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Student: Ore Moreno Wilfredo

The quality that I admire the most about my father is his bravery. He
is the most hardworking person I know, and he has done everything
that he can to provide a better life not only for himself, but also for
my brother and me.
When my dad was growing up, he didn’t have a lot money. His
family struggled to make ends meet. However, he worked himself
through college, worked himself up in the business world, and
became successful. He made smart decisions about money.
Even though he ended up earning a lot of money, he didn’t give it
out to us freely, but made sure we knew the value of hard work and
delayed gratification. Thanks to him, I know that money is not the
most important thing in life. Spending time with family and the
people you love is, and my father has proven this by his actions.
Even though he works very hard, my father always has time for my
brother and me and is always involved in our lives. I admire his a lot.

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