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FDE 2020-I Homework 3 March 26, 2020

Deadline: Next class

Problem 1
A point charge q1 = +2.40µC is held stationary at the origin. A second point charge
q2 = −4.30µC moves from the point x = 0.150 m, y = 0 m to the point x = 0.250 m,
y = 0.250 m. How much work is done by the electric force on q2 ?

Figure 1: Problem 1

Problem 2
Point charges q1 = +2.00µC and q2 = −2.00µC are placed at adjacent corners of a square
for which the length of each side is 3.00 cm. Point a is at the center of the square, and point
b is at the empty corner closest to q2 . Take the electric potential to be zero at a distance far
from both charges. (a) What is the electric potential at point a due to q1 and q2 ? (b) What
is the electric potential at point b? (c) A point charge q3 = −5.00µC moves from point a to
point b. How much work is done on q3 by the electric forces exerted by q1 and q2 ?

Problem 3
Positive electric charge Q is distributed uniformly along a line of length 2a lying along the y
axis between y = −a and y = +a (Fig. 2). Find the electric potential at a point P on the x
axis at a distance x from the origin.

FDE 2020-I Homework 3 March 26, 2020

Figure 2: Problem 3

Problem 4
Find the potential at a distance r from a very long line of charge with linear charge density
(charge per unit length) λ. Use that:
Z b
Va − Vb = E ~
~ · dl, (1)
and that the Electric field for a a very long line is:

E~ = λ r̂ (2)
2π0 r
Set Vb = 0 at point b at an arbitrary but finite radial distance r0 , such the difference potential
at point a at a radial distance r is V = Va .

Problem 5
The electric potential V in a region of space is given by
V (x, y, z) = A(x2 − 3y 2 + z 2 ) (3)
~ at any point in this
where A is a constant. (a) Derive an expression for the electric field E
region. (b) The work done by the field when a 1.50µC test charge moves from the point
(x, y, z) = (10, 0, 0.250) m to the origin is measured to be 6.00 × 10−5 J. Determine A. (c)
Determine the electric field at the point (0, 0, 0.250 m).

FDE 2020-I Homework 3 March 26, 2020

Figure 3: Problem 4

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