Lecturer Dr. Arkan - Jasim.Hadi Good Luck

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First Term Exam 2018-2019 Time:90 min

Subject : Control process Stage :4th

Q1: (35 Marks)

A - Find the inverse Laplace transform of. (10 marks)

𝒔𝟐 − 𝒔 − 𝟔
𝒀(𝒔) = 𝟑
𝒔 − 𝟐𝒔𝟐 − 𝒔 + 𝟐

B- A mercury thermometer having first-order dynamics with a time constant of 60s is placed in a bath at 35°C.
After the thermometer reaches a steady state it is suddenly placed in a bath at 40°C at t = 0 and left there for 60 s.
after which it is immediately returned to the bath at 35°C.
(a) Draw a sketch showing the variation of the thermometer reading with time.
(b) Calculate the thermometer reading at t = 30 s and at t = 120s.
(c) What would be the reading at t = 6 s if the thermometer had only been immersed in the 40°C bath for less than
1 s before being returned to the 35°C bath? (25 marks)

Q2: (30 Marks)

A liquid storage tank system is shown below. The normal operating conditions are q1s=10 ft3/min, q2s=5 ft3/min,
hs= 4ft.
The tank is 6 ft in diameter, and the density of each stream 60 ib/ft3. Suppose that a plus change in q1 occurs as
shown in figure below.

(a) What is the transfer function relating H to Q1?

(b) Derive an expression for h(t) for this input change. Draw the response
(c) What is the new steady state hs?

Q3: (35 Marks)

A- A stirred- tank blending system initially is full of water and being fed pure water at constant flow rate q. At a
particular time, an operator adds caustic solution at the same volumetric flow rate q but concentration ci. If the liquid
volume V is constant: (1) derive the dynamic model for this process, (2) with c(0)= 0 what is the concentration
response of the reactor effluent stream, c(t)? sketch it as a function of time . (25 marks)

Data V= 2 m3 , q- 0.4 m3/min. ci= 50 kg/m3

B- Using partial function to find x(t) of. (10 marks)

𝑋(,) = 𝑒 23.5,

Dr. Arkan.Jasim.Hadi GOOD LUCK

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