; 2, to cover; truoe1 obdn<;unt1;1r obltir, adv. (ob), 1, on tMtroy, in pa.Mlrig, °"
libro ant eortlee, Cle.; tran1r., obdueta c1catnx tMjollTMJI, Juv.; 2, l>y tM way, iiicid~ntallJI, Juv.
relpublicae, elostd 1D0Und, Cle. B. 1, to drink,
venenuru Cie.; 2, to 1Dri'llklc; front.em, Hor. obltua ·iis, m. (obeo), 1 an approodting,
D. to ~ agaiui; Curium, to bring /<mD<Jrd, goi.n.g to, Ter:; 2, a .11oi.'ll{J. ~wll (esp. ?r tbe
produu, Cle. ; t.ran1f'., to pa.u, spnd; diem pos- heavenly bodies), adtt ng; s11leruru, C1c. , .s.11
terum, Cic. do107ifllll. ruin dulr11cHon, ckath.; post obitum
vel potiJs exce'.ssum Romull, C1c.
o'bduotlo -3nls, f'. (obduco), a oowring; cap-
ltts, Cic. obJi.oeo -.ii.cill, 2. to lie at, agai1Ul, in C.V
way; !laXa objacentia pedibas, Liv.
obdiireaoo -dllrdl, s. to btrome 11an:1, fTOVJ
Aard. L Lit., Plaut. D. Fig., to become Aan:l- obJeoti.tlo -3nis, r. (objeeto), a rep~., to be o'M1 "4lural fuli'fl,'J, btcotn4 ob- Ca.ea.
dvrute; lpee obdurul, Cic. ; ad dolorem novum, obJecto, l. (int.ens. or ol_>jicio). .L to pul
Cic. tM wa11,again.rt. A. Lit. (of bmlR), caput
o'bdiiro, l. to bf 11ard: Ilg., to .tand out,f'reUs, to dip, d~re into, Verg. B. Transf.1 to
upo&e: allquem perieulis, _Sall. ; se host1um
11oltl out, ptrli&t: ~rfer et obdura, Ov.; impers.,
obduretur hoc tr1duum, Cic. telis. Liv • moras to catl.!4!, inkrpott delay, Ov.
obidlena (~boedlena) -e~tls, p. adj. (~rom IL 'Tran"sr. to ,:tproacA 'l•ith a11ythit19, object
a11ythi'Rg to 'a perso?t, th~ in. a person'• l«lA;
obedio), obt.dirnt, romplim;t; with dat., .nulb est
naturae obediens aut subjectus deus, C1e.; with alien! probrum, Cic. ; with ~c. and lnftn.,
ad and the acc., ad nova con11ilia, Liv. 8ub&t.,notiilitas object.are Fabio f'ug1sse eum Ap.
obi4lena. OM VIM obey•, a <Upmdant, Cle. Claudimn collegam, Liv.
6bidlentir CCSboedlen~r), adv. (obedJ- 1. obJeotua -a ·11111, p. adj. crrof!l objicio), 1,
lying at n.ear oppoei.u to; lnsula object.a Alenn-
en11), obedUn.tl11; obedienter imperata facere, Liv.
driae, Caee. ;' ~. apoat.d to; fortunae, Cic. ; ad.
obidientla (oboedlen.tla) -ae, (. (obedl- omnes cuus, Cic.
e1111), obtdirn.ce, compliance, Cic.
2. obJeotwl -Ila, m. (ob~clo), ~ placing _at!
obidlo (oboedlo) -lvi -Itmn, 4.. (ob and b<,fors, oppoliu, a lyin.g agamat, llf111g opponlf,
audio). L to give ear tot. li1tm to, /oUma a insula portum eftlcit olljectu l&terum, Verg.
pu10n'1 advice ; alicui, ~ ep. U. to obis¥ ;
praecepto, Cic. ; maglstratibua, Cle. 0 alieul ad =
obJez: obex (q.v.).
verLa, Cic. objloli -jeci -jectum, 3. (ob and jaclo). L
obGU.OU -t, m. (O/JwfTJtOf), Cl poinUd to throtD in tJu 1Dl1'1 of. A. Lit. se telie hostium,
column, obdilk, Plin. Cie. B. Transf., 1, to op])(>#, Cie. ; 2, to ~;
consnlem mortl, Cic. ; Re In dimicationes, C1c.;
obio ·ivl and -U -ltum, 4. L Intransit., A. to
3 to eau.M, prod'UCC; alicui errorem, Cle.; metum
go to, C07M to, go to meet, go again.t; ad omnesel dolorem Cie. · objlcltur animo metn.s, tM
Mllrt ii ~ U"Uh /tar, Cic. ; hie aliud mlljus
hostium conatus, to oppoae, Liv. ; in infera loca,
Cle. B. a, of the heavenly bodies, to ae~; In miseris objicitur, pre.sent& itMlf; Verg. D. to
reliquis orlentis aut obeuntls solis part1bus, f'.11.ace before, thnno before. A. Lit..• 11 oorpu
Cle. ; b,, to die: teeum vivere amem, t.ecure ?eris. etc.; 2 to put bqore, hold cw..1ure a.a a
obeam hbens, Hor. IL Transit., A. a., to go defe~, f'TOUction; Alpiurn vallu~ contra tr.ns-
to, rracA; quantum ftamma oblre non potulS&<'t, gresaionem Gallorwn, to.oppose, C1c.; calT08 pro
Cle. ; b, to go to, engage in, applr onutl/ to anr
vallo Caes. B. 1, to offer; delenimentum
blui1U".11: to perform, eucuu, acwmplish. an object;
animi1, ~iv. ; 2, to hol.d oiit cu an u:am}Jlt;
negotlum, Cic. ; heredltat.em, to lake pouurion unum ex judicibus selectis, Ho:. ; ,3, to ob;e.."l_ to,
of. Cle. ; vadlmonlum, to diaeharge 011c'e bail, to
rtF.oach 'With., cltarge witl&; ahcu1 furta, Cic.;
a~r at tM .ft:«,d tinu, Cic. ; diem BUP!'emum, with acc. and inftn., objiclt mihi, me ad Baiu
to du, Ner· ; so obire mortem, Cle. B. 11 !" f'uisse, Cic.; with quod, non tibi objicio quoJ
wit, traw tArougA: prorinciam, Cic. ; 2, ~ ca.u spoliasti, Cle.
part iA; comitia, Cic.; 8, to nrro1U1d; clipeum
obit penis cireurudlta, Verg. r.
obJurgi.tlo -onls, (objurgo), " blami.g,
chiding, re.proving, Cic.
'biqulto, 1. to rid4 1tp to; cutria Lh·. obJurptor -3ris, m. (objurgo), 11 sroldtr,
i'berro, l. to 1D11ndtr about: tentoriis, Tac.;
c:Aider, nprowr, blamer, Cic. .
transf., chordi wem, to blu'ndn', Hor.
'bidtas -itls, f'. (obea111), fa,tnca, COrpK· obJurgatirlu -a ·nm (objurgator). aooldi11f,
chidi114 ; epiatola, <::ic.
lf11tt, OOuit 11, Suet.
'bisu obJurgo. 1. and obJurgor, 1. ~ep. lo ~
-a -um (ob and edo), 1, /u.I, pl1tlftp;
cAide rqrow, ttprima1'd, blatM; a11quen1 molh
turd us, Hor.; 'Mlnaf'., l100lkA; faucea, Verg. ;
braehio de Pompeii familiarit.atft,. Cic.; ven·
2, coc:ane, Mt dclicak, ""~md, rude; juvenls cundi&m alleulus, Cle.; quum obJu~r me,.
ruuis obeue, Hor. quod nlmii paene desiperem, Cic.
obez: -leis, and objlcls, m. and f. (objlcio), oblaapeeoo -gill, s. to bcccml.e lanpid, Cic.
1 tM/a.RniT&g of a door, bolt, bar, ba""'!'1 bar-
rlmd.e; fultoaque emunlit objice poatfoa, verg. ; obl&tro, 1. lo bark ai or agahui, Co ruil at,.
acold, Suet.
2, aft obllticlc, AitldTCIMC, PliD.
obi ... "· olf ••• -ln.ia, n. (oblecto). • cWiflt,.
pleaaurt, Ov.
obc ... "· oa ... obleotim.entum -1, n. (oblecto), • dcligll.t,.
~~.I. to a&k to, or.w to, Suet. alft1'lt'llloml, IOlace; meae aenectutJa requ.ies ob-
6bhaereeeo ·haeal -haulllD, S. Co dick fa,d, lectamentumque, Cic.
llllWc to, Luer. obleoti.Uo ..(lnis, r. (oblect.o), a. ddifA&f ; ·
i'blolo = o1'jlclo (q.T.). pltuing ; aniwl, Titae, Cle.
6~ ·lrltWI sum, a. dep. Co h angrr; o'bleoto, 1. (ob and lacto). L to cW(gM,.
fort11AU, toUAJbmu.,, LIY. J>Z.0.U, amMM; quum eorum Invent.ii ICripUsqa.c
obl 373 obr
• oblectent, Cle. : eenectutem, Cle. ; tegentlnm oblivlum -D, n. (oblMscoT), usually plur..
animoa Gctii1, Tac.; me cum aliqua re, Cle. ; /orgU/ulJll'M; agere oblivia laudis, to forget, Ov.
se cum allquo, Cic. U. to pa.u liwu pleaaanlly, oblongua -•-um, rotlwr long, oblO'Rfl, Liv.
will - r li1M; lacrimabile tempua studio, Ov. obloquor -quiltus (-ciitus) sum, 3. dep. L
o'blioua. v. obliquu1. to iptak agai11..•t, gainaay, conlradul, inkrrupt;
o'1i4o ·llst -lisum, 3. (ob and laedo), to 1, gen., alicul, Cic. ; 2, esp., &, to blame, Tac. ;
J9U«M tol]ttMr: collum digitulis duobus, to b, to diidt, t;at. IL to j-Oin in singing, to ac·
tMottle, Cic. ; oblisis raucibus, ltranglcd, Tac. company; non avis obloqnitur, Ov.
•'1i&i.tlo ..Onis, r. (obligo), a bting bound, a obluctor. 1. dep. to 1tTll11glt againBl, ltrit·e
llful obUgaJion; obligatio pecuniae, Cic. against; genibus a<lversae arenae, Verg.
ebllg&taa -a -um, p. adj. (from obllgo), obmollor f. dep. L to build or pilt again.>t
bft<f, undtr an obligiUion to aiiy one; ohligBtus (a.'1 a defence); nee in promvtu erat quod olJ.
ei oihil ernm, Cic. molire11tur, Liv. D. to obstruct, block up, Liv.
obllgo. I. to bfod, /asttn fl>. L A. Lit., obmurmiiro, 1. to 111urmur r:1ainst or at;
~tit, bind up, banda!Jt a ll'<J1jnd; \'Ulnus,Cic.; precibus, O\'.
mtdicnm requirena a quo ohligetnr, Cie.; venns, obmuteeco -rniltt\I, 3. L '!:.. ·., A. to btcomt
Tac. B. Transf., to bind.fctln- hy an oath, law, d11mb, becomt rpttchle:cs with as: .. i•hment, etC'.:
~JU. to b\nd, /tt~r, oblity, lay under an obl0a· \•ocem mitt.enti non t·t linguam obmutuh•se et
tioll,~ liahu; a,~ nexu, Cic.; aliquem ~ihl
manum obtorpnissc, Ck. B. =to bt silent; ego
liberalitate, Cic.; p«Wt., obligatam re<lde Jovi uequc Antoninm \'erhum facere 1.atiar et i1•se
dapem, that is dut, Hor.; b, to pltdge; prae<lia obmuh'i<cam, Cic. IL Tmnsf., "to ctc11t; dolor
ohligata, '11VJrtgagw, Cic. IL to ma~ lt.u.blt to animi obmutuit, Cic.
Jlll"Uhnvnt, make guilty: aliquem scelere, Cic_ ;
pu!., obligari, to an o.fence, bt guilty; obnatus -n -um (* ohnascor), gro1t>in9 on;
obligari fraude impii, Cic. obnata ripu1 salicta, growing on tM banJ.:, Liv.
oblimo, 1. (ob and limull). L to cover with obnitor -nixus (-nisns) sum, 3. dep. ro push
ili!lll! or 11111d; agros, Cic. D. to lavish, 1qUa1llieT, again.-;t, prt.s1 L Lit., t.aurus arboriA
Hnr. ohnixus tr1111co, \'erg.; scutis corpori1Ju11que
obll'.no -levi -litnm, 3. L to smRar, daub, ipsi>1 ol.mixi, Liv. D. Transf., to strit·e a.gain1t,
btlW!fflr. A. Lit., obliti unguentls, Cic. : oblitu11 oppose; cuusillo or manu hostibus, Tac.
f'&ci~m suo cruorP, Cic. B. Tram1f., to cmvr, obnbi:e, a<iv. (obn!J:us, from obnltor), with.
loM: actor oblitus <livit1i.q, Hor.; facetiae all 011t's might, u:ith all 011t's 3tre11gth, Ter. Lati.,, Cic. II. to .~tain, pollutt, rlt/Ht: obnblus -a -nm, p. adj.'{from obuitor), st«id·
o\.\itus parricidin, Ck.: 11unt omnia aummo fast,firm, u11yirltli119, Liv.·
dMeco~ oblit.a, Cic.; aliquem versibus atris, to
auirir., l4m7100n, Hor. obnolrie (ohnoxius). L culpably, Plaut.
II. slai·:•lily, aert'iltly, 1u.bmi8Sit·ely; sententlaa
oblique, adv. (obliquus), l,sidnm~, athunrt, dicere, Liv.
a:ltmt, oblirJPu.>ly ; ferri, Cic;.; 2, indirectly, cov·
trtly, by im1rlicatirm, Tac. obnos:IO.u ·a -um (obnoxius), nbmi&rive,
compliant, Plaut.
obliquo, I. (obliquus). to mau 01.lli;,w, tum obno.ldua -a -um (ob and noxa). L liable to
ridt11J11~·s, tunL asi<u, 1lant, crook; oculos, Ov.;
etJsem in la.tus, Ov. pu11W!hffl{'nt: hence, guilty of any crime, via,
etc. ; animus neque delicto neque lubidini oh-
obliquua (obliC11.9) ·& -um (ob and Jlqulst nnxius, Sall. ; pecuniae debitae, inddJUd, Liv.
llanting, obliqul', sideways, aslanl, QT1, one wk. IL A. sub;td, obfditnt, romplia11t ; 1, lit.,
L Lit., hO!I partim obliquos, partim averrJos, subjecti atque obnoxii vobis, Liv. ; 2, a, ch·
JJ&rtim etiam ad versos stare volJis, Cic.; amnis ptndent upcm: tuna radiis fratris obnoxia, Verg.;
eunibu.s obliquis ftuens, Ov.; ab obliquo, Ov., b sla1•fah, servile, 8Ubmi."5ive ; pax obnoxia,
per obllqnum, Hor., Wicwcry3, o0Uqu.el71. D. Ltv. 1
B. subjtrt to, aposed to, olnwrious to;
Trans!., &, or discourse, ifldirtd, roverl; In· arbores qnae frigoribus obnoxiae aunt, Liv. ;
aectatio, Tac.; b, looking a.d:a1'll, entrictu; In· obnoxinm est, U is da119erou.1, Tac.
Tidia., \'erg.
obniibo -nupai ·nnptum, 3. to co~; comas
OlWteratlO -Onis, r. (obJiteTt>), a bloffing amictn, Verg.; !'&put, ap. Cic.
ftt, oblituaJfon; and esp.. a blotting out /ram
S1t111&rr, total .f<mJttfulne6$, Plin. obnuntlatlo -onis, r. (obnuntio), In the
lnn!!uage of augurs, tM an1WU1l«mt1't of an tvil
o1Wtiro, 1. (oblino), ro IJWt out/ obl.iterau, to omni. Cic.
Noc 011t of ~iwry. bring to jorgctfu ~ : famam
rei, Li'f.; publici mei heneHcil memoria privatam obnuntlo, 1. In the language of augurs, to
olfentionem obliterarunt, Cic. anuounce, report an un/at'O'ltrabu omen; consuli,
obllteeoo ·tiii, 3. (ob and latesco), to hide, Cic. oboed ... v. obed •••
CIDlltttll onatl/; a nostro aspectu, Cic.
ObJiTfo ..(,nis, f. (oblivisMr), forgetfulntSB, odour, obOleo ·i'ti, 2. to smdl of anything, nnU an
~i~: la11<1em allcuius ab obllvione &YJUl' a Plaut.
11lentio vln<licare, Cic.; dare aliquid oblivioni, ob011UI ·i, m. (0,80.\6~). a Gretk ooin, in ml1u
to bvry i1& oblivion, Liv.; in oblivionem negotii onr-:rirth of a drachma, rather more thnn Hd.
noire, Co /orgtt, Cic. En~lish, Ta.
obliYiieua ·a -um (obllvio). 1, oblit'i01is, ObOrfor ·Ortus sum ·oriri, UJ ar;u, apptar;
f~l, Cic.; 2, caiuing /orgetfu11W$; Mas· helium, Liv.; vide quanta lux liheralitatis et
11cum, HoT. sapientiae tuae mihi apud te dicenti oboriatur,
oblinmoor, oblitns sum, 3. dep. (perhnps Cic.
From oblino), Co forget. L Lit., with ~enit., tem- obp ... v. opp •••
porum suorum, Cla.; with acc. of thing, inju· obripo -repsi -reptum, 3. to cretp, to crawl
~. Cic.; with int\n., ne obllviscar vigilRre, Cic.; to. I. Lit., ap. Cic. IL Tran&!., to oomt up
wtt.b acc. and lnfin., obllviscoT RoRcium et. Clu- Hiltntly and una:ptcttdly, sUal oii impen:tp(ibly,
nrun Yiroe eMe primarioe, Oic. D. Traner•• to c:iome Oil by 61'~; senectus adofeacentlae
~lo. rigM Qf; eonauetudinis 1uae, etc. ; ob- obrepit, Cic. ; ad hou0Te11, Cic. ; imagines o\>
liVilcl aw, eo j'arg#l f1M.JiJI. etc. repnnt in animos donnientium, Cic.
obr 37f obs
obrephw (r&rtic. of obriplo), 111n-cptUiow. 0M9'11, Ole. D. Traner., A. da'*. ftt11PCtJr-;
o'britlo. 4. (ob and rete), lo cottA i" Mt,
11 oh1<·11ri •re et. eaeci r:11pect11t.ione. Cic. B.
ooJVrOltd, J&idde.: 1, lit., l•IC'u.,, LiY. ; 2, fig.,
o'brlgaoo -rlg1'11, s. lo btCOIU ill§ or ,/r'o6n, or cl1ara.-ter, iecrd, rall'r'ftd, tlOflC; homo, Cic.;
odium, Cic.
llJ frtt~t; 11ive pruiuique, Cic.
Obrlmaa ·ae, m. a rittr '" Phrvgi.a.
obliorado -6ni•, f. (obee"'°). I. 11•..,,.,.,
Htrtaty, ntppliottio" adjwraliOll: obaecratlone
obr~go, 1. to anund or repeal a l4io br humili ac 11uppllcl utl, Cic. IL a J1KbUc pnaJIO'
a.Miiier; nbrogare legihus Caes:iris, Cic. or .upplication; ohaecrat!o a popuJo duumYiril
o'brio ·r!U ·riltum, rut. partic. -rll.ltnrns 3. to prneeuntibna fact&, Liv.
COt'l!r oi·~r, rorer 10ith mrth, cloth,1, ek., to hury. omioro. I.(obanrl aacro),tobaudmnwUy,
L Lit., A. se are11ll, Cic.; the>J11urum, Cie.; implore, adjun:, t11trtat; allquem multi" lacnmi1,
obrnere allquem vlvum, 8411. B. to owrloud; Ck. ; ohsecro te, ut i•I f111·ias, Cle.; te hoc ul,
&e vino, Cle. IL Tnmsr., A. teatem onmium t>tc., Cic. ; e11p., as a polite phrue, J77Ur; Attica,
ri1us obnllt, O'HMDMlmtd, Ck. ; obrul aere obst>Cro te, quid agit, Cic.
alienot.Plttngtd in debt, C.:ie.; obrutu1 eriminib1111,
Cic. B. l. to o"'1"'1t'Mlm, lrurv, rui•, ct.maign to ol>Hcundo, 1. to be nb'""""""' to, C0111JJlWllll
oblirion; ut adve"'a quaai perVt'tui ololivione wuh, Jail i1& with; voluntatibt.1.1 alicuiwi., Cic.
0'11 ua11111s, Cle. ; Marius t&li1 \"iri interitu ~x =
obeiplo obsaepio (q. v.).
1uo:1 obruit eonsulatua, 00.CUr·al the /amt of hil obeiquela -ae. t. (obsequor). CO!llplfas«.
riz conmlahips, t:ic. ; 2, to nrpau, ecUpee; fltld1ng, Plaut.
fa111a111 alicuiua, Tac. obsequen.s -entia, p. adj. (from ot.equor),
obrussa •ae, r. {o/lpv(ov), Uit tuavf.ft.f of gold 1, compli.<111t. yuldin~1. obfdimt; patri, Ter.; 2,
Q J.r•, tiu~t. ; Ilg., adhibenda tamq uam obruasa esp., an e1•i th et applied to the gods, /al'Ollnabl&,
cu a test, L:ic.
ratio, graci01U, Plaut.
obaeplo -~1-'6• -aaeptum, ... to Jena T01lM, ol>Hquenter, adv. (obsequeoa), COD1pliaaUJ,
htcl~, to block up, n:nd~r a.ocfSI i111poasib!'- L obedi-ently; haec f1tcere, Liv.
Lit., hostium agmina ob!laepi1111t iter, Liv. IL o'bsequentla -ae, r. (obseiquens) ,.u!di.,,
}"ig., plebi iter ad curule:1 magisLmtus, Liv. complia1i.a, C0111pUJUanct, caea.
obsi.tilro, 1. to ICIJ.ilf.11, Ter. ol> .. •UDI (obllequium), CIO'll-
obllOOeue (obecene), adv. (obl!coenua), (m· plwnt, yit.ldin[I, oO""!Uiou, Plaut.
yu.nly, lo:dly,, oblotrullf, Cic. obeequlum -ti, n. (obsequor), contpfia11et,
obeooenltaa (Obttoenltaa) ·atla, t. (obs· complal..'lanet, tlrferent:t!. to others, •ubmi.csion, ob-
coenu::1), impurity, Juulnu;i, ~nua, ob1cmity; sequiot1rnua. I. Gen., Cic.; \·entrill, gl11.ttow11,
verborum, Cic. Hor.; trnnsr., of inanimate ohjerta, ftectltur
obsooeuua (obeoinua) .. -nm (ob and <>bsequio curvatus 11b arbore ramua, Or. IL
coe11u111). I. rt]JUlsi~e,filt!iy, diagu_sting, ojfemive; obtdie11tt; ol>llequlum erga allqnem eruen:,
volucre11, th.d Harpu.i, \erg.; n1u11, Ov. IL Tar.
Transf., A.. morally dis7usting, impurt, uwd, ob&equor -cntns (-qulltns) aum, 8. dep. I.
Juul, oh~; voluptate~ 1 Cic.; adulw1ium, Ov.; to compL1110uh, A11.1M1'r, gratify, obq; tlbl rog-
jor.nndi gc,nus, Cic. B. ul-o!MMd, unpropitioua; antl, Cic.; neq11e, 11tl de M. Pompilio referrent,
,·ol 111·res, owls, Verg. senatui obst>queuantnr, Li\-. IL Transf., lo pirt
ObeoUrAtfO -Onis, (. (Obtlcuro), an oOBCKring,
onutV up to ariylhing; tempeat&ti, C1c.; alicu1us
volunt.ati, Cic. .
darl;rnin1; soli~, Ci<:. ; fig., Cic.
1. obsiro. 1. lo boll, bar, ftuVri: plebll
obeoilre, adv. (ob!;cunis). I. darkly, Cie. aediOciill obseratja, Liv.; transt., aures, Hor.
D. a., or discourse, obscurtly, uniTIUlligihly ; 2. obaero -11ih-i -sltum, s. to lml', plmst:
dis,,erere. Cic.; b, coi'trlly, secretly, vnobaen!t:dly;
aliquid non obscure rerre, Cic. terram frugibus, Cic. Partic., obeltua -a -um,
sown 'With, l.e.,full of, COtitTtd 1rith: olosita pomi!I
obsciuitaa -irns, f. (obscurus). L darknui, rura, Ov.; \·estis obsita aqnalore, Liv.; legati
obscu1-.ty; latebrarum, Tac.; lucis, Lh·. II. Fig., obsiti squalore et soruibu!I, Liv.
a, of di:icourse, Ob$CUrity, uni 11tdligiblnta8, 1lw1t observa.n.B -antis, p. adj., with comp11r. and
of~>"spicuily; oratio quae lumen adhihere rebus
del.ret., ea 0L8et1ritatem affert, C1c.; verborum, super!. (<Jbservo), atknlire, '"Uf!«V11l; ot ierT·
Cic.; ,in ea obscuritate et dubitatione omnium, anti-simns mei, Cic.
Cic .. b, or condilidn, obscurity, ww birth and obeervantla -ae, r. (observans), ~d,
.tati<m, Cic. este~m, ulttnliori; obscrvantiaest, perq11am netate,, 1. (obscurns). L to ma.kt dark, ant sa.pie11tiii.1 aut honore, nut aliqua dignitate
darken, obscure. A. Lit., ohl!curatur luce solis a11tecc<le11tes \eremur ct coli mus, Cic. ; in r!'gem,
lumen Jucernae, Cic.; caelnm uocte ntque nubi- Liv.
bus obscuratum, Sall. B. n, of di>'course, to observi.tlo-Onh1, r.(ohset"To), l,anobsn-riwf,
make darl;, indislind, unintellit1ibll; aliq 11id dic- observation ; siderum, Cic. ; 2, cxire, BCC11.racy,
en<lo, to pro11ounce itt<lisli11r.tly, Cic.; b./ to ma/~ nat:tnas, circum.rpeeti<m; aum111n erat oLsen·auo
obSC"Ure, kup in obscurity, cauu to lit ;orgolt.en; in 1ello 111ovendo, Cle.
fortuna res celPbrnt obiicurutquc, Sall. ; enrum obscrvator -Oris, m. (obaervo), a• oblerwr,
111emoria obscurata est, Cic. II. Transf., to 111atcha, Plin.
con.ceal, h.i~; maguitudinem periculi, Cic. obaervlto. 1. (int.ens. or ob!lf'rvo), to t00tcl,
obsc1irus -a -um (perhaps for obscul1ms ob5ern: dilige-ntly; motus stellarum, Cic.
connected with occultus). L dark, obscure; 1, obaervo. I. to icatch, obsn1-e, rMam. atUr.d
lit., lucus, Verg.; nox, Verg.; subst., obsctirum to. I. oceupntionem alleuiu11, Cic. ; C('mpw;
·i, n. da.rl.."11.U!I; sub obscurum nocti:J, v.. rg.; l'J>istolae alicui reddendae, to tl"(lft'h. jrJT, Cir.
applied to persona, ibant obscuri, i1' the darl:, IL A. to tL:aU"h, guard, hep; gregP.s. OY. B.
Verg.; 2 fig., a, or di"course or a writer, ob- to 1.;tep, obty, f"egard, ol>Mnoe a lall", rulr, }>Tffr['t:
IC"Ure, '"'1'Atelligib~, indisti11<d; Heraditus ob- if'ges, Cic.; praeceptnm, Caes.; ohsPo,·are ne,
acurua, Cle. ; hrevis et198 lahoro, ob~<·urus llo, v.-ith the su~j., quod ne accldat obsrn·are nee
Hor.; b, vnJ:n.oum, obscure, not celebrakd; Pom- potest nee ne,;."lfle est, Cic. C. t-0 'f'€..<p~t:l, utua,
peius humili atque obacuro loco natus, o/11.umbZ. pria, hon.our; me ut alte1iim patrem, etc.
obs 37~ obs
obses -sldi..c, c. (ob and ~eo). L • 11.odaQe : lo hr /or '-" kitch.ta, JIU"'J: 1, lit. Plaut.: a..,
obo1ol111 acctpere, dare, Ca8I. IL IJ nrtly, ambulando lllunem, to b"ll tM .auc.1 o/ Au"9f"1
S«'llnlr, p41,4,; 1e•1•1e elUI 1'91 0Le1dem Cure, Cle.; 2, eo f(.,. a fllUl, Ter.
poll1c1tus 91it, cAat lw IDl1l&ld be "'"'' /or cJlal 2.. ob96no. 1. co~ cs ,,.,-- ipeakiftf,
1At1117, :\ep.; obsld.s dare, CO g(w ~y. with Plaut.
acc. an•t lufto., Cle. obsorWo ·btll, I, CO ~. ,..Zp ~
ol>sesslo -611h1, f. {obsideo), o Woc:1:11dt, lk9'. Plaut.
llaC:laJ<Un"f; vi.Ml, Cle. obatitrlx ·lclll, r. (, o 11Ud1D'(ft, Hor.
obaouor -6rl1, m. (obet.leo), O"M
rr•Miu a /.1n9 """ '" o pfoa: l, g•·11., vlvarum
"'"° nu or ob•Uni.tO. adY. wtth compar. and 1uperL
(ol.ml111.atu11),, ~rilUJUlr, 00.lfnatdr;
oba.-1.-.•r ai1uaruro (of the water·, Ov.; 2, neg-are, ~; credere, Liv•
.. !'., OM u•ho buWfu Or blodo:adu i CutilMI, eta. j ~Dia, f. (obltlDO), f'UOlMl'°'9,
Lucena~. Liv. psr.Ulcnot, JI"'"""• obafflMJ.O)'; 1ent.entlae, Cle.
obsld6o ·sMI ·11euum, 2.. (ob and ..,,,eo). obethlitUJI .. ·nm, p. &fij. (from oblltlno),
I. l11~ra1 ..1t., to Iii do11'1'1, Nma(" at11f'Dht>re, Ter. /lr'ff'lly ruol~, ~mt,,nt, """· ob6thwu; <'b-
II. Traneit.., A. Co lit, N'1Mi" '" or cm, 1wi-:mt, etlnatlor Yoluntaa, Cle. ; a<lvel'9UI obstlnatior
fr••{IUllJ a rWc.., Plln. B. 1, lit., to bl,~·l:adt, l11cr1111u mullebru, LJy.; ad decertAndum ob-
~.bud; omne9 adltu1, Cle.; rotam ltallam, 1tlnati mori, Li'f.
Cic.: 2l tranlf., a, lo OOC'UPl', µJ; coq,.11 o1.u1 obstino. 1. (ob and Ito), lo perrist ,_, flt
orania obll!J.-tur loc111, ~ ,.UU. u ftllru, Cic.; ru.ll-1 cm a1'vt.\ing: with lnftn., obstl.Davenuat
b, 11> be 01l Uw Z.>0k·9id fer, tOOkA fer a" OJ1PO'I'· anhuia out Ylnceni aut mort, UT.
luUr; jacere lau111i ad oboildendum atuprum, Cle.
obatlpoaco = obetupe1100 (q. •.).
obaldlo -6nle, r. (ob.lldeo), IJ blockatU, mge.
A. Lit.., 01 ...1.linne nrbea 1-a~re, Cle.; ol.!lliJio11e obstipua • ·Um, Z.OnCng to ..U~ rid.I (o~
aohrl'l! or e:1imere, Co roU. UM mv- of 0 ~. rectu11); e&l'ut, Cle.; cervlI, tltrv?M\ back (KA d
UY. B. Tranir., J1'"Uri"9 dang9T'; reanpnliltcam of a haughty peraon}, Suet.; ca put, bcN or botOOCI
ll!Jerare uh.t1<ltu11e, Cic. do1r,., Hor .
ob•to ..uu -fltlt11ru1, 1. I. fo lt4tMf al,~.
o.,.. ona Am -e (1 · 0 '--Id! um~ 0,,J or...._..
..._'di- -1•- 1)9
1'9 ogaiM, Plant. IL Co 1141\d In opporitwn io, lo
lo 11 l>Wd. ..u, 1uge: coronr., Uw oorarr crotc.·n --'~ 1&'--'- bdruct wtth d t.. 1 11 1
Q/ ,,_.. m:Wl'l to tll.e commaiWw v.\o Aad ra'-d o Of"l"O", .__, ..,,_. • 0 : a • cu •
··-.. Cle.; 'lit.a cetera eorum hule 1relert otietat.
~. Uv. lltande '" opporiUo" lo, f.t Ctw:OUWeM vrltA, &IL•
1. obsldlum ·II L (obtMe<o), o btoeka.cU, wltb quln, q11omlno1, ne and the 1ubj., qotd
1119t. 1"..-1t11l9. L Lit., occup•re ohtlldlo Lace- o~tat, quomlnua alt ~t111? Clo.; ea ne Im·
daemunll ei:ercitum, LIY. IL Fil-, do"9f", 1oedinmt trlbunl, dletatorl1 obetitlt met111, LIY,
Plaut Partlc. ~ obeta.Dtla, neut. plnr., Mft-
1 obel41um ·O.. L (obeea), &A. OOIMWW. of dn1t1.oe1, , '"'Jllld'ftlAU, Tac.
be...... Tac. obtltr6po -at~pdl ·atnpltllm, 8. I. fo "'4h
Obaido ·•Ml -MDum, a. lo bloe.bMU, buUge,
'••, "'~; pout.em, Sall. i mllite campoa,
o "°"'· °'
r.lamot1r or Gg(lhuf; nlhll 1ensere
Poenl obetrepente plnvil, Liv.; with dat.,
Verg. fonteeque lymphl1 obattrepunt m1mantih11.1,
obslpator -6rta, m. (obllrno), OIWI "'Ao Hor.; olJltnipunt porU11, LIY. IL 1, to duturb,
.U., 11 N<Wr; llterarum, Cie.; e1'Jl., o wUMU (1\UrnipC o rpea.klt' ,,. clamm&r; a1lcuJ, etc.:
w.\o,.,, ~"Mil lo• wW: te1t.ameuti, etc. lmpera., deeeiuv1ro obet.lepltur, lJY.; 2, ..
obstgno, 1. L 1o -i. A. Oen., eptatolam, d'-rttvb, tROlul; Ubl lit.em, Cle.
Ole. B. t:Ap., 1, of a •ltne""• lo rig1' •Ad «al obatrlllgo ·Rfrinxi ·1trtctum, 8. lo Wnd Co,
a "°"'"""": pro•., llgl'nl cum allquo tabellla
obi1rnat11, co '°'th 4ftJ OtW ' " drid .ftyr-trt
fruUn eo, cu lo, lo liirul tip, Cw, hLf' bound.
A. vent.oe, Hor. B. Fig., 1, Co bfod, /tttt:r,
of laio, Cle.; :ii, lo Mil o" Cla:'tl&l.ti°" f19a(U ""4t1glc, Jltll 1'fttMr "" oblt{ra.lfml; Jur~j11ra11do,
••r oiw; oontra Scaurum patr.. m 8Ut1111, Cle. lo bind bf a" oatA, CM-&.; 11flquem le1ril 111M, Cle.;
ben~llelo obattrictua, Cle. ; 2, lo en.11.Ul{.IU, ,,...
IL lo datllp, (1t1pru1; formam verbl1, Luer.
ob1t1to .8 t1t1, a. 1, lo dand, pl4oe OMwt/ .alw; allquem ure alieno, to t'Plta"91- '" ~
bt./rrrt or '" IA.t viar oJ; alleul abeuntl, LIY.; 2,
lo "f'TX*, lri.l.uttand, ruUt: orn11ibu1 eiu1 eon·
Cle.; • purlcidlo, M 1Celere,
'° be pUtr cv,

lilil~. Cle.; allcul oh111 .. 1ere, roll. hy quomlnut oblJtnlotlo ~nfa, f. (obltruo), • lC~
•n<1 the 1uhj., Ole. Partlc., ob•tltua -a -um oNtnKlto.\, Cle.
i1" =
the language of tbe angura) .mic.t trit.\ =
obatrido obtrudo (q. •.).
ig~"'"'· Cic. oblltrflo ·8tM1II -atrnctum, a. L lo had
obsltua ·a ·am, partle. of I. (q. Y.). caga(Ml, buUd P,,f<Yf'I: pro dlruto noVtJm mnrnm,
ob16l6f'IM>lo ·!'kl ·f'actum, a. (ot.nleo and Liv.; lu111lnlhu11 allrulua, lo bwk up tM light,
farln), tn vorar out, d~9"1'f~, OONtiTil, flll1kc OOM- lruUrl "'fert Uw wiM(>IOI, Cte. II. to bu(/d tip,
"°"; nl·~nJ,.nt>banl di1CnltaUa ln 11 ignla, etc. bl()('/c ur, r.lnae: a, pnrta11, Caes.; adltu1, etc.: tter
o'baOlesoo ·l~vt ·letmn, s. (ohs and ole<:>), lo Poon la (lo CM Cartha¢niaM) vet corportbu11m1,
Cle. ; b, Ilg., obstruere perfugia lmproborum.
,... GV111J1 by d.t.gru., cW:or, war Old, faJJ. huo Cl
dMur, loa. m.l-.e; on1tlo, Cle.; vectlgitl, Cle. ~bst6pift\clo 'f'ki .factum, lo ~.
oba6leti, """· (oh1oll'tu1), roorlr, mea"1r; IJl1ov....t, ""tO#fr, co nftt.Mr ~u.u. ~u"'b:
Obe.1tr11u. v,..Ulua, aNil>Mlr drUMd, Cle. pMA •• obstdpefio ·fact11111um -flcrl, to be 0..
oba6tctue .a -um (partic. of obeole11CO), "'°"" tlfU,1-t, ca,,uLUJ ; lpio mlraculo audaclae ob-
°"'·,,..,,.~,.,; 1, lit., v.. Mtitu ol1'l<lll'tlo111, Cle.;
01 .... 1.tnN TI1eA-al11nlcam venl11tl, drrua/ (" oM
1tuprfl'dt b11Mtea, Liv.; obltupefactis huminlblll
lp.d ,.<lmirati11ue, Cle.
CllocA,.,, C1c.; verlia, ol..W~. C1c.; ~. oommon., ob&tQpeaoo ·11tt'tpdl (·•tlpdl), a. lo ~
y; 1·rir11ln1, Cle.; Ol'lltlo, or.li114ry, C1c.
obsonlum ·ti, n. (o>&.w"'o"). IAol wllf.t.A f.t
llW11 ...uA lwrod, e.1-, WfdabLa, /ruU, and esp.
., he ilur>'Jl"'l, lo Ii. tUtouftdM, amllUd;
quum eorum upectu ot.tipul:llet bubulc11.1,
obe'am. obf'!tl (ol!'lU) ....,, lo 1M "'tM '°"''
4'A, Ilnr.
l. obec>no and obeOnor, 1. dep. (b+..w..), AiW.., '"'JWl4, \'l\flH'e, be yr~.aal •• wtU.
obs 376 obu
dat., o~unt auct.orillua Arte11, Ov.; obest Clod II ut and tho auhJ., At tarried Au pohd tltat, etc.,
111ora l\liloni, C•c.: non or nthil ollest with Liv.; b, to mnintain. an n1sertiot1; dnas coll·
lnlln., 11ihil oliest dlcere, Cic. trn1tn11 sent<'nti:u1, Cic. IV. a, to kttp, obalrrt;
obsuo ·11111 ·antum, a. 1, to 1t11J cm: CA put, 11ilcnt iu111, Cle. ; vii""'• Cic. ; lex qnae In eon·
0\'.; 2, to cl0te up, llop u.p: apiritua orls 0L11u· vii iis Oraecorum olllincbatur, Cic.; b, J'\•llex.,
lt.ur, VerJ. to obt11tn., be htld; pro vero, Sall
obsurdesoo -ddl, s. to bccoiM rlmf, to bl obtlngo ·tli,'1, 3. (ob nntl tango), to fall to tlt
rim.I; 1, lit., hllc sonit11 np1•lct11e nures ho111im1111 lot of ail JI one, to hupJl"n brfitll; a, q 110.l cuique
ob,rnrduernut, Cle.; a, to be d,,:af to u:arn.i.ng1, ol•ti;.;it, !11 qnlsque te11e11t, Cic. ; si qui•I mihi ob-
et<-~, not to gi1JC ear to, C..:io. tigerit, (/ a,,,,11,tng ahould ha~>& io .u, if I
obtego -texl -tectnm, S. 1, to co~, protat ; 1ho11/tt du, Cle. ; b, esp. ns J10lit. t. t., or the
ae 11ervuru111 l't libertornm corporluus, Cio.; tam cm1ti11i <1f lots for p11l·llo offices, ailcui sorte ob-
paa tom e!l'!lrorum vint"i11 1 C<tM. ; 2, to co11tr, tiugit provlnclo aquarfA, Ch·.
<'Oflet:al, hi,[t, keep aecret; vitia multis vh·tutibm1 obtorpesoo -t.orpO.I s. to b«omt 6tijf, n1u11!11
obtce!n, Cic. torpid, (1m1uible; et f1ng11am oburntuisse et
manum olttorpuh111e, Ck. ; manua prae metu,
obtemp6rat(o ..Onla, t. (obtempero), com- Ltv.; obtorpuerunt anlml, Llv.
z1lia11ct, o/Je.litnu; lcglhus, Ciu.
obtomp6ro, 1. to oiJ,y, com71l11 wUA, OG1iform obtorqueo -tors! -tortum, 2. kJ tu"' or t~
toarorda, lo turn rouftd, wrencl&, heist ro'kiMl
to,1ubmil to: 11 licul, Cle.; lmperln po pull 1 (11~1111lly found In purtlc. perf.); ol>torta. guli in
Caes. ; ut a<l verba 1101Jii1<li1111t, ad itl, quoo vincula ab1ipl juasit, Cic.
ex Vl·rbli1 lntelli~I poi111it, ohtt-rnperent, Cle.
obtendo ·tendl ·tent,u111, :s. L to ltrdch obtreotii.tlo ..011ii1, t. (obi.recto), ra1'Wv1
befott, 1prea1l br,fon; 1, pro \'irO nehulnm, Verg.; 1lla1iamge111.ent, detrnclion; obtrcctatio eat aegri-
poet., ol1te11t:\ nocte, 1m1kr tM Bhdter of nit;ht, tudo ~x eo, quod al~r quoquf' 1•oliatur eo, quad
Verg.; ohtendl =to lie l•rfon, bll over a{]ainst; lpse c<}uruplvcrit, Cle.; laudi~, C;1es.
Urit.:111nla Oermnnlac obtc>n<lltur, Tac.; 2, to l'Ut obtreoti.tor ·c'5rfs, m. (obtrecto), a" lllriotrt
forward aJ an t.rcust, plta1/ 1 a/ltyt : mat.ria precc~, dl'tract&r, dispan19'r; ol>trcctutores et fn,·i1!l
'fac.; valetudlne111 curporis,.Tac. II. to co111:r, Sci!'ionis, Cle.
conceal, hide; diem n11he atf.t, Tac.; ttg., quasi obtrecto, 1. (oh and traL1.o), to dUparags,
veils q11it.m1dam obten<litur unlus culus•1ue drtmct /rum, envio11~ly rl!cry, to op1,.,., tluoart,
natum, Ck. injure any ont; with dat., 11\icul, Cic.; i:lrlriae
1. obtentue ·111, m. (obteudo), 1 lit., a nlicuius, Liv.; Inter se, Nep.; legi alkuiu.a,
atrctchi ng or spreading bffora; frond id, \'er'b.; 2, Cic.; with acc., elus la11rlell, Liv.
ll~.• a iirtlat, pnttnct, uc11H: temporn reipuu· obtrlido (obatriido) ·trnsl ·trtlaum, 1, to
licne obtf'ntul 11u111pta 1 Wm as un u:cu.te, Tac.; grtlpdown,, awaUow dow11, Plaut.. ; 2, a, Co
sub el11s ol1te11tu cog110111l11is, Liv. lh1'1!.st,/ortt, ol1trude anything itpon 11M; virginem
2. obtentus ·a ·um, 1, part.ic. or ol>tlneo ; ulicui, Ter.; b, to covu; obsb·u11& carLasa 1•ullo,
2, l'artie. or obtenclo. edoetl with, Ov.
obtero ·trlvi ·tritum, S. to tram1>le, enuh; obtrunoo, 1. to cut dowii, cu' ,,. p(«es, 1l41;
1, lil1, <.:le.; out.dt.i sunt 1>l11rca qua111 ferro rege111 1 Liv.
11ecati 1 Liv.; 2, tra11Kf., to crush., annihilatt, de· obtti~or 2. dep. to look at, ua:•at, a, •
1tro11; calmn11111111, Cic.; jura pnpuli, trample hold, I'la11t.
under foot, Liv. (syncop. plupt·rf., outriuct, obtundo ·tMI -tn~um, 8. L io beat vr"'11,
Liv.). t7mm11; 01 mihl, Pinnt. IL to make dull by
obtestatlo -6nls, f. (obte!lt.or), 1, a aoltmtl 1trikin17. A. Lit., telum, Luer. B. Tram1r., 1,
calling of God to witnus, an atljuring (n tM nanu to tnab blunt, dull, rtndtr obt11~, 'IVtaltn; oh·
of tlu godJ; obtf'stlltio et con11ecratlo legl!I, Cic. ; tun<lere anres, to din (nto a rcnon's Nr;; obtud·
tua obt1·st•1llo tibicinls, Cic.; a, an taTMst np· erunt eius at1rei1 te sod um prneroris rui'I~,, <.:ic.;
p/ic(ltion, tJthtme1U, Liv. <1?tu11c!ere vocem, or orators~. to SJ>rok: hoar~y.
obtestor, 1. tlep. I. to call to tvltnn1, rro- Cre. ; lngcula, to make dull, Ct\:. ; 2, to '"'1'1/;
tw brfur( stmUI £"'son or thing: deu111 l10111in· a liq uern l11ngh1 eplstolls, Cic.
u111q11e fi•lem, Iv. IL 1, to adjure, (1111•/ort, obturbo, 1. I. A. to disturb, mah tvrtid:
tntrmt, 111pp/icate (n tht name of tht god$; pcr aqunm, l'lin. B. lo di.>turb, put into Cfl<l/!:si<rA,
0111ne:1 l!eos te obtc11tor ut, etc., Cic. ; qua re perturb; l1oste11, Tac. IL Tr:rnsf., A. to dftVMI.,
oro obte,.torque ,·o::i, .lu1liccs, ne, etc., Cle.'; 2, tost11n; I\, with shouta, o\1turha\.atnr militum \•"<:·
assert solrmnly; eumnuun r.1:mpul>llc.1m agl ob- !lu1~. 'l'.1<'.; b, mentally, me sc1;pt10 et lit-er:ie
test.<111!11 Tac. non le1dunt serl obturl>11nt, dlstrart, Cfc. B. t.o
obtexo ·texi\I -textum, s. 1, to tMare on, disturb, Z,rrak i.11 111>011; solitudi11em, Cle.
t«ave over, Plin.; 2, to roi•tr; eoelumque obtex· obturgesoo ·tursl,S. to lll'tll up, Luer..
itur uml>ra, Verg. obtiiro, l. to stop ttp. I. Lit., e:1s partl'I
obticeo, 2. (oh aud t.1ceo), to be silent, Ter. (<'orporis) ohstructas et obt11rnfa~ esse dkel!!!t,
obtioesco -cl\I, s. (oliticeo), to beco11U quiet, Cic. II. Transf., allc11l 1111res, to rtjuu to listm,
grow ailtnt, Hor. Hor.
obtlgo obkgo (q.v.). obtuaus -a -um, p. arl.f. (from obtuntin\
blunt. L Lit., puf.'10 1 Tac. IL 'r!lln,.f., a, dart·
obtineo -ttnni .t,entnm, 2. (ob nnd teneo). tned, dulleil; 11cq11e tum a tel lis ncies <1Ltusa
L ro !told ll'ith tht hnn,,/1; nl•tine aures, Plaut. Yi<lctur, Ver~.; b, of the int.-lleet., clulltd,
II. to .'lolrf, posst.~$, ~·ttp posstssion of. occupy. A. blunti>Ai ; cuius ani111l11 obtusior 11it acies, Cic.;
11u11111 c!omum, Ck ; varla custodii11 1 Cle.; citer· c, of fe1·li11;,:, irntensibla; pt'ctora, Verg.; d, wca.k
lorem rlpnm 11nnis, Liv. B. T11rnsr., to hold, po1rer/rss, V t'rg.
OCC'ltpy; princip•'lll locum, to Aold ths chiefplaa,
Caea. ; se .. undum dlg11itath1 locum, Caes.; n11· obtiitua ·fls, m. (obtueor), a looHng at, •
ml'rum dco111111, to be amono tAt number of the holding, look, gaza: ocul11r11m, Cle. ; dum stupd
god1, Cic. III. A. to ma£ntain, hold firmly; olituluque l1Aen:t defixu11 in uno, Verg.
pontem, Liv.; heretlltawm, Cic. B. Transf., obumbro, 1. to owrahadow. L Lit., hum-
a. jus suum contra allqucm, Cic. : causam, to um, to darl.:m; aethera tells, \'erg. ll. Fig.,
•""Y one'1 point, Cle.; abaol., obtlnult, with 1, to oblcvn, owrclo1UI; nwnquam obseora
obu 377 occ
nomlna, et.i1i aliq11:111Jo obumbrentur, T:lc.; 2, boilit.1. A. Lit., 1, 1101ii., Caes.; 2.
ttJ ooitcrul, prottd, oot't'r; errori11 sub Imagine tlu 1vt.1t; ab occa.111, Verg. B. Traner., fall,
crimen, Ov. destructio1', t-nd, chath; OCCMllS lnterltu!!que rei·
ibunoua ·a -um, benl i1uoards, ltooktd in· publicae, Cle. ; occu11s noster, ailt, Cle.
unrds; rostrum, Vcrg. occi.tlo -onis, r. (occo), a harrowing, Cle.
Obll9t1111 •R ·Ulll (OIJ llnd Uro), bf.&rl!.l, hard- oooido ·cessl -ce!ll!nm, s. (ob and cedo), to
Offl i1t tM fire; RU•lcs, Verg.; traosf'., gld.Ja po to, go totoarda, 111~et; in con:ipectum 1tlicuius,
obnstA (pi11rhet1) gdu, Ov. Plaut.
obvAllo, I. lo s11 rro11111l with a ""'ll• wull occento, I. (ob :m<I canto), 1, to sing to, •ing
n"'*': Ill{., lucu!I 011111i rntione obvallatu", Cic. 1• ure mule to, Plllnt. ; 2, lt! ri11g a lampoon or
pcwpti1uuu against any 0114!!, Cle.
obvenlo -vt!nl -vcnt11111, 4. L to eo111t ill t/1~
lrd!I of, to 111~~t: 11e In ~mpore pn~ae ohvent· oooldem -entis, m. (lit., Jlllrtlc. or occltlo,
11111111, Liv. II. Transr., a to fnll \n the way of, sc. sol), tht uenfog, tht wtlt, C1c.
OC<"Ur to, haP1v:n; viti11m obvenit 00111mll, Liv. ; oocidlo -{\nil!, r. (occldo), complete s/,aughUr,
i•I obvcnit vitium quod, etc., Liv.; b, to/111.l to, t.:rtt.nnination, utUr dutruction; occirlione oceld·
{nil to the lot?/: ei sorte provinclA obvenit, Cic. ere, to deJtroy utUrly, 1la11 to the nian, Cle. ;
obvenor, 1. dep. to nunit up and down occidione occumbere, to be 1lain w tlle last ma11,,
IY/ore; apr-wr ~fort, be before, go about, 1how Tac.
oruMlf. A. Lit., castri~. Li\'. ; Appio In so•nnls 1. oooido -cidl -clsum, 3. (ob and caedo).
e.11lem obYcrsat.a species, ap11tartd, Liv. B. L to knock down, beat to tlw ground; Cteslpho
Trans(., scd mihi ante oculos obversat11r rei· me pugnls occidlt, Ter. IL lo kill, 1lay. A.
publicac dignitas, hovtu hr/ore niy t)IU, Cic. Lit., L. Virglnius ttllam 111' manu occidit, Cle. ;
lp:ic fortis'lime pugnans occldltur, Caes. B. to
ObvGrllU• ·A ·Hill (partic. of OU\'Crto), turMd plagut to Math, to torturt, annoy, tormmt; rog-
loiru.rd.i; in agmen utru111que, Ov. antlo, legendo, Hor.
obverto (-vorto) -vertl (-vorti) ·Venmm (-vor· 2. occldo -clcll -wum, 3. Cob and cado). L
~tl'n l, 3. to !urn iau,"(lrds, ticW towards, dlrticl
to fall, fall MW1•; alla 11igna de coelo ad terram
''•rPnrd1. L Ac:!;,, arcm1 In allquem, Ov.; proras occidunt, Plant. IL A. or the heavenly bodies,
pPl.1go, Verg. I.Lo l'di•tule, obverti, to turn to· to sd; sol O..'cicllt, Liv.; ab orto usque ad occid-
1"'trd.'I. A. Lit., a..., gen., In hostem, Liv.; b, entem solem, from the ta6t to the toUt, Liv.
• •p., to oppost; prolligat!s obversls, tht op;.10Mnts B. to du, perUA; 1, lit., In bello, Cle. ; snA
l~i,..1 scatt~td, Tac. B. Transf., u1illte ad dextril; to die by om's 0101& hand, Verg.; 2,
u.n,;.iinem et caede11 obvers'J, Tac. trans~.• t-0 ptrish, bt ruiw; sin plane occltll11111s,
obvlam. adv. in tJu way, on the 1Dll11; hence, Cic.; ornatua muntll occldat, Cle.; apes occldit,
c.·..,,,r.I;, agai?Ut, to 1'&ttt in & friendly or hostile Hor.
1na11""r; oliviam alicul ire or prodlre or pro- ooddib111 ·& -um (occldo). L !dting; a,
ced-'re, Cic.; obviam 111icul fleri, Cie.; obviam lit., sol, Ov.; b, meton., W!!.skrn, 'IDUttrl11, Ov.
v.. .:ire, to con1t w mut, Cic.; obviam Ire allc11i II. Transf., approaching d«Uh, near to diuolu·
rei, to oppo~. Cic.; cupi•~itAtl homlnum, Cic. tiim, Ov.
obriua -a ·Um (oh a1Ht via), in the way, ooclno ·cklnl and -clntU, S. (ob and cano), to
"""tt:ig. L Lit., ol•vlus csre allcul, Cic.; ring or chirp iM1t.tpiciowly, to croak; al occin·
tbre 'e obvium Hlkui, lt! 11vtt, Liv.; ohvias milil nerit av1!1, Liv. ·
liter-as mitt.A,;, Cic,; subst., obvios perc11nct11.ri, ooclplo -c~pl -ceptum, 3. (ob and capio).
('it-. IL Tn.nsf., 1, trposl'd t,,; furlls ventornm, I. I ntnrnsit., to begin; a me rid le nebula
\"erg.; 2, na:fy at hand; teste", Tac.; 3, ajfable, occeplt, Liv. IL Transit., A. to beg-in, rommtnce;
rourlMtU. ea,,y of acces.•; comitas, Tac. qu11eRtum, Ter.; with lnfln., occepit,
obvolvo -volvi ·Vi'•llttum, S. to roll up, 1urap Liv. B. to tr:ter on; maglstratum, Liv.
ltJI, cMvr all roaltd: capitc obvoluto, with liff!d ooclpltlum -li, n. (occiput), tht back. o/ the
1.u1_1Jf,~l vp, Cic.; trnnsf., verblsque decoris ob- htud, 0<xiput, Plaut.
volvas vitlum, Hor.
ooolput ·His, n. (ob and caput), the back o/
oecaooo, 1. (<)band caecn). I. Lit., co makt tlu head, Pers.
blirit1, to blir.rt: ::i., lit., occaec11t11" pulve1·e elfuso
h··~fr11. Liv.; b, lran~r., occaecati cnpiditste,
oocislo -onls, r. (occldo), a tlaying, killing,
L"ic. .1.L to darke>i, <n:erclo1id; a, lit., densa
munuring, slaughter; parcutls, Cle.
C'a:igo occaecavernt <li·~m, to hid~ from sfgh.t; b, oooisor -oris, m. (occi•lo), a •la'JltT', murderer,
tra11~r.• to '1U1~·t oby;ic·e, unintelligiblt; obscura. Pla11t.
11:irratio totiun occ-:•e..-nt or11tionem, Cic. IIL oooisua ·•-um p. adj. (from occido), r11intd,
to m11n:ul, 11'.tll;e i11.:i;i/,1~; semen, Cic. mifortunatt; occlsissimus sun1 omnium qui vlv·
ocoallesoo -calln1, 3. (ob antl calleo), to 1mt, Plaut
L«o•flt tlt ick·skinr.M; 1 1 lit., Ov.; 2, transf., to occliido ·cl Os! -cltlaum, S. (:ib and claudo). L
~<-O'llt iiucnsi/Jlc, u><frrln•g, Cle. to shut up, clou up; tahernas, Cic. IL to rutrai11,
kup in; fmax servus, cul nlh1l sit obslgn11tum
ocobo -e.i.mll, 3. (ob •rntl cano), to blou.•, nee occlnsum, Cic.
60Vnd; cornua tnbasquP, 'L'ac.
oecaafo ·Olli,., f. (from occa!lum, supine 0f occliiaua ·a -um, partlc. of occludo.
OC'.C••fo), a favourabl£ 11tomc11!, opportunity, o.:· oceo. l. to harrow; poet., seg:ett>m, to till,
t'•U•on. L Gen., occasionem nanclscl, Cic. ; Hor.
am~re, Liv.; amitt~re, Cic.: rlimittere, Cacs.; ocooepl ·isse == occiplo (q.v.).
N:~if•-,ne daU, u·h~n an oppor:unity offered,u oocubo, l. (ob and cubo), to He down, e.\p.,
Cic.; ut pri11111m occasio d11ta f,st, tu "'°°"'
<t.J an to rt,•t iii the graV4!; ad tumuium, quo 1naximus
oppvrlu11it11 of/trtd, Cic,; per OCl'&Sion~m. on a occuliat Hector, \'trg.
fa•-m.rabu opportunity, Liv. ; qu&erPre crimin· ooculoo. 1. (ob and calco), to trample, trtad
&mlorum patrum OCCAlliones, Liv. IL an <rp- in, trnmplr down; occulc&re slgna ordint!sque (0f
portu •ity to make a roup-de·main; occasion is elephan t:i), LI v.
e!W! rem, nou proelii, Caes.
oooUlo ·ctliui -cultum, S. (ob and root CUL,
1. ooci.aua ·I\ -um, partic. or occldo. whence l'!so cucullus), to ~r (t>11p. ror the
2. oooiaua -118. m. (occlJo), tM letting of the purpose or hiding), tQ hide, COftJ'.fal; 1<l!que111,
occ 378 oct
Ltv.: 't1llnera, Cle.; transr., punet& argument- 0cell1U1 -1, m. (rlim. of oculus), a lU:tl.t Ill!,
orum, Cle. • Ov. : fig., of ~omething ncellent, ocelli ltaliu..
ooculti.tlo ·onis, f. (oc·cnlto}, a hidinff, C01'· \'illulae nostrae, t.:ic.
ctaliug, ronatilmrnt: occulratione se tutari, Cle. Oolor, OO(US, adj. compar. (u,.i..w). IUJ'frl.
occulti.tor ·orls, m. (occulto}, a Aider, con· oolsalmu.a (wK•CTTo~), swtj'tt,., quf.chr, MMW
ualer; lat.ron11111, Cic. rapf.d; o<'ior cervis, lior. ; O.!ior Euto, Hor.
occulte, 111lv. (occnlfuq), MCrdly, in nerd, 0olua, adv. (= .:... 11111:), superl. CX,!Mlmi,
prit'<rtdy; lat ere, Cic.; dkere, ob6CUrely, Cic. more quickly, BWiftly, rapidly; faeere, Cic.; tt-
ereari..._~ic.; serius, oclus, aura ex1tura, 800MI" er
occulto, 1. (l11tcns. of occulo), to Tl.Mk, con·
0t<tl; se latt,brlA, Cic. ; transr., ftagitll\, Cic. later, .ttor.
occultus ·a -u:n, l.'· adj. (from occulo}, 11tcrd, Ocnua ·I, m. ("O.te-), t.Mfo'll.nder-o/
11.idtlni, ro11c~altil, prwau. L Adj., A. Lit., iori§a -ae, f. a 1n1fQl great~ Verg.
occultisslmm1 exitus, Liv. B. Tnmsr., occultior C>crei.tua -a -um (ncrt'a), 'lf'Wri'llg tM ocrs,
eupl•litas, Cic.; of persl)ns, !UJrrtt, rlost, ruerwd; Hor.
sf me 1111tutum et occult11111 luhet flngere, Cie. Ocriala -ae, f. nwlhtr of &n:lus Tu1li1LS.
II. 8ubst., a. ooculta -orum, m. ~c thi~s,
1ecrtts, Cic.; bf in o.d v. expre&11lons, In occulto, OorioiUum -i, 11. a toum '11. Ulllbria, o:i Uu
C1c., per occu, Tac., ex occulto, Btcrdlfl, Tibtr, now Otricoli. Benet\ adj., Ocricit-
Cle. li.nua ·I\ -um, of or belo11{ling to Ocricidt1.m.
occumbo-c1'\bi\l -C"ilblt11mi8. (ob and cnmbo), octAph~l'ff = octophoros (q.v.).
to fall dou..,.., rink down; usua ly, to fall down. m Octavius -a -nm, nanu o/ a Roaa• ,,,.._
dta.Ul, to dLe : mortem, to du, Cle. ; poet., mortl, HPnce, adj. Octi.vli.nua -a -uni, Oeta"4tt:
Verg. ; or simply occumbere, aut oecubulssem bellum, of Cn. Octavhu with Cinna, C:ic. ; 11nblt.,
honeste, aut victores hodie viveremus, Cic.
Ooti.vli.n11t1 -l, m. tta11'11l o/ t.Jui Emperor
occiipatlo ·i'.mis, f. (occupo). L a selzinq, Au9u.:·tu1 after hu a.doptfon inw Uu gens Julia.
taki1'{1 posse88icn of, occupatfon ; forl, Cic. IL
a busi11Ua, employrn.en.t, oc.:upGtion.; occupatlones ootavua -a -um (octo), u~ tightA; ager elftel'
relpublicae, C&es.; maximis occupatlonlbus im- cum octarn, bwra tight-fold, Cic.; adv:? octa,·wu,
pediri, distineii, Cle. for tAt eighth hm.t, Liv. ; suhlt., octaY& ..,, f.
(sc. hora), the tighth hour, Ju\',
ocoi1patua -a -um, p. adj. (from occupo),
busy, engaptd,; In appamndo bello, Cle. ootavuadeolmua ·• -nm, tM lighta11ll.
ocoiipo, 1. (ob and caplo), to tab polllUBion ootlia, adv. (octo), eigll.C times, Cfc.
of, occv.p11, lay hold of, lrize. L Lit., 1,
ltaliam auis prsesidiis, Cic. ; tyrannl<lem, Cle.; ootlrurini.rlua -a -um (octingf:ni), COMUt-
poet., allquem amplexn, to tmbrocl!, Ov. ; 2, to (ng of eiglu hundred, Varr.
ftll, O<XllP11 with anvthi1'{1; Tyr1 hen um mare octlngentialmua -a -nm (octingenti), t.u
caementis, Hor. i. aream fundamentis, Liv. IL tight h u 111 I f't.dth, Cic.
Transf., 1, to fa l upon, attack; allquem gladio, ootlngentl ·ae -a (octo and centum), tigAI
Veri;. ; 2, to anticipa.U, to do anvthing ftr6'; hundred, Cic.
with lnf!n., occupant bellum ~re, flrn btgin octl'.pea ·pMia (octo and pea), Aat'il'lU ngM
tAt war, Liv.; 3, to occupy,; pavoroccupat fttt, Ov.
anlmos, Liv.; mentea Siculorum occnpat super·
stitlo, Cir.; 4, to ma kt bU$fl, enga.ge1 00C1£py, LI v.; ootO (bim.:.), right, Cle.
6, to employ, occupy, to put oue, '1l11t1t money; Octiber ·bris -bre, m. (octo and sntl'. -ber),
pccuniam grand! fenore, Cle. bdo11gi ''U to tht numbtr tight; a, 111~nsis Octolier,
occurro -curri -cursum, :I. (ob and cnrro). the rirrhth month of tM llomr.ll y(ar, reckonini;:
L to run to me•t, luulttn to mut. A. 1, lit., fro111 March, October; b 1 b.-lon.[Ji.11g to t.M tllOtllA
a., ge11., Caes:ui venlcntl, Caes. ; b, esp., w fall o/ Udober; ldm;, Calendar, Cic.
upon, attack; duahus legionlbus, CILes.; 2, oocodeolm, numer. (octo and decem),
tranar., of thingii, to COllUl in tl~ 'llJ(!JI of: in tightten, Liv.
uperis locis silex Mepe impe11etrnbili11 f!'rro octi>genarlus -a -um (ortogeni). rontai11i11g
occurrebat, Liv. B. Fig., a., to toc>rk a!Jainst, tighty, r,on.<isti1'{1 qf eight11, Plin.
oppou, counkract; omnibus elus consiliis, Cic. ; ootoginl -ae -a, eighty tach., Liv.
b 1 to c!lmt to the hrlp of, assist: ve!ltrae sapienti11",
C1c. II. A. to be prestnt at, engage in; neutri octi>geslmus-a·um(octoginta), tAuigAtUt.1,
proolio, Liv.; nei;:otiis, Cic. B. .Fig., to med Cic.
tAt tJI', to come it1to tht thoughts, to occur to any octiglia, adv. eighty tima, Cic.
ol\t, to prmnt itsel/, occur, happe11; animo, eogi- octoglnta, numer. eighty, Cic.
tationi, Cic. ; in mentem, Cic. octojiigts -e (octo and ju1o;um) yobd etglll
oooursatlo -Oni11, f. (occurso), " gofog to together; trnnsf., octojui;es nd imperia: obtinenda
meet a person, attention. officiousness; fa.cllis est ire, tight lc·vtlh<"r, Liv.
ilia occursatlo et blanditia popularis, Cic. ootOnarlu.a -a -um (octoul), C0"8Uti1'g <JI
ocourao, I. (!ntens. of occurro). L to po to eight, coutaini1'{1 tight. Plin.
mett, to meet. A. Lit.-. fuglentihus, Tnc. B. to ooti>nl ·ae -a (octo), right taeh, Caes.
oppose: lnvldl, occnN1&ntes, factlosi, Sall. II. octiphoroa -on (* o•m:,<t>op~), bonw by fettr;
to ruah upon, fal.l u1-on, auack; occursat ocine lf'cticli octophoro ferri, Cic. SubsL, ooti-
gladio, Cac>s.
pboron -1, n. (vnW<t>opo.,), a litter carrltd bi
oeouraua -1la, m. (occurro}, a muting, a fall· t ';Jht bearer1, Cic.
Mg fa 111ith; vacuao occurens hominum vhw,
Liv. ; aliculus occursum vltare, w avoid muting =
octiiii.glea, octuagint.a octoi,-ies, octog:inta
with any one, Tac. (q.v.).
l> -1, rn. ('01r•~), 1, the oaan, tAt ootupllcatua .. -um (octuplua), ~
eigh.t-f~a.. Liv.
11ra which encompa.uu Ute l!Clrth; mare Oceanus,
Caes. ; 2, perso11ified as a god, t.h.t h-iuban.d octiiplua -a ·nm (&..nur>.oiir), eigAl·foM;
of Tlthfl/I and fatlwr of Che Kyniphl; hence pars, Cle. Bnbst., ootiiplum ·i, n. C111& ciglit·
OolbiU. -ldl~ f. adaughUr qf'Oceam111, Verg. fold pewtr ; damnari octu1•li, Cic..
oct 379 Oen
ooh.Mia •la, m. (octo and u). riglal a-, ik10raa -a -um (odor), 1, Aalli11911 pltaaom
Hor. 8mdl, 111Jttt·111ulling, odcrO'UI; lloa, Ov.; ~. bei&-
6ciUi.taa -a -um (oculus), 1141:,ng eytt; hence, •cmUd, lrocking bJI rm.ell; odora canuw ,.ia,
1, testis, a" eve-wUna., Plaut. ; 2, catching the Verg.
~. riliblc, Cic. (!) Cklia = odor (q. v.).
Ocilleua •a ·Unt (oculus), having 11141''/I e,u, 64.rfaae ·lrum, m. ('08pvcnu), II peoplt IV
IM.rp-signua; Argu.i, Plaut. ' TAraoe; hence, a<lj., 6drj41.u -a ·um, poet.
6oiilua -t, m. (dim. of 00 -us, connected = Th.rocian.
with OCTCTO"'"• oCTcr~). CM tJlt. L Lit., ocnlos 6cl,..ea -ae, t. ('0.WCTO'~lo.), 1, tht Odylll"J,
amltt.ere, to lose inu"• !right, Cae~.; cadere sub a poem by Jlomw; 2, Odysaeae portus, a pro·
oculis, Cic.; e,.ge 111 o~ulls, to be vi1iblP, Cic.; ante mon.tory tn th4 llO'Uth of Sicily.
oculos ponere, 1rropouere oculis, tout. befirre tme'a
t1fU, Cle.; res posit.a In oculis, daible, Cic.; In Oea ·&e, r. a tcum in .A.jrico., now TripoH.
oenlls, bt/ort one• eyu, (tt. OM'a prtamce, Cia.; In Hence, adj., Oeenala -e, of or belonging le Oers.
oculia ~ee aliculus (alicul), to be l0t>ed by, Cle.; Oe&grua ·I, m. (O<aypoi), 4 mythical king oJ
10 also ali.quem In oculi11 ferre, to utte·m hi11hJ!!_, Thrau,falhn'qfOTpheu,,;hence,adj.,Oeagriua
Cic.; eeee ante oculoa, to be vmblt., Cic. IL ·a -um, poet.= Thracian.
Tn.nsf., a., of aomethiug highly prized or exoel· Oeb&lua .J, m. (O<.Ba.Ao(), a ki1'(1 of Sparta_
Jent, Uloe oculos orae maritimae (Corinth and faCMr of Tuudanu, graru:l/' of Ht/.en. Hence,
C.utbage) etrodere, Cle. ; b, &Jw apo& upm a "
pa1'1Mi'a ski" or a f'«loock'• tail, Plin.; 0 , a Wei A. OelNUlclia ·a.e, m. a ducemlant qf Oebalu
or qe qf 4 plam, Verg. =a Spartan; puer, Hyacinthi..t, Ov. ; plur.,
Odl. Odisse, partie. tut., c':ieQruL L to llatl, OehaUJae, ~and Pollv.z, Ov. B.
d.Nst: aliquem acerbe, Cic. II. to dUlia, be ·ldis, r. relali.1'(1 to OthaltUJ; nympha, Htkn, O\·.;
d•....i- •...1 wuh ,· Persicoa apruo.""twi, Hor. (perf., matres, Sabine, as the Sabines were supposed
~_......... ..-- to be descended from the Spartans, Ov. C.
odivi, ap. Cic.). OebAllua ·I\ ·um, rtlating to Oebalua; vulnus,
CkUOei. adv., (odlosua), AaUfull.r, odfowlg, qf llyacinthiu, Ov.; Oebllla -ee, f. TarenCu•
Cic. (colon.iaed from 8pa1·ta), \'erg.
MIO.US -a -um (odium), "/laUfttl, odwu.r, Oe~ ·&e, t. (Oi~aAi4) town m Eubola.,
trow.bluomt, irbomc, 11eml'°11..1, bttrdenaom41 ; ora· ruilknccqf Eurytv•, fathff of I oft: Hence, Oeoi.;.
ti•r, t.ldla-us, Cle. ; verhum, etc. ; "upldis rerum Illa ·fells, f. Otch4l"1n.
taUum odiosu111 et mol~st.111n eat carere, U ia
c1u~o7ing, unpleaaan.t, Cic. Oecleua ·61, m. (O;otAni~). father of .Amph£.
641um ·li, n. (odJ), hatred. L Subj1:ct., a, araiu. Hence, Oeolidia -ae, m. '°"
odium In omnea, Cic.; odium 111ulierumJ to- .. Amphiarau.
oeoinomlou -a -nm (o<..:ol'Oflurlk). rllatin.f
DUdl ~. Cle.; vestrum, to1D4rda you,;
lD odJum alicuius lrruere, to become h.o.Ud by
a"r cmt, Cle.; odiwn flllt milii cum &liquo, I am
'° dOIMMic ~· Subet., Oeo6nomloua
-i, m. title ofQ book by XeMJ>h<m, Cle.
at a&•UJ! tuUh., Cic.; esse odio alicui, to be hated Oe41pia ·J>6dls, m. (00.Si~), kingofT1telJ,.a,
by, Cle.; In odlo esse alicui or apud allquem, '°" qf Laiv.a and Joocuta, fo.ud. to kill hi4 fat'Mr
'° bs 1&aUd bt/, Cic. i odium 11&turare, to &UJi,efy
""41 'ltatrtd. Cle.; b, meton., tM object o/114trtd;
and to tapouu Ma mother; known aa hariiig •ol1w
the ridal4I qf &Jw Thllban Spl&yu: wov., Davua
Antonlns fnslgne odium 011111lum homlnum, sum, non Oedipus, I am 110 Otdipw to w.nridcilt
Cic. D. Objf'ct., o§ffllive conduct, u:prusion of -XA•6nI
Mitred; odlo et strepltu seuatua coactua ut nadlu, Ter. Hence, Oedl,....... U •& ·Urn,
perorare, Cic., Ov.
Mor and Mia ~rls. m. (ci(..,, ~,...;), 4 mull, Oeneua -~I or -bls, m. (Oiv~(), kin.g qf
odonr. L 1, lit., Cic.; t!Mp., a, an unplta.Mnt Auoli.a or Calydon, father of Mt/eager, 'J'ydt111
•14U, .un.cA, ltink; camera l11cult11, tenet.ris, and lkianira; hence, A. Oenilua •a -um aod
odore foeda, Sall.; b, a eu.'Ul 11ftdl, \'erg.; o Oeniua -a -um, ~lati1'g to Ocne111; agri,
.ccm., iiapmtr; lnsolitua, Liv.; a, setnl:
transr., a
~. ilakUng, prtumimen'; dictatul"lle, Cic.;
..tuoUa., Ov. B. Oenidia -ae, m. aon o/
Oenem, Mtltagt:r; also Diomtdu, aon of Tydev ..
urb&Ditatia, Cic.; 11uspicio11is, Cle. IL lileton.,, gran<Uon o/OtrutlJI, Ov.
J!<T/lltU, ~1lCn«; and In plur., ~rfvfMT11, un· OenomAu ·I, m. (Oi..0,...o(), king itL Elf.a,
p.nl6,; incendere odores, C1c. falAer of Hi.ppodamia, grandfather of .A.trnu 1111d
OclO.ri.tlo ~oia, t. (odoror), a amtlling, 1T1Ull, ' Thyesw.
Cle. Oenoni ·bl, r. co;v..:.,,,,>, a Phrygian. n)l17lp/I.,
l. ~oratua ·ds, m. (odor), 1, a .mcll, daughter of the rit'er-god. Cebrtn1'1, belo1'ed and
nlllling, C1c. ; 2, transf., a, the «nU of IJMll, a/leru.urru duerttd by Pan.a.
Cic.; b, an odou.r, Plin. oenophorum -1, n. (o&..~pov), a baaket or
2. Monitua -a -um (odor), odorotU, ~ hamper for urine, Hor.
.alifl{I: Ct:drus, V.:rg.; eapilli, Hor. Oenopla -ae, r. (O~V01ri'11), the ~land after.
S. Mori.tu ·a -um, partic. of odoror. warda Qdled .A.egi114. Hence, adj., Oeniplu.e
MorUir -~ra -nrum (odor ant.I rero), 1, -a -um, rtlating to Omopi.a.
odori/"oua, llavin.g a pleaaant amtll : panacea., Oenoplon -Onl9, m. (OiV01riwv), kirlg i"
\'erg.; 2, producing per/Umta; gens, Ov. Chio•,' of Merope.
Miro, J. (odor), to ~ odoTov•; odorant oenopolium ·I, n. (otllOlrc.>A<lOV), a u-inMhop,
aera fumis, Ov. ta11ern, Plaut.
6cliror, L dep. (odor). L to '711tll: a, to OeDOtrla ·ae, t. (o;,,....,.p&a.), old Mme of th.a
- i M by nMll; ahguld.L Plant.: b, to seem, IOUth.-wat part of Italy; hence, adj., Oenotriua
llM!l; clbum, Hor. IL!111r., a, to mu§ al, ·& -um and Oenitrua -a -um, Oenctrian ;
11-<* (asa dog); to a(m al, ~rt to; quua ot.lomri meton. Ikilian, Roman.
hane deeemviraturn 111ap1caminl, Cle. ; b, to '
Jl"aTch. i'ISto, track o-ut, invutigaU; qui1l sentlant, I. oen1!8 "" unna (q. v.). .
Cic. ; c, only to lf11U!ll of. to hav. tM aliglt.tut !!. Oenua. ace. -unta, m. a rin:r in Laco1ua.
ma.tferi1'g of; philosopbiam, Tac. fi:&lUng into &Jw ~rota.I.
oes 380 oi
oestrua ·I, m. (ottlTPOf), t1u gadft.11, litnwfly, worbllop mafl'M/actory, in wlaicA any handimlft
brtae, Verg. UI ca.rri~ on; armorum, a manufadOTJ of anu,
OM1IS = WIU8 (q. V.). Caes.; fig., a 10orblaop, labrmllory; Cal!IOrura
commentariorum et cblrographon..m oftlciiia,
oesfDum -1, n. (otln'll'Of), tlw /aJ a11d dirt of Cle.; discendl, Cic.; nequitiac, sapient.iae, Cic.
u11waa1ied 'WOOi, Plln.; hence, a wnutic, ustd by
Romtm ladiu, pnpared fro• it, Ov. ontolo ·feel -rectum, S. (ob an<l facio), tn bt
in tht toay of, im~, hindtr. A. Lit., with
Oeta ·ae, f. and Oeti .es, f. (Ot"'J), tlw
tn01rntai11-duJin bttwun Th~ssaly 1111d Maudonia,
dat., alicui apricantl, to stand betuwn
and the aua, Cic. ; ipsa umbra terra.e soh
a,., 011~
t11hn'e Herculu burnt hi.iMel/; hence, adj., officiens, CQfRll&g before the sun, Cic. B. 1:1'nsf.,
Oetaeu -a -um, Otuan; deus, Prop., aud to hiw.dtr, obstruct, be in tlat way of, to 11\Jllll;
simply, Oetaeu11,, Ov.
meis cou11n()(Lill, Cle.; consiliis alicuiua, ~I. ;
~fella -ae, f. (dim. of olra aa lllllmilla or officiunt laetill frugiLus l1erbae, Verg.
mamma), a !lit, morstl, Juv. oiflclo.i. adv. (officiosus), ~ligingly._ ~rt­
offa -ae, r. L a bit, morulii.esp., a ball or roiuly; hoc faeere, Cic.; eed illa oftlc10S1us,
pellet of flour; pultls, Cic. Transf., a, a Cic.
~.lump; gununi In olfas convolutum, Pim.; ofrlolO&ua -a -nm (oft\clum), obligi•g, rottrt-
hence, a 1wellit1g, Juv.; b, an untimely birth, eota, Qllt11ti.t:t, J;iJl.d, Tt']>tct/ul (especial~y Used or
abortio11, Juv. the belll\viour or inferiors to supenors); 1,
oft'endo ·fend! -rensnm, 3. (ob and • fendo). homo, Cic.; in aliquem, Cic. ; 2, dutiful, 001&-
L lntransit., to atrilu, knock, da.Bla A. formable to duly; dolor, Cic. ; la bores, Cic.
Lit., ~ qui in tantis unebria nih1l otrendat, ofl'loium -Ii, n. (perhaps ror opiflcium).
Cic.; :a, t<> 1ujfer damage; naves in redeundo L duty, obligation, 1emce, part. ~ eue_ ill
olfe11derunt, Caes. B. Tranar., a, to malu a officio, Cic. ; officio fungi, lo do <me's dtdy, C1c. ;
•iatalu; si quicl olreuderit, Cle.; b, to offend oft\cium praestare, eaei..; officio suo deesse, to
agaiMt a per1on; si In me aliquid ol!'enJitis, fail in one's dtdy, Cic. B. B11bjection, allegiana;
Cic. ; c, to come into danger, rujfer rewrll ; apud in officio continere, Cic. IL dutiful actwn. A.
judices, to be co11dem1ud, Cic. IL Transit., to meorum oft\ciorum conscientia, Cic. B. 1, tt·
lllrilu, knock against somahing. A. Lit. 1, ip«t, courtuy, d.eferrnu; homo summQ _oftkio
caput, Liv.; 2, a, lo lait upon a person, f~l in praeditus, Cic. ; 2, attention, rornplau1n11a,
tDitl\, oome vpon; allquem lmparatum, to a>nw: frie11dly 8trvM::e; a, illius in ullu111 ordiuem
"JH»l unairoru, aurpri.«., Cic. ; b, to i11jurt; officia, Cic. ; b, orremony, atunaance on i~
Jatus vehementer, Cic. B. Transr., to offend, tolt'llln OMUio11, ltT1li<:e o/ .ho1aour; url.J&na olhcia
d~pl«ut; allque1u or allculua animum, Cic.; alicul praeatare, ap. Cic. ; olf\cio t.igne virilil
animum in allquo, to /ti!l hurt bJI SOJM O'llt, Cic. ; lnurfu1, l tcaa pruent at tlat anmcmy of 111.kin.g
eoa splendor olfendlt, Cic.; partic., oft'enaua tlw toga virilil, Plln. ; auprema in aliquem
·a -um, a, injurtd, hurt; olfe11su1 animus, Cic.; •>fftcla, the lall oJllas, tht cert"mORy of inten11ni.t,
b, rtpul.s-ii~; civibus, Cic.; subst., oft'euum Tac.; 10 omciUIU trii:1te, Ov.; 3, ur11itt, lnuiflfSS,
·I, o. IO!lltllaing cauaing o.frna, Cic. • o_#cial employment; toti offtcio maritimo JI.
ofrelUla ·ae, r. (olfendo). L Lit., ii atriking l3ibuJus prae!JOl'itus, OWT the U'laol.t ttaval 1trricf,, knocking again#, Plin. D. dulikt, Cic. ; confecto Jegationia oltlcio, Cic.
luctrtd, tnmity, affront, injury; magna in olfenM ofrsgo ·l'lxi .ftxum, 3. (ob and flgo), to µ i-,
sum apud Pompeium, Cic.; olfenll&8 vindicet fasltii; Ua densos olfiguut iu1plicaut.que ramoa,
ense suas, Ov. Liv.
ofl'enalo -onia, r. (olfendo), a •triking against, omrm&ti, adv. (offirmatua), .fl""111, obsti11-
hittilig against. L &, Ii~., pedl_s, a st11mblin9, attly, Suet.
Cic. ; b, met.on., tlaat against 10hicA ont 1tumblt11, OfBrm&t1UI •&-Um (oft\rmo), .ftTM, lhac(/w1,
a stumbling·block, Cle. D. 1, ind~ilion, obst in.alt, Cic.
complaint; corporum, Cic.; 2, a, laatrrd, enmity,
di..<farour, awnrion; in alicuius olfrn~ionem oftlrmo, 1. (ob and ftrmo), to m11kt .ftrm, to
cadere, Cic.; elrugere alicuiu11 olfeneionem, Ck.; fas/en ; transf., to make ruvlute, ~trudfwt ; ne
b, deft,0.l, lou, rn"'forlune; olf'enaionem ti mere, tam otftrma te, dO'll't be ao oWliMtt, Ter.
C1c. oil'lioia ·ae, f. (ob anJ fucu>i), l, 11(1i1't, rcn.ige,
o•na11UloiUa -ae, r. (dim. orofl'enalo), 1, a Plaut. ; 2, transf., dtuit, dtt:tptioll, Plaut.
aliglll o§enu, dilpl«Uurt, Cle.; 2, a llighl /ailurt, omiJ.gio -fulai, 2. (ob and fulgeo), to .diu
Cic. upo11, appear; nova lux. oculia olfuunl, \"erg.
oft'enao, 1. (in tens. or oft'e11do), to llrilu, daala otl'Wldo ·fndl ·M!lum, 3. (ob and fundo). L
aguin•t; capita, Liv. to pour btflYf't po11r around, pour out. A. Lit.,
I. otfea.aua -a ·Um, partic. of olrensus. Plant. B. Transf., pus., otrundi, to be pc11ml
2. ofl'emua -n11, m. (olrendo), 1, a da,hing out, to be pourtd round, to be SJff~ urounJ:
fJ9<1i11sl, a 1hock, Luer.; 2, o§entt, di6'iu, Luer. nobi!I aer crs.ssus offun.titur, 111rrv11.n.lJ1 '"'· ("1c.;
fig., 11i quid tenehrsrum otl"ud!t exsilium, Cic.; 111!
onGro. olittUI, obli\tum, olrerre (ob anJ fero), niminm urroris olruudam, Liv.; onmmm Tl'r11111
to ror1or bring to, pl.act befort, prtunt, product, terrorem ocnli:t auribu~1ue est offn;rns. Jj\·.
o§er. Lit .• aciein 11trlctam veriient!bus, \'erg.; IL to 'fY'tad 01"tr, ta ro1trr, ronttn/: ol~uratur
os suum non modo osundert', aed etiam offene, et olfun11itur luct solis lumen lut'ernae, Cic. ;
Cic.; rel'lex., se olferrt", to pr~nt 011r~lf. ap- ftg., olfusus PftVOn', Tac.
;pmr; pass., olferri, to prrunt Oflt:wlf, njftr 011tMlf,
aJ1P(!llr; multh1 In dimcilllrni!J rebu!I Jlrue!lc11:1
oggannlo ·hi an•l -11 -ltnni, 4. (ob anll
au'.'!iliutn eiua numiul!I oblatu111 t'!lt, Cic. D. ganuio), to ytlp, grou·l at, Pll.:1t.
Transf., a, to o.fu, "1"*; n<•S perlr11li11 sine Ogtge. -i~, 111. ('Oy.;.y.,<>. a rnythkal h 119 of
causa, Cic. ; ae mortl, Caes. ; M! a•I mortem pro Thtbn. Hence, Ogtglua-a·um, TAtba1i;Jtu11,
patrla, Cic. ; vitam in Jlscrimen, Cie. ; b, to Bai:cl&w, Ov.
adi.l11a, bri11g /onl'Or'l ; crimlna, Cir. ; c, to ojftr, ob. lntnj. oh! alt! Plaut.; ft!icui opersm suam, Liv. ; d, to ai1111t,
ocmsiu11 ; 11licul beneHcium, Cle.; stuprum ahcul, 'lli, Interj. Ito! llolloa ! Plaut.
Cle. ; mortem alicul, Cic. &bo, Interj. oho I alaa I Plaut.
ofrloiaa ·oe, f. (= opllklna. from opi'es:). 11 ol, IDterJ. oA I &D es:clamatloo or J'&lu, 'f~.
Oil 381 omn
Oileua ~t An<\ -6osL m. \Oi-'•~l. lingo/ ~lu (hiSlual -6ria, n. a"r liu o/ tulia.iry
.l.ncN, Jatw Q/ .djcu (w o waa &Lio c&lled A,Ju.:1 tt{ldabU, 1oot-herb, Hor•
O\U11a). oluaciUum. ·I, D. (tllm. of olus), a 1le'b, t'egd-
Olbla -ae, f. (ONJio.), a totn cm th4 Call coaai able, Cic.
o/Sardi1'l1Jo. Hence, adj., Oll»lelUd.8-e, Ol/Jiart. CSlymf,la ·&e, f. ('O.\u11trla), a holy city and
olea -u1 t. {< l, th4 oliw, tkefruU oftl.t. territory 11. Eli.I, where stood t/!14 temple of Jul'iur
oliVt:·lrte, ~arr.; 2, the oliu-Cru, Cic. Olympiua, and whae the O/;i,nptc gamu '""'
ote&gineua (oleaginW!) -& -um (olea), ttlebraled. Hence, atlj., A. CSlymplacWI -&
o/ or nlati111 to the olit'(·trtt, .!Sep. -um, Olympian. B. CSl;vmpioua -a -um, Olp
ollirius -a -um (oleum), Q/ or bdon9tng to pian.
ail ; cell a, Ci c.
CSlymplus-a-um, mvmpian. Babst.,
CSlymplum ·ti, 11. tM tcmpla o/ Jupiter Olymp-
01~ (-08) and OUUoa -1, t.
on-. of tM. iJJlu11d.s of tM .Sporc.ule3, uow .Anti· foJJ, Lh'. ; CSlympla ·Orum, n. tM Olympia
JX!rt'l.t. games, Cic. D. CSlymplas ·i'iilill, f. an
6leastcr -tri, m. (olea), th4 wild 0U11e-Cne, mch Olym11iad or 7-ertod of Jou.r years, elap11i11g Lttw1e1l
Yer;;. celtfiraJinn of the Olympic gamu, Cic. B.
olens -entis, p. arlj. (rrom oleo), 811itllf11{7; CSlymplonicea ·ae, m. (0>.11,,.11"•011iqs), a deter
hcnc.~, a, frWJrant, 11•"£tl·sm.elling, Ov.; b, bad· at Ul!l""JJW., Ck.
1111'.Ui,.g, sti11king, fetid, Verg. 1. CSl;vmpi.b, v. Olympia.
Olenus (-Os) .f, f. ("n.1.0.,,~). L a town. fn 2. CS1;vmplu -ll.<lls, f. ('o""""""£~).
.Aclia11!. IL a tawn. in .J.ttolia. lfoni::c,Olenlue of Nw->J•tolemus, kL11g in, 111uther Q/ .itlc:c-
-a -u1n = Achaian; capclla or pccus, the guat of an fer the Ureat •
.dnwlthtu, Ov. Olympus (-iSa) -1, m. (OAvµmx). L m.
oleo, 6lul, 2. (ct. 0(..,, odor). L to e-m:t ail A. a on tM border• of Ma.xdo11ia an<l
<>looor, smdl. A. beue, Cic.; with aul., sulfore, 7'hwial11, auppoud to bis tM habitation nf the
Ov.; with acc., cr,icum, to smell of. Cic.; nihil, !1'"1$; poet.= hea1en, Verg. B. a celtb,aUJ
c:c. B. Fig., to 1mdL of. to wrr.ur r'.{, to sm11c/..: jtute-player, tM puptl Q/ J.fnrsyru. II. f. a tou·n.
of; nil11l <·x Al"a.1fcmia, Cic.; maliti:1m, Ck. IL nf Lycia. on ti~ Mount Ol11mpus Uu:1 c. Hence,
to l~ r,1·1'<:1le.l or Le betrayed by sn.cll; quid, illutl
nc.n olt"t, nnde sit, quoJ. tlkitur "cum ill is F" Cic. Olympelli -i'5ruin, m. tM
inhabitanU Qf
cUcum -i, n. (ill.<uov) olitrt-ofl, oil: instillart' Olynthua (-OB) -1, t. ("OA11119o~). to1C11. in
olecrn lnminl, Cic.; pro\'., oleum et Ol'emrn
per<l'!re, to lo$C time and trouble, Cic. ; niti<Jum Chalcirli~, 01' the bar.Jeri Q/ Maadonia. lleu<:tl,
qaoJ1l:<m genus e~t verl•orum et laetu111 se•I a<lj., CStynthlus -a -um, Oly11thian.. 11111;.:l:i et olt>i, Pie., $to.-01ct signs of too omiiaum ·I, n. bullock&' tri~: transf., I>lngul
much tJ!ort (from the oil usc<l in lhe palaestra tentus oma:io, wi.lhfu.t paimch., Hor.
by wi!.,rs). Cic. omen -lnis, n. an. omen, lign., augury, pro-
olt'Aclo -feel ·factnm, S. (oleo And facio), to fl110$lication.. L Lit., A. hisce ominibus pro-
IYM!l. A. Lit., ea quae i:;usta111u~, Cic. B. Fi;.:., tll"isc1:re, Cle.; ire secw1do omine, in God'• nami,
to tunl 011.t, trcu-.e by smell, ckt«t; nu111mu1n, Cle;. Hor.; omf'n ave1 tere, to ai..n-t an omen., Cle.;
ollacto. 1. (inlens. o( olfacio), to 1mtll IU, a1·l"il'ere, t'> accept, Cic. B. a wW.h, as a good
~ll, Plaut. omen; optima omina, Cic. II. ?deton., that
olldns -a -nm (oleo), nulll~, tmitthig an. u·hich. i.s ucco111paniect bl[ aus11icu; l, prima
odo-ur; ca pra, -st hiking, /did., llor. omina = 11uptiue, Yerg.; 2, a aolrom usage, Verg.
ollm. adv: (from ollus, old Lnt. for Ille). I. omentum ·I, n. (= ou-mentu:n, counected
A. or tho past, forrurly, 01IC<I "'JlO" a time, (n with opimus), the entrails, l>ou;e/$, Juv.
tLlnu PfUl; qui milli dlxit olim, Cic. B. or the omlnor, 1. dcp. (omen). L to augur, pre.
future, hertajUr, at a future time: 11on, sl male sage, prophuy, prtdict; malo al knae quam, et olim i;ic erit, Hor.; utinam comm 11ostrae reipuulit:ae ominari, Cic. II. Ii> SP<"alr.
tt-c11m oliin Jl')tius quam per epi11tolas, Cic. 'lt'Ord.s Qf (good or Lad) 011Un.; ominari horreo,
IL aC tiTRu, often; ut pueris olim dantcrl!stula Liv. doctorei1, Hor. omlnos119 •& -um (omeu), fore bod iT19, omtn.
olltor -i'5rls, m. (olus), culHval-Or o/ pot-her!M. ()U.j, Plin. •
1:!tcM"4-(larde?ur, Cle. om.1saWI -a ·um, p. adj. (from omltto), mg-
olltOriu.s -a -um (olitor). o/ or relating to ltctful, remiu, Ter.
culinary hub&; forum, 11tgttable marka, Liv. omitto -mis! -missuru, 3. (= ommitto, from
oliva -ae, t. L the o/£ve, Hor. II. th4 oli1"&- ob and ruitto), to let go, ld alont, l•t fall. L
ln& A.. Lit., Cic. B. Mcton., 1, an olive:· Lit., anna, Liv.; linloeuas, Tac. II. Trans!.,
braRCJi., llor.; 2, a Bia.ff of oli-ce·tree uooct,'Ov. A. to git'e up, lay aside, ltat't ojf; pie I a tern et
iSlivetum -1, n. (oliva), a plau planlld huninuitatem, to put on oua, Cic.; timon·m,
oUru, oliu·gar~, Cic. Cic.; with infin., w cea&e; omit tat urocre, Cle.
B. UC discourse, to ltat~ unmtntiontd, to omU;
olivifer ·ft111' -arum (oliva and fero), olh-e- ut hacc omittam, Cle.; do re<litu, Cic.
bearin{I, Verg., Ov.
omnlfer -nra -f~rum (vmnis anJ Cero), bear-
olivum ·I, n. (ollva), 1, ol!ve-cril, oil, Verg.; ing tvtrything, all-be.a.ring, Ov.
2, oil fur a111Jtnti.T19, ung11.rnl, Cat.
omnlgena ·ae, genit. J•lnr., -tim, e. (omnis
olla -ae, t. (orig. ola aula), a" earthtnware an<l genus), Qf all sarta; ownigenum deum mon·
jar or pot, Cic. strn, Verg.
ollwm, olle, obsolete fonn of -a -udme olDlllghua -a ·um (= omne genus), o/ all
(q. v.). kin<l1, Luer.
~lo, S.= oleo (q.v.). omnlm0clla. adv. (omnls and modus), i"
61or -Oris, m. a lll"(J.IJ, Hor. every way, 11:/1-0lly, mt£rel11, Luer.
~IOriDua -a -um Color), o/ or nl!Uhag lo a omnmo, adv. (o nnls), altogether, tnt£nl11,
Sl&all, \'er;. t&holly, lotall11. L quum eenatoriis u1u11eribua
omn 382 Oph
aut omni no aut nuigna ex rarte cutm llberalu.•, ,,.umnsh marfilt, 01tyr, from vhicb many articles
Cic.; esp., a, ill ge11crnl, ti1ptciully; de hominum or luxury Wf're 1113.c.le, Pliu. B. Tllf'ton., II ,,.
gi:nore aut omnlno de a11i111alibm1 loq11or, Cle.; or t:rtsbt of 011)/I, Hor. IL r. a JJT!CiOUI ltoll6 8/ II
b, in ail, in tM. total; quinqno otnnino ruerunt, ~llo111iM coloHr, 01tyz, Plin. Ill. a aluU.)d,
(;1c. IL 1"Urly, entirely, "' ""; lleri omni no l'lin.
nege.", Cic.; esp., a, with 1111pcrl., mise1 rima eat ~p&oltaa ·ltls, r. {opaeu1), a Made, d.di·
nmnlno ambltio, C1c.; b, with nt-glltin;s, is ne.u; arliorum, Tac.
ormdno servus in familia& erat, Cic. III. In con· ~p&oo,. 1. (opacia), "1 Madi, o~ ·
~11ive clanAes foll. by 11ed = cul<li11ly . .• bul; locum, Cie.
pugr1a11 om11i110 lled cum adveraario fac11i, Cic.
omnl~ena -e11ti11 (omalt and paren11),
op&ou ·a •Utn. L Pus.• lhadM., Mady. A.
Lit., rlpa, Cic.; neut. sub"t., opaca loeoruru,
aU-produclr.g, all-bearing; tern, \'erg. alkuly J>lt11:eJ1, Verg. B. Trans!., dark,~.
omnI~telUI -entis (0111ni11 and potens), al- obscure; nox, \'erg. ; 111a~r 1 tlu eurtli, Vttg.
mighty, cdl·powtr/ul, omnipotrnt, \'erg. IL Act.., uistin11ashade,111tUJi11g, sl.culy; arbor,
omn.Ja -e, all. L or number, A. omni• Vcrg.
rortuna, Cic.; leges ali11e Ollllle!I, t:lc.; subst., opllua -i, m. a preciow wmt, tilt oprll, Plin.
011111es, all ~n, Cic.; orn11e, tL't!rything, Cic.; Opella ·&f, (. (dim. of Opera), G li.tlle IDOri:,
ao omnia, Cic.; omnia faeef1', fo do 1rha~er i$ little lubour, troublt, strviu, Luer., Hor.
pouiblr, Cic.; omnia mihi ~unt cum ali'luo, I
ain 1u1u in. nqrttmUtt with, Cic.; 1ic in eo sunt o~ra ·Ile, r. (1. opus), lrou.bU!, pains, '/orl,
omnia, ertrylhing depends upl)n. that, Cic.; pt>r t.Urli<m. L, A. Gen., laoor('m et operam
om11ia, in every re..-ptd, Liv.; ante omuia, upe- in aliqua re con!i11111ere, Cic.; opcnun t.nlmere
C'i.ttl/11, LiY. B. o., wch, a°'~I/. all; omnis rdpulilie&I', clen:iu 011J:Rij l-0, Cic.; oper.1111 .tan
&man~ every Z,,ver, Ov.; orunihu'! mensiliuK, alic11i rei, to work h.ard nt, Cic.; opcram rlu'f',
Cic.; b, of all kind'; olu~ omnc, Hor.; omnibus with ut or nc an<I the subj., l-0 tlo 011.:'s but''"
etc., Cic.; non operae est, with innn., il i.• uot
precibus pet.ere, Cic. IL tlu wholt; Gallia omnia,
Cae11.; uon omn1s tuoriar, not entil•l11, Hor.; worth th#! whlu, Liv. B. Esp., a Kn-ill,
aanguinem suum omnem ell'undere, Cic. doing «rvia; Cn. Pompelus, qui est In operia
eiWI socletatis, who ii tn tlu ~riu of 11'.at
omn.ltifona -1:ntla (oinnlt and tueorl. aU- rompanu. Cic.; !rlusia operas reddere, to MT?'( IM
t«ing, all-br.holdin.g, Luer. MU3U, Cle. IL lt tirn.t for 1rork; d-:est mihi
oDUllv~gus ·& ·um (omnis and vagus), wall- opera, Cle. ; 2, a aay-larourtr, 100Tl', gtn.
dering tva-yu:lu!rc, Cic. in plur.; operu fabrorum, Cle. ; eometimes in
ommv6lua -a -um {omnia and volo), all· a p>n temptuous aen11e, TMrOmClriu, Aired a.osiJt·
111illing, all·11Ji8hing, Cat. ants, Cic. ; operae the&trales, tllll, Tac.
OmphAle ·68, f. (0µ.4>0>.'I). n qumi. of Lydia, ooori.rfua ·& -nm (opera), o/ or rtlati1t)J to
101wm HerC" serud i" woman'• drUll. work; homo, a day-labouur, Cic. Subs.L,
onAgor and oni.grua ·I, m. tht wild as:;, op~frarlua -II, m. a dar·labvuTlfT, U>')rl:•.a~;
Verg. trnn11f., 1.p1idam open1.1ii lingua celeri etexercitat.1
(of IJIMI or.1tora), Cle.
onerart'.u.a ·& -um (nnu11), of or rtlating lo operciilum -1, II. (operlo), a lid, t:ONT, Cle.;
frtV}h.t, burden, etc.; jn111enta, bwst1 of burdw,
Liv. St1l1t1t., oneri.1-1& ·ae, !. a mcrcl1.<.1nl or opercnlum <lolil ferrcum, Liv.
tr<11uport ship, Ci•:. O~rimentum ·I, n. (operio), 1'1 C(IVfT, ro«r·
6nero, 1. (onus). I. to loarl, 11(1d·, freirilif, i n!f, Cit-.
b11rd!n with a11.~thin<1. A. Lit., 1, 11avt>J1, Caf'i;.; operio ·pi'n\I -pertum, 4. (ob an1i pario). L
2, a, to burtirn, troul,/e, 111·'· ,.pprcss, u·ri?li to cot-a. A. 1, gen., amphorai; auro, ~ep.: 2,
dort:>n; auro11 lapillis. Ov.; lio~tl"s (t>axi.s), Liv.; esp., a, t11 cover with a 11nnnrnt, enp. with a
b, to co11er; os~a R~~cr6 teri1lt', Verg.; c, to lood, togil; ca111t.e operto ease, Cic.; b, t.o ct>ra 11.-il/t
jtll; menoo>1 da111l111~. ttJ /nwl the '"M's 11•ith mrth, to bu,.y; rell<jlll&ti malae, Tac. B.
vktuals, Verg.; man11s jacu\i:c<, \'erg. B. Fig., Fig., 1, to cot-v, lood; judicia opHta decl«ort,
1, to loiul, lmrdtn 1 opprus, M•"'°lulm; gliqnrm Cic.; 2, lo cover, conctal; ~ Cic. n
mendadi11, C1e.; JUdieem a1i;n111e11tia, Cic.; 2, to clou, shut up; opertl lecticA latua est, Cic.
a, to 11'W.ry, t~rc; aethera votis, Verg.; b, to operor, ]. dt'p. (opu11), to tL'OTk, labattr, be
owrwlu/111; aliquem contumeliis, Cle.; in agoo<l bu.'li•:<I, OGCUpied with: followed by dat. of the
sense, uliquem !:11.dibus, Liv.; c, to make mou occui.'ation, 1, C<\nt1ubiis arvisque novis, Vet'll.;
burde1-e, to a!!Jira 1'CIU; curas, Tac.; inopiam n1aterii>1 cat:'Jendi11, Tac.; 2, esp., to be rnga.9'd i•
alicuius, Lh·. IL to put into a~. veiisel, etc.; trorship; s;1~~is, Liv.; :WitlJ dat. of delty1
vi:ia earlis, Verg. uicrsh!p, sacn,fla: deo, Ttb.; absol., lo ~p.
oneroeue -a -um (onus). L Ma!IJI, burden· w.crifia!; Jaetis operatus in arvii>, Verg.
vrme; pra'llla, \'erg. II. Fig., troubluome; operi.e, adv. (operosus), laboriow11, mrt-
onerosior altera sors e11t, Ov. fully, Ck.
onua -eris, n. a load, burden freight. L A. opiJ"OeUll ·& ·Um (opera), laboriou..•, pctins·
Lit., merces atquc onera, Cic. R Traniif., an~ tal..:in.g, indrutrioiu. L Lit., a, seoectus, Ck.;
kind of burd~n. wei11ht; tan ti oneris turrim in colon us, O\·. ; bl of medicines, aditt, power/rd;
muros coll..-.~re, Caes. II. Fig., A. weight, herba, Ov. II. hat u·huh much lalm<ror
burden, lrouhle, charge; oncri esse, to bf" burtlcn.- troPCblt, lal-orious, toilsome, d\fficw.U;, Cic.;
«mu, 8811.. Liv.: plus ooeris sustuli quam ft-rre Jnoles munlli, Ov. ; cannioa, llor.
rne po,;~e mtelligo, f:ic. B. E~I'·, a 711iblic bur. opertum ·i, 11. (operlo), a Merel ,Xatt. L
den, tor, charge; his temporibu1 hoc muni- Ilonae Due, Cic. II. a sccrd; operta •.\pollinil,
cipium max1rnis 011crirus rrf.'ssum, C1c.; haec tht mysterious oracle.a of A }<lllo, Cle.
,,nmia in d.ites a. l:>l'-lifJ~11t.:i:; mclinat.'l on@J"a,
Liv. 0pea V. O!A!.
onustua-a-um (onus), 1J.u101, loadM,fre'ghted. Ophion -6nis, m. ('04;&..,,,),/athc of An1Jjl('WJ;
L Lit., a.'!ellus onustus auro, Ci<.".; naveB 01:ustae hence, Ophi6nl4ia -ae, m.
!rumen to, Cic. II. ftdl, ;ilu;t; onuet.i cibo et .Amycus.
of Opl!lo1& =
Yino, Cle.; pharetra oout1ta tel~, Tac. Opbli.ohua ·I, m. ( ·~xoS). rM odit
6ngs ·Jchls (owf). L m. A. a lind of 11-0ldtr, a ooutdlation. CIG.
Opb 383 opp
Opbliiaa -ae, f. ('O<f>iovO'o.), old ft.aml of Ult suhj. alone, by the &c<'. and inftn., hy the lnfin.,
lllari.d of Cyprus. Hence, Opbliialus ·& ·Um, hoe fil'ri et oport~t et opus est, Cic. ; exstent
Ophtrlftan Cypriou. oportet \'estigia, Cic.; ab!tol., quidquid •eto 11on
llcet, certe non oportet, Cle.
Oplcus -a -urn, Osron; transr., stupid,/oolilll, oppido, 3. (op and pedo), to Mock,
tilly, clo11mi.8h, Ju v.
Jud.ad11, Hor.
6pl~r -~ra ·rnrum (ops and fero), "11.dp/ul,
rnJeri11g M:lp; deus (of Aesculapirrs), Ov. oppirior ·pertus and (more rarely) -pMUia
llum, 4. (~oot pi.;~, ~h.ence experinr), to u'Clit.
oplfex ·fiefs, c. (opus and facio), l, a; worker, L lntranint., to wa;~; 1b1dern, Cic. II. Transit .•
framrr, fabrirator; mu11Ji, Cie.; verhorum, Cir.; to t.xptd; agrnen peditum, Liv.; ab! intro, ibi me
2, a worbnan, arlifa:tr, a;rtizan, Cie. ; opillces opperire, Ter.
it.qui> i;ervitia, Ball.
oppeto ·!vi and ·Ii -itum, 3. (ob and peto), U>
~plrfcina. =offlcina (q.v.). rio lo m.:ot, wcot.ntkr (espt'ciu.lly an evil) ; pestem,
oplllo and iiplllo --Onis, m. (for ovilio, from Plaut.; mortem, to die, Cic.; or simply oppetere,
ovis), "&lrepherd, Verg. Verg.
opime. adv. (opirnUJJ), rfchl11, apltndidly, oppld&nua -a -um (oppidum). of or ~nging
Plaut. to a town. (except Rome, ,,f which urba11u~ wa11
opimlta.s ·ati!I, t. (opimus), .umptuou.tnt.U, 11se•I), belonging to a small town.; m a contempt·
sp:, wl-011 r, Plaut. uous sen~e, pr()vincii!l; sl'neir, Cic.; gcnns
dic .. ndi, Cic.; :iub~t., oppld&nl ~rum, m. ~
opimua -a -um (ops). L Act., fruitful, fer· i'ihabitantr of a towa, Caes.
We; &:.{er, reglo, Cic. IL Pa.~s., =ll·fl'fi, fat.
A. a, lit., bns, Cic. ; hal1itus corporis, Cic.; b, oppld&tlm. adv. (op1•ldum), (n the tow111, in.
Ii~., or sp•~ch, o~rloa.ded: genus dictionis, Cle.
all the tou."113, Snet.
B. Tn111sf., e., t11rirhr;l, 'Wrolthy; b, splendi1i, oppldo a•.h-. Vt'f"i, vtry much, ucudingly;
nmpluous, nlm nrlant, rich, copious, Verg.; pra~<la, rlJiculus, Cic.; pnucl, Cle. ; in a11swers, certa.inl11,
Cic.; Jaµ.:s, Ver;!.; t'RIJ., spolia opima, the spoil1 Plaut.
Ween from Ike cne1111/1 gtMTal wlln tla&n. by Ui.e oppldiUum ·I, a. (dlm. ot oppidnm), a; littl.t
comm~11uln of the army him.self, Liv. tow11, Cic.
6pin.&bW. -e (nplnor), /a11,ntWJ. upott ron· oppldum ·I, n. (perhapll from oh and PEIJ,
jrelurt, conjtctural, Cic. whruco Or. iri~o,,, im·ped·lre, etc.), a to1Nr.
Opin.&tlo -?i11i11, f. (opinOT), 4 .upporlng, 11lp- (url>s generally ulled for Ron1t>); a., oppid11111
JX..rit•O•l, ccnjectuu, Cic. pervetu11 in Sicilia, Cle.; 11&ng11ine p.-r trid 11 nm
6pin&tor ·l'iris, m. (oplnor), OM ioho In oppldo (in town.= ill ROTM), plui,;Re, Liv.;
or ronj~turr1, Cle. with gt>nit. of the name ot the t.l1w11, in "l'J'••lo
Antlochiae, Cio.; b, Cl farCijitd 11.'00•I in J;r1/rti1',
l. 6pin&tu.a ·a nm, p. ad.I. (rroru oplnor). Cae1.
c1mjtduretl, surrpos611, /uncled; bonum, Cle.
2. opmii.iue ·Ila, ~ (opinor), 4 con,:tct-ura,
opplp~ro, !· (ob and pignero), to pledtjt,
paw11, fllW ill puag•; libellos pro vino, C..:1e.
IUJ'1HHiti-m, Luer.
oppilo, 1. (ob and pilo), to tttnp ,,,.., elou t1p,
opinlo ·onla, f. (oplnor), a;n. opin.fcm, con.- block up; scala.s tabernae librarm,., Cic.
j«t"u, suftpOlili.on, btl.uf, irtwp-inatio1'. L Gen.,
with snhj. genit., opirrione vul~i. Cie.; with obj. opplH ·plh1 ·pletnm, 2. (oh uut.l plen), to
!(<'nit.., ovinio eius tllei, Cic.; with de, Ol'inlo de fill, Jill up, L Lit., ni\'es omnia "l'''lrHrant,
di~ lmmorbtllhm1, C..:ic.; acldacere all'luern In Liv. IL TnmNf., nam vetu1 liaec ol'mio Grae·
oplnlonem ut pntet, etc., Cic. ; magna nobl11 ciam opplevit, Cie.
1•ueril'I opinlo foil, with ace. and lt1fln., Cle.; oppono ·pljtil11 ·p('isltnm (·postum, Luer.), s.
ut orinlo nl'llltra est (fert), tn my op(ni-On, Cle.; (ob aud pono}, to put or 1>lact •·Jll"'"ilt, 1.,forr.
praeter oplnionem, contra.r.11 to ezptld.aticm, Cle.; L Lit., A. oculill man us, Ov.; luna f<Ubjecta
cderiu11 "pinione, quiclar than. U'a8 tr]"cted, Cle. atque opposita 1101i, Cic. B. to r1lrza 11qainst or
IL A. 1, good opini-On, fa;vourabZ. ;udgm.ent; i" CM trul/ of for prott.dion; a., 011111es· l'Orpora
opinione nnnnullii, qaam de meis muribus habe· 11nstra opponimus, Cic.; b, 1110le~ 01•p<>sltae
bat, Cic. ; 2, a, a good. na11u, nputalw•; propter lluctibue, Cic.; sc alicul, Ca1•s. IL Tra11sr., 1.
uimlam opinlont>m virt11ti1, Caea.; b a ba;d to pleifge against, mmt111tfll for: 14;er oppoHitua
1111111r, notcri,ty, Liv. B. fa'IM, npori; quae est pi~nori ob ucCl'm n1inas, Ter.; 2, to a11t1«;
oplrrlo ,.rat e<lita in w1gu11, Liv. ~ penculls, C1c.; 3, to alfr.g~ iu al\ objtl"lion, to
6piDJO.u.a ·a ·uru (opinlo), /u,ll Qf C01'.}edvro oppou, oppos( in argument; e., alicui nonreu,
or 1uppo6Ui.o11.1, Cic. valetudinern alicuiu~. Cic.; b, to 1ilact one tlllll!f
a;gahut another in the way 11 e<·m1•irison, to am·
ipinor, I. dep. (from oplnue In nec-oplnOB, traat; nunc 111nnl virtutJ vitiunr cuutntrlo noruiuo
from root <?P.• connected with ,Jq,8.jl'CU, .;...., ....), opl'onltur, Cic.
IQ ~ of op1.nv:n., "l'ine, ~litt'i!, think, 1Uppor:
me in provmc1arn ex1tu111m, Cic.; tie vobi11 11un opportiini. adv. (opportunus), opportunely,
terall &c tle teterri111i'J hoKtil•US oplnatur, Clo.; vaw1iably, fl.Uy, conwn.imtlv: op1>ortu11e adcase,
ut npinor (In a Jo&renthesis), Bl I hold, Cic. Cic.
6pfpA.ri. adv. (opiparns), 1plrnrtirllv, 8Ump- opportiinftaa ·ltia, f. (opportunnB), a>'n.-
lwo11s/11: oplpare app:ir.1tu111 convi\'iu111, Cic. 11tl!U!ltrt, jiltk<-•, appropriatov5.S, s•tital./rntss, L
loci, C'ac~. II. 11., a fit time, ri'.Jhl s.a.;m1, op-
6plplrua ·a ·um (u~·es 1111<1 paro), ll'ltndid, p<n-tunit11; 11ivi11a, C1c.; opJ•>r1.urritall'B 11t.l
n.m1.t.U1Ju.>. PL.iut. cultnrn hourlnum, Cic.; b, a jit .101~ nf the bt~ly
1: 6pla ·la, occ. ·Im, f. ('Oll'H), a nymph'" th4 or mind; coq>Url11, Cic.; c, an aai'lln£a,Jt, Cir.;
'111111 .. , V•UIW.. op1•nrtunlt.ate ali11u! dati\, C&1:11.
2. c}pfe. v. 1. Op:1. opportiinua ·a ·Um (oh and POR·o, PORT·n,
6pltulor. 1. 1l1·p. fopa 11nd
lul,., •1i./, t?.;.<i:sl; s111o1 it,11-1, C1c.
tulo = rcro), to wh1•1we ul~n portll'I, port.a), opporfltn', Jfl, suit·
"'"'• H]'PTt>/fT"ltLt', faeo11ra/,/,. I. A., Inca,
~llll. B. Tmn~r., a, of tlmt>, 111iflt/,/r, jin·o11r·
opium ·Ii, 11. (01,.0.-), ••pium, Plin. n1,,,: tempu~. Cle.; b of 11at11re, ~,,.,.;,.rnue
Oportet ·LQit, 2.. illlpNll, it WJwr,.I, U fV.ffl• !l,-ju(; (a) Of lhiugS, willr dat. Of olojP('{, Cl'lt•rae
fl,L, propn-, w m1Ul be, ouvJ.t w be : foll. by the 1 e:1 "i'J•urtunae 111nt 1inbul1te rebus lt:re .. 111"uli11,
opp opu
Cit'.; ~) ot persons, 1aiUabll: bomlnes, Sall. U. opti.bllla -e (opto), duiroblt, to 61 tr!Wd
~ to, liablf to; huic eruptloni, Liv.; in· for; mihl J:l&X in primis ruit optabilis, Cic.
juriae, Sall. Ol'ta.Jldua -a um, p. adj. (from opto1, to bs
op~ltlo -Onia, t. (oppono), oppoatng, op- wislitd. for, datmbl<; ma.xime fnit opta.ndWll
po,,Uwn. Cic. Caeeinae ut, etc., Cle.
l. oppO.ltua -a -um, p. adj. (rrom oppono), opti.tlo -onfs, t. (opto), a 10UA: alicui bu
~. crpposil#, 1tanding against; Buthrotum optat.iones daro:?, Cie.
oppositum Corcyrae, Caea. opti.ti, adv. (optatua), accordiJlf to oru's
2. oppo.ltu. -ils, rn. (oppono), a. placin7, wiM, Cie.
Jetting or opposiU, inttrporition, Cic. opti.tus -a -um, p. adj. (from OJlto), ri.dtd
oppreulo ..()niK, r. (oppri1:110). ~ a prusi_n,g for, dcsirtd., plttua.nt, dear: rumores, Cic.; frater,
down, opprCS11ion ; legum et hbertatis, ('.1e. IL Cie. Subst., opti.tum ·i, n. a 'ICish;
a forcible taking pn•;;;uskm of; curiae, C1e. impetrare, Cic.
o~preuor -0ris, m. (opprirno), a supprustr, optlm.i.a -Uis (optimus), one of tM "but, 4rU·
cnuMT: dominationie, ap. Cie. tocrotic; genus, Cic. Subst., optlmU -at.i~,
1. oppreuua -11, m: (opprlmo), " prueing m. "" m-Utocrat; ap. Ci~. : gen. plur., optl-
down, prasure, Luer. m.i.tea -!um and ·Um, m. t.u arisk..;rolic pirly,
2. oppreuWI -a -um, partic. of opprin10. t~ aristocrat&, Cie.
opprimo-pressi-pressum, 3.(oband premo). optlmi, superl. or bene (q.v.).
L A. Lit., 1, to pres& down, prt.&& t-Ogtpie:; ?ra optllnUll (optiimua) -a -um, superl. of
loquentis, Ov.; 2, a ta; oppnmt ~u1nii. bonus (q.v.).
conclavis, to l:oe crmkd, C1c.; senem inJectu I. optlo -onis, f. (• r1po), e1t.oia, fru dloiet,
multae vestis, to stift'-, smother, Tac. ; b, of .a option; utro frul malis optlo sit tua, Cie. ; al
flame, to extinguish; cum aquae mult.itu<lme VlB mihi optlo daretur, utrurn malim defendere, an,
fta•llllllae opprirnltur, Cie.; c, or a letter, to slur etc., Cic.
oVtr in prtntunciati-On i...littcrae neque expressae
neque oppreasae, Cie. .a.. Transf., 1, to BUpprt!11; 2. optlo -onis, m. in military language, 011
a, dolorem, Cie.; b, to conaa.l; insigne veri, adjutnnl, Tac.
C1e. ; 2, to crush, bear hard upo1~, wtigh doum ; optivaa -a -um (opto), chou"; cognomen,
opprinu aere alieno, Cie. ; 3, ro crush an t. rri.l, Hor.
6Upprts8, stamp o'lll: peraieiosam pote_ntiam, opto, 1. (stem OP, Gr. on. whence on-rn,
f:ic.; 4, to CTU-(h, !'Ttbdue a~ a.d.t'ff~ry; a. in wa'., o-J,011.1:11). I. ~ choo.-:e, eltd, S#ltrl; utt .Jm \'JS,
llationPm Allobrogum, C1c.; b, tn iiolilics, alt- opt.a, dum Ji'!Ct, Plaut. ; loc11m teetc., Vf'ri;:.;
quem, Cie.; 5, to hold ftrm, not t-0 let go; lni;tltit, ut utrum malit an, etc., Cie. IL to 1d.lA
oppressit, non remisit, Cic. II. '" ~i.u upon., for, dt.<>"ire; illnm fortunam, Cic.; with inti11.,
{fl/I upon, surprise. A. Antonium mors oppressit, ftn,'m aceusandi facel't', Cie.; with acc. a11d
Cie.; improvidos lncautosque hostcs, Liv. B. inf'n., redargui rnf.', Ci<·:; with ut and thf' s11hj .•
Tronsf., numquam ille me opprtmetconsilio,Cie. opts.vit, ut m currum tolleretur, Cic. ; with "ul:(i.
oppl'Obri.mentum -i, n. (opprobro), a rt· a!onr, erescat tua civil.Ills opto urbs, Ov. ; with
pro<tch, diagnue, Plaut. acc. and dat., alicui furorem et inllaniam, Cic.
opprobrium -Ii, n. (ob and probrum), a opUJ.ens -entis ~Ope>l), 1, rnA, Nep. ; 2,
rtproorA, scandal, d~grau, opprobrium: 1, pou.erful; civit.18, Sa1l.
majoris fugiens opprobrla culpae, Hor. ; 2t opiilenti and opiUen~r. adv. (opule11toi
mcton., a, a vtrbal reproach, tnunt; mor<len and opulens), richl;;, splrndidly, ni.mptuci....<iy;
opprobrlis falsis, Hor. ; b, of persons, shame, ludos opulentius facere, Liv.
disgrau; majorum, Tac.
opiUentla -ae, r. (opulen!I), 1, 11.·taW1, rirhn.
OP.pr3bro. 1. (ob and probrum), to taunt, up- opu1£nc~. Sall. ; 2, tM power, gn-atn~ q/ 11
braid, rtJ>roach, Plaut. stau, Sall.
oppugn&tlo -i'inis, f. (oppngnn), a stormin17, opulcntltaa -ltis, t. (opulens), riclta, rpv·
taking by srorm.; oppidorurn,Caes. ;oppugnationem lenct, Plaut.
1ustinere, Caes.; retinquere, Tac.; j'.ld1cium sine
oppugnatione, without opposition, Cie. opiilento, 1. (opulens), to mau opulent, tll·
oppugnator -i'lr'is, 111. (oppu~o), oM w1w rich., opiUentus -a -um (ops). L rid, v-ta.ltk;.
•~rins, attach, as.<aulu: fig., host;s ct oppugn·
ator patriae Antonius, Cic. 111"".Llent. A. elvitas, Cic.; oppidum, Car!!. ;
Numiriia agro virisque opulentior. SalJ. B. rirh.
1. oppugno, I. (ob and pugno), to atfllck, SEZ.mdid, sumptuous: reg haud opulf'ntil, Li\'.
assault, storm, besiege. L Lit., oppidum! Cic.; IL po~rjul, mighty; ~gea, Sall.; fact10, Liv.
C&Rtra, Caes. IL Transr., tQ attnck, lay siege to;
fig., aliquem elandestinis eonsiliis, Cie. Opunttiis, v. 3. Opus.
2. oppugno, 1, (ob and pugnus), to buffet I. opus -eriit, n. a u-or~, fab<rnr. I. A. Llt.,
toith. the fists, Plaut. 1, opera nostrarum artium, Cic.; 0pus quaerert,
to S!tk for ti•, Cic.; 2, e., tt'Ork i•1 th.ii fu:IJ.I;
1. Ope. Opis, f. = the EGrth., the goddess of facere patrio rure opus, Ov.; b, buCMing: let
abundance, wi/t- of Saturn, and protutrus C'f OJ.>Pri focin:1<\o, lntilding-oontrc.ct, Cic. ; c, mi11t.
a.gri.culture. t. t., a militar:1 umk, fortifc::J.tfon, nt!reri.dtrrm1t;
2. opts. i'Spis, f .• plur., opea :um (sing. only operibus oppugnare urbt.-M, Liv.; Mulinam
In gemt., acc., and &bl.). L might, pou1er; a, operibus munitionibusque s2p&it, C1.:.. ; d, 1::or1:
ruourca : opfbus, armis, potentiii valere, Cic. ; a,; oppo1td. to 11al11rt, art; nihil est opE>re aut
b, forus, troop1; tant&s opes prostrMit, Cic.; manu factum, qnod ncn aliqwm.:lo consumst
c, political p<JWtT, influence; alicuius opes evert-, Cle. ; e, t/u work of an art is: ; hydra
ere, Cie. IL physical pou,-er, might, strength.; Boethi manu fart& prn'!Cl.aro c'Pf'rt', of adm ira'>lt
omni ope atque operi enitar, Cic. ; grates per- WMkmamMp, Cie. B. Meton .• 1, a. Jini.~.111
eolvere dignas non opis est nostrae, is not in ovr work; opera magr1lftca at.qne praeclara, Cic.: b,
power, Verg. IIL help, aWtance, mpport; opem a work of art: Silaniools opus (of a. atatut),
petere ab aliquo, Cic. ; opem afferre, to help, Ov. Cle.; '?A.a li14rarr 11.'0J'k; opus habeo in manibi.a,
ops ••• v. o\>a ••• Clo .u.. a. Cl<"ti<na., war~; cemcrir.m.
opu 386 Ord
Cle.: certatim ad hoc opus curtetur, Cle.: b, the Aaivtn1; o, 11rlii11 terral'. Uls eartA, (a.) Ckl.i
a:" u11dma.l..i11g, Liv. : o, lroublt; 111agno opere, (IJ) f)Oet. = ln.nd; Ecu~. tJi.e FAil, o... ; ,.,,
Cic. ; nimlo opere, Cle. mttton., mmikhvf: orlols tcrrae ju<lklo Ar. tf>.stlm·
2. 6pua, n. fn1tecl., ro:in<l In the ph!Uftl opus onlo comprobari, Cic.; 2, a, a 1/&kld, Verg. ; b,
est. Uvre v ?U&, U ii ttP~'Vl, (t u fltCUll(ITf; a w1'ul, V.,rg.; llv tl'M.Pl of fortune, Ov. ; C.1. tM
with nom., •lux 11olil11, et audor opus ~t, Clo.; Aollow of tM eyt, Ov. (locat., orbl terra111m, t;IC.J.
with itbl. of the thing nee<led, opua eat anc- orbit& -ae, f. (orhh1)1 a vhu£..nt, wsark OJ
toritate tu:\. C1c.; ml\l11rato opu11 e11t, thert u a tt11'ul, Cic.; fig., orbit& veterls culpae, bad
M«l of /w.dP,, Liv.; .,,.Ith g?nlt., q11a11tl arg.,ntl oa.•ple, Juv.
oµus tult, Liv.; with acc .. Plaut.; with inOn., orbltaa ·ltie, t. (orbm), a bn-tari~, ~
quid opus •~i.t affirmnre, Cic.; with 2. supine, mmt, Zou of childrer. or purtt£tl; orb1taw1 llb-
quod scltu opu11 eat, Cic. erom, Cic. ; fig., orbitas retvuhlica.e wirorum
s. 6),u -punt111, r. ('o,.,;;f), Wv1n in Locrll, tallum, Cle.
now Adj.,6pu.ntlha·a-nm, 0pulll(a"- orbo, 1. (orb111)ilo btreave. L Gen., ltallam
6pwsetUum ·I, n. (dim. or 1. opus), a HUZ. Juventute. Cle. L lo Mpriw qf p:INllll or
tl'<Yf"L·, Cic.
ehildrm; fl!io orbatu!I, Cle.
I. ora -ae f. (1. os), tJi.e tdge., borthr, """
OrbODa -e.e, f. (orbus), U.. gocldm ~
b-11.,1./ury. L f'(X'Uli, Luer.; regionum, Cle. ; br bereaved pattnll, Cle.
cli1'f'i \'erg. IL A. tJi.e, tta-<008t; Italiae, orbus -a -um (root ORB, Gk. 'OP~o~).
c;,., B. a region, clime, eountrr; •tU:lcnmqne In deprived of. L Oen., bert/t, de.stilut~: with ahl.,
n•bus omnlbu11, Cic.; with g .. nit., lurninls, Ov.
nra ac parte terrarum, Cic. : A~beru1Jtl8 orae,
tlv /,,,,.,.,.. 'W(]Tld, Luer. ; luminh1 orae, the upper II. Ellp., dq>rittttl of 71Qrtnu or !'hildrrn, bn-tft,
trorld, \'erg. C. a ZOM, btlt of tJi.e earth, Cic. without pau1111 or children : orhus &enflx, Cic. ~
with ahl., liberl!JJ. Liv.; with grnit., Memnonl"
2. ora -ae, r. a coNt or hawser by which a orha mei vcnio, uv.; 11ubAt., orbua ·I, m. aml
IAip •1Xl3 made fiUJt to t~ 11hart, Liv. orba ·BP, f. an orphan. Liv.; fig., respubliea,
0ri.oiUum (oraclum) -1, n. (oro). L a Cic.: 811IJ•i~i11s lttgatlonem orb'lm rell1111it, Cic.
p!act 11·/v!rc an. orncle ii given, an M(l('U; lllud orca -ae, r. 1, a k!nd of tChalt, Plin. : 2, a1t
or.1rulum Delphis, Cic. ; tra11sr., domus jure- e-1rthfnware pct or jar toUh a large bdly, Hor.
eonsulti ornc11lu111 clvitatis, Cie. IL an orad.,
din>u rup<mse; 1, oraculum euere, Cle.; petcre OrcUee -um, t. Wan.di timr Scotland, now
& Do.Iona, Cic.; 2, a., a r•rnphuy ; oracula IM Url~11-:y$.
fnndero. Cic. ; b, a 'WI.# wpuclt, oracular dtclara- orchu -ldls, r. (0,,x&~), a ~ q/ oli11t,
timi; physicorum, Cle. Verg.
oratio ·6nls, t. (oro). L, lplldt, orchestra -ac, r. (iipx>/-rrpo:), the parl q/ 11
la1•f.JVl<J'l1!. A. Gen., qnaP (fcrae) aunt rationis Roma!l tht.alre rutrvtd jor t.'u 1e1w.tor1; metoo.,
et orationi!'I expertes. B. eWqlWlll; satls In tJi.e ~t~. Juv.
en fuit orationis, Cic. IL Meton., A. 11'/JW:A, OrohiSm~na.e (~•) ·I, m. and Orohi-
,,u.rr,; orationem bonorum lmitavl, Uc. menum ·I, n. ('Op\ oµn~). L IO'll/n. '" .&MoHa.
B. a, a Mt spuch.; eomparare au id lon:,ram IL town in Areatlia.
orJtionem, Cic.; habere oratlonem In senntu, oroinua -a -um (Orrn~), of or ttlat£ng ro
Cic. ; in extrema oratione nostra, at tM tnd of Ort:u1 or IM dtad; eenatores, tliOMI 'IIJliO bc:ioame
ov 11pttcA, Cle.; b, pr!1$t! (Rs opp. to poetry); 11tt1alon by the will of Cw111.r, Suet
a;oepil<sime et in poematlA et in oratione peccatur,
Cic. Orous -1, m. (connected with ;p.c~ and
oratlunoiila •&e, r. (dim. or oratlo), a littk urge·•). L Orcu1, the tn,fenv1l n'1i0111. IL A.
ti~ gotl of the lt)t«f' 'IDOl'fd, Pluto, Cic. B. chatll.
lpUCh.. lhort oration, Cic. r Hor.
ir&tor -Oris, m. (oro). 8'fl'4br. L the spoku-
914:11. of an. nir.b<Usy, Cic. IL an orator, Cic.
ordeum. bordenm (q. v.).
ordla prima= primordia (q.v.).
oratOrli. adv. (oratorill!S), o-ratorkallv, lila ordinariu• -a ·um (nrdo), a.ccorclittg f,o orrkr,
a11 orator, Cic., ardinaTJI; consu lea, tlu.ted (n Ute f'tlJ"
oratOrius ·& -um (orator), rtlaUng to an tdar (opp. to suh'ecU), Liv.; ol'dlnaril
oratQr, cratcrU:al; lngenium, Cic.; ornament.a, reipublicae usus, Liv.
oratrbl: -tels, f. (orator), a /,, nppliant; ordln&tlm, adv. (ordlnattt!J), 1, '" ordno, W.
good order, Caes.; 2, rtgularly, properly, Caea.
vlrgines oratrices pa.els, Cic.
ordlni.tfo ·6nis, f. (ordino), a Htliflg (n
ir&tua ·tls, 1n. (oro), ci 'ffl['.tlll, entreaty; orthr, arn•n1ement, Plin.
,,ratu tuo, Cle.
ordlnatu• -a ·um, p. 3d_j. (from ordlno), Id
orbator -<'iriii, m. (orbo), one who deprivu in ordtr, arrangtd, orderly, Cle.
a• of chil1/ren or parem:s, Ov.
ordino, I. (or<l<•), to set (n. orthr. L a, fo
orbloiilatua • -um (orbicnlUll), ctrcular, plant iii r<.JWB ; lati11>1 arbusta sulels, Hor.; !>_, k'
rotllld; ap. C1c. orranrte fo mnk (of r,ol<liers);, 11or.
orbloiilua -1, m. (dim. or orbis), a little circle II. Trnn~r., l, to Bdtle; aliter apud &lios ordin·
or diJk, Plln. atis mal'.i~trat1hus, Liv.; 2, to arrange, a7-po£nt,
orbls -ia, m. a cfrch, ring, anything round. aettle, d i•pnu, classify ; orationis, Cic.;
LA. Gen., torquere In orhem, Cic. B. Esp., I, res publicas, w narrate t.h.I! historv of t.h.I! ltala,
milit. t. t., Cl eircl• of 1J1>ldier1; In orbem con· Hor.
aistere, Caes.; 2, or the heaven!!, orbi11 signifa, ordlor, orsu1 sum, 4. dep. {connect.eel wttb
lh.t zodiac, Cic.: lacteus, the Mt.11.11 Way, Cic. ; 3, ordo), to btpin, commtn.C4. A. Gen., alterius
a circtilar motwn, aerpenti11s fold,; Im· vitae quoddnm lnitlum, Cic. B. Esp., in speak·
mensis orbilms angne1 lncumlmnt pelago, Verg. ; Ing, lo begin; with acc., sermonem, Cic. •with
of the rounding off or period of a speech, orn- inft11., de aliqua re disputare, Cle.; absoi., de
tinnis or verbon1m, Cic. ; orbls terrarum, the aliquo paulo aitius, Cle.; sic orswt Apollo,
ri rel~ of tJi.e world, the 100rld, Cir~. IL a dis/;, ~gan to :rptak, Verg.
+ Gen., orlois men~1 Cl round table, Ov. B.
E:ip., 1, a, Ille dWc Q/ r.w ""'or tAOO'll, Liv. ; b,
orclo -lnls, m. (orfor). L ll!'l'U8, lW, f"Dlf,
orthr. A. Lit., ollvarum, Cle.; ordine. (ca> '-
Ord 386 ors
iclalL Cle.; (IJ) '" dM ordtr, C!c.: f'X onlinl', ill Ori&h)rla -ee, f. ('0,.lfuu), d1n1glUr OI
ncc:urio1', Cic.; In ordinem, (11 Of"tftr, Cil'.; 1111110 f.'ra·hthttu. of .Athtu, wtl)t/1tr of Zdl;a 1111d
(\Nine, wi£tlout 01-cler, in a tlisonltrl.11 tll(J 1111cr, Cu/ai$ liy Jlorrw1.
CaeA.; extra ordinFlll, (o.) i1l an u1111...<1wl, ir· I. Orf1lD4U8 -a •Ulll (orior), arUi1&9,
ftftUCU' ma1111tr; altcui provinciam decerut>n~. ~,,ri 11gi 11g from, loont of: ab iugenuis, l.'ic.; ex
Cle.; (JJ) tttmon.li11arily, t'f'l'.lf grrotl11. Cir. B. ~tru,;ds, Liv.
Mtton., 1 a row of 11Rr1t-6 i11 a tlirolt't, C1c.; " roru 2. 6riundu ·I, m. n ritttr ill Illy-ria.
or haMk QI1oar• i1& a tY<ml, \"erg. ; 2, tniliL t. t.,
f'Rllk, ~u; 01'1lint>11 l'Xplic1ue, Li\".; on line c;;;re<li, Orm6nla ·l<lis, ,·oc. .1, f. ('Opµm(), llu
t!all.; a OO'llf.PCJll!I; onhnem ducere, to be <t t'tll· tlr111t11id (granddaughter or 01u1enus) .Asl.,. =
t11.rio11, Caea.; ordill<'ll primi, co11una1tder1, Caea.; d"1nia.
3, a. politically, a11 order, ra 11k, class; St'tu&t· orni.mentum ·i, n. (omo). L eqvipint11t,
ot'iu• or iunpli,;~i11111s, tM. llt'nalorial body, Cic.; accoutrc111t11t, traJ>pi 11g11, f11rnitwre; cert.a& oopia&
equeater, tlu bod.11 of l.·11i;JhU, Cic.; b, " cllls•, ct 011iam~nta vestra, Cic. IL A. or71amol,
bod1Q/'fM1&: pnblica11(lru111, Cic. II. order, nr· rll'Jf0mtio11, tmhdlisAmtRt; omni& omamenta e1
m11pn1tnt: nmnina i11 onliuem rert>rre, Cic.; res fano Herculie iu op1•idu111 coutnlit, CM-a.; lig.,
in onlincm adduccre, t-0 put into orrlu, Cic. 11!'nec-t11tiri, Cic..; e"p., rhrtoriml or11nflU'H.l; 01at.-
Ordonoea -nm, m. a prople in Britain, op- oriA orna111e11ta diccndi, Cic. B. llOR<t1tr, orM·
'°'~~ t-0 tlu '3la1td qf Mo1&a, now .A 11gluru. f>ltnt, ilillti11ctio1i; omuia omruuenta congercre
ad aliqnem, Cic.
6rila ·i<iis, f. (Opuof), a tMuntai!1-nympA, ornati, adv. wiU1 compar. and snperl. (om·
OrMd, Verg.
atua), onwtly, 1pltwiilil11, tltga.llllr; compi.rare
6reatia -oe and ·Is. m. ('Opio-'"lf}.
.AgalM'ln11en 1&n1l Cl11taem111stra 1 brot~r of !phi·
'°" of convi\'ium, Cic.; loqui, Ck•
gnMI CIM El«tra., 1l'M kU/llll hi• ?itothtr, t/11 ornatrts -leis, r. (ornator). a/ adorMr,
t1n1nkru1 of hll fnlher, a1td v•i.lh Au frit11d a tirt·1t'011ic.11, Ov.
Pgladu ud his si.iltu lphigt1ciu (priaku of I. ol"DAtWI ·tlJl, m. (orno). L dn:ss, atti",
DiaM ill W 1"auric Cl1t1·soneu), c:a.rrW auuy tq11ipme11t; milit.nris, Cic.; regali.1, Cic. IL
iAe itrt.IUJ' qf Dia1ta to Italy, JUa.r A ricia. Hence, t11ibellilllrnumt, dtrorotio"; 1, liL, u1·bis, Ck.;
2, flg., verborum, Cic. ; meton., or tliacoune,
adj., 6reatiu ·• ·11111, Ortiuan. t111btllish11ttn.t, or1La111tnt; om&tum aH't>rre ora·
~reJda ·Is, f. (oi><t•~), duin, appttilt, Juv. tiuni, Ci('.; 3, &I\ a translation or the Grttlt
orgAnlou• -a -um (.ipya.""c~). 11111siool, re- KOtTµo<;, tlit mJrld, C1c.
lating to muirol i11str11mt11t1, Luer.; 111bst. 2. ornat.WI -a •Ulll, p. adj. (from orno) L
orgblou• ·i, 111. n 11111wiari, Luer. ' f11rnishfd, ''JlliJ'p(d, acro11trm, proi-irltrf; sculil
orgbum ·l, n. (opyo.ll'Ov), any im}'ln11tnt or tt>lisque J.nntti om:itique 1m11t, Ci1·. IL a,
C1utrn111t11t, Pliu.; a mu1ical instru11Unt, a 1n"'tr· adon""l, .teomtctl, cmbtlli.sW, bfcurtiful; oraUo,
cn'!1011, Suet. Cic. ; 1;o of pcrsoni;, ndonttd tl'ith all uoblt qv.nli·
tiu, ad111iraltlt, illusirio11s; ailoleacens, Cic.; b,
Or~rls ·rlgis, tn. a HtltYtian. ho1w11rnl; lionvrilms, Cic.
orgla -<'lntm, n. (opyu•), fl(l("tlm1al ft.4fiml.~ fn orno, 1. L to equip, aronurt, proridt t1·i"
71orwur of IJacch11a, Verg.; and ht>nc(', a11y serrct 114'Ct!Marirs, fit out; aliqnllln armi~, \"t·~. ; dl.'C'em·
/wiral, OT!lits, Juv. \'ir11i; Rpparih•rihus, Cic.; claS11e111, co11sulf's, Cie.;
Cirlohaloum ·i, n. C:•iwixa>.rm), yellotr c.ppu provinciam, to protidt trooJ"'· mo1ll',>t, f'tc., fer
on: hence, bms.s 1nrult front it, Cic. tilt go1'f'nu11n1t of a Jll'orin~, Cic. II. t-0 ndvr11,
OrfollJ.& ·AC, f. (= auricilla), an tar-lap, Cat.. rlecomlt, tmblllidi. A. Lit., 1, du11111111 i<U&Dl,
Orlon -1, r. and Orloum -1, n. n tow11 fo Cic.; cm·uul\ flt'rtis, \'ng.; 2, to 1""° iu, ho11mr"
i<hom honour to; fuit orn11111lus in Jdauilia l~e
Epiru1, now Erico. Heuce, 1, n11j , Orlclua Pumpcins, Cic. B. Tn111sf., to ador,,, tlrc<>ralr,
·• -um, Orid1111: anJ 2, Orioinl -orum, m. tht hono11r, dhting11ish; ci\'ltatcm omnibus 1elius,
Cnhabil<lnu qf Oricum. Cncs.; aliq11c111 lawlibui;, Cic.
orloilla &uricul& (q. v.). ornua -i, f. lht m01111t11in-n.<h, \"erg.
irlena -enti1', tn. (lit., partic. or r·rior, sc. oro 1. (1. os). L t-0 BJW1.:; a, tAlil>us Or.:lllllt
llOI). L•th• rUing sun; pcrsonif., the .<nn·gori, Juno, \·erg.; b, to BJ>tak cu aH orntor; Yestra m
day.god, Verg., Ov. ll. M~ton., l, the t<lSI, as a nos pro111erita complecti oramln, Cic.; ip>'t- 1•ro
1111rt of the sky, Cic.; 2, th4 ecut, a.'1 a part of se ora\'il, deft11ckd himstlf, Li\'.; c, to 11·"1.t or
the world, Cic. handle in spetch, lo ar111u, pltad; c:ipitis ca:1S11m,
Cirigo ·lnis, f. (orior). L origin, souru; Ck.; litem, Cic. 'lL to beg, J'l'Cl!f, f'ntTfQt,
principii null.'.lf'st ori11:0, Cic. II. birth, clU011tt. buttch.: with acc. or the person entreated,
A., Ov. B. Transf., a, race, Verg.; b, 1•rincil'e111, Tac.; oro te (par.. 11thetic), 1 pray.
an<"t.YWr,foundtr ofa race; pater Aen64.ll Romanae Cic. ; with acc. of the thing, auxitiu111 ml bell mu,
atirpis origo, \'erg. Liv.; with acc. or pers. allll acc. or thing, auxiiia
rt-gem, Liv.; with ut or ue un<l tJ1e subj., or
Oriiu -onii, m. ("Opiwa-), tM co11stfUation suhj. Alon .. , vro ut homines couserres, Cic.; witli
Orion. in flu., \"erg.
orfor, ortus smn, lSritnrus, 6riri, 4. dep. (root 6r0dia ·i'I and ·i, m. ki11g of tkt Parthiaiu,
OR, Ok. OP, whence opvvµ•), to ri~t. L Of ichn took Cra.u1u prisoutr.
,ieraons, quum con~ul oriPns rte nocte si\entio
dit'eret <lictatorem, Liv. II. Transr., to = 6rontia ·i11, m. ('Op0~), tht chit/ rirtr QJ
to bt,come t'isiblt. A. Of the heavenly bodies; Syria. Hence, a<lj., 6rontiua ·a ·nm, poet. =
ortl luce, in tM nwr11i11g, Caes.; ori.fins i;oJ, Syrian.
the Ecut, Cle. B. to ari.v, spri1ig froni, Orpheus -i!i and -i!os, 11cc. -~um and -e&, ahl.
proceed from, CO?M forth.: Rhenns oritur ex -eo, 111. ('OP4>ni~). " etlf'bmled nlythicril mi111.<1rn
Lepontiiit, tnku II• rist, Cats.; clamor, C11es.; of Thmu, hi1$ba11d of E1trt1diN:. He11Cf', adj., 1,.
benee, a, to b« bm-n; equestt1 loco ort11s, Cic.;
b, to grow; nva oriens, Cic.; c, to ~(/i't; ab his Orphiua -1\ ·nm; A11d 2, Orphloua -a -uw..
aenno oritnr, Cic. (inrlic. preR. &<'I!. to 3rd conjui;c., Orp1tic, of or relating to Urpht1i&
.nor, orfrls, orltur, orlmur, orltniui; so imperf. orphua ·i, m. (.i~~). n .a.-Ji,M, Ov•
nbJ., orirewr). orllA ·6TUID, D. (ordjor), 1 0 Cl b.gi1'11i11g, COlfto
ora 387 oat
V'Orrl.s, Verg.
-:indtrlaking, Liv. ; 2, poet., ~tclt, Aualxuitl qf 11'-, god
of Eg~, tM Qtti&(u "'a.
I. orsus -ns, m. (ordlor), a ~innhig, wndtr· 0Ua -ae, m. (~0-.), II Aigll -"'4CA (1&
ta~·i119, Cic. Tht>S$(, nOI" Kiuavo. A<\j., Ouaeua -a -um,
2. 01'111111 ·• -um, partic. or ordior. bd011gi "fl to 0"'1.
~pbl'.a -ae, r. (~fla), orUw- ouiua -a -um (2. oe), madl of bone, lU.:. botu,
puplty, Suet. bony, Juv.
OrtOna -ac, r. town. of the Frtntani in Lat£ um, oea~ ·I, m. and oealMp -u, t
now Orton.a. (::?. anct rrungo), tM ata-lagu, otprtf, Luer.

1. ortua ·tls, m. (orlor). I. n rl.sin!T nf the oetendo ·ten<ll -tentum and (later) -te1111nm,
AauJe1tlr botfla; 1, Ht., eolla et Junae reliqnor· 3. (obs a11<l tendo), to ah-Ow, diapla11, uAibll,
umque si<lerum ortwa, Cle.; 2, met"''·, Mli11, t.r/>OU to vie1o. L Lit., a, o• 1mo111 populo
(.\t rad, Cic. IL & birlA; prhno ortn, iinnu· Romano, Cic.; equites aeae ostendunt, C01M ' "
lia.kly aj'Ur birth, CiC.; ortu Tnscnlanus, Cic.; 8ight, C11e:1. ; b, to upou, lay ope1t; 1mpl11atu
ortum ducere ab Elide, Cle.; b, origin, llOUn:t; A'lniloui glebas, Verg. IL Fig., 1, to lhot1"
trilmnida.e potestatis, Cic. 1ti..1>lay; spem, metum, C1c. ; 2, e11p. or di•
course, lo sho10, tllakt plain, dtc.lm~; nlhll Kibt
2. Ortua -& ·Um, partic. of orior. gralins o8tenrlit fut11r11111 e!ISe, Cic.; qnkl aui
Ortfgla -u, f. and Ortfgle -!s, f. ('OpTV- 00111ilii alt ostendit, Caes.
r.!>>- L a" Ula1'tf fi>rmi1tg pnrt of SyTnCUM. oetentatlo -ouis, f. (011tent.A). L ti &l111"°
IL tM old na~ of tM faJnnd of Ddol. Hence, ill!J, dilployi1117, N!V«>l'11g; osl:t!ntalloni3 cau11M
&4,J., Ortfglua ·a ·um, Ort!!flian. llltit111 \'Rb'Ari, Cae11. IL 'l'mnsf., a, a boo•llllf,
6ryx ·.his., m. (0p11t), a SJ!f!M of wild goat or di.<play, o.suntalio11: ini;enii, Cic.; b /abt,
~lk, Juv. dtuiljul show, prttmu ; co1111Ul verit:il.e, nou
arjsa ·ll(', r. (opt.{a), ri«I!, Hor. ostentatione po1•ularis, Cic.
1. 0.. 6ris, n. L the mouth; 1, lit., C&llit ostentator -orlR, 111. (ostento) 011t 1Cho IAow
frustum ex ore pulll, Cic.; aliquem semper in OO<uti11gly, a boa.sin-, murtttr,paradn-; !Actonun,
On! h.&bere, to be al1m11.s talh119 n.l>out, C1c.; in Lh·.
ore \•ulgl tsse, Cic.; alicui esse ante 011, btfore ostento, 1. (intens. or ostendo), to hold out,
01te'1 ~4, Cic.; uno ore, ttnani111ot1aly, Cie.; in offer. L Lit., A. alicui jugnla sua pro c:iplte
orit vulgi (hmni11111n) a\J1re (pervenlre), Cat.; 2, alicuiutt, Cic. B. a, to aJww publicly, di1plny,
transf., mouth, optllifl{l ; port us, Cic.; doltl, Liv.; a:hibit; p.U11u111 capillnm, Caes.; b, to 8holo
91'.>ura, ora novem Tiuun·i, Very;. IL the firce, OO<tsling/y; equ11111a1111aq11e ca1•ta, Liv~ IL Fig.,
rou?IU11nn.a /:l• 1, lit. i11 ore hominnm, fo tlte A. lo hold ~fort a J>t"roo11'1 tyts, to ahvw botue-
prt:!Wlnn of 111tn, Cic.; 2,
meto11., used for in&· ing/11, to ]'rnfftr, promiM; l\jll'Ulll, Cic. B. 1
Jl"lldtna, shnnults.~•ius; noi1ti~ Oii ho111i11l11, nosUs to $hou•nff, 1li~plny; prrnle11tia111, Cic. ; 2, to 1'oltl
audacia1u, Cic. B. a 1111isk; Gorgouis, Cle. 011t with a 111tnaa, thrcnlt1L: cat'llcrn, l'ic.; 3,
2. M, o~i1i~, n. n "°"''; rlolorem cinerl eit111 to Bh-Otv, rt1'ffl/; a, se in Rllis rch11i1, Cic. : b,
al'lue os..~ibus lnt1Rsisti, Ci<-.; OBS& lei;:ere, to Of di11eOl111'e, to tJhom, dtt/nrt, "IH/\e l'WllrJl;
<Jnf/ur up IM ttshrs of lht l1<111ts <l.fttr the bwr1ti119 et si11111l r.skntavi til•i me isti11 eMC famili;ircm,
of n c:orpv, Cic.; tum wro PXR111it jnvcnl dolor Cic.
Oo!!oi\Jn~ illl!<'ll~. i11 his l1rnrt, \'t'rg.; fig., nf oatentum (ostenrlo) ·I, n. n f""'.li911, ,.Or·, hniwrl 11011 ossa 110111111 set I et iRm "1'111· te11t; m1\gt1orn111 periculorum 11wt11s ex 011tc11t-i11
tttt111e111, Cic.; of a meagre 11tyle, ossa nu<lnre, portendit11r, Cic.
Crc. oatentus. 11nt, ·i'li, nl•l. -n, m. (011U>11do). L
o.oa -al', (. townin lli411<rn in Tnrrnro11n1~f.(, n ~ho•l'i1t!J, rli.<p/a!fill!J: corpora ahjccta o:itcntni,
now l/11t:!IC<1. Heuce, &1lj., Oacenslll -t1, bc- fr.r n .<hnir, Tac. II. 1, 011lu~1rd ~hnu•, ])(! nrtk;
Jr,.t'}•ll:f 111 Oocn. ilia dr<lit ioui~ 11ig1m osl.t'ntui <'f.!le, Tnc. ; 2, a
oscen -Jui,;, m. (= obscrn from ohs anrl cnno), ~i!J11, i,.,/imti<m, Jlroof; ut Ju~nrthne scelerum
t. t. o( :rni:11r1tl la11~11ni;:e, n hinl jrr.m tJ•hns.- note oskntui '-'~sr·111, Sall.
aiu;ur~' i«re taken (e.g., the ra\'Cn, owl, crow), Ostia ·RP, f. nnd Oatl& -Ornm, n. (ostium),
lfor. the h.ttrl1m1r 1111d port nf Rona,, aituntt nt ~ mo11th
Osct -l>rum, nn n11ru11t f't"T'/e of lff1ly; hrnrc, of tltL 1'if>fr. n~nc<', adj., Ostlenala -e, rdot·
aolj.. Ottcua -a ·Um, Osetm. iug In Ustia; inn11111110<h1111, th~ dt.sln1ctio11 o/
Ilic RouH111 fl~el by tltt- pimlfs, Cic.; pro,·inria,
osc1llum -1, n. (dim. or 1. os), n Tittle ', lht oflict of lht ''i1Wt$for, who 111ptri11ltndtd the
w111ttl11crs 1111tl tilt 111jrply of corn to tht city, Cic.
oecitanterl a<l\·. (oacito), y<1w11illaly, <'<Ire· oatfi.riua -n -11111 (11,iti11111), ~lonaing to a
Zu.l!J, 11<'.Jli!Jrnl y, Cic.
door: s11li.;t., 1, oatllirfua ·Ii, m. n doorkttpn-,
oecltatfo ·Olli,., (. (oscito), lht O])(llilll) of the ]""'''"'· \'all'.; 2, oatliirlum ·Ii, n. (sc. tri·
fltc,111A, 11 g.1 1•i "IJ, Plin. liutu 111 ), n ltti· uJ•Jil door·~. a rloor-tax, Caes.
oaclto. l. (perhaps from oR nn<I cieo =oatliittm. nd1'. (o~tium), frorn tloor to door,
mo\·eo). to optn IM 111011th, (!'1[>r, yawn, Cic.; Iii;., frnm lirntsc lo Jwust:; co111pilare t.lhlln oppi<l11111,
tr.~ la.z~1. idlt, iiuu:lit't; oscitat Epicurn<, Cie. (°ii'.
osciUAbundua ·a -11111 (o)st"Hlnr), I.;,,; 11g, ostium ·lt, n. (1. ns), f/1t· r11lr:111cr. I. 1o0rt.1111,
S1wt. Ck.; !lt1111i1ti-.; Cy<lnl, wnil/1, C1c.; Oceani, ~lniil1
osciili.tlo -o"i11il'. r.
(<•scnlnr). " l;issi "'.1· Cic. r.f 1:ihmlr11r, l'1c. II. th~ t/(>(lr ..j" ho11Y: ex·
osciUor. L •lep. ("~cul11111), 1n/-i.~•: <"011sule111 11..r io1 n.<t 10111111, llte "'"r·'1•:r, Cle. ; Rp!'rl•l 011tio
f1l111rn, C1c.: h).! .• fn ,·nr'·'~, mnkf' 11111r1' nf, mnLI' rt •l<•r111 i rP. Ci<".
I'"'' a/; ~ir11t1a111 j11ri:1 t.111111°1:1111 lili1,l:m1 osc11l:ui ostrea ·aP, r. a111l oatr~um ·i, 11. (.icJTpco1<),
sn:i111, Cic. ''" ny'!'r, Ilor.
Otloillum -i, n. (olirn. of 1. os). I. a liltle ostreiitua -a -u111 (u~trl'n), ro11yh.likca11.oyster-
11t•.111th; oscula :<t1111111a 1kliloarc, Y~rg. II. •"tll, Plaut.
M~ton., a ki$J; 0:1c11 la ferrc, Cic. ostrcosus -11. -11111 <oi1trea). 11110mulil1r1 «•
Oliri8 -ria, -rt<iii; aml ·rl1lo>1, m. ("Oo'<p1~). vy-:t~:r:<, Cat.
oet 388 pao
MU'l"r ·f'i!ra ·f'i!rum (ostreum and foro), pl'O·
ftn1'!J oysfera, Ve!)!'.
oatrinua -a -um (ostrom), purpz,; colores, P.
ostrum. ·l, n. (oCMJMOI'}, 1, tht pu1'pU dy!f 'P"'• p, th11 flrt..renth lrtt.-r nf the T,11tlr.11.lpl111M,
Jlflf'td. from. a 11htll:fish; Vl'!lk>1 o~tro perfllsa.-,
Vt'rg. ; 2, atujf d11td with 1nir1•lt, a pu.rpk drt.1$,
, cont•sl'ouola with th" Gn.-ek J•i (II, •). F"1'
11141!of P. in aLhreviations, see Table of
Vcrg. A Lbreviatio11s,
OBU8 •&·Um, imrtic. of Odi (q.v.). piibulii.tlo -1\nls, r. (•,r), ,lTO("llriag QI
6tho .{)nis, m. a Roman. wtm'; 1, L. RMch1>1 fvdder, )ura:1i11g; pahulat1011e i11krcludi, Gies.
Of.ho, o.illlwr of a /nw gii'ing spaial srats in IM pabiilator -<:iris, m. (pabulor), a fOf'flglf",
thtalre to thd 1cni!; 2, M. ::11\h'ius Otho, a C:u·11.
Ram.all rmptrar tvlto 1uccudtd Cialba. Hence, pabulor. I. dep. (pitbulum), to f<>rogt, lfttt
6thbn.lii.nua -a -um, relating to Otho. ft1<id" r, C11t>>1.
OtbcyAdes -ae, m. ( '08pv<iS11(). L 1011. of pabulum ·i, n. (pn~"0). I. Lit., 1, food.
OtJi.ry3 = l'1rnthu1. II. a S11artan general, ~ n11/ri11.,··1t; pab11la c.iwlt>,t,i~. aml...-o.•ia.., Ot".; 2,
IOlt survivor in a lx:Utlt with tlrn Ar!]ins. ti~ )""" of animal11, 10</tl•r; pnl111l11111 see~re.
con velaere, Cues. IL Tmnsf., Ji>o<t,
Othrts -sos, m. ( "06p11~), a high mountain nu11t; st11dii attjlle dod1 iuar, Cic.
ti\ 1'hc6S<ily.
pi.calla -e (pax), bdo1igin9 or 'l'tlatheg "
oticUum ·I, u. (dim. of otium). a little ldsurt; p1ua, 1·m···"f1tl; laurus, 0\',
ap. Cic. pii.catus -a •lllll, p. adj. (from Jlllco), rnci;,,1,
otlor, I. tlcp. (otium), to be idlt, to b« at 1111111" Jlf'llC<:f11l; mid hence, fV't•<-rfu.J, •{1tirl; a,
lrisurt; q11um i;•• Hy11u·11s:is non negot· liL, pa came tr1rnqnillaeque Ci\·ita~s, Cic.; mare,
iandi ca11Ma contuli><s.. t, t..:ic. Hor.; s11l 0st., pilciitum -1, n. a peaaful, fri~ndl'IJ
otiose. adv. (otlosu .. ). I. idly, 1l'itho11t OCCU· country; ex pncnti.• praedas llj!('rt·, !:Sall. ; b,
:pation, Cic. IL ltis1Lrtly, lazily, gently, q11~tly, trausf., illorhm oratio p:\Cnlior, Cic.
Cle. PAchjnum ·i, 11. and PA.chynus (-69)
OtfOaUS •I\ •Um (otlum), idlt, at ltUILTt, tuWl.- ·l, f. (lla\Vl'OS), of Sit.ii*•
otU occupation. L LIL, a., homo, Cic.; tcmpus, now CHpo di I'11.<roro.
Cic.; b, fru from. pul>lic duties, OC<ll}>ic.t in pi.alter -fha -rnrum {pax a11<i fe10), pro~
likrar11 'U'Ork on.Ly; 1111111q11n111 se minn~ or ios11111 brw!]i11g, t!Slab/is.'ii11g or annom1cit1!J I"'"~; oliv:i.,
esse quam quum otiosus, Cic.; c, ]10litica/l11 ill· Verg.; frt>que11tly used 1111 an t:p1thct, of tli&
differc";!,. mutral, quid; istos otiosos n·1l•la1r., gods, e.g., or Mercury, Ov.
Cia. .u. Transf., quiet, ca.lni, undi~turl.icd,
Cle. paclflci.tlo -onls (pncifico). f. an rm1J.lisli.i714
of Jlf'>ll''• 1•1cijicatic11, Cic.
Otfum ·If, n. (opp, tlt'gotiu111), i</l1!11(3S1
leiaurt, t1~; a, otium i11ertissi111um et drsioli11:1- pQ.olficator -Ori.- (pacifico), m. oiu do
lssimum, Cle.; hebescere et ianguescet-e in, /!.S/ttbli.•hcs pe~. a pacijicatvr, Cii-.
Cle.; b, leisure, ti111efor a>1ything; ntlnm 81111111 pii.olflcatOrlus -a •lllll (pnciftco), ~iM­
cons11111ere In hii11orio. scribendu, Cil'.; otil1111 tng 1•·rvt, pacijkawry; I.-;.;ntio, Cic.
lit.t.t.•1atum, Cic.; 111 modo tibl est otiu111, if 011ly pi.cirico, 1. (pax amt facio), f-0 nro11cih, ap-
thon l«L•f timt, Cic.; c 1 ptace, rrposc, •JUfrtnc~s; pcaM, 1-.acif!I; cacl!'.stes heros, Cat.
JUllll i!UtlO i11sole11~ bell I diuturnitatc Otii, Ca.,:<.; paclffoor, }. <l!'p. (pnx nnd fado). So ftab
oti11111 domcstic11111, Cic.; valde me nd otium peuce; }'aciticatmn lei;ati veuiunt, Liv.
cccmque converto, Cic. ; ab hoste otium fuit, paclfloua -a ·Ulll (jl:IX &lid Caclo}, J'ftl""
v. maldn11, 1>ad/ir; persona, Cic.
ovitlo ·Onis, f, (ovo), an ovation, a kind of
fu,1-r triumph in which the vfrtorioua general pAclscor, par.tns snm, :I. dep. (root PAC,
pr,.,.,.rdtd t-0 tli~ Capitol on hl>rseba.c.k or on foot, Wht'nce pac·s, .. pui;o, pango), to make a baf'!70ia,
Pihl. co11tmcf, aa1·ern1rnl with Ull"I/ OM, tn C!f17'tt, sti111-
x_... lattal1011tu11ythi11f1; a., i11tm11sit.., cum illn, PlauL;
uvidlus -II, m., P. O\'i,iins Naso, the cdt· pacis<'.itur 111ag11i\ 111crce<lc cum Celtiherormn
lwaWt l:t>man poet, born 11t Sulmo, B.C. 43, died principihus, nt copias imle ab.tuc:111t, Liv.; J•C-
A.D. 17. •~ci cum dec11111:i110, Cic.: b, tr:111sit., provine·
ovile -Is, n. (ovis), 1, a she•/>fnltf, Vcr)l.; 2, Hllll, Cir·.; preti11111, Cit-.; l'X flllll domo f4lCtUS
An place in the C<11111111s Mnrtiu•, whue csset (feminam), betrnthrd him.~lf, Liv.; •·ith
t>Otcs •on-e gi1>c11 at tlte Com itia, Liv. inttn., to bi111tone~lf; .. ti prndium 1••r•11lo Rom:rnn
ovillu -a -nm (ovi11), of or rtlaHng to lhtep; rlare, Lh•. Partic., paotua -a -um, Jlll!IS. =
ap. Liv. agreed upon, pro111iud, a1•poiutcd, uttlcd; pactain
ovls -111, f. (mf}, a sheep. L a, lit., pnseere esse di .. m, Ck.
OYell, \'1•1·g. ; b, tmu~r.. n:-; a t.-rm of reproach, paoo, 1. (pax}, to ttdua to J>taO, pacify. mah
ritnplt, foolish fellow, Plant. 11. Meton., poet. ~uc</)tl, Cic.; &, Amn1111rn, Cic ; 0J11D~'m G;,I·
= wool, 'fih. a111, Cae11.; b, poet., to 11111kefru•if11l; mcul!M
vvo. 1• (euoe, lik e 0 r. ~vo. )
.. w • L to T'IJOt.r-t,
. . 1~1c:int11r vo111ere sih·a•~. Hor.
c::r:i1lt; ov1111:; vlctorii, Liv. 1 L t-0 celebrate an
•mtioit; ovnntem In C:1pit{1lium a.sceudisse,
Pl.corus ·I. m. (n<i.copo~). St1n of Oroda.
king of i'arthia, enemy of tlic Romo.tu, borll
Cle. about 68 n. c.
ovum ·I, n.(.:..fv), 1, nn tf/(J; on1m ;.dgnere, or pa.eta ·ne, f, (paciscor), ll betrothm $/-.01•u,
pllrcrc, to l1111an rgg, Cic.; prov., lnt..1'ml11 fa111e111 Ver;;.
ad ovu111 al11•rrc, tn thr. lir11inning nf tltr. 111.::al (M
R-01n:m dinn1•111 often l><·i,,-an with eggs), Cic.; l\b
ovo usq11e ail main, from btg!n11i1117 ta tnd, Hor.;
~t trn11~r., one of the sev•m egg->ha1~tt balls f>Y
toAicA the heats in tM circu1 toert count«l; ova
1 pactlo ·onis, f. (pacis•·or), a barg,1in, ro"·
Itntd, covoiaul, ngrumrnt, trtaty.
!acere pnction•·m de
L Gt'11.,
11cr fnctinncm dare, to cnpitttlatr, Lh·.
"oiitract brtu'!!m t11e fannrrs nf th~
rr, Ck.:
nf a
II. A..>

enrricnlis numemudls, Liv. province and ill inlial.iUantl; pactioues conllcert

Pac 389 Pal
Cic. B. a ,frau1l11hnt or coUunw agntlMt~; of lM nc.alla" ki114 Pelial, Ov.; Pap.em.
pmctionis suspicio, Cic. J<UOn, leader of the Argo114utl, Ov.
PaotOlua -1, m. (nCU"tw.\Or), a rillff in Lydia, pqattm. adv. (pagua), in villagu, b1 •il·
.a.4d to brin.q down golden ian<U, now Sarobal. la{ju, Liv .
Adj., PaotOlla ·ldi11, f. of Pactolus; Nymphae, pagella ·&a, r. (dim. or pagina), a li.UU ~.
Ov. Cic.
paotor -<iris, m. (poclscor), ou who nuih.f a pi.dna -ae, t. (" pago, pango). L a J1a9C
co11tn1d or treaty, 1ugotiatur; llOCietatis, Cic. o(leuj of paptr, or of a book; complere pai;l11a.m,
pactum ·I, n. (parisror), a bargain, contract, Cic. D. Tran~r., a WV, 1lab, tablet; pagma
agru1>U1.t. cout•iant, tr61lt1i, pact; manere in honurum, a li3t of titles a11d hoMUrll on a .tal11.t,
pa•·to, Cic. ; trans!., nullo pacto, by 110 mea1u, Jnv.
Cic. ; alio pact•>, in another wail, Cic. ; l.sto p~dla -ae, t. (dim. or pagina), a lUtl4
pacto, in that way, Cic. P"nr, l:ic.
pactu& -a ·lllll, pnrtic. or paciscor. ~gur -I, m. a jbh of mibwwn sptciu, Ov.
Pacitvlua-ti, m.,111. Pacuvius,aRomm1 tragic pague ·I, m. (pangn). La vLllagt; ~ a.a
pt'ICI r1 Brn11<li.•i11n1, 11ephew <>f Enniu.t, flourish· a plnre, Lil·.; b, collectively, tht«nZI o/
i'lllfnlxmt tlit fi11U1 of the St'co11d Punic War; ditd '' 1•il/11gr; pRgus agat t'e11tu111, Ov. IL a districl,
at Tare11t11m, about 132 e.c. cwt1011, prn1'i"r,, (esp. of the Genuans and Gnuls);
civit.M Helvetia in quatuor J>agOll dlvh1a,
PiUlua -1, m. the lar!ft.<l river in Italy, now mnnis
""' ,.,. Cua.q. -ac, r. (for pa:..'Cla from po.11go). L •
PAdiiaa -ae, r. a Catllll n111ning from the Po BJIUtl<', Lil'. II. tlte socht of a riug ill willa\ Ute
to J:n•·turur, now Canali di S. Albtrti. jt11'<'l u Mt, tht be.zrl nf a ri11g, Cle.
Paean ·iinlll, m. (CTa.ui ..). L Lit., tht llealtr, PlUaemon -111t'l11is, m. (Tia.>.a.i~•). L •
a s11nu11M of .Apollo, Cic. IL .Meton., a hymn, Mt·gud, for!1ttr/y oolltil .Aftlictrta. IL & .up.
pun,,, origi11ull11 aJ,ln~ ro Apollll 01uy, but hut!, Verg.
oftcr'li'<mls to oth1r tltiliu; conclamaut socii PlUaephara&lua -1, r. Old Phar•1ltu, •
laetum paeaua secutl, Verg. to11•1i fa 1'1us.'<aly, 11ear Pha'l'Wlluc, now 1"aNll.
paedAgague -1, 111. (ll'a.1Saywyck), a slnvt Plilaeopollll, 11cc. -pulim, r. (TiuA ...oin>A•d.
1rho 11..:·cv111pu11i<'d childrrn to nndfrom. sdlwl a11d
l.l11l ..J111rgc of thtm. ul !tome, Cic.
tlu· n/du pa1 t of lite tm1J11. Qf Ncapolis '" IJ.1111.·
p<111ia. Hen~e, -oru111. 111.
pcutdor ~rl~. m: dii't,fllth, Cle. the ii!hu.l1itu 11 I! of l'aloropoliJ.
paelex pelex (q.v.) PAlaeati -es, r. (Tia.Aa1unj), a tu1t111 of the
Paellgul -{)rum, 111. ail ltnlurn trilJt ill prol'i ,.,., Ch1w11 i11 i" /o.j•i r1i.~. nuw Pulusa. Hctu:e.
.S.w111i11111, in moderu Ah-riizz.i Citrriore. Hence, 11•IJ., PAlaeetinus -a -um, rdut111g to Pal!u.ste•
Paellgnua ·a -u111, J>tligniua; :iu1L<1, a witch, PilAestina -ae, r. amt PAlaeatini ~. r.
{II..Au1u1i1•1j), /'u/r:JlilU!; lienct>, a..lj., PAJ.aee&-
paene. atlv.11enrly, alm'1$1; ii:ienc amicus, Cic. mus -:i. ·11111, 1·rwti11g to /'1t/e$tiM; aqua, tht
paenlnlliila -ae, r. (paene an<l lw1ula), a, Ov.; !lllhst., P'1a.eatint -Oruui, 111.
prnin.•111<!, Liv. =the ~.11ru11LS, Ov.
p&eDiiJa ·DR., f. (ci>all'o.\'lf). It SJlt'ci(.• <>f Ol'tr· plilaeetra ·&e, r. (ll'a.Aa.tUTpa.). L a !/PIUI·
c0tll, witlk>11t iduva, "'"'t dulU! to the IH.XlJI, woru. M11111or 1l'rt$tli11y 1't"ltuol: a, lit., Cic.; b, traulil.,
uu u jour11r!t, or i1t wet, t·old 11•n11/u1", Cic.; l'l'UV., "~clwol of rl1tturic, Ck. IL Metou., a, torulli11g;
1~1e11ula111 alicni scindere, to bt!J 11 y11tst WTJI dill<'cre pahw,.tra111, Cic.; b, uerci.1e in tM 11ehot>U
~1101ully tu rtmaiii, Cic. of rlirloric, rl1.tloriet1l ;,.uffi3(.~, rli.ttorical viv<"ti.ct;
paentUi.tua ·& -um (paeuuln), duthtd in tht qna11i q11amla111 palae!ltr:uu et extrema ll11ea-
p1~11.11w, Cic. rnc11t.a oratiuui attulit, Cic. ; c, art; utemur
pa.eon -iinis , m. (w1uwv), a 11utricul fr>1Jt, con· ci\ pnlaest.rii, Cie.
si5ti11!1 ••f thru ihort 1yl1'1blu a11d 011e lu11.g, Cic. plUaeatrloe, adv. (pnlnestricus), a.flu Utt
Pae6nes -11111, 111. (llcliu ...•(), tht P11l'<11tim1<1, 111;11111u of llu! pahu..:1tru; :11~'\tiarl in xp1to, Cle.
th~ l""l''" of i'a.t'o11iH; si11g., Paeon ·t'.JlliK, 111. pllaeetrlou• ·a -um (ll'a.Aa•<Ni:>uc.K). o/ ur
He1u-c, A. Pae6nla ·•~. r. (lla.101•i<l). l'tlfOttill, rrli1ting to /Ii;, }"1.l<u.~m; 111ot.w1, Cic.
11 di.<lrirt of M11udu11i11, aftt·rward!I J.:11ml/1i.«. pAJaeetrita ·Ile, 111. (rra.Aaurrpi~), tli.tlllfl'tr·
B. Paffnis, r. " l'ctto11 iu11 WOllUlll. i11t.'11tlrnt of a 1•tlatstra, Ck.
Paeomus -a -um (tla.u.'..v•O(), reluti11g to the pAlam (from ~'\Ille root as planua, ir.\ani~,
90<l of l.t:1tli11y, Apollo, 11itdid11al; berbae, Vert(. pelli3, t'te.). L Adv., OPf11l11, publicly. A. Lit.,
Paeetum ·I, n. a tu1111t i1l /,uccrniu, fu111ous rem gerit, Cic. B. 1, opt11ly, 11'itlwut conaal·
fer it• roYs, now Pe.sto. Hen~, Paeeti.nue ·a mt11I; pnlam age rt' el ape rte d ice1·e, Cic.; I,
-um, of f'tct:Jfum. OM11liJ, OJ'Jl<ll't11/ly, uid.:11tly; palam profertt,
Cit·.; 3_. pala111 factu111 est (with acc. and lull~.-·
paetUJUS ·:!. ·Ulll (Jim. Of paetus), hnl'i11g a it 1~ 11 ..11 k11ow11, Cic. II. Prep.(= coram), with
llti)ht c;.i.:1t in tlu t?Je, Cic. 11bl., i11 the pre.,t11ct! of; vnpulo, I.iv.; me, Ov.
paetua ·I\ -11111, having a m..<t in tht eyu, PdlA.medea ·is, 111. (na.Aaµ>j.5~). '°"of U..
~/il(k·c11.-d; nnol, u an epithet or Venn~. luwi11.g F.11/,,1,·a11 ki11q f•\a11pli11<, thr. 111ythiml i1u~1i.tor <I/
"'" tllQflQi II.fl Ira, lttri ng prttlily, Hor. /Ju 1~1/1111u, of ti i<",.111111 of $tJ111e of the <:ruk lrlttr1,
pigii.nua ·I\ ·11111 (pagu~), b,Jo11qi119 or ulati1,g 01u- nf tit~ l.'ark hnw~ iit thr 'J'mj11111mr, J>Ul 11>
t-0 " l'illtt!ltt, rural; focnll, Ov.; anti hcnC<', t.lmtlt tltnrnrth tt ful:ie ti..·c11wtio1& /.y Uly-.
piginua -1. 111., 1111hst •• l, a vilwucr, ro11111ry· Patatlum .Ji, n. L tke PnlctliM ma ,.
""'"• Cie.; 2t.. a ]lt'ltol~ ill dvU life, a civiliuit, Rmlll', n11 which A Uf11tSlu1 l1url hi.! l10U.'lt. Hon°",
(oJ>p. miles), ·111c. II. 11 i•ilau; Palatia ful~ent, Ov. Hent'e, adj.,
Pi.Pea -ne, r. a11J Plglai ·eR, r. n111l PAlii.tinue -a -um, 1'11l11ti11e; a, of or 'l'tlali"W
PigA9ae -arum, r. (CTayciu..i), a SW/>Ort of /o tht l'a/ati11t Hill; Apollo, whost ft111ple UllU a.
'flirs.•nly, where' flit Jhip .Argo wall built; lleuce, th,, l'<1luti11t, Hor.; Palatiua tribu11 or subilt.,
ailj., Ptir;Aueu.e ·ft -11111, Puyam.111; pup}.1i>i, PA!atina ·ne, f. the J>uklti11e tribt, Cit'. I b,,
urtua, th.: Argo, 1)v.; C<•lljnx, .Alct$Si1, ilt1111J1frr rd11tiw; to tht im~ri11l pala«, im~rill.l, Qv.
pal 390 pal
Dlili.tum -1, n. nmt pAli.tua -1, m. L th• pallli.tua -a -urn (p:11lium) clacU•af111ll(..,
p.ilttlt ns f/ir organ of /cute; qnae \'11lt1pt:1!! pnlat11 i.e., cu a Uruk (opp., ~ GI a Bowla);
pcr.-ipintur, Cie.; fig., t<ull, crUical judgment, Grneculu11, Cic..
the pnl11U! a1 tlui or11ai1 nf ta.u anrl judgm.tnt; DallldiUu.a -a ·Um (dim. of J>allldus), ~
Eplc11n1s du111 pah\10 quid sit optimum jutlic.1t, wMt pal'-, C.1t.
Cic. ; tht pr1lau QI th~ orrm.n nf apucli : ferlre pallidus ·& -um (pal!eo), pale, t!lall, pallid
l.ta!Ln v~rba pnlato, Hor. IL Trnnsf., 1oalatu111 I. Gen. 1, lit., Jllllli<la sCfll, pal• ,..W,, frifl<t,
caeli, the t•auU of the hmre111: ap. Cic. Ov.; 2,i meton., J•nss., cau..si11!1 pal...-; mora,
pMea -at!, r. clv.tff, Cic. Hor. .1.I. yellow, oli.i:e·grun.,
plUear ·:iris, n. t1u de11:lap of a" a: gen. pallloli.tua -a -um (palllolam). tmirhg a
plur., Verg. cloak, capt, or hood, Suet.
Piilcs ·IR, r. (PA, IlA·w, pitseo), tht hmlary nr
palllolu.m -1, n. (d!111. p.illlum), 1 a lUtlt
17n<id•·ss of h,,rd~ a111l shephuds. llenee, adJ., Gruk clrHLk or mantle, l'laut.; 2, a hood, bv.
PiUill.s -e, lielon!/i 1111 to Pale$; fb1111u11, a fire pallium ·I, n. L 11 covtrlet, Ov. IL 11loilf
of .strau•, part of the cert1rw11WI at the fmat of Gruk 1111111.Jlt, Cic.
l'al'S; snbst.. , P'-lilia ·lum, o. thefea.1t of Palt4 pallor -orls, m. (pnlleo), pttlmu11, pallor: 1,
on t1u 21st of .Apri.l. lit., ten·urc111 p.11lor co11s..,111itur, Cle.; amant
PAliol -fo11111, m. (sin~ .• Pallcw1 1 Yerg., Ov.), I11111, Hor.; 2, 111cton., an:rirl,I/, fri']IU; 1oer~o11if.
IN1irl aona of Jupiter ll)I the 1'JllllpA .Aetna, 100r· u a g11<1Jes1, Liv.; 8, un•ighlliMas, ••pltG.iQul
lldpped as herou in Si.cilJI. colnur, O\·.
PAlilla -e, v. Pales. palma -ae, f. (1ra..>..i,-11l. I. IM f'dlm of 1~1
plUimpaeatoe ·I, m. (T.V.ip.>lnt~), JXtTCi\. ha11d; 1, lit., Cic.; 21 met on., a, thl!. tclt.oU
f!Unt, from which old writing haa bun erased for h.and, the ha111i, Cic.; o, the /.la.le of t14,
the 1ni11lllH of tui49 tM parch.meu.t agaf"• a Cnt. II. the pu1m·trtt; l, lit., Pliu.; 2, 111f't.011. 1, Cle. a, th.e fruit of the palm, a datt, Ov.; b a f"tl•·
Pa\llniirus -f, m. (ITa.>.,.,oiiPOf}. J. IM p{lnl brun.rA, a bt"''"I nr broom .,,adt uf plllm·i11u1dtu.
of At1&eaa t1•h.o fell inw t1u aea off the Cto<Ut of Hor.; the pal111-hrc111ch u a ~>l.;l·11 .. r ,·ictory,
f.UMrlia. JI. a promonlnry o" the toed coad of Liv.; hence, (ci) tht nward of i:idory ; pah11a111
Ltlccaiaia, noYI' Olp Palhuro. d:lrf', accltH're, Cie.; fig., J'111mam fc""', Cic.;
fa.'fM, Liv.; (IJ) t'if'tory; alic11i h:inc 1elmaru
pllliinul ·I, m. (11'a..>.io11po<), a rlmit, CArUf1 n·11erval't', Cic. III. 11 Moot. tiL'ig; )>llh11A lltil'"
t/Wm (Rh.11nnua Pallurus, Liuu.), \'erg. itis, Liv.
pall& ·R.e, f. a lo119 a1ttl wide 011ta ganne11t .,aJmi.rla -e {palma), dtMTTifl!J tit« pal• or
lllOrll by Roma" wornrn, also bJI tragic actors, Hor. pn:e, tzttllerll, culmira.ble; statua, Cic.; It'll•
~a -ae, f. (-.V.ulhj), a concuhiM, Suet. teutla, Cic..
Pallaolni ·6', I. l'I f>lac4 fa lWnt& Hence, palmii.num ·II, u. (palmo.), cs wuulnpi«f,
Pallaointl.9 ·&-um, 1elat/11g to Pallacin1. Ter.
1. PallAa -!I.dis a111l -1.<loa, t. (, ti\4 palmi.tWI ·& -um (palm11), .,..,,.X-,d OT m·
Grv.k name of Mintrt'<l, g0t1'leu of wls-lom, and brouurt1L with 11<1.lm-bmncJtu; tunica. (\vorn \•7
tli:l•'Ol'trtr of the olit1t; Pallatlill alt!l'I, the owl, Ov.; triumpltinit gcm:rnls), J,iv.
aroor1 the olfre-tr~ Ov.: 111etou., e., tl1t oli~·tru, palmea -ltis, m. (po.lmR), n 110111111 bra11tA or
Ov.; o, olive-nil, uv.; c, the, of Palla.1, the ahoot uf a vi11.•, 11 rint·•pro11t, \'er~.
Palladium, Ov.; heuco, adj., PallAdltl.9 ·•-nm, palmitum ·l. n. (pulm:i), a. 7l(l]m.gntt11,
q/ or nlaUng to Pallaa; rnmi, oliu. bronrhts, Hor.
Ver')(.; 1Atlce1, oU. Ov.; rati!!. the ~•IP Argo, Ov.; palmlfir -fi!ra -Urnm (Jl'•hna R11cl fero). pro
Rrccs., .Athens, Ov.: aubst., PallAdlum -Ii, n. dud11.g )lal1n•trca, a.bou111fii1(7 i11 1~.t111.-tNO, Ov.
th.t image of PalltU (fl 1'roy, whU:h. ftU from palmoau.a -a -um (1oah11n), full of paliru,
Mal"tfl. V~rg.
2. Pallaa -nntia, m. (n&..u.. ~). L icn of palmtUa -ae, t. (dim.
Pttndl.on, father (11cconli11g to one lt•ge11•1) of all oar, an oar, Verg.
or pah110.), tlu Madt ~f
Jliiurm. IL or vrtat· Dalmu.a -1, m. (palma), tit.a pt1lrn "' tht AttM,
of Eraf&llt:r. iiL 10n of F.varul,r. IV. one o; PlTn. ; as A 111euure, a 1pa" (t ur a Roman fool}.
ill glarr.U. Ht•nce, A. Pallantiua ·A -um, l'lin.
~longl1'!1 to PtilVl.I; anl1At., Pallantium ·I pilor, 1. dep. to IDtlndtr nbmd, #m., nhmtl;
(a..-. oppidum); a, a tow11 fn Ar.:u1li<t; b, a Ai:?111c11 !lllllltur )>er agros, Lh·.; palnutiia "'i•lcra,
tow-n in ltt1ly cm the 1ite of Jlnme. B. Pal- Luer.
1.antlAa ·ldla, f. Attrom, a duCL11Ala11t of Palla4 palpebra •&C, t. (palpo), the tytlid; gl'n.
(IV.). 0. Pallantls -l<los = Pallnnlins. D. plur., 1~1l11el111te, tit.I t)Jf:lids, Cle.
Pallantlua -a ·nm, nla.ting to l'alla.a (II. or palplto, 1. tn mnt't quicH!f, ,,.,,,.,,,,, J"'lpitn",
111.), heroa, Evander, Ov. tl1ru/1: c11r pnlpi!at, Cic.; e11p. or }l('NOllS iu
pallena -entls, JI. 111\I. (froin JIAlleo). I. A. d!'«th-agony, Ov.
pnle, 100ia; umhrao Jo:rebl. V"rit· B. 11(t/t or van
in oolmir, pale-yellow, palt-(lrten; \•lolne, \'e~. ; 1. palpo, l. a111l palpor 1. dep. L '"
heJera, Verg. IL making pale, cawing 1iale· stroke or touch. gt11tly, U\•. Ji. Fi::.. lo ~·r,
v:ltutllt, Ct>l'f.U; with <tat., scribenti J\l\ll'•r.or,
ua; 111orbi, Verg.
ap. Cic.:, qt1('m n11111ere p&ll'at... Ju\·,
-tu, 2. to lit 7>alt. I. Gen., A. 1, lit., 2. Dalpo •olli:<, m. (1. palpo), G ('Ou.Pr,
sn;'lat, pallet, Cle.; 2, 111eto11., a, to bt ral• or whetr°"rr, ;t111lertr, Pers.
rick with dufrt, to long fur: Rri;e11ti pnllt>t amore,
Hor.: b to !Ill pa.le 11'ith fear or a1i.r:frt11; l\d piUudi.mentum .1, n. '"' •ilitary cloal·, •
om11l11 rufi..-t1111. Juv.; ponturn, to 1ralc at the si!Tht sollli•T'• cloaL·, esp., a (Jtlltrul'I clool.; Liv.
q/, B·ir. B. Tmnsf., to 0111'1 ftat1tral l'Olo11r, plludi.tus -a -um clad (n rl•t mUitarpelonl,
Ov. IL to be reilow, Ov. dr·t.••ml in ci r1eneral'1 <./oak; Panu nnatc.-r paluJ·
paJJ..oo, pallill, 8. to f1T'01D t:>Q.le, tum p<tl,, atus l•rof1•ctus est, Cle.
ll* colour. L Lit., nnll:\ enfpA:, JTor. IL pilii40.u -a .nm (2. pt.lua). tnanlw, 1. n!f,
Tnuiar•• ~ llf'OtD ~lww; pn1:cscu11t fn111Jes, Ov. O\'.
pal 391 Pan
p41umbea (piUumbla) -Is, m. 11n., r. n 1tn1l in [Ill~!!., to t>ptn ilMl/, 01>tn.: a., lit., janmun,
1£'oJ<•l-J'i'1""11, 1 i ll'j-du1-e, \'1·~- Pla!1t.; 11!ucnla _nrhii1, V.-rg.; panJu11tur inter
I. pi.Ina -i. 111. Cfur 1•agl11!'I, f'rnm • p:1gn, or.ltnc'I v1~e, I.iv.; b, 111,{., (a) to OJW'lt., tllrO'll.'
io:111gu), 11 )"cl~ or s/u/,-,. L C.t>n., :tli']llCtll :iol '>i"''; vl:1111 &li1·11i a.I <.lumiuatioucm, Liv. ; (/J) to
pi1h1111 allii,-nrc nr 1h·ligarc, Ci<". IL Milit, t. t., ,,, ·'' OJlf 11 iii .. ,.,tc,,'
t•ll, 11 lllMllllrt. '.XJll<&il& ; nOllli'll,
a sffll.:t Oil whicli Ro111a11 rrr.1"11its utro'i$~•l th'ir Ov.; reH, \".-1g. B. tn 1pmui out to 1lr11 (n l/1t
rt'f.•{'OIU; aut qui!ll nun \ i<.lit vulncra J141i? Ju\·. 11rn; rnceml ra~si, Verg.; lac passum, CKnlltd,
2. Dilua ·fl•I i<1, f; 1t11gru111l 10<1kr, a s1n11111•,
YNrrsh. mori.1.s.•, l-<"], frn, Cic.; tar•la 1oah1~. tht Pandrhoa -1, r. (n.l..apocr~), da11g1tur oJ
S/yz, \'Ptg. Ctcrupt.
pAluater -tritt ·trt' (2. palu!I). L marshy, pandua -a -nm, bt1i.t, cun..vd, botcttl, croob.t,
/J.w11, ftnny; liinus pnluster, Li\·.; plnr., Verg.
plluatrfa ·inm, n. marshy pla.«J1, Plin. IL pl.negfrlous-i, 111. (7ro.V1fY"puc.X), Horation
J,11nd or lirin9 in marshts; ranae, Hor. of lsocraJes, ctltlm1ting the gloriu q/ .dtluu,
Pamphylla -ae, r. (IJaµ.f>vAio.), a dislrict ill Cic. Pangaeu lllOnS, m. anu poet., Pan«aea
.Asia }./11101·, lwtrrtm Ci/icia a111l Lycirr.. Adj.,
Pamphylln11 -11 -11111, Pamphylian. -iirmn, II. (Tu nayyo&OI'), a mo11'llai• of MCJ«·
tio11ia 011 the Thrurian border&.
pamplneua -a -um 'J'a111pinn~). prrtai1iing pango. pa11xl, panctum, and pegf and
w or c-n•c.~isling "f ri11,·(tn1 .-i/s nr /(al'f'•; ha.~tae,
'J'lT/an•lt<l 1vith 1·i11e-l-.ll't:1, \'erg.; coronn, of pt'!plgi, 1ia1.:t11111, 3. (~tern PAO, whence pae·s.
ri11t·lt1r«.•, Tac. paciscor, Gr. nAI', whence ..-.iyw,.1). to fasUil,
fii, 1lri1ie in. L Lit., clnvum, Liv. IL Tranar..
pamp!Dus -i, m. an•I r. ii viru-ltmlril, t:int· A. l, lo 11111!.:•, 1111de~tal.:t; nequc prima per art.e111
llrrf; uva \"~'!ltita p:irn11inif':, Cie. tempb111c-nta tni \tepigi, \'erg.; 2, to an11poat,
Pi.n., P:inia a11J Pano,, m. (nciv), tlu god of write; vrrsus de rerurn nntura, Luer. ; poernata.,
_ , , r1111l Uit11heril11; plur., Panes, rural 1ltitit1 Hor.; aliqui1l &r,lwcleum, Cie. B, to jLz; 1,
rtYBlUill{! /'a11. terminus, tines, C..:le. ; 2, to ngut upon., dip11lutt,
~- -al', ·r. anti p~a -is, n. ancl contru.ct; a, p.icern, Liv. ; with gen it. or abl. or
pbas -;ids, m. (travciKtu1, •al'aKtf, 'll'av~, price. t1111ti pcpi~erat, Liv.; pretiun1 quo pepig·
fit., all-llMli11g), a ft1h11/v1u 1'lllnl, ta u·hich UY.IS era11t, Liv.; with ut and the 11uhj., ut vol.Ji"
altrwutul tlu p;>ittr of htaling nil d~a$tJ, 1"·'1111· mitter~m :t<I bt-llurn auxilia pepil{isth1, Liv. ;
{ffl, htHl-nU, \'erg.
with i11lin., ob.i1idcs tlare pepigt:rant, Liv.; b,
esp., usc•I fre<tUl'ntly of a e1•11tract of m11rriage,
Pbaetfn11 ·Ii, 111. (navaiTtod, a Stoic 1·hilo· liRcc milti se (>t'pigtt, pater hanc libl, luu be·
i;v,•lltr of Rhodts, lt11··1ta n111lfrie111.l of tlu yo11ngtr trolhtd, Ov .
.'-:ipw Ajrim1111s, 18~>-l l:! s.c.
pi.nioum -1, n. tht Italian 1.aJtic grau, or
PbaetOllcus -a ·11111 (nova1-rwA•Ko{), rr· 1ei/1l mlllrt (panicum Itaticum, Lmn.), Caes.
htti119 to tlie 11•/,o/e of Ario/in; consiliu111, Li\·.• ·I", rn. (root PA, Gr. nA, whence
Piaaet0l11111 ·a -11111 (nara•TwA1~). r•lllti11g pa·11co, nci·•), brrmf: p:111i~ cil.J~rlus, comnio1'
t.. tl1t u·holt of Atfo/i11; Mnsilit1111, Liv. brmd, Cic. ; se1:11111l11"• blncl.: tread, Hor.; plur.,
pini.rium -Ii, n. (pauis), a brtad-busktt, ex hoc (gcncrc railicis) elfecti panes, Caes.
Pim. P&nl90ua -I, m. (Ua..ia«of), a qlm• dtity,
P~thinaloua ·& -um (llavo.9', ...a.i.. tk), of <1 little Pan, Cle.
<>r ul4li11g kl the Atht11ian. fr:sliml of 11" /'u11·
pannlcUln• ·I, m. (ilim. of pan1111:oi), a littlt
at~"""'; hl'nee, sul.Jst., PAUthen&lou• mg; bo111l1ycinus, a thin and Ka11ty gurlftt11t,
·I, 111. an oration of /socraltJ tklirerru aC tlu l'tm·
uJhnatCJ, Cie.
Pannonll -urnm, m. t11e l'annonimu, ift.-
pi.nax = panac1>a (q. v.). haliironts uf Pan11011irl. lit-nee, Pannonla ·ae.
Panchiila ·&e, r. (lla-rxata), a falndo1u idmul f. l'a1111011in, a dbtrict bttwu11 Da.-iu, Noricum.,
i•I rht /1..-li.m1 O«t•l•I, 1u1ir Aml1ia, ft111101u fur "' and /llyria, part of modern Jlungary, Slaronia
inri'olS(; ht'nee, R•IJ., Panchalua nnol Pan- an.d Bosnia.
chaeu.a ·& ·Ulll, /'unrhrnn. p&D.Dis1UI ·& -um (pannus), rawtd, tallcreJ,
panchreatua ·11 ·um (nciyx'"'"ix), goocl or Cic..
!Lilfu./. for evtryth ing; 11wtlil'a111ent11m, 5{)1-Crtign panniidus(-lua)·a-um(pannllll), wri11l-ltd,
rtmtdy, I.e., gold, Ci<~. 1l1ri.-ellru, PeN.
pa.ncratlum (-on) ·Ii, n. (.-ay•paT•ov), 11 pa.nnua -1, m. (.nj...of). L a pin:e of clotlt,
non11n~tW: contrst, inc/11di11g both boxi11g u11d garrntnt; aseuitur pRnnn.i, Hor. ; a bu.ndag• for
trrutli119, Prop. 111.e htad, Ov.; in aing. or plnr., used co11tempt.-
PandatArla (PandA"rla) ·Re, r. (nav· 1101t!!ly, ahabby c«itllu, TUj/5, llor. IL a ru',/,
&.Tapia). an ulrrnd ii& the bay of Nap/a, a shred, Hur.
plaet of tri~ 1n1<la the J::mpaurs, now V1111· Pl.nomphae1UI -i, 111. (navo.utl>a;<K), t1i.I
'"" j ll/L..
founder of oracles, 111rnamr of iupi.Ur.
Pandiin -(mi~. m. (lla..5iw.), a 1.;i11g of I. Pb6pi -&, r. (na.-.>w:>J}, an old totoi. '"
.I t.\tiu, fel/ln' of i'r•llJn' 111µl /•/, ilo11u/u: Paud i· PhociJ, 011 tlit CrJ1hi1u.t.
oni'I populu11, tltt Alht1ii111t.t, Luer. ; 'l'an1lio11c 2. PAn6pi -es, r. anti Pbopia -ae, r. a
nata, /'rvgu or l'/1i/011ula, Ov. ; licnl't>, aJj., .stll· fl y1111>h.
Pan4ihlua ·&-um, pod. ::: Atlm1i<ln. PAnormua -1, r. an<.l Panormum ·I, n. "
J. pa.ado, 1. (1811•111>1), to btnd, Wio, CllTl>e, tou'1l Oil tlit north roast of .Sidllf, colony of Iha
rrin. Phtwn ician.., near moJern J'altrmo. Hem·e, atij.,
!.. pando, pandl, pnnsum an1l pai.sum, 3. PAnormUaau -a -um, bdongi11gto PannrmMs.
L to slrttdt. out, u1t11ii, upund; a, lit., vd.1, panaa ·ae (pando), 1pbiV-fo<>Ud, hanitg brosd
Cic. ; J>enna.-t aJ aole111, \' "rg. ; crinc:t 1•nssi, /rd, l'laut.
e:a!Jillll!:I 11:1asus, dishci:tUtd huir, Caea.; Jlllll>&i:t
nianibut1 or palmls, tL•fl,\ 01tlJtretcW hu111.i1, p&IUJUS .. ·llm, partie. or paudo.
Caa.; b, Ilg., alia\'iua I.Jona louge late11u~ so Pan~i• (-ia) ·At>, m. (flav1ayi19\). Cl
paodunt, Cic. U. Transr., A. tu throw open; nnall rtwr o" t.W ee&U cout of Sicil1f.
pan 392 par
panthera -ae, r. (,,.civ91Jp11), a pauiMJ-, Cic. pArAaitlcus -a -urn (.-ap&erma:«X), lll:t •
Pantheum .f, n. (rr.:,.euoa-), a Um.pie of parcu:itt, pnr,.sitic, Plaut.
Jttpittr al J:oine, lm:tt by Agrippa. pA.rAsitor. 1. dep. (parnsitus). to play tlu
Panthous (· o6s) (rtaveo~). a11d Panthua parositt, Plaut.
·I, m. (nci.9ovf), aon nf Otl1rpa, f11ther of E1111hor- pArAsitws ·l, m. (,,.apaa•TO~, eatin7 -~
b1u. Hence, Pantholdes -ae, m. a!tlant, a too.dy, parrtsift, Cic.
of Panthus; a, E1tph9rl,w1, Ov.; b, Pytlm[!o.-os pAri.ti, ad1-. (par11tus). with 1>f"tJ(l.T.,1fr1ia.
(who l'rct~11<le<l that the soul of Enphol'l111s had readily; ad dlcenduru venire ma~is auda<·ter
pMsecl int<l his), Hor. quam parate, Cle.
pantOlabus -i, m. (,,.a.vToAcipof, taking pA.ri.tlo -Onls, f. (parn), a preparo~iorl, :pr.-
e-tvrythin'.l). 1trrtM of a f>llra.sitt. paring for; paratlo 1egni, a atrivLft9 a./IN"
pantOmimua -I, m. {wa.vTofup.o~).
1, a m11le ao~reignty, Sall.
da11<·•r, mime, Sud.; 2, a buJ/et, pa11tomfo1t, l'lin. 1. pAri.tus -a ·um, p. arlj. (t'rom 1. paro). L
pA.po.e (.-11,,.a.i), interj. wo11dcr/ul/ i11dud I prepared, rtady; 1, victoria, tanly "UJIQ7&, Liv.;
Tei. parata in agendo et in respundendo celerita,.,
pA.pi.ver -~s, n. the poppy, Verg. Cic.; 2, rtm/11 for .t011klhing; a., of thin~
papi.veriua -a -um (pnpaver), of or r•lating omnia sihl csse a<I bell urn opla ac pnrat.a, Cae>..;
b, of person,., rt1.1dy for, incli.ntll to; animo
CO the poppy; comae, th.I! slmMM of a 1>VPPJI, Ov. parat•r~. Cacs.; a<l 011111ia mulieru nl'gntia
PaphUi.go ~nis, m. (ITa<i>Aa.Y.:,v). a /'aph/ag· parntUli, Cie. ; acics parnta neci, Verg. ; with
oniaJ&. ller1<~e, Papbl:\gon!a ·Ill', f. (Jlcicf>.>.a- mlin., id quod pRrati imnt facere, Cic. IL &,
-yovi11), a dist rid \Ji Asia ,\I iitor, belu:rrn PontUI ti-•ll prepar.:J. or prori.l~tl u:ith a11ytl1 i "flt «!qll.ippol.
and /Jit.kynia. adoleseens et e11uitRtu f't peditatu et pe1:uuia
PA.phus HSa) -1 {Itcitf>o~). L m. son of Py[l- parntus, Cic.; b, irialnicltd, prt/><trtd; ad per-
fl'lali'l11, founder of ~ town of th.I! same nnmt. 111ove11d0ll animo!I instructi et parat i, Cic.
JI. f. a town of Q/pru$, rocttd to VenWJ; hence, 2. pArii.tua -ns. m. (1. paro). 1,yryx1raJi°"•
arl.I., PAphlus -a ·Urn, Paphian. ; beros, Pyg- jilli11y 011t, provision, tquipmtnl; llt'CE'JlsaliDll
malion, father of Paph.os; myrtus, 1acre<l to vitae cultus aut. paratus, Cic.
YenWJ, Ov. Parca -ae, f. (connected with plec-tt>, am-
pi.pWo -Onls, m. a IJ.ut/trjfy, OT. plec·tor, Gr. ,,.Ma:-w, etc.), the goddes~ thnt o//l>I•
pApllla ·ae, f. CJ nipple, teat, use<l of both the /ate to tar.h, the g'Jfldr.u of fat.I!, Ilor. Plnr.,
human beings and animals, Plin.; meton.== th.I! Parcae, tlie thrtt J-"a(r.,, Clotho, Lachesis, &ml
brtaat, Verg. Atropos, Cic.
PApirlws -a -nm, tl4m.t of a Roma1' gen.a; parci, adv. (pareus). L .spa.ririgly,fn1<J«lly,
hence, PApirii.nus ·& -nm, Papiria11. ~Nl"''"'iwlly; frumentum perce meti1i, <.;a._..__

Paplus -a. ·Um, na71Ml of a Roman geM. II. 1, s1~1ri11[!l!1. '1111)(/.era./tly; parcius dice!"t:! d.-
lnude alit:ui11s, Cic.; 2, rartly, aeldom; parciu~
pApiila ·Re, f. a p£mple, pustule, Vttrg. quatiunt fer1Pstl~1s, Hnr.
pApj"rlfir ·rnra -arum (l'apyrus and fero), parco, p~perti anrl parsi, pnnmm, 3- (parcu~).>tg tht paPlfTIUi Nilus, Ov. L to spare, to be s1~11·ing, J/W(ltralt, fr11.grd trilh
pApjrus ·I, t. and pApyrum -1, n. (..U,,,,. u.1ytlling; with dat.. i111pt•nsae, Liv.; s11111ptn,
114s). L th.e plant T"'P?/'11~, :Seu. IL, Uc.; with ac<·., talcnta guatis par~ tuis, Ver,.:.
A. a gar111enl »14lk of the burk, Juv. B. puptT IL Triw~r.. A. to s1>arP, afro in j.Qm. i11j ... i.u!l; of th.I! papyrtta bark, Juv. ""ditidis, Cic.; sihi, Ca<·s. B. a., to /l'tlr' .,_ff,
pi.r, pllris, equal, lilu. L Wee or rqual to de;ist from, ccas,,; Jal-ori, t:ic.; with inHn., pa1v
another thing or person. A. Gen., 1, adj., rarl tldcm ac Jura societatis jac~, Liv.; b, lo r<·
lnterrallo, Oles.; est hnitirnus oratnri po.. ta ac froi.1 from, 1.-eer unr;,e/f }1·0111; with dat., auxilio,
paene par, Cle.; with i11 and the altl., 11t siut to 11111/;e n" 11sr, o/1u11Jfr1·•d aid, Cic.; metu, \'t-rg.;
pareA In amore, Cic.; with abl., lit.ert.11'- rsse with ab and the aul., au ince11dih1, Liv.
p:irem c-cteris, Cle.; with genit., cuius 11.1111-os parcus -a ·Ur11 (coun..cted wlt.b parurn and
parell tulit, W~ to him, Cic.; with <lat., l1011iir1"m rraiipo~). L 11.aring (esp. in ex1·en•lit11!"1'),
culv1s parem, Cle.; vdth cnr11, quardam ex ,.;s fr"U"I, tJ, rif/11, •cfl11"n1ical; a, t"olonus, Cic.; with
paria cum Crnsso, Cic.; with iut.-r sc. i111t·r se gl·llrt., dn111111 li. Hor.; b, moderau, 1pari .. g;
aeq11alr.s et paN's, Cic.; followed hy conj., pnr iu Jargi<·nda ddlate, Cic. II., S"J'Mtll,
atque, Cle.; et, Cic.; q11nm, Liv.; 2, iml•st., a. c., little, sli~1ht ; parco 11;1le coutingere, \"erg.. ;
a 'lll<llt, Uv.; b, neut., (u), the Ii~; lJlll" pari re- Jucerna, l'rup.
spouolt'l"P, <:ic.; 1-ar i111par hrrlere, to play at odd pardws -i, m. (.-ci~), 11 pan.tMr, p11rd,
arnl eren., Hor.; (:J) a r-air; triaaut quutuor Ji."lria Jn\·.
arnicormn, Cic. B. Esp., 1, equnlly stro1iq r1s; a., I. pii.rens -entis, p. adj. (from pareo), obtti-
aofj., alirul, Car!\.; b, sul1st., fin adve1"Sary, Liv.; v11t; pare11ti•1res exen:it<t~, Cle.; sullst., pa.r-
2, lig., ruitaUle, urproJ,rialt; 1•ar est, with acc. ontcs -lmn, 111. sul..;tcl>, :-\all.
:rnd in tin., Cic. II. liu to orrt:Ulf, 'qmtl to 011c-
S1>l/; ut pnr sis In utriusque nrntionh! facultate, 2. plLrens -e11tis, c. (pari<1). L a parnt,
Cic. father, m'!llrer; a, lit., Cic. ; usunlly plur., tM
pA.rabWs -e (paro). tltnJ ca11 be tasily pro-,; qua.•, caritas est int...r nntos et pa~ntes,
c11red, 11rnmrable; diviti,1e, Cic. Cic.; al!ua pare11s ldaea deum, Hor.; b, tcansf.,
(a) author, ca11se, origi11; operum, Cic.; pare111
PAraetl.ceni -c11, f. (Oapa.•Twn1V>i), u rli3· )\·rae, Mac111·11. ll<>r.; ({J) a, Liv.
fria 011 th~ borders of ilfr<li·t rrnd Persia; Ii" nee, II. a !ll""•11'1Jother, Ov.; i•lur., c111etstors, Verg.
PllraetAcae -aruru, 111. ti~ inhabita•1ts of pli.rentalls -e (2. pnren~). I. part:ntCJl. of or
l 'flraetw:r1&J'. rtlati11g w J<ll"e11ts; umhra, 0\". IL uf or rda!in9
Pi.raetonlum .Ji, II. (TI!lpalTOl'&OI'), a /ron.- to th.e }11.nPral of parrrtl.t or oth'r u/£11 ioJlt-5; &,
tirr tou•11 of Egypt, mi Litt S(>(J., adj., <lies, 0\'.; b, subst., pA.renta.Ua -!urn,
pllruita -ae, f. (parasitns), a toady, parasit~. n. a /•·lira/ fo h.orwur of de~ pu.re1w or
Bur. rtllltiun.~, Cic.
pA.rAsitaater -tri, m. (par:isitn'>), a p?'lr, p~rento, I. (2. parens). L to rtltl>rau tht par-
co11to11J1tible 1nrasite, Ter. c r.~ li.1 in 1, .. ,,,,,1r uf tire dtt1d; 1-·euruario ~
par 393 par
W!Orl-nl• pt1"nt.1ri voluemnt, Cle. IL TmnRf., Tn111llf., In ,,,.,,,.,,,.,, g..t, obtnln. A. ei:erettma,
/,o briltf crll o.ftrl1lfl to tltt d~•tf= kl urf'n!J" thr rnpi&11, ~II.; non m0<lo pact>tn lied eUiun aoci•
droll& of a ptrson. b31 tluJt of anotl&tr; Cetl1l'Kf', Cic. btR111, Liv. ; prae~i<tmm BPl•t'Cluti, Cic. B. .Qj, 2. (itkin tn pario). I. tn E~p., I•• prnc11re with 111oiv.y, bll'y; ltortoR, Cic.
appM,., bwn:a.e 1:1uibk. A. Lit., Ma1t. B. 2. pro, I. (par), l, to pri:r or ur,n111 tt11tallr:
Trans(., to ht cUtir, tC1idt11t: imt~rs. J>an.'t, a eoo!"111 ros 100110 et paro, Plaut.; 2, t'l "fl"*!,
ltpl formula, it is J>l"f1rHI, Cic. D. I, tfl olJ,y, arran9t 1t•itl&: ae p.1r11tnrum cum cnllega, Cic.
bt ~itnt to; a, \"oluntati, k:?ihm:. C1c.; dnc- :t pAro -6oii;, m. (iropc;..,), a small, liqhi ueutf,
ihus, Lh·.; b 1 to bt romplitint, !Jil/d, gfr~ rmy .Jci/, Cic.
llJ; nte6..,.ilati, CiC', : promi!l!!is, to p"Tfor111 011t'•
· o n t L. h' I t pAr6chus -i, m. (ircipo:\'.o~). 1 nn ofRttr irt
flTrnlltst.s, v.; "'• 0 "" 5" !Jtrt o, 0 ~trrt; n!'qne Jtal.Y nr in tht pr,,1·i111·r5 1rh" prort'J,d 1!'ifh n~cfl-
ani ,eqne l,.llcis, C'ic. s,,,.;,,, nm""'o;smfor~ nntf 1111111i.>tmt-1s V'MH on IS
pi.rt• -Nis, 111. th~ wall of ~ ho11~ (opp. ;rnir111y, C1c.; 2, transr.• on'- t•·ho qit-ts an tn-
murm1, lltt •<"'II nf fl t:ify). nnllo mn1ln pn~.-f tnl.,illlllrt1I, ,1 ho.<I, Hor.
iwlem parietihns tuto <'~.,e !ecnm, 1l'ithi11 tlir
" " ' " hOH5', Cic.; pmv., dnn p.1riet..-s •If' e11.de111 pAropsla ·l<li~. r. (irapo.,r.ii), a small di.9/4,
t\tleli:i t1Palh:1n., ttJ kill tll'O hirds irith mrr 3lonr, dt.<.~rt-di<h, Ju\'.
ap. Cir. PArua (-0.) -i, r. (ntipo~). nn isfn1ul '11 th~
plrlitlnae ·iinim, r. (parie11), oltl ll'fl.lls, A'!Jtfln .vn, fnmflll!I ft)r it.• ll'hift mnrl1f,, llPll('!',
rl'iut•f ll'ltils, ruin&, Cic. PArlns -a ·11111 (n.t.p,~). /'1irim1; l11.1·i11, /•,,,.;,,,l
PArilla = p,,lilia (v. under Paleli). marl.It, \·erg.; iambi, of Arehiloch1u, u·ho 1m1
boni at P11rOJ, \"erg.
pArlUa -e (par), ai111ilar, likt, t'Jlllll; 11rtall, parra -a<', f. a bird oj ill omtn, arcort1ing to
Ov.; nix, Ov. some, tilt 01rl, W othl"MI, tht tOOIJdp«krr, Hor.
plrlor...~l~ri. Pflrtum, rut. partic., plr1tQru11, ParrhAala -ae, r. (n.,P,>aO"ial, n dutrict "'"f
3. (mot l'AR, wheuce I. (lllro), to bring f,,rfh.
L Lit., quinturn, for tlU! fifth tinu, Cic.; of hird>1, city in .A rood ii'!: heuce, a•lj., 1, Parrbiala
m·a, to lay tg!]I, Cic. U. Transf., A. to hring -ldi~. r. Arcadian; Arctos or Ul'llll = urS<I m11_jqr
fortA, ~odu~: frugell ct reliqua quae terra pariat, =
or Ct1lliM": 11t1bl!t., Parrhasil! (',aflisttJ, Ov.; 2,
Cic. B. lo in 1·t11t, r.om1,..111e, verba, Cic. C. to ParrhMlus ·& -um ; a, .A ; viq::o, Ci!l·
prodlU.~. ocro.1i-On, bri11g forth, i1l1·rnt, dti•iM, ob· li.9ltl, O\·. ; dea, Carnunt-i, Ov.; b, rthtli11g to
tain; a, in a good sen3C, sibi laudem, Cic.; cou- tht PrurrliM Hill, imperial (liecau!<tl the Arca·
aulatum, Cic.; part.a Lona, aq11irtd, Cic.; plur. dian E\·ander was Raid to settled upon the
sul:J,,t., part& -6rum, n. property that /i;u btt" Palatine), Mart.
00111 i rttl ; b, in a bad st>nse, to owuioit, procurt, 1. Parrhulu.s, v. Parrha!illa.
cri111t; su,,,picionem, Cic. 2. ParrhAafu.a ·Ii, 111 • (naj>,;clO"to~). a ult·
PAris -!dis, m. (ntip,~),IOn ofthl' Trrtjan 1.:in'], bmted rJrrrl: 7J(li11'4-r of F.pltt&111, riml of Ze11zu,
Pria1f1, tht Jud gt in the con tut of btrrnly for th.t fto11rish inq aoo11t 400 e.c.
gol.ltn apple bttwetn Juno. Mfoara, nnd Venus: parrloicla ·&!', c. (perhape from paler ant1
<nrritd au"1:1y Hehn from htT h11sbctntl Mtnfia11s <'Redo). a ptirricitft; a, o11t wllo murders his
to Troy, nnrl IJ11LS cmued lh.t Trojnn 1mr. fallltr or parent~. C'k.; b, one 11.•ho lllays llcrrr
PAriall -6nun, m. a 'fl'Oplt i11 <;ul/ia Ctltioo, reltttio118; panicida liherlhn, J'irginius, Li\'.;
~ oo.pital tt'lls Lutttia (l'aruio"'m), now o, murdtTtr of a /ru citizen: pan·iciita ch·i;1111,
Pari1. etc.; d, murdtrer of tlit htad of tlte state, Cic. ;
pi.rltel', adv. (par). L i11 W.:e manntr, alil:t; e, a tmitor, bttrnytr tJf 011t'1 cour.lry, rtbtl;
raritate non parit!'r omn!'lli egemns, Cic.; f•ll- parricidaP. rl'ipul.Jlicae, Cic.
low!'ll by ut, •t.9_!.1e, ac, et, Cic.; qualiK, Sall.; parrlcidlum ·Ii, n. (parricitlll), 1, tlte mnrdtr
by dat., Liv. IL Trausr., A. tO!]ethrr witlr, at "f n father or 1"1rt11U, iurriddt; the m11rder of
l~t same time 11$ ; pariter cum luna cresrer<', ?11!1 11rr11· rrloti01a; fratris, Li\·. ; pntrls et.
Cic. B. lil~eww, a/sn, Ov. patrui, Cic.; 2, tlte m1trrler of a fr~e citi.l't11,
pi.rlto, l. (iutens. of l. paro), to prql(l.rt, to C1c.; 3, hi!Jh. tmuo11. tlte bttmyi11g of ant·•
~c rrotfy t1J do onythi11g, Plaut. country; parricit11um patriae, Cic.
I. parma - ae, f. (ir<ip_, 11 ), tilt nn.all f'O'lu1d para. p.irtiR. rcr. partirn snd partem, f. R
1lli<ltf or b11ckler tirorn by light-aN"'-d troops and part. J"Jrl11J11, J'ittf'. L Gen., urhi•, Cic.; partes
amrfry, Liv.; poet.., any kind of shield, \"!'rg. 1;ice1e, IQ tlit-ide, C-.c.; p:irtem habere in aliqua
2. Parma -ae, r. torrn in Gflilia Cispadan1t, re, to hai·c a sh1ue in, Cic. Especial Jlhrases,
riJJl)lflJOf t.'ic l.:tnl.$Clln.s, now Parma. Hence, adj., a, pars . . • pars, wmt •.• oWrs, Lw.; b,
Parmell819 -e, of or />(fo11ging to Parmn. pait4: · · · parte, · • • partly, O\'. ; pro
Parmemdis -is, m. (nap"•"i~'lf), <1 fiam1Jus 1~rl.e or pN, 111ea, etc.,, 1iarte,for ,\is pnrt,
- Uc.; c, ex ahqua parte, m $Omt drgru, Cic. ;
Grttl.: philiJYIJ•her of the..Elroti.: School. 111ag11a e>: JX!Tle, tn a greol trlcnt, Cic.; omni ex
parmatua -a -um (parma), armed 1t>ith the pai-te, altogether, Cit'.; d, magnam partern, to 11
p11r111a, Liv. yrra.l ertwt, Cic.; e, acc. J>artim, ill part, Cic.,
parmula. -ae, r. (ilirn. er parma), o, Bmall t', multi!! partibus = muny timts, much ; plures,
f'~trnd sh1.-ld, bw.:klu, Hor. Cic.; g, in earn pa~rn. in such a ma'lner, Cic.,
Paruaaua (0.) and Parnauus (OS) -i, nr 1citli a drw to, Cic.; in utramq11e partem (on.
m. cnap.,au.X), « moullt<iit1 in Phocis, s•iM·rd to lioth $ida, pro an1l 1·011tra) diRputare, Cic., or in
.Af"lllo aiul the M1tSf$; henr,e, ndj., Pa.rniaius both w~•.;i. Cir.; h, in omnes parteii, rtltogtlMr,
comr1/,(Pfy, Cir.; i, in part.em venire allcuius rel,
(Parnaaalua) ·a -urn, Porn.fl.,sia11, Dr/11/ii<rn, ttJ takt a .•hHrt in, Ck; j, in parte, in 1~1rt, Lh·.;
rrl<tting to A1•illo: laurus, \'erg. k, pro parti•, lo th,, bt~t of his abilil!f, Liv. II.
I. pAro, I. (rnot PAR, whenr,e p:uin). I. to A. species, Cic. B. 11 7x1rly, f11~tin11.; nnllius
~[(Irr, 11w~c rcwl.v, prot•idr, f11n1i,h, "J'dJJ; part is cs>1e, 11r1•tml, Cic. C. tht 1"'rt or rtl/, o)
t'onnvium, Cic.; Lellum, C-11Ps.; alicui m•r'l'lll, 1•11 11ct"r; a, lit., prim1111 partes 111.!Pl'f', tht /.-ml·
Liv.; wit.ii irrftn., to z•rrp(lrt' to do 111111ttll1i11g; ixg part, Cic.; b, transf., <1 ]l(lrl, n.ffitY, fmu:tinn,
pul>hci1s Jitte1"811 Roma111 mitkrc paralia111, Cic.; drtty; t.uum est hoc 111u1111a, tnae J>11rtcs, Cic.
foll. by ut with the iiuhj., si ill\ naturn parat11111 jD. a part, purtio~, dbtrid of tltt cart,.; ~
Ufft. ut ea donnien~ agercnt, Cic. IJ. orienti11, Cic;.

par 394 pas
paralmoma ·ae, f. (parco), thr(/Unm, parri· dl1.taJL'ljltd u·£th ; foll. hy inftn., Liv.; p.arum di11t
too tlwrt, Cic.; non pa.rum lftepe, ojlca ~1',
tn01ly, Cic.
Parthaon -lSnls, m. (nap8ciwr), "'" of Cic. IL Co111par., mi1m11. A. lea; minus ao
.A gerwr, ill Culydon, fttther of Utne1u; P~r­ minus, Plin.; minus miunsque, LUI and ku,
tltaone 11atus, Ouu1U, Ov. Adj., Partha- Liv.; nihil minus, nathitig less, net at all, by ao
~ans, Cic. ; foll. by qu11ru, ac, atque, 1:Jv.;
oniua -a -um, of P11rtltao11; dOlllU!I, OJ Oe11tu8, with quttm omitted, haud mluus duo m1llla.
Ov. not ltss than t1co t/w'IU(lndl Liv.; foll. by at.I..
Parthenl (ParthiD.l) -Orum, m. 1rn Illyria n. minus trlgiuta diel1us, in us than. thirtr dql,
ptoph: near lJyuhuehium. Cic.; uno minus te11te hal>P.r-et, ou wUIUSI tU
parthenlce -es, r. (trap'1m1<~). the plane ltss. Cle.; mnlto minus, mud IAI, Cic.; bis 11ex
pt1rt/1e11i1rni, Cit. cecl<lerunt, . me minus 1100, tzCqlC . . alotw,
Parthenlua ·II, m. a mountain on tha Ov. B, not pt11·ticularl11; minus mulU, Cic.
1.,orJers of .rl r!1nlil and Arcadia. C. not; a, ufter qno, that, prol1il1uide, quo
Partbenopaeua ·I, m. (nap8fi-01rnio~), one minus, etr., Cic.; b, in the formulae, i.<i lllbita,
oftl1e se1·e11 prfocu whofo11ght agai111t The/Ju. if not; sin minus, /,ut if not Clc.-. D.= ~rum.
Parthenope -~. f. (n11plhv&r.1J), olJ "?11U
too littlt ,· dicere, Cic. Ill. Super!., 1ninime,
il'l the ltast deqret, ury liUlt, lta.!t of 4ll; qtt<>d
of the t-Own of Nrapolil, 10 called /ronl the Slrtn minime Rpparet et 'falt·t plurimum, Cic.: with
Partl1rno1-e, wlw U'CU said t-. 7u.ire bun buried =
n1ljectl\·es not at all, by 'IW wuou; holuo
there. .Adj., Parthenopelua -& -um, Par-
th1mopean; poet.= l\wp.. /ita11.
minime 11mbitiosu,i, Cic.-.; In answel"ll,, llr
mean.., nat at all, Cic.; miuime vero, Cic.
Partbl -ornm, m.(ncip801),a&yth£tm Mmtldic pu-umper. adv. (ra.iipor ...-p), fur a. Htt.11
people, f<1111011s for their "rchery; 1uvc•11e enemiu while, a little spau; 11\><luco parumper ammum
of the Ramm111. ff,.nce, Parthlcus and Par- a molestil11, Cic.
thus -a -um, I't.1r-thiun. pi.runoiUua -1, 111. (dim. ot S. paro), a liltll
particeps ·t·Ipls (pars and caplo), 1haring, iki.Jf or t't.Uel, Cit:.
pa1ti(ipati11~ in; 1111i111us rntiouis compm1 et
partice11:1, Cic.; praedae ac pr~emiorum, t:Res.; =
PArua Paroit (q.v.).
\\"ith dat., alic11i arl oume se1'.rct11m, T:i.c. Su\,st., parvltaa -l'itis, f. (parvu.•), liUlnaui, IVUJll.
a 1harer, parto~er, comrad•; huius bclli ei;o "'""•Ck.
particeps ct socius et aujutor t'ssc coi;or, Cic. parviilus ·:t -um (Jim. or pa.rvus). . L ttrJ
partlclpo, 1. (particr)'s), to cu11..~ to 1hare, smull, rery little, mln1 1te; tt'1! 1 J>ecnma, C1c.
~h.1rt ti:ith 11ny orni; lnntle!'I cu111 aliqun, Liv.; IL or 11;.:t>,.,_ J1ot111~, little; filins, Cic.; ab
aJ parti1·ipnn•lum nliu111 nlio conununicand· \'Uli!!, fro,,1 d1iltlh0t~l, t:at>s.
a111<111e i11kr omues jus, Cle. pa.rvua ·a •11111 (l'll\'rll!t, b)' cJ1ange or COU•
partlcilla -ae, r. (dl111. or pars), a small part, 111111a11ts, from aame root as tra.ii~),,
portion, pcirticla; c:wli, Cle. minor, sup..rl., mlnimua; little, small. L
Lit., A. or size or exteut, locus, Cic.; Ila\ icnla,
partlm,. atlv. (nee. or pars), partl11, in part, Cic. ; 111lnor c11pit is= ca pile d!'minutu!i <-
Cic. deml11uo), Hot. B. Or. number C>r quantity,
partlo, 4. an<t partlor, 4. dep. (pan;), to a, n•lj., mini111us 11umeru11, Liv.; b, sub.It.,
dir:icle, BUb·dit'i<h. I. i;e11us u11i\·Prsm11 !11 parvum ·I, 11. a liUle; conlentU!t p.•u\·o, Cic.;
111-edes cert;111 p:u·tietur ac dlvluet, Cic. II. to 111i1111!1 pr11e<lae, Lh·.; c ••Iv., minimum. f'tTJ
diL"id,, di.>tribute, share: consules desiguntl
provi111'i11s i11ter 11e partivera11t, ::!1111.; nonn~ little; YalPrP, Cit:. Ii. Tra11sl., A. or -.·aluf',
aerari u 111 cum eo }'llrti tu>J es? Cic. eliphl, unimyorlalll: &, 111lj., 1.arvo veudere
preti••, Cic.; b, 1mbst., parvum ·I, n. _,.
partiti. adv. (partit1111, Crom pa.rtior), u-UA thing Ii/tie or sli11ht; 1-nni &t"&timo or duro, l
pr..per di1·i1ioM; die.ere, Cic. thi1tk little of, Cic.; 111inoris wntle~, duaptlr,
partitlo .Onl:<, r. (pHttio). La dii:bion; Cic. B. or Ktl'l"llKth or 1lec,7ee, •ligltt, tnllLI;;
1 0 raecos 1•artit ionem q u:i.ndnm nrtiu111 !ccisse a, of tire \'Oice, etc., (o.) u-eak; parvae muruuua
V~•leo, Cic.; 2, e:ip., a l':'[fral or rhttorirol dil•i· vocls, Ov.; (13) al1Jtrt ; l·erbis n1inoribua uti,
aioi~ of a subject, Cic. IL a dfruio11, di$lribu· Ov. ; b, or the Intellect, ponr, ~11prvducti•;
lio14, pt1rtition; aeq11abilis praedae 11nrtitio, Cic. ingenium, Hor.; c[ of thouitht, w11l, etc., lUtle.
partitua ·a um, pnrtic. ur partior. abj~ct, 111tan; J>arv nninrl, Cle.; d of eucu:a·
ld}fitt!J, U1tb111iorla11t, ;Jighl; coai-
parturlo, 4. (desider. or pnrio). I. to duire ista11ces,
modum, Cle.; prov., minima de m11.liR, .,. ••"
le bri11g forth, hare the ptti114 of l(IOOILr; 1, lit., choou the ford tint, Cle.; e, or persons, f'O«' i•
J•l'OV., parturiuut montes, u:u!Cetur rldiculWI po<sit!oll. unimportant, lolD. iui:111ijfea.1U; domua,
mm1, IJ.,r,; 2, Ilg., O., to bt pregnnnt With R'llJ.I• uv. Compar., minor, \\ith ab1., irtftrior ...
thing, to meilitalt, i11ten1t; 11t aliquando dolor dt11endc11t on; te minor, Hor. 0.. Of time., 1.
l'. I<. pari:i.t, quo1l jauuliu pnrturit I Cic.; b, short; dil's, Ov.: 2, yotug; minor nabl,
io bt 111u.io11s, troub/eit; si ta111quam p:ut11rint. you11yer, Cic. 1-;nh,.t., parvua -I, m. a litlle
unus pro l'luril•Uli, Cic. II. to bear, bring forth., boy, t:I<'.; parva -ne, r. a little girl, Cle..; a
produce; nunc omni:t }tlLrturil. arbos, Yerg. parvo, from. boyhood, Cic.; minorea, ro-llf
partua ·tls, m. (parlo), L a btaring, brlng· people, llor., Ov.
(ltfl forth !fOUng, a birth; quum j:i.m nl'vropin· paaco, pli.\'I, pnstnm, S. (root PA. whence
q11:1.1e partus 1•utnrdur, t:ic.; fig., Uraeciae pn11i11, Gr. llA, whence 1rcio,.n1). L to/ud azUU,
•·r:i.tnrmn rarlU!I atque rouks, btginninqJ, Cic. learl roltle to rcuturr. A. Lit., 1, BlH!C, Cic.:
II. M.. t .. n., A. the time of hearing, Cic. B. that 2, hence, gen., tn f't1.l, novri&A, nl?JOTC; of
11 liich. u lmrnyht forth., the frui' of t1lt womb; a11lmali1, ul·i Jie11tine pastae ><unt, Cle.; ofllu1D&ll
pmt11111 ... 1t·1·e, t-0 r1ii·e birth to, l.'lc.; partua hcia.~!I, olu..cnlia nos sull'a pa11rere, Cic.; qua*
krrac, the gilrnts, ]for. 1-ascit servoll, Juv. B. Transl., 1, lo f«tf, ia-
parum, nolv. (from !<time root. as J•nrvns and crttUt, enlarge, Id grow; harbam, Hor.; crin~
W"nupo~). com par., minus, super!., mlnlme: too v~rg.; 2, to 1~ed,fw1t, gra.lify; oculoa In allqua
Zitt!t, not tnouqh ("Pl'· satis, nimlum). L l'nsit., re, Cle. IL= depuc·ere. A. Co fretl m&; Ill"
parum iJ fado, I muke litll.a acc:ount of, Sall.; perrlma (collium), Vcrg. B. lo rownuN~, Ov.
1,·m1m est, foll. by quod, U ii ft(1' ntough thal, lle11ce, paacor, pastua swn,, S. dep.
etc., Cic. ; parum babere, to thfnk too m·.z,., be L 1, to /ud, tal, gruze oa; bona pucWltur
pas 896 p&t
fronltibus, Ver"' : 9, ol the sacred chickens, t.o .-t.Oraouo -Oma, t c..-teftaelo), a l.\rok.c..
.at; quum J•Ulll 0011 pucerentur, n/1lMt}. It> mi. open, diaclonHf; niruoa opertarum, Cic.
Cic. D. With acc., to f-1 01'; pueuntur pltella -ce, r. (dim. of pat.era). I, "dNA.
lilT&S, Verg. platter, plate (wed both In the cookery and
...-Aua -a -um (pe.sco), p for .JJG""ns or serving up of Cood), Hor. ; 2. a dt&l '" '°"'~
gra..:iRg; at;er, Cic.; hence, 11ubst., J)Aactlum oJ'eri1lgB are pranUtC lo tM fOd,I, a -.crijlclal.
·I, n. a pa&luni; plur., puoAa -Orum, n. di.ah, Cio.
pcull&ru, Cie. pltema -ent11, p. acij. (from rat.eo). L op111,
Pialph&i ·&, r. and PUlpbla -ae, r. tuwlntr11ctai, Gllllt.lriNc ; caelum, Cle. ; loca, Ca.eL
(llaO"i.+ci'I), dav,ghler of HelW. (Sol), mter of Cit'"Oll, IL oprn, apom lo; domus patens cupiditatl
90tAer of IM Mhi.otaur, A11drogn.a, Pllat.dra, a11d et voluptatibua, Cic.
AriadM. Adj., PUlphi.ilu •II. -um, nlating pl&ent.Or, adv. (patem). .,.Zr, tridcrlll1,
to Pasipltai; snbst., PMlphMla -ae, t= dmrlr; eompar., patentiu.a, Cic.
Plwtdru, ov. plteo -tdl, 2. (perhaps connected with trttd.~
Pialthea -ae, r. and Pi.dth'8 -&, r. n1u), to be opm, Bla11d opeit, lie ,,,-.. L nares
(Ilacr&Bia, ncunli.,), 01141 of tJu ll&re8 0raca. 11emper propter necessaries utilltates patent, Cic.
JNIU9r -em, m. (ror ~nser, from pando), D. A. to be QJJt1'. ~: a. lit., adftus pat.
l, a sparroro, Cie., Cat. ; :ii, a WJ.Jsl&, a turbol uit, Cic.; b, to darad opt11, to be°' tM #nrloe o/,
or plaitt, Ov. to be ia tu Jl01DltT o/; honores patent alicul, Ole.
.,....roiUu -1, m. (dim.· or pueer), a lUUe B. to li4 <>J¥"' lo, lo bf apotJt;d to; vulneri, Liv•
c:. 1o lu 61¥1' bef<Yrt iM era. to bf .Wble ; ~
""'"°"'' Cic.
p="'m adv. (passus from pando). L M7W
lit., nomeu in adyersarlis patet, Cic.; b, t.ransf.,
to bl ~I, dilt:loMI, dear; rea patent, Cle.
lllld tlKrc., 1ip an.ct do11J11, fi,1r alld toid11, '" a ru. D. Oeograph. t. t., a, UL, to lllrdch. old,
ordirl!I ma111ur, con.fuaedl!J; Numidae nullia utend; Ilelvetiorum ftnea in longitudinem millla
ordinibu11 p&S11im eonse.lenmt, Caes.. D. VJUA. i-asuum CXL patebant, Cie. ; b, t.raQllf., lo
cnd dWi»etion, indUC'rimfoakly, pro~JI; aprtad1 extend iWJ/; lu quo vitlo latiuime paW
iocn1>imus indocti doctique poe1oat& paaalto, avaritra, Cic.
~ ·tris. m. (W11T1fp), a /atMr. L A. Lit.,
paaum ·I, n. (pando, ae. vinum), toiM tll4<fe ahquem J!Otria loco oolere, Cle.; plur., patres,
of dried grapes, 1"tlui,.·wiM, Verg. pannts, Cv. B. Poet., meton., ~1 fe,1Mrl11 low;
l. paaua -a -um, partlc. or pand"l. rex pat.rem vlcit, Ov. ; 2, UIA a11uaor or soun:c oJ
:l. pall8US -4 ·UUI, partie. or pat.ior. anything, Verg. IL Tra:usr., A. fa.lher-in.-lat11,
3. pall91UI ·lls, rn. L a step, slri<U, pMt. Ta.c. B. a, J>:'lter famlliu or ramiliae, U!Alwad oJ
A. a, lit., pass us perpaueuli, Cic. ; b, fig., a lwu.BdlOOJ, Cic. ; b, pater cenae, IM lwat, Hor.
)'&SKibus ambignis Fortuna errat, Ov. B.; a C:. patres, fathers, a11CU11>111; aeta.a patrum noe-
/IJOlslqi, tmck; passu stare tenaci, Ov. D. UW trorum, Cic. D. Used a.s a title or honour ; a,
J11'a! (a Roman meaaure or length) =floe fed; of the gods, Lemniu.a, Yulcn,., Cic.; Lenaeus,
rnille IW>.'IU!J, a 111.ik, Cle. Baa:Jn11, Ve.-g.; b, esp. the title by which the
senators were addfeatled, p1atres conscrlptl, Cle.;
paaUllua -!, 111. (dim. or panla), a lott1'ge o, pater patriAe, /alMr of Au coumry, a o:ime
11&.Nd to gitt aA U!Jrua.blc alftdl to UIA brea.lh., Hor. 110methnes given to diatingtdshed atatesmen,
patio -On is, r. (pueo), "pa.stun, Cic. Ov.; d, pater patratm1, tlu ehuf of tAe frti«la,
pastor -Orii1, m. (pasco), a herd; esp., a Cic.; e, used u a title of respect towards an
wplurd, Cic. ; putormn domlnn, l'alaL 9v. ; old man, Verg.
pllltorum dux b-eminua, RomulWI a11d 1'tmua, ~&4§1' -ae, t. (pateo), a llurllo'ID di.a or
Cic. aittcer from whicll a libatioil _ , pound, Cie.
putOrilla -e (pastur), of or relati"'!l to a PlteroiUu ·i, m., C. Vellelu11, a BoMa"
wpharl, ptUtorul, Cle. lii8torian u11der .A1'{1ust11s and Tibtriu.
PllMOriclua ·• -um (put.or), rtlating to llep- J>lternus -a ·nm (, 1, of or -nlating Co
lwl'll4, Cle. n,/11rlur, /nlwly, pakrna.l; horti, Cle.; 2, of or
paROriua ·a ·UID (pastor), rdating to Mq- rdatilig to cnu's 11atioe C01tntr11, native; lumen.
/wrd.s, Ov. Hor.
paatua-fill, rn. ((>.'\sco). L ftttling. A. Lit., plteeoo, plU1f, S. (pat.eo), to ~ opentd, He
ad p:i.~tnm acce.lunt, Cic. B. Moton., fol.Ider, open. L Gen., a, lit., atria. longa pal.escunt.,
food ; pa."tum capessere et conftcere, Cie. D. ~erg. ; b, to be rniealed, dL6c;IOl«l; Daoaum
pa.darr, Verg. Jllltescunt invidiae, Verg. IL to u:UHd, llrdd
H * a ..(irnm, n. (n<inzpc1), a city f• Lycia, 0111; deinde paulo latlor patescit eati1pui1, Liv.
'lt'ilA; a C#.lebraJ'!i(t orocle of .Ap>llo; hence, 1, pltlbllla -e (patlor). L Pass., eJ&d11mble,
Ntirous -i!i a11r\ ~. m. n tur111.lnu: of A pollo; b«1ro.ble; dolores, Cic. IL, mui4ivc;
2, PAti.raeua ·a -um, PaW.rca•' ; 3, Pa~ natura, Cic.
rial -orum, m. the inhabilanta of Patara. pAtlbiUnm ·i, n. 11 forl:-altAped ,OU,
1tru1M11I of prmiM11&ml ~ <11& tlu tl«k oJ
a" '""
PAii.ria.m ·II, n. n tolml i" l'endia, o" tu
"'lib oftlw Mtdoac1u, bh'tll-place of Uu
Li.,. now Padua. Adj., PA~riD'IUI -a -um,
llaves and cnainall, Cic.
pltleDS -entiit, p. adj. (f'rom patlor). L
Palari11.ian. bMring, e11.d11ring, ropabk of tndurinu. A. Lit.,
pkifAolo .feel -factum, 8., pass., pl~tio with genit., patlens laborum, Ball.; amnl1
-Cactus 11um -fle1i (pateo an•l facio), to optn., make navium patiens, ftOlligabl~ Liv.; animum pat-
opeit, lay <>J!rn. L Lit., A. uure11 l.lll!entatori· icntem incornmodorum, Cle. B. Poet., .ftrM,
hwl, Cie. B. I. to mttU Gt:«ufble, l-0 ~: vlnn, hcml, 1111.yidding; 1ratru111, Ov. D. endUri"fl,
iter, C.,es,; to 8JHm 11p a pl11tt, patefacturn 1"'lic1ll; ut ne otronllam tuas patieutissirnu
nostris legionibus esse l'ontum, Cic.; 2 to mab aurt>11, Cie.
1ulble, Cic.; 3, to open (hy digginK, etc.); presso pf.tlent.Or, adv. (pdien11), palin1tl11; rerre,
aulc11m :\nltro, Ov. U. Tran1f., to mng to Cic.
lj,g&t, di.M:l~, display, rnrul :·. oc.liu111 suum in patl'.entfa ·118, r. (patJen11), nd11TGIM:r. L
me, Cic.; cvmpafl\tionem, Cic.; reni, Cic. fa111h1. frigoris, Cic. IL A. pali11«¥, /inf.g·nl..,..
pat 196 pau
'"': In carendo, Cle. B. (ndolnet, ,/tlfU- pl.t:ria1Ut -I, m. ( L a. ~.
luiarUd1uas, Tac. C.. tubjectio1', Tac. fkJtndtT, patroa of a bodr of clktte.; tM J>Otroa
pAtbla -ae, t (..a.,.&.,,.). Cl duh, Cic. or pqtrerftil ./rind. at PoJ>11U of a ltau or cilJ; •
)Nitlor, pusua aum, S. dep. (root PAT, con- rl•ftritkr, adrorou b#Jnrt1 a C'J011rl cif jtultitJ#; pG.
nected with W'ac~, aor. i-wa.8-011), to nfftr, t.ronu11, deft:naor, eolonlae, Cle. ; 1i9le
_ r, ........
~...... L It., A. G en., a., o r per.inn11, c:aus.te patronum cxaistere, Cir_; eer., CM pro-
tnlerankr doloreR, Cic. ; gt1l\'l11sim11m 1mppli· 1«or1 OJ,,. a fl"--' · • h'· --·•- 1..1: L-
TWUJAan, 1.f'., ... ..........,, vvort. - Vllll
ciom, Ct.ea.; itt ilamnuru hand &t'gerrime pall, frud, Cic. IL Transr., a d.#/nukr, ~;
Liv • b 1 or thing11, tune pat1tur cultua ager, plehis, Liv.; foederum, Cle.
ov: 'B. lo, nuiure; novem uecul.a (of the patriiOILa -e (patruus). L d~ fras •
crow), Ov. IL Transt'., 1, to :ri1ffu, tZ?TUllCiJ; fut Mr'• brothLT; patrurlis, rovi1& ~ tit
multam repulsarn, Ov.; 2, to -<u/ftr, ~rmit, , fothn-'1 1ick Cic.; tr1tnsr., IM'°" of a p<1untal
nlfow: ista. Cic.; with 11cr. an1l inlin., nullo 11e ., auut, Cle. IL of or rtl.alingto a C011A"- cov$i"1J.
implic:iri negotio J•assus e .. t, C1c.; with ut a11<l Ov. ,.
the Ruhj., q110<I Ri in turpi reo 1oatie11dum non l. patriius ·i, m. (pater) a /allulr'• bntAlr,
eso;et •rt arbitrare11tur, Cic.; non 1iatiol', foll. \,y paternal unc;U; a, lit., C1c.; b, tlg., ta .wn ,.
quin, nullam vatiebatur esse diem quin in foro prowr, Cic.
diccret~ ht allowed no doy '? pas•. without 1pttik· 2.JNitriina .. -am U-ter), ~or rrlalifl# flt
tll!l, C1c.; with adv., fa1·1l,., hhe11t.>r, a~q110 an t11a.cle Hor.
auimo, in.ti~ne pat.I, with acc. and infln., Cic.; px-~ l
with tl1i11~s as subjects, quantum pntiehatur .... u..&C US ·II, ru. (pateo),amrJUJt1Uq{Ja11u,
pudor, Cic. tchtJM tnnpu 1m8 al111aya opn ta ff-~ traT, Q\.
Patrae -arum, (. (nciTpa•), a va-pon '" ~tfilua ·a :un:i (Ji&tf'O). L ope11, l'lmuli"9
.Achaiu, now Palraa. Adj., Patrell&ia ·e, Tt• open • . pinna, C1c:,, fent;'Strae, Ov. ~ tnfk.
lating to Pat rue. 11pTt.ad1119, tztrn.dr..; ram1, C1c.; Joe& urbis, T.c.
patrator -uris, m. (patro). an. accomplulurr, ~u~taa -atis, f •.<~uc~s), f<'~ -rcu,.
achiei·u, ~{/ectnr; llt'cis, Tac. r.oau. 1/y, nratorum, C1c., nuhtum, C11..1.
pAtrfa -at' f.·lund, Y. patrius. p&UCU1'1;8 -a ·Um (dim. of. paucus). WFJ
" ' 1111a/l: i;e11. rn plut-., ttry Jtw; din, C•c.
patrioli.tus ·lls, m. tht mftk or condition of "
a patrician l;ut:t. p&UC118 ·A ·Ulll, onf' .. er plur., p&Uol-M•
• _• (cu1111t·cte·I with p;rnlu!I and pau1>er, aud Gr.
pa~rio1da <pater and caedo), 011t who miir· •aiipo~). L few, little; pauco ror:unirie (= i.•uda
dti-1 ~his f11th1tr, CIC. forami11ihu,.), Ilor. j paucis rebus, Cic.; pa~i·
patrlolus -a -um _(patres, v. pater, II. D. b), ores viri, Cle. Plur. subst. &, pauct --Orum, m.
patrician, 11uhle; 1 adj., famllia, Cic.; 2, 1111hst., a ftw; esp., (a) (like o< Mi..,.,.), thl! oUflWdu:
patr1eius, a palricia'll., an•I plur., patricii, ti~ (JJ) tJu «led.few (opp. populuR), Cic.; b, pauoa
Row111 patrida11..1 or 110bility, Cic. ; exire e pa- ·ornmL.!1· a few 'INTtU ; ut in pane.a confe.ram,
tricii~, lo II'- adopted into a pV.beian fa11iily, Cle. Cle. .u. a few; paucis diC'bu.s, Cic.
pltrimonlum .JI, n. (pater), 'J'Toprrty in· pautatlm (paull&ttm). adv. L gradual!Jo
htrited fi·r,m a Julh-:r, patrim,,ny; accipere 1)110 1 littte by ii.Uk; a, or place, J>11Ulat1m ah imo
lanta t't c•opiosn patrimonia, Cic.; tlg., tllio meo acclivls, Caes.; o, of time, si pnulatim baee
satis amplnm patiimouium relinquam, memor· cnus~etodo serpere ac prodire C<it:!)erit, Cae&
lam nnm111i!< niei, Cie. II. nnuly, OM a,/tl!Jr a1wther; e:r. caatns d1»eed.ere
pi.trimus ·a -um (pater), 1lat1ing a futher coeptruut, Caes. . -
1till livi11g <.;ic. paullaper(paullla~r). adv. cs lttth tco\ik.
" - ' . a .short ti'l1U!; J'llU'tes ahcuiu11 su»cipere, Cic.;
patntua. ·a ·Um (pa~r), .pater11al; 1•atrit& foll. by dum, Ck.; donec, Liv.
ilia atque av1ta ph1losoph1a, C1c. u1 (p ull ) ul
· pa 0 & 0 \• I• UI.
patrlua -a -um (pater), of or rtlating to a • •
fatl1u, Jalhtrly, pahrnal. L Adj., animus, Cic.; paulfilo (paullulo), v. paululua.
arnor, Ov.; res, property inhcritP.d from one's ' paulfilua (paulliUU) -a -um (dim. cl
falhtr, Cic.; ruos, ancutml, «nciwt, Cic. IL paulu~), vtry li.tlic, tiery 1111all; via, Liv.; Df'Ut,
Snb'lt., pltria -at, r. (sc. ~rra), father-land, pauliUum. ·I, n •.' &, sulisL, a rn-r l~le; moi:u.
'lllllire land; aliquem restituere iu patrtam, Cic.; b, adv., a littU; }oD.ululum f(>~'ip~l"lll"t', C!e..;
. . h "t I
C 1c., t>nci>, pa .r us ,:n -um, tt
la.t£ •- _ ~ paululo with corupar., paululo de::;enua, a. l'llt.11
ti.g .., 0 .... 1 "-'tlrse, ap. Cir.
nnt·, e country; ntu~, C1c.
. . 1. pau ua
sP:ull )
1 ( ... ~
ua ·& ·Um conn.,,_-, ...
l .ro, l .. to ~omplish, '[)(rf<Yrm,. e:recut.e, with paucus an pauptr, and Gr. raVi>~). liUll.,
Q.(;h '"l't; rrom11111a, C•<:-; bellu.m, to ln"ing to an I 6711 afl: surnptu!I, Ttr.; neut., paulum; a, "uhllt.,
t11d, Nill.; pace111, Liv.: .JUSJUrandum, to pro· 1a little; paulum aliq•1id tiamui, Cic.; p;1ulo. 1'1! a
Lou nee a solan.n oath at Uu oonclu.swn of a tnl£ll11, littlt, a little: with com par., 1oaulo melior, Cic.;
iv."t _ ;_.. . ( . with a•h·., paulo secu:;, Cic.; b, adv., a li.ttlL;
pa rOC&&&&Um·ll, n. = patrorioclnmm, from I pauhuu commorari Cic.
patron us). L ~ITutectiun., d.e(e'}« in. a oou.-c. of i p u1 (P 'un ) .• A of
law; controvers1arurn p;itrocm11uusc1rPre, C1c.; I 2.. a ua a ~. ., m. t ~ ftl!;iu •
melon., patrnci11ia =clients, ap. Cic. IL Transf., 1fa,, 11 /y 0 ~ gen.s ..tenulca, of 1ChicA i.u "'""
drfence, pmtrctio1i; patrociniurn voluptatis re- · famU1U u ere· 11.. L. Aem~lius Paulus, tdto rem·
I mandtd, 1l'ith c;. Ttrt11hus Varro, at C<••'lliU.
. "'- ·
puiliarr> Ci!'
I and wus thtrt1 ala'n; 2, L. Aeuulius Paulus
patr~iD~r..t. l. dep. (patronus), to prYJl«t, ~lncedonicus, ion. of tht prttding, tM C01'q11dllf'
di;Jr1'd; ahem, Ter. of Ptr'1ro.t, king of Jlacrdo1ti.a..
~atr0clua -i" m. (na.,.po~Acx),son.of J.fenotti11~. pauper ·his (contracted for pauci-per
/ritnd. and OOUl1.n. of ..dch1llu, 1lmn by Jlutor tr<Vl)'i), poor, 'IOt wealthy; a, of' persons, h•·mo,
before Trrry. Cic. ; \'ir, Cle. ; with genlt., argenti, Hor. ;
patrOna •&e, r. (patronns), a prYJtectrus, subst,., l'&Uper, a poor fllWI, Ov. ; b, trani.f.,
patronus, Ter. : esp., the miltrus or prottttrtu of th mg"• poor, 1Canty, meagre; domus, l"~rg.
ofafrmimn.n., Pli11.; ftg., a p1·otutru.; provocatlo pauperciUua ·•-am (dim. or pau1-u), poor,
patrona ilia civlt.ti11 et vinuex libertatis, Cic. Hor.
pau 397 pee
paupUiea -ll, t. (l'aurer), portrt11, (11digen~ pn~:rof J1«ICt; bel la ntque paces, &U. p,.nionlt.,
Hor. Pax, the godrlu.s of l't.nrt, Ov. IL Trrmsr., 1,
paupero, 1. (pauper). L to makt poor, ptnce, quitt; a, of things, ftumeo cum paC'e
Pl:111t. IL Tran:if., ;iJiquern aliqui ro, lo rob or delahe11~, •1uietly, Hor.; b, or looks or of feel·
drpr•1·t of nu11thi11g, Hur. lngs, s1:111per in animo s:1pientia est plncirlissima
paupertae ·Ath1, r. (pau1ier), pn1v-ty. A. pax, Cic.; pnce I u.l <lixeri111, your good
Lit., hu11tl<le cirouno1tan11t1 (npp. di,·it1ue); p1111· l.taw, Ck.; 2 1 /o.»our or ap7iroval of tJu. gods;
~rtaa vel potius ··gest.:1a ac 1Uemticill1s, Cic. ab Jove cete11sque dis p;icem ac veDiam pet<.•,
B. Trnnsr. (= eg.·staa, inol'in), Httd, want, fo· Cic.
di~1<T,Cic. peccatum ·I, n. Crecco), a rln, crim.a, of·
pauaa -ae, t. (1r111iicrt~). ti p:rnSt, ce..csation, fence, fault; pcceatum suuru confitcri, Cic.
""l't•"1~, f'nd: vit.Ae, Luer. peccii.tua .Q, m. (11ecco), a fault; manifesto
Paud.nlu -ae, m.' (fl11vcr11.. i'.11~). 50n of Cleom· pecc:1tu teneri, Cic.
r.roti.c.s, co1111na11der of the SJ1artan.s at Platata. pecco, I. L to commil 11 fault or cri'1111J, to
pauaia (pauala) 1111d poM& -ae, r. n 1ptcia :rfo; Empedocles multa Rlia 1•eccat, Cic.; ID se,
of oli~. which productd an. ualle11.t oil, \'erg. Ctc.; In servo nccando, Cic. II. to fail, lo err,
to go wrong; ID howiDe, Caea.; ue pect-ct equus,
Pa'IUllU -11e, acc. -an, m. (Ua.vcria~), 11 Grttk lior.
pai11tn- (II Sicyo11, contelllpomry 10ilh .Apr/la.
.Ao\i., PauslAaua -a -um, of or ftlati11g to forpecten -lnls, m. (pecto), 11 comb. L Lit.,
co111/1in.g flu: hair; detlucere pectine crines,
p,,11.siru: t;1hdla, llnr. Ov. JI. Trnnsf., a, a 11.·mi·er'a cmnb, Vcrg.;
paualllMum pauxlllulum, T. under paux- b, a, Ov.; c, the clnsping of the hand& i1'
ntulus. trv11blt; digiti int.·r sc pcctino juncli, Ov.; d,
pamdll&Um. adY. (pauxillus), graduaU71, an i1t$fr11111t1l.t u·itl• u·hich the ~tring:r of tJu. lyre
&,. tlf'}Tff$, Plaut. u-ere strncJ.:, \'e1~.; mct,,n., song: olterno pee·
paUJdlllaplr, adv. (pauxillus), 11 UttU whUe, tint>, in tfryiric rerst (llrst a h!'x:unet-t>r, then a
Plaut. pPrrlllmPter), Ov.; e, a, tJu. BCallop,
pauxllliUua ... -nm (dlm. or panxlllu11),
wrl( litrlt, very !J111.11ll, Pl11ut.; suhst., pa11ldl- pecto. 1•exi, J>exum and pectitum, 3. (>nir·
liUum ·i, n. a /iut1, Plaut. Ti..,). J. lo comb; co111~. O\'. II. to comb, card:
stupp:1111, Plin. Partic., pexua ·a -uru, 1Lit.i.
pauxlllua -a -um (dim. or paucus), 111urll, the "''I' 011, woolly; tnrriCA, 11cw, Hor.
liu!e, Luer. ; subst., pauxtllum ·i, 11. a ii.Uk,
Plaut. pectua ·6ris, n. t11t brea..<t iii mw anil a11im.ali,
ti..: b1ca.-1.1,(ln~. L Lit., v,.rg. II. l'ig., 1, th.f
pAvifl.clo, s. (paveo and raclo), to/rigl1te11., brea..•t as r/ie seat •1 the uffrcli"rrs, the 'Marr, ~"11l;
U.TI,111; round only in partic., pa.,·eiactus, trrri· tuto i"'C'lure a111n1e, to la1·e u•ilh tht u:liolt 11.:art,
Cic.; forti l'C•·tore, couragt, Hor.; puro J"·C'torc,
pAvM, J>lv!, 2. to ftur, be afrairl nf. ro quakt u·ith good co11scirnct, Hor.; 2, tlu breast. l\!I tho?
rith ff'••r; lnde a•l111iratione paYentibus c1111ctis, :ieat of reason, underst.1rr•ling; toto l'"cton1
Liv.; with acc., lul'<>S, Hor. ; ,-aria 111ir11c11la, cogit:uc, Cw.; t':tcl1lerc t><·ctore nlicuius, lo INI
Liv. ; "ith arl aud the acc., ad ou111ia, Liv.; for')ollen, Ov.
with infln., Ov. pecu, dat. ·il, -n, uom. oud acc. plar.
pl.veaoo, S. (paYeo), to /tar, be ofroid of, peclla, 11 , ~e11it. plur. pecu11m (connecte•I with
be urrif"d: with nhl. or cause, omni str<>pitu, pecus), cattle, Cic.
SAii.; "ith a1·c., helium, Tl\c. peoi1arlua -a ·nm (J>ecu), o/ or ttlnfln!1 ro
pATldi1 R<lv. (pavidus), /tarfully, in a 1tau rnll/t. L A•lt., re~. tlu brudin!/ of mtllc, Cic.
Qf '"1-or; tugere, Liv. II. Suhst., A. pecui.rlua -Ii, m. a brrrrltr of
pAvldua -a -um (p.weo). L trembli11g, crttlfr, gr11:itr, C11·. Plur., pecuRrii, tlu )ur111er1
qwahn(], J•arfi1l, tnrijied: castris se p.11·i.t11s of tlu p1tl•lic ]lfJ.<t 11re.s (in the 1•rovi11ct·s), Cic.,
tcDehat, Lh·. ; with ne and the subj., pR\'itli ne Liv. B. peciiana ·<>rum, n. hmla of caJUt,
jam racta in urltem via es.set, Lh·.; with i:enlt., Vi:r::.
orfensionum, Tac. IL ro11si11g krror, producing peculator -or!~, m. (pt'culor), 011.e who m.-
/r<Jr; religiuues, Luer.; met11s, Ov. be::lcs tltc p11blic morn:y, Cic.
pAvimento, 1. (pavimentum), to pave, ap. peculitua -ns, m. (peculor), the emlN:zu.
Ck. ment of tht p11blic monty, PfCUlalion; pcculatum
pAvimentum -1, n. (pavlo), a pa1·t'ln~t of faccre, Cic.
ti/. s, l1rid-, $lOM, etc., laid ill. a brd of 1trong peciillii.rla -e (peculium). L belo11!1ing to
0t1nt11t; 11avi111ent11m facere, Cic.
one's primte property; O\'C!I, Plaut. IL T1u11llf.,
pAvfo, 4. (T•f ;.,), co 1*1; terram, Cle. a, J>roptr, lp(cial, testis, Cie.; 1100
pA.vlto, ). (lntens. or pneo), 1, to trr111blt, mi Iii pe1·ulinre fllerit, Cic.; b,1 pecuUar, extra·
q11al..t: with /ear, Yerg.; 2, to qi.cake, sir irer with ordinary, sin!1ular; edll't11111, 1,.;ic.
flV!iC, 1er. pecullo, 1. (pecullum), lo }"'"t>videwith prit"Ot•
pi.vo -<"•ni11, m. (oDomatop., root PA, er. Gr. pro1-crf!1. Parti<'., peculia.tus ·a -um, pm
-~ >. a r-r.w:ock, Cic. 1-itled with property, ap. Ck.
pAvor ·<iri~, m. (paveo). L a trembling or pecUllum ·Ii, n. (pecus), properr'/I (ori:;:.,
Crrpidnrian 1uotlua•l ll'JI fear, u:ptcfatiott, joy, ~rty in caft/r). I. Gen., curn peculi, \'n;.:.;
eti:., C1c.; alicui l'avorem injiC'ere, incutE"re, ro cupidit;1:1 peculii, Cic. II. F:sp., tht prit-••t-.
O•VM /tar, Lh·.; J>avor est, pa\'or oliqnem ca pit, pro1•erty 1>0~es8'1t t.y a so1~ or .~U.n'P. fod']J!:ndt'ut (If
f<tlL b;y 11e and the suLj., Liv. IL P<!rsonif., tht fnthi:r or mas/a: }lf'Cnlium custrcnse, earn·
P.ivor, !l.$ a deity, Liv. ings of tht S<>ll 011 mi/ilary service; quasi <'.JIS•
pax. p;ki.s, f. (root PAC, whence paciscor, tren~e, in oth··r 1,cr111•1fi .. ns: pr<>fectlcium, prn-
Jl.,11~0, ,,,,.,.VII,.. ),
peace. L Lit., paCE'lll COil· perty pJs<r«ed /•_•/ grn 111 from tht father: ad \·eutlc•
cilu1re, rouficere, facere <'Um 11liq11n, ro mal:e lum, by i 11huilr111ct1 fro11~ lite mother, Cle., Liv.
~. Cic.; 1erv;1re Jlll~m cum aliquo, to hep pecunia -ae, f. (pecus, orig. property en
Jlll!:ltt, Cic.; utl pitce, to~ at Pfa«, C1c.; turba1e cattle). I. T'f"OJ>trty: pecuni11m facere, to 114'1'
Jact'm, u.... rlur., paces, co11ditioiu or pro· property, Cle. JI. Esp., money, a111l, nma of
pee 398 Pel
MOllfY: aecipere l>"Clllliam, to nUow ~/ to lie -a -um. B. Pegilaiwa -n -um. c. Pigb&
bribed, Cle.; ooacervare 1iecunia111 1 to Map money ·l<lis, r. l'O!ll~'tlli: llll•lnf', ji11111lai11s Stll.:ml "'IAt
lt>gelher, Cle.; ftare ct con11are pec4111i:1111, to MuMs, lliJ'Jt-OCn·ue, .1!]<mi1•1oe. Plur. autet.,
tllah! moMy, to bec0111e rich, Cic.; pcc1111ia1n l'•·ga&itles, the Mt11ts, Ov.
mutuam sumere •" 11.llquo, to borrolV; Cic. pegma ·, II. (rijw.o), 1 fl bookaM, Wtf,
pioUnli.rlua ·a ·II m (peen n la), of or rtfoti ng Cle.; 2, a tlwtlriurl madrirv, ~uet..
l-0 m.oMy, p«Uniary; rrs lll'C1t11inria 1 a tnorvy·
tnatter, brttfous, Cle., or simply= nwncy, Cic.
(perjero) and perjilro. 1. to ro:a-
mit Jl'l)ury, forswo:m· u11e;irff; \·c1 his <"•mee1otis,
peoiinlisu• -11 -um (pccunia), u.'etllt/1y, rich; Cic.; jus 1•erjerat11111, a fui:Jt 0111/t, Hor.; Jii,
homo pecuniosissimus, C1c. fctWf!J $1l'Ufll uy, Ov,
1. peoua ·oris, n. mttll', 11, J!t•:k (cnl- pijor, comp. of malu~ (q.,-.).
lel'tl\'cly, while JlCCU!I -1\olis =
si1111le hl'od of
cattle). L Lit., A. scti;.:1•ru111, ~wi1ie, Ov.;
pijurua = pcrjurus (q. v.).
lanigcnun, shtep, Uv.; Rl'J'lk>tl nlso to b«s,, , .. vcl:igus.
Vel'g'., jii<li, Hor. B. Esp , 1, n flow/; of sliri·1•; pelAglus ·• -u111 (rt>.Ayt~). of or rcfoiiRf /,1
balat11!1 Jll'corum, Ov.; 2, 1~-ct., p"cus 111ag11ac thic Yu, t1111rille; coucliae, l'liu.;, l'haedr.
pt\l't'llti11 (of young Ihm~). Ov. II. Tra11sf., np· PelAgonea -11111, "'· (Ifo\Cl')'O ..£(), till rr1aq.-..
•li~t co11tc1111•tuou11ly I<> hu111:111 ltcing,;, itni- nin•ts, 11_ 7tto}llc i1t th.: 1wrt11 of Muado1th1. lleuc.:,
atorum 11ervu111 pecus, n Yr1•i/c hail, Hor. PelAgonla -ae, r., a, tlu: cou11try of tilt l'f"ltt·
2. peCU8 -(\<Ii!'!, f. (i><'t'll, 1. l><'Ctts), a si 11g/e; b, a tow11 itt /'dngo11ia, now lJilflglU.1.
herid uf mttlt, a, unitnul. I. Lit., A. qu:L pelAgu -i, II. (tri.l.11)'0d. L the St'a. fJO'lln,
pecutle (RC. sue) 11ihil gr1111it 11:1tnm fcc111111ins, \'erg. IL Pod.. , tra11sf., a 11u1.s.• uf 11\lkr li~
Cic.; solertia Jwcnd11111 (of lict·s), \'t·r~.; pecu<lt·s tlie .~. u .ftov<l; pd:igo premit arva, will\ iU
et bestiae, wi ti a11tl dumrstic 1111i1ll.ll/$, Cic. B. .fo,od, Vcrg. (Greek plnr., 1-elai;e, tre.l..oyq, Luer.).
Esp., a, IA.up; pecnR Il1•llci1, the 1YllK, Ov.; b,
In plur., land a11i11ui/1; 1;•·111111 ac1111orc11m, DilAmf• -S'Jis, f. (trlJA"J&V(), the lfO'lrng t111111y-
pecuJ<'?I plctaeqne volucres, Vcrg. IL Tran,;f., fl:Ji (l>cforc it i11 n )'car nhl), Juv.
Cl)lltcllllltUOURly applic•I to 11 1&111111111 beiui;, Pelaut ..0111111 a11J (JIC•Ct~) -(1111, Ill. (11•.o\u-
stupor 1omi11is, vel 1lica111 pecu1li>1? Cle. )'Ot), the Old1'11t il&J1ul1ilm1~ of <i~f'tt, a11•l he110t\
pidiJ.18 -c (pe=s), nf the lt11gth. nf a fool, Caes.; J•O<'t., the r:rrr/..$, Vcrg. Jll'ncc, A. PeJaagfU
or of th.t brtwl(h (in tlia111otcr) nf 11 fvut, Cic. -Atlis, f. B. Pelasglfl ·Mill, r. c. PilaagU
-a -11111 1 l'thi..<yi1rn, (.ired;.
J)9darlua ·a -um (pe11), rtloti1117 to a /it-0t; Pelethronlua -11. -11111, of or btlu1111i 11g to tlt
aenutoros J•etlarli, 1t11af<>1·a of illft'Tior ro11A·, wlio
luld tl.O curule ojfice., Tac. Su~t., pGdi.rll distrid oJ 1'11usuly, wltt:rt the L<r1rit/w.c liml, J'tU·
·orum, 111., Cic. thro11ia1i..
pidu -Jtis, m. (iJ<'ll). I. one "'ho !fOI'! on Pelru .(';j awl ·COS, Ill. (n,,>.tv(), a !tlJdaiCRl
fool; quum pedc11 irct, on foot, \'t>~.; di1111uli ki11g 11f 1'1u-:ss<, lrn.'1Jtl111f of 1'/uti:s, }rtJ&cr ()j
p<l(les inccJat, Liv. II. Esp., a fi>ni·!l-Oldicr: .A.Jiil1'$; 11cncc, Pilidia ·Ile, m. '°"of l'ntlQ
a, lit., C:ies.; collect., i11f1111try, Liv.; b, trausf., = .A cit i/le.'.
eqnitcs petlikS•JllC, the 11'/wlf' i•·o1.U·, Cic. pelex (pellex) a1ul paelex -llci:1, f. (RA·
pedester -Iris -Ire (!'•·s), 011 fi••t, 1•nl,-<tri1111.}, n 111i.<lrnl!! of tt 11wrrit'tl '111111, a n>llC"'Ul1i11t,
L Lit., A. ("l'l'· eq11t•t1ll'r), statun J1<~dl'stri:1, Cic. ; Ocbalia, //r/(11; 'fytia, l.'11TOJG; l.IGrl.ara,
Cle.; rsp. n:< llli 1t. t. t., ""l'iar, i11.ft111lry, Cars.; Mnlnr, Ov,
11eutum, i11fa11try $liirlil, I.iv. B. rrl•lli11!J tu 1. PellAa, ,.. l'clion.
lmvi (opp. nrnrithnus, 11antli"); itcr, ca .. s.; 2. PeUia ·lit', Ill. (ll•Ataf), 1i11g il'I 11va11•.
pu:;ua, Cac. II. •'iR., A. or st y!t·, 1Nillm iii Twl/l1rutli.-r of .At.<e111, td1.- 1J1111 Ju.¥J11 ht $<-NI /IJ
pr•>M; hlsl.<lriae, Hot. B. si1111•le,, filch the !J"ldru Jl~t"<'I!. 01t Jus"11°s nttffn l'tiia.•.
pro.'l(lit; scr111n, Hor.; 111usn, llor. n:l lh•· i11:1fiy11tiu11 •if ftfofo1, WO!! ::foiu by hi:s o•••
pedetempttm. :ulv. (l'<'s :mcl lemln), sloll'ly, ff1111 ~1/1lc•1.<.
vrculu11/ly, OOl'rju.liy, m11tiu1t~l!f; ti111iJc l't pctli:· peUoii.tua (paeUoi.tus) -us, 111. (pelcxi,
tempti111, Cic. co11c11/1i1"'!Jr, l'ic.
pecUca ·ae, f. {pcs), o tm11, s1mrc, a fetter, Polidea, ,.. Pell'us.
Peligni =Paeli~ui (q.v.).
pedl&eqUU8 -1, m. an1l pedl&eqWI. ·Rt', f.
(pe>i a11d sequor), a ~rrrnnt 1a1n."' /111sincss it v~is Pellon -Ii, 11. (lhjAtov), 1111<1 Pelius .Ji, 111.
to otlflid upon lht 11u1sli'r or 1ttis1,......... , 111. l<td·r.11, n ic~fly t1wu11t11i11 <if ThtS.-<t•l.11. Ht·twt·, a•lj., A.
footman, an1l f. n l<'nilirt1J·l•V>nt11>1, Cic.; lig., j11ri>1 Peliacus -:i. -um, n.f or b..·lu11•1iug tu l'tliou:
1tcientia111 eloqneulia•· ta11u111a111 a11cillt1l111111>edi- Imus, the ~ltifl Ar!/O (the woo<I of wl1ich w:u cut
seqnamque n1lj1111xbti, Cil'.; tr:111sf., cla111ore from M1lu11t l'clio11), l'rop.; cnsµis. the •J
pedisPquorum 11e1i;tror11111, follnH•as, Cic. Achil/t$, Ov. B.PellAa ·atlis, bdo1tyi11qfo/'cli111o.
pMltatua -ii!;, m. (petlei;), illji111try, C:ics. Pella -ne, r. a11<l Pelle .;:,., r. (ll~Aa). tlv
pedo, p\!pt:-Ji, pCJitmn, 3. to l.ireul.: wiml, Hor. clii'f dly nf Mn:wfo11i11, l1irr/qoluc't: n/ Alr.1111tdrr
thr 1:rfal; l1<•11re, Pellaeus ·a -11111, ulati11f1 I••
I. pedum ·i, 11. a ~hc 1 •Titrd's croul;, Verg. l'tl/a; a, ,\lm'!rlo11i1111; jurt:'11i~. Al~rr111<ltr, .Inv.;
2. Pedum -1, n. a tnll'11 iii /.ttti11m, tol miles b, n/111in9 lo Af.t'za1ulri11 fo l::!J!JJ'l, a11J he~.
so11th of llomc. Adj., PManus ·:t -11111, of or l!.'!JY/'lion, V1•1g.
r,1ari11g w Pt<l1111•; Rnbst., a, PManum ·i, 11. peuacra -ae, r. (1.ellai;), fill t11tici11117, a/i11r·
un t~lntc nwr l'td11111; b, -oru111, m. ill!J, Luer.
the inh11llitflnt! of Pc.fmn. pellax -!lt'is (tlt'llicio). d~il/ul, ~1tcti~.
J. Peglala, v. Pegasu:t. \"t·r~.
2. PegAala ·ltli~, f. ('"l'Y'i), a u'<1ttr-n11nwh. pclleotfo (perlectlo) ·uuis, r. (pellego), a
Pegbus (-&l) ·I, m. (nil'Y"O'o~). tlic will!Jerl rrndi•trJ lhru11gh, JH'rt1$i11g, Cic.
horse which SJlrang from the blood of lltcd11!<1, pellego l'l'l"k(;•l (q. v.). =
a.nd prod11ced the fuu11tain Hippo..'Te1u l>y a blow Pelleni -t:~. f. (fi•.U.~n1 ), a tow" 111 ..4dc1w1.
from lil hoof. Hence, adj., A. Pigbilu.e Hence, ntlj., PellinelUda -e, PtUcHiaa..
pel 899 pen
pellex = retet ('l. Y.). peltatua ·:t .•um (pelta), 11rrn•d 11:UA the ptlba,
pellloiitua = 1~li··at11s ('l.Y.). J\larl.
pelllolo ·lexi ·l<'.-t.11111, :l. (per anit 11\clo), to Peliialum -11, 11. (n,,A.o.:cno..), 11 towll lit
e11.:io-, .!•0><1. srd1,C>'. I. Lit., 11111lir.r1·111 a•l se, F.11y1il 011 thll ftfolite.-,.anra11. &.t, 11ow l'•1stltJ qJ
C1o·.: a11i11111111 a-l1•lt>-.1"t•11ti~. Cic.; p•>pulum 111 'J'i1vh.Hen .. c, PoluslA.cus -a -um, Ptl1uia""
w~n-i111te111, Liv. II. Tr;rn:<r., multo 111ajorem pelvis -i!i, f. a basia, Plin.
p:irt..-m s•·11l<'11tinr11111 ~u" lt>pore, bring over to penarl'.us (penuiirlus) -n -um ((>l'nns),
ou'• ~j,/1!, Cic. of or rcl.1ti11g tu p111ciJio11s; cclln, 1torc-roo1n,
pelliciUa -:ie, r. (•li111. or pcllis), a llltk 1ki11 Cle·.
or hi<lt; hai:1lin:i, Cic.; pellic11l:11n cur.ire, to piSnates -tum, m., wilh or without <Iii (con·
cal:<!' CtlNI of 011e"1 1/;i 11, !for. necti:d with p••n-ltu~. Jt<:ll·P.trn). L the Ji1111..te·
pellla -is, r. a hi.t•., skin. L Lit., rnplin:i, /t.olil or fi1.11il11 deitit& m1wng lht I'.011V1n.•; pnblicl
Cic.; pelles pm vt>li11 t .. 11nitt:r co11fcct:w, Ca••s.; or 11u\j .. rc11, thr g11artlin11 tJ,aics of tlu atf!U, Cic.;
fi:;., 1lctrah1·rc nli1·11i pi.·lh!lll, to tli.sdase a 1"-1"$0ll'1 11tl11orei1, f11111ilinre:1, prirnti, of ti~ family, Cle.
f111.l1r1, II••r. IL Tr.11111f., 1, hid!!, lratl~r; a, II. M1•to11., the: lt01J.."I', d11,,.lti11.!J: (11'natcs rcliu·
as a coveri11:; f.,r tent~, snb p1•ll1L11'I, i1l camp; qtll'r••, Li\'.; ptlC't., the cells nf bus, Verg.
Cae,;ar 11ub 1-ellil"1-. hie111nrc co11~tit11it, Cae:1.; pen.ii.tiger -~fr:i -gt'ln11n (pena!C'l and gcro),
b, ns 11>1eJ fnr cl11l hi11;;, pellihui ~cl" tcmror:i, eairyi1l';1 lh.: J',11tite.1, uv.
Aood, Ov. ; 2, 111cto11., a, 11 Moc-latclw:I, Hor.; pendeo, pc('rmli, 2. (pc111lo), to ha11ri, hang
b, a sh,.,t, Ov. down. I. Lit., A. <le11., al1 h11111c1"1, Cic.; u
pellitus -R ·nm (p~llis), clolhti.l fo hi.<fe$ or 11rl~1re, Cic.; de C<ollo, 0\'.; in arhnrc, Cic.;
tk11t$; ::>:or.ti, Lh·.; ti·stcs, fl'Olll S·irrliut.t, Liv. ; with ahl. nlotw, ti;.:11•>, Ov. B. l~~p., 1, to
O\"CS pcllltnt', slvt/I tt•i//1 fi.1~ wool, COVt'TC<l with l1'"""!1 tip; pcmld1it n-tul:i. pi1111, \ t'I'~.; 2.

of l'lothc~, to /1(11111 do1u11 1/f.11v d.Jw11; nt 1•e11d·

1l:i1t.• to 1m1W.t the 1Vt>0l, Jfor.
pello, l'~l'illl, J1ll ls11m, S. fo 11fril,,,., biocl.-, lltfll ent R('IC (,.), Ov.; 3, to ovtrlt,11u1: a,
G!J<ii·ist. L a, lit., terram peolc, llor.; h1111111111 fo ho1•a; 1h1111 1111\1ila pc111lc11t, Vc1 ;:. ; b. ro
pc1lll1u .. , Cat.; fore~, to /~nod~ al the: 1luor, Ci•\ ; lu11vi i11 tltt air; capellae pc111lc11t de rtlf't', \'erg.;
put'r p11l,;u:1, IJ,,,,,,,,, Cil-.; b, tra11sf., fo lo11ch, c, or uinls, to hon·r; olnr Jli\"eis pc(((lchat in
llW,,,,., tual.·'- a1i imprf8'1lo1i 117>on; q11<'111:11l111·•lu111 n"ro penni~, Ov.; 4, tm11:1f., a, to l1trn~1 .. bout 11
vi-;.a nou pd1"rc11t, Cic. II. Esp., A. /., /•ILi iii 71b1cc, bt conti111mlly there; n•>11lrnq110 in li111i11e
ww.'ioll. b.•! 1"''hinf1 or 1lril.:ini1, to im1"l, 1•ropel, pc11°lcs, \'er!-'..; b, lo lui1111 dou111 (fr11111 weak11e!'ls);
111.tlot; !l.'l'.!ilt.un, V1·r~.; 11t'!rv11s in Ii.Ji Ion~, Cic. ll11iol11:1 p1•11rlcrP lact>rt.,s, Uv. II. Fi;;., A. to
B. to d, i a ouf, 1/ri1-e 1111•111, t:TJ"·l; 1, a, lit., hn.11'.T 11p1"1 tlu /iJ>s 0/11••!101V, li.1k11 or uiue atu11·
quum viri boni l.1 pi.Jil.11-. c foru 1•cllcrc11tur, Cic., tfrt.fy, \'erg.; 11arra11ti:1 c1111j11x 1•••111lt't ab ore
11ti 0111n•.,1 c~ Gnlliar ti11ib11" pcll1•rcnt11r, C.w11.; virl, Ch·. B. 1, fo be '"Sf"'11Attl, di~o·11tin11r.d;
aliQll•"lll l~l~Sl':i,iotlllbll,., c;, .. ; nliqth!lll cidlntc, p1·11d1•11t "i'"m i11t ...·rr11pt.'l, Vcrg.; 2. to lit i11
Cic.; b, t1a11:;f., 1rn1t!st1Lia111 , . .,. 1wi111i~. 1Htlli4h, au.•1ir11S'-, be u111•e1tai1i, wultddnl; 110 1li11tiui
Cic.; eura>i dull, Hur.; 2, l1a11~r., a., 111ilit. t. t., 1'•·111lca.-., Uc.; f1t'q11P11tly with n11i111i, p<'11rlere
CO rrpd, drkc back an tne111.'f; ti; pcll1111t11r, ar1i111i cxspcd;.1ti111w, Cic.; also with aninw, Cle.;
CaCl!.; b, k;,"al t. t., to lxwish, c.cik; c.\,,111"" n111l n11i111 :s, Cic.; 3, tu clt;rewl 11pon; 11., spe:1
pulsi, Liv. p.. 1.. J.-t l'X r.. 1t1111;1, Ci1•.; b, to be l't folluwa nf a
1«rso11, lo i111il<tte; hi11c 0111111:1 lt('ll<k~ Ludlius,
pclluoco :=: perlucco (q. v.). Hor.
pelluofdulua = 1wt111c1.J11li1s (q.v.,. pondo, pl!('<'ll•ll, pens11111, 3. lit., to must to
pelluoidus l"'rl11cid1111 (q.v.). htt"!T cluw"; h1·11c1•, to wdgli. I. Lit., A. 1,
pelhio Jll'rluo (q.v.). locr lo:11' pc11s:i•·, Ov.; 2, ti~ .. a, to wci!/h, c-011·
3/.lei-, jwl!J~; re~. 111111 nrl<L, Cic.; b, to ral•rt.
Peloponnesus -1, r. (rt..\o,,,,:ro~), the t.ilrt111; with gen it., 111a~1ii, ctC 11 hiah 1"'ict,
p,,.,,.,,.,,111c.rns, 1111w th~ M·ore"; hct1C<', a1~j. A. Jlor, B. Esp., tn 1~1y (si1we mon .. y was origin·
Peloponnesius -a -um. B. Peloponn'es- nlly 1•aitl uy Wt·i·~I.t); 1, liL, A1·l1nd ill~l'lllem
l:icua -a -11111, 1·~1np01uv$i-1n. pcc1111i.1111 po·11'1m1t L. l'isoni q11ot:11111ls, Cic. ;
Petops -6piot, 111. (niAoo/I), "mythir.ul J..:i1L'J of v1•c•ti~ d, Cic.: 2, ti)l., 1"''·1111.~. 1111pplicia, to pny
Phrr1•1i•1, SMt of p,,,,,.,,,,$, (111/ of .Atreus"'"' a prna/111, ••1.ffer p1u1islu11r11I, Cic., Liv.; 111axl1111U1
T4!1'.N'!I, qr,,11A{t1!/vr of A1J•t111!11rno11 ttrul M11U!- poc11:i.• 1•.,11•!0 te111rritati:1 llll'lle, Cic.; )'f)f)nlUI
ltt"s; IL'l.,.n ''chi(,/ M 1"•!.i l.i/le•I by Iii$ ftf/kr ..apitii1, 111•. II. Transf., i11tr1Lnslt., to 'IDCigh,
CLM sur•"l 11 J' ns f·od to llv fJl)</:1 : h,,.• 1i'1.~ res/uucl Lil·.
to Hfc l/ir.111qh the llf/W•"]f of lfernu• (.\l•rrnry), pendiUus -n -um (pcudc>o), 1, han,,ing,
111<1l hi• •lvMf,/u, wlikh h.ul btc11 e111,.,, /111 nr11u:ta hrt11•1i1q11l.. 11·11; c111l11111, Iior.; 2, Og., vnccrl11i11,
(1",,·e .. 1, w.<.< 1'']>/f!··nl btj rttl £vary OM. llo-11ce, A. uitdcdded; spc l'<'ll•luln", Il•>r.
Pclopeii.s -li-lis, f. l'c/01-trm, l'elo1•on11r.<ian; =
pone paene (r1. v.).
)1) c1·11ac, OL B. Pelopeius -a -11111, rrl11linq Pcnc1s. l'c11d11s, v. Pc11e1111.
to l'd••ps or Iris ill'S•~1td1111t<; \'ir;.:oo, lplii~1niia, Penelopa -nc, r. an.t Pon~lope ·i!s, t
Ov.; nrva, Phr•nia, O\". C. Pelopous -11-11111,
f"t}rr/; 11 J In /'rln1'"': IUflC'llia, A ruos, \"er;.;. D. (n'l ..•·'o•Tf•"· n'I'""°""" IM wife of Ulys.•1'&
1n11tlte:r of Tdr11.-rrh11.•, ftt•11n11• fnr lur tli11-;tily 1rnd
st1h~1.. Pelopldae ·i\1111n, Ill. dl'sce111it11tl11 of oon>:,111•·!1. llc11cc, .ulj., Penelopeua ·a ·11111.
l'cl"J'' of l't111'/••ior.
peloris -!dis, r. (Jr~.\wpi•), Cl l11rae specirs of pencs, pn!p. with ac~. (fro111 root PE~,
Wt";~·I. l [ .. wlw11c..: 1«·1111,., p,.11at1•s), with, in pt.»SC$$iiln of,
Pelorus (-OS) .f, m. '"""b•PO•), n111l Pclor- i 11 the ,.,rn•rr of; 1, Jl{'llC~ que111 e>it potl'sla!!,
um ·1, 11. lltr 1tr1•·th·CrtSI p1 ro111'111(.,Jr11 Of Sicil•/. ('ic.; IM"ll•'!i se CS'4•', to bt i11 011rs s~11sc.•, Hor,;
llOW '"'I'° tli Fttl'O or /i1iro tli Mr~siun. l"·11c1•, 111·111~s '111••• lnw1 fuit, Cic.; 2, witlt; 1oe11e1
adj., 1, PolorHLs -lWis, r.; and 2, Peloris Ad"l11s c11lpa111 1,,.lli I'S~<'. I.iv.
·!ills. r. ['duYiu 11. Pcnestae -aru111, 111. {Ho•iO'To1). a 711Wpl~ ha
pelta -11.e, f. (irt"AT>J), 11 amall, light, crt1eent· /ll11ri<1.. llcuce, Peneetla -ae, t CM eountrv
llki1-td <hitM, Liv. of tlte l'c 11e~t11e.
pelta.sta.e ·lrumJ rn. (trt.\TaaTo.•). rold£en pinitri.bllls -e (pcnetro). I. thlll can bt
CTllUJ.l ll'ilh Oi.t ]ttlta, JJlV. passe1L throv.ah, pe:Mlmble: cnrpu!! nulto peue-
pen 400 per
tmbile telo, O\'. D. Act., msilll ptndrating, pemdto, 1. (hat.ens. of pe11AO). ,,, rrifl. L
p~re£11f: frlgus, Verg. ; fulmen, Ov. Tl'lln!ir., to t0tiglt,__E0aufcr, coiuuwr; lm1-e,.t.'lli:l
pllaitraua -e (1.enetro). L 1"usi11g thro11glt, l'Ullllilia, Liv. IL to pa1: veet.igaha. Cic";
praedia quae peuaitant, are lfabl1 In tans, Cic.
pe11tlruthi.g: frlgus, ignls, L111·1'. II. inu'lrrct,
iMUh, iiaUriw:l, t1Lteri11r; focus, Cic. Hub.It., penao, 1. (lntena. or pendo). L to rrifl..
plnetrile ancl ~trl.1 -llltt, n., gen. plur., .A Lit., aurmn, Liv.; Hg., RnmanOll 11erip!Jirn
Dinitri.Ua ·lu:n, n. 1, ti~ ii&rttr c11mnher1,
~lean t.rutini, Hor. B. Tra11Kr., 1, to -'9l
to juclgt; 1111icos ex fact.111, Lh·.; 9, a, to )J<'•iln',
lnterior of a ltout or cit1 ; penetrale urtils, Liv.; co1uidn-, rt~d upoa; co11Ailiu111, Liv. ; b, to
penet.rali11 regum, Ve!')(. ; 2, eHp., tlte inmwl purl 1etiiJlt ou.t thi1&1 agninsl a1', to COWJlllll':
or 1hri1~ of n kmJ>lt; co111litu111 iu peuetrall atlvcl'll& ~unclis, Liv. D. to COlf1tt,r!.alm1t.:t,
fa I.ale J•ign 1111, LI v. 1·qxip,, Ttco'l11pt111t, mult gooU, rtqniu:
piaetro, 1. (penitua). L Tra11:1it., to •t, a, lit., vulnua vulnere, Uv. ; ht11.1n11arinae reJ
,,11.u:e, put in. A. intro aeclea peuetravi 1"-~k111, qui<IRm vice 11e11111ta.e, Liv.; b. tnu1:sf., to
l>laut. B. to pa.u thruugl& or fotcJ, to peuetruu; for, )ntrcluut tcitli ; nf'CC 1•utlo1't'm, 0\'.
a, lit., lllyricos siuu!I, \'erg. ; b, 11g., Id 'l'iherii penaum -1, n. (l.e111.lo). L a portio" of lnlOl
a11i111u111 altl1.111 pt>11etr11\'it, 11.1nk detp into, Tac. u1tigl1td out to a 11pi1111tr as a dal/11n>rk: l1<'llCI',
II. lutran:sit., to 1111.11.e 011t'1 tL'tl/I i1uo, lo 111ttr, a duv'• worJ;, taak: nocturna pe1114
)1t1ut1ute in'o; sub t:>rras, Cic. ; iutrn \'allu111, puellae, Vcrg.; u1ollia penll:1, \'rrg. IL Tr.11u1C.,
Liv.; In urlll!m, Liv.; transr., 11ulla res 111ngis " tccsk, a dutll, 111gagt111t11t; me ad meu1u Ulunus
penetrat 111 aui111os, Cic. pe11su111que revoc:i.lt0, Cic.
Pinius (-i6a) ·I, 111. (TI'IJ.-.,a.;), tlu chief peuua ·a •Ulll, r. ndJ. (from J>endo), nig'1tf,
ri1'fr of Thtuu.lg, risi1151 in Mou11t Pit1tleu, 110\V tlllt.:111td, va/11111, 1•rizt1l; nlhil l"'""'
baliere ali-
Sak111bria; as a rin~r-gucl, fulhtr of Cgrt11.t.
HenCP, adj., 1, Pinela ·ldis, r. of Pt1UUI:
quiJ, to 1'"' "° va/111 u1oon, be 111di§11t1d ul.o«t,
l:S:rfl. ; ahcui nee quicq11a111 peusi &11.; ill~
11y111pha, Daplui<, 0\'. ; 2, Pinela ·& •Ulll, of nee quid llkereut uec qnicl fact'l'l'Dt quicqoau1
ur nlati1i.g to P11uua. 1i,?nsi fuiaae, thev car1<I •othing rAai tltey did or
~olllum -1, n. anJ pinlomu ·I, 111. said, Liv.
(cl1m. of tlt'niculns), a p11i11ltr'11 br11~1t or 1ir11dl, pentAm~ter -trl, 111. (•wr&,,.n~), a pn-
Cic.: meton., pai11ti11,g, Pli11. ; and trauisf., 11tyle ta111tlrr l'tnt, Quint.
of pailllifllJ, Cic. Pentillcus mons (Rtrn.\uror :;fl"), a aow•·
pialoiUua ·I, Ill. (dim. of pe11IH), a brud, tui 11 11r11r .Athtiu, Q:ftbralttl for ii• warble qlt(ll'
Plilut. riu. Hence, Pentilloua ·• ·lllll, wltU;!li•g
pinla ·111, m. 1, a t11il, Cic.; 2,= 111c111hn1111 to l'r11klic11s; Hern111e Pentelkl, •ud1 of l'tictdic
vI rile, Cic. m11 rblr, Cic.
pialti. :iclv. (pt'11itu:-1), i111011nlly, illkriwllv, PenthiSaflia -ae, r. (nu1f10-i.\f&a), q1tttll It/
C11:t. tht A 111u.:011.1, ally nf .Pri11111 a11f1i11lll tAc <:rttb i•
thl' '/'roja11 War, sltri" by Aclaillcs.
1. pinlt'IUI -a ·nm, l11wartl, inttrfor, i11trnu1l,
Plant. Pentheua -N ancl -Eull, acc. -fum ancl -8
(llfll8ui~). l.i11q of 1'11tbtt, grmulMH of C11da11t,
2. pinltU.. aclv. (rout P.:N), l11trrn11Uy. I. t1·hn I rt11ttd with co1tlt111pt tht 1ro1-:thip of &1cC'l11•S.
fn IM in11wst J1<1rt, dttp 11•ithilt: 1, lit., 11Pric11h1111 amt 11~u tor11 to pite#s llJ his 1'folhrr II••' Atr
lnclu~u111 pe11itm~ iu \·enls t~ipuhli~e. Cic.;
arl(e11tu111 t1t•11il1111 :il•litu111, Cic.; 2. trnu,.r.• a, .<i:ilr1·, ill" llat-1·hic f11r11. Hence, A. Pent.Ilia
t•a 1ie11it11ll n11itni:1Vt'>dris111n11tlatc, imJ"'~'"i ilri'J'l!I -a ·11111. of l'1111tli1111. B. Ponthi4ia ·•e, llL a
fo your 1niml11, Cir.; b, 1t•1·11 mltly: JtP.t14l•irt•r,.., =
1lr$•·fl11l1111t of l't11llitu11 /.~urg1L•, Uv.
Cle.; 111111Se, Cle ; c, throu11h 1111 tl1rn11uli, Pentri ·•·ru111, 111." ptOJilt i1& &11t1ti111N, witl
thoro1t!lhl11, tulirrly, 11'holfy: 1.liltiilt•rc t't'ipuh· 11 nr1•it•1l cit111Jot•iu111111l.
licae, Cic.; 1ien.ll.'re :ie itL..O!I, Ck. II. Trt111!lf., pin1irfa -ae, r. (n&ra). ""'"'· •m o/ ltllf·
fnr lllf~lt, f11r rt'HWl't1.l; l>l'llilUll l'\'IK•,.t.Hll go·llkll, tlu11g, eav., tm11t '4°tlat llftX'~ldU fJ/lif<', Jlf'Hkrl;
Ver~. ciloi, Luer.; \•lcti\!1\ Hor.; KA1'it-11ti11111 ch·inu1
Pialua -li, m. (llt1•1ck), a 1·irer i1& Colclils, bonoru11111ue, Cle.; ilieroru111, &JI.
/foll'i11g i11tu tht lJlctck &.r • pinua -na an•I -1, c., pinum ·I, a., and
. peaaa ·Ile, r. (ot..l Lf1t. Jlf'!lllB, root. Pl!..'T, pinua -t'•ri:i, 11. <rovt Pl!:N, v.-J1c11cc: pen.. trn,
whcllt.'tl Jielo, itnpetu:i, l•nM'l"-'K), 11 J~utha. L ptm1ttl:li, pt'1til11s, lit., that wl•ic:ll i:e 1..t1<l ritlai•),
Gen., 1, lit., Pli11.; 2, 1111•!1111., a. u•it1J1, gen. iu 1•mri1io1u, BWl'f! of fi1t~l. rfrt1111/11; ...-ct e11it11 omue;
1•l11r., 11•i11g1 (of hirJs or i11sc:d-~); &\'t'!i pull"" 1.fUU \'C!ICUlllllr ho111i11es, vc1111a, Ck.
1oe1111h1 r.iv~ut., Cle.; b, 11 ft.11i1i11, ./fi!Jlit, Ov. IL PeDArithWI Hie) ·i, r. (rft•;ip~), u•
Pllf't., tht ftntl1t1-s un un arrow, Uv., anJ heucc:, i1f11111T of the A.gtuu &11, uuw Scu~/o.
111.-t.011., 11rfl)11', Ov.
pennatua ·A -um (1oenn11), feulhtrrJ, 11'i11~l; peplum -1, n. autl peplua -1, 111. (•i•Arw,
•irr>.ot), lht rollf! ll'itla 1rliicli the l>lut"t •>/ AtAtae
ra111a, \' trg. 11t Atl1t1&! 1ms clad 11t the Pm«1lht1«1ta, Cic.
pennfgv -g~ra ·gi!rn111 (pe11na 1111J g<'ru), per, l'l't'P. with 11cc. L Of IJJ.'lce, tltro11,,A:
ftutliuttl, 1vittgc.l, CiC'. a, 111 ro1111h (<•f ('L'lqa:;e through): lllterum itfr
penalpea ·1•t!tli!i (pe111111 and 11t>i1), wi11g· 1... r J•rovi11cia111 1101ttram multo tlacilin!C, Cat'A.;
footed, Cat. b, tlir"''!l1', nlu11g, or~r: cnro1111m :u1n·a111 l"'r
PGDDIJ)6tena ·«'nli.c (tlf'nn:i an•l pot..n-1), fo•r11111 fern.-, Cic. ; 1~r mare pAUperie111 fui;it-11-c,
al1Tt to Jf11, 1d11gtd, ·Luer.; snl>llt., peD..nlpO- 111.·r s1n;1, J'Cr ignt'&, Hur.; c. be.fort, i• thl
tentea ·111111, r. =birds, J.urr. /tt'f ...,llL., 11: illect.lllllt vcr Ur& \°ll~Slfa lllAgJliftCi,
peDDiila -o.e, (. (tlim. of pe111111), a littlr ::!;ill.; d, Ut'tl', ulKml, all or..r: equiws l"'r onun
'll!i1i.g, Cle. umrit.1111111&1 eraut disposill, °'""- ; ttlli J>tr im-
peril t;ii 1•ro,·inciu el cr..tlitli1111ent, Cle. U.
peaaOta ·c (pe11deu), 1wnging, 1ia11gi11g1lown, Transf., A. Of time, 1, throttglt, d11ri119: h11ll
JIC'lltle11t, Plaut.; UVA, htrng up to dry, Hur. Jece111 per dies factl sunt, Cic.: 2, i11 tht ,_,._
pemlo -unl!i, r. (pendo), a 11«1ing, 1"1!/llttllt, of; per 11mnnu111, in sl1tJ1, Cic. ; 3, clariti,,
d11y ofpa117'1nt; 1, nihil debetur i:i 11ilii ex tertia u1M.ltr t11e injh1tnct of: q110tl fecl!'lltt't J'f'r lram,
~naloue, Cle.; ~. rmt, Juv. Cle. B. or thl! IJlt'&UI or luab·uaueut b)' wltkl&
per fOl per
a11yt11iui:c Is <11\ne, rAro1111l f>r, br ''""'" of; 1, lrnll'l'l Vu-0111111, ptr11t••h11l.,/t ; rum, Hor.: transt,
&, l"l:llll<fllllt h1liu:. i11jurias }'Cr \"OS UICi.:tci. lri)!••" 1•·ra111l111lat ar111-., Ov.
C1c..; f"'r Ml (te. etc.), by OMMl/, alou, 111Uhortt JH§rAmoenua ·a -11111, r'r111•l,,,Jn11t, Tac.
11.:, •. Ck.; per littcras, hy utter, Cic.; b, 11nd'-r peramplu• .zi -11111, i·ery largt, Cic.
J'I ~t,,lt"~ Of, UJUUr s/ltl/tr nf: frat1d11re Alf<Jllt'lll
J'<'r tutd:un aut :1oci..ra1em, Cic.; 2, /ro111 "'"liru peranguate, a.Jv. wrv narrvw'11. Cle.
<>f, o" accortnt nf; per avaritlam 1lecipl'r,., Cic.; peranguatua ·a -um, vtry r111rroio, •lndt,
Jot•r metum, from. /tar, Liv.: 1111111n 1111to'a per co11ji11t1l; ll•·Lum, Cic.; a.litus, Caes.
a..i:itelll n<>n<lnm hulua a11ctorit.;lkm lod at- peranno, I. to 1i1·e thro11~h a year, Sutt.
1.rn;;.,re audcrem, 011. <Vco1t1il Qf 119•, Cle.; 3, OI!. perantiquue -a ·um, wrr old.; aac~rimn,
GcO>a>ll of, for tM llelkt qf, reoanli1tg: per me Cic.
,.rl ,.t,.·rtas lied., aa far cu I am co1wer!Wd, Cle.;
curu per valetu1li1lt'm p011Se11, venire tamen perappialtua ... ·WD, W'l' flt. IKUabl•:
nuluisti, Cle.; hence, lo e11tm1Lie,., ontba, etc. ahl"lll, \..IC.

= hy: oro te ver deo!I, Cic. ; per t11a111 fltlPm perarddua ·" .um. very di/lc11lt; mlhl b•IO
penncl 1111111 •·st dc1110UMI rare, Crc.
1-er11•1e huha 11olitudi11em te 11lih'11tor; In this
"""'e per Is of't.c11 11t:pnrall!<I fr11111 the 00111\ pirargiitue -a -um, PIT"// acuu, cl1ver, 111Ul11,
which It govern11, per 11~0 W, fill, f>recor qu:ws· Cle.
oq11··, Liv.; J'"r dens atque bv111i11e.11 I by gl>lll perAro, 1. to pl.01•!11, thro11!Jli: 1, to mf!tf'
a.•1d "!Rn .1 Cic. tDUh 111rl11klu; o~. llv.; 2, t11 ~cro.f.'h. l•ttn·•
pera -ae (r.jpo.), a acrip or wallet, Mart. u·ith I/rt M!tf11.>, lo tori.le ol\ 11.uurl tnl•leta, io wr.U;
perabsurdua -a -um, cru»h~tv cibftt"d, litt<-ra111, Uv.
Ck. pirattenti, tldv. Nr'l/ <1tl11llliv..t11; ab 11llqnc
peracoommoc:lAtue -a -mo, t'try l'Ol\- audir1, Ci<".
rv.ient; (in t1ut'11is) l*'I" fore acco11111101lat11111, C1c.perattentua -a -11111, t·tr.•/ att,,1tive: rer-
piraoer -cri:s -Cle, wrr 1Aa1p; J111licium, atr•·11l ..,. \"l'<tn>" anlmos habu1111U!I, Ck.
Cic. perbnoobor, I. lo rt•·tl tl1 rn1•glicJut or during;
perAcerbua -:i -um, wry 1our, hc1rlh; uva rn11ll11• •h•·"· l."rc.
pc1·:ic,.., IJ,;1 ;;uslalu, CiC".
perbei.tua ·& ·um, wry "''i'P!J, Ciu.
perAceaco -lclli, S. to htcom, tl1nro11yh:115011r; perbelle, adv. wry 1>rtllil11, "'l' jlntlr:
tr.111~f., to be uue.li11gly w::ud, l'la11t. si111ulart·, Cl•'·
peraotl'.o -Oni:<, r. (perni:o), a jlnW1(11g, com· perben6, n•f\·. 1·ery v:tll: loqui l.atine, Cle.
pl•'"'"'; peractlo fabulae, Cic. perben6v61ua • -11m, 1"tr11 1'.'tll u·uhing,
pirAonti, adv. (pera1·11t11~). t'f!ry 1h11rpl•1, rery ll"•ll ,,,,, ..... 1 to; nlicul, Cic.
«•., 11<:ttll'ly; queri q110tl, cic., Clo.
perblinigni. adv. wrr l.:i1ullr; (la tmc1i1)
perA.oiitue -a -um, t'f!rv lha"P. L ruy I'"• 111ihi t.e111i.;11e ll!lll>(Jll•lit, L'ic.
-"rill, 1.Vrci11g; vmi:, Cic. IL Tra1111f., 1Jia.r4>·
u·,!f,../, 11r,11tt: at! excogitandum, Cle. perblbo -hlbl, S. to drink in, drinl.: 11p. L, l:wr im:i~. Pv. IL 1-'i~., to in1/Jil-t, l11kl '"
perA46lesoena ... ntls, a ver!I r"""'9 111-i11, ""'nt.11/y; ru.ui .. 111, Ov.
<'•• perblandu• -a -um, rery chllnning, i·err
pcr4d61eaoentiUua ·I, m. a. t''ry !IOllll!f
'":;•Ni":/: successor, C11:.
"'""· :'\•·v. perb6nua -a -um, nr!J good, Cle.
Peraea ·BP, r. L 11 lllrip nf ,,,,,,, Oii ,,, ..
""""' c"a•t nf Curia, oppq.•ilt n1.,.,.1,,,, IL a. rli:1· perbrevla ·f', rcry shurt; pt.orl•rt'vl li!mpore,
lri··l iii tht south of l'aluti'ltt. Ill. a town. (ll or s1111ply perhrevi, {/la ''"'II shfJrt ti111t, Cic.
AT'/'•fi.•. perbr6vlt6r, 1111 v. '"'II sllU'rllv, Wf"l' ~r.
peraequi. adv. quttt GlU:4, qutu 1q11nll11, Cit:.
c•... perca •1\1', r. (rripq), ajl.lh, '"' prroh, OY.
perAglto, 1. to tfriN about toiolt11ll11, harou; percA16!Aolo -llct -racturu, S. to mnkt W7')
V.. l..-111.-11 [ IUS f>crA~ilBtl &b equltatU, CnP~. u~""'; I";~ .. peroAlirio -farl11s 1111m ·O~rl,
pcrAa:o ·ci;i ·Aet11111, s. L ro picret tl1rc>119h, lo bt,-omt ury 1111r111, to /.e thoro••ghly htaltd, I .ncr.
th1 ••·I tT. rough, fra11.ajU:: The~u.i lnlu:t r11~e peroAleaoo ·cAh1i, S.tobccomncry IL"OMll,OT.
1•·1t·~1t. Ov. II, A. i,, th~ ol1011t, l111rnu, ,/j,,i.
·1••icl. 1, 11i;ili l'ta remo, 0\".; agnuu, to till,
peroalleaoo -u11h1i, :1.. L Iutrau~lt., to loll
al[ 1<11•i'·ilil!f, l,,,co111t quilt rx1//0111, l:ic. IL to
111.; ~. fli;.. V.111111 s..,1111•roul11111 u~que eo
1•·in;;n ut, ell'., a10. Cic•. B. l, to bri119 to al\
1>«01111: u1otrit11ct'tl; usu fl·n1111, Cic.
• ''"· mmpl'-lt. fi11i•h, nccom1ili,Ji: mnl~ti•inem, perc&rua ·I\ ·U111, l, vtr1 tknr, l'fr) coM.l1,
1·1c.: iiw<'pl11111, Li\".; cnncili11m, Cllc~.; fah11l· Ter. ; 2, very 1/t-ur, '"w.;h bclol"e<l, Cle.
''"" lJJ 1•/119 ,, dr11ma. thro1Lqh, ('h·.: tr:lll~r., fllb· peroautu• -a -urn, m11tiou.t, Cic.
•il.1111 'ii"'" Cic.; Rs lei:;•1l t. I., to t•mtl>1rl n 111U peroelobro, 1. lo ~Ilk
of rtry frt'{'unt/•1, to
I•> 111£ tud; 1·au<1&111 rel, Hur. ; reum, Liv. ; 2, lalk nf ojltfl. ; i II l•l~S. =
to ht (fl the mn11lh1 11
/,, IJo tluo11(1h, nlrrte, f10 OVt:r, mu1tin11 : \'ert.ts p<op/r.; 1•rrceld11n11tur ver~us de, etc., Cic.
MU~picia, L1 v. ; poslulata, Liv. ; seutentJam,
Li'. pero61er ·Is -e, wrr111•ift, i·enJmpid; allculua
pel'Agrii.tfo -i\11fl1, {pe111gro), G U'fllLllmng lntnitu•, t'ic.
lAn"'''''.· 1ta11~nu11, Cit·. pero61erl~r. tldv. (1,..rceler), wrv '1DV'lr,
nuft:rre tilplomn, Cic.
perigro, l. (per and a~er). L to U'Ct11tf'r
11,,.,.,!l·"· 1•·~ thrcn1gh, trarcl through: 0111nes peroello ·Ct111 ·c11ls11111, S. (per nnct • <'l'llo).
I''"' 111d1•, Cic. IL Fig-.. to l#nrch out, pent· L lu ln'.at dow11, ,tril.r tlnlL'll, orrrt11rn, 1h,,llrr.
A. a, lit., aliq11•·111. Vng. ; 01(., q11rnl 1!110 ful-
'"''~. ,z,1.ui1ui; 011111e1 latel•rus au .. piciunum
ol1co·11.Jn, Cic. 111111:1 olomnm 1t11·n111 (W"r h1>• •li1•s tlf'rc11l1·ri11I, Liv.;
b, tr.1 .. sf., e''" vis .Mnrtia perculit, Crr. B.
pirAmana -nu ti.•, rerv loving: homo per· 1-'i!!., to 3hatttr; &, to ruin; rempul•ltcnnr, Tai·.;
;1111.111< 1<emper 11ostri ruil, l:ic. b 1 tn •1ul t/1•101l the of, tli,ririt, da1111l;
pirAmalltir, adv. wry kmngl11; obaervare, uh11m•111, Liv.; timore 1ie1culsa ch·lt&s, Cir.;
Ci.·. g111111 pnvor perculerat In aih·u, dri11n. to, Liv.
P6ramb6.lo. l. lo 111Glk thro11gh, J.lCUS through, II. tn lllrikt, pwm; aliquem genu, Liv.
per 402 per
perccnseo -censui, 2. L ro CO'lltd through, porcunctor, perenndAtio, etc. ~ 1otcrcunv•r,
rou11t, rf'Cl.'011; &, pro111erita n11111cra11Jo, Cic.; p•'l'C(11ttat1u, t-tc. {q. v.).
1oco11 invenien<li, f:ir.; gt,11tes, J.iv.; b, t11 s11t'- percupidua -a -um, ttrg fo11.d of; tui, Cic.
1.'ey, rtvir11•; captivu!I, Liv. ; fig., tn )11119,, criti-
ci.~; oratiune:o1, Liv. IL ro lmi~l tlirnriryh; percupio, 3. to wu;h., dc3irt uxcrdi1t~rl,,
Thessalia111, Liv. Plaut., Ter.
peroeptua -a -um, partic. of pcrripio. percurioaus -a -um, very i11']1ti3itiu, Cic.
811\,st., percepta -orurn, n. 1,,.;,,,.;1.i,.s, rult.s; perctiro, 1. to c111"t, hml thoNJ11']hly: \·1xd11111
artl!'I, Cic. satis l'ercu111to vulnen:, Liv,
perceptlo -oni!'I, r. (pcrcipio). I. a colfrd- percurro -<:llc111Ti or -curri ·cur.ium, 3. L
iug, qrrthuing tog"1hl'f'; fru1?1111 1 fructuumquP, l~1tr:U1!11t., A. to ruu uln11(/_nr orrr; !><'•· t.·111<,1:1·11:.
CIC. II. pucrpti1m, a7tprtlv1tsw11, c1,,11prtf1t11.sion;
perce1•tio11es aui111i, Cic.
peroido ·Ciui -cisum, 3. (per and caedu), to
rncs., B._ to lrnsfMI to; c1tato t'•!110 Caks, L1r
II. 1 rans1t., to run thnmgh, h11stn1 tltn•11gh, tmrtl
thl'ouqh. _A. Lit., omnt·111 Rl{rum Pic... 11u111. Cat''
btat, cut to pitas Plaut. ~ 1 ran sf., _&, of drscoun;e, to l'lf •t tl1•0•11;h .
. ' _ tl1.<c11" Mll'SQn/y, 11u·nt1on 111 J1U-swg; 111ult;1s 1u
percio_-c1v1 -eltum, 4._ 11nd percleo -cit-re, omtione, Cic.; b, to ru11 01•,r i1; tlu nd11rl or
2. I. lo stir up, ut 11111wt1011; se, Luer.; he1ore, 1,.ith tht tyr; veloci !Jercurrere oculn, Hc.1..
peroltua -11. -um, a, tir•111~d,, t.zcrtnl, m11ltaanimo et cogilatione 111ult.-t etiJJH lege1ul"
Cic.: b, acitablt, 1nit11"1t: i11~l·ni11111, Liv. IL Cic. ' '
to wll, 1urme; al~que111 1111putl1c11111, P!Aut. . percurai.tfo ·Ou is, f. (perl'urso}, a ruit1ti~~
perclplo -l'ept -cept11111, '.3. (per awl eap111). t111-.1119h, tracr.l/i11g thro11gh; lt:ih:u~, Cic.
L b.1y /if)t.l f)J. irtl.r P""'";;i1111 of,_._;:.-: )>t'rc1pit
metovulupt.ns percu-lo - · r ( } L a roi• ...'-'
i.rstl 8 u\lieIiorror, .• 1 uer. IL I.
. 1J 1"·r lo
•,. -om~. . percurro .
C1•1"'1tltrationorrrjlectio11 111l(ma11yfhi>1g; prnJ'kl
0 'f. A. l,_iwnsns p<•r.-ipit r.:rn 111 se, Luer.;
, to pd, rw·11'f', c11ll.rt'f, g11thrr; fructus._ C1c.;
:111i111i 111ult.aru111 rt>rnm !Jrt-n kmpore pt:1cur
~ionPm, Cic. IL Hild. t. t., n TCI}'iJ or h•tfio
1•11U'm1a, Caes. B. l'l·a1H1r. 1 to 71trcr11't' fie · 1· t I · ( t· ·) ·
un.sibu of, ft I . volu •t. 11 . 111 'c· ~ . . 11111 1 l': . 1iaM11lfl OVt'T" su J)tc ; 1111c l·o111mora 10111 ron-
! t • I t • 1< • • s" ! • ic. • t111ria J't'rCllrsio est Cic.
2, to TeC'-U~ nuntafl!/: a, lo 1'-Hrrt, n111l m pt>rf. ' .
knsi>11, to k_now; pral'cepta arti~, Cic.; 011111 ia pe.rcurao. 1: (J:>ercurr,o). L Transit, to m11-
c1vm111 n01nma rwrc1'p1•1ut, lit knew. Cir.; b, /I) oteror about. rtpns, 11111.. II._ l11trans1L, It
roniprelic111l, muirr.tw11 t; aliquitl animo, Cic. rort ctlx.lul; totn1 f1111bus uostns, Lt\'.
percftus ·8 ·Ulll, partic. or pcrcio. percuaalo ·Ollis, _r. _(1>t>rc11tio). La_ slrili11g,
-vil-•- a ... c--"· d· bwd.:111g agamst; d1g1torum, a 61wp111ng c/ l.M
.... ·•• .. rv vn-u.'.Setn ing, VtT?/ gra-
ciuiu courltous ~uet. Ji 11g~rs, "''-.'e. IL T. t.. o f music · an J r I1eL, a
• _ • • . bt.tiln1.g t1111L, heuce tuM, rh.111.Jam; numt>rurum
1. peroolo, 1. I. to strain tl1rm1gh a !u1•t, perc·us,;iones, <..:ic.
Cato. IL w allow lo 1lrai11 r•r 1•1..~s thro11yh · percusao • · ( i·1 ) 1 it LJ;rr
humor pn terru pcrcu'atur. 1irrcolutt-s throirg!i: Pli . r ·l•ns, m. pe~u (;~ • • a r •
Luer. n. , 2 , a 111un1er:tr, a.s.!llUSln, 1c..
2. pe~lo -cu:1'\i -rultu111, 3. I. Ill IUforn, , pei:cu~ ·~B, m. (percutio). a btali119.
dtcoralt; qune pr;ort>~ norulurn enrni.erta elo- k toci111g, sl1,klf1g,, 1ierc11S&u ere bro, Ov. .
quent1a percoluere, Tar. IL lo !io1w11r, l'tt'crr1tc~ percutlo -cuss1 ·c.nssum, 3. (per and quatfo).
uunlingl_y: vatrem, Plaut. I. le> strike through\ ~r~.; f05tru llAY·
pel'oOmla -e 1vry frirntlly rnuru-o 1u Cic 1·m, Liv. JI. to ~n~. bwt, _Int; ~ Lil, l,
'_ ' . • · ahq11l·m Ja1•11le, C1c.; fu~m v1rga, Liv.; tums
perc~mmOde, n•h'. 11rry r<on1.,.11u111fy, _nry J., CAelo pcreussae, slru"/,; by li9ht11i11g, Cic.; 2,
llJJ1•ropr1aJt1v; perc111111node ca•ht. or acr1rlit, &, to J..·il/, slay; alique111 securi, Cic.; 111iqut"1t•
or factum !'!!t q11o<l, ek., C11-. fuhni11r (of Jupiter}, Cic.; fulmine percussus,
percommOdus -a -11111, nry ro111Y11ir11t, fit, Cic.; b, tu &t.-ikr, }'hry u1io"; lyram, U\-.:
OJ?lf'Opriatr, opp<rrt1111r; with dat., ipsis CAstris J>P1111as, lo soor, O\•. B. Fii;., l, non perl'U"5ll
perco111motl11111 fuit, Liv. loc11111, hr f1U.s 11li$stil the point, Ci.-.; 2, a.
percontatfo {percunctatlo) .,-, 1 ,i~. f. lo aff,rt._ mon. nstmind._ $/riA·r, ~<'."k; percussu!I
(Jlt'rcoutor), nn i11q11iry, intrrrovution, 11 urstion, utroc1ss11111~ httcri!I, C1c.-; Rt1sp1c1one sum per·
Cic. ; percn11tationc111 facer!', Li\'., C1c. ; b, to dun iv; ahqut>111 stratpgt111·
e -..nt-to (pe _..;;.to) - .. nte, Crc.; c, to 11-011nd mml<llly, 11jft1ct; Jo?I·
P ....... a r. _rcun....... r -••r 1s._ m. cnss11s cnl11111itate Cic. (syncop. verr. liercusti
(pereo11t-0r), an uu1111rcr, a.•krr of q1usJ101u, Hor.). ' ' '
Hoper. rcontor ~rcunctor). J. <l<'p. (1tt>r perdelirUll -a -um, ivry filly, 1t1l5tlt#,
antJ 1·011t11s). to a.•-, i11</1'i1·,, interrog11te, qurslion,
inustiyiilt: aliqu.-m de aliqna n-, Cic.; aliiiuiJ perdlflloilla ·e, vtTlf di,JiMtlt; navigstio,
ab or ex aliq1111, C1c.; aliqm·111 ali<tlli•I, Liv.; l'l'f· quac,.;tio, l'ic.
contantt-11, qniil prnl'lor e1hxis:;et, ul>i ceuarct, perf;UfficWter, adv. witA WTJ gr110t dil·
quo <le11u11tia!;s.. t, Cic. culty, t;1c.
percontumax ·acl~. tvry oli$lino.u, Tcr. perdignua -a -um, quite wortlLN of; tui
perciquo -coxi -coctmn, 3. to Ix.Iii tlwrouqhly. a111icitia, C.:ic.
L Lit., <'artll's, Pli11. IL Transf., A. tu )uciJ, perdillgena -entis, VC'TJ airtful, ttrr dili·
~1.J.-t hot; h11111ur.. 111, Luer. B. to ri 1,.. 11 , muk gr11t, Cit-.
r1111; uva.~. Ov.; to b11rn, l•lacken; nigra 'irum perdillgenter, adv. wry cartfully, f'trJ
percocto sat'Cla colore, Luer. di[1grnlly, C1c.
peroribre900 -brlli, an•l peroribeeco perdtaco ·<lldlci, 3. to lnirn Uloro1191J1:
·bfli, buumt vtr]1 frt1[1tt11I, lie 1pmul abrocul,, l'ic.; perr., perdidici, to undmdu•J
NroJM prtvultnl, bt ~ll koown; res pcrcrcbuit,; with lntln., buruinls speclem pini,'t'rt,
Cle. ; percrebruit. with acc. aH<l infin., Cic.
Caea. percllserti. adv. wrr eloqwntlr, Cle.
_peroripo -crlipdl -crfpltum, s. ro f'UO'l.lnd, perd.lti, ndv. (perdltus), 1. tzcndinglJ, i•·
"1'9 ..UA; lucum Wum pen:repare mnlierum modnuUlr; flliam amare, Ter. ; ~. '"·a" Gk•
Yodbua, Cle. clo'tltd wiannrr, wry badlr; ae gerere, Cic:.
per f03 per
perdltor -Oris, m. (perdo), a dacroyer; rel· per:gri, adv. (per and ager), '" ca fart{p
J>Ul•lica~, Cic. a, habit are, Liv.; depugnare,
counlry, abroad:
perditus .,, -um, p. ad!. (from perdo). L Cic. ; fig., animus est peregre, Hor.; b, from.
wrttdl.b.l, 11ii.wuble, ruintd: valetudo, Cle. ; abroad: nuntiare, Liv.; o, to a /orelgr& countrr,
res, Cii'.: jutlicia, Cic. IL A. tmmo<UniU; abroad: exire, Hor.
amor, Cat.; JX'rtlitus l1wtu, runt in qritJ, Ci<'. ; peregrinabundu.a .. -um (Veregrinor),
:lt"re, Cic. B. momlly lnst, 11ba11do11td, pro.Jfi!I''~; lra11tlli11g about, Liv.
aJolesct!11s per.Jituis ac di:1solutus, Cic.; homo perigrini.tlo -6nls, r. (yieregtlnor), a trawl·
venJiti~'iiinu,., Cic. liug or 1nj<ntr11fog in fortif/ll cu1111triu; omne
perdlii, adv, a vt171 lon9 ti'llU, for a t'try lo11g tempuR in pcregrinatione cons11111ere, Cle.
ti•ie, Cic. peregrinator -Oris, m. (peregrinor), one
perdinturnus ·a ·Um, lasti•tg a t-cry long VJ/io trai·el• about, Cle.
tiHU, 1·tr11 tedioll.$, Cle. peregrinltas ·lltls, r. (peregrlnu~). L IM
perd.ives ·vltis, wrv rich, Cic. condition of a fortigrur or ali.t1l, Suet. IL
perdlx -dicis, c. (lflp61l}, a partridg'~ Plln. /oreig11man11er1,customs; suum in urbem nostrum
perdo· -•If.Ii -dltum, s. (In pas!J., gen., perco, lnfusa est peregrinitas, C1c.
pt>r-litu,., perire). I. to destroy, rni1l. A. fun- per~grinor, 1. dep. (pere~rlnus), to l'ljoum
t.litus ch·itatem, Cic.; aliquem, Cic.; poet., or to trai<el in co1111triu. I. Lit., tot;\
penlere &eTl'f'nt...·m, to I.ill, 0\", B. to U.'fiSte, Asia, Cic.; In alicna clvitate, Clo. IL Transr.,
llfP'Ullrltr, ~Jlm•l uy/nily; oper.1m, or oleum et. A. a, or things, haec sludla pernoctant. nohis·
openun, Cic.; temp11R, Cic. II. Tram1r., A. to cum, peregrinnntur, rusticantur, Cle.; b, or
lo<41; liberos, Cic.; Iitem, to loJe a lawsuit, Cic.; per.1ons, to stmy, waniler, ramble (mentally); In
oculo'I, Cic.; vorc111, Cic. B. to lo'1t money in fnfinitatcm omnem, Cic. B. to be 1trange,
gam.blin.q; quod in alca perdi<lcrat, Cic. (old fonig-n; philosol'liiam quae quidem peregrinarl
6ubj. pres., per<lCtim -is ·it -Jut, esp. in the exe· Ro11111e vi<lebatnr, Cic.
cn..tion, di te per•l11int ! Cic.). peregrinus -a -um (peregre). L foreign,
perdoceo .1Jl'ic1ii -doct11m, 2. to U.•ch, irutn1ct atrm1-9e; amorc~./ortign 1wetlhturt:f, Ov.; terror,
tli.Orou.qh/_11; al!c\11(:111, 0v.; absol., res <lifficilis ad muud by /onigJ1. 1l11e111U.•, Lh'.; sub~t., per-
perdocen<lum, Cic. ~grin1U1 .1, m. nnd peregrina -ae, r.; a, a
perdoctO, ad\'• very learn.edl11, fJtry al:i!Jull11, foreig11u, stronger, C1c.; b, esp., a foreigner
Plaut. rttitlt11t ill Ro1ne, "n nlitll; ne<Jue civis neque
perdoctus -a ·Um (perdoceo), ury lca.rMd, pcre~1ll1~, Ck. II. stra11gc to, inuptrienctd
wry llkilful, Cic. i1~; 111 agenJo, Ck.
~rdoleo -<lllldi -d61Itum, 2. to 1ufu grtat perelegau -antis, wry prettv, atat, 1uga11.t;
pa.!1' or qrirf, Ter. oratio, Cic.
perdoleaco -dllli'U, S. to trU.!Jff' ti!olent pai11. pereleganter, adv. NTl( pretlUy, tltganlly;
or grief; su;im vlrtutem lrrisui fore perdoluerunt, dicere, Cic.
Cic. peril0queDJ1 -enti!1, wry eloquent, Cle.
perdomo -<ll'lmdl .,Jl'lmft111n, I. to tame tM- peremnis ·e (1-er nnd a11111i!1), f'tluling to the
f'Ou9hJ11; a., tanros feroc .. s, Ov.; b, to ~ulxlue CTOS$'"g o/a rfrer; auspicia, thea11$J1icu taken on
tMT1J11glily, to cc11quer; Latium, Liv. crossing a riwr or uny running U'(}.Ur, Cle.
perdiioo -duxl -<luctum, s. L to lrod or peremptus -a -um, partic. or pertmo.
briii9 to a11y rlat:t. A. l, aliqu~m Rn111R111, I.iv.; perendli, adv. the day ufltr to-morro111: scies
aliquem ad Caesarcm, Caes.; bonm 1111 stalmla, lgitur fortagse, summum perendie, Cic.
\"erg.; 2, a., to sfrl11ce a u.·111111l11, Cic.; b to carry perendlnus -a -um (peren<lle), rtl«ting to
or co1utruct 1'uildi111J.,, U'/lltduct.1, etc., /ro111 one the dlly nfl~r to-morro111; dies, tht day u/ltt' to-
point to iinothcr; 1uurmn a l:icu Le111an•> aJ morrow, Cic.
moutein Jnram, Cae~.; viam a Bo110111a Arrt"tinin, perennls -e (per and annus). L Jastiug nr
Liv. B. Tr.msr., to bring to: 1, 11d 1li;;11itatem, remnin.iug thro119hout th'- 11tar; militia, Liv. II.
~ ; ali'}nem ad f11rorcm, Ctc.; ud exit11111, /o$ling, tlumblt, ptrenninl; aqnae, Cic.; cursn~
Cic.: 2, a to brin1 ortr to one's 01>i11.!on, tndua
th do a1111fhinq; aliqnem ad !!11ar11 sent,.ntiam,
!Iv arum,
c·re.; mon11111en t uni aere pere11mus, ·
Cl r. ; " I 1q11cm I (tal Hor. ; \'irtus, Cic.; l0<.111acitas, Cic.
a• ' 1uc~nta Pnln), to induce to
1ra,1, Cic.; b, to coiiiiniv., rrot 11 ng; asi:ii coJ .. n<li perennltas ·!ills, r. (perennis), d11raticm,
stu.fia 811cente.. immn annum, Ci•·. IL to sprtad dural1le11t<s, 'ptrpd11ity; fo11ti11m, Cio.
ol""r, &111.fflr over; totu111 natl corp11s ambrosiae perenno, 1. (peren11I•), to lli~ man11 yror1,
od.Jre, \•erg. be tl11rn/,/e; arte pere11nat am••r, Ov.
perductor -Orts, m. (perduco). a pimp, pereo -Ii anil ·M -!tum, 4. (to go through). L
]1Q11Jtr, Cic. to p<l<S a1i'(J.1/, rnni3h. disappeur: pen•unt \'ictne
perduelllo -OnliJ, I. (perduPllis), Cl hostile sole tepe11te nl\'e~. Ov.; dol11m lymploae lo('fe•
attem 1>t agaiiut the state tnaso 11 Cic. nntis, P<~;sinq t~ro11gh, mol'i11g a11Y1!1• Hnr. II.
. ' ' . 111 be lost. to 1"r1sh. A. I.It., a ot p.-rsons, lo
perdiiellis ·1>4, m. ,<rer a111l •l11ellu111, arrh:11<' pui$h, di~; f••<'•ll', p111eclarc, Cle.; 11aufrn!!io,
for 1~.1111111). L .a. 1~1l1 l1·:t11m1.,, r111t11t111yncl '."/ll/' Cic.; ~11111111n cruciatu 1<upplicio<111e, Cic.; e()lle111

rarTy111g on hrutt/11•:·'· C1c. II. T1ansf., a J•nrnte IPto, Cic.; b, or t!tin:;>i. urllt's r_ereunt r11ndit11,,
or ptrsonnl tm:my, I taut. Hor.; p<>rit11m re~na., \',.1-g. B. Tra11sr., I, to
perdAlm -iii -it, t'tc., v. petJo. pi11~ <11vay, •'.v•>lt cm'fll/ 1citli lt>t·e; amoi:e, \'t'~.;
perdulcis -e ury s•rttt Luer 2, to be rninrd politimlly: meo \'itlo Jiereo,
- ' ' '. Cic. ; perii I I nm 11nd1me ! Plaut., Ter.; peream
~rduro. 1. to Inst a long tune, t•11l11rt; si (ld-;i), et<'!., a c•uum••n fonn or Imprecation,
pruh1t1&s l11ngum pt>r•lurat In ae\•nm, Ov. mrtr/ I die if (if not), Ov.; 3, ro lit lost: a, to 1,c
piredo -Mi -~,.111n, S. to tot up, 1ltrc111r 11v1<1,,.1, .~1-.ent in. vain; nc oleu111 et 01•era pltilo-
nuirrl11; a, cib111n, Pla11t,; b, or thill;.:!l, /() 1.. ~iae nostr;1c J>ericrit, Cle.; b, leiRl t. t., to be
l.'01111urt..t, 1ltstro.11: \'elleru morbo llh1,·iP'111e t.1fi••!11tlshed, to be lost, to tIJ1ire; qnia 111ultis
f'Crt'~, \"Pr:t.: transr., quos du•u11 nmor crittlt'!i . aclione~ Pt T"P'I pcrlhnnt, Liv. (r1y11cop. per!.
tllllt' pere.J1t, \'er;;. 1 iuhn., pcris~e. Ov., Liv.).
per per
Mrlaaf&o. 1. L lntl'an•it., t. ~ llrovoA, nern.tJa -a.e, r. (perftd1111), Jiitllas--.,.....
n.'L--rUi&iwl: per om•H:M 11&rte.1, Cu•. n. J•ll,, -- ,-,:wfu.,, fal«AooJ; traude et per1'diA
Ttauait.. lo rule ro1uid; acie111, Liv. ali,1uem falle~, Cle.
Dlrerro, I. "1111Ulldtr, ra•blt, ""'' lArougA; ~rflcllo.i. adf'. (perfldl,.u.s), ~~diotulr.
torunl i.atium, Liv.: furuw, Hor.; lJaU., penrr- /u1thlust1, trtad&troulr; multa perildiote fart.a,
ato punto, Verg. Cie.
piririiditu ·•-um, wrr l.tornbl, Cic. ~rfl4fOsu -& •UID (perftdla), pnjdi4nflw
pirexlati.adv wrr-ktUr, wrr epari11glr, fu1lhlru, trtac.Vro111, <..ic.
Cic. perfldu ·• -uru (per anJ ftdes), pcrµw...,
pireJdpu -a-um. ttryrwall,tit>rylltth,vrry Jaitltlua, trtaeMnYtU, /e1l•; a, or pt"reona, awi·
_,.,,. L Lit., 1. of 11pace, loci 1patiu111, ea ..1.; i-us, Cic.; b, of i11a11iniate object.a, anua,, \trl.a.
2, o number, qwrnt.ity,, bona e~rp.. rh1, O\•. ; l\llcr:i111e11tu111, Hor.
C1c. IL Transf., of Ume, rtrf Mcwl ; dies, C1e. pertlJra.8 ·• -nm, pierad l!ro1tgli, lru~,
pirespiditu -a -urn, f!tf'f ewr, Cle. Luer.
perfloit.i. adv. wrr wiWl1; perf11ci:t.e dicta pertibW. -e (perfte), tltat ai• be blon.
1unt, Cic. through : 11ii, Cic.
~tu ·• -um, wrr wltlr, fautW!u ; pe111Agftl0.u -a ·um, nrr daiac:fitl, NT)
aliquid perfacctum JiceN', Cic. ~itimu, Cic.

perdoll.6, ad\•. wr1 auilr; perfacile ap- pe111ot I. to bluto tliroqA, blo11 ORT; \'e11t4
parel, Cle. lt>1TU tnr1.1i11e perftant, \"erg.
per&cllia ·t'. L 1ur ta8J; erat perfacills periluodo, l. to 11011rwt all owr, Lacr.
rognitu, Cle. D. ,.,,.,, tourtlou; lo audlcnJo, peJ1Uio -ftusl -ftuxum, 3. lo ""•· .,,...
Cic. though, Luer.
per&mlU.irl• -t', wrr i111lmate, /un&iliar; perfidlo .rr.. 11 -rm1.1um, s. to dig tlint11,A,
ahcui, Cic.; 1ubst., ua. e1 wr1 inti""1U /r~nd; J•~rct tl11v1111/1 ; a, &A&rietes, Cie.; b 0 lo pitn1t
Wt'Wc,Cic. througl1 uiith lht 11110f'd; thoMlt.., \'erg.
perfect.i, adv. (perfectu.s), ~r/tctly, tom· pertairo J. L to pin'« thro1t9Tt, pcr/orelc;
pldtl!J: eru•lltus, Cic. a, navetn, Cie.; operculum ferreu111, Liw.; b, to
perfeotlO ·Onhl, (. (perfklo), pcrfttlioll, COn&· pitrtt (1t·ith tilt ""°'"l); latus ense, Ov. IL to
pl<'lr1ttu, ro111phtio1': perfec\lo muint0ru111 form f,y bori119; duo lumlna ab animo ad oca1cJe
o(lf'rutu, Cir. ; hanr Jierfeetioneni absolutionem· puforata, Cic.
c1ut> in oMltore JesideMlna, Cle. perfordtir0 adv. wrr brawl1, Ter.
perfector .{.rl!', m. (~rftelo), Cl pu/«kr, ~ueu -entls, •11c:l trllit«i, •wl Jrr-
t:0111.pltttr, jl11ialur; diee11JI, Cie. q11enltd: rmporiuin, Liv.
perfeotua ·• -um, p. adj. (f'rotn perllelo), per!rl0o -frldl .frfcitum and -frietum, 1.
Jltrftd, ronipldt, }11ti1Md; homo, orator, Cle.: In I. eo rniJ ot'fr, eo .-ratcA; caput 11inlstri manu,
cli<"l'll•lo, In Rrte, Cie.; C. Metnmlus J.lf'rfectus Cle. D. to n&b tilt faa to Aidt Uu riv- q/ bl1tll·
l1Ut-11!1, Cie.; eloquentla, Cle.: valvaa perfectiores tng; os, Cle.; hence, lo lar cuuv .:.a.. or
n11llL1 ullo 11m1ua111 tempore ruil11e, Cic.: quod uwdulr, Cic.
eg" au1111J1um et iierfectiMimum judlco, Cic. perf'ricl4aa -a -um, ttrr colJ: temrntu
perfireu -t'ntiit, p. adj. {from perfero), pe1-frigida, Cic.
p11tit11t: i11j11riarum, Cic. perfrln«O -frfgi -t'ractum, 3. (per and l'rat•go).
perfiro -tdli ·lltum ·fe...e, to oarry througlt, L lo brt«k i'firough, bttak '" pucu, llllatur. A.
bcur, bri1117 lo a ctrkliA place or tl&d. L Lit., A. Lit., 1111.xu111, Cie.: naves perfregerant proru.
11.. r. 1ocrt11lit ictum, did Ml~ tJ&c Marl:, Verg.; Liv. B. Fig., to bm1k tAro11gh, #t nt 11011gltt,
aln•ns ftu111ini11 nnn pertullt gravisaimaa nu·es, diartgnrd, violuu; decreta 11e11atns, Cit".; lf'll':<,
iliil Ml udmit of, Liv.; reftex., ~ per1erre hinc, Cle. IL to brmk Uc rough, bfar dOll'ri. .A. LiL,
to '"'"ke 011tMI./, \'erg. B. &, to CO.M"JI, bring, phalnngem hm1ll11m, Cae11. B. Fig., 01u~s alti-
kw1r, co1uor11: Mtera11 ad aliquetR, Cic. ; allcui tudlne.11, Cle. ; a11hno1, to ot'trpowtr, Cic.
nuuti11111, Cle.;, lo bt brought, eo rtach; perfriior -l'ructus sum, 3. dep. L to tJ&8
111111111 at.l eum rau1a perlata ell11et, Liv.; b, esp., thvrovghly: laetitia, Cie. : regal! otio, Cic. U.
eo bri11g 11tw1: t>quite!I pertulere conaulem ub- to e.ucult co"'pltltllf; maudatis pat.ris, O\·.
sitle1i, Liv. IL Trans(., A. tu mai11tai11, ~-
9'Tl't: intrer•iJus ad rata nov!sslma vultns, Ov.
pertlga -ae, m. (perfugio), a d,.rltr, Cic.
B. 1, lo hring to an t11d, carry through, com- perftiglo .fUgi ·fl1gltum, 3. Co jftr aaroy; a,
p/tit; man<1atll, Liv.; id quod 1118Cepl 1 quoad to jfy lo u~cy pla«, takt rc.f11gt. i11 an~.plaC't; ad ah·
potcro, perferam, Cle.; 2, to curry t11ro11gh; qut>m, Liv.; trans!., aJ <•ttum, Cir.; b, '" dt-
iegt>m, rogatlonem, Cie. ; 3, to bfflr, 1ufftr, strl to the e11rn111; quu1111111ene quoti<li.ia Pu1111~io
n11lurt: pcrfero et perpetior omne•, Cle.; oruoes aJ C11esarem 1-.:rfugerent, Caes.
i111lig-nitate1 contumeliaAque, Caes. :perfiiglum ·Ii, n. (perfugio), a plcmofrrfa~.
perflca -ac, f. (perftcio), sM that cu:compli.shu; rt}UJ}t, as11luin; perfu1tium et praesitli11m &'l\nti"-
uatura, Luer. Cic.; plur., h1tercludere perfngia fortunae, Ck.
perflolo -feel -fectum, S. (per anJ faclo). perfunotlo -011ii., f. (perfungor), a ptrforw·
I. to bri11g to an t1td, rompltu, finish; 1, to mnl.:t ing, dischtirging; honorum, Cit'.
rtady, finish; pontem, Caes.; candelabrum, perfnndo .fUJI -f"nsum, 3. to po11r onr. L
Cic.; 2, to accomplish a ~nod of timt, to lfot Lit., 1 lo fllOi.fttri, tott ; &, aliquem sanguim-,
t.ltro119/1; cent11111 qui perflcitannos, Hor. IL 1.,, b«pri11llt, Tac. ; perfundi, to bt 111<>Wttud 1Clt.\,
a, to 1m:o111plish, ach~; cob<it&ta, Cic.; conat&, anti in 111iclclle, to bathe i11, lll'im i•; 111qua fer·
CaeK. ; ~cdus, Cic. ; b, to lmitg to an t111I, to venti I\ Rubrio, Cic.; vi\'o ftumine, Liv.; i~r·
rowlucl to a clo~; comitia, Liv.: bl'llum, Liv.; fmms ftetu, Liv.; b, to dyt, stain: ostro 1~r·
c, to bring about, CICCt.r'IHplisll, tfftct; perliciam fusae v~1te11, Verg. ; 9, to apri11.klt, b.:•trrll:';
ut, el<'., Cic. ; omnia perfecit ™'• etc..I. Cic. ; nnn Letbaeo perl'usa pa~vera llOlllDO, \'ertt. IL
1.erncio, fnll. by q11omlnus, Cic.; :;,s, to "'akl Fig., to imb111orjlU vntA a1lrtAi"9; qui me horror
~feet: A<'hillem clthari, Ov. perfudlt I Cle. ; een1u1 jueuodltate quidam pcr-
perfl4illa -e, '""¥ Ju.Ult/id. Clo. fUndltur, Cle.; Umun. lJv.
per 405 Per
perf'angor -funetus sum, s. dep., a, to ac- ut potlua Gallorum vita quam leglonartorum
com.pli.>h., pafo-rin, e:xrC71lt, di~charge; rei1•ulilicae p~riclitaretnr, Caes.; with abL, rebus suis, Liv.
muntril.Jus, Cic.; rd111s am1·lis~imiii, Ci<'.; b, lo II. Transit., A. to try, test, 7'1"ove, put to the Jl'rr>of;
go through, e11clurt; ln<•le:;t1;i, Cic.; \Jello, Cie.; fortuuam, Cic.; vire11 ingenii, Cic. B. to risk;
i.artk.. .• nu:11101 ia perl 1111di perh:uli, C.:ic.; non est salus periclitanda reipublicae, Cic.
alisol., perfu11ct11s sum, I Jw.i·t. endured, Cic.; c, Pericl9menua -1, m. (II,puc.\1:1.uvo~). S07I QI
&o m;oy: epulis, ()1·. Nelru" 11n A rgo1taul.
perfUro, 3. to ragefurfou1ly, Verg. periculose, adv. (peticulosus), dangeroiul11;
Pergamum-l, n. lln<I Perglmns(-os) -1, ae;;rnt:irc, Cic.
f. (Il,py.~µo( ·ov). I. The citu.i.ltl of Troy; "en. periculosns -a -um (perieulum), full Q/
plur., Pergama ·iirum, n. IL a town in dclll'.f•T, threatening danger, dangermis, ptriloua;
.'1!1•i<J., on the"''" r Caic11s, capitol o; the /.ifl,l;r/oni vul1111q, Cic.; with dat.• , periculoiiae lihertati
of Pu!:amus, r"si1frnre of the Att11/io1i kings, now opes, Liv.
J;,Nm11W. Hcuce, A. Pcrgamenus -a -urn,
rel1:ting to Pergum11m (in l\I) sia). B. Perga-
periculnm (contr. phiclum) ·I, n. (root
P£H, "he11ce experi01 ), a trial, 1•roof. test. L
me119 -a ·lltn, rtluting to the citadel of 1'ro11, Geu., 1, I"'' iculum fuceri>, to mal.e a I rial, Cae!I.;
anti hence, 1'rojan. with !{E'nlt., tldei, Cic. ; 2, an attempt in au.ihoT·
pergaudeo, 2. to rtjoice &Uetdlngly, Cic. ship Cic. IL danger, 1itr1l. A. Gen., periculum
pergo, perrexl, perrectum, 3. (per and rego). facerc nlicuins rei, to risk, Liv.; salutem 11oc1-
L Lit., to l'.Ontin1u, procrerl. with, prosecljte arty· urum su11111111111 in pc•iculum ac t.liscrimen voca.rt>,
thi111; "i1li ;we., 1ter, Sall., Li1·.; with intln., Cic.; capitis penc111t1111 &<lire, danga of lijr,

a•I enm ire, Cic. ; alo~ol., perge porro, Cic. : in Ck.; p1·11culu111 subire pro a1uicu, Cic.; perku
)facedomalll, Cic. II. Transf., A. Of at•~t1act !1110 alicui creare, or conflart!, or i11ferre, or i11-
suhi,.cts, ut ad eas (nrt11tes) cnrsiM pen ect11ra .iic1•re, or'1·ss,·1e, Cic ; p•:riculum est, with
~t.1 vita Vi<leatnr, Cic. B. Of persons, to con- II<' and the ~111i1., t/irrt is tft1.11!J'T that, etc., Cle.
t&niu; id a 0-e1 e perrexi, Cic. ; 1-erge quatuor ndhi B. E-p., a trial, action, suit; a, lit., Cic.; part.·s explicare, Cie. ; absnl, perge ut b, a frgr1/ •·ecord or rtgi.$ter: pencula rnagia
coeperas, Cic. trat1111111, Cit:.
. pergrandis -e, tJtry lar<Je, vrry; a, of perldoneus -a -um, n·ry1 /ii, l!'Ui'®lt, appro
~•ze, ge111111a, Cic.; b. of ,·aJue, pecuniae sn1111na, priutr; lll1·11s peritloneus castris, Cae!I.
l:ic.; c. of time, pergrandis nat11, very olrl, Liv. Perillus -i, m. (Ilip1A.\o(), a" arti$t in md<u
pergratus -a -um, very pleasant, vt7l' cU- at Atltrns, 11ho made for Phalaril of Agri(lt>1tun
light f11[; pergratum mil1i fece1 is 11i, etc., 1/01' a brci.u1~ bu.ll, in, which criminals u·ere to l•e shut
IL'Oltl•l git•t ~great pleasure 1f, etc., Cic. 11p and roasted, and v:ho wa.a tM first to au.fer
dc<1th fiy ii.
pergrA.via -e, wry wei11hty, very imporlam;
oratio, Cit-. perillustrla -e, 1, vtry plain, wrr nLdenL
Nep. ; 2, 1uy, Cic.
pergmVitir. adv. wry uricu.sl11; aliquem
~prehe111lere, Cic. perimbiclllus -a ·um, t-ery weak, Cle.
perglila -ae, f. (pergo), a, a shed or outhotl.$1 perimo -eml -e111ptun!: S. (pt>r and emo), to
•s:d for 1·ar\J>w purpo&a, a shop, worl;lhOJ>, Piin. ; destroy, ruin, annihilau . .&. Lit., A. sensu per-
b, a P:hool, JuY. empto, Cic. ; Troja perempta, Verg.; oorpua
pallore et macie iiere111ptum, Liv. B. Esp., to
perhlbio -QJ ·ltum, 2.. (per and hal•eo). L Hll a )itrson; ttliquem, Ov.; partic. perf. ilai1',=
lo bring fO"MDard, propou; 'iuem Caeclll11a s110 Ve1g, Liv. IL Fig., tohiW1", thu'Q.rl,fnutral.l;
nomine.. perhUoeret, Cic. n a, to IJ'Wk. say; n:ditum, consill11m, Cic.; causam puLlicam,Cia.
at Grau perh1bent, a.a th4 Gruk& say, Verg. ; in
pass., with no111. 11nd infln., n1111til fuisse JWrltib· perincertus -a -um, wry uneertaift, Ball
entur; b, to call, considu; vatem buno perbib· periDcommOde, adv. wry iuco111vnienUy,
ebo optimum, Cic. w:ry iilopporlun.-!y; acddrt incomm<Xle, Cic.
perhilum. rtry lit!U, Luer. perincommOdua -a -um, very iT1COnveniem,
perhonoriflce, adv. very ruputfuUy, Cfc. wry troub/tsotM, Liv.
uerhonorlflCUll ·R •Um, 1, wry ho11aur- pertnde adv. as, like al, )wt a&, in a lib
al1t ; <iisce~su!', Cic. ; 2, fJery rtsptclful; collega manner; fotf. by ac si, Cle.; 11tqu~. Cic.; quasi,
io me perhonorillcus, Cic. Cic. : t.amquam, Cle. ; ut, Cle.; peri11de ut •••
perllorreo, 2. to 1i.1uldtr at, to dread, Ov. lta, Liv.; perinde utcumque ••• iti, Cic.
perhorreseo -horrQI, 3. t11 bw:nM rough. L perlndlgue, adv. wry i1r.dignm1tly, Suet.
or wat..r, to t.c w1itaud; Requor perhorru'it, Ov. perindulgena -entls, WTJI indulgent, W7'J
ll. to bt Jillt.d 1''ith drtlld, to Uiudder. A. Lit., tender, Cic.
a, intransit.. , recordatione consulatus ve~trl pt'r· pertnramta -e, wry infamous, Suet.
hune.--cere, Cic.: b, tr.111sit., to 1h11d,Jer at; t.111t· perinflrmua ·&-um, W"ry wrnk, Cle.
a111 reli:.:ionc111, fus;«m viri;inum, Ci•~. B. Transf.,
to ti nnu,. f[1uike; cla11101e ~rl1orruit Aetne, Ov. perlngeniosus -a -um, ioery clever, Cle.
perhorridua ·& ·um, vuiJ d~; ailvae, periniquus ·a -nm, I. W'T'Y 11rifair, Cic.;
Liv. 2, very di.;contenfr.d, wry unwilling; periniquo
.perh~mi.nlter, adv. W'7 civilly, wry animo patior, with acc. and infin., Cic•
ki11til_v. Cw. pcriD.slpla -e, w~ cn1~. "t1'11 ,....
perhumanus -a -um, W'T'Y frlnr.dty, 1.-ind, marl.:ttblt, C1c.
cii-il; epi.;t.,,Ja, Cic. Perinthua (-oe) ·I, f. (fiipu'64X), a eitr i•
Pericles -i~. m. (Tl•pu«~~~>. a ctlebrattd Thraa, afterwards cullerl llel"adea, now Ertl~/£.
•.ftAniim& st11tt.sman (d. 4:.!!! B.c.). perinviaua -a -um, much hated: homo, Cfc.
periclltatlo -onie, f. (peticlitor), ca trial, perinvitua •&-um, VtTJI unwilli11g, Cle.
tZJ><.TirMn.t, Cic. pirlor. peritua sum, 4. to t:::perunu, maa •
periclltor,1. dep.(periculu111). L lntraneit., trial nf, Plaut.
A.: to tT)I, max.c a trial; r*• ld1tr111ur in ex- PerlpAtetlou -a -um (II•P•,.... nrrurck}.P~
"•Dplis, Cic.. B.. to bt in c.la1l{ltr, to bl i.mperilltd; pautic, btlorr.gfog to tM I'lripaUtk or Ariatoldia•
per 406 per
sc7tool of p11ilosophr: subst., Penimtitlcl perliibet. l'tC.= tterlibet, ek.. (q.v.).
~rum, m. PtriP'rtttic philcsop/~rs. perbioeo (pelliioiSo) .Juxi, 2. L t<> alu
pirlpetaama -~tis, n. (Hp1,,.in0"µ.e1), a th.rough, gltum through; 1, liL, tux Jot'rlUCt'lll,
curtai11, hc111ging, couri1tg, Cic. Liv.; 2, Ilg., to shine through, bt -ci:siblt; rer-
periratus ·n -um, t:try angry, Cic. lucet ex els virtutibus, Cle. IL to ~ tn111.s-
pirtsceU. -l<lis, r. (,,.cp10'1CtA.i(), a garter or partn.l; pellucens, tramparuu; 11eU1er. Cic.. ;
an r111k/et, Hor. Ilg., oratio, Cic.
pirlatroma ·•Uii1, n. (, a c111"u1in, perliicldM~ (pelliicldiilus) -• -uni
corpet, hangiug, Cic. (1tLI. plur. hetcrocl., ;.ieri· (1h1!1• of llt'rl11i.:1u11s), sonmclwt tra1&s1oart11l;
11tromatis). lap1s, pearl, Cat..
pertatylum ·i, n. {wrpiOTI1.\o~). a J>t:ristyle perliioldua (pelliicldue) -a -ui11, tmn;.
or court &llrro11 nd1J<l by a colonnad~, Cic. 7>art11t; 111crul11anac, (;ic.; ti·ansr., illu.stti~ tt
perl111:ii.ln 'lll'lla, brig/it, Cic.
pirite, au\·. {peritn~). skilf11lfy, cleverly;
perite dicPre, Cic.; uihil (pt>ritins)<lc foe<lcribus perluctuc>aua ·a -urn, wry mo11ruf11l, Cic.
Cic. ; pcritissime ven<litare, Cic. ' perUio -lui .Jfttnm, 3. lo 1msh, bat ht; manu,.
piritla •&P., f. (pcritus), knotdedge drriivd ui1d:~, th.; r••ss., pl'tl11i, as m1d1lle, '" oo!lu; iD
from trpui.en~, &kill; locornm ac militiac, Sall. ftm111111uus i.crlu1111tur, Caes.; un<la, Hor.
perlto, 1. to ptruh utterly, Luer. perl1111tro, 1. L lo ]JC1$S, 1m11tftr, nrn'IC
lhmualt; a~r.s, Liv. IL to n11<1rrl ("011..<idt~
piritua -a -um (perior), v 1Jtric11rnl, sl. il/111, um11i11,,; ni1111ia oculi,;, Liv.; ali•t.11i•I ~11i1110, c1C:
PT'!ICli.sttl, c:xpert; abi1ol., peritissirni dttn·s, Ca<'s.;
with geuit., rerum, Cic.; with ah!., r1ni;; jure permaeua -a -um, re'!T gunt, rtr 11 l<tT!N;
Jieritiur? Cic.; with ad amt the ace., ad 11sui11 ct hercclrt:ts, C1c.; permagnnm f•st, with in fin., Cic.;
<lisci1•lina111, Cic.; with infin., cantare, \"erg. $1lbst.., permagnum ·i, n. a t't!ry grtal tlriW);
perjero pcjeru (q. v.). quod permagni interest., Cic.
permAle, adv. 'l'tTy brully or 11nn11xusfally:
. perjucunde, ad\•. i·cry plrost111tly, VtrlJ cU· pu;;nure, Cic.
l1gntf1ttfy; in aliqna re ,·e1-sa1i, Cic.
perjuc~dus -n. -11111, .rer.11 1>lafSJ111t, vtry
perm.ananter, ad\'. (pcnnano), by jl01l"iug
thro1t')h, L11cr.
d1liglttJ11l; htterae, d1sputat1q, Cic. -rna11si -ma11~11m.~. to nrnmin, sfffJI,
perjtirlO.wt -a -um (perjuriurn), /11ll ttf per- ab1dt. L .Lit., Sdeueus i11 111arilima 11ra ~r.
jury, pajuTfA, Plaut.
manens, Lt\". II. l, '" l•c.<t, co11ti111u:: nt q11111a
1>9rJUi:fum ·Ii, n. (perjurus), falS€ su:eming, maxi!nc perm~1u~a~1t <lintnrna corpor!l, Cic.; 2,
ptr)11ry, C1c to ab1rfr, rtmu111; 111mea1•ristiua se11te11tia, Cic.
perjiiro pt.>jero (q. \'.). permano, 1. L lo ff<"" through. A.
~rJUru.s .<PeJiirua) -a -nm (per and jns), in sax is nc spduncis per111anat A'JUarn111 liqui<l11~
r'f''JU ~etl; J>e~Jm us et mcmlax, Cit:. ; le no pcr- humor, Luer. B. Trnnsf., to 1-..->ielrutl!; p.-r·
;11rlss11nus, Cu:.; subst., a 1>aj11wl 1icrso11, Cic. mnnat frig11s art ossa, Luer. lL to jftiw t.... A_
perlabor. -lapsus sum,. 3. t" g'i•lt throuryh, Lil., succus permanat:i.d jecur, Cic. B. Transf.,
11f 11drau; rot1s s11111111as lenhu;; perlahitur 11111las to rtt1ch, pend ruu, utri1d; do•·trina iu civitat<-111,
gliitd cr.fo11~. \'e!",5.; with a•l a111l the acc., t~ Cic.; a<l aures alicuiu~. C1c.; conclusiunculac:
rttl<'h to : ltule per la p:rn,; ad nos et usq ue 11d a<l sensum non 11er111a11a11t.e.~, Cic.
Oceanum Hercules, Cic. permanslo ·onis, (. (perman~o). L a re
perlaetua -a -um, rtry joyful, Liv. mai11i11g, abiding fo a 71/aa; quodvi,. enim
impplicium le\'ius est hac io(:nnausione, Ck. ll
.perlate., •dv. 1·e1·y u·idtly, i-ery eztwsit-ely, abiding iii cm opi11io11; in una seutcntia, Cic.
C1c. ..
perleoebra (pellecebra) -ae, r. (pellicio), perm:Arin'D.9 ·• -um, 1'tlctti11p to tlu llft;
~res, gtutrdiall dtit i~s of th1J:>t u·ho trai'tl by au,
a11 t11tici11g, r1/lnring, Plaut. Liv.
perleetlo pellectio (q. v.). pennatiireaoo ·mittlriii, s. to b«ollW t.Ji.,.
perlego (pellego) -legi -lectum, 3. I. to roughly r;pe, Ov.
111rre11 lhoro1111hly, scan, um11i11e crrc11mte/11;
o.mnia oculis, \"er~. IL A. to rood thrrJ11gh: perm.edlicria -e, 1-rry niu..kmu, Cic.
11brnm, Ctc. B. to narl IT1ro11gh, call orer; permeo, ~- L to go thrcn1<Jh, 1iws tl&rou!Tl.
sen:i.lnrn, to call o«er the roll ufsenators, Liv. tr:.r:trse: maria a<' terras, Ov. IL to pe11draU
perlevla ·e, i·try light, rery slight; perlevi or rt(IC~; 1. longiWI in, Tac. ; a. to ptr·
mornent-0, C1c. tudt, Cic.
perleriter. &d\'. ttry slightly; run animi .Permeu118 ·I, n. (~P#''IO"O'o~). a &•
dolor, Cic. Bl>eotie1, risir&g fa tlu spring on Htlicoit, Mered to
the .\Irr.a, and fl()11Jing i1it-0 tht Copaic la.l.:e.
. pe~libena (perlubena) -enti11, t•ery vill- permeUor -1ne11sus sum, 4. dep. L 1o
1n•1. (;1c. m;rosure fh.ro119h, TMCl8Ur• oul; solis magnit,u.
perllbenter, adv. wry wilHnryl11, Cic. drnem, Cic. IL to 'raWTW; aequor, \"el)(.
perliberi.Ua -c, u-ell brought up, IL'cll-brtd, permetiieu -entis, grcullr fearin,g, Verg.
Ter. penningo -min xi, 3. to dtjile, Hur.
perliberiillter, adv. t'f:ry libtrally, very
bo1rntif1rlly, Cic. permlniitu -a -um, f.'tt'16mall, t"t!r"Ylri,Ci•g,
perllbet CI>8rlubet), 3. u £s plMSing, Cic.
ury plw.Sct11t, l>la11t.. permirua -a -um, very· won~rf'Hl; illwt
mfl1i pennirum accldit, with acc. and inlln., ~.
i:)Orllclo = pelli<'io (q.v.).
perm.teoeo -mi11et1i -mixtum or -mistum, !!.
~rllto, 1. to offer cm auspici0111 Mcri.fta, to to mix, ming/I' thorou~1hly L Lit.• natur11r11 t'lllll
11:u:riftu with /arourable omens; pri111i11 hostiii; mllleria. Cic.: permixti ~um :mis rni;ientiuU!\,
Ll~ •
Cncs. IL Fig., A. rructus acerhitate 1ier111i1ti,
perlongi_ a<lv. UTJI /a-r, Tcr. Ck. B. to cc11fo1111.d, ro1rJ11u, bri11g i11to di.I·
per~ongua -a. -nm, l, 'PtTlf fo11g: via, Cic. ; ordu: 0111nia ju~ divlna et tiumana ()&et.;
2, lristing a long llmt, tedi01cs, Plaut. Graecin111. Cic. '
per ~07 per
permlulo .0.1~ f. (permltlo). L yitlclin!1, perniSoeuArlu -a -nm. L c,,.,
nrrvatfn, Liv. &&.
P'rmiaai•l manaionia tuae, Cl.e.
Z.w; mea t.P1111•11!i, Cle. D. rtrr •11UMCIU; homo lnUaua
ac mihi pC'mece11J1.:1riu11, Cle.
permlMus ·ll, m. (l-.eruli"'1), Z.w, perau- peru6oeul., adv. nry 'Atttall"J; eue, Cle.
do•; ouly in abl., pernu•u lqiil, Cic. pernigo, 1. L to dtnf Miit111aul~ ~"'
~Ho -ml1I -minnm, 3. tn ,,, !I'" ''' ill •lr11yi11';/; with al"c. nn1l i11nn., Cle. II. lo
,,,.,.. A. Lit., 1, equo• J)"m1itt1111t in tu ... tt'm, J"nilil i" rtfiu111g, PlauL
LiY. ; S, to ""°"'•ll•rl Al ca ""1rk: 111n•1m in
l1~em, OY. B. Filt., 1, permillere trihunatnm,
penaJol&bllla -e (pemi<-iN), """'1y. dulnlC-
tfrt, J11t•r.l: morlii, Liv.; Id 1oemiciabile reo, Tac.
lo -.l-11IM of, UY.; 2, a, t" gi~ up, yitltl, t'ftfl!, pernlclilia ·e (pemlcie11). thadlr, /ol4l,
larn'Wr; allcul potalatem, Cic.: con1111lib11" J.ur·r.
ftinpubllcam, Cle. ; ee In lldem ac pote!ltalt'm pernlolM ~I, t. (prr and nex). L dutr-.c·
ropull, cae..; b, tn giw up, laeri/icc; inimiciti;.111 1;,.,,, 1li.•t1Attr, mla111ity, nti11; pt'rnlcietn all'erre
patribus comcr1ptis, Cic.; pennitw aliqm<l ira· \·if a•• Alit-ui11i1, Cic.; incumbcre at.I alicuius J'l!r•
cundiu lu,.,., wta1' 1111JU! allo1mHCU f•r, C1c. ; c nirit•m, Cir.; moliri alir11i111 1~mide111, Cic. II.
141 a/Iott<, l"rmit; with ;nlln., Lh-.; with ut'an•l ~1<'1011., a d<111~nnu ptr.01& or thi11g; pernlci:ltl
Lhe snhj., Cic. ; J"13rtic. .subst., permluum ·i, prn,·inc-iac 8io·ilia.e, Cir. (old i;eniL, 1iernlcll a111l
n. P'rmis.ion, Hor. 1lat., 1.ernicl").
perm.lxti. aclv. (pennixtm1, from 1-ermis· peralolo.i, adv. ((lt'n1icio"11"), dntlrttcJh1tlr,
~). '" R NiuU llMlnnu, cnl\fUMtlly, Cic. ri1i11011.•l.11, cr1/an&itou•l11, ,,..,,,j,:iouatr; multll
permblUo -Onia, f. (permi11ecc1), n ai.ri119, J>f'inicin'"' 1ci11c1111t11r iu 1'"1'11li!1, l"ic.; quo per·
avtwrt, Cic. uiciusius <le repuhlica 111ettntur vlti<»1i homlnu,
permMeatu -a -um, wry IHOdut, wry C1c.
9Wtk1 utl!, <.:ic. pernlolO.u.s ·a -nm (pemicie11), cola•iloru.,
permiclloua ·• -um, t'try »1C,.ltmtt, t:ery .,,,,.,,;.-i ..11•, "''"!1trm11; e~I'·· ilanf]trou to tit.I
~Ink; uemplmn, Cle.; lrx, Cle.; morhl, Cle.
•mull, NrJ slight, Suet.
permll•ti, atlv.(permnle~iu~). l't'TI/ hnrtfl.11, pernicltaa -:ilis, f. (pernix). 1wift11eu, /lttl·
ncs.f, 01]ilif!I, Cic•.
ri.tlt nucA di/fruity; pcnnnl ..sw tnli, I ''"'-' m11rh
~I, Cic.; with :lC('. All•! iulin., C:ii·. penaiclter, 11•lv. (pemlx), 11D(ftl11, aclioelr,
niml,ly; <'<1110 •lc>1ihre, I.Iv.
perm~letltue ·• -u111, rn-y fr'.-1,1~·. ~:
hntow11M, Cic. pernlmlum. l\dv. }tr loo m11c1', Ter.
permit.lo -oni11, f. ((ot'rmu\"tu). L .1 1t1llc"t· perDIX ·II lei~(" llertiitnr), w-ift, II imblt, cagill,
~"'· JNOtioll, cu1it11tio11; a111111i, Cic. IL all rtctire; corpns, Liv.
nantw1t, Cle. peruobllla ·e, ttry ctltbmtttf; erlgramma
permhio -111i1\·i-m<•t11111, ~- ff! llll)l"t nr •fir <.:k.
(j l"Ktl"lllll,
•P tAoro11rrhl11. L Lit., 111:1rc 1•rrn1 ..t11111, "flil•tltd, pernooto. 1. (('cmnx), In pnu tht riigltt, lffirntl
Luer. D. Tra11:.f., A. f•J ,,... ,~·. ··;1·il,, 09il11te lh<' 11 i!Jhl: ail 0:1tium 1·arrP.ri>1, Cir.; In nivr, Cle.;
llUl/(lUy ; a, to J"1"•1t<"''· ill•lHCI', i11/l11'.llt:I; extra 1111){'11i11, Liv.; Hg., hum 1tf.mlia 1iernllc~n'
aliquem 1'0lli1·italinnihui1, Caell.; nihil IA' curuli11 11nlii:>c11111, Ci<'~
neriilit&s permo\·it '1ll0111i11u~ h1•lo>1 lfai:itio )'"I· pernoeoo -novl ... .-.tum, 3. fo illrt•li(.'ntl
luc!"E's, C.:ic.; pcr111ot11~ aud.m ital•·, 111j11rii~, <.:ic.;
th ..1·011';/hly, tn IH"rxnn-: thoroll'}hly ac•11winwt 111UA;
b, to llllOI"', t1jfttt; 111enk111 ju1lic11111, C1c. :_Jl4:f·
l10111i11urn 111un·11 <'X cwnlis, n11tn, t:fto., Cic.
motm• metu, cl11lnt<', iracumliii, 0tllu, Cic. B. lo pernoteeco -uijtQi, 3. to b!ronie 9t11emll1
uritc ""!t 7tarf irul11r 1•1.•.,itJ11 or,,11lJl iv11; iuvitham,
1rdl k11cnc11, Tat•.
misericonl•3tn, indum t-t ira.i, Tac.
perno:x -nod.e (only lu nom. \ml at.I.), Ind·
permuloEo -11111lsi -11111lsu111 anJ (rarely) i1t!11tll 11i!fhl; luna pcrnox erat, Liv.
·111ulct11111, :.?. I? str,,kt. L A., ali1t•ll"111
111a1111,..0v.; h:ir\.:"1111 nlicuiui, Li\-. B. Fii;, a., lo perndm6ro. 1. tn roimt 011t, re.:koii crm-
d1•rnll, ,/,li1ht: s<'11s11111 v·.tuptate, Cic.; b, to plrl•ly; imp<!rntam Jlt'Cllnlam, Liv.
.,,,,/ht, tru11•11oil/i5t, Y>/lf11; srnPctute111, Ctc.; 1. piro ·i•nls, m. n boot o/ la1thtr or tin·
irmn alicuius, Cit:. IL Tnrnsf., to to11eh. gtntly; lo 111wl h itlt, \"erg.
lu1ui11a 'i~a. o,·. 2. Piro -1\s, f. (D"'*), da"{lhkr of Ntlcm,
permultus ·& -urn, <ttry 1111cr,h, ~ry ma11y: sistrr roj St.slor.
&, atfj., \"iii, C''.!.; b, !lubst.., perm.Ultum -i, perobecilrua -a -um, f:'t7'J oblc1ln; quaeslio,
n. mnrh, (.;ic.; l1Ptll"•", pen11ulto, by far, by 111.11ch; C11:.
•ith compar., 1oer111ulto r:lariora, Cic.; c, 111lv., oorOdJ. ·i'>!!us snm ..Qdlsse, to 11att u:cttd(n!JIJ;
permnltnm, 1'v:ry m11ch; penn11lt111n a.11t1:, long ouly in partil'. perr., ·A -um, hnting,
"'f'lrt, Cic. ""''~ti11!J; clecem virorum sceleni, Liv.; lt1<'em,
permiinlo -1\'i -ltu111, 4. to /orti/'11 romplttely, sh11n11i11!1 the li!'ht, Ov.; perosurn esse, to h11lt,
toji11i-•hJurtifyi11fJ; qua.e munimenta inchoa\"erat, tl;ttsl ; pld~-i <'OJl!<ulum uomen pen-ma erat, Liv.
per1111111it, I.iv. perOdloaua -a -um, m11cA 1tC1ttd, 'ttf"!J trouble·
permutatio ·•o11i11. f. (permuto). L cJun1g,, SQlll", Cit:.
a!temtio1t; c·olori11, Cir.; magnl\ permutntio perofl'lolo.i, adv. 1't".f nhllgin!]ly, ttrtJ at·
rer11111, Cic. II. a11 uchaii(lt, barter;.), permn· tt11tirtly: qui we perotncinse obser\"ant, Cic.
tatio mercium, Tac. ; plur., partim cmptiones, Per61eo, 2. "'tmit a bad smell, Luf-r.
pe.rtim permutationes, Cic.; 2, udan9t of
11M111ty; pu bl i«a, <.:ic. Pironatu.s -a -um (1. pero), wtaring bools oJ
unt111111rrl /m/h;r, Pers.
permuto. 1. I. to clutnqe compldtly; 11enten· peropportiilli. :ltlv. wry opport11ntl1, wry
tiam, Cic. ; 1lo111inos, Hor. IL to uch1m!1t, se11,,u1111hTy; \"Cnir<', Cic.
b"rttr ; 1, nomina inter se, Plaut.; 2, a, to tr·
cltu11!fe 1tt1J1uy; ut cum quaeatu (l'11111h 1ieo11nia peropportii.nua ·a -um, tv:ry CTpport•1111!,
permnlarctur, <.:ic.; b, to ezclwrngt Jtris?i.cr1; t"tT"1J sci101111t1l,[c, 1-cry con1'C11itnt; cle\"Cl"ltoritun,
C'll'livos, Liv. Cil".
perna -11e, f. ( ,,-ipvci), a lt!] o/ pa!"k, a lucm, or, aoh·. acrording to Ont'• dutrt, Cic.
QUmlJIOlt, Hor. per6piis, :uh·. wry ntetSJJary, Ter.
per per
-~ -6nla, t(peroro), ~Al~ Co~ '" wUrokm ~ ae.; pot.
~: ~ prrondioa, Ole.; b.,.. claritlf IJ*CI\. eatate1n judfcum, to -in.t<dn v~ Cic.
~ . . oQJD1 wrr
orator), Ole.
°""°" perpkitua •-um (peto), 00M(1u1ou, ""'"'"
(of an •n&JlCtd, eotat'•..Z. L a, of 1paee,"1,
Caee..; oratlo,Cic.; canneu, Hor.; b, otU~, • •
perorao. L 1oac:ro,..,.....,; •nattun, Tao. flrol:n, ooaffntring, la.#i."f, ptrp1tva.L; lgnl1 V otM
~ I. L Co .,.U Jr-. ~lo perpetuua ac lellll•itemua, Cle.; qnaeatioues,
ttO;olead a ca.,. tltougAolfC, splal• or ilatc ..,,_.. of G dalldi11(1 bodil.o/ jtldga, Cle.; ia
CAorotigAlr; totllm eaaaam, etc. IL lo md, ~tuum, /Or twr1 Cle.
dOle: a, with ar.cu11., totnm hoc crimen deciim- Jua, ac.
annm -perorabo, etc.; rea 11111: die non perora- ~ i. cop.a. GCM1-,l,; •(la)
tur, Cle.; b, absol., lo amdiuk a ipetc.\. Co tl1(1Mf mau- ~t; Clo. .
"JI; quonlaru 1111tlA wuJt.a dlxl eat mthl peror- , ~ adY. (perpluua), oo'tf/tut.dJr, •
anduw, etc.; also to clOM a ca. (of tbe _..,.; lndlcare, Liv.
11ieaker at • b1&1), etc. perplexaa -a -um (J8rtlc-~ of • ~rplerb>),
pirOeus •-nm, v. perodl. ~ '"'ricalc, nta.ngled. L Lit., iter,
perpi.oo. I. Co Jkle\l\I CAoro11gAl,,, Cninqti.(UU.; V~. D. Tnmaf., ron,/ttMd, 'mricclU, ohaelm:,
nec<lum omni4 ln Graecla perpacata erant,.Llv. perplcoed, dark, ambtguon; eermonea, Liv.;
perparoi, adY. wry •par,agZr, wrr ""4aJJ.r, perplunm Pnuico utu reaponaum, Uv.
perparvill1111 -a ·um, wrr Uta.; algilJ&, etc.
perpa.rvaa "6 -nm, W'1I uw., wry ftlGll;
perplloatua -a -um (per and pllco), tlllc.,W.
S. told t1w rain throicgll: perpln01it
perpana et t.enuia civitaa, Cle. tiKDa, .l:'l&uL; hence, to nn• in.&o; awor iD pectas
perputu -a -um (per and puco), aU fed. per1•luft meum, PIAut.
~ ; cania, Phae<lr. ~ '- L eo naooOI., JlOlVA tlorottply,
perpauo611111 .. -um, wrr Pim. U. to p>lW&, per/ta, complete; illala
/rlD, ..,., ,.,,,, ;
J1Ut1n11, Cle. 1uperiorem putem. atque conlicere,
_perpauou "6 -nm, wrr /ffll, wry Httlt; a. l>el'l>lliha -a ·um. p. ldL (from per-polio).
lldj., advocatl, Cle. : b, t>lur. 111bet., (•) ID.,
po[iM«l, CM:ClllllplUAtd, nJ,Mtf; perfecti ill di~
rerpaiuci, wrr /CtD, Cic.; ~> n., pel'Jll'nca dlcere,
Cic. endo et perpolitl homlnee, Cic. i vita perpolita
perpa111tU11m ~tUUID) ·I, n. humanltate, Cle.
dim. a wrr. wry zuu., Cle. ~tuor, 1. dep. to Jar uiaatt, dnufldl
. :»erP•lllum (perpa11l11111U. adv. a..., OOfllpldely; ltaUam, Liv•
Utllc, Cfo. perporto, 1. to can-r, enuupore lo cn~ Jllaor,
perpauper .art.a, wrr poor, Clo. Lfy,
...-po,nj-tf.!:iitlo -6nl11, t. (perpot.o), a co.tin-'
perpauzlll'IUll -1, n. ca wrw zuu., Plan\.
perpiriaolo, 3.
'° """"" ..,,.,...,,,, driR.t(ng, df"llnken debad; plur., intempcraD~
lafma"' perpot.atlonea, <.:ic.
perpc)to, I. L lo 001'ti1nui dri11kia9, to bq
perpello -pllli -pulaum, 8. 1 to driw, Co 11p- a df"llnkcn ddlavcla; totoe dies. Cic. i ptt·
•rge, 00111pcl, prt't'Gil •pcm.~"; urbem eo
mt>tn 1d dt-ditlonem, Llv•.l gen. with ut or ne pot.ant ad veaperum, Cic. U. lo dria.t 11p,
and the subj., &11., Liv; : 41, Co make a dup im- Luer.
prenio1l on ; candor hulus te et procerltu, perpremo .. perprimo (q.v.).
vultua oculique perpulerunt, Cic. perprlmo ·prenl ·preMum S. (per ind
perpendloillum -1, n. (perpendo), a plwab- pttmu), to preu hard; cubili&, to lu •JIOll, Hor.
li11~. plu11und; ad 1-erJ*ndiculum columnaa pes-pNplnquua -1 -um, WTY ntarlrnlGUd:
exigere, Cic. ; ad perpendicnlum, '" ca aniight JI. illiua Aurti perpl'oplnquna, Cie.
lfoe, Cic., C'.al!S. perproaper -6ra ·inun, ~ Pf •pmiu i
perpendo ·pt>ndl -pensum, S. to -1gA can- valetu1lo, 1·e1-v good, Suet.
/11ny, lo m11-icfr1-, f.rnmi1~. i1111Uti(IQU; transf., perpriirlaoo, s. eo UcA all owr, Plaut.
all•111id nd •liscipli1111e praecepta, Cic.; perpend· perp11g11&K -1.cUi, wrr pugnaciou; fD di•
ii ur nmicitia \'eritat.e, Cic. put.Muno, Cle.
perpiram. adv. wrongly, JfJl61l'IJ, '""'; perpllloher -chra -chrum, 'DC1'J ~
Judkare, Cic. ; facere, Cle. Ter.
perp~s ·pHis(= p!'rpetnns), eonthmow, """ perpurgo, I. L to tlMlh tAoro11gllr clc1':
broken. 1~1>etual; noctt>ru peq.~tem, IAroughoiU ae qtuidam fierlmlA, Cic. IL Fig., I,~ aplai•
IM ~iiyht, l'laut. tlwro1117hl71, Co clear up; locu1n oratioDia, Cic.;
perpesaio ~nls f. (perpetlor), 11U1ferlng, , . 2, w C1Jn/llU, f'(fv.tfl; crl.min&, Cic.
d11rar1rt; laborum, Cle.; dolorum, Cic. perpiisWua -a -um, wry nian, W'lf littlll:
perpitlor -pessu~, 3. drp. {per and pat.for), in dou1ile seuse, Jlt'rpui<illm1 testis proceasii
to -,.,.ar, endurel Sll..fer stt1J.dfcutly; dolorem, Cic.; • • • DOil 1ccusabis, perpusillum rogabo, l.e., I
with acc. and ntln., Verg. 10Ul cuk a liUu qt1~1011, I will qve.li01l tJu litlla
pernetro, l. (per and patro), to oompleU, ma.n, Cle.
Q,Ct;Q1T1pTiih, P"form, cmnmU, e.!ftd, bring n.bo11t, perquam,. adv. (per and quan1), wry wu1rA,
•1t<M; CKe<lem, sacritlclnm, Liv. eztrrnuly; pt'rqnam grave el!t dictu, Cic.; per-
pel"IH5tiiltas ·ills, f. (perpetnns), 1rninU7"· qtl&IU breviter, Cic.
r1lpW:i mntiTrnanoe, p<'T'ptlvity, cor..tinuity; \', perquiro ·t1M -artwn, S. (per and qnaero),
Cle. ; orationiil, Cle. ; ad perpetnitatA.:m, /or eiw, to inquira eanvirtly, moke a«11rat. foquir'ts.
<.:ic. search for eagerly; vi&ll, Caea. ; \'L'I&, Cic. ; ma
~. ~iii. adv. (Jierpetuua), ~l'IJ, ab accuaatore, Cic.
for trcr, u11i11tcrrv.pU.dly, Cic. _,erquiaite, adv. (perquisltus, frnm per-
2. perpetilo, 1. (perpetuua), to mal:.t c:on- q1J1ru), accuratar: ln oompar., perqnisitius el
«x11a1 vr perpetual, conli~M, J11"1*tlaU; Terba, ~euUua CODacribere, Cic.
per f09 per
9elTAro.. adv. (penaroa), wrr f'llnlr, wrr penorlptfo -Onls, t. ~racribo). L a, aa
adaoua, Cle. • nUrtng h~ a~. Cle.; b, an. imkring in 01'
perrii.nul .. -uw, ,_., •llCOll&llMHI, wrr ran, cucouM-book, Cle. D. ci mnking owr or amg.
Liv. (nq br 1.1 "'1'i1Un dncu~ (.'io.

perriocmdl'.twa .. ·a.m, wrr Gbst,,..., ""' toritaperacrlptor ~rt., m. (peniorlbo), OM .U

moUiU, Cic. dow1~ or rnaka cm nttry, etc.
perrepo -repal -re11tum, I. lo crawl 11.rotigA, penoritor, 1, dep. L to .arm ""'°"9'
lcOk t11.'f()Ul1h, -.t tlrougA; arculaa ruullf!brel,
enoep Olin"' Ti b.
perrepto. 1. (lnten11. of perrepo), to crawl Cfo. D. Tnmat'., to aum!M
naturam rationemqne crlrnlnurn, Cic.
to '"~;
lllxnil, to crawl througli, Plaut.
Perrhaebla -al', r. (Il#fpa.l/Ji..), 1.1 dilltrlct '• penloo -a~ctli-aectum, l. to cm oJ! "'""'1r, Old
lhrcntgh, cm out; 1, Id r:e eerperet lterum latha,
TAU>4l,. Adj.' Perrbaebua .. ·Dm, PefTlu»
~. poet. = ThLiStuian.
Liv.; 2, to diuect, lay ba1·1: rerum naturu, Oic
penector, l. dep. I. tofollcto,.J!!'"""llD4nlr:
perridioiUi, adv. (perridicul111), wrr la1&111&.- acclpltres perseetantes, Luer. U. Tranllf., to
ably, Cic. int'Utigate: primordia, Luer.
perridloiUu -a -um, my lauglt.a.WI, .,.,., peraeoiitlo ~nia, t. (peraequor), o J>r'OMOM-
ridictUotts, Cic. tio1l, Cle.
perr~go, 1. to 4lk 1.1 numbt1' of ,,eNOM '" peraedeo -si!dl -11e111om, 2. to rt!IMri" ""'"";
t11ccr8-•i, "t, to OM a,J'tt:r anothff; sententi&m, In equo dies noctesque pereedendo, Liv.
1e11tentia!'I, Liv.
perrumpo -rilpl -roptnm, 8. L Intranait., peraegnla -e, wrr tluggf.IA,, . . , la"fl'dd:
to brml.: tlmrn!rh, lmrst a troy tl1ro11(11i; ~r pruelimn, Liv.
medios, Ca es.; per aciem, Liv. IL Tl'ana1t., perainex -t., wry old, Suet.
to brtak th:-ouqh, burs~ thrcn1gh.. A. Lit., 1, rat<-a, penentfo -eenal -iiensum, '- 1, to ~­
Caes.; 2, t<J mah a way througA; p1dudP.1n, Caes.; cWh1.ctl11; eam tali pe1te teneJ!. Verg.; :ii, to/ul
cuneoa hostium, Liv. B. 1"ig., to break tATO'li{,h, dupl11; mngno pectore curaa, verg.
nbd~ Ot>tTJ'°"°"• anniJ;.UaU; pertettlum, Cle.; peneDU.00. s. L to J'*'Oriw elf.lffMflt,.
quaestiones, Cic. Tor. ; 2, to Jttl d«-ply, Luer.
l. Pena -ae, t. (Illpvir). L " "vnt1'A. tnoCAn' Pel'Mph~ni ~ t. (II.p-r>cfvit), CM Orw1>
nf J,ut'-~• Circe, and Ht>OIJ.U by Sol. Hence, adj., nanuQ{ ~ (q.v.).; meton.=dfatl. OY.
Peraels ·fdis, f. (Il~p1711i~), = niagiml; herbe.e, peraequor -86ct1twt and ~6qu1ltua anm.
Ov. ; 11c. Musa, ci J10"ll', OY. D. 'MllM o/ Cl l\ttU -11&!11!, s. dep. L to folJJNJ comta7'Uy, J>UTftW
dog, Cic. ea.r'llutly. A.-Llt., l, gen., veatigia allculoa, Clo.;
2. Pena, v. Peru.e. 2, esp., a, to follovl "11th lwl«Z. (ntnt, pvnzu;
Peraae -lnun, m. (II lpaou ), CM Pft'lfGu; fugientcs usque ad ftumen, Cites.; b, to MJroh
sing., Perea -ao, m. and Penea -ae, m.; thrcugh a place; omnes eolltudlnea, Clo. B.
benet", A. Persia -ae, t. Pema. B. Pends Transr., l, omnes vlas, to UH emii method, Clo.;
-!dis, f. 1, adj., l'tr:rio.n., Ov.; 2, subst., Per."fa 2, a, to drive aft~r, uek fo attain; voluptatea.
In a narrower sense, Pl!raia, tlu dutrict bdwten, Cic.; b, to foUOVJ o,ft#.r, busy onudf with; artea,
CarnwniG, Mtdia, and S11riana, now Fars or Clo.; o, to imitate; ironlam, Cle.; l\llquem, Cle.;
farrilf41l. C. Actj., Peralou -a -um, Perrian: et d, to belong to a acct, to lit a follower o/:
lnstituta aliculoa, Cle. : Academlam vete1-em,
arbor, or simply PeralCWI -1, f. 1114 pw,c]Hru; Cic. ; e, to piirnu1 Aostilel11, avenge, punisA;
Peralca ·iirum, n. Per.Um history. civit11tem bello, Caea.; lnjurias, Cic.; mortem
persaepe. adv. wry often, Cic. aliculus, to a, Cle.; ft to proucuu judicially;
peraallle. arlv. (persalsns), wry 'Wittily; per- (a,) a person, aliquem juaicio, Cle.; (13) tc 1friw
111118 et huuurnlkr gratiaa mihi agit, Cle. to obt.1in; jn11 auum, Cle.; bona eua lite atquo
pental9ua ·& •Utn, Vt'(I toiUy, Cio. judlcio. Cle.; g, tofollotc up an act, bring about,, per1orm., c:ruut.e; nu>a mnndnta, Cic.;
persAliitatlo -clnla,, t. (peraaluto), a greet. Incept a, Liv.; h, to trea& <if verbally or in writing;
fag, sahttution, Cic. .a furtll., v;po1'r.d, d.vcril#I; 4u11e versibus per-
pe"'1iito, 1. to gfttl 1.1 numb.!r '" ncoarioft, secutus e~t Ennius, C!c.; BrutUl!_.['hllosophiam
grm all ro11nd; omnea, Cle. Ll\tlnls literis perscqultur, Cic. IL to rtach. to,
peraancti, adv. t'trY aacmily, Ter. crttaill to. A. Lit., aliquem ne persequl quldem
P"s~e tri;<lnta dieum1, Cle. B. Tmnsr., 1 to
perali.piena -entls, very wile ; homo, Clo. rol/ect, C<t/l in; beredilRte9 aut syngrnpha&, ao.:
perd.pienter, adv. (persaplena), wry 2, to wr.u dow1~, rt11is;er; quae dlcuntur, Cic.
tristly, Cic.
1. Persee -ne nnd Peraoua -1!1, m. (Ill~).
peraoienter, adv. (per and scfo), WTY k'IM>tD- the kin'} of Maadcnia., 1lrfeaud b11 the Romarr.
l11gly, t'try discrutly, Cle. qeriernl Aeudlius Paultu (168 ac.). Hence, 1,
peraclndo ·scldi ·scissnm, 8. to ttm-fo pUct.; Perafoua -a -um, nZati>ig to Perse1J.8; 2, Per-
011·r.ia !lf'l">-C°indente vento, Liv. sita, ace. ·Ida, f. a town tn Macedonia.
perscitus -a -um, t't711 flu, t~ clsver, wry 2. Penea -ae, m. a Persian, v. Peraae.
yr.rt.11: (i11 tme.<tls) per mihl scitnm videtnr, Cle.
perscribo -srrlpsl -srrlptnm, S. to 1f'Tit,.,foum Perseus -1!1 and -fos, m. (Il~p<mit),
Jupiter awl Danae, ~1,111tr of th4 Medusa and th11
'°" o/
&o.1m1tP!y, aelicitl.•r. A. Gc11., rntionrs 11unt fn()nster t11 1chnm, 11 ndromtd11 Wo.'.l l'J:J•aatd; henefl,
J>er><cript;.e scit<> et lltterate, Cic. B. Esp., 1, adj., 1, Perseus·& ·UUJ; 2, Peraeia.s-a-um,
officially, to nott dou•n, tnt'-1' in 11 mnnom11rl11m· rclciting to Perse-<11.
'""~'or >"(gi..•ftr; a, omnia Jucllcum dicta, inter-
ro!(ata, re~ponsa, Cic. ; b,, to enlPr in a.n ncc1>1mt· peraoverana -antis, p. adj. (from peraevero).
bc'Vk: fal~11111 nomen, ~ic.; 2, to no!ifiJ, an· holding out, enduring, persevering, Liv.
Mu•:.:t, Hl<tk in u•ritin17; alien! mitlsRiml\m pcrsaverant«Sr, adv. (per.ieverans), ~
al1c11ius orationem, Cit'. ; de !mis rehus ad Lol- 'Vtriw;iy, p1m1suntly; bene coeptam rem tueri,
li11m. Cle.; 3, ta 1nake 01·er or assign t-0 in Liv.
''."T_iting; illam pecuniam In aedem sacrum re- pers4Svorantla -afl, r. (pe1'88vero), ,,.,,....
lic1~n.tam perscribere, Cic. 'Dera~, nidun:vn.ce, ptrliJtence, Clo.
per flO per
J)e:l'H~ 1. (penieveru:s). I. IntranalL, wtoWn; ftg., qno tamqua111 ale penpetptm
re ~t. mna{" oon.•ta11l, pcnt!lllri'e ii& anylh.f114: omuill oratfo, Cle.
&, In 11ua aententia, Cle.: pa.-w. Ulltld al!IO lmpeni., Del'lll>loioltu ·it.IS, t. (118nplax). ~
non ett ab h1to perReverntmn, Cle. ; b, to 001&· sig""AudnU&, Cle. (T)
ti"11e or ftfl.Wl G llOJIRft_ or jq11nvy; una navl1
perseveravtt, Caes. U. 'l'nmelt., to pl"OCNd penploaz -leis (persplelo), MarJ>-rifMtd.
1llUA, per.rid '"; Id, Cle.; with lntln., J11j11rlam
acitl; lfl qnod acutu111 ac penpicax naturi el&,
tacere fortlsalme, Cle.; wiLh acc. aml lnftn., to Cle.
.ai1'1aia Utat; peneverabe.t ae eue Oreetem, penplolentla -ae, t. (pel'llplciu), o rwr:/ft;C
Cle. acqvai"'4nc. wit.\ or bo1ol«igc of; verl, cic. -
Ta~viru ·& •UID, wrr #rid; lmperiUDI, penplolo ..apexl ..pectum, s. (per and
apeclo). LJntranait., to loot \nto, lo,.~
Penla. v. Persae.
br tM loot; quo .DOD. modo DOD (11.tnri, aed .oe
penplci quldem pouei, Cic. D. Trauait., A. IO
Penloua. v. Pet11Se and Penee. • tllnnigl, loot tAn>11gA, bUold; ot prae densi-
peraldk ·eMI ·BeBBUm_ 2. • peraedeO (q.v.). tate arooruru persplcl caelam me poaet; UY.
penido ·~I ·IHStun, 8.. to xttU dolCnl, Verg. B. a, to look at attn.tbtlr, "'f"WJ &lll!ltM•:
pendpo. 1. to 110tedow1', m:ord; do~ domnm tuam, Cle.; b, to nod°"'°""'~
toriUn: el\8 (epi11tola1) ego oportet J"C!l'llpf6ar.i,
~ -eJ..wrr likt, ~ rilllilar; atatua Cle.; o. to "f/fl'l'll wvn.IOUr, 1lOCI, ~ ca-
let1us perslmilie, L"lc. vtatigote, aacerfld•: allculua Idem, Cic.; anbnol
pendmPlez ·lcla, wry rimplc, Tac. regum, Cle. ; with ~ and lnftn., Cle. ; or pus.,
with uom. afld lnftn., Cle.; with reL eent., lit.a
persf9to, 3. to mnain co1"ta11I, 1)errist '" Yeritu quae alt, non aatla penI)icio, Ci<'.
anrthi"9; in eAdem lwpudentla, Liv. (.for perfect
Conn v. pento). · · penploti. adv. (peraplcuua)I clearir, pl.W..
Persia -n, m. I. a" oratort. ccmlnlponirr Zr, ~r; plane et peraplcue expedire Aliquld,
toitA LvcUiau. U. a otlcbra&«l JCQmaa tatirial Cle.
fo the reig" of Nero. ~lotitu ·iUs, I. (peraplcnn1), 1, t:ht!f'o
"""•, trmuparnCJI, Plin. ; 2, tnnar.,
penolla -ae, t (diin. ot persona), a lUtle clean&UI, perspicuitr, Cle.
WMUk : hence, u a term of reproach, a lUUe
/r~At, Plaut. peraploiiua .a ·Um (peraplclo). L fnl.,.
parent, bright, char; aquae, Ov. U. Truld'.1
peraolYO ·BOlvl ·116lOtum, S. L to unioo. : char, e~nl, ptnpiC1Cou; nUUtatill ratio am
ftti·•=to aplaht, npaund, Cle. U. to J>al/, pay
o ; a, lit., etlpendlnm mllitibm1, Cle. ; Ree
peraplcua nobls aut oblcura, Cic.
a lenurn alienle nomlnlbut1 suis coplle to pay the peraterno ·atri\1 ·striturn, 3. to mah qaill
debta o/ o!Mrl wit.\ one'• own money: Sall. ; b let~, pave thoro1111Al11; vl&ru 11ilice, LlY.
transr., to pay, giw, render to a1111 mu Au diu' p9ntlm6lo, 1. lo goad on 1riol.n&Uy, Tac.
dUcllarge an obligation: grates, Verg.; merltani pento ·stltl ·lltittlrus, 1. to st<uMi ft rm, naai•
diiB immortalibue gratiam, Cic.; poena.'I 1 to .utrer stm1d£11g. L Lit., annatl omnes diem totuni
puaiallmnt, Cic. ; epistolae, to an110er a ldUr, pcrstant, Liv. D. Traner., A.. to maiaiit • •
Cic. cJ&an{ltd, to lad, endim:; nihil est quod toto
peraiaa ·ae, f. thll '1! worn bJ Uie ~ per!!tet in orbe, Ov. B. to sta!ld jinn, ptrNI,
in Uie G1'Wc and Roman dro?ll(t. L Lit., 11t J-.eT!ltWN : In lnr.epto, Uv. ; In sententi&, Cic. ;
ex persona mihl ardere ocull homlnie hltrt.rioni.I with lnftn., st peratiterla corpna ad ea quae did
vlderentur, Cle. U. Met.on., I, th4 part, cha· rercrre, Cle.
f'Clder, Jl'f"Wll npre.senled by tlv actor; persona pontdpo -t\1, s. to tNa.b a gmia taOUt, Ter.
de mlmo, Cle. ; 2, tranaf., a, tM part wliich any
OM pla11'; tM charncttr tchkh lie SU&tafo.s in tM peratrblgo ·•trln:d -trt.rictum, S. Co vi-,
toorld; accuaatoris, Cie. ; petitorla personam urnze agai111t. L Lit., ~ aratro, Ck.;
capere, Cle. ; pel'30nam in repubtlca tuerl prln· solum n.ratro, to plough~c. ; b, esp., lo w•.U
clpls, to be a ltading tnal\ in. the sta.U, Clll. ; b, .tlil;/hlly; femur, Cic. .u. Transf.. a, lo Iowa\,
~. lay 1wld of; holTOI' ingens :oq>ectantes per-
cs flt"'°" iA tile abstract a pri"so11al.it11, in·
dWid11ality, charockr; huiua Staleul persona, Rtringlt, Lit.: meus eum perstrinx·
Cle. erat, 1tadmowd, Cle.; b, l.o acol<l, blawie, rtprOl2d:
voluntatem raceti111, Cic. ; allquem 101picione,
peJ'llOai.taa -a -um (r._:rsona), 1, clad iii a Cic. ; c, to touch~'" dilcour«, Nla.le brie~y;
MCUk, m<Ukcd; Roselus, t;ic. ; ta, jidili-0111,- 1Wl tantammodo pel'1ltrlngere unamquamqae rem,
ge1nli~ ecnnlterjeit«i; quid eat, enr ego per·
aonatu., ambulem, Cle. Cic.
penttldlo.i, R<lv. (perstudioeut), WrJ
penMbao ·!13m'11·86nltum,1. I. JntranRlt., A. Uj/1!1'l1J, WT"!/ wUli11.gf1f, Cic.
to toUnd tll.roug1', nsound thcroughly ; domua pentlidlO.U ·ll ·nm, ""'II eager, W7l' dtrir·
ce.ntu personabnt, Cle.; anrea pel"ll011ant hulns· ou.s, ttry fond; litten1rum, Cic.
madl voclbne, Oic.; id t-0tia personabRt castris,
Liv.; of pel"llOnll, to 1lurut, Tac. B. to 1~rform penmadh ·suisl ·anisum, i. L to eo1nriiacc;
vpon q mu.t£cal fn.-it"'ment ; cithnri Iopas per· with or without dat. or pers., with aecas. and
tonat, Verg. D. Transit., A. to.fill With sou1id, lnfln., or rel. sent., or with de and the ab!.,
cauatto rr-10U1&d; aequora eonchii., Verg. B. a, to velim Ubl ita persuadeaa me tuis oonsfilia nullG
try l<nedly; with acc. and infin., Cir_; b, to pro- loco defl1turum, Cic. ; lmprimia boo ,·olunl
c!Taim Wvdl11; quaa (res) lsU In angulh1 peraonant, penmadflre, non lnterlre anlmu, Ca.ea.: pl.Ill.
Cle. lmpers . ., hoc Ipsis Siculls lta persuasmn est., Cle.
penpeoto I. (lnten11. of pel"!lpiclo), 1, w D. lo persuade, _pm.oU upcm a Pf"°" to adopt Clllf
loo"l: at to Ute ;;f, ~uet.; 2, Co look fill ab<»it, Plant. course Q/ czctiolt; with or wlU1out dat. or pe11.
and with ut and tlte sub! .. or the snhj. alone,
Denueotua ·a -um, p. aclj. (from persplclo), or with rel. sent., or with the Intl•., bnic per-
Vlill knoUm, jltUy kM101~; Ylrtae, Clo. ; (super!.), suadet uti ad hoetes \ranteat, Caes..; with accua.
benevolentia perspectisslma, Cle. or thing, quorum ii ntrumm (Pompeio) per-
uenueoiilor, 1. dep. to i7'tlatigaU, ~ 8•J11Siesem, Cle. ; pass. lmpen., quibaa persllAIWll
uiOT"OugQy, Suet. e11t bOfltem penequl, Cic.
penpergo. S. (per and apargo), Co aprinW,, penui.alo -611la, 1. (pernadeo}. 1, • -.
per '11 per
..,...,, ~Ola.; I, 11 ro.ftdCo-, W£ct, aeo., fa f'lla.lfoa lo; qaod 94 popalum pert.Inc&,
fJri"'°7$ ;- auperaUt.fouum penmaalone, Tao.
penuiaua -tl, m. (penoadeo). ~;
lnilwi persll&!lu, Cle.
perttn«o. 8. (per and tango), to ltTdcA
lo; oollla lu l111111en1um pertlngena, SalL
pennabtilla -e 1, flWI ~;,,., wrr ma., p~lfro. L lo cndani to IM nd, bear oo ..
LQcr. ; 9, wrr 111"'1., wrr ~Md; oratlo, Clo. pliUI,, Luer.
DCmnllto, 1. (salto). L Intranslt., to llGp, pertorquN_ t. to ttrid, dfltorl, Luer.
al.:fptJbotUa.fl[acc; inagro,Llv. IL Transit., to pertraotatlo ~1111 f. (pntracto), ai. occun-
rGla{7e IAroMgA; ltallam, Tao. '""or b1111ringoiwel/wii.\ a.ppli<W'°1l to anything;
pertaedet ·taeaum eat, 2. impera. to b9 rerum publlcarum, Cio.
_,., qf, dilgMllm toilA a1tytAing; pert.aeawn pertraotoCvertreoto).1. L to to11rTl.wU1'
est levitatia, Cio.; TOe IDJurlae pertaeaum eat, t!W Tlands, lag 1old of. llaatlle, fttl; burbatulos
Sall. mullOI except.are de plsclna et pertmctal"e, Cic.
pertenclo -tend! -temmm and, s. L IL Tranaf., a, to lnu11 onutlf V"ith, trra.t, 1lud11;
lo oonti11uc, Cl1.TT"'JI lArougA; allquld, Ter. IL to philoaophiam, Cic.; b, to i1l.ft11rf&CS, t00r1' 11Jl01'/
di~ onis'1 .u,. a.111f1chere, I<> go; p&r1 lllllxhna aen1us mentesque homlnum, Cle.
Bonuun pertemleruut, Liv. pertrl.b.o -tra:d -tractum, 8. lo drag to G
pertento, 1. L t<>
pugion~m utrumqne, Tac.
T!!'."" B. TTansf. a, Co
fl[IJCll; a, to .forcl.blN con<lua; aliquem In c:astra,
tat, lrfl. A. Lit., 'Liv.; b, to rntb or a.lluni to G place; boa~
1"l'l to the ital; adoleacentium anltnos1 Lfv. ; b, ad lnal<l1arum locum, J,lv.
lo ClOllUUUr, to t:tnmiru ; perapice rem t.t pert.en~ pertl'eoto m pertracto(q,T,).
Cle. IL to ~J lay AQW 01, a.led; t&-emor per- pert:rUtla -e, 1 "'1"1f IOn'OIQ/'Ml, ap. Ola. ;
tentat corpora, ve1-g. ~ wrr ci1'1Un; qnktam pat.runs, Clo.
~niU.a -e, 1, wry flu, wrr nuzll, Plln.; pertibnulttio.i. l<lv. i1' Gil agUaUd or,..
:it, "111 ''Nall, tlCf'1/ llitJl.i; •pea ulutla, Cia. : •ulhwul tna.!ttwr; nantlare, Cio.
11USpiclo, Cie. pertunclo -ttldl ·tlhlum (·tnaanm) and ·tan-
pe"'r;'bro, L lo lJorl·tArougTl; columnam, 11u111, S. to bore IAroug~ t.\nul t.\,.oug~ ptlM
Cic. tArollg~ cat.
~rg- -tend -tersum, 2. to wJ~ o.f, ""r. perturb&ti. adv. (pcrturbatu1), CMl/tl.Hdlr.
"''· L Ut., g&118llll8 mcnsam, Hor. IL 'l'rana ., i1t a df.torderly lllCZ1'1U:7'; dlcere, Cic.
lo Co1lcA g~ntly, Luer, perturb&tlo ~nla, f. (perturbo), cor\fufo"1
perterretl.olo {-l'l5cl) -ractom, s. (perterreo diiorder, diafll'Ul. L Lit., .caeut.ato'"!'tN totatMr,
and facio), to frl,ghln, Urri/JI a:ctttlfngly, Ter. Cle. IL Traner. A. ~auonur; raUonla
perterr• -terrdl -terrttum, 2. to frig/llm, atque ordlnlll, Cle. ; animoru111, Cic. ;, vltAe, Cle.
krrify ~ly; maleftcU cooacientti perter- B. 1 J>OlUtcal df.tordtr di.lquld,;
ritus, Cle. magnl rerum perturLatlone lmpt.ndente, Cic. :
perterrloripu .. ·um, tou'ladhtg, rattling 9, passion, etllOticm: perturbattonett aunt genere
quatuor, aegrltudo, rormldo, libido, laetltia, Cia.
turUlly, Luer.
pertexo -uxdl -textum, 8. to wav. entirtly; perturbatrbl:: -lcla, r. (perturl>o), w ~
trauar., to CO'lllJ•leU, accompliM; pertexe modo dt.durba, Cle.
qnod exoJ'llUll es, Cic. perturbatua-&•um, p. adj. (trom perturbo).
pertloa -ae, f. "long pole or rod, Ov. ooi\fv,MJti, d~id«l. dilt•rbtd; numquam vldl
bominem perturbatlorem metu, Cio.
pertim6taotu ·a -um (pertlmeo and Cado), perturbo, 1. to diltuf"b amzU1, brl11g <mo
fri.gAtnud ezcud(t&gly, ap. Cic. complt:Ucoiifurion. L Lit., aefem, Ball.; onlluea,
pertlme•oo ·timol, 8. (pertlmeo), to fear Cnes. IL Tmnar., A. to disturb, ~ ; con•
acadi11gly, be t'try nLuch Cl/ra.i.d. of; uulllus pol· ditiones factlon~ne belllcu perjurlo, to bmik,
entlaln, Cle. ; de sul1 pcrieuliR, Cle. Cle. B. 1, to duturb politkally ; provinciam.
uertlni.cla -ae, f. (pertlnn), Jlrmnn1, ob- Cle. ; 9, to diaturb the /«ling•, todl81]11itt, alara;
ltGKICfl, JH!rfinacity; homlnnm nlmla pcrtlnncla 1le n-lpubllcae salute perturbari, Cle.; in1turbarl
et arrogautla, Caea. ; In pertfnacla perat4re, Liv.; anlmo, Caee.
frangere pertlnAciam, Liv. perturpta -e, """ baa, wry d£1graceful, Cio..
pertlni.oltv, adv. (perthux), ftrml-:1, ob- pertiisua -a -nm, p. adj. (from pertundo)
'"1taUl1, pt'rli nm:w'll.lly ; fuaoa Inaeq ul, LI v. boTtd throug~ per/OraUd; doll um a fundo per
pertlnax ·Ada (per and t.enax). L lla11inp tuaum, Liv.
n J(.ra Aold, tnac{cua; diglto male pertlnact,
)lor. IL fl~. l'fT~. perurtrlng, f""·tlna-
pinmgo -nnxf -unctumJ.!l- Co""°'"'
ly, bt111Uar; corpora oleo, t....le.
ciolu, obdi?laU; virtua, Uv. ; conrertatlo, Cle. ; -a ·nm, 1, wrr poliU, t'(}IMft
1>ertJnu: ad obtlneudam injuriam, Liv. vnu11, Cic. ; 2, In a bad sense, owr-polUt, Ole.
~ ·tlnfll, 2.(perand teneo), tomzmto, pirurgh -uni, 2. lo •'Yf fTtCUlr, earnatl1
a:tnad to. L Lit., venae In oit\nt'S pi1rte11 1..'0r• prua upon, Suet.
J>Oria pertlnentes, Cle. ; ~lb'lle 1iertln~11t ad In· piriro ·U88i -u1tum, B. L lo bu"' tloo
feriorem partem ftumlnia Rheui, Caett. D. ro11ghly, to btma tcp ; agrnm, LlY, IL A. to
Trana(., 1, to ~. e:rtl:nd, 1prmd; ea.lem bon· injfmiu (with Jove, etc.); perurimur aeAtu, Ov.:
ftas ad mnltltudlnem pertlnet, Cle.; 2, to ttnd pcruat us lnani gloril, Cle. B. 1, to ga.ll, i:h""1
'°*&rda, to haw a..t a.n ob.}td or ruult; ea quae mfta11u; subtl11<;a11t oneri colla pt>rusta bo\•ea,
Id' etremlnandO!I animOll Jll'rtlnent, Cae11.; quors- OV:; 9, to pi1idl., tt.ip wit.\ cold; terra peruata
am pertfuetf qf"wllal ~ v.U t of tl'luU 000r.I ii gd11; Ov.
U 1 Hor. ; 3, to rela~, ptrla{•, btl1>11g to; a, Illa
res ad otnclum meum pertinet, etc. ; h1terpret- Perbla -ae, t. Oil• of tM ttodN al/Ud Etru-
anrlo, quorsum quldqne pe1-tln911t, Cle. ; b, to 41- CU1' tovnL&, now Pn-itg'4. Hence, Piriieiau
laeo\ to. to fall 11po1& : ad quetn auapiclo 111nlellell .. -um, btlong£ng to Penul4.
pertlneat, Cic. ; 4, to llani a• 'nftlU'l\CC 1'P""• piritnt• -e, wrr ~ Cle.
aled; al qnid hoc ad rem pertlnet, Cle.; 6, to pervido -vital ·vi.Bum, 8. L to oo tll'O'lfg.,
nlaU lo; QUod or qu'l.Dtum pe.rtlnet ad, with COiiie U1ro11gh, J1Ga IArougl.. A. Lit., lnc:eudhwa
per flt per
pa llJ'C>I penaslt, Cle.; per aequa et lnlqua loca, bontlng do~. Ole. ll. Fig., to iAttttigaM.
UY. B. Transr., ~nooe: oplnlo quae per .arch '"lo; vervealigare et cogn~. Cic.
anhnoe ~ntlum barbllrarum pervaserat, Cle. pervltua -irt., W""1 old; rex, Cie..; AllllcWI,
ll. to aUaill, to mid to, to arrlre at. A. Lit., Cle.
In ltaliam, Cle.; Id ca.etra, Liv. B. Tranar., perv~tuatua ·a -urn, "'Y old: vert._ Cle.
to niaclt. to; locus nullu.a est quo non bo111inum
libido penaaerit, Cle. perrioacla -ae, t (pen·Icu), prnilU11.CJ:
U11ually In a lHlJ aense, uWliJWcy,;
penigatua -a ·Um, p. adj. (from pervagor). mulleroait&11, pervlcacia, llgurritio, Cic.; 1..:rYl·
L 'Prend a~l, toell l."1Ww1'; aermo, Cle. ; caciA tua et Buperbla, Uv.; pervicacla in bOlitnn,
penatp1ti:;sl111111 versus, Cic.; neut. plur. suui;t., ftntt11ua, Tac.
llta commu11ia et pen·ai,"&.ta, tlwsl Wtll·kiwu"YI. ~cAcl~r adv. (peTY'ic.u), Jrrtalv, ob-
nilu, Cle. U. 00?111111011, gtnera.l; pan est per· 1t111attlv, 1tubbornl11; co1111•11r., vcn;caciua, lJV'.
vagntior, Cle.
pervAgor ·itua sum, 1~ L Intnmsit., lo
pervloas -icis 1ien·lco for pervinco), ftra,
1rn11ieliii11f/; In a bad !lente, 111'bborft, oti.l1wall;
wandert..!,o roH 4boait. A. Lit., omnibus In lods, virtus, Liv.; '\\'Ith genit., pervicax Uae, Tac. i
Caea. a. TransC., lo bl wuul11 1pread; a,= to with advel"!lull, ad\·erllUI peritol pervlcas, Tac.
bteonu: k1W1011 ev~e; quod in e:rUris nati·
onibua wiqne Id ultimas terru pervagatnm eiit, pervl46o ·Vitti ·v&lum, 2. L lo orcrlook.
Ci~. ; b to b«o7M roamcm ; ne 19 bono1 nlmium
look at, u911ra, ldold ; 1. lit., IOI qnJ pervidd
pervagcW, Cle. IL Transit., to 1Dl111lkr throu~. oninim, Ov. ; 2, traruf., a, cunct.Aque mena
A. Lit., hello prope orbem terrarum, Liv. B. oculis perviJet US.'\ sui1, Ov. ; b, lo look Ol'n'
to rtrinu; qunm tua JM!rvldeu ocullil ma1a
Tra1111f., cupidlta.tes, timorca omnium mentcs llppns iuunctis, Hor. IL to look tAn111gA atld
pervagantur, Cic.
1hro11gh; 1, lit., lo distingvid; ut .1;~-q_ue ..•
pervAgall -& •QID1 toaNcft>ri1&9 1Wrf101lut; quae cuiusque stlpitis 1ial1111111t perv1Jcn 1~<1t,
puer, Ov. I.Iv.; 2, tnrn11r., a, to uumiu; quid e:i ix-stu~i
perv'16e ·111. I. to be~ 1trong, Luer. pt!n;ucndum, Cle.; b, to look at, ptrccu~. d..-
penlrli. adv. wr, mr£ousl11, Cle. t'ffll; animl mel lin111tn.t1:1u, Cic.; nu!lou., lo

pervasto. 1. lo ckva.1lau, lay

flldel11; oninia Cerro ftanunaqne, Liv.
'°""' co.-
couidu, uamiM; videbo te et, Cle.
pervlgio ·gill, 2. to ,C011riAA, b!.Jo,.. oo.-
linvally; opibua atQue hooorilm1 perviguerl.
peJTOho ·vex! ·vectum, S. L 141 OOf'TN meaahwd long'" .J!OlllU'Mm o/, Tac. (i11g, Uv.
throv!lh, co11clkCl tArO'llglt.; commeatus, Liv.;
pus., pervel&J, u middle, to trawl, sail, f"UI penlgU · ~ tmtcV'iU, ai..,. tllllrj.
lhro1111h, Tac. IL to carT)', ltad, oond11d, lrnng Derrig1li.tlo ·l'lllls, r. (penlgilo), Cl rigU,.
lo a pla<~; vlrgtnea Caere, Liv. ; pass., pervehl, rJlgiolU u'Otclling, Cic.
u middle=Co traiid to; Cbalcldem, Uv.; In penlglllum ·II, o. 1,0 100tcAh•v t1't"O'llv1l0111
portu1u (fig.), CU:. t'M 11'9ht, l'li11.; 11, a rtl1gio111 1mtcU11g~ ~il:
penello ·TI!lli, 8. fll pltiek, pull, lwritcA caslra pervii;illo Dl'glect.R, Uv.; ~rvigilium
t1iok11~lr. L Llt.aun;m, P~r.; 11tomach~1u, celebrare, Tac.
to ucile, Hor. A£. Fig., lo prnch, hurt, porn; l>GJ"VkilO. 1. lo tmlt-A, rntaiR a1nlh fl,,,.,..
al te Corte dolor allquJ1 pervellerit, Cle. ; !i1:nce, '1t11 the niglal: DOCtein, Cic.
lo 1lisparagc, N11iU; jUI clvlle, Cle. penilla -e, wrr c:Map; annona, LIY.
pen~ ·vMI ·ventum, '· to arrlw at, ~·Vici -vletum, S. L lntranall '9
eoriu to, rWiaa. L IJL, Germani In fines Ebur- gcllll Cl ccmpltft ~.
A. Lil, rervicit ,..,..
onum pervenerultt, Caea.; Id, Cle. D. dan•, Tac. B. Tranaf., lo mr111 oM'• poilll:
Transr.i &t of, to c:Utai" to, to arrlio. at, pervlclt. Cato, Cie. ll. Transit., to ooitq11n w.-
rwcl ; tD maxlmam lnTidiam, Cie. : In senatum, J,Jculr au.bd1U1 tUtn-lr. A. Lit., Plaut. B.
lo b«o1lw a 1e1'Cllor, Ole.; In script.a allculus, to
be tnent\oMd br aa a1'eAor, Cle.; Id IUUDJ, lo
obh1'1l oxt/1 atn cic.; ad prlmoa oomoedoa, lo
attai• to IM Nd o/, Cle. ; b, of thinga, lo "°"'
'rr11111r., b to
'r,"· -
olll<lo; vocea ioervincu&
iwmun, Hor. • 11, to il&llll<:f, prtroil
cv<I i11 prei:adi"I; with ut a11.d tl1e 1rn I• ., 1u11ltll
rationlbus pervlcerat. Hhod1os ut 111A1ia111
fO; pecnnla ad Vtrrem penenlt, Ole. aocletateru retlnereut, Liv.; to briup abcrait v-itA
peneni. atlv. (peryenua), "1f'OJ&gly, per- dlfficull1; 1-ervlcerunt reml11 ut tenl're11t lem1111,
W;rld1; lnterpret.ari, Cic.; ut.1 deorum beneflclo, Liv.; 3, to yrot'f, dtrKoulratt; allquitl diet.ii,
Cle. Luer.
penenltaa -Alis, f. (pervenoa), pnwn£t11; pervlua -a -um (tier anti via), pttUllhlt.• a.cca-
bowinum, Cle. ; oplnJonum, Cle. ribU, AavC1t9 ca f'Mtl tArot1~; perYlua 11!111•,
perver'8118 -a -uru, t>_. adj. (from perverto), Verg. &n. 11. L Lit. 1 loca equo J,>t·rv1a, Ov.;
crookt:d, awry, atkeio. L Lit., J>ervenlaaiml tranallionea, Cle. Suoat., perrium ·II, n.
OCllJi, lqHhlli"'f dna4J'ully, CiC. ll. prrwrte, Cl p<U«ige, Tac. IL Fig., accunw. ; Dlhll
fro10ard, wrong; aaplentJa Tuberonhl, CfA ambitionl perviu.m, Ta.a.
penrerto (pervorto) -verti (-vortl)•ft?'l1lm penoJao = pervulgo (q. Y.).
(·vorirn1u), 8. to tvrn UJ'6MU dcrwn, ow1·txm, pery~llM. 1. (iotena. of 1. pervolo), lo ,_
owrthrot0. L Lit., tecta, Cic. IL T,.nsf., A. tAro•111• or 1°"Ad, lo /Cit~; omnis lat.e 10C9,
to (nt'trl, pen~t; perverso more, agafo"' tradl.- Verg.
fWll, C'Mlom, etc., Cle.; pt!rverso numine, aga(u 1. pen~lo. 1. L to Jr through, ft'll l"C1l"4;
tJw wiU of the god1, Yerg. B. Metou., lo owrtAJ"Olli, 1 lit., Mldes, \'erg.; aerium, Ov.; ~. tnlllsf.,
klllroy, pervert; au1icitla111 aut juatltlam, Clo.; of any l'llJ•ld motion 1 au 111ilia puauuru d1ila,
omnla Jura dlvlna atque humana, Cle. C. to Cic. IL to fly to a :Jl'UCC; In bane scd1:ru, Cic.
lrip up, pirt dmo11 : uumquam (1lle me) ullo 2. pinr61o -vOhll ·\'elle, w 'lt'u.\ grea.tlJ, •
artlftclo pervertet, Cic. bt VC'JI dutrov.1; pervellm •cire, Cic.
perv911Pirt. adv wrr rau ca I.Al ftftiag, perv61ii&o,. 1. (lnte111. of pel'To!vo), to roll
Cle. rovnd; e11p., to "nroll, read o book; llbro9, Ck:.
pervutigi.Uo ~uls, f. (perveaUgo), o trcltk· pen61YO -volvl .,·OHltum, S.. to roH abovt
fag O'l&l, i11i·uligatio", Cle. L Gen., 1, lit., allquem in luto, Ter. ; 2 1 fig.,
perveet.igo. L eo c1"11Ck Giii. L LlL. ol u' ln U. lOcla puvolva&m uhuu, aor oe a-
per 413 pet
,.,., ,., Cl~. n. '° ,_ Otlt1' Cl boo);, lo rud. JM)Stllena -enttti (pestls). L pnlilmtfal,.,..
pel'YOl'M, pervorelo, pervorto,
wne, pervenilo, perverto, etc. (q.v.).
etc. = per· lu;1itll."/!_;_ aooee, Cle.; annt111 pestllenti11&ln11aa,
C1c. IL Tran11t., dai.dly, fatal. tlOZiotY; bomo
Den"D.katu ..,. -um, p. adj. (from per· J'l'Rtllentlor, Cic.
TUlgo), 1, W,., U'lcal, flff1/ common; com1ol11lio, peetllentla -ae, I. (pestllena), ~
Cle.; 2, tet./l knowa; fat& IJlllledicta pervulgatA 7'1ague, illfectiOtU diMGM. L Lit., and met.on.
ID olnnes, Cle. l, lit., cansa 1ie11tilentlae, Cl""; peiJtllentli
penulgo (pervolgo). 1. L to pwblUA, p/a«; laborare, Ltv. ; 21 meton., uMMltAy a,r, """11ln,
.au publicly k1Unr1t; 1, res In vulgus pervul- plaC'ee), pe11tllent1ae pollleSBorea (or unh,.itlthy
pta, Cle.; Illas tabulaJ1pervulg11rlRtqneedl P.R. Gic. ; autu mnt, Caee. IL Tranllf.
hnperavi, Cic ..i)l, of a woman, se, to 1'rostit11~ (moral), r/fl9lU, pt#, Cat.
ltrirlf, Cic. .u. to i>Uit or 110jou"' oftnl. in a peatrutaa ·ltla, f. = pei1tllentia (q.v.).
pl4«, Lner. pestla -Is, f. L a riut., ptllileMt, plogw,
pie. N!dls, m. (trotic), t1u fool (ulled both of fof~ttiotu diMaM, malaria; pestt-m ab A~ypto
ID"n and anhn11ls). L Lit., 1, calcel apt! ad avert.ere, Cle. IL Tranaf., A. dutnu:tl.o11., "''"·
pedem, Cic.; pe<lem ferre, lo go, Verg.; pede111 dlalh; pestem In oliquem machlnarl, Cic.; illam
port! non etr"erre, Cir_; peil<'m referre, Cle., a republlca peat.em <lepellere, Cic. B. Hewn.,
revocare, to go back, rttur"· \'erg.; pedibus, 011 an iniurWu.~ thino or ptrlOll, a pu!J curM, ban.t;
foot, also by land, Gic.; aervu1 a pedlbu11, an lllae lnclusae In republlca peata, liic.
lllte1'danl, lacl:ey, Cle. ; accldere ad pedea all- ~tAsatua ..,. -nm (petn1u11), tMiri1tg IM
cuiaa, Cle.; prohl'IJit.1 estis in provincin veatrn ptta.ltu (q.v.) = tqt1ipped for a journey, Cic.
pedem ponere, Cic.; pede pul11are terram, to pe~lo (IJ4Stlllo) ·Onia, m. (tnTacr.Ov), a
irci!Mle, Hor. ; !al esp., &, mlllt. t. t., Jledibu11 /ore-quarter oTpork, Varr.
inerett, to ae-rw " the iufantry, Liv.; descend~re
Id !ledes (of cavalry), to dumom_it, Liv.; pedl'm pet.AaUDoiUua ·I, m. (dim. or petaso), •
eonlerre, tohht lland to ha11d, Ltv.; b, as polit. lUUe Jore-quarter of pork, Juv.
t. t. (of aenatorw), pedibus ire in untentlam tHSUU.u -1, rn. (nr<MrOC), a broad-brlmmal
llicuht11, to agrtt v.rltl'I, .urport so nu one·s propo3al, fe/1 hat, w«l l1fl trolH!lltn, Plaut.!
Uv.; ne (quls) pedibns lret, iAculd t'Olt, Cle.; petaurum ·i, n. (ftTllllpO..), Cl lpring-boanl.
I, fig., 1111b pedfbm1, tinder tl!e f'OWtT of, Liv.; tlMd by tu.mblen and rope-dan«ra, Jnv.
IUb pedibns eHe or jacere, t.o he thotrght little of,
OT.; IO enh. pede ponere, Hor. ; petlem op- Bru.ttian. Pl;teUa (Petilla) -ae, r. a toto!l '" &
UrritoY71 coloniltd b!f. tl'lt Lwcanfa11•,
ponere, to VJ1.tMalld, Ov.; pedem trahere, to now Strongoli. Hence, adj., P6telinua -a -um,
li•p (of Iambic vene), Ov.; per me lata trah· Prulian.
antur. pedibu1t, may tu far cu I am OO!lM"ntd bt
tvf'lltd '°P'Y·lUTVJI, may go to the dogs, Cle. ; ante peteuo epettao), s. (peto) to dtrirs, 10f1f
pede1 positum eMe, to ~ before one"• fut or eyu, /or, 1trive after tagtrly; allquicl, Cle.
Cir.; ch-cum pedes clrcum se, Cle. ; ante ~titlo ·Onis, f. (pew). L an. atwck, Ulnut,
Jiedee >tanilil befare Mantlim, Cle.; pcs sec· blow: tuu petltionea elfugi, Cic.; aft attack (ia
nndQ.11, fellx, rlexter, happy or fortuuate arriml, toOTCl.8; novl omne11 hominls ~tltlonn rationeaqne
Verg., Ov. II. A. Tr~Mf., 1, poet., of water, dlcendl, Cir. IL Trnnsf.J 1, a requuting; a,
mpa11t:e lyrn pha ·del!ilit pede, Hor. ; or time, petltio indutiarum, Liv.: ol an application fer
tilctto pede JapM vetustas, Ov.; 2, a the foot ojflu, candidature; consula 1111, Cae1.; daie ae
o/ a tAair, u1ble, or other article of ft1N1iture, peUUonl. Cic. ; 2, a, a 111it, legal claia, Cle.,
Tac. : b, pew veil, the rope or 1httt att.arhtd to b, a rig/II nf c/a im, a right to bring an adW.;
fM h11ctr tJb7e of a 1ail, by whkl'I it U"lll tightnwi cuiu11 elt petitlo, Ck.
or rtlaztd; hence, pcde aeqno, wtth fair w!nd, ~titor ·Oris, m. (peto). MU 1011.o 1trivu a,ftef'
Ov.; facerc pedcm, t.o tieer out the shut to oatch. an11thillg. I. a canlfidntt, Hor. II. the plaintil
•ride wind, \'erg.; '!i tht pole on which a lUUr fo a cfoil or primt'- rnit, Cle.
ucorrUd, Cat. B. .Meton., 1, pedibu!I vtncere, ~titiirlo, 4. (dl!tlider. of peto), to du!n lo
b 4 foot-ract, Ov.; 2, esp., a, t. t. of poetry, a b«ome e& rundidati; viJeo hominem valde petl-
IUtrka.! foot, Cic.; b, a metre, ~ of wru; turlre, Cic.
IA-A hi WI, Hor.; c, n. f()(lt, a11 a meHure or length;
i:;:~1 non egreul 1umus, Cle.; citua pcs, tht- petitus -tl11, m. (peto), 47' 'llelini"g ~nil,
peedmua, pel!Sfme, "'· mal111. peto -lvl and ·II -ttum, s. (root PET, whence
lmpet-o, impes, lmpetull, Gk. IlET, whence
Peu1au. (Puma> -ut•ti•, r. cr"-"'oiit, rrfro-1u.•, ,..,...,...,), to rtach WllXlrds. I. Gl'n., A.
Drcru1oii< -o\;.-Tof), one Qf the moo etlebrattd towiu Lit., a., with the hand, t.o grC1sp; Ili<,nM }'etlt
o/ Galatia, near Mount Dindymu1, chit/ ual of <ll•xtrl\, Verg.; b, with a weapon, to fu.U U.J>01'.
tAt toOr&l'lip qf Cybtle, now JJalallnzar or Bala· attack, auail, aim nt, tllrmt at: CA put et colln:n,
liaar. Adj., Pe8111D.UAtfua -a -um, rtlating Cle.; allqnem tells, Liv.; o, with the feet or
lo Purit1.•1. with otluff kinds or motion, (a.) UJ make for,
~u ·f, m. (d110'4Aoc), a boU; pet· gn to, hcuUn to; Dyrrhachlum, Cic.; loca et.II·
llllom Cit.lo obdere, Ter. dlora, Cic.; caelum pennis, to fir to, Ov.;
pela1lm. a.-tv. (for pedlA venrum), ii, tAt traw1f., of Inanimate ol~eots, mona petit utra,
fl'OltlMf, to tM ~. dov:nuurd.I ; pe11snm Ire, rmra ill heed totoard4, Ov. ; (/J) to go to Cl
fa rinl; to tAe gro-wnd, Cle. ; In be ruined, UJ ptTton, to approach..; ut te suppl ex petnem,
~.Tac. Esp., peaum do (orpe11sunulo, \'erg.; (y) to tab a ~tai" dirtdiofl., t.o take a
ot Jlf'ISUDdO) d~i, altnau, cll\rt>, to /ti fall to t~ road; alt um cunnm pet.ere, Cic. B. Tra11ar., 1,
fl'O'lllld, to dutTOJI, rui•, pw.t at1. 111.d to, Sall. ; tn atV!rk, as!lldl: "ul me eplatoli petivit, Cle.;
Id lnertiam peuum datus nt, •ttnk into, Sall. aliquem fr9.ude, Liv. ; 2, to a.irk, require, clai"'-
~g. buMclt, rtf]MUt, tfttrtal; &, alic11i1111 vi tam,
PMtlflr -rnl"ll -Urum 1rn<i pelltlftrua -a Cic. ; J>llcem • Romanie, Caes. ; with ut and the
-nm (resti1 and fero). l.l. pr..<tifn-01u, putt~ntUll; 1mbj., pew ate ut, etc., Cle.; with 11nbj. alone,
odor corporam, Liv.; :;.s, transf., deadly, Jntal, ab11 te peto, efficlu ut, etc., Cic.; with ne and
~fvii, (ttjttrioll•; vipers, Cic. ; clvl1, Cle. the 11uhj., peto a te ne me pules, ek., Cle.;
~ adv. (peatifer). balef'"ly, '1\)vr· ll"an1f., of lna11lmate objecta, quantum res pctit,
,, O&c. fl#cU or dnlal&M, Cle.; b 1 lo tRakt ca clAia ai
pet Pha
faur, ttJ 'firing an nrclion, to m~ for: liere~lt..itls WI Hlltd ny a tl1tmdtrl1oll tJf Jup!ter. Rl!nce,
J•08S<'!l!IJ<H1ern, Ci<'.; c, lo 1tue /nr, to so/int: (ll) A. Adj., PhA.etbonteus -a -um, rt:huing to
Cc btcome a m11dH1tl,. for 7mh/ic o.fllc·~ ; co11,;nlat mu, l'luutho1t. B. 8111Jst., Phl'iethontlaa ·A>lis,
Cic.; (µ) lo 1roo a maiden; vir!-:inem pe~iere f.; plur., Phaothontlif.des -um, r. :he ri4Ur1
Juvenes, Liv.; 3, to suk /(Jr; 11., ~,.,,,., ,: 1\ ;s of l'li<U'thon, who were turned int-0 11opfors.
statioq•rn 1•cten•la, Verg.; b, to 3te; ' ,.,
~11de.1rour to (i/ilain; praulam J>" Phlothiisa -ae, t (4>al8ovva), a 1UUr OJ
M1>ie11ti•t1n, Ci ... : mort<'m, C:ie.; l'haetium..
\\·rg. IL to fetch, d•rirt; 1, lit. , phlger -gr!, m. (tf>aypo~), a fish, Ov.
dbum e, T•·r. ; b, t-0 f"'• , · 1 'g Phl\.lacous -i, m. ('t•a>.a1K~). a tym?IJ of tAt
/urlh: gcmitus alto de cord«, Ov.; 2, traw1f., a I'h<Y,ura11a. Hence, adj.,Phiilaeceua ·A -u111,
lltU!ri~ oblivioncm, Cic. (!~tit= p.;tut, V~rg.). of Ph alaecu..'I.
petorrltum (pctorltum) -1, n. an optn, phAla.ngae (plUo.ngae) ·!'i•nm, f. (4>4\
/our-ul1edcd Gu.Ilic carriugt. an•>), 1·oller1 on. tohich hwry bot.Lia were mot't'<l,
1. petra -ae, f. (n-iTpn), a stone, rod:, Plin. Cae~.

2. Petra -ae, f. (Ilfrpn.). I. a toum in A rn11fo phiUangita.e -<i.rum, m. (<pallllY'f~.,.01), told ten
Pdrata, now ruins of Wady .\fu&:i. II. a tov:n btfo11{fi 11!1 to a 71h.alcrnr, Liv.
(n Sfcilv. Hence, P~trinl ·orum, 111. tlut in· Phillantu.s ('1',i.\ano~). a Spartan
-!, rn.
1w.hita:iis of Ptlra. u·lw emi!J• •1t~d to Jtaly und j .. 't1ufol Tuunt111n;
rrl<'nata L11coni rura Phalanto, th.I 1'ar11a&i111
Pctrcjus ·ti, m., M., a J:omait grneral, Ui!· ten itor11, llur.
a'e •'f J \,r.ipey fa the C.:ii•ll War.
phruanx -angis, f. (1•ri.\ay0. L Oen., e1
Petrinum -1, n. an. atatt near Siilue.s:sa. in cl"<>"ly·.'<!:Ti.ed array of ~,,/dirrs, \'!'rr;. Il. Esp.,
Cam;•1 .. ia. a, a dil'i.<ion of thl! Atlinii'm and ·"r~ir/an ar11111
Petro~orii -orum, m. a Gallic tribe in ilnuc11 up in battle an·11y, a 1·h·1/ii,,r, Ncp.; b,
..if1[Uil1.i 1;i· 11 iu woJcrn i'C"rig<Jnl. the Maccdri•ii.'in rl.a/,1.11.r, il /,.11/y of mrii. (from
P~tronlus ·Ii, 1+1., T. (or C.) Arbi~r. a eight t" sixt.l'e!l thou;,:111d 8lrong) tirnu·a up ill
Roni.on ~>1!i1 £st ur:.1fer i.' a close ]i!ln1lld•1ymn1, )1/ty 1r,ea (li•rw..~t and si.»-
trc1· Ii.Np; C; tra11i;f., the oni,"'i· of U..u!it anuy
petliL'UlB -ru.t•R (• p1•tulo, fro111 pctc.), frroJ:- cwwn;J the (,,wlJ aiu! Ginnn.1s Jrau·n vp in a
f~!I. cap»iciou...•, 1•,rt, 1n111to11, fro1canl, 7>1:tul•111t; 1~1rnlld••Jrnin; i1l>:i.la11gc fad:~, ill close /ornw.-
a111l esp., 1r:1,,~v•1, lll,;tjul; homo, Uc. ; gnnt'I tfo11, Cic.
d1\?+•nili~ Cie.
Pbll.L.'l.ra -urum. 11. (4>G.>.ap" ), a "°rt in Thu-
petil.lantCr, u1lv. (p.;tnlrrn~), frmkislify, &u/y 011 th• Sin11s Jfo/i<1c1..~, now Stylidlw.
cn1irir:if,!.ip, 7.f/11/aut/y, )ro1i•111d/•f, ~nrnto11111;
p..t!ihrn! ;· Vh°f'rt', Cw.; )'dUL:ntiU'I j.t<'~<n, Phalf!.rla .fd(q, m. {<l>a.\apio;), n t1;r11nt of
<.:h·.; i~·! u~:n,tis:,i111e ticri, Ck. Acrri:;i11tum, not.,rious for his "' uc!ty (v. Peril·
~ti!.lz..ntJa -&e, f. (p•:tnlnn.;). crfl"ido11~nrss, Ph4ln.&tu-na -:i!', r. (<1·,,> cirrnp«a), a tmcn
{1 e.ih;I: ,.,•• ., wantonn.e.-:.s, }JP/u/tlllcc V•PP· pudvr,
in <'..t,.,. Adj., Phtl.lasa.rncus -a. -uin, oJ
m0<!c'!. :.1 J, Cle. I hui1r~e tr rut.
petnlcm; ·8 -um (1:cti;). nutting v.•,"111. llt: phalcra.e (flUerac) -arum, r. (~~ iAap,.). I.
Mad; ",~n1, Ltt"."r.; haedt) \ctg+
a 1wt«l un11. m.. :ld li'JTll. Oil the ltreu.1t a:. ti mii.-
Pcncctia -11(" 1 r. a di"trid of ApuUa. Arlj., iiry d,,.,,,.,,I ;,m, t'ic. II. a tr"i'i ing on a Jwru'1
Peuci' -1\ -um, l'euati1m. het1:J und l·rmst, Liv., Y.::r:.i:.
pexml' ·!l -um {paitic. or prcto), hairy, 1!'-0<ll/!/, plili.lcratus ·a -um (j1halcr.w), adt.n"tltd tdt~
ha,.i11:1 a: r.n:p, a11,1 hence (of a ga1tne11t), f.<tc, the /'lwl•r"~; eqni, Liv.
Hnr. Phalorllm ·i, n. f<t>JAllo01-). th.~ oldr,r 1"'''
Pbl!tCU ·I, m. (<f>a,.,od, stronghold of t1-..e of .tl.thell.8, f•n<1 .. cl-;1l with th< ci!;1 Uf/ a fo111} wall.
Ma:·1:ii .. 1,ic:n ~n{l$, near PcUu.
H('ncc, A. Phalercus ·•':i atid ·0n.<, m. belon9·
Zl'blU~A..)~.a ·ii<''.lm, m. ('l•uia.irrt), tht Pi;are· illy to /'ha.l~r-11m; Hernc:t 1 ius 1'ha1t·!"'llK, nr !!Im ply
ckn.a, 1•111tl:in~.l j .1/wlut:1nts c; thr i,;/,rnd of S«'.il'ia l'liakr<'ll~, ?'f(lt'llt o/ .-!thens (about :lOO s.c.).
(idenli!: :d. with (',.rt]IT<1), ji1»U'i fi~ tl,dr 1•1ps- B. Pht'llcricu.s -11·um, °'3lony1 nq to Thulu11m;
:ptTity. !:'in;:., Phaea.x ·:'id~, m. a Phwa<'imi;
pingul!! Pluc·:nxqu(", a nm/orlr~!>lr, lu.,rurivus :rnbst., PhUerfous -i, ru. (sc. pwtu.s), the har-
&our (,/ l'/t{•u m.
~n, Hor. He11~e. A. Phn.e!\clus -a ·ur,1,
Pl11uac£an... B. Phaeacls ·Mi~. f. it J>ofln. on monlvry Phanae ·Ii.rum, f. (ll>n1•r11l, l1n··~«mr arul 1'rO·
fo the S1:mth oj Chi1.:, now Cup Jfa.1;ti<:o,
l.~f slay rf C:I:wn umo•1g thi: J'hamcian.•.
th~ wiintry near 1Vhich 11·Hsjirn":U.$ for ii.a 1d11c;
Phs.edon -onlq, m. (<h1il ... 1·), dt"·:plt of a•IJ., Phanaeus -a -um, l'li rnc4'1n; rex Pha-
Sr1<:rol'·' ru!'.! frir•t<Lnf Plato, Khn '."ff<' hi.:! name na1"11s, l'"l't. for l'lwrvuan. u:i ne (as tho ling
tc 11 di.<:lo'.J!I.~ on tl.t: immn.-tality oj tht s011l. urnnng \\ ine~), Ver:;.
Phaedra ·Ile, r. (<i>oitpn), dm:r;hlrr of Mi11~'1, Phantlisoa -i, m. (4-avncros ), o &on oJ
1ister of A riad11r and 1:•ije of 1'/.e, '<IS ; s'f:I! fr II iii Somr~n~.
lore ,..ith, cmd uu.< (Ly a fal~·· 111:1:11satin11) U.c
a:rnP. of the drnUi of, her s:l•'J"S'•li /! t]'Jr•lyfui~. Pbii.on -·-··ii~, m. (<t•aw•·), a youth of us'o..,,
btl ,,,·d /.1J :·«in·ho.
PbAedru.s -l, m. (<t>o.iopo-;). I. an E1•ic!1rra'l1. pharetra -ne, f. (tf;ap,'rpa), a f;uiia, Ven.;.
~ihih1;. ;.Jt,r a! Allio•.'. tm,rJwr "f c,cn,}, IL a
di~dpi,: of Socmlcs. III. <1 frcn!11w11 (If A11q11slll8, pht\retriitus -a. -um (J>l•:\•·1rnl, f:in::"•e'l
Th,·ururn l!y liirth, a Whor of l.1tt: 11 j.di!.;;. 1.cifh a qui1.'t1 r 1 u·rnring u qttu·er ,· \'l1g1i 1 lJLuna,
Pha..estum ·l, n. (<tia1cnod. I. a triwn on the OY.; pnrr, C111>hl, Ov.
81Y111h r1¥1·t ·f•»·f!e. Henc•" Phaestifls -ldis, phn.rmaceutrla -a". f'. (•.z,,,,~"""'<VT/Hlf), tlit
f. a rli!'t'l/ir i11 /'haesbm. II. Cl 1.n n in 'J'/rrs;;,dy. &01wrf-.s (title nf Yergil's Ei;.;lith Ed··~ll<'}.
Pbi\ot.hon .{.nll<1, m. ('1>altlw1·), the l!hi1dng phiirml1copoln (-cs) ·ar, _i;.1. (.}ll{lµa..:o·
one. L Epithrt of Ilcli11s, the .•un. II. the son 1'fw\J)i;). a seller •I dru!f.•, 11 quw:/.:, ,,,1r.
of lhlius Ci.vmn•~. u·ho, attempli:niJ to drfrt Pha.rnaccs -i~. m. (1"'P"ci"'1<), i.fn;J in
thl! ch<trlut of hU! ft1lhcr, at$ the u.wl.d 01l fire, and Poatus, •on of Milhridult$, 0011q1w·,;,i iy C<u.,ar.
Ph& 415 phi
pharai.J.119 (-~s) -1, r. (4>tlp.,.~of), t1 tmrn Phllaenl -llrum, Rnd Gr. -~n, m. (~<~atvo•\
h Thr1<t<1l.11. nmr u·hich. I'ompriiu mu riffi'110d tun Carth11·1inian. brother$ w·ho 111hmiltrrl 0 ~"
1>11 Ousar, 4g n.c., now Pharsri. Hence, atlj., h-urif!! alirt for the Sltkt of their cn1111lri1: :1rae
PhaniUlcu• -a -um and Pharsiliua ·• Pl.ill\..riorum and Philaenon, a port on. tht bvr-
•Ulll, /•Ji,1r3rtli111'. dt:r! of Cyrme.
Phlirus (-~tt) ·I, r.
(<t.ii>«), an Mand off Phflammon -i'inl~. m. (<t>t.\nµµwv), ""' Q,f
Alnnn.dria, u·h,.rt f't,-,/,m.y Phila1M7ih11J built 11 .A710//o a1ul Ch;.>ne, a crldimlt•l li!l!]tr.
/;rr•.r.hou~; a<!J.. Phi\rlus -a -um, a, rrlrrli1v7 PhWppl -~rum, m. (<l>iAunro1), a cil1 ln Jlrc-
to J'haru.s: b, loyJ; li·tll; juve11i'l\ 1 lo, Ov.; t•1rha, r,1frmin., 1eh•rt Oct11ri<1ut1.1 a111t .tnfony dtft'l.l"d
"'' 1>ri~ cf !JJiA, Tib.; conjux, Cltopatm, nrut111 nlVl C'1••i•1.,, nnw Filibah or fllif'<']il.:;
Mut. hl'nct>, a1lj., A. Phillppenala ·e. B. PhlliP-
Ph.lsiU. ·l·lls, r. (1> ...a-.,.\if), a toton !n T•1da, ploua -a -um, nl·tling lo l'hilippL.
on the b&rdtr of Pa mph IJ/ ia. fll'11cr, P~litae Phlllppopon. ~Ps, r. «t•A•1Mir&.roAtc), 11
-i'trnm, m. tlu inl'o1ih1tant.t of I'hri.Y.lis. towll ia l'h rm~ 011 the right bank q/ th4 Hrorru,
phlUIOlus (-") -1, m. an•I r. (4><>.,...,-'o~). l, a1t now Ph!/ipJlnp<iU.
m1l>/e l>ta1', the l.:idnl'y·l~n. \'('r~.; 2, a ki11<l n/ PhUippus .f, m. ("'{.l.t1Mf(K'). 1.. the namr.3
ltght 6/ci,r fo~d of 03W?TI or pip!JTU$, or burnt n(.vre1aL l.:i111• of Mw~·fon., the mmt ultl.>mted of
a11,l P<linttd clay, Cic. whmn u·rtJ tit" fathu of Alaancier lht G1·,al;
Phaah -I.ti" nnd -Mos, m. (1>ti1Ttf), a rfrtr fo Ill• f,,11., a gnlrl cnin. coi1Ud Oy Philip, Hor.;
Colchis, falling into t!v'. ntacl;; s~a. llflW Rion or ht>1ir"i', 1 , A. Phfllppeua ·a -um, ht1mig·
Rioni. Heucc, A. Pbasla -ldis, r. &•lJ. Pha.~­ in1 'ip; n1111111111s, a gold coin. n/ King
(a11, poet. = Cofo\l..n~ ; volucre<1, 1•l11•a.•11nt.•, I'/, ·
)fart.; 1mbllt., Phasls (!ICC. femlna), the Colchinn ph-na.
1· »rth twe11ty lirachnt<U. B. Phlllp-
·\till, rrlaliri-J to l'hilip; or.iti,.,111·"·
~man== MfdJ'tl, Ov. B. -a -um If,, .r Demo~thtnu u:rriinsl l'hilil'; i11'1•>1t.,
(4'<t1TU1«rt~). Phfl1ian.. pnet. = Colchian. C. -:trum, f. th~ •Jl.:t'.·h,, nf nn110•
15t l'ltilip, nn•I o/Cicao a._ni11--:t Alt·
Phaaliinua (Fasianus) ·a -um, avls, aml
simply Pb:u1iana, l'lin., or Pl11udanm1, ~net., a (G" II. i:l Rcmo.1' iurnv, Cllgnomui. of th4
plun.Y.tnt. D. Phaslla ·iAli11, r. (if.<t<T1.i(), '.}tll6 ,'/-' T<.'t'L
Ph11.1ia1J, p<1<'t. =Colchia.n: pudla, and eimply Phillstna -1, m. (<t><'>.tcrro~), a Grttk hi.1Wria1'
Ph11>1iu, = Medea, Ov. of Symc••.<I'., imit..1tM o/ 1"h!VIJ•lida.
phatmla ·liti!'I, n. (<f,O.a-,10.), t1 gMsl, llptCfre philltia --Oru111, n. ($t.l.frus), tht public mtall
(title of a cnmedy of lfrander, and or a poem by o/ t/Le La«, Cic.
Catullus), Ter., Jnv. Philo ·<:i1d", 111. (<t·i>...,.,). L an acadnn£o
pbatno -~..s. r. (~a'n'<U), tht Crib, a l'f"?C1! be- philo!!OpMr, tln11rishit1)( at Athens, 91 B.C. IL
l1cu11. tu'O 3WTS of the con3/ellation Cmtcer, Cle. a Ct'ltl1rated Atheniaa archit.rct.
Phegeus ..ft nn<l -bis, m. (¢»rfni<), ling of Philooteta (-es) ·ae, m. (~<-'M1'llnr;),
of l'.,e,1.<, thA compm1£o1i o/ lfrrculM, to~o,;i bo!I!
Pl1i?J"h~. Hence, A. Arij., Phegelus -a -nm,
nntl poi$0n.ed arnm•s h~ rtrdwd. after /frrr".tki
belrmging to I'htrt,11s. B. Sulist., Phegla ·Id is, 1ltalh; joi1Wl in th<! t:tf'(rlition agai1i.'C 'I'roy,
f. the tf,.U.']hU'r Q/ f'ht{ll'U.,.
bu' mu left b<"h!nd in th• i.dcwt rf 1.-finnn
Phemius -!i, m. (<t>ti;.uo~). a oelromfol harp- mru11drd b1t a srwkt; bro11ghl to TrU<J in the knt.\
play,,. in lthacn; be11c11, nppell., a. good f;.arp- Y'ar of the trnr (as Troy couhl n,)t bu taken
pl-1yn-, Ov. witltont Iii~ nrrov. ~); Maltd by Afacha;:m; 1li!w
Pheneru: (-Os) -I, r. (<t>iHo~). a toum {n Ar- Pari1. Adi., Phllootetaeua ·a·um, bf'loni;ir.g
cadia. Hrnce, P.beneatae -arum, m. tht in· t-0 l'h ilrx:l£k.'I.
hab!/anlt Gf /'he:!to!J. phfiOlog{a ·&e, f. (rfHAoA.ayia), fot'f Of l.ear..
phengites ·:W, m. (<t>ryyi"J~). seleni~ or i-:iy, ltudy of ~un, Cic.
cry~talliu<l g9}1stLm. (used for window panes), pbllOlogna ·I, rn. (4>tA6A~). n le,arn.ecJ
Suet. man, a ttudent of liurntuni, a l!(J.olar, Cic.
Pherae ·lirum, r. (lf>lpo.1). L a town in ""s· Pbllomila -ae, f. (it>u\oµ~-'11). L thtd(ntgh!tr
~ni.a, nP&r trifKl"rn J\alamata. IL a city in of Pandi<m, king of .4thrn.,, t11r11td i11to r..r, niylttin-
Tlv!l!!, IM Tfsidtnct of Adnvtm an1l of t~ gali!l. IL Met.on., G nightingnlii, Verg.
t.!franl Ale.iuitrl~r, now Vulrstino: hen~, 11.<lj.,
PheraetUJ ·:l ·nm, I'1ur·r,an, or TMssnlian; toum PhU6mellum .fi, n. (4',-'oii~-'<ov), n rnwll
i1t the scwth·t¥:t$t of l'hryr1ia., nvt far fn-m.
vaccae, of Arlnvtu•, Ov. ; gens, a c:r11el race, like tht bordtr11 of J,y,.Q.J)nta, now Jik-cM:r. Henc:!, ·~
tJv•t of th.t tljranJ .Ala:<rnder of PheT"M, Ov.
Philomeliense• ·lum, m. tJw inhabitanu o/
Phenclns -I, m. (1>-lp<do~), a ahfp-builder l'hil•mLelium..
clw built lhe 1hfp fa 'vl:ich l'ari.r oa.rritd off Pbilopoemeu -~nh1, m. (1>1Aom><~11..),
Heltn. nence, adj., PhfSreoieu -a ·Um, of grn~>!rul of tke Ach;i.ean LWJJll~ born 2:>3 a.a.
Pw~!u.s. phllosephfa .ae, t (<f>,>.O<To<f>irt). L phflo-
Pheriicjdes -Is, m. (_,~P"...v.S~). L a 80fd•:1, Cic. lL Met.on., A. a philv«l1'~ia'.J '11'~­
fJhffo~ophu of S~J, of Pythagnrru. jut, Nep. B. Plur., 11hilvsopbiae, ph.!lJsoph~
lil'nM, 11.<lJ., Pherooydens ·a -nm, of I'here- ~ or system,, Cic.
cyd,.,. II. cm Athe11fan chrotLic!er, tfor. 480 o.c. phUO&Ophor. 1. <lep. to phtloso~'J71£:Jt, tJJ
Phlires -etis, m. (tftip11.;), prim·t £n Thrl'J!1(.il11, apply ontsel,/ to 7lhilcJophy, Cic.
father of Arlmt'tuJ.. Hence, PheritliMlca -a.a. phllCSs0phU8 ·a ·Um (<faNi<ro.f,.x), philc;.
m. $011. of flu:r<:1 = AJmelua. sophlc. I. Adj., Cic. IL :-)ul1~t., A. phi16-
phl'IJa -M, f. (1><.i>.Y)), G, s0phua -1, m. a phil<WJphtr, Cic. B. pbllO-
broatl :it the lx,ttom, bowl, aaucer, Juv. ai>pha -ae, r. a female phiicsopher, Cic.
Phidias -a;-, m. (<t-ns.'.11>), t1 etltJ:n-a.Ud l!IMl.lp- philtrum ·I, n. (4><>.Tpo"), Cl ktt-e-pJtic1~
tor rif Athnk•, oont..111.pcrary of Bence, philtre, Ov.
Pbidll.cWI ·& -um, Qf Phidla.t. 1. phUjra -ae. r. (~1:1.vpa.), tM bark of
PhIU.del:Pheni (Phlliidelphini) .{Imm, thll·tru, o/ which band.r for cllap/eu wair
m. tlw il\hablto.nti of PhilatUlphfa fa 4rla AHMT. made. Hor.
Phi 416 Phy
2. PbDfra -ae, f. (•i.\vpa), a nympA, d.nttghtn- nki<ln.i, inl1abrtmtt1 of Uic dUtrid of PlonUM,
f1f Octant£11, and mother of Chiron, ~lt.rnged into a famous far thrir al..'ill in 11nri9t1lio1l ma4 C0111o
lifldrn-tru. Hence, A. PhllJrclus -a -nm, ~. fot111ders of aettral oobmiea. CarthlgP.,
ftWling to Phil1tro; hrros, Chiron, Ov.; ter.ta, of Hippo, et.e. Hence, .A. Plaoenioi -&, r. iull!
Chiro11, Ov. B. PhllfrldCe -ac, tn: ton qf Phoeu.ica -ae, f. (thtviq), Phoenicia, a nM!ll
PhUyra = Chiron, Ov. ttrip of tlu coast of S~ wWi tJu dtuf ~
phimua -1, m. (</>•µ~). a dict-bor, Hor. Tyrs and Sido1'. B. ~Dim -&e, f. (toi-
l'LCTCra), Phoenicia"; e:uul, ..4 Jlli.a, IVUT qf Dido,
Phineu ·i!i and -fos, m. (-twnif). La king Ov.
of ,<'almydc8S'iu in Th.racl!, who tL'IU dtJn-i~a of
siQht altd lormtn.ted by the Harpus for !Lavina p11.t phoenioop~roa -1, m. {f* ..ur9rnpor), tAI
hi.s ttml to death on a fal.!t accuwion. Hence, .ftan1ingn, Juv.
A. Phinelue and Phmeua -a -um, of or Phoenix -!"Ill, m. (h<...t). L son of.A•p_tor,
relating to Phine-iu. B. Phinfdia ~. m. a COff>pani.oll of .AtAWu at the Trojan War. D. a
mal~ ~ndan.t of Phiu11s. IL l> of feb11io111 bird of .AraPlia, 1111\d "1 liw 500 ~
C~heiu, /OU{iht u·~th Persev.s about A ndronw.da. aHd tMn to lid b1m1t t-0 d.tatJ•; from. lb ar.\o of
t1le dyin.g bird a M1C1 phoeni.i toa111aid ro spring.
Ph.Intl& -ae, f. a town ill Sicilg.
Ph616i -~s, r. ('h.\.611), a 11.JOOdy WIOWlltai• la
Phtntlia -ae, m. (+wri'..t), n J>vtha.gortan, Anxulia, on the bonkr of Elil, now Olorla..
/aJMtU for hufrl.cndMip 10itlt I.>amon..
Ph6lua -i, m. (•6>.cK), a cntaur.
PhllgiSthin -onti11, m. (•-'~'"'"• burnf119), Phorous -i, rn. C•Opirot}, Phorcfs '"i:fis,
a river i1' tM il\(erllal rtgions, ht 10Aic.i. fire
m. (..Sp .. t'f}. 1md Phol"O)'D -efnia, m. (.op.n.r~
/<llJN!d iuteaa of wam: adj., Phle~thontU a ua-god, .son of Ntptuiit, fatht:r of Nedll.86 4114
·ldls, f. of P/Uegdllo1'; lympha, Ov.
Mt' sil~n Hence, A. Phora.fa -Idn&. r.
Phl'gra -ae, f. (•Mypa. = 4>A.ty11p4, burning),
a district in Jlaudonia, aftnvards crnted Pal-
da11ghtn- of Phorcys; 11ororeB Phorcldes Gratoz.
Ov. JI, Phorojnla ·ldie, f. 0.. dn11.Wllter <I
lene, wMnl the gods were utd to have 1-Ul.Mv.IM Pkcrctu, Mtdu.oa.
giants 10u.\ lightning. Hence, adj., P~eg­ Ph6roneua -l!i and -l!os, m. (~n*), Lillf
raeu -a -um, relati1f.V tci Phlegm ; camp1, Ov.; of .Argos, son of !, brothtr q/ Io. Hen~
tranBf., campus, Ou feld of Pharsalia (becauBe
of the flerce battle fought there), Prop.
Ph6r0nla ·ldis, r. = lo, Ov.
PhrU.tia (Pllrf.batia) ·la, m. naww of
PhllgfU -ae m. (~.\•y,,i11t). I. 1i_~ of the ~ral Parthinn kings.
1.apitlwe, fatlur"J Trion and Coronil. IL Plnr.,
phrlnotlou• -a -um (<l>pmrrurtlt) and
Pb18gfae -Arum, m. a robber Mbc i1l TMI· p~wtloua -a -um (c#lponurck), fAIJd, jrG1itiL,
111111. C1e.
Phliiia ·Untis, r. (•.\•OUf), a city '" the Pelo·
po1mue bdwun Sic-JO" and .Argos. Hence, adj., PhrlsU8 -i, m. (ltpi{Of), 10n of .AtMwuu ud
Phlii.alua -n. -um, of Phliiu. 'NtJJ1k~. brotMr of Helle, with whmlt At J.ed to
CofcAil on a ram with a goldt11 Jtttt. Bente,
PhCSbitOr -6ri11, m. (~oMTWp), a aon of ,'rfor- gdj., Phrixena -a -nm, btlongi11g t-0 PAri:n<I:
~~ -ae, r. and phOoi -69, r. (<1*1n1). a
stagna Mtoris Phrixene, tllJ'HellU])()'flt, Ov.
Phrfge• -um, m. (•pli')'t'f). the Plrygia•s.
ew.l, at.a-dog,~ Verg.
IM i1i.iwl>itan.l1 of Phry{IW, Jamot'8 /rir tMir ta·
Phioaea -ae, r. (+wit11t11), a ll'll-port in lonill, lirohitrt/, liut d!-1pisd for !Arir 3lotlland l't1<pdilp.
t1tother-city of Mcwilia, now Fo~e~. Henr~. A. Sing., ~ -)'gis, adj.= Plt?gia1l; &nb!t._. a
Ph0caeenala -e, PliMunn. B. Phioael Phry{!i<n.; esp., a,= .Ataeas, Ov.; b,= a pried
.Orum, m. tht Pltootua.1u. C. PhOGUoua -a of Cyhtl~, Prop. Hence, A. l'hrjgla -ae, f
-um, Phocntan.. tht c0trntry of Phrygia, tn .Asia .Mi"ll.OT. B.
Phocls -Idis and -Jdoi:, f. (4>..iJCtf), Phocis, Phrfgfna -a -um (+pl'"f•O(), Phrygian, and
a dist rid in. the north of Greer~, bet Wtt1I. BOl!otia JIOOL == 1·rojan; m~ritu_s, .A_tntti.•, Ov., Ptlcp.,
and AU-Olia. lfrnce, 1, PhOci.ioua -. -um, Prop. ; pruitor, Parl$, \erg., tyrannus, .AtllGI.
Phocian; 2 Ph0oenae11 ·lnrn, rn. the inhabil. Verg., Ov., J.nmn.edon, Ov.; ruater, Cybele, Verg.;
ants of P~ia; 3, Phioeua ·• -um, Phocicm: vestest nnhroidtrtd, Verg.; buxnm, Utt Pl~
juv~nis Phoceus, or idmply Phoceui1, the Phocian jl'UU, Ov.; laplH, Phrygian 1Rarblt, Ov.
= Pylada, '°"of Strophi11.1, h'r&{J of PM>cis, Ov.; I. PhrJ'X -:tgis, m. (•pvt), a rim- i• Lrifia,
4, PhOolt -Orum, m. tllt PMciaM. now
PhOou.e -1, m. (..Oiro~), 801& of .AeactU, brotlter 2. PhryJc. v. Pbryges.
of Peltus and Tdamon.. Phr)rxiwa, v. Phrixu11.
Phoebi ~s. r. c~&fJ11). L a, l1&e lister o.f
PlwtbUJI, the Moon-goddu8, Diana; b, n1eton.,
Phthia -ae, f. (.,i11), a '°""' i"
birtl&-place of .Ach.illu. Hence, .A. Phtlula
Night; Ov. lL davgh.Ur of 1.ei.cippus. UL -ldiB, f. (""'-'), a woman q/ Pl&tlt.ia. B.
du1lghter of Leda and NUT of Hehna..
PhUliiti• ·&e, m. (..,...i"lf), ali fahabitaN oJ
Phoeblglna -ae, m. (t'hnebns and iteno = P11t1t,ia. c. PhthiotU -ldia, r. ("~),
gibrito), the aon of Phcebla, .At.aelllapitt.1, Verg. l'htltiotia, the dUtrict of T/teua.l11 i1' tr1'~ Plruo
Phoebua -i, m. (cf>oi:fJof), Apollo, tM Sun- u. D. Phthiotlous -a -um (.,u,:-:~),
god; poet. = sun ; tugat fl~tra Phoehull, Hor.; meton. "" Thalalian. &. Phthiua -1, 111.
and == quarter of tM Mawn1: 1uh utroque (~9'ot), btkm.ging ro Phthia; ~:r, P.UU, Ov.;
Phoebo, in the ta# anrl wnt, Ov. Hence, .A. meton. = Thenalian., Liv.
PhoetNMJ-A<li11, f. (•o•fJat), triuteal Q/ PJ&oeblfa, Ph.~ -~ f. (~).....,,'). L a ritJ i•
a prophe~. B. Phoebilua -a -um and T~.J.!i:;\r.d Protuilau• ~nod. Hence. A.
PhoelHlua -a ·Um (hJJ>i<ot, •CK,lkiof), of PhJ'lAOila -ldla, f. bumging to PltJlt;ut:
Plt.otlnu; juvenis, .Aucu.lapius, Ov.; alee, 'ht matrea, TMualian, Ov. B. ~lu
niwll, Ov.; virgo, DapA11t, and poet.= la1Wfl -a -um ; eonjux, ~fa. Ov. D. ci l.owft i•
crovm, Ov. Jlolo#U i1l Bptru..
Phoenioi, v. Phoenice:.. Phflioua ·I, m. (.V.).uor). L /ft'Mld oJ
Phoen.ioell ·um, m. (~\n,.""C), eA4 Plwf- Pl1W.. D. fftl~o/ ProlaUau. Ueace,
Phy 4:17 pil
Pllit~ldia -ae, 1:'1· (....,A-i0.,1), a dacendaftt Pieria ·&e, f. (D•~pio.), a diltrlct Q/ .VtJQl(follfG
nf P1aulac111 = Protuilaiu, Ov. on the rOObt.
phflarchus -1, m. (<t>iiM9XM), the Mad of a Pierua (-n) ·i, m. (Ili«po<). L ktng oJ
i~. al\ tmi,,.; Arabum, Cle. Ernathfo., who g11ve hu niM davghUrs t.lw t1a1M
Phylln -1, r. (4>V~). rovm '"' Tht"'1llotis. of the nine /tf11.MS. IL ll Mac.Monian, /atlter o/
the nin~ Alusu. Hence, A. Pimia ·ldia, t
He11ce. Phyllilua -a -um (""-'M>fi:os), poe~ = (IT•«pi~),
a 1'1USL. Plur., Pierides, tM MUJU.
Tlasalwn; juvo!nla, Cat ruu.s, Ov.
B. Pienua -a -um, Pierian; 11ubat., Pierlae,
phfsloa -ae, !. and pllfsloi -es, f. ('vcruo)),lhi! !t11184's, Cic.; hence, poet., via, the atudy Q/
physin, JWtural leientt, l.'ic. ~IT1J, Ov.; modi,, Hor.
~hfsloi, adv. (A the manrw- of tM Mt11ral pietu -ltis, r. (pius), dutifu.lni!iS. L Lit.,
pl1.11'Jso71hers; dicere, Cic. a, t-Ou:ardl tlui gods, piety; est pletas justitla
phjaioua -a -um, rtlating to ph11ata or au versus deos, Cic.; b, d11tij'ltl1USS tmoordl
waiarol phUosophy, ph!f/lical. A. Adj., ratio, pa.rrnt8, natil>t country, benefact/JT'I; ftlial piet11,
Cic. B. Subst~, i. phf•IOU ·I, m. a natural uratitw, patdoti&m; quid eat pletas nis1 vol·
pkilcMp/tn', Cic.; 2, Dllt'afoa-Orum, n. natural untas grat.a in parent.cs t Cic. ; In patrem pat.ri·
pl!lowphg, phJl!iU, 6ic. - amque, Li..-. ; c, justia, equity, Verg.; d, kind-
phyalognom0n -<lnis, m. (4>va-1~µ ... v), a
p1lysiognomi&t, 011e tclw judgu m.e1i's c:Jwracurs by
their fffl.tu1·es, Cic.
as a goddm with '"'°
ness, c1}111pa.ssion, Verg. IL Plew, :personif.
U7npla in Rome.
plger -gra -grum (root PIG, whence }'!get),
phf11Iologla -ae, r. (~vcn0Aoyi11), natural disinclined, unwUling, lazy, slotlt,ful. L Lit.,
philowphy, Cic. serpen11 frigore plgra, Ov.; with In and the abl.,
in labore mllltari, Cle.; with ad and the acc., ~ (pio), e:zpiabU, that cai~ be at<nud gens pigetTima ad milit.aria opera, Liv. ; with
/(It'; fulrnen, Ov. genit., milit!ae, Hor.; with infin., fem! J11borem
p!aciU&ria-e (piaculum), atonin(I, t:zpiating; scribendi. IL Transf., A. inactire, '6lo'tl.1; helium,
saerifici&, and subst., pli.ciUi.rla -Ium, n. tcdioiu, Ov.l. campus, vnfruit/vl., Hor.; pectora,
apfrt.tory scurifa:u, Liv. insen.sibu, UV. B. 0( waten1, }towing almoly,
piAciilum -1, n. (pio). L any 71V!aft8 of sluqgWi., itagn.ant; pal us, Ov.
opiating !tin. or appcwing a dtity. A. an expi.a· pf.get -gt\it -gltum est, 2. impera. L Lit., U
tary ~flu, a sin-o.fftring, Cic. ; porco femina ca1l-5U ann<>yan.ce, it disgust•; with acc. of pen.
pin<"nlum i;:>ati, Cic.; transr., ut lueudis periculis and genlt. of thlog, me pigeat stultiti&.e meae,
publicis piacula 11imus, Liv.; hence, any means Cic. ; with inlln., referre piget, Liv. ; abMI.,
of lv.a.lt1&g, r~v. Hor. B. punishment; orntione multitudo inducltur ad pigendum, Cic.
gravia piacula e:X:gere, Liv. n that n Transr., 1, it reptnla; illa me composulue
rrndtr1 all offering fltcc,;ro:ry, a sin, crime, evil piget, I repmt tAat I, etc., Ov.; 2, it c:au-
dat1; piaculnm cornmittere, Liv. sluime; with intln., fateri pigebat, Liv.
p!Amen -lnls, n. (plo), a mt.anl of atonent41\t plgmenti.rius -11, m. (pigmentum), a Idler
or erpiation, Ov. of pai 111! and unguent., Cle.
pica ·ae, !. a pie, 'lllllgpU, Ov. plgmentum -i, n. (plngo), a, colour,
piciria -ae, {. (pix), a place wM're pUd& u piyment. L Lit., aspersa. temere }'igmenta In
tn.ti.dt, a piech-11", Cle. tabu!A, Cic. IL Traner., or discourse..!.. OTftG·
plcU -ae, r. (pix), tM pitdl.-piiu (pinus mtnt, duomticn; pigmeot& .Aristotelia, uc.
lilve-stris, Linn.), Verg. ptgnho, 1. (pignus), t-0 givt Ill a pledge, pul
in plt,dgr, mortgage; bona, Liv.; t:nmsf., quum
Pioin1UD -1, n. 11 d<atrlct (n tM «J8t of Italy velut obsidibus dat!s pigneratos haberent
on tu Adriatic, fa:m.«l for U. oil. Hence, A. animos, Liv.
Pioena -entls, btl~ng Co Picnum; Pfoen-
tea -lum, m. · the prople of .Pkmum. B. ptgneror, 1. dep. (pl~us). L to take i"
Pic:Cllua -a -um, belongilU} to Picrnum.. pled!lt, 4PJ11'0pria.U aa one 1 own; Mars Cortis·
i;irnum quemque plgnerari solet, Cic. IL tG
plo6ua -a -um (pix), pitdly, pitch-black; acapt ai a pltdgt of urtaint11: quod das mihi
caliJl:o, Verg. pigneror omen.! I ~ 111 a pledge of the /11.ljilmmt
pl'.oo. 1. (pix), to pitch., nuar, rowr toith, of my prayer, uv.
p~:h; cadus picatus, Verg. pignWI -nl'.tris and -nllris, n. (root P AG,
PlctOnea -um, m. a pt0pk in Gallia .AquU- pango, pt>rf. pe·pig-1), a pltdgt, paicn, ucurity.
ania, whence Poilov. L Lit., A. Gen., SI! pignori opponere, Plaut.;
1. plctor -Oris, m. (pingo). a pa.intu, Cle. rem alicuius plgnori accipere, Tac. ; e!<p., a
st.c11rity to enforce a!Undana of ~·t11ators ill the
2. Plotor -6ris, m. a surname in t1'.e gens $enau; scnatores pignorib11s cop;ere, Cic. B.
Fabia, v. Fabius. Esp., 1, a u.'a[}tT, bd, 1Uike; pignore cert.are cwn
plotiira -ae, r. (pingo). L A. Lit., pii11t- aliquo, Verg.; 2, a pkdge of lovr, used of children
by, the arl of pain!ing; Ars ratinque pictumt", and parent.a; pignora conjugum ac liberorum,
Cic. B. Met.on., a patntinii!l picture; pictura Lh·. IL Fig.," pledgt, token, auvran«, proof;
textilis, roViroidery, Cfr. Fig., a painting voh111tati11, injuriae, Cic.
ii\ wordJs, picturt, ducription, Cic. pfgritla ·ae, (. and plgntlu -t;i, r. (P111;f'r),
ptctiir&tua -a ·Um (pictura), pai nttd;, sluggWlnuii, aloth, i11d0lt11ai, Cle.; mllftaudi,
t'Mbroidn-ed, \'erg. Liv.; ad sequendnm, Liv.
plctua -a -um, p. adj. (from pingo). I. or p~gro. 1. {piger), to ~ tl1lggVh, llolhjrd, lazy,
.tyle, o-rnammlal, ornale, artistic; genus orati· Luer.
oni!, Cic. IL 'ltnrtal, ooin; metus, Prop.
p~r. 1. dep. (plger), lo~ 1low, uuggVh;
1. pioua -1, m. 1111000d~, Ov. with mlln., scribere ne pigrere, Cic.
2. Pi0118 -1, m. (nicO{), an Italian ckity, hus- 1. pila -ae, f. (for pisula, from piao). a tllOrlar,
band ofCarums, fe.lht:r of Faunus; a«-0rdinr1 t1J a Ov.
later leqend, chan.ged by CiraJ in.t.o a woodpecker. 2. pila ·Re, r. (for p!gula, from paugo), 4
pie, adv. (pins), pi-Ously, du.tifuU11 (opp. pillar; nulla meoa habeat p!la libellos =a boo.b-
Melcrate), Cle. · 1taU, books being sold in Rome row1d'I ot
pil 418 Pil'
bulldlnlt'l. Dor~ oolled.. .-zea plJa, ca plcf' or plngo. plasl. pfctum, S. lo ~Ill. L LJt.,
fllOl• hL tAI MG, verg. ~ 1. to 7a11d: homlnl1 a~iem, Cle.. : 2, ~p.,
3. plla -ae, f, 11 ball. I. Lit., II ball lo 'fllny to elfll1rolcUr, with or without acu, Cic.; tnga
t11ith; 11llA hulere, Cle.: proY., cl1111dna pi lam, 1•lcta, CAI n11broCd'md robl q/ tAt triv"'1"''"'
°"' icAO cn1u&M tllakl A rlgf&t u. of 11 tAh19, Cle. ;
meton., 11 ~ 4' ball; quanl1.1m alll tribuunt
gcntral, Liv.; plcU "T"t dad ,,. ntbroidrrrd
ganM1111, )fut. B. 1 rnn1r., 1, lo .eni-, ''""'
alveolo, quantum pllae, Cic. IL 'I rauar., any Ctll~r: rro11tt-1n ntori11, Ve~; 2, lo d«0mtt.
ball or q.urwAcptd "'6dcaact, 11 balloting-baU, adoMa: blbliothrcam, Cle. IL t'lg., or 11-ee..·b,
l'rop. to 1t11tbcllWI, dq>I.:$ tlC11ftlt1'tl1; Br1tannlam
plngarn rolorlbua tul1 1ieulcillo mf'fl, Cic.
pilhu -1, m. (pllam) = trlarhu (q. Y.).
ptDguuoo. 8. (plngnls), to beco9ll fart.~
pil&ta. (rf.lum), arllltd wltA tM pllum fertl.le; aaugulne plugueecere c&IDJtOll, \"er.i.
er jareU-, Vq. plaguiJI ·e (tri-), faJ. L Lit., a, of anlrn:\ll,
pilKCU -a -tim (pileu11), to1111rl1111 tu pn .. ua Theho11i, Cle.; plugutor agnwi. Plaut. Subst..
or ftU cap· tratree, Callor all4 Politer, Cat.; plngue ·I•, n. /at'llUS, JrU, \·e~.; b, ot
plleall epafatl· 1ut. LIY. ; uaed or freedsr.en thinga, meru1n or vlnum _ oUr, Hor.; an,
(1dave1 at their emurlratton rec:elvlng t11e rore1nl witA /al of t1ictilu, 1verg.: or ion rid;
1•ilena), cnlonl, LIT.; rex, IJY. pln:;ulor campn11, Hor. IL Tranar., i, be-
pilentum -f, 8. G Cllll'Tfagw, OOCICA, esp. uted 11ntartd; ernra luto.l JuY. ; 2, tliet, groas:
by Roman ladie11 LIY. {'Relutn, air, Cle.: ;:s, wiffl.,1'l toulerataw.llHf,
pili61u ·I. m. and pi11¥ltull -1, a. (dim. MaPJ, 1t11p(d: lngenimn, OY.: .ft, ol a1>ttela,
of pilen1), A lua. cap, anll-cop, Hor. ~atic; J>C?t°t&e pil_igne 11ulJJam ao11a11~
piUu ·f, m. and piMum ·I, n. (..iAoc), n C1c.: 5, qv1u, vnd1atnrb«I; IC>DlllWJ, OY. •
amor, Ov.
ftli ~P.LP''"' ~ lo t/u htad., wor" al f«ut1,
"J~ IAt Sal1Cr11alia, aM br llam '" tokns pinlf&o ·~ra -~rum (plnua and !ero), J'""
Of 1MG1tuauri111•, LIY.; aervoe sci plleoe "ocare, du£ng plriu, \"erg.
lo 11'11l11M>M CAI llaia lo/rt«IOfA. Liv. pinlgir -gllra if!rurn (pinna and gero), Jlf'O>
_ pDo. 1. (L pllu1). lo dtJ1"'rfl qf "4lr, Wlelke dudng J•i11t1, Ov,
bald, )lart. 1. pinna ·•e, r. (another form of penna), Cl
fllO... -a -um (I. pllu1), tortmf .UA Aalr, /tntAtr. LA. Lit., afl/IQtMr, and plar., ,/ta.tMf'I,
lkury; genae, Cic. e.. p., Ure Jti!.lAtr11 in IAt tringa atld tail, Tac. B.
:\l..ton., l,= t/u U'l"f; J•Mll'lll'tibua penula, Cit'.;
pilum -t. n. (pfllO, rtnao), 1, II ;JWA/l«, Plln. : prov.,
2, tAt llorl p(b nr Jardin 1.J tAt Roman fofantrv, Jfi!Jh.t, o'··; alicnl lnclJere J•lnnn$, Cic.; 9, poet.::'.
t1itd M 11 tll'6rile1 Cle., Liv. ; plla Horatia, a 3, 111L o"'°"'.t ov. IL Tra11.r., 1,
place'" °"
Ro11U uufornm, Liv. the fl" qf a Jillt, ov. ; 2, rM batlll1M7Ll aJ0111 t.U
top of a troll, Cal'I.
Pilumnu ·l, m. ltubaiul o/ .DalWi, JalMr qf 2. plnna (pina) -ae, t (•.,,_), ca q«ia OJ
Da11111u, aucutor o/Tunuu.
l. P01UI ·I. m. Cl ringC. Mir ; munltae annt ''"'1«t, Cle.
palpeorae \-allo t•llorum, Cle. ; Ilg. a tri.Jft plmu\tua -a -mn (pinna), /tJCllArretl., wi-A
(uaually with a negat.ive) : ego ne pl{o qni.IP.m Cle.
mh1m me Amabo, tioe a Aafr '""• Cle. ; non fa.cit plnnlgir -g~ra -g~rum (J•inna 11nd ~
pW coltortem, O&t. hrrdn.g fcuthen, /taiAtml., wift!Jnl, Luer.; t ,
t•lscla, hal'ing jllll, Ov.
2. Dilua -1, 111. (plluni). L a manfpl• fl/ tilt
trtariT i" Uwl RO'lltan ar11tr: rrfml pill ccutnrio, pbua.lrApu ·I, m. (pinna and raplo), •
Otes.; allqnem All prlmum ,Pllum tran11ducere, gladiator 'ii"ho /011gh.t agal,.. ca Sa»&ftiU Aa•i•f •
to pr'OlllOU io bf clttf ce11t11rum, Cal's.; prlmum peak to kil htfJMt. Juv.
pllum ducere, cobc lluetHhtrioJioftAtflnt ma1liple plnniUa ·AC, r. (cllm. or pl11n11), Ht., " ftlGll
o/IM biaril, Ole&. IL Meton.= tAt «nturioll of ftulhtr; pl11r., meton., 11Hall ri11fl', Cic·.
Utt triAril; primua piluJ4, IM c.ntnrio" flf th~ jir.•C pin6terea(Din6tlairia)-a1', m. (~),
Jll4nipl1 o/ tlu triaril (the tll'St or the sixty the 1•i1rna·g11uril, a •mall crab jov11d ia tM aA.eii
ceriturio11R of the legion), Liv. of the pinna.
Ptmpla -ae, f. (11&,,. ..>.a), a plac. '" PUrla, plneo, 1•i11sl and plnslli. pinaum, pinllltnm,
'k'UA a mo117Llain altd rprlng, mered to tlu Mutts. plstttm an<l J•bum S. (root Pl~, wlaeuce J•illO, Cik..
Bence., A. PtmplOla (.Plplela) ·ldls, r. a .-iv-, IM"io-crw), to ltamp, potttul, cnr.M., PlauL.
)ftt.., Hor. B. Plmpleua -a ·Urn, !IClCrtd to pinu• -I Rll<I -tl:t, r. (for pic-nna f'rom pir,
th• Mutn; mona, Cut. l:Subat., Plmplia ·ae, r. pici~), the 1•i11e, jf r (pi nus Hilvc:-i;tri1<, Linn.). A.
aM-, Hor. Lit., Yerg. B. llt'to11 ... aunuJhi,.!I mwle ti
pid = 2. pinna (q.Y.). 71int·1COO<l; a, a .Alp, Yerg.; b, a ton-A, \'e,...;
Pinarlua -a ·am, t1anw of 11 Roman gtJU. o, a oarlaucl of pine-ltaru, Ov.
Tiu Pi1111ril and PotUii tm'f tlu priuU of Hrr- plo, 1. (pins). L to .,,1.; to apptaM br a
Clda a.t Ramt. oJfrrillg.l.-CO a7']otul#!, propitiate ; Sth·anu1u l1tcte,
PbldArua ·l, m. (Il[...!a~), a 0tltbrr•Ud lyric Hor. .u. 1'ransr., A. to 11Q'!f ttli!JWu ko11own
J'Oll of 1'Juha (r& JJoMtia, co11ttm]1om111 1Cith to, rnitrau, Pwp. B. to cltt1.1111e, 1>11.ri/r, Cic.
..tac.\11lua. Adj., PbldArloua ·a -um, o/ Pin· C. to maLt good, aton•for; d:imua, Ov.; f11l111eu,
dar, Pindaric. to a1-n·t the MWvrt11na pQrtt11dtd b)I lightllillf1
P1nd~l11uue -f, f. {IlwUl'&.CTo-~), Cl tOIDll it1
Ov.; ncras tri11te, Verg. ; culparn morte, Veti-
$icily: hence, Pbadenluitae ·Arum, m. tJw plper, pl~rls, n. (n••P•>. ~J'per, llor.
fn.liabitanU qf l'indeniuua. pipllo. 1. to twitter, chirp, Cat.
Pbldu ·I, m. (Ul..&K), a mounta~n in TJ&u. pipiUua ·I, m. and pipillnm -1, 11. a dl'7"
laly, uow Jfu.znra.. fog ; 11ence, 111' out-cry, upbraidi11.g, Plaut.
pinitum -1, n. (pinna), 11 p(M-1DOO<f, OY. Piraeeu ·l!I, m. (Ilnpum~), and Piraeae
pin6ua -a -um ()•lnuA), mad4 of phw·'IO'>Od or -1, m. IAt Piratu.s, a port o/ .Athena, co11>1.Wal
deal; claust:ra., tJu tDOOda Ml"N of l'ro!J, Yerg.; UJith tAt city b.l( 101&9 toall1 ; J~t. fonu 111 nent.
pL"ga, placa tclwnl p£na (11'V'll11 Verg.; i•incu,. 1·lur., Plraea tu~ 1 O\". Adj., Piraeus -a ·WU,
artlor, a fl,.., qf pl M-IDOOCl, Verg. · belongi11g lo U.. nnat11.1.
p1r d9 Pla
prim ·Ae, m.. (nyar.jc), a plraU, oonatr, p!attllum -1, n. or plaullu ·I, m. (plnso),
Ck. a ~,.t/t, Pla11L
piri.tlaus ·• -um (!r•tpo.nd,), piratical; plator -uri!I, m. (plnao), L a grirrckr. ~ii/er,
IUYOl'llr'" etc-.; subst., pritlo& ·Ile, r. piracy; Plaut.; IL n baler, Cle.; Pl11tor, ~urna11u oJ
pinfkam faccn!, Cle. J111•ita.
Pi.rin.i -!11, (. (nnpJil'!f), a 1prh1g ill C-Orlrtlh, PimtOrlum ·Ii, n. a toV1n in Etruria, now
-.:rtd to lht Ahu:u. Hence, Pirir&la -!dis, f. Piltoj<i. Hencf', PlatOrleD.lla -e, ndati11g 14
(D•&p11 ..i1). Pire11ia11; Pirenls Ephyre, Corfoth., l'Utori11m..
Ov. platrllla -Ae. f. (dim. of platrlna), a IWJU
PirfUMSua -1, m. (O•tpi~), '°" of lxio1t, 11Wrtar or lflill, Ter.
1:&1.17 oJ ;Ac Lapitllat, luul.ialtd oJ Hip11tlda111i.a, platrina -ae, t. (plnso), a baktlt.c11at, Plln.
/ril.•1 11 of TMMtu, Vtith tt•ltom 11.t wenl dou11& to tM
loll'n" 1£10rld ta MrT'fl off Prott:IJ>i.r.a.. plstrinum ·i, 11. (plnao), a mill (usual!)'
workN. Ly ho~ and usea, though &0t11f'ti111ea
plrum ·I, n. 11 pmr, Verg. by slllVes aa a punishmeut); h11mo pist.ino
plrua ·I, (. a pear-tru, Verg. dig1111s, Ter.; trsuar., tibi 111ecum in eodem ea'
Pinustae ·inun, 10. (Otpoticrfa1),e1& lllrrfan piatrino viv1i11d1110, in tM NIM dr11dgq, Cic. ·
~r-tribe. =
piatr1a prt1ti1' (q.v;.).
Pa. -ae, r. (nicro.), 1md Piaae -lnim, r. L piaum -1, n. (..i1TO•), tile pea, pM«, Plln.
a torc11 ' " Elill Oft tliA rit"1!r AlvMtu, tilt
Olppia11 gamu wert lttltl. Hence, Piaae1lll Mi 1wr, 11ow Smidarlik.
-!I, f. (nmi"'I), a to1011. (11. .data
·• -n m, PUlua 11 ; An' th Ulll, b«la iJwi ca nu
ori.ghallr from. Eli.I, Ov.; hut.a, n/ ~no1M1U, Plthioiiaa -ae, r. and Pltbioilue ·lrum,
Ov.; 11ut.t., Piaaea -ae, r. c:: Hi111)1)(fa111ia, Ov. f. {llt81)1<0iicrci, Ot9.,oroticrci1), an isliwd i1' tM
Tyrrhfn'- &a, 1'mr c'u1ML, u .. w /sclti.11..
D. . . . . -lrum, r. a towrt '" Etn1ri4, fa""'1LI PlttAou (-'a) ·f, Ill, (IltTTUu(), (l phifo.
for U. ba.tlu (now PiMI), iaid tlJ ~ a co/01111
of Pilla '" Eli.I. Hence, Pil&Dua .. -um, soph,r of )fityuu, ortt oJ the Sci·en Wik Mell.
Pwua. Plttlaeua ·61 and ·OOtl, 111. (IltT9cU(), killll in
Piaaa4raa <•>·I, m. (O•icro.,&f)OI),
PolJldnr, OM of tM 1uitor1 of Ptn.tlopt.
'°" n/ TrMz.m, falhl.r of Attltra, u·hn un.s tkt wife n/
At{l(UI and motlttr of Tht-Sl!us. Heuce, A.
·ltloe, f. (n,T91Ji~). a claugliur 'II
, Plsaarum ·I, n. 4 toum '" Umbrin, now PlUhils =.frlhm., Ov. B. Pltthilua arul
Peaaro. Ht>nce, adj., Plaurenm -e, Pi· Pitt~u~
ClltMalL Pltthiua -a -11111, belonoing toPitthl'Ull.
Pbaurua ·I, m. a riwr fa Umhrla, 11tar pitt\.ita ·Ill', f. pJ.lt91n, rh.t1111&; quum pltnlt•
PWattrum, now Foglia. reJ11111h1t., Ci<'.
plso&rlu -a -um (plscl"), of or btlongiRg to pitditOaua ·• -um (11ituita), ftdl o/ p/lhg•;
~ ; forum, tht jl.IA-ma.rut, Plaut. hu1110, Cic.
pltlo&tor -6rl1, m. (plscor), a fU/v.nlW.n, =
pltyama pytitnna (q. v.).
a•1ltr, Cic. plua -a -1101 (Muperl. ~il~slmue, condemned
plsc&tOrlua ·a -um (J•iSCl\tor), of or rtlaling by Cic<'rn). I. acting dulifvl/11, dutiftal, pio111;
to }1ltt"11trt 4nd ~hing: n11vi'I, a jblt.ifl.{l·mutck, a, 111>righl, 1;od.ftt1rin11, virt11oiu: homo, Cic.;
~~;forum, JUh·marklit, Liv. p1i, "th.t bltSS(d dtad," Cle.; transf., of thlng11 or
tiprighl; pax, Cle.; sntiat., justum
ptaoatua -Oa, m. (µiscnr). L a Jllhing, actions, piumqut-, ;iutict and ',i[ILity, Ov.; plum e11t, with
oa.r, hi1ag of .{Wl, Cir. IL Me ton., Ji&lt, Plaut. lnHn., Ov.; b, a§t:etimw.u towart/1 011e'1 part11tl,
. plsOloillu ·I, m. (dim. or piacia), a lUtle btn.efacto1·~. rtllllion1, ttalit<e country, etc., gm~­
~Cic. · ful, patriotic, obWitnt; In parenteR, Cle. i ad-
p!soiD• -ae, r. (piacls). La tank/or kupi1~ venua aororem, Liv. IL Esp. (like +1A1K),
hll.J~-yond; mulloa except&re de placina, Cic. l..illd, ~11tle; pla test.a (of wine), Hor. ·
D. 'rr:insr., 1, a umk for bal/\i11g, 1wiiamifl.{I·
berth, Plin. ; 2, a T'Jtrvoir, Plin.
pix, plcis, r.
(tricro-ci), pUclt.; allqnld plce
linen>, Liv.
plllciDArlua ·Ii, m. (piacina), OM /o"4 of pli.o&bllla .e (placo). taay to bt appt.a.w,
CJA-pori.d1, (.;ic. ttU'V of pmpitiation, placable; homines, Cit•.:
plaola -la, m. a ft sh. L Lit., pUlces capere, with ad and the acr., ptacat>ile ad pr"cf'I
Cic.; 1dng., used collectively, Ov. IL Tranaf'., ingeni11m, Liv.; poet., trausf., ara l>ianae,
Pii;ce11, tJw ligfl of tM zodiar, so rollt.ll, Ov.; pisce!I Yerg.
if'ntint or gemelll, Ov. ; pill<'hl aquosu11, Verg. plicabnltas-ltis, f. (placabili&), 11r'acabUity,
placoa:,. I. dep. (placla). lo jllh.; ante hort11!011 Cic.
a11cuim1, L.'ic. pli.oi.mea -rnis, n. (placo), a mean.1 of ap·
plaoOsa.8 ·& -um {plscia), abound(fl.fl fo jlllt; pta&ing, propitiating; placamin::i irae, Liv.
&ruoia, Ov. pl&oi.meatum -1, n. (11laco), a IJW(tlU oJ
plaoilleataa = pf~IUB (q. v.). ap~a1i1tg, Tac.
P191da -ae, m. (lli1Tia'1f), a Ptaid1'1t•: plur., pl&o&ti, adv. (placatue), calmly, oompottdly;
Plaldu, tJw Pia&diani, \nAabUantl of PV&df.a.. orunia hurnana placutts et moderate ferre, Cle.
Bence, Plal41a, f. (Il1crdia), 4 dtacrict '" pli.o&tlo -c'.lnla. r. (placo). a, ap-
°" °"
.Aria Mhor bonltr'fl.fl CM t111t°" °"
Plrwia, CG~ all4 L-vcia,
pta1ing, propitialifl.{I; deorum, Cle•
1M iaortA cilld ,,_, pli.o&tue ·• -um, p. ad.I- (f'rom plRco). L
°" tJw ~ Oil PamplirHo. aootlwd, a:ppt.a.aed, placo.bla; pl~catlore eo. et 11u'
Pialat.rf.taa -1, m. ~-:,~"°'). fWnllll at et regia ape lnvento, J.iv. IL oalm, ~.
AC4na, amt.TlnporarJ of hi tt&Ulu. . Hen Ct', qvMC; vita, Cle.. ; qulea placati"1:1lma, C1c.;
Pistav&tidae -&mm. m. (DtMFIOTp&Tilcu), CM tranaf., mare, Verg.
'°"'1. pi-,
o/ Pf.riltratu.
v. plnl!IO.
-oenia -ae, t. (">.-oiif), a oakt, Hor.
PlAoentla -ae, r. a town frt Gal/ta Cisprida114,
2.. Pile -6nle, m. ci
"'""4. v. Calpur"i tu,
"""'°"' '" Ula ff'U.Cal- now Piacc~ Hence, Paoentinu -a -um,
pla f20 pla
pli,oio -lli, 2. (root PLAC.._ ct. JllaCO), irlteUig(blr; loqul, Cle. i plantua dleere, ae.;
loJll«i#, be agretabU, a.euptahle to. a. Gen., a, planl11lme explicare, Cle. IL 10hollr1 Attnly,
or penwus, velle l•IRCt're alicul, Cle. ; placere quite. plane eructitua, Cle. i ai piu.
1lbl, to phaae, be .atu}ltd ~ 011ael/, Cle. ; occldlmua, Cle.; plane oihil aapit, Cle.
middle pert., J>IAcltuM sum, I am plfa.&ed, Ov.; plaago, plsnxi,, S. (root PI.AC,
b, or tlilnga, vlacet hoc ti bi r dou th.ill plerue Gk. IlAAI', whence .-A>?aCTw), to beatJ. ~ ~
"'11' r Cle.; foll. by quotl, sibi non plaeero quod a loud noia. L tympana palmi11, ~; litora
tam cupldc eln.bor&ll!Oet, Nep. IL 1';11p., A. Ot planguntur ftuctu, Ov. IL 1'Ap., to drih tA.
&ctol'll and artistll, w pl~, to will applaUM; brea.t, head, etc., as a sign or gri•·f; pectora, OY.;
admodum pl11eerc In tr11b"OCdiis, Cle. B. placet, femur, Ov.; lncertos, Ov. B.!\!., u •""'"
with or without dat. or pers., it J>[IJCUU, il Me1ll.I •a6iu, reft. phrngere, middle plangi, le> bnrow
good, it u IM 07'i1&io1' qi, I AoltI; a, ut doet- Wudly; planguntur matree, Ov. ; agmina plair
iAAlmia placuit, Cic.; with ut and the subj., his gentia, Verg.
placuit ut tu in Cumanum venlres, Cie.; with
.infln., nee mihl lpsi pl11cebatdiuti11sabesse, Cle.; plangor -l'lria, m. {plango), a ICrikiH.J or
with ace. 11nd inlln., placet IStnida homlnes ~atfog acc01nr111ni«l by noiu. L Gen., Ov. D.
hominum causa ease generatm1, Cie. ; &11 a par· J!;s,P::,i tlv brotii.g of tM 1uad and brtaaC in tokm of
enthe!!h1, sl placet, Cic.; al diis pln.cet, Liv.; b, gnq, loud lamentat(oJ&; plangore et la111e11ta-
as 1..ga1 t. t., w sum good, ruolve, order, com.- tlone lmplere, co1nplere torum, Cic. ; plaugorem
tllll?id; with ut and the sul\f ., aenatul placere dare, Ov.
ut, etc., Cie.; with acc. and inlin., a~eatwn planguncriUa -ae, t. (dim. of •>.&.,..,,Wr). •
adoruarl placuit, Liv. toaz doll, Cie.
plAoldi. adv. (placld111), quktl11, gently, ccm- J>li.Dlpee -pMls, m. (planus and pea), •
J'Ol"•ll'JI, 7ilacidl11; forre dolorem, Cic. t1nme who played Ou part of #lu1-"U, etc., a11tl
no ahou, Juv.
plAo!Clue ·a -mn (plaeeo), quid atilt, placid,
ft'll\ie ; l'eddere 1Lliq uctn p!itcidum, Cic. ; aenatus, pl&nltaa -lt11, r. (planll4), plai•-, dV.
Cic.; r.mnia, Ov.; placidior civitas, Liv.; placid- H.11ct1uss, Tac.
blahna J>&X, Cle. pli.nltla -ae, r. and planltlee -61, t
p1'.oltum.. v. p}\eltUI. (pfo11u11), U:vel aurfa«, a plain, l:ic.
plAoltwl -a -um; p. adj. (from plaeeo). L planta -ae, r. L afl'TU'1I hrig, cutting, gra/t;
AJj.,, plea.Ki11t, avi·ttahle: a111or,v.,rg. i a, ur the Ylue, Cic. ; of tn:ci1, Verg. ; b, G
slip /<Yr Cranapla1'ti1ig, Ov. IL CA4 m qf Ac
locu11, Ball. ll. Subat., p1'.oltum ·I, n. A.
thcU 10h.WI. pleaaa om; ultra placltum, more foot, with or without pedis, Verg.
th.all u agrtta!Jle, Verg. B. opinion, teaching; Dli.Dtana •lum, D. (pllUlta), ~ ,,...,
pL"lcita majorum, Tac. allju, Verg.
pl.ioo, l. (causat. or placeo, 88 ledo or aedeo, 1. pl&nu -a -wn (root PLA, whence plaoo),
connec~·I with pl11-nus). to .00Ute,_'!]111trut, calm. ln-d, jlal. L Lit., locus, Cle.; Jllum, t1ict, Ov.
I. Lit., aequoru t11111ida, Verg. JI, Trausf., lo 1:5ubst. -1, n. a plain lewl gro1111d,
a:•inwpe, rtconcile, appeaae ;ani111om, anitnos, Cie.; Sall., Liv.; flg. 1 via vitae plan& el atabilts, Cie.;
allque10, Cic. ; allquem alicul, Cle. : homo albl de piano, ticUily, without trouble. Luer. IL
lp11e 1•lacatus, o/ a quiet mi1'd, Cic.; t.ransr., Transr., plain, cl.-ar, illuiligibfr; nan-atlo, Cic.;
ventrem, Hor. planum racere, io tiplui11; roll. by acc. and
1. -ae, r. (..>.,,-y,j), ii blow, atroke. L lnnn., Cic.
Gen., Cie. ; J!lagam fcrre, Verg. IL Esp., a 2. -1, m. (..AO."°'), a wagnml, Jwlf/Wr,
ltroke tllat wo111uu, and meton. = tM 111ou11d it- cht.!rlut.rn, Cie.
IMJ/; plagam aecipere, Cle.; luflii;ere, lmponere, PlAtaeae •§.rum, f. (DA.aT4ua£), ii ~ i•
Cic. ; fig., oratio parem plagam tacit, Cic. ; levlor Batotia, famed for a 1ridOf11 of tAt Grtd:I Ore'
eat 11laga ab amlco, Cic. Uic Perna~ (479 B.c.), now Pal<UO • Ca&tro.
2. plAga -ae, t (root PLAC, whence J>lac- Hence, PlAt&eeuee -lum, m. the illAabita.U
f!ntum, Gr. IlAAK, 11'AciE), a jl.a.t rurface. L a of l'lataea.
w /or h•n.ting boi1r1 and rimilar att!~; 1, plA~ia -ae, t ii tDater-bird, CA4 apooabill,
lit., plagas tendere, Cic.; in plai;am cadere, Ov.;
2, fig., aMt, mars, tci.l; QWill plagas lpel contra Cic.
116 ~toicl texnerunt, Cic. ; Ant-0ninm conjeci in plii.t.iLnu -t; (. (irAaTa.a-ot), CM pltuw-tra,
Octavian! plngas, Cic. U. a 1li:<trict, zone, li'act,
ttgion; *Ii, Cic. ; aetheriu, tM air, Verg. ;
Cil·. ; caelebs, noC wed io ""''" U.. 'Diiu
the elm), Hor.
quatuor pl11i;M, tlv /011r zo11u, Verg. plAtea -«e, f. (11'"4Tt'4), a .tr«t, Caes.
plAglarlus .fl, ui. a ma1Hlealer, kidnapptr, PlAto (-Ga) -Onls, m. (IIA.ciTw ..). L a c'fll.
Ck.; be11re, iu jest, a liternTl/ thief, plagiarl.IC, bror.ed Greek 1·hil01011her, disclpl4 o/ Soen.ta,
lfart. /01mdn- of the .AIX&dcmfc philosophr. Bence.
plii.goaue ·a -um (I. plaga), fond of jfi:Jgg£ng; PlAtOnloua ·a -um, PlatoJ1fc; homo, trau~r. =
Or11iliu!<, Hor. a deep th.inkff, Cle. Plur. subst., PIAtOlllal
plApla ·ae, r. (dim. or ~ plnga), a curtain, -Orum, m. the l'lato1ii-'IU, Cic. IL a~ E'picuren
be<l-curtHi1i, Liv. of Sardi.I, livi11g at Ath.m.t, \11 59 B.C.
Planasla -11e, f. (Il.\a!'«O'ia), an island south plaudo (1>1040), plausl (pl6si), 1•lanllnm
ef E/11(1 iii th.I Ur111nan Sea, now Pia11osa, plact (plosum), :J. l. lntrans1t., lo clup, atrik~, 1-i.
of bani.&hH&eiU u111/tr tile t1nJ'tror1. A. Gen., alls, Verg. ; penuis, Ov. ; rostro, OY.
Planclua -a -um, 11<1me of a Roma1~ gm1, the B. Esp., to clap tht i~ tokt1' of applaue;
a, lit., rnnnns In J•IRutlernlo couaumere, Cic.;
MOit ul11lnaltd nwr11Hrof 11:hkh. wa" On. Plancius,
Cicero deft 1Mkd "'ht n tried for bribery.
planotua -011, m. (plangn), a loud no'-'t ru
i1upers., hulc it.a plausum est ut, etc., Cie.; PIP.
iu the the11tre, pl&udite (said at the end of &
of beating, e11p., bwting tM brmitl, wailing, piece), Hor. ; b, trausf. 1 to giiw alg!u of approflfJl,
ap111aud, to approve; 111ge11iis 11epultia, Hor.:
la1n.tnlation; planctllll et lament.a, Tac. diis ho111i11ih11s.1ul' pla111\entibue, Cic.; heuc-e
Planous -1, m. (= trAuTmvr, broad-jbottrf), a plur., 11ihi, Hor. IL Transit., A. to beat, riap:
/<nflUy of &M gma Munatia. pedora manu, Ov. ; plausa coll& equorm~·1
pl&ni, adv. (planus). L plainly, rimplr, \"erg.; pedibws choreu, so daAOe, ltamprng ICilA
pla 421 plo
Be /NI, Verg. B. to ltrll."t. tog,tltn·; tilll1t!1l!1 fflWttt' of the Pltlmb; PMonee nepo11, Merewr,
ali,., l)v. 11n1' of Mflia, O\•.
plauslbDla -e (plan<lo), worthy of C1f>1>lt11'.•I', Plimfrium (Plimtlrlum) ·II, n. (RAW'•
Cic. ,.vp•o,,), " pro11101itory nf Sid/JI, Htar Svracu.,
plauor -Ori!I, m. (plamlo), an opplcrndl!T at uow 1'1urta dL Ui!l<mtt.
ill tl1roJrt, Hor. plini. aclv. (plenns), f111lr; ftg., /11.llr, rom·
plaustrum (plo.trum) -1, 11. L a wagon, 11/ttrly, u•ho/111, ulrn111l<cntl11; plcue perft'Ctal
ru1-t; 011111ia ex lod11 1m bll.:fa piani<tr·i11 co:icta, 111unitione!I, Cues.; plt'11e 11&pleutee homl11n,
Cic. IL 'J'rausf., Churlu'1 ll'aia, Ilic coiuttllatwn Cic.
of tlK (;nat J~a.r, O\•. plinltiido ·Inis, f. (plenua), j\ll'l•, 0011&-
pfrte1us.~, l'liu.
plaueus ·0'4, m. (plaudo), th" 'Miu made ~
Ute 1tril.i11g togdkr of two bodi1'8. L Uen., plinua -a -um (mot Pl,B, whence ple-o, Or.
plaui111111 dare pennbr, Verg. ; 111:;:-entl sonuernnt llAE, ,,..\iix), full. I. LiL, A. Gen., a, lit.,
omni& plamm, Verg. IL E11p., the cl1•1>pi11a of wttl1 genit., argent!, Cle.; with aLI., plena
tM lurri.U i1' :tiyn of approt'Cl:l, upplruut; nt".'Cipere do1uus oniamentls, Cle. ; absol, plenlsahnl•
plawmm, Cir'.; ruptare plau11us, Cic.; comprlm· velill navlgare, Cic.; calcarl ad iilenum, com·
11.ur plausus IJJ11ii ad111iratione, Cle. pldtl11, Vt'rg.; b, Hg., pleuua timoria, Cat>a.;
Plautlua (Plotlua)·a -um, nan~ ofu. Roman plenus expectatlone, Cle.; aU.ol:.z plenl maml
Plautlanua (
gtl<I; hent'e, at.lj.,
alicuius laude11 In lll!tra tollere, \;le. B. Ksp.,
-a ·11111, l'lattlian. lt plump, portly, 1tom; homo, Cle.: velamlna
tl o pleno, thld:, Ov.; 2, pregnant, Cle.; 3, fvll,
Plautua ·I, m. (lit. ftat·footftl), M. Acclua 1atiuttd; plc'nns eras 111h1lmo, Ov.; 4, foll Qfr
(or T. Maccins), a ctltbraltti Roma.' comir. poet, 1·id1/y provid~l with., rich in; exercltwt plenl1&•
1eho dint about eighty ytl.l.rl bt/orf. t.:lcero'• birth; toh1111s prae<U, Cle. ; ftg., plenna lnimloorum,
heu'"• Plautinus -a -um. rtllllill!I to J'latuus; Cle.; nf'i;oti111, occupfrtl, Cle.; hence, abeol.=
Pl.:LutluUll ).lllt.:r, in a come1iy of l'luutiu. weU-atockt-.d, rlcA ; urh!I, Cle. ; homo Cle. :
plibiodla -ae, r. (dim. or plebs), tlu com'A01' epllltola p'ienlor,/ull ufmatur, Cle. IL ~llHf.,
ptt;p/t, •!00, rubbk, Cle. A. full, of quantity and number; 1, ""aero"':
plibilu ·a -um (plebs). L rtlatt11g or be- agmen, Ov.; 2,= oompltte, 111.tire: a, lit.,
wllfi11g fQ tlu pkbl or peo,.ze (opp. patrlclus), anuua, Cle.; legio, Cae11.; b, fig., coapldt, per-
Jlltbtian; familla, Cle.; hull, gu111u edebmUd i4 ftct; ~udlum, Cle.; pleuo gradu, al qvidr: •Up,
AoMllr of tlu driring 01't of the king1 or of tAe LIY. B. or strength, 1tr0119, lo1"i; YOX, Cle.;
"'""' o/ the picbdau from Clwir leCUliGJ& Co ille plenlore voce, Cic.
.fomlint Hill, Cle. Su bat., plibilue ·I, m. a plirumquf, v. pleruaque.
pldinan, aud plibila -ae, r. a plebrian t0oma1',
Liv. Plur., plibiU or plibil, Cic. IL
plirua pleruaque (q. v.).
~liruaquf -riqu6 ·rwnqua, pa. plur.,
pldlria• c:o1Kmoii, vulgar, lOw, mean, ttiftrior;
1e~o. of IM lowtr clauu, Cle. ; pul'pura, Cle. ;
plertqu' -raequ6 ·rlqni!, wry tllCl"f, Cl laf'fl'
1)(1rl, tlw, tht greatat part, CM tlleljority (opp.
pl11losopbl, Cle. 11111111, pauci). L Plur., 11 absoL, iuultl nll1ll
plebea -~1. l.= plebs (q.v.). pro<lesse phlloaophlam, plerlque eUam ubedtt
plibloCSla -ae, 111. (plebs aud colo), a fritnd arbitrantur, Cle. ; t>lerlqne Belgae, Caea.; lu
o/IM rm11num peoplt, Cfc. ple1i.sque, in tM majorU11 of c"'"• Cle.; 2 with
pliblaoitum ·I, n. (plebs and !lc1sco), a genlt., plerique Poenorom, Cle. ; 3, wli1 tbe
deCTtt or ordinance of tht ptoplt, Cle. uLl., plerique ex factlone, Sall. D. Blnlf.,
juventus, &11. ; nobilit11a, Sall.; Af'rica, Sall.
plebe. plebi11, t. (root PLE, whence i>le-o, Neut., r•lerumqne; a., 11ubst., tht grttJUr part:
pit-nus, Ur. IlAE, Il.\H whence ,,.,\;1j8w, "AiiBot), noctls, Sall.; per Europeic plerumque, Liv.; b.
Uu m11ltitudt. Heuce, i'. As a politleal division, adv. 1 /or tlw moat part, mostly, geMrallr, co•·
t/u 1'~btian1, the ptoplc (opp. patlicll, patrea, mo?Uy, Cle.
~11&lt1J1, while po11ulus lnclu<les both tbe.e
llld the plebelnns); consulcm de plebo non a,c. Pleumoldl -6rum, m. a people i" G..Zlia,
cipieb.'Lt, Cle. D. Transl., the common peopll, Btlgka.
1114 m1utitiuk, ma• of tht ptoplt, tM lowa orckra, Pleurin -~nls, r. (IlA<Vpt.),,),a t01e1t in AttoUa.
rabbit, mob; plebs et lnft1na rnultltudo, Cle.; Hence, arlj., Pleurinlua -a -um, Pleuronia1'.
pie~ eri11, Hor.; plebs deorum, tlw lower <mUr of plloo -111 -Atua, 1. (•>.i1t1o>), to fold, dotcbll •p,
Uilv.s, Ov. /ofci togtthu; se In sua roembra, \!erg.
1. Pleoto. plexl and plext11, plexum, 3. (root Pllnlua ·a -um, 'llllmt of a Roman gen., tlw
PLEC, <lr. II.'\EK, rrAi«w), to plait, br1.1id; more mo!t famous mroi~rs of which t«re: 1, C. Pllnlua
frequently In partic., plexue -a -um, bratdtd, Secu11d11s (Mnjor, tl1t f.'lder), probably of Comn,
plaiUd ; corollae, Luer. ; ftores, Cat. author of a Natural 11'8tory in thirtv·«vtn boob,
2. pleoto, s. (n'A>jT1111), to puniJh; UllP&llY Ju killtd i9 A.D., at tlw eruption of Moun.t Vuuviu1;
Jll.$S., to bf puni.~htd u:ith blowa. A. Lit., tergo, 2, C. Pllnius Caeclliuit Secundua (Junior, tM
Hor.. B. Transt'., 1, Co bt, with abl. Yll1lngtr), go11ernor under Trajan in Bithynia,
ot crnue; uegligeutia, Cle.; 2, to be blanud, ~n· author of letter$ and ofa panegyric M Traja1i.
11111d, Nep. Pllath6nea -is, m. (IlAturfi"'!f), L aon of
'-lectrum ·I, n. (ll'A..jupo,,), a short ~ick or Pelo1is, brothtr of Atreu1 and Thyutu, fatlwr of
9'&ill 1Cith which tht •trinqs of a stringed i111tru.- A!]11mem11on untl Me11tl1111A, who wa.s bro11ght up
flltnt IDtTe 1tr11ck. A. Lit., Cle. B. Poet., by hu b-rothtr Atreus. Hence, PUathiAlou
ine ton., 1, the lyrt, Hor. ; 2, ll17ical poetry, -a ·um. t.orus, of .AgaiMmnon. Ov.
Hor. =
plOdo plaudo (q.v.).
PlilU(m..,<ci(), PliJU. nml Pliif.11 (Il>.«<a() plori.bllla -e (ploro), deplorable, lamt1'tabh,
~L_!ls, t. a Pleia~: gen. pl11r., PlelAdh (Pli- Perl!.
-.uh) and PleJAdtia -Ath1m, r. tlw l'leiads, tht plori.tor ·oris, m. (ploro), a 1DC1iltr, 1iorcltr,
Strim Stan, cv:cor1li11g to tlw legend, tlw ~vu lu111t11ter, Mart.
~ 9htas of Atlc11 /J.v Pkioiu (Electra, Hnlcyone,
plori.tu11 -n!I, m. (ploro), a cryi"!7, wttpf"fl,
-..:laeuo, ?.foia, S~rope, Tay!{tlte, Merove). lanm1ti1111: gen. lu plur. 1 au\livl ch'lt.atuua'
l'li16Di -U, I. (DA'!lcW!J), IM w\{1 q/ .Ctlal, ge1ultus, ploratus, Cio.
plo 422 poe
ploro, I. L Intmmilt., to Zanini tDaU, cr11 rainr: aquae, Ov.; tungt, grod"f fl/'IM' rat..
a1.o!l41or (Jrief; p1orando ressua 1um, c1c.; Jubeo Ov.; auster, Verg.
t.e plorare (= oi,.,...(m•Afyi.i cro&, bad luck to 1101&1), pliivla.a -a -um (pluo), Cl/or nlatl111 lom-.
Hor. IL Transit., to wup owr, to lamniJ, ckplun; rafoy, raitl·brlngtng : aquae, Cle.; Hradea,
tnrpe commlssu111, Hor. Verg.; vent!, Hor.; arcua, fJ ra(ftboui, Hor.
plostellum ·1, n. {dim. of ploatzum\. a lUU. ~Oolllum -1, n. (dim. or poculom), Cl lW11
tMgon, Hor. dnnkf.n(J-cup, gobld; Jovl Victori poeillum molsi
ploatrum = plaustrum (q. v.). facere. to oJrr, Liv.
ploxemum C'Dlo:dmum, plo:dnum) p0oiUum .f, n (root PO, whence potu,
•f, D. a U>ag01'·00JI, Thi.t. poto), a drfoki11g-cup, gobld. L pocolWll
pUilt, v. pluo. lmpavlde haurlre, Liv.; poculum mort.11 ex·
lurnrire, Cle.; po11cunt majorihna poculis (~
pliima -no, f. tM do1171lJ Jlllrl of a /ea.titer, ca
biberc), to drbik out oJ gobld8., Cle. IL Mt-tun.,
mall, 10/t/tatlur; plur.= dotDR. L Lit., plnmae A. a drink, draught: ad pocula ve11ire, V.-rp:.;
Yel"llicolores colu11.1Uan1m, Clo.; In plumls amorls pocuhun, a love-pAW,.,, Hor.; iu il-"'i.c
delltulue Jovem, to have bu1' dilguiltd in the tuls lrnmanibus pcx:ulh1, '" tA11 ct1r-, in the 'ltl;,lal
form o/a bird, Ov.; In plumam, a,fttr tMf1Ul&io11. of thy re-rel.I, Cle. B. Elp., fJ poi4Dno11s druv.g}U,
of/ea.then, Verg.; ueed to 11tul!'plllow1, bol1'tera, Cle.
etc., with; hence, meton.= bobter, /«Uhtr·btd, tHKllgra -ae, t. (iro.Sci.ypa), Uu gottl (a &Al
pillow, Juv.; as an emblem or lightneu, flckle- /u1; Vodagrae doloribu" crudarl, Uc.
nes11, etc., ph1m' aut folio taclllus moYentur,
Cle. IL Transr., '11• .ftrlt doum on tli.e chin, PMAlirl'.ua ·II, m. (Ilo&a>.u"p•O(). L.,,. oJ
Hor. .4uculapiiu, a cellbrakd phy1ician. IL a 1"r·oja1&.
plumitua -a -um (pluma), cowrtd 10'£t.\ piclex ·lcls, m. tMfundam.ent, Hor.
/w.thera, Cic. poet. pCHUum ·Ii, n (mS.S.ov), a ba.srnwtt or balonlr
plumbiua -a -um (plum bum), leaden, mcrda (mnwdialtly abot1t the arena in tJu ampllitJuutrt,
oJ l«id.. L Llt. glans, Luer. II. 'l'ransr., ti/Mn tM tmpmn' Bnd otMr ptJWU
laadnt; l,= btu;i: glarllu11, Clo;; pnglo, Cic.; sat, Juv.
~.=bad; ''ina, Mart. ; 3, ~ stupid: 1•!11111- Poeia {PaeU)-anU., m. (Uola1), tA.t /oJlD
b&lllt trr phyllfcls, Cfc.; 4, Ma'DJI, opprua£w, of l'J.iloctdu; Poeante - qf l'O#GI •
hn:fen•ome: a1111ter, Hor. l'hilocttl#, Ov. Hence, A. arlj., Poeantlu
Dlumbum ·I, n. (okln t.o 116.\v,9&(), Tfad. -& -um, proles or heros, or s~ PO<'.:i.ntius =
L ""Lit., plum bum album, tin, Caes. II. Meton.,
PAUoc:Utu, Ov. B. Poean
oJ POMI PMl«Utu, Ov.
i• .... m.'"
1, a bullet, Verg.; a ltadtn-pipt, Hor.
pliimlua -a -um (pluma), doumyJ. coumtlng »"ma ·IUls, n. (.-oi111.1.4), 11 ,,ota: poems
o/, oowred wit.\ flw.. /; culcita, l:lc.; torus, facere, or componere. or condere, Cic.; plur.,
Ov. poemata = podTJI (opp. oraUo, pro111). etc.
plmnlpu -pMls (pluma and pea), /llCJ,()ur. poena -at, f. (tro•l"lf), tM fi'M /or -
JbOt«l, Cat. dtr: heuce, y1muhme11t, pt111:r.lty, e:rpiatict&, °"""'
plnmO.U. -a -um (plurna), /t<JJJinotd, cormd pt111alion. L poeua dupli, odupli, etc.; vitae,
tD!iA doto11, downv, Prop. Cle.; raplth1, Caes.; rnortiic, Cle.; oculorum.,
pUlo. pU11, S. (root PC,U, connected with losa of eyuighl, Cle.; votorwn, palfl'U"nl Qf oM'•
t'OWI, \'erg.; poenas et deuita.a 10lvere,
FLU-o, Gr. IIAY, whence ..>.J...,), to rain. L Cic.; poenas expetere ab aliquo, Cle.; poenu
Lit., lmpera., pl ult, U ralria; dum pl ult, Verg.; dome11tlcl 1111ngnl11i11 expetere, ro attftg. tlM! • .,.
aqua, quae pluendo cre\'l!ISet, Cle.; with arr.11ncl
ckr of a blood-relatio'll, Cic. ; pne11111 J>llrentiom 1
abl. of' what falls, snngulne )'lnissc, Cic.; ln1•itli-s
pluere, Llv. IL Transr., to firll down iii u grtat ttllls expetere, to visit th• rins of tht falhnt
childnn, Cic.; p.~nna capere Jlro aliquo, lo
°" tlu
mau or nmnbu; tantum pluit, Verg. at'tngs aome one, &II. ; poennm habere, lo lie
pliirlie, adv. (pins), ojkn, fnqunitly, Caes. p101i$h"1, Llv.; poenn1 h:ibere ab aliqoo, to~
pliirlarlam (plus), on many akla, in 111.any lain ven9u1.neefrom some oue, Liv.; poenu d~
j'lacu, Suet. to bt J711nislud, Cic.; pocnll. aliq11e111 atftCt"re or
pliirlmue, plurlmum, v. multus. multare, Cic; poeuaa sulilre, t'en-e, tierri-rre, lutre,
Cle.; extra poenam esse, to (Jtt <'JI soot-frN, Liv.
DlU.. plnrls, v. multns. IL Personll"., Poena, Utt goddtAI of ttN1tf1' or
plU90iUWI ·& ·llm (dim. of plus), I01l~w1Ult punisJunmt, Cle. ; plur., a libt>rtlm Poenil actn111
more, ratJin- many; pluaoMum ·I, n. nse<I esse praecipitem, Cic.
subst., canaae In quluu1t plusculum nei;otii est, Poem ~rum, m. tM Pkocnlciaiu = t1ul ~
Cle. tkagi nian$ (colonist.8 from Phoenicia), proT,.rbial
plii~u• ·I, m. and pli1~•m -I, n. I. A. arnuug the Romnns for fnithlcsauesa r.nd i:>n'&ch
a " move<1ble pe11-thm111t, 11u!d, or f1lll.nfltt (111Ade or tr~tles ; Poenl t'Ckdirn1gl, Cle. ; r;ing.,
ol hurdles covered with hide'I to prot<>ct the Poenue ·I, m. " Pltotnician, a Cattll4jliniall;
beslegera or a town), Caes. : b_. (J brtt.llttoork, uite..I for /lannihal, Cic. ; collecti,·e, Poemu
hattltmt11-t on a tower, Cnes. .1L A. the back advetul, Liv.; Poenus uten1ue, tAe CortAagi11iau
boarll of fJ bed or 1ofa, Mnrt. B. the board on '" A,friro. and Spui1t, Hor. Hen~ A. Poenu
'IDhkh a o&f1* is laid Qui, Mart. C. a book-lhtl/, ·• -um, Pl'°'"kwn, Punk, Carthagiaiaa ; navita.
look·coM, Juv. Hor.; leonea, Yerg. B. PiiDloua (PoeDl-
· Pluto (--in) ~1111, m. (UAoJTwl'). the 1.:ing of 0118) -a -nm, Phomida'll, Punk, CarUM.&ginl4•:
llwlowr VJOTld, brotltw of JuJ!ittr and Neptrrfl', =
a, lit., Punlcum \Jell nm, Cic.; ftdea faitl&Jt•
htuba1ad oJ Prorerp(ua. Hence, Pliitonlu -a nus, !:!all. ; so ars, Liv.; b, poet.., transr. =
•Um, btlonaing to l'luto; domua, IM gravt, Hor.; purpk-red ; ugum, H<>r. C. Pimlolu
J•lur. s11bet. 1 PliitOnla -ornm, n. (11e. Joca), a (Poenl~u) ll11d Piinlolua (Poenlclu)
~ U. .41ia M iuorl. 1l4'rhapa In Lydia, 111.ller• •ll ·Um, a, Punic, C:artlt.agiHUI"; b, J1Mrpl#-rwcL
there toa1 a lt'mple to .rluio. .. -um, Pt1ln(111; Alpe91 or Jnp,
Dlti'ria .... r. {pluvlua), """; pluvlaa metuo, th.t Ptn1'f.M Al,,.-. Poenlnus mon!I, IA• Grt•ll .st.
Ole. .Btrnard; or 1lmply POt'nln111, Lh·.
plti'riAUa -e (pluYla), oJ or rd4ting lo ndn, =
poelllo, poenlor p1lDlo {q. Y.).
poe f23 Pol
poenlten9 -entlit (partlc. or poenlteo). 2. ae, t. a toum '• Lfgurla, ft:.1Mt1.S
poenlteut!a (paenlkl4tta) -ae, t (poe- fur itl wool, now PC>Un.n..
lli1.e0), npeltt.lna, prnUenu, Lav. pollff. 1. _(pot!~ 11nd valffl). Co lit strmg,
poenit«So (paeDl~ol ·O.I, 2. (trom ~nlre •'9ht11, powr/lll, ahla; qui In repnbllca pl!tr·
= punire; lit., to L to d11p~ae.
Plaut. IL to fttl displta3Urt, to ttpent, to rtgrtt,
lmurn pollebant, Aad the 1M1t pou.vr, Cic.; nbl
plurlmurn pollet, Cle.; with abl., aelentii,
to be l!OfTJ. A. Pers., to nu; poenitenll con,.IJll, Cle.
8alL; al poenltere po88lnt, Liv.; poenltens, Cle.; polles: .JcJa, m. (t>0lleo), lit., ~ wh£ch. "
poenltnMlll, Ball.; poenlteudo, hy npentant41, 11.rong. A. CM tAumb; A.-ginetl:t polllcu t•t"Se•
Cic. B. Impera., poenitet aliqm~:n alieulus rel, cldere1 Cle.; u a memmre, era,·! ferrel digitl
etc., U rtpwtl ona, OM u di.6pleaatd, -a, polllc11 crualtudlne, Caea. B. tJw grtt1.t tot,
etc. ; (4) with acc. or pera. amt genit.. of thing, Plin.
auae quemque fortunae poenltet, Cic.; me poeu- poWoior -cltui. aurn, 2. dtp. (pro and liceor).
ltet conllllli, Cie.; without acc. of 1ien1., tam· to offer, promW, pro.fer. L Oen., a, with ac~
quam pneniteat.laboris, Liv.;(JJ) with act:.orpera. of thing, pecunlam, Cic.; b. with acc. or thlu~.
&Jld norn. pron. neuter, nihll sane e8118t quod and dat. of person, senatul frnmentum, Cic.;
nos poenite.ret, Ci<-~; with only nom. pron:t maria monteaque, eo mal.·a bou.11dleu prllTllM.el,
nlbil qnod poenitere pollait, of whicA one couw Sall.; o. with double acc., sese itinerill perieuliqu~
"'Jle>lt, Cic.; (y} with are. of pera. and infin., dur.em, Ball.; d, with <le an<l the abl., with or
non 1.oenitet me vlxillll6, Cle.; or, (&) simple without tile acc., nlhtl f'go tum de meis oplbna
infln., nt rortiter reciase poenitent, Cle. ; or pollit'eb&r, Cle.; e, with lntb:.., obeidea dare.
with acc. and lufln., In JIOSterum diem dllatum Caes. ; f, with acc. and lnll.n., gen. future, me
(esiae) certamen, Liv. ; (•)with acc. of pent. and tlbi satlsfacturum, Cic.; g, with rel. aent., quae
rel. !Mint., Qulntum poenltet quoit anlmum tuum rneum tempua polttularet, Cle.; h, with adv.,
oft'entlit. Cic.; (0 or with rel. sent. alone, poe· ultro polllceri, Cle.; beue, Ball.; benlgne, Liv.;
nitet qn<><I derluxiatl, Liv.; (11) abiol., poenitet liberaliter, Caee. D. Esp., of an orator at the
et tol"f'juetir, ov. beginning or his aµepeh, to promt#, d«lart;
.,aim -Is, acc. -In, f. (1l'Ol11~m), J'Odrr, Cle. docul quOd prlmum polllcltus sum, Cle. (p&rtic.
pert. ll&SS., pollicita !Idea, Ov.).
pCSeta-ee, m. ( ...°'"),a pod; poeta comlcuit,
tnl.gicu.", Clo. poWolti.tlo ~nis, f. (polllcltor), all o§er,
p6itlCA -ae, f. and JHiitloi ·&. I. (irou1mcl,, pro.fer, prom iae; m11gnia praeniii11 pollicltatlonl·
ac. nxJ11J>. Ou art qf poetry, Cic. buaque pollicerl, Caea.
pCSitloi, adv. (poeticus), 71Ctticall11 1 o,ftlr Uu pollloltor, 1. dep. (lntena. of pollloeor), '"
9MmMr of a pott; ut poetice loquar, Cle., pro§tr, &II.
pCSetloa.a -a -um (ro&'lfT"COs), pottical; ver- poWoltum -1, n. (pollieeor), iha.t tohkh u
bWn, Cle. ; racultaa, Cle. promiwl, a prondu, Ov.
Poetovlo ~nia, f. a tovm la Pannon!a, now PoWo (Pollo) ·6ula, m., 0. Aalnlut, "14
Pettau. patron of Y trgU..
)Hlit:rl& -ae, I. (iroufrp,4). a pottul., Cic. poll19 =pollen -lnla (q.v.).
pol I Interj. by Poilu.:r ! truly I rtaUy I Cle. polliiMC> -luxl -luctum, 2. L to plai» «rme·
thmg upo1' "14 altar "' a iacri~ fo o§IT;
P~limo (-On) -6nis, m. (Ilo.\114w ..). L a
Gruk jJhiloso1•htr ut .AthtM, pupil of Xtrrocratu,
decuma1n part.em Hercull, Plaut. ii to ,,.W 01'
the table cu a dllh, Plaut..
teadur of Ztno and ..Arci;.,ilau.t. Hence, Polim· pollfto -o.1 -lltnm, s. (pro and luo), Co b(f'011l,
0n6us -a -um, of Polrnw. IL a kfag b dtftlt, pollute. L Lit., ora cruore, Ov. IL
PolUtu. Transf., to rUflU morally, pollutt, di4hon01lr; Jura
D61enta -11e, f. (root POL, POLL, whence scelere, Cle.; caerimoniM 11tupro 1 Cle.
po1teu, Gr. IlA.\, •ci.\11), pearl-barley, barlq· polliitua -a -um, p. adj. (from polluo).
groats, Ov. mornll11 dtflud, pollut4d; hence (of women), un,.
p0llo, •. to rolish, flit, mah irrnooth. I. A. cluutt; femiun, Liv.
1, roi:u111 "scii, Cic.; 2, e11p., to co1itr with u•hi~ PollUJC ·llcis, m.(TioA~WriJf), thetunn·brotlwP
11L<>rtar or gyp¥1111t, t-0 11.•hittn : colum11&.11 albo,
Liv. IL t'ig., lo adorn, einbtlluh, to poli1h,
of C.Utor, '°" of Ty11dan11 (or Jupllc) and, rtnow11td for hi.I 1J.-ill (n, bari~, Cic.;
~nilA; oratlonem, Cle.
Pollux uterque, Castor and PoU-u, Hor.
p0liti, ad\'. h"'litu'I), (n a pol~Md manMr, "lua -1, m. (n6.\n<). L tha pou oftlu earth:
cUg.rntly, Clo.; politius lim11re, Cle. po1us gelidus, gla.cial11, and simply polua, Uu
p01itia ·&e, acc. -an, f. (1r0.\,nlcs), l, the 1tal1; north. ,J>!lU, Ov.; polns austral is, tJw IO'lltll pole,
9, tJu Rt]n1blic (title of a work by Plato), Cic. Ov. IL Tm111f., tlw ak7/, Uw hlalllM, Verg.,
p0litloua -a -um (1ro.\,Tu1:ck), of or relating Hor.
lo the arau, politiro.l; philosophl, Cle. Polfblus ·ti, m. (Ilo.\JJ3,0f), a Gnrk A~
PolitOrlum ·Ii, n. a row11ill1..atiu.m., IOUlh of Conan, conltmp<rraf'JI and ,/rWnd qf Sdpio Afrl,-
Utt Tilter, a<'conli.i1g to the ltge1id fov.ndtd b11 Uw canu Minor.
Trojaii Poli.tu, aon. '1f Priam. P61Jolitua (P61folitna) ·I, m. (Ilo>.v«A.1&•
JH}litua -a ·nm,/. ndj. (from polio), pol'8Atd, TO(), a Cl!Wn'a.ttd GrllJc ICKlpfor of s~ con.-
rrftlltd, accompli&lu ; homo, Cle.; politlor hum- ten&porary of Psriclu.
nnitaa, Cic.; vlr omni 111.ierall doct.rlul politia· PilforAtea ·1•1 m. (Ilo.\virp4"1(), tyrant qf
ahnua, Cle. Samo.~. faJMd for Au~. b11t,/Ud by
pollen -lnis, n. and poll19 ·1nls, o. (ct tht Ptrlli<r n llQtrup Oro1ttt1.
po1eut.t), jhu jl.qur, '/Mal, Ter. P6lfd4mu -mantis, m. (llo>.v&a,,..c). 4
pollen.a -eutls, p. adJ. (rrom polleo), ltnmg, T~}an, friend of HIClor,
p<:n«rful, •'9At11; 1Mtrona, Ov.; herbae, Ov.; Polf4eoti9 -ae, m. (Tio>.vUu'IJ(). ting en.
wlUt abl., viribna, Sall &ripMI, tcho bro!ighl 11p l'trttlU.
1. pollentla -ae, f. (polleo). L powr, P61J4oru.e ·l, m. (Ilo>.J&.f10f), '°"
of Priam,
~ •'9hl, Plaut. 11. Penonlt.• U&f ~ antru.attd to tha mra of Polp'llnWT, ti"f Cn
v•ight, PoUentia, Liv. Thraee_ bvt .sla.i" bJ Um.
Pol pon
PCh;Jpita -1, m. (Il~), 11 ctltbnzted Pompinlu-a -um, tlell41M o/ 11 Rowla•9ftlt
Gnek painter o/ Tluuott, COl!UllporaT'f toil.\ the mod /a:motUJ ~ of 111licA. tti(M T. Poat-
Socrata. ponius Atticus, /rind o/ Cicero.
Pllfh:rnmla -at, r. (Ilo.\.J,..._), one of tla.t Pomptinu <Pomtinu) -a -um, P~
JltUJU. tine or Pontine; pa'tue and paludes, a tHarMJ du-
PiSlfmestOr (Pilynmostir) -or!a, m. trid, thirt11 •ila lmtg and twlw to tAirlll1l ..Ua
(no>.vµ>jcnwp), king in. 1'hraa, 1Huband o/ JlioM, 10idt, upoud to the inttlldaliml of tlu riwr .A-·
da.ughttr o/ Priam; the munkrtr of Pol1/(.lonu. 11rnva and U/tJU, cm tM Appia• road. Sn~, IL,
Piltphimua t--09) .f, 111 • (IIoA.:fr111t~). the Pomptinum ·I, n. tlu nrigltbotcrlwod of U..
oTU-e1/(d Cyclops in Sicil11, aon o/ Ntplu'M, l>li.r'ded Pontitlt marsh; b. Pomptina ·ae, f. U.. ttppi:-
blf utvsses. md of tht P011tine marsh.
..-v...,, I m. ( 7roA11~,
vUS., · Dor. and Aeo1., pomum
nndvo/ fruU;:,, a a11Z-
·I, n. L any"'""U IL
-..Anl>f, hence 0
with long o In Horace). L tht ~· ':" v. ; P ur., poma, .1• • 1 • erg., Hor.
polypus. a marine animal, Ov. IL a pol'JIPiu in Transf., a/ruit·trv., \'erg.
tlu nose, Hor. pondero. l. (pondua). L to t«ig1a, P11ut.
PiSlyz6na -ae, r.
(IloAllti"'I). daughter of Ir. Tranaf., to Wtigh tM11taUy, to co~, ddil>-
Priam, sa.cri~ct.d at tht tomb of Achilles. trait upon; verborum delectum, Cic. ; causu.
pim.i.rlua -a -um (pomum), of or rtlating to ... x_
fruil; subst., A. pimanua ·Ii, m. afr11.iterrr, -a ·um (pondua), htal'?I, torigAlJ,
Hor. B. po-m&rlum -Ii, D. a Jruil-nnrd£n, po11tl~rmu. L Lit., Plin. IL Tranar., IOriglt,,
.L-rd, Cic.
or.,..,. .- ;.; signijiro11t; e1>istola, Cic.
pimeridli.nua = postmeri<lianus (q. v.). pondo (ah!. or obsolete pond WI -1). i11 tOfiglf.
htary; corona libram pondo, a povnd in V'ti9At,
pimerlum -Ii, n. (orig. pomoeriurn, post Lh-.; used as an inded. sulist., a pourul, poul&dl;
and moerus nrnrull), a spaa /,tft fret fro111 build· argeuti pondo \'iginti milia, Caes. ; auri quinque
ingr /<Yr a «rtai>i breadth on each sidt tht u>al/J J.l<,udo, Ci<'.
ofa toum, ooundtd by 1to11u (cippi or ter111i11i); pondus -~rl!!, n. (pendo), a tvright. LA.
pouaerium inlrare, tra11:1irc, Cic. .., 1, a tuiglat ustd in a pair of llOOlu; pondera
Pomitla -:i:e, f. and Pomitll -Oru111, m. ab Gailis allat.a, Liv.; 2, a pound niglt,
old town. of tlie Vul1ei ill l..atiu11i. Ilene<', a po1111<1, Liv. B. Tranlf., 1, ab.itr., a, tJic
Pometinua -a -uui, Pomttiu. u'tiyltt uj any body; moveri grav1u.te "'t J.>011Jere,
piml~r -fCl'll -fi!rum (pomum and rero), Ci1.; b, bulwiu, equilibri11m; terlim1 uwtu.~
(rMit-bwring, /ruit·l>rinylng, Hur. oritur extra pomhl8 et plagam, Cic.; 2, concr.,
Pomona -ae, r. (pomurn), tM ~1,1.- 0 , ,_,il a, a htat'll l>ody, Wf'ight, lt<Ud, lmn/~11; 111 temsm
aiul fruit-bus.
11........_ .., "'.. feruntur omnia pondera, Cic. ; b, a flla&i
quantity, sulll; uuri pondua lngen.A, Liv. IL
= a
pimO.U. ·a -nm (pomum), /llU of fruit, Fig., A. Jn a good ae1111e, 1 tDrigAI. f1Nvity,
nl>oullding i11 fruit, Pro11. authority, illjfiu11u; cornmenrlatiun~m 111agnum
pompa -ae, r. (,,o,..,,.,;), a llOTtmn procasiO'll. apu<l t~ pon<lus ha1'uissc, Cic.; 2, '°"f.U of
L A.•Lit., 1, gen .• of funerals, Cic.; pompam words or thoughts; ournium \'eroomm f.Oll•ler·
funeris ire, Ov.; of a we<l<ling, pompam <ludt, ilous est uten<lu111, Cle. B. In a bad l!W!n~, u•
Ov.; or a triumph, Ov.; pvmparum fercuhs oppn<sit~ trrighl, l>ttrdna; poudua am&ra sene.:·
similes esse, to TUl'11<bu i1t gllU tht bMrtrl ut a tae, 0\".
~ioN., Cle~; 2, e11p., the pror-t:;$iun al tht piniS (perhaps from Po'!ne, connected with
C1n:eiuian Ga111U at which the f111ayu uf tlte gO<LI TruTi, n'j>O<). I. Adv. btlund, ut tAc bad; monri
totn carrl«l. B. Transr., a train, suilt, retiuue; et ante et lJOne, Cic. IL Prep. wit.b acc.,
lictorum, Cic. IL Fig., display, pan.ult, oaltu· l>thllld; poue quOA :i:ut ante laba.nlur, Cic.
talion; ~enua (orationill) vami-e quam pui;uat: pono, p6snl (p6sh'i), p6sltum, s. (forpO-slno),
aptlua, Cic. to lay dvwn, put, pla«, Liy. Constr. wltb ad'f.
PompiJl -~rum, m. tol01' i1' tht aouJh of or place; with in and abl.; with ad, ante. 1ul.l,
Campania, dut~ b11 a1~ eruptum of Vuuviu.~. 11uper; f'Ot'l. with abl. aloue. L Oen., A. LiL,
;9 A.O. Bence, ac1;.. PompiJanua ·& ·Ulll, 1, a, or thiugs, Vt'8tigium, Cic.; fig., pedem
bdo'llgi.~ to POll&pefi: 1ub8t., a.,Po~Jiaum uol pon:.t in suo (regno) 0011, Cic.; ponere
', n. (8C.. praedium). an utc.IU of t;i«ro, nwr genu, lo k11ul, Ov.; pooere acalas, 14> 'f"ll •P
PO'lll.peji: b, PompiJ&al -orum, u1. tJw in· ladders, Caes : b, or penwns, positi vernae
Aabita11u of Pompeji. circa Lares, Hor. ; ~. of runiiture or t.oo';. to
PompiJipiS]Ja ·la. f.(no,.1")iov,..o.\•c), lakr lag O'llt P"JIOTt; m~11111101, Hor.; ~t OL;
taa•t: of tfit: tcwn Soli, t.U1trf¥d Uy TigrallU, 3, to fuy, Btrrtclt Olli; art us in litol't', \'erg.;
nbuilt b!f J•omptj1ts. !lomno putulM, \'erg.; poslt.3e dtt osrul'l rrater,
-, 4
P Ompe_,118 (P -11r ) ,, Uiid out, i.e., Mad, Ov.; 4, to ered a ll.al11t 111
ompe:a1UI -a •Um, tWJIU OJ Jw11our of SOI/It Ollt; Rlicu.i 81.atuam, :Sep.; Hp.,
9. Roman ~A&, the 1Mlfl /amova tr~r• of wlt.ich to rofW'crau a gift to tM ~; corouam au ream
ttrtrt: 1, Cn. Pompejus, triumvir willt. Uauar in Capitolio, Liv.; 5, to lm9"7' in ,,.W;1: J>Ck'Ula
ulid CrautU, ro1iqut'TOr of Mitltridalu ai&d tht I •-
piratu, d<feattd lrlf C<Janrat Pharsaliu and lllain. fa~tn;t, \'erg.; 6 , L t. or <.& cuaators, pooere
o" Eg!!Pl; 2, Pompt"ja, wift of P. V!Uiuius: adj., calculum, to rolculatt, Juv. ; 7, mil.t. t. L, ro
'JI ..tali.on fnl'n, "1 place; prut'siJiuw iLi, C4t'S. ; B.
Pomptum; domus, Cic.; lex, propo11td '111 C11. to TMJWN away to a distu11t plac~: p..·ru.· s11b
Pompt'Jj. Hence,• .a -um, bt- c1Jrru RO!i!I, Hor.; 9, to publish; t'<lit:tum, T:ie.;
loHging to Pompey; eubet., PompiJi.llu.a -i, lO,tuput®u·ninwriting;Rigna:1mis1>ra.:celJ!i>,
m. a m.tml>tr of the l'vniptfrm part71. -x..,,..._..
8or.; 11 , pa rt•1c. pe rf. , ,,.-•u.a -a -nm, a, ot
PompWu.e ·• -um, """" of a Roman. gtr~. smrn·, etc.,"f<.:llrn; pos1ta nix, llcir.; b, of place11.
to whic:. ;,,wngtd Suma PomplliUA, ltCOn.d 1ituate.l; &ma in montilou!l posita, t.'ic. B.
of RotM, kgt11darit foundt:r of 111an1 rtligWu! ritts Transf., 1, to pl~. J"llt, prut11t; aliqu~ 1ut.
at ~ Adj., Pumpilian.; sanguis, ducrndai:u uuo upectu, lie. ; 2 to lrn119, 'f"ll : aliqu,.111
u/ NuDICI Pontpiliu1, Hor. pouttt lo gratla •}•Ud :illqnem, Cic. : in lau.:le
pompDua -1, m. ('"'1t•iAoc). tlu pflntjhla; poeltfsm P.ue. to bt jaa«l.. Cl,·. : 3, to pli&tt, bv1W.,
acwrdi~ tu au111e, tiot ""', Ov. I rut; ouu14.'11t 1111t:w _.1uti11 iii \"irlute, Ci.::. ; '6, Ill
pon 426 pop
tw:u1 .illW h1 aonu oa:Hpa.tlon; totiim diem In one ofthe murdtnr1 of Caesar; 8, Ponti WI Pllatm,
c0nsidera11cla causa, Cic.; 5, to nckon, rormt; procurator of Jvdtva at tM time of the crl&ciflzio•
n1ortem in malis, Cic.; aliquid in t.eneftcii loco, of Chriat.
Cic.; hnu•I iu ma;;no dhu:rimine poncre, to attach ponto -~nis, m. (pons), a ~~ boci',
"° !Jrtal imporro .. ~ to, Liv. ; with d<111t.le acc., pu•t, Caes.
lo Acid, 1·e:1<m.l; alique111 pri11cipem, Cic.; 6, Cc
1. pontua -i, n. (.O.,,.~). L thtdttp, depth;
7"'1 do11m iii 11Jrili1t!J, to rtntal'k, observe, r.uritioll; maris, Verg. IL Met(ln., A. tM duJI sta, Verg.
euius PftllC.'\ ell:elllpla posui, Cic. D. A. to lay,
pfoa by wny of bvilding, making, etc. ; 1, lit.
B. a wart oftlr£ MO., Verg.
a, or buildi11g, to trtcl: urher11, \'eri.;.; 111ilit. t.t., 2. Pontu -1, m. (nci.,Taf}. L tlt.t Black Sta.
ca...tra. in proxi1110 colle, lo pitch ollt'·., ,v1mp, IL Meton., A. the oorot!ry 011 th~ ~hO'rrs Qf th£
~ •. ; b, Of 811 &rti11t, lo TtprtMlll, 11iclurt; Sm. B. Ell:f·• a dlnrict of Asil.1 Mitfor bl:·
Orpbe.& in mc.lio 11ilvuque, Vcf1t.; lwtitll Bithyriia rm Armenia, the rtUlta of Milhrt·
p.mere tot um, to pre«nl a wlviv, Hor. ; 21 transr., dalu, lain' a Romnn prot•incl', f'o11tus. Hence,
&, t<J jo1irvl, p«ice; ponere lnitia ma1e, Cic.; Pontloua -a -um (O oVT•~). btlm~i n.g to Ponl1u,
b, ll> fir, sdtle; leges in con\"iviis, Cic.; ponere Pon.tic; mare, the lllack &11, Liv. ; serpen~. tJw
prae111i11an, to promise a reward, Ci<'.; c to 11wi"· dragon. tAat guarded tM (]Olden jlua at ColcA~
tail\, la!! dovm; nosmet ipROS co111111e11dato11 esse Juv.
nobi11, Cic. ; ~ to put, ask; quat·stinnculam, ~·Re, m. the inferiar prlul or tntple-
Cic. ; e, to p11l a person ln .anu position or oJ!icl; servant wlw altw the l'ictims, Cic.
.-iirui cu:stoiiP.m, Cae!J.; aliquem custodem In ~um -i, n. (•0•11.,1w), a sacrificial cult,
fn1me11\0 pul>lko, Ci<!. B. tlJ pwt f<YJ1.l, dainties, Juv.
etc., b'!j"" oiie; pavonern, mcr11lm1, Hor. C. lo
plant; piros, Verg. D. tn; t:ibulas testa- JM'pellu -i, m. (dim. or popnlus), tM cmnmo•
m"nti in :ierario, Caes. E. to lay 011t money, w ptople, rabbU, Hor.
intT>Jt, lntd; pccunlam apud 11llrj11em, etc.; in Ula -~, f, (wi...,, •i-n•, to cook). L a
pt"M!dio, Cie. F. t-0 arro1l!Je tM hair; rornM, coo 1, tat1ng-Must!, C1c. D. Met.on., t.M
Ov. G. or the winds, etc., to lay, to IOOthe; food at an taling·hoU31'!, Cic.
tollcre seu ponere vult freta, Hor.; rdt., p<>nere, ~piDo -oni~. 111. (popina), t11e frttp1t'fller oJ winds, to 1"11, Verg. R. lo lay aaill~; 1, eati71.!1·h&1LStJS, glutton, Hor.
lit.., libnm1 de manibus, Cic.; arnia, to 111.ydown, popli• ·rtis, m. L the lt«m, hm,qh; 11uc·
~; nnfl hence, to BUbmit, C11es.; 2, tra.nsf., ciclere poplit.er11, Vt·rg.; femina popliki;que, Lh-.
t-0lay asidt, nmiol't, gillll up; vi tam, Ck.; \'itia, II. Meto11., the km-£; dupW;ato p<iplile, with
£ic.; dolorem, Cic.; moras, Verg.; 3, naut. t.t., benl, Verg.; contt:nto poiilitc, with sli'
to tltrou: out a ncltor; ancoris poaltis, L1 v. (synoop. #ritt, Hor.
perf. partic., postu11, Luer.).
PopUcola = Publicola (q. v.).
1. poD.S, pontis, m. 11 bridi]e, Cic. L facere
pontem in ft amine, to brtdie orer n ri~, Caes.; poppyama -ltis, n. (•on·11<Tµa.), and pop-
pont~m facere in Tiberi, Lil'.; pont{'m inter· py11mua ·I, m. (ninrv..µck), a rlucki11g of Uu
10Cin<lere, ro crd down, Cic. D. Ellp., A. a1'lank tongm aa a lip of approbalion, Juv.
Id-" a al&ip a"d tM short, Verg. B. a dmw- ~piUablUa -e (populor), can bt laid
brid~, Verg. C. th£ bri.d9e tU tM c01"itia ovtr
wiiste, drroltattd, Ov.
rAic.\ CM vours pa.ISed ringly, Cc pass iuto lhe ~pUJ.i.bUDdua -a -um (populor), lay'11g
mepta, Cic. D. a, the deck of a ship, Tac. ; uwte, demslati11g, Liv.
b, tlufloor ofa tower, Verg. ~pUJ.i.rilJ -e (1. populus), btlmigi11g lo tke
2. PODS. Pontis, as a gtoflT!lpAical "4111L L
aaau pwple or country, fUdii;e; 1, adj., fturuina,
P01is Argeuteu11, a place and bri<bJt over the rilier
Ov.; 2, subst., a, lit.afdlow-rounlryman; Solon
.A~riu1u in Gallla Narlloneusis. D. Pons popularis tu111J, Cic. ~b, transr., pa,.ticiputor;
Cam pan us, a bridge on the Via Appia. conjuratioois, Sall. .u.. belonging tu tM prople,
Poatla -ae, r. llA l&l,{rndo§tlte roast of Lalium,
relating lo tM whole at.ate, procw:li119 from tM
now Isola di Ponza. Hence, Pontli.Dl -orum, ata.U_: 1, gen., leges,. Cic.; adrniraLio, Cic. ;
1n. I.Ju i 1&habita nll of Pont ia. oratio, Cc tM people, Cic.; 2, t'llp. 1 a, popular,
agruabu to the people, bdovta by tM people; b,
i-oaUoiilu -i, m. (dim. or pons), a li.Ule of or relating to tM pe<>ple (as opposed to the
bridge, Cic. aristocracy), popular, de111ocratic; po~mlaris vir,
1. Pontlcu -a -um, v. Pontua. a friend of the pwple, Liv. ; ~omo, Cic. Bull!Jt.,
2. Pontlaa.e -i, m. a Roman pod, C<mUmpor· ~nUJarea. -lum, m. tlw popt1lar partr, Utt
1ir11 al&dfrie1&d of Properti.u1 and Ovid. clernocracy, C1c.
pontlfez: ·rlcis, m. (from pons and racio, ~ptuarltaa ·itis, f. (popularls), dutrc lo
OT= pompifex, from pompa amt faclo), a pontiff, please the pt.Opie, bthavwur, 1'ac.
a high 1>riat, p<mtifn:; plur., ponUHces, a guild
of prk.IU at /Wme, corilaining <r.l jird fuur, lhen JM'ptuarlter, adv. (popularis). L aftn' tlu
c'.;.".l, tlten Ji/tun 111tmbtrs, the president of which of lh.e. ~>k, oom.mo11ly, vulgarly; loqui,
lt!Utrol.lttl pontifl'x 111aximm1; pontiHcee minores, scribere, Cic. IL o,/kr tM .fashWn. ofafri.t111i o/
tlt.t pt;QpU, in a popular manner, or, in a bad
a Iowa of pontijfs, as.~i..'Sl,mts to the fl"ild of
sense, like a demagog'IU; Rgere, Cic.
pootillces, Cic. Hence, A. pontU1ci.U.e -e,_
f")idilkal; auctorillt~. Cic. B. pontlfloatu ~piUi.tlo -011111, r. (populor}, a laying toalltJ.
. .-,,., m. the o~ of J><mtijf, the 111mtijkcue, Cic. dtvastalinQ, plurnkring; populalio agrontm cet-
C. poutlftclua -a -11111, rtlaHng Cc lht pon- erorum, Liv.; It.a libera populatio a tefRO erat.,
Liv.; plur., \"ejentes pleni jam populationum,
ti"ro.U; lihri, Cic; ju11, CM:. "'ho had had lheir .ftll of pl1'ndtri11g, Liv.;
poutUl'.caiis, v. pontifex. host.em populat.lonibUB probibere, Caes.
poutlflcatus, v. pontifcx. pCSptuator .Qria, m. (populor), a dmwtowr,
poutlflclua, v. 1>0ntifex. plu1uitrer, Liv.
Pout11111 -a ·um, "4111.tJ of a gen.a, 11riginall11 p0pll6u ·8 -um (2. populus), of or nlallJ&g
Stia11Ue, ~rds Rom11ii, tM moll famou1 ,,.em. to the l,JOPlar; froudea, Verg.
hfn of w.\icA t«re: 1, 0. Pontiu11,' com111ander of pipllUer -f&a ·f&uw (2. populu aDd fero~
~ Sam."it.ellU Cav.dium; 2, J... Pontiua Aquila, producing poplan, Qy

pop por
~lll8oitma ·I, a. ca ~ ~ tAI fl'Ol'll, vectlplla. lo ~ Hor. : • DC>rrfgm.o, fo •
Liv. kftd, ~; 9110 1e tua porrlgal ira. OT.; b,
Piotuima ·ae. f., P~ptuinlam .If, n., 11ytlab&m, to ln&gtl&n tlM qtUJ11tU1t ~ ca .,UaW..
aud Piptuillll -6ntm, m. n ~ f11 Etruria, Ov. II. A. lo Zar al full. lettgtA, lo lar lOlf;
now "''"' of Poplcmta; hence, PiPillonl- blll't.emJ. Liv. Lhence, partlc., porrectua = dcd;
en.sea ·lum, m. the itthabUanta of Populo11ia. lt'Jle:it, Ult. .11. Metou., to hold md to, rtud to,
o§tr to; 1, lit., dextram n:gl Ddot:uo, t:ie.;
p4lptuo, 1. and p4lptuor, l. dep. (1. fl'\1'111· ~ladium nobl11, Cle.; 2L Ilg.• to a.lord, nppl1;
lu11), to lay too.U, dtroatate, plu11dtr. L Lit., vrae11idium clie11tibu11, 1.,;lc.
tqtroa, Caea.; provinclae populatAe, Cic. IL 2. porrigo -ghila, r. (= prurtgo), KVT/, cfaa-
Poet., tnm11r., to dtstrov, rui1', 1]10il, rob; popu· d ., H
111t acervum cureullo, Verg.; pol'ulatus hamua, riJI, or.
robbtd oftlte baU, Ov. porro, adv. (•o;.p...), forward, /ltrtltn-. L Of
-x .lilt• ap..c~. al a duf.l1nu, afar or: &, with 1'ttb9 ot
1. ·I, m. (connected with •.\~, motion, Ire, J,iv.; a~re armentum, Liv.; b,
Jllenu~, etc., redn~l. populu.11~ syne•ip. J>OlJlmi), with verbd or rest, !nscltta Aeneas qnae lint •
tlue/Hlt>ple as form1114 a pohti,rol comm'.mity, a ftumlna porro, Yt>rg. IL Tnuisf., A. Of itme,
Ila e. ~Lit., 1, tJu unf01& of the (11habi~an.u nj formerly, Cat. :a.; To express ad\·anees from
a dutrict, a ~· a /rot. atale: J~puh hbe~ one thought to auotlier, thert, tu.rl, fartlur,
• • • rege!'I, Cle., ~· et po pull hbt-rl, Ball. , cu;ahi, '" auccaaicm fa '""' • 11aepe 11 mlivi a
he~ce, me.t.ou., a dUtricl, ~neon; freque111 cul· senloribull natu, qui' 8 e porro pneros a eensihu~
tllnbns alms P<~rutus, Liv., 2, tran11f., a crowd, audlsse dlceltAnt, Cie.; sequitur porru, nihd
holll, multitude, t'ra~rum, Ov. IL Io narrower <leos lgnorare, Cic.
11ense, 1, Uu 10t~e1gn bodJI (n. a /rt• atate, tM •
ao~ ptOple; a, clvltaa ro11utllri1 tu qua In porrus ·I, m. and porr1llD ·I, D. (SJNl'or},
populn aunt. omnla, Cle.; b, el1p. In Rome, a [eek, Juv.
nriglnally the patricuuu, afterwards tlM 1Dholt PorHn.a (Ponenna) and Porahla
people, all opp. to the eenate ; often In the (Porabma) ·&e, m. (Ilopo-ij ..,, llopcFiro~ ), 1 iag
phru11e, aenatus populusquo Romanus, Cle. ; et of Etruria, t01to a.ltncked &mu '" CYNler to bri114
putrea In popull fore, Liv.; u opp. back Tarqdni11.1 Suptt"b111; u a fonnula on the
to the plebe, uon popull aed plebw judleium sale of booty, bona POl"llin&e J"8ttU veneun~ Lif'.
Hae, Liv.; often, esp. wi~h, Uu 1-.ecpla port& -ae, f. (connected with .,.,.a...,
GI Cl party! the dt111ocmtiool port11, populum a experior, etc.), a (/(JU, city-gaU. L A. Lit.,
sena~u disJUllClum, Cle.; a. t~ people. tn11U£. wit.h or wit.hoot urbia, Cic.; portu CllU1Jere,
tu<U, maims poetil de pol'ulo, (;le. Cae11.; portA lutrolre, Cle.; pe-letn porti non
2. piptuua ·I, t. the poplar-tm, Verg. extullsse, Cle. B. Trsn~r., a11y pb·~ of (Rf7'0'
poroa ·ae f. (poreui), a I01D; aomeUmea or t11rus, door, gate of a oamp: port.a ctecumana,
poe t. a ..19 1.'..v. Verg Caei<.; porta Tnenaria (where Hercules entered
the lower world), o,._ ; portae jecori111, Cle. D.
' : ' '"'If• •
porouaa-ae., r. (sc. caro), pork, ~lauL Fig., qulbua e porti11 occurri c:ulque deceret,
porofnu.a ·a •um, ~ or relating to MM, br u-hat uvya or mean.1, Luer.
Plaut. . ~,,orti.tfo -6nls, r. (porto), a crzrrr1,ag, co..
Porclua -a ·Um, Mllf• o/ a Roma" ge?IJI, the wytng · annorum Sall.
m.oatfa11wu1111nwt:rsofvmicAvwn: l,M. Purclus ' '
Cato Cenaorinu111 or llajor, a 1trere Cemor ~ ~rten4•. ·tend! -tentum, S. (pro-t.endo), 141
toAoa C(«ro named hi11COTk on old age: !a,
M. follict~tt, prt•licl, prtMJ{1t, /orboda. 1tC1!'1end; f1!&i"
Porefua Cato, the Younger, 11 conUm.porary of nltmltuem Imperil portenJP.111 prodigium, Lh-.;
CM:tro, rolled Utlcensla, from. hu sv.icide at Utica: dll periculum porten1lunt, Uv.
3, Poreia, 1ilttr of tM fl""f19tr Ca.lo, wife of Do- porteJltuir ·fera ·fl!rum (portentum u4
mUi11.1 Altenobarbtla. Adj., Porcia1'; Jex, f<>r- fero), bringing prodigta, Ov.
Wdding corporal pnUhmm4 qJ a Roman eitizm, porteJltlflcua ·a ·um (portentum and raclo),
Cle. txtraordinarr, 111pentat""2l, 111anirlluu&, airacll-
porotUu ·I, m. (dim. of porcua), " raung loiu; venena, Ov.
pig, porkn-, Plaut. portentOaua -a -nm (portentum), cdrt>
porcua ·f, m. ci f'(g, Aog; porc111 remlna, a portenwu,_, tlllOJUtrot&a. a-
oriJinary, prodigimu,
to'IO: ueed as a tenn or reproach against. a natur"l ; nata, aborttou, Cic.
glutton, Eplcurl do grege porcua, Hor. porteJltum .f, n. (portendo). L 0 prodfn,
porgo = porrlgo (q. v.). portent, Cle. IL •rra111f., A. a tDO'ltd~/IU """'
Porpbfrio (-On) -6nla, m. ou qJ the giaw. utnivagam tau; poet.annn e&. pictorom, Cie.
porrectlo -6nla, r. (porrfgo) a .trdchir&g B. a mon&ter, wwnstTO.ritr: homlnnm pecud-
ou.t, ~ • umque ~rtentA, Cle.; ao of "ci ~ qfd#-
porre.....u. .a ·ttm, p.
. 11vm
rrf ) prolrlty; portentum relpubllcae (of Piao), Cle.
1fO • _..._ .. d a..... (__... • ),
L ltrttchtd out, tzUnd«l., lo1lg; porreetlor ac1e11, po~wu.u.eua ..,1 an ·--. m. -..,...'p.ftlf •
Tac. D. Tranaf., poet. of ttme, long; mora, ftrl"JITIW" (of Charon), Juv.
OT. Portlctua ·&e, f. (dim. of portlcu), a"""
porrialo -r~cl and .rexf -rectum, s.
to oft:r galltry or portico, Cle• to tJ.e gocbl: \>rov., inter caeaa et por· porUcua ·Ila, t (port&), a p&rtfl:o,
rect.a, bmoeen. the llayu'g and th• ofering of tM arwcU, gallt:ry. L 1, lit., a, qaum paullulam
ftclim-Le., al tJu ehvemh Aour, Cle. lnambulavlaaet In portico, C1c.; b, Ck I.all qJ
1. porrlgo ·rexf ·rectum, s. (pro and rego),'", trilrunal qf IM prador, Cle.; _2, metoa.,
lo atrttcl out, MtCA out, o:Und. r. A. 1, Ht. a., the Stoic ~ool (so named from O"TOd, a poni),
membra Cic. · manum Cir. • middle porrigl to tlM Stoict, clamat Zeno et tot& ilia ~
lit st~ otlt, eo lu ,t~ out; cmpua ~ tumultuatnr. IL Tranllf., plur. portleaa. ,-.
rfgitur In novem jugera, Verg.; b, milit. t. t., 1'riu to prot«t tM buifgen o/ a place. Cam.
pordo -6nl8, r. (root POR, Gr. noP->. Cl
to a:Ultd: aclem, Salt; o, porrlgere manamt
to Mild vp the hand fa roti119: a transf., or fll!rt. "°""°"'
-=tiot&, cH~ L Lit., P1ln.
poeitlon, acopulus frontem J>0rrlgil In 11equor1 IL Tianaf., proporffon. ratio; pro portiooe,"
01': -porrecta In dorao urbe, Liv. B. Fig., a, proporlioR, ~Zr, Cle.
por 427 pos
1. pordtor ~ria, m. (portua), a cufOlll·Aou. D081tua -tls1 m. (pono). L po1UM>ta., ~ :
o.Jll«r, coll«:Wr oJ ~ Cle. urtia, Ov.; regionis, 1'ac. D. 4rrollfRWIU aJ
2.. pordt;o.r -Ori1, m. (root POR-o, whetiee IM hair, Ov.
portoJ, a c:nrrier: and uaa&ll7, a. boatman., ft:rT7r poeeeafo -clnlt, r. (JlOPldeo). L ptllNn-
ma•; C"4101&, Verg. rio"; a, lit., tundl, Cie.: µoll8e98lone1n heredl·
porto,. 1. (root POR-o, TIOP..... whenre tero, tatis alicul dare, erlpel"f', Cic. ; aliquem ruovere,
portua), to bear, mrr,, 001&iq-, bri.1117. L Lit., 1le111overe de possesaione, Ci£:j bi/ ftg., prtl·
concrete ob)ecta, 1, gen., a, things, (.. ) one1-a, deutiae doctrinaeque, Cic. .u.. et.on., Uuu
C&e&. ~ om111a mecnm portA> mea, Cic.; with abl. which u ~.a poauaion, propt1'ty; pateroact
or abl and prep., In trinmpho M38811iam, a atque avitaA pot111USioncs, Cle.
~io" of Ma#i.lia, Cic.; with ad.v., or . c--1111Ul0iila -ae, r. (Jim. or po81M:11Slo).
pn!p., or acc., multa nndiqt111 port.Ari, Cae.11. ; a ittle ~o", 1m.aU propn-ty, Cic.
Bomae domn.n ad Antonium f'ruruentum, Cle.; po•euor .Oris, m. Jpc>llfJid.eo), a fXJAt#OT.
Yiatieam ad boat.em, Cic. ; (fl) of' things as L Gen., 19Corum, Cic. IL. bp., a. ~r o/
aobject.9. portans in corpore vil'UI lolligo, Ov. ; land; possessor agroruru, Liv. ; abliol., Cic.
b, persona, Jectici portarl, Cle. D. Tranaf'.,
with ahat.ract objects, sociia atque amtci1 amtilia J)OUl:deo -aedl ·lleUWD,.2.(potiaandsedw),
parta'taut, S.ll.; bas •pea oogitaUone.que &eeum to pone.53, hart, hold. L A. Lit.;· ex edicto, u '.
bona, Cic. B. Fig., ingenin1n, Cic. D.
Tran sf'., to occu1'!I a. plac:e ,,, f<yru. buel ; rorun1
ponorlam ·II, n. (POR-o, porto), C1Utoiu, armatia catervis pcrd1torum hominum, Cic.
taz 011 i11tpor1.(4 ow good.I ; portori um
•ini inatituere, Cic.; eJ.igere portoriwri. 'Cic.; poasido ·sedl -seuam, 3. (potla and aido),
portoriwn loeare, to la 011' t.U dtdiu to faT1A, to tab ~ o/, occvpy. L Lit., bona sine
Cic. teirtAruento, Cle. D. Fig., totuur bomioem
totamque eiua praetur:im, Cic.
porttlla ·ae, t. (diDL of port&), a. lUU. gak, PQtlll1Ull,, pt'ltd.i, '(>OSie (potis and aum), to be
JJO*rn., Liv. able, I (tMU, M; etc.) can. L Gen., f&cere ut ·f, m. (portua), tM god o/ laarbouN po8ltem, Cic.; fleri ut f'u.llar, I .ay bf
(identifted with the Greek Pa.laemon); hence, miMkm, Cic.; llerl non porest ut nou or quiu,
PortiuaAlla ·lum, n. tM falival of Portunu•, it canJl.Ot 1:>1.l be, Cic.; ut nibil ad te dem
oa tA. 17c.\ of ~ugust. littel'l\J'um, facere. non possum, I caiallOt lulp
portiiO.U. ·• ·um (portua), Aat>(ng m.a1&y writing to J.'01'. Cic. ; ai, i/ it u po•iblt,
Aarb<nin, abo1mding fa prom; auperum mare, Cle.; qnf potest ! how u it poaribu f Cic. ; with
Cie. ; navigatio minfme portuoM, tuUlloW har· super!., Caesar! commendavi u!gravisalme potoi,
botira, Cic. a.a alrongly a.a I rouW, Cic. IL 'Esp., to a!lUU
portua ·tls, m. (POR-o, whence porto), a be ~iuul, haVf! injliu11.ce; a, or persons, apud
AaTboiir, J'(irt, ha~n. L 1, lit., po1tua Caletae Sequanee plurimum. Cae.s.; omni& ae
oe.ieberrimus, Cic. ; e port.u solvue, Cic.; in po88e cen:se bat, tlicuglU him.&tl/ aU-pol«Tftt.l, Cic. ;
portum pervehi, Cic. ; as a place for levying b, of' things, plua poteat apod te pecuniae
daUe.1, in portu operam dare, to be a. cu.dull&· cupiditu, Cic.
louse officer, Cic. ; prov., in portu eaae, navil,<are, po8t ( = ponst, from pone). L Adv. btlind.
'° be o1'l of danger, Cic.; 2, tranaf., t1u ut1111rr
of a. riwr, Ov. II. Fig., a. pl.att oJ re~,
~ Of place behind, in. the rtar; qui pnet
erant, Cle: B. Tranal., ll of tiwe, a,/kr, '4/fer·
"4rbmir, havt1&; nation um et rerngium 100rd1, .ubltft~ntly; mul is post an nil, """"
aenatua, Cie. ; ae in phlloeophiae portum con· JltflTI aft.tnoarri.8, Cic.; aliquanto poet, .itortlr
te~, Cic. ~rda, Cic.; multo poat, llntg ajkr, Cic. ,
poeoaenlmn ·II, n. (poet and BCaena), tM 2, or the order or 8UoceJISiOn, primo , , , post,
thctn bf.hi'Jld tM 1Ct11U: ftg., poacaenia ritae, Cic. IL Prep. with acc. A. or place, be-
iM «crtt actioiu qf 1Mft, Luer. l tna ; post n0istra cutra, Ca.ea. B. Trauar., I,
or Ume, afttT; pod Brutum consulem, Cic.;
poeco, p6poscl, $. (pet·ICO, from peto), to roll. by quam, post diem tertinm . . . qo11m
ere ean&Utl.11. reqiust lltroJllllr., demand. L Oen., dl:;erat, Cic.; a_ of' order, 7lat to; erat Lydia
A. or peNOD8, pugnam, Liv.; argentum, Cic.; post Chloen, Hor.
with ctb. dat., audaciae i-rf.e• aibl, Cle.; with
acc. and ab with abl., munu.s ab aliquo, Cic.; poe~ arlv. (post and abl. el), after, aftn
with double acc., mogist.ratum Slcyoniam nu1n- that, aft.enaa.rds; postea aliquanto, Cle. ; quid
mos popoacit, Cle.; abe41L, poacimur, we are 1vhat thm t tehat nt:rt r Cic.
a.led /or a aong, Hor. ; with ut anti the aubj., pcN1tiaquam,, conj. IAal: with indic.;
Tac.; with acc. and lnfln., Ov. B. Transt:, or (<1) with perf'., pollteaqttam Victoria constl·
t.hillgll, to, T"f1'in; quod re» JIOKcerc tut.a tart., Cic.; (fl) with pluperr., )l(ltlteaquam
vlde'batur, Cae11. D. Kap., A. to dnNJ11d for l.i11 consul fuerat, Cie.; (y) wiU1 imperf., po8tea-
jtld,.e!U, rf'(/llire to 11' gi~1& up; aeeusant ii, qua111 e i;ccna explodel.iatur, Ck;(&) with preH.,
q1M>11 popolua j1111¥it, Cic. B. to tlmllt~ to ~'/al; pustcaquam in Formiano sum, Cle.
aliquem In proelia, Vt1rg.; ao abeol., tranaf., poatirl, v. 1J011Ler11s.
pr111Cunt l~';'rib~s (10C11litc, clt.lclltR.¥ 01~ an.otMr, poetirlua, v. posLcr1111.
Cie. c. to lJ&qU&re; C8Ull&8, Ver~. D.. to oul ;
~, poa<:or Olympo, Atuwn 1un""°"' vu to boUl.e,
'DOStirltaa ·, r. (polltenu1). I. t.\c /•lvre;
Yerg. ; 2, lo call 11pon; laa nu1uina rvwco, haTiere ratioue111 po11teritatia, Caes. ; postentati•
\"erg. r- otio comiulere, Cle. U. fuJvrc ~imu,
u/kr-<UJU, pu.deril'lf; omnium aeculorum, Cic.;
P61idialua .n, m. (lloo-••"o'), a. Stuk JJC;ll!Leritati aervire, Cic.; invidi& J>011t.eritati¥,
flltila.opAcr, p•pil qf Panaetiua and UQdur of Ci~ . .
<:Kn-o. pomterua (poster)·• -um, couipar., .,.._
pMldo -<!ni•, I. (pono), a, puttil&g; liirior -us ; super!., J)(Nltrimua and pee&ti-
eaeli, a ilftale, T11c. mua ;a -um (post). L Poai.t., ~Jill ~ing,
pialtor ~m, m. (pono), a. Jo-rwlrr, btiWkr, /oilov!ing, aat, jKJv.rc; hL, poatero we, Cic.;
Ov. In posterum,far tlle M:d dar, and fer fM .fv.h,rt,
~ -ae. r. (pono), J1<¥fl'-t Al•alCcm. Clo.; 1ot.t., poAirl ~rum, m. JIO*rllr. IL
,,_, JIOQre, Lua. Compar•• poiRirlor ·U. 1. JollotriAf tl/fllrf-
pos 428 pot
Md "' ordir, Zatw, f'Olkrio't': posterloree qtt-
atlonea, alOOtld thcfl,(JhU, Cle.: paulo aetate post-
"""'Wffow. a.
Legal t. t., Cl1t to JWador .....
a complatftl or cM"P'J to lit brOKgl&l, Cic.
erior, Cle.; neut. adv., posterius =later, Cle.; pcNl&Qli&mn ·f. D. (poetulo), G . . . . . .
2, tranar., il\ferior, 'IDOrH; nihil posterius, Cle. nquat, Cic.
m. SuperL, poetremua and poatiimua poettil&tua ~UR, m. (poetulo). • llpll . . .
·a -um. A.. postremu11, tM hindmost, Uut ; l, plaint, a«IUIOtWll, LIY.
lit.. ,. pag.ina, Cle. ; acies, Ball. ; hoc n?n in post.
rem is, Cle. ; abl., postremo, al Uut; pnmuin ••• =
poetiWo poetillo (q.Y.).
delude • • • poatremo, Cic.; postremum, /Of' poatiUo, 1. (= poaculo, trom p09C0), •
iM last tfmt, Cic. ; 2, tran11r., or position and <kma1u1, Nil, entreal, 41k, rtqt1.est. L Gen., (II)
value, thl worst, moat pUiabZ,; homineli, Cle. B. with acc., auxilinm, Cic.; (/J) with double acc.,
ad postremum, al wt, lastly; meton., tM last; haee quum praetorem poi;tula'Lu, Cle.; (y) with
polltillnWI -a -um, tlu kut, l.ast-bom (eap. of ut or ne or ut ne and the subj., postnlat abl te
children bom after the father's will or death), ut Romam rem rejlclaa, etc.; with subj. aloDe,
po.thumoua; prolee, Verg.; aubet., poetiimu qui postulltl'tlnt., eos 1ibi dederent., Caes.; (I)
-1, m., Cic. With Jnfln. or acc. and lnfln., dfoendo Yinoere
poetfiSro .ferre, lo uuem 1.t.u. CO'l&lf.cUr qf ,_ non postu1o, Cle.; hie postulat Bomae •
accouflt; libertati plebis anaa opee, LiY. abeolvi, Cic. ; with nom. and lnfln. pass., bOlla
po118iderl postularentur, Cle.; (t) &beoL and
poetglnltt .Orum, m. (post and glgno), trausr., o( things or subjects, ~nuru t.elnpaa
ptlllter'Uy, dt..~11.U, Hor. neceesituque po.itnlat, Cic. IL Eep., lqal
DO&thlLbeo -di -ltum, 2. lo atua lal, inake Lt., a_. to dmlallld /rfYA U.e praetor a~iu.,.,
4f1us areount; omnibus rebus posthabitia, Cic. om: Judlclum, Cle.; b, lo i•ptacA., CKICUI;
poathi.o. adY. ~' a,fter' tAU, in /W'twf, aliqnem de ambitu, Cio.; al.lquem. ~
Cic. Cic.
ponioua -a -um (po&t~ hinder, bac1; bdind. Poatilmlu .. -am, - tt/ a Romma~
L Adj., t-rtea aedium, Liv. IL Bubet., poet. th1 most c&braltd membtTI of whicA ._,..: .U
icmm aedium, a bad;.door, LiY. co7'llU P. Poetumina Tubertwl, coaquror LU
DOStlllo '<inia, r. (po11tnlo), U.e dtmand qf. SabiM8; 2, A... Postumiua Tubertul, dldalor,
MU71 for a llJIJrijta, Cic. rio ord8rrd 0.. ~ qf Au OWi& trm p J.gil-
poetilli, adv. after, aft,erwardl, Cat.
'ng Qf!Giut orden; poet. form, Posturuoa ; ~.
P08l1.1.mfan, and hence, Po.&11.mlinua -a -ma.
poetla -la, m. a poat, ~. L Lit., POdtumian.
pot1tem te~ere (of a person who consecrated a 1. poetl.mua -a -am. 1uperl. of polWr'al
templeh..cic. U. Plur., meton., poet., a door, (q. v.). .
,.U, Verg.
2. Poat6.mua, v. Postumlus.
pollt).imlnlum -11, n. (post and llmen), an- Postverta (Postvorta) -ae, f. (post and
furn he~ po&tlimin.11; the ruumptwn. bf/a prillOMr
qf "'"r of hu cit1U nglW, tchich u,yr1 <£11. al>cyaft.Cll verto), the goddas e/ uf.ldbirth, int>Ohd - CIJ6f
qfan. irregular ~Mm., Ov.
dvriJ&g Ail captivity : el e&l!e postliminium, Cic.;
gen. abl., postliminio, br right of poltlbd•Jf; p0ti.tlo -<lnis, t. (poto), a dri!U:illf-bollt;
redlre, Cle. heatema ex pot&tione oscitante&, Cle.
poatm8ri41&nua (pOm~ridlanua) .. pOti.tor -<lria, m. (poto), a, Plaat.
-um (post and meridianns), l>don.g£wg le> tM pCSti. v. potil.
~. <Vternoon.; tempus, Cle. ~tena-entls, p.adj.(from possum). LJ'O'll'I"'
poatmCSd~ and poatmCSdum. aciY. a,Jttr, ,fu.Tin.,hai:i7lg pawer0ttr. A. nequejubendi neq'lll
a,fkru.', Liv. vetandl, Tac. B. 1, capable of; annorum ten-
poetpOno -p(Ssill -pl)sltum, s. to...,. lua, e!'~oruml. Liv. ; 2, Mighty, iri/ftt~ial ; ci~s,
couUhr of leas llalOllnl, put a,/lt'r'; omni&, Cic.; cmtaa, (.;IC. ; BU hilt.. Cl fXJ'WCTfvl pirnow, LiY.;
aliquem alicui, Ov.: omnibus rebua poatposiWI, plur., Cic. ; S, or thlngti, ~ r,#IJa.ti.ow;
~ nlbil est potentlua auro, Ov.; 4, 'lllGIU'r of, loni
of; potentea n=rum 11l&l'Um et urbls, UY. ; dam
poetquam, conj. after, aJfn' tAal, a.. '°°"
111; &, with indic., (11) gen. with perr., poet.quam mei pot.ens aum, as lMf4 a.t I aa •r - -..ur,
Caeaar pervenit, Caes.; (/J) with plupert., un- Hor.; Liv.; Diva poten1 Cypri, nlliw.g Olln' Cypni&,
declmo die, post.Quam a te di1Ce88eram. Cic.; fig., potena aal, Aari111 oma91411d owr ou-
(y) with pres., Host.ilia curia minor mihl ease llCIJ, tem.peroU, Hor. ; pc>teru1 irae, able to ooa-
videtur, poatquam est major, Cle. ; (<~) with trol Ol'U'B atager, Liv. IL tAa.t 1Dlic.\ Aa.a OOtaiut
Imperf., postqwun amlci non poterant vlncere; voti,_ Ov.; iusai., llal'\11g /fl1J.lUd tM
etc.I Cic.; b, wit.h hilltoric lutln., postquam co11unand, Ov.
exu aequalita.s, Tue. p6tentatua ·b, m. (potem).poUfisf JllOWf',
poatrimo, v. poskrns. n.prtmuu:y, Cic.
pOten~r. adv. (pot.ens). • L 'J"1f«l"lrJJ,
postrimum, v. posterua. strongly, eJicacioT.i&lr, Hor. U. 'lCt!Vr'dillf fD
postrimu.a .. -um, auperl. ct poeterus 01U!'• 1JOWtT, Hor.
(q.v.). I. p0telltfa -ae, t. (potena), potOtr, 'Aigli,
postridli, adv. (tor p<>llteri die!), tM day abilitlf. L Physical, 1, lit., solia, ,.erg.; 2.
a/Ur, the foll.owing dafl, on IM net daJf; primi tra1111f., fj/, potmcy; berbanun, Ov. !£
luce postridie, caea. ; foll. by quam, postridie political powtr; a, faJ'IU'ft.Ce, a'ldlwril11; ~t ID
qnam a vobis di.soesal, Cle. ; with acc., ludoa, m11inia potentia qui oons11le00ntur, Cle.; b,
U.e daV after tJw gamu, Cle. ; with genit., post- 111prtmaC1J, nUI ; renim, Cle.
ridie ems d iel, caes.
poatridiio ... poatridle (q.v.).
2. Pitentla -ae, r. a f01D'I& in Pi«1tua,
tJw river FU>rit, now, perhape, Mcm.U Santo.
poataoribo -1CriJ>8l -acriptum, 1. to .ma ~taa ·itis, t. (pouum), po1t"tr. L Ga.,
a,fkr, Tac. might, ltnftf!lll, tj/lcac,,; herbarum, Verg. D.
poattuatlo -<lnla, t. (po1tulo), a req1IUI, l~ to do aomctlliwg, 1"'tNr ovtr 1011ut.u.,. A.
nweat11, 11e1nand.. L Gen., lgnoecendi, fer pcr- 1 1. gen., habere potest.atem vit.Ae necisqae bl
doll, C1c. ; concedere poatul&ttoni eiua, Cic. U. anquem, Cic.; eue ill pokstate aen&'1la, Cle. i
pot 429 pne
m.e o or de (IC. mentls), lo 10# ITte pitlleai.a .. -~~d'rialabl#, poe.
of t>U1 l"lllCUOll, Cle. ; I, etip., a, polUical able; hence, itubllL, -
llllalnll -6rum, tAC'llfl
powr, '111", do.inion ; eue In allculll.9 that Mii 6' d"'U, Mllkabl• ; ..cuJenta et
ditione ac poteetat.e, Cle.: b, IM "°""'•
tAorilf o/ Cl 91G¢dr1114, a_61dal atdltorUJ, aJll«:
41'· potuleuta, Cir. ·

(•) Ii~, ~ Cle. ; <Tare alicul potestattm

1. p0t-. T. f'Oto.
legat1, Cie. ; (JS)- meton., U&1 ""1fUtTUq U-V; 2. pi&u ·08, m. (poto). L a drlMf"f: Im·
ln1~tia ct, •UUary alld cii'U c:on&· mode1a~us, Cle. IL Ket.on., a dnn19ll. lAae
llallds, Cic. B. aigll, powr, abUit1, "P'fKY'- 111hkA v dnillk, drink; clbi potuaqne, Ter.
tuit1, poafllUUr, oeMrio1'; data e11t pot.ellt.u
&ntct!rube dlgnlt.Atis, Cle.; filt-ere potntat.em
.,...._ adT. and
pro, dat. neuL, fl'OIJI
prer. (old dat. fem., Hile
prue -a -um, formed
alicui, (•) to aiw all apporttlllUJ of }flaliJ&g, rron1 per). L Adv. ~rt, Ca /ml; I pne,
Cae!'. : (II) to alf:ma atOtM to O'ALlelJ. '""~ 41' !• PlauL, 'ter. D. Prep. wltll abl., A. bi/oft;
tmlln7, Caea.: pote!ltas est, u " po11iblt, with pne • pagioDem tum, Cir. ; pnie .. armentam
111811., non f'u(Cia bl11c praeceJlll dum praecipltare apns, Liv.; Hg., prae 11e fern, lo I/tow, aAUril,
1~taa. Verg. bdraJ, dUcowr, llGJP/all; acelus, C~.; VOCJell&,
l. ~ -linla, t (POt.o), a drhaki1191 ~Al, Cle. B. Tran1f., 1, '• 009&pan... wUA, _ .
palin.. L Gen., Cle. D. a, a arawgAI of JJRnd will; Att.koa prae ee agreetee putat, C&e.;
poUo1a, Cir..; b, a low-drataf1AI, pllUtrt, Hur. J>l'MI nobia bc&tua, Cic.; 9~ 011 CIQ:IOIJU of, ...
!. Dltlo. f. (potia), lo pfll HJ OM lJ& 0w OC&Ur o/, '" co~ on INlC loqal pru
~of; aflq uem aervltuU., lo rlidKCe lo Ila wry,
maerore potnlt, Cle. ; pne meta_ Cle. i pme ha,
PlaaL I.JV.
l. "'1or. 4. dep. (potie). L lo get." gd p»-
praelolo (:01) -otum, s. to Maf'Jll'I' lo a
twion, brcollW JIUTtaUr a/, obCcda; wllh abl., poi"'; gen. In partlc., maeloia&a8 • ·UllJ,
arbe, Cic. ; vlctorll, CMe.; wlU1 ~nit., IUlua IAaTJllt!Wd lo a JJ0'1tl, JJOfJ&Ud; eadm, 8aJL i 1U·
rqni, C..'ic.; \Ylth acc., urbern, Cle. U. to"°"""" pit.el,
MW. lit ru.dero/; with abl., marl, lJv.; with Dl'-1t1la ·• -um. L wry 1lgl; napa1,
genit., rerum, Cle. (poUor bu 110me fonlll from UV. D. wrr tI.q; dumen, LIY.
Ute tblrd conjug.l potltur, Verg.; potiremar, pneltlo ·bai ·bltum (= pnehlbeo, llom
o,. ;· pot&entur, ..Iv.). llrae and habeo). L lo oler, Aold out : craa
!. pidor, T • potia. &lterum, Cle.; oa ad contumellam, Liv.; manam
pkla, pOUi (root POT, whence, Yerberlbas, Ov. D. Tranaf., A. to up»e; ee
compoe, etc.). L .AdJ., compar., pidor -ua; t.ells h09tiD&n, Liv. B. lo MolO, giw: O)Jel'IUR
11lcul, lo 1emr, LIT. : reflex., with or wltboot ee,
111perl., pitamlmu -a -um. A. Pu.It., able, lo '1lofll O,...U, prow o..V: with ace. of pre-
Olpabll; uually in the phrue puUa eet, le caa. dicate, mhlertcordem • praebalt. Clo.; • t1ru.. ,
u abll; IJOtl• est via ulla t.enere, Verg.; nee Cle.: In eoe ee eeverum nhement.emque, Cle. ;
Potil eet ceml, tlO'I' u it pombll lo dUl1t1pW, utr111qae • aeqnum, Cle. CJ. lo.J"niM, ftJfllllr,
Lacr.; neuL, pote eat, Cat.; pote :::: pnte eaee, aiord; allcul navea, LIT. i rebua advenla per·
=J:rldquam pote impwiaa, Cle. B. Compar., lnglum ac aolaUnm, Cle. : hence, ~ lo o.lw,
·aa, ~ bdl4Jr : clvee pottorea ,,,.,_,.,, caue, lwi"f ab#: a~m bOrribUem,
qt11m peregrini, Cle. ; potior patre, Ole. ; mon Caiea.; modum, to,_.aufc,Ov.; b.loaUow;
ltffltu&e potlor, Cle. C. 8uperL, Dklmmu praebult IJIM rapl, 01'. •
-& ·Um, bid a/ all, ~ J'rlftdJiaI; qaid
lhnam lit., Cle. IL Adv., only In compar., pn.eblbo ·blbl, JI,. lodrial:b4(on, lodriMlo;
el cul veneoum praebiberat, Cic.
pitla, and euperL, ~am. A. cum·
par., potius, mllwr, fllOrl, l'f'(ferablfl; magnus 1'1'11!9bltor -6ris, m. (praebeo) = n,.X"· a
(llomo) vel poUua auminaa, Cle. ; poUu8 qaam, /flnil.6Mr, ftlpj1lWr, OM IPM ' " tA. fll'Ori'MU/1'1'·
full bJ at and snbj., or aim ply eubj., Cle. ; with nilltd ajldaU- with M:OIClria, Cle.
Yerbe expreeaing a comparison, emorl poUue praeoill4u -a -um, wr, W, Tac.
qtllm aervlre praeataret, Cle. B. 8uperl., p6u.. paaeoiau -a -um, prmalllmr grq, Dor.
lfmuD {pktu.lme), d&Vftf, abolll all, Cle. praedvio-«'4vl -caotom, 2. L lntraulL,
'6Ualme, potlnimum, T. potf&. lo Wh preoavtloa befordand, lo bl 01umi• gvard,
pitlto, 1.. (Int.en•. or poto). lo driflk Jn· to be 0t1.'f't,/lll; provtclena et praecayena, Cle. ; ab
f!IQUr, drink Aard, Plaut. inaldlla, Liv.; wltb dat., lo tiJb CCU'I! for .,_,
Jli&IU,T. potl.L
rwr-'• atifrl11: decemviril ab ira et lmpetu
multltudlnla, Liv.; with ne and the eubj., fd ne
Po&ldae -irum, f. (Dor-'>, a pL.&a '• llaerJtia acclderet, eibl praecavendnm exlatiluat.t, Clea.
n l4c r'-r .d.lopu, CM ,.,ev,... o/ tolkA 10tr11 IL Transit., lo bewan o/, pard llQ!Jitld 'bl-/on-
mid lo wiab CH&iWJU ~ gf'tlMllJ lMa tJMJd.. lland, auk to am1 ; quod a UMt It.a praecaut11m
Heace, Potalill -idil f. ~lo Pot?&w; est, etc.; peecata, qaaedidlcllllrue praec&Yentur,
eq111e, o,., quadrigae, Verg., tM ,_. a/ lorM4Cle.
INit1 4mii Diii alld 1cilltd U&lir 1IMUler Glaucu.
oraeoitlo ·ceal «181lm, s. lo tJO b<Jbrt, pre-
Jito. p6tivl, p0tltum and p0tum, 1. to mU. L Lit., 1, intraneit.., praecedene coonlis
clrlak. LLIL, lAaquaa, Ov.; abeoL, hfC venluntOliua, Liv.; cum equlte, Liv.; 21. traoilit.,
.ri;umjovenci, verg.; 2, to drink, riwl; totoe agmen, Ve~ U. Tranat., A. 01 ume, to fO
lee potat.tur, Cic. IL Transl., to ablorb, nck
before. ~; ~ma loqnax praecesait ad aures
la:_ potantia vellera lucnm, Hor. ; partlc., a,
tuu, Ov. B. Of rank, etc., to nrpa•, 6' befqre;
f!:u -a ·um, (•) pua., d"'nk, dnmk up, rellquoa Galloa vlrW&e, Can.; ve.troa houons
1111"'4; eangulne poto, Cle. : poti raece tenus
rebus agendis, Liv.
eadl, Hor.; OJ) let., Aa11lft9 drvu, dnml-m; praeoellem -entfa, p. adj. (from praecel11J),
lllua, Hor. ; beDe potua, Cle. ; b, pitiiraa e:n:ellenl, ~irable, dUttnpWfd, n,,,..mag;
1*or ~ m.
8 or.: Bbodanl, a
cr:a: ,,. br IM .BAoiu. Hor.
o llpplg, c1,..mni, Hor.
vii' et auhno et vlrtute pn.ecellene. Cle. ; vlr
4 dridirr. L aqnu, omnibus rebus praecelle11t1Mlm1111, Cle.
pn.eeeUo. 8. (pnie aa4 •cello), lo ""'JlO#o
m:lli, ..,...&; A, alollol.1 HJaflta&e IMOl'UID, Tao.;
~ •lcll, t. (potor). • /fwlb ff,,,.,.,
b, with aor. or dat., aaiqqam fliaaDd.ltaae. Tac.,
pull, W tM ..,........,, owr. Tao.
prae 430 prae
~ .. -um, .,.,., llgl, .,., W!J; tab bf,fortlan4., antkipcite; praufrlo pudfl
rupea. .erg. 1u1•1•1lcio1 um veatroruu1, l t11Jo11 '" auicipatlo-.
praeoeatlo .ants, l. (praeclno), • •tukal Rl'· Cic.; anhno victoriam, Caes.; conailia hOlltA
prelude, ptariw.g befoni a laerifa'e, Cic. iu111, l"IWIO heforthand, Cic. B.. E.'lp., to &ti&
praeoepa -cl pills (prae and c:aput), Mldlo"f1, befo1·Uiand, Co tDriu lH-/orthmtd; a, &a in~.
adiiU,, varn, ~ibt, adlROUUh., dtn~. COS•
AC4/'vrnlO!d. L Adj., A. OC motion, I, lit., mand: ltoc tilll pra.ecipio, Cic.; 11·it.h ut or ne
a, of oersons, (a) aliquem praecipltem dej1cere, aud the 111hj. 1 illu.I p11ti11a praecipi1·111lum fuit
C1c.; pr&eef'ptl in terrain datu.s. Liv.; (J3) fo ut, eu., Cic.; \\'ilh subj. alone, 8.111.; with
A1utt, llcl1t11,; praecipltes columhae, \"er~.; lnlln., temporllms '('llr~re, Cie.; ahsol., ut f'fllt
praecipltea 1e rugae 111andabant, Cacs.; praeceps prne<', Cae11.: b, to ttacA: art~111. Ov.;
fertur, Cle.; b tt-ansr., (•) or things,,11,
prtdpilatt; pmiectfo, Clo.; celer1ta11 1liCt'n•ll,
Cic.; (JI) of time, du.lining; praeecps dies, Liv.;
alii:ui r:ttionem tr111pei1t&tuw, Cic.; pmeripe
ca11tu!I, Hor.; nhsol., to be a t«Jcher.
ltnlctio11; I.le elt1q11e11tia, Cic.

giN ia-
prneceps aetas, &11.: 2, fig., a, or persons,
blind, nrllt, hmdlOt&g; agunt eum :rraedpite111 praeoipltanter. a1lv. (pl'l\eclpito>. Am-
J><>eDlle ch·ium Romanorum, Cle. ; homo ln long, ht1Q1./jo1"t111<>8t, predpil4telr, Luer.
omnibus consillls praecepa, Cie.; praeccps ln- praeclplto, 1. (praeeeps). L Tnlnsit., lo
genio In tram, t7Kl!1u!d to, Liv.; b, or Uii11gs, au& dotctl htudlo11g. A. 1, l!t., aese l.A'ui-adt,
circumstllnoea, etc., da"fltTOUI: libertAs, Li\'.; Cie. ; sese in fos.'<lls, Caes. ; pns11., praecipit..ui,
lultricum genus oratlonis aclulesCt:'nti non In middle st'nse, to cast o~.ldf dOID'll, &11.; poet.,
acriter intellegeuti f'llt. aaepe 11racee111, Cle. B.. lmt praeelpitntur aquii;, sinl.-1 btn.eatA tAe IC'llt'O,
or relit, 1, adj., or pl&cel, flt(JI, prteipilOlll: Ov.; 2, tr:msf., p:u1.ic., pr:wcil'ilatus, drarl11g
locus, Caea. ; M:U., Lh·. ; Ilg., lter nd flultimum to a clolf, Ov.; uox prac1:i1>it.\ta.1 Ov. B.. Fig.,
malum pl'M"oel,. ac luh1icum, Cic.; 2, auhtst., a, to emit down; aliquem ex 11lti&Simo dignitatis
praeoepe -c1plti1, n. a .Utp Jiluet, l"·tci1•ioe; grmlu, Cle.; to rost to Ute grorind, cirrtroy, niia;
111 praei:cps <lefe1Tl, Liv. ; fig., daugtr; 11rope rempubllcam, Lh'.; b 1 }IMS., praecipit.-ui, u rem pllblicam in pl'll.eceps detlc1at, Li,.. midllle, to nah inlo: 111 h1"4i1lia.1 1 Liv.; hence,
IL Adv., vim ruortaliu1n praeceps trahit, dmgs (a) to Aun-y away; furor lrnque mentem tnu-
htwUcmg, Tac. cipltant, Veri;.; (/J) to luuttn: ruor3.1 omnes.
praeoeDtlo -Onis, f. (rraeelplo), 1, a~ 'ft!~.; (y) to pre5$ on.; with inlin., dare tempu,
conorption, 'bic.; 2, a prt«J4; Stoieonnu, Cie. soci1s hnm:mdis, Yerg. IL lntransit., to Jail
down, to 1ink violtntly. A. 1, lit., Nilns pn.e-
praeoeptor -Oris, m. (praeclplo), a ko.chtr, clpit.'lt ex montibus, Cie.; In fosaam, Liv.; 2.
(n•tni.clor, prtetJitor; vlvenrll atque dicendl, Cle. tra1111f., to draw to a clo~, ha.oUJ\ to t~ tnd; FOl
praeoeptrtx ·tricla, f. (praeceptor), illt that prnecil'itnns, dccliniug, Cic.; hlems jam ~
ta1d1u; 11Ui ("-'ll'ientia) praeceptrice, Cic. cipit:1nrnt, iro• drawing to a rlNe, Caes. B.
praeoeptum -1, n. (praeeiplo), a pt'tt't'Pl, •·i;;., a, praeeipltllntem impellere, to gV:c a
ro11rnuutd, rult, orrli11a11~, t11ju11ction.; me<lil'· 111uh eo a fi•lli 1111 Man, to htork a Tftlt"
wktt M
t.1 down, Cle. ; rraecipitare ad exitium, Cic.;
orum, phil••sopboruru, rheton1m, Cic.; Latluo
loqueudl, Cle.; prae~pta dare, Cic. respublica (ll'l\t:'dpitans, hcr1'11on£ng to it. /11U,
praeoerpo -cerpel -cerptmn, S. (prae and Cic.; b. to /all ii.lo; iu amorem, to fell in lort,
CRl'Jl{I}, to plud: prt11UU11relr. gnt/ltr before the Plaut.
time. L Lit., m,.,RS,.,a, Ov. IL 1.-'ig., to ltutn praeolpiii, ndv. (praeclpnus), apedallr,
or lab away; fr11ctu111 oftleii tui, Cic. chitfl!I, parlicttfm·fy, prhtcipally, Cic.
praeciclo -cidi ·elsum, 8. (prae and Nledr>), praeolpfi:na -n -um (prne and capio). L
L to cut off ill jrofal, cut o§. A. Lit., allcui p«11liar, t11p«ial : milu con1uli pr:i.ecipuum tuii
, c.nput, Liv.; th1tula!I (aquaP), Cle.; ancorns, to praeter altos, Cic.; In communih111 111i1M'rii1
C'11t tht ooblu, Cie. B. •·ig., 1, to c11t ~hort, to praecipuo quodam 'dolore angi, Cic. Sut.t..,
cut, abbrtllia~, abri•f!]t; brevl praecidam, I 1cill praeolpiium ·I, 11. a 11~cial ri9ht, a ~·
t.IJll'UI myltlf briljf11, Cic.; pracci<l4', mal.-t it tfrt, Cle. IL ucellc11t, distin!J11ishtd, n:tmor-
~hort, Cle.; 2, to tab, <V1,,.frc of; sibl dinarr, upeci.ol: a, qnoa J1!74t-ci1•uo semper
reditnm, Cie. ; 3, to rt/11M point blank; plane hnnore C&esar habmt, Cnes.; natma lngen..1at
slue exeevt1011e, Cle. IL to cm tn. pil'ct•. A. p11'ecipuum amorem, Cic.; praecipnUJ
Lit., cant:'m, Liv.; cotem novacnla, Cie. B.. toro (diiti1lg11i.:lhtd by ci atat of Aono1'1·) Aeue:u,
Fig., to bra1k off 1udlk1tly; ami1·itiiu mngis Vertt. :Su list., praeolpttum -1, n. ~int•tt.
dect:'re dlluere quam repente praeci<lere, Cic. 1uptrloritg; ho1111i11I !Jraccipui a natura nihil
praeolnotua ... -um, partic. or prneclngo. datum e!IBe, Cic.: plnr., praeolpiia ~rum, n.
praec1ngo -clnxt ·elnctum, 3. to gird, 111r- = 7rpoYJY1AI.,., things (In U1e :Stoic pbllQIOphy)
rou11d 1&Wl a girdle; mld11le, prneeini.;1, to gird tW COlllt mxC to tl111 grtf'ftst good; b, ~It
Cfflftttl/, Cic. .Partic., recte JJraP.ci11ctl puerl, 1uikdfor: rraecipuus 11d pericula. Tac.
Hor.; altlus 11e nos p1-aee!11eti, girdld l1i11liu up, praeoiai. adv. (praeei111s). L bridy, i•
i.e.. mon rapid tmrdltn, Hor. /t10 words; id praecise dlcitur, Cle. IL abto-
praeclDo -cklni and ·<'fndl -centum, S. (prae luuly, dteidtdly; 11egure, Cio.
&n•I cano). L Intrausit., A. to sing or 1.ta11 praeoiaua ·& -um, p. adj. (from praecfJo).
Wore; a, of n11111lcal 111,.trumeob (esp. the nute), I. 1utp, a.Qr,, pt, preci1·it~n111; SMxa, \'erg. IL
ep11ll11 uutgistratuum ftdea praeclnuut, Ch·.; b, llhct. t. t., 1l&01·t, brief, brokt1' "I• etc.
or flute·playera, rraecinere ll&erltlciia or aacri11, praeoli.ri, ((lraecllU'lls). L wrr
Liv. B.. to •i"!l a" inetrtttatio11, Tlb. IL plti itlly, ttr/I clearl11 : mtelligere, Cic. ; ex-
Tmnatt., to prophu11, pn:did; mngnuru allquid pliCJ1re, Cic. IL admfra.hlr, ~II: genre
deoa populo Romano praeclnere, Cic. nt"gotlnm, Cic. ; rnemlniue, Cic. ; tacere, IO a
praeolpee ·is= praecepe (q. v.). IOltltll&ing rvnarkal>lt, Cie.
praeolplo -<!fpl -eeptum, S. (praeand cnpio), praeolirwl -a -um, ttr1L_brl11At, wrr &ra-
to ~fore, get b<(oni, f'l!"dre•n. adt'!.met. L
Lit., pecuniam mutu.:nn, Cic.: tter, to get tl.tJ
lia1it. L Lit., lux, Luer. D •. Ftg., ~ ~.
U/111tril>tu, rtmnrkablt, dilti1tguW.l'd, crctllt1't,
"4rt, Liv.; al Lac praeceperit ae11tu1t, V the llMl admirable, fi1m.•H1; i;:ens bello praeclara, Ver;.;
dria th• "'ilk Worehand, \'erit.; pracdpitur •ltua (urhlN), Cic.; lndnln, CiC!.: pnieclftlilaiml
~ges, ript111 too /alt, Ov. IL Trauar., A. to oonatus, Cic.; subet., praeoJara -6rum, a.
prae 431 prae
.,1111ablr,, Cle.; 2, In I\ l•a•l il"n!ll', notorlou.1; q1u1ti11), to lhnu ~ort, brand.uh "4/<m; taedas.
l\:ckri!.11,, r~roxntque p11lrelnru:i, Sall. Ov.
praeolud~ ·clil!ll -c111~11111, 3. (l'rac nnrl praeda ·lltl, r. (cc>nnrrtetl with praehendo),
el:i.11Jo). L Lit., to clOM fa f,.011t, to M.11t "Pi.!o IJl<iils Qf war, plu11.1.lcr, boot11. I. Lit., l•ra&la
cl~; prae1·hulcre l"'rt>1s · eonsull, Cacs. ~ parta, Cic.; in;.;enteit prat.-du farcre, Liv. IL
lr:i.nsr., to cl<ll4 to an~1 011t, 1lc1iri!lll of llCCU9 to; Transr., A. th• 1poU. of the, quarl:J!,
albi curiam, Cle.; marithuoi1 cu!"!lus, (;ic.; vucem prey; cervl luporum pl'lledR rap11clu111, Hor. B..
alicul, lo•lop a~rso11'• n1oiitli., Liv. 1ilundcr, gt1tn; maxlmoa qUAeatua praedasque
praeoo ~nis, m. I. a p11blic crier, l1t:rald (In facere. Cic.
a con.rt or Jnatke, at i•ublic 41'..'lt'llllilh.'>1, nt auc· praedi.b1Ul4ua -a •Um (praedor), ,,Z•ndtr-
tioM); per· J>meconem \•eno\tJre nliquid, Cic.; (ng, Sall. .
fllndum snbj1cere praeroni, brLug to lM hn.m1111:T', praedamao. I. L w cionMM" MJort: all·
Liv. IL Transr., a p11blulier, Mrald, 0111 "'ho quena. II. tu 11ive up; spc111, Liv.
Jl"ldacs; vlrtutls, Cle. p~~.tlo -6nis, r.
(pr111Jdor), (J plt.u&duln1,
praeooglto, 1. to thi111.: meditntt, comidn' pU/agmg, ln1:.
flln{ull!J beforeli.and; multo ante ruclnus, Liv. praedi.tor -Oris, m. (prae<lnr). L Lit., a
praeoognoaoo (.cognih·i) -cognTtum, S. to plu~ri.-, 1•ill11r1tr, robl~r; \'eX11tnre11 ac pmednt-
lat"' beforc11a1'd; pll.ecog11ito uostro advcntu, ores, Cic. ll. Trausf., A. a It u11ttr: C'&proru1u,
ap. l:lc. 01". B. n g11in-loi:ing, gr«dy 1oer1an, Tib.
praeollo -cl>HU -cultum, S. to eultirau be· praedatorlu• -a -nm (prae<lator), pluwr·
/oitb fig. L anhui Jlrat><'nltl rectls studiis et ing, pilla9i11,1, 1mdator1/; clU11ia, Liv.
arU 1111, Cle. D. to llonaur highl11, to ni.tere; praedilauo, 1. to weory, wakln beforrhand,
non et anclpltla, Tac. Ov.
praeoom~ltu -a -um (prae and com- pr&edeatlno, I; to appoitll, ordai" bt/ore-
rono), COll&po.ted befunha1&d, ltudit<l; 08, mifn, ha.nd; aibl Kimiles trlumplios, Lh·.
praedli.tor -~rls, m. (pmedinm), a brtlft" o}
praeoOnl'D.11 -a -um, belo1117ing to a praeco la11d11d
or crier. L Adj., quaestus, Cle. IL Bubst.., Cic. utatu aold b11 auclwn, a dealer hl estala.
Praec0nl11Dl ·II, n. A. tla4 o~ or brt.rinua predatOrlua -a -um (praedlator), of or
<>/ n pu.blic crier: praecouium facere, Cic. B. nli.Utn.g w th• IG'4 o/ lttnd by a1'Ctw7'; Jua, (.,'fc.
Tr:indr•• l a public cruinrr, publWaing, maki"fl
KM1D1t; tiLI praeconlum llefl!ra111, Cic. ; perago praedloabllls-e(I. praedlco), praUnoort11v,
}lr&eeollia <".UUS, UV.; 2, IJ publ«J iaudation, Cle.
c:oa111'-ladnli<m; laborum auorum, Cle. praedloi.tlo -6nla, f. (1. prnedlco). I. a
praeoonsiuno -cousumptua, s. to conav1M, ma.king 1ml•licl11 knevm..J-tM p11l1/ic a"nouna1umt befort11and, Ov. of th11 1111lt'1·0, Cle. &.&. Trn11~r., 1, a dulai._"t&·
praecontrecto, 1. to 11Qndls b(forth<u&d, Ov. ticn, dtp<•Mition ; nefnriae soclet.ati!•, rtL1ti11.9 ti>,
Cic. ; 2, a JHTiiling, eotiimeruli"fl, prai.ct, Cic.
praeooquls -e and praeoiquua -a -um praedloi.tor . ~rls,· m. (1. rraetllco), Cl
= pr.t.ecox (q. v.). prai11t:r, co11111i.tndtr, publtc, Cic.
praeoordla -1'1ru111, n. (prae and cor). L l. praedloo, 1. to '11111.:c pu1>llcly lia.oll'11,
Ok mW.: vparall"fl tM lt01rt and l111'{1S /TOlll fh~ p11Ni$h. I. LitL or the praeco, dimitlill8 1·e11ire
nhllorr&r.l, Uu midri1', lire tliaplir11gm, Cic. JI. pnrt&!, Cic. I Trausr., 1 to dtclnre, "flt'•k
Trnn.. r., A. t/1.4 00-L<, 1tornach; nnulns In prne· out, rt/au, proclaim, 11.1y, wl j paucilutem 1108•
cortliia piscis inventu!r.. Cic.; qult:I veuenf saevit tronuu militum auia, Caes. ; with acc. and
In praerordiis, Hor. a. tM brt118t, ltcart (iu the lnttn., prar<lica11tem contumellnm illnm sibi a
le.'\t f61'lill8••nd passions); rtJtlitin pmccordia Cicerone imposltnm ease, Sall; en ju\'eututis
virtus, Verg. ; aplritus remanet in p11l1Jeordlis, exercendae cnus:'i fterl 1•rnedica11t, Caes. ; pratt-
dlcat se serv~ 1mpen111se; Cic.: 2, to >11t?'
P.raGOOrrumpo -rl\pl -rnptnm, s. to corrvpt, with prai&t, to cvmmend, tu ogi.~. boa# ; vlrtnkm,
m~ beforehand; me don Ill, Ov. Cle. ; f11lsa de sl', Cic.; de suis llludluu>1 1 Cic.;
praeooz -cools, praeo6quls -e, anrt with acc. anrl lullu., Galli se omuea ab Di~
Pl'&eo6quua -a -11111 (prae aull eoquo). ri1ie patre prognntoa prae<licant, Caea. ·
'f>tfore lite time, premature, Plin. 2. praedioo -dixl -<llctum, s. L to "All be-
praeoultus ·a -um, partic. or praecolo. forth.antl, 11pw.k /x:fure: 1•ra1·dicta comua q1111er-
praeourro -cl\cnrri and -c11rri -cun1um, S. 1111t, 01". ; <'Sp. <•f w1itel'!I ~ud orators, haec
L A. Lit., to nrn. before, hnatrn btjiire; prae· 111ilii prv.dlC'e11tla fnrnmt, 01~ D. EMp., A.
'unit nnt.< um 11e!l, Caes. ; a.I nli'l •1c111 1 Caes. ; to 1,,-edkt, foretell, prophesy; dtfectlones aolit1 1
allqoem eqnis all.ii!<, fl~.= to, Hor. Partic. Cle-.; fntura. Cll'.; with nee. and lnlin., nihil
111biit., praeourren.tla -lu111, n. wltat g~a Anto11ium f11ctun11n (e.~s~), Cle. B. a to JU:,
b(/ort, a.11k~dclll.1, Cic. B. T11lm•f., 1, to nn on npJIOfol lltforchnnd.: diem (of the Jll'Retnr), T~c.;
~fart; eo rama jam Jll'Becurrer11t tie praello b, to 100rn., ruim.onilh, in.stn1ct, c1iarge1command;
Dyrrh11chlno; 2, nf thue, to prtMk; aliqnem Pom1oelus auis praedixerat, ut Caeaans fmpet111n
aetat~. Cic.; with dAt., ut certl!! rebus certa exclperent, Caes.; Ju'nonetn praedicere, ne Id
•i:..'1111.prnecurrerent. IL Esp., w surpass, excud; faceret, Cic.
aliquem ·~leritate, Caa. praedlotfo -~nls, t (2. rraedlco). a pro-
Praeounlo -6nls r. (pmecurro). ci gotug ,,,_ phugt11g, pi·tdicting, Cle.
fore. L Gen., sine prae•·nl'ftione viaorum, Cl<!. praedlotum ·I. n. (2. praedlco), ci prC!flh«7,
IL lo rhet... tl1e previoiu p1·e1Jt1ralio1' of tM l'!f'~lictiui&, Cic. IL "" ordn', command, Liv.
Atam, Cle. m.
a coMr.71, crgrumen.t. Liv.
Plaeounor -6rfa, m. (prsecum>), a goer be· praedl~lum ·fl n. (dim. or praediurn). a
~'l't., precuraor. L Lft. 1 A. Milit. t.. t., prae- tmall larnkd cstaU,, Cio.
caniorea, t.k iiangicard, aavanMI guard, Liv. IL praedJaoo -dldlollS. to lmm bflOrc:
Tran.c., a 'Pr. aco.t; Jn omni calumnia praecura- agenda 1u11t In foro, C o.
orem babeie. Cle. praedl.auMfta. -a -um, ~ ~~
Pl'Mcriitl'o -oulll -ouaum, B. (prae ud Aatld; nontii, Liv.
prae f 32 prae
prae4ltu .a -um Cpr:ie and tl1t), ndo1NJ1I, D. eo tarry br : mldtllc, praetcrr1 = lo lmla ...
/ttr"-ldnl, J•rol'idtd 1oUl1: with al.II., 11e1111IOO..., to 1-iilr 1111 : 11raeter c.ul.ra praclaU, l.iY. DL
Cle. ; \·lr~te, Cle. ; a1ueuti4, t;lc. ; crudelltate, to 1CHlicipt1lt: diem triumphl, I.iv.
Cic. praedroz «la, wry bold, Plpdmu;
praedl11111 -11, n. (1mies), a pint Cl/ lafld, lcgAtl, Liv.
· laidm utaU; ruaUcum, Cle. ; pmediuu1 vend- · ~ferf'ldu -a -um, P,,,nt.i119 r.ot, tll'l'J
ere, Cle. Aol. L Lit..• baluemn, Tar. D. Fig., Ira, Li,.
prae4ivia ·Illa, ft'TJ rir.\, LIY. praefntino. 1. L to Anstna uaotdii1gl11.
1. praedo. 1. pracdor (q. v.). "4Stn too M1&ch; ne dellct're praefeatinarent,
t. praedo ~nla m. (pra.edl\), a robber, pU- Liv. IL to 1uisttn 111 : 11i11mo, 1·ac.
lager, pluwrer; nrblR, Cle. ; maritlml, pLrata, praeflolo -feci ·fectum, S.. (J1tae and l'aciol
Nep.; praedo marltua, U.. Aubc&t&d U&al oorrVd to &d ovtr, a111>oi1lt o& nperilllt'M1lt'11t, ~.
Air off (or Pluto), Ov. etc.; allqucm pecori, Cic.; hello gcrendo or
pr&edWo -doctua, t. to ttacll before, in· simply ~llo, C...'ie.; lei:Ioni, Caa ; 11n1dlc:ete
.trod before; praedocti ab duce, Sall. ali1111em In eo f'Urcih1, Cic.
pr&edimo -d6ml\i, 1. to lawu before, Ben. praefidena -eutis, ~ co11Jdnt, owr eo•-
praedor, 1. dep. (prae<la). L lntranalt., jfift ut, Cic.
~ Lit., P.raedatum exlsse in agrum Lati11um, praeCigo -lh'.1 -ftxnm, !l. lojz i•/rolll,jlstn
Liv. ; mihtes praeclA11tea, Ca.ea. B. Traus~ 1 to b(/ore; 1·i1• audihus praetiiti• 1111mita, Caa.;
nib, plurulu, get yafll: In bonla allenl:.t, (,'tC.; anua 11uppihns, Verg. IL Transf., A. to tip.
de aratormn bonls, Cle. ; apud llnmertluos, poili.l VlilA; jacnla praenu ferro, Lil·. B. to
Cit'.: ex aUerina lnsc!Ua, Cle. IL Tnuulit., A. pitra tlarOUflh, tT1111Sji.r, Till.
to plu111ltr, pilf11gc, rob; aocloa lnllb'i• quam praefllalo. 4. ta ftr, prucril1', appoi.U ~1""­
boatea, Tac. B. 1, lit., to mrrr ol "' Jrrt!I; ha11d; diem, Cle.; su111µt11111 funerum, Cic.;
ovem nnam, Ov.; 2, transr., &mores allcuius, non praellnltt, foll. !Jy quomi1111s. Cic.
one'• &1iwtMtirt, Ov.; singula de uobill auul praeftOro. J. to plHcl: tAe bl-"' ,,,.,.a.
praedantur, Hor.
hu'tlg: Hg., 111 11iHtiHW, 1'~»i; gloria111 f'iua
praediloo -duxl -dnctmn, S. to lt:rulfo1"1Ct1nl, vkt.orbte vr;i.eftorata111 a11uJ 'l'hcn.nupylas "-.
car,.,, jor11.vmt; rossa. vlis, Caea. ; auurum, Caes. Liv.
praedulola -c. L Lit., wrr ftOtd. Plln. prae8iio. s. to ftota past: lnfhna Talle, IA\·.:
n Tran11f•• wrv pl«uanl, .,., cieligh(fa.l; decUll, wrtl1 acc. of place, 1'ibur fertile. Hor.; NuriCllP
Verg. provinciam, 'l.'ac.
praediirua .a ·llm, wrr lotlrcf, t'eT1I ltrrnag; praefioo, 1. pmc and taus), to C'Aulz, n/-
homo praalurus virlbus, Vq.; corpora, Verg. /ocalic; vlam 1111lmae, Ov.
praeimlUO(J!l:&emllaH). I. to ..,.pul, praefidlo -fUdl -fOtl!lum, S. I. to Jig f1
aal; ceteroe perltii leg um, Ta<'4 fraut q/; portas, \"erg. IL to hrr pnriotufr;
praeio -lvi an•\ -ll -ltu111, 4. to go ¥rt. aururu, Ov.
J'Nlt'Ade. L Lit., Laevinus Romam praelvit, praetor -ratua tmm ·l'lirf, to &pmi: ~
Liv. IL Fig., A. Oen., naturl praeeunte, Cie. ~ &, to 11tter beforelw11d; majorea DOAtri (>tu·
B. Esp., 1, to 14N before, 1ing bt/on, plar befon; niltua rebus agt>ndis quod bouum, fan§tlun.
a, gt'n., dt vobls voce praeirent, quid judicaret.111, felix •It, praefnb&l1tur, Cle. : canul'n, Liv.; ..,
C1c. ; b, reli¢ous and legal t. t., to dict4tt tM with acc. or deity, divos, Verg.; b, to wulllio.o
tol>l'd.i q/ a" oath, or an 11 IOlni\" /or11& q/ !D01'll8 : beforeAaMd, to prevailt : quAe de deon1m nat~.­
verba praeire, Liv.; comten 1 Liv.: praelre allcul, praefati aumus, Cic. B. lo propM$J, fortUll., Ll1'.
Cle.; ~. to tmltr, ro11011alld; omoia, ut decem-
virl praelernnt, fact.a, Liv. ~ (praerractm1)., •Ur"rtlr, rttduldy:
praeti.tlo ~11111, r. (praetor), a nll.giou or r1lmls pracfracte vec:t.igalla derendere., Cic.
ltgtu for1" of WOT<U, foravla; sacronun, Uv. ; praofracta.9 -a -um, p. adj. with coinJV.
douaUonis, Cle. (from i•raefrinb"O). L or written style, abt11r!,
praeftlctiira -ae, t. (pmefectus), tAI! oj}itt of disoontuctttl ; 'l"huc)·dldea praef'rnctior, Cle. IL
&t1J1trintt11cltnt or o~rllttr. L Oen., annonae,
Or character, .urn, &itvttt, l4nA; Chiua
Tac.; vigllum, TILC. IL Esp., 11 tht cxmtmand pradractnA, rerrcus, Cic.
of a'll.%ilia111 troops, eRJ•. or cavalry, Suet.; 2, praefrigldua -a -um, wry rold.. OY.
a 1ttbof'di11au proviftdal command: prat"fect.W'llm ~o -fregt ·trnctum, 3. (pn.e and
petere, Cle. : S, met.on .. an lfltlian. toec1& govensed &angoj, to bMlk 01 '" /ro'ltt, bred: '>& fMet';
by 11 pmerectus, a prefedurt, Cic. baata8, Liv.
]. praefectUJI ·& ·Um, partlc. or praeftclo. praefUlolo ·tullrl -f\tltmn, 4. to mpporf, Jlft"P
2. ~raefectu ·I, 111. (praellclo), a• OvtNl!er,
iuper11i.le1uk11t. I. In private life, his utitur
Cfi ftg., lllud prnef'ulcl atque prae1nun.l ut, etc.,
guasi praefcctis libidinnm auarum, Cic. D. praeftlJJr4So -rutsl, 2. to gltafA /rlrlA, ali111
In political life, a civil or milita111 oj}foer or forth. L, cquus praerulge111 deuliblll
ruptri1ite1idrnl. A. Oi;n., annonae, Llv.; cut- aurels, Verg. IL Fig. triumpll&li deoore
rorum and c1l5trl:i, Tac. : pmeft'ctns urbis, praefulgens, con1pic11aiu, didi1'g1'iM«I, T1.c.
governor of tl&t cit1 (Rome), and comma1ultr of praegi§U:dua -a -um, WTV cold; Alpes, Li1'.
t/1e ft~ cohortes urklnac, In the time of the
republic only commanding In the place or the praefJntlo, 4. to dmn acredi'llfif; pne-
eonsul when absent, Liv. gestit au1111111 videre, Cle.
praeft§ro ·tl\11 -litum -terre. L A. to btar, praegaana (prae and root GN .A., wbeDCll
ro.rry befon or (• fronl •• ardentem racem, Cle.; gnH.SCor), pregnaM. L Lit., Cle. U. Fig., /wJl
fASCe:1 praetoribus, Cic. B. Fig., 1, gen.,
clari.ssimum lumen prnetullstls menu mene,
!!ic.; 2, esp., a., to bring to l(gftt, to &Ao10, t11a1&!·
of; fll.sua st.amine. Juv.
praegrlolli9 ... """
.u., lllndtr, lltl1.
....,, di&plu'fl; avarltlam, Ole.; judicium, crpras ltl"&Olldm -e, flt'l'JI Mztir. L Lft. A. Of
.,.,-, j1ulgltllll&I, Liv.; baec eius diel praetertur welirht, 0111111, Ov. B. Of movemen~ ~
oplnlo, Caes. : b, to pl111 tM prcfermu to, lo gravl• rorpo1e, Ll\". II. Tnoar., ot perlOlllt
i Jt,/rr; ollquem 11111, Cle.; otium labod, &lL woriloJM. Tue.
prae 433 prae
pmogdvo, 1. to 1•1vs.<t ht11riJy ttpnJ&., wigA praemidlti.tlo, r. (praemedl~).
"PO"• n,.,.rrs.1, tn. ,,.,.;ylL (/o11•1t•• I. Lit., prac· COl£«idtri11{1 llf'f<1rtlw.1td: ruturorum 111aloru111, C1c.
gr:l\'&14 inha.:renfllru:i sc11~1, I.iv. U. fl!(., to praemiclltor. 1. dc1•. to wudilal• 11po1', ro11-
01;fl'l-Whtlm, OJ>pl'tlll, 11JtiylL do1t'u; <lantcm ct ridu ~fvrtlw.11d: 1'r&e111e11itari quo animo ac-
acelpie11te111, J,iv. ; a:uhuum, Hor. ceJam ad ur1*111, t:ic. ; with acc. aud 1111111., i•I
praegrecUor -grese11ll s11111, 3. dev. (p~ 11nd praemetlit.:1ri Ct!ru111l11111 t11()(1!Cll t':tllt', Cle.;
graclior). L tv !1" lxju1·r, prn:e1lt: praegred1e~te.c1 l"'l'lic. pt>rf. iiass., praemidltatua -a -u111 1
arulci Cic.; with acc., aii;na, _a_gmen, Liv.; ronsitltud /.,fo,-dia1ul; mab, Cic.
nunti~ll, fuma111, oul3trip, Liv. 1L tu ,.au bJI, ptaemituena -eutls, J>. mlj. (rrom rrae-
rAarc:/1 bJI; ea (<'-1\::itra), Li\'. 111ct110), /mrill!/ /J.forrl1c11ul, Phaellr.
praegresalo -011111, r. (Jir:iegredlor), a goillg praemetttenter, n•lv. (pr:Lemeluen:J), CIJ>·
bt,fur~, JWta<l~nce; ca11.:;at, Cic. prel1t111ivrlg, 1111xio1111ly, Luer.
praegreuu ·lls, 111. (11mcgredior), a gt1'1tg praemetiio, 3. to frar ~fortllliikl, bl ~p­
cm brfurt, Cic. prrluniivt. L httrausit.., olicui, Caes. IL
praeausti.tor -iirl~, m. (pr:irgm1lo), om tcho Transit., to /ear bt,fortlltlu.l; de11erti conjugis ira.'I,
tnstu /~,/uni, u tw•ter, furrtnstcr. L Lit., Suet. Verg.
U. Fig., lilii1li1111111 tuar11111, Cle. praemltto -mlal -mlMum, 3. to und lie/C1rt,
pra.eguato, 1. to "•stt befvre ; ciboa, Ov. u1a.d on, <ksllUlcl' ~fart. 1. J,it., (•)of flt'I 11u1111,
praehfbOo -iii -!tum, 2. (prac and habeu). &liqueur, Cc.; legiones 111 Hls1iania111, Caell. ;
to c>.ffr.1', holtl 0111,, BllJ>pl.11, furn£$A, Plaut. without nee., Co atnd before; nol eoll,
praeJAoio, 2. to llt btfon; campus qui IL C11e.'I. ; (Ji) ur things, allcui odiolla!I lltera:t, Cic.
t'IL'4tra pr:1cj:1cet, Tac. Trausr., to u1&d btJvre; haec fuvorabl11 ora·
tione praemllsit, Tac.
praeJiidloiitua ·:&-nm, v. prnrjucllro. praemlum -II, n. (prae and emo), that 1t;hid'
praeJiidfclum -Ii, n. n prtrio1u }lul(Tlllmt, a is taku& first. L Gen., atlva1&tagt gain 1•mjlt;
prrli11&i11c1ry drd,;io1L or t.mmi1u1tw1l (for the sake omnia 11racniia donaqne rortunae, Clo. 1~ E!ip .•
of i11Vc'4ti~'Uting f:ret'4 for 11U\r.4eq11e11t. proceed- A. nn lio1wunible rtwnnl, rtCOmptnM; prae111ia
i11g'I). L Lit., o., de quo non 111ueft11liet1n11 Bet! oonc 1fe republica meritormn, Cle.; allcui prue-
pL·1111! .fn•lici11m jam padu111 pntatur, Cic.; apu1l mium dare pro aliqua re, Cle.: pntemlran prne·
eo.-ctl'!111 Judice~ reus e11t factus, quu111 duubns
j:im praejmliciis tlamnatus esset, Cle. ; b,
i11.1ncre or ex(IOnere, to promise, Cle.: lronicnlly
pu11i&; cape praemla ractl, Ov. B. Esp.,
trn11sf., a 11remat11re clrcision; 11e111i11e111 prae- booty; In war, pugnae, Ve~.; in the chnse,
j11clicium t:mtne rei alfcrre, Liv. IL ltleton., le[IOrem et gruem jucuntla captat praemla, Hur.
''" mini71/e, 1ir~deut: Pompciull vrstri fact! praemilestla -ae, r. tTOVbk bt/ortlumd, Cic.
prnejn•licio th•motus, by your r:mmplt, Caes.
praejiidfoo, I. to tltcide bcforth.mul, to gitoe praemillor. 4. dep. to pnport btfordla.'Ml;
<t 1•n·limi11ur.11 j111lame11t; a., lrgal t. t., re semd
rem, Li\'.
•l,111c itcrn111 prarjudicaUi, Cic. P11rtic. perf. praemin~o .fti ·ltum, 2. to wan\, advi#,
sul1St., praejudlci.tum ·i, n. =pr11_e.lndlc;_iu111, a1li1&0ni.sla beforehand. I. Oen., with acc., conat11i1
hostis, against hostile attempts, Liv.; with nt
(I.); b, trnnsf., in pi1rtic., 'raejudloatu
·K -um, f"'tViOllsly dtcidtd; opmio pracju1hc.;ata,
and tl1e suld., m~ nt rnagnopere CRvere1!'• prae-
t:ie. monebat, Cle. a.a. to /ortkll, pruage, llwn ars-
urum Ov.
praejuvo -jllvl, l. to twtsl btfort, Tae.
praelabor -lapims sum, 3. dep. to glich ~/on, praemimtua ·11•, m. (praemonr.o), a pre-
diction, premo11ition, Ov.
f!mr, swinL be/Me or 11long; insula iu qnnm Ger·
111:ml nnurlo praclnl>elmntur, Tac. : with nee., praemonstro. l. L to IAoao, poinl 0111
J•taelahi tl11111ina roti>1, Verg. ~/ore, Luer. IL to propltny, J'1'uage, pr«lkt ;
111ogn11m allqult.1 populo Romano, Cle.
praelambo -lambi, 3. Co lick bt/ort, tmtt
btJ<.11-e, Hur. praemordh -mordl -morsum, 2. i. bit•
n§; tlg., to pilfer; aliquid ex aliquo, Juv.
praelargua -a -um, titry abunda1Lt, Juv.
praolego -lcgl -lectum, 3. to lllil r.ast, coast praemirlor -mortQus 11um -mlirl, 3. tle1•.
to 1lit prtr11al11rrl11, Ov.; trnnsr., prarmo1tul jiuu
aw11g; Cnmpaniarn, Tac. est l•Utlori!I, his modtsty ii dead, I.iv.
praellgo, 1. L to bind in front : siumenta praemiinlo (praemoenlo), 4. L to /drtifl
'pnwlignntnr comibus t10um, Liv. IL to bi11d in frorrt; a(lit11s duos 111agnli1 operib1111, Caes. II.
"P; os obvolutum est follieulo et praeli~atum, F'ig., to fortify, stcure, make •l/t; genus <licendl
Cle. praennmitum, Ci1'.; quae praemnniuntnr ser·
praellum. etc. = proelium, etc. (q. v.). moni, prtmistd to metl objecti01ia, Cle.
praelongua -a -um, wry long; glodlus, pr&emUnitfO ·OniR, (. (praemnnio), a /<Jr•
Liv. tlfyiiig befor~hand: rhet., fig., or an orator. a
praeliioeo -luxl, 2. t-0 carry a light btfort; 11rrpc1rnt£on of the minds of hia AtaTtTI, Cic.
lit., to light I. Lit., Snet. JI. (<'lg., 1, with
praenAto, 1. to swim before, noim pasl,./fovl
&<'C. (nmicitia) bonam spem pr:ielucet in po11t-
erum, slmls tire Id 1uUy light of lv>pe, Cic. ; 2, to by, Verg.
llUU/iim, 111rpa.u; null us al nus Balis praelucet, Praeneate ·i!I, n. (r. In Verg.), a towit b&
Hor. Latim11, /nn111w for iU r~1. its 1&uts, a11.lf fvr the
praelum = pn:lum (q.v.). temple and oracle of Fortu1la, now Pnlestrina.
Hence, Praeneetinua -a -um, ~lo1igi11g to
praelutrla -e (l•rac and lnstro), wry ill111- Proenute; so1tes, the utterancu of the omcle
trw11s; praelu11tri ab arce, Ov. lhtrt, Cic.
praemando, 1. to <JrdtT bt/orthand.i. nt c;on- praenltio -0.J, 2. to 1h•11t forth; ftg., cur tlbl
qnireretur, a1•. Cle. ; hen<'e, praemandi.ta j1111ior p1ai-nite11t, 011Wlints th«, Hor.
-Orum, n. a torit of arrut, Cle.
praenomen -lnl11, n. tit• nama tchich •tood
praematurua ·• -nm, too early, prtmature; bt)ore Ou p.ntile name, and di1ti11vuilht1t th1
hh:11111, Tac. : canltin, Tac. ricl1ial, the numc, tlw pracn0mt1& (e.g.,
praemidloi.tus -a ·um, protec:ttd bf mtd'- Cnit111. In C. J. Caeaar; Marcia, lu ll. T. Cicen>),
9't&I or cAarm1, Ov. • Cle:
prae 434 prae
praaoeoo -nov1 -notum, s. lo Mmlt• ao- or wpotr/"'"°"), '°'"'thi .. g to bt rrefumJ, ..,••
f'Ulfottd with bt/11'1'tl&n11d, /urtl•MW; futura, Cle. thing a1lra11t1l!I""''• but 11ot (in the t;tole t4Ulo-

' °"'
praenotlo -6ni1, r. (pracnosco), vr··conttp- 10ph)) ab6"1u1'1!J !l°'"'• e.g., ric:Au, etc., Ci'"'
in11atc i1tea (trao.dntlon or •pOA'1"6U). Cic. praeporto. 1. io ca.rrr
praeniibllua -a -um, wrr do1"1j, "''"dart, _ praeJ>i91tlO ~lli:C, (. (pr&e(IODO), G f'lathlf
btJorc. Luer.
Ov. F/tiftYre. L 1, lit., DCh'>llin1111, Cic.; SJ. meton.,
praen'llllola. ek. = praenunt.l.a, etc. (q.T.). grammat. t. t., G 1•rrpnaiti.on., Cle. .u. G ~
praenunU.. T. prae1111ntlua. /crri'AIJ, prcfn-e1w, Cic.
Pl'MDUJltlO, 1. lo an.11oUn~, ttparl, Ill! be· praep&dtua. rartlc. of praeponn.
J'1Tlhtlntl, /vrd<:ll, prtdi.d; f'ntura, Cic. _ praepouum -~uu -posse, to be nrr polCCT"
praen11Dtl1111 -a -um, /0Ntclli11g : aublt. JVl, ha11t the cl•if/ pou:er, Tnc.
(m. f. and 11.), that tchicll a1uw11nct~ btferc/lan.d, praepoetire, a•h·. (pral'pnstrru."), Ca • n-
G ha.rbl"{18r, '~"• tobH, omen; 1tellae calamit· WT"«d order, 1~rrc1·1tly, Cll•:mrdly, Cic.
ntum praenuut.i&e, Cle.; &lea praeuuntius lucis, praepoetirua ·:i -um. I. "'1«ing tlw hul
Uc• cock, Ov. ftr.t, forcrted, 1~r11tr1t, dill<>rtr.l, nbftnl; itratu·
praeoooilp&tlo ~n~ f. (l•l"IK'OCCU(IO), G b1tlo, Cle.; , ..)n .. illa, <.."ic. IL Tran.C., 1or pt1'
'"'"11 poAUaion. qf btJorw; iocurum, Nep. IOlll', 1~n'tf'1<, Cic.
praeoooii.po. 1. L to t.ikl pouurion. "' ~aop6tena -e11th1, rnr f'Ol«"fal, n111
beJvrc, .cw bqon; lter, CaeL ; IO<'a, Liv. D. m11;hty; a, of 1icn1011,., virl, Cle.; C:irthagu
Tranaf., 1, lu tnh JIO"Ulion of Mforthand, tu 1'1"Re1'0~111tt'rrl11111riq11e, Cit'.: with abL ln.<1tr.,
preoccupr; anlmos timor pracoccupavtrat, CaeA..; pral'llOUll!I ar111i1 Ro111anu!I, Liv.; witb gouiL,
2, to antiei11C1tt, to w.rpriMc; ne a1ln!nl11 Caesa11:t Jupvit.-r 0111ui11111 rerum 1·rae1o0tcns, M&li1&9oru,
11rneoccup11retur1 CAea.; with lullu., le1:o-em lpsl Cle.; b, tr.111sr•• or tlii11g11, Vhiloau1•llia, Cic.
vracuccu1111.v1mint ferni, Liv. p~pripirantir, adv. wr, pfd:lf, ntl
praeopto. 1. L lo pr'(ftr, will& rather, dnini Ao..lti!y, f,u,·r.
tnonl; llt!lllU non 11101 aibl, q11a111 vos, domlnoa praepr6piri. ••l r. (p~propcrua). rcrr
praeoptet, Liv._; with lufin., nudo corpore 1•ug· /&n.-t1l1, It>.> •111i··H.11; fe..•tinare, Uv.; &gt'~, Llr.
nare, ea.. 1. I&. all<p11ol alicul rel, t.i 1rrefcr; praepr6perua -a -um, tzc~"1invl1 qwid,
otlum urbenmn milil.lacl lalH•riuu11, Lh·. too ti'•~ I;, <>U• h.. ~1.11, prrl'i11ita1,. L Lit., fe&llb·
praepando, s. to o1'4!n tridc in.front, drclcll aUo, r.i.:.; .-clcrit.:u, Liv. IL Tran.r., IDlf'll"
opt1~ '" )ro11J, utend btJure, Cic. lum, Liv.
praepAratlo ~11i~, r. <1ir:1ep11ro), f"'#PMG' praepiitlum ·II, n. tlc/.,ruki.11, .1uY.
'1011,; aU 111i111wntlu111 dolurc111, Cic. praequam. ,.. prae.
prae~o, 1. to H1111.-e n:cul!f, prud<lt, prrpare;
n1wes, (;1c.; res nec.>11s:irfa.~ ml vitam 1lt·i;.. 111l:tm, pluin praequ6ror -<1u~stus 111m .qui!ri, to OOll-
Cle.; animoa ad upieuti•ln, Cic.; uurt:i (audit· lx.fv• r/1111111, 0\',
ornm) praeparatae, Liv. · praerl.cllo. 1. to 011tJ.i11e, Ol'.
praeoedlo -M and .n ·11um, '· (prae and praerl.pldua -n -11111, t'trl rapid; gwps,
rout P.~.'h). I. to t11ta1117le by Ui.e /ftl ahadc!e, Liv.
/efkr; pmcpeditis Numhtarum e.1uis, Tac. IL praerlgeaoo -rti.;nl, s."' gro111 rtTW llil, Tee.
Tra1111f., to Ain.dcr, (m1oede, obstrurt; quum Ju. praorlplo -1 lplli ·rrptum, s. (l'rne anJ ra&An>.
aitu1lo ac vulncra fugam praepcdiu.-11t, Liv.; tfl dllctlt:h U1<>1.~, 71[11.-1,; jro.,,1, teer 1111'111, QJrTy Q/.
1ingultu mcdios pntctiedlrnte sono!l, uv.: prae· I. Oen., 11licui arina, Ov.; nlicni lamlt:m <le.tin·
Jletllrl vnlctuJlne, to be hi11<leNd by ill·liealth. atam, t:ic. IL •:Sp., a, lo oorr11 •'I i,,Jorr tM
Tue. t\1111; denru111 1'c11rlic1u111 r1•111i1aatiu11~.; b,
praepen4io --pemll, 2. lntranslt., to hang IO a11hd1nte, /or<sl<Jl/; l1011t.i11111 Colu;ilia. Ur..
1H,jort, liatllJ '" /nml, C.1cs. praerOclo .......Ii -rl'tl'u111, lo gm1111 '" Jro•I. ~
praepis -~tis (prae nnd pt'to). L Lit., t. t, g1rnw ojf, bite tl1ro1•yh, Hor.
or augury, or birds from whn11e tlli.:ht f,1\· praerogi.tivua -a ·nm (pnmngn, to Git
omens were g11thcred 1 q11icl.: in Jfighl, rapirll11 bc,Jo>rth.<111J), .,,.J.rd l1'/1'1'e ol.lkn (for , ..,,,., u1>1nlon,
jlying, 1w4ft; praepcit &\"is, a111l ~u~t. •i111ply etr.). L, polit. t. t., ftlfi11t1 ,;r11, ruCi•tl
praepes · <.;le. ;__pnM!petibus pe11ul11 116 C'retlcre Ix.fore othen; c.. 11111rfa 1•raero.:111h·a, and ge11.
caelo, Verg. IL T11111sr., quicl.: ''' ftiSJht a11•l 1111 .... 1., praerigitiva ..,., r. tlw cuhlr, ,,.
motion: a, adJ., <leus, tM wi11ged god-1.e., vhicil Che M Jtll r>/ roliitg ftr-' ii. tM CO•itill,
Or1pid, Ov.; b, 1111\.Mt., a bir1l; Jo\•ls, lhl ea!lle, Cit'. ; pmrrognth·um rcferre, Cit'.; l1enrt', C"nttn
Ov.; lole1l11111cu1 (of l'ei;nsus), Ov. 1•rnerogntivaP, the omt'! ginn. bJ the ,.,,.,_r>f.tAr
praepllat'DJI -a ·um, l1aving a ball or buttoA prtni.J<1tive Nntury, C1c. IL praerlgi.tift
(n front (npplied to foils or blunt 11\·l'aroua); -ae f. A. a r-erWu.s clloicr, Liv. IL a'"" •if•,
111l11silia, Liv. t;;;Jicatiu11, Jft'UU?f; trlumphl, C1o.; ToluotaUS,
praeplngulm -e, wrr /al, """rlcA; aolnm, Cle.
\'erg. praerompo -rnpl -ruptum, L lo ~ ~.
praepoll'o -polllU, 2. to bt ""!I
to artl or surpau fa power; vir \·irtute J•r&e·
J'mDC'T/Ul, tftt.r ojf '" )'""'; ruuea, C&t'S.
praeruptua -a .um, p. adj.(rrnm l'""'Tllmpo).
:pollc11!4, Liv. br<Jktn cjf. L, of 1>1~!1, slur\ prtt'iJ'ilM11,
praepondero 1. to oi1twcig1a; ftg., neque 011tTha11gi••!1; sa:oc:·•, Cic ; nwn~, 'er~. l'lnr.
Cl4 voluut pra1·pon1ferari 1i.,11cstate, Cic. 1ml"'t. 1 praerupta .Orum, n. pr«i}'ira, Li'··
praepono ·tll•!lni -1.r.:11tum, s. to put bt,/orr, IL 'l'nl11!l., ju\·1·11i11 a11imo 1•1-.lf'lUJ;>tua, ftoltat,
p/u«t h'f11re. L Lit., A. Grn., 1~1ura (>11·ril>t'111lo), ·uc.; dt,minatio, 11tt:rll, """'• 'fac.
Cle.; trnu .. f., pn1tpoi1ita.i C.'\11.'illl', antt<v.dt11t, Cic. praoa. p1aruiA, m. (pranloleo). L • nntr.
B. E>1p., to 1•1tl oar, "' <Jl"tr 114 orrrMcr, cn.11• uc11rit."; 1•11ll'<l"m u..e vro aliquu, Cic.: pnt'des
ma11Jltr, ete.; Ali11ue111bello,1•rovi11ciue, lll\Vil.11t1, 1lart', Cic. IL )let<•n., the pn>JJtrl!I of ~
Cle.; 111ilitil>us, Caes. l'nttic'. 111\#\t., prae- SfCurit11; ne L. .Plaucua 1•racde1 tuoe vend .. rel,
~tu ·I, m. a Cflmmanihr, Tac. II. }"ig., Cir.
to prt/rr; anlut.em 11·lp11l•lkae \·!tao 1uae, C:ic. praeeaePM (pruaepta) ·ts. t., pne-
Partl<!. 1ul~t., pra.p6altum ·I, n. (trnnl'llation aaepe ·111, n., and praaaeplum ·ll. a.
prae prae
. (l>l'UllMplo), .a.a i11dont"f. 1. 11 cr[b, """'f1t"1 praeeentlo -aenlf -1en1t1m, 4. ea /ell. or
Ov., transf., certum praf'Sllepe, C()Dtemptnoualy= percriw beforeAand, to Aczw 11 prucnthunt or
'4bl'f Hor. IL r.& rlall, Verg.; tranaf., prae- pre11&011it£on: anlmo provldere et praeaentJre,
aep1has arcent, froa ~ Muu, Verg.; In proe- Caee. ; f11t11ra, Oic.
saepibua, f1' lnt0 laoua, Cle.. praeeipee, ete. = praeeaepea, ete. (q.T.).
prae9Mplo ·Mepsl -aaeptum, 4. Co block "P
'"front; omnem aditum, Cle.
praetliplo praeueplo (q.v.). =
praeaertlm, adv. upeclall11, chf.tft11: prae-
praes&gio, ._ L to pruciqe. /crr'ibotU, 1la w 11erti111 quum aud quum praeserthn, Cic.; prae-
ca pruenli1iu1u of; pmesagire, id ellt, tutnra ante &el"tim 11, Cic.; praMt>rtim quod, Cic.
1enti.n!, Cio. ;_g_uaal praesai.giret, Cio.; de ftne
belU, Liv. IL Tnmaf., to /oruh.otJJ, prtdlct, praeH• ·sl<lls, c. (praellideo), sitting lit/Or•
Luer. (I.e., to prottct, take care of) ; ht> nee, L praucti11g;
usually euLst., a prot«t-tT, proteclrw; rclpnb·
praesagit(o ~nl.s, f. (p1-aesa;:io), Cl prmod· Ilene, Cic.; templorum, Cic. IL a, ruUT",
Holl, folllmdtiig, prveminunt, Cle. prt.$illrnt; pracse!I Lelli, goddtJ11 of iror (of
praesi.gfum -II, n. (pme111glo). I. a prUClflt, Minerva), Verg.; praeside pcncli:t ab nno, Ov.
Jn"tMn.ti~11t, /11r(oodi1111; 1m1l11rum, Tac. II. prae11ldens -eutls, m. (praesldeo), a prt1£.
Trans!., ll prediction, prophuying; Tlberli de dent, 1-ulrr, Tac.
Servio Galb:1, Tac.
pracsid6o ·sMI -iiessum, 2. (pra.e and Redeo).
prae&agwt -n -nm. L pruaging.forebodifi11; ~ to sit brfort, protect guard; with d11t., lmic
1:ectoraL..:. v.; with genit., mens praesag:i .mall~ lmpcrlo, (;ie.; urhi, Liv. :
\ ug. .u.. Trausr., predictin!l; rulmen, \erg. , Janus), Ov.; with acc., Gal'ine lit us, Tac. B.
forilou11 caeli (of
vel'ba, Ov. to prt$itk over, maooge, direct, povern; rehus
prae11cJ.aoo ·•elvl, 3. to ltarn,fl11.d out btJare· urbanis, CaeB. ; orlil terrarum, C1c.; with acc.,
Aalld; praesciS<.'Pre quam quisqu11 eorum pro- exercit11111, Tac.
YinciAm, quem h<>11tem li:iberet voleb11t, Liv. prae•fdiariu -a -nm (praesldlum), 1trvtng
praeacf119 -a ·nm, knowfog beforrhand, pn· tu u gwirol or pmtllction: militea, Liv.
ICU'llt; cortla, \'erg.; with geuit., periculorum, praesldlum -Ji, n. (praeses). a1£ttin~ 'tJ,fore;
Tu. . heuce, L Lit., protllCtion, deft:'ll.a; e., allcul e~se
praeac:n.H ·•crlpel •llCriptum S. L to praesiollo, Cle.; b, mlllt. t. t. a guard, patrol,
mu 'fuJore, Id bt/ort ill turili'ltg ; lit., sibl uoort; legiones quae prnejli,llo h11pt;•li111P11tls
nomeu, Veri;.: auctoritares pmescrlpt.1e, tht na1na erant, Caee. IL Mt!ton., A. 1ch1ch deft111b,
o/ aen<Uora co11tai1Wl ina d«ru of tht 1111zau, Cle.; protection, help: a, dassi!I 111acsi<Jh1111 pru\"ill·
2, t,-ansr., t? pu.t forward or take aa a prelul., elae, Cle.; b, mllit. t. t., tht soldier1 u·ho /orrtt.
Tac. IL to write down for imitatirm. A. to tlw guard; prae,;idl11111 agitare, to 1d guard&,
~. onluin, dtfiM, direct beforthm1d; jnra Liv.; pmeshlia In nrhell lnclucere, Cic.; fig., in
clribns, Cle.: ne q:ii<l 11geret, Cle. B. to draw praeshlio eollocat1111, Cle. B. a plaOll OC<"111>(.ed
tip°" outliM of, Tac. by a oarrison or g11ard, J>O$l, camp, fortiftootlon:
praesort.ptlo -~nl1, r. (praescribo). L Lit., qu111n leglo prae11idium occupavisset, Caes.; In
G wrili119 lwf?rt; hence, meton., a titlt.z. in1CTIJ>- prae.sidii:t e!ISe, Cic.;>el<lium communlre,
tMm, pM1m.1Jlr, folroducliMl; leg111, lilc. IL Liv.; fig., <le prae.tti<Jlo 1:t 1talio11e vitae deced·
Transt., 1, r.& pnctpt, nle, order; ratlonh1, Cle. ; ere, Cic. C. htlp, asn1tance, auppqrt; magnum
2 U•italWJi; In hnc pl"IU'scrlpUone semlhorae sibl praesiilium ad vitam comparare,
Cle. ; 3, Cl prttezt: houesta, Cic.; he111.-e, legal Cle.
L t.., 111' oljft:tw1', dtmurrtT, Cle. praea1'nllfloo, 1. to •l.gllf.11/, announce be-
praellCriptum .f, n. (praescribo). that whicA /Melland; lio1ni11ihus rutura, Cic.
u 10rUtu1 d<>V"n.. L Lit., A. a prucrilHJd limU; praeslgnta -e (1dgnum), disth117uWwJ, ,.._
Intra prae.'ICri['tatn eqnitare, Hor. IL Jo'ig., an marl•uble before others, Ov.
on.fer, a prrcept, f'11.u; legum, Cic. praeaino -a6nQI, 1. to-1011n.d forth, ruo1111d,
prae8ioo ·•ktU -socatum anJ -sectum, 1. to Ov.
:"Ill in fron.t ; crlnea, Caee. ; fig., c:mnen prae· praeapargo, 8. to aoatUr, ltre1o befure,
sectnm, pruMd doum, Hor. 1.ucr.
praeeena -entis (praesum). I. Oen., pr11- praeati.bllla -e (praesto), dUiinguulwd, pre-
•lll, i"' pi;rs1111, at hand; quo praesPnte, in whose tminem, rtmarkubfc; res magnitudine pra'·
'f'llan&«, Cic.; Jtrap_seus tec11111 egi, fo Jleraori, stablles, Cie.; rnt>lius rul!!Be et praestal1ili1111 me
Cic. ; in proesenll (sc. tempore), now, Cic.; In l'h·em In hnc civitate na11ei, C1c.; nullam '11g·
praesens te111pu~. for tit.a pnM11t time, Cic. 11il:1km pracstabiliorem, Cie.
8ubet..praeeentla·Tmn,n. tlu:prt~nt,Ov. IL praestam -11ntis, I'· a1lj. (from prat>skl), e:r-
1, t"ll lht :>pet, irnrntd~ momllntar11, nnt ddayed; ane11t. di~tingui..shed, prumlnent; a, or per11ons,
f".>e•1a. i111rntduutly Jozlowi'l\g the offen.-e, Cle. ; gen. with alol., or In with the abl., hn1110 pntd•
decretum, paued in1lanU11, Liv.; 2, i111111tdia.ttllf en till. pr:11~11tm1A, Cic.; Arii;t.. telee l1111gc onrnlhue
tJl.<•1cim,,,, tffecaiv., 1'01J.~1ful; a11xili11111, Cle.; praeslana et l11i;:e11in ct •lilig.. ntli, Cic.; Vifltilll·
111c111.,ri& J•rao•11entior,moru•tt"id, Liv.; with lnfln., bus 11rat-~t:\ntior 0111uiltnit, Uv.: in illis artilot111
prat:>ieua nno .t.ollt:re rlc gi:ail u, 11.'ith pouoer to, ll?r·; p1·11e11IR1Jtililli1uus, C1e.; b, of thi11g11, 1•rae11ta11U
3, (Jpe11., ~iribu; om, \"erg.; tram1r., lnsld1ac, et slni-:11l11ri tide, Cic.; prae11tanli corpore !\yrn•
p;...iin, Cic. j .4, pruain.g, urge11t; j11111 praeseutior phne, \"erg. .
n!ll erd, LIV.; 6 of character, raolute, <Uter·
rrtiit.ed; anitnn", ~le.; 6, prumt, aiding, Jl'1'0pi· praeatantla ·&e, f. (praeat.1111), IUptrlorlty,
Umu; de as, Cle. tz.·cl/rnc(!: sl qua111 1•raP.11tirnti11111 vlrtutia, In·
i;~uii, fortunue consucutl 11u11t, Cle.; 111e11tis,
praesenUo ·~11lt1, f. (praP.Mntlo), a 1"'tu11tl· C1c.
'lllcR/.,/ord>oJi1&g, prfm1l11iti.o11; rerum f'uturarum, praeaterno, 3. to atrew, 1prrad lx/orr, Plaut.
~ntla -ae, f. (!'rar.sen.s). I. prt"PMt : praeatia ·Alfth1. c. (2. 1•11ae11t.1) = pnieaes,
1h1·uiu1, C1c.; anhnl, 71Tt.v11« oj mfod, 1/tlrrmi· a t11Ulury, prol«titl{J ddtr; L:n-ea, ov.
wntf.o11, c:o11nzge,, Cle.; In jl_!111•:tc111ia, for praeetigla -ne, r., IU•URlly I•lur., p~
flu vruent. "°"'•Ill prt.:11!111, Cle. II. i111pru1ivn, tigfae ·Ar11111, r. (prnestrini;o), dtceptio11 1 W11afo-.
rfn:J; vert, Ov. )llfl'Jli.11.g; verbon1111, Cio.

prae f31 prae
prae9tldlo -1UtlU -atitQlmn, S. (stalao), to praedo ofliltus, S. IO tleVT vp, lo m11r1
procribe, appoint bt,forwmd; umpua alicul, co-i; praeaut& follla hut&, Ov.
Cic. ; diem opert, Cle.
· 1. praesti. adv. (from praeatus praesltW., = =
praetempto 1>raet.t'nw (q.v.).
praetendo ·tend! -tentum, s. L to lfrdcl
u repostua = reposltua), )»'tKllt, al Aalld, owe b<frn-e. uttnd bachoarch; hast&s dextris,
Ant, rta.dy; gen. with eue to bl al laand, to Ve~; ramum ollvae ruan11, \'erg.; ~· nee
1Ao111 01"*'f. to apptar, wit.b the notion or, to co ii{la umquatn yraetendl taedaa, 1.e., tltM'
att.rul or to wait 11pon, to· bt at one's ll0"1IU¥; la· Claim to lawfel U"tdlock, Verg. D. lo plGtl
allcul, to app«1r to help 011e al a COl'Tt of laVT, before, Aold, spread 'befor•. A. 1, lit., saepetJI
Cic.; quaestores consulibua ad 111iniateri4 belli segetl, Verg.: 2 tnnar., to place befvn: 116·
praesto MRnt, Liv.; prneato esse virtutea ut monem decreto, Uv.;hence, praetendi, otplaces,
anclllnlas, Cir..; ftg., praeato eoe, to ltTWi; to lie before or iti ,/Toni : praet.eutaque 8yrtibu
allcul, Cle.; salutl tU&e, Cle. arva, Verg.; sbllol., tenue lit.oa eme,
2. ~ ·alltl -atltum aud -atitum ·•tii.tQ. Liv. B. ~·· to /told bf/&rtl a1 a prlllat, fl""
rt111, 1. L lntransit., to dand btfvre, ncd, bt u1ul: liomima doctluhnl nomen tu is imu.a.uil.;us
JUth&guUAtd; lntAlr auoe, Cic.; aliqua re, Cic.; et barb&rha moribna, alUge ill t:lt'll'8 fG.r. Cic.;
wlt.h d&t. or acr. or peMlon, to 111rpau, ~; allquid sedition!, Liv. ·
allcul, Cle.; allcul aliqni re, Cle.; allq~em
aliqul re, Uv.; praeat&t used lmpen., U u
Dl'Utellto ~tempto). 1. JW. ,,.,, '°
tul b<(orelaand. A. Lit., hlculo, Ov. B.
lietUr, U ii pref.rabh: with lnftn., prnestat lo Fig., vitt11, Ov. .
tandem reclaere rortunam, Cic.; with quam, praetipellOO -tlpftl, 8. to glotO ~;
morl mllllee praeatltit, quam baec pati, Cle. fig., 11 praetepulaaet amor, Ov.
D. Transit., to btoo1He nird11 or guarantll for,
aiuwr /or, be ~ for. A. Lit., llea· praeter (from prae and sumx -ter, like inter
aallam Caeaart, Cic.: damnum emvtort, Cic.; a proptAlr). L Adv., A. Wit.h negatiYes, 1ll07'
Yi, .trur- 1"ioleno8, Cic. ; de me, Cle. ; with acc. tAa11., ~ ""4 aioeptio!I. of; nil praeter canu
and lntlu., nulloa (praedooe.)fore quls praestare fuit, Ov. a tNOTC thnti : foll. by quun, pneter
aapit quam, etc., Plaut. D. Prep. with att.,
poterat, Ole. B. Tranar., a, to JMT/orm, do,
crect&te, /uljU: 1u11m munua, Cle. ; oftlclum, A; or apace, poae, by, beyond: praetet- cutn
Caes.; b, to hep, hold; ftdem, to bejl ,,Ua toOTd, Caeaarls auaa copiu tranaduxit, Caes. ; praeter
Cle.: o, to Y'f"""; aoclos aalvoa, Cle.; rem- oculoa Lolli! haec omni.a ferebant, "4f"cwe tAt qa
publicam, Cle.; cl, to ~t 111,u,Vat, tzAUrit; qf, Cle. . . Tramf.l l, ~ baide,, eotWa!'.J
benevolent.lam, Cic. : ae, wiui acc. of predicau, to: praetAlr spem, L v.; praeter mod am, iw,ou
lo .tll\ow onaiev, behave onueJJ cu: 118 lnvletum, 9M1111111f'e, Cle.: praeter opinlonem, Cic.; praeter
Ov. ; praeata te eum, Cle. ; e, to giw:, mna; naturam, Cle. : 2, JJqoMd, 11101·1 tJ~a"; praets
ceteroa laborare, Cle. ; 3 tz«pt, vrit.1 tAt aap-
Cic.: seotentl&n1, to giw °""'
honorem debltum patrl, to aAOto FOJltf' raptet,
ophtioll, Cic.
praellti~ 1. dep. (connected with 1.
ti<m of; omnee praeter Hortensium, Cic.; wit.It
precedl~ neptl vea, nlhll praeter su um negotiwa

pnest-0), to toaU for, Gptd: with dat., tibi ad agere, C1c. ; hence, aowetlmea = buidu. i11. ad.
dUUn\ to, tcitl: num quid sllud ferret praeltt
rorum Aurelium, Cit'~; with acc., hulna adt'en· arcaml' Cle. ; ut praeter se deuos adducere~
tum ad Clupeam, Cle. CaeL
· praeatrbago -atrirud -strlctom, S. L to praetinp. s. to driw JHUt, chi• by;
MJid up, tie '!.P; faucem laqueo, Ov.: pollicea equum, Hor.
nodo, Tac. IL to lllakl blvm; aclen1 oculorum,
to tota.hft, darb11, Liv.; oculoa, Cle.; ftg., , (l)J'&eter and abt. d). L baiM,
riMr, Cle. IL ~ Ur.
aclem anlml or mentls, Cle.
praeatrilo -strun -etructum, s. I. ft> hild .
praetino ·lvl and oftener .JI -Rum -Ire.
'" /ronl, coRBtrud ~; hence, to block •p,
mw1,,. t~: adltum mootill, Ov. D. to L lntrauait., IQ go br, pau br; unda pneterilt.
pnrpare, Maka rtady for atiytMng : nitua ftdem Ov.: or time, to JICUI, ala.pit: hora, Ov. 1J.
slhl in parvis praestrult, J>t'OC1WU for U-V CNd'- Transit., to go br, pall bf. A. Geo., 1 0 hortos,
WlU71 ill liUlc tAi"fll, Liv. . Ole. : or time, in pl1l8. partic., prae~
praeeiU -1i1lla, c. OM wAo Ju•? or datlCll -a -um, ptUt, Cle.; praetirlta -Orum, n. iAe
b<fore olMra, a dancer, Cle. pall, Cic. ; 2, ftg., a., to ooopt tM MCioe of, llr
toib&owl& to; non me praewrit, I aa ..oe •IMl10llft,
·praesaJ.tator -Orl11, m. (praesulto), °"'WM Ck. ; · b, (a.) to pa11, omU; null um genus cro-
dancea lNJorw otlun, a dan«r, Liv. delit.atia pra.etAlrtre, Liaw v11.practi8«1, Cic. ; ul
_ praesulto, 1. (prne and sallo), toltap, 1prb\g nulla fere pars orationis sllenUo praeteriretur,
lJefrn-e. Liv. 1ma vnawlauded, Cie.; Ul) to OJRit, nae lo .,,..
praesmn .m.1 -etl88,to bt b<fore. L to be tion; caedes praetereo, llbldiues pnctereo, Cic.;
oiitr, bt plaetd oPer, J11'Mde owr; a, sacra, Cle. ; eap., or t.he Censor, tWt to read tM 1'awte qf.
navi faclendae, Cle.; b, to bt placed 0ttr, to IUUltM' at t1le CH$1" (to\ Ilia trpvhioll jr"6
govtr11; populo Cle. ; magistrafui, to presida tlll #natl); quatuor praetAlritl aunt, Liv.; (y) lo
a.!a mag(atrate, Ctc. : c, mlllt. t. t., to command ; /orga to do : foll. by quin and au bj •• _praeterire
exercltul, Caes.; In Biuttlla, Liv. D. Transf., non potul quln acrlberem ad te, Cic. ; (&) lo osit,
lo~ the cJait.f person, to take tlle kad in: temerl· leaw 011t, take no notice qf, JlCl'I o1'1tr, In preaeots,
taU T. Gracchl, Cle. ; ill! erudellt&tl, Cle. legacies, etc. ; Philippua et Marcellus pneter-
raeaiimo -sumpsl -sumptom 3. to talct euntur, an pa-a br, ~ nothing, Caca.; 8li11111

ri nh.and. L remedia, Tac.; domi dapea, Ov.

Transf., 1, to tnjo71 b<(orthand, to anticipale:.
fortunam prlncipatfl.s, Tac. : 2, a, to ima¢iu,
rratru (in a will), Cle. B. Esp., 11_to ,..... i• •
nice, C>Utatrip: jamque hoB CllMIU, ,JalJ\ pneterii
lllos, Verg.; 2, tlg., to rar:paa; vl.rtus taa alloa
praeterit, Ov.
npr..t to <Yll.Utl/ b<fortAand; spe praesumlte
bellum, Verg.: ~amP._tum babere, to ftPJ"Oll. ~alto. 1. to ride pal, rirl• bf,
lake for gm~ Tac.: b&. to """""• JllWl&tu,
nppoN, COl\lfCture, WU., -.1-.c. . p~ ·tl\ll -11.tum -rerre. "' CllllTf
. ~ -a ·um, p. ldl. (from prae- paal; pu&., pneterterrl, to lit cam.d pat, ,.
1amo). tam ltn' grof&llcl, ,,......a:
naplClo, 11 flow, cfnw, go Jl'l'I, LlT.
~- 1V1p(moi.., Tao:. .
pnete111tlo, a. lo Jll'l1 prlt, ~ ~: a:oeall.
prae 437 prae
L\Y.; a,. DtC praeteritam (Yoluptaten1) pr-.cter·
lluere 1mere, wnUA. /rom. IM rttOUtctUril, Cle.
lit., oru tello ,,_ b</brt: hence, 11 ltadt1', cAWJ.
He11cl', L In clYil b\i.inesa, th.c prudor; u..N of
praeter«rld.Jor ..gttUtU 1am, s. dep. the rh1er magi1ttrate at Capua, Cic. ; of the
(prut.l'r &n•T gtt<lior). lo poa bf, go bfJo"d; !;uffeteis at Carthage, ?\ep.; of the con11ul at
Rome (al.a caUed praet.or u1&:1h11ua), Liv.; at
cutra, Cie. ; primoa auoa, &II.
praeterltua ·a ·Om, partlc. of praetereo. Rome, eap., °"' of CM prwtvr1, the Ho11111n
mngislrat..·1 who admiui .. teroo (ori~. two,
praeterlabor -lap~u• sum, 8. dep. L to tlu· )'•!\>'I.or urhanu.a ano.I pllktor pere+irinus,
91 .. le blf, .Jf"w ''V; tnm~_lum, Ver!f.; tcllurem, tc ol whom the former waa Juo.IW' ln diaputea
1a:l by, Luer. IL f It-(., to lll1p «100.lf; a11te loetween Roman citizen•. the latter In cli•1•ute1
enirn ('Jellniti1.1) 1•raeter!a.bittlJ' quam percev!A betwet."n foreiJ.,'llcrs anrl L..>tween Roman citizen"
•t. Cle. and forelgneN); pr.1et.or 11 also U'!erl for pro.
praetermi§o, 1. to po.a by, go br. Luer. praetor, a m~i:1tmte who, arter he barl been
pra.etel"DWtelo ~nla, f. (praet.ennltto). L pnwt;•r, w111 &t•nt as a go,·emor to a 1•rovlo~;
praeto~ ptimus, tM pn;ulOr 'IDho ~Ud UM poll,
a lt::11:: :i.;1 "u'. 011ii4sion; sine ullius (fonnlle)
pn.·termls~1nx.e. Cic. IL o pcuring ONr, tte· Uc. D. To tran!llate Or. CJTparory<k, a COllL·
gW:J;r&lJ; a . .,::Jitatis, Cie. t111111dcr of IM armr of ca tt0n-Ronun' ft41io.;,
praetermitto -n1lsl -mlesum, S. lo ltt rxus. praetirlanu -a ·Om (praetorlum), /,,/nn!J-
.&..: Lit.., nc11iine111, Cle. B. Transr., 1, tv ld '11:1 to tlll' i111~ri<•I /1{)1f11-~11V1l'd, pmd-Ori<rn, Tac.;
pnu ti'IU, opportunii.11, etc.; diem, Cle.; occas· plur. 111u11t.., praet0rl&n1 -{,rum, m. IM pNU·
ic11e>1, C&eM.; 2, le ~'1led, omi.l; gratulntionem, gwird, 'J ac.
C1-:.; d~f,·11~i•m')m, C1c.; non or nihil pral'kr·
mitt-ore, f·•ll. by q11io, or nlhil praeten11itkre, full praetOrlum,. v. praetoriua.
by qu«1rinu~. i:::1c.; 3, in writing or •P'·aki11,:, to praetirfua -e -nm (pr:iPtor). L Adj., A.
p-1u owr, 1·11Lit; quod dl~nnm memoria \·isu111, refali119 to tM pnut11r, pnut11rian: &, of U1e
pra.eterim ~tt!ndum non existlruavlmua, Caea. ; prnetor at Rome, c_o111itia, tltclion of tlit 1>mrtnr,
vt1ba, Ci,~; t.antam rem Df'):ligeuwr, Liv.; 4, Liv.; jus, adm!nYUN•t bi/ the prador, C1c.;
lo oL'tr!.xJk, la~ v.11puni.slu:d, Liv., oj/f.u of pm£lar, Cic. ; b 1 Nlaling to a
praeterquam.. a.Iv. nxrpt, Cfc. : prader· pnulor or proprr.Wor (n the; domWI,
qaam 'l,:1. :d. ~pl that, C'ic.; pra~terquam ••• dnlli.rv; Pf a prvpr<Utrir, Cic. B. rtlatiftg to a
eti..1m, .,n·.; nihil Jlraeterquam, Liv. (lfneral or commandn', Cic.; navie, tlu adnliTClf1
1hip, Liv.; lmperium, comma rid qf tlu jf..ed, Cfc.;
praetervectlo -Onis, r. (1•r1..t.ervehor), CJ port&, Ute gau of the romp nrur the gt1~rol'1 tftl,
J71U1ing bi/ traulling pa4; in praetervectlone Caea.; cohors pnu~toria; (a) tht qe11tml"1 bod11-
omulum, Cic. gua.rd, Caes.; im11ie>1lly, 1<:ortatoru111 pra.etoria
praetervehor -vectwi sum, s. dep. L to cohon, Cic.; (u) (in Imperial Rome) t1l4 eT11J¥TOf' I 0

ritU l>I(, lkJll by, be ortrritd pail, Cle. ; Dl\"e1 body.guard, the prrutoria" guard, Tac. IL
Apolloniarn, C&eA.; cl11asiJ11 prae· Subat., A. pra.etOrlum -II, n. 1, Uw o.lfci«L
tervehen.,, Liv.; pra.etervehena eqno, Liv.; Ilg., re.suu11a of t1u! praetor or propnutorin a prot'i'IVt,
locum cum ailt•ntlo, J>a-<$ by ln litt111::e, Cic. ; Cle.; hence, trnnef., a 7ia.lare, JU\". ; 2, the}
or-.. tf•l aures ve11tru rrae~rvecta ut, Cic. IL plact: in a Roman romp, 'li:hat: the gtntrotl'• tent
Of aoldit>ns, to man:.\ pad, Tac. wru, and whtrs tlu am, tht au!TUral•, and the
praetervolo, I. to ff'f_pcut. L Lit., quem tribunal wrt, W which the 10/rlitr' wt~ 1u11111107ttd
prae~rvolat ale!'!, Cic. IL Flp:., to 1/ip by, to hro.r rpui:hufrnm tht f1t11rral, the o.ffi<%TJ tc Aold
Q()l~; r•r:ietervolat numerus, Cic.; occ.aaionla a co11n«il of u'ar: tit l·eli~riter con1·ursuH In prae-
OVJ>'•rtnnitas praetervolat, Cle. toriu111, Cae11.; praetorium 111ittere, dlmitterc,
praotexo -texi\i ·textum, 8. L to totat't to dismiM tht of u'ar, Liv.; poet., tAe ~!l
beff)rt, fi•rni an t.{f'}f!, border, fringe; 1, lit., of IM '/"t~ri-l>l'e, \'ug.; 3t the i1npvial body-
pnrpura M!'pe tnos ft1l11en11 pral'texit amlctus, guard, Tac. B. praetinua -11, m. (sc. vlr), o
OT.; ~or tnnka purpura praetexta, Liv.; or 1><ut J>raaur, Cw.
simply tog:\ pr:i.etexta. Cle.; or, prae- praetrepldo. 1. w trtmbte u.cudinglv, to
teJCta -ae, I. an upptr garrnmt, l> with be h<Mty or ii.tJ<.1lien.t; praetrepi<laos, liaaty, Cat.
yurp/.e, worn by the magi.•tr~te!I at Romltand In praetiira ·RC, r.(praetor). Lthtoffict, <lig1iit11
the ltalian ruunfripla anu colonlae, and by free- of a pruefor at Rome; praetura se 11b.Jicare, Cic.
born children, till they assumed tlie toi<a vltilia, lL= crTpaT1'j)'io., the dig,1ityo/ a gentral in Cruce,
Cic. ; hence, meton., .,raetesta -ae, t. (sc. Cic.
fabula), CJ Ro171Ll7' n.alwmal tr<19tdy, Hor.; 2, Praetiitll -6rum, m. <1 1""T'le in ltoly, In
tra111r., &, w provide toitA a border, adorn: to Piccnum. A1lj. Praetutlii.nua -a -um, l'rat-
prorridc, .{v.rn~h. with i omnia lenloribua p1inci1•il1 1

natura praetexuit; o, to frinr1s, oowr; J•np~a

tutiari; ag('r, Liv. •
pr:1ct•''<Hnl litnra, Verg.; fip:., to co~, cowrnl; pr~umbro, l. to ovcrshad010; fig., to o1>-
cnlpa1n 11m11i11" ";ii, \'erg.; c, to adorn; sc·111·(, I ac.
Ang11Kto prart-·xtnm nomine templnrn, Ov. IL praevAlens ·entis, partie. or
"' p11t _fi•r1JY1rcl lf6 a prtU:a; cuphlltatem tri11111· (q.1 .). .
phi, Cu~. praeuro ·Ussi ·Ustnm, 3. to burn at the end
praetexta. v. praetexo. or ti11; hasta 1'nte11sta, Liv.; 11tipitea ab dllllllUO
praetextatua -n. -um (priu>texta, from praeacuti et pracusti, ea...s.
praetexo). L dad i11 the praetextA, Cie. IL praevatio -vii.lilt, 2. L to be phy6'caJ!J
liot11lfoiu; 111ore1t, Juv. ltrong; prnr1·alcns juvenl.a Rumanua, Liv. IL
praetextum -1, n. (praextexo), CJ~ Transf., be very 1trong or pawtrfu.J.. to han
prrra;t, Tac. grtal inj!11tnrt, to be stronger, to hai·e '/\Ore iaflu·
ence thaii others, to J>rtmil, to get t}W! u~r hand;
pra.etextus .Q, m. (praetexo). L outward pmevalens populus, Liv.; praevalet pugnA.
appra.ranu, CJJn.~idtration, conseqiun.r.-e, Tac. IL equestri, to ~ stronger ift., TllC.
a prttt.a; anb levl verliorum praetextu, Liv.
praevatldue -a -um. L Lit., wry 1trong,
. ·tlnctua, 3. tc dip in or uwWti& 'l!try po1ctrful; juven!B, Liv. IL Fig., a, of
~urd&an.d, Ov. persons, etc., Blaeaua, Tac.; nrbe, Liv.; b, of
praetor ~ri•, m. (for praeitor, from praeeo), things, terra, too/ertik, too produaiw, Verg.
prae pre
praevanoatlo -Onls, r. (praevarlcor) a Mo-. pri.vltaa ·Alis, r. (pravus). L croobdMll,
laiW11 of duty; eap. or an advocate who has au Erregularity, defonnil'JI; membrorum, Cic.; orls,
undersbmdiug with the opposite party, collu· a dimrtion of the moulh. in 11ifJQJ.;iiig, Cic. II.
rio11, Cle. Tranar., A. irregularity, impropr-Ut,, Cic. B.
praevi.rloi.tor -Oris, m. (praevarioor), OM ~ i""o/"1arit11, wichdM;", perver1Uy,prari1J;
tDM h.ia duly, e11p. or au advocate, mentis, C1c.; conaulum, Liv.
accuser, etc., 01Ul 10Ao 1'as a secret u11deratandi11g pravu ·a ·um, crooktd, irrt!lUlar •Whapn,
'tOith. tM opposiU party, a double iUaUr; prae- thjormtd. L Lit., membra, Cic. fL Transf.,
varieator !ligniftoat eum qui in contrariia e&ulli& morally crooktd, ~~. imprr>ptT, 1l1rOf&{1;
quasi varle e:1se po11itus videatnr, Cic. alfeclio, Cle. ;"prav1ssi111a regula, Cic.
praevartoor, 1. dep. (varico). L Lit., to go Praxltel8a -is and -1, m. (TipatiriA~), a
crooked, v,~ilk crookedly, Plin. IL l<'ig., to fll.ay sculptor of .Ath.tns. upt,t.;ially fu»lOtu for hiutahus
a false or doubu pa1·t; esp. or an advocate or of .A.phrodm at C1lidus and of Eros at Thupiot.
accuser who has a secret undenitan<llng with Hence, adj., Praz:itiliua -a -nm, of J>ran.
the other sl:ie, to be guilty of coUu1w1t, Cle. telu.
pra.evi.rua -a -um, 1'tTfl perverae, Cic. pri§cirio, Adv. (precarius), 1'y mtrt.atr; rog-
praevehor -vectus sum, 3. dep. to rith or are, Cic._
be mrricd btf()1't, in ./nmt,; praevectus equo, preoirlua -a -um (preeor). b!g!lfd for, ubd
riding ixut, Verg., Liv. for, ob~ai11er.l by e1Urtaly. L liherta.o;, Liv.; orare
praevenlo -vi!ni -ventum, 4 • to oomt btjore, precanam opem, ~Iv. IL ~r~~sr., u1tartmn,
anticipuu, get tht start of; hostis breviore vili. Utllt!C'Urt,_pruaric~. rorma, o~. , unpenu_m. Tar..
pracventuruR erat, Liv.; with acc., hosteu1, pz:ioatfo -Oms,· r. <v~cor), a ~1'11.{1, ~
Liv.; morte praeveutus, owrtaktn by ckath, Liv. trrotm9, rt'fl!P', _prayer; Illa sollerun1J> com1tJ.
praeverro, 8. to noup or brush before : veste orum precat10, C1c.
vias, Ov. precea_ v. prex.
praeverto (praevorto) -verti (-vortl) -ver- , prfScla.e (preti'.ae) -irum, r. a kind of nu,
emu (-vol"!ium), a. and praeverior -'l"'erti, 3. \erg.
dep. L to undertake bt,fore; quod huic sermon! preoor (praecor), l. deJ>. (prex), to btil,
vraevertendum, Cic. IL to go befort, run befort, t11trrot, rtquul, pmy,_ tntiokt. .L Gen., (ca) with
outstrip. A. Lit., ventoe, Yerg. B. 1''ig., 1, to acc. or pers., deos, C1c.; (ft) with a_cc. or t.L!~g,
a11ticipt1.U; with acc.= to hindn-, mal.t of 1w O!Jem, Liv.; h11ec pre1:1tt11s sum, C1c.; (y} wit)
amil; quorum usum opportu11itas pruiwertit ut or ne, or ut ne or non prcl'or, foll. by quq
Liv.; 2, to lay 11-0ld of be.fort, pnoccupJ; prae: minus aud subj., preeor ab tliis u~ etc., Cic.~
vertere nnimos arnore, Verg.; 3, to be uf 11101-e (.5) :ibsol., e~m sororem ded1sse Prusi:i.t precaoti
iniporta.11ct, to surp<Ui, to be u-eightitr; nee po,;,ie atqne ora~t1, Liv.: used .also or tlungs_, dertn
hello praevertis,;e quidqua111, Liv.; 4, (dep. precan.s, '·erg. IL to wish g_ood or t1·1l: ~.e
pracvert-0r only in present forn111); a, to turn precar1, Liv.; 111ale precar1, ~te.; preca~r ahcu1,
to first, to /ak( more noiict of; illuc pratvert.:u1111r, to cur~ a ptnon., C1c. (partic., preouuua, t.hree
Hor.; b, to go to, ma.kt a vi&it to; in Thessaliam, syllables, Verg.).
Liv. preheado, prl!hendi, prehensum, 3. and
~video -vidl -vlsurn, 2. to /Ill btf()1't, fo1·e- s)·ncop., prendo, prendi, Jtremmru (prao aod
Ill. L Physi!'ally, ictum ve1iientem, Verg. IL HENDO, xa...\ci....,), to lay liold of, 1eizt hold of,
Tra~11f.! respublica quam pnwvi<leo In sumrnis mtch.. L al!qucm manuJ:ic.; or the soil tellus
per1cuhs, C1c. 1
prel1endit st1rpes, Ctc. .u.. Esp., A. r.. /ay ltdd
praevftlo, 1. to ~pt or vittaubtforthand; of, to mtch, dtlcd_ri, in order t-0 speak to _a per·
guriik.111, Ov. son; ahquem, C1c. B. k> aucA:, ck~~t u1 a•r
praevlu -a -um (prae and via) goillg before oct; In furto, Pl~ut. C. to soze i."toltnlly, ta
proxdina ov ' ' take hasty posMssion of; Pharnm, Caes. D.
' · Meton., to rwch; oras ltaliae, \'erg.; quwn ip-
praevolo, 1. to ft)J before ; praevolantes sum ea mo<leranlem et re!,<entew paeue pren-
grucs, C1c. derit obstrt'td Cic.
pragmiitlcus -a -n~ (1rpaw(l·wi:<X}, skill~ . pr°be~ and onener prenao (inten2'. of
in ~v1l "ff,";trs, state busrneu, l'lc.; pra;;matic1 prehendo}, l. k> lay hold of, sriu. L rnanus,
hon11ne11, C1c.; suhst., pragmAtlcua -!, m. Liv. II. F,sp., A. to la11 hold of a pencm ia
c person u•h{) sury>lie.l orator.~. ond adrocatc.s with order to speak l-0, to make a re'j1U.St, etc.;
Wt.atcnals for the• r f]itecJu-s, C1c. genna, Tac. ; veteran Oil, Liv. B. to c:a>il'a$1 far
prandeo, 1•ran•li, prnnsmn, 2. (prnnclium), an office: hominea, Liv.; pat.res, Lh".; abeoL,
to t,,L,, l>m1Lfi"t, k> hrw1l.f1t.SI, Cic.; with aec., to prcnsat Gallia, Cic.
brn1kft1.,t 11:. : 0!11:1, lmwinias, Hor. prilum -i, n. (premo), a tciu-prea, oli•
prand.l\;m -Ii, 11. (<~01111. with Dor. Trp0.11 = pri:ss, \"erg.
,,,,..;'1J), n /atr l1rrttlfi•st or l1111rl1, t11kfl1 11~1<1111 primo, pressi, Jlrc88Unl, s. to~ L Gen., .
71(}(!"•. nf /Jrcm!• fish,_ ro/1l mmt, ct.c. ; Jll1ln~l1un! 1, a, lit., a<t pectora 1111tM, \erg.; veatigia
(11hcm)d1ue, C1c.; al1<1uc111 acl prand111m 111v1tan', 1tlic•uiw~. to follotl' in n11y onls ~ Tac.;
Ctc. f11•1i:1 dent<), to chnmJ>, Ov.; b, fig., ueceaitu
pranaua -a -11111 (prau.tro), linving lnnrlred; r11111 l'remchat, Cit-.; pren~i aere alieno. {,'le.;
cu mt u,; 1·t prn111111~ (<1f soldicni), rrn.dy for 2, transf., a., to to11cA; hlus~ Hor.; hNtUl&la
tu:li-•11, }'N"flllrt:Jlfc•r b.1111~. Liv.; l'l"llllSUS, potUll, premit a11111ioi, Sll'ITIJIUlda, Ov.; D, to lwld; r~ua
lat•ing m/c11 n1ul drunk uvll, Cic. man11, Ov.; c, lucum, to be ojk,. ill " ,..UW.,
pritenaia -e (prat11111), of or re/ati119 to a fm11m1t; fr 1111n, Cic.; so kJ prei,, V.'it.A tM body.,

'llUadou•, grou-i11g in a mM.<luw: fungw1, Hor. lie on; 1111111u111, Ov. i ebur, poet.= Utt
pratfilum -1, n. (1li10. of pratum), a little clwir of i001'7I, Ov.; d, ta rover, COft.a'.al; citniUem
mrodDw c ("&lea J'l"f'lllilllllS, Vrrg.; 0118&, to ll'llry, Ov.; Ir.,
• IC. (ca) tv bury, wru1>; me presait al ta quies, \'eq;. ~
pritum ·I, n. L a mta1ww; pratoruru (JJ) to ronixal, BU)>prt.SB; cnram suu corde, \'erg..;
Ylrldltas, Cle. D. Met.on., meadow-gnus, Ov. e, to 1na.l.e llOll&tthing br preuirig; cuenm, Vag.;
prav0, adv. (pr&VU.i), lit., crooktdlV; hence, lac, to mah ch.wJt, Verg.; f 1 to Jlt"Cll Mnl, ti
elf, 1t1rongl1f, Cle. p11rnu cl011tly. nrm Kpon; post.ea, CaeLi op.
pre f39 pri
J'lidam obsfdlone, Caell.; cenmn ad retla, to drlw l'rDUn1l8 ·f, m. (IIpla140«). L CU Zul liftf
l1"o tM mta, Vtirg.; tlg. 1 to Jl'l.!Taut tritk. "'°rd.I; of Truv, Au1band of, /alltlr of PatU.
aliquem,Cic.; aliq11emenmiuihm1,0v.;g,to l~, Heckr Cassandra, ete. Hence, A. Prl&miltt
toloa.d; carlnn.e preasae,Verg. D. A. to J>rW in; -1tli11 1 /. a daughter of Pri«m, Ca.aandra, Ov. B. In vlte, Ov.; 1•1-easo ,·e11tiKio, Cle.; trauar., PriAmldia -ae, m. a'°"' of Priam, Verg. C.
to tnaTk; rem no1 A, Ov. B. a to e:rtinguilh ; Aolj., Prli.melus -a -um, bW>ngi11g to Priam:
ignem, Verg.; b, to prus ou.I; oieum, Hor. C. hospes, Puri&, Ov.; coitjux, J/ecuba, Ov. JL
to prua clou:n: a, lit., (a) eurrum, O\·.; aulaeum grandao11 of fOTt,goiflf!, .on of Politn.
11reutltur, Hor.; {IJ)to 7./a11t; vlrgult.a per agros, Pri&pu.s (-H) ·I, m. (Tipl.1r~), tltt god oJ
Verg.; (y) to •trikt to th.4 ground; tres fa111ulo11, gartlws und trineyard1, t.M got£ of Jerttlitv, orig.
v..rg.; b, Hg., {a) to alawkr, dtprteiau; aliq11em, wol'Hhipped at Lampsacus.
Liv. ; hu111n111t oumht, to dt.<pfM, Cle.; Cft) to
llll))(U.11: facta prtimant annos, Ov.; (y) t-0 nil•, :pridem, adv. (from old form prl1, whence
Lkp trithin bo1mda; populos ditione, '\'erg. D. pnor, )'ti«liti aud -«le111). L lo1'l.{1 flflO, long 1ince;
to Pft" '11/dMr; a, alienl f11UCt"t', Ov.; collum Jam 1•ritll'tn, lo11g u112~ Cle.; non it.a pridem, t&oC
l&queo, Hor.; b, to dra10 fo; habenas, Verg.; wry <mg ago, Cle. .u.. fr:n-mrrl11, Cle.
equos curn,ntell, to chtckt,:Verg.; c, to down., vridli., a«lv. (from old fonn prls, when~
pnui.e; um br.un !Hice, \erg. ; tlg., to ahmtm; pnur, pt idem and dle11), on tM duy befm"I ~sU:ro
9.!lk clil:1ta11t11r a nobls, Zeno sic premdlllt, Cic. day; \\Ith acc. or gen it. of the rlay from wit Ich
1 lo hold back: cursum, to cll«J.:, Cle.; voce1n, the recko11h1g la taken, or foll by qnam, J•ri•lie
U> t... rilenl, Y erg. eum diem, Cie.; :pri«lie elus dilli, Cie.; i•rillle
prendo prehendo (q. v.). quam Ather.aa ven1, Ck.
prenaado -Onls, f. (1•re11so), tit• conNa£ng Prlini -~s. t. (TipujYIJ), o «tt·J>Orl ,_ Icmla,
for a11 ojfl.a, Cic. birthplace flf Bicu, 11ow Samstm Kuk1t. '
preD90 = prehenso (q.v.). primaevua ·& -um (prhnus aud aevum).
preaai., adv. (prt'88U!I). &, of pronnnclnllon, ,Wflf/, yl)ll.thful; Helenor, Verg.
tWl broadl1, fUl.tlly; preslltl et ot>qualiilitrr et -a ·llm (primm1), 'belonging to tM
1~niter, Cic.; b, or style, briefly, ccmciwy; ftrat ltgicn. Subst., primial -llrum, m. -«·
tlicere, Cic.; o, accurauly, prteisel.11; i•ressius d~ of tlv .ftnl leg£o11, 'f1tc.
e.gere, Cic. primarlua ·a -11111 (primus), fa tlte ftrd rait.k,
prHlllo -llnill, t. (premo), In plur., propa, ez.ctlltn.t, diatinguiaM:tt; vlr )10pull, Cic.
•111. Caes.
prea.o,. I. (lntens. or premn), to prtu; manu
primlginlua ·a um (primua and geno
bn.chla, Hor.; 111.iera, to milk, Ov.
= ~ig110) 1 OT41inal, primitive, \"arr. Subst.,
Primlginfa .ae, t. a iur114DU o/ tM gocldt"
1. preesua ·11 -um, p. aJJ. (from premo). L }'ort1111e, Cic.
Lit., Wiil', 1M11rured; pre11.~o gradi1, Liv. IL primlgenua ·• ·nm (pii11111s and geno :::r
Tn111,.f., l, 1ne11iured; of pron1111ciatbn, a/ow, glguo). Ol"iginal, prlmitiw, Lner.
ocrttlrollw, m01lerau: se>nl, Cle. · 2, IMn, C01'·
ciM; orntio. Cic. ; orntor, t:ic.; 3,
accurate. pre· primlpilarta ·111, m. (J•ri111ipi1111), tM «•
efM; Thu.·yrlitles verlii:s press us, l:ic. turi01l of the fir" ma11iple of t1w tnarii.
2. premeua .n,,, m. (pre1110), a pru1ing, pru- primlpilua. v. pilus.
,.,., ; po111.lerum, Cio. primltlae ·lrum, f. (prlmus), ftrd·/T11U1,
Prester ·liris, m. (11'P'J'1nlp). a ftn-v 10htrl- Ov.; tninsf., metallornm, thl mf.11tralajlrat tf1ktn
wfnd, Luer. 1)11.t of .a mi.M, Tar. ; spolla et 1•rimltiae, jirlJ•
fruit4 of victory, Vcrg.
prido.i, adv. (pretlosus), '" ca coatly man.-
wtr 1 qilenJ.idly, ·nwgnifiC4<••tly; vua i•retiose primltiis, adv. first, /of' tkt fl rat tirM, Luer.
e&f'1&t11, Cic. primO. adv. (priruns), Jl.TllU11, at .first, (fl tM
pritfO.U. ·• -um (pretlu111). L costly, 'Pf't- btuh111i1111; primo ••• deh1 or deinde, Cle.;
civus., of gnat t'<ll1te; equus, C:ic.; fulvo pretl· priluo , •• }l08t, Lfv.; quD.Dl primo, aa ~ aa,
o:tior a.ere~ Ov.; res 1•retlo11i8'Si111ae, Cic. IL Liv.
Transf., a. costly, h.iqh·priud, ckar, Prop. B. primor ·llrf1 (prlmus). thl ftrd. L tM
atraiiagaHt, giving a high. price /OT a thing; foremost pan, 'ip, t»d : - prhnort In acle
eru1•tor, Hnr. versarl 1 Tac.; snmere allquld dtisitulla duobua
pritlum ·Ii, n. (root PRET, ~PAA, cf>p0.(1o1), pMmonbm1, with th• lip• of tM Jingtr1, PL'lut.;
'IPvrtll, -tulut, 1•rloe.. L Lit. an«l Hg. 1 l, [it., aliqul«l prlmn1ibus Jabrls attingtlre, or gust.Are,
pretium eonstitucre, to fiz the price, C1c.; 1•rd- to touch 1cUh ths li111, I.e., to lrtal 1uperficiaU!,
1urn habere, to bt 11-orth. ADmetldng, Cic.; so esse Cle. Sul•i1t., prlmores, thf /OTt'lllost (nillit t. t. ;
In prttio, I.Iv.; 1•anl prctil eMe, Cle.; 2, fl~, qunm primores caderent, Liv. IL Tranaf.t t •
npt".rae \!Orum pretium faee1e, to prl?t, Liv. IL first tn ra11k, most diltingui&lwd.; juv.. ntus, .i...iv.
Tr&nsf., A. mcney; pretlo emere, for mcnty, Subst., prim0rea ·UID, m. Ule mosi Ulv.strioiu;
Cic.; esp., mn.w111-111.011ey: paetum rro caplte ci\'ltatls, Liv.
pretium, Cle. B. •wogea, pay; a, 111anus, Cle.; primorcUum .n, n. (prlmus and ordlor),
tig., 01ierae pretium e~t. or Y.i_dct11r, with lnli11., thtJ first ht.ginning, commma111111t, origin; urbis.
it ii worth tlt.t u,J.Ue, Cic.; 9b, 111-iu, rticanl: Liv. Plur., i•rimordla rerum, Cic.
certaminl-., Ov.; 11ullo satis digno morne 1•retio
km pus b~rnnt, Liv.: c, pay== punish1nt11t; et primum. adv. (prhnu@). L ftnl,ftrs]'IJJ, al
~ccare uefu, aut pretlum est 1110ri, Hor.; d,
first: foll. by delnde, tum, etc., Cle. IL /OT
bribe; adduct 1•retio ad homluem condcmuand· the first timl: quo die primum convocntl sumus,
um, Cle. Cic. DI. With ut, ubl, quam. simnlac, as 1001' •
pre:x, pr~cf!1, only In dat., acc., and alil., cu, Cic.; quam prlmum, aa '°°"cu po&Sibl1, Cle.
gen. plur., 1•rkes, pr~cum, f. a nquest, entreaty. primua. v. prior,
L Gen., prcces a<lhiloere, Cle.; prece hum ill, prlnoepa ·elpis, a. (primua and caplo), adj.
Cic.; omnibus pn'eibus petere or orare ut, etc., and '"1bst. L Lit., princepe eat in &b-endo,
Caea., Cle. II. Esp., a, pravtr; eol1llll preces
ac vota, Cfc.; b, a curse, uecration; omnibus
Cic. ; prlncl~s lnvenlendl, >rat t-0 disrovtir, ~
J!rinceps se11:1tils, the wnatpr trl1nu namt
preclbas dete11ta.rl allque111, Caca.; c,_ G -.rbh; JI.rat 011 IM Ct1t.1or'1, Ll'v. IL Ule chief. thl
d&mua alternaa acclplwusque precss, uv. mosl di.UinguWitd. .A. Gen., with genit., prlii-
pri pro

*ct,. eMtati., Cle.; prtadpee eonjaratlnn...

AemcU, Cle. i renun rabllcmmn pinelJIC'll.
''° prlllOi. adY.
tM ClllCiru, """"'·
("'!::9l .,.,,,. ta. .....,. fl
, ; ....... Ck:.
<'ho.: •&AJ"•Mpe juYentatls, of IA. ou MOii prlMa -a .W. (from prU, ep. Gk • .,U.). L
dUiillflt of Ck Jl'fhidall ,nlA, esp. GWIO"f atU:it11t, HIMJu; prllclJI Y.lria, Cle. i hcaCle Tal'-
CA. p11triri411 biflllt., C..'lc.: wttll In and tJie ab1., qulnlua .Prlacua, t1c }ril q/ 1i6 lit•c, LIY.; r.ap.
In Jure rivili prbU"P9· etc. ; plnr., prtnelpew, with the noUoa of al&dtlll, Wlkmblc, 6tlo1tfl.,
dUti 1191',_. ......
Cle. 8. Eap., 1, t:AW/, r.adn', lo CU fOOd o1c1 a;..,,; jJrillCUl'I lmitar11evuit~lt-.
fr*"'1er; Zeno 1'fkiceps 81.olconam, l.'lo.; I, a
"""" pri1tce, eap.
GMlly, a,/P~rrf• IM
the em~rw at. Rome, OY. ; .
8, priDd~a, orii:. tM Jrlll rad; 111 a ~"
bttlDH• IAc .....
tati anct triarii; hence, prin~I''• a, n W11tiplt
---u ..
Cle. U Tran.t., A. Jwwr, 6ftnou;
Hor. B. .wn, lttt'll, eat.
·Um (from -a.. -
u l"rutinut rmm t•ru), /orfttn-,
....... ~....
Gil. . -...
pm-., -..-·
of tAt ,.nrinl'irva; alanum rnm rnul', Liv.; prUliJtC. L Ot!n., dignltu, Cic.; nna. Cle.: la
,... .. ,. prtatlnuru 11tat.uan redir.-, ~. D. j u put,,
b cuturio• of CU princiru; prin«ps prior, of ur rrlrtli•f ,,, ,.,unlt•y; diet t•riaolinl, c.-.
~-t'(l•rincepa). L.-rrl, oriqi110l; prllltle ·la, r. anlf ptatrl:s -tnl"bc, t·
CAUBile, Ctl'. D. Tr111 .. f., rtlntin~ to Utt tllfq (ll'piO'T•t). L GillM .,.,,.,.,., n rlinlr, lll\nrt,
..,A ' R
,_cc " a oman. caap
(pri 1 · 1.
DC p1a : v..., ro
• l!!f'tr.-JM., \"erg. Trallllf., a, tu Cftl/Ull,.tlntinta
o/IM WAnlr Cle • b • ••"'' •irift·111ili•1 .. ,,
IM broc&d olfr.'I wllicA ptUlltd lllrotcg tM ct11tn q/ ,, U '. ·' 11'I Mi \:
a Jlmrw1& a1111p, Liv.; port.a princip11lla, dext.ra, o, _,, v. • wa- 1 n r. "'i:·
alnlatra, tht fl'll• 01& «CCl ride, "Liv. _prl611. lldv. (prlnr). L "''""· p10~,
prSaol - ma a. (pri ). Utt ~nt C1c. ; foll. by quam, bt,fon t.Alrt, ,,,_/nf'r, etc. IL
plact, ~ae1u:r.. L O'~n., te.!'ec.:;rincl~m /orwtt~lr! Olt. .
eententiae, lo ll11w tM rif1U In rote .-r.i, Cic. D. .....fttlm. ~"· .<prh·~t1111). rr1n1ttfir, "' a
Eap., A. tlle flril n111l: ia IM sta.u. or !rMll'I, anti f"'.&mlt p<r10•, 1'! pr1mk L I.ft., prin~
gen., rvlt, doai1&'°1&; <'u11io prindpatum dari, Al!t!uld rrcre, CIC.; '' ''!'_'.~"' mallfiufft, Cic.
Cle.; princlp1tum in clvltate obtinere, Cle. B. D.. Tra111if., nl ~,,,..,; pt1\&t1m 11e tenc:re, lo n-
ln phtlOIOpby, tlw fOW"'l'l"9 pri1tcipl' of adio11.s
(Ok. ro ~O..). etc. c.; a btgtuir1g, origf11 1
'"°'"-"' _Aunu, Liv. .
pn.atlo -Onbl, r. (pnvu),

a /rttl"* froa;
Cic. · dolt>ri~. Cle.
prbaolpW!ll •(('rinclplwn),orlgirml, Luer. priY&tua .. ·nm (prlvo), primt~ ft/ or ft·

olpllllll ·II n (prince ...) "-huiht" lut.i11!1t 1a1•rimte. i11<l&i-id11at.
L a, or thin;:.,
. .' · ,... • a ""If • pr1utl '°~ 11Cpara\i qrt,, Caes. : vita, Cle.; Dt'tll.
o gi ~ J,~t., pnnclplum dk~~di, Cle., pri11·
clvto bellt, ~IV. ~ due~~re J•rlucl)llUUI ab •l.i•1uo,
aulML, In 1,ri,·ato at lo•r, I.iv. ; prh·ato roa·
1illo, tritltowt Ille avilaorit~ of tu lllc1te. 011 OIW & 0

t11 mal."! a f?'u1nnu1g 1c•1t~, ~le.; (~n) prlnclp10, '" Olt"lt aCt"Ownl, Ole11. ; In itrtvat 11111 nnde,,., fer
,,., ~lltlllltf1, alj(rat, C1c., aprruclplo, /rmnUt.t rrlrott VR, I.iv.; trlbntum ex privato ronfrrTl',
bt1J&nni11g, ~·~ D. Me~n., A. tAtgrottn~tr0rk,
1 .1plum urbia, ~1c•• plur.,
/011.11dnl.iou, 1J eht Inn
/roM 0 ..,., prirntt proprrlr, Liv.; b, (\r f-'"'°Dl\
u 11 primlt 711 ait, Cle.: ,·Jr pri,·alua. Cic.: ahll
l!..rincip1a, ~tlt111e1ttf1}Nt ~.,.illdpla, jurl11, etc. J'e'"""•
imbtlt., J•rh·al.n!I, a priratr Ci<.'.; n,::w.._
B. 1, tAt !rtb«I or ~ria v:-'kA ~ Jrd, IJ.'-.Pf"'· D. Esp., In ln•Jlt'rial
roµat!'" tr1bt-, etc:, FaudacnriA .rmt prlnclpmm,
Lav. , 2, Ille btg1Aner, jovn.dn-, morla, Ov. C. .
augurea, pri\aU, Ck:.
bcloll!Jixg to tllt ,,,,aljaallJ, TaC'.
llilit. t. t. prlDolpla ..Orum 1 tlufroNI n:anb Privenaum ·I, n. a 1<»1r11 ' " J.at11r•, 110W
Ball.· 2 ille cJ&ief place cJ&W :tral fa a azmp' Piptruo. Hence, PriTernU ·Alia, f'f'lnli•f fO
"'htr8 ~ tlti kltts of '11te gtMml, l~galu, aad Prirer1unn., t.'!c.; in Privcrnati, f• CM OOHalJ ti
lrib1111a, tutd tdere tpudaa _,.. daiwn:d"' t1t Pri"!"'""'• Cic.
toldien, tlu Atad-qvartera; In vutrorum C'U· pnvtpa ..c, r. (fem. ot prMgnu). • ~
trorum ('l'lnclpila, die. daughUr, Cic.
prior ·US, genlt. -l\ril, super)., prlm118 ·8 »rivlpu .f, m. (= f'livfvnna, from pMf"llS
•Um (from olft form f'ril, wbenr,e prlitem, f'r'fltlf', SDCI glgnn, Ultt btgotftll Mpdnlltl1). Cl fttp--llC)a,Clc.
priatlnu11). I. Compar., A. Lit•• tlu flrst, fM l)ri.OiglmD ·II, n. (privua &1111 Jex), a law
i"" of tro: prl~rea pedea, Nep. B. Tran1r., 1, mRling to°"' J"ITln" oxly, a '1'«ial law, prindl
«:st'" oritu o/ h~, /"""!'f 1 ~"" qf hou: com Itta, ln10; privikgium fcrre, lrropre, Cle.
Ctc.; consul anm prions, Ltv.; priore ant.ate, - (pri ). L 1 had ...
'" tlM 1"""'"' 6UJ111ftt'7', Cle. ; sut.L, Pl'.lires ~VO. 1• . VUI •
-um m. an«dor., Verg • 2 bdltr prt/trabl' drpnw q/; ahquem vii.A, C1c. D. ~n a poi&
•n • sen-. -
. -~ Uttllt11t; rea nu Ila prlor 'pot.ion:iue visa eat: atnlie! ro/rtJt: /Nia; allquem •lolon", C1c. •
th-. ; nihll priu• nee potina eat quam (roll. by pnV118 • ·Um. L - ' • : ln dka f'"W'09,,
tnftn.), Liv. n. BDJlf'rl., primu ·• -um, tlu Luc.-r.; homlnea, Cle. U. Trauar., & ~
~nt. A. or place tAc ftrll, jonftloll.; •• adj., "''""· Luer.; uard dlatributlvely, o•ie .,,.. ;
Ehuronmn fines, Ca;;•• ; primlt J11 bria, tcitA IM btlbu1 prlvla ~nl9qa tanicla dona~, ~"· B.
lips of Uac Hp1, Cic.; b auhlt.., priml, ,.lte,/orn&od, Jlllrlic'ltlnr, ap«ial, 011t'1otn; priva tri~ H«.
Cle. B.. Tranar., 1,-l,.. '" urder or it& ttwu:: a, 1. pro {old abl. neut. nr .. prua -a ·nm. f'P.
adj., pt'imaelitterae,6ic.;eap.,(a)in poets, prln1ua prae, connected with •p0).1Jefwc, fer. L .Adv..
for prinrnm, viz prima lnefperctt ae11tu, Verg.; unlyln phrai.ea proquam, J>rOUL D. Prep. witll
(lj) parUUve, rrimi nocte, '" IM .flrd part of abL A. Lit., of apa~. 1, l'w,/On, '" /ron.l q/; a,
UM Aiglrl, Caea.; b, aubat., a prlmo, ,/roft tM ln answer to the qutstlon, where? llf'dena pro
btgtan.iT&g, Cic.; In primo, Rl ftrll, Cie.; plur., 1e<te, etc.; b, In anawer to q11e11tlon, whither!
prima, UUhegi'IUUng, Liv.· tluelntetal&, Ln<"r.; In
primla, Ill llu btgirlniAg, Ltv. : 2, of rank, &ta·
Caesar rro caatr111 auu
fart, °"· corf&ll
produxit; L fle..
in; pro tribunal , Cle. B. Tra11af., 1,
lion, etc.,jrst, wrod u:oclltnt, ••O&I distingui&httl; for, in b«ihalJ ofi in Jaro11.r qf; hoc non 1..000
homine• priml, tM tllMt f.Uvtlriotu, Cle. ; romltla non pro me, RM contra me est, Cic. ; dimicare
Jlrima (I.e., <"enturlata and trilmta), Cle.; prlma pro Jegibua, etc.; ~. a., '" 1ilaot «Vt /fir; pm
fenere, lo 1'old tM ~rrt f'la1¥, Verg.; part.ea conaule, Cle.; pro qual'at.>rt, Cle. ; D, m. ,..
prtmae, or "Imply primae, tlu ltadi119 pare (o• flood u; pro dAmnato eae, RI good ns 1ia.d,..,...,,
tu «a"). etc.; primaa agere, Cic.; primae, tAc Cle.; 11e rro clve gerere, to btlanw cu R
~"" priM; prbuaa
~. Cie.
deferre, Cle. ; In primi.11, Cl<.'. ;s. fer, tn II ~ or tU tm,.
lallcui) lll'O 1Deritia lfatiam ttfene, C1c. j p'O
pro Ul pro
1'eCtma llOITel'e, Clo.; allquem pro acelere 1uo brum lnferre alien!, Cic.: allcul nt probrnm
ulcl1d, Cae&. ; 4, i" pro~i<ni to, according k>, o\,jlcere 411od, ek., Cic. ; 2, esp., alnue, i1uuU,
OOllfonaabl• with, '" considerution of; pro multi- liJiel; epistolae pleuao 0111niu111 in me probroruru,
tlldine borolnom et pro gloria belll ntqne f11rtl· Cic.; 11111lta ohjicere prob1a, Cic.
tudlnl1, Cle. ; pro cant.ate reipubllCAl', Cic. ; pribWI ·I\ -um, y0<1d, uullrnt, flnt; &, physl-
•jm'e pro Tirlhn~, Cle. ; pro vhill pnrte, to &hi! e:1lly or intcllectullllv, !'ell, Cir-; navigium,
bat o/111W• ab«ttia, Cic.; pro tempore et"'• 11.f Cic.; ln>;enium, Cic.: b, 111nrally, !1ood. upright,
CAI ei. . aftd ciTCUm.IC47'CU dm4"'1cd, Caea. : pro trirtuo11.1, honourabll; tiliua, t:ic. ; homo probior,
mu parte, fM' my part, Ctc. ; pro 11e qnh1qne, Ck.
111CI\ ou llCICOrd(ng to hf.I atrcflgtlt., Ci c. ; prn eo,
jut aa, cccardi11.9 u1: foll. Ly ac and atque, or Pr«Hla (Pr~ci.a) -ac, m. an old ld11.9 of .Alba.
qoam, quantum, etc., pro eo qrnrnti te faeln, pr6cacttaa -ltla, f, (procax), lhtltMZumut,
att%!~ding to my utlmatio7' of ,ou; 6, iAro1lt1h.; fo1pwlr.nct, C1c.
at pro auft'ragio renu11tlaretur, Cle. pr0oacl~r. adv. (procu), lhtlmelualy, im-
2. pro I (prohf), int<!rj. o/t,/ Ml pro dll yudeu lly, Liv.
lmmortales, Cic.; pro dedm atqne bomlnum pr6cax -rkl11 (pror.o), 1ha!7l.ll/es$, bold, iin·
lldem ! Cic. ; pro sauete Juppiter, Cle. p"dtnt, tmportmiau, (ftJIOTe11t; a, nr ~r11on11, in
priaghua ·I, m. (wpo,j~), ~ cAWj laceuendn, Cic.; procaciu11 stlpe111li11111 fl11gftare,
1111Jgierau '" a.rt.ain Sicilia" cuiu, Cle. Liv.: b, of thlngit, aerino, Sall.; i;crivt&, Tnc.;
priA'fitua -a -um (proanaa), nJ or relaff.ttg, bl11a1 • .,.ing, Verg.
ao 11 grtat-gmn.d/a.tlwr, a~&rnl; regna, Ov. pr0oedo ·ee~sl -ceasum, s. to go forth, go
JriAVll.9 -1, m. L a f/f'ttU·flTan.d/allwr, Cle. ~fore, 1'ruceerl. L Lit. &nd tmnsr., A. Oen., 1,
IL Transl'., an aMUtor, fortjaJhn-, Cle. lit., e., e t.i l>truac11lo In 11oh·m, Cle.; ahrui
prib&blllll ·e (prol>0). L prob®~. crtdiblt, obvfam proce•lere, to go to TllMl, Cic.; b, niillt.
wt impouitilc; ratio, Cie. IL pl.earing, <M:ttJ•t- t. t., to adt'llnct; lente atqne paulatim, Caes.;
ahll, "'°'111r o/a'P11f"011(ll, good: probablllor populo ad dlmlcan•lum, Liv.; o, to appear, alww 011u~f,
orator, Cl~.; vii- lngenlo aane probablll, Cle. &tepforward; proredere In meJlnm, Cic.; e'ip.,
to come forward. to ~ to a" IJllSC7n0ly; pro-
pr6bi.bDltaa ·ltia, t. (probabllla), JINbo- cedere in coutionem, 'Liv.; 2, t.rnnsr., toadronce;
bili:v, crrdibUUy; capUoaa, Cle. a, or ships, quantum navt'a proet:ssi&aent, Cle&;
prib&bmtir. adv. (J•rr·bftbOla), probablr, b of !!tars, to apptar: proceuit Vesper, Verg.
er...tibl11 ; dicere. Cic.; probabiliua accuare,
Jt Tran~r., to advance, progren, of work, etc.,
magna pani operla Caesarl11 procP.s11erat, Ca.ea.
pribitlo ~Dl11, t. (probo). L 11 proving, II. Fig., A. Gen., a. in dando ..,t creden<lo
tali"{1, tut, trial, cmMinatiml: athletarum, Cle. lon~hu; proeedcre, to go too jar. Cle. ; eo pro-
n. an. 11ppronng, aPPf'01'Cll, Cic. ces&it \'ecordiae nt, etc., ht wrnt to aw:h a pitch
pribitor ~rt.I, m. (probo), OM t0Ao ap- of madllUI lhat, etc., Sall.; esp., to admnct to-
J'l'Vftl, an llpprot;ifT ; facti, Cic. 10ards 1011U good, go on, mah progrca; in philo-
prib&tu. -a •WD, p. adj. (from probo). A. 1ophl1, Cic.; b, to run on, c<mtinue, be count~
•pprol'td, cicel/4n4: ceterarum homlnes 11rtlu1n up; atlpcndia,ncra&liculprocedu11t, Liv.; hence,
1pectaU et probaU, Cle.; femlna vroootissima, transf'., to bt of ttat: to, do good to: bcnefacta
niel\ reipnhlic."lll procedunt, Sall.; c, or time,
Cic. B. pk:a1ant, agruabU; nt neu10 proliatior
primoribu11 patrum esset, Liv.; probatluimu11 dies proccdeus, Cie.; sl (puer) aetate proccsserit,
aliC1li, Cic. Cic. ; multum diel processerat, Sn\!. B. Of
actions, etc., to turn out in a ccrt<tin way, to
pribi. adv. (pro bus). tctll, rightly, }Uly, pro- rtmll; al benP. proce11sit, Cle.; alicul bene,
JlfTIV, t:ictllently; aclre, UO<S!e, me111i11isse, Cic.; puleherrime, Cic.; 11nd nb~l., to tt1rn 01U '11.1ell,
de t!llrvlo probe d!ci1 1 Cle. ; hoc probe 11tabllito to be p•Wp€ruu$; si pror.essit., Cic.
et nxo, Cle.
procella ·lie, r. (prncl.'llo), a atorm, tem~sl,
Pl'6bltu -&tl11, r. (probus), lt.onuty, "prlght- gak; 1, lit., 11i111bi, priicellae, turbine~. Cle.; 2,
IWf, fl"Obit11, woorCA. mod~t11, Oic. trnnsf., a., a surldett charge of cavalry, O'M'I,
pr6bo, 1. (probus). I. A. to try, ttat, ""'"• charge; prirnnm 1•r<><"ellam er11ptiu11ls snstilwre
tlXl111fae; a, lit., mnnera, Tac.; opera quae lnc- non po~oe. Liv.; b, proet!llae insidi11rum, Cic.;
as11ent, Liv.; b, tranaf., 11micitia11 utllltate, Ov. procellam ternporfs, Cic.
B. l<l approw, ~ 1atill1itd with, ateem. good and pr6oello, 3. (pro 11nd cello), to tlt.T'Ot/1 doum,
"1".~; (a.) lit., du111u111 tunm perspex! ntqne out down, Plaut.
vehemeoter J'TObavi, Cle. : (fl) tra111r., to approve
1Jf, mornlly or intdkct11R1ly; consilium, Cic.; pr~oelloaua "" -um (procella), ltornly, Um.
cauu.111 et hominem, Cacs.; aliquem jmlicem, pt..•"'• Vcrg., Liv.
Cle. D. to f't00mmt11d IU 11ond, 1tp1·estrnt iu g00<l, pr6oer -~rls, m. an Wustriou.s ~wn; usually
vmra!U«; a, alicul lilon•s oratorios, <.:ic.; plur., pr6cerea -nm, m. chiefs, uoblC$, prt11cu;
oU..Curio~ vltium pro w~ro probntur, Ctc. ; se audieLam euim uo9t,ro11 procere:i clamitAntes,
Pl'QUal'I! .illcnl, to r~wm1111!nd 01witlf to acme oiv.:, Cic.
!/lli11 a ~r1411.'1 af':P1'oval; "" in legatione aociie, prociri, adv. {proceru~). far ou.tstr~tchtd; ; rn Jl'J'B., pr•Jbarl alicui, to Ufptn.r U"orlhy cornpar., l1rucliinm procertus projP,ctum, Cic.
QfawotnJ, Cie.; b, to 1how, 7>roi~. demon.atrau; proceritaa -Atl!!,r r. (pror,ern11), htiqltt, 1lim-
crirnt'o, Cir,, : rau'l&m, Cie.; with acc. and inl111., 11tss, slen<itrwss. .a.. Lit., cn111t'li a1\jll\•antur
proi.z.e judieiLus v.. rrem 1oe•·uniaa cepiue, Cic.: proceri!JltP. cdlornrn, b11 the (1'11r1th of their,
&biol., difficile est probat.u, Cic. Cie.; arborum, Cic. II. Tra11sr., lnigth (of a
pr~brOaua ·& ·UID (prubrum), llul11t(ful, dU. syllable or foot lo ,IJ<•C'try); (•edum, Cic.
fl'lteefvl, (f\.(amow, tglwmi11ictu; crimen, Cic.; ~rooerus -a -urn (pro ""'' ~erus, from r'"•t
CIT!Jl~U, Tac. CER, CRE, wlicnce cr~sco). toll, slrrvf,r, ho•/.
pr&brum -l, n. L a ahamtful, i7\fa'7Wft.! L Lit.. or bodies, et-c., col111m,, \. i" ;
~; 1, i;en., allcul probrum oltiect.'lri>, Cic.: of trees, procerisslrno. pupulus, C1C'. ll. T1,1n~f.,
etnel'Jf@re ex 1•atemh1 probris 11c vltlf•, Cic. ; 2, in rh)·thm 11nd pronunciation, l07lfl; proc1;<ricr
eap., u11eM&tit11; probrl i11sl111n!11sti pudl..i,,. quidam numerna, Cic.
IUoarn teminami Cle. IL T1'1\n1t, 1hamc, dU- prOoealo -Onls, t. (procedo), a ml:Ua711 .ui.
f'Vcll, ill/awty: , gen., pro bro eue, Cle.: pro- ronu. etc.
pro H2 pro
prioeaaua -Q.e, 111. (procc<lo), a !Joing forth, pr0or9900. 3. L to f1T01D fortR, ariM, Luer.
aaVU11.0l! 1 C11Urllt 1 prog'TUS i gr11<l1u1 et qua!li }'1"0- IL Fig., to \ncrea.N, Luer.!SUll dicendl, Cle.; tantos progrcssus elficlebat
u t, etc., Cic.
PrKcrla •Crllthl, r. (Jip&cpt~). da1tghter oJ
Ertdhtus, '!Oife of. !A!phalus, 1cho kilWl Ila i" a
Prkhfta -ae, r. nn<l Pr«S~ -i!s, r. jorut, mistaking her /or an animal.
(Ilpo)(vT'll). ai~ ula11.d on till coaat oj Campcmia, Pr~ -ae, m. (Tipo.:povCM'll(). a ro'J.JC
now Procida.
in .Attica, who tUd hLI prisoMrs to a bed, strctdt-
prioldo -ctJI (pro and cado), 3. to fall down. ing tht limbs qf those ahorter thal\ till bed., and
/81·warrJ., fci!l forward; preaceps procidit ante cutting of! tlu Zimba qf those who werr talllT;
proram, Liv. killed bl/ 'l'ltueiu.
priolnotua ·tl.s, tn.(proclngo),a bdngg!rdtd; ~ricriibo, 1. to lie stntt-W ovt, to lie alo1&9;
heuce, " bti11g tquipptd for battle, readinu1 for ub1 s&XCll procubet umbra, Yel")(.
battlt ; In procinctu ac castria habit!, Tac. ; .,rioiido -cOsl -cflsnm, S. L 1, ro thn1,ff or
t..>11tame11tum in 1•roclnctu raccre, on tlw ba.UU· dnt-e forward, Luer.; 2, to frmft; cnses, lfor.
fttld, Cle. IL Fig., linguam, to form, trail\, Ci<".
prooli.mator -oriR, m. (proclamo), a bawler, prooiU, adv. (from proc..tlo). L o'ur o_ff, at
t!Oeiferator (of a Uitd ad vocnte). Cic. a aialana, far away; non prorul, R('({ hie, L'ic,;, 1. to call out, cry out; absul , foll by a, nh, frir from; procul a terra auripi,
Cic.; with acc. and lnlln., 11e flliam jur!I caesam Cle.; _by aul. alone, procul cnetn homlnum,
judkare, Liv.; pro aliquo (contempt110W1ly or Liv. IL Transf., far from, far mmy; Wlth
an advOC11te), to 1Ufe11.d a person, Liv. abl., rrocul dubio, 1l'ithout dO'ld>l, Liv.; J.:iuJ
Pr6clee ·IS, 111. (llpo«Alj~), 3011. of A.ristockmw, procu est, with quin and subj., ii is MC jar
broliur of Eurysthtnu, king qf Sparta, fov.111Ur of from, Liv.; oC time, haud procul soli8,
the family of tht ProclUMu. not long brfort, Liv.
priolino, l. act. to bmd, inclim fortfYI.rds, prioulco, 1. (pro and CJ&lc~o}, to trtad. trmwr«
to 0end; mare In lltora, Ov. ; tranaf., proclinati UJlon; 1, things, is (aper) modo crescentes &t'getei
jam re. approaching coi1.111mmation, C!les.; ad· procukat In herU&, Ov. ; 2, persons, to traml'u
juvare rem procllnatam, toUerlng to its fall, to tM ground, to tuo.d down; allqueu1, Tac.
Cae11. Prioillilu -1, m. a Roma• niglil, /ritrvl oJ
pl'Oolivl (prioliri), compar.• 1-1r0clMua, .Angu.~tua.
adv. (procli vis). dcnunwam; 11roclivl cun·ere, prioumbo -ct1bi'l.I ·C•'ihltum, S. to lffl1i or
laul, C1c. be1td forward. L Gen., A.. l llL, of peT110n11,
priolivta ·e and prioli'V'Ull -a -um (pro olll certamlne summo procum~uut (of rowers).
and ell ms). inclined ferward1t, &loping down.· Ycrg.; 2, tril.nsf., or lhlngs, to indi1lt fCJf"VXlrd.;
wards, alttp. L Lit., via proclivls. Liv.; RUbat., eecnndmn naturam Ouminis, Caes. IL to fell
J>er proclh·e, doumwards Liv. IL Ftg., 1, doum, Rink down., to fall proatraU. A.. 1, lit., of
meton. 1 poing dou.onwa;;/.s: procllvi cursu et living beings, &lees proc11111bunt, Cacs.; or \l"r-
f11clli <lelahl, Cle.; 2 in.cliw to, ready for, son11 In prayer, entreaty, etc., procumbere ahcul
prom ro; ad rnorbum, be. ; ad c'Jmitntem, Cic. ; ad pedes, Caes. ; ad genua alicuius, Lil".; of
3, mt1y ro do: Illa facllia, procllvia, jucunda, persons wounde<l, \'Ulneribn:t confectum pro-
C1c. ; allcul est J•roclive, wlt.b lntln., Caes. ; cumb.!re, Caes.; 2, transf., of tblnb'll, frumenta
dictn procllve est, it u ta!l)J to aay, with acc. i111!1ribus procubuerant, tcere laW U>w, Caa.
and iutln., Cic. B. F'ig., to sink, fall; res procubuere meae, Ov.
priolivitaa ·iltlll, r. (proclivi11), (l slorie: Ilg., prooiiritlo -onis, r. (prt'lcuro), a taki1i.g Q1N
inclinatiu1',, prontuus; ad morbos, Cic. of, management, adminislratio11. I. Gen., rei-
proolivus = J•roclivls (q.v.). pnhlicae, Cle.; mearum rcrum, Cic.; annon&e,
Procne (Progni) -l!s, r. (Up.S.:V'!). I. Cic. II. Esp., 1, un<ler the empire, tJu: offi« OJ
doU-Ohler of Pandion, lister of Philcnnela and wife imperial procurator, Tac.; 2, a rdigioua ac.t fer
of Terms, clmngtd a swallow. IL Met.on., tM propitiatioa of an nfftn.ded deit11; ut. sue pleua
o i:wnllow, Verg. procuratio Heret, Cic.
prico, 1. and pr0cor, 1. aep. to a!Jk, in· prootiriitor -orls, m. (procuro), 11 111411~.
treat, Cle. ruJininistrator, Rgrnt, factor, chp11ty. L Oi!u.,
proaonaul -11ll.lill, m. a proromul, mu who regnl, a viceroy, Caes.; with genit. of person,
after hi.a consulship (nn<l sometimes without procurator P. Qninetll, Cle. IL Esp , 1, a
l1avlng been consul), was govern.or of a province, la1id deward, land agent, Cle. ; 2, In 1mpt"riAl
times, a functionary tt·ho collected Uu im~rial
priooneiUi.ri• -e (procon11ul), of or rdati'llg revrniu both in Rome and in the pro::'; pro-
to a procouS"Ul, 1irocon.rnlar, Liv.
curator Caesari>1 1 Tac. ; procure tor J udaeae, Tac.
prooiiri.triz -tricis. r. (procurat-Or), w that
prioonsiili.tua -fl:1, m. (proconsul), tht o§l.1% goi,<trns;
or dignity of <1 J>rOC011sul, Tac. tlg., sapieutia totiue hominia procura-
trix, Cic.
procraatmatlo -oni~, f. (procrastlno) a prooiiro, l. to take wn of. look~. t.Ad.
putting ojf from day to day, procrastination, Cle.
I. Gen., corpus, \'erg.; 11:tcrit1cia, Caes. IL
procraatlno. 1. (pro and ctastino), to put Esp., 1, to managt, adminilkr any one'1 a.fain;
ojJ till to-mon'<•w,, Cic. alicnlus negotia, Cic.; hereditatem, Cic.; 2, to
pr0or~i.tlo ·{mis, f. (procreo), btgeUtng, offer sa.crifi~ ill order to ai1trl an n.U 01Mlli
procreation, Cic. nionstra, Cic. ; prodigia, Cle.
prioreator ·oris, m. (procreo), a btgetu-r; priourro -currl and -cilcurr:I -eursnm, 3. U!
nmndl, Crtator, Cle. ; procreatores = parenll, run forward, t'"U.S.11 /orll.'l(frd, chargt.. L Lit., d
Cic. peri~ons, ex castris, Caea.; In vias, Liv.; ad
prioriatriz -leis, t (procreator). oM that repelll'ndurn hostcm, Caea. IL Tramf., of
brings forth, mother; transf., artium, Cic. places, to project, jut out, rvn forward; infelix
priorlSG 1. L to beget, '{1Tocrtat4; or animals, sax!s In procurreutlbua haesit, Verg.; terra pro-
tll Oring ffJrth; multipllres fetul', Cle. IL Fig., currit In aequor, Ov.
to bring forth, produce, muse, 'llUL~; luter arma priourll&tlo ~nl•, r. (procurao), Cl rtltl.Jli.,
civiwn (tribunatum) procreatmu, Cle. forward, charge; velitum. LiY.
pro H3 Pro
prOcurs&tor ·6rls, m. (procunin). 0tu tcho qune 11erlJ>tott• prodlderunt, Cle.; ~Co nNal.,
"'JI.I jorvxmJ,; milit. t. t., procur911tores, ~ bttmy aomdhing eecret, to bdrY.&11; r.onllC.loa, Cle.;
•UAen. Liv. crlmen vnltu, Ov.; 2, to give vp, diacour bllmr
pr0cur8o, l. (lntR.ns. or prncurro), to ""' lrtacl1erou11l11; classem praedonlbu.s, Cle.; ;J1que1n, apring forward; as mllit. t. t., to "'"" nd mortem, Verg.; utilit.atem commnnem, Cle.
•WI. Liv. IL A. to hand over, ddiwr, tmnamU; aacra
prOcun118 ·118, m. (procnrro), a ronnlng 1mi1t post.eris, Cic. ; eilp.' In writlug, memorlae
jttnrord; an<l e11p., In military lani::nage, an prodere, to rommU to writing, Cle.; menwriae
prodidernn~ with nee. antl inftn., Cle. B. lo
adNJ&Ce, charge; procurau militum, Liv. propaflale; ge111111 1 Verg.
prOcu.rvua -& ·nm, btnt /OT111<1rd, curN!l prOd.Ocio, 2. to tmch, (ncvloau, Hor.
ftlnDard; falx, Verg.; litont, 10in.d€ng, Verg.
pr0ous -1, m. (proco), a 1C00eT, .uilor; tra.nsr.,
prMromua -i, 111. (rr~_ee>l'O<i), a t1U111t11(1",
foreru.1wer. I. Lit. Ck. IL Traner., a Mrth-
lmpudentes proci, mndidata, Cic. wl11ri, said to blow/or tight d<11fl btfor1
Pr6cfon -onl~, m. (Ilpoinlwv), "OO'lt.IUllallcm llu! risi 119 of the Dog-star, Cic.
tchU:h risu before the Dog-star, Cic. prOduoo -duxl -ductum, 8. to ltad fo1'th..
prOcl pro (q. v.) L Gen., A. Llt.l 1 1 equos, jumenta, Caes.; 2,
proclio .JI -!tum, 4. to go, com. fon'A. L milit. t. t., to taa forth. troops; copias pro
~ 1, lit., ouvia111 mlhl ellt pro<lltum, Clo.; ca.~tris, C:iea.: S, a, polit. t. t., to briTL!l fw,/ort
J•rodire CJC vortu, Caes.: in publicum to appoir ti~ public cunml>ly or before 4 court of justir•;
i• p11blic, Cle.: In proelium, Cacs. ; 2, esp., to harnm rerum omuium auetore.s testesqne, Cie.;
appear ~n. IOllll claarac:Ur, to eomt forth, e.g., cu b, to bring out of pruon; aliquem capit.e In·
11n actm-; in scenam, Cle. B. Fig., a to np1"6r, rn!uto nd necem, Cle.; c, to bri1l-!J fnrwu.rd, OJ&
Mo1l7 ilsd/; oonsuetutlo pro<lird c~pft, Cic.; b, the •tw:Jt, on tht ~rtita, etc.: allquem, Ch•. ; S, to
lo go forth= lo bta>N: prod ls ex Jurlice Dama bri117 fi,1·1h. a corpu to :Ml /u 11tral pilt: allquem
iurpis, Hor. D. to admnu, go foruurd. A. runcre, \'erg.; 4, to tnt£u /ortA; allquem <lolo
J.. lit., lougiua, Caes. ; 2, transf:, to project ; In proelium, Nep. B. Pig., to bring befurt. IJOI~
rupea prod it h1 aequor, \'erg. B. J:o'ig., au111ptu ont, reotal; occulta Rd 1mtres crimiua, Juv.
extra m0<lum, to t:1Xlld ti~ mark, Cic. II. A. Lit., l, to admnr,e; unam nn\·em longiua,
Cues.: tu draw out, 1trach 01tt, ut~: a rerruin
prOctico -<Hxi ·tlictnm, 3. L to 11ay b(fon, lncude, Juv.; b, in pronunelatlon 1 to k11gthn
Cic. (1) D. toj(:r. for a latu ti11u, put off; diem In out, mciU lo119: lltteram, Cic.; ~yllabam, Ov.;
Quiri11alia, Cle. 2, a, to btgd, prod~; fig., nova (vocabula)
prc)dlctator ~rls, m. OM who acu 111 d£c. quae genitor pro<luxerit usns, Hor.; b, to rear,
tasor, Liv.(~) bring 'P: s11!Joi.c111, !for.; or ]•!ants, Ill horem,
PrOdlcua -I, m. II Greet IOp'hist q/ ~. COll- Hor. B. Fig., 1 to cultxlr«:t, 7'runUJfr; nli•tUt'lll
Uaporu1·y of Soc1·atu. ad dlg·nftatern, de.: 2, to prolona (in 1l11raLion
prOdige. adv. (prodlgua), prodigallv, mra· ot time); a, to conti111U, ke11• on; scrmonem
f1Qfl0.f&tly; ,·ivere, Cle. longins In multam noctem, Cic.; b, to put ojf,
postpo1ta; rem In hle111em, Caes.; o, to 1111t ojf,
prOd.fgentla -ae, r. (prodlgo), prqflul°" dtlay; ronditlonlbwt hu11c, quoad potC1St, J•ro-
prodigaW11, Tac. dncit, Cle.
prOd.fg:Uilltir, adY. llrangt/11, wnderftdl11, prOduoti. a•lv. (productm1), ill a /,.119t1"1ted
Hor. ma.1u1n-, lo11g (or pronu11clatio11); J•roJucte dlci,
pridlgliaua -a -nm (prodlginm), t1nn«lural, Cic.
ICl'Angc, 'IDOnderful, pr·odigimu, Ov. prOcluotlo ·6nls, t (rroduco). ""' txttnding,
prOdlglum ·Ii, n. (prod and agere), a prodigy, knqll1ming; a of a word hy the n<lditiou or a
porkAl, onun,cnnLnou• sign. L Lit., mull& syllable, Cic.; b, or a syllable in prunuuciation,
prodlgia elu.a vim d1·cl:uunt, Cle. IL Tranar., Cle. ; c, ot time, prolonging; temporla, Cic.
a G fllOfUtrorily, tomelliingtmn.alural; prodlginm prOduotua -a -um, p. adj. (l'rom produco).
rtdebatur clvit:1tum frumentum lmprobare, L Adj., tzlendm, lt11gtJ~ntd, prolonyed; pro-
aaum probare, Cic.: b, n numaur; prodigimn dnctiore cornu slnbitro, Tac.; quinto J•rodnctlor
trlpleJC, Cerbenu, Ov.; fat.all portentum pro- actn fabula, Hor.; or wonls, 11ome11, lengtl1mtd
dJgiumque relpubliCAC (of Clodius), Cle. by additum of a 111llnl>le, (.;le.; or syllablea, long
~go ·l!gl, S. (prod and ago), L to (in pronunciation); (iiyllaba) product& atqne
clriN /<lrtJI.; sues, \'arr. IL Tranllr., lo 1pend, 1011g;1, Cic.; of time, prolonqed, drawn out;
tOIZ4U : aliena, Sall. dolores, Cle. D. SuhaL, prOcluota .(~nun, n.
Dl'Odlau.e -a ·um (prodlgo), prodigal, JYTO.fu#, (Tei 1rporryµiva), prtJ1rable thing1 (In the St.lllc
afrariop;;t. L _a, lit.; _Cic.; with gen It., ac~is, philosophy, things which, while not abflolutcly
llor. ; b, fig., with gemt., 'Ulfmae, not &J>anng g<?O<l, were to be preferred, e.g., Lcauty, health),
lr.11 oum life, Ho1·.; arcanl, ret'tllli.1111 4 1tertl, C1e.
Hor.; with in and the abl., in honorllms deeern· proelli.tor ~rla, m. (proelio1), " toan"lor,
entlia nlmius et ta111qua111 prodigus, Cle. JI. combatant, Tac.
Transr•• ·~ abounding '"; locus prodlc;us proellor, 1. dep. (proellum), to ghic bnttlt,
Lerbae, Hor. ft.11.t; n<l ~yra<·usas, Cle.; pedibus, Cnes.;
prOdltfo ·Onl1, (prodo), 4 bttmV(ng, be· transr.. vehe111e11te1· 11roeliatus 10111, 1triwn, Clo.
lroyaJ, treaclter,, trecuo11.; amlcltlarwn 1•rodi· proell'.um ·II, n. a battll, flgh.t. L a_, lit.,
tJo...-a et :ren.itu publicarum, Cic. >roelium f11c~no, Cle. ; re<lintegrare, t;aes. :
prOdltor ~rla, m. (prodo)," betrayer, traUor:
eo1111uli11, Cic. ; tra.naf., rldu1 latentla 1•uellae
l nire, Liv.; pml'llo absU11e1 ... , Cae11. ; b, tmn11f.,
or a fli:ht In wur<ls, t·~lia meii caul'lii 11ustlnere,
pruditor, Hor. =
Cic. 11. Me ton., proeli11 Ji11hltr1, C0111bala11ta,
prOd.o -<11•11 -dltnm, S. L to 1J11l/orlh, bring Prop.
,.ttA. A. Gen., to f,ri1i.g forth.; rumo110 condit1t Proet118 ·I, m. (IIpoiT"O(), king in Tiryn1,
tina cado, Ov.; t1ur1pliia ped;ore, Ov. B. E~p., bl"other of .dcrUiUI. Hence, Proetl• ·ldia, r.
J.. a, to giR, show, JtUbluh: decretum, Cle.; a da11ghUr q/ Pf"Otttu; plur., Proctl•le111 t111
aem1•1nm, Liv.; b, to p1oclntm 11.tdfll, to ap- daughtn-1 of Proetu, toAO U'e7"e puni.llud tciA
J'Oill.I; llamint'111, lntem-ge111, Cle.; c, l-0 1·tlatt; 111ad11tu, and tmaolntd tMm.ltfru to bt eot<"I.
pro pro
pri&no, 1. (profanns), to proftint, dntC'f'OU; with acc. anJ infln., me defenaol"l'm ~ iott1-
aacra, Liv.; festum, Ov. ftt.eor, Cle.; c, with acc. or thin~, w_prnft~ a,.,.
prifi.llua ·& -urn (pro and fan um, lit., ACUn«, art, etc.; pbllo!!ophlam, C1c.; JG"I, C1e. B.
lying b€fore a tem'E_le, I.e., outauu it), not mn-td, lndiclum, to turn ki719'1 e..wknce, Sall., Tac.; t<>
not consecrattd. L Gen., com?IW1l, yrofrnu; 1, o.fer, pro!lliae; operam, Cle.; profttetur 11e nn\-
llt., locus, Cle.; bubo, avls, of evil omm, Ov.; urum, Cle. C. to ma.ti a pv.blic ltalefllO&l or
1mbst., prifi:aum .1, n. that which ts profane, rd¥m of PTOPeTt11. etc.: JU6ena.. Cle.; fnr
ft~w .,
U·~·- tran a r., proJa<K,
•·-' Tac • ·, n..:i~- .r. -~ godl•••
~, rnentum, Lfv.; nomen, Cle.; and almJ•I" J
impunu; vdba, Ov. .u. Esp., l, not iliUiated, tlteri, to anft014MI Mladl aa a M'lldMiak, &ll.
t.minitiaUd; procul este profani, VPrg.; 2, (Partic., pr~feuua -a ·Um, eass., know11, Gt·
transr., not initiatrd in the tervice of tM Mtuu; 1"7towlecl9eC., avouYil; cu Iva, Ov.)
11rof1mu111 \'Ulguii, Hor. proftigi.tor .(,ris, m. (proftig.,), a 1pu>J·
prifeotlo -Quill, r. (proflciscor), 1, a dtpar- thrift, prodigal, Tac.
ti.rt, Cic.; 2, tranRf., 10iirct, origtn; }lecuniae, proftig&tus -a -um, p. adj. (from proftigo).
Cic. 1, rost do um, rui"'-tl, W1"tlchU, Cic.; 2, dis.~l1<11,
prife~, adv. (pro and Cactus), tru/11, really, proftigah ; tu omnium mortalium proftigul i!t·
inilud, C1c. sime, Cic.
pl'Ofiro -tl111 -llitnm -ferre. L to carry forth,
brlng forth (from a place); l, lit., a, nummos
prOftigo, 1. (pro and fligere). to $/ri/u to
ground. L Lit., to oi-erthrow, oNr«Htu: WJ•id
ex area, Cic.; pecuulam alicul, Cic. ; b, mil it. hostium, Cle.; classem lior.tium, ~ l l
t. t., to dtlit'l!T up, bri11g forth; arm:t tormtnt· Fig., A. a, politically, to rui1t; rl'mpubliC".:i111,
aque ex oppido, Caes.; c, to rat.Ma limb or purl Cic.; b, to l01l~. abu.!e; jutlicia sPnaturia, Ck.;
of th~ body; caput, Ov.; digiturn, Cic.; d, to c~ to bri11g ul111oat to a11 t1ul, warty jiuiYI ; ,,,.. ..
bringfvrtlr, •lww; proferre in conspectu111 llbt-ro!<, l1119ltU111 loellu111 .. t. 1x1ene 'mhlatum, Cic.; pn ..
Carll. ; or wntlnga, to vublish, 1nuJ.:t 1.."nllll'll; tligat.a j11111 ha~. t!l pttt'lll! ad ex1tum aJtlUr1•
orationem, Cic.; 2! Ilg., a, to ln'ing to light, qu:wstio ellt, Cic.
revwl: (a) a liquid n 111e.lium, Cie. ; (/3) as 11 profto, I. to /Jlowfurth, brtnllu forth; ft:1111nl!l'I.,
di!<Co\'erer, to bring to light, product; 11liq11i<l Ov.; Ilg., toto proftal.Jut ~ctore 140111num. \"..,1:.
profcrre in aspectum luceu1qur, Cle. ; prof.. rre proBiiens ~ntiii, p. aJJ. (from proftuu), ft..,.r..
arte111, Cic. ; b, to bring foruoard, produ~. cite. L rOll&
mention; k.istes, Cic.; nominatim multo~. Cic.; ing. Lit., aqua, Cic. l::lulist., P v.em
exempla omuium nota, Cfl'. IL 1, to admnce. -cutis, r. n111niirg u.'UUT, Cic. IL Tr&nlif., of
movt forW«rd; a, milit. t. L, signa, to march on, discourse, flouting, fluent; genus sermo~is, Cir.
f,iv.; i11de castm, to move from thma, Liv.; b, proftuenter, 11dv. (profluens), fanci11gly,
to extend; flues agrl public! paulatim, Liv.; Ilg., w.sily, Cic.
!Ines offiC'iorum paulo longius, Cie.; 2, Ilg., a, pro8uo -fl11xi -fl11x11m, 3. to ff.ow, faJV! fn16..
of duration of time, to extend, ltngtfitn: beatnm L Lit., t:x monti>, Cne!I. ; In mare, Cic. IL
vltam u~q11e ad rogum, Cic. ; b, to put off, po~t· Fig., to flow furlh, procud; ab hia fonUbus }Jn>.
p<Jne; diem auctionis, Cle. fluxi ad ho111i1111111 foma111, Cle.
prOfeaafo -Onis, C. lprollteor), acknowledg- prOftiivlum .JI, n. (proftuo), a jfmcittg fart'A ;
nll'nl, drclamtion, profe~i.on. L Gen., !1011ae sangui11i11, Luer.
voluntatis, ap. Cic. . IL E.'lp., A. Lit., 1111/Jlic
. -k"' -r·Rtus 1mm, 1• d ep. 1 , ..,
p&VaOr •- 111¥. <-1 1 .
f Iaraliun of 01ie
u'c · 8 '1Ul11u, property,t O<'l'111iut
t wn,
, •·•t , J•rtel'"'
\' erg. ; 2 , to fiort.a .... , L ucr.
.. tc . ; I1aec pecuura ex eo gt'nl're es , u pro1e!I·
i.ione. 11011 ~geat, Cil'. B. Meton., 1, the ngister pro~re. v. pro1mm.
nf 1~rsc11s u11d their 71ro,iert.,,, Cic.; 2 1 an OCCUJJCl· proftiglo ·l\lgi -fiigltum, S. L Intnnsll.,
tion, llrf, profe.<!!f-On; bt'ne 1l!cen<li, C1c. to ff'~ au~111, ucape; ex oppido, C~.; domo,
profeuoriue -a -um, of or relating to a Cic.; ahi;ol., Catillna ipst> tiertlmuit. proflqpt,
pruf~'lSOr, professorial, Tue. Cic. IL to fftt awa11 from; agros, Hor.
profeasna -a -um, 11artic. of 1•rofiwor (q. v.). proftigua -a ·um (fl'Ofugio). flying, ~fl{J.
rofeatus -a -um, not krnt aa a fiutiml, com- fugi.tfrt; a_, gen., (a.) u persons, :populus, Tac.;
.,. poP,t., 8~ytnao, v.'Rndertng, migrat.Jry,jfyirtgfrvtfl
.wn; dies, u·ork-<lay1, ordinary days, Li\'. 01"· 1 nrtlir-e rountrv, banishftl, Hor.; ~) or ani.
proflolo .feel -rectum, 3. (pro and faclo). mnls, taurus, Ta{'. ; (y) of things, currul4, (h· :
to mukt vrogrt.S1, udvanre, gain graund, to get an b, of soldiers, ftyi11g /rum baltlt, &II.; c. "'
11dm11tw1t, to tff«t anything. I. Of persons, exile,, with abl., patrii profugu_s, Liv.; 11L
nihil in OJ1JlU1I!.'atioue, Caei1.; allqui<l hi philo· Tht>lns, Liv.; ex Peloponneso, Li\'. ; sul-st..
i<ophia, Cic. IL Of thin~s. a to be ofuu or cul· proftigua ·I, m. afugititv,, Ov.
111.rntag" to, to a.<Sist, hP/p; nu~la res t.antum ad profnndo ·fiidi ·filsum, 3. to po¥r Jo-rtA.. ~
dicen<lum proHcit, quautum !lcriptio, Cic.; b, of CW-Unda1Ltly, catiu to flow. I. A. Lit., !l&nguinem
nlf'dical remedies, herb!i prollciente 11i11il, Hor. suum omuPm, Cic.; vim lacrim1trum, Ck. ; reftt-x.,
prof~cisoor-fectu~ sum ·fic1sci, 3. dep. (pro se prof1111uere, 1111d 111iddle, profu1fdi to stra,,•
!\llU facJO, face!ISO, fnCISC'or), to ut 011t, dtpart.
go, trarel, march, t;ikt a JOurney. L Lit., ex
forth; lacrimae se profudenmt, Cic.
1 to stretch at /ult lenqth; som11us 1ne111t.n.
a Trausr .•

portu, Caes.; Aegyptum, _Cie.; n<i or co11tra )l~of11dit, L11cr.; 2, a. reflex., se prof111td!'te, "'
host.em, .caell ...; r.u'!1 exerc1tus parte frument· 1 midJle, profundi, to pour out, rusfa forth; umu1"
at1~m, Li~. IL Fig.. A. to go torcard~:. ad rnnltitut!o !lagittariorum se i11ofudit, l,'lles.; l!I
rel1qt11t, ~I<'. B. l, ~o .set out jr0111, ''"''' n 1:•1th; f'laut~. <p1ae (in \'itibu!<) ~e nimium prof1.1<1.,runt,
a l_e;;e, C1c.; a.b hoc 1111t1?, _Cacs. ; 2, 111~!011., to h<1r~ shot out, Ck. ; b, t;, utter: elamurl'lll, CiC'.; f1·om, spr111gfrom, orig111ntef~om ~a na~ura, c, to lirin!I forth, prod'llrt; ea qnae fru;;ibus
C~e.; qui a Ztrnoue prnfect1 ~uut, Ze110;; dt$nplt.~. at< 1ue hnei'I terrae fPtu profuntluntnr, Ck.; 3,
C1c. ti} spend, 1mcrijia:, git•c u1•; J•ro Jll'tria \"ibm,
profiteor .f,·ssus sum, 2. dr·p. (pro and Cie. ; in a batl 11.. nsc, to $pe!nd, lai.Uh. sq11aadl'T;
f&kor), to ack11ow/e,/ge open!y, co11fP~. a row. L pccuniam, Ci{'.; patrimonia, Cic. II. Fig., a,
Ge11 , fatt>or au1ue etinm prolikor, Cle.; with acc. to po11r, w11t, upt111l upo1'; onme ocliutn in lilt',
a111I i11/l11., prollteor me rulnt11ru111, Cic. IL Esp., Cic.; b, retlex., se prufundere, to burst fortA. le
A. to profe# or declar-e ont.~lf anything; e., with pour f<trth, nish /ortA; rnlu,Ptatea sut.lto 1e }'t0-
11ouhle a<·c. of per11., se gra111111atlcu111, Cic. ; b, fun<lunt, Cic.

pro HS pro
PNfuudu.a -a -um. L dup, pro/ov1ld; 1, priln prolnde (q,Y.). =
lit, mare, Cic. ; aubst., preftundum ·I, n. pr~tndi, adv. L Jud tJ.,, i11 IM ta!IW wtnJt-
!M boUmn~ dept)&; nqune, Cle. : a~nl., poet.. = """in like nwnutr; foU, 't!1 atqu,. (ac), ut, qua11I,
t1li fCI. Yerg.; al
fli: .. libi•linl'JI, Cle.; an.rit1a, q11am, tA111q11am, Cir~ II, tll.trt/ore,, Tttrta,
Sall. II. 'l'ransr., A. hi!1h: caelum, Vcrg. B. flrrtWrling/11; e11p. uleli In phrue1 of erborta-
d«p, cUfl#: 11ilvaf', Luer. tinn, e11rouragem1>nt, et.c., Cle.
prcltfuli, n•h-. (protu11u11). L in a di$Or· priJeotlo -i\nl11, f. (p~llclo), a tArowh19 /or-
dn-:1 manMr; profu11e ten<tere In r,astra, Liv. W'lrrl, 1trtlrhi111 nvt; brachli, Cle.
ll. Flf·•, utmmgm11ly; profu!liU!l 1. pr0Jecmaa -Q11, m. (proJiclo). 11 pro)'-at,.g,
sumptn deditus erat, SalL juJti11.g out, Lu~.
prcltfunla -a -um, p. acij, (frnm profnnd"), 2. projeotu ·• -nm, I'· aitj. (from projlcto),
l"'lfWUra.U, ':rJrorxiga11t; 1, gen., hilariw. Cir_; slrttcTting out, j11ttt~ fnnmrrl, pro)tcling; urhll,
2, f'lp., a, immoderate iii u~nrlit11rt,. t..rtral'1· Cir. ; lll\U, \'f'rg. L Fi~.• a, promifle'llt; IUd·
~Ill, Cic. ; with genit., sui prof11su11, ~all. ; b, aria. ric.; b, addidw t1'; homo ad amtendam
tnu111f., co.~ly; epulae, Cle. projectu11. Cic. II. lltretclud out, pro1trate, ly-
priginer ·I, a grand-da11gluu'1 1uubartd, i 119. A., ad terram, Cae11.; in antro, Verg.
TAC. B. Fig., a, abfect, baM; patientia, Tac. ; ~. c.aM
prig~n~ro. 1. tQ, prod14«, Hor. down; ''11ltu11, Tac.
prigenlea -1!1 t. (proglgno). L ck11Ctrit, "!'l'j!· proJlolo ·Jfri ·Jectum, S. (pro andjacfo). L
;'"lllJJ', C1c. 11.
Metou., progeny, off1pr1ng, to throw ca:•t btfort, throwdou:n. A. Gen., cibnm,
b.1.-tn001t11; vetf're8, qut IHI deorum pmgeniem Hnr. B. E"p., 1, lo ltrttcAforth, thro1Doul: a,
es~diet>bant, Cic. or limb•, brachium, Cic. ; b, or hu1ldinp, p!IN.,
projki, tn pr<>iut; tectum projiceretur, Cic.; o,
proglulwr -aria, m. (prnglgno). tll.t fownde-r to th row or plaa a IL''npon b(/vr~ OM; cli peu m
of <1/amily, ancator, progtnUor, Ov. prae llf', Ltv. ; 2, to push forth, drillt /Mtli; a,
progtgno -g~nt'li-g!!nllum, S. to engender, ali1p1em fores, Cir.; &liquem ab urbe.J.Ov.; b, 11'
bri~')/,.rth, ~1tr, Cic. b<tnish; aliquem In ln11ulam, Tac. &Ao to thmic
prognatWI . a ·nm (partic. of • progno11cor), (11Jf, thr<w: in fr01tt. A. Gen., crate11, Ca~.; &e
•~1ro1, •pr~ n.~ Ji-om.; deo, Liv. ; ex Cirnbrit, Caeii. ; ad pedP-s alil'utus, Cic. ; pmjectl viltnr all{.t, ca.ort
ah D1te patre, C11.e11. up•m tM alvm, Verg. B. Esp. 1, to tll.rttt0 cumy:
Progne Procne (q. v.). arma, Caes. ; Mg., a, 1e projlcere, Co l111L'tr o"t·
vi/ to, to W>-Op t-0; In muliebrea ftetua, Liv. ; b,
prognoetloa -<'\rum, n. (wpoy-nd). llgru to rtfed, llharidon; libert.atem, Cle. ; c, to o:ptJ«,
o/ /ht 11.><!Mher, a poem by .AratUJI, tran11lated by ht-tray: ab a\iq110 pr~li~i et prod~ C1c.; 2, to
C1i:ero, Cic. tnlt Cl! tM ground ; etTlgie11, Tie.. ; ~. Co put o.t;
pr0gredlor ·gt'61'8u11 111Um -~di, s. dep. ali'luem ultra quinquenni11m, Tac.
(plYl and gratl ior). L to go fortf, go out; t!X proli.bor -lapeu11 sum -!Ahl, s. L to glUh
do1110, Cic. IL to go forward., to advanr~. A. for•mrrl, 1/idt f<rrVX1.rd, 1Up al.tmg. A. Lit. (el~
Lit., or P.trsons. regrecti quam pro~redi mnllei:t, phanti) clunlbu11 a11bl!l!!tente11 prolabebantur,
Cic.; m1lit. t. t., to; longiu11 a. cutr1:1, Liv. B. Fig., 1, to eoJM tl'I, fall iiato; hue
Cau & Fig., to prooud, admnce: .•• quat~nu11 libl<1o ut prola~, Cl<'.; 2, to llip nt, IM!apl;
amorln amicitia progre<ll debeat, Cac.; b, ID a verbu111 a cupid1tate prolapsum, Liv. D. tofnlJ
•peecb, etc .. to fmX;wJ. to, go 011; ad rlllfqua, down. A. Lit., ex t:quo, Liv.; prolnpea Pe_rgama,
Cic.; C, Of time, pauium &et.ate progreMUS, Verg. B. Fig., 1, to fail, I<> n-r; cup1t.llt.ate,
ldrane«i iii yinrs, Cic. tlmnre, Cle.; 2, tQ fall, go to ruin, mik; it.a
prigreufo -3nla, f. (progrcdior), a.n fJd. prolaps11 e11t juventu11 ut, etc., Cle.
\•.11«i11g. progrua, incrur.M; a, progreiis1onem prolapuo ..anla, t. (prolabor), a 1Upptng,
facere l\d virtutP.m, Cic.; b, rhet. t. t., a grad1uil alidin9, <.:11'.
ltrr111Jllv.11in9 of uprruimi, climaz, Cle.
prceuua -111, m. (projtTedlt>r). a going pril&tlo ..an111, t. (pm!e~}. L 11 brfo9l "fl
forw.m-1. in d!ICOur1t, nuntioning; exemplo11rn1,
/tliwrU.., adiun«. L Lit., aliqnem progressu Cic. IL 1, an nuiuion; Hnium, Liv.; 2, ca
&r~re, Cic. IL Pig., a, blgfoning ofa tpuch: putting off, deftrring; judicii, Cic.
pnmo progres1m, Cle. ; b, progrUll, focreau ,
aet&ti.s, Cle. ; tanto11 progreasus habebat. In, I. (intens. of profero). L Co a-
Btoici\, progrm (n the Stoical ph.il0t0p~y. C1c. ; tt11d, en/argt, lrngthtn; agros, '.J'~c. U. Transr.,
progreaau11 facere In atudil11, Cic. A. to ~11 off, ckla11, dt/tr; eom1tla, Liv. ; malum,
Cic. B. to prolon,17; vi tam, Tac.
prob.!= pro r (q.v.).
proleoto, I. (intens. of prolic!o), to tntb,
mhlbio. blll ·bltnm, 2. (pm and habeo). L alfurt; egentes spe largitloni11, Cic.
lo lo!d back II.old fo, c"'-r,k, reat rain, 11. i IUUr. A.
~-. praed Gnes a Sicilia, Cle.; allquem a famil- o.f;;prin11.
pril. . -111, r. (pro and • aleo, 1leacn). L
laritate, Oic. ; vim hostium ab oppidis, Cae1. ; duandarit,, poaterUy; a, of gods and
~ s1105que ab lnjuria, Caee. ; exercitum ltiuere,
men, ilia futuror11m hominum, fl1turt geJUmJ-
lo1Jlistrudo11.tll.t mar~h. Caes.; with lnlln., pro- /i.011$, Cic.; AJ'll'lllinea, .Aw:ulapiru, Ov.; Latonia,
hibto 111iq11em exire dr,mo, Cic. ; with ne •.nd .Apollo C?nd Viana, Ov.; b, or animals, Verg.;
th~ suh.I., ?OtUi&ti prohlbere ne fleret, Cir. ; with c '>f plants, jruil, Ver~. U. Transf., routA,
quin and thP aubJ., nl!<', quln ernmperet, pM· y~11n.9 me11: equitun1 pettitumque, Cle.
hibert po~rat, Li\'.; with q11nmin~111 and the prilit&rfD.S ·Ii, m. (proll!!I}, 11 eUiztn of the
• 1bj., PMhii>uiss.e, quomlnus de te certum ha'tx>r· 1?1L-tll ch11 u-ho Nrwi th4 nau onlv bf bcil"!l tll.t
einus, Ci•'.; with dnublf>&<"::., ldeo ut pr'.>hibel'l!'t, /atJter of ch.i/drtn, Cic.
Liv.; with simple acc., Ole!!arem, C&Ps ; con- prollclo, s. (pro an-:! lAelo). to lurt /orflt..
atuullc•1iu1, Cic. B. /iJ hirtdtr bµ 1rt0rru, f'lrhi:J, tnti~. Ov.
P'?hihil; lex rei::t& lmperan5, prnhlhen!IQUP cnn· prolbti, ad,·. (pr'>lixus). I. a'ntndantl1,
tl'llrl:i, C1c. IL ,,,, prtvrrt, d'ftll.d, pMt!ct; a quo c~11inu•IJ1; i-:1 prolixe cnmulaU!}ue feclt, Cia..
pericnlo prnhibetr remput.ltram, r.1r. IL /rulv. u-iU111glv; In delectu parum prolla
PJ'6hlbltlo ..l)nis, f. (prohlbeo), a 1t.Ln.dtrl1t1, re11ponf°!4're, Cll'.'.
,,,-okibi:ion; tt.>IJPndl, Cle. p..01.bnla -a -nm (Pft' And lama), ~
pl'olclo projiclo (q. v.). nttndtd, tL'icU, 1>mld, ZM&g. L Lit., Luer. U.
pro H6 pro
Fig., 1. wfllin.g, obllg{ng; tua prollxn lll!neftcaque prim.ltto -mlsl -mls11um, S. to let gofur'aml.
nat.ura, Cic. ; 2, prorptrotU, fortunalt; cetera •nd Jorlh.L to IJT01l1; capillum et barbam, •
11iero prolixa ease competltoribus, Cic. ltt gro111, LIY. IL 1, lo ,,.,._.~ cau. to apt.d,
pri16gus -1, m. (rpcSAoyo~), a prol.ovtu, Ter. IJ.5"lre; a, with Aec. or tliing aud with or
prol0quor ·16cntus (-l&}nntuA) sum -11Squl1 wlthouhco. of person, Bi Neptunu~ quod Tlteseo
S. dep. to •1~ak out, l/a'JLOUt. L Gen., q110<t promiRcrat, non feci:Uet, Cic. : with do and the
proloqul I'iget, Liv. IL Esp., lo proPhU1J, abl., de horum erga me promitt-
predict, Prop. ebam, Cic.; with acc. and f'nt. infln., promiUD
tlbl, al \'alebit, tegulam Ilium in Italia uullam
prollido -llllll -lo.sum, s. to play bt/ortAand, relicturum, Cic. : b, to tllOID, promise to a pod:
to p•-eluda, to practiu beforelta11d. L Lit., ad donnm Jovl dlcatum et promissnm, Cic.; c,
puKnam, Ov. IL Fig., ut l1•i<is sententiiB, qui· 1iro111ittere ad allquem, ad cenam, t-0 a.capt a•
bus proluserlnt, vel pugnare pos11int, Cic. i1u:itatiola lo diu 1Dith; ad frat.ram protuiaerat.,
priU1o ·11'11 -tntu111, S. L to 1DOM /orfh. or Cic.
out. A. to up, to wash oul; genus omne pr0mo. prompal,, S. (for prolmo,. lltore tn extremo ftuctns proluit, from pro 1tnd emo), to bring forth., brUg O.C,
Verg. B. to 100Sh o§; tempestas ex omniuu11 prnduce. L Lit., 1, gen., mediCllmenta de Dll.J'o
montibus nives proluit, Caes. IL lo tD<lM; in thecio, Cfc.; 2. esp., a, lo bring monq OllZ of•
vivo J•rolue rore man us, Ov.; lenl praecordla cnffer, to produce; an rum ex aerario, Cic.; esp.
mulso (of drinking), Hor. of the qu1testor, alicul pecunl1tm ex aerario,
priliialo -Ouls, f. (proludo), • pnl!UU, pr9- Cle.; b, lo bring tt"i•te up out of th~ cellar; vina.
Uuuna.ry UJtrCistl, uaay, Cle. lior.; o, to bring tcMpo1u out; tela e pliatttra,
proUivles -1§1, f. (proluo). L B?l f?lunda- Ov. IL Transf., l, gen., to bring fortA., dnm
ffo1i, Luer. IL e:ccremtn.t; ventrlll, Verg. forth; animus eruditus, gnl semJ>er u: ee aliqnJd
prim6rio ·t\I -It11m, and prom~rior prowat, quod delectet, C1c.; 2, w bring~
·ltua sum -eri, 2. dep. to d~1'L L reua levius utter, uprui, mention.; plura ad versus Cottam.
puuttus quam sit ille promeritua, Cle.; auo
beneftcio promerult, 11e ut amea, Cle. ; partic. prom~n~o. 2. to 'klaMl; t.. t.. of &U..,"1lr7, . .
11ubst., prom6ritum .f, n. dtlln'll, merit: periculi:s promoveri, Cic.
vestra in nos universa promerita, Cic. IL promontOrium ·TI, n. (promlneo). L •
(Gen. In f'onn promereor), to duerN (well) q/; muuntain·ptak, Liv. IL a pmmo11to1·1, Cic.
promererl beno de mu\tls, Cle. pl'Omota ~rum, n. (promcweo), (translatfoa
Promethe1111 ·iH and -ins, m. (Ilpoµ7!B•k, of' the Greek W'potty11-lvo.), p1·tfcrait1 tAi19A .ac
U1e ForttMn.ker), iwn o/ la1ietu1, brotlier q/ in dcgrte t-0 the ab.olu:U 11'-'0<l, <.:ic.
E1·imdhtu11 and fnther of Deucalf.on, the m.vthical prom6v~o -mlh·i -m&tum, i. to tlt09' jtlr-
hrro, who mad£ man. of clay, and stole fire to ward1, push onu.-arils. L Lit., A. Gen., a, of
cinimau hu creatwn. from for u.'hich 1ul things, saxa ,·ectihus, Ca""·; castra ad car.
¥a4 bound to a rock in the Couccuu.s, wltere a thagincm, Liv.; b, of rersuns, J•romovert
rnltii•-e devvund hill lirer. Heni·c, A. Adj., )ei>'10lle8, OO!IU to e1drunce, Ca~!I. B. l:.."I'·• 1, fO
PrCSmethoua -a -um, Promahean: juga, Prop~: aarana; a btlUdhig in a ct:rl1tia dircrtion, to puA
rupeK, tha Caucas111, Mart. B. Sub:1t,, PrO- on; aggere111 In urhem, Liv.; in altt-nnn
methll.dea -ae, m. aon o/ Promttl1t111, Dev.· angulum, to remore, <..'ic.; 2, tvute11d; iruperinm,
culion. Ov. IL Fig., A. Gen ••promo'l"ere arcana loco,
prim.lneu -entls (promlneo), juUin.u out, to m-£n:g to light, Hor. .as. to (11.CN'l', Ulp'Dlr;
proj«lln.g; aub:1t•• promlnena -entls, n. a r.loctrina vhn promovet lnaitam, Hor.
p,.ojecticn.: In pro111i11e11ti litori11, Tac. prompt.i, adv. (promptn~). I. promptl~.
primln6o -mluill, 2. t-0 sta11d out, j11t out, qtticl.:ly, rec1dil11, Tac IL easily, Juv. llL
pro1rct. L Lit., colli!I prominc11s, Liv.; pro· fmnkly, fntly; dk1un paulo promptius, Cic.
mint't. in Altum, Liv.; pt"ctvre 11u•l<> promine111.e8, 1. promptua -a ·um, p. ar!j. (frmn pNtDO).
Ca1•11. D. 1-'il(. (ju,tltia) f'ora.'I tot.a promineat, L ii!libu, apparent, tnanifat; aiiu<1 c:sm1um Ill
to •ftp j()J"th, be prcminc11t, Cic.; mRxima Jllll'll pcctore, 1dlud prom1•t11111 in li11.:ua b:ibere,
(gloli11e) iu )'OSIA!ritatcm prorninet, c.rlelld1, Liv. 81111.; promptaelaflerta,Ci«-. ILT1an1r.,rmdJ,

pl'Omlsci, adv. (proml11cns) = promlacue, nt ho:nd, prrpartd. A. or thlu:;;i, 1, gen., fktcm
s~inm populo Roman•J prnmptain, Ht riv'!~
primlsoiii, Arlv. (pro111!llCUW1), prom~ tLon of, Cle.; 2, esp., liJ"N; defenslo, C1c. B.
01•s'11, wilh.'!Ll dutilmio11, Caea. Of flerllons, rtaay, f>""J"trtd, ruolut.t!, qviel:, dt.
111'~ /or; pro1:1ptiS11i111us Jaomo et ex1.erie111,
primlacua = t•rorni11c1111s (q.v.). Cic.; with nd or iu ;111ul the NCC!., arl vim 1•n1111ptna,
pr0m1soiius -a ·i.m,, fo common, in- Ct.-.; with at.I., lug1mio, liu;:ui, Liv.; with Rt'WL.
di • J1TOinllcuo111. L Lit., co111itia (of ph1ct•), belli (in tLUT) 1•rou1;·ti~iwoa, Ball.
plehi et pAtribus prom!~cua, Liv.; c•1nnuhia, l~­ 2. promDtua -Q, m. (1•romo). L o btf,.4
t'IL'lln. 7'<tlrician1and plel>4iians, Uv.; diviuaot~ue tri81blt, ri1ibllit11, ouly In the phrases: In prompt.a
humana promiacua halicre, tomakt Mdutiiu:tum f'S&e, to bf trl.sililt, '111c111(fut, etc., Cle.; in )•rompt11
bcttcCtll, Sall.: In Jll"l'n.iscuo e.ise, to ba common, Jl"llf're, to mah trurnifut, Cic.; tn pmmptll
Liv. IL TrnnsC., common, tuuul, general, Tac. halicrc, Sall. IL Trnnaf., A. rmdiness, only in
primlealo -Unis, C. (pron.It to), ci proml11; the phmlll"B: in promptu hSe, to bt rtarl11al11.alMf.
auxilil, Cic. Cle. ; in promptn h"bere, to ho:rt rcadJI al MIMI,
promla8or ~rla, m. (prorr.itt.n), a promf1t, Cic. B. eo1intAS, onl1 in phfl.ICI in prompt:ll
es1•., 11:ho pr.,moo lxxutingly, a boaster, Hor.
011e eH:se, to IJf tv1y, 8811.
primiuum. ·l. n. (J•rorr.itto), a promulg&tlo ~nls, f. (promn1:?0),a •al-bf
promissum fa.cere, lo JJ1al;r. a promise, Hur, ; pul;lirly hioum, proclamation, prom11l!f'•tiox (of a
promi!IS& sen-are or promis5i• stare, to 1..up pro11osed law), Cle.
promf1e1, Cic.; i•raemlorum promis:ia, Cic. promulg'o, 1. (Jtro and mulco), to p1tbll.<l,
pl'Om.lalu ·• -um, p. a<l/· (trorn promltto). promulgau. L Lit., lt'glll t. t., to pttP>lisA a P""
L long, llanqi...g doum.: or ha r, ~rlllus, Cat'll.; polltJd law (on thne n1arket-<tay1); ltge11, Cic.:
couarlet, Liv.; borlia. Liv. IL Jtrod1'Cf.119 promulgare de allquo, Cic. IL Trn1U1t, Co~
•tu:A ~W.; carmen, Hor. ltM, .ak• kl&01C'll ; pruelia,, Cic.
pro 447 pro
primulais -Id!11, r. (pro and mulsum), a dish pr3pagi.tlo -r.nll1, r. (1. propRgo). L a11
Wen as a rl!l~la befort a tMal (eggs, 11.ut-ftsh, t%ltn.•lori, t11lur11e111e11t. A. In kpaec, lmperii
rcdi.sha, .. tc.), a whd. no,.tri, Cic.. B. I 11 time, pru/n11ging, t.rlvulin{I;
pr0muntiirium = promoutorimu (q. v.). temporl,., Cle. ; vitae, Cle. II. plmtling, prop.i·
uatim~, Cle.; trllnsf., of a r1tce, Cic.; 1111mi11is1
pr0mua -i, 111. (promo), tM 6la!'ll who had Cic.!l'! of tM 1tore-room. nrnf su1-ed out t/11 daily ~rls, m. (I. propnoo), GJ& ~
r.tp1oli.u, steward, butler, Hor. under, e11l-.1rger; provinci11t, Ci<'~
promiitliua -a -um, adm11cld, paW before- 1. pr&pago, 1. (pro 111111 PAO-o, pangn). L
lta1td, Ctes. Oen., A. to r.ctu1.d, c11larg~; flue.s proviuciae, Cle.
prone, adv. (prnnus), doumu:arcU, cm an (n- B. to cx1t1id i11 poi11t of time, prolong; IJellum,
tlrne: prnne nc Castigate, Cic. Cic.; laudem 11licui11s n<l sc111pitt>r111i111 glol'iam,
pr6nepos ·J'litis, m. a grrot-gra~. Cic. Cic.; lmperium co111mli in 11111111111, Liv.; 111ulta
isae<'ula rcip11blic11e, to p1olo11g the ui.<tei<~ of tM
pr0nept1a ·is, r. a grond-da11ghur, stu/s by ma11J1 uuturiu, Ck. II. Esp., to pro-
r.:1s. pag'ltt, pl<i11t; trausr., of a race, 11ti ri~m, Cic.
pronls = prouus, (q.v.). 2. pn)pago -Inis, f. (1. propago). I. a sud·er,
pr0noea -ae, r. (Jrpo...o•a:), provldenu, Cle. lttytr, ahoot; esp., or the vi11e, Cic. IL Transr.,
proniiba -ae, f. (pro and nubo), a matron. of men 1md animnls, off8pring, 7l'f'Ogtny, race,
tf"lto atundtd on a bride at 11 Roman wedt1'11g; po~tuit11; Romana, \'erg.; eatµJoru111, Luer.;
Juno Pronnba, the (l<l./dcs11 u·Jw pres£ilei.l ovtr pJur., clarorum virorum propaginea, gentalogiu,
vu:rr4~e; t ran sf., of Dellona, cu prt.si1li ng orer Nep.
an u1lliu;ky marriage (leading to war), \"er;;.; RO proplUam, adv. publLcl11, it& public; dkere,
or the F'1ries, 0\". Liv. ; co!locare, Cle.
pronuntiatlo -45nh1, r. (pronuntlo). L prooltitlua -a -nm, open, "11corered. L
91'.L.l.:ing kn.own publfrly, p11blirotio11, Caes. Lup., Adj., fii arerto ac J•rt•rtulo loco, Cic. IL
the d«Ui.on of a jud9e, a judgnunt, Cic. .u. In SulJSt., propltMum · , 11. an open place, tin•
logic, a propi>•!Hon, Cic. roofed 8PftU; heu~e, in JJrtlpatulo; a ope1il11,
Cle.: tran~r., vi.sibly, publicly, Sall.; 'b, esp.,
prinuntlator -l5ri11, m. (pronuntlo), a n- In proJ>atnlo aetllum, (3 iM open fori-<XJUrt of a
latv- ; rerum ~st.arum, Cle. Ao111e, Liv.
pronuntffitum ·I, n. (pronuntlo), In logic, prCSp6 (from pro and pe, or else the neuter
a J•roposit'.on, Cic.
Of RD llllU!'led adj., rropfl1). Compar., prOpfU;
pr0nuntlo, I. to make publicly knotma, saperl., proxlme. L Adv., A. near; 11 of L Gen., to procl11imiia1111ouna; pro- apace, near; vu!t:bam prope alieubl esse, Cio.;
nuntiare quae gesta snnt, Caes. A. &,p., po lit. pro pi us, nrarvr; acce<lere, Cic.; proxime, nut;
and ml!it. t. t., to pu.bli.M, proclai11t, 111/tks k1"ll1m proxilne tntn!l Pa<lum, Caes. ; 2, of ti111e, Ma.r;
f1r J1f"Ocla1M.tio-n; a, In public gathering!!, by hence, proxime, a 6hort tiiM 1l171),jlJ.St n.ow; quern
the herald or crier at the eo111111and of the mag- proxhue no111l11avl, Cle.; 3, of othu relations:
istrate; te lllo honore aftlci J'ro11u11tlavlt, Cie.; &l of approximntlon to ; (11) iuarly; J•rope erat
pronnntiare Rliqucm Jinieturem, Liv.; so or a u 1ielleretur, M wa1 ntiar bting, etc., Liv.:
command given to the soldiers In a camp; pro- prop!us nihil est fZLCtum quam ut ocei<leretur,
nantiatur vriml. luce itmos, Caca.; so, publicly Cic.; (fl) nlo.TlJI, almost; nnnis pr1Jpe quad·
lo J17V'At6ft tomdhirtg to the peo1•ls; nummo11 In raginta., Liv.: prope desperatis rehus, Cle.;
tribus, Cic.; b, in tht1 senate, or the eonRul, to prope adesse, to be cloSd at ha11d, <.:le.; (y)
a11n.ouiicc a "''°lutiml and tM nams of it• p-ro- more cJo.sely, mere cuxuraJely; propiua res aoplce
~; Lentulns 11ententiam Calidil pronuntia- nostraa, Verg.; (.S)ohimllarity, proxlmeatque(ac)
turum se Df'i&Vit,Cic. B. Legal t. t., a,ofjurlge.q, Ille, Ci<'. ; b, ot order, nror; proxlme a Lacyde,
4:te., (a) to e:cprw1; graviorcm sententiam, Caea.; Cic. B. n~ar by, clou to, hard br_ • gt"n. with I\
(ft) to d«ick, pro1t0unce a j1uigm~nl; de tribnnall and the abl., prope a !:ilcllia, Cio. ILPrep. with
pmnnntiavit aeae recepturum, Cic.; b, In an acc. (sometime.a with dnt.), 1, of space, near to;
agreement for a sale, to make a statement a.. to prope me, Cic. ; proxlme ho11tem, iit:R tM 111tllly,
tlw dejeas of the thing told; quum In vendentlo Cae:f.; J•roplus grammatico aeces.~J. Cie.; 2, of
rem eam aclaet et non pro1111ntlnsset, Cle. C.
Rbet. t. L, to dttlai111, rtcite, ddh't'I"; anmmA
'ICJCe ve111ns multoa uno 11piritu, Cle.
ti111e, ne>-1T to, rlosa un; prope ~lendu Bext.,
Ck.; 3, of approximation or 1iml\1u·lty,
fr(J'ITI, Mar to : propl 1111, nmrer to; proi.:lme,
prOJiiirua ·Ila, ta gran<Uon'r w\fe, Ov. 11carc~t to, t'Cry lib to; prope aecetl!'lfonem plelii11
printu1 -a -um, in.clintd forwarrl, lioopi119 res venlt, Liv. ; pro11lu11 !idem est, U de#TtYI
forward, .1t.o.119inl1 down. L A.. Adj., a, of more credit, Liv.; pro:r.ime morem Ro111anu1u,
per1'<>na, 1•ron1111 pendl\llS In verbera, lw.11ing f<>T· Liv.
10ard to tM bl010, \'erg. ; so or penions, nDif/l'} pr6p~41em, adv. at a11 crlv dalf, "111 '°°"-{I, Ov.; b, or the poditlon or parts or the Clc.
body, mntQ lJrOllO, (.;fQ, j 0 1 or fhingR, lllllnls, pro*"'llo ·pi111 ·pnlsum s. to driw b</brl
nWii11g doiun, Verg. ; d, trllnsr., (a:) uf places, one, dru14/cYrlh, dril't! awar. iLit., 1, or things,
.Wping; Anxur ruit urba prona In p.'llwies, Liv.; a, to driw away, f'lllh away; craU>.a pro muul-
poet., pr«lpUotis, at.up; via, Ov.; (ft) or stars, tione objecta.s, Cua.; b, to hurl dowll; Cf)rpua
.Uhig; Orion, Hor.; (y) or time, M$len.ln.g 11liculu11 e scopulo In prorun1lum, Ov.; o, to
atmy; men!leJJ, Hor. B. Bubst., prc>num-t, n., driw /uru,nrd; navem in 11ltum, Ov.; 2, a, of
nlhil pron I habere, Cic. IL Ffg., A. inclined persona, todriw awa11 fl)Tci/Jly, ~1·ulse; hostea,
lmmrds: 1, to something good or bad; ad novaa Cacs.; D oC animals, to drive awa11; pecu11 extra
res, Tac.; In o~quium, Hor.; In hoc conllillum, portam, l1v. IL Fig., a, to drlt>s alC(lJI; vitae
Liv. ; 2, ttt.cliiied, u-ell-di.8poMd, /a'DO'Ura.blt; In perieu!um 11b aliquo. Liv.; b to drl1XJ/orward1;
allquem.t Tac. B. ·Met-On., ICU1I; omnla virtuti oratlonem di11lectlcorurn remfe, Cle.; c, to'llrlw,
proua, :MLll. ; Id proulua ad fidem est, wmore to compel; allque1n ad voluntarlam monmn, Tac.
omlitabU, Liv. priplSmcld~, adv. (prope and modus), OZ.
priHHmalum -11, n. (irpool,..o ..'). L a pre- mO&t, n.earl11, Liv.
~ iAtroductio11, prelud., C.lo. IL G ~hin.lng, pr~6dum, adv. (prope and modus),
luy, Alm.Oii, MGTlJI, Cic.
pro ff8 pro
pripadio ·f"'ndl ·ptnaum, 2.toAn1tgdnK'IJ. gwru, Vel'JC. B. Traur., 1, ot time, •flltnr.
I. LU., tanlun1 l'!OJM'ndere Ulatn boul la11cem IROf'I rtteal; epiatola. Cic.; with flat., prnptor
ut, etc., Cle. IL Fig., hona pm1iend~11t., to leto, Ov.; 2, a. or "'latiulllhiJi, •et1~T. - .
prrJJ071rilrale, Cic.; lncliuatione \"ol1111tati11 ad rloNl11 conri«Ud; aocieta11, Cic.; qDibua Jiropinr
allquem, to be (ndintd to, /a.LYJHral>le toicnrd•, P. Qulnctln nemo e11t., Cle. ; b, ""1rtr, 9'0"'
Cic. rlt»tly a.fttti11.g; aua Bihl rropriora - perir"Ula
pripeuei. atfv. (pmpemnu~), MlliU11, VliU· qnam m<'I. Cle. : c, 11mn>r i11 1"'i"l of liknina.
i1tgl1; gen. compar., propen11i1111, Liv. lllOTC 1i1Mil11r; J&rclert prorriorn, Cic.: rmpiu•"'
pripeaalo ..{)ni11, f. (Jlr(llll'ndeo), 1111 illdilia· vero, Ov.; w1tJ1 acc. and antin , Liv.; d, 11tort
ti.01t lov'ard.t, prcpt1t..~it11. Cir. 111itable to; portus rropinr hnic, Cle. ; e,
1nore i111:lil!.ed tolt'llrtU; pmprior balumla Tumft,
PrOP9DSU9 ·a -nm, p. aitj. (from rmren.too), Ov. IL SuJlf!'rl .. proJdmu -& -um, l't7'J 11.trtr,
1, incfin.ed to, di:rptw,rl to; ad mtserirordi11rn, 11mr,&l. A., of pl11Cf!', nppilf11111, Ca""-;
Cic.; in alteram llArfA'm. Cic. : !J, coming 1unr vicir11111, Cic. ; wlth rlat., huic 1•m11im1u lr..-u",
to: ad ve-ritatis aimilitudinem, Cic. Cic.; with acc., proximua qt1isque hostr11.1,
l>riplrant~r. a~v. <rroJlf!'m), ltcutily, Liv.; with ah and the abl., dal'lyluR proxi111118
q1ucH1, Tac.; Jll"('perantiu11, 8all., Ov. a pustremo, Cle.; 111bat., a, proldml,, tA.t.i
Dl'Opirantla-ae, f. (properP), lltut.e, m71idity, .U111di1tg 11ut, Cat'S., or llwM Jla1uti119 Rtnrnt.
&11. Caea.; b 1 p~Jdmum ·I, n. tJu IUl'lrnt, tltc
pripiratlo ~ni11, I. (propem), l&astt, Ck. MighbourAOoa; c proximo, ?'\ ep.; pro xi ma lllpici,
priplratO, adv. (propero), Acutil11, q1.1idl11, Li\·. B. Tran11t'., 1, of time, a, of the future.
Tac. 1v.r:l, foUowring; nox, Caee.; an11u11. Cle. : b, or
the put, M1:1rat, M011t rrtll'll.l; quid 1•rnximi
pr0JNSro, l. (prrpt>ru~\ I. Int.ranidt., to uucte egeria, Cle.; proximla 1upenoriuua diebo•,
lta...u" (from a particulsr point); a, or perlluna, Caes. : 2, oC aucceulon, ne.u, jollDtci'l&f 11m ;
Romam, Cic.; with In and &cc., iu pAt.riam, proxim111 po8t Lyaandrum, Cle.; proximum est,
Ca~s.; with ad and acc., ad aliquem, Caea.;
with inftn., DOD nuci bomlnl opt~mum est.
with adv., alio, 8.'lll.; with iDtln., redire, Cle.; proximum autf!'m (Ills nat but t.\i1119) quam
all8ol., properante& arrna currunt, Sall.; b, or primum mori, Cic. ; proximnm eat, wltb ut and
t.hingi1, properan!I aqua per agroe, lfor. D. t.he auhj., w Nat t.Aixg ii lo, etc. ; rroximum
Tra11sit., to ~ $, to Qrol!/.eT'aU, com· est ut doceam, Cic. ; 3, nut ir& ~nn, i11
p[,te qllU:klJJ ; iter, Sall.; mortem, Verg.; opu11, ra.nk, in trorlll; proximuaest huic d1:;uitati ordn
atudium, Hor. equester, Cle. : 4, IUJ(Jre..i a.hll., _..,, R"llrl)
PriSpertlua -U, m., Sex. Aurt'liu!I, a Ro-n nlated ; proximus cognat.ione, Cic. ; 1u'hl!L.
tlt~iac pod, born. fa Um.bria., r.duoaltd in R.oni.e proJdml -Orum, m. 111:ar rclation.s, Cle.: 6.
(aLnut 49-1~ a.c.). ntart/11 iK rutlllblan<¥, Rost lil-e; deo 1•roxirn11m,
. prop6rua-a-un'!, qt1ick, mpid, Aa.st1, bultling; Cic.
c11·c11111stant propen aur1gae, Verg. pl'Opltlo. I. (propitius), to 100tlu, propUiaU,
propexua -a -um (pro and pecto), C1Jnibtd BPJicaMi Veucrem, Plaut.
/nricarJ,,, hanging tfoum; propexa in p«tore prop1tlu -a -um (pro and p<>to, Or. .,,o-
Larl:>a, Verg.; propexam ad pect.ora barbnm, Ov. irtni~ ). /avoumbly incliMd, ftu-ourablc, gnzciO'll.I.
propmatlo ·ODi11, r. (proplno), " drinking propitiou: dii, Cic.; huuc pn•pit.ium 1penu1t..
lo 011e"• htolth, Sen. Cic.
pl"OpiDo, l. (•pom-). L to drink to ani;
one; J1ropi110 hoc pulchro Critiae, Cic. IL
Transr., to gh'j! drill.k to an1 one, Mart.
propblqui. adv. (propinquus), mar, close
by, Plaut.
pl'Oplaa, comp. or prore (q. v.).
PrOpoetldea -um, f. -~of Cypr-u V.U
dtnitd iM dit'i.nit11 of Ve11u and
into •lone.
-n da119'1f
pr0p0la -ae, m. ( ..poir.M'IJ{), aft>rat41ler, ,...
pl'Opblq~taa ·itts1 f .. (propln~uu11). L tailer, hucksUr, Ctc.
ti.«'"'"'• pro;i:imU1; loci, C.'ic. ; hostmm, Cl\es. propoUa.o, 3. to pollv.U vreatlr. Tac.
IL Tran11f., relatioMAip; vinculis prol'inquit- prOpODO -pOeiii ·p6.t!lturu, 3. L to ptd ferll,
ati1 conjuDctua, Cic. pbia out, w '" •itw, ttpo«, duplay. A. Lit.,
prOptnquo, I. (proplnquus). L IntraDsiL, \'t!Xillnm, Caes.; aliquld venale, apo11r for sale,
lo eom.t near, draw near, approach. A. Lit., a, Cic.; oculis and ante oculos, lo plaoe befon tlii
of pe111ons, with dat., scopulo, Verg.; witl1 aoc., tyrs, Cic. B. Fig., 1, lo place b#fo.,.,, lid befon;
camJlOll, Tac.; b,ofthings, lgnisdomui 111icuius aliquem sibi ad imit.aDdum, Cic.; 2a.. to briag
propiDquat, Tac. B. Trans(., of time, to draw /orv:o.rd; propos1ta aententia, Cic. ; "• to pro-
Mar; Parcarum dies et via lnimka propinquat, ~; vroponat quid dictuna sit, Cle. ; 4, Iii
Verg. D. Transit., lo bring near, haste11; r~10rt, rein.le, tell; rem, Can. ; 5, tll
augulinm, Verg. 111ul.:t 1.·1iow11; e11istolam ID publico, <.:ic. ; hence,
pnpblquu -a -um (prope), ne11r. L Of a, to prop<>M, promi.l't, o§a 01 a. nlAU'li;
apace or position, n.eighbouring, borderi1ig: pro- praemia alicui, Cic. ; b..l to threatcii, tMJIGQI;
vincla, Cic.; with dat., propinquua cuhkulo poen:un improbis, Cic. ; u, to proJIClll! 11 q11~M>1.
/OT an11Ce1'; quaestionem, Nep.. ; 7, to propoa
hortu11, Liv.; 11ubat. (in aing. only with a prep.),
In propiDqno esae, lo bt near, Liv.; oppirlo pro- to one.Uf, ;pvrpose, intffld; consecutus id, quod
pinqua, the neighbourhood q/ the toum, &11. IL •nimo proposu,.rat, Cal's. ; with ut or ut ne and
Transf., A. nea.r, as regards time ; reditns, Cic. suhj.,qnum mihi proposuiuem utcomm(>Vl'~DI,
B. Of Otber relationR, &, •im.tlar; qu&e pro· Cic.; with lnfin., qulbua proJ>OSitum est oontn
pinqua videntur et ftnltima, Cic. ; b, "ear in omnes philosophos dict're, C1c. U. to dale tAI
poin.t q/ relat'41ullip, eloidy oon'lltdtd; cognatio, pmnis.s q/ a 111/logilTll, Cic.
Cle.: with dat., tibi genere propinqui, Sall.; Propontla ·ldl• and ·ldoa. r. (Ilpoiromc).
111bet., a ki ruman, Cic. the Propontil, uow tM Sta. q/ ,VaT1110ra.; hence,
priplor -us, g~.nit. ~rl!, 1uperl., pJ'OJ[- PrOpontlAcua -a -u1u, of or "'4tiW4 Co t.k
lmu.s -a ·Um (prope). L Compar., pr0p- Propontil.
lor, t1t11rer. A. Lit., of' place, portus, Verg.; priporrl adY. /u.rtlacr, _,,._., Laer.
polUI, Caes.; with dat., proplor patriae, Ov.; pr0pordo ~nl11, t. proporeen, ni°"°'9, ......
neut. plur. tubet., propriora, tM Ma1'1T ,.. loilf, riaUcirU11, Cle.
pro '49 pro
propieltlo ~nls, r. (propono). I. a ~ttittg pripugni.tlo ~nl1, t. (propogno), de/enc..
bt/o•-. 01uvlf; 1, tM rqn-unvatton 111hfch. a 11um dtftnding ; fig., nodm :rro1•ugnatlo et deleD11lo
for!'M in Ai1 oum 111 irul of 3()'11Uth(ng; anlml, Cic.; dign!tiltis tuae, Cic.
vitae, Cic. ; 2, the .ubjeet or tht1n.e of a diM»uru, propugn&tor -6ris, m. (prorugno), 11 u.
Cic. IL Jn logic, &M ~ral propolill<m of a feruhr, combatant, .ald£tr. L Lit., a, dupllof
1yl/0[1i~m, Cic. propugnatnrum ordine defend!, C&e11.; b~_ca
prop0sltum -1, n, (prnpono). L that which marine; dl111lsslo pro11ugnatorum, Cic. 1..1..
u v.t Ix/art 01u; 1, a ckrign., plan, purpo.w, in- Fig., a defe,uJ..r; patrimouii aul, Cle.
untion: proposlturn usequl, In accomplish a propugno, L to lkirmW& to the ,frowl. L
duig11, Cic. ; te11ere, lo kup to a dui!l'll, Cic. ; 2. l11lraniiit., to fight '" defrna. ta deftmd Oft-1/;
Ill ""bjed or t~ of a a<l propositum a, lit., uno teanpure provugnare et,
red tam us, Cic. IL till pmn.iu of a qllo!Jim&, Caea.; e loco, C&P...t.; pro v.. Uo, Liv.; pro suo
C1c. partu (or 11nim:il~), Cic.; partio. subf;t., pro-
propraetor -~ris, m. and pro praetOre, pa;;nantes, the defendera, Cnes.; b. trans!., C.
c propnutor, a Roman v•ho, ofter Juzv,ng been. to Ji.II ht fa defcflt:C; pro fam&
fiqht for 'omethL11(1,
pruetur a.t Rome, u:as u1ll cu govern.or to a provincs alicuius, Cic. IL Tra11llit., to defend; wii-
wilhovl a 11•tli.lart1 comm.and, Cic. nimenta, Tac.
pri;prle, adv. (proprius}. L Lit., peculfarly, propulao, 1. (Int.ens. or propello)., to dritlC
aclusii!f'/y for onustlf: pruprle parvA pa.rte frnl, back, rcptl, ward o(. L Lit., ho:<tem, CAea.:
Cir. n Tranl!f., a, pte11.liarly, charocltristforl/y, populuni ab l11grM1101111 fori, Cic. II. Traru&t.,
p«TStYM.lly; quod tu ipst> tutu amandus cs, id t:at frigus, famem, Cic. ; 1uspiclouem a 88, Cle.
proprie tuum, Cic.; b, ~aially, ezpnssly; prCSpflaeon -1, n. {'1rponi.A.o.1ov), a ~r.
r11i11a causam neque senatu:1 puhlice neque ull11s entrance: plnr., PrOpylaea -Orum, n. (T•
ordo proplie susceperat, Cic.; c, accuro.Ul11, in Trpor.:Ao.111), tM ultbrail!d cmra~ to IA. PIJf"e
G yrorc· «11.&e; i:tud ho11estum quod proprie the110~ at .A.then,, bu.ilt bf Ptrida.
nn:que dlcllur, Cic. pr0-quaeet6re; a proqtl.lUJlor, 11 IJ1laatof'
pr6prletas -A.Us, t. {pmprius), a property, (n n Roman prollince, toho atundtd to UwftMXClt
pm1liarit11; rermn, Cle.; plur., rrug111n pro- and pay of the cirmy, Cic.
prietate.s, Liv. pr0quam, conj. au.ordifl{I aa, Lncr.
pr6pritlm (proprius), propn-l11, pecul£11rl11, prora -ne, r. (rpw11a}, the prow, bow of 11 lllp.
Luer. =
L Lit., Caes.; prorae tut.·la proreta. OY.
pr6priua -ft -um, cm/• oum, ipec£al, particu- IL Ml'ton.= 11 aMp, Verg., Ov.
lar, 7>fculiar. L Lit., a, opp. to commu11i:1; prirepo ·re1>11I ·reptum, 3. k> orwp foru:an!.
lsta ca\.•mit:as communls e11t utrfusque nostrum, crawljort1i, Hor.
kd culpa mea propria e11t, Cle; often with
po~sus. pron., Jlroprlus et suns, suus proprius, proreta ·&e, m. (,,.p...pO.~), Uw look-out -
uosLer i•roprius, Cic.; b ~·• ow1i., as 011p. to at the prow Q/ 11 •hip, Plaut.
&lienW1; assu1upto allun1le uti, n"n pro· Proreua -61, m. (llpc.tjMiif), a ~A.111 nUor.
pri•1, non 1110, Cic. IL Trnn~r., A. peculiar to Ov.
a ptrson or thin.g; a, clurradtristic of; proprium prirlplo -r[pt11 -reptum (pr.i and rarlo), a.
est senertntis vitlnm, Cic.; proprium eat a\i- to snatch,, drag f<rrth ; hominem, Cle.; M
cuius, with acc. anti infln., U ii tlui diltin- 1•rorlperc, to rwh forward, hvrry; 88 In pul>-
fl1'i1hing mark of, it u p«11liar to; fult hoc pro- llcum, Liv.; 86 ex curia, Cle.; ae porta toraa.
prium populi Ro111a11! longe a domo bellare, Caes.; qno pror1J.>iB (sc. te)f Verg.; flg., qua•
Cic.; b, ~cinl, excluJir't; nulla est in repub- libido no11 ae pror1viet, Cic.
lic.• causa mea pro1•ria, Cic.; o, or words, proptr, prorCSgatio -Onls, r. (prorogo). 1 1 ~ prolott.
JICCuliar; dbcedehat a verhii1 propriis rerum ac gatioll of ci Urin of o.ff(ce, tlv.; 3, a ~lmitg q/
aai~. Cle. B. Esp., la.sting, pvmarunt; munera, ci jf:.tAd ti11U, prorogation., Cle.
Hur. ; illud de duobWt consullbua pereuue ao
p1"1Jprium mauere potulsset, Clo. prir6go, 1. 1, to ~ to tke pto,,Z. a" -
u 1uri<m QJ 101Mtlt.i"9 flYf' '°""
perscm., to prolo1tg :
propter (for J•roplU!r from prope), adv. L hnperium alicul, Cle.; provincillm, Cle. 0 3, i.
11t>1r, hm-d bJI: qunm duo reges r~um mulmls put off; dies ad aolvendum, Cic.
e<>pils rrope aulnt, Cle. II. Prep. with acc. A. proraum. adv. (pro and versom), jbnoa.nb.
Lit., o a pl1tce, marI..htird by; lnsulae propter
blciliam, Cle. B. Tranaf., Oil account of. br oa, J. Lit., a, Plaut..; '6, 1traightfl7nllCrdl.L .Cra~M
nruon of, bealtUe of, /<n", from: metum, Cle.; Plaut. II. Trausr., at all, Plaut., ·nr.
frigora, Caes. ; propter quoa vivit, by IDMH proreiis, adv. (pro and versus), twrn«I ftW'
9tav u u ali1111, tohow& Ju 1Mu to Au toarda, /oru"arda. I. pronms tbat res, Cle. IL
life, Cic. (l'ropter aomeUmea put after lta case, Tronsf., "• ~... aLaoltdelr, tahoUy, ellltrllg;
&I quem, Cle.), lta prorsua e:dst1mo, etc.; pronna aAenttor,
proptere&, adv. °" Cle.; non prorsua, nullo modo pronna, Koe al
tAa4 caceo1mt, IMn/ort, aU: 1111110 modo prorsua aaaenlfor, Cle.; b, '-
Cle.; foll. by qula, Cle.; quod, Cle.; ut or ne a toOrd, to IVm up, Ball.
•nd the subj., Cle.
pr0pddl0.118 -a -um (prop1111ium), cowred to prorumpo -rtlpl -ruptum, L L Transit..
C:OUM to lireGk /orlh, CA""' /c1rlA, #ftd fon1';
toil,\ i1tfamy, fv.ll of 1ham1, ill/a1no111, Plaut.
1, lit.., uubem 11tmm, Verg.; mare pmruptum,
PrOpiidlum -II, 11. (=quasi porro puc!end- the sea breaking in front, \"t'rg.; transl., prorupta
0111). L a 1ha"'4,/ul cvtion, Plant. ll. Meton., autlacla, unbridled, Cic. IL Int.ranslt.{ lo bi.rd
• 1arttc-', llillai•, ra~l : prop11Jl11m llhtd et forth, brtak forth.. A. Lit., per med oa, Cle.
portentum L. Antonius, Cle. B. Tran11r., to lmak out; pronunplt peatis, Ole.;
.propugn&ctUum -1, n. (propugno), 11 /<n"- of persona, In scelera ac uedeoora. Tac.
lifa:ulilln, rampart, fortr,,.,, dtftrice. L Lit., prorilo -r!U -rtUum, s. L Jntmnalt., t•
lnoenium, Tac. ; propug11acult1111 Siclliat>, of tM nuh furth ; qua prorneba.t, Caea. IL Tmualt.,
•c, Cle.; pJ'opugn11cula Imperil, ft«ta and to ot·erthraw, thruw down, OOJt lo Ch. grou!MI,
11'111ia, Cle. IL 1''ig., a, lex Aella et Fufla dutroy; muultlonea, Caea.; vallum, LiY.; Albaut
propngnacul& lranquillilAtls, Cle.; b 1• grou1Mla a run<111mentla, Liv.; buetem proll.igare ao pro-
4/d.t/e~; flnuiNlmo i1ro1'ugnaculo uu, Liv. ruere, Tac.
pro 460 Pro
pro.&pm -ae r. a famUy "4«, stock (an ar· Zook, riew, proiped ; uncle longe ae Jate J1l'I>
eluiie word), Sali. ; eorum, ut utamur veteri apeetu1 erat, LlY.; pro9p80tAlm impedtre, Oua.:
Ynrbo, prosapiam, Cle. meton., tJw ft9Al ; aeqnora proepeeta metior
pro90Mnlum (pl'OtlOilalum) ·II n. (rrpo- atta meo, Ov. IL Pua., 11ini, rigl.I ; cum jam
r..-.j.,,o.,), the part o/ a th«Un before 'i/i;, BeeftU, extremi eueut in prospectu, _,,. Wl'itAia ~
Caes. .
proeolndo •&eldl -scissum, S. to ttar- off (n p~or, 1. dep. L Intnnait., to~
jrtYAt, to rend. L Lit., to brtak "1' fallow land, out to a diatanu; hence, to ezplure. rec:oti.1'0itrc,
ploug.\ v.p; poet., to; terram, Verg:_; J... iv. IL Transit., to Zook fur, 10ait.fur;
metoo., aequor, to plough thJI watus, Cat. IL imperatoria, Liv.
Transr., to ctn8'¥re, defaTM, aatiriu, Ov. proeper ~r'IUI) -a -um (pro and
proeon""bo -scrips! -scrlptum, S. L to !Mke spero), aca>rdtng to ont'• hope; hence, L fur·
pu1>licly known, publi8h, Cle. ; "!Ith ace. , and tunau, farouraOU, lucky, pro~; rortuna.
infio., auctionem in Gallia Narbone se racturum Cic. ; exitus, Cic. ; subat., p~ -«um,_ Ill.
ef!Se, Cle. IL Esp., A. to offer publicly for ml.e or pr~71, good fortv.1"', Ov. IL Transit.,
hiN',, advertUui; lnsulam, bona, fund nm, Ci«:.B. bringing good forh,M, propUio111: Bellona, Ov.;
with genlt., prospera rrugum, Hor.
to con,.R..'°1U thJI property of any OM; possesstones,
Cle.· Pompeinm, to conjl«ate the utata gaifted ~ri, adv. (proaper), ~J.P.
by Pompey, Cle. C. ,to pro~, OMllaw (by htMUly, jarourably; procedere proapere, Cle.
publiahmg thti peTIIOn s name tn a list); all· proepergo ·SJ>e!lll -aparaum, 3. (pro and
quern, Cic.; prosoript.l -Orum, m. th4 pro- spargo), to ipri1lk~ Tac.
tcribed. &11. proepirlt.aa -itis, t. (pl"Ollper), ~
proscriptlo -onis, t (Pl'OllCr!bo), l, a•
wrti.iwnun.t of aa1.e; bonorum, Cle. ; 2, a pro-
ad- good joTtum: vitae, Cic.; plur., iniproborum
prosperitatea, Cic.
«ript ion., outlawry, Cic.
~ro_ l. (prosper), to mah /url•""'1k or
pro80rfptiUio, 4. (deslder. ot proecribo), to pro6pe!"'OUI, to QJU. to~ f,o giiieafilllOIC1'Gbk
duiTIJ to dt!idan any one an outlaw, Cic. isaue to; alieul vletoriam, Liv.
priHoo ·s6e111 -seetum, I. to cut off in /rofU, proepirua =prosper (q. Y.).
cut off,. esp., to cut oJ/ IM JJOrlioM of a tl'iai• to
be~; exta, Liv. proapfolenda -ae, f. (proap(cio), ftmAfA/..
pncautU>n, Cic.
prieeotu.m -!, n. (proseco), the part of a
vidi14 cut o.I to be ojfertd to a god, the en.lraU., pl'09Piolo •pexf -apectnm, a. (Jn"O and
Ov. specio). L lntrausit., to look J;>rwani,look
prO&emlno, I. to IOW. L Lit., vel in tegulis thJI dutaf&Ct. A. Lit., 1, eir. castria In urbetn,
proseminare ostreas, Cle. IL Fig., to di&lemi- Caes. ; multum, to Aavc a tcidt f'1'0l11td, Cic. ; :I.,
nau, propagate, Cic. to look out, be upcm tM amU:A, Nep.~ B. Fig., io
~ foruight, to lake pmnv.ti<m; with dat.,
prO«Mquor ·ctltus (-qnlltus) imm -sequl, S. eonsullte vobls, pr01pieite patriae, Cic.; with ui
dep. to fol.low, a«empa-ny. I. In a friendly and the subj., Cle.; with ne and the subj.,
sense, A. to accompany, attend, esp. er friends Cac8. IL Transit., to a«, btJaold., gar;e •JIOll
who •• 1u, o.f" a person going on a journey ; from a,fnr A. Lit., 1, ltallam ab nnda. Verg.;
aliquem u11que ad agri Hnes, Cic.; pro1equl 2, traDJ1t. or plaoea, to look towariU, be sitvcla
exse<Julas, Cle.; transr., or things, ventua pro- toward.; domus proeplclt agroe, Hor. B. Fig.,
scqu1tur euntes, Verg.; eos honos, mcmoria, a, to fores«; ca.sua ruturo., Cle. : b, ~ loo.\: Otl&
desiderlum prosequltur amlcorum, Cic. B. for, prol'idl. procure; femunenta, Cic.; com-
Fig., l_, to acicompany; aliquem votill, ominlbus, meatns, Liv.
Iaerlmtsque, Caes. ; 2, a, to hon.our, adorn, or
prewit.t with, treat witll: aliquem verbis honori- proaterno -atri'ri -atrltnm, s. to itrno ..,
ftcls, Cic.; aliquem beneftciia, Cle.; miserieordil, fore, throw down i~ /rOM, eoat do'lo9I. A. Lit.,
Cle. ; b, or a dh1eonrse, to go on with, CO'l&li1'1UI; a~ circa vi11m corpora bnml, !-IY. ; M ad ped•
quod non longius prosequar, Cic. IL In a hOI· wcuius, Cle.; hence, proetr&&ua -a -um (ec.
tile sense, to altack, P"rllU; hostem, Caea. ; hmm), lying °" Uu groiind; ad pedea, Cle.. ; b.
longius tugientes, Caea. to throw dov.m 10\tA rioleJM:e ; hoatem Cic. B..
Fig., 1, se abjieere et prosternare, to ~OM­
Pd.erp1na -ae, r. (Il•po-t+o~), tM daug11ter ael/, Cic. ; 2, to throto to t.U ground, ~ro-,
q/ Gnu n'lld JupUer, carritd ojf try Pluto to be dutroy, ruin; omnla fnron, Cic. ; aliquem, Cio;
91'«" of the l.ower 'IDOTld; hence, meton., tM
lower to0rld., Hor. (in Verg. and Ov. Proaerplna,
(syncop. lnfln. pert., prostra.sae pn»t:rariue,
in Hor. Proserplna).
proRltiio -stltdl -ctltl\tum, s. (pro and
prieeuoha -u, t (•ponvx>J), a plat¥ of statuo), to; vocem ingrato foro, Ov.
~for the Jtlf.ltl, Juv.
proeto -stitl, 1. to b¢re: henoe, L e..
prOe.lllo ·tli (-lvi or -Ii), 4. (pro and aalio). ltand .fim«, proj«I, Luer. D. Of gooda.
L to tpring, ltap forth. A. 1, lit, ex taber· to be erpostd for aah : Uber prostat, Hor. ; vox
naeulo, Liv.; ab sede, Liv.; repente, Cic.; fin· prostitit, Cle. ; to lell OJU'• perll01l prortth&tt-
ibus sols, Verg.; 2, or thin~, flumina pro-. ulf; transr., illud amicltiaequon~ venuabile
Bilinnt, Ov. B. Fig., vaga pros1liet frenJs natura nomen prost&t, Hor.
remotis, Hor. IL t,o lpring forward to a p~;
In eontionem, Liv. priaitblgo, S. to dig 11p, thro'ID vp; tenam.
prillCScer -bi, m. a vri,fe'1 gro.ndmotMr, Ov. prieum. profl1J, prodeaae, to Pit U<fwl, adm.
proepeoto, I. (lntens. or prosplclo), to look ta(lflOtU to; ilia quae prosnnt aut qU&e nooent.,
prv,ant, look fertA upon.. L A. Lit., e puppi Cie. ; with dat., qui nee sibi nee aluri pr981lllt.,
~ntum, Ov.; euntem. Verg.; e.x teeUs fenea· dloere qnod e&U&U pfosit, etc. ; with lnfln.,
vtt;que, Liv. B. Transf., of placea, t,o look multum prodest ea qt1.1e metuuntur fpea con~
IOloarcU, be l'UuaU towarda; villa quae snbJeetoe temnere., Cle.; quid mih1 ftnaere pllOd.eatt OY.
BlnWI, Tac. IL Fig., to look for,
Aopc, a:ptct; exallium, Cic. : te quoque Cata Pr~wu -ae, m. (Up.ra,&p.c). a Grwll
prospect.ant par!&, a lib fate a1011Us, Verg. pAiloloplulr,. of ..fbdml, ~ ..uA So.
cratn, lnnW!«I froa AUlm oa • c:iclfp 4'
pl'CNIJ)eOtlw ·l\s, m. (pl'Ollplelo). • L an OMl· atl&Nm.
pro 451 pro
~go -tm -tectam, s. L Co ciowr '1t lndlclum, LIY. IL Traner., to erten4 '- poCct
/roffl. A. Lit., ta1"ruacola pmtecta heden'I., q/ tiiM, proeraet, defer, !Suet.
Caee.; aliqur.m acnto, protect, C11r11. B. Tran11f., protriido ·trtlttl -trllllnm, s. ,,, ptuA fen«rrl..
lo OtlWf', pro1,.et: jacenlcm, Ci<'.; regem, Liv. cArut furth.. L Lit., cylinrlrum, Cle. 11. F~ .. 14
IL lo fv.rn.i.rch. ioilh a f'OO/; ae•lea, Cle. pvt off, dtftr; comitia In .Januarlum mrusem, Cte.
pritelo, I. (pro and tehnn), lo drlw or, ,., priturbo, 1. to dnre /rmoa.rd, drirt a.m,,
lo~i9ht, J"er. repel; ... or peraon11, equltes, CaeA. ; bo11te. tells
pritelum .f, n. (pr<>tcndo), a rou Q/ C1R1&; mlaalllbu"'lue aaxla, LIY.; b. or thin,.,., pect.ore
Ilg., u teriu, 1~io11, Luer. allvAA, ta throio dount, OY.
proteDdo -ten•li -trntum and ·tensum, a. to nrattt. conj. ~ing cu; prout res poe-
ltrtldt. f.rvJtrn.l, alrekh cnit; liraehla In mare, tnTa t, <.:ic.
Ov.; cervicern, Tac.; temo prutentua In octo proveotua • -um (Jl. adj. from proYeho),
pe<lea, daht fut z,,119, Verg. ad1u11r.ed in age; long!:111 aet.ate 11ro,·eetus, Cle.
protenb (protlDU.), adv. forward, ./11.r· provebo ·vex!. -vecturn, s. to ca"'11 fonDard,
Ottr, furthn" 011. I. Lit., protennA ago capef1&11, to lttld f1r1rnrd. L Act., A. Lit., aer a tergo
v~I'..;.; t•um ad alill!l angu1<thu1 pr_ot.enns 1ier;;- qua"'i prnvchit, Lur.r. B. Fii.. 1, to can:11 atear,
tr,.11t, iv. IL Tran11r., A. 1111tlwut cUlay, carry too far, ltoA on; p11•s., proveht:::; to 6'
llr>ti,,hticav, cm ti~ apot; Laodlceam protenns carried aioay, to allnw onuelf '" llf! c.arrwl aW!ly;
il'I', Cic. ; at Is ad te protenm1 mittat, Cle. B. ve..tra benib'llltas provexit oral io11e111 mca111,Cic.:
ofulL!noun. nk11.t, con.t'11uou.llr; q1111111 prote1111s ica11<lio JtrovehPnte (me), Liv.; studio rerum
utr:'llJUll wllu!( una Coret, Verg. C. 0( unbroken rn~tic:irum provect1111 sum, Cic.; 2, to ln°i"f
Kllc'Ces.'lion in time, 1, OO!Utantly, conli1L11ou•ly; forW<trti.•, to raist pmmnl~; aliqnem ad
qn"m (morem) protenua urhes Albnnne coluere
1&•:rnm, Ver)!.; 2, 'mmediately, at once; a,
aumr111•s honore11, Liv. iL PR.~,. .. provehl, ia
a middle 11ense, to go forwurd, ri.deforuxml., ride,
pr6te11u; Cartha~inem lt11r011, Liv.; prntc11us de drfre, ~il to a plat:$. A. Lit., or prr8l>n9,
Yi&, Liv.; b, 1111.111.1~li<iUIJ1, al tM b'!lill 11i11g; esp. of p.,rsons in a ship or of the 11hip ltael!,
oratlo protenua perttciens auJltorem beuevolurn. l\i;111i<liu11 cum ciRl<lte frPW Siciliae J•ro\·ehltur,
Cic. Cae11. B. Fig., to go too far: sentio rne ease
protiro ·ti·lvl -trltum, 3. L lo tramplutnder lo11g1us pro\'eetum qnam, etc., Ck.; lon~iua In
fool, trtad down.. A. a, lit., equitatu11 averaoa arnicrtia provehi, Cic.; quid ultra 1•rov1lhort
proterere Ind pit, Cnes.; frumeutnm, Liv.; b, wh11 i/11 I cont£mu r Verg.
hence, to ot'ertl1row in butt~, roul, defwl; Poenos,
Hor. B. Fig., to tromp~ on, despiu; allquc111, prov~nlo -vent -ventnru, •· to C011M1 JurlA..
Cle. D. tc dri.t•e awuy, pwh asi1it; ver vrokrit I. Lit., in scenam, to appear upon. the ~.
&e&tas, Hor.
Plaut. IL Tran11r., A. to C011U up, 1hool fortlt.,
flTOtD; trumentum ~ropter alc:citat,.s a11g11stlu.
proterrio -t.errru -terrltum, 2. tn friah.U-n. provrnerat, Cae11. B. Fii;t., '" rt.,1ilt, turn old:
a11oa71, arore away; Tlcemistocle111 patria p111'm111 ut inltla belll provenl88.,nt, Tac. ; and up., to
atque proterritum, Cic.; aliquem verbia gravia- t11rn out well, ~ed, prosper; carmi11a proven-
limis, Cic. lunt animo deducta ser eno, Ov.
proterve, adv. (protervus), boldl11, impu- proventua -l\lll.m. (provPnlo). L <I oom£r14
dciUlv, shanU'tt.:<4ly, Ov. forth, growing. LI~, Piia. B. Meton.,
pritervita• -itis, f. (protervns), boldneu, grou.•th., prOd~, crop; pro!entu oneret •ulcoa:
i111pll.de11a, Cic. ; and In a milder sense, 10011ton- Verg. IL Fig., th.IJ ruull, 1#Ut; pugnae, Caee.,
tieu, ptrt 11.e..•s, Hor. aecundl reru111 )'roventua, Caef!.; esp., fm-hlfltJU
pritervus -a -um (protero), tmmpling upon ruult, 111oc~ Liv.; ternporia 11aperforla, Ca-.
rrcrytlli11g; h"nce, L violtn~ vthenunt; venti, proverblum -11, n. (pro and verhum), c
Hor.; etella canls, Ov. I.1. bold, impude11t, proi-trb; lu proverhll con"uetudlnem venit., /w•
a.\awwltu, and in a milder seuae, wal\ton, put; btr.oTM a proverb Cie. ; vet.eri proverblo, rVlu
homo, Cie.; juvencs, Hor. tM old proverb, Cle. ; ut e$t In pronrblo, ai w
PritiaD.&119 ·I, m. {Ilpc.tnul\40f), tM hua- said in tM protterb, Cie. ; quod eat Graecls
b!llld of Loodamia, the first <Jreelc u.•lio landed homlnlbus In proverbio, ii a prowri> Bmotlf, Cfo.
biforc T'TOJI in tht Trojan u.ur, an.d the first of the provldena -entll4, p. adj. (t'rom proTldeo).
Grub 1o bll stain. Aclj., Protesllaeus -a provident, prude71l, Cle.; quod eat provldentlwi,
-um, bdmigin9 to Protesilau1. Cit~.
Priten.s -~i and -0011, m. (Ilpwrni~). a god provldent4Sr, adv. (prov: 'l'n11). prorldmtlr.
o/ IA. aru, ti~ herdsman q/ Pcwulon's sea-calves, wilh fontltought, Sall.; providenti11slme COil•
a prophd who u1oul.d Mt ansu:llr thOJe tnho con- stituere aliquid, Cic.
A<ttd him a:ttpt when bound fa chuirl.6, aw:l provident!& -ae, f. (provideo). L for,.
WM hat! tlw po vier of changin11 hinutlf into dif- B{fJht, f()relcrw1L'lti/l]e: provlden tia rat, per quam
fmnt shaped; Protel eol11maae, poet., tM bor- ruturum aliquld videtur ante quam ractum sit,
den of £,g-lfl't, Y ~rg. ; appellat., a cltangttJl>u or Cle. II. forttlumght, prol'idence; deorum, Cle.
a. cmfly """'• Hor. prOvldio -vldl -viaum, 2. to look/ono!ml lo,
protlnam (protenam), adv. (protinus), - at a dilta'Mll. L Lit., allquem non Pf'Oo
i111m.ediauly, airtctly, ut once, Plaut. vhilsse, Hor. ; qui~ JietRtur provider!, lJT.
protinus = proten1ts (q.v.). IL Tran'\f., 1, to• blifQrthand, to flJ'/"l!M; quod
Prot0gene8 ·fl!, m. (Ilpc.>Trry/l''lf), Q fal'MUI tgo! prinsquam Ioqul coeplstl, sensl atqued1ro-
Gr~k p·i111ter of Caunot on tM coaat of Cana,
vid , Cic. ; medleu11 murbum vrovidet, lo. ;
ft<>urWi i 1l'J abOt!l 300 JI. c. 2, ta tab ~cautiona for or agai?i&t 1011utM114,
to prouide for, mah 7'rtpctrulion for, ca1'!1 for ;
protollo. 3. I. to pttt forlA, 1trttch forth, (<1) with acc., rem fruruentari11m, Caes.; multll,
Plaut. II. to ezUw:t, ~ngthtn, prolong, Plaut. Cie.; consilla In posterum, Cic.; (/J) with de
protrAbo -tra:rl -traetum, s. to dratD, drag and the abl., de re frumentaria Gaea. : de
forth. L to drag to 11 pl11c~ A. Lit., aliquem Brundi!lio atque llla ora, Cle.; (y) with d&t.1
hinc: in couvlvium, Ci~. B. Tran11r., 1, to draw saluti homlnum, Cle.; C6> with ut or ne ano.
forth; a, aliquld in lucem, Luer.; b, to bring the rJUbj., ne quid el dea1t, Cle.; ut res quam
lo li']llt, to reveal, ma.kc k11own; auctorem nefandl recti!lllime agantur, Cle.; (•) abeol, actum de
facioori11, Liv. ; 2, to compel, fOf"U; allquem ad te est. nlsl provides, Cie.
pro pse
~- -a -um (provldeo). L forutt1l111J; roll aloJtg, roll Om' and over. L Lit., a, gen..
rerum futurarum, Cit'. IL oari119 befordand; congeat.&11 lapldum mnleso1, Tac. ; b, to tllf"0¥1 oiu-
1. protiidi111J for, tak'i111J tll.Mnrta for; natul"l\ l/lt/J dotcn,/all d01e• befo~; Me alit·ul ad pette&,
prnTida utllltatum, Cle.; 2, cauliotu, prol1idtnt, Liv.; provolvi ad genUA allc11hu1, Lfr. IL Fi1t.,
JW11Mlll ; orator, Ci<'. a, multi fort.uni• pro\'oh·t'bantur, 'ltVTe ntilWld,
.ovtaola-u, f. (pt>rhape pro and VIC, root =
Tac.; b, mldrlle to abalt 011.Ut(f, Tac.
of"vices). L nnplopw:ll.l, clinrge, lf'll~ of dtd'Jf, pririmo. 2. to tJO'lllit fortA, Luer.
oJkc; illam omcaoaam pnwinciam nt me In lee· prox.fme, auperl. of prope (q.v.).
tulo truclrlal'f'l, Cic. ; quMI provlnrl111 atom!•
flare, Cir. IL Polit. t. t., tl1upllcrt of ojftt <U11i grw!d prox:lmltu ·itiR, r. (proximu~). I. 'lltll""
co ca ~ralc, a chargie, o_ffitt. A. a. of Roman ~. t•icini.ty, prorinlity, Ov. IL Fig. 1 llftU'
magtat.ratea, 1orllri 1•rovi11ciu (inter 11e). Liv.; rtlalion.thip, Ov.; 2, 1imUarity, Ov. ' '
of lbe jurilldlction of U1e l'raet.or urbanua and proxlmo, adv. (abL of proxlmu&). rtry
p!regrinua, provlncia urbana et peregrina, Liv.; lattly, Cle.
or a 111lllt.&ry command, Bkinlo \'oh1ci, Aqulllo prox.fmu -a ·um, 1uperl. of propior(q.Y.~
Hemici (nam bl quoque in annla erant) provlncla
evf'nlt., Cic. ; ot a command at aea provincla Ji'ridena -enti1 (contr. from proYiden1),fare-
claaala, pr<ovlncla ruaritima, Liv. ; b, of non· 1ttl11f1. L Part.le.= hwwing, vril1' ilW1\ti.o";
quos pruden11 pmeteTP.,!!, Hor.; prudena et 1cien1
Roman magiatrate.1 Hanno11i11 els lberum pro· sum 1•rofect1111, Cir. &L Adj., A. vtrlltld, ahlltd
vlncia erat, had IM conunand, Liv. B. lht
00~11mem "f a proviitu, a cou1tl~ out1uu tlu
~11.ttd, pradiatd in an,thin9 ; rei milit.11na'.
Nep:; locorum, Liv.; wiU1 infln., pmdena
Unuu of ltalv; and melon., tlu provinu itMif; dl88tpare, Hor. B. prudent, diac:rtltt, ""-..
p1imu11 annu1 provinclae erat, C1c. ; dare alicul
sagacious, judicicu1; vir naturi JtenacuhH et
provinciam, Ck.; admlniatrare provinclam, Cir.;
hence, provincia, tht provi1&ce, e11p., either a. tht prudens.• <'.:le. ; tranef., of thlngti, conailium,
eolt part of Gallia /\"arboMJUi1, Caea., or b. tlu Ck. ; with genit., ceterarum rerum prudens, i11
all othtr matln"•, Cle. ; with do and the aW.,
.Rollia" province 11 .Arla, Clies. In jure clvill, Cic. ; in exlathnaudo admodu111
pri.SnoliJI• ~. of or rW.ting to a 1wotri11«.. prude1111, Cic.
L Atlj., acientaa, Aow lo govtrn a prot'i'llCC, Cic. ; priden•, adv. (pruden1), prudtntly. rtu.
adm!, go1.1tr11.nu11t of a provinai, Cic.;
crmly, 1tagacioiulr, toi.ltl11; racere. Cic.; Intel·
abeUueoUa! ~crution, '" go""'ni11.11, Cic. IL llgere, Cic., proTiDoWes ·lum, m. &MGbUanta of
IM provmcu, pro17inciaU, Cic. pridenda -ae, r. (prudena). L hmoltdf'
prOyialo -6nla, f. (provitleo), 1, a. -'ft>,,_ '!! an111ubfrct; juria pul>licl, Cle.; ph~akorun1,
'"9· a /~now~ge; a11imi, Cit'. ; b, fortngltt;
anitnl,_ C1e.; a, a providin!T, provi.limi; a, /or
Cle. II. prudenu, 1CJgt1city, practical wisrfoa,
diM"rrtio11 ; prurlentia l'llt rerum expctentlarum
f111<it•ndarn111que scit'nt.ia, Cle.: prudentia cel'-
tmMt/1111.11; te~pons J>O!lteri, Cle.; b, 11it11r in dclectu bonorum et malorum, Cic.
IO!Mthi11g; vlt1orum atque lncommudorum, Cie.
I. prOftM0 3. to look oul for, go to 1«, Ter.
prtina -al', r. L lwa.r·froat, rinw, Cic. IL
Phtr., pr1,1inac, met.on., &,=', Verp;.; b,
2. priviai, adv. wHh /Mtthought, circum· =mow, \erg.
tpeetlr, Tac. prilia0.1ltl ·• ·Ulll (pn1ina), .fv!l of lwa.r-jroa
pr6rillor ..(Jrh1, m. (provldeo), 1, OM toAo C01lffed with lloar·froat; nox, Ov.; axis (Aurorae}
Jo~; rlominatlonum, Tac.; 2. a proirider; pruinosu1 == matutlnus, Ov.
uUllnm, Hor.
prOrisua -n11, m. (prov1deo). L a look!_1!9
prina -11e, f. a li'Vt! CO<ll, Hor.
befciTT, a looking into tht dillanct, T11c. IL prinloiua -a -um, of plum-trtt wood, uv.
Tranaf., A. 1tting beforthand, foruttlflfl : peri<·· prinum ·I, 11. a pl11m., Hor.
ull, Tac. B. " providiflf!, provi.rio11; vrovi11us prill'WI -i, f. (•poliV1)), a phi.m-trtt, Plin.
n1I trumentllriae, Tac. priirigo ·lnl~, t (prurio), t1u itch, Mart.
priTivo -vixh111e, 3. to liw on, col\linut to priirlo, 4. to itch, Juv.
ltl.'e, Tac. Prialaa -118, m. ki11g in Bitlt.yllia, tcla n-
priT6oi.dO ·l'>llll, f. (}ll'O\'OCO), 11 rolliflf/ Otioo! Hannibal, but l\fkrwarcU betraytd Aim CO
/orfA, all a1•J>ft1l to a highn' ro11rt •of lmo; pro·
tlu Iloma~.
vocatio ad populum, Cic. ; magialratui1 sine
provocatione, from 1rhou rlttirioll tlurf i1 ''° prfU,Dium -1, n. (•P'"Cl"4o.-), tll.t t<nnt·hall
inurtni 11 Grttk citiu tnhtrt the prytml.e$ a-"tmUl'lf
apptal, Liv.; eat provocatio, an aPPffll is pos·
rible, Liv. arid u·we perao111 1oho had dent di.stinyN:Wud
pr0~tor -ori11, m. (provoco), on, U'ho atrviru to the ato.U wtr« tltttrtain«f, Cic.
dlilllmgu or 111mmolll to jtg'Fi.t, esp., a 1.."illd of pl'ftAnl8. acc. ·in, m. (•pVrll"'~). a clifl
r1ladiator, Cle. mauistratt in of Ute Grttl.: $Wla, Li\".
priv6oo, l. to call forth, call out. I. Oen., psallo, p!'&lli, 3. (l/fci.\.\..,), tn ~ny on, si11g
a. lit., ht'rum, Plaut.; b, transf., of things, to to a 11tri'/lj1td in•.trummt, Upttiallit t~ citllara;
MMM tn rnnit forth.; ro11eo ore diem (of Aurora), psallt>re docta, skilled in •ill!Ti»!T, Hor.
Ov. IL Edp, A. to mil forth, to fJ.cil~. rou1f paaltirlum ·Ii, n. ("-AAn1po•.-), a atri~
and in a bad eenM! =to prar'<I~.,; 1 munillcerrtiA instrvmtnt, tilt pea/ln"y, Cic.
noatrA provocemua ple~m. Liv.; ~netlcio pro- pultrfa ·Ae, f. (l/f<iMpua), a ftfftll~ J~ Oil,
vocatl, Cle.; 2, to chal~n9t to a gaTM, combat, or 1irt{ler to tht r.ithara, Cic.
drlJl.kiflfl, etc. ; ad 11ugnam, Cic. ; eav. in ~a.,
provocatu1 maledicli1, 11\luriie, Cle. B. Legal PdmAtbi ..e11, r. L da1191tter <if tht Argit'f
t. t.1 to au11uncn before a h. tglur court, to 11ppt4l hrtg Crotop111, Ov. D. a .a-nymph, m.ocMr of
to a "Cglltr tribvll4l; a, lit., ad populum, Clc.; ab Phocu.s, Ov.
omnljudlclo poenlque provocari 1icere, Cle.; b. 1. pslob -ldie, t (+••4<). tlt.4 fewW., tlaw
tranat., to appeal to; prov~ ad C&tonetu, Cle. who anointtd lur miltrt# I "4ir, Juv.
pl'OT&o, 1. to ft11 forth. ; tranar., or men, to 2. PMois -ldla, r. MIM of a 11p&ph cntaaf
ni.M Jore~ ll4*ft ford. ; aublto, Caea. ; ad tlu attt?&danta Q/ Diana.
p1m.ore11, UT. paipbtcma ·lti!f 11:__(1/nWu.,"°), a clcrw fl
privolft o'f'Olwt -'f'Oltltum. a. lo roU/onoeml, CM .1*J>U Cl"""'f tM ~ Ci!;.
Pse 453 pud
Paeud""to -6nla, m. 11 sAam Caln, Cle. IM "414: dlcere, Cle. ; venlre, Cle.: b, '" l'9c
PaeudodAmlalppua -1, m. 11 •ham Dama•· t 11 terut o/ l/1e rtaU, lo Ult good of Uie lllJU, /ur tltA
Cr1nrs,C1c. "''u; publice esse \an•lcm, ft ii a" hotlour to tltc
"1ltt, Ca6l<.; publioo acrllicr~ or lltteru milt.ere,
Paeudolua -1, m. n. Lfa.r (title or a comedy Cle.; o, at the cmt of tlu! atale; vesci, Liv. D.
by Plautu:<). Cle.
{1eMmll'/I, all together, witAout•; publloe
pseu46menoa -1, m. (t/1•1140,..rvor), • iopltia- Ire exaulatum, Ltv.
Ucut 1yllog£.m, C11·.
publlolttia, adv. (r11hli1·11"). Lat"'' 1"'btfc
Paeudophlllppus ·I, m. (+n'4o41CAurro<), e:x1itn.'ll, in the Jlu.hlic urui«. Phu1t. ILil'ra11sr.,
G ""1111, l'hi1 iJ'. i.e., A111lrisC't1", 1t•lio g<1.rt him«// pvlilLcly, btjur1 all tM world, l'laur.
o11l to bt l'lt.iliJ', 11t•11 of l'erll(11s, ki11g of Mu.~edo11(a.
Publlolua ·R -um, 11am1 of a Romaa gcu, ITu
i-eudothyrum ·i, n. (•/lftl609vpov), 11 NCTtt m.n.~t famon.1 mnnhua o/ toh icA P n '-'• h~
400r; Ii!{ , }>t'r 1•sc111l11thyn1111 rcvertantur 1Jrotlm·1 L. aud M. l'ublicil Malleoll, both .AtdUt-11,
(1111111111i), I 11 a «•'rtt v•1y, Cic. who lai<l out and paved t/1t Clfrtu Pul.Zicm, the
pal~lus (peS'th~ua) ·3. -nm, rsitliLan, ftal!U c/ifrf tnlra11cc to Ille .A1"enli•ll. Hence, adj.,
qf u L.,&d 01 Uri:ek n11e; nt111, \erg. i a11Lat. 1 Publlclanua -n ·nm, P11bliciala.
paltbla ar, r. (s~. viti11), \'el',;. publlco, I. (publlcus). L to OJ11'ropritiU. to
ptdttAous -1, ru. {t/liFTCUCo~). a parrot; loqna:r, th• J•Ulilir ••st. co11jl3<Xlle; regn11m 1 Cat'#. i prn··
Ov. atA, Cic. II. to give ortr to the J*l>lic we. A.
Paophi• -ldis, t. (+W<f>C~). 11 tow11 fo .Ar- Gen., Avi:nti1111111, Liv. B. E:ip., lo "'4ke I'"'"""
ordia. publish, Tac.
psora ·ae, f. (t/, tltA man!Jt. itch. I'lin. Publlo61a ·ae, m. (n\so written Popllco(a
and l'opli.·11la, frnmJopltts (= populuR) a1 .. 1
paychomn.ntium ·II, n. (1/111xo,.o.1·F.lo ..), tilt col"), th~ lwnourtr thft ptop~. Ille )lf'OJ•lr•
pltw! wh.rc tlo: ·"'"'"of the dffld wn-e illwked, a fritrul, a '"ri111me of P. Vn!Prins l'u\Jllcola. 1111:
plwx v·licre necr1>1n1111r11 t. prorli-cJ, Clo. ftnt cM1..u l of tJu Roman rtJ>11.lilic.
pafthlua vaithina (q.\'.). publlcu• -a -u111 (so poulicus and popllc111J
-p~, cnclit. p.irticle •Pl'<'ll•lrtl to pel'll. am\ (rum l'"l'llls for populus), bdo11ging lo tl••
1••s"- 1•ru1m1111s in the abl., ..d,f, our; suovtc publi<". L o/ or bt:longlng to th#J commo11we<1ltl1,
i•mr.lcre, Cic. ; smtl'tc manu, Cio.. fa the 11a111t of or°" account ~( tAe fltOPle, aJ "''
Pte16on (-um) -1, n. (fiuA•o11), a town (i. pu.lil!c cptnJe. A. AilJ., Inca, Cic.; a111111·t11
TAtbll!•, ortr avai111t E•bota, now i'Cdta, Liv. p11hlko, at IM C<·8t of IM 1t11Je, Cic.; 001111111
ptlsAnarlum -Ii, n. a decoclloi. o/ crushid 1'lllilic111n, the co111uw111rwl, Liv. B. Sut.~1.,
bodty or ru:.-, u .. r. publloum ·I, n., a, tl1t 1•ro1irrtv o/ tilt U.itc,
public un-ito'll; Cn1111i.·11rn111, Cic.; b, f/1c p11ul•c
Pt6Uimaeua ~lomaeua) ·I, m. (11 TOA•· rewn 1u, Ute lrotin<ry ; co11 ,.i varl tie pu J.11c\I, at
,...i .. f), the jirJ. ki11f1 of 1-:y111•t njler Aluarider'a tM coat of th• 1111v, Cic.; in pultll1·11~11 e111 .. r.•.
lki1t.'I. 11.'itll. tM. nirnunu l..Kgi (,.c. tlllue, I.e., ion
Liv.; rlnm In eo puhllco t'Sll<'11t, .fn.rrt1111!t of ne
q/ /Ag111); after him ('&Ch ldug or his l111e Wll.9 ta.u1, J,tv.; 1•lnr., 1<ucidat<'1t puhlii'.11111111, CODI•
mll<1l Ptule111ae1111. Hence, l, PtOU§maeua Jl(l,fliU of tAe fi1r111vs of "'' tazu, <.:1t•, ; c, t/,~
-a ·U111, lJ,fo11ging to l'toleni.11, poet. = b11Y1•tum; public lto1-u; 111 p1tlolic11111 Ct>'.: fn l'1' f1 \llllellti
2, Jtt6l~male -ldi!I, f. ftaJU oJ~reral town1, On#J quotl lnvt>nlum est, Cic.; d, an o,""
'" l':trypl, anotlitr in l'h~nicia, anotha 111 Cyrcn.t. plaa, tht optn 1lrcd; pn1tlin: ii> !"1l11lcnrn, <,le.;

piibeu -e1rtis puheo), nrriud at ;ptlherty; t.ln1111iorcs In ruli!ico quam i11 priv11to, I.1·1.;
publico c:ncre, to remain ut h.;m~. Cic.; h>;.:··111
tni.nsf.,or 11la11ts, fnftdl grou.'lh, /11.ruriant, V11rg.
piiber -MriM 2. p11llt'1 (q.v.). propo11e1e In pnhllc11111 or in p11L!lco, O/lf:"i-;;,
Liv., Cic. II. unfvtr1<1l, common, fltMT'fll, Ot'-
piibertaa ·i\lls, (p11ber), 711tl1trt11, tht age of dinary; a lit., VP1ha, Cle.; lux pulJlka muudi,
Wl41rrrity. I. Lit., 11omluin puliert;1tcm i11gres- thtt nm, Ov.; puhliCA curn j11\·cnu111 pr0<1i.J,
11•1~, Tac. IL Mt•to11., A. lh.e 1i!11tS o/ puberty, gt11"ul ol·jtd of tlie oore of, etc., !for.; b,
l/u hair on th#J, Cic. B. vir•lity, Tue. port., com111011, bad, onlhiarv; atructura car·
1. pubes -is, t. I. the si9ru nf puberty, the 111i11i>t, Ov.
kuir 011. the ch.1'!.i,. l'li11. II. Melon., A. tht
p111ltndn, Vt·rK· .u. a, the 11011th, wlrtlt pp11tll-
Publillua -a -11111, '!Ulme o/R r.oman gma, "''
tio11; 1m111is lt.11.l1ao p11U.·s, \"erg.; b, tnrnsf.,
most /u111M1• nf u:hich 1«TI!: l'nbli\ia, th~ attvna
wift of C1to'"; Pul.liliu~, her /; au<I ~ul•lins
J>eti1•lt, /ol/f; r.~r~:1tis, \'erg. Publilius 1.odiins l::ivrus, a celebrated m1rtU? n11Jl
2. piibea ·his, 11rrit'ttl at tilt a11e nf 71uh"t11, toriter of minrrs to11'U'rt1s /ht tlW n/ lhc republic;
Gthclt. I. Lit.• pr11pe p11ben•111 aetatcm, Liv.; adj., rtlali11g to the J>ublilian gtn.11, Liv.
•uh·.t., put>erea -mu, m. th#J mm, the ndult Publlua -11, m. a commonBolna" 1>raenon1e11,
l"1•••l11tin1&, Cac:s. D. Tr111u1f., down11, ri~; auurevwtct.1 P.
fnl1", \'erg.
piidendua ·:l ·nm (pnrtic. of p111l('o), n/
pubesoo -hl\I, S. (ln<."11ont. or p11lx-11). L to u•nicl• one 011yht to be ... 11111111·d, llu111uif11l, di•·
l<!'•»mt 1·11~.,1·t11t, 111-rivt at Ille age nf /'11IH'd11. A. gru~f11l; vita., O\·.; vuh1t·r:i, \'erg.
1.iL, Il•Tculc~, q1111m pri111u111 1111 l1t·t1c,.ret, Cic.
piidena -enti~. p. atlj. (rrom pndeo), mulr.<t,
_,JL Tinnitf., to gro1a 11p, a1'1·ire <rt rn11t1<r1ly; '1111uujuc,;,l;
q11.1., terra ~i;.;11it, 111aL111am pnU.·"cu111, Cic. putlcnti·s HC IH•lli viri, Ck.; t..~
II. E"I'., ti• &e c:.•rtred with the Si!fns of 1111/1uty ,· viilcri p11,l•·nt1ore111 tuiue, Cic.; fcntin:l putlcut·
t1a11.r., to ,,,, coi·trt1l or clollwl u•ith >011u·thi ng; l!!si111a, Cle.
p1:i1J pu1*sc1111t v:uinrum llnrc cnlllr11m, Uv. pfi.donter, ndv. (p11dcns). '"""'-"'l:11, ba.•l1 ·
publlciinua ·a -11111 (pulilic11111), rrl11tiu11 to /11il.11, Cic.; )'U•l1·11ti1111 nil hoc ~"!111:1 11cr1~10111:s
lilt farmi11:1 of the public ta.res, Cic.; gen. s11ti~t., accedere, Ci<:.; iiuJentiashne hoc Cicero 1'Ct1r1·a1,
PUblioiinua ·I m. a f<1r1ntr of tht Ro11tun Cic. pudeo .a1 -Hum, 2. L to be a.hmma: t11-
liuc-• (g.·u,rally of the eq1a·•lrian orikr), Cic.
d11d at.I pllll('111l11111, Cic. j l'l\ enlist., 1•11tl·
publlcatio ·011ls, r. (1111 l•licu), a confimltion; eutes, ui.1dt:~I 1•tr1ons, Cm•!<. IL to cau~e '"''""·
bouorum, C1c. fill with ~/111111t. A. l'crs., 111e ankm qulil
pubUoo, adv. (pnhllcn11). I. p11l1licly ("Pl'· J'U•kat, qni, ell"., Ck. B. lmpcrs., I (II""• he,
l'nvatim); a, "' tA1 name or at tM command of etc.) am a1/ianlld. with acc. of the; cetero•
pUQ 46f pul
•lHla&. Cle. ; •nd wltJI genlt. of the' Ullng pl.gnklo -Onis, r. (pugll), a MW wa •
•ualng the aharue; te hulua tempi! pudet, Cle.; caeu, Cic.
wtt.b genit. alone, pudet deorum homlnumque, U piiglla&u -n1, n1. (pugll), a fallli., ""1
'9 a iUgrv.ce bf/ore God and '1Ull, Liv.; with iAt cutiu, Plaut.
hlln., pudet dicere, Cic. ; rleJl., puditum eat. piigllli.rla -e (pugillus). tAal eru& lN f"lllptd
90111111 eeeet pudltum 11, etc.? ~ht tMy not to
.. iulaWNd tkl, etc. ? Cle. with tM /ult, Juv.; 111bst., p~ -!um,
rn. (RC. lihelll or codlcllli), wriling-tabltU., ~•
ptl4l'bunclua -a -um (Jnu.leo), shall&r./i.IMZ, '"J.lrts, Cat.
~. baM/11.I; 1natro11a, Hor.
pMiei. adv. (pudkuA), flW<latly, virh1cnuly, .,uglllu,e ·I, m. (ditn, of JlllgllUA}, 4 laJUlfal,
-1aa.•l,l1t, Cat. ptiglo -01111, 111. (pnngo), n dagr, dirt,
ptl«iokla -u, r. (p111lic11ll~ baM\fmnns, po11u11u. L Lit., cr11ent11111 1'llgio11em t.eMttl.
~. cA<.utUy, ·11frhu, Cir.; P11J1eitla, perso11lf. Cic. IL f'ig., plu111001111 pugio, " vocul.· arp·
&11 a go.ldeSH (p11.trlclan and pldJeian), Liv. . ment, Cle.
pti~eua ·a ·ttm (111uleo), mo.lut, btuh/111, ptiglunoiUua ·i, m. (•lhll. or pugio), Q littll
ua&t., ""1t1<111$; a, of' peN1m11, Cic.; b, traiu1r., ·dagger, Cic.
or thingw, nlOJ"('.8, preCl'll, Ov. pugna ·IMl, r. (connect"! wit.h J•llglltlll), a
ptltlor -6ris, ni. (pnrlco), tAt f,ning of !hani.t, fiultt, tilher of one man agai=t wwllKr 1 ur oJ
M ..11,.,'ifi,l1U$$, 1110<L·sty, ~u:y. L Lit., &tvtrul (prodium, a fight btlW«n arm1a, cµ.
I!, nat.tira vu.torque menR, my 11aturnl modaly, <liurtinit&tel.1g11ae def'c>111i pradio excedell&nt,
fl&Upertatill, on account of po11trly, Cic. ;
{,1f!. ; C&es.). L Lit., a, gen., cquestJ1.i, carolTJ
lunu, Cle. ; pudor est or pttdori eMt with lnlln., tng'11Jtmwt, Cle.; 11avah:1, Cic.; p11~1a111 com·
I QM eMa1Md, Ov.; b, chastity, ;wrily: pttdON'lll 111itwrc, Cle., cum a liq no, Cle.; p11~11:uleecrtare,
projll'•~. Ov.; Pulll)r, personir. II.SI\ deity, Vl"rg. Ca.1>11. ; b, e>1p., athlttic gumu; pugna quin-
IL Met<>rt., A. that a111srs shmllt, a di.s· que1111ia Grala Elide, Uv. B. Metou., a, tlit
,,_; p11dori ellSe, Liv. B. the blush of shame; lint or army of bultlt; 1111g11a111 111ctl1:1111 tueri,
lan1os1111, Ov. Liv. IL 1·,.a11sf., co1~t. cunttn.liml; docL1~­
ptlella -ae, r. (puellm1), a gl11z. maWtn. L simorn111 ho111i1111111, Cic.
LU.. , A. Gen., 4 'IMi<ltn, Cle. .a. J<~p., 1, a pugn&oltaa ·iLtis, f'. (puguax), ~irt o/
,iotdhtt&rt, Ov. ; 2, a ,i,,ughln'; Dana! puellae, ftgliti119, p11g11acity, Tac.
lior. D. Tranar., a l/011ng wonian, a y<ttmg wife, pugnAclter (iiuguax), pvgnaci.olUiy, obstill·
t1!Hld of Penelop-,, Ov.; or .Lu~rctia, Ov. :. pu~lla auly; cert.are cum allquo, Cic. ; vugnacis.iuae
PhaslL' J/td«JI., Ov.; Lesh111, Sappho, Ov., L)da, dcfcnJerc aentc11tia111, Cic.
O.plialc, Ov.; C1usa, l'ha«lra, ·ov. pugn&tor -Oris, m. (puguo), a h'hUr, Q)a-
ptlelli.rta _. ~puella), of or belongirig to a aatant, so«litr, Liv.
9MIUUil or )OtlMf woman, girluh, mauienl11, Ov.
pugn&JC -4clo1 (puguo), fond <>f }1J1t.tiag, ClOll·
Ca~lla -ae, t (dim. of' puellA), a lUtU git'l, bati1~, 001iUti.tioua, martiaL L Lit., 1•ugm1
Minerva, Ov. ; ce11t11rio, Cie. IL Tranaf., A.
pif.ellaa ·f. IL (dlin. or puer, for pUCTUlus), a 1x1mbali!H! ronlt11tiu111,; cxm'\limn <lie·
UUN bor, Luer. en<li, Cie'.; oratio pug11ac1or, Cit·. B. or d~
pl.v -1 m. (root. PU, whenre l..aconlan trO<'p eonrllf', ol•slilUll~, n;frw:lvrlJ; contra 11enatoreru,
=1r.U(). La child.: 11J11r., pueri = rh!l<tren, Cle.
D. Kftp., • 'AOlt chihl, hoy, lwl. A. Lit., a, pro·
pugno, 1. (pu~na), to fight, ro»JK1t, gi1<e
,.,11 • Mr "1Mhr -11!U11, Cle.; buL nsed also or lialtu. L Lit.. , both of si11i;IP co111lo.'\l:mt.t :uni
0dav1&1Hl8 In his nineteenth .ft!Ar, Cic. ; &nll or Of wholt! armies, emu aliquo, Cal's.; €'.lt e<tUo,
Pan.a, wllo comrrurndeJ • eo111pa11y or aohliers, Cic. ; pro 001111110<.liK patriae, Cic. ; pui;11a 11m11111i
Verg.; ,.er .Uve jam adolesce1111, Cic.; a pucro, co11te11tio11e pugu.'\t&, Cic. ; i111pel'B., pugnatur
a J•lllerill, .fro• boyhood, Cic.; ex 11neria exce<lere, uno tempore omnibus locls, Caes.; J,.rtic.
11 .,_ M of boyhood, Cle. ; b, boy = .t0n; A!!· sulll:lt., pUl(lllllltRK, tht comlH1ta11ts, Caes. D.
eaJ1im paer, Verg.; L&tonae, .Apollo, Hor.; Le1\Mi Trnnsf., A. to slrugglt, tu rontend, falht; J•Ugnaut
r.umi, c.ior 41\d Poll.a, Hor. B. Trauaf., 1, St.oid cum l'eripateticill, Cle. ; Sl-tl t-gu kcum in
(HIM•-'•>. a tooittr, urvi119-lad, a Stt"vant, alat•t; eo non 1111gnabo, q110111inus utru111 velis Pligns,
Mil•, a..; pueri regil, royal pagu, Liv.; 2, an Cle.; with acc. and 1111111., totn11i11tui1l '" di.Jt}•lflt,
vftlRIJf'rW 9'4"• 4 badulor, Ov. Cic.; trans(., of thinh'll, p11~11nt tliu aenk-ut.ia
JtiYrilta -e (puer), youthful, boy{ah. L Lit., aeeum, Ov. B. Eiip., e, to c.:mtrrulict : ut. tot&
1111ta~ Cle. D. Traner., 1l1ltrilt, chfl<luh, liUy; in oratione tua tecum 1p11e p11g111uc.11, Cic.; b,
•MOia111, Cle. ; Al pueriliua his raUo esse
••illcet an1are, Hor.
to stritv, slr11nlt, tZ.trt OM.Sdf; followed hy
or ne or 4t111111i11UK with tl1e subj., illud }'Ulflll
•Hn""ll"r• adv. (puerills). L boJMAly, li.U et enitere ut., etc., Cic.
11 ~; blandlri, Liv. D. Trauar., clt.U.lw..ty, pugn1111 ·I, m. (root PUG, ~r. IlYr, wl~nce
JteHiAl1I ; facere, etc. rii!), theµ; 1'11i;1111111 f'acere, C1c.; aliquern pu,c·
•iiirida ·U, f. (llUet). boy1'ood; & pueritla, nis ronchlcrt!, Cle.
,,_~,Cle. pulohellua -a -um (dim. of' pukher), ttf1J
Jrile~ -a -um (puer and parlo), r~t­ prrtty : llacchae, Cic.; used ironi<:ally or Clodloa,
illl,. ~Il«-bh1A; Verba, IL'OTIU .uppoatd lb fJUiat with a pun 011 hill 1umame Pulcher, Cic.
labow, OT. 1. puloher -chra -chrum and p'llloer-a"&
1>iierpirlum ·II, n. (puer1ienis). a lying-in., ·Crum (connected with pol-ire, pi&rere, etc.).
lalioa-. toA}M1M1&l, Tac. btnuti/IU, fair', lot~y. L Lit., puer, Cic.; quid
peertla pueritla (q. v.). aapectu _pulchri1111 r Cic.; urbit pulcherri111a,
Cac!I. IL Trn11Af., a, nulleiu, ad•intbU, l-11.t,
.U6riilaa ·I, m. (dim. or pucr), a littlt boy, a glorimu; exernplum, Cae11.; f'aclnus, ~II.; .~
'9•114 ld11w, Cie. tum p11lclltlrrh11uan, Sall. ; pulchrum eJ1t, U 11
piap (pjp) -ae, r. (1rVY't1. iu "'"'"' biit· uolilt, olorim11, f'.'u:; with &CC: and h!~u., ~Ills
...... Hor. p11lclu:rri11111111 f\ut. t.-mtam volua lmpen1 glonam
P6-ll -ms, m. (connected with Jlllgnu.s), a t111tll'l't', Cle. ; b_. lucky, 11.appr; dlca, Hur.; aie
hiiirr,Hl'rr wUA tlc c:atM, P"iUUC. Qc. pulchrum ee ac oeatu111 put&rlC., Cic.
Pul 455 pun
t. Pulcher -ehri. m. L 11 Ro111an l'MNU17M, ltrib, toucA, of a mn11ical Instrument.; septent
e.g., P. t.:laudinR l'nlcher. II. l'ulchri Pro- dlRcrfmina \'01·11111, Vrrg.; 2, ti~ .• e., to 11W1tt.
m•int.orium, a 1rr1rntontory '" Africa. now Co.p ajftct; donni1•111i .. 111 11n1111os ext.ernl et adven-
.&M. t.icili v!slone pulljari, Cic.; b, tv nlarm, ll{Jila.U;
pulchri (pulcri}, attv. (11ulcher), btauff. pavor pu~~D!I, v.. n:. II. to awav; 11&.&rittam.
fuU.y. adm.irri.hl[/, txrellttlllv, nobl!I; rlic,·re, Cic. ; Vng. ; d1\'I pulsat1, Verg.
ho•ti11 lit.atur 1•tild1r.1ri1ue, vtry fn1•nnr.thl11, Cic.; pulsus ·ih1, m. (pelln), ti ru.,h!11g, ~i-ng,
pulchru est mi hi. au·~ 11..-ll wi.Ui. ™"•Ck.; uAed atrikina, hlow, ptuh., 5~oke. L Gen., remnrum,
a• Mn exclamation of n.11proval, brallO I t.otll ~I Cic.; pr•lum, a fi•"tsf'1'· Vcrg.; 1.nne, " pJ .. yi~I
llor. on the lyu, Ov.: pulc;11111 vc•n:orum altin;.;•:re, to
pulchrltiido (pulcrltudo) .Jnf!I, r. (p11l- ful the p11l.r, T11c. IL in/11«, iinpulsil; ex
chcr}, />t;wty, acd/, nc1:. L Lit., cnrporl:11. IL L1,rnu" pulsu~ a11imoe comrnovet, Cic.
Fig., rvellen~; virt11ti~. Cic.; verbnrum, Cle. pulto. 1. <= vui.o), to knock, beat, .trike:
piilejum (pulcglum) -Ii, 11. Jkahane, pen- ja1111a111, Pla11t.
n11r.•y.t1, cic.; n~ .. nil cuius r11tam pulejo mihl pnlvereua -a ·um {pulvi ..). L /tell of tfnst,
tui >~rnw11is 11t.!11tlu111 t'St., 1wettnus, Cic. dit...t!}; nut.cs, du.,t-cluwl1, \'..rg.; 1;ol11111, OY
piilex -leis. m. a jt.b:l, Plaut. II. Act., ,.,.ilfing dll.$t; p:dla ( Bnn·ae), Ov.
pull&riua ·Ii. n1. (pullu:1), th4 /uder q/ tM pulverulentua ·a -11111 (pulvil'l),/ullo/dM.ct,
IOCrtd chid;c11s, C.:ic. duAy. I. Lit., vin., Cic. II. Fi;.;., won. /Jy h"rd
pullatua .. 1 -11111 (2. pnllus). clad in dirtJI or 10urk: pntem1a militia•., Ov.
U,u;;. IJUMlk'.ltU (of mourners); proccrea, Juv, pulvtllua ·i, m. (tlim. or pulvinus), a Lillk
puJliUo, 1. to ah.rot up, !prOUt out. A. a, pillow, Hor.
of 1•la11t.'I. et.c., Ver..:.; b, poet., tranaf., tot pulvinar -lirf!1, n. (pt1l\'inuq). L a c01tC1'
pollulnt atr:i. col11rnl<is, b1'r11r••n1 with, Verg. B. co1vr~d 1•:itlt c11..~l.i11n.s />laud for the fouig'• of tlwl
l-'ii:•• quae (luxuri1&) inci1'1ebat pullulai-e, lw;. grxlB at tlu l-tctistu11iu.111 (<1.v.), a c11,,hi.o11til :iatl;
vrialt, N ep. puldnnrs11scip••fl', Liv.: deol11·a1e,t:ic.; l•ll'Lou.,
1. pulltu1 -1, m. (root PU, whenr.e pner, Or. ntl 011111in pulvi11aria supplil'aL111 1lccn:t.1 1•st, al
..;,A~. f'tc.), a you''!/ aninutl. I. Lit., a, gen., llll tile tem.1•l'-'• Cic. II. Tra11sf., a alale ruuc;A
eolu111bi11u>1, Cic.; pnlli C'< ovis orti, Cic.; b, for any distiuguished ptrso11, Cic.
eap.. a J!Otutg cv<:k (whence Fr. poulet), Hor.; pulviniirlum ·II, o. (pulvinu~). a cHslLiu1&e4
of tl1P. !lncrcd chicke11>1, Cic., Liv. II. Tra11,.f., for the god1, Liv.
of men ; &, as a tl'r1n or endea11ne11t, chicken., pulvinua ·I, m. a pillow, c1uliion, Cic.
Hor.; b, pull us m1l\'i1111s, a rounv kilt, C.'ic.
pulvia ·~ris, m. an•I rarely f. du•t.. L Lit.,
2. pullus -a -um (connected with ,m\Ao~). A. rnultu11 erat in calcei>i pulvis, Cic.; puh·is
dark·co/•,urd, blflcl.ilh, greyish lilack; capilll, eruditus, or ,;imply 1•ul "i", the aand or 11114
Ov.; myrtu~, darJ,;·grun, llnr.; 1·sp., pulla in whi«h the uW. 11llithcmuti.-i,11u clrrw tlvir
vesU1, 11 garm.'11.t of 1111dyed wool. worn as mourn- diaqra1111, Cit.:.; nu111quam nud1tu111 ilium pul·
(~, l.~<'-; 1~oet.. p111la 1tmnl11a (of the thren.d>1 or vert:'m at t1gi,.tis, you hart urtr learnt 11mtlit·
the Pa1~lt'), 1ti.l, (Tloomy, Ov.; 1mbst., pullum n111ti.c'I, t:1c.; pul\'i~ exi;;11u-;, n li•111Jlj11/ o/
·i, n. a clarl;.cnlo11rttl garment, Ov. d11st thrown on the d~wl, ll11r.; 1•••.'t., 1•ulvi11
pulmentarlum -ll, 11. (pnlmentnm), a reluh, l1ilicruus, dry u•inter, Vci;~. ~ plur., nov .. 1111ialt'S
pul "er<'s, nilte d1111J old (::: frr3/i a.•hrs of /ht!
l'll)lthi11.g talt•i. with b1"t'ail; 1'Ul11te11tar1n quuere
111<la111lo, 9rl an aPJ¥tiu /iy hard work, Hor. clt1;d), Hnr,; prov., snln1s in pulverc 1lun·1e, lo
'DUl.mentum -1, n. (= pulpamentum, from laliou.r in vain, Juv. B. Esp., the dtut of the
pulpn). u rc/i '"• Hor. ; lo general, food, viduala; circu.a or wrt.,lli11g-plare; p•ilvis Oly111picus,
m11llu111 In 11iugula pulment.a minuerii, into 81llGU Hor.; ht'nce, melon., 1>lllct qJ e:urcilc, arena;
port10111, llor. d11mitnnt in pull·cre currus, Vc·r;:.; &1111 lig.,
pulmo -oois, m. (from rA«,:,....,., = ,.,,,,;,,...,.,),
.san.e of action; doct1·111a111 i11 solern utquc p11lv·
tilt lv"g; usually pl., 1•uhno11es, th4 lung~, erem pro;luxit, into 7>ut..lic, Ck.; si111: J•Ulvere
Cic. ' pah11J1.C, wWwut ejJurt, llor. IL 'J.'r.utl$f., /,)WI
pulmoni)us ·• -um, of or relating to the w.rt/1, Prop.
lvru;s, jJUlwi.onaf'JI, I>taut. pumex -leis, m. (f. Cat.), pumia-uone. L
pulpa -ae, f . .fk•h: ar lit., Mart.; b, mrto11 •• Lit., esµ. as usedII. for poli~h111~ 111arblr, bookR,
J1lll1J& scelerata, tM jl.ufl al 1ign of un&uaW11, etc., Cat., Ov. Tran>1f., <my h•ui q/ IQ/l,
Pers. porou11 ato?U; pumices, \'erg.
pulpimentum -1, n. (pulpa). L JI.uh, pumloi)ua -a -um (pu111cx), made oJ paimice-
esp. or li"h, Pim. IL a relish; mihl est pulpe.- sto11r, O'·· fama. Cle. pumlco, l. (pumax), to polish with p111.mice-
pulpltum -1, n. a platform, tribmu for slu11e, Car.
p11li/i.c re..111i11g1, deba.tu, ere., Hor.; for actors, piimillo -<•ni!I, c. a dll'orf, Luer.
"tht board.t" of a theutrt, Ov. punotlm,adv. (pungo), /1y~t<1bbi11.!1, ~Lkrtt.llC·, pultls, r. (roATo~). a porridpe or pot- fog (opp. caesi111); petcre ho:1te111, Liv.
la.1t of flour, ~. ultd al food for t!UJ aacred punctum ·I, n. (p1111:.:o). I. a little 11.flU,
chirkens, Cir~ 811Wll, !\-tart. II. 1. lit., a, a pol11t,
. puls&tlo ·Onls. r. (puhw), a knockin.g, lltrik- a11.J 111rton., a rlivi.<ion. "} u disc.111rse, a lilwrt
u1:1, /,eitlin.y, Cic.; scutorum, Liv. cl.aJ?.~t. S«l'linn; p1111l'f..4 11r~1111w11t•l! u111, Ci•'.; b,
pulao 1. (intens. or pcllo), to strike, beat, i11 the l'Olllili:i, the ,.,,; 111 mm/,. 111t a f.<iJ,/d r11
knock. l Gen., 1, lit., a., of 11tn111pi11g the oftc11 as one of tht candid air.< lCIU Lote1l for, lwnce
b'TOUnd, danciui;, etc., pt'dt'! lil."'r" tcllurem, a vote; quot in t:'H ttib11 p1111rta tulc:riR, Cic.;
llc,r.; of huNIC3, pedib11s i.pari11111 Oln11pi, iw•ct. henl'e, t11111~r.. a1'/ll"M11l, upplml-$'-; Jisceilo Al·
==to llalttn. 011er, Ov. ; b, 11r knocking nt the caeus l'll11ct11 ill111~. Hur.; 011111ii tulit p1111l'lum
d1>or, fon:a, Ov. ; o, to limt. ill-treat; pulsare et qui 111isc11it utile uulci, lh•r.; 2, tra111<f., (J
wrbt-rare aliquem, Cic.; tnrnsf., of the wi11d, mathwutt1ml 7ioint, tht 1111allrBl q1m11tit11; l1<·11cr,
alonns, etc., piniferum capuL et vento pul!!i1tur a, a t•eT71 '1Tlflll SJ>aa; quasi p11uctu111 terrne.
•·t i111hri. Verg. ; d., to knock against, rtaeh to: t:1c.; b, a ~mall 7•<>rtLn11 of ti rue, n 111011u:1t.l;
11..., arduua alt& pnh1At l!idera, Verg. ; e, to au punctum te111poris, in 11 ,,i.o111e11t, C1c.
pun 466 put
puqo, ~dpftgl, pundum, S. to prick, pu11e- lu!aUd, Hor. D. Trnnsf., 1, to pt&t"ge. cZecHl.a.
hlrt, 1'111.b. I. 1, lit., a, 11e111i11em, Cic. ; b, lo purify: e.luc ucum omnea tuoa, purga nrbem,,
-.nkit b_11 J)Un:i11y; vnlnus q11od acu punctum Cic.; 2, to clca11M morally; a, to, d<fntll,
vi<l .. n!t11r, Cic.; 2, tra1111r., a, w 1•t11ttrutt, mter: ju.•ii/y; aliquem de luxuria, Cic.; civitatem f&ct.i
corpu!t, Luer.; b, to tuvch, nWt~; >1P11>111111, Luer.; llictique, Liv.; cri111en, to Cl)njTIU., Cic.; with
o, to 1•1i11l off; ht'ncc, 1m11ct11 ternpore, i" a nee. :rn<l iurin., to allci1t i1' defence, LiY.; b, to
Mo11101t, Luer. IL Fig., to sti11!f, w.r, a111wy, 1111rgc, l'"rify rt/ i!Ji-11ul11; populos, OY.; c, lo
.,,,.tify: cpi,.tola Illa it4 111e vupngit, ut 1101111111111 y001l; 111:ilu111 l'acinus forti facinore. Liv •
mihl a1le111erit, Cic.; i1i pauverWll 111u111or<lit, si piirltir = vure (q.v.).
lg110111i11i11 pupugit, Cic.
Piinloeua, v. Poenl. purpiira ·Ile, r. (1t0f>4>upa). L tlti rr?•·
ftih, PTi11. IL Mt'l-011., A.. tlu pKrpl• d.,e,
PUnloua, Punlce, v. Poenl. piu7•lt, \'erg. B. ariy 1tu/ or tuture d..-J
pUnlo (poeD.lo) ·ivi and ·Ii ·llum -Ire, and purple, purple cloth, Cle.
ctep. piiD.lor (poeD.lor) ·itus sum -iri {J10ena). purpiiraaco, S. to beconu J'IU']lM or cfart_
L to pu11iah; soutes, Cic.; ma.leficia, Cic.; Cic.
aliquem eupplicio, Cic. ; dep., peccalum, Cic.
IL to aw11ge; dolorem, Cic.; dep., uecem, Cic. I. purpi'iri.tua clad'" purple.
Adj., 111ulier, Plaut. II. 8ubilL, a ILigl& di.g-
piinitor ~ri11, m.(punlo), apunW&u, aven~r; 11ila'11 1111w11g cu.stern. 11ri1ia1 (clad i1' pvrplt);
doloria, Cle. 1•l11r., courtier•; purpuralis tuis tsta mioitare.
_ piipa -ae, f. (pupus). L a littll girl, .M11rt. Cic.
IL a doll, Pen. purpi'ireua -a ·um (~pcoc). L J1t1.rple.
piipUJa -ae, r. (dim. orJ~111111.). Lan orphan an<I lClJ ur i1hadC11 re.embhng purple, bJadciM.,
girl, wnrd, minor, Cic. IL Tran11r. (like Gr. 1/ark-rtd, darl.:·brown, dark·t>Ulltt; ve.titua. CW:.;
"6p11), tht pupil of tht tyt, Cie. rubor, blush, Ov.; capillus, crinia, Verg.; mare,.
pupUl&rta -e (puplllus), of or relating to a Cic. IL Mcton., A.. c/11..l ir& purple; rex, Ov.;
VJartl; pecunine, Liv. tyrau11u". Hur.; tra11sr., adorrttd anti& purplt:
turu>1, Ov.; pui:rurcis pe1111i:1, rdt1' Jn.rple
piiplllua ·I, m. (dim. or pup11lu11), an orphan, 7•/111110, \"er~. B. brighl,,/ld; olon:-9-
toaril, Cic.
lfor. ; ver, \'erg.
Puplnla -ae, r. tht P11pi11iall comllry in piirwa -a ·Um, rlear&, pure. L A. Lit., a,
/Alli11111, a akri.le tmct of ro1111try; hence, u11Ja, \'erg.; fu1111, Plaut.; sere purior ~1111, Ov.;
1 11vi11iensis ager, Liv.
terr1t, ilmrtd of ~lntlU, atubblt, e~ .• Cic.; b, ol
PUplua -a ·Um, t1anu of a Ro11wri grnJ; adj., the uir, 11u11, el.c., bright, cltur, Cic. ; 11eut.
h1'< l'uvia, J'ITOP''"".t b11 Pupinit, a tril1u11t, that ~u.Lst., l'<'l' J'ur~1m, tht_dr11r sky,\" ~rg. B. Tr1n5f.,
"'' ..... 1111tt ~l&oul•l 11ul hul<l a 111uti11y 01< tht 1/1111 of w1tlwut "' ./i11111,, uniplt. plaut: a '·•>Ill,
IJu Cu111Ula. 1ntlwul a h<11d, \ .. ·q~.; b, 111mdurnt1f. 1ilai11;
puppla ·is, f. t/1r 1""'1' c•r 1tu11of11 IY.<.<:f'/. I. 1•1H111a, \"tq1:.; nri;1·11t11111, 11·itlwul 1tlit/>, C1c.;, 111\\'t'!lll t·onvl'rt1·n• ail l'lll')'illl, ( 'i<'.; \'t'Utu" of •lrcs:i, 11:itliv1il uo1l1111e11t :. t'~p., llllll•lli? the
1mr.:•·t1!1 a pt1)'pi,f1·""' b.·hi11d, \·,·r~.; 11~.,.,.t•de· R11111a11:;, w1t/1P11I " pu1yle stnpt; \'e:st1:t, \ .. rg.;
b.'\11111" in pllp)'i, I sut 11l th' hrlm of"" .<tut,, l·i~a. l'lau···lr.; c,dra-r, 11n111ixnl, v11culultt1attd;
Cic. II. Jlet••ll., the wh.,fr ~lii1•. \"er~.; thr co11· n1mlu111, T1li.; d, .-!tar (!J11i11, proji.t); quiJ poss1t
1tr//ut im1 of llu .Shi}', Cic. (abl. s111g., Jiii !'Pi, acc., ad doniino,. puri ac rdi11ui verv.-uire, Cic. IL
pupphu). 1'1g., A.. u,·11., 1, apoll.t!S; a, holy, upright:
pup~ -ne, r. (dim. or pupa), tht pupil of puru:1 et inkger, Cii-.; b\frtt frC1m critM, tllp.,
Uu r11t, C1c.; m .. ton., the ryt, Hor. munkr; vura", ·erg.; with geniL,
sceleri11, Hur. ; c, frtt from uiu11ality,,
pupiUua -1, m. (.li111. or p11pu:1), a little boy, JI" rt: a11imam puram conscrvare, C1c.. ; d, ul
CAt. Ui>ICUllf!<C 1 J•llrt, f11ultlfSJ: pura et inCOITllpta
pupua -i, m. a boy, rhild, usro as a term of co111mctuJo, Cic. ; 9, a, religious t. t., (•) 1.,,.
endl"&nncnt, su .. t., Cic.; (ti) u 11/ r0tldt1t, v; locus,
piiri and poet. piirlter, adv. (purus). I. Li\·.; (y) jru from 111ourt1i11g {l>y co111pleuv11 of
A.. Lit., a purtly, dro11l.11: pure lnuta t•orporn, funeral ntRs); famili:i, Cic.; (6) 111cL, purifw1n11:
Liv. ; b tnohtly; spk11Jt:11s Pario uuumore arbor, Ov.; b, rhct. t. t., 111wdonud, 11alliral,
J>llriu11 1 hor. B. Tran~f., clrorly, 11at"mlly; si111ple; purum genus d1cenlli, Cic.; c, legll.1
vu re npl'arere, Hor. IL Fi.:., 1, gen., a, t. t., withuut co11ditio11s, absulutt, um:o11ditio11al;
"µrightly, p11rrl71: pure et ell'ga11tcr ada Yit4, judicit1111, Cic.
Cic.; pure eL caste deos venerari, Cic. ; b of pU., pOris, n. corrupt mutter; ftg., gall,"'~
11tyte.. ~rrly, faultlts.•_l!I: pure et enll'11tiate Hur.
loq111, t:1c.; 9, esp., ji11.tly, 'J.l'!Tftctly, entirely;
ttui<I pure tranquillet, Hor. pi1sil.lua -a -nm, dim. rtry .-mall, tiriy, P""Y·
I. Lit., tt'~tii1, Cic.; Roma, Cic.; epi!ltoln. Cic. ·lnle, n. (p11r~n). L filth, dirt, Hul.lst., pdaWum ·I, n. a tri)U, a littl,, ap.
swupi11gJ; Vet1tae, thnt u•hich u~1• a111iually Cic. II. Tnu1~r.• a, of ability, 1-uy i 1Ui1111~t·
l'Wl'tpl f•-om tlu u111ple of l"rsta, Ov. IL a 111m11~
•'1111: i11i.:c11iu111, Mart.; b, or conragt, &lllOIUll,
of purgalion or tzpialio11; 111ali, Ov.; cac<l1s, timid, Hor.; c, 1l(ft!I, 11U<111: animu.-. Cic.; d.
Ov. little, i11.:ri1111•fi•·1111I; ~11"3 1 Ov.
purgamentu.m -i, n. (pnrgo), that whirl\ i.t piialo ·6nis, m. a little bo~, Cic.
clrn11td uut, IU'tpt away, l1l.'ttpi11ys, rubbish, filth;
urLis, Liv. pdtA (imper. 2. pnto). for uamplt, lnlJ'POM'.
purgatlo -{mi!'I, f. (purgo), a cltaning cml, f(lr' insta11.a, Hor.
clt.t111i'lg. L 1, liL, ulvi, purgi11g, Cic.; 2 pdtamen -inis, n. (1. pulo), Cl ctdt111g, rarillg,
rneton., 1•lur. 1 vurgntione~. 71urgativts, Cic. ii: ihrtd, shdl, Cic.
Trausr., e.:cwsing, )11sti.fimtic11, Cit·. puteal ·fill~, n. (puteus). L a ston.c nirb
purgo.l 1. (pnrigo, from }l\lru~). to clran, round the 111011th of <L 1ctll. IL Trsosf., a lilllilar
clm11>l. .L Lit., 1, locum, to clran out, makt ni..Z~111·e 11ro1111d n !k!Cml platt-f!.g., the PulMl
rt<TJi!I for plo1111hing. Cic.; arva longii1 ligunibus, Liho11i>1 or &ribuni111111m At Rome, wbett U.
Ov.; 2, to J»ll''flf the botly: puri;or hilem, l frn usurer:1 carried I'll buaineu, lo U.. ComiUam.
•'IJUIJ fr1Y11t.1CJll, Hor.; pur1tatu1u t.e llUwi uwrbi, Cic.
put 457 pyr
p~la -e (put.tu~). of or rdatfng to 11 aU; Pydna -ae, f. (Tiv.,v11), ·11 fovm '" Maetdmtfa,
Qndae, Ov.; lymphae, Lurr. tohtrt AtmUi111 Pavlu.t 1/(f~attd Ptrlllll, ki1'!] oJ
p6teariwa -II, m. (puteu~). a tcdl-si~, Alaudonia, 168 s.c., 1.erhaps mo<leru Aya"-
Liv. H~nce, Pyclnael -oru111, 111. tJic fMabilallU q/
J!itio, 2. (root P.UT, Or. llY0, whence.,.;,,..,, Pydna.
••8o .. 1u), to stink, Cw. =
pyga pnga (q. v.).
Piite6li (Pot6611) -Orum, m. ci tow1' b pygargw1 -i, m. (mi-ya~). 1, tlu fl•h-ft141.t.
Cani1•ini•1 on the coast1 with mllll.!J 111i11trul srringJ, Pim.; 2, a lf]ltCiu of anltlope, Juv.
1'• oouritc rLvir·t of IM I'.omall.4, now p,,zz"vlo. Pygmael -i1rum, m. (CTvyµaio•), tlu P1J'Tmilll,
Hence, PU.te61.Anus -a -11m, ~langing Co ci race of dwurfs IU/>f".!ltd to inha~it Afriro,
P11t••li.., a, Puteolanum -1, n. an afl.d to f'11{1Cl(lt in war u:itll cra11u. Henre, adj.,
lllate of Ciruo, 7Ullr 1'11uolt : b, Putcoli.DJ. Pygmaeua -a -um, Pyg111aea.r&: quae Pyg·
~rum, m. the ~.o;.fe of I"ulo../I. U11teo sa11~u111t! gantlet a vis, the craru, Ov.
puter -tri1 -tre and putrts -e. L rotten, PygmAUon ·l'inls, m. (CT.,.,..llAiw.,). L
pvtr~, s inU n.g; romai Ov.; fervent examina
gra nJ~un of .Aytnnr, who ft/I (n lou u·ith a b«l J·
J•Uln de bov1:, Ov. I . Trnnsf.• wost, jtab'/J1;, t/j11l 11<.1.l11t u·hkh ht had 'ttUUk, a1&d u1ltich Ve111"
cromJ>lin9, friable; gleba, \'i:rg.; c.1mpuf\, Verg.; al hia pra;1tr entfoictd with life. IL king '"
n1:i1omac, Hor.; oculi, la11guuht11g, Hor. TJITt, of Dido, 10hOM: ht altio.
piltesco (putlsco) ·tlli, s. (puteo), to dtca11, pYlldes -11e and -Is, m. (n11Ao4.,f), '°" o/
bt0J11u rvlltn, grow putrid, Cic. St ro1·h 1111, u n(f th' fnllhful/rinul o/Ort~tu; hence,
J•foov. for a fuit11ful /ru11d, Ov. HPr1t·e, adj.,
puteus -i, 111. (root PUT, connected with Pjl;Uteua ·a -11111, PvlaJean; amleitla, I.e.,
800, whe11ce Bo8p0<), a pit; a, in a;:riculture, faithful, twder, Cic.
Q],il, trench, \"t'rg.; b, a u·tll, •prilll/, Cic.
pflae -lr111n, f. ( ini>.aa, 111Jttl), J"ll~I bdllW'4
piitfde, nd \'. (pul id us), of tliscour~f', a/· mormtu i ru, drjilo. L Gen., T1H1ri, Kparot!ng
/l.d#>lly, di&g1t.tiuyl11; diceri:, Cic.; putid1u:t Cappadocia /rom. Cilkia, Cir. II. 1':.<1(1., P) 1ae
litt.era1 expr1111P1e, (;ic.
= Thn-mo111l••t, Lh-. Hence, pt!AloUJI ·A -um,
pUtfdiUllCdluS ·A •Dm (<tim. Of putldus), rtlatin.g to '/'htrmnpyl<r4: co11cil1um, convmtkm,
IO'llkicltal ajfeatd, na ustO•••, Cic. con!fTtll held ot Thtrm0711ltu, Liv.
piitldus ·:l ·Ulu (1·11len), rotten, ltlnki11g, Pflaem6nes ·i•, m. an old l:i,ig q/ IM
p1<tri4. A. Lit., caro, (;11'. B. Tra11sf., 1, Jfentti in Pn1·hl«g0tlia., lcilltd bt/ore Trov.
•.:erct.rum J.>Utidi11s, aildltd, Hor.; 2, "41'W'1,J, P:tllua, Pylus.
troiJJ/t<mn~, 1>l<fa flt ic, ajrtdtLJ ; haPC Bal j" h pero
V<•his 11:•11~!\ta et 1•11tida v1deri, Cic.; p11t1<lum Pylua (-Os) ·i, r. (n.:A~). nanu of t'IDO diia
tst, with iufin., it u pt;/a,,tic, 1·tc., Cic.; of iJ& rite /'r/1)1-011 .. utu, out in MtJtMJtia, the ruidtncc
orato~. aftcttd, OT"; 1J1·111u.~the11es, l:ic. of l\rlr11s, now Alt·.\'•1mriul'l; tht olhtr in. 1'rl.-
7.r111lia, lht ruidenu of Nr...•tor, ht11ct culud Ne.a-
1. piito, I. (root PU, whence purus, putn•).
14 cha~; henc1i, Co lop, kl Jll'llM trua;, t"rl'll, Ov.; hence, a~j.. Pjll1111 -a -um, a, rt-
Vtr.;. luti"'J to Py/111; 1mt1~t., Pj'liua ·Ii, m. tht
P<1IU.m, I.e., Nt~t.Jr; b, ~t. =of Sutor; diu,
2. pi'ito, 1. (root PUT, Gr. nve, '"'8iaBot, Ov.
aor. or 11v..6.ivo"a•). to nckon.. I. Gen , a, to
fra -ae, f. (""p.&). L a pl{l"t, Verg.
rrc!:mi, caJ,,./at•, rornpute, l-0 t•timiJU, rnliu ut;
"itli l(enit. nr value, ma)(nl put are ho11nres, Cic.; I . Al\ a pro1-er name, Pyra -ne. f. u pl.ace Oil
Mount Otta, 11•hen: lltrculu l1urnt l1i1flM/f.
with t•rr> a11<1 t lie alol., ali<111cm l'ro nlhilo, Cic.;
with In anti th" alil., in l1nml11um 11urnl'ro Ptracmon -611is, m. (ll11pax1<••"'>· 01ui q/
putahat, c.1c.; with acc. nf pre•lrcate, ~e g .. lum the Cyclo/"·' nf Vu/cal\,,, C1c.; b, to co1uj,,ler, hold, btliti·e, "'P- P'.O'racmo11 .f. m. mu q/ the ~nta'll.n 11t tlw
~; With Hl'C,, plltare deos, kl ~litllt (" tf~ tnd1T1 ng of l'•rith.owr.
gnla,.Cu:.; "ilh aec. and inftn., noli l'ut&re me p;YrAmfdi.tua •-um, wramfdal, Cic.
m~lon!!.w, Cic.; al11•11., non J'Ularam, Ck.;, 1•utl> or 11t r•nto, I •upJ>'>M, Cir. II. ·ldl11, r. (""pa"if). Q pyra"'lid, Cle.
&, lo count Ol'lt1': rationes cum pul·lkani1, ldtlt 1. PjrAmus ·I, m. (CTiipnµof), tht lour of
C1Cit»1111ts 10itll, Cic. ; b, lo 10ti9h, rtjft,ct.; de\Jea Thuit, who htr1>tlf '" the beliq ht waa
pntare.oomitiis a1u'1iu111 e~se J.>Opuli, non jut.lie· dw1l.
IUIU, C1c.
2. PyrAmus ·I, m. (Dii~of). • rim" i.
putor ~ria, m. (1°uteo), bad smdl, ltid:, Cll1t'i•1, now Geiliura.
'Lii··r. Pyrene ~. f. (nvp~....,). da"!'hter of Btlmn,
... 6-J[_....JI "
pu~~o -llci -factum, 3., Jlll'<S., pu- btlo1·rd /,y llerculu, buritd in tht mountain ca/ltd
tr6f10 ·factu<1 sum ·flhi (putreo nnd facio). after l1tr; ltence, Pjrenaeus ·•-um, bt/.,?19irag
L lo maLe rottui., and pa~•., Co buoltU! rot1t11, to Pvrtn.e; Pyrenaei M·•nlei1. the l''Jlrflled, tu
<irot111: nu•lal11111 kctum p~IA:re li111Jrilius putre- mouJ&tain• btt11un Guul and Spair&; RO simply,
l.oc1en·~u111, Liv. IL lo m.aks pliabu, kl IO,/kJ&; Pjrenaeus ·I, m., LiY. (Pj'rfoe, in Ttb.).
artlr~t1a u u 1nr111<1 uceto, Liv. pj'retbrum ·I. n. (tnlprepo,,), a plant, ptl-
PDb'eeco ·trill, S. (l'utreo), lo btcOllM rotun litur11, Ov.
or olffllJl"Al, Hor. Pyrg1 -Or111n, m. (n.:p-yoi = tul'T1'a), a t~
PUtrldu ·• -tJru (rutreo) 1, rotkn, dttnllfd, in Etrurw, nnlf lM ri/111'.:' of St. St1-<ro. llence,
J'f'lr!d; dentd, Cle.; 2, loo., Jabb11, Cat. Pyrgenais -e, btlvngi ng to PJIT(JL
putror ~•I•, m. nttl'll11ti16,, Locr. r.
Pyrgo -Oa, the nurtt q/ Prla>ll't clltWrni..
Piitua • -um (root PU whence pul.o, ptriphlegetbon-0nlls, m. (HvP<<l>A...,.;8,..,.),
ptlrus), p11re, t111 mi.ud, ""wtultna.te1t: uaually t1te .ftn:·strwrn, a riwr '• tJic /q1Df:T w..,,.z,i; gen.
louod In connexion w1L11 puru11, Plaut.; wilh· simply l'hltgrtlw1a..
nut parua, rue.1e puliasimae oratiouea, brillialll, ptr61.a (-ela) ~nto.. , m. (wv$Hk•f), ~. ou
CIC. q/ tM hor1ts nf tht S1t11, Ov.
Ul~ota (--es) ..i. m. (n•~>. Q bour, pttgil- p.fropua ·i. m. (""P••6J), a kind q/ 1111.mri
• luu!itlr. a«&l4 l>l'OIUI, o...
Pyr qua
Pyrrha -ae, t. (n:i>i>a.). I. dCJ119hkr of lt'pi. fbrlUtA: subst., qnlA~a -u, r. tM
~. ""I• of DeucaZWn.. IL a '°""" '"
DOW Cakm,. Adj., Pyrrbaa ·, f. nlati1'{1
wbol, fortieth parl; e.11p., ;;;;-ta.z,~
qulctrapee, adv. forty tiwwra, <lo.
lo CM totm of Pvrrha.
Pyrrho CPYrro) -Onls, m. (IIi.lpp••"')• a Gf'tJt1c
quidragmta./orl)', Cic.
~iloaopher oJ l[U.a,f°"n.du of tht ao-call.ed Sceptical qui.drans ·antis, _m. (quadro), ajbvCA port,
Scllool, oot&Umpora_!'1f of Aluander the Grt4t. quarU7'. L heres ex qnadrante. to iM /aurtl
Bence, Pyrrhonet -Orum, m. Ul4 /ol"ll>wtr• o/ part of tM proptrly, Suet. IL Al a coin, lk&
Pvrrlw. fourth part of an cu, thru vnclae, IAT.; ~ onU-
t1ary ~of a bath; dnm tu quad.rante lavatum
Pyrrhua -1, m. (IIi.IPi\of). L 11m of .A.chillu rex this, Hor.
and Dtidaaia of Scyrva (also 1'.&lled N eopto-
leruos), /011.flder of 4 monarchy in Rpirua, killed qui.drantat -Ills, n. o Hqvid WNllftft OQlto
4' Ddpld br Onata. ll. king i7l Epirua, eiumy taintng 8 congil, Plaut.
o/ tla. RomaM. Bence, Pyrrheum ·1, n. quidrantirlua -a ·Um (qundrane),·~
11' ro,al caatk of fyrTA.u.1. ing t-0 a quar"1". L Gen., tabalae quadn.ntari&er_
Pjth1'goraa -ae, m. (IIv9a.y&pcx~), Gruk redu.cticn. of dtbta by a quar"1" '" ~ of
the lex Valeria fenernt-0rla, Cic. IL Esp., eoa-
pAiloloplter o/ Samo1 (about 650 n.c), WM after·
toariU .Ul«l VA Lo1oer Ital11 (In Crotona and ing a qvarU:r o/an u, Cic.
Metapontum), and foundtd tlie 8Clwol numtd. o.fler qu.8.dri.tua-a -nm (guadro), qwadra~,
Aim. Hence, pYthagoreWI -a -um, Pytha.- A. Adj., saxum, Liv. ; agmen, 4 aquan: qJ
gc>rea1', and subat., a Pythagorean. soldU:n, Cio. B. Suhst., quadratum -1, n.;
Pftho ·tla, f. (IlvlM), tht old na1M o/t'Ju pcirt a., a aquare, Cle.; b, t. t. of a.'\tronomy, ~
of PlocW <d tht foot of Parnaanu whert Delphi tvre, Cic.
lay. Benee, A. Pjthlous -a -um_, Pythian, g.uAdridiium (quatridiium.
Ddpllic, rdating to .A.poUo. B. Pythlua -a tridiium> ·l, n. (quatuor and dies), a rpaa <I
-um, rWJting lo ..dpollo, Dtl1>hic: au Lilt., &, /our days; quadrlduo quo haec geata aunt, Cic.
Pj1.hla -ae, f. tht priuteu 'Who dtliwnd the
~ 4t Del1ihf.; b, Pjthla -Orum, n. (Td.
q~emdum ·Ii, n. (quatuor and &llllU},
IIV6'4), CM Pythian gamu., cmbrattd wery five a period of four )'WN, Cic.
,.an ill Ult C'u1111Uan plain& ntar Delph£ in qui.clrltariam. adv. (quatuor), }Ow/ol4, fa
~r a/ ApoUo, WM llew Ult P11t1wn. four pa.rt.I, Liv.
Pj'th0n -Onis, m. (1Iu8111v), a grml Miika qu&drlrldua -a -um {qnatuor and dndo).
lcilled br ..dpollo, mar Delph£. tplit into fov.r portioM, Verg.
pj'ttlana ·!tis, m. (11"VrtO')ta.), the wiM quLtrigae -lrum, f. l = qnadrljugae, from
quatuor and jugum)_, a ttam of /o'llr ~
C. spit otlt or apurttd through the lips (In tasting),
Juv. abrtalt, ued o( the animals alone, of the anim.'\ls
~ 1. (,,,,,.'(..,), to lpU otlt witu (in and the cb&rlot, and of the chariot alone. L
tasting), Ter. Lit., albonun equornm, LIY. ; flllf.·•
of racln_J
pnda -ldls, f. ('"'El(), a lUU. boi:I, cmket, ued charlota, CWTU quadrigarum Teh;.r. Cic. IL
Joi-a,.._ etc.; vene.nJ, Cic. Fig., equla ant quadrigis poetlela, l-'lC.
quAdrigariua ·H, m. (quadrlga), tM dricw
of fov.r Aon., 11 mcing chariolur, Cic.
qul.4rig&tua -a -nm (quadrip), lfa~
wUA tht ftgvn of 11 quadri9fl : nummt. nlwr
<Ul\ari(, Cle.
Q. 9.d.c1rig\Uae-l.nlm, f. (dim. of quadrlga).
ca ht~ t«Jm of frw.r lwnu, etc.
quaclrlJtigls -e (quatuor and Jucum). pm
Q, q,bet,
the 1txteent.h letter or the Roman alpha-
only used before u followed by a
vowel. It not nntrequently represents the Greek
/our togttMr; eqnt, Verg.
qulclrQiigua -i -um (quatuor and Jugam).
... ; e.g., quinque nvnlnequus tlf1T'Ot, seqnor rok«t /<111.r toget.Mr; equl, Ov.; currua, Verg •
;,..,.,. For ahbreviationa which Q. Is used, see subet., .,._,., .. _.. • .__. -Orum, m. a ,_.qt /Ow"
Table of AbbreviatlolUI. ..~uaa
~'DA. adv. (from qui, quae, qnod). L Oil hor•.i..Ov.
which .Wt, whert; ad omnea lntroitus qua adirt ~1l:~U • ·um (qnatuor), /Of/W ,.....
poterat, Cle. ; corresp., ea • . . qua, IL .ac.
Transf., A. partitive, qua ••• qua, partly . • • qui4rlnginariu •·Um (quadrlngenl). oJ
partly; botA • • • a.a well 111, qua domlnus qua fetts' lnuadred each, Cic.
advocatue, etc. B. i" '°far tU, in aa much as; quidrlnlriDl -ae -a (quadringenti). num.
effuge qua potes, Ov., Cle. C. ill 10ha: manner, dlalrlb., /ov.rA•ftdred lllJCk, IJv.
MIO; llluc qua venlam 1 Cic. qul4rtngentem ...., -a, /ov.r bad7'14 ~
qui.oumque. adv. (ac. part&, from qnlcum· Liv.
que). L wlurttin-, "'~; quacnmque quldrtngentislmua -a -um (qu.adrfa.
tter feclt, Cle. IL br aU tntau, '" """'Y man Mr, gentl~/ov.r A•1idredth, LIT.
quiu'lamMSniia, ad,.. to 4 cm<d" poim, «J/ar; q entt -ae -a (-iuatuor and centwll).
found ln tho tmesls, est quadam prodlre tenna, fov.r h_:"'1rtd, Cle. _
Hor. quaclrlD.gentlH.feur 1tvndn:d tin&a, Clo.
QULu ~rum. m. 11 ~,,.. tM IO'l&tA-«ld of qulclrlpartiti, Mfour parU, Co.
a.r.a"r '-' ~ Moi-atiMI. quldripartitua (quidrl»ertitua) ..
qu&d.ra. T. quadrua. -um (quatuor and partlor), divl<Ud /<1fd'
quL:lri.gim -ae -a, num. dlatrib. (quadra" JIClrt., fourfold; dlstribntio, etc.
pnla)*/ortr each, Cio. quLbirimla -e (qnatuor and ren1'11). MA
qu&drigialmua • ·WD (qa&draglnta), CM Juur ballkl qf OClt'I; qa&drlremla naTia, and
qua 469 qua
au'btlt., qaL!rlrimls ·ls, f. ca IAip tr7Wl /Otllr Cle.; quaerit BoeoUa Dtrcen, O•.; o, lo tlnlca!WI,
lla1lk.s of oan, Cic. tllGkc ~ry; diet.atoriam najest.atem, Liv.
cauAdrlvla.m .Ji, n. (quatuor and via), Cl qu...itlo --Onia, r. (quaero), '"' (nkrTC)fll-
place IDMn four roads m«t, Cat. "'"'by torture, Tac.
qu&dro. 1. (quaJrus). L Transit., t-0 tll4ke (111zuirtr, quaemtor -6rl11 m. (quaero), aft.'"""'~•
tqtuJre, IO arruare; tranar., IO join properlr to- ei;p., aj;;;Jicial LnvaHgalor, Cle.; crim-
fdlttr, rompl.m rhytlvnically; quadrandae ora- inum, Liv.
tioni11 indust.ria, Cic. IL lntran11it., t-0 be q'll&Mitum,, v. qnaero.
"ll'art; a, t-0 fit. t.znctlv, t-0 RU; omnia in lstam quaeaitwa -a -om, p. atlj. (from qoaero). L
q1w1rant., CO?"Wspond 10Uh, Cie.; b, esp., or ioughl out, uncomlll.l)11, Mlllt, mraonUMTJf.;
ai:counL,, t-0 ngru: quo modo aexccnta eodem lcge!I quae11itiore1 (opp. 11implices), Tac. IL
modo quadrarint, Cic. 1rnrn1t11ml, aff«tld; comitaa, Tac.
ca1liclrum,. v. qu:idrus. ~ quae90 -ivi, 3. (another form ofqu.iero). L -antis (quatnor and pes). to -k ffJr, 1rri1·t IJ> obtain, Plaut. IL to bl!},
VoirvJ "" ftm.r Jul, galWping; &, a.ij., Echeth111, l>t.Y.ul~, t11tr~d; with acc., vcntorum pai·es,
11 C:uta11r, Ov.; tra1111r., 11onitu11 (<>f a galloping Luer.; with ut or ne and the subj., a vuhi1
honie~ Verg.; b, 11ubst., a lun-1t, Verg. quael!O 11l, etc., <.:ic. ; absol., I btg, I tnlreat;
quidriipea -p~dis (quatuor and pes), four· tu, quae110, 11cribe, Cic.
quaesUcU.lna ·i, m. (dim. of quaestu"), ca
footbl: u~nally 1mh>1t., qddrilpea ·P<'•Ji!I, c. mi.nil gain, 1/i9hl profit, Cic.
a fourf'XJUd ani111al, 11un.drt1P".;l; (11) rna!IC.,
aauclus qua.drupes, Verg.; (JJ) fem., quaitrupe!I
quaestlo -i>ni~. r. (quaero), a utking, iu:arcJ&,..
DUllA, Vt-rs:.
ill!]. A. 1m oskin!J, 'lut.!tihning; captivorum,
Ca<'~. B. l, an i11tp1iri1l!1, in~ati!1(tltng, i711Uirt;
quMtrlipJator -Orii1, m. (quadrnplor), an v1t.a rcre quaei1tio tral'tata virietur, Cic. ; in q1111es·
hfQrnu:r u·ho re-~ived ct fvurth part of tM ~nalty, tioncm vorare, to ini.,..st0ate, Cic.; 2, met<m.,
C1c. a, the 1u11j•ct of i1V[uiry; de natnra deornm,
qaidruples -pllcis (quatuor and pllco), C1c. ; b, esp., rhet. t. t., (a) tM rnl~1tr:I of t:koou
fm.rfJl.rl, r[IV••iru,,U, Liv. i1t u spw:h, <.:ie.; (JJ) the mffin point, IM i.vlu,
quidrU.ptor. I. dep. t-0 be an iR./oNMr, tion, Cic. C. l, a pul>lic jwli.cial ill'fll iry, ill1iuti.fa·
Pl.i.ut. (cf. 'luadruplator). often with torture, l1ae quae11tiones In senatu
haliitae, Ck; quae11tionem habere •le viri morte,
quAd.riplua ·• -um (t1uatuor and plus= C1c.; quaestionem ha~rc de servi11 in Hlium,
wloV< = Tt-rp«irAoii(), fou.rfnld. 8ubat., quAd- Liv.; quae11tionem inter sic:i.rios exrrcrrl', on 111'
rftplum -1, n. f1ur li1nu IM am.l)unt, foMr ti111U 1US1J&in.ali-On, Cic.; quaestionCll peq.ietuac, "" ll'L·
u 11111.U\; juJiciurn dare in quadruvlum, Cic. ill!l couru of justice at ~ f<!T tM ini-ati!]ttlim~
crime (Instituted 149 e.c.); 2 meton., rtrord
quldnua -a ·Um (quatuor), 1111=~ Sub9t., of (of 1111ch a court), q11ac11tionem con11Cril>-
A. quAdra ..U, r. Q llpUlTt; 1, a 5'[1tart dining· ere, Cic.
IM/.t:; hf'nce, a pita of bmul ll$ed a.1 a pl11tt!, qa.aeatl1lJlOiUa -ae, f. (11im. of q11ae11tio).
Verg.; :ilie11i vivere quadri, to lire at anothtr a litt~ <t~lti01l; ponere alicui qu.aestiunc11lam,
ptrsvn'• lable, Ju v. ; 2, a 11(11.Qrt. pUioe or morstl, Cic.
Hor. B. qu'4rum -1, n. a aqttan; trani1r., quaestor -6ris, m. (ror quaesitllr, from
"'1igere omnea in qua•lrum numerunaque Hell· quaero), the ~. in plur., the rr1uust-0r1,
le11taa.., proper ortkr, Cic.{!Utrotu in Ramt, ori!/i111.Uly "''o ill n1Unbtr,
ll'ho inqu.i.rtd foto and punished capitol criffl'-";
quaerlto, I. (intl.'ns. or f')UM'ro). L M 11ttk in full, quaeatore,jj parrici<lii; gen., si111ply
fl19"rly, Plaut.. IL to in•1uire eagerly, Plaut. quaeKtorea, Cic. ; In times there were other
quaero. quaesh·i, q11Rci1ltum. 3. L to sttl.:, 'luae11tors, quaest.orea aerarii and urhani, t/i4
llfflrch fer; 1, lit., (11) of persons, suo11, Caea.; u•M took charge of the pul>lii: tmuury
liberos ad necem, Cic. ; portum, Caes. ; (~) of and ~iturt; other q11ac11tors accompanied
things, te rleci:1a auum dextera quaerit, Verg.; the consuls an•l praetors on military expe•litiona
2, tran11f., (11) ro IUk t-0 obtain, 1trit'1! to gel; aad to provincial commandi;, aud acted a.'\ pay·
alicui or sibi honore~. Cic. ; gloriam hello, Cic. ; masters; the number of quaeston1, originally
(.II) lo prtpart, make ttady ffJr; fugam ex Italia, two, was in the e11d raiRed to eighteen.
Cic.; (y) lo v~k wilh lo119£11g, tv miSIJ, w11nt; quaestirfna -a -um (quaestur). bdongl11g
Cuurem, Hor. ; e&11 balneas, Cic.; with ut. a11d or reJ.ating to u (/lUUalor. L Gen., A. Adj.,
the aut.j., 'JU&eris ut 11u!!Ci1Jlam cogitationem, comitia, for choict of a qwv,.;t<>r, Cle. ; ollkium,
Ci1•.; (~) to lml.: r01t11d abnut for, think of; omisso duty of quuutL.r, Cic.; 11celns, ronimiltcd b11 a
nteri t'OnKilio no\·um, l:iall.; («) with inlln., to rprn.ulor, or iniuigalld bya <p1aestfJr, Cic.; porta,
1tt.I: to, to; ahrumpere lucem, Ve~. ; 3, t-0 gate ill the camp nrorthe q11custor'1 tent, Liv. B.
i11rutif1rtlt, mnkc an t.mmiiv1tion of; reliquorum Subst., quaeatirfum ·Ii,
se11tenti.l1n, Cic.; with Je and the ah!., de vita the '/1llU'.!ltor'a n. l, (sc. wntorium),
et<l, 111oribui1, Cic.; 4, IO wh to kn01D, to, inm), the quM.11tnr'1 dwtlliag iJt a2,provi11Ct,
tent in ramp, Liv. ; (sc. aediflc-
lo i11tp1irt; aliq uem a janua, to IJ$k aftu IOTM one
at U!( door of hi$ hoUM, Cic.; aliquid ex or de IL Esp., having the mnk of a qt1aalnr. A.
Adj., legat11s, Cic. B. Suhet., quaeatOdaa
al.iquo, gen. with rel 11ent., de te quaero utrum ·Ii,
· .. an, Cic. ; quaesivit si (whetht-r) lncolurui11 m. OM who had bun qucustor, Cic.
eYa.'lisi;et, Liv.; partic. subst., quaeaitum -i, quaenuO.U. -a -um (qWlCSt.ui.), gainftd,
I. IAe r[USlinn, Ov. ; 5, to ruk judicially, hold a profita~. L mercatura, Ch·. IL or persons.
jwdicial i11vuligati1Jn, i711UiTt inJo; de morte 1, fond of gain, «Jl}tr afer profit; horuo, Cic. ;
allcoiua, Cic. ; de servo iu domin11m, to inurro- 2, having gained m.uc.\, rich, Tac.
111'4 U!( llnr:e vll.dc torture alHmt hi$ maskr, Cle. qU&elltii.ra -ae f. (quae.stor). tM ofb or
IL a, to JUl: t-0 obtain (by work, etc.), to11Jin, dignity of the 'pu:ttlal4T, 'r..w.#..storahip, Cic.
~•; numrnoe aratro et man11, Cic. ; ja1n diu quaeatua ·llB, m. (quaero), a gaining, ,,U.
•~hi! qu&e8iviae, Cic.; partie. 11~1bst., quae- ting, profit, gain, advantag~; ac lucrum
litam -1, n. and plnr., Cf_uaelllta ·6rum, n. unlus agTI et uni•1s anni, Cic.; q11aestni dffiitum
IMt 10lia\ ii gaimd, acquW«m, Ov.; b, t-0 loolc esse, to bf t:kroted t-0 fnmUy.gttting, Sall.; qnaea-
'Ou4 fer '" Nill, t-0 mils; l!liciliam In Sicilia, titi babere rempubllcam, to make Uie adminiftra-
qua 4GO qua
lfoti of t'ic stau t11' oceasim of rro,t, Cle. ; furtls quamobrem (quam o'b rem), o" 'IDlutll
quaestu1n facere, Cic.; qu:iestu juJlciario Ji&llCi, oe<r1unt, for which rw-S(Jn, IDlunifore:., rif. L
lo livt on the pay of a .11W1,jt, Cic. l11trrrog., Cic. IL Rel., ai re:a reperietu.r
qwilibet (quilt'lbet). adv. (11bl. or qul- quam ob rem viriea11tur, t.:ic.
libt:t). L wherutT you like, trer111t'htTe, PJ...ut. quamprimum, adv. cu too" a. ~
IL ill anr im11 )'01', Cat. /orthu·W1, Cic.
quills -e (Crom quam. aa talls from tam)= quamquam, conj. alt1wu91t, tJwtigll, &DC!
troio~, of u·l&ai IOrl, "'luU .i:Lnd of. L Inkrrug., ao111et imes at the bt-gi1111ing or a sentence,
q11ali11 e11t lntorum oratio? Cle. II. Rd., with 'Ml""Tl~lUI, 11olwith.w:u""'~li. UM 'I/fl, rtt: gen.
correspond mg talis, a.i; without tali"• of such n with indic., only in claasical prOMl with aal.Jj.
J.:tn.d, such QI; qualem te pmebuistl, tale111 te when the thougl1t would require the suloj. even
ln1pertia~, Cic.; ut rt-s non talea, q11ales 1tnt1: without quamquam; 111edici quamqua1n mtell.ig·
lwbitae sint1 hal>en<lae \"ilh·antur, Cic. ; in hoc unt aaepe, tameu 11umqua111 aegri.:; di\:unt., Qc.;
bcllo, quale Dellum nulla ba1·baria i;esslL, tuch a at the beginning of a k1Jte11ce, quaniqll&lll quia
tear cu, C-1.cs. ; duce rne quales alnt, Cle. III. ignorat, Cic.; with a ~rtic., 0111u1a Ula qwe
lndef. 6Ul.i.3t., quale, having S011&1qualUr or other; r;unt extra, quamquam e:rpett!ulla, SUUlmo 'bono
Wa quae appellant qualia, Cic. continerentur, Cic.
quallacumqui, qolill!(;umqul. L Rel., quamvia, L Adv. A. Gen., ae roa uriJl, a1
<if u·hatear kind, of u:hat.irtr J10rt; homines tlUKA al J/01' 1Jlei1v, ellt1' IO au.\; qua1u\'U
qualescu111que 11uut, Cle. IL lnder., anJ,1. u·ill•· multoa no111inatiru profen-e, Cic.; et ~·•ete• t"OI
Ci1U t.ZUJ1tion, an11 whau~r; q11al.:111cumque qu1u11vis euumeres 111ultos 11cet, Cle. B. 01 Rlid
locum sequimur, Cir. iu pouib~, w1l much, t.ruali119ly; quam••
quil.tslft>et, q ualell~t, of "'"aJ IO'l'1 f/01' <:OJ•i11se, Cle. I ConJ. ho1ct1 t'T 111ui.h., a/.lt.ougll,
alwit, gen. wit It aubJ.; q11a111vi~ prudeo~ ius,
tt'ill; furmae liLte111ru1u vel aureae vel qualt:s·
libet, Cic. · 1a111en, de., Cic.; "itl1 au atlj. or pa1 lie. uitli·
out a \·erb, quam\·i.a i11iq11a pus!, C1t.:.
quilltaa ·iti", f. (quails), a qua/ itv. proptrt11, quanam (abl. or q11i11a111), 'ILMn t.Jn:d,
wlvrt, Liv.
qu&ll~r, adv. (qu11li11}, a•, Ju•, Ov.
qua.ndo. adv. and conj. L A•lv., tr:".ltt11. A.
qua!u .f, m. ant\ qu&lum .r, n. a wiwr· 11·1k,. = lit li:hal time; a, interro;,;., q11a11dv, \"erg. t-111m me ista cnrasse a1l..oitla11>i1ri ! C1c.; b,
quam (acc. or •11111e, 1111alngou1 to tam), holl', rel., 11on lntelligitur, qua11<lu 0L1el'at lt'nectus,
fo wlurt u:av; a11d rmpl1atic, hl1w muco\. L 111 Cic.; c, lotter., at a1111 twit, ntr; 4uac:1tio uum
correlation. A. 111 co111pari~o11, a, with tam, quan<lu amid uovi \'elnil111s sint a11t..i....•n,ndi,
v. tam; with tam left out, hoiou non, qu;•Ju C..:1c. B. whtn = fn u;l1al circu-..tan.ccs, cic.
lsti !>unt, gloriosus, Liv.; q11am 111 = tan1qua111 =
II. Conj., a, tt>mp,.ral 1dun; tum quando
&i, cu if, Cic.; ollen wilh su1rerl., quam maxima legato11 Tyrum 11111nmus, Cic.; b, causal, siiu-t,
possu1n voc-e <lien, wUh QI loud a i·oia cu J>OJ· btc.HlUt; qua11do ad 111ajorea quaedaw 11ati 11u111us,
1iblt, Cic. ; qullm celenime potuit, Caea.; ellipti- <.:ic.
cally, without possum, cu much u poai.U~, ury; quand~qni. arh'. L Rel., "'l.~rer,
with 1tolj. and n•h« In posit. and Rnperl., quarn Ill ofkn aa; 411 .. 11doc11mqne tralml'\t mvia
Dlagui~ ii i11t11bu~. Caes. ; quam plurimo \"C11dett,
a.s dwr cu JoQ5'lil1lf, Ci•:.; qunm saepissime, cu
nPgot1a Romam, Ut>r. IL l11<lt'f., ul .,,,.,tti!IMI
or Cllher; quandocu;nque mrlri (!Ut:'ll&S <lah.a, vr.
ojU .. "' 'f"•~!i/Jlr, C1c.; .,ua111 primu111, w soon cu
pos,i/,l.e, Uc.; 111•de qua111 longa est, the u•h11lt quandi>que adv. L Rel., u-Mn~rtr, u
wng 1ii11lot thro11!Jh, \'e1g.; b, with tantus, v. ofttit cu, Cic. Il. 111Jer., at aome ti"" or,
tantus; c, with sic, \'erg.; a, with com1•nrJ- <.:ic. lt
tivea or \\"Ortis irnlJlyhrg C<11111•ui11on, than, cu; qn&ndoquldem, conj. rinot, bmni.w, Cle.
nihil est n1~i~ 1im .. ntlum quam, etc., Ci<'.; quanWlua -a -um (<lim. "r qua11t11lu~). AD•
major sum quarn cul possit, t-k., too grutl to~ littlt ! h.ow small I hew i.Jioo.•&t I Plaut.
etc., Ov.; w1tl1 a 11econd com1oarathe fnllowiug, quanto, v. quantu"-
Jongior quam 1.. tkr, more 1011.g than u•idt, Cic.; q u an Up ore (quanto ~peri). ..s ...
with a su1•crl., to exp1eas 11ne111phatic compara· (q11a11t11s an1f 11p1111), 1CitA wliat ':J'·au trosbk.
tiH', cum tyranno, qua111 qui u1nq11am, &ae\'i&· I. Lit., U"ith whal crtrt, AOID Muck: quauto ae
simo, Liv.; with verbs l111plyi11g a comp1uison, opere (;\111tl><liant bestiae, Cic. IL Tranlf.,
auclt a~ ma Ile, 1•nt1us mallt:, praC11tat., etc., Caes.; U> what an r.xttnt, l1n1D mvcA; dicl DOD potelt.
awl utlicr wunls or 11m1ilar meani11~, u arqne, quanto op..-re g~udtl&nt, Cic.
111pra, 11!1ni, 1e1·us, alins. allt•·r, elil•t, diuim1lis,
dher~a~. etc.; q1111111 pro, foll. by ab!., after a quantfilua ·& ·UD.i (Jitn. or qrumt11s), Mw
co111p1irosnn; f>roelinm atrociua quarn pro nu· littlr, hnUJ 111v1U, h.cno Ul\important; q11a11tulU1
mero i•ugnant iuro etlitur,.,krcer th11n 11ov tro11/d 11ul nnl1i1 vi.Jetur I Ctc.; quantulum ju•lica1'
U'{Jt'cf /m!TI. the 11umbtr oJ tM t:01nbalanlt, Liv. possemue, Cic.
B. In phnsea relating to Urne, after thaJ, t:iat; qua.ntUlWICUDlqu' -lcumquA -umcu10·
p<1s!kro dits or po!!lridle quam, Cle. IL To ex- q111>, how li.Ult 1outr, hotoettr 1111ull; tie h:;c
Pre8' degree, how, MIO greaJ, ho'ID liUJe; a, In mea., qua11tulac11mque eat, facultate, C:ic.: ht-ut.
lndire .. t 11pt-ech, (a} with adv. and a•lj., memoriA sulM!t., h.ou;olittll eoeKr: quantulumcu111q11~ <l1ct-
tenel is 4u11m valrie adrnurruurarint, Cir-.; (/J) bamu11. Cic.
"itlo ve1 hs, 11ltenile jam, quarn ego clt'fu11iam quantum. v. quantua.
auctoritate111 cowmlatu• mel, Cic.; b, In direct quantumvl& I. Adv. cu 1111url cu ro-
"l)('N:h. in qucstion11a11J exclamations; (a} "ith plu1M, tw' MJ much, t"t'il '"uch, Suet. IL C-OnJ.
&1lj. an•I al'lv .. quam 111111li11, quam p1rnci11, Cic.; although; Ille catu-<, qua11tu11u i• 1usticus, Hor.
(,/J) with v1•rbs, q11am hoc nou curo, Cle.
qnantus -a -urn Cfrom quam and alij.
quamdlU. IO long m, a1 /oug 01, tifttU;
quamd111 potuit tacuit, CaeA. ; 1.liaces qua111<liu
e11J111g tu11), of .UC, 1lo1D gr«tt. L l!t"l.
OcrO~. A. Oe:r. or siu, n11mber, etc., ltow final.
vole8, Cic. • &lid (witho11t COIT!:lll"'ll•lillg ti\11t.11S) CU g"f'till a;
q'IUUDll'bk, ad". L a1 rou pllwe, a.s you of time, hOVJ long, ao lo119 '"; of 1oU1u ~laliont,
.ml, I.tier. IL ~r. , _ . , •n,cJo.; mllulU 1wto (111p<>rtu11t. al HHporta:wl al; !-'
adj., (o) wlU
quaulllbeL lutinnae Ov. taotua or tam. v. tautua. Lam; V') wltb corrt1.
qua 461 que
left oot, at act'lperent ~u11l111n q11antam Tel· quarta.adtSchnua -a ·nm, eh.t Jm1.rtun.t.h,
lent, Cic.; nox acta. quanta fult, 01 l1mg IU it Tac.
kYUd, tlr• aoltoU long •ight, Ov.; quanlA ma:r.iml
celeritaUI potnl, toUA; Uu gr«Uut po.uif,u 1petd,, MY. Ill v. I. or the com1.arisnn of
whule itent.ences; 1, In bypothetlCAl com par·
LiY.; 2 neut. auhst., qoa11turu ; a, with genit. ltolli, a1 if; a, corresponding lo ni, lta, t.Am,
or abeol. quantum est ex Slcrlla frume11U, Cle.; prrtnc.le, proinde, and Idem, "lrh 1ubj., aensu
quantum ego 11entlo, Ck.; q11a11turn in me eat, am1s110 nt Idem quit•! 11at11s non esset omnino,
cu }ar iu i•l .a. u,., Cle.; in q11ant11m, ht to far, Ck.; with partic., qna'I ni avade arripui qua.<tl
Ov.; b, genit. or price, hlJW dtar, a4 tollal s1t1rn exple1e cul'i .. n1, Cic.; b, without ar1y cor·
pri.u: q11antl locu·eri11t, tanta111 l>t>Cunlam so\y. rt>~l'onding partic. i11 the sut.j., q11id t>go lois tes·
tnclam, Cic.; qua11tl qua11ll, at wl1at1r1:r prWi, Uhu~ utor, qua~! res duLia aut11bs. ura sit, Cic.:
Ci~.: c, ahl., qua11to in comparatives, eM mhn; oft.en ironical, a.! i/,JUYt 01 if; medico tria 1nillia
q11~11to lnngin!'I 1.liscederent., eo, etc., Liv.; ao, jugerum (<le<li~ti) qua.I te aanasset, C1c.; with
q1111nw ante, Cic.; 3, neut., qmmtum, 11dv., a, partic., l1usV!I maximo clamor" in-<ecuti qua~I
1ufur "'; nisi qUAntum usu!! n .. C'e«!l1rio ""gt'ret, part.a jam atque ex1•loratA vlct.ori1, Ci•:. ; 2, In
L"··; b, = quam, to atrengthen a aul'erl., pure compari100, a.,, likt a.8; with the lnrlic.,
qu:rntnm maxime aecelerare poterat, Liv.; c, quasi 1 orna ex arh11rib11R, rrnda al 11unt, v1:r
1'tre11th .. t., ea, q1111ntum l"•tui, fed, to the but of evtlluntur nl, et.c., Cic. IL To compare clauses
"'!I 'fl01LYr, Cic. IL lnterrog. = .-ci.,.ix, how or worn"; 1, t-0 soften an unusual t'XJ>ressioo,
~·t ! A. Gen., 1, adj., (a) In c.lirecl quc•tions, "' it wtrt, a 1ort of; phllosophia 1·rocre11trl:r
in eulamati011s, quanta nutitia ant1q11ilat1s? <\ll&C'da111 et q1111si toflre11s, Cic.; 2, transf., aJ U
t:ic. ; LB> in <li1 ect spt"ech, quum lrM. pecu1tia ,, trt., ulrnost, ail but; quasi in extre1ua p.igtua,
nu111ero et. su111ma 111111, quanta fuerit, ostenil.1t, Ca•:.
C1c.; 2, neut. aubst., genit. qnd11ti, at whut a quAaillua ·I, m. an•I quulllum ·I, n.
pric~ T how dmr I in indirect question!!, cum (dirn. of qualu1), a little wld.:u-wJJ..:tl, esp. for
sew, q11a11Li Tulliarn f.tciam, h11V1 highly I holding wool, C1c.
utum, Crc.; 3, 11eut., quantum, 11rh·., hou: qnaasatlo -6ni~, r. (quusl)), a 1haki11?, Liv.
!llMCh; quautum 11111tatu~ ab illo H.,ctore, Ycrir.;
B. E11q hati<', how lit//~! 1, n<lj., In inrlire<:t
quauo, 1. (rnten~. or quatio). L Transr.,
•P"ech, me ipsum J'oe11itet, quanta 11int, Cic; 2, to 1/i.1k.e dolent/y. A. Lit., 1, gen., hast.1m,
1ubst., a, qu1111tu111, (a} in dirt>ct •1uelltio11, Ov.; \'erg. ; 2 esp., lo ihal/tr, brt<.Lk in p•teu, to
(ft) io ln<lin:ct lll'eeclo, quantum tu aperes (lt'r· ]Jiti:JOI; cla..hia venti• qu~~-ata, \"erg.; navea
q11a~s.1tae, Liv. B. Tran~r.• to 1/uil.:.e, 1halttr;
lpicio, Cic.; b, genit., 'iuanti P&t ist.a hominurn
gloria q u11e, etc., Cic. remput.licam, Cic. II. R~rtex., rm.utV,
1haJ..:e; siliqu1 qua:1saute, \'erg.
quantu.scumque ·Acumque -umcumq116,
qUa811U8 •& ·Ulll, ptt.rtlc. O( quatiO.
L how qrtat V>ecer; bo11a, qua11tAc11mq11e er~nt,
C1c.; e1n1°hat., quautacumque \ 1ctoria, Cle. IL quateniis. ad,·. flow far. L Lit., quatenn1
cu •111ch MJtver a8; quautumcumque possum, progrcdi debeat, Cic. ; ut nulla in re st&tuere
Cit'. pos!limus quatenu~. Cic. IL 1 ran~r., A. Ot
quantusllbet -tAllbd -tnml:bPt, QI gmu time, ho1v wug. B. or <:>ther relatio11s, 1, i•
far aa, C1c.; 2, 1111ce, 1U1n(J that, Hor.

!I.I 11ou w1/I, howt1·er grrut, h01t·ntr much; ordo,
Ov.; mag11it111lu hominls, Liv. quiUC5r, a.Iv. 11nmer. (quHtuo1), /011r Umu,
quantusvts ·lvi~ ·•1m\'f•, oJ grtat QI JI01' VH,;.; tt-r et quater, again a11d again,,
pl.ilu, J.01<' grw.l or how m11ch •otrtr; quant&svi!I Hor., \'erg.
:nagnu cop1as su!ltineri 1-01~e, C.1t>s.; ponum quAternl -ae ·&, num. clistrib. (qll1ltuor),
s.at1s am1·l11111 quantae• i~ clHsi, Liv. four ti:u:h; 411atrrnae ~ot.e~imae, inttrtlll at fwr
qu.ipropter, cm which acccunt, t11htrtfort, pu rtrtl. niolllltly, Cic.
Cle. quiUlo, qua~si, qu11Saum, S. ta 1hak.e. L
quiqua (abl. of qulsqnls), whtrl'WT, tohither· Lir , l, ~en., e<q·ut, Liv.; alas Verp:.; bastam,
~ttr, 1'1aut. to brr•11di1h, \'.,rg.; 2, esp., a, o convul~; rtsu, adv. (qui and res). L bv which nuaM, 1·01·ulu111, mnl.e their sicks sh•1ke with laughing,
1rlvrtby; permult.<1: BUiit qnae dici possunt, H()r.; b, lo ltrikt, ~a~; .cyrnt.ala, \'trg. ; c, to
quare i11tel11gatur, Cic. IL u·hatf&rt., on urhirh cruoh,; muros anet1bus, Liv.: e~p. part1c.,
vccount. A. Ir1tnTog., qnare 111•ga!>ti, etc.. C1c. QUR!hU•; qul\uae nav ... s, llaky, •ha.Utrw, Liv.
B. Rd., 11ten1l11m est excuMtione, quare itl ue- II. Trau,r., a, to 1hal:.e, a.17itatt., traublt: qnod
cesse fuerit, Cic. ae;:11tur1111e q11at1atnr, Cic.; b, to; oppida
Clna.rtJ.decumanl ·6rum, m. (quartuj decl- hello, \'e1g.
nius), JO/d1trs of tht ltgi.o1', Tac. =
qutrlddum qnadrlduum (q.v.~,, v. quartanus. quitdor (qulttiior). a<lj. nnm. {f'itnap1t
quartanus -a -um (quutn,), rtl<tting to the or f'fTTo.pH), four, Cic.
fr111rth. L relating to t.u fou,.th day; f~liris quiitiiord6olm. ar1j. nnm. (qnatuor and
quartana, Cle.; a11d aubst. simply, 1!t·c ... rn), fourtun; qua!11ordeclni 01di11eq 1 or
·lie, r. a ']Uartan fertr; quartAna ab aliquo UIS· si1111·l~· qu~tuordecim, tht foo.rtun r01e.·1 of sro.t.1
ctMit, Ci•>. IL relating to tht fvurth ltgion; rrstrrotd in thf circu& f()f' tht fquiltJ, or knightl,
quart&nl -6rum, m. the 10lditr1 of tht fourth 111 Ro>nt; in quatuordecim onlinibu:1 sedere, to
/rgio1t, Tac. bt a knight, Cic.
Cluartarlu -n, m. (quartus), t1t.f<n1.rth part quatuorvtratus -n11, m. (quatuorvlrl), Uui
o/ a 1Utariu1, Liv. offiu ../ th.I! 411atuorviri ; ap. Cic.
quarto. v. quartu!t. qu~tiiorvtri -6rum, m. a ccllLge of /011,r
Cluartu.m, v quartu!I. mnqistrotu; e.ji(., In Rome, for the care of the
~uartus ·& -um, the ftYUrt~. L Ad.I., pan1, street.'i; In munlcipia and C-O!onlae, Uu ch~J
. IL Sulo!!t., 1, quartus ·I, m., (a) (!!(!. rna(TUtratu, Cic.
~ber), till fvv.rth book; to q11artll acen'"4tionl11, -que (Or. u) (an enclitic conj. always aflh:ed
1r.; (JI) (sc. la pis), tht fourth milu~1 Tac. ; to a word), and; U-que bortor, Cle. ; qne •••
2 quana -&a, r. (sc. hora). the fourua l&cur, qne, bolh • • • and, and • • • an..I; quique
c·ttr, llL Adv., 1, quartu~ 1 for tht fo"rlh "1M, Romae qulque In exercitu erant, Liv.; special
1c.; 2, qU&tto, /or Uufeunta time, Ov. mea or que, a, and abow all; largitlonee
que 462 qu1
te1uerlta~ue invltamenta,, Llv.; b, au
fa. loncm no. tt<Jli babemwt. Ck:.; I?, qm takn
detd, Caea., c, au ar..corauiglr. Cle.; d, 0..0 a 1uhlit. &11 an attnbat.e, ab twmania e111
nUAcT; non nobi1 .. i1um natl 1umu1 ort.Ulque uni Orlebant au1illo, Liv.; oft.en Wied pattD-
11oetri ~m patria vlndlcat, f!ic. ; e, al.o, theUcally with e.iie, Mpero, qnae tua pnident.ia
wwr~; Trebatioque mandavi, Cle.; f, ur, et tempt"r&atia eat., t.e valcre, ncA u J"l'r &ra
usore1 habent de11i duodenique 11e cum· ptmflU, Cic.; o, with an adj. u att.ribu&e, . .
munes, Caea. IWl.I ra revocet., quu aut tul.:rit attrllM au•
qa.ela. qull =qulbu.I, v. qu.I. ttmeat., Cic.; d qui often lnt.roducH a new
sentence, 1111.d tli.u; res htquitur ;,.,.. ; qaae
qu~madmMum (41.uem a4 mNmnl. aemper "lalel plurimum, Cic. l!Tt'l(Ularillta a
flt wluit manMr, 0010. L lnterrog., quemad: qui In a ditrerent gender from 1tt. antJ-<:t>.IPnt (aS
111ntlum f'!lt L'W!rvatm11 Cic, IL &I., A. Oen., with a verb nr calling, when it &gr't"t'..; "itb an
iwml'er vigilavl et provi•ll, quemadmooum saltl attrib. 11ulmt. in It.I own clau'lf', agn11u, •1uae
es'1e pti~~mu11, Cic. B. Esp., correllp()ndlng poHtf-.a "1111t Mucia pml& •l'J.lell&ta. Liv. ;(JJ) •111 ....1
with 1ic, It.a, item, etc , iu, jwt IU; quem11l· with n~ut., referring to the whole preY1011~
modum IM'JCin~ In MdPt.ate habet. partern, 1ic senkncP, 1.areolaemonii rPlo(em, •111... 1 numqWUll
here.. in hereditate hahet. partPm, Cle. ant.ea llp11d - 11c<!lderat, neca\·e1 unt, Cic.; b,
qulo.<1uivl anJ <tuli, qultum,qulre, to 1~alh, when qui ill in a <li!fere11l n11mhcr fn•lll ita
I (tht>u, lie, etc.) oan; oftton with the negative antecedent, (a) with a <'OlleclivP noun u ante-
111m queo, esp. with Cicero, who never u~e11 the ce<lent., e<1uitatu111 pra.emittit qui vi<leant, Cie.;
bt per.J. nequeo; non queo reliqua v.ribo:re, Cle. (ti) when the rel. 11ent. i• rn• gt-nPnLI than
queroitum ·I, n. (quucua), an oak·troOd, t.he ante~ent clau11e, 1i tr111111.111 ei;t ullum
Hor. jure hominis necanJi, quae tnulta t11u1ot., C1~ ;
queroius ·•·um(quercus), oakell; ooronae, c, qui i1 sometimes attracted into the ~ ot
of ooicharit•, Tac. its autecedent, illo augurio quo •ti:ximu". Cic.
quercua ·!ls, r. L tltt oak, Cic. IL Poet.,
B. Mood : 1, foll. by U1e in<lic. when a !!im1•le
statement iA ma<.le, 1110111 qm:l' uatara • +-St,
met.on., 1, that tohidl ii made of oaJc; quercUJJ Cic.; 2, by the subj, a, to upre1111 purpow,
civilis, a CT0101& of oak·leava for 11Qul1lg the lift tlwl; eripiunt aliis quod alti1 larg'.antur, Cic.; b,
of a C-Uiu'I& i" war, Cic.; 2, an C&CONl, Juv. to exp~11 rea110n, a1: recte 8ocratea e:uttnri
~uirila (qdrella)-ae, f. (queror), a rom- eum 11-0lebat, qui primm1 utilitJl.teni a na.tnra
plawu. L a.t '"' ~ of paill : a, 11XliHAg, 11ejun1iKiw:t, Cic. ; c, with 11uch word11 u ii,
cry; 1oaeatis implere juga quereli1, Ov.; b, a talis, eiW1modi, tam and with lllj., aptua,
cry or plai1ili~ .tmind of allimab, Verg. IL tU ido11em1, <lignu!I, ego i1 1111111 qui oihil fe<:erim, tu
un tzprafion of 1<, ccmplai11t, romJ1Utining; kind of man w, etc., Cic.; ant.I with \>erbe 6Uch
e11i'4tola plena querelarum, Cic.; vest.rum bene- a." hahere, n-perire, eae, 1o<l io the phrue, ~mo
llcium nonnullam habet querela1a, givu aome est qui, nulluJ11 est qui, quotullquisque eiat qui,
ocauion of complaint, Cic. etc., qui est.qui dicere awfeat. Cic.; all'l alter a
qu~ribmul~ -a -um (queror), CIO!llplaining, comparative, Liv. D. Pron. int.Prrog., 1n\o'
plarntaw; vox, C1c. which f what? what mannn 1J/1 wh~ hiid of'
querlmCmla ·&e, f. (q11eror), a wmplaini1'{1, A. In direct speer.b, a, adj., qui cantu1 thtlc1or
otm1plainl ; de tuis injurila, Cic. invenlri pot.est? Cic. ; b...c. au bet., <111i pnruH
Ameriam nuntiat, Cic. .11. In indirect ~ptteh,
querltor, I. dep. (int.eDB. of queror), w C'Oll&-- &, adj., 11eribiJ11 te velle scire, qui 1it re1publicaa
plam attuivtly, Tac. statu11, Cic.; b, aubirt., tu te CC1lhge, et qui 115
quern¥u -a -um (for quercneu from q11er. oonsidera, Cic. DI. Pron. ir1def., qui, qllM' and
CU8), of or relaliftfl lo tltt oak, oaken.; frondes, qua, quod; a, adj., o"y, 90IJU; ni:d qui dtu•
Prop. subvenerit. Cic.; b. 1ubet., anr oru; 11 ciui
quenau = quemeus (q.v.). ,,. Romae esset <lemortuus, Cic. (old form. abl.
qui with. cn,m, quic1~m = quoc1un, Cle.; plur.
qulror questu11 sum, S. dep. w complaha, dat.., que1s, \erg. ; qu1s, Sall., Hor.).
bnrail. L Gen., ar or birds, Hor.; b, of m1111ical
ln~trumenta, fteblte nescio qnid querit.ur lyra, 2. qui (old abL of qui). L Rel., woVn-
Ov. D. to lamni.t or bMoail IJO!rldhing; suum witA, wlttrt/ro,,.; in tant.a paupertate decnait,
fatum, CaPs. ; ln,Jurial, Cic. ; de Milone, Cle. ; ut qui elferretur, vh: rehquerit., Nep. ; ha~
cum patribus con11Cript11 to laaw 11 rotue of qui utar, Cic. IL lnteITOg., A. In direct
complailll of, ~ romplain ef. Liv.: with acc. and questions, in wlwl manMrf lwlD thtn ! deum niai
sempiternum intdligere qui poa.sumUB ~ Cic. B.
in fin., se tum eHtingui, Cle.; with dat. of pers.
and acc. of thing, fUrta marltl, Ov. ln indirect queslio08, Plaut.
rquitiUi.llua ·a -nm (, of q~ conj. (olJ neut. plur. of qui), o«u••
mo ,
ng w an..#1.k·'lllOOd; Querquetulaou1
!Wm.e of ttf C<uliu moiu at IWMe, Tac.
querqa.itum quercetum (q.v.).
(011ed only or a reason that 1s certain); ofteA
with J>'rlicles, ldeo, idcirC'>, prop~rea, etc.,
qaia mutari natura non pot.est, idci~ verae
amicitiae sempiternae 1unt, Cic. ; 11nder the
~uiriUua ·•-om (queror). L CU!llplal,dng, phl'll!lel, a, qulane, In qutatiotu1, u ii t.Ml11•'
plaua.tivt; cicada, Verg.; Yox, Ov. IL COllll·
plaini"9, qwndo'li•: senex, Hor.
quiane jn,·at ante levatos, VeJK. ; b. quianam =
cur, 10/1y, Verg.
queatua ·ft.s, m. (queror). a COfl&plai rd Ag, quicum~u. qoaecnmquE, qnodCtJmqaf.
camplainl, lamni.t ; a, of human beings, qui tolvltver, tohichever, 101aatel'tt'. L 0.n., qui·
quatna, qlli maeror dignaa lnvelliri In t&nta cumque Is est., el, etc., Cic.; qoicuUlque pntui
caJamitate potest, Ck:.; b. of ~ Riglti11gok'1 ratione, in every pas.WU way, Cic. ; ut quod-
IO'Ag, Verg. cumque vcllet, liceret fa.cere triery thit19 tN&l u
1. q11i. qme, quM. L Pron. rel., t11Ao, clwae, Nep.; neut., quodcurnque, 1w1Dtnr ••·l;
wAWl, 10.\at, lltat. A. Agreement: agrees In hoc quoocumque eat or vides, tAt Y-'ol.t., Verg.
gender and number with Its antecedent, but for =
IL qoaliscumquf', of tchaUlYT n'lld: qll.M'-
caae depends on its own verb, luna earn lucem, curnque mens ilia rult.. Oahinii f'uit, Cle.; separ-
quam a sole accipit, mittit in terru, Cic. Pe- ated, qui M! cumque pouemu'I, Cic.
culiarities: a, qui 110111etimea has t.he aame noon 9uidam quaedam, quoddam, and aulJA..
.. the antecedent In ita own clanse, quas n-a qu1<ldain, 11 ~i" Jl'T""" or &Ai114. L LlL, a.
.~ natcira p1uut. earum. IDoderat.- quaedam VOS. Cle.: quodam \.empore.Gt4ca1Gift
qui f63 qui
ll.,: 1111-t.., qutdam de cnlleit"111 nn111trl11, Ole. ; 111het., q11ldll11Ct, a1'.ulhin7 arvt ti'tr'!Jfhi119, Hor.
neut., qui•lda.rn dlvt11ain, '"intlhi~ davhv, Cle.; IL E~p., "'·1th " cu111A.'111pluo1111 111c:rnl111t, thl
wiUi genit., qulddiun mall, Cic. ; b quirt111n or .ftrlt that coma, CIJiY; C4:rW ge11ere, DOD quolibel.
quul q11iJ.arn, ta11111uarn 4uith1m, Y11fut qui.Jam, Cle.
• kllld of, '° '"
11...W.:: l11eredihili1 quat"daru
magultudo ln~"nii, Cic. II. Plur., quid&m, q11&e•
quin (for qulae, from qui anrt De). I. In
del'e11.Jc11t B('lltcnce with a f'recedi11g negative..
da1u, '°""; qu1Jaru 1.liee, Oic. A. that not, an that not, without; nu111quaru tam
qaldem. conj. (lllf«4, tw"' L To 1b'ength· male r11t Slc11lh1 qulo 1llqul•l facet• el eornm0<le
rn MD aaai=rtio11, Cllt illu1a quidena Tel m1txi111u10 Jfrant, <.:le.; e11p., with plara.•tt•a nem11 eat, nlhll
a11h110 lpeo auirnum vi.1 .. re, Cic. IL Unitinl( "" est, quis eat, 'luiJ ea!, ne111" fuit quin lllud
1&11e11.ion, al l«ul, fvron111i1&; nun \'iJeu cau:sata, virlerit, Cle.; nun quh1 lps•· "'",.eatiam, not cu iJ
cur It& 1it. hoc: quidern l.ell!P_:•re, Cic. ; ne ••• I did MC dYa11ru, Cic. B. a, \'ith verh1 or
q11ider11, Ml er""• C&H. IIL la ex11lanatloa1 hintl<'rinl(, nci.:lecting, etc., tn he t1amclate<1 Into
(w.d, tnd11; duleo ac mirillce qu..ldem, Cic. ~11gll1h by wirluiut and the present. purtleiple,

,a1w T""'r noi r c1c.

qules -~U11, t rut. L Gen.,""'*' qvCd; 1,
0111111111 ndhuc l11ter111li&I diem, qulu aliquid ad
t.e litterarum rlarcmbCic.; nihil alJeat q11i11 "im
mi11erritnll8, Cle.: • anN verbs or do11btln1t,
lit, muni labnrum ac mi11er1arum quiea e11t, Cle.; ignonince ctr., that, IJ11I that; nnn rlubitarl 1lchet
qulet.t:ra capeni, Co nj<>y, C..ea.; quiee al.I arnala, quin fuerl11t ante llo1111•rum l"lt!tae, Cle.; qnis
Liv.; plur , 11nrnno et quiet.ibu1 cet.!ris, ld1uil of i.:uorat, qni11 tr!& GrRrcurntn ~e11cra slntf who
rN, C1c.; 2. lllt't .. n., 11 p/tt.aJ of""'• Luer. IL dof.t not kMw th<U r <.:io. IL In principal aent-
~J'., A. rv..J. at ri!ght, 1lttp; 1 lit., a, gen., ire encea. A. To exprr>1s cneoura;.:•·111<•nt, exhort.a.
••I •jUld.A.:111, IQ 't/<> lo $/up, Cic.; tU1tur hora quit·ti, Uoa, etc., 'IDll11 1WI f quin c1111McenJi111111 equos,
\'er;:.; b, tlw 1/rep nf dmlh; Jur. quleA, \',·r~.; Liv. B. To add ernpha~is, ratlur, iira. mtl1er;
2, 1111'1-0n., a~ dr~un, Tar.; !?,. time nf 1/up, quin l"tJDtra ai, elc., Liv.; quiu eLiam, qula
11i.?ht, \.·erg. .a. •ilt1tef, Tac. ~ klw1•i1V1 quid; humo, Cle.
l, lit., a, JIO'lU, lSal I.; bl.. n.t11tralilr, t ..c. ; o, qnina.m, quacnam, quo1lnarn, prou. lntermg.,
quid n/ IJw MaM, Ov.; .,, tranat, uC things,
caln, \'el)(. whu, it·hich, wluJJ thui r L 111 dirct·t glJestiona,
Mllfl q11in:1111 ht ille epil11g1111, Cic. IL In ln·
quleeoo ·4!v1 .(!tum, 8. (qnlu), to rat, fTPOlt. t.lir•·ct q1t••,fj.,11.;, q11a1•sil'lt 4uasuam forrDOllU
L li1·11., to rut /mm trnrl.:, etc. ; a, or living virgine.1 ha beret, Cic.
b-111~•. 'I,.." <1ux (l(T'1111111) re1·nlat, utlp'le quoqu ..
qui•·•CJt1, Cle.; b, tr:111>1f., of thin;:a, prato grada Qulnotlua (Qulntlua) .a um, nama e/ •
arm11 qu1.-.cunt, Vt!rg. IL K•1•., A. to rut, lo Roman goi.•, tire "'""' ji1111.,11.• 1Mt11h(rl flf 111hic1'
I~ do""'• Cle. B. to rut = to Ntep: &, of the
Uvln;:. f'9n&tu1, Cle.; b, of the dead,
1rere: l, L. ~11i11cti11~ C111cio11atud, 11&111111nr1ed
from the plough to be tlirta!or: 2, T. (,!11111ct iua
lo'la111ini1111R, the c01111utrur n/ IM .Mao·cdonia1'
lo ml '" IJw grm·e: J•ladJ:\ cnmpt>!ltn11 pttee A<l.f. -= Q1ti11..ria1'; gen,, Liv.
qnh••ctt, v~rg. c. to bl'p •fl'i"t: l, lit., a, to bt
Id rig l'hi/ip.
lil'n•·e, l\llJ., Qutnctlanua -a -urn, (Ju.i11ctia7'.
ril,,u i. quleaceb1mt vnce" ho111h11P11 r.Ro11mqttl',
Ov.; o, to rcnaa(ri quiet, to do riothin'1: '"J.I· in qulDounz -ruucis «111i111111e aml 1111cia),
jl.rt-t•ceUrha of a. u•hol~. L Lit, jhv:-tu·clft/16 of
1w1Ut.1c1, (ca) Co be ana.-ti1'8; qulucert· \·iginti dlea,
Cle.; (I!) lo u~rtak-! nu war, t'!.c., to be aJ 1111 a.1; a.s a coin =fire•1c, Hor. IL Trnn,.r.,
PUJllt: urbl Illa non poteat qui .. ac1·re, Cic.; (y) tM fornt. of tlte fire • • • spot8 on. dice: awl
'111>1 Ill"''-''" politi.c.o, to hvlll aloof, to be 11t11lral:
•illll'9C1'1'1l In 1-e1 •tt IJllca, Cic. ; 2. tra1111f., or hence appllert tn n ,.i,tni•tlin" in u·hirh rm••• n/
t.11111~•; a, to be 1hll, rol•n: alt.a quil:ruut ne· trtu uoere ·"" 1•lartktl; !lirccti lo q11i11,.1111cc111
qunra, \',·l'g.; b, or the soil, tn remai" /al.low; or.tines, Cie.
11;rr qui 111ul101 a1111"1 quit·11cit, Cic. D. lo qulndool8a, n.Jv. (qninque and dc<"ies),
"'"'';" fr't from troubu, to be ~ u"· ft/Ian. ti111a, Cic.
"'""''"": 1111111<]u&111nc quleecit e1vita1t 110!\t.ra qu1D46olm,. nurn. (quinque and decem),
a •lll•1'lidi1< ! Li\'. I:. 14 rut; a, tn Of.a.N fron1 ftjlun, <.::11'!1.
"""' cvt .. 111, to irar·t ojr doirig •n~thing, Hor.;
b 1 '".-.·a.Cf to ~ nf auv 10ti~ht: pot(•111 ia qul~aclt, q,ulndoclmpriml -Or11m, m. the.ftftun chi</
tfMlor~ ~fa mu11ici,.i11m, Cl\ell.
C:1r. F. 1-0 tw •111ict in r11i11.d, T~r. (syncoµ. tonn,
q111m111t., quir1 i111, r1ui1·rint, quit>&!luto, qulOMe). qulDdootmvtr -1, Ill. an•l qulDdoolmvlrl
quiiti, ad,·. <• 11 1i .. t11M), quittl'!I, peauablr; ·l'lru111 1\1111 (j.?l'n.) -Q111, 11 o:ol/''''' offi.ftun 11111qis-
h'Ok8; .. Rp., q11ind1><'i111,·iri 11nNis 18.ciu11tl1t1 or
'"''''" Cic.; AJJte .:t q11i"te ferrc aliquld, Cic. qu..lndeciw\'iri sacror11111, or 11i111)'ly qui111ledm·
quietus -a -um (quie11), quut. pt40!'/•1l. L vlrl, OM of tM lhru l{Trat prir<lly coll,gt8, havi11g
l.11., .rr<1i11!1 frum. a..:tivily. A. <.irn., aer, Vcrg. 1upenntendenct of tlte Si'•ylliM boHI.:.•; 11ep:or-
B. ~•p., l, 1·uting, 1lu11i1111, Tac.; 2, rt.fling ate<I, qulnueclm Di.11111\ vrcl'CS \'irorum curet,
/rf1fll '"'" 111!, u11ron.r, co1/lh.1t, etc. ; a, 'TU iet, ,;n- Hor.
Gdlrt; (a) of l"'r"""~• quil!to 11c-de11tt: rcge ad
Enlpcum, Liv.; ~) nr pll\CC'4, fru from tumult, qulnd~olmvlralla -e, of or rtlating ea Uw
qvid, at T"~: quh·!n llAllia, C11e~.; with ab quindtclmviri, Tac.
a1:ol the 11bl., a "~lition<! C't a hello q11i1•ti!I r•·una, qubd:enl .ae -a, num. tlistrib. (quin~t!nti),
LIY.; nrut. plur. 1111hst ., q11ic>t.a 11tn\'•·rc, i'lall.; b, ftvfl h11nJ'ie.t rach, Cic.
'Mlll!'fl/, 'l'';tr, Liv.; 3, ktrl'il•g rrf.,,,'oni 1101iJl.cs, qutncentoalmua-a -onr (quingrn! i), thtfir•
rdlr•il, lil'ill{l iri 1-«Y-r. ;(a) nf 111·rs1111~. major cura huridredtn, Cic.
e!71r·l~11tli rcmpnhlif',/\111 grl'l'11tit.11~ q11A111 quirliM, qulngentl -ac -a, n11111. (quh1q11c and ccntum),
(;le,; (8) nr ~l!t1n!i•>llA, \'it1 pril·:it.'l 1•t <]llil"l&, _lfre,,1, Cic.
C~. IL Tra11sf., of ch.1r.1•·tt·r, 1, quiet, i•mr,.
qulD~entles, adv. (qnl11genti), .ftw hundrrrf
I•~ 'nl•ld; homo q111"tir;,111111~. Cic.; nnimus
'Jl110tu1 ~t 1nlut1111, Cic. ; 2, drli~mr~. 1l11rr, 111 liniu, Cic.
&l'.8'lll'11se(opp. ac··r);qui1•tu~, i111l•,.llir<, pl11ci•l11 quint -ae ·Ki num. dl~trib. (qninque). L
lbllHO, !:l.'IJI fl 1v: rach, C'lc. I . jhoe, I.iv.
quilibet, qt131'1lhd., 'J11or1llhet anri 1111\J~t .. quinidinl ·lie -a, 1111111. rlistrib • .ftftmr, each,
qu1·lhi••t, rr•111 Y"" will, n1111 n114 1 Q11ythiilP1. L IJv.
H~n .. qn111·hl>t't 111ini111a r<'~. rrn.v '"' lm.<t thi119, quinivioelll -ae -a, num. dlstrlb. t"""'1/·
~; quiliwrlilJet teml'oriund, iU 4/l tini.u, Liv.; ftt'f tach, Liv.
48f qui
qtdluluiginl -an -a, num. 1l111t.rth. (qnha· L Oen., a te qnltlem apte ct rotunde (dicta
q111agh1l:a},)f/,'I nwA, Cle. aunt), c1uip1..., lmlJw.11 enhn a rt~ortbtm, Ck.:
qullaquigmmua ·• -um, 1111111. (q111t1111m- nse<l with q110ol, Cic., q11u111, Cia.: qui, qllll!,
Sl!•t•>. the JIJlkth, Cic.; 1ubalt., qulaqui.- •1t11•l (aml Ruhj. 111 Cle.); qnl1•pe ettam, qalppe
p~ -&e, f. (ICC p&l'lt). a .ftflidlf. pw·t, llM 11 «'t. Vrrg. IL Kifp., lroulcall)', foNld1; qniJ'l•
Lax, Cic. homhtl 11r111.llto, Ctc.
q11baquigle.,. adv. Jft11 tllllU, Pih\. q'lllppbai(qutppUll),aclv. tolf 11oC1Plaat.
q11baquiglata DUllL c....,..;•.,..,..). ~ftv.
Qulriuua -1, m. (from tiablne curll. a •ptaT,
Cle. t11,. wi.tldtr of tAe .,_,.,., I.At V' oru). L Ck
HttrM of Ronnll1t1 oJrer Au ~u ; ti0Pu1U1
qabaqaatru · ftum, r. aaul qabaqdtrla Qnlrlnl, Romau, Ilor. ; _gemini Quiriu~
•luau, n. u ,fntical of Mhu:roa: m~on.-a (t--ele- &~1dH.1 Uu and R.aut. Juv. IL JaN.tU, Sue&.
bratal from the 19th to Ute :lSrtl or March);
aduorea. niht1111Culac (ou tho 13th or July). Cle. UL Aff91Ul1t1, Verg. IV• .AHt.••iau, Prop.;
!tenet•, A. Qu&inu -a ·111D, ti/ or 1Ylnliaf e.
q111Dqul. mnn. (•irn), _fl.,,,, Cle. ~uhu; collia, lite Qiclrlnal, Ov. B. Qulr-
Q11baq'lliSgeaUUI ~nim, m. a peoJJI• fa iDilla -e, nlalhtg to Q1tfrl1nu or Hn1111tfwil: (Penta1iulltanl). trAbM, Verg.; colll1, tlw QKiriitnl llil! (110•
q111DquelUli.lla -o (qulnquennla). L lmp- Mo11fe Carollo). Cle.; aub., QulriDilla -111111..
1"" iiig •Pe"J flw ~,.,, 'l"i Hq!Ur&1'itll ; cele lJli tu 11. ci fmiml ii& ltotc0vr o/ .lCc111&1"..,. ccldJratctl .,.
ludonuu, Cle. II. lcuti11g for JN J«&rl; ce11- lite lith. of J."cbncary, Cle.
1ura, Liv. 1. Qulrta, v. Qtdrit.ea.
q'lllaquemdll -o (Quinque ahll annua). L 2. qulJU .1.. r. (curls) (a &blne wnrd). •
~"' !fMr• old: vinum, llor. IL •rraust., poet., '('Mr, Uv.
lllllebrutr.i& rwr11 ftoe fft'TS; Olymplu, tltt Ul111nJ•lc qulriti.tlo-.ialtt, t (quirllo). 1uAritl-, lm'll•,
QUlllU, uv.
(r,11.q1li11tl"'tU, Liv.
q~uenmum. .JI, n. (qulnque a111l a1111u11), Qulrita -111111 an1l -um, m. (Cnl"MI), t'/w ia.
A Pfl'""' of .}tVll yuu·11; 11nitt•Jll«'lll1ii lmp.-tittm, l111l1it1rnt11 .q the .N1/1i ,,,. tuw11. ('11 '"""• \·1·rg. ; :alter
Cle.; ftllus quhJqU~utdo 11.1~or, wwre tlm1' JltY. tho nnlon or the lt1>111:111!1 llllll Saltinl'!t tbe
rt''" old, I.iv. llallld Q11frlt1•111 WM lll'lt.'tl Of tho citizt't111 ti(
qubaa.ulpertitua (q'lllaqul~tua) Rome co1111l•lcretl In their civic ch11rarler.
. . ·Ulll, Jlrlde.l foto /.Pe portiotU, Jh1t.fvld, Cle. ltonurnl or lht•m In U1l"lr pulilical and 11111ita.ry
q'lllacaulpriml ..Urnm, m. tlu jlre dil.ef fuun•I In the ex1•1'1·AAiona, l'\1puhui
•IM.llors "' u m1rnici11iuin, Cle. Ho111a111111 Q11irit.111m, Populns llomauna Qniri·
qulllQulrimla -e (quhtl\ue and renms), lc?llflue, Qtthites Romani, Liv.; for a ...~neral tn
Acu1i11g j;w bcrnlr:I of 0r1ra; 1111v1s, Liv.; ofteuf'r aihlrf'.sic his amldierw by t.he tenn (,/tt&riln .u
u rmbitt., qullaquirimta -I~, f. " 111.ip 111itA rqnivnlcnt to a dls1•harge, 'J':i.c. ; ju11 quiritiom.
Jlw bimkl of oan, a q11i1u1utre1JU, Cle. /11/l &t11t11l citi.."tlUAip; sing., Quirts -ith, w.
qulaauivtr -1, m., plur. qulnquevlrt," rom- atnuticf., Ro11urn citi~11, Cle. ; J•lnr., Qulritee_ }l'Oet..
•Luio" cit col~• of jl11t J1SNll11$, e.g., the agrarian of the bees In a hlvu, \"erg.
co111111luirJn for diKtrlbutiug tlu1 pul>llo land qulrito. 1. aud qulritor -Ari, L dep.
Cle.; fur rupolrlng fortllk~tions, Liv.; for he!~ (Qairik11). orig., tn <nll tltt (,/Kiri.tu lo lat{JI;
Ing the tresvirl ht the nlght-pollco, J,lv. )lt'llCt', gen., to Htt'.r 4 err of distrrP, to Mrid.",
ac1w11&, cr11 out; vox qulritautium, Liv.
qalnqu~ataa ·Qs, m. tM o.JW ordlgnlty
of a 1111 i111JUtrlr, Cic. 1. quls. 1111lll, pron. lnterrog. L In cllreet
•IUt'stfuns, who f w/1uJ 1 qula clarior Tlaemlatnclet
qulnquli.. ail v. '"" tlnw, Cfc. Cil!.; quh1 tu? Cfr.: esp., qnld, a, a11t.t..
qulnqmplloo, 1. trJ ~Jh'f./old, Tac. 11•W I qultl tum? w/&at feUu-t Cic.; quid l,Ptur
quhltldlolm&nl -Orum, m. tlac .,ld&en o/ eiit? Ao111 llrt1'Cla it, tlttH I Cic. ; with genit. =
t1&t Ji/ftC1tth. u11io11, Tac. ltow '"~ ~ ho111 ""'"YI qultl pictarnm tabo~
qulntinu ·4 -um (1jlll11t11s), o/ or re1ating to mu, Cic., b, adv., (a) to expresa BllrpntF,
tlto fifth. L Subat., -ae, r. a road quid I I !tow I quill I eundt'm nonne detlti-
41& a crimp whk.h il&Uraecktl tlt4 tt11u of tuiati t Cic. ; ~) 111!r I tDltelYfo,.. , led quid
th« kgiona.ry aouliera, divi<ling tM fifth. ma1tiple a11;u111e11tnr? Cic.; quid lta?
und thejf.fth.tun1111from the ainlt, Liv. II.belong· Cle.; qulJnl 'l tl.'11'11 not r Cic.
'71.,' U.•!
In ind.ired
ing to th• jlft/& leglo1&; aubst., qulntial -Orum quogtiona.. A. tsubat., cousitle1-a qul11 quen1
m. rolclien of tM flft/l leg£o'l, Tac. ' l'ramlMSe tlicatur, Cic. B. AdJ •• roar,.titat. quit
vlr effllct, Liv.
Quhltnli.Dua -l, m. a Roma" RRme, Uit 2. ~uls, quftl, pron. l111ler., a11r t>M, a"~·
•n0:tt ct'lrhmud lim rer of 10l1ich. 1C1u 'M. Fabius
Quintilla.nus, th« ji.r11&ov1 rhdorician, borll at a11ythm17; putc.iit quid errare allquaudu, Cia.
Cnl!U}11rrLI ill Spal1l, 11te&tl of a 1ehool of rhttoric 8. q1U8 = qulbua, v. qul.
al .ll01M, tcaclttr of Pli"J: t114 Yo11ngtr attcl o/ qulnam, quhlnam, pron. lnterrog. .U
J1111t11al. tM1l t ti•luit tm t qnisnan1 lgltur tutbitur P.
Q'lllatilla (Quhlctill.I) -Is, m. (with or Sci plonia memoriam mortul ! Cle. ; fr-eqnt11U1
without lllt!ll>1h1), ti~ .ftf'h. month (reckoning rrom joined wltJ1 nmn, 11u111 quldnam novi (B<'. ac-
March u the 111'111), tifter1oard1 oaUed Julius, fa cltllt)? Cic.; 110111etltnra llt'l'i&nl.~ with IWll
Aoncmr of JuUiu Ccuili&r, Cle. placed ftl'!lt. orafterwan111 quid ae 11ant factunun
QulntiUus Viiru. of Cmnona, a fru1ul arhltrat1111 t'llt? Cle.; uam quil te 110lltra:t juait
•f Honice 1111<l Vergil. 4<llni 1!01111111? Verg.
.1. qu~tus -a -nm (qulnqne), 1utv. tht .flfllt, qutapmm., q11acpllu11, quoclpla1n and aubllL.
C1c. ; 1111111tu111, qulnto, for lht Jfftlt ti1u, Lh•, qnitlpl:uu or qnlp11lnnt. L anr, 0111 011t., ci.,.
thing, '°''~ 011r, souuthlllg; quaeplam cobon.
2 Quintus, f1·m., Quinta, :i ronwwn lloman C.'lc:c. ; si c11ipin111 pt.-c:1111i:1111 a.lcmlt. Cic. It
f'"UllOlntll, the 111a.1c. u1111a.lly abbreviate.I Q. fllClllY rt ont; hmore1111 est quispl&tn 1 Cle.
qulntuadeclm1111 ·•-um, tlte Jf.llttnth., Llv. qulaquam, qun~m, quldquaru (qalo-
qulptH§, conj. (qula-pe, a.'I uempu from muu· quum), a1111 per•tm, an *• IJ'fl' °"'- a1&,.cAi111
Pl). on-t..U"ll, lade.J, 6¥ cUl 11&1a11o1, lo be run. u1e,1 chlcn1 In nl'p ,., 1enteoces, or w q1111-
qui 46.'} quo
ti•'nll; riine quisquam q11I, etc. T Clo.; nee q11ls- contlnens memoriA sit.,; 2, tohy, ma toMcl
qu:1111, mid t10 onc, Clo.; with g1mlt., vest.rf11n aooount; esp., est qno<l, tJU!TI u ren1J01i f()T, etc.;
qui5qn'1m, Liv. est magi11 qnod gratult•r, Cic. : nt the hcginniug
qulsque, q11~eq111!, qulrlqni! an•I ndj .. qnod- of a new 11e11k11cc, tl1er.;fore, th.e11:by; qwKJ voblii
qne, e.•··/1, t.-cru, trery out, tve7111Jnd11, tvt711lhin,g: vcnl'ro In mentcm nel'esse est, Cic.; with other
Olkll llSC• I With the plur. or VtirliS ; pro Re co11junct1011s, quo.I si, Uul if, t:ic.; qnod 11tina111,
qnisqu .. 11ostr1'\m <let.emus, Cle.; ge11cr:illy used rn.ight it be ao, Cic.; so a.lso, quod ubi, Cic.;
with 11ul, si ui, se, s11u:1 ; 1110 cnlque judil'io quo.I quum, Caea. IL C1111.1., A. 1, bttnuat;
est uteudum, It-try 0111 must uu hia ou·n nocte a111lrul11bat, quod 1oumi111u Cll!Jl!re non
j1i.lgniei1t, Cic.; 1rn11m qulsque flngitlum alli:i posseot! Cic.; 2, verbil or rt•jolcing, pr.tid-, Tue.; wit.h comp., quo quisque eat ing, b 11111ing, that, becuUM; tibl 11ga111 gr alias,
~nllertior, l1oc ducct launrios1us, llw more • • • quod tne vlvere coeglstl, C1c. B. 1, lienc fads,
lht more, Cic. ; with super!., <luctlsslmus qni~­ quod me n•Uuvas, Cic.; 2, aa f"cspecU that, QI
que, all tht most 1~,,r11•d, Cle.; optimum qui· I· tn thn.I: q1111d .•1·1·ihi~, Cic.; 8, nltlwugh, Ov.
qn•i rarisshuum est, l.'ie.: BO with numcrn Is, quod.amm~do, adv. (n a certain way, in. a
qurnto quoque anno, ell(ryjh111 r;ears, Cic.; e..'lp., (rrn1l1(, 11l1U-'\UJC, l..IC.
pri1nus q11isq11e, (a), tJu jl.ral possilile, lht wry quollbet, a1lv (111ig. quo!llbet, dat. or qui·
firll; pmuo q uoquc km !'ore, on tlw verr ftr1t liut•t), 1l'hitMr1oever yoM plt.aM, Ov.
~. t:ie. : (p) 01ie a/ta thl otluT, Cic.
quomlnua, v. quo.
qatsquUiae -in1111, r. (p1>rhaps from quls- quomodo, adv. in what manntr, hOtD. L
q111·, allJI SO•t of th.i11g), TltbbL•lt, llwttplng$, rrj11&1!., f11te1r"f!·· a, in qnest.ions, qnomodo? Cie.; b,
0J!=ri11g~; o.pplie<l to lltlrsons, qui>1q11iliac
iu excL1111at ion~, qnomcKJn 111ortcm filii tulit I
Ac.Jit.io11io1 Clo<lio.11ae, Cle. Cic. IL Itel., l1'1l'C lll'f:olia qu111uod•> 118
qulsquts. quae'l'lne, qnl<lqn'fd (ri11kq11itl , hahem1t 11e 1>pi~toli q11itl1~111 11armro audeo,
a11J 11<1.i. qno..lqttod. I. whMver, whi•·hev"r, ft•l1rit· Ck.; 1·orr,,sponili11g with sic or it."l, Cic.
trtr; q11isqui1J ille est, wlwucr lie ma !I be, t:ic.; Q.UOmodocumque, ad V. in. whut 'UXlJ/ IOClle1'1
quuqno res se halwnt, hmt•wu the C1ffirir Mwsoc1·a, Cic.
1My stand, Cic.; with g•·11it., (n) 11111SC., 1lennt111
4jllisq111s '1111icior Afrl~. l[.1r.; (f.l) neut., deon1111 quomodonam, adv. Mui then. 1 Cic.
qulJqui1I rc;.:it t.•1-ru.'I, nil ti~ !}•><.Is who, ck., C1c.: quona.m, whither tMn., whithrr rm.1y, Cle.;
l<'.e., q11i<lttui<l, a.Iv., hmo much ~oe1't1'; q11i.l1jt1iol quo11a111 li;lec 011111i11 uisi ad sua111 pcrnicie1n
pro0r1·11ior, Liv.; alil., qunq110, a1lv., U'iiithn-3'•- pcrtlncre f wltnt end tc11d the11 tot Cncs.
n-cT, Cit!. IL a1111 one, 111111thi11g, anJI; quncum· quondam, Bt!v. (= quum<lam). L at 11
que in loco q11i1111uis 1·st, Cic. 1.-erltti11 ti11i.e; a., once, Cic.; b, at tilitfJ, Cic.
quivls, q11acviR, qniddi a.nd od.I., quo.l\•is, IL Esp., a., or p;1dt ti111e, emu, Cic.; b, of the
¥itor1~r. tt•lutlrver you will, a1111 OM, 1rnytl1i11u ruturti, ,,, llUIJ~future lime, &Olnttimt, Ve1g.
v/1111,rer; q11i\·i~ ut )'el:<)'iccre p11ssit, Cic.; . quoniam, conj. (quo111 = quu1~1 and jam),
q11oJvis geuus. Cle.: quivi>1 llllU!I, a11.11 one yuu s111~, 6U<tl{I that, wherea., beonm, C1c.
rlm1t, Cle.; qni.tvis, a1111tlti11g wJu:itucr, every· quoquam, adv. to a1111 place, aay whither,
IJ.inf!: •111iilvls pcrl'eti, all J~•s.<ililt 'vii, Cic.
qnivlaoumque, q11:ieYi:<c11rnrint1, qno<lvls- l. qaoque, adv. (never at the bf-giunlng ot
tu1nq116, wlto or toha.uoeVtt' 110•1 will, I,ncr. a elan~c, l111t p1"C<."<I after the word to wliich it
quo, a1lv. (orig. qnol, clat. anil nhl. or nent, i111mc<lintdy refers), also, Cic.; 116 ••• qurn1 uo
or rd. 1•rn11., 411i). L Jn<lef., A. an.11 whither;
al quo erat l'r•"le11111lu111, Cic. B. auyhnw,
= ne • , . q11itle111, Liv.
2. qu0quo, a., from quisque (q.v.); b,= d
Lil·. II. HPl., A. 1, lit., u•liilMr: a•I partcrn quo, Liv.
prnvinciae ve11tnrum, quo t.e VPllo :1ruitrar!'r,
Cic; ens 11110 1<e contulit{= nd qnos), Cle.; with quoquo, v. quisqn!s.
gcnit., quo t•·n1iruu1 pos~ent., Liv.; 2, tr;rnsf., quoquovorsiia (quoquovorsils) imd
ll, '""o fur, to wli.a.t t.r:lent; sci re quo a111ent.lne quoquoversum (quOQ.uovorsum), adv
pn~.;n•.<si ~1tl:1, Liv.; b, to wlml tn.d.; C]UO tan· fa tl'U1J dire.-tion, Ck.
t.1111 1•~1111i:1111, Cic. B. Can:ial, 1 brarnst, as quoraum (quorsus), Rtlv. (::::quo versus),
if; 11011 qno i1•~0 n111licris, Cic.; ~(with co111- whirlter, to w/l(lt 1·1•tet? t.ra1111f., o., q1wrsn111 hm·c
1·:rr., to l/ui riul tluu, that tM (mort}, Cic.; 3, pcrti11entf Cic.; b 1 to wluu 1111.rpt!!t f will& what
w;vrefnrr, 1111. which 11cc"u"t; In can~'\ l'.sse, quo t'iew I to e11a t quoreum lgitur hnec dis·
~criu~. l'tc., Liv. ; quomi11uR, that n.ot, nft..•r vut,,, Cle.
l'<•rlos of hi11·kri11;..:, Ruch AS i1111wdirr, rlet.crrerc,
recus"''" Li1·.; ... tdit per Trehonlum quo111i11ns, quot, a<IJ. plur. lndccl. L hniD many: a.,
tte., it rm.,, ow''l!I to 1'rtbon.i1is tliat not, (.;le. C. lntcrr11g., hou.• mf!nl/? quot cal:uuitntes? Cic.;
Aolo, OT. b, rel., quot Illes rri1n11s in Ttts•~ttlano, as long
CM I slu1/l bt, cl1•., Cic.; 111 corrcl11tio11 with tot,
quo:Mf. ailv. I. or space, hotu far, ru far mr man11, so ma11y; quot l10111i111!8, tot ca11sa.e.
aa; viil•,t.· 111111c qunnd frcerit ltt•r, Cic.; quoad Cic. II. n.ll, ercry: qnot anuis, ymrly, Cic
Jl(H~··m, Cic. : quo:ul po><snnt Rb hominti co;..:·
M'ICI, as /<tr as """ ca11 kiiow tlmn, Cic.; with quotannls, v. quot.
gcnit. of the olijo·ct t1r limit.; qunarl cius f;1ccrf! quotcumque, a.s many a.s, h010 m.a11y soever,
l"'S'l1111, Ci.,, II. (lf t iuw, a., ~·long cu; quoad Ci.-.
J:lrilui! Cic.; b, 1111til, up ta th~ tini,e tW; (a) quoteni -ae ·n (qnot.), hQW many truh, Cic.
with 1111\k., qn•>a•I se11at11" di111i~~11• t•:1t, Cle. j quotidli.nus (cat1dllinus, ootUdl·
(8) with •nlij., IJUoa<l te viilea111, Ck. (quoad anus) -a -Ulll ('Jll<.lti<lil'). I. tl!t'T!/ 1l<1y, tl<1ily,
ou,• ~rllaul1•, iu Hor.). nspect11s, Cic.; cxcrclt;1!i<i,Cacs.; vita,Cic.; a<lv.,
_quoolro&, con.J. lhlrefon, Ofl th.iii account qnotid iano, tfail!f, Cic. II. Transr., uery-dalf,
C11:.: m, qno, bono, clrc.a, Hur. common, ortlin<iry; vcrlm, Cic.: vis, Cic.
qu0cumqu6, o•lv. tohitlursouer, Cl<'-; In quotlcUe (ootldle, cottidle), adv. daily,
t111%1~, mun f'a 111 rntioncm, quo l'I\ me cumquc ewry day, Cic.
du~t, seq11.1r? Cic. quotlea (quotlens) n1lv. (quot). I. Tnter-
quod, nri~. nent. ot rel. pron., qui. I. rog., !tow ofte1~ f Cic. li. Rel., In corrclatlou,
Rel atlv., 1, ill 10/lU:h rtlatio11, tuheui1i; quod as ~·~ ••• 10 often; tutios ••• quutics, Clo.;
quo 4uG rad
811d with totles omitted, qnotlcs niil1i potcst.'\11 dblea -cl, r. (rabio), t111Jtlnas. L In a narmw
ult, non pmetennittam, Cic. 11Cll11c, as a dille&lle, Ov.; coutacto fQ scelere Tehrt
qudesoumque,atlv. liow ofte" sotrtr, Cic. i11jl!ct.'\ mbie a.I ar.11& it11rw1, Liv. IL Jn a
quotqu6t, mun. indeel. howci'tr t1u111y, tU a. witlcr se1u1e. .A. mgi.11g, jif!TC', fttrr, N!Jlr;
u( Jlt'l"llOIUI, Rllillli IU'crb' qu-1&111 ft
aanr «>t:W!r aa, Cle.
raltics, Cic.; irn. et rabie11 Lati11onuu, Liv.; b,
qu6tua -a -um (quot), 11Jhat in mtni11t'r ' of tmm1r., or thi11i.:s, f11ry. rnge: fatalis tempnris,
"'hat nu11~r' Aou1 many r quotm• <'rit iiiw Liv.; <'.aeJi 111arir<qt1<', \'erg. B. Esp., of the
denarius qui non sit rerendus? Cic.; hom q1wta il111pirc1l 111:11h1c.'OI uf the l:iihyl, Vcrg.
eiaU what o'cloct ia itf Hor.; tn, qnnt.11,. c>1.~c
veils, reecriOO, Aou1 manr IJ1cuU
lo be '"uitel' "°"
w.mM like
'IDilJ& f/OU, Hur. ; q uotuKq ui111111c.
dblo, 3. to be mrul, \"arr.
rl.blo.i. aih-. (rabinsn1'), t11111lly, ,/tlrw.,q,,
AotO 111tmr, Ironically= llOID fefD; c11i111 Cle.
quisque dllltirtua, Cle. dblo.illua -a -11111 (•lim. of rnbioan.<1), .tw1-
quku8aomqa.' -lcumqulS -u111c11111qnc'!, 1rhat raging, furio111, Cic.
t111w.IUUT" i1~ tu'1nber, how gnat or 11010 nn.1U so- dblOeu.a -a. -um (mhlt·ll), "'!Ji11g, "'""· L
ner, Tib. In a narrow se1111e, nf 111ruln~llll IL" a •li~"t!,
qa.6tu9qutaque, v. quotm1. l'laut. II. 111 11 wi1l1•r 11t~t111t', ft1rill'HJ1., grro,,,.;
quchu1que, adv. ttntil whe"• llow lo1ig, how e1111i11, Hor.; tra1111f., of thi11i,'lt, viuc ne fortiLPJo
far; quowiquo tandem abutere, Cntiliua, pat- mi11i111e sit mbiOAA, Cic.
leotlll nostri? Cie. (seJl&rated, quo euim 11S4.JllC, 11.i.biri'u -a -um, tulmt of a RPlllAll gtt11,
Cle.) the lllCJ.!lt fam.0111 ·t1U"111llC'B of trll ich. ~ : 1, C.
qua.m ~oum.). conj. (an old acc. neut. from Rahiriu!I l'nlllt1tnt1>1, t1<'C11Mrt of trrtu011., aMd de-
qui non ae
ui L or time, A. Oen., 1, 1CM1l; femlt:d ltr Cic:n'o; 2, Hnhiri11>1, n. p>d, roxu.-
endlt i11j11ria111 quum potest~ injnste pora.rr of Vtrgil. Atlj., 11.i.birianu -a -um,
faclt, Cle.; e>1p. with tune, tum, 11u111, jam ; relatilLg to &tbidtu.
quum prhuum, as soo1~ as, Cic. ; with historic
present or aoritit iierf. or lmperr., or wlU1 the l1is-
dbo arrhabo (q.v.).
toric lnftu., Liv., Cic.; 9, as q/lB as, whtu"";
dbtua -ae, m. (rabio), o bmoling adrocnlt,
qunm ad aliquod oppidum venerat, in cublc- pelti/oguer, Cle.
ulmu deferebatur, Cic.; 3, liriu; multi annl ~~ -nra·filrum (rac.emus and fero).
au11t, quum Fablna In aere meo eat, Cic. B. 1. 1, btari11.9 btrriu; uv11, Ov.; 2, cro!OlUd toit1
UBCd in a relative scu1e after a 11u\Jst., wlun, !Jmpu; cnpilli, Ov.
at 11•/licA; fuit quod<lam tempus, qnum homi11e11 rAoemu• -1, m. I. au slnll: of II N'IUllf "
vagab&ntur, Cle. ; with tl1e subj., fnit quum arbl· gra1~; uv:L Ie11ti11 mcemi11, Verg. IL Jlc..-toa..,
tnirer, Cle.; 2, uaeJ in a cauRsl sense, whtA; A. a. cluster of gmpu, Verg. B. Ile jtdcsof tu
11rat.-clare facia quum putirum dillgi!l, Cic.; quum gmpe, Ov.
• • • tum, when • • • so al&o, both ••• and, B.l.CiUU8 -a ·11111, 'ltUIU' of a Jltmtna gt"#J, ,U
ttot O'tily ••• lmt n.l.!!o; volvendi sunt lihri, 11wst ftww111 n1l'11Wir of 11•hich ,rtU L. R.'lrilius,
qnum allorum tum l11prlmls t.:atonls, Cie. ; a tri/11111e of tlie proplt i" tile ti~ of Cicmi.
quum maxime, 1xirticularly, a.bol!f! all ; 111111c Ri.oilla -ae, r. wife of tl1t dictator L. Q. Oln-
quum maxime, Cic. IL 1'o express c.au11e wit.h t•i 111111 tus.
subj., A. cu: qnum vita metus plcn& sit, Cie.
B. 1, with a mixture of connexion in tin1e II.till rUlatus (1-adi1111), i•rot'iilttf 10u1 nip. - . .
in cause, esp. in 111\rrative, with Imperf. and ing; iml, Ci•~.; h1111i11&, Ov.
pluperf., a& 11Jhe1'; Epaminomlaa quwn vicissct ri.clioltiia. n1lv. (radix), 1rith t1tt root. L
Ltcedaemonius, quaeaivit. Cic.; 2, althougA; Lit., l'li11. IL 1-"ig., r1XJt~ u11cl all, utkrlJ; ei·
~~m i11ae litteratn Socrates nullam reliqulsset, trnlll'rt> c11pitlit:1tt>111, Cic.
ri.dioiUa ·Ile, r. (tlim. or radix), a liUlt root,
riMIJ'.o, 1. :111<1 rWor, 1. dep. (~tlins. brt-i•).
to glt1t1t1i, ulitt~r, cm it my~ or bro ms, nuii11Jt:
n1~entl m11i11ha11t Iumlnt' valv:i.e, Ov.; Ji&rtic.,
radians, ultaming; lt11111, \'t>rg.
B. riMIJ'.us -Ii, m. a 1/a.Jf, rod. L Lit., A. G1'11.,
acut.i iitq1111 alins pt>r alium i111111i!lsi rarlii, Liv.
R p).
r, the seventeenth letter of the Latin alpha·
bet, corresponds with the Greek rho
On 11ccount or the a.qpiratc wl1ich
B. E>1J1., 1, the $Jlflh fl/ a trhrrf, Vrl'Jl'. ; 2 1
111athc111. t. t., tlte staff thnt ninllvlfU'lt irin ll.S •ltd
for 1fra11'i11g fa.111rr.' 01~ thll abac111; 3, t. t. of
always accompanies the Greek letter, we find wm\'ing, a. 1<l111t1/,, Vl·~.; 4, t. t. of, a,
it represented by rh. In some words derived from tht sti11!1 of the jlsh. pa.'ltinaca, Plin.; b, radii,
thnt language. The letters ran<l s seem to have tlte l>JlllTS of bird.<, Plin.; 5t t. t. <•f botany, 11
been interchangeable to a great t!, 11s in ki11doflon!1nlirc, Ver){. IL rausl, l, matbem.
arbl)r, arbos; honor, honoit ; qnaeso for quaero; t. t., the radius or itnni·dimMUr of a rirele, t,'ic.;
hesternus, from heri, ete.; r Is also as.slmilated 2, a rcry, btam of light; radii ftalis, Cir_
with l, as In the diminutive llbelln11 from lilier, riidls -leis, r. (perh. connected with ;,<,.),
in lntelligo from inter-lego, etc. For ahhrevia· a root. L Gen., A. 1, lit., th.I! root of a Im or
tlons In which R. is used, see Table of Abbrevia- 1ilrwt ; cortices et radices, Cic.; arbores &b 1"3liic·
tions. ilms sul.m1cre, Cnes. ; 2, tr.1nsr., a, flu root or
rl.bl4i. adv. (rabldus), tnadlr, 11amgtly, lnwr.<t 1•1rt of (orthc t.ongne), Ov. ; ofs
ftncely; omnla appetere, Cic. r1•nt.hrr, UY.; b, the foot ofa WWUlllafn; In ntllr·
r~bl4u -a -um (rabies), raging, mad. L In llms Cnnca11i 1111.tns, Cic. B. Fig., a, ori!tie.
a narrow sense, Plin. U. Jn R wider Renae, sm1nll'; patic11tine, Cle.: ex iisdl'tn, quiht\JI "'11,
ft,erct, raving, .tamge. A. 1, lit., of animals, ratlit·ibuM 11atnm, a tllllitt of tl&t litUIU' Jikttt, Cie.;
canes, Ov.; leones, Hor.; 2, trauisf., of thiugs, b, fir"t fou11clatio11 ; Pompeju!'I, co robore vir,
peraonal characteristics, 1.1:•ild, .a009e: mores, iis mdieihus, Cic. IL Esp., ai& aiibk root; a
Ov. ; fames, Verg. B. Of insplreu mau11eo, geuns radicis quoo ap_pellat.ur chara, Cua.; b.
tag(ng; oe, ora. verg. e& rudilh, Hor.
rad 467 rap
l'lido. rbl, riL,.um, S. lo ICTllpe, icra.lcA, ahauc. rilpax -&els (raplo). L lriftt&g lo ~
L to mah Mftootl' b11 aeraping, I/laving, etc. ; ~ri11q or matc.\ing auia1, ,fur'°11.a, 1'tol.!ml. A;.
lapi•les palmil, Hor. II. to grurt, brush along, Lit., ventWI, Ov.; ftuvlua, Luer. B. Transl.,
tullcA; litora. Verg.; hirma, Hor. llL to gra.sping, p1'0ftl to grusp; nlhll est appetentlue,
v,rolch or l><'rofNI auv.y, eraM; a, nomen fa~tis, almillusaui, nee rapacius quam nat11ra, Cle.. D.
Tac. ; b, to share tM Jw.if' u•it/1. a 1'Clzor (tondere, plundtrl11g, gr«dy of plunrlw. So bst.., Cll robbn':
co clll il with. tciS30r•); ca put et supercilia, Cic.; a, ot persoua, Cle. ; b, or animals, lupuaiiHor.;
r-J•lere cal'ut, as a 1>i;;11 of :1lavery, Liv., in pur- o, or a1'11tr. persouit., u1111s, Tib. ; Orcua, or.
•Uance of a vow, J11v. rilphblnua ·a -um CPtu?liv'~ qf nutu.u._
Raet1 (lthaetl) -Ornm, m. a ~oph bet10U1& made from radi.slia, l'liu.
tM D<1nube, th~ Rhi•t'-, aud Utt uch, no1tl1. of the rAphlnitl'.a -ldis, r. <Pa.4>-in,), call00rd-la1,
Po. lfouce, A. Ractla -ae, t Radia, their Pl:1ut.
C'l1"1try. B. Raetlous -a -um, &utian... C. rilphhua -1, m. and r. ~), a. radiM,
B.:1.etus ·a. -llln, J:ri;:tian.. Cat.
raja -ne, C. a/uh, tht ray, Plin. dpld~ adv. (111pldus), · l"rrilldly, quWd11.
rallum -i, n. (raclo), a IGTaJ>" for clea.1'£/tfl a f'tlJ'i.t{/y. L Lit., rapide dilap1111s ftuvtua, Cle.
plo119/1-ihr11·t, Plin. 11. Tranar., quod quum r&<le fcrtur, Cle.
rallus -a -nm (rad-lus, from rndo), eh.Ur., oJ rAplclltaa -itis, t (rapiJu11), rapid foN,
Ii.~ tal11 r.:, Plant. mpidit11; llumlnis, Cae..
riLJDf\J.e ·is, D. (nun WI), usually plur,, twtgs, ripldua -a -nm (rapln), tMrinq, uizirig. L
6rnnd1<"S, l1rush1l'OO<I, Ov. &, Of living beings, vio/mt, Mlt'ftgt; reme, 0\".;
rii.IJlentum -i, D. (!or radtnPUtnm, f'rom !?~ of things, co1tsu11ling, devouririg; sol, \'('1 g.
~o. IL'< o:.1e111c11t1nn from ~rcd•i). L a 1ha11i11g, A.I. or 1110! io11, hurridi, Mut11, qyicl:, n1µ£d; .l,
splillf~r, chip, Luer. II. Transr., ''bit, mvr&el; a, o! liv!ng liein!l"'? .Achates, Verg. ; eri111U1, O\".;
aurmu 1·u111 mmento, CVtt'V hal,/pennv, Plaut. b, or thm~z1 1 llmma, Hor. ; torren,., Verg. ; a_
riimeus -a -um (ramus), of or rtla.ling to tranaf., oratio, Cie.
l>ru11Che.<; fragmenta, brush'IDOOd, v~rg. rilpina -o.e, r. (raplo). L IAt.., robbery, pl'"'"
pU.lrige; 11:en. iu plur., Cle. IL lleton.,
ramcx -leis, m. L a rupture, Plln. IL dm1ty, booty, ptundn-, Verg.
r:uuiccs, tli.4 blood-wuel.! oJ CM lung.s, th.a lvng.s,
l'tu1t. raplo ·rl\pdi ·raptunt, S. {stem RAP, Gk.
Ramnes-lum, m. (from ROM -us, RomulWl), to 111Wtch to o'fl.U&./, «I.tie Lh-.istily;
Al'U in .ip ... ci~w), to mat.c1'. Gen., A. Lit., a,
and B.alb.nenttes -Iutn, m. L OM of thl dextra, Verg.; b, to drug away hastU?1; corp111
lluu tri.l..:s into which tll.c earl11 Roman cU~e1~ consulis, Liv.; c, to hUITJl lllD<lJI, /l'Cld away wUA
torre divided bJI Romuliuaccortli11g ta thti r natlo•1- ha.s~, l•urry off; allquem hioc, Liv.; manipUIOll
olit11 (lbmnes, the LAtln atem ; Tatiau, the aliquot in prlmam aciem secum raplt, Verg.;
Sabine; Lucerea, the Etruscan), cind ~ th.I refleL, se ra pc re hlnc ocius, to hastm away, Hor.;
U!IMI o/ OM of thl iAru ~urtu oJ camlrt1 •n- intle lie ud urbem, Id est ad ca. ...if.'m O!'thnl CU·
lltitltUd l>r Romulu. IL Poet., tra111r. = Mblu, iusque, Cic. ; d, (o.) ta conq1'Cr h<t.:1tily, 11wrpower;
Hor. castra mbesque t•rimo llnpetu, Liv. ; (/J) lo
rimOtnul -a -um (ramns), fuU of 'baugh.s, Mufell th.roUl)h; den,;a fcrarum tecta, Vtrg. B.
bra11C.hin9, brancliy. L Lit., nrbor, Liv. Il. 'franst., a, to 1lllltcl1, to enj&JI or U$t in;
Poet., tran11r., bydr& ri1111os;\ 11ntis e caetle coln- 01·caMione111 de dit', Hor.: b, to acwmplw in
bria, Ui.c h)ldra, from 111/wu trrmk, <Ufrr:nn. a tru, ha.sU, to ha&ten; ,·iam, Ov.; nuptia.s, Liv. IL
'l'tlD you1&g ~1't.s, Ov. to tnka or s1wtch atcay by /orot. A. Lit., a to
rim.Mus -1, m. (dlm. or nuuus), ca liUl11 111aJc'1. au·ay, carry o.f; µilam, Ck.; b, to drag
brallCh, twig, Cic. awa.y by forct, lead a!IX'Y; In jus ad rei:em, Liv. ;
rimua ·I, m. L ci bou!Jll., branch, tllrig. A. e carc<'re ad palu111 et ad necem, Cic. ; c, "'
Lit., In quibus non trunl\1111, nnn rarni, non folia, carry off'" plu11der, to sriu, rob; quantum rap<'re
Cle. B. Meton., a, the fruit prowlng on a pot11i:st1et, Cie.; virgincs, Cic. Suliet.t (o.) rapta
bcnigl\; ram! atqnt! venatus nlebat, Verg. : b, ·811, r. SM th"t Ls carried off, Ov.; (/3) raptum
4branc1' ofa. Wlg'111TtlW1, Cal'll. II. Tl'llnst., l, -1, n. that 1rhich. w carri«t of!, plMIUUr, booty;
bmncA of ci m..·m~aiit 'l'U"9t, Plln. ; 2, ram!, tlt4 l'llpto ga11Jen', Liv.; d, = diripere, to plu11der;
Cl7'll&¥ o/ Ui.c Grul.: ltUer Y, regarded by th.I Pytha.-
Ar111e11i:un, Tac.; e, to rorr11 o~ prtmaturel11, or
gorm11.1 a.s •11mbolicc&l of IA.I noo palAa of li/1; dellth or dillc-ai1e, irnpr11viM lllti vi11 rapuitgentea,
Samii raml, Peni. Hor. B. Trnn~r.. a, to Pi.zeforo11£MIJ; conuuoJa
ad se, Cic.; b, to a1rr.11 off, tab a10RJ/; al mum quae
rina -ae, t. a frog. L Lit., Verg. ; rana rnpit hnra du.>m, Hor. ; c, ta carry atouy, /lad
tarp", 11 toad, Hor: IL Tr1m11t., rana mllrina, Mtro11; ipsae res \'t:rba raphmt, Cle.; n&pl 111
• 1111:ft#i (:,opbius pl1watorlm1, Linn.), Cle. lnvidia111, Cic.; d, tv tn1Pu711>rt, rorry 111my;
ranoeo, to atillk, nnly In parUc., rancena In a bail 1>e118e, animns cupidine caec11a ad In•
~ntiR, ltinl·inq, putr"1, Luer. cept11111 ~c,.ln:t rnpiebat, ::.all.; in a gootl sense
raacld\Uus ·A ·um (dim. ot ranl'IJ1111). L at1. 1li\'i11a1u111 renun l'"ll!'iiti11ncm curl 0111111
IOlftnl'h<it, putrid, Juv. IL Transf., 11t.u1linq11e mp!, Cic. (archaic fut. perf., rapslt.,
loat/uonw, l'Prr4. ap. Cil'.).
.rancldua ·a -urn (raneeo), atinking, rank. L raptlm, arlv. (raptus, from raplol, violutlN,
Lil, aper, Hor. IL Transr., disf71Utin!1, offe11..siw, hrutify, 'luickl11, h.urrifdly; haec scripsi rnptlm,
Juv. Cic.
rinnnotUus -1, m. (dim. or rMa}. La. liUle dvctio11, raptlo -Onla t (raplo), a carrvt"9 off, ob-
frog, a ""'J"'k, Cie.; In J~~t, 1uwd of the inhRhit- Ter.
•nta or Uluhnw. wllil'h wns n"nr the Pnrnptlne rapto, 1. (lutens. ot'raplo). L to OOf'Tll ll'lt'Of
N11fllhes 1 Cic. II. a plant, pcrha.1'll CJ"OVJfoot, Plin. i" 1111.-;te, hulTJI au-ay; hue llluc vexilln, Tac. ;
= ·Ile, r. rapu111 (q. v.). transl"., of thin~s. 111e P1trnul 1leiterla per 1t.r<l1l&
ra pto.t n111or, Verg. II. ta CG1Tll off fr<Wt1., drrJf
dpii.cida -ae, 10. (ratl.'lX), a robber, Plaut. au.~111 t•£vle11tl11. A. Lit., a, oonjugem, Clo. ;
rApaoltas -:\ti,., r. (rapnx), grttdiMU, f'll- Hed;ora circa muros, Verg. : nuhlla caell, Luer.;
1~•ntv; qui11 iu ral)&citak a Vllrior? Cic. b, to rob, plu111kr, Tac. B. Fig., a, todragaloJ&g;
rap 468 TB.U
c1uhl raptem in crimina <lh·os, accuM, Prop.; b, of proMlurt, mdhod, mami.u, fas.Awft, utwrr,
to l111rry afung witA ptJ.Uitm, Plaut. ki1ul, rmy: Ila llet ut tua il'lb ratio existimdur
raDtor ·f•ris, 111. (rarlo). A. Lit., a, a roU1rr, astuta, l.'ic.; 11eribt:111li consilium rntiuqJJP,
p/u11~rtr, Tac. ; attrib., lupi t1lpt.ote!!r,. nivtoo1ur, l.'ic.; meae vitae rationei1 ab i11eu11te aetate sall-
\'erl(.; b, "" 11/xluctor, rat'i..Jcr:r, Ov • .II. 'fran11f., Ct'Jllae, C..:ic. ; ral i"11e:1 Lelli gerendi, priotciµln.,
nptore" &lieni honori>1, 0\'. Uu:11.; 2 t'MJ1., the fucu/111 of mind 11.'hicla. «uk•·
lutt.,, a11J )•ltrn.s, the 1·n1s1.,11 ; laomo rat iQni.1
~ptna ·il.'I, 111. (raJ•h.). L " tmri 11g off, p~rtice1•!1, C..:ic.; meus i:t ratio eot mn~ihum.
rtrul! 1tg airuy, Ov. IL 1, a w.rr11i 11g off, ab· Ci.:.; cma~ilio 1:t ratioue, Cic.: ratio, ii
dvctunt, rapt, Cic.; 2, 7.ilu1.derillg, Tac. sum~ re(t.>(J1ta/,le, with inlin., t:i<". ; he11Ct', a,
rapiUu.m ·I, n. (dim. of ravum), a littlt rttiso11, mvlit•t, grou11d: (11) n011trn connrrnal"'!
turl\lp, Hor. ari;11111P.11tis ac rationibus, Cic.; e<•nsilii caW<&
rapum ·I, n. (p4irv{), a turnip, Liv. ralir..qnc, Cic.; (JJ) rhet. t. t.., gr(l1rn.<l or rmsoa
ri.ri. adv. (rarus). rarely, stld,,m, Plaut. brought foricard lo supporl a pro]\, Cu:.;
b, melon., rta.Stma>,lt1u~u. propritt.11. ~tltod,
rare&cdo -reci ·factum 3. (rarul! and faciv), onur, rule; rnodo et ratione orunia f•ce~,
to mab: thi11, rarefy, Luer. ~/uatcly and rmsonal1ly, ~ic. ; c pri11.-ipu,
l'i.r8900, 3. (rarus). J. to become thi11, to rU!u·, lt11dtnry; ftorens homo m popuf:1n raliont,
lose dtMity: humor aquai ah a.estu, Luer.; the moid tli..ti11guishetl rr:prr:sr:11tatirc r1f thr: dr-.
uhl nngusti nlrescWJt clau~tra Pelori, or~n tht11t· erotic t•itu•, Cic.; d, thtor!f, JoctriM, syst,,,._
11:1 ....1, apa.W, Verg. IL Transf., to become rnrtr, lo_io1cltdl]t; El'icuri ratio, 71hilo1orhirol .f!IJ(eu,
,,,,Ji.mi1'i.slt, lo luKI\; paulatim rare!ICunt moutc!I, C..:1c.; <le ratione viveo<li, tM urt of liri11g, ("it".;
'fac. e, rueton., a ttiew, 0J>ini&1i: quum in eaoa
ri..rltu -:ills. r. (raru~). L want of dmsity, ratlouem quii1que loqut'retnr, t:ic.; r. a" wlil1"·
th11Lllt"• luo«M$:1 of tuturt, tli .•t1wr.r: llJ"tr!, Cic. iltg of proof, MU011i11g; concluJatur igitar
IL Tra1111f., jr:um.UJ, rarity; dictvrnm, Cic. ratio, Ck.
riro, adv. (rarm1). sr:ldom, rarely; It.a raro, l'Atic>cfnatlo -ouis, f. (ratlocin:>r). L •
Cic. ; 1p1o<l. i1i rarius I.let, Cic. CUl"tfu/ 1.111.l tidibtratt ('l)lf.lidrNltifJn a1u1 OOWW·
si(ln, Cic. II. 11 rt1U01ti1r.g, ratiCJCi11atio11, aryv·
ri.rua ·4 -um, loo~ in tr:xl11rt, looM, '11.'idr: 111.01t, 1111/ogi:mi, Cic.
Cl)•''"'• thi11 (opp. tli:u;iu:1). L Lit., rtlia, \'.,!)!'.;
t:ril.orum, Ov. IL Tninsf., A. a, 31:Utlerttl, r~tlOclnitiva.s -a ·Um (ratiocinor), arg11·
sia11t11. fur 111~1rl; vides hat>itari ill terrll 111rii1 nu11tutiu, syllogistic, Cic.;:u~li~ ill loci,., Cic.; b, 111ilit. t. L,11C<1tterr:•l, rAtic>cln.itor -Ori>J, m. (ratiociuor), a ail'"""
,,.,,It uµtlrl, il1·1icrserl (opp. co11fertui1); ip!!i tlt lutfJr, CV<'l1untu11t, Cle.
sll\'i~ rari l'r11p11;:11alia11t, C:M:ll. B. 1, gell., a, l'Atliolnor, I. dep. (ratio), 1. w rowtJlflfe,
fttu 111 1110.. bcr! rore; .rarill ac pro10t: 11ulli11 J•ort· culc-11/utr:, C..:ic.; 2, to argur:, i1vu, o.m:l1tdt; ruUr
1l111;"• .cac:1.; _111 0111111 ute optimum quit.l4ue 11e, with acc. and inlln., Cic.
ra11!ls1111urn, C1e.; (Jceanu:1 n1ri11 11a\·ib1111 a<litur,
Titc. ; 11eut. 1•lur. 11111Jst., rant (a11tepon1tnt11r)
rAtlODi.Ua -e (ratio). tta110nu.Ut, ratioul,
Yt1llo(llrllm,., Cic .. ; b, of 11111:111 that doe11110111ethin~
ral"ely, n~ ll1ac11:1 cuetu:1 nilli rarus adibat, r•t10nirium ·Ii, n. (ratio), 11 '1.aliltW:a.l
sddom., Uv. ; 2, e>1p., rort, utruordi1wry, a<:e0u11t; iaul't:rii, Suet.
ti11y11i.Jucl in its kiwl; l'IU'll 4uide111 facie &cd riLtta -Is, r. L 11 raft. Cic., Can.; rat.ihlll.
rarinr arte t•a11e11<Ji, Ov. quil1u" ju11xerat l!Ulllt"ll, rt:11Ul11li!!, Liv.; ain11-,
rUllla ·e (rit•lu), ICMJ-td, ]urning a snwolh collect.= a brid!]t of bouts, Liv. D. ~L.
1u.rfi1cr, J•1likl; torno r&!!ilt: l,,uxnru, \'erg. tra11sf., a ship, boat, wssel. \"i:rg.
raater -tri, 111. anJ rutrum ·i, n. (radu), rAtluncUl.a -ae, r. (Ji111. of ratio). L 11
plur.. gtn. raatr1 -oru111, 111. u11 i111tru111r11t /or little rtc:koning, a.."C<f1lNt, l:'lanL IL Trau~r.,
seru.pi11<J, a toollw:d hoe, a~. a 11wltock, \"eq;. A. a poor, ills11fficit11t rtc11U11 ; lruic incttdiblli
!lellt1:11tiae r.!tiuucuhu s~rit, C1c. B. a ptltf
rAtlo ..Qni~, f. (reor), a rtcko11i 11g, ucc•1u ut, syllo'}i.-1m; coududuut ratiuncula.<1 Stoici, Cic.
co111putatw11, culc1tlutiu11. L A. Lit., (a) :1i11~ •• rt.tu.a -a -urn, p. aJj. (from reor). L J'l!dv11td,
eiu11 veeuuiae, cuiu11 ratio i11 lle•I•• Upis <·unfecra
r!lt, C..:lc. ; auri ratio cunl', cv111c;1 right, ;.,, •:vr· rufrulutiid; vro rata J>iirlA!, ur silUJ>IY J•tu ratai,
net, Ck.; ratioue111 tluct:te, tu cu111J.1Utt, rolc11· tttxord i 11 g to u Ji url }l':_opJrt t.m, i" proJ'orh&t&,
wu, Cic.; rationetu rderre, <Ji1·e i11 u11, prv1,.,rtio111.illy, Vic. D. Tr.i.w.r., Jctr:r111.irud,
ji:ud, ldtl,d; a, niti utroru111 ortli11es, Cic ; b,
Cic_.; (JJ) vlur., rationes CUlll aliquo put&re, Cic.;
rat1onei1 suWucere, to du«, Cic. B. Traw;f., l 1'Uli.I, ji.utl, /,yal: id juS11u1n ratum ac linuwn
a roll, ngi..Jler, a lW, rotuloyut, u.·rou11t: rati~
futuru111, Cic. ; ratum facen!, lo ruti.lJI. con.}ra,
111uk~ i-alid, Cic.; ratu111 hat.ere, du<-,,re, t.o oo•·
011e111 carceri•, quae dili~c11tiui111e cu11tlcitur,
1i1ur rnlid, Cic.; aliquhl mihl flllurn est, I
C.:ic.; 2,. a IVM, llKml~r. Plaut.; 3, a bu•
uppro~. Cic.
tra1UUrl101',, a.fuir; de t.uta ilia l"lltioue
atque re Oallicana, C..:ic. ; liaec res 11on 110111111 elt rauclHnu -a -um (raucus a11d 110C1U1).
domestic& e.t ratioue, atti11git etia1n l..•:lliCJ<lll, 1ioorN, ho<1r~·ly $uu11dillf1, Luer.
Cle.; fort judleiique rationeru Me!ISllla 11usec~it, raucltaa -a.ti,., r. (raucu•). Ao.1r..r11a1, Ptin.
pMbl&c al&d ltgtll lnui11us, Cic.; 111rae {, rte.) r&UCU -a •Ulll (f"r r&VICUB, CODneeUJ with
ratimu•11, "'Y (tlty. etc.) intt~st, wlru11tw)t-; r:n·i.-t). /1 1JUr«. L Lit.L...A. ltvantt tltro"!Jlt ill·
ratione.- Ill~ vt:t1trae uluti a11teposui:1sc:-111,
C1c. D. Fig., A. an acoouraJ. rtckv11ing, 011.-u· '"'""; fauce11, l.ncr. ... a, ltour:Jt tA '""pl
,/w11tit1!1; 110:1 ruu•~J:I ll:lt"l't: !ltte11li:s.-.i1_11e iiUdiri
lation.; rat.ion•·m laaben-. tv 11urh a ruku/11ti .. 11 n.1 ...,, C1c.; .. r l1m.l:l, 1ernu11111q; cun11x, Luer.;
Cic. ; ite•nver Ila vi\·ar11Ull ut nHi.,111:111 r.~1'. 1.ulu111k,., oo<>i•1:J, \'.,I)(,; b, of SuUl1•l, \"ull r&D•
dentlam m1t>l11 art.itn-111ur, l:ic. B. Trausr., 1, llrum, Uv. IL Port., t.1~111,.f., liuuTR, liollu~
a, a rt'lo.lion ll"illt, rrf. rt1H:<' tu; ral i1111.-111 ha!.t•r,· "'111111/in!J, •lrt11 or tl11ll·w1tttd11tg; <.-ornu PlauL;
aliquiil !"-tioni• haliere e11111 alic111u, to h.ut rc/11'. murmur u110l:1t', Verg. '
tfoiu rttlt, Cir..; ratlQ ti bi cum eu iuler·
ce-rst ! Cit'. ; b, rr'J"'cl, 1v111i1lt111li""• rtyurol Rau41ua ·&-mu, RuudiaA; Rau•llui. Cam1•ua.
far 1111~.\ing: vrl dig11itali• n·I c11111111uJi ru· a11•I lt.imlai t'a1111•i, a plain ill l'p1~r Italr, rim
tlot111m habere, Cit'.; •uam rationt'm 1l11ci:re, to Jlariiu ..u/Mlt1tl the C.:imbri.
COIUMUr Ag OWi\ aJ UGlllagt, Cle. ; O, pla "• lftOIU raudu (ridU. riadu) -trill, 11.. a "'"P
rau 469 rec
1&411 or Iv.Mp; Mp., • P'- 4/ bra.a wM Cll • lmur portu, t.erraeque urbe8que recedunt, Verg.
oo\ia, Liv. B. Fig., 1, of persons, In otia tu ta, Hor.: 2, ot
rauduaciUum -1, n. (ctlm. of rautius), 11 thlniri, annl recedentes, Hor. IL Co go awa211
l1Mll 1um of mmiry; tnn~r., de raudusculo depart, go to Cl dUUr.t1«. A. 1, lit., or living
Numeriano, the little d.ebt of NumerLUJ, Cic. beings, nee vero a st.abulia recedunt longlut
Raurfci -ornm, m. 11 Celtic J>topls in Gaul, (a1•('~), Verg.; 2, tran!lf., of lnanimatti things.,
a., to Mparutt from; recedit ca1•ut e cervlce, Ov.;
t1mr mn<Urn }Jaslt.
b, lo txllli&h. di.!lapptar; in vcntoe vita or anima
Ravenna -ae, !. a t'itL'n in Gama Cixpacfonn., exhalat& rer.t's~it, Verg., Ov. B. Fig., 1.1 of
nrar tl:e .Adriatic, TTU11l1 a narnl str11;,,,, by persons, a., to ckpart from., abandon,; ab otnc!o,
Au.JYS!ua, now Rai~nna. I!euce, KA.vennas Cic.; b/o to fro•n, gi.~·e ~p, ~tnou~; au
-at1~, m. belouyina to Jwrenna. armis, lay dQU.rn, arms, C1c., a vita, C1c.; 2,
ravio, 4. (ravis), to talk onutlJ hoorst, Plaut. tran'lf., of thing~. a., to dqiartfrom., lo~; rei; ab
ravis -is, f. (conneckd with raucus), hoaru- usitata cons11•·t11<li11c 1-ec('ssit, <.:ic.; b, to roniJh.,
r.t.<~, Plaut. diJffPJ>ellT, reast: ct r.a.riter Phoebes 1•a1 iter
ravas -:i. -nm. grey, greyish, Hor. marls ira re«e•~it, Uv.; c, receJere ab 11liquo
to '[XVI auv1y frrmt, be /r,Et; qnum res (properly~
re- prep. inscpar., meanill;.( sometimes bac~. ab eo qui•·um c11ntraxisset, rece11sisset et ad
as in rtcurn•; sometime~ a7ain.sf, Min reluctor; lierl?dem per\·eulssct, Cit).
S-Ornetimes aJain, ns restituo (orig. form red,
llhich appe:i.1s before vow.-ls, e.g., redeo, some· roccllo, 3. to spri "9 bad:, fly back, bend back:
tiwes leugthened, as redi-vivus). qnum (ferfl:a) wanus gravi librarucnto ro:celleret
ad solum, Liv.
I. rea, v. rcus.
recens -entl~, Tl(W, fresh, young, rtetnt. L
2. Rea= RhP-:i (q. v.). Adj., A. Lit.. (a) absol;; taC!IJ•es, C11e1t.; li111
reapse, adv. (re aml eap!!e, Le., ell. and aulf. recentilrns vlrh<, o mo-ltr'll, C1c.
pw), irvlee.l, in tnith, rwlly, Cle. S11list. 1 rcce11tiores, lat<r a>1thnrs, Cic.; recenti
R.eate, n. (<lefect., with same form for re, re•·entl 11egotio, while tl~ bll$i1!UI u .still
n..111. 1 a«c., ar11l al1l.), an ol,l fl)wn i1' the SaJiine fresh, Cic.; iujuriarum memoria, C'aes.; (13) with
r'..t·•try, now I'.irti. Ail!., Reatinus -a -um, ab nnd the at.I., frt!lh. froni, svon, a littlt
f.t,.tiM; i;, Reatinl ·&rum, m. the peoplt sul1se•1ue11t to; llornerus, qui rect·iis ah illurum
of Ji>aU. adate fuit, Cic.; (y) with ex and tli" al>I., quum
reatus -ns, m. (rens), the 1u1te or condition e provincia recer1s esset, Cic. ; (ii) with at.I,
of till QCCU<IW per$4 .., ~IRrt. alone, praetur1, Tac.; with al>!. of 11ame or
town, He;;lnl quill:un eo ve11erunt Rom~ sane
ribellatio, rcloellio (q.v.). re«ent~s. clirtct from Rome, Cic. i. Transf., ot'
rebelli.trl.x -icis, r. (re!Jello), rtneiolng war, streugth, fre.•h, vii1oroll8: or soldiers, !111:.('gri et
ris111'.] ugriin; Germania, Ov. recentes, Caell.; of horses, Liv.; of thin~,
ribellio -i'inis, r. (rebellls), a rrn'.wal "f tear aniwus (consulis), Li'I". (aLI. sing., gen. recent!,
b~ a CU11 11ureil l~''f'U; rebellionem facere, Caes. i11 poets sometimes recente; geuit. plur., ge11.
Plur., Cai U1aginicnsiurn rebellione'I, Ck. recentlum, In poets so111etimes rece11tu111). IL
rcbellis -e (re and bell um), rentu:(ng a u:ar, Adv., lately, r~cently; sole recens orto, Yerg.;; 1. lit., colouia, Tttc.; 2, tlg., amor, recen11 ad Hegillum lacuu1 acct·J•ta cla•lo-11, Liv.
Ov. reoenseO ·Censili ·CCfl&ltUHl a11•l ·CCllSUlll, 2.
rcbeWum rebellio (q.v.). to reiitw, muster, aamint. I. Lit., mil it. t. t.,
rebcllo, l. to Tt™!W a war; &, liL, 11ept!es exerdtum, Jegio11es, Liv.; P"lit. t. t., !.IC the
re'tJ. llare, Liv.; b, puet., trans!., to rtntw th• censor1 equites, Liv. II. Tr:rnsf., A. to go
~lrl,Ov. throuyn, r~ ti.rough; si:,p1a (of the hUn), Ov.
ribito, S. to go back, return, Plaut. B. Esp., 1, to go orer in tho11gltt, re.-itw; fala'lue
fo1tunasque virurn, 0\'.; 2, t-0 go orcr in u-onl6,
rebOo,}. to tcho, ruound, Verg. recount; fortia facta, Ov.
recalcitro. 1. of a horse, to kick backtoardl; recensio -1'\nis, r. (recenseo), a rti:iewing,
fig., to deny a1xetJJ, lf,,r. mustaing, t>1umeration by the Cl!Jtli'1'1", Cic.
ricllef'a.clo = recalfaclo (q.v.). recensus ·lls, m. (rccenseo) -= rocenslo, Cl
ricA.leo. 2. "1 be warm agriin; recalent reviewing, mu.~lering; equitum reccusum habere,
nostro Tiherina flu,.nta sanguine, Verg. of the ce,1sor, Liv.
recA.lesco •clilt1i, 3. (fPC/lJCO), /0 /,tcQ71U warm reoeptaculum -1, n. (recllpt-0). L ci ma-
Cll]11i11; quum mf)tll alque excrcitatione recal- !ICl<i ne, rtser1:oir, reuptad1; cibi et l'otionls (of
esc11nt corpora, Cic.; fig., mens rei;alc:•cit, Ov. the stomach), Cic.; cloaca 1uaxi111a recel'taculum
recalf6.cio (recAlef&clo) -f~ci -factum, s. omnium purga111eutorum urlois, Liv. IL ESJ•.,
kl n1al;e warm auc~in, Ov. a 7,/ucr, of rtfWJt. 1h.elter, rdrtt.1.t; milltum Cati!·
i11ae, Cic.; r"ccptaculum es11e clns:1ibus nostris,
ricandesco L to grow u·Jdte;
·c.-in•ltli, S. Cic.; fugicntilous, Liv.
reca11ct.u:t unda, O\·. II. Traus!.r to becoillt J.0t,
t.o bt..]in to 1l!o11.'. A. Lit., (tel us) recanJuit receptlo ·4'.inls, f. (reclplo), a r«eivi11g, ,...
ustu, Ov. B. flg., recanduit Ira, Ov. re1.tiun, .Plaut.
:recanto, 1. L Intransit., to 1·e1<Juncl, echo, reoepto I. (lntens. of recipio). L A. to
Mart. IL Tran~it., A. to rteall, rrornt; Tl!· draw /AUk; i,transit., hasfarn, Ver-'.; 2, rl'lkir.,
cant.ala opprobri&, Hor. B. to cliann. uu:ulf; se receptare, to retire; K1t11rni 1;.-i;e quo stella
cur.u, Ov. rcce1•tet, \"t"rg. B. lo reccii~ back, Lu~r. II.
to rrceit·e frt'fUtrUly;, Lil-.
recedo ·C•·s~I •Crssum, s. L to go back,
dmw /,ac.k, read~, rttrt,,t, rttin. A. 1, lit.., of rooeptor ·i'.iris, rn. (reclt•fO), Olle u:ho rtct£i·u
persons, t'X eo liieo, Caes. ; non modo e Gallia or har/,,mrs, a harbourer; praedarum, Tac.;
non. di>1ce~i"s~ se•I ne a llutina quidcm 1e- tran,r., ipse ille latrouum occultator ct recc1itor
locu~, Cic.
eess1sse, CIC.; ;ii, traniif., Of thh11f!, ll., ut i!lae
llll<lae ad al!oe accedant, ab ali1s nut1·111 re- receptrlJC ·tr!cl11, f. (receptor), 4 rta!Vtf'
eeda11t, Cic. ; b. of place21, to rttin, 1ta11cl back; (of etole11 i;ol)<ls); !urtorum, Cic.
Anchi11ae dmnus rece11si~~ Verg.; c, to rtwle reoeptus -as, m. (reciplo). L a drawing
~ IJte di.$la11a, liisapptar JTW1l tha VUw; l>fo\"eh· IJack.A. Lit., spiritus, 4.luint. B. Fig., re-
reo 470 reo
tnldat(ois, nca.n.tatio1&; nhnh1 pt'T'f.inacla aentcn- 111188 rea aml18&11, Liv.; 2, tran11f., to '1!ll001ll!r' : •
Uae, Liv. IL A. •, a non tutl111imua tlqua1n l'requentiam, Liv.; vitam herbia fortihUI,
a malls con11lll!1 reoeptus, Liv.; bt esp., n- Ov.; anlmos ex pavo!1'1 to rtgui• COUfa9t.o Uv.
ooetrN to: receptus ad Caeuris grat am atque IL to m:rive, ao:ep1. rMt to O'flntl/; I. lit., a,
amfcltiam, Cacil. B. lilflit. t. t., a rttrmt, to lakt i11 lo Of!IMl.f; ferrum, glad.ium, to nori111
JJUing back: ut expedltum arl 11uo11 reccptum t1wl d«Ul-wouM, Cle. ; neceN;C erat ab laten
babeant, Caca.; Caeaar reccptul cani jm111it, aperto tela rrci11I, Cae.'I..; or ar1i111ala, frrnum,
erdertd tM dgnal of rdrtllt, t.:aes.; Ilg., canere Hor.; or rivers, .Hou., 1iarte qua•lam ex JUit:nn
reoeptui a miiterii11, Cle. accepta quae, etJC., Cacs.; b_. to recrirt i1llo a
rioeatm, adv. (recedo), backwardl, Plaut. pl&;e; (a) with acc. alone. or Jlt!rsona, Xen:r.n,
; aliquem libentillllimo animo, Ca.ea.; ut
rioeuua ·1111, m. (recedo). L a going back, Cic. pl11.cea, hos tuti1111imus portu11 recipiebat, <.:&es.;
nuding, rrlrwtlng; 1, lit., luna.e accu11u11 et (JJ) with acl an<I the, aliq UP.m ad epolas,
re<JeaaWI, Cic. ; (aestuum maritimorum) acCCMus (.;i('.; (y) with in anit the aer.., 'Iarq11inium in
et reccuua, ebb a·.i.djlnw, Cic.; reces1111m primia civit.~tem, Cic.; (6) with al.I. alone, .. xcri:itum
ult.iml non tlabcmt, cliaMl'l of ritrroli1l!T, Cac11.; ac lll!flibu11 11ui11, Cic.; (•) W'ilh acc. of
I, fig., ac~um ad res 11alutare11, a 1restiferi11 tectis pla<'.e, Hlique111 d11111u111 imam, Cic. ; ") wiUt
rec~um, di1in.clinalio7'for, Cic.; ut n1etu11 re·
supine, sene111 SCSl!Um, Cic.; (11) a~ol., qui re-
ce.'18um quendam animi et fugam efftciat, Cic. ceperant, Caes. ; c, to tab of, ro11qwr;
D. Melon., 1, lit.., •• a hollow, rtusa, Ver~.; 11ppidu111, ci\·itatcm, Cacs.;J<OS11<,qW11 d, f.> rtt.t:i..'f! .cur;
b, a pl,;.oe of rtlTt<Jt, quid, nlirw pla~; 1111hi pccuniam f'X 11nvi11 vedig11libus, Cic.; 2, trans!.,
Mlit.udo et rec."CSllU!I provinr.iae est, Cic. ; 2, a, to rtrtit't i11t'1 a rrr/rJi>• mnk or JW1Silio11;
Ilg., in a11imi:1 h<J111inu111 tauti sunt re•·csMus, ali'lunn i11 ordinl'm i;rnalorinrn, Cic. ; aliqnt>Dt
corMTS, fotrit:adt-', Cic. iu li<l,.111, Cit,.; b, I<> rtctiN, m~pt, a•l•U, allltl!';
recfdiV1l8 ·a ·Ulll (recl<lo), rtl11rt1i11g, rt• fabu!Jt11, ro lJflin·f, Ci<'-; 1...c incon11t.anLiam vir·
peaWl; iioet., Pergama, rtbuill, Vero;. tus reciJiit. m/111it.f, ""''""S
of, <.:ic. ; c, '" att:"'pf a
1. riol4o -dtli -cii8uru.11, 3. (re an•I cado). I. task, 111ulcrt!tkt, Lah 1<]'>01• OHtld/; C&Uli&ID ISic."I·
to jaU ba~k. A. Lit., recidunt 0111nia in ~rnui, lorum, Cic.; officium, t:ic. ; d, hence, to o.,.r:qt.
Cle. B. Tran sf., l, a, to nla~, sink; in gr11vi· an 01Jligatfo1t, 91mranl«, prQ11iise, ~ f'UJ"'rtsibk
orem morlJurn, to rtlap.'lt, Liv.; in ean<lem for· for; pro Cassio "'t t.t>, 1'1i quid me velit.ia recipere,
tunam, Cle. ; b, to fall to; cwn atl eum potent- recipiam, Cic.; ea qnae tihi promitto ac ra.ipio,
atua omnis recidi11Aet, Cic.; o to fcill up91t, Cle. ; 1•rtic. 11ut1Nt.., rioeptum ·i, 11. n
reach.; hur1c casum ad ipsos reci1lere po:.i;e, Cic.; enyttg~nt, r11wra11ttt; e, h·gal t. t., of the
e&(I., '"fall on tlu hwd of; ut amenliae pocrn& in praetor, recipne 11omen, to t11.ttrtai11, recriN Aa
l1111um eiusque familiam reci•lat, Cic. ; 2, to acciualion. WJOiri&t any ont, Cic.
roNU to, jaU to, 1ink to, l:ic. ; 3, to fall, h.appnt,
aocvr, lig"4 UJ'Oll; ilia "mnia ex laetitia atl lac- fogriclpr~tfo -(mi!I, r. (reciproco),. mvr.
by t11~ .samt pt1tk, Plin.
rimaa reeiderunt, Cle. ; ad nihilum, to cor~ to
11augltt, Cic. ll. 1, to fall into, to berome; quor· reclp~, I. (reeiprocu11). L Tranait.., to
1111m recidat responsum tuum non magno opere move hticku:ard.s, to flWW bar.ku."{lrd.s a1'd./oncanb;
laboro, (,'ic.; 2, to fall within a «rlain Ciml; in animam, to dra111 i" mid brrothe 01tl tla.e air, llO
Dot1trum annum, Cle. breathe, Liv.; quinriueremem in advenmmaestam
reclprocari non J>Olllle, t11rntd Tm&11d and ~
2. rioido -citli -claum, S. (re and caedo). L back, Liv.; esp. f'f the ebb lide,in motu
Co ct&t ol, C1lt atooy; 1, caput, Ov.; ce:ru inan~, antlo, 011 tM tbb, Cic.; fig., 111 quidem reciproc:·
Verg.; 2, transf., to tztirpalt; nahoncs, Cic. reelprocantur, if tla4 proposition u eo1n1trttdista or
ll. lo clU aimy; 1, lit., b&rbam falce, Ov. ; rtt!tf'atd, Cle. D. Jntran11it., to Wlol>Pr bacbtv,..U
I, trans!., to C1lt aimy, lop oI, ablwtlliate, rt· and fQTW<J.rd1; fretum Eu1ipi non UJ•Ues die
O'fnc.\: ambiUoi;a ornament&, llor. tcmporihus statia reciprocat, ebl.ia aM.d }lo-, Llr.
riolnao -cinxi, 3. to ungird ;, l>v. ; a.s middle, recingor, I un.- riolpr0cua -a -um, rtt11r1ti119, fll'i"9 ~ '"
ginl m~ Ov. the Mme J)atA. L Lit., mare, tl,bittg, Tac. ; TOX.
l>lin. IL Fig., ars, alttnatillg, Plin.
riolno, s. (re and cano). to re.wund. «lw. L eclwi"'!T, reoiaamentum -i, n. (rccldo), 4 clip,
lnt1-a11Bit., in vocibua nost.rorum orato1·am recinit
quiddam et resonat urbaniu11, Cir,.; parra rttinens.- IAaving, Plin.
eA.rkking, Hor. II. Transit., to cuuu to 1uound; ricwo -Onis, r. (recldo).. 4 C11tti'r&g o~. P1in.
a. oC echo, cuius recinet jocosa nomen im11go, reoiaua -a -um, partic. or recitlo.
rt·tcho, Hor.; b_, of a poet, to praiu wudly on tM
lrrt: curva lyra 1.&tonam, Hor. reolta.Uo -unii1, r. (IY'ci!Al), a rauli"!1 a1aw1:
reclplo ·CfJli -ceptum, s. (re and caplo). L or Jiterar)·
of document.11 Jn legal proceedinJ;H, Cic.; b.
work11, Plin.
to takt bade. A. to draw back, fetch back: l,
lit., a, of tliinga, ensem, to draw1Xlck, droto out, rioltator ·'1riK, 111. (recito), a rtn<ln' alol#I;
Ver-g.; b, of pers., aliquem medio ex host.e, Vcrg.; a1 or ducurucnt."I in leb-al proceedings, Cic.; b,
twp. as milit. t. t,, to drnw back, cause to rtlrtcll; 01 literary works, a rcdu1·, Hor.
milite!! defessos, Caes. ; reflex., se reclpere, ti) reolto, 1. to read, rtad ulmltl, f'ffld , ...~idJ;
wil/11lraw, rtfire, retreat, INtake 01t'.!!lel/ to any a, legal t. t., {a) to read a dot:tnnutt; littenu1 ia
pl.ccce; !le ex hi11ee locis, Cic. ; se ad nos, Cic. ; s"natu, in contione, Cic.; Ali1111id ex <'Odice,
esp. u millt. t. t., Ke hinc, se Incle, se ex allquo Cfc. ; (JJ) lo rtnel crut the na!IM! nf u ptTIOll; ~I.a­
loco, se atl or in aliquem locum, se aliquo ad men to hercdem aliquem,Cie.; ali11ucm 1•.nict.erire
aliquem, Cae11.; 2, tram1f., a, vocem ab acutis- in recitandoRenatu, in rtcvli1~ the lisl 'lf•1ullqn,,
11i1110 so110 ueque ad gra\'iK11imum sonum, Cic.; Cic. ; ( y) to reml tM 1D0rtla Qf mt ontk, lo dictult,
reftex., 11e recipcre, to turn to, to hare recourse to; Tac. ; b, to Tt!Cla or rteiU onls lik:mrg 111Drb bf.
ae atl bonnm rrugem, Cic.; ae a<l reliquam cogi- fort frien.d.s, Hor.
tationem belli, Caes. ; b, business l t., to kup r9cJ.i.mauo ..Qnis, r. (reclamo).. 4 crying Old
back, retain, restrve a portion; ruta cacsa, Cic.;, loud dialppn>batinn, C..:ic.
Bibi aliquid, Cic.; c, to sei.u end of tM h.and.s of
Utt ennny; al.iquem .ex ho11tibwil L.iv. ~ to recl&mito, I. (lntens. or redamo), "' err
lakt back, re«we again, rteeive; , ht., menta, O'ld agaiul loudlfl, moleti.U.1 rontmdid, Cic.
Cir..; arma, Liv.; obsldes, Caes.; f!O to rtduce r;ol&mo,, 1. to cry out agai•.ct sMtit i• di.t-
jlfat7' by COfll/Utlt, to n:cowr; Tarentum, Cle.· approba.tion, contradict 1"1tclly. L A. IA. (.J
rec 471 rec
ab!lol., Cle.; (ft) with rl:lt. or~rs., allcol, Cle.; rfloondo -<llrJI -dltum, 3. L lo Za1bd. 9"'
oC thinJl"', oratioui, Cle. ; alicuim1 ptomlssis, back; ghvlinm In ngin"m, Cle.; poet., oculos,
Cic.; ly) with ne and the 11uhj., una VtJce nmnu to cl"se a7ai1', Ov. IL t1J lay arid41. A. Gen.,
judices, ne is jurar,.t, reclama1111e, Cic. B. Fig., 1, lit., a.. tamquam In vagina reconditu111, Cic.:
quoni:lm ratio reclarruit vera, Luer. IL Poet., b, or provJ,.ions, treasure, etc., to lar •P ,,.
tra11-r., /() r~l'a~rult, rt-«h.o, 1·•.snund; with dat.., JtMe, l;up; vrome r ... c .. n<lil um Caecubum, Hor.;
s~ol'uJi, recla111a11t aequora, Yerg. rcc .. n<lita 11lia (111edi··amenta), Liv.; 2, Ilg.,
reclinla -e (reclino), leaning bacl;wards, mens alia recon<lit.i.,e quihus memoria oritur, lay1
l.on&t ba·kriur<U, reclining, Uv. up i1' lltrJT~, Cic. .a.. to cmtetal, hide: 1, lit., a,
quo<l celari opna erat hahetiant sepo~itum u.c
reclino. 1. (re and • <.:li110), to be1ld back, reconditum, Cic.; Asc:a11iu111 curvi valle, Vt:ri,:.;
a111.U "' /,nck.. L Lit., ae, Cae&. ; acuta, b, to th.nut, etc.; enaem la vnhuone, \"erg.; c,
Verg.; reclinatna -& •Um, ~nt back, rrr/irwi, devour; volucre11 avltli alvo, Verg.; 2, fig.,
C&es. IL Tram;f., 1111).lom ab Lohore me rcclioat t-0 et>'llAJrol; voln1•tates, Tac.
otiurn, uiw:JtJ mi! 1rom. lahottr, Hor. reoondiioo -du:rc[ -ductom, a. lo bczrgai11, -clti-i ·c!nsum, :1. (re anti clando). oon.tracl. frJT again, Plin.
tri imc/•.st, ft) 01~n. L A. Lit., portal! hosti, rioontlo, I. to rekindle, Luer.
01'. B. Traust., 1, to bi-inq In light, to di.•d1Jst,
rtr.:al; via111, 01·. ; tellurcrn 1111co <l<'nte, to rec6quo -cox! ·COCtom, 3. I. to boll agai11.;
hrnt ,,,.,.r. cultitult, \'erg.; en~.,m, lo druw from Pelium (in order to make yo1rn9 IJ!lain), Ck. IL
lh.t $1;1t/•'"lrd, Ver;.; 2, 1,, 1Jptn with. a ,,"''' to melt, 8mtlt, f<mJ' again. A. Lit., en~t:~, Verg.
• /,, T'•trct; 11e<:lus 11111(;1011e, Verg. IL f'i~. B. Fig., recoctns scriba ex quiuqu«virr>, 11t•"-
tliriet.•'I operta rcclu<lit, rutals, Hor.; fat..1, t-0 111r1ulcfrd, Hor.
rtla.r, Hor. record.&tlo -~nla, r. (recordor), a rtc0llectftrn.,
recogito, L to think 0vtr agai-, <»nJicler, rerrtembrunce; ulllml k1111JOri11 recordatio, Cic.;
dlliberutt upon.; de re, Cic. plur., rt'C<>rtlatlone11 fugio, Cic.
ricognitlo -onill, f. (recngnoaco). L nr- reoordor, I. dep. (re aud cor). L to .,.,.
coUutio1i; >i'"Plerutn ,;uo111m, <.:ic. ll. ini-utl- 'IMmber, rtc0lltrt; (a) with genit., ftagitinr111n
auorum, Cic.; (fl) with acc., rnajorum d ilii(e11liam,
jlQlion, iruptctic.11, unminin9; agri Campani, Liv.
recognoeco ·DOVi -nltum, s. L A. to r..
Cie.; (y) with acc. and infln., hoc genus
saepe in irn)'rubos dves e~se usurl•atuw, Ck.;
rf>g"fli1~, w knnw agai4; re11, as <>n1'1 proJXrty, (~) with rd. sent., non recuJ'llur, unrle <'edd-
Liv.; ill.1 remi11i~ce11do, Cle. B. to Neall, to go erim, Ci<'.; (•)with de and th., abl., de cetcriR,
'•ttr ag<1in; icc:ogn• •see me<'um nncteni lllarn, Cic.: (() absol., sl r<'cortlarl volumua, Cic. IL
Cic. IL a to i1tS/"-Ct, uami1", int'UtigrUt; to think of IO'Wthing iii tl,e /Ulure, to pomltr 01'e7';
agros, Liv.; b, fll tzmni~ critimlly, to nriu, qua!! 11um IJlL"!lura recurtJnr, Ov.
B1tthe11ticaU, certi/11; decretum l'opuli, Cic.;
co<licem, Cic. reorastlno. 1. (re and crastinn11), to J71't 01
from day t-0 da11, Plln.
reoolll«o -leg! ·lectuDJ, lj, to colltcl (111(lin,
9"tMr klgttk agflin: fl~ .. se, to "Y<1i1t Cl}lln1q1, r.
recriatlo -<lnla, (recreo), Cl rtllorfUioll, •
OY.; prinioe a1111oa, to bf'Come J1U1t1•g again, Ov. ; rt.011·t';r.11. l'li11.
aninium allcuius, to rtcvncilt, Cic. r6orimeatum -i, n. (cemo). d7oa, llaq,
rioilo -L'6Hli -cultom, 3. to ~tltull agali&.. refu..,., Plin.
L Lit., d-rtarn tt:mun, Liv. IL Fig., A. rlicrio. 1. L to crtal• a!l<li", Luer. II. to
IJen., 1, co pmdiaa agai1t, re.umc; 11rt.e..., Cic.; re.lore to u W1&nd condilw11, to r<fruh, invisforaie.
atuJia, Cle. ; 2, to 1tt up again., 1-en.t10, repair; revh'fl: rellex., ae recrear". a11tl mlJd.lehn-'?1"ari,
illlaginea 1ab1·rl"lllS, Tac. ; dignitatt-m, Cic. ; 3, to n:tri111t, to 'IUllJUCT, tobc r<)rulttcl; a, p y .. 1cu.lly,
to honour aguin; aaliquem 1111cerdotii11, Tac. g vncul11e recrt:aurlae 1·a11!13. Cic. • recre..ri "ll
Es1•., ~ lo r~cl 1'po11 agr1i11; incluas aulruM vulu..-1 ... , Cic.; ex vuloeriuu.., Liv.; b, poliLi<:<tlJy, atu<lin re•·olene, Verg.; 2, t11 rtcollcd., pro1·incia111 a1Hicta111 t:l pt:rJ1tam erl;:tr~ at.qua
tli.U: ot>er agai1'; qua.: ai tee um 1pse rr.·olis, ri:crean:, Cic.; mhf.llt:, dvita11 recreatur, Cic.;
Cle.; 3, to call tn mi1'11, renienl>tr agafo, 01-. c, 111t:11tally, atnictos Ruimo11, etc.; recreate lieu
rioommlnlMOI', 3. dep. to rtcolltct, Plaut. ruagno tiruore, to rtcover fr""11, Cic.
rioompono (-~11QJ) -~tu1u, 8. '° ,. reorepo. 1. to tch.o, rUO¥J&4, C.a&.
111/.flUt, re-a""4~; comas, Ov.
ricoaolllatlo -onii1, r. (reoonclllo). L G Uv.
reor•oo -er6ri -c~w. 8. to ,,.ow llfDU..
Ul/O'raliu1&, re-utu1.[&$1Wie1't; CODCOrdiae, Cic.
IL; irridet..&tur baec llllua recou- ricriideaoo -cr1ldfti, 3. to btcr'"" nno
L or wounds, Co 01¥" u.truA; quae consanuiue
eiliatio, Cic.
videLa11tur, recrndeacuut, Cle. IL Fig., to
riocnaolll&tor -6rl1, m. (recoDCilio), a ,..
lllortr, ~bli.J&Lr; pacle, Uv.
l1r1111c °"'
tio11e, Liv.
Qfl&i•; ncrudlllCClllte Ma1dian.A led~
riconowo. 1. L A. ro -.a good a.gan, recti., adv. (ee. Till.), llraig-"-f, ltnlif.U.
restM<, ~Jlair; diutnnai lahori11 detrtmeotum /f1f"vxJ rd., r iyht o.., c:U NCUr, Cle.
""11~1t1l et virt11te n11lil nm ltrevl reconc.iliatur,
eae~: B. "' TM'11 iU, bri HY W]~ther again; a. reoti, ad1·. (rectaa). L (11 a 1traight liu,
ln1m100~ In grat;am, Cic.; b, to appecue, to ruo. In a straight (borfzontal) dlrt'ction ; recte rem.
cik; 1li·1ue111 ali'.'11i, t.1c II. to rutan, ,.. Cle. U. Fig., rightlv, propulv totll, dvly, niit-
td4bli111.; e:ristimatlou.-10 jodidorum, Cic. ablv A. a, or con1luct, 'bl-bavlour, rect.e atqne
orl!ine mce~, judicare, Ck.; recte et vere re-
1'6conolDDo, 1. tn rc'fforf, rrnorote, repcfr; epondPr~. etc. ; b, nr condition, u·tU; apud
trllius locis 11e>llflco, reli•1ua reconclnno, Cic. mat rf'm recte e11t, (I Ca Clll right t.11!th, Cic.; c, of
ricond.ltua -a -um, p. adj. (from reco11do), const"qaeuce, todl, jbw1trubl1, ~lr: ae ahcul
Iv rnaorcd, lltt'f'U, coriaal«L L Lit., locWJ, rt!t'te 00t11111ltt.ere, Caea.; qu!cnm quldvia recC..
Cir.; n<'ut. plur., occnlta et recon<lita trruvli, l!i11irne facere pos11et, Cle.; recte vendere, at •
lfCTel reauu, L'a•:11. II. Fig., a, al¥tru•, pro· 1Ug1' pria, Cic. . . or degrff, recte a1nbulan,
/ow.'l&d; recon1l1tk abetrua>teque rea, Cle.; b, ot Cic.
chara.-ter, rt<JnTtd, rn'JPltriou; natl.II'& l.ria ti ac rectlo ·linla, f. (rego), ca ruling, gotYmin!J:
noon ;,ti fuit, Cio. ttru111 l>ul>licanlm, Cic:.
rec 472 red
reotor ~rill, m. (re__go), 11 ruler, gottrn0r, 1L'tlrd1; colla eqnl, Ov.; aquu In caput, -a
dlN!dor, guidt, Uatkr. L LiL, navis, 1~usman, to fWw back, Ov.; undae recurvatae, wi•whJtg,
t-'ie. IL Fig., rector et gubernator civitntis, Ov.
Cie.; or deities, ruin'; Olympi, or superum, or ricurY08 -a -um, bRt or e1irnd bachazrdl:
deum, Jupiler, Ov.; maris, Ntptunt, Ov. cornu, Verg. ; t.ectum, labyrbuA., Ov.; &era,
reotrbl: -leis, f. (rector), 6he tAa.t lead& or Mob, Ov.; nexus hederae, u:in.di719, Ov.
vuides, Plin. roonaatlo ·oni11, r. (recuso). L a refucl,
reotu. ·& -um, p. arlj. (from rego), 1tra; ! Cic. ; 11.dimere alicui omnem recusationem, JllOl-
(whether horiwntally or vertically), UJrriqht, • L :ril>il ity nf rt/u.sin.g, Cic. IL Legal t. t., a
1, lit., a., in a horizontal direction, ~lruight; protat, Cic.
recto itinere ad lbenun contendere, Cae11.; rect1111 reoiillo, 1. (re and cauea), to rt/v.n, d«liiu,
1"11rs11s hinc ad Africam, Liv.; re«ti oculi, rrjtct, ~ unwilling to do. L Gen., (1&) with
1tmight, attadfcut look, Cic.; b, of vertical direc- acc.; laborem, Cacs.; molestia.a non recueare,
tion, upril}ht; itajacere talum, ut rectusa.~slstat, Cic.; with double acc., populum Romiumm di.1-
Cle.; ~. trans!., grammaL L t., casus rectus, ccptat.orem, Cic.; transf., ofthinga, genua curnm
the nom. (opp. casns obliquus), Quint. IL Jo'ig., recu!lant, Verg.; (ft) with inHn~, gen. with pre-
right, ovrrtct, proper, 11uitabU, due; a, physically ceding negati\'e, non recusare mori, Cu£. ; (y)
and lntellectually,(..)rectutn etjustum proelium, with nc and the subj., 11ententiam ne diceret
Liv.; (ft) 3fmpk, natured, plain, 1truU]htforwaril; recusavit, Cic.; (~) when a negative precedf:'S,
commentarii Cusaris, Cic.; (y) righl, fru from with quin or qnominus and the subj., non pos-
miat-Oku; quae sint in artibu11 BC rntioni!Jus 11utnus quin alii a nobiA disaentiant recUS&tt,
recta ae prnva, Cic.; neut. subst., rectum pra- Cic. ; non recusabo quominus omnee mea Jegant,
vum'llle, Cic. ; b, morally, (a) atraightjorward, Cle.; (•)with de and the ab!., de judiciis tran•
hm~.•t, upright; consilia recta, Liv. ; con· ferendi~ Cic.; (~absol., non, non abnuo,
11d1.>ntia rect.a, Cic.; praetor popull Romani Cic. I.a.. Esp., let;al t. t., to olJj«:t, tab anp(itJI&,
recti~simu.'I, Cic.; (ft) ri!Jht, l'irtuOUJ1, dutif11I; pWu1 in drfen~; quoniam satis recusavi, Cic.
In neut. suhflt., right, virlul', good; neque quid· recuUtl.8 .(1, m. (recutio), altriking bacJ:., ,.,.
quarn nisl honeslum et rectum alter ab altcro bound, rcwil, Plin.
postulabit, Cic.; rectum est, it u right, with
acc. and inl\n., Cic. recdtlo -CU!Ul -CllS!IUrn, 3. (re &Od quatio),
rkiibltu ·tle, m. (recumbo), 11 falUng to atrilu back, mUM to rtbound, \"erg.
douin, Pll n. ricdtitu -a -um (re and cutis). L cirt"lllll·
riciibo, 1. ro lu back, to li4 an tht btick, re- ci.oed; Judaei, Mart. IL "1)1J)Oth·shi>rn, Mart.
cline; in hortulis suis, Cic. ricla (rhicla) and raeda ·ae, r. (a Gidlie
recumbo -ctl!Jlll, 3. to lit backwarvb, rtcliM. wonl), a travelling carrilJ'1]t u•ith j()Ur v-1&«11; \·ehi
L or persons. A. Gen., in cuhiculo, Cic.; in in red4, Cic.
herb&, Cic. B. F,sp., to rtdiru! al tablt; in reclambiilo, 1. to llYllk r.>aCk, Plaut.
trlclinio, Cic. IL Transr., of inanimate things,, 1. to lore again, rel11rn l.ovt:/(lf' km,
to 1ink down, Jail down; cervix in humeros, Cle.
Vcrg. redardesco,. s. lo bttak out agaill (into
reoiiperatlo -Onis, t. (recupero), a rewvery; flames), Ov.
li!Jertatis, Cic. redargiio -gili -gntum, 3. tc con.juJL, rr,/Mtt,
rioupirator -<'Iris, m. (recupero). L a disprovt, C'1ntrrufict; &, of JtCl"SOnS, ~;iargue mt,
rtet.>t-erl'r; uruis, Tac. IL Esp., recuperaton>s. ~i rnentior, Cic.; b or thing~ as objects, referre
a colk~ of thru ar fivt magi~tralt.3 appoinUd by ..t retlarguere mo:>nriacinm alicui11s, Cic.; with
the pra,tor to dttuu cauui which requirtd spwly thing" as 1mhject.i, imvroborum prosperitates
«l.lkmnt.l, Cic- redarguu11t virea deorum, Cic.
rioupiratOriua -a -um (recnperator), of or red&rtua -Ii, m. (reda), tl&e dril'Ct' 0/11 reda,
f"elming to tM recuperatores; judlcium, Cic. coachman, Cic.
reciipero, I. (reeiplo), to gd again, regain, redauaploo. 1. to take jreM. 111Upiou: jm-
recot'l'T". L Lit., a., of thingii, villam suam ab ingly =to rdurn, Plaut.
aliq110, Cic.; urbem, Li\·.; amissa, ; rem- reddltlo --Onis, r. (reddo), tl&e ~
pu!Jlicam, $Uprtmncy in tM stau, Cic.; b, of cl.aUM of a unU1'1.a, apodosi.a, Quint.
persons, o!J5ide11, Caes., Cic. ; si vos et me reddo -dldi ·dltum, s. L to giiY bed,
1p~11m rf:'cuperaro, Cic. IL Transf., to 1dn rr.slort; 1, to rutm-e (the same obj~t); (a) of
again, recora again (a pcr1en'a fai'Our); volun- concr. obj., obsides, captivos, Cat's.. ; equOB, Cie..;
tatem alicuius, Cic. alicui pecuniam, Cic.; rel!ex., se reddere ron-
reciiro. I. to ratort, rtjruh, Cat.. vi\io, to rrturn to, Lh·.; se terris, \"erg.; so J'IAM.,
reourro -cnrrt -cursum, 3. to run back, reddi, ns middle, reddar tenebri6, I Vlrill rd11n&
ha.<frn Luck. L a, lit., of persons, ad aliquem, In, \"erg.; (ft) of alJStr. obj., alicui }o&triam, Liv.;
Cic.; at! redam, Cic. ; in Tusculanum, Cic.; 2, ll> git•t l1<1ck acrt1Uthing aa an tquii-aknl, to giA
rnn>, Hor.; b, trnnsf., of things, luna tum back, requiu, rtpay; a, gen., (a.) or concr. obj.,
crl'llccndo, tum defectionibul! in initia recur- oscula, Ov.; (JJ) of abstr. obj., beneficium, Cic.;
renuo, Cic.; bruma recurrit ineni, Hor.; e~p., of pro \'it& hominis hominll' vit.&m, Caes.; b, esp.,
the counie of the 1mn and the year, to roll (a) to git~ back in arwthtr lanrrua~ =to tro.n.lltttt,
round; sol rccurrens, Verg. IL Fig., A. Gen., rf.ntftr, inlrrprtt; quum ea quae lege!'1lm Gr::u"Ce,
nat11ram expella11 furca, t.1mcn usque recurret, Latine rerl<lt•rem, Cic.; (P) to give back ill 1dlc-
Hor. B. to camt b<v·k t-0, rel urn to; ad e:isdem anc~, to imitau; verha bt'nc (of a parrot), Ov.;
deditionia cond iliones, C,aes. tlJ auuttT, verns audire et reddere voces, \'erg.;
recurao, I. (intens. or recurro), to ntn bark, 3, to rtprtMnt, imitau, rt/kct, rt~t; qui w
luuU-A. bark, rtlurn. L Lit., Luer. II. f'ig., nornine reddet Sylvius Aeneas, \"('rg.; 4, lo
curn recursat, \'erg. 7'1/!ll, rnultr, Muse to ~. with <lonble ~.
nliqnid or allquem, foll. by an adj., aliquem
recuraua ·fiS, m. (recurro), a rt.turn, 0011tin.g iratnm, Cic. ; ltlnera infe.11t.lll..-Caea. ; with a
back, retrtnt; a., of persona, Liv.; b, of water, 1nbst., aliqnem avem, Ov. .u.. to gitt1 ~
etc., Ov. • from oMM.lf, to give out; I. lo giw ti•ltal ii dw1 or
ricuno, l, <recuTVtls), to ~nd or C1t7'l.'e back· q.skt'd /or ar #Ult4; a, 1uwn cwqae, Cle. i
red •73 red
bon(lrem, Cle.; caute vota, to Jvl!!_, Cle.; ratl· alpare, Cle. B. Fig., a. to brlag or ndvet to 11
onem allenl, to "1&du a" acrotuu,Clc.; 80 abo(a) Atatt or condU!otl: lo t!Mlkt, "'"'"" nc:A; Aeduoa
of the flying, eum 11plritum, quern naturae d1:1Jeo, In aervltutem, Caa. ; clvltatem in dltlonem
patriae reddere, etc.; vltam uaturae, Cle. ; (JJ) vnte11t.atemque populi Romaul, etc. ; ad,
of peniona ucriftcing, to o§tr; liba tleae, Ov.; to make «rta£A, Liv.; vlctoriam ad vanum et
(y) of penonlt wrltiop: or apeaklnsr, to rom- iriitum, mab fni.UU.. Uv.; allqnr.m or aliquid
•11JlUnh; led perge Pomponi, de CaeAare et en ut, etc., to bring to ncA a poi11t that, etc.,
re<lde quae restant, Cle. ; b, (a) to give, butow, Liv.; wlt.h double acc., quae faclliA es diftlcil·
grant; respon~ Vel'I(.; peccatis venlam, Hor.; limi!( auiml magnltutlo redeKerat, had Madt di.ffe
legal t. t., reddere judicium, to gram or appoint ci1ltia «Uy, Ca1:s.; In onflnem redigere, rttlva
a judicial inquiry; in allquem, <Aea.; re<ldere to ortltr, Liv.; b, ti) rtdUCJt iA rompau, nunber,
j•lll, to admini.JUT juti«, pronoun« M"nUMt; roliu, etc. ; to lal.en, brift{I d01tm; ex hominuru
alicui pett:oti, Caea.; (JJ) to gronl, ctlunv, leave; mlllibus LX. vlx ad D.1 Caea.; noblliAllhna
Thennstanis urhem, agro11 legeaque 1111AS, Cle. ; famili& jam ad paueo11 reG&Cta, etc. ; vilew ad
2, to giw furth fr<Tm t~ body; &, to git<t o-ut, give aaaem re<llgi, Cle.
fertA (anlmam) a p11lmonih11s, Cic. ; sonum, to ri41mio61um ·I, n. (redimJo), a lappd or
ring or play, Hor. ; bf to reptat, rt.em, narrau; ftlltt, fron.tltt, r.tcklaoe, Cle.
ea siue scripto verbls I sdem, Cle.; carmlna, Hor. rid&nlo -11 -!tum, 4. to biftd roK11d, twrovftd,
ridemptlo ..Oni!1, f. (retlimo). I. a. buyi119 V11't.atht round, CTO'.c11; sertla redlmlrl et l'OAI, Cic.;
•p: a.1 bdbi119; judlcli, a eorrupti?«J._ by briberv, tempora vltt4, Vl!'!"g.; partic. pert., rldlmita.9
Csc. ; D, a farrtn'MJ of, C1c. IL ran.wa- ·•-um, 11ilvla redimita •oca, Cat. (1yncop. Im·
ing, rttkmptiQ?l; captlvorum, Liv. perf., redlmlbat, Verg.).
riclempto. 1. (freq. of redlmo), to mJU0111, ~ -t>ml -emptum (-emtulTIJ( d. (re and
red-; captivos, Tac. emo). L to bv11 back; domum, Cic.; fund um,
ridemptor -Oris, m. (retllmo), a buy~r, con- Cle. IL to bvr; A. Oen. 1 lit., nece.Mria
troctqr, fiirmt:r (of taxe.s), Cle.; fnunentl, Liv. ad cultum, Uv.; vltam atlcn(ua pr11t10, Cle.;
ridemptiira -ae, r. (redlmo), (I ronlracting, 2, trani1f., to bvy. Le., to procvn, obtaia for ca <"'
patriuaonia, Liv.
taxe.a, etc.); redempturla auxlsse pri~; paoem i-rte tructunm, Cle.; pocem ob-
slJibus, Caea. B. Esp., pollt. and legal t.. t.,
ricleo ·II (-lvi) -ltnm, 4. to go bad:, - back, 1, to faT'f'll, Taitt; vectigalla, CHa..; pil:'Sriu,
rtl11rn.. L A. Lit., a, ot peNIOna, e provlncia, <.:ic. ; ~. to oontract fo-r ; OJ•ua, Cle. . IJL to
Cic. ; a Caeure, Cle.; Romam, Cle~; domum, ranlDtll. A. to .a~ br papul\t of tn011q; J..
Caes.; in proelium, Liv.; ad 1111os, Caes. ; with lit., ra/1tivoe e aervitute. Cie.; 2 1 tranar., to Iii
predie. nom., victor ex 1111e J•Ugna redlt, Liv.; Jrtt, ~ irn-; se pe.cunii a judlcloua, c;e.; ae a
with 1. BU(l., 11~ctatum e llt:nat11, Cie.; b, or Gallia auro, Liv. B. to hr ol, al'trl, rnaow:
thing!! &!I aul1je<:t.'I, re<leunt humeriqne manna· acerbitatem a republic&, Cle. ; lit.em, to cona.- ·
qne, Ov.; of wa~r. ftumcn In eand1:m parkm, pomi#, Ci~.
t'X qua. venerat, redit, Cat-i.; of the st.ars, day ricUntesro. 1. to rutort, rt11t10, repair; a,
allll night, etc., quum ad itltm, uude profect& vf persons, demlnut.aa coplas, Caes.; proelium,
•uut, a.'>tra redicrirat, Cic. ; or plact:~, collia Caes. ; memoriam anditor19, Cic. ; !lp@rn, ~.;
paulatina a•l planitiem rediliat, alo~ dow" to, pacem, Liv.; b, of things as 11ut>ject.11, redlnte-
Caes.; poet., or rtanta, re<ltunt J&m gramina grolt luctu1n In caatrll consulum adventue,
cam pis, Hor.; of physical qualities, for111a prior Liv.
redut, Ov. B. Tran!!f., 1, gen., a.l or persona, ridlplMor, S. dep. (re and apllcor), to gd.,
in pri11tinum statum, Caes.; cum a1iq110 in grat- obtain agai1', Plaut.
iam, to be nwnciud with, Cle. ; redire ad ae, to
murn. to oiu'• Mruu, physically, Liv., and men· ridltlo -6nls, r. (redeo). Cl goi719 back, cximing
tally, Cie.; redire ad se atque ad 11101'l'11 1uot1, back, rrttir"'"'' "''""; ceferttaa redltionla, Cic.
Cic.; ad aanitatem, Cic.; Caesar ad duas leglones ridltu -tla, m. (redeo). L a OO!ll£ag batl;
re<lierat,"'°' rtdue«l to, Caes..; b, of tbinga, rea
redit, tlw matkr oomu up again, Cic. ; 2, esp.,
going back, nt1'1'"1L A. Lit., a, of penona.
domum, Cic.; in urbem, etc.; ad allquem. etc.;
or discourse, to nturn to tJu prtv£01U nbjtcC; est homlnibua red.ltua In curlam, "'4J Mli"' to,
Bed de hoc aliaa, uune redeo ad augure~. Cle. etc. ; lntercludere allcuiua redltnm, Cle. ; plur.,
JL A. or revenue, income, to ronu in.; pecunla 1angulne quaerendl redltua, Verg.; b, tnuwf.,
publica, quae ex metallis redibat, Nep. B. to c.f the stars. etc. B. Fig., ad re_m, aa proposi·
rom.e to, be brough.t to, fall to; a, pili.a omlaala, tum, Cic.; redltna In gratlam, r«:OftCUial1-,
ad gladio01 redierunt, they betook the111Mlt1U to Cle. IL rd1Jm1, i7'COIU, n-11e: ling., Nep.;
th.cir nrorri.&, C&P,ll,; b, or things, bona in tabulu rlur., reditua metallorum, Liv.
puhlicas re<licrunt, hat'f btt11. rtgisttrtd in, etc.;
11u111ma imperii, snmma reruns redit ad aliquem
ridlm rednvia (q. v.).
Cat_._,,; mortuo Tullo rea (gol'l'Tnmenl of tlw daUJ1 ridlrivna -a -um (redi =re and Yins), n-
Id pat~s re<llerat, Liv. net«d, ren.oroUd; applied to old building ma-
teriala used a second time ;__lapl11 Cie.; anbet..,
redhiJo, I. to brtntlw out again, LuCT. rid.lrivam ·I, n. and ridlriYa -Orum, n.
redblbeo -t'li -!tum, 2. Ire and baheo). L to old 1>uildi 119 mattriaz. uMd ava'1'o etc.
gi1<t bad:, rttwn, Plaut. IL 111 business, to giw
back, rtl11.rn a damaged article; manclpium, Cic. ridOlio ·iii, 2. to tlftU aA odour, diJ'w• cut
odcur. L Lit., redolent murrae, 01'.; with abL,
ridlgo -~1-actnm, 3. (re and ago). I. lo ilrire retlolere thymo, me.tU of thrme,i!erg.: with aec.,
back, b'Ti11g back, lrod back. A. Lit., ho:itium vlnum. to mull o/wim Cle. .u.. Fig., ltadomua
eqnitatum in C&!ltra. B. Fig., rem i'I pristinam ipsa fumabat, ut muita eina aermonla indlr.ia
belli rationem, Cae11.; in memoriam aliculns, to redolerent, Cic. ; mlhi quldem ex nliua oratton-
a pu10n.'1 rtrolltcti<m (foll. by sec. and lntln.), lbus redolere lpsae .Atbenae vldentur, Cle.; with
Cir~ IL to bring or curry to. A. Lit., to drmc
i1', roll in, coU«t ; qu.antam (pecuulam) ex bonis
acc., doetrinam, Cic.; antlqult&tem, Cic.
patrii11 redegiaset, Cic.; omnem pecuniam ldibua, ri4~mltua -a -um, talfltd agai",
Hor.; magnam pecuniam in aerariu111, Liv. ; r9ain, Cic.
e!lp., ali~uid In publieum redigereJ to deliver rWono. 1. L to giw bad; Hor. IL"'
tJw ptiblAC IT'f!QllJ.ry, to oonjl«;a u, Liv. , or si mp Iy par.Jon; graves lru et inviaum nepotem Marti
redipre ; Heraclii bona verbo redli;ere, re dis- reJonabo, Hor.
red C7t ref
~t 6. dep. to 1'1\l"GIWl, tnlWll'Oft, rifeotor -<11·i.s, m. (reOcio), • npafnr, n
1lla. ltorc1·. Suet.
•"°9'mlo, 4. le . . . cignf", Plln. rifollo ·felll, S. (re and f111lo), to Y"/tl~. OD•·
rt•onDitlo -6nta, f. (rer1ormlo). Cl fOf"f e. /t4,,, di"1•n>H ; ahqnem, Cic. ..i ref'ellere et red·
f1«J1 a~'"' Plln. arguere m~noacium alicuiaa, \;le.; crhoen com-
mune ferro, VefJC.
ridiioo 4w:I 4u1·tu111, S. L Co br6ng bcic.\;
&.ad bacl;.. A.. ro drciw belch, to dnn11 brlcl;1'Un14, riferolo -film ·fet"tum, 4. (re and farclo), f.o
dni111 lomnI. 011.u~l/: 1, lit., &, gen., falcea tor· L Lit., c!oaca.s l"OT•
miff qu j(, Jv.ll, J.ll full.
a.ie11t.&a lntern·ta, Caea.; ~wu11 11d pl'Ctor&, Ov.; l'orlbua ch·i11111, Cle. IL Fig-., A.. Oen., coni·
bt M}•., (a) Co draw in; auru naribu1, Luer.; J?lllrel aureA latls 11en11011ihul', Cic.; lit1roa pner-
(flJ to uk11d • fortfjlco.tion; rullquu omnea 1llhu1 f'abull11, Cic. B. ro mncd togeL!ttr; qu::ie
111unltlo11eaabea rosaa petleaCCC. redu:dt, Caea.; Crusm1 perangn1<te rererslt in oratlone 11ua. Cle.
2, Ilg., a, lo racM; aucioa a morte reduxl, rtf6rio, 4. L eo Jtrilce bad· .tnb U!Juin,
Verl(.; b, to bq back from: meque lpae raluco Plaut. U. Co rt.jlu:l; apecull referitur huagiue
a contempl11tu dhoove<>que mali, Ov. B. to Pboobna, Ov.
ll.a4 llad:, ciften with rarene or rursum ; 1, lit., rifiro -tQll -lltum -ferre. L to curry bad;
a, gen., (•)or peM10na u obJ.i 111iquem domum, bring liack, bear l»ck. A.. l to a place, a, to brif&f
Ole.:; (JJ) at thlnp, dJem or OCISW. Verg..; b, IJQ.C];, carrr back; ca11dclaLrum, Cic.; pecuni:ta
. ,.. , (a) to 11CC0111pal\r, lo lllCIOr'C, .. a 1uark or ln templum, Cne11.; ('.sp., or the wounded, 11li·
reapect: 1tliqu.em domum, Cic.; {P) to ruklrs a" queru in C1.11tra, Ln·.; b, Co '4kc hol:k, nstorf
G'ilt; aliquem de euill<>, Cic.; rcgem, Ci~.; (-r) tchaf. Aaa bttn uni or·~ gfoe back; J•teram.
milit. t.. t., Co dniic /,.1(k /un:itl, ~dnnc7, m- Cic.; fig., nd equestrem ordluem judlcla, Cic.;
Co r,iirt, klJu ha.cJ.:; lcrionea ex Britaunl&, Caea.; o, to g(t1t bock from o·M.,1/; (a) to spU out ; com
copiu a munllionlb111t, Caea.; vict.orem exercitw11 1111ngul11e mlxto. '"lr111, \'erg.; ({!)to ClltaM to ~1u1cl
&11111.11., J,lv.; 2, Iii;., a, aliquem In gr.itiaau
cum aUquo, Cle.; ali•1uem ad offtcium unit.a·
bnck, '° CUVN to teht1; In 11&8". - lo an, f.o N-
I01'nd: U.eatrl natura It.a roiionan1, ut UY!ut
temque, Cle. ; lll mc111oria1a, to rteall to reculleo- Romam 11lgniflcat10111111 vocclll1ue nferantur, Cie.;
Cioll, Cic.; b, to rc-h.irudMcc; legcm mlljestaU., d, Co carrr back= to maJ,-, to ntu.rn; (•)of re-
Tac·. U. to bring or reduct Co a ccrcai1' *'"or turn, me t'eferunt pedea iu Tuscula11u111, Ci<:.: MilL,
coadUio1'; (caruew) la111be11do alt artua referre pedem, or refene ae, or ~-· Tt-ferri. u
f111gi~ et In ronnaau reducit (oC the ahe-bear), middle, to Nf1'rn, to tl•TI' bad.: u:1a.i11, ,,, r"'11r"
Ov. hotnl; ae lt.enuu Ho11111n1, Cir. ; da...... em rela.tam
~duotlo -<inl•, r. (ret.luco), a bri~ng back;, \'erg.: ~p., (mo) to bring wcl: time UwaC
ngia .AJU);a11driui, ~ruli.oll, Cic. U pa.d; 0 mlbi Vn&tlt!l"ilu~ l"t!femt II Ju1•J'
rHuotor -<Irle (reduco), OM wAa bri"i' annoa, Verg.; (/Jfi) tn tli•·•r& «?ttill OfV., Lmt,
6Gd:; 1t1rbi11 Rou.anae ln urbem, Ll\'. tnAT9J1, etc.; ocul•>a aniu111111que ad •li<tutm,
Cic.; animum ad stutlia, Cic.; 1111 11d phll·~
riduotua -a -umi. p. a<lj. (from reduco), phinm, Cic. ; (yy) to rulort to a coMiitWn&; cn1:1-
.U~nncm, retired. ui:,._ot placea, Ttli.~d. 11ilia 111 meliu>i, \'erg.; (U) le~al t. t., t.o b1"lllf
~: nllia, Verg. .u. l'il(., vlrtus e11t U(7atn before o COMrC of j11J(i«; rem judical&lll,
metllu1u Tit.lormn et utrlnque, diatallC Cic.; (tc) Co rt/~r to, tc j11d9e tri/, ""a-n ~
tr- l>o(li. a:trnv8, Hor. ; ap11lie<l to a painting, ing lo a ccrtai" 1tandard; omnia ad \'oluptntem,
red~tlora, Che backqrow.rid, Quint.:, 1'6-
Cic.; omuia comiilia atque iacla ad digult.atem
4uota -<lrum, 11. (t.ranslatlon or 4rotrpo11yµ.oa), et ad virtut.em, CiC.; (/J) O(, to MOU bod;
lll hmi:nal(e or the Stoica, thing• w/t.ich c&&Lra, Liv.; esp., rererre ~em or veatigia, or
~" MC ~oil• were Co bt ngcmfeli u h\(crior g111.o.lu1u (gmoui;), or reftex., 11e ref~ aru.I pa.a..
(opp. product&), Cle. referri, &8 Ill idd le_ to relmzl, 7JION bac.t. srleitl; esp.
ridw:aoua • -um, btM, bototJCI, ~rwri; u milit. t. t., paulatim cedere ac pedena rt'fern,
roatruau (a<tuila.e), Ov. Caci!.; (y) naut. t. t., Co driw bad:; au.teralu1uem
ri41UMlal:ltla ·&e, r. (rcdundu). a" overflow- iu- ltaliam refcrt, Cic.; 2, t.1 bring fro• a
pl4.ot, tu a tropla11, prt11C11l, di!ICOver]I; a, talxllaa
_,; Ilg., o! 1tylc, mlu.11d.• 11c11, Cic.
rHundo, l. (re and, Co OWT)l010, llream reperlAA ad Caesarem, <.::·~.; JtTV re oerta l&l•m
11pent clomuw, Cic.; eap., mil it. t.. t., liigM
owr. L 1, lit., or water, etc., lacus, Cic. ;
pitulta, Cle.; partic. per!., reduntlatu• poet."'
ledunda111, owrj!o1rin11; a.quae, ov.; 2, tru1111r.,
111ilitaria sex, Caes.; b, Co bring baa ca
N7iort. 1itc. ; re11ponsum. Cic.; rum ores, Cic.;
Co owrftow 11:Uh; full. l>y 11hl., Asia, g11ae eorutn with ace. and lutln., l111mlnere Volscum belluua,
h'9onun ean~uine retlu111lat, Cic. IL Fij., 1, Liv.; 3, fo lni11g back cu tquimlt"l\t. rd11~ ,...
14 or:trfauo, alJ1tt1.11d, flow fore/• frulr; a, natiuneis I/Iii~; a, vicem, Ov.; allcul plunmam ealutrau,
ln pnwincias roJundare roterant, Cic.; lufamia Ci·~.; b, i:rnti;1111, to rtturn llli111klr, "1 Terotn/"11#,
.. 111111icv1 r~luudat, Ci<-.; b, of orators, .Aeiatid Cic.; 4, to tum !Jack (J11trti of tl1e body); oculoa
or.itoru nimis roJ nn<lnnu·~. cr.1iio111, diff111t, nd Lemun i.Jen~iuem, Cic.; 011 in 98, Ov.; 5, to
Cle.; 2, tc be r,.ry 11'111nda 111, a/).J11111l; ut neque re:7,,.at, rrntu•, rt.slon; a, M1t•lean tot.iua ~u
tn Antonio deesset hie or11:1tn~ nrntionis, neque desc1 ivt1u11elll, Cic.; b, to repr<M1.t., bt tJie illlltff
ln CrullO reduntlaret, Cle.; with nbl., le abound of, rtc:a!l; aliqnPm ore, \"t>r!('. IL fo gfot a•,uy
""; eplendiilib1h11or111n homlnum multitm.line, /r<Ym OflUtl/. A. tn give up, rraivrt, d~lir~;
Cle. frumentum omue ad se reft!rrl, eaes.. ;
pollt. t. t., h11nc ex fennre p!'('Uniatn pope.lo,
ridtiTla (ridlvla) ·ae. f. (from • reduo, d.tlittf' inU> the pvbUc trta11try, Cic.; ratJonea ad
aa exuvlao from cxuo), a han(1Jta(l, W'hillow, llerariuru. Cir.: c:1p., a, w pay ol; octonis
ii> loi«nlng of the ~Id" "°'"'d tlu naiu; prov., ldibu11 aera, Hor.; b, kl ofter a1 a llJClill«; IOl-
ciuum ca111t1 meclcri deboa1n, reduvlam curem, lemnla ludis, Verg.; c, to pronirt, confer ttpma:
Gltnd U> a tri}k, Cic. con•nlatum ad patrem, Cir. ; d 1 to nport. rrlat.
ri4us .. \Qels (l'('dnco). L Act., bri11rrf!lf1hack, by viord of mo11t1' or by 'Wnti11g : eertomna
t¥dm"in9: epithet of Ju1•lter, Ov. IL l'll!ls., bominum aermoues arl allquem, Cic.; baec man-
llrvtlghl b11clc, rrt1•nud; reou~ encl!, Verg.; me data Caesar!, Caes.; aUquem in numero deoruru.,
redu<-em eue \ olui1tis, rdunud /r<nt& crilc, Cle.
Co rn!.M ca, Cic. ; with .,,c. and inltn., referunt
·(abL 1ing., reduct lo poeta, Ov.). Buehoa ad extremos ltnea 18 recepiaee, Caes.: e,
l'lltotlo -61lia, t. (reflclo>. ca ft,plliriag, ,... to pl~ bt/OT8 for advice, nppl11 to, nkr lo; de
..condioa. elguo Conconllae dedlcando ad ponti6cum ool·
ref 476 ref
l~nm, Cfc.: esp., 1, reterre 11d 11enatum, to rello, 1. L Iutrnn111t., to b10ttl back, b..•
briw1 a •11tnliM1 l>tfor'- tlu 1m•ts; a.I 1en.1tum rte ogaina!zhlcnD0011/mr1t; et."I et.·11lnc va!Je reftnut,
le;libus al>rngn11J i'i, Ck.; 2, to rt!fi&ltr rtcor<t, etc. J.L Transit., to bluw 011t, llrtutlw ""'· Lu<"r.
"'''r; j11<lici11m i11 t..11tul:\it puhlica~. de.; ali· r~ftoresco .flUrtll, 3. to bevl~ to bl°""' a,Ma,
quid in co11111w11t:iriuiu, In lihcllnrn, Cle. ; all· Plin.
q11em In prosrript.o.,, (7' tlt4 lut of proscril>t1l, "
Cic.; ~11p., in tvrft, in a11 acroun.l-book: pecun i:un reftiio ·lluxl -ftuxum, 8. lo~• 1'ocl:, to~
opert pnl>llc·n, tmdn" t/r'. lu.trd of a pulilic U'OTk, ftcw: Nilu11 reftuU c.:am11is, Verg.
Cic.; ali11ui<t In acceptum n-ferre or aree1•t11111 reftiiua -& -um (reftuo), fan/riag back; mare,
reft:rre,'° e11rer 11.1 l"'j,l, Ci1·. (~rr. and Mup.,_ Ov.
rettull and rel l;1t.11rn 11ometimes ID poets to nf04lo ·mill .fouum, 8. lo dtg oW, tllf ...
make the llr.t ·~·ll;ohle long). Pliu.
rifert. ret1"\lit, rer"r-rc, impers. (from re, tor
ex f'• ancf rert), it 1'kltl,.N, it cow"f'r111, u of u.u,
riformator ·6rle, m. (rdormo),
/or"" again, a rttl(wr, impt'01*", Plln.
°"' W.
II QlfMat.•geou.s, u onb inUrui; with me&, tu.l, riformidJitlo ~nl11, r. (reformido), ~-
ooetra, vcslr.1. cujl; more rarely with :id and dr«Jd. ftn.r turor Cic.
the&•:<.•., or only acc., or with genlt.; a., with J>Oll· _}(.,; '- ' ttad ·
111111s. pron., non ucripsl Id, quod tua Dlhil refere- ~~ 4. o, I. to d • ftar, bf! o/m 1d .oJ,
bat, Cic.; non 1•l11l! 1UI\ refel'Tt', quam al, etc.,Ci<'~;
b, without poM. pron., refert magno opere Id
Mu~, ativt..t •. 1 n.,or ~~""• ( ) ":1th acc.,

all(\ •em._ Cic • l.<'lium, Cic. • (fJ) with 1t1l~11.! tt•

lpi;u111; with iutln. m11111bj., neque refert videre ~~1t ammus <'.1q11e Jlcere reforml<IRt, C1c., (y)
quid llk<'ncl11n1 sit, Cic.; with dcptmd. lnterrog. ~th. rel. llt'llt., nee_, quit!. uccnrrat, rcfnrmldat,
1eiit., quiil n.:ft:rt~ qua me ratlone cogntls? Cle.; ~~c.: (.S) ubsol . ._ v1ile, quam non :reformideru,
quit.I n:f<:rt, utrum voluerlm llerl, au i;auJ~am C1c. • bV or th111g:i, ante ('rltea) rdonuklant
fact um? Cic.; c, with dat., quit! referat i11tn1 ferTUm, erg.
llAturae flue• vh·enU, jugcra centum an 1nille riformo, 1. lo form., 1M1&ld all.8'0,-""'
aret! Hor.; d, with g"uit., fncieudnm aliquld, iA/trrm; lolcua rerormataa In aunoa prlmoa, OT.
quod illorum In!l;.4i!I, quain sua. retulls~('I vidcre- refovoo -tovi .f?it11m, 2. lo earn ogain,
tur, S:tll.; e, nbsol., tamquam rercrret, aa VU chui&h. at)aiii, rtvfre, rntqre, 'f"efre:Jl, LIA,
wre tJf any con;equmoe, Tac. corpus, Ov.; vlre.1, Tac.; lgnt>11 teph.loa, OT. U.
rifertus -a -um, p. adj. (from rererclo), Fig., provinclu lntemiis certamiuibua 1 - ,
lhftd, cmmm,(f, .ftlled, fuU; (o) with RbL, in· Tile.
mh rererta dlvitii11, Cle.; (fl) wit,h genlt., 111are ~rtlraoti.rl61ua'·a-um(dlm. ofrefract.arb),
rerertum praedonum, Cle.; (-y) with de and the I01t~Aal COIW'nliow dubbonl • hoc Judidale
ab!., 1:ur de pmoemlla referti esscnt eontm librl, d.ioendl genua, Cic. ' '
C1c.; (6) ah~ol._, aerari?m refertiua, Cle.! the· ~traotarius -a ·nm (rel'r:igor), rfl&b~
atrnm refcrt1!'1S11num, Cic. f't/radory coiittiittoua Sen.
rifen6o, 2. to baa owr; ftg., rererveua 1t - ' '
fa.lsum crimen Cle. re~, 1. df'p. (opp. t.o autrni.gor), to op-
->1 ' • fJC*. "1i.l/l$tand, thwart; pet.enti, C1c. ; honori
niferv~oo, S. (referveo). Co boil Mp, b11&bbu elue, Liv.; Ula lex petltiont tuae ttfragratA eet,
•P; 11;1~u11 reierveaelt, Cic. u oppoaetl to, etc.
rifloio. -ftcl ·fect11m, 8. (re and ftlclo). ~ retreno, 1. to Aold hczck, m• "'; tranar.,
totllakea'lfl&n.. A. lo makf a,frull, f!, to hold bai.:k ratrafn curb· tluvloe Luer • aquu,
•nna, Mil.;.~ q~ ennt omiiaa, Cle. B. Ov.; fig., a~lnrum, Cle.; fuvl'ntu~m, oio.;
Co cAcio.. ~11t, _tnbwiO!I, Cle. IL lo "~ e11Centei1 a gloria Cle.
liM, rutore a tJ& 1flfl lo ill prn(o1'I condU IOll ; " · '
l&lat.em Cle. ; dp., a, to bKild aga'"; ponte111, reft-loo ·frlci11 -frlc.l~tlruai L to f"IW Clflli•,
Caes.; ~n&, <.;le. ; b, lo n)U, npair: naves, tcrolch. again, gall. I~ Lit., a lculus vulnera, to
elasRm, Caca.; aedea, Cle.; o, to l#.glat agai11, tear opm, Cle.; clcat.ricem, Cle. IL Tranat, lo
~1111i. again.; t111mm1UD, Ov.; d. to racon "' a:c'te aga(n, re~; rulr.luirriml tact! memoriam,
JOiM oJ nu111be,., to jiJ.l ttp, COMpld.; exercitum, Cic.; tuia ~lenbue relpuullcae praeterlta fat&
Liv.; copiau, CaCll.; e, to r&Cort MaUA, 11«1.l,
cvn; Ttronil reHciendi epes, etc.; f, to
(phy~lcally, politically, meutally), Co nfrnh,
""°"" retrlcnbfs, Cic.; dolorem, Cle.; crebro retricatur
lipp~tuito, breaks ov.t~raA, awmn again, Cle.
riJrigwatfo -6nia, r. (re!rlgero), 11 oooliftg,
rnir•; retlcere M et curare, Cle. ; reaum via ao coolnus; me delecta.nt et retrigeratio et vlclsslm
v4fjlii1 n1ilitem, Ltv.; me recreat et reftcit Pom· aut 1101 aut fgnis hlbemua, C1c.
peii oonailiwn, gi'Off tU llrengt}t., Cic.: of things, rifrig...,tiriu .. -um (refrigero),....,
herliaa, Ov. JlL to gtl back
pla.~ meri:edis tlt fundo, Cle.
aga'"' ncriw, gtl; Plln
d _ _
rifigo -tin -flxwn, s. lo tcr, loote plvck o§, ~~watrtz ·lcle, t. oooUag, PU..
pl11d.; ILJIU.rt, ttn/a.tfell.. L Lit., tabu~. Cle.; reft-igiro, l. to mauoool. L Lit., a, phyaf-
llgtlA templla, Hor. II. Keton., A. to Cakt down. cally, stella t)aturni refrfgerat, eta. ; b, of
the tabla of the lmo, i.e., to rtptal, abrogau; animal heat, membra undi, Ov.; def membra
ltgn, aera, Cle. B. to pack up, ap. Cic. pl\rtim ardentia ~rtim refrigerata dloenda sunt,
rlango 8. to form. ane10 ; cerea regna, Verg. Cic.. ; l>M"·• rcfr1gc~rt, u mlclt.lle, to cool one-
" _ • ulf, grow cool; um1>r111 aqulsvc, etc. IL TraJl8f.,
ritliglto, 1. Co ad: back, dn&a!Wt ciga.'n, eu cool, to dtprit'fl of warmth. or ual ; and hence,
°'1;, pass., to be cold, t:rh4tuttd, languid lo groto lllOl
rea&tua .fl,. m. (refto). La blmuing again.d, or lanyuid; re!'rigentta accWlll.tio, Clo.; aermone
Plin. IL M<'ton., a conlrary 111£11<.f ,- 11&\'e& de- refrigerato, Cle.
l&~ Uticam rellatu hoc, Cle. reft-igesco .frlxf, 3. to gr010 colll, oooZ do....,
riflecto -ftexi -ftexum, 8. Co ht"' back, bnd btconu cool. I. Lit., cor corpore c1101 toto re-
&ad::. L Lit., cervlcem, O"'.; ocul0111 0v.; pallll., frlxlt, Ov. U. Transr., to W$t uurmth., frigour,
reftectl, aa mi•ldle, teretl cervice renexa, Vt>rg.; Mal, groto cool, ro flag, to fail, t-0 abatt, to grow
longos retli·ctitur ungnea, beTada h.ia MU. into Ital•; lllud crimen de unmmis calult re recenti,
loNg talun.~, Ov. IL l"lg., lo htrn back, turn, nunc In cau11a refrixit, Cle.; vereor ne hast&
diiiert; animum, Cle.; u1entea, Cle.; oraa in (Che pubUo avction) reflixelit, Oic.; or persona,
meliua, Verg. ticaurna reflixerat, Clo.
ref 416 reg
dtrt.n&o -tregl -tractum, 8. (re and l'rango), rigfftoua ·a um (rex and f'acio),\ ~ ·~
10 brl!ak up, break_~n. L Llt.1 claus?"&, Cle. ; pnni:ely, trplmdid ; luxus, Verg.
carcerem Liv. IL Transr., t-0 oreak in p!tcu,
to break, ·~; vim ftumlnis, Caea. ; vlm ror- regtgno. s. to bring forth a.gain, btgd 119U• ·,
tunae, Liv.
:aiatllu -1, m. La town. i" tM 001mtry oJ
riftl.glo -f'ilgl -fl1gftnm, S. L In transit., to the &Winu, from which Appiiu Claltdiiu ~- to
~away, tab lo~ighl, t«apt. A. Lit., v.el~ls­ R011U. Hence, Big1llen.&IJI -e and B.iglll-
aime, Caes. ; ad auos, Caes. ; Syra.cusas, C1c. , ex
castris In montem, Caes. B. Transr., a., t-0 i.D.u ·&·Um, bdongirtg to &glllll.$. IL a mi.all
turn away from., avoid; vite11 a caulibus. retugere lah in Lalium 01i the 'via Lavioo.n.a, i;c-ene <1 A
dicuntur Cic. ; b of places, t-0 retire from, vl.clory of the &man.! over the .l.ati1t1, 4116 B.C.
rtttd4 Jr~m; retug{t ab litore templum, Verg.; Hence B.egtllenala -e, surname of tJu POil·
o to take with, hal1d recour.e to: ad legatos, vmH ::i. the Roman rommander waa t.M didali:Jr
Cfe. D. Transit., to flll from, avoid, run awa11 Post~miiu. IIL IUMl4m.t o/ the geM .At11&ilia.
/rOJA. A. Lit., impetum, Cle. B. Fig., to reslmen -fnls, n. (rego). L guidi119, lead·
at.'O'W, sA1m; jodlcem, Cle.; minlateria, Verg. ing. A. Lit., equonun, Tac.; nav\ll, Tac. ;
nttiglum -fl, n. (refugio), a J>lacl o/ rtfr:igt, cohortlum, Tac. B. Fig., guidan.«, ~ ~"""
11 rf./ugt; silvae dedere refugium, Liv.; reCug1um ment direction; t-Otiua magL'(tratlls, Liv.; abiol,
popnlorum orat aenatus, Cle. tAe iowmmem of a 1ta.U, Tac. D. tAa.t i.o1'id
guida. A.. Poet., the 1'11.ddcr, Ov. B. Fig., 11
riftlgua -a -um (refUgio). L flying, fagilivc, rukr, g0\1tr1Wr; rerum, of a state, Liv.
ncaHng; quldam ln caatra refugi, Tac. Sub8t.,
refugl, fv.11.Ui..,,,, Tac. IL Poet., tl'llilsf., rtced· ri~ ·•e, r. (rex), II qvem.. LA. LIL,
mg, Nioiling; unit&, Ov. 1 gen., Plaut. ; 2, esp., of Cleopatra, Cie.;
riftaJaW -tnlsi, 2. to gkam or gUtUr back to ol Dido, Verg. :a; Tranaf., &, ot goddeases,
regina, Jun,o, Cle.; b, a ktfig'1 da~._o
MMw ~. to glitUT. L J,it. arma reful- prince.u (of Arladn11), Verg.; of Medea, Ov.. .u.
pntla, Liv. ; Jovls tutela refulgens (or Jupiter, J.'ig., quun, mt.tru1, ~; hacc una vi.rtua
u an atu1picloUJ1 birth-star), Hor. IL Fig., (justitla) omnium est domlna et retPn& nrtutum,
splendldaque a docto tllma retulget avo, Prop. Cie. ; reglna pecunla, Hor.
rifmt.d.e ·fildi -filsum, S. L to pour back; :aiginu, v. Reglum.
vapores elidem, Cic.; aequor In aequor, Ov.;
reru11u.s Oceanus, ebbing amt flowing, Vi:rg. IL redo -<!nis, r. (rego). L II dir«tioa, liu..
to cauu to Jm,oforlh; pass., ret'undi, as middle, to A. Gen., al qui tantulum de recta regtone ~e­
ONTJm,o; 1tagna rertuia vadis, Verg. flexerit, Cle.; haee e&.dem eat noatra regio et TI&,
Cle.; oppldl murua recti regione, ai nnlllli &11·
retiiti.Uo -OOis, r. (re!uto), II rt.futa,tion, <Xm· fractu1 lnterooderet, MCC pa.saus aberat, Caes.;
jWation, Cic.
rectA reglone, '" a straight mu, 1:Jv. B. Esp.,
ritiiti&u.s, abL -11 rerutatio (q.v.). e regione, adv., a, in a 1traight luie; _alterum e
ritiito 1. L to drit'I!! back, J1IYll back: na- regione movetur, alterum declinat, Cic. ; b, i•
tlones be{lo, Cio. D. Fig., to ~. <>ppa#, the opporiu dirtction, owr, agaiMl; (a) with
repd, rtprt&. A. Gen., elamorem, Cle; enpidt- gen It., e regione solis, Cle. ; (JJ) with dat.., e!!Se
tatem, Cic.; virtutem aspernari ac rerut.are, Cic. e regione uobis e eontrarla parte terTae, Cic.
B. Esp., to 001l,futl!, ref1LU, di.aprove; ecelerat- D. 'l'ransf., A.. a boundary luu, boundary; 1,
orum per;iuria testimoniis~ Cle. ; allqu(l& dome11t- gen a lit., usually plur. rea ea orbls terrae l'ej!·
1cls testibu.s, Cle.; Fors aiota refutet l may /au loni.tnu; dellniuntnr, Cle.; b, Ilg., &e!M! regfonibus
awrt I Verg. offtcii eontinet, Cle. ; 2 1 _esp., ai t. t. or augurs'
rigillolua ·I, m. (dim. or regalia), a amall language the line of rign.i ; per 1 tuu m region um
bird, perhaps tlu wren, 8uet. racta d~rlptlo, Cic.; b, a regio1' of t.M M.irt111
or tarth.; regio aquilonla, a1111tralia, Cie.; o,
rigi.Ua -e (rex), royal, regal, kingl11. L Lit., geographiml poritwn, earn ea11e naturam. ~
genus civit:Atls, monarchical, Cic.; nomen, Cie.; regionem provlnclae tuae, Cle. B. 1, n ~
carmen, celWrating dttda o/ ki1lg1, Ov. IL ccmntry, u~. dumct;. a, lit. locus in
Trans!., kingly, vr£ncrly, 'IDO'l't.hJI of a king ; regione peatllenti saluber, C1c.; b, ft((., ,,,Mrr..
ornatus, Cle. ; regalem anlmum in ae ease, departmmt, territory; bene di~re non batiet
deflnltam allquam regionem, Cic. ; 2, el!P·•. a,
rig&U~r, adv. (regalia), royally regally; a, at& adminutratiiie division, prot'ince, dutrid;
In good sense, eentum hostile sacrifteium regal- prlnclpes regionum at.que pagorum inter auos
iter Mlnerva.e conflcere, Liv. ; b, in a bad jus dlcunt, Caes.; b, G diririon., quarter, 10ard,
sense, dupottcally, tvrannica.Uy; preclbua mlnu district of Ro1nc, Tac.
regaliter addere, Ov.
ftfieJo. I. to thaw, toarm, Mart. rislOD&Um. adv. (reglo), CICCOT'diJlg du·
tricu, pro'lrincn; trlbus describere, Liv.

righero, 1. to bring fortA again, to ge1ur<ZU Jtipum. -II, n. L a to1U11. o/ th.e Boil !"
again, reproduce, Plin.
Gallia CUpadana, now Rtggia. Hence. Be-
rigerm.lnatlo -onis, r. (regermlno), a bud- denaM -lum, m. the i1lhabita11U o/ &glva.
ding again, putting forth o/ buds again, Plin.
regermlao, 1. to put .ferl.h btuU again, ger-
IL a town of the Bruuii, al the .9CI~ ~ Itai1,
'/Uar Sicily, now Reggio. Hence, Biguiua -a
•in«U again, Plin. -um, belonging t-0 .Regiu.m.
regero -gessi -gestum, s. to carry back, btar ridu -a -um (rex), royal, regal, l."il'&{llf.
back, 1'ring back. L Lit., quo regesta e f088& L A~ .. A. Lit., anni, the period of llWHarcltJI ol
terra foret, Liv. ; tellnrem, to throw back again, RmTu Cic.; ales, the eagle, Cic.; cauA& (of the
Ov. IL Tran11f., to throw back, rdt•"R, rtl1Jrt; \nstaha.tion of Ptolenueus Auletes), Cic. B.
convieia, Hor. Transl'., royal, sple11dW, m.agniftcrnt; moles, Hor.;
rigt'.a, v. regius. morbus, ja1nulice, Hor. IL Bubst., A. rigll
r i p adv. (regius), royally: a., In a good -orum, rn. 1, tM troops of tJae kinp, Liv.; 2, :u
sense, Pfaut.; b, In a bad sense, arbitraril!f, aatraps o/ the king, Nep. B. regla -ae, f. l,
dupotU-4lly, tvra1'nicaUy; crudeliter et regie the royal dwelling, the palace; a., gen. J. Cle. ; b,
fterl, Cle.; ea quae regle ffU potlu. tyrannfoe esp., a building In Rome on the Via tS&Cra, the
statuit in aratorea, Cle. palace of Numa, afterwarda UMd b7 the pri~t&,
reg 477 rel
Cic.; so ntrium reglnm, J,iv.; o, mett-n., tM tnkl pl«uurt in rmding OVI" aga•?t, Cle.; land.
cmtrl, tM rollttl family, Liv.; 2,= basilica, a atlonem Lollli, Cic.
ptr.blic Juul, 8uet. =
relolo rejlcio (q. v.).
regludno, !. ~ 1mgliu, Mp<Zrate, Cat. rejeoti.neU8 ·& ·Um (~fcio), lo be rtj«tt,d;
reg:nAtor -Oris, m. (rr.gno), a ruur governor, aubst., riJeoti.niia -Omm, transl. of Ule Stoic
li1'11; OlymJ'I, Jupitff, Verg.; Asia.e, Verg. All'oll'po'l)'µiv11, things u.•h.idl, thmlg1' AOt wil, art
reguatrbc -trlcis, r. (regnator), rofo~; to be r~ected, Cic.
domus, Tac. reJeotlo -l>nis, r. (reJicio). L Lit., a tArot0-
regno. I. (regnnm). L Intransit., to eurcU!e ing out, throwing back, throwing iip; sanguinhi,
royal auth-Ority, be a h'11.g, ·reign.. A. Lit., a 1piltfog of blood, Plin. U. Fig., A. a ro&ting
aeptem et triginta regnavlase anno:oi, Cic. ; out, rtjectionl des]ri.sing; a, huiu11 ctvitatis, Cle.;
impers., post Tatii m•~rkm ab sua. parte non b, e.11p., J.. >1:R t. t., tMref"IUIO.ltoacaptapa.rticular
erat N',gnatum, Liv. B. Transr., to rule tJ3 a juJcJC, challmgiug a juryma?l; jnd1cum, Cle. B.
ki"'l; a, or person!!, to be ~er. to hat•e ab!O· In rhet., In alium, a shifti•q o§ /rof1& ou.adj to
luk Bllia!I, t-1 play the lord; partly In 11. ~ood another, Cic.
seri!lf'c, Graecia jam regnante, Cic.; partly In a rijeoto, 1. (inten11. of rt>Jicio), to «Ut back,
bad sense, to be a tyro.nt; regnavit Is qnidem throw bacl-, Luer.
(Grac<:hus) paucos menSt>,S, Cic.; b, or things, riJlolo ·Vci -jeetum, 3. (re and jaclo), to
lo r11fr, grt tht TtUJ.9tery; ignis per 1ilili. cacurnina thraw back. I. Gen., A. ln a narrow ~mte, t,o
regnat, Verg.; a~<l,1r eden<li I->CT viscera rt>gnat, ratr.- bthi•td, throw b;hind; a, scutum (to protect
n:J{/tB, Ov.; or ali~tractioll:!, iu quo uno regnat oneselt), Cic.; esp., or a garment, to throw lielt.ind;
orat:o, Cic. II. Transit., I<> ru.Ie; only in vass., togam ab humero, Liv.; peenulam, to tJiro10 hack
regn1ndam acci~re Al ham, Verg.; with abL of 011 t1u 111.ovlders (to ltmve the hands free), Cic.;
pers., urra regnata Lycurgo, Verg.; gentes quae b, esp., (4) rt.'jlcere or ptUlll., rejici, &s middle, to
regnantur, which art ruled by kiTl{ls, Tac. rink back; se In alicuiu3 gremium, Luer.; <fl) to
reguum -1, n. (rex). royal power or aulAor- pl~ behind; accen110s in ~remam aciem,
u11, royalty, monarchy, the throrni. L A. Lit., Liv.; rejecta mater, Cic. B. In a wider sense,
•u~rbl regni initium, Cic.; regnum alfectare, to C04t from onutlf, throw nwar, rtpd, drit-a
Liv. B. Trangr., 1, in a good sense, autlwrity, back; 1, l!t., a, colubras ab ore, Ov. ; oculoa
ruu, powt:r; alicui regnum deferre, Rutulomm ar\'i&, turn from, Verg.; ~p., (a) to ; aLuti ad omni& atomorum reguo et thr(TIJ.J away a garmtnt; vestem ex humeris, Ov.;
licentil, Cic.; 2, in a bad sense, under the sagulum, Cic. ; (ft) to throw back, ca UM to tcho;
republic at Rome, tyranny, dupotiml.; regnum gen., In pass., to tclw back; imago rioject&,
a1•petere, Cic.; crimen regnl, Ov:,; regnum judici· Luer. ; b, esp., (4) ta drit>e o§ liYlng beingii ;
orum, regnum forense, Cic. I.a. Meton., A. a capellas a llumine, Verg.; esp., as milit. t. t., to
counlry rulvi by a king, a kingdom; fines regnl, dri1'l! back; equitatum, Caes.; hOl!tcs ab An-
Caes. B. Trans(., 1, the kingdom of tlu dtad, tiochea, Cic.; ftg., alicuiu!I forrum et andllcialll
\'erg.; 2, a1<y posstssioll, estate; in tuo regno, In foro, Cic. ; ((!) as naut. t. L, ()f a i;torm, t-0
Cic.; me.a rei;na, Verg. drive back, cast up; naves tempei.tate fttiectae,
rego, rexi, rectum, 3. to g1£itlt, d£rect. L Lit., Caea. ; rejici austro ad LeUC()l'etrnm. Cic. ; 2,
A. equum, Liv.; regit beluam quocnmque rult, ftg., a, to drive ojf from. O"MMJj, rniovt, rrpulM;
Cic. B. Legal t. t., regere fines, to mark out bane proscriptiooem hoc judicio a se rejicere et
l»vrnlaria, Cic. IL Fig., A. t-0 guide, direct; aspemari, Cic.; b, esp., (a) w rtject tC'Uh &ronl,
a. motum mnndl, Cic. ; juvenemt Cle.; b, esp., dWain 8J11lrn; bona dilit;ere et rejlcere con·
u a ruler, to guuu, direct, ruu, gooern, ad- traria, Cic. ; omnern lstam rll!1put.ationem, Cic. ;
11tb1.uter; rempubllcam, Cle.; :&fa.ssllienses as legal t. t., to cJialltnge the judicee or jury ;
auruma ju:stitili, Cic.; tran2f., or abstract ob- judices, Cle.; reCUp!'r.ltores, Cle. ; (fJ) to rtJer to;
Jt'Cts, omnes animl partes, Cic. ; suorum aliquem ad lpsam epli;tolam, Cic. ; (y) to bri11g a
libidines, Cic. B. to .!ow tM riflht way to, t-0 mat!t!r before the Mnau, or a mc.gUtraU ; rem ad
#t right; errantem, C&es. ; te regere possum, senatum, Liv. ; (6) to put or; totam rem In
Cic. men11em Januarium, Cic. IL t-0 throw back ae
atmU: one; tel11m in hostem, Caea. (imper., reice,
r;~or -greasus snm, 8. (re and gradlor), dis11yll., Verg.).
to go back, retrrot, 1ttp back. L Lit., &, ut ~i rtSJ.abor -lapeus sum, 8. dep. to llitlt, glick,
quam p~l m11.llent, Cle. ; b, as milit. t. t.,
to ntrw.t, Caes. IL Fig., in Ilium annum, Cic. flow, fall back. L Lit.; prenso rudente relabi,
Ov.; relabi montibus, Hor. U. Fig., tune mena
regresalo -<'Iola, f. (regredlor), a going back, et so nus relapsus, Hor.; nunc In Acli;tippl lurtlm
ttptt_ition, as a rhetorical figure, Quint. praecepta relabor, come back to, Hor.
rigreatlll -ils, m. (regredior). a g')ing back, rilangueeoo -langui, 8. tc b«omefaiM, lan-
marn. L Lit., a, Cle.; dare al!cui regressurn, guid. L Physically, Ov. U. Horally or intel-
Ov. Plur.,_conservare progreRsus. et ~ssus, lectually, a, to be WMbmed, be 7!UUU e.flfltixa.U;
Cle. ; b~ rn1llt. t. t., a retmJL, Liv. IL Fig., lis rebus relanguesoere anlmos, Cae.s. ; b, to
a, .: raurn; ab Ira, Liv. ; b, refugt.., m:ouru; btOOl!U ffia.:ud, ro a.baU; taedlo lm~tus re.ian-
aa principem, TRc. guesclt regis, Liv.; relangui.Bse ae dicit, hu al\i-
rigiUa -ae, f. (rego), a rul.t, a bar, sta/, fllOB'U y 1vuI abated. Liv.
/atlt., L Oen., CaeR. IL Esp., A. Lit., r'tatlo -6nis t. (refero~ a carryi11'} back,
a ntk., Cic. B. Fig., a rule, pa.tferri, mo<Ui; bringing back. i Lit., Qumt. IL Fig., A.
Juris, Cle.; ~la ad quam omnia judicia rerurn Legal t. t., crlminis, a retorting of the acctLStttion
dirigentur, ~le. upon the n~r, Cle. B. 1, polit. t. t., a
I. rifillm .f, m. (dim. or rex). I. a petty moticn, proposa!, propoBiticn Q/ a magi1trate (I\
ki119, pn~. Ball IL a king'11<1n, prince, Liv. tht .aenate, Cic. ; 2, grammat. t. L, relation,
2. B.igiilu., 6Urname Qf the geris · .Atilia, the r<[n·e11ce, rapuf, Cle.
llWd fafftC'U.8 membtr of which wae the C01UUl M. riJ.Ator ~ris, m. (refero), " mover, propottr
Atiliu.s Regulus, /ammL8 for hi.I <kvoUd rttu.rn in the 1en<aU, ap. Cle.
i1'to co:ptivitll in the First Punic War. rilAtua ·tlll, m. (rerero), a bring(119 ~. L
riaueto. 1. to talU again or reptall!dl71. L a. Mrrat(N, recital; quorum (cannfnnm) relAtua,
Lit.. l'ers. ·u. Fli·• crebro lltteraa tJlct:Uua, to Tac. U. a propc>14l, report l1l Uw lllftCU, Tao.
rel 418 rel
r~ladtlo -onis, t. (relaxo), ta nlamlion, oculis anhMqne rellgio, Liv.; (IJ) in a bait sente,
ltllin.g; aulml, Cio. cu~ in.ndC to reliyion, .rin., ciirss; relfgfo Clndiana.
r~laxo, 1. I. to loo&en, wi<, enlarge, relaz; Cic.: b, eAj•., (11) act., rtligi01Lf obligatM>&:
alvus tum ot1tr!!~itur, tu111 rcla~atur, (.;ic.; ora tantA religiOl\a obatrict& tot.a ~rovinci& est, Cic.;
fontlbus, O\•. n. tc make alr.lck, t-0 t'ast, to Opi'n, !IO ot an oa"th, rellgio jurhJurandi, Cie.; (~l
ta. A. Lit., claustra, Ov.; viat1 et caeca llolint$8, MnctHy; deorum, Cic. ; niagistnbll
m~nta, Verj;. B. Fig., to mse, liyhten, reli;,;ione lnviolatl, Cic.; of a plllce, tanl, 11&('.l'llrii,
ia:U, au11.agt, nlcu; &, gen., (a) transit., Cle. C. religioiu worship, tlu 'IL'Orf/dp Qf tM
aontinWltiouem verborum modo relaxet, Cic.; go<.U, txtn-nal religioll; 1, lit., rdigio, i<t est,
:pater nlmls lmlnlgens qaidquid utrlnxi relaxat, cultus deorum, Cic.; plur., religione.s, mi¢ov.r
Zoo.m. CM ttin.t whicA I drew tiyht, Cic. ; (riRU!i) o~mncta; dilige11tis~iinus religi_onum cultor,
t.1;1tftlam ac •everit.atem mitlgat et relaxat, Cic.; Liv.; 2, tneton., a11 ob1ea of WQf'"S}1.1p, hol71 tl&b19;
(/J) reftex. and middle, anlml cum se 1•la11e corv-- religio dome.stica (of a ststue), Cic.; hence,~
oris vinculis relainnerlnt, lhaU haw frtt.d thnn- aacnd dwtUing of a god; a <leorum religionlbal:
MI*, Cic.; simply n1laxare and middle, relaxari, Cic. (In po.>ts the linJt syllable is
= to .iadatr•: (<lolor) le\·is dat hrtervalla et re- long, hence written rt1lligio).
laxat, Cle.; lnsani quum rela:1:e11tur, 10Mn. they rillgio.i (relllglc>M). adv. {religiOlllS).
laaw a lucid inf4rvul1 Cle. ; b 1 e11p., to rtm by L conacien.tiolull£, 1er1tpulowly; t.estimonium
tcay of recrt.atioa, to lighten, auivcn., char up; (a) dicere, Cio. IL J)W!ulJ, rt!igio11sl1 ; deoe
t.riu11lt., animum, Cic. ; (/J} rettex. and nuddle, colere, Llv.; reli:.PosfS11lme tem11lum oole~. Cic.
le isl.I occupatlone, Cic.; relaxari a.n.imo, Cle.
r~llglO.tt9' (relllglOsu.a) -a -um (religio)..
riligatlo ~nls, f. (1. rekgo), a banuMng, L co1l.l!Cltnttou1, tcr11puloiu; testis, Cic. U: A.
ban~ CM !"ilded form of mu from &nu, religiqlulJ11CrUpulotu; civitaa, Uv.; dies, ci da)
by which t1kl c:ru. pruerwd Ail civil rlghta, Cic. Q/ evil omm, aa the <lies Alliensis, Cle. B. a, in
1. riligo. l. to Ind CJ10ar. L Llt., 1, a good sense, rtlfg~ god-fturiJl9, f'iotla; (•)
cauros procul atque in 11ola paacua, Verg.; 2, lit., qui omnia, quae ad culluru deont.m·
as a pwn!shment., to remow, banUA: fllium ab erent, ret.rut.arent et tamquam ,....
homin!bus, Cic.: allque111 in eXflilium, Liv.; lrgerent 1111nt d!ctJ religiosi, Cic. ; (/J) meton.,
relegatu.s, non exsul dicor(tlie relegatio being the h-Ol.y, .acmJ.; templutn 11&nctum et. religiosum.
mlldll8t form ot banishment), Ov. IL Transr., Cic.; b, in a bad &elllle, IKpentUious, Ter.
a. to ttlllOile /mr titmr : t.erris gem relegat& rillgo, l. L to IU, /uN1' ~ind. A. Lit.,
u1Uml11, Cic.; b, to reject; SamniUum dona, Cle. 1, virginem, Ov.; rltA!l equos, Ve.rg.; trabes
2.. -llgf ·lectum s. L to fla.lher u_p,
col1'ct agaiL A. Lit., n\o relect.o, Ov. B.
a:rlbua, Caes.; aliquem ad currum, Cic.; fnnera
in stJplte, Ov.; funicnlum a puppi, Cie.; ~. fD
Tranat., to travel, lllil l.\roug.\, tnsvmrt again. ; biftd up tll4 llair; alicul, /or t1kl su1u Qf I07JU orw:
Hellespontlacas aquas, Ov. IL to go over ftavam comam, Hor. ; 3, lo /a.1tnl CJ boat or dip; a, to nad. ~ again; Trojarri hell! to tM bank, I() llWOT; D&Ve8 &d terTam. Cae&;
scrtpt.orem, Hor.; acripta, OT.; b, to talJr. over; reUgata In lit.ore pinus, Ov. B. Tn.n11r., qWlll
auo" 11eriuone lalx>res, Ov. (prudentla) sf cxtrinsecm religat.a pendeat, ~
rilenteeoo, I. to bccolM lmig1cid, /tltbU agaia; n«Ud with, Cle. IL CO vnbind, u.nfa.du., C&L
amor, uv. ri1IDo ·16vt ·, S. to flnlil!al, OJIC1' """
ri16vo, I. L to lVl, n:iw tip again:~ terra thing /a.Jtnwd br pUcA, etc., Verg., Ter.
oorpus, Ov. IL to make light again., to lighUn. rillnquo -Uqnl -lictum, S. L u, llu"tt bf.
A. Lit., epistol111n 1,,rmvlorem pell~ctlon!z. Cic.: llind, leave. A. Gen., 1, lit., allquem In Oa.lliA,
. relevari longl eaten&, to~ .{retdfrom, Ov. A Fig., Caes. : 2, fig., to lraw l'>Clin.d; aculeoa ln anitno
1, to rtlkvf, /rtt from an evil, to L-. dimini.M; aliculus, etc. B. Esp., 1, or a deeea..."8<1 per-
oommunem casuin mlAericordiA homfnum, Cic.; son, to ltaw, law bc11i7'd; a. Ut., heredem ksta-
morbum, etc.; 2, to Hahten, allllliale, refruA; ment.o rt>llquit bane, Cle.; so or poatb.nmom
pcct.orn mero, Ov.; potfu11 relevare quam csstl- work, acrip~m in Orfginfbua, Cle.; b, ftg.,
gare, Cic. ; relevarl, to bf rtli4wd, 'l'(fruAtd; memoriam, C1c.: nomen, Hor.; 2, lo Zeaw 01llef',
relevata respublica, etc. ltaw to, to It# remaiA: a, all cul ne psleaa quidem
rillodo -6nls, f. (rellnquo), 11 lta11i1'g, a.. ex omni fructu, etc.; equit&tia iartom alicui.
Caea. ; rellnquehatur nn.a per 8eqaanoe via,
#rtirig; relpublieae, Cic.
rilloiiu.s and rillou.s rellquua (q. v.). thert nmsain4d, Ca.ea.; b, fig., popnlari reirub-
llcae laudem, Cic. · apes relinqwtur, reac1iM,
rillgado -6nJa, r. (rel!go), a lri"'1 up, traW&- Cle., Caea.; urbem dtreptloni ac incendiia, Cie.;
lag; vitlum, etc. rellnquitur with nt and the subj., Cic.,;
r'llglo (relllglo) -6n1a, t. (perhaps trom 3, to ww ~hind '" CJ cmafa •!aU. to la zw,
re-ligo). L Oen.,~~. llCTUpulC'lu- l«lw; a, lit., aliquem lmepnltnm, Cie.; b,
..,., colUCUntiow aactMSB; hao ego religlone fig., rem lntegram, Cio. ; alne imperio tantaa
non sum ab hoc conatu repulsua, Cic. ; null& copias, IL to aba11don, /OTlal:e, 8q>llmlt
in Jud.ic!Ui severltaa, nulla rell~o, Cir~ ; with ~from. IOmt OM or IOtlWtAin.g. A. Gen., 1,
oqjeet. genit., non nullius o.tncit, privati ofllcli, lit., domlWl propinquosque, Caea.; 2, Ila'-, &
Cle.: with subject. genit., !ides et religlo judicfa, quartana aliquis rdirrquftur, etc.; vitam, V""erg.;
Ofc. IL Eep., ~ /OT tc!W u tacraL. A. rellnquit aliquem animus, Caee.; ab omni hOD-
~tiou 1Cn£plas, f'Uptd fOT ~: estat.e relictus, Cfc. B. to dutrl, abcndo-.
perturhart relii.rfone ct metu, Cic.; res In re- ltaiie in CM lurch: 1, lit., equos, Caea..; algm,
ligiouem alicui venit., ii CJ matter Qf co11.1eincc d.urrt, Liv.; 2, fisc., a, to ugla:t, aballdoll., ld
lo, Cle.; rellgio alicui non est, quo1uinus, etc., 4 go, taka no 1hC1t14h.i fur; rem et. e&Wl&lll e&
11l4A u '11.ot prft'mtcd Irv conscience from, etc., utilitatem communem, etc.; agronun eta.rmon:am
etc. : in plur., quu rcllgiones, Cle. B. rtligiow culturn, etc.; b esp., (is) &o paa owr, .oe IO
f,,,Un.g, rtl~ atee; 1, lit., a, In a good sense, Mtic4; caedea rei'inquo, Ubidines prMtereo, Cle.;
fnclita JnstiUa religfoque Numae Pompilii, Liv.; (IJ) to lt.ave u-A"Uhed; arlem invenfend.i t.ot&m,
ill plur., hoeUa omnlum religionnm, Cle. ; b, fn Cle. : (y) to laat.if ""°~· 1UlplJ11-(IW; bl·
& bad sen11e, nqH!nliti-On; anlmoe multiplex Jurias suu, etc.
!Wlglo et vleraque externa inressit, Liv.; 2 rillqulae (relllqufae) -&rum, t. (rell-
meton., CAaS 10i\tcA whol11 or l<&CTtd; a, gen.,
la a good 881180, in aacerdotlbu t&Dt.a. olfusa.
<•S quUB), nmaiu, mica, rmain&r, nM114"1 L
Lit., A. Gen., conjurationis, Cic.; Trou
rel 419 rem
Danaum rellqulas, .nm1141tf lqt b¥ tM GrwJu, rimes -mrgfa, m. (remua and ago), a""""'•
Verg. B. Esp., a, tlu /rafrmenla o/ food, nm-
•ti"'4 of u, Pl&ut.; fig., vellem me lld cenam
Cic.; collectivtily
= re1nlgea, tu cnto of rown,
(Clu murder of Ca.t'.ar) invitasses, reliquiarurn Rimi (Bheml) -Ornm, m. 11 peopt, of N.
nihil baberes (/lad not lq& .A n.toniu.a alfoe), Cle.; Gaul, bdle'Un. the Mntronta (Mame) and t1u ..f:IOllCI
b, Uw rt11iairu of aome one dead, carcasa; hu· (Ai11ne), wbence modem IUtdru; alng., lccl11s
manorum corpor11rn, Tac.; c, the ttm.ctiMl~hu Remus, Caes.
of ci Ct!!PM burnt on. the f11.nernl we; JHarii, rimlgatfo ·6nb1, r. (remlgo), Cl T'Olring, ac.
Cic. IL Fig., pristinae fortm1ae reliquiae
miserae, Cic. (in poet.a, to lengthen the tlrat rimlglum ·If, n. (remex). L rowiit.g. .&.
1yllable, also written relliqulae). Lit., O\·. IL Met-0n., A. t1u oa,.,; a, Ut:,
rellquua (reJJoU) -& •UM (reJlnquo), wings, Vtrg.; b, tmnaf., of the oar-like motiOd of
wkh ii l(fl behind. remaining, tqi. L Lit., A. rowen, remigio alarum, Verg. B. Uw CTnO o}
the oar1111tn., Liv.
Gen., ape.s, Cic.; 1uh11t., (a) plur., rillqul
«um, m. the re.!t ; with genlt., reliqui peditum, ri~o, 1. (remex), to row, Cle.
Liv.; (JJ) rillquum -1, n. and rillqua-orum, rim.igro, 1. to U'allcUT back, CO!IU l>act, f'f-
n. tlu rtlt, tlu remainder; de reliquo, Cic.; I'll· tvri.. L Lit., in dolnllm auam, Cic.; Romana,
llqua belll perftcere, Liv.; esp., reliquum est ut, Cic. IL f'ig., ei ne int~~'TUlU quidew erat, a'
foll. by suhj. only, it remain.a that, Cle. ; re· ad juatitiam re1ulgraret, Cle.
Uqnum est with lnfln., Cle.; nlhll est reliqui, rimfnt11COr, S. dep. to CClll to mind. recoUecl,
rwtAing ""1aina, Cic.; reliquum ftLcere, to IMve ~; ahaol., de q11aestortbus remlnliteentem; nullum munua enlque reliquum recordari, Cic.; with genit.., vet.eris lncommodi
ft!Clati, tkov. halt WI no chuy unptrfonn.M, Cie. ; po~·uli Romani, Caeii. ; with acc., eu rea, etc. ;
nlhil reliqui facere, to IMw nothing nmaining, with r111. sent., quae trad&ntur myaterlia, Cic.
Cic. B. Esp., 1. t. t. of buslne11 langllagf', ovt· rimtao8o -uiiacdi (·mixtum), 2. to
*""""' (of • debt), nmain.big; pecuniam mizl mu up, mingu; L1di» remixtwn carmen
rellquam ad diem solvere, Cle.; aubst., r'U- tibi 11, Hor.
Cl11UJl1 -I, n. and plur., rillqua ·Orum, n. rimlui, adv. (remlasus). I. looaelr; oratl-
1Mat u 01dataruiiit.g, "'"4i1'ing; quum tanta onem non astricte._.!ed remlaiiius numel'OIS&m
reliqu& aunt, Cic.; 2._ of time, remaining, /ul'llre; ease oportere, Cic. .u. genUr, mUdlr; remiulua
glorla, Cle.; in reiiquwn tempua, Clo. D. dlsput&re, Cic.
Traner., that i..~lt icll u lqt, of a tcltolc wlun tlu part
ia takt" auuy,; relfqua pani exercitua, rimmlo -6nla, r. (remitto). L ttruihsg bad:;
Cae1. ; reliqui omnes, all tlu rut, Cle. oll8hlum capth·orumque, Liv. D. Cl kt.ti""
down. A. Lit., 1, n kUlltl/ fall, lmoeri"tl; auper-
relllglo, relliglosus, etc. = rellgf o, etc. eiliuru111, Cie.; 2. Utli"tlfall, lowriit.g, rinh1'!1.;
(q.Y). voci& contentiont11 et reml1111lone1, Cle. IL
re1U411llae rellquiae (q.v.). Tram1r., 1, breaking ol, in.Urnpting, otn~i1t9;
riliioeo -Iuxl, 2. to gltam back, to glittw, morbl, Cle.; 1111i\11, Cie. ; 2, a rtJJ&itti11g; trlbuti
U.i1:t, Cic. In triennium, Tac.; 3, remiaaio a11j111f ; &f re·
rtcliiatwn., Cic.; b, quid, trmiquil il11;
riluoeeoo ·luxi, 3. (lnehoat. or reluceo), lo la.mliori, lo acedoilh!ima lnjuria. re1111S11io animi ac diM<>-
btt->7M bright again., btgi1~ to 1Mne agaill; imago lutio, Cic. ; o, miltlnu.•, Cic.
1oli:1 rcluxit, Ov.
riluotor, 1. dep. to ltrive agahut, df'MW,. laztd, rimiuu -a -um, p. adj. (from remitto), ,.._
againM ; draeo, Hor. ltmf111id. L Lit., c~rpora, Ci~ µ_ fi!g.,
A. In a bad sense, •tgligtllt, rtMut, irtaetaw;
rilllAerMoo ·crQI, S. to flT01l1 tA11' agui1', animus, Cle.; te remi11siorem In petendo, Cle.
Suet. B. In a good 1ense; 1, lua ttwre; ventua re-
rimlledioo, S. to rnnle tl{lain, Suet. mis11lor, Caea.; frigora remi81liora, Caes.; 21 111ild,
rimando, 3. to ch4io tilt CMd, nah1alt, Cie. gentle, Cic.; 3, ch«r/lll, wurry, liwl11; nomo,
Plin. ; jocua, Cic.
1 rimiDM -manal ·mansnm, 2. lo rtMaill be- nmttto ·mlsl -mlsaum 3. L to 1tnd bad:,
lilld, n..ai11. L Gen., Roruae, Cle.; In exerclta, arnd; rnulleru Romam, Cic. ; obaldea alleul,
Cle.; ad arbem, Cae11.; doml, Cie.; apud aliquem, Cae~. ; nunt.ium, to aelld a dil'Of'Cf to, Cle.; llO 1.
C&ea. D. Eap., to ttmain., abide, CO!llinu; 1, to th.ro1e1 back; plla, Caea. ; 2, to ""' llad, n-
lit., anlml rPtnanent poet mortem, Cle.; 2, to turn; alien! benefteium, Caea. ; 8, to f'w bnt-k
rv.-ahJ ill a «rtai!l oondUw"; pal'I in~ re· from IYllMIJ,/; a. vocem nemora remitt.u.nt., «Ao,
uaane b&t, Cle. Verg.; ~t to cawe, prodwc; atnmenta remittnnt
111.bem, Hor. IL tout go back, nlaz; habenu.
rimiao, 1. to Jo111 back, Luer. Cic. ; treona equo, Ov.; arcu1u, Hor.; ao I. to
rimanalo -Onia, f. (remaneo), e& nmaintng, lt-t 1h1k doto1&; brachia, Verg.; tunica remiaaa.
CIOMiHillf ill OM place, Cic. Ov. ; 2, to l°°"n; '1ncula, Ov.: et1p., a. lo 111ab
r&aidlum ·H, n. (re and mfdeor). L a liquid (again); calor mtll•. liquelacta remittit, of hwJ i n.g, CJ t'lt rt', fT1IUd 11, wwd 1., ; Verg. ; b, to fru; vere re1m1&ns ager, fr«d jrOf'll,
remedium quoddam habere, Cic.; rrmfdlo quo- iu o11d SJWll', Ov.; c, to l'lll'M to mcu, to rtlintt,
da1n uti, Cle.; remedio ~.Ck. IL Trans(., a r,lta..~, abate; •l'es animos a certamfne remiait,
llM'4~ o/ a&sisla1tce or rdief. a rnudy; injurlae
Liv.; se n!mlttere, to lmrt t>I trork, fT/rtilt mw-
tuae, Cic. ; remedl& incommodorurn, Cle. ; ad NI,/, Nep.; cantua remittunt anlmn~, rt1'11JC!,
magnitutffnem frigorum bocaibi remedJum com· r11li1Yn. tM TJ&i11d, Cle.; reflex., 1e rem1ttere, or
}l&Rre, Cic. •imvly remlttere, to abate, r.o.. aildw, rmM;
qnum remilerant dolores, Cic. ; ventna re111l1fs_
rimio. 1. to go back, C011M1 back., ntvm; ; 3, to giw /rt.a «ope lo; anlml appet.itua,
remeat Yictor, Verg.; ur, Cle.; with acc., urbea, qui tum remltterentur, tum conUnerentw, Cle.;
Verg. ; UTUm penictur:l, to 1'1111 owr •'"• Hor. 4, to giw •p, to ~. Jort.o,. ~
rimitlor •DltnlUS RID, 4. Co tlle!IAr& OWT a omnla lata conced& rwnlttam, ac.; pro.
.,.Ua. 11W.11U11rs back. L Gen., ut.ra rite 1 to ~clam remltto, eurcltuin ·depono1 Ck. ; b. fD
oieaW cart./11.Ur, Verg. D. to go &ad. Pltn.; m011'"'9 - wrl; J*"~ nc., to ,.....
la puL manlng, l\er retro parl ratlone re- ferego, giw •P: nav~m In trlenn1'1D, Cle. J
-.uum eat. Aa.J bet1' tniwrwd, Locr. &ycla Ubl te11ta lllllb 11e> . . V. VUJ. &
rem 4:80 ren
lnlmlcltfu suaa relpublloae, LIT.: o Co abatl 2. ~mu.a .f, m. the ttol" brotMr- of Bostilu,
ttop;de celerltnte, C1c.; aliquantum, Cfe.;allquid /mt king of Rmn.t, who .zt1D Ai• IA a diqsla
de severltate cogendl, Cle. rup«ting the fovndaliort. of tM cit¥·
remollor, '· dep. to prtn bacl; pueA back, s. Bemus. v. Rem!.
flWt•e back; pondera tcrrae, Ov. rinarro, 1. to Nla.U agah&; 6Lta di"1llll,
remollesoo, 3. to become soft agatn. L Lit., Verg.
cera rcmollesdt sole, Ov. IL 1-'ig., a, to be renaaoor ·n1tus sum 8. dep. to be z..c,,.
mo1:td by; prccibns, Ov.; b, to become tfft:minate; aguin, ori8', grow again. L
Lit.., pinn~ ~~­
ea re au lalx>rem fereml wn 1emollescere homiurs, uutur, Cic. II. Tnmsf., a., of concr., ab
Cae11. flecuude. orig!ne \'elut ab stiq,ilJ•1s Jaetrns frraci-
remollio, ... lo make /J()ft again ; Ilg., to usque renate. urbs, Liv.; b, of 111,str., bellum
make tjfeniina.U, to artus, Ov. lstuc renatnm, Cle.
remora -ae, t. a delay, hindran.ct., Plaut. renavlgo, 1. to eaU back; In baec regna,
remoramen ·lnls, n. (remoror), a dtlny, Ov.
rcneo, 2. to unsp£n, unraivl that "'11ic.\ Anl
remordeo ·mordl -rnorsum, 2. to bi.le ag<1in.; bet1L spim; dolent Illa reneri, that the daHny ii
flg., to annoy, dilquid, hara.s1; te cura remordet, rei·ersecl, Ov.
remoror, 1. dep. I. Intra1111it., to rtmain renea ·UDI and ·lutn, m. tM kid71.eJ11, Cic.
behind, ckl.JLy, dally, li?iger, loiter; in Italia, Liv. renideo, 2. L to shin~, gleam bael; t.
IL Trnn~lt., to delay, ol•$truct, hinder; aliquo=m, g/11/er, be briyht, to 1hi111nier; p1>ra uoctumo
Cic. ; it.·r e.lkuius, 88.11. reuiuet luua marl, Hor.; 11011 cbur nequ<> aure11111
llll'a renidet in domo lacnuar. Hor. IL Met.on.,
remote. adv. (remolus), afar off, a.t a di•· to beam with. jny, be j<J)Jful, cliwfu.l, ro laugh, and
ta11u; aliae (stellac) propius a terrh1, aliae re- in a had 11eni;e to fo,,glt scorllfully, to gr.11.; homo
motiuit ~udcm apatia co11liciunt, Cle. renirJens, Liv.; ndJecisse praedam
rcmotlo -onis, f. (remo\•eo), a putting away, exiguis renluet, Hor.
Nm01Jrng; criminis, repcUi<tg, Cic. rinidesoo, 3. (renideo), to glitter, Luer.
remotns ·& ·Um, l'· adj. (from removeo). L renitor, S. dep. to oppose, 1L'iOIS:and, nrid.,
Lit., distant, afar fljf, remote; locus ab arl•ittis Liv.
temolllH, t:ie.; loci remoti a marl, Cic. IL 1. reno, 1. to mm back, Hor.
1"ig., rcmo1·t;I fr<>m; a, free from; nb suspicio11e 2. reno (rheno) ·611is, m. an CHlf-Z o/
re111otlssi11m11, Ck.; 11 vulgar! scie11tia remotinra,
(,'ic.; b, disinclined to, ai-eru /mm: ah lnau; ncrlheni J::uroiie, perf1aps the rein.deer, Caea.
laude remolufl, Cle.; c, suhst., remota -orum, renodo, I. to unlrind, -untu;, Hor.
JI.= aJTOrrpOTJ"(J.lfvO., Of tJ1e l:$toiCS, thingl to be renovamen ·lnls, n. (reuovo), a f'l!'nncal,
rrjuttd, Cic. 7tt1D co11dition, Ov.
rcmoveo -m~vl -rn~tum, 2. to mart back, rinovatio ·6nis, f. (renovo), ci rennl:'i1111,
rtm0ve, taka away, 1nit away; pecora, Caes. ; renruul, re1101Jotiun. I. Lit., muudl, Cic.; esp.,
arh1tms, Cic.; aliqulu ex oratione, Cic.; a liquid t1:nov11tio si11i"uloruru a1morum, cor111-<Jund i'l-
de medio, Cic.; aliquid 111> oculis, Cic.; equos Ure81, Cic. I . Tniusr., re11ove.tlo timuris, Cic.
ex cons1~du, Caes.; 111lq11em a repub!ica, to <k- renovo I. to renew, rwor-au, n,.tort. I.
privt of political righu, Cic.; aliquem senatu, Lit., te111pium, Cle.; ai,:rum nratro, to 7>lo~u1i
Liv.; removere se artibus, Cic. land that has bun Ufl jal:ow for 1amt ti11U', Ov.;
rcmiiglo, 4. L to ~ll01D again, bellow back; esp., fc11us in ~ingulos an11os, ta ru:J..un. C>:>lll·
a<l \'erl»t alicuiull, Ov. IL Trausf., to roar back, 1'<JUnd int•rest, Cic.; 1·cntesimae quotanni~ re-
fU<lund, echo; \"OX aa.sensu nemorum l11gemi11ata no,·atae, Cic. II. Transf., a., to rwew; scelta
remui;it, Verg. 11uum illud pri~1i11um, Cic.; bt-llum, Cars.; ex
remulceo ·mulsl -mulsum, t. to atrob back: morbo \"elut reuo\atus llos- juveuta.-, Liv.;
cauda111, Ver~. animos ad odium ro=uornre, to illjame afrts.h IC,
remulcum ·1, D. (ovµ.-OVN</w, for pt'J.1.0V ;Mew). Cic.; b, to re11ew in tho11:1ht or u'Mihl, to r~t,
a tow-ro1.e, cable; no.vem remulco adduc- recall; rcnornbo illud q11o<l inilio di:U, Cic.; c,
ere, Cae!I. to refrtsh, restore, rt11cw in 1trength; re!lc.:re e'
renovare re111pul•lica111, Cic.
B.~mulns .f, m. L 11 king (n .A.lba, Ov. II.
t16e 1rn111e rJf a hero, Verg. rcniimero, 1. to count owr. pay, 1'111 back,
repuy, Plaut,
remlincratio ~nls, f. (remnnernr), a re· renuntlatfo -6nis, f. (renunfio), a prodaTM·
com1ic1~t, re1"''ling, return; bt!nevolt!Htiao, Cic.;
tio11, dtclarulion, p11l1lic a11n•1U11«nto<t; \\ith
onlciomm, Cic.
i<ul•.icet. genit, eiu<i, Cic.; with oLject. genit.,
remlineror, 1. dep. to rt~mpert$e, rtp<ry, re· i;ull'lagiorum, Cic.
'lmra; (a) with 11cc. or pers., aliqnem siu1illimo
mnnere, Cic.; aliqnem magno prat•mio, Cacs. rcnuntlo (rcnunclo). I. I. to bri?l9 barl
(/3) with act·. of th111i:i-, be1whcia alic11l11s offldis, 'tl'ord, rq">1·t, <111!t'J11r;ce; n, ~en. with acc., with
,_i., a11<l l11e ah!., wit lo Rt:('. nnd iutin_, w itli :t d<·p<>ll!'!.
Cic.; (y) ab.sol., in acciplcouo remuncran(loque, rel. sc11t., as~·-ntior n-111111tmq11e vol•il:! nit.ii
Cic. <·s~e q1101l, de., Cic.; H'111111tiat11m est d~ ol1itu
ltCmiiria = Lemuria, v. Lemures. Tulline filinc tt1ll'', l uas in;nnnc.i, ap. Ci11.; b,
remurmiiro, l. to m11rmuraq1tinsl, murmur to 1.wke a•t C1ff-·inl an1u.1111ri'm~nt or <iedura!•r>r;,
back; 11ec Irad.a remu1 mu rat unua, r .. rg. tu Tt'J!Ort; aliqui'1 nd scn11tum, Cic.; c, to mal.1
1. rcmua ·I, m. (<p..rµ.of), an oar. L A. a thiag pulilicly T.1ton'1l-, to annMinu, e.~., tlie
Lit., 11a,·ig:i11m rcnii:i incitare, Cnea.; prov., do ct Ion of a t•o1i-ul, etc., to 1•r0<laim; wi~h
n·rnis ve11ti~1u~, or venti:i remi~, by oarJ und doulile 11cc., L. !llurcnnm const1J('111, Cic.; or i11
aail,, by all mta1u fo 011r pow~; l'l'.8 veli:i, ut I'''~· with double non1., sac. runs Cli111n1-l1iAs
niunt, rc11iisq11e fup:icnila, Cic. B. Fig., 0ra- 1c111mtiat11ll esl, Cic. IL to disclaim, rf',/11~. rt-
ti<me111 d!e.lecticorum n·mis propelltre, Cic. IL ?l(J!Lnce; a111icitiam 11llcui, Liv.; lt03pitium alicul,
Trnnsf., remi, the hand• and feet of a per$on Cic.; dl'dsiouem tutoril>us, Cic.
•wimming, Ov.; of the wings of a blrd, alarum renuntlus -Ii, m. 01MI 'ICM brlrt~ ~ v-oni.
rcmia, Ov. a reporter, l'but.
ren '81 rep
rhlo ·nlll, a. to dll&r bf ca wao«o.
ti,/ U.11 luod, bomln..a et r~pentinl, vpctarl•, Cle. Hence,
fo ff/vi, ci..r, cl"4PJ110W, njea; reuult nel(I· adv•• ripeatmo, SVAflU11ly, vnezJ* Cle.
tatque Babellwi, Hur.; with tlat., hnle dc~lll NIMl'01189io -01111, t. (repercntlo), ca n:bo1'114-
milflom crlmlnl, to d.t1&11, Cle.; with acc., nullum (ng, Sen.
OODvlvlum, Co dtcliilt, Cle. ripel'01U9U .n,., m. (repi•rcutlo), n rebound·
riaito,. 1. (iuteua. ot renuo), to r¢#, d.tnr, i"9, !Wllrbtratw" (or 1nu1ul, <ltc.}, tchn, re~·
dtcliiu, Lu··r. ti°": quo pleulor et gravior VOit rept"rcussu 111·
rinii~ abl. ·0. m. (reuuo), 11 dental, n- tume!tCat, 'l'11e.
/11.aal, Plln. ripero6.tlo -cu1111l -eussnm, s. to strike back,
rior, rlt1111 anm, !. dep. (root RB, Or. PE-, drtw back, cmue to nbo11nd (nr sound, etc.);
l 1t11t}, to thiMk., l>e of OJ>i.l&i.on, •11 Pl-.o# JutllJll; (c&), tll>1CUll re1lt!rc11K11u1 In ncrA, Ov. ; t'Sp., pau.,
with ac1'- •n•I lnlln. or with lnlln. Alone, rent.111· rel'ercntl, to lxm'Nl ba,-£-, awl reperc1111Sul1, bound·
eoa t'Me, q11ales ae lpal \'dint, Cll'.; reha11tur fag back: a, or aou111l, to r11-ec110: valles 1·l'1'6r·
tniin fore ut, etc., Cle.; (JJ) wit.It double acc., 11lil CU>!~ (cl1unorllm>1), Liv. ; b, or light, to blJ rt•
reru incredit.llem ratl, Sall. ; (y) aliaol., reor In jfecUtl : lumen aquae aole re1•ercu11s11m, Verg.
i:erentheeii:t, nam, nor, nullu11 ('Odtit eS84l ju- ri~rlo, rt!~rl (reppcri) ·pertum (re a111t
comlior, Cic. PER-10, er. eonipctlo), 4. tojf.nd, mut CIJ]11in. L
ripigiU&~nun, n. (repango). L tAa barrEer, mortul snnt reJ>t"rtl, Cle. II. l"ig., A. 1,
I• G cil'C1U or rnucour• to k«p iii tltc horit.'I, Ov. to rtl!01l, dllcoinr, IUCt'l"ttlin, /fNl out; ca11~K
U. thd bar• or bolu faauti£n,g " door; convnlsls dnas, Cic.; neque re1101ire poterat quamta e>1&et,
repaR'llis, ci.,_; Ilg., onmla rclmgula 1•utl11rii1 etc., C&i>a.; In pi1111. with douhle nom., to blJ
ollkilque perfringerc, f'Utru£riu, hnit•, Ck. fou'fl.d out::: to apptt1r; Stole! Inopes rcperluntur,
ripaadu• -a ·um, bem backwurd1, t1mud Cie.; hnprobus reperiebare, Cle.; with a1.'C. allfl
•P; cali-eoli, Cle. i11f111. =to ftnd out as statetl ln ltl'4tory; q11e111
Tarentum veni88Cl L. Camillo Ap1•lo Claudio con·
dplrabfU. -e (rep.uo), UtiU Oii" bf rtpa£nd suliLna retlf'rfo, Liv ; in pa!111. with nom. an•l
or f't#ond; da111n11m, Ov. inlln., In Itallae pa1tc11 Pythagoras venls110 re·
riparoo J~eroo). s. to tpare, re/rain peritur, Cle. ; a. to find, QC']Uirll, gain; aihi
Jron~,abdtd" ; itl facere, Luer. sal11te111, CHe11.; nnmen ex h1v1>11~1re, Cle. B.
ripko, 1. L to prepare aMw, repair, f'f.· f-0 fl nt1 out 10111.dll it~ new, disooi·tr, ini-enl; nlhll
dart, ~MID. A. Gen., verJere \ ltlchnt11r, quod 0
novl, Cie.; via111 qull, etc., Cic.
reparAt-e J>Ol'llet, Cic.; vinlll, Ov. : tribunle· r6pertor -~ris, m. (reperio), CJ dilroverer, '"'
lam potestnte111, Liv. B. Esp., to jtll up, co111· re1ttor ; medlcinao, Verg.; hominum rerunutue.
fJ/tl4; exercil um, Liv. ; damn& cade~tia lunac, Jupiter, \'erg.
lfor.; corona (of Lite moon), Ov. IL to barter ripertus ·• -um, partlc. or reperlo.
/or, pvrcAau trJi.t.A; vi1ia Byri re1iarata merce,
Hor. repkeatl'.a ·ae, t (repoto), a recollection,
rt111tmbranu, Luer. (?)
riputlnaUo -anls, t. (repuUno), ca diggLng
•p llfll&i1l, Cic. HMtitfO ~Df!I, f. (repeto), f'tpetltUm; a,
eh~m vert.t erehm repctitlo, Cic. ; b, as a
riputfno, L lo dig, hncA, deZN again, figure ot spet>eh = iiva.4>op0., tlui rtptlition of th4
Plin. 111/llll wont at tM begi1'nirig of aei'MU 1e1Unu:t1,
ripect.o -pe:s:us, &. lo comb aged"; com& Cic.
repexa, Ov. rlpetitor -arls, m. (, °"'who nclaim.1
rip'4o, L (pea), lo go bacl; mrtat, Luer. or back agai1': lllll'tae ademptal', Cie.
ripello, r~pdll (rer•plUJ) ·pulaum, s. L In repito -lvl and ·II ·!tum, S. l. to ltrivc u/ltr
dri11t back, dri1:'1l A. Lit., horulnea 11 N!itn, Cic•..i. aliquem ex urbe, Cle.; hostes
again. A. to atlaclc ugaiit, /al.l "P°"
rec;cm repetitum saepillll cusplde, Liv. B. tn go
in 11lv1111, Caes. ..u. Fig., to dri.ue awav, banillh, to agai1', tu"' to again, return to; ca.-.tra, Cle. ;
npd; 'i111 vi, Cfc.; dolorern a ll!t.Cio.; nliquem retro In Aslnm Liv. IL Traner., A. to iuk
& lpP, de}hiw of /1ope, Ca.ea. a.a. to pus/, back, back or ai;aii&; i, to ask ugafa or omw, ask/or;
np11/11. A. Lit.., l'!!J'&gnla, Ov.; aliquem a Gallum ub eoclem nipetit, Cites.; 9, to ~ back.
gi,niLUJt, Cle.: tel111rem (s•~ a marl), to sail away demand back; promi!lsa, Cic.; Salumlnll Homer·
from, Ov. ; amnea Oceanl pede repellere, to um repetuut, clai1ii aa their countr!f711lln, Cle.;
•1111rn (nt a 11tar rislug Crom the aea). \"erg. B. pecunins ere1•t1s, Cic.; esp., a, res repetere, to
Fig., 1, crhninatiouett, to ~t Cle.; 2, to dllma11d lati8[action of an tntmlf (nsetl or tl1e
'J11U"1'. acorn. repd; couuubia, verg.; precea, Fetinle11), Cle.; b, to dem.a11d back again: rea, to
Ov.; rel'ulal aunt II, quos, t'tc., Cle. clemand ont'• 010n property from a. ltpal tribunal,
ripendo -penill ·pensum, 8. L to torigh Cic.; J>eeunlne re1•rtundae, or simply Tt'pe·
~ago'": ponsa, to returia an tquaL 'Wtight of, tnndae, money tzlorted/mm the 71f"Ovincu by tlltir
Ov. IL to tDeigh A. Lit., 1, aunim goi~n; melon., mortton; lex repetundan11n
pro capite, Cle. ; 2 1 to r11mom.: mllea auro re· pecuniarum, de pccunlis repctundirJ, law aoai11n
~nSU!I, Hor. B. 'l ranllt., to repaJf, reoompe11u, u;torti.on1 Cie.: 3, to demand a.a 01u:'a riJ;hl: jus
nquUe,; gratiam, Ov.; al mag11a repoudam, suum, C10.; ratione11111b aliquo, Cic. B. to fetch
\'erg.; pretiutn vit.M, Prop. ; damn& tonnae back; 1, a, t.Jfetch afr~; alii (elephanti) re1ietiLI
l:igenlo, make up for, Ov. ac trajecli suut, Liv.: b, to rt1UW, btgin cryafo:
ripens -enti>1 (j,ltrw, Le., vergo). L 111ddm, pugnam, Liv.; studla, Caes.; partic., repetitus,
•naJ-(CUd; a•iventus, Clo.; adv., repens alla l'Oet.., as an adv. = anew, a,fruh.; rl'p<'tita
nuntlatur clade,., Liv. IL (In Tacitllll only). robora caedit, Ov.; o, to thh11C owragain. recall,
IN, ftuh, ncrnl; pcrfldia, Tac. rm11117ier ; rel memoriam, Cle.; 2, to repeat by
u<0rtls or writing : repete quo.e coepl>1tl, Cic.;
ripemo, L (lnwns. or repemlo), lo repa11,r•· 3, to traa back from. a11tiquity, dtduce, fttch;
91tU1, recompenu, mah up/or, ::ieu. oti~inem domils, Ve1-g.; aliquid alte, et a capite,
ripen~. adv. {repens), 1udde1&l11, "na- Cic. ; haeo t&ru longe repetita princlpln, Cic.;
Jl«ltdl¥, Cle. 4, to rt!J•iin. recover; libertitt.em, Liv.; 5, to
ripentinu ·• -um (repens), IUddm, """ reckoa agai"; re1Jt!titis et enameraUa diebua,
~·I.:*'- /vr, u1iezpected: amor, Cle.; adventus, Cites.
Cae..; veneuwn, qukk-worklag, Tac.; ignoti rilH'tmulae, v. repeto.
rep f 82 rep
r:p~o -pl~vl -pletum, 2. ea flU again, .ftU r~potla ~rum, n. (re and poto), a cfrlst.
•P. -i. Lit., exhaulitas domoe, complete, make ing, revelling the dar a,/lef' cm ~
good, Cic.; conaumpta, Cle.; exercltum, Liv. Hor.
D. ea wiakt full, /f.U. 1atisfy. A. corpora carne, ripraeaenti.tlo -6nis, f. (repraeaent.o). I.
Ov.; exercltum trwnento, npplJI wilh, Caes. ; a rrpruen.tat«m, a livtl1 1Uscripti01L, Plin. IL
Jlg., repleri eclentlijuris, Cic.; hence, rtipUitus payment in auh, Cle.
.,, -um, ftlled, jW.l; lit. and fig., templa, Cic. r~praeaento. 1. L to rqw~nt. mah prt-
B. lo '"'ea; ut curantes eaiiem vi morbi repletos
eecum traberent, Liv.
•mt to tM ''"aginatf.on., bri119 ~fore the r.tilld,
ahow, mal.:t manifest; a., quod i1•sum t~n1plum
ripletua .,, ·um, partic. of repleo (q. v.). repraesent.abat memoriam consulatus mei, Cic. ;
ripllcatlo -6nls, r. (replica), a rolling agalnl p_,toerprt11, imUate: virtutem moresque ~tonis,
roUin.g round; ut rcplic.1tione qui.dam mund Hor. IL to perform im1ntdio.Uly, lliu:ni.; a,
motum regat atque tut•atur, Cic. se repraesentaturum id, etc., Caes. ; medicinun,
tl8t dirutly, Cle. ; diem r.romissorum, Cle. ; si
riollco, 1. to /old back, unroU ; tlg., lo u1\fold, repraesentari morte me& hbertas civitatia }.>OiSet,
1Hlron, turn owr; memoriam temporum, Cic. ; brought about al once, Cic.; b, esp. t. t. of cC1m·
memoriam annalium, Cle.; temporia primum mercial language, to J>ll'll, pa.JI nadr acmq;
quldque repllcans, Cic. pecuniam, Cic.
ripo.repai, repturn, 3.(root REP, Gr. EPII-.), r~prehendo -pr6hendl -preheuaum, s. and
eo crttp, crawl: l, lit., cochleae inter saxa re- lie
reprendo -prendl -prensum, 3. to catc.JL, to
pent.88, Sall.; 2, tran11r., of slow travellers, Hor.;
of clouds, Luer.; fire, Luer. ; 3, fig., sermones hold back, to mu hold, I. Lit.
repent.ea per hwnum, a wlgar, prosaM: 1t111'. quoad&m manu, Liv, fig., revocat virtu! '•I
Hor. potiua reprehendit manu, Cle. n. Fig. A.
Gen., genus pecuniae, Cic. B. Esp., l, lo Uam.t,
npono -pl'lsdi -pl'lsttum (-postum), s. L to cen.sure, rqJT{Jf)t, re1irehend; aiiquem, Cic-.; all-
J) back, put bthind; 1, ccrvicem, ro brnd back, q11em in eo quod, etc., Cic.; id in me repreh!'nJ1s,
Luer.; 2, ro lafl up (n stort, lay ~iy, preun-e; pec- Cic.i/ 2, rhet. t. t., to refute, Cic.
nnlam In tbesauria, LI\',; nrma, ca~s.; tlg., haec
senalbwi tmia reponaa, iml"'css duJJ in, Verg. ; reprehenalo -6nl~. r. (reprehendo). I. a
8, to la¥ nsuu, put on on.e !i<h; teil\, Ov.; fac- holdi11g bad:; Ilg., .utoppift.g or chr,.ck i.n ~pwkrn'].
lemque deae ve.,temque, Verg.; fBlcem arbust.a sine reprehenaione, Cic. II. E3p., l, I-lair..•
repouunt, Mab u~rv. Verg. ; t.ransr., to c.mnere, rtprehen.rion.; culpae, vitae, C11.:. ; p1:.u.,
~w •P; oaeatum artemque, Verg. ; 4, to burr, Cic.J 2, rhet. t. t., a rt[uttng, rtfutat 1un, t:1c.
lar "' CM earth; tellure repostos, Verg. IL to reprehenso, 1. (freq. or rcpreheado), to
pla.ot .a thing back i" iu former plau, p1l.l back, hold bad: ragerly, to hold/cut: singul0s, Liv.
ratort; 1, oolumnas, Cic.; lapidem suo loco, riprehensor -oris, m. (reprehendo). L
Cic.; ae In cubitum, '7'tcline at table again, begin a cenaurer, rr.ovtr, Cic. IL an imprwer, rt-
to «U1_Hor. ; 2, ro plaa on. the table again ; plena /<>rrnl!:f'; com1t1011.lm, Cle.
pocnua, Verg.; 3, to rutore Cl thing to iU former
OOIW:Ul'°"; robora ftammisambesa, Verg.; hence, ripre880r ..()ris, m. (reprimo), a reprasc-,
torat0f'fapeno7l;aliquem In aceptra, Verg.; 4, ratraiMY; caeuls quotidianae, Cic.
to brl.gO!'CM boan;l.sagahi., ~nt again; fahul- r~prlmo -pn-ssl -prcssum, 8. (re and prerno),
am, Hor. IIL to plaa OM thing against anotMr, to lwld back, ratrain, hinder, rtpnu. L Lit.,
'11. CM plaos; 1 to put in. the p~ of; te lacum Albanum, Cic.; dextram, Yerg.; retro
meas epiatolaa delerc., ul reponaa tuas, Cic. ; 2, vc<Iem, Verg.; represqo jam Luctcrio ac remoto
ea aMtcJer again. ; ne tibt ego idem reponnm, (in battle),Caes. ;(~l1thrtdate.m)repr~ssum magna
Ole.; 8, to requiteJ_mur11.; haec pro vlrginitat.e ex parte, non oppr~<~11m, C1c. II. Fig., to >~q
reponlt, Verg. Iv. ti> pl.ace in or on.; 1, ht., under, chtck, ci1rli, rrstruin, u;,rt~!; a, of things,
quae u.cra quaedam more Athenfensium vir- turorem exsult~ntem, Cic.; an1111i incitationem
gtnwn repo11ita tn capitibua 1ustlne\J1rnt, Cic.; atque alacritatem, Ca es. ; condtus alicuiull, Cic.:
9, tranaf., a, aldera In numero deorum, Cic.; b, Of persons II~ ol•jf'CtS, II", lo T•-<train OM!ltlf,
b, to place, caw. to rest; spem in virtute, CaeL; Ci.:.; condt:1U!m multitud111em, Cic.
e&uaam In judicum humanitate, Cic. reprobo, 1. to disapprot•t, Cic.(!)
riporto, 1. to bear back, bring back, ca'T'JI repromlsslo onia, f. (repromltt.o), • cos•
hd. L Ltt., A. exercitum Britannii, Cic. ; ter-promi.M, C1c.
milltea navilma In Siciliam, Caea. B. to brift.9
llac.k, lo brift.9 bade hinne, aa victor, nihil e:r repromitto ·mbl -missum, s. lo tlW1b a
praeda domum Cle. ; victoriam, non pacem counttr-prom1.u, to promise in N/Un\1 Cic.
aomum, Liv. iL Tran!!!., 1, ro bring back, lk· reptii.tfo ·6nia, r. (replo), a crttpi~, era•
Uwr; adytia hacc tristia diet.a, Vcrg. ; 2, ro "1g, Quint.
&ring to a ptr.t<m; alicul solatium aliquod, Cic. reptatua .tlJI, m. (repto), o cretp;.J&g (ol
ripoeoo, 3. L to back again, demand plant:;), Piin.
llack; arma, Ov. ; alter a me Catilinam, repto, 1. (fntr.nS. of repo), 1-:> CTtt;J, CN.nol,
Cethegum reposcebat, Cle.; with double acc., to applied to slow walkers or traveUe::-s, H••r.
a.d: back tom(thing from a per!on; aliqUt·m simul- repudi3.tlo ·i'lnl11, C. (repudio>, a rtJIUIJl. ,.,_
acrum, Cic.; Partbos signa, Verg. II. lo de- je.:ting, tl1.<•/,.i11in'.J; supphcum, Cir.
"""1.d a1 a right, cl.dim: rcg1·m ad sul'plicium,
Verg. ; ab aliquo rationem \'ltae, Cic. : with repudio, I. (repudium). L U> rt/u.•t, rt)td.
double ace:t quoa 1111 poena11 (a.a a puni$hTMnt) disdain; cuaus v"ta et preces a vr!ltn.!i ment1bus
rcpoecent, v erg. rep111i1are del><·ti'I, Cic.: J>art>m, Cic. ; rond1tion-
em aequissimam, Cic. II. Esp. of 01arrit'J or be·
r~l>OsltOrlum -U, n. (repouo), a tra11, VX1Uer, trnthi'd perso1111, ro repwliale, diroN:.E, ~
5*l"4; Pliu. CYMs.:l,f from; uxorem,. Suet.
ripMftus (repostus) -a -um. I. Partic. rcpudium -ti, n. (re and pe!'l, u trlpudlum
of repono. IL P. adj., rnwU, distant; terrae from tcrni. anti pt>s), a srparot((m ~hDl't7Ul\MTW
repostae, Verg. or betroth.e.l pn-~nn.!, rqnW.ial~ diwrcc:; alicul
repostor -Orta, m. (rcpooo). a rukn'er; tem- repudium renuntiare, or remitterc, lo ra.d 1
ploruao, O'" d'llO'IU &o, Plaut.. ; repudlum dic:ere, Tac.
rep 483 res
~~ S. to b«ollM ca bof aga'11, to riq1lirfto, L (int.en&. of requlro). fo ~
lpOf1, Jrolk "" Cl clUd, Cic. Q/kr, Plaut.
ripugn&ll8. p. adj. (trom repngno), ~ riquiro-qttlalvf ..qulsltum, S. (re and qmero).
lm"I/, oppo«d; eubst...& ripugnantla ·lum, n. L tolUk,amrcAforagaif&. A. Lit., libroa, Ole.
001tln:uf(do"I/ CAinga, uic. B. Transf., l, to mMI, vtd, /fJll U... talHIJ oJ;
ripngnanter. adv.(repugnan.s),un.urillinglr, mRjoruru prurlentiam in aliq11& re, Cle. ; aub-
wUA TCJ'1'f1'IMI ace, Cle. sldla bdU, etc.; 2, to demand, t-0 dairt, c:in-
ripugnan.Ua -a.e, t. (repugno). L raiai- IMUr ~rr; virtue nullltm Yolupt.atem re-
G1'C», fl\«JM of ruiatanor ; natura bane dedtt re-
quirlt, Cle.; in hoc bello vtrLute. multae requir-
pngnanti&m apibus, Plln. ll. Fig., a oon.trarWr, untur, Cle. ll. lo cuk for, in.qum a,/ltrt'. A.
d'-:ordaf&Cd (opp. conconliH); rerum, Cle.
Gen., domum alicuins, Cic.; qnae· a ine de
Vatinio requhi1, Cle.; quoniam nibil ex te hi
ripugD.o. 1. to uppo«, ruiat, wilhslalld. L ma.iores natu requlruut, Cic. ; with depend. in-
UL, nosl.ri primo Cortiter repug11are, Caee. IL terrog .. llluil quoque roquirit, quantione fecerit,
Tranaf., A. Gen., to be oppo61!d. to, to OP'JJOll, r&- Cle. B. to 'nvuti.gak; rationea, Cle.
rist; contra veritate1u, Caes.; quun1 huie (cu~id· riqu.ieimm ·I, n. (reqniro). ...i, ~,.
ltati) obeeeutus sill, Uli est repuguandum, C1c. ; Sall.
nou repugno, foll. by qnominus and subj., Cle.
B. Esp., to be w.aturally uppowl or rep11g1aant to, ri8, !'fl, f. (connect.ed with PE -, wh~noe
to l¥ '~ wit.\, tnemnpatU>U unth; simul· e_jj,.a.}, a t/ti.11g, ohject, malt.,-, a§aJr, cireutnllo.Me..
atfoamlcitl11erepugnat maxime, Cle.; haec inter L Gen.,_divinae bumanaeque rea, natnra rerum,
1e quam repngneut, plerique non •ident., Cle. U... tDOrUt, Cle. ; genit., rerum,, ftcta.
rerum, Hor.; abdita rerum, Hoc. ; reru111, uaed
ripulltuo, 1. to aprout out ag<1fa, Plin. to strengthen a super!., rerum pulcl1erri1ua,
ripulaa ·a.e, t (repello). L a repul• ,,. Roma, Vcrg.; 11! res }'Olltulabit, if the Vo'ilim' of
.alM:Uing m1 01/f«, attjecti<m; repulsaoonsulatns, affttira ah.all rtquin, Ctc.: homines nalli re boni.
Cic. ; IM:<liiicia, Cic. ; a populo repulsam rerre, Jignl, gl'JOd for nothing, Ci<'-; re na.ti, Cic.; pro
or aeclpere, Cic. D. Trnnsr., a denial, rtflual; re, accordi1'{1 to circinnstamu, Liv.; ru populi
amor creacit dolore rep'""'8e, Ov. Rorw1ui }l<·•11cribere, to narrote the aJain of eA.a
ri:pul8o, l. (intens. or repello), to beat b<M:k. .&7Tllln pwple, 11.-riU tM history Qf &,-,11.e, Liv.
L oolle.i verba repnlaantes, tclwin.g, Luer. IL IL E.~p., A. Emphatic, tM thing ilMI/, Uac real
co repel ag<1in a1ul again; vera ret1ulsa11s pectwl thing, the rmlUy; rem opi11or spectarl oportere,
verb&, Luer. non verba, Cic.; hos deos non re, sed opinlone
case, Cic.; quantum dlMttlt ab re
l. ripulsua -& •UID, p. adj. with COIDJ>&!'• lpsa atque a vent.ate, Cic. ; et re Yllra, nu
(regello), rtmovm; quod proeul a vera mmls i" truth, Cic. B. poue.<rio1UJ, properer, vieaUA:
est ratione repul11um, Luer. rem facere, Hor.; augere, Cic.; plur., privatae
2. ripulaus ·lls, 111. (repello), a Btril:ing back, res, Cic. C. in.len."t. advantage, l>rnefl'; coo-
hence, Ole f'tjlt.dion of light, ttholng Qf aound; 111lere suis rebus, Nep.; In rem 1uam convert.ere.,
duriorls materiae, msi"'411.ll11, Cic. Cle. ; e or eic re pul.Jlica (to tM adrontage of Ute
ripii.mlcatlo ..()nis, r. (re and pnmico), a 1tute) rectlJIM'I, Cic.; ducere, Liv. ; ex or e rt'
ru.bbi.11.g dmon aua£n, rtpOlWmig, Plln. publica est, with acc. and lnHo., U ii for tM
ripungo. 3. to prick again, goad ag<1i1' ; Ilg., public ht'Mfl', Cic. ; ex re mea, to my adt'OHtafe.
leviter illorum anlmos, etc. Cle. D. gr01tn1l, reaaon, only in the 1•hn1-.
ei (hie) re, ob eam (hanc) rem, oo ihu ao-
ripurgo. 1. to ckaiiM agtii' L A. Lit., couttt, on that account, Cic. JC. a '1llllUr of btwi·, Liv. ; hnrnum saxh1, Ov. B. Transr., nua, an ajfair; rl'm cum aliquo tranlligere, Cie.;
cael11m, Ov. IL .Meton., to cltar awar, purge de tota ilia ratione atquo re Galllcana. Cle.;
OKl; q•licquid in .A1:11ea fuerat mortale re1.urgat, tran11r., re1< (alicui) est cum o.Uquo, to 1'aw lo
Ov. do Vlith ; tee um 111 i hi res est, T. Rosel, q non lam•
ripiitatlo ..()nis, r. (reputo), a 00Miderati.o1&, etc., Cic.
nJ,«liag upcm, po!idering, Tac.
a lau•6uit, cmue, actlol\; utrura
rem an llt+>m dici oporteret, Cic. G. res publica,.
rewto, I. L to nci»", roun.t, comptiU ,· ex and (in histor.) simply l't'S ; a, res pnbli•-a, Ul.tJ
hnc ·die 1mperiores 110!is defectiones u11que ad rtpublk, Ifie state, tom'11W11wtalth, govn·nlllellt;
illam qnae, etc., Cic. IL Tnmsf., to U1i1'k over, rem publicam su<tioere, Cic.; b, simply res,
OOJl.rider, ponder; borum nihil uwquam, Cic.; res Romana, IM Roman &ta.U, Liv.
with acc. and inlln., cum tibi nihil merito ac- realtcro, 1. to fru from a cur~, Nep
cidisae reputabis, Cic.; with deJ16nd. interrog. resa.evlo, 4. to mge again, Ov.
11e11t., quid ille vellet, Cic.
rea~liiti.tlo-6nis, f. (1'68lllt1to), a grHlilrtf Ut
riqulea -etis, t. rut, ttpOtJe. L Lit., non rrtnr11, 811ct.
labor mews, non requies, Cic.; curarum, Cic.;
animi et cor~ris, Cic. IL Meton., a resting· reaaliito, 1. to llalutl agai11, mum 4 greC•
Jolaot. Hor. (dat.. not use<l, acc., requiekm and ing :0; a liq uem, Cic.
requiem, Oic. ; abL, requiet.e, Cic. poet.; ro- ria&neaco ·d.nili, s. to btcome 1ound aga&~
quie, Ov.). to htal again, Ov.
riqule9co -qulevt -quietum, 8. to rut, ,... reearolo -sarsl -sartum. 4. to patcll a,ai"-
po11. L Lit., A. Gen., l, or persons, in sella, mtlld again., repair. L Lit., tect.i, Liv. D.
Cic.; sub wnbra, Verg. ; a 111unerib11sreipublic1te, Fig., to repair, rutore; detrimentum, Cae.<1.
Cle.: 2, or things, \'ixdum reqnie.-ise aures 1t reBClndo ·BC[di ·BCissum, S. to tear off aga("-
st:repitu et tumultu hoatill, Liv.; requit!scit tear auoay again, cut oJ!, cut at<'(ly. I. A. Lit.,
i.itis in nJmo, nsl• vpo,.,, ii l'llpported by, Cic. vallum ac lorlcam fal1·ibu!!, Caes.; pontem, lo
B. Etip., 1, to, to :sJup; lecto, Prop. ; 2, to brta.Jc auiay, Caes.; latl'hram tell. to cvt opt•,
.,..,,, i• Uu grew; in sepnlchro requicscere mort- Verg.: vulnus, to ~11 ui1<1i1!l..Ov.; and fig., luctus
11um. Cic. IL Tra1111f., to repose, Jhul. rut: obductos, to nM'lo, Ov. .a. Mt!ton., h~noe, to
&Dimua ex multi11 111h1eriis atq11e periculls re- o~n: locmn flrmatnm, Cic. IL 1'ransf., to t"e-
quievtt, Ball. ; in spe buiuit, Cic. (sync.op. perr. $dnd, reJl(al, abr090tt n law, d«:ru, etc.; &eta
fonn, reqnierunt, Verg.; requiest!e, Cic.). M. Antoni!, Cle.; triennii praeturam, Ole.
riqulitua .., -um, p. adj. (from requiesco). HBClaCO «lvi and •SC!i ·!IClturn, s. ,. ,,M(
fWUrl, rf,fraMd; miltl8, Liv.; ager, fallow, OY. out, a.s1%rlain; quum Id rescierit. Cic.
res 484 res
reaan""bo -acrlpAI •llCrlptum. 3. L to tcrif.e Hslguo, 1. L to 'inMtll, Ol'f!"- A.. Ut.1
~ill, to write anew:; ex eooern milite novu litera~, C1c.; tRsta1111.•11ta, Hor. B. Fig., 1, le
tegiont>s, to enrol agaln, Uv: IL to _wnte ~~. optn =to rti•eal; Vt>nleutia fut&., Ov.; 2 w
aruicer in u•riHng; l{ Ad ahquem, Ctc.; ahem, ettnul, a·nnul, dutroy; omnl'm tabularum fl•fl'm,
Cic. · 2 lltterl11, ad itteru, or 11d epiKtolam, Cle.; 3, tn rtlf/111#, fr't; lumina morte reiign&l
Cic. ; or the emperor, to ail.8Wr a pdilicn at"
inquiry ill torUing, Suet. ; hence, reeorlptum
(Mercurins), rtl"-'-"'JI from cZ..alh, \'erg. IL ,,,
t11.Ur frrrm. 0711l lW'l)JLlll·/)1)1)/.: iHto cnwtltrr, ro gll"I
·I, 11. an. imperial rucrlpt, Tac. IIL a, in book- bad:, rc.•ign; cu11cta, l{()r.; •111ae •ledtt, Hor.
keeping, to en.Ur to t1LIJ credit of an a«mLnt, to rialllo -111HU -1111lt.ur11, 4. (re and !ialin). w
pa.y, repay; rell9ua rescrib&m11;9, Cic.;. qu0<l tu lmp IJU.Ck, apring bark; in ~eli1)1);1 Ja1·u~. 0\·. ; .... 1
numquam reacrtbere (par again) poss111, Hor.; manipnlo'.'1, Liv. L or .'!ianimatf! tlung,-,. II)
b to transfer from. one cfrul5 of lft'lldur1 to ail.IJtlv.r; spring b<1ck, rtbound; res1llt g-ran•lo a n1lm1fle
;f equum, jestingly, with a double meaning, to tecti, Ov. ; tig., ubi 11Copult1m •>lfo11•l_i!I eiusm·~li.
tlMlU cavalry and to pl.ace in t1LIJ OT!Ur of knigh.U, ut non modo ab hoc crimPn res1hre v1rk..t"-,
Caes. verum etiarn, etc., Cle. IL Transr., lo ro11trw:t,
~ -el!cdl -sectum, 1. to c11t off. L Lit., diminish.; in sp:1tium bre\·e, 0\'.
linguam, Cic. ; de tergore, Ov. IL riaimua -a -um, bent backuurdl, h1rl14d up ;
'f!'ansf., fo cut o§, put away, rtm0ve; libidinem, nares, Ov.
C1c. ; spem longam, HOt". riaina ·&e, f. <i>'ITl"'lh ruin, Plln. '
re.9oro, 1. (re and sacro), kl adft&re reptal· reainacOua -a •Um (reain.e.), ral!M)tU, Plin.
edly, implore agaill and again, Plaut. (another rieinatwl-A -urn (resina). L jlaMMred 1tl'itA
form rencro, q. v.). resin; vinum, Mart. IL 1rt1£0.rlld icitJ& raia;
rieetto, l. to hMl, assuage, Plln. juvcutus (to take hairs olfthe skin), Jnv.
r'-egmlna·Ulll, n. (reaeco), cutting1, parings, riaiDO.WI -a ·Um (resina), fM.ll of ruia,
Pl in. ruinou..•, Plin.
rMimlno, 1. to ~. JWod~ agai~ Ov. rhlpio, 3. (re and Mpio), to ha~ a maek..
rWquor ·sMntus (-e{\qulltua). 3. dep. to Ui~te, fla!'Our l)f cmything. L
Lit., Plin. IL
follow, pvrstu; allquem, to a11.1wer, Ov. Fig., Epicurus minime 1esiplens patnam, v11~
no trace of t1LIJ wit of hil country, i.e., At/I.:"'•
1. rWro -sevi, 3. to 1a111 again., 1et again, Cic.
plant again, Plin.
2. rWro, 1. to vnclole, open.. L Lit., A. In
realpl&OO •!!lp!lf an<l -i;ipii, also ·Slpl\·i, l
(resipio/. l. to r«flt'fr oM'.! an1~'• t:time r.., OIV·
a nat·row sense, to OJlll" a door; fore!!, januam, •el.f C141Un (from fainting, ete. ), Cic. U. to l~ro>Jt-t
Ov. B. In a wider sense, to o~n; pectus, to raliomd CJ{}ltin, C0111J! to one's right mind, C1c.
uar open, Ov. IL Transr., A. to o~.,., make (syncnp. pcrf., rcsi pi11set, Cic.).
ctCCCS$iblt; ltaliarn exteris gcntibus, Cic.; aures,
Liv. B. to reveal; augustae oracula men tis, realsto ·Stlti, 3, L to rtmalfl 1tm1ding. A.
Ov. C. to o~n. =to begin.; annum, Ov. a, in a po~ition of rest, to rtllkli1t, roi"inu~; it>i.
Cae!!.; Horu&e, Cic.; b, after motion, to Ua•vl
reaervo, 1. L to lay up, kup back, resen.,,, still, hnlt, Caee. ; virtus n:sistet extra fore;i
kttp; hoc con11ilium 1ttl extremum,; in aliud carccrls, Cic.; negabat se umqu:un ('UID Cu~i·•11e
tempus, Caea. ; cetera praesenti aennonl, Cic. restitisse, had atopped to talk, Cic. B. Tran~f. a,
II. a, to saioe; omnes, Cle.; b, to rtta•n, pre· of discourse, se<l ego in hoc rcsisto, #np hert, C1c.;
11tTve; nihll ad altuilltudinem hominis, noth.i11{1 b, to recover afooti11{1. gtt to one's ftl't ngai11; nN
lu1ma1', Cic. lapsi resistamui., Cic. IL to ru~t, Opp<:J#, u·Uk·
re.ea -sTdis (resideo). L rrmainin(1, sitti!u.1_, stand. .A. Physically, a, or per!!Ons, ho11tib~,
'taying behiiul; reses in ucbe pleb!!, Liv. IL Caes.; vi contra vim, Liv.; b, of things, cpia.e
motionkss, inactivt, in,rt; eum residem tempus nunc immotae pcratant ventisque resistunt,
terere. Liv.; animus, Verg. Ov.; c, morally, clolori fortiter, Cic.: lacrlrui~
rOaldeo -sooi -sessum, 2. (re and sedeo), to ct precibus, Cle. ; rei;istere et vnimare cllnL.-.
remain. !itUn.g, to abidt, stay. L Lit., a, re- vcr1tatem, Cic.; imper.i., "mnibus his resistitnr,
aideamus, let U.f rit down, Cic. ; in equo, Ov. ; In Caes.; foll. hyneand thPsuhj., ne sibi statua J)()ll·
republica, Cic.; b, to etkbra.te a festival or eretur, restitit, Nep.; folL by quin and the sub.i,
Aoliday: denicales, quae a nece appellatae sunt, vix deorum opibus, q1rin obruatur Romana~
quia ref.identur mnrtuis, kept in honour of tM resisti pot.est, Liv.; cui null§. vi resbtl poto>st,
dead, Cic. IL Traner., in corpore nullum foll. by quo secius and subj., Cic.; absol., re$ttUt
residere sensum. Cle.; resldet spes In tua virtute, et pen·icit Cat.o, Cle.
dtpen~ upon, Cic.; cuius culpa non magis in te r8a6liitua -a -nm, p. adj. (trom ttsolvo\,
resedit, Cic. rtla.z:td, r.!, Mart.
resido ·RMI -seasum, S. L to lit down, reaolvo -sohi ·sMntum, 3. to unbind, UJl.lie,
plaa onadf; a, to sit down to rest, Cle.; mediis looSIJ, loosni., open.. I • .A. \'estes, Ov. ; equos, t.o
aedibns, Verg.; b 1 to W,tle: Siculis arvis, Verg.; unyo~, Ov.; puella reKoluta capillos, 1c1t1' di·
c, to stay in a pt.a«, rtm.ain; in villa, Cic. ; In sMreUed hair, Ov. B. Transf., 1, gleha ~
oppidn allquo, Cic. IL or Inanimate things, resolvit, btromc.! loose, Verg.; Cerberus immani&
lo sink dmon, MUie. A.. Gen., 1 lit., si montes tlrga resolvit fusus humi, Jtrttclla 011.l i1' 11.up,
resedissent, Cic. ; 2, fig., a, to rint. to Bfttle dowit, Verg.; 2, to open; litteras, Liv.; fauCE-s in ~erb&,
al>a.U, grow quid: mens resedit, Caes. ; cum Ov.; 3, to melt; ignie aurum reMh·it., Luer.;
tumor animi rosedlsset, Cic. ; b, to become tired, ~iveni:, Ov.; 4, tod>iw, diuiJ"~!e: tenebrM.
to be W<»ry, IJMa1ultd; longiore cert.amine scnsim Verg., u~bula.s_, Ov. IL Fig., 11. to tnd: CUT"&$,
residere Samnitium animos, Liv. B. to sink Verg.; lttem llt.e, Hor. ; 2, to ai#olve, to rcla.:I:
down = to dmw back, withdraw; a, lit., maria ph11:..-icci.lly, u~n, mah languid; ut jacui totis
tn se ipsa rcsidant, Verg.; b, fig., sex mihi resolut.a medullis, Ov. ; 3, to aboliJ!k, dutn:JJ:
aurgat opua numeril, in quinque residat, in.Ur· jura pudoris, Verg.; 4, to frtt; te piacula null&
cha.ngt M.mmaer and ptn.lameter, Ov. resolvent, Hor.; 5, to unmwl, N'Wlal; dolos
rWdibua .. ·um (resideo), rtma.ining uft tectl (Labyrinthi) ambagesque, Verg.; 6, to par,
bchiJt.d, O'U.tstanding; odium, Cle.; aimulatio,Ltv.; Plaut.. Cic.
pecnnia.e, Cic. ; anbst., l'Wdiium ·i, n. that ri~Jli' -e (rw>llO), ~Ming, tcM\tag,
w.\kA """'""-- ~ ~. ruidtU, rut, Cic. Ov.
res 48.S res
rWno -slSnl11 and ·R6nitvl, 1. L rntrunslt., tiounce, Cle. ; paaa. Imper.!., lta ~llplratum ett,
A. Cu gii:c OOck an l!('M, to rt1101md, tcho; Re•les Cic.
plangorfbus resonant, v.. rg.; re!\ou:111s th0;1tru111, reaplendeo -a..I, t. to glitkr back, lHI brlahl,
Cle.; gloriA vi rt uti resonaL, i.t an tchfl of, C'ic. rts1•len<bmt, \'erg.
B. to IO'l&nd again and agailt, ro rtSflU11d; ncrvos reapondeo -11pondl _:!}10nsum, 2. L to pro-
reaonaro, Cic. : reso11a11t avibus virgult.R, \'erg. mi..-e in return, Plaut.. IL to a11.S1rcr. A. Lit.,
D. TrJnt1f., A. to re-uho, NJ"-llt; doces aih·as ta an~wer (1°rop., by toonl of mouth); tibl non
resonare Amaryllid:t, V1·r;.i.; umbrae re11ouan>nt rrscribain, sed rupon.dea1n, Sen.; to a11&u'tr by
triste et ac11tu111, Hor.; In 1iaiis. In fltlil111s U'Ord of month or by 1cri.li11g; epi11tolae, Cic.;
testn•llno l't>sonatur (~n1111s), Cic. B. (.()fill with a<l hnec, Cic. ; alicul ad rogatum1 Cic. ; vldeat
llJKnd; lucos cantu, \"er::;. quid reapon<lcnt, Cic.; rtlllponden& "cul," Cle.;
ri.Onus ·ll -um (re:iono), ruouncllng, echo· esp., a, or j11di;es, to !]it•e deci&ioru; de jure,
'119; voce'i, Ov. Cic.; criminibus re!l)>Ondere, to deftnd OMM/J
a!1ai11. .~f, Cic.; or oracles and soothsayers, to
raorbeo, 2. to •wallow, auck '"' ablOl'b an.ir1ctr, Cic.; trnnsr., aaxa respondent vocl,
again; tl11ctu:-1, 0\'. gi1'1J aii echo, Ck.; b, to miswer to om'• Mmt,
reapecto, 1. (int<.·ns. or re.~picio). L to look hence, to up1iro.r, be 11rt.-e11t; quum ad no111e11
1C1f](rl!l l111d-, /o .. i.. cil.out f11r. A. Lit., r1·spect1>re ncmo rc~pomleret, Liv.; Vc1Telll non respon·
ad tnlmw1l, Liv.; with acc., Hrt~m Ro111a11a111, 11111·u111, Cit'.; so or soldiers, ro an.swer ro o!U•
Liv. B. Tr:1nsf., v.. n1111 haec it.11 practereamus, nmnl', take 011-,'s plclCi!; ad nomina non rcspondere,
ut tameu intuentes et respe1·tantcs reli11quamus, Liv.; fl~., pcdes re:1po11clere 11011 vocatos, be i~
Cle.; with acc., si qua pin>! r1·spt•ct1111t 11m11i11:1, rwdi11e:i3, L'ic. B. Transr., a, to corrtspond tn,
haN rtgcird fur, Cic. IL Meton., to look fur, to ans!Vfr to, to a{]rte or 11cco1·d toith ; verb&
a:pect: pill' m•rnn!'I ab aliquo, Cic. verlois respondcant, Cic.; tua virtus opinioui
respectua ·i1'4, m. (re.11pioio). L G looking ho1ul11um respnn<let, Cic.; b, to requite, return;
back, luo~·i11garm1rnt one. A. Lit., sine respectu a111Dri an1ore, Liv.; Ci to li.e Ot't'r; con·
fugere, Liv. ; iucen•liorum, looking l:fack u11011, trn respondet tell us, \erg.; d, to be punctual in.
Cic. B. Transf., mre, T"!Jnrd, ru]J'ct, consuitm· 1>r1yi11!/; nil tempus, Cic.; e, to balr111ce, corr•
tio.1 towanls; Rnmanor11111 maxime respt>Ctu11 spond to in stren11th, etc.; nrntioni illotum, Cic.
cil'itnte11 m•wit, Liv.; sine l"Mpectu lllAje,, reaporudo ·Oul:1, f. (responrtco). I. 11 reply,
Lh·. IL Met.on .• a 111'.ice of rtfuge, a rtfrmt;; 1espon"imtt'm ellccre,<...'ic. lLUhet. t.t.,
quum respt>ctum a<l scuatum non haberet, Cic. sil.ii ipsi rc>1po11~in, a replying kl oru's own argu•
respergo -spersl -spers11111, s. (re an•l menl ( == 0.Jtoicp•O'•~), Cic.
't•:irgn), to brs11rinl:le, orer; manus respoDSlto. I. (lntcns. ot res1wnso), to give
sau:;11iue, Cic. ; aliquem cruore, Liv.; tig., an aM1otr, opinum (or legal advisers), Cic.
IM!r\·ili proltro rellpergi, Tac.
reapoD!IO, 1. (lntens. ot respondeo), to
resperal'.o -Ouis, f. (re.11pergo), a sprinkling aMuvr, rt1•ly, nspond. L A. J,it., Plaut. B.
ortr, bcJprit1/;li Ill]; pi;;me11torn111, Cle.; 1111111 p· Transf., to rt-uho; lucus ripaequo re>1ponsnut
toosa rt."!'persin, spri11.J.:U11g of tM gra~·e ,oith circa, Yerg. II. Fig., re&ponsare cupidiulbus,
iacenu and 10i11e, Cic. to with~t1md, Hor.; cenls, to scorn, Hor.; palato,
reaperaus, ·ll, m. (respergo), 11 sprink· to defy, ll•>r.
ling, be.fpri1ildi11g, Pliu. responsor -<'Iris, m. (respomloo), OM "1ho
respiolo -spe~d ·!!pel'tum, S. (re and speclo), answua, Plaut.
tiau,it. amt iutrirn~it., to look beltilld, to look reaponsum .f, n. (respondeo), a." a71$1C't'r.
bad·. L Lit., Cic.; unsqnam circmnsplciens L Gen., resp.. uqu111 tlar\! alicul, Cic.; re<l<lere,
aut respiciens, Liv.; with acc., a, ro look back Cic.; ferre, auferre, obtai11, Ch'. IL E>1p., a,
,,,,,,11; tribuual, Liv.; Eurydicen suam, Ov.; i'
the an..~wer of u <>racle or ~lwiyer; haruspicu111,
amkum, Verg.; b, to su behi1ul 01ie, to observe; Cle.; Sihyllae, \"erg.; b, the ansuvr or opinio1&
9.uos ubi rex rei1pexit, Liv.; angues a tergo, of a la1vytr, Cic.
~"l"lt·; with acc. an<l inlln., respiciunt atram in reapubllca. v. res.
niluoo Yolitare f!\nllam, \"erg. IL Transr., a, reapiio -i\i, 3. L Lit., to apit back or 0td,
to lllOk h<&dc ltpon, reflect 'Upon.; 11patinm prae· ro rejed; reliquiae ciui, quat1 natura respuit,
teriti temporis, Cic.; b, to hat'e respea to; (a) to Cle. II. Fig., ro rej«t, ref~ repel, disapprore
tlti1i/.: uptm, 11rt>r:ide for; ut respkiam generum nf; quum id dicat, quod omnium meutes asper-
me111n, Caes.; (IJ) to rare for, con,1.der; rempul.i- nentur aa resvuaut, Cic.; defelliliunetn, Cic.;
licam, Cic.; comnroda popull, Cle. ; o, to l1elong poetas, Hor.; conJitionem, Caes.
to, fitll to the c•1re (lj; ad hunc summa impt>iii
rt>spiciebat, Caes.; d, to look toirord& with duire, reat&«DAtlo -onls, t (restag'lo), an. oi·tr-
CO hope, e:rpt;d: spem al.> Romanis, Liv. ftowina; Euphratis, Plin.
.respiramen -luis, n. (L-espiro), tM wind· reatagno, 1. t-:i ovn'jfow; ~uas (raludes)
pipe, <J,·. l't',stnguantes faciont lacus, Li'f'. ; re.;itagnaus
mare, Ov. ; transr., of placett, to be O«Tjl<need;
reapiratlo -1\nis, (resplro). L R ta1.:i11g late is locus reataguat, Cae&.
~. t'upimtion; 1, lit., Cle.; 2, melon., a
pau.te in. 11.1pttch whue the lptal~r caw breath, reatauro, 1. (re and • stauro, from ato,
Cic. IL a.n. wia:ation; aquarum, Cic. wl1enca instauro), to t'uton, repU.U:~, repair, ,..
builtl; aeJem, Tac.
re.piri.tu.a ·11, m. (re11piro), a takL11g breath, reetloMa -ae, r. (dim. or re~tis), a thin. T01'f
or oorrt, Cit'.
ret1piro, 1. L to blow back, blow in. a con· reatWo, 1. to drop back agtiin: ~g.. qnae
trary dinctum; or winds, Luer. II. Ei!p~. to (littcra~) mihi quidJam quasi 1V.1irt1ulae re..tiit·
bnlo.tM back. A. to tab breath, brmlhe, brtat11e aruut, have in.slilllld, Cic.
01tt; anitnam, Cle.; ex ea pan< re<lditur re11pir-
ando, Cle. B. to take brtath, rtrover onuelJ reatin.otlo -Onf!1, r. (restlnguo), a. slal:iflt,
t1/f,er a7'y t:Mlent cwrtion; 1, lit., Cle. ; 2,. ttg., que11chini1; sitl.c, Cic.
to be nlievtd /rt1m fwr, a.rizi1ty, etc. ; pau1um a reetlnguo ·stinxi -stiuct um, !I. to min·
metu, Cle.; or at'8tractio11:1, to al.iatt, dtclint; guish, q11e11ch. L Lit., iznem, (;it'. IL Tran,.f., atque avarltia rt111piravlt paulun1, Cle.; a, to quench, mastn-, 1111bd11'-, control; sit.Im, Cle.;
oppugnatio reaplravit. IOOk brfalh, declined iA ardorem cupiditatum, Cic.; odi•nu allcuius, Olo.;
res 486 ret
b kl l!:dft&guuh. dulroy, put a" t"Ad tn; studia, 1, to nrn.1!10, ,.,J>tflt; pugnam, 1'ae.; 2, to obtaia
Ole.; animue homlnum scnsu11que morte re- agai1~, to '"'"''H'tr; \'ireR, Ov.
etlngul, Cle. riaiipino, I. I. to brnd, turn bnch:im-W:
restJo -Onie, m. (re11tiR), a ropMnaku Suet.; mrgc11tc111 u111hor1e 1 to strike "°''k to tlac
In jest, OM 'llJM ii 600Urged toilh ropa, Pla•lt. ground, Liv.; miJ<llli, re11upi11nrl, to bind bad;
rwtlptuatlo -Onie, f. (restlpulor), 11 C01mlu- resul'inati G'llli, proatmte from intorioo.lio•, .Juv.
ngagem.ent, ~le. IL Meton., to brtak Opet\ ; vnlVL'J, Prop.
readpfilor, I. to promw, engage in rrtur11., re.iipinu -a -um, bettt bacl.-wan.Ls. L A.
Cic. Gen., eollum, Ov. ; resupinus h11eret eurru,
l'elJUa -Is, acc. -Im and -em, abl. -e, f. a rope, Verg.; rt»mpinum aliquem fundere, to lay '°"1
m~ till' groutul, Ov, B. E!'lp., lying 1m t>Ju'.r buck;
eord; per ru11.nue reste dat.81 in a kind of dan.u
111Mr8 tM rope ra1l throu.gll. tM laa1id1 of the jncuit. reirnpi11t1M, Ov.; re1mpini natan~ (11' IMir
danan, Llv. /xtcb, Ov. IL Meton., throu.-i"!l l1t1cJ: thr h«ul.,
with tlu n<>.9t! high ii\ tht air (of the proud). 0\-.
remtlto, 1. (freq. of reeto), to rtmain behind,
iou.r, linlJff, Liv. r6aurgo -surrcxi -surrectum, 3. to rise up
agnin, appear again. L A. Lit., herhG re-
restltrbr -triels, f. (l't'!llisto or resto), sht !rnrgens, Ov.; re.'!urgam (from bed), Ov. B. Fig.,
111at rtmoins behind, PlAui. 1, to ri.-.e again ; in ultionem, Tar_ ; 2. to
restltl\o ·lli -iltum, 8. (re and eta.tuo). L to come up again, rtappror; amor, re-awal.zlU,
Jl'Ul in il.'f01"1Mr plau, rtplaet, rut0rt. A. Gen., Verg.; 3, to comt forth again; quum res Romana
ata.twun, Cic. B. a, to bring back again, rtnore; contra s1iem votaque elus velut resurgeret, Liv.
causa reatituendl mei, Cie.; b, to gfre back, git't! II. Meton., to .tla11d up agaitt =to be built agaitt;
vp again, tt.Store; a~rum alicui, Liv.; tl_g,_, se re:mrgcn!I urbs, Tac.
alicui, to 11ta:mu frunds agafo, Cle. IL to re.u.clto. 1. to rtriw, ns'IUCilau ; ftg.,
rl!ltof"e, bttUd again, bring a thil&g back to m veterem iram, Ov.
prtriow condUimi ; oppida, ; provinciam
in antiquum statum, Cle.; aliquld ln pristlnam reautu ·a -um, r£pptd oprn, Suet.
dlFnltatem, Cle.; aliquern In amlcltlanJ, Cle.; retard&tlo -Onls, f. (~tardo), a retardi1'g,
al1quem, to rutort a person's property to him, protracting, tklay, Cic.
Cle. ; aliquem In lntegrum, to place a man in retardo 1. to tklay, protract, rttard. illlptrl.i.
llu rondition, Cle.; rem, aclem, proellum, ck.tain. I. Ltt., aliquem in via, Cle.; in middle
Liv. ; darnna Romsno bello u.ccepta, to repair, sil(niflcatlon, motus atllllarum retardantur, 9'0W
lJv. slowly, Cir. IL Fig., to hinder, prninU; aliquem
restltiitlo -onh11 f'. (rcstituo). L a rr.&tm'a· a scribentlo, Cic.
tWn; Capltolii, Suet. ll. a rolling back agaia; rotaxo, I. to cen1Ure in return, Suet.
&, from banishment, restoration of a ptrsO-n to
Ail pre1'io-M.I condttion, Cle. ; b, a pardoning;
ret«S -is, n. a ftet (both for fishes and ror
damnatorum, Cle. hunting animals with); retia ponere cerviA,
Verg.; retia wndore, Ov.; ex araneolis aliae
restltiitor -Oris, rn. (re.atltuo), a rut.orer; quasi ret.e texunt, Cle.
~mplorum, Liv.; salutis, Cle. -stlti, 1. L to rtmain bi!Mnd, Nmain ret«Sgo -text -tectum, s. t.o '"'C01'er· tt1IMl,
lay bare, to~n. L Lit., A. thecam,
datl<ling, stand llUl. A. Oen., Prop. B. to Cic. ; homo retectus, ftot row:red h1/ a &lti.dd,
f'Ui&t, oppwe, 'llJithstand, Liv. ; pass. lmpers., Yerg. B. Poet., to t1i.ak1 tri.sil>U, to iU vt1li.1UJU ;
qui minima vi restatnr, where tlu Ucut rllristance orhem radii&, Verg.; jam rebus lace retectia,
v, Liv. IL to nmain, rtmafa ONr. A. Gen., Vcrg. II. Tram1r., to tt'Mll, dUootier; arcanum
11 ot things, hie restat actus, Cle.; dona pelago consilium, Hor.; scelus, Verg.
~ flammls restantla, 1aved from, Verg.;
ut, etc., it nmaim Uaal, etc., Cle. ; non or nihil rite11do -tend! -tensum and -tentum, S. If
allud reatat nisi or quam, foll. by lnfin., Liv.; &lacken, unbend; arcum, Ov.
2 of persons, to nmain., be lrft; (11) restab&rn ritentlo -llnls, t. (retlneo), o lwping bock,
eo~us de vigintl, Ov. ; (/J) to remain alii-e; holtiittg in. L Lit., nurigae, Cic.. U. Transr.,
qRI panci admodnm restant, Cic. B. With re- a 1l'ithkolding; assensionis, Cle.
ference to the tuture, to ttmafa for, await,· I. retento, 1. (intene. of retlneo), to Mid
placet (vobiB) 11ocios sic tract.o.rl, quod n!Btat1 back, hold fast. L Lit., Liv.; oaelum a
ut per haec tempora traetatoA ,videtJs, ftyr the terris, to kllp apart, Luer. IL Tranar., to pn·
futuu, Cic. ; hoc Latlo reetare ca.nunt, with 3tl1'Ve, matntain; eensus hominurn vitasque, Cle.
ace. and inftn., Verg. poet.. •
renrtcti, adv. (rP.11trietU11). L sparingly; 2. ritento (retempto). 1. (re aml ten to), 11>
tarn restricte facere id, Cle. ll. accurattly, try, alll!'mpt again; Illa lyrae, Ov. ; foll. by
ltricU71; praeeipere, Cle.; observare, Cic. intln., Ov.
reatrlotua -a -um, p. adj. (from restrlngo). ritentu -a -um. L Partic. or retendo.
L clo#, tigAt; toga, Suet. lL Tranaf., 1, cloet1 ll. Partle. or retlneo.
di"fl'll; homo, Cle.; quum naturll. 11ernper aa retexo -text\I -textum, S. L to unlDftlw,
larglendum ex alleno fuerim reatrictlor, Cic.; t.tnrat'el. A. Lit., quasi Penelope telam re-
2, .strWt, StJVfffl; lrnperlum, Tac. tcxens, Cle. B. Transf., 1, ~n., dum Iona
restr1Dgo -strinxi -strictum, s. I. to bind c,iuater pl_enum t.enuata rete~t orbem, di111i11·
back, bind Jrut, bind tight; restrlctiB lacertis, uhrd agau1 1 Ov.: 2, esp., to diBaolN, canal, aa·
Hor. IL 1, to draw back, confine, rutrict,, Nvt1'118; praeturam, Cic.; orationem, re-
rutNfo, Tac.; 2, to draw back, to open; dentes, tract, Cle.; ecriptorom quaeque, to n-tn.w, corT'1!ct,
Plant. Hor. IL to uitaw again; poet., transl, to tt111t1l',
r81nllt4!, 1. (Int.ens. or reslllo), to tpM"'1Z_jJack, repeat; properata retexite fat.a, Ov.
rebouM. .L. te1a resultant galea, Verg. IL Of ritli.riu -II, m. (rete), a flghtn' 'citk n ftd.
11ound, ro ecJt,o, reaound ; imago \'ocle resultat, o gladiator ft1rnulud "7ith. a wt, tDit1' tchicll M
Verg.; transt., CJf places, to ru<nind; pulsati atrove to entangle hil adVtTSary, Suet.
colles clamore resultant, Verg. retl'centla -ae, f, (retieeo), a kttpfog lilnl,
ri•iuno -sumpel -sumpturn-' s. to take agai~ lilenc<I (opp. locutlo). L Gen., Cic.; Testra
fQJit bac1c. L Lit .. tahellas, vv. IL Trauar., virllll nequo oblirio11.1 eonu1& qMi '"'ftC nM.
ret 487 reu
aeqae nffctlatU! ~ •palt:a eae poterf t, retraotaa -a ·nm, p. ldj. (ft'om rein~
Cic.; poena reticentlae, I.e., /or kujlir&g •IU11J ajar o.f, cliatant, naou: retracUor a mart mtu'Wlit
aboMl a d4fecl tn an o'1jea o§t:nd for iale, Cic. Liv.
n. A.ii • flgure of speech, G ndclcn J'C'l.lll (Gr. retriUlo ·trlixl -tractom, s. L to dro.te hac:t.
&~ii), Cle. A. to dru10 bt.1cl;wards: 1, lit., a, manum, Cle.;
redoeo •Ctli, 2. (reanll taceo). L lntranalt., Hannlbi.lem in Africam, Cle.; 116 ab ictu, OY.;
lo bts 1Uen.1, k«p ri/.maJ; (A) abi«ll, quum tinl· b to fetch huck a fllflitin, llrir&g back, Cle.;
pici1111 rt:ticui-t, Cic. ; lie h1juri~J. Cle. ; (~) allquem ex fuga, t;all. ; 21 tnrnaf., a, to a.,
with \lat., lo giN 1&0 annotr to, Liv. u. Tram1it., ba.cJc, ]lf"ti·en.t; con1ulllli a roedere, Cic.; b, to
to keep 11ecn1t, coKC«ll; cugitationea 1m11B, Cic.; /&old back, Ml to g\N ll14t; quOB oc1·uh:re aut
qood Ii, qui ea patefacere posbCnt, reticui11d1mt, ret.rahere 111iq11!d llU!!plcio fult, Liv.; c, M, to
Uc. wWwraw 011tlld,{; qnum 11e l'l:trAxlt, ne 1•rxltlem
ritloitlatua -& -um (reticulum), Mt-like, trai.leret., Cle. B. to drag forth Cl{l'U_in, dnuo
nticllluted, Pllu. forth again ; Treveroa in artllll, Tac. II. to draw
ritloiUua -l, m. and ritloitlum -1, n. &owardl; tti., lu odium judlcis, Cle.
(•llm. of i-ete), a litlle mt; a, for catching jbA, ritrlbuo -trlblli -tnbOtum, 8. L to "'"'
Plaut.; b, a bag of tut-100rk UHd /or carrying A. to giw, reiitm"t; pro !Slculc>
cerlClia tu1icla; reticulurn plenum rolll8, Cic.; frumcnto accept.lun pecunlam_j>Oi>Ulo, Llv. B.
reticulum Jlftni11, lior. ; c, a 1'" /or tM hair, to give atJ«in, ufruh, Luer. IL to giw bar.I: a
Juv.; d, a racJ.;u/or a balt, Ov. w11' hi• cl~; alicui fructum qut"m me.nut, Cle.
retlni.cfilum. ·I, D. (retinoo), a f'OJ't, G cable, retro (from re &nil pron. RUff. ter, &I dtro,
aonl, Verg., Ov. intro), adv. L Lit., bacl:ioard~, back, bthtw.l:
ritlnens -entia, 'P· adj. (l'rom retiueo), UllG- l'eflire, retro re~kro, Liv. ; retro reaplcere, <:ir.;
dolU of a11yt.Ai1&1; 1u1 Juris dlguitatisque, Cic. quod retro atquu a tergo lleret, rre laborarut,
ridnentla -ae, t (retlneo), a Rtai1aing in Cic. IL 'l'ran11r., A. ur time, '" limu JXJlll.,
Ile •eiiwr11 , nrolkction, Lncr. form.arty, bacl;; et dclncepa retro w.qut1 ail
ritmeo -tlndi -tentum, s. (re and teneo~. L Ro111ulum, Cic. B. or other rel&Uona, 1, bGcl.:,
ll'•ckwarda; n'tro pouere, lo poatpo'IU, Cic. ; ~.
lo Ml1l bad:, /&old /llllt, dttain. A. Lit~, , to again, on th.le cotitro.ry, ~n. Uu ~ Aan.d, Cle.
UqJ back; a, or ~l'llOlll, co11ciliu111 <llmittit, re~ •-ltko -6gil -•ctum, • lo d.-'- .....~ •-J
Lbicum retinet,; nisl jam profccti sunt, NV,.,-,;, . p -.. ... ~ - -
retinebis homincs, Cic.; b, or thl11g11, Jacrim&ll, back, turn. ack, lln.
Ov.; manu11 ab ore, Ov.; 2, to Jue,> back, P"- . retr66o, 4. ro go back, nlur., Plln.
lrTll't, kola back; armoru111 118.l"lt: tert.i.i celati ritr0gri.dlor -gressu11 11um, a. dep. • ,.,
atque In orplilo rt:tentat, Cat>11.; 3, to retaLn a backwarda, "&{)", Plin.
~; oppidam, ~..s. B. Tran!!f., 1. to
k«p 10it.Ai11. bound/I, rutrain; mo<l1:1uri cursum
N- :klD• ... ... •v&- ,,,_• . . , , . _ ,
atque io 111ia potc11t.ate rclim:re, Cic.; rctiuere In going bac roardl, Sen. 'JI
Ofticio, Cle.; foll. by quin, ae~re 1111nt. retenti, retrol'llUJD and retrol'lliill. adY. (=retro-
quln ovpidnm irrumperent, C11c11.; 2, t~ kup, versuw l·VOl'llum) awl r•·trvv.,ns1111 (-vorvn11J).
~. hold fad; ut a1uicos ublle1·vantl1, rem backVJ(lrdl, bd&ind. L Lit., retrorsum )"ela
p&Tllimoni& retineret, Cle. ; 11t&tu1il 11m1w, Cle. ; dare, Hor. IL 'fran,,f., in retur1', in rt~
memoriam sllae P!isllnae vii tutis, Cac11.; allquld order; ddnde retrorisu111 vlci1111im, etc., Cle.
memorii, Cle. IL to lwld/t111t. A. Lit., arcum retronua = retrorsum (q.Y.).
mauu, Cie. B. 1'ntth1r., on.lo lpllll anualium re"'•-ov-er-• -a -um (verto\ ..,.... ba9
n1e<ii0t'.liter nOd reLinet qn11si er.tm1eratione .,. ·- "
futoruin, Cle. wardis, back, Ov.
ritm.nlo, 4. to rest1un.d, to rill?_ a.gain; in ritriido -t11l11u1, S. to pu:A back, ClruC baot,
\'OCibus uoi.trorum Ol'lltorum retinu1t et resonat Plant. Partlc., ritriiaua -a -um, nmwte, du·
qoidllaw urblluius, Cle. taiit, aequ.ultred, obacunr; 11i111ulacra deormnjacent
ritia -is, r. = r11te (q.v.). In tenehrlli ab isto rotrusa atque abditi&, Cio.;
ritond.8o -tonsUA, 2. to rrap, mow again, voluutas abdita et retrnaa, Cic.
Plin. Htun40r retQdi (rettddl) -tQBUffi (-tun1om),
ritho. I. to thunder back, to ruound, Cat. S. to beat OOc1', .to drlt'f back. L A. Lit., Lucan.
ritorquM -tors! -tortum, 2. to twf..t back, B. Tranar., io check, 'ktep toithill buwndr; llnguu
bend ba.clc, t 11 rn back. L Lit., oculos aaepe ad Aetolorum, Liv. IL to hammer back 1101Mllt.l1'f
hanc urbem, Cle.; caput lu sua tcrgit, Ov. ; sharp, to blvnt, m1tke dull. A. Lit., tehl, Ov.;
brachia krgu, to bind behind thfl bacl:, Hor. IL ttg., rerrum aliculus, io fnutra~ a murclerou
Trana!., "'cha'A(le; mentem, Yt:rg. a.tUmpt, Cle. B. Transr., lmpetum. LiY.; ma-
cronem still, Cic.
Pl~rrldWI •& •um, parclud up, dried. up, retilaua (retUJlllUll) -a -um, p. adj. ~rom
ritostus -a -um, ~ ....~ Plln. retundo), dull, Uu.nt. L Lit., Cerruru, erg.
' ........_, IL Tnmsr., dull ; lngenium, Cle.
htraotatlO -Onls, f, (retracto), refusal, BeUdlgm -<'!rum, m. G pcopl4 ,. ~ flOrA ff/
4e111al; sine ulla retractatioue, Cic. Germany.
ritraotatua ·a -um, p. adj. (from retn1cto), reus .1, m. and ria -ae, t. (rea). L ota
f'ni#d.; idem rni11TG'Y/J.O. misi ad te retractatru11, accused person, priaontr, C'Ulprit, We"n(lanl; gen.
Clc.11 " with acc. of the cl111rge, more rarely with de
retraoto (retreoto), 1. L to la71 hold q/, and t.he ahl., reum facere allquem, to accu-.
lafldu C!]llin, undertake anew. A. Lit., ferruru, Cle..; reum fieri, to be 1JCC1ued, Cie.; rererre in
Verg.; arrua, Liv. ; crud& vulnera, to opm U1e reoa (of the praetor), to t11ter Cl Mmt on tJw lid
old 1001111da, Ov. B. Traner., a, to tab i1' haftd of acctatd person.1, Cic.; 11lit1uem ex rel11 exlmere,,

G9fl£~. ntovch, again; verba desueta, OV.; to strike out th.le 11a11M1 of an accu.sed ptTson Cle.;
b, to nnew; angere dolorem retractaudo, Cle.; Sextius qui est de vi re 1111, Cle.; used wlthout
o, to think of again; &liquid dlligenkr, Cle.; refen:mce to a court or justice, reua fortunae,
f&tn, Ov. IL to dm10 back; transr.-, a, to rtcall, arou..w.t a.a n11l011.S£bl4 fer ill /<>rlune. Liv.; reus
ntrad; diet.a, Verg.; b, to refuse, be unwllli'A(I, sine te crimlnis h11lu11 af$Or, Ov.; plur., rel, tM
ii nl1'dcult, dlclim, Oic.; quid retractu, Verg. p;zrtia lo a 11Uit, b«A plo.intil atld. d,.t'*"-1;
rev rev
roos appello quorum res eat, Cle. IL boufld rivld.N. 2. to - agaitt, Plaut.
~. a~ for; voU, boufld to ful.ftl my vow rivlnolo -vinxl -vinctum, 4. L to tu b&d:,
(i.e., ha.ri1'{1 obta&Md tlu object of my tolshu), tu behind; juvenem manu11 'J)08t terp reTIDC·
\'ors.; auae partla tutandae, aMWerc&ble /or, tum, Verg. IL A. Lit., binilfCIM, bi.-u.d ro11nd;
Liv. trnbe8, Cac.s.; .zona •le pot1te reviucta., Ov. B.
nviUe.oo ·VlLUU, S. to become 10dl IJ{ltlin, be 'l'ransr., meutem amore, Cat.
rutored to Maltlt. L Lit., ope qua revale11Cere rivlnoo -vici -Yictum, S. to nronqvn, r"bd"'
poesis, Ov. IL Tmnst, to b4 ruwred; Lao<licea again. L Lit., catRrvae con11iliis juveni11 re-
revaluit proprils opibus, Tac. victae, Hor. IL Tmw~r., A. Gen., revictam
riveho ·vexl -vectum, 3. to carry, b.Gr, bring conjurntionem, sun1r~ Tac. B. Esp., to
back. I. Lit., a, act. am.I pas;i., tela ad Uraj011, t'Unfutt, co11~J; aliquem, Cic.
Ov.; prneda revecta, brou9ht back, Liv.; b, revheaoo -vh'l'li, 3. (iuchoot. of revireo). to
middle, revehi, to driN, rim buck, sail back: grow green again, to yrow strong, jf.ouriUJ CJ90&ll,
(with or without equo, cnrru, llllVC, etc.) in revi1ie; senatum ad auctoritatis prutinae spem
C&l!tra, Liv.; Ithacam, Hor. IL Pig., ad revirescere, Cic.
auperiorem aetatcm revecti aumus (In db1course), rivialto, 1. to wit npro.ttdly, Plin.
ha.oe VoM back, Cic.
r6vello -velll -vulstim, s. L to tmr, pull, revieo ·Villi -visum, S. to look btick ot, OOIM

pluck away. A. Lit., tela de corpore, Cle. ; again to see, revint. L Intransit., furor revisit.
capnt a cervlce, Verg.; saxum e monte, Ov.; ntunu, Luer. IL, revise UCMI aliqu.ando,
Cic.; domos, Liv. _
morte ab aliquo revelli, to be separaW:l/rom, vv.
B. Fig., to tear away, destroy, bani3h; consnl- rivivtaoo -vixi, S. ,,; 0011U to life ogai11., re-
atum ex omni memoria, Cic. ; omnes lnjurias, vi11~. I. Lit. 1 Cic. IL Transr., reviviacere
Cic. II. to up, to open; hum um de11te memoriam ac aesideriu111 mei, Ck.
curvo, to plough., 0\'. ; clnerem manesque, to rivOo&bWa -e (revoeo), cn1' be rerobd
disturb, '7iolau a tomb, Verg. or rolle.d back, Ov.
rivilo, 1. to vnveil, uncover, lay ban; front· -In ls, n. (revoco), a calling bad;
em, Tac.; os, Ov.; sacra, Ov. recall, Ov.
rivenlo -venl -ventum, 4. to <Xl'll'I back, re- rivOo&tlo -Onis, f. (revoco). L a calli"f
turn; domum, Cic.; In urbem, Tac. lxick. A. Lit., a bt>llo, Cic. B. Fig., a'l"'ocatio
riviri.. aclv. (re and vera), in.dud, in truth, a COboit:l.nda molestia et ad 0011te111-
tmly, Cle. plnndllll voluptates, Cic. II. In rhetoric, a
riverb8ro, 1. t-0 beat back, dri.111! back, Sen. withdrawal, withdrttwing, rewcatwn.; verl>i, Cic.
revereDdWI ·8 ·Ulll, p. adj. (from revereor), riv~. 1. L to t.all aga£n. A. 1. in sur·
i1~•piring awe, vtm.erable: nox, Ov. ; facies, Juv. fragium, Liv.; 2, legal t. t., t<J NVl.19W1' Ui1Ui1'
reveren.a -enti11, p. a<lj. (from revcroor), re- before a court of ju&eice, to bring a frt$h. ~
•ptclf11l, rtl1Vtnt; erga p:ttrem, Tac. against ; hmuluem :'tlvocat populus, <.,'ic. ; S.
theatrical t. t., to roll again. for a repetilW. of a
reverenter, adv. (revereus), retitrently, ~ qieech, etc., to tnrore; quum saephis revoca.tu:a
1putfnlly, Pliu. ; revenmtiu;i, Tac. ; reverentis· vocem obtu<lisset, C:ic.; with acc. of thing to be
11i111e, Suet. re)?tl&ted, to call for again; primos tres i.·el'l!Uli,
rlSverentla ·ae, t (revereor), t·w;rennce, re- Cic. ; lmpers., millies revocstum est, Cie- ; 4\
spect, f•ar, awe: adverNus horuines, Cic.; legmn, milit. t. t., to mmmtm 11.ggi1' soldi.Grs wlw haa
befon;, Juv. PerlSOnif., Biverentla-ae, bun di..;charged; milites, Cic. B. 1, to cu1l
f. a gotkksa, mothu of Majutcu /Jy lion.or. again, in turn; uude tu me vocasti, unde te
riverior -vt!rltus sum, 2. dep. to Jul awe or ego revoco, Cic. ; 2, ta in.V.te oo!:k: or again:
rupect or 1Aame before, ta rtvui:, rri•trrnce, r~t, qui non rl'voc;;.turus esset Ci<'. IL to call baet.
tu fear; suspicionem, Ci<'~; multa. ad vcnia, Cic.; A. In a 111urow 88111le, i, lit.., a, aliquern ex
coetum virorum, Liv. itinere, Cic.; qui rue revocastii;, ()'.Lf n/,
reverro, 3. ta 11WUp again, Plaut. Cic.; with things 1U1 object.'!, ~ulos, Ov., pede.m,
Verg., ira<lum, Verg., to turn away; b, C!!p.,
riverslo (revoralo) -011is, f. (revertor). L milit.. t. t., to rrroll 110ldin'$ frcm• a marck, e.rp.:di-
a turning back on the 1my befort a man has lion, etc. ; le.giones ab opere, Cat's. ; 2, trausf.,
reached th.e e1~ of his journey (wl11le reditus = a, ta call back, bri11.9 back again, reco1-rr, rr1U1t':
rtt11rn ~ a man has r@clv.d his journey's studia longo intervallo intermissn, to taJ;e 'ltf'
tnd), Cic.; reditu vel po ti us revusionr,, Cic. ; agai1i, Cic. ; b, to call back, aPJ>llJ again; se ad
<.'Ot111ilium f.rofectionis et revt'rsionis meae, Cic. fndu~triam, Cic. ; se ad se revocare, or simply se
IL 'f1-ans ., a return, rtcurrrnce; tert.ianae revocare, to rtcaver onesel,f, rollttl onaelf. Ci('. ;
febris ct quartanae reversio, Cle.; J>lur., sol hence, (a) w kttp back; aliquem a tau to lieelete,
bin:i.s in singuli11 annis reveraione:i ab extremo Cic.; (fl) to confi11~; comitia in unam dt•n:am,
contrarias tacit, Cic. Cic.;(y) tarwul, re1•oke; fact.a, Ov. B. In a vridt?'
reverto (rivorto) -verti (-vortl) -versum sense, to roll to; 1, lit., abi, quo hlandae juven-
(-vorsum) -ere and revertor (rivortor) um te revocaut prt>ce11, Hor. ; 2 1 tn.nsf., a, w
-versus (·vorsus) sum -verti (-vorti), dep. L to apply to, refer to; illa111 rem 11d 11la111 ratione11•
turn back, rtturn. A. Lit., ~x itiue~. Cic.; ad coi~jecturamque rcvocabant, Cic.; b, to briut
aliquem, Caes.; LaodicNltn, Cic.; with double ta: in dubium. Cic.; 01n11ia ad suam pot~stntc1u
nom., quum victor a Mithridatico bello revert- Cic. ; c, to judge according to; omuiA ad gluriall~
iS11et, Cic.; pot>t., of thlu1r.1, Tiberim rcverti, Cic.
llor. B. Tmnsr., to rtturn, come /Jurk : a.d revolo, 1. to fl.11 back. L Lit., dux gTUUDI
1111nltatem, to a btlter /ra~ of mind, Cic.; hi revolat, Cic. II. Transf., re\·olat telum, Ov.
grati&tn cum aliquo, to b4 rec-0nciltd u•ith, Liv.;
poena reversunL est in capuL tuum, doonwl to revoliibll18 -e (revolvo), tllat ea•
b4 rol~.l
fall,· Ov. ; esp., in discourse, to return, revert; bock; !IOllllus, Ov. ·
run111.1 igitur eadem revertamur, Cic. ; ad pro· reVOlVO -VOi\; ·VuJntum, 3. le roll ood;, tlR·
positmn revertar, Cic.; ad Id, unde digress! roll. LA. Geu., 1, transit., Tac.; poet., rurgus
11u1111111, reverta1uur, Cie. IL revert!, to turn lo; iter omne, 11w1Sure bad; "fl'li1~, tra~ a!1(lill,
revertitnr atl oommodum, Cic. (act. not ui1ed in \"erg.; 2.. rellex. and miil•Jle, rcvol>t"M
pri:aeut teti- in p1"0i1e). seso, Clo.; re\olutua equo, )ulli»<! cV>wR /riJa.

rev 489 rho
Verg. ; ter ren>luta toro est, 3'111k back, Ver;;.; 1Iu:1!llt11g 011 the l><mk& of tl1e Rhi1u. A<lj., Bhin-
revoluta <lie~, rti11rni11g, Ver.;. B. Esp., to 1111rull -a -um, /Jefongiity to the I'Jii1u.
or ope11 (t />ool.:; Origi11cs (a work of Cato'!!), Liv. B.hiaua -1, m. (" P-ijuo(), king in Thrau, who
11. l-'ig., A. Gen., 1, act. iin1J 1,.1ss., 011111ia au com· t:<1111P. lo tht help rif Troy; accortli119 In 1rn urude,
1111111t·s reru111 at•(IJP, ge11eru111 sum1118JI rt!VOIVl'll· the Greckll coulil not co.pture TrfJy if tht horsu of
t•n-, will I~ bm11yht b<vk to, re<lw:,cd to, <.iie. ; Jl/~J<IUI laslf1i Of 'J.'TfUUll ]JllSl>tTts, /iO lJionuda and
puf't., iter11111 cas1111, t•1 unilu!]O ag1ti11, Vcrg.; 2, Ulyssu stvle the hursu c1111i killed Jlhuus.
1111dollc, revolvi, a., to return to, in. ~lf"ki11g or
trriling; ut ail ilia element.a l"f!\"<llvar, Cic.; b, rhitor -riri11, m. (i>>in•p). L a uacher oj
to 001M to (somi:thi111 b<1d); revolutus ail diRpt>n- rhetoric, a rhelurir;ian, Cic. JI. an oralt:Jr, Nep.
satio11cm i11011iae, Liv. B. Esp., to rfl(vt ag1tin.; rhetc'Srica v. rhetmicu~.
loc.-i jam recit.atn, Hor. ; t-0 tlli1ik of aguin; 1. rhotc'Srici, v. rhetoricus.
Yii<3., Ov.; In tell; haec, Vcrg. 2. rhitc'Srlce, adv. (rlietoricus), rhdorically,
rOVOmO ·Voml)i, 3. t-0 t'Onlit up, diJ!gorge; oruloriwlly, Cic.
fluctus, \" .. ri;. rhetoricua -a -um <P11ropuc.X). I. o/orrela/.
rivorslo = revet"liio (q.v.). ing "1 <i rhrtoridw1, rketorical; mos, Cic. ; an,
rivorsua, etc.= revcrsui;, etc. ('t·v.). Cic.; wh1mce ~nbst., rhetc'Srloa ·M', f. an•I rhi-
revulalo -onis, r. (rcvello), a teari11{] atoov, tc'Srice -i',-;, f. (pr17cpurq), Cie. II. rtluli1117 /,,
Pliu. rhetoric; rlodon:s, uocher.i nf;r., Cic.-; Ii lni
rex, riigis, m. (rego), ruler, prina. L Lit., rhetoric!, tr..rt·uMks nf rhetorir, Cic.; 1mhst., rhi-
Tex Dejot.arus, Cle.; rex regurn (of Ai;aml'mnon), t.orica -vrum, n. rhctorfr, Cic.
Liv. ; simply rex, used of *he Parthian kin~, rheumi.tumua -i, m. (i>w"'anuµ0s), 1·h~ 111;;.
t;uet. ; of the Persian king (like Gr. 13a.ul.\t·ii~i. catarrh, l'lin.
Nep.; re~etn deligerc, ere.are, constituere, Cic. ; rhiua -ae, f. (piVJ)), a kin1l of shark, Pl in.
l>Ot!t. atLrib., populus laUi rex, ruli11y far, Vcrg.
IL Trans!., 1. or some or the go<l11, rex <livum rhinooerO. -utis, m. (i>1voiupw~). La rhino-
a~qne hvminurn, or deorum, Jupiter, Verg.; uroa, Plin.; prov., nasum rhiuoeeroti!-1 hal.terc,
rex aquarum, i.·epturu, Ov.; rex Stygius, Pluto, to turn up the nose, s11u1· ut frcryth i11y, Mart.
Vcrg.; 2, the Icing andhil con8QTt; regci:1 cxcitos, IL Meton., a t't?SMl 1iw.U of the horn of tlie rhi11n-
Liv.; the royal fmnil.y; direptis boni:; regum, uro1, Juv.
Liv.; 3, during rep!lblic at Ro1111', rex = a Jt.hin0ooliira -ae, f. ("P1,,ooco.\ovpa.}, a foum
dt,•pot, an a/uoltd~ 11wnarch, tyranl; rex populi on the oxfsl of the M~fitern.1.ne11n. bttu:cen. Egypt
R1m1ani, i.r~, Cuesar, Cic.; decern rc~e15 aerarii, arnt Syria, now El·Arish (Arisch).
Cic. ; 4, in the religious language, rex sncrorum, BhlntOn ·Onis, m. ('Pi..llw,,), a tragic poet oj
Mcrillciorurn, Cle., sacriflcns, Liv., l!llcrificulus, Turentum.
LiT., <i priest who undv the repulilic ptrformtil Bhlon (-um) -Ii, n. ('P101'), a J11"011lOtUOTy in
the sacrijicu whit:Jt. formerly lhe kings ptrfarnu:d; Achr!i11, opposite Antirrhium.
5, gen. =head, chief, lrnder; a, of animalii, rex
apum, \!erg.; b, of ri\·ers, rex Eridanus (the Rhipha.oua = Riphaeus ('J.v.).
chit•f stream in Italy), Vcrg.; c, of the patron B.hizOn -i"mis, rn. ('P«:w11), a tou:n in Illvria,,
of a pan18ite, Hor.; d, the guide, of a now Ri.sano; hence, Rhiaonitae -arum, an.
'l/(nrng man ; rex pueriUac, Hor. thA illhabil£tnts of Jlhizon.
rbi.o6ma (rhioomai -ae, r. a root, perhaps rho, n. inded. {PW), the Greek 11111M of tlte lttte1
r/iUfJ(ITfJ, Plin. R, Cic.
B.hMMmanthu. (-~)-!, m. ("PGA5.iµa.vlht~), 11.hOda -ae, f. a town. of the Indi!fttu in His·
tKm of JupiUT', brother oJ Minos, judge i" the lolMr pania 1'arracontnsi8, now Rosas.
1007"1.d... B.hOdbua -i, m, ('P~a.,,c>s), a river in Gaul,
B.hactl = Raet! (q.v.). now the Rhone; Rho<lanl }>Otor, a dweller on tit•
rhAgAdes -um, f. and r~gMUa -orum, b<m~ of tl-..e Rhone, Hor.
n. (po.~f, po.ya.8l4) a kind of sores or ulars, rhOdlnua ·a -um (jio.S1vo~), made of rose.J,
Plln. Plin.
rhi.glon ·Ii, n. (i><i-y1oi·), a kind of small B.hOdlus. v. Rhodus.
l']li11a, Plin. rhododaphne ·Ct1, r. (po.So00.4> 1111), tM olean-
BJ>a.mnea Rarnnes (q.v.). der, Plin.
rhamnoe ·i, f. (pO.µ,,o~), 1Ju<'kthm"n, Plln. rhiSdodendr~s-1, r. nnd rhOdCSdendron
B.hamnus -nun tis, f. ("Poµl'Oiif), a village of =
-i, 11. (po00fa,,/ipo.-) rho<lodaphnc (q. v.).
A ttiro, v·hcrt the go1/Ai!A1J N«me,sis U'll3 worshin.rrl; RhiSdope ·cs, f. (Pooo1n1), a mountain iii
hence, A. A<lj., Rhamnuslus -a -urn, virp;o, Thnv:e, 1111w Despoto or Dt.spuli L>rzg; 111elon. =
Cat., flr si11q1ly Hliamnu~ia, Nemesi.,, Ov. B. Thmo:, Vt'rl'. ; lie11cc, adj., RbOdopelua ·•
B.hamniisis ·l•lis, f. Nemuis, Ov. -u111, 1'hraci1rn; vatt-s, heros, Vrpheus, Uv. -scsi8, m. an ol<l J:ing vf Egyrt. Rhodus (-68) ·i, f. ('Pobo>), m.ndes, an ishouL
rhapsOdia ·M, f. (pa.J,o/Sia), It r/wp~1)([y; in lite 1 '<trJK•.tltinn SN, off the C<"tst of AsU:t Mi11or,
sccu11• la, the 5<"COTl!l /Jo11k of the I liw.1, N ep. fcmwu< ;or its trotk, its s1·hno/ of rhetorii.', ano:l it!
1. B.hoa (Rea) -ae, f. Rhea Silvia, dmighter 'c(J/o,;s11s. HPrtC•>, ivlf,, RhOdlUS ·a -n111,t:li.odi1.m;
of Ki11!1 Suo1it1Jr vf Alua, rrwlhn" oj Rumul!U) and plnr. suhst., Rhodll ·urn111, 111. the Rl11>diaM,
lli•nu.; l1y .\:Ur11. Cic.
2. Rhea -ae, f. ("Pia), an old name of Cybele. RhoetOum ('Pofruov), a promontory in th•
Troad; hence, RhoetOua -a -um, R~tean,
rhecoma rhacoma (q. v.). a, lit., profun<lu111; anu subst., B.hoeteum ·i,
rhida =re<la (q.v.). n. tht .~11 near Rhoetwm, Ov. ; b, poet., transf.
Thidirius redarius (q. v.). = Trnjan; <luctor, .Atneas, Yerg.
B.higium IlRgiurn (q. v.). B.hoetus (B.hoecua) ·! 1 m. ("Poia:od. L a
.Rhiml = nerni (q.v.). giant, Hor. ll. a cenumr, verg.
B.hinu ·I. m. the Rhint; poet. adj., fturnen rhombus (-08) ·I, m. ~). L a magi-
Rbeotim, Hor. ; in poets, meton. the people cian'1 circl.i, Ov. IL tM turbo:. It.or.
rho 490 ris
rtaomphaea -ae, r. a lotlg mU.Ue tNllJ'O'L •ti.I, become .U.f. I. Lit., with cold; nstes
BhOsu.a (-h) .f, r. ('PwO"O(), a 11n-porl <• rlge11<'unt, Vt>rg. IL Tran11r., or halr, co "411d
Otli.cit.t, fa'lltm.U }or Ua pottery. Hence, &hiel- o" end (trom terror); metu capillos riguiale,
Aoua -a -um, Rlwaia•; vasa, Cie. Ov. ( -Orum, m. a
rllddi. adv. (rlgldus), •i#r: fig., rigorout,.
#NTUJ, Ov.
Scytlti•m peo1.U '" mudern Eur<,peaii Tartarv.
rhytbmJoua .f, m. (p11B~'"of). OM ui11o L rlgldua -a -um (rlgeo), 1ti.f, unbtndi719, ~
~ Lit., rrom ccild ; tellurem Bore& tigidAm
t« the arl Q/ yrt#Mling rhyth.m '" rompori- move~ Verg. ; or by natnr.•, 7!-<zrci; site~, Ov.;
tio11., Cic. 1
ensi~. verg. B. Transr., 1, ati.f= sta1'd1719 up-
rhythmua .1, m. (pvBf'-~), rhyUua, Hme right; columna, Ov.; capilll, Ov.; 2, 11•.f,
(either iu 111111le or dh1coarse), Qnlnt. &tretclud out; erm"ll, Cie.; C>t,n·ix, J,iv. IL Fig.,
rhftium ·D, n. (pvnot1), a drinkitlg·hom, 1,, i~exibl~; inn•1c-t>11tia, Liv.; vnlt11s,
Mnrt. · 0\'.; 2, stiff, ro11gh, tmpoli.$Md; mores, Ov. ~
rioa -ae, f. a HU, Plaut. signa. r1gi<liorn, 11ot elabonit•d, Cie.; 3 1 -~
b1ftr.xibte : 11&tdles, Hor.; censor, Ov.; 'It, vrn.t,
ricinlum ·II, n. (rica), a rrmall flril worn ea- lat'<lfltl;
pecLilly as an article or mourning, Cic. ferae, Ov.
rlctum = rictus (q.v.). rlgo, 1. L to lead or conduct iook'r to 41if
pl11a. A. Lit., aquam peT a;..'TOS, ap. Liv. B.
rlctua -ns, m. au•l rlctum ·I, n. (ringor), Fig., binc motus per memlJra l'iga11tur, Lner.
tht opening of tlte wrUlh., the open mouth.; a, or IL to IC'd, moist-m, btdtw. A. 1, lit., lnc11m
111a11, rbn diducere rlct11111.J.Hor.; bJ...or animals, runs perenni ri~Rba~a9ua, L!v.; 2\yoet., tr.\11Sf.,
tlU! n1~111ded jaw•; rletus t;erlierei, uv. to lwtew ; ora 111.cru111s, tlet1 Lus, eq~ .. O\'". ; 3 1
rideo, rlsi, risum, 2. L lutransit., ta laugl. fig., Prn11,
A. Gen., ridtre eo11viv11l', cachinnare lpse Ap· Blgodiilum .f, n. a toton i1' the coulltrr qJ
roniwt, Cic.; In stomacho ridere, to grimly, U&e Tret:eri, now Ricol or Reol.
Cie.; pwti1. impers., ri<ll'tur, UKre is laughter, rigor -Oris, 111. (ri"ro),, riuidity,
Hor. B. Esp., 1, to laugh or amiu ht a frund/11 hartlueM. L Gen., A. Lit.. , or gohl, Luer.; ot
manner; alicui or ad aliquem, to b"T/l.i/e 11110n; wood or iron, Ve~. B. 1''ig.• I, Btrerily, haNlt-
cul nou ri.•cre 1iarentes, Ver!(.; eo trausr., (a.) to 1'Ulf, ster1ine..os, 'lac. ; 2, rnu,hn<SI, Mldoi.u&,
lauqlt, l11 loo/.; cheerful, to look bright ; 011111ia nuue Q/ ma1111cr, Uv. IL E11p., rigidil!f or
rident, Ver11:.; d11niu11 ridet a11:~11to, Hor.; (fl) to nu»linuas produc.ed by cold; torrentibus rigore
plrose; ille terr.1ruru mlhi pra··~r omnl'I! an. membra, Liv.
Kttlus ri<let, Hor. ; 2, to lat11Jh tri11mphm111yito
triumph Ot'tr; nmneribm1 aemuli, Hor. L rlgiiua -n -um (ri~o). L Act., wa.krifl9,
Tmn~it., to lm1ah. at. A. Gen., joca tua de (rrigati1111; amnc111, \erg. IL 1Dtll-
haere11i Vestoriaua rfaisse me, Cle. ; hnee ego 10aternt, irrigakd; hnrtus, Ov.
non ridco, I do not j~st, Cic. ; pas.>1., non sal sed rima ·ae, r. n crnck, rlrft, ji.ssvre; rim&ll &:;:t'r<',
natura ri•letur, Cie. B. E>1p., to rldtci.U4: Cle. ; naves rimis 1lehl:icu11t, 1pria9 a lrol,
aliquern, Cic.; pass., Pyrrhi ridetur largitaa a Verg.; poet., ignca rima micans, tAe li9ill11i•g.
cousule, Cic. Verg.
ridlbund1111 -a ·Um (rhloo), laug11ilig, Plaut. rimor, 1. dep. (rlmR), to cleave. L Gen., to
turn up; ten'&m ra~tris, Verg. IL Esp., fll
ridlciUarl1111 ·a -nm (rldknlu><), 11111!!!1<1/•le, ·gnth
drnll; 1rnlJ>it., ridlcUlarla-llrurn, n. drollerirs. UJ', burrow tl1ro11gf1, ro.•t up. A. Lit., of
Plaut. birds and otht•r a11i111als, Verg. B. T1~111sf., t<>
turn o1'er, prtJ into, aarcJ1, e:ramims ; hi qu0<1ue
ridlciUe. Rdv. (ri•liculus). L In a go0tl rimntnr quautum pot.est, Cie.; seen-tu, Tac.
serH<t', JOl,:i11qly, h1tnturo11.,/y, L'ie. II. In a bail rimc>sua -;\·Um (1ima), /11/l of crm:J;s, l'Aihh,
!, rirli1·11/ow1ly, a/1;urdly; lwmo riuic11le ji""1irt~•; cy111hR, Verg.; Ii~., qune ri111osa bl.>11~
ius:muiJ. Cic
•lt'po111111tur iu aure, that cannot k«p a sectd,
ridiculosus -a ·u111 (rhliculu!!), laughable, H(ll·.
fautio'IJ.:$, Pt·rs. ringor. s. rll'p. "-1 $l1n10 tl1e tut1'; Hg... So
ridlculua (rid1·0), nciting laughter. L In llulfl, grnwl, ~ 1myr1:1 •tt, Hor.
a gno<l ~use, droll, humorous, funny, facetious. ripa ·&I', t. a lxm!·. L l,it., th• bank Q/ •
A;. Adj., cnvillutor fnciu mai;is quam racetii~ river (litus, tltt shore of tlu "81, onL, Liu atn·
ri•lic11lu11, Cic.; pMt. \\ ith i11tl11., (P.. rcins) ridie· Cll(llft); rip!\ 11111izni ftuminia, Cic.; vlnr.• Tipac, of
nlm1 t.ota. 1 11illlul al1:.orllt!re !'l&centaa, Hor. B. on•~ of the bauks of I\ riwr, Li\', IL Poet. and
811hst., a, ridiciilus -1, m. a jokt:r, jester, po,.t.·chuislcul, tile slwre of the Utt, Hot.
Plaut., Ter.; b,
la11gh al, jnl.e.
ridicillum ·I, n. a thinq to
je.•t: per ritlicnlum 11i•·t•re, Cic.;
Bipaeua = Rhiphaeus (q. v.).
plnr., 11t•11k11tios•~ riulcnla <lict•rr, ~ic. II. In a ripi.rlua ·& ·Um (ri11a), /1W[Ucnti.11g rirv·
h:ul "''n"''" /.,11!1i1fll,/e, ctbsvrrl, ri<liculou.s; i11'4llnia bank.ii; hirundo, Pliu.
qnae ri<licula al ii .. , Cic.; ritl icnlu\11 ptl(•111a, Hur.; Biphaeua (Bhiphaeua, Kbipaeaa.
rltlic11lnm t!l!t with inlln., Cic. Bipaeua) -a -11111 (' l'•.-a.·of), n11me of it cottlllr,
rtgens -l'ntl:-1, p. :l•l.i. (from rig~). ati.f, U1'· .S"rmntia or N:11thia; arce.i, tl1t: Ripllattm
bendi11!/; Rqua, fro:tn, l\l:trt. t1w11nt11i1llf; pruina, Vl'rg.
r1geo, 2. (root RIO, Gr. Pir, eonnectt~l with ripiila -ae, r. (<li111. or ripa), a little ban.I: (oil
"f'RIV-1•0), to be.ti§, to stiffen.. LA. J,it.. , 1, with a rl\'er), Cle.
cnlol, fn,,.t, t>lC.; rigerc frigure, Cic.; 2, poet., to rtacus -i, m. (pi1T1Cuf), a bo:c, c:lla!, tJ'11.llt,
I·~ stiff, be11cl, 11.11bt:n.tling; terga bonm plumb<> Ter.
i11~uto femiqnti rlg1•lia11t, ':erg.; 3, ~t., to be rialo -oni,., r. (rlrleo), laughi"fl, 1a..11111sr.
.~t({frn&l: aurii or ex auro, \erg. B. fransr., 1, Pllrnt.
to be slijf =- t-0 he i11&11W\W1le; t1<·rvi rig•mt, Hur.; riaor -orls, m. (rideo), a ln.Hglln, WIOd-er,
2, to 1tw1d stijf or u,.rig/lt; eerr ix ri~et horrhlt\, Hor.
Ov.; l'f hair, to 1ta111l 01~ end; gelldo comne terrore riaua -tl!!, m. (rid•'<>), ltnighiJ!i, faagkllr;
rigel•mt, Ov. IL Fig., ferlt&ll lmmota rlget, ht a ball 1wnSt!, ju1i.11g, rtclicule.. L LiL, h0D1-
Mart. i11u1n de te, Cie.; risus 1'0nseculns est-. non ID
rlgeaoo, rJgtt.1 (ineho&t. of rtgeo), S. Co grow te, led in el'Tl..ll"l!ID taum, Cle. ; mlro. riall8 edere,
rit 491 :rog
Ole. ; rlaam movere, oommoYerfl, ezcftare, lo Aorais. Verg..; robu.r pneflxlllll ferro, G luoe,
..,. la1191*r, etc.; rtaua captare, lo trr lo raw Verg.; b, e11p. 1 IM •~1MI ecllar '" IM
• IG11f~'-Cle. ; rtaum tenere, coutluere, lo cMd:, snilcm o[Stntu TtUlM&I Gt Roau. allo called the
Cle. u. Meton. 1 "" objfd oJ la1lflllW; deua 'l'ulllanum, Uv. B. krdx-. ltmtgtla., -'""
omnibua rl1u1 era1;, Ov. Mii; l_, a, of phr.lcal •trengl,h, robur ~ventae,
rid, 111lY. (root RI, Gr. PB-.J. whenoe tltu1; Llv.; o, -0f po ltical power, neqne le lpal1
prop. abl., lnatead of rltu). &. ~ nUabill tantum nmquam vlrlwn aut roboria tult. Llv. ;
rdfgfou Cfl'nlOtdU: deoa colere, Oic. IL o, or Intellectual or ~ atrength, ..lrta"Uf.
Traut., A. propvlr, cltUr, ,µi,, rigAllr; deum c:oMtanqr: alter virtutla rob()re Urmlor quam
rite dlcere, etc. ; rebua rite paratla, aet.atia, Cle.; robur lncredlblle anlml, Cto. ; 2,
Vq. ; poet., fom11Gta1, it.ckUr; Jroplmiuare oonor., tJu drmgtA, pitll o/ allrfA('ltf; -a, ver-
~~·..ium • Verg • •• . ·--·-"11

n, - 1 •
. . . • 1•
'--' ..,....,,
• VJ"U ·-·,,
llll'la In opthnorum clvium vel ftore vel robore,
914,.,..,.; quorum p1&uatra vaga.a rit.e trahuat Cle. ; b{t of aoldlenb tU Jf,qwr- o/ tAe an&r;
dOmoa, Hor. quod fu t roborla duo ua proellla lntertit, Oaea.
rit6Alla -e (rltua), nlaling lo Telifl'oul 11aagt; 1. ribu -a -um, archaic = rnfua, red, J uv.
Ubri, Cic. 2. ribu ~rla. n. = robnr (q. v.).
ritUa ·Ila, m. (root RI, Gr. PB-•, lit., oovf'll). ributu .. -um (robur). J. oJ Mnl t010oo,
I. nligiolu cutmn, UJgt, cernw1&r, riU, Cio. oJ oak, oaln; 1tlpltca, LIY. IL Traner., 1,
U. Gen., a ~ ,_,., obaermnos: ritua Cy· r ong, J>OWTficl. hard, flra, IOlid, rohel ; al flll8U
olopum, Ov.; eap. abl., ritu, a/In' th4 ua11 atque aetate ro1'111tlor, Cle.; 2, WeUeceuoU,
~ 11.1; mulienun riLu, Liv.; pecudum rltu, lat. ""11t9, JIOl""'/ul; animus, Cle.; malum flt ro
ronum ritu, Cic. blllltillll, Cle.
rivii.lla -e (riv111), oJ or relating to e1 brook or r04o, reel, roenm, 8. lo gM10 tdbbU Gt. I.
m"4L. L Allj., Col IL Subst., A. Lit., OM Lit., 1, vlvoa unguea, Hor. i i, tlg., lo ml·
tlllllo wra a brook or oaMl in c:ommonwUhan.otAer. t1mitlale, dfqaroge, backbiU, itanaer; abaentem
B. Tranar., a riml '"low, Tirol suUor, Ov.; proY., an1icum, Hor.; absol., in convivllll rodunt, Cle.
ae amare alne rivali, lo law "° riml to /tClr, Cle. IL Transl., lo eat titoaf, c:orrodl, connlf&C; '91--
ri'Yii.Utu ·IU1; f. (rinlil), rimlry (In love), rwn robiglne rodltur, Cle.
Cic. · 1. r04ua = raudua (q. v.).
rivtUu ·i, m. (dim. of rivua), a ..aa brook, =
2. rOdu rud111 (q. Y.).
~; ftg., Cle. r041180iilum = raud118Culum (q.v.)
riYUa ·I, m. (root RI, Gr. PE.., whence rki.Ua -e (rogua). qf or f"6laliJ&g to Ul6 flin,naJ
,MWa&), 11 .cnna. L 1, lit.., a, a brook; rlvorum pile, Ov.
a fonte dednctlo, Cle. : b, 111& MHflc'al 'IOCIUr· ·Onie, f. (~ L ~ng. ~-
co.r-, ellanlld, dyltie: rlvoa ducere, Ov.; 2, A. A t. __ .... Cic n ... _ ••• U-L 1.
tran81., 11 .Cna•, or other ftulda, 1uch a.s blood, c • .....~ng, • ... aBS. • .,..... K,,...... "'
milk, etc.; lacrlmarnm, Ov.; rlvl1 cummUa ubd, a qtlatMm; a, u a ftgure of apeech, Cle. i
vi na, Verg. IL Fl g., a_ _._ , t b, pollt. t. t., a ~ propori&n, FQ}ICC 0/
... .,., 00tine; .or uuae, law, bill laid befm IM peOpk; CaeciUa, pl'O'J)Olfd
Hor. bl/ CaeciliU1, Cle.; rogationem ad i>Q_l'_ulu1n femi,
r1za -ae, f. (connected with lp'f, J~w), a C&ea. ; rog11tione1n perferre, Cle. IL a ,.~
f114rrel, bratol, mi/•, d'6pute, (ca) between men; rntnatr, Cic.
Academiae noatrae cum ~enone magna rl:u est, riritlmaotila -ae, r. (dim. of rogatJo). L
Cle.; (ft) between anlmala, Ov. a iuiU Quutio1&, Cle. D. "" .mwponaM pro.
rlDior .Orta, m. (rixor), a bratDler, Qnint. polal or bill, \)le.
rbtor, 1. dep. (rixa), to 1JU4rnl, bralDl; cam r~gator .Oris, m. (~), owe toAo cub. L
aliquo de amloul&, Cle. the propoaer o/ a bUZ, Cle. IL 1111 ofl.o8T 10Ao look
ribigfai9u -a -um (roblic>), ""''• Plaut.;
roloiginosl1 dentibua cuuct.a rodit, tOUA "'"'°'" 1Ae "°"' '" 1Ae coaUfa, a poUMifl-<*rk; rogatot
primus, t1ll one 10/lo look IAe t10tC11 o/ IAe pr-..
flldA, Mart. rogatiw om.tvrr, Cle.
1. ribUro (ribigo) -Inls, r. (1. robus, n1be1), riptu .Q, -m. (rogo), 11 nqud, .,_,,..,,;
rut., acalira roblgine plla, Verg.; rogatu tao, Cle.: ·elua rogatu, Cle.
fen'DID roblaine roditur, Ov._;_poet., of the dnrk ridtatU. ..Onls, r. (rogito), 0 Jlf'Oporiffoft.
depoett on 1he teeth, Ov. IL Fig., tM rue o/ proJec1 o/ law, Plaut.
iaadi.U, or obli11km; lngenlu1u longl roblglne nglto, 1. (treq. ot rogo), lo cut; ""1tlhw
Jaeaum _!;oryot, Ov._ _ _ _ ~ or eagm-lr; ·rogttantea am alioa, LlY. ;
2. BOb1go (Bubigo) ·lnlA, f. and Bibi- qnfd rel aint, rogltant, L1Y.
SU (Biibl«IU) ·I, m. (1. roblgo), IM deUJ rigo, 1. (root ROG, Gr. OPr, wkenoe ~
&IOW by tie Rom.inu !_o ~,,. U1ti1' gra(n, to rtntd, a/In" 11>111d1Cftg, to /f4oA. L
frua mildnl. Hence KObi«illa ·film, n. t.U
o/Ull deity &U;;,, oeUbrate<l am&uallr
lie WA oJ ..4pril.
Ltt., Plaut. IL Trana!., A. lo Gil:, '"'l'lifW
quuHon; lf gen., a, allquem alfquld: quid m~
tatud rogaa Cle.; b with de and tbe abl, quae
rilNW robur (q. v.). de te ipso rogaro, me.; o, with ·dep. lnterrog.
ribir'118 ·• -um (robur) oaUn, ov. sent., roptu1 de cybaea, quid reaponderlt, Clo.;
_ ' 2, eap., a, pollt t.. t.., (ca) allqncm aentent.&Am
robiro. 1. (robur), to atT"'f7llln, t11ab .#rm. or aliqwem 1o Clllk a penio1& Ail optt&ion • qnoa
L Lit., artu1, Luer. IL Fig., pectota, aor. ;
gravlt.atem (animi), Cic.
prlores ee~tentlam rogaoot Cle. • (/J)
popnlum or legem or abaol., ht., to~ Ult Jl90llle
ribur (ri~ archaic) -6rla, n. (root RO abot&lalaw, hence,tomakea~.~
Gr. 'po•.....,,,.,, 'po.,,.,), 1tre11.gtA. L tit., 1&a;;i Jlf'O)ect oflmc, etc., lo~ people, to ProPc- a bUl;
tl'OOfl; Mp., oak, oak-1oood; a, gen., quercna rugaru µopulum, Cic.; rugare plebem, Cle.; :rog.
antiqun roltore, Verg.; saple1111 non 811t e 11Axo a1" legem, Cic.; (y) rogare (pop11lu1n) magta-
1c:olptoa &ut e robons dolatns, Cle.; b, poet., of tmt11111, to propoae a lftOgitlmU to tJltJ choice o/ IA•
other hard wood, moraua roboris (of tho oleostcr), per171k, offer ii peno1' for eldion'; ut comnles
Verg. IL Meton., A. Of t.hlng8 made or oak roget J•raetcr vel dlct.afiorem dicat, Ole. : b,
or other bard wood ; a, In roboro accumbunt, rnilit. t. t., rogare mllltes sacrame11to, lo Gd·
n oakq ~. Cle. ; robur ucrum, tile Tro,f<J~ an U.. "°°JI', O&ea. B. lo ut

rog 49t rot
mreatJ bt.wel, requat: 1.L gen., a, allqnem Bo11Clu1, of Anaeria, accvMd o/ eAt •tmfer ~ l&
nllqnlu, Cic.; b, allquem; ·.naurum de aqua per /11tl1tr, and uf/tf&/kd by CiCtro ; 2. Q. iw.cius,
ruutlnm eh11 ducemla, Cle. ; o, with nt or ne of Lan•tliua, a celtbmted Roma• ~r~,-~
and the snhj., or the sul~j. alone, id ut; fado..'I, te CO'llttmpomrr cmd ,friend of Cicero: appcwv...,
etlam stquo etlam rogo, Cic.; Citesnr CH1ts11hitus
rogat llnem 0111.udl faclat,; d, u!JHol.,
a Roadua =a "'°""' '" Av are; hence. adj.,
B.ollOl&Dua -a ·Diil, Roldan.;, Cic.;
Cle. ; 2, esp., lo tn'lllU; nli4111e111, l-'ic. (o.rchalc. 3, L. Roacina Otho, .fruNI. of Ci«ro, tribttv fJ/
subj. pert, rog:LSSit, rogassint, Cic.). Uie peopls, J»'OJIO#r of CAc lex lloat~I• ; acij., ........
r6gua ·I, m. ci /u'M!l'Cll. pUe: rogum exstruere, olUll -a -um, Roacian.; lex RosclA, a law giwi.,
Cle.; aliqnem In rogum hul'onere, Cie.; poet., th• equitea aptctal uat.a i" th• thealn.
cnnnina dilfugiuut rogo1, ucapa dutru.ctlon, Ov. BCiMa ( -ae, r. a di.trld iii CM Salriu
Roma r.
·ae, {'Pw1.u1), IWme, the chief city o/ COtJ.1U1"11,.Ji•r1Wuafor tM rtnrin!lo/hones.. Bence,
adj., B.Wu -a -um, Jlotil!ltn.
Letti.urn and tlle Roman empire, founded 763 or 7~
a.c.; ho11011rtd as a (1llddua i7' a aeparau temple. res.itum ·I. n. (rosa}, a gardn oJ ,,,.,,
Hen~e. A. BOmiaua -a -um, 1 Rol'Mn; ludi, Varr.
lh1 oldut gumu ut llowu (Klso cai'led ludl mab•nl 1. nHUll -a -nm (roan). L ~of"*'>
and maxlmi), Cle.; Romano moro, alraigl&lfor- /liU of rOMS; str11phlu1n, Verg. IL Metoo.,
,oardlv, c11ndWly, Cle.; Romanum est, it ii the rore-coloured, rOll!J; rnbor, Ov.; poet. epithet of
Rama1l CU1ton1; folL by acc. and lnHn., Liv.; the deities or the 111omlng and of h~ht; des.
aubst., a, B.omanue .f m., (1:11) sing., coll~t. .Aurora, Ov.; Phoebus, Verg.; ao or anytlaiug
= II~ Romans, Liv.; Cfl) plur., Ho111anl, the young or fresh, bloomi1ig; esp., ot parta of the
J:o111m11, Cic.; b, B.(!mana -ae, r. a Roma" body, cervix, oa (of Venus). v..,rg.
tc01na11; 2, = Lai in.; laugun, Ov. i. B.OIMU -a •RDI, V. Rosca.
B.OmiUua ·l, m. aon. of Illa or Rhea SUria
a.lld Mar11, llDiJ& brvtliero/ &mwi, thefoundn' a11d
rOeldue roaeldus (q.v.).
/ir1t king Qf R<YllU, toor1hfp1«l ~ hf.a d«1th ro.lo ..Onls, f. (rodo), ~ Pllo.
111ulu ti~ nanl4! n/ Quirl.1nu. Hence, A. Adj., l'091DlriD.118, "· roe.
RomiUeus -n ·t1111, of Illmtulua; rem, Ui.e she- r09tellum ·I, D. (dlm. of rostrum). A l&m.
.,,.vl/whic/1 sucl.letl llotnulua, Juv. B. B.omiUua btak or 1no11t, Plln•
·•I -uni, &, btlonging iu Jwnnilua; llcu.'I == H11111i· rolltra .Orum, n., "· rostrurn.
1mtis, Ov.; b, J~mum, \'erg. c. B.omiUldea roetratua ·a •Um (rostrum), Mtnftg Cl kit
·11~, ade.iCe1Ulant of Romulua; plur., B.omUlldae or /wok ~&ked; CM!'·• or the beaked oroa-
·lirum anti ·um, poet., the RoniaM, \'erg. ment of ships, curved: navls, Cle.; corona, a ·/\rum, Ill. (sc. rnilites). Cl kind Qf crow11. or11amt11Ud U'£tA 1ma.ll Jfprwa of Uw bm1:r
li11lil-armetl troops, 1kirmuhtr1, I.iv. Q/ ahlT!~• g'wn to the ptN07' tolui jlm boanitd u
rorldua ·a •Ulll (roi1),, Prop. tMm/I'• ahip, Plin.; hence, poet., trausr.. cui
tempt>ra uavall fulgent rostrata coronl, toil1
rirlfer -~ra -fi5111111 (ros and fero), deto- tM c1"01Cft of hon.our°" hu brow, Verg.; oolnmna
brlnging, Luer. rostratal ti~ pillar adorntil toitA ill.ip( ~
!'Oro, 1. (roll). L Intmnslt., to MWll dew, to erecttd " tM forum lo com.~ iu- ut"41
,1,op or di.atU dew. A. Lit., <tt1111n rorare victorr Q/ Du.iliua, Liv.
Tithonla conjux coepe1it, Ov. B. Tra1111f., to roatrum ·I, n. (rodo), tAat whfcA giuia. L
dr,p, drop, bl m.oi&t: rorant pennae, OY.; capllll Lit., In binlll 1/11 btak; In ot11er aulmals, tU
rorantt.11, Ov.; rorab1mt sanguine vepres, Verg.
U. Trnn11it., to IJ«klD, coi<er with deio. A. Lit.,
anout, Cle. IL Transf., of thin~'S resembling a
bc>ak or snnut; e11p., A. thl C1n'tied end of 11 flip'•
romtae roeae, Ov.. B. Trausf., l, to mouttn., prow, a 1hi11'11 b«lk(W11,,'<i for ramming 0U1er shi1111),
"1atcr; ora lal'rimls, Luer. ; 2, to drip, ld /all fa Caes. B. Meton., 1 1 poet., the pro10 of a aAi1r,
cll'OJll; roratae aqua<', Ov.; pocula rorantia, which Verg.; 2, roatra -orum, n. th1 ~·, 1>lilt-
kt full tM wine drop by drop, Cic. form or tnbuue '"the .{rmlm (so callN\ beeul911
l'OrlUentua -a -um (ros), btdeiced, dn111, Plln. ornamentM with the prows of the 11bips taken
rOe, roris, m. (co11111'Cted wlU1 ~p6~~). de1011. from the Antlates, S:J8 s.c.); a.ccmlere in ro.~
L Lit., 1·011 noct11r11us1 CAes. IL Transf., l, Cle.; descendere de 1'08trU., Cil'.; a rostris, Hor.
poet., any drip1iill!1 moutu1·e: rores pluvil, rahi· rOta -ae, f. a whul. L Lit., A. Gen., &At
clCJU<U, Hor. ; of tears, stillare ex oculis rorem, 10ilul of a carriage, Luer.; of a macltiru,. ne
llor.; stillaus, blood., Ov.; of pe1'fu111e, Arabu11, cnn-ente rot& f11nis eat retro, Hor. B.. &11., I.
Ov.; 2, ros marlnus, or in one word rosmarinus, a 1clr.ul for torture (Gr. TpoxlK). In rotan1 ascen·
r0&em11ry, Hor.; }lOOt., ru1 marls, 0\'.; or 1im11ly dere, Cle. ; u!led often of the wheel of Ixiun,
roe, \"erg. rota orhia hionll, Verg.; 2, 11 poller'• tcheel;
rCM1a -ac, f. a ro-.. LA. Aa a ftowj>r, a, Cle.'.; currente rotAcur urceus exit? Hor.; 3. a rltul
}>le11a rosarum atria, Ov. ; b, t•oll =rosu, or roller for motling holey weights, Tat-. IL
Transf., 1, the 1vhul of a met.on •• J'Ot"t.,
a garumd of 1mu: l'di .. nlum plennm roaae, Cle.;
in ro81\, rrowHed ·u:ith r011t..>1 Cle. B. As a plaut, the charim Usdf; pedlbuB\'e i:c>tl'·e, Ov. ;/.lur.,
tlt•res ros.'le, Hor., Yerg. ii As tcnn of endear· rota.e, Verg.; 9, U.. au•"• dtsl:, Luer.; , tk
111ent, mea rosa, m.y f"Ol.lebud, Plaut. courac in a ci1'CWI, Prop. . IIL fi'ig., 1, fortu11ae
rikli.oiua -a -um (rOAA), Vlad~ of rn8tll, Plin.; rota, the 1DA«l, 11M:i.arirudfl of fortvM, Cic. ; S,
pod., lmpnribns ,·ectA Thalia rotis, i• tlu va·
rusac!'um oleum, or su!Jtit., r6ei.o6um ·I, n. equal nlurnation of ~"!'~tr a.11d .rutallttta',
oil ofr()#.11, Plin. i.e., in tlegi!1c veni, vv.
riNl&riua -a -um (l'Osa), ma.cit ofrosts, Plln.; HiO. 1. (rob). L T1anslt.., tlJ con• to tva
snlJst., rlieirlum ·i, n. a, roia.ry, rt1urt1l like Ii wheel, to tokit'l l"O" J? :!, 11oi ~ ro1u&d.
Verg. A. Lit., ensem fulm!n.;nm, to brandiaA, Verg.;
roeoldue -a -um (rna), b&kictd, iUwy. L middle, rota1i, to r•l!Olw. to hirii or roll ro1Clld;
Lit., mllla, Vcrg.; mella, dri.J1iillg W.-. d#1c, clrctun caput lgne rotato, Ot'. B. Fig., Ju,·.
Verg.; rlea, Aurora, Ov. IL Poet., transf., U. Intrauslt., to hm or .,w rote11d; an
nwistt11e<l, UXtitred; Hemicasaxa rivls, Yerg. rotantia, Verg.
B.oaolua ·a -um. na1111 of a Romnn gen.s1• the r.
rittua -ae, (dim. of rota). a mu. "*'"'-
moat ~kbraUd TMmber• Q/ whkA. wen: l, ~x. Plaut.·
rot 493 ruf
rkun4i. adv. (rotun•lns), rotou:U~: ftg., ot Kubra Sas:a, "· ruber.
Ul•n>:J:don, tltganlly, 1moothly, Cle. rubrica
¥ - -ae, r. L red --~ esp., nd
eartA, .,...,
ritundltu -iti8, f. (rotuudus), ro1111dnt#, ochrt, Hor. IL Meton., CM Ullt of a la10 10h.&c.\
t"ON11dity, Plin. 1M-f u,ori~n in Nd, CM rMbr&c; and hence, UW
ritundo, 1. {rotundns), to round, inaJ:. ro11 ltd. law it.If, Pen.
L Lit., Cic. IL Transr., to makll 11p a round ribricO.U. -a -um (rubrlca), j'tl./J of nd
su• o/mmuy; 1uille talentl\ rotundentur, Hor. earth, l'llu.
r6tundu -a -nm (rota), round, cir1:11/ar, ribua -i, m. (root RU, whence ruber), 1,
1phLrical. L Lit., caelnm, Hor.; nlhll rotun•l· a bromble·b1uh, Cnes. : 2, a blackbtrry, Projt.
lua, Cic.; prov., mutat •11111.1lrata rotundls, tun~ ructo, 1. and ruotor, 1. dep. (root RUC,
1ritrytM11g upsid1 down, Hor. IL Trnnsr., 1, whenC6 ruct11:1, erugo. eructo). 1, to belch,
rO'lll111.l., 1~ftd, tompltte, 1rlf-c"1•tai; tcre:1 eructa.U, Cic. ; 2, t-0 bclcA out, wmU /orlA; ttg.,
atque rotu111lut1, Hor. ; 2, or style, well-rou111ltJ, \"ersns, Hor.
tlti/(1"'· 1mooth, actll-turnt<l; \"erborwn avt& et ruotor = ructo (q. v.).
qiwi rvtu111la constructio, Cic. ructua -ils, m. (conn. with ructo), bdc4l11g,
ribifAcio ·feci ·factum, ll. (rubeo and tac.lo), eruct<Uiun, Cic.
lo l'!ddei" make rtd, Ov. ri4ena -en1h1 1 m. (f. Plaut.), a ltrO'Jl.fl ro1ie,
rdbellus -a -um (dim. or ntber), Nddilh, cable; ruJeutia es:pllcatlo, Clo.; at.riW>r ru·
IOwwW rtJ, Plln. Jcntuio, \'erg.
rilbells -eutl!I, p. adj. (from rnbeo), tt1f, ridira -um, n., v. 1. rudus.
rttt.IWt.; 1, i.;en., uva, \'erg.; 2, es11., nil with Kudiae -Arum, f. a tt>w11 '" Calabria, bi• th·
thamt, b/u.:ihiu9, Tiu. pla.c~of 1':1rni1'1, now .Roti17/ia1w or Ruge. Hence,
rdbio, 2. (v. n1ber), 1, to bt red; sol rulwre Bqdinul -a -um, of Rudiat; Budiuus bou1v,
llllitn~, Liv.; 2, t-0 bt re<! witlt 1lia111e, blwh, Cic. i.e., En11i1111, Cic.
rdber -hra -brnm (root RU, whence rufoq ridi&rlua -Ii, m. (2. ruJis), a gladiatol" u·ltn
a11•l rutilu11), ml, ruildy. L Oen., fl1u11ma, U\'.; ha<l btti; i•ruente.l 1cith a rmli>t, I.e., 011e u·ho l1<id
11.1ni,•11i!I, Hor.; 11(,'qunr rubrmu ocean!, rt<IJeTU<l Mri·ttl hi• time, a di11Charged glo1.<.iialCtr, Suet~
by tht s.etti1t1 1111t, Verg. IL A•IJ. l:HOper, A. riidioilla ·ne, r. (dim. or 2. rudia), a •mall
lt111J•·m11 Mare, the Reil &a, the .A.rubian a1.U U"OO<.lt1< •poo11, u.<td in euoki11g, Plln.
PtNfo"' <:ulfj, Cic. B. Snxn H11hr1t, a pla..-e fa rudimentum -1, n. (rndi11), th• ftr1t trial or
Etr11tia, nc>t)u1·jro11l C1e1MI'<,, Cic. btgin1Li11g fo a.1gthi«S1, a11 attempt, UJa1; ·a,
riibeaoo -l•ili, 3. (rubcu), U> grow rtd, become b"Cn., primmu regui pueriliil, Liv.; b~ in w111..
rrtl; mare rul>csccha~ rn..lii.1, Verg. fare, mllitare, Liv.; belli, \'erg.; rud1111e11tu111
l. ribita ·&e, r. (rulou.'1), a apeclu of load a.lulesce11tiae pouere, Liv.
b•111d i11 bru.U1ble-btuhu., Juv. Kiidinua, v. Rudiae.
:!. rAbita -<Jrurn, n. (rulms), bramble-bushu, 1. riiclla -e, rouuh, raw, rude, m111Jro11ght,
Ov. unculliratetl. L Lit., a, or thiugii, rudh1
1. rttb6119 (riSbeus) -a -um (ruber), rci.I, campus, \"erg.; ruolis i11di 0 estaque mnle::i, chao1,
l'fl.idL.h, \'arr. Uv.; Inna, w1~p1rn, Uv.; b, lJOC~ or living
:!. riiWus -a -um (1·ubu~). mad.1 of brani.ble, cre.ature.•, !i•»I •Lg, fre.•h, Cnt. .l.J.. Transr.,
trcigs; virga, V~rg. r11de, u11ru/tiv«lfll, u1..-eft1ud, i91wm11t, 1111·, i1<e.e1~rirnecd; (a} absol., formll qullcJam
& ·oruin, in. a to1on in Apulla, now Ruvo. ingenii R<lmudu111 impolita et pl1111e ruJi.i, Cic.;
rdbla ·af', f. mad~r. Plin. 111di11 ~t i11t.. gcr disci11Ul1111 1 Cic.; (.8) with iu nud
Rdbfoo --Onis, 111. a small rirtr tn llal!I, $OUl/1 the 11bl. or the abL alone, in 11i11s.. re11d11, Cic.;
of liai-e1111a, w:1ich. ~fr>re the time of Au1711•l1u arte, Ov.; (y) •·ith ad and the acc., rnJis ad
lot11rl.Ltl IM bo1111tlnry bdwre•1 /t;c.lia a11.d Vt1!litt petlei1tria bella geus, Ov. j (o) with genlt.,
<:iltli1>i11a, tM ,.,.,,$<in'} of which by ~r u~u mi Umecarnm litcnirum, Cic. \_
ad''/ l•'(lr a~1<u118l ti~ ae11al.:; 1101v l'ualdlo, nl:!u 2. rii.dia -i11, t. a 1111all llfck. L a ladle,
Clllt'\l /~111.-0.1. S•:.><JJ•, u>1c<I ror stirriug nnd mixing in cooking,
rublcundiilua -3 ·11111 (dim. or 111blcundu11), l'liu. II. a !la.JI u.<e<I /ur 1eldie" and gl11.ditllur'
IOlltell'hal rr:i <_f•>r shame), JltV. i11 fo1ci11g t.ttr.:i3e.t, a foil, Liv.; a st;1tf ur thi:1
rttbicundus -a -nm (rubco), rd, 1·e-l.Zi4h, kin1I was ~i\'tlll to 11 gladiator 011 hill di~chnrge
Tu.Id!/. r1tl1icw1d;l'rinpn:i, ]><1inted reil, Ov.; from sernce; ta111 bonus gln11lator r111le111 lam
matrona, bruw11al by the su11, Uv.; Ceres, golden· citu 11ccepi:1ti ! Cic.; hence, trausr., ru<le donari,
reJ, \er:..:. to be di;drnr~t<!<I, Ov.
riibldua -a -um (ruber), Ml, rcclduh, nddg, riido, nldivi, 3. to btllow, roar. L Lit., of
Plant. lio11:1, \'t·r~. ; of IL'll:le~, to l>ru!f, Ov. IL Transf.,
a, of 111.. 11, \·,.ri;.; b,. of thi11gll, prora rudellll,
Riib1giill'.a. v. 2. flohii;o. rattliug. \'i:rg.
ribigo = mlri;;o (q. v.). 1. rudus (rOdua) -~rls, n. 1, brou1' frag.
Ribigua. v. 2. rtobii.;o. men.ts of /done ttl<!d Jiir ~· Plin.; S,
riibor -ori~, m. (rnbt~o), reil11a1. L a re.I rubbishfrt111• n& b11ildillg1, 11\0.
paint, TOU!Te; fucati nrn1lic.'l111e11ta ca11•lo1·fs ct 2. rii4ua = raudllll (q.,·.).
n1bori11, Ck. ; b, 1>11r1•lt; Tyrii rubore11, \'erg. ridU90iilum = raudusculum (q.\".).
D. Al a quality, 1, lasting, a, g•·n., O\·.: b, riifeeco, 3. (rur111'), to grow, Plln.
tht re<l ti1&t of lite 1l.i1~, glow; ille rusus et
e~1dore 111ixtn:t rubor, Ch·.; 2, momentary, a, riifo, I. (rurua), to make mL.U&ll, Plin.
"°'""' of the s/.;i1'; n1u11mae lntentis l111lich1111
rnbor est, Ov. ; b, glow of thl egu in an.qer;
Butrae -arum, r. a town in Can1pa.11ia, cm tlw
ll<•rdtrs oj .Sanmivn&.
IU(>e auum fervens oculls dabat Ira ruborem, Butt-fum -Ii, u. a to1cn o/ t1u JHrpint, now
Ov.; o, rt!lli<lt1~i rt!J fronuhamt, bliuh; )la>1i11illl!4ll Rut•o.
rubor •ulfu1111s, Liv.; nlicui non ruwr Cdt, "itb riifillua ·&-um (dim. or rufns). L rtddilll,,
infln., OM tW«l •wt bllllh. that, etc., Ov.; hence, ao111twl1al mlt Plant. IL Rnfuli, tho/IC tdbunl
111eton. 1 (4) ~slJI, Cic. ; (fl) U.. ca&i# of, militu1u who totre chOHi. b11 U.. """'or guicral
d!agrucc, Cic. lin~(opp. comlUaU). LiY.
ruf rur
rifaa -a ·Um (root RU, whence ruber and
rutl.laa), red, nuldy, reddiM, Plaut., Ter.
·Gen., 1. vincula, Cle.; pontem, lo bnul:
Liv.; }1&!18., rumpl =lo lM ,,_,..,; inftatu rum)i
riiga -&e, t a wrtnkle in iM fa«. L Lit.,
Hor.; sulcare rugl1 cut.em, Ov.; o.s a sign of
vealcu as, Cic.; 91 lo ,,_,.., aplU, '•
jecnr, Juv.; )llUl8., rumpl, as midd~ = 14 hne;
age, non ngae auctoritatem arrlperc pollllUnt, ut licentii audaciuni, qui ante nunvet.r (hnC
Cic.; of sadneu, uunc rugo. triBtis abit, ov. ; vrith a1lger), nunc ne movear quidem. Cle.; 3 1
or anger, a frown; rngas coegit, Ov.; popnlnm milit. t. t., to brl!Ok tllroug1'; ordines, mediaui
rugia supercilloqne deceplt, Cic. D. 1'ran~f., acie111, Lh•.; 4 0 poet., transf., unde t.IW redllmD
1, nltldis rebus maculmn ac rugam llgere, to du· c1~1to subtemine Parcae rupere,. Cl&I ol, Hor.

~ . ' 111ar,.Juv.; a, a crea«, /old, plait"' any

-•-it• ."
,,__ ,_ '··• t'··
_.......,. -vrum, m. a..,,•..,-" f'tOPt.e .,.,.ioun. uc
B. l, lo hreak tltf'OVf/1', tojoree, -X..~; ~
r bodes viam., Vterg.: eo cuneo VJatn, LiY.;
1 lo roust to brl!Ok /orU&;. •• font.em. 01'.;
olten rettex., ee rnmpere, and middle, rompt, II
Elbe and tl&t Wdch.!tl, and oii the Wand qf Rii.gen. brtirk forth; tantus se nublbos tmber roperat,
riigo, I. (ruga). L Tra1111it., tof.Xd, tcrhlklt, Verg.; b to ocu111t a l!Oll1'd to bt&NljbrtA, to .u.r;
PUn: IL Intranslt., to be tcrlAkltd, Plaut. qm•stus, \•erg. IL l"ig., to break: a, kl dt:lllrof.
rigO.U. -a -um (ruga), full of u'ri11X:ltt, Moltllt, antt11l, make wid; foedera.. Cic.; Ju
1DriAkitd; genae,Ov.; cortex, Ov.; rugoeus trig· genti11111, Liv.; tcstanieutwu, Cic.; b, lo br...t
ore pagus, 'ri~s, Hor. ol_, i11krn1pt, diseurb: visum, Cle. ; llOllLDWU.
riina -ae, r. (ruo), a /alltng d{)tvn, falL L \erg.; silentia, Ov.; n1mpe moru, Verg.
A. Lit., 1, jumentorum aareinarumque, Liv. ; rimuaoillu -i, m. (llilft. of nuuor), a
9, esp., ~falling down qf a building; turrle, triftil\fl rumour, idU talk, gomp; iutperfiorua
Ciles. ; ei ruini oppreuum lnterire, Cic. ; homluum rumusculos aucuparl, <.'ic.
rulnam dare, lo fall dow1', Verg. B. TrallBt, riiDa ·118, t a •peck.I qf •iarilc. o Di or
/all., nlin., dUcaatw, oalamity, catastropJu, dutncc- jatlelin, Cic. (T)
e«m; urbis, Liv.; rninae fortunarum tuarum,
Cic.; Ille dies utnmque duoet ruiuam, d«i.UI.,
runomo. 1. lo plaM, platw 01, Plan
Hor. D. Meton., A. that tehkA /alb dOllm; 1. runao, 1. lo wed, tM" Ot&I, Plln.
caeli ruina, a rai1l-lto1"11', Verg.; 2, '11.c rvin1 of riio, rd!, rdtum, but partfc. fat., r6It11raa, S.
a building, ndlbisA; gen. in plur., rulnae tem· (connected with i>C•, lo }fow), to "'"' lo ~ 9D
i•lorum, Liv. B. or persons.1..a dutroyer, over· ~ L lntran11t., .&. Geu., 1, lit., a, of.
th1·011J11T, bane; relpublicae, \..1C. ; ruinae pnb- persons, (Pompejmn) ruere nunti&nt et j&lll
llcanorum, Pf.sQ and Gabiniu1, Cle. Jamque nde1111e,- Ck.; ln aqwuu CkCi rneb111t,
riUDO.- -a -um (rul11a), goifli/ to rui7'; 1, Liv. ; b, of ri\•ers, de montibus, Verg. ; c. of
rHinotu; aedea, Cle.; a,rui.!Wd,/al.Un.; dumWI, 80UlltlR, unde ruunt, nuAjorClt, \"erg.; d, ci
Ov. night. and day, 111lt nox, -.Uu owr,
B.ullua -1, m., P. Ber\'lllue, tribtou of the \'erg.; (but) nox rult, 1'a.r.eMmmr, VeT"g.; 2,. ~
ptoJJh, again41 101win Olllro deli"'1'ed tllru :rpttt.hes. a, iu anna ac llimieationem, Liv. ; ad inlentu1n,
C1c. ; b, esp. or OVtJr hasty actions, to be Muet.
riima = rumls (q. v.). precipUate; ruf!l'll in ageudo, In dioeadi Cle. B.
rimen ·lnls, 11. tlle (/fillet. to /till dowr&, l'ink, faJ.l to &At gro1t1td; 1 lit., a.
riimes -lets, c. IOTTtl, Plln. poet., or persona, 1·uebe.nt victorea vil:tique,
riimlf~ I,. (rumor and facio), to ......,...1, Verg.; b, or things, rnere Ula non posaunt, 1'l
Plaut. · -,-· haec non eodem labe(acta motu non concJdut,
,...;;. - etc.; 2, transf.,; roere lllam reaa·
-m1pa ·ae, f. (ruma), a Roman goddus, Jlublicam, etc. D. Transl., A. 1, Co~ WP.
"111oae temple ltood fl«lr the fl.g-tree 101.der tchic.\, piek up; a, clnerem et oonfW1& OM& focla, \'erg.;
accordiRfl lo ~ Z.M, Uae IM-wolf had l1lckl1Jd b, lo ooUuC '°f1't}ttt', IC10pe logt.IMr; UDdedMUu
&•11.Zw a.Ad. Remw. Hence, B,Umjn&ll• aerisque ruam acervoe, Hor. • 2. lo CIUC •p _,,_,
ficus, Liv., Also called Riimlna ftcos, .ae faJ· ~oto; ~ mere spuwaa sails aere (of ahipa~
tne abotie·mutiotwd, Ov. Verg.; b legal. t. t., rt\ta et caeaa, and by aaya- -6nls, t. (rumlno), a clietoing the deton, rilb'. caeaa, ttlllf"Ntl&ing oR C17' afa/• dfl9 q
C'lld. L .&. Lit., Plln. B. a repd"ion, M1'Tr&, (ruta), and feller& dotoa (caea), aiMnlla a4
Plin. IL t1l1"1&ing owr (n tlw aind, nnninating tiiiebcr, Cic. B. to Qui dovn&; im1oanem molea
•.1J'OI', Cic. \'olvuntque numtque, Vetg.
rimlno. l. and riimlnor, 1. dep. (rumen), r.
ripes ·la, (rumpo), a t"Od;, dll. Ou&., u •.
eo cM1o iM cud,, ca"° OM' agtd" ; riplo&pra -ae, t (rupee and oapra), •
pallentes herlxLll, Verg. cha11Wia, Pllu.
riim.19 ·Is, f. and rima ·ae, t. the, rupCor -6ril, m. (rwnpo), cs bnd:a-, ...,_;
teat, Pliu. fooderiR, I.Iv.
rimor -Orts, m. a dull Mile. L Gen., a, of rii.rfo61a -ae, c. (rna and colo), i~
tbiugs, tM ~of tM oar1, Verg.'; b, n•uni&ur- c11ltimti11.g tM co111Ul"r; bo\·ea, Ov.; deus, Pria-
fog, mvn1u1.r, con,/'lut,d Ct1f: nunore secundo =
clamore lleCUndo, with. fa110Uring 1houl, Hor.
pm1, Ov. Subtlt., riJiMla ·ae. m.. a c:oa_,,.,.
'"'rn, a tlllrr of tAt jitll:i; poet., of an 01:, OY.
IL A. a uport, rumour, com~m Calk, Aearsay ;
rumores incerti, Caes.; rumor mutt.a lingit, riirfgena ·:i.e, m. (Mll and gigno), bona'• CU
Caes.; rumor multa perrert, Cic.; with genlt. or coun.lry, ru•tic. · Subst., ~ -I.rum, r..
the cause, uno rumore periculi, Cic.; with <le tM e01mtrj/oll.; Ov.
and the auL, graves de te nuuorf's, Cle.; riro, 1. anll riirir. l. dep. (rua). 14 lHI \A
rumor est, with acc. and In On., Cic.; n1mor ~ cvulllry, Pl1mt.
vnlgatnr, Liv.; crebrl mmores aff'ereb.•mtur, raniia and r'lll'91llll. ldY. (contr. for ...
CaeM.; lncrebresclt nnnor, Liv. B. oommon or vonm,., Til\'Ol"!ltnn, t.e., revenms, revenmm). L
gtMrCll opinioft, ~r jvdg7lwnl: 1, gen., b<U-1;want, bock; rnn11m1 tnhunt, Cle. D.
parva aura rumor11, Cle.; 2, esp.. oood 0Jrinw1&; Tran~r., A. °" tl&t ot.lirr A111&d, on Uu nlftl""1',
rumonmi quendam et plansum populArem esse in i"rlt1r11; n1nms repmllnret, Cic. B. To ai-
quaesttnm, Cic. press repetition or IL previous action, llflds.
rumpo. rilpl, ruptum, S. to brt.ak, brt.ak ill 011ce mort, nfrt-11: mnms aevocand& Yicl.a&ur
J1(sou. ~1'1'11, n11d, tear uttmler. L Llt., A. Cic. ; runiua Rai1t.en1, ea.e..
rus 496 Bab
ri9, rllrlB, n. tJw comi.t1')' {In opposition to the Vcrg.; Rutul1111 andax, Ttwn1t1; k£11g ,., 114
town), landa, a cou.lltry·, villa, ju.rm. L Lit., Ru,uU, V\:rg. Hence, adj., BiitiUu .. -um,
ha~ rus amoenum. Cic. ; acc., rus, to th.I llutulian; rex, '.l'u.rnw, Verg.
cou1'try, Plaut.; plur., In sua rum venire, Cle.; B'ittiiJ>lae -Arum, t. atotm of U.. CuNrM
ab!., rnre, and locst., ruri, iit tM country; ruri in flritam, perhaJ>& the modern .BCM~-.
vivere, Cle. U. .M:eton., manent vestigla rur111, Henoe, adj., BdttpiDu • -um,
~ t.o
traua q/ boorUA 1'£1l1'N, Hor. R1'tupiae.
Bmclno .Qois, r. a tow!' in Gallia Narbo-
t1t11o11i.a, °" a rivn" of tJw tame MllMI, now Tour de
J'U801UD -1, n. and l'U01lll -1, r.bulcAn'•
bruo"', Verg.
BU..Jlae -iirum, t oiu q/tM t-Zw co1tftJkr.
S' •.bet,the eighteenth lettert.oorthetheGreek
au ~u of Etruria, now ruins near Ro.uu: Latia alpha-
hence, aolJ., BiiaellAnu ·&-um, btlo11gif&{I to corres~udlng slgnaa
R11$1'U,U. (~. "· c), &011111thnes ~preaentinf th@ Greek
russua ·ll ·um, red, ~t. Cat. aspirate, e.g., ta = •t, lal = ci.\c, ~ ==
rustloiUlu -a ·um (rusticu11), of or rdaling ip11w, inrip = super. It Is oooaalonally mter-
w 1/1.e ooumry, rW1tic; vita rusticana, Cic.; how· changllll with t (as meritare, pullllU'e, mertare,
inl'~ ru~ticaui, Cic. pultare), and r (as honor ahd honos). The !JOOl.a
rutlcatlo -oni11, r. (rustlcor). La liringi" of the older period often elided •before a con-
BOll&ot, e.g., vitA llli digou' locoqull; by a.sslrnl-
!At rounlry, Vic. IL agriculture, Cic. lation, • before /becomea /, as diftlcills; it often
rut.lei, Adv. (ruaticus). L Zike a nutic, '" rep~nta another consonant which 'has been
11 roulttrijkd man!UT: loqul, Cle. IL Meton., assimilated to ltt as jubeo, Jussi (fo1· jubsl), cedo,
clo1111dshl11, awk1Dardlr; facere, Clo. ceasl (for cedtliJ, preruo, preaal (for pnimsi),
raatloltaa ·iitia, t (ruatlcua), a nutic pando, paasum (for pandsum). For abbre,·ia-
IK41'MN, nuti.dty, awboan:h&Ui, Ov.; baah- L, tlona in which S. la used, v. Table of Abbrevia·
felru:u, timidit11, Ov. tions.
rutlcor. 1. dep. (ruaUcua), to Hw '" tJw -ae, r. (:%4/J.,), cs dWrid ~"Arabia Fel~
cwmry, to rruti.calc; abiol., Cle. ; cum allquo, /aflWU fer u. per)bmu. Hence, "baeua •
Cic. ·WO (lalJoioc), Sabcu!cm; poet. = Arabia-..
rustlciilua ·& ·ll1D (dim. or rustlcus), '°""' Subst., a, SiLbaea ·ae, L (sc. terra), tM countrr
wlitu nutic, boorWL. Subtst., rustloiUu -l, o/ Sabala(= Arabia Feliz); b, 81.bael -Orum,
m. a liUk countryman, a liUle rwtic, Cic. m. tM Sabaaina.
ruatloua -a -um (rus), q/ or belcmg£ng to tM Baba.ti -es, r. a toum in Etrvria, on a laU
oourury,, rtutic. L Lit., A. .Adj., praeJium, o/ tM 8Cl~ namt, now Lago di BracciaM, Henoe,
Cle. ; vits, Cic. ; homo, a cou1i.lrynw.n, Cic. B. aclt., Babii.tinua -a -uni, of or relating to Sa-
8ul.ost.i.!118tICU8 -1, m. a counfryman, a nutic1 baU: tribus, Liv.
Cic. .u. Hetnn., coumry-lf.U. A. In a ·gOOll Mbi.zhis (, Seb&dlua) .fl, m.
sense, plain, simple, homely; mores, Cic. B. (~ci.~'<of), a aarnatne of .Bacch.m, Cic. Hence,
In I\ bad sense, clovmiM, coumrijltd, a111k1oard, SiLbi.sla --Orum, n. a /Utival in Aoftolll' oJ
booriM; rustica vox et agrestis, Cie. Subst., Bcicdliu.
rustloua -1, m. a boor, clown.; nustt:ca ·ae, t. Sab~ta ·l>rum, n. (I4/J{Ja.,,.a.), Ote Sabbath,
a counlry-girl, Ov. Jevriah day of rut; trlcesima mbbat.a, either tile
t. rita -ae, r. <Ptmi), 1M urb ~ L Ltt., great Sabbath (I\ Jewish festival In October), or
Cie.; plur., Ov. IL Fig., b~ vnpl«Jaant· else tM new moon, Hor. Hence, Sabbi.tiriua
llt8i, Cie. -a -um, rdating ta Ult Sabbath. Snbst., Sab-
2. rita caesa, v. ruo. bAtaril -l>rum, m. tM obseTWft o/ th.I Sabba.tlt,
ritabtlum -1, n. (ruo), a.ft1'1-ahowl, Suet. tM Jews, Mart.
ritatus -a -um (t. rut.a), j(aro¥red ·"7UA nu, 81.belll -Orum, m. (dim. or Sabini), a podic
!Urt. ttanu of tM &unnea; sing., Sabellua, tM SabiM
Biltent (Bii.thinl) .Orum, m. a Cel«c (I.e., Horace, as owner or an estate In the
ptOpk in Gallia .Aquitat~ia, In modern~. &bine country), Hor. Hence, A. Adj., Sl-
tcil.11. ropi.lal &godun•m, now Rhoda. bellua -a -um, Sabine. B. SiLbellloua ·•
riitllesoo, 3. (rutilo), to beCQIU reddiah, ·ttm, Sabine.
Plin. . SAbinl -<'irum, m. an ancient peopu of Italy,
Rti.tiUus -a -um (orig. appellat. = red), nrlghbour.t of tM Latina: met.on. =tile eo11ntrr
llllm of a Roman gtM, tAe mcst celebrakd number
of the Sabinu, Liv.; sing., 81.binus -1, m. a
o/ ll"hich. wa.s P. Rntilius Rnfua, an oralar aJ&d Sabine, Liv.; Sibina -ae, r. a Sabine tooftta"9
hul-Orian, co11$Ul in tM time of Marius. Juv. Hence'- adj., SiLbinu ... ·um, a Sa.biM.
riiWo, 1. (rutilus). L lntransit., to 1A£m Subst.J. Sibmum -1. n. (ite. vinum), Sabini
'!Cilh a rti.ldisll gltam, to JJ_litter like gold; anna 10im, Hor.
rutilAre videut, Verg. IL Transit., to tnake Sabia -Is, ace: -Im, m. a riiier {n Gallia &l·
rnl<IW., t-0 dye rt.d: comae, Liv. g!ca, now the Sambrc.
riitllua ·a -um (root RU, wl1ence ruber and dbillita ·Orum, n. (sabulu1n), aaftdr placu,
rufu$), red, gold-red, golden, ytllow, au.burn; e&· Pliu.
111lh, Ov.; ignis, Verg.; cruor, Ov.; fulgor, Cic. dbiUo -Oni11, m. grave!, 111M, Plin.
ritrum ·I, n. (ruo), a Bptl(k, ahovd, Liv. dbiUO.U. -a -um (!18bulum), abood'f&{I IA
riittila -ae, f. (di!IL or rut.a), a little bit of lllnd, sand11, gravelly, Plin.
T1't, Cic. U.biUum -i, n. gravtl, aaM, Plin.
Rittilll .Qrum and (poet.) -0.m, m. t'lu Ru· 1. dburra ·&e, r. mnd ..- Cll baUM,
lt1H, 41' a'leient f>t'.IPU of Lativm, whoae capital Verg.
Ila.I ~rdtn: sing., BAWu ·i, m. a RtU1"W., I. SiLburra -ae, n. a gf'Mnll ftf li111 lt&k.

sab -'96 sae
dburro 1. (saburra). L ea load with bol· alcraD.t .Orum, m. a f"'llolc i• 1..n.tf1111l:
lrut, Plin. ii. Tranar., to cram /ult (with fo•"I), hence, Sacranua -a -um, of IM Saou1d ; aeieli,
Plaut. \'erg.
meal. lndeel. (an Egyptian word), Emtwn si.criirium -Ii, n. (sacrum). L 11 rlact
ambtr, Plin. u·httt JOcrcd th.Ing• an kryl, th• li1Cri.lt11 of a
aaoci.rlua -a -um (saccus), reluting to Gaeta; ltrnf'le, Ov. ; Ca1·re eacrariu111 popuU Romani
na1·is, ta<kn wilh iacks, Quint. (Mt.he Roman religious veRSels, etc., were sai•I t.o
aaochAron -1, n. (cr4K;iccapc111), a saccharine lta\"c on~ been t.aken toCat!re), Lh·. IL n;.iac.
ju.ia: au..ting Jrom tl1t joil'IU of tM bamboo, Plin. of irorsh.11., a cAa1id, temple; Bonk D~. l.'i<'.;
aaoclpirlum ·Ii, n. (Sllccua and pera), a the chapd in a prii'Ule hoiue; in t.110 sacrario, Cic.
poch:t or ;ub /or a purse, Plaut. lliori.tua -a -um, p. adj. (from llACro), ~
aaooo, 1. (saccus), to 1train or J.lUr through 11 hol111 ain.oecrn.t.ed; templum, \'er:(. ; used esp.
~. Plin.; t.111111:1r., Luer. or t.118 Roman emperor, Wh06e geniaa WU 'Sor•
aaooti.lua -1, 111. (dim. of aaccus), 11 l17l4ll ba.g, ahlp;e<J. dux (Le., Augustus), Ov.
Cle. · lli.crloola -ae c. (sacrum and colo), a lllCl"I·
eaoous -1, m. (.,.ci.c:1eof). a .ack, bag, etc.; esp., kinj priut or priutw, "lac.
n purl"-, 11«YTUy·ba!J, Hor.; also a lxl.g (ror atrain- ~r -flra. ·l'i!irum (sacrum and Ctt0),
inK wine tlm1ugh), l'lin. mrrl/ing sacred thiAgs; rates, Ov.
dcellum -i, n. (dlin. or aacrum). a lma.ll dcrlrloi.Us (do:riticl&.lls) -e (aeriflc-
1h.ri1u or ch11pd, Cic. iuru), of or nlating to the 1acriflca, Tac.
deer -era -crum (root SA, whence eanclo, alorlrioi.tlo .Onla, r. (aacrtftco), a acu:riJc-
aanus, Or. crii<K), sacred, holy, ~- L 'ng, Cic.
Adj., A. Gen.La, with dat. and Kenit., sacrum
deae pecus, Iv.; ilia lnsula corum deoruu1 Uorirloium -JI, n. (eacritlco), a mer~;
eacra vutatur, Cic.; b, absol, W!ra aedes1 Cle.; facere sacriHcium and sacrilicia, Cic.
vates, IQCNd "' .Apollo, Hor.; poet., of <Jeitiea alcrltloo, 1. and Jorlf'lcor.1. dep. (sacri-
tht!rnselvcs, Vesta, Prop.; name or certain Dcus). L lntrausit., to o§er«. to 1m;rijiot;
plaoee, as sacer mons, tM holy MU, a hill in allcul rnaJoril>us bo1tii11, Liv.; lu Sacritlc1Wd0,
tlul Sabhw co1nlll'JI, tJu-u Rn111an miJ.ufrom. Ro111.t, Cic. II. Tr1u111lt., to oler '" «&ct1ftoe, to .acri-
Oil CM ,·igM bank of the .dnio, Liv.; sa<Ta via, ~; 1ue111, Ov.; pecora, Uv.
th~ lvil11 strut, a .tr«t in Rome btginni"!1 at dorlrloiUu -1, m. (dim. or aaeriJleas), a
tM Saccllum Streniae and mding at CM Capitol; «JCri.ftcing 1~t, Liv. ; rex 111criOL"tJB, tM pried
also sacer elivus, Hor. B. Esp., ~ in Rowu urnur tM RqtrWlic tDho o§trtd tM t!IC!"l-
to °"" q/ tM (71/ernal deitu•, hi:nce oocur11Jct,
<Uvottd to dt.structtoll; a, 1?.lig. t. t., eius e&!'ut
ftcea pre~lJI o§tred. by tM klnVS, Liv,
Jovl (Styitlo) sacrum esaet, ap. Liv • .; emu qui donnous -A -um (sacrum and taclo). L
eflrum cufquam nocuerit aacrum sa11clri, Liv.; satrtjlctnq ,· A ncu>1, Ov. ; rcx (•. u.criflClll'QS).
b, trnnsr., ~ta.bu, accur.ct, hor1'iblt; la intest.- Liv. JL of or relati71.g to a ~; ritaa, OY.
abilis et aacer eato, Hor. : auri sacra fames, .&ornlglum-11, n. (aacrl18gaa). L roN>ay
Verg. IL Subat., aicrum ·I, n, that which ii of a temple, lltaling of «ta«l tMwg., ~;
Aol11. A. a holy thing; a, lit., sa<"rum r&f)('te, sacrileyinm prohllM:re, Liv. IL prqf~ "
Cio.; b, poet., transf., or poems, sacra caclllstia, rdif_iou11 ritu, Nep.
Ov. IL I01IU holy obserDanoe, af•~tirol, ancrijict; aloriligua -11. -um (sacra and legn). L
a !ill., sacra Cereris, Cic.; sacra racere G1"aC<"O 1lealing 1acred. tAing!t._ 1t1.CriJ.egiou; aubst., G
ilercu11, uv.: ao or the pri\"at~ religious rites tem.1>11-robbtr, Cle. IL t1iolaling or ~ai.,
lltlCUliar to each Ro111a11 gens, sac1-a g1·11tilicia, 1Ucred. thi.11 gs, tJTelifinU, tap{ow1 ; a, lit., uaed
Liv. ; sacra interire meJorea noluerunt, Cic.; or Pent.hens, who dtlliplsed the worahi~ of
eisdem utl sacris, Cic. ; b, transr., a ttCTet, 11i11- Bacchus, Ov.; b, trausr., gedlas,_ ~
Urif, Ov. wickld; linguae, manua, Ov.
aAcerd.os -do Us, c. (sacer), a prit11t, priutus; slorfportua -n.,, m. (sacer anct portm). I.
sacerdotd populi Romani, Cic. ; in apposition, n tnum 11otf11r /r<nA Ro'IM '" tU Volleiaa ~
r~gina sacerdos, R.w, a rutal, \'erg. betwten Sig11ia and PnunaU. IL ci loK'la oa £U
dcerdotalls -e (sa<."enlos}, of or relating Tarc11tine Gu.I,/.
to a, pr~.Uv, ICl.Ctrdotal, Plin. alcrium -n, n. Scytlitaa aalJcr, Plln.
aAoerdotlum -11, n. (B11Cerdos), th.t o~ or ~ 1. (aacer). L to d«l((ntc to a giocl, C11111-
dignity of a 11riut, prleMhood; eacerdotlu111 in- 11eerau.. A. Lit.,. caput, Liv. ; •ru, Verg. B.
Ire, Cic. 'l'rauar.. 1, to detiott, g(vt, nllol ; honorem &lieu!,
~lum ·Ti, n. (cruyOW'l!VOI'), t1w pm of Verir.; SI, meton., to co~, flWb Aolv, .ab
an. um.bJl\ft1'0tU 11lant, Plin. i1111Wlablt; roedus, Liv. ; lex ucrata, a, tlw
aaori.mentum .f, n. (sacro), that 1t'hfch. violat«m of which IC<!• pttftUAed bJI a cvnir, Ck.
biw or obligea a pmion. L l.A!gal t. t., the IL to mah imperiahaOl•, to (IJU&Orlali.M: aliqu'm
t11oney depoiited with. the trea\"lrl ca pit.ales 1'y the Lesblo plectro, Hor. ; vivlt eloqueutla Catonb
partiu in 4 111U, which tilt wftnt.ed 7>C1rty l08t; aacratll. 1erlptl11 omnla generiil, Liv.
multae sacrament.a, Cic. ; 111 .. t .. 11., a kind of ~otua ·a -um (aaeer and lllUlc\na\
uya/ cJwl/tngt or U'<Ll/tr, a civil, ]lTl1t'tU; OO'Mtcrntlld u-ilh rtligiou11 ~ia; !Mouoe,
justo sacramo:nto cont('ndere cum aliquo, Cic. Ml11, 111crcd, inriolable (of lhe tribnnes or U1e
XI. l\lilit. t. t., the engr1yc11unt rnttml into /Jy people); ut vlcbl sui eMen~ acro-
n.ewly-enli.3Ud wldiers, tM military ooth. of alle- sancti, Liv.; po11.'4e88lones, Cle.: potest.aa (or the
gia11.1:1J: 1, a., lit., aliqucm 11111it!11e sacra- tril>1111e), Liv.; aliculua memoria, Plin.
ment<• obligare, Cic.; milit..·s sacra111ento rogare, dorum, V. llt-er.
Caes., Liv., or adigere, Liv.; diccre &acra-
mcntum, Caes., or sacramento, Liv.; alicui Sic'iU• and Sld,Jia -ae, m. • Tln:lda
aa.cramcnlo or s:icra111cnt·1111 dlcere, to 81Ccar prince, 1'()1t ofCol'fl' JJJ.
allefria,J&Cf it>, Caed.; b, met on., tntlftary arvice, =
aaeolum ueculum (q.v.).
Tac. ; 2, t.ransr., 11" oath.; 1ierlidum ucra- aaectUi.rla <9ictui.rta) -e (1111CCUlum)..,...
ID6Ulum dloere, Hor. lating to ci aueculum or ave; \ucJI, ama'4r fl'U. .
sae 497 sag
(r.~l!'brat.'<1 nt lntcrvlll~ of 110 Yl'llr.1\ 8t11'.t.; b, or inanilllll~ an1l abstrac-t things t UIDODMt
e.tn111·11, a hym1l su 119 ut the 1t,.11lu.r !1"'"4'", :Suet. h1!Jh price of Jl7'0Vi.•imu, Tac.
saeciilum (aeciilum. Rynl.'Or· aaeclum. =
aaevum sebum (q. v.).
liolum) i, n. (f!t•rhar~ COllllt'CIC. Wil ,, L !'lt!<'US aaevue ·• ·11111, ragirig, V?Ud, irloltnl, Jette.
Rn<I \\ith 11cx11,.). I. "'"i. su, q1·1vnlli1J11; 11111lic· I. Lit., or animals, leunea, Luer.; 114evi .. r leaena,, L11cr. IL Trnn~r.. A. Inn reslridl'J s1·11~1\ V1·r;.:. II. Tnm!lr., mpin,g\fttrce, cruel, llltugt,
like .,.. ... a.. tM a•·'rrt'1t d•1r•1fiflll nf <l 111H11'! /;fe hnrslr; a., of pel"ll•lll!',Ju110, 'erg.; AenPaaB11evu1
(331 years), a gc .. cmlio11, u9•; l, lit, 1111111.-1 sne· in arnil.-i, /.crri/1/t., Verg. ; poet. with the inlln.,
cula hn111in11m, Cic.: 2, 111elt111., &, IM hum111l '}11ael1bet. In q11e111vi:1 ''l'l'r"liri& ftngere eaevUI,
.,.,~ li.-i11q at n11y 1"irlic11I.1r !l'••emtinn, tM au,, Hor.; b\ of and alJstract tlii11g1, time.•: ip:ie f1111A,.S'? in ht1i11lt saec111i err11rc nt•qunrnt 'eri;.; ventus, Cic.; scupulua, VeJ¥.;
l'l'N•'r, Cic.; b, the ~ 1 ·i· it ofthtw1r, th« 11reraili1tg flluem, "t'crg.
t.i~•o/ 11111111vrs: 111ite!\cent saec11lll, Vei;:. B. In saga -ae, f. (root SAC, when<'esaglo),a/el!Mlle
A wi•IPr St'll!IC, the lon•fr·'' d11mtio1& of 11 11Mn's aoothsa!fu, prophetas, JO'TtUM-telltr, l.'lc.
lif•,a/111,"l'"!•t !I"""•" ~ntury: l, &_, llt.,dnohus
prope ltM'Cllll\ a11t~. Ck.; b, tra11,.1., an indtfi· d.gaoltaa -Ws, r. (ARgax). L J;een'MU, acute-
111tdy lo•tt/ tim.e, a11 nyt; 111irp1ot S.1t'<'lllis post., ntss of t/1( Ml'l.'1€3; esp., kunnesa of 1ct1lt (A dog';
Cic.; s.'l,.dis cn·ct.'l s1·11ectus, \"er~ ; 2, meton., canum at1 invl'~ti>(an<lum sagacftaa naiinm, Cle.
th( 111tll liri119 i11 Cl p1rti<:ular c(11f11r11, lht ct,,. IL Transr.. m-:ntal acuUMu, tc1f1<1Ci'11, ahreicd·
neu ,• h"mlnl11, Cic.
tury; sai:c11lor111n reliquoru1n ju•lid11111, Cic.
aaepe. n1lv., comp. Blleplus, super!. saepls- dgaclter, &dv. (sagax). "'4rply,
~hm·, "flr11, ojle1tlimc.•, frt•11te11tly, Cic. ; hene
I. or the senses, with b11" ICml, Plln. IL!, C1c.; Mepe et 11111lt11111, Cic.; 81\t"pe 11111lti,
Trnnsr., of the mind, acuulJI, aag<•cioll$ll/,
~re11.'<il11; rwrn•i;ti:.,'llre, Cle.; tu sagaclua 0<lor·
C1c.; 81\epen11mcro, rtptuledly, all'lin. and agai11, al>ere, Cic.; ut o•lornr, quam aagaclaahne poaim,
Cic. q11lrl sent iant, etc., Cic.
aaepea (llipea) ·is, r. (cni.. .x>. a M<lgt, ft11ce. Sl.gA.rill, acc. -Im, abl. -1, m. and Bang-
aaepla sel'ia (q. v.). A.rtua ·II, 111. <LlY)'dPu)f), a river fn Phrygia
aaepfciUe, atJv. (dim. or saepe), prettv ojlr11, n111t Btth.y1tia,>i ng foto tM. l'ropon.tfl, DOl!I'
Plaut. Sa.l:orja, ."'-1kiiri. Hence, SAdritla ·lilis, f.
1aepimentum (llipimentum) -f, n. of or r~·lating to Sagarii ,· n)·mpTia, Ov.
(!W-11h1), a•l i11clu,.ure, Cic. dgi.tus -a ·Ulll (sagum), cloth«! tcith a,
S&epinum ·I, n. ca 1111.all town in. San111i11m, lnflU"'; esp., of a soldier ln a military cloak,
nn1w ·'fJ>i llfl. Cic.
taeplo (aeploJ, S.'lf'psi, sncptnm, 4. (AA"l'"s), qgax ·llcle (saglo), havill.!J kem MTUU, L
!IJ s11rn.u11,l 1••ilh tt """!IP, to lt~~tue i1', to i11close. ker11 ·'"""'•«I ; canca Cic.; of q•rick hear!n,g;
La, lit., val111111 Kl"l•'rilt11'1, Liv.; b, fl,.:., l<w11111 s:1;.:Rci11r auser, Ov. IL Tran11r., or mental acute-
l"~itati .. 11c, Cic. IL Tra11sr., 1, to shut i11, lo 1u-~s, uc11te, dn•n-; mens, Cic.; sagacisslmus ad
end n.e, to '"rrou111I; 111ut•11ih11s, Cic.; >it: >111spica111l11111, Cic.; with infln., sagax quondiuu
!«:ti~. to Jh11t 0111:~/f up nt ho111,, Verg.: 2, a, vcut ura vhlere, Ov.
lo 1>1'.-~I, to orc1tp!f; \'iM, Li\•.; b, to g1111r1l, to angina -aP., r. (O'aTTDI, to Jill). L fatted~.
""''rt, 1•rofp, t: 1tKlura oculos membranls ,·cstl· ft .. ti; 11:1, 1w11ri.,lti rig, 1:ujJing, cra1111n(ng, etc. IL
v1t et 11.•<'l'sit, Cic. T11111sf., food, fodder, nouri&h.m6'1J, Tac.
aaepta ·i'lrum, n., v. r,neptum. 111\gino. 1. (sai-:inu), tn fatun, Jud t.ip, CTIJlll.
u.eptum (•er.tum) ·I, n. (Slleplo), nn. fo. I., porl.'u111, Prop.; qune copil. reram om·
dosun, burrU:r. • G••n., qnib•1s saeptis llf'luas 11iu111 (ill1111 Gllllns) saginaret, Liv. IL 1'ranar.,
co11tinelii11111s, Cic. II. E:1p , aaepta ·<"mun, :sanguine rcipublicae saginarl, Cle.
n 1 •~ i1<rln,,11·e u·h•rt IM Rr1111111111 i·otetl nt Iii~ 88.glo, 4. (root SAC, whence sagax, sagua), to
CtJ>•ilia, ,,.,.u</ i ,,,,_. utrtul i11. tM forum, &omtti111ts /'ftrcet 1·e quickl'JI, Jui. kunly; aagire sen tire acute
i11. the ("amp116 Madi11s, Cic. c:;1, Cic.
aaet . . . v. set ••• an arroio. L Lit., Oic. D.
eagltta -ae, f.
SaetAbla -bis. L m. n rfrer (n SP'fill, MwTrausf., th-: Arrow, a c01Uttllatl-On., Cic.
.1/iJUfU or Myare5, or else ft11ia or ."rni11. IL aA.glttirlus -a -um (SRgittn), oJ or relating
f. a tow1t iii. llis}'a1tia,, jtww111 to urrnu:&; sulist., dgtttarlu -U, m. an.
for il~ Jl•u. A•li., SaetAb1UI ·a ·UJU, relating rrrrh'r; a, lit., Cic.; b, tranar., thl ~atfon.
lo Sarl•tlJ~•. S.!uilfurius, also CJtlled .Arcitenem, Cic.
aaetlger and aaetOau• setiger, sctO!lus dglttifer .fl!ra ·f~rum (sa~itta and fero).
(q.v.). L curryi11g arrtJWil; pl1aretra, Ov. U. arnud
aaevi. adv. with compnr. and e11perl. u:ith nrr11tes; Gclo11i, Yerg.
(sanus), crutlly, barbarously, feroci<msly, Hor. Si.gittlp~ten• -entls, m. (S11gitta and
aaevldlous -a ·Ulll (saevul! and dico), angrily pul•'ll"). tlte cuMtellatMm Sagittarius, Cic.
w,1.:,ll; dictA, Ter. aagmen ·Inis, n. (SAC, 11acer, sa11Mo), a
aaevfo ·Ii .[tum, 4. (sae,·ue), to rage, btfieru, bu1icl~ of .v.u;rtd hubs plud;e1l in thl citadel, by
/vriuiu. I. Lit., of animals, saevit lllf'US, Ov.; ~nrina which. tM 1-ersons of the Roman. /eli.uks
,1u;:uil1 1 Verg.; 8'16Vire coepie!ie (of 1:h~pl>a11t..q), a1i.l becu1111 in.t•wlttble, Liv.
Liv.; in aliqut>m, o,·, II. Transr., a, or weu, Sa~a ·M, c. 11 nvtr tn the ~ntry of the
to be furio11s, a11.11ry; sae\•ire In obi!i1ies, Lil'. ; Rnittii, on. the ban.k.t o/ 11.'hklt. a battle um fo11ght
ilnpel'll., In cctl'ros e:1evitum e~se, Liv.; b or :;so B.c., between Croton and Locri, now Sucriano.
things and of abstract.ions, to ragt; saevit ponlue, dgiilum .f, n. (dim. of sagum), a amaU
Hnr.: saevit rnnenum In pl"llecor<liis, liur.; military clonk, Cic.
iaevit anior ferri, Verg.
l&evft6r = saeve (q.v.).
.-nm ·I, n. (u&~, a Celtic word), a mantl•
m1tde OJ coarse VXJol u·orn by sla11u, also the plaid
l&evftla ·ae, r. (saevus).1./erocity. LI.It., of tJf IM t'tlt4: esp., of soldiers, a military cloak,
animals, r:auum, Plin. IA. Transr., jl.ercene.n, Caed.; hence, sy111holical of war, as the toga or
~.. cnult71, AanAnut, 1t1Jertt11; &, or men, pt•act1 ; he11c1•, 113ga sumere, a<l saga Ire, to tak•
Ju...tic'•, Cic. ; crediwrum, Tac.; hoslium, Sall. ; up arms, prtpare for Viar, Cic. ; in aagia esse, to
Sag 498 Sal
.. "' at"llU, Cle.; saga ponere, to uiy doum ar11u, lllUotarlua -a ·Ulll (sali:r). o/ or relatiiig If
IJY. Plin.
S&gmatfa. v. Segontia. eUlotum -1, n. (1711cop. for s:i.licetuHI, from
algmatum ·I, n. and "guntu (-M) aalix), a plilmall.on ofvillotn, Cic.
·J1 I. a Coto1' tft Spain, t011tA of the Ebro, now llAUentem ·lum, m., v. 2. aalio.
Mt&nriedf"O, tM '1UU.gi11.9 of which by Hannibal
WI to tM outlmak o[ the Swmd Punic War. fustis, lllUhaiua ·&-urn (aallx), ma.tie o/ willov-ll"C)(.I(,
Hence, A. Blguntmus -:i. -um, Sag"nlitie.
B. BlcbtU ·6m, m. tkt 71tnpk of Sug1mtvm. WU --On1m, m. (11&lio, i.e_, Uu UtaJllT'S,
j1011.1'fll"'), a oolw,Je of priul.s of Jluu, i!Ulit.u.I
llAcu ·& -um (root SAC, whence aagio), pro· llf/ Nw.•ri.u., to.W. tae7'tJ procusitnU, t1C'C'01tlJ•••ied
pMtioo.l, aoothluy(ng; 11ub11t., llig& -ae, r. a blf .rinitc" and armed duHctra, tool.: 1>lt11~ a••MullJt
fartunc·tel«r, Cle. in tlu lwgi1uliH.fl of Mardi.. n~uec<, 8All&ria
81.18 ·111, I. (Ui'f), the old capUal of /,ower -e, a., lit., relati.1111 w tlae l:ic.llii: c.·u111e11 Num1u~,
Jgypt, now ruins m~ar 84 d /lug.;ar. Hence, Hor.; b 1 tra11sr., ~1wi.l,' (frum ll>t0
Ultae -I.rum, nL tM inhabita.11ta of Sai&. RU11111t11011~ ftlllHLIJ that followeJ the ptot'elllion
8AI. al.118, m. '1\d n., and plur., sales, m. or the &Iii); epulari &lia1"t!m in 111uclu111, Cic.
(root. 'AA., AA.1),.aiU. L 1 1 lit.. 1 11111lti 111o<lii i.ialia, alllllum ·I, 11. (dim. of saliunm), a Ii.tile
Cle.; 2, tlK., salt, I.e., wit, facctio•muss; 1:pi11· fall· ctllill', Cut.
tolae bu1uanlt.atla sale, Cic.; sale et ,pJinae ·!\.rum, f. (sal), sa/f.trorls, briHf·f1it..
facet.Ila Caesar vlclt omues, Cic. IL Meton., L Oeu., t:ic., Cnes. ; iu jestiug r.·fe11mu: w
1. CM aaU ata; campl aalis, Verg.; 2, plur., sal (wit), l"->Sllt'Sllio salinaru111 meanun, Cic. IL
sales, 111U ta.ti, Ov. Esp., A. iall-1t'orkl on the banh of Ike 1'ilif:r; iu
llllaola -e.e, r. (aalwu and cieo), a aca·godcka, full, salinAe llomana.e, Liv. B. ISalinae., 11 JoWct
corrupon.ding to t1"' Gruk Tethys, wife of OMinua. in Ro11u, 11tar llu Porta 1'ri!]t11nno, Liv.
d'loo .Ollla, m. (0".4Kw ..). a 11Daf1gerer, allinum -1, n. (eal), a 61ZU·otllar, Hor.
bocutcr, braggart, Cio. I. aAllo (aaJJ.lo). 4. (~I), w .Ut, pickle, Varr.
w•••• towm'"
an '8la11d aftd
-minis, acc. -mina, r. (~lf). L
tlw Saronic GMlf, overagabut
2. .allo, s1li1i (dlU 1-are), ialtum, t. (root
SAL, Or. 'All., whence ciAAop.o.•). L lntnnsit.,
El#U.N, iceu of a t1aml vlclorrl of the <Jrub 01ier to irpriag, leap, jtl11tp, bound. A. Lit., of li\•iug
tM Prrliaru, now Koluri. IL n to11m in Cy· Ldngis, de muro, Liv.; in aquas, Ov.; •u~
l"f'U, liwiit by 7'e11~. Heuoe, &alAminlua ·A vu.llum, Liv.; 11111iunt i11 gul)(it~ Tall:M', Ov. B.
·Uf!l, a. 1 rdating to
the isla1!d Sala1nis; SAli- Tr:m!lr., u! thing11, a., !mlit i:r.i111l11, \'C'I);.; aal ur
mil:all -orum, m. the Salaminia1u, fohabitant11 of 111ica (11ali11) lllllit:n!\, 111.wn)idtd SRll, whii:A (as a
.saw."'"; b 1 relating to ths towll of Salamu ill g04,.1 1•1111.'11) ltt1pt UJ• v·hc11 throum into tlU }rt;
l'rPt"ul; au bat., SaUi.minll ·oru111, 111. the in- fan·e pi" ct 11111ic11lt! mic:\, Hor.; iiect.ora trepiJo
MibUa1'tl of .SUlamia fa Cyprtl.$. salil'uti:i 111otu, Ov.; b, of wukr, w 6Jlf'iJ119, leap,
Jf.011•; 1l11lc-i>1 :1.11uac 111111.~11>1 rin1s, \'t:11(. l'artic.
W..pla ·lie, r. a to11m ill Apulia, now the :illh~t., eMfGDtea ·111111, Ill. (llC. fo11f.e:i), /OU·
l'illagt of Sap£. Hence, Wilpltanl -0rn111 1 111. tai1H, t:ic. IL '1'1-uusit.., or, to iotp, IO
and SllApini (Salpinl) ·c)rum, 111. thL fo. cvt~r. Ov.
Aabil.antl o/ 8alapia.
SA118uballua -1, m. (= &lius subeilieoa),
daputtlum (Ullpiitlum) -Ii, n. a little 01i.c: vj tltt ,..;ulii, Cut..
dWClrf, manikin, Cat. ·& -um (sal), of or relating to salt. I. aAliunoa -ae, f. wild or ~Uic nard., Verg.
Adj., annona, yearly ret'tmu: fro1n !<ill, Liv.; 111lj. aAliva. -ac, C. (counected with O"io.>.Of), l)>ittlf,
prop., Salaria via., or simply 8all\rll\, a roa,d Ill'· :k1/itu. L A.. Lit.., Cut. B. )lcton., l ~
{,rinn'ng at the Porla Ca1~ia and /tailing into the tilf, 1k.'fi1f, l'<m1.; 2 1 krst~, Pro1i. IL ,~111if..,
Sabine count"J, the .'lull Road, so calle<l he1·ause a1., si111ilt1r 1110i.J;lure, e.g., l«lrs, rlin., 11.owq,
the Sablnes wed It for conveying their salt. from l'lin.
Uie 9811, Cic. IL Subst., aM&rium -Ii, n. aAlivi.rlus ·& -um (saliva), sli1t1y, Plin.
llilU raJimu, tllO!ley gil!ffl to soldur' a11d offiar$ ailivo, I. (salh·a), to lpi.t out, Plin.
/or IOU, and hence, aUowa1u:e, pay, wagu, salary, llAlivO.m ·& -um (sali\'&), sliwtf, Plin.
Suet. dllx -leis, f. a willow, \'erg.
Salp,.. ~rum, m. tM Salauf, an .Alpint
~ in WIOdern Savoy. Sallentinl =Salen Uni (q. v .).
U1as -leis (1. salio). L or male anlrMls, aalllo = 1. salio (q.v.).
l"'4ful, l«Mrow; arie11, Ov. IL Transr., uriting Sallustlua (S&luatlua) -U, m. a Re.a•
hut; eruca, Ov. 1uu11~, Ute "tust celelmt.Uct be<tTe'1'5 of rii.c1 _,,:
lli.l~bra -ae, r. (1. salio), a rough, U11J'11Cn rood. 1, C. Sallu!!tlus Cris~•llR, of Amilt'rnnm, ~
L Lit., Hor. IL FiK., applh..-d to discourse, <-eltbmle.t !.«tin hutnriaii, amte1aporaf'J 4Jld op-
roughnus, n1ggednua; haerct in sale urn, 110rvnt of Cictro : 2, lSallustius Crisµus, grmt.
Mic/a {,a.It, Cic. 11cJ1liew nf tlit /l.istodan, frit'J!Ll of A ugv..lhil,
/11.171.l.tWfor hil grwt ridws, ti~ O«D'M'I" of SJik'ndkl
dlebrO.U. ·& -utr 'salebra), rugged, f'011gh; gardtn.s at Ro111e. Hence, ailj., Salluau.itllu
aaxa, Ov. (Siluatli.Dua) ·&-um, &llluslitt1'.
Watinl (Sabentinl) -ornm, m. a people Mlmlcfdua ·a -um, salt, Plin.
q/ Qilabria 01' '1111 C«Ut : met.on., the COU1U1'J of
&he Salenti.1d, Adj., Silentinus -a ·nm, Sa- ~ ·Id Is, r. (Xa>.,.o.•td, a fon.lai• '~
leat\";a"'- Caria, fabled to 111ab! tJIO$t Y~o dmu of iC
Personif., the nymph o/t'llufetntlts\a,
Wernum .f, n. a tot.Im on thL Aclriat!c Sea, tffnninate.Ov.
'" Che PiceMiM CO¥ntry, now SCl.lerno. salmo -Ools, m. a salW&Oft, Plia.
8l.llArta. v. 8&111. Salmo116Ws -el amt -eos. m. (2&l.p..M).
SIUi.tu ·118, m. (Salli), tM olfa or dign.ity wn of Aeolua, brother of Sisypluu, lit&f i• Klil.
q/ a prlut o/ Man. frmncfer of thtJ totOn ."'aJJfll()M : JM i•Uat.ed tJll
d1lcalRnlm ·i, n. (11&lix), a kind of rin.e tlwndtr and Hgh& ~.f Zftll, 1111lo oa t.llel _...
fTOt,llix.g wild Cl"'°"f tu W'illoa, Plln. ccnmt ltrxc:k Ua wUh a. U.-.ftdcrWU. . - b1W
Sal 499 sal
hi"I li>1n t4 Tart,1r1u. llenr.fl, Salmonla Cle.; ~ll s.~luh1 ior, Liv ; scntcutla rel1.uhhcae
-idiJI, f. (~"i.tWl'l~), the dl1Ul)hffr <1 S.tffM11£U$, :salubcrri111A Cic. IL luultlt11, llrong, l'Oirnd,
Le., Tyro, 11111l/1cr 11f NttflUI an.t l'cliu.:1 by Nel'tuM,1•igarou.s. A. Lit., coq111r:i. salubriora, Liv. B.
!OM t.iok tlufurm of lM K11£~. Trau~r., flood, ftl, auitable: quit.lquid est aalaull\
Wona ·Re, r. and Wonae -I.rum, t. 4 ft!G- autdliibrltaa :ialubre iu oratiouc, Cie.
-A.tis, f. (11:1.lnln). L w1tolel07M•
porl ill l>u.lm.atia.
aalpa ·&e, f. a kind of .WCkfah, Ov. flll-<'" :«1lubrity. A. Lit., lm'i, Cic. ; tum saln·
britatis tum pcslilcnliae signa, Cic. B. Jo'ig.,
Salpla Salapla. (q. v.). 011111is ilia salubritns Alticnu 11ietionl1 et qua:ti
Salpinitea -nm, m. a peopl~ of Etrvrla, Mar an, Cle. II. aaund1tU."1,, h«&lllt.;
Yolriaii. Heuce, adj., Salpinia -&t.ia, bt- corporum, Tnc.
km¢"!1 ta tlu Sal]'in.alu; a~.-,r, Liv. aiUiibriter, adv. (saluber). L hmlt4fuU11,
Salpinl SalRpinf, v. tlalapia. wltn/c,,,,,,l!(y; 81llt1hri1111 l"llfrigerari, Cic. D.
aalsi.mentarl1111 -a -nm (snlM:nentum), of sueicml1ly, adi"<rnlct.gWWlly; bdhun trahcre,Liv.
or rdati11g to so.ll:fi.•"- Suhst., ealaamenti.- llAlum -i, n. (uciAof). L a., tJu ope'/\ uu,
rlu ·Ii, m. a dealer i" ialt-ftsJ,, 8uet. esp., a plrice wliere ship.' tis an.d1ored, a roculsuad;
pr .. viui tcmpe~tati!'I stare ad ancor11m in
l&laiUnentum ·I, n. (" 11&1!10 ·Are), 1, J181t· salo non posse, Liv.; b, p~t.. the lktll i::eucmlly;
~. &ri1~, Cic.; 2, aalted or pi(kU!d ftsh, gen. altum, Hor. II. the rolling of a ship at mi,
in J•lur., Ter. motio11. of a 11hip: salo wwseaque couf'ccti, Ciies.
able, adv. with compar. :md 1111(\l'rl. (salsus), BAlua -ntis, f. (&alvwi), Mu.Ith. L Gen., 1.
~iltily, hmnormi.,ly, filllli.muly; dici·re, Cic. mtiuicina aliquem a.d salutem reduccre, Cle.;
lalaltudo ·lnis, t. (salsus), aaUneu, Plin. 2 U'<:ifare, wtll·being, weal, goocl jortUllt:
lalaiigo ·lnis, r. (RAlsus), aaUri.en, Plln. ulilitati Kalutique aervire, Cic.; !lpc11 1111luti::i,
Cic.; also lite civil 11/tll·~ing of a Ro ..' citilel\ ·
llalsiira -ae, f. (ul}, a tnlffng, pickling,; (11ut in P.Xilc); n~stitutio 11alutis rucac, r1iy rtcu.U
ftg., u1eac! snimae Misura evenit, I am. in. an Ul· /ran~ e:cilt, Cic.; heuct!, a a term of endea.rm.eut,
iU&011 r, P Lt.u t. l'la11t.; b, 1wrs11nir. 1 Sarus, the y111ld.esa of th'.
l&lau -a -11111, p. adj. (rrom 11&110), l«l~t. 7ncbli.c lfftf•ty of Rom.t, wltase lemplt. W!UJ an th11
lfllL L A. Lit., ftuet1111 aalsl, th4 aea, Ve~. (tr'irinal, Liv.; c, dtliveran«fron• dtath., dt1~r.
B. Ti':msf.. ta.iii ng liiu 1ali, ilwrp, biti11.f/ : etc., at! MlntA\111 vocitre, w tat'll, Ch·.; salute111
laerhnae, I.tier. ; robigo, Ct>rr0shit, Vcrg. tL atti'rre 1-eipublicat>, to aaw, Cle.; al8o a flUll&IU of
Fig., vriUy, humo7'01t.1, fuatinri.•, St.tlirkal; iOVt!lli cleliva11nce; nulla 1111l11s reirnhliC!le rcp•·rhi
ridicula ct salsa. multa Gl'lMlCorum, Cic.; nwle pote11t, Cie.; nna est 811.IU!I, UltT''fl ill~ mmn.! <>/
salsus, toiU& poor wit, Hor. t.Ulii't1"tl1t.a, foll. hy lntln., Cic.; d, Ut.-uril.rt,
lalti.tlo -onls, f. (salto}, 4 datlci"9', pcnto- ia.fel..I/; fortunnrmn rmarum 111\IU!! in istius <lam·
•iaic da.1'CIS, Ck. natiune consl~tit, Cic. II. Esp., a wish. for 4
J'.lllf'~on'• tllf/.fiirt (SJ><)ken or w;itten), llalu.tati"",
laltator -Or!SI, m. (aalto), a (pa1'k1n1in1i.c) gl"tding; salut"m 11u11tinre, Cil!.; a.'«!ribere, Cie.;
dan«r, Cic.
allcul 11.-ilutem dictrc juhcre, to ae11.1l a grttti.Mg
laltatOrlua -a -nm (, o/ or to, Plaut.; and ~llipt., Anacharsi1 Hannnnl
lo dancing; orbis, Cic. salutem (sc. dlcit), Cic.; ng., 91\lntem rlicere
laltitrlJc -tricis, f, (saltator), a. female furo et curiae, to bid fu.reweU to, rtn.ou1'Ce, Cic.
~. G da1tCing-girl, Cic. llAliiti.rl.s -e (salu11), hclth,fu.l, 1-t}IMl,
.taltatua -ta, m. (salto). 4 daxcing, da11ee, IYl.lulary, servicPablt, tvlwlt.<o>nt, wlvnnlagt1CJ1U.
I.iv. L Gen., a, &11601., (11) of things, ut quau mala
laltem. adv. (orig. salutlm, frorn salus, as pernidosaq11u rmnt, h11bea11tur pro bonls AC
•iritim, troin vlr), at ltast, at all evrnt.i. L salutaribul!, Cic.; herba salutari~, Ov.; salnt.ur·
Alllnnatlve, a, with an· antithetical scntenc.-, es litterae, Cic. Subst., dliiti.rla ·lnm, n.
'ripe mi hi hunc rloluJ°1•m nut minue salte111, Cic.; remetfits, m~dici'M!I: pro ~lnt.~rilms 111ortirera
b1 wlthont an antill11>t.h"l\l 8t'ntenr.e, nunc Mlrl'111 con11erlbere, Cle.; (II) of 1~rsons 1 a~rl !psi taru
14 illos calculo!'I rev1irtm1111r, Ci<'. IL With benellcu111 1 tam sal11ta1·,•111, tnm manenetum eive1n
DegltiYt'S, non, nr.que, not e11t11-1 nor ttll!JI., Liv. deslderant, Cic.; b, with dat., 11.n<l. ad and acc.,
lalto, 1. (int.ens. or Miio). L lntt'll.nliit., to and contra nnd acc., cunsiliutn salutare utrique,
daflal 10ltll pn.nt,,11Liml4. 11e•l1'rts. A. Lit. w1 Cic. IL Esp., A. Appell .• salut.ari:i littera-
Ublcinia modus, J,iv. ; sallAre in convlvlo, Cir. ; i.e., tht letter A, ahbrc\'iation or absolvo (littera
dbcere ealtare, ti• learn toclttnr~, Cie. B. Tnmsf., tri!!tls, C condtimno, Cle). B. Adj. proper,
of OJaton, Hegcsill!I s:d tat incidcn!IJ1Rrt.l1:11 lni; (of 86.J.uti.rl.8,as & 1111m11me or Jupiwr(Gr. "!wnjp,
a jerking, hopping style), Cic. II. Tram1it., to us a s11r111unc nf Zeus).
1'tf'J'Utn.l i11- panwmi1nic da11i:i11{1: Cyclopa, Hor.; 11Aliitarlt6r, a.dv. (salutAril1), ben.tfteiolly,
carmina, poeruat~ ring 10i.il1 ge."rtru, ov. advuntagOO'U~ly; utl aruris, Cic.; ae recipert,
laltti0.118 -a ·um (saltu.s), 'llJIOOd4d, wll Cic.
lllOO<ltd, Sall. llAlittatlo -011is, r. (saint"). L 11rttthig,
1. l&ltua ·Os, m. (salio), a lpring, leap,
111L111atio11, Cic. IL Esp., a gruting, w11tatio1t,
bond, Ci1·.; saltum and ealtua dare, Ov. a call, ·vi.'<it of cere111any, 1miling upon a p11r&<m :
rlnre se snhrtationi a111icon11n, Cic.; ubl salu-
2. l&ltua ·i\a, m. (connected with 0.><~. tatio dctluxit, Cic.
4.\nf). L a paa.t through a mottrtlaLI\ or fan~t,
1t 1lalc, m11h1e, glalU; Thennnpylarum, Liv. ;
sAliitator ··i\ri!!, m. (saluto), om who JlCIJI•
11alt111 Pyrennel, Cae11. IL a .farut or mcunt.ti7' ca1111'li1M11tary vi..sil.9, a 1/Uitur, culler, ap. Cic.
1~tl•ri,; saltihu!l in vacuis palieant, ailiitatorlua -a -um (salntntor), rt/.n.tio1 to
\l"rg.; ll(ltnetlmea, an t8tate including a cattle· gruti ''!for vi.~its; cubicnla, hall of awl it11ce, Plin.
l'llii; de anltu at,'Toque de.iicitur, Cic. aiUiitatrbl: -tricis f. (Mlutator). L fl"m·
liliibrla -e and dliibor -bri!I -bre (salus), Mart. ii
E"I'·· 1iaying a vi.:ri.l,
ing, 1Kil1Lli11g,
AttllUii. L C011ducLve eo 1wUh, heaUhful, calling, wu iting up<m; turl.J&, J uv.
turullt", llllubri<nu, wlv>luom& A. Lit., natura. ailutlrer -rlra .ff'!rum (salus and fero),
i<)Ci, Cic.; annus salubris, Cle.; somnus, Verg. hbillli-bri11ying, sal\l.briom; puer, ..tucu~ph111 1
B. Trana!., iound, 1tmceabl1, ~; con1ilia. Ov.; opcw salutiferam uare. Ov.
eal 600 ean
sAlitfg~riUu ·• -um (salllll and gero). in tht .Aepfaft Sta, o/ the coall ft/ AM Jll..,,,
mrrying com1ili111<11tary, Plaut. opporil• Ephutu, tht blrth·plaol 6T J\dagqnu,
sAluto, 1. (11alveo), to IKl"IJ SAive l-0 a ptrso1', chief uat of tht 10orshi1• of I/era, /a11UJN1 for U!
ro grft'-t, SU.lute. L Oen., allquem, Cic.; 8UntU· clay ·mw tlu titUtl1 11"1.tU fro111. it, now S1"1111• or
tamentis, t-0 suy "(}od bUs. you,·• wlu1t a ptraoll SU»tlm·Adaui; Threicia Mamu.s =,
rn.cuu, Plin.; dens, to pay ruptd l-0, to worahip, Verg., Ov. Hence, A. SAmlua -a -um, Samia";
Ck; with uuuble acc., to f!Net a.•, to 1uuiu; vir, senex, l'71thagoras, uv. ; capedine;s, mad4 o/
1Lli11uem i111peratorem, Tac. II. E!:lp., 1, to caU Samimi. tart/Minwart, Cic.; tnra, a part q/ tJu
UJIO•t, to 1~'!1 court to, wait upon; venit salut&ucli main-land of .Asia Mi11or or btl<mgi1'g to .sa-,
cau~. Cic.; 2, to grttt a perll-01"; &, 01' his ar· Liv.; subet., a, 81.m.iua ·Ii, m. the Sa.mw11
rivul, Cic.; b, 011. his departure, PlauL
Pytltagoraa, Ov.; plur., ·tirum, m. tM
satiivll (Salliivli) -orum ..anJ. ·dru, m. a inh.abita1* of SamOI, Smnian..~, Cic.; b, Mala
Uguriun JlfO}'le ill 111.ode?"n. Pro111:nce. --Orum, n. (sc. vasa), Samiun wurt. B. ~
Balve, v. salvco. lua -a um, adj. dim., Sa111ian, Paut.
2. Mm&l=&me(q.v.).
aalveo, 2. (salvus), to be wtll in ll«Uth, found
o.:hietly iu the forms salve, salvere, i;alvcto, SAmot.hri.oi C&Amothrioi> .es, r. and
salvel>is, salvcre (jul>co), uli6ll by the H.oman11 SAmotJuaca.-ae, f. (I.aµo8fJ'i'"I). aud ~
u a greetini;, Good day! I hope yov. are well? thr&ofa -ae, f. ai' isla11d of the Aegui11 Sea ow. tM
Ho1JJ are ~u r &, in welcoming a per111..n, Good coost Qf Thrace 01ipooi.te tM 11wutl: of the llcl•r...S,
day! !l•OO nwrni11g I ju!Jeo Ui salvere, I yuet fanl()U8 for tht m71stic ritts of tht Cabiri, now
you, Cic.; Diouysium vtilim salvere jubeas, .samothmki. Hence, A. SAmothri.oee -uri1..
yrctt I>io11ysius for mt, Cic:; salvebis a meo m. a, tht inhabita1,is of the isla11d of SanwtAntct,
Cicerone, 111.y so11 C.:i«rn ~s yau greetitUJ, Cic.; ov.; b, t/Mi Cabiri, Juv. B. SAm6thr&olus
so uf greetings a<lJre:1KeJ. to a <listinituished -a ·Utn, Samothracian.
person, or or res1iect paiu to a deity, hail! salve Sam.,.toirimua ·I, m. an .Arab prilltlt c/
vera Jovi~ prole11, Vert{.; b, in taking farewell, Emen '" Libanw, whom Pom:ptjv.s ol'frQllllt;
good·lry.i ! <iod lit: with yau I vale, salve, Cic. henC4!, Ir.a jest, a twnu for Pompi.jiu lt&""*f,
salvla -ae, r. (sal VU>!), tM herb iage, Plin. Cic.
aalvua ·& -um (not SAL, whence saltL.. , aampeiiohmua -a -um (a-•+»x..-), -""
co11n11cted with a-o.6..), tJU,fe, unhurt, uninjured, o/ 11iarjoram, Pliu.
wtll, sound. L Ue.i., &, of peraons, salvua aamP9U,ohum -1, n. (CT.i,&iJrvxo..), 11MJrjcm1111.,
atque incolumis, Cneti. ; salvus revert.or, Cic.; Plin.
ae salvo, while I&· is alive, Cic.; b, of things, ll&DabD!a -e (sano), that can be 1wa.led, C1<Ta·
clipens, Cic.; with abl. absol., aiwing, witllou.t blt; a, physically,, Ov.; b, of the mind,
i1ifradi<n\ Qf, Cic. ; salvo jure nostrae veteris iracundi 11&11abiles Cic.
amicitiae, Cic.; salvo omcio, Cic. IL Esp.
formulae (or .conversation); &, o.r ~niOns._ ne corporum, .an&Uo -Onie, r. (sano), a Maltng, cvriag;
aalvua aim, 111, etc., may I dUJ 'i.f, etc., C1c.; Cic.; 11g., malorutu, Cic.
ulvus sis= salve I Plaut.; b, or thing11, salva eanclo, samci, sanctum, 4. (root SA., whence
res eat, il i8 au righl; often in question11, &&tine sacer, sanus, Or. CTcio~. a-~. etc.), to .U.
or satin' salvae? ls all righl (with 71ou) r Liv. l<&CTed or int•iolable by a rtligfou.t act. L Lit.,
Simiria -ne, r.
Paltstin.e. Hence,
.1i:t;t1 &, to mak• irrtvocablt, to appoillt, orditr (ot a
a district of law, le.ague, etc.); lebrem, Cic.; foedus sanguine
tell -ae, m. a alicuius, Uv.; SOion capite aanxit, si qui, etc.,
Solon. ordered, Oil pain of d«rth, Cic.; b, It/
&Am.Aribriva -ae, r. a town in Uallia M&nction, rnuler valid by law; act.a C&e8ll1"ia. Cle.
&lgioo., chiejtow1~ Qft"' .Ambian(, now .Amivu. IL Trans!., to forbid on pain of puniAJMftt, Joy
aambiioa ·&e, r. (a-GfL,Suq), a apeciu of harp, under a penalty; lnceslum supplicio, Cic. (p&rtic.
Plaut. suncitus, Luer.).
aambiiMua -a -um (sambucus), madis of eaacti, adv. (sanctua), piously, COIUC"in.·
lldtr-wood, Plin. tiously, scrupulously; pie sancteque colere
aambiiclna -ae.t r. (sambuca and cauo), a naturam, Cic.; multA aunt severiu1 script& tt
femak harp-player, rlaut. sanctius, Cle.; 11e sanctissi111e gerere, Cic.; a&DC·
aambuclatrla -ae, t. (a-111A~v1einpU11), a tissime observare promissa, aacredly, Ck.
woman plays on tht sambuc.a, Liv. 11aDctlmoDla ·ae, r. (sanctus). L mw.etiJy,
ad deorum religion em et sanctimon·
eambiicua (ubiicua) ·I, r. an eUkr-tree, lf(;iam demigrasse, Cle. D. purity,, 1rirtw;
Pliu. domum ho.bere clauum pudori et sanctimoaiae,
Mme -es, r. (I..l,.,,), name Qf tht island Cic.
C,,phall1mia, now Cefalonia. Another form, eanctlo -Ouls, r. (sancio). L U.. llrluu or
8Am68 -1, f. Hence, SAmael ·Cirum, m. tlu cl..a.use \n a law which recilu tM ~; l~m
i11habiumu of Sa?M. lllnction1m1 poenamque recitire, Cic-. IL
samera ( -ae, r. tht sud of tht: elm, In treaties, a clause, proiiiso; foederi.8, etc.
Plin. eaaotitae ·Atis, f. (sanctus). L ill~bilitil,
Mmf~IWI, v. Samoa. sanctity; tribunatus, Cic.; templi inaulaeque,
Samnte, SamnHLs, v. Samnlum. righ.t of a.tylum, Tac. D. pidy, rirtw,
Simlua, v. Sam~ c}i(utity; &, matronarum, Cic.; b. pidy totrerds
!ht gods ; deoa pl&catoe plew efftciet et ll&DCtit.aa.
Sam.nlum -Ii, n. (ayncop. from Sabinium), Cic.
a mountainou.t rtgi011. of cc/ltral Italy between
Campa1*1 and tM Adriatic Sta. Hence, A. =
ll&llctltiido -Inis, r. sanotit.aa (q.T.).
Adj., Samnle ~lti11, Samniu; suhet., &, a aanotor ..QriB, m. (aa.ncio), aft. ord4ialr';
Sanmiu: used collectively, tht Samnitu, Liv.; legum, Tac.
Samaitea ·lum, w. tM Samnitu; b,, a gla.· ll&DOtiiirium ·Ii, n. (Mnctua). U.. J'ri-"
di<1.tor armtd 10i.tA Samnitt totaponl, 1,.;ic. B. oabiMt of a prift«, Plin.
Baauaitlcn:aa -a ·Um 1 Sam1&Ut. llaDOtUa -a-um, p. adj.(Crom un~lo). L ~
1. SlLm&I (-118) ·l, r. (JYOf). 41' islcittd 'n11iolob1'; tribunl plebi.s, Cic.; olBcium, Qc.
601 sap
U.. ~ Wy, dMu: a, or deities or cUs- 8'nh8 -m, t. {connected with aangnls). L
ungul1hed men, 1tella )fercurll, Cic. ; sancte di.Jeastd blood, bloody matur, Verg. IL Transr.,
deorum, Verg.; so, or the senate, aanctiaahnum nnom, poiso1', llai-er; perfUAus annie atroque
orbll terrae consillum, Cle.;, thf Sibyl, veneno, Vt'rg.; aanlea 111anat ore trilingui, Ov.
Verg.; b, pwrUJ, virtu.ou•, Aoly, bla~e.u; nemo ll&nltaa -itls, r. (11imt1S), health. L Lit.,
&&11ctior illo (viro), Cle. ; homo !ll\nctlsaimus, physical ho"lth, Cle. IL Tran!lr., 1, a somi.d
Cic.; virgo, ca Ve.stal virgin, Hor.; conJux, cha.ate, 1tu.t~ of milid, 1't41onab/eTIU3, good «1tse, ro1lit11;
Verg. a•l sanitatem se convert.ere or 1'1ldi1·e, Cir. ; 2. of
Salloua ·I and -n~ m., 11lso Semo, Semo style, soundntJ# or corrtcllUSI, purity; orationls,
Sancue or l'ldlllll :t&DOUll, "" U m)ir!a" a11ll Cic.
SabiM deU11, probahly=Ztvr lliO'Twr a,/Urwarc.U S&D.Da -ae, f, (O'd.l'Jlll.S), Cl wwcking grlmaCI,
tdmti.ft.d '! Htrcules. Juv.
M.Ddlilfarfua -a -um {<lallum), oJ or sannlo -3nis, m. (sanna), one who makes
nlalin.g to aandah; A polio, who !tad a statue in 1ri11uv::es, a bu§ooii, Cic.
tAe S4rm of tM San<lal-mal..ers, Snet., I. (S1tnns), to 114111, cure, restore to Ma.Ith.
l&DdAU'.geriUae -li.rnm, r. (sanualium and L Lit., tumorem oculurum, Ci..:. IL Transr.,
'lf!~-fn141e slavu tpho m.-ried tluir mialrtuU' physically an<l 111•11-ally, to hcai, 1utore, repair,
n , Plaut. •1uiel; partcs fte;<ms rei1•ulrlici..,,, Cic.; vulnt'ra
l&Ddi.lls -Idis, f. a l.:inrl of pal1n-tru, Plin. arnriti;1.,, Liv.: 111entes eurum, to change to riu/U
M.Dd&l.lum ·1.i, n. (O'a~ov), a alipptr, t•it ws, Cacs.
.salldal, 'fer. Sanquille (Sangualls) -e {Sancus,, 0t:e
a.ndApDa -ae, a kind of biu used by poo1" lOt1!Ji11g to .Sa1u;u1; avi:1, the btrd sacred to .Su1tcu1,
pcr11u11, Juv. th~ os11re,1J.

l:uid.ArAcJa ·88, (, (O'aWap<i.K'I), 1C111llarach, R Sant6nee -um, m. and SantOnl -Orum, in.
Li/Id uf rM. dJ!t!, Pl in. a 1ieo1./e in A~m1i<m r;aul, wlicn..:e Sainlonge.
lk11ce, adj., tOnlcua -a ·Um, belon,i11g lo
landa\r~tua -a -um (samla1-aca), the .$;111t1J1~.
IDith. sandarad~, l'li n.
llaDd.a.resoa -i, r. an oritntal vrecwiu 1tont, corporis, .anus -a ·Ulll, llflU11ll, htfllthy. I. Lit., rars
Cic.; aliquern sa11u111 l'act>re, Cic. II.
ptr~ps ''kind of r:at'a-eye, Pli11. Tran~r., a., so1111<.l, t111inj1u-ed: rt'sµubli1·a, Cic.;
a:uadyg -dfcls, c. (0'4..avn, wrm£lion, or a b, of snu11•l 111i111l, rutu)lutl, 1<1nt: mens, homo,
1i14ila.· oolour, \"erg. Cic.; c 1 of 1lisco11rsc, sour~, un.sLblc, 1&alurol;
line, a•lv. (sanu11). L 1obtrly, ratio11all!f, genus oict'nui, Cic.
lflllibly: non eg•> sanlus baccliabor E•luni:i. dpa ·Re, f. must or nelD toint boiled to on ..
Hor. IL Transf., A. m1Uy, i 11·lud (us.:<l em· third of its b1dk, Ov.
phallcally), aane vell•·m, I coulrl indud wisli, SApael -0r11111, 111. a Thracian peo1ile on the
l'ic.; he11ce, a, in an~we~, ...-u.rely, to bt sure: s311e Prnpontis, Ov.
herd11 or sane b .. rc11le, Cic.; b, in conc...ssious, saperda -ae, in. (o-a1rip3')(), a ~mall ji.J"4
la bl nm; urlC1i11/11; sint fals.1 81111•\ Cic.; c,
,..itl1 imperatin·~. th.rn, if yo11 will; a~e s.ine, etrnyht i1~ lht 1'11liu Mueoti.a, a Lind
of herring,
Cic. B. uettdi 11gly; b.·ne SAne or sane b••ne, Per.i.
('ic.: sane 1 1 u~111, e.&<.udiugly, utremcly; with dplena -enti!I, p. atlj. (from &RJJin), t-lst,
verbs 11nd ailj., Cic. sensible, 10·1ide11t, judicioWl. L Gen., rcx aeqnn'I
Sanga\rlus. \". Sagarls. ac sapi•'""· Ck.; q11is saplenti•lr nil conjecturam
rer11111 futurnr11111, Cic.; Cyrm1 illc Perks Justis·
aangulnarlu.a -a -um (AAngnl"), of or re- sim11i1 r11it !.Rpil'11tis~imusque re:oc,Cic.; of tloings,
/,lfi1ig to l•lr.JO<l; Ii;;., bloody, b/ood-tl1fr1ty, sa11· Yt!ra et sapiens a11h11i mng11itu<lo, Cic.; snbst.,
g1&ilf4'11 ; ju veutus, Cic. a se11si'1l•,1wlicio11s ptrson; insani s;q1ie11s 110111Pn
aangulneue -a -um (sangui:1), rtlati119 '" ft.rat, llnr.; u~eJ as a surname of tlte juri-1ts, L.
bloorl. L A. Lit., 1, of blood, bfooJ.r/; i111~r, Atilins, Jll. Cats>, etc., Cic. II. Lik~ the Gl'f>t-k
Cie.; gut~, Ov.; 2 stai11e1l with bl00<l; cap11t, ,,-o-j..;,,, wi..9e; subst., a u:ise flla11, a 1ira. ti-:.ll
Ov.; 111111us, Ov. B. Trans(., I, •tairu.l with ph i[o.roflhtr, a ·«l.{1t; St'l•te111 Mpi,.11tes, 1'ht Snt11
WoOtl-&11e.l, l1WodJ1_: 1·ixa, Jlor.; 2 blood-red; ll'i.:ie Mt11 of Vn:£•c; i;o1111:timcs si11q,Jy se1•tem,
~uh11n, Cic. IL 1''ig., bl00<ly, ufootl-thiroly; <.:ic.
Mavora, Verg. UJ>fen~r, A•IV. (sapicns), wiu/y, clilCTtttly,
aaagufJ:ao, 1. ("811gui1), to be blooJ-th.i,·sty, juJinously; faccre, Cic.
Tac. dplentla -ae, r. (saplt>n!I). L uood Nn<f,
aanga.ln~lentue (eangulnillentua) -a ili;;i.·tr11•11t11t, 1•nvfr1irt:: fJl't> vestra sapient in, Cle.
•lltn (llllnguis), bloo-ly. I. stui11t1l ll'ith b/00<1, II. (like O'o4>ia,) wi&1fo111, esp., 1.,·uctical wis•W171,
llloodf: 1, lit., conj11;i11 in1a;.:o, Ov. : 2, t ra11sr., /~11owl,d9e of tlie u·od.I, l1nnwltd~1t nf the art o/
lllO•Nfiiig, injul"i11:1; 1111lla exi<tat littera Na.'!011is 9•1rernmuu, C1c.; with g1:nit., cu11'1tilU1•n<lae
sanguinoleuta legl, Ov. IL bluod-rttl; color, civit.atis, Cle·.; phar., \"irtules t:hullire l"t 681'"
OY. ieutia~, rults of wi"Hl..111,, Ci1'.,
aangaJa (ll&DgUen) -lnis, m. blood, blootl eaplo -11. s. I. to taste, hn.·e a jlaro11r or
"1w;iR1J in tJw m1u of a li11i1UJ being, while cru .. r '""It; a., lit., J>lin. ; b, tn 0111tll of s•1mr/11 i •I!/;
=blood of tlu dtx11l or blood from wo1&1uu. L 1, crocurn, Cic. II. to to.sit, to /11t1~ tosft; a, lit.,
lit. 1_tiiuri qnguiit, Cic.; aani;uine111 111ittere, to ut, cul cor sapiat, cl 11011 s:11·iat p11lat11,;, Cic.;
ld 11100.l, Cic.: 1Jilllguinem cn·1111uere, lo sited 0111'1 b, tlg., to <lisc--rn, ~retire, lo/,, >l'111iblt! tlixrttl,
blood, Cic.; 2, fig., a. 11f.,;11ur, lirt11i;th, for.·e; 11:1-<t; &"lJ:>"r•• euiu }'Ju~ quam!I, C1c.; with
1n1isi1111li BllCUlll et sanguillt'lll, Ck.: 80 or acc., to un..Ursf<11l• ; r.-cta, Cle.
Ol'lltor1, venm1 -.11guinc111 •lt'IM'f'tlcbet, Cie.; b,
'P"Ol'Vl.11, ww11t11; de a.111ic11i11e aerarii •lctrahcre, upo -6ni11, in. (a Cell Ir. wor.J), 110i.1p ustd ty
Cic. IL Met.on., 1, 1htddin.g nf bloo I, murder; tht Guu.l• IZ-1 a JIUlll"'"- /nr the h..1ir, Plin.
Odio ch·ille 11&11gnl11ls, Cic.; 2, blood·r•·lu.lionship, dpor -oris, 111. (..apin), lit!U. A. the tmlt 1.J
m'-', blood, fa111.il11: a, abetr., 11111gnam possldet n thi11rz: l, a, lit., qui non Ma pore cnJ1ial11r,
rtligl.1nein pa~ruus matern•18'1u11 sa11;;uis, Cic.; Cic.; J;>, ui .• tlcf1111&e1 11' 1li~m1fllt; \·c.• "'.le·
b. con er., a a.~ nda Ill, f>J'OOtnr ; ~"i "" sang11 is, ulus, Cac.; 2, 111eton., 11 dtlld'ICJf, a ti.lb1t;
Ell'opci, Hor. ; 111erire In 1uu111 aa11g11inem, Liv. i.,'llllae a<l111i11cere aaporem, Veri;.; 3. transf.,
-U. PllD.; meton., aporea, ..,,_,., odot&n, iau • -am, ScanUG•; plar., ........
Verg. B. CM la* vlM:l a J>trlO" Aal; 1, lit., ~rum, m. tM Sclrdfau.
Loci'.; 2. lig., good lfaU ' • bchaftolw or dil- -.rdiQz -ntchia, (.,..,.U-0, • ~
eot&IW; homo aine eapore, tOUloxt taiU, Cic. llou, tlv. ltll'dol&p; Jav.
8apphfoaa ·& •WD, t'. 8ap11bo. Bardimt. T. 8ardL
•pplairu <•ppiraa) -1, r. <n•'POf>. Sa.rdu -a -um, T. t. Sardi.
a. Mppl&ire, Plin. aarna -1, m. Cl mU-10Cllcr - - .u:A ......
8&DDJai ·t18. f. ('%«.+w), a lrricol podOI o/
JfflCUIM ia LalJ<», 111Ao tllrnc MrM/
°" '"'°
tM am
CIQlOUIU o/ Mr •nrequit«l loN for Pllaotl..
br IM Romau, Ov.
llirio = aarrio (q. T.).
dri8a (llllUD) -ae, r. (n,urva), • ,,,.,
Bence, adj., S&pphlcraa ...a -um, Sclpplfc. Jlacttlonian pikl, Liv.
appiraa aapphi1118 (q.v.). Mri.116ph6raa (~ -1. m.
Dpraa ·a -um (vArpck), ~ rottn, Plln. (crtipt.crcro+Opclf), "Jlac.lot&ia" pikelna11, Uv.
Ml'Ollla -ae, I. (ardo), " bvndU, pad:, J.111Ck- 8anll.lta -ae, m. (Iap,,.0.1'1J(). 11 Scuwatia. :

= portabl1 lv.ggage o/ "J11raotL L A. Lit., a,

., Plaut.; b, plur., aarcl.naa conrcrre, Cle. ;
onem aub Urclnla adoriri, CM&. B. Fig.,
~ load; publlca rerum, bvrdft of gm.<el'll-
9U111, Ov. IL Transf., tMjruU of Utetllflmb, Ov.
Dl'Olll&rlua ..a -11m (aarclna), perl4(1d11g to
hrdetu or bagga,gc; Jwnen&a, JJQCk·AoNu. betuls
q/ hrdm, Cae11.
plur., Sarmatae, tM Sanilaticl1'1, n ~ ,.,.
tl&Oden& Pola-nd, Litlk Tartary awd aD.Joi•'-1
countria. Hence, A. 8arm.lUa -ae, I. (I.ap-
11aie1), Scl7'111GtitJ, tM CO'IJ.W, of IM Sa.nuallc.
B. BarmAtfoua -a -um (~T'Ullk), Sllr-
mati.c; mare, tile Black Sea, Ov.; adv., llarmA-
tloi. oJL!:r tM Sclr.alilla WIOIJMr; loqui, OY.
C. SarmAt& ·ldia, I. San11111iaa; tellua, OT.
8&l"GlnMor -«la, m. (aarclo), a ~r, urmea -Iola, n. = (q.v.).
914n1du, cobbur, Plaut. MrmeDtisml -a -um (sarmentum). fall eJ
-.roln&tua • -am (aarclna) lood«I, bur· tung, or naaU bmnc:Au, Plin.
lfn«l, Plaut.
.arolntila ·&e, f. (dim. of sarclnA), Cl lUtle ..-m.entum. -1, n. huigs, fOJJJ1'wp. .-all
bmlJdlu, bruuucood; a~green, ofthe nne, Cle..;
hJMUe or po,ckage, gen. plur., Cat., Juv. =
b, dry bnuluoood, i"91, feggoa; fucfs
DrOlo. sarai, a.rtumJ 4. to tllt'lld, patch, re- aannentorum, ,/allci.J&U, v. ; ligna ei aarmeata
JX&ir. L Lit., tunleam, Jav. IL Fig., IQ 1114ke circumdare, Cic.
good, repair; damna, Cic. ; uetrimentum, Caes.;
lnjuri&m, Cacs. ; gratia male sartll, not com· °'"
Sarnua -I, m. 11 riwr CaMp11aia,
1«11 .f'o111peii, now Scln&0.
°" wlicl
f'UUly rutorttl, Hor. Partic., llal't1ul -a -um, 8_arpiclo11 -6nia, m. (l.op,.,,llW..). L .,..
with special phrase aartua et tectll!~ or nrtus of Jll~ter, king f1l Lycia., to~ rome to tM lelp ti, i1& good. r.onditt<m; a, lit., of buildings, tlu 1 roj<m1, 1111d 'IOOa "4i11. by Patrocltu. IL •
i• good repair, in good ron<lUion, well rtpairtd promonrorr in Cilicil1, now el Kalli-.
or bvUt; aederu Caatoris SArtam tectam tradere,
Cic. ; omnia 11&rta t.ecta exigere, Cic. ; b, fig., Sarra -ae, I. lh• HebrevJ Zor, nl.d "4WW: of Oil
i• a good wn.dition, uiell prut:rvul, tJafe: M. cUu "of 1'yr•: hence, atlj., Sarri.nua .. -um.
Curium aartum et tectum, ut aiunt, ab omni Tyrian, l'hot1'ici41l; ostrum, \'erg.
lncommodo conserves, Cit~ aarracum. ·I, n. = serracum (q.Y.).
aarolon ·II, m. (crapcio.,), " flat» i1' an Sarri.nus ·•-um, v. Barra.
emernld, PJin. Sarraldell -um, m. a peopl.e i• Ca:a,p&ail,
aaroioolla -ae, r. (crap.<n>«OA>.a.), a of Oil the .<;a.J"1&1U.
Persian f11'11J, Plin. aarrlo (skio) -di and -IYI -ltum, 4. ao - .
aaroipllAgua ·a -um (cropicOlfi.S~), lit., and thence, to KWd, Plin.
~Htlfl; la pis, a kind of aton.e vllt{l. for ""Jlhu, aarritor -Oris, m. (aanio), mu 'lrlM loa •p
tOi\ici\ to1r.1 bdieffd to ooru11me the body; hence, tctt<U, a ltotr, U!tedtr, Va.rr.; syncop•• art.or, lg.,
anb&t., 11&ro0pUgua -1, m. a ooj/'11., aarco- Plaut.
~1 Juv.
.art:ago -lnia, .'- a_frri"V-JIO", Juv.; 8U'tago
ll&l'OiU&tlo·onis, r.(sarculnrn),alloeing, Plin. loquendl, 'IN!dlq, ~. Pho.
aareillum. ·i, n. (sarrio), a light hoe, Hor. =
eartor sanitor(q.v.).
9U'da -ae, r. L " :tma.U ~ 10AicA tD4! aartu -a -um, partic. of aardo (q. Y~
plddtd, perhaps a nrdim, Plin. IL a preclou5
"'°"'• perba pa oornel ia1', Pll n.
dt = aatis, e1Wt1fll., ~ L A4J.,
eno11gh, "</Jleienl; tanturn, quantum 11&t est, Cle.;
SardADApAlus (~pa111UI) -1, m. foll. hy genit., nee aat ratJonis in anni.s, Verg.;
(%apaca..i1r«A~, lAp&utir.aA.\~), tlu last kit19 of by lnftn., nonno id 11&t erat., accipere ab illo
CM AasyriaM1 wlw, on a revolt again8l llim, burnt i11juriam, Tac. IL Adv., a with Verba, biben,
Mt!USV witA Ai.a aeraglio af&d all Illa tT«l8Urea. Verg.; b, with atlj., bonus, Cic..; c. with anoU..
1. SarcU. v. Bardis. adv., sat diu, Cic.
2. 8ardl --Omm, m. (Xop&d = Sardinia), tlu U.tkltor i. ro nwug11. to do, • • _,.,
'11.MbUantl of tll.t illand of Bnrdinia, tile Sn rd in· l'lands ftill, P aut.
(au, 1\0tOTio'us for t.hrir 'fN"'fidy, CI e. Hence, utk0y s. L to BatW'J or pay a emiiler,
A. Sar4U -a -.nm, Sardinian. B. Sard.011- Plaut. l:L to bt"wrr btuy, Aa.l'e e1Wt141I. *> do,
lua -a .-nm, St1T<Un.wn; herba, v. Sardou11. C. hare 011e'1 hartdl,/Wl, be in troublt, Petr.
llar401UI (Iap&;iof), Sclrdldan; herb&, a ki11d dtelli• ·ltia, c. L a gurd, a.tit'lldtlfll, an4
of poilolt.otu crrYula-foot. J). Sardinia ·ae, f. plur., gwmu, uoort, niiu, '"''"' Cic. U. Tratul(.,
CM Viand of Sardinia, Cle. ; hence, Sardlnl- I a companio7', altft<Mftt; Auronie, 1.w.ciJr,
aal8 -e, Sardi1&ia1'.
8ar4ia -lttm, acc. ·is, r. (Iap&nf), Sardis, tM!
cic.; Orel, CAaron, Hor.; 2, ea11.. in a t.d
lmb11, uider, accoapli«, abdlor; audacille, Cle.;
eld capUa.l of Lrdia on tM Pa.clolu, ruid,11ce of sCE'lerum, Cic.
JCit19 Oroa111, now &rrt. Hence, A. Sarcll =
dtlaa ·Atla, I. (aatla) atie&ae. L 11 _ , .
«um. m. tlw Sardia111, Lydtan1. B. Sardi-, ab1rndan.oP.: cibi. "Lacr. IL ~ ..ilr·
Sat 601 Sat
JMJ ...,.., loaa"9f: quo de cUe epalldla Jam .ltdpia (.ltdpia) .... I. (. .TJNL. . .,, c
rini l&tias estlet, Lfy. Jl"OftMll f0'10"Uli bJ1 o amp, llllnlpr, Plln.
Mtioilla -M, t G lotn o/ Saw&••~ near Batrlcnun ·l, n. a. /Alt(• COIOl'I t.V .A~ °"
~ CG#rlG Veoc:Aia. Hence, A. Ht1otU- Road, Dow di COllCll. Bence, Satrio&ld
in1111 .. -om, nlali"tl eo Satktda. B. B&ti- -6niru, m. iM MtAab£ta1'U o/ Satncvlll.
oiUua -1, m. a" faAabitam of Satfcula. dtur -tflra -tarum (utls), /un, mttd, mtfattd.
dtl~tall, r. (satla). L 0 IU~. L A. Lit., pullua, etc. B. Transr., 1, 141'6).Ml:
cabl&1Muuiu, Plaut. It. tatWr, l0flthi1'i}; clb1, uplett at:que aaturl, Ole. ; 2, ~ fert&U; Ta·
Cle. ; Ilg., satletu J"rovlnci&o, Cic. ; at.adlonun rentam, Verg.; 3, of ooloura, ~Y fvll. drd,
omnlum vitae facit. aatletutem, Ole dark; color, Verg. IL Pig., ric.1, copiou; nee
aatora jejune (dlcet), Clo.
8Atlni. •tin' = aatlane, "· aatls. 8At6ra -M, (. (SC. lam:), G diM o/ CIClnotu
L llAtlo. 1. (aatl!!), 1o """111 mtM*. L 1.
Ht., with food and drink, OY.; a,
tranaf., a, ol'
natural desires, lo 111tl$f.,, appea11; de1tlderia
/rtdu "'""-llro§.nd to Clwi god1; hence, transf.,
o mi.zll•n, WWldlq: per aaturam, ifldi.tcrlminaltlr,
uaturae. ~c.; aftlm, Phmt.:; bior other thlnga,
007\(uaedl.,, Jlfll-JMU; per uturam aen-
tentiu exquirere, &ll. Bence. aatira (q. Y.)..
tgnea odonbua, Ov. II. Fig., 1 eo ltltllf/y, .au;
aYiJitat.em legend!, Cic.; 2, to owrftl.l, "' clor, to Siitiirae palm, o la.a n Latf--..
dU9u1, llJlfaU; numerua agnoacUar, deinde llAtiiriJa -ae, t tM Aerb tallOf'J, Plin. ; hd-
•t.iat, Ole. eroclite plur., dt6riJa -6rum, n. Ov.
2. dtlo -6nla, t (sero). L • I01'1i1lq_; plnr., gtiiriJi.nua -a -um, llelongh19 to • distrid
aationee, eoncr., ~ 1a10" }Uldl, Cio. IL pla,.,_ of ..4p1'lia, 11ence, poet. = .Apulian, Hor.
Wig, Verg., Liv. dtilrltu -&tis, r. (aatur). I. 1atUt1, nr.Le-
dtlra (atiira) -ae, r. (aatar). ~ tfoia, Plaut. IL 1'ransr., ab'ln1da?&01: aatur1taa
J10flrr, .atw, Hor oopiaque rerum omnium, Cic.
dt&. oompar., ddu,. not&gl, ~ L S&tuna&lla, etc., Y. Saturnllll.
la poelL A. Gen., 1, adj., •tla eat allclll Si.turninua ·I, m., L. Apulcjua, CribuM "
&liquid, etc. ; aUs est roll. by al, Cic. ; aatia tM 'J¥1'Pt.. lrllltd fo a not, 100 a.c.
aoperque habere, '"'°"gh a.f&d MON &J14n cnoug.\, s&turnua ·I, m. (aero, sevl), aft old Loffn
Cic.; foll. b7 genlt.. 1 ea amlcitla uon aatla habet
ftnnitat.ia. Cle.; aa dicentlum temporis aatla
fOd ti••
1' a.1 god of planting (a satu or
•tloDe frugum) ; ID later time.a ldentlfted with
llabere, Cle.; (non) satla estlroll. by lnfin., Cio.; the Ki>Ol'Of oC the Greeks; Saturn! sacra dlea,
atis babeo, wlth fottn., Bal ; with quod, Liv.; Sahlnlar, Tib.; 8aturni 1tella, Cic., or almply
2, adv. (of'Un aatine or Ptln'= 1&tiane); a., with Saturnua, Hor., tM plana Satv1'ft. Hence, aUJ.,
Terbe, consequt, Cle.; attn' eat Id ad, etc.,Cie.: A. saturnlus -a ·um, SalKMlian; 11tella, '1111
b with adj., aatia multa re!ltant, Cle.; o, with plaMtSatul'll, Cic.; tellua, orarva, /tuly(becanae
;J... , boneste, Cle.; abeol., de hoc aatls, moug1' of !;&turn was said to have reigned there), v.,rg.;
.W., Ole. B. Particular phraaea; a saUs ago, gens,~ Italian1, Ov.; numerus, U.. old ltali.<.in.
lo Anw MO"fl CO do: Im pen., .;rtur tamen pr;dry, Hor.; proles, Picau1_1on q/ Sa.turn, Ov.;
•tis, Ole. (cC. aatagltoand aatago);b~ legal t. t., domltor maria, Nephnu, verg.; vlrgo, Ve.Jta,
l&tia aeclpere, lo fakl bAU, ucuru.,, Cio. IL davglaUr of Sa.tur11, Ov. ; Batumwt pater, Jv.-
Compar., aatluay bdkr, mars admn.tagtmu; atiua
eat, or at.iua (ease) existim~ or 1&t.iua put.o; JriNr, Verg.; and subaL, J.. s&tund1111 ·Ii, m.,
with fnftn., morl aatiua ease, '-1C. (•) Jw.pUer, Ov. ; (JJ); 2 1 ~turnla -ae,
dtl841.tlo -&l!a, I. (aatisdo), G ghl'iflf tiAa t, (•) JaM, VerR. ; (JJ). at1 oui •rthical ~
• -=-rifr, ac. °" U.. Capitolh" Hi.U, Verg. B. 8&t111'Daba
-e, bdnngixg lo Salam; gen. aubet. plur., s&t.-
11Atte4o -dldl -dltnm -d.lre 1. Co give baU or u.rn.alla ·lum, D. U.. futitlal lJ,gi1l-fti"t1 tDitA
.:Mritr; with genit.., damn! lnlectl, Cic.; henoe,
atiatlato, &r baU, &f _,.,;t.,; de be~, Cle.
&A. litA ~ DeMnber, al t11hich tMr• '°"''
iptCtaclu otld baJVJUtla, prutntl wtn czdlangtd,

dt'eflelo ·flcl -factum, 8. lo mtlqJ, lriw •lava _,., 10aittd "JIO't br thrir maaur1: the
..iMr{Gdicm. L Oen., omclo auo, Cle. ; vl tae t'esUval luted several days, the ftnt or which
aatiafecl, I Aciw HNd lolll1 IMUfh, Cle. ; alicul was called Saturnalia p1lma, the next Saturnalia
a.liquid petenti, Cic.; hlatrlonea aatlsCaclebant, eecunda, and the third, Saturnalia tertia, Cic.
Cle: IL Eap. A. eo mti.W, 114'111 creditor; lpse Hence, adj., 8Aturnii.llcl1111 .. ·1llll, of or,..
J'u1'H• •ttsr&clt, Cle. B. a. to"" mtia/, lali"!l to '1111 Sa.tvrNali.a., Mart.
WWJklJ GJIMftdl, make nparat«m; allcui, Caes., dtiiro, 1. (satur), to aztiW, mtiate. L A.
Cle.; omnibus rationlbus de lnjuriia, Oaea.; Lit., animal!& ubertate mammarnm, Ole. B.
b, to prow ~'; allcul with aca. ana
inftn., Ole.
Transr., to /lat~.,= to .ftll; aola ft mo, to ma"""'
Verg. IL Fig., to eotiaU, glut, appta•, Mll"fr:
duaiactlo -6nl1, t. (satlatacfo). L llllU· crudelitatem 1uam oolnmque, etc. ; homin•
}&dio1', a,,.,,,.,U,npcmit'°"' e:DOIL#, o.polilgy; aatls- 1&turati honoribus, Cle.
factiouem allcul1111 acclpere, Clo., Caea. IL l. sAtua -a -om, rarUc. or 2.. aero (q.•.).
mt~ &fJ"'nuh111C11l, Tac.; Oaeaar Ublorum
•tiatactiouem accepft, Cfo. ll. aA.tu ·fts, m. (2. aero). I. 11 '°'°'""• "'"""•
plantit&g, Cle.; ftg., tttd; haec preparat anfmoa
dtlb. comp. ohatla (q. 't'.). ad satu11acclviendos, Cle. II. Tranar., begetting,
dti"118 -a -um (aero, aeYI), ~ or plafttld, origf.1', 1tock, mes; Hercules Jovill aatu etlitua,
Plin. Cle. ; a primo 1&tu, Cic.
Iii.tor -6rla, m. (sero, sevi). I. 11 I01M' SAtfrl01l8 -a •Um, Y. Satyrws.
plaflUT; omnfum ren1m aemlnator et sator eet dtYrloa ·ll, n. (O'cmip«>v), CM plaflt rog-
mundu.a, Cle. II. TransC., ~. /atlter, 10011, f'lin.
1"'0d11ar, c:llJ1&U1': llQQr hominum atque dt"orum,
Le., J•pf#r, Verg. ; 80 &180 lltia, Liv. SAtfrlaoua ·l, m. (O'aTVpln'K), G lUtU SatJ/f',
al~pes -ae and ·la, m., .&tr1'pa -ae, gtjrua ·l, m. (I4TVl>O(). L G Sal1/f', G
m., and .Atrapa ·lpis, m. (O'aT'p4~, a Persian oompa7'Wm of Btmi11u, ~ toUA '°"f
word), flu ~ q/ a Perrfaw. pro11•110S, .atnap,
Jll()ift.C«l ean, kli i Jld toll ic.\ wrc CM "•"'Pf
11°"", tl7u.\ ~tail of 11 goal, lnVtlr Aair, au a
aau 604 Sea
flat Ma; In later time.1 Identified with the fauna aoAblea -ei, f. (seabo), rough nu•. L ft-rri
of the Roman mythology, rleitit>s of the woods Verg.IL the scab, mangt, tht it<"h. A. Lil
wiLh horns and the feet of goats; 811.tyrus Phryx, \"eriz. B. Fig., an ileh, itching duirt Jor a11y
Mars-ya.•, Ov. IL Transr., Gruk Satyric dmnu1, thin11, Cic. ; lucri, Hor.
in which Satyrs Corroed the chorm1 ; Satyrorum ac' -a -um (scabies). I. rO'J.{lh, Pho.
script.or, Hvr. IL ro1bb11, "w11gy, Pen1.
aauclatlo -onis, f. (saucio), a wo111r.di11,g, Cic. acAbo, scabi, 3. (root SCAB, Gk. ~KAll ·not\
eauclo I. (•uclus), to wound, h11rt. I. Lit., to scratch, rub; caput, Hor.
a, al.iq11e111 telis, Cic.; bi to ltt blood; euphem., acabrft(a. ·Re, f. and aoibrftlea -H, £
to wound m.ortall.11, Cic. L Transf., to ltar up (, rouqhness, Plin.
tlU! gromid with the ploUflh; duram humum, Ov. SCaea porta -ae, r. and Scaeae portae
eauclus -a ·Um, woundei.l, injured, hurt. I. (Iic11 ...i. ..VA11t), tM 1VUl gall. of Troy.
Lit., grav1ter sa11cim1, Cic.; l'&ucissauciis, Caes.;
pl11r. subst., aaucli .Qrum, m. the UH)ltn!fed,
llC&eDa (aoina) -ae r. (O'K11vri). tht 1-.oon~
nf the lheall·t, tht sl11gt, the settle, the r/irolrt. L
Cir.. II. Trau~r., a., or Inanimate objects, in· A. Lit., <le scaena decedere, to !IO n.f riv $/-•')',
ju red; mains saucius Africo, Hur.; glacies saucia Cic.; sphaerarn in scenam alferre. Cic.; A;.::r
sole, Ov. ; b, <tttacketl b11 i.llnus, Prop. ; c, memnonins scacnis agitatus Orestes, n11 rh~ :J,•~i'.
dnuzken, Mart.; d, of accust'd 1•ersons, lvtlf i.e., in the troatdi(s, \'eri;t. B. Trausf., ''
co11.de1nwd; de repl:'tundis saucius, ap. Cic.; e, nature, n lxll'qround; tum 11ih iR r.cac1111 l';.

wounded, injured in '1lind; (a) tro11bled, dis- Verg. IL Fig., A. the.Bbl!]I', the wini. nj '"''
tre.~std; animus eius, Cic. ; (fl) esp., wcmndld by ptibUc acticn; a., or the forum, etc., 1•11l1lir1r~.
loi-e; regina saucia curii, \'erg. th.t world; in scacna, id est, in ct•ntinnt,
aaurion -1, n. (a-avpiov), m1utard, Plin. Cle. ; minus in scena esse, to be Ir~; &j.,rr till
SaurootOnos -1, m. (a-11vpo1mivoc)1 the [izard- eya of the world, Cic.; scaenae St'l\'ire, Cil'.;
1ciller (the name of a statue of Apollo by Praxi· b, of schools of rhetoric, Tac.; c, gl'n., "-t,<,
teles), Plin. aphere; scaena ml\net dotes grandis tu11i, Ov.
Sauronmtie -ae, m. (X..vpoµc&nii), a Sa.r· B. a11ythi11!l prut1itt.d fM outward di.splay; a,
p<1NUlt, out1ll(trd aho111; (verba) ad scaenam porn·
matian; plur., SauromAtae -arum, tM Sar- parn'}ue KU111untur 1 Cic.; b, cUccpliJJn., fraud,
matiaM, Ov. scena nii totius haec, ap. Cic.
uriolum~ ·i, n. (dim. or savium), a ltule soaenalia -e (scella), btlongi11.9 tu tlu Urrotrt,
kiss, Cat. thwirical, Luer. (?)
savior. 1. dep. (eavium), to 1..ia; allquem, soaenloua -a -um (a-•nwucck), btwngiiiq U>
Cle. t11t boards, JOtn.ic, theatriool. A. Adj., ludi,
lli.vfum -rt, n. L the mouth frmntd fM Jrln- Liv.; volu1•bls, Cic. B. Subst., aoaeD.lcus-i,
ing, Plaut. IL Meton., a lei#; Atticae meis m. a &lagt-hero, an actor, Cic.
Yerbis savium des volo, Cic. 8oaevola -at>, m. (dim. of sca.evus, tlu lrft-
aantllla -e (aaxum), frtqtU'IUing rocks, Co Jvmdtd), a surMirw: of th.4 geM Mucia, "·
bt found am0119 rocks, Plin. Mucim1
aa.Jtitum -i, n. (11&xum), a rocky place, Cle. 8CAOVa ·l\e 1 (. (se&eVUll), RI& OllUll., porttd,
9&Jt8U8 ·a ·UTII (MXUTII), made of rock or 61~, Plaut.
rocky, sto11y; scopulum, Ov.; umbra, a111t by a moaevus -a -um (a-uui~). L k/r, on tJ-' llft
rock, Verg. ; Niobe saxea (act.a, turntd to 1wne, hand, Varr. IL nwku:artl, &II.
Ov. ao&lae -arum, f. (from scaTHlo, ac; ala frnm
..ntlOU ·& ·Um (MXUffi and (acio), turning ago), a flight of lltairs, stairm:ot, foddtr; M' in stone, petri/yi7&9; Medusa, Ov. 11calas tabernae libmriae conjicrrc, Cic.; scalu
aad&Acus ·a ·um (saxum and frango), atlrnuvere (muris or moenibus). W"ili11g-ladihr&,
Caes., Liv. ; muros scalis a;;gf"l:'di, &II.
dorn:-brMkifll}, aton.·crn.shinq, Plin.
aaJl[08UJI ·&-nm (11u11m). I. fuU of rocks, -Is, m. a river in Gallia I'.d!Jioo, hO•
mcJ..11; valles, Verg. Snbst., aas:Oaa. -ornm, n. the Schtldt.
rocky plflU~, Plin. IL Traru;f., sto•t!f, flowing aoaJ.mUJI ·I, Ill. (O'Ka.\.µ0c), a th<Jlt l'JT t~c./t­
betwun rocla; saxosus 110111ms Hypanis, Verg. pin, 011 u:hich u11 our U'Urks, a rnu,·/t>(l;;·
cula Juoru111 scnl11wr11m, two-on"d, Cic.; 11C&1111-
llallrillum -1, n. (dim. of saxum), a little rock, u111 nullum vitlet, 110 troet: of bo111s, Cic.
acalpellum -i, n. (tlirn. of scal1or11ml, and
aarnm ·i, n. a f'Q('k or lnrgt sloM, a detacht.d acalpellua -i, m. a :rmall ~1.,.gical J...11 iJi, lmmt,
fragrru:.n.t of rock (rupes, a cli.ff, prtcipil01i.s rork).
so.il1"''· Cic.
L Lit., A. a rock; 1, gen., !tllxo un<lique absri110
rupes, Liv.; sau latentia, re4~. Verg.; 2, (•.sp., acalpo, sralpsi, scalptu111, 3. (root SCALP.
a, &xum sacrum, the ho/11 rock, the }J'.ClOto 011 Gk. l'.\A4'·w), Lo ;;(.Tiil~. so11t.h, lmr. L Gtn.,
the Aw11tint wherf /lt:mus tool• Uv 1111spicu, t:k.; a., lit.. , tcrram 1111i11ili11s, Hur. : b, fig., lo
b, lhe Tarpewn rock, Cic.; c, Saxa rubra, v. lid.le, Pt>r·s. II. Esp. t. t. of art.. /., $• r.. t,h v-it~
ruber. B. n stC'fu; &, a (large) stone; saxa n .;/,arp fool, l•J Cll!/mrt on 11-0."1, l/t1H$, ti.:. : apUI
jr;.cere, Cic.; b, a stone fttr builtling; R&xurr. 111a1111<; .. st ail ti11gc1u.l11111, all t>ealpc11Jurn, C1c.
quadratum, Liv.; or for i;tatue.-, non e i;axo scalprum ·i, n. (,;calpo), n sh;irp, c11tti~
ill.<frl(m•·••I; a, u col1/,lrr s u1d, Hor.; b, 11

aculptus, Cic. IL !'tf Plt!ll., a, a stu11t 11.'fll; saxo

lucum circumdedit alto, Ov. ; b, a sto11e build· chi,,o/, Ln·. ; c, a ]Jf'll-k111ft, Tac.
ing; perrnmpere amat "-'!.Xa, Hor. aca.J.ptor -Vris, m. (scalpo), a c11tltr, tll·
aci.bellum -i, 11. (•lim. of Rcamnum). L a graver, l'li11.
small stool, fooMool, \"arr. II. a mllt;foil instru· soalpttira ·:le. f. (scalpo). L n Ct1ttiag,
m11nt playNl illUA the foot, uaed to aocom1iany m~raving; 1:em10&l1ll0, l'lin. ll. )(eton., A

du ncinq, Cic.
-bra -brum (acabo), rough, lk"Urvy.
J. Gen., unguia, Ov.; robigo, Verg.; of persons,
figurt e11graml, an engrai•ing, Sut't.
Soi.mander -dri, m. (Iica1uu·~), a rirtT
'" Tro<U, rVing o" MoMn.t Ida and joi11hg tu
rougA, '"''"''• Hor. IL Esp., ll!Obbr, mangy; Simou, caU.i Xan.t.\1'1, or& accotull Q/ \&a nd
OYM, Plaut. colour.
sea 605 Sch
llO&DlbU -a -om (CTICGl'~Ot), t:roobd-legg«l, llC&ZOD oC'IDt.18, m. (0'11A(wv, l£n1p(ng), IUl
8aet. iarnhlC trinuttr with a rpondu or trochu in tAe (aoi.moma) and aoam- Uistfoot, Plin.
monea ·8e, f. (CT1Cll14~Vl4. CTICu~vfu.), ICan\- 80e lerate, 11dY. (sceleratn11)1 {mplc111ly,
IJl.nny, Cic. wicl;edly; facere, Cic.'; dicere in ahquem, Cic.;
acammonites -. m. acammo1111-wint, dom11s scPleratius aeolifl•·ata quam !!Versa, Cic. ;
Pli11. scelerntisiilme mnchinari omnlllj insidias, Cle.
aoam.num -1, n. (root RCAP (cf. scabellum aoeleratua ·• -um, p .. &·l.I. {from sct:lero).
anil 11eapus), Gr. l:KHil, whence uic>!n111, uciin.. L polluud, profamd by guilt; terra, Verg.;
Tpov, Doric, CT1<a11"Tpnv), a prop, be11cll, stool, limina Thrncu111, Ov. ; esp , sceleratus Yicus,
1up, foo~tr>0l; !lcam11um facere, Hor.; cava imb the uC1;Ur0t atrul, tlui hight.St point of the vicus
ten;-.rum SC'\lllO& 1lare pe<lem, Ov.; ante rocos Ct17>ri1t.f on tl-.e E6'fUilint, whtrf Tullia, thll
acamnis consi<lt!re lougis, Ov. daughur of &r~>iua Tulliua, drow over the corpu
llO&Ddlx ·leis, f, (cr1<4va,t), cMrvil, Plln. nf !tin- fathtr; !lCeleratus ca111p11s, tl-.e OJ'•'Hrse1l
aoando, ~ndl, sransum, S. L Intramrit., fidtl, on tl-.e JIOrtfi Colli 11a, wl<P.r~ u 11d.,·istt V •slal
fll ciim.h; a, lit., In aggerem, Liv.; in 1lomos virgi111 wtre b-urvtt ali11e, Liv.; scelerata scde.'l,
snpera.,, Ov.; b, transr., ti> roi.w OfltMlf, to r~; tl-.e /o11.-er ioorld, Ov. IL Transr., A.. i11~J>iou$,
s111.ra pri1,1·ipen1, Tac. IL Transit., t-0 <l8Ctnd, wicked, profiu1e, i1lfamoua, accur$td; hast.11 scd·
t.> clim.J> up: malus, Cic.; muro>1, Liv.; Capitol- er;, ti or, Cic. ; homo 14Ct!lerat 1ssi nrns, Cic. ;
ium, Hor. ; fig., scan<lit vitlosa na,·es subst., -6rum, m. villrtiru, mi.s-
cura, Hor. crron.ts, Cic. ; poet., sceleralas sumere poe11n:i,
aoananta -e (llcanilo), t1aal oa1' be climbed; for impiety, 'JL•, V1·rg. B. wretch.ld, un·
ficus, Plin. lucky, culilmitoWJ, nl).tioiu; frigus, Verg.
aoa1llllo -f.nls, r. (~cant!o), 11 cliinb£ng ttp, aolilero, 1. (scdns), to J10llu.te, profa.114 with
a....;end&ng, Varr. guilt; man us, Yerg.
Soantlus -a -nm, Mr>U! of a Ronian !1t1u, BOelerOaUS •& •Um (!!r.elus), full o/ guilt,
Cic.; adj., Scantia ~ilva, a woxl in C<1mp111in, Cic. wicktd, impimu, accu.r~l; facta, Luer. '
llOApba -ae, r. (u1<0.,Pri). a sm.all bocd, skiff, aoeleati. a•lv. (scelest1111), u·iekedly, bl·
Cic. plou.,/y; fae, Liv.; su!lpicari, Cic.
acAphium -11, n. (111<a.4>iov), a bowl i1l tltt aoelestua -a ·11111 (~<'dus). I. WICl.'.ta, llC•
UlllPf! of a. bo<1t: elliJ., a drinA>in,.J·t-l, Cic. f'llT"1e•l, i11/r11nmi.•; a, faci1111>1, Cic.; SCl"llll) SCf'h•S·
Soaptenatila -ae, r. (Iica.,,.n, iiAlJ), a amnll tior, Lh•.; scel ..!!tlssimum te arbitror, Plaut.; b,
M•D11 in 'l'hru~ n.Mr Allt.lem, faml')!I~ for it.' gold kwwi.:I~ roguish, Plaut. IL Transr.,!f,
"1Ul 11ilN!r minu, a11d a.a tl-.e place fl/ uile of wretcMd, pcr1Liciou.s, Plaut.
Th11cy-t£du. acClu -~ri~. n. wic/:fdne.-s. L Lit., !luhiert.,
Scaptla -ae, f, a toio11 fa Latium: hPnl'e, im11idy, wicbtlnc.-s, Cir.. II. Meton., ol>jPct.,
adj., Scaptlus -tl -um, Se11ptiw•; trlbus, Li\·. A.. a cri~, evil dllfl, impi1ms uctimt., htino111
ScMi.piUa -ae, m. a .<111"nanu of tnP. CurMlinn
O''~"ct; l, lit., scelus facere, a<imilt1•re, COlll·
mitt.ere, c<lere, coucipt>re, in 11cse C<•ncipere or
~1111; a.lj., Sc~pillanua -a -um, 1'tlo•«Jinu to ~m1cipere, Cir.; 111i11ister scrlcris, Liv.; S"<·lus
Sazpula; horti, Cic. est (civem Roman um), Cic.; 2, tra11~f.,
scApiilae -arum, r. tM shouldtr-bladu, the 11ti.</ortune, cxtlamity; I'laut. B. a i:illain,
sh-11,/ilcrs, tM back, Plaut. :s.:011ndrel, r<M()(tl; 11e be~tii8, quae ta11t11rn 'iCelu~
acapus -1, Ill. (v. SC.'lmnum), a11,1fth!n9 fMt ~ttigissent, iru111aniorib11s 11tere11111r, C1c.; ice·
t>ip;lilrt~, e.g., L '"" stnlk of r•l•rntt, Piin. II. a lus viri, a rvgv.t ofn >1ui11, PlJut..; so scdu~ arti•
1Cof,11 i.,r's bt:am, Lncr. IIL the shaft or sum. of u lici9, \"t-rg.
CJrn•lt:/,,bru.m, Piin. l!lOena =
scaena (q. , •. ).
ecariibaeUS ·I m. ("111<, from
Ull'ci.paoo~ = icri.po.~of,), a bull~. Pliu.
scenilis sc11e11aiis (q.t.).
acA.ritatlo (scariffoatlo) -lmts, f. (scari fo ),
acenioua s1·ae11icns ('l. v.).
a ~r.,tt:h i "" 1111, .<otrilyi ug, Plin. Scepsls -is, f. (Loi"1i>l, a tnwn In M11-ia,
now f."<l;i 11p.~hL or J-:.,1.i ·Scl1111•sche. ll •:11ce,
soA.rifo <sclrifico), I. (u1<a.pi<f>& ..~cn), tri Scepaius -a -um, of :;;apsis; Metrodorus,
.orr1.1ti:hu,> with any sharp-pointert iitstru.111.tnt, Cic.
i<.•irify, Plin.
sceptrl"r -~ra -r~rum (sce1•trum and fero),
8Ci.ru8 ·I, m. (CT1<apof.), a !:lt/l-1ralPr, much SC'-plre-b.-uriug, Ov.
lit1<1 f1y Jhe R.111wns, the purrol·fish, Hur.
soeptrlger = sceptrifcr (q. v.).
acAtebra ·at>, r. (R<'.aleo), a &pouting "P• aceptrum -1, n. (uioiTTTpov), a ~ptre, roynl
~ul;l,/i "(/ 11pof1mtu, \"1:rg.
11~11111 or staff. L Lit., Ci1·.; so .kstiu~ly, pa1·<l·
scateo, 2. nn<I (arrliaic), :1. to g11•h ac:n;,;1on1111, llart. II. Trnnsr., dfJ111 in io11, ki nq·
forl/1, sl'<mt l')IL!, bul./,/e oat. L LiL, Lntr. II. dom, royctl authority; sceptra petit EY!lndri,
.Meton., to .iw.1rm, a/Jounrl; with, nrx \'erg.
11r:ikni f mtih1111, Liv.· with genit., U:rra fer·
-1. m. (u.-lJ"'Tovxo~). the wa11d·

ar11111 sr.atPt, Luer. soeptuohus

betirer, 11 hiyh o[ficirtl fo &i..lan co11 rt$, Tac.
ecatiirigo (soli.turrigo) ·ginis, r. (sca- aoh6da (achlda) and sclda ·!\>', r. (axi~r,).
tmi.i), a spr«ng of bu?bling water; plur., seat u-
nginc3 turloidaP, Liv. I. a strip of pa1•~r11s l1<1rl.·, Plin. IL Trnnsf.,
a lwfof 1iaper: ut sd•la ne qua deper1'at, Cic.
scatiirlo (soaturrfo). •. (sc.1teo), to gu~h
ferth; 1iwti111., Curin t•il us hoc scaturit, is full of schema -ae, f. and aohema ·{!tis, n.
(l•we for this pa1 ty), ap. Cic. (CTX~l-la.), .shape, fi:rurr, fo,.-,n, fa.;hio11, Quint.
aoA.turrex i>~1t11rign (q.v.). aohlda = scl1e1la ('i.v.).
scaurus -a -u111 (connPct·~•I ,,.ith 0'1<a(~•v). aohlstos -a -on (11x1uTo~), cleft, cloin, 1plU,
L hrrn11'.f prnj~rti11g or sv1•1llt11 nnklt&, Hnr. IX. Pl in.
&auru!\, 11 / s11rMtmt of tlv. gens Aeuiilia Schoenens -i!i and -~os, m. (l.xo•vEvf), a 1.:ing
llP!d Aureli.1, tht mo.,t fw1w11'i bt11r,r of tl1e na11u A. Adj.,
nf fY,..,,/ia, fi1ther of Alaltln~n; l1ence,
lw:i1t{1 lf . .Aemili11s :::!<;.'\uru:i, 1d10111 Cicero drJ"e11tfo1. Schoenelua -a -um, l>elo"glng to Sch-Oe11eus:
sch 606 sci
&-hoenela vlrgo or elmp1y Schoencla, Atala"'4, aoll1a (sqnllla) -u, f. (cr1tiU&). 1, a _.
Ov. B. Sohoenela ·ldls, ! . .Atalanta, Ov. Zuk, Il'f1till, 1'1111.; 2, a rm.all '"", C1c.
11ohoenobAtes -ae, m. (crxo•vo/1aTl)f), a. 11ellllnu11 -a-nm (!!Clllus). fNUft oftlffll.Ub, PUn
ropt--'IDllllcer, ~daftCler, Juv. aclllites ·Re, rn. ( cr•v.Ai. Tl)(), }4t101U"'ld wU.l
achoenus -1, m. (uxo<vo~). L an aromatic or made of 5t[UUll, Plln.
rud 1£lell l1y tM RomaM to jlt1vou.r \lliu, ont/ as semiti cu•= scillinm (q. v.).
an ingnduni (nan uny1v11f, Cato. II. Meton., soln'= llCl!lne (q.v.).
A. a1& ointnwnt, Plaut. B. a Persian nuaaure
of di.<t11na (bet Wl'cn ao aml 00 staJia), Plln. aclncot1 ·I, m. (cr1u'.~), cm Egvpt"1u& .,_-ks
schola. (scola) -ae., f. (~o>.ti), ldrura rest
of lib-ml, Plln.
/ram u•1rk; ht•11ce, I. ltar11ed /~1.mre, ltarn;J 001'- 11clndo, scidl, eclssom, s. (connected wl&ll
wrsatiO'll, dd>aU, dispuu, /(ct11re, diuertatiO'll; axi(w). to tmr, rs1ld, tear cuun!Ur, bnnk., ~iL
certae 11chola.c 11u11t do u~ilio, de lnteritu L Lit., crincs, Verg.; mater "cissa oomam.
patrlae, etc., Cle.: liChOlM Grae~orum more tuith torn hatr, Verg.; ep1stolam, Cic. ; vfftem
l1aloere, Cle.; vert<'!I te ad alternm acholam, de corpore, Prop.; lignum curwis, rplil, c:lanc,
matter, Cic. IL ~let.on., 1, a., a plaa whuc Ve~.; prov., paenularn alicui, to uar (off a per·
ltarned d"<JlVtali.on.1 a1 e carr~d on, a vhool, Cic.; aon s travelling cloak), I.e., to v~e. o f'C'"'°" lo
b, traosf., (ci) a gtdluy nf worl.:s of art, u.ud for lltay, Cle. II. Transf., Ir to par1, duwu, MJICl""';
s;uch <li.~putatWn.1 and ronferencu, Plin.; (fi) o g~nus amborum eclnd t se sanguine ab po,
wuiting·roam, t"'OOm in a buth, Vltr.; 2, tM du· \erg.; pus., S<'lndl, as middle, to #pa.TaU, pan;
eiple• of a phi/.oM'Jphff, a acltool, •l!Ct; clamaL&nt in contraria studla 11cinditur vul;;us, Verg.; 2,
ornnea phl1011ophorum echolae, Cle. esp., a.1 to brtak n.§, in.Urrupt; verbs ftetu, Ov.:
b, to autroy, Plaut.; c,(= rescindo) w rtJUV;
acholastlcua -a -um (axoAClO"T•"°"), of or ne eclndam lpse· dolorem meum (from the
rtlati~ t-0 a tchool; esp., to a 11ehool of rhaoric
metaphor or tearing open a WOUn<I), Cic.
or t-0 11ut1orU:, rMtorkal. L A•IJ.. controversta.,
Quint. IL Subl!t., A. scholaatica -1in1m, aclntilla ·ae, f. o ipark. L Lit., Liv.; sllld
n. rMtorim.l tUrcisu, Quint. B. echolastlous sclntillam excudere, Verg. IL Fig., a srian.
-1, m. 1, a 1>1.tuumt of rMtoric, Quint. ; 2, a glhnmer, faint trace; belll, Cle. ; lngenll, C1c.
tearhl'T of rMtoric, a J>TO/t18M, Suet. eclntWiitio ~nla, t. (aclntillo). a ~rklhtf,
aci:\deua ·61 m. and sciaena -ae, t Plin.
(<T"•ahnif, CToricuvci~ CM mall and femalt of a salt- sclntlllo, 1. (eclntllla), to ,,,arkle, 1lUUr:
u.,Lter jlah, perhaps Salmo Tbymallwi, Llnn., scintillat oleum teatl aroente, Verg.
Pli11. solntilUila -ae, t. (dim. or scintilla). a
Sclli.thua (-Os) ·l, f. (~WOf), aA Wau '8 1p<1rk; tlg., virtntum quasi scintillulae, Cic.
tlw Atcgean St.a, n,orth. of EuboM. aclo -lvl Rnd ·II -ttum, 4. to knolt', to 1law
acida = achlda (q. v.). lmowlulge of, t-0 ~ I. Gen. ( npp. opinari,
90lene -eatla (sclo). L Partlc., hounng arbitrari), (ci) with acc., bt.arum rerum nihil1
ltn'Mthing, Ter. IL Adj., with compar. and Cle.; quod sclam, a.a far as I l.""'10, Cic.; (JJJ
super!., A.= purposdy, knowingly; ut olfen•leret with lntln., aclo tibl it.a placere, Cic. ; scimua
eciena nemlnern, Cle. B. acquainua with a Atilium apJ18llatum tsse sapieatem, Cic.; (y)
matkr, knowing, under1tanding, versed in, ac- with dep. rel. or inb'rrog. sent., cum sci1tis,
quainted with; with genlt., belll, Sall.; clthartte, quo quaeque res incliuet, Cle.; (l>) a~l., st.atim
Hor.; sdeotlsslrmu relpubllcae gereodae., Cic.; fac ut sclam, Cic.; with <le aw.I tlic at.I., cum ia,
with In fin., ftt'ctere equum sci ens, Hor. ; abaol., qui de omalbllB sclerit, de Sulla se scire DE'f,.,'&V1t,
qul11 hoc bornine aclenUor, Cle. ; BCientlsslmua Cle. IL Ellp., a., t-0 kMw, lul~ lta.T"71.ed, be
gubernator, Cic. acqu.ainl«l 111ith: (ci) with acc., literu, Cic.; (Bl
with lntln., qui trnctare et utl sciat, Cic.; {"y)
sclenter, adv. (sclens), •kW'ullr, crptrtl71; absol., sdre Gracce, l..atine, to UTllltNtarul GrlU,
dlcel't', Cle. Latin; b, to perceii·e, to fMrk, Plaut. (ayncop.
11cientla. -ae, f. (1clena), a 1c1t.o-!ring, bwto- perf., sclati, Ov. ; iotln., scillse, Cic.).
kdge o/, acquaintanee tDUh... L Gen., regionum, llOfOtheriCOD ·I, D. (CT1uo8')p•Kdv), a,
Cle. ; !uturorum malorum, Cle. ; memori4 et Plln.
ecientii comprehemlil!se, Cle. IL Esp., tn.o.
rdical, philosophica! knowietlge, tlu<Yry, ~; SoiplAdaa and Soipl.ldea. "· t. Scipio.
an, <\uum ea aoo utare, scientiii. tamen lpsa 1. sciplo -6nls, m. (.,.";.,,...,,., CT>n),....,.,), a rtaf,
tcner1 pote~t. Cic.; sclentia dialecticorum, Juris, viand, Plaut. ; ebumeua, carrie<l by rirl tri-
Cle. ; rel militarla, Cle. ; plur., tot arteA, tantae umphales, Liv.
scieuti&P-, Cic. 2. Soiplo ~nls, m. (l.1t<.r.:.,,.., Lny,,;..,,.), A
scillcet. adv. (contr. from 11cire lioet). L jhmil'JI name of tM gen.1 Cornella, v. Cornehu..
actually, ju8t think! (to call attention to some- Hence, Soipitldaa (-ill) -ae, m. (%.c•••~),
thing strange); rogat et prece cogit, llclllcet ut on.e of tM family uf tM Scipioa, a Seiple.
tibl se laudare et tradere cogar, etc., Hor.; ter Soiron ..Onis, m. (IJCip.v, Lr<lpwv). L G
sunt conati Olympwn 11cillcet atque O!JS&e noted robber M IM eoo&t bttll'lln M~ aitd
i'rondoaum involvere Olympum, Verg. IL of A_ttim, killul by Thall1J.1. IL (Sciron, Scyron,
eour.te, t1aturally, e1"dently. A. Gen., a, with Siron, Syron) an Epicurrun. :rhilo~, C011-
ace. aad lntlq., Luer.; b, u a elmple particle, tllmpomry wit/I1 Ciuro and Vergil.
cur igitur eos manumls1tT metuebat scilicet,
Cle. B. Esp., a, naturally, o/ CXIUNI!, """
sctrpeus (slrpeus) • -um (sclrpus), 111adl
doubtedly; with an adversatlve sent. (gen. of nl&hu. L Adj., imago or simulacrum ("·
.Argel), Ov. IL Subst. 1 eclrpea or sirvea (s1q•1&)
with tamen, sed tamenl or sed), nlhll scilicet -ae, f. baslut-tt'OTk
novi, ea tamen, quae te psum probaturum con- body of a waggon), macu Ov.
of rv.shu (to form
fldam, Cic. i b, Ironically, of courae, tn lN nire,
/orM>Oth: la populua curat actllcet, mum t~ aclrplciUUB (alrpfoiUus) ·&-nm (acirpu.~),
pwpl.e trouble thnMtlvu about that I Ter.; ego made of rushu. Subst., BCirplcillua .1, m. 4
lstius pecud!s coosillo sclllcet aut praesldlo uti rwh-ba&ht, Prop.
voleham, Cle.; c, doubtless ala.a I unda scllicet ectrpua (slrpua} ·l, m. a """· hlruA.
omnibus enavtganda, Hor. IIL to vnt, naauZr, Plin.; prov., nod um In scirpo quaerue, Ii>>*' &
Suet di,81cM.U11 wlwre tMrl wno114, PliD.
801 607 scr
IOllTos -1, m. (nl{lixK), ca Acard ''otlHnv, PlJn. BoCSpu -ao, m. (~o•a.~). 11/anUJTU1e11lptor ft/
aciacltator •\ •ri1, m. (lt'lsclt.or), ca" iftq1'h'fr, Parw.

"''"''JUT' ))art. ao0pG8 ·11111, t. {o-1Cu11'tf), a.l.:i111l of owl, Plin.

I01acltor. l. dep. fo i1u'lllffgate, fttqt£fre fmo, llOOplo -01111, t. tlu 1tulk of a bu1u·A of urap11,
&IU"'ilU ill.lo, alk, iftterrogall!; (•) Willi &CC. oC Plln.
thing, cuu~ulis voh111tatc111, Liv.; (/3) with acc. -a ·Ulll (seopulns), rocl:y, /uJI ~
&Du ..x anu the ahl., ex eo eiwt IM'nt.untimu, Cle.; cUff1, cn111!JJ/. L Lit., mm... , Cle. IL Fig., in·
(y) with de Anrl the abl., aclMdt.1.rl du vlctoria, lefligo quam acopuloao di!Ucillquc lu loco verser,
Cie.; (6) with a ..c. ot )lf'l'!lnn, to eo11.1ull; deos, Ci\•.
L1\·.: (t) with rlep. int... rmg. sent., aclarltari, ll06ptilua -i, m. (vormAOf). La nick, crag,
nto•r Purs1·n11 ··~<1rt, Liv.; (() ausol., elicult
cliff; C.."1'··" rock '" lhl Na; ad lllCOltnlo• allldi,
comiter "•·i11dta11do ut, etc., Lh·. Caell.; 11lllil{I, Cle.; poet., nf a promontory, i11fa111e11
1clsco, sclvi, 1cllum, 3. (ai-lo). L to Ntk to acnpuli, Acrrn~emunla, Hor. ; iu compa1·h101111, u
Jrul 01tt, i1&11Uligntt, ilVJUirt, l'laut. IL .l:'ulit. scopuii!I 111111iic1110 forodor, Ov. IL J:o'ig:..t.A.. Gt·n.,
LI., 14 ap1irr11'C of b11 t10"""• to t/Ole, 111.~nl to; a, A<l 11cu1•uh1111 ii'"• to bto rwi-1, Luer, .11. l•:&ip., ll
of the '"'"!''"• to onla&•, rt.oZN: 1111111' 11ei111-erut rock, cliJT (:1..<1 11y111liollcal or danger, dilllculty,
plo•I•~. Cle.; \Yltl1 11t and the •nbj., Allumieu!«'s peril) ; in hoo1 11cup11lu11 ltid•lere vitae, Cle. ; of
"'·11·,·nwt ut, ck., Cic.; oC AD iodivldW&l, Iv i>ult lJCM101111, VOii i.:c111l11ae v11111i;i111'11 acopullque rei-
/~r; lei;t·m, Cic. publkao (or l'11m &ud Gubl11lt111). Ciu.
ICiaUra ·Ae, f. (IOlndo). 11 '1'littL1'g, cleav- ao6pua -1, m. (O'•omk), 11 marl.j 11rt "P to Mooe
i19, rndil&fl, acptral~i&g, parth&g, Plln. al, ~net.
I01laua .a -um, p. 11dj. (from sclndo), torn, llOOrtUon ·Ii, n. (O"ircSp&to ..), n ,..Znnt 11.a.11ii.g as
Niii: tnu111r., genua vocuw, Aanh, gmtiu11, Cic. odour Cl/ fJC.ITlfr (Teuerlun scnl'lllum, Linn.), Plln.
tcitamenta ~rum, 11. (l. ecltua), dalntiu, Soordua -1, m. (To ~.ip4'o .. 0pof), a 1J1mcruaill
tiJbil•, .l:'laut. (n J llyria. bfr rl~tra or Jlo11mna., 01' i~ bonkrt o/
1citi, adv. (1. acltu), mwrlr, lkUJWlr, ""'1• Afot.,in <1.n1l Ma.'t1lo11i.a.
r.11,, •icilr, .Ze-pr&Ur; llCite loqui, Liv. i cupclla 8c0rla •Ill', f, (O'«wp£11),df'OUOr llag(ofmet.i,b),
1cl1.e fllct&, Cio.
toitor. 1. (aclo), lo wU1 lo klWW, i"'111i~, aak; r.
llOOrpaen& ·ae, (crtrOpll'«t-), Cl 1ec1-ICIOl]rion,
al111111d, Vef7. ; allqnem de allqua re, Ov. ; ora1~­ Pllu.
lla, lo Ct111A11ti, Verg.; with dt•p. iaterrog., quid llOOrplo -Onh1, m. an•I 8001'PIUll (~) ·I,
YleMi.~t, acit..itur, Ov. 111. (oirop11'iwl'). L a 11<·orpin11, Ov. II. Tlllllllt.,
IOitiilua .. ·um (dim. ot 11Cltua), tullt, prwlly, a, tlu :Sr.irpinn, 1u 011.t of tht riun1 o/ tlu Zodw,
. " ' ; taoid, Plaut. b, a mil i111ry r11ffi110 /or tlt1'0lf'i11{1 mi#Ut.t, Caea. ;
llCitam ·•r n. (sclaco). L ca d«Ttt, 1ta1nu, o a pricUy ,qt/t-1mter ft-<h. (Cottm1 11C<1r1ito,
ol"lii114l'IOS; p et.IA ICitum, l1<1p111i llCltnm, Ci". ; Linn.). Plaut.; d, a prlcl.:lt 1•lu1ti (Bllllrtiu1n
plebei and pleb! acilnm, I.Iv.; aclta pontlllci", 11corp1W1, Li11n.), .1:'1111..
Uv.; Ctl'i;il'hou 11cll um fcdt ut, cto., Cle. IL aoorplonlua ·IL -wn (acorplo), of or relnH1t1
o 1ihi/1)11()1•A ical teiul or mazim (60-,."4), Ben. to a aeorpfo11, l'I m.
1. tcihla -a ·nm, (from 1cl11co). I. ·soo~liiron -1, n. (O'icopiriovpov). a J>la"',
lkcer, tcUI, lll1rt11~l, 1kl7ful, adroit; 111~1 mo, Cle.; teorpion 1 tail, IKliutro1.,, Plln.
"'ith geolt., 11elt1111 vac10rum, a1·•11t11i11ft1L tvifh, aoortator -Vri11, ID. (llCOrtor). a /Of'"Ai«Jlof',
Ov.; lyrae, O'r.; henCt', 11eitum e11t. ii"' R cTtt•cr Bur•
..,1ii11, Cio.; vetu11 lllud Cato11li1 11d1110•l11m
scttu111 est, Cic. IL 'frausr., prttty, Jhu, hlr!~•. 900J'tiua ·• -um (11Cort11m), of or rdatf"f lo
Plaut. /rather11, mwle <if lfaJJur, Mart.; aubllt.,
llOOJ'tia -ae, f. Cl lmtllt'1'1l gurm1nl, )lart.
2. aoitua ·11, m. (!1Clsco), G ltatlll1, dlcrw;
pleb! acitn, Cle. llOOl'ttll11Dl ·I, Ill, (dim. of acortum), G lutlf
hrirlnt, Cat.
80liirt&.e ·I, m. (O'iclovpot), a 1quirnl, Plln.
tolua -a -um (11clo), hwruing, Petr. aoortor. 1. d1·p. (scortum). lo wharf, Plaut.
llOOrtum -1, n. La. akin, hide, Varr. U. •
I06biaa -ae, I. (•cobia), " nup, jU.1, Plln., Cle.
90i'bla ·IH, f. (M1-aho), that \t'ltic/1 U t<Crr•ll'hrtl Kreator ·i.'iris, 111. (11creo), 01M1 toM 11.awb or
« «ruped off, filil&fll 1 C161tl~1. d&ips, l/w.i;ii.u1, .\em.a, l'll\ut.
aitodu, Hor.
80r'iatu• .tJJI, m. (screo), 11 1ta111a.,, 1a1. .
lood.ra ...e, t. a 1011111. (11. JICJC«loaia." lll!IT'ia., tiling, Tt1rr.
Mw Srorlar or .smt.1i-i. Hence, Soodrenae•
·law, w. ll•t. i 1'1111bitcwt1 o/ SaJdra. 80J'ff, 1. to hnwk, 1ttm, Plaut.
8oodrua -1, 111. moni1, the «Uttrly ocmtimtll· llOrl""ba .ae, m. (Rl'rlbo), R cler>: or ~r1;
lio• o/ Uu /) Clnd Ill¥Ti"" mount11i11..t, a, In a puhlic capacity, a. cle,.k fa tile 11e1·1tict of
11ow .4rgtnlaro. tlu ten.ate or IM li1ah'r mc1gi,trulu; seriLn aeJI·
lichlS, Cic.: b, or 1·rh•11.f.ll lJtll'llUllS, ~
9061&, etc.= sch~la, etc. (q. v.). t.1r11; scri\•a 1uc1111, Cle.
90616pendra -ae, r. (O'ico.\oirotj)4). a 1."i1ul 8Cl'lblita -ae, r. a khi.d of tart, Plaut.
O/ fAll.l.Ci.pecU, 11rolopendra, Plln.
llOn°bo, acrli-.1, 1c1·i1'tum, 8. (root BCRlB,
I061~ua ·l. m. (vie~). a 1pectu o/ a.rti- SCH.IP, evnucctcd with rPA._..,, as 11culpo
cMke, 1 lin. wlth yAlitl>w), to tnanivs "7it1' a aharp~poLntefl
toomber -brl, m. (v.01'./Jpof). 11 1«1.·fllh, a pc11cil, draw li1&e1. L 1, gon., liueam, Cic.; 3-
tMK.ktTYl, Plin. to draw, lketch, flll•l<t1 111& ut11/i11t of: scrilietur
IOopa -ne t. L a "''" twig, n !J>Tifl, gen. in Ubl Corm• et situs 11grl, Hor. IL to VJTitt.
pl11r., l'Jiu. XL Met.<in., plnr., aoopae -lrnrn, A. Gen., llterum, Clc.i· mcl manu scrlptae
C. a"'""' vr broom, made of a m1.mher qftwig1 or liwrae, Cle. B. Eisp., , to u'rite a lelttr co;
IH>11cdu1 : 8C<iI.a• vilea, Hor. ; hence, prov., alicul, Cle.; ad aliqnem, Cle.; ad allquem de
scopaa dia10lvere, lo untie 11 broom, I.e., throw &liCjUO (lo rtOOmtMnd Cl ptrlOI\ i" vnili"!I lo
&a1thinq '"'o OCl'I~, C!c.j ~O,lM aolutl&e
• •llddled. Joolilh. 7M1', Clo.
= I01M °"' elite) accuratisllinie, Cle.; pass., wl~b
acc. and tnnn .• 1erlliitur Doi.JI.a multltudt.nem
scr 608 scu
eonnnlue, Cle.: S, lo beg, mtnat, comMOIMI by llCl'UJMda nnil Mriiplplda -ae, t. ~'Wt.
lcttar; with utor ne and tl1e aubj., vellm dornum lim1ii ny, l'laut.
ad te acribu ut mlhi tul libri pateaut1 Cle. ; BOriJH,Sua ·& -11111 (acrup~s), ruJt.lilllf"f -1
Scipioni 1crib6mlu111, ne bellum reuutteret, aharp 111,(mr~ r1'f7ge<L, TC!ttflll; a1ielu11ca, Verg.
Liv.; with subj. 11lo11c, 11eribit Lnbleno, ve11lat,
Caea.; 3, to writf, put down in writin!J, rumpcn1~, aoriipisua -n -mu (BCrUpua), rcnsgl, r11ggttl,
pttpare; II bros, Cle. ; legr!I, Cle. : aeu:itus 0011- Luer.
sultum, Cle. ; ab1111l., (a.) like the English, to aoriiptilo.i. 11.1lv. (acrupnloaW1), acnin&ttly,
wriu, i.e., to oompo&e " litrmry 'llJ(lf'/.:: se ad n«<:tl.11, 11<.n11111lttwdy, QulnL
acrihe11c.ll stmlium contulit, Cic. : (/J) to tr•lt of -a -um (tterupnlue). L Lit.,
in writing; hac super l"tl 11Criha111 ad te, Cle. ; /11lt of iliwp .-tmus, nnigh, ntggnl; ~ Ck.
(y) to compoM a lrgal i11.'IJ1·11~11t, to dr1tu• up, 10riu IL fo'i~ •• rJJ1<:t, accurau., ll."11l}'lllons,prttiM, Plin.
cirri/!$; hike urhaua militia respomlt·nd1, i;erlb-
eucJI, ravenc.11, Cir.; 4, with double nee., to =-
aoriipiUum s.-ripulum (q.v.).
appoi1u in wri.ling; 11.liquem heredem, Cle. ; 5, aoripiU..S. -1, m. (dim. or acrupns), lit., a
comnu!relal t. t., to give tJ'1 ortkr for the paymcnt 1maU 1to11t ; fig., tu1malnus, mn, d~itt,
q/ 111011.ty: scribe dcClllm a Nerio, la the chbtor 1111..ridy, <foubt, llCTVpU; acrupulum nlicnl lujict'rl',
pa11 lO,OOO iutcrcts (the money-changer) Ch·.; 11crupulu1 tenulsslmtlll reaidet, Cle.; 1eru-
Nt1·iu.•, Hor. ; 6, to wriU about, ducribe, ce~­ pt1lu111 ex an!mo evellere, Cle.
brau in urritin.e_; M11r!nm, Cle. ; scriberia V!lrlo sorupua -1, m. L a 1M.rp llQ111, Petz. IL
f•>rlls, Hor. ; 7, poht. t. t., to enrol soldun, Fig., an.i'Ut71, dilqtdtf, cure, Cle.
c:vlonisls, et.e., supplemeutum leglonibwl, Cle. ; aoriita ·Orum, n. (~), /rlppery, frQal,
q11in1111'-' mili11 l'olu11orum CapU11.m, Liv.; trans!., trunipsry, Hor.
scribe tul gregia huno, mrol him cu cnu of your
frie1ub, Hur. aoriitatlo ~n!s, m. (scn1tor), a lltaTCAixg,
int1Utigating, Quint.
90rinlum -II, n. a erlindrical, oaaklt, or llOl'Utator ~rla, m. (scrntnr), ou do
l>ozfor books, paper1, "'~• et.c., Ball., Hor.
lllUrcAu, inwstigatu, auminu, 8net.
SaribODlua -a -um, M1'lt o/ a Roma" gen& aoriitor, l. dep. (scrota). L ro 1enrel (11tc,
llCrlptlo -Onla, r. (scrlbo). L writing, t/11 11tarch through, invrstigau acntratrly, anlRilll",
at"t of iori.ling, Cle. IL Esp., writing, wrUu11 (xq>rd. A. Lit., dumos, naves, Cic.; Alpe.,
composition; nulla rea tantum ad dlceudum Cic. ; abdllll loca, 8illl. B. 1''ii.{., tu aiutiu
proHcit, quantum scriptlo, Cle. tho1"01'qhly, to IUJc for; locoe tix qui 1UJ.:1111i.·11l1
8Crlptlto, 1. (h1kns. or acrlbo). L to u'Tiu eru1111111K, Cic. IL tu 1n1rd1 into, Jirul. c;;td:
Jrequentl11; et haoo et 11 quid allud ad 11111 BCriliu arcailu111, Hur. ; mcntcit c.ldhu, Ov.
veli111 vet votiua scriptitea, Cle. IL to wriu, aoulpo, sculp.'11, 11e11lptam, :!. (root RCULP,
compose ; uratioucs mult.&11, Clo. Or. l'A Y<I>, y,\vl#>w), to car cc, l~w, graN, ell!,
aorlptor -Oris, rn. (acrlbo). L a tDriUr, child; euur, a •tattu of ivor,, uv.
cll!Tk, iret-retary, Cic. IL a wrUtr, author, oom.- aoulp0ni&e -arum, f. tro0tit1& alaou, Plant.
poHr, Harmtor; 1, a, with genit., rerum 11uaru111
c.loruestlcl aeril,'tor1111 et nuntll, Cle.; acriptor aoulptll.ta -e (aculpo), oor-.-l, heu-n, cwt:
renun, a hutonnn, Liv. ; b, abeol., a" nuthvr, opUJ1 <lenU11 Numltlae, work in ivory, Ov.
~er; or. orators, aubtllis scrlptor (Lyalas), aoulptiira -ac, t. (seulpo), rni.<t'fl tmr'k ;"
C1c. ; of hlBtorluns, Ball. ; or poota, flor. ; a, toootl, ivory, marbU, ge111.8, SC'l•l)'l11n-, Quint.
pollt. t. t., a composer, one r.oho dra101 tip; l•.igt11, aourra -ae, m. L a d1&ndy, l>0011, "'41' abolll
Cic. town, a jh~ gcntltnum; scurrau locuplet.N, Cic.
llCrlptilla ·Orum, n. (dim. of aerlptum), t1u II. a jtlter, lnd°001', a para.«iu who earw lil
llrw °"a draught-board, Ov. di1111er 4' the tables q/ the grrot bv 111itly co11~
8Crlptum -1, n. (scrlbo). I. a lim drawn on tion; Zeno Socmtcm scurram Attlcnm fu'-
a dra·ugllt-board; ludero duodecim acriptis, to diccbll.t, Cle. ; acurra vagus, non qui certum
plu11 al draught•, Cle. IL anything turitmt. a praesei•c toneret, Hor.
wrUing; 1, gen., Lat.Ina 111crlpta, Cle.; mamlare aourrilla -e (acurra), lib a buJ'001t., tll«ki"f,
acriptle, Cle.; 2, e8p., a, a writun dttrtt, a law, jurht.y; jocua, Cle.; dicadtaa, Cle.
Cle.: b, the uxt or utw- q/ a work; quum vtdetur aourrilltu -ltla, r. (scorril!lli), h.§ooMrJ,
acrlptori11 vuluntaa earn acrlpto Ipso Qissentlre, Tac.
llOl'lptiira -ae- t. (acr!bo), a turittng. L aourrillt¥r, adv. (acurrilla), Uh a h.J'r:KI"..
Gen., l'liu. IL Esp., a C011iporing fa writing,
writun composition. A. Lit., scriptura a>isic.lua acurror, 1. de[I. (acnrra), to play th ""Ion;
ac dll!gens, Cle,; acripturl aliquil.l penwqui, scurrantls apeclem praebere, Hor.
Cle. B. Meton., 1, IM writing or work ilMI/, aoiiWe ·la, n. (scuturn), tlu Ul""fl Qf a ali"f,
Tac. ; 2, tuta~nWry diapositlcn: delude ex Liv.
auperlore et ex lnferlore s•:rlptura docentlum le.I, aoiiti.rlua -D, m. (scutum), a aAitld...ahr,
quod 11uaeratur, Cic.: 3, a taz or ttnt paitl for PlauL
Uu public pruturt11; vtietlgal ex acriptura, Cic.;
magistri RCripturae, Cle. BO'iitatua -a -nm (scutum). anrud tD'LtA •
llCriptUum (eoriipllum} -I n. (another ahid<l: cohortes, Cae&
aoiitella -ae t. (dim. of acntra). a ZUIU }al
fom1 or scrupulUJ1), a 11t.:ruplt, t~ '11.alkst prtrt of
a weight or mau. L Lit. b part of ail uncia: dWt. or salver; dnlclculac potionia, Cie.
argenti scripulum, Cle. Ii.' 'rransf., t1u ~t aoiitloa (aoftloa) -u, r. (cncvrurif, tram
portio1' of a tktJr• (In astronomy), a '"inute, O'ic:iiTO(, l«&, a 1011.ip,, Hor.
Plln. aoiitlg~riUua -1, m. (11cutum ~d gero), a
llOl'OblctUua .f, m. (dim. or scrob!a), a llttk llluld-btarer, armour-bearer, Plaut.
dUdl., Pliu. aoutra -ae, r. " 1tur, dUA, aalwr, Plaut.
llOl'Obla .(a, c. a dUcll, Verg.: a grave, Tac. aoiitilla -ae, t (0'1WTliJ..11). L a rolk1" JOr
llOl'Ola -ae, t. (ypo1'4&f)1 a breeding'°"'• Varr. t110Vtn~ta1"J 'IOllgll.t., Caea. IL a n&all tf'Gf
llOl'Ofl~ ·I, m. Cscrofa. 1.Dd puco), 11 or dia Mart. llL ca cti<mond or loangl-..,..i
bqw Qfpig•, .Plaut. J.p.n,
scu 509 sec
aoildlatus ·• ·um (acutula), lo~ or Hoile .1s, n. a IJ*'- f'1 gnrin, per1lap1 'l'ft
i'411ltlnd·llhtt1~d fabrica 100Ven i1' checb, Juv. Plin.
Plur. 1mbt't.. , llOittiU&ta ~rum, n. (llC. vee· Mo&menta -<!rum, n. (8tl00), carved to0rl;
ttment.n), elolht11111ruu of aurh. fu.brk$, Juv. Plin.
llOiitiUum ·I, n. (dim. of 11c11tum)1 a little llioido -cc..'llli ·cesenm, 3. to go Bp..irl, fO
rAultl, Ck. auvi 11, vl'ithdmlll. I. Oen., a, of persons, ~·
llOiitum ·I, n. (O'wiiTof, lmthf.T'), a larga qund- c1><lu11t improhl, Cle.; b, or thir1gs, to be dutant;
ra11911hu· 11hield, of 11.'00<l cotiemi with hulea eeC('AAit ab imis terra, Cic. IL Esp., a.,
(clip1•11N, a 1m111ler oml shilld nf ""''''l); pl-'tfo11tre to 1nitlutmw, rtlw'-, oo tu>Ulc; in abdltam part.em
(or n foot·110J.ller), Liv.; McuLum altiicrrtj Cic. ; nl.,li111n, 8&11.; ad <lcli1Jenm1lu111, Liv.; b, w
acuto vobl11 m~l11 1111am glatlio opntt c11t, Liv. witl&<iraw, at•~; plebs a patril>us aeceult,
8nll.; in ttaCrum montcm, Liv.
Sofliioium ·I, n. a t01rn ill Lou>er l~y. eioerno -crevi -crtitum, 3. t-0 separall!, utitr,
now _.Sq11ill11tx; navil'l11g11111, \"c~.; hence, &oJ'- part, 1t1111dtr, ut apart. L Lit. nihil praedae
JAoeua ·a ·um, rdati11g t-0 8c11lm:.-mn; litura, in puhlicu111, Liv.; with ab a1u! the abl., ee a.
Ov. honiM, Cir.; i11rrmc11 ab armntie, J,iv.; with ex
Scylla -at', r. (Xtnl.U11). L n lofl11 rnrk tit n111l the llhl., nliquem 6 grr_1te impcratorcm velut
the e11.l11111~ to the atra.i'8 httwcm Sir.i/y a11d /t11l11, inne.~tim11blh•111, J,iv. IL 1''ig., A. Gen.,
C>f"PO.•ile to the u•hirll'ool Charyl>rlill, 1m 11grrm111 animum a corpore, Cle. B. Esp., 1 to di.11th'·
f'Yf' 1ailon: pt"rsonir., dnuohta of l'horcu11, fl" i.•li; lilaurlum amkum a verc~- ere.; poet.,
di.a n~ll by Cfrrt illto a tMn.lter, tt'ith. dogs ahout with alol. alont1, honestnrn tnrpl, Hor.; 2, t-0 lid
Cltr fo1n~r ]>llrt of·,,,,. botly. IL da119hlff of Ni11;1b, 1uidf-, to 1'fjtcl; frugalissimum quemque, Cic.;
ldng in Mrg<tra, tt•h.o cut ojf h'-1' fath4r'a hair, on cnntraria non fngere, llCd q11asi secernere, Cle.
1t' hi11 happi11u• drpt11rlul, and tL'fl.! turMd ~oesplta ·•e, r. (ll'!co), a aacrificial knife.
(ttto fM hirri Ctrf.s. Ilence, Soyllaeua -a -um Snrt.
(Lw>.A11to(), 1itlonging to Scylla I. 811hst.. ,
&yll.iu,nrn =
Scylla I., a 'Tock; tran11r., 8cyll- eiceafo -linls, f. (secedo). I. a going 01'
011e sid~; 11ecPs11im1e fact.a, Liv. ; Ollp. for a con·
~um ilht<l aeris alien!, Cle.
ference or parley, aeceS11io11e11 eubscrlptorum,
acymnu ·I, m. (O'inll'...of), a y01mg anim1il, Cic. ; milit.f's vesper! eecesaionem faciunt, collect
1l'htlp; lconum, Luer. tor1,.ther, Cat-!11. IL a politi.Ml withdrawal, 81!c:U·
llOfphua -1, m. (ux~of), a drinking-c-up, ~i,in: populi, Cac>4.; in Aventinum montem,
goblet; inter scyphos, owr our wiM, in our CUJ>8, Liv. Plur., tteC4:11i;iones plebei, Cic.
Ole. · vadit In enndein r.areerem atque in -n11, m. (secedo). I. a go{ng away:
l!nnJcm 111111ci11 po11t annis ecyphum (cwp of avium. 111 iunition, Plln. IL rttirtmen.t, tttreat,
fl'Ji10•l) 8ocrate11, Cic. f)v. ; hence, mcton., (11) a place of retirt!M'nt, ci
SojrlU, v. 8cyrm1. rctrrat. 1·11p., a .mmmer place of, Verg.;
Soj'ron = II. Sc iron (q. v. ). (fl) a rra.a; longns, a bay ninning far into tM
lantl, Vl'rg. .
Sojrue (-CMI) -t, r. (l.wiip~), an iMnnd in the
A~t'tlll Sea, near Eubota, now &:iro, wMrt 9ioludo -clOsl -cldsum, 8. (cludo1 I.e.,
.A.-ltilla conN!<llttl hi11wlf in 1vom11n'a clnthr1, the claurlo), to 1hut off. L t-0 ahut away, SAul up
n.i<ltnt"t of /,ycomede.•, who.•e datt.gltUr Det.lami1i apart: nntro seclu.ea, Verg.; transf., inclusum
1'-a..• the mother of Pyrrluu hy .AchUlu. Hence, s11ppliclum atque a cons~tu parentlum ac
A. SojrlU •l\tliii, f, of ScyruB; pnclla, l>ei· libcn'tm seclm1um, Cic. IL to Mtter, 8eplmte,
1u1uier, Cle. ; munitlone flumen a monte, Caea.;
dam ia. O\·. B. &ojriua ·ll -um, of ScyrU$;
pubell, Ycrg.; mcmhra (uf Pyrrhu11)1 Ov. transf., curas, to oonilh, Verg.
• ~ -ac, r. 111111 •ofWe -Cii, r. (0'«11Tci>. 11),
Cl roller ; hence, th.i rollrr uW by the Spai·tans,
siolu. v. 11ecu1•
lticlu•ua ·& •Um, partic. Of Aeeludo,
around which tl1cy 1>0111111 11trips, and thus wrote MOO, s~ci\i, sectum, but 11~cilttlrn1 1. (root
their dei!pntche:11 60 that the clr.spntehrs which SEC, connected with German 118.gen, English to
were unwoun<l t'Ould 011ly he rea<I by being ~mo), t-0 cut, cut ojf, cut i1' pittta. L Lit., A.
rolletl round a 11imllar stick ; hence, melon., u Gt>n., pabula, Caes.; ungule sectus, Hor. B.
1WCrtt dapatch, N ep. Esp., 1. medkAl t. t., to cut oJ!, am~. to Mtt
Softhitl (Soflha) -ae, m. (~9'it). a irurgic;fly; varlce11 Marlo, Cle. ; 2, to cut, oeld,
Scythi<tn. Plur., &ythae, the SL-ythian.11 a name ca&trnte, Mart.. II. Transf., I, to Wir, wound,
of mriow mea1it11g, 8Clmetima including all the !lffa.tch, injure, hurt ; aecuerunt corpora vepres,
flMJUt(lic tribu to tht north of the Black and tht \'erg.; si quern podagra secat, torment8, Cat.;
Caspian &tu. Hence, A. &ofthia ·ae, f. 2, to cut 'hT()'Ugn, run Ur.rough, sail through,
{Lrv8iA), Scythia. B. Softhloua -a -nm (lxv· trai•erse; avie Bt"Cat aethera Jl4'nnie, Verg.;
imk), Sc11thian; amnls, the 1'anais, Hor. C. ae<\uor pupp+', Ov. IIL I<'lg., l, to lash. in word.!,
satiri~; urhcm, PeJ'll.: 2, to aivide; cau11a."I in
Bofthla ~ldis, f. a Scytlt.ian woman. D. pl11ra genera, Cle.; hence, a, to aeuu, d¥JUU;
Softh1ua •&e, a Scythian 1ooman. lit~e. Hor.; b, to p1tr11U, follow up; epem secare,
1. 8i (llid), prep.= uJithmtt. I. With abl., Verg.
.., fraude e11to, ap. Cic. IL Prep. lnsepar., a, llicritO, adv. (seeretns), aeparately; consllia
= wit1101d, as accurus (=Rine cura); b,= apart, secreto ab aliis coquebant, Liv.; eadam secreto
e.g., aepono. ab aliis quaerit, Oaes. ; eecreto hoc audl, tecum
2. Iii 116ml, half, as semodJu11. habeto, Cic.
3. Iii= sex, riz, as semestria. llicritu -a ·nm, p. ad.f. (from eeoerno),
4. Iii. acc. nncl ab!. or eul (q. v.). separate, a1xirt. L Adj., A. Lit., 1, gen., arva,
aibithos (Scbitos) -i, m. a rii:n" in Cam- Verg.; lmperium, Liv.; 2, esp., aepa.rote, aoli·
P!_11ia, Mar Ntapolu. Hence, &ebethla (Si-
ta_ry: colles, T!lc.; secret.a _pet.f're loca, Hor. B.
Ftg., a, depnm of; with abl., secret.a clbo
lNJtU) -ldis, f. of &betho1: nymph11 1 Vrrg. nat11ra, Luer. ; with genlt., co1110ra &ecret.a
llib09ua -a ·Um (sebum), /uJ.l. of tallow, tal· t<>porie, Luer.; b aecret; artes, Ov.; nee quic·
loicy, Plln. quam eccretum a1le; ab altero J1abent, Liv. IL
eebum (sivum) and aaovum -1, n. tallow, Bublt., llioritum ·I, n. I. retittmtmt, aolUuas,
htt, fat, grease, C.-. a MJlitaT'll 'J)bi,ce; aecretaBlbyllae,Verg.; abduccre
eeo 610
~uan in IC!Cretam, Liv. ; in eecroto, Liv. ; Plaut.; 2 MIOlldlr, (• CU M.:rl ,,,._, 0o. D.
I, a wnt, myirtu11; ornnlum secret.a rhnari, Prep. wltL acc., o.,/k'r. .&. In a1.aee, 1, ._
Tac.; lu aecrct!.a elua, (a II.ii prhW. paper•, Suet bMina; arsm, I'l.aut..; 2, aloag, cw. aZotCg. h.
MOta ·ne, f. (sequor). a tnodt Q/ lVe, pro..... "ear to; 1t•c1111Jum 111are, Cle. B. In tuoe ..._.
d1&,., cet1&<l'Ml'.l, plan. L Oen., Doa qui bane onlcr of evcntit, 1 lit.., a, or time, Q/la'; ...
11octa1u ratlo11e1111,11t1 ,·itnc s1•.-utl 1umu111 Cic. 1·1111tl11m comlt.ll\, b~.; llf',•1m'1um haec, o/111
IL l.';sp., 1. pullhu&l melh.0<l, JIClrlJI; aequl elu1 thu, l.iv.; •~1111.111111 qulrtc111, i• a dMina., c;c..;
auctoritatern cuiu• aed.a111 at<lue imperium b Of ardor, q/1#'1 tu..d to : Mf't•Undum te, 1tib1J
11t1Cut.u1 e11t, Cic.; 2. 11 pltiw1101Jik:al lllllool, .a; m1ht a111lc-l11a st aolU11clh1~, Cic.; l1f'n-a ....,....,
phll11so)'lanru111 11t1ctM1u Hecut1111 ea, Clo. dum tlllum, wut Cl/lff' UV. d«111J1tbn', C'lc. ; S.
Metarlu -a -um (BOCO), ctd, gdlkd, Plaut. lk.'CUuJum transf., a, OC<unlil&D to. '• aororriD11M ril.l;
11at11nm1 Ylvere, Cac. ; b, le-pl t. L,
eeotator -Oris, m. (llt'ct,or), a /11llower, ha.,- taj(&vou1· of. to th4 adval&laQe qf; decxradl\I ...
03: Jlltlr. 1 a auUe q/ cilk1ulcmtl, mm&. f'dLliUt:. undu111 alill lll'm, Cic.
.&. Gon., 1ex l•'ahla !\llao CAt de nuruero lliemulu -a -um (eequor). ~- L
oro111, 1U1ie1111'11t1, dun.ti, Cic. B. •...tier qf Ol•ll., 1, or time, lumlne .... ,Ull•l•'o 01' ""fal-
a led or achool, 'fac. lowi11g aa11, K111L ; mcnllll, t/11 d~rt, Cic.; I,
lleOtlU9 -e (aero). L etil, cl<INll: ebar, Ov.; in ~W~ following till }nt, Sln•IUl; A, lit•.,
~vhuunta, flUIAle up q/ sinall piecu, tllOICSic, Suet. Id aecundum erat Je Lrlbua, c.:ic.; bt'n-a, a perao11
IL can be ctd or do11t11, Mart. to '"""'" (n calll tlYJ,nt Mir di.-. c~.; part.el
MOtlo -Onla, f. (aeco). L a etiltmg, ct&#tag aecundae, tM leco1Ui r6lt, Cle.; hruoe. aublt.,
•1•, l'liu. IL tM buving up Q/ ~ pro- (111 aiouD4ae -Arum, r. tM le<lOl&d '1'6111; ~
ptr,JI, both q/ IM good4 q/ pro!Cribtt! puao111 and Sen.; fuit M. Craul q1wd 1M-cund11nnn, trm
o/ booty ta/fen '" war and q/ inl1eritancu tuAkh $tCO'lkl ftddl• to Onun1, fullmotd ojkr A&a, Cle. ;
la118td to CM atate; ad lllud iw.tionla acelua ae· (Ji) aicnmda -u, f. (IC. bom), tile -.cold Aow;
cedere, Cic. ; excrcenJla apud aerarium 118Cti- ad IMlCundam, Hor. i b, Iii;., (•) M:Owd '11.
®l bua f'a111011111, Cle. : concr. pr"f1'1"'11 oJ thi& rank, n&n, /ollo111lxg: aecuutlua ad princfpe.-
t£nd put up to auctiotl; eulua pr&(l(lae eectlo tnm, Cle. ; (p) 1«011d i• Dt'11U, «icund-natt.,
non venil'lit, <.:le. ; aectlonem elua 011pldl uni· iftJtrWr; petri~ Hor.; nulli Cnmprmonun ..e-
venam Cnct1ar veudldlt, CaeL andua, Uv. .u. B11p., follmri11g «UUJI or "1·
HOtiYU.a ·• -um (aeoo), ~ m• bt oul or li11ol11. .&. Lit., 1, or pcr»0n11. dum ridetur lleUI
olaopped up, Pihl. lJalutrono at-cun<lo, Hor. ; :&, ol 'lri11d or t.idt,
(I.e., fict10uroble); ~of Wiiler, lleC1Ulfio
l. Hotor -<'>rla, m. (1eco), 1, a cut~; col· following ftumlne, toU.\ IM ltrta-. uiea.; b, ol wind,
Joru111, a Cll.t·throal, Cle.; 2_, a bu!lfr o/ronft""'™d mwem 11eCu11dla ventla cunum tenenteut,
or other pubUc propert11 ; 0011or111n, Cle. ; Pum· Vento acc11n1l111Blmo, Cic. ; o, of sailai ailed Cit~: writ~
"I, qfthe properl11 o/ l'ompe11, Cic. a fu\·ourable wind, aec1111da vtsla. dato, OY.; s.
I. lleator, l. dep. (lnten11. of lllqUOr), to /ollovJ of thillJ.11', currn•tlltt (daL.) vobma d3t lora 1!9t·
eagerlJI, continually. L Lit., 1, In a trlcndl:y uutlo, Verg. B. 1"1g., a, ferourubl•, jinvur·i.,;
way, to acroinpan11 con.stantlg, nm ~r; a, voluntna t.'imtiuuht, Cle.; 1t.-c11ndo )'opnJo, witJi
altquem totott die•, Cle.: b, u a aen•ant, lo bt tlM flOOl.lwill qf tht ,...,,,,._ Cito:.; secuutlo Jlart.e.
'- IM train of; U aervl ubl aunt T Chrysogonum toU.\ IUcetu ' " baUlt, V~.; kges aocundlub111t
1eet.ant11r, Cic. : 2, In a hostile manner, to run plebl, J,iv. ; b, furl1111atr., ~l; aecundia-
o,/lm' in ordv- to riilicult, to hafYUI; a, ut. puerl aimmn 11roelh1111, Cat:&.;~ accawdat·, JITOl~rilJ,
eum aecteutur, Cle.; b, to/oUow ant11111ll in Ur.c Cle.; 1Jub8t:, 86ounclum ·I. n. Jlf'W1'tritr, Ne111.;
~ to hunt, jlUT'l1UI; Jeporem, Hor.; apros, plur., llt'CtthdA, llor.
Verg. IL Tranaf., 1, to atrire a,/f6, purne llioiiri. adv. (iw.curn11). L coa,JIOl8lflr, ,,_.
ea.gerl11 ; praeda1n, cae.. ; vlrtut.ea, Tac. ; 2, to quilly, u1u:o1U"eTHCdlf, Huet. lL MJCKrelr, 111/1/elr,
""loftnd out; n1ltt8 MCtar1 quo, etc., Hor. l'lln.
MOtrbic ·, f. (SCt'.tor), the 11urciuJlel HcriirloiUa .... t (dim. of 9eeurla), Cl UtUe
t.u C01'fi«atld property of U... prO&~ri.btd, l'lin. a.u, Plaut.
HOtiira -ae, f. (aeco). L a cutHn.g, Plln. lllciirlllr .fir& ·flnlm (lleCUrU ud fllro),
D. ~h'tnn., a pl4C« VJ!vre IO'lrlctlling ii cut or d11.g can'Jling a1& cuit, Ov.
09&4 ; 11.t•ntrlae aecturae, cn1'1ier-1nina, CaCH. llioiirlg6r -g6ra -glrutn (118Curla and pro}.
llioiibltu -111, m. (accumLo), a lletp(ag ca1'f11l1111 ai&a:m; putlllae, tM AlllMUO.U, Ov.
elo1te, uv. llioiirta -ta,aco. ·lru, abl. ·I, f. (11eeo\. 41' us,
llioiibo -111 1. to alup alo1w, lloep by OM'• la.tcluit. L A. LIL, for felling, \·c<rg.; u
-'/. L Lit., bv., Liv. IL Co lin a aolUaTJI a wenpoD or war a baUle-u..n, Verg. ; for killiag
Z\fe, Prop. victims a~ a 11HC1·in11e, Vel'I(.; 811p., for c:itt"Cut.ibg
llicrill&rlll "" saecu1arl.s (q. Y.). criml11al1, IM kta1lltllMH•'• "*"; llOOUrl r,·rini, ~
8ioiUum = saecnlum (q. v.). cntuft!, Clc.;1111ev11111ucuri Tol'ljuatua(who l..J Ilia
owu 11011 bebeaded), Verg.; prov., aecu.ri 'ft:ncdil
llioum = 1·um eo, v. aui and cum. (Tu•~C, ••At1m), tt'ilh. th.t crtrsm.ut Mveril!J (fro•
8'oun4Ant -orum, m. (11e1·uud11s), 10lilkr1 Q/ king Tenf'.a of 1'ena'tloa, who exec11t~.. 1 e\·l.'11
U&e ucund fr!1io1i,, Liv. lt0r11011 who accust<il nn Innocent n!an)•. Cic.
llioundanus -a -um (aeeunduA), lNfonqing B. Fig., tl"OUM, (Ttju11f, d'6n8Ur; _g?'AVJOl"rm
lo tl'4 ,_,1111 ru.nk or clew of ~cond·ru.U IJUQ1 ity; iul1igcre aecurim rei1•, Ck. IL lbtoo.,
panls, l:luet.; of abstr., 1JL;t1111 de trlbua llet'.Und· (118· 11ccutes, fwices 1111<l \'irpti "·ere ca:rried bf
&riua, Cle.: subst., 9'ound&rlum -u. D. the li1:to1"11 or the ltighc.'lt 111agist.rates at Rome),
tlllDOftda~ matt~r Q/ dilcumcm, t..'ic. •u1ire111.c 111nver, .Rl11lllm n&pre1NllCJI'; a, pllll'.,
l. Houn4o, adv. (aecundua). L fa Cll.e Oallirl aecurihus 111hjecta, com1.Utelr
Cael.; b, 1h1g., Genuanla coll& Bomanae prM-
.ol\d place, Cle. D. for tM aecond ttnu, Luer. be111 1U1imoaa aecuri, Ov.
t. lliounclo, 1. (AeCnndua). to 11'&C11:.favourable, llioiirltaa -ltla, ~·aecurua). I. frttJtl#a
lo ftuiour, hleu, am.I, leOOnil ; dll Incept& aec· from CGTI. .&. ID • lll'IJlM, JltGCS ., ~
1111dent, Vcrg. ; secuuJante vento, Tao. qiliu, Cle. B. In Ill aenae, mnll-a...._ g.
8'omulum_ adv. and prep. Caecundn11). L d.i§ermce, Tao. IL Transl., ftwd,oa ,,_
Ad•., 1, Qj(eno.mla, belahad; lte )iac IM't:U11dtw1, da119t", 11tC1trlt~. Tac.
sec 611 sed
llioilralt .. -am (1. 11e and cura), /rw /rmtf. M4ff. sidl, t. lo •"· L Gen., A. Ltt., 1.
e11N.. L Lit., 16~ /tJCJrlus, trnnfl"U; a, oC peraonJt, with In a11d tbti Rlil., In at>l1'1, ill
a, ol 1~1"'4ons, animus 1ecurna de aliqua re, aulio, in eqno, Cle.; with abl. nlnne, caqoento,
C1c. ; llt'curior ab 111iq110, Liv.; with genlt., aede re~ii, Liv. ; abeol., quurn tnt 1U1nmi ora.
atnorum, \'t'l"R·: (11nau, Ov.: with •lop. int.errog. torea .. ·deant, Ci<:.; b, 11{ ;111i1nalt1, to.otlll'; cornlx
a.·nt., qni•I Tiriuaten t6rrcnt, unlcc securua, ee<let In bu1110, Ov. ; 2. e:1p. 1 or nm!(i:itm ks, to
Hor.; "''" <1PC11n1<1, rotlowt•d hy no nnd the aubj., 1U '"' COUMU, lit '" jud:i11it11t; ~Cl\llVt1Li (tri·
ne qul.11 t•t.iam erroru lahalnr v~strihu quoquo bnno) ln rostrls aeclrnta, Cic.: pro trih111111ll,
non sn111 s.-enru'I, Liv.; b, nr lnilllhnate thh1i.:s, Cio.; In trlbunall, Cic. B. Tr11n,..r., of thiui;ta,
(ir.) 'rntTQublrd, rll.rtrful; qnfrs, Ov.; olus, li•nple to icttle, sink down; 11t'<l<'t nehula •lensiorcamp.t,
pl11ia 11ve1i, llor.; with "''·nit., Rl11t tua votA l1r~t Liv.; lk!1lis~ 11w11k11. Ti1c.: nf fo.,,1, to llt'Ult, b4
lleCllT& TCJ•lllsne, av• tl171ll111t, Ot'.; (/J) 111 • bad dirJ,.<it<l; esCA qnno t.ibi se.:lerit, !tor. IL With
IM'll!ll<', 1u·1lir1,11t, currl'~'; rJ1-1tre11si11 juris<lfrtfn, a 11t1tion of 1·11•!11r.111<•e. A., 1. to ~mJi11
1·ac. IL 'franat., t<ife, NCU,.,; tc111 pua, locu.•, Liv. in OIU p/lla, 1tltfr, UllJI ; al~o With the lloltiUll O(
I. Neus, n. lndecL = sex us, 11U; virile et fo be inacti1•~, j,l/,,; In villa tt1to11 1lte1 Cle.;
muliebrt· aecna, LIY. Coro·yrne, Cic.; '11·:litlenR rloml, I.iv.; ae..itt qui
!L eiob. a.Iv. (root SF.C, SJ.:Q, when•-e '~
timnit, nrnwinut cU lr.0111.e, Hur.: con1111llbu!I
qnor). L Pnsit., A. .Aitv., a., oll1erwfM, Mt .'O; !lf'•l1·11tib11s, Cit-.; prov., 1•u111 pr,.,.11is manlbua
ucua est, 11011 (hand) llt"c1111, j111t u.1, foll. hy sc•lcrc, to 1lt /t•l1W haiul•, Liv.; 2. l'"P·•
nt1tne (ac) q11a111, etc.; longe sei·uM, fitr otltu10i~ a., ro •it as a 111111>li11.11t ell tM u.ltar of ,,,,,..
rJt>d; mellora tll'os !lt'tll't nm11in po1tC<111s, Vt1rg.;
Cic.; b, nJt right, not well, badl.11 (uppll1etl to b, milit.. t. t., to rt11111i1l llk>W&Jied, to 11it do&11n.
prcec?<llnl( recte, beue, beaUi, otc.); rel'te an Mfore 4 plau, ti'> rtn11:dn. '1tarti1~; Al'T<'tli aute
lll'Cllfl, ri~rl1tl!1 or u•rongly, Cic.; aut lieate aut
lllOl'lllA, LIY. B. Tl"llllaf., 1, Iii., a, to b.ftrml1
11t'<'.Ull vi n·1·e., "''l'J1Uy or t!M re11er1e, Cle.; ltl<!llll ,.,ttlt1f: In llqulclo 11Nfen111t oss:\ c .. r.·bro, Ov.;
exilltimarl' <lo nli•pw, Cle.; ~ le.u; neque mul10 b, of Wl'.apom1, tn be, br. fit.<lr1n•l, to •ttt1c;
arcus in lis vii ium, Tac. .a. Prep. with ~c. ciuva 1101let. In ore vlri, Ov.; 2, Ilg.. a, to rt11u1fo
= scc11nd11111, Cato. IL Cumr"u·., nqul6.a faM, unchangtd: JIAllor In oro aellet, Ov.; b, of
(lliolila) and IMOtfti• (aetlu). 1, otherwue, rcsoh·e.i, robe ftrmly dcttrm.intd, to;
1IOC '°; non IM'ti 1111 nt, flllC ot/t,·r1oi.'lt tha7', juat cu, l<lque pio 11t:<let Aenl'&e, Verg.
Verg.; non s1·ti1111 uriturquru11, Ov.; 2,= minus,
lal; ollo and nihllo M11tiUll(lkl41ulua), "°"'IM las, aida -lit, f. (aedeo), a JK!t. L Lit., c:i dOol,
Cic.; baud seliulJ and nnn 1teti1111, Vt!rg.; 8, l.-11 c:Mir, thro1t1; 1edes lwuoris, &!'Ila curuli11, Cle.~
.ZZ, badl11; lnvitu11 quud .equiua ai~ dis w.eia aedr,a t><>nere, Liv.; l'riurea tl<'tltl.!I ten,.l't', '"'~rd
civlblla loquor, Liv. ra1J.:, ll••r. IL Tmnar., a, on. ,,b,Hlt, hnblla-
Ho11, fl1u:c of ldllt111.enl, .\o111t; ~·ll'il fn111latur
Miitor -Oris, m. <-inor), 11 gladiator armed \'cnen, a templ,., \'erg.; scelt~mtornm, UM! ,,..
tOU.\ a M:Ord 111&d IAklJ. 10.\o /011.ghl 10UA ca re- /trr&JJJ. ng£oiu, Cle.; eam alb! •loruum SO<lc1•1ue
Uarfn11, Juv. deligcre, Cic.; plur., acdt.>'4 111mctae 1oe1111ti11m
L lli4,. v. 1. 11e. deorumque Cic.: his 11.'tfihua ae11tt co11tine111,
l. 1164 (olol 1.atln ~!:),conj. (conn~t.M with Cic.: e11p., (ir.) thl gn11ic; 11edibu.s huno rllfer All~
lid • 118, vii.llw11t). I. 11111, yd: 1. to lhnlt or 11uis et comle 11tip11lchro, Vt'r;.:.: (fl) thl dwt/Ung-
111;1&lU) a perao11'11 11tatenumt, Cic.; llt'(l enlm, pltt.-e of th~ so11l, the bod!!: nuima m!aera de lle'de
Ck!.; eed eulmvArn, Liv.; se.l a11te111, V1·rg. : 2t vult•ua cxiro, Ov. ; b, or thi11i;1<, 1•laC4, 11«11, lpOl,
~p., a. to c"pro~llll an ucen•li11g elimux, 1e1 baae, fou11~urtio11; turrim convellirnua altla IM'lll·
et1am, lntt aU.", ""'II
rather; avuri1111i111ae aed ibu1< 1 \'cl')(.; 111la se<lihus cunvulaa H.oma, Cic.;
monte1< 111111iri lfc<ie suii., Liv.
et.iam crwlcli!lllimae, Cle.; co11slllu111 tlt'fuit, H6d
'U&m obt'uit, Cic.; b, in traMitlonM, b"t 11~t; ndile ·Is, 11. (acdeo). a ltJal; (a.) 11ln~ .• Vt>'ll.;
~·) In retur11i11.K to a previous subject, eetl rt-d· (ri) plur., s~lilln, a row of u.Ui or 1,,.111·/lu i" llle
.amws ad Ilort.·11si11111, Cle.; (p) In ?'t'11u111l111e a thtalre or el6cw/a.ert, llor. ; bt11.d1es for ro10e1·1,
dlaooune niter a pa~ntheels, 11t pero1rnvit (1111111 Vt·ri:.
• • • rere~1·111t), 11etl ut peroravit, etc., Cle. ; c, a6dlmentum ·I, n. (aedeo), a 1ttU£n.g, ltdf.
ta bl"811klng olf •ll~coura•·, but, yet; 8t'd luH"C mmt, Plin.
hactenua, Vic. IL 'l'o lhnlt or qnnliCy n 1•1"·
Yioua n<'gllth·e 11c11t., l111t: l'!IJ:l., In thu rhn•KeS aidltlo -011!11, f. (t'rom 1ed =Re, aJUl'I, and
DOn modo (111>11 aolnm, non t.m1t11111), ace etiam ith>)1 a J~i°""' L Dt•twee11 h111lvhlu11la, dU-
•n.tton, qllarrel; du111c11tica (or brothcnt), Liv.;
(lolnm) ••• 114'•1, "°'
(quoque), JWt onl11 • • • hlU aLto: 11011 mo•lo
011111 ••• bu.t tve7'; ne·
satiis non lnkrruit 1ml11111, ~ prnernlt, Cic.
ere.cit ravore turblola aeditlo, OY. II. Dctweon
1111•111hc•r» of 11 polilii-al union, ~lip., citizen• aod
IOltllent, a cL11i.l nr mW.tart rerultj itt1u.rrtcliol\, ·lnis, 11. (MC•lu). a #lfat'va. Sen. ltdition, ri.ri11g, 1nul&n.y. A. 1. it., mllitaris,
llid&te, adv. (iwolntn.,), •111ietl.11, compoc«llv, Liv.; seilitionem nc <lh1co'!"tlia111 ro1wit11rt'. Cic.;
ln11v1uilly; t•laclolu at•111e Mc•lut•~, c111111ti111~r 11etlitio111'111 cu11cire,; c"nftnrn, Cic.; fRCf'tr,
et Riidllte dt1lore111 f1•rrn, Vic.; o( discourse, CAe1.; re.itinl{Uere, Cir.; prrMunif., a.t "n. al·
llC•lntl! pl&el•loqno lnlil, Cic. tr.11<umtof Jo«wia; 8~11ltl11 tl'pcn~, uv.; 2, 1111"tc111.,
aedi.tlo -tinl11, r. (111••111), fl It rr/l1111i11{1, sooLli.- th4 rt:ht!la, Liv. B. Tr:m~r., ri.tL11!1, t11niuU;
i.HI/, •1:r.rn11gi11u of vio/e11t t11wli1m or 1••:<.•IM1: int.Psli111\ r11rpo11111, Liv.; lrncundla •llilllilll'na a
1111i111i, Cic.; 111ntirc11di, Cle.; ('lnr., ee•latiu1n·s n1ti1111c lft"tlitio q1111e<ln111, Cle.
(ani111l), Cic. aedltlO.i, ntlv. with eompar. and 1mperl
aidMua ·& ·ltlll, p. &•lj. (trum 11r1lo), ']rtirt, (aeditio,.1111), MAlitio11<111, Cle.
0011'1~1t, trn111111il; homo, Cle.; 1k'1fat.• grnilu aedltlO.U• ·• ·um (!{Nlltl11). L tedUfoua
ablre, Liv.; uuinlllll llt."flntfor, Cle. turhulwt; ci\·is, Ci<-.; tri11111vlri l<:dlt.lo!llS.'liml
aidioli8,. adv. (te•lrcitu), si:ttun. timn, Plin. Cle. IL rutltll; aed!tius:\ ac tumultuosa vit.a,
ae4iolm and aexdiolm (aex and decem), aio.o, 1. (CAut1at. or Re<li>t1), L Lit., ,,
Jidetll, Cues.
aedioUa ..,,. t. (dim. or aedea), Cl lotO
or, Cle.
"°' rou.~t to aetUe: pulvnem, PhaPt!r. II. Co .ettlc,
IVOtltc, at'1l, calm, alla.11, <UNU•"1~. put a" 1!111 ~.
mtngitiah: bdlum, JIUJ.(lla111, Cll'.; lnM'n•ll&, Liv.;
liclentii.riua ..., -um (,udrna}, .uttng, .. invllilam, Cit~; lm1•<'tum pop11ll, Cle.; ln.m.
.U11.ta,.,; autor, .Pla11t. PUn.: aedlUonem. Cle. ; lites eurum, Cl~
sed. 612 se1
aid'ioo -du:d -ductttm, 8. to tab or ltad a eegnltla -ae, t and MfPl(Uis -6, 1.
port. L Lit., a, in order to &J>e"k aecretly to a (segn111), sl1l9gfmnus, slotll,/ul11eu, alowrta1, tar.
person; aliqueru, Cic.; aliquem a debita peste, to dirv,ss; a'rlit.., Cic.; b. transr., ~iti& lll&IU,
Wad a.ride <1nct to rUICIU fram danger, Cic.; b, of calmnut, ac.
things, vacuos ocellos, to turn a.sMU, Prop. ; SigMiinum ·I, n. tM cAv/ to"'2l of !Al
stipltem,_ to puslt. cu&ck, Ov. ; vina r.ulum se- RU.Uni, on tlt.t border of Gallia Harlie;.
duct&, pla.ced a.ride, Ov. IL Trans ., a, poet., nen.ris, now Rodu, Cic.
to~ .ever; seducltterras undaduas, Ov.; Se tla (a.--.. tla) d a~...,.-
ae-1focunt castra, divide illto two, Ov.; b, t-O u- gon .__ an - - ·&!'.
duck; consilia seduct.a plurium co1Jscientta, Liv. 1• a t&wn. in. Hispartia .&utica, near modeni
lliductlo ~nis, I. (seduco), a leading or &e11.ontQol -orum, m. ci pe.o]>W i" tAt •Ill\
dmtDing tUi<U; testlum, Cic. o/ Bntain.
lli4u~ ·a ·um, p. adJ·. (from seduco), Segovax -actis, m. 07MI of t~ d.itfz
f't1n.Ote, dUW.nt; recessus gurgitis, Ov. ill Kent at tM tinu of Cauar's int'G...•ioJL
= iedulo (q. v.). aigrigo, I. (grex). L to «Jlflratt /rWI i;,,
eicUUltaa ·itis, I. (sedulus), a&riduity, zeal, flock, stgregate; oves, Pbaedr. II. Transf., I.?
application, Cle. sepo.mte, an-er, rtllWve; aliq 11e111 a n umtto ch;nm,
BidiUi, adv. (sedulus), a, busily,; Cic. ; aliquem a se, Cic. ; virtuteru a summo
~dulo argumentaris, Cic. ; o, purpolely, de· bono, Cic.
1r,gnttll11, Liv. &eJriisli.vt (sGgiiafanl) -Orem, m. a ptoplt
llidllua -a -um (from sedeo, as credulus in. Galli.a Lugduneiuu, in 1n~rn (Dep. de
from credo), btiq diligent, a.uidlU>US, ltdulciu, la Loire).
earnest, ualotu; homo, Cic.; apis, Cic. ; bra· 11egutllum -l, n. tlw ukr'Jtal indiratfoa of
chia, Ov. a gold-mint, Plin.
Mdum ·i, n. the plant, Plin. SiJi.111111, v. sejus.
SediiDI -Orum, m. a Heltldian p«>ple, 11l4T lliJqatua -a -um, dujoilfhd, sqaraltl1.:
modern Sio1t. anim1 partem ab actione corpora sejuptaru.
Hgea -i!tis, r. (perhaps f'rom root SEO. Gr. Cic.
TEK-, that whiclt. ii productd.. L tJw 8Ud in a lliJtigee -lum, m. (sex and jugum), a elt4riol
ffdlfl,from its bein.g sown. t-1 tlw cr<>p bNlg reap«!; drawn b11 su lwrau abreast, Liv.
3 1 lit., laetae segetes, Cle ; seges farris est m&tlll"'. -
n1essi, Liv. ; ~ ol toe vine, Verg. ; b, ftg. BeJun.itm. adv. (aejunctu.s), MpQTOUl.f, T!b..
c&drontage; quae mde segea, Juv.; 9, transf., lliJun-;ttlo -~nls, f. (sejungo), a uparaiw,
a thickly· pac"l.:td masa or mini.ber; seges cliputa •~anu, Cic.
virorum, Ov.; telorum, Verg. II. )leton., a -'Oil'" aiJungo -junxi -junctum, 3. IQ ttJ'(lrrrlt, lttn',
jkld.; 1, a, lit., Cic.; b, Ilg., jkld, soil; quid di..•jotn. l. Lit., Alpes Italiam a Gallia i;.ejun·
odisset Clodium Milo segeteru ac matt>riem suae gunt, Nep.; se ab allqno, Cic. IL Traw•f., 1,
(iloriae? Cic.; 2, poet., t.ransf., /n1itful plains, gen., 11e a libertate verborum, to rrfmin Jro,,,,
ji.el.d11; fert casiam non cul IA seges, Tib.; ubi Cic. ; bonum quod non possit a1' ht)net1t~te s;;-
prima paretur arboribus seses, Cic. jungi, Cic.; 9, esp., tn di..tinguish; li~rai1Lit~in
SGgelJta -ae, I. Rmrt<m name of the old tl)ll•n 11.c benignitatem ab ambitu atque largitione, Ci1-.
Aor.fla r .AJce'O'TlJ), Oil tM north coa.ct of Sicily, 'lt.aT Siju.e ·i, JU, a Roman IW,M, tM ""°"' 0tltbr.1/#C
Jlcmnt Eryz, now Ca •.Ul a mare di Golfo. Hence, bearer of u·hich U'IU ll. Sejus, o friend of Atlinis
A. &egeetaDl ·Orum, m. flu inhabitallU of and Ci«ro. Hence, SiJinua ·a -um, rtlirti•g
Stgtsta. B. SGg•teDaea -ium, m. tlw inha· lo &jus; subst., as name, L. Aelius ~j~nu~.
lrita.nta of &gut.a. aon. of &jv.s .Stral>o, tlw pra.~fcclus l'raetoril "J
Hgeatre -is, n. (CJTt"'fo.arpol'), a rovtrin.g, TiberiMS.
tUTapptr of sfra10 mutti11g or iJ."'i11s, Plin. .Clas. n. (r.-i.\ca~). a aperits of fiery mctt(lr, Sfn.
MgmentatWS ·& •HID (segmentum), 07'114· HlectfO -Onis, (. (seli~O), R c-hoosin'} O~I,
mrol~d 111ith. a purpll or gold border, bordered; &rlectil)n.; si seleetio uulla sit ab iis rebus qua.t,
cunae, Juv. etr., Cic. "
eegmentum -1, n. (root SEC, whenre sero). Beleucea (SC§leuoia) -ae, f. (!.1An:1wa).
L a pUt:e cut off, c11Uing, shred; 1, lit., Plin. ; name of &erv:ral fowM. L S. Babylonia: (! /~""'
2jf.transf., a zoiu or regum of tlw earth, Plin. 'uar tltt Tigris, on. th'- rowll coni;e-rti~g it ril~
Phir., segment&, piecu of purpu or cloth of tM Euphml.'s built by &lturus .\"i("(lfor, nr.w
gold uwn on. tM •Airt of wom.rn".s druau, gold or El-Mo.daim. ii. S. Pieria : a loll'n. in Sf!Tin. ~°'
purj>U b<mkr, Ov. fnr /rum tlw Orantes, now ntins 11ear l\r1w. m
eegne, adv., v. se.gnirer. 8. Trachea: a town m Cilicia, now &l".fkwh.
eegDfpis ·}>E\dis (segnls and pe.s), 11.ow-/ooW, &eleuous ·i, m. (l:iA~v"o(), ~i<'Rtllr, a/.,•r••
Juv. gt?W'al of Ak.rander tAe Grtat, hnJ of Syria.
eegn1a ~ (root SEC, ~qttor), NOW, '"-"th/ul, selibra -ne, f. (for semilibra), hnlf 0 p'.'Klld,
tarn,,, ttluggi.slt, dilalory: a, ahsol., segniores Liv.
<'8Stigat, Cat'IS.; bellum sluggishJy pros1:1:utc.d, sellgo .Jegi -lectum, 3. (SE' and le~('t}, locJ"<lti(,
Liv.; mors, 1r.lingeri11gc.calhbypoi.s<in, Liv.; b, choo~ out, 1e:ut. L Gen., ~X1'nq•h, Cic. U.
with ad and acc., St'gnior ad respondeudum, Esp.• judices selecti, th'- jud!JU (1J>1wii11tn1 by t~
Cic.; nee lld citharam <:t>gnis nee ad arcnm, Ov.; pra<tJJr i11, a criminal ro.M, Cit'.
c, with in and the at.<!., non in Venerem segnes, Selin'iia -nuntis, f. (:!t.\u-o 1~~). L n ltt!·?Jri
Verg. ; d, with genit., laborum, Tar.; e, with in Sidlia, now· Stlino11to. IL n toum in. li/iri4,
inftn., solvere nodum, Hor. fljfi:ruurd• rolled Trajttno/'('lis, now S•ltnti, LiT.
selnlltaa -itis, f. (segnis), sluggish1uss, tardt· Hen"", adj., Selinliaiua -a -um, l~Jm1gir1.9 tc
1USB, ailatorinus, Cic. Stli1111•.
eegJlfter and eegne (segnis) sluggishl!., eella -ae, r. (for iicdla, fh>m sedto), a s.-11
sloth,, slowly; a. l'O!Sit., Liv. ; b, compar. #(I()/, sctt1'. L Gen., in ~ella sroere, Cic. II.
segnius, Liv.; esp. with preceding negaUve Esp., 1, a wvrk·.•tool, a stool or ~M'A on w:A""
11.lhilo &eKDiua, Sall 1JiandicroJf.'""-n rit; in roro sellam ponm, CIC.:
ael 613 sem
9, ..... oJ Cl tmcMr, Cle.; s~ t~ CUt"dl llool, tlimmpertaa -a -um (eeml and a~~
bi toll, aella curulls, on tchich tM hiqMr- fllagil- open; portarum forea, Liv.
tnJ/.u at R'1'IM ~t, Cic. ; 4, G UlTOM, Nep.; 6, a aemlbar'bU-ua .. -um,-~-1Jarbcsfou, Sae&.
llfda--.Aair: gestatori&, Suet.
..uariu -a -nm (sella), nlating lo ca teal or Hmlboe -b6vla, m. 1ol/-.; 'f'lr, '-" 11-..
latw, Ov.
ifool; IQbat., lleJ.1i.r:la ·&e, t G f"007I\ ,/tw'AWIMJ
wUA llfJU, A ritti1'g-room, Plin. aemld.per -pri, m. laV-goat, OY.
aelllsternJum -Ii, n. (sell& and stemo), a aimloillctlum -1:1, n. (semi and ~ a
nligiou banqua \n honour of god4uau, at which Mrr010 g\rdh or apr011., Mart.
tltir _.. plaad on uat. GM food put aemlclrciUu -i, m. a -'cinik, Ool.
lief°"' CAem., Tl.(" aimlooctua -a -um (semi and ooquo), Mlf-
118ll6Ja •ae, f. (dim. of aella), G lUtle #da• cooktd, Plin.
chair, Tac. llimiorematua ... -QJD (semi and ~
1elliili.rt'.ua -a -um (sellula), oJ or nlali1'g lo Aal/-burnl, Ov.
a aeal; artifex, G han.dicrafl~man toho .tat at Ail
100rk; hence, eubst., selliili.rfua ·U. m. G
aemioremua (semi and cremo), MV-,,.,....
iar.dkrajt.m&an., Cic.
aemel, adv. numer. L one8, G riAgf. ff-.:
°"· simioridua -a -um, Aalf-nr.w, Saet..
.emioAblti.JJa ..._ MJJ a cubU '- .......
semd atque iterum, semel iterumque, onc1 caftd LIT.
again., twice, Cic. ; semel atque iterum ac e&e·
piu.s, Cle. ; plus quam 11emel, Cle. ; non semel, llimldeua -a -um, Aal/-diviu; eubet., a
Cic. IL Tran sf., A. tM flrd ttme, jfT6ll'JI ; foll. demigod, dn&igoddul; semldeum pam, IM
by ikrnm, delnde, Item, etc., Cle. ll. ~; a, Ntreid.!I, Ov.
quonlam semel it& vobis placuit, Cic.; b, 01IC4 aemldootu .. -um (semi and doceo), Aa/1-
(llf things which cannot be altered); qui aemel laught, half-1.earnf:d; haec ut apud doctoa et semi-
nrecnndla.e ftnea transierit, eum bene et navi· doctos lpse percurro, Cic.
ttt oportet ease lmrudentem, Cic. c. ontt, aemlermla (simermla) -e and lliml-
Olla for all : &, aeme exonr.rl solee, Cle. ; Titam ermua (llimermua) -a -um (eem.l u4 ~
1emel llnirent., Liv.; bi in dlaoourve, ona for M.1/-armtd, llaif""l"ippt.d, Liv.
all, '" 11 trord, ~'II; u tundm aemel lndicare- =
Hmlisua 1emeaus (q..... ).
tn.r, Cic.
semeJa -ae, t. and Simeli -&, t <2-"'""), aemifaotmt .. -om (semi a.ud ~ ~
da119hter qf Cad•"'• trt0ther of Bacchua bi! J• dotu, haif-jhr.f.lhtd, Tao.
;rUer; &M a.sbd Jvp{Ur lo 11ppear to hn' in hu simlfiSr -~ra ·Rrum (aeml and fenu), lal,f-
P"'JO" 111 a god, GM teal 00714Um«f by tM blaze of animaJ, haJ,f-but\al, 1w1J-11&11n and
lil 'lllO.)utr; Bemelee puer, Bacchtu, Hor. L Lit., pectua Trltonle, Verg. ; snbst., of the
Hence, 88m'1elua and Semeleua -a ·um, qf Centaurs, OY. II. Traner., ha/.f-teild, lwJ/-
SawUI; Semelela prole11, Bacchu, Hor. .amgc. Bn'bA., sim.lfer ·liri, m.1""1,/ G M.WC1Q9.
8imen ·lnls, n. (root BE, whence ae·ro, 11&-vl), Verg.
tAt ieW. L A. Lit. a of plants, semen manu llimlfnltu. -a -um (1eml and tulclo)), lla(I.
apargere, Cle.; b, {11) of animals, creatae eemlne propptd, Mart.
Saturn!, OY.; (JJ) of the elements of water, ftre, aemlgermbua .. ·nm, uv.o.r.o.. UY.
atone, etc., Verg., Luer. B. Ket.on., tM l«d; llimlgraeou -a -um, halJ·Greek, Sud.
1, tM race : Romanum, Cle. ; regio semine ort.a,
Liv.; 2, daomdaM, cAUd, ofl]Jri."9; caeleati& aemlgmvta -e,, Ll'f'.
aernlna, OY.j semlna Phoeb1, ..tuculGpiua, '°" Mmlgro. 1. SO go CHOGJ, IUpan, IWIOW/rflAj
q/ Plwlnu, vr. IL Fig., llUd = cau., origin, a patre. Cic..
lllltAor, iutigator; sttrps ao 1emen m&lorum aemlhlane -antis (eemi and hJo). MV...,_;
omninm, Cic. labellurn, Cat.
aemen~r -f'i!ra -mrum (aementhl and fero). aemih~mo -Mmlnls, m. halJ a - . I.
-1-btari1'g, fruWUl, Verg ha1J G man and half a" animal ; Oeataun_ OT.
limentla ·IB, acc. -em and ·fm, f. (semen), IL Transt., Aal/'"1riid; O&cm, Verg.
a 10wfng. I. a, lit., eementes maxlmu facere, a"
11emlh0ra -ae, f. Nill Aour, 01e..
Cle.; proT., ut eementem feceris, It& metea, Cle. ;
b, fig., malorum eementim or proacrlptioni. fllangu.d, aemU•oer .can -drum, haV..,.,.._ ~
eementem facere, Cic. IL Met.on., 11eII1entee,
C.\e )'O'llng growing corn, Ov. aemllautu. ... -um, MJ./·10alhal, Oat.
aementivua -& -nm (sementts), of or nla""f aemDiber -Nra -Nrum, halJ·fru.. Cie.
lo lttd or llUd·tinu; dies, Ov. aemlltrro -ae, m. ha1J G 1Utler1 uaed • &
eemento, 1. (sementta), lo b«ir ,.,, Pl.ln.. term of re roach, Liv.
aemestrta (simenstrfs) -e (sex and men- Uuaemlmkinus -a -um, haV~ W '-

old; lnfans, I,iv.; b, =

lis), of ri.:c, ri.:c-mcnthly; a, l'lz tlWRtM
limitt.d lo Ii:& month.I;
ata; corpora (8cyllarum), Luer.
aemi.maa -mlris, m. L halJ--maU. .._.
ftgmun, Liv.; semestri vatum dlgltos clrcum- aph.rodiu, Liv. IL ocutraUd; ovea, Ov. auro, tM ring of tM trilrunu qf tM aoldierl aemimortiiua -a -um, haJ,/-dtm:l, Cat.
'llXYrn/or sf.z mon.thl, Juv. aemmanua ·& -um (semen), oJ or nlat'9lf
aemeaua •& •nm (11eml and esu.s), 71aV-«Jten, to sud; eubst., aem.lnarium .fi, D. Cl plaMG-
ktf-couu!Md; praeda, oasa, Verg. tictt, nursuy; fig., e~nites semin.arlnm aenatua.
aemILUpertua .... -um (semi and adaperio), Liv.; Catilinarum, C1c.; triumphorum, Cto.
ial/·O']le!L, Ov. simlni.tor ~ris, m. (semlno), ca procltlCW,
"-~mlam'b11at1UI -a -um (semi and ambmo), ator beguU:r, aullwr; qui eafl verua omnlum
-:.f>vrm, Suet. malorum, Ole.
Mmlinfmls -e and llimlblmu -a -um aemine:s: -n&:ia, AaV-d«ul, LIT.
(ae~ and anima), lwzV-aliw,; corpora simlnlum ·U. n. (semen). a t'llCI or .._. fl
1em1&Dlma, LlY. an\mala, Luer.
sem sen, 1. (~rn('n).
.t, 7:roduec, Plant. ;
L lo '°"'•Col IL to mimC5dlu ·U, m. (kml ud ruodhu), • Aalf
or plants, ,·isrum, quod modi1U, Mart.
DOn sua IM!111in1tt arbu1o, \'t·l'g. llimotua ·• -um, p. adj. (from M"mOTeo\ rc-
llimlnii4ua ·a ·urn, half-na.J.-td, Liv.; ~es nwee, tlista,t. L !.it., loeu9 n 111ilitit.uJ1111t111 .. t•1~,
Jlrope semlnudus, JUUrl11 de/rnt"cf,44, tolthovt Cae1.; n~ut.. _plur. s11lt11t.., qune tl'rri!ll tt111ota
arm&, Liv. ridct, Hor. IL Tn1niif., a, far from, se111• a
llimlpi.ganua ·I, m. haf,f a riutte, Pers. <'Urls, Luer.; b, disli1nl /rnm., di~trtrt11I )n•"I,
llimlp6dills -e, lwl/ a fflnt fl\ tli111t1uion, T11c. Luer.; o, conJidt1Ltial;'motae dteLiunil,
.em~hreo -1110,·i -1111\tnm, 2. to t111>n: onry,
Hmlp~tin~ua = 11!'111! pe<lalis (q. v.).
«rrr, 6C}l(lr<1/(. L Lir ., qui ,.,l<'e t•r.t('t·oul~ a
eimlperfectua -a ·11111 (sc111i and i•erflcio), Iii erill 11e111ovelxintur, Cic. IL Tm11sf., lo lay
'Aal/:fi 11i~he.l, ::Sud, cuid•, f.ulud.t; volupta1e111, Cic.; l"t1-ato ab ea
Bimfpea -(!"!dis, m. a lw.lf-/oot, Plln. disciplin.ll 011111i110 &Ptt1•H"t·n·l111 e.t., u JWl lo bl
eimiplinus -a -um, halJ·/v.ll; naves. half· rtckonw 11nder that IChool, Uc.
111a1111t-I. Cic.; 11tatione'4, Liv. aemper, 111". (sem (= aemel) an•I per, &I au
llim.Jputatus -a -um (se11ai and put-0), ka.l/- (= 110YiJ anti per), a/troy~, at all ti111~, Cic.; with
pru rwl; \"lti11, \"er..:. suusL, used almost a~ an a1U., lu.-ri it"mptr
tM co11al111u fllildnua, 'fer.; H:isdruJal
8.Smirl.mla (81'miri1mls,, pad.a semper auctor, Liv.
-1111di6 and -mldos, f. (I*"'P"'"~), u·iJe and 1uc-
tJaJOr of N!nu.s, ki"!l qf Allyria. aemplternu -a -um (116111per). conti1u1n!,
turla.ltir&g ; tempus, Cic.; lgnes
Hmlriau.s -a ·11111 (i1c111I and rado), 'lialf- /lfrpctu.1f,
\"e~tae, Cic.; adv., Mmplteruum. for cru,
lhartn, hal/·1hor11, Cat.
&inalriductu.e -a ·Um (semi and :reduco), Sempronln• -a -nm, na111t of a~"' al R'1"V,
1.alJ ~nt bad.·, o,.. the tn8~t firn111111 n1t111l.rr6<1f t•·hicA 1rert thJ! l1rr·t~trt
Hm.lrefeotu -a -um (semi nnd reficio), Tih. ~111prnnl11s Grac<"hu.i, aud C. &mp1·onius
Aa/j-l'epuirrd, Ov. Grncclrus, tribunti of the 1~~. v·Ao illlroduml
llimlriitua ·• -um (.semi and n10), 71<t'f- nqmrian law and 0/ rt/oNIU, but V"tTe bfit4
ru i11td, l«tlf pulled doU'n, lw.lf·tk.,trn!tftl; uri.i;, J.-illtd fo rio/1 7"1rorol.-.,-l by th.e 11tnnlorial J~rl!f.
Liv.; TR.c.: plur. sull3t., aemlriita A•\j., .Stmprou ian; lex, Cic. llenL'e, Sem-
6rum, n. half-anrwdaMd placu, Liv. proalanua -a -um, relali1117 to .'nnpronin.•;
Mmla ·Iasis, m. and sometimf's !tu.led. ..cnatus co11sultum, propo.<cd by C. &n1J>N>niiu
(semis, half, and aa), Uus Ital/ of a11•itlti1t11; e11r., R11f1u, Cic. ; clarle11, the 1it/Ml 1:1/ tht roASul, C.
1, W/ an cu, Cic.; 2, as a rate or inurest, =Stmpnmiua .Atmti111u.
e per amt. ~ anra11111: se111lssi1Jus magna co1•ia, .emuaola -ae, r. (semi anJ 11ncia), 'lt'.1.lf 1111.
etc., lhtrl ii plt11l11 of m1Hu:f1 to be Jra,J at 6 per uncia /oz of an cu; l, as a wl.'i~t.t = ~ of a
ens., Cic. ; 3, aa a measure or laud, Aal/ a j wgg, '""'-;J, Cle. ; 2, lo expl"\"SS the shnre of :a.n in·
Liv. {1f!ritn.nce; facit bere,Jeua l"X deu111.-e et semuuci:l
wimWp1lltaa -a -um (eemi aml serelio), Caeci11a111, Cic.
'ltalf-burud, 0\". llimuaclariu -a -um (s.,rr11111ci1'), rt'lnti•'J
Mml901DDU -a -um, lwJ/-aleq, droacay, to ltn.J.J can ounce; fenus, /, per ctnt. moutltly,
Ck. i.e., on.e-half pa ct/I.I. pa 1m11unr., Lh·.
Mim.lailpiDu -• -um, hal/-hi.cliud back· eimuattili.tua (llimlaatdli.t'll.8) and
tDartl1, Ov. llimutuatua (eimluatllatu.s) -a -w11
llimlta -ae, f. a t1t1rro111 f"llh, footputh, foot· (•Mui aud ustulo, u:;tilv), l.r1lf-&ur11t, Cic..
toag. L J,it., ang1111ti!ISit11a~, Cic. ; Sina -ac, f. a town in Um111'ia mt th.1 .A·friatie
omnibus Tiiil aemlti,ue esscclarios ex 11ih·i1 &n, u·hrre Lldv.1 Sali11ntor drfrotw Jl1udnzbul.,
e111ittehat, Cic. IL "ijt., Aesopi semltA f~i now Stnigw;lia. Hence, Silaenala ~. rclu.Li.'Af
vlam, I haw amplijied thl flUlln-iall f.n .Ar.a<•/>, to Sena; proelium, Cic.
Plu.tedr.; petuniam, quae via visa c11t exire al>
lato, e.ndem semlt.i re\·ertlsse, Cle. ainacillum. -1, n. (aenatus), a 1u\-:.ite-Aotllt,
llimltaotaa -a -um (semi aud tarngo), 'Ital,/· hall of co1rncil, Liv.
lotldaw, Mart.. aiDi.rlilu -~ rn. (dim. ot senarimi). a lill/1
trijlill{l 1t11ariu1, l;iC.
llimltiriua -a -nm (~mita), /reqiunliftg
laau or b,,.pat11a, Cat. llinariu -a -um (sen!), COf'lfl"W of aiz;
llimlteotaa .. -um (semi and tego), haJ./· senariu~ versll!i and subst.. llin&ri'll8 ·U, m. •
ttrH of ai.z fut (generally iambic), Cic.
CIOt"erW, Sen.
Mimluatiilatua (q.v.). a6nator -Oris, 111. (senex), a TM111btr t:if th
Roman unate, 11tnalo,., Cic.: tran .. r., of the
llimluatua (llimustu) -a -um (semi an<\ governing or deJibcrath·e boclies Of utllt'r Sl&le2';, half-burlll ; Enccla.Ji semustum r11lmi11e or tlie Nervil 1 Cat!!. ; or the Rhodians, Cic.; of
oorpus, Verg.; In fl;;., se popnlare incendium the Mace•loman11, Liv.
priore consulatu sellliustum etfugill1!(', Liv.
aem.lvtr --rlri, m. half-man. L Lit., 1, lwJ./- HnAt0rfl18 •& •Ulll (sen11t11r), of or rtlating
lllan, half-a11ilrwl; Chiron, tM cndaur, Ov.; tll a""""'''" Stnaturlal; onlo, tu rnn1: Q/ MIHJlllr,
Cic.; consiltum, the puncl of 1tnalln"s fro• "·h1cl
hos, IM M(notattr, ~~ 2, a ht1"711aphroditt, Ov. judgu V"tre clla«n, Cic.
U. Traner., 1, aut geld«/., Juv.; 2, 't§tmi-
WC&k, unmanl11, Verg. aeni&tus -land ·UB, m. L tht Ro111an l(llllU,
eemlriT1U1 .. ·um, "41/-dtatl, alm.oal dead. Cle. ; 1•ri11ce1ia senatus, Uit 1tualor tt·lwn tl4mt
ltood at tM head Qf tht 0t1t¥1r'1 list, Lh·.; iD
J. Lit., Cic. D. Fig., voces,/afnl, Cio.. senatum venlre, to b«omt a~ Cic. ; i;enatu -e, lial/-1011.ndi1t1; ln gnunm:ir, mO\·ere, to ezpt1 from tilt 11t11ak, 11.iic. ; aenataa
1ub.JL, aemlvOciletl ·lum, f. (IC. lltte1-at-), le;;ere, to call over tM anaU, Liv.; so aenatwa
1tnitl0Vlll8, Qulot.. recltare, Cle.; senatum Yocare, Liv.; convocaN,
lemnmaee -nm, m. a German popll 1Mt111Wn Cle.; aenatua (senaU) consulturn, ofar'wiU r ...
CU Elbl and f.M Wekll.lel, Tac lulion. o/ Ui4 inat1, Cle. i Dltld Abo of slmillr
sen ~16 sen
'bodies In other natlom, Carthaglnlensfa, Liv.; ....rbllla -e (aenUo). tllal ca• ,,. ,..u,...
Aeduos 0111ne1n eenatnm a111isi:111e, Caes. IL bi tA4I KJUU, ~ue'-
Keton.,a muti49, <UleJl'Wlr q/ tM •MU; aenatum se1Udc6.lua -~ m. (dim. ot eenaaa), 11 lfM1'
b&bere, dimittere, Cil'. ; freque1o11, a full. lt01Ue, •11.tua, Quint.
Cic.; d11tur nlicul senatus, obtain.s an auJiucc IMJlSlfir ·fl!ra ·f!rum (11enaua and tero), ,....
ti tM 1e11al'-, Cic. duci.""J 11111..1atio1i.., Luer.
llini.tueoonaultum. Y. senatus. aenallJ.s -e (aentlo), eadoaced toUA eeiuaUM,
Seneca -ae, m. afanlily na"" of th• Ann1W111 Luer.
p1u, the most cdWraUd JM1Mt7'1 of tchich u:ue : aemim, adv. (root SE:S:S, whence aenllio.
l, lf . .\11naeus Seneca, a rlutorici.(tn. of C-0ni1100 sensi, 11e11sus), Kfrrcely oburi'ably, gru.d11ufl11, 1t1
fa S 1.ain; 2 L. AnnReu" Seneca, I07' of tit• degr11u, 1lou:l11; sen:ihn sin.: 11eusu, t;ic.; amicltiu
fortgoi11g, a ;;/ebraW philoao1>1ur, 1rnthor of ffl41''J aensim <llssut"re, Cle.
tooru i.11 711W1 and wNt (tragedi1111 and el'i· aenaua ·tl!I, m. (sentlo). L per«ptioa, ~
gram.'4), the traor of Naro, VJho comptllad. hi.n lo tio11 ; utere igit ur argumento tute l)>le aenaua tW.
tflll(,Rif !Uicidt. Cic. IL U1e powtr of;percriv~llf1. A. Physil'allJ,
llinecta. v. L 1enect.11a. a., fuli1lJ/, corvciolunas; sensus moriendl, Cic.;
J. llinectua -a • u111 (senex), olil, agtd. L voluptat1>1 sen$WD capere, Cic.; b, a lltf&ll:
Adj., a~tR't, oltL nge, Sall. IL Subtit., eineota s~n:tu~ \·i.!en<li, nudient.11, Cic.; o, /«Ung, eo"·
·ae, f. ot.l age. A. Lit., Liv.; of a11i111ali1, Verg., 1ciou.i•lUI, iu plur., ""'"; a mero reileunt ia
OY. B. tJu &llfugh. of a urpt1", Plin. pectora i!en~ns, Ov. B. Mon.Uy, a, em.otioll.,
unM, fulir1g; amori~, am.111<ll, d.ligen1ll, Cle.;
t. .eneotua ·i\tis, r. (senex), R/1'1, ol1f age. b_, a ma1ullr CJj thillkin.g, t1u uMt, •ignijlcalio&
LA. Lit., \•h"ere Rd 1umniam senedutem, Cie.; OJ a u:onl, Mnuna,, 1Ma11illg; vertit,
of animalJI, Vcrg.; in ttg., of dit1course, plena Ov.; te:1ta1uenti, Hor.
litteratae ~neetutis oratfo, Cic. B. Metun., 1, aententra -ae, r. (sentlo). L a" ophdo•,
17loo111., 711.1.1~'-". Hor. ; 2, concr., a, grev hair, thoutjht, ae11tim.enl, mtJalling, purJ'OMl (0111•. to
\'erg.; b, ol<L age= the old t1un.; se11ectus expre~;iion).
1emper agens aliquid, Cic.; c, Uie slough of u ill idta.J, Cic.;A.seutentinm Gen., abundans s~ntentiis, riM
fron~ teg~re, Cle.;
ttrpcn.t, Plin. IL Transr., or a thing, old age, In a .. nteotia m3nere, Cle.; ex sentenri.1, to one'1
age; vini, Juv.; cariosa (taliellarum), Ov. mind, t.:ic.; 111ea se11te11ti!, fn mr opillio1', Cic.
aenH, 2. (St>nex), ta be old, eat.. B. E.s p., a, an uprt11.'led. opinio1', rou of 11t1iator.1;
9'neaoo, al!nru, 3. (seneo). L lo gT0111 old'" St"ntentiam dil'ere, ferl'f', Cic.; dare, J,iv.; fn
r~r.•, become old; tAcltls a .. nescimua annfs, Ov. sentcutiam alicuius dlsce<lere, to npport a pro-
IL to gro11J old (1' 1'nn9lh. A. 1, of living po1ition, Li\•. ; ao (pculbns) Ire 111 eententiam,
beinKs, to loJt stre11gth, lit.come weal:, tra.ste a1oav; Liv.; or jud;;e", deci11io11, j'ulgmen.t; aente11t.ia1n
sent>sc.. ns equus, Hor,; otio tam dintiuo, Liv.; dfrere, Cic.; senteutia111 ferre. Cic.; b, u for.
2, or thin;;s, to buonu: old, to decay; arbor biem- mula for an o .. th, ex ani111! wei sententia Jura~
ali ternpora cum luna simul sent'i!•·ens, Cic. to the but of m.11 knowW:l9t and btlie/, Cle. IL
B. Transf., a., to wane, co1111 to a11 rnlf, fa1g, be Transf., A. Ab:itr., a, Uw mmning, aigni~; luna >1e11ez1eens, Ci<'. ; liiems senesceus, tion of a IJ.'Ol'd or u11te1u:4: hi habct hane aenteo-
Cic.; o( al•stmction'I, sene~lt ln11'1, morlms, Cic.; tia111, Cic. ; b, the purport of a llf"«h ; conlionla,
b, uf polit. }'ower, lo tr:a1u,, lose 7>0wtr; Cit'. B. Cuu<:r., a, a thottghl t.rprt#td i" v:onls,
pro!Jd se1u-sce11te Graeci.ii, Cic.; se11escit Hanni· a $UIUllCt; b, e51>., a m.u..z:im, OfihorUnl; &CUI&,
bili:t Viii, Liv. Cle.
aenex, sen ls, com par., Miilor, neut. sl!nius, Jhvrt aententlola ·al', r. (tlim. or sententla), •
se11t~na, 111<Ui1n, aphorisill, Cle.
genit. s!';11!6tii!, old., <Jl}ed. I. A•lj .. a., of persous,
n.1lt!3. Ov.; se11f'm heri, to"<!~. Cic.; of animals, aententlc>si. adv. (aenteuliosU>i), ICltUf4.·
t~rn1~, O\".; of thin;;!!, vl,s est sPn1 .. r q11.1m, ete.,; dil'f're, Cic.
Cic.; b, Iii;., ripe; senior, ut. it.a 1lica1u, qnam aententloau.a -a -uru (sententia), piU11, """
Illa aeta,; ferd-at, orntio, Cic. II. :S11lost,, a, 111. ttntiou1. Cic.
a11 of.I 1rn11l, 11 matt ol'lr 11iit.11, whilt! .ie11ior =a aentl'.cetum -1, n. (sentl!!), e1 Uior11-b!Ull,
n1a11 l,../1ct~11 fort!/:fife ai1•l .<i1fy (for wlilch Hor. Plaut.
and Li\•, 80111t"limett SelltcX), t:ic.; b, r. all aentina ·8<', r. bilgt·troftr {1' the hnl<I l)f a.
•/.I ··~"II'"' Ti lo. .~TtiJ'. L Lit., se11t.inae vitiis l't>l:ftictirl, CaM.
-ae ·a (sex). L 1i.z: ench, Cle. IL 8i.r, II. fig., 1, gt'n., i:;e.lehamu:; in \>Ul•I•I et cla\'Ulll
te11~b8111us; 111111c autem vix est 111 :1t"nti11a i,
ainilla -e (senex), of or rrlati 1111 to ail 011L 1111111, ire t'Crn lf<Xl.l"<'d.I/ Jirld T001" in the loia-•t p«rt of t.u
~11il•; l'M.I•lentia, Cit'.; stultitia, Cic.; smtua ship, i.e., uoe are of nt.zt to nn imporwnce, Cle.;
inrun-a, Cic.; animu:t, Liv.; amor, Ov. 2, esp., the lou:tlll of IM peoplt, rubble, dTVfl• oJ
sinilitir, adv. (senills), Zik4 an olJ 1111111, tire p>pulation; 1-eipublkae, Cic.; urbis, Cic.
Qniut. Sentinum -1, n. a tou·n in Um.bria. Hence,
.en.Io ~nil, m. (seni), tM nu11Wer Ji.c upoll a1lj., Sentini.e -atls, belonging to Se1~ti.nurA.
liic;, llnrt.. sentfo. sens!, 11en:mm, 4. to Jul, 1iercdr1.
aemor, com par. or senex (q. v.). h11a a srnsation of. L With the outward sense,
aenlum ·li, n. (scnex), old <l!le, tlr.e totaJ,:neu, A. Geu., su11vitatem ell.ii, Cic.; dol01~111. Luer.;
colorcm, to &u, Luer.; l>&M., pos!\6 prilllt ad
demy of old ai1e. LA. Lit., 01uni 111or1Jo at:ni•>· a11;t11stia.:1 wniri qu11111 11e11thentur, ~s.; 'l\·ith
qne carere, Cic. B. Transr.. iledi11~, ckt·au; 1111111. uf p:Htic., me<lio:\ 1lelapsus in hostel,
kntae \'elut tahis, Liv.; mum\111 i;e ipse con· rag. B. to ft1el, up.:rieiuc, learn; (o.) or pt>rso111,
1u111ptic•11e et seoio alclxlt sul, Cic. IL Meton., quoJ lpse se11sii;~..-t Rd ,A\·aricnm, Caes.; (J1) of
A. Ab,itr., 1, gloo11', nwrOlt'MM, Hor. ; 2, t hin~"i ora senSt•rat v11st.itionem, Liv. II.
duigrin, 1uw:rl6'>1&, 11td11us; tot.'l ch·ita." confeda Merit.a ty, to Jul. A. Lit., to fl"Ct'irt, nmarL:,
Stniu, Cic. B. C.>nr.r., an. old t1M111; with m.
obocn't, n.olW!; pins se11tire, mort> i iuigltt,
prvn., ilium senium, T.:r. Caes.; qnod qul<lem senserim, wfar a& I hai:e ob-
86ninea -nm, m. L a f>tOplt Cn. Cullin, 1u1•t•l, Cle.; with acc. 1111d lnlin., neut it animus ae
Lflgd llllnui11, with rh it/ '°" ll .Ag,,t.dicu11l, now mo\•eri, Cic.; with reL ae11t.., quod 11entio, q11a111
ScAs. IL a ki.1uind people fa 1&0rther1' ItalJJ. sit ulguum, Cle.; nee &liter aentiro. folL bf
een 616 eep
quin and the subj.. to b! conrinad that, Caes.; IL Esp., A. to ltJtCtTlltt; 1, lit., de mme sa;ittla
ex nocturno rre111itu de prof1:ctione eorum sen· unam, tc select, Ov.; 2~ transf., a, tc MpoNJle.,
aemnt, obstrml thtir departure, Caes. ; impers., di't"Wh; a ceteris dirtiombu.s ('8.J'tem dicttrdi,
non ut dictum e~t in eo genere intdlib.;tur, Aed Cic.; b.L ro di.:ltinguilli; inurli:&num lepido <lictn,
ut senaum est, Cic. B. Transf., t-0 jud!Je, think; Hor. A tc 1.:up far off; 1, lit., a inteT\'sst
a, Idem, Cic.; red~, Cic.; bumiliter, Cic. ; cum pu)!;nae imperat-Orem nu sepoui me,iu~ forrl
aliquo, Cic.; with double acc., to CQ/L4ida or dulJit&vere, Tac.; b, t-0 tt1Mrt Ol&l of Ult 100y,
think a J><r601I. 110methi'llg; aliquew IJonum civem, b<1ni.8h.; aliquem in immlam, Tac.; 2, transl.,
Cic.; partic. subst., senaa -orum, n. thought$; K111.ves curas, w l)(rni&h, o,._
menti~ Cic. ; b_, Je;;11 I t. t., t-0 git't oiu' s opi nio11, eip0sltus ·& ·Ulll, p. adj. (from aepono). L
kl toU; 11entire Jcnii;si111e, Cic. di.slant, rt11wU; Cons, Prop. IL cMia, rrlticl;
&entla ·Is, c. a thnni-buah, briar; usually vesti11, Tib.
plur., rubi sentesque, Caes. I. sepe, sl'pis, c. (1T>7,j, ). L a $]Jlciq of ~iw•
118Jlt!8oo, S. (lncboat. or sentio), ro perctive, 01u lizard, Piiu. IL <11& i1Ut<-t, perW&pa UM IOOCJd..
ol>Mr t't, Luer. fou«, Plio.
881ltus -a -um (sen tis), thorny, rough; loca, =
2. seps saepes (q.v.).
HD1IJl-a -nm, sing. of senl (q.v.).
sepse se ipse.
septa, ,., saepturu.
seonrum(eeorab)and eevoreila(from se se_,tem. nnmer. (<11"1'4). smm. L Gen., Cic.
and vorto or verto), tsp«ially, particularly; 0111- gratiaru babeo et seor-;um tiui, Ter. ; foll.
n. Esl' .• A. scpte111 (o& ........ ), tht &rfll
Men nf <irw:.t, Ck. B. 8eptein .\quae., tM mid·
by ab, apart fro1n, 31'paraldy from; seorsum ab ing oj strw11u n.tar Reau, now La.kt .sta. Sua1&11a..
n:ge exercitutu duct.ore, Sall. ; abs te seorsu111 September -bri>1 ·bn>, ahl. -bri (sept.em and
sent1o, I aa of a difftrt1lt opini.Qlt, Plaut.; with
abl. alone, seorsns corpore, u:itlwuta body, Luer. sutlix ·bet), ~lo119i11g to .S.-pumbtr; a, ni .. nm
8eptem!Jer, tht seventh uwntll. of the Ro111a•
9ipAri.te, adv. only in compar. (separatus), ymr (reckoning frnm March), &pkrA«r; b,
apart, parlit:ularly, Cic. kalendae, nonae, itlus (tht ht, 5th, lUA of Stp4-
sipl.r&ttm. adv. (separatus), apart, upcrr· tmbu); horae, Uie 1mll«llthy of f>ipklllMr,
«kl1f, di,.,tinctly,; scparatiru semel, Hor.
tterum cnm aniversis. Cic.; nihil accidet ei aeptem.dectm. unmer. 1tl.1(1ltt.e1&, Cic.
aeparatim a reliqnis civibus, Cic. ; castra separ· aeptemfluus -a -um (ftuo), havin.g a mn-
atim liabebcmt, Liv.; with ab am1 the al.JI., ..Iii foldjtOUtl, 1c-ith .se~n 11w11tlu; ~illll!, Ov.
11epe.r:atia1 ab universls singulos diligunt, Cic.
septemgeminua -a -um, •1'ell/old, .riLl ·{>nis, f. (separo), «paraUon., aei-rn 11w11LM; Hilus, Yerg •
.sevcrune&. L Lit., distributio partium ac i;epar·
at.lo, Cic. IL Tranar., sui Cacti ab illa debn· aeptem.~ -e, Mun f'!£t Aiglt, Plant.
ft.lone, Cle. septemple:x ·pllcis{sept~m and plico), ~ttll•
aipl.ratua -a -um, p. adj. (trom aeparo), fold; clipeus, wilh suen lay"' of hidu, \"erg.;
upanit.i, ur:ertd, sundued, «parau,. apart, Nilus, se~1L mvutlt..s, \'erg.; so, Ov.
di&ti11cl; volmuen, Cic.; exonlium, Cic.; scpar· aertemtrio (soptemptrlo, aepten-
at.Ni temporihns, at dijftrtnl ti1M$, Xep. trlo -iiuis, 111., gen. plur., septe111trio11e.;., th4
semro. 1. t-0 disjoin, uvrr, Mparale. L Lit. .stten 1>lo11gli·o.rrn. L ..\s a com1tell'ltio11, tht
(u) anqae11i or aliquhl ab, etc .. Cic.; (fl) aliquid Grrol J:. ar, tlu Wain; !!<!pte111trio minor, the /.ittl.i
allqna re; Sei;ton Ahydcna separat urLc fretum, Bw.r, Cic. II. ~lcto11., ai tht north; (01) "iii;;.,
Ov; (y) aliqui<I ex aliqna re or in aliquid, e1111itu1n septemtrioa llacetlonia oh1citur, LiL; in trnt':si§,
mag1111 11u111ero ex omni populi summa separato, &eJl~lll subject."\ trio11i, \'er~. ; (il) plur., in·
Cle. ; (c)) with nl~ al•mc, uec 1111" mare separat ftectens sol cur:sulll t11111 a.I 1111:ritlit'1u, twn ad
illl(Cllll, OY. IL Fil(., to u1~mllt, treat upar- ~ptemtriones, Cic.; b, tlif 1wrtl& 11'i1"1, Cic.
attly; (•) with ab a1i.l the al.JI., a · perr<·tuis eeptem.trioniilia -e (scpk111trio), RoTt!.rr»;
aui~ hist-0rii;1 Lella ea, Cic.; (/J) with acc. alone, subst., aeptemtrionaua ·lum, m. the M•llv
utililatem, Cic. erii region.s, Tnc.
MnellbW. -e (sepelin), th<U can. bt buried; septemvlr -vlri, m., plnr., septemrirl
lg., Diat nt1' bt co11u,1/1:<l, Plaut. -or111U and ·ilm, 111. the $tun 1>~11, u cr../lr:J< or
Mpello ·pHivi and -~Hi -pultmn, 4. (root guild of 11tt't1i 11trson.,_ L Of the Epulont·s, v.
SEP, eounected with sop-or, sop-io)~ to lay to rut epulo. IL to diridt public land amou:1 rolr.riisU,
IM 1n111iM of tltt dtad, ro bury. J.. Lit., a, to Cic.
hry; O!!fi&, Ov.; b, to burn, Liv. IL Fi~., 1, septemvlralla ·e, of or rtlali119 to tht ""T"·
M hr11, p11I 1m t1ul t-0, ruin, dt.stroy; patria111, 1<1Miri; auctoritas, Cic.; subst., septemvir-
Ci&.; dolortm, Cic.; 2, poet. partic., sepultus, =
iilca -!um, m. septemviri (q.v.).
-.11rwd, 11111ik, immtrMd in. miytki1111; sn111110 aeptemviri.tus ·ihi, m. th£ ojfta or di9u.it1
vinoque ~pultu!, \'erg.; inertia sepulta, Hor. of'! -"'11'e11ii·ir, Cic.
sipes = saepes (q.v.). sopten&riua -a ·Ulll (si>pl!>oi), rontoii1i11g
aipla ·H, r. (O'lf'TLU), tlu C1t!tl!·}Wt, Cic. th~ 11111/l/Jl'r ;;c1·~"; uume•ns, Pli11.; 1•l11r. sul.-.t.,
eipbaenAl.m = saepimentum (q.v.)., m. (sc. verslllS), rcrus coi.taiAillf
11urn Ji:e!, Cic.
sepio aae11io (q.v.).
aeptendeoi.m septem<lecim (4.v.).
llipiola -ac, l (tlim. or sepia), a nnall cuttle·
jltiA, Pl;1Ut.. septeni -ae ·n. (se1•tt:rn). L ~ ..,,, mi:h; <loo
faua ~.-p~nos h11\Jere lihros, Liv.; ;:P11i::.. plur..
SiplAslA -ae, r. a strut ill Capua, whtrt un- ~l'tcnu1u, e.g., pu.:ri a11ooru111 s.,niun ~J-!e'
fU11Ls 10trt #Id. 11111nr1ue denilm, Liv. IL sat1t; se.lJtena tila
llipino -~M ·l.'l>sltum, 3. to put, lay on oiu lyrae, Ov. ; 11i11g., Lurr.
lidit, plaai aparl. L Gen., A. Lit., aliqui•l ad =
aeptentrio stritcmtrio (q.v.).
taoum, Cle.; captivam pecuniam in ne<lifkn-
ti•mem tfmpli, LIY.; primitiu m:agno Jovi, O'·· =
aeptentrioni.lla septcmtrionalis (q.•.).
B. Traru~r., t-O l.:«p back, rt.8trrt; ut 111iu~ ;lliam aeptlcua -a ·um (0"1111T1.Kli~). c:uuri"f J'5n'
mt.I partem, in qua elaboraret, liCponeret, Cic. /a.:t.wn., Plin.
sep 517 Ser
aeptfis (septlena). •·h·. (!icptem). .qemr
tii1&a; septi .. 11~ 111illie11~ !!<-slerti11111 or nim1•ly
I lliquas ·M!IA (seq110r). L /olluw1'Jf# en.rtt"
or 'f'lirl.:111; eqnuR, Ov.; und&I',. fo/fotDi.KJ/. 111el
kpt.iens millien .., iOO mi/:il)/1• of M5ltrCf:f, l'ic. othtr rrtl'i•lly, V.-rg.: bederM', qtticld11 wprrodl114
aeptlm&aua (aeptUmi.DIUI) -a ·Ulll, rt· iflll'lf, P··a:-·; rmuus, pt'l1droli"41, \'e~.;
lali1&9 to tli.t 1<11111/J.rr lltl"t"•I. L Aclj., .. , (= l..at1111") Jau~ ter,;n i.eqna.i:I. pt1rS11111?• Vrrt(.
/nlli11g on tAe ll'rt 11 tla drr y of tM 'IMn.tli, \"a!T. IL IL. TrnuM.,. tt1.-•1l.11. irorbrl, 1.fiublt, dtiuUe; Ill&·
!':lul.,.t.., aeptlm.auJ -Orum, m. S6"1itr~ of tlu ll'ria ~··1uac1or, Pim.
ttrttitl& lei1io11, Tac. MflUeatel' ·ha ·trum •n•t 118queaer ·trifl
Sept.lmontIAUa -e, of or 1·elaling to tht :tre(frnm 2.~n!I, n.'l 111a;.;i11terfro111111a;,,-is),-.i'tiinl·
/lllirul &1ilimontiu1n, 8uet. 1119. 1: A•IJ .• Jl4t"I' !IC(]Ueslr.\, b1t tlu 91«{1uHt rl)
Septi.moat.lum -Ii, n. (!lt'pUm nn•I mon11). l"'"i't!• \erg. IL Subflt., A. Mcauee&er ·lri or
L tlu cirt'"Hit o/ 11ot11 t1ninll lli.ll.! round tlu l'afo· -t~i'4, '"· a. u go·bt'twun. or agrlll (Ill CMelt ol
tiiu:, whi..J' btcam.t the gnm. of the cit11 n/ Rome. lmbery); quo se<jUf'Sttt in lllo jmhrie comma-
U. 11 futiml <1l /l<nM fo l>tomi.J>tr to cdelmlle tM. )"'rulo clrct>hntur eiute 111111R, Cle.; b, a 11taU,
IWlliiig-in of lhue mu.di hilU a11.1I the formalicn. of hnldtr, 1tJn~tlarf/, a Pf!~ ' " '!""'- ~11.d• tilt
11 cil!I
m11tu>r in dupvu " tkporiUd till Ute tluputc i&
eept.lmua (eptiimua) ·I\ -um (sepum),
srltltd, Plaut. B. lliqu..aum ·I, n. and
lliquestre .11, n. tl&t depo1U of '1t!
~.,,.,·"ti'; ailv., septlmum. for tlu IJtrtnth ili..•pute in. tlu ltaniUnfa ll&tnl ptr'IOll; atqllelltro
"""""° '"
hntt, C1c. _ _ d<'pollel"f', br imy of ckpoAt, PlaoL
~ept.ingenarfus -~ -um (sept.inhoenl), con· =
lliqufus HeCins, compAr. of aeeaa(q.T~
t.u.uw111 .sun~ lt11 u•lrtd, \arr.. . lliquor, !lecQtus (dqulltua) 111 m. llqlli. 1.
MPtlna:,en.l -ae -a (iw1 1tingenti), •ttm ln&llo- dcp. (root. SEC, connected wfth •so~), e.
dntl mch, lilm. _ fol.loll', aCtX>mpany. L A. LIL, 1, gea., a. of
septlngenteflbnUll -a ·um (sel'tingenti), penoni1, qui ex urbe amicitiae CMld a.e.aren.
Ute •rm h 11 .i•lml/11, Li\·. iwcuti, Caes.: \·esti:;laaliculos, Ov.; b, ol U1inp.
Mptlngentl ·:tc ·a (111•ptem ant\ centum). zon:~tw:nctesecut.i.,Hor.; 2,eap.,a,wfol/o•wlt.\
MrY1t Jr1111•l1.,,./, Li\·. host1lei11uat, pun-w;hos~ Caea.;fcru, Ov.; b,
aeptlDllJentles, aih'. (!!Cptingenti), atrtn. tn fr>l/,ne" 'Pt~·~"'. t-Oa place; l'ormtas, Cie.; 11eCut:ae
lna,,,/rc•l ti ,,,,5 , l'lrn. sunt 11are11 v1cm1t.atem orfA, Mw '°"(M fer, Cic.
-n1 . B. Tra11:1f., &, of time or onler, lo .fellOVJ. ttUtU:
Sept.iz~ :nm ·II, ~· (septem am zona), a sequitur hunc a11nnm nobllla clade C.9<linl f'&X.
lofty t111,l.l111y ••I /:01;'..I!, ~11et. Liv.; sequenti 1tnno, Liv.; 114!9Uenti die, LIY.;
aeptili.geul ·ae ·a (11ert.n:iginta), Mrenty et •iuae llCfjUentla, arid so on, Cic.: b, to fuJl "
tnch, Plin. nny one cu a>i in.VritaJl.OI! or~ 111/r&U ,,,
eopt~esl.mUI ·:l ·nm (~ptungintA), the t~ slinn of; urbes captae Aetolt111 seqncmttur:
1nv.11tieth, t:ie. Liv.; hnedes monnmentomneeeqaeretur, Har.,
septWigies,a·h·.(;ieptn:i.gint.:l),&trentytimu, c, ro follow_, i.e., to yield, eo fiw war{; i1-
Col (ramu11) fac11is sequetur, Verg. IL Frg., A.
• Gen., tn fnllmu,foUolD ~r; gloria Ylrtuwu t&.rn·
aeptiiagtnta, numer. (i/J~oµ.jicoVTa), seunly, quam umbra 11eq11itur, Cle.; allctam, Ut11 wnrd1
Ck. of tlu tdi.d, Cic. B. F..sp., 1, to foUOWJ a per10n'•
aeptUeJUlls -e (iwptem anit annn11), o/ 11tt•t,. uullwrity, emm,,U, opi•Wn., eo tttaiJ ill tl&t ~
renr.s, Mrt'!& old; puer, Plaut. of, In agru; tc; )egel', Cic.; amlcum, Cle.; liberi
aeptum saeptum (q. v.) sequuntur patrem, folluu1 lM rallk "1 Clui:-
&ept1UUC -unci-1, 111. (seJ>tem nnd uncla), fnJher, Lh·.; 2, ta strive a/Ur, aia at, lett t<'
11trt>t·tlrelfth.s of the as, or f>f nn~ trnity t!'ith g<1in; arnicitiam ll<lemque popull Romani, Cic.:
tV11tlrt parl$; ju;,;eri, Liv.; auri, Mrtn. vU11Ct!$, 3 1 .l-0_ fo/l?w in d~1'nt, tll.IUt!; At'JQ~litur ilia
Liv. 1h\'1s10, C1C'.; sequitur ut doceam, C1c.; 4, It•
aepulch ... v. !W'pulc . . . fo/lo1l' a.s a ronN1111tnct, be lM C01Uefl'U~ <>/, be
aepulcr&liJl(.etlU}Chralia)·e(sepnlcrTlm, C(l~l by; moneo ne SUIDIM turpituJosequatur,
aepulc·hrnm), of or bdmi.ging to a tom.b, aepul· Cic.; poena quae illud acelns 11equeretur, Cic.;
.... / o f:
..,.ra: arae, v.; ax, UMTa ore• v.
I lt h o esp., ta follow logiro.Uy, be lM
of, gen. withutandthe80hj.;11hocenuntiatom

sepuloritum -1, n. a burial-place, cemdn-'j, verum non est, sequitur, ut fahcum sit, Cic.; 6,
Cat. to follow, C0'1M of iUtJ/: DOD queuitA.IJI
aepulOrJUD (aGpuJchJ'um) -1, n. (from esse numerurn, sed secutum, CaeL
sepelio, a.i fltlcrnm from fulcio), the resting-place. ai§ra ·ae, r.
(root SER, whenee t. lll!l'O,
L A. Lit.. a plar~ of lniri<r.l: 1, &, a grart, up- aeries), a movtable bar or baU fur f°'""""J dHn;
ulchre; monument.a sepulcrorum, Cic.: b tlu t t'b <l<l o
M011111l 01'tr a gmt·e; onerare membm sepufcro, cen urn pos 1 us a ere M'l11S, Y.
Verg.; 2, tht place tchere a corpse is burnt; ara Sir&pla (81.rapl'.a) ·pis and -pldis, 111.
sepulcri, \'erg. B. Tran~r., sepulcrum \·etus, (l.~pci"'•f. Iap4rt~). a dtily of the ~ru, in
•f an old m1111 , PID.ut. II. Jtleton. A. the tomb, uuer timu wor:ihip-pffl al Grtne and al lfowlt.
including gra,·e, monument, and in'4criptioa; serinltaa -lHi~. r. (serenu.'I), cltarua.z aenm-
sepulcrum r.1cere, Cic.; legere sel'ulcra, t? rrod ily, esp., clear, bright, fair 1Vtnlher. .&. Ut.,
the tpittiph on a gmrt-~~iv.. Cic. B. tlu dwd caeli, Cic. IL Fig., rortunae, Liv.
po:nPJn; plac•1ti.~ l\Cpukm, Ov. IM§rino. t. (seren111). L to .aktd«ir, ~•
.CSpultUra '·ae, r. (sepelio), tht l<tying tlu bright; caelum, \'erg. D. Fig., Speal f'nntfo,
' of a dt:ad per~on to rt.St; a, a lmr.11i11g, Ye!)(.
b>1rial, in.ttrmtnt, Mpiilturt; sepultura aliquetn serinua -a -om, clta.r, brigl&t, jatr, - - ·
allkere, to bury, Cic.; b, the burning of tlu body L A. Lit., c11elum, Cic.; uox, VefJt.; pet.guA,
of Ule dt:ad, Tac. Verg.; i;ubst., llirinum ·l, n. foir W*IcAer,
Bia.a.Ana ·ae, m. a ri"1" of Gaul, /&, Plin.; :ipert.a 11erena, Verg. B. Tranar., 1..,
wilh lM /.la.trona, the boundary btlll.'ll1' tlu CeltJ cUo.r: aqua, Mart.; ,·ox, P.irs.; 2, act.., making
a'MI tlu &lg<U., now lM &in&. brij/ht, bringi1t9 fair Favonlns, Plaut.
SiquAnt -Omm, m. a GaUic ptaplt illmt>dtrn. IL Fig., rlrttrful, lranqtdl, llt'1'me; fron•, Cfl'.
llt&'l/1'"'-'¥ ul&d Frundw-Comti. .Berea ·um. m. (~Y.(). a pe&Pl.I \11 ewtern
ser 618 ser
AM, JIJM01&1 for thrlr ill~ ll11.}f'I, t111 Chht,_ : 11811111Ulotilu .f, m. (dim. of eenno). •,.,.
Ml\ce, adj., Sirloua -a_-um, Clifuue; p11h·lll1111, port, ru1M11rJ.. liltlt·t1UU.; urbaul male\•oloru•
.ut.11., Hor. 8ubat., Sirloa .Qrum, n. 1Llkt11 aermnncull, '-'"10.
fOnAenl8, Pro11. l. IM§ro llivf, dtum, 8. (root BE-o. whenat
L llll'ellOO, s. (tereuua), to 1*ome dry, Luer. aemt>n). L to '°w• Id, plattt. A. 1, liL,
I. llireeoo, 8. (serum), to ttma to whey, et vit.ern, Cle.; trument&, Caea.; JICU'tlc. 1t1bst..,
PllL al.ta -6rum, n. thl I01Dn ftlda, Madillg cmw,
Serda .. -um, taaJU of a Roman gnu, tli.1 Vcrg., Liv.; 2 1 trauar., to IHgct, ~. 1'""'
Mod oilebrnkd tltt:Ulber qf tchlch t~ ~i U8 forth. ; genUJI numnnum, Cle. ; }l&, dAla
Catillna, thl htacl of 11 coupiNCf IUPP it& -a -um, 1prung. /l"om., born, of; aata sanguiue
IM COIUul.ahlp Of Cbro. divtlm, Vcrg.; mRtre antua t.errl, Ov.; .A11cbbl
11at1111, Mmof .Aw::hilu, \'erg.;·aatm1 Nerelde, soa
1. llirla ·IM', r. Cl large earlAeJ&jar /or lloldhag of 1'/l<:ti1, Ov.; Pelll, da11ghter1 of J~l£cu,
triH• and oU, Liv. Ov. B. Fig., to 1>lanl, I01D, lpl"«Ul nbroad, dt.
2. llirfa. v. 1. aerlUL annirwu, az~ occa.1io11; eum patrib11.1 certa-
llirloatu.s ·• ·um (Seres), cloU&td '" nlktn mln11, Liv.; dlsconliu, Liv.; crinilna, Liv.;
rur1n.e11u, Suet. 111e11tio11em, to make """"'"' qf, LI v. ; morts.
Sirloua, v. Berea. Cle.; dl11t.un1am rempublicam, C1a.. IL to pla"t.,
ao111, 1010 owr; agru.m, Ov.; Jugera aunt. •ta.
ftrfea, acc. -em, Rbl. -e, genlt. &lld d&t. not Cle.
fuun.1, r. (root St-;lt, wheueu 2.. aero), a row, 2. Mro (ai!rftl), aertum, 8. (root SER, Gr.
'11CtUSio11, chain, aerie& L Oen., A. Lit., jnven- EP-•, t1pw) to joi11 togdMf', tceaw logd.lter, ~
um, eland"!] llaiul in 1la11d, Tib. B. Fig., a ttDiiw. L Lit., 1
only in the partic-. perf., Mrtas
ll'OOUlio!'J 1eriu; rerum, Cie.; i1111um~rabili:1 an· -a ·Ulll ; lorlcae, linl.:ed, Nep. IL Fig., to Joi•
Dorum, Hor. D. &p., A Hii,e of daccnl, li11eagc; togtthar cxmnect, combiiu; ex aeteroitate causa
d~ue vir hA.c .erle, Ov.
causarn' 116ntns, Cle.; fatl lege immobili!I :rerum
llirlo. v. 1. llirlua. bu111An1trum ordo aerltur, Liv. ; fabulam argn-
llirl61a ..e, r. (Jim. of aerla), " 1mall Jar, mento, Liv.; colloquia cum hoata, Liv.; multa
Pers. tutt-r Bt.'M varlo aermone 1e~baut, \'erg.
Biriphua (-ft) ·I, r. (%Ip~), an island ht S. 8iro, T. le1'UL .
au .Atgean &a, DllW .~r/o or &rfa1llo. A•lt. airitlnua -a -um (S. aero), late; hlems, Plln.
Siriphlu ·• -um, &riphian; aubist., 86n- Mrpena -entls, c. (aerpo), a• animal tAd
phlu.a ·fl, IU. a & cnlwll. L. a a11a.U, #:T'Pf'IU. A. Lit., Cle. B.
llirla ·IJl1t, f. (aip&r), a iptela ofcndit'C, Plln. a cou•Ullatio". '" the n.orthun Aemf.Bphere (11Llo
l. llirlua -a ·um, ""°1u, tarftat (used gen. e81led Dl'8C(J aud Angui11), Ov. IL a cr«1•i•1
anl1 of tblngll, not or persona); rei1, Cic.; with tn«et on Ul4 human b<xlr, WllH, Plin.
. i. supine, verba 8eJ'i& dictu, Hor. Subet., Hrpen~na -ae. c. (serpeu and gipo).
llirium ·U, n. ICU'MICaas, ~. Plaut. ; o§aprLAg uf a ICTptllt, Ov.
henee, abL aerlo, i• c,.,.,,,, earnaU11, lltrlotulr; aerpentlpea ·J>&..111 (aerpena and pea), 111ah-
.mo, Liv.: plur.J _aerla, ltriotll tMiiga; /o0t«l, Ov.
leria ao JOC09 celebrate, LIV.; Qtllilll Joca, eeria, aerpirutra ·6rom, u. (air~. to lUad),
at dicitur (ac. agimua or agnntur), Oic. ba.11<lagu or ht.-apli»U fut' atroa,,Aktthl!I U..
I. 8irl6.e. adv., v. 1ero nncler serna. m>obo.d ug1 qf Q\UdmJ, V8rr. • lu, of olfietU
98l'lllO -l'inla, m. (2. aero), talk, COllwraaffoll, who keep their aoldlen 111 or'.Jer, Cic.
cffloo1&.TN. L Lit.. A. Gen., 1, sermonem oon·
IBrre cum aliquo, Cle.; etae lo 11P.nnone omnlum,
aerplllum aerpyll•m (q.v.).
~ aerpel, aerptum, S. (ip-), le ~
tM Hbjtd o/ ewrr OM 1 ronvtraation, Cle.• jucun-

dwt wihl eat aermo litwrarum tuarum, Cle. ; 2, crawl. L A. Lit., or 111h11al11 qna<'daln heaQae
meton., Ul4 aubftd qf coiu>tnatwm; cat.n1Jl11a Ille serpcntea qnnedlmr, Cle.; aerpere per
{>ute<ilanua, 11ermo llliua temporis, Cle. B. bumum, Ov. B. 'J'rauaf., of any alow and lmJll'l'-
Esp., l, ltt&rri«i con wnc1 t ion, d1*.."U#l1m, dialogue ; ceptll>le motion, vlU. aerpt.>111 multlJllicl lap1m d
aennouem cuw aliquo habere de amicitia, Cle. ; errntlco,Cic.; per continua ~rpena, Liv.;
9, In writing or speaking, afo.mlliur, convtraia· et (later) tcctla In marc1 eerJ>lt aquls, Ov. D.
ffirnal at11le; 11em1onb plenWI orator, Cic.; scribere Fig., A. Oen.:J. of prosaic poet17, lle!Plt bnml
eenoonl pro'llora, Hor. ; hence, met<•n. a, In mend tutus, Hor. .a. Esp., to IPMICl abroad, (~
llonM~, his dttt'a an•I Satiru aa op11CJ~ to Illa qunrn imptr01JiCiblr; aerplt boo malum longiua
more ambitious poems; b, apokttt VXJrdi, 11lkr· 11utatl1, Cle. ; al 1ia11ll;1tfm h&<'C couaoe-
tt1ICl9; multi et lllnAtree «i:t ex auperiore et ex tudo krpere ae pre.dire oe>eJrerit. Cle. ; lleJl~
MWJUO 1000 1ernio11e11 hab!tt, t1Uera&""11t on thl
hie rumor, f11ll. liy acc. and lnl\n., Cle.
btncA a11d '" e1rdh1arr conNn11Jtw11, Cic.; 3, the MJJ>yllum (Hrpllluml antJ aerpulhua
f.ulA: o/ tAt auUU IUU abotol l<Jn&eth £n.f, common .f, 11. (w1rv.Uor), Vlilcfthrnu ('thymua llU}•.)'Urun.
Calk, rrpurt, runwur; vulgi, homlnu111, Cfo. D. Linn.). Verg.
Tranat, 1, nianrvr qf lpccAl."ing, la~ UJll"• HIT& ·&e, r. (ae<:·ra, from lee<>= eAal •·lid
~ diction; aeI1110 ruAtic.:us, ur~nus, cul-1), a aaw. I. Gen.• Clo. U. Tn.nat., a 1.illC&
Liv.; J•leklus, Cle.; sermouts error, Cic.; 2t o/ 11J.w-ft•h, Plin.
hngwag•, dialect; 11er111one debtmus utl, <pu 11erri.cum (earri.own) ·I. n. L a l:iw
natua eat nubia, our·tmigut, Cle.; quae of tmggo" tuf(.l 'lrJ/ tM .Rnaa" r-uia.w to OU"f"J
philoeo11hl Graeco aennone tractavlaaent, fo t/14 tl~ir 1700<!a antlfa111ilia '"- Juv. IL,•
Orrd: laHglUl(le, Cle. ooMlellati<m, th• Wui11, Juv.
llel'JDOoldtlO -611111, r. (sennocluor), a dt.
"""°"' dvpulol~,.., dialoflut, Quint.
MrratiUa -ae, r. bt:t.cmr,' Pun.
llel'ratua -a .. u1u (aerra), lootW lib a--.
MnDOctUtrbc ·lela, f. (sermocinor), CM xrraUd; clentn, Plln. 8uhllt.,Mrr&ti..QruD11
arl qf C'J1l. &1tr•utw11, Qu Int. 111. (ac.11umml), 1Um- deMrif xokAotio" ,,.,_ edrc.
MnDOolDor, 1. dep. (aenno), lo coiivtrst., 'fnc.
talk, dtlcua 10itl& GAN one. L Gen., aennocl11ari aerrtUa -ae, t. (dim. ol 8elr&}. a. lUllc,..,.
eum tato dillgenter, Cle. IL Esp., to llold. a Cie.
....,.... dUiootirw or diacvmon, Suet.. IMl1a, Y. aertum.
Ser 619 sea
lertOrlua .If, m., Q., a oeleliraua Romrrn Sall. D. Met.on., slcttY-', st.rvanu, a hou.tehoul q/
ffli.tml of tM Marian feetinn., ,oho, oit 81tlle& 11/are~;
wied IJoth 11i11i.:. a11d plnr., 111•rviti1111iltlll11t,
gcd1'i"41 tlill Vpptn" Aawi fo Rom~. fleit to N('(lfo, Cle.; servitla eonrit:irf', Cle. ; ~rvitlum i.1
flnd ~ there bmuely and BVCCUt/ul/11 till I~ scacnam immiS11um, Cie.
vw tr~roU3ly l.:iUtd by Perptr11a. Adj., 11enltriol1U1 ·ll -um (servns), btlong£:ig to "
Benidanu -a ·Um, Scrtorian. rlaw., Plaut..
. 1&rt6m ·I, gen. plur.• •rt& ·i'irum, n.,
11.1 aervltUdO ·fnia, f, (11el"Yllll), fU\Vllrll, ltTd•
and aerta -11e, r. (scro), ci garland of .fto-UJtrr: truk, Liv.
M1rti1 redhnlri, Cio.; aerta Campaulca, &11d
limply a~rta, a pla"t = melilotos, Cato. aemtaa ·t\tla, t (11crv1111) t'Ae er"'1Ufon of"
1/avs, 1la11tT1J, 1tTuil111le. I. A. Lit., both orludivi-
1. ll'"1m -1, n. I. tire watnv PGrl qf ourdlllltl •1uale and'•, dlntina, Cle.; p<"rpetua, ('n1'l4.;
ail.I;, 111/ley, Verg. II. tJIA "'""Tr part or aerum nllquom In servltutem alxlnoere, Cle.; 1Mhllc1·ru
t/ olAer th.'1141" Plln. aliquem in servitute111, Cie., perpctua.111e1·vlt11ti,
2. airum. v. serns. Caes. ; anteponere mortem aervltutl, Cle. ; e11so
~ ·& -um. L laU. A. Gen., gratu!Atio, In serYitnte, to be n alave, Cie. B. 'l'mnsf., 1,
Cic.; hora serior, Ov. ; al hie ms 11111gls sera (= .,lbjtclion, OlJeclimu; Of tlJC wire towarJe the hllK•
aerior), Liv.: aulilst.l llirum ·l, u., rem In serum Land, m111lel1ris, Liv. ; offtcil, Cie.; 2, of hou11e11,
t.rahe~. to rdanl, Liv. ; serum diet, /au in tM, etc., to ctrtaill bun/e-11.11, lllJ#l'ltt"l1,
ric1y, e11t1ting, Liv.;, aero, adv.= lCIU, Cle.; e.g., a 1ight of way, fundo s~1·vitut.c111 hnp.u1uru,
e.p., late =fa tM nt1ling, Cle.; compar., eeriu11, C1c. D.. Metou., slaves; cl"Clldt. 110\"ll
lalu; bid no seriua, Cie.; ape omnimn serius (or the lovers or a mniden), Ilor.
{Id ~limn !'\tit), Liv.; serius oclue, .llOOIW' or Servlua ·II, n. (serv1111, *>II ,,f a iln'llll), e1
ltiur, Hor. B. Esp., 1 latt fa bring fulft/le<l; Ro111an prae11omen occurring fa tM 1iame of tM
•pea, Liv.; portents, (;ic. ; 2, doing BOinething ki1'[1 Servi11.1 Tullitu and fa tlUJ ~vlpiciail gtn11,
!all; 11erus abl, go laU awar Ov.; with genit., \". 8ulpicius.
o serf 11tudtnrum I late Zea;;:d (:•l/IL,,.o.81i~), Hor.; eervo, 1. (root BERV, connected with 'EPY...,,
3, ngtd, olil ; platnnus, Ov.; ulm~ Verg. ; 4, rpvo,.a.l). L to keep,~. MW, rt.'ICIU', ritlitier.
W«ng ci lona tinu; bellnm, Ov. .&L too laU; A. Gen., l~ of concrete ohjecta, populum, Cle.;
kaleudae, Cie.; bellnm, Sall. ; aem as1mrgls, aliqnem ex judlcio, Cle. ; with double nee., fie
Ve!'.;.: &bl., aero, adv. =too late, Cle.; p1·ov., lntogros rastosque, Cle.; 2, ofabi!traet object.II, to
aero 11apl11nt (sc. Phryges, Le., 'l"rojaui), Cic.; o/Jserw, Jl(IY liud to, keep; ordin~m. Liv.; orJi11e11,
eom(Vlr., 11ertus, 10mt111hat too late;. venire, Cle. Caes.; conecntum, Cle.; amlrltlam, Cir.; leg1m1,
lel'Ya, v. servus. Cle.; pacem cum allquo, Cll'.; Hdcm jmis jnr-
eervablliJJ -e (servo), that ca" be mml, Ov. amli cum hllllte, Cle. ; foll. by ut or ne and t.he
llel'VADa -antis, p. aJJ. only In auperl.(aervo),
subj., quurn ita priores decemvlrl ecrva.Rscnt, nt·
cb$eroiiig; servantisslmua aequl, Verg. nuus fascea haberet, Liv. B. Esp., to k'"1' fur
the fut11rt, to lay up, hep, prt#TW', rt11erve :
~ni.tor ~rle, ":'· (servo). a prutrVtr, Cneculia centnm clnvlbus, Hor.; Bil ad umpora,
.nwmr: reipubhcae, Cte.; salut1a, Ov. Cie.; se111i 111ajora, Liv.; eome servavl, Cle.; witll
Mni.trbc -lch1, f. (aervator), w UuU pre- dat., res judicio volu11t11t!q11e alieuius, Cic. II.
rtrr.u, a prutrwr, 1avi.ovr, Cle. Trausr., A. to give regcinl to, puy atle-mum to, 11.'l1td';
1ermt. -o (servus), of or relating to ci slaw, I, gen., me omnibus servat llll"Kils ne, etc., Plaut.. ;
a1dera, to obarut, Verg.; ortum Canlenlae, Cic.;
llariM, urviU; vestls, Cic.; tumultns, a auuile
iMurr?ction, Cie.; terror, drtad Qf an inmrrt.e- servare de eaelo, to ohm-ve liphtning (the duty of
&n of licitJU, Liv. the augurs), Cic.; toluep1oatch; ootern scrvaoout
serrillter, adv. (servills), 11Tavi&hly, r~ly; atqne In atatlone 111a11eb1111t, Ov.; 2, e11p., a,
ne quid servillter muliebriterve faclamus, Cle.
to tab care, !<Ike JITl?C6Utiona; servarent nc qui
noetuml coetm1 Hcrent, Liv. ; scrva, ti.ikt care
BerriUua -a -um, MIM ofa Roman gtru, ~M Hor.; b, to tt'atch, kup, il'.t.ain, preM.n¥; (a.~
of 1Vhich were: 1, C.
lll08t celt.bmte<l meiubffr allquem iil.ieri eustodiii., Cie.; Ihnen, 111.ay ul
l:lervilitts Ahala, who 111 71u1!JUtu tt}UUum kUltd lwm.e, Verg. ; (fl) to du.ttll, rt.main in a 1>lare, in-
Matli.1'8; 2, P. &lrvillt11 Rullus, eo11ipoaer of CM h«liit; &ii vas et flumi111l, Verg. B. to /.:up, pre·
ln Servilia concerning t.·~ selling of tM Italian «r~; quwn populus 11uum servaret, Cle.
fllllHic land•, a{lai11# wMrh. Cicero deliwml liis serviUua (eervCSlua) ·I, m. (ilim. of .4Cn·u11),
agrurian ~; S, ServiliR, 71totl&er of BMLtur, a young slaw, Cle.
•idrus o/Cauar. Adj., &niliun; lex, Cie.;,
G pittl of arti.ftclal 1mter mar CM Capitol, whe1·e servua .f, m. and aorva -ac, r. a alat•r., ser-
Uie luads of ti~ proscrUlt<I. were put up, Cle. mnt; eervl public!, slave& of CM stat~. Cir. ;
Tmnsr., ~rvl cuplditatum, C.:ie. ; legu1~1, Cie.
llerrio -lvi and -Ii ·ltum1 4. (servus), to M'Mlt~ Hence, adj., aervus ·a -um, servik,; a,
"' a «nJaM or ~luve. L &.. Lit., alhml, Ter.; gen., aqua, drunk by sun>tS, Cic.; eldt.'l.a, Li\·. ;
apud aliquem Cle.; with cognate ace., ~rvit­ lmttawrnm serrnm peen!!, Hor.; b 1 lci;al t. t.,
utem, Cie. ii Traner., or things, a, or land, of lan::i.e or bulldingfl, B1thject UI n11lr.t of 11tl1!!r
Luildingic, etc., to be subject to urtain right~ pt.rsvn& than the owner, subject to a sen•Uu1lc oa·
of otMr pn-sun..s tM owner, to be 8Ubjtct to easement; praedla eerva, Cle.
41l ~ C&ea.; (aede11) servleb&nt, Cle.; b, to
amie, be wtJul, ll!Tcicllabu for ; chartis serviunt ai8'mlnus ·& ·lllll (CT1JO'a1uvcx-), mrure v}
calaml, Plin. D. Fig., l, to rub.terw, a.rrist, 4tS11nu, l'lin.
coaaplr .Ul, aocommodate, firatify ; alleul. Cle. ; aiUm.~idoa -Is, n. (CT1Jcra.p.o•u5i~), a 1•lm~
amori allorum, Cle.; iracundiae1 Cie.; 2 a, to Hkt sesame, l'lin.
fltJ.rejor, have "fl0.1'd to, rl£·oou OM 1 a.tten.tion to,· eiMmum (-Oil) -1, n., aislmum ·i, n.
brevlt&tl; Cic.; b, to adapt O'il' to, to alfow 111111 "8Ama ·ae, f. (tnjva.p.ov), an oUy pla11t,
OllOelf to be go11tt'ned /Jy; i11certl1t rumorilius, auqme, Plaut.
Caea.; temporl, Cie. eeacennirb ·e (se11qul anu annu11), a yta7'
Ml'Vltlum ·II, n. (servns). I. slrt"'iJ, &ert'ic.:, a11d a h<ilf ol<J; hos, Liv.
trnri.iude, BVbfection : ducerc allqucm in· ser·
Yitlum, Liv., civitatem a eervltio Abstrahcre, aeacupl118 ·& ·Um (3esqui), ()1UI and !l hal.)
Cle.; anhul lmperio, Cllrporis &el'Vltio magia t<mu 1u much, Quiut.
•Uuaur, t.W mtR<l" Ute 1llCIW, the bo.i1f tM 1l4ve, r.
siseU. ·is, (acO"•A,f), a plant, hartv:ort, CIQ·
Sea 620 aes::
•••wtrlaa "'11tMoal
-tzldf1 and 8U&da -aldl1, m.
ling of Egypt.
cow1, lfons1 Verg.; ofcoanie, brl.UJ, human llab
Verg. II. Meton., part Q/ all 4"'fll'1"• Ux., OT.
MINl'DI. adv. nnm. (ee111h1 and qui), oiU Aa1.J Iii~ ·ae, f. and llitblon ·D, n.(~
1llOTC, lwJ.f w lllttcA agui7l; aesqul major, Cle.
11911qulalter and ayncop. 11e9qualter
La 11lf!Ciu o/JAldlar, Plin. ILG kind
alt.era -&lterum (Gr. •.-.amepcx), OM and a llitlgmo (aaetfdr) -dra .gfrnm (aet.a and
Aav, Ole. brUtl11: s1111, Verg.; anbst.,
g4:_to), haviJ&g brWUI,
.-quOlora -ae, t aa llour and a half, Plln. llitlgir -g~rl. m. a boar, Ov•
11eeq~iagu-a.m ·I, n. "" acre alMl a M(f, llitOaus (.aetOsua) -a -nm (set.a), /till ~
Plln. brilUa, brilUy; aper, Verg.
11811qmb"°bra -ae, r. a poHd aJ&d a 11.a(l, Cato. MU =&Ive (q. v.).
HllQ.ulmeDll!a -18, m. a month and a ha.V, HViri. a1lv. with compar. and 1r.iper1o
Varr. (severus), Nriotul11, growly, att.denl11 anenlJ,
M1N1ulmlSctlu ·II, m. a fftOdhu aJ&d a 'Aal/, Cle.
Cle. •hirltu ·iltls, r. (aeverus), ""'""'· ~
llellqUl"Wlua -1, m. n obolua aJ&d 11 1&aV, tuar, 1eved.ty, a"ste-rU11, sternnus, ltriclr&aa; cen.
Plln. orum, cen11oria, Cic.; scverit.ttem ID flllo ad·
.-quloetavua -a -um, co1"ailling f oJ ca hi here, Cle.; severit11te111 aublbere relpubUc:ae
tAi1ig, Cic. causA, Cle.
ile8qlll"pua -'rt&, D. till to0r1 o/ Q day GU a Hvirltudo ·lnis, f.= severltaa (q. Y.).
AG((, Pfau&. 1. Hvirua -a -um, gmtie., .nov.., llfrid.
M9Clul~ -e, a /ooC atad a 'l&aJ,J loftg: rigid, Item, awtwe, .lllL!wrt. L In a good 1en-.
t1g•u, UaeS. ; hrncc, poet., wrr Zottg;, ~ Lit., l, or persous. Tubero viti severus, Cic.;
Cat.; Yerba, Hor. famllia quum ad ceteras res tum ad judicandum
.-qulpWi.n~us llelC!ut pedall11 ( q. v.) sev11rlssima. Cle. ; a. or things, fron., OT.; OOD-
meaqulpie -p6dls, m.11/ootaJ&da half. Plant. gresslo, Cic.; sulist., a, llivirua -11 m. •
gra~, url.oul ma~1 Hor. ; b, 9ivira -6rum, L
meaquip!Aga -ae, t. 11 bltn11 au a ha!/, T:ic. atrio1&1 thing• ttor. B. Transf., Falernum
IMNICluiplell: -pllcls, tam OM and a 'lla1J (vinum), 11a, ..:A, Hor.; nmnis Kumeniuum or
'""'·Cle. Cocyti, at,eful, Hor. IL In a 1-d 1ense, Aani,
11911qult.Uus .. -um, contaiA'11g t OJ ca•r· cT1ld; a. 1 lit., Nept1111u1 aaevus 11everu11qn~
t1'1'g, CiL Plaut.; turha Eu111c11idum, Prop.; b, j;ranaf.,
uucus, Hor.
....afbill1Ull·1. n.. (aedeo), a seat, 1tool, chair,
2. 8'riraa -1, m. a &1naft taaUr - - , I.ii
HSznl• .. {lelleo), P for liUing "pan.. L ""°"' ttubruhd persou bearing dk.\ ~: 1 1
Con1ellus Severus, epic pod (11. tM tiat qJ
Pua~rgum Cequi), Ov. IL Act., or plant.a,
low, rJ, IJl"llding, Plin. A tigtUttu, /rind of Otlid; S, L. Sepumlua
MMlo ~nla, r. (aedeo). L 11 ritting, th.I aa o/ Severus -peror 193-211 A.D. ; S, Aureiiua
titting; statua, lnceasiot 11688io, Cic. ; 11elll!iunea .Alexander Severus, emperor 2'.l2·23' A.D.
quaedam (polt1m11 ia riUifl{l) contra naturam S. 8'viru mons, a wwuntat11 (n t.U Sabiu
1unt, cto. ; 2 esp., a, a 1itting idU, loitering i" COtent"lf, a bral'ICA o/ th. .A7onmi11u, now vu,.a,.
a. plaol; Caph.ollna. Cic.; b..t. a littlng, .ws.fiM lliv6ao l. Co call cuide, rail avuy. L Lit.,
/or d~: pomeridlana, \..iC. IL lleton., slni;ul011, ~; plebem In Ave11li1111111, Cic. IL
G plaol jbr ritlif&'1, "'1t, Cic. Fil(., to caU off, call a1D11~, .lllL!para.U; animum
.-Ito, 1. (lntena. or aedeo), wril tn1":h, lit a volupt.ate, Cic.
altmp: quam denm (Suadam) in Perlcll lubris llivum. etc.= aebum, ete. (q.v.).
8Cripelt. Eupolla uuitaviase, Cic. mes. numer. (It), ~ Cle. ; sex 11eptem.. m or
118alunoilla -ae, t. (dim. of 1e88lo), IJ zua. tevm, Hor.
company or tuae.Wy for con~n, Cle. HlE&gin&rlu -a-um (11eX11g~11i), C)}Jtktiiiiag
•e•or ~r!'!i m. (sedeo). L OM who BUI, a
litUr, Har. IL en inAablta.n.t, d'Wdkr; urbis,
the number lizt11; and esp., nztr ~ old,
lieatertfu -a -um (seml11-terth111), ttoo aJ&d a
rizt'JI tadl, Cic.
-ae.., genlt. -6n0.m (aexagiuta),
~; IZelltertlua ·D, m., and In full, lld!ltertius aexagiarmua -a -um (aengfnt.a), &le 11.!J.
nummus, genit. plur. aeswrtiQm nummfun, and tidh, Cic.
1lm11ly sestertiO.m and aestertiorum. a Nakrce.
A. a rilwr cc.i-, In the time or the Republic= l aeUgiim (aeJCAglina). adv. (scx11.gint.11),
den.ari1&1 = 2l aaau (=about 2td.), Cic. ; 1, lit., li:cty 'imu ; aesterliQ1u sexagles, ri.z tRiUio1'1 QI
aestertll duodenl, Cle.; genlt. plur., 11e11tert1Qm MllUrou, Cle. ; ao limply aexagiena, Ci<\.
(ac. mille), treated a.a a neut. noun, and so de- sex&gtnta, num. <'tlfiro11T11.). L rizt11, Cle.
clined,= lilOOO .,.In-cu; decies aestert!Qm (sc. =
II. ~ many, :Mart.
centena m lia) =a t11.iUio1uuurca; eentfes aea- . .mgiUua -a -um, 1'aogoMZ. OY.
terUQm Im •illi.OA 6UW'cu, Cic.; mlllles sea- HXoinirlua -& •Om (sexoeni), ~i"9' fi
tertifun = 100 m£Uicift.t, Cle. ; 2, trans!., nummo .U hu11tirtd; cohortea, Cues.
l!eStertto or eestertlo nummo, /or a men Crl}fe;
nnmmo aestertfo or se11tertlo nummo allcul aexoiDl (seaoinl)-ae-a(eexoenti), '~ 1...
addicl, Cle. B. In Imperial timea, a copper coL• drfkl, Cle.
o/ tM rolu Q/ 4 GMa, Pl1n. HJE:oent.ent = aexcenl (q.v.)..
Selatu llle9tCSe) ·I, t. (211cmk), a Co1t'll i• •ezoenti•lmua -a -um (1e.xeenti), t.u ril
n.~ on t~ HdlupoM, raidftct Q/ Htr0, now, lundrtth, Cic.
perhaps, J"""1a. Adj., Selataa ·• •um. &ltfaA; aezotmtl -ae -a (aex and ~ntu.m). L lis
puella, Hwo, Ov. huNfrw, Cic. U. To dtmote an indefinite
M&=led (q.v.). roun<l nutnlier =cou?ltlus; epistotae, Cic.
IZita (maeta) -ae, t. L ca ~ 6"11tmr: ot ..zoendu (HXoen.Um). mdY. (.u·
pip. Ov. ; Mt& equtna. MrHAair, Ole. ; of goats, centi), m Avndred "wa. CJo.
sex 521 sic
eezoentapli.gua -1, m. (Sllx~ntl and plaga), of snakes, Verg.; angnis !llbllat, Ov.; transf., of
.., tDAo reutvu in1mmerable str£pa, Plaut. red-hot iron plunged into water; in tepi<la
HJtdiolm se1leci111 (q.v.). · submcrrmm sibilat un<la, Ov. IL Tranar., lo
hill al, hiu doW11; allquem, Cic.
eeseDJlta -e (sex and annis), .U yean old.
Ph1ut. 1. aibllua ·I, m. (plur., sibill, and ln potita,
!llbila), a hi111tng, whi~Uing, nulUng; austri,
MKeDDlum ·U, n. (11exe11nls), a period ofriz Verg.; of pergons, whistling; isibilo signum dnre,
fl!BTS, Cic. Liv.; esp., a c1mttnlptuour hUisin.g; sibilu1n
ees:te. (aexleu), adv. (11ex), al,; timu, Cle. mctuis? Cle.; sibilis co11.scindi, Cle.; sibilla
aespriml -orum, m. tM six highut magu· allqnem explodere, Cio.
trot~• in colonia and mun.icipia, Cic. 2. •ibllua -a -um, AVritag; coll& (of a snake).
sestadiSclmiinJ. -orum, 111. (sextu&de<'Jmus), Vel'J.:'.; om, Verg.
'O{ilias of tM 11.itl& U:uion, Tac. . Sfbylla -at'I, r. (IifJt1M4, from :I'ix (= 411.0f)
eextaDa -antis, m. (sex), tI'.t Bixlh part of an fJovA~, G-Oas cmuuiel), a prophdus and priatua o/
a&, Varr.; esp., a., as a coin, two unciw, Liv.; A polio, a Sibyl; fo tM myth.ol., esp., t/14
b, lh.e 1ixlh. part of an illhrrita11~; in sextante Sihyl of 011mae wMm Atntaa cm~mltm;
1u11t ii, q11orum pars, l'tc., Cle.; o,_th.e 11.xth part Sif,yl of Cumae wa.s aaut to have compos.·d tM
of a pouwt, Ov., d, of an acre, varr., e, of a Sibylline books, u:hir.h were bought by Tarqui"
ctariu.s, Mart. from an old u'Onum, and ktpC in UM Capi.tol, and
llelltalltarlua ·& -um (sextans), ctmtaining co1Ul11.lted fa of daiiger.
a MJ. part; a.s:iell ~xt.antario poudere, weighillg Sfbyllinua ·n -um, o/or rtlaling to t.M SU>vl.,
imly ont-iizth of theformn a.ues, Plln. Sibylline; libri, Cle. ; vatlclnatio, Clo.
aeuarl~lua -1, m. (dim. or sextarina), ci aic (from root I (wh(lncc Is 1md lta), with the
llflall liquid nuasure, Suet. spirant prefixed and the demonetrutive suftlx -ce
ae::irtarlua -Ii, m. (11extu!I), tM sizth part. L added, si-ee, which became sic), ao, thus, ii& thu
man1~. L Oen., a, sivo enim sic est, sive lllo
Ju liquid mCJU1ure, the nztA part of a collgiv.s modoi Cle.; Illa civitns popularis (sic enim
(about a pint), Cle. IL As a dry measure, tM appel 1mt) in qua In populo aunt omnia, Cle.; b,
Allunth part of ci modius, Plin.
to introdu1·c something thnt follows. thvs, al
SelRilia ·ht, m. (sextus), mensis, or simply follcrwa; lnt,'TI'ssus ellt sic loqul Scipio, Cir.;
Bextili>1, U&e riz:th 11w1uh. of the Roman 11ear esp., with arc. aml lnfln., sic velim existimM,
(reckoning troru March), aftl.lrwards called te nlhil gratlus facere pos8e, Cle. ; c, in altlrm·
Augiut; kalen<lae Sextiles, tM l&t of Augut, ative answers, sic e~t, etc.; sic plane judico,
Cle. Cic. IL Ellp., A. In eo111parisons, ao, a.I; gen.
Seatlu (Seatlua) ·a -um, name o/ 11 Roman corre>1pondl11g to ut, more rarely tn quemad·
fll'U, the moat fa11W1U mnM>ers of 1ohich 111ere: 1, modum, tnmqunm, qun!li, ete., Atticum sic amo,
L. &xtiut1, tribune of the peo7>/,IJ, th$ au.thor of a ut alteru111 fratrem, Cic.; quenuuimodum • , •
la10 rnacting that l)7tlJ of tM con1uls 1/wulrt always sic, Cic.; Rio , • • tanquam, Cle. ; sic . • •
118 a plebeian; 2 1• P. Bextius, tribune of the pwpu, quasi, Cic. ; In wishe.'I, tlO; sic tua Cymeaa
toho propoMd wi recall of Cicero from exile. fugiant ex1u11ina taxo11, Verg. B. of avch. a kind.,
Adj., Sutian. : lex, the abow-menti011.1Jd law of L. of such. a 't.alu.rc; sic e.~t vulgns ; ex veritate
Satiua; tabula, of a baiibr M1M<i &r:titU, Cic.; panca, ex opinione mnlta, exl>1tlmant, Cle. C.
es1•., Aqu11e Sextia.e, Boman rolonynear .Manilia, a., in. such circunL.Stancu, ii& lfUCh a manner, "'•
feu""1W. by C. Suti111 Calrinu.s, 12::1 u.c., now A ix. arnl tJ1.1u; 11ic ad suppllclum Numitori Remus
Hence, adj., Seztli.nua (S.tlii.nua) -a -um, deditur, Liv.; b, conuqiit:ntly, in 0011..te1J1U1W8;
Scdian. quia nou eat ob~wura tua in me benevolentla, slo
aestiUa -ae, r. (sc. pan, from 111xtulus, dim. ttt nt, etc., Clo. D. To express li111itution or con·
or sextus), UWJ ai:d.h. part of all vncia, tMrt/ore dition, so=°" con.dit1o1' that \n 80 far a1; gen.
l-12nd of cia 111, V•.t.rr,; 1·72nd po.rt of an •nhtrU- corresp. with ut, recordatlono amicltiao sio
1111«, Cic. fruor, ut bente vixlsse videar, Cle.; sic ••• af.
then ••• i/, only if; decreverunt, Id ale ratum
llelltu -a -um (Rex). I. the aiztA, Oic.; adv., &1set, sl [Nitres au1·toreit tlcrent, Liv. J:. To
~for tM 1izlh time; sextuin oonaul, Cic. express degree, ao, to 111ch. a. dtf11U; often
D. &xtus, a Roma1' name. foll by ut, Caecinnm a puero semper sio dilexi utl
aextuadeOlmua -a -um,, etc. non ullo cum homine coajuuctius viverem, Cle.
lleJCUa ·illl, m.
(another form or lleCUS), the F. To express carelessness, indifference, thu.,
tllaU or fr:mallJ Bt:I:: a., or men, hominum genus simply; sic nudos (naked as they are) ln llumeD
et in scxu con11itleratur, virile an muliebre sit, projicere, Cic.
Cic. ; b, of anilllltl>1 1 Plin. ; o, of plants, miner· aica -ae, r. {seco). L a dagger, dirk, poniard:
al.s, etc., Pliu. maximus slcarmn nu111erus et gladiornm, Cic.
ai, conj. (et). L A particle expressing con· IL Met.on., Cl.3sassLw.1tion, murder; llino sicae.
dltion, i/, in caae that; foll. by both lndic • .and venena, falsa testAmenta nascuntur, Cic.
aubj, A. Gen., nnmqnam labere, sl te audleR, Slcanl -orum, m. a pwpl~ of Celtic origi1' wM
Cic.; Bi ml11u~, if not, Cle.; quod 111, and if, bu.t oriqinally inhabited the bankl of the Tibe1', and
if, Cic. B. Esp., a., to contlrm or explain or IM1ve migmUd to Sicily. Hence, A. Adj.,
justify what has gone before, if only, provufl'd Slci.nua -a -um, Sironian, poet.= Sicilia11..
Uw.t; delectut1 haootur1 si hie dlllectus appellan· B. Sloanlua -a -um, Sicanian, poet.= Sirilut1'.
dns, Cic.; bellum vools lndictum est, magno C. Sloi.nla ·ldis, t. ad,J., Sicanim~, poet.=.
eorum malo, qnl indlxere, si vhi elltls, Liv.; Sicilian. D. Subst., Sloi.nla -ae, t. Sicania.
b, in wishe!I, if only; si nu nose ostendat, Verg.; =Sicily.
~ 1 in compari11on1, a.1 V, juat cu if; with subj.,
'1;10. 1 Liv.; d, to expres!I a ooncession, even if; aioi.riua -II, m. (sica), a" a&aa.asfa, munfertl":
al omuea deo!I homlne>1que celare possnmns, Cle. accusare aliquem. Inter aicarioa, of murde1', Cic.
IL rn Indirect questlotUI and dependent clansc.i, Sloca -ae, r., Venerla, an important tOW1' in.
tolleCAcr, ({; cou11ti, si possent, etc., Cle.; dicito, Nunlitlia, on tM ~radas, with a temple to Venu,
af fltc., Cle.: castra movet, al ••• poaaet, to i111 now Ke§, Hence, Slooen.BeB ·lum, m. the
1Mdhcr, etc., Liv. inhabitanta o/ S£cca.
ll'bD.o, 1. (slbllaa). L tntransit., lo Ma; 8loo&nua ·• -um (siecua), clf'JI, Plln.
Sic 622 std
alcoatlo -Onis, f. {slcr.o), t't dryh!J, Plln. for emrnpk; ~ulbu11 In ca11!!l11 mnnlbn11, ltcnU ...
.alooO, n.111•. (siceu11), dryly; Hg., of Jliscour:1e; ip'll• M. Cnrh, Cle.; ts, t-0 exprei18 a at&te o•
dwerc 1>1.i,i11ly, vigorou1ly, Cic. co1111ition, just aa: 11lcut t'lram, fugio, OT.
aJoceaoo. :1. (11iccus), to btcom$ drv, Plln. Biotin -Onls, m. and r.• (X..inW). e1 ritr ~,
l'eln1m111.u1~; henC<', adj., SlofoDlue .. -mn,
alooini (aiolni or aioln'). nilv. (sie·ce), .Sicy01&"17l; 1-alcei, Cle.; and sublJL, 8lofOala
1i.1.crr11..:. particle, is it Uuu 1U11u1 llO I Cut.
-ur11111, 11. a 1.~nd
of aoft ~ from. .Slcyoa, Lncr.
a1coltaa -itls, r. (siccus). L dl'J"US$: a. Sida -ae, r. (J.i6ir), a low• '" l'B•~Mi. . -
lit... -pal111htm, CAes.; b, meton., d•ynPM of nf ~ rioer Melt&, now faJ.i-Adalia. Heoer.
'rmthcr, drn11!Jht, Cie. II. Ttan!.!r., frttdom fl'om
h!llM1tT$, ft rm htalU\; •• lit.' Ole.; b, fig., or
Siditae ·irnm, tu. UIA inhabi.lallll of Sida.
•hKC•HINC, 1>""':?U&f, lim1>lkity, drlj1la$; ora- eicl6r&Ua ·e (sidue), o/ or Nlati"f lo '1t
t.ionii1, Cic. stara, Plin.
aloao, 1. (11iecus), to mtike dry, to dry. I. aidir&tlo ·<Jnls, f. (sideror), a blcue, ~
Transf., A. Oen., vellera, Ver!('. ; herbAR, 0".; 11pon plant., 11Uppoatd to be produad br tM , ..
esp., to d'11 up watt:r or !Oil; pal11de11, Cic. B. jlUL~ Qf tM litara, Plin.
a, to dnnn 1lry, to drink up, nn.1Jty; callces, aidil"iua -a -um (sidus). o/ or °bdmtgi"9 tr.
ltur.; b, tn milk; ovem, Ov.; o, to 111ck dry; ~h.t 1tar1, 11tarr11. L Lit...!. at caelum, sUlfT7, OY.;
uocra, Yerg. IL lnt11111sit. and hnpcn., slccat, 1gnt>.s, tM stars, Ov. ; IJitn s, th.t Dog-Mar, O•.;
it !Irie.! up, Cat. =
dM Nox Prop.; conjux, Cryz (as son of Loci·
sloc00tUua -um (slecns and oculns), fo1·), Ov. ; b,
t>Rp., Qf or n/4ting to tlu • .,., ""'4r';
lw1•111g dry cyts, Plaut. i~n.1i1. Ov.; lux, Ov. n.
Tmnar., fka•Jtf,
glittering; clipeus, Verg.
·atocu -a -um, dry. I. A. I.It., 1, gen.,
li~1111111, Verg.; 1rnhst., alt>01U11 -I, 11. t~ drr alderlon ·II, n. (1na.j~or), tJu plal&l """'&..
l111vt; iu eicco hltM>rn,'\l"e, Liv.; 2, e,sv., a, Plin.
1vitltm1t tenra, u11rle-M; ocu1i, Hor.; b, df'1/, mdirites-IM", m. (vi.!1JPi"tt)= siJrritis(q. 'Y.).
tlti1-;sty; Ric.euR, lnar1I!.!, Hor.; poet.. diea =hot, aldiritla -ls, r. (v•&11P4nf). L a lilorv; a,
thir~l.'I, Hor.; meton., km7ierak, e1h~ti11enl, Cil'.; 11 T1«1unrt, Plin.; b. a kind Qf du~. l'Jin.
o, fi""ti ll!J, R poor 1tardn9 wrrtdi.; accctles skcus IL a planl, t'trtuin, l'lln.
a..l_ 1111d11m, H•ir.; d, l>right, elowlJP.!8, l'rop.; e, aidiSror. 1. (sidu") = sld!'ro amarl,.ro "1tft?

br1~1ht, ruiillf&; frr\'11r~,., Ov. B. Jlig., dry,

Jn.mi a ru11·1lrokt, be plana-stnv.k, Plin.
rold, impn.~ive ; p11clla, o,·. 11. 'l'ransf., A. or
tlw ho<ly, /1¥e fro111. humn11.r11, in sound, f1ig,,row1 81dlclld -<irnm, m. a ~ of CmaprmM,
htu1th; co1·pora, Pllu. B. or uii1course. plain, 111].vJst chief town uvu Tt1111u.,,\". Jlt'n~, adj., SW·
rim7>le; oratio, Cic. omua ·a -um, S&didne.
eloolioon ·I, n. (IurrAu:cS.,). tM plant fll!a- aido, 11idi and sCdl, sessum, ,, ("-'.,). t4 .U
VXJrt, Plin. d01on., aettU, ali1]ht. L Lit., or living ~l"NltU!'e1',
colmnhae RU(lE'r arb(\re sldunt. Vl'rg. ;
Slollia -ac, r. (l:uct>.io.), tht i.Wmd Qf Sid!J. f'le~Mum ! Cle. IL ~n'lf'., or luaniln."ltc thini.-..
Hen<'<', A. Slo~lla -I<lii11 f. Siciliaii. B. A. Gt>u., w1in1.· V.(111.'Pt, ~Ule; flrt& ex la<·u n.. bula
&lcWenlia -c, Sicilia1,. campo qnam montibus dt>n<iior 11"<if'r11t, Li•.
mo11IoiUa -ae, f. (dim. or slclllit), a nw.U B. F...'lp., 1, to wmain lyb.g or .JU·.vf, #fl Milk; &,
lit:kle, Plaut. quum sedt>rit glans, Liv.; b, 11auL t. t., to at~
eiciJloua -1, m. (siellh1), a, Utt 4th part ll/ ""' faat, to be strcuided; ubl cymll'MI siclf'.ttn~ Liv.;
"" u11cia, and thl'rt/orc l-48th o/ an a..; b, a
2, to afok = &o mniM, dl.:lt:!.ppmr, Prop., 1'.o.c.
quarter of an incA, Plln.; c, l-4Slh of an hour, Sidon ~nls, r. (LOWv). 11 cU11 o/ PAocrai.M.
Plln. Htne!', adj., A. 8i4lnlus -a -nm, ~irf<ti&;
aioiUo, 4. (sicills), to C'llt or mow u'itll CM Sit!onian; a1nor, of Jupiur /or E-uropa, Mart.;
fickle, l'lin. !'Sp., or yiurplc, 0'5tntm, Ov.; ~Uh.'\t., s~ ·Is, t. (!'lco), a 4ic1.:lt, Plln. -orum, m. th.t Si<lo11.ian1 or TyrU!.M. B. Si-
Slo~ria ·Is, m. n tributary Qf CM Hi.bnw i11 43nlons -a -um, SW<m.ian. C. SidLira -Mil,
Spain, now Segre. r. Sirlo1.ian., 7'11r;Ut11; conrha, T)lri'lft pv.r!~t, O\·.;, adv.(= al al!cnbl), \f anvwhtrr., Cic. t.Plluit, Photn.icw, Ov. ;-!'uh-it. = sM Stdo:ida•
8ioill1 -orum, m. a 'pe<YpU of CtUic origin, "'0111an: Enropa, Ov.; I>id?, Ov.; Arma. si3Ur Q/
Dido, Ov.
akin to tM ~i.cani, u•ho B<!ttW on the e<><Ut of Italy,
111.: were ClftN'warch wmptlle<l w 11tigratr fo Sirilll ; sidua -(;ri:o1, n. a gr011p Qf sm~, C>'>f'.ttrlll'ltil>flt
honce, transr., tM inW1ila11t.! of Sicily, the somttime. U!l~d r>f a singlo> star. L A.,
Si.ciliaru, Cl('.: Riu!f., Slcillua -I, m. a Sicilian, a, (11) 11ing., 11id1111 \'er;:ilic.rurn, J~iv.; Jti,JUA
11Ptht-rlnrn, Ov. ; (ft) :;>lur., 11li s.·m:>it.:.'mi I,..~!,
Cic.; lirnC(', Sloillua ·a -urn, S~iliat1.; tymn· 'lllll'l l!idl'ra et '11,PllU vr..-~-:ti'I, Cl~.; b 1.c.,.t_,
nu~, l'h..ila1-!J, O\•,
si<lera soli"I (of tht' sun itvH), Ov. B. !1 .. t11tt.,
cfound~. arlv. (= 11i nllcun<le), (/ /ro"JA
wJ.crt, Cic.
""Y- 1, 11:in;t., a, tluo timll of ~,.; h~ ~r.v:• l'<i·;l!tt,

in 'l!'i•dtr, V1,1g.; rnn~nr1J ifrlf-n>, al l">o"lll;...

sioi1t 1\1111 aio'Citl. adv. as, ju!ft ~. I. Olm., tinu: of 1 M year, V~~.; b, !Iv' d.l!y; 'br1Jl7Ui;,
n, wit.11 I\ \>..:rh, i<kut sapleti" po~ta dlxlt., Cle.; th, ~hrJTtf>ift day, Ov.; e d:-w, ft!r~~; v.t
Cnll. by it.a, ,iti1IP.111, Kie; skuti ••• ltA, Liv.; i;l-1t'TR f'ffi\:"fl!UI', Ver'J,.; d, ..,....._.fin; P'8:"1'. <>ilinl
J\i('1tti ••• 11ic, Cs,.>1.; ~icuti ••• lta. Caes.; b, H l111hf'r, Ov.; ldin!.'rv:.A, <tonit r"'...a-l ~1' J.H.
w1tlu>11t 11 vnh, i.i<·ut :i.1u11\ r1w1, Cle.; viii in , ..·rrri, V•·r;t.; e, I\ tt<•r, <n ~TT";11(1{,"!f rli~
uxor"s, sicut In lillf't11'1 1•1t·,~ll\lcm, CaPA.; fflll. ~l'.f. Shl"tllti-J~ h:1tlfl 11/'('ll'I 'l'1'1fn f~itlfPI'() f;;~..f'f'
l•y It&, 11lcutl In for•>, it•·•n iu tl11·, Cic. IL 1dl, Liv.; ;,s, plur., lht\,,.~; all isid•"lll
E.::p., 1, in.1'fmur1L a.:i; 11kuti 1·ra::1 a.lerit, hQllie r11l9Sn'I J!lll.; arl siolna f.~rrr\ f.r, J"'"lt."" II) llw
nou vrn~rlt, Pl:rnt.; 2, !lieut c~t. eicut tirat, n., 11H~8, Vf'Tg. ; rioml\ n•I si'let:! nitnntur, """"" ttp.
th,, MY rtttlly Li, fo fa..·t; qtmnivi~ fdh: 11it, sl~11tl \'t>r;:t. ; ~nh Rl<lPrA l~p11&P1. V0~.; v .. rti(~ 1tirlen
est, Cic.; S, in 11 co111pari1nn, &, 1u iC wtrt; hie b\r,~ef'f', 0_,'.l OT ferm•, Jiot., (•I t'l'!'~Jt the_ ft"i
Jrir·us ~ient aliqtt·""K1 fonrlamcnt11111 e11t. hulue crm- to ~ elrwrca in liappi1u<1 ~!f lltpd
ltituti<inis, C1c. ; b, jtut cu V; slcnti ff)ret 111~to11n; aub Jtt'dil>ua vldf!t nul, f't aidna, u
lUNlllltwJ. Sall. : 4. to add ui example, a.1, aa mi.uid kl ""'"'"· Verg. U- Tran.d, 1. al ba&u-
Sig 623 sil
tllul e,.... pmf11um, 1U& lumlna, 1ldas, OY.; 2, of toeaiMr, Plln. B. or words,
,,,..,.. glorr; O 1ldlll Fabiae, M.Rxhoe, genU», uno verbo atgnlllcarl rea duaa, Cle.
to_,., """'11
Ov. - Blgninu. v. Blgnla.
Slpm.bri = Bugamhri (q.v.). lllgno, 1. (signum), to pvt 11 Mark upm1 wwt,
aiaium ·I, n. (J.i.,.«>..), 11 proMOntorr au duf9Mte. L Lit., A. Gi!n., humum \irnlte,
pm l• T,..ia1, toMni 10lll tlt4 grnu q/ Ach.U'8a, Ov. ; . caell rei;lonern In cortl<~ slgnant, cul '"•
DOW Hence, A. Sigiu -a ·um,
JnVt:Arr. i71J11Cribfl, Verg.; aonos Tocil. Ctc.; lmmum pe<le
~ B. &igilu -a -wn, Sigea.1'. certo, to tNJad °"• Hor. B. Esp., 1, to tHark
algUJa ~rnm, n. (dim. or slgnum), IMall toit.\ a «al, "'11, «al "1'; libellum, Cic. : volum·
Jg!&ru, i1'11lgu; p11tella In qna slgilla erant Ina, Hor.; arcanu tlbellas, Ov.; 2, to coin.,
damp J1110Mf; arg~ntum aiir.iatum, Ctc. ; 3, to
~ Cle. ; 1tattU'lta, Cic. ; cut upcm "
agMt-rln.g, Cle., and hence, a seat, H11r. adona.; honore, Verg. IL Jolg. 1 A. Oen., slgua.
tum memorl peetore nomen baoe, Ov. B. Esp.,
llldllarla -6rumi abl. -1111 and ·lbus/ 11. ~_, to 1Lg11iJ11, up,..; ~ no1uen (Cajeta) •lin•t..
(ngilfa). L a Jtdiw ia RmM, iU toA.ioll UtU verg.; 2, lo obltrw, notWld; ora 10110 dlscordia.,
kiira ,_. adlangtd a1 prantl, suet. IL t1t4 v
lUtl4 i~ IA111 Ufd, Seo. llL 11 placl '"
to.. 'IMerl .ucl ht.aga wre iold., Sutt.
~um ·I, n. (perhaps connected with tl•-'•,
ri.c~). a 1igii, mark, toU11. L Oen., sign& n
llkll1&tu.a -a ·um (1>igilla), orna*"'-1 t11Uh nc>tae locorum, Cic.; algnum imprimere peeorl,[jiffru;-acypbl, Cic. Verg.; slgna pajum aequl, to followthe/ootsUpe,
lfstllum. v. aigilla. Ov. ; slgna doloria osten<lere, Cic. IL Esp., .A.
Millt. t. t., 1, Cl .cam:lani, ff,a9, MllMT; a, of
mm& ·itis, n. (o-ly1&4), Uu Gruk ltlkr .iglllll, large dlvlslorus of an anny, tllf ~'°"• etc.; sl.gna
&Dd lu:nce, a •m~ircular dini11i_·coucA ill tM rellnquere, to dtMrl, &IL: signa ferre, lo mGrc.\
orighllll llw.JJ4 of a cnpital 1£gma {C), .Mart. a'tl'ag, Caes.; Rfgna convelll jubt-re, to giw IM
alpator -Oris, m. (11igno), oiw 10ho 3tall "· ligtuil f"r man:Aing away, Liv.; sl~nA interre, to
docvnwnt aa a VTUneu; a, th4 wltnui l-0 a will, attaek, Caes.; aigna conrerre, (11) l-0 bring U..
SneL: 11ignatores fahil, /orgers of untl8, Sall. ; b, 1tt11ul'1rda togalur, Caea •• (JI) to f!'lht; cum Alex·
lhe WlitMU l-0 11 •arrtage-ccmlracl, Juv. anllrinia, Cic.; b, of small <llv1sio11s, or cohort.a
llpla -ae, f. a citv in Lalhun., now &pl and maniples, Cic.: hence, transr. = 1111naU di.-
Hence, adj., Slp.inua -a ·Um, of or btlon.qi11g vi.lion of Uac armv, company; signa et ordlnes,
loSC,,.ia; opllll, or simply subst.., Blgninnm Liv.; 2, a, th.elig11a1,ordtr,comm.und gh~nbJIU..
.f, n. a l.illd of pla..ur for tDUl/1 and put-rnunu; ge11llral; sign11ru p11gnae propouere, Liv.; slguum
plur., Slpinl -Orum, m. &M i11Aabila11u tu bi dare, Lacs.; b, a walchword, paa·word: It
Qf Sig1'ia. \Jello tes3era siicuum, Ver~. B. th4 aigi& or
iil.glllll in the clrcu.s glven by the prador or oon.IM
~ ·Rn&· ·Rram (11lgnum and fero)., for lM raa.s to beQ_in; siguum rulttendls quad·
beari1t9 ftguru, adorned 10UA /tlJ¥r& L Oen., r1i,'1s dare, Liv. C. a 1!.g1i, tohn, fadlcatio1i o/
poppli., Lucan. IL E.'lp., A. btarl11g 1tan, the future; sign nm se ohjlr,it, Cle.; medlcl slgna
eorered 10UA COnltellatiou; aether, Luer.; or bis,
the .mi~ Cle. B. Bobst.., aigDU6r -rnr1, m.,
hal>ent ex venis, Cle. D. " rlfl'I' =
hoc signi est, id Elgnf eat, or &lgnum est with
a proof;
mllit. t~ t., a dandlln.f..beanr, vaes., Cle.; tranar., acc. 1111u lnHn., Ch I:. a ftgutt, imnga, 1iatru1;
a. leader, Mad; oal&mltotorum, Cle.; Jnvcntutla, sig11um 11i:'.nenm, ms.rmr.reuru, Cic.; hence, .a.Ao
l'lc. ua4., ri,11et, Cic.; b, a grvup o/ sia1·1, COMklUJo
liplf'loi.'bllla -e (siirnlftco), .rip~"'• coia· tion, Cir.
•Jing a 111«11dng; vox, VAJT. aiJ, 'lili.5, t'. a 1.:ind of reUow mrtll., ochre, Plln.
liaU1oans ·anth1, p. adj. (from algnlftco), Sila ae, I. tJ for'e3t in r.r:iUii.
fNp/iie, cli.ltinct, cUiar, Quint.
aili.o6us ·a ·Um \"ii), li.kt ochrt: color, Plln.
alplflo&Dtfr, adv. (slgnlftcana), pkthi.111, aila.nus -1, 111. (::.•>.1Jl'6t), a f(lu11tain (f're.
di.ltfo<:a,. t:.«ir/11; acrlus, aperthu, slgnlftcanUus queut ly mac.le v; l'>Sue from the hcaq or Silenua),
dlg11itatern alleulus cleft!ndere, Cle. 1.ucr.
atpltloantfa •&fl, f. ('llgnJnco), apruAW• SIJA.rua ·I, m. a river'" Luoonf.a, now 8'14
tiar, •nnur, dtv;actnai, Quint. &llAUll ·I, m. c lplCUa o/ ptJnl,q, Plhi.
llpltloat;lo -Onls, f. (slgniftco). L tJ do10-
l11g. y>imi ng '""· '"" 1cat i ,19• rign, toal\, aDena. v. 11ile-o.
1io"; &, ahaol., declarare &liquid slgnlHC2Uone, sllentlum ·II, n. (slleo), s'1t1'Cll, aWl.,,,_,
etc.; b, with subject. genit., lltr.erarnm, Clo.; o1 quielrvu. I. Lit., A. Gen., audire allqnld lllllhJlO
wlt.b otljttt. genit., vlrtutis, Cle.: d, with acc. anu lillentitJ, Cle.; s!lP.ulium Herl juberc, Cle.; aulm•
hillll., 1lgnll1catlo ftt. non &1le11sc conatlntla1n, ad 1·ert.<~re cum sllentlo, to Mt ice in rilm«, Ter.:
Ole. IL F.ap., 1, o rip of lllltltl, approbatiM&, sileuUo prBl!IP.rire, Cic.; 111lentiuui nocUs, CM
8Jllllatut; 1lg11lncatlo omnlmn, Cle.; algnitlca- ati.Uneas o/ night, Caes.; ruris, Ov. B. Esp., a,
tfone ftorere, Clo. ; 2, a •ign, prognOllic of 11 ~.ulmn from d~urbanoe, aufi heuce, coinpletmui,
c4ang1 q/ toMthtr, Plln. ; 8, 1mpharil, Cle. ; 4, perftctneu fa tal.-i1111 Ul1 av.aplcu; iu sile11tlu10
IU IWlll&l11g, ng n 'ftcal &o. of " 'lllOrd ; 8Cri pt.i, uicimus In auspiclis, quotl omni vitio caret, Cle.;
Cle, b obJCUrit11, fo.glorim11ncn; lautlem eoruin a
liplfloatua ·Us, an. (Klgnlftco)., a agn, sife11tio vlnollCl\re, Cle. II. Tran>1f., quiet, npolC,
J1r0l11loatlc of a chang6 of, Plln. inactivitv; Julliclnru111 ac fori, Cic. ; vi tam al•
le11tio tran:tlre, Sall.
llgnifioo, 1. (sigumn and facto), lo giw a
lliA. illdlcalion, to fndiatte, ncti/11. L Oen. a, Silinua ·I, m. (Xe>.11110~). tM tutor and atUnd-
witti acc., hoc mihl 1lgnlllca.'1Se etannulue vlsus ant of Baccluu, rtprc.s.:nUd 111it.\ Cl bald Mad, u
flt, Cle.; b, wit.II acc. 1md lnftn., omhea alghl· al IDClJIS drunk, and rid.fog °" a !l a,,_
lkaballt ab eo ae eue ad mod um delectatoa, Ck; llll'o .111, 11. 1o be 1till, noittleu, .ant. L
o, •ltb ut and the subj., ut statlm tllmitter· Lit.., l or J)P,rsons, a, 11bwl., or with de ancl
eutur, Caee.; d, with l"lll. aent., lltterae neque the abf., optimum quemque silere, Liv.; cetert
Unde neque quo die datae eisseut 1lgnlllcaba11t, de nobis silent, Cic..; partic., silens, 1il1n.l;
CID.c.: e, with de and the abl., de ruga, Caei!. umbrae silentes (or tne dead), Verg.; subet.,
Etp. A. l-0 irtcllroU tAtU whicA u to come ; a, allentee. tlu 1U111t; (a.) = the d«&d; rex II·
fllt.ura_ Cle.; b. l-0 gir:w ligM o/, indknu a cha1W9 len tmn (Pluto), Ov, ; (fl) tM Prll•CJ{IONCIU J
ail 624 siln
eoetus, Ov.: b, with acc., lo be ailelll ci /orwt or wood, Varr.; 2, of plauts and &DimaJlt
about; t.u hoo silebls, Cle.; ueque te silebo, toUd. Plin.
Ho'!'. ; in ~·· l't!8 11iletur, Cle. ; ~c. sub&t., llllvMOO, S. (sllva), of a vine, to nna toad.~
81leu4a -Onun, n. tA£nga lo be 1Uent about, nm lo wood, Cic.
aecrrtl, m111U7"ia, Liv.; 2, of things, sllet aer, sllV811ter ·tri11 -tre aud gen. allveM:rla -e
Ov. ; lkl<}Uor, Yerg. ; nox, Verg.; with foll. rel (silva). L belonging Co a toOOd or f~; ~
sent., Bi chartiie 111leant quod bene feceria, Hor.; eotier«l. wUh ireu, toOoded, woody ; collis, Cu& ,
partic.1.!11••, quid, still; nox, Vert?·; Ai.'llleu, locus, Cic.; subet., sllvemla -him, o. IWOdr
Liv. .u. Trnnsf., lo ruf1 to be; a, of b, living or being in ~ toOOCb; belaa,
peNons, silent dintius .atwtae qua.m solebant, placu; t:ic.; hominee, Hor.; CUJ'HUB, C1c. U. Trllnsf.,
Cic.; b, of things, si quando ambitus sileat, A. growing wild, wild; oliva, Ov. B. nrnl,
Cic. (partic. pres. in abl., gen. Hileute : 1wncop. pcl.Jtoral; .Musa, Verg.
genlt. plur., silenturu, Verg., Ov.).
Silvia. v. l. Rhea.
Biler ~rls, n. a apeciel o/ 'IOiUow, tM brook-
toiUow, Yerg. .UvfoCila-ae, c. (silva and colo), t1• inlabU-
ant o/ tAe wood&, Verg.
ldleaoo, 8. Onchoat. or sileo), 1o ~
nu11t, grow atUl, Verg. allricult.rlz -tricis, f. (silva and colo), i.-
hahiting Uie woodl, Cat.
ldlez -leis, m. (rarely f.), anr hard aton.8,
flint, grttnik, baaalt, cap. aa material for pave- 1111~ -a -um (silva and'lrango). Mal-
ment. L Lit.., certo ln loco 11ilice111 caedere, ferifl{I tAe worxla, Luer.
Cle.; Yias in urbe eilice sternere, Liv.; as Hg. sllvlgir -g~ra ~rum (silva and gero),
or cruelty or hardheartedness, dicam eilicee t11ood<.d, cover«l. unth fO'F'Utl; mon tes. Plin.
pect.ns habere tuum. Ov. IL Poet., t.nna1, allvO.U. -a -um (ail,·a), wll 1000ded, aboaJld.
= scopulns, rock, cliff; acuta ailex praecisiB un- ifl{I in f<Yt'eltl; saltus, Liv.
diq ne saxis, Verg.
Simbrt.vium ·II, n. a district in a, eo111'1Yy
Silliaua. v. Billus. of tAe .4equi. Hl'nce, Slmbrtinua -a ·um.
efilcern.lum ·Ii, n. a ,/11.'Mf'Bl ffJIUt, Varr. ; relating kl Simbrurium.
hence, tnmsr., as a tenn of abuse applied to an -ae, f. and aindua -i, m. (1llmna). aa
iutlrm old mau, 'ler. apt, mcmkey, Cic. ; used as a tenu of abUBe of
eWola -ae, f. ihe pl.ant Jenugruk, Plin. men, simins late, Hor•
llilloiUa -ae, f. (dim. of sillqua), G Zi.UU pod .UmDa -ae, f. tAe ftn.ul toltMteft jfovr, Hart.
or hwik, Varr. aYmDi.go = aimila (q. v.).
lllligln~Ull -a -um (sillgo), tlladc o/ t11Mat,
wheau1i, l'liu. a1mn1. -e (connected with simul, siumlare),
like,. resemblin17, lim:Uar; a,
lllligo -lnis, f. I, a kind o/ wrr tohiU always lj() in Cicero when usedwith genit. (1u.>&r_ly
or person~} rratrlSi
(Triticum hibemum, Linn.), Plin.; 2, meton., hominls, Cle. ; simile veri, Cic. ; oon est ven
10htnk11 flour, Juv. simile ut occiderit, Cic.; mihi minns simile veri
llll.lqua -ae, r. a hu..k, pod, 17wll, Verg.; plur., visurn eat, with acc. and inttn., Liv.; compu.,
alllquae -arum, puZ., Hor. veri aimilius, Liv.; slmllioreii Atticorum, C1<'.;
alllquor, 1. dep. (siliqua), to put JorlA or gd superl., slmillimum veri, Ci!'.; b, with dat.,
poda, Plin. si similes Icilio tribunos ha beret., Liv.; qmd
Sillus ·a ·Um, Mmt of a Roma" gtna: 1, A. 11imilc habet epistola aut. judlcio aut eoutiooi.
Bllh111, a fri~nd of Cmro; 2, P. Silius Nerva, Cic.; compar., similit\8 id vero f.-cit, Liv.;
propraetor in Bithynia and Pcmtu11, 61 B.C. ; 3, superl., simillimu.s deo, Cic.; o, with daL and
genit. together; similis illi • : . slmili& deonim,
C. 8ilius ltalkus, an epic pod of tMflrtJt am.tu.ry Cic.;
A.D., author of an epic poe?n cm the Pu11ic War iii
d, with lllter se, bomme.<1 h1ter sc ounm
fonna tum moribus slmill's, Cit·. ; e, to:L hy
aeve1ueen boob. Hence, SiUADus -a -um, n- a.tque, ut sl, tamquam 111, Cic.; f,abiiol., Ruimm,
lat i ng to Sili us. Cic. Bubi!t., alml1e -is, n. a rtMmblm1«, Cic.
ldllfbull = sittybos (q.v.). almllitil'. adv. (simili11), '" liJ:.e _,,.MT,
sllpbla.m -Ii, n. (aiA<#>Lo ..) luerpltium limilarly; full. l•y atque, nt si, Cic.
st~ (res -um, acc. -as, G pt.Ople i1l Britaifl, to dmllltiido -IuiRL f. (si111ilh1), liktf1t;11, li""1£.
tAe ;. 1.f the Setoern and the .Avon. tude, ruemblaMt. .L I, gen., est i11ter ip908
11imilltudo, Cle.; est homini cnm deo ahnilitndo,
ala 1Z'U8 -i, m. (af>.ovpo~), a lpt.Ciu o/ rim-- Cic. ; veri similitudo, probability, Cic. ; pluJ.,
ftah., prob. the :$hw.t-jiM, Juv. 11imilitudlnes, concr., rimilar Uli11gab Cic.; i,
ldlUll ·& ·Ulll (aLM~ t1nd O'lAtX)= sfmUS,flat· esp., a, liktnus in G portrait, Cic.; , a~
noN..d, 1111ub-n0$ed, pug-nosed, Cic. p1wr limUe, Cle. U. Tru~r., ~.a C09'Jlll"'UD.,
.Uva (sylva) -ae, f. (connected with v.>.11). a limUit'U.lU, Cic.; 2, ""Vorniity, \.ol.C.
wood forut. L I, lit., a, silva densa, C1c.; lllmDo = 11hnulo (q.v.).
ailvai-um dea, Diana, Ov. ; b, a pl.J~i.Qn. a aimlC51ua -i, m. (dim. of Bimiua), a litUI aps
grove, a park; si11:na in sih·a d1'1posita, C1c. ; 2, (of a m:in), Cic.
meton., a, a quantity of shrubs or plants, under- lllmitii, adv., old form of simul (q. v.).
tvood, Yerg.; b, poet., u tree vr treu, Ye_rg., ~v.
IL Trau.1f., I, a dense mass or quantity; 1111· Slm4Sla ·m6entis, m. (l:Lpom), a lllllClll It,..._
manem acrato circu111fert tegmine silvam, a i~ TTO<U, falling into the Scamamkr. nWS& of s~a.rB, Yerg.; 2, i>lentiful supply, SlmOnldea -111, m. (l:lJ.LWl't6'rs), a z~ pod
obu1Ld1111ce; virtutum et ,-ith rum, Cic.; esp., or of COJ. Adj., Slmonldiua -a -um, Si1A0t&idea-...

tnJ1terillls for speaking and writing, silva rerum, =

almple:s -pllcis (slm 1tmpk, cf. sinttrn&,
Cic.; omnis ubertn.s et quasi silva. dicencli, Cic. and plex, from plico), rimplc, VJMlOJl\JlOllAded,
(slhla.e, trisyll. in Hor.). · unmi.mi. L Lit.., a nat.ura animantls. Cic.;
Silvi.Dua -i, m. (silva), a 1.alin god of/orut.I aqua, purt, O\·.; jus, 'itor.; b, ringl~, o~; •!m-
Gnd the rouit.try; plur., ~iivaol, god.1 of the ferutl plici ordine urbem, Liv.; phis v1oe snn·
at&d tM country. plici, more th.a1~ on.ct, Hor. U. Tranaf., .&.. &,
ldlritloua -a ·um (silva), I, o/ or rdaling to plaitt, limplc, not compliroUd; I.Susa, Cic.; geeua
Sim 625 sin
mortfs, ioft1aout tortt.1nr, Lfy,; necet111ftndo, tm• •lmiUo. 1. (llfmflls), lo tnaks lilt& L Lft.,
amdilimlaL, Cic.; b, 11at111'1Jl, rimJ)ll; ratlCI A. Gen., Minerva slmulata Menton, Cle. &
veritatis. Cle. B. Esp., 'IMTally lrimp(t, ltm~ht­ Esp., l, to yruent, reprtNTl.l; c11pres1mm, Hor.;
Jin:aTd, •'Jlrl.aht, pflclul; animus apertua ac 2f. to imitau; nlmbos, Verp:.; Catonem, Hor.
siml'lex, Cle. · I Tran sf., to pui °" IM appeara1'08 of, liaulaU,
aimplleltaa -lti11, ! (1implex). I. rimpliCfl1f, felgn, 001/.nlafcU; 1imularo gaadla vultu, Ov.:
$fmplC'JUQI, Luer. D. moral sLmpl£cil'JI, ltraighl· lacrima~, Ov.; negotia, &II.; aegrum, to Jlla1I
~-rdftal pwiumas, honutJt eaivlour; tht ~rt of a sick nllln, Liv.; allud agente&, aliua
puerilia, iJ,.,; aenno antiquae simplicltatll1, simnlautes, Cic.; with acc. and in1ln., ae turere,
LIT. Cle.; poet., with lnfin. alonE>, simulat Jove 1rntus
Ov. ; absol., non 1mi commodi cauai
atmpllmt&, Rdv. (!lfmptex). L e., p'c.htl'JI, ab!re, Cic. Esp., pa.rtic., almiU&tWI
~ruightJOrll'ardl'v, dir,dly ; defcn<lere, Cic. ; &imull\re,
-a -nm, feigned, counterfeit ; nee slmulnt111u
untentiam rercrre, Cic.; b, limply, 1L'ithot1t art, quidquam pot.c~t esse rllurnuu1, nothi1&{1 C0¥""1"-
artl,my; loqw,Cie. D. Esp.,fraflkly, ca111.ttdlv,
f.U cui& b. ~tin!], Cle.
Aom.~/JI, Tac.
lllm_plua -a -um (411'Aoiif), rimplt. Sn1"'t., = tdmultaa ·itis, r. (= simllil.NI, .. t'acultaa
limplum -i, n. Uaat which ii lingls (opp. w, facilitas), enmity toward.I 801/W 01'4! who ii lilu
rimlry, jt..J.lo:uy, feud, e111imo1i.ty, dLsscn.siois,
dupluiu), Cle. hatred; a, sing., simultatem dcpo11ere, Cic.;
ld.mp61um ·i, n. a ladk: proY., exci~re b, plur., i;lmultates cxerccre cum nliquo, Cic.;
lluctus in 11impulo, to make a .:Orm m ~tea-cup, i;imult.1tes dirimere, Cic.
eo lll4k4 m1'Ch ado about nothing, Cle. •imiUUS ·a ·Um (dim. of 11imus), a li.UU P"f"
llmpi.vlum -Ii, n. a 1aerijidal vu.l, Cle. 1'0.Ud, 1um.ev:lu:t mub·nC'M<l, Luer.
llmill(arehalc MniiU),ad v. (<'onnf'cted with Bimu -a ·run (o-i~), .ftat-'MMJd, ~
~), al O'ltll, °' tl&.e aa'llU Hrna cu. L Gen., a, 1nul>-1wud, Verg.
abeol., venire, Cic.; 1dmul commonera.oere, lliD. conj. bU (!. if hMDCM". L With pre-
CaeJI.; b, with cum, testamentum 11imul 01t1dg· ceding particle, si, nisi, if • •• but (!. Cic.; at
11&vi cum Clocllo, Cle.; o, with rt, qne, at.qui.'!, ••• a1D aliter, Cic. ; 11i ••• sin autcm, Cle.; elD
aimul rt ostrndi, Cle. ; simnl ln!latnt1 exacer· minus, sin alitf'r, sin secus, elllrt•. lnil if not, ~
bataaqoe Liv.· sirulll honoribWI atque vir· ~ ~ contrary, Cio. IL Without J>rect"liug
tutibua, Liv.; d, with abl.L11imul 8(.'pwmviris, particle, Cle.; strengthened, 11i11 autem, Cic.
Tac.; aimul bis diet!~, verg. IL Special
phraae!I. A. ai111ul ••• 1imul, not only ••• biU at lllDApl. lndtel. n. and .mi.pis ·is, acc.
IJw .llCJme timt, parUy ••• partl'JI (~ plv • • • ·lm,•abl. -e. and gen. ·1, t. (criMlW"•), mustard.
~ ~); lncrepando simnl temeritatcm, slnntl Plin.
lglUviam Liv.; toll by at or ne and subj., by alDoiri, adv. (elncems), 1IC7UlllU7, Jranldr,
qaod and lndlc. or subj., 11lmul sol pnrgandi riMertlr; loqui, Cic.; pronnntiare, Caea.
tauM, almnl ut, etc., Caes. B. simnlatq11e(sim· lllncirltu ·lltia, f. (slncerwi). L purltl_,
nlac), ae '°°" aa; a, simulatque cognitum est, /Tttdom from adulkratio-n, ckarntU, Plin. IL
Cle.; b, with ut, 1irnul ot expcrrecti Rurnm1,Cic.; vpright'M.ait, inkgrity, Phaedr.
c, simul alone (aa a conj.), i;fmul ln!lavit tiblcen, .incerma -a -nm (from ain rimpla an4
Ctc. C. (Like Or. ~) with partic. pres., simul cerus, connected with cresoo, ct. procerus =
hoe di~ns, while sayhl{l this, Verg. nmply grown). L pure, unmi.zed, '':nad~
llmiUacrum ·I, o. (from simulo, u tava- genuiM; a, lit., secernere rucata et simulata
erum from lavo), an '1nagt, likeneu, porlraU, a sinceris atque verla, Cic.; genae, Ov.; b,
~· L Lit., 1, a, oppidorum, Cle.; Hclenae, trans!, upright, honourablt li11«N; nihll sin·
C1c.; b, a doU; 1dm11lacra cerea, Ov.; 2, a n· ceri, Cle.; !ides, Liv. IL pure; 1, .round,
fttaio1' in a mirror, a 1haoow, wision. in a dream healthy; a., lit., corpus, Ov.; sinc.-ru111 in·
or «A in fancy : a, a r,jkcticn ii!. a mirror teb'Tllmque con><erva, Cic.; b, transf., uniii-
or in wam, Luer.; b, a ahmk, gholt, Ov.; c, 4 jtmrd, und,&troyetl; Minerva, Ov.; judlcium,
rilion tit a drtam.; v1111a (noctis), Ov.; d, t. t. Cic. ; 2, unmiud, pu.rt, mere ; a., lit., proeliuw
of the Epicurean phlloso1•hy, a oonctption of a" equestre, Liv.; b, tlg., voluptas, Cle.; gaudium.
ob~ea fa. ~ mind, Luer. : e, t/14 rw>lltcticn of a Liv.
Uung, Cic.; 3, transr., in a dl8Course, a charocter- elDolput ·pltis, n. (for semi cap!1t). L MI.I
picturt, IJv. D. Fig., u opposed to what is a head; esp., tltt mnked chap of a plg, Juv. IL
real, 11.!1 mn'I! image, imUatwn; aimulacra vir- Meron., tl&.e l>rain, Plaut.
tutis, (Jic. ; 2, esp., ~-a pliant<nn, appearancs; alDdon -6nts, f. (crw&'.tv), ~M cott<m clolA,
religionis, Cle. ; b, a llla4e, ghOll (of something muslin., Mart.
loetl ; auspiciorum, Cic.
~ prep.
ldmiUAmen -lnla, n. (simulo), an imUalfon, semper ille antewith abl., 1t1£thovt (opp. cum),
cum uxure, tmn sine ea, Cio. ;
Ov. sine dubio, Cic.; sine ulla dubitatione, witlioul
ldmiilw -antis. p. adj. (from eimnig~:nly doubt, Cic.; sometimes placed after its ca.<ie,
In com par., imitating, imitatiVll; aim tior vitlis nemo sine nascitur, Hor.
TOcum ales, Ulf parrot, Ov. elDgUJArlter, adv. (singalus), ringl11, Luer.
alm61ati, A(b, {simulatua), '- appcna~ ~llli.Um (llingiUaUm), adv. (singu•
/'ligntdly, Cle. lus), n11gly, oiu by one, Cic.
llmiUi.Uo -l5nls, f. (alnntlo), ~ a.wum.ed lllDg61i.r1a -e (eingall), blllm&{li-ng lo
apptarul'l()f of anythi1&9, ~ /rim, rimula- pancma or Chings. L Lit., A. gen., a, ri'1l9lc,
C~n. falM a1wu1; lmit.atio simulatioque virtutis, »-di vid"4l; u bi a liq uos al agulare.s ex nave egredi
Cle.; 1gere cum t1imnlatione timorfs, Cle.; coospexerant, Caes.; non eet slngulare nee soli·
•biol., sirnulatio flcta, Cle. · Tagum genus hoc, Cic.; b, nlati71{1 to a" ind&tri4-
dm.iUi.&or -l5ris, m. (slmulo). L an imi· tlal; imperf um, potentia, abeolllU rult, Cic. B.
f.alor; ftgurae, Ov. D. Transr., a A'l/pocritical F.ap., 1, grammat. t. t., ri"{IUlar, btlongin.g to tAll
'laUalor. llVJlOCfiU. eoivnUr/rit"1', frigMr; ~· nn,...larnumber, Qwnt.; subst., lll.ng61Aree
llitiae, Tac.; colus rel Ubet simulator ac dia· -Ium, m. a ul«t bod..r_ of iife-guards in th4 !m-
lfmo.lator, Cic.; simlllator bl omni oratlone, perial ~Tac. ll. Fig., .ri7&{lr. (n U. k€fl'4
a. 'Ila.It«' £• Vo&r, Cle. dilli1&g11WW, ""'"""' ringular, '"'iqv.t, ~
a1n 626 S.iP'.:-~!. in a good senae, lngenlo atque flnctull, Verg.; or lrimply sine, good, bl it .,,
ammC\ sml?~ares.i. Cic.; Pompeii 11ingularis ex- Plaut. B. ne di sinant (eliint), ne Juppiter
imlaque v1rt~, ulc. ; b, in a bad sense, e:mp- sirit, God furbid, Liv. (pert. tenllefJ syncop.,
tional : neqwtia, Cle. 11isti, sistis, siris, sirit., alritis; plupert., ailllitt
alnglUarltir, adv. (1ingula.ri11). L 1h~gly_; an•l sis:1ent). Hence, altua -a -unL L Par.le.
a, Luer.; b, i-. tJ&e ringular mimblr, Quint. IL pl~, laul. d01U1' ;. l• geu:• Plaut.; 2, e.p.. a:
Transr., ~rt&cularl,, IL~rlJI, eztraorai.naril11; b-uil~; Phihp~pol_1s a Phtllppo aita., Llv.; b,
sliquem dillgere, C1c. buried; C• .Mani 111Ue reliqu1ae apud Anien~nt,
8bagtUi.rlu.a -a -um (slngularia), ri"!l~; Cic. IL P • .Adj. =lying, lritlUIU.. A. Lit., 1,
tatenae, OJI.OS &wilted (or OM povnd ,,. toeight), gen., linb"Ua in ore sit.a est, Cle. ; 2, esp., ot
Plaut. ~laces, s~t~; locus aitns 111 media luaulA,. Cic.
-•-~•=.a- lnnlllatl (
D&MfSu.&a-=S & ...... m q.v.).
B.. Fif·• 1, gen., volu1•tates
. cu~ , c·1c. ; 2 , esp., s1tum
di . in medio aitas eae
. a liqua
ease m re or
a1JlgiU1. v. aingulus. ID ahquo, to rut upon, dt~ltd upon; aasell8io
llingultl.m. adv. (singultus), i1& IObl; tranisr. quae est In nostra potestate sit.a, Cic.
= stammeri11.gl11; pauca loqui, l:lor. Slnopa -ae, r. ancl. SID.opi -bl, f. ~~
111dgultlo. 4. (1dngultus). L to hiccough. L a toum in Papll.lagoniti '"' the ~ &n. a
Plin. ""lL to th.rob, Pers. ' colon.y from Mild1u, birth-place . Qf tAa epM:
8burulto. I. (singultus). L Intranslt., to Di.og~llU, now Si11ap, Sinailt, Sinub. Hence, A.
\M:ccu~, to IOb, Quint.. ; of dying peraons, to ~oe_ensfa -e, belongi"fl to Sill.OJJ&. B. &1-
rattle in the throat, Verg. IL Transit., to 11ob nopeu -~i, m. (1'•••nnv~), tM Slieopiaa;
tut, gup out; &11iruam, Ov. Cyuicus, Diogenu, Ov. C. SIDopfa ·ldia. t •
llingultua -lls, m. (alngull). L 'WUpi"fl, kind of Ttd och~. /omul uar SiAOJW. D. •
IObhtng; a, of persons, singultuque plas inter· Greek town. i"' Latium, a/ltMllfl.rtU called 8'tt-1lalfl
nuupente querellas, Ov.; multas lacrimaa et (q. v.).
tlt't.urn cum slngultu vitlere potuisti, Cle. ; b of 81niieaaa -ac, r. ~ll'OV~cnra. or Xu-V~a), 11
persons dying, rattling in. tM throat, \'erg. ~L town. in Lanum, /UNM'l'l11 calUd Si1t0pe, roloau.l
Of similar sounds, the croaking Qf a ravsn. tJ&e by R&lnaM, tM ntighbo1trhood of mich _.,
gurgling ofwcUt:r, Plln. ' fammu fur ita 111iM aRd wear• baths. Adj.,
lllngiUua ·a -nm, more freq. in plur., SlntiGlllli.nua -a ·um, q/ or l>IW1'ging to Sin-
ldnrill -ae ·a (from sim semel, lingly as tsaa.
ahupjex). L 1ingll, a Bingu prrsoi~ or th.tnu, llinum, v. 1. sinus.
oru alOM; a, sing., slngulum vestlgium, Plaut.; alniio, I. (2. elnua),tobmd CMMll!; terga, Verg.;
l>,i plur., frequentes nn paucl an slnguli, Cle. arcum, Ov.; pass. as middie, muri iutron.11.1
u. Distzlbutive, 01u each; legiouea alngulas sinuatl, bent (n.1DC1rdt, T&o.; serpeus siunatur ill
posuit Drundi11il, T11rentl, etc., oiu kgWn. at, Ov.
Brun.dilium, one at Tarentum, Cic.; flllae siDgulos lllni10aua -a -nm (2. afnua). L fell of toi'A.d·
ftlios habentes, Liv. i"fls, be11t.ling1, cuna, ril\1W1"; veatia. Qv,;
Slnla -I!!, rn. (l:i"'~• i.e., lie that '"Jures), a lfexua (anguta), Verg. D. Fig., or di.acourM,
robber on tM i:llhmua of Corinth, killed by Thut1u. di.ffUM, dtgruriw, Quint.
slnJater -tra ·trurri, u.ft, oii t11t UJt hand. L 1. llinua -l, m. an4 llinam ·I, n. a lo.~ botci,
Lit., A. Adj., mam111, Nep.; rlpa, Hor.; compar., · a hcuin, Verg.
smtsterlor -us, rota, Ov. B. 8ubst., 1, 2. lllDua ·llA, m. a bendiag, cvrw., JbbL L
lllnistra -ne, r. a, the left hand, Caes.; used In Gen., of the wlntllnga or a snake, Cic.; or tlie
st..aling, natae ad fUrta sinistrae, Ov.; b, the curls of hair, Ov. ; the fol.ti of a ga~11t, ainn
l<f! 1i<ie: dextri sinistrl, Cle.; sub sinistra, ex toga fact;<>, Lly.; the btUr of ci -.~l atn:illt" ~
Caes. ; 2 alnlatrl -orum m. the Uft wing of a tM tcind; smus 1mplere secundos, \erg. ; plt-oo
lL1u o; 1.aUk, Liv. IL 1, ~wkward, wrong, per- pondere vela slnu, Ov.; cedendo l'inum in 111edin
i-eru; mores, \"erg.; 2, 1111/arouro.blt atfoust • dedlt, fo;nted a curtt, Liv. IL Esp., A. tilt
MiKllll, Ov.; nutus vecuri i;iuillter, Verg.; 3, t.L llip; 1, ht., a, alnurn lmplel"l' ftorlbtt:.<, Ov.: b,
or augury, a., a111011gst the Ronra1111, who, turning ! ~ hanging fold of tM Wga, tile bwom, '"";
towards tl1e south had the ea-;t on the left, h.tteraa In slnu po11ere, Liv.; optatnm nf'g0ti111u
fnvo11mble; tonitru; Ov.; b, nmong the Greeks, t1!bi In siumn delaf:t1~ eue dic~hat, Cic..: ill
who, _ttin1ing town;:d11 the north, had the east 011 smu, to '"<fO~ in. ~"d, C1c. ; 111"ton.,
the ni:ht, unfavourabk; omen, Ov. a garment, lndne regales ~mus, Ov. ! ~. a, tM
lnlsterl.. -- 1 ,, boaom; hence, low, ajftdum, affectionate prr-
8 . . _ ·it ~· •· (sinlater), lfill-7&andtd- ttction.; In sinu est meo, ia ay darli"9, Cle. ; in
'IU.U, aivku.'<!:.rdnus, Pim. siuu gestare, to hoUl dear, Cie.; b, tlw i•aod
8~ adv. (sinister), u1\fil:ro11rnblJ1, un· part of anytJii~, t11t h«lrl; In ainu urbia auut
propttiou1ly; excipere, Hor.; reacril>ere, Tac. h<;>stes Ball. B.. a baJI guif; a, lit., maritimua,
mnllltrorau (alnlatroraum>. adv. (for CIC.; b, me~u., la1:1 o" a bay or pl/, LI\".
si11i:1troversus, ainiatroverswu),
Caes., Hor. ·
°" tJ1c Zfift hand O. a clia.IJA m tJ&e eartA, Liv. (dat. and &bl.
' plur., always slnibus).
elno. sivl, altum, 3. lit., to plQ()I!, put doum, ~um ·Ii, n. (dim. or aiparuo1 = s~1p-
'°au down; only used In this sense in the iiartic. parum). L a drop-ICtM at a U&mltt; &. ht.,
situs, and in the compound pono (= po:dno); in Cic.; b, nil't<m. com«iy, Juv. D. 11 ,-.nai•
the finite verb only trMsf., to permit, allow, to ~urte °'! nin, Quint.
"'-.f'-r. L Gen., a. with acc. a1,1cl lnfln., vinum ad 81Ph0(81po) -onis, m. (CTi..,."), a 1iplol'l, Ju\·.
11e lmport&rl omnlno non smunt, CMS. ; nos Sipontum ·l n (:i& • ) · porlalll
transalplnu gt 11tes olt'l\DI et vltem Rerere non harbour in..ApulW:
slulmus, Cle.; In pa.'IS., wlth.nom, anti inf\11., hie - -
DO;, Ma;d; sf!...!: .&.di
rv-· ......,.,
accuaare eum moderate per senntus auctorl· 8 ipon.tmus -a ·Um, S~M.
tatem non est situs, Cle.; b, with subj. alone, ~ptaohiraa-ae,m.AAitWi\aiabw,nppo#d
sine p~i:;at aretque, Hor. ; o, with nee., siuite to yield, Plln.
anna vms, Verg.; d absol., non fcmm, non 81pf11lll ·I rn. (l:ill'll~), a tROURtni• f•
1-atlsr, non slnam, ell'. ll., A. In con- Ltjdiat wherr, c:cromi"fl ta tAc ltgead Nio61 t111111
•erutlon, sine, kt= 11w11; 1°l'ri1111t sine lltora turnta inlo stont. '
siq 627 sme
8iq11AD4i_ adY. (/ttrW, CiC. king C~ U.. Tllracla1' Clwnon-. Hence, A.
lliqaldem,. conj. L i/ ,ndttd, Clo. D. Sith~D -lSnis, Sit/Ionian: poet. =
Kllll, bea:null!, Cic. B. SiUloata ·ldis, f., 1111bat., a Th.racia11
aiJ'aemn ·f. D. (oipclor) = sapa (q. Y.). 100ma11, Ov. O. Sith•iua -a -nm, Sitho1dait,
lli.reml19 Thracian: subat., Siehinll -6rum, m. t.u
and mirempee (1dmilis re lpd), TAmciau, Hor.
Uu 1Ume; alremi- legem, Plaut.
Siri~ -e.nla, r., usually plur., Bireues ·Um,
altioiUO.U -a ·am (, wrr drr, parclwrf,
t (~'P'J~}, IM Sinm, birth with the faca of
lt!OllWll, cm tiie coa.d q/ Soutliera 1141.11, tcho hy thdr llltlea.a. v. lillo.
11>ng lurra fll4ri~ to dutructwn. Sirinum alelentb, adY. (slUeoa}. tlinffiJI, ,,wa,.
&CO!•llli, ilru 11114ll rocJq; uland1 01' tht IOUtA- tlt:UJtTl1J; expetere, Cle.
toc:at coolt of Campan!a, 1*10tn S"rrmtum alld dtlo ·Iv! and ·ll -ltnm, 4. (11tJs). to thinrl, N
Capreiu: tranar., vitand& est lmproba Biren, tAir4g. I. Int.ranslt., A. 1, lit., Cle. ; prov.,
desi•li.a, Hor. sitire ane<liis in undis, to ltarN i11 Uu midi/ of
airlUJa ·la, f. (tn~p[40u), a diaeui '" c:Mld- plenty, Ov.; 2 t ~1r., a, of plants, the soil, etc.,
nx, ca11aed. by acu:tfrt 1ulaJ, Plln. to be dr11,; 11ltiunt l&§trl, Cle. ; tellua, Ov.;
llirlua ·Ii, m. (cuiptOi>), Ul4 d.og1la:r, Verg. ; b, to su§t-r from h.Mt, to 'be ·•U11ated '1'
clilllaU; Arri sitlentes, Verg. B. Fig., to btr
a lol
poet. attrib., BirillS ar.h1r, q/ Uu ~llar, Verg.
«v;tr: p11rtie., llltle119. tA'ndi1&g, flll(}tT: eo
ldrp8a and lllrpl'a. v. sclrpeua. gr-avins avidiusqne sltiens, Cle.; fac veniaa ad
alrploMu• Adrpiculu.s (q.v.). 11itien.tes aures, languishing for news, Cle. IL
Transit., to thirst for IOll' A. Lit., Taguru,
alrpua =. AClrpus (q. Y.).
Mart.; pass., aquae 11itiuntur, Ov. B. Fig., to
airus -1, m. (nipck), a pit or cellar fer brqn1tg thirst ~. «U}trl11 cluirt; aanguinem, Cle.;
COT•t, u 1ilo, Plln. · lw1!on•111 Cle. ; partic., sitieus, with genit., Yir-
Ilia= al \'is, v. 1. volo. tutis, Cm.
Slllapo ~uL~, f. R to1cn in Hi8pan!a lkutka -is, f. third. L 1, lit., arentib1111 sltl
twlUT tch.ich IWTll gold-mh1u, DOIV • raucibu!l, LI\'.; silim colligere, to Jul tliirst, Ov.,
Siaenna -ae, m. L L. Cornelius, a fnmour to C(IUle, Verg.; sitim explere, Cic., ex- orator and h.Worian, 0011-lemporary Q/ stlnguen>, Ov., restinguere, Ck., de1iellere, Cic.;
Cicero. IL a~" llandcrtr i" .Rollll i>~ the 2, trans(., or the earth or or plants, drynUI,
li'IM of Hora«. dr01ight: dcserta sltl ~io, Verg. D. Fig••
llUler ~ris, n. (O'ivapo11), a plant wWI. i:m th.Lr1t, eager dufrs; libertaUs, Cic.; argenti,
alibU root (:;iurn 11iMrum, Lion.), Plin. Hor.
alato. stftl and st~ti, 11t.'ltum, S. (redn· altitor· --Oris, m. (sltlo), ou 'IDM tAinCar, •
plication or sto). L Tr,m>1il., A. to cm1u to<ter, Mart.
dmrd, put, p/.ttOll; 1, acietn in litore, Verg.; •lttfboa (slttiiboe) -1, plur., altb'boe. m.
allcui jaculmn In ore, to hit on tM mouth, Vel/C.; (criTTv/jos = t1tTT11/Jov), a strip of parr:hn~nl 01'
2, 8'1p., a. legal t. t., aistere se or aliquem, to wh.icl1 tM titu of a book wa' written., Cle.
J»:Odtu:S, ~UM ~ ap~r bt/OT8 a oourt of ju&tiC4', aitiUa -ae, f. and sltUlu -1, m. a, a 1111aU
Ci"- ; ,-Jlld.1mo~1um s1stere, to aflPtll!r on the '!JI" uni for Jr111dng water, l'Ja.ut.; b, an 1'T1J iutd '"
pri"ll.Ul.l day, .t.'ic.; b, to end; effigfom, Tac. B. druwinq lot$, Pbut.
l~ to s!op, brm11 to111ta11.d, r:htcl:; a, lit., legiones, 1. aitua ·a -um, v. slno.
Lav.; eqnos, Verg.; pe•lem or grad um, Verg.; 2. situs ·ils, 111. (11ino). L tM place, rill,
b, fig., querela.a., lacrimas, Ov.; fugam, Liv.; siluati<.111 of anythinu; 1, lit., loci, urbis, Cic.;
2. to make l_rm, aettle firmly, utahluh.; rem plur., situs oppiilorum, castronun, Caes.; ter•
RomaMm, '\I erg. IL Intran!!it., A. t-0 ·stand; rarum, Cic.; 2, 111eton., a, rit11atio1' =building:
1. ~n., Piaut.; 2, eRl•., to a]'ptar, J>rt.s4!nt OM· monnmentum reb~li situ pyramldum 11lti111
NlJ an covrt, Cle. B. to stand 1till, to halt · 1
lit., ubl aistere detur, Verp..; 2, to 1ta111i ft~; Hor.; b a rtgi.c11 of fill. earth, .rone,
Plin. IL
A. 1, lit., situ dureacere campum,
~mpubllcam al~.tere negat posse, Cic.; imperH.,
TIX concortlii su;ti i.osse, 01w cam'°' l«>ld out n.d, Verg.; 2, meton'.l a, wa1d of culti11tltion:
oiic can ltarad it"° lol&{ltr, Liv.; partic., ~tU cessat t.ernt situ, Ov.; D, rwl, 111011ld, dirt caultd
by rrnw.inillg 111 oiu plaa: occupat nnua situs,
-a -nm,faud. d~er~in«l, recurring perwaU:allr; Tiu.; canesennt tccta 11ilu, Ov.; c 0 ji1th.inu&f>ftl1A
dies, Liv.; 1111cr11lc1um, Cle.
body, Ov. B. Fig., of the min<l, r11sti11g, d11.lne&1, •
. llistri.tua •&-um (alatru.m), jknaf.lhld IDit1 a wtab!.t$1; marcescere otio situ<iu~ civitatem,
l&lltnun, .Mart. Liv.; scneetus victa situ, Ov.
lllat.rum ·I, n. (cniOTpoll'), CJ aort of mltU used sivi allfl seu, con.I. L or if: 11 omnes de-
'" Uu K1<R"ship of /slit, Ov. clinabunt, sh·e alille decllnabunt, Cic.; me, lleo
llfsymbrlum -II n. (tTtcniµfJp•o ..), an aro- corpus spoliatmu lnmlne maviM, retlde meis
witic herb !JtlCrtd to Ven.v.s; perhap'I, mint, Ov. \"erg. IL With a disjunctive sense; a, doubl~
Siafphu (...0.) -1, m. (Xi!TV<flof}, a *''~ of aiYe ••• si ve, sen .•• aeu, 'IDh.dJ&no ••• or, iJ • ••
.tfeolu.•, lll' Q/ Su.Im~, a king of Cori.ntJ1 or if: sive tu me<llc11m adhibueri11 (fut. perf.) slve
a cu11ning robber, killt<J by· 1'hunLJ, cclMUm~ um\ adhibueris (fut. pcrf.), Cic.; slve feci"8et 11ive
fo tlu lo1~ 1C<1rld to roll tlp h.iU a great 1to1u voluisset, Cle. ; sive deus sive natura ade111erat,
"'~ich corutantly fell back. Bence, A. .AdJ., Cic.; sh·e ca:1u, aive con11ilio deorum, Caes.; In
SU.fphlus ·a -um, a, Q/ or rtluting t.o Si1yph1u the same sense, si\"e ••• seu, Verg., Liv.; aeu
Prop. ; sangniue cretus Sisyphio, UlpS«.~, 01-.; ••• sive, Ve1-g.; repeat-ed several times, si\•e •••
sive ••• sive, Cic.; with other disjunct. par·
b, CQrinthiaii, Ov. B. Subst., Si.ah>hidia ticles, seu ••• aut, \'erg.; with loterrog. par·
-ae, m. Ulyuu, said to be tlu ion. of tide11, ·lie ••• seu, Ver~.; sive ••• an, Tac.; b,
aitADJ'.1111 -a -um (cnrTcinoc), o/ thi1 11ear, thu or; regis Philippi si\'e !'crsae, Cle.
r«Jr'1, Plin.
amkagdua -1, m. and t (op.cipa~~), H
altfllla :·ae, f. (dim. of situill), an. urn,, ued '1Umld, Luer.
/or drawing loti, Liv., Cle. ~OU9 -& •DID {OJA'lfCTurik), cUJllnri11g1
Sit.lain -6nl1, m. (%<8-), ~ of, cle!lrung; via, Plln.
sme 628 sod
mnecm• -iltls, n. (0'1•Jiw.a). a 'llUGlll of socl&A, gi~I tu n 1Aan in, \"eJ'"K. IL E9p., le
cUaTLil•jl, tUUrgtnl, rlin. acrompliJll& in companr tt'ith Nlum; sociati p&rte
llm.ilaK -!&ch1, (cr~;Aa(). L Mndll.lft'd. Plln. l:lhori11 !ungi, OT. .
IL Smilax, a trwidm £'hanged into tM plcu&I of ~otraudm ·I, m. (soeius and fraudo),
tlu s11me 11111118, Ov. 01u 1cho cwu a wmroch, Plaut.
Smlntbeu -~i. m. (11.uvBni,), (I 110'7i1Ulte of eOolua ·a -um (from sequor, or eliae connet-ted
.A/lOlw, either from cr~i"80( (in CJ't' '1Wltat), with sodali!!). L taking part, 1liaring in; sub!t.
the, or from l:lmintha (~i..ei,), a =n oompanio11, romrr:uU, al'SOCiat~. purl11t>r, 1.'wrrr;
town in the TrC1jau country. ...~ii penatcs, Ov. ; socius regnl, Jello,,,. ~11.t,
I. smyrna -ae, f. (cr~vpl'Cl), 'lftyrrA, Luer. Ctc.: soclus periculorum, Cie.; belli, Cic.; amt"llt·
lae, Cit>. ; noote socii, 11nder tM 811.dkr of •ifkl,
'.!. Smyrna -a(', r. (I.,.vp1•a), afammu; trading Cic. IL EAp., 1, or relationship, llOCittA Mn·
t.o1n11 in Ionia, one of the plaou !Clure Homn" 'I008
guinl11, a brotl&n-, Ov. ; 2, of marriage, RilCins
1o'itl to have "'.ni. born. Hence, 6m:JTDM1UI tori, a luuball.d, Ov.; socla tori, Ov., &nd ain1ply
-a -um, of or beumging to Smyriia. 11ocia, Sall., a tcife; 3, aUitd, con/ctlerau ; socii
amyrrhlsa = myrrha, myrrhls (q.v.). eaz:haglnienaium populi~ Liv. ; clauis IOC~
s6b61ea, sobolcsco = auboles, aubolesco Ov., subst.., ll6cl.11.9 ·h, m. 43 alfr; bulC!
(q. v.). populo socii fuerunt, Cic.; Socii1 t./u 1'4liaa
.Obrii_ adv. (11<>brlns). L moderaUZr, ~ natioru bqond IM boundariu OJ Lal&•• i•
gully, ~riv; vivere, Cle. IL pndn&Ut, curt- alliance with tlle P..omana, tM allia; Socil et
/u.lly, Plaut. Latini, Cle. ; Bocil Latini nomlnis, O&c Latitt
aJ.lia, Liv. ; 4, In relation to trade. a, a pllrl·
.Obrietaa -itls. r. (sobrlul'), tllOdmUMm '" MT: judiclnm pro IOCio, a .fttdpant t• •pin-
dri1~l.:ing. mr~11. Sen. nersl&ip nit, Cic. ; pro socio damnari, to br co•·
.Obrina -ae, r. (sobrinna), a coui• cm ~ demned for defmttding a ~rtner, Cic.; b, aocii =
mvtJu:r's suu, Tac. the companr of for the purpo. of P,....
eobrinua -1, m. (for eororinna, from aoror), iug tM tazu, Cie. (genit. plur., aocillm, Liv.,
a cousin on the mother's 1fdt, Cle. Verg.).
SObriUS ·ll •Um (perhap.'1 =se-ebrfns, U IOCOrl llioorcUa -ae, r. (10COrs). L npfdUy, /oUy,
= 11ecol'll), sobtr, 11ot imoricated. L a, lit., or tneaknus of i'IUtlltd, Tac. ll. cartlanas, Mf1li·
per11ons, Cic.; b, meton."'-or Inanimate things, ge110t, indok-11ct, inactitrit11, Liv.
lymphR, Tib.; nox, Prop. u.. l, transr., modtrale, llioohllta, adv. only in oompar. (!IOCOl"8),
1r11yul, ccnlintnt; homlneR plane trugi ac 1obril, la.rily, llothfully, roreltalr; ·ab Alban is socordiua
Cic. ; 2, fig., sober-minded, pnu:lent, reaaonable, res act.a, Liv. .
cctulious; •>rator, homo, Cie. llioora -cordis (se and cor). L wa.t-aiu.d,
soooata.a ·&·Um (80CCUll), 1Dt'JCJT'hlg IAe ll>CICUI, ltupi.d, .Ul11, Cic. JL 1Uglige11,t, mttlua, llael.-
Sen. • /vl, i1M1ctiw, Sall.
soociUu ·I, m. (dim. of 1occua), a liltlt ~ = 110CnU1 (q:v.).
soocu -1, m. (O'Vicxi~, ovyx&~), a lf.g1tl M08 or l!Oodtia ·ill, m. (°LMpciT19f), tM fil-.ov
•lipper in we among the Grt:ida, Cie.; eap., the .Athe11ian ph.iloeopl&n-, conumpo-rury of Xen~
10CC1U or low ihot worn by coiMc a.ct-On (u the
aiut .Alcibiades, put to dt.at1t. 011 a charge Qf b&·
eothnrnus waa worn by tragic actors); hence, }Mtg and Qf corruplfog the flOUth. by hu Utad&ifl9.
meton., a, comtdy, Hor.; b, comic 1t11lt, Hor. Adj., SOcrAUcua ·a -um, ~; cbartae,
philoaophy, Hor. Plttr. subet., SOcrWol
eOcer -i!ri, m. (i1C11p~), a·in·Zaw, Cle.; -orum, m. thepupUa all.d/ollct«rl qf Socrata..
plur., soceri, tM father· and mother-in·lalD, Liv.
sOcera= ~ (q.v.). ~·!ls, f. (i1C11pci), a motMr·in-la1'1, Cie..
a6cla -ae, r., v. sociu11. Ndallolua -a -nm (aodalis), of or nlati~
companionahip. L Adj., jure sodalicio, Ov. IL
116ciabl11.e -e (Bt)clo), sociable, earily unit«I B11b11t., Hdilicfum .Ji, n. A. comradalip,
or joined; conROrtio Inter regea, Liv. intimacy, Cat. B. l n a bad sense., a 8tJCTl'l
s6clills -e (socius). L social, ~l.e; homo IJOCidy; lex Licinia quae est de sodaliciis, Cic.
11ociR.le aulmal, Sen. IL Esp., A. co11jugal; -e relatir&g to 001RraduAip. L Adj.,
nmor, Ov. B.: of or ffla.ti1ig t,o alliu, allw; turba, Ov. IL Subst., eXcliilte -is, ru. A. 11
excrcitus, Liv.; bellum, tM Social War, Nep.; comrade, inii1nate a.uociate, C011tpa1&ion, ~
lex, Cle. .frivld; 1, lit., Cie.; 2, transf., a, or things. II
s0clillt4Sr, adv. (eoclalis), toeiably, Hor. companion, attendant cm: soda.Us hiemls (or the
e0cleDD1U1 -1, m. (socius), a companion, com· Hebrus), Hor.; b, a lharer tciA = ranW/ittg;
nu.le, Plaut. sodalis istios erat in hoc morbo, Cic. B. Kap.,
.OCletaa -iitis, r. (socine). L IOC!ety, rom- 1, CJ table companion, a boo1'-companio11, Cic.;
pany, wmpanioruh.ip, fellowship, auociati011: 2, a mtni.ber qf a club, ~. corp:mlliott;
hominum Inter lpsos, Cic. ; vitae, Cic. ; regni, a, in a good sense, of a college of priest.I!, ail.ti
Liv.; scelerh1, Cie.; societatem coire, st.atuere, in Lupereis• sodalem ease, Cic.; esp. of U..
inlre, conftare, Cie.; venire in socletatem laud um priests of the deified emperor, sodalea .Auguat.
alicuim1, Cic. IL Esp., 1, commercfal partner- ale11, Tac.; b, In a bad sense, a~ ofa MICf'll
ahip; a, 11ociet.atem facere, Cic., gerere, Cic.; and illegal society, Cie. (&bl., sodAli, Cic.).
judicium 11ocietatie, relating t,o partMrllhip, Cic.; eXdalltaa ·itls, f. (sod&IU). L ooapa•Mm-
b, the partMT!l•ip or company of the poblieani to .ship, intima.U anociatm; otlicla sodalitatla
farm the of the prot-i?U."u; Bithyulca, Cie.; familiarit.atisqne, Cle. ; homo summi sodalitate.
2, a political aUianu lwt:t1ettn 1t<Uu; societatem Cic. U. Esp., 1, 1:1 club for ftalti"'J, Plin., Cic. ;
Lelli facere, Cle. 2, a club, a.uociazion; a, in a good 1enae., 11
a6clo, I. (soelns). L to unite, camblne, auoc· religious brotherhood.; quaedam sodalltaa Loper·
tau, 1hart; vim rerum cum dicendl exerclta· comm, Cie.; b, in a bad aense, a RCrtt, illepll
tione, Cic.; vitae Stllle periculom cum aliqno, to aocittr, Cie.
ri&k one• lift with. any one, Cie.; sanguinem (of ll04ill (for at au.des).. prq.11, V ,ou ~ wUl.
relationship), Liv.; of things, omne genus hnmln· your wve, prWwic; jube aodea nu.mmoa curarl,
'Im aoclatum Inter se euc. Cie.; noe mbe, domo Cle.; me. sodu Csc. relinque» Hor.
sol 629 sol
.... 11611•, m. ... NI&. L A. Lft., 1, llOl mnrot, Tac. IL Tmnsf., lo i°'"
logctAu, fo
pnecivit"u•. '"rli11!1tq touwmu trf'11ir19, Cle.; 111C1h wllok, Plln.
111prewo 110le, cat trc1'i 1117, Hor.; sol 1111l1l e:re1d· Mlldu ·11 -um (Gr. &Acx), dffll!t, j.TfA, IOlid.
Ille e u1undo, Cic.; vro'f., nondum L Lit., gtn., a, p:irif'~, Cic.; sub!lt., Mlldum
omulum dit'1'Um 1<1\ occidlt, in. ,." w
M fer 1rwr, Liv.; 2, u a proper name, Sol, tM
tWt""' .f, n.,(a)ftrm grotrnd, Ov.; (JJ) n tAick body, Verg.;
b of metals, llUU.'fi•·t, 1oltd; ('r&tel'N auro solidi,
n11·f10<I, IM P1totbiu of tht Grrth, jh~ Q/ ; ; tlla.UiN gold. \"erg.; O, ~Mr&, Jtard; ripa,
]'M.dJlo,._ Ptuipltac, t.'irot; till& Sulis, l'u.uphG4, Ov.; adamas, Verg.: 1uhlt., Mlldum ·i, n.
Ov. B. ?ileton., l, tM liglll. "t0rmth, lw:a.l Q/ IOmdlli119 fir1", Hor.: 110lirlo carere, Cle.; in aolido,
tAe 1111'; 1•lur., soles ofku =
'"'""II clap; 801
nimlus, Ov.; 11ml111lare in 1ole, Cle.; hence, or
ftir., ill lifl/tly; allqucm in 1oll<lo locare, Verg.;
d, thick, alror19; tori Herculia, OY. 11. Tranaf.,
work done in the sun (opp. to umbra). a, milil· 1, tuhol4, <"am1.UU, mtin; uaura, Ole.; partt.111
4'11 ~ia; cedat umbra (I.e., Juri11prud.,,11tia) snl11lo dtm111re de die, Hor.; 11ubet., Mlldum
soil, Cic. ; b, appmra11« ill public; proce•l,.re ·i, n. the u•liolt 1u111, Cic. ; 2, jf ~,
In inleiu et publicwn, Cit-. ; ~. t.lw GaJI; tn-s rml, 111b1tallti<1l, 1Uli<l; lttUB, C1c.; nt1litas, C1c.;
eolts erramu>i, \'erg. IL Fli:., tlw: .n1.11, of ~I&·
tinguialu.••I pt'reou1, P. Afri··a111H1 sol alter, Cic. i
10lem Aaiae Brutum appellat., lior.
subst., that u• i1 real or genuine, Hor.; 3,
im111.Qrabl1; mens, Hor.
.oJAolum 801atium (q. v.). .01114§r ·f6r& -rnrum (Roi and fero), l'll.n-bri114·
'''11· 8e11.
we.,.. ·lnla, n. (eolor), a mcM Qf ooJUOlo.
"°"· rotr\fof1, Verg.
.OJimum ·I, n. CMi plam 1lt91'.U~ Plln,
.Ollftica -ae, t (sol and tugto), 11 kind OJ
poilon.otu anl, Plln •
.Ollatlmum (aolllsttimum) a11d motu.-
llil&rta -e (sol), Qf or relating t.o IM ""'• ttimum trtpudlum. 1'14 good 0111rn a..rorded
llOlc~r; I nmen, Ov.
.OJ.i.rlum ·Ii, n. (l<l\). A. a 1m1.riial, Plaut. i
IMtll tlv. taertd chklu118 au
food ftll 011t of tltrir bea.b, Cic.
'° ta{/'rly that ""
a. lllucl\ frtq11~11fol1lac.e in the jor11111, u:h.trc 11 eollti.rfua .. ·llffi (11olus), 11.llndinq alo11e;
"'J& "°°'1; 11o111 acl solarium ,·erAAlns est, a solitar11, aloiu, lcntlll; solitarius l1orno at.que
Ch:. B. 11 balcony, terrace upoud t-0 tht 11&"• i1: agro vi tam agens, Cic.; b, 1i1111le_. alont, br
Plllct. itu-IJ; quoniam 101itaria non posaet v1rtus ad ea
llil&tlil1UD ·I. n. (dim. or eolaUum), a nnall pen·enire, Cic .
COIUOl.t I ti.on., ~ f.. .Olltiido ·lnla, r. (aolua). L solit111lt, ltmtl(.
.Ol&tlum (.01Ao1Ulll) ·II, n. (solor), a roti· llu..i ("VP· frequenlia, <?t'l"'hritas); loci •. Cic. ;_ I~
tolntioa, ro11vort. solact, rt,li.Q. L 1, lit., , .. ~vi· !<.. lit 11d111e sec11111 loqu1, C1c.; plur.. 111 n111m1
tutia, Cle.; aolatiurn 111ft'rre or P"'", C1c. : tl••l·•ribus aolitu•lille!t captare, Cic. D. a $lo.le
alceuti mag11R ded1ne, Cic.; 2, transf., of ducrtiM\, dtprimtion, wam. llberorum, Cic.
~ a JMalU of Mlp, refuge ill ~ed j_ 111111on11e, Mlltua -a -um, p. adj. (from sol.,,o), 11-nial.
C1a.; b, <1l!l4l11d8, rom~icm, T11.: • .1.&. )!.,ton., C1Utomar11, wo1lttd, lu1bitual; a, adj., locus, Ov.;
= 11 rouoltr; a1·ea, aolatia ruria, Ov. aolito matrurn de 111nre, Verg.; b, aultat., Mllt-
.Oiator -6rLI, m. (eolor), a oon30ln, com.frnUf", um ·I, n. UUU 11·/1 ich. u tuUal or . cwito11uu,,,
Tib. cu.sto1"; often with prep., p!'kkr 11oht.u.111, lior. i
.olA'1UI .. -um (eol), nJl.oltr1u'lc, Plin. in 11bl. with COllll,>l\1'., u1ajor aollto, Liv.; plua
eold.urll -Orum, m. (a Celtic word), rttai11t7'I, solilOJ, Liv.
~.CM:s. .Ollum -U, n. L e1 chair Qf Atau, royal Mat,
8014u 90lldus (q. v.). throne; a, for ki11!l&, rei;ale, Liv.; 111cton. =
Mlia .-e, r. (11olum). La z,ather sotutrap1>ffl throne reyal po11·,r; In paterno sohu litC&re,
Liv.· 'b for the gods in tl1e te111plt1s; dcorum
Oil the foot, a :11JRd•il; soleaii po11cern (aner dl1111er).
1mlio' Ci~.· o, of jurist.'J, 1111 arn1...:Jwi·.-, llt<t~l
Hor. IL Tratuf., a, a •p«i~ of clog or fclttr, fo il, U•tl/ gut~ their opinion; quo 111i11u1
Cic.; b, n l.'i11d of 6h.oe for a1!imau, not nailtd 111ore patrio seJo::u~ in solio consul1•11t1hus re·
ow, likt our horst·Mou, but hed Oil, Cat. ; o, ll &po11d1:rt:'111, Cic. D. a l>athi119-tub of stont or
~. Iii~ 11<>lt, Ov.
tutlQll, :Suet. IIL u iWM coJ!i11, 1arwpl1u<;lLll,
1161iarlu.a ·D, m. (soler.), a 1011dal-maktr, Suet.
Plaut. eoUvAgu• •I\ ·Utn (i;c.lus 1111J V~llll),_.1001'd~
~liatue ·•-um (solea), 1r~al"in~ 1art.Jnls, Cle. ~n9 alo•u. L Lit. 1~,.t1.1e. C1c. IL hg., 11Jl ..
.Olen -enis, w. (0'111A>fv), a lpeci.u q/ mu.&UI, tm·y, loriely, nn9l~; t:11g111t1•1, Cic.
tht r a:or-fish, l:'lln. eollemnt• (e91emnta, .Olennts) -4! (fr.. m
.Olenn.l.a, solenuit.Aa anllemnla, eto. (q. v.). =
sr.l111s totP:I a11•I nnnus). I. ytn.rly, a11•1<111l
.Olio, st'.\llt11s 111111, 2 to bf ii.·cu.•rom«i, be (al'plie<l tn a1111ually recurring fe5tival>'); NLc1a,
tl.k•I be u:orLt; with iofin., mentui, Cu:.; ut s~cntlcia. C1i:-. I.L T1a•1sf., A. $nfe11111L .frsti1·t,
aoie:., ul iwlet (sc. facere), a.s i3 m~, ··u~to1n, Cic.; r;li:1i-Ou~; ep11lat:', l11rti, L'1c.; Ru list,., eolenne
ut sol"'t (i;c tleri), cu ia IM nutom, C1c. ·l:i, n. a !'""'"' j;••.•1, /I'll., i_firt, a rtli']iows rr/'1;
.Olera. solertia solleni, •oll..rtia (q. v.). s111\emne clav1 ll~l'D<ll~ Liv.; e.1p., plur. =~he
.oacrificilJL v1A.:tun,• ;,1<1 11.,lle111nlb11s vesr.I. L1~.
MU (861oe) -('\rum, m. (l0Ao1), a to,,.•· i•t B. u~•u11l, c:1~.:.fu,,tu1 y 1 u,.ontr:d, C·1mm,d11 • la~~tv1a
Curcio., a IJreek oolo•:y, natiw J)n1~ of th.e .:>t111r 1111litum, Liv.: ottlcinm, Cic.; &•Jbst., aollemne
CAl'Jllippu., of Jlenan.Jer, a1~t of llit u.stro11011ur -1~. 11 .•1 t1L..-V;111; 11ostruu1 iliud 1tole111ne !lerve-
.ilrotiu. 111u;; CI(
'6Udi. adv. (solidus). L firml?1, dt1isel•1 aollellllllter (aol'lmnlt~t'.
IOlidly, Col. D. 111.rely. otrtn111/~:•111i<l •l"irl!, ttir). D<h". (~ollcmni.<). I. ;;?'fuc,./y, rtliµcvu•ly.
Plaut. 1,111lllti µPrdet:re. L,v. U. av....oT'fJl••'J tn u.x· cu..,.
16Udlpea -pMls (t1ollrlu11ud P'3) Ml diriJ- IQHI Phi ..
i11g lht h.oof~.
ltnti11g 1oidi1•idC/1 hQllf8, Pl111. llOllen(solers) drti11{301J11~= t ..tu:- or.·:;..-.~
16Udltaa -.itl11 1 f. (&olidui;), lfJlid·ty; nee •!ii lit., po:~t;~t<l r11li •lli1 nf 011 (Ir: ("Pl'· in~r·') h "' "•
b&beut ullam eoliultate1u nee em1na11ti1.rn, Cic. c/'!t tr, 1h.lf:1t. o/ir<;it; a, of p!:rll"I'> ";nrol:l,
16Udo, l. (110li•iu1). L a, to 11vrlt 1le11.,:·t, L'1c.; Ul:i.;.•e:>, O;·.; q•il) q•11.0• 1 ue ~ r ~'1!1 .. 1•1rir
Micl; &n1&m cret.A, Vera.; b, lo ~e .fir"'; tt 111~ni"slor, hoc, etc., C1c. i P.01lt-1t1:.1i1u1u1
SOl 330 sol
emnlum, Mall.; with lnlln., H•lr.: with ~uit., Solollla .a .nm, MUM o/ «1 dillrid la
MnllA lynw KUlll'n., Hur.; b, ••f t.hiup, i11vr- /.«ti'"""'
•w11 .., i 11hlligr1&t : 111\lur:t, Cic. ; •l•·>C~riptio, Cic. llOIO!.r 1. tn .-cm\{ort, cnuol#. L Lit., lnf'f"J'A,
(abl. alng., gou. i.ollertl: 110llcrtt'1 Ov.). !for. .u.. Tra1111r., a. to a#NO~, «t<ILltr, rt/int.
80llerUr (.O~r). ath·. with compar. ,1,itigriU; ra111e111, \ll·rg.: lRhl.'rt!lll. cantu, \'erg.;
and •JllJ>crl., c:lei~.-111, 11J.-il.f11llv, 1.1.1froiUy, Cil·. lluvib1, Hor. ; b, to iiulem1tifJI, Co CIJWI..
Hllertla (.Olertla) -ae, f. (110ll .. rt1), ckrier- Jlt' 11.&fill, 'l':i.c.
- . sl..&/Jt&l.Mu, uu-r11t•1Y•u'4¥, ,,,froit11e#, in· aolatltli.U.a-e (solstitlum). L o/ orrrlatiict
g17u1il11; 11atnrac, Cic.; l11gc11ii. $11.; with uhject. to Ur.e 111t1rn1tr IOUticie; di~a. ll&e lowpst dn.y, Cic.;
geult., col(itawtt,, \;ie.; In hac rci t&uta llOX 1 t/Le ,Jwru~t II ig/l.t, Q\•. ; Orl.ii.s, tJu tropic n/
ir•e.t ratio at~1uo aulll.'rtia ut, t:tc., Cic. C<utttr, Cie. IL Meton., A. rr:lati11g tn nim1111r
eoWoltatlo .Oni11, f. (MOlllelto), 1m in.cititig, or to tM wr&rm.tll of 1111nmer; sol11titiall tenq••n-,
('lt.llti.gatiuy, i1111Hgu.ti<r1', rr.>ljci.taHoJJ, Cic. I.Iv. B. of or rtlnti ng to tJ~ nrn, :svlar; or Lb-,
llOlllolti. ailv. (11<•lliei1ui.),m1rimul11, IOlicU- aolatftlum .fi, n. (aol anr.l siJtto). L "
°"lll.11, rnrr/1111!1, l'liu. .00.titt, Pllu. II. Eal'" the .mi.u•ur ~st!.Y, tlt
aoWolto. I. (110lllcltus), kl mo1it vwltntly, lon9<-&l rlny. A. Lit., Ci<'1 B. Meton., nt1111fln,
s/111b, sti1·, 1111i1ttu. L 1, lit., tcllurt!m, to $1,11111'1:•""(•11; 11ol11titinm JX'C<•ri <lefl'n•lil<', v..ri;.
,,w.,,,.,, \'ul")t. ; rreta rt'l111'4, \'tll'~·; splcnla, I. .Olum ·I, 11. U1t hottcn" or lowest JW!rl oJ
\'t!ri.; 11t1rn1i11a docto tt01liCI.', fo tuuc.'1 ti~ 8fri11!J~, m111thing. L Oen., a, lit., r.iasae,
uv.; 2, tram1r., to -J;cn, tlist11rl>: urnl4 coj1iii. clivu~ a.t aolum e:rn:stutt ei.t, LiY. ; b_. liJ?:..
&l\,'1'11111 11tomach11m, H••r. II. Fig., 1, to_ 1 Ls- u,.01ut1l, Jo u11dat;on : aolum et qnaai funnam .. 11·
t1ub, tro11l1h; 1iaoem, Liv.; :d, &, to <JL/i.tal<'. tum t•mtori!I, locutio11e111 e111euJ:ita111 et l..ati11<1111.
w.c, di,,111itt, a'""'ll: haoc e1;1ra 111e 1101l~cit&t, Cle. D. E.~p., 1, t~ floor of a ruom, Cir.; 2,
Cie.; aollicitatua J upplkr, Liv.; b, '·" "'"' 11p, tlu: 110le ef u /i1<1t, Cic. ; 3, of a !'ho•.., l'lin. ; 4,
iru·ite, i11~li111•lt "1 "''JI tutio11, 1111/1nt, tnm1>rr "''ii, ymu111l, n1rth, la,1tl; a, tllBL1'tllll, Cic.; P"'' .,
wirt. ; (n) in " lJIM.l 8t'll><e, ci\' itHt1·11, Cu L's. ; 1t.••l- q11odcu111 (lte in s.•lu111 \'Cllit, wl1<1kt'ff .f<•I~ .,,.. ~
li1·it... t111t ah Arvcrufs ltt'CUOil\, C11!'!><.: J>tlt.'t., wrth gn.mnit (I.I.'., 11'Mt<'rrr comn info or1~·s N;ad). ~c.;
" t.hing as ohjL"Ct, aollicitarc j11<1ici11111 .i ..1iii1, ."ttl.: ellipt .. ilri h>t(Uor, quot.I in s1.•lu111, nt <licrtur, Ck.. ;
to o11t.1 i '' /111 /.witoerv, Ov. ; to t:Xpress tho ol',jc('t, b, ¥<•il, ro1111lry; 11ulu111 lllltriae, ti1e IOil "lo,...•
with 111l a11J the aoc., CAIL'll\ and th•J i;cnit., ut or tLatire l'011.ntr//, Cic. ; 1sol11111 vel'tere, ruutare., Iii
ue awl I.hi.' 1>11ltj., poet. inlln., 1wn11H ad huspitt-111
11ecaml11111, Cle.; tlixlt se sullicitat11111 e111te, ut.
ku1~ 011t's m11iiti-11, !IO i•i.lo t.zilr, Cic.; 6 •)i/ =
tlu1t v·/lkh iii "'"'•l'lw:al4; Ci:ro&lt!, cL L,~, uJ
rei;11are rnllt!t., Cle.; (/3) tu a guoli ~list', to per- b"1c:uit u111lcr11cuth oUiir jv<H.l, \'erg.; z<u"1lt.rah-
n.1ult, llOlicU, i1yhwi«, Luer. it1u·qtUl 11olu111 (><C. navi), .ft'<t., 'it:ri;.; :i.itra h:11~11t
110Wcltu4o ·luls, f. (>101\icit11~). 1uu:n.•i11eSR,
wu11'4&l 1list11roon.u, a11•.r:itt11. aolicit1ult, azrr,
cade11te 1wl11111, Ju-av.:11, Ov.
2. .Olum. a1lv. (solus), al01~, O!Ur; a, 111111
tro11blc; a, sing., cura ct 1t11\i<'it111ln, Cic.; with de re sulu111 est Jillllt!nsio, Cic. ; b, iu,'at.•ct. 1-:l'llit., pruvinciae, crbo11t the J1rot'i11cc,
Cle.; altrltmht'"' sc al> 011111i sollicituJine, Cle.;
~mt., 11011 1mlu111 ••• \•erum etiatn, tloC n'"'
• • • lJHt cddo, Cic. i UOD 11<1111111 • • • ~ elia111.
tlt'11tere gollleitndi11e111 1 Cie.; Hollicitn<lini,. all· Cic.; 11011 1111111111 • • • iW<I lit! qui•lem, •oC OWJ
quill, Cic.; b, 11lur., 1mllicitmllne11 tlo111- ••• but 11ot ci·cn, Cie.; lluu 11uluw •.• -1
tn1tiC11t!, Cic.. ; l114bere 11liqu11111 solllcitudinum \'i\', Cic.
soci11111, Cic.
Sclluntinua, v. 2. ~olns.
eollloltull -a -um (ll(lllus tI1t.t1,. anrt <'lo), l. a0lua -a -11111, ~uuit. 11iillu11, dnt. .Oli (fr..m
flln1111Jl!1 tttvr1~l, ltil'nr.t Ill'_, n9ilnltd. I. Lit., 1w), ulone, 01tly, wfr. L Uen., svl11111 ~.;n~n-.
physic:1 lly, 111are, \'er~. IL Tn111sf., !Lo poli · Cic.; :solos ll•>Vem m,.llllell, orlly fiiv 111,.,itA,,
ti..nll.11 i/i4l11rl1t1tl, :-!:ill. B. fll.l'11lctll.11 cluturbl'li, Cic. D. or pbccs, 11c..titcr171, <l~rt, 1rni"1«cl·i1.-.1;
OHri111u, tllll'll8!/, di.st11rl~l, irofi1·ifo11s; a, of tht•
q1111111 in locilll i;oli:s 111~tus t!n&tt'll, Cle.
mln<I, :i11xi11ll anh1111>1 aut 11ollicit11>1, Cic.: b, t•f
Jivin)! ht•illh"S; (o.) of }ICl"dUnll, Vcl1<'lll .. llkl' 11nl· 2. SOliia -11nti11, r. (IuAoiir), a lolt'I& ntl lit
lieil11111 l'-8!1<', Cic.; aliq11c111 HOllic·it.11111 huhert>, uorth c0ttsl of :.;icily, tall of I'111w~111u11, U~'" C.u-
to tro11bk, Cic. ; \¥Ith prep. or with vic1•111, kllv di .SOht11ttJ. Hcuec, s.luntlllua ·•, 111. '"'
H<•llil'itt1111 •'''>Ill 1le nlic11i11i1 rnletu1li11e, Ck.; pro i11/111l1itnnt of Solua.
Ael••li:i s1•llie1t1111, Liv.; i;nllicit11s prnµter dilli· aclluti, adv. (i10l11tu::1). L a, v-itlwi;t ;,,,.
c11lt11t.ti111 locorum, Liv. ; 111ca111 vic.. 111 ll•Jllicitu:,i, Jicd/11·umt, freely; 1110\•rri, Cic.; b, 1Citlt1H1/ ,/,.J.
Li\'.; with, sollicitus 111orteTiicr.lli, llur.; with l·111ty, casil11, Cic. IL ro1Ti~l11, 11.yli.1r ,,,,,,
uc a.11<\ !lie :.ubj., quae cruciutur t:t sullicltl\ est., Cic.
nc t•11111\1·111 1.aulo po!lt. llpuli;1tu111 omni di~11itato acllutllla -e (110ltttus), «UUy OO•lli1&f to 1.;n..-.,
con,;l'il'iat, Cit·. ; (/J) of a11i111al1t, CUllt!d, uutcliful, Suet.
Ov.; c, uf things, (11) pas.•., tnmlil<!.t; in vita
01111110. >1e111por ¥11s1iect:i l\fA!Ue 11ullicil3, Cic.; (,t>) aclliitlo -~nls, r. (sol'Yo). I. n 1oo-h19. A.
act., rli11r1•1idi1t!J, causi11g tl'ouble; 1uunre11, \'erg. Lit., li11g1111e, a loo8t, rt1.1ly ro1•v11~.1.;'ic. B. 1-"l(,
l a 1iayi1111, pa,1f171e111; ll'g:tt11n1111, Cic.; 2, 11<•h1t10
eoWferr6um (aoliferreum) ·i, 11. (solluR n~rnm cn.'<litarum, Cic. II. liu.olt&ti.<m; a,
= t.<•t1111 u11J ferl'Ulll), a jat1t:li11 rnlinly of iro11, l.<Jtins ho111i11i>1, Cie.; b, e.rpht1utlw1t, :sen.
eolllstlmua = sollsthuus (q.v.). .Olutus -a -um, p. a.lj. (from sulvo), lt1()1(n11L
L looiurne<l, 1ur.bouwl, fr«. A. Lit.., tuuica,
aollu.a .a ·11111 (Oscan) = totm1 (q. v.). ~11i11 t. B. Vig., 111tl1v1111d, f1'fr /r'Qlll frtfers, fn"t.
1. .Olo, I. (suhu;), to make solitary, make i1Uky!n.de11t; l, ill ll guu<i ~lllle, a, 11<1!11t11~
dtMrt, :sen. lillel'l!ue a11i11111ii, Cic. ; suluta optio el4,-e ... 1i.
!!. SCSlo = Solon (q. v.). 1111hi111/ertd, Cic. ; with au Rllt.I the n hi., •vl1111
acupid1tntibu11, Cle.; with ahl. 1L)l)11e,1u11liili11rw.
SCSloe =Bull (q.v.). Hor.; with ge11it., famull opPrllln 11<.•luti, llnr.;
lll>looolamaa -i, m. (O'o>.oucu7Ja.~). a gram- b, jru from 'itbt or f111)1'lgagt, t11~11C111n~I:
flll•tinrl trror, 110lecl4m, Quint. prae<lia, Cle.; c, of orators, /.t•ent, ?'Mdy: 111ul11tUt
861on (8610) ·<inls, m. (!.0Aw11), one of Che ntque expeditus ad tlir.eudum, Cic.; d. of 111,..
&1~11. llli.# Mt11 1if <Jrttce, a fu.•1to1u .Atlu:11lan cuun•c, un.bo11111l; {ca) free from. tM /dUn qJ
"'1i.tlll.Wr, liviitg alx>ul i.llO ai.c. met"l'e, pt'ON; aoluta oratio (opp. poewat.a), l:ic. J
sol 531 Sop
(II) loost, jfo1Di1tg, not mrrJu.11'!1 coiutrl&ded: verba. A. Lit., 1, it>n., Endymlonla, twria.IUll{I, Clo.;
Ole.; numerl, or l'in•larie 1•ot'try, ll••r.: 9, In a
t.d aensel a, tnarutn1i11ed, "ubridl~l, uu~I,
so1111111111 capere uon p<>SHe, "°' co bt aN1 lo 1/up,
Cic.: somn11111 1Al111•re, to l.:ttp onu~lf fro• 1lup-
di-"Olute, ittnlioiu: libido aolutlor, Liv.; pmc· iw1. Cle.; 8011mmn alicul atl"t•rre, Cic.; 111111uo
tunr.. Cic.; rfo111, Verg.: b, l<u:y, 1l11u11Wl: co11soplrl ae111pitcrno, Cic.: dare !lie &0111110, Cio.;
TitiUB tfflo aol11t11s t>t 111ol\is in ~ .. ~t11, Cle. ; o, all1111em ex somno exdt.are, Cic ; ln 11011111i1
Wtgligu,t_ Cle. IL or aoll, Zoou, loollfl/UU; Lerra, vitlc1-.., Cic.; 2, e.~p., drotNiriu.!I, la:iiuu, i1'-
Plin. llrli••il.11: snmno nati, Cic.; 1le.liti sonrno, ::lalL
aolvoi.aolvl, "~10t11111, S. fl. 11e anJ luo), lo B. T1uusr., tlv lilrtp of dtutJI.; lougns, Hor. D.
lna:<oeii. ta lnc.Y11, 1mtit, un.Vind. A. 1, lit., 111 .. tv11., ni9/u; lihr.11lic (= diei) somnlqne pares
(1111r111 a "tlpitfo, Ov.; 4'0rnlla11 dl3 llo!ltra fro11te, uhi feccrit hurn11, \" l'l"g.
Prup. : crirws, capillo!!, Hor.; 11otl11111, Tib.; 2, .CSn&bflle -e (R11no), 10u1ldi1lfl, rt»Madifag:
rnu1.-r., a, to m11iiiul, rtlm~. ~t Ft'-; cn11c111, alstrum, U\·.
l'haeilr.; t.."QllUlll ""11t'llCCllt•·m, to u11yol:t, Hor.; .CSnana -anti!!, p. arlj. (from sono) '°"nrl!ng:
b, tni.w1r., to U•ltit. IM'<t'.11, open: cpistoln111, Cic.; ~011c•h:1, Uv.; of W••l'lll, ut siut nlia (\'el"lla)
or.a., opcn. the 11w11th., Ov.; c, uant. t. t., a111~ora111, q .. 11n11 I iora, f111l-do1111tf i n9, soiwrou11, Cic.
nave111, to wei{]h nn.cl1or, M-1snil;110 s11lvrrt1 fu11e111,
\"erg.; Khi<ol., nnvc.1 a tcrrn solv1•ru11t, C1le". B. MD&JC ·l\ci!( (1101111), sountlin!J, rao11.ll<.l,...g, Ov.
}"ig., 1, c•11111111•rcial t. t., to pr111 or tli:1di.1rt1i Cl llODOhoa ·I, 111. (aoy:ico~), the 11'<1~ to1t.~t1'iltl1,
dll1i; a. lit. (Cl) ali1111i•I; pcc1111i:rn11lehita111, Cic.; Pli11.
pro fn1111.-nt11 11ilail, Cie.; 8olvet1tlo non •·mt, M 116nlpia -~·Ii~ (8nnns and p('tl), iovndirag
toiU i11.,.-ifr111t, Ck.; (Ii) nliq11t'111, to pay any Oil«, 111iCh the fut; usually KUh~t.,
111. tJu 1'.irse, \".,1-g.
Phut.; b, tra11sf., t11 perjorm a promi.u ordut!l.f•d· Mnltua ·11~, Ill. (~Ono), G IOU Ril, Mi.U i
µ tll& t~l'•!J'11Un.t: 11i ""lveris ea qune polli··•·riit, Olympi, thuiwa, \'erg. ; so11itu111 1°1.'<i>l•·te, Cic.
Cic. ; justa p.'ltauo fuueri, Cic.; MU pn·uia alicni,
T .. c. : capttt! poen:ia, to 1ujfcr a~11itfll J'U11ish· a6nlvfue -a ·Um (souo), soun.li11u, only u11eJ
wunt, Sall; 2, to ad fr•·t1, ffl(J(.1$1; nli•1uen1 curl In aug11ry in the phni~e 80111\·itun trl1•udiurn,
tM Millt of the f00<t /al/i1~9 from. tM /Jcaka oj
et neg••tio, Cic.; pj\·ltate111, 1"e111pulili1·a111 N-li~­
lone, Cie. ; 1~r l\Cll <'t libram heretics t..->1tlltnl'l1l i, the 1aerrd rh.ld-e11.,, Cic.
Cic. : 11t i;i s11l va8 (if y,,,1, rtlo1&fl froin thc fdltr (If llino, s~ni11, sc'lnltmn, I. (sonn~). I. ln-
rtrv, i.c., lu.r" in.loprnM) ' p11st.-iu:u11 l>isconlia,"
tran~it., 1, to SOUllli, N$OU1ltl, t1Ulk8 ,, nci.<1:: ...
etc., llor. II. to brenk tip, to loo~n., bT" In 11n1111eru11t t.yrnpun:i, Cae11.; clas'licit Rouant,
71i.:i:~L A. 1, lit. 1 &, gen., to brtak to pieces; \'erg.; sonare lt1Rt1i voce, to 71rotiu~ an emplJI
11a•·t!in, ffl dt1$h to pitcu, Ov.; 1~mtem, Till'.; b, jingu oj VI01'tl8, Cie.; with "'~c. neut.bRmnls
to null, di.!.rolt'fl; uh·e111 1 Ov.; snh·untur •·is ..cra, rnnca 1<ma111 1 10u11di1'17 har1/1lg, Ve~. ; , eap.,
1•11tref11, v~rg.: 2, tr:insr.• a, to llflrt, llef"'Talt: of tliscourse, lo 101md: Uellf', mdi1111 1 optime
a;.:111ina dlductis eliori>J, \"erg.; b, to 11.'fJCl.h11, !\Ollare, t..:ic.; 2, lo Tt·r.dw; ripae 11011ant, \'erg.
t,/,t.e; homh1.,9 sol\"cmt 111ta qnie.-i, Ov.; !IOl· D. Transit., to 3ound; 1, a, to pro<l11a<t sound;
\"1lntur frig•>nl 111embra, Ver~.; sol vi mortc, or incontlili>1 vocibus inchontun1 quitlda111 ntljUll
sol vi alone, t<• cli,., ov. B. Vig., 1, to f"t1lW1'' by percgrinum 11onaute11, Cic.; 11ec vox hot11inc111
brtak£114 up : &, to br£n(1 to a" t1id, ttrnl! 1wt : 11ouat, scunds hunian., Verg.; b, I<! bdmy by a
injur~m, t'.IAll.; pn811., l11en11~ 110lvltur, u bNll·en aound: furetn 8omwre jll\'cnd, Prop.; 2, to
wp, Ju.1pJ>t!<1rP., Hnr.; b, lo brrnk, to vlolalt; nuan; quid sonet luwc vox, t..:ic.; 3, a, to ~ho11t,
tradltum a p~ioribu!l nmrern, Lh·.: solventur rhm cry, sing; euhoe lJlwche, Ov.: b, lo Ii 11.1.1 of:
tabulae (1oerhap>1 =ti~ l<i11.·1 u·ill lo~e thtir forct, bella, Ov.; c, lo ttlrbroft: atavos et nt.1n1rum
l•nt see nntler tabulae, 11. I.), JJ.>r.; c, to bani.ah, antl11ua nominn, \°erg. (fnt. partic., 11011at-Uru111,
~ ri1l nf; po.Jorem, Vt·rg.; 111etmn Corde, \"t·rg.; Hnr.).
2. to 60/.1~. uplain ; juri11 nu<los et lt'gu1n aenig· a6nor ·IM11, 111. (sono), aoulW, ttOUe, di•;
111... t•t. Jtl\"'.; captloaa, Ck. o1011ore111 llnnt ttih•ae, Verg..
Solfm.l ·orum, m. (l.6A11µ0•>. the tarliut <n· MDOl'1UI ·II -nm (&0nor), !0111uH1117, ruonalal,
'ltllbir,u&u nf f,yci.a, fron' wl.. 111&, cw:or./iay to IJ()lflt, rl11.ui11.!1, lvua, a-01wro1u: dLham, 'fib.; wm•
tlv. ./ru::& uvrc d,sctn.dttl, u·lmicc the 1U1111e II itro· 11esta.-1, Verg.
aol_r1ma, Ja1U11l~11,. Hence, n•lj., SOlfmu -a 110JU1, son tis, 1711llt11, 1T~-l!ervht9 of pitnul1111en.I;
-nm, iNlnn.gilUJ to Jerus11le11' or the Jrw$. · auima, Ver!(.; !lll11guis, Ov.; 8lll.Jtit., punil"e
eomnli.tor ·Clris, m. (110111uio), a drromtr, sonws, tht uuW9, Cic.
S.m. Sontlate11 ·nm, 111. n pt.ople in Gallia .Aqvi·
llOmnfOUlOM, l\dV, (IOtnllicU!OSUS), liupily, l•miu, Oil tM bof .Ur~ of Galli.a. Celtica.
[,1zily, l'lant. sontlcua -a -11111 (sons), dllfl(lfrou.•: morons, ·• -um (so111111U1), 1lupy, danf}NVll$ (such n diRl',llKC aK fOl"llUI all l'XClUle for
droKU,tJ. $111·/o/i~I•: >1em'Ctll!t, Cic. nnl RP!·•·a1 i11~ in a court nr law); h1•11r: .. , cau1111,
110mnlter .f,trn .ffru111 (.iom11t1!i a11•l rero). L a W!'i~1lif•1, uriou1, im110rt11n.t u.:ug,, Till.
5f,.t1,.m11.•i11:1: \•ir;..::1 (Mcrcurli), a6nue -i, m. a nni:1t, 11>u1w, dill. L 1, lit.
O». IL 11111°<>>lk 1 1Lt1.1.d/g; \'<'lle1111111 1 Uv. a, 1l111ciM, Cic.; ab nr·uli!lsirno 80110 11:1que ;I
eomnlflOUll ·I\ ·lllll (sotllllll:I llllJ fario), gr:\\"il\.1hn11111 sonmu, fl"om tlu lti.y/ t1Yble to t.M
flirit111iHJ VI" <"<lll~ill'.J llftp, l'lill, derpt'at baa..•, Cir:.; in:m••'I 111111011 flt11•lf're, Cir:. ;
eomnlo, l. (so111ni11111), to drMm. L Lit., b, efip., 4 tonrd; !!•;ti soul. Ov.; :a,111eto11., aioVe,
'(~ch: tune 1111·1111 et ao11111t telap!!U!j 1 lJor. II.
t .. tmt 1111cte,., Cic.; de alitpto, Ci1·.; with ll<'C., to
d1r.tM of; ovum, Cic.; with acc1111. 1111•1 i11!111.,
'l nm .. r., toM, Cic.
ov11111 pcndere e'.'t f.1><cia lecti, Ci... II. Tmu'lr., Mphfa -&e, (. (.Tu4>ia), 1C/,.WU., )(nrt.
tll c!N'!.1111., tJ4irtk, or imaqi14e foolilihl,11; p.•rtc·11t& .Ophlama ·lltliJ, n. (o-.:..faa,,. ..), er IOpkl1a, Ben.
W•U Ji,.-1e1~11tium philosophorurn, Ke•I ><ot1111i1111- .-Spblllta -11e, m. anll Nphlatee - . 111.
tiurn, Cic·.; \\·ith Ace. (=of. etc.), 'l'ro.lanum, Cic. (o-Ott>•~~). ct, a 1milOS< rho l«1t!11't
110mnlum ·Ii, n. ("011111u11), a rlrrum: 1, lit., for 11w11t!/ t/.,.1tv1~, pru.ctioo.l w~lmtt, tlw art •'1
J'l"1 a"1u11h (in a 1frr11u1) loqni, C.1.'.; 2, trum1f., 1li$fnlti1tg, etc.; beuce urten = ci q1'iilbldr, char·
rcil!l buigi.iat~n., Jix>lilihnui,, 'fer. la~rn. Cic·.
llOJDD118 ·i, 111. (for llO!• ·nu11, root SOP, 861)hffl• ·I•, m., voo. Sophocle (~"1!),
"'"'•uc~ sopor and ao11io), ll«p, sl"1nbcr, L tlu /i111w1u1 Urttk tragl.G JlOel. llence, aclJ.,
Sop 632 sor
MnhXoli1111 ·• -nm, SopAoclea", n'lath&g to lnis, Cle. ; fortunne et vitae. Ci<".; 2, 1anfi<I
~;j:Tioclcs, Cit·. frugnlit.11, sti1'{1i11us, ttigg.mllil&U$; a, ~ly in
S6phimU... ·&e, f. (~vi/Jo.), daughtrr of sing., uulla iu re familiari l'<>nle11, Cic. ; b, teen.
l/mulnwul, wife of t.U /'.'u111.ulum H1i.g, S,l( ht ptur., 111e1111Ol'}'leta1ml\tibu21, Cic.
I. Hphua (_.)·I, m. (O'o~), wise, P.haedr.; eordeeao, sord1\i 1 3. (110nteo). to bttmw.t dirlJ,
su l111t., a 1Dias niall, M1ut. Hor.
2. iNphO. (croct*(), adv. braoo, 11:1ell dorit, aordltitua -a -Unt (llorJitlns), tl'mrilig
Mart. dirl11 cwthu: a, gen., Vic.; b, (v. sorJe.s, l. h.),
clntl i1i 11tour11i1&g, Cic.
.Oplo ·lvi an•l ·Ii ·ft.nan, 4. L to pvt to alttp,
lirl/ t11 i<1,.,,,; l, Rt>ll., a, of living beings, vi1111 sordldi, a<lv. (B<mll<lns). L tlUllrtl!f. iH a
0111•rat11!l, l,iv. : rcrvii,:ilt Ill draconern her bis, Ov. ; lnw ~/,.fom: nascl, Ta<". IL T111.11sr., a, r11lgur/11,
pnrtlc., i;opit1111, luUti(l lcJ map; vlboiles, Liv.; b, 111ta1t/J1; lllcere, Cic.; b, B<Jrt!idiy, •linyil!i, CiC'-
tra1111f., of thing11, ro lvll, qui..'t; in pass., sophi, eordl4iUua -a -um (dim. of ~"lit!Wl).
sopit11111 e>litc to alu1nli<T, rtst; virtu:1 1:1opit& scmu:1rhlu .tfrt11, Juv.
11it., Cir.. ; lgnia sopituR, alumbtring 1u«kr ""' aordldua ·ll -um (sonleo), di1t!f, ftlt.lty, t11c-
tU/vs, Verg.; 2, to lull to an tJtr1w.l Blup, l..i.IL; L I .it., 1, g"n., amktu!I, Ve1~. ; 111sp1c,
quiete 11opitllll, L!lcr. IL Meto11., to 1'1111, Hi.>r. ; 2, in soile..l or tfo·ly dotlt.~s. aa a 6ig" u/
re11.<kr «11adua; impactWI ita tjljt saxo, ut llO}>i· 1iiournin11; squalore s.1rJiJu:s, Cic. II. 1'r.111af.,
l"\!tur, Liv. l poor, mM1l. (in r1u1k 1>r <""11ditio11), hu ....
iNpor -oris, m. (root SOP, whence aoplo un<l de, 11Mll, pallrJI; l1~sorJi1lOt•rtu;i, J .i\'.; it·ns.
11011111111:1)1 d«p slnp. L Lit., 1, ~n., sop.•r Cic. ; 01-ntu1-e11 11.irdidior~s. 11.rl('ll simliJiorr•,
alit111e111 opprimlt, !.iv. ; personif., &>por, ti~ C11·.; ut 11uia11ue ll•H-Ji1li~i111u11 \·id.;liitnr, ('ic.;
gotl of llup, Vel'I(.; 2 tlv ~lvp of dtalh: per· 2, "~'"• btt:JI!, 1•ilf!, di.•yni..:efitl; ii:1te 1111111ium
pet11119 11011ur, Hor. lL ~lctou., l, 1ltep'll'll.<, t11rpi111Ji1111111et11orJhli11i<ir11u11, Ck.; e-sp., lllin.91,
b1zfotu, i1w.('.tit>it11, Tac. ; 2, a alteping druu11ht; 1oJnli1I; homo, Cic.; cupiJo, Hor.
lJlllri 11011<1re111 tlnre, Nt'p. llOt"clltiiclo ·i11i:1, f. (,;onle!!), 11irt, jiltlt, rtauL
.OJ>Ori.tua ·A -11111, l!..__ ntlj. (fro111 soporu). L .Ore• ·lei,;, 111. (lip~). a shrttt.··mutt.«, Plit1.
1lu~11Bg: hrn:1k11, Ov. IL 11rol'i'lc.~l wWi. Mf'~/I·
11i1•i11.9 t10wu, ahtJiefyhig; mmu:t vi 8(,porat1111 .Oriolnu ·a -um (!lore't), of or "1Ylt1ti11g w a
~lYKiii, Verg. ahrrw-11w11sc, Plant.
iNpOritir ·f'l!ra ·fi!rum (11opor and rero),. .Oritea -at•, 111. (O'wpirinit), 11s..1ritu,a101.Jii.<,..
cuusi1iy 1ltep alerp,, Verg. fornvtl 1'111vc1111utl1Ltiu1& of arg1uuw, Cic. (tlaL,
1:1oriti, l'ic.; acc. siug., soritam, Cic.).
iNporo. 1. (sopor), t.o put t.o sl«p, cast ituo a
de~I' ..Letp, Pli n. ~Nr (= sosor, connected wiU1 Eni:lillb
HpOl'UJI -a -um (!IOpor), 1ltep·brit1.ging: Nox, wter, and .~erman llCinruttr), a irUUr. L Lit., 1,
\'1•rg. gen., Cic.; PhoelJi, J.u11a, Ov.; mai;na ""'ror
111atrls Eu111c11ltlu111, tM Cit.I.rt.It as 1istu q/ aiglit,
Sora -ne, f. the 'IMst northerly toum of the
Yol.:tei, iii. J.utiu.m, 011. I.NJ riglil lim1k of the Lil"i.I,
Verg.; plur., 8orore11, tM Paf'r:XW, Ov.; ''"
HOrores, Hor.; tht J•11riu, Ov.; 2, esp. = !llJl'1•r
11Ull called Sora. Hence, Son\nua -a ·um, 1iatruelis, aunt, l'ic., Uv. IL Trau .. r.. a, as a
btloiigi1tg to S01n. term of endeanncnt, fr~l. f>la!l11VIU ; ••oro!"f'll
S~racti (Sauraoti) -Is, 11. a 1nountain in. mcae, Verg.; b, of things alike or coui1e-·tN,
f:tr11riu, 1w&r R01iu, oil wlaidt stood a faiHJ)IU e.g., the bair, Cat.
tr11111/e u/ Apollo, uow Mr:mtt dL S. SUoutro. Mrorloida -ne, m. (soror and cae<to), ou
SOri.nua -11 -um, v. Sora. wlio murders a lister, Cic.
aora\cum ·I, II. (O'wpcuco(), a pannier, hamper, MrOrlo, 1. (soror), applied to the female
Plaut. broa11~, w flT"O'W up or swell to.Jtt"h.n-, l'lin.
aorbio, sorbdl, 2. (root BORB Gk. POB, iNrorlua ·• -um (soror), of or Nfuling to ca
wht>uce f'°4>iw), to 11u:k up, suck in, drfak doum, 1i1ter, aiaterlv; stuprn,, Cle.
to swallow. L Lit., a of pc~om1, saugui11em, aona. sortis, r. (from 1. sero, &8 fol.,. frum
l'liu. ; b, of thingi1, d1aryhJis vnato11 sorl.Jet in fero), a loL L A. Lit., a, coujicere aorle1' i11
11hru_1>tu111 f111ctu11, Vt1rg.:_; s;!rlJei1t. avidae prae- hydri&m, Cle.; or 11i11111ly, coujicere SorteJC, Cic.:
1·.•mll•1. tla111111ae, Ov. IL 1' 1g., 01lta, to IWltllow, tlejiceru sortes, Cic.; aors nwa exit, rotHr.i '"''·
1rnt 111> with, Cic. Cic.; ut sors exci1lerat, Liv.; b, esp., ••rt.-s,
I. aorbllo Caorbfilo). 1. (dim. of sorl.ieo). used es oracles, verses (from\' crgil, et.-.), writt.-u
lo s1u:k i11, sip, 'l"cr. on leavcri a111l <lrnwn Ly persons; sort.f's fiucel?,
2. aorbllo, &llv. (sor\leo), drop by drop, Plaut. Juv. B. Transf., resrcvocaturati sorum,Cic.;
roujiN."rr. in sortem provinciu,to cad lots fer, I.iv_
eorbltlo -onh1, f. (>JOrbeo), a drauglu, 1>0· IL M<'ton., 11 an oraculaT rupoiut, p,..Jpltr.-,;
t ion, Perl!. Rora ornculi, I.iv.; 11ors ad 11ortell rderemla, C1c.;
aorbum -1, n. the fr11U of tll.l sorbus, a 1er- 2, n.JJicial duty; num1u11.m afuit. uisi 11orte. CiC'.;
t•ice-uerry, Verg. 3, a, = vurt; in 11ulla111 o\Ortcm bon<1ru:11 !Wt.tu.
sorbua -1, r. tM StTVia·tmi, Plin. Liv.; 8at11ml sors prirua,ftrtt child, O\·.; b,lue,
sordeo, sordl'tl, 2. (sol'lles). I. to be dirty,, jort111u, dtYtiny: nescia mens
filthy; cunct&ne prne eampo sordent? Hor. f.v.ti sortisquc futurae, Verg.; illnt.'rimare 11o.~rU
IL Piri,., l, to be nu:<m, sordid ill a1ipmran.r.!, Jnunanae, Liv.; henl'e, ei1p.L (11) m11k or llatio11Jj
Plaut. ; 2, to be co11te111ptible, be de:tp~; adeo a ptr101'; prirnn, aecunda, Liv. ; (J3) sa; altl'D.
11e l!t1is ctiam l!ordere, Liv. fnnalt, Ov.; (y) kind; 11ova pugnae sor'!I, Vt'l)C. ;
4, money, capital out al interut ; 1-;orte cM~t.
aordes -is r. and gen. plur., aordea -lum, usur:\ nee eiL 1:10\idi contentus 6t, C1c. (&r.:bt..ic
f. dirt, jUth. L 1, lit., a. sine sordilJUI! ungues, abl., aorti, Verg.).
Hor.; in sunlibua aurium inhaerescere, Cic.; b,
esp., soiltrlortlirty gani1e11tit, UMd by11~ot1rn.er1mia eortlot\la -ae, f. (dim. of 1<>n1), a litlu we or
perm11.1 ricc:1wd; sonlt!ll lugu bres, Cle. ; 2 met.on., tickf.t, l:!uet.
Uf llel'SOll>' 1 U tenebrae, lutum, KOrdes, Cle.; apud aortDegua -a -nm (11ors a111i IE"gQ), propMlw,
sonlcm urbla et rt.ecem, tM drtgs of tlie 7>t07•lt, oraMtlnr, Hor. Subst., sortllegua ·I. n a
01o. IL Tnnd., 1, -n11.U1, base11U.t; ho111· 100tll.11C1"j/tr, /ortut1e·Uller, Cic.
sor 633 spe
llOrdor. t. dep. (1ors). L ~ntranalt., to~ 11ubst., Spart&nua ·I, m. s Spamr&. B.
tau; IMI, Cic. IL Trim11t.., A. to dtci.da 1Jpartlo1111.a-um, Spartan. C. Suhlt., Spar·
by lot. cwt W• for: 1, lit., provinelam, Cle. ; tli.tee ·ae, m. e1 Spartan..
cons!llea sortitl, uter dedica.ret, Liv.; qu&J1i BpartAcue -1, m. a gladfator, by birth. A
50rtiri., quid loquare, Cic.: 2, trarnir., a., to Thracian, htad of tht Gladiatorial War agah"'
cAooee.. .el.ct: 1uhole111, Verg.; b, tn than, tht Rmna111, 73-71 11.c., defcakd b-v
di..WU: regnum In plebem, Liv. B. to gain b'IJ
Zoe; 1 lit., poregrinam (provinelam), J,lv. ; 2, eparti.rlua -a -um (5partum), !!Mring tlJ'Clrlo
tnnaf., to gain by fr1M, to get, ~iw, obtai" ; grau, Plin.: plur. e11hst., aparti.rfa ·Orum,n.
meditern.nca Aaiae, Liv.; amicuU\ casu, Hur.; (sc. loca), placu whtre esparl.-0 grcut grow1, Plln.
aortitue -a -am,, ga.i'Md by loC, Cic. •partum (-on) -1, n~ (cnr&p~v), 1, a 1..-ind
of grau, upnrto gmu, Liv., Pliu.; 2, rope nw.i.le
sortitlo -Onl11. f. (sortior), a Mlting lot&, ch· o/ uparto grass, l'lin.
eiilin.g by oa.sti11g lo~; judicum sortitio flt, Cle.
aortitO. adv. (abl. or sortitua, from aortior), •pl.riilua ·i, m. (dim. of eparu.s). 11 J;i"4 q/
ftth, a bream, Ov•
., lot, Cie.
epArue -1, m. amt epirum -i, n. a 11'UJIZ
llOl'titor ~rla. m. (sortior), one tolo draw curtied q>e11r or jai·tlin, a /l.unli1&11·spear, Verg.,
leU, Sen. Sall.
I. eortitua ·tls, m. (Mrtior), a ct11U~ of Zou, apasm1111 ·I, m. (IT'll'CI0'1t.o(), and epaama
ct.dding b.11 lot, Cie., Verg., n. (,..a), a cramp, ~ Plin.
2. sortitua ·a -um, purtie. or sortior. apasticua -a -nm (cnroaO'T•ll:tK}, .Ued 1Dit.\
aory (sort) ·rMs, n. (.,..;;pv), inksCon1, llYf"'N, oramp or 1pas1n, Plin.
Plin. spAtha -ae, r. (O'll'0.9i,). L cs tDOOdm fa1tr.
~· -ttia (root SOS, criif). «ife, unhurt, mmt for ltirring or miring, Cl spatula, Plin.
uai"ivred. I. a., or pen1011a, sos pites brevi in IL an in.strununt of Wu IMJ'8 um blf welWl'W,
patriam ad parentett restituunt, Liv.; b, of isen. IIL a. brood two-Wged. 11WOrd 'llJithoui
t.hings, navis sospes ab ignibus, Hor. IL poin.t, Tac. IV. t'M ped&cU of ¥114 Je<J,/ or flower
Tran11f.= lucky, favourablt; cursua, Hor. of a palm.-t?Y, Plin. V. e1 kind of pine or .for,
Sollpfta •ae, f. (Rn!lpes), fM Sa.t>f.O'llf; Juno also called elate, Plln.
Sospita, a !Joddus u•<mhipptd originally in J,an- api.tior, I. dep. (spatlum), to unlk, tmllc
u11ium, tVferwarda at llomt; Illa ve.itra So11pit.a, about, to ta.kt a walk, ro pronunada; In xysto,
Cle. Cic.; in sicca arena, Verg.; trans!., of thi.ngll,
909Pftills -e (sospea), lllllulary, Plaut. to sprtad out, upa1id; alac spntiautes, Ov.
aoeplto. 1. (sos;>ea). to '/cup MJ/1, ~; epltlo.i, adv. (1patloaus). L e., ~.
MJalU progeniem, Liv. e:rttnsirtly, Plln.; b grmtly: spatlosius ID•
.Otir -teris, acc. -tera, m. (crwnip), a 6Cuiotir, crevit tlumen, Ov. If. 1''ig., of time, long, Prop.
Cic. epltloeua ·a -um (spatlum). L occupying
•otirfa -orum, n. (croonjptoa}, prumu giwn muCh apa.a, wf.dt, spacious, la~; ta.urus, Ov.
Mr. cdebration of a rtlCO'NTJI from liclcmu, Mart. IL Fig., of time, long: nox, Ov.
api.cl1x -dlci11(cnrO.&t~), of t'M colour of a palm.-
1"-a1u:h wWI. iU/rui.l, ehulnut-ooloured; equi,\rerg.
apAtlum ·Ii, n. (<Ttr<i&.ov Dorian aTci.&ov),
apace, distance, or txt<~ in /.c11gth aNl
•pAdo -Onis, m. (cnrO.&w), a eunuch, Liv. brtadth.. I. A. Gen., spat1a loeorum, Caes. ;
spi.donlua ·a -um (spa•lo), unfruiiful, pro- caeli spatium, Verg. B. Esp., spa.ct or duu111ct
dltciKg "° -.1, Plin. betwtffl two poh"8; 1. a., distance, irt.ttrml;
paribus epatiia int6rmillS&8 t..rabes, Caes. ; b,
apa.rgl.nlon .JI, n. (cnrapyaKo.,), tht
b111'"1DM1, Plin. circuvif~, nu, letlgth; orla et oolll, Ov.;
2 a. tract ul<!nt rouru; longum spatiuin
spargo, sparsi, sparsum, S. (root SPAR, idnerls Ca~s.; eadem apatia quinque Htellae
Gr. 111AP, whence fT1f•ipw). L to acaUtr, strew, conflcit;nt, Ctc.; b, tht courte iA a nJCe: spatia
•i>ri.nklL A. Gen., nummos populo, Cic.; nuces, corripere, Verg.; fig., quasi decurso spatio, Cic.;
Ve~. B. Esp., 1, 'o acattt; sttdt, to SO'ID; c a u'fllk; (a) d uobus spatiis tri bul!Ve far.tis,
se_mma humo, Ov.; flg., a!111nos In ~rpora, de.; (j3) a plact for walki112 in, walk, promnw.dt;
C1c.; 2, lo tltl"O'lll, Avrl, cast, tela, Verg.• 3, to Bpatia sllvestria, Cil'~ IL TTausr., or time,
icaaer, di4peru, di.8.ripa.U: a (a) of things, A. Gen., a., a dit:LsWn or 6pa« of time, ti"'!!;
artnA (toa.r) per agros, Liv.; f1ence, to scatur,
11pntium .Preterit! temporis, Cil'~ ; hoc ln~nm
.-pread. abroad, cfrculatt a npo-rt: spargere voces spatio, C1e.; b, dumtwn of ti mt, ltn.gth of h1n.e;
tn vnlgum ambib'111111, Veri.:. ; Ari.:olicas nomen spatio puguae defatiga~i, ~· Esp., 1,
per urbes The.ieos, Ov.; (JJ) of things, to divich, tht timt fired for any r1ctron, hmt, ltUUrt1 <YJYPOr-
di.strib'UU; per via.II epcculatort'-S, Liv.; al!IO, to tu.nity; nisl tempu" et !:ipntlum datum 111~, Cle.;
du~u, acatttr in flight; spargere ae in fugam, irae spatium dare, girt tht reins to, Liv.; s1
L.iv.; biJ to dissipate propertY.; spargas tna pro- rnihl aliquid spntil aJ. ecriben<lum dnrent, Cic.;
d1gu... , or.; c to tear in yw:es; corpora, o.v. 2, mttrkal ti11M!,, qua1uity, Cic.
IL to baprl.nklt, ll'Jltrew; 1, lit., hnmu111 fol us,
Verg.; 2, transf., a., to buvrinklt; aurora apecliilis-e (species), individual, parlicu.lar,
aparxehat luiniuc f!!rraR, Veri;.; t1g., litU>rae sp<cia.l, (,,,!uint.
humanitatis 113le li)'arsae, Cic.; b to beckw, species -l!i, r. (sp,.clo). L Act., a 1ui11g,
awi..~; lacrimli. favillam amid, Iior.; c, to sirrht, view, look; Hpcdem aliqno vertere, Luer.
dcuh., speckle ; alas colori bus, Verg. II. Pa~s.= 1, .~ir1ht, look, appw.ranct, speciem
ep&nlo ...1nia, r. (spargo), a sprinkling of honi viri prae se ferre, Cie. ; speciem ride~tls
~JUm«/. v.:attr1 i• tM thtatre, Sen. vraeb<m', Liv.; 2, fonn, f.{l'l'Tt· ~;;p. or li:iposmg
n ppearnnce; h11111a11a, C1c.; d1vma, Liv.; 3,
eparttua -a -um, p. adj. (apargo). L rpread beautiful for'ln, bwut.11; vaccae, Ov.; esp. of
°"' ..ctU.ttred; crh1es, dishevtlled, Liv. IL outw11ru ornament, glitter, splrndour; triurnpho
,,,d;kltd, rolourtd, 11potttd; anguis maculis maximam spcciem captiva arma praebuere, Liv.;
spars11s, Liv. 4 that a man ~ mentally; &, '1ut<ifl,
Sparta -ae, f. and Sparte -es, r. (I,,.O.pni), vflal; elnquentiae, Cle.; b, idw, C011Uptio1&,
Si><1r1a, tJu capital of I~ctmia, now .\ notion; boni viri, Cic.; c, a vision sun in a.
He111~e, adJ., A. Sparta.DWI ·a ·Um, Spartan; dream.• a dream..; oousuli vi1& species
ape 634 ape
vtrt, U v. ; d, appmt"IMI«, sll.oto ; s peel em utJ • WO?&der; gaude quod apectant <><.'oli ~ lllilit
lltathl habere, Cle.; 1pecle, in appearance, Cic. ; loquentem, Hor.; b, to look al for th< puf'"fX* rJ
ad speciem, for tM mkc of OIUIOOrd 3Mw (to de- emmining or· testing, to tut, to au.nint; •ped.·
~ve), Cle.; 5, a atatiu, npruen.t.ation, im.a~, atur In ignlhua aurum, Ov. ; ft$., hune it•1u
Cic. ; 6, a kin<l, ipeciu, diui6ion of a genus, Cic. spectatum arbltrantur, trl.a by ftrt, Cic.; 3, of
(geult. and dllt. plur. not ul9ed by cla11Sical places to look towardl, lil: tolrorlU, be .sU1ldlc
autbol'B). tvwa-;;J. ; eollls ad oriei1f.t>1n solem spect.abat,
ISpiclllum -l, n. (1pecio), a aurgton'• probe, Caes.; spectare tn Etruriarn, Uv.; sptttal'l! inU:r
Cic. occaauru eolis et se11tentiiones, Cau. n ~..
ap9clmen ·lnla, 11. (specio), that by w,.tdl. a A. to look at, con.Ump/au, obRTVe; volup~
tll.i~ ia known, mark, token, aampk, &peel'f71.1!1l. procul specto, Cle. lL Esp., 1, t-0 lo "
L Lit.., lngenil, Cic.;justltiae, Liv. IL Transf., a" afo~ or object, bear fo mi.11.d, hau fl rf9'U'd io,
11 pa.tUrA, anm/)U, UUal ; prudentiae, Cic.; num atnw (\/'leT: a., of persons, u1agna, Cic.: r.a
dubit&s quin specimen naturne cap! debeat quae aunt in usu vit.aque commuui, Cic.; fup.11:.
ex o~tima quaque nat.ura, Cle. (only used in Cle.; with ut and the auto., s1iei.:tavi sen:. per 1;t
tbe smg.). possem, etc., Cic.; with ad and the acc., ad
boperatorias limdes, Cic. ; b, trarrsf., to k1td tv,
apiolo (splolo). 1pexi, apectum (cririll'TW), incli11e
to look at, bihold, au, Plaut. to; ad perniciem, Cic.; ad bene N-at.eque
viveudum, Cle.; quo igitur haec ape.ctat ontlo'
llpicliai, adv. (apeciosus), bt.aut(fully, apkn,- what i8 tM aim (or wukf1cy) of ikis ~ 1 Ci•.:
cUdi11, /landlo1Ml11, lhotoilr; speclosius inetratua 2 t-0 judge, lul; aliquem ex tnmco cotj"·r1,,
equus quam uxor vestJta, Liv. Cle..; non ex slngulis vocil.lus philooopbi sped·
•~iaua -a ·um (epeeles). L btaut\ful; aud.1 aunt, Cle.
lflkn~u.t, Jta1UllonatJ; muller •. Ov.; hence, .a, spectrum ·i, n. (specio), tlu aPJ""ratVX,
cbu.::lui-g, 1Dtll-~71d"'i1; nomma, Tac.; b, '"'" image of an11thi'll{l, sptdrt., apparition, Cic.
po.i1i.g'-dutingv.Wwd ,· opes, Tac.; exemvlum,
~iv. .u. pi.a~ aptCWtl.!; vocabula, Hor. ;
1. al>ictla -ae, f. (specio). L a tL-'l(ftda-tclM';
titulus, Liv.; with ll. supine, 11 vera potius speeu!U per promuntu1ia omnia ponere, Lh-.;
qua111 dietu specioea diceuda aunt, Liv. inultoan~ tamquam ex speculn pro.sprxi t<'mpeo·
tatem futuram, Cic. : tig.L bomincs iu specuEs
.•pectabllla -e (specto), .l, tli&ibk; corpus, eunt, 01& tM, Cic. IL Transf., in ISP"Culi>.
Ck. ; 2, tlJorth ateJAg, nowole, remarkable; any loft11 place, Verg.
hero11, Uv.
2. apio1Ua -ae, f. (dim. of spes), a l>lt~
apeot&cdUum ·I, n. (apecto), a s£ghl, IMw, A.opt; qui aliquid ex eius aermone speculat de-
•r~adt. I. Oen., luetuos111n, Cie. ; rer1..m guatarat, Cic..
caelestium, Cie. ; allcul avectaculum praebere,
Cle.; specta:mlo esae, Cle. IL Esp., a speclacU apioU&bundua ·• -um (speculor), trotcA·
t. the tluatre or c1.rcu; 1 lit.., spectaculum, on the watcJ&, Tae.
ap1•ratissi111um, Cle.; gl;Jiatorum, Liv.; 2, • apio6larta ·e (speculum), of or rdati119 lc •
met.on., a plaoe from UJhicA or where 011i can. '" 111<irror, Sen.; la pis, a sprri.« of trafl.S1'1ft~ 1i:•11"
• 6J>tclacU: gen. plur., spectacula ; af the atagt, ta.le, Plin. Subst., ap9oiUarla -!nm and ~rum,
tilt aeat6: spcctacul& suut trlbutim <lat&, Cic.; n. taindow-panu madt of tak, Plhi.
b, tM theatre, Suet. •JMSoillAtor -Oris, rn. (spt"Culor). L G lool:tr·
apeetam.en ·lnle, n. (specto), a rign,, tokm, out, 8001.U, qry, Caea., Cle. IL Tranaf., n ob-
pooo/, Plaut. server, invutiga.tor; natura.e, Cic.
apectati, adv., but only In auperl (spec· ap00ttlatOrl11.8 -a -um (speculator), of or
tatus), admirabl11, ~r. Plin. relating to a lookeT·oul or scout; nal·igia,;
8J)80t&Uo ·Onla, f. (apecto), a looking. at, naves, Liv., and aubst.., speculAtori&e, ~ Oii
bd&Oldinf, vUU;i.1i.g. L Gen., apparatus, Cic. ; t/14 look-out, 1py-boata, Liv.
auunum apectatione levari, Cic. IL the in- apfSoiili.trtx -leis, t (speculator), w tAal
speceion, tuti.1'{1 of f1M1M11, Cie. 1
observu, a loolur-out, ob.ttnier, tootdacr; Furiae
apeot&tivua -a -um (apecto), comtinplatiw sunt epeculatrices et vintllces facillorum d
(opp. activu.s), ~. Quint. scelerum, Cic.
llP80titor ·Oris, m. (specto). L om 111llo ap60iUor, 1. dep. (specio). L Intransil,
l>MOld8, conUniplakl, a 6])tCtator, obaerwr; a, kJ apg, "' look alxnt.t: unde sedens parte.; 11peea·
QWL8i speetatores superarum rerum atque cael· latur in 01n11es, Ov. IL Tnlnsit., to Wok out,
eirt.ium, Cic.; b, a ~ at the t.\eatre or B'pJI out, watch, ob.wrve, upl.ore; omni&, Ck.;
pKblic gamu, Cic. IL an, inspector, a:aminu; loca, Cic.; allculus consifia, Ball.; with rel.
formarum, oonnoi6stur, Ter.; aerior virtutia sent., quae fortnna es.'!ct, LiY.
apectator ac judez, Liv. apeciUuai -1, n. (speclo), a mirror (m.1de of
epecti.trls -trielB, f. (spectator), a f~ glittering plates of metal). I. Lit., speculon1111
ipt.etatqr, bUl.oUUf", ob8trver, Ov. . revitas, Cfc. ; svecnlo placere, to ~ brilliantly
adon1ed, Ov. ; speculum suum consalere, Ov.;
9P00tatua ·a -um, p. adj. (from speeto). se svecalo viderc alt.erum, Hor. IL Fig. = 1111.
L provtd, af'P1'01'td, trW: homo; Cie.; castitas, imagt CO'f/11: .quae (parvos et bestias) we
LiY. IL ~p., of tried abilitiu, QICellcnt, re· 1
~. rt:~ : vir spectatissimua, Cle.
specuia naturae, Cie.
apiSoua -!ls, m. r. and n. (cnri~). a cntt. L
apeotlo ·Cini&, r. (specio), the right of ob- Lit., a, a natural oav.i, Hor., Li\',; horrendum,
aerving the au.,pku appt:rtaining to «rtai1£ of
Verg. ; b, an artificial cavt, ucomtion: (..) i.D
tilt highn' 1nagutrata; nos (augures) nu11tiat- defossis specubus, Vcrg.; (fl) ci oo~ mit6-
jonem aolum habt-mua, conHules et reliqui ro11r11t, cul1•trt; subterranel, Cle. II. Transf.,
magi11tratus etiani spectlonem, Cic. a holt, Aolw'IJ; vulneri.s, Verg.
apeeto, 1. (lntens. or speclo), t-0 look at care· •pelaeum ·I, n. (vmfAa.o.-), a catt, groUo,
f11Uy, co11UmplaU, o1*rve. L Lit., A. Gen.,
aliqnid, Cie.; tota Jomus quae spectat in no1 holt, d~; ferarum, Vcrg.
llOl~ Cie.; apectatumne h11c Yenimus f Liv. spelunoa -ae, r. (cnniAvyt), a car.(', grotto,
B. up., 1, to be a qH!Ctator of a aptcuuu or Cle., Verg.
f'f,ay, IQ look al, look cm at; fabul-101. lud<;>s, sperabWa -e (spero), tJtat ""'l' be A"J'ftf m,
Bor. ; :Megalesia, Ctc. ; 2, a, to look Gt with Plaut.
Spe 635 apt
8peTChi6e (-cheus) and Sperch1oa spica -ae, f., spicua ·I, 111., an•I spicnm
(- chiua) -i, 111. (:I,,.•p~u6~), a rit'tr i1. 1'hu:<HI~. -1, 11. (lr••lll 11am1, r•111L ll..'I r-.1•i-na); lit., " 'f'"";
Hence, A. Sperchela -ehhs, f. (1 ;,1><rthtiu. he11ce, "" tnr of C(1rn. L Lit., a•I spic.1111 per-
B. Sperohionldea -ae, 111. ri ptr~on. 11.>ho lfrt11 ducerf' fr11gPs, Cic. II. Traw.f, 8.1,, tlu /,ri<ft.lut
flMr th.I! Spercht11s. c. Sperchiae -arum, r. s/£•1· iu tit• um>f,/lati•,,t Vit'./''. Cic.; o, tht tuft or
a l-Oll"llin the rnluy of tht Sperchl!m. hm•l '>/ uthu 1•lll11ts nt-iltinl,/in.g th.I! sltupt <if un
tor of cvr11, Ov.
sperno. spre\'i, RprHum, :i. L to ~rpur1.1~.
spiceua -a -11m (s1•ica), co111Wi11g of tan oJ
reawr:e. Plnut. IL Transr., to rtj«t, to dt11pi~.
e<mtn11 n, arorn, ~)'Urn.; no11 11pre,·it et pro nihil(I
CF>•·"; c•>rona, T1li.; !!t'rt&, Ov.
pota\·it. Cic.; volnptatem, Hor.; poet. witla apiclfer .ff>rtt· f~rum (ii pica anti rero), wcari11!1
mfin., nee partem solido demcre de <lie spernit, ur wrryi11'} car~ <1 corn, Mart.
Hor.; partic., apretWI -a -um, <.U.']Ji$td, Cic., apiclleglum ·Ii, n. (spica and !ego), a 9lNn·
Liv. iitg, Varr.
apioo, 1. (~pica). to tt'ith !piku or

spiro. 1. to look for, to trput. L t-0 trptct

1}1(11Rdhf.'A{J f1n·ouro.hle, to ho~. h-Opt for, prnmist tar.f, Plin.; partic., spicatua -a -um, having
on.l':Sd,f, ftatta o~; bene or recte, to Juiu good spikes or e<1r1 ; herha.e s11icatae, Plin.
~. Cle. ; ~t !lpero (in a parenthcsi~), Cic. ; de spicillo, 1. (~pic·ulum), U> mall poinlld,
ahqua re, C1c.; pacem, C1c.; m pas>i., spt·rnta 1harpt11 to a point, Plin.
glori111., Cie. ; with acc. and fut. lnftn., 11pera11t se
t1U1..Ximum fructum esse capturo~, Cic.: more apiciUum ·I, n. (spicom), a lharp pt>itll,
rarely with pre~. or µerr. l11ftn. (when there is stiny; a, lit., of bees, Verg.; of U1e 11corpion,
no rde.-euce to the fntnre), spero ex h<>c Ipso Ov.; t.M poiut Q/ a 6J>Mr, nrrotV, juveli11, Cic.,
uon ~:ie ol.Jscurnm, Cic. ; de nostra Tullia 11~-ero Liv., Hor.; b, }'<>Ct., meton. =a 11ptar,juwlin,
cum Cra.'ll;ipcde no:J conleci11se, Cic.; with ut \'erg., Ov.
and the 1111bj •• Liv.; partic. o..1111u~t.. apirata =
apicum. apicus 11vica (q. v.).
-<irum, n. 01ois hflJ."'!_-~; ['Qt iri spe111ti11, to rtali.-t apina ·ne, r. (from same root as 11pka). L •
11ru"• Jwpt,:s, Liv. IL Like (Arri~w, t-0 erptd IOflU· th••-m. A. Lit., \'erg. B. "'11(., a., 11pinae = IXll"t•,
tlti11g utif<,voural1lt, to fort!J<XV, fmr; id q11o<l an.rict~s; spina!'l animo C'\'ellere, Hor.; b, flijli-
11011 s1>f'ro, Cic. ; with acc. amJ intln., haee svero c11/tiu, sul1tlttits, perplt:i:itie!I; di!!St·rendi, Cie.
,-ohi:-s mole!lta vi•lcri, Cic. IL Tran~f., 1, tht 1>rid.;/e or •1•i1u <if ccrit1ill
apes -i'!i, f. (root SPE, whence 11pcro). I. animals, the MA.lgtliog.1.. 1tt1-11rcAiA, etc., Cic.; 2,
1w1~; 1, lit., a, i;pes est ex11pe<"t11.tio ooni, Cic.; the lxi.ckl,oitt, Vttrr.; ;,, a tWl·boiu, Ov.
i>I>el! cmptionii;i, Cic.; summae spei adnlescentes, Bpinea ·ae, r. = Kpiouia (q. v.).
of 'JUat 1'm111iu, Cae.11.; 11pes eat in \•obi!'!, rat.I apinetum -i, n. (11pin11), a t1tor11-httl~, tho1·n·
oit y<rri, cic.; omnem i;pern salutis in Virtute brc.r. (only usetl in plnr.), Ver&.
JWJnere, Utes.; spem h11bere, in Rpem vcnire, fQ spineua -a -um (spina), 9'adt of tlv>ru,
gl"('t!i. ailduci, sp,·s me tenet, I ho1~. foll. liy acc. thon1y, Ov.
Hnd lnlin., Ci•'·; si Rpem atferunt ut, etc., Cle.;
"I"' clnci, with acc. nml intln., Cic.; s1wm nlicui apiniger -g~ra -gt\rum (8J•lna an'1 gero),
dare, to i11f111>(., Cic. ; pax fuit in spr, l'-'a·• hoptd thortt·bw.ri11g, Cic. poet.
for, Cic.; spe111 al!8cidPre, Li\·., praeciilere, ·a -um (HJlina). L full of thoru,
Cic., faller~, Cic., erip1~re, Cic., a<limere, Cic., /lvirny, )'rickly, Ov. IL 1-'ig., a, of cli11coul'llf'.,
Jit>rd.,re, Cic.; praeter 111w111, Cic.; contra spem, tli-0rny, era.Med, obsr.urt; cllS&erenJI genus, Cle.;
Lil•. ; plur., SJ~, Liv. ; b, pcrwnif., 8pe11, Hor~ b, /1dl of cnns, a11.ritty, Cat.
u.1 a (/(JWU~1. with several t.crnpks in Rome, aml spinter -eris, n. (a-4>•'Y"'-n7P>. a bracclll,
a fe-~ti\·al <m the Ist of August; 2, met.on., tlwt armlrt, Plaut.
YJhich ts ht>]>"u for, hfYP4J; 11pe potitur, ttafota hia apinus -1, m. (spina), tlu blackthorn, \'erg.
An,-.e. Ov. ; ca.~tra Achivom, vestl1ll! spes, uriti~.
Verg.; or living beings, spell gn·gls, Verg.; 8}'1.'S aplonla -ae, f. a /; of whu, Pliu.
11oi;tra reliqua, Cicero, Cic. II. t:rptctati-On. of, apira -ac, f.(1T1r•ipa.).a1tyt1'ixacoiltd, wrttillltd,
fear of, fortbo<li11g; res, sve multo asperior, t wi.sud. L Gen., fM icinal"Ag of a 11w~. \'til'J.
8&11. IL Esp., 1, tll€ blue fl/ a c:olunm, Plin.; 2, A
epeuatloua -a -um (o-•nli1-rucck), madt in f-lri1tg for fasttnifl{J n hat or •P v.ulu tltt: clri1',
A<ut->, Plin. Juv.
sphaera ·&e, f. (o-.t>01i114), a globe, apher&. L apirabllla -e (11piro). L tlftt 'lll(ly bt /.trwtl.#d;
Gell., Cic. IL a., a1~ CL$ globe or aplttrt, a., uatura, cui 110111eu est aer, Cic.; bis11w1i11i719
Cic. ; b, !ht orbit of pla1uta, (;le. life, t•itnl ; lumen ca<'li, \'erg. I fvr
breathing; \'i..ct:ra, Plin.
aphaertatirlum ·II, n. (a-4>cup10"T~J>•o ..). a apirac6.lum -1, n. (aplro), an "'r·hole,
plcr.a /'Jr Jil".'li •lg ball, l:'lin.
'brro.t,hi ll{l·J>lacc, \'erg.
sphaer6mlchla ·ae, t. {O"f>01•pol'a:\i01). a Spiraea -11.e, f. (nopela), IM plaAI -do11.1-
l:ini.Z fl/ boiil'f/ in 1d1ich t~ comlx1tunu l11ul iro11 31L'CCf, Plin.
ball& lirvppt<l /rJ thtir hai~, !:kn.
sphagnos ·I, rn. (o-4>1iy110~), a l:i1ul of nro- air-hull, apiramen ·lnls, n. (splro), ca !.reathi11g-1ok,
ww.ti.c moss, Plin. Lu•·.an.
spblngfon -Ii, n. (o-i#>iyy•o•), rt !Jltdu of cr11, lcole. spiri.mentum -1, n. (1tplrri). I. a brt.athi.,.
c1ir·h'1/t, \'erg. IL br111lhi119; mct1J11., n
Pliu. 11rmthi11g-ti111e, 1h1,rt jXtuu, 11tUrll(tl; tt"mporum,
Sphinx. Sphingls, t. (!ll>i-yt), a 1'11v1lt nwn- Tac .
.Ur ot 'J'Ju:l1t1, '"ho '[>TOJ"·~l ri1/11/~ ,,, oil th.I! spirftus ·ft!!, 111. (splro). lmr1th!H(1. L 1, •
pru~r;-/,11, an-1 tl•~tmy'<l fMn1 if they ro11[./ not
!J'llil~ lhJ11:i 11'}, /.trwlh of air, air in. g~1ttlt ttU!Hun ;
orBll"tr" tht r;d•il'~; n•}Jrc~11u~1 a1111111g the
>'(•iritll'~ lloren<', \'erg.; 2, "'' brwtltinl] '~ oj
Egy)'tia11~ &!Ill wi11ge•I lion with a hu111a11,
:It- nir, br•11/h; !lf1irit11m cJucere, It> ilmw /,rrr1tlt,
amnni.; th~ Gr.•ek>< an•I Rnmnns a!! sn unwingcrl <:'ic.; 3, /,rtath; a11;.;w1tlor, Mf)rf brt1U.h, Cie. ;
)h11 "·jt!J the h~ad an.J brea»t or & lllaiUPll. c-p., th~ brwlh of life, lift; 111•irlt11111 aufcrre,
aphri.gta -i<lis, r. {tr¢p~i~). I. a iptclu of <:i.-.; i,xtr.,mum i;pirilnm ~nunden: in victori.i,
Jlflnt llM?li for Mal11, Plin. IL Lt11rnic111 tHrth, ,,, C1c.; htnce, a, cc ~i'.Jh, !for., l'ror.; b, the
rulltd h«ause J111ld u:W· a 11tal 011 it, Plin. hiMiwi of u 1nake, \"erg.; c, the l'O~, Quint.;
&pl 036 spo
4. tJu mr, Lacr.ll. fM 17'hit, IOllZ. A. dum tioia: anlml et vitae, Cle. ; ~ummorom bolllinmn,
spirltua boa l"dgit artua, Vl'rg. B. Fig., 1, a Cle. ; eo negotlo M. Catonis splenJorem mnui·
1taught11 lpirU, prid«, urrogancc, high apirii, are, Cle. ; c, ornamrnt, hoiwJir; ordini11, Cic.
C01'Tage: ttliA Hieronia, lnOat& mulieuri spiritu, II. Tran!lf., ckar1iu1 ; vocis, Cle.
Liv.; sriri~ tribuuicil, Cit'.; remitter~ s11iritu11, splelli&tua ·a -um (splcnium), pltuUrlllL
Cle.; :ii, OJn•icnl., fulin.g, Liv.; 3, &1TiUtl~n. Mart.
anfownty Tac.; 4, divine or p<>Uic i11.1piral.icm;
dlvinuR, Liv.; carent liuri spiritu illo, etc., Cic. splemcua -a -um (a.-A'I••«~). ~ic, Plin.
spiro. 1. L lntrausit.. 1, to blOtD grntl11, aplenlum -ll, n. (nAtjv1ov). L splttw..-ort,
blow, br~; .iepi1yri 111oiru11t, \'erg.; 2, to Plin. IL a" c:utkaiw, .Mart.
brratht; lJ<iet. = to nuh, to j(J(J.1,., /, mar; •pMlum -11, n. (inrO&•o•). L tlte dross q/
frela spirantia, Verg.; 11pira~ e pectorn llau1111a, m.elals, slag, Plln. IL cu/Je$, Plin.
Vrr--'.; with abl., splrare lgnibus, to l1nttlke O'u.I ~o• ·I, r. (a.,roo.X), Ui.t droa, &la;,
flame, Verg.; 3, to breathe, to draw '" breath; Plln.
dum apirare polA!ro, Cic.; hence transf., a, to live,
lM aU"; ab eo apira11te defcndi, Cic. ; videtur Sp(iletlum -ll, n. one of iM mc.U importaiU
l..&folii men11 1pirare In scriptis, Cic.; b, to «em tounu of Umbria, now Spold-0. llccce, Spc)lit-
fo live; of works of art, t-0 be JepicUd to iM life, -a ·UID, of or btlo'"IJ.9 to SpoUl••"'-,
to breathe; spirantla a1gna, Verg.; o, to hare .Spokt i.a n.
poetic impiratw-n., to be inspirtd ; quod apiro et ap6JJarlum ·Ii, n. (spolium). L tM pUx.
placeo tuum est, Hor. ; 4, to bnath.e, to 1mdl; "' Ui.t amphu.Matn tc.wr. tM .Jai" gla.diaWri
thy111bra graviter aplrans, Vt"rg. IL Transit., toere alri~ of theirarnu and clolhiRg, ~ IL
1, to breathe, llZ1aaU; Diomedisequl splrantes n&r· Tra11sr., a dm of robberl, Sen.
lb11s lgnem, Luer.; ftammaa spin111tes, breathing ~llatlo -Onis, f. (ttpolio), a p/•f&dtri'a9,
furUi. JW,rnu, Liv.; spirare lguem naribua, Verg.; tpo[iation; omnium rerum, Cic. ; sacron11u, Ci(;..;
tune lmruensa cavl splrant mendacia folles, traosr., ttfolenJ laking a111a11; 00111ulatus, Cic. ;
.Juv.: transf., homo trlllunatum etiamnun1: d1gnit.atis, Cic.
avlrana, ha•pired Ui.upirit of a lrilnm~. Liv. ; ap611&tor ·Oris, m. (spollo), a pl~w;
traglcum satls, to Aave tragic genitu, Hor.; 2,
crllaU, gi.w jortA; diviuum vertice odore111, monuwentorum, Cic.; tem11lorum, Liw-.
apCSUatrbc -trlrls, f. (spoliator), "'""°"i'l&IJ.
splsai.mentum ·I, n. (spi.1so), n •topper, w 11lundn-s; Venus, l:ic.
J>l11g, !Sen. sp~UD.tuJI ·'.I -um, p. adj. with compar. \fro1u
splu8, adv. (1plaaus). L dm«ly,, spofio), plundvtd, Cle.
Pltn. IL llovll11; aplase atque vix ad. aliquem lll>Ollo, 1. (~polium). L to rob a -.a• of AU
pervenire, Cic. clot~11 ur:ip, dup<Ji.l; aliquem, L'ic.; cori•.ia
apl9•e•oo, s. (sph1aua), to btcom.e thick, thicken, caet11 nost1s, Liv. IL to piunder, rob, dapJiJ;
Luer. soclornm, Cic.; hominew, Cic. ; wit.b aw.,
spl.uigrid'lUI -a ·um (spine and gradior), aliqnem argento, Cic.; poet., with aoc. ol ~
waiki1l!T alowly, Plaut. spect, hi.,ms spoliata suo3 capillos, Ov.
•plultaa ·At.ia1 f. (apissus), close~, demil111 apiSllum -U, n. L the d:in or AW4 ltripp«l
Plin. fro11• un animal; leo11is, OY. IL Trana!., gen.
•plultiido ·lnla, t. {!lpissua), cl-OMnus, plur. 1, arm. talat•froa aa memy, boult (opp.
dmsity, Sen. pra~a = raJtle, etc.), spolia caesorum legere.
Liv.; 1poli11 opima (v. opimm•); met-0n. = ric-
apiaao, 1. (aplsaua), to ma~ thick, thicknr., Ov. tory; spolia ampla ~ferre, \'erg.; 2, tnllbf.,
splssua -a -um, clo~. den~, thick. L Lit., booly; a., booty or plunder /r01f& a• rnaay.
nul>es, Ov.; theatrum, ,full, Hor.; ar+"na, Verg. ; 8]ICfil; spolia clB.1U1ium, Cle. ; b, a1'~ ki"d oJ
with abl., coronasµiasa vlris, \'erg. II. Trnnsr., plunder or booty; aliorum apoljj,, ';&CU.I-
llow, ta.rely, diffe1'lt; opns splss11111 et operosum, t.ate>< augeau111>1, Cic. ; sceleris, tltc goldn. A.cir
Cic.; exit11a apissi et producti, Cic. wh.ich Scylla robbed.from Mr ja.Uler, Ov.
splth&ma -ae, r. (r•l'LB.. µoj), a IJ>all, Plio. spon.da -ae r. L Ui.tframc of a bed or wiiu,
splQn. spliinla, m. (O'll'Atj.,), the lplem, milt, 'btdstead, Ov. Ii Meton., a, a 'btd, Hor. ; b,
Plln. Cl lo/a, Verg.; c, a bWr, Mart.
splendeo, 2. to aliM, glitter, be brighl. L •1,M.>ndiillum (apondaullmn) ·If, 11. &
Lit., aplendet trernulo suu lumlne pontU!I, Verg. 111.Crifi.cial. h y '" n, accompanied. on IAc: flt£/ e, Cic..
D. Fig., to bt bright, illuslriou.s; v1rtus splendet apondeo, spllpondl, s1o0osum, i. (root
!Jt'f seso aemper, Cic. SPOND, Gr. ~IlE:--0~. 1T1rlr&.t). to~ OM<Klf,
splendeaco -dt1l, S. (sple11<leo), to btC07M promiu, engagt; a., pofiticai and l~l L.t.
brU;ht. L Lit., Verg. IL 1-'iit., nihil est of alliances, contro.ct11, etc., quis "'poJt011disse
incuitum, quod non sµlendescat oratione, Cic. medicitT Cle.; with acc., quod spopond1t,C1c.;
splenclldi. adv. (sple11di!l11s). L plrndidly, lllls spondere pt\cem, Liv.; with acc. &nd inlho.,
'IAll{fnijiunlly; ornare Co1Jviv1um, Ck.; act.a sl 1popondlssemW1 urliem bane relietunuu
aetu honeste ao splendide, Cic. IL clearly, populum Romanuru, Liv. ; b, to be a NCVril'J "'
platnly: loqul, Cic.
guaruntu for anr 07le; se quiaque paratum a.l
11pondendum lcilio oisten<iero, Liv.; hie aponsu111
splendldu -a ·nm (splen•leo), 51(ni"!7, (!iupi11e) vocat, llor.; "ith pro and the al~ ..
briy~t. brillianl. iplm.did. I. A. Lit., fons pro m11ILi11, Cic.; c, to prcnniu, b<trllih a dat<gl.·
aplendldior vitro, Hor. : hral'hia, Ov. ; splendi· Ur, Ter., Plaut.; parlic. suhsl, aponaua -i,
dii>8i111us candor, Cit?· _B. Fi~., a., ivrll:sou~iin.g; m. a bri.degroo.,,.,, and aponaa -ae, r. 11 bride,
nomeu, Cle.; b, brilliant, flnt; ••ratio, C1c. ; c, Cic. ; d, lo promi•, ww; (a) of pt'f'!!Olls, with
i.UtuCriow, dWinvuishtd, renoum«l; eque11, Cic. acc. Ila hono~s et praemla, Cic.; with ntuL.
IL Tranar., cltar: vox, Cic. acc. and de with the aul., qnod de me tiN
aplen.dor --Oris, m. (splcndeo), bril!ia~. spomlere po~Mum, Cle. ; with acc. and inlin.,
brigAtnua, l11atn. L A. Lit., ft11111111ae, Ov.; prnrnitto, rec!plo, spondeo c. ca.. !l.11.rern bll~m
argent.I, Hor. B. l<'lg., a, 6J'lnutour, niag11ift· sernper fore civem quail"' etc .. Cic.; (/3), trans!.,
om«; omni& ad glorlam splend .. remque ~\'OC• of things, quocl pro1~iem fUturum apo~ et
are, Cic.; b. tpUIMlow-. liutr~ lwnour, disti1to- virtus et f<>rtuna ve3tra. Liw-.
spo 637 squ
apon4iua (sponcliua) ·I, m. (v1ro..&<of), hence, a gift, 7irutnl, Plin. B. 4,1,,._ &iril
• Jpolldtt; a wutri<nl foot coiui6ting of two Wn.g arvpi&x, It pi.Cllic, Juv.
s,ll·1blu (- -), Cic. spritlo ~nls, f. (spemo), a df.tpising, co11·
apondfle -e~. r. (uiro.&li.\11), a1' inatd Ulat umning, Liv.
lfru ttpoll rooU, Plin. spritor -6rla, m. (aperno), a dt8Pi#r ; de·
spondfllum -Ii, n. (u ...o..Oii.\•o.-), 1.Jear'a-foot, orum, Ov.
Plin. apiima -ae, f. (epuo). foam, froth, aMtm: cum
epondflua ·I, m. (O"ll'o""v-'Of). L OM oftlu spumas Rgeret in ore, Cic.; Venus 11pu111ll pro-
t1 1•1-tr wrttb~ of ti~ back, Plin. II. tht jluhy crtata, frofll tht foom of the .wa, Cic. ; spuma
,., rt Clf the oyskr or m.uud, Plln. IIL a kind of argenti, lith.arjlt of ri.lvtr, Verg. ; spuma <1LU>:1t1ca,
tnJUMI, Plin. a soap "ud by tltt Gtrman.s and Gauls for 'he
apollJda (apon~6a) -ae, f. (cr1roy1.. ci), a purpose of gt ring a red tinge to tht hair, Mart.
spon~1'· ,.. Lit., rar1taa quaedam et usi111ilis aptimeaco, 3. (spuma), to btgin to foam, Ov.
spongii~ mollitudo, Cic. II. Tran11f. 1 1, a" apiim6ua ·& -um (spurn&), foaming, froth'//,
01>e'Hl"orktd cirirau, Liv. ; 2, tlu rool!I of tlu
a.tpamgu.s, Plin.; 3, apongiae, pitet.t of iron. Verg.
'11'1.t:iltd togtther, Plin. apfiml10r -~ra -~n1m (11puma and lero).
apongiola -ae, (. (spongia), tilt gall-opplt foam-btarinu, foaming; am1.1is, Ov.
tt1hich grows upon rou·trus, Plin. apilmlg6r··glira -glirum (svuwa and gero), -a -um (spongia), porotU, spongy, foami11.g, Luer.
Plin. apiimo, 1. (sJ•Uma). L Intran11it., to foam,
apongitis -!dis, r. (u1ron<r1s), a kind of froth; spumane a~r, Ve1·g. II. Transit., to
pri'CHJUS stone, Plin. co~·tr with. foam; }Jartic., 8pUmi.tua -& •Unl,
apoDJI, 1ipontill, f. (frt•m spondeo, u fora covtrtd with. foam; saxa, Cic. pot:t.
rro111 fero), fru-wiU; only found in gen it. and apiimoaua -a ·um (spuma), foaming, /uU oJ
abl. I. Ab!., spt>nle alicu111s, with tht frtt·will foam, Ov.
rof ...-,nv one; sponte Antonii, Tac. ; gen., ll'ODte spuo!. spOI, apiltum, s. (trniw), to lpit ovt;
rn··a, tu<\, su1, etc., or ~imply eponte; a, ofm'/I, terrarn, verg.
lhlJ, h.i..5, etc., }rrt-will, voluntarily, of o~·a &11m apurce, &dv. (apurrus),
0< c•Jrd, u:ri.lli11gly, fruly; mea sponte feceram, lxuety, impurely; quin in filt~illf, dirtily; fig ..
illam 1niseram tan1
C1c. ; b of <YTVSflf, of on~·s own kncwltW]t; epurce, tam impi'cl d1xeris, C1c.
w·,1ue id meli. !!pnnte (prospexi), Cic. : c, of
ort<M/J al011t, wtl/..out a.•.nstu11ct; ne<' sua spnute apurcidfous -a -um (spurce and dico),
v.d eorum aux1lio, Cic.: d, of tlstl/, mcrcl11, talkrng filtltily, obset?Uly, Plaut.
alone; an est Aliquid, quod te sua s1·onte de· apurclffous ·a -um (~puree and facio\.
lectd, Cic.; e, first, tdthout an t.ramplt or prr· making ftltlt'fl, polluti11g, Plaut.
,,,rl,11.t; su~ 11ponte institu1sset, Cic. IL Oenlt.., spuroltla -ae, r. 11nd •purcldes -el t
b·imo suae spontis, 01ufa OW11 ma.ster, Col. (spur•!U&), dirt, }Ulh, L11cr.
aponaa, v. spondeo. apurco, 1. (spurcus.l, to dtfilt, polluu, Cat.;
apona&lla -e (sponsa), of or relating to a part.le. &dJ. in super!.. hel luo spurCAtissimua, Cic.
~rrotlial. L Adj., Varr. II. Suhst., apona- apurcua -a -um (perlillp& connected with -um or -&rum, n. a betrothal; 11poosaha 11pargo), sw111ish, dirt:;, filtl.y, u1.clw", imptin.
facae, Cic.; b, a lietrotlial fe<, Cic. L Lit., Cat. IL .Fig., of character or poRition,
apon.alo -Onie, r. (spondeo), a soltm1' promiu, 1?Wln, hast, lvw, foul, impure; bomo apurcis·
r/l.iJ''-'/c11Unl. L or a vow, voti, Cir. IL a s1mus, C1c.
rolrmn tngagtment bctwun two JlClrlit.!. A. In SpUtatfllcfU. -a ·Um (sputo) = UTA•TVO'TOC,
aliiances, coutrads, etc., a solemn promist, abo111i11<1/Jlt, dctr~J.abu, ap. Cic.
p!edgt, &unl'fl, gw.iru111u; non foed"re 8Cd per aputator
epon9ionem pax fa.eta. est, Liv. B. In ci,·il mw·h, a spitter,-&ri~. Lit:.
m. <sputo), OM 10ho lpitl
prt>eC~!I. n solcm1t 1>ro111ise or tnqa11em.ent b-twrrn
lht two part1u tlv:i.I the losn- sha!l forfdt a crrluin aputo, 1. (in tens. of 11p110), to apit, spU ou.e;
aum, a kin.d of lr9rd uY1gcr; quum apo11si.111em cu111 atro mixtoa sanguine de11trs, Ov.
frcissct ~I \'IR UO~l!S ESSET, ht ugrwt to apiitum -1, D (spuo), spittle. L Lit., Luer.
pay tht stipuJa.ttd lllm if ht uw nnt, '!tc., Ci.::.; IL M<"t<in., a t~ry thin 1•/uu of metal, Mart..
vincrre sponllionem or aponsione, C1c. squileo, 2. to bt rough, iti.f. L Oen.,
sponaor -l>ria, m. (spondeo), a iurtllf, bail, sq1;a11·11t•.•:1 conchae, V1·rg.; with ab!., to bt rougll.
guc.1r,,nta, Cic. u•1th, to 1.>t .-t1JI with='" bt thickly 0011ert1l 11>ith;
sponaum .;, n. (spon•leo). L that wll.ich La !urnca or lorica ,;q11alen& auro, Verg. II. Esp.,
r•r"'"'•al or g11ura111t-cd, a corcnu11t; i;ponaum l, lo /,t nwyh f"""' nr17l•ct, dirty, aqualut, IWV·
nl",.:art', Hor. IL=- s1>011sio !\o. II., ex 1punso rnly; l>arl>a N•111ale11;, \"erg.; coma squalens, Ov.;
&t;l"re, Cic. hl'llCI', 111d1Jn., to u>«&r dirty aPJJ(JT'tl as a sig7& oJ
mo1ir11i11!/, to mu111'n; squalPnt tnunl<'ipia, Cle.;
1. apon.aua -a ·Um, v. s1>0ndeo 2, of placeo<, to lir unc11/t1 mltd, untilltd; squalenC.
2. apo1111ua ·ils,m. (spvndrn), un tngagt11ltnt, aWuet1s an·a colo11is, Verg.
1t&rtlyMii11, C1c
aquales ·is, f. (~qualeo), d£rt, filth, Varr.
apoataneua -a -nm (!!J•ous). i-olu11tary, :JJl()n· aqwl.llde, adv. (:<quali<tus), roughllf, i1& a
&ancviu ; Sen.
slot'f:•il!I 11111 nntr; dicere, Cic.
aponte, apont1e, v. 11ponll. squilldua -a -um (sqnaleo). L r011gh, dil;
aporta -ae, f. (cr1n1pi(), a ba.:ikU, l\amptr, Plin. mcmbra, Luer.. fig., of discourse, roWJh., tm·
•portella -ae, r. (dim. or aporta), 4 lilt/c TIOIU<htd; quciniam ijU<\ sponte squalldiora sunt,
lliu.\tc, cake, or fr11it·lxuktt, Cic. L'lc. 11. Esp., rough ;rom. ,..'U11t of attwticn,
aporttua -ae, f. (dim. of sporta). L a lirtlr c11ltivalion, squalid, dirty: 1, lit., corpora, Liv.;
bcuht, Plaut. II. a 1•roi:ision·lia.'<l:et. A. the 2, tram1f., a, in 111C1urni11g attir11; reua, Ov.; b,
bcukLt in whicA grtal mm trtrt acc'IUtornld to girt wastt, ckurt; humus, Ov.
'" tlltir di~ and @pt1adn1tl JYrOViricM or an squi.lor ~ri11, m. (squa\eo). L roughrness,
,.,uirale1'1 hi 'lit~ (gtn. ten ~cu), Juv.; Luc r. II. rough 11&1 a r iring Jrom. d"1 a !Id
squ 538 sta
rugl«t, ftlthhuss, "1001or: 1, lit., squaloriit ~~rum, m. {%na,.itpor). 4 totl'll b
lenus ac puh·eri~, Cir.; 9, tnm~r., dirty cloth- .Mu®Mia, b(rtll')'lii« of ArUtotlt. now Ubc11t0"11.
f, '"°"'
11g a.s 4 lig1' of MuUrlli~; 11qualor et. Hence, S~tia -oe, m. (l'.T'a,..i.p&nic), lkr
n1aeror, Cie. Stagirit~. i.e., Art..totJe.
11quAlua ·I, m. 41.ind of l<llt·V1UUr /f&A, Ov. atagnAtnia -e (11tagnum), femul ill pond• or
llquAma -ae, r. (11qualeo), 4 aca1'1. L T..ft., poot1; 11isces, Plin.
or a""b, serpent., bee, etc., Cic. IL Trausf., a, atagno, I. (st.agnum). L IntT&nait., 1, of
water, to ow:rfa>w; 14tagnsna ftttmlne Nilus, \"erg.,
or things like scalM, e.g., ICllle armour, Vcrg. ;
b, meto11., a )sh., Juv. 2, transf., of places, to ~ orcorjfmoerl, to stn ••I
aquimatlm.11dv. ("']uama), !ib acalu, Plin. undtr. 100ttr; vrbi1:1 stag1111t paludibu.s, Ov. D.
Tl'ansit., to orerftor, in1mdaU; Tiberi& pl:rn .•
aqu.i.miua ·• ·Utn (squarua), 1eal11, \'erg. url1i11 stagnaverat, Tac.
11qu&mlfir ·f'!ra -ferum (llqll&lll& and reru), 8t&pnm -1, n. (root 8TAC, Gr. n'.\r.
1«&le·/Jtari 1u;, .Wy, f:len. when('e CM'a{u, CM'..,.....v, a-r.i~c), xntn- tllal oru·
aqui.mlger -gn -g~rum (squama and gero), jfotcs. L Lit., standing watt-r, l(/t 011 tit• ortrftu"'!
11a1k kuriug, scaly, Ov.; subst., aqu.i.mlgiri of t.h.e 1«1 or of 11 rfrtr. 11 pool }IOIUl, _, nh .
·&rum, 111. jWuis, Luer. su:.u11111; et stsgna, Cic. ~ Transf., A. -a ·Um (sqll4lil&), cottrtd u.Uh (poet.), 11 sluggi&h. llrtam of 10Clkr; Phrixal·
llOOlts, 1Y.:aly, Verg. • 1:1tag11a !lororis, tM Htllapcn&t, Ov. B. '"' o.r1i·
11quatlna -.e, C. a aalt-VKl.UT fbh, a speciu of firial lake; stagu.a et euri pi, Ov.
sltart;, Plin. atAgCSn.laa -ae, ID. {nca·tovi111), 4 Jptria '1, Plin.
at t lnte1:j. '11.w/ l£d I Ter., Plaut.
Stf.blae -lrum, r. 4 t0101C ill Ca11ipa1Cia, stAgCSnitia -1<1111, r. (a-rayo..lr1c). iM fllr"'
oalltrl gulbtrnum, Plin.
tlt.tlt"UIC Po11tptii 4"4 Surrentum, dUlroyed with
Putrtptii a11tl Ht1'Cti.la1tu11l on th.tJ tniption of •Wa.rmlu ·ae, m. (crraAqo,.&ac). Hlirml
)IC1Ultl · Vesuvi111. Hence, adj., StAbiAnua vitriol, PTin.
.a -um, ~longiltg to.~bi«t; sul>st., atAlagm.lum -II, n. (vT'ci>.&~ca). a1C t11r·
·i, n. cm ~u cu St®~. drop, ,,entlan.t, Plln.
lltAbDimen -lnis, n. (11tablllo), 4 llay, lllp· stamen ·lnis, n. (from STA, root ofllil1to, a_..
pod, C;ic. cr,.>j,...,v from i:crT111L•). L th.e icarp, v:hicl& ik Utt
stAbllimentam stal>illtnen (q. v.). uprig/U luonu of t11tl an.cit11.t1 1Ca.t slTl!l.cltttl i •• u
vertical dirtduM; st.ameu secernil. an111do, 01.
8tAbWo, 4.. (stabilis), to make firm. L Lit. .. IL Transf., 1, the thrttlll.; a, tltis thrttld on Ike
atipites, Caes. IL Fig., to make stabk, to spi11dle; stamina ducere or wrquere, to 1piR, lt"ges, rempublicam, Cic. (H·. ; tl..e lhrttid I pull by tht Purroe, 0\·. ; hetn"t',
atAbllls -e (ato), ftn11, sttad/aal, ""bU.. L tie uimio st.amine queri, of too l1mg a li/t, Jin·.;, via, Cic.; S10lum, Liv. IL Fig., ftrm, b, a thrtad of another kind, e.g., that by u-.l11cA
dl'cul;icst, stahu, laJfting, trn1mi:ering; amid, Cic.; Ariw.lnt guided Tl1~seu1 through th.e fa/,yri11t.i.,
matrimouium, Cle.; oratio, Cic.; with ad aud the Prop.; or a spider, 01·.; tht stri119 of a lyre, Ov.;
ace., nihll est tam ad dlnturnitatem mernoriae 2, 111eton., cloth u·ovnl of tl17'ftld; hence, tM J.Uri
atablle, Cic.; snbst., stabllla -lum, n. thingl' IOOrll b't priuts, Prop.
tltal are slabu, Cic. ati.mlniua .a -um (stamen), ftdl of tANOds,
•ti.bllltaa -itb, r. (stabilis), jfnnnus. sta· Prop.
bilily, llleculfrul111U$. L Lit., peditum In proeliis, stann~ua ·a -um, m.aue o/ stannum, Plln.
Caes. ; stirpes atabilitatem <lant iis, quae sus- stannum ·I, n. a1' alloy o/ ril"1' a111d ltad,
tinent. Cie. IL Fig., durability, /1Ua(1fa&tnua; Plin.
amicitiae, Cic.; fortunae, Cic. StAta mater= Vesta; or simply Stat&, Cle.
stAbWtir, adv. (stauilis), jtrmty, durably, stl\tiritu1 ·& ·Um (, ltarufi."Ag j.n11,
Suet. stttlll.y, stable, 8Uclw1la1'f; miles, Liv.; ellJ•.,
lltf.bnitor -Oris, m. (stabilio), 01u 101ao ma.tu statima comoedi!t, a tp1id kil\d of cmr&«ly (Ofll'·
~nn, uro"1Wtu, 8en. comoedi.t. inotoria), Ter. ; aubet.. 1 atAt&rit
dbiU&rlua -II, m. (stabulum), a lo111 inn· -Orum, m. th.e actors (n t1u comoeGia stataria,
1.:eepa, Sen. Cie. ; transf., C. Piso, statalius et 11en11011io1
atAbiUo, I. (stftbulnm), to 1urw a stall or plenus orator, quid, oompc>Nd, Cie.
alJO.-k, to 6tall; in foribu11 (Orci), Verg. StateW and 8tatleW -6rum, m. 4 'J't"'1Jt
IJtf.bUJ.or, I. dep. (!!lauulum) or animals, to in Liguriu, who~ ch~/ town V'l1B Aqune 8t.atjell.
1lc11vl, bt stab/tel, abult, Ov. orum or Aquae Statiellae, now Aoqic&: heuet-,
atAbiUum -i, n. (sto). L a plJJCt q/ <tbotu, A. Statellia ·ati.a, btlongit&g to tu .staull i.
hul1i.talio11, Plaut. ll. a }'fact of abode for B. Statlell8D889 -lum, m. t1u i11Aa1Jiuuw o}
a11i111al.• and nun of th.e pwrer class. A. Of Aquae St.atiellorutu.
animah1; 1, of wild ani111al:1, Win, foir; ferarmn atAtira ·ae, r. (v111T1)p), 41l«lJ11f'd, 11 balaiatt;
11tabula alt.a, Verg.; 2, of tame animals, a stnll, nurilieis, Cic.
stable; poet., of JllL'ltUre, Verg.; i•lur., staliula, atAtloiUum. ·I, n. (11tatua), o ftllJZl llal11.t.,
th.tJ sll1lta, mttte-yarcf, 11.!1 a !Jl&ce of abo<le for Pim.
llhl'pherds; pa..<1t.on11n 11taltula, C:ic. B. or men stAtloiUm -i, m. (dim. or 2. atatua). a li ..l
of tlw lower classe.'I, inn, ta iitrn, pot-lwust, C:ie. of sluw ilu11ct, Plin.
staobys -yos, r. {cn-rix~). hoNe-ininl, Plin. atAttm. adv. (ato). L teilloid yUiding,
lltacta ·AC, f. and stact0 •l!S, f. (OTu.ltnj), ft; ,,1/y, stetUlfastly: rem gerere, Plaut. IL
oU of 111y·rh, Luer. Trawsr., on tht pa!, immt:dialtly, al ontt : ut
8tiM:Uum ·Ii, n. (a-rri&•ov). L a Gruk mta· Htatim alienatio d1sjunctioque fat:ienda sit, Cic.:
1urt uf lmgth, befog 625 fut= 600 Eng/WI. fut, foll. by ac, atque, ut, quam, quult1, almulac, cu
awl ml/1tr Us.& tlillll afurlon.g, Cic. IL Meton., IOOll a&, Cie.
a r~·rourst; qui statlluna CUITit, Cic.; fig., 8tAtlo ·<mis, r. (ate.). L II atcndi1tg, da•d--
co11tut, t11n1lat«m: me adnleiwe11tr111 mnltos fog still: manere In atatlone, to rta.J&d ltUl, LtaC'r.
auuo!I in stmlio elu1'1P111 l:l11il is 16Sc:rcuit, Cic. IL Tram1r., 11 Jllnct q/ ahodt or 11>jour11 : I.. gen.,
&ta 639 ate
11teml fritlrem at.Alionr l't'•li>111lt, O•.; 2. ffJ'., ~ ·llth1, n. (cr,.ean.1t•>. • Ultd ~
a, of 11oltJien1. (.. ) po~t. u·.11• IL, plcT.·,t, !J"''"'; falty 1icelling, Plio.
f'lUiles ex atilt iun... Caes.; ~tAti•111e1n }>Orti~ •tlga -ae, r. (a,./Y'J), a ship"• 1l'f:k. Plaut.
d11J•>!!t1lt, Liv.; m i.t:itione an•t ("f B1·ve10.I lltegnaa -a -um (en•~), caiuir&g COiii~
~~::~~~r~~ v::;~\ :~·;;~~;:;; ;~;;:·i;u~~~:~~~~~ iu~.

de pr.u-11i1li<1 ct "tat1 .. uc vit:1c llt'Ct'dere, Uc.; b.

lltila -u, f. (VT>j>u1). a pillar, ern1u1tn, Pllll.
u piau ofahn<f'. Tt.,titt•/·pfoct; ~f'•kll ap1b11111Lat1n· atllJa ·l<llfl, (. (au.~i~), "'iallttoe gro1cill!/ OIL
11ue l't'lcnda, \'er;:.; in 11rce Atl1e111~ !ltat10 {p•3') ftr1 a11tl larcll#~, Plin.
111ea 11unc J•l:icet, C1c.; c, a r•l{U].<t•tui, a11dtor- •tella -ae, r. (=- 11ten1lll, ronne<'ted with
ul}t, bay, l:ic.; fig., fluctiLu!I f'jcdurn tnlA .ia,.~p), a star. L, 1, a #ar, pl"'"'· ronut;
~t.1tio11e rece1•i, lw1·tn., Ov.; d, ti~ proptr plaot, ~t,.ll:i 8nt11rni, litRlla Jm·"'• !11~ plrinc.' ..;,i.111m
Of'IUr(nf thong•), comas Jt0nere in st:it11111e, Uv. plrlfvt Ju.pita, C1c.; stcllae inur:111k1, fizta.
atl.tloni.Ua -e (statio), 1ta11din'} still, lb1· $fa~, Cit·.; va~:it>, )'lr11vl<I, Cic.; stclla comanli,
li.oMry, 1'1111. a com.d, Ov.; 2, tra11sf., &, a fi'}••rt ii& th.e form
Statla.a ·11, m.: I, c~ecili11s Stalins, of of a star, Pliu.: b, a lfar·ft···~. l'lin. IL ID
J11~11lma, a&"'"" comic ~t. born lti-~ 8 .c.; 2, pod~, l,= sidu!I, con.illtflatil)n, \"er~ .. Ov.; 2,
P. Pap111in!I ~tatiu!l,<.ln t:picpoet, widtr D•nnitian, ='""; Rllget g..rninos 11t1·lla sen.-na polo~, Ov.
"'"'l""l'T of Silt-ae, a. Thtbai.11, and a1& unji11i1htd lltellan.e ·antis (~tt-l!n), 1 1 1tarr11, ul wUl'I.
.Ad1i!l•i4. atora; nkl•11n, Luer.; 2, bri.gltt, 1l1ining, glitter-
11Utivut1 -a -urn (~to), Jtfl11rfi1111, ttawflitg i111: l(f'1t1rnn, Ov.
~till. L Adj., prne,id1u111, pie/.,/, Cic.; castra, SteUi.tia <"Anl(•lls or ngu, a ttry /rttit/W
futJ •11U1rtt.r.,, Li\·. II. Sul.~t., atAtiva -ornm, rli.strict ill Cam10fl,1it,. Hence, adj., Stelli.t-
n. \sc. c:blr«), 1~n11aM1Lt r<1111p, Liv. inaa ·a ·urn, Stc/l.1t;a'I.
1. at.I.tor -?Jri!I, 111. (:sto), a 'llUlj/WraW• 1u· lltelli.tua -a -uin (stella), 1d 1rith ''""•
N11I "r altcn<la11t, Cic. ~t11rry; a, lit., Cq•l1!'u~, Ck.; b, tra11sr.,
'.!. StAtor -01 i~, n1. (~i!•t<l), the 1uppor~r. ,.,. Arius, luui!t.g many evts, Ov.; e11"i~, bright,
tlll,/r.1/vr, the sla!JcT of;; .')lit: a sun1a111e of Ju· glitming, \"erg.
p•t.r, Cic. •tewter -r~ra .ffr111n (stella and Cero), &lar-
atitUa -ae, r. <~tatu•i), a stat"'· i "'"'.!'- (of l\ bfflrin!I, starry; ~tt-llifer cunms, Cic.
rn~n, while si111uli1cru111 = 1tatiu of a 9,.,.l,; :iilllU· •telllg6r -g~ra -gl!rnm (stella and gero),
Licra deor11111, statuat! vetl-rum ho111i11u111, Cic.; ltar-be.1ri11y, ato.rry, \'arr.
1t.itua111 alicui poncre or ~tatuere, Cic. atellio (lltillo) .<1ui!I, m. a li.rord 1rith 1pot1
atAtiUi.riu• ·I\ -u111 ("5t.1t11a), of or rtlntin<J 011 it., l~ick (l.accrt& gecko, Linn.), \'erg.
In •tat1w:~. I. Arlj., Pl in. IL :-;11l1st., 1, •tat- atello, l. (Mk Ila), to sa v;Uh star•, l'lin.
6.i.ria ·IU', r. (,.c. ant), the art of eoi.<ti •t!J st11t1u•s, stemma ·Atiil, n. (ari1t1£0.}. I. a l'TOW~.
l'hn.; 2, •tAt6.i.riua ·Ii, n1. a ••r cci.sUr rhaplrt, ~en. IL ?tkt.•n., a ~-'ogical tree,
of $lutun, n slatua1·11, Col11i11t. ~u<"t.; tr.111,r., nobilit~. hig1' anli'}uity, Murt.
stl.tiimen -luis, n. ("t.:ituo), a. lta.y, iupport, Stentor -6ris, m. (l:,./.,,-..p), oiu of the Gf'«h
prop; plur., th.e ri.b1 of a 1hi1 1, Caea. lJ,jort 1'roy,farn.tdfvr hi1 loud roice and thutrt11gt1'
atAtiimino, 1. (11tatumen), lo 11.nderprop, of hi.1 l11n1s.
Plin. •tephA.niplooo• ·I, r. (nt.,.aV1J•,\0c~). th•
llt.l.tito -di -llturn, 3. (from statu111, the weai·u of clw.pltts, IM MTIUI of a pai1iting b1
An1·ine ol !otbto), to ca1iu to atarr.ti, put, plw:,, vt, Pa11si1lJ, Plin.
ltl Uf'. L Lit., 1, !(Cll., C<ll'tivo~ in lllC<lill, stephAnitls ·l<lls, r. (C1'Tf~Ovlr&(), a. 1.ind o/
Liv.; trater:is, Ve1g.; 2, esp., to aet t•p, trt.rf, iint, f'lin.
buil<l: i.tatnam, C1c.; tropacu111, Cic.; t:iber- •tephAnom6U. .1 9 , c. 4 plant which ~
n&cula.l to pitch, Caes.; u1 l.e111, Verg. ; n-;;n11111, a. blkdiug at tlu nou, Plio.
Cic. 1.L Trausr., 1, to utahlish i1& ont's mill'/,
to ro1ul.dtr, beliut; ut 111il1i ~t.atuo, Cic.; laude111 stephbopc)Ua -i11, f. (a-r~a.vcW..:>.1~). Ch•
1t.1tuo e~!M maxirnarn, Cic. ; 2, to runlrt, drier- selltr of c1v.11•ltts; the 11ame qf a picture by Pausia&,
t11i11t, dtcide; with de and the at.I., tie nliqun, """1 c.ulie1i st-ephancplocoa, Plln.
Cae..; de capite civls, Cic.; with in au•I tlie atlphAno• -1, m. (ni41&~). lit., a garland,
acc., In aliqttem nli11uid gTa\'ius, C•1E>s.; with chal'ltt; tli.e 11a111e r.J 1ttwal plan.U, Plin.
acc. alone, »ti)'en<liu111 alicui •le 1·u'•lico, Liv.; steroc"Sri.riua ·• -um(stercu:t), q/orn:Zalht.f
with rel. "e11t., utnun <licrn 1e1-ti11111 au 1-eren<I- to tlunq, \'arr.
in11111 •lici oporteret, Cic. ; with infln., ju<licf'll steroCSratlo ·onl!!, r. (stercoro), a ma1turi"!1,
rejicere, Cie.; with ut. and tlte sul1j., ut uans \'arr.
con11Ce 11 •l~•cut, Cic. stercclr~WI -a -um (stercus),ftlth)', ttfding:
aWiira -ae, f. (sto), 8tature, height, s~e n/ a mile!!, Plaut.
114n; homines ta11t11l:1e !'taturae, of ao a11mll
llahrt, Caes.; qui raci(' fuerit, qua ~to.ituri, Cic. •terc6ro, 1. (st.ercus), to d""11• ""1n11re;
1• -U.S. . •~ agrum, Cic.
<> .,. V. BISw. ) _ _, _ _, • teroua -v ···'· mal\urt, Cl c.;
xrl s, n. d ung, m11e1<,
·: .a....tu• -~s, m. (><tll • a .ui,..,.ing, _s1a,,,.1u-; I aa a term or reproach, aterclllf curiae, Cic.
po11t1on. L Lit., 1, gen., i;tatu~, mce11su.s, - • .__ .
lie!ll\io, Cic.; erectus, Cic.; 2, tl'lp., po$ture, llterge~vn -1, n. (cntpyrJBpov), G plaftl,
7'0'iti1)11; 111inax, Hor.; i;t:itu 111overe hoKtem, grtat h.ol<Mluk, l'llu.
Liv. IL Fig., 1, g .. n., ~itio~, eond itioll, sta.U: •tirneeoo. S. (sterilis). to b«'07M barrn,
adYtr&&rios de omni i.tatu dejlcere, Cic.; re11tit- PJ1n,
liens aliquem In pristinum statu111, Cle.; onlfles stirWa -e (connected with Gr. '"•pftf,
Yitae status, Cic.; 2, esp., a., oru's 7uitio1' in cneppO<;I. L barren, "l\h"lriV'W, .ttri.11 (applletl
lift as dettrmi1U1l by birth: agnat.ionlbus famili· to nnin1al11 and plant..). A. a.. lit., ager, \"erir.;
~-utn 1ii~tin;;uu11t11r atAtue, Cic.; b, ajl.rra 'J'Of'£· vacca, \"erg.; bl tran9f.= enpty: corpora 11011lt.u
ll~ll, dability, pro.perit11; clvitat1s, Cle.; o, sterlla (= 1terilla), Luer. B. 1-1;., 11.l\fnli4'\d,
l'fiet. t. t., atat11e uu!W', or •Imply, tM empt11, vai7'; amor, 111u·eqti1Ud, Ov. IL (P(141t..)
,,., of Ike qkUtlon, ~ o/ llw "* = rr4cr11, Cle. acL., waaki11g 1'1\{riiit"Ul; robfgo, Hor.
Ste 640 Bli
at&illtaa -&tis. r. (llterills).
t1rtfrt1itf11'11u~. tuar lit.IPrar. qnae mihl quitltlam ')U:1si at1i11111bP
lltrrilUg, barn'1'Mal; agrorum, Cil'.; 111111lerum, st.illftn111t, Cll',
r1111. atD.~ (110~ •tflu) ·I, m. (for ~tig-h111; .r_
lltirllu ... 1terlll• (q,,-.). Gr. 1n~{111, aT<y-µ.a.). L a 11«.ke, JX!k, Ant1.. 1~
8ternax ·Acls (aterno). throwing to tM Afr. IL 1, tlu J10inud irofl. or llOtt.t! iwtr>1-
gro1"&d: tqllUB, tArorciKg Iii.! ri1f,r, VPrg. m ::11.t v•ith whi.<A tlu lUnn.cuu V!rote c11 tlitir
•terao, atrf.\•I, 1tnit11111, 3. (rout STER, truUll tubfrt11, l'lln. ; as one enil was fl.At., rn
Gr. l.TOl', wht'n~ crropi1•1'111.1.t). I. to 11trttl'h onler to f'l'lltlt' tltP. illlJ11-esRl011 mac le Ly the ol h«"r,
e>11t, s111vrid oKI. A. GP11., \'ellull in •luro s11lo, \•ertere st.ii um= to rub oul, rr·usc v.oriti11g, Hor.;
Ov.; arenam, O\•. ; atrat.a jacrut pasi1im llllll \' 11tilum iu tah111i11 1t11is, t:ic. ; 2, urrtou.,
quaque Rllh nrbore ponm, \'t•q:. B. K"p., 1, a, u•riti11g, OOlllJ>OSing, ioritun ro1ttpo1<ilio11, nn•I
to st1~tch 01& tlu !lnnnul, 11111 d-011•11, tlrrow tlmrn: hCll('P, 'llWtk of ll"l'ili1111, Sptttl.i1ig, ltglr;' 11til11s
Norpora pa1111i111, Liv.; reftex., 11e 11tenierc, to iu CXCl'Cit.atu-4, " 1tror.tiMd pm, Cic. ; Ullll5 li<.11111~
1lo1rti: RC Hl•mno In lltorr., Verg.; 1111 JIMll. na
est t-01.ius orntiouis ct idem stil1111, Cic.
mi<l•ll•'. stcrni pu11lm feran1111 ritu, Liv.; p.'lrtic., StfmiU&tfO ·unlR, (, (still!ll)u), G 1ptmi"f
stratus ·a ·11111, ""tcMI nut, 1•rustraJ,: hunti, on, 11tiiiuilatiug, Tac.
Cic. ; b, tQ tltro10 down tJio~11tly, to strike to tlu atlmiUatrlz ·leis, r. (stimulator), • t1tal
gro1111tl, lay low: (a) lit., caede vim11, Verg.; goads oti, stirnrdalu, PlauL
ln![t•11ti caede swrni, Liv. ; 111iet., vento11, to atlmilleua .a -um (atlmul111), nlati"f to t.U
ralm, Hor. : (ft) fig., to Ol'Jtrthruw, wy Jm>Btralt: gorul: 11upllllci11111, 1n11&ilh111t11t (ut al&va) ..ta
altlirto11 Rtl et atratos case, Cic. ; ~, to m11~ tl1t goaif, P uut.
ll711oot11, ltrfi; a, or the sea, (a.) 1•lac1di stra v-
t•rnnt. aeq1101-a vent.I, Verg.; (ft) fig., tn calm, atlmtuo, I. (athnuha). L lo goa4, prid.
0/111!1: 0<lia 111ilitum, TRC.; b, to ntal.:.i u r011a1' Lucan. IL J<'ig., 1, to goad, dUiqttj,-l, - . aruwy;
n•1tl ~111ootll, to ul'f'l: viam, Lncr.: !"Sp., to f"ITV: t-e co11scic11tiae stimulant malellciorum tnorurn,
MP111ita111 H:lXO quatlrllto, Liv. IL Mcton., to Cic. ; 2, to gocul, inciu, lltir "1'• •ti•1da.U to n•r
()Jf'l•r, f>l'f'r1'.t1/ With; &, 110l11m teJi>1, \'erg.; b, action; (a.) with acc., nliquem incittll'E' ct 11t.i11111l-
eAp., ( .. ) to ootvr toith Cllrpd.•, etc.; triclinium, are, Vcrg.; (ft) wit.Ii nd and the M'C., at! huiUA
Cle.; (/j) to lllWdu a 11.f>Nt!; cquum, Liv. lll!.lnt<-111 1lefc11dcmlam atimulari, Cic.: (y) 'l'ith
ut awl the snl~j., ut caverem, Cic.: (6),
8terniimen.tum -i, n. (sternuo), a snuzing, with inlln., Verg.
IW'l'U, Of<.'.
sterniio -nl, 3. (connected with nclpwµ.a.•). atimillus -I, m. (root STIG, whence ln-11tig-o
nn•l l. sting110; Gr. ~Tll', whence O'ri,w, IN'l,,.ij).
L 111!.nurKit., ro 11tu.1t; a, lit., Plln.; bLtmn~f., L Milit. t. t., stimuli, pointttf ltaku to tt]Vl tlt
of a h;!ht, to crackle, lptllttr, Ov. II. Tratunt., wlt-ar!ll of troops, Caca. IL a good UMd far
to giflt by 111eui1ig; omen, Prop. driving mule, 1latu, etc. A. Lit., PlauL; nted
aterniiti.mentum ·l, n. (atenmo). a 111eu· conte111ptuot1Hly, dum te etlmulis fod!am, Cic.
ill!f, RllCUe, &n. B. Fig., a, a sting,tormeRt; do loris, Cic.; wnoria,
aterqullialum ·II, n. (stercus), a tl1111g·pil, Liv.; b, 11 goad, spur, i11a1Uiw, lltimulu; gloriae,
Plant. Cic.; alicui eti111nlo11 atlmovere, Cic.
Sterthalu ·II, m. a Stoic philosopher. Hence, 1. • stlnguo, s. to good, ll word only found
BtertlDiua -a ·Um, q/ Sttrtiriius. In oompounrlH, 11uch aa tlistinguo, lnet.ingno,
llterto, 8.. (connected with Sip9.,, Sap9cl.-..,), intc111tir1g110 (i11terstinctui1).
to 111wre, Cic. 2. sttnguo, 3. to tnirl!TUIM, put out, Luer.
Stiuchoru ·•. m. (~T'l)O'iJ(Opo(), a Grttk atipi.tlo ·onis, r. (stlpo), a crowd of aUAd·
l!fric l"'d of Jlimtra (IJ32-&aa u.c.), rontrmporary ants 1"0u1t1I any 011e, nut1ttrl.l'US ruik, retitnu, Cic.
of S11 p µho. attetula'At, µ.
atipii.tor ·Otis, m. (stipo), an
SthenUua ·I, m. (~9ivt..\~). L 11m of Wtllf!'r; vtur., a IMtiU, train, rdinut, Cie..
Cupu1u11s a11.d E'llad1t1, ~ q/ the Epif]uni, leader atip&tus ·& -um, p. adj. (from stipo).
of tl~ Argit>u agai1Ut Troy under Dim11edes.
IL Ung in L(gurla, 'ICM~ IOn Cycnus 11Jll.8 Btipendli.rlu -a -um (stlpendiom). 1
lu1ule «> taus or tri1111tt, trib11tdry; Aeduos slbl
clutngtd into a noan. Hence, A. Sthen~­ Rtipencliarios factos, Cle.; vectignl, a llfflTIJ
lelus -a -um, Sllurultnfl.; hostis, E11111stl1e•r..•, co11trib1ltion, Cic.; aubst., atipencU&rfl--Orum,
o'"; [rotes, Cycrnu, Ov. B. Sthenelela m. tiih11tariu; socii stipendiai·iique populi
·ldi11, • Stluntlta.11; volncris, tM rwan, O\·. Ronrnni, Cic. IL or soldiers, llltTV\119 for }OJ,
atrbiMUum ·fl, n. (trT•/3tiStov), a 11tmidrc-ular mer~11ary, Liv.
IJ()fa, Plin. atipendlorr 1. dep. (stipendillDl), to tm0t,
stlbium -Ii, n. {strbl and sUmm1 -1!1, n.), !e11:e for hiri:, P In.
1111ti111.ony, need for dyeing thr eyebrows black, stipendlum ·D, n. (== lltipipendiwn, from
anti n.i; an eye-!!alve, Plin. !!tips and pen<lo). L a tas, tribUU., amtTilnt-
stigma ·Atis, n. (<rdyµ.a.). I. a mark or tion: a, lit., atipendium lmponere alicui, Caell.;
lm111d r11t upon llaru; 1, lit., Sen.; 2, fig., paci11ci annnum etipe11diu1n, Liv.; b, tnns!.,
iJtfamy, stigma, Ml\rt. D. a cut in.jlictt!d by a 11 L1Unishment; quod me nurnet etipendium ! H11r.
t11~kilful barber, Mart. II. pay q/ a llOldU1-; a, lit. (in full, 1tipern.liu111
stlgm~tlas ·ae, m. (nLyµ.o.nac), a l>randtd militare). 11tipendinm allcui deceme:re, Cle.;
1/ar,, -Cic. persotvere, Cic.; ftagitare, Caes.; sUpendl~ mer·
atllla -ae, (dim. of stlria), a drop, Cic. ere and mererl, to atrW i" the ariny, Cic. ; b 1
met.on., military ~; finis atipendionnu,
&tWii.tlclua -a ·um (stillo), dropping, drip- Cic. ; ea\1., a ytar'1 ""1ice, cam""'igft; 11epteu1
J>infJ, Plln. et viglnt1 enumerare atipendia, tiv.; fig., ta111·
stlllloldlum ·II, n. (11tilla and I. qnam emeriti• atJpendila libidlnla,,
a dripping or dropping m.oilturt, Luer. II. Esp., etc., Cic.
roin-wattr falHng from tM tai:u of houu, Cic. atipea .JtJs, m. (mTOC), a ltxl, tniu
stlllo. 1. (11tllla). L lntran11it., to drip. drop; of a tree; a, in a rough state, \'erg. ; poet., 11
de ilice etillab&nt lllflll&, Ov.; pngio 1tillan1, trtt, Ov. ; b, workod Into something, ci "'1h,
dripping will'l blood, Cic. IL Tranait., to drop, poll, Caes. ; poet., a dub, Ov. ; aa a term of re-
let drop· a, llt., ex oculia rorem, Ilor.; b, ftg., proach, blockAtad, Ter.
eti 641 sto
stipo, I (co1111eclc•l with Or. aT/4J .... , isso tliccbat, Cle'.; c, with pro amt tlw ab!.,
'"•~-a.~o~, c1e.), to 1•r18l cln.<ely logrlhcr, co111- pro nol>is, Ov .. d, with i11 or eo11tra or :111\·1~1-s1111
1iru<. I. Gen., mclll\ (of hL>cs), Verg. : itn autl nee., quu111 Sll.epe a 111e111lacio c1111tra veru111
in nrt..e st ipat.;.iu enrnt 11av1•s ut., etc., Liv.; st.,rc ho111i11es cons11csc('re11t, Cic'.; 3, to ust
1;raeci stipati, qnini 111 lcctnlis, SRl'I~ plurc..'I, 111~m; 011111is in As•·a11io earl ;,tat cum p11re11ti11,
Cic. IL A. lo crowd n plt!O!; curia q11u111 Ven;.: 4,= to cost (like Enghsh d1rnd); ce11tu111
I1Atrihm1 fucrit etipata, Ov. B. to 7> rnu11d, tale11tis, Liv.: trali!if., 111ulto 1mug11i11c ac v11l-
1tb"OlllJ"111y, surro111Hl, nlte11tl, 8t't1atum u.n11atii1, 11erilo11s ea Pueni>1 victoria stdit, Li\'. II. A.
Cic.; qui stipnt11s se111per 11icariis, sacptus 1ir- Lit., 1, ns oppo~ to motion, to $lttntl still, not
111~tis, JRu11it11s juclicilms fnit, Cic.; senectu11 lo moi.,.; e._, ht.,(a)ofani111als, equus >1l;irc llPscit,
slip&ta llturlii11 juvc11t11ti:;, Cic. O\•,; (/3) or things, e.g., of ships, vi<ll'"lle 11aH111
atlpll, stlpiK, f. cm offeri11g, gift, clol&alio1l iii illam? stare nobis vi1lctur, at iis qui 111 11a\'i
11w11Ly, <t relirJioll.1 0J[.:ri11f!, alms; stipem con- sunt moi-eri liaec villa, Cic.; b, tmn:\f., of tiuw,
fcrre, Liv.; 11tipc111 cogere, Cic.; st1pem a.nt to slop, sW.nd still; vcluti std vol11cris dies,
,tipe11 dare, Ov., Tac.; stipem tollere, ro put c.rn Hor.; a. with the 11otio11 of Ht<'adfastucss; a,
t"<l tlJ ~ging, Cic. 111ilit. t. t., (a.) to 11tltnd, holtl 011~·s gro1wcl; qui
atlp'iUa -ae, r. tAt ~talk, haulm; a, of corn ; (miles) 11tetcrit, Cic.; stare in pugna, Liv. ; (/3)
plur. =stra1c, Ov.; b, of a recd, conwmptuously traw1f., of a l>attle, to remain in a et1·t11in p<J.•i-
1•f a ttute made of a reed, a reld·pipe, Verg. ; o, ti-011, to w1a~1·, not to ~ drci<kd; diu p11gna
ne1~tro inelinata 11tctit, Cic.; b, of b111lrli11gs,
of the bean, Ov. rocks, etc., tu stand firm, lust, t1Lelurt, rem11i1i:
stlptu.atlo -oni!1, r. (~tlpulor), a verbal agrtt· nee domus ulla nee url•11 stare pot.crit, Cic.;
w.11t, cove1uz1it, 1tipulatfo1i, Cic. o, of mh1siles, to atickfi1st, re1nai1t; hasta stetit
atlpillatlunc'iUa -ae, f. (Jim. of Ktipulatio), n>edio te~o, Ov. B. J:o'ig., 1, gc11., to remc,in
<lll unirnporta1~t engagemmt or stipulation., Cic. still,, con.tinue; ulinam 1csp11hlica :;t':'l·
1Rlp6.lator -6ri11, 1u. (11Upulor), ou wlw slipu· i11sct quo cocperv.t statu, Cic. ; 2, stare 1ier ali-
latt1 for or ck1nand.s a formal agTU11lllnt, Suet. q uem, to MJ•ptn through some 011i:J fault, 'l'cr.;
nlplllor, 1. dep. to denumd, atipulatt for by often 11tat or non (nihil) stat per aliquern, foll.
a for111a1 agrcenunt, Cle. by quominus and subj., it is owing to some 01u
that not, etc., Cle., Liv.; stat per aliquc111, foll.
atirla ·1te, f. an icicle, Verg. by quin or ne and 11ubj., Liv.; 3, with the
attrpeaoo, 3. (stlrp!!), t-0 ru?i t-0 stalk, Plin. notion of 11tea<lfa11tnessorduration; e., to remain
aUrDltb. adv. (:1tir~). root aiW branch, attndfcul, jinn, immovable, to 1ta1u.t one's grou11d,
tlwroug?u"I/, wtirdy, Cic. hola out; st stare non possunt, corrunut, Cic. ;
ltlrpe (atlrpes, attrola). stiri1l1, r. I. the 11!.as auimo, Hor. ; 1<tamu:t anituis, Cic. ; b, to
stock vr item of u. tru. A. Lit., a, tM trunk wilh rtm.ui11 firm ill Mnntthing; (a.) to rc111afo i11, co1t·
the root, Cic.; b, the trunk, Ve!B'·; o, a bn:mcJ1, ti11tu fo; with lu and the ab!., in tide, Cic.;
a yo1111g •hoot l)r sprout, Verg. B. Trll118r., 1, or with al.II. alone, suis stare judidi11, Cic.: (fJ)
~1.anta,_ a, a ]>la!lt, stalk, root; stlrpea et ht:rl>ne,
tran:tr., t-0 bf! jiud or dtU.rn~in.ed; 11tat sua cuique
C1c.; b, a twig, Luer.; 2, or hair, the root, diet!, Verg.; tempus agendae rel 0011<lu111 stare,
Pro1•.; 3, or men, e. abstr., the 11te1n. = tlu Liv.; stat alien! Rententia, with l11t\11., to bf! n-
so11rCI!, origin: dlvina, Vcrg.; ne ltalicae quiu- soliied or cktnmined to, Liv. ; so stat alic11i, or
em stirpls, Liv. ; a 11Urpe par, Verg.; b, concr., simply stat, Cle.: c, of A play or an actor, ro
(a.) m.aU off!lpTing: unum prope puberem aetAte plw~, gain applav.M, kup the stage, Hor. (perr.•
11t~~run t, Verf;., Aen. 11. ii 4 ; 11 I. 41l).
relictum 11lirpe111 ~euti Fabiae, Liv.; (/3) family,
TIJI%; Herculis, C1c. ; (y) offtrprill.g; stirr.m ex StOlci, atl v. (8toicus), like a Stoic, stoically,
se relinqnerc, Liv. II. Ffg., the root; , gen., Cic.
ex hac nimia licentia ut ex stirpe quadam exsist- StOlolda -ae, m. a &atirica.l name givt'Tl to a
ore et quasi mucl tyrannum, Cle. ; Cnrthago ab i·ol11ptuary who prtl~l to bll a .Stoic, Juv.
st.irpe interiit, root and branch, 8all.; a, esp., a, StOlous ·a -um (l:,.wio:o(), of or rtlati119 ~
(Wlldalimi, origin; vhtutls, Cic. ; b, ori.gimu Stoic 11/iilosophy, Stoic; sehola, Cle. Snbst.,
Mh're, Cic. (sl.irps masc. once in Verg.). a, St0101lll ·I, 111. a Stair, pl1ilosrrpher, Cic. ; b.
ltiva ·ae, r. a plough-handle, Verg. Sti>lca -ornm, 11. the Stoic philo~ophy, Cic.
ltl&tlirlus -a -um (from atlat&, a kind of stOla ·llC, f. (aroAl)), a long outtr !J<11'11ltnt.
lhip), br0U9ht by 1ta, and therefore, costly, Juv. I. thelonq outer gamumt worn by lloma1i ladia,
ltlia. archaic = lia (·l· v.). ro~. Cic. IL Of men, the robe of a .ftu.U-playtr
atloppu. -1, m. the nom of a 1lap on the fa. at the fcstiool of .Mintrra, Ov.
~ cf&tiilu, Pers. lltOlatua -a ·um (stola), clatl in a llola, Suet..
llto, sU!U, stAtum, sta:tllrus, atllre (STA, root st61lde, a<lv. (stolhlns), stupidly, fool~hly,
ofi''O"T71-1.u), t-0 fta1ui. L A!f. opposed to altting, stolully; stvlide laetUt1, Liv.; stolidc ftrox, Liv.
to rtmnin standin,g. A. Lit., 1, gen., a, or atOlldua -a -um (conll('CUJd \\'ith stultua).
1ienmn11 1 quum vlrgo staret, et Caecllia In sella I. 1t11pi<l, foo/i.,h, dull, obl1tU; a. or persoua, (,.
se<leret, Cle. ; ad jauua111, Cic. ; br of things, vatum stoli<lissime, Ov.; b, or thlngR, tlducia,
quorum at&lww steterunt In roatns, Cic.; 2, superbia, Liv. IL inactive, in<Wle11t, Cic.
e~p., a, mllit. t. t., to stand, t-0 bf! llatimud; lltOlo -onis, m. a mtltas mcker, 111perftU01U
tro port.&J Liv. ; b, of buildings, to ltand,_ to
buUl; am stabant Thebac, Ov. ; o, or ships,
slloot on a tru, Plln.
l-0 ~at ancll.or; st.ant lit.ore puppes, Verg.; tit.are
11t6ml0Aoi -e.'I, r. (JTo~cvccUni), a diati:uJt of
ad ancoram in aalo Romana claaslft non poterat, tM mouth or gu1M, l'li11.
Liv.; d, ro stand 1'prig1U, lland on t'id; stetcr- lltOmiMJhlcus -a -um (<TT01.L<1x10:0~), m§tri"'O
untque co~1 Verg.; e, with abl., t-0 atand stiff from. distau in the, Plln.
ICU.\, t-0 be ]'IUl of, loode& with; stat nlve can· ~~~or, 1. <lep. (stomach us), to bflan!7"11,
dldum Soractc, Hm-. B. Fig., 1, gen., pericula pdtull., trnt<Ued, v~; a., absol., atomacharl
st.ant ch-cum aliquPm, Verg.; a, to stand at the 1•oepit, Cle.; b, with cum and tlie abl., cum
rfcU of. to impport, or to 1tand opporile t-0 a1 an Metello, Cic. ; o, with abl., jucundl88imla tula
IM'IAJI, to range O"ltael/; a., with lib and the abl., litteri11, Cic. ; d, with quod, qnod de eadem
stare a ae ).IQtlus quam ab adversa.riia, Cle.; re agam aaeplua, Cic.; e, with 1l, 1i qnld upertu.a
b, with cwn and the al>I., voblscum nae 1tet- dixeta1n, Cic. ; f. with neut. acc., Oll''ll.a, Ola.
sto str
~mAoho.i. a<lv. ( .. tmnnchosus), J*t!u1tl11, StrA~mcea, t. (:'1Tpa.Toa·t.ic~•a.>. •• fa.
a11111Ur; rescrip!!l ei 1to11.1acboeiu11, port.rl'U WW•& in Cciria, now f:M..i /linnr. !Jenee,
Cic. Striitclmoenals -e, beum.ging to Strato11icm. -& ·nm (stm11:tchu11), ~euim, stratum ·I, n. (11ter110), that t111licA u "Pftd'l
ptttiish, ir1'iUtble, croa, angry, Cic. 011t. L a coi·"i"ll: 1, tJae cormn.11 of a "'9.
at<NaMhua .1, m. ((TT01<11xo~). I. tht guild, l1t1l,, 1111•1 111eto11., a be1t; mollo stl'1ltum,
tlu 0twph<1'1us, Cic. IL '1'1~rnsr. = ventricul11t1, Liv.; strato imrg!'rc, Ve_rg.; 2, a lwne-cloth,
1wlJft.c:loth, saddle, Liv. IL B parem.ui.l; atrata
tM atou1ad1. A. Lit., 11to111acl1I calnr, Cic.;
1t.orunch11s nc::cr, Hor. B. Fii.t .• 1. sto111:1cliu11 viarurn, Luer.
00111111, a fl<l'Hl dig,.'llion = gootl l11tmo1'r, !'tlarL; atratiira -ae, r. (sterno), a z"1!°ing, pm·
2, a., taste, lil.:i11!1: 1111li np1ij1111tis~i111i, 11e.I non 11Unt, :Suet.
tu! atomuchi, C1c.; b, di ..Jil.:e, distt1.•u, t:t.LU· 1. atrat1111 -a ·11111, partlc. or eterno.
Cio11, cha11ri n, <1n!Jf:T; itl1•111:1chu111 faccro or mov· 2. Strii.tua -1, f. (l:.,.pci.,.~), a tO'V."11 (a Acar-
ere nlicui, Cic.
'"mia 01& tlui Ac1tdotu.
8~mAtfoi •i!!I, f. ((TTOjJ.Cmq), a rtmttly fOT
clis~1su uf tkt moutA, Plilt.
lltrina •Ill' r. L (I portlnt, OTM4, Plaut.
IL a 1uw year1s gift (l-'r. Hre11nc), Suet.
atOmOma ·ltliJ, b, ((TTop....p.a.), thin sarlts of atriniii. ndv. (11tre11u11~). brW.·111. protnf'Liv,
t11.ttul, l'liu. aclillc!ly, •lre111.W"1Ul11; arma capere, Cic .
.ions. (~rla) -ae, r. (connected with
atrenultaa -flti:1, r. (strenuus). brisi:uss,
rropivvv1<•), a nuh 11Wl, Cac.'I.
prom7•tnw, C1.<·livity, Uv. .{111ls, rn. (ITTp~v). L a 1q11£nltr, atreniio, I. (strenuus), to be bri:M:, prowtpl,
Cle. IL l'ii;., an enuiou1 ~non, \"a1T. actirt, l'lnnt.
atragee ·IB, r. L a thro1eing "' tJae groun.l, atreni1ua ·• -nm,, prompt, ac!irt,
overthr.. w, down.full; a aoclilicior11m, Tac.;
tectorum, Liv.; b, a si1'J.i1117 dow1', d"l{i11u awny $lren.u01ta, i-i!luro11s: a, lit., of p.·nio11s, fortis 11c
thrnugh. illM.-J; canum, Ov. ; o, a defecct, a Rtren11us socius, Liv.; gens llnguii. str.. nua 11111gi~
1la1'ghtlr, butclury, muMar.7'1', carnage; q11a>1 qunm fnct1a, Liv.; co111par., strt>11uior, Plaut.:
atrages Ille O(tluit, Cic. IL Mctou., a /u.lu11 snperl., Rt!'t'11t1l:i!limull quisque ut occidemt in
pr0<·lio, Sall.; in a ba•I se11se, turlJ11/eoi.t, N•t·
tnu..>.t; ho111i1111m armurumqno, Liv.
/es.•, Tac.; b, trnnsr., na\·is, /a.8', Ov.; inertia,
atragillum, v. atragulus. ma.<ttrly illactivit11, Hor.
&tri.giUUS ·ll ·Um (sterno), C01'tr£ng, urvlng atri!iplto. L (lnteml. or 11trepn), to tn4l'f a
cu a rug, c11rpel, ma.Ureu, etc., to I~ upon. I. loud nuitt, ro rwt~, ruUlt, cla.Jttr, \'erg.
Adj., vestls atragnlo., Cle. IL Sul>st., atr&g- stri!ipltaa ·fl!I, m. (strPpo). L a lo11d ftoist,
iUum ·I, II. a CUVeThl{l, ruv, c1.1rpet, mattress, clattn'l11g, cra.•lii11(1, cnaJ. ing, rutn"1i11g; rota·
etc.; textile, Cic. rum, Caes.; flu111i11um, Cic.; valv.1ru111, Hor.;
atramea -Jnls, n. (stemo), "raw, litkr, inter strepit11111 tot bellorum, Li\',; 1Jlur., 1<trep-
IJ>rrod under aiiything, Verg., Ov. itus noctur11t, LI\'. ll. P0et.f trnn,.f., Cl
atramenti.rlua -a -um (11tramentnrn), r•· ml!lU'Urttl, regular aound; testu• in is 11ureae,
lati11!l to !trov1: falccs, /01' cutttng ltraw, Cato. llor.
&tramentlclua ·•-um (stramentum), madl crt-Uk. lltrepo .QI .Jtum, s. L to m.akt a lo11d nou..
~ 1truw; cal!a, Auct. b. Hisp.
raltle, c/m1h., ru111b~, clatter. A. Iutransit.,
a., or !i..-111!( beings, 111ixtl atrcpeutium ,~,·en·
stram.entum -1, n. (sterno). L th$ atalk of ti11mquc clu.mores, Liv.; etrcpcre voclbu.'I., Sall.;
torn, 1traw, litU:r; C3Sae, qnae more Galllco b, of things, arma ct aeuta o!fensa 9.110 le,·in11
11lrame11tl~ enmt ~dae, Caea. IL a laddlt, 1trepere11t, mab 14" noist, Sall.; ftuvit strept,nt
A.utulng (for mules), Cuee. hlbeml nh·e tnrlddl, Hor.; esp., or places, Co
atri.mlneus -a -um (etramen), tnadc of rt11C11nd; luclos irtt.. rnrum strt.pere discentium
II raw; casa, Ov.; Quirlte11, .ftg11ru o/ ltraw voclbus, Liv. B. Tmnslt., haec quurn BtreJ'"
thrown uery itear (mo Uu Tibf!r, Ov. erent, cried out, Liv. IL Poet., t.ransf., of
atranglaa -ae, m. (<TTpa.yyia.~), ii kfl&d of 11111sical ln11trumeots, to cmM, bray; at1epunt
tohttU in 1.htec'I, Plin. lilul, Hor.
atrangiUatfo ·Onls, f. (strangulo), a chok- atrepal~roa ~tis, m. (cnp~cicip.<), n
'""• 6tra11!]1dation, Pl!n.
African. antntal with twilttrl horn.t, Plln.
&tran.gMatus = strangulatlo (q.v.). atria -ae, r. a. furro10, rWgc, Plin.
atrangiUo l. (O't'pa.~6...), to ch.ou 1trcrn· atrtottm. adv. (~trlctllll). L ~111, Plant.
11'. L a, 11l, patre111, C11es.; b, tran11r., II. Fig.l...111ptrficiull111 sli'llttly, brUffr, w.m1Aaril1;
vooem, Qnlnt.; a1·borem, Plin. IL Fig., to <llt.-ere, L:io. ; llbrum attingere, Cio.
lorm.ent, torture; strungulat 1nclus1111 tlolor, Ov. atrlctivua -a -um (strlogo), plucked, ~red,
atrangiuia -a.e, t. («iTTp"'Y}'Ovplu), a pa£1\ful 1tTip]ltd o§, Cato.
clfacJlarge of tirint, ltrangury, Cle. atrlotor .Qrl1, m. (1.1tringo), ORC Ww plllcl-1,
strl.tigima ·i1tls, n. (cnpClnf'Y'lµa.), 11 pitN Cato.
o/ gl'MmUJi ip, a stmklge1n ; transr., 11tratei;emate atrlotiira ·ne, f. (stcingo), 11 bar 41 iro•,
bominem pcrcu>1Slt, Cle. V.:rg.
str~gb -ael t (cnpa.nry\a), a prol1£nce, strlotu• -a -um.l p. aclj. crrom 1trinl?<'), dnurJI.
dutrict, canto", Pl n. togetlur: hence, .1. Lit., clOM, ti.gltl: Jania
st.J'Atigwa ·I, m. (O'Tp4.T11l'Of), 11 general, etrieti11simn, Ov. IL Pig., ~' brW, coui.«,
Plaut. Quint.; 2, or character, rlgia, -re. .tri<'t,
atrltlotea -ae, m. (OTpa.nwn~). an aqtWJLc atrideo (atrido), 1trtctl -!re and .ere
plall.t, Plin. (co1rnected with t'pi,..,), to make o Aa1'SA now,
strl.tlotlous -a -nm ( "pa.""'""c~), eoldilrlJ!, to creak, grate, hw, etc.; of anakea, Verg.; or a
IOldierlikl; homo, B toldier, Plaut. millslle Verg. ; of the wind, Verg. ; of the llOJ:>e
Strate (-in) -6nl11, m. C:l"pc&".,.,). L a of a shlr, Ov.; of a waggon, Verg. ; of the au,
Psri'{l(Jldic pAflotopller o/ I .am71'UC1U. U. (Strato), \' org. ; or me12 1 fnamalille atrfdet, li'PS. UY. i et
ca plplcian o/ IM IMM of Cictro. beea, lo A11m, v erg.
str 643 stu
atridor -<'\Jill, m. (strltio), 11 CTMl.:£1\!1, grat- norum, Liv.; b, a 1r.tn11 of11mall scuriftc(al rub.a,
Cug, lii1-•in.g, v·hi.•Uinq cry or t1ol~, of tl111 wi11d, Ov. ; C, n thick ur tUtUtl tJ&aa, U or tfre pl1ala11s,
(.'ir.; of the liin~ or a clonr, Cic.; of a WLW, Cic.; Liv.
or a11i11;;tl:1, ns a :make, uv.; of a pil(, gnuiti11a, atrulJI: ·lei!!, r. (11trno), a leap, Plilllt.
Ov.; of !l~-;cs, br.1yi1t!J, Ov.; or 1.x~ ..s, hum1ni1Lg,
0\'.; of men, triuuui, u·1tUi1ierinq, Cic. atriima -ae, f. (11lruo), a 1<:rqfuloiu tumcur.
!fruma, Uc.
atridillns -a -11111 (, c1·ml.:ilt!J, hi8.dn9, atrumosUJll ·a -urn (strunia), a.!fictru icitl&
trfti•tlin.g, grallng; coruns (oC a t1pear), Verg ;
cla11st 1~1. U\·. strunia, .•tru11wus, J nv.
ctrlges -um, r.• "· strix.
atriimus -1, m. (struma), 11 herb thitl C1lru
tlte sr • ""ia, l'lin.
atrigilla -il'I, nlol. -1, ~cuit.. plnr. ·furn, f.
strdo, i;trnxi, stri ... t111n, 3. (connecte<l with
( .. trill!Z"), <.& 1cmper U'IP<l by '1c1tlttl'j fvr 1crapin!]
1TTopivv1Jµ.•, stern•>). L to plau oiu thi11!111pnn., CiC'_ awithl'I', to joi1• fot]rllirr, 1•ile up; nrhurc!I it
etrlgmentnm -1, 11. (,.triu;;c'), tlial ll'hich"" pyra111, Ov.; latcn·R, C:1C>1. IL A. to /1uUd,
tcru.J>e;l or ruhl~il off, l'lin. rrn:I, Muslrwt; a., liL, pyram, \'erg.; R!,."'.:tt'r.,111,
atrlgo, l. to halt in. 71lo11t]hin.q, Pl!n. Tac.; for11h.:1,~, Liv.; b, tmnsr., to pl't/>ttre (some·
atrig0sus ·:\ ·Hin, ifwi, tlti11. I. Lit., l'<Jnl tlii11;; had), to d1:vior, contrirt; alit-11i a\i(1uid
ahi;;osiores, Liv. II. Fig., of nn omtor, dry, cala111il;;1ti~, Cie.; l"'1·k11lo"'"" lih... rtnti upes 1
9'ea!lrt, jejune, Cit. Lh•.;clicclltt1e ip!i11111111ilii sulliciL11di11e11111lrul're,
B. to arni.""J', order, !kl up; aci.·111, Liv.;
atrlngo, sfrinxl, strict11111, 3. (root: STTITC, Cic. t111.11sr., cu111positi oraturis Ucllc st1 ud.iL col·
con111:1·t1:•l with crrpO.yyw). I. to dmw tr>gl'/h.-r. loc.11 i•i, Cic. C. to hw.p v.p, lor.&tl witA; ult aria
A. to tfr·tW ti.yht l-Of!dher, tu bi11d, tie t°'pther; do11i!i 1 \'erg.
1, lit., ta1111p1am laxarct elatum pect.·111 nh
&tricto n•Hlo, Liv.; stri11){11l>a11t 111agnos \'i11c11la atruppna (stroppU8) ·I, m. (crTp#of), ca
1-arva petks, Ov.; 2, trausr., or C1•ltl, strkt.-1 strap, thon!T, ropt, Pli11.
matutino fri;.:01t1 vuh1t•ra, Liv. B. to dmw of/; atriitb~na (striithlna) -a ·nm (crTpou9•oc),
1, to :strip off, 1>luck, galh1i1·, rlip, prunt; fuli:\ of or rel<Ui11g lo a 6J'aTro111; mala, &pa•Tv10-
ex arboiiJ.u,., Cacs.; fro111les, \'erg.; rul>os, Liv.; ap1ol'$,, Cato.
2, "' rlraw a t<'1:•tpo1i fro11i its :!htalli, to unshl'tithe; atriithl~li.milinua -a ·um, of or rclatlng
!-t llt., gladin111, C11c~.; fcrru111 1 Liv.; c11ltr11111, to tt•t '"'tridt, l'lin.
uv.; b, flg., stri11gitur im11l1us m hoste:1, attw:I;.~ atrithlCSoamelWI ·I, m. (aTpv/ltOK~IJACK).
an enemy wUh aa.tiriatl wrsu, Ov. IL to gra:e
=to tQud& li!]litly; 1, gen., metns l11teriore l'ot:'i, an ,,,,trich, l'lin.
O\"'.; 2, c"p., t-0 wound $lightly; tda strin~1•ntln atriith6pua ·pO<ll11 (npov6oirovt). _,,aTTO•
corpus, Verg.; poet., transr., (a) to injure, f0ute.l, l'li11.
110111 .. n, Ov.; (JJ) to to1tch; anltunm strinxit atrychnoa -1, m. {crrynix~), a of n.lght·
patriae pictatis i111ago, Ver,;. alt.wk, l'li11.
etrtngor ·ihl~. m. (ictrlngo), a drawing to· Strjmo (-On) -mOuls anti -monos, m.
~her, po~r of 1l1w1•i11g togtlher, Luer. (l:Tpvµ.wv), one of tlu mo&' (mportanl river1 oj
•trlx. strl){i!I, f. {cnpiyt), a acrttch-owl, Ov. Thrace, rising i~ .lit. llcv:mu.& a!ld fto1l'ill'.J into tlw
lltrombua ·I, 1u. (inpoµ.fJO<;), a ap«lu of Strynum.ic Gulf, now Karan or Struma(.stru11W).
Hence, A. StrjmCSnis ·l<lis, r. (l.Tpvµ.uvif),_ Cl
IJJil'llJ. 11iaiJ, Plin.
1'hracian U'011wn, an -~ mazoii, l'rop. B. Stry-
lltrongfli -es, t. (crrpoyyti.\'I). II liJ«l of m6nlus ·a ·11111, .Strynwni.a1i, poet.= T/1ruci.all
alum, l'li11.
or nortlitrn., Ov.
lltr6pha -ae, f. anu striSphe -!s, (O'Tpo<fnj), r. ati\deo -lli. 2. (pcrh:i ps cnnnecte•fwlth 0'1l'oia....
ca 'rick, devict, artift,a, lkn. q11ovo~, otrovcSO.~bJ ), lo be my•r, ua/ous, ettrital,
Strophlidea -um, r. (, two islai11ll tal;e p<1in& about u1tythi11g, $trtre, ht bu.111
'" Uu Ionian &a, 11'!11Vf'rn Zaky11tlica and the with, sl'tk a.ftt'T, ai11t at. I. Gen., a, wiUr <l11t. 0
Ptlopon.1UMl5, tM 711ythical abotlc of ti"' JJarpiu, prnetural', (.'le.; uovis rcuus, J1C>liticul chaufl'
now Strofudia or Strivali. Caes.; lilt.eris, Cic.; lnuJi, Cic.; b, with acc.,
etrOphli.rlua ·Ii, m. (strophlum). om \Ch.o u11um, lioc unum, Cic. ; c, with intln., or aoc.
l'&aku or ~llJ stroph ia, l'l1111t. a11d lnfln., 11tu<ll!O 11cil-e quid e;,<;eriff, I
lltrophlolnm ·I, n. (<lhn. or stropltlum). a l~ l-0 know, <.:ic. ; d, with nt or ne anll the
1m11lt dll1ptct, Plin. suloJ, Id sturlcre, 11e snper lmp1111itat.em etia.m
praemio scelt'ris frueretuj.r Liv. II. E,;p., "1
atr0phlum ·II, n. (npo</uov). I. a hmut· take sidu with, l-0 •upport, ..cvui<r, alicui, (;ic.
ba11tl, 111.<ty, 1>to11&aelicr, Cic. IL a chapM, \"er>(.
Str~phlu• -II, m. (l:TP#•o(), li1111 ln. Phocia,
_atti.dlOae, adv. (studloi<ns). a, eagerly, uai.
011sly, d ili11e11llv ; q ul haet' cxe It's ti a vel atudl·
fa.ther 01 l'qla,lu; l)tro1•liio 111\tus, l'ul.tuks, o,·.
osissime solet qua.,rere, <.:ic.; b, i1tUntiolM.lllr,
•truotlU. -e (!!trno), of or nla"ng to l!UUd· dui1111tdl fl; q111111111tuJiose Je 11.l1t1entibus detrah-
(utJ, uktl ill bKildin.g, Mart. e11di ci111:1J"i 111.1htioli4! <licitur, Cic.
atructet -6ria, m. (stn10). L 11 bull•lff, atildliena -a -um (st.11dl11m), t'Jllgtr, ualou,
'lliU0"1 rttf'pen.Ur, Cic. IL an. arrangtr =
dili!lrnt, an.cious far, atrilli11g <ifur anytliili.g,
Tp ...u(o1101<K, a 1lace who arru11gtd tltti tablli and /011d uf. L Gt111., with genit., \'Cllimdi, Cic.;
nperintrnded tl1e waiU11.!J, Juv. 1licentli, Cic.; studi•JSl!l:;imus homo 11Rtandl,
atruotiira ·Re, f. (struo). L a pv.UiTl!J to- Cic. ; with In nud I he abl., hoc to etu<lloelorem
gd}ur; 1, n building, erectln.g, co11.8lr.tcti11.g; In me colemlo (ore, Cic. IL Esp., A. fawur·
1~·11iet11111, CnPll.; 2, mcton., v•hich u built, able t-0 a ptr.;10n, attttcl1etl lo, iUvoUd to; md, Cit·.;
a l!Uildinq; 11crnri11.e strut·tlll'IMll n1inu, m£ni11g· st11<liosissiinn11 uisti111atio11is rueae, Cle. B.
1r0rh, Cae'I. IL Transf: 1 ot discourse, all dei•ofrd to ltar11i 1tfl, 1tudia11.1; coli"rs, Hor,
o:rm.111Jrnvlll, putting ot wonls ; \"Cr· Plur. subst., ati1dl0sl -Orum, m. .tudeiiU, Cle.
oon1111, Cic. •tti.dlum -Ii, n. {sturleo), Mil, ta~
lltrile9 Is, f. (11tn10), a Aeap. L Oen., ta!Jt'T ap1•licaJion, aJSldu ity, /(l'A,{fflUll, dlsirr1
poutc.'9 et mnl~it t'X hu111a11oru111 corpornm strue atriving after. L Gen., with 1111Ljoct. genlt.
1'9cere. Liv. II. Esp., a, a l&«J.p of toOOll; lJg. amlcl, Cle.; with ohject. genit., veri r.!perkndl,
stu 644 au.a
C1c. , (lttt,,'Tlan<ff, ClaeA.; 11tudh11n quaeatns, Ck.; •
atllprum ·i, n. p.>llution b1 l...C, 11 ..tct.G..a.
all'3ol., tn~1111i sunt studlu, Cle.; omne Htudlnm L11g, rnt1Uhi11!1, t'iol.ntwrt, Cle.
a~l aliquiJ c:unrerre, Cir.. ; 11tuJio &el"•111are, Jia.t· aturnua -1, 111. a starlit1g, a lltu.rt, Plln.
:n111u1t.:ly, Cll'. IL Ei!1•., particulrtr iAdhudU>n.
Urlt'<At'fi• " peraon or a thing. A. Toward11 a StfglAlU. Sty~lu11 v. Styx.
perMun, atta.:h11unl to, :ral fur, dtt'Otion t,,, gwd· •tfl6b&&ea -ae and ·is, m. (~1'11f), tAf
u•ill wwanu; 11tu1lia 1·0111pt'tituru111, Ck.; stuJia peilutul ofa ro111 o/ool•lff.u, Varr.
N11111i•larum in J11i.:urtha111 acccnsa, Sall. B. lltymma ·Atl", n. (crni,af'&), tlw llM!i• i"f"r"
'fowai:tJ11 a thing, 1, JunJ11tJU /or, 1-1rti«lity, fo. dic1u o/ n 11.tlrt or oil'U11tt1u, Pliu.
rl11&att1111; sun 1p1i541ue Htuilio maxlme ducitur, StJ'Dlph&lua (_.)·I, m. and SQDlplaAl-
Cle.: 2, applirutio1~ ro u<1r11i11!], llCl&dy; jurht, um ·I, 11. (:Eni"'~°"). a luke 11• a rirer a11.t
Cic.• 11tudiili illh1 se Jare, Cic.
stalti, ad\'. with eumpar and auperl.
tvum of t.Ji.e aanMS
iK An:udia, /<t.llWM '"
aa the abvih of birth of J'1Y1 rll1 irot&
(11tultuto), /ooliAl11, 1Ulily, Cic. /&.UMrt, 1111'~ J«J OK l1u-" }Ult, 11"'1 VYrr dt-
stultll6CJ.U8Dtla ·At', (. (stultc &lid loquor), 1tro~ br Hen;rllu. Hence, A. St;ymphAl-
/ooliah talk, Plaut. lou ·• -u1u. Stp.phttlitm. B. Stymph&lla
atultl16a.uua ·a ·Um (11\nltc and l011uor), ·ldh1, (, Stgn&phalian, C. 8tympbAllU a •Um,
lalking /oolWuy, Plaut. ::ilp111Aalin1&.
•tultltla ·&e, r. (11tult1111). /ooli.cltnua, Jvlly, ~OU ... •Um (rT1'11'TUC0.), a.ltri1tgtod,
•UH11us, 1tupi.dUy: multorum stnltiti:im J14"r· atyptic, Plin.
pe8!1Um ease, Cle. ; rlur., homlnum lneptias atyraK ·Acl11, ID. (crrvpal), llloraz, a ~in•>NS
ac 11tultltins non rcrebat, Cic. /mgrun.l g11m, Plln.
atultlvldua ·a ·Um (stulte and video),
U.i11g1 JoolWtly, i11 a fool Lah. ligh.t, Plaut.
••11g S~ Sttgis and SttKoe, acc. Sth;e111 a1 .. l
StJga, r. (1ni€). L Cl rittr '" tlv in.lrr•nl
atultua ·a -um (co1111eeted with stolidu!I),
/ooli.M, 1ill1. /al.u.ou: a, or pel"llOnS, reddere
"flWM by tco\ich. the go..11 '"'°""'
meton., tl1e lowtr uiorld, Vq. He11Cf', A.
0. POt'f .•
al.iquem stultiort!m, Cic. ; stultiHhna persona, 8tfg1Allta -e, belongillg to tl&t St11:r, ~!fginn.
C1c. SulMlt., atultua ·i, 111. a 1impleto1i, a JOol, B. 8tfglua ·• ·lllll, Stwi111&, i1Vtr11nl; cymt.
Cle.; b. traruir., or t.11i11gs, loqu.citas, Cic.; ur cnriua, the boat o/1.,'/w.ron, \"eri;.; Ju1•1"iter, t'r
con11ilium, Cic. paur, or rex, ~luto1 \'erg.: henc~, lwU~ =
atiipa = stuppa (q. v.). fatal, deadl1, aid, buoo, Ov., Yid, \erg.
stdpifAolo -raci -rnctum, s., )'&ss•• stdpi- auAd.ila ·ae, f, (11uadeo). L ptr1WJ1io11,
Cio ·CactUll sum ·fl~ri (11t11peo and Cacio), to 11&ake Plaut.. IL Personif., 8uadela
goddus of penuaaion, Hor.
= nu&w, til
,.llHlul, beniint.b, stun, 1t11Pflr; prh'atOd luctus
1tuperecit publicus pavor, Liv.; vartic., atdp6- aui.dlo, stlial, auAsum, 2. (root SU AD, Gr.
Aotu ·a -um, asw1uuled, Cic. 'A.3.·i111, 4...,.&.,..). lit., to prut11t i1' a pl«Ui1tg 11U1•
stdpio ·di, l?. (1.'onnected with TYn-.., ™"'· Hence, I. l11t.rans1t, to, Jrire adri.:r;
ni11TW, to 1t~ and ltun by a bZ.w). L to be an C. Trebonlo persuai;i cul ne su&dere>ru
ausus e11srm? Cle.; In suadendo et dil>ll1J&<lt-11Jo,
"""'~'- A. Physically, to be •truck 1tl!Mlul,
to be.tunnat; partic., 1tupen1, 1tu1ui«.f, ltuptfl«J; Cic.; of thing_~"" 1mbjectaJ suadet e11in1 vearia
qu11111 aemi110111nus stupcret, Cic. B. Mentally, f1&11tes, Verg. IL Traosit., A. to adn. IMRet.\i•g,
to be UJ1tou"'1.le<L, amazed; baec quum loqucris 1101 recornJMnd 1011&lthing, rerommtnd to; a, with ace.,
atupemus, Cic.; with al>l. (ut or by), carmin· pacem, Cle.; legem, Cle.; qu•Kl IJJt\8 ti bi au.ucria,
ib_u!I, Hor.; with in amt the abl., in Turno,Verg.; Cic.; with acc. or 1iers., non desinn lAmen tier
with nd and the acc., nd anditaii vocea, Verg.; littcm!I rogare, suadere, acc11S1trc ngem, Cic.; b,
with acc., don11111 exitiale Minervae, ii a.t- with inlln .• morl, Cle.; c, with acc. and inlln.,
toni•lied at, Verg.; with nee. nnd lnfin., \'rrg.; nullam e!CllC ratlonem am1ttere eiusmodi OCOlll-
partic., Rtupens, alt<mislwl, amazed; quae quum lonem, L'lc. ; d, with ut or ne and the sullJ.,
tuerer 11tupe11s, Cic. IL Trani1r., o( Inanimate po11tea me, ut albi enem l~tus, 11on Mhua
things, to 1ta11<l 1ti.ll, tn rut : stupult hiunis auasit, ven1m etlam ropvlt, Cic. ; e. with 1ul>j.
orl.ii11, Ov.; stnpeutc !IC<litione, Liv.; stupucruot alone, !le su1tdere, PharnabGzo Id n.:gutiwu daret,
veroo palat.<1, died away, Ov. Nep. B. to COl\ri~. flt1''111ade, Plaut.
atdpeaoo, 3. (11tupeu), to begin to be ama.r«I, adArlu "" ·llm (11us), o/ or f"Wtti11.g to nri111,
altu1111tkt.l, t.:ic. Plin. Su lMlt., lllariu ·II, m. a l1l'i Hd.crd, Plin.
atiipld.lcas ·iUis, r. (stupidus), dulnu1, aua.lo -onis, r. (suadeo). L adrice, Sen.
•hpitlity, ae1f..!el,.1:J11u•, Cle. IL &Ip., a, pollt.. t. t., ~ odllOal<.'), recos-
,,it11.dation. oJ a propocwd la10: le-gls 8e"lliae,
at6pldua ·a -11111 (11t11peo), 1, r.1uelua, Cic.; b, rbet. t. t., eloq11en<¥ oJ tM ~«
11t1rnrwl, Cic. ; 2, aetUH:lu.•, 1tupid, d1dl: stupid· 1.:ittd, Ctc.
um 1•:c11c ~oCt1\tem dixit, Cic.
stU.JaOr ·ori11, 111. (stnpeo). I. a. ienulm· euiaor -orls. 1n. (11u&1leo), a" adFi«r, C!Olltt-
ulfl>r; fact!, Cie. : deditionis1 Cic.; Hp., ow
11C&'l, 111.:K"•~iliilily; !M'nsus, Cle.; in cori"Jre,
u·ho wl1'00Cllu a pro:JJOl#-d lti10; legis, LiY
Cle. ; b, astoniJll1111,ent, a111.azeme11t ; stupor patres
dcllxlt, Liv.; meton., a startled man, Cat.. IL
temek.vl~, ltupidity, Cle.
auiaOl'lua ·a -um (suadcn), relafiieg
iuaaion, Quint.
Hence, 11uhst., . . . . . . . ,
stupl'A (stupa) ·ae, (cmitr'"I). tov.•, oanm, -a.e, f. penuariw dUc11vrae or el~, QuinL.
Caes.,LIV, auiaua ·ils, m. (111&(\eo), a pern&ad,1119, •
atupoanua -a -um (stuppa), o/ or relathag Aorting,, Plllut., Ter.
lo tow, 11'1in. auavi, adv. (s11avls) = 1uavittt, neoedlJ,
atuppiua (atii~ua) ·• -um (atuppa), llWldc pUa.aanUy; suave rubens, Verg.
of to10 or oakum: vmt'ula, Verg. au&viilaa •ntla, and adri IJeM
atuprator ~rla, m. (11tupro), 11
ravi.Mer, -entia (suave and oleo), ,_.,..,..u,..,, Cat.
"filer, Quint. a1Li.ftdloua -a -um (auave and cJlou). ..,,,,,,
stUpro, 1. (atuprum), to deftl& I. Oen •• 'J*lki"f, Luer.
adYlllma ~vtll1ml) ·I, a. (naYla). •
1 Ctc. IL Eap., lo tU.ftli, polliiU by HMf
pulvinar _~C!c
ZIUI, NTIMt o/ l1'WC oUa; Cato.
M6 sub
RA~uena -entla (soave and loquor). dbaer&tua .. -um, AcroiRQ oopper ,.,.. CM'
..Ur ~g, a.greeabt., Luer. v~Pera.
su.i"f'lliqv.entla, (. (suaviloqueu), G •ubAgreatia -e, somtwha.t f"tUffc, .,......,
twa, ~ MGaur q/ lpGking, Oic. boorilA; collllilium, Cio.
navlliq,v.aa suavlloquena (q. v.). •l.bilina -e, vndcr t1w emu, •.ar tM _..
pUI, Nep.
nariilum •violum (q.v.). dbalbloana ·antis, 10111'1Dlaa.t 'IDldtt, UlhUUi\.
narior = •rior (q. v.). Varr.
n.&vta -e (connected with iiaiit), ltmd, ,,,_.. al.b&lbldua -a -um, 1MULM, PUn.
at, agreeable, tUlighifvl. L Aa regards the •l.b&lpiu.aa -a -uru, belualA orAa1r U&c .4lpc.
senses, odor, Cic. ; ftores, Luer. IL A.a regards Plln.
the miud, litterae tuae, Cic.
Ai.'ritaa -iitia, r. (suavls), •wedM&S, ~ •ii'bAmarua ·a -um, ~ bUltr; 1ub-
oWutea, plea.aam11ui. L For the senses, cibi, amara allqua res, Cle. Plur. aubst., •iil>-
Cic. ; odorum, Cic. ; coloris, Cic. D. Aa re· 1.:m&ra -Orum, n. Uling110mt1Dhal bUUr, Cic.
prds tbe mmd, 'ritae, Cle.; culus exlmla •iibiLqullua -a -um, 10JM1CAal dar~
auavitaa, Cle. brown.uh, Plaut.
n&Tl'.tir, _adT. (suavta), '1Dlldl71, agru.ably, •ubi.ri.tor -uris, :n. (subaro), ou .Mo~
pl«uanUy, cwi,ghlfuLly. L All regards the near a11ythi.~, Plin.
18DJ11!8, quam suaviter senslbns blandi· •iibAro, 1. to plough daa. to a1lytht.,.,, Plla.
atw-, Cic. IL Al ~rda the mind, loqul,
merninilae, Cic.; mavisslme scrlptae litterae, •'libarr6ganter. adv. ao11U1tOhal arrogaaU.
Cie. or proudly, Cre.
aua'ritiido aoavltas (q.v.). 8i1ball8Culto, 1. to lilltn. 1t1Crtlly, Cic.
•ubbaalllc&Dua ·i m. (isub and bulll~
aua'rium = aavium (q.v.).
au who lou1'flu about" &i;;uw, Plaut.
aiil»,_prep. with abl. and acc. (connected with
m). L With abl., A. Or place, l, to eir:preu •ubblbo -bibi, s. to drink a liUU, SueL
ataying under, under; a with verbe Implying aubblaDcllor, '·
rest, 111tder; sub terra ha bftare, Cle.; sub pellilms litiu, l'laut.
'° jla.tUr, ~ or.-. c

hie11111re, Cic.; sub divo agere, Hor.; •ubbrevla -e, 10meWha.t ahorl, Plin.
tl'llnsr., aub armis ease, to be u1ukr anul Caes.; •ubci.vua -a -um, 1om~u:hat hollow, Lu<r.
auh corona, 1ub hast.a nndere, Cic.; D, with
verbot of motion, 1ub hoc jni;o dictator Aequos aubcentUrio = succ~nturio (q. v.).
misit, Uv.; 2, to expreu neitruess to, bmt.atA, =
1111bclngo auccingo (q.v.).
t11Miu, at tJu boUom of, at Uwfool of; castra sub 1111boontUIDell6ei, adv. IO!llt1llM& ,...,.
moute cooac<lit, Caes.; sub ipsis Nu1ruwtiae lt11U11; alique111 trac.arto, Cic.
moenibua, Cle.; transr., anb ocu\is tlo111l11i,
UT.; 1ub manu eue, Clea.; 3, d01«im in, withh'; •ubcreaco = succreaco (q. v.).
silvia invent.a anb altia, Ov.; 4, .f'IUt behind; auborlspua -a ·illD, '°1!U10.\at ct&rl«l; oap-
quo deinde sub ipso ecee volat, Verg. B. or illus, Cic.
time, 1, dvri1'g, al tM ti!M 01; wWli1t; 11rimis =
•ubcumbo auccambo (q.v.).
apectata sub anuis, Ov.; 2, at, 11ear t-0; sub luce 1111bdebllla -e, somewhat laJM, Suet.
mbew ingres."ns, Liv.; subadventu Rom11norum,
Liv. c. or cooditiun, l, to express subjection, aubclebWti.tua -a -um, tomtwhaJ diloo1&r-
t1"'1a-, brn«Jt1'; 11\Ab imperlo allcuius, Cal!!!.; sub age.d., w i1' •JArU, Cic.
regno allcuiua, Cie.; sub re~e, under tlu1 rule of a •ubcll&lla -e (sub dio), in. tM opeir. air, PliL
king,_ Cle.; sab judice 111'1 est, before tM jttd!]e, Bubst., -Ium, n. opeA gaUertu, bed·
Hor. ; 2, a.t, on., undu; Bacchi sub nomine risit, c»niu, Plin.
Ov.; 111ult1vana11ub nominecelebri vulgabentur, aubdUflo018-e, IOllU!Whatd~U; qUAClltiO
Tac.. IL With acc., A. or place, 1, to ex1•Te"8 aubUimcilis, C1c.
motion, under; mannru 11ub ve..timeuta de erre,
Pl&ut..; exercitum sub Jugmn mitt.ere, Caea.; 3. to be IO'IMIDhaJ mWruC{ul,
t.ransr., sub sen11u1u cadere non possunt, Cic.; Cic.
2, to express motion near to, under, bt11roth, at aubdltivua ·& -um (aubdo).. '"'ppoiWU6tu,
Uic bottom of, wry near tn; sub uwntem suc- not 11•-nuin.e, J<Un; archipirata, Cic.
cedunt mllites, C11e.':I. B. or time, 1, about, aubd.lto. l. (intens. of subdo), to 111.pplft
toxunU, just before; Pompei us snb D(lctem apply, Luer. (~)
naveii &Olvit, about night, t-Ou,ard.t night, Caes.; aubd.o -<llJi ·tlltum, 3. L to put, platt, laJ,
1ub gulll cantum, aboul cockcrow, Hor. ; 2, fm· sd under; 1, lit., a, iguel!, Cic. ; se aquiit, &o
lllldiattl11 after; sub eas litterns st.allm recitatae dive "1"'.Ur, uv.; b, parlic., 11uW1tul!, ot vlai,~,
1Unt tuae, Cic. C. To express subjection, l11ing urnkr or n.eur; suW1ta t..·111plo Apl'ia.
1'1Ukr; matt;monlum vos sub legis super\J.. Ov.; 2, Ilg., a, irae facc111, Lu\:r.; Klit-ui acri-
1118i111ae vincula conjlcitia, Liv. (~nh In com- orcll Rt.I 11tudia tlicundi Cace11, Cic; alicui spiritua_
J>OHitlon,= a, vnder; b, 101iuu·lutl, a little; c, to infuse, Liv.; b, esp., tu irMb;t.d, suf,./ut; ue
#Jenlly). feuainae imperio sub<lert!ntur, "lac. IL to pvt.
•ilbabsurdi,, ad"f. (subab>iUl'dU~), IOllW!WW in the plaa of aiwth<:r, ~i.lult. A. Uen., mo
IOOirrlly, Cic. iu Hirtii locum, Cic. B. to svb.ili.luu /u.l.adJJ,
aubabsurdua -a -um, S01Mwhat ab1Urd,$0me- countufd.t, suborn; tesla111eu1a, Tac.
1ekal /oolu1", Cic. aubclOOio, 2. to ttach 1.1.1 an aaWanl, to a.uist
ribacc'iiso~ 1. t-0 acC'll.H, blante, fttW. f<1uU in frudting, Cic.
icilh a li.Ule; allquem, Cle. aubdole, udv. (suhdolns), I01llt111Aat lllJlfv.
ribi.oldua -a ·um, somnoha.l 10ur, acid, CToJltly, Cic.
Cato. aubd.Mu .,. -um, "''~ruhal •l'JI, traft.1, """"
Blbact!o ~nl11, t. (sulolgo), " to0rl.in11 up, ning, thai(ful; onitio, Cu~11.
f' tparing; fig., preparali.oll, discipllm, Cic. aubclomo, 1. to ta111t, nbj«.t br taaitt1.
afabactua aule.rt.lo (q.v.). Plaut.
sub sub
Mbcll.blto. I. to do11'1t or 11.uCtaU a titU~1 be t.he acc.., In eorun. locum subiere fraudt'S, Ov.; b.
~~; isuWubitare te, qui ~m erga iuum aUisol., pulchra sullit b.cies, CJ\". (per!., aubirit,
YOla.ntate, Cic. Ov.).
1111bclaoo -dux.i -ductnm, 3. L to drnw from aiiber ~ris, n. tlt cork-tr«, Veri;.
ttlllUr to VJUMirotO, tn.Ji:e B10llf, e!ip., Maell!f. A. aubt ... v. &ufr••••
Lit., ~ ~o., ense111 capiti, Vt:~.; !api<.lt.·21 ex aubg ... v. sugg.••.
i.urri, t;at:&.; t.rwhll"., lk' suWucert: coUes incipi·
aiibhorridua -a -um, aonwwha.t F'Ollgl, Cic.
unt, to toi.tlldralO l.Mm.selvea gradually, i.e., slo-pe
to, Verg. ; 2, esp., a t-0 ta.J.:e away lo ao111e
place, lead aui1, d~w u.f; a\iq ue111 in contionem,
aiibiolo. v. subjicio.
sdbigo ~b-i -actum. 3. (sub and ago), ttidriw
LI\".; esp., u mtllt. t.t., cohortes e dextro mult:r. -i. to drfre 111tckr or to a plu~; 1 ht.,
oornu, Liv. ; copiaa in i•roximum colltm, Ca..s. ; sues in u1111Jrusu111 luc11111, \'1ur.,; nan~s ;I C&i-
b, lo la.b ato1i1 #IC1'CU71, to R«U; furto obsides, tellu111, Liv.; adveniO llumme le111bt11u nm·
Liv.; 86 subducere, to 1vi.tlltlrmo ucrctl11, go a.oay igio, to row, \'e~.; ratem cunta, to pu.54, \"e~;
9•idl71, loltlal awiar; de circulo se suWuxit, Cic. ; ~. t.ranar., to d1·i.u a J>tr3Qn to do 11C1111<dlu1t9
c, to Caka aVJay; cibum atblctac, Cic. ; pugnae aga.h&1t Ai• tuill, to for~. compel; gen., w1Lb ad
Tarnum, Verg. B. 'l'rausr., subducere r-dtiu11e111, or in and tbe acc.., Voli;cus ad deditionem, Liv.;
or ratlunculam, to balance a1& account, cast up, with inlin. or acc. and iutin., Tarqu1uiell5e$
ncl:o1', Cic. ; so also calculos, Cic. ; summam, 111etu sultegcrat frumenlum ex.,rcitui pnaet...n:.
Cle. D. lo draw "P 01l, lift "P; 1, gen., Liv.; wilb ut and the subj., ut reliuquaut patrialu
cataradamln tanturu alt.itudinis, Liv.; 2, t:11p., atque cive..., Liv. IL 1, to VNT"k Ui.ro115h., ~-.-.rt
naut. U.J !O droVJ or haul 11.p a ah.ip
clueeui, LlY.; naves, Caes.
°" a/wre ; thoroughly; iu cote secul'88, to M.arpnr.. \erg.. ;
digitis opus, to niuke 511iootA, Ov.; w e,;p., to
aubcluo&i.rlua -a -um (subduco), tutJvJ. /01' U'01·k the ftlrU1, to break "I'• plot1gh.,
druwtng •p; tunis, Caro. terra11 tiS11ione i:;lebarum, C1c. ; ~. transr., a, 111
1111bduotlo -Ouis, f. (subduco). L the draw-; (a) or a11i111als, belua facili:i a<l 11ulti~endu111,
inf vp q/ a &Aip on df'1J land, Caes. IL a recko1i.- Cle. ; (/J) or 111e11, to pra(tiM, trui1l, iJll.UR; kit
i 11g, coapMli 71g, Cic.. subacti atque durati bellis, Liv.; b, to ~
conquer; subacti bt-llo, Liv.; populos anwa..
11111M11llola ·e, ao1.W1Chat ~wed, Plin. Cic.; }'&rtic. subdt., victi ac aubacti, Cic.
MLbcliirua -& -um, h.arcl, Q. Cic. ..U.blmpiidena -entia, aotne1Chat ispaidei&L,
dlHkto -Ml -esum, 3. lo eat u1t.der, Cic.
cunzi; soopulua, quem rauca 11ubedcrat unda, dbm&nla -e, a&JIU10Ml min., Cic.
adblndi. ad 1·. L imnu:dialelr upo", i.allll-
dlMio -H -ltnm -ire, to go 'tutder, come 1e"ltdtr, diately a/Ur, Hor., Liv. IL rr;pta.Udi1, fro•
JIM' "Jtd«', diw •1Mkr, croicl u1uler. LA. Lit., ti1ne to t£111.1:, co1Lti1Lually, Liv
~_,with a prep., subit oras baata per imas clipei,
verg.; b with dat., luco, \"erg.; a,; a bearer aiiblna1llaua -a -um, eo111ew.Ml iiuipid, Cic.
(under a burden), iugentl fe1-etro, Verg. ; c, with lriiblnvfdeo. 2. I. U; e1U''Y IOJMU!hat ;_ sul>-
aea., aqt1111, Ov.; t.ectum non tmbir1se, ; lnvideo tibi, Cic. IL Partic., aublnVUIU
wocrooem, lo nu& under, Vt:rg.; as a bearer, -a -um, sonU! 11aUd, Cic.
onUB dol'llO gravius, Hor. ; d, abdol., ille utu sublnvito. l. to iftrritt M:CTttlr; with ut and
aubit, Verg. B. Fig. t-0 (IO un<Ur (&8 a burdeu), the subj., Cic.
to nbaU ea, to "1.te upo1& 011tself; q uam vis car- 8Ubiraecor ·irucf, dep. to be a lf.ltU RYlgTJ;
nlftclnam, Cic.; qnemqne casum Cic; pro interdum soleu subirasci, Cic. ; rolL by di.:.,
aaiico :periculum aut invidiam, Cle.; miuws brevitatl litkraruw, Cic.; by quod, quod we
eenoonia wbialem, Cic. IL t-0 awroacA. to. non invita.s, Cic.
A. to c:mu ..,. a pofol, adva!IOS to, mount lo,
cff-" to; 1, lit., a, (a) with prep.• isub orbew aiibirataa ·• -wn, aome10Aat angrr, Cic.
90lill (of the moon), Liv.; in latebras, Ov. ; ad siiblti.riu -a -um (subitus), nAd.del\, lnstJ:
urbem, LiY.; (ft) with dat., muro, Vi:rg. ; {y) cxercitus, ruihtes, ll>.gionea, gatJIUtli iK Mi"'-,
with acc., muroe, Liv. ; (c5) absol., pone sub1t Liv.
coajtU, Verg. ; b, t-0 approach 1«rttly or gradu- aitbltO, adv. (1mbltu11). auddenly, vnUJ'td-
aa,, lo lflnl ixlo; (o.) with ar.c., lumina ft:ssa (or tdly, 011 a smldcn, Cic. ; die.ere, t-0 apro.J; a:k'a-
aleep). Ov.; (JJ) ab6ol, an subit (amor), Ov.; c, pore, Cle.
of water, lo a~ near, to wash; ubl maxi me aubltus -a -wn, J>· adj (fr?m subeo), a.ctdell,
mont.ea Crotouensea Tra.sumenus subit, Liv.; unapcaed. L Adj., reis, C1c.; 'bellUJD, Cacs.
2, ftg. ; &, to C011N 11.1&dtr; (o.) with aub and the II. Subst., a6.bltum -1, n. "$11.1.ldrn ()()CU~
aoe., aub aenmen still, Cie.; (Ii) with acc.,
claruDl aublt Alba Latlnum, romu undtr the nde u11upteted ch.ana; ad 11ubita reru111, Liv.
~OT.; b, to approach~ acti-On, lo 11.ndtrtake, 1111b'6c4So -jic11i, 2. L to l\e 'tm.der or lit·
Ids llJ'O• iwtud.f; with acc., invicem proelium, math, 1'1ii1~ - IL t-0 be ftl.bjtct t.o, btl-01&f1 to, to bl
UY.,; o, or situations or conditions, t-0 comt ccmntctru with, Quiut.
•poa ou, Aappc• to, befall; (11) wit11 dat., sube- 1111bJecti. adv., only Wied in supc.rL (sulr
DD& w.ihi IMtidia cunctaruru, Ov. ; (fl) with, jectus), au-011~Urively, Caes.
honor anlmwu aublt, Tac.; (-y) with infiu., subjectlo -ouis, f. (subjicio). L a luJn11g
nbit Ira cadentew ulcisci patriam, \'erg. ; (c5) under, placing under; ren11u, quasi _pr.mtur,
&beol, lo dn110 Mar, oome; subeunt morbi sulJ a.;pectum paeue subjectio, Cic. IL a rov1'-
&riet.iaque aenectus et labor, Verg.; d, of terjeiting, forging; testaauent.i, Liv. IIL Rbt't.
t.houghta, to ooe11r, ~( the mind, crtep fo; t.t.::.:: avDtnro<t>opQ., the (111$1{;V" ,girt1' by att urnJcr
(•) wltM ·daL, aubf.&nt aoimo Latmia lltiX& tuo, to a qut..stimt whidl. he Nu 11.imael/ <&Sknl, Qumt.
OY. ;(fl) with ace., mentem Jlll:lria61!ubi~t pi_ctatis subJecto, 1. (inten.s. or ambjicio). L 1o
imago, Verg.; with acc. and intlo., cog1tat10 an-
tmum aubiltindlgnum 6158e, etc., Liv. ; (-y)absoL, pl«c.t, fay, put u1&der; 11limuloa alicui, llor. IL
tc throw up from below, Yerg.
•abilt aari geniroria imago, Ov. B. to c.o1u tm·
911diaUZr q/fu, lo lake 1/14 place of, t-0 /ol.ww; 1, &lJbJeotor -Oris, JJL (subjiclo). a/M'fler,°'*'11'
JIL, ~D= dat..~· legiuui _tertia, dexterae terfti.ier; t.e!ltawentoruw, Cic.
aMe IAl Liv. ; b, With acc., furCM l. aubjeotua ·11, m. (.tlubjic.lo}, ca ,,_.,.,,
3NWencolllmm.e, v.; 2, 11¥-- a.. with iD aDd ia, '11g •AdeT,
I. mbJee&aa .. -om, p. ~ (&om •!dido). esp., a, lo '-rll or reH-. bf coiuolh11: rM . . .
L oc pla4Je.a, . .,., adjllorU ; Beraclea, verua, Cle.; b, lo nppore ; u.a.u.m luhulef, Ole.
queenaal•,JectaC&OOaviM,Caea.; subllca -ae, r. (i.wo~), drlrw ,_.
&enae) aubjeetua aqullonl, Cle. D. TnnaL, a, Uu g ro1m.t, f'CI l iaach, ., Lit. ; eap. ol -.e
.-.b~ nbja lo; nulll eat oaturae oboedieDa plies or • bridge, Caes.
aat aubjectu deDA, Cic.. 8umL, RbJeott 1111bllclua -a ·UID (1mlollc.), ruli"f ...,.
«um, m. ft&b.J«;U. IUpndnt&, Tac. ; b, tZpoeed pilu; -u"
iiona, a bridv• acro.1 tM !•r,
lo: aatUectioi iDridiae, Hor.
altjlole (dblele) ·Jicl -jectom, a. (sub
ta id to Aar1 '*" built /Jr .A 1&C1&1 Jlarlliu, U W'.
and Jacio). L to I.Vow, cue. Jlloot, 1tt, ,,., 111Mkr. nbllai.oiUum ·I, n. (subllgo), a d"4 '""'
A. Lit., 1, gen., lgnt-m., Cle.; &liquid oculla, rotU1d tM loi1&11, 1lraar1, C1c-.
nbllgar ·Aria, 11. = aabllgacalum ('1.V....
urbi, lo p(ccA HcU1' tAu1111lll qf, Liv. i 2,
Cle.; aedea oolli, lo hUd v11dcr, Liv.; cut.ra
esi··. a, nbllgo, 1. lo Wild bllo111, biltd ••; dape..
mmt. t.t., to adrollCll _,..; aclem eo llbue, or alnistrae, \.erg.
cutria, ~rionea eitatrie, Ca-. • b, to prae1't; nblimi, adv.,.,.. aubllmJ..
libellmn alicui, Cle. B. Fig., ~ pa., ea qaae nblimla-e(11ublHo), .ligA. L Adj., A.. L&.,
aub aenaua aubje!Cta Ant, Cle.; ?ft, qaae eub- lligh, loft1, emlt«l, l~ vp; a, cacurnen IUOllUa,
lectae annt aeneib111t, Cic. ; 2, eap., a. to ftbdu, Ov.; b i11 Uu air, uloft; sulilimla abiit, _,.,ca.-.
ftbj1lgaU, 1Wijecl; Gallia 1eeurlliua aulijecta,
Ola. i. 1e allcui, Cle. ; or ae lm1oerio aUcuhni, liJnl!! °" 1
Aign, Liv.; c mi.rd Ofl laigh; iret co11eul •••
CUITU nmhiJugla equ1a, Liv. B. Ttauf.!.
Cle.; 0 1 lo a,.,.; fortunu Innocenti am ftcti. ftblime, eln'Cllt<l, '4/tr: a. meoa, Ov.; b ~•
aoditloolbu", Ows.; &liquid praecool, Liv., or atyle, loftr, 111bli1M; carmlua, JuY. II. 8uUH.e 1
'fOd praeconl•, Cic., or aub llJ"MCODem, Cle., lo sublime -ia, n. llligllt, SueL IIL Ad ... ,
brillg t.o LAI Aa111111u, Aaw IOld b'lf nuctio1'; o, lo
l'llbord"'4t1; putes generihua, Cle.; d. in dJa. sublime, Ofl Aigh, 4"l/t: aer aablime fertw,
coane aad writ.Ing, t.o ~a/Ur, o.pplTid., mbjoi"; Cic. ; aulillme elatna, LiY. (Other forma ; ..._
ratlonem, Cic.; e, to ll'llilfl" to, w n.vgut, to re· Umua ·•-um, Lur.r.; aubllmen 1ulilhnt,. ad'"·•
9"ad; 11u\Uicit:na quid dicerem, Cic. ; CN1!1ili&, Enn. ap. Cic.)
LIY.; 1~ru 1dicnl, to f.1',/11.•, Liv. IL to tArow aublim.ltu -ltla, t. (aubllmts), li¥ttiun.
froa vlldtr; 1, lo throw •p °" AigA., to mi#, lift; ht~111t; a, lit., Piia.; b, trau11r., lq/li11U1, ,.....
regetn lo equum, Llv. ; reft~:r., alnas se aabjlcit, lirnity, Pim.
Moola vp, Ve!)(. ; 2, to ~avl fro• undtr; tragulaa aublimltir, adv. (sublimla), a,lqft, . . ~: canoe. eaea. ID. to nbltitull; 1, gen., 1ubli11111Li attollere altWD capuL, O\'
poUorem, Liv.; pro verbo. pro1•rio aubjlcitnr sublimua, v. au bllmls.
&IJQd, qa~ l~em algnUlcetJ. Ci<:- ; 2, a, to for,.~
cnl\ttrftlt : .estauieota, .,;le. , b, Co Rbonl,
Metelhua, Caea.
aublblglo -6Dia, m. (aub and Ungo), •
lwm, Plaut.
aubJ6slua .. •Um (sub and jugam), CIUacAtd to aublbao ·levl -lltum, s. L to lllWM W.W,
'° Ule )')kt, Cato.
la11 on colour aJ a gro1md. Plin. IL T~nar.,
1, to liiu, <m:rlt1y, tielftel" wilA aflJlA.i1tg, Plin.:
RbJllllSO ·jnnxi -junctum, S. I. to Joh• 2, fig., os allcul, lo d«.tit'e, coitn, rojoh, tJAil.nU.,
~. V.1Lite to; 1, lit., PUl'Jll& rostro Phrygios Plaut.
aubjuncta leones, Aaiting 11,/fLwt, Verg. ; 2, Ilg., aubliioanus -a -um (suh and lu.x), aollC
omnP.S artes ol"litori, Cle. ; cannioa pt>rens,.ls daybrrok, tou:ard• TllDTning, Plin.
ntrvis, vii.\ playi~ o" .u.c lrrc, Ov. IL to nbliicM -luxi, 2. to gleam /orlA, gf""81cr,
yoh, Aanwa; 1, ht., t•grea curru, Vm. ; 2, Verg., Uv.
H!J·• t.o ndldua, Rbj'UgGU; urbea aub lu1~rium,
C1c. ; slbi rea, Hor. aubliio ·H\i ·liltu10, 3. L to wu-<l ,.,...
•ubl&bor ·lapim.a 111m -libll s. dep. L to below, batht underW'alh, Mart. IL Tnm.r., ot
glidt i1t, uW1 in, Vel"R. IL tog W. airur; lig., rivers, to flow btn.tnth, flow at tht fool. a/; laaac
retro sublavsa ap61, Verg. montem lfumen suliluebat, Cat>s.
aubl&mlna -ae, r. an. 11.ncUr·plak, Cato. aubluatrl& -e (suu nn•I lnx), 1t>IMIM.C l(fM.,
having u glimmering light; nux. Hor.
au'bli.ti, adv. (, rro111 tollo), AighlJ; &ubldvfe& ·el, f. (sublno), Cl dil«I# 'A tM
tlg., a., toftUr, nblimdr; dlcere, Cic.; b, proudiv, /ttt of shup, Plin.
la114Atil11: de ae aubt.itiua dicere, Cic.
nbli.tlo ""5nh1, r. (tollo), a llJ!tn.11 llp, .Uva- under, 1111bmergo -men;i ·mersum, I. to JJl•tt.0•
"°"; fig., anfml, Cle.
to 11111.:; pass., sub111ergi = to dtrie w
1>lu11gd uwler: or penions, to be d,·o'lln&«l; naYem.
nbl&tua ·• -um, p. adj. (trom tollo). ra.Utd Tac.; with aul., cla!i&etn ArgivQm t10nto, V~.;
aloft, proiid, luluyht11; with ab!., hie \·lctorii, often iu pass., 1uh111erll8e beluae, li11i119 P11ulu
~.; rebull .ecuodls, v~. ; abeol., leo llden!i the 1Dt.ikr, U1:.; submersua equus voragl11lbu1,
wai;ia et anblatJor al'llet, Ov. C'ic.; with in and the al.ii., rerrwn aulx11erau1G in
mbleoto_ I. (from • aubllclo, aa alle<:tn unda, Ov.
from aUlcio), to flatter, VJAttdl,, Plaut. aubmlnlatro, 1. to aid, g(tit., /•r1tfll, ,.,..
nbliSgo ·le.d ·lectum. s. L to galAtr belo10, ply. L Lit., tel& clam, Cic.; ali('ul pecuaiam,
pkt vp, Hor. XL to cnrr11 ol, cutdl 11.p eteral11; Cic. IL Fig., bulcartl 1•lurlma adjument.a, Cie.
liberos parentlbua, to lcidiiap, Plaut.; fig., n ..a. aubml.aae (aummleei). lldv. (11ubmlaa111).
trum sermoue111, t.o li&tt.1& ro Nenalj,'. Plaut. Ill. L or speech, $0/tly, Cttllllly; t.licere, Cic. ; ~
to r:Aoo.c i• Uu placl of cil&OC.Wr f>tNO" ; io dtruor· 11thene.i submissiu:s a 1•rimo, Cic. IL or chal'l.'!-
tuorum locam[ LiY.; e poatremo in tertiam ter, 11t1J1k.-itly, humt>lv, 6Ub1Ai.1;1irdg; supplicare,
11>1:0111 9111e eub ectum. Cic. Cic. ; submi!i:!i1111 nos geramu.11, Cic.
aublestaa -a ·am, llLgkl, toeak., lriftal, Plaut.. 1111bml1J&tm (anmmtulm), adv. (111b-
aublivauo ~ob, t. (sublevo), ca nl!ttlh1g, mll!.liu>1), gently, roJtl11, q11.Ullg, 8ut:t.
llf'IUJging, Cle. subml&slo (aummtufo) o(}nls, t (sub-
aublivo, 1. L "' l(,11 up, A.old vp; ab i1s mitto), a ldli11g tlq11:ii, 11inki11g, lototri"f1: CW*•
tublevatu.a mun1ru ucendlt, Caeit.; Aliquern tentio vocis et RUbmi.onllo, Cic.; oratlonis, Ole.
•tnltuto ad pedM, Cle. U. Trauar., to luilt1', &ubml•sua (anmmtsaus)• • ·um, p. adJ.
liu1iu~; pericllla, Clo.; oll'eualouem, Clo.; (from I. lotDtt"tld., low; vertex, Ov.;
sub HS sub
submlSRiores, ,_ a Zo1Nr poriliot&, Liv. IL n1mtmus (n'blai8na) ·& -um (irub an4
Trausr., A. .Applied t-0 the voice, low, .aft, ult.vr). L propped t&ftdtr; mttri 1nentum "
ge11.tle; Ulield of di!ICOOl'lle, quid, mUd, gtrttle; crint:m aubnb:Utt, bout&d 'll'l&du, Vcrg. IL ,.,.
a, vox, t:_ic. ; b, qu~t:. '"'pret.ell.ti-011.1; 11ub1ui8il& flM'lal l'>JI, rating upon; a, UL, circuli rertlc-
dtl-ere, Ctc. ; orator, <.:1c. B. or cb&, a, lbu11 subuirl, Cic. ; b, tlg., trui•g, nlJiaf
tu a rod sense, l!Ula1a, abject; submissuw vlve1e, upon, d~1ul£ng upon; with abL, auxiliia, Li~.;
Gic.; ne quiu hu1111le, 11ul.1111i1111uu1 faciamu.s, Cic.; victoriA, Liv.; qui artla arrogantil lta at1bnhi
b, In a good, humble; aub1ui&si petimua am !Jul.lint, Cic.
1ena111, Verg. nl>D6to, l. L to ma~'°""' •114tf'-
aubmltto (n.mmltto) ·mfai .JDiaaum, s. ""'4th, Plin. U. t-0 oblerve, aoticf acntlJ,
L 1o Id down. A. Lit., I, gen., Caacee, t-0 lilitrt.
lo«r, Liv.; alicul se ad pede:i, to fall al tlu fut aubntiba -ae, r. (sub aDd nnbo), a rilllll, Ov.
of, Liv.; 2, esp., or places, in pass., submitti, as
111itldle= to 11fak, slo~ ti-Own.; 11ubml11sa fastlgio n.bDiibllu .. -um, ~ elotrdr; DOx,
pla11ities, Liv. B. fl:.t .• 1, gen., auimoa, ca¥ae Caa.
to 1inl.:, Liv.; 11e, to ab<~ 01i.t.uJ/, Cle.; 2, e11p., •"dbo, 1. b bl t" Amt, LueT., Hor.
& 0 lo cl£ml1&iM, [c.;st1•; lllUltUlll (in cii!ICUUnK'), •6bo'bllcoeDu (at1bob9oinu) • -am,
1W>l to 6]Jta.k strongly, Cic. ; b, to g&~ over ; aome~hatobaceiu,Clc.
alicui im~rium, LI\".; c, to MJtet to, nc.bordi1w.U •6.bobloUru ·& ·UDl, IOINIMal olnnrc, Cic.
I.>; citl111rne caunas, <J\".; d, in alackan., r9la.z;
rurore111, \"Ill!;. IL to 11'u.1.e u ndtr ; fig., t!l aub- db6410.U. -a -um, eolll.ltMat odiou, ••
mi.t; auim1>S umor1, \"erg. Ill. to u11d up/ron plewan.i, Cle.
lltlow, to raise; 1, g1:11., oculoa, Ov.; 2, eap., al.boft"endo, s. to giw ..,_ o§e"A«; ap>'t
a, ro cau.sll to IJTTtng up; .tlore11, Luer.; transC. 1 aliq ue111, Cic.
to 1•rod1u:e; non 1111111strum summisere ColcW •iibCSllo, 2. lit., to emit a null ; benoe, D&-.
mnjus, Hor ; b, to M grow; cavillum, Plin.: o, hoc subolet ruihl, or aubolet mihi, I, ~
lo rmr; vituloe, \·erg. IV. to aend 1ecrtU11; ccive, scelll, Plaut..
allquem, Cic.; 1u!JsidiA alicui, Caes.
aubmoleati (aummol•ti), adv. (sub- (suboiea<.'<>). •6.bCSla (HbCSl•) ·111, genlt. plur., -um
I. Of things, a aproul, Moot. o/-
molestn.11), u:ith $()1/U i'fxutwn; td non esse Rouiae alwot, ltUCkt!r, PLn.. IL Of liviug being., of mea
11ubmoleste Cero, Cic. and auimat., f"'lOI, oJ•pr&ng, Pl"OllftY, i.#111; a,
mbmoleatua (aummolestua) -a -um, o( men, stirploJ, Liv.; juve:ntuti~ Cic.; of noe
110111eu:hat vuatiotu; ilJu,1 e.;t mihi 1mb111ol1:11tWll pen;on, 1ubol11& imperatoium (of Scipio). Li~.;
quod iia.ruru properare Brutus viuetur, Cle. b, of •nimals. baedua, 1uboles laseiYi gregis,
1111'bminio ( ·m0u11i, 2. to Hor.
rt1111ill.d lflCntly, Ter. aiibCSleaao, 3. (snb and oleaco alesco), &o =
mbmOrieue ( ·• ·wn, some· grot0 tcp, Liv.
tt'llat moroet, llOmtwll.aJ pcuWt, Cic. aiibCSrlor, 4. dep. to a,.,,., C011M1 fort!, rprbtf
1111bmitor (aummotor) -Oris, m. (sub- vp, Luer.
mov~o), on.e who a •JJ<I« in. a crowd, Llv. ailborno, J. L 1o /llr11"1, ~lip, prorUlr.
aubmCSveo (81UDDloveo) -m(;vi -motnm, a natura subonl&t1JI!. Cle. ; ftg., legati suhon1atl
2. to 1!W'lle, drive a11ny, naoA!. L Lit.., crimlnil:us, Liv IL to illciu, ht-<igau l«TdiJ.
A. Gt:n., a, of persous, aliqucw, Ov.; st1ictls 11cbonr.; ftctu111 test.em, Cle.; aliq;iew ad caedew
1'latliis i11ortes, Uv.; l.,•µul11111 aris, Ov.; b, of l'e!,'18, LI v.
thin:;ii, 11il\•a suil4>us Phocbeos 11ub111ovet adbortua Ila, m. (suborlor). a Cl09U"f /flt'I!,
ictull~ 1•.-uj)I off, .o.\•.: 11111.>moti:i uubibus, Verg. ar&.i11g, Luer.
B. F~'lp., l, or hnng beini,;11, a, lo remove, •ubp ... v. supp. •••
to wW11lmw:'4, Liv.; rt:eui;;mtes llOllt.ros
advvcatos, Cic.; b, vr the lictor, to c/e.1r a iooy 11ul> ( -rlai -rasam, S.. If
ft•r u nw4i•trt1Jf, to ktep off, more back; turbam, tJCrape below, ~to.
Li\'.; 1ubm0\ cli ju bet, Liv.; abL sbaoL, sub- aubrancldua (1111JT&Dcldaa) .. -1111a,
moto, 111/&e!l a UJay Juul '*" cltar«l, Liv.; c, to somtwhal putrid ; caro, Cic.
blrnW.., u:pd; altquem patrii, Ov. ; d, to ddvt aubrauoua (11111Ta11oaa) -a -um, ..,...
,,g in a ""-IUt 111111111u, tlril"! away, force; wl1at hoorse ; vox, Cic.
t:i•hortes 11ub 111uru111, Caeoi. ; \"ictorem hostem a
vallo, Liv.; lio1te:1 ex muro ac turrihus, C&e.s.; aubrectua (aurreotua). v. aulJrigo.
2 of t.hlnb'll, a, to n:uwve, nwre back; maria aubrim.lgo (~o). 1. to T'Rl uda-
lilor11., Hor.; b, I~ purLic., 11uh111otus, lying Math., row along, Verg.
Olli of Ult way, rem.oft; 11pclunca \"asto icubmota sabripo (aurripo) -repsi -reptam, S. lo
rt!l"esim, Verg. IL Tran:i;f., 1, of peniow1, to creep or cratri /J'O'IA baow, t:rttp to, 11p1•roarll i •
kttp 1umy fro,,,, force /P)Jn, cump~l to gtva up; a 1"-TU]ltiblr ; a,lit., sub tabuiaa, Cfr. ; m~ni&,
bello Ant.iocl111111 l't ~>l!'maeum reges, Liv.; Hor. ; b, tran1>f., somnWI in oculos 11ubreplt,
aliqucm 1naguil u1lh111 JMM.!lllle ~ malclicio, Cic.; Ov.; subrep!.'t inera aetas, 'fib.
2, of thin.s:,'11, to n:uiove, ba11i«h ; tumultu11 menti.8 aubreptiolu (llUl'l'ep&iclua) -a om
e• cun1s, Hor. (snrripio), l, dolsn.lkWMJrpeil, .Plaut.;
2, _,..,,
1111bmiito (aummiito)~ 1. to ucha11ge; BKrrtplUiou.1:, Plau
Ytrha pro verbls, t:ic. nbridio (lvridio) ·rfaJ -Tlllum, t. lo
aubnuoor ·nAtus snm, 3. dep. tn gr'01D "P 1mile, Cle.
""'kr, grow vp 011.t uf or o,/Ur, Ov.
aubridlotUi (aurridlctUi.>. ad"· .-,anrkl
eubneoto -nex1\i -nexum, 3. I. to bind, lie, laughably, Cle.
lrii"I 01• t>e1~ath; a11~11ni:1 tot.nm sullnect.ite
\·clo1111, Ov. IL to joi~ or t~ rA>gdM.r; aurea •ubrlgo <llUITlao> and oontr., aurp,
11ur~xi. 1urrectum, S. (sub and rego). L ni.-
1•111 pure.1111 snlmectit ft Lula ni11tc111, \'erg.
aubn,go, l. to dilly a littlt, partlr dnr,
rtgo (surrigo) ·rexl, etc., Co m.- °"
Up, Ii'
up; ('IUIS., au brig!, lo n. vp; partic., au~
Cic. ri.n1&9 11p; aurea, Verg.: •ubrect.o mucrnoe, Liv.
aubnl&er ·aira ·;ru111. 1011Wwl&al Wad:, black· IL •urco, aurrexi, surrectum. A. Tr&lllit., It
1 la, Plau'- raw 11.p, li/I, P1&1.1t. B. hit.rauait., "1 ~ n..
sub sub
•p rrtJCt, "4Jld •p; 1. gen., e lectolo, Cle.; de . .. . . . - -IM!cOJ ·aeekun, 1. lo ewt - . bf.
sella, Cic.; bnmo Ov.; poet., •urvlt ab Arpl.B l01o; ungue11 fePrO, Ov.
Tydidell, cmnu jr:nA, Ve.rg.; 2. •P·• & 9 or 1111b9elllum -ll n; (nb an<l .ell&). L a
orators,~ ri.M up :o ~. ~ or>111C jorVJard; ad low brnc.\ or fora, Varr. D. u•r ordilllG:l'J or
ui~ndum, Cic.; b toriM11pfros btdortl«p; 1l8Ual bexcA ti.Nd/or Bimag OIL, Sen.; a beDch In a
ante lnccm, Cic.; l:J, transr., a, to art.., apptnr, theatre, Cie.; or the aenators in thesenate-laowie.
M.ct>Tlli! tri.ribl~; surgit dies, Verg.; ventuA, Verg.; Cic.; longi aubsellil jndicatlo et mora, • lo1111
fig., discordia, \"erg.; b, to flr<YID 11p, becooae rilling to d«ide, Cle.; or the tribune1' In the
lar~r; (a) or thingii, as seed, Hor. ; or the sea, mnrkl't, Liv. : esp., or the benches or the JuJg~.
Ov. ; of buil<lin~, 1 eurgens nov11e ('.artbaginla accuReni, ad etc.. Cle.; met on., subilellla
nrbs, Verg. ; (ft) or living lwings,· to grow wp; =Ju<licla, co11ru: l1abitiire tn 1nbilellil11\ Cle.;
snrgens Iulus, Verg. (syncop. ~rr. lnUn., sur-
rexe, Hor.).
versnri in utrlsqne subtlelllis
and j1u.lgt) optlmJ. et nde et
&'::,iu a.A Gd~•
subrlgiiu {surrlpu) -a -um, ~ 1111beentlo ·t1elllil, 4. to aotiot, pmlll(n ae-
irrigated, Plin. cretly, Ter.
eubrlngor (surrtngor), s. dep. to make 4 nblliquor -~c!Uus (-86quQtus) sum, &. dep.
IO/Mtolaat 1DrY ,/aa, to be a liUU pHI 0111, CIC. to fallot0, follow a/Ur. "I. a lit.., or penon.~
subrfplo = sunipl.:> (q. v.). algna, Cae& ; b, trans(., or ililngw, atell& aub-
aub~,o (su.rr0go), 1. ~ ca.., a. peni>ll to
be ch.osell "~ 1•laet o/ or <U 6'KMtituU for a.notller
aequitor, Cle. ; boa molWI auhtequl de bet lflldlUB,
Cle. D. .Fig., to {olloVI, follmo (1' OpWaMm,
(nsetl of the magistrate presidin~ at the oomitla, CO'aplf 10Uh, imUats a•r oiu: Platonem avun-
111nlcere or the people ehoosmg); in anuum culum, Cle.; suo rermone bumanltat.eia Utter-
proc.imum decemvlros allos, Cic..; coll~m in arum., etc.
locum Brutl, Liv.; with double acc., 11bl Sp. n1-ervlo, 4. to be •ubJ«t to, MTN, .....,.,,,,
Lueretium collegam, Cle. OOf1'plJ 10Uh, Piau t., Ter.
subl'OtltrADI (aurrotdriild) -6rmn, m. aubaloi't"aa (aul>Hoivua') -& -um (IUband
(sub and roatna), Zou»gers abov.t tAu'OICra., idlM'I; aeco)., C11t o§• . I. Lit., t. L of laud-meMtUing ;
ap. Cic. subst~, aubeioivum -i, n. a ,....u..,. 11r
ntaU parcel of land, Varr. D. Transr., ol time,
aubrlil>N (IJ11rriibH). 2. to be 10WW10Mt auptr.ft'llOlU, •pan; tempon. lei.n&n Amlrs. Cic.;
nd; parL, subrubena = nddi.11\, Ov. transt., of what is done In tbe leisure laOW"S,
1111bdbloundue (aurriiblcrmulu) ... quae (arripul) au!Jslelvis operis. ut ainnt., Ole.
-um, 1amewltat Nd, ndd'8h, Plin. 1111bddl&rf11J1 -a -um (aubsldiu~ or rt-
subrii.ftul (aurriifua) -a -um, reddiM, lalhlg to a run-w, rtMr'llle; oobortee, ., Uv.;
Pliu. subsL, nbllldli.rli --Orum., m. f'tMml trwopr,
aubrUmua (lllU'riimu) ·& -um (sub and Liv.
ruma\ B'Uclcing; ap:nus, Varr. nbai~or, 1. clep. (subatdhuu), to ~ tM a.
re~rue, Hirt..
eubrio (llUrriio) -rdi -rl\tum, s. to l«zr
.lottnl belo10, d.i.g 11».dtr, undermiv, owrthrot0, aubaldlum ·Ii, n. L Coner., mfllL t. t.,
dut.,-or. L Lit.., arbo1-es, Caea.; murum, Liv. tM troop1 1kUi.o1Ud '~ ,.. ""''" rt~ troopt, Cl
D. Fig., to clal1'0JI, •1uier111lhu; nostn.m libtlr- f'Ul!7'11t, auzili4T11 forcu: sc~JSidla et aecundam
tate111, Liv. aciem adortus, Liv. ; aubeldium and 11uti.idia
•ubraatlou (eurruatlOUllJ -a -um, IO'IM- submittere, Caes. D. A bstl"., 1, millt. t. t.,
.,Aal clovmi.M; pudor, Cic. Ulp, asnatallQJ (or such troops), snb81dlum f«re,
~ ; subeidio proUeiscl, Caes.; 2, tra!Uil., a,
1111briitllu (sarriitllua) ·a -nm, ndd£M; aid, tMana o/ aid, lw:p, IUCC01lr: aub8idiam
color, Plin. bellisslmum ex111timo esse Bt'lnectuU otiwn. Cil'~:
su'lMlalaua -a -um, aomewAat iult, Plln. suhsidio eRBe, or persona, to bd G l&elp to, Ov.;
subecn"bo -scripsi -scriptum, s. L to u:ri.u or things, to tervt a.t a kelp; bls dlffieultaUbua,
11la<kr, WJ1·iu bc11tath. A. Gen., statuis sub- Caes.; or obll\10111, Cic.; b, a plat¥ o/Tr,/Kge, '"'
seripsit reges esse ~xactos, Cic.; ca~m parri- asylum, Tac.
cidi1, Cic.; haec subdcribe lil.Jtllo, Hor. B. eubeido -sedl and -eidi -eess11m, 3. L Co ail
E;ip., 1, to sign a document; a. !it., 8uet.. ; b, <wum, squat, cnnd dowta, .iu11 ~. n"-':
trausf., to support, lUM1ll to, a~ o/; odiia dcncn. A. Lit., 1, or living ~ings ; a, 11ubsit1-
acl·nsatorum, Liv.; lrae Cllt-Sl\r.a, Ov.; 2. or nnt Hispanl, Lh·. ; elepluwU clunlbus 11ub-
the censor, to WTiU the groi.'lid of hi.a .:e716Ure sidenteA, Liv.; b, to lie i• unU for, lurt: ;"
benroth. tM na1ne of tJui perB-On censured; ! am.buR!&; in in11id1h1, Liv.; In loco, Cle.; with
ca11s;11n, Cic.; 3, cf an accuser or joint-accuser, IM'-C., Asiam, Verir.; o, of females, lo
tn wri:e their naniu under tM GOC'IUllion; a, or Jubmit trJ tM male, Luer., Hor.; ~\ transr., of
the accuser, to sigll a daaf"flt; oence, to Jl'l"09t- thinl,'S, to rink dc1on, 6Ubside; snb8aao11t nndae.,
cuLe; suhscripsit quod is pecumam accepiMet, Verg.; juasit 11ubsiilere valles, Ov. B. Fig., to
accrued him of having, etc., Cle., in aUquem, to abaU, Plin. II. to rt11iain siUiag, to .tar, ,....
OCC1W-, Cic. ; b, or a joint-accuser= to joi11 '" 111ain. Mttle; snb!!edi in via, Cle.; muJUtudo
the tu:euaalion; Gabinium de ambttu reum reclt calonum in CAStris subsederaut, Caea.
1mbscribente privigno, Cle. IL to tlOU dmon, sub8tgni.nWI -11. -um (snb and slgnum),
uw.J.e a 1UJLe of; nwnerum, Cle. aerrift!I beMUL/l Uu rtandard: mllltai, l.egWit.ary
subscrfptlo -Onls, f. (etfbecribo), a writiitg aoldi.ers IG:pt as a ruen•t, T&c.
be111', itiscriptWn.. L Oen., Cic. IL Esp., 1111b81gno, 1. L to tt.Tik benmlh, 1£p, rub-
a., ceusoril\, tM ?Wti119 aoum of Uu o§ena ~­ scribe, Pl111. D. 'l'rau~r., 1, to n1.trr o" 11 tw,
mrtd; sub!lcriptiones cens.:intm, Cit:.; b, tM tn rtgwr; praedla apud aerarium, Cle. ; I, t-0
#ig11i11g ofoMs name to an areu.'JUticn; (a:) or the pltilqt, Plin.
accuser, Cic.; (fl) of a joint-accuser, ajofoing in aubeD.lo (euui.llo) ·slldi, •· to Imp "P.
&n a«WJati-On, etc. ; o._ tJui rig11fog, subscriptitm 11p, Luer.
of a docu1Mnl, Suet. ; a, a regi.Btn-, Cle. subsimus -a ·nm, so~u-Aat uub-tlo«d, Varr.
eubeorlptor .(iris, m. (snbecribo), tluaigner eubslato ·Stltl, 3. L 1'ransit., to taak.e a
of an indidme1it, a joint-<lCC'IUIT, Cle. atand agai?Ut, t-0 V.'i.t/ut.and ; reras, Lh'. ; Ro-
•ubeeoivaa anbeictvua (q.v.). manum nee aciea subsi:>tere ullae poterant. UT.
sub 660 sub
IL lntrnn1IL, A. to 1t111'd •till, l"Onul to 4 llatvl, 1111.btendo -tendl ·terahnu (·tcnanm), I. •; 1, lit.., 3'.t_or pt'l'801111, tu it iuere, Cae!ll.; b, rt rdGla. "n.d ern.eath, Cato.
ol thluga, to _,., stop; subetitit uuda, \"erg. ;
2, lg., lo mue ;1ub6Utlt olamor, Ov. B. lo l11rry,
aubtinio. 2. 1o lold
(syncop. imper., anbtento).
•!Mlenuat., eaio
nmai"' e&l1ide; I.. lit., ha &muio a1lvenius 1111~1liUa...,., IOJUIOl\at 1Ai1', Varr.
Camllnaa legtones, Liv.; 2, Ilg., iutra l'riorem
J19Upertatem, to rr:•naLn, cofl.liruu, Tac. C. to nbtir (sub). L Ad•., bmMt.\, btlot11, •""""
withstaAtl, tJf11-, Mid out; lllit., &, of prn1on11, fltatla; omni& hue, quae aupra et s:ilitn, l"ic..
llan11ihali 1t.<1ue eiu11 armioJ, Iv.; b, o( thiug,_, IL Prep., bt11tatla, btlow, vNlcrnl'(lfl\; a, witll
quoJ nequ<> &Dl"Orae funes.1ue Sllb.iilltcrent 11eque, aoc., cupidltatt-m enbter praet."Ol'lla loc.·";t, Cic.;
de., Or.ell.; 2, Og., to witllstand, w.ppo11; 1umi>- b, with abl., aubter ae, <.:ic. (iu rompi•.;ition
tul, &Jt. Cic. au\Jtt-r 111ean1 tuuur, bt1wlath, as in aubterlluo, or
1n1b801Anu -a -um, ei.utem, orfmtal, Plin.; MlldaluuuJ, ill HCT'tt, U auutenluco).
1ul1at., nbec)l•nua ·I, 111. ,,.,. md v;ind, J:'lin. aubtentiioo. a. 1o Wc£ e11011J .nll1, a&nJ
aulteortlor -aortilwi aum, t. dep. to cAooN o.f 1«Tttl11, Plaut..
br lot, lo INbiilU.U ; Ju•llcea, to choo. /n..oll, j1l.'if· nb&ertUio, s. lo~~ Plln.
llKll /w ~ dtalk"!]etl f>N either partg, Cic. aubterftglo .mg1, 8. L lntran<lfft., to ftH
eabeortitlo -Onis, f. ('IUh!lortior), lht e7&oot- (1& «crtt, Plaut.. D. Tnmalt., Co u..--~ b1 .tMltll,
C1tf qf ajvdicial 1Kbd!t11k b11 wt; Ju•licum, Cle. era<U, sh.un; poeuam, Cle.; periculu1n. Cac.
eab&&&Dtla ·u, r. (11uhsto). L 111bstanct, aubterlibor -lapi101 earn, a. dep. L ,.
""11«, Quint. D. FO/ rtr tg, mt.aria q/ 11il11illl· gluu, flot0 •nder; ftuctua Slcanoe, \"erg. IL c.
M«; facultatum, Tac. 1Hp curor l«J"dlr, to uoape, LI•.
eabaterno ·•trlvi ·IJtr-ltum, s. L to ltmt1 subterllllo, a. lo,,,..,. tandtr11tatA, Plin.
or 1pread btl&taUI., lar tu&der; 1, lit., cl 1111ama, nbtiro -trtvl -tritu~u.. 3. to nab 01, 1COtt'
OY.; 2, fig., to olr.r, gioe up; omne corporeum 1tndtr11ealh, to grind, po¥na., run.
antmo, Cle. D. Transr., to oowr: ~Iii nae nltlos nbterraniua -a ·um (aub and tttra),
q•m p<>'t8Ullt molli1u1ime subllternuut, Cle. vndtrgro1uut, lt&bkrroMa1&; 11pecua In fu.Ddo_
•b&tlttlo ·Ill -ntnm, 3. '811b an<t ~tatuo). I. Cic.
.. pvl Mndu, 1•lu~btMal1'; 1,lit., Auel. b. Mr.; 2, 1111btel'TAoalla ·ant111, rmpe, W-, Sen.
.II. '°,,.,
~lh aubstituerat auimo 1pecie111 curpurls, Liv.
'n tM plcu:c of, 1ub.ditu~; a, in locuru
eormn eln• Romano11, Cle. ; aliquem pro aliquo,
eubtexo ·texdl ·textmn, s. L to ttmw z,,,.
'IUal/a: tranar., &, to drv.101Qgdlurta11chr; patrio
11lpili (cM IUP&) bibul&a nubes~OY.; b, loc:owr,
Cle.; allqultl rro allqua re, Cic.; b, h~em, to darke1&; caelum fumo, Verg. .U.. to tllNl'I oa lo;
.... • ,_,Md Mir ta cwt q/ iM fhath oJ tlu J.nt, 1, trausf., to join lo; hmam alutae, Ju\·. ; 2,
•bato, I. lo 11411.djlrm, Ter. fig ' in 11peech, "° COIUUcl, IKbjoil&; anlites1\
ddude fabulae buic legatee in aeaatu interrcgal-
• ·fnfs, n. (11ul1slemo), t1&al vllic.\ os ease, Liv.
ii •~l btJteath, ltru10, litttr, \"arr.
•ub&illa -e (contracted from 1uJ.texm1, u
8ablltri.tua -n~. m (suhsterno), ca llmohag, tell\ frum texcla anti exili• from exigllia), lit.,
li&Jlag, lllXJUai.1tg btntalA, Plin. fi11el1 tl'OWn; ltenl.-e, L tJii.n, j.M, aUt&du; l.
•bBtrtotus ·• ·nm, p. adj. (from 1ab- lit., Ilium, Luer.; 2, transr., &, gen.,J.~
1Vh1go), 1MITT'OV, U.ghl, 0011trucWJ, •mall; crura, mlf, uoeC; deacript10, Cic.; Teuuatu,
OY. Cle.; b, eap., or expreS11ion, plaill, 1L•ph, ••·
n~o -atrinxf ·strictum S. to dnuo ndonwd; oratioiCic. ; subtilis scriptor atq111
~..1 to b~&d, tv btn.ealh, bi-;;/ v.p; crinem elegana, Cle. I or the een11ea. jrw, anlU; 1,
node», "J'&C. ; anrem allcuJ, to prick v.p IM ftU' lit., )11\latum, llur.; 2, t.n111ar., of wte and Q».
(la order to lillten to ao1ne one), Hor. cern111ent, )lu, actllt, hUU; j11diciu111, Cic.
RbRruotlo --Onls, r. (su\Jstruo), that u-hvA
ii hU' bdoio, ~. faull.dalwn; aubeitructionum
811.btilltaa ·iti11, (suhtilia). "''"..... J.•t-
nua, "''"""""'· L Lit., lineerum, Plin. IL
moles, Caes. Trausf., a, a.ocv.rcacy,J1ttMa, 111btlti1, f:J/Cld11a1:
81lbetriio •Strnxl ·Btrudum, S. to buil.f, COil· se111enbarum, Cie.; senuonl•, Cie.; b. or dW.
lln1d btiua.lA, lay afoundatum; Ca1•itoliu111 11axo course, plai1u1as, ri•plk:U1 ; orationt., Cle.
quadrat.1 suhstruclmn e:1t, b11tlt u:ith a /ounda· aubtilltir, 11dv. (aubtilis), ~ ..., • •,.~..
Cicn of uio11 ato11e, Liv. L Lit., res Kubtlllter co11ne:rae., Luer. IL
-b81lltlm. a.Iv. (subsilio), 1pringi11f1 •p, 1'ntn11r., &, ftridy, attf&rauly, «rocUy. 111ticlr;
leaplllg wp, 8uct. juJicare, Cic.; sul.tilius liaec disse~re. Cle.;
nbeulto (auuulto), 1. (in tens. or suliaillo), !!llbtillssi111c perr•olltA, Cic.: b, or U!Jfenioa.
"1 qri ng up, leap up, )"mp 11p, Plaut. plt1foly, simply, wUho1't Ot"IMlmt••I; dicere, Cic..
IRlbeUJD -fl)i -ease, ta be mu.Ur. L Lit., 1 lo nbtlmio, 2. Co be ca lUU., with M
bt ~Ailkl; auheraL l'au ilicis umbrae, Ti~. ; and the su l>j., Cia.
nigra subest lin~ua palato, \·e~.; 2, to bt near nbtrA.ho ·tra:ri -tractnm, I. I. lo cfnu•
aJ Aan.d ; SU berat lll<lllS, ea .... : d left/ Cie.; tem pl& auur Jro111. "ndn'; subtract~ NnmlJ.a monuo
nuri. subis11nt,Ov. D. 1-"i~., 1, to Ot mbj«tr~ to, surcrincubantl Romano ,.,V113, Uv. IL 1o ctraw
UY., 2, to be thee, t-0, io be fo 'JUf3l1on; awag 1tettU11, tt:Uhdniw, nllWt'I, lab all'Cl~. .A.
1nawst nulla periculi suspicio, Cic.; tMmquam Lit., alic1•i, Cfc.; hastatoe e:r acle, U•.;
;, rt'-" "u I iesset, Li Y. ae to withdrv.w ofltJltl/: se upectal, Verg.;
81lbeiitua -a -um, #ad bt1ua.Ut.; vestls, middle,wbtrahitur aolum, triUtdraa fl-'/'Jroa
frlt&gni., eiig'..d bdoao, Hor. undtr U&c llaip, Yerg. B. 1-·1g., m11terfem ruO'Ori
tuo, Cfc. ; refte:r., se 1ubtfllhe11te, tl'itlt1lnt1"'Af
nb~gtUiaiUJI -a -um (anb and t~la).
~-&IA the tUu, v1wr Uw roof, '•-doors, l'lln. (u 11uret7), Lb. ; c11i judiclo cum nun
auutraxi~ Liv.; me a curia et ab 01nnl par°A
eu'btimen (1J11btegmen) ·mlnla, n. (con· rei)'ubllcae, Cic. ; aliquem lrae militwn, Tac.
tracted froru aub~xiluen), that tclakla. is icorktd aubtrtatia -e. 101Mwltac ICld, Ter.
i11; hence, L t1' ~ or tDOO/ ti\ 'ID«lring, Ov.;
ltrt picturataa aari subtemine Yestea, Verg. D. nlmlrplcriilu -a -um, aollU'llUl ,,.,,....
lleton., C1a4 toAkA u "'°""' or 1JNAt tlnad, jwJ, Cic.
nbtmpla .... ......, d~ ae.
JlllTlL Ti b.
sub 661 sue
11Ubtiia.1tlv. (sub),btMatlt, btlow, v7ldtrlUtltA, aucolvus = 1ubcavus (q.v.i
LI\'. nooectaniu (aucoidaniu) ·ll -nm (1tte-
im.biiiaua -a -um (sub Intl tundo), aonw1Dlult C('f.lo ), fo//ou•i 119, 811.aUfli-ng, e-11.1111ing, "'1'1'l11L"!l
brat &.ud, 'f i \J. tht 1•lut-e of. Plaut.
•ilbiioiUa -ae, t. (pt'rhnps
from • sub-uo, auocedO •CCR.'I! -cessum, S. (!!Ub &nd ce<lo).
whence ex·uo), an i1111.u tunic, shirt. Hor. I. to !llJ 1t11dcr, go froin 1111.<kr, cur1.11d, mo11 iit.
ribiUa -ae, r. n UIOf'llk.lktl··· awl, Mnrt. A. Lit., kt·tnm, Cic.: tnmnlo tern1e, Vt•1x.;
BilbulOU -1, 111. (!!us), a .rn•inchad, Vnrr. t1:1·tis, V~r~.: transr., fo11s, qno mare s11cc1·d1t,
ribillo -oni~. rn. (connertt-•l with s!hllm1). Cu'""· B. Fig., a., to conu: t1111/er; !lllh n1·11,11!'n
stili, Cir.; b, tn sut1mit tn; 0111•rl, Ve!/(. II. tit
L rl 1°H.«YJll nw11r fnr tihicen, ajluft·J>lnyfr, Enn. n1•p1·ooch. A. Lit., 1, ruilit. t. t., to t!Wrc.\ /nr-
IL a kind nf stnri, Plin. tmn/, aJ1vine«; .-·11> ad<'m, Caes..; 11<1 cm1trn,
Subiira ·ll•\ r. n stN'rt in Ou noi&itst q11arttr Li\'.; 1110~11ilm,., Liv.; 2, to ro1'1.f. ~r. tlll.:ft tlu<
Qf Rome; l11·11•·t, n•li., Sdbiir&Dua ·& -um, bt- 7>lw~ nf; ut iutt~ri et r"cen~s <lefatl!,'lll is s11c-
lox:Ti 11!1 to tit~ S11bu1n. ct!<lere11t,; in pugnam, Liv. B. 1'ram1r.,
•uburbinltaa·iltls, r. (suburbanus), tficilli.ty 1, to fullvw, s-U«t'ed to ; &, in locum alicuins. Cic. ;
to tltt citv, Cic. iu paternas ope'f, Cic. ; b, of p<>llition, to Co'"•lll
•6.burbi.nus -a -um, mar tJic cUy (Rome),
t1t:ct to; ail alteram partem succedunt Uhil,
subu rl.nn. I. Adj., agtir, gyrnuaslnm, C1c. IL Cnes.; 2, of time, to follow, ~td: a.lieu!, Ci1·.;
aetas aetati succedlt, Cic.; oration!, Ck:.: 3, 11f
811l~t.. A. auburbi.num -1, n. (sc. praet.lium),
things, to turn out well, tn pro11per, 11Lr.roed; hae~
nn •j/af1 11r11r Rome, a 1111b11rban utaU, Cle. B.
prospel'tl succedtibilnt, Cle.; re11 nnlla 8ncce:;:;.
aiiburbiini -ormn, m. in.habltanu of t~ crnt, Cae.s. ; absol., sncccdlt., it· u sucC'.essful:
111hu rbs, U\'. 111 e!t senteutia successerit, Cic. ; co~pUs ~ll<"·
auburbfum ·Ii, n. (sub and urbft), a 11iburb, cetlebat, Liv. ; pass., nolle imcce8>1Ulla i~tril>ll"•
Ck. Liv.
si1burgu~o. 2. to drive cl"" to; rroram l1d auocendo -cendl -cenBUm, S. (sr1b an<t
l':n:;i, \'erg. • cmulo, f'rom candeo). 3. to l."indle, ut o1l fi1,.
ribiiro (·U'ls!) -ustum, S. to bt1rn a little, to from. btlow. L Lit., pontem, Liv.; rtf!gt"~ln,
1i11!]', 811ct. IL Fig., to ki1111lt, sd oft. .ftrr,, i11J1't111c;
&Uburra =Subura (q. v.). Deucal!ou Pyrrhne succemm~ amoro, o,·.
aubvectlo -onis, t.
(subveho), a cnrryinq, 8UooeD8eO = .SU:tcenseo (q. V.).
tollr"'y<t11c.., tra11Jtport: frumenti, Liv.; plur., nu aucoentivua -a -um (11uccl110). ~ti.fl·
ab n- frnmentarla duris 11nhvectioni bu11 la\Jomret, ing, playtrt a1 ai1 ~Jl{mi1He11.l, Vnrr. ht sl11mltt llaVll di..6lc11ltit1 to c<mtend 10ith. iR 1. suocenttirlo, 1. (1111b and et>nturlo -nr~\
tM tnrn sport of pro'l1i.Yio1u1, Caes. to rectivt i11 a rt11t1t1"lf CLB ci s11batit11.te; l11•ur,~,
JIUt in tM 1>lae<i uf nnotJ1cr, to s11/~'4Uvt1<, 'l\·r.

aubveoto. I. (int.ens. of subveho), to carry,
co1Ll"I'!/,, bring; !mxa humens, Verg. 2. aucoentilrlo -•mh1, f. (sub and rentnrio
aubveotua subvectio (q. v.). -onls), a11 11n1ier·oenl•rWn, Liv.
BU008safO ·Onl•, f. (RllCC't!do), I! nrr>?l'tfilf!],
aubviho -vexl -vectum, S. to bring up from.
bdmc, /1ri1~ up strtam, carry, cimvey, transpvrt ; takinq pl~ of sonu person or thi 11i, 11..,~l'-<.<i11n;
fru111entuu1 tlumine Ar1trl, Caes.; subverts a, volt1ptlltl11, Cle.; bt 11wxs'1wn. i• a• oJJir:r,;
uteusilia ab 011tia, TM.; commeatus ex &mriio, iu locum Antonii, ap. Cic.
Liv. ; pasa. &11 middle, ad Hrcea su\Jvehitur BUOCO&BOr -ori.~, rn. (>111ccl'<lo), ti ..uet:c<;;>or,
matrmu caterva, Ca borM up, Verg. foltou-er in ojtict, po.~sio11, i11hiritmtt:e, etc., Cic.;
BUb1'emo -vent -ventum, 4. to NnM "P to Ragittae, heir to, Ov.; tnrn~r.. J 1111iW1 1111ccf's>;<ir
aut, t" Ml1•. a&1W, 1tt-01xmr. L Lit., milit. t. t., Maii, Ov.; novus, a 1U?w ll~UIW, Ov.
clrcumvtmto tllio subvenit, Cae11.; absol., ni11i &UOCOUUll -ns, m. (1mcc'1do). L nn wl-
Romani 9ubve11i!l!lent, Liv. IL Tran11t'., to help, t'Cl 11ce, O.J!f>Toal:h; ltostinm, Ca~; e..1u .. r11111,
aid, ro n11Udr or mi~1,. an euU: alkui, Ci~.; Vcrg. II. happ11 i11sut; prn11peroa su~"><sus
pAtriae, Cic.; gravecllni, Cic.; !mpol"!l., reipuh- tlar" on1i><, Liv.; s11cccllll1un at"tt.'S QOM hahneni
lica.e dilt\cillimo tempore esse suhventum, mcae, Ov.
Cir. succidla ·Re, t. (imcd,lo), a jt.itcA 11/ /xu·11n;
subvento. I. (lnten1. or snbvenio), to come hortum ipsi agricoll\e 1mccidia111 altc,ram ·a.11pf'l·
to tltt It.tip nf, Pluut. · but, their srm111l ft itch, Ck.
llU~r, i. to /tar a little, 1ie a liUle I. succldo ·ddi, s. (suh and caoto), to firll
an.xioiu, Cic. 11 ntltr, sink, sink do11m; aegri 11iUccidi111n,.,
aubveraor .Qri.s, m. (1111bverto), "" 111oer- Verg.
t"rner, ottrth.rO'Wl!r; fig., Rtunnm lcgum, Ta•:. 2. auccido ·<'i•li -cisnrn, ~. (11uh •rn«I CM•l.1),
aubverto (subvorto) ·vertl (-vortl) -v('r:;nm to r11t 1111dcr, r.ul udol!', cut off, cul d(Jtt)1&; femiu:l
(·\'O?'l!lllll), 3. ro 01Yrtl1ro1r, Ortrt11rn. I. Lit., 1•oplit•!~q1w, Li\'.; fru11w11ta, Caes.
tn<'ll!'Mn, Suet.: mont<'s, &II. ; al.sol., Hor. suoolduus -a ·n111 (su\J a.ntl cado). feUi1UJ
IL flg., to 01-n-throw, r1t{n, suhrert, destroy; rlv1cn, sinlri11g: !;l'lltt, Ov.
prubitatenl ceterasque art&I bonnR, ISall.; jura, suocinctua -a -um. p. arlj. (from encclng1'),
Tai·. 1, r ..mlt;, ''/Ui)'J>ert, vrri>ared; prae<lae, Uv.; 2.
aubverwa -a -um (subveho), .Zoping 11.pwarrl, shnrt, M!4rt.
Li\'. succtngo -cinxl ·r.inctum, S. (snh n.n•l clngo).
aubvl'rldia -e, tmnelchat ureen, grttnish, I. to qi rd 1ielnu', riinl 117>, turk up I.he dotM• in
Pliu. tllf r1irdle; tunicas, Jnv.; ofU>nt>r p11rtlc., auc~
aubv~lo,. 1. to fly Kp, fly /nrth.: utqne nova!4 olnctua -a -um, wit It. the clothts tucked uy:
hu111eris :L'!SlllllJ"it'rut 11lns, 1111hvolnt, Ov.; with IJiana, Ov. ; poet., tram1f., 1mcdncta COlllll9
iu and the acc .• ro"tis liueis in cadestem locum, pinns, with l1m·e trunk, Ov. II. w girclle, 1mr•
Cic. r1Ju11rl; a, lit., Scylla feri:i alntrn ca11ihu11 sn..i·
nbvolvo, ~. to roU up: m:i11ib11s Mica, Verg. cini;it11r alvurn, Ov.; gen. p8stic., auccinctus
&UbvultiiriUS ·& ·lllll 1 So111.ewhat t:Ult!Lrt·likc, ·a -um, girrll'd !l'ilh .'1<'111<'1/dn!J, •trm€d with: ferro,
• wrntrtohal browii. Plaut. Liv.; phnretr.;i, \"erg.; b, tra11sf., Ill .1un·011nd.
8UO Sae
a.rm, prepart, provl.tle: 11e CRnibu11, Cle.; partle., auotua ·tla, tn. (sugo). • .wiJlf, llldio><,
Carthago succiuctn portubns,. Cle. ; 1mccinctua Plin.
armla legfonib1111que, Liv. aiioiUa .-e, r. C.llm. or sua). L a iuu. t01r,
nootngiUum ·I, n. (aueclngo), m girdle, Plaut. II. Transf., A. a toill.CA, tciadJ!J.>1.1., QI]>'
Plaut. slm~, l'lirnt.. B. Suculae, wrong trnnala.tion ol
auoomo, S. 1, lo li11a U>, to accompany, Petr.; Gr. u.i&f, a coiuttllation, tM IIJ1C1du, Cic.
2, tr1111sr., UI G'Jnll, chime in with.; succiult siicus (sucous) ·I, m. (connected with
altt-r, Hor. Gr. 011"~). juic4, aap. L 1, lit., stir~ ~x
aucclAmatlo -(mis, f. (succlamo), " IMut- tnra succum trahnnt, Cie. : sucus 11 qno
\ng, accltt11Ullion, Liv. utlmnr. Cle.; 2, met.on., like xvJ&.X, fluu:
piscii< BUCO in~tue, Ov.; 3, ftg., a, rif10ttr;
auoclamo (snbclAmo), I. to aho11t at or a111isi1111121 1111cu111 et sangulnem, Cic.; b, c-ltp.,
~ranytJiing, call md; hacc Virgi11io vuciferantl of orutors awl !IJJ('eelie~, 1:u1,,ur, nMTJ11: c•rat-
sueelama.lmt rnultitnd'>, Liv.; illlp<'l"'J., suc- ionii1, Cic. IL cmy I.hide; &p oliYi, ...
cla111atum est, Liv.; with a!'c. nn•I it11i11., quum g1u11l, Ov.; nectari11 lill•·oa ducere, j't4t.« of ""'4T,
'luc<'lamasset nihil se mutarc ac11t.mtlne, Liv. Hor.; b, esp., in w1cdicine," dmuvJU, potioa;
1111ocollo, 1. (suh and collum), to take upon. a11111rus, Ov.
U~ llwuWsrs, to lihoulder, Suet. aiidi.rlum ·Il1 n. (sndo), ci 1&alldknd.i4f (t.o
auooontiimillosi = 1ubcontu111clloae wipe olf perspirat10u from the face), Mart.
(q. v.). aiicliitlo -Onie, f. (audo), a. 41Alaliag, Sen.
nocresco (-boresco) -crevl ·cretnm, s.
to grow /Jenrot11, grow f1'0ITI. f1t11ea-tll, grow up, in·
aiicliitor ·i'ids, m. (sndo),
etUily or oor•i-Ou.sly, Plin.
°"' '°"° P"""l'i~
creaae ,· & lit., aucc1-eKcit ab Imo cortex, Ov.;
b, transl., J>Cr sequc videut suerresrere vina, siicliitOrlus -a -nm {sudo), of or nll!.li"ll to
Ov. ; c, flg., non enim Ille nwdiocris .watnr ll«ating, producing perspimlio-. L A•lj.,
vestrae quusi succre'!cit uctati, Cic.; se glorine unctio, Plaut. IL :Suh>1t., siidatorlum -Ii, n.
;eniorum auccreviss~ Liv. m11MO.tin.g-room, •wealing-bath, :>en.
auoorispua = subcrl11pus (q.v.). aiidi.trlx -tricia, f. (11udator), toga, co.Ming
persriratLo1L, Mart.
auooumbo -cilbili ·cllbltum, S. (sub and audls -i><, r. L m 11taktt, pHe; ripa erat an1ti~
*cumbo, as dec11111bo, accumbo, et<-.), w lu down.
"ndtr, fall crown, •ink down. I. Lit., !IUC- sudilma J•raelixia muuit.R, Caee. IL Tnuw.,
cnmbeus victima ferro, Cat.; omncs succulm- a poinl, UV.
iue 01·11los, 1wd sunk in slu11, Ov. II. Fl:;., aiido, 1. L Intransit., to '1M'lt, ~pi.,.,:
1o. 71uld, giw way, .ruccumb, rurrrniltr; nrrog- 1, lit., puer sudavit et alsit, Hor.; qnum Cumia
antlne divitum, Cic. ; 1tc111wt11ti, Cic.; tempori, Apolio (I.e., eM llatue of .Apollo) 1nda"rit, Cic.;
Liv.; abflol., non csse viri tlcloilit11ri, dolore 2, trnnsr., a., to drip wi.ih mny moUtw:rr; 1CUta
frangI, 1111cc11111bcre, Cic. duo 11&nguinea11das><c, Liv.; r.uvae tepidoaudxnt
auoourro -curri -c11rs111n, S. (sub and curro). liumor" lacunae, Verg.; b, to drip. didil; bal·
L lo nm or go undtr; 1, t.mnsr., nequ1·at sue· 811111& odorato sudautia ligno, Ve1-g.; 3, fig., fJ
currere lunae corpus, Luer.; 2, Ilg., a., gen., toil, 11u1b a great tlfort, toork hard,· videa, sud.are
lioot umlique omnea in me terrorea itupend••.ant, me jamdutlum lal>Ciraukm, ut ea taear qual',
a11ccurni111, u1tdergo tht11l, <..'ic.; b, esp., to come etc., Cie.; Be sine cnm;n su•lare, Cic. IL
into the t/i;111glt.u of, to occur to; ut quldque Tramlit., to throw ojf 1J11 awtating, to •l09at olit,
succurrit, lil>et acrit.ere, Cic.; nlicui suc1~urrit, to t:rut.k; durae querctls sudabu11t r.JSCid& mella,
with nee. and h1tin., Ked mill! su1:currit uu:uen Vcrg.; uhi tura balsamaque sudantur, Tac.
non esse scverum, Ov. II. to lw~tn~ to help, •iidor ·i'irls, Ill. IWtat, perlpirotiof&. L a,
to aul; 1, lit., milit. t. t., nlicui (with or "'·itu- llt., 11111lor a cnpite et a fronU. tletlnens. Cic.;
out. nuxilio), l'ncs., Cic.; impers., si celeriter simulncn1m multo sndore manavit, Cic.; b,
succu1Tntur, Caes.; 2, trn1111f., t-0 /1;'/JI, succour, flg., great t.urtion, labour,, t§ort; st.ilm; salutl fortunisqnc commuui\ms, Cle. ; ille tuus 111ulti 11111.loris est, Cle. ; mult(t eius
allcui, Cle.; foll. by quu111i1111s and subj., hie sudorti ac labore sub pnpuli Rom&ni i111per1um
tantis malls hnec suhsidia 1111o·c111-rcbunt, quo· 11itione111quc cectdernu~, Cic. IL Tnu1sr., ISnf
minns 0111ni:1 deleretur exercil11>11 t:ar.~. kind oj11wi.sturs; vene111, Ov.
11110CUS!ll0 •OniR, f. (SllCCUtio), a Bhaking aiidwa ·• -um (se and udu.s). dry, IDit1otlt
from bcnmth, earthquake, Sen. moisture; and (applied to wea_ther), brig~.<S; ver, Ve~. :Sub... t., audum -1, n.
·~~cusaus -us, m. (succutio), a Bhakin.g,
ap. c.;w. a, thR /Jri{ll•l cloudllSI •ky, Verg.; b, da1r, t.>rifAt
We<il her, Cle.
suocutlo -cuss! -cussmn, s. (sul> ;1111\ quatio), Suebl -Orum, 111. Uie S11.U, a• iaportuat
to ah..J.1.:£ froin lHlnaith, sliake up, fling aloft, Ov.
German. nation. Hence, A. Suibla -ae, C. tM
•iicidua ·a -um (sucus), juky, full of 11ap, country of tAe Su.ebi. B. Suebloua .. -run, fir.
Pl in. loitgi 11g t-0 eM Suebi.
aiiclDum -1, n. (sucus), a111bf'.'T, Plln. aileo. 2. to be wollt, be~ Luer.
siiolDus -a -um (1mcus), of amber;
gutta, aue11eo, su~ri, eui!tum, S. (lnchoat. of 1neol,
be<:onie accustomtd, inurrd to; 111ilitiae, Tar.;
BUCO -i'111is, m. a 111vker (11. term applied to a llcuce, snevl, I am, l a1N wont; mi~~
uo;urcr) ; Uppios ,fo V1•lia .;1wone11 diets (a pun, sucvit, Luer.; and ayncop. pert, quod aoesti, u
because oll"Of in Gr1·ck sncus, and the Oppii you are wont, Cic.
were rich u11urtrs), Cic. Sueua -ae, t. L an old town. of Ou Aurllr.d, ( -a -um (sucus), /llll of in <.:ampan.ia., birtlL1•laet of th• pod lMciliu, now
tap, jllicy, BUCCUUM, l'lin. Stlsa. ,· hence, Sueu&nua -a -um, rdatiAg co
Suero ·Onls, m. a river'" Hil{.iania Tarra· Suuaa. IL a tow1• of lM Yolsci, i• l..oti•-.
co11t111iil, now Xumr; at ita mout i w1111 a town near the Ponti11e marsAu, gen. in full Su.-a
or the same name, now Cullen. Bence, Su- Pometia.
oronenalll ·e, q/ or Meir SV11ro; sinus, now Sueulonea ·w:n. m. " GGUw peopi.. .,...
GwV of vaUrt.cia. f!W(Urn .Suiu<m.s.
Sue 663 Buf
11leestila ..e, f. a .,,,all tow" "' &Pm,tua, -!ni1, a. a lmnk, drcrf7, clog. L
t1tt1r Mnn11 1'if1u1, now Castel iii S'..s.""la. Hence, Lit., Juv. IL 1'~ ••a lilld1'Ql\Ct, ohRlflch, Jn\',
SueeaiUanue -a ·wn. of or loclo1lgi11g w S1iua- euflli.mlno, 1. (sulftamen), to 1f•)1' by a dmg,
ubr. Suet.
8uitonlW1 -ti, m.. C. Suetonius Tra.nqulllull, eum&tlo -6ni11, r. (sutno), a blnwing "1» JTl'I·
1r111/111r of the. LiVt.!I of the Ca.t:.fara, a co11temporary ing "P• Plln.
of the you11ger Plinr.
BUffti.VWI •8 •Um (11nb-ft11vus), &omtu•hat ~l·
auetua ... ·Um, p. arlj. (from lltlt"llCO). L loUJ, 8net.
to: lntrociuiis, 'l'ac.; foll. by inOn.,
euft!o, 1. (sub and fto). L l11t.m1111it., to
\"erg., Liv. D. that to u•hick a pllrson w acmrs· blmo 11po11, l'tlart. II. Tr11.1111it., t.r blmo 11p, to
to11wl, """'al ; suet.a apud pnludes proella, Tac. puf up, inftnt•; a, lit., Plaut.; b, fig., se Hxorl,
Buivt = f:!uehl (q. v.). to be a11gr11 wit/~, l'laut.
aUfee (sutrea) -rl!tis, m. (from a Phoeniclnn au1f0ci.tio -Oni11, f. (auft'oco), ci cJioking
wonl =}1uf11t.), 111~ n1mie of the higl1ut ma9lltratt 1tra71.!1/i11g, 1tt.fvcati-01~. Pliu.
"'C11rtlvi{lr, Liv. autrioo l. (sub and faux), to 1tra11glt, choke,
IUftlu'ofnOL1. (sub 11111\ farcino), t.o 1tu1f full, su.ffomt~.
f.ll /1111, C"mm ; l'lnut., Ter.
i'. Lit., l'atrem, Cic. IL 1''ig., urbe111
et ltaliam l!.111e, to atarw: out, Cic.
llldfarri.niSus • -um (rar), mrryln.g ~; autrMlo .r0i11 ·fossum, s. (Mub amt fodio), to
mulio, Cic. pkrce ttnde'rn«1th, 1>~. dig infv, UC<J'lllJte,
autrero, 1mfferre (s11b 11.11•1 ft'ro). L to carr11 u1uknniM; a, of things, murum, &II.; sac.ilia
•1Hier, 7•11! umft,., Plaut. II. lo hol<l up, llUJ•· sutfossa, Cne11.; b, or Rnlmal11 or parta of the
port: 1, lit., rclkx., se i1u1!'1·rrc, fo cnrry 01use.IJ body, ro 1tuh /r01" lir1010; equos, Caes.
11 priqhl, sta ntl u11riqht, Suet. ; 2, ttg., to bear, ·onis, t. (11111fragor), a t"Otfng in
'"d111"t, s11.ffor; poe11a1D aui scel1·riot, Cle. ; eam fai•our of, ft1vourahlt t'Ote, s111•1>0rt; urlJan11., oj
mult.nin, Cic. the city; 111iht..'\ris, of the IQ/dirrs, Cic.; illi hon·
autrertu.e .. ·lllll (sub a111l fiircio), JtuJfuJ estlsshni aulfragntione consu lu.1 us petelllltur,
full, cmninud full, ::luct. Sall.; plur., exstlnctae (11u11t) Hllll'r:i~tiouea,
111lffenef'Aof0, :J. (Rllh &lld (ervc(acjo), fO Cic.
AMI, 11ur~·e ro11U'ur.',,1t Mt, Pli11.; p:w11., ~ulforvc· • ~rit1, m. (1mffragor), ct vottr ill
fi" -factus sum -f!O:!ri, to beco111e 101""what lwt, favour of uny one, a poHtiarl 1tUJ>J10Tter, Cic.
Plin. auf!ragi.tOrlu.a -a -um (sulf1ag11r), of or
autrea sufes (q.,·.). relati11g to cht 6'1J>p0rt of a ca11ai<late, Q. Cic.
anftibillum -1, 11. (snb amt ftbu!A), ci 10l1iU euftrii.glum ·Ii, n. (snb and fra.11~0), aorna-
oiJ/..w!} i·•il tl'<>rll by P'"i•st.s and l!'St£1il, Vur. th'1111 f>rr,Jrrn off, a pvtahenl, ullf'd \Jy the aucienta
aufflolo -f~i -rectum, s. (1mb and (l\cio). L for vutl11g: hPn1·c, 111eton., L the vote of fl
Transit., A. to puC 11nder; hence, to i111bue, i11i- citl.zl'n. at tM comitia and of ti j11ror in giving It.ill
pre•111al~, •11Jf1111e; lanitm metlicamenti>1, Cic. ; 1:utlict; a, lit., rcrre s11ffrn~i11111, to wv, Cle.;
1mi;11e11 nriicnt<•s oculos 11un·ect.i sa11guiue, V1·ri:. ~nffrA!{iUln It per 01111Jt'>1, all "°'"• Liv.; non pro-
B. to ad<t, caiue to 01mo up o,fltr; 1, lit., uliam hioori Jure tiUtlragii, Cic.; b, trausr., wte, j11dg·
ex ali11. ge11eran1to 11ulfh.-., prolem, Verg.; 2, 111e11t, upproval, '"l'Port; I umu, Cic.; populi,
tn111sf., to ch<>OU in the plaee of or cu a imbltitute 1101-. IL the ri!1ht 01· ptrmw,on to t>Otc, 11uJruge,
/l1r a1111 011~ ; con!lul in suft\ciendo colleira <.CCU·; allcui 11ulftai,rl1110 lm~rtlre, Liv.; siue
pe.tus, Cic.; collcgam sufflci c<'nsorl, Liv.; or 1111tfragio hnbcre ch"itatem, cUi.u1111hip without
bel.-11, ~I'm parvosque Q11irites suftlciunt, Verg.; t11efn11icltise, Liv.
e~p., Rulfcctns consnl, a cho111m in the place auftrago -l11h1, t (sub and frango), tht Aam
of rm.other, Liv. C. to provide, l'l&JlJllY; 1, lit., or h-011gl1 on the hind ltg of Cl quadruJl(•l, Plin.
ill!Ql s."ltis kilns 11uff\cit hnmorem et gravillas llUf!ra,or, I. dep. (su!fra~lum). L to i·ote
frugc11, Verg.; 2, ttg., to 11.!!-~: Da.11ai11 animos in any one• fai.vur; 11uttragand\ lil>ido, Cle. IL
vireaque i1ee11ndm1, Vcrg. IL lntm11sit., neut., Tmusr., Co befai•ottrahlt to. to approve, recv111111tn.d,
to be 111Jicie11t, cnou9k, adequate, to 1t11J/lu; a., impµort; cupi<litati alicuiu1:1, Cle.; •il>I, Cle.;
absol., n<'c 11cribae snttlcere, nee tahulae 11011111111. 11utli"agante fortlmi, Cic.
eon1111 capere J"iterant, Cle. ; b, with d11t., nee aufli'enii.tlo --011i11, f. (Mub nn•t !reno), ci
virea aufttcere culqu1un nee, etc., Caes.; o, with l1ri.tlling; traru1r., a cci11t11ting,fU11teni11g; lapldls,
Id and the acc., guo1111xlo nos ad p11tiend111n l'lin.
111mctamu11, Liv.; d, with ndversus 1mtl the acc.,
non au!fecturnm dnccm 111111111 et exl"rcit.11111 unum suftrlngo -frt'!gi ·fractum, 3. (1mb and fr1rngo),
adveraus quatnor populo:i, Liv.; e, with in and to brmk 11.11<.tn-neat/1, brcuk fa pl.Au; crura e&lli·
the acc., nee loc11i1 hi t1111111lo11 nee sulf\clt nrhor bu11, Cic.
In lgnt's, O\•.; f, with i11f111. =to be in a 7rositWn. eufru~o -mi:! -filgltnm, ~- (sub a111l fugio).
to, to be al..U; nee nos oh11iti coutra nee tl'111lcre I. lntnrn~it., to fly to u11y 1.fau; in tccta, Liv.
tantum tmtft<'hnus. \'erg.; g, with ut or ne anll IL Tra1111it., to Jl.11 /ro11i., evcuk, ahun; tal'.tum,
the enbj., Tac. Luer.
amrigo .ftxf ·flxum, 8. (sub 1md flgo), lo 11uffi1gium ·II, n. (1<11b and fugin), n p~ oJ
~n, ft:& beiuath: aliqnem cruci, Cic. rc}u!/t. L Lit., propi1111m1 sntt'up;ia, Tac. IL
'l'rnm1f., <l 1·tf11yt, f"(sort, re111.td11; urgcntiu111
auffimen = suff\mentum (q.v.). malnrum suH'ugium, Tnc.
auffimentum ·I, n. (sufHo), foce~, Clo. euft'ulclo -rulsi -fultmn, 4. (~uh and rulc·lo),
au.trio -ivl and -Ii ·it11111(11ub anti *Ho, fire, con· to ~11J1)()1't bt11eath, u11derpro1>, Luer.
nect .. t.1 with 8Vw). L lutrsn~it., to burn in1·rn,1~, auffiimfgo, 1. (sub nnd Cmnigo), to fumlgau
t'l4111il/(1U; thymo, ""erg. IL 'l'musit. to Jmni· from lielow, l'lin.
gae,, :pe'J'fum.e; a., lit., locum, Prop.; b, tlg., to
auffundo -fMI ·fn~um 3. (sub t\ncl fnmlo).
warn., J.~r.
lutl'itlo ~nfs, f. (sumo), afum!gat~, Plin. L 1, to p0ur beneath., ttpTtn1l thnnigh, s11ffo.<I'; a,
or fluids, animum esHe r••rtli s11tl'u~nm sa11g11in1>111,
autritor ~ria, m. (1111filo), a fumiflator, l'lin. Cic.; intuinuit. sutfm1a \'enter ab u11tla, drop111,
autritu ·tla, m. <aufHo), a flm1.igating, fumi· Ov.; b 1.orblushing, virglneum ore rubo1~111, Uv.;
gatio11., Plhi. rulio1· .nasinis111&e suffusus &'It, blu.JMd, Liv. ; ~.
eut 654
t.l w, c"lo" r, }Ill mith: aether l'.alon1 1111tf1ums, i1' UK ll!Q. bg a sldp, Veq. ; b. a lo"!T, ....,,,.
Cic. ; Jn.-ri111is """'"" 1mlf11ga, 11itc11tA~, Verg.; tnnd, \'erg.
Ilg., ani11111:1 111111;;, in cetcws 111alc\'oh:ulil suf· nll'ar (~_pllur) -Qrla. n. L ftalJilv, Uv.,
f1111U!:!, t:ic. IL to p<ntr out, pour illlo; 111cruo1, Hur. , \"t•rg. IL Meton., lif1AJ11i1Ji1, PcrL
9Uft'iiror, 1. (imu and furor), to abstract ixaulfttratlo -t'inla, r. (aulfur), 4 ~i• o/nJpAar
111tCr~tl !/, 11tml 11 tV«1y, l'lant.
the em-th, Men.
auft'u9cua -a -um (sul>nml fuscus), brot011Wt, contnittiug •ulftratu ·ll -nm (anlfnr), fell q/ nlpbr,
11ll1•hnr, 81tlplni~t11, Plin. Snb!it...,
dark bru11111, Tn<:.
auftbalo -(rni,., r. (sulfumlo), a nt§us£on; b, •r
aulftrata ·6rn111, hri11Uto11e ma1e1ta, Ma.rt..;
vei11.11 q/ 1t1lplrnr, P in.
fell!!:!, j<1u1u/ice, l'lin.
eulfiiriua -a ·Um (sulfur), 11tl1'1lunou;
Sitgambrl (Sygambrt. Sfgambrl) 11.fJ ua, Vcri;.
-urmu, 111, a po11>t1ful IJt>r111n11. tribt. AUJ., 86.- Sulla (Sylla) -ac, in. 11 Juuu of a fmeily ii.
gAmbir -hra -hruru, Suym1tb1ia1t. tu yt1W1 l'unulin, tu mnst alelrro.ttd 'l•tt«bu oJ
augg0ro -gc!isi -s•~stum, 3. (sub and gero). which 10011 L. CoruclillM Sulla, the rl.idlltor, rirol
L to rnn·y, bri141, la'f, 1111t, plua 1wdtr. A. of .Mmit1s. Hence, A. Sullanua (87lli.nual
Lit., fla111mnm cost1s ac11t, \"l'rg. B. Fig., -a -11111, SuUan; 11ult11t.., Sull&nl -Orum, m. tJu
to udt.l, sul1joi11, wwr.r; at huic i11eredibili tsl·nt- fl'lrti11a11.1 of Sulla. B. Sull&tiuio -lrt, u
entiae rntiunculrui, Ci.,.; o, to mrur. to fullow (in ~}1 to imita!t Sulia, Cic.
cirrlcr of timc), tn 1>111cc 11.ut; llrnto
Jlor11timn, Li\·,; c, to }rrtt 111•m srcutl,I/: Uruso Sulmo -uuls, m. a to1cn in Vu oou1dry ri/ tJ.c
l111l11s c~t s11~1·re11tl11~, l'.ic. II.. w f11r11i1h, sup- l'eliuni, hirlh1'/{lce of Ot'id, now S11lmo11a; bent~,
ply, afford ; 1, lit., nhcUl t4\la, \ c~. ; 2, Ilg., to iutj., Sulmonenaia -e, l-elu11ui.11g to Slllco.
•llJ•Jll !J, 11itic OJl11<Jrltrnity for; prodlgn di"itins sulphur= sulfur (q. \".).
uli111c11taqtw 1111tia tcll1111 SllgJ;t'flt, Ov.
8ulplcl1111 ·a ·Um, tut1iu n/ a .R<>lll4• gt'U,
suggestlo -uni!I, f. (A111(Kcro), a rhetorical Vu must tlilltillg11i.sl1t11l 111r:11~!Jer vf llllticlt. mu l:icrv.
/lff111"~ i11 which a1t oralor u11..~•t..:r11 a fjUt;ition Sulpicius HufuH, n ccltlntl.Ud j7trt.l '" ~ CilM nJ
t1.'hich Ii~ llfl.~ a~k~l hi111~t/, Q11i11L. CiCt'ro, 001..ul with M. M urocllau; hcucc, S11l-
suggestum. -i, n. (1111ru;cro). I. anything plcli.n1111 -a -um, Su/11i.cia1&.
hro1ie.t !•J.!, •t ha.111, mi~1t 1,fu, hti!lhl, clc1'Uli011,
Varr. IL Esp., a pltctform fro1n. whicli mi omtor
9ultla si vultis, v. volo.
1pokt. to tlU! 1ico1•le, i<0/dicr1, etc.; 1111111 !Sll~CMtum
eum,. fill, eHSC (an irregular \•erh. derived
atsce11<le11!4, Cic.; in !mi;getsti!I cousiJjtcre,- Cic. frolll two dillcn:11t root.II, l!Utn ahottened for
csum, mot E.~, G"!'. El:, whcuce ~i.,.& ; fni from
auggeatua ·flB, m. (sn~ero). I. an elaia- an olrl verb fuo, Gr. 4iv..,). L io be, w uUt. A.
tio11, hiiyhL, Cato. IL :E:cp., a 11l~or1J& for Gen., 1, a, of the exi11wuce or au 01',Ject, to bt,
<wl<lr11..•~ing tlu pwplt, soldieriJ, etc., a tribune, to ui&t, to bf in life; e&llO ca dlco, qnae ttrnl
Cic., CaC'H. ta11glve Jl0Kat111t, Cic. ; adlmc sun1ug, Cic.;
sugglll ... v. sngill ••• on111lum qul 111mt, qui fucrunt, qui futuri 1111nt,
auggra.n4la -c (sul> and grand18), 10mc101ult Cle. ; !ult, hl lin.11 lioot, Tib.; fuhuus Tron, fuit
large, Cic. Ilium, Ycrg.; nullus sum, 1 cr~.i RO lo1l!7", I aa
euKIP'8dlor -gl"'('MAU!4 811111, s. <lep. (snb and lost, Cic. ; b, of tho p1"t'14Cnce of a condition, to
l>e, to t>.rist ; 11011 t'.st pcriculuni, Cic. ; quid tibi
gm•lio1J, w gu to, aJlproach, to nttac:k, 'l'l\c. est ? tt•hat ii 11~ mauer u.-ith yoii r Cle. ; o, w bl
euggruncla -ac, r. the MvtS of a house, Ynrr. cit " l'l11a:, to livt at; qunm Atheui.s ftui;iiem,
aii.gllli.tio -•)uhi, r. (snglllo). L a livi1t or t:ic. ; d, to bt in a ttrtai.n dale pr CORditW•;
blnck llpol 01& the sl.:in, ttoml, bnti«, Plin. IL In servitnte, Cle. ; In ape, Cle. ; e. Co rat~ to fk.
1''ig., a t11<1ckin!], i11..•11lti11!/, Liv. pe1td u1ion; totu111 In co est, ut, etc., Cle.; 2.,
euglllo. I. to beat blnck and bltu. L Lit., jl("OJ•le es11\!Clul 1•hrruics, a., 1m11t qui, tlu-n an ..,_
Plin. IL Fig., to fos-11.U, 1c.ffrollt; ullquc111, Liv. or tltillqs l('M or tchich ; (•) with intlk.
when cert:\ln dcflniw persons or thinbs ans
~O. snxi, suctum, 3. to auck. L Lit., Cle. meant, sunt qnl nudent, Cic.; (/J) wiU1 thf' l!iuhj.
IL 1"ig., to suck ill; cum lacte uutricis crrorem, when the llet'MOllS or things nre imle!ll1it..·, i;imt
Cie. qui dtca1it, Cic.; b, mlhi est (res), 1 llm-c lltJIN·
aili (ll:Cn!t.). Q/ himst(f, Mr8t(f, U..'ltlf, th..-m· thinj/); cui 110111e11 Arethusa est, Cil'-; c, t-sse
telvu; <lat., sibi, to lihnstlf, etc.; sc, himMV, acl or npuu aliqnem, to bt at tJu i;.()U.W q/, '" risil;
etc. ; pron. reflex., l"eferring to the next tire- al•nd tc c11t, ut volumul(, Cic.; d, cs:o.e cuin
Ce<liui; 1mhjcct. I. Gen., se ip.'lum n111at, C1c. ; a iqno (o.liqua); (11) to bt in tlv h1111$1t of, to bt i•
sui con11ervanrll cau.11."\ Jlroful!(cl'llnt, Cic. i.. qui a t'00111 witli; e11set no quis lutus cnm eat-..arc.
hoc t1i\Ji n11111e11 arrognverunt, Cic. II. ~t1p., Ck.; (/3) to be trith, go al>Otll with; crnt 11,.1110
A. 11ib!&_ ethic rlat., quiilnam sibl clamor vellct, quicum essem liheutius, Cie.; e, eJ\5C alieui
Liv. .1::1. ad se, &}'Ud se = at his house, Cic. cum aliquo, to hmic Co do trith; sil>i cum Illa
(strcngt!1cncd form, sepse se lpse, Cic.; 11e111et, nihll futurum, Cle.; r, e886 Rb allqno, tu hdo..g
l:lor., LI\".). to or bt reb1url Co; crat ab Ari11tot.-lc, Ju tm1
..,.(rUtotelian, Cle. ; vide, ne hoc 11it a me.
ailile -is, 11. (sus), a pigsty, Vnrr.
~ /or 'llU, Cic.; g, eeee pro aliquo, t.o be
lliUllua -a ·um (1ms), of or relating to awint, i11 tlie t•lace of, (;le.; h, eRIMI iu, with a\JI., to b.r
'1Dini8!&. I. Ac~j., caro, Juv. ; caput, Liv. IL
ii& IO'l1Ul writit1f1; quid fuit tn litt.ori><? Uc. B.
Bubst., -ac, f. (sc. cam), pork, Plln. to be the fact, lo be rrollJI ao: as wit lsta., tltat i..• 111,
auloo, 1. (sulcus), to furrow, plough, cut Cle. ; 110, t•.sp., a. est, it u
Ul,rotigh. L Lit., hu11m111 vomerc, Ov. IL good,· Cle. ; 80 aUIO, 1 '°• sit lta, b< ;e
esto, Cle. ; est ut or witL
Tn11111f., o., to /Ttrraw : 11erpP11s su II-at arenrun, lnfln., U ii the <XLM that; est, ut id d~t. Cic.;
Ov. ; c11tcm nigie, to wrinklt, Ov.; b, to/urrow b. est u\Jl =at, etc. ; o, e11t qu.d, 'lritb
=to sail orer, 1iau through; vatln carmll, Verg.; l111lic. or aul>j. or ut nud the sul!}., tllce u l"ftt-"'.).11
undas rate, Ov. /or, J (you, etc.) haw~ to, m11• to; wag11
auloua -i, m. (connected witb l>A1r.S<), a fur· est qnod gratuler, Cle. ; nlbil eat quod or cur,
row•. L Llt., sulcmn huprimerc, Cic. ' IL ture ii tw 'for: nihil est~ quod gw.t.i.u.
1.'rausf., a, a c;uUi.1ig like a furrow, UK furrow cut Cic. IL A11 ropulativo verb= to be ..-:Aiiof
666 aup
or ir& "1»M 10L1y: a, with an a•ll., snhKL, or pron., 81111UD6Hre.. atl v. (= sunmao opere). _.,
i11a,,,d11ra 1e11 •·std a11m1111 ntioal, Cie.; b, with .v;
11uich, t.DCU1Ti1'01 c1c.
••Iv., (a) .. r 111an11er, 11ic ut, Ck.; 111ibl pulchre Mt summOl'iMl.a = RU l11n11">8U8 (q. V.).
nr }'11ld1ro est 11tiht, Cic.; (JJ) or vlacc or ti111e 1
1rn11t pr<~ul ab lrnin>< .. 111e111orls 1 Cle.; o,
aumm.Otor 11ulm1otor (q.v.).
with g1·11it. or nt.I., le> be nf a ~tc1'tl tlllt"Tll or aummov6o = 11ul.11noveo (q. v.).
l.:in1l; (<1) with i.:cnit.. , 11111111111 ut slnt laborla, eummUla -ae, r. (dl111. or auuwa), a lUU.
Cir'.; esp., 111agni, tauti, t'tc., e:i!IP.(, w be of ~ti ..~. ::icll.
Aiqk or nf $llch v.illl.I', de., Ck ; fm111t'utu111 fuil eummua -a ·um, superL or a11peru11 (q. v.).
t~nti, Ck.; (JJ) with alil., a1·gro 1·11qK•re essP., to
~ ill, Cic.; !:lit1111s 1·1\ mm1te, $0 di.•1io.<f'd, Ck. ;
aum.muto =11ub111uto (q.v.).
d, with ~enit. to tXpres.'4 hdoni;i11!( to, (a) to bi! aiuuo, 11u1111J11i, 11u1uptum, 3. (eub and "mo),
n.u·1 01c1', t11 b'lnng to; Galli:\ est Ariovl>1tl, Caes.; to t.1kt, lay hold of. L Lit., A. Oen., fu11tN11,
~) to I~ 1kmta:l to; 1110 Pompeii wtu111 t>:1!41•, Pla11L; lt'!(t'lll In 11umu", Cle.; 1iccu111&111 111u-
Cic.; (')') to he a mark of, to bt tlu nat11rt oJ, to be tu1t111, to IH>rn•w, Cic. B. ~('., a_ to llU.:. /fir
r11arurtui~t~ of; cuiusvls homlnh1 e11t erntre, 11.w. to plli 01'; cnkeoll et ve.itim1mt11, Cic. ; b,
Cic. ; w with V<lM. pron., est tuum videre, Cle.; to li1111; ge11u11 11ig11onuu, <.:ic.; or, to Aini:
e, With :;euit. or gerund., to UTl.. for, /Ulve )or 11av.. 11i._9ic.: o, to ~ apply, 1111lpWN .: ~pe~1u.
'iL!I ohjt1·l; 11uocl couserv&ndac libP.rtatli1 f11erat, Ter. u. 1'1~ .• A.. Ot·n., teflljlUl!I c1l11, Liv.;
Sall. ; f, with <lnt. to ex1•re11!I oh!ect, (A) to /H' fo 1111pplkinm, to 111mi.Yt, Liv. B. 1-:.'lp., a, to
lh.t 1>l<1•f of. to be; Romnm l'&l•Ut Latio .es:w, Liv.; chi>Wt, 011t, Mltrt; 111ilii "t11Ji11111 pltiloaopl1lat<,
(ti) to IH! MJl(lb/t of: non esKe solvontlo, Cic. ; (y) C1c. ; •lie111 delil1t•ra1111t1111, Cac11.; b, tn llrl.w
to tw, to pro rt 1 lmpeditnento es~e lllicul, Cle.; i~ ha11d, to ~iii; bellum, Mall.; lnimlcitl&11,
g, with ad and U1e acc., to be 8t1'Viceablt for; Cic.; o, 111 ui11co11r>ie, (a) to m~11tion; h1l111iner1
~ 'lllae aunt 11.d iuceutlla., Caes.; b, with de u11to11, Cic.; (ti) to '"·•'°'"• a."l.fert 11mi1•tai•;
nn<l the abl., to tre<U of, be about; ht liber, qui eat beato11 el!.M(I dernt 11n111p11i:1ti, Cle.; d, 111 1111.~Hlflll;
de auimo, Cic. ; ltl eiit, hoc eat, that ia, or 110111e· arrogantiam sihi, Cit!.; e, to ctrrogutc to uMM(/,
ti111ea whl.·1' ii cu much. cu to ai~, Cle. (archAlc t.1u 111io,. 01uMlf; 11ibi p11rte:s imperutori&ll, Cic.;
for11111. e.icunt = erunt, ap. Cle.; Cllil.t =sit, Vcrg.; milli nou tautu1u 1u1uo, Ck.
fuvimuit = fuim~ ap. Cic.). aumptlo --Onia, r. (sumo), ~ pn•w of a
6'11llogi111n, Cic.
•iimen -ltli.i, n. (-= Rugmcn, f'rom 1111go). L
a ter.J, 1•1p, Lue ii. IL Esp., tlu 'IUMUr of a .ol!1 aumptlto, l. (lnteol!I. or autuo), to tub ,.
(P~tce111ed a deliC4cy by the H.omau11); 1, lit., large <(IUlnti.liu, Plin.
.Plant..; 2, mt'ton., a aow, pig, Juv. •umpti'ii.rlua -a -nm (11um11tu1.<), of or ,....
•umma -ae, r. (Rummnit), tlu highe.,,. L tM lutin11 to U)!C•"'• •u111plwar11; lex, Cic.; ratiou~,
'ltighut J>llW!: qui voliis 11111n1111\t11 onlini11 con· Cle.
aillique conc.eclunt, Cle. IL tlu chit,/ 1nntln", au.mpt6o.i. adv. with co1111iar. (sumptu·
tnai1' thi'l'l{l, most in~11orta11t 7ioil'l. A.. tit'n., 0111111), fo a coatl.y, UJltll.iliVt 111n11ner, "'"'P' iu:nut1,
lp!l&e 11u111mae rennu utt1uo 11entP11tilLl', Cic. B. Cic.
Kap., 1, ~ wholf, tot<ll1ty; excrdtu11, Cae11.; -a -urn (1111111pt1u1). L Ol
lielli, 111pre1"" co11111..imd, f',l\ct1.; rcrum or 011111111111 thmg,., wstl11 1 upt11¥i1"t, 1ll'llr, 111rn1iit1101u; L-enn.,
~rum, tlu highe.•t powu, Cic.; 111! ><11111111&111, adv. Cle.; luJi 11u111vtuo:<iott'K, <.:ic. D. or llelllOlll,
i• a word, in 811ort, Cic. ; sn In 11u11111tn, 01' the utn11:'f1gull.l, 11rvdigal; ho11w 1 Cle.
wAolt, Cic.; 2, tkt °"''" total of a1' aino11nt;
equitum magnum n1t111cru111 ex omni auttuna
aumptua ·ilil, m. (1rnmo), c01t, upellM;
11111111•tu111 fe.cere in re111 1 or i111pe111lcn•, or In·
ecp:1rare, Cic.; 110 c~p., a a ""Ill of wwm.11; 1111111ere, or )'Onere, Cir·.; 11u111pt1111e pan:a.~. Cic. ;
hJ\c trnmmi r~em1•U, Ck.; b, a. tita.'IS, ~11a1i.tUN; 11110 Ht1111ptu fungi olfkin, Cic.; plur., 111im1cndl
J•meolae, Ck. sunt 11u111vtus, Cic. (tlat.., often 11uu1pt11, Cle.).
Bumm&nua -1, m. nn okt r.nmnn ridty, to 8iinl6D (-lum) ·Ii, n. (!.01:v.o .. ), a 1wo-
tl'lw1" liglltn'n!I• h'll night 1l'en n.1Criwt, Cic. m111llory f""111ing W. 1110$& 1t>11th.trly fl()i11t o/
llUDUDi.rlum -II, n. (a11m11111), "" lpiloint, Attic<r, now Ca1io Colo11ni, with. n teniplt q/.
abrid1J"V1tl, 111m11111ry, 8c11. Jilh.e1w and a t.1101' of tlu 1111nt 1u.rnle.
nmmu -alls, c. (11u111111us), of high binh, 860. sill, slltum, 3. to u1r, w10 togrthr.r, stit.-1'
"°'"'• iUu.:driou1, l'lant.
•nmmi.tlJn. adv. (1111mma), 1liyh.ll11, 811m·
tofltlhtr, }oin IOflr/her; teg1unc11ta corporum vel
kxt.a vel sutll, Cic.
Marily, britr.ff11: qu:\1! longiorem oratluuein <le· aiiopte. v. 11uus.
1itkru11t su111111atim pcr:1cli0cre. Cic. eiiCSvitaurilla (afiCSvltaurilla) -lum, n.
nmm&tua -tis, m. (11u1111uW1),. tM chuf (11u11, ovi11 and taurus), n p11rijlcaJory 1KJ.Cri).<¥ oJ
O•k.ill'1rily, Luer. a r.ig, a 1Au1•, and a lrull, Liv.
•ummi, a.tlv. (sum111us)1 in &ha 1'ighul c;e. aiipelles -lectma, ab!. -lectlle aurl ·ltietllt,
tr«, atremf!l11; uffidosus, Cic.; coutendere, Cic. r. furniture. L Lit., lwl1uholtl fu.rnih'n1; mu Ita
IJUIDJDergo::..:: snbmcrgo (q. v.). et laut.a 1mvelle:r, etc. D. Fii:., or11111Mn.l, ''lH~p­
nmmlnl•tro suhmi11i11tro (q.v.). '1U!11t; amico11 parare, optimam vit.MJ 1upellect-
1mmmteej = submill&O (q.v.). lletu, Cil'·; oratoria qua:;i supe.tl11x 1 Cic.
I. aiiper ·a ·Um, v. superus.
aummiqtm iiuhmis11im (q. v.).
2. aiiper (tirlp). L A•lv., l, or place; a, o"'1',
nmmtmo submlMio (q.v.).
4'x>1v, rn tkl tcp of; eo super t11t11a hipoclalla
nmmtuua sub1tti1111u11 (q.v.). injiciunt, Caes. ; b, =
O:vw8o, frn11' aho1'f: Ill•
aummltto = suu1nltto (q. v.). perque humane harathrum e<>rnatur, \"or;r.; 9,
Bamnioenlum -Ii, n. (sub anu moenia), a of other rrlat101111; a. bui.du; s111~r qnam,
pl11« ' " &nur fM111tnU.l by co111.1M11 proeti.111tu; 1norwLvr, Liv.; 1lcderatque 11uper, Ov. ; b, tlltrt-
hence, adj., SummoeAIIUaua -a -um, reluli'l'l{l upo1t; 11uper tdle11 elfumllt voce11, \"erg. ; o,
&o tJu Sumuwenium. beyond, more; 1upe.r quam, '!IM>re than, Hor. ;
aati111111~rque dlxl, '''011gha1'd wwrt tlm11.1110t'f]",
81UDJD01eati = 11ubmoleate (q. v.). Ck.; dlover an4 ab"ve; quill llUl'er aanguinla
~lutu.9 = 1nbmolest1t11 (q. v.). (ellAll), lv. D. Prep. with abl. and acc.
lllUDm6Uo = 1ubmooeo (q.v.). A. Wltb abl., 1, 01 place, owr, Abow; enaia
sup 656 sup
nper cerv1ce pendet, Hor. ; 2, of time, during; and English brow), thl! projecting parl of n•y~
nocui super media, Verg.; 3, of relation, roii· feel, ridge, 1mn11iit; tra.mltis, \'er,; ; t.um111i, U•.
cerning, about; hae auper re ecril>am ad te, Cic.; aliperourro, S. to run beycnd, 111rpass, P~
4, of measure, beyond; super hi11, Hor. B. With
acc., 1, of place, over, a/JQVtJ; a, to express re- ai\peredo, 3. to eat upon or, Plin.
maining o,·er 1tn ol:iject, super aspidem assidere, auperimlneo, 2. to project over, o"IY'/"Ulp:
Cle. ; aqua super montium jugit ooncreta erat, oumes ,. iros, \"erg.
Liv.; b, of po11ition, (a) orer, abo11e; super tem- aiiperemclrlor, s. dep. tc du 11po11., Plio.
plu:u circaq ue, Liv.; (Jj) beyond; super N umidiam auperfero ·tllli -l!J.tum -ferre, to ro.rry owr,
Gat>tulos accepi111us, :;all.; c, of motion, ORT or bear O<'«r, l'lin.
bl!yo1ld a plaa; super Sunium navigans, Liv. ;
2, of degree, beyond, owr, a.boue; a,,. lit., super aiiperfiolea -Iii, r. (super aud facies), tk
ceteros honoree, Liv.; superretem, Llv.; vulnus top, 1u.rf~, •u.ptrjki.a of anythtl'Jg. L Gen.,
super vulnus, wound Oil wound, one wouiul aftn' kstudinum, Plin. II. Esp., legal t.t., .tamdA.itlf
(e.g., a buUdinp) plaad. on tht ground .so ai to bf.
more uum: 1
awJt~ Liv.; b, trnnsf., of superiority, beyond,
aetas et fonna et super omnla OO'IM to it, Cic.
Romanorum nomeD te feroclorem facit, abo~ lriiperfio ·fli!ri, ro be otitr and abot<c, Pl.&ut.
a.ll, Liv. (super sometimes put after ita cue in
Luer., Verg., &Dd Tac.).
aupertbrua -a -um,fi.rtd 01£ tllt t-0-p, Li•.
= riperflore.ceD.8 -enti.11, blooatn.g all...,.,
•itperi. (sc. parte) supra. L Adv.= Pliu.
over, Luer. IL Prep. with acc., ow:r, Luer.
auperflt.ltaa -AU., t. (superftuus), "'P"'"
.Uperi.bW. -e (supero). L that can be ftuity, Plin.
IUCeruUd; murua, Liv. IL that oan be con· auperfluo -ftuxl, 3. to flmo Ot"er, or;er}or. L
quued; non est per vim 11nperabilis ulli, Ov.; Lit., of water, superfluentis Nill receptacnl£,
nulli11 casllJus superabilea Romani, T&c. Tac. IL Trausf., a, ut nos euperflue11•...-s JU·
•iiueradclo -addldl -addltam, s. to add oi:er veuili quadam diceudi impuuit.Ate et licellta
tind a"Oove, mperadd, Verg. reprimeret, Cic. ; b, to ba in 111.perjfuitr, bt 11tptr-
8UperAdorni.t\Us ·a •Um (!iUper and adon10), Jluous, Tac.
adon!M on the ttUrface, Sen. 8Uperfliiua -a •Um (superftuo), over}oriltf,
8Upera.D8 •linti!I, p. adj., Only in ('Ol!lpar. n.prr)hWUI, tit!ll.
and superl., prevailing: supcrantior iguls, Luer. aiipertundo ·flldi -rnaum, s. L "' pow
aiipiri.tor -oris, m. (11upero), cnu 1011.o over- oier, pour upo1~; 1, lit., a, of water, 1uperfuudi,
c:oma, a conqueror, Ov. middle, to ou.rjUJw, spread it$dJ over; circua Tiberl
stiperbi,adv. (superbus),proudly, haughtily; snperfneo irrigatus, Liv.; b, or other things, to
$/'1"«U.i about, thro11• a11011t; 1111tgnam vim tduruw.
snperbe et crudeliter impen1re, Caes. ; legatos 'fal".; pa~s., bUpe1fit11<li, as nii<ldle, to bt ptJKnd
appell&re BUJ>eruius, Cic.; 1•reces superbit,,1ime
re1n1dlare, Cle. 011, t-0 run on; lioist.:s superfusl, ru:sh\ng in•••
lier$, Liv.; 2, transl'., superfuu<lere se, tu 1prli0il
aiiperbla -ae, f. (superbus), pride. I. ID a itseif 011t, spre1ut; sn1.erludit se (reguum lb...-e-
b&<l sense, pride lm11ghti11US; ofteu with arro- do11iac) in A>1iam. Liv. IL io corrr wi.111 Cl<)·
gantia and in11-0ie11tia, Cic. ; superliiatn ponere, thi11.g, 'l'nc.
lay curidt!, Hor. IL l 111t good se1Jse, lofty 1pLrit,
11.onouroble pride; su111e superbiam, Hor. aiipergredlor -gressus sum ·grMi, 3. dep.
(llUJ'Cl" arid gradior), to fJO ot>er or ~yolld, owr·
at\perblbo, 3. to drink upon, Plin. altp; Ilg., to uucd, aurpau; aet.ati.<1 auae feJlliD&t
at\perbUlcua -a -um (superbus and faclo), vukhnt1111i11e, Tac.
91aki11-!7 proud, 1naking haughty, Men. auperl. v. superus.
superblo, 4. (superbus). L to be proud, auperllligo. 1. to bind°"• bind ovrr, Plin.
Miuvhty, to pride orvulJ on: with ahl., f•>rma, eupertmmtneo, 2. to ut'erhang, Verg.
Ov. ; foll. by quod, Tac. II. Tra11sf., of things,
to be splendid, auperb, Prop. eu~rtmpendena ·entis (super and im-
euperbua -a •Um (super) V7rEp>i4>a~. = pe11dcu), ort:rlw11gi11g, Cat.
aupirtmplio, 2. wftll qttiU/ull, Verg.
raisirtg oMM1./ above oth.trs, prond. L In a bad
sense, 1, lit., of persons, proud, h.a.119/ity; a, superlmpono (·1.()11ui) ·p&iltum, 3. f<) lay
ahsol., superlmm se prnehuit in fortuua, Cle.; oi·er, pfou 11po11; saxum iugens 111aehinl, br
Fupt·rbion·111 te pe(·unia fa.cit, Cic.; superuissirna 1nta11& of a machine, Li\·. ; mo11u111euto (Jat.),
familia, Cic.; i;11111a111e ur tlie yo1111g1·r Tarquinius, ;;, Liv.
last king of Rome, Cic.; b, with ab!., p1·oud of;
pecuniii, Hur.; 2, trarn1f., of things or tract aiiperlDdldeu -entis, Ju.Iii~ .frva abolit,
euhject>1, nculi, 0\ aures, Liv.; virtus.L Cic.;
judici11111 aurium snper1Jissi111u111, Cle. l.L. In a aii~rtncuba.Da -antis, lying 011tT or 11.poa;
good sense, 1, of i'erno11s, di,;ting1tished, remark· SllJ>t.:rrncubans lto111a11Ul'I, Liv.
abU; Atridne, H11r. ; 2, or thir1•Ts, brilliant,
t11ag11ijl<:ent, SJ1lr111li1l; trlumphu11, iior. Ov.
auperlDcumbo -culJili, 3. to l&. °"'
lu o*1", ·a -um (supercilinm). 1e11tTt, eupertndUO ·tH -utum, 3. to pMl Oil OM",
gloomy, 8en. Suet.
aAperclllum ·Ii, 11. the eyebrow: plur. (and superlngero (-gessi) -gestum, s. to IA.row
often l!ing. in collective sense). th• eyt/,row$. L 11)'011, hrap U)JUll, Pliu.
A.. Lit., a, Ring., altero ad 111ent111n depres>10 auperiDjiclo -jeci -jectum, s. to t.\row: cm-,
BUJ><'l'Cilio, Cic. ; b, plur., snperciliorum aut throw upon; 1-al'llll 1rou~e:i, Verg.
remissio aut contractio, Cie.; capite et super·
ciliis rasis, Cle. ll. Met.on., a., tltt eyt/1row1 auperlDl ... v. superill •••
eorttracted =gloom, swerity, sternnR,18; eupercilil afipirlnm .•. v. superimm •••
eeveri matroua, Ov.; quid de snpercilio dicam, aupirtnp ... v. euperlmp •••
quod tum hominl1Jus 11on eupercihu111 sed pignua
reipuulicae videhatnr, Cle.; b, pritlt, arroga"l\C4; ai'iperlDaterno -stnvi -atritum, &. ,.
lmnc Capuae Camp!!no B!Ipercilio ac reglo 11piritu 8prraJ o,-er, la.v oi·er; tabulas, Verg.
quum videremna, Ci'!. IL (like U4>pur, '°
aiipirlDtigo. 3. COWT OPCT, PJl.n.
sup 667 sup
dJM§rlor -&is, comp. otsftp6ru11 (q.T.). dpenca.ndo (aiipenoend.o) s. to dimb
riperjAcno -j~ct -jectmn (-jactum), S. L to aomno up, climb ovtr; au1-entcandens vig1furn strata
Orovi oi>er, thr0t0 upon : membra superjf'Cta cum corpora, Llv.
t-ill\ veste fovet, 0''· ll. to throta over,ftow ovtr; dperacribo -acrlpsl -scriptum, s. to !Driu
1COpulo11 snperjacit nncla pontus, VetJ. III. Co orer or upon, Suet. .
fXi'ttrl, 90 beyt1111l; thtt-m augendo, Liv. (partic. siiperaed~o -11Ml -sessum, s. L to m
also superjactus, Sall., Tac.). abnrt, .11it up011, Suet. IL Fig., to ~ abol'e anr·
riperjacto, 1. to irpriflg owr, leapowr, Plln. thing, rt.frain from doing anything, omit, l«.11111
off; with abl., boo labore, Cic. ; proelio, Caes.;
Bdperjectio -6UiR, f, (llUperjacio), 4 thro&D- with lnOn., loqui apud vos, Liv.
,11!1 ora; fl~.• UU{lgtration, hyperbole, Quint.
riperjii.mentiriua -li, m. tM chief groom, aiiperstagno, 1. to aprtad out in to a lake, Tac.
Mali of tM dri.rtrs of beast-$ of burdni., Suet. lliipereterno -stri\'l -stratum, s. &o strt10,
dperli.bor, S. lo, sli<U om-, Liv. iprtail ortr or upon ; superstnitl1 Gallorum
cumulle, Liv.
llflperJatfO -Onfs, f. (SUp<'rfero), rbet. t.t., aiipe~ -stltis (super 1md ato). L atand-
m19gmitioB, h1fPeTbole; verlt.atis, Cio. (ng near, pruent, witnessing; 111111 utrlsque super·
dperli.tua -a -um, p. a.OJ. (from superf'ero), stitibus praesentibus (old legal formula}, a1•. Cle.
t.mggtraud, hyperl>oliml; Vt>rt.l, Cle. IL iurriving,. lfring ~yond another; (ci) with
sttperllDo -HM -lltmn, s. to nuar owr. be- dat., ut sui slbi liloeri snperstites essent, Cic.;
111tar, Plin. (/J) with gen it., alterius v-.atrdm auperateR, Liv.;
dpermando, S. to cA'1D •JJO'I' or aJkr any- allquem non solnm vitae, sed etilun dignltati1
11"1g. Plin. suae superstikm relinquere, Cic.
dpermeo, 1. Co go oi.-er, JlCU' ortr, Plln. si.pentltlo -6niR, r. (1iuper and sisto). L
dpernaa ·litis (supernus), bdm&¢ng to th« 1uperslition, superi;titiou /«.tr, /anaticEnn; 1, lit.,
anllla, etc. ; C'.apU quadam auperstitione anlml.
•pper eo11ntTJ(, esp. lo tM UPJlt'r (Le. tM .Adriatic) Cle. ; supeNtitiooem tollere, Cle. ; 2, meton.,
iea, Plln. . a binding, au·e-inspiring oath; una superstltto
d~to, 1. Co mm •pon, mm OM", Sen. superis quae reddita divl11, Ve~. II. t:tttrnal
sflpel'Di.tu9 -a -um, growing over, Plln. rtligioua 008'Tra11ce; quae11am ilia superstitio,
dpe~e,. adv. (snpernus),_ upicardl; a, froM
quod numen, interrogat, Tac. ; in plnr. =- re·
Gbot>t, Liv.; b, OI\ Uu upper ride, abcnoe, Hor. ligio-.u ohstrva'MU or ctrtmonia: bQs~s operatl
superstitionibus, Liv.
sttpernus ·a -um (super), abolit, ovtr, on tlu aiiperstltlisi, ad'f'. (su1terstitiosru1), auper-
•'l'Jltr ride, on tM top; T1u1culum, lying high, ltit ioualy, Cle..
Hor.; numen, celestial, Ov.
dJM§ro. 1. (su~r). L Int111.n1it., to bubow; aiiperatltliaua -a -nm (111l}>erstlt10). L
1111.erstitious; phllosophl, Cic. IL prophetical,
hence, 1, to Ot'f!r-tap, project; a, lit., superant
eapitA et cervlcibus altls, Verg.; br transf., (a) Plaut.
millt. t. t., to ha vt Uu upper Aand, to oe co11.q1uror siiperstltoi. 1. (i1u(lerste11). I. Transit., lo
lo conquer; \ irtute facile, Caes.; per bitluuni
0 preserve alive, r.;nn. IL Intranait., to bl owr
equeatri proelio, Caes. ; (fJ) In other relations a1Ml abovt, Tf"mllili, Plaut.
lo llavetu UP'JJtt' Aand, llaw SM prefertntt, ~ siipento -st.HI, 1. tO 1ta nd over or upon ;
ftperfor, ov.m;o11U, 1urpaM; superat sententia with <lat., corpcribus, Liv.; with ace., aliquem,
Caea.; tantum superantibus malls, Liv.; totide1~ \'erg. ; absol., Liv.
formi auperante JUVencae, of surpas1ing b«luty aiipentriio -struxi ..tructum, s. to build
Verg.; 2, to be ttmai11i1'!1; a, Co Bbound, ~ Ol't'T or upo11, Tac.
'" ab1oidana; partem su1oerare mendosum est aiipenum -ml -ease, to be ot'~ <ind above,
Cic.; auperante multitu<lin~, Liv. ; b to re: either as r~uinant or as superfluity. A. Aa
1114£11, to be _owr; si qu~ superaret ~cun!ae remnnnt, to be left, remain ; a or things, dnae
retullues, C1c.; esp. (with, or J10et. without partes, quae mihi supersunt 11\nstrandae, Clo.;
viti), to nmuiin in lift, to rurvhoe, lire: uter biduum ,;upe1't"r:i.t, Gic. ; quod superest, tht Tul,
eorwn vttl. auperavtt, Caea.; superatne et vesc- \'erg.; qnoo supere!!t, fU for the rut, Cle. ;
ltur anra 1 Vcrg.; o, to be too mueh · qnae 1mperest, foll. by 111ftn., Liv., Ov.; b, of persons,
Jugurthae fesso et 1118JOribus astrlcto su~nwer­ (a) to be left, to; et auperesse videt de
ant, Sall ; d, to flow over with, overjf.0111 with.; tot moclo millibus unum, Ov.; perexigua pars
victor superans auimls, Verg. II. Transit., 1, illiu!I l'X<'rcitus superest, Cat>e.; (fJ) to 111rviva 0•
lo nu alJOl"!, BUrmount, Ot't: tt>p, 11wunt CUC4!!M • alicui, Liv.; pugn11.e, Llv. B. to be 1uperft1«11U, Verg. ; summas ripas flumini~, Caes.; abound; vereor ne jam s111>t·res11e mihl verb~
ben~e_, tmni;f., to ot'trlop; turris Ruperat fontis
1111tes, quae dixeram defutura, Cic.; in a bad
faatJa;um, Caes.; 2 a to !ail by, to T01J.1td: pro- sen~, to bt superjluo111, to ~ redu1ulai1t; ut
montorium. Liv.; l>, iransf., (a~ to penttrau to; ncque absit qui<lquam neque supersit, Cie.
clamor superat lnde castra hostlurn, Liv.; (IJ), to IUTJ>aBS, UC~, acew; aliqtwm doctrinii, aiipertego -texi -tectum, 3. to coi:er owr,
Cic.; omnes in re, Ctc.; (y) to m:ercm1v. co1iq1itr; Tib.
bello auperatos esse Arvemos a Q. Fabio ~fnximo auperurgeo, 2. to prt111 from a.bore, Tac.
Caes.; Ilg., lnjurias rortunae facile vcteru~ aiiperus (rarely aiiper) -a -um (from adv.
phllosopborum pracceptis, Cic. super), compar., aiiperior: superl., auper-
stiperobrio -tu-a.tum, 8. to cnwr over, Prop. rlmus, supremua and aummua. L Posit.,
•tiperpendeu-ent11, owrll.anging; saxum, auperua -a -um, 11pptr, th1 1.L]>J>P.r, higher; 1.
Liv. gen., res i;uperne_, c.ic. ,; ma:e superum, the upptr
RperpODO -pOsO.i -p611ftum, :J. L to lay, soo, i.e., the Adriatic i:ita, Cac.; 2 1 esp., of things
fiaa, put ~rt.or 1'po1&; auperpositorn ca pi ti on or above the earth, superis ab oris, frorn tM
decus, Liv. I lo aet owr, put in a staUon of upper world, Verg.; hence, subst., aJ_ aiiperi
nUtontr; in marltimam regionem auperposltus -orum, m.; (ci) the godl abo~, Verg.; \P) th~ 11Un.
Li~ , on the earth: ad superoa ftetl, Verg.; b, adpera
~ .. -um, a.\awd, acm_ped ab<Jw, -6ru111, n. the hrights; supera alta, tht MighU oJ
qf heaven, Verg. lL Cumpar., ripirio\" -6ris.
sup 568 sup
m. and f., ellplrlwl ..mta, n. Af4Aer, t&P'Jll!1", and 1
pmtit., tM 'lipper or Aigher JJOrl of a111fflai"'fl; Verg.
,,.,I •p, Hor. ; }'Ot!t., glebu. to ,.,.. Off',

~ lit., &ll of place, pars Mflis, Caca.; domua, dpiau -a :um (root SUP, O~. W-nof). z.nt
t,,'lC.; ex loco aupl'nore, fro• a. lliglur pla«, badcwa"'4, iacluurl 6achoards, lffU'f m& I& 1-1.
Caes.; de loco auperiore dlcere,/roll\ tM tribuMl, L Lit., A. Oen., motus COf].'Oris J•roniu,
aa praetor, Cle.; l\e lc>eo 1upcriore age~, from. obliquus, 1upinua, Cic. ; manWJ supnUUI ad
&k aptu}.:er'1 tTibuM, Cle.; et ex superiorc et ex caelnm tendere, spread OKl trith t1'e palm •P-
aequo 1000 aennonea, uUera!WU 01& tht tr~bu11al warth, \"erg. B. Esp., 1, going wcJ..~rd•, rc-
and in priruU life, Cic.; b lo writing, scnptura tunLill~; nee redit In Contes umla !Hl(•ilt!l "m"',
11Uper1or, ~ing, Cic.; ~. ti-anal'., a, or. tune, Ov.; 2. or 10<'.t.lities, lloping, rrrtad 01et, 1>1tl·
u;1·:ur, prior, fonMT, put; nnd, a.s apphe<l to atretdi;J; collls, Verg.; valli11, Liv. II. Fig.,
human lire, older; an nus, Cle.; nox, night btfe>re 1, or character, cattlt.111, "-llns, ,.tgligcnt, lfWJ>-
•·Cat-tr. ;, Cic. ; omu~ aetatls 11uperiorll, o/ adf.'Un.wl ine, Juv.; 2, proud, arrogartt, Mart.
b, of rank, lr.f.'}; superioris onlloh1
nmmulll, Caes.; c, or power, hnp<'rt:rnet", .etc:, 1111ppalpor, 1. dep. to ltl"tJke, airas, ~ 11
lliglur, more di.sti11gui.Med; (a) abeol., ah'iu1s lUUc, rlaut. .
superior, a duting11~hal pt:rS(>11, Cic. ; uulit. auppar ·J•lrls (sub and par), alri&Od tqvrd,
t. t., <li8CCBSit 11upe1ior, ga.iw the adranl~ nearly contempom111 witA; huic aet.ati sup1oaru
Nep. ; (/3) with abl.~ loco, rortu.nA, fa~na, C1c. ; Alcibiacle.'I, Critias, Cic.
facilitate et b111oa111tate 1mperaor, Cac. DL 11Upp6.rasitor. 1. dep. (sub and parasitor~
8uperl, A. 81\primua -a -um, the highest, tojl4'tcr a littlt ii~ a pc1rasitt, Plaut.
'1£/11>CT"flWSt; 1, lit., of plu~, rnoates, Verg.; 9, Appi.rum (alpArum and mph&nun)
tnrnsf., ~. in U111e or encccsxion, tM last; (al .f, n. 1.nd snppArua (elphi.rne) ·i, i.a.
nox, Verg.; sole s111•remo, cm Oi.t llf"lti11.9 of. the (cri4>~). L a lin.M !Ju.rmeut t1..nuul11 wor11. br
•1&11, Hor. ; adv., 1111premum, fvr the llUl tMu, wo~n, Plaut.. IL a topsail, Sen.
Ov.; (ft) of or ttlaling w till'. 1rn.d of life; dies, snppedltatlo -Qnis, f. (supproito), a•
tlw tla11 of de.nth, Cic. ; honor, tM laJt rile.s, Verg.; etbunilanl 7mwi.fw11, superjfuity; bonorum, Cic-.
subst., 11uprima ..-.nim, n., <-> dtat1!, Ov., auppedlto. 1. L Intransit., 1, to ubcuwl,
Tac.; (ftp) fu11.ual rilt~, Tac.; b, ltigl1ut, grea.tut, be i1l ab11nd(!fV,t, be at hand, l>t '".•tor?; r.c
1lllCsl a:.twne; 11upplicium, Cle. ; vcntum est. ad chnrtam quirlem 1111ppedit.:ire, Cle.; cui 11i Tit.a
supn.mum, tlu end is i'Mc1wl, V<:rg. II.. 8UID- supped1tavisst>t, had last-t1l longer, Cic..; 2, to lie
mua -a -um (for sup -mu!!), the hight.~. tlffl>er-
"'°"• and partit. = tht h4l_ht-&t part. of~ tl:e top;
1, lit., or place, summmn Jugum mont1s,;
;n K11.jftl:u-nt q-umuity, m.jfi-:e; ad eultmu,
IL Transit., 1, to proz-id-t-, "'1¥"11. offer, girt
abvndantly; (a) with acc., alicu1 frumentum,, summa urbs, the highut part of the Cir.; cibo11, Cic.; (~)with dat.., to !111.pport, sla..d
city, Cic. ; in aumma sacra via, al top of the by; alicui, Cic.; 2, 11uppeditari aliqua re, In ht
Mer• via, Cie. ; snbst., summum -1, 11. the provided with, Cic.
ltighut point; a snmrno, Cic.; sumrnum tecU,
Verg.; 2, transl, a. of the voice, the higiwd, suppern.itua -a -um (sub &n•l perna). 1a:iud
Zou.Jut; vox sum11111, Hor.; b, of time or suc· in the liip; transf., alnus suppernat& sccuri,
oeR.~lon, the lttlll; die11, Verg.; seuectus, utrnne hewn down, Cat.
old at}t, Cic. ; c, in rank, value, estimation, tht 11Uppetlae -arum, (, (Bllppeto), htlp, aid,
11.ight:lt, most rlisti119ui&l1t.d, most roluablt, 1110st a.ssista11~, only in nom. and acc., Plaut.
iniportant, grtalut, best; (a) of things, deorum 811ppetlor, 1. dep. (, to OOIM to
summus erga vos amor, Cic. ; summo studio, help,, Cic. (?)
wi.tA t.M grroJut stal, Cic. ; summa salus rei· suppeto -ivl an<l ·Ii -itum, !I. (sub an•l J'f'lo).
publlcae, Cic.; quo res sum ma loco, how i8 it A. to be in start, be in hawl; ne r-t•uli £111it!"111
wUA thtslau! Verg.; adv., summum, nt the most; 11atis magna copia snppetebat, Cat'll. ; nt mibl
quatuor aut sumrnum quinque, Sic.; (/3) of aJ. .-emunerandum nihil sup)J('tat pnu!ter volun·
persons,, most tlevuUd, 11wsl disti1i.guished; tatem, Cic.; si Yita. suppetet, if I li~ ~ ltmg,
opthnus et suprernns vir, Cic.; poet. neut. J.>lur., Cic.; of materials for a HPf'l'Ch, vercrer nf' rnihl
summa ducum At.rides, the chitfperl01t, Ov. crimina non su1•petercnt, Cic. B. Tra11 ..r., ta
aii.pervlei.neus -a -um, auptrflU01u, vn- ru.fllce, ht tnough, corrtspmul with; ut qootklaani8
a«U/IU.ry, tuelus; litte:':\e, Cle. ; opus, dom at aumptibus copiae suppetaut, C:ic.
Wm~ hours, Cie.
supp~ I. (sub aud • pilo, whenoe compilo),
dperviicilua -a -um, nptrftUO'IU, 117u1«a- to sl«ll ucret~, filch; and, with penooal object.
111ry, uuuM, netdlas; metua, Ov. to pluck, J.tra. I> lau t., s. to go owr, 1urmount; ruinas, anppllUl'o -peg! -i-crom, S. (sub and Jll&¥),
Liv. to fallei& urnurntath, Plaut.
aii~or -vectuit sum, S. <lep. to 'l"idt, npplanto, 1. (sub and plant.a). lo tl1"0'IO
tail, pasa o~r, sail br; promnnturlum Calabriae, do11m a perron by lripph•g vp Au Atda; aliqnem,
:.iv. Cic.
npervfSnfo -vent -ventum, 4. L tc comt
ottr; nnda BllIJCrveuit undarn, Hor. IL to com11
B11PPl~udo =
aupplodo (q.T.).
up; a, le~ti supervenlunt, Liv.; b, to come npplimentum ·i, n. (soppleo), a filliw.g
tep0n 111u:cptdully; with <lat., huic la.etitiae, Li'f'. 11p, supply, aupplement; ndlit. t. L, a rten1iti.w.g
of troo)J8, a bodJI of recrviU, rri11~ ;
altperventua ·Ill!, m. (supervenio), a coming exercitus, Liv.; supplementum 1cribere le&toni·
up, arrival, Tac. bus, Gic. ; supplement& tlistrif>uere, Lh.
ailperrivo -vixi, 3. to auruiw, Suet.
anppUSo -plevi -pletum, !. (1ub and PH;o>.
dperv0Uto, I. to ~II owr; sua iectA alis, to fil up, make j't;.U, cotAplele, npplr. L Li\..,
Verg. 11&nguine venas, OT.; lnania moeni1, ,. .,,.,U.
auperril~r.. 1. to ftll otier, ~11 abovt, Verg.; Ov. IL Transl'., re flll up -alli., tlat w
totum orbem, uv. 'IDanthig, wtllh good, npair; bibliotbecam, Cic..;
Rpizdtae ·ati~, f, (!!Upinus), 4 l>e1'ding back- milit. t. t., to ncruit, >U vp tle ._,_. of;
a lying to iU.. tu bod1 befU Md, Quin L
tlll!l'l'd$, legiones, Liv.
ripino. 1. (snpinUA), to bmd, ltrdeh bock· aupple• -pUcis, ahl. -plloe and -pllol, pnit.
tlllnU, llJ tltrow baek; D&Sum nidore snpinor, plur. :p1Jcumand(rvel7)·pUcll:uD(sul>ud~
sup 669 aur
tibaa11t., bei&dltao t~ hu•~7r
el\trtal- suppromua ·I, m. (eub and promus), ••
'ng 1u.ppliroti1l9,
ha), henM,
mpplia1'1; supplex te ad pe<lea
abjfcleba-~, Cle. ; trans!., or tldngs, multis et.
undti-;·fiuUer, Plaut.
auppddet. 2. lmpent. {sub an•l pullet), to ~
aupplicibus verbis, Cic.; with dat., alicul flerl 10111eu:liat aaham.ed; me alieuius, I am ~u·hal
or esse suppllcem, Cle. ; with 1><>sse!l!t. pron. or a.shamed of; eorwn (libroru111) me suppurlebat,
genit. or pe~n beaought, vester eat supvlex, Cic.
Cic. ; mlioericoniiae vest.iv, Cio. auppiiratlo ~nls. f. (suppuro), a pun1le11t
snppllcatlo ~nia, r. {supplico), a tolem1' ulcer, 111ppu ration, Plin.
pvblic tha11ksgidng, Cl reliyi-Oiu festlml or fa.~t auppilratorlua ·• -nm (anppnro), of or
OA .llOl'ltt pv.blic mc.ceu or 1111£.tfvrtune; ad omnia
reluti11g to"" ttlcu, Plin.
1·u1Yin&n& aup1•licationem decernere, Cle.; pro-
digiorum a verrnncan<loruru causi suppllcationes suppiiro, 1. (sub and fns). L Tntr:inslt.,
ID biclurun decernere, Liv. to form, matter, 111.ppurate. L Tm1111lt., to ca1'31
snppUoltir, adv. (supplex), nppliantlv, to tuppu1"UU:: hence, •nppuratua -a ·um,
1uppuratul, fuU of u/cerou~ SOT'I'-', Plin. Subst.,
Av.m.hlJ/; rt:Spon•lere, Cic. auppiiri.ta ·Orum. n. flVTU. Plin.
SBPJj)llolum ·II, n. (aupplex), a httl£ng
tf,,~, eith.a for entreaty or to r~ive J>11.nl1thment., 1. (sub and puto). 1, to cvt, pnrnll
Henre, L a h11ml,l1 entreaty; a, of the gods, bt11tath, Cato; 2, to count 11p, co1111>Utll; with
proYf!T: precibus snppllcilsque dtos placare, rel. sent., et sibi qulo.l sit utile sullicitis sup-
Liv.; h. lrnmble en.trmly of men; ratigati aup- 1)utat articulls, Ov.
pllciis ~gis, Sall. IL pu.nWlmen.t, pmalty. tor· aUpri., ad\'. and prep. (for superi, SC. part.>,
tvra, esp., capital pu11Uhnu1lt; 1, lit., anmere rr.,m s11µeru11) L Adv., with co111pur., 1, of
lliJtpliclum de aliqno, to inflict 11pon, Cle. ; ail place, a., abort, ot'l!r, on t/11 top; omnia haec,
ulthuum supplicium progredl, Caes. : hence, quae snl'ra et suhter, unum esse, Cic.; ct mare
transr., torture, pn1n: satis supplicil tuli!\se, quod tiUl'r& tenel!ut, quodque all ult infra, \'erg.;
Caes.; 2. meton. 1 10011nd4, marb of mutUation.; toto vertice 1mvra. el!lt, i• t<illtr, \'erg.; b, in
llil'll tei;ens su ppllcla, \"erg. writing or dlscounie, before, abo1't; ut supra
supplloo. I. (supplex), to fall do1m on. tlte clixl, Cic.; utl supra demuustravhnus, Caes.;
bua Oi:;vre. L Gen., to bes«eh lluml1/y, enh"eat 2, of time, b(}ort, prei:wualr: pauca supra
1upplian.tlv; 11.llcui publice, Ck.; C.1esari or repetere, 8411.; 3, of degi-ee, a., ht., 11WTt, ~
aeruLtuf pro allquo, Cic. IL to pmy to tlw: god1, yond: supra adjicere, to offer lll-Ott, Cle.; b
nrJ>lloaU, to0nhip: per hOl!tiall 11iis, Sall. trausr., btyo11J, furtlllr; ita accurate ut nlhil
aupplOdo (supplaudo) ·plosl ·pll'>sum, a. possit su1•ra, Cit-.; supra deos 111cesaert, Hor.;
(aub and plaudu), to lltam1'; 1oede111, Cle. supra q1111111, mm-t than.: rem snpm feret quam
tier! potest, Cic. IL Prep. wiU1 acc., l, or
aupplOslo ~1111, r. (supplo<lo), a ata1n.p£ng: place, a, with verbs or rest, ab<>i:e, ovtr; i;upra
pe1li11, Cic. sul>tcn1ue tcrram per dies qnin<lcdm pugnatum
suppoenltet. 2. lr11pel'!I. (sub and pot'nitet), e~t, Liv.; of position at taule, accuml.tere supra
it re1•:tt.U ;,0u~1rhut; witli acc. of pers. auu gt>uit. aliquem, Cic.; II;,:., supra enput C.'l>ie, to b~ OV<"T
or thiug, ilium furoris, Cic. a ptrscm'11 lttml, to be a lmnl~ to be VtJX1tio1111;
auppOno ·p6siil (.posivl, Plaut.) .~,,1t11m ecce supra ca put homn le\"ls, Cic.; b, with verbs
(!i\llC<>p. vartic., suppostm1,\"e~.), ll. L to p11l, of motion. (a) ot~r. btyottd; rera ealtu sul'rA
plou~ l11y un•ler; 1, lit., u\'I\ gallinis, Cle.; nm:ibula f.-rtur, \"erg.; (fj) vp to; n..c exi:s:ient
Alique111 t11m11lo or tt>rrae, to bury, Ov.; tt>nae lllH'Jll:\m supra terram, \"erg.; (y) abore; supm
dentes 'ip..reos, to IOW Ov.; 2, fig., to 1uliject; ll"•illClll tnrnsire, to /lllrp<ISS, Verg.; 2, or titue,
18 cri111i11ihus, Cic. IL t11put111\lleraomttliing; &tfo1·t; supm bane 111e111oria111, Oaes.; 3, of
1, lit., falcem maturis aristis, \"erg.; 2._ fig., de:;.rc1:r aL.lit., m.or• thall, ab01:e; snpra millia
a, to a.i<l, an.i1u; p;enerl 1·artes, Ch:. ; o, to ni.;11111, 1v.; b, tram1r., (4) abure, btyoni.l;
)J.j ajUr, to ulu11t lt&8; Latio &mon, Ov. supra 1110Jum, LI\·.; irnpra v1res, Hor.; (/J) bt·
to put in tlll pltice of a per10n. or thing; aides; !!Upra belli Latim llletum id •1uoq11c ac.
1, gen., a.liqu .. m in allcuins locum, Cic.; 2, to t:es,.erat quod, etc., Liv.
mb1tUute tl1i1t which u not Vf111tine, to C01£nlcr- aupraaoando, 8. to climb Ot"tr, 111rmou11t;
fdt, forge ; te:1tamenta fals.1, Cic. llt1t>>1, Liv.
aupporto. I. (sub and porto). to bring, btar, aupremu.e, etc., v. auperu1t.
:arry, ro1tr!y to; frumcuturn, Caes.; oruuia
imle In c.u1tra, Liv. 1. aiira -ae, r. tlll calf of the ltg, Ov.
auppO.ltiolWI ·•-um (~11p1t0no), 1, put ill 2. Siira -ae, m., P. CorneliUA Leutnlus, /elJqv;.
Uu 1"• of a11other, 111.b~liluwl, .Mart.; 2, 1u.p- conspirator with C-Otiline.
p»ililious, not ge11uint, \"arr. aurojU&coua -a -um (surculua), tc00dt1,
811pp0eitlo ~nls, r. (s11ppon11), tht 1Uwtit11· Plin. of one child for anothtr, Plaut. auroiUi.rlus -a -11111 (surculus), of or re·
811JJpCS.ltrix -trlcis, r. (suppono), w tl1at la"11g to young ahoou, Varr.
nbstitutu: put:rorum, Plant. -a -um (flurculus), 'IOOOdv, lib
wppoatu.. v. suppono. U.'OU<I, Plin.

wppreaalo ·Onl!I, (. (snpprimo), mbtzzle- euroillua ·I, m. (•lhn. or sums), a f10ung

11te1tl; JUdicialu (sc. pecnniati), Cic. ahoot, sprout, 111cl:tr. L G1·11., \"erg.; surculum
auppreaaua ·•·Um, p. at.IJ. (from supprlmo), lh·fringere (Rs a siKTJ of tak lnl( po11sesslun), Cle
of the voice, low, 111/>dutd; vox, Cic. ; orator IL Esp., a l{IP /Of" 1llanH11g, Cic.
aupµreaaior ut. voce, eic etlam oratio11e, Cic. aurdaater ·tra -Lrum (sunius), I01nft!Aat
aupprimo ·pressi ·press11m, 8. (sub and dtr.v, Cic.
prc1110), to preu down, pr.u untkr. L navem, aurdl'.taa -Atla, l. (surd1111), d«ifn,us, Clo.
lo 1!11k, Liv. II. a, t<I Aold back, chet:k, rutrai11: aurdua -a -um, deaf. L Lit., Cic.: prov.
bostem noatros lnsequentem, Caes.; voctm, surdls canere, to 11i.11g to dtaJ tars, Verg.; hau<l
Ov.; ira1!1t to cA«k, B¥'f'PfUI, Lh".; b, to htp 11urrli11 aurlbus, Liv. IL Trnnsf., A. Act.,
fro,,., pul>licUy, kup back, rupiirus, conceal: 1, <fol/= not willfag lo h«J.r, \1l&t1lltible; per num·
wnam decretl, Liv.; peoanlam, uummoa, to q111m1 aurooa In tua vot.t deos, 0\'.; aun.iae
~Cia. ad omnla 90latla aures, Liv.; lege1 rem 11urdam
Sur 660 SUS
eue, Liv.; 2, dfJl1/=tll>tu'ltdmitawHng: in borum ruentem, \'erg.; esp., &, aliquem. to lab •P 11
eermone 11urdl, Cle. B. Pass., n.ot h.wrtl, .still, Mte-l;orn cAild frvrA Uv. flTO'llT.d a1id "'~
•ilmt: lyra, Prop.; gratla, Ov. Udge it: lu lucem edit! et 1uacepti surulL', Cie.;
Surina ·ae, m. a grand uimr, prim.1minf1Ur heuce, flllurn, etc., suscepiae ex aliqua., to Mias.
amo1lg tM Parthtans, Tac. to ~get a cAil.d; lfberos ex .ftlia Ubertini sua-
cepisse, Cle. ; b, to rtaiw as a eili.M11, a& 11
ISUl'go = aubriio (q.v.). 1eholar, etc.; aliqm:m in civitatem, Cic.. B. Fig.,
aurp1Ut, 11urp11erat, surpere, aurpite, v. sur· a, to as trw, 711«i'llain; qu11e alli 1tWil.-ip-
ripio. imm1, Cic.; b, toadmUoj; consolationem, Cic.;
11111Tiido subrado (q.v.). c. to, laU up tlw! 1pttc.'l, \~ri:.
surrancfdua subrancidua (q.v.). aWIClto, 1. L to zvr up. A. ttl raiM
Ai9\, lift ttp, V~rg.; liutea, Uv. B. to ru1Ulf lo
811rl'aU0118 = subraucua (q. v.).
riM, to rn11se up, a1l'lllct, ca1U1t t-0 starul "l'; ie
surrimlgo = subrernigo (q. v.). ab subselliis cor.tra te te.item su1e1tabo.
. Surrentum -1, n. a tou:n iii Campania, now Cic.; of J'el"!\OD~ slet"ping, to ar'!11st; !"liqurm e
Sorre11to. Hence, &urrezatinua -a -um, Sur- somno, Cle.; trnusr., ignea sop1toi., \:er&:- IL
nmtiM. to atir "P; a, to put ill "'°''°"· nrmt• ; viro5 iD
arma, Vtrg.; b. to atir 11p, brin.g al»ul; Ro-
surripo =1ubrepo (q.v.). manum cum 89guntino bellurn, Liv.
surreptiolus = sulJreptlclus (q. v.). lriUllnu.a ·a ·um (O'OVO',~). tnadc of Zilla,
surrideo = subrideo (q.v.). Plin.
surridloiUi aubri:licule (q. v.). au.apeoto, 1. (intenL of suspiclo).. L ,.
aurrlgitua = aubriguus (q. v.). look al, regard, upon. cartjMUy, 'fer_ D.
surringor = subringor (q.v.). to look upon IOUA ~. 1t1t$p«t; aliq~1a,
surriplo -rlp1ll -reptum, S. (sub and rapio), 1. auapectua -a -um, p. Mlj. (from 1. sns-
to iakt uuuy Mc:rttly, to sltal, jilc.'t, pi.lftr. L picio), supt.etc.!, awakening nupU-W.: suspectu111
Lit., ms.a ex privato sacro, Cic. ; fllium ex Cua· meis civibus, \..'ic.; aliquem aUBpectum bal>er<",
todia, Liv.; Psrmam, conquer by c-unning, Cic.; to l"IU"p«t, Ca~ll.; with de &.Dd tJ:i .. abl., QDUUI
of plagiarism, a Naevio vel smnpsi11ti multa, lllius patrl s1..;spt-etus esllet de ooverca, Cle.;
ai fate1·is, vel, si negas, sunipuisti, Cic. IL Fig., with genit., sa.;spectus cupiditatis imper ii, Ll•·.;
a, nliquid 11patil, Cic.; virtus nee eripi nee with in1l.n., aaspectus eius consili4 fovi:si;e.
surripi pot.est, Cle.; b, surripi or an arcused Tac.
Jll'rson, to~ ructud from punishment by u11der·
hmid 1114?an.~, such 11~ bribery, Ck. (syneop. forms, 2. suapectua-ns, m. (1. suspicio). La looi:-
surpite, lfor.; surl'uit, Plaut.; snrpuerat, Hor.; ing upwards; u., llt., aetheriuro ad Olyn1pum,
suqiere, Luer.). Yerg.; ~ meton., h'-ight; turris vasto snspectu,
Verit- .u.. Fig., up io, lwnov.r, rr11pcd,
aurrogo = sulirogo (q. v.). estttm, Ov.
= suLroistraui (q. v.). 8118pen.cll081IJI -a -um (suapendlum). 11v
aurrilbeo subrubeo (q. v.). tMe> Aas .'ia11gtd hl°rnMl/, Plin.
nrriibfonndua = subrubicundus (q. v.). anapeDdluaa -Ii, n. (suspeudo). a 1-gi.,
eurrifua = subrufus (q. v.). o) ~. Cic. ; 11us~nuio petire, ·cic. ; plur.,
surri1o = subruo (q.v.). praebult ilia arbor misero auspeudia wllu, Ml
Mrm.i for Aaftg\ng, Ov. ·
81UTU!!ltlcua =suhrusticus (q.v.). llUBJ)eDdo -pend! -penmm, S. fo 1lmag .,_
•urrfttDua = subrutilus (q.v.). I. Lit., a, nidum tigno, Verg. ; allquem arbori
&nrsnm. a<lv. (sub and versum). L •Po lnfelici, Cle.; allquem iD oleastro, Cle..; 1e de bctl,
toonls, on high: suramm deorsum, JIP and dOtDlll., Cle. ; simply ee, lo Aafl{J o"~V. Cic. ; lJ&rlic.,
bc.ckwarda and forwards, Cic. IL Aiglt. ·tip, 11'Q9PeD8U8 -a •Um, M11!f'ft9 vp, Hor. ; b,
abovt; na.res rectt sursum sunt, Cic. (auaque esp., to 81Upe1ld iu an o§m11g ifl a, m.
<.lcq ne = sursum deorsum, up and ~; prov•• 11tcmte; vestimenta deo marl~ Hor. IL 'rru."1.,
1le Octav~ SUBqUt! deque (sc. rero or habeo), A. to mw up, make higll; tectum tunU, ca.e... ;
I <lo not trouble myself about, Cic.). tellw-em sulco teuui, io J>lougA vp, Verg. B.
lriirus -I, m. a shoot, twig, Varr., to OOWll!l lo waW"T, or ~ •ftar'lai•; 1,
lit., a, fert'e suspenS011 grildua, •w.arlaia, ov.;
.triis. sufs! C. (~~), 1, a IOUI, mne, pig, Mflt b, esp., to build upo-,. an:Au, to tia.U; Lal-
C1c.; 2, a hnd of fi.aA, Ov. neola, Cle. ; 2, transl, to support, prop •P; ita
s~o -censili -eensum, 2. to bl angrr &ediftcatum, ut suspendi non posset, Cic. ; 3,
1Dith, to IN enraged: a, with dat., alicul vehem- fig., a, to clw!ck, dop, brtak off; ftetum, Ov.; b,
enter, Cic. ; b, with neut. ace., illud vereor lo Ual'll unckcided; rem medio responso, Llv.;
ne tibl ilium auscensere aliquld 1mspic&e, c, to lcw fa u1'Clrlailltr; animos 1l.ctAgra,·itate,
Cle.; c, with propter and the ace., Ov.; d, Ov.
with qula or quod, Cic.; e, with acc. and l..nftD., supenaua -a -nm, p. Mlj. (from mapendo).
Liv. L AoNrin.g, hangi114, ~; eunua ill
su.soeptfo -orua, 1'. (s111eipio), aa under- ~us, Cic. ; aquila · suspeusia demisaa
taking ; causae, Cic. a11s, Liv. IL Fig., a, rutin.g vpim, depmdeld
upon; ex bono Olllllia suspenaa suut, Cie.;
naclplo -oopi -ceptum, 3. (subs= sub and b, uncertain,, \n ~. v:uwri.g;
caplo), ro tab up or on ontMl/. L As a bearer. animus, Cle. ; aliquem suspensum tenere, Cic. ;
A. LIL, to OO.N'"JI, hold upright, Plin. B. Fig., l, c, ftJarfvl, a'll.rious, rutlus; timor, Ov.
to m.pport, defm.d; ~iquem, ap. Cic. ; 2. t-0 tab
""°" o~l/; a, to und,.rtake a bwincu, begin,
llal•t up; esp., or something undertaken volun-
llWlploaz -leis (susploor), ~ a-.t-
entn.g suspk-i-On, Tac.
tarily ; negotium, Cle.: per11onaru viri boni, Cle.; I. naplclo-spui ·apectum, S. L lntnn!Ait.,
sacra J>t>rci;ri na, to adopt, Cic. ; b, to mfer, to look at /ram. ~low, to look uJ*'ll"'da; in ceelum.
nbmit to, tndure; im·idiam"-Cic.; dolorem, Cic.; Cic. IL Transit., A. to loot al frua below,
magnam rnolt!stiam, Cic. ~ A.a a l'1!Ceiver, to regard, cmi.templaU ; &, lit., CAelW:U. Cic.; b,
.a_ rcoriw, up. A. Lit.. dominam sta.. llJ look up '°•
lo """"' raped. Aoilow •
SUS 661 Syb
Yll'09, Cie. B. FAp., let 11Uperl: wlih lain., soatln11bunt tA1es vlrf M tot 1enatorfb111, tot
S&itoecbla ~gi. et ipae eum 1W1plclent, noTaa rM JIOpnlonun privRtorumque litter!a non <'redl·
COJ>"re, &IL •lis,e, Cic. ; b, aLHnl., 111ilit. t. t., to 1tt111d oM'I
2. mpiolo ~nfa, t. L mi.tnut, 111apidon; gro1rnd; Brutus Mut.inae vix IUlltint>bA.t, Cic.;
tn qua nulla aubf>at aua11icio, t:ir_ ; susplcinnem 2, to 1uppnrt, maintain, MUrilh, 1ustaiu ; ager
halJere, io 1JMptd. Cic., and, to ,,. 1U11piriotu non arul'lius homillum quinque rniUiJI su,..tin~re
Cic. ; aaspicio cadit In ali<l'tt'm or pertind aci pot.oat. C.:ic. ; 3, to pMl ojf, 1ltlay; 11olutiouem,
alique111, <.:ic. ; est 1uBp1l"i•1, foll by 1100 and Cle.; rem in noc:tem, Liv.; 4, t-0 nutain, ni~
infin., Cic.; suspicin11em alicui dare, Cle.; or part, mai11tain., pruww; civ1tatta dignjtatem
arr~rre, Cic. ; or inrerrf', Cic. ; in 1uapicio11e111 ac deeua, Cic.
alicul '·euire, foll by acc. and lutln., Cic. IL auatollo, 3. 1, to lift up, n1U. up, dnGU,
Tran!lf., a n.otio1', idro, 0011upti<:i•t; deorum, Cic. OY.; 2, "1 take ojf, a.&r~ oJ!; tlliam, Plaut.
llUllpiolo.i. adv. (1uspicios1u1), '" a na- =
auatrtngo anbetringo (q.v.).
1•iA:io111 ma1rnu, ""'-'!f; ali'luid dicere,
Cic. ; suapiciosius dicere, Cic.
aburrator -6ria, m. (suaurro), o
mutr,,rer, ap. Cic.
.""'.,.,r• • -um (2. auapi<"io). L chtr· aburro, 1. (a!Ulurrua), to t1tv""1n·, nrn~r,
~ing nuptcion, 1u1~cting, 1111piciou1: in all· v:hi•1N·r; of men, Ov.; of bees, In Ava, \"erg.;
quem, Cic. IL uciti11g iu.spicion, 41.llpiclmu, Cic. oC water, Verg.; oC the wh1d, Verg.
1111Sploor, 1. dep. (1. auspicio). L to ftl.fped; 1. at"iaurrua ·I, m. (reduplicated from tbe
with ;;cc. of thi11g, l'l'I nt'fariaa, Cic.; with acc. root or 1111p<~""• cnip1~), a m11rnu&ri11g, m1&ttn'·
aud intln., ea quae Core 1u1plcatwi erat, Caea. fog, tDhilpcri.n.g, hu111•ai 11g, bMUi119, Cle.
D. Tran!lf., to coujut11rt, Jorn& an opi1tio11, 2. atiaurrua -a -nm (I. au"orrus), 'lllhillP"i"!J•
.V171li.M; l.icet &liquid etiam de Popilii mgenio multui11y; li111,-ua, OT.
11u-;picari, Cic. ; quantum ex 1nooumentis 1ua-
J•l<-ari licet, Cic.; with rel. 11eot., quid albi aiitila -ae. r. (auo). 0 ~n.g tcgdl&lr; ftg••
11111-endi-ret cnepit 1111 .. pfr1ui, Cic.; with acc. and a cun11111g trick, artijia, Plaut.
i1tli1•., quod \·aid~ llllsj•icor fore, Cle. Suthul -tUis, n. a /rm ill N11midU., ptrhaps
auapiritfo ·011i1, (, (IU!lpiro), a drairlng G of <Tuel1114.
dttp brtJ1th, .Pim. ritllla -e (1110), ttUWd togetlwi', ftu/t11td
9Ullpiratua ·Iii, m. (suaplro), a deep brf')(lfh, togrtlw!r: cymba, Verg.
ngl, Ov. autor -(}ria, m. (suo), 4 '1tontia1cw, col.bltr, ·• -om (so!!pl:ium), brea:th£ng Cic.; pro\·., ne sutor supra crepiolam (SC. juil1cl!t),
tcU,\ dljnculty, a..sthmalic, Pllu. let I/Jo CfJb'1ler atick to hi.a laal, l'liu.
•111JPirltua -ns, m. (s111plro), a bnaihing aiitOrtua -a -um (autor), o/ or nla.tiJ&g to a
d~y. a aigh, Cic. lh•.,.,1nak'-r; atr..meutum, blucking, Cii:.
auapirfum ·Ii, n. (suspiro). L a dtep br«Uh, autriDm -a -um (sntor), of or nolnting to Cl
a si:;'lt., Cic. IL aathma, d(Jfi.ntlty of brea.lhing, sh11e111aker. L .AdJ., taberna, cobbltr'11 .stcul, Tac.
Mart. IL Mu IJllt., aiitrina -ae, f. &, (11e. an), a &he'.·
auapiro, 1. {rnb and aplro). L lntranalt., 'lnalar'• tradt1, \"arr.; b, (sc. tab.:rna). a $/ioc·
t-0 brea.LM d«ply, lo sigh; a, occulte, Cic.; b, maker'1 stall or shop, Plin.
in allquo, in allqua, lo ali11uam, to 1igh for, l01tg Siitrium -Ii, n. a tO'llPll "' Etruri4, now
for, Ov. IL Tr11Mit., to lrrMtlll!forth, aighforth, Sulri. Hence, Sutrinua -a -um, of or b~wng·
lmuJ for: a111ore11, Tib.; Chloen, Hor. in.g to Su.triam; plur. s11list., Siitrin1 -uruw,
aU9C1ue deque, "· aursum. m. tlll! illhabitant_, nf Sutri1un.
aaatenti.oulum -1, n. (sustento), a prop, aiitiira -ae, r. (auo), a scam, sut1a'-, Li\'.
npport, T1tc. at"iua -a -um, pron. po~a., his, ha, it.~, OW1'.
austentatlo -l'int11, r. (111stentn), 1, a dtlay, L Lit., A. Geo., l, adj., a., 11uus cuu1 uc erat
def.rring; habere allqua1.:i moraru et euste11ta- locus delinitus, Cic.; aliquem suum t'ncere, ,,,01,,,
tfo11e1n, Cic.; 2, aa a tlgure or apeech, kuping ono's ou•n, Liv.; b, (a) with qaisque lo a dilf·~11·11t
U. n1pe11&, Quint. case, quo sua qu,.11111ul' oatura maxime terre
auatento, I. (int.ens. of sostint!o), to hold up, 'l"idratnr, Ci<'.; or in tltt> same ~se, qua~ tamen
ftppt>rC, l"Ulta.irt. L Lit., fratrem rueotem interowues e11t blw 4uo(1ue in genere mediocres,
dextri., Ver;;. ~ Tra11sr., 1, to .•u.,lain, rup- Cic.; (ft) with p!111ot1us, ~ua cuique !au~ 1·1•.•f'ri•
~t, •~ngt/~1~, mtZi.iitai1'; rempublicam, Cic.; debctur, Cic ; (y) with the ethic dat., factua
1mbeeillitate111 \"aletudinis tuaf:', Cic.; 2, t-0 (collsul) eat b1~, vrimum ante temJ•U!I, itt-ru1n
nutain with. food or mone11, mai, 111pport; siui sun kml'ore, Cic.; (8) with il'se, sua 1psam
s-, amicorum lil>eraliti1t.e, Cic.; aer i1piritu ductua perernpt.'lm (c:;s.,) mercede, Liv.; (f)ttre11gtl1eued
alit et 11uste11tat anima11ka, Cic.; 3, to btar, i1y ·pt.: or -met, Cmssum suavt.i iutt-rh!ctum
l'U.Sl«iri; maerorem tu um, Cie.; absol., ill battle, DlllOU, Cic.; cavti Sllilllllt!t lplii J.lnM:Si•liis, Liv.;
to huld out; ae,;re su11kntntum eat, Ca1•s.; 4, to 2, suust.., a., sui, his nun, depe11dt11t.s, w1111lTIJ•
pu.J. ujf, hi.t«kr, ~l«y; rem, Cfc, ; conailio bel· uu:11, etc.; qu"m sui Caesart!lli :;a\, Cic.;
lurn, Cir.. b, aiium -i, n. 01Le a own property; ad suum

austlnt§o ·tinui -tentum, 2. (sal•11 =sub and pen·c11ire, Cic. B. 1, h~ il.s, etc. = pro1'llT,
ter.eo), to hold 11.p, IUP'f"ll"I, 8U$lai.n. L Lit., I, aer iuita/Jle; suum numerum hitbcre, Lil- , 2, =
faroumblt, propitiuu.a; uteLatnr populo ~no[
TOlatus alitum eust111et1 Cic.; ae a lapsu, t-0 Cic.; 3, hi.• or tluir Oll'll =not ~t ru11ye; ~ui d('
kttp ofVMlj from falling, to kup ont~lf upright, aot novi, Cic.; 4, illdrpendmt, in one's ow1~
Liv.; ao simply i;e, Cic. ; 2, w rorry; uo\·e111,
}'OWtr; is poterlt sPmper """e ill disputando
Cic.; of trees, (arbores) suat.ineant lJtlllla, Ov.;
suu~. Cic. IL Transf., rarely used for sui,
a, to held lxu:k, rf•tck, :f.1train.; eq~1um ioc1tat!l~lt injuril\ ~ua, agaimt hiTMtl/, &ill
C1c.; remos, Cic.; 1mpetum, C1c.; se, to MW
onacl.f back /T()111., refrain. fro1n; ee ab 1.;1se11su, ayi.~rus -i, r. (uiiayf>05), a apeci,., of p<ilm·
Cic. D. Fig., 1, a., caueam, Cic.; munua in re- trtt, Pim.
public&, Cic.; su,.tines non parvam exspect;a. SflNLrls -ris, r. (:Iv/3ap•f). L a drer iri
Uonem, etc.; eos querentea non austinuit, co11ld Lw:...rnia, uow .Sil>uri. IL a Gruk t•,wn in l/11..
"°' trith.stand, <.:ie.; austineo, I have tM hw.rt t-O,
l CH in.dUOll mpd,f to; witb acc. and iunn.,
ocrnia, on tlu river of tli.e sa?M fut'M, denroyed
6HI B.C., and a,/ttrWarda rlbui.U W7lcUr the ftlJ.TMO/
syo 662 Syr
ftw«, fa.''*'",. /or Us luvrr. Hence, A. Sfb- afneodohi -61, t. (cnrrn&ox.J), ti kwft fl
1.ritae -t\n1m, m. Uu ~· af Sylmru. B. lpf!«h. bv wh.ic.\ a p<lrl '6 J'!ll fO'F' tJu 'IC'.\Ok; or cu
8fbi.ritla ·Idla, f. ftlllllt of 1i 10anto1~ 1~"'- oorr1~ fr•1· tht rauit, sy11ectloclw, Quhat.

llj'oi -68, f. (crv«'~), 1, q 11lant also rolled pqifu, llfn'clrua ·I, 10. (cni..dpof), among the
Plin.; a, a llJ'l«icJ of rt$i1&, Plin. ; S, a ninnin[1 MnceJonian11=1t11<1lor, Liv.
'°" in th4 ~. Plin. Sfnephibl .\•n1111, n. (av.e+.,tJot), Tiu FtUow-
'foutJ" (a cu1111~ly by l:!t.'ltiUS Qk-cllillil), Cic.
· SfohaeWI -1, 111. 1uub<md of Dido, Ilcnce,
adj., SfohaeWI -& -um, bt.l011gilig to Syd1a.t1U. •yngri.pha ·l\t', r. (crvyyoo.'ll..;>. is boutl. t"°:
n1is.<ary ""'"• ayrte111,.,1t to 1uy; cederu a hctri
ajcitea -a -um (1n1iriT11f), jlg-wiM, Plin. ali•1nid pt"r 11yt11{1·apha111, Cic.; r:acure 11yi1cni1•l1u
ajoOpbanta -ae, f. (crviro4>ovnrf). Lan fa. cum Aliq1w, Cle.; ju11 diccre ex 11y11graph.a, Ck.
/urllla, trid.·.u:r, 11ttitir1tr, l'lant., 'l'er. II. a eyngrjiphus -1, m. (>of), 1, a V'ritU•
a11u1 i "!I ftutlutr, •11cophan.t, Plaut. 001ttml"t, l'laut. ; 2,a pauport, Plaut.
llj'o0phau.tla ....,, r. (, craft, fk. ayn1 . . . v. syll •••
Ctf'l1'm, ]>taut. SynuMa -Orum, n. (TO. :!lirvo.&r.), and Bp-
ajo0phau.tlW. adv. (a7copbant.a), roguWl.- DAa -lWis and ·Ados, f. n mmll tmn& iit Phrygia,
Zr, cmftu11, PlAut. fa11WU1J for iu t1iarblt!, now\U:snr.
ajoophaator, 1. dep. (ava:o+-n..), to play Hence, SJ'Dllf,denats -e, of or briongi1'fl eo
trfr411, act cra.ftilr, Plaut. · Synnada..
8fini -ea. t. (%111f"'I), a '°""'
i1' u~ Em'.
famous for U. ML grariU& Heuce, 8feniW. -ae,
llfn6dontiU. -Jdls, f. (O'Vl'03o..-rinf), a tJ1?-
do?U ~found in Uae bmin of tlu pi. sp.otlu,
m. (~U11vfr'lf), of or btlonging to Srm-, Srenitic. Plln.
Byla Sila (q. v.). sjn~iia -ontls, m. (~), a ft,IA, per·
Sflium (Syllium) -1, 11. (J.vAuo.,), a
tahl·ttncll i11 l'ampl1ylia.
"'°""" hap11 a ki11rl of brtnm, OV.
eyntectloua -a ·um (O'Vl"rlJUu:ISf), toallillf
Sylla= Sulla (q. v.). auiar, co1ummplitHS, Plln.
ll)'llAba -ae, (. (crvA>.atJ-.j), 1, Cl irllable; ayl- aynteJr:te ·IB, t (cniVTiKtf). torU:titlf CUllllJ,
Jali& llrcvia, louga, Cle. ; a,
met.on., aylla.bae, OOMUmption, Plln.
tiel"llU, ~. Mart. Q1lthialna= synthcsla, II. b.
ayllA'bi.tlm. adv. (ayllaba), irllabZ. br irl· eyntheata -lsl t. (cniMl•O"tf, a 1mtti11g ,.,Aer).
labU, Cic. L a seruice of pwu, Id of dulia, Mart. IL a
ayWbUll =alttyboe (q.v.). suit of clothu; a, Mart. ; b, a Uglt 'llPJ>U" fl'T-
ay116gllllaU ·I, Dl. (1711M.oy10',,,6c), G tfUog- mt1i.t, dnui.1111·11own, .Mart.
WIL, 8eu. eynte5num -l, n. (cnl""°"°"), a attrioal u.-
ayU6gtatlou -a -um (crvMoy1n"'°'), iyl- 1tru111c11t, (,,!uint.
loi.Ji.iltic, (,,!ulut. Sfphax ·philcls, m. (l:~ kiAg of iM
8fma,ethWI -1 m. (J.liµ.11'9oc), Iha largut Ma1i!M$yli, in Numidia, at the tinie of tJu &COlid
ricCf' fa Sicily, on iJa. ta8' of the i&land, noei11i11g Pvnic War, 1t1n·i1l-la10 of il<Udrv.bal..
a number" of mtalln dna1M, now GMirtUa. Hen«:4l, Sfri,crii.sae ·iirum, r. (l'.vpcr..aWcrcu), tM cAW/
A. Bfmaethiu -a -um, ~lo11gfog lo tlwJ SJ(IMt· tou.-n of Sicily, a Cori11thia" cxoltmr /ou"IUUd i[,g
B.C., birtliplaai of .A.r.:hiuudu and 7°/&eocrit1&1..
Unc.a. B. Sjmaetllla ·ldls, f., nympha, the Hence, A. Sjri.oiiUnua -a -u01, .s~._
"fllllph. of tlwJ riwr SytrMUthiu. C. Sfmae- B. stracUa11111 -a -uw, .syracua"- c. stra--
Wue -a- um, Suma.etliian; flumlna, v:hich fall cOalus ·& -um, .S11racu:ia1l.
fotv U111 Symatlhu.s, Yerg.; hcros, .A.t:U, son of
Ulll nymph. of tM .Symaethu.1, Ov. Sjrl (Siirl) -Orum, m. (l:lipo1), tJu S)ria.u,
tJu i1tlu.1bita11u of SyruL Heuce, A. S:frua •
IJ)'Dlb61a ·ae, f. (crv,i~oAJi), a contribution o/ ·Um, Syriar&. B. Sfria ·Re, f. (::Evp{a), .Svria, 4
fl&O"r&ey to a ccmmcn /, Plaut., Ter. eoun.trg in .Asia, 011 tlu .llledik1TatuaA &a, iit 11
IJ)'Dlb6lue -1, m. and IJ)'Dlb~lum -1, n. wider 1e111e illr.l1mi11g tf,t l"01111try of .srrio. iu
(cni,..13oAof~, a·~· wkln, lignal, 1ymwl, Plaut. far a.t tht Tigri.1; !Syria= .dl>lfria, Cic. C.
IJ)'DlDlitrla -ae, f. (crvffnpi11), '1/1fl71Wlrr, SfriAoue -a ·um, Srrian. D. S,trlua -a -wn,
Plln. Syrian.
ll)'DlpAthia -ae, f. (crvµwci8u11), 11fmpatAy, 8jr1nglaa -ae, m. (avp•y,.'4~), a lcil&d q/ twJ,
ttat11rul illclinati<m or agru11unl of two tlli.11g1,
a.daptedfi•r maldng pipu, Pliu.
Plln. ajritea -ae'-111. ( avpi1'11f), a """" fcnmd. ia cs
11J1Dphonla -ae, t. (1T11/14>cuvicr.), a oon«rt, vxi1J '• bla.tder, l'lin.
•1t1ical ptrftJrmance, Cle. . 1. Sfriue, v. Syrl.
IJ)'DlphOnlAcWl ·A ·Um (avµcf>*>vtcur~), of or to a; pueri, 11i1tgi.11g boy1, Cle. 2. SYrfua, v. Syros.
SympligAdea -um, f. (:I11µwA~ef), tht ayrma ·mltls, n. (cnlp144). L a long, trauing
SJ171lple11'"/u, rock.a in tlu tntrauot to tlu Euint, robt, frequently U'OT'll bg tragic actori1, J uv.
wl1t4h, ucrordi11g lo tM fiible, dashed WJai'!Ul 01u Itletou.Juv.
S:friSphoonlx -nlcis, ui. (%11po4,oi""O, a Syro-
am>tha till tll.ty were ji:lld u,lkr tlu pa&Kl!IC of the
.A.ruo litt1~" tluwi.. p/welt iciun, i.t!., of Ph-OeAicia on cM bord#:r ofSy;ria..
IJ)'Dlplegma ·A.Us, n. (cnl1urA.-y~). a group Sj"riSe ·I, f. (l:lipo~). a" Uland i11. Uu ..f~
of Wl'r~tieu, closely em.bracing tach. othu, Plin.
&a, now Sim. Hence, Sjriue -& -um (::EV,1ot},
Sfn.l.pothneaoontee (O'Vl'11wo9vljcra:ovr~f ), of S11 rm, born at .SJITO$.
~ 'l"ogtllur (the title of a comedy of Syrtia ·l• and -ldoa, f. (l:vpnf), a·
Di phllus). bank, esp., tho&e11.mdbanho11 tJu coaalo/ Nortltn'•
SfDArlatOllae ·Arum, f. (crv.-o.jX~O'GU), tlu AJ.-ica, includittg S71rlii .Major, now .Sidra, 41ld
WOflt.:llJJrcaJ.:,ftUting Togrtlur (the tlUe of ~ S11rtu Minor, now Caba; a, li~, Liv.; b, trausf.,
comeJy of Meu&DJer), Plln. tM cocul opp<>mt Uu Syrti.1, Hor.; c. mcton..,
ll)'Jloiraatum ·I, n. (O'll')Cwpocrr0v), a duh of Byrti11 patrimonil, Cic.
~,polcA, halh., Varr. Sfrua -a -um,•· syn.
663 tao
ti.bltUdo ·lnla, t. (t.abea), decUM, C07UU"'J>
Hon, Plin.
T. tAbiUa-ae, f. (root TAR, whence taherna), a
lHxmi, pl.uik. L Lit., tabulom nrrlpere de
'r t.
the nineteenth letter or the J..ntln 11lpha·
bet, L'<m-e11po11di11g with tl10 Greek tau
naufnlbrlo, Cle. U. Mcton., 1, h bench. (for
l!itting); solvontur rl11u tabulne (p!!rb:ips = tha will bunt u1ui1htllr, but v. solvo
(T, r). It IK Interchanged with d, c, rind •, II. H. 1, b), Hor.; 2, a yami11g-boonl, drn11r1ht·
aou assimilated with s, 1111 quutio, quussl, 1nltto, board, 0\". ; 3 a pnintl'tl 11(111.-/; a, a 11ni11ti1t!T,
mi:ssus. l<'nr the 11~ of T. 1U1 an abbrevlatlou, pictllre; tabuia pictn or simply tabula, Cic.;
lee Table of Abbl'e\'iutlous. 11rov., m:i1111111 de tabuln, liuld ! tn.ougld Cle. ;
t11bi.nua ·I, 111. a gadfl11, horujly, \'arr. b, " votiioe ttrl>ltt, Jlor.; 4, a tablet for
~bella -ae, r. (uim. or ta.lmlu). L a •mall writing: a, writing·tabltt, Liv.; bf " tul>ld
#tit boorrl or tabld ; limlnis, tke thrtslwld, Cat. 01& whida. a law u:a& tngrawd; XI tabulu.o,
U. Met.on., 1, tM tray or troitgh ii~ whidi. the 'l'·u·elllfl 'l'a.Jhs, Cle.; o, a tttbld wect al rm
&1n¥lu• mtd &inus were nposed, Ov.; 2, a utt.dimi,; 1ulc11t ml tul.mlam, ot tlu: e111cti011, <.:ic. ;
draught-board, Ov.; 3, a pictur,,, Cic.; 4f a d, th~ tablet 011 u•h&ch a lm of~ pro«ribl!d ttw
tariling·tltblet; cerata, CO&'t!red with tro.r, C c. ; dratcn. up, Cic.; e, a vote in tke co111itia, Cic.;
mf'Um., in plur., a, a lettt!r, twte: tabel)lle pro· f, a map, cJiart. Cir.; g, a COIWMCt, rcgisler,
ferrl jm1si111us, Ck.; b, a re.:orrl, proctocol, record, Cic. ; esp., tl1e IU.tB of the et11.SOr, Cle.;
f"'gi&ter, etc.; tahcllae q11&P.<1tionh1, Cic.; tabcllh1 h, tnbulat', ac.:m111t·book.1; confleere tabullL'I,
ob.fignati!I ngh1 111N'Ulll, you takll ttt>U nf 111/ait Cic. ; tabulne 11ovne, tttw uccuimt-booka, by wliich
I savl, Cie.: 5, a votive hung up in a old debts were cancelltd, Cle.; i tnl.mlae, stale, Ov. ; 6, a voting-tic~t, ballot; a, in tho paper1, public-recorcl1, urchlva; tnbuiM currump-
cotnitia, b, in tltc COlll't.'1 or law, Cle. ere1 Cic.; j, a will, Hor.; k, a 111oney-cl&a1'1lcr'1
tabu, Cle.
ti.belli.rlua -a -um (tabella). I. of or re·
latbl(I to leUer•; nave11, mall-boats, 1Se11. ; gen. ti.biUarta -e (tabula), o/ or nlating to boa1-d8,
anb.~t., ti.belli.rlue -II, 111. a letter-carrier, Cic. plain of 11.'00lt, or metal, l'>lin.
IL of or rtlt1ti11g t-0 roting; lex, Cle. ti.biUiri'lUI -a ·um (tabula), of or rtlating
ta'b4§o, 2. (connected With -njKw, e•TcUc·JIJ'). t-0 written docu.1ne1"8. Sub::it., 1, ti.bulirius
L to 1L'WIU mouy..!. JaU awar, tiult, be C071.5U1Mtl; -11, Ill. 1l kuper of recordl, !Sen.; 2, tAbiUi.rlum
corporn tabeut, t,;le. IL Tran11f., to tlrip with; -Ii, 11. (11c. acdltlcium), archivu, Cic.
artm1 sale <~-wntu) tabent&!, Verg. ti.bdlatlo --Onls, f. (tabnln), a ftoori11a, plank·
tl.berna ·ae, r. (root TA.U, whence tabula), ing, bocmiing, lllor1J, c~.
a booth, hilt. L Aa a dwelling-pince, pau1ie1·um tAbiUi.tum ·I, n. (tnhula). L a flooring,
tallemae, Hor. U. .As a place or bui1h1c111, a boanting, jfuor, lllory; tu1Tl8 quatuul' tnlmlut.-
dall, llwp; llbraria, a boob!ller'1 alaop, Cle.; In orum, Caes. IL 'l'l':mar., a r010 or layer oft:i11u,
tabon1a111 dev~rtcre, a taiitrn, Cic. IIL ara Verg.
af'll!UU i1' Ut1 ch"CUA, Cic. IV. A11 proper, ~billinum ·I, o. and (11y11cop.) tablinum
Tres, a plaos 01' ~.Appia" Road. ·I, 11. (tabula), a recorii-ruom, w1111time11t-rr.11n1',
tl.beruaoiilum -1, n. (tabema). L a hut, arc/1iVC1J, Plil1.
a um; tabernaculum in ca:mpo .Mart.lo ai\.11 col·
IOC3re, Cle. IL Esp., 111 religious language, a
ti.bum ·I, n. ( taboll). La plagtu, pbltik11~;
corpora affect.a tabo, Liv. IL ".Melon., a C'flf"T"rtpl
~ 011uide the ci.l11 clwaen by the auprs for moWure, clotted blood, tlllltter ; tcrrn111 tabo
'4ki1'g the auspia• pretrlolu to ~ comitta, Cic. ; maculaot, Vcrg.
caperc taben1aculu111, Cle. TiLburn1111 ·I, m. a o/ 7IW'lmtains (n
~bernanua -11, m. (t.aberna), a 1Aop.t~r. Ce:inipan ia..
Cie.. ~ tAcdl, tlicltum, 2. L Intranslt., to bt
tl.berntua -ae, f. (dim. or tabema), a lUtle
MnJ.I, l1Mall ta WTll., l:!Utit.
•il1mt. A. J,lt. = not t-0 BpMk; an mo tacit11n11n
tautis de rebus exiathnavh1tis? Cic. B. 'l'nmsr.,
ta'bea ·111, r. (tnbco). L waning mooy, ptLtre· =ailere, to 11\ noiule", still, IJl&W; tacet
ager, Verg. ; lllter tacens, fro:t11, Ov.;
Jni:tioll, ?Mltiiig; 1, gen., liq11escenti11 nivls, lorn,
Liv.; 2, es,1., a, a wa.~thag atouy, decline, ro11· noVelui, tM Wwe-r 'WDTld, Verg. IL Transit., tc
11iim1itio1', t;ic. ; b, a plaglle, pestilt!nct; tn11ta. be •ilent about anything, paa owr iii rilr1l<:I!;
vis morbi, utl tnbes, pleroeque clvium animos quod adhuc aemper tacul, et taoourlum putavl,
lnviuemt, S:tll. II. Met.on., mout11re earning Cic.; ut &llos tilcenm, t.o "'Y ""'11iiig tlbou.t otl~u,
(rrnn. 111elH11g or <l~cay, corrupti1111; aangulnls, Liv. Ov.; p&IJB., aureua in n1edio Marte tacctnr amor,
&i.buoo, W.blll, 8. t.o 1Mlt, tDa~te atcay, be Ov.
grad"UaU!f co1u11mtxl. L Of thingii, a, lit., with TU!ta (des) ·Ml, f. (t.aceo), the goddtu of
abl., corpora cit lore, Ov., b, traru1r., nolit.e patl
reguum Nu111i<llne per acelus et sangulnem
tl.olti, adv. (tacltus). L rilently, (" lilence;
fa111iliae 11ost1"ae tabeseere, be ruiMd, Sall. IL taclte rogare, Cie. IL quialy, u.crttl1J; l'erh-e,
Of men, to wam aimr, languuh, peria'h., be Cle.
ndn«l; a, with ah!., dolore, Cle.; absol., ~turnltas ·itls, r. (taciturnua). l.lilmlct,
pe"plclo uobia In hac calamltate pcrtabescen· taciturnity; teatiuru, Cle. U. liU-not, IUI a
llum esae, Cle.; b, or love, to pha.c atoalf, Ov.; virtue, opne est tide ac taclturnltate, Ter.; nostl
c, to p(nt 11wav until tn1'1/, Hor. homlnis taclturn!t.atem, Cle.
ti.bldiUua •& -um (dim. or ta\ildua), 1D!Ut'1&g, dolturnua -a -nm (tacltua). L rilrnt,
couuming; mora, Verg. tacUuTll. (opp. loquax); homo, Cic.; lngenlum
&i.bldua ·• ·um (tabea). L melffng, ccm· ltatuA taclturolua Hor.; tlneaa paaooa taclturnaa
nming, toa.lting, d«alfing, ph&('llg tnror, di.I· (or a book), Hor. Ji
Tranar., lffil, quiet; aruniB,
IOlt1'ng; nl.r, Liv. IL Act., COMVmCng, cau'ng Hor.
lo~ <nc1e1r; luea, Verg. 1. tl.oltua -a -um, p. adj. (trom taceo). L
tabltloaa .a -nm (tabea· n.nd fac:lo), tneltbag, Pus., A. that toMch. v sxwed owr in Almoe, ,,,..
dU.ohnng, coMVming, cau.dng to toalt8 a10a1; menti<mtd; allquld taciturn rellnquere, Cle.; all·
111Hti• l"Crturbattonea, Ov. quid (e.1- clolorem, pudlum) tacltum conttnen,

Tao tam
LIT.; DOB feree tacltum, I unU noC be .ant about W&rl8 ·e (talua), .tor rt.laUwg lo Ute ciftl:Its:
~ Cle.; subet., tAoltum .f, n~ a NCret, Ov. tnnlca, t"Wl<ZCM1ag tn U11 anklu, Cic.; aulli!lt., til-
.as. Tra 118 t., 1, ""7&tl'lf CUfll llltd, uxplW.l, lacU ; Arla -tum, n. 1, t0\11g1 on tlu auklea., t11it1!,X'd
indt1('i>t1!, Liv.; all86118io, Cle. i 2, do1~ ailuUl'lf 11a11dal1, asslgnetl tA> McrcuriuiJ, Verg.., I'el'llt"us.,
or «cretly, aecrt!t, conceal~.; j11dlcium, Cic. ; Ov., Minerva, Cle. ; prov., talaria vide:uims.
vul11111.1, Verg. IL Act., A. not 11>«t.1.·~1117, lilc1&t, ld m tMnlc ofJftghl, Cle.; 2, a lo1•11 robe mio\i11,;1
'JUUl, 1n'UU; m11 t.acito, I bdng 1ile11t, Cle.; hoc to tM ankln, Ov.
t&citua p!'IMlterire non po1SSu111, Cle. ; tAcita tili.riua -a -um (talus), of or relati11g ro tM
lumiua, eyu ill a jlud llan, Verg.; often In the cmklu; lurlus, a game accompanud tuith !}Clt1:ra.
plac11 of the adv.L. tacit.ii. tecum loquit11r putrla, Misy fo1tru1nents (1111ch aa the crotnla, cyual1&1a).
ailn1tl11, Cic. B. ·na118f., makin11 uo 1Willll, •till, so called because the persons engn.ged In It; uox, Ov. ; exspect11tlo, Cic. wore the tunic.a talaris, Cic.
2. ticltua ·I, m., Cornelius, the ctltln-aud ftla8aio-Onta, m., Tllaaalua ·II, m., 1n4
Matorum of th.ti earl11 empin, ooi1te1111101'"Brfl and TMauua ·I, m. a cry tl.lllczl at Boman ttltddillf&.
fri,ePUl. of Uu ,ounger Plinv, born betw«n 60 and
60 A.D. ·l, m. (TMG.~). on.e o/th.e .ArgoJ1a11b.
father of Adrastw, Eri1>h11u, etc. ; T&la.i gener,
taotlUa ·e (tango), eAai ran be toucMd, Amphiaruus, Auaband o/ Eriphvle, OT. Hence,
~mdua ·a ·um, of or bdo11ging t.o TalaM.
taatlo ·Onie, t.(tango). La touching, Plaut. Wea -ae, t. (root TAG, whence t&Iua, ta.xit.
IL tlie aenae of loMch; voluptate11 oculorum et
tActionum, C1o. lllll). La cuttift!1, alip/or pla1u'1ir1, Plin. IL a,
a .iwrt lltake, with an iron l1ook, tlarolt'A 011 U.•
taatua ·1111, m. (tango). La toucA, to11CAing. grwnd to prtveiu the auack "/ CJH"C1l111. Cn.eL; b,
A. Lit., chortlas ad quemque tactu111 reapondent, talea ferrea, u bar o/ inm -.uecl 118 llWMJ ill
Ole. B. 1.'ranar., 1, inftwmce, o~ion; aolls, Britain, Cael.
Cle.; ~the - of wuch; res su D tactum cadit,
Cle. u. ta1t{libilitfl, Luer. Weatum ·I, n. {"~"). L a Orer.t
toeiglU.z...which wiritd i• dilere•d 11.alu, the It.allan
taeda -ae, t. (connected with 4mtf or &;11, :::100 Haman pounds; aurique eboriNQ.ue taleota,
acc. &r.t&r. or~&..). L the pi.m-tree, Plln.; plur., Verg. IL a l'U.1n of aot&el, al50 varytog ill
pine-wood, Hor. IL Meton., A. a board of pii~, amount, but in Attica probably about £:U.s u...,
;Juv. B. Esp., a, a Corch of 1ri.t1.t-1000d; taedae Cfc. (genlt. pl., gen. talen~m).
arduites Cic. ; esp., as UBed at weddings, tnetla
Jugalis, Ov.; meton. =marriage, Verg., O\'., and Wlo -Qui&, t. (talla), ntaHalion or nooa,_.,
=low, Prop.; b, P i111tnmini of COT'1Ln, Juv. Cle.
taedet, taedllit and taeawn eat, 2. tmi}ers. ti.1!a -e, o/ nw. a ki"4, 81tcll.. L Geo., a.
'° bl dillp11Rl wUll., with aco. or pers. Hnd
genit. of thing; aunt hominea quoa liltldinls ln-
allquid tale, Cle.; toll by qualis, ut. atque, ~
ut facllllme, qualea slmu1 talea eue videamar,
famlaeque 1uao neque pudeat neque taedeat, Cle.
Cle.; tales e11Se ut llludemur, Cic. ; taU1 qualem
te eaatt video etc. ; b, tilt /oUotoi"{l, u ft>l,UNI •
taedlfir -th ·fMum (taeda anll rero), tall& fatu8, Verg. IL Like T&KOUT~ ; a. qf;;;.(
~ring; de&, Csra 10ho A.indhd a piiu- a dUti1l{J1'iahed, remarkabt.e, IJl'Cial kind; Jndf1:9
lorc:A 01& Mount .tdM to~ «ardiing for J>r-o- tall dlgnitate prae•lltl, Cle.; b, io ~.
llrpiru, Ov. bla1lt4ble; f&clnuit, Sep.
taedlum ·II, n. ( L diagut, wan. ti.Ut&-, adv. (talla), (n ft&cl a tfttUUUI", IDt
::Uoloalhi1&g; 1011ginquae obsldlonl1b Liv.;
curarum reaiiu1t, Tac. IL In au o decttve
Plln. i.

sense, toAich va1UU diaguat, ~nua,

Witrma ·I., D. Cl n4p o/ &M ~,.,,.,. pq,.
talpa-ae, t. (m. Verg.), a mole, Clo.
Taenk1ua (-&I) ·I, o. and Ta.enUum
(-on) ·i, n. (Ta.C~ and -o.,), and T&ell.l.ra Talthfblua (T&lthii.blua) ·II, m. (T.A-
.Orum, n. G promont~ and town in Laconia, H/ko-.), a lurald caAd _.,.,,,. Q/ A~
t11hllr11 waa a umple of N1ptune, and whence UMIN tilua ·I, m. (root TAG, whence talea, t.un-
'°"' 111ppoud to ~ a ~11.t t11t-0 1'arCcinu, now lus). L Lit., a, Uia ankll, a'lklc-bou, Plin. ; b,
Cape Matapaft; hence., A. Adj., ~1111 tM 1a«l; purpura U8que ad taloe demiasa. ~
.. ·um, Lacon.ian, SparklA; ruarita, Helen, Ov.; IL Meton., a du (made originally out of tile
si.ueea, tntro™" tnto 1uU, Verg.; so port.a, Ov.; ankle-l.lonea of the bind feet of certab1 anhula).
hence, meton. = 'riflTltal : vallee, th.ti Zo1Dlr world, which, u used among U1e Romana, bad 0Dl7
Ov. B. Taedlia ·Idle, r. Tamarian; poet., four flat sides, the other two being left l'OUDd ;
Spcirtan, LaconUin: eoror, Htllfla, Ov. C. talis ludere, Cle.
8ubst., Taenl.rldea -ae, m. poet.= thf La· tam. adv. (orig. an aocuaattve. lfke qaam.
oonfcin, I.e. H111.u:intAu., Ov. jam, clftm, palam). L Correl. demooatr. particle.
taenla ·&e1...f. (Ta.&vim). L a jlllet1 thf ribbon to expreBS cowparlson, ao ftlr, to a1'CA e1 d.grw;
of a chaplet, verg. IL lleto11., .a. Uia tape- a, with quam; (m) before adJ. aud ndv., tam
worm, Plin. B. a nt/ of roe/•• tmdlT tDaeeT, ease clemena tyranous, quam rex importunua
Plln. {abl plur., oontr. taenis, Verg.). potest, Cic. ; tam • • • qUAm, botA • • • •U.
Suet. ; quam ••• t.t.m before coruparatlYU atid
taeter = teter (q.v.). 8Ul'erlatives, quam magia. ••• t.lm nl&ftis. tAI
~ ·lcla (t.ago), thvin.A, ¢wa to piVmng, mort ••• Uia MOTi, Verg.; (#1) before verbe., e.g.,
C1c. eaae = talls, hare tam ease quam audio, non
Ti.gee -~tis and .gae m. an .&TUIQltt, drity, puto, Cie. ; and before 8ubst., tam • • • qua.m,
grand101& of Jltptter, sa'Li to hilw from not llO fllttM ••• aa: utlnam non tam fratri
Ult earth, aa U uw bring ploughed, in ~form o/ pletawm quam patriae praestare voluiaaet, Cic.;
a bofl, and lo lltwt fatl{lht Uia EtMUG1111 IOOth.- wlU1 qui, quae, quod, quJs est t.aru lyneem, qui nihll oft'endat, Cic. ; b, with ut and the
au~., non euem tam innrbanua, utl ego gra"t'U"l!r,
~O =tango (q.T.).
Cle. IL Demo11atr. particle, wit.hoot a oorttl.
TAaua ·I, m. a riwr i• I.uUlmfa, now Tl,jo, ='°• '° .,.,, '° ... of . . . Mg,\ .,,... ;
quid tu tam mane f Ole. i before a a11bd.., ar
OfllclmiUd for "' """"" .."""
W&rfa. T. tal&da. tam tempore excluaarit. ocolaum r Clo.
tam tap
~ ·leis, f. tlu Ca111llrisA:, Plin. toh.£cl. drt10 llliek whenewr he ntfu1&1rtC1l to Mt4,T)
TA.mASOll -I, r. (Tal'AO'ck), a to101i \1' Oyprn11. hiii errrlu.,;ti11y hrrngu mr.d tltirlll. Jlrnc.,, A.
lit-nee, Tii.mAaiua ·a ·urn, btlo"-!Jing t.o Tama- at.lj., TanWiua -a ·11111, of or btlo1•oi1i.g to
ao.> ; Rj(er, Ov. T(rn.talua. B. !l11list., TanWidu ·at', 111.
tamdl'ii. ntlv. I. tJO l01t0; foll. by qnam- a 10" or ductn<Ulllt of 1"1mtu11u, l'elo1-.., Ov.;
din, q110a1l, <lnm, quam, uonec, tnm<lin reqmesco, .Agrt11u.m1U111, 0''· ; T:mtall•lao fratres, Atreiu
qnam•liu scrioo, Cie. IL JO long, i.e., ISO wry au<l 'J'lryr.•te.•, Ov. C. TantAlla -hlis, f. a
long, Cic. dt111ghter or other f~nu,le d~t11tlc111t of 1'<111'4.rl!r.1, a•h•. nn adverMtlve particle, u~­ Niol>t, Jlei-mio11t, Uv.
L In t.he al"Klnsis; 1, with quamqnnm, qnnm- tantillua -a -um (tnnt11H) = t:mtnlt111. so
vi'I, et.'>i, ctiam!li, tametlli, llct>t, qunm h010- = Httle, so immll, Plant.. Snbst.. , tantlllum -1,
n. so small a thiu[I, ~11.:h fl trijf.t, l'la11t.
e~r.11tt, MVertlulU8, not1oilltAta111lirnJ.forall that;
qu:u11qu:u11 nhcst a cnlpn, KU11picio11c tiu11c11 11011 tantlepir, adv. (t:llltU!I). I. llll fon(T, foll.
caret, Cic.; 2, in the apo<1011l!I or a con<litlo11al by dum; ut ii.Ji csJWt tn11tisf"lr, 1l111111·11leu:11'.0lll·
5"ntence, yet, ytt ut lea~t. stUl ; si Massilicnses pcuaretur, Cle. IL JMnnwl&Ue, Cic.
per dclectos ch·es t'f'guntnr, lnest tamen in ca
con1lltlo11e, etc., Cie. IL To begin a tresh tan~pere, or Aep. taJlto f>pere, AUV. W
clal.llle, JJtill, howtwr, yd ; hi nnn aunt 1iennol- oreatly, IJ() in uch; cliscere, Cic.
eist! ; He•l t:unen insi•lent. et urgent, Cic.; joined tantt\1119 ·A ·Uln (dim. Of ta11t1111), IO IJ'llUtll,
with sl =but if, iJ only, Ov. so little; ca11S11, Cic. :S11l1t1t., tantulum -1, n.
tim6n-etsl,. conj. all1l011g7', Cic. 80 s111aU a thing, rach a trifle; ta11tulu nmicrint,
Tiimi§ale -Is, m. and TAm6aa -ae, m. a at ao 1mall a pri.ce, Cic.
rfrer in. Britain., now tM Thtt1tW. tantum. v. tantus.
t&metal, eon.I. (tnmen 11.n1l ct.<11). L altlwu.qh., tantummMo, a<lv. cmly; ut tantummodo
U.01tglt., nevutMl~: roll. by lmllc., Cle. IL per 11tirpc11 alantur s11nt1, Cic.
how<vcr; tametl\i quM est i11ta lan<latio, Cic. tantundem, v. tantuKcfom.
tamquam (tanquam). Rtlv. L Jntro- tantua ·a -um, correl. atllcctlvnl pron. L
1l11ci11g a r.tllll par11011, 1U, jtU!l <U, like as, 11.S V, a.tit of lfl/,("h. 11izt, 110 gre(ft; a foll. hy qunntns, nnllam
~; q1i.11l vi1leo tlhi etiam novum acci<lissc tnm- unqnnm vldl tnntiuu {r:ontionem), quanta nunc
qua111111ihi, Cic.; gloria vlrtutt!m t.i111q1u1m umbrn vestn\m est, Cle.; b, foll. by qui, quae, qnocl,
K<!•p1it11r, Cic.; foll. h)' Kie or ita, tn:nqnam bona ~n. with subj., nulla t:mta vis. quao non
vnletn<lo j11cnndlor est, sic, etc., Cie.; tamqnam
si, jtUI °"if; tamqunm 11i tnf\ I'M agntur, Cle. ;
110 \•!th t:unquam alone, ta111quam clau11& sit
rrnngt r.ossit, Cle.; o, foll. by quorn, Liv., Verg.;
d, fol • Ly ut 11nd thll subj., non !'nit tnntu11
homo In civitntc, ut <le eo poth1simum con-
A11ia, iu fJ, Cic. IL Causal, as tlunl{lh; cla.-i1da, qucramnr, Cle.; e, without a con"l'I., in tn11tiA co diu pu~natura, e portu movit, Liv. 111ututio11ih1111, Ci<:.; tot tantaquc vitia, Cle. IL
TA:Gii.ger -gri, m. a rfrer ill Luronia, now 89 m.11ch; t.'l11tn pccunla. Cie.; 1, neut., to11t111n,
Nrgro. 1111\Jst. 1 a, in 11om. and acr~, llO much; (11) ut
Ti.n'gra -ae, r. (Tavaypa) a town. in. Ole twt tantnm nobh1, quantum ipei supcre11S1J po."8et,
of I~ia; adj., Tanlgraeua -a -um, o/ or remitteret, Cie.; (JJ) with genit., a11ctoritJtti11 1
btlo1tging t-0 1'unagro. Cle. ; b, In gcnit. of actual or mural value, n.t
TbA.18 -l<lls an<l ·Is, m. (T.Z..a.&, }. L 11 rlvier such u pried, ao dear; horto11 emit t.iinti, qnanti
i1t Sttrwltia, now tM Don.. IL a river in. Nu- Pythlus voluit, Cle. ; esp., (a) allquid or ali1111i11
•itlia. est timtl, u wortll IO m111:h; tanti eins ayu•I 11c
gratiam esae, uti, etc., Caes .. ; (II) nllq ui< tan ti
T~1Ull -1, n. a ba1 in BrLtai1t, now FMA est, it ii worth. tl1e tl'hil.e; est 111ihi tanti, h11i1111
o/ 1'a.y. invidiAe crlmcn suhlre, dummodo, etc., Cir..;
Ti.Dlqull -quilla, r. tuif• o/ Tarqt1illh1.S c, abl.. tan to; (a) before comparath·Cf!, tit'. more;
Priaclu. tnnto nos suh111i11sh1K geramu11, Cir.; (/'l) with
tandem, adv. (tam nn<l domon11tr.1mffixdem). adv. of time, tanto Rnt.e, 110 lo1t!1 °b'.,Jort, Cit.-.; (y)
L td ungta, at {a,tt; tandem vuiuerihU!I derell81 with vnliA expreMslng a comparison, Ill! prae11tare,
f, y ja111, referre
~•lem coeperunt, Cae:1. ; 11tn•ngtht>ned
aliquamlo, Cic. IL In lnterro;,'ll.tions
Ov.; d In tautum, 110 far, 60 much; in tantum
suam fehcitatem vinutemqne enit11i11Se, J,iv.; 2,
pm.y, tMn; quiol tandem agebati~? Cie.; quoo1 =
neut., tan tum, as a<lv. ao much, llO far; (11) with
Ken1111 e.<1t tandem ostent.a.tlonls et iilorlae f Cle. verbs, de quo tantum, quantum me amn.'I, velim -ae, r. a aerman. dei.ty. co:;ltes, Cic. ; (fJ) with n1lj., i1111trA'ld of tam,
ta.ago. Utlgl, tllctum, 3. lln<l (archaic) ~go, tantnm mai;11a, Hor. III. of llUCh a kl11d, !()
taxi, S. (root TAC), to tCtUCh. I. Bodily: 1, ~en., little, 80 ·imuill; cctcmrum pn1vincian11n vrctig·
terram b'CllU, Cic. ; 2, to tmc("h. a placl!, I.e., a, t.o nlla tirnts 11u11t, ut li11 ad provlnelas tntamll\8
horrkr 01~; villa tim~lt \•lam, Cle. ; b, to, vix con kn ti ess~ poRShuue\ <?ic.; neut., ta11t111n,
narh a plr1~: provinciam, Cic.; 3, to touch, ui:e, as sul>st.=ao ltttle: prars1d1i, Caell.: as adv.=
u~, pu&h., hU; a, chordas, Ov.; fulmlne tactus, only; nomen tantum virtntis 1111urpas, Cir-:
(,'ic., or tie caclo tactus, by lightning, Cic.; tnntum non, all but, Liv.; tantum qnod; (o.)
b, to to1tch = t-0.kill; qnemqunm op<>rtuislle tangi, j11At, Cic.; (fJ) only; tant111n qnod homlnem
Ctc.: 4, to sprinkle: corpus aqua, Ov.; 5, a.,= non nominat, Cie.; non tantum ••• B<.-d etlam,
to take; non ternncium <le prn~da, Cic.; J:?J to 1iot 011lv • . • but al!o, Liv.
touch, ~eke 11(trt of, U13lt, Mt; ethos <lente, ttnr. tantuadem, tnnt:ldem, tantumdem nnd tn11-
IL or the mind, 1, gen., to to11ch, mtJVt, lljfect, tu111le1111 } so 11111cll, j11st so grMt; neut. ta11-
imprt>.ss: mi nae Clodii 111odlce me tnn~nnt, Cic.;
2, to t.ouch "1'°" in di.,;course. mention; uhi

tumdem or ta11tu11<lt>m,j1ut 1nuch; a, in nom.
an<l 11ec., magistrat\bus tantun1clem detur in
Arl11totelAS b1ta tetlglt? Cic.; 3, to chffu, ccze11, ccllam, qnRntum 11c11•per rlatum f'&t, Cic.; b,
Pinnt.; 4, to undert<lkl', prtpart; cannina, Ov. genit. or price, tantidem, Cic.
tanll.cae -irum, f. long JJtrips of pork, Varr. dpoti ·111, n. an1l ~pitum -1. n. (~ci~).
Tanti.11111 (-68) -i, m. (TaVTCIAo~), a king of dmpery, triputry, used for coYering walls, ft()Ora,
P1'rygia, fat'Mr of hlop.• and Nwbt, vho #I hill conche11, etc., Vei:K· ( plur., tapetlbu11, Verg.,
oin. cA.ud IJI food befure tit.I' gods, and waa punialt.l'd Liv., Ov.; tapet1s, Verg.; IMlC. plur., tapetu
'1' Hada br bdng plGc«i n«&r /nl.itl and tOllUr, from unused nom. tapca, Verg.). ·
Tap 688
fipriblne -&i, r. (Ta.rrpo/JO..,.,,), a• "1411d T~na; ftnmen Terracinae = AIDIUellm, LIT.
now Ceylon.
IOUth of India, Bence, adj., Tal'l'lcinel18la -e, of Tarracin.a.
t-'ranclrwl ·I, m. 11 n(1Wfllr, Plln. Tarrl.oo --Oni!I, f. a to1&n in Spaitr&, now Tar-
Tarbelll --Orum, m. a~ (n Aquitan(a. ragona. Hence, TarrAconcnata -e, o/ Ta.Y-
tarde, adv. (tardua). L llowly; navigare, mco: Hispanla Tarraconensis, rt<HIY of U..
Cic.; tardiua moveri, Cic.; ju<lkare, Cic. IL north-tut dfo£.£on of Spain.
laU, t&Ot in ti11W; triennlo tardius (later) tri· Taraua -1, f. (Tap~ci\"), iM cAief toU'll oJ
wnphare, Cle.; tardissime perferrl, Cic. Oilicia, now Tano. Hence. adj., Tarsenala
tardesoo, 8. (tardus), to b«omt llo1o, i..ncr. -e, of or beloft.ging to Tarsua.
tardigrMua ·a -um (tarde and gradlor), TarU.rus (-08) -1, m., plur., Ta.rtAra
llo1oly SU.pping, ap. Cle. !>rum, n. (TapTapo~, plur., TapTa.pci), Ute infrrJtal
regions. Hence, adj., Tartarcus -a -um, Ta:r·
tardll~uua -a -wn \tarde and loquor), tarran; custoa, Caberu.s, \'erg.; aorores, U..
tloioly 1ptaku,g, Sen. Fud.u, Verg.
tardfpea -pMis (tardua and pes), ilow/ooUtl. · Tarte8a119 (-&) -l, t (ToprqO'o-o(), a tcK'1'
deua, limping, I.e., Vulcan, Cat.
tarcUtaa, f. (tardns). I. alov:mul,
in Hispa.nia Battica, °" t1w &ulis. Hence.
tardi1V.&1; a. of pen;o11s, plcrisque In rebus
Tartesslua -a -nm, Tarteuian, litora, 011 t.W
.Atlantic, Ov.
gerendis ta;i'itas et prol.'ras~i11at!o. odiosa est, ta.rum ·I, n. aloe-tDOOd, Plin.
C1c.; b, of things, sl"""7MW, inactivity: pednm,
Cle.; na\'lum, Cacs.; esp., sloumua iii; Tarnsatea-lum, m. apwpl~ in Aq1lita1"1L
cun111m contentiones magls requir1111t, exposi- tasoonlum -Ii, n. a tohitt, clayey tiartlt., Plin.
tlo11cs rerum tarditatem, Cic. IL Transf., tA.t I intc1j. an t:rclamat£on of aatmtiM?!Wllt
wunta:l and moral 1!-0umua, lloth/ulnu1, in.erl· what I Plaut.
""'• dulnw, 1tupidit71; lngenil, Cle. tA.ta -ae, m. /a.UIA:r, In the lisping speech at
tardltiido -lnis, f. (tardus), sloumas, Plaut. children, Varr.
tarcUusciUua -a -um (tardua), 10mewhat =
tA.tae tat (q. Y.).
tlow, tardy, Plaut. Tatlua -U, m., Titus Tatlus, king of t7w
tardo, l. (tardus). L Intransit., to lcittr, Sabi nu, co-regent with .Rom'Ul'IU. Adj .. T~tlua
to bt .ZOw; num quid put.cs reil_lublicae nomine -a -um, of Tathu.
tardandmn esse nobis, Cic. II. Transit., to Taulantll -orum, m. a people of IUyria...
make slow, tardy, to hi?Ukr, delay, ntard;
cunmm 1 Cle.; with au and the aul., aliquem a taura -ae, f. (n1iipci), a bartt1' cow, \'arr.
lamle &licuiu.s, Cle.; with infin., ut reliqui hoc taureua -a -um (taurns), of or nlating to ml
timore propiua adlre tardarentur, Caes. <XI:; terga, ca-hi.du, Verg.; melon., a dnim., Ov.;
tardus -a -um, .ZOW, tardy. L Lit., 1, gen., Rubst., taurea-ae, ta whip of btdl'• hide, Jnv.
a, or livin" creatures, pecus, Cle. ; homo, <..:ic.; Taurl -orum, m. 11 people of Scythian ~nt,
with In and the abl., ln decedendn tardior, Cic.; t1.tar t"M
Crimea. Adj. Taurlcus -a -um
with ad and the acc., tardlor at! diRcedendum, Ta uric.;
Cic.; b, of things, tiblclnia modi, Cic. ; \•ox, taurlformta -e (taurus and fonna), shaptd
Oic.; tlllp., (a) coming laU; pqena, Cic.; (/3) llllt· liu a buU (of the river .Anfidns), because ri\'er-
mg 11 long time, lingering; menseshVerg.; 2, goda were re11resented with the heads of oxen,
poet., making alow; podAgra, Hor. • Transr., Hor.
a, of persons, slow of compreheMion, dull, stupid;
Taurn'. ludl -Orum:.~ games cdebra.ud '"
nunis indociles quidam tardique aunt, Cle.; b,
of things, dull; i11genium, Cic. ; !lr of speech Circus Flaminitu "' .lW7llC, tn lwnovr qf t.U \a.-
or a speaker, .ZOio, m«l8Und, cutiberate; In /ernal deitia, Liv.
utroque genere dicend1 principia tarda aunt, Taurinl --Orum m. 11 ptopk of Ligvrlaa
Cic. race in Gallia Cilalpina, 'With. eapital August&
Taurlnorum, whence Turin. Hence, adj.,
Tll.rentum -1, n. and TArent118 -1, 1. Taurinus -a -um, of or relating to tM T1nn1d.
(Tcipaf), 11 wealthy town 07' ~ coad of MagM
Urauia, feunckd by Spartan erilu, 707 B.c., 1. taurinua -a -um (tauru.,), of or rtlating CO
/amotu for U. purple dyu, now Taranto. Hence, 11 bull; tergu111, Vcrg.; trons, Ov.
adj., Tarentinua -a -um, T11rentine; plur. 2. Taurinus -a -um, v. Taurini.
aubst., TA.rentinl --Orum, m. iMabitanta o/ Taurols -0entls, f. a fort in Ga.Uia Nf#'o
Tarentum. bo11en&is, belo-nging to Ma&&i/ia.
tarmes -Itia, m. a wood-1oonn, Plaut. Tauromenlum (Taurom!nium) -Ii, n.
Tarpeju.s -a -um, naTM of a Roman fam!ly, ea11t coa3l of Sicily, now Tao1'1lliltlJ.
a town on the
~ nwst celebrattd member of which. was Sp. Hence, -a -um, o/ or z.
Tarpejns, commarnkr of t"M citadel at .&me, lo11ging to Tauromrnium.
toh0$t daughter Tarpeja was sa(d to hat·e admitttd TauropoloB, r. (T4vpoir0>.of). svM1.a1111 q/
Chs Sabinu into tM ci«ulel, and lo have been Artemis (lJiana).
CT1J.llwl beruath tMf.r lhield& in rt11J(lrd. Adj.,
1'arpeia.n; lex, Cic. ; mons Tarpejus or aaxum 1. taU%'118 -i, m. (l"aiipcx), a bull. L Llt.,
Tarpejum, the Tarptian rock, a peak o/ the Capi- Cle. II. Tr:insf., 1, tlw iign of tJu zodiac JO
toli.m Hill, frcrm which oriminau were thrown; called, \'erg.; 2, the bull of P!talal'is, Cic.; 3, 11
arx, t"M Capitol, Verg. bird, perha111 a bittern, Plin.; 4, a Und qf built.
Plin. ; 5, tlw root of a tru, Quint.
Tarqulnll --Orum, m. Cl1' old town in Etruria,
tchrnce cam.4! t\c Tarquin family. Hence, A. 2. Taurus -i, m. (Taiipo~). a MgA mouma1•
Tarqulnlus -a -um, a., of Tarq11i1tii, name of range in Aria, now Ala·Dagh or .Al-KiLnu1..
two kiui;s of Rome, Tarquinius Priscus a11d the Tauri Pylae, a 'llaM"O'W pasa between Qippadoi:M&
last king of Home, 'farqul11ius Superl>us; bLbt· and Cilicia, Cle.
longi11g to tM Tarquin family; nomen, iv. =
tas tuxtax (q. v.).
B. Tarqu.inlenais -e, of Tarquiliii. taxa -ae, f. 11 6Jltde& of laurel, Plin.
Tarr&cina ·ae. r. nnd TarrA.oinae ·ii.rum, taxatlo -011is, f. (taxo), a rating, lllllhrillf.
f. a tolL"n in La.tium, formerly called Anzur, now ap1rrai4ing; eiua rel taxatiunem fa<:ere, Cio.
667 Tel
taslcus -a •om (tuua), oJ or f'dat£ng to the tegetYotua -ae, t. (dilO. or tege.), ca zua.
Jt1C-tru. Plln. mat or nig, llart.
taslllua -1. m. (root TAG, whence talus), a tegillum ·I, n. (dim. or tegnlum), ca iinaU
""4ll dit, Cle. 11.ood or oowl, Plin.
taso. J. (tago, tango), to tot1cA, to handk. teglmen (tegiimen) and tegmen ·I11is,
Fig., .&. to rtproal'h, C.1:.c trith a fault; allqnem, n. (tego), a cover, coveri.n.g; rulbi a111ictnl est
Suet. B. to ut£maU., nue, a1lJ>raiu tM wltu of Scythkum tegumen, Ch:. ; transr., a 1hidd;
•iivtAi11g, Suet. quod tegumen ruodo omnis exercitus tuerat,
taJrua .1, f. a yew-tru, Caea. Liv.
Ta:fgeti (Tatt.geti> -u. r. (Ta.ii')"ITIJ), teglmentum (tegiimentum) and teg-
dawgh.Ur of Atlcu, one of~ Puladl. mentum -l, n. (tego), a covering; tepweuta
corporum vel texta vel suta, Cio.
Tafgetua -1, m. (Tc.i},.uoa-'L) and fifgeta tegmen = ti>gimeu (q. v.).
~run1, 11. a »wvnta(• bet1DU1' aco11ia ana Mu·
ltllia. tego, texi, tectu1n, S. (ITT/.yw), Co com". L
1. ti, v. tu. Gen., 11111lca corpus eiua texit suo p1111io, Cle.;
casas stramentis, IL Esp., 1, to bury,
2. -ti, l'ronomlnal sutftx added to tu (v. tu). cover with earth.; 011~ tegeL&t hnn111CJ, Ov. ; 2. ti;
Tii.num -1, n. (Tla.l'Oa-). L Tennum Si<ll· rot•er, concwl, hich; a lit., ferae latibulis Ke
l'inmn, a tow" iR Campan£a. now Teano. IL l:.i'i,'llnt, Cic.; b. trans?., lo eonc:t11l, kup ucret;
Teanum Apnlum or A1'uloru111, toto1' fa ..4.pul£a, ut 11ententillm t ..geremus, Cic.; 3, lo cor:tr '° a1
now Ponte J:otto. Hence, Teia8Dlle8 ·lum. m. to protect, to lhid<l; a, lit., alique111, ~.;
&Al i11AabUa11u of 1'1Un.111n. patrlam, Cle.; b, fig., lo proUct; legKtoa ab ira,
Teatea -um, m. a peopl• '" .dpulla.. tigtila -ae, r. (tego), Cl rooftng·tile, Cle.;
teba ·ae, f. a hUl, Varr. plur., tegulae, frequenUy l18ed for ro<if; per
teoJuaa ·M, I. (nx"'I), 4 cunnl11g Irie.I; artl- k:;ulrul demittl, Cle.
1.a, Plaut. tigiUum ·l, n. (tego), a cowring, f'OO/, Plln.
teohnloua -1, m. (nxPU:""), ca tcat:Mr o/ a.n11 tegilmentum = tei;imentum (q.v.).
art, Quint.
Teomeaaa -ae, f. (Tiicµ'IO'.;.e1), daughkr o/ tegilmen = tegiwcu (q.v.),
Ttuthra.s, mi1treu of tlui Tel..t1no11ta1i .Ajaz. tila .ae, f. (for texlu, from texo). L a
iceb, that which u WOl'l!1' ; Penelope telam re-
Teomon -Onia, w. a toum tn Cgpf'UI. texens, Cic.; a Bpilltr'1 'llH!b, CRt.; tl_g., u lier~;
Tecta via, G ltrt.d '" lloJM, to th• ea tela texitur, Cic. IL .Met.on., 1, ~warp,
JJOrta Capnw.. \'erg.; 2. tM loom, ov.
teoti. adv. with compnr. (tectus), 1, caai- Telmno (-OD) ·l'inb1, m. (T1.\e1,.wa-), 0111 o/
lfotul1, ltC'tlMJI, Cle.: ~. OOJHStly, ltJCf'eliy, Cic. the Ar!]oiu111tl, /IJ.t/1erof .Aj«:.c aud 1'eucu. Heuce,
teotor -~ri11, m. (tego), ona 1Dho ro~r• 1e11lll .&. T~Onlll8 -a -um, 1"tlanw1i£an;,
toWl plalln', 1tucco, etc., a pla1ltrcr, Yarr. = .Ajax, Ov. B. TilmniDIAdia -ae, m. U..
tectOrlolum ·I, n. (dim. of tectorlum), IOn of 1'el.anlon, i.e., .Ajo.z, Ov.
pla.ltn' or uucco work, Cic. Telchinea -um, m. (Tr.\xia-n), a. f'Tultlr
tectirlua ·a -um (teetor), wed /<IT ~rLng.¥ of lUwdu, fauwu.1 for inttal worl.:, aiul
L Gen., pauiculus, 1traw for tlwlching, Plaut. iiotonuus for tlitir .orceria.
IL Elp., relalillg w the plostering, 1tucc.oi11g of TilBbiiae ·irum, m. ('f>J.\r/JOa.c), a 1>eo1>le l1'
1rolU; hence, up1ia tectorlum, and aubet., Acqrna1iia, notorio1u for brigu1ldage, a ooluny qf
teotirium -II, n. pla.lkr, stucco, fruco-pafot· u:l1om 1ttlled in the uumd of <.:upreae.
t119; conci1111u111, Cle.; trausr., or ptUl• put on
tl1e far.e to pre»4:rVe the complexio11, Juv.
Tiligonos ·I, m. (T11-''~l'CX). '°'' of Vl1111u .
aml <Jt• ce, builder of 'J"u.aculuia; Telegoui moe11ia,
TeotOdges -um, m. nml Teot~ Tusculum, Ov. ; appell., TelegoDi -l'irurn, m.
-Urum, m. a people (n Gallia. Narbo11e1111u, a of tlu loi·t poenu of Ovid (which were de"tnicti\"e
mncA of whom. uUle<l fa GaluUa, fa A1£a Minor. to him their author, just Ka Tdegonus killetl Ilia
teotum -t, n. (te<.,:11), a roof. L Lit., sub father Uly11Jics).
tectum congcrere, Cic. IL Met.on., a roof,
alotiter, quarter.~, abode, dwdliug; ager sine Ulyua a11d Puulope.
TelemAollws -1, m. ~"e1xof>. '°" oJ
recto, Cic.; aliq11en1 tecto nc domo invitare, Telephua ·i, m. (TliAr~). IOll o/ lltttttlts,
Ch-.; Inter a1111os XIV tf!ctum non subire, lvul ki11!1 i1~ M y1ia, wounded b)I the 11iear of .AchiUa_
1<•1t conui under a roof, l.'ae11.; Trlviae tectn, but ltealtd l1y its rust.
te111plt, Ver~.; Sihyllae, grotw, Verg.; <loli tectl,
CJ/ tlte labvri1ith, Verg. Tilethiiaa -ae, t. o/ IphLa.
tect119 -a -um, p. adj. (from tego), r.ortrtd. tiliDum -1, n. (njAu•oa-), ci lmtlv lfllw 11&aM
L Lit., niwes, Liv.; f!Cal'hae, Caes. IL f'ig., <>/ tlie herb /t1'tt{lrttk, l'lin.
A. ronuaJ.~d or co11cru.lin.9 01uuff, close, ruern~:d, tells ·111, r. (rij.\1f), tu herb fenugnek, Plin.
•-U•1tio1u; q.ui_s tect.i."r, Cie. B. concealed;, a., Tellena -l'irum, n. a to1M i" Lulium.•
Herd; cup1<l1tal, (;1c.; b, or speecb, dl.sguuea, tellua -tlris, r. L the w.rth; 1, lit., Cic.;
~re; vcrba, Cic. esp., tlae mrth., IOU, as bearing fruit.a, hu111idu,
Tegea -ne, f. (T'yl" ). ii dt11 nfA rc:adia. Hence, Ov. ; 2, transf., 1-oet., a, land, tli.trict, country;
A. (Tegoeua) ·ll ·Utn, 1't17ta1i, a11<l Gnossia, \'erg.; b, la11d, 1"•ssasioil.4; pro11ria,
1-oet. A. ·r<ul iu.n ; \ Jrgo, Callisto, drrnglttu uf the Hor.; o lu.11d = ptople; l'outica tellus, Ov. IL
Arrodia n. l ii• g I.yawn, Ov.; aper, tlu wil1l boor Prrsoni 1., 'l'cllus, the Earth, at the ull·nourilhing
r>f Eryw('. ·1.i1~, O\·.; pareus, Cu,.me11ta, flt()f/ttr god<less, l:ic.
of l!:can..t. • "ho is also called Tei;euea l!a•·er1lo11, Telmeuua (-&) ·I, f. (Tr-'µ'IO'O'ck), m' olcl
Ov.; <ln11 , uf F.va1ultr, Ov.; s11bst, Tege- tou:n fo L.11i::u' on the bO'rclen of Cari11. Hence,
aea -a• .-t111/1111ta, Ov. B. Tigiates ·ac, A. Telmeaaea -lnm, m. tlte iului.bita11tl o/
111. u11 ;,, :. 111! of "frgca. 1'elma,11-'J. B. Telmeuloua -a -urn, o/ or
teges -t:tia, f. (tego), G -U, n.g, C:Ovtring, rf'luJ i11!J to Ttl111.u1U&. c. Telmeuiu ·a -um,
\'a;r. 1'tlmt111£un.
tel 668 tem
tilam -1, n. a wt.Urih, dart, jattlin., 1pt4r. tem}Mrati, adY. (tmipera~u11), llllMldtnlldJ,
I. 1, lit., a, arn1a atque tcla millt.arla, !:!all.; temperiUd'fl; agerc, Cic.; temperatius &Cribere
t.ela lntendere, exclpere., Cic. ; b, " •ironl.. Cic.
dagger, etc., 'Wttlpon; stare cum telo, Cic. ; uaed temperii.tlo -onls, f. (tempero). L ,_.
of the ceatus, Verg. ; of the horns or a bnll, ~SS, mot.kration., j!UI proporliofl., proprr
Ov. 2 trausr., tli. bta11&1 of tM au"; tel& diel, miztt1rt of ingredunt.s, oons:ittttion., orga., imt~;
Luc:r. Ji9ht_nfog; arbitrium e11t in aua tela Jo vi, ca.ell, Cic. ; caloris, Cle. ; corponuu, Cic.; ciri-
Ov. .u. Fig., tDMpon, arrow, dart, arm.t; tel& tatis, reipublicae, Cic. IL Coner., tlu ~
fortuuae, Cic.; lsto telo tutabimur plebem, Liv. iring principle; sol mens mundi tt temperatia,
Timinoa (Ti,urtK, To'), "pUu¥ cit Syracue, Cic.
will.ere was a gmN iacrtU to .d.polw. Hence, temperi.tor -Oris, m. (tempero), OM wAo
Timbitia -ae, m. (T•µ.o-i~), of T11MnOB; arrangu or govtrn.1; v1&rictatis, Cic.
Apollo, a Ual1u of .A.polio, Cic. temperatlira ·ae, f. (tempero), propo- • •
temer&rlua -a -um (temere). L by cha~, tun:, temperature, organisatiO'tl, Plin.
for1u!tous, ocurual, Plant. IL inooM~ temp8ri.tua -a -um, p. adj. (from tempero).
U..Oughtlt.,,JJ, i1idiac1-r.U, raah,<icU ; homo, I. properly arrunged: }•rcla, Cato. II. ordtTtd,
Caes.; couailiu111, Liv.; beUa,Ov.; CU}'iditas,Cic.
uuxlerate i_ a.1 _'=~' Ci'?.; loc.1. ten1 peratiora, Cab..· ;
tmniri, lld v. l1f r.Aa1M:C, a.ccUU 11lally, ro..t'IUJ.lly.
b, fig., moaerau, mild, qtlltt, ~11perate; J1omo
/orlv.Ucu6l11, ra1Jhly, Audlusly, wttllout puf"JJ(M. temperatisslmus, Cic.; oratio temperatior, Cle.
J:. Gen., eqi:-. temere acto, Liv.; domus quae
temere et nullu .consilio admlnistratur, Cic.;
tempirl, temperius, v. tern pus.
nihil tewere, uihll im:i1rudenter factum, Caes. temperles ~i. f. {kmpero), a propn- •izt•rc.
D. Esp., A. 11011 temere est, it is not for Mthing prtparali-On, orga1iUation., teinperi11.9; temperie111
that, i.t ii not toitl«riU importance or mftining, sumpRere humorque calorque, Ov.
Verg. B. non t.e1uere, not earily; qui hoc non tempero, 1. (tempus, a Stdion), to Id
temere nilii liberti11 suia de!!>rebant, Cle. bound.a to a thing, ktep 'Wit11in. li 1nits.. L Jn.
timirltu -itis, f. (temere). L challll, trausit., to observe proper limit&, be Uw1£>1!rnU;
accMU.1it ; teweritaa et e&11W1, non ratio nee con· 1, gen., in nmlta, Liv.; with dat., to rontrnJ,
11Uium valet, Cle. D. 'l"CU1'neu, inconsidera.te- ktep back, u.e with. '110tleration; victorLte. Sall:
neu, ~rUy in action; ml inco11.sutaare, 1111· linguae, Liv.; with all!., risu, Li\'.; witli ab arid
.fou1uUd opinion, in judgment; temeriw cupid· the abl., t-0 l.:ttp frolfl., rt/rain jro1n.; ab injnria,
it.t&que militum, Caes.; uumquam temeritaa cu1u Caes.; sibl non tempernre and si1111•ly non or
aapie11tia com1uiscetur, Cle. v1x temperare, fo!L hy quominn.:1 or quin and
not to rrfmin frv111; 11e<1ue sihi tt:inpt:ra·
temoro, 1. (temere), to dtftl.e, di&honour, pol- subj., tnros existim11bat, quin iu pruvi1wiu111,
luh; templa, Verg.: thalamo11, Ov. Caes. ; 2, esp., to 11111.rt, with Jat.; l10:Stibu.s
Time.a -ae, r., Temeae \bi, r., and supemtis, Cic. II. Transit,, 1, a, l<• d1stritmtt
Tempaa (Temaa) -ae, f. (T<!µi01J, Tiw'-a.), an or m.iz properly, t-0 temprr: 11cut.1 cum grnvi~1~,
ocil town fa Bruttium, fam.011.11 for Us ropper Cir~; ~esp., to miz a dri11J.:, J•rqxirc; i,~>eulurn,
mines. Hence, A. Temesaeua -a -um, Te· Hor.; :3, a., to; rempuulicam l~bus..
t11Weaa. B. Teme.elns -a -um, Tmiuean. Cic.; b, to rule; res hominum ac deormn, llor.;
C. Tempei.nua -a -um, Tempsan. 3, to temp.,..., tllaU mUd; calores solis, Qc. ;
temetum -1, n. (root t.emum, whence temu· acquor, Verg.
lentus), any inlo.ricating drink, wine, Cic. tempestaa ·&tis, r. (tempu.s). L a srnot or
temno. temps!, 3. to, contemn; vul- perwa of ti flUl, ltlll$0n ; ea tem r:8 ta te, "' tA4l
garla, Hor. time, Sall.; eMem tempestate, C1c.; 111ult1s ante
tempeslatibns, Liv. IL 'IL'Wlhrr. A.. G.. n.,
T~ -1, f. (T-ijµ~). a toum ii& Atolia, bona., certa, Cic.; elara, Verg.; turbulcuta., t:ic.;
now Jlenimt11. Hence, A. Temnitea -ae, m. perlri&!da, Cic.; te111pestates, kinds n{ tcmlA<r,
of Temnos. B. TelDDii -Orum, m. tM in· Cir_ B. bad 11•tather, storm, laliJ>at, 1, lit..,
llabUanta of TemlW6. innnoderatae tempest.ates, Cic.; ~. fig., .io1-.,
temo ~nls, m. (tendo), a pole; 1, lit., a, tempest, attack, fury; invidiae, Cic.; querelarum,
of a waggon, Yerg.; b, or a plough, a plough- Cle.; telorum, Verg.; of personM, Siculonuu
bMm, \'erg.; 2,., meton., a, a wagg01t.; b, the tempesti1s (of Verre11), Cic.; turbo ac tempestu
CCJ'Mtdlalion ofi;harlu'1 Wain, Cle. poet. imcis (of Clodius), Cic.
Tempi. neut. plur. (Ti"'...,, Ta). L a mllt11 tempeativii. adv. with compar. (um~t.­
in Thuaal.11, faflllJ111 for its fitauty, through. 'IChir.h h-us), at the right timt, 8'XL110nably; tempe.oth-e
tM river Peneus J(owt.d.. D. Traruif., any btau- caedi (of tree11), Cic. ; terupesth'ius in domum
£\{11.l valley, Ov., \'erg. Pauli comillll3bcre, Hor.
tempiri.mentum -1, n. (t.empero). La tompeetivltaa ·itis, r. (tempcstivus), tNi ·"
right proportion of thing1"1'lliud. k>gd.her ; eade1n Hine, proper ae:ason; 11Ul\ cuique }>l'lrti aetatis
eat ruateria, aed temperameuto, Plin. D. tempestivitas est data, Cic.
a middle way, -m, modtrnti.on; inventum est tempeativo = tempestive (q.v.).
temperamentum, quo tenuiores cum principibWI tempeativus -a -um (tempus). L ~­
aequari se putarent, Cic. i"!l ci.t tl1e right tinu, opport111u, 11«UOnable, }t,
tempirana -antls, p. adj. (f'rom tempero), aJ'pTOpriute. A. no11dum tt>mpestivo ad nnig-
wwdemtt, ttmperau, co1itinm~, st(f-denying; andum mari, Cic.; oratio, Liv.; 11111lta mihi ad
homo, Cic. ; ho1110 temperantisllimus, Cic.; with mortem tempestiva fuere, co11t'rni~nl cpporC•'lli·
ab anrl the abl., te111perantlor a eupidiue im- tia for, Cic. B. rorl11; cena, convivium, Cic..
perii, Liv. IL a, of fruit, in Ma&On, ripe; fructus, Cic.; b,
temperanter adv. with compar. (tern· of persons, ripe, matun:; puella. tempesth-a viro,
perana), teapn-akly, taO<kraldr; tem1iera11tlUJ1 ripe for marria9t, Hor.
agere, Cic. templum. -1, n. (= tempulnm, dim. ot ~m­
tempCa.ntla -ae, r. (temperans), tt'ln.ptr· pus), lit., a atdion, a p:u1 cut o§. L a rpatt
cuace, fllOIUration, .ooruty, continence; temper· tM aky or on tM MrtA 111"1rh!d ov.t by tlu aum1r
anti& in praetermittendill voluptatibWI cernltur, for tli. putpog of tal.iJtg ampiala, Liv. IL
Qio. Trans!., .&.. "place /fV'IA 1MicA OM CU1l n~;
iem 569 ten
, n111,. 0/ Nim&; dens, CUlllA hoc telldfotUa -&e, f. (tendo). Cl pra, llOl.Jf, IMN;
omne quod oom1plciil, Cle. ; b, a ftg., aucn(lia verbo1-um et htte1arum teDdlculMI,
._. pla Pamauia, 1114 No11.r&l Punaauu, Cic.
OY. • • ~ pft:oe qf grcNlld : a, gen., ten4o, tA!tendl, tentum and ten11u111, s. (root
. . . Clll1U8mlW spot,• taiad1"1ry1 aqi-, Liv.; TEN, whence n&.,.,, to 1trlkA), to ltrdrll, strtklt
trf a elaapel dedicated t.o the deao_ Verg. ; or ~e oat, &rU1ld.. L Act.., /',,.. 1, lit., plaga11, Cir..;
::uria. beca1188 eonleC:"'tel:l .by an a~ur: cu.i:ia. arcum, Verg.; 2, met.on., a, to Jnldt (ti t1mt);
tenap\um publlcl cona11ii, CIC.; ~ lr&WJl4l, C1c.; praet.oriurn, Ciuw.; b, to string; barbit~n, Jl,,r.;
transl., of an7 clear, open •Pft"'-' ; mundl, Luc{;; o, to dfrtd ; ad 11&\'t"!I, Verg.: K&~itt&11 arcu,
ftg., = CM il&Urlor; teanpla mentki, Cit'. : , to tllool, Hor. : d, to rear-A, pnllllnl; parvmo
pat.rt Iuhun, Verg. B. Fig., 1, gen., alicui
esp., a platJI dtdWl«I to a particular <ltUr, a
1 h1Kidias, ta lay 1111rr,.a for, Cic.; 2, to pN!.51111,
14ap(lc: J'om, Cle.
tempiralla ~ (tempos), lent.porar1, llutbag g!_Vlll; .11pem amlci11 porrigere atque temlere, Cic.
for• u.. ; laud-, '1'ae. IL Reftex. (with or without se) and mlcl•ll~, A.
temulri.rla .. -am (tie=pas L fnipo- Lit., 1 (ftit~out ee), to atrdch out; millt. t.. ~-·
rary Plin. IL ~ to tt1111 and kJ pUcA OM• k!lt,, Caea., Verg. : 111
~~ Nep. ilede111 cutris, Liv.; 2 (without ae), to dired
-x... one's OOMT'« to, tend t01.oarda, (10 tmcanll, llWln:A
tem,....• ._ -+'. tempu. lo'llla.rda: a, or persons, Ve11u1i&m, Cic.: ad
Tempra.~emi-nm, T. Temea. ae<tes, Hor.; u11<le venlsT et quo teudia? Hor.;
telDpQS ~ris, D. ('ril'"'• to c1't of), 11 dift. b, or Inanimate thinp, .11lmulacra YllA de rectia
"""· .aiDra; hence, La di'ririon. qftfwie, ll'dio1' omnia tendunt. I,ucr.; 3, or places, reftex. (with
o/ tlwu, JJerlod o/ tifllt. .&. Lit.., ext.rem nm and gen. without ae), or mlrldle, to .U«ch toioardio,
tempus diel. Cle.; matutlna tempora, tM fl&Orn- a:ttn.d t-o; via te11dlt sub moenla, Verg. B.
\!If Aottn, Ctc. ; blbemum tempus annl, Cle.; Tninsr. (reflex without 11e), 1, a, to haw r~1m1t
hoc tempore, Cle.; omni tempore, Cle.; in tem- to; ad allenam opem quh1que inop11 tenden-,
pu.s prae11ena, for tlu prc#lll, Cle.; ex teu1pore, Liv.; b, to be indiivd, tend in anr dim:timl,
witll.o1c.t pr11!JraHo-. Cle.; ad tempns, /or a aim at, striw a,/Ur; ad reliqua alacri te11tlt·-
t'-, Cle. B. Transr., 1 a di..tinct poilll oJ 1-mus animo, Cle.: foll. by inftn., to lfll, at-
tiirw:; ablit lllud tempu, Cle:; ad tuum tempos, tnl,:>t; manlbus dlvellere 11odo11, Verg.; pr3e-
up to ycr1&r coranlMip, Cle.; tempua eat, with veniro, Liv. ; 2, to lllrivt, co11Mnd agaiMI ; a,
lntln., U v ltigll. u.. to; tempua e1t dlcere, Cic.; with Anna, summl vi, &IL; b, with wordH, ele.,
with ace. and hdln., te111pua eat jan1 liin1: a bl re to conUnd for, JlriN for; quod aummi vi ut. te11d·
me, Cic.; 2, tillMI a. ca tDlaoU; tempua ponere In erent, a111icis mandave.-.t, Liv.; with nt and
~. to IJM"4, Cle.; in omoe teDlpua, /or all tillw, the subj., ut delectum ha beret~ Liv.; wiU1 ACC.
Cic. ; 8, a proper, JU liair, ooau&ora, opportm1.U1 ; of pron., quid tendit ! what ia M ltriv•ng fnr r
tewpus amittere, Cle.; t.empua habere, Cle.; ad Cic. 'It
&empua., at tM ri.o1U time, Cic.; ohl abl., tempori t45nebrae -lrum, r. darknui. L Lit.. a.,
or temper!, al tM rialtt ti11w, MW1GJIMJbly, Cle.; Cic.; t.etris tenebria, Cle.; b, e11p., tile darl..-nr.u
oompar., temperiua, Cle.; 4, a, C.U daU, COftd£. of tilt flight, ftigAt; quomodo rediallem Ince, 11011
&. qf "''""';freq. =
pl or., tAc """'; te1oporihua t.enebris Cie.; 2, a, darknuf blilld1ieu; tene-
Mrvire, Cle.; b, CAI c~rctAUta1wa of a. thing ~r bras et ~IGtlem lucis ademptae ot!)lcit, Ov. ; b,
pu11011; relpublicae, C1c.; e.p., calamitous CU'· tM darblUI ht,/ore tJl.ll eyu in feinting; tenehri,.
~11ufa11ea, •i(IOrlll11e, oal4mU1t; acripei de uigrescunt omnia drcum, Verg. ; o, th.t darkltedl
temporibu.s mel11, Cic.; 6, &itM ill pro1wunciHg of <kath., Plaut. : 8, meton., a dark flatt; or
ca syllable, quantUv, Clc.,;_6, til'M '" gru11urvAr, the lower world, Stygiae, Verg.; ab&r, .. , Yerg.,
U1UC of a Nrb, Varr. .u. the ltmple on tht Ov. ; of a prison, clausl in tenehria, S1lll.; of a
foreluad., Verg.; plur., tM tnaplu, Verg. ; poet.• hiding-place, quum ilia conjuratlo ex latebris
~ /tla, Prop.; Ille, Prop. atque ex tenebria erupil'llle~ Cic. IL Transf.,
Tempjra ~nun, n. a tow1' ill Thrau, be- 1, ob&curity, i?lglorieiu rondition; vestram fiuuil.
h1111t" An. JUwclope and CM iam oll!ICura111 e tenebriK in lucem evoeavit, Cic.;
Temaa Temeaa (q. v.). 2, da_rl."7lU6, gloonl, olncurity; latent i~t.a ~nmit.
•A ~~ ~-
-m11&.&e11- -ae, r. (te nl tu ) d . '·- c11U1S1s occultnta et c1rc11mfusn tenebns, Ctc.
m en s , ru1....:c,.. ..x = rl - · b ·
ftUI fotozioolion Plin. -neb oosua -a -um (tene r1cu,;), d<irk,
! ..u ' • gllloniy, $hrnwkd in darknus, obscurt; illud te11e·
temaaentua. -a -um (tem!lm, whence teme- bricoi;is.'limum tempus ineuntis actatis tuae Cic.
tum), drunken., tntorlca.Ud, hpsr; or persons, , •
Cic.; or things, vox, Cic. .te116bricua ·a ·Um (tenebrae), dark, gloom.11,
iinacltaa -a tis, r. (tenax). 'I. a .ftrm ho~ Cic:., ~t. _
ilt.g, ttn.acity; unguium tenacitate arriplnut, tenebrCNIUS ·&·Um (tenebrne), dark, glooiny,
Cic. IL frugality,, Liv. palu11, Verg.
tin&clUr, a<lv. (tenax). L .ftrmly, tena.- Tenedus (-Os) ·l, r. (Tiv~c!o(}, an viand in
cimul!I; pren11:re, Ov. IL Transf., conllai&tly, the Atgtan Sta, 1ltar Tr<rJ,. now Ttrudo. Hence,
~nnly; miReroa urgere, Ov. T~nedJua -a -um, belonaing to Tt11tdo.s.
ten&JC ·iicis (teneo), holdi71!1 /rul, griping, tenelliilua -a ·um ('1i111. o! tenellus), u;.
k'Nuio1u. L Lit., A. Gen., forct>pa, Verg.; CUllingly tendtr, delicaU, Cat.
dens (of An a~chor), Verg. B. Esp.,, a, l&oldin.g tenellua -a ·Um (dim. or tener), wry un<Ur, to JXWtMtOn!I, wwney, etc., 8JJC1.ru1g, /rtl{lal, dtliro.U Plaut.
dingy;. pater pare us et tenax, Cic.; with gen it., .. x11 ;_0 ... 111y1 tent um 2 ( oot TEN wh
quaes1ti tenax, Ov.; b, holding firmly together, - "' • ."" • • · r • • e~ce
lltklcy, gluey; gramen, nUJtttd. Hor.: cerae, Verg. ten~o, H'':'"'), to hold, . L Gen., A. 1, lit.,
IL Trarnif., A. Gen., firm, .uad/asl; lonjt& pyx1de111 . m ~nanu, C1c. :. pateram dc.xtenl
tenaxque ftdea, Ov. B. Esp., o! character, a,, C1c.; <:•b11111 ore.• C1c.; 2, tran~r._. . a,
In a good sense, ftrm, rUtJlu.U, IUad/alll, holding gen., res. ocull~ ct ma111bull te11etur, u v1..ubu
to; with genit., propositi, Hor.; b, In a bad a~ tangiblt;, C1c.; rt'lll ~1anu tcnere, t.o h.a~. ~
aeuse obst · iaU • ""'OU& Liv • lra, Ov one• fingers ends, to ui1d .rstand thoroughly, Cic.,
• u • ....,. • •• • b, to hold in tM mi111i, to ttndtrst<rnd, ynup,
Teacterl -Onun and·dm, m.11Germa",p!OJ>la know: quae et aaepe audistis et teneti1 ani111iK,
n th.e RAiM- Cle. : quibu11 rehus capiatur Caesar, tenea, Ci'}.
ten 670 ten
B. Metoo., 1 to mzch a place, camw al, land °" ; courw. L Lft., hast& senrat teno1~m. Vttg.
regionem, Lfv. ; trans(., per en111utn rectum IL Tran!lf., •"inUrnlpted cour«, dvratiu,
re~um, Cie. ; 2, to dirtct; a, oculos sub astra, tenor, carter: tenorem pugnae servabant, Llv.;
Verg.; b, to dincC ou'• couTSt; quo tenetls fat!, Ov.; vltAe, Liv.; adv., uno tenore, 1• a
ftert Vt'rg.; Intrans!~., of ships, to .ail to; ad tndntn-rupted cou,.., •nifonnlr, etc.
)(e111lae11rn, Liv. U: With the notion of pro- Tin1111 (-h) ·I, r. (T,;;~), ou n/ Uu C'pelada
rty, to 1aold i1' oru'1 podalioft haH, f101SU8; llland&, now l'ino. Hence, Tiall -6runa, m.
i. , lit., a, multa hereditatibus, multAeml'tlonlbns
tenebauw.r sine lnjnria; Cic.; b1 milit. L t., to
tlu i1c./a.abUanu of TtMt.
OCl.-UJ'!I. gafT'i.loir.; lueum pn1es1dils, montem. o"
teaaa -11e, r. a car tohtcA tM ilft(lga Cl/ iA.
portum, Caea. ; 2, trans(., Of perBOnl M object.'!, god& 1«n carried at Ult C£rceiu£a;r& gamu, Cic.
te jam tenet alt.era eonjux, Ov. · to poSRess a:t a tenalo ·Onie, r. (tendo), 11 ltrtldliag, tt.uiolit
rnfer, te1T1U1, Hor.; lmperium, Caea.; qui t.enent Plln.
(IC. rempublicam). Ula ndtn of th4 sta.U, Cic. tena1111 ·• -um, psrtic. or tendo (q. \".).
llL With the notion or tlnnness, to hold /cut; tentabuad1111(tempt&bma4ua)~~m
l, lit., a, ut quo m.Jor ae viaaquae lndt.avisset, (tento), trgi11g, a.tltm.pting, Liv.
hoc artiua llligata tenerentn.r, Caes.; b, as milit. tent&men (temptimeD) -lnis, n. (tento).
t. L, w defe7'd, hep; aunm locum, tumnlum, 11 trial, attempt, Ov.
Caes.; 2, transr., a, to hold /<JM in Ult mind;
memoriam alieuillll, Cic. ; memorii tenere Co = teatimeatum (temptamentum) .1, a.
(ten to), trial, utt«mpt, Ult, uaav, Verg.• Ov.
nm.ember, foll. by acc. and lnlln., Cle.; b, to G
catch, detut; teneo te, Cle.; teneri in ma11!re!lto teatatlo (temptatlo) -6nla, r. (tento). L
peccato, Cic. ; o, or }l&asions, to ~'• 'llMl&Ur; novae ten ta ti ones, 11110 cdtacb oJ
11n a;ttacJ.: ;
miserlcordia me tenet~ Cle.; magna &pell me d~ Cic. IL 11 trial, tul, Liv.
teoet, with acc. 1111d inftn., Cle.; ~ ~ charm., tentator (temptator) -6ria, m. (tento), •
a11111u; varlu menw carmine, Verg.; pueri kinpter, Hor.
ludls tenentur, ocull plcturi teuentur, Cic. ; e, teatigo ·fnh1, r. Jtendo), l~, Hor.
Co bit&d ; legea eu111 tenent, Cle. ; lege, foedere,
promlsso tenerl, Cle.; f, to hold /aA, pr1!1u-oe; tento (tempto), 1. (intena. ot tendo), t.o
auetorit3tem, lmperium In auos, Clo.; causatn rouchb /mJ.. lia11dlt. L <kn., l, lit., f'E'Ctona
apud centum vil'UIJ, Co gaill, Cle.; g, w mafotain manl us, UY. ; !lumen pe<le, Cic. , venu, to fttl
a propoaUio"; lllud arte tenent accurateque de- th• pulM, Quint.; 2, transr., a, to trr, pro~.
fendunt, 'roluptatem esse s11m111m11 lJonum, Cle. tut; alieulua patlentlam, Cic. ; ae, Cic.; b, ro
IV. With the noUon of endul'ance or quiet, to try, atltmpt; oppugnatlonem elull castelli, Liv.;
prtseru, keep. A. Oen., a, lit., terra tenetur belli fortnnam, C..:ie.; Thetim rallbull, \'erg.; with
1111t11 !luo, Cic.; b, transf., aliq11em in ottleio, rel. sent., tcnta,·t, quid In eo genere posgem, Cic.;
Cie. B. Esp., 1, trunslt., to ktep Co, Mt Co with ut and the su~j., quum Ille Romuli otenatus
11L·uve froni; a, lit., 1:u111u111, Caes., Cie.; abaol., tentaret, ut lpse gereret rempublieam, Cic.;
medlo tutissimm Ibis, inter ntrumque tene, with inftn., iraaci, Verg. IL lo attack, truail;
hold your couru, Ov.; b, transf., to ob#rre, re· 1, lit., Aclutlam, Caes.; e&11tra, Liv.; of dlsiea.~
main tr1U1 Co; ordlne111, Hdem, Cic.; 2, In· morlJo tentat1, Cle.; 2, traust., to tc0rk 11i-,
transit., Co lad, endure, kttp 01&; l111ber per tamper 111ith 11 perlOir., ~mpl, ·uiciU., distvrb;
totam llt'Clem tenult, Lh'.; fama tenet, tha animo11 ape et anetu, Ck.; judieium pecunil, io
report llnldl, with acc. and inttn., Liv. V. With trr Co bri~. Cic.
the uotlon or motion eht-eked, to hold fall. A. teatOrlolum .f, n. (dim. or tentorium),.
to kup in, hold back; 1, lit., 11\&nus ab nllquo, liUle u1i.t, Auct. b. Afr.
'Ov.; itliquem or se dom1, to kttp at hoTM, Liv.; ten.torium ·Ii, n. (tendo), ci Unt.. I.Jv.
ae castris, Caeti. ; 86 oppitlo, Cle.; 2, trsnsr., to tentua -a -um, parUc. of tendo and teneo.
rut rain,•, ch«k, hold back; rlsurn, dol· Tentfra -6rum, n. (Ti.,,.,,,,.), e1 toin ita
orem, lracun.tlam, .Cic. ; laerimas, Cic.; l'6 ab
acewum<lo, to tt,Jmiw./roRl, Cle.; se non tenere, Upper E(/1fpt, now .Dtndtral&.
or 88 tenere non poss11 quli:i 1 etc., tenerl non "DtifOMUll -a ·Ulll (dim. or ~nuis). ~
posse _quin, etc., not to be 40U w rt/mill froni, poor, mta1', 111iurable; a1•varatn1, Cic.
Cic. B. to detain; 1, lit., 11eptimum jam diem "'1ills -e (root TEN). L tlai11, j.M, lligil,
Corcyrae teneri Cie.; 2, trallllf., 1100 tenl.'O te ilemur. A. Lit., 1, Ken., coll um, (;le. ; _acus,
plurlhns, Cie. VL With the notion of contain· Ov.; 2, esp.ta, am.all, 11.arT01D; litus, Li\·.; b,
Ing, to cort.tahi,, compriu; In pass., teneri aliqul alwllow; nmlAJ.. Ov. i...aulc~ \"erg.; c, bri9At,
re, Co be co11fl.aiiwd in, Co beloir.g lo; al 'Alli& hoc clear; aqllll, uv. .111. Fig., a, tlli&i plar•,
buperio non ten ... retur, Cic. rirnplt; Rl]Umeutandi ~nus, Cle.; b, j.v,
tiner -&a ·!rum, under, delkoU, IO,ft. · L 111l4l•; di11tmetio, Cle. D. Transf., totak, poor,
Lit., 1, gen., caulra, Hor.; uva, Verg. ; 2, esp., "'iatmblt, vnimporlanl., li.IUt, lligb.t. A. LIL,
tttMfer, JIOUth,{u.l, JIOWT&g;, Cle.; a te11edic, opvidum, Cic.; opes, Cic.; praeda, Caes.; transt.
ut OnLeCi dieunt, ungulculls, from chUllhootl, of' pen1011s, poor, Mtdy, Cle. B. Fig., a. poar,
Cie.; !lubst., In tenerh1, (11 chUdhood, Verg. IL ll'Wk, /ubll!; valetudo kuuisshna, Otes. ; cauaa
Transf.,, «>Jt, t.ftm.inau; teneru111 quid· tenul" el inops, Cle.; •J>!!-8• Cic.; b, of birth or
da!n atq1~e molle lu animia, Cic.; ten1:rlor i'OSition, low, 711al?&; QUI tenUIOlilf ONilliS -nt.,
an1111u1C, C1c. Cic. ; trnnsf., or perso1111, teuues homiues, Cic.
iqft, Plin.
a. (tener), to gro111 un.dcr, IWWU, SullllL, tenuion-11, panioiu of lo!OIT runJ::., Oic.
tintiltu ·ii.tis, r. (tenuia). L tAfnMs.,Ju-
"nk-i. adv. with com par. and superl (tener), - A. Lit., 1, gen., animl, Cic. ; 2, r11µ.,
l.tu1u1U1; ten111ta1 l"p!a delectat. Cle. B.. Fh:.,
knderly, cWicatelr, lqftlr, Plin.
rin11ilicit11, plaiJt7".U; rerum d YerLorum, Cic
"'1irltu -ltla, r. (tener), underlUll, llO,/J- IL Traner., miatrubl• amdUio1', JIOWrlr; a.erarii.,
ftas; lt1 primo ortu lneat tenerltas et mollitiea, Cle. ; bomlnb, Cle.
Cle. teatU"r, adv. (tennis). L thh1lr. A. LR..
'8a,rltildo = teneritu (q. Y.). alutae tenulter conrectae, Caes. B. Fig., plawtl.
tiaemDOll ·I. m. (Te&"v"6c), ca draining al riniply.; cl isserere'-.Cic. IL '.frauat, IJ10 1j'.:f
fllool., Nep. . A. Lit., Ter. .a. Fig., hgW, 0 0
~ -6ria, m. (t.eneo), cininr, c:IO'lt..U111Ud &e11tlmare, Cle.
ten 671 ter
tbito. 1. (tenuls). L to make thin, .ftne, Tirentum (TVentum) .f, a., Tlreat--
tltl&der, mtagn, to atten.11ate; 1, lit., a'4siduo CS. (-U8). anti TArent6e (-tUI) -1 m. a t>laQI tenuatur ab u11u, Ov.; !ii, eap., a, to make tn tM Camp11.1 Marti1u, "'hen tA41 l~I aaecnlaret
tl&j1&; armenta macie, Vcrg.L· b, to oontract; were held. Hence, Tirelltia1111-a -um, Tenn·
'ocia via est tenuata, Ov. I Fig., to \OWken, tint.
U..11, dlmi11Wl, en.feeble; lram, Ov.; vlre.s, Ov. terh ·rl!th1, abl. -~ti (root Tii:R, Or. TEP,
l. tenu -6rfs, n. (root TEN, whence tendo), .,.t,,..,), rov.n.dt.d, polUMd, aU-turn.erl. L stipes,
a llOO#. giA, 1pringe, Plaut. Caea.; ge111m11, Verg.; hence, fig., Ml•ieu• In
2. tenU.. prep. with abl. and genlt. (con· ae Ipso totus terea at.Que rotu111ln11, Hor. IL
neeted with teneo, tenrlo, n&,,...), up w, a.far Ill. jlrmly-1oor:rn ; plagae, Hor. llL Of the parts
L Of place, a, with genit., crurnm tenua, Yerg.; or thll botly, -1l-turflllll .Un.d~r. (JT'(lttfvl: 1,
Corcyrae tenu11, Liv.; b, with abl., Tanro u1111s lit., cervl:t, Luer. ; aura, Hor. ; 2, ftg., polWwZ.
regnare, Cic.; ca•ll fneC6 tenus pot!, Hor. IL rtflMtl. tlega11t; aures, oratio, Cic., est quadam prodire tenus, al non datnr Tireua -i!I and ·i!na, m. (T'lpnlt), king h•
uUra. up to a orrucin point, Hor.; vulnerthus Tliract, htuband of l"roene, 1iJ.Ur of Ph.ilolfUla,
knus, Liv.; verbo teuus, In nal'M, nominally, Cic. fatlttr of Ity1, 1DM Otttmgtd. l'hi.loll&da., and for
T66e ·I, t (T'ui), a touin on Ute r.tJa.SI of Ion.fa, p1miJ:hrMll.t 1t1a1 cAanged 4 OOl>'JJO(. Hence,
MrtAplaa of .d Menon; hence, TeJua -a ·am, Terilda -ae, m. (T'IP•Wlis), Ua. "°" o/ Terciu,
and Tilus•& -um, Ttian, poet.= .Ana.crt011Uc, i.e., Itys.
Ov. =
tergimlnua trlgemlnne (q.-r.).
tepeaolo -tkl -ractum, s. pa1111. tepelio terg6o anil tergo, tend, t.enmm -l!re and
factus sum -fl~ri (t.epeo and facio), t;i 11vi.kl -lire (root TF.R, whence tero), lo wipe, 10i~ o.I,
tOUNA, to tcann., htaJ; sol t.epr.faci11.t solum, Cic. dry, clean, Cic. ; lumlna laerimantia t.erslt, Ov.;
tepfo. 2. to be lub:111arm, kp!d. L Lit., specnla, topolWL, Verg.; anna, Liv.
hlo>u1l! te~t, Hor. ; partic.. tepen!I, irorm; aurae, Tergesti -111, n. a toum iA ldria, now TriuU.
Verg. IL Fig. 1, to be warm with lo~; Aliquo, Hence, Terga.tinna-a ·Um, Tugutinc.
/or 1-0nu OM, Hor. ; 2, to be only luktwarm fa terginum -1, n. (tergum), a vih£p of i.tAer,
low; sen tepet, sive amat, Ov.
thong for ICOMrgin.g, Plaut.
tepaoo. U!pdl, S. (tepeo). A. togro1111D11rm; terglvenatlo -linlll, f. (tergtvenor). brJol>
maria agit.ata ventis It.a te1t&1c11nt, ut, etc., Cle. iro.rd1U.16, rduclanot, delay; mora et terglvcnatto.
B. to we, gro111 oool, Mart. Cic.
tephrlas -ac, m. (n+fllas), a 1peckl of cuh.- terdnnor, 1. dep. (tllrgnm An•l vert.o), to
col-01,red ltmi.e, Plin. turn iM back, hence, to bl! nl~-ta1ll, •h.11~, ~J&d
tipldi, ad Y. (tepidUA), lukt11JC1rmly, Plln. ercwu, to delay: quid t.acea r quill ditilmiilea f
tepldo, 1. (tepld1u), lo wike lubwarm, Plln. quill terglversaril 1 Cle.
tepldtUI -a -um (te1>e11). L lul:.t!Dllrm, tq>fd; tergiro, 1. (tergus), Co cowr, Pliu.
bruma, Hor. IL lukewarm, oooliiig; 1, lit., focu~, tergo = tergeo (q.v.).
Ov.; 2, fig., 'lllanllng l1&ardour; lgnes, mens, Ov. tergum -1, n. Iha back. L Lit., Cle. ; terga
tepor ·liria, m. (tepeo). L luktwarmMU, 4 dal'e, Liv., vert.ere, Caes., Co turn oru'1 back, fl-;
llOdt"'™ luW; aolls, Liv. ; marls, etc. D. .1"ig., I\ t.ergo, {, Cle.; praeberetergaPhoeho,
or dil!COuNe, 10C11'f, Tac. =
lo 111n oMMV, Ov.; plur., te~_111eton. ftighl;
tepirataa • -um (tepor), ~ ZU.warm, hfodmosl terga Parthorum dicam, Ov. IL Trsnsr., l..t &le
Plin. par1 of a thh1g; castrta ab tergo \'&l.lum
from behind, Liv.; 2, the 1urf<d qJ
T'piUa kua, 4 stmim of 1MUT .'IDhicA toat objectum, a11yth£11g; e.g., or a fleltl, lM earth plougW up
l>roughl to thc Cupitol al Rome, Pliu. bttu.-ee11 tM fu.rrolDI, Verg.; or a river, Ov.: 3,
tfr, adv. num. (tres), tima, thrl«. L 11 covering; cllpel, Verg. ; 4t. Cl bodJL; l'entum
UL, tel' In anno, Cic. IL Meton., a, o/kn., terga 11uum, 11hu.n.dred llriM, verg. ; 6, tM /lick,
l'rpllllhdly; Aene&tn mag11l ter voce vocavit, ski1•; a, lit., taurinum, Verg. ; b !Deton., thhags
Verg.; b, =wry; ter felix, Ov. 1
mallt oul of Afd4; Bulmonis, lhww, Verg.; d.uro
te~(tenl8olena),ad v. th£11«1&t£mu, intendere bmcbl& tergo, tA4I out.,, Verg.
etc. terg"IUI -6ri11, n. tM bac1::. L Lit., Prop.
teriblnthlnua -a -um (npclfi"'''l'Of), of Ult IL Tranllf.l iM bodr o/ 11w. 11n£n&al, Ov. ; 2,
1'-rebt~h.-tree, Plin. akin, hi.dt, tCUMr, Verg.
teribllltha. •I, t. (npl/f&tifoi), tM terebinth· Terina -ae, t. a "''"" '" BruUU, MBr ~
1,....,Verg. E11fe14ia. Hence, T6riDaeaa -a -mn, q/ or ti.-
tiribra -ae, f. (tero), 11 gtmlet, 'born-, C.t.o. lo1igin,g to Ttriil.4..
teribro. 1. (terebra), to borl through., pUIU, Hor. term811 -It~, m. a l>n:incA c1d t>I a ,,. ; ollvae,
pr/orate; latebru uteri, Verg.
terido ·lnla, t. (.,.,.,a.:..,), 11
SIOd, Ov.
gnaw Termeasu ·I. f. (T•,,,..,,_Qt), ci
Piaidia. Hence, Termuwa... ·lum, m. tM
'°'°" '•
inhabUaJ&U of T.rJAUriu.
Tiren.tlua -a ·um, tM namll of a Roma" gt111, Termlni.U'.a -Ium and ·16mm (Terminus), n.
o/tolt.fd. the mod~ ~I'll: 1, C. Terentlua
Varro, C07&l'Ul 216 n.o., defeated by H1111nibal al the Ful'tlal o/TtrMinw, °" tM 23rd o/ Fd>rtw.~
Ccsil11ae; 2, H. TerentlUB Varro, born 116 B.o., termlUtlo -6nla, r. Eternrlno). 11
ca~gral'Jllll(lriaa, oollUmporary o/Cicero; bou11ding. L Lit., Liv. IL Transf., 1, a_ftnng,
3, P. Tereutius Aft!r, /r«dman, of P. Ttnn.tiu.a orrlaining, det.itrmhdn.g; TeratlJI lnventua ea•
L1"lli11u, Uu ~rated Roman comic dramat'8t, termlMtlone aurlum, Cio. ; 2, rbet. t. t., tM md,
COl&tl:apomry of Laditw and Scipl.o A/rica7ll'6; 4, ttrm.iM.tion of " period; on10 verborum aliaa
Terentia, tM toV• of Cictn'Q. Adj., T'rentlua alili tennlnatlone conclndltur, Cle.
.. ·am, Tmrnffan: lex, latir propoltd br tM co• termlDo. L (termlnua), to lmoad, H.U, ,..
..U awiu. 11nd M. Terut£u. Hence, Tinn· bou.l'&da to. r. Lit. nnem loci quem oleae ter-
diau -a -um, Terentian; exerclt111, of c. millllbaat, Cle. ii Tranaf., 1, to H•U; a, te
fcrnthu Y11rro, Lh·.; Chremea, 11ppearh•g fa ratmh1., ratrid ; 110noe vocla 1•ucia llttennua
IM C08NCIU. q/ TereJ&Ce, Clo. notla, Cle.; b. lo dejfnc, detcrai.M; boua rolu~
ter 672 ter
tate, mala tlolore, etc.: a, to clott, natl, '"''Mi Mil; riblles viau formae, Verg. ; neut. plar. •bit.,
omttonem, Cle. niajoraac t.erribill•>ra all'erre Liv.; b, ofpet'IODS,
termlnua ·I, m. (root TER, whcnt>.e ttnnen, jam ipel urhi terribllis en1t, Liv.; with 2.. aupiu.
t.enno, Gr. TEP, whence TiJ¥14), a bound11r1· qua111 terribilia aspectu, Cic.
W1rk, limU, bovndarr. L Lit., a, nnlll f:l"· terrlcriUa -ae, f. a11 l terrfctil'llJD -1 ...

...,.,.101111m termini, Cle.; b, pentonif., fer- (tt"rrtm). aon1,thi'fl9 U11u cu1uu frigAI; abl plnr.,
111i1111i1, tht god qf butm<lariu, Ov. IL 'J'ratt!<f., terriculis. Liv.
1, lirnil, bound, objtd; certn9 mi hi tines wnnin- terrlfloo, 1. (terriftcus), t-0 Jri94teri, krrih,
01111Uc con1<titua1n, extra quos t>gtttll non posaim, Ve1-g.
Cic.; 2, itnd, conclu8io1l; contentionum, Cic. terrlfloua ·•-um (terreo and fAcio), taui~
ternl ·ae ·• (ter). L tArtt eacA. Cic.: siug., terror, frighljul, terribu, \"erg.
temo oniioe, \'erg. IL l.Ane togttltd, Verg. terrlgeua -Mt c. (terra and gigno). .,.~
tiro, trivi, tritnm, s. (root TER, whencl! bon&, 'PT'M'fl9 jrcnA tAc mrlA, Luer., ov.
'"iriP"'), w ndJ. L Oen., A. Lit., 1, dentee in
•tiJtite, Ov. ; caleem =lo 01l'llT'tab in rullnhag,
terrlpari'IUll, terripudium
= uipuJinm
Ver,;.: calamo labelluin =lo Jllar CM ,ftuU, Verg.;
2, e8p., a, to rll.b for tJae nkiof ckafli'fl9 or orM· terrlto. 1. (int.en.a. of terreo). lo /rlPlfa,
111e1di11g, to na.ootlae, adon&; crura pumice, Ov.; .mn, terriJll; a_ or P.l!nooa, aliquem meto.
b, fl> tum (at a lathe); radios rotis, Verg.; c, to Caea.; b, or thi.Dp, tribunicium domi wUuw
tAruh out corn; milia frumenti, Hor.; d, otplacel, pat.rel territat, Liv.
ta vi.rit, ./rfqvn&l; lter, Verg. & Tranar., 1, to CenltOrla.m ·U, n. (terra), tM land,,,..._,.
nod oft<n. Aaw ojUn in Uu AalUY, - often; ("f to a toaim, di.drid, krrilor,; coloniae, Cic.
quod. le~eret tereretque v~riti~ publicUI usu1, terror ·ori1. m. (ten-eo), /riaht, fear, krrtw.
B;or. , 2_, ftg., w 1tN o,ftn. '" !'\ICOV':'fl ; \•erbum, dread, par•W:. L Lit., wlU1 11ubject. gemiL, exn-·
Cic. I~ A. to rub, br1n11t, grind; bacam, cltus, C«ea.; with object. genit. (oii ucrotual oJ).
Verg. & to rub o§, WMrawar; 1, lit., ailicea, belll, Cic. ; u1inla e~ terrore e<>mmuveri, Cic.; at·
Ov.; 2, fig., a, to tire <YMld,/; se in opere tulit terrorem h()jltibus, Caes.: alicui lerrori et1ir,
longlnquo, Liv. ; b, to pa.a away time; lnteru Caea.; facere terrorem et milltil>us el ipcn -'Pl""·
te111pus, Cic. (ayncop. pert., t.riaU, Cat.). Liv.; lueutere alicui terron:111, Liv.; in1..-r1.,
Te~mohm -ea, r. (T~~·xop-ii>, t1ae "'"" terrorem alicni, Cle.; injiede alic11i krrore111,
q/ danct'fl9; hence= "'W.. poetry, Juv. Cae11. U. Meton., a, tht ob.feel IMkA a1K.e1
terra -ae, f. (root TER, whence torreo), t•rror; terra repleta est tre1•ido terTOtt, Luer.;
lit., tAat aoAich ia dry ; hence, Uu earl.\ (M plur., huiu1 urbi1 ten"Ore>t (Carthage and Nu·
C!Jll" to heavens, sea, air), land, gro11nd, aoiL mantia), (;ic. ; b, tUIL"I ca111illg t,rTrJr; Romam
L a, tJae earl.A; terrae motus, earthquake., Cic. ; tantl terroree ennt allatl, I.iv.; also tJ&rrute1d1i9
terrl, by land, Cle. ; terri mariq uc, by land or'fl9 uprario1'1; 11011 111ec.Jiocnsa kr·
GIW aen, Cle. ; in terria, on CM earth, Hor. ; aub rore1 jaellre alque denuntiare, Cic.; or, enllll
terraa ire, to mil tAt lO'tOfJr toOrid, Verg.; b, tM oaun"!l__~error; caeleste... mariti1uique t.crn>rc",
mrlA = Uu groa"'d• tM aoil; gleba terrae, Liv.;
mlhl terram lnjice, Verg. ; terrae fllius, a'°" qf
Liv. IIL Persouif., 'ferror, Ov.
ten1ul ·& ·um, p. adj. (from tergeo). "'~pttl.
tAc mrlA, an u111.-1'owm P"10n, Cic. ; ea quae L Litif.t!'a", 1M1at; 1111.!lier, PlauL :.,
gignuntur e terra, Cic. ; c, tM earl.A tM n.rftu:c O\·. Flg.,/rU/rofA •Waku, Milll; JUJlt'.IMIM,
q/ IAt mrth, groufld ; de ten-a 1111.XA tollere, Cic. ; Quint..
d, a partkular anultry, Zat1d, region; abire In tertla4Miimiat ~rum, m. (terti111 dee·
adas terras, Cle.; plur., terr&e, tM trorld; bu Imus). aoldi.trs qf tAt thirl«rith ltgion, Tac.
tftrras incolentes, Cic.; orbis terrarum, tht 1D0rld, tertlAnua -a -Ull\ (tertlus), btumgi119 to tAf
Cic.; genit. plur. often partitive, with adv. o( third. L to tAt third day; ft:bri11, lutiu11 f'rtr,
place, uui terrarum sum us! 11JM:-n in tht 10.R!d I.e., recurri11gevery tltinl day, Cle.; '4U~t., ter-
are 10t, I Cic. U. Pel"llO!lif., Terra, tM earl.A ar a
goddUI; gen., 'l'ellua, Cle.
tliula -o.e, r. a tertia.1iftver, Plin. IL bdo1~~i>if
to tAt third legion; subst.., tertli.D.t. -Vrum, 111.
Terracina, 'l'erracinenals = Tarracina, Tar· aoldurs of the third ltgioiJ, Tac.
ra.cincnsis (q.v.).
t.errinna -a -um (terra). L mrtAr, mrtlwfl;
tertli.rlua ·• ·nm (tertin:s), rontainiHg C'llt-
thinl; atannum, con.tafoing cmi·,t ll1< rit4
tumulu11, Caes. ; genus, Cle. Subst., terrin- two-third$ W:id, Plln.
um. ·I, n. land, ground; herbldnru, Liv. IL tertlo, adv. (tertiu1). L /or f.M I.Aird IL~;
1, belonging to tJu tnrlh., ttrreM, UrNJatrial; belti- tertio pecuniam dedlt, Cic. IL tAirdlr, c.e..
ae, land-animal8, Cic. ; humor, 1R0iltur11 of tAt
mrth., Cic. ; poet., numlna, o/ t)i11 lower 1D0Tld, tertl'IUll, adv. (tertius), /or Uu tAird ti-.c,
Ov.; 2, earthy (opp. caelestis); eques, mortal, Cic.
Ho~ • tertlua -a ·nm (ter). tht tAird. L AdJ., r-n,
~ temli,, 2. tofrighun, ttrri/y. Cae11.; tertio quoque verbo, alwap at t~ tliinl
L Gen.l. aliquem, Cic. ; with ne and the subj., u·ord, Cle. ; tertiua e nobi11, oM qf tu tArw., Ov.;
Li\'. I.&.. 1, to frighte1i away, llCaN aw(ly; pro· tertia regna, tAt lowtT 100rld, 0\".; tertia &tttm·
fugatr> per ttitum orbem, Ov.; 2, to frighten., de· alia, tAt third day of tAt :>aturnal&a,, Cic.; al.
tl!'r; o. repetunda libertate, Sall.; with nc and the Jove tertlus -"Jax, of th11 third ~n~ V"fll·
subj., Liv.; with quo111inu:1 and the subj., Caes. grcrnds!m, Ov. IL Sn'l:lllt., tertfae -iru111, r.
terrester -tris -tre, gen., terreatrta -e a, 01i.t·third 1 Plin. ; b, tM thinl or iH,fnior part
(terra), 1. terrestrial (opp. ma.rinui), a11imantium fo a play, Plln.
~enus terrcstre, Cic.; U-rn1><tres narnlcsque pug· tertluadecllllua -a -urn, the tAirta1ttlt, Cie
nnl', Cic. ; 2, found on tAt earth, earthly (opp. teruuoiua -ii, m. (ter or tres and unria).
caelcsti~), res ca.elestes atque terrestres, Cic. ; thrte twtl.fiA part.I. L Uu /flfl.rtA part of all iu,
Capltolium terrestre doruicilium Jovis, Cie. Cie.; ~i:ov., ne teruneiua quidem, not 11}urtki•1io
terreus -a -11111 (ttirra), 17UUU of earth, earthlJI; Cic. II. tAt /'>Urth parl qf a.fl f.nherita7t~; httt11
progenies, \'erg. ex teruncio, Mir to one-fovrth qf the propcrt,,
terrlbllla -e (terroo» ttrribk, frighiful, fear· Cic.
/ul, drtrtd/ul ; a, of things, sonu1t, Liv.; mors tervenifloua -1, m. Cl1' cm:A-,.n.iur••
eat terril>ili!! ii>i. etc., Cic.; with 2. supine, ter· dovblt-dytd rogue, Plaut.
tea 673 tet
t.c& (t.eaqua) ~mm, n. (with nr without 1. telltla ·II, c. Oii'- 11·ho git'el et'id,n!Y, Cl
Inca), 1m.•lt..•, duerl•,Hor. 11.'lfllt&<. I. Lit .• tRsti11 falsus, Cle. ; t.•:itt-!' dare
tflaella ·RP 1 f. (dim. of tl'Hel'll), (I 11!lal/ cube In "l111culas '""'· Ck.; t .. st1•s 11dhiliere, Cle.. IL
~/"rrw.r/Ae or 11d1stan~ vlffl./or partm.t11ls, or =
Tra11sf. arloikr, an eyt·wil!U$$, spectator, 01-.
}Or pl4yi11g dia, Juv. 2. teatf.s ·is, m. a ustidt, Hor.
teaenatua -a ·um ('.ei;11ella), Mt vrilh. 1111all teator, 1. dPp. (1. testis). L to bear V'itn"""·
cwbt.t; iia\·imentmn, fll~ri<", ~uct. to gii•t tridr11rr of, f•} '1f{lkl! h1011111, 7111bli1h, .J,..
dart, as,iert, f1·>l~f11; 11t.r:11·ci 11e vim t.•stan I ur, Cir.;
teuira -ae, f. (TiaaClpw), rt cuhe of wood, pits!!., to /w trllr~lrrl, 1frdarrd; t1•,.tnt.a ··~t voco>, or othtr s11lJ~f1llU:e ttuil fnr mrimt.J r11rpoaes. prar..>co11is iiU..-1 l.l1~ Argh·11r11111, Liv. IL to 011/
Lu pie~ o/ ,M«iic frrr pr1vi1111, Pli11. II. a clv to u:it11ess; l, ic•'ll .. 0111nc11 deus, Ci<'.; 2, esp.,
for 1it11yi11g; IP:1sera1 jad!re, Cic. IIL u toke11 ; to moke a ll'il/; d•~ Ill ii pupilli re, Cic.
J.. it 1111uire Ca/Jlel 011 u· tlU! militu1·y u~1f<'li·
v•ord troa u-riittn; ht>nce, 111eto11. the uratch- teatii. lmlecl. an•I teetum .f, n. (pHhap11=
U•stu, tostutn, ns tc--ta = wsta), tlit f1ul/11·11 J"''•
1r0rd; omnihus tPssern111 dare, Liv.; 2, a tab/rt
or tohn '1Chkh entilu<l lht Mldtr to reuil'e 111011..t!/ a pol, o,._
or p!"'mrlsiOM, Ju v.; 3, hospitalis, a token of hos· teetiiatlum -Ii, u. (IP11tu), a cak11 i11
pitality (11 1111all die, wl1ich frienda broke into an rurtl1'.1t 1~rn, Yarr.
&.wo part..), Pl11ut.. . teetiidln~ua ·a -um (t..·stu.lo). L like 11
teeRr&rlua -11, m. (tf>sst>ra), tu off'.~ tcllo tm-tni.ose; grnJu~. Plant. II. ndorntd 11.•ith or
reodwd from th~ gr11nat tJu ti<"ht (teasera) on. fliade of t•11·t11i $t·.-ktll ; lyra, Prop.
die.\ tM watdui,.,,.d \lltU tr.>ritte11, and ronununi· teatiido ·lni!1 1 f. (ksta), a t<'1"loise. L 1.-it.,
oared U to tile an11y, Tac. Liv. IL Met,.111., A. tM. skdl of tkt tortoi-•r, 111wd
~rilla -ae, r. (dim. or tes11era), 1, a little for oma11wnti~ furuiture ; \·arii tei;tn<li11t1
t:1W« of sto"M for, ap. Cic. ; 2, 11 little postei<, Y··r:~. B. l, a C11rt'fd stri11g·ill.'.ltrii11u-11t,
tootl"Y·ticket, \'arr. ; 8, ca ticket for the di1tribu· tlie /11rf, citl••ll'll, et.c., Hor.; tram;f., a ""Y qJ
t1o1& of food, Pers. dre.•riug llie hair of 1imilar farm, Ov.; 2, a roo111
ie.ta -ae, r. (perhaps= tost.A), b11rnt clay. with a nm/led roof, Ci<'.; 3, 111ilit. t.t., a, a sht'tl
L Lit., l, a11 tt:trt11e11 -.l, J')()l. pitd1er, .i•ig, tu11; tn 1'rotrct i:ulditr/I wliilt oJllldcing /ortiftcatio11~,
,·i1111111 Graeca t<•sti rouilitnm, Hur.; 2, n /wick, Caes.; b 1 a fnr111ntio11 ii• u•/1ich .~"lditrl charged,
a till!, Cic.; 3, a potsMrd., Ov.; e,;p., tkt 1iot3l1erd Mltliug tn.eir 111iitld.1 over thtir Mid.ii, Caes.
iutd in rnti11<1 by Grub; teat.Arum auttngia, teatiUa ·at', r. (dim. of teata), a potshtrd, 11n
a.tradnl, Nep. IL Transf., l, ~ ahtll of .il.tht11i<.m voti11g-ticJ.d; metou., oslr1u:ism; a, Cic.; 2l metou., a ahtll-}Uh, Hor.; 3, Themiat.ocle collabefaetua teatuli. illi, Nep.
i">et., transf., Ille l, covai11g = '"; lubrica teat&, titA.nlcu -a •Um (TfTClVll<O(), BU.fftring from
0'1'. lock,1n 1t', l'lin.
testaceua -a -um (teata). L I. madl of tetAnus -1, m. (Tcra.vo(), lol'kjaw, Plin.
bricks or tilts, Plin.; anbst., teatao4Sum ·i, n.
brick-work, Plin.; 2, brU:k-colottnd, Plin. IL Of titartim~rlon -Ii, n. (nrapni.,.6f>1or), tM
anirnals, corertd u•ith a 1ktll, tutacrous, Plin. fourth. part of tkt :odiac, Pli n.
iea~.&mentariu -a -um (testamentum), of
titer (taeter) ·tra -trum, /r"'l• Misomc,
hidto1u, ojfnuirt. I. Lit., to the se11se11, odor,
orrrlGt•"l.!1 toa u·W, tutamcntary; subat., teet&- Cic.; tenehrat', Cic.; with 2. 111upi11C'. illml teter-
menta1"11lll -Ii, m. aforgt:r of will.I, Cic. ritnum 11011 modo aapo·ctu, aetl eti11111 auditu,
teatamentum ·I, n. (testor), a last will, Cic. II. Tra11!\f,, hattf11l, hid.-fJ'l.L.~, tli.,1raceful,
ltsta11un.l; i<l test.ament.o ca\·t're, to providt, Cic.; aham'!f11l, abomi11able; homo, Cic.; quis tt>trlo!'
conscribere testa111e11tum, Cic. ; tRstamcntum hostis ltulc civitatl! Cic.; iw11te11tia teterrlma,
facere, Cle.; In itum facere kstamentnm, to Cic.
11H1&ttl, Cic.; obsignare testame11tum, Caes.; re- tethiilauomi§noa ·I, m. (n8a>.a1Tat11>'i"°'
linquere alicui testamento aesterWlm milles, ol~), wilr.e miud with 1tr1·wnttr, Plin.
Cie. · TithJ"B -thyoi1, ace. -thyn, t. (T11lhl(). L a
testatlo -on!s, f. (te11tor). L a c"Tli11g to marint goddt.&1, wift of Ocra11u.s, mother of th4
IL'itM&i; rnpt11n1111 roeuerutn, Liv. IL u t>mring rivu·g()(l.t and 11ea-11y111plu. IL Poet., appell.
..U11tu, Qui11t. = the sea, Cllt.
testator --Oris, m. (test-Or), one that maku a ~trachmum -1, genlt. plur. -Orum and -Qm,
wUl, a tt11lakrr, l:luet. n. (nrpa.x,._o..), a Greek coin of four,
iest&tua -a -um, p. adj. (from tRstm), at- Lil·.
takd, pro!Jed, clfar; res, Cic.; quo 11otior teat&· ~tri.ohordoe -on ( Tt'TpAJl:op8°'), having .four
t..iorque virtus eiua 1:a11~t, Caea. n.ot.-s: subst.., tetraohordon ·I, n. harmony
&ellllcrillua ·I, m, (dim. ofll, testis), G tutick, of four notu, a utraclwnl, \'a.rr,
Pen. titrl.oolon -1, n. (nT,,.UC...Ao...), a J'(riod
tenlfici.tlo -llnls, t. (telltiflcor). I. a bear- havin<J four clmuu, Seu.
'"' 111U11e&8, tt.•ti/yillg ,· hie testiflcationtl utl, tetr&d.raohmum = tetrachmnm (q. v.).
etc. IL Transf., attestation, 1t1id~11u, yroo/;
olftclorum, Cle. tit.ragnAthlu ·H, m. (Tfrpciyr..S°'), •
pois1H101Ui 1pilkr, PJiu.
teatlfloor, 1. deJ•. (testis and raclo). L to
call to witnua; deos hominesque, ap. Cic. II. tetrf.llz •leis, f. (TfTpclAtt), tM ].(ant Math,
to btcr tcU11U1, testify; 1 lit., testifknr me Psse Pl in.
ro-.satum, Cic.. ; 2, tr11nst, toahow, 1•nblish, bring tetl'M -llnls, m. (urpd .....), a 11w.throck, Plln.
io tiglt.l; partic. pasa.,aba te testillcata volnutaa,
Cle.. titrarchea and tetraroha -ae, m. (rnptlp-
~). tkt .-ultr ovtr om-fourth a/ a courury, a
ie.tlm.olllum ·II, n. (1. teatia), tcitmss, nCo tetrarch, Cio.
4111«, testimony. L Lit., testlmonium In all·
quem dicere, Cle. ; or a written attestation, tetrarohfa -ae, f. (TctTPCIPX{a), the COUnlTJ
teiitimonl11m OOmJ.l<lnt.>re, ob::iig11are, Cic. U. govtrned by a tl!trarch, t.drarchy, Cic.
Tranaf., In general, a -proof, tvMit11cc, indicatwn; tetraatlchA -011, n. plur. (rfT'paOTl}(e&). •
dedi.lti judicil au teatfmonlum, Cic. poem ro111istin.g of four liRU, Quint.
tet 674 The
titri (taetre). adY". (teter), foully, hide- tblllmigu.s -1, r. (9aAa.µ~~), Cl ~ Cl
ot1tly, 1~1. ojfewvtly; multa f'acere Im- gondola provUW with robin.s, 8uet.
pure 11tque tetre, Cic. ; religlouem tmpurisslme ~mus ·I, m. (84A4"'o~), a rooa i• ta
teterrimeque vtolasse, Cle. interim' of a lunue. La lii'1ng-room, Ov.; hence,
l. tetrloua -a -um, llarsh, gloomy, woen, a plact of abode, d11'1'/li11g; Eumenidum, Verg.;
fer'biddtng: puella, Ov.; deae, Utt Paroru, Mart. of the cells of' bel!ll, Veri.:. II. a btd-roo•; &,
2. Tetrlous mons, a movnlaiii 'n tJv SabiM
lit., Ov.; b, a w1arrfoge-~ Vt>rg.; hen~
OOtlntry, now Mont.! S. Gim:ann~; poet. subst.,
meton., marriage; vita expers thalami, ••·
married, Verg.; tl1ah111os ne deJScni pactos, tU
Tetrloa -ae, r. (sc. rupee), Verg. promtud bridt, V erg.
tettigometra -a.e, t (,.eTT,yo,...7),.p11), tAc thalaufoua -a ·11111 (9a.>.o.crau:.X), _.,,,.....
larm of the cicmla, Plin. Plaut.
tettigonla -ae, f'. (n'fTl.,..,"4). a IJ>tCfu Q/ fllalp99fnua -a -um (8a.Aci.o"crL...os), .u~
mall cicada, Plin. Luer.
tetUU tuli, v. tulo. Th.Uaeslo, Tbalnssius, etc., v. Talasslo.
Teuoer -cri, m. and Teucrua ·I, m. tb.Uaeeitee -ae, m. (8a.Aa.cnri~). rine ~
(Tfvirpof). L (Teut·er and Teucrus) a.:m of Tela· w bttn. 1unk in the ua to bt riptMrt, Plin.
mo11, king of Salmnu, brothtT of .Ajaz, who, aftn' tb.Uaes"mell, n.(84Aa.crcro,...E..\L), Aolllq .u.d
hi.!1return.from1'roy, Bailed aw•tY to Cyprus. IL U'ith ~-'ID4ttr, Plin.
(Teucrus), lkm oj Scmnander, first king of 1'r<YJI; Tb&lea. =Thalia (q. v.).
hence, &z Teuorus -a -um, '.l'eucrian, poet. = TIUUes -Us and -lctis, m. (8w\~). a plailo-
TTojm'; o; Teucrius -a ·um, Teucrian, poet. "'Phtr of Millllwi, om of tlui Sewn Ww Jlet1 oJ
= 1'rojan. 811 ll!lt., Teucri --Orum, m. tM 1'rojan.s. GrtA!U.
teuohitls ·ldis, r. (m1xin~), a tpt.Cfu q/ aro· TIUUia -ae, f'. (8.i.An11). L tM JllUlt qf coaM:
tnalic rm/1, Plin. poetry. IL OM qf tht ua-nymphJ.
teuorlon -Ii, n. (m~v), Utt plant calUd thallus ·I, m. (8a.A..\of), a (ltten braaclt., Verg.
germa11der, Pliu. TJmmfrae -ae, rn. and TbUnjris -ldis,
Teuoriua,. Tencl'tlll, v. Tencer. m. (8c&,..11p,~). a Thrucian poet, v•ho entered iti.&o a
Teuthraa -thrantts, m. (Tnl8paf). L a oontut 10tth tlw Mu.'<t.1, and being co~ -
riveT ill Campania.. IL a king in Myna, fu.tlur deprived of hu lyre aiid eye&
q/ Thupiu.s. Hence, A. Teuthr&nia -ao, r. a ThapllU.8 (-Os) -1, r. (84,,,.,f). I. a i-i•·
diltrict i1• J.fysi.a.. B. Teuthranteua ·a -um, tula a1ul to!D7f. in .Sicily. II. a to""' iA .A/rim
Myna11. C. Teuthrantlus -a -um, of or bt· Propri.a., wNl're Cauar OO'IU[IUT'td ~ Pompriaiu..
longing to Tttdhraa; turlia, ~ fift'/I mttT., and ThAaus (-0e) ·I, f. (8ci<ro~). a• uland i• t.v
da11ghttr1 of Thuph"• Ov. Ill. a aolditr of ..tftgean &a, Adj., ThAaiua -a -um, Tha.Aa-.
T11rnu.s.. Thaumia -antis, 111. {eo.,;µ,.~). fatkt:r ril
TeutOnl ~mm, m. and Teu~es -um, m. Iris. Heuce, A. Thaumanteua -a -urn,
ca eoll«ti'llf namt of CM GtTman. 1~s. a flranch of of Tllauma1; virgo, Im, Ov. B. Thauman-
tolich '•va<kd tM Ronwn Empire toith. the Cimhri,
and toeni dtfaUed bf C. Mariut. Hence, Teu-
ta. -Adls, t. daugh.Ur o/ 7'11.auma.s, i.e., lril.
C. Thaumantla ·ldoa, f'.= Thawnantias..
tOnloua -a -um, Tftloll, and poet.= German. theamcdes. acc. -en, m. an Eth.iopi.a." .!ICctw,
te:x:o, texili, textum, S. to Vlt!llW. L tegu· perhal'S tournutli1te, Plin.
menta corporum vel texta vel auta, Cle. II. to
~t'f, ttuiM, intertwine, plait, corutruct, tlieatr&lls ·e (theatrum), of or nlati1'f lo a
build; r&.'WI ex arun<line, Liv.; basilicam In
Uitatre, tMatrical; conses~us, Cic.
meo.llo Coro, Cle. ; Ilg., eplstolu quot1diani1 thei.trum ·i, n. (8t<>Tpov). L a tAeatn; l,
't'erbis, to OOftl,po-, Cic. lit., a, gen., for dramatic ptrf01mances, Cic. : b,
textllla -e (texo). L tl10W7l, tutiu; strag· an optn place for tM exhibition of, Verg.;
ulum, Cle. Subet., textile -ls, n. (sc. opus), a, 111eton .• &, the ~l'lll 118U111.bUd '" tM c.\tutn,
tlw audill'ntt ; theatra tot.a reclamant, Cic. ; b,
11 toovtn fabric, a ~ of cloth. IL plaited,
bnddtd, Mart. tr&nst., ~·· usembla,,.; acnatwt
um f~uentissimo theatro (populi) comproh·
te:x:tor -oris, m. (texo), a 'llMC!Nr, Hor. atum, C1c. IL Pig., CM ~ t1uatn P' aa1
textOrlWI -a -um (textor), of or relating to adion; forum popull Romani qualll t.beatrum
t1111Uving, &n. lllius lngenli, Cle.
textrinus .. -um (for textorinua, from Thebae ·drum, t. (&qtw). L a city Qf Ufllltl'
t.extor), relalixg to totavh1g. Subet., textrin- Egypt. II. a city o/ Bototia{ii.ft.IUd.
by Cadvt11$,
um. -i, n. weavi7ig, Cic. tM l1irth1>laC4 of Pitadar. Thebae Phthi·
testrbc -tncla, t (t or textor), a/~ oticae or Phthi~ tovm ift 1"/lusalia P~ioN,
..aver, Mart. now Armiro. .1. v. a tot.on in Jljflia. roidna
textum -1, n. (te:ro). L t1tat which ii wot"tn,
of Attioft, fathlT-iA-la'ID of J/tctor, dulraJlld bf
a wb; &, lit., Ov. ; b, that which ia 7ilaittd, .AcAiUt1. Hence, A. Thebala -ldia and«f, p1't together ift any WG?lL 4 f~ ;
-ldos, f'. 1, bdonging to TMI><~ in Egypt; 2,
bt.lon.ging to T1itbu in Boeotia; Thebaidea, T/u:JJ4a
plnea (navi~). Ov.: clipel, Verg. IL .Pig., of' toomtn, Ov.; 3, belonging to Thtbu i• JI~
written composition, tature, d'lfle, Quint.
telrtiira ·ae, r. (texo). L a teeb taWre, B. Theb&n~ -~ -um! li... btl?n¢"'1 to T1aebt:8 i•
Boeotia; modi, Pindanc, vv., daa, l1t0 (Lft.t.c>.
Plaut. IL Transl, a pu.Uillfl tog&, oon.· thm, J\laluta), Ov.; mater, AQUN, Ov.; llOtOl',
~. Lncr. Anligone, Ov.; aemlna, tM drogow'1 tedJi. _._
telct'WI ·tls, m. (texo). L a web, and trans!., by Cad11nu, Ov. ; duoes, Et«x:lu and Pol11uial,
tezture, ltructure, Lncr. IL Fig., of' discourse, Prop.; deus, Htrclllu, Prop.; aubst., Thebiau
~of pu.Ui7ig togetlwr, 001tnerian., Quint. -i, m. a Tli.tba•; a, bdoft¢1'9 to Tli.tba i• Mrria; ·ldoa, r. (8ciif), a ctWlra.Ud hctaira of subst., Thebcma, AndromucJie, Ov.
Atheria, qfttrtoa.rdl ta\{1 o/ Ptoltmaetu I. of Eg'j/pt. Theb8 -es, t (&lflhJ). L= Thet.e.. IL•
Tb&la -&e, ta tOIO'I& , . N1'1Ridia, DOW }'er· ftJf111ph, btlhved fir tM riwr-god A'°J*I. ID.
nca~ wifs of iM tyrau .Alc:mJWMr "f PMrm.
the 676 Tha
theoa ·Ile, r.
(9~10J), a ~. IA«&th, tnvelopt, Thermi -e1', r. (9ipµ..,)," '°1ml in MGMfot&i4,
eowri1111; va.'\il 1!i111.: thcca, Cic. nltl'rn,,1r1b1 cullril Thu-•1lo•,W:a. Hence, Tber-
Tholxinoe ·cs, r. OM of tht first four M II.Ila. maeua ·ll -lllll, 1'htrmaccut.; sinus, llOW " Go/JO
iii .Sttlt111il'hi.
thilfphonon,. acn11itn111 (q.v.). thermlnua ·a -um (9tpfAu•of), made of lvpiHU,
thilypterie ·I<lis, t. (9'JA.111rnpi(), tli.e /tmmle Pli11.
ffr11 71lu11I, l'li11. TbermOdon -onth1, m. {8ep~w ..)," nct:r
thoma -:Ui>i, n. (9i11-4). L the tM:nv, topic, in /'out11.<, "" wltidi //1r. .4 .1w.ion.s lived, now 1"tr1na.
'1th;«t of d i:1coH 1·~. l::ien. IL tM po., it ion 1if tlit HP11ce, ThermOdontina (-tlAous) -a -um,
luactnly b·•I fr~ 11l the nwmen.t of a birth, Hu ct. l'llCt. =.-I 11111zotti<111...
Themls. ·l11i;1, f. (Oiµ.t(), tltt !JOddc..~• of jua· thermopoUum -Ii, n. (B~pµ.o,,.w.\101'). R plaot
tfrr, t1/.<I) n'!J<ti"derl tl.:I the 11D<lrle&S of proplw:y. w/IA!rt u,%1r1111/ri11J.:.s are snld, Pl:mt.
ThemlatQ. -ae, r. an•l Themltlti -es, r. all thermop0to, 1. to rr/rt11h with warm drink.I,
E1•i-:11 rm11 11hi/o;Wp/ler of [,q1npaacu:t. Plant.
~mistoclea -i;i :uul .f, 111. (etµ.urm"'-'~(), Thermopylae -ar11111, f. (eeoµoini.41), "
~ a/rlmlfr·l qe11ar1l nf the Atht11uu1..' in the l'er· Jlfl.<.< in l.<•·ns, 1:it thr. /~1r1ter~ of 1'/u:S<Htl}I, 1rht-,..
rim& ll"11r. Jlcucc, Tb.emlat0cleua -a -u111 1 f,ro11id11' n111l '' ,•11utll hml11 nf S1lfl.1·t.11ta ftll Jghl.-
Tl1 ~mi.<loc/r111L. ill~/ "!f11i11..<t lite u:holc l'i:Num 11rul!/·
Thioorltus -i, m. (8•o•P•To(), tl1t fumou .. tbermiilae ·arum, r. (11i111. or thcrmac),
r.rcek ''" 11/ic 1~t, bori& <&t Syr<1•:1tre, jlouri~/U!,l tml'l1' llf.llh.•, Mart.
:illil-:.![}IJ 11.c. TherOcUmii.a -antis, 111. and TherCS-
Tbi0de1)tes -Is nnd -1, m. (8toSiKT'l')f), midon -011ti:1, m. (9'ipoµ.i&.v), a .'icytht"''
1mtor o/Cilici.1, tw.chuo//socrata and Ari.slolU. ~-i119, 11·ho fed lions with hum1m fa'.sh. Adj.,
Theodirua -i, m. ('='•00..pof). I. Of Ily- Tbor~dAmanteus -a ·um, of 1'1ierodm1!4f.
z.111tin111, 11r;ru/; II. Of Cyrene, a Urvk Tberaitea -:ac, m. (811pai~). wa o/ .A!Jri"-'•
at1;ihi•t. III. n fi111w1U1 rhdoridan of Gadara, on" of tl1f'. l:l'rtk.'i bf/Ort Troy, 1&otorioU1 /or h"
ltr1c/1er of 1'il>eritUJ. 11! a11d acurrilo11a to11.g11e.
ThHgonla -11e, r. (0eoyol'ici). the Thel111<111!J, or theaaur&rius -a -u111 (U1csaun1s), o/ or n-
Gma.ttio1t of thr. Go<ls, a iio~ by Hr:.aiot.l, Cic. lati11!1 to the trew1u.ry, Plaut.
UJiologuS ·I, m. (9~o.\•~), a theol<Jflian, OM thesauru.s ·I, 111. (9'Jaciup0~). L n h"e(U'l(ry,
icho tre.its of the daunt mut uislt1lCll of the godJ, ~tort, hoar./; 1, lit., the11a11r11111 obrnere, Cle. ;
Cic. tkfo<lerc, Cic.; 2, ti~ .• a trto11urtJ (l•f personK,
'1'.'heophlne -ll~. r. (e~o<f>ci..,,). doughier of et<·.), Pl:1 nt. II. the 7.LLU"e /Q/1ue n trttu11n '8
~isttllu, nwlhrr f,11 POMidon of tM rain which bortJ ~11t: 1, lit., a, servata 111ella thesauri!!, Ver~.;
l'hri.rns to Col.chis. b, esp., the tra1.rnr11 of a ttmpk or sl<LU; thell·
Pro:serpinae 11poliare, I~I\·.: 2, Ill(., a stou-
TheophAnea -111 1111d -1, m. (ee~ci"'!(), a a11ro>1 ho11SI', llutpn:iM, rfptrt-Or!J; thesaurus rerum
lti.<lnri<m, frieiul of PoinptitUJ. · omuium memoria, Cic.
Theophrastus ·i, m. (9t#f)Clt7T0(), 4 celt- TbieeUa ·l'!I n11d -oos, m. (~~tif), a n11g
brr&tl'd OrceJ.: 1>hil....aphtr nf the t0111n o/ Cruoa i1~
wllOll, pi1pil of l'/.uto and Ari4totle.
nf Athc11.s, 8011. of .A':f1'11S, hT1.<l1w1t/ •if .A rvullle and
I'hcredrri, rom111eror of the Mi11nt.nir. H1•11cr, A.
Theopompus -1, m. (0to1r0141r0(). L " 0t.le· a1lj., Thiaeua -a -11111, nf or bl-longing to 1'he.'ll'111t:
lm.U.l 1;ruk hi.~t·n·u1 n of Ch iOll, .z1u11il of I so.:rule.s. crimcn, tlv cfoscrtwn of Ari11lln.t, Ov.;
IL u de1Jf'11tln&t of Cae.iar's. IIL a ckpendt-nt u/ Athc11it!n, Prop. B. Tbiaelus -a -11111, pot't., o/ or
Ci<:cro $ i1~ A.~ia.

btlongi 11:1 to 1'1"'·u11s; hcro:1 1 JI iJJ)>0lyt11~, Ov.

Thera -ae, r. (Ehjpci), an ulllwt in the Crdan c. Sulist., Thesid~a -ae, Ill. a lllHI of Tht~1U,
.c;,,,, now Sa11tori1t. Hence, Theraeu.s -a -um, lliJ1polyt1U1, Ov. D. Thisila -ldi:1, r. a poe1,,.
01i Tln.otus, Jnv.
Theramenis -110, m. (071p.. µ.i~). of thision (-um) -II, n. ("!O"t•ov), a '~' oJ
or Ccos, culo1Jttd son of ti~ .Athenian J/1L!J110ll, 01/.C flax ('J'hc>1ium li11ophyl111ru, Linn.), Pli11.
of tJu thirty tyrant.& at Athc11s; hut put tn 1w1th
for opposing tltt oppreui-On.s of hi:J C-Ollfl{l!Jllell them ·is, (. llHO'L~). a pr0pollili.<Jll 1 fhtaiS,
Cri.tilu and Chmiclu.
Therapne (Theramne) .~,. r. and Ther- tbesmophorla -l'inun, n. (9taµ.o4>0,,u1), the
!Jrfal Ure~kfr~th.'<tl in ho1«nir of De111dr:r, Pliu. -arum, f. (8epci,,..,ciL), a town of l..nco11i11,
flu! birthpf.ace of Jlelw; hence, a<l,J., Ther- Tbeaplae -arum, r. (8t0'71't .. i), a town ii&
apnaeus -a -um, T1&er<,1>11ean; poet., Spartan; Rnt'~>lit1, 11t the font u.: J.fmmtHeli<..'()n. Hence, A.
1nririta, or nata rnro 1'1ierapnaen, l/cln1, Ov.; '.l'hea,,lu -lldiK, r. (e~a,,Lcif), Thapian; ·!~ao
11ani;t1is Thernpuaeus (of the ooy Hyacinthus of fhc11p1adP.s, Ov., anti 111mply, Thc11p1a.dc;i, C1c.,
Amy!'lac!), Ov. tltt ltfttSl'..s. B. Tbeaplen.9e8 -luiu, 111. the ii&-
theiij,01111 -a -um (Bi,p1uo(), ICT'tli«nbk hahitantii •f TM~
<11111i.ltst pni.•nn, e."p., the bite nf i<#trpenU, Tbeepla -l<lis, m. (8icnr1~), Utt frm11dtr "J
Pliu. Subst., therDloa -ae, f. and thiru.oi the (;re,·k dm11&a, contemporary of :Solc11
~. f. an 1111tidou u9ai11.t tht bite of poi.sonous Pi.sistrolU$.
ttr;ic11t.<, Plin. Theapfua -Ii, n. (8i0'1l'w ) . .onn of F.1·e.chthe1111,
Thirlolis · -is, m. (9'1pucA~). a cclrbrateJ /011nder of 1'11upiae, father of fifty 1Jr1119/1/as.
.ini.~t, 11mJ;er of pottery 1111d UXJmltn Vf'3Ml;i1 at Thel!lprotla •al'!, f. (8tO'Jrf>"'Tici), a di..st1Vl i,,.
Cori11J/1. He1we, Therloliua ·n -um (&r!pi- E1>iru.s. Hence, Theaprotlua ·11. -um, 7'Ms·
""••Of), Therickan ; pocula, drinJ.:ing-cuJJ4 uf clay protia1i.
or-i, Cic. Tbeaaalia -a<!, f. (81aaa.Ai'ci), Thessaly, a
thermao -arum, r. (9•pµ.!k, imnn). I. 1t1(trm ro11ntr!f of 1101·tl1n-11 tlrttu. Hcuce, atlj., A.
bru/UJ, Pliu. IL Proper n:une, Thermae The&Ulfous .a -um, Tl1~~ili<m : j114.fl\ (of.
·irum, f. a tcum u..ith 10arm 8T' 011 the north Mount Pt•lion), Ov. B. Tboealilua -a -um,
ONUt nf Sicil11, now ScUtcra.. Hence, Thermlt- 1'ltc.JS<1lian; t.c>la (or Aohllle3), Hor.; ignus, i•
iDu -a ·um. o/ or bclonghig to Th.en'fl,(J,I. Uit ca11&p o/ .Achillu. Hor.; i>luUB, tlM 1Mp Al'QIO.
The Thy
o.-. C. Themllu -a -um, Th1"uali1J'll. D. ThrlBfbiilus .t, m. (9p•ov1JouAoc), . n
TheuMi• -Jdis, r. adj., 7"11.i:.<Salurn; u111hra, of Atltrnia1l who jrud .ACllflU fro,,. ths TIHrtf
Proil'.5ilau.&, Prop.; ar11, of l.ttoda1Ria, hiub<1nd of Tyrn11I~.
Protuilaus, Ov. ; suhst., a 'I'ht..u••li1tn woma1&. ThrbfmeDDUB, v. Tras111m:nu.a.
Tbeull6nioa -ae, f. and Theull6nioi Thrax. v. 1'hraccs.
·li'4, r. (0uYa<lAov<u1), Tlt~~"'''"ILi~a. a t•M"ll. i11
M<lllt'tlcnia, now ,S,1/ouic/1i. llenc11, Thes9U- Threlua, Thre!I~,
v. Thrace&
6nicenae9 ·lum, m. the illl«wita11.u of 1"hu- Threx == Thrax, v. Thraces.
.uJoH ica. thrlp• -lpli1, m. {llpitJ.1), a u'OOtl·t<'!lrDl, Ptln •
Theuilwa. v. The>1salia. thr6DUB -i, m. (8p0~). a lojl'll acal, u..,, ..,,
Thoatlwa -11, m. (8lan~). L a kin_g b Pli11.
Afi,,fi,,, fatha of utla and Althruvi, of_ Pltxrp)JIU Thlicj41des -ia and -1, m. (0ovo~l.\~). n
a11d To~1CL He11ce, A. The•U~de• ·ae, 111. Atlumitin, qttural tna11d hi.<torion nf the l'tll>J"'""
(~•awio.,~). a rio1f"L1i.hrnl of 1'htsli11..•; The.~tia<lae1miian uxn. Hence, Thucjclldiu.e -a -um,
Juo, l'ln:i1•11ua a11d "J'ornu; respicc Thcstiadeu, Thucydidea1'.
/tfrlr.wrer, acn of A//lumi, Ov. B. Thestlu (Thylo) -e!l, r. (8ov\ 71), a" wa~J
-A·li>1,. f. a daughur of 1'1tu"u5, i.e., Allluua. in the utreiM nortl1. of Ellro]~, l'erhaps mu of IA.I
II.= Tht>~fiius. i:ilu-tlm1d Island&, perhaµs frda11.d.
The.tor ·ori11, m. (8iOT1a1p), fri.thtr oftlu sooth- thUDDus (thynnws) ·I, m. (Brno~). a tunr
sayer Ca/,·/uf.'I. Hcncr, Thcat6rldi8 -ae, m. fl.~h, Ov.
(8to-Topi.Srr~). tJu .son. of 1'11(.~t.,r, i.e., Calclt.a.I.
Thiirll -orum, rn. (8oiipLU&), auu
theta. n. (8-.i.,4), tJu Gruk ldt" tl1.tta (9, 8), -lirnrn, f. a to11m built 011. tilt siU of th.c drslr'-:'l<'tl
,~,1 h11 tM G•·eek.5 in voting tic/;tt1 iu a sy1nbol Syl:11rn, on the T11rrnti11e 1:11/f. Henee, Thur-
of 001Ulem11ation, bmz~ btgi1ming t1l4 VJOnl uiua -a -um, of or belo1111i1111 to 1"1111rii.
Bava.To( : nigru111, Pt•rs.
Thetla -ldis, f. (01n(), a na-1111n11•h, wife of (q.v.). thU.. thllrirlua, etc.= tus, turarins, ete..
Ptltu.<, 111."(/ie- r>J Achilles: hence, poet., Ui.t •a,
v~rg. ThUJ'8. dat. Thuyni, arc. Thuynem, and
m. a 1•ri11aoj l'aphlagonia at Uu ti~ ~
Theud6ria -ae, t 11 to-tun i1• Athama11ia, Tl1uy11, A.1uun·.ru Jfrnrno1'-
now T1idoria11<1.
Tb.euma ·rnlltis, n. a pla~ in Maw.Ionia. thfa-ae, f. (8,;a.) and thfh -1, n. (91.-.w). tlM
Greek name of tJu cilrus-tru, Plin.; henct.>. thjiu
thiuus -1, m. (8io.o-ot), a tfa1i« in ho1wwr of -a ·Urn, of tAt VJOOd of t.M c4trus-tru, Prop.
&w:h11s, Verg.
ThfAmlB ·Mis, m. (8vaµ•f), Uu waod _,.
thleldones-um, m. a kindo/Spmish Af>rau, thu'v ritier fo Epinu, now Callaaa..
Thlrmlda -ae, r. a town in Nu111idia. T V&tll'a -ae, f. aml T117a~~ -Orum, n.
(1-· -'-Tnpo.). a tou•n ~n /.y1Li.a, 1·eb1&Mt 1,y .'Sdorcu
Thlsbe -ell, r. (8<af3>J). L a beaut(fwl Babu- icator, now .Akhi>«<lr.
loni<tn. maiden, ~rwrtl I'll Pyramw. IL et t1111•n ThybrlB = Tiberis (q. T.).
' " &tolia. Hence, ThlabiUB-a -um, ThUll>ean
= .Bubyloniall. Thyeni -ea, f. a nymph, tttu-u of Jvpiler.
thlaspt. n. (BAAOT•), a kind of crua, PUn. Thfuti9 -ae anll -b, m. (~I~)• .,. of
p,/ai1s fat~ of .Argisthus, brothtr of .HN"IU,
Tb.Oas -antis, m. (0oa.~). I. a kinq of 1
who piactd btfon 1'hytSta for food Th,ata' ~
Le1nno.•, fathtr of 1l11psipyle; whence, ThO- 5011.
antlU -Mis, f. a daughter of Thea.•, i.e., ll•1p- Thytb (1\issyll.) -Adis, f. (&v1af),a,
lri1n1k. IL a kint1 nf tht T1t11rir Clurs1111t..<t, sluin
by Ore.stu. Hence, Th0anteua -a -um, poet.==
Ta-uric. thf lua, v. thya.
thCSlua -I, m. (80.\.0(), a cupola, do-lu, Verg. Thjli =Thule (q. v.).
thoraoatu -a ·Um (thurax), armed u:ith a 1. thymbra-ae. t. (9-.i,,.{Jp•), a.e 1wrb 111"°'""
.ntt, Plin. Vi:rg.
t ....orax -i"u:i,., m. (8wpa.t). 1, the 11reast, cJust,
Plln.; 2, uwton., a breu$f1•late, cuirass, Liv.
2. Thymbra ·ae. f. (8.ip.#lp-.,l, a '°"'"
Tnxt5, on the riv~r "J"h1111..l1riM, v:i~ a k»t1'' tv
AJ!Ollo. Hence, ThymbraeWI -a -uua, Til11•
thoB, tl1(,i!1, m. (8w(), a ki11d of 'WOI/, Plin. /Jrue1.rn, ! of .1,~oi/u.
Thot, th" E1ryptia11 n.amt of Mercurv. thjmlon (-um) -Ii, n. (8.;1uo.,), a l:foa fl/
Thraoes -nm, acc. -('Sand -a.c1, m. (8pefn(), wart, l' lin.
u.~ Thracian~, th11 i11hi1.hit11nt8 ofThra~ in so11th- thjmo8Ull -a um (thymnm), ./ttU of t11~;

m.~t F.umpe; sin~.• Tb.rax ·l\ci'4, n. (0prit), a., a mrl, Pliu.

T/11«rrim1; J•o•·t. n•l.i. Th rarUin; b, esp. Thrax, th,fmum -1, n. (8V,.ov), Aud tht'm:aa-1, m.
or Thraex, ii !Tl•«ii<ttor 11·i1h 1'hraria11 arm.our. (8vp.o" nnd 8vµ.o~), tlu herb thytM, Verg.
He11ce, A. Thraoia-ae, f. tht country of1'ilractJ;
Gn•ek form, Thrace ·('"'· f., or lati11ii«>d
Thjnl -1\rmn, rn. (8vvo•'). a TAraciaft pttJfic,
dwelling Ori'Ji™1/ly on the Black SttJ.. HenL~. A.
Thri.oa -ae, f. B. Thrii.c(us ('l'hrec1ua) Thynia -a•·,
r. (0wi11), ·r~•mia, tM noriMri.
-a um, Thracian. 0. (Poet.), Threiolus -a T'flrl of Bithyi&ia. B. Thj'DIAcua -a -nm,
-um (0pn<.c•o~). Thradan; .sacertlos, Yer~ .. or Tl11111i1tn; siuus, on the J;fii('/.· .Ya, Ov. C.
vates, Ov. = Or1•heus; ~1111us, &imothracw, \er~;
J"'lll\t<''I, of Dio1w.f,·.<, l:in•T of Tltrac~, Ov. D. Tbjnus -a ·Um, 7°hy1'ia11. D. ThjD.IM -AJi:s,
ThraetBSa, nntl co11tr., Thra.e88a ·BC, r. fo UI' r. 'fhynian.
(rum Thracr; sttbst., a Tl1nv·iu11 w"mm1. ThjnUB, 1'. Thynl.
thranis ·is, m. (9pci"'~). a fibh, &!!lo called thynnus = thuunua (q.v.).
xiphias, l'lin. Th9one -es, r. cev..:.""). 1. •otlfto of" nari111
tbraso(u -ae, m. (8pao-icia(), a north 1101th- (nee. to 01111 legen•l), idtrtliflt:d U, '°"~ tcilA &JM/'-
wrfl wind, Flin. H1111ce, A. TllfoneUB ·61, m. (8~). .,. f/
Thy 677 tim
7'11J1'11t, I.e. &udt1t. B. ThJinlanu• ·I, m., tlgtllum ·I, 11. (•llm. or tlgnnni), • ..aa
Netnn. = wiM, C.t. IL a •N11tph, tUlr# o/ btm1i, Liv.
J1•pilt11·. ttgnariu ·• -11111 (tign11111), o/ or relating to
Thjre -~s. r. a111l Th:Yr•, r. (fllupl«). Q btam.<; raber, a OOTJltntu, Cle.
tou· 11 "1i<I di..•1.-icl i1& A r!tol i~. ll1•11ce, Thjrii.tla tlgnum -1, n. (kgu), a 1'ea111 o/ 'ICOO<l, a. log 41
·I.Ji.;, f. (811puin~), of ur /1</011gi11!1 lo 1'hymt. t£11•uu, t:aP.s.
Tbyreum -1, n. anti Thyrlum -Ii, II. a tOWll Tigri.nea -la, m. (T•<yp&V'Jd. J. 1.;n,, ;., f:rtO&
'" Al'ar11a.tia, near TA!1u·,r~. llc11ctl, Thyrlenaea Armrnia, llOll·in·l"w mt.ti alll/ of Jlithridu~..
·111111. 111. i11hHbita11t,; of 1'h1rrn111.. co11quered by Lw:ullu•. IL Ii~,.'"·
thyralger -g~ra -scrum (thyraus and gero), Tigri.nicerta ·ae, r. II nil TilJl'i.nicerta
~·rri1<!J t.t thyrs11s, i:>t-n.
-nn1111, n. tht d1itf luwll of .Ar1llc1t1t•,,t t,,
thyrsua -i, 111. (6..0p,,0<). I. the 1talk or 11lt111 1'i!lrtlllr$.
ofa7,/ant, Piin. IL a 1t'<111•7, 111011nd rvt4nd tvith
i.",11 a11<l t-i.irt-lea.tYS, ca1r~ bll Jk1.cchu1 and ld1 tigrinu ·• -um (tlgri~). 1110tttd like 11 llgtr,
olf,111/,111t.<, llor. Pliu.
tiara -ae, f. an<I tlanu -af', m. (ru1pa), 11 -In,tigrls -ftlls and -111, acc. -Mem an•l ·Im ot'
11hl.·T1ll•or-i, a1~c. l'l11r., 1"lCt., ·Ma:11(Tiyp«, in
la rlNrn, \' "r;;.
1'1·111ia11 = n11 arruw). I. c. (111:l.'IC. gen. In 1•ro11.. ,
Tiberls -l>t'lri,, nrc. -lo~rirn, ahl. ·ucrl, m.1111•1 fo.111. r:cn. In 1w•1•try), " tirier: 1, lit., Verg.; 2,
Jt<>d., Thybria ·lwloliq, RI'<'. ·hrir1 or ·brim, in. tran,,r., a, 11'1111~ of"'" "/the tfCJ!li of .Artac11n. Ov.;
the 1ira 1'ilff:r: pt·1-,;1111if., Thi liriic, //if ril'tr-godb, 1111111t o/u. s/1 i Crlt•"•ll,cfed with t/ll!Jf flUTt ofa tiger,
of tli.e Ti!N:r. lle•wl', A. A•IJ., Tlberinua -a
•lllll, 'bdo11yi119 to lht rii•tr Tibu; amnis, Liv., or
\"erg. D. m. Tigrla -Mis :md -ls, nee. -tuem nnd
tlllllll'll, v~r)(., the rira 7'il>t!r: pnt.-r, or ueu9,
·hi•, alil. ·Me nud -~or -1, the riVll1' 1·igrn in .A.tia.
tire ri1·a·qQr/, \'erg. Sult4., Tib6rinus -1, 111. Tigurinl ·i'irum, m. a lltfrtliu.n pe1>ple. Adj.,
a, tk 1'il>t!r, Cic., \'t't·g.; b, a >.inf! nf .Al/)(t, Lil·. Tlgurinua -a ·um, Ti11uri11e: pngu:1, lh• na0<ura
B.. Tfberinla -l•li,., r. l1tlu11gi11g lo the r~1·tr LU1tl<11L J'1111tf.
7'il'u; T1l~ri11i•lei1
Nyml'h&t', Ov. tllla ·at, r. L a lindt11 or lh11t·trtt, Verg.
Tlberlua -Ii, m. L a ro111111on r.orn1rn pmt· II. /hr. i1rnu b<trl.: of tht lirndrtt, l'lin.
"°"'~"• aub1-eviaterl 1'1. or Tih. II. E!!p., tht Timaeus ·I, nt. (Tis.a•ix-). I. n Crtt1.: hC...
u,01ul tm['t'T'Of' of Rllrnt, 1'ibt:riiu (.,'/,111r/i11.a Nao tori1111 in ~icil11 u11</tr ,l!Jt1tl111t.·la. II. a l'11tha·
Wt'-'<tr. Ht•nce, Tib6ri6lua -1, m. di111. little g11rcan. 71hilc><o1•hcr of, ufttr whom 0111 o/
(= 1'ihcriu1, Tac. I 'Lato' s J i1ito11uu W<ll n1111wl.
tibia -ae, f. tltt 1hill·boM, tibl11; 11wt1•n., CJ Timagene• -Is, m. (T•p.a.y/"'J(), a rlutorkia1'
pl11t, fife, jfuu, origi1wll11111WU of a hollow bi.>ne; of the time of Auu11str.u.
ti hi is ca11cre, l'ic. Timanthes -ls, m. (T•µa,,8'i<), a /a""'°"
tibiaJJa -e (tiuia). of or TYlnti»g to 11/lutt, Plin. U1·uk J<Ui11ttr, L'Oli.lt111porury of l'r1rrhu1iU1.
tibioen -l11i11, 111. (for tit.iic .. 11, fru111 tiuia 111111 Tlmavus -1, m. a ri1-.:r ill the VtMlia1'
c:i11 .. ). I. a .1f11lt·play~r.1•ipu,N~r, Cic. II. a co1111iry b..twun A1111ifria1111</ 'J'rir;;lt, 111111· 1·.rn1.1ro.
}J•llar, µrop, Ov. tlmi§fa.otus ·I\ ·11111 (ti111eo amt facio), mcult
tibicina ·ae, r. (tiuil:e11), a female ft11lt·pldyer, f.:ruJul, frisJldrnrd, a/iirmed, Cic.
pi1•·r, lfor. tlmendus -a -11111, p n<lj. (frotn tlmcu), to bl
tibioluium ·ll, D. (llblcen), plavtng on lhll feorr<l./t:tirful, dread; l't"gl'~, 1f11r.
lfou, C1c. tlmens -cutis, p. :ulj. (frc>m ti111!'0), fr1•1·h1g,
Tibr!s =Til.Jeris (r1. v.). fi'«•'ful: a., with gen it., 111ort i~, J.11cr.; b, nl.9vl.,
Tjbullus ...j, 111., All•i11~, 11 Roma" tltgi<lc lu•rtntus time11k111, Ov.; plur. 1111><.t., tltl /wr·
J'O!I, Jrinvl t>f Jloroct 1u11l Ut•ul, bor11:'1-! H.c., ditd fut; ti111e11tcll co11t1ru1at, C.1e!!.
about HI !J.C. tlmio -!ll, 2. to ~ crfraid, fear, drta1l, app,...
tibillwa ·I, r. a ki1t.d of pine orjlr-tru, Plin. lic11•l; with acc., nli1p1e111, C.:ic.; with 11c, Dt• 11on,
or ut and the auhj., titnt'O, ue nou l11111t"tre111,
'Iibli.r ·u!lrl!I, altl. ·lrnre, l•>c., b1l1i, n. an Li•·.; with infln., to '11l u.fmid to; 11o•111•·111eft•rn1
olrl foic11 in l.alium., ori bulk 1idt.1 nflht .Anio, Oil
a rod. !I hill (wht·nc•· callecl 11111'i11u111 aucl pron um, in tnhula~, Cic.; with inlt'rr1>g. clau-.e, qui.I
Hor.), fi11110111 /or lt.I rom.uni ic po~itin1', u jam.o111 µosse111, ti111eb11111, Cic.; with dat. (of the oltjl•ct
:s1w1;1vr rt.sort fur the rich I'.0111a1W1, now 1·iroli. 011 who~c u1·cnu11t frar hi fdt), srhl, Caes.; 11ith
de, <le rcpublica, Cic. ; with 11 a111l l111· nul., a quu
ll•·nce, A. Tibura -1.Jnrtis, 1'iburtint., •111i1lc111 g1·11cre ego 11umqu11111 t!mui, Cic.
Tiburtea -u111 n111l -lu111, 111. tht i1.J1ab1t1mt1 of
1 i/,,tr: t:~~c i11 Til.urti, in thll 1'iburtint Ji;1trlct, tlmldo, auv. with corupar. a11u 1iuperl. (thu·
<;ic B. 'fiburtinua -a -um, 1'ib11rti1u. C.
Illus), timidly, fta1full11, L'k.
Tiburnus -a -11111, 'J'iburni,M. Suhst., Ti- tlmidltu ·, r. (tim1dus), /corfulnu..
burnus ·I, m. tht built/tr oJ 'J'il111r. ttmWity, Cic.
Tiburtus ·I, m. ln1ildtr of1'ibur, tlmldua ·&-um (thneo), fmr/111, Cirn~I, fui""'
l1tt1rttd, L'ic.; with &•\ a11d the Rl"'·• ti111iu11" ml
Ticinum -1, n. a tow11 in Ci1<1lpin.t Gaul on 111orte111, Cic.; with In ancl the al.I., t111111:u.i Ill
lhe ri11a l'icinU!I, now l'<tt'iti. lau••r11 tnihtari. Cic.; with gcnit., tl1111.i1:a 1•ro-
Tioinus ·L 111. out of I~ trtbutariu oJ Ou cellll.<', Hur. ; n1•11 ti111i1l11s, full. liy Lhe iutln., 1100
Pwlus itt t._'i.«tlJ•illt Uu.11l, now 1'usino. tiuii<lu111•ro patria muri, llor.
Tifata -uru111, 11. a intJu11tain north of Capua TimiorAtu -ne, m. (T•14<>«pani~>. nn ~1·tcu.­
iri f ·w11p.11,ia, 01• 1chich. uw a ltmp/e lo Viana, rro1L 7•hil11sophu, jfouri$hi1'g alio1u :t•.i\J is.c.
uuw 'J'ur1c tli Stuoht.. Timo16on -0111 l~. w. (T•µ.oAiw.,), a Cori 11thfa.P&
'1 lfernum ·I, n. a lolD?l '" Samnium on the grneral, ronttmpor'l1"1/ of J'lulip of .V'..lctdo11.
rfra J'ifi Tit u... Heuce, Tim61ionteua -a -uw, o/or bclunf!i1&g
Tifernu ·I, m. 1, n mountain (n Samnium; to Timolto11.
2, a riVtr in Samnh1111. Timon ~nls, m. (Tlµ.cu•), a citfun. oJ .dt.UU.
Tigellfus ·II, 111. M.!M q/ 1100 mtukia11.1 at Mlndo11sfor hi.I mi,mnthwp11.
/fo,,.e iii lloract.'• tiuu. tlmor ~ria, m. (Urueo), /ea.r, dread, ap.1mAM-
Tim 678 Tit
~ L Lit., a, gen., deflniunttlmorem metum ·Ii, m. Herculu; TlryntJiia, AlcmeM, tJu llWCMr
mall appropinqu1mtis, Cic. ; ti111ore111 deponitc, of llercule.s.
Cic. ; in,iicere ti111orcm P<lrthis, Cic.; percclli Ttalas -ae, m. (Turia(), of Sicily, t1u J.Nt.
tlmore, Cic.; foll. by ne and the subj., Li\·. ; hy fo1111dtr of a rhetorical SJl$Um..
lnfin., Ov.; by acc. and intin., Lh-.; persouir., Tislphoni -es, r. (T•~·~<>.,.,,). on.e of iu
Timor,sonofActhera1111Tellus,Hor. \'eq;~.,Ov.;
b, religious /mr, superFtition, Hor. I. Me~n.,
aii object exdting fear; Cllcns A.\·entinae t1mor
Furie.'1; hence, adj., Tislphoniua ·&-um,
hellish, impious; tempora, ()\·.
at.que iufamia silvae, Ov. Tis&Aphernea -ae, m. CT•tTaact><'PV'I~), a
Timoth~us ·I, m. (Ti,.68f<K). I. son of lilltrap 111ider Xtrru II. and Arlo.:cerxe.s II.
Coll011., the rebuilder of tM long waU1 of AtM1u. Tl8so ·C'I, f. a town ill Sicily, now Ra11d<1z:t).
IL a musician of Miletiu. Hence, Tiaaenaea -tum, m. tltt iaha/..itaw of
Unotllla -e (tingo), in. whU:h 1011Uthin.g is TiMe .
o v.
. .,..,,.,.d
u.•rl"""'• Titan ·tlinis, m. (Tmiv), and Titanua -1. m.
tinotOrius ·& • 1101 (tingo), of oc relating to L Gen., plur., Titanes a11d Titani, the aon.1 of
Pl Uranus an<l Gcu.a(lat. Tellus), u:ho W'.lrrul agaiut
d11ting; ftg., mens, bloo<lthirJty, in. J11piur for suprm1aey in hwi-m, and 'll"tTf! by .\iia
tlDotilra -ae, f. (tingo), a dyeing, Plin. ca~t dow11 into Tartcirus. IL oM of the T'itau;
tinotus -Q, m. (tingo), a dipping, dyeing, Plin. a, tltt Su ii-god, 1-0n of Hype1"ion; b, P~
tlnea (tlnia) ·ae, f. a moth, bookworm, Ov., Hence, A. Tita.n~us -a -um, of or rdaJing to &Ac
Hor.; a worm ill buhfou, Verg. Titan.s; suhst., Titania -ae, r. a, Latima, Ov.;
tlngo {tlnguo>, tinxi, tinctum, s. (root I~ ~yrrha, Ov.; c, lJia1~11 .• Ov:; d, Cin:t, <;_>v..: B.
TINO, Gk. TElT, nyyw), to u.'tt, moi$lrn, iinbue 'l.'1.aniAcUS ;~ -um, Tttc11wm. C. _Titania
with a1i11 fluid. L Gen., a, lit., tunica ~anguinc ·Id ts -lrlos, f. T1tan1a11; suu;,t., a, Cir~, O\.;
iincta, Cic. ; b, flg., to tingt, imbue; orator sit b, Ttthya, O\·.
rnihl tinctus lit.eris, Cic. II. Esp., to dye, colour, Tithonus -1, m. (T19... vo~). thi! 1m.sba.11d oJ
Cic. .Aurora, who oblaintd from. hi5 u.·i/, th.t gift oj
ttnnimentum ·I, n. (tlnnlo), a tinklin!], i111n10rtality, but witho11t 7>ery>t111al yo11.lh. and
ringing, Plaut. u:as at /list changed into ct urru;sho~r. Hence,
tlnnlo -ivi and ·.II ·!turn, .f. to ring, tinklt, adj., Tithonlua -a -uni, ntho11ia11; Tithonia
lin9le, jingle. L Lit., Varr. II~ Transf., 1, to conjux, Aurora, Ov.
1ing, to SCTemn, Plaut.; 2, to chink, to make to Titles ·ium, m. and Titlenaea .furn, m.
rhmk: of. money= to par; ecquu.l l>ollabella 0 ,~ of the thrte tribe• (Ramnes, Ti ties, and
t.innaat, C1c. L11rr.re11) into u:hii:h the Ro11u1n /1urgl!SSl'.a m at
tinnitus ·!ls, m. (tinnio), a ri~:zillg, tinkling, first divitkd, and 011t of whi.-h thrtt ro..Zuriu OJ
ji1111l1119, \"erg. L Lit., Ov. II. Trausf., of knights are aai.d to have bun formed by Rom.ulu
di11cour:11', a Ji11glr of words, Tac. titilli.tio -Onls r.(titillo), a tickling, titil·
tlnnulus -a ·um (ti1111io), rinyi1'9, clinking, lation. Cic. '
linkli11y, Ji119li11g, Ov. titllJAtua -tls m. = titillatio (q. v.).
tlnnun~filua ·i, in; a kiiid of /ulron (Falco titlllo, 1. to tkkle; scnsus, Cic.; fig., ne YOI
thmunculu~, Lmn.), P_hn. . . titillet glori1t, Hor.
tlnttnnabiUum ·I, 11. (tmtanno), B bell,Juv. Utlo .(mis m. 11 ./frtbra111.f, Varr. '"ii
tlnt~Ulus ·A ·um (tintiuno), ringing, titlv1lliciam .fi, n. a trijk, Plaut.
Jingling, l Jaut. r - .. x d (t't bo) h · · l
••-••-- (t'--"'- ) 1 to nng,
o.&aWMMO U&waO, ·
· j'rng lt, t•rn ku • t.itUbaD-r, & V. I U , uitahng 'f,
certainly, Cic. VII.

Caiinua-1, f.ashrub(ViburnumTinus, Linn.),Ov. tlttibantla -ae, f. (tituho), a V"?ttring, dag.

- · f · ) · if . .. . gtrin9; lmg11ae, om1, stamm.erf111;, Suet.
llphe .eg, • (rnp 11 , a1pec~1rn gram (1 nt1cum ti "'-.;;.t• . . f (t·t '--) ..... ·
monC)C()Ccon, Linn.), Plin. .t~ua 10 -oms, . '· UU<•, ~ ...-1~11tg,
* acc.
Tip h .;rB, . -p 11yn, voe.
, ·p h y, m. (T.... )
rtt/1119, ticu.; fig.,
unurtn1nt~1. h•sitrrw:y,
L l. C1c. l r
llu Mlmsman of the A T'.fO. tl.,ubo, I. to taller, Sl.Uf!!Jtr. ,1t., ~ o
ti tu.a r I ~ti ( h' h persous, S1le11us t1tubansa11111sque rnerU<{llf',l Y.;
. PP . ·at', . a vv ~r·sp~ tr .. w JC rnns \'f'stigia tituhat.!, tolttrin!1, \"erg.; 2, t.ran,;f., to
1w1ttly. O\er the_water), \arr., use :I to expres~ $lammer; Licinius titubaus, Cic.; lingua titutl3t,
aomethmg_ very hght, Plaut.. . ov. II. Fig., 1, to w.-al't1", to hmtuv, Plaut.; 2,
Tireal&a ::ie• m. {Tf1p<u1a~). th'! famo!Ui '11111d to hllrndrr, rrr; si verbo t1tubarint (t-E"stes), Cic.
ioothMyer_ of_ 1 Mbts._ . tltulua ·i, 111 • cm i1ucriptio1l, la~l. titu. L
Tirld:&tea -tlll.tts, . m. (T•pu~OTl)(), name of
Lit., 1, hen., titulum inscribere la.mnae, Liv.;
ltWral killQs u1. .Armmm. 2, e~p., a, a notitll! 011 a hO'U~ that Mi to ltl; sub
tiro {tyro) -Onis, m. L a young snlditr, a. titnlum nostros misit avarll !ares, ()v.; b, a1'
tl'ilai•h; Rcpulchri, Juv. IL Trnnsf., 1, a, a title
rtcntit; I, lit., Cic.; adj., excrcitu11 tiro, Cir.;
2 transf., a, a btginntr, a WlrMr; In aliqua re, of honour, hoMurnbk duignntion; coni;ul.atu~.
Cfe.; tir\) eMet scientii, Cic.; b, a yo1tth '!Cho
Cir.; b, glory, honour.; par titu\o t.a11tae gloriae
IUftnua t1l4 toga vi-rm~, Ov. IL Proper uame, fuit, Liv.; 2, a priUnet, prtll:tt, rtaM>n.; quem
K. Tullius Tiro, tMfrwfman nf Ciaro. titnlum praet.enderit1s, Liv.
tirielnlam -Ii, n. (tiro). L military ign()J'· Titill-lua -Ii, rn. a ltgaU of Cot.Sari '" LU
a11u aiid illU'pt7'Uxcc; a, lit., juvcnis, Liv.; b,
Gallic 1mr. Hence, Tltiirianua ·a -um, of or
met.on., ncn,ita, Liv. IL Transf.. o[tM entry ofabelonging to Tilurius.
JO'V"91!"1" cm anr carrer; in L. Paulo accusando Tltus ·i, m. L a eommon Roman pramowin,
tt~1um ponere, conu bef""' usually abhreviate<l T. II. Oat tmJ~ror Tuu
tM public, Liv.
tirlUactllua -1, m. (c\im. of tlro), a ro11n.gFl<ll'i11s Snbinu1 Vtspa.cia1•11s, son und nuxt_.
fltglia~, Plin. of lhr Empaor Vupusinn.
Ti.ryna. ace. -ryntha, f. (Tipuvt), an Argive Titfoa-i, m. (T1Tllf;~). son~fJ1111itrr,pt11ti.sll~
loum ti•M1'f: Hl!'rculu wa.t brought 11p. Hl'nce, for un inmlr to /..{I/ow' by !H-rnv slrel<:h.ttl Oll'.t "'
adj., Tirynthlua ·• -um, poet., llercultan, Tartarus, and having /,;., hnr dn>0vrcd bJ
rrl4'tWJ to Htf'; ao almply, Tirynthlua wU11ru.
Tit 679 ton
Titjrua ·I, m. (TiTVpof, Doric= :Iclnrpo~). tollino -onls, oi. (tollo), a mat:lrlM f01r rnfa·
L the of a sltrphmt in Vergirll EdfJ!f11n;
M11u fog W(tler, a !lt'i11g·Mcm nr 1roipe, Plin.; a wtUl·
poet., meton., a, =the &lrv111ts of Vei·lJit, 0\'.; ti.try engi11e, Liv.
b, Vtrgil hims•df, Prop. II. Trausf., a •htp· tollo, sustuli, sublatum, S. L to lift "JI.
krd; sit Tityrw1 Oq1ht:U!I, \'erg. rai.ft, elerau. A. Lit., 1, gen., saxa do tern,
Tlep0lemus ·i, m. (TAl11rOA•p.CK), of'°" Cic. ; oculos, Cic.; alique111 In cruccm, to CT1'C~,
Cic. ; 2, esp., a, nttut. t. t., to Ile re ancoras, lo
TmUua (-Os) -1, m. (Tµci~). S}nc11p. from wtigh nnchor, Caes.; b, milit. t. t., tollere slgna,
l,JJ brtak up ca11111, (.;Res. ; c, t.o takd up, tab witA
Tomi.rua -1, m. (Tcl,. .. po~), a mo1rntain. in one; ali'lue111 in cu.-ru111, in equum, Cic.; or
£piruJ1 on which 'Wal D0<lo11.a u11.d the tc111pla uf ship!!, to hai:e oil boar.I; naves quae equit.811
~UJ. sus1 ulerant, Caes. B. Fig., 1, to ra~ ~:
Tmolua -1, m. (TµwAo(), a mo1111tr1in (n aliquPm humeris sui,. in ea•·lu111, Cle.; lo.ude1
Lylia,famfJ1LJ for its tuin.t. Hence, A. Tmolius alicuius in a:1trn, Cic.; cl:uuorem, Cic.; aniwoa_
-a -um, T111-0lian: ~ul~t.. T1uolius, 1'inoliun wine, to as.~u.11e a pruu.l dt1M•11w11r, :Sall.; 2, esp., a.
Verg. B. Tmolites -ae, m. a dwtller 01& Mount to utol, 11iag11ify; nlique111 h11noribus, Hor.;
Tmol1t.f. tolli;re aliqucm, to ~Ip lfJ hcnour, Cic.; nliquem
tOcullfo -oni11, m. (from TO.c:CK, inurtst), a laudibus, to txlol, Cic.; b, to raise up; ani111um.
r~:rai1' m/41 ll]lirits, Liv.; 11111icum, to cum.ton.
IWl&TU, Cic.
Hor.; c, to tal;t on 011t~lf; quid onerh1 in
tOfi.ceua (tofaclua) -a -um (tofus), made praesentra t:olla11t, Cic. ; d, to bri11-9 UJl a cltild,
~ tv.f<L, like tu}1, l'lin. Plaut.; tran~r.. to yd, hut·c a child; liberoe e1: -a -11111 (tofus), madl of tu/a, Suet. Fa Lia, Cic. II. to tuke au"Y· carry n.f!. A. l, gen.,
tOftu (tOphua) -1, m. tu.fa, Ve1"3'. prae1lam, Caes.; fmn1e11tum de areJ1, Cic.; sulem
ulllndo, Cic.; 2, esp., a, to rcmoi-e the food /rO'A
tCSga -ae, r. (tegn), a covering; esp., the white the table; ciltos, Hor.; b to reserve for om's owa
to00Uin. upper garmtnt wori& by the Ro111m1.J1 in; omncs chlnmy<le!J, Hor.; c, to destroy, gt!l
ainu of peace, wlun tJuty appeared in their p11blic r«l of; aliquem e or de me<lio, or siiuply ali·
c:iopacity 11.f citizens; it was alsl) worn by freed- que111, Cic.; Cartl1aginem, Cic. B. Fig., i.
women and prostitutes (while the stola was remo~; l, geu., a111iciti:un e munclo, Cic.; 2.
worn by honourable women); especial kinds of esp., a, to co1uu1iu; tcmpu>i, diem, Cic.; b,,.
the toga were : purpurea, th'. kfogly, Liv. ; J!Ura, 1mn11l, lnin.g t.o 1111~/tt ; leg em, Cic.; <.lictaturaw
1D0M& by young mm on coming of age, also called
func.litus a republic&, Cic.
Tirilis, Cic.; candida, of a candidate for office,
Cic.; meton., a,= pwct, Cic.; b, =toga tu.~, (a) Tolc>ea -ae, f. a rich toton in Galli.a Narbe-
togat&, a pr<Utitute, Tib.; (fJ) plur., =
clie1u.,;, nensi.s, now Toulouse. Hence, A. Tolosi.nus
-a -urn, of or belo11.gi11g to Tolosa; auru111, tal;e1&
by the conBUl Q. Scrviliu,, C<upio from Toloaa,
t6gatariua -II, m. (toga), an actor !n the Cic. B. Tolosi.a -atis, 1'olo~an; subst.,
Fabula t.ogata, v. togatus, Suet.
TolO.i.te'I -lum, m. tJu inhabilant.i of Tolosa..
tCSgi.tUlua ·I, m. (dim. or togatus), a client, Toloatobogll -orum, m. o,.,, of tlu Lbw
races of Utt aatutia'l\8 in. .Asia MiMr.
tCSgatua -a -nm (toga), uY!ari>117 lhc lo!la. L
Lit., K""·· as a sign of a Homan citizen, as opp. TCSlumnlus -Ii, m. 1, a king of tJu P",U,.-
to a rore~_1_1er or a sole.lier; gens, the .&man people, tines; 2, a soothsayer of tlle Rutull.
Verg. II. T111nsr., 1, tCS~ata -ae, t. (sc. tCSliiti.riua -a ·Um (tolutim), trotting; equwa.
t&bul:i), the national drama oJ lht .&ma11.J1 treat· Sen.
(ttgof Roman subfect.J (opp. fa.hula pnllinta), Cic.; tCSliittm, adv. (tollo), trotting, on the trot, Plln.
2 Gallia t:ogata, the .&manised ,,art of Gallia Cis· tCSmD.clD.a -ae, r. (tomacul11m), a kind "'
A/ptiirt, Cic.; 3, tog;1ta, a jreedwoman, a prosti- SOllS«ye, \·alT.
hlte, Hor.; 4, a clitn.t, Juv. t6mioillum (tOmaclum) -1, n. ('n>p.1'), a
tCSgiUa -ae, r. (dim. of toga), a liltle toga, Cic. ki11d of sausc1g(, Juv.
Tolinus -i, m. a r•wr iA tJu cmmtr11 of tJu Tom&rus. v. Tmarus.
Bah'~· now Turano. tOmentum -1, n. tM •tu.Jing qf ca pUlow,
tOleri.blU. -e (tolero), that ron be boriu, mattrtss, cushio1i, etc., Tac.
hlrabZ,, U>lerablt; oomlitio, Cic.; poena, Cic. T6m1 -ornm, m. (Toµol), and TCSmta -ltlie,
tOleri.bnIUr, adv. (toleraLilis), pa.tie-ntly; r. (To1us), a tOW1' inLowe;r lrlot.:1in, on tht Black
allquid tolerabilius ferre, Cic. Sea, the pince of uilt of O~i, mar modern. ..4"4-
tCSlerandua ·a -um (tolero), tndurnbfe, Liv. dolkioi. Hence, A. Tom1tae -arum, m. tJu
tOlerans -antis, p. adj. (from tolero), b&:tr· inh,1bitants of Tomi. B. Tomitanua • ·um.
of Tomi.
"'9. eududn.g, paliwt, toltmn.t; with g"nit., tomU8 ·I, m. (1<iµC>f), a cutting, chip, Mnd,
laborum, Tac.
tOleranUr, adv. (tolerans), patuml11; Illa tondeop ~tondi, tonsum, 2. lo lltavt, sltttM",
lerie, Cic. clip. L Lit., a, transit., barham et caplllum,
tOlerantla ·ae, r. (tolero), a beai·i11g, m- Cic. ; ove.s, Hor.; b. lntransit., lo llta1tt U,.
dw.l'ing, rupportin.g; reru1n humanarum, Cic. beard; t:on1!ere flliaa docuit, Cic.; c. rellex,-1
tOleratfo -6nla, t. (tolero), capacity for n- tondere and mid•lle tonderi, to lhavt Q1IUllV,
dura11oe, Cic. hace un,~r(f shavo.·!t; candidior postquam tondenU
tOlero, 1. (lengthened form ot root TOL, barbi1 •a· le bat, Verg.; eum tonderi et squo.loreia
whence tollo, tuli, TAciw, TA~,1u), to bear, e11d11re, depo111 re coe;;erunt, Liv. IL Transf., 1, to ctll
ltUfain, tolen1u; fig., 1, hiernem, Cic.; inopiam, CJj/", sheu ,., make Slll.QIJlh ; ilex tonsa bipe11nfbua,
Sall; with ac:c. aud in tin., Sall.:. 2, to mpport, Hor.; 2, to 11tow, cut down.; prata, Ve~.; 3, t•
pluck ojf, crop off, browse upon; campwn, Vere;.
""'"'"· 7WUTUA, Jud, kup; equ1tatum, Caes.;
vitam aliqu;l re, Caea. tCSnitrua -lls, m. and tbitrilum -t, a.
Tolitum -1, n. a t01L"I\ of the Carpetan£ in (tono), thunder, Verg., Ov.
Bispmiv.1. TurraooM/1.$£&, now Toltrlo. Hence, tOno -al, 1. to wuftd mound. L a.a..
T61i&anl -OJ'UI4, m. tM inhabi«111.ts of 1'olet11111.. caelum tunat f~re. Verg. IL Esp., at

ton 680 tor
Alllldier; 1, Ill., .Jupplter tonabat, Prop. ; Im· for dUicAa~tlg •""'-: 1, lbi tonne11ita ftll.
pen., tonat, U IAuftden C1c.; tonan11 as a locavit. Caea. ; 2, met.on., IM miatiU ,. ciU.
aumame or Jupplter, Cie.; 2~ trana?., like cAargal; telum tormentumve misau1u, Caa.
~. or the JIC'l•ertal voice or 1.n orator; a, torm1aa -nm, •· (torqueo). L CA. rolic,
ablol., Perlolea tonare dlctu1 est, Clo.; b, IO gripu, Cic. IL Transr., urinae, a draaprr,
IA11!MUr olll ..aAi119; verba roro, Prop. Plin.
'-8a -ae, r. aa oar, Verg. tormllailla -e (tonnlna), oJ or relati.-.g ..
Mul1l8 -e (t.ondeo), 1 &Jr.a.l aJll be •Ao"'
or U.. llOlic, Plin.
et1l, Plin.; 2, darn, cli~. e11t, Plin. tormhlillu .a -um(tonnloa). IW#m.,Jroa
ton&IJJM •Wm, r. t/lt llnuill iA U14 throat, IM colic, Cic.
Cic. torDO, 1. (TOp...V...), "' '""' '" 4 la.IM, . . .
temalto, 1. (lnteu. or t.ondeo), Co ~r. clip, round. L Lit., aphaeram1 Cic. IL Fig., Tena&
Plaut. male tornati, badlr·h1rnea, atoklDard., Hor.
to...r -~hi., m. (tondeo), " 14ir-elltUt', tol'llua -1, m. {Tdp-), a; la.tJv_ L Lit., Vef1.
tarbfr, Cic. U. fig., angllSt.o versus iueludere torno, Prop.
tonaOrlu .. -um (tonaor), q/ or for dippi11q, TOriDi -~11. f. (Top.;..,,,), a k>U'11 cm tAe .degina
lt&lti1&9 ; culter, Cle.
Sta, now Toron; Toronae promu11turium, U.
prO'm'?,nto_ry Derril, tuar ToroM, Liv. Bene._
tonatriotila ·ae, f. (dim. or tonatrlx), a little T6ri>ni.loua -a -um, of or beloagfog to Torou.
}tma/t barber, Cle.
r. -a -um (toTWJ), •K«Mar, JMlf.
tolUIU'iDa ·ae, (toudeo), " barber'• Mop, brawnr; colla bown, Ov.
&omlVls ·lei.I, f. (tomor), a /ena.Z. barber,
torpido -Inia, f. (torpeo). L tor'pcn', for·
pidit11, llug17illl11U1, iMrtnaa, &11., Tac. IL
.Plaut. "'4 ft'4 called tM eorpedo, Cic.
touiira ·&e, r. (tondeo), a. cffpp(119, """1.r· torpio. 2. lo be di.ff, immombU. .ZwggUl.
i1'fl, 8/latling; capillorum, Pl&ut. illert, torpid, '"'Mb. L Lit.,, a,
tollaua ·tll, m. (t.ondeo), Uu modt q/ cultir&g corporA rlgentia gelu torpeb&nt, Liv.; b 1 "' bl
or wea.ring the hair, Plaut.
·I, m. (TcS~), Uu toru or IO'lltt.d o! &n
mstrument; 1.p111ied to paiuti11g, toM, Plin.
tnactim, OOAtiriv.t inactit'C; deum ale feriatum
volumus cesaatione t.orpere, Cle.: c, to be ta·
moMlble from; adeo torpentibus metu qui
aderant, ut ne rmltue quldem ex.audiretur,
tiparohla -ae, r. (,....apxia.), a 1er~. dil-
.na, protrha«, Plin. Liv. IL Trana ., to be fM""'1l11 ~abtd •
torpid; al tua re aubitA eonailia torpeut, Liv.
t6pisu (--) ·I, r. (.,O~Of), iM Iopa,
a\r.,.al&ua, or"""'" j<uper, Plin. torpeeoo -pttl, s. (torpeo), to beront.t llil,
grow Iii§, becomt torpid: a, fro1n inactivity, ne
tOphua, etc.= tofu", etc. (q.v.). per ottum torpeacerent manua aut animua, :S.11.;
~pla -6ram, n. (ec. opera, from TVll"Ot), orna- b, trom mental agi•Uo11, torpuerat lingua
wae'lllal gar<Un£ng; hence, tipl&rlua -a -um, n1etu, Ov.
qf or nlming to cm1at11tntal garckning; aubst., torpl4u -a -um (totpeoA llil, nHab, torpid,
a 1 tipli.rlua ·II, m. a land4cape garck1ur, Cic.; Liv.
b, ~plana -a.e, f. tJW art of laftdacape garden· torpor ~rls, m. (t.orpeo), lli,fftnl, nu111biu•,
inq; t.opiariam facere, to be a la~pe gardnur, 1h1.pefaaion, torpor; 1, pbyaioal, Cic.; 2, mental.
Cle.; c, t6pl&rlum -Ii, n. (sc. opus), landJlca? dulnus, inutnua, itaadiritr; aorde& omniam ac
gank11ing, Plin. torpor, Tac.
topper, adv. 1pttdil11, dirtdly, /orth111Uh, torqui.tua -a -urn (t.rquee). -ri."f •
Quint. twi.<11«1 oollar <YT MCklaoe; esp., as the surname
tiral -Alls, n. (t.orus). tJu vala1&a of a roucA of T. ManllllS, "1M ki!Ud a gigantic Gaul ia
sing~ com.bat, and took from hi71l tlv. tnrquea or
or f<1/a, Hor. n«klace which lte 1001't; AlecM> torquata colu\Jri;!,
toroUlar ·iris, n. (torqueo), 11 wine or oil with a nttkl4c4 of 11Wkn, Ov.; palumbua tor-, Pli n. quatus, tM ring·dow, Mart.
torc61&rlua -e (torcular), of or rda.ting to a torqueo, torei,, 2. (~nnect.ed with
pnu; &ubet., torciUarlum Ii, n. a pre&1, Tpi1r... ). L to twUt, bend, toind, turn rovJtd: 1,
Cato. gen., a, lit., cervioea oeulQ!lque, Cic. ; terr&
torotilua ·a -um (torqueo), of or rtlating to a circum axcm ae torquet. Cic. ; <:allillo& ferro, to
press. I. Ad.I., vua, Cato. II. Subst., torcu· curl, Ov.; stamina digilia or po lioe, to qill.
lum -I, n. a preu. Ov.; b 1 flg., to gu«k, dirtel, t1o1T1l; omni.a ad
tordfloD ·I, n. (Top.511.\oi-), tM 1ud of the com moo um euae causae, Cic.; 2 1 esp., a, to rolJ;
fllant ae.&e/is; or, according to others, tJW plant 1111n, \'erg.; b, to tur. rouna ill a circle, to
fordylium oftlcinale, Plin. wind; anguiR tortllS, Verg. ; hence, c, to luirl
vil)ltntly, 111hirl ; _;aculum in hOlltem, \'erg. ;
tireuma ·ltis, n. (T.Jpw,..4). oarvtd or .in· hastas, Cic. ; 3, tranaf., to t1o1rn up; spumu,
bosud u:ork, Cic., Sall. Verg.; torquet medios nox humid& cunus, lku
tireutu -ae, m. (TOpfV'Tlj~). an engraver, ft1tisMd t.114 Ml/of ker journey, \'erg. U. A. le
M4ur, ern.00s.Yr, Plln. throw round o~l/; tegumen immane, \'erg.
tireutlce -ea, f. (Topnn11oj, se. TixV'fl). tJze B. to distort, sprnia; 1, gen., a, lit., vultua
art of charing, engratting, embossing, Plin. mutantur, ora t.orquentnr, Cic.; b. tlg., to dU.
tormentum -i, n. (torqueo). Lan i11.8tro"'"'nt tort; verbo ac litreri jus omne toTqtteri, Cic.;
for twisting, winding, pru.ling; 1, a windla&, 2, esp.,to rack, torhirt, tc'nlt.ent; a., lit.,Cic..; b,
plllUJI; praesectis omnium mulierum eriniblM! fig., (a.) alique'll mero, to mah a ~rstm dn•l i1'
tormenta elfecerunt, Caes.; 2, an in&trument of order to tat him, Hor.; torqueatur vita Sa.llae,
lorture, tM raek; a., lit., torment& adhibere, be accuraULy uami!Ud, Cle.; (/3) to ~
Cle. : dare ae In torment&, Cic. ; de servo In pla{TlU; aliquem, Cle. ; libtdlnea t.e torquent.
domlnum ne t.ormentia quidem quaeri llcet, Cic. ; exspeetatione torqueor, Cic.
Qic. ; b, tnmsf., (a.) <"OmpuUion ; lene tonnent- torqule (torques) -is, m. and (In pn:iM
Ul adtriovere lngenlo, Hor.iYJ> torh&re, torment; rarely) f. (torqueo), that which it hrided or
tonnenta aueplctollie, Ole. .u. a mUUary engi11• e11.rWd. L a twilted collm' or nec:kloet; torq•
tor 681 tra
detracto._Qic. D. tAe collar of (fnJ"l17'1 mint., divided, a. terra, Cic.: mons, Claes.: re&pubffe&.
Verg. 1..1.a. a ring, tl7Tt0tl, J.apkt; ornatae
torquibus arae, Verg.
Cle.; b, "'"°"=with bodlf aJMl IOtll; sum neter
totu.s, tnlirelv JIDUrl, Cic.; In prece totus eram.
torrena -entis, p. ndj. (l'rom torreo). L Ov. ; o, tchole, complale, full; sex menses totoa.
bvrnirlg, hot, parched ; mil61 sole tor~ns, Liv. Ter.; aubst., t0tum ·I, n. tlu wholt, Cic.; In
JI. Tr~n.;f., uf water1....stu1mi1117, rushing, bnlling. toto, 011 the whole, Cic. IL or an objec·t "PJ>llsed
.A. AdJ., aqua, Vcrg. JS. ~uust., torreu -entls, to its parts, ull, all together; totl11 copils, Caes.;
m. " torren.t, Lh·.; quam fertur quasi torrens tolls vlribus, Llv.(dnt.., toto, C&es., B. G., 7,89,6).
oratio, Cic. to:doon (-um) -1, n. (Tof'uala-), j)OUon fDt
torreo, tom1i, tostum, 2. to bur?L, parch, drr arrows, Ov.
vp lC'i.Ui. h«t.t or thirst; aristaa sole novo, Yerg.; triib&lls ·e (trabs). L o/ or rtlati11g to lm•
Nlis ardore torreri, Cic. ; to.ti crines, ri1~ed, of wood; clavus, a lpikt, Hor. U. a1 dr<mg or
Ov.; or fever, mihi torre11tur febribua artua, Ov.; cu large a. a btam : telum, Verg.
of thint, Tib.; o( love, tonet amor pectora, Ov. trAbia -ae, r. tht tmbta, a wh Ut robe vrith. imrld
torreeoo. s. (inchO&t. or torreo), to ~ horizontal 1lripts and a p11rple uam, worn, a, by
parc.hed, be d~ up, Luer. kings, Vergo., Liv.; b, hy knights on aolemo
torrldus -a -um (torreo). L PBM., proceS11ions, wbo were the!1oe called trabe:-tl ;
parcMtl, burnt: 1, dry, arid; a, lit., camp! hen~, meton. = tlu tq11Ulnan order, Mart., o,
aiccit.Ate torrid!, Liv.; b, transf., m.tagrt, IM'll; by the augurs, Suet.
hc,mo vegrandi macie torri<lus, Cic.; 2, pinehtd, tri.Watua -a -um (trabe&), clad'" th4 trabea:
nippffl with col1t; membra torrid& gdu, Liv. Quirin11s, Ov.
n.- Act., b11rntng, hot: aestaa, Verg.; locua ab
trA'beciUa (tri.blcriUa) ..e, r. (Jim. of
inccndiis wrridus, Liv.
torrls -ls, m. {torreo), ajlrebra11d, Ov., Verg. trab.'l), a little lmim, Cato.
torte, a<.Iv. (torlus), rrooktdly, awry, Luer. trabtl, tri!.hls, r. (root;. TRAB, Or. TPAn,
whence Tf>ii'"IO· Lu bta"' of tvood, Cne:t. IL
tortilla ·e (torqueo), twi..d«l, twilled; au rum, Transr., 1, tM trunk of a tree, a tree; trabe8
a gc-IJei. ch«in, Verg. acernae, Verg.; 2, ... anrthing nwdc out of
torto, 1. (int.ens. or torqueo), lo torture, fO'f· '*'"": a, a •hip; CYJ~r1a, Hor. ; b, a rr.of.
~.Luer. "°""; suo la<lem traL1b11.1, Hor. ; o, a>le,
tortor -0ri1, m. (torquoo), e1 torturtr, tor- M1ut.
f!Untor, uuutioiur, Cic. Tri.Ghia ·cliant.ia, r. a C010ll (n ltal1 = Tar.
tortii.O.U. -a ·Um (2. tortus). L full of lurn1 racim1.
and wi11.di11g1, tortu01U. .A. Lit., alvus, Cle.: Tri.ohln ·Chlnla, r. CTP4xiv).. Rn old to'1111t ill
amnis, Liv.; loci, Cic. B. Fig., ~rplum, in.- Ut1 '.l'.W,,nlUift diltrlct of P/t.tAwlu, rt1idenni of
lticau, favolt'ed; genns dlspu~nui, Cle. IL Ct1J%, IUM of tAl d«Uh. of HtreUlu, o./'ltrUtl&rdt
painful, k>rn~nling, l'lln. t:alltd Htraclta. Hence, Tri.obin.lus -a -um
l. tortua ·A -um, p. adj. (rrom torqueo), (Tpci,liv.c>t), Trachinian; heroe, Ctyr, Ov.; so
llL'isttd, erooktd ; via, tJu lab11rtiit1', Prop.; simply Trachlnius. Ov.; plur. subst., Trachinille,
quercus, all oak garlww, Verg.; viruen, a b«- tAt Trach.inia11 WU11Un, ft41M of a lrolJt''ll of
liw, Ov. ; fig., cooditiooes tortae, intricate, per· Sopltoclu.
plue1l, Plaut. traoW. = tractum (q. v.).
2. tortus ·tls, m. (torqueo). a t•A1£ating, wlll<I· traoti.bllla -e (t..-cto). thlll can be haJU!Va
ii&g, e11r1i1; serpena lonpa dat corporc tor\rn1, or 10rouglal, manageable. L Lit .. tractal>ile 011111e
Verg. necesse est e&.<1e, quod nntum est, Cic.; caelum.
not 1torm11, Verg. D. Tran11r.,, 00111-
tOriUu ·I, m.. (dim. or torus). a luft, Plaut. pliant, tractabu; virtu11, Cic.; oihtl eat eo (Hlio)
tOrua .f, m. (conner.tAid with sterno, trTopft1· tract&bilius, Cio.
"""' ), any round 11DtUing l!"'.ot11hera11ct:. Hence,
La kMt ill a Tope, Plin. IL a knot or loop ill a traotatlo ·{>Dill, r. (tracto), a Aandling,
managt>ment. L Lit., beluarum, Cle. ; armor11111,
garland (Hg.), Cle. IIL a jluhy, pro)tcti11g part of Cic. II. Transf., 1, a tr«Utng of, handlli&g:
llu botly, mu.sde; tori lacertoru111, Cic. pvct.; rolla philosophiae, Cic.; 2, rhet. t. t., a p<1rlicuiar -
tu111e11t toris, Ov. IV. a bt<l, sofn, flwtlnu, of u word, Cic.
ciu/aion, couch, Verg., Ov.; esp., (a) tlu marriage
c.vucA, Verg., Ov.; (,8) tJu b~r; torn componat, traotator -oris, m. {tracto), a dave toho
Ov. V. u n10111id or elevation of earth; tori rubbed a batlur'J limbs, a wunpootr, Sen.
riparu111, Verg. traoti.trlx ·leis, r. (tract.&tor), a /t:WJl•
ton !tas ·ii.tis, f. (tmVU8), 6tH'tlgt11lS1, uri/J. lhtin1poo1r, Mart.
•uu {or appearance or charncU.-r); vultus, Tac. traotat\UI ·lls, m. (tracto), a l1<.111dli1l9, tu0rk·
torvus ·A -um (tero), wild, llllvagt, gloomy, ing, m£11tagt111tnt. L Lit., Plin. IL Fig., lrtat·
•~rt, grim, jitrct!; esp. or the eyes or tl1e lo~k, mt11t, rn.anagmunt ; 1, gen., ipearum arti11ru
ocuh, Ov.; forma manantls, Ov.; draco, C1c. tractatu delectari, Cic. ; 2, esp., tlu trtat'lllrnC
)'Ot't. ; proelia Cat. of a aubjtct by an orator or toriUT, Tac.
tOt. uum. indecl. (Too-11), ISO 7Mny; tot \•irl, traotlm., adv. (traho). J. gradualllf, b!f d.a·
Cic.; foll. by ut and the subj., Cle. ; with quot, grw1, Luer. II. s/l)UJiy, drawlingly; susulTlre,
111, Cic.; hy q11oties, Cle.; with a prep. with- Verg.
out a sul>st., es tot, Ov. traoto, 1. (traho). L to drag along, haul :
tltldem. nu111. in<.lecl. (=tot iti<lem), j1t.St tractata corn is antiRtita, Ov.; persona, quae
u mally; totidem annos vixerunt, Cic. ; foll. by propter otium ac stuuium mini me in jooiciifl
quot (cu), totiJcm verLis, quot dixit, Cic. periculisque tractata est, Cic. IL to touch;
1, lit., a, manu or manibus aliquid, Cic.; vul·
tldem = toUes (q. v.). nera, Cic.; Hla lyrac, Ov.; b, to handle, 1'114
t6tlis, adv. (tot). Lao ojtt'n, ao '11141llf timu, onuel/ with, tuork, ma~; terrain, Luer. ;
u 111any timu; tollowrd by quoties(a.1) 1 quotlea- gubernscula, to mer, Cic.; arma, to carry, Cir~;
mniqne, Cic. ; quot, Liv. D. jtut a.1 manr pecunlRm publicam, tomanagethtpuhlicjlnancu,
tiau, Hor. Cic. ; 2, fig., a, gen., to trwt, haMlt, 'IMlfMl9C ;
titua ·a -um, rnlt. t6Uua, dat. t6tl, tAe cnuus amlcorum, Cic. ; bellum, CO'l\dvd a Ulllf",
~. au, mtirt. or ao object which 11 not Liv.; tnactare condition-. to ,,_, caboKt Cer1IMI.
tra 682 tra
Oles.; part.ea secunda.s, to aet, play, Hor.: 111·
tnnsit., to trt!OJ; d" conclitionibus, Kep.: b,
Rhenum In Galliam, Caea.; 2, esp., '° bri119 or
Uad <m, with acc. of otiject over which tl1c thing
e11p., (o.) to treat, bdlatM <nJ.Utl/ towards; aapere, Is bronght ; 1lu1Uen, ponte111, Caes. B. Fi1h l.
Cie.: honorillcentius, Cic.; (fl) se, to bthaioe cmt· to bring to, tral'l8p0st, chan9d; a., Clodi11111 aJ
•ll: It& se tract.are ut, etc., Cle.: (y) of sveech plebem, Cic. ; ce11turio11cs ex in ft'riori 1.,us or·
or writing, to trmt, di.~, handle a 11.WjtQ; dinil1us In superiores, Cat's.; b, to lrt i.1L'.J to•
partem pbilosophiae, <.:ic. w·tain. co1ulition, alter, bring 01-er; a1ii1nos a
tractum ·i, n. (traho). L a flock of 1000l severitate ail liilaritatem risumque, Cic.; al1·
t0/u1~ car<kd or o-ut, 'l'ib. IL a cake, quem a dispntaudl) a•l dice11d11m, Cic. ; ali<1nem
Cato. ad suam sententiam, Cic.; 2, to ~ss, ~f"M,
~d; otiosa111 aetatem, Cic.; 3, to dirtd; cu!"1m
I. tractua -a -um, p. adj. (from traho). L
druu:ll )Tom, proettding from: Yenae a corde in vitulos, \'erg.; oratioucm tra.Juxi et cou,·eru
tractae, Cic. IL jhu11.t, Jknui»4; oratio tract.a In lncre1oandam fug:rn1, Cic. IL U:> lrod, co: ..
et. lluens, Cic. dllct through; Heln::tio11 per fines Seq11;111orurn,,
Caes. III. to ltl1d by, lead }'<Ut. A. Lit., 1,
2. tractua -t\s, m. (traho), a dragging. L copias p1aeter cash-a, Ca~s.; 2, e~r .. traclucere
1, drawiu!J, dra11gh.t, caurse; & lit., tractu equum (of a knight whi::n he µas~e·l muster al
gementcm forre rota1n, Ve~.; b, transf., (o.) the censor's in~pectlon); quum e:S,.et cen~r ei
t.w aU11t. spaoe occupitd by, position.; in equitum ce11su C. Llcinius Sacertlos prodisar~
cutrorum, Liv.; tractus d11ctusque ruuri, Caes.; ••. jusslt equum tradncere, <.:ic. B. Fig., 1,
(.13) met.on., a traa of co1wtry, dutrict; totua, to lih.otv, lM bl s~en; se, Juv.; 2, to uposi i.
Cfc.; hoc tractu oppidi erat regia, Caes.; cor- Tidicult; allquem per ora ho1111nu111, Lit".
ruptus caeli tractus, Verg.; 2._ a drawing away;
8yrtea ab tractu nominatae, ::;all. IL Fig., 1, tri.duotlo ·0nis, f. (traduco), a lt.adi"9 °";
roune, 77l-Otio11; a. cal1n moi·ement, compo.<ed style; fig., 1, a tra11sjerring of a 1'111l1' ,frvm a pat:ricial&
tractua orationls lenis et aequalJilili, Cic. ; b, 1•! Jamily to a plebeian; hominis ad plehem, Cic.:
t.lme, cottr..e, Luer.; 2, esp., a., drau1ling in 2, a bringi11g to public disgruct, &>n.; 3 1 a f.9firr
pro1uinciation; tractus verborum, Cic. ; b, of OJ $JJUCh, 1n.etony111y, Cic.; 4, tempori..s, paua,..
~me, <U/ay ; belli, Tac.
course or lapu of time, Cic.
triditlo ~nls, f. {trado). L ci gfring up, traduotor -lirls, m. (tra.duco), a traR.$/trrer:
lm~trring, imrttnder; rei, Cic.; oppi<loru111,
ad plebe111 (of Porupeius, who pr..curctl 1 lir tr.. n.;.
Liv. IL uivi11g over by 111t1ow of; a, of ference of Clodius from a vatr1cian w a plf't..flAD
a tead1er, i1utnu:tw11, Quint.; b, of a writer, family}, Cic.
rtlation, Tac. triid.ux -l1ci111 m. (t1a<luco), 4 vine-layu, pn-
triditor -<lrl1, m. (trado}, a trait-Or, Tac. pared for t1·an.s1-lanting, Pim.
trado -dlcli -dltum, S. to girt up. L In A tragAcantha ·ae, f. {Tpo.yCLCa•-6a), a .1-.Wal,
narrow sense, to g£w up, ltand over; alicni goat's-thorn, tragacanth, Pliu.
poonlnm, Cic.; equum comiti, Verg. ; alicui trAgemata -um, n. (Tpayl)µuo.), t:Uutrl.,
testamentum ll'gen1lum, Hor.; ref."num or im· Pliu.
perium allcul per manus, Liv. I . In a wi<ler tragloe. adv. (tragicus), tragically, afk'r a.
eenae, to giioe up, delivtr over, conaign to; 1, man11er of a tragedy, Cic.
gen.1 pecuniam regi11ill quaes~rihus, Liv. ; pos· trAgioOOOmOedla ·ae, f. (* TpclyutOC•µ~
aess1ones et rea creditor1bus, Caes.; 2, l!sp., &, tragi-comedy, Plaut.
to lland °""to u ptraQn'ar:are 1.rotcction, manage·
IM1'f, to entnut; allcul cust;;diam naviwn, Caes.; triglcua .a -um {Tpo.y1icof). L of or tt!ati.,
allcul turrim tuendam, c~es. ; b, to git'e to a to trage1/y, tragi.c; poe111n, tragedy, Cic, ; pod.a_
person to l«Jd; alicui legionem, Caes. ; o, w yiw a tragic poet, Cic.; actor, Liv. ; Orestes, appe11r-
'• fJl4rriagt; alicui Dt'.ptem Agrippinam, Tac. ; ing in a tragedy, Cle.; subst., trA.gioua ·i, m.
d, to rntru8t to a peraon. for instructi.nn; pneroa a tragic poel, :Sen. IL 'J'ranar., tragic; a., '"
maglstris, Cic. ; e, to giw by way o; protectlo'll.; tragic tJtyle, lofty, sublimt; orator, Cic.; b,,
equites Romanos satellites alicul, Sall.; f, to f~irful., terribU-, horribk; scelua, Liv•.
f"w OvtT w IM tntmy, to hand oi:er, deliver up; traglon -Ii, n. (Tp<iy~ov), ci pl.ant with. ci SIM'Jl
arma, Caes.; alicui Galliae possesllionem, Caes.; like a g1J<1l, Plin.
96 alicui, Caes. ; g, to giz:t oi:er blf way of .ale, to -ae, f. (Tpo.ycp<Sla). L a tmgtdy,
xU; aliquem dominis, Ov. ; b, to giw up /or Cic. ; t1 agoediall facere, Cic.; tra.,"Oediam,
pu1~Wl.ment; aliquem in custo<liam, Cle.; ali- Cic. II. Transf., 1, n tragi.c ~11.1; Appiae
quem ad Ruppllcium, Caes.; i, to txposl; fe1 is 110111ru quantas tr:igoedin.:1 excitat, Cic..; 2.
popull\ndas terra&, Ov.; j, se, to dei'Ote one.~elf to trngic pu.th01J; istis t1&i;oediis . tU1::1 perturbor,
aome thing or ptnon, to git..: oneulj Ot'eT to; se Cie.
tc>tuni alicul, Cic.; se quirti, Cic.; totos se tragoedus -i, m. (Tpa'Y'!'.S<k), a tragic ador,
•oluptatlbus, Cic.; k, to giw ovtr by toorth ; (<.) <.:w.
to r11troM; quae dicam tn1de memoriae, Cic.;
(.13) to 'l"twmmen.d; aliquetn alicul, Cic.; 1, to trAgonia = traglon (q. v.).
Aan.d down cu a kind of inheritana to pnslPrity; tragopan -is, r. (TP<1)'"11'a.1'), a bird {~rhapa
(o) inimicit1as posteris, Cic. ; haec consuetudo vult ur liar!Jatus, Liu11.), Plin.
a maJoribus tradita, Cic.; (fl) to /w.nd. dowii in. trago~ogon ·<'•nis, m. (TpcLyo...:.y. ..), iu
tori.ting, f!POri, relate; qualia mult.1~ historia plu11t goals-beard, Flin.
tradidit, C1c. ; ann11le11 tradunt, foll. by acc.
and inttn., Liv.; so, tradunt (tl~y narrat~). tradt· tragorigA.num -1, n. (Tpo.yopiyal'O..), ci Jilt111l.
t.ur etc., with acc. and mfi11., Liv.; witi1 nom. goai':i·th.yme, l'lin.
and infln., Lycur~i temporibu11 Homerus etiam trAgoa ·I, m. (Tp«ycx), 1, a til.or'llr rlanl.
fuillSe traditnr, Cic.; est, with acc. Flin.; 2, a kind of 1pcmge, Plin.
and lnfin., Liv., Cic.; m, to comm11ni.cau by tr&giila -ae, t. (tmho). L ci 1p«iu of jamfa
tcOf'd of mouth.; {a) clarnorem proximi:<, Caes. ; used ON the Gaul& and Span"illrch, ('.&es., Liv.:
(.13) to wmmunica.le in t«1chi11g, to teach; elcmeuta Ilg., tragulam injicere In aliquem, to use arti.j.u.,
1-0quendi, Cle. ; haec subtiliu~, Cic. Plaut.. IL a kind q/ drag11U, Plin. UL •
tracluco (tra.naduoo) -d11xi -ductum, 3. 1.-ind of 1krlgt, Varr.
L lo oarry owr, lt:ad ovtr, brillg over or acrosa. trAgua ·i, m. (Tpaycx). 1 Che null Mada iu
A. Lit., 1, homiuum multitudinem i.raua QI
annpiu, .Mart.; 2, ca kind jWI., Ov.
tra 683
trlbia (traa) 48, t (tnho), II~ dl'Oft Treblam navibus, LIY.; with abl. of the wateT
ferg. cr°"..ed· A~"lM!O mari trajt>Clt, Liv. IL lo th.,,,_
VI.bas ·Aci" (traho), drcawlllf ""'71Ai71f to °""• h1i.rl twro1&<t; 1, mur11111 Jaculo, Cw.; 2, a,
to pv• u thr.•U!ih. 1tab, &nu1,.µ; aliq 111.:111 veua!J.
~. (/NJtdy, Plaut.
ulo, Liv.; alicul fewur trn 011la, Ca.·~.; b, lo
t:l'Do, traxl, tractum, 8. lo draw, d~ Glcmg. ride
throvgh, brtak thrvu11l1 ; para w-•i:;ua equ.i·
L Oen., A. Lit., aliquem pedibus, C1c.; ad tum media111 trajeclt adi.:111, Liv.
1oppliclum traiii, &II., Tac., or trahl alon~,
Sall. B. l"lg.. I, to lMd, dmw CULICIN; tralut Vil.&tiola.a = Lranslaticius (q.T,).
Ill& qnernqoe volul'tu. Verg.; quid e1t quod me trali.tlo = tran111atio (q.v.)..
in aliam l'&runn trah .. re povlU Cic.; 2, to bring tralatull, T. tralllft!rO.
aron.; decus ad consulern, Liv.; crlmen In ee1
Ov. ; 3, to ascribe, foltrpret, 'reftr to: allquld aa tral6quor (tnma16quor), a. dep. to,..
relig"ton .. m, Liv.; in diveru, Liv. IL F.:sp., A. lau, Plaut.
lo .Jraw nfl'r on1...vlf, drag along; 1, a, lit., 1. TrallN -lam, m. (TpOM«), an IU1ria11
Ye!lte111, Hor.; eap. frc>111 fatigue, corpus fll-OJ!IUm, people, Liv. (&l"C. '!'rMllia).
Liv.; bl to ltwi, co1u.lud icith onud.(; enrcltnm, 2. Trall6a = TraUis (q. T.).
Lh•. i nrbam proiteqnentium, Liv.: 2, fig., Trallta ·lum, t (ai TpOMm), a to11rn iia
tantmn tl'llhit iile timoris, Ov. B. to dniw to Caria, .atr Alwu Muogil. Henee, Tralll-
OMM.(/, draw to, allrac4; 1, a, lit., aunu ore,
Ov.; anlmam, io tn-tathc, Lav.: esp., of persous ana.a -a -um, of or FTla""!I to Tralla
drinking, to f11141!; pocula, Hor. ; b, transf., =
tr&li.cio transluceo (q.v.).
to pv.l o" onud,f; aq11am&11, Ov.; ruborem, Ov.; tram& ·ae, f. (traho) th4 VJOOf In weaving;
2, ftg., a, to as.mnu:; mulLum ex mori\,us (8ar- trau,.r., tM 1pider 1 web, PUo.; trama flg11rae, a
111ataru111) t.raxis,;e, 'Jae.; b, w tak41 lo 01i.utlf, lanky, ltull ~IOft, Pen..; tramae putritiae,
appropriaU; decuma.,, Cic.; c, to rtctfve, gain; lri.ft,-4, Plaut.
cog11omen ex aliqna re, Cic.: n1ajorem e1t per·
nide et pe.~te reipublicae tuolestiam, toful, Cle.;
tramio tra.nsmeo (q. T.).
d, ro take; In ex.,mplum, Ov. C. to draw to- tramu ·, m. (trameo), 11 "1f-wa1, cron-
road. L Lit., Apeuuiui t111111itea, Cic.; trunit·
~thtr; ,·ultmt, Ov.; \"ela, to furl, Verg. D. lo
nrsis tramiti!JUJJ t.raosgredi, Liv. IL Tra.111Sf.,
1fra11J a1niy, t/rag off; 1, lit., aliquem a te1111•l11,
\'eri;:. ;- pr~1llls ex agris, Liv.; J,ence, to plu11A.ler; poet., a waif, couru, road, path; cito dccurn&.
tramite \"irgo, Verg.
Aed11oru111 ioa;;os, 'lac.; 2, ftg., a, to draw atDay
from; ab it11'1!pU>, 8ail.; b '" lalu awa11; part.em tramigro = tran»migro (q.v.).
dnloris traht'lut vuulica ct1<1e1, Liv.; c, to bor-
row; consili11111 ex ali•1ua re, &II.; d to ~UU.
tri.m.itto Lransmitto (q. v.).
dtrlt'e: sen11u11e1n ab i11itio, Cic. Jl 1o draw tri.DAto ( to IVri• acrou, Tac. ;
out, bring 0t1t, gtl out; 1, lit., aq•1a111 e putels, with acc. of place, Gangem, Cic.
Cic.; ferrum e vulnere or a \'ulnt!rt;,_ Ov.; 2, trano (transno), 1. L to 1wi111 oi:er, 1Vri111
transf., vocem uno a pectnre, Verg. IF. to draw Mra&1; ad suos, Liv.; with acc. or plRee, ftu111t!n,
dmoii; lunam (tie caelo), Ov. O. tu draw or Caes.; pass., trunantur aquae, Ov. IL Traosr.,
dTa.g lr.itM-r and lh.iJher; 1, lit., corpus tractum, to .-wim tArough., to BaU Ulrough., go through., ttv
Cic. ; 2, flg:t a, to diatract, Tac.; b, lo aq11ri11A.ltr; through., pa# through; nubila, Verg.; geuu.a
pecuniam, &ii.; c, to divide; sorte la!Jorem, igneurn quod tranat omnia, perwdt.t, Cic.
\'erg. ; d, to rejl.ta on; ratlones belli, Sall. B. tranquWe, adv. with compar. and aupcrL
t.o drr1w out in lnagth.; 1 lit., a, to ltngtMn.; (tranquillu'I), quietly, tra11. quillv, Cle.
in apatium aures, Ov. ; b, to spi1& 01'4; data tranqulllltaa, r. (trauquUlus), calm·
pensa, Ov. ; c, to .ard; lauam ln<•llem trahenilo, neu, traru111.i.llity. L Lit., a calm, frurl..<nn. Jrvm
U\".; 2, II;;., of ti mo, a, to proloug, delay, put "ff; wind, C(llm aea, WllllMr; maris, Ctc. ; eurumi
puguam, Liv. ; co111itia, Cic. ; ren1 in seru111, trauquillitate conl!ecuta, C11es.; tanta sullito
Liv.; b, to drag along: vitam Jn tenebrl.a, Verg. mulacia et tr-dnquillitas eut.itit.. CAes. IL
trilolo trajicio (q. v.). Transf., rut, Jlf,(tU; a, polit.., summa tranquil·
litu paci.s atque otii, C1c.; b, tMntal; animl, Cic.
traJectio -onis, r. (trajiclo). L II paMing
Ol'er, cro.ssi11g orer; a, of a person over the 11ea, 1. tranquWO, adv. (tntnquillu.s), qt.1utl11.
possugt, Cic.; b, of t11i11gl!, i;kllarum, Ck. JI. Liv.
Fig., A. ~n.z...trl\jectio in alium, a pulli11g off 2. tranqulllo, 1. (tranquil11111), to ma.b
•poii, Cic. .as. El1p.• 1 tM traM110$ fJj trrmquil, traTV(lti/liS& L Lit.., mare oleo, Pliu.
1001-dl: verborum, Cic.; ~. hlfPtr/Jole; veritatis II. Fig., animos, Cic.
auperlatlo atque trHjectio, Cle.
tranquWua ·• -um (tran" and qnit>s),
trajeotua -tli1, m. (trajicill), a crouing owr, tra11q11iL L Lit., c.tl11l; ei:ip., jru fm11t u·i111l:
JIO.$Sing oiv.r, 'f"USUge; lluminis, Liv.; com mod· mare, Cic.; sercuitu.s, Li\·.; is11h:<t., tranqull-
issimus in Bnta1111ia111, Cat!ll. lum ·I, n. a cxilm; In trnm1uilio te111pestalc11\
traJlclo (tri.lolo) ·.iool ·Jectum, S. (trans udversnm optare •lemeuti>l est, Cic. IL TransC.,
and jacio). L to thr01D oi'ff or acrou, to shoot ptactful, tranquil, -undililurbtd, urnu.i; tran-
QCTOSI, co1u·ey over. A. Oen., telum, Caes. ; quilla et sercna rrous, l:ic.; su!J~t., tran-
vexillu111 trans vallum, J,iv. B. Esp., 1, to quWum ·i, n. quiet; rempul>lic&Jo In trun·
ltad oper or around, to tt11WW, throw across; quillum redh;ere, Liv.
mal0tt 11nt~nnasque de nave In na•.em, Liv.; trana, pt'ep. with Rec. L on tAl othtr lid6
trajecto in fune, a ropt alung rou11a the 'fTllUt, of; tm11s montem, Cic.; tr~11>1 Hhenum, Caes.
Vt:rg.; 2, to bd141 ortr; a, mem!Jra super II. over, across; trans Al pea trausfcrtur, C1c.;
acerv11111 levi 1iecle, to lw.p orer, Ov. ; Ilg., aliquid tl'un" mare currunt, Hor.
ex Ulius invidia iu te, Cic.; b, to tran&port OVtr
tl1e sea, a rivt:r, a 111ountain, etc.; le1,"iones in tranaAWo ·Ii ·lt.11111, 4. to flO throMglt., peu-
Siciliam, Liv.; copi&11 trans tluvium, Liv.; Marius tratt; ensis transabiit costa", Veiit-
trajectua in Afrkam, hadng crvsud, Cic. ; with tranaactor ·Oris, tn. (transigo), a inaMgtr0
acc. of the place, equitum 111ag111un pHrU:m flu. acwmplisMr; 1 cru111 huiu11cemodi omnium tran•
men, Caea.; reflex., with or without se, to CrOll actor et admini~ter, Cic.
owr, go owr; &e:ie ex regia nd aliquem, Caes.; tranaAdlgo -egi -actu1n, s. I. to dri11e
!'1:-<e daabwa navibua in Africam, Liv.; trajlcere through, Ulrust through.; cruiio1n euaem trau-
tra tra
adlgit COIJtu, Verg. IL to pie1t"e, pc11drate; ge11., Catlsar 1•11110. ultra eum· lucu11: t~"ttn
b&llta horum unnm tra11sadigit, \"erg. tran11tulit, Cae11.; ahqutlm trJna Al1~. Cic.;
i::- 11 d tJt l n:ftcx., 11e tran.sforn: Glyccrae Jel.-oram in ae<le111,
&ranaalpuall.8 ·& ·um, fw110 e A JI!, Hor. ; 2, es 1.. , to 10ritt do11m; in t.:ibulas, C.•.•
lra1ualp&1w; Gallia, B. f'i~., 1 K<'ll., tn liri 1lg 01Yr, n111ore,;
&ran•oendo (tranuoendo) ·8Ct>mli l't'gnum a.I~ se<le l...a.vini, ~erg.; _um .... ia . Ar~•.,;,
-scensum, 3. (trans &1llt 1cando). L futransi~., gii•t the victnry to Ar1101, \ rrg.; m leltiben:uu
lo climb over, .Up owr, pcu.s 1wn·: 1, ht., Ill bcllum, Caes.; scr111011c111 aliv, tltrn fo a11vL\n'
bostimn n&'l"ea, Caea.; 2, fig., ad ea (of dl11· suhjtci, Cic.; 2, esp., a, to put o.f, defu; CJ U.ctAill
course), T:tc. IL Transit., to climb oNr, iu proximum annum, ap. Cic.; b, to cltnJt!.1". to;
*P ov.r; 1, lit., muroa, Liv.; Caucaauw, Cic.; detlnitioncm In aliam rem, Cic.; c, to trmula.U
2, ftg., &o 1i.p owr, Cra1Uf1U1; lh1e1 juria, Luer.; into aMther /11n111avc; is tum ego lol'um tutid~m
oidioem aeta~ia, Liv. verbi11 a Uit-aearcho tran11tull, Cic. ; d, w ,..,
traa.cido -cidi ·cilum, S. (trans IUld caedo), jl.guratit-el11or111ctaphorkall11; verha, QUM ~-
'° cvt throMgh, Plaut. feruntur, Cic.
tl"amlorillo (&ra.Duon"bo) ·scrips! -scrl1•· ira.D8figo -fixl ·flxum, S. L to P'"~
tum, a.'° COP!/, tral'UCTibc. L Gen., test&IAl'lltUill through, tm11!tiJ:; pnell&IU gladio, Liv. ; trans·
ln allu tabulu, Cic. IL ~p., l, to tran4,ftr, lixu.s h&11t.-l, Cic. IL ~ &Aruat tJ,rough; wt..
G.Snf1': & lit., nomlna in aocio11, Liv.; b, tra11slix.a, \'erg.
transr., aficui 1patium vitae, Ov.; s~ptra tranaflgiiri.tlo -onla.. f. (~aftguro), a
colonii1, OY.; 2, SO tru.TM/er; matres urbl, \erg. tra11$,fornwtimt, tru1ujl.g1,ratwn., Plm.
tl'an.9C1UTO -cdcurri and ·currl -cursmn, 3. tranaflgiiro, 1. to tnrn.iform, truMjgurt.,
L 1 to run 011tr, hasten over; a.J forum, 'f,·r.; in ::su .. t., l'liu.
cut~. Lh-.; 2, Ilg., to l!CUI o1-er; ad mclius"Hor. transfliio .fluxi, 3. to fto'W mil, jfoll.' thro'llgl&.
IL A. to run or hasten through; 1, lit., per Pliu.
apt1tiuru, ,Luer.; with nee., t•aclum tr:u~scurrit tranafiSdlo .f,;.11 ·fmisum, !I. t-0 5fab t\n>1i9l,
nimlma, lerg.; 2, fig., cursmn 1111um, Crc. B. trnnspitrrt, tmii~; nlicni latus, Liv.; &lif!Ut'ID,
S01ail or travel pall; 1, lit., Cses.; p,rseter oculos, Citt'll. ; iiarti<'., with of resiiect, }.:!!tort.
Ov.; 2, fig., of time, to pau by, Pliu. duro tran!>f'ollsi lignC1, Verg.
tr&JWOunraa ·Ila, m. (tranacurro), 1, a tranaformia -e (trans and rorma), cJaalllftd,
running, /uuUning through, Sen. i 2, O( tmM/Mlntii, OV.
discourse, a brief mtntioll, Plin. tranaformo, l. ,_,, tmn.rftpre, trmu-
trazaa4iaiivli.Dua • ·Um, beyond tM Jurin; se in \'llltns a11ile11, Verg.
Dan\lbe, Liv. tranaf'Oro, I. to J>inu, &An1d throvgh, Sen.
t:ralllldo = trado (q.v.). translreto. I. (trans and fretum), to m;n
tranaduoo traduco (q. v.). the Sl'n, ::su... t. -ae, f. (for transepna Crom iraus tranatiiga -at>, c. (trausrui:to), a 1l.:Mrur,
and apo). L u nu11lber of ropu or 11wxttn I.ors, Cic.; "ll4'Ci•• tr:u1!\f11i,:aru111 ~·I f'lo.ccum Yelllre,
&run.apose1l cr0$!1Wist; hent•t·, a 11tt for cafrhi1111 Li\'.; tmntif., t.rausl'ui;a di\'ltum part.:>1 lmquere
liinfs; l&.lit., Plaut.; 2, tli; , a uct, Imp, iwvH, gt·.~tlo, Hor.
Plaut. u.. 11 laltke ura a wimlow, Cic. tranafudo -ri\::i .Ci\!o!ltum, s. to 1 l~rt tr> t.M
tranaeo ·Ii -Iturn, 4. L lutrnusit., A. to riie1 11 y. I., Gabio:i, Ht•111am, Liv.; al,,.ol.,
9'.l orrr to, go to; l a, aJ 11xore11t, Tn.; in 11 u..,1 iu ul"itlio1ic •·t fame !Wnitia i11!ill11 tnn.r
Ht<h'diumin fines, Caes.; b, to go Ol'U 11.S a fu;:l'r1·11t, Liv. II. 1''ii.:.• au _nltticta a111it·:t11.
d~ter; ad aliqucm, ~ic. ; c, to go 01v1· from. tra11!lfugere ct ail l1ure11tc111 aham <lt"\'olal'l', h
one politi<:til pcr1·ty to a 11otha, Tac.; d, t.i l"',;.~ <k•rrl wihaJIJ'Y /riouls, Cic.
from. om! ra11k to another: a patribus atl pleht•m, transra.gfum ·Ii, 11 • (transfugio), a goi ikJ
Liv.; e, transf.. to ~ cl11111wd iato, to lit tnr11s· 0 ,.,.,. 10 thr ct1elll.ll, tl.-.~uti 11 g, Liv.
fvrnwt i11lo; iu saxum, Ov.; 2, II~, n., tr:.iusitmn
transfu.Ddo ·fndi ·ffisnm, 3. to 11(l"r f. ,, ~
· a<I hont>~tatt'm tlil'toru111 et facto1·11111, Cit-.;
b,uf11iseot1r~t>. fOJl<l;;.>urer,111<1keatm11sili'."'.:a.t 1•11r
fl',;,r/ i11tv n:wlhtr. I. Lit., Plin. 11.
p11.rtltionem, Cic.; c, to !I" 01•cr to"" np1111011; Transf., lo trnn<f•r; omuem &11101"<'111 in aliqu•:tll,
in alicuin!I st>llt<'11tiam, tn be co111·atr•I fo lhr Ck.
opinion of, Liv. B. to !In through; 1, lit.., per tranafiialo -.i11is, f. (tr.m,,fnml•'). er J"''"' :g
media CllSlra, Sall.; 2, fig., to J'f'.11ctn1te; quae· I. Lit.,_ Plin. IL 'fr;1,nsL.
1mt, 1'(mri11.g off.
dam animalis inll'l11ge11tia per omnia pern11111at th" 111i11·1ftlo11 of 11 J>t!ople, Cic.
ct transit, Cic. C. to pa.'>S 11 y; tra.nsf., ot' ti1ri(', tranagredior -grrssns sum. 3. dep. (t~1s
to pa53 b11, pau away; tra.nsilt aetns qunm eito l anti gr:itlior). L lntraru11t., to gn HCrvs.• or,.. ,.'•
T1 b.; die11 legi11 transiit, Cic. IL Tr:u1sit., A. to J•llis •••·er. A. Lit., 1, gt>n., i11 Europ11.111, Li I'.;
go owr, JlCl.83 over; 1, lit., a, Euphrntcrn, t:ic.; jot>!' 111 n 11 t,,~. Li\',; _2, esp., to .i~•-!S vi"! l<• ci:i~
1·, Rhodanus tr:u111itur, C3es.; b, •·sp., to uilf''s "idt or Jl<lrty; 111 parU!s ahcu~us, 1 ac. B.
overla«; equum cursu, \"erg.; 2, Ug., a~ to p<M& Transf.. to J~ts.-1 oru to Mme udton, mlt'rtL'f:
beyond, to tran111rtss; tine.~ verecund1:\l·, L:H'.; b, ta!'lle n•I sa1·ra111entu111, Tac. U., :.1
to surpu.<S; fllcile, Cit-.; o, to cUs/l(lfch; m..', 1..... oru, I"".·~ tlm•Ul/h. A., Taurum, l'1c.;
TR<'. B. to (}0 through, p<L.'5 thrn11gh: 1, ht., 1'ur- 11lllllt.'ll, Cat"~. B. Trau~r.. a, to j.l(l$$ l•"Ji<".,1
1111as, C1c.; \1111 tt.11111nae, Nep.; 2, Ilg., ll, '"['II'> !<nlu•• 1 11 ea~urt> or time, Plin.; b, to pu~ v1,.r rll
"1't!rc11rsvril11, totouchlightly 01,; lcntertrnns1re I .<ifrth'•'; im·utH•llt'lll \·iri, \.di.; c, lo s1•1'J•'-,._
et ta11tum11wdo perstrmgere un.1111q11amqu,• rem,
(.;ic.; b, of time, to pi.W, qimd: a11111~m quiek,
! Li\'. lU.:!7.1).
l'lin. (parti<'. p~rf. iiat<s., transgresso A1~n1111«·•,

'lac.; v1t:un, Hall. C. to~· by: 1, h~., 11 mn<'s transgressio .iJnis, f. (tn.nsgtl'Jior). L
rnensas, ~laut.; 2, Ilg . ._ to, pass /Jy, 11.hqu1tl Ii:transit., 11 qni 11.q oi:er, pi.uuagt; ascensw. t"t
silcnt10, Cle. (perf., trarnnt, \erg.). trausi.:ri,i1:1iu Gallorum (over tbe Alps), C1c. IL
transero (tranuero) -s~rO.i ·sertum, 3. Transit., a transp<J$itwn. of trorfls; veruorum,
lo p11t, thrust through, C11to. Cic.
~ro (trafiro), transtuli, trau.~l:itum, tranagreuua ·Oll, !11: (tran~ior). «
and trilatnm, lranslerrl', 3. to carry ()1,'f!r or goi11g 01-er,; 11~sp1cmn~ l'rospen, tn.11.r
<:CTQ.dl.• tnuuftr,, cu1u<ey. A. IJt., 1, grcs.;us, Tac. ; wrth obJect.. gemt., arums, Tac.
tra 685 tra
tranalgo -f~ -actum, 8. (tran11 and ago), t.o
dririe thro11i1h.. L Lit., to ata.h, J•itrce thr.i11gli;
I transmigro 1. to 111i~t~fr"""
n11.J//tr··: \"1·i""· Liv,: trausf.
011t plru:c to
of plaut.i, to bit
k i{l8utu gln•lio, Tac. II. Fig., 1, to pu.-~' ti111~, t1<111<J1laule./, l'lin.
~nil~ leml: tL-m11us per 0~~11tatlo11e111, Tac.;. 2, transm.Julo .11 11 111, f. (tran11mitto), ca JIC"
Co fi11~h, complrte, a<XQm1•l.1~h, tra1!.ll(lct. any pua llflgt; ah ea ul'lie iu Graeciam, <.:ic.
of bruu1uu; a gt'n., n1•.:ot1u111, <.:1c.; ali•\Ul•l cum .
nliquo, 11 !lqui•I per :iliqnem, Cie.; iuipa>i., sl t~amlnn.s ·fls, 111 •. (tran!l1111tto), a .fl«!'"
trans.'\Ctu 111 est, if it ii doiu, Cic.; b, t•sp., to m!!'· .' 1•ar1 ll(>l~tlo tr1U1i1m111~111 atqu@ ex Oallia 1u
tldtle 11 diffcrr11ce or <lispu/41, co11WJ to an under- B1 it.a 11niai11, Cut!~. _ •"g; cum ali11uo H.8. 1luce11ti1 111ililm~, transmltto (tramltto) -1111i1! -mllumm, S.
Ctc.; tra11sf., to 1111t (Ill. erut to, luii~ do1u with; 1•. to l'l~11<t t1•'T 11..•, 11<·n<t IJl"fl', t:Olll''l/ ncro•s, trans·

transi .. itd cu111 expcuitiouihu~ Tue. m1tfron1. oiu 1•tace to a1111t/1rr. A. 1, lit., l'qnl·
t~lllo (tranuillo) .ru an•\ (rarely) •11
&n<I ·!Vi, 4. (t1'3llll and. S3lio). L l11trn11~it., to
tatu.111 cell'1:itl!r, Ca_es•.: cl:.i.'>1"111 111 B11\11w:i.m ~ti
~.m Or• 111 '.1• Ltv ••. ~· Ilg.! at ucl111111 II~
1prin.g ovtr twp acrnu · l lit. de 11111 ro in na\··, Liv., b, fo 1111e 01,,.r, ( .. J to e1i.tr11.ft,
e111, ; 2, 1i1-:., ub 11io ~onsiho a<I ali11•l, lo go h:iic .hoc tnnt_um . ~11.1~m, • C1e.; ('3). tn .r~ign.,
o~-er tiJ, Liv. IL Tmnsit., t.o aprinr/ oi'U' 5 , 111 w. 11ulil, 11111111.1 1mp..i11, Lie., (y) todeiote, suum
thiny; 1, a, ht., to ,,,ring ot·er: 1j 111 ros, Liv.; tcu1p11~ te111)'onl111s a1111coru111, .C1c, B. to let
b, transl'., to hastc111rer; rat&! tr1111s11iu11t vada, 1"'-"'• ." t thro11~?,'": 1, i:•~ll.' •·.xerc1t11m pe~ fines,
Uor ; 2, Ii;,:., a, w 1 ~ 1 ;;.-; bJI, ptUS <fi·~~; rein, Cic.; L1_v •• 2, ,'.~ 1~-·~-J fn1~1 une J>0rn'.'o u11vth~r, trans-
b, lo onrs/(p, triins!/r·e.<S; 11 1 ,..a~, Cic.; iuum:ra 1u1~~11111 I• 1 '1.1111~.'~1ll111n,1./attd 1v:rOM the r~
Lil.Jeri be immo<krate icilh llor. Liv. , C. tu !rt J•l<iS, J 1111111111 mcusc111 t1a11111111s1•
• . _. ' . mus, fal.!. IL to J•luct <JJirMlf, to vo, run, swun,
tranailla ·e (t1.n11s1ho), leap111g acrou, go£ng 1'<1.'1$ thrurt:Jh or Qi-tr s•1111.dhi11u • l lit. a
OCi'JS.S; l>.'\l111cs, l'llu. ~l'n., (a) w1 th a•·c. of placl', 1ua~·la, 'Cic. ; (13~
tranaltlo -u11i11, r. (tryrnseo). L a going au,;111., siu aute trans111isissct, Cle.; b esp., to
aa<1~, 1~•ssl11.g oi·er. A. Lit., 1, gc11., l111ng111cs hurl, or throw ortr ur throu!1h, Ov.; 2, lig., ta
ai111il1 tudine ct tr:rnsitioue perct' ptnc, Cic. ; 2, lt1.1re un 1tul i1~ rl, t11ke 110 to, take ?IO 1wlic1
Hp., <& !]ving orer fr111n one 7-rrty or fit<'lio11. to of, nut to 1111/ld; ~caurniu 11ilc11tio trausmlslt,
a11.ntllfr; a, ad plclJ(~lll lrans1tio11es, Ck.; b, a 'fat'.
1~•$.<i11!J .O"f.': ~·1 the r11e.'11.•1:.11ncio1·11111,.1.h-. ; e~er- -orum, m. du:cllers btyoNl
c1t11:1 11ans1(111111t,us 1111111mut11~, LI\. B. 1-1l!., the 11w 11 111, 1;,.. Liv
infet"l~>n. M11l•'!lio1t, Ov. II. a Jl(!.<.<11:;r(111l'l•lll., 11.:1 t ~· ·:.: · . .
a 1•l:lce) · trauhttiones pt'rvia•~ Jaui IH•!Wiu:rntnr ranamov"o ·lllO\ 1-r~otur.n, 2: to r~rno~/rom.
Ci•:. ' • OllC v(nct to 111wtf1ff•• ~· Ltt., :Syria lcg1t1nes, Tac.
transitorlua -a -um (tra11li1•0), /laving a II. l-1g., tu ~ru_nsJt r, l_l'r.'
ft.1-'""llle thr•iU'}h; <lomus, Suet. transmuti.tio •lolllS,'_ r. (transrnuto), U&f
transltua ·Od, m. (tra11sco). I. a 1ias~ing trull$lllul<.it.~" oj Mier.,, l.,lu111t.
Ot'€r or aa<.18S, tr11r..sit. A. Lit.., 1, gen., trnn,;- tr_ansmuto, l. I" diange, tran8'11ut11; dexter&
ltu'i fo,s.'lc, Cic.; tra11sit11111 cli111d.,r•·, I,i\•,; 2, lacn'I, Luer.; inccrtns honores, Hor.
esp , a )"'s_"i ••</over /i\1111 011e p.irty or f11ctiv1~ ~ trananAto = tranato (q. v.).
o.nuthrr_; lal'.1!1 trans1t11 ad i•1·ox1111os et v11l1d1·
B • ..-1~ v t .. , . transno-mino• I • t cJ n. of
... a., ie TUii.Si l"ll. ('Ill l".11!1
• '1' • L' • . L 0 Wll[]tJ .,.. MllUI
0. N!~, .1c. • f>'l'.•OH Ill' thi11•r :;11o·t.
111 0 ) fro111 lo ltuht. Pim., Uv.; b, trn11s1tio11 ·.:
i11 disccmrse, <~ui11t. II. a p1ssi11r1 tlin•uyli. A. tranap~d.anus -~-um, btyond (I.e., on the
Lit., per Rgr11s u1·loesq11c, Liv. :B. Meton., tlte n_urth Bt•~C ol) I~-~ lo~ traM1.r<l1 1 11e; C<~onla,
pla~ t/11·ouu1t 1rhich 011e 1·<1S3ts; tra11sit11::1 i11~1d· \ ll<'S.; cllcnlcs, C1c, :;ulht., tr~spi.danil.8
t!rc, Liv: lII. a 71U.•si1.1g hJI; tcn1pcstati:1, Cic.; -~, 111: a J1C'.so1'. li.vi1111 oa tlte uorl/111tfe q/ tile l'o,
iu transttll capt.a urh:1, J ac. Cat. , pl11r., Cic.
transjectfo. etc. tr.1jcctio, etc. ('1· v.). tra.nspeotus -n~. m. (transpicio), a looking
transl&ticioa (trii.J.aticiua)-a-11111 (trans- tliruu:Jh • •.-r 111 '.I thn• 11 vlt, Luer.
latu~, fro111 trn11sfcro), h•rn•l•dliow11 a$ cu4tomar:1, tranaplolo (tranuplolo), S. (trans and
pres..ri1•lice; a., cdii-t11111, r(c,iceJ bJI a TllHgi.4· spec1n), lu lot>k tltrou'.flt, sc~ lhrou!Jh, Luer.
trate froin. hi.8 pr•il•~4>ur, Cic.; b, comino11, transp3no -p0:.1'1i ·pi'islt11m, S. L to pul
v..rual; haec tr.ilaticia, or11i11ur11 course of thinys, orer, a.·,.,,~$, 1·nnorr, tHt11.</rr, Pim. II. (= tra·
ap. Cic. _ _ _ jie•:rc), to 1>ul 11<:ru.-..< (a river); militcm dextras
tranala.tio (trii.latlo) ·u1ds, f. (lr1mslatu~, in frrras itururn, 'l':w.
f'rvlll lra11~fcr .. ). ,, tr1111-ife,rri11g, hun.<_lrny fJIYr. I. transportatio ·vllis, r. (transporto), (J tni-
~1t ••• 1A pec11111aru111 a Jlllltls 1t:•1m111s n1l 11~11·11n~, grutwii, i::-l'll.
l:1c., ~.a grtJ,/ling of pl.ants, 11111. II • .h;t., l, tra sp rt 1 t ,, , r. 1
" transfrrriiliJ; a, ut a jnd;.cc &Ct'llSer t•lact' D 0 o. . o r ntey _;llHil one pace to
etc., CIC.; b, ,,f ~II uccu:iatiu;1, cri11ii111,;, Ck.; an_.,111:•·, l_>t!•l'J' ••I: l'XCl'<·_1L11u1 1ll l,r;1cun1~1, C1c. i
!a, amd<tp!tor, trOJit,fiyure; vcrecuntla, Cic. 1111l1t1s l11s 11_1\J~111s 1111111111 ti.111::111111!.'\t, Cat:s.
transli.tivus .a . 11111 (I r:rnsfcro), of or re- trans~honan:iiµs -a ·11111. (tra~s aml _Rh?n~s),
lali1111to11 11-a 11 sj.:rc 11 a; culi>-Lituti•', Ck. l•f!f"'."I ~1.c., 011 tlrt.: .1~t :>l•lc ul) t111 lUniu:, Uer·
•--al- a tor -ur1~, _. 1na111 1 C.1• s •
... OW& 111. (transfrrn). a trull.Y- tra.. •• v t
/errer; qu~ ....~t.urac (of \'crr<':i, who, 1.clu::: qu1v~>1· .....,... • • ·- • rans • • • .
tor to the consul Cn. l'apirius C11rlio, dt>scrte•I transt_t:bcru1ns -a -um (tr:inq nn~l T1l~rl!l),
to Sulla), Ck. beyo11uthr l 1/1.-r. ::iui.~t .. transttbenni -oruua,
t:ransluooo (trii.liiceol. 2. I. to ahine 111. the J•:''J'le lil'i11!1 l•e11v;11t tit~ '1'1U.:r, Cic.
cwrult!, Lui·r. IL tu 11hi1u tJ1 r11u9h, bs visible transtineo, 2. (t~u~o), to uo through, 1>aU
tlrro1'1rlr, Ov. tliruUJh., Plaut.
tranaliioldua (traliicidus) -a -um, tru11.1· transtrum .f, 11. (from tr11n~). L a cross-
rin:nt, trunslw:t11t, l'liu. bendl i1t u ship 011 which the rowerssut, gcu. plur.,
transmarinus ·a -um, from htyond sro, Cni:s. II. a crr•ss-b.ium, Ca··~.
foreig11., tra11.•~tri1111; artcs, Cic.; li:i;ali111u:~, Liv. tranaulto (traD.SBulto), I. (intens. of
transmeo (tri.mco), L lo go ovel', acrou, trausiliu), to spri11y 1uer or acros.~. Li\·.
t11·ou1111, Pliu. transuo (tranaauo) ·sill ·llfltuu1, s. to ec10
tra 686 tre
throt1gh, ltilch thrmi!Jh, pitrc. Uiro11.gk; ext& Hence, Tribillanua -a -um, l~'fo'"Jirtg lo fn-
transuta verulm11, Ov.
transveotlo (tr.ivectlo) -Onis, r. (trans· trecelli.rlua ·a ·um (trccenti), tluw-b•
veho). L a currying over ur across; Acheronti!!, dred-fold, Varr.
Cic. IL th<! ri.tlill.g of B &man knight past tJtt trecenl -ae ·• (tl't'" anti rf'ntnm). L t11U
omaor at tJwJ ptrindical mtuter, 8uet. h1111tlrcd each, Liv. IL th.rt'e h.1rndre.l, Plin.
tran.sriho (trariho) -vexi ·vcctum, 8. L trecentealmua ·n. -um (trecenti), tlu tA,...
lo rorry OVl'r, convl!y CIL'TOSI, tra7t8p0Tt. A. Act., hum/ re< Ith, t:ic.
milites, Caes.; naves plaustrls, Liv. B. Middle, trooentl -ae ·& (trcs nnd centum), tl~ ln·
transvehl, to rid~ aail, pau 01'er or acrou: i11 drt:d, Cic.
Af'ricam, &II.; \;orcyram, Liv. IL to carry
ihf'01lgh or by. A. Act., to btar along i11, trilt111ph; trecentles (trecentlens), adv. (tre~nti),
anna spolia.que carpentis, Liv. B. Middle, three hundred tit~, Cat.
transvehi ""to go, ri<U, pa&• by; 1, lit., a, gen., trechedlpnum -i, n. (Tpt)(i&ur- -o.;
tran11veC't&e a front,e pugnnntium alae, Tac. ; b, hn.~tc11ing to di111vr), a light garnu:n.t tl.'On& bf
esp.. at a public processiou, to ri<U lry; ~11) of pm.1.sitts at tnblc, Juv.
the Caesars at tlle games in the circus, fac. ; tredeclm (trc11 and <lecem), thtrlttR, Liv.
(II) of a knight, to T'Mle f'<Ul tJwJ umor at a 111u.s-
ter, Liv.; 2, fig., or time, to pa#, pus by; abiit (tremo),tremebundua (tremlbundut1) -a -um; 1111urns, Cle.
jlm et transvcctum e11t rempus, 'fac.
tranaverWro, I. to pierct through,, tremefiiolo -tcci -ractnm, s. (t.~mo and
perfo1"UU ; bestiam veuabulo, Cic. ; iiectus all· facio), to cu~ to pa....s., trimifie
culus Rbiete, Verg. ·factu" emn ·fli!rl to trenwle, Verg., Ov.
tranaversart:ua ·a-um (transversus), lyh~ tremondua -a -um (tremo), /ettrfld, drtrlil-
acr<>&S, tra1:nerse ; tigna, Caes. /ul, taribu, drcud, Hor.; rex, }'/tr.lo, \'erg.
tranavenua (tri.vereua), and trana- tremeaoo (tremlsao), 8. (inchoat. ot
Yoraua) -a -um, p. 'adj. (from trunsverto), hull..!· tTemo). I. lntransit., lo trnnhle, 'J11.tth: &, of
verse, ohliqw:, atlurort. L Adj., A. Lit., fo811&, thingM, touitru 1J"emescunt l\nlua ternrnm et
Caea. ; transven;o am bularc foro, acrou th~foru.»l, cam pi, Vcrg.; b, of l){'n;ons, omnem tremescens
Cle.; transverso ltinere, i11 ail obliqu.e direction, ad 8trepit11111, O\'. IL Transit., tCJ trn1blt Ill;
Liv.; tlg., trausvenrnm digitum, ajf.ngrr's l>rew.lth, sonitum pedum voccmque, Vcrg.; with iu~
IJlc.; transversum dlgitutwI th<! brtadth of a 11ail, t,elum instare tremcscit, Ver~.
Cic. B. Fig., culns lu adu escentinm tran11vct"lla tremlbundua = tremabundus (q. ,-.).
incurrit 1Hi11era rt•ipublk~•e fortuna, n·o.~d,
Ouoof'Ud, Cle. IL Sut;st., tranavereum i, 11.
= tremesco (q.v.).
a CTO:lS-direction, l'lin. ; de or ex tra11sver:10, un- tremo ·ili, 3. (Tpii.t111), to tn-nwlt', 1]1tlll-t'. L
aptckdly; ecce ti hie transverso Lampsaccnm1 Intransit., a, of thi11gR, tremit. ha... IA. Verg_; b,
8tmboqui,ctc., Cle. llL Adv., tr11.1111ve111111~ and of pcr!lonM, toto J•twtorc trcmcns, Ci<'.; with
pl11r., tra1111\'el'll&, acrou, lidell'CI'JIS; Yen ti tnms- acc. of r<•Kpcct, tremii1 O!!!lll p&\'om, Hor. IL
vcrM rrem1111t, Verg. Transit., to trem.blf, 1ruw Cit; olfensam Junont':n,
Ov.; te, Vcrg.; vlq,,'a-'1ac11ecun:s diut.itoris:, LlT.
tranav~Uto. l. to fly RCYOS$, Luer.
tremor ·iiri11, 111. (tremo). L " tnmUiitg,
tranavOlo (trav~lo), l. L to fly over or •J1mki11.g, trtmo1·; of the lim bi;, pallor et mmnr
ccro.u; 1, lit., of birds, Plin. ; 2, transf., to ct clcutium Cl"t'pitus, J..iv.; of fire, tl"('lll"f
Aaatc11.over, luulen.acrou, p<US over hruttly; Alpcs, ignium clarus, Luer.; or the cnrth, \"erg.; plur.,
ap. Ci~ equea transvolat in altera111 pnrtem, Lncr., Ov. II. Met.on., aA object iclti.:A m'llMIJ
Liv. . .u. 1, to fly through or to, to flu through ; feor twd trt111bling, Mart.
transr. =to hasu1i. thmu!JI•; dum (vox) trans-
volat a11rea, Luer. ; 2, to fly pcut : &, transf., tremiUtu1 ·• -um (tremo). L tmii.!lli!tJ1,
to wun past ; arfd11s quercu11, Hor. ; b, tlg.,, <1ui1oering, tremulous; a, of thi!ISS,
transvolat in rnedlo poslta, pauu by, Hor. lumen, Vcrg.; man-, Ov.; b, or person!!, aceum~
ad me tremulus, 'fer. IL Act., auuing in.
dpitua -1, m., trApitum ·I, n., and plur., bling, Prop.
V.petea -um, m. (Tpcuriw, to tread grapu), an tripldan~r. ad¥. (trepido), au.riowlr, ritl
oU-prus, Verg. trtpi<iation; omni& trepid.antius timidiusqur
dpe&ita -ae, m. (rpo.W"•,l"I(), a monty· agere, Caes.
cAa.nger, Plaut. • treplclatro -Onls, t. (trepldo), agita!ioJt.,
~peziia -untb1, f. (Tpo.r~oli~), a town. in anmty, di.!11iuUt, alarm, trepidation, Gic.; t.autam
Pon.tiu, colan.11 of Shi.ope, now 1'rebizond, Tara· trepidationcm injecit ut, etc., Liv.
lloaan. treplde, adv. (trepldus), trf'mbli"9ly, H·
TriUltiminua (Trbmnennua. TruI- mu.sly, with trepidation ; castra relinquere,
minua, Tr~inua) -i, m. (with or with· Li\',
out lacus), tM 1 rasinieM lala, on th<! bank& of trepldo, I. (trepidu11), to be in. a'll..rlo\u, ~
tohicJI. Hanniiat CUWJ'Utrw the Roman.1 ttnder /v.ud nwtimi, bf agitatt.d, be in alarm, br blUJ,
Flaminiu$ (217 B.c.), now Lago di Peru.gia. bu.!11.#J about anything; &, lit., of li'\ing \Jtolngii,
Hence, adj., Trl.slm.enus ·a -um, Tra.n~­ totiK trepidatur castri11, tlltl u.wu caanp ii ia
•'4n. ron.fwri.on, caes.; circa advenam, nt:.tarM OOll·
trav • . . v. transv • • • .fiuedly arcnrnd1 Liv: ; circn Kii;na.., gi i.-e tro~ i•.
trario, I. to go through, pindraU, Luer. front, Liv.; or anxious haste, ad arma, Liv.;
with and the acc., to~ unded...ud ~
Tribt'.a -ae, m. a river b. Clrolpf.1U! Gaul, to 'lt'ttt'tr bettrUI&; inter fug&e pU~Ue CXlll-
wlun H1mnWal llOTU[lttred the .Roman.J, 217 B.c., BiliUm: Liv.; with ace.= t-0 fear au.rWiulr; oc·
now Treb/:rl.a.. cun<111n amlcl, Juv.; with infln., ne t.r-cp1date
~biUa -ae, t thrtt t01D1U fo Italy. L In mca.'I defender!! uaves, Verg.; b, tr.i11sf., c.>f
the &hine country. A. Trcbula Mutuscit. thiugs, 11.qua per pronum trepidat MV11m, ripplu,
Bence, Tribilli.Dua ·&-um belongi11g to Tre· Hor. ; trepidant ftammae, flicker, Hor.; witb
bula. B. Trebula BulfenL ii. In Campanla, inlln., cuius octa,·uni trepldavit (v ~"f ~·
Da.r Suesaula and ~tk:ul&, now MQddaloni. aetaa cl&udere lustrum, Hor.
tre 687 tri
tr~pf4u9 -a -um (f'piw), unquld, a.nzloM, mcufen ,,,Tio a!td!llfd tN. q1tllf$lora, and who~•
a1'1rmrtf, ndZ,$.•, rli.•turbi-4; a, lit:., or living afluwanl!J mad4 Judgts, Cic. B. Milit. t. t.,
bclnglt1llld thc1 iiit11ati1111 or livin~ heiu~s. trepitla lrilmni 111ilit11111 or 111ilit...1ro.", mili!iir.I/ trilmnu,
Dido, \'erg.; of undecitled or msh haste, clv1taa, aix kl evr111 lt9ioi&, wh<J comm11r1dt•l it tarh for
Liv.; with genlt., on. account of; n·ru111 1marum, two inonth.t i11 fM ye11r, Cncs. C. trilnmi 111ilit1m1
Lh·.; metu!I, Ov.; curi;u~. \'er!-:.: 111 re trcpi•la, co11>111lnri (abo calll•tl lrilm11i co11-
In rchus trepi•lis, ill an al.1rmi119 state nf thi11!1~. s11laro11), cho,ien to i,:nvcrn In the place or COii•
Liv.; b, tran~f., or thin;.:", un•la, boiling, lluu· 1111111, from 444-36H u.c., Liv. D. tril•1111i plchis
bli111, Ov.; ahe11n111, boili11g, \'erg. (pie bi) and (more fr•·'l 11"11tly) si111 ply t n t.1111i, tilt
trea(archaic, tris), lrfa(Tpti~. Tplo), ehru, Cle. tri/>1111,., of tit.I! 1~11'•, tht ni.1oi4trult!& who pro-
tre881s -is, m. (tres and as), Uiru, Varr. kcud the 1"'-l>eia1111, (.;ic., Liv.
treavlrl tri111nviri (q. v.). trlbno ·11i ·lltU111, 3. I. to allne to an.y 01141
41 a aJa,.rt, bestow, <t•!i17n, gi•te.. A. Lit., praemia
Trivorl (Trivlrl) -orum, m. a j.><>Ule1'/ul nlicni, Cae!I.; aumu 1:uicp1r, Ci.,. B. Fig., 1, gen.,
Genna" 1uitio11 from tM Rhine to tJu Mao.1, whou tn git•e, 3Jto111; alicui uii,..•ricuriliarn s1ia111, Cic.;
ta1•i.tal .A. li!fll5ta or Colon ill Tre'Vt1 or1£m i8 nn to alicui m;1gmun grali1t111, Cic.; 2, esp., a, to gi.vt
7'rttvJ or 1'rin'. Bing., Trevtr -vlri, oni of tM 11p, ca11at/e, yU:/.l to; valetwlinl aliquitl, Cic.;
Tm~rt Hence, adj., Treverloua (Tri- alicui pril•rcs parle11, Cic. ; b to Cl$<:li/Je, attri.-
vfrlous) ·•-um, of or bdo11yi119 to ti,,. Tr~£. b•tlt t-0; id virtuli ho11ti11m, Cacs. ; c, to tla'OU
trlangiUus -a -nm (!:.res and an!P1lns).._~hrtt· ti mil to a pc'rti.cular his rcbuli t.llltu111
eorru1-nl, t>-iArny11lr1r. Bul>at., trl&Dg1Uum temporls, Cnes. IL= distribuo, to cifrirle; re111
·l, n. a ti·ian']l.:, Cic. In partes, Cio.
trl&rit --Orum, m. (tres), t'M ol1lut and 71U)8t trlbua -ns, t. (from root trf, thru, nnd the
upcri.:111:nl lfo11111n ll(J/ilirr.:1, who wu~ rlraum up root fu in <t>vA.~), originally, a third ptll't of 1114
iH. Uis third rmil;, k1utli119 bf;lli1ui t/14 l111Slali Roman ptcple. Hence, L a tdbt, one of t'M
and prlncipcs, r•t1AJ1 to hf/p the,se in nud; heuc4', thl-es tribu of tM Roma11, ~oplt (Ra11111f's, Ti ties,
prov., rcll a<l triario-< rediit, t114 matter ha.I C01lMI Lucere11); from the time of Her\' ins Tnllins a
to the atrone,~t need, Liv. new divi11io11 vraa mn1lc, vii., of four tribes for
trfball -ldis, r. (Tp</Jaf), "" unchaste u-oman, the city (trlbua urbanae), anti twenty-111x, and
Phal'•lr. later thirty-one, for the 11gcr Ro111a1111>j (tribu!
Tribocea -am, m. and Trtbool -ornm, 111. ru11til"J\l~); populuw. in trihns oonvocan:, Cic.
a 1;<111 ic people 01& ths kft bank of U11J, in II. MetDn., plur., tnbu11 =ti.. lower chusu, thA
-.otfUtL .A /MJ,U. m.nb, Plin.
trlbrAchys. acc. -chyn, m. (Tpiflpa.')(tK), 11c. trlbuti.rlu.a -a -um (trihutum), of or ,...
po!S, a 111dricu.l J<><Jf, condsting of thru sJiort svl· to tl'i/,11.U; talrdlae, Cic.
lati 11g
l.ablu (v v v), Quint. trlbutlm, adv. (trihus), ac('or<lillg to tribu,
trlbi\i.rlua ·&-um (tribus), of or rtlatlng to tribe by; nummoa divhlere, Cic.
• tribe, Cic. trlbiitlo ~nla, C. (tri buo), o di.stributiow..
tribttla = tribulum (q.v.). dfridilL!J, Cic.
tribiilia -ls, m. (tri\lnll), 0114 who belongs to trlbiltum ·f, n. (trlhno). L taz, co11tribv.-
tM IOIM tr wt, a fellow triln-.mian; tribulis tu us, ti<m, tribul-t; tributum conrerre, facere, Jltlnd~re,
Cic.; e!lp., afello-w tribesman of tM lower cltu&es, Cic. IL 'l'm11sf., a gift, pruent, Ov••
CllM! o/ Uie common~. Hor. 1. trlbiitua ·& -um (tribm1), arranged accord·
tribiUo. 1. (tribulum), to prt!J8, Cato. ing to triba; comltia., in whiM tM peopu wW
by tribu, Liv.
tribillum ·i, n. (tero), a thruhi1'{1 machiru, ll. trlbiitua, v. tribuo.
trlbillua ·f, m. 1, 4 ULorny plan.l (Tribulns trioae -llrum, r.1, tri.Jlrs, tr11.mptr11, ft0"81!JUe,
terrestria, Linn.), Ov.: 2, an aquat~ pla11.t M11rt. ; 2, i'nalio11.1, fr()ublu, pcrplmtu1; quo-
(Trapa natnns, Linn.), Plin. modo domesticas trica!I (fort) f Cle. ·
trlbUnal -llis, n. (= tribunaie, from trt- Trloaatinl -~rum, m. a Gallic pto}'lt, tUnr
bonus), tM tribunal. L Lit., 11 rai~'d 1>laiform mo<lern A011.ft&
for magi&tratu, e.g., for the conirnl wheu he Trtooa -a.e, t. (Tpio:inr). a~ old ~" '"
direcW the comitia, the praetor wht•n he ad· Thtualy on ths Pem1U, now Triklmla.
ministered Ju11tice; In trlbunall Pompeii p1-ae- trioinarlua -a ·um (triceni), co11tlti11ing Uw
toriJ1 urbani sedentes, Cic.; of the raised seat of
a general in the camp, Liv.; or the vraetor In the n11,1nber thi1·t11; tlllua, Uii.rt11 rear• old, Sen.
theatre, Suet. ; meton., or the maglstrate sitting triaenl ·Re -a, g.,nit. trtcemlm (trigiutil), 1.
on the tribunal, omne forum (IM people) que111 thirty, Cic.; 2, thirty, Plin.
apectat et. omne tribunal, ehi! magiltratu, dil- trioepa ·clpltis (tre11 nnd caput), 1, thru-
liragllUMd peraou, Hor. IL Tran11f., A. a he.:wed, (.;ic.; 2, thru·fvld, Varr.
11W•11iJ1Je7!.t encttd '" lumour of tM dead, Tac. trioialmu.a •& -um (tiiginta), ths thirtitth.,
B. a fn1>1111d, tn1bankmt11l of earth, Plin. Cic.
trlbiuiatua -11.8, m. (tribnnus), t'M oj/b or trioeula ·la, m. (trlglnta and as), thirt1
di.l}nilJI of a trib-une, trt.u1111<JhiJ1; a, nC the i:uau, Varr.
per1.P.le, with or without plebl.Jf, Cic.; b, of a
111il1tary tribune, militaris, Cio. trlohlaa ·ae, m. (TP•xl.t~), alpfciu of aardine.
trlblinlolu.a -a -11m (trihunus), of or Nlating trl'ohlla -ae, t. a iumJMr·ho'll-M, arbour, Caes.
lo a trilnwe, trilnu1kial ,· a, bclo11gi11g to a
tribrme of th4 people; pote11tas, Cic.; 11ul>St., trlchitla ·ld~, (. (Tp&xi:m). a A.ind o/ olu-.
&ribiinlolua -Ii, m. a peNOl'l who ha• bu~ Plin.
&rlbun.t; b, rtlatLng kl I.Ju h''bunuof tll4 10ldw1; triolea (trioleu). adY. (trigtnta). IA'rlf
llonos, Caelll "1nu, Cle.
trlbiaDU8 -1, m. (tribna). L trlbunf, t1w trioJinli.rla -e (tricllnlum), Qf or nl.ati7'g to
prt.ridanU of tM three old trl.btt, rep~LkllitHJ of a d£ning-coucA, Pllu. Bubet., triolinli.rla
Ule tribnles, ~ 111' Mad o/ 10hom u"" tM tribunWJ -lnm, n. a, a dining-roo., Plln.~ b_, druJ"7'1 /fW
Celerwn. UY. IL A. tribuni aerarii, JIGY- a di1Ling·co11cA, Plin.
tri 688 Tri
I triolinlum ·II, n. (Tput.\iruiv). L 11 dhdng· trltaroldr -tM, m. (ter and fnrctrer). •
couch, a touch nn tt•hich t/11 Rontana t'fidit1~d at ttrch·TO!lll#, Plaut.
mtl&U {gcncrnlly three on each, somf'tinu~s four tri.Jri.rl1IJI -a -um, 11ubllt. (bip, a fair• t'1
and f!\'e), Cic. IL a dillit&g·roon&; cxoruat tll.rr« Iorau).. ·rtlnJing to a le• q/ thru Aonia:
an1plc et magnifice tricllnium, Cic. s11l111t., 1, trigi.rlua -1i, m. a tfriwr of o l«I•
I trioolum (-on) ·i, n. (TpiirwAo"), n 11('.riod of lhrtt horsa, l'lin. ; 2, trigarlum ·ll, n. a
ron11~till{] of thrtc petri& or clau~ts, Sen. rirru1 or tmi11tng·17rouncl u•here ttar11.1 of tlru
trioor. 1. df'p. (trieac), to 1nau dl.,8ic11lliu, to hor1t1 are drit·en, Plin.
1huf!U, trijl.l; cum aliqu,1, Cic. trlgimlnua (tergimblua) ·• -nm, tAru·
trloornt.a -e (l.res and cornu), llavi1'fl three fol1l; vir, t;eryo1&, Hor.; cani11, Ctrbtri11, 0'1'.;
hor111, Plin. tergPmini honores, tlrA atdilulll1•, pr.utonlip
trioorpor ·J>c1ris (trt'I' and corpus). having atid coiuu/1hip, Hor.; or children, tll.rtt bora cit
tlrtc bodiu; rorma tricor1•oris um brae, of Gervon, a birth ; fratrea, the Horatil and the CurlatH,
Verg. Liv. ; Trigemina Port.a, a gate in tAe old cit1·IDC'lll
of Rome, opJXMiu the northern coriier q/ Uu A HI&·
Vl0119Pla -Idis (bu and c1111pl1), la&1i11g Une, Plln.
~ret poinl4, Ov.
trlgemmla -e (t1'118 and geann1a), M111h&f
tJ'ldaoD& ~rum, n. (Tf'l ter, and 4cUl'lll
mottlco), a kind of oysur, Plin.
= thru budl, Plin.
triglnta. num. (Tpwol'Ta), thirt1, Cie.
trldeml ·entls {trea am.I deus), havillg thru trlJrOD ~nis, m. (Tpi~v). La ball for plaJ·
Utth or pr<Jll{ll. I. Adj., rostra, Verg. IL fog, ~Tart. IL )feton., a game at ball, Hor.
Subst., trldena -en.tis, m. a tridtnl, n thrtt·
f""Oll9td sptar jaw pitrcing large fish, Plln.; an trlgollil.18 -e (trigonum), thrtt·corHned;
attribute of Neptune, Yerg. pila (= trigou), )fart.
tridentldr .f(!ri, m. ~trltlens and rcro), Ute trlginum ·I, n. (Tpiywrov), tt triatrgle, Van.
tricknt·bmrer, epithet of Neptune, Ov. tri&i>nua ·I, m. 11 kfod of jilh, the 1ti11u·ra1,
trldentlgir -gl!rl, m. (tridens and gero), the Plant.
truunt-btarer, epithet or Neptune, Ov. trlh"brla -e (tres and llbra), o/ thrr.c poim'U
K'f'iyhf, Hor.
triddum ·II, n. a •P"~ nf thru days: qunm
ttidul \ i:1m proce1:1sisset, Caes. ; trl1iuo ilium -e {tres and lln&llll), ha11i1ig t1uw
aut summum quadrldt..o perlturum, Cic. ton!JUes ; 08 Cerbcri, Hor.
trlennla ·lum, n. (tre1 and aunus), a/utiroal trllbl: -Ici11 (tres an,l llcl11111), ha.vi11g tllre.
otlebrnt-.rl tt•ei·11 t.4rte years, Ov. thrcruta; loricam co1111erUl.111 h:u11i11 auroque tri·
licem, Verg.
trlennlum ·Ii, n. (tre11 and annu1), n lpact
of thru y.:crs: biennium aut triennium est quum trim.atua ·lls, m. (trlmus), tht age of t1ru
nnntium remisisti, Cic.; multis locls Oermaniae ye11rs, l'liu.
trlenuium vngati, Cic. trlmest.Ra, S. (tres and mensis), thrtt
trlem ·f'ntis~m. (tres), a third part, 01u:·U.i;-d. numth/11.I. Atlj., har<li, thrcr mo11th1 olti, \'arr.
.&.. Gen., Cic. A E&p., 1, the third part of a:i IL Suln!t., trimestrla ·111111, 11. crol" rhic\
M, Hor.; 2, of a MJ:tnriu.1, Prop.; 3, in In· ripen th.rte mo11th1afttr1011.·ing, Plln.
beritanc1·11, a llt.ird part of 1110hou; cum duobu11 trim«Stir = trlmetros (q. v.).
coheredibus use in trien.:A", Cic.
trloatabillum. ·I, n. {triens), the equh 1lent
trlmetrh c-u•l ·• -um, cmr/ri""""'
metro, l.c., thru double fut, Quint.; 11uh.t.
in ltrntl for tht third parl of a nim of f1Wney, .Llv. trimetrO. (-ua), and (L&tiuiscJ Conn), trl-
trlentalla -e (triens), contniii'ng one·tAird miter -tri. a trimetu, Hor.
q/ a Jool, 1'1'11. trimMIA -ae, r. and trim~um ·11, n.
trlerarchua .f, m. (TplrlP«P:\'.ot), Ut:.e com.· (trr!! a.ud 1111M.1i11'4),a i-e~cl co11tu•11i11g tl1re: tuwctii
ma11du <if a tl'irenu:, Cic. or lntshels, Plaut.
trleris ·e (TPt._iiP'J(), having thrM bankl <if trimua -a -um (tre.), tllra ytar1 old; et1ua,
oars. 8111.i~t.. trlirla ·ls, r. a trirtlM, Ncp. Hor.
trleterfoua ·a -um (Tpitnipu,ck), r«Urring Tnniorla ·Ile, C. (Tpmurpici), lhtolilut nanu
u·er y three years, trini.nial; tr1eterica sacra or of ~ici!y, ca.lltd fron& its triangular lltapt:.
org111, \·erg., O\•. Renee, A. TrinAerlua ·a -um (Tpu,ci•pLuf).
trfeterl9 ·ldi!I, (TpU1"1)plf), 1, II ll}'°'Cltt Of 1'ri1utcri1111, nnrl B. Trinlcrla ·l•li!!. f. (Tp.·
thru ytdr&, Mart.; 2, a ft~tival, Cic. "".:pi~), Tri1tacria11; Triua.-n:s aloue = .'iicily, lh.
trlfi.riam. adv. (trlf'arl11.i, illrttjold, sc.. trinl ·M ·• (tres). L thn'i' eucla, Plin. IL
part.em), iPL a th1wjoU1. mann~ in thrtt pla«s, thru togetltu (fonnd wiU1 11111.JsL only UllN in
'!'1l thru. sidu: adoriri, munire, Liv. plur. ), trinae httcrae, Cic.: trina c.astnt, Caes.
tritauz -faucis (tres and faux), having tlm:t Trlnobantea -um, 111. a people i 11 the Md oJ
throats, triple-throated; latrutus (Cerberi), Yerg. Britain.
trifor ·fi!ra ·f~rum (ter and fero), bearing -e (trta and nodus), 1lal"i119 thru
jlruit thr~ a year, Plin. knot.~, 0\'.
trifldu ·a ·Utn (ter l\nd findo), 11>lit ill thru trlol>Olus (-H) ·I, m. ('rpu)/Jo>.of), a coLit nl
part1, thrtt-farked; ftau1111a (of light11i11g), Ov. tlW! ml1U of th rt£ oboli, Plaut.
trifilla -e (tres and ftlum). hairi119 thru hairs, TrlooiUa -0rum, n. n: nw11 ntai n frf.lllttt1.• i ..
Mart. Si,·tl !/. Hence, Tri.oci.linua ·a -11111, ttl11ti 11g
trI:611um ·II, n. (tres aud folium), trefoil, to 1"rim:-alll.
Pli11. trlonea -11111, ru. {= tci-ioneR, rrmn wro), tll.
triformla -e (tres and rorma). L tAru· ploughilt11 Dlln: tnm .. r., tltr cm...Ullalio1U "'""'""
fo1,.v.d, having thru /tw'fll.j; Chimaera, Hor.; as tM 1;rtiU Btar af1a l.ittlt &<1r (a.'1 the Mt.;.in1
ilea, JJr.ooU, Ov. IL thr.:s-fol.d: mundus (be· re11cmbleJ the shape or a wnggou anJ the o:re11
cau!l(l composed or air, sea, and earth), Ov. attncheJ t-0 it), \'erg.
trlftlr ·Mrlsl... m. (tcr nnd fur), a · Trlipaa -ae, m. (Tp1otrat}, a 1:l1lf ill TAtJUIGlr,
thief, arcA·tM.-, rl&ut. ftUhn' of A'rylicAthon. Hence, A. Trl6piloa
trl 689
-II m. (Tp&hftot)= E~ OT. B. 'l'IH- trlllolloeau ... -um (~ouior), OOlllGWtlf
pila ·ldla, f. = Jl..tra., davglatft' qf B,.,mthon. tl1W achoenl, Plin.
triorohlll, ace. -chem, f. (T"P'o;>Xif). L a tr18oarrla -Orum, n. (trea and scum), ff'O#
.hmlrd, PUn. D. a kind of cimtavrr, 'pUn. lnt.JooMria, Juv.
trlparoua ·a ·um (ter and ptmus), ~ ~ adv. (tr11tl1). L llldlr, llM'f'OtD/Mllt/,
11lngy, Plaut. fl&OUn\fl&llf; adolescentes gravlus aegrotant,
trlpartito {and gen.) tripertitO, adv. tri11tiua curantur, Cic. IL AarMlr, «Wffir;
(tripartitus), in thrw pam: bona divldere, Cic. tristlua respondere, Cic.
trlpart1tua (and gen.) trlpertitua -a ·UUl trfaU =trivlatl, Y. tero.
(ter and i-.rUor), divided (ftto tAru pan., CAM· trladoiUua -a -um (dim. of tristis),
/ol.d. triple, tripanUe; diY11lo, Cic.
trlpec&Oru • -um (tres and pectua),
toAat '°"'°"'"' ; ft llola, Cle.
tZ'latllYGU8 ·a -um

(triltis and flLcio), mu-

M&11i1tg t1'ru bMUtl, Luer. ittg l!ldnea, Cle. poet.
tripidilia -e (ter and pedalia), of tltw /Id Vlatlminla -ae, t. (tri1U.), md1't111, tllda,...
ia 111ea11"'t; panna, Liv. chol11, Anet. b. Atr.
trlpidan~aa trlpedalla (q.v.). trfatta -e, lad. 1orn1111/ul, ftl01't"Jl/11Z. 'llUltlll.·
trlpen ... "· trlpart .•• L Gen., A. Lit., of person11, tristia et
trlpea ·pldia (ter and pea), Aaring "'"' ftd; conturbatua, Cic.; qnosquum tri1tiorea Yldiuet,
mulna, Liv. Cic. B. Transr., a, ""'· gloolll.11; or the lowu
Trlplljlla -ae, I. (Tpa+vACa), Ile IOUtA parl world, Tart&ra, Verg.; poet., Aa.n.\ of kuU;
o/ Elu in tM PeloponnutU. sncl, Verg.; b, object., t1"01£bi.d, u1iforl1u1atc.
diaa.strou.t; tempora, Cic.; Ira, toith di1a1trow
triplex ·pllcia (trea and pllco). tlru-fold, COJUtql&encu, Hor. ; 801'8, Cle.; triatia ad recor·
tripU. L Adj., aclea, Cael. ; Plato trlplfcem datlonem exempla, Cle. ; neut. subet., triate
llnxlt animurn, Cle.; deae, the thrtt Pamie, Ov.; lupus stabulls, a dUaltro11.1 thing, Verg. ; trlstla
Jlln7cidea, OU tl&ru daugl&Ur1 of MinfCJI, Ov. IL mlscentur laetis, Ov. IL Esp., 1, ot humour,
Sabat., 1, tnpUoea -um, m. (sc. codlrJIH), a gloomy; a., = unfriendly, aurly, 'lll01"NI, Cir.;
writing tablet vmh thru lla'UU, Cle.; 2, triples natura. Cic. ; vult111 trlstior, Cic. ; b, = angrr;
·pUci11, n. = trlplum. tltru timts aa muCA ; peditl dicta, Ov.; 2, harah, atwre, rough; judex, Cle.;
In al~lOll centeni liatl •.. triplex equitl, Liv. trlate et 11everum dicendl genus, Cle.
triDUoo, 1. (triplex), to triple, make th,.,.. trfatltla -ae, t. (tristls). L ltld1wa, l01"1'010-
fold, Pliu. Julnu1, tntlanchol.,,. A. Lit., Cic. B. Transr.,
t:riJ>~ua -a ·Um (T'purAoiif), tit.rte-fold, triple; or things, sermonis, Cle. IL Esp., 1, Ul-
pus, ~IC. humour, moroaenrss, Ov.; 2, «~11. lttr11.UA;
Tripilla ·II, t. {Tpiwo.\tf), th~ 114mt of mrtt"al quod Ille VOi trlatitii vultuque deceperit, Cic.
fow1l8 mrd pl~. L a tr11J11tLlninoU1 districl in trleuloua -a -am (trea and sulcus), three•
Tluso.ZN 1outh of Ute C.ambunuui mountatna. fold, U&rte-poinUd, U&nt·pron~d: lingua lier·
Hence, Tri~tanu ager, the dWna of pentf1, forbli, Verg. ; telum Jovf1, liglt.tning,
Tripolil, Liv. U. a town in 'fhutalia Hutiaeotil. Ov.; lgnea, Hght1dfti1, Ov.
DI. a di1trid of ...4rcadia, nmr T!!lftl. IV. 11 trlqlll.bu ·••Um ( T'pUl'V~). CTfJrlf®{e,
diatrid fa .A/rioo., nCIW' T!:_frali. V. a lown in Varr.
PJaDtnicia., now Trapoli. VL a
VIL a t01un in Phryvfa.
town'" Pontu. Uid.vaa -1, m. (tres and avus). L t7te fa.l1wr
of Ula atavus or atava, Plaut. D. Tran1t.,
TrlptCSlimv.s ·I, m. (Tpurro.\•.uOf), '°"
Celftu, kjng of Eleuail, a11a of Mttanelro, the in-
of nmotf ancutor1, Varr.
tritloiua (tritlcilua) -a -um (tritlcum), of
wntor qf agriculture, a j11dge fa tAe lowtr world; whtal, whttitcn; meul1, Verg.
prov., Triptolemo dare Cruges, to carrr coall to tritlnm-i, n. tolwat; granum triUcl, Cic.
Nt111C!Utle, Ov.
tripiidlo, 1. (tripuillnrn), to beat tht ground TritOD ~nis, m. elnw). L Trito11, t0n. of
toUll. fhc feet, to da1tce: e.g., a 11avage war dance,
Neptune and the nrm Salacia, a ckity of tlul
ata, repruenttd with a 0111 made of a ~Mll, whfcla.
tripudlaut.&! more suo (o! the Spaniards), Liv.; ht blew at tlu bl.dding of Neptune to raiae or
ot an old Roman dance 011 festive and religlnu1 appttJM Uu tmru. IL A. 11 1alct in ,4/, on tlu
occasions, Sen.; hence, trans!., tot in funeribus amallcr Syrti&, acconiing to tradUion tM blrU1·
reipubl1cae e:uultans ac tripudians, dancing for place of att'tral dtitiu, parttcu.larl11 of Pallal.
Srlpiidlum ·II, n. (ter and pes). La rtligillUI Hence, a, Tritinllou -a ·um, = bdoriging to
da11.U; e.g., or the Salian priests, Saliod per Palla.I; arundo, tlu tibia dilootlertd bf Pallal,
urbem ire canentea carmina cum tripudils sol· Ov.; b, TritODla ·ldis, t. TrUonian; subat.,
lemnique saltatu, Liv.; so of a savage war = Pallas, V erg. ; arx = Uta cit11 of PaUaa, AtluM,
dance, cantus (Gallorurn) lneuntium proellum Ov.; pious, tM ...4rgo, bvUt at the oriUr of Palltu,
et ululatus et trij>udla, Liv.; of the wild Bacc41ie Ov.; c, Trit0nlut1 ·a -um, Trltonian; snbst.,
dance, Cat. II. T. L of augury, a favuiirabla Tritonia =Pallets, Verg. B. a lab tn
OIMll whtn tlUI "''--rtd chfrkn11 eat ao frW. tl1at OU u.•ltich /1ad tlu PtJ'Wt1" of cha11pt1tg tllto a bird anr
/uod ftll out of th tir btx1Jc1, Cic. one ~ho batlttd ntrie thnu in it& 'lt'tltera; allO
tripiia -p(Jtlis, m. (rpiirovf), a thru-li!(lgad called TritOnlAca }lftlus, Ov.
lflll, tripod. L Gen., Verg., Hor. IL Esp., trit.or .Oris, m. (tero), a rubber, Plaut.
&At tripod of thl Delphic pritstu.•, Cic., Verg.; tritiirA -ae, r. (tero), a treading out of com,
hence, n1eto11., tlu lJtlphic urack, Ov thrtJhing, Verg.
trlquiirua ·• -um. L thnNor11n'td, tri· 1. tritua ·• -um, p. adj. (from tero). L A.
ng1dar; insula (ofllrit~ln), Cae!I. IL (Bt>cnnse m11cJ& tr0<ulen, mrrch /r-tqumttd, 1, lit., iter,
!Icily from its triangular shape was called Cic.; 2, fig., of discourse, in common we, co""
Triquetra, hence=) Sicilian, f,ucr., Hor mon, tri~ well·kno11m; raciamus hoc pro\'erbium
trlrimla -e (trcs and rcmu!I), luunng three trftius, ~le. B. . practiled ; aures, Cle. D.
M"1cl of oar•, Caea.; 1ubst., t.rlrimla ·ii, t. a ¥0f'll.e01Ct; v11tl1, Hor.
CMl"flMt Caes., Cio. t. tritu ·115, m. (';ero>. ca n&bWng, Clo.

tri 690 Tro
triumphills -e (triumpbu), of or nlaffng trivlua • -um (trivium), ~ Gt tlne
eo " triumph, triumphal; corona, of" triumph· cro..-roada, name of deities who bad chapels at
ing ge11eral, Liv.; proYincl~ tM co~ of tehich cro11S-roads; de&, Prop., or virgo, Lucr., .DiGaa
Ml gaintd 11 triumph, Cac.; port.a, Uit gate or Heoa.U; so ab.sol, Trivia -ae, f., Verg.;
through whic.h the triumphing genn-al entertd lacns Triviae, a lab i1' Lafrum, 'MaT .Aricia,
.Ro1'1il, Cle. ; imagines, btuta of ancutors who 1lad now Lago di Nemi.
&riumphtd, Hor.; triumphalia ornament&, and trllcii.go (trtui.go) -tnia, t. a plant m4ltd
subet., trlumphilla -Ium, n. th,. dtc0ration1 gennandu, Plin.
of a tri11mphl11g ge1uml (corona aurea, toga plcta, TrOia ·Adia, Y. Tro!I..
tunica i•almata, scipio ebnmeus, etc.), Tac.;
aenex, an. old man who had had 11 tr£um~, Liv. tr6chaeWI ·1 1 m. (""po;!(cit~), 1, a lrocltt, a
mdrical foot(.....,), Cic.; 2, = tribrachys (q. v.).
trlumpho, 1. (triumphue). L Intranalt.,
fO triump11., to have a tri101tph. .A. Lit., de trCSchlloua -a -um (-rpoxcaiirck), '1'1daic,
Nnmantiuis, Cic.; ex Macedonia, Cic. B. Quiut.
Transf., 1, to triumph, gain avid-Ory; arnor de tr0ohflW1 ·I, m. (r,,Oxc.\.~), the g~
vate triumphat, Ov.; 2, to triumph,; wren, Plin.
gaudlo, Cic. ; laetslrie in omnium gemitu ct trochlea (troclea) -ae, r. a .cafblod:ltnl.d
triumphas, Cic. IL to triumph ovtr, to oonqw:r pulleys Jar raui11g wrights, Luer.
romp/ellly; pass., ne triumpharetur Mlthriclatcs, trOc.hus -i, m. (-rpox<k), a boy'• IMJop, Hor.
Tac.; triumphati Mt'di, Hor.; aurum tiium·
phatum, captured, Hor. Trocml .(,rum, rn. 011' of the three mai•acoal:s
of the Galati.ans in Aaia. N i11or.
triumphua -1, m., old fol'Ul, trlumpua
-t, m. (ter and pea), lit., a aomnn dmtee (like TrOes. v. Tros.
tripudlum); hence, .A. Lit., 11 tritt.mphal pro- Troesen -zenie, acc. -zena, f. (Tpo<{,P), ""
ct.~ion, a trillmph, granted by the senate to a old town i11 Argolis, ruidentt of Pittlvv.s, gruall·
general and his army after an important victory, frither of T lt.e#tu. Hcnoe, Troesemua -a -um
when the general entered Rome in a car drawn by (Tpo~>j.,1os), Troen11ian; ht'ro>1, ulu, .,.. of
white horse!!, clothed in a t-Gga picta and tnni<'a PUtMu.&.
p&lmata, with a crown or liturel on bis head, TroglOdYtae ·!rum. m. {TP<o>YA.o&.m..), aare-
preceded l•y waggons C'.arrying captives and dt11tllsrs, naml! of tM old iuoobdunt..< of UN ...,
booty, and followed by the soldiers shouting" Io cocut ofUie ..drabia.1l <Al.Ii" .&uh.wp~
trlumphe !" and singin~ jocular songs; alicui Trol~des. v. Tros.
trhunphum decernere, C1c.; triumph um tertium
deportare, Cic.; triumpbuan, to triumph, Troious. ,._ Tros.
with genit. or de or ex and abl. or persons or TrODWI (-Os) ·l. m. (Tpo.j<Ao(), '°"
ol PricAt,
country over which the· triumph was held, taun pri.soMT before Troy, and strangled by ankr
Bojorum, Liv.; ex Aequie, Liv.; Pharsalicae of ..dchi.Uu.
pugnae, Cic.; de Llguribus, Liv. B. Transf., Troja. Trojanua, v. Troa..
triumph, viclorv; ut repulsam auam triumvhum Troj6.gena -ae. c. (Trnja _and ¢gno). 00.-a
suum duxerint, Cic. in Troy, 'l'rojan. SubBt., TroJiig4Sna -ae, m.
triumvir -vfri m. (trea and vir), 11 triumvir; a Trojan. Plnr.= the Trojn1U U~.. uit. Trojt1gin-
plur., trlumvlri (J;; tzesvlri, written IIL viri). tu11), Verg., and =Ul.4 .Romana (dencended f1001
L coloniae deducendae, or ~ro dando, or agro Aeneas), Juv.
divlde11do, or agris di\'idend111, or agro R&Sigu-
ando (or agrarii), commwion.ers for Uie ion Tromentina trlbua, one of the tribua rua-
of a colonia and the division of larid amongst Uie ticae.
colonisU; quum triumvir coloniam deduxieiiet, tropaeum. ·I, U. (TpOll"O.tOto), 4 frop}tJ, G
Cic. IL triu111viri capltales or carceris lautu· monum~nt of 'llf.dorJ/, originally co11sisting of
mlarum, of prisom, U1ho also arma taken from the enemy hung on the stem
looked aJltr Uie t%1'CUlion of pu.n.uh.ments 11rut of a tree. I . .A. Lit., tropneum stat.nere or
tMtcked over the public f>Mll Cle. IIL trium- ponere, to errct, Cic. B. )kton. = Ou ri<tory;
virl epulonc11, v. epulonee. IV. triu111viri men- ::$ah11ni11ium, Cic. IL Fig.= Cl memorial; Decl!Jloo
situdinis atque hospitii, CiC'.
aarii, comm:lsaWM:rsfor Ul4 regulation of p<tymtnts
from the~. Liv. V. trlumviri monetales tropaeua -a -um (Tf)011'ci<~). turnit19 beet;
(auro, a.rgento, aerl ftando, feriuudo), tM masU'/'a venti, b/o1Ltitl.fl from. the sea to the land, Plln.
of the mint, Cle. VL trium\1ri (tresviri) rei- Trophonlua -n. m. (T!>O'I>"'"'~). L brolltT
publicae constituendae, Antonius, Lepidus, of .Agamt~iu, with. wlw1n ht built the JJdjU
Oct&vianu!liwho joi1ud together to aettle Uie state, oracle. II. a deit11 who gave prophetic aiui«n
Suet. VI CQmmilsionua for raising recruit•, to those who 1lept in hi.! rai:e (11ear Lel>&di&, in
Liv. VIII. triumviri sacris conqulrendis Boeotia). Hence, TrCSphon.lanua -a -wn, of
donisqne persignandis, oommisrionerar/C: making or ~lo11g£n.g to Tropho11i1u.
o• inventory of rotiw gV'ls. Liv. commit-
liornin for npa.trlng or rtbuildin.g Um.plu, Liv. tropta -la, f. (Tpo1nd, tJui l«I f/f -...
X. magiltratu in. Uie mnnlclpia, Cle. Mart.
trlum.vlr&lia -e (triumvir), of or relating to trOpu• -_11 m. frpo~). • t11etapi\or, mp..
ftgure of spetm, Quint.
a triumvir; ttagella (or the trlumviri capitaltl8),
Hor. TrO., Troia, m. (T~(). '°" of EricAtA.owiu,
triumTiri.tue -Ill, m. (ta1umvlr). Uie ojfta kin.g o/ Phyrygia, afttr ~ Tror w.v.. .a.-t.
"1 a. triumvir: in trumvtratu (SC. agrarict), Cic. Hence, TroJa or Troia -ae, t (Tpoie.), t1u io-
of Trov: 1, 1it., Liv., Verg.; 2, tranaf., a. tAI
tririniflca -ae, r. ( and veneftca), an totL"!l built by Aentar fo, tM Lt:iurmtil'lt rotndl"J'.
orch-poiaoner or aorccrua, l'la11t. Liv.; b, the town built by HtlA'IU '" Epiru. OY.;
Trivia,, v. trivius. c, 11 Roman garnt pla11ed. °" ltorfelxtck, \'erg.
trlvW!a -e (trivium).
lrlvfal; carmen, Juv.
co."'°"' ordinarv, Hence, .A. Trolua -a -um, TroJa"- B. Tri-
ji.D.WI -a -um..! Trojan: jnctex, I.e., Ptu'U, Hor.;
trivium -U, n. (ter and via), a plaot prov., equue Trojanus, a hi.ddm daJt9tr, Cic. C.
Aru roods 1Md, Cle. ; meto11., a" ope" street, Trolous ·• -um, 1'rojafl&.. D. Tro.. Troia, m.
l*blk place, Cio. ci Trojal' ; plur., TrO. -um., m. &M TroWPl.S.
Tro 591 tue
JC. Trila ·111011, adj. fem., Troja"; HUhat., a triitlnor, 1. de1•. (t.rutina}, t.o -igA,. Pers.
Trojan. worna11, VcoJ. .... TroULdea ·um, f. trux. trilcis (connected with tor·v1111), rmcgll,
Troja11. wonut&. Mtm~, tftr~. /trocwu.•, grim. L or look, oculi,
Troamia, Bt.:C. ·111i11, f. a to1ni in ,\lntsia, Qv. Cic. tt. Tm11l4f., 1, or tour_,., 111ild, ro1'9A.;
troeaflll ·f•rum, m. (perhaps an cant1U1, Ov. ; clai111icum, Hor.; ~. rmigh.; a,
word for cquite!I). La na11u gi1•t1~ to tlu I'..011la1' eurus, Ov.; pelagus. Hor.; b, hor1h, viok.U:
btights i" 11clirt suvi~, \'arr. IL Traw1r., /ops, orator, Liv.; llt'ntentia, Liv.; 3, or character OI'
to.llOrnbs, dmulits, Sen. manner, wild, farfo1u, threa.U1&ing; tribuntl.I
plehis, Cle.
troxalllll -lcli:t, r. (rpota.>.>.i~), an animal rt· trybllum ·II, n. (rpvlJA.o.. ), a disk, Plaut.
ln1Wli1tg a flrH~<lwp1 ~r, Plin.
trtioid.i.tlo ...;ui•, r. (truritlo). I. a slaughkr·
trfgfnon -1, n. (,.p.;y.".,), a black pi.gmtt&t
made jro1n wi nt·lus, Plin.
ing, ma.uucrt: civium, Cic.; llVll vugna MCJ
t.cuci<l:i.tio nlnt pecorum, Li\·. IL 11 cutting trY•OD ·Olli.1, Ill. (Tpll°)'W ..), a J.M. the llillg·
oI, cutting to piuu, Plin. ruy, l'fin.
t.rii.oido1 1. to cut to pitcu, llriughtu, mas· tU. pron. perw. (geuit. tili, dftt. Ubl, acc. te,
ltJCTC. L A. Lit., cives Romanos, Cic. B. alol. te ; plur. 110111., vos; gealt., \'estrum or
Transf., a, to chtw; scu pillcc~ •. seu porru111, seu \'ostru111 and v~~tri or wn1trl, dat. vubi~. acc.
repe. Hor.; b, 1ioet. =ta tziuiguUh.; l;;ne111, \"OH, nbl. \'obis), thou; pl11r., you. L Gen., Cic.;
Luer. IL Fig., 1, to dvnoli&h. (in wordR); a :itrengthened, a, by te, tulAI, Ck.; b, in otJlique
Servilio trucidatu!I, Cir~; 2, to rui1&, dutroy; <'.a.<1P.!I hy 111et-, vosmet, Liv. IL E1111 .• A. Ul!ed
ue fenore truci<lctur, t.:ic. in the ethic dat., ccee tilii exort11:1 e"t bocratell,
Cic. B. Oft.en with .1ing11lar collective narnee,
triioiUenter, adv. (truculentus), fitrccl'/I, vo", Uornanus exercitus, Liv.; vOll, o Calliove
ftrocio1uly; quod truculentius se ferebu.t quam (= llu11es), \'erg.
caet.eri, Cic.
tritciUentl& ·&e, r. (tn1culentm1), 1, rvuqh-
tlittm. ad\•, (tuns), fa thine 0101' way, aftt:r
thillt ow" Jcl.Sliio1l, Plaut.
MSS, lllt111gmus, ferocity, Plaut. ; 2, 11u"tl'ily of, Tac. tuba -ae, r. (connecteJ with tubu.s), th4
struiylct u:ar·tru111pel of IM /l.oma1u, 1Utd for
triiciilentua -a -um (tn1x), rough, ferocioru, uit•i 119111ilitnry 1i.g1wls. LA. Lit., tubae ROnua,
aavage, cn1el. L A. Lit., Cic. B. 'fraui;f., of Cuc~. ; eornua ac tubae, Liv.; tuba 11ignu1u
the voice, 'Wild, Tac. II. Fig., A. Or character <la11Jum, Cac11.; usc<l aho In religious fe11tivitles,
or beha,·iour, u11fru11dly, wild, angry. furiou.1; t!lllif'S, f11ueral pro1·c11<;i•lll!1, Hor., Verg., Ov.
feti truculentior ursa. Ov. B. Tm11:;f., of the B. Fig.= provol;cr; helli cinlis tubam qua1u
aea, wild, di.tturbul, Cat. illi appcllaut, <Ji<:. IL ltlet-On., A. war, Mart.
trddJa ·ill, r. a a/WT]) stal:e, Yer~. B. iv.ft y cpir. J~ltf ry, ~lart.
triido, triisl, ti·ilsum, S. to p111h, .•hor,,, 71rts11. l. tiiber -l!ri", 11. (tumeo), a s111elling, pro-
L Lit., A. Gen., apro:i in plai;as, Hor. B. EsJ1., tulxran~. hump. I. a, lit., canreli, Plin.; b,
to pU3h forth., to put forth buds; ~~lllllUlll, \"eri.:.
D. Fig.,
fig., grw.l 11li.•taku(opp. verrucae, liUU
t-0 ~.urge, for~; aJ mortem, /ilu1ulus). Hor. IL Transf., 1, a knot in 1COOd,
Cic. ; truditur dies die, oiu clay pre;1.;!S l1ecrd on Plin.; 2, a ro11111.l, su-.ilii1ig root, Plin.; 3, a
an.othtr, Hor. tr11Jftt, )Jart.; 4, tubf>r terrae; a, the root of tM
Trientum -1, n. a tow1l in Picm11m. Hence, c11cl11n1t1l, .Plin.; b, molehlll, all a term or abu:te,
TrUeutinua -a -um, Truenli1u; Ca:itrum = Pt!tr.
Truentum, ap. Cic. 2. tuber -eri>i, a, m. a kind of apple-tree, '
trulla ·&e, r. (= truella, dim. or trua, a ladle). Pliu.; b, r. the fruit of thu tru, Mart.
L a ladle for tram/erring wine fro11l tM bowl to tiiberciUum ·i, n. (dim. or 1. tuber), a lUtZ.
tAt cvp, Cie. IL Transf., 1, u pcm for carryin.g .-u:cllin{l, boil, tubercle, Plin.
lii:e coal.I, Liv.; 2, a uxuhing·bui;i1l, Ju\'. -a -um (tuber), fe.U of '1Dtlli1'p
trulleum -1, n. and trulleua -1, m. a lxuin, or protubua11cu, Yarr.
toa.shing-basirt, Varr. tubicen -lnis, m. (tuba and cano), a t"'m-
t.runoo. 1. (truncus), to 11.orten by mUing o§, ptter, Li,·.
111aim, 1nutilu.U; simu!acra, stHtuas, Liv. tublluatrlum -11, n. (tuba and lwitrum), a
1. trunoua -1, m. tht item or trunk of a tru. ftust of trumptl.t h.dd !tarcA 23rd and Ma'I/ 23rd,
L Lit., meton. aud fig. A. Lit. aud meton., vlur., Ov.
1, 11t., Cic., Caea.; trunci indnti hostllibus tiibiUatus -a -um (tubulus), tubular, PUn.
armi.8, i.e., tropaea, Verg.; 2, met-On.= tM trtt, tiibiUua -i, m. (dim. of tubua), a liUle pipe.
Hor. B. Fig., tM 1um, the main part; ipso
t.runco (aegritudinis) everso, Cle. IL Trani1r., tiiburclnabundua -a -um {tuburclnor),
ll the trunk of tht h-uman body, Cle.; 2,as a term ea.ti1ig gru.dily, gobbling, Cat-0.
o reproach, blockh.tad, Cic. tiiburclnor, 1. dcp. to eat grudily, to gol>ble,
2. trunoua -a -nm maimed, mutilated, cut Plaut.
ilwrt, d~bertd. L Lit., corpus, Liv. ; tiibua ·i, m. a pipe, tube, troter-pi~, Plln.
truneae inhonesto vulnere narcs, Verg.; frons tuooetum (not to.cetum) .1, o. a killd o/
(Aeheloi amnis), dtprived of its horns, Ov.; tela, so.uwge coininon in Cisalpint Gaul, Pers.
brokcl. or, Verg. ; with genit. animalia trunca =
tiidlto, I. (intenH. of tudo tundo), t-0 ltrfke
peclum, wilhcut feet, Verg. IL Transl., urbs violently, strike ofte11., Luer.
trunca, sine senatu, etc., Liv.
tiieo, 2. = tueor (q.v.).
trUs&UU. -e(truso). o/or relating to pushing; tiieor ttiltus and tO.tus sum, tiler!, 2. dep. to
mola, a handmill, Cato. look at, btholc 1, rtg<lrd, IJU. I. Lit., naturam,
t.riiao, 1. (intens. of trudo). to push. violtntl11, Cic.; poet. with neut. plur. ofatlj. U'led adverb-
Cat. ially, acerba, to look wild, Yerg. IL Fi~., A.
triitlna -ae, (rpll't'civt,), a balan«, pair of to regard; quod ego perlnde tuebar, ac s1 usua
«alu; in fig., ad ea probanda, quae non auritlcis essem, Cic. B. to look at with care or j()T" Ilic
stater!, sed quldam popular! trutln4 examin- purpo!t nf 1•ro 1er:tio11; 1, to, prot«t, guard,
4tur, Cic. •UJ•;oart ; coucurdlam, Cle. ; d1gnitatem auaru.
tug 692 tun
ao.; 1ienonam princlrfs clvis facile dlcendo, titmor -&ia, m. (tumeo). a .-Ui.,, Inlow.
Cic.; 2, esp., a, to defe11d, prrM<:I (with anna); L Lit., ocitlorum, Cic. n Tranar., l_, a .ma.
ftuea suos ab excurslonibns, Cic.; turrim milit- i"!l, commotion, ucitnnt'11t of the tni1j(L; animl.
ll>us complevit tne11da111que ad omnes repent· Cle.; esp., a,; tumor et ira deCuu, \"erg.;
fn(lll casua tradldit, C&P.s.; b with words, etc., b, pride; lntempeatlvos co111pe11ce tu111orea, Ov.;
armh1 prudentiati cauua tue1! et. deremlere, Cic.; c, /trTMnt, commotion; rerum, Cic. ; 2, or dil-
C, t. t. or hualneSI, tobtpa houu in good repair; coul'se,, Quint.
urta tect.a ae<liu111 tuerl, Cic. ; d, to kup, 1t11.p- tiimillo, 1. (tUmulus), to corer IUUA a. ........
port, maintuin; se, corpusque, Cic.; to burr, Ov.
1e ac suos, Liv.; sex legio111Js (re sua), Cic.
timlilloaua .. -um (tumulus),Jitll q/moaada,
tiigiirlum ·II, n. (for tegurinm, front t<'go), a hWy, Sall.
pta«tul's hut, couage; tugurium ut jam vtdeatur ti1multuanus -a .nm (tumultas). L 1w.ml1
ease ilia villa, Cic. brovglli together, ruddmly ln-Ud; miles, Liv.
tilltt:o ·flnla, r. (tueor), a prottding, f'TUerll· IL Tran,.f., Uw.I tril1ich i• done ;" c hVTTJ or oa
{ng; 1mi, Cic. tM 11p11r of tM mommt, BtJ(lckn, 'ltasl.11, dUordulr:
Tulllola ·:Le, r. (•lim. or Tullla), eht pd M7M pugna (opp. just.a), Liv.; opus, Quint.; dux,
qf Tullia, Cii:uo'a dall!!liter. clw«n. 02' the lf111AT o/ C/!A 1aO'llU1U, Li V'. i t:Mtca,
Tulllus -ll -um, tM name ofa Roman fatnil~; Liv. tiimultlido .On is, r. (tumultuor), (l ~
!1 Serviu11 Tullius, thll &ixlh. k~11g of &; 2, a, "°11.,, tumuU, Lh".
A'l. 'l'ullius Cicero, tliA c;,lebraua orator
and 1talaman; b, II.ii du.UfJhtU, Tullia.; c, lii.s tflmultiior, 1. dep. and tiimultiio, 1.
l>rotMr, Qu. Tullius Cice10. Bene..-, Tulll- (tumu!t1u1), to be tumultuov1, rotifu.;el, in all wp-
i.Du -a ·um, 1'ullian; 1111.Jst., TulllAnum praeter roar, Cic.; JJUS. lm1oeni., in t..Ulria Ron1&noruua
·i, n. Ille unduground part of a lwnwn rtuu cousuetutlinem tun1ultuari, Caes.
pr\lo1L, aaid to hat~ OOm. buW by Serviu.r 1'uU&iu. tiimultuolli. adv. (tnmultnosus), co"/wMdl.J.
tiUo, tt111 and tl!t\\li, s. to bear, bring, Plo.ut. tumttltuoualy; tum11ltuose exC"f'pta Pat (ra) cla·
mnrilms, Li\•,; seuatns tumultuosius consulitur,
tum. Rt!V. or time. L Expressing n point or Liv.; ut bomlnem quam tumultuosiasime adori·
tlmu which ~uindde11 wit.h iso111e ?.ther, ~en .• antur, Cic.
c.\c1', at that tu11t; qnum ••• tum, C1c.; ub1 •••
tum, Ter.; postquam ••• tum, Sall.; made em· tiimultti.iaua -a-um (tumnltus). L nlanM<I,
<lul]Uidrd, turln11.tnt, tumult1w1u; Ct)ntio, l'ie.;
p~1atlc l>y th~ adJ1tio11 of ~e111uul,. L!v., den.ique.
C1c., wro, C1c.; absnl., C1c. l.1. J.:xp1't!s111ng a \'it&, Cic. ; mare, Hor. ; q UOll tumultuo.~i,.~i­
point or ti111e whi<-h Is s11bseque11t to aouie murn pugnne erat parumper su.stinuit, Liv.
other, thtn, thereupo1i; 1, lit., in ripa a111bul· IL Ctllllli11g alarni or cmt)u.1."ion; nuutius, Li\,;
antes, t•1111 autem re11idente:>, Cic.; intrn<lucing In otio tntuultuoal, rutlua, Liv.
the worJa of a subsequent a~aker, tum &ipiu, ti1multus -!ls, m. (tumeo), a 11oi«, tmifvrwrl,
Cle:•.: 2, trausf., a, in uu111eral or logical suc- uproar, bustle, lu1nult. L Llt., l, tan tum 111111111·
ce11S1011, thrn, afltru:nrd1, i11 tM ne.rl plClCil; gi;;ni tum i11jicere c:hitati, Cic.; tu111ultuur pr,i.,,l,..l'l!,
aul.4!111 ten alll, aquaru, ic;uem, tum ex his 011111ia, Liv. ; 11t"<lare, Liv. ; 2, esp., a, tht nt<ldt11. bM?l.ittg
Cle. ; primum ••• tu111, Cut's. ; prirnu111 ••• wt ofw111., i1i.~urnctio11, rcbeUi<lfl; ltalicu,., Lie.;
delnde ••. tum ••• tu111, Cic.; b, as a con·el. Gallicus Ci<'., Liv.; tumullu1111le<"el1lt'rl", '" !Jni,r
conj., (a) tum ••• tutu, at one time ••• at om: a luy tll 11vtsat, Cic.. ; b, in the air, cru..A., tl'.ar,
tiTM, Cic. ; (JJ) quum ••• tum, if • •• _th1m, tlttrndu, 1lvr111; .luppiter ruens tu11111lt.u, Hor.;
11Lrely; as 1nll .•. a"; both. ••• a1.d uptt:v.i.Lly; c, nrnwling in. tht f,O<Jy, Hor. IL 1-'ig., ,,,rntiil
net only ••• but also, <:ic., Caes. llist11rl1anu, C0111motion, t;i;dtem.tnl; nJenti!!, lJ.,r.
_tumifi.clo ·fcci ·factum, 8., pHss., t'iimi- tilmiUue ·I, n1. (tumeo), a mnund &/ tartll,
f10 ·foetus s11111 ·fleri (tumeo a111l facio}, to cawe hill. L G•·n., tmu11li silvt>stres, Cic. IL t:•1,,
to au·tll. I. Lit., hu111u111, O\'.; tumcfactus Cl mo11nd of tarlh 111 n mtnu1mt11t Jar t11' <lt.acl;, .ncol~"• Ov. IL Fig., to 1ru.ff 11p 1oith t11111ul11s Achillls, <:ic.; i111mill, a cnwlaph, Cie.
pride, l'rcp. tune. 11<1\·., dennting a })'•int of time ,...hlch
tiim6o, 2. to 11Ctll, be awolltn, be 1111jftd up. corre11p(l!llh1 I\ ilh nnot her. L Gen., thn..; tune
L Lit., corpus omnc venenu, Ov.; w1e tu111e11t • •• qu11111, Cic. IL Esp., a ftxed point of pas'
t"ri'k, Ve~. IL Fig., 1., to 1t1Jtll, ylow, boil time, at tlu1t, thf"'/I., ~ic.
'Willi. 7l(l&.tion. or txci.ttmtrct; a, with. anger;, ti\tiidi, tunsum and tfisum, a. to bfGt,
sapienti:1 a11imus 111m•1111t111 tumet, Ci.,.; b, u-llll strike "',dty. L Lit., A. Gt'n., couveno
pride; la11ll1s ruuore, liur.; c, to be in a ferment; bacillo alicul oculos vebeiuent.ia&hne, Cic.; )'e{'"
turucut 11ego1ia, are in disonfrr, Cic.; 2, of dii>· tora ma1111, Ov.; tunsae Jl<'<'tora (acc. or resr«t)
co11r<1c 1 lo tie p.11111101u, t1111ii..l, T.ic. pahuis, Verg. ; i•rov., tuntlero eaudem incude1u,
tiimesco, ttim\\i, 3. (i11choat. or tnmeo), to tu be a/unys trtuti11g of t/c.e sa.u in1hjtd, Cic. B.
begtn tu swdl, to su:ell. I. Lit., t11111r:;cit m:1re, E:>p. to breaJ.; to 1riecu i" a mort11r, l'lin. IL
Very;. II. Fig., a., to swell with anger; ura Transf., to dt1lfw, imp!lrtu111; :iUre!<, Plant. i
tum~scunt, Ov.; b, poet., transr., to btgin to o.ssiduis hincatque illinc vociuus heros tunditar,
brt<lk out; tume5cuut uella, \"erg.
tumide, adv. (tu111idus), po111.pou&ly, bom- Propria, Tunes ·DHls, 111. a t010R on. the ooa.d of ,.frd
ba>ttoolly, Seu. uow 1'1111i.1.
tdmldus -a -um (tumeo). I. 111villtn, 'JYllffed LiilticA. Tungrl ·Ormu, 111. a Gtrman pe;opl• '" 'fflOdtrll.
\Ip, tumid. A. Lit., 11w111br11111, Cic.; 111a1e,
\"erg. B. Tm11sf., 1, e., 1<11·0/lrn, b•1i/i11g, raging tii.nlca -ne, r. I. th11 ~1uln' ~ 'll!'()r!I fir
Witl• pn~i•JI\ or t..r<.·it<11u."t; t11111iclae:'t ira tum boih 11&iM a11d wo11u-~, a tu"ie, Cic. IL Trans~
col' rcsiol11nt, Verg .. b, swolle11, rmffed upwil/1 ri 11kin, 00<1.ti11[1, corrri11y, pe;i; 6.-em1uae tell Ile&
priJ•: t111111dus i;uccessu, 0\',, q11u111 t111niuum runq11111t. tunh:as, 'ie~.
est (cor), T"'ffrrl 11p u·it/1 ui11/1itio11, H11r,; 2, of'.ci.tus ·a -um (tunica), clutW ia at~
cliscours1•, 1"Jlllf'<'1U, tumi1l, bo1111.H11Jtic, seru1011Ps, Cic.; esp.• 01· the poorer clallliea, •·110 wore on.IT
Hor.; ser11w tumidior, Liv. IL Act.= C<.tusirig a tuuic (without a t<tga over it). tunicatal
lo nH:ll; am1ter, Verg.; tJuri, Ov.; fig., honor, populns, 'ra.c., or popellua. Hor. Bui.t. plur.•
maki1111 t•uin, Prop. tuuicati, Cic.
tun 693 Tur
tlnletila (tilnlola) -ae, '· (rllm. or tunlca). 2. turbo -Tnfs, m. L anyt1ling that tilru
LA little tuitic, Ci<'. IL Transr., a lUtZ. mem- rounrJ in a circl1, an eddy. A. or the wind, 11
braiu; oculorum, Plin. whirlwind, hurrw1M: I, lit., a., Cic.; b, tM
tiior = tueor (q.v.). eddy 11111d~ 1111 a whirlwind, Verg.; 2, Ilg., storm;
in turblnibut1 reipublicae, Cic.; mentis turloine
tiirarlus -& -um (tus), qf or reloting to fn- 11gar, Ov. ; tu procella patriaeJ... turbo ae ten.1-
«~. Pli11. pcstas pacis nt4ue otii, Cic. .11. a top, a plo•1·
turba -~. r. (nipfJ.,,). I. t'!te tum11lt, 1'proar, thi11{1 for bo!I·'; 1, lit., Cil'".; 2, tram~r., en ob·
di&turf>.inu, eommotiOn ca11S1Cd b11a crou·d of ptnplt; jtcl of the slv1P'- nf a top; turbi11e crescit (lmrina)
qua11ta in turba \·lvere1111u1, Ck. ; maxima" in Hh imo~ in a ciTC1tlar fnrm, Ov.; c~p .. a, a rul,
ca.stri:1 elfecil!Se turba." dicitur, Cic. IL Meton., Hor. ; o a 1pindlt, Cat. IL motinn in the
a d.~l.I/ cro1cd, htnp, 1warm.; I, a., aliqut·m of a11 ttily; of smoke, Veil(. ; circ11lor CF1uru o/
videre In turLa, Cic.; b, eAp. = vulg11s (con- a mi$Si{e; celeri ad terram turbine fertur, Verg.;
temptuously), thl! mob; admimt'o rnlgi at'luc Ng., non modo mllitiae turbine factus equee,
t11rbae, Cic.; 2, of deltie11, a11lma\11, 11n•l thing,., by gofog Um.11lg'h thl! differe1&t grude.9, Ov.
Chrysippus magnam congregat tur!Jam i,1.:not· turbillente and turbillenter, adv. wW1
orum deorum, Cic. ; rerum, Yv. oompar. and super!. (turbulentus), turb11ltnlly,
turbamentum ·f, n. (turbo), ci IMlll.t qf tumultuously: nos nihil turbulenter. oihil temere
di.rtarbana, Tac. faciamus, Cic.; egitde Caepione turbulcnti11s,Cic.
turb&t9. adv. (turb:itns),; agun- turbiUentus -a -um (turbi1), rtstle•s, atcrmy,
tnr omnia rapt11n atqne tur1111.te, Cac11. bciiMerotU. L Lit.,, Cic. ; concursio,
turbatlo -iinis, r. (1. tnrbo), di.-iturbance, di•· Cie. ~L Fi~., A. ~ass. =~my, di"'!.urf),ti;
i>rdu, oon/'IUtun, Liv. respubllca, C1c.; annnus, C1c. B. f 1g., a,
turb&tor -iiri11, m. (1. turbo), ca duturber, tx1using diaturbanct, rutlul; cl vis, Cic. ; b, c:io.
stirrer-up, troublu; plehis, Liv. {wing: errores, Cle.
turbatus -a -um, p. a<lj. (from I. turbo). L ·turd.a, v. tnnlns.
dist11rbed, f"rlurhed, disnrdtrtd:, Liv. IL turdi.rlum. -11, n. (turdus), ca pltWJ whtre
Tnmsr., a, diaJJl'ieted, rutltss, trnubl,.,d; Tolun- thru.sht.I an kqit, Varr.
tates p<1pull, Cic. ; b, aw;ered, uaspercmd; Turdetanl -orum, m. ci piople in Hi.$pania.
Pallas, Verg. Ba~tica, mar modern SevilU.. Henc<', Turde-
turbellae -ltrnm, f. (dim. or turba), tu1nult, tanla -ae, r. tht ccu11try of the Turckluni.
di.Jorda, coiifusiml., Plaut. Turdiili -Orom, m. " fltOPll Cn Jlupania
turben -In is, n. (2. turbo), ci whirlwind, Cat. Badie.a. Hmcc, Turdillus-a -om, Turdulian.
tur'bld9. adv. (turbidus), ron/uudlg, in dil· turdWI -1. m. and turda -ae, t. L a thnuh,
order, Cic. Hor. 11. a kind of jilh, Plin.
turbld118 -a -um (t.urba), conf11.~d, <fisor- tiire1111 -a -um (tus), oforrela.ting to 'nanu;
derttt, unquiet, 'ICild. L Lit., a., of>r, dona, Vt'rg.
tempeiita.A, CiC.; b, or water, tu»bid, trcrub/erl; turgeo, 2. L to WJtll up, be swollt'll; rrumenta
~'lua, Cic.; C.1 of hair, disorikrtd; co"ma, Ov. turgent, Verg. IL Fig., or discourse, tn be
IL Transf., .i, tnelltlllly disturbed, disorilerett, pompou.s, turyid; profe~11s granrlin turi;et, Hor.
tliaquitUd; .Aru1111, Yerg.; pectora turliidiora turgeeoo (inchoat. nf turgeo), S. to begi11
maci, Ov.; turbiclum laetari, with oonfug,d, fw.r, to ~well, 1well up. L Lit., se111t"n turg.e<1clt .in
Hor.; 2, excited, ffhenunt, angry: a, of per- a~rn!f, Ov. IL Trnnsr., to au·ell, be uc1led u:Uh
1Mns, llit! turbiclus inflt, \'erg.; b, Of thi11gs, T1<.•ssiml.; sapientis a11imus nunquam turgescit,, ngitatut; res, Cic. Subst., turbldum Ci<'~
·i, 11. a tT01&bltd timt, disquut; in tnrbi<lo, Liv.;
~i t11rbicliora sapient~r ferebas, trarnptilliora
.turgidiilua -a -nm (dim. of turgiclus),
v:hllt swollm; flewlo turgitlnli occlli, Cat.
bete rem.-., Cic.; 3, causilig di&t11rbt1nai; homo,
milite>1, Tac. turgidua -a ·nm (t11rgco), S100llen, turgid.
L Lit., mcmbrum, Cic. IL Fig., turgid, :.oi11-
turblni.tlo -Oni!!, f. (turbinatus), a pointing bastic; Alpi11ua (a poet), Hor.
in the for11i of a cone, Plin. Tiirla -ae, f. a ri1•a- in H~nia Tarrnron-
turblnatua ·a -um (2. turbo), coi~·shaped, tnsi6, now G11ad<ilmriar. lleuce, Tiirlensl8 -e,
to11i•~tl, Plin. Tur inn: proelium (in tl1e 8ertorian war), Oic.
turblneua -a -uru (2. turto), .Jiaped like a tilrlbiUum. ·1, n. (tus), " censer for lfw, 7. in g
fop, Ov. i11ce1w'. Cic.
J. turbo, I. (tnrba), to di.iturb, thr1Jw into di.s-
ordt:r or ro1if1ui<m. ·L Lit., A. Gen., mare, turicremua ·A -nm (tus and cremo), bum-
ae<r1ora, Cic.; transr., with Gr. acc., turbatns ing 1l'ith. in.::enu; arae, \"erg.
capillo", with dW>rdtrtd 11.-«ir, Ov. B. Etqi., a, tUrller -rl!ra -fl!rum (tus and rero), prod11c£ng
tobriWJ a maa of men. intodilorder, to throw illfo incense; Indus, Ov.
dt"°rd~..,.: esp•• mllit, t. t., 01«linee, aciem pe•litu111, tiirllogua -a -um (tus and lego), collecting i•
Liv.; ahRol. =to caiue disurder: feme lta rnunt cense, Ov.
atqne tnrbant ut, etc., Cic. ; rnilit. t. t. (eq11ite11) turma -ae, f. (<'onnected with turoo). J. a
m0tli<'e primo impetu turbavere, Liv.; b, to troop ofcm:alry ccnlltininu thirty men, the fwth.
traKble ic..r.ler, etc., ma1C6 turbvl; pedibus rnanl· part oj an ala, a tquadro11, Cic. IL Tmmf., a
busque lacus, Ov. IL Trausr., to briug into troop, thro11g; in tnrrna l11nu111.taru111 equestnum
confu.sii:m, to disturb. A. Gen., contiones, Liv.; (sc. statnarum), Cic.; Gallica (of the }'rie11ts or
du!!wtnm atque ordinem, Cic.; ne quid Ille lsi~), Ov.
turbet, ~ M ~. Liv. B. Esp., 1, to brfog 01U:"1
afrdrt into eonjurlon, become banl,:rupt, Juv.; 2, tnrmi.Ua -e (tunoa), o/ or re7tzting to 4
to make rutlus, disturb, alarm, roiifuu; 111e11tem tro(Jp or St/uadron. S11b11t., turm&lea -Iuir,
dolore, Verg.; 3, to rouse a political di8l11rl11rn«, m. the tM•& of a 1quadron, Liv.
to un.~Ul,,, stir up: Macer in Africa baud dubie turmatlm. adv. {turma), troop by troop, in
tu1bans, Tac.; hnpers., sl in Hispania turhatum lroop1, Caes., 8:111.
easet, Cic. (archaic rut. perr. pau., turbassitur, Tnrnua ·f, Cl.. king of tlul Rtduli, killed bv
ap. Cle.). .Ae11aLS.
Tur Tyb
Ti1rOne9 -um, m. aud ~DI -6rum, m. now Fraaoall. He11ee, A. Taactll~ .. -11111,
a peoph in Gatlia L11!1dune111i1, Mar modern Tuaculan. B. Tlucill&Jl- -a -um, T111n;-
To"rs. lan; plur. Au~t., TuaciUADI -orum, ui. &M
turpfciUU ·a ·Um (dim. of turpis), IOllU· i:1hal>ita11t~ u/ T11.in1l11m. TullcriUii.Dv.m -1, n.
what ugly or rVfonrwl.. L Lit.., nnsus, Cat. IL (sc. n111 or pr.u:diuu1), "'' tato.U of Cillni1 _,.
•·1g., rc11 turpiculae rt qua."i deforruell, Cic. 1"U$CU/um.
turplfloatUS -a ·Um (turpil and (acio), wiad,, '11..Ui.go ·lnia, r. the plau ooltefoot, Plin..
foul, cvrruEtW.; animus, Cic. tuulo, 4. (tu1111h1), lo have a oowgk, to;
turpllilorioiipldua -a ·um(= turpla lucrl male, Hor.
cu11idus) == a.iCTXPo'"pa~~, grwl11 <V"-r ba&e gain, tusala -1!1, acc. ·im, r. a <:'>"!Jh, \'erg.
Plaut. tlitamea -luis, 11. (tutor), a def1rna, pro4te·
turpla -e, ugl11, fvu.l, tuuighllv, fl/thJI. L tio11, \"crK.
Lit., aspt'ct1111, Cic. ; turpia me111bra ftmo, tuti.mentum ·i, n. (tutc>r), d'f~ncc, pnAtc·
Veri;. ; {W's, Hor. IL Fig., In a moral 11eni1I', ti.mi, Li\·.
1lisgruc(ful, 1hffnvjul, haM, dL,ho11ourablt, in·
/artwm; fui;a, Cic.; quid turpiu:J ! Cle.; homo tliti, a•h·. (tuh1H), ~rly, w.:1u·dr; in ndis
tu1"pi11Himus, Cic. ; with 2. supine, turpe factu, COU!llll kre tu ti U!I, CILCll. '
Cic. Subst., turpe ·i!I, n. a tli-'!lrace ;· hal!t!re tutela -al', r. (tueor). L 1'roU£tio-, 17"4nL.
qlll\lllltui rempublicam turpe est. <.:le. rhar·fl(". A. Gen., 1, lit., tUtPla111 jauua.• grn!re,
turpl~r. adv. (turp;s), foull,11, ill an uglg,
Plaut.; cuil111 In tutda Athe11a14 t·~ \·olllloruut,
m111ightly nutnMr. L Lit., clat11lil'are, Ov.; de- Cic.; 2, met.on., a., uct., J•rvif~tor, y11anlia";
sinere i11 piscem, Hor. IL fo'ig., 1li.."!Jm~jrdly, templi, Ov. ; b, !i.'ls>1., the J.lf''"'n or thi11:1 pr1>-
-111lalo111ly, l>a«ly, d&$hManurably, infaniorisly; ltclb.l: vi11.;i1111111 priina•· p111·ri.~uc ..Jaris 1ra11 ihu:t
facere, Cic.; fugere, C'aes.; turpiuM ejkitur, quam orti, Dcliae t11tl'la deae, Hor. B. t::<p., a, 9•111ni-
non achnittitnr hospt>!I, O\".; in deorum opinione illn$hip, t11ttlcrge: i11 nlii-11i11>1 t11tel:1.111 ,.,.1111"1",
turpiuime labitur, Cic. Cic.; judu:ium tut.elae, Cic.; b, the J>roptrl'fl Qf tk
ward; lt'gltima, Cle. IL a bei•i11g, can, ..aa·
turpltiido -lnis, r. (t~_pls), uglintaa, '11'1• agtm.t11t; villarum, Pliu.
:1ighll6naa. L Lit., Cic. IL Fig., turpitude,
bcurnar, dilgraµ, irifaing, dishonour; ma:iimam tiitili.rlua -Ii, m. (tutela), a b~ptT; tu~
turpitudinem 11uscipere vitae cupi<litate, Cic. • larii, the kttpers of a ttmplt, Plin.
nulla conditione bane turpitudinem 11ubire, tntlcms. v. meddix.
Cic. ; plur., ftagltiorum ac turpU111dinum societas, tlitO, adv. (tutus), llClftl'I/, m:11rtly; r~<;e, Cic.;
Cic. dimil'are, Co.cs. ; with ab a11d the Ahl., ab in·
turpo, 1. (turpis). to make ugly, btjbul, iU.ftU. cursu, Caes. ; su}X'rl., tuti111i1110, ut tM It.I/tit;
L Lit., capillos sanguine, Verg. IL 1''ig., to non qu:ierere, ub1 tuti>is11110 esscru, Cic.
dugrv.ia, dWtorwur; ornament&, Cic. ; cutra 1. tutor -orb1, m. (for tuitor. from tncor). L
urbanae seditionis contngione, Liv. a Jrroltdor; fluium, Hor. ; relli,,ri111111111, Uc. U.
turrioiUa -ae, r. (dim. of tnrls), a littlt the guurilia" of u tconurn, tl 111i11or, or i11tllll!l"116
hwer, turru; transr., a di.ct-bo.r, Mt.rt. J>erlori: a., lit., &liqnem tutorc111 i11stit11l·1..-, Cic.;
turrlgiir ·i;tllra ·gilrum (turris an<l gero), tutorem eM,;e alicuiu11 or ahcui, Lie.; b, ng.,
tou't'r·beuring; urbes, Verg. ; hence an epithet eloquentiae quul \11tore11, Cic.
or Cy})('le, who was represented with a crown 2. tiito_, 1. arrd tiitor. 1. <lep. (irrteu~. or
or towers (the earth with its towers persouilled); tueor). .L w prtAtd, prturu, tNlf.-h, k-ry:
Cybele, Ov.; dea, Cybtlt, Ov. ·. Ops, Ov. dor11u111, \"erg.; oculnl! 11b il1ferion- p11rtf', Cic.;
turr1a ·is, r. (nlpjnt;, nlptT•t;), a rou-er. A. Gen., urbem rnuris, Liv.; se Rd\ enm11 injullt.:a anna,

Cic. B. E.'lp., 1, In war, a touier with which "''alls Liv. IL to 11.'ard off; perimla, Sall.; inoµialll,
and ro111ps wtre strmgthtnn.l; turris latericia, Cees.
Caes. ; or, a town- of tJJOOdfor attad."i"fl '°'°1u, ttitillus -i, m. a partiC1ilar m'lllt <>/ drt$4i1&9
Cle. ; or, a towtr full of anM.d aolditrl, borne by the hair, lty g(ltheri11.g it intn a hivh bv.t al tu
elephants, Liv.; 2, a dove-rote, Ov. bacl.: of the htad; esp. uired by the tiamcn and
his wife, \'arr.
turritus -a -um (tnrris). L furnisAtd trith
towers; moenla, Ov.-; turr!ta, as un epithet or tlitua ·• -um, p. adj. (from tueor). L •fe.
Cybele, Prop. ; Ber1>ryntia mater, Verg. IL 1ecure, out of danger; res, 01<'-; t11tiore111 vitam
Poet. transr., tovler-like, towering high; scopuli, hominum redtlerc, Cie.; medio tuti:lsi111u.s rbiil,
\'erg. . Ov.; tutus ab hostibus, Caes.; sul•:<t., ti.tum
-i, n. a SQ.fa 1>l~, soJtt11; esse in tuto, Cic. ;
turslo -OO!s, m. a apteit.s of dolphi• or par· quem (aliquid) in tuto collocare; tutum ttt,
poi.~, l'lin.
with in fin., Cnes. IL v:atchflll, a.111tivw; Cl•R·
turtur -dris, m. a turtle-dove, Verg. silia, Liv.
turtiirllla ·ae, r. (dim. of turtur), ci liUk tuua -a -um, pron. poss. (tu), th1, t1ii11t.. L
tiirtlt-dotie, Sen. Subject., A. Gen., tua bona, Cic.; subst., t:ii,
turunda -ae, r. (perhaps= terenda, from thy frirnd11, pt(Jplt, party, Cic. ; tunm aoit, it ii
tero). L a pdldfor /atltni.fll poultry, Varr. IL th'// cvatom, if u th11 d11ty, Plaut., Ter. B.
a roU of linl, Cato. fflt'OU1viblt to thee: km pore tuo pugn&:>ti, LIT.
tiis (tbiia). Ulril1, n. (9.iot), i'l«'Mt, fra'A1&· IL Object. = kl thtt, toward. thu; deanderio tuo,
inc.:n.ce; tus incendere, Cic. /or '/IOU, Cic.
Tuscl ·f>rum, m. tht Twrauu, Etru1can1, in- tUJCtas, 10.liack, 1l1hack., onomatop. imit.atioll
habita.11!& of Etruria. Hence, adj., Tuaoua of the sound or blows, Plaut.
·a ·run, Etn£$can.; amnis, tM Ti~. Verg,; dux, Tfi.Da -6rum, n. (1\lon), a W'IL'R i• !a7'f'I'"
.!fucntitU, Ov.; eques, Matct11J.U, Verg.; vicua, docia, at the fool o/ .Movni Tavrv11. Htnce,
a &trul in Rome, Liv. ; semeP, rpeU, Ov. Tfl.nilu ·•-um, o/ or belo1tgift.!1 to TJ1C1na.
Tuaciili.nUll, v. Tusculum. Tyba -ae, f. ci to10ft
now Tciibt.
°" the borders qf Syri4,
1. tusculum .·I, n. (dim. of tus), a little i7'·
cemt, Plaut. =
Tjbrla Tiberi• (q. v.).
2. TuciUum -1, n. an old wum. '" Latium, Tjbur =- Tibur (q. v.).
Tye 696 ubi

U .. theprilfnall1 written V, •, tlae IOUa let.tar
L&tl.D alphabet. oon'MpoDdl With &be
GrH'k upallon (Y, v). It 11 trequent17 lnter-
cbaqed wUh " u optbnt11t optumua, l&tlra,
•tura. etc.
1. Uber -lrll, D. (o;f04>).
Md, bread L ubera praebere, OT. : admo~
L °" tlddw, JIOl't
Verg. D. uanaf., a, ridllUI, abtl'lldaMS, J/lt'-
HlU,; terttU1 uben l(ler, OY.; b, poet., a
J"a'(JW ~ Verg.
t. ia'ber -iris, rCcl., al>ot&tldf1'9 k a•~llf,
.J'WHlB. Jr-~. pn>dw.H.w, cWutld4m, COJ>Col&&.
I. Ltt.1 a, eepa 1plclll uberlbua, Luer. ; uber1or
10llt.o '°'
a river), /Mlllt' t.\o• uval OT.; arbor
nl•els 11berrlma pomls, O•. : b, 'JWl
of ~;
ubertoNI lltterae, Ole. ll. Jl'lg., quls uberlor
tn dleendo Platone f Oto..; uberrtma enppllcatf·
onlbua trttllllphlrque provlncda, Oto.; uberrtmae
artee, etc.
6birlu,1upert, 6berrlmi.adT. (2. uber).
L "'°"' ab•Ma1'tly, more oop~~lli proYenlt
H8H, Ov. IL Fig., _,,., OOJ"O'l"'f, "'°"'at
~; dllpot.aN, Ola.
ubertaa -ltia, r. (I. uber), J"&Wulua, """
Hl~, ~ ahftda11e1. L Suqject., FO-
dtld(WMSS; a, lit., agrornm, Cic.; ~. Ilg.,
utllltatla, Ole. II. Object., Clbv!lda1'C8, p<emJI;
& lit., f'rllgum, Cio..; b, lg., lmprobonam, Ole.;
plur., ubertatel virtutla et coplae, Cic.
iabertlm. adv. (2. ntier), ~.~
Zr; tundero hcrimaa, Cat.
iaberto, I. (ubertu), ,..-,~ Plba.
~bl (old archaic form cubl), toMrt. L U\.,
a, omnea, qui tnm eoc agros, lib! boclle est baec
nrbs, IDcolebant, Clo. ; nbt tynnnus en, 1111.
etc., Cle. : with particle nam, lo qu. DOD Ttdeo
uLluam meue conat&oa et •Ua beat.a PolSlt Inst.
t.ere, Clo.; With pnit., tenvum. loal, e.1-, qalcl
apres, abt tenvum eues, Qa.; b ID d1not
questions,,..,... f abl sut qlll ~am Giuoe
ubi 696 ult
~t 11elref Cic. D. Tranar., A. Of time,
tMni., "' '°°" a1: quem ubl vlcll, equldem vim
""'"""'"' after' tM Nrlt
Hor., Ov.; "cc., Ulixeu, Hor., Ov.).
of Tror (genlL, UU.lll,
lacrimanun prufudl, Cie.; ubl Je tin11 iulventu 1lllua -a ·um, Jtt'lllt. ullluii, clat. ulli (<lilll. of
Helvetll urtloreii fttcti aunt, legatos ad emu unus, for unulus), ""'· 8"1'· n..etl iu .Peptht
naittunt, Ca1.-a.; with J>rimnm, at ho11tc11, ulti n.n•I ac11t4•11t't'tl. L _A<U., aiue 111.1&
~rimum _nostroa equltes ~m11icxcrnn.t, C&t'll: 1l11hi1.;1t 11111t•, Cit-.; 11e.111c ullnm Ill 1oarteu1 d•
. . WMreUI, ~. '" 10hid, br vlttcA, t'tc •• imtu, for or n11oim•t, L'ic.; 11•-t!llC ullam pirtUl'UI
eat, ubi id lsto modo valeat, Cle. C. ubi 111>1 f11i11><(', quin 1•1mq11i:<icrit, Cic. II. Mnlt't., a,
= ublcumque, to~; facile ubi ulii ellMlUt se Ill • •a11y tJnl', Cir.; b, 11. a11ythi11g; m~mo ullillil
oonveraurOll aclcm, Liv. 111111 l'ngne 111c111or, Ln-. (nllln~. Cat., \ l"l"g., Ov.~
i'lblot&mqui (6.blounqui). "'Iv. whtretoer, ulmii.rlum .Ji, 11. (ulmu11), ct mr rvry ur pla11·
Vllkrt.Wtttr. L Rolat., ubicumque .i11111u11, <.:ic.; tcrli<111 of ,.1111.1, Pliu.
wiU1 lt'llliL, ubicumque ~-entiu111 or tcrrar11111, ulm'ua ·• -11111 (nhnllll), of or Tt1ati119 to th
Cic. U. lndef., '"'Ywliere, noerrwhen; rnalum t'lm, 11uuit of tlm·wooa, Plant,
eat ubicnmque, Hor. ulmitrl'lla ·M', 111. (11111111~ ntul, tero).
Ubll --Ontm, m. a Gtrm«" prople 1oho, itl lit., n ll '1111-rubber : fo .lc11t, 01u tcho Aa$ qf?nl b11u
Caeaar'1 tiine, dwelt°"' CM ta..t ba11k of tlu RAi111 beat~" 1rith rlm-r0<is, Pinnt.
MaT Cologu.. Adj., Ublua -a ·um, Ubiall.
ulmua ·I, r. iM el111, Verg_
iiblllWt, adv. Cl"PfMre re- pkalt, tllfTJI· ulna ·AC, r. (..Ai,,,,), the ilbol!'. L 1, lit.,
tllMN, 8en.
Plln.; S, moton., tht ar111; ulnis aliquem tullt:rc,
6.blaam, v. ubi. Ov. IL Tram1f., a., &s a meii.sure or lenjotth, a"
ilblqaiqui (ac. pt.rte), wM'tver, Ov. tll, Verg. ; b, a1 mtidi. a.s " man cart 'P''" ril4.
iibiqui, adv. vhn-ewT, whtreaaever, tt-try· both arnu, Plin.
whnY; Clllllll'!I qui ublquc suot, or aunt natl, oll ulploum -1, n. ct 1.-ind of luk, Cato.
'- tlu world, Cle. ula (11.rcltaic outs) and ulU.. OJI tJu otMr ii.II
6.blTt&, t.l'-'ern'tr rou toill, anplure, cwry- of, 1~11011.t, Varr.
~. Cic. ulter -tra -trnU1, compar., ul~r :
O~sill ...'lni11, m. "41M of a Trojm1; jau1 snperl., ultlmUL L POl'lil., ulter ·tra ·U"tnu,
pr,)xi111U11 ardet Ucalt'gon, the Aou.te of Ucaltgo11, not fnuml excvpt in the iulvcrbil\I forms ultra,
Verg. · ultrn. U. Compar., ulterior -Ju::i, ~'f'1•it. ...;rlio, ·Oni1t, m. a fur .shot or aock, Mart. <Jn the othn- ~. f11rthtr, l>eyo11..t, ulterior. A.
iiclua ·a ·Ulll (contr. trom uvid1111). L Lit., Lit., Gatlin, Unul 011 tht (>lhtr, i.e., tltL nortl rule
wn, mout: J>alu1l!'s, Ov. ; oculi, («tr/Ill, Ov. ; <'/ the AlJ>&, Cle.; e-quimt1111, 1>&lceil 11t u ~"
allllltor,dninm, HC1r. IL Transf., IJ(lfl, bendfog, !li.-lcrnu, C:tc!I. a Tra11Rf., a, tfi•1'tnl, past,
yitltl i 1tj1; al'l{illa, Hor. fnrthff'; ultcriora mlrari, 1'ac.; ntt~·riora puilt"t
•loc11i:48t', O\·.; b, fart.Mr, woru: quo ~~ti
On.a ·ti11, m. L a ""'1ll riWT '" 1..atium; ultc1iu11 i1rirnto t11111'11dum forct? Liv. UL
laence, t>'featiJlua .. -um, U/t"l&tin.t. IL a tiuperl., ultlmua -a ·Ulll, CM mOI& di.ll<u<I,
COIRllW1UWT' of the •.fequi. fl1rtheat, utN:llU'at, A. Lit., or apaC1!, 1,
uleiratfo -('inis, f. (nlcero), a 10rt1 ,deer, lu11a, quae 11ltl11111 a caelo t•st, Cic.; :mbst., a. m.,
tilttrution, Plin. rece!lllum primi ultimi.i 11011 dat.ant, Cae.s.; b,
uloiro, 1. (ulcus), to mah aorc. to ,,lcn-aU. 11., caeltun, q 1uxl extrcmum nt'lue 11 ltimum muu•h
L Lit., mantica cul l11111bos ouere ulceret, Hor.; est, Cic.; ultirua sii;mmt, tlu !J•~1J, \"t"J'l:.; ~.
nooJum ulccl'l\to PhiloctetA morsu aetpentia, \>nrtitivc for ulti111a.1J11111, iu 111ti111a111. l'ronuda1:i,
Cic. D. Fig., jecur, to 'llJOund CM luart, llor. 11110 the IK<i.!I di.slant Jl(l11 1>/ thr }'rDruu:e, C1c. B.
Tra11sf., 1, in time or :u1cc;·ssi1111, the •clil
u1oir09u ·& -um (ulcus), fall of aoru, ulcer· di...rai1t, NWlotest, the last, jin11l: wmpus, 1tnt1·
111«1, tcbrou.1. La, llt.~ades, Tac.; b, transf., qnit.M, Cic. ; principinm, Cic..; lnpi11, u gnirt·
ot t.reeBt.fvll of bwCa. .u.. Fig., jecur, 1"f1U1ldtd atone, Prop.; adY., Rd ulti11111111, to tht l<ut, Lh·.;
bf let'e, Hor. or (ofknl'r), la<lll11, jino.Uy, Liv.; ultimum, )or
uloleoor. ultus 111111, nlclacl, 3. dep. L to take tM lust, I.iv.; 2, in rank or dl.'l{ret!; a, t~
Wf'gta11« for IOlllt one, to awnge; patrem, Cic. ; highut, gmt/&$/; naturn, Cic.; 1111vplici111u, c:iyi·
te, Cic. U. lo t"ke wn.geancc on aome one, to tal pu11uh111enl, Cat·s.; subllt., ultlmum ·i, u.
J"lftiM; a, with ace. of porson, alique111, Cic., the gre111tlt, the extremest, and, in a li&tl aeu~
0.ea. ; b with acc. or thing, scelns, Cic. ; in· tht u'OT.•1; nltima 11udcre, Liv.; ultimum bia·
juriam, de. (ulciacl, ultna, pass., quillquid sine C1n1111, tM highest gooti, Cic.; adv., ad nl~imum,
•ni'Jine elvium ulclsci nequitur, Sall. ; quae utkrly, tlltirtly; ad ultimum deme1111, Ln·.; b,
detendi nipetique et ulcisci ru 11lt, Liv.). ~ 111.fflnut, lcni-ut; !ans, Hor.; subst,, (a.). ID:•
ulcnua ·t!ris, n. ~AKox), a 111n, ulcu. L a., in 11ltimi>1 militum, Liv.; (/J) n., in ulb11111
lit., Ve.!K.; b, transf., n" uCfUCltnct on trtt•, laud11111 east., Liv.
Plln. IL Fig., ulcua (of love) enlm vivesclt e\ ul"1iua. I. Neut. of ulterior, v. ulter. IL
lnvl'terasclt alendo, Luer. ; quldquid borum A1lv., v. ultra.
attigt-ris, ulcns est, Cic. .
ultlmua, v. ulter.
UlowlaiUum ·I, n. (dim. or ulcus), a little ultlo ·Onis, f. (ulclscor), an avtngi11g, J'1'11i.••·
um, Sen. in9, ret'tnghig, ntin~{lt; ultionem. vete:re .. ~,.. ;
u1es ·lcia, 111. a ..VU!J ruenablL11.g roKinary, wiU1 ol.ijed. gcnit., Yiolatae per VK11 puJ1atiae,
Plin. • Liv.
iiligha0.U. ·& ·UDl (uligo). wd, damp, tnoilt, ultla= uls (q.v.).
tlWlnAr, Varr. ultor -oris, m. (ulci!!Cor), a• arnagtr,;
Ulqo ·lnia, f. ((or UVili!JO, from • UVt'O), lnjuri&rum, Cic.; atttib., deus ulk•r Anteros, =
..m.turt of Ike aoil, tottnaa of &M eartA; uliglnea Ov.; u a aurname or )fora, Ov •
pal11d11m, Tac. ul&ra, sc. pa.rte (l'rom L Adt'.,
iJuxi. ·hi, m. IAUn name \after Etruacao poait., on the othtr ·~ of: 1, lit., cis Pa.lnm
ultraque, Lit'.; 21 transf., of that which is
Ulnxe or 8iclll.ain>K) for 'O&Hnlic, aon of
Lam# ltttbcltad o/ Pnulop«,/rl(AffofT~t11, bey0111\ a rcrtaln 1hult, bqOftd, fvrlArr; a, !-
~g ; / llMcci, ftl.mttl./or hu "'''"""'Ad /o'r Ml Apa~, (u) lit., ultra neque curae neqae pQdie
ult 697 uno
lor..ttmMSe, Ball:; (JJ) ftg., f4rfhn-, btYOnd: estne broug11.C 'btJ one who Ml bttn (1utiettf (cnui),
allqui.1 ultra, quo progredi crudelit&a (l08lllt ! Ilor. B. Moton., 1, tJuzl tohic.h u thadr ; a, u
Cic.; foll. hy quam, quod ultra quam satls est, tree!!, ho1111ei1, etc., 11111bnui falce pnm:1ere, Vf>I")!.;
Cle.; b, of 1imo, fartN:r; uec ultra ~llnm lndncite mo11tlbu11 11111bf'llA (1.e~, &rbores), Verg.;
•11At111n cst, Liv.; 00111pa.r., ulterius, fartlur; b, r11111 1"'1dy plaa; Pompcj11, Ov.; ton11orit1,
'•) lit., ultcri118 abit, Ov. : (/3) llj.?., 11ltcrim1 nc hi1r~r·1 lh<>p, Hor. ; 2, the ah4lh qf a tha•l
ten<lc odiil•, Vcl"j.?. IL l'rep. with acc., 1, of prraon, (!host; t.ricorpor, _Verg.; vlur., umlwae,
spa1:<', l1t:!1011.<l, on the furtlu!r siiU al: 111tra Verg.; 3, <1.faih, tM grayhn(l, Ov.
Bilinnam vlllnm, Cic.; 2 tn11111f., a., of time, umbri.aiUum -i, 11. (11111brn). L n Uu:ulu
l>ty{lm{; ultra hicnnium, •fac.; b, of 1111u1bcr or 1ilacf, arbour, Vrrg.: in }'lur.. a tpiid placr. (H
merumre, IJ<"yo1i..l, 711.0TI tlum: mod11111, q11t~111 opp. to Jmhlic life) ; Theophruti, C1c.; dootrlnatn
ultra til"l1j:tn•1li 11011 ''!>, Cic.; ultra vircs, ox urubraculla eruditornm (sclwo/8) ot.ioque ill
\'e~. (ultra sometimes J>'lt after It.a c.ruic, quem solem produxernt, Cic. ILG partuol, Ov.
ultra. Cic.). umbri.tlo6la -ae, m. (umbra and colo). a
ultrbc ·icis, r. (ultor), 4vtnghiq; Dlrae, tlit Wv.ngrr in the ahade, PL"lut.
FKries, Ver~.
umbratlO'D8 -a ·Uffi (umhrr\ belongi1'g to
ultrO c~c. loco, from niter), 11tlv. 01& tN: the sluulc; homo, a" idler, lounc-··~, Plaut.
1!.dt. L Lit., on tJu other .Ulr, hryon.t: i;ten.,
with citro, up and do'"''• on both 6itlu; ultro rt umbri.tllla -c (umbra), rt .. ;,aining \11 tAt
citro c11rsGrc, Cic. IL Transf., &, away, off; $hcule. L retired, 001i.ttm11lath<t; vita, Cic. IL
ultro istnm n me l Plant. ; b, ooidu, tnorro1•rr: or dit1eourse, in tho 1ehoolil, rhttorkal (opp. to
puhlic, politlcnl), dome11tica exercitatlo ct Ulll·
ultroqne iis smnptum i11t11lit, Cic.; c, of 011~·$
01D1l 1iccorJ, 8pontaN>o111l11, t'Olmtuirily; ultro 116 brotilis, Cic.; oratio, ouly meant for peni.aal,
for l]iwkin.g, Cle.
otferre, l'ic. ; hnprobos ultro la.cessuro, Cic.;
hencf>, nltro tributa, money 111hich tM trearury Umbrt -onun, m. a ~ik in Italy btl10Nt&
A.a.l to uiielld tvtTJI year on public bui.tdin.g•, Liv. tM P11diu, tJu Tibtr, and IM .Adriatic Seti, wlw it1
Uiter ti1M:1 1futtn.<ltd fartMr into Italy, and \•-
JlltrOn~ua -a -um (ultru), of 011e'1 owm iiccon:l,
habil<'~L a country bet"'"" tM Ru11ico11, ~ Nar,
rol10Ut&rily, :Seu.
mut the 'I ibti. Hence, A. UJDJMr -bn. ·bn1m,
ultrotributa, v. ultro. • Umbrian.; 1111bst., Umber -bri.,111. an U111briatt.
mubrae -arum, a plua fa [Mum., Mar th4 B. Umbrla -ae, f. Umbria, tJw ro1uurr of CM
Pontit~ Marahu. Hence, ID«lbriaua -a -um, U11Wri.
UlitbrmL umbrin$r -fl!ra -~mm (nmbrn 11.nd fem).
Miila -ae, r. (lit., the acruding one (11c. a vis), 611.ady, tmihrttgWIU: nemu11, Verg.; ple.tanWI, Cle.
from ululo), a screech-owl, Verg. um bro, 1. (umbra), to cowr witJa. lluu~. shadl,
iUiUi.tua -ns, m. (1111110), a howling, WRUing, otttr1luufow; mubrata t.empora quereu, Verg.
IAriekin.g, yelling; ulullltus nocturnl, Liv. -a -nm (umbra) Mady, uml>m·
Ul.Alo, I. (connected with u>.o>.v~w). I. ln- (TeotU. L Pass .. lllttded: ri1lA, Cic.: locus um-
~u.slt., to howl, yell; a, lit., or living bei11gi1, broslor, Cic. IL Act., a..fordi"fl lltcJU; 08C1l•
'n11ipho11e ululavtt, Ov.; ululanti voce, etc.; b, mlna, Verg. ; eallx, Ov.
trnusr., of plB.068, to 'IW01t1i.d tcith ho1oling; cavao
plangoribus acdos feminels ulul11nt, Verg. IL
ilmeoto huruecto (q. v.)
tim~nua =humerus (q.v.).
Transit., to oaU "Pl>" with howli.1111 ; nocturnis
Hecate t.rivlia ululata per urbem, Verg. iimellCO, um id us= humoseo, 11umidua ~- Y.).
ulva ·•e, r. Mdge, Verg. iimor =humor (q. v.).
m,._. = Ullxea (q. v.). umquam (unquam), atlv. (orig. cnnt·
quam), at m1y time, evtr (ulled chiefly In n11p-
umbolla -ae, t (dim. or nmbra), a panuol, tive, int.errog., and conditional 11entc11ces), Ck!. ;
JUY. non umquam, Liv. ; haud umquam, Verg.; a
Umber, v. Umbrl. ' umqnam, Liv.
umbllioi.tms -a -um (umbilicus), llAaf"d iinA, adv. (unus), al fM Mmt plM'I', at tA.
Hb a nawl, Plln. · Mme ti1ne, lo!ldl~r: a., ab11ol., qui utu\ venerant,
umblliou ·t. m. (oµ+o.>.«), tM taawl. L Cic.; b, with cum aml the abl., amores nns
Lit., Liv., Ov. D. Meton., t.~ middle, cm.ltt of cum praatexta ponere, Cle.
a•11'hiJtg; 1, gen., Siclllae, Cie. ; tcrrarum, =

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