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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 4

Name: Megan Coxford

Date: 19/05/20

AC 5.1 Describe the meaning of Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunity refers to the policy of giving everyone the same opportunities for employment, pay, and
promotion, without discriminating against particular groups.
Equal opportunities means that everyone should be offered the same
opportunities. Whether they be disabled, gay, transgender, female or anything
different from what society depicts as normal.

AC 5.2 Describe the VALUE of Equal Opportunities legislation. (Select THREE pieces of key

Legislation example 1:

extending protection against indirect discrimination to disability.


This legislation means that disabled people will not feel discriminated against,
be that indirectly or directly. This will help society realise that disabled people
are not ‘useless’ and they bring a lot to our society.
It will help disabled people feel ‘normal’ rather than being alienated from the
rest of society or being labelled as ‘different’ from everyone else, which does
not help direct discrimination from society when they are being treated
different by employers etc.

Legislation example 2:

allowing claims for direct gender pay discrimination where there is no actual

This means that people affected or discriminated against will not be able to
have a lower pay rate than men, which has improved today but is still
happening unknowingly. This legislation will give people the chance to
question whether their pay rate is the same as co-workers without proof.
This will make people feel more comfortable applying for jobs knowing they
will get an equal pay rate to everyone else

Legislation example 3:
the basic framework of protection against direct and indirect discrimination,
harassment and victimisation in services and public functions, premi, work,
education, associations and transport

This legislation does a lot to help people feel safe when getting basic needs
such as education. This has so much value to try and bring society and young
people together, and not to discriminate against people who are subject to
stereotypes in our society.
It will also help our younger people to realise that we should not discriminate
against those who are ‘different’ to use, be that religion, skin colour or

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