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IIM Indore Talk – 19th November

A very warm hello to all the future leaders here today.

I feel truly privileged to address you this morning because I sincerely believe you all are here – a part of
this distinguished institution- because of your inherent passion to be the best among the rest – because
you all are following your dream to be innovators, to be the champions- to be the writers of your own

1. Video (I would like to share a very inspiring video with you which talks about true leadership.
Leadership VIDEO)

I loved the movie – ‘Pursuit of Happyness’, where Will Smith says:

Don't ever let somebody tell you ... you can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream.
You gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you can't do it. If you
want something, go get it. Period."

And I understand all of you are those go-getters who would put whatever it takes to achieve their

We all get choices in life, and you chose to be here- or if I might say you have been the chosen ones to
be here - in this prestigious institution and you all are ready to carry forward the legacy that it is known
for i.e. the incubation of ideas that materialize into something spectacular with time.

You are here, so may be, the universe wants you to be here, to serve a larger purpose and thus you
must know how to blossom where nature has planted you.

When I read Robert Frost’s ‘Road Not Taken’, I was intrigued. Was he lamenting about the road that he
left or was he dismayed by the choices that he made in his life? That made me think and ponder. I
eventually concluded if we keep on looking back we restrict ourselves from moving on and make fresh
starts, to experience new highs & lows and then learn and gain from our experiences- however good or
bad those may be. So, looking back is limiting ourselves. Let life take its own turn. Let us experience
every moment of our life, gain experience and be ourselves. If we keep on lingering over past and long
to get back the lost time, we can never seek happiness, can never be contented and eventually can
never taste success – be it materialistic or otherwise.

So, my take is, instead of lamenting over ‘Road not Taken’ , let’s concentrate more on ‘Road that we
have taken’ and be persistent with our life choices and follow that road without a Plan B, then no one-I
repeat no one can stop us from becoming successful – or fulfilling our dreams.

Sometimes in our life we tread on our selected path and it seems all uphill, as if nothing is working in our
favour and we are at the verge of giving up. It seems that Plan A will never work and we do not have a
back-up plan. We face such dilemmas often when we curse ourselves for our so called ‘wrong decisions’.
It feels as if the entire way of life is wrong.

Have you ever experienced this feeling...? Think about it.

Have you ever felt stuck in an incongruous career or in an incompatible relationship or in a redundant
And sadly there is nothing you can do about it, owing to compulsions and constraints beyond your
control. You cannot turn around and retrace your steps or change your road of life.

It seems you have crossed the point of no return and you have no choice but to keep on travelling on
the “wrong” road of life.

You start feeling miserable and get scared to decide anything further. Then you need others to guide
you, to tell you what to do – you become dependent or worse, a slave of your own negative thoughts -It
is indeed a terrible vicious cycle which gradually overwhelms you with the chill of despondency.

At that juncture we forget that anything that happens in our life, happens for a purpose and then there
are certain things which are beyond our control. So, what do you do? Give up? Quit?

We forget that lone voice in our heart that prod us to move further – that tells us that only thing
constant in life is change and we need to accept, adapt and change for the better. Change our thought
and be focused on giving our best to the task at hand and as nothing is permanent, so will the pain – it
will also eventually vanish in this transient world to usher in a new beginning.

When J.K. Rowling in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, said, “It is our choices, Harry, that show
what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” 

Let us have a look at this amazing video that shows us how some people took unconventional decisions
in life but emerged stronger and more confident than ever.

2. (Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things video)

When Oscar Wilde said, “I won't tell you that the world matters nothing, or the world's voice, or the
voice of society. They matter a good deal. They matter far too much. But there are moments when one
has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely— or dragging out some false,
shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands. You have that moment now.
So, everything is here and now. And we need to choose now, in this moment as the past is just that, it is
past-gone and we can never predict a future – so what are we left with? This – this present and we all
know if we take care of our present, then our future will take care of itself.

No matter what, we should never let go of this moment – however the life has dished it out to us and
believe me, I am saying this from experience, life has this incorrigible habit of throwing at us such
sudden surprises that might take us completely off –guard. But instead we can hold life by its horns by
being ready every moment to face all challenges that come our way.

In life we will always have choices but it depends upon us how we weigh those choices and take a
decision. We can to some extent gauge the future but can’t completely rely on our apprehensions. I
firmly believe that it is not our aptitude that determines our altitude but it is our attitude that takes us
to the summit of success.

Roy T. Bennett in his book The Light in the Heart said, “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice.
Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you
make makes you. So, choose wisely.” 

3. (Here’s a video that shows us how we sometimes need to choose and take a tough decision in
our life for our survival, which apparently might seem impossible or absolutely illogical to the
society- Eagle Survival video)

This is the basic Stoic truth of subjective consciousness and it is only after you have faced up to this
fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what is in your power from what is not in your
power, and know what you can control and what you cannot control, that inner tranquility and outer
effectiveness become possible.

On analytical reflection we find that our mind alone can be brought under our control. Everything else,
the world of events and people’s behaviour, is beyond the scope of our control.

So, what disturbs you are not events but your attitude towards them. Thus, don’t demand or expect that
events happened as you would wish them to. Accept events as they actually happen. And you will be at
peace with yourself.

There is no need to yearn, envy and grab.  You will get your rightful share when it is your time.

When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it ... you can either
accept it or resent it. To accept an event is to rise above it, to resent an event is to be overpowered by it.

With acceptance comes happiness, with resentment comes misery.

4. Video – Rise and shine

Acceptance of an event is not to be mistaken for a life of passivity or submission to fatalism

characterized by laziness and a sense of helplessness. “Simply doing nothing does not avoid risk, but
heightens it.” 

Buddha said’ “Mind is everything- what you think, YOU BECOME.” Our mind is a powerhouse of
unthinkable energy that can either make us if we channelize this energy in the positive direction or can
break us if we are not able to control it appropriately.

Even, with your relationship with others at home, at work or in society, no matter how people behave,
you have to maintain inner tranquility, with unwavering attention on achieving your own merit and

If we understand the basic truth of life that we are here to serve a larger purpose and align ourselves
with nature then the universe will lead us, guide us to our destined goal. Whatever our assigned task is,
we need to fulfill it with utter commitment and sincerity and then we will be able to see the miracle.

Even, Swami Vivekanada said that “All the powers in the universe are already ours, but we are unable to
realize this potential.”
Vivekananda exhorts us, “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on
that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave
every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

So, he says if we really live and dream our idea, our vision then nothing in this universe can stop us from
achieving it. We can’t dwell on our past- just move on- be the one that you have dreamt of and the
world will be at your feet. It is your will power, your strength of character that will make you successful.
So, rise and shine and be what you want to be.

Never take any work half-heartedly. If we do all work with sincerity, with full zest and enthusiasm, we
make ourselves happy. The key is to work with freedom and love and without too much expectation.

Try to accomplish something wherever you are and do not compare with others.

Undue hankering after rewards will render you akin to a slave of your expectations; you must work for
your own internal satisfaction – work like a master and not as a slave.

This glorious attitude to life and knowledge of your self makes you free in a world of dependencies and
enables you to  flower where God has sown you, and to bloom wherever God plants you.

I would conclude with this video and hope you all will emerge as winners in your own chosen fields….But
well, don’t forget to enjoy and live life to the fullest – after all this one life that you have got, Carpe Diem
– seize the day!!

5. (Video – Motivational video – Change your mind…)

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