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Wood Moisture Content Measurement at 2.

45 GHz
Cristóbal Vallejos and Walter Grote
Electronic Engineering Department
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a
Valparaı́so, Chile

Abstract—Wood, being one of the most widely used drying process is slow, depending on the wood sample
construction materials by industry, relies on its moisture content size and its moisture. Second, if the drying process is not
for strength, durability and malleable. Lumber industry has conducted carefully, lumber can suffer deformation and may
long been searching for a non-destructive, accurate and fast
method to determine wood moisture. This paper evaluates the get damaged permanently. Also, while the slabs are being
performance of a 2.45 GHz measuring system that determines measured, the remaining material has to be put on standby
moisture content from the estimated average densities by means for the time period it takes to determine its moisture content.
of establishing attenuation, phase shift and depolarization of Although the traditional drying method is straightforward, it
an electromagnetic wave propagating through 4 cm thick wood is slow, destructive and contacting and therefore not attractive
samples. Specifically, moisture content of samples of Radiata
pine tree boards was established in the range of 0 to 68 % for industrial applications. However, in spite of that, it is still
using this technique with dry wood average density ranging widely used as reference procedure for substitutes.
from 390 to 530 Kg/m3 and water average densities from 0 to
285 Kg/m3. This is an improvement of 2.4 times of previously To measure changes of the electrical properties of wood
reported measurements. (conductance or capacitance) due to moisture content is
Index Terms—Electromagnetic wave propagation; wood mois- an alternative method widely used in the lumber industry.
ture content However, it requires either a superficial application of
electrodes or to puncture electrodes into the lumber at
I. I NTRODUCTION different places, leaving holes that deteriorate the material,
[2]. The method has the drawback of only estimating
Since ancient times, wood has played an important role in
superficial moisture on lumber samples. Besides, these
the development of mankind. Due to a number of desirable
measurements are also time-consuming, since they require
structural properties, wood is still widely used in housing
human intervention. For these reasons, this method can be
projects, furniture, tools and art. However, its performance as
classified as contacting, destructive, slow and non-accurate.
a building material for these applications depends heavily on
its moisture content, relative to the surrounding environment,
A more attractive alternative is to estimate wood moisture
[1]. Wood moisture is determined dividing water density
content using microwaves, which satisfies all the desirable
by dry wood density. It is well known that wood shrinks
qualities of a non-destructive, non-contacting, accurate,
when its moisture content is below the fibre saturation point
robust and fast method simultaneously. This technique was
(approximately 30 %); otherwise its dimensions remain
introduced by Kraszewski and Kulinski, who were able to
constant, [1]. Timber industry has long been searching for
relate moisture content in materials linearly to measurable
a non-destructive, non-contacting, accurate, robust and fast
electromagnetic properties. They estimated water and dry
method to determine wood moisture content.
sand average densities by detecting attenuation and phase
shift of an electromagnetic wave transmitted through a wet
A traditional method for determining moisture content
sand mixture, [3]. Sometime later, King, and Yen applied this
in materials is to perform weight and size measurements
concept to determine moisture in wood samples, developing a
before and after removing the water content of the sample.
microwave homodyne system operating at 10 GHz. However,
Unfortunately, this method has disadvantages. First, the
this publication focused on system design, without showing
——————————————————————————————– conclusive results on determining moisture content in wood
Manuscript received July 6th, 2009. This work was supported in part by samples, [4]. In [5] King, King and Woo proposed a similar
CONICYT project PBCT ACT-11-04, Fondecyt project 1095012 and project system operating at 4.9 GHz to determine moisture content
UTFSM 23.09.65.
C. Vallejos is working on his M.Sc. in EE Thesis at the Electronic in grains. Years later, Torgovnikov studied the dielectric
Engineering Department of University Federico Santa Marı́a, to determine properties of wood dependence on the orientation of the fiber,
wood moisture content. [6]. Shen, Shajer and Parker estimated wood grain orientation
W. Grote is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, University
Federico Santa Marı́a, Valparaı́so, Chile. (phone: 56-32-654208; fax: 56- 32- by measuring the electromagnetic wave depolarization due
797469; e-mail: to wood anisotropy, [7]. Finally, Schajer and Orhan could
Fig. 1. Example of a Wood Sample [10]

accurately estimate dry wood average density, water average

density, moisture content and grain direction of 4 cm thick
wood samples, by measuring their electromagnetic wave
depolarization at 10 GHz, [8] and [9]. In addition, they found
no significant differences measuring Hemlock and Douglas Fig. 2. Wood as a Three Layered Medium
fir samples, estimating moisture content for both species for
a reduced range (7-28 %) with a 5 % of standard deviation. propagating through a rectangular block of lumber will cross
Unfortunately, wood moisture content has been recorded by three homogeneous sections: dry wood, free space and water,
other means up to 270 %, that is a range approximately 10 each of its own thickness (∆d , ∆0 and ∆w ). While the
times the recorded one in their experiments. The limitation is wood section thickness ∆l will remain constant throughout
caused by the phase overlap that occurs in the electromagnetic the process of adding or removing water from the sample -
wave detection, which increases linearly per unit of density, as long as no permanent damage is experienced because of
between -180◦ and 180◦ , but jumps from 180◦ to -180◦ at excessive dryness - the free space and water sections will vary
that point. in thickness, depending on how much water is present in the
material to be analyzed.
Although these overlaps are inevitable, working at lower
frequencies, the rate at which phase changes is decreased and A. Theoretical Background [8][9]
thus the wood moisture detection range is extended. Based The complex electric field intensity E(z) of an electro-
on this idea, a 2.4 GHz measuring system was implemented magnetic wave, which is transmitted without reflections and
to estimate the moisture content of 4 cm thick Radiata pine oblique incidences through an homogeneous and isotropic
wood samples, using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) medium of thickness ∆, is described as a function of the
provided with antennas. Amplitude and phase measurements, position z by the following equation:
in presence and in absence of timber samples with different
E(z) · ~x = Ei exp (−γ (z − z1 )) · ~x z1 ≤ z ≤ z2
moisture content were performed, so as to derive from the
collected data average dry wood and water densities. γ = α + βj
∆ = z2 − z1 (1)
where Ei is the complex amplitude; E(z1 ) is the incident
When an electromagnetic wave propagates through solid wave; E(z2 ) is the transmitted wave; α, β and γ are the
wood it will encounter, in general, non-homogenous material, attenuation, phase and propagation constants of the medium,
as it is shown in Fig. 1. However, to represent the effects that respectively; ~x is an unit vector, and j is an imaginary unit.
wood, water and free space have on the electromagnetic wave Because ∆ is directly proportional to the mass of the medium
propagation, it will be considered homogeneous by sections, that is encountered in the path of the wave, (1) can be used
as it has been presented in [3], [5], [7], [8] and [9]. According for determining moisture content on wood.
to this model, illustrated in Fig. 2, an electromagnetic wave
As stated before, a plank of lumber (l) is modelled as made A similar relation can be obtained for the components of the
up of three homogeneous sections: dry wood (d), free space (0) transmitted waves in presence of limber:
and water (w). In addition, dry wood is an orthotropic medium,  x    u 
El cos θ − sin θ El
which means that any incident wave will be depolarized if = (14)
Ely sin θ cos θ Elv
its polarization in not parallel (~u) or perpendicular (~v ) to
the grain direction. So, after applying (1) for each medium, Substitution of (2)-(5) in (13) and (14) gives:
and considering electric field continuity at any position, the  x 

U 0
transmitted waves with respect to the wood grain directions = R R (15)
Ely 0 V Ey
(Elu and Elv ) are:   0
cos θ sin θ
R =
Elu = Eiu exp (−c1 ρd − γ0 ∆0 − c2 ρw ) (2) − sin θ cos θ
Elv = Eiv exp (−c3 ρd − γ0 ∆0 − c2 ρw ) (3) where H denotes the transpose operation of a matrix.
where Eiu and Eivare the incident waves; ρd and ρw are
the average densities of dry wood and water, respectively, If two different polarization are considered for the incident
whereas c1 , c2 and c3 are constants. By repeating the previous wave, one close to ~x direction and the other close to y~
procedure, the transmitted waves in absence of lumber can be direction, then U and V can be derived from (15):
expressed as follows:
U = p ∓ q 2 + t2 (16)
E0u = Eiu exp (−c4 ρd − γ0 ∆0 − c5 ρw ) (4) V = p ± q 2 + t2 (17)
xx yy xy yx yy xx yx xy
E0v = Eiv exp (−c4 ρd − γ0 ∆0 − c5 ρw ) (5) El E0 − El E0 + El E0 − El E0
p = (18)
2 (E0xx E0yy − E0yx E0xy )
By combining (2)-(5), transmission factors U and V are yy xy yx yy yx xy
Elxx E0 − El E0 − El E0xx + El E0
defined: q = (19)
2 (E0xx E0yy − E0yx E0xy )
U = = exp (−c6 ρd − c7 ρw ) (6) Elyx E0yy − Elyy E0yx + Elxy E0xx − Elxx E0xy
E0u t = (20)
Elv 2 (E0xx E0yy − E0yx E0xy )
V = = exp (−c8 ρd − c7 ρw ) (7)
E0v where E0xy is the component in the ~x direction of the
transmitted wave that is measured in absence of wood when
Then, after taking the magnitude (|U | and |V |) and phase
the radiated wave is polarized close to the y~ direction.
(∡U and ∡V ) of each transmission factor, ρd and ρw can
be obtained from (6) and (7):
Equations (16)-(20) make it possible to experimentally
ρd= r1 dB + r2 φ (8) determine wood moisture with an appropriate radiofrequency
ρw= r3 dB + r4 φ (9) measuring system.
dB = (10)
∡U + ∡V A 2.4 GHz measuring system using a Vector Network
φ = (11) Analyzer (VNA: ZVRE, 0.009-4 GHz, Rohde & Schwarz),
ρw provided with antennas was implemented. Fig. 3 shows
mc% = × 100 (12) a schematic diagram of this system. The transmitting and
receiving Patch antennas (RE09P Hyperlink Technologies)
where mc% is the moisture content of wood (expressed as a were placed in boxes (48x48x58 cm3), removing one
percentage), and r1 , r2 , r3 and r4 are constants that can be of the walls of each of them to create an opening. The
expressed in terms of c6 , c7 and c8 . However, more relevant antennas were mounted on axles inserted in the center of
for determining wood moisture content experimentally, is to the wall opposite to the opening, to be manually rotated
consider r1 , r2 , r3 and r4 as regression coefficients that can and moved closer or further apart from the planks to be
be computed from measured data. measured. Since electromagnetic propagation measurements
can be considerably affected by diffraction, reflections and
The previous analysis assumes that the incident wave will interference, electromagnetic absorbent material (ECCOSORB
be polarized parallel or perpendicular to the grain direction. VHP-4) was attached to the inside surface of the walls, while
However, in practice this is not always true because the grain aluminium foil was used to cover the exterior.
direction θ is usually unknown. So, when the incident wave
is polarized in an arbitrary direction (Eix · x̂ + Eiy · ŷ), as is 17 Radiata pine wood samples (4x19x90 cm3) were used
shown in Fig. 2, the equivalent components in the principal to conduct the experiments. They were saturated with water
directions of wood are given by: and gradually dried while performing approximately 272 field
 u    x 
Ei cos θ sin θ Ei trials, each of them consisting of 8 electromagnetic properties
= (13)
Eiv − sin θ cos θ Eiy measurements, to be contrasted each time against mechanical
Dry Wood

Real Average Density Kg/m3






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Estimated Average Density Kg/m3

Fig. 4. Real vs. Estimated Average Densities



Real Moisture Content % 50

Fig. 3. Microwave Measurement System (a) view from above (b) side view 40


weight and volume of each wood sample. To perform the

microwave measurements, they were placed between the box
openings, at 15 cm from the antennas. Since the apertures of 10
the boxes were bigger than the width of the boards, water
filled 5 cm diameter PVC tubes were placed on each side 0
of the plank to attenuate possible diffraction (it was shown 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
experimentally that this was a very effective way of doing Estimated Moisture Content %
Fig. 5. Real vs. Estimated Moisture Content
A series of experiments were conducted to determine the
regression coefficients r1 , r2 , r3 and r4 of the 17 Radiata had a phase shift grater than 360◦, this data was discarded to
Pine wood samples mentioned in the previous section. avoid the phase overlap error. As a result, only 116 of the 272
microwave measurements could be used. Then, calculations
Each experiment consisted in placing the wood sample at were performed using (8)-(12) with the 116 measurements
the space in front of the aligned boxes openings, making sure results to determine the corresponding regression coefficients,
that the PVC tubing would effectively cover the remaining yielding the following values: r1 =-10.91 Kg/m3/dB, r2 =1.23
air gaps. After this, four measurements were conducted to Kg/m3/◦ , r3 =-13.36 Kg/m3/dB and r4 =-0.16 Kg/m3/◦ . Finally,
determine the values of Elxx , Elyx , Elxy and Elyy , by placing with these values it was possible to estimate the values of ρd ,
the transmitting and receiving antennas at: 0◦ and 0◦ , 0◦ and - ρw and mc%.
90◦ , +90◦ and 0◦ , +90◦ and -90◦ , respectively. Then, the wood
sample was removed, and the same procedure was repeated V. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
to determine the values of E0xx , E0yx , E0xy and E0yy . After Fig. 4 shows plots of real vs. estimated dry wood and
these measurements, wood transmission factor, U and V , could water average densities, whereas Fig. 5 shows a plot of
be calculated using (16)-(20). The values of U and V were real vs. estimated moisture content. Fig. 4 reveals that the
used to calculate φ for each sample by means of (11) and water average density can be very well predicted by these
plotted against water average density values computed by the measurements. However Radiata pine wood is known for
traditional method of weighing the wood sample and recording having many knots and other non-homogeneous irregularities,
its dimensions. When it was found that water average density as it is shown in the wood sample of Fig. 1. In fact, the
E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS , AS COMPARED TO [9] reduced from 10 to 2.45 GHz, which means that wood samples
thicknesses can be extended.
Wood Parameter Microwave Measurement System
Range 387-526 325-625
ρm Kg/m3
Std. Dev. 44 30
The authors would like to thank Christian Paccot, for
Range 0-285 40-150 presenting us with a research problem that industry is in-
ρw Kg/m3
Std. Dev. 25.3 7.9 terested on solving, and Rodolfo Feick and Ricardo Olivares
mc% % Range 0-67.9 7-28 for sharing their insight when setting up the experiments for
Std. Dev. 5.1 1.9
dry wood average density determined by the microwave
[1] Wood Handbook, “Wood as an engineering material”, Forest Product
measurement depends strongly on the wood sample that is Laboratory, Forest Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, chapter 3,
being illuminated by the electromagnetic radiation. While 1987.
performing microwave measurements, we did not measure [2] William L. James, “Electric moisture meters for wood”, Forest Product
Laboratory, Forest Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp. 1-17,
each wood plank to its full extent but just the part of it that 1988.
was exposed to the radiation during that experiment (actually [3] A. Kraszewski and S. Kulinski, “An improved microwave method of
less than 50 %). These measurements were then compared moisture measurement and control” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Control
Instrum., v. 23, no. 4, pp. 364370, 1976.
to the measurement outcomes of size and weight of the full [4] R.J. King, “Probing amplitude, phase, and polarization of microwave field
plank. This may explain part of the spread in the comparison distributions in real time”, IEEE transactions on Microwave Theory and
of dry wood average density outcomes shown in Fig. 4. In Techniques, vol. MTT29, no 11, pp. 1225-1231, 1981.
[5] R.J. King, K. V. King and K. Woo “Microwave moisture measurement of
spite of that, the moisture content can be predicted over a grains”, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 41, no.
wide range with relative good precision, as it can be seen in 1, pp. 111-115, 1992.
Fig. 5. [6] G.I. Torgovnikov, “Dielectric properties of wood and wood-based mate-
rials”, Springer, Berlin, 1993.
[7] J. Shen, G. Schajer and R. Parker, “Theory and practice in measuring
Table I shows the covered range and the standard errors of wood grain angle using microwaves”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumen-
the three estimated parameters, which are compared with those tation and Measurement, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 803-809, 1994.
[8] Gary S. Schajer and F. Bahar. Orhan, “Microwave non-destructive testing
that were obtained using a 10 GHz microwave measurement of wood and similar orthotropic materials”, Sensing and Imaging Series,
system in [8] and [9]. The first row entry establishes that the Springer, NY, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 293-313, 2005.
density range of dry Radiate Pine wood is smaller than the [9] Gary S. Schajer and F. Bahar Orhan, “Measurement of wood grain angle,
moisture content and density using microwaves”, Holz als Roh- und
one recorded for Hemlock and Douglas fir samples. However, Werkstoff, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, vol 64, no 6, pp. 483-490, 2006.
the standard deviation of the wood samples considered show [10] Muth/art0059.jpg.
that it is to be expected that Radiata pine may show a larger
variation than Douglas fir, confirming the statement made in
the previous paragraph. Values from Table I also show that
if the frequency is reduced from 10 to 2.45 GHz, then the
estimated range of wood moisture content detection range
increases 2.4 times. Finally, the significant difference between
the standard deviation of the estimated water average densities
can be attributed to the omission of the temperature influence
in the model.
The possibility of estimating dry wood average density,
water average density and moisture content on wood, using
a 2.45 GHz microwave measurement system, is presented and
compared to previous results obtained from the literature. We
have been able to show that dry Radiata pine wood densities
can be predicted with a standard deviation of 44 Kg/m3, which
we largely attribute to the fact that our measuring procedure
tried to predict the average density of a plank of wood from the
measured values taken of less than 50 % of its total size. The
average water density of that wood could be measured with
a standard deviation of 25.3 Kg/m3, but more important, the
wood moisture content could be established with a standard
deviation of 5.1 %, respectively. The estimated range of wood
moisture content is increased 2.4 times when the frequency is

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