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CPM Final Project


Instructor: Ms. Nusrat Huma

Student’s Name: Shaheryar Ali Ghalib
Maryam Rahim
Amna Shah
Hatim Zulfiqar
Hassan Mehmood Hashmi

We would like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who
have made the completion possible:

Our Instructor, Ms.Nusrat Huma, for her vital encouragement and support and the knowledge
she has transferred through the semester, and for assisting in the collection of the topics for the
chapters and Ms. Alina Shamsi (Sales Manager P&G) who endow with full assistance in
providing the information about the organization.

Most especially to my family and friends,

And to God, who made all things possible.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................3



Organizational Structure of P&G.....................................................................................................7

Departmentalization of P&G...........................................................................................................9

Hierarchical Structure in P&G.......................................................................................................11

HR department and its Policies......................................................................................................11

Principles followed.....................................................................................................................11

Show Respect for All Individuals...........................................................................................11

Expectations, Standards and Challenging goals.....................................................................11

The Interests of the Company and the Individual are Inseparable.........................................11

Strategically focused in Our Work.........................................................................................12

Innovation is the Cornerstone of Our Success........................................................................12

Externally Focused.................................................................................................................12

Value Personal Mastery..........................................................................................................12

Seek to be the Best.................................................................................................................12

Mutual Interdependency is a Way of Life..............................................................................12


1. Personal Behavior in the Workplace..................................................................................13

3. Wage and Hour Practices ..................................................................................................13

4. Health, Safety and Environmental Policies........................................................................14

5. HIV/AIDS Policy...............................................................................................................14

6. Conflict of Interest..............................................................................................................15

7. Employee Privacy...............................................................................................................15
8. Fair Dealing with Suppliers and Customers.......................................................................15

9. Community Relations.........................................................................................................15

10. Work place violence.........................................................................................................15

11. Employee recognition.......................................................................................................16

Problems & Gaps:..........................................................................................................................16

Poor Method of Recruitment & Promotion Policy.....................................................................17

Gender discrimination:...................................................................................................................17


Lack of Career Planning Of Employees ....................................................................................18

Injustice Way of Awarding Training.........................................................................................18

Career Path Planning......................................................................................................................18

CPM policy for your respective organization:...............................................................................18

Orient the expectations of new employees.................................................................................18

Communicate the organization's big picture..............................................................................19

Describe the unspoken company culture....................................................................................19

Outline the employee's specific role..........................................................................................20

Orient employees for success.....................................................................................................20

COST .........................................................................................................................................21



Job Secondments:.......................................................................................................................21

Table of Figures
Procter & Gamble is a leading member of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, a Washington
D.C.-based coalition of over 400 major companies and NGOs. It is a Fortune
500 American multinational corporation that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods.
Companies like P&G are a force in the world. With this stature comes both responsibility and
opportunity. Their responsibility is to be an ethical corporate citizen—but their opportunity is
something far greater, and is embodied in our Purpose. P&G takes really good care of its
employees and deems in providing a contented and relaxed working environment. Companies
like P&G are a force in the world. Their market capitalization is greater than the GDP of many
countries, and we serve consumers in more than 180 countries. With this stature comes both
responsibility and opportunity. They provide responsibility is to be an ethical corporate citizen—
but our opportunity is something far greater, and is embodied in our Purpose.

The simple, inspiring way to think about this opportunity is that P&G brands serve about 4.2
billion of the 6.5 billion people on the planet today. Before P&G can serve the world's remaining
consumers profitably, can reach them altruistically. They improve their lives in ways that enable
them to thrive, to increase their quality of living and, over time, to join the population of
consumers we serve with P&G brands.

P&G provides branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives
of the world's consumers. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit, and
value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders, and the communities in which we live and
work to prosper.

P&G is its people and the values by which we live. They attract and recruit the finest people in
the world. They build their organization from within, promoting and rewarding people without
regard to any difference unrelated to performance. They act on the conviction that the men and
women of Procter & Gamble will always be our most important asset.

Mission Statement
The People with Disabilities (PWD) Task Force's mission is to enable hiring, on-boarding,
retention, advancement and contributions to people with disabilities. We seek to achieve this by
providing guidance and recommendations in five main areas:

 Accessibility/Work Accommodations
Education and Training

 Policy
 Recruiting, Hiring and Retention Practices
 Business Partners
As a team they focus on:
 Benchmarking top companies in disabilities results
 Enhance recruiting efforts
 Implement an On-Boarding Program
 Improve site facilities
 Communication to P&G Organization
 Partnership with external groups

Organizational Structure of P&G

An organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and
supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be
considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization
and its environment. Many organizations have hierarchical structures, but not all.

Framed around the objective of having an organizational structure that would allow the firm to
“think globally, act locally”, P&G formed a unique version of multi –divisional structure to
support use of its related constrains, diversification strategy. The structure, which P&G official
believe is a source of competitive advantage to the firm, features five globally business product
units, and seven market development organizations. Using the five global product units, to create
strong brand equities through ongoing innovation is how P&G thinks globally; interfacing with
customers to ensure that a division’s marketing plans fully capitalized on local opportunities is
how P&G acts locally. Information is shared between product oriented and market oriented effort
to enhance the corporation, is the organization’s performance. Indeed some corporate staff
members are responsible for focusing on making certain that knowledge is meaningfully
categorized and rapidly transferred throughout P&G businesses. Those working to achieve this
objective are part of P&G global business service group. In short, P&G’s corporative structure
uses GBU to define brand’s equity, MDOs to adapt a brand to local preferences, the GBS group
to support operations through infrastructure services, such as accounting employee benefits and
payrolls, and corporate functions to assure that the latest most effective methodologies are being
to conduct the firm’s product and market oriented operations.
Departmentalization of P&G
Once you have divided jobs through work specialization you need to group these jobs together so
that common tasks can be coordinated. The basis by which jobs are grouped together is called

Jobs can also be departmentalized by the type of product the organization produces. Procter &
Gamble, for instance is organized along these lines. Each major product – such as Tide, Pampers
Charmin, and Pringles is placed under the authority of an executive who has complete global
responsibility for that product. The major advantage this type of grouping is increased
accountability for product performance since all activities related to a specific product are under
the direction of a single manager. If an organization’s activities are services rather than product
related each service would be autonomously grouped. For instance, Automatic Data Processing
has departments for each of its employer provided services – payroll, retirement, expenses,
management taxes and the like. Each offers a common array of services under the direction of a
product or service manager.

Hierarchical Structure in P&G
P&G follows the flat hierarchical structure. The flat structure is common in entrepreneurial
startups, university spin offs or small companies in general. As the company grows, however, it
becomes more complex and hierarchical, which leads to an expanded structure, with more levels
and departments.

Often, it would result in bureaucracy, the most prevalent structure in the past. P&G represents
the typical bureaucracy: top-heavy and hierarchical. It featured multiple levels of command and
duplicate service companies existing in different regions. All this made P&G apprehensive to
market changes, leading to its incapacity to grow and develop further. The failure of this
structure became the main reason for the company restructuring into a matrix.

It is one of the numerous large organizations that successfully developed the complex matrix
structure as it maintains coordination among products, functions and geographic areas and
supporting their focused strategy. Its design combines functional and product based divisions,
with employees reporting to two heads. Creating a team spirit, the company empowers
employees to make their own decisions and train them to develop both hard and soft skills. That
makes P&G one of the best at customer service.

This structure can be seen as a complex form of the matrix, In general, over the last decade, it
has become increasingly clear that through the forces of globalization, competition and more
demanding customers, the structure of many companies has become flatter, less hierarchical,
more fluid and even virtual.

HR department and its Policies

Principles followed
Show Respect for All Individuals
• Believe that all individuals can and want to contribute to their fullest potential.

• Value differences.

• Inspire and enable people to achieve high

Expectations, Standards and Challenging goals

• Honest with people about their performance.

The Interests of the Company and the Individual are Inseparable

P&G believes that doing what is right for the business with integrity will lead to mutual success
for both the Company and the individual. Our quest for mutual success ties us together.

• Encourages stock ownership and ownership behavior.

Strategically focused in Our Work
• Operate against clearly articulated and aligned objectives and strategies.

• Only do work and only ask for work that adds value to the business.

• simplify, standardize and streamline our current work whenever possible.

Innovation is the Cornerstone of Our Success

• Place great value on big, new consumer innovations.

• Challenges convention and reinvent the way we do business to better win in the

Externally Focused
• Develop superior understanding of consumers and their needs.

• Create and deliver products, packaging and concepts that build winning brand

• Develop close, mutually productive relationships with our customers and our

• Good corporate citizens.

Value Personal Mastery

• Believe it is the responsibility of all individuals to continually develop
themselves and others.

• Encourage and expect outstanding technical mastery and exceptional excellence.

Seek to be the Best

•Strive to be the best in all areas of strategic importance to the Company.

• Benchmark our performance rigorously versus the very best internally and

• Learn from both our successes and our failures.

Mutual Interdependency is a Way of Life

• Work together with confidence and trust across business units, functions,
categories and geographies.

• Take pride in results from reapplying others’ ideas.

• Build superior relationships with all the parties who contribute to fulfilling our
corporate purpose, including our customers, suppliers, universities and

1. Personal Behavior in the Workplace
P&G’s fundamental policy is that we will treat all of our P&G colleagues with respect.

The Company strives to provide a safe, healthful and productive work environment. This
includes being free of violence for our employees, contractors, visitors, etc. Each employee has a
personal responsibility to other P&G employees and to the Company to help eliminate actions or
circumstances which undermine this environment. P&G policy requires that individuals are to be
considered for employment opportunities on the basis of merit, as measured against objective job
requirements. Moreover, every good faith effort shall be made to implement programs designed
to provide equal employment opportunity to all types of jobs and at all levels of the work force.
P&G expects each employee to support the Company’s commitment and continuing efforts
toward equal employment opportunity for all. P&G is committed to compliance with all
applicable laws and regulations relating to equal employment opportunity, non-discrimination
and similar employee-related matters. We at P&G recognize the power that comes from people
of diverse backgrounds and experiences coming together around a common goal. Our policy
forbids any discrimination, harassment or intimidation because of race, color, religion, gender,
age, national origin, citizenship, sexual orientation or disability. Employees are encouraged to
bring questions or concerns in this area to their management. Strict disciplinary action for
violations of this policy will be taken, including termination of employment. Additionally, every
employee is expected to perform his or her work in a safe manner, free of the influence of
alcohol or drugs.

2. Child Labor and Worker Exploitation Policy

P&G does not use child or forced labor in any of our global operations or facilities. We do not
tolerate unacceptable worker treatment, such as exploitation of children, physical punishment or
abuse, or involuntary servitude. The Company respects employees’ right to freedom of
association, third party consultation and collective bargaining where allowed by law. We expect
our suppliers and contractors with whom we do business to uphold the same standards. Should a
pattern of violation of these principles become known to the Company and not be corrected, we
will discontinue the business relationship.

3. Wage and Hour Practices

P&G pays employees a competitive wage, as benchmarked with other leading companies.
Consistent with our principle of valuing personal mastery, we reward employees for improving
their skills and capabilities. At a minimum, we comply with all applicable wage and hour laws,
rules and regulations, including minimum wage, overtime and maximum hours.

4. Health, Safety and Environmental Policies

The Health, Safety and Environmental (HS&E) policies are derived from principles, values, legal
requirements and regulatory requirements. Compliance with the law is a P&G Core Value and it
is the single highest priority for the Company’s HS&E programs. The policy is translated into
action by standards of performance (Mandatory What’s), standard operating procedures
(Mandatory How To’s), and current best approaches (Voluntary System Guidance), and
reinforced by mandatory annual internal audits. A regular reassessment of the standards structure
promotes continuous evaluation of the system to improve performance. P&G applies a single
performance standard to each of its worldwide manufacturing facilities. This is reinforced by
training and mandatory annual internal audits. Facilities have flexibility in how they achieve the
standard, so that local circumstances can be considered and costs can be controlled.
Safety & Health Policy
Procter & Gamble is committed to having safe and healthy operations around the world to
protect the life and health of its employees and the community surrounding its operations, to
protect its assets, to ensure business continuity and to engender public trust. It is the
responsibility of every employee to understand and be responsible for incorporating safe
behavior in daily business activities.
Environmental Quality Policy
P&G has historically sought, and continues to seek, to achieve clean, safe, incident-free
operation at all of our worldwide sites. This policy is assured by internally imposed standards of
operation applied worldwide, which frequently go beyond the letter and the spirit of those laws
and regulations that apply locally. This commitment to responsible operation is implemented by
the sites following formal environmental programs supported by professional staff organizations
in Legal, Engineering, Human Resources and Product Supply.

5. HIV/AIDS Policy
All employees, including those who are HIV infected or with AIDS, are treated consistently with
the Company's Purpose, Values & Principles (PVP) by the Company, their managers and
coworkers. Among other things, that means that each individual is treated with dignity and
respect, and that we do not discriminate against any individual based on any difference not
related to performance. We treat employees with HIV/AIDS the same as we treat those with
other serious illnesses.

Specifically, an employee who is HIV-infected or with AIDS:

• Has the same employment rights and responsibilities as other employees,

• Has the same eligibility for employee benefits and programs, including medical
care and disability coverage, as non-infected employees,

• Is afforded privacy and confidentiality protection consistent with the Company's

handling of confidential, medical or other sensitive information, and

• Is provided management support to remain productive.

6. Conflict of Interest
Business, Financial and Personal Relationships.

All employees are obligated to act at all times solely in the best interests of the Company. A
conflict of interest arises when an employee has a personal relationship or financial or other
interest that could interfere with this obligation, or when they use their position with the
Company for personal gain. The Company requires that employees disclose all potential
conflicts of interest and those they promptly take actions to eliminate the conflict when the
Company requests them to do so.

7. Employee Privacy
P&G respects employee privacy and dignity. We will only collect and retain personal
information from employees that is required for the effective operation of the Company or as
required by law. P&G will keep that information confidential and release it only to those who
have a legitimate need to know.

8. Fair Dealing with Suppliers and Customers

P&G’s success depends on building productive relationships with our suppliers and customers
based on integrity, ethical behavior and mutual trust.

9. Community Relations
P&G and its employees have a long-standing commitment to being good citizens and neighbors
in all the places where we do business around the world. We believe we have a responsibility to
society to use its resources – money, people and energy – wisely. We satisfy our commitment
through financial support for a wide range of educational, health, social service, cultural, civic
and environmental organizations. This includes gifts from The Procter & Gamble Fund in the
United States and our operating companies around the world. In addition, P&G employees and
retirees have a long tradition of volunteer involvement in the communities where we live. We
lend a hand to those in need. We pitch in when disaster strikes. We support the arts. We support
education. We invest in our resources – and ourselves, through tens of thousands of volunteer
hours – in our neighborhoods around the world.

10. Work place violence

Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:

• Injuring another person physically;

• Engaging in behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person;

• Engaging in behavior that subjects another individual to extreme emotional


• Possessing, brandishing, or using a weapon that is not required by the individual’s

position while on state premises or engaged in state business;

• Intentionally damaging property;

• Threatening to injure an individual or to damage property;

• Committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual
harassment; and

• Retaliating against any employee who, in good faith, reports a violation of this

11. Employee recognition

This approach is characterized by pre-arranged, more frequently scheduled ways of
acknowledging contributions and accomplishments of an individual or team. This approach is
less formal and provides more frequent opportunities to recognize employees. Examples may
include awards for:

• Employee of the month

• Attendance

• Safety

• Customer service

• Productivity

• Honoring separating employees

• Noteworthy participation in the Employee Suggestion Program

• Outstanding achievements

Problems & Gaps:

The main focus of our study was P&G sales department I-9 Islamabad. There are 20-25

employees working in the department. The problems faced in the department are given below.
Poor Method of Recruitment & Promotion Policy
P&G's hiring practices are focused on "leadership", which might sound good on paper but has
the unfortunate side effect of creating an organization filled with strong opinions and not enough
people willing/able to carry out all the day-to-day grunt work involved in creating personal care
products. Additionally, since P&G hires for life but has a fairly flat organization structure, you
can expect only 1-2 promotions in your entire career. By hiring very talented people, there is a
deep backlog of qualified people all vying for few roles - our promotional track is constipated
with ambitious and frustrated people. On another note, P&G has 2 hiring tracks: management,
and the administrative & technical (A&T) function. There are 3 pay/promotion levels between
being hired as an A&T and as a manager - but both tracks often come in with a bachelors degree.
Engineers are managers, scientists are lab assistants. If you have a Chemistry or Biology
background without a PhD you will start far below the curve and will need to carefully consider
whether working here is worth the extra 8-10 years it will take to get to the level other degrees
are hired in at.

There are also marked differences in the promotion timing across job functions. Marketing,
Market research (CMK), Purchasing, Sales and several other commercial functions promote
much more quickly than the R&D and manufacturing jobs. The pay tends to reflect a similar
bias, in part because higher job titles command additional income.

Gender discrimination:
Alina Sohail Shamsi, the first sales manager at department Islamabad, has been working at P&G
for 6 years now. She has the benefit of such an startling position, and is excelling in her career,
but things were not always the same. When she started off with P&G, She was the only female
employed in the whole department. The rest of the management team was males. Alina was and
still is really passionate, bold and initially very much ready to work in a male dominant place.
But sadly she was not aware that the things are way too complicated. As she started off she was
repeatedly left out of meetings and not given access to important reports that she needed to
perform her duties properly. She was then demoted for 'underperformance'. Along with this
when senior positions became available she was not considered for promotion despite many
years in the industry. Males were given precedence over her even though they did not have the
same level of experience. And to top it all off she was not even provided with a separate
washroom. Her subordinates never took her seriously. She raised her concerns with her
employer and shortly the issue taken into notice.


The usual bureaucratic trip-ups of working for a massive multi-national corporation. Everything
takes longer than it ought to, and with extra paperwork.
Lack of Career Planning Of Employees
P&G is a big multi-national organization and have vast resources of the country, but
unfortunately does not use scientific techniques in career planning of employees in Pakistan.

Injustice Way of Awarding Training

Training is used to develop the skills of the employees in this regards, a lot of expenditure is
made on training but unfortunately training facilities is also awarded to the employees based on

Career Path Planning

The major issue of P&G is that it lacks in training as P&G Pakistan does not have any
proper training and development department with an effective out put thus in-order to
increase the out put of the company they firstly should make an effective observation
plan through which they can identify where the company employees lack the most. Thus
they should carry on certain training programs so that employee productivity will

CPM policy for your respective organization:

The problems mentioned were faced by all departments in P&G but our focus was sales
departments. After fully analyzing the problems faced by the organization, following policies
were developed in order to overcome the problems and for efficient progress. These policies
have been developed to be given in the orientation and training of the new employees.

Orient the expectations of new employees

P&G should start managing the expectations. Managing expectations has long been a mantra of
salespeople and others whose responsibilities are focused primarily outside the organization.
Expectation management falls on human resources managers as well. Managing expectations can
start as early as during new-employee orientations.

In new-employee orientations, the HR manager is essentially bringing new employees'

expectations in line with the organization's expectations. Accurately aligning these sets of
expectations in the first weeks of employment helps employees become productive more quickly
and ensures that they enjoy greater job satisfaction throughout their tenures. Some studies
suggest that well-executed new-employee orientations can also:

• Lengthen the time that employees stay with a company.

Enhance staff cooperation and communication.


• Improve client-customer relations because staff members have better work attitudes.
As P&G has the flat hierarchy and sometimes employees have issue with such structure
for the promotions. So P&G can satisfy their employees with the other reimbursement
they have in this structure.

Communicate the organization's big picture

Where is your organization going? Even if your company has not made a formal strategic
planning document, it has communicated some important long-term goals. Too often, however,
these goals aren't shared with employees whose efforts help determine whether the organization's
goals are met. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that employees, even entire departments,
sometimes operate under disparate assumptions about the company's priorities and objectives.

All new employees, from entry-level staff members to senior executives, should view themselves
as members of an organization-wide team working toward a defined and united goal. Certainly
new employees need to understand their specific roles, but first they need to understand the big-
picture objectives of the organization, including objectives such as:

• Is the organization striving to be an industry innovator?

• Is the organization working to develop an international presence?

Whatever the objectives, employees should be given a brief introduction to your organization's
goals. If you can, provide a copy of your annual report or a company brochure that explains your
organization's goals. With a bigger-picture perspective, employees are better equipped to
understand their specific role as it relates to long-term objectives.

People in Pakistan are more familiar to the structure in which things are more predictable. We
can see that P&G is a great follower of innovation. So the employees should be given made
familiar to this culture.

Describe the unspoken company culture

Company culture can't be fully captured in job descriptions or employee manuals, because
culture is both explicit and unspoken. Most employees determine what behaviors are acceptable
as the organization evolves. However, an effective orientation can help new employees transition
more easily into the unique culture of your organization.

Even in highly conventional corporate cultures, it's preferable to share the unspoken aspects of
company culture to ensure that all new employees understand their work environments. Don't
make the mistake of assuming that cultural nuances are obvious or that new employees will raise
questions if they're unsure about what to wear or when to arrive at work.

Some unspoken aspects of company culture to share are:


• How to deal with the opposite gender in P&G’s culture? What's the norm of P&G.
• Internal communication Is vertical communication encouraged or frowned upon?

• Extracurricular activities Are there groups of employees that get together outside

• Attitudes Are work teams more cooperative or more competitive?

Share the routine details

As a seasoned HR professional, probably already use a comprehensive checklist to ensure that

employees receive and complete all required documentation

To help new employees get started, be sure that they know:

• The layout of your office or campus A tour is preferable, but at the very least provide
a user-friendly map.

• The location of the restrooms Inform them of the locations of restrooms near their
work areas.

• Names and contact information of two coworkers Give them the contact
information of two coworkers in their department, besides their immediate supervisor or
hiring manager.

Outline the employee's specific role

The best way for employees to become productive quickly is by immersing themselves in their
new positions.

Immerse new employees in their jobs For positions with formal training, immersion is easy.
New employees simply pass from orientation to training, often in the same day. For positions
without formal training, role immersion can be more difficult.

Too often, supervisors and managers aren't available when new employees start, so employees
are left with little more to do than read the company handbook during their first few days on the
job. This can be confusing, especially for new employees who are expecting a challenging, fast-
paced environment.

Orient employees for success

Starting a new job always involves a learning curve, but effective orientations can help new
employees make the transition by equipping them with:

• An understanding of company goals.


• An appreciation for the company's unique culture.

• Routine information to get started.

• An introduction to their role within the organization.

Employees who are well oriented to the company and to their jobs are ready to begin making a
significant contribution.


The training cost was incurred by the P&G office, since P&G is a Global company, its trainings
are usually standardized i.e, if sales people at Lahore are given training then employees at
Islamabad will also take the training. But this is not always the case, sometimes, some offices
may require additional training therefore if the training is a requirement of P&G globally then
the head office will pay otherwise the office will pay for their own training.The training cost
involves, the trainees fee, which is usually per participate, venue, & refreshment.

They should to pay full attention to the intensive professional training of staff in related fields.
The department concerned can organize professional training at P&G or with outside agencies
etc and latest literature newspapers and magazines etc of professional interest should be provided
at sites free of cost. Al though the management in recent past takes some initiative in this area, a
new department “career planning department “ is created and few posting were made in this
department . But to achieve excellent and positive results rapid operations are too much essential.
To offset recruitment bias favoritism should be completely discouraged. And try to eliminate
political interference in recruitment, because it will affect the efficiency and ultimately the
corporation will be unable to achieve its objective. Training facilities should be awarded
according to the requirement of the job. If appraiser make appraising based on actual
performance it will decrease heart burning problem and employees’ efficiency will be increased.
Rotation of duties should be made at regular interval to improve the overall work output and to
keep the interest of the employee intact.

Job Secondments:
P&G in order to overcome the problem of flat hirarachy and promotional issues can have
secondments. A secondment is where an employee temporarily changes job roles within the
same company or transfers to another organisation for an agreed period of time.
Secondments benefit all parties involved; the employee, the employer and the host organisation.

Employees benefit from taking secondments as they are an excellent way to explore different
career possibilities without them leaving their current job. They are a valuable way of offering
employees professional development and career opportunities, especially within flat
organisational structures where promotion may be limited.

Professional placements give employees the opportunity of acquiring new skills whilst
continuing their employment with the same organisation. Secondees often acquire valuable
experiences whilst on placement and generally gain a broader outlook.

Taking a secondment also demonstrates an employees flexibility and adaptability, both of which
are desirable qualities to future employers. Most importantly secondments give employees the
opportunity to improve their career possibilities by developing their CVs.

Employers benefit from allowing employees to take secondments in many ways. Employees that
have taken a secondment acquire transferable skills and knowledge that they can put into practice
once they return to their original position. These skills can then be communicated across the
team and other departments within the organisation to improve and enhance the skill set of other

Secondments also give the organisation the opportunity to build a wider network if the
secondment is taken in an external company.

Host organisations also benefit where the employee is taking a secondment in an external
organisation. The main benefit to them is that they gain assistance with projects, usually from
skilled personnel. They also get an external perspective and transferable skills from the
secondee, which can be beneficial for the project and the organisation.

Gender discrimination issue:

This issue can be resolved by hiring more female in the sales department. And P&G should also
be sensitive to the culture of Pakistan where woman is treated differently than that of western
world. They should develop and provide more safety and secure environment for ladies to work
and provide them incentive which will motivate them to work in male dominant organization.

From this whole discussion we conclude here that though HR department has well formulated

policies. There is strong need for the just implementation of such policies. However, every thing
is written in papers about these policies but unfortunately, practices in some cases are quite
different. Therefore, practices must be in accordance of the policies culture of Pakistan and
government structure.


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