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Cambridge PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST (PET) for Schools Speaking Test /mressizoras13118%1a85/ Frames for the Speaking test TEST 15 Part 1 (2-3 minutes) Tasks Identifying oneselt: giving information about oneself; talking about interests. Phase 1 Examiner AJB Good morning / afternoon / evening. Gan | have your mark sheets, please? AB UM eee and this is . He / she is just going to listen to us. A Now, what's your name? Thank you B And what's your name? Thank you, Back-up prompts B Candidate B, what's your surname? How do you write your How do you spell it? family / second name? Thank you. | A ‘And, Candidate A, what's your sumame? How do you write your How do you spell it? Thank you. family / second name? (Ask the following questions. Use | candidates’ names throughout. Ask Candidate A first) Where do you live / come from? Adult student Do you work or are you a student in. .? What do you do / study? ‘School-age students Do you study English at school? Do you like it? Thank you (Repeat for Candidate 8.) Do you livein. .. Have you got a job? What job do you do? / Wi subject(s) do you study? Do you have English lessc-3” Cambridge PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST (PET) for Schools Speaking Test smmessisors131162ha%/ ne Gare qh orc more questions from the list to ask each candidate, Ask Candidate B fist) Back-up prompts 2 you enjoy studying English? Way (not)? Do you ike studying Engish? D2 you think that English wil be useful or you Will you use English in the 2 future? future? Vat did you do yesterday evening /last weekend? Did you clo anything yesterday evening / last weekend? What? ‘at do you enjoy doing in your tree tine? What do you like to do in your free tt Thank you. introduction to Part 2) nth next part, you are going {o talk to each other Pert 2 (2-3 minutes) 'S WAITING ROOM Discussing altematives: exprassi 19 opinions; making choices. Examiner Say to both candidates: ee —— I'm going to describe a situation to you. A dentist has a room where people wait. I's not very comfortable | Talk together about different ways to make the room irore comforaple and say which would be best Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. Ask both candidates to !o0k at picture 3A on page V of the Student's Book and repeat the frame, | say that again A dentist has @ room where people wait. I's not very comfortable. Talk togettier about different ways to make the room more comfortable and say which would be best [at right? Talk together. Allow the candidates enough time to complete Prompt only if necessary. he task without intervention, Cambridge PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST (PET) for Schools Speaking Test /messsisores131198% 285/ Cambridge PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST (PET) for Schools Speaking Test smmessisors131162ha%/ Part 3 (3 minutes) VISITING A TOWN Tasks Describing people and places; saying where people and things are and what different people are doing. Examiner Say to both candidates: a Now, I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give each of you a photograph of people visiting towns. Candidate A, here is your photograph. (Ask Candidate A to look at photo 3B on page VI of the Student's Book.) Please show it to Candidate B, but I'd like you to talk about it. Candidate B, you just listen. I'l give you your photograph in a | moment. Candidate A, please tell us what you can see in the photograph. 3B (Candidate A) Approximately one minute If there is a need to intervene, prompts rather than direct questions should be used Ask Candidate A to close his/her book. Cambridge PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST (PET) for Schools Speaking Test smussisors131183F5i/ Examiner | Now, Candidate B, here is your photograph. It also shows people visiting a town. (Ask Candidate B to look at photo 3C on page VIII of the Student's Book.) Please show it to Candidate A and tell us what you can see in the photograph. (Candidate B) Approximately one minute Ask the candidates to close their books before moving to Part 4. Part 4 (3 minutes) Tasks Talking about one's likes and dislikes; expressing opinions. Examiner Say to both candidates: Your photographs showed people visiting towns. Now, I'd like you to talk together about the things you like to do when you visit a town and say why you like to do them. Allow the candidates enough time to complete the task without intervention. Prompt only if necessary. Back-up prompts Talk about the things you like to do ina town. [——~———__—_____ | 9. Talk about why you ike to do these things. Thank you. That's the end |_| 3: Talk about who you like to visita town with. _ loti tae: 4, Talk about a town you visited recently.

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