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At international level, the child's issue is of particular interest, manifested through the
institutionalization of transnational, regional and universal child research networks. There are
international alliances of non-governmental organizations that are pushing governments to respect
the rights of the child. The issue of the child is at the forefront of the work of international
intergovernmental bodies: the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in

All these bodies have a common goal: protecting children against child abuse in the worst forms of
labor, selling, prostitution and child pornography, against child involvement in armed conflict and
international kidnapping of children, exploitation and abuse of the child.

Adoption of such conventions designed to provide child protection has made it necessary at national
level to set up specialized institutions to monitor the implementation and respect of children's rights.
Partnership programs at national and international level have also been developed for the same
purpose: the protection of children's rights.

These sustained efforts at national level are justified by the fact that the child ultimately recognizes a
distinct entity with its own needs due to its vulnerability and lack of maturity. The child is thus
recognized as a human being who through the simple fact of birth enjoys rights that must be
guaranteed and respected.

Until 1997, the child protection system at risk, set up in 1970, remained unchanged, although
Romania had stated, since 1990, the intention of a change by ratifying the Convention on the Rights
of the Child and by including in the Constitution of Romania the principle which guarantees the free
development of the human personality: "Children enjoy special protection and assistance in the
realization of their rights".

The primacy of child-raising together with its parents, punctuated by Law no. 272/2004 and the 1989
Convention are also in agreement with the Strasbourg Court, which states in its jurisprudence that
"for a child the fact of living together with his or her parent or parents is a fundamental component
of family life and his placement in a social protection institution is an interference in the family life of
those concerned, this measure is always justified by a legitimate interest. "The European Court of
Human Rights has also emphasized that taking such measures must be of a temporary nature, with
the possibility of their suspension, in order not to lose the opportunity of meeting the child with his /
her parents

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