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5/14/2020 PPCNSHS Application for Senior High School Admission

PPCNSHS Application for Senior High School

Please accomplish and submit this form together with the required documents at the Admission
Submitted documents in compliance with the entrance exam requirements shall become the
property of the Admission Office, and are not to be returned to the applicant.
* Required

1. What is your name? (Family name, Given name, Middle name) *

2. Learner Reference Number (LRN) (12 digits) *

3. Academic Track *

Check all that apply.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)
HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)

4. Date of Birth *

Example: January 7, 2019 1/5
5/14/2020 PPCNSHS Application for Senior High School Admission

5. Birthplace *

6. Sex *

Mark only one oval.




7. Religion *

8. Nationality *

9. email address *

10. Permanent Home Address (House number, Street, Subd./Village, Barangay, City/Municipality,
Province, ZIP Code) * 2/5
5/14/2020 PPCNSHS Application for Senior High School Admission

11. Learner's Contact Number

12. Father's Name

13. Father's Occupation

14. Father's Contact Number

15. Mother's Name

16. Mother's Occupation

17. Mother's Contact Number 3/5
5/14/2020 PPCNSHS Application for Senior High School Admission

18. Guardian's Name *

19. Guardian's relation to the learner *

20. Guardian's Address *

21. Guardian's Contact Number

22. Last School Attended in Junior High School *

23. Address of Last School Attended in Junior High School *

Agreement 4/5
5/14/2020 PPCNSHS Application for Senior High School Admission

24. I wish to apply for admission in your school as a new Senior High School for School Year 2020-
2021. I hereby certify that the above information given are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and I allow the Department of Education to use my child's details to create and/or
update his/her learner profile in the Learner Information System. the information herein shall
be treated as confidential in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Mark only one oval.



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