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Steven Munsie <stevenpmunsie@gmail.


New Assignment for Bingo

2 messages

Steven Munsie <> Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 8:00 AM

To: Adevia Chambers <>, Izabella Mesa <>, Noah Kroll <>, ""
<>, "" <>
Cc: L Acosta <>

Good morning everyone,

I hope you and your families are doing well,

To make things measurable and able to be graded, our assignments have had to change for Bingo. A better task split for our department, to make things measurable, would be to
complete payroll for April and to create a PSA regarding how an economic indicator has changed recently and its impact on our firm. To split this up, I feel it would be best to have
Izabella and Adevia handle payroll. I would appreciate it if you both submitted screenshots of payroll getting put through from the firm bank account as proof of completion. With
the PSA, I feel that it would be best if Noah, Catalina, and Val split up the message. For example, Catalina could gather research on interest statistics, Val could write a paragraph
about how and why the indicator has changed, and Noah could write how it would be expected to impact out firm and its finances. If you three feel that my example does not best
fit your strengths, I welcome you to change your roles as a group so long as you keep me in the loop (remember, your work must be measurable to be graded).

Keep me updated with your progress and if you have any questions. If possible, can we finish these tasks by Monday, April 27? That way, we have a few extra days for review
and to beat the deadline.

Thank you all for your commitment to this class during difficult times.


L Acosta <> Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 8:30 AM

To: Steven Munsie <>

Excellent. As you know, a PSA is a Public Service Announcement, So the end product of this work is some form of communication that goes out to everyone in your firm, but that
might also be shared via EcoLiv's website or social media accounts. That would be the measurable, gradeable product that combines the team's input. Please add that to the
requirements: someone has to put it all together and disseminate.
[Quoted text hidden]
Laurie Acosta
Academy of Finance Lead Teacher/DECA Advisor/VEI Coordinator
NAF Distinguished Academy 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
(954) 242-0686 (cell)

JP Taravella High School

10600 Riverside Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33071
(754) 322-2300 (school)

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