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Activities 1 What's the book about? 1 Look atthe picture on the front ofthis book. Which country sth story about? How de you know? Waly Japan Mexico england Graal Russia 2 What do you know about the Amazon? Which ofthese words re going tobe inthis book? Write 7 orX p q See °° _) vires Je a a —) naan Se —_) innate Jaren —Drotandwet (tn What happens first? ‘Look at the pictures on pages 1 and 2, and the words in tals What do {you think? Which the right word? 1 The two young men ae fends / brothers. 2 They are English American. 3. They race motorcycles / cr. 4 They ar going to ace acoso ver ung. Tae Thee a om meiner Deidre David and Brian are at Heathrow Airport in London. They are motoreyele racer fom Enfield, a small town in England, They usually race in England, and in European countries, bt ‘his time they ate going to Brazil Racers from many counts going there, too. They ate all to race across the Amazon jungle, Brian is reading a newspaper. Baeraoo Rie Tivo days later, the racers are in Brasilia, Brian and David are there, 00, lot of people come and There is lor of noise. People Photographers ae taking pictures 2h, leis beautiful, sunny morning ing tothe racers. acme) Om the second day, the road ae not very good. Two Iaians, ‘ aT Luigi and Enico, ae in fist and second place. ‘On the third day, the racers are in the jungle. The roads are very | vara tra. The Braiians are inf and second place now. Then co Ligand Enric. David and Brian ae behind the ovo dba al Ree The race always stops late in the afternoon. A difficult day! by ‘thereat howe Brazilians ar very good, and they know the road Brian difficult doy The rain never stops ond the road is very bad. There are trees across says hae evening : “The Brazilians areca problem, The ran i our big problem. ‘the roads. Sometimes we cart stay on our motorcycles. Look! David answers Tam first in the race now, and David is ‘second. The two Ttalians are behind us. We are happy about tha. This seven o'clock now and it is very dork The deys are very hot in the jungle, but the nights are beaut ful, David isin bed. Iam going to bed, t0, IEE] Were you right? Lok again at Activity 1.2.0n page Are your answers right? Then put these words inthe sentences. Brian and. 299 fora motoreye? ae from England. “The race gocs from Brasilia to across the aisvery® and the days ae very? EEE] What more did you learn? Finish the sentences with words on the right. Forty-two people ‘The races se (On the second day The roads The engines ofthe motorcycles ‘The Balans an Lug and Enrico Inthe june eis very dark Before the race, Brian has 2 fiom his engine. David gives him some IEEE Language in use Look the sentence onthe it. Then | ee Se nen from — ne They ae is 1 Das and Brian ae... fll and aes therm ope ict Een there in the evening Peres ae ines 4 nas, people ok theracers 5 Olisteaking Ban's ng 6 in puts sore sue the leak 7 People stand the oad and watch the racers. The roads are Bd There ae wees the roads, ay 9 eth second dey the june ips Brian writes about his day. Then he goes bed sake alt of nie, [REZ What's next? ‘what problems are Brian and David going to have inthe race? What do yeu think? Talk to your fiends and write answers here. te alan a in rot of the Englishnen ‘are goingtorace. are not very good. ‘the days ae very hot now the road. tsa big problem. at seven dock sre alians. rung men to A woman with blue eyes ce ceereeertes Piette! | rn, David” Bian say, ‘What sie David asks le Brian “Why are che Indians angry?" Davi ass. ‘Are you miners? The miners want cis place. Sometimes they ‘come ere and hey kill he Indians,’ Astrid says ‘We arent miners. Were motorcycle races, David says. “We wane 0 010 Uns-Una, Astrid aks to Maoni, che Indian chief. Maoni listens and talks ro his men. They are’ angry now “The miners are coming tothe village,’ Astrid says. ‘Chief Maoni Jknows that. They're going to kil his men “Lets ge the police, Asti’ Brian says “How? Theres no time." “Tan go to Una-Una. There’ a police sation there,’ Brian says Bur you don't know the road to Una-Una,’ David says. Astrid and Chief Maoni el 3 ‘Caruak i going to goto Us 1 with you tomorrow. He’ Chief ‘At seven o'clock in the morning, Brian and Caruak ger on Brian's motorcycle. Caruak isnt very happy: He doesnt know about motores The Indians watch chem. Brian starts the engine, and Caruak gets off the motorcycle quickly. The Indians run to the tres, ‘Astrid talks to Caruake Then he txts. on the motoreyele again. The Indians watch fiom the eres, Brian stares the engine again ‘Go!’ David ys. Brian and Caruak ake the road co Una-Una Ieiscilfcle inthe jungle: But Brian is a good racer and Caruak knows the road. He knows every river and te in the jungle | Aatvtis 3 IEE] Were you right? Look agin at your answers to Activity 2-4, Then finish these sentences, 1 Bran and Davi look for the 086 to Una-Una, but they 2 Same indians talk to ther, bt Bron and David 3. Bran and Davi arent mines but the Indians 4 The mines are coming tothe village and thay 55 ran and David want to get the police, but they IEE] What more did you learn? What comes ist? Wite the numbers, 1-5 Qe este ee ete eee in @eeeere es. Ghee ee ie (rrr IEE Language in use Look at the sentence on the right. Then write sentences about the pictures. atid. 723... Chief aon arian (call to Bian and David (aie) at Asti (ota) his motorcycle cauak aningan nual a) on the motorye (wath) rian, (ra) tothe wees, (ED What's next? What do you think? Cirle the right answer 11 rans going to have a preter with. a hishelmet Bb hisenge ——€: thepoce 2 Canakis going to stop the ol eak with a frat > sue water 3 The police are gong to goto. Manaus brasla © the Indian vilage 4 The indian chit s going to ve to Brian and David 4 kaves dian names hats ‘5 Bian and David are going to active in Manaus..nvica ad Lug 2 before batter with Early in the aernoon, they come to abi river Bran looks in his rad book. They are near Una-Una nowy ‘Then Brian looks a¢ the engine ‘Ob, no! Oils leaking from the cegine agua!” he thinks. He stops the mororeyce havent gor any glue? Where's Davi gle?” he thinks. "This time Tve gor big problem! Caruak looks at the oil Then he walks to a tee and takes a green fruit, He puts the fruit on the hot engine. The leak stops “That's very good,’ Bran says. “Thank you, Caruak. Ler go.” They start to deve again. The oil often leaks from the engine, but CCaruak stops it with the green fru every time. They ative in Una- ‘Una inthe evening. They meet Captain Siva a che police station, and Brian ls 0 him, The miners are coming, Captain, They're going to kill che Indians’ Brian says. "Yule right, young man. We dou have much time! Captain Sika talks toa policeman. ‘Lets go tothe Indian village. [want twenty men. Quickly! “They get tothe Indian village Let's wat forthe mines’ Captain Silva says. ‘Go behind the res es nigh again, They ae all waiting forthe mines, Look! Captain Silva says “They coming. in the afternoon, The miners ate coming from che jungle. They moving very quiedly, There ares lot of miners in the village now. They are looking forthe Indias. ‘The village is quit. Then Captain Silva says, ‘This is Capeain Silva. Donit move!” "The miners run, and the Indians run, 100. They make a lor of noise “Two miners find David and catch him. “They're going to kill me,’ David thinks, Buc hen two policemen cunt him. “Sop they sy "Wee poliemen Inthe mornings Chie Maoni and his people re very hapy. Aloe of Indians te dancing, Chief Mao has beatfl neclaces in is hands. He smiles and gives red necace to Dai Jaguar he sy. He giving you an Indian name Asid sys Jouariisa small jnguar Then Chief Ma “Qui runoed’ Aare Brian gies his elmer to Caruak ‘Champion, he sy. They al mile gives black necklace to Brian, ‘Caprain Silva takes Brian and David to Manaus. The racers ate there There ae phovographes, too. They are raking pictures of the champions - Luigi and Envico, the two lalians, “Brian? David? Hello’ Encico sys. W ‘Look, We'e the champions, Luigi sys “Congratulations! Brian and David sy ‘Are you OK? Enrico aks “Now wear,’ Brian says , Brian and Davi talk vo Enrico and Luigi about th the mines, wians and "Youire champions, 0,’ Luigi says. “Ys, theyre champions ofa very important race,’ Capea Silva says Brian and David look at thee Indian necklaces. “Congratulations, Manaué!” David says wo his fiend. ‘Congratulations, Jaguar” Brian says. competi a ghana You ately a of oe Conran | MIRED Work with ation [Student A:] You ae Ban You ae atthe police station with Carak Tak to Captain Siva about the problem at the vlage |Smudent B:] You ae captain Siva Listen to Brian. Ask questions. What ate you going to de? MIE work with thro Students A and B:| You ae Enrico and Lig ale to Bian and David. Ack them about the race and thee problems ends: |smdents C and Db) Youre Bran and Davi. Ge Enrico ane Lug your congratulations. Answer thelr questions, Ce ee ‘You are Bran. Write about Day 5 ofthe race Put these words in the Interesting hot miners laces champions happy Manaus beautiful too a “Day 5 | We are in! ‘now. It is @ town on the river, but it is 5 feces tN ‘can go back to England with our ‘afd our new ‘ndian names. We hada very? ‘ ay tie in Braz, © Whar do you know about the Amazon? Work with two or three ‘students and find the answers to these questions Look at books or the Internet. 1 Haw ongis the Amazon River? -b_ Which countries does the Amazon River un across? Narve thee innportan towns on the Amazon Rive. 4 Which of hese animale tive not near the Amazon? How many laian ve inthe Amazon jungle? what problems are there for he people and animals in the jangle? © tito your frends about ther answers What can they tach you About the Amazon? Wt here. Notes © Now write about the Amazon River and the Amazon jungle.

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