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Marketing aspects

These marketing aspects will tackle about the weaknesses and threats of our business. Here are some

Lack of Costumer. Lacking of consumers can affect the net worth of our business, it may lead to
overstacking of goods or many products will be wasted.

Competency. Having a competency in other businesses may lead to confusions of the consumers if
where will they buy their needs. Confusions can be the differences between prices and quality.

Lack of Finances or Funds. Lack of these things may lead to the bankruptcy of the business.

Inflation or the rising of prices of the products and gas. Rising of prices can lessen the survivability of our
business. There will be changes of prices of our products due to the high prices from our supplier.

The threats will be:

Lack of waste management. Even our shop is clean, it is still useless if the wastes that we get from the
inside will be no room when we about to dispose it. So every branches of our shop has compost pit at
the back.

Bad weather. Weather can affect our business because if there is heavy rains there will be a struggle in
transporting of the new goods, so we will be forced on selling older stock of products.

Lack of Electric energy. In rural places there will be an instances that there will be no electricity due to
bad weather or calamity. So each of the branches of our shops, will have a generator that can be used if

Theft and burglaries. Crimes is the one of the biggest threats in having kinds of businesses like this. This
happens because of lack of jobs and opportunities and the other people will be forced in robbing other's
properties in order to feed their own family. To prevent this, making a business like this can help people
to have jobs to fulfill the needs of their own families.

Fire Accidents. This type of calamity is occurring unexpectedly. To prevent this, we should train our
employees to be careful, aware, and alert when if this kind of accident occurs. Every branch of our shops
has fire extinguisher that can be used if necessary.

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