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“The Bible Transforms and Unites the Nation”


In support to the advocacy of the government to celebrate January as

National Bible Month, Lingig National High School launched the NBS on
January 13, 2020. The theme, “The Bible Transforms and Unites the
Nation”, was a reminder that reading the scripture will elevate our spiritual
aspirations. The school campaigned to love reading the holy book and be an
instrument of God’s faithfulness.
Religious leaders attended the flag ceremony on January 27, 2020 and
they shared their thoughts about the verses that were read to them.
Part of the celebration is to unite different religious organizations in
the community. Jam for Jesus Christ, is an interesting event that would
inspire everyone to praise Jesus and continue Crusading for His name. This
will happen on the Culmination Activity of the NBS celebration. Various
religious groups with their youth will gather and jam together to sing, praise
and worship Jesus Christ. The spirit of Unity will be observed in the name of
the Lord as they will share their resources like musical instruments, choir,
and other necessary materials to make the activity possible.

I. Objective:
This NBS celebration aims to:
a. gain insights in analyzing passage in the bible
b. reflect for spiritual growth through scriptures
c. express willingness for transformation

II. Participants:
LNHS students and personnel, Lingig Community Religious Sector,
Mangagoy Religious Sector
VI. Activities:
Jan. 13, 2019 (Monday) - Launching Program

Jan 27, 2020 (Monday) - Bible Reading & Sharing with stakeholders

(After Flag Ceremony)

Poster Making Contest (2:00 – 4:00 pm)

January 29, 2020 - Culmination Activity

A. Holy Mass (7:00 – 8:30)

B. Festivals of Bible Story Books (by grade level)
C. Bible Quiz Bowl (9:30 – 10:30)
D. Spoken Poetry (10:45 – 11:45)
E. Jam for Jesus Christ – (Afternoon)

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