Calculation of Electricity Consumption in Industrial Enterprises With The Use of Power Transformers

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Calculation of electricity consumption in

industrial enterprises with the use of power

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1800, 050010 (2017);
Published Online: 10 January 2017

E. Politsinskaya, A. Sushko, M. Loshchilova, and A. Rachilin


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1800, 050010 (2017); 1800, 050010

© 2017 Author(s).
Calculation of Electricity Consumption in Industrial
Enterprises with the Use of Power Transformers
Politsinskaya E.1a), Sushko А.1b), Loshchilova M.1c) and Rachilin A.1d)
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Yurga Institute of Technology, Kemerovo Oblast, Yurga, 652050,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The paper presents the analysis of a computational methodology used to calculate energy losses in
electrical grids. Energy loss in electric systems is an extremely negative phenomenon, and while it cannot be
completely eliminated, it is possible to reduce by means of regulating consumption. The proposed method and its
calculation of energy efficiency, based on a simplified analysis, allows with a specified degree of accuracy, the
provision of the necessary degree of load balancing, using the load of power transformers in industrial
enterprises, which in turn results in costs reduction and increases efficiency.

Recent years are characterized by an increase in electric energy (EE) losses in T&D network systems
with a simultaneous drop in consumption [8, 9]. In Russia for the period from 1994 to 2014 electricity losses
in power grids increased from 10.1 to 15.4%. Relative losses of power during transmission and distribution
are considered to be satisfactory if they do not exceed 4-5%. Electricity losses at the level of 10% are
considered the maximum permissible in terms of the physics of the electricity transmission processes. The
pre-crisis level of losses in the network systems of the former USSR did not exceed, as a rule, ten percent.
Currently, it has grown by 1.5-2 times, while for some electric grid enterprises the level has almost tripled.
Thus, today the relevance of the problem of reducing energy losses in electrical grids has increased [1, 2].


Energy conservation deserves special attention of the government [1]. At the same time, energy losses in
electrical grids are extremely negative and cannot be avoided. However, it is possible to reduce these losses
by regulating consumption.
The ratio of energy loss is calculated using Equation 1:


‫׬‬బ మ ୔మ ሺ୲ሻୢ୲ ୍మ ୍మ
భ ሺ ൘୘ ሻమ ୖ୘
మ ୖ୘మ మ మ ୘భ
ൌ ౐ ൌ ൌ ൌ ǡ (1)
ௐభ ‫׬‬బ భ ୔భ ሺ୲ሻୢ୲ ୍మ
భ ୖ୘భ ୍మ
భ ୖ୘భ ୘మ

where I1, I2 is current in the conductors; Т1, Т2 is time spent on the passage of current; W1, W2 represents the
energy losses during the heating of the conductor during (Т1, Т2) and R is resistance.
In Equation 1, power consumption is evident, which shows the heating of the conductors and, depending
on the time of the supply, the load in them. Consequently, the coefficient of heat conductors (Chc) should be
calculated, allowing determination of reduction in losses. The calculation of the heating coefficient is shown
in Equation 2:


‫׬‬బ మ ௉మ ሺ௧ሻௗ௧ ூమమ ோ்మ ூభమ ሺ భ൘ మ ்
்మ ሻ ோ்మ
Кнп ൌ ͳ െ ൌ ͳെ ೅ ൌͳെ ൌ ͳെ ൌ ͳ െ భǡ(2)
ௐభ ‫׬‬బ భ ௉భ ሺ௧ሻௗ௧ ூభమ ோ்భ ூభమ ோ்భ ்మ

Youth, Science, Solutions: Ideas and Prospects (YSSIP-2016)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1800, 050010-1–050010-5; doi: 10.1063/1.4973070
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1468-6/$30.00

Theoretically, the uniform load charts shall be calculated using the above equation, on practice it is a
rather rare phenomenon. In current investigation of this problem, it is suggested to use load charts that
include the time interval for the averaging coefficient, in this case Chc has the form in Equation 3:

σ೙ ௉೔మ ்೚೎೛
Кнп ൌ ͳ െ σ೔సభ
೙ ǡ (3)
೔సభ ௉೔భ ்೚೎೛

Thus, the reduction in losses in the lines that are part of the electric load node will be significantly
enhanced. The proposed method can reduce the load and distribute it evenly across the entire grid, using the
load of the power transformers in industrial enterprises, which, in turn, contributes to cost reductions and
higher efficiency factor (EF).

The load level of power transformers can be assessed using the following criteria:
- by the maximum integral value of the efficiency factor (EF);
- the minimum monetary losses in the transformation of electric energy [3, 4].
The Equation 4 can produce the calculation of the integral value of EF:
ௐమ ௐమ
ߟௐெ ൌ ൌ ǡ (4)
ௐభ ௐమ ାοௐ

where W1 is power consumption fixed on the primary side of the transformer, kWh (Fig. 1); W2 is power
consumption fixed on the secondary side of the transformer, kWh; ∆W is electric power consumption in the

W1 W2

FIGURE 1. Determination of the EF of the integral values

The Equation 5 can determine power consumption W2:

ܹଶ ൌ ܵு …‘• ߮ଶெ ቀ ቁ ܶெ ൌ ܵு ݇ௐெ …‘• ߮ଶெ ܶெ ǡ (5)

where SM is maximum total power, kVА; …‘• ߮ଶெ ǡ is the corresponding SM power coefficient; SH is the
nominal power of the transformer, kVA; TM is the number of hours of the maximum load application, hour;
kWM is the coefficient for the transformer load [1, 3, 4].
Electricity losses in the transformer during the billing period T can be expressed as:

ௌಾ ଶ ଶ
οܹ ൌ  οܲ௑ ܶ ൅ οܲሺ ሻ ߬ ൌ οܲ௑ ܶ ൅ οܲ௞ ݇ௐெ ߬ǡ (6)

where ∆PX is no-load losses, kW; ∆Pk is short-circuit losses of current, kW; ߬ ൌ ሺͲǡͳʹͶ ൅ ಾరሻଶ ͺ͹͸Ͳ is the
time of maximum loss, hour.
After conversions, one gets:
ௌಹ ௞ೈಾ ୡ୭ୱ ఝమಾ ்ಾ
ߟௐெ ൌ మ ǡ (7)
ௌಹ ௞ೈಹ ୡ୭ୱ ఝమಾ ்ಾ ାο௉೉ ்ାο௉ೖ ௞ೈಾ ఛ

The optimum value of the load coefficient corresponding to the maximum value of the integral EF is
determined from the condition:
ൌ ͲǤ (8)

After completing the conversion, one gets:
ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ୼௉೉ ்
݇ௐெ ൌ ට Ǥ (9)
୼௉಼ ఛ

The optimum load of the transformer with minimum monetary losses during power transformation is
defined as follows [1, 2, 3]. The cash outflow for the transformation of electric power can be expressed as:

ୗ౉ ଶ
‫ ்ܥ‬ൌ ்ܲ ‫ ்ܭ‬൅ ȟܲ௑ ܶ‫ܥ‬ா ൅ ‫ܥ‬ா ȟܲ௄ ቀ ቁ ɒǡ (10)

where РT is the coefficient for the discount, equal to the interest rate for the provision of credit, or for
keeping money in the bank; KT is the cost of the transformer, rub; СЕ is the cost of one kWh of electricity
(tariff), RUB/kWh.
The relative cost of the transformation of electricity can be found from the function, if the minimum
value DC corresponds to the minimum value ߟ஼ெ , then:

ௌಹ ௞಴ಾ ୡ୭ୱ ఝమಾ ்ಾ ஼ಶ

‫ܦ‬஼ ൌ ͳ െ మ ఛ௖ ǡ (11)
ௌಹ ௞಴ಾ ୡ୭ୱ ఝమಾ ்ಾ ஼ಶ ା௉೅ ௄೅ ା୼௉೉ ்஼ಶ ା୼௉಼ ௞಴ಾ ಶ

where ݇஼ெ ൌ is the coefficient for the load determined out of the minimum cost of the electricity
transformation [6, 7].
Thus, after the conversion, the coefficient can be calculated using the Equation 12:

ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ௉೅ ௄೅ ା஼ಶ ୼௉೉ ்

݇஼ெ ൌට Ǥ (12)
஼ಶ ୼௉಼ ఛ

Following is the example of the calculation procedure performed using Mathcad with the specified
conditions: Transformer TM-400; SH = 400 kVA; ∆PX=1.05 kW; ∆PK = 5.5 kW; …‘• ߮ଶெ =0.8; TM =6000
hour; РT = 0.2; СЕ= 4.0RUB/kWh.
1. Plotting the dependences ߟௐெ ൌ ߟௐெ ሺ݇ௐெ ሻǡ ߟ஼ெ ൌ ߟ஼ெ ሺ݇஼ெ ሻ. The calculation results are illustrated
by the dependences shown in Fig. 2.

FIGURE 2. Dependences ߟௐெ ൌ ߟௐெ ሺ݇ௐெ ሻǡ ߟ஼ெ ൌ FIGURE 3. Dependences

ߟ஼ெ ሺ݇஼ெ ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ
݇ௐெ ൌ ݇ௐெ ሺܶெ ሻǡ ݇஼ெ ൌ ݇஼ெ ሺܶெ ሻ

ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ

2. Determination of the optimum values of the coefficients of the load ݇ௐெ ǡ ݇ʠெ Ǥ Then, ݇ௐெ ൌ
ͲǤ͸Ǣ ݇ʠெ ൌ ͲǤͻǤ
ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ
3. Plotting dependences ݇ௐெ ൌ ݇ௐெ ሺܶெ ሻand ݇஼ெ ൌ ݇஼ெ ሺܶெ ሻ using the formula:

ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ଵ ୼௉೉ ்
݇ௐெ ൌ ೅ ට Ǣ (13)
଴ǡଵଶସା ಾర ୼௉಼ ଼଻଺଴
ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ଵ ௉೅ ௄೅ ା஼ಶ ୼௉೉ ்
݇஼ெ ൌ ೅ ට ஼ ୼௉ ଼଻଺଴ Ǥ (14)
଴ǡଵଶସା ಾర ಶ ಼

The calculation results are presented in the graphs shown in Fig. 3.

ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ
4. Plotting the dependences ݇஼ெ ൌ ݇஼ெ ሺ‫ܥ‬ா ሻand ݇஼ெ ൌ ݇஼ெ ሺ்ܲ ሻ.
The calculation results are presented in Fig. 4 and 5.

ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ

FIGURE 4. Dependences ݇஼ெ ൌ ݇஼ெ ሺ‫ܥ‬ா ሻ FIGURE 5. Dependences ݇஼ெ ൌ ݇஼ெ ሺ்ܲ ሻ

5. Assessment of damage caused by a deviation in the coefficients of load kWM, k CM from the optimum
values. For this purpose the relative losses of electricity are calculated using the coefficient values listed in
Table 1. The calculation was performed using:

୼௉೉ ்ା୼௉಼ ௞ೈಾ ఛ
ȟܹଵ ൌ Ǣ (15)
ௌಹ ௞ೈಹ ୡ୭ୱ ఝమಾ ்ಾ

The calculation results are summarized in Table 2.

In addition, the relative costs of the electricity transformation for the values kCM, indicated in Table 2,
were determined. The calculation was performed using:

௉೅ ௄೅ ା୼௉೉ ்஼ಶ ା஼ಶ ୼௉಼ ௞಴ಾ ఛ
‫ כ்ܥ‬ൌ Ǥ (16)
ௌಹ ௞ೈಾ ୡ୭ୱ ఝమಾ ்ಾ ஼ಶ

The calculation results are summarized in Table 2.

TABLE 1. The increase in electricity losses with a deviation in kWM from the optimum value.
kWM 0.25 0.6 1
∆W, % 2.24 1.6 1.8

TABLE 2. The increase in the cost of electricity losses with a deviation of kCM from the optimal value.
kWM 0.25 0.9 1
‫ כ்ܥ‬, % 2.3 1.19 1.2

On the basis of the results obtained from the calculation, it can be concluded that in terms of energy,
financial and economic efficiency, an overestimation of the load coefficients versus the optimum values is
more preferable than their underestimation.

1. The optimum utilization of the load coefficient for of the transformer based on the criterion of the
maximum integral EF is 0.6.
2. The optimum load coefficient for the transformer based on the criterion of minimum cost for the
transformation of EE is equal to 0.9; thus, in order to save the costs on the transformation one must ensure
that the transformer is under maximum load; this requires strengthening its load-bearing capacity by applying
more intensive cooling systems.
ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ ሺ௢௣௧ሻ
3. With TM reduction the value of ݇ௐெ ǡ ݇஼ெ increases; thus, for example, at TM = 4500 hour ݇ௐெ =
0.76, and ݇ௐெ = 1.15
4. Provided the cost of electricity increases, the value ݇ௐெ decreases; so, for example, when СE = 4
RUB/kWh, optimum utilization equals to 0.77, while СЕ =4.5 RUB/kWh equals to 0.72.

5. Decrease in the interest rate for the granting of credit results in the optimum load coefficient decrease;
thus, for example, if the discount coefficient PT, equals to 0.1, the value of the optimum loads coefficient
݇ௐெ becomes equal to 0.77.
6. In terms of energy, financial and economic efficiency, an overestimation of the load coefficients versus
the optimum values is much more preferable than their underestimation.
The application of this computational method will help regulate the energy load in current electrical
complexes of the country and will contribute to: reduction of energy losses in the power grids; reduction of
payments for electric power; reduction of voltage losses; increase in consumers; improvement of the quality
of electric energy in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 54149-2010 (National Code).

The authors would like to thank Professor Yu. M. Osipov, Doctor of Economics, Professor at FSEI HPE
TSU CSR (Control Systems and Radio-electronics) for his valuable advice during preparation of this paper.

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