Black Beauty Analysis

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Black Beauty: the Autobiography of a Horse is an English novel written in 1877 .
“Black beauty" begins with the birth of Beauty, a horse. He knew that humans can
either be a good friend of them or their biggest enemy right from his young age.
This story was written in the Victorian age, when horses were a crucial mode of
transportation for humans.
Luckily, he spends his early part of his life with caring humans. Squire Gordon,
one of his owners was responsible for Beauty’s happy times. But this comes to an
end with Mr Gordon's illness, as he leaves England with his family after selling all
his horses.
Beauty, from then becomes a victim of many ignorant owners and one such owner,
causes Beauty a Mishap that leaves a permanent scar on him. He then becomes a
horse for hire.
Finally, he is sold to a cab driver Jerry, who Beauty adored. Again, due to an
illness, Jerry moved to the country along with his family, leaving Beauty to suffer
again at the hands of cruel owners.
Beauty becomes weak due to overwork, it was then saved by a kind farmer who
recognises Beauty as Mr Gordon's beloved Horse. Beauty spends his last days in
that farmer's lovely home.
2. Introduction of the title

• Black beauty isn't the full title.

It’s actually Black Beauty, his grooms and companions; the autobiography of a
horse, 'Translated from the original equine by Anna Sewell'. You can see why
everyone shortens it.

• Black beauty was inspired by a pet.

Sewell biographers believe that the title character was based on bess, a spunky
horse owned by her family. Though she was spirited, the sewells loved her and
considered her one of the family.

Anna was an animal lover in general, but she was particularly fond of horses after
she sprained her ankle as a child and was forced her to rely on them for
transportation. When she wrote black beauty decades later, it was intended not to
amuse children, but to make adults think about what they were putting horses

Black beauty is not a true story. First of all, the narrator of the story is a horse, and,
of course, horses can't write or tell their life story.

3. How is the colour represented in the story

Speaking about the representation of black colour in the story, it is important to

mention that in the story the colour refers to the main characteristics of the horse. It
can`t be separated from the image of the main figure. That`s why black colour is
something alive in the book. Moreover, the horse was absolutely black and it was
the most attractive feature in Its appearance, everyone who saw It pointed out its
colour. That`s why you can hardly find any other tints of black in the book.

• "Would you like Ebony?" said she; "he is as black as ebony."

"No, not Ebony."

Ebony was the only tint mentioned in the story.

What is more, we didn`t find any idioms with black component. We consider that
the matter is that the story is conducted on behalf of the horse and Its outlook on
life is quite straight and without hidden comparisons.

The black colour was used to demonstrate the elegance, beauty, nobility and
internal power of horses while describing their appearance.

• I was a dull black, so he called me Darkie; strange black coach that was
covered with black cloth and was drawn by black horses…
• I was now beginning to grow handsome; my coat had grown fine and
soft, and was bright black…
• The black one is the most perfect temper I ever knew; I suppose he has
never known a hard word or a blow since he was foaled, and all his
pleasure seems to be to do what you wish…
• "Yes," she said, "he is really quite a beauty, and he has such a sweet,
good-tempered face, and such a fine, intelligent eye-what do you say to
calling him Black Beauty?"
• "Black Beauty-why, yes, I think that is a very good name. If you like
it shall be his name;" and so it was.

When it comes to black as a component of the names of the characters, black is

spelled with a capital letter, so that to emphasize the meaning of the colour as a
distinguishing feature of the horses.

• Black Beauty
• Black Auster
• Blackie

The author used the black colour to convey the mood of the scenes described in the

• Not many days after we heard the church-bell tolling for a long time, and
looking over the gate we saw a long, strange black coach that was
covered with black cloth and was drawn by black horses; after that came
another and another and another, and all were black, while the bell kept
tolling, tolling.

Apart from «black» the word dark is also introduced. In this context dark colour is
used to describe the people who the main character, Black Beauty, sympathized
with. The horse saw something similar to It in the people around him who have
dark features in their appearance.

• After Rory was disabled I often went in the carriage with a mare named
Peggy, who stood in the next stall to mine. She was a strong, well-made
animal, of a bright dun color, beautifully dappled, and with a dark-brown
mane and tail. There was no high breeding about her, but she was very
pretty and remarkably sweet-tempered and willing.
• Polly, his wife, was just as good a match as a man could have. She was a
plump, trim, tidy little woman, with smooth, dark hair, dark eyes, and a
merry little mouth.
• He was, when young, a dark, dappled iron-gray, and considered very

Also there was another colour represented in the novel: ginger. It means a red or
orange-brown colour. Ginger was the name of Beauty’s love. She was a hot
tempered horse, she bit the children, and moreover, they were afraid of her. This
colour associates with insolence, audacity and courage. In fact, ginger is also used
as a noun. It means the spicy root of a tropical plant which has a rather unusual
taste, so like as Ginger.

Talking about characters there are some colours too. So, Farmer Grey – Beauty's
first owner, a good kind man who trains him well. Grey is associated in many
cultures with the elderly and old age, because of the association with grey hair; it
symbolizes the wisdom and dignity that come with experience and age, it is like a
description of Mr. Grey.

Mr. Douglas Gordon (Squire Gordon) – A very kind and loving master, his
surname sounds like golden, well it shows his soul and treatment of horses.

4. The role of the colour in the book

Black color symbolizes the refinement of nature and luxury; we can see this in the
character of the horse. Black beauty is a noble horse that serves its owners

Black is also associated with strong-willed and strong character. We can see this in
the character of the Black beauty. Despite the troubles that constantly happened to
him, the Black beauty did not lose hope of finding kind and loving owners.

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