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Student:: Xavier Gordillo,

Teacher: Miss Lady Rodriguez.
4to Section: C

A DUST STORM: Is a common meteorological

phenomenon in the Sahara desert of northern
AVALANCHE: Large mass of snow that slides Africa, on the great plains of North America,
violently and crashing down the side of a sand storms can reduce visibility to zero,
mountain, dragging everything in its path with making it impossible to travel, and blow up the
it. upper layer of the soil depositing it on other
AFTERSHOCK: Earthquake aftershock is
seismic movements that occur in the same
region where there was an earthquake or
tremor. EARTHQUAKE: An Earthquake is the sudden
movement of the earth, caused by the sudden
B release of energy accumulated over a long
BLIZZARD: It is a long-storm with very strong
winds and heavy snowfall. ELECTRIC STORM: A electric storm is a
meteorological phenomenon characterized by
BIOLOGICAL DISASTER: They are all those the presence of lightning and its sound effects
that arise thanks to animal origin and that in the Earth´s atmosphere called thunder.
somehow affect the environment and
humanity. The most important of the biological
disasters is the red tide. Other examples can
be: plagues, epidemics, infections, among FLOODS: A flood is the occupation by the
others water of areas that are usually free of it, due to
overflowing of rivers, streams or boulevards,
C due to torrential rains, thawing due to rising
tides above the usual level, due to tidal waves,
CYCLONE: Extremely strong wind produced hurricanes, among others.
by small and very abrupt atmospheric
depression that advances in large circles FOREST FIRE: It is the fire spreads without
turning on itself and that originates in tropical control in forest r wild terrain, affecting
areas. vegetable fuels, flora and fauna.

CHILD PHENOMENON: Is a phenomenon or

event of climatic origin related to the warming
of the equatorial eastern pacific, which GLOBAL WARMING: Global warming is an
manifests itself erratically cyclically. increase, over time, in the average
temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and
D oceans. It is postulated that the temperature
has raised since the end of the 19th century
DROUGHT: Lack of rains for a prolonged due to human activity, mainly due to the CO2
period of time that produces dryness in the emissions that increased the greenhouse
fields and a shortage of water. effect.
Student:: Xavier Gordillo,
Teacher: Miss Lady Rodriguez.
4to Section: C

GREENHOUSE: It is an effect that occurs discover topics of public interest such as

because sunlight penetrates from outer space, natural phenomena
collides with the planet's surface, turns into
heat, and then is radiated back into outer JOB: In sociology, execution of tasks that
space. A part of the heat cannot escape involve physical and / or mental effort and that
because it is reflected back to the earth by the aim at the production of goods and / or
gases that produce the greenhouse services to meet human needs.

HURRICANE: They are huge rotating tropical KILOMETERS: is a unit of length. it is the third
storms characterized by powerful winds and multiple of the meter, equivalent to 1000
torrential rains. The stormy phenomenon meters. Used to measure the amount of
sometimes reaches 800 kilometers in kilometers of damage occurred by a natural
diameter and is made up of winds and clouds disaster
that spiral around a common center called
"eye" L
HAIL STORM: They are localized events that LANDSLIDE: it is a type of landslide or
typically happen in the spring or fall. Although movement in mass of earth, caused by the
these storms typically don't do much damage, instability of a slope.
when hail reaches a size of 1.5 inches it can
do a lot of damage to cars, glass, and external LIGHTNING: Vivid, momentary glow produced
walls by a collision between stormy clouds charged
with static electricity
ICE LOCK: Accumulation of ice in a certain
place, which in a river hinders the flow of METEORITE: it is a meteoroid that reaches
water. the surface of a planet because it does not
completely disintegrate in the atmosphere.
IMPACT OF COSMIC ORIGIN: They are The brightness left to decay is called meteor.
caused by the collision of large meteoroids,
asteroids, and comets with Earth, and are MONITORING: Control the development of an
sometimes followed by mass extinctions. action or event through one or more monitors

JOURNALIST: He is the person who is NATURAL DISASTER: It is the consequence
professionally dedicated to journalism, in any of the effect of a natural phenomenon on
of its forms, whether in the written press, or in populations settled in risk areas that do not
photographic documentation, radio, television have the necessary resources to respond to
or digital media. His job is to research and major catastrophes, or at least to reduce their
Student:: Xavier Gordillo,
Teacher: Miss Lady Rodriguez.
4to Section: C

NATURAL PHENOMENON: It refers to a coexistence of two or more air masses of

global change that occurs in nature, that is, different temperatures. This contrast
that is not caused by human action. associated with the physical effects involved
leads to an instability characterized by rains.
O RICHTER- SCALE: also known as the local
OZONE CAPE: The area of the Earth's magnitude scale, it is an arbitrary logarithmic
stratosphere that contains a relatively high scale that assigns a number to quantify the
concentration of ozone is called the ozone energy released by an earthquake, named
layer or ozonosphere. after the American seismologist Charles
Francis Richter
O.F.D.A: Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance: It responds to all kinds of natural
disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, cyclones, floods, droughts, fires, SEISMIC MOMENT: The seismic moment
and pests. represents the amount of energy released
during the event
P SAFFIR-SIMPSON SCALE: It is a scale that
PREVENTION: Set of actions whose purpose classifies tropical cyclones according to the
is to prevent or prevent natural events or intensity of the wind, developed in 1969 by the
those generated by human activity, causing civil engineer Herbert Saffir and the director of
disasters the National Hurricane Center of the United
States, Robert "Bob" Simpson.
PANDEMIC: Epidemic disease that spreads to
many countries or that attacks almost all the
individuals of a locality or region.
TSUNAMI: It is a complex event involving a
Q group of waves in a body of water of great
energy and of variable size that are produced
QUALIFIED SCIENTIST: He has all the when a great mass of water is displaced
necessary requirements of authority, merit and vertically by some extraordinary phenomenon,
respect for example, an earthquake, volcanic eruption,
underwater detonations , landslides, glacial
QUARANTINE: In medicine, it is a term to ice breaks, meteorite impact and other events.
describe the isolation of people or animals
over a non-specific period of time as a method TYPHOONS: A mass of clouds of small
of avoiding or limiting the risk of disease diameter, with a fast rotary movement, that
spreading descends from a cluster to the surface of the
sea, a lake or the earth.
RAIN STORM: It is a meteorological
phenomenon characterized by the close
Student:: Xavier Gordillo,
Teacher: Miss Lady Rodriguez.
4to Section: C

U WAVE: They are waves that move across the

surface of seas, oceans, rivers, lakes,
UNISDR: The United Nations Office for channels, etc.
Disaster Risk Reduction was created in
December 1999. It succeeded the secretariat X
of the International Decade for Natural
Disaster Reduction. UNISDR was established X-RAY: electromagnetic radiation, invisible to
to ensure the implementation of the the human eye, capable of passing through
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction opaque bodies and printing photographic
URGENCY: Urgency is called a situation that
requires immediate decision making in order
to avoid undesired effects

YEARS: refers to the orbital time of planet
VOLCANIC ERUPTION: they are eruptions Earth, that is, the time it takes for that planet
that arise from the interactions between water to make a full turn around the Sun. The term
and magma. They are driven by the thermal year is also used to refer to the orbital period
contraction of magma when it comes into of any planet and, by extension, applies to
contact with water. This difference in other orbital cycles
temperature between the two causes violent
water-lava interactions that make up the YARDS (DESTROYED BY FIRE): it is the
eruption. basic unit of length in measurement systems
used in the United States and the United
VULNERABILITY ZONE: All those that are Kingdom.
exposed to natural or anthropic events, which
can affect the various uses of the place. Also
a vulnerable zone can be if it is located in a Z
place of movement in the tectonic plates ZOONOSIS: Any infectious disease that is
naturally transmitted from animals (mostly
W vertebrates) to humans, and vice versa.
WHIRLPOOL: it is a meteorological ZONE: Each of the five parts in which the
phenomenon that consists of a vortex of wind Earth's surface is divided by the tropics and
that presents a rapid rotational movement popular circles
around an axis that remains relatively stable.
Whirlwinds are formed when a difference in
speed between two regions arises in a moving
air mass generating turbulence

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