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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 2

Name: Megan Coxford

Group: OCOS
Date: 06/03/20

AC 2.1 Describe THREE stereotypes outlining positive and negative factors of each.

Stereotype 1:
Woman do all the housework.
Positive factors:
You can educate other members of the household that that is not just a woman’s role in the house and
look at strong female role models such as; Beyonce, Malala Yousifazi, Faustina Starrett.

Negative factors:
Woman are always expected to clean the house, do dishes and make dinner. They are expected to stay in
the house all day and do this rather than go out and work for a living. They can also be seen as weak.

Stereotype 2:
All Muslims are terrorists
Positive factors:
This can educate people on the Muslim culture and that all Muslims are in fact not terrorists.

Negative factors:
People see muslims as being scary and will cross the street to avoid them. Many people will also use
racist slurs and insults to harass muslims, this is because people see all muslims as terrorists because of
the acts of some muslims.
Stereotype 3:
All Americans are obese

Positive factors:
Americans are in fact not obese.
Many Americans are actually very healthy, and there are a wide variety of sports offered in high schools
to make sure that the level of obesity in American teens is kept down. .

Negative factors:
This creates a bad view on American people and causes people to make fun of them, which can cause
them to become insecure.

Learner signature: Megan Coxford Date: 06/03/20

Assessor signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

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