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azar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range Fl Siep By Step Guide AMD FreeSync Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rat Range - Full Step By Step Guide ea By Khalid Moammer 62 Posted Sep 26, 2015 SHARES A tweak has been discovered that lets users expand the variable refresh rate ranges of their AM FreeSync enabled gaming monitors. The hack essentially works by changing the refresh rate valt by the monitor manufacturers in the drivers of the monitor. And then creating a new “hacked” d new, user defined, maximum and minimum refresh rate values. What’s AMD FreeSync And Why It Matters hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 1128 srazot7 AMD FreeSync Monier Hack Exaands Refresh Rafe Range- Fl Sep By Stop Gus Project FreeSync is AMD's effort to bring variable refresh rate monitors to market through indus standards and by working with established ASIC and monitor manufacturers, AMD proposed th« Adaptive-Sync standard in early 2014 to the VESA body, which has since been adopted and incor into DisplayPort1.2a Adaptive-Sync capable monitors solve three distinct issues in games. The first of which is tearing occurs whenever the game's framerate and the refresh rate of the monitor are mismatched. Wh result of the graphics card processing and drawing frames at a variable rate, No matter how fast system might be, it will always produce a variable framerate. This is because some frames i.e. in images, are very complex and take longer to process and draw than other frames that happen t computationally demanding. NC Aer MO el UR UML (ROMO Sm TN 1): The second issue is stuttering and it's somewhat related to the first. As stuttering can occur if th: framerate dips below the refresh rate of the monitor when V-Sync is enabled. V-Sync works by n the game's variable framerate to the fixed refresh rate of the monitor by forcing each frame tov the next monitor refresh cycle before it is shown on the screen. This is to prevent two frames fr drawn on the screen at once in a single refresh cycle which causes tearing, GIGABYTE Unleashes The GTX 1080 XTREME Gaming Water! WB - A Powerful and Beautiful Card Aimed at Liquid Coolin Enthusiasts hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 228 azar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Slap By Step Guide Sees erect framerates are reduced, the mouse s ey The third issue is input-lag, which is the result of that “waiting” period that each frame has to go before its drawn on the screen when V-Sync is enabled So before variable refresh rate monitors had existed, irrespective of whether they were G-Sync« FreeSync enabled. You had to choose between either tearing and stuttering or latency. MONITOR is FreeSync solves all of these issues by allowing the monitor to draw frames at a variable rate, rat fixed rate, most commonly that rate is 60Hz. However there are also limitations to FreeSync as t minimum and maximum refresh rate the monitor can deal with. For example 30Hz to 60Hz, in th the monitor can draw frames at a framerate between 30 and 60 instantly with no stutter, lag or However, if the framerate exceeds 60 or goes below 30, the monitor reverts back to a fixed refre Monitor Hack To Expand the Minimum And Maximum Refresh Rates hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 28 azar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range- Fl Siep By Step Guide Bwwccetech News HARDWARE HeH RSH rate, WHILE WOUIL aHUW FOF @ UIBgEN MHTIUUW, 1OF EAGHIpIE 2U-DU HISKeau UF 9U-UU" Hn HT monitor can draw frames instantly. The hack has been verified to be effective on all FreeSync monitors Complete Step-By-Step Guide On How to Expand The Ret Rate Range Of Your AMD FreeSync Enabled Monitor All credit goes to Hilbert Hagedoorn for this terrific in-depth, step-by-step guide. AMD Ryzen Overclocks! CPCHardware Details 'SGHz On Air Tease and More Tools you'll need + Phoenix EDID Designer + EnTech Monitor Asset Manager + EnTech softMCCS First, extracting the EDID information to a file: s\#\4ioelon 2 naar 2637 DONTE HOSE HH BH BO aeb Ea, Perro 7 tee hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel 428 017 [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rale Range Ful Sp By Step Guide Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day Saini OH sees 2 tnatrtaenng RETR se OSCE TABS A THE RODaaeD ammcanie 3 tense emudntanesochethine gine ieee hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel azar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range Fl Siep By Step Guide ‘an 1 ' File | Tools Help New EDID, Open EDID. Curent EDID:None Suchenin: | J) madtied_syra_range Oo & Andesungedatum 1) Osea ssa TS « Detsiname: | SAMOCCE mecfied_syne_range dat Datetyp: | EDID DAT le (dat) This EDID Structure ie not Version 1 Revision 3 - any changes will convert the EDID to Version 1 Revision 3 and certain values may be reported incorrectly Would you like to continue leading the EDID? Yes ———>_* hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 628 azar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range- Fl Siep By Step Guide A 1 . 7 Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day Gener! | Bosc Deny Parameters | Color / EsebishedTinings | Stndard Tings | Detaled Tnings Vendor / Product ID EDID Structure Version EDID Extensions Vendor iD: |3AM Veron: [I Numberof exensions: 1 Product ID: OCC Revision: Serial Number: 1420599753 Ma Week: [5 DID Checksum Mg Year: 2015 BbitChecksum: 12 Curent EDIDSAMOCCF File Tools Help change to modifiy De oi 16 a Read Only \ Modity jp/ Established Tinings | Standard Ti Vendor / Product ID EDID Structure Version EDID Extensions Vendor iD: ‘ean: [I Numbercf exensiens: [1 | Product ID: Fevision: + Seri Number: Mig Week EDID Cheekeaum Mg Year: @biChecksum: 12 Current EDID:sAIMOCCF Fie Tools Help oo el woe [General | Basic Display Perametes | Color / Established Tinings | Standard Timings Detaled Tangs | hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel wvaaoi7 AMD FreeSync Monier Hack Exaands Refresh Rale Range- Fl Sep By Stop Gus lon~ 1 1 ~— 7 Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day Timings a ‘Stereo Display. Peel Ch /5385 | Intetaced] None (Nomal) © 2snay, Ron even nets BER wclnes OFS,Rongne © 2ay, Lon even ete [S840] Wn OFS.Lonsne Side-by-Side #4 Banks 160 Blank Bie Hi Smo Cfset:|48 V Syne Ofeet ne Scheme Src We: Fa V Syne With Omnalog H mage Size: |521 \Vimage Size: Cnalog Bipolar CIV Polety (=) HBeder[0 | V Border OdDiatal Composite Polety (+) @Diital Separate File oo a Tools Help a Bs = Curent EDID:SAMOCCF | General Descriptor Block Box 1 — BEEZ Block #2 Data Tipe (Monitor Serial Number (ASCII Sting @ Montor Range Limts Q Monitor Name (Color Point Data O Standard Timings © Unused OM. Defined Block 3. Monitor Range Linits Min. V Rate (He) Max V Rate (He): Min. Rete (cH) Max. H Rate kk}: | Bisc Display Parameters | Color/ Established Tings | Standard Timings | Detaled Tings | Deserpior Block Type O Block 4 Orimng © Mentor Li Secondary Timing Supported Stat Freq Ht) 2 cz: Max. Pal (MH: [600 ‘Curent EDIDSSAMOCCF File Tools Help Oe Bw os [[Generat | Basic Dsplay Parameters | Color /Estebished Tings | Standard Timings | Detaled Tinings Descriptor Blok Descrpior Bock Tipe Bock 1 —«@ Bock 2 CBock 3. Block Omng © Mentor Baye change here you min. Data Type Monitor Rance Lins 7 francine vance. hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel azar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide [A . . O Maas tess Min. H Rate che): 135 OCalor Point Data (O Standard Timinos Unused Max. Pad Ok (M2): [500 w; 8228 Max. H Rae che) [135 OM. Defined Current EDID:SAMOCCF File| Tools Help New EDID. Open EDID. Save EDID Color / Established Timings | Standard Timings | Detailed Timings save EDID As, Deserior Bok Tipe Export. © Block 4 OTiming ‘Monitor Read Only bit ontor Range Lies TO Wontar Sear ASCH sing Min VRate ei [5] Seeanday Ting Supported (© MontorRenge nes Moe V Fate: fa aa, 5 Mentor Name et: (OColor Point Data O Standard Timings OUnused Max. Pd Ck (MHz): [600° Min.H Rate (che): [135 Max. 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[DID BYTES: Ox 80 G1 2 03 04 G5 6 07 O8 G9 GA OB OC OD OE OF @0 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF @0 AC 2D CF QC 35 38 45 55 10 | @6 19 21 03 AS 34 1D 78 3B 12 55 A954 4D OF 25 20 | OC 50 54 23 68 G0 81 00 81 CO 81 BO AD CO B3 20 30 | 95 80 21 01 @1 21 4D DO 0 AC FO 70 3E 80 30 20 49 | 35 82 29 25 21 G0 @2 1A 00 OG GO FD a0 21 3C 87 50 | 87 3C 21 OA 20 20 28 20 20 26 20 00 G8 FC a0 55 60 | 32 34 45 38 35 30 OA 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 FF 7 | @@ 48 31 41 48 35 32 30 30 30 34 QA 20 20 01 24 hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel azar [A . . Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day Datei Beaibeiten Format Ansicht ? EDID BYTES: @x 08 01 2 03 04 @5 06 7 eo 1. change edid version from 03 to 04 2. reducing the checksum value by 01 Beatbeiten Format Ansicht Stig+N Offnen.. ‘Speichern Speicher unter. Seite enrichten. Drucken, Beenden 70 | 08 48 31 41 Monitor.inf driver creation: On hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range- Fl Siep By Step Guide 128 azar a AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range Fl Siep By Step Guide x @ hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 228 azar a AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide x Adding newly created driver range info: Desi eavoeten Format Ansett? VERRIDDEN-EDLD.Cop DID. Insta .NTX86.44] RIODEN-EDTD_AddReg -EDID. Install _NTand6a. Hal] AdeHeg-OVERRIDDEN-EDID_AddReg, [overri Base €DID KR, EDTD_OVERRIDE,"0",0x1, x00, Ox", OXFF,OxFF ,OxFF @xFF OXF ,€x08,Qx4C, OX20, OXCF,0x0C, x35 0x38, 0x45 5 OK5 x0, 19, Or, Ox, x45, x22, OxD 0x78, Ox 38, x2, OxSS 0x89, x54, 4A, CxIF 0x25, BxOC, Ox50,0x54, 0323, 0x08, 6400 Ox ,@08, 0x81, 640, Ox 0x80, x45, OxC0, 6x33, 0x00 x95, dx00 0x01, 8x01, 0x21, Oxd1,OxD,0 100,0x09 x40, OxF2, 0x70 EE, x80 @30,0x20, x35, 0x08 x09, 425 ,OxZ1, 0x08 0x00, GxA, 0x08 6x00, x00 Ox FD, x00, 0x21, €x3C,@x87, 0x87, Ox3C 0x1, @x0A, 0x22, Ox20,0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, x00 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x20, 0x3 50x32, 0x34, 0x45, 0x38, 0x35 0x30, 0x0, Ox20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, OxFF 0x00, x48 0x31, GrAd 10x 6x35, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32 0x30, 2x34, x0, Ox20, 0x20, 0x01 23 ( FcR, HODES, KR EDID_OVERRIOE KR, ,Maxttesolution KR, DPMS. KR, STCHProfL le EDID_Adéeg] hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 1928 evar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide Ar . . {[OVERRIDDEN-EDID.AddRegy AKR, "NODES\3840, 2160" Modet, ,"135.0-135.0,33.0-60.0,4,+ [ovenRt906N-F010.copyrt1es] sYeurColorProfileFile.icw [strings] ieé="EnTech Taiwan" DISC="Honitor EDID Overeide Installation Disk” PRODUCTTON"Samsung U24E250 (EDID Override)” \VENDOR-"Sansun’” Drs fearseten Format Anscht ? New ‘tgeN Jeg, MODEL, D>NS Ofnen srg jonyFiles Speicher 3% Ih.1a) Speicher ure. ey Sete inicien. land] les jase EDTD ACR, EDID_CVERRIDE, “0”, 0x01 000, OX°F,OAEF ,OXEF OXF AMEE ANT, Ox02, Ox, Ox2D, OAC ,OxOC OHS, x38, OxAS 10x55, €x06, 0x19, 0x01, Ox€4,OxA5, 632, Ox1D 0x78, 0x38, Ox12, 0x55, 6x49, 6x52, OxD ,x9F 0x25, 649C 0x50, 0354, 0523, 6x08, 6400 dx 008 x81, 640, Oxel 0x80, AS, O¥C0, Cx, 0x00 0x95, 0x68 Cx ,OHO1 x21 0x01 Ox, 8 100, dx9, x40, OxF2, 6x70, Ex, x80 038 0x20, x35, x08 0x09, 6x25 ,Ox21, x08 0x00, GxAA, Ox08 0x00, x00, Ox FD, @x00, 0x21, €x3C,@x87, 0x87, Ox3C 0x21, @xCA, 0x22, Ox20,2x20, x20, 0x20, 0x20, x00 x00, 0x00, 0xFC, CxO, Ox> 50x32, 0x34, 0x45, 0x38 0x35, 0x30, Ox0A, Ox20, 0x22, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, OxFF 0x00, x48 0x34, CxA1 10148 0x35, 0x38 0x30, 0132 0x30, 0x34, Ox2A, Ox20,0x28, O01 x23 {DEL_cuRRENT_REG) HR, MODES KR, EDID_OVERRIDE KR, ,Maxftesolution HR, DPMS. AR, ,TOHProfi le {oPes) HR, ,DPHS, ,2 [wove] KR, MaxResolution, ,°3842,2160" [OVERRTDOEN-EDID.AddReg] HR, "NODES\3240, 2160" Maded, ,°135.0-125.0,32.0-60.0,4,+ {oveRRIODEN-EDID.Copyrites] sYourColortrefileFile.icw insert your own description here (not too tong!) [strings] FG-"EnTech Taiwan" DISC~"Monitor EDID Override Installation D$=k™ PRODUCTIO=" Samsung U24E850_wodi fied sync ange” ‘VENDOR-"Sansung Disabling the Windows Driver signature: hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel Syne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Ful PER Neu starten cl rn coer See ee cn PC-Einstellungen andern Option auswahlen ycttech.cerfamé:-reesyne-hack-expands-elrashrate-rangs azar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Step By Step Guide a . ' hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 1628 azar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range Fl Siep By Step Guide a . ' Installation of the monitor driver: hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 18 azar a AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range Fl Slap By Step Guide hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! 1928 azar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range Fl Siep By Step Guide Generate A High-Quality User Experience with Revcontent hiipulwectech comlamd-treesyne-hack-oxpands-rolest-rat-rango! Join Revcontent To Increase User Engagement and Reach Google AMP Builds Better User Experi: on Mobile 1928 evar Ar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide Ad Quality and User Experience World Recommended Stories Breaking Breaking Console Intel Shutters KBL-H, Kaby Lake ‘AMD Ryzen Overclocks! Halo Wars: Definitive Edit Refresh Arriving Next Year - 10nm CPCHardware Details ‘SGHz On Air —_- Better, but not Great Coffee Lake Platforms, CFL-U, H, S... OC’ Tease and More Breaking Breaking Breaking TSMC To Begin 10nm Volume Microsoft's Patent For Magnetic ‘AMD Radeon VEGA GPU Production In First Quarter of 2017 Stylus Shows Potential Surface Pro 5 Architecture Preview Corr Accessory? 2017 - New Teaser “After Uprising”... 531 Comments — Wecftech 4 @ Recommend 5 —E& Share Sortt hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel Join the discussion. Rashad Zhafran - 13 days ago only retarded autistic person buy g-sync #deadonarrival Av © Reply + Share» POWERRUSH - 5 months ago “You had to choose between either tearing and stuttering or latency."*** So explain me, why at 58 fps (frame rate control) vsyne ON, and fps_max 58 at CS GO will el issues....??727? Because im playing with that settings, and i have not any tearing or stuttering evar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide Ar . . Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day - <= You have input lag. 2A v= Reply « Share» Alek Karpoff » 5 months ago This hack if doing wrong can kill monitor? Cause you need to edit EDID information about mon that information stores in monitor itself? | wanna to do this but I'm scares, my monitor do frees) 45 to 75 and | want to lower it to 30. It is possible? Ay © Reply + Share » wasabinatoring - a year ago Has anyone managed to expand the freesyne range on the Wasabi Mango UHD420? If so, ho What was the maximum range that worked for you? 1A v + Reply + Share» ye ee =_ "stuttering can occur if the game's framerate dips below the refresh rate of the monitor when V- enabled” ‘That's why we have Dynamic V-Syne which turns off when frames goes below the refresh rate Oh, that can be found in RadeonPro along with tons of other nice features :), I'm surprised not too many people know about this... I's sad rly. A + Reply + Share» Gidon's Claw « a yearago G-Sync... no hack necessary AY = Reply + Share > @__ tatevonvmous + cicon's claw + months ago You need a deep pocket in order to get one though. That's what is going to kill Gsync, ¢ Freesyne will shine. Look at the prices of identical monitors... Gsync is always 2/3 quid expensive because nVidia requires manufacturers to pay fees which brings prices up ¢ manufacturer can make profit. I'm no fanboy in any means.. I've owned graphics cards from both companies but nVidi playing dirty. Let’s see how they react to Vulkan. 2A v + Reply + Share > @ wey Ask > reranonvious + 24 days.ago <=> I know I'm digging up an old comment but | agree, Cheapest Ultra Wide Gsyne nearly 1K USF at 800-900+ and thats a VA 1080P panel. Another 300 USD you 1440P. On the other hand the similar monitor for free sync costs 600USD. Ever there are WAY cheaper options although with lower refreshifreesyne rates but r needs 144hz+ Gsync is honestly catering to people who play less graphically intense games t hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel 21128 evar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Ful Siep By Step Guide Ar . . Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day zimtontx + Gidon’s Claw » a year ago = G-Syne has no future, it was dead on arrival cuz it's not a standard. There's already more Freesyne monitors than G-Sync anyway and G-Sync has been « 5A v = Reply + Share > Gidon’s Claw + z1midntx + a year ago <= And G-Syne supports higher refresh rates and is more widely sought after... :) #FreeFallSyncFail Av + Reply » Share > hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel reppa + Gidon’s Claw * 2 months ago In 1 year no more g-syne screen ... normal people are not aware about t played on full hd screen at 60fps with one 1080 or two 1070 in sli, they ¢ those kind of product. G-Syne are really useful if your framerate down below 60 fps, but with = power, it's totaly useless XD If you're too stupid to understand that freesyne is like hdmi, and g-sync | port, no matter for me, i's not my money i waste by buying a useless tex are already dead for nvidia ;) Ireally miss natural selection, and time before internet, guy or gil like yc so ashamed of their stupidity that they hide theirself form the world.. Today internet is just full of stupid people, and when people like me or 21 to educate the mass. 20 vy + Reply + Share > zimt0ntx + Gidon’s Claw + a year ago Fangitl detected! Does G-Syne support higher than 240Hz? You're mad man! Doesn't matter anyway, it was stil dead on arrivalwith no future. It was r lasted. 5A v = Reply » Share > Gidon's Claw > z1mt0n1x + a yearago I'm the fangirl? Have you checked your make-up lately? Ay = Reply + Share» zimt0n1x 4 Gidon’s Claw + a yearago I'ma fangirl too, but at least I can admit it :) But again, does G-Sync support higher than 240Hz? 4A Ue Rank « Shares evar Ar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day ‘Av + Reply + Share» @ _ Prates > cicon's claw - 10 months ago <= Freesync supports up to 240Hz. There are already 160+Hz monitors wi Freesync. AMD did some tweaking on the drivers so it no longer relies « lowest framerate as long as the highest refresh rate is twice as high(frar doubling). Freesync also has lower overhead and input lag than G-Synec. Freesync now works with HDMI too Gsync was dead on arrival indeed BA v + Reply + Share > Birra - a yearago http:/iwww.tomshardware.comire... we also cannot ignore the fact that a number of our event participants chose the Nvidia solution in games where both FreeSyne and G-Sync should have been inside their respective ranges at all times AMD is ata disadvantage Let's get the big question out of the way: what's better, G-Syne or FreeSync? As both technologies stand right now, the G-Sync ecosystem is, more mature. From compatible graphics cards to G-Sync-capable displays and variable refresh ranges, Nvidia has the leg up. It also has an advantage when you drop below the variable refresh range. Right off the bat, we found it interesting that 10 of 48 respondents believed they knew which system was which. Of those 10, nine were correct, though for a variety of reasons. One respondent guessed the 390X-equipped PC based on the heat it was putting out, and indeed, 2A v + Reply » Share> @ Note fanboi + Bia -ayear aco "One respondent guessed the '390X-equipped PC based on the heat it was putting out,” LMAO 1A v = Reply + Share > Birra a yearago AMD: reaf before use: - tweak the driver - tweak the card hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel 2028 evar Ar hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day Now you are reaay 10 enjoy 1U% oF Games like YU% witn erorce Av + Reply + Share > @ _ zimtontx + Bina - ayearago <== Came from an Nvidia user? Here's the one from an AMD user. - Buy the product - Download & install current driver - Now you're ready to enjoy any game that doesn't exploit polygons by your rival For further options and performance: - Download RadeonPro - Pull the BIOS switch for free shaders if available - Download a later driver - Enjoy your games in a higher fidelity Extras when the card gets old: - Change your silicon paste and replace thermal pads - Overclock till you find your place in the silicon lottery - Download a later driver - Enjoy your 3 year old card with another 1-2 years in service 40.4 v = Reply + Share» @ _Nespam Fz1mon1x S months ago <= 5870 is still being enjoyed how many years later and last driver gave 28 percent boost. You are under selling the AMD experience ;). 2A v + Reply + Share» NanoSuitUser059. «a year ago Wow! lam gonna get an Asus MG279Q now. 1A v © Reply + Share» Benjamin Burns « a year ago I've been happy with my 1440p 144Hz FreeSync panel. The minimum | believe on it is 35 or 4¢ hasn't been an issue for me. There isn't any game | could tolerate playing at such a horrendou frame rate anyway, even on a regular monitor. | try to keep my FPS in the 90+ range, as I find I'm not sure what performance impact people are talking about | get the same benchmark res without it enabled in the driver. The only difference | can see is whether | want tearing or not. I' Sync works well too, | don't know why people have to make this into a pissing contest. They're excellent technologies, they just do the same things differently 1A v = Reply » Share > Jacob Arle * a year ago Would rather have G-Sync lol. https:/ - g-sync does not have any performai freesync has. 1A |v © Reply + Share > evar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range- Fl Siep By Step Guide Ar . . Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day 5A v + Reply « Share ‘Avati This commentwas deleted @ We Red + cuest a yoarage It's discrimination against the mentally il. Don't forget to take your meds Av © Reply + Share > Nobody + Guest » a year ago ‘Some scumbag is going around doing it to anyone who criticises AMD products. Av © Reply + Share » Mr Red 4 Nobody « a yearago <= | whole heartedly despise this practice. And whoever itis just_bloody stop it nov Av © Reply + Share > e Giordano Saltafossi - a year ago Sse, 1)Will be possible to mod a monitor from normal to FreeSync ? I's all a software mod 2)| know freesyne use DisplayPort revision minimum 1.2a... this mod will enable it in DVI too ? 1A v =» Reply » Share > @ _ Prates 4 ciordano Sattafossi + 10 months ago <= 1) depends on the monitor scaler. The firmware needs to support it and the software us not be able to make adaptive-syne binaries without a template from the monitor. 2) It won't work on anything other than DP1.2a. HDMI support is there, but no card of t ‘supports the HDMI extension they're using Av + Reply + Share > e renz + ayearago 2m. 5©Wil this able to make Freesyne work down to 9 FPS as claimed by AMD? Av © Reply + Share > Prestige Worldwide + ronz - a year ago <= Isn't 40hz the minimum that freesync is capable of doing? Av © Reply + Share > @ _ zimtontx + Prestige worldwide » a yearago <—™ 960 17-120 21-144 36-240 That's the supported ranges. So technically yes, with a 60Hz monitor, but I havi 60Hz monitor with adaptive-syne yet. hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel 29128 evar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range- Fl Siep By Step Guide A ' ‘ Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day manuracturers to use as mey see mt 3A v + Reply » Share» @ _erz F Prestige Worldwide + a year ago <== Well AMD very own slides mention 9-240hz. They even make comparison with gsyne specifically mention Gsync only capable of 30-144hz to imply that their s do that while Gsyne can't, | think there are Beng freesyne monitors that can do down to 30hz. But i think it panel. Not sure if there is IPS freesync thst can do 30hz, 2A v + Reply » Share > @ Prestige Wontawide + renz yearago But when gsync goes beneath 30 fps the refresh rate doubles, so 25 fps 50hz frames, effectively still achieving variable refresh. Ay + Reply + Share > @ _ Paicnicinversion -+ Prestige Worldwide +a year ago <= no Shz is the minimum but the panels in the monitors dont function that low dow actual limit of freesyne is the hardware 2A v + Reply » Share > @ Prestige Wortawide - Psionicinversion «a yearago <= So 9hz is a paper spec and real freesyne monitors can't achieve the fre spec in the real world? What matters at this point are shipped products. Av + Reply » Share» @ _ Psionicinversion + Presige Worlswide - a year ago <= yeah pretty much, but youve got bigger problems if your game is runninc know what i mean hahah. as long as it works from about 25fps and up d matter 1A v = Reply + Share > e@ Prestige Worldwide + Psionicinversion + a year ago <= Yeah since | have never used gffreesync | can't comment but | do have monitor and try to always have at least 60fps. Av = Reply » Share > Oriondtech 4 renz + a year ago <= Lol whata fanboy. If the monitor can go down to 9fps whit VRR enabled Freesync will work because that; limit, that is what AMD explained, you have to be retarded to misinterpret that. 1A v = Reply + Share» hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel 2028 evar [AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range - Fl Siep By Step Guide Ar . . Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day when real freesyne monitors arrive do we know that FS actually can't go that lo physic limitation. 2A v + Reply + Share > @ _ Oienstech + ronz + ayoarago = You are continuing to play the dumb card, very weak trolling 1A |v = Reply + Share > @ 1072 F ovonttech «a year ago <= That was you. 1A v = Reply « Share» Psionicinversion + ronz - a year ago <= probably not. its all dependant on the panels used. some work better than others 1A v = Reply » Share > e Mr Red » a year ago No more comments today. Going round and round in circles with the Nvidia SS officers patrolli thread. | hope the share market collapses in October for Karma. 20 v + Reply » Share > @ Selena Gomez + nr Red « ayoarago <= "Ican't provide any proof to back up my wacky claims, better pretend to leave haha XC 2A v + Reply + Share» Mr Red 4 Selena Gomez + a year ago <== Cheap hit,_bitch, Ay © Reply + Share» @ _ Selena Gomez + MirRed » ayoarago <= Funny that's true “can you provide proof to back up what you say" “oh noes | better try change the subject” Av = Reply + Share» ALSO ON WCCFTECH AMD Radeon RX 500 VEGA GPU Architecture Snapdragon 835 Slides Leak Before ¢ Preview Coming at CES 2017 -New Radeon... Announcement With CPU Name and ( hiipulwecttech comlamd-treesyne:hack-expands-relreshrate-rangel 2128 evar AMD FreeSyne Monitor Hack Expands Refresh Rate Range- Fl Siep By Step Guide Ar . . Latest tech news in your inbox, once a day “Lots” Of UE4 Titles Including Dragon ... 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