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1. Have your views about fast food and the negative effects it plays with heart disease and early death changed
based on the video and weekly readings? Please explain your answer. 

My views on fast food is really the same after reading and watching the videos. As I keep up with reading in the
chapter I know my views will be the same. Growing up, my parents never really spoiled us or spent money on
fast food, we always ate at home. My parents were always big on home cooked meals because they said "we
should be grateful for what we have here." Now that I have my family on my own, my husband and I are
teaching them the same way. We rarely eat out because I am usually cooking, meal prepping, or we eat the

2. What are some ways in which you feel you may limit the amount of fast food?

Having a family on my own, my husband and I only eat out maybe once if not twice a week out. Sometimes not
every week we do that.  I usually cook at home or my husband grills in the back. During work weeks I usually
meal prep for my husband and I. I do this so we don't eat out during lunch. We try our hardest not to eat out
more than twice. 

3. What responsibility do you feel the CEOs should have (if any) in terms of its customers' well-being?   

CEOs should have a little more responsibility on how they cook their food. They should look into what "extras"
they have instead of just worrying about the money they get every day on their food. They should also have
calorie intake and what is included in their food. Customers are responsible in knowing what food they are
eating also.  

4. Favorite Fast Food: Starbucks. I searched near my house and there were four near me. Near my house 2
were 5 minutes away and the other 2 10mins away. More than 10-15minutes away about 4 more. I noticed that
each Starbucks were about 5-10mins away from each other. The whole reason why communities have this is, in
my opinion, because it is all business for the community. They feel that it should be the responsibility of the
people to manage their own intake of what they are eating/drinking or figure out a way to substitute their intake
on what they order.  In addition, some do have that in their menu; substitutes and low calorie food order. 
5. Making food healthy but still delicious: substitute things on dishes, watch the sodium intake, go for healthier
fats, grilled items are better than fried, portion sizes can be too much nowadays, watch what sides are being
ordered, if you are having a "cheat" meal "cheat" in moderation on excessively or on a daily basis- not sure if
this makes sense but this helps a lot

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