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Community Service Reflection

Explain the purpose (mission statement) of the organization you served:

The purpose was to keep clean and let kids know that they should not throw trash on the ground.
And let others know that it’s not okay to throw trash on the ground.

How did (or will) your work benefit the community?

It benefited my community by having the campus clean.

Reflect on how you felt about your service and yourself:

I always thought cleaning the school was easy because it is small, but I was wrong no matter how
small a school is, it will be hard because there are many things to do and some of those task will be
hard, when I was helping it opened a whole new perspective on how a janitors work is hard, it may
seem like he/she only picks up trash but that’s not the only thing they do, it made feel good that I was
able to help and have a better understanding on what they do.

Student Signature: ____________________________Rachel Angel _________________________________


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