Integrated Marketing Channel

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Integrated Marketing Channel

 Promotion is the integration of communication that uses various method

to reach the target audience.
 Role of promotion mix- Brand awareness, Awareness, Customer Base,
stabilize sales, build sale and force.
 Principle of marketing communication – brand, position, consumer,
message, media, integrate and evaluate.
 Objective – inform, persuade, remind and differentiate
 Hierarchy of effect --(awareness, interest, evaluation, persuasion, Trial
and Adoption)
 Buying Decision – Routine (advertisement, sales promotion), neither
routine or complex (advertisement, public reaction), Complex (personal
selling, print advertisement)
 Communication – personal communication and non -personal
 Budget – Affordability method, percentage on sales method, competitive
parity method and objective and task method.
 Target Audience --- Objective----Design-----communication channel---
Budget-------- Measure Result
 Advertisement is a paid form of non- personal presentation and
promotion of goods, service and ideas through a mass media by
identified sponsor.
 Effective of Advertisement – product information, enhance brand equity
and increase accessibility of brand.
 Direct person to person communication whereby seller directly
negotiates and try to close sale.
 Sales promotion is short-term incentive design to stimulate sale of
 Direct Marketing is the process of direct communicating with consumer
without personal selling to get response to close sale.
Ex- email marketing, telephone.
 5 M – Mission, Measure, Media, Money, Message
 Advertisement – Increase Brand Awareness, Immediate Buying Action,
Brand Promotion, Product Information, Change Customer Attitude,
employment, reduce cost of distribution and media
 Indian Advertisement Industry – CAGR(14%), Get Highest Revenue from
FMCG, 10th largest market of world
 Persuasive message are written or spoken communication that compels
audience to respond and act.
 Appeal to reason ( he is starving for food, we are not so share)
 Appeal to emotion (Cadbury add)
 Appeal to Trust( LIC)
 Bandwagon(million of people use oral)
 AIEC- Attention, Introduction, Explanation, Call of Action
 Hierarchy model of effects – awareness, knowledge, liking, preference,
conviction, purchase
 Innovation adoption model – awareness, interest, evaluate, trial and
 Information processing model – presentation, attention, comprehension,
yielding, Retention and Behavior.
 FCB Planning Model( informative(high involvement, Thinking—new
car), Affective(high involvement, feeling---clothing), habit(low
involvement, thinking---detergent), self satisfaction(low involvement,
 Tri-combination model – cognitive, affective and conative
 Component of advertisement – product attribute, consumer benefit,
leverage point, personal value and executive framework
 Theme of advertisement – beauty, comfort, luxury, prestige and
other(courage, fear)
 Feedback -----1. Exposure 2. Persuasion 3. Sales Effect
 Theory of advertisement - Mediation of reality – make u believe add is
real, Shifting loyalties, magic of meaning, hidden message(insurance
add), imitative add( lux add).
 DAGMAR – Define , advertisement, goal, measurable, advertisement,
 Planning – market scale, target, media choice, message content
 Elements of advertisement copy – human interest(fmcg),
educational(byjus), institutional(fortune add), reason(lifeboy add),
suggestive(lic) , expository (describe)
 Creative Concept - innovative ideas
 Frazers six creative strategies- preemptive, brand image, resonance,
affective, usp, positioning
 Element of advertisement – headline, sub-headline, caption, border,
design, layout, mascot, logo, graphics, color, text, slogan, space.
 Endorsements are a form of advertising that uses famous
personalities or celebrities who command a high degree of
recognition, trust, respect or awareness amongst the people.

 Media - The term media, which is the plural of

medium, refers to the communication
channels through which we disseminate news,
music, movies, education, promotional, messages and other data.
  Reach – number of people or households in a target audience that are
exposed to the vehicle.
  Frequency – average number of times an individual or household
within the target audience is exposed to the vehicle within a given time
  Flexibility
  GRP = Gross Rating Point = reach X frequency
  Effective Frequency – number of times a target audience needs to be
exposed before the advertiser’s objectives are reached.
  Cost Effectiveness
  Impression
  Continuity – pattern of placement of advertisement
 Developing media plan – analyze, objective, develop strategy,
implement, evaluate.
 6 media objective – target audience, reach, scheduling, media budget,
geography, sales promotion.
Media planning process - Media Plan – specifies the media for messages to
target audience

 Media Class – broad category of media (tv, radio, etc.)

 Media Vehicle – that particular class’s option (e.g.
 Nanaimo Daily News for newspaper)
 Media Mix – the effective blend of media used to
 obtain best GRP (reach and frequency).
 Media weight is determined by the number and
placement of advertisements in media such as
television commercials, online ads, or billboards.
 Media planner in an advertising agency is
responsible for selecting media for advertisement
placement on behalf of their clients.
  Media planners make three crucial decisions:

1. Where to advertise (geography)

2. When to advertise (timing)
3. What media categories and vehicles to use
(media mix)
 Most media options can be classified into three
broad categories:
1. Mass media,
2. Direct response media, and
3. Point-of-purchase media.

 If the media planner wants to create broad awareness

amongst largest possible number of consumers, then he will
opt for mass media.
 If the media planner wants to encourage an immediate sales
response, then direct response media such as direct mail,
Internet and mobile phone are good choices.
 if media planners want to convert shoppers into
buyers, then they might use point-of-purchase media such
as coupons and price-off promotions.
 Flighting (or "bursting“): Flighting involves intermittent and
irregular periods of advertising, alternating with shorter
periods of no advertising at all. For instance, all of 2000 Target
Rating display in a single month, then remaining silent for the
rest of the year.
 Continuity: This model is primarily for non-seasonal products.
Advertising runs steadily with little variation over campaign
period. There may be short or long gaps at regular intervals. This
pattern of advertising is prevalent in packaged goods that
require continuous reinforcement on the audience.
  Pulsing: Pulsing combines flighting and continuous
scheduling by using a low advertising level all year
round and heavy advertising during peak selling
periods. Product categories that experience a surge in
sales at intermittent periods are ideal for pulsing.

 e.g. Deodorants, Ice Creams sell all year, but more in

summer months
Airlines – Holidays for causing Brand Switching

 Media buyers negotiate and purchase audience-

targeted time and advertising space to convey a marketing message.

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