Math 1040 Reflection

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Olivia Ojala

22 May 2020


Math 1040

Skittles Project Reflection

This project was honestly one of the most enjoyable academic projects I have ever done!

It turned out to be pleasurable to use Skittles for this project and be able to relate the colors and

amounts to the past few lessons from Math 1040. I loved being able to get this data first hand

(and through my classmates) rather than just reading it off randomly. It really gave me a deeper

meaning of the data and connected me to what I was about to be testing. I learned a lot about

how much variation simple things like Skittles can really have. In the class data, it is clearly seen

how much some of the color and total values differ for each person. The numbers were mostly

similar, but the variation isn’t thought about regularly. It was interesting to be able to focus on

that. This project mainly taught me how applicable the skills from this class are and can be. They

may be used for some daily tasks and curiosities I might have about products.

The skills regarding statistics that I used in this project specifically will continue to be

relevant and useful throughout the rest of my life and education. In a situation like this global

pandemic, for example, my knowledge is very beneficial in understanding the data and further

making predictions. I feel much more prepared to estimate all kinds of events in my life, for

example situations regarding classes/grades. Although this project was increasingly difficult to

conduct and understand because of the Coronavirus pandemic, I am very glad I was able to do it.
I gained a much greater understanding of the material regarding confidence intervals and

hypothesis tests from collecting my data from Skittles by myself.

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