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1. Tell me about yourself?

Please tell us how you would define yourself as a person – what are your
 Hardworking and confident in my ability to produce.
 Strong leadership, command and control.
 Problem solving and motivational ability.
 Thinks positively and can execute difficult tasks.
 Fast learner and implementation.

How would you describe your attitude to work and your work environment?
 I take every assignment as a challenge and try to complete it positively with
best available professional options and with perfection. Working
environment always help me to complete my jobs smoothly and I try to
enhance it as much as possible.

What are your key skills?

 Lead Auditor OSHAS 18001:2007 (IRCA-UK)
 Air Monitoring and Environmental Mapping
 Develop HSE Monitoring Trackers
 Inspection and auditing
 Hazard identification and risk assessment

What are your personal / professional achievements?

 Successfully achieved certification on OSHAS 18001:2007 and ISO
14001:2004 by SGS Pakistan for my employer.
 Successfully achieved re-surveillance audit on OSHAS 18001:2007 and ISO
14001:2004 without any major nor-conformity.
 Developed safety culture and minimize the incident rate.
 Achieved recognition and employee of the year 2010 and 2011.

2. Why you choose HSE as a career?

It’s all about people.  Safety allows me to bring together the things that I enjoy around
leadership, managing people and training. 

3. What is meant by hazard and risk? Difference between both?

Risk is the potential of loss / Probability of hazard becoming actual.

Hazard is a condition that an unwanted events waiting to happen.

Incident an unwanted even which has potential to result in a loss.

Accident an unwanted event which result in loss.

Dangerous Occurrence an unwanted events which has a serious potential to result in

4. What is Risk assessment:

Identify, determine and evaluate / analyze risk is called risk assessment.

5. What is Environment aspects / impacts?

Impact: Any changes to environment whether adverse or beneficially resulting from

organization activity.

Aspect: An element of organization that can interact with the environment.

Audit: Systemic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence
and evaluating it object to determine the audit criteria are full filled.

6. The eight elements of HSE-MS are as follow:-

1. Leadership and commitment
2. Policy and strategic objective
3. Organization, responsibilities, resources, standards and documents
4. Hazards and effects management process
5. Planning and procedures
6. Implementation and monitoring
7. Audit
8. Review

7. Confined Space: Restricted means of access and egress, large enough space to
perform work and is not designed for continuous human occupancy.
Low oxygen level, toxic chemical present, combustible material present.

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