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Effect of Different Substrates on the

NPK Content of Vermicast


Background of the Study

The tremendous increase in population, urbanization,

industrialization and agricultural production results in

accumulation quantities of solid wastes. This has created

serious problem in the environment. In order to dispose this

waste safely it should be converted effectively. This is

achieved by vermicomposting.

Vermicomposting is a process of biotransforming and

stabilizing organic materials into humus by the combined

activity of earthworms and microorganisms. Earthworms

excrete partially digested materials, known as vermicasts,

which are more homogenous in composition than the source

material, have reduced levels of contamination, and contain

elevated levels of plant growth regulators (P.Saranraj,


African Night Crawler (Eudrilus eugeniae) is considered

as the most efficient composting earthworm in the tropics

(Guerrerro, 2009). It is one of the most common species of

earthworms that have been identified worldwide as the best

potential for breaking down organic materials (Bareja,

Effect of Different 2

Plants have three “macronutrients” that make up the

majority of a fertilizer: NPK, which stands for

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Worm Castings are

probably the best single-constituent organic balanced NPK

fertilizer (Masley, 2016).

Rice straws, coco peat, and fish bones are waste

materials which can be converted into useful products. Thus,

this prompted the researcher to conduct this study.

Statement of the Problem

General Objective

Generally, this study aimed to find out the effect of

different substrates such as rice straw, coco peat, and fish

bones on the %NPK content of vermicast.

Specific Objectives

1. To determine if there is a significant effect on the

%Nitrogen content of vermicast using different


2. To determine if there is a significant effect on the

%Phosphorus content of vermicast using different


3. To determine if there is a significant effect on the

%Potassium content of vermicast using different

Effect of Different 3


1. There is no significant effect on the %Nitrogen content

of vermicast using different substrates.

2. There is no significant effect on the %Phosphorus

content of vermicast using different substrates.

3. There is no significant effect on the %Potassium

content of vermicast using different substrates.

Effect of Different 4

Theoretical Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Treatment A
400g Rice Straw + 600g
Carabao Manure + 400g Sab-a
peelings + 600g Plant
manure 1. %Nitrogen
Treatment B
400g Coco Peat + 600g 2. %Phosphorus
Carabao Manure + 400g Sab-a Content
peelings + 600g Plant
manure 3. %Potassium
Treatment C
400g Fish Bones + 600g
Carabao Manure + 400g Sab-a
peelings + 600g Plant

Figure 1. %Nitrogen, %Phosphorus, and %Potassium Content of

Vermicast using Different Substrates
Effect of Different 5

Significance of the Study

The results of the study may provide significant

information to the Department of Agriculture, farmers, local

government units, community, and other researchers.

The results of the study can help the Department of

Agriculture assist the farmers who are interested to

maximize the use of organic fertilizers. This can also serve

as an onset of what kind of substrate will give the most

efficient NPK content needed by the plants.

Farmers can practice vermicomposting and could apply

the vermicasts instead of synthetic fertilizers in improving

soil conditions.

Vermicast has a high market value as soil fertilizer

wherein the waste products are converted into improved

organic compost. Vermiculture can also eliminate organic

waste out of landfills reducing the purchases of topsoil for

municipal capping for landfill sites which can help the

local government unit reduce problems on waste and garbage


The use of African Night Crawlers (Eudrilus eugeniae)

which is common in the locality can provide a readily

available source of organic fertilizer in the form of

vermicasts for the people in the community.

Effect of Different 6

Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to determine the effect of

different substrates such as rice straw, coco peat, and fish

bones on the %NPK content of vermicast.

There were 3 treatments done in 3 replicates namely:

Treatment A – 400g rice straw + 600g carabao manure + 600g

plant manure + 400g sab-a peelings; Treatment B – 400g coco

peat + 600g carabao manure, 600g plant manure + 400g sab-a

peelings; Treatment C – 400g fish bones + 600g carabao

manure + 600g plant manure + 400g sab-a peelings.

This study was conducted from May 17, 2017 to August

06, 2017. The effect of the different treatments on the

vermicast was evaluated in determining the %Nitrogen,

%Phosphorus and %Potassium (NPK) content. The bio-assay for

%Nitrogen, %Phosphorus, and %Potassium content of the

vermicast was done at Western Visayas Integrated

Agricultural Research Center last September 15, 2017.

A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used having

three treatments replicated thrice. The statistical tools

used in the analysis of data were the mean and standard

deviation, T-test for Independent Samples, One-Way Analysis

of Variance (ANOVA). All inferential tests were set at 5%

level of significance.
Effect of Different 7

Definition of Terms

African Night Crawlers (Eudrilus eugeniae) – A distinctive

mix of a grey and purple color and grow to over twice the

size of red worms, often reaching over 8 inches

(, 2012), the kind of earthworm used in the


Coco Peat – A brown, soil-like material of partially decayed

coconut timber dust (Peat, n.d.), used as one of the

substrates in the study.

Fish bone – Is the remains of the fish after eating and is

considered as a waste, used as one of the substrates in the


Nitrogen – Is the N on the NPK and positively affects the

quality of leaves, seeds, and fruits (,

2016), it is one of the elements whose content or amount in

the vermicast is being determined and measured.

Phosphorus –Is the P on the NPK. It encourages the growth of

roots and blooming and also helps plants to withstand stress

(, 2016), it is one of the elements

whose content or amount in the vermicast is being determined

and measured.

Potassium – Is the K on the NPK. It is responsible for

producing good quality fruits and builds up a store of

protein in the plant and also helps prevent diseases and

Effect of Different 8

increases plant immunity (, 2016), it

is one of the elements whose content or amount in the

Vermicast is being determined and measured.

Rice Straw - A rice by-product produced when harvesting

paddy (, 2017), used as one of the

substrates in the study.

Substrate Composition – In this study, it refers to the

amounts in components of different organic material present

per treatment.

Vermicast – Also known as worm castings, worm humus or worm

manure. It is the end-product of the breakdown of organic

matter by species of earthworm that provides a tremendous

source of nutrients for plants that dramatically improve the

texture and fertility of soil (Gajalakshmi and Abbasi,

2004), the fecal matter produced by the African Night

Crawlers (Eudrilus eugeniae).

Review of Related Literature

Effect of Different 9

This chapter is consist of six (6) topics, namely: (1)

Vermicomposting, (2) NPK, (3) Rice Straw, (4) Coco Peat, (5)

Fish Bones and (6) Synthesis.

The first topic, Vermicomposting, discusses in detail

what it is all about.

The second topic, NPK, discusses in detail the role and

importance of NPK to plants.

The third topic, Rice Straw, discusses the

characteristics of rice straw.

The fourth topic, Coco Peat, discusses the

characteristics of coco peat.

The fifth topic, Fish Bones, discusses the

characteristics of fish bones.

The sixth topic, Synthesis, provides a summary of all

the literatures reviewed.

Effect of Different 10

Vermicomposting is a biotechnological process involved

by earthworm; the natural

bioreactors playing an

essential role in the

breakdown of organic matter.

Vermicomposting differs from

conventional composting
Figure 2. Vermicomposting
because the organic material Photo taken by the Researcher

is processed by the digestive systems of earthworms.

Compared to a conventional microbial composting,

vermicomposting produces a product that is more or less

homogenous, with reduced levels of contaminants and tends to

hold more nutrients over a long period. Vermicasts contain

five times more nitrogen, seven times more phosphorus, and

11 times more potassium than ordinary soil (Rakkini, 2017).

Vermicasts work as a slow release fertilizer whereas

chemical fertilizers release their nutrients rather quickly

in soil and soon get depleted. Significant amount of

chemical nitrogen is lost from soil due to oxidation in

sunlight. However, with application of vermicompost the

organic nitrogen tends to be released much faster from the

excreted humus by worms and those mineralized by them and

the net overall efficiency of nitrogen is considerably

Effect of Different 11

greater than that of chemical fertilizers. Availability of

phosphorus is much greater (Rakkini, 2017).

Vermicompost reduced the pesticide application, low

pest infestation, reduction of irrigation frequency and

pesticide free high yield (Rakkini, 2017).

%NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

NPK fertilizer is a complex fertilizer comprised

primarily of the three primary nutrients required for

healthy plant growth. The agriculture industry relies

heavily on the use of NPK fertilizer to meet global food

supply and ensure healthy crops. NPK fertilizer is a complex

fertilizer comprised primarily of the three primary

nutrients required for healthy plant growth. The agriculture

industry relies heavily on the use of NPK fertilizer to meet

global food supply and ensure healthy crops.

Nitrogen is a key component in many of the processes

needed to carry out growth. In particular, nitrogen is vital

to chlorophyll, which allows plants to carry out

photosynthesis. Nitrogen is also a significant component in

amino acids, the basis of proteins. Nitrogen also aids in

the compounds that allow for storage and use of energy.

Phosphorus plays a role in an array of functions necessary

for healthy plant growth, contributing to structural

Effect of Different 12

strength, crop quality, seed production, and more.

Phosphorus encourages the growth of roots, promotes

blooming, and is essential in DNA. Potassium is also vital

in a variety of other processes that contribute to growth

and development. Potassium is often referred to as the

“quality element,” because of its contribution to many of

the characteristics we associate with quality, such as size,

shape, color, and even taste, among others (Feeco

International, 2016).

Rice Straw

Rice straw is the

vegetative part of the rice

plant cut at grain harvest. It

is a bulky and low-value

material that is left in the

Figure 3. Rice Straw field. For every 4 tons of

Photo taken from rice grain, 6 tons of straw
are produced. Incorporating

rice straw into the soil is not necessary and can be a major

cause of methane emissions as its residues break down

anaerobically. It is the only organic material available in

significant quantities to most rice farmers. About 40

percent of the nitrogen, 30 to 35 percent of the phosphorus,

Effect of Different 13

80 to 85 percent of the potassium, and 40 to 50 percent of

the sulfur taken up by rice remains in vegetative plant

parts at crop maturity (Rice Straw Project, 2017).

Coco Peat

Coco peat is the

decomposed remains of coconut

timber after woodworking

operations. Coco peat retains

water much better than average

soils, which increases the

Figure 4. Coco Peat
Photo taken from absorbency of any potting
mixes. Not only is coco peat

absorbent, it also does not compact, unlike other organic

materials. Soil compaction is damaging to gardens and

reduces water absorption and plant growth. Coco peat remains

springy when it is wet and rehydrates easily. Coco peat is

also a sterile planting medium, which means that it does not

contain harmful pathogens or weed seeds (Epic Gardening,


Fish Bones

Fishermen alone dumped an

estimated 220, 000 tons of wild

Figure 5. Fish Bones
Photo taken at Effect of Different 14

fish parts at sea in 2011. Filleting a fish and tossing the

scraps can be extremely wasteful, producing two to three

pounds of head and scraps for every pound of boneless,

skinless meat. Fish bones have been regarded as waste but

due to their high mineral content, this material can be well

suitable as a natural calcium source.

Fish bones contain high amounts of nitrogen. It also

enriches and strengthens soil life. Using fish bone can also

reduce plant diseases like root rot (Colorado Public Radio,



Vermicomposting is a biotechnological process involved

by earthworm; the natural bioreactors playing an essential

role in the breakdown of organic matter. Vermicomposting

differs from conventional composting because the organic

Effect of Different 15

material is processed by the digestive systems of


NPK fertilizer is a complex fertilizer comprised

primarily of the three primary nutrients required for

healthy plant growth. Nitrogen encourages strong leaf

growth, phosphorus encourages flowering and budding, and

potassium encourages stronger root growth.

Rice straws, coco peat and fish bones are the

substrates used in this study.

Rice straw is a bulky and low-value material that is

left in the field. Incorporating rice straw into the soil is

not necessary and can be a major cause of methane emissions

as its residues break down anaerobically. It is the only

organic material available in significant quantities to most

rice farmers. About 40 percent of the nitrogen, 30 to 35

percent of the phosphorus, 80 to 85 percent of the

potassium, and 40 to 50 percent of the sulfur taken up by

rice remains in vegetative plant parts at crop maturity.

Coco peat is the decomposed remains of coconut timber

after woodworking operations. Coco peat has high water

holding capacity, has acceptable pH & EC, excellent

wettability, has the ability to retain nutrients against

leaching and promotes strong root growth and plant vigor.

Effect of Different 16

Fish bones have been regarded as waste but due to their

high mineral content, this material can be well suitable as

a natural calcium source. Fish bones contain high amounts of

nitrogen. It also enriches and strengthens soil life. Using

fish bone can reduce plant diseases like root rot.

Materials and Methods


The following materials were used during the

experiment: 1kg African Night Crawlers, 5.4kg carabao

manure, 5.4kg plant manure (2.7kg ipil-ipil leaves and 2.7kg

Effect of Different 17

kudzu leaves), 3.6kg sab’a peelings, 1.2kg rice straw, 1.2kg

coco peat, and 1.2kg fish bones.


The following tools were used in the study: 1 bag of

cement, 5 bamboos, 7x3.5m sack and 6x3m net which were used

for the construction of the vermicomposting site.

Experimental Design

This study utilized the Completely Randomized Design

(CRD). There were three treatments done in three


Treatments Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 3

Effect of Different 18

Treatment A:
400g rice straw
+ 600g carabao
manure + 600g
plant manure +
400g sab-a

Treatment B:
400g coco peat
+ 600g carabao
manure + 600g
plant manure +
400g sab-a

Treatment C:
400g fish bones
+ 600g carabao
manure + 600g
plant manure +
400g sab-a

Figure 6. Treatments and Replicates

Procedural Design

Gathering of Materials Needed

Preparing the Different Treatments

Treatment A Treatment B Treatment C

600g carabao 600g carabao 600g carabao
manure + 600g manure + 600g manure + 600g
plant manure + plant manure + plant manure +
400g sab-a 400g sab-a Effect 400g sab-a
of Different 19
peelings peelings peelings

Placing of Worm (African Night crawlers) on the Different Treatments

Sprinkling of Tap Water Weekly to the Different Treatments

Harvesting the Vermicast after 45 days

Subjecting the Vermicast for NPK analysis

Gathering and Tabulating the Data

Figure 7. Procedural Design

General Procedure

Site Selection

The study was conducted at Capiz National High School,

Fuentes Drive, Roxas City. The study site was situated at

Effect of Different 20

the back of the ESEP Bldg. (Physics Laboratory)

Vermicomposting area which measures 435 inches x 405 inches

was enclosed in a net to protect the worms from pest

Figure 8. Vermicomposting Area
Photo taken by the Researcher

Preparation of Materials for the Worm Bed

The materials gathered were proportioned into a 60:40

Nitrogen-Carbon ratio. Carabao and plant manure under the

60% nitrogen ratio. Rice straw, coco peat, fish bones, and

sab-a peelings under the 40% carbon ratio.

The materials needed for the worm bed were gathered and

prepared which includes 1.2kg rice straw, 1.2kg coco peat,

1.2 kg fish bones, 5.4kg dried carabao manure, 3.6kg

decomposed sab-a peelings, and 5.4kg plant manure which is

composed of 2.7kg ipil-ipil leaves and 2.7kg kudzu leaves.

Using a grammer, the materials needed for the worm bed

were measured: 600g carabao manure, 300g ipil-ipil leaves,

Effect of Different 21

300g kudzu leaves, and 600g sab-a peelings were mixed. Each

9 boxes received the same amount of materials for the worm

bed. The worm bed materials were allowed to undergo aerobic

decomposition for 14 days by sprinkling water in small

amount daily.

Procurement and Preparation of African Night Crawlers

One (1) kilogram of African Night Crawlers was taken

from Cudian Farmers’ Association, Ivisan, Capiz.

Preparation of Different Treatments

Rice straws were gathered at Pontevedra, Capiz. Coco

peat were gathered at woodworking shops. Fish bones were

gathered at Bagong Lipunan Trade Center. The materials were

put into different containers to undergo anaerobic

decomposition after they have been collected.

Using a grammer, the different materials were weighed

and added to its designated box: Treatment A – 400g rice

straw, Treatment B – 400g coco peat and Treatment C – 400g

fish bones. Each treatment has three (3) replicates. The

materials were then mixed together. The one kilogram of

African Night Crawlers was then distributed into each box.

Rice Straw Coco Peat Fish Bones Ipil-ipil Leaves

Effect of Different 22
Kudzo Leaves Carabao Manure Sab-a Peelings ANC

Figure 9. Materials
Sprinkling of Tap Water
Photo to Vermicompost
taken Heap Weekly
by the Researcher
The vermicompost heap was regularly sprinkled (at least

once a week) with tap water to maintain the moisture

required by the earthworms for growth and survival.

Harvest of Vermicast and Segregation of African Night


After 45 days when 90-100% of the organic materials

were decomposed, harvesting was done by manually segregating

the ANC from the Vermicast. The ANC were transferred to a

suitable medium for future use. Newly-harvested vermicast

were air-dried for 3 days and then was passed through a 2-mm

sieve. Materials that did not pass through the sieve were

returned to the vermicast boxes for the next production


Figure 10. Sieving of Figure 11. Vermicast after

Vermicast Sieving
Photo taken by the Photo taken by the
Researcher Researcher

Preparing the Vermicast for NPK Special Assay

Effect of Different 23

The cast was then sent to the Soil and Feed

Laboratories of the Department of Agriculture RFO VI, Iloilo

City for NPK Special Assay.

Gathering and Tabulating of Data

The data were gathered, recorded, and tabulated.

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

The statistical tools used in the analysis of data were

the mean and standard deviation, T-test for Independent

Samples, and One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using

Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR). All

inferential tests were set at 5% level of significance.


Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation of the %Nitrogen

Content of Vermicast

Mean +SD
Treatments Replicates
R1 R2 R3
A 0.83 0.77 0.72 0.77 +0.55

B 0.73 0.84 0.63 0.73 +0.11

C 0.68 0.73 0.57 0.66 +0.08

p-value – 0.310 Not Significant

Table 1 shows the data on the mean of the %Nitrogen

Content of Vermicast in which Treatment A got the highest

mean of 0.77, followed by Treatment B with the mean of 0.73,

then Treatment C with the mean of 0.66.

Effect of Different 24

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) shows that the

p-value is 0.310 which is greater than the 5% level of

significance, thus the null hypothesis is not rejected.

Therefore, all treatments had no significant effect in the

%Nitrogen content of vermicast.

Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviation of the %Phosphorus

Content of Vermicast

Treatments Replicates Mean +SD

R1 R2 R3
A 0.39 0.37 0.37 0.37 +0.01

B 0.37 0.40 0.38 0.38 +0.02

C 0.37 0.51 0.68 0.52 +0.16

p-value – 0.171 Not Significant

Table 2 shows the data on the mean of the %Phosphorus

Content of Vermicast in which Treatment C got the highest

mean of 0.52, followed by Treatment B with the mean of 0.38

then by Treatment A with the mean of 0.37.

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) shows that the p-

value is 0.171 which is greater than the 5% level of

Effect of Different 25

significance, thus the null hypothesis is not rejected.

Therefore, all treatments had no significant effect in the

%Phosphorus content of vermicast.

Treatments Replicates Mean +SD

R1 R2 R3
A 0.86 0.77 0.71 0.78a +0.08

B 0.70 0.89 0.37 0.65a +0.26

C 0.10 0.43 0.15 0.23b +0.18

p-value – 0.026 Significant
Table 3. Mean and Standard Deviation of the %Potassium
Content of Vermicast
*Column means with the same letter are not significantly different

Table 3 shows the data on the mean of the %Potassium

Content of the Vermicast in which Treatment A got the

highest mean of 0.78, followed by Treatment B with the mean

of 0.65, then Treatment C with the mean of 0.23.

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) shows that the

p-value is 0.026 which is lower than the 5% level of

Effect of Different 26

significance, thus the null hypothesis is rejected.

Therefore, all treatments have a significant effect in the

%Potassium content of vermicast.


Results revealed that Treatment A (0.77) got the

highest mean for %Nitrogen Content, Treatment C (0.52) got

the highest mean for %Phosphorus Content and Treatment A

(0.78) got the highest mean for %Potassium Content which is

comparable to Treatment B (0.65).

ANOVA further revealed that the p-values for %Nitrogen

and %Phosphorus Contents were greater than 5% level of

significance, therefore there is no significant effect in

the %Nitrogen and %Phosphorus Content of vermicast using

different substrates. Meanwhile, the p-value for %Potassium

Content were less than 5% level of significance, therefore

Effect of Different 27

there is a significant effect in the %Potassium Content of

vermicast using different substrates.

Vermicomposting is a simple biotechnological process of

composting, in which certain species of earthworms. African

Night Crawlers (Eudrilus eugeniae) is one of the most common

species of earthworms that have been identified worldwide as

the best potential for breaking down organic materials

(Bareja, 2016). Earthworms comminute the substrate, thereby

increases the surface area for microbial degradation

constituting to the active phase of vermicomposting. As this

crushed organic matter passes through the gut it get mixed

up with the gut associated microbes and the digestive

enzymes and finally leaves the gut in partially digested

form as “casts” after which the microbes takes up the

process of decomposition contributing to the maturation

phase (Lazcano et al. 2008). Earthworms simply returns back

to the environment the nutrients present in the organic

waste that they ingest. This simply supports the claim as

based on the results presented above that rice straw is rich

in potassium and nitrogen since they are being acted upon by

the earthworms the nutrients present were being returned to

the environment in the form of their cast. The same is true

with the fish bone which is rich in phosphorus.

Effect of Different 28


Based on the findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn: there is no significant effect on

the %Nitrogen and %Phosphorus content of vermicast using

different substrates; there is a significant effect on the

%Potassium content of vermicast using different substrates;

and rice straws and coco peat are the most effective

substrate in increasing the %Potassium content of vermicast.


1. The researcher strongly recommends the use of rice straw as

a substrate to increase the %Nitrogen and %Potassium content

of vermicasts in vermicomposting.
Effect of Different 29

2. The researcher strongly recommends the use of fish bones as

a substrate to increase the %Phosphorus content of

vermicasts in vermicomposting.

3. The vermicasts be applied to different plants to test plant


4. Add a positive and negative control to further analyze the



Colorado Public Radio."Why We Should Quit Tossing Fish Heads

And Eat ‘Em Up Instead.Yum!".Retrieved October
2017 from
we-should- quit- tossing-fish-heads-and-eat-em-up-

Dobermann,A.,Fairhurst,T.H.(2002).Better Crops
International.Vol.16, Special Supplement

Feedipedia."Rice Straw".Retrieved October 2017 from


IRRI. "Rice Straw Project". Retrieved October 2017 from

Rakkini VM, Vincent S, Kumar AS, Baskar K (2017) An

Overview: Organic Waste Management by Earthworm. J
Civil Eng Environ Sci 3(1): 013-017. DOI: 488X.000015

Saranraj,P.,Stella,D.(2012).Vermicomposting and its

importance In improvement of soil
nutrients and agricultural crops. Novus Natural
Science Research.Vol.1,No.1
Effect of Different 30

The Spruce. “Micronutrients Essential for Plants”. Retrieved

October 2017 from
are- plant-macronutrients-1902843

Vermicomposting."Vermicomposting: Journey to Forever organic

garden".Retrieved October 2017 from
http://journeytoforever .org/compost_worm.html

Worm Farm Facts. "African Night Crawler".Retrieved October

2017 from -Night-

Effect of Different 31

Appendix A

Statistical Tool
Effect of Different 32

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant effect on the %Nitrogen content

of vermicast using different substrates.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant effect on the %Nitrogen content

of vermicast using different substrates.


There is no significant effect on the %Nitrogen content

of vermicast using different substrates.

Effect of Different 33

Results for %Nitrogen Content of Vermicast

Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR)

Sun Jan 14 14:56:55 2018

Analysis of Variance
Completely Randomized Design


Summary Information
Treatments 3 a, b, c
Number of Observations Read and Used: 9

Response Variable: Raw.Data
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
Treatments 2 0.0198 0.0099 1.43 0.3102
Error 6 0.0415 0.0069
Total 8 0.0614

Summary Statistics
Effect of Different 34

CV(%) Raw.Data Mean
11.52 0.7222

Standard Errors
Effects StdErr
Treatments 0.0679

Table of Means
Treatments Raw.Data Means
a 0.7733
b 0.7333
c 0.6600

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant effect on the %Phosphorus

content of vermicast using different substrates.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant effect on the %Phosphorus

content of vermicast using different substrates.


There is no significant effect on the %Phosphorus

content of vermicast using different substrates.

Effect of Different 35

Table 2. Results for %Phosphorus Content of Vermicast

Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR)

Sun Jan 14 15:03:54 2018

Analysis of Variance
Completely Randomized Design


Summary Information
Treatments 3 a, b, c
Number of Observations Read and Used: 9

Response Variable: Raw.Data
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
Treatments 2 0.0393 0.0196 2.41 0.1708
Effect of Different 36

Error 6 0.0489 0.0082

Total 8 0.0882

Summary Statistics
CV(%) Raw.Data Mean
21.17 0.4267

Standard Errors
Effects StdErr
Treatments 0.0737

Table of Means
Treatments Raw.Data Means
a 0.3767
b 0.3833
c 0.5200

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant effect on the %Potassium

content of vermicast using different substrates.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significant effect on the %Potassium content

of vermicast using different substrates.


There is a significant effect on the %Potassium content

of vermicast using different substrates.

Effect of Different 37

Table 3. Results for %Potassium Content of Vermicast

Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR)

Sun Jan 14 15:08:27 2018

Analysis of Variance
Completely Randomized Design


Summary Information
Treatments 3 a, b, c
Number of Observations Read and Used: 9

Response Variable: Raw.Data
Source DF Sum of Square Mean Square F Value Pr(> F)
Treatments 2 0.5043 0.2521 7.10 0.0262
Effect of Different 38

Error 6 0.2131 0.0355

Total 8 0.7174

Summary Statistics
CV(%) Raw.Data Mean
34.06 0.5533

Standard Errors
Effects StdErr
Treatments 0.1539

Pairwise Mean Comparison of Treatments

Least Significant Difference (LSD) Test

Alpha 0.05
Error Degrees of Freedom 6
Error Mean Square 0.0355
Critical Value 2.4469
Test Statistics 0.3766

Summary of the Result:

Treatments means N group
a 0.7800 3 a
b 0.6533 3 a
c 0.2267 3 b
Means with the same letter are not significantly different.
Effect of Different 39
Effect of Different 40

Appendix B

Raw Data
Effect of Different 41
Effect of Different 42
Effect of Different 43

Appendix C

Effect of Different 44
Effect of Different 45

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