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An Analysis of
Onion Options and
Double-no-Touch Digitals*
Stefan Ebenfeld, Matthias R. Mayr and Jürgen Topper†
d-fine GmbH, Mergenthalerallee 55, 65760 Eschborn/Frankfurt,

Abstract type which is predominant in both, the OTC and retail market. Other
types of double barrier binaries are discussed in [Luo, 2001]. Having
In this article it is shown how an onion option can be decomposed into established well-posedness of the pricing problem, we derive formulae
double-no-touch options, for which the Black-Scholes framework admits for the price of the option and the Greeks based on Fourier series tech-
a solution in terms of a Fourier series. The convergence properties of the niques. While the formulae for the price of the option have been given by
series are studied in detail. In particular, an explicit formula for the [Hui, 1996] and [Lipton, 2001], formulae for the Greeks have not been pub-
number of terms needed to achieve a desired accuracy is presented. The lished to our knowledge. The convergence properties of these formulae
hedging parameters are derived followed by a discussion of the peculiar are studied in detail including a discussion of the Gibbs phenomenon.
properties of vega and gamma. Easy-to-use formulae are stated that determine the number of relevant
terms of the Fourier series given a certain required accuracy. Also, for
some properties of some of the Greeks proof is provided. Finally, we com-
1 Introduction pute the implied volatilities of a set of onion options and compare these
to market quotes.
In this paper we are studying a product from the FX market called the
onion option which can be decomposed into a sum of double-no-touch
options. The double-no-touch option [Lipton, 2001] is of double-barrier 2 The product
knock-out type and pays a prespecified amount of money at maturity
provided that neither the upper nor the lower knock-out barrier has The product that we want to study in this paper is a structured derivative
been breached. In principle many types of barrier options are conceiv- first issued by Warburg Dillon Read in 1998 as Multi-Double-Lock-Out-
able depending on whether a barrier is hit and/or whether it is hit first. Warrant. It was not issued again after 1999. In early 2002, Commerzbank
In this paper, though, we solely discuss the double-barrier knock-out issued the same option under a new name: onion option. The underlying is

* We would like to thank d-fine GmbH (Mergenthalerallee 55, 65760 Eschborn) for providing us with the opportunity and infrastructure to write this paper. In particular, we want to thank some of
d-fine’s experts for sharing their expertise and market insights.
†Corresponding author. E-mail:

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but not to zero. This time it is replaced by a second contract which pays
P3 1
P 1 , if the FX rate stays between Smin 1
and Smax . This second contract can be
interpreted as a rebate. Similar arguments apply when either Smax or
Smin are breached. As usual in the FX setting, the barriers are monitored
Commerzbank issued several options of this type with varying Smin ,
i i
P1 Smax and P ; for some examples see table 1. To the knowledge of the
authors only products with 3 layers have been issued so far. In the fol-
lowing, we show how to calculate the value of a general onion option
with an arbitrary number of corridors.
S1min S2min S3min S3max S2max S1max

Fig. 1 Payoff of the onion option. 3 Peeling the onion

The onion option has the following properties:
the USD/EUR FX rate. The payoff is defined in the following way: In case 1. The onion option has n nested corridors, i.e. each of these corri-
3 3 i i
the FX rate S does not leave a corridor Smin < S < Smax before maturity, dors has a lower boundary Smin and an upper boundary Smax and
3 1 n n 1
the holder of the option receives a payoff of P . In case the FX rate leaves the boundaries satisfy 0 < Smin < . . . < Smin < Smax < . . . < Smax .
that corridor at least once but stays within a second outer1 corridor 2. If the underlying price S does not leave the inner corridor
Smin 2
< S < Smax the holder receives P 2 < P 3 . In case the FX rate leaves this n
(Smin n
, Smax ) the option pays off P n . If S leaves the i + 1-th corridor
corridor, too, but stays within Smin < S < Smax1
the holder gets P 1 < P 2 . In but remains inside the i-th corridor the option pays off P i . If all
case the FX rate does not remain within this last corridor, the option barriers are breached the option pays off nothing. The payoffs
ceases to exist at the moment of breaching either Smax 1 1
or Smin . satisfy 0 < P 1 < . . . < P n .
1 1
It is easy to see that — when breaching either Smax or Smin — a knock-out There is a simple trick to price this product. It can be decomposed into
barrier is hit. This barrier does not pay any rebate. Therefore, the entire double-no-touch options. Let VDNT (S, t ; Smin , Smax , P ) denote the value of a
derivative is of the double-barrier knock-out type. Breaching either Smax double-no-touch digital defined as follows: At expiry, it pays P in case nei-
or Smin has several consequences: The original contract is knocked out ther barrier Smin or Smax has been breached. In case any of the barriers is


ISIN Inner Corridor Middle Corridor Outer Corridor Expiry

1/S3max – 1/S3min P3 1/S2max – 1/S2min P2 1/S1max – 1/S1min P1
in USD in EUR in USD in EUR in USD in EUR

DE0006527922 0.825–0.925 30 0.800–0.950 20 0.775–0.975 10 8/22/2002

DE0006527930 0.825–0.925 30 0.810–0.940 20 0.800–0.950 10 8/22/2002
DE0006527948 0.840–0.910 30 0.825–0.925 20 0.810–0.940 10 8/22/2002
DE0006527955 0.850–0.900 30 0.835–0.915 20 0.820–0.930 10 8/22/2002
DE0006527963 0.800–0.950 30 0.750–1.000 20 0.700–1.050 10 3/20/2003
DE0006527971 0.800–0.950 30 0.775–0.975 20 0.750–1.000 10 3/20/2003
DE0006527989 0.825–0.925 30 0.800–0.950 20 0.775–0.975 10 3/20/2003

DE0006527997 0.825–0.925 30 0.810–0.940 20 0.795–0.955 10 3/20/2003

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hit or crossed, the options ceases to exist instantaneously without pay- 4.1 Transformation of the Final Boundary Value Problem
ing any rebate. Then the value Vonion (S, t ) of the onion option can be First, reformulate the Black-Scholes PDE in terms of x = ln S/Smin and use
written as the ansatz V(x, t ) = e α x+β t U(x, t ) with

Vonion (S, t ) = i
VDNT (S, t, Smin i
, Smax , P i − P i−1 ), (1)
1 r − rf
i =1 α= − , (6)
2 σ2
where we have introduced P 0 = 0. In order to prove this we will show
that the right-hand side always yields the same payoff as the left-hand
side: First, we note that by definition both sides are equal when the β = r + 12 σ 2 α 2 (7)
onion option only has a single corridor, i.e., n = 1. Assuming that Eq. (1)
is correct for an onion option Vonion having only the j − 1 outer corridors
1 j−1 j−1 1
Smin < . . . < Smin < Smax < . . . < Smax Eq. (1) can be rewritten as such that Eq. (3) reduces to the heat equation2

j−1 ∂U 1 ∂2U
, P j − P j−1) +Vonion (S, t ) .
j j
Vonion (S, t ) = VDNT (S, t, Smin , Smax
(2) + σ 2 2 = 0. (8)
∂t 2 ∂x
where Vonion (S, t ) denotes the value of an onion option with j corridors. If with boundary conditions U(0, t ) = 0 , U(L, t ) = 0 and final condition
the j-th barrier is not breached the double-no-touch digital VDNT pays off U(x, T ) = e−α x−β T for x ∈ (0, L ) where L = ln Smax /Smin was introduced.
j−1 j−1 j−1
P −P
and the onion option Vonion pays off P . Hence, in this case the
right-hand side has the same payoff P j as the left-hand side. If the under- 4.2 Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity of Solutions
lying price S does not stay within the j-th corridor the right-hand side From the general theory of linear parabolic final boundary value prob-
only has the payoff of the onion option Vonion because the double-no- lems we obtain that the simplified final boundary problem (8) has a
touch option is knocked out. However, this is again equal to the payoff of unique weak solution
the left-hand side since the inner corridor j is breached and, therefore,
U ∈ L2 ((0, T ), H01 ((0, L ) ) ) ∩H 1 ((0, T ), H−1 ((0, L ) ) ) .
only the outer corridors contribute to the payoff of the option Vonion (S, t ). (9)
This shows that Eq. (1) holds for an arbitrary number of corridors.
Moreover, by continuous imbedding we also have

4 Double-no-Touch Digital U ∈ C 0 ([0, T ], L 2 ((0, L ) ) ) . (10)

After stripping the onion option into double-no-touch digitals it remains We note that on the one hand the final and the boundary data in prob-
to determine the value V(S, t ; Smin , Smax , P ) of these digitals. Under the lem (8) are not compatible. Consequently, when we consider U(x, t ) as a
usual assumptions of the Black-Scholes framework for FX options (see e.g. continuous function w.r.t. t the trace of U(x, t ) w.r.t. x cannot exist. In this
[Merton, 1990, Hull, 1997] for a summary) the value V(S, t ; Smin , Smax , 1 ) sense the regularity statement (10) is optimal. On the other hand, from
of a double-no-touch option satisfies the Black-Scholes PDE the general theory of analytic semigroups we obtain that actually U(x, t )
is smooth for t < T. More precisely we have
∂V 1 ∂2V ∂V
+ σ 2 S 2 2 + (r − rf ) S − rV = 0 (3)
∂t 2 ∂S ∂S
U ∈ C ∞ ([0, T ) ×[0, L ] ) . (11)
with the boundary conditions
Consequently, our original final boundary problem (3)–(5) has a unique
V(Smin , t ) = V(Smax , t ) = 0 (4) weak solution

for all t < T and the final condition V ∈ L2 ((0, T ), H01 ((Smin , Smax ) ) ) ∩H 1 ((0, T ), H −1 ((Smin , Smax ) ) ) .

V (S, T ) = 1 (5) Moreover, V(S, t ) has the following additional regularity:

for all S ∈ (Smin , Smax ) . In the following, it will be shown that the solu- V ∈ C 0 ([0, T ], L2 ((Smin , Smax ) ) ) . (12)
tion of the boundary problem can be given in terms of a Fourier series.
For a general outline of this solution technique see [Wilmott, 1998], V ∈ C ∞ ([0, T ); [Smin , Smax ] ) . (13)
Section 6.5.3.

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4.3 Solution via Fourier Series Methods

Expanding U(x, t ) in terms of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator
∂ 2 /∂ x2 which satisfy the boundary conditions (see e.g. [Evans, 1998]) leads
to a Fourier series ansatz U(x, t ) = ∞n =1 An (t ) sin(π nx /L ) . Calculating the
Fourier coefficients and reinserting x = ln S/Smin yields [Hui, 1996] OF EQ. (14) FOR VARIOUS TIMES TO EXPIRY T – t.

S 1 − (−1 )n e−α L
V(S, t ) =2π n PARAMETERS: Smin = 0.75, Smax = 0.95, r = 5%,
Smin n2 π 2 + α 2 L2
n =1
 1 2 πn 2    (14) rf = 3%, σ = 10%
πn S
×e 2 ( L )
− σ −β (T − t )
sin ln . T–t 1y 6m 3m 1m 1w 1d
L Smin
N 4 6 8 14 30 85

In Fig. 2 the value of the option is plotted for different times to maturities.

4.4 Convergence Rates This shows that the Fourier series in (14) converges absolutely and uni-
A straightforward calculation yields the following estimate for the formly for all values of S for all times t < T − ε for any ε > 0. However,
remainder terms: according to our discussion of the regularity of the solution V(S, t ) to the
    original final boundary value problem (3) the right hand side in (15)
 S α 1 − (−1 )n e−α L − 1 σ 2 ( π n )2 −β (T− t ) πn S  diverges logarithmically as t tends to T. It is shown in appendix B that the
2π  n e 2 L
sin ln
 S n2 π 2 + α 2 L2 L Smin  Fourier series converge uniformly on the entire time interval w.r.t. a dif-
n = N +1

∞ ferent norm. A further simplification of the integral in Eq. (15) can be

2 1 − 1 σ 2 ( π n )2 ( T − t )
≤ [(S/Smin )α + (S/Smax )α ] e−β (T− t ) e 2 L used to get an explicit expression for the number of terms N that have to
π n
n = N +1 be computed in Eq. (14) in order to obtain an approximation of accuracy ε :

2 |α|
 −β (T− t ) ∞ 1 − 1 σ 2 ( π n )2 (T− t )
≤ 1 + (Smax /Smin ) e e 2 L dn

π n

N L 2 π 3 σ 2 (T − t ) ε
1  1 −y N= −2β − ln . (16)
= 1 + e|α|L e−β (T− t ) e dy. πσ T−t 2L2 [1 + e|α|L ]
π 1
σ ( L ) (T− t ) y
2 π N 2

T−t = 1d This formula explicitly shows that the number of required terms N will
1 not only increase with decreasing time to expiry T − t and accuracy level
0.9 T−t = 3m ε but also with decreasing volatility σ . However, for parameters typical
for the pricing of FX double-no-touch options N seems to be rather small:
Using Eq. (16) we calculated the number of terms needed to get an accu-
T−t = 6m
0.7 racy of 0.00001 for various times to expiry T − t as listed in Table 2.
0.6 Furthermore, Eq. (16) is a crude lower bound for the number of terms
V needed to get the desired accuracy. Even with a single term one gets an
T−t = 1y good approximation of the option value for six month to expiry as can
0.4 be seen in Fig. 2.
4.5 Gibbs Phenomenon
0.2 Although the crude approximation (15) does not give an upper bound for
0.1 the remainder terms at t = T, the Fourier series (14) still converges uni-
formly to the payoff inside the interval (Smin + ε, Smax − ε ) for any ε > 0
0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 as can be anticipated from Fig. 3. However, this figure also shows that
S close to the boundaries Smin and Smax the Fourier series overshoots the
payoff V(S, T ) = 1 by approximately 18% . Increasing the number of
Fig. 2 The value of a double-no-touch option according to Eq. (14) for dif- terms does not change the height of the overshoot but only drives the
ferent times to expiry T − t (full curves). The dashed curve is the contri-
overshooting peaks closer to the edges of the interval (Smin , Smax ); thereby,
bution of the first term of Eq. (14) to the option value for T − t = 6m. The
figure was generated for the following parameters: Smin = 0.75, the series converges to the limit 1 in a growing regime inside the interval.

Smax = 0.95, r = 5%, rf = 3%, σ = 10%. It can be shown (see e.g. [Carslaw, 1930]) that this is a consequence of the

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until time T. Eq. (18) yields the same results as formula (2.4) in [Kunitomo
and Ikeda, 1992], where this result is generalized to curved boundaries
and the probability P(S, t ) is given as an infinite sum of cumulative nor-
1 mal distribution functions. The same result can also be obtained by con-
voluting the payoff with the fundamental solution given in [Cox and
0.8 Miller, 1965], Eq. (81) with x = ln S.
0.6 4.7 The Greeks
In this subsection the greeks ,  and υ are calculated by differentiating
the Fourier series (14). In analogy to the discussion above, we obtain that
the differentiated Fourier series converge absolutely and uniformly for
t < T and hence represent the respective greeks. However, for t = T the
0.2 series will always diverge.

0 4.7.1 Delta
0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
Differentiating Eq. (14) with respect to the underlying S yields:
Fig. 3 The dashed and the full curves show the values obtained from ∂ V 2π S α  1 − (−1 )n e −α L − 12 σ 2 ( πLn )2 −β (T− t )
the left-hand side of Eq. (14) by truncating the series after 10 and 100 (S, t ) = = n 2 2 e
∂S S Smin n =1
n π + α 2 L2
terms, respectively, as a function of the underlying value S. The dot-     (19)
ted line shows the graph to which the graphs of the partial sums of πn S πn πn S
the Fourier series will converge as the number of terms tends to α sin ln + cos ln .
L Smin L L Smin
infinity. The figure was generated for the following parameters:
Smin = 0.75, Smax = 0.95, r = 5%, rf = 3%, σ = 10%.
In Fig. 4  is plotted as a function of the underlying value S for different
times to expiry. The figure demonstrates that  can become quite large
discontinuity at the boundaries and as n becomes infinite the series con- at the boundaries Smin and Smax close to the expiry. This indicates that -
verges uniformly in the sense of graphs3 to the dotted curve in Fig. 3 on hedging can be quite involved for these products.
the entire interval [Smin , Smax ]. This is known as the Gibbs phenomenon
[Carslaw, 1930]4 . However, for practical purposes the Gibbs phenomenon 25
will not inhibit the use of Eq. (14) because it will only occur at the expiry 20
and for the example discussed in Table 2 even one day before expiry 85
terms are enough to calculate the value of the option with a five-digit
accuracy. 10
4.6 Probability Interpretation
If one inserts the expression for β Eq. (14) can be written as ∆ T−t=1y
V(S, t ) = e− r(T− t ) P(S, t ), T−t=6m
(17) −10
where T−t=1m
∞ −25
S 1 − (−1 )n e−α L
P(S, t ) =2π n
Smin n2 π 2 + α 2 L2 −30
n =1 (18) 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
σ − ( πLn ) −α 2 (T − t )
1 2 πn S S
× e2 sin ln
L Smin
Fig. 4 The delta of the double-no-touch option as a function of the under-
lying value S according to Eq. (19) for different times to expiry T − t. The
is the probability that the underlying value St [following the risk neutral figure was generated for the following parameters: Smin = 0.75,
process dSt = (r − rf ) dt + σ dXt ] will not leave the corridor (Smin , Smax ) Smax = 0.95, r = 5% , rf = 3%, %.

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4.7.2 Gamma 1
Differentiating Eq. (19) with respect to the underlying S yields:
  ∞ −1
∂2V 2π S α  1 − (−1 )n e− α L
(S, t ) = = n 2 2
∂ S2 S2 Smin n π + α 2 L2 −2 T−t=3m
n= 1
 1 2 πn 2   π n 2
×e 2 ( L )
− σ − β (T− t ) (20)
α2 − α −
    υ −4
πn S πn πn S
× sin ln + (2α − 1 ) cos ln .
L Smin L L Smin −5

−6 T−t=6m
Similar to ,  can become quite large close to the expiry at the knock-
out barriers. Since  is the sensitivity against large movements of the −7
asset price this again underlines the hedging difficulties in this regime. −8 T−t=1y
4.7.3 Vega −9
0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
Differentiating Eq. (14) with respect to the volatility σ yields:5 S

  ∞  1 2 πn 2 
S α
Fig. 6 The vega of the double-no-touch option as a function of the under-
∂V n − 2 σ ( L ) −β (T − t )
υ(S, t ) = = 2π e lying value S according to Eq. (21) for various times to expiry T − t (full
∂σ Smin n 2 π 2 + α 2 L2
n =1 lines) and the following parameters: Smin = 0.75, Smax = 0.95, r = 5%,
 π n 2 rf = 3%, σ = 10%. The dashed curve shows the vega [Eq. (22)] of a digital
[1 − (−1 ) e−α L ] α (ln S/Smin − L ) −σ (T − t ) without barriers for T − t = 6m. The dotted curve is the vega according
L to Eq. (21) for T − t = 1y and the same parameters as above but for
2α L2 πn S σ = 2.5%.
−(σ α + α ) ασ (T − t ) − 2 2 α
+ L α
sin ln
n π + α 2 L2 L Smin
(21) underlying price S for various times to expiry.
The plot suggests that υ is strictly negative for this particular set of
where α = ∂α/∂ σ = 2(r − rf ) /σ 3 . Fig. 6 shows υ as function of the parameters. This is somewhat surprising when compared to an option6
that always pays off 1 monetary unit when the underlying price S at time
100 T is in the interval (Smin , Smax ) regardless of the path that the underlying
price takes. The vega of such an option is
T−t = 1y
−100 ˜ S, t ) = e− r(T− t ) N (d2 (Smax ) )[ T − t + d2 (Smax ) /σ ]
T−t = 6m √  (22)
−200 −N (d2 (Smin ) )[ T − t + d2 (Smin ) /σ ]
T−t = 3m
−300 where N denotes the density of the√ normal distribution and
d2 (X ) = [ln S/X + (r − rf − σ 2 /2 )(T − t )]/(σ T − t ) . As can be seen from
the dashed line in Fig. 6 υ˜ is positive close to the upper boundary Smax as
−500 T−t = 1m long as r − rf > 0 . The reason for this is that when the forward price
Se (r− rf )(T− t ) of the underlying lies outside the final payoff regime (Smin , Smax )
−600 additional volatility will increase the (risk-neutral) probability for the
option to end up in the money and, hence, increase the option’s value.
0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Furthermore, it is surprising that  is positive near Smax all the same
S since by taking the derivative with respect to σ of Eq. (3)

Fig. 5 The gamma of the double-no-touch option as a function of the ∂υ 1 ∂2υ ∂υ

+ σ 2 S 2 2 + (r − rf ) S − rυ = −σ S 2  (23)
underlying value S according to Eq. (20) for different times to expiry T − t. ∂t 2 ∂S ∂S

The figure was generated for the following parameters: Smin = 0.75,
Smax = 0.95, r = 5%, rf = 3%, σ = 10%. it can be seen that  acts as a source term for vega.

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Using a perturbation approach we have shown in appendix A that in non-flat term structure, asynchronous data7 and day-count conventions
contrast to the digital without barriers the digital with barriers has a the volatility smile can be expected to be a major source for these differ-
strictly negative vega in some neighborhood of r = rf while gamma is ences. In [Lipton and McGhee, 2002] more sophisticated pricing tech-
positive close to Smax for r > rf and close to Smin for r < rf . The reason for niques focussing on how to deal with the volatility smile are discussed
this peculiar behavior of the vega of the double-no-touch option is that and it is demonstrated that for certain parameters the smile can have a
increasing the volatility will increase the probability that the barrier is considerable impact on the price of the double-no-touch option.
breached thereby reducing the value of the option. This offsets the posi- Therefore, the Black-Scholes price can only give a crude indication on
tive effect of the increase of the volatility on the expected payoff. what the market price will be.
However when the dynamics of the underlying asset price is rather drift-
dominated (r − rf  σ 2 ) this argument is obviously no longer true and υ
can become positive for some values of S as is demonstrated by the dotted 6 Conclusions
line in Fig. 6.
In this article a model-independent decomposition of onion options
into double-no-touch options was presented. Thereby, the value of the
5 An Empirical Investigation onion option is the sum of the values of double-no-touch options, whose
values can be given in terms of Fourier series. These series converge
In this section, we report some results using implied volatility. Although, absolutely and uniformly for all t < T and it is possible to give an explic-
this concept has been labeled to be ‘the wrong number to put in the it formula for the number of terms needed to achieve a desired level of
wrong formula to obtain the right price’ [Rebonato, 1999] it is still wide- accuracy. This number will diverge as t −→ T since the Gibbs phenome-
ly used, especially in risk management and risk controlling. It is also non prohibits uniform convergence for t = T. However, for parameters
popular among auditors since it complies with IAS (International most typical for FX options a rather small number of terms is enough to
Accounting Standard) and GAAP. The implied volatilities of the onion achieve a very good level of accuracy. The Greeks which are also derived
option are calculated from their quoted prices by finding the volatility from the Fourier series show that hedging will be most involved at the
such that Eq. (14) matches the price with all other parameters given. For barriers. Furthermore the barriers ensure a peculiar property of vega:
the set of parameters discussed in the following this is a well-defined There is a range of parameters where vega will be strictly negative for all
procedure since the value is a decreasing function of the volatility. For values of the underlying despite the fact that gamma, which acts as
the examples in table 1 the results are given in table 3. There are some source for vega, is positive in some region. Therefore, the double-no-
deviations from the implied volatilities taken from at-the-money vanilla touch option as well as the onion option can be used by the writer of the
options: besides rather obvious sources for these differences such as the option to buy vega.

INTEREST RATES r = 3.411%, rf = 2.05% (T – t = 6m) [r =
3.666%, rf = 2.53% (T – t = 13m)] WERE USED.

ISIN Price 2/21/2002 Implied Volatility ATM Volatility

DE0006527922 18.30 EUR 8.67 % 9,45 %
DE0006527930 15.20 EUR 8.64 % 9,45 %
DE0006527948 10.05 EUR 8.31 % 9,45 %
DE0006527955 6.70 EUR 7.95 % 9,45 %
DE0006527963 19.20 EUR 8.87 % 9,85 %
DE0006527971 15.60 EUR 8.89 % 9,85 %
DE0006527989 9.65 EUR 8.56 % 9,85 %
DE0006527997 7.15 EUR 8.29 % 9,85 %

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A Properties of Vega and Gamma near r = rf The derivative of ∂ P/∂ t with respect to S is

Theorem 1 Let r = rf and σ > 0 . Then, there exists a neighborhood of   ∞  

∂P πσ2 S α n
−α L
1 2 2
σ − ( πLn ) −α 2 (T − t )
(r, rf , σ, L, T, t ) such that the vega of the double-no-touch option is strictly negative (S, t ) = n 1 − (−1 ) e e2
∂ t∂ S SL Smin n =1
in the interval (Smin , Smax ).     (28)
πn S πn πn S
× α sin ln + cos ln
Proof First, we will prove two properties of vega: L Smin L L Smin
1. For r = rf υ is strictly negative in the interval (Smin , Smax ).
2. For r = rf the derivative ∂υ/∂ S with respect to the underlying Evaluating this expression at the lower boundary yields
price S is negative and positive at the lower barrier Smin and the

upper barrier Smax , respectively. ∂P π 2 σ 2 − 1 σ 2 α 2 (T− t ) 
(Smin , t ) = e 2

∂ t∂ S Smin L2 n =1
Then, the above theorem follows from the following perturbation argu- n 1 2 πn 2

ment: Since vega is strictly negative in the interval (Smin , Smax ) a small × n 1 − (−1 ) e
2 −α L
e− 2 σ ( L ) ( T − t ) ,
enough change in the parameters will not make vega positive inside the
interval. Since we have υ(Smin /max , t ) = 0 for all values of r and rf as well as which is positive for α > 0 because the term 1 − (−1 )n e−α L is positive for
∂υ/∂ S(Smin , t ; r = rf ) > 0 and ∂υ/∂ S(Smax , t ; r = rf ) < 0 vega can not α > 0. At the upper boundary we obtain
become positive close to the boundaries Smin /max of the interval either. ∂P π 2 σ 2 α L − 1 σ 2 α 2 (T− t )
By comparing Eq. (21) with the time derivative of Eq. (18) we find that (Smax , t ) = e e 2
∂ t∂ S Smax L2
∞ (30)
n 1 2 πn 2
 × n 2 (−1 ) −e−α L e− 2 σ ( L ) (T− t ) .
2(T − t ) ∂ P 
υ(S, t )|r= rf = − e− r ( T − t ) . (24) n =1
σ ∂ t r= rf
Since we have not restricted our proof of the non-negativity of ∂ P/∂ t to
any particular set of parameters8 the following inequality must hold for
Therefore, we can prove the properties 1 and 2 for −∂ P/∂ t as well as for all values of α :
υ(S, t ). ∞
n 1 2 πn 2
Since P denotes the probability that the underlying price S will n2 (−1 ) −e−α L e− 2 σ ( L ) (T− t ) ≤ 0 (31)
remain inside the corridor until the expiry of the option we obviously n =1

have P(S, t ) < P(S, t + δ t ) , which entails ∂ P/∂ t ≥ 0. Furthermore, we know Taking the limit α → ∞ yields
that P fulfils the backward Kolmogorow equation ∞
 n 1 2 πn 2
n2 (−1 ) e− 2 σ ( L ) (T− t ) ≤ 0. (32)
∂P 1 ∂2P ∂P
+ S 2 σ 2 2 + (r − rf ) S =0 (25) n =1
∂t 2 ∂S ∂S
Using the obvious inequality
with boundary conditions P(Smin /max ) = 0 . Differentiating this with ∞
 1 2 πn 2
respect to t and using the Feynman-Kac formula yields n2 e−α L e− 2 σ ( L ) (T− t ) > 0 (33)
 n =1
∂P ∂P 
(S, t ) = E (St ∧τ , t ∧ τ ) St = S , (26) together with Eq. (31) yields
∂t ∂t
where St follows the risk-neutral geometric Brownian motion and the (Smax , t ) < 0. (34)
∂ t∂ S
stopping time τ is defined by τ (ω ) = inf{u ∈ [0, t ]|Su (ω ) ∈ / (Smin , Smax )} .
Since ∂ P/∂ t is non-negative the expectation of ∂ P/∂ t at time t could only Theorem 2 Let σ > 0. Then, (Smin , t ) > 0 for r < rf and (Smax , t ) > 0 for
be zero if ∂ P/∂ t(St , t ) = 0 for all St ∈ (Smin , Smax ) . However, we will prove r > rf for all t < T.
in the following that ∂ P/∂ t is positive in some neighborhood of the lower Proof At the lower boundary Smin the inequality
and upper barriers. Therefore, we have 2π 2
(Smin , t ) = 2 (2α − 1 )
∂P Smin L
>0 (27) ∞   (35)
∂t 1 − (−1 )n e−α L − 12 σ 2 ( πLn )2 −β (T− t )
× n2 2 2 e >0
in the interval (Smin , Smax ) for all times t < T. This proves property 1. n =1
n π + α 2 L2

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is obvious for r < rf (α > 1/2 ) since this implies 2α − 1 > 0 and Again a straightforward calculation yields the following estimate:
1 − (−1 )n e−α L > 0 which ensures that all terms in the sum are positive.
  1   α
Since r > rf entails 2α − 1 < 0 gamma S max ∞
− σ 2 ( nLπ ) +β (T − t )
 α An e 2

2π 2 Smax S min n = N +1
(Smax , t ) = (2α − 1 ) e− β ( T − t )
2 L
Smax Smin   2  12
(36) nπ S

∞ × sin ln w(S ) dS
(−1 )n −e− α L − 1 σ 2 ( π n )2 ( T − t ) L Smin
× n2 e 2 L
n2 π 2 + α 2 L2  1
n= 1  2
 L ∞
 1 2
  nπ  2
= An e
− 2
σ 2
( ) nπ
+β (T− t )
sin x dx
will be positive at the upper boundary for all values of L if  0 L 
n = N +1

(−1 )n 2
− 12 σ 2 ( πLn ) +α 2 (T − t )

1  2 − σ 2 ( nLπ )2 +2β (T− t )
n2 e <0 (37) = An e
n =1
n2 π 2 + α 2 L2 2 n= N +1
holds. First, we note that this inequality is true for t  −1 since then the √  ∞  12
2P  1 2
−α L −β (T − t ) −σ 2 ( nLπ ) (T − t )
odd terms dominate the even terms in the sum. Furthermore, we have in ≤ (1 + e )e e
π n2
general n = N +1
√ ∞ 12
2P −α L −β (T − t ) 1 −σ 2 ( xπ )2 (T− t )
  ≤ (1 + e )e e dx ,
∂  2
∞ L
(−1 )n 2
− 12 σ 2 ( πLn ) + α 2 ( T − t ) π x2
n 2 2 e N
∂ t n = 1 n π + α 2 L2
 πn 2 2
σ2  2

where An = 2π n[1 − (−1 )n e−α L ]/(n2 π 2 + α 2 L2 ) was introduced for con-
− 1σ2
n (−1 ) e 2 ( L )
+ α (T− t )
= 2 ≤ 0,
2L n = 1
venience. As a consequence we have the following estimate that is uni-
form w.r.t. t:
where the last inequality was taken from Eq. (32). This proves Eq. (37).
  ∞ 1   α
S max  σ 2 ( nLπ
An e
− ) +β (T − t )

B Convergence in L2

S min n = N +1
  2  12
In this appendix we shall derive an estimate for the Fourier series in (14) nπ S (40)
× sin ln w(S ) dS
that holds uniformly on the entire time interval [0, T]. However, accord- L Smin
ing to (12) the solution V(S, t ) to the original final boundary value prob- √
2P 1
lem (3) is only of class L2 ((Smin , Smax ) ) w.r.t. S. For technical reasons it is ≤ (1 + e−α L ) √ .
π N
sensible to consider the equivalent function space L2w ((Smin , Smax ) ) where
the weight function w(S ) is given by
α In particular, the Fourier series in (14) √ converges in the function space
w (S ) = . C0 ([0, T], L2 ((Smin , Smax ) ) ) with rate 1/ N.
S α+1

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