Speech Evaluator

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Taking on this role improves listening skills, critical thinking and positive feedback skills
In Toastmasters, feedback is called evaluation, and it is the heart of the Toastmasters educational program. You
observe the speeches and leadership roles of your fellow club members and offer evaluations of their efforts, and
they do the same for you. As evaluator, you:

 Provide verbal and written evaluations for speakers using the Effective Evaluation manual.
 Ask those you've been assigned to evaluate what they will present and what they wish to achieve.
 Answer evaluation questions in the manual as objectively as possible.
 When giving any evaluation, offer praise as well as constructive criticism.

As a speech evaluator you may read the Effect Evaluation manual available here
(https://www.toastmasters.org/Resources/Search-Resources?t=effective%20evaluation) in order to understand how
to give good feedback.

Below is a detailed description of how you can carry out your role within the session:

1. Before the Meeting: The Toastmaster or Vice-president of Education may ask you to confirm your role in
the Toastmasters Bogota whatsapp group. Please answer back if you can carry out the role for the next
meeting. If you are not at the whatsapp group, please contact the vice-president of Education so you can be
included. Information on all officer roles is included in an alternative file in the Google Drive Toastmasters
Bogota Toolbox. Remember to read the chapter that will be evaluated in your leadership manual for this
role. It is recommended to read the chapter in the communication manual you will be evaluating.
2. At the Meeting: Before the meeting starts, ready the material you are going to use to carry your role (your
assigned speaker’s communication manual). Remember to ask the speaker what project you are going to be
evaluating. The Toastmaster, Vice-president of Education or General Evaluator should talk to you to be sure
you are ready to carry out your role. Remember to exchange your leadership manual with another member if
you are being evaluated in this role.
3. When introduced by the toastmaster (note: in some clubs the Toastmaster is the one in charge of
introducing all of the evaluation team. In our club we manage this differently, but be aware of this if you ever
go to any other club) present yourself and explain the main objectives the speaker has for his project. A
summary of the objectives are available on the first page of the project. When finished give control of the
session back to the Toastmaster.
4. The General Evaluator will call you during the feedback phase in order to give your report. Give your report
to the speaker. Remember to give praise as well as constructive criticism.
5. Once finished give control of the session back to the Toastmaster. Remember to return the communication
manual back to the speaker.

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