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Six English

English teacher: Lucero Tobo Rodríguez Eleventh grade

Name Date

Meta de comprensión: El estudiante comprende los adjetivos como palabras para

describir a las personas.

Personality Adjectives

Someone who...

1. talks a lot is talkative.

2. is always on time is punctual.
3. doesn’t like to do any work is lazy.
4. likes to give presents is generous.
5. thinks good things will happen is optimistic.
6. always tells the truth is honest.
7. does what he is told is obedient.
8. is always there for you is reliable.
9. makes people laugh is funny.
10. is open and nice is friendly.

1. Use these opposite adjectives of the words used above to answers the
questions below:

/late / mean / hard-working / dishonest / quiet / serious / pessimistic / unreliable /

/unfriendly / disobedient

 1. The opposite of talkative is:

 2. The opposite of punctual is:

 3. The opposite of lazy is:

 4. The opposite of generous is:

 5. The opposite of optimistic is:

 6. The opposite of honest is:

 7. The opposite of obedient is:

 8. The opposite of reliable is:

 9. The opposite of funny is:

 10. The opposite of friendly is:
2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives, select into the
following words:


a. Tim never helps with the housework. He’s so !

b. Zoe was of Linda. She was much prettier than Zoe, and more intelligent,

c. Karen rarely gets angry with people. She’s usually and understanding.

d. Pam is very . I’m sure you’ll like her when you meet her.

e. The teacher felt very when all her students passed the exam.

f. My friend Paula is very . She is good at learning things.

g. People who push in front of you in queues are very !

h. My sister Marisa is . I'm the opposite. I'm very outgoing.

i. My brother Jorge is very His bedroom is always tidy.

j. My neighbour is a good person. She has been very to me.

3. Find the opposites, mark (X) the correct answer:

1.mean 2.rude 3.clever 4.outgoing 5.lazy 6.brave 7depressed 8.arrogant

a.generousa.polite a.silly a.easygoing a.friendly a.cheerful a.helpful
b.bright b.shy b.sad
b.moody b.bossy b.hardworking b.cowardly b.ridiculous

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