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(a) Two styles of leadership are Democratic leadership style, such leader involves members in all
decisions to be made. Another style of leadership is authoritarian leader, such leader orders and
command members to obey his instructions.

(b) One way each style of leadership affect interaction among members of a group is a group where
there is autocratic leadership style, members may feel discouraged to interact with each other since
there isn’t anything to discuss as a result of the leader making his own decisions without consulting
members. With a democratic leadership style, this will have a positive effect on the interaction between
members since interaction between members will be close because of members discussing with each
other ideas and suggestions to be taken in for decision making .

c. Three reasons why a service club may have difficulty in achieving its goals are as a result of lack of
cooperation between members due to reasons such as less frequent interaction among members which
result in members being unable to motivate each other. Secondly, as a result of frequent conflicts
amongst members, a service club may have difficulty in achieving goals, these conflicts may arise as a
result of differences between members and their personalities which would make them unable to
cooperate with each other in order to achieve goals. Another reason why is because of members being
dissatisfied with the approaches of the leadership, this will discourage members in doing their part in
order to achieve the goals of the group.

(d) Two actions I would suggest to encourage members to participate in group activities are by having
visits by influential group members who may encourage members of my youth club to participate in
group activities by sharing their experiences in working in a team and the benefits associated in
participating in group activities such as learning the importance of team work and cooperation. Another
action is by the holding of training sessions through workshop and seminars which gives the opportunity
for the members of my youth club to have a chance of participating in group activities and experiencing
the environment for themselves which would encourage them in the future to participate in group
activities in the future


(a) (i) Life expectancy refers to the average number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live.
(ii) Natural increase refers to when the birth rate exceeds death rate. The increase in world population
size is as a result of natural increase.

(b) Two other factors that affect the population growth of a country are a positive net migration which is
when the number of persons immigrating exceeds those emigrating and crude death rate and crude
death rate which is the number of deaths in one year per thousand of the total population.

© Three reasons why some Caribbean governments may want to consider limiting the growth in
population in the region are as a result of population increase necessitates financial expenditure in
which the government may not be able to do effectively since they may have difficulty in increasing the
income needed to fund building, improving infrastructure such as roads, potable water supply,
electricity generation and food security in order to facilitate for a higher population. Another reason
why is the government would also have the need to recruit a better qualified staff for public institutions
such as for hospitals, schools, protective or defense service, as a result the government may have to
increase the current budget and funds to facilitate and provide for efficient effective services, as a result
the government may want to consider limit the growth in population. Thirdly, issues relating to the
increase in energy supply, the varied environmental problems such as pollution would be on a rise and
also a provision of an equitable standard of living for all citizens, Governments, therefore would want to
prevent these issues by limiting growth in populations in the regions.

(d)Two ways I would suggest to senior citizens on how they should enrich their lives are by forming
associations for aged where they can come together and share their experiences along with their
expertise amongst each other another way is by using senior citizens as resource persons in interactive
sessions for the youth where the senior citizens can teach their expertise to youths and enlighten them
about the experiences they had during their younger years.

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