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CÓD. 1.115.915.761


Presentado a:



The contamination of the soil and subsoil represents a difficulty for our society, especially for the
farmers and finally the consumer, since the lands and the food that she produces are affected.

Present bio test, bio test, aimed to determine the levels of toxicity that there is in a sample of soil
collected in the quarry called Caja Mine that is located in rural area of the municipality of
Tauramena Casanare.

For the experiment, organic seeds of romaine lettuce were used, which were seeded in aqueous
dilutions of the collected sample in concentrations of 100%, 30%, 10%, 3% and 1%, in addition to
a dilution of positive control and another of negative control.

Three replicates were made for each dilution and the established protocol was followed, placing
the containers covered with aluminum foil in a place away from the light and with a more or less
warm temperature.

Finally, at the end of the term, the results or germinations obtained were evaluated; this evaluation
and the calculations made allowed to determine that it is a very toxic soil, because the dilution to
100% inhibited, almost in its entirety, the growth of the seeds.

It is established that in order to recover this soil, a thorough research and field work is necessary
and it also requires many economic and technical resources to carry out this recovery approach.


- Biological material: 1 on lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.), up to one year old (see lot
- 1 liter of water sample under evaluation, minimum 500 ml.
- 1 L of distilled or potable water (purified water, not tap)
- 21 Petri dishes (glass or plastic, 100 mm in diameter, read other container options
- Whatman No. 3 filter paper, 90 mm in diameter, should fit well in Petri dishes (can be
replaced with kitchen absorbent paper)
- 3 droppers or syringes of 5 ml that can measure 4 ml.
- 1 250 ml probe or a container that is graduated every 100 ml or 50 ml (see page 9 of this
document with instructions on how to create it yourself).
- Tweezers or something similar to catch the seeds.
- Cook out. - 1 clean 1.5 L container or bottle.
- Aluminum foil (enough to wrap your 5 Petri dishes).
- Masking tape. - Notepad, format for taking data designed by yourself.
- Rule.
- Latex gloves.
- Ziploc Sandwich bags.
- Materials for water sampling: p. 7 of this guide.


In principle, the 300 g of soil is taken and placed on the plate, then this sample is saturated with
drinking water until a dark brown aqueous solution is obtained, which corresponds to the 100%
dilution; the solutions are then prepared at 30%, 10%, 3%, and 1%, then:

- 30%: 3 ml of the 100% dilution is added, and up to 10 ml is filled with drinking water. The
calculation would be: 3 of 100% + 7 of water = 10. 100% * 3/10 = 30%.

- 10%: 1 ml of the 100% dilution is added, and up to 10 ml is filled with drinking water.

- The calculation would be: 1 of 100% + 9 of water = 10. 100% * 1/10 = 10%.

- 3%: 1 ml of the 30% dilution is added, and up to 10 ml is filled with drinking water.

The calculation would be: 1 of 30% + 9 of water = 10. 30% * 1/10 = 3%.

- 1%: 1 ml of the 10% dilution is added, and up to 10 ml is filled with drinking water.

The calculation would be: 1 of 10% + 9 of water = 10. 10% * 1/10 = 1%.

First, the positive control solutions with 5 g / L saline solution and the negative control solutions
with drinking water were prepared.
Subsequently, all solutions are taken and the experiment is assembled according to the guide,
making the respective 3 replicas for each solution and marking each container as indicated.

A hair remover is used to put the seeds in order to avoid contamination, and a 5 mL syringe is
used for the distribution of the solutions in each dish.

The 21 mounted plates are taken and covered with a piece of aluminum foil; subsequently they
are arranged neatly in a dark space under a staircase.
Table 1: Germination:
% %
CAJA # semillas germinadas DESVIACIÓN CV Promedios
Germinación Inhibición
C(+) R1 7
C(+) R2 6 0,58 9,12 6,33 50,00 50,00
C(+) R3 6
C(-) R1 12
C(-) R2 12 1,15 9,12 12,67 100,00 0,00
C(-) R3 14
D100% R1 0
D100% R2 1 0,58 173,21 0,33 2,63 97,37
D100% R3 0
D30% R1 6
D30% R2 9 1,53 20,83 7,33 57,89 42,11
D30% R3 7
D10% R1 12
D10% R2 15 1,73 13,32 13,00 102,63 -2,63
D10% R3 12
D3% R1 17
D3% R2 15 1,00 6,25 16,00 126,32 -26,32
D3% R3 16
D1% R1 20
D1% R2 20 0,00 0,00 20,00 157,89 -57,89
D1% R3 20
It can be concluded that the soil sample that was used was too toxic. It is quite interesting to see
how even the positive control sample allowed the germination of a few seeds, but the 100% dilution
did not allow any growth and in any case the seeds tended to be severely damaged.

This is supported by the results obtained in the other dilutions, since the lower the concentration,
the more allowed the germination of the seedling (See attached Excel table)

It is observed that the most affected part of the germination was in the hypocotyl, since this, in
most of the seeds, had a lower growth than the radicle.

We also clearly observe that there was an inhibition, especially if we consider the 100% dissolution,
this can be attributed to the fact that the soil sample comes from a place with a very strong industrial
activity, which is being contaminated day by day since many years, besides being an arid and
eroded soil in excess.

 This is a soil that cannot be easily recovered since the pollution and erosion to which it has
been subjected is very large.

 The risk of toxicity depends on the elements that are contaminating the soil. Quarry and of
the species that are intended to be evaluated, since it is already known that there are some
species more tolerant to pollution than others are; however, this is quite toxic soil and this
can be evidenced in the total absence of vegetation in the place.

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