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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Fisheries and

for a world without hunger Aquaculture Department

Fishing Gear Types

Grappling and Wounding Gears

Overview As in hunting, man has extended the range of his arm by using long-handled implements, which can
be pushed, thrown or shot for killing, wounding or grappling fish or molluscs. Clamps, tongs and raking
devices are types within this group but so also are spears, harpoons, arrows and other missiles.
Handling Equipment No specific handling equipment is necessary, in the artisanal fishery. The most advanced
wounding gear are the whale harpoons.
Vessel Overview Fishing activities are often carried out from ashore. The use of small boats is also common.

Fish Operation The prey is taken by grappling, squeezing, piercing, transfixing or wounding. Barbs prevent
efforts to escape.
Target Species This kind of gears is usually used to catch isolated fish swimming near the water surface.

Water Area Overview All over the world.

Gear Environment These gears are commonly operated, by hand, in shallow waters, from the shore or from a
boat, more common in inland waters but also in the sea. In certain areas, harpooning is also carried out

Species In many countries the use of wounding gears is banned as a prey can be hurt by the gear and die
after escaping.

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department

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