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Buildings in municipal climate change mitigation strategies: towards life cycle


Thesis · April 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24767.15527


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1 author:

Nicolas Francart
KTH Royal Institute of Technology


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Buildings in municipal
climate change mitigation
strategies: towards life
cycle thinking

Nicolas Francart

April 2019

Licentiate thesis in Planning and Decision Analysis with

specialisation in Strategic Sustainability Studies

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Department of Sustainable development, environmental science and
engineering (SEED)
Research Group on Sustainability Assessment and Management

SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden

© Nicolas Francart 2019

ISBN 978-91-7873-112-1

Please cite as:

Francart, N. (2019). Buildings in municipal climate change mitigation
strategies: towards life cycle thinking. Licentiate thesis. ISBN 978-91-7873-


Fulfilling climate targets requires ambitious changes. The building sector is

a large contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), but also offers
opportunities for climate change impact reductions. This thesis aims at
supporting strategic decisions to reach climate change mitigation targets in
the building sector, based on knowledge about what factors contribute
significantly to climate impact from buildings in a life cycle perspective and
how practitioners can influence these factors. More specifically, a first point
of investigation concerns what aspects play a key importance in buildings’
climate impact, and what climate change mitigation strategies for the
building sector should focus on. A quantitative analysis of backcasting
scenarios for 2050 was performed using a spreadsheet model to estimate
GHG emissions for the building sector. The parameters were adjusted to
ensure that a GHG emission quota was reached in every scenario. This
provided an illustration of four very different ways the building sector could
contribute to the fulfillment of a global climate change mitigation target. The
results were used to discuss what aspects of buildings were particularly
important for target fulfillment. These aspects include a low-carbon energy
mix, a reduction of GHG emissions from construction materials and an
optimized use of space. A second point of investigation concerns how
municipalities can influence practices through the use of environmental
requirements in construction, in particular requirements based on a life
cycle approach. A survey of Swedish municipalities was used to assess their
current practices and knowledge level regarding mitigating climate change
impact from construction, as well as the influence of a municipality’s size on
these practices. It was followed up by semi-structured interviews
investigating barriers to the use of environmental requirements in
construction. Barriers were identified regarding in-house skills, access to
data, resources, ambiguities regarding the law and guidance from national
authorities. A stepwise strategy was suggested to overcome these barriers
and successfully implement environmental requirements. Therefore, the
thesis as a whole provides insight on how municipalities could use
environmental requirements in construction to influence current practices
in the building sector, so that the changes needed to fulfill the 1.5℃ target
are implemented.


Ambitiösa förändringar krävs för att uppnå målet om att begränsa den
globala temperaturökningen under 1.5℃. Byggsektorn bidrar mycket till
globala växthusgasutsläpp, men erbjuder också möjligheter för att minska
klimatpåverkan. Denna avhandling syftar till att stödja strategiska beslut för
att nå klimatmålet inom byggsektorn, baserat på kunskap om vilka faktorer
som bidrar mest till klimatpåverkan från byggnader i ett livscykelperspektiv
och hur praktiker kan påverka dessa faktorer. Först undersöktes
byggnadsaspekter som är viktiga för att nå klimatmålet och som strategier
för minskad klimatpåverkan från byggnader bör fokusera på. En kvantitativ
analys av backcasting-scenarier utfördes för att uppskatta
växthusgasutsläpp från Sveriges byggnadsbestånd fram till, och under år
2050. Centrala parametrar justerades för att säkerställa att en målnivå för
växthusgaser underskreds i varje scenario. Detta gav en illustration av fyra
olika sätt som byggsektorn i Sverige kunde bidra till uppfyllandet av ett
globalt klimatmål. Resultaten användes som underlag för att diskutera vilka
byggnadsaspekter verkar vara särskilt viktiga för måluppfyllelse. Dessa
aspekter inkluderar energiförsörjning med låga växthusgasutsläpp, en
minskning av växthusgasutsläpp från byggmaterial samt yteffektivisering i
lägenheter och lokaler. I en annan studie undersöktes hur kommuner kan
påverka nuvarande praxis genom att ställa miljökrav vid byggandet, särskilt
krav som bygger på livscykelanalys. En enkät i svenska kommuner användes
för att bedöma kommunernas nuvarande praxis och kunskapsnivå när det
gäller klimatpåverkan från byggandet. Enkäten följdes upp med
semistrukturerade intervjuer som undersökte hinder för användningen av
miljökrav i byggandet, särskilt LCA-baserade krav. Barriärer som brist på
kompetens, data och resurser, tvetydigheter i lagen och bristande
vägledning från nationella myndigheter identifierades. En strategi föreslås
för att övervinna dessa hinder och implementera miljökrav. Som helhet ger
avhandlingen inblick i hur kommunerna kan använda miljökrav vid
byggandet för att påverka nuvarande praxis inom byggsektorn, så att de
förändringar som krävs för att uppfylla 1.5℃-målet genomförs.


As I’m putting the final touch to this cover essay, I’ve been doing research at
SEED for a bit over three years, first as a master student, then as a research
engineer, then as a PhD student. This time has been exciting, stimulating
and at times challenging, but overall it’s been an amazing experience and I’m
hoping it will continue this way for the years to come!

I’d like to thank Tove Malmqvist for giving me the opportunity to start this
great journey in the first place, and for supervising me ever since. Tove, I’m
very grateful for your advice and support! I’m also grateful for the input of
my co-supervisor Martin Erlandsson. Martin, your knowledge of what is
going on ‘in the real world’ helped me make my research more relevant.

Thank you to all my colleagues at SEED for making our department such a
welcoming and stimulating place. I’m grateful to everyone who has ever
shared a room, a fika or an idea with me! I wouldn’t be able to do what I do
without this positive atmosphere.

To all my friends and loved ones in France and in Sweden: your support and
the good times we share mean the world to me. Thanks to Félix, Juliette and
Rémi for making Stockholm feel a bit more like home. And thanks especially
to Anna: you’re the best, even though you refuse to admit it!

Nicolas Francart
Stockholm, February 2019

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 The role of municipalities in mitigating buildings’ climate change
impact ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Buildings’ climate change impact ............................................ 1
1.1.2 The role of Swedish municipalities ......................................... 2
1.2 Global, national and local targets for climate change mitigation .. 3
1.3 Moving from setting targets to implementing measures ............... 4
1.3.1 Future scenarios for decision support .....................................5
1.3.2 A gap between theory and practice .......................................... 7
1.4 Aim of the licentiate thesis ............................................................. 8
2 Research context ................................................................................... 8
2.1 LCA in the building sector ............................................................. 9
2.2 Futures studies .............................................................................. 11
2.3 Climate change mitigation at the municipal level ........................ 12
3 Research design ................................................................................... 15
3.1 Modeling work within the Beyond GDP Growth program ........... 15
3.1.1 The Beyond GDP Growth program........................................ 15
3.1.2 Overview of the modeling study ............................................ 16
3.1.3 Quantitative analysis in backcasting ..................................... 17
3.1.4 Building a spreadsheet model as a tool for discussion .......... 18
3.2 Survey and interview of municipalities within the Toolbox
program .................................................................................................. 20
3.2.1 The “Toolbox for market implementation of LCA in building
construction” research program ......................................................... 20
3.2.2 Overview of the survey and interview study ......................... 20
3.2.3 Online survey ......................................................................... 21
3.2.4 Semi-structured interviews .................................................. 22
4 Results ................................................................................................ 23
4.1 Key aspects of a building sector compatible with climate change
mitigation................................................................................................ 23
4.1.1 Future energy supply ............................................................ 24
4.1.2 Emissions from construction and renovation....................... 25
4.1.3 Optimized use of space.......................................................... 26
4.1.4 Summary of findings ............................................................. 26
4.2 Barriers to municipal requirements promoting construction with
low climate change impact ...................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Barriers related to skill and data ........................................... 27
4.2.2 Barriers related to time and resources .................................. 28
4.2.3 Barriers related to governance and the law .......................... 28
4.2.4 Summary of findings ............................................................. 29
5 Discussion ...........................................................................................30
5.1 Strategic decision support ............................................................30
5.2 Remaining gaps ............................................................................ 34
6 Conclusion and key takeaways ............................................................ 36
References ................................................................................................... 39

List of papers

Paper 1: Francart, N., Malmqvist, T., & Hagbert, P. (2018). Climate target
fulfilment in scenarios for a sustainable Swedish built environment
beyond growth. Futures, 98, 1–18.

Paper 2: Francart, N., Larsson, M., Malmqvist, T., Erlandsson, M., &
Florell, J. (2019). Requirements set by Swedish municipalities to
promote construction with low climate change impact. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 208, 117–131.

Contribution to each paper

Paper 1

I developed the spreadsheet model and performed the analysis that is the
basis of paper 1. A first version of the model was developed during my
master thesis. I refined and developed it further before writing paper 1. I
was the main author of paper 1 and wrote most of the text. Tove Malmqvist
provided feedback and revisions, and Pernilla Hagbert contributed with
comments and text for the introduction, discussion and conclusion.

Paper 2

I was responsible for developing and distributing the survey used in Paper
2, as well as carrying out the statistical analysis of the results. I also co-
developed the interview template. The interviews were carried out by
Mathias Larsson and Josefin Florell. Mathias Larsson passed away during
the project. Josefin Florell was not involved in writing the article. I
therefore worked with exploiting the interview results based on transcripts.
I was the main author of paper 2. Mathias Larsson contributed with early
versions of the text about interviews. Tove Malmqvist and Martin
Erlandsson provided feedback and revisions.

1 Introduction buildings become more and more
energy efficient and the energy supply
1.1 The role of becomes less carbon-intensive,
reducing the impact of the construction
municipalities in mitigating
of buildings becomes an issue of
buildings’ climate change comparable importance with reducing
impact operational energy use (Anand &
Amor, 2017; Birgisdottir et al., 2017;
1.1.1 Buildings’ climate Ibn-Mohammed, Greenough, Taylor,
change impact Ozawa-Meida, & Acquaye, 2013;
Liljenström et al., 2015).
There is now widespread consensus in
the scientific community that average
The second reason to consider the
global temperature is rising and that
impact of buildings is that many
human activity is extremely likely to be
countries experience quick and
the main driver of this change (Foster
extensive urbanization (United
& Rahmstorf, 2011; Haustein et al.,
Nations Department of Economic and
2017; Kirtman, Adedoyin, & Bindoff,
Social Affairs Population Division,
2013; Leach et al., 2018). Climate
2014). Sweden, which will be the focus
change is not the only environmental
of this licentiate thesis, experiences
sustainability issue, but it is an issue of
high population growth in cities, and
core importance for the integrity of the
the demand for new housing in urban
Earth system (Steffen et al., 2015).
areas leads to much new construction.
Climate change has been the focus of
There is therefore a risk for major
many research projects and policy
environmental damage if the impact of
initiatives, in particular in Sweden, due
new buildings is not limited.
to its environmental relevance and the
fact that it can be linked to quantitative
The third reason is that there is
indicators that are relevant for national
significant potential to reduce GHG
policies and industrial practices.
emissions caused by the construction
and operation of buildings. Energy
In this context, it is of particular
efficiency measures (e.g. thermal
relevance to focus on the impact of
insulation) help reduce the impact of
buildings in a life cycle perspective, for
operational energy use. Emissions
three reasons. The first is that the share
from construction materials can be
of total greenhouse gases (GHG)
reduced e.g. by increasing the use of
emissions attributed to the
timber and straw bale for building
construction sector (including
frames and insulation respectively
buildings and infrastructure) has been
(Peñaloza, Erlandsson, & Falk, 2016),
estimated to be around 16% within the
by reusing construction materials or
EU (Eurostat, 2018), and up to 40% in
using concrete with fly ash or a lower
e.g. China (Yokoo, Oka, Yokoyama,
clinker content (Razi, Razak, & Khalid,
Sawachi, & Yamamoto, 2015). As
2016). The way a building is designed
also affects its climate change impact. responsive and have a better
Space can be shared, optimized and knowledge of the local situation than
used more intensively, decreasing the national actors, local authorities can
floor area needed for each activity play a decisive role in climate change
(Sekki, Airaksinen, & Saari, 2015). The mitigation strategies (Brilhante &
shape of a building and aspects such as Skinner, 2015).
ceiling height and the size of windows
can impact emissions from Municipalities are relevant when
construction, operation but also indoor discussing climate change impact from
environment quality. buildings, for two main reasons. First,
the role of Swedish municipalities as
1.1.2 The role of Swedish defined by the Municipal Law
municipalities (2017:725) entails, among other
aspects, responsibility over all steps of
The climate change impact of buildings the physical planning process,
can be dealt with at different scales. including:
The present licentiate thesis includes a
study dealing specifically with • Visions and comprehensive plans
guidance for municipalities to facilitate setting long term strategies for
the implementation of environmental municipal development
requirements in construction (Paper
2). It was performed as part of the • Detailed plans regulating
“Toolbox for market implementation of development in specific areas
LCA in building construction” 1
research program (in short, Toolbox • Land allocation and land exploitation
program), which aims at promoting the agreements, specifying how the
use of life cycle assessment (LCA) to detailed plan will be implemented on a
support decisions in procurement for parcel of land that is owned by the
construction projects. municipality or by a private owner,
Swedish municipalities are local
administrative units. They show high • Building permits, issued to
levels of ambition for climate change developers if they respect the Planning
mitigation, and most of them have and Building Act (SFS 2010:900) and
established local plans in that regard the building code (BFS 2017:5).
(Fenton, Gustafsson, Ivner, & Palm,
2015; Reckien et al., 2018; Wretling, It has been argued that planning has a
Gunnarsson-Östling, Hörnberg, & key role to play, both in reducing GHG
Balfors, 2018). Because they are more emissions and in making cities resilient


to the consequences of climate change address targets for climate change
(Bulkeley, Castán Broto, Hodson, & mitigation at various levels.
Marvin, 2011).
At the international level, the most
Second, in their role as property recent and prominent target agreed
owners, municipalities commission upon can be found in the Paris
large construction projects for public agreement (United Nations
buildings such as schools, and are Framework Convention on Climate
major actors in procurement. Green Change, 2015) and corresponds to a
public procurement (GPP) is limitation of global average
recognized by the European temperature increase “to well below
Commission as an important strategy 2°C above pre-industrial levels and
to reach sustainability targets. Public pursuing efforts to limit the
procurement amounts to an estimated temperature increase to 1.5°C above
14% of EU GDP, and public authorities pre-industrial levels”. It has been
such as municipalities can use this argued that this global average
purchasing power as a lever to promote temperature target lacks a solid
sustainability innovations and create scientific basis supporting it as an
demand for sustainable products optimal value, but that it is nonetheless
(European Commission, 2016a). useful as a focal point to communicate,
Construction is highlighted as a sector coordinate multiple actors and strike
where GPP can be particularly agreements to stabilize global average
influential due to the large share of temperature in the long term (Jaeger &
public purchasers in the market. Jaeger, 2011). To be useful for
Because of their constant interaction practitioners, this target must be
with building industry stakeholders, translated into indicators that are more
municipalities also have an actionable at a national and local level.
opportunity to disseminate knowledge
and initiate dialogues about In targets for individual countries or
sustainability issues. groups of countries, climate change
mitigation is often formulated in terms
1.2 Global, national and of GHG emissions at a specific year. For
local targets for climate instance, the EU “Roadmap for moving
to a competitive low carbon economy in
change mitigation 2050” aims for a reduction of GHG
The first section addressed the emissions of 80-95% in 2050
importance of mitigating climate compared to 1990 (European
change impacts, in particular from Commission, 2011). Sweden’s climate
buildings, and highlighted policy framework aims at reducing
municipalities as key actors for GHG emissions by 63% by 2030
mitigation strategies. This section will (compared to 1990), 75% by 2040,
reaching net zero emissions by 2045
and thereafter achieving negative GHG
emissions. Negative GHG emissions Council, 2017) include criteria on e.g.
include carbon capture and storage, thermal insulation, material
uptake from biomass and investments inventories, material waste or
in climate-friendly projects abroad renewable energy use (depending on
(Government Offices of Sweden, 2018). the scheme). Climate targets are thus
In addition to GHG emissions translated into criteria that are directly
occurring on the Swedish territory, actionable for practitioners who wish
GHG emissions caused by Swedish to certify a building. Often, these
consumption in and outside of Sweden criteria are formulated as actions that
are also monitored. must be taken in order for the building
to be certified, such as “implementing a
At the municipal level, climate change procedure for construction waste
is an issue that has been addressed management”. Many criteria concern
more and more in Sweden during the the provision of information, such as
last decade, and many municipalities “providing a logbook of all construction
have a plan with an explicit target to materials used”. Some criteria can also
decrease GHG emissions (Wretling et be based on performance indicators,
al., 2018). Local targets can take such as “reducing climate change
different forms: they vary in their scope impact from materials in a life cycle
(geographic area, time horizon, perspective under a certain threshold”.
activities included), their indicator A certification scheme called NollCO2,
(GHG emissions, energy use, etc.) and based on direct calculations of GHG
their perspective (emissions from emissions for the entire building in a
consumption or production, life cycle life cycle perspective, is currently in
perspective or not) (Kramers et al., pilot phase (Sweden Green Building
2013). Although production-based Council, 2018). The Swedish National
targets are used in most cases, some Board of Housing, Building and
municipalities such as Gothenburg Planning (Boverket) has also proposed
have targets to reduce GHG emissions that climate change impact from
both in a production and in a construction materials and processes
consumption perspective (City of should be calculated for all new
Gothenburg, 2014). buildings (Swedish National Board of
Housing Building and Planning, 2018).
Scaling down even more, requirements
and certification schemes at the 1.3 Moving from setting
building level often include criteria targets to implementing
relevant to the climate issue, along with
other environmental and health
criteria. Certification schemes such as The previous section reviewed various
LEED (United States Green Building ways of expressing targets for climate
Council, 2018), BREEAM (Building change mitigation, and how these
Research Establishment, 2018) and translate into local targets and building
Miljöbyggnad (Swedish Green Building
criteria. This section will address the environmental performance may be
issue of reaching these targets and better than average, but we need to do
meeting these criteria in practice. How better if we want to reach the target”).
can we move from setting a target to Scenarios can also be integrated with
guiding decisions and implementing other methods to assess environmental
suitable actions to reach it? performance, such as life cycle
assessment (LCA, e.g. “Assuming the
In this licentiate thesis, I focus on two following future electricity mix, the
particular aspects of sustainability environmental impact of operational
strategies: First, I consider how futures energy use in this building will be…”).
studies can be used to inform current
decisions. Then, I consider the Scenarios differ based e.g. on their
necessity to overcome barriers to geographical scope (the European
implementation and bridge the gap energy market, the Nordic grid, the
between theoretical strategies and Swedish energy market), their
actual practice. conceptual scope (a focus on a specific
sector, e.g. energy, or a more
1.3.1 Future scenarios for overarching scope) and on the
decision support assumptions taken regarding future
development (straight projections of
Reaching an ambitious climate target current trends, forecasts based on
requires comprehensive, well-planned assumptions or explorative scenarios
and coordinated measures. Models and detached from current trends). These
future scenarios can be used to discuss aspects influence the kind of
possible strategies to reach recommendation given when using
sustainability targets and support scenarios to inform current decisions,
policymaking (van Dorsser, Walker, and should therefore be carefully
Taneja, & Marchau, 2018). Future considered.
scenarios can inform current practices
by contributing to the discussion of An example of scenarios relevant for
alternatives, opening up new the climate issues can be found in the
perspectives or providing IPCC report “Global warming of 1.5℃”,
recommendations (e.g. “To reach this which includes models of various
target, the following aspects appear to pathways for the fulfillment of the
be critical and a possible strategy to 1.5°C target. Pathways limiting
address them is…”). They can allow a warming to 1.5°C without overshoot
shift from discourses of continuous show more ambitious reductions in
incremental improvement (e.g. “This GHG emissions than agreed in the
building’s environmental performance Paris Agreement, with emission
is better than average, therefore it is reductions of 40-60% between 2010
good enough”) to more target-focused and 2030 and net zero emissions
discussions of what is actually needed shortly after 2050 (Intergovernmental
to reach the target (e.g. “This building’s Panel on Climate Change, 2018c,
section C.1). Moreover, all but one breaking with current trends in very
pathways rely on carbon dioxide different ways (including high
removal technologies, in particular technology and full automation, local
bioenergy coupled with carbon capture decentralized self-sufficient
and storage (BECCS). Carbon dioxide communities, high-efficiency circular
removal technologies have economy and sharing-based lifestyles).
controversial implications for The present licentiate thesis includes
environmental sustainability, due to work performed as part of the Beyond
e.g. land use and competition with GDP Growth research program,
agricultural land for afforestation and modeling what it would entail for
bioenergy, a lack of economic buildings to reach the climate target in
incentives, and concerns about the each of the scenarios (Paper 1). One
feasibility of upscaling purpose of the program has been to use
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate scenarios to support policymakers. In
Change, 2018b, see section 4.3.7). The particular, a number of municipalities
scenario that does not rely on BECCS were partners of the project and
assumes more ambitious changes in interested in insights that could be
terms of technology, land use and gained for their practices.
consumption patterns, e.g. for goods
and energy. Insights for current There are plenty of other examples of
policies can be gained from these futures scenarios that can support
scenarios: for instance, it appears that current decisions or help develop
current pledges for GHG emissions climate change mitigation strategies.
reduction are insufficient, that carbon Some examples related to buildings
removal technologies must be an and energy supply and relevant for
important question on the agenda, and Sweden include:
that changes in consumption patterns
will be needed unless carbon removal is • Scenarios on Sweden’s energy system
very extensive. This is an example of (Swedish Energy Agency, 2017),
how scenarios can provide input to including a predictive reference
develop sustainability strategies. scenario and two alternative scenarios
regarding likely developments in
Other scenarios relevant for the climate energy supply and demand. This is part
issue can be found in the Beyond GDP of Sweden’s official reporting on GHG
Growth research program 2. Contrary to emissions to the European
the IPCC scenarios and many other Commission.
projects, it investigated scenarios to
reach the 1.5°C target that don’t rely on • The EU Reference Scenario on
economic growth or carbon dioxide energy, transport and GHG emissions
removal. It covered 4 scenarios to (European Commission, 2016b), based
reach sustainability targets by radically

on projections of current policies and procurement processes, in certification
trends. schemes or in municipal development
plans. Such criteria can prescribe
• Four Futures (Fyra Framtider) specific measures, such as forbidding
(Swedish Energy Agency, 2016), a set the use of certain construction
of explorative scenarios developed by materials. Prescriptive criteria are
the Swedish Energy Agency to discuss simple to implement and monitor, but
various possibilities regarding the they risk hindering competition and
future of energy supply and demand in innovation and leading to sub-optimal
Sweden. designs (Meacham, 2010; Selviaridis &
Wynstra, 2015). Another type of
• Nordic Energy Technology criteria can be based on setting a
Perspectives (NETP) (International threshold for a relevant indicator of
Energy Agency, 2016), a case study environmental performance, such as
investigating pathways for low-carbon GHG emissions calculated with an LCA
energy in the Nordic countries, with a approach.
strong focus on decision support for
policymakers and practitioners. Awareness about LCA has increased in
the building sector, but its adoption is
• North European Energy Perspectives limited by the need for time, training
Project (NEPP) (Rydén & Unger, and investments, the difficulty to
2018), a collaboration between access appropriate data, a lack of
academia and private sector standardization and transparency
practitioners focusing on concrete and limiting comparability and concerns
technical aspects of the energy system over validity of the results (Brick,
and success factors to meet the 2008; Rønning & Brekke, 2014;
objectives of both politicians and Schlanbusch et al., 2016). It has also
practitioners. been pointed out that the methodology,
metrics, system boundaries and aim of
LCA can be incompatible with other
1.3.2 A gap between theory
decision support tools (Dong et al.,
and practice
2018). Similar issues exist for other
Future scenarios are one way to discuss methods, in other contexts. At the
how a climate target could be reached municipal level, work with energy and
in theory. However, there is a need to climate strategies is often limited by a
bridge the gap between long-term lack of resources and by the legal
strategic thinking that is mostly context surrounding municipal
theoretical, and practical planning (Wretling et al., 2018). In
implementation of measures today. In green public procurement (GPP),
the case of buildings, one way to impact studies indicate that the main barriers
current practices is to set to sustainable decisions are the
environmental criteria e.g. in strategy, culture and management
practices of an organization, and in
particular economic preoccupations RQ1. What aspects of building design,
(Appolloni, Sun, Jia, & Li, 2014). construction, operation and energy
supply must be addressed in order to
Therefore, there are practical barriers decrease GHG emissions from Swedish
to the implementation of optimal buildings in line with climate change
sustainable choices for buildings in mitigation targets aiming at keeping
various contexts. Even if there are global warming below +1.5°C?
available methods to theoretically
inform practitioners about how to RQ2. What are the main barriers to the
improve the environmental use of requirements by municipalities
performance of buildings, there is a to foster building construction with low
need to understand and overcome climate change impact, in procurement
practical barriers to have an actual and as public authorities?
impact on practices in the building
sector. RQ1 is mostly addressed in Paper 1, by
using quantitative climate impact
1.4 Aim of the licentiate estimations in a backcasting study to
support discussion about key issues
and strategies for the built
The overarching aim of this thesis is to environment. RQ2 is mostly addressed
support strategic decisions to reach in Paper 2, by using a survey- and
climate change mitigation targets in interview study to investigate current
the building sector, based on practices and barriers in relation to
knowledge about what factors municipalities’ use of requirements to
contribute significantly to climate limit climate change impact from
change impact from buildings in a life buildings. The thesis also includes a
cycle perspective and how practitioners discussion of strategies that could be
can influence these factors. More used to overcome barriers to the use of
specifically, I focus on two aspects of environmental requirements and
this issue. The first is picturing what it support changes in the building sector
could entail for the built environment to fulfill climate change mitigation
to be compatible with climate change targets.
mitigation targets: there is a known
destination, but many ways to get
there. The second is investigating how 2 Research context
to implement best practices today
through the use of requirements: there This section provides background
is a gap to bridge between choosing in related to the concepts addressed in the
which direction to go and actually licentiate thesis, and situates the
taking the first steps. The following research work in relation to various
research questions are addressed: research fields.

2.1 LCA in the building initial phase also includes the selection
of environmental and/or social
indicators for the assessment (the most
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a common being climate change impact).
method for assessing environmental
and social impacts occurring 2. An inventory phase (LCI)
throughout the life cycle of a product or compiling all environmental inputs to
service, i.e. from the acquisition of and outputs from the system for each
natural resources through production phase in its life cycle.
and use to disposal and waste
management. Unless indicated 3. An impact assessment phase
otherwise, LCA in this licentiate thesis (LCIA) where materials and energy
refers to process LCA, a bottom-up flows are linked to impacts on the
approach calculating impacts based on chosen indicators.
all processes occurring during the
product’s life cycle (as opposed to 4. An interpretation phase where
input-output LCA, a top-down results are evaluated to draw
approach based on transactions conclusions and recommendations.
between industrial sectors). LCA
applied to buildings arose in the 1980s, Reviews have shown that building LCA
but the general methodological has a number of particularities that
framework was standardized in the make it considerably more complex
1990s (with the ISO 14040 standard in than for many other products (Anand &
1997). Interest in LCA has risen since Amor, 2017; Buyle et al., 2013; Cabeza,
the 2000s, and methods and standards Rincón, Vilariño, Pérez, & Castell,
for the LCA of buildings have been 2014):
developed (Buyle, Braet, & Audenaert,
2013). In Sweden, this includes tools • There is no obvious suitable
such as EcoEffect and Environmental functional unit for buildings.
Load Profile (Forsberg & von Assessments have been performed
Malmborg, 2004). based on e.g. heated floor area, heated
volume, number of users or activity in
An LCA study usually comprises four the building. Due to the unique
phases (Finnveden & Potting, 2014): character of each building and
differences in layout, location, comfort
1. An initial phase defining the goal levels and regulations, defining a
of the study and the scope of the system functional unit to compare different
to be assessed. In LCA, impacts are buildings is problematic.
calculated in relation to a function
fulfilled by the system, defined by a • Assumptions have to be taken
functional unit such as “1m2 of office regarding the building’s life span.
space to be used during 50 years”. The Buildings have much longer and more

uncertain life spans than most Estimated environmental impacts for
products, but individual components buildings can be sensitive to the
must be replaced or repaired aspects mentioned above, which can
throughout this life span. This entails impact the recommendations given.
assumptions regarding the extent and Huijbregts, Gilijamse, Ragas, &
frequency of maintenance and Reijnders (2003) thus point out the
replacements of building components importance of understanding the
and regarding future scenarios, e.g. influence of uncertainty caused by the
how energy will be supplied to the parameters (inventory and
building decades from now. environmental data), the scenarios
(refurbishment, energy, end of life) and
• The inventory phase can be the model (assumptions and
particularly complex due to the large methodology).
variety of materials used in
construction. Data are often missing or Many LCA-based tools have been
unreliable. developed over the years, e.g. to
compare construction products or
• Assessment methods are not fully perform LCI and LCIA at the building
standardized, which makes it difficult level. A review of some of these tools
to compare results from studies can be found in Cabeza, Rincón,
performed using different approaches. Vilariño, Pérez, & Castell (2014). LCA
For instance, there are different ways can be used e.g. by urban designers,
of accounting for the environmental developers, architects and engineers at
impact of recycled materials (should various stages of a construction project
they be a non-polluting resource in the (Zabalza Bribián, Aranda Usón, &
construction phase, bear part of the Scarpellini, 2009). LCA can for
original material’s environmental instance be used as a design tool
impact, or provide benefits during the together with building information
end of life phase?). The timing of modeling (BIM) to estimate and
emissions also matters due to address in advance the main hotspots
temporary carbon storage in timber of environmental impacts. However,
and the carbonatization of concrete such practice is not broadly adopted
(Brandão et al., 2013), but timing due to e.g. lack of expertise and limited
issues are often ignored in building interest from developers (Anand &
LCA. There are also disagreements Amor, 2017; Malmqvist et al., 2011).
regarding what scenarios should be LCA can also be used in green building
used for e.g. renovation or future certification. Certification schemes
energy supply. For instance, should the such as LEED and BREEAM offer extra
future energy mix be the same as today, credits for carrying out an LCA. The
based on a projection of current trends, DGNB system used in Germany and
or based on an optimistic scenario? Denmark awards points for using LCA
in early planning phases, comparing
alternatives with LCA and reaching
climate neutrality in the construction performance requirements, such as
and/or operation phases (German knowledge and data gaps.
Sustainable Building Council, 2018).
LCA integration in certification is 2.2 Futures studies
however a recent trend (Anand &
Amor, 2017). The denomination “futures studies”
includes a range of methods and
Operational energy use has often been approaches to study future situations
cited as the main contributor to that are possible, probable or
building climate change impact. preferable (Bell, 2003). Modern
However, as operational energy Western futures studies emerged in the
performance improves and the energy mid-20th century in the context of the
supply becomes less carbon-intensive, Cold War (Son, 2015). Initially, the
the impact of construction materials main topic was positivist forecasting
increases comparatively to the impact based on trends analysis, mathematical
of operational energy use (Anand & models and analogies, with a focus on
Amor, 2017; Buyle et al., 2013). Recent technological, economic and military
studies thus show that the construction issues (developed e.g. at the RAND
phase can represent 50% of climate think tank in the U.S.A).
change impact for a new energy
efficient building in Sweden, In the late-20th century, topics related
depending on assumptions about life to global sustainability arose within
span and energy supply (Birgisdóttir et futures studies, with the notable
al., 2016; Erlandsson, Malmqvist, publication of The Limits to Growth,
Francart, & Kellner, 2018; Liljenström modeling scenarios for global-scale
et al., 2015). economic and environmental issues
(Meadows, Meadows, Randers, &
The present licentiate thesis does not Behrens, 1972). This period also saw a
include an LCA study per se. However, rise in futures studies within the
it relates closely to LCA. The modeling private sector, aimed at improving
work performed as part of the Beyond organizational strategy.
GDP Growth research program
entailed a calculation of GHG The 1990s and early 2000s saw a rise
emissions from buildings in 2050 in in profitability-oriented futures studies
various scenarios, based to a large informing policy and business
extent on process LCA data. The study decisions, along with a rise in critical
performed as part of the “Toolbox for futures studies focused on questioning
market implementation of LCA in current institutions and power
building construction” program structures rather than reinforcing them
considered instead the point of view of (Schultz, 2015; Son, 2015). This
municipal practitioners, and dealt with fragmentation was accompanied by a
practical issues related to the use of broadening of the range of methods
LCA tools in environmental used in futures studies. Besides
deterministic modeling approaches, appropriate to perform a normative
alternative approaches appeared based transforming study (Börjeson et al.,
on e.g. participatory processes or 2006).
critical-postmodern views questioning
the context in which futures studies are The present licentiate thesis
carried out and the values they carry contributed to the Beyond GDP Growth
(Gidley, Fien, Smith, Thomsen, & program, which is based on a
Smith, 2009). Futures studies are backcasting approach. Backcasting
therefore characterized by involves developing various visions of
methodological pluralism, and a how a target or set of targets could be
multiplicity of goals, approaches and fulfilled in the future. These visions can
ways of knowing (Bengston, Kubik, & explicitly break with current trends and
Bishop, 2012). may well be unlikely. One can then
work backwards from these desirable
Börjeson, Höjer, Dreborg, Ekvall, & future states to inform current
Finnveden (2006) have developed one practices. Backcasting is useful to deal
of many typologies of futures studies. with complex, long term issues where
They distinguish between: current trends and intentions are part
of the problem. It is used to spark ideas,
• Predictive studies (predicting likely broaden perspectives and envision
futures based on present trends or on solutions that could appear unfeasible
hypothetical outcomes of important in the light of current trends (Dreborg,
events) 1996).

• Explorative studies (considering This licentiate thesis does not deal with
possible futures taking into account setting the future targets to be reached;
changes of external factors or internal such targets are taken for granted. It
decisions), and does not either deal with the initial
process of developing visions of the
• Normative studies (imagining future. However, the modeling exercise
desirable futures focused on fulfilling a I carried out can help refining and
long-term target by either preserving better understanding each scenario,
or transforming current paradigms). and contributed to discussing insights
gained from the scenarios for
The present licentiate thesis is practitioners.
concerned with the fulfillment of
climate change targets. Incremental 2.3 Climate change
changes to existing systems appear to mitigation at the municipal
be insufficient to reach e.g. the 1.5℃ level
target. When the long-term target is
perceived as important and reaching it Municipalities in Sweden work with
can entail measures that are not climate change mitigation in various
profitable in the short term, it can be ways, including energy planning,
physical planning and green public urban spaces (such as architecture
procurement. The supply, distribution guidelines for neighborhoods or the
and use of energy within the shape of streets and parks). Urban
municipality are described in a planning deals with issues related to
strategic energy plan according to the plans and policymaking (such as
Act on Municipal Energy Planning infrastructure planning, development
(1977:439). The strategic energy plan strategies and land use plans). Green
serves as reference for all energy- public procurement (GPP) relates to
related decisions taken by public authorities seeking to buy goods
practitioners. Land use, spatial and services with low environmental
development and physical planning are impact.
described in a comprehensive plan
which details the long-term Altogether, these fields constitute a
development strategy of the growing body of knowledge about how
municipality. The implementation of municipal practitioners can or should
this long-term strategy in each area of work with climate change mitigation.
the municipality is ensured by legally- Sustainable design theorists have
binding detailed plans. Developers worked on natural resource
must sign a land exploitation or land management and design principles and
allocation agreement with the architectural guidelines for
municipality, describing how the sustainability at the building,
detailed plan will be implemented on neighborhood, city and region scales
each parcel of land that they own or (Carmona, 2009).
lease from the municipality
respectively. Each construction project Early sustainable urban planning
must also be granted a building permit studies dealt mostly with risk
to ensure that they respect assessment and mono-dimensional
requirements on construction. The policy studies regarding the links
municipality’s work with physical between urbanization and climate
planning is regulated in the Planning change (e.g. heat islands) (Jiang, Hou,
and Building Act (SFS 2010:900), and Shi, & Gui, 2017). In 2007, the fourth
building permits must enforce the IPCC report suggested that climate
building code (BFS 2017:5). Finally, the change research at the city level was an
municipality can create demand for important issue. Perhaps as a result of
environmentally-friendly buildings this declaration, the number of
through procurement and its own publications in the field of sustainable
construction projects. urban planning rose sharply after
2007. The main research focus also
Sustainability concerns related to these changed to include multi-dimensional
various roles of municipalities have studies of causes and consequences of
been the object of scientific studies in global warming for cities, governance
distinct but related fields. Urban across multiple spatial scales, issues of
design is about the layout and form of
adaptation, resilience and social urban planning is unable to support
sustainability (Jiang et al., 2017). broad issues of environmental
sustainability, besides issues linked to
Regarding GPP, the greening of supply housing and daily commutes. They
chains in companies has been believe that environmental
extensively studied but interest in sustainability is too complex to be
environmental criteria for handled at the local level and are
procurement in the public sector is subject to conflicting economic drivers.
more recent (Nissinen, Parikka-Alhola, Carmona (2009) mentions that
& Rita, 2009). In particular, environmental concerns have been
municipalities play a key role in GPP as present in urban design theory for
they represent about half of some time, but often absent in practice,
governmental spending, but their set aside for economic reasons, or
practices have only been investigated present only as "token measures" that
in recent years (Michelsen & de Boer, are symbolic but have little impact. He
2009). However, GPP has become a identifies several barriers to
subject of major interest in the EU sustainable urban design, including
(European Commission, 2016a) and established patterns of living, public
within the scientific community, with aspiration to consumerist lifestyles,
an ever-increasing amount of yearly economic and governance systems, a
publications on the topic. Overall, it lack of political will, skills and visions,
appears that there has been a rise in and the scale of the problem that makes
interest regarding the various ways in individual contributions appear to be
which local public authorities can work insignificant. Barriers related to the
with climate change mitigation. cost of environmental measures and
the lack of resources of local authorities
Despite this rise in sustainability are also commonly mentioned
concerns, practitioners have not regarding GPP in municipalities
succeeded in mitigating climate (Appolloni et al., 2014), and the overall
change. In Campbell (2006), Bulkeley effectiveness of GPP as a means to
mentions an implementation deficit in reduce environmental impacts has
sustainable planning, claiming that been questioned (Lundberg,
climate change has been part of policies Marklund, & Strömbäck, 2016).
for a long time, but that it never lead to
concrete changes. Planners must Therefore, there are still significant
simultaneously adopt a longer time practical gaps that must be dealt with
horizon and work to implement regarding local authorities’ work with
immediate measures. The reality of climate change mitigation, either
practice might also differ from the because recommended practices in
researchers' view: Säynäjoki, strategic plans or theoretical studies
Heinonen, & Junnila (2014), in a focus are not implemented in practice, or
group study, showed that municipal because the measures implemented
planners themselves consider that actually provide little benefits.
3.1 Modeling work within
The present licentiate thesis addresses
the Beyond GDP Growth
climate change mitigation in
municipalities in two ways. The first
research question relates to aspects of
3.1.1 The Beyond GDP
building design, construction and
Growth program
operation that are important to address
to fulfill climate targets. As such, it The Beyond GDP Growth research
provides insight for sustainable design program 3 was initiated in 2014 and
at the building level and environmental explores opportunities and challenges
strategies at the municipal level. The for fulfilling far-reaching
second research question relates to the environmental and social
use of environmental requirements in sustainability targets in Sweden in
construction by municipalities. As 2050, in a future where GDP growth is
such, it addresses the implementation not taken for granted (Gunnarsson-
gap between sustainable urban Östling et al., 2017). Specifically, the
planning principles and practice, and targets considered were:
the barriers and opportunities faced by
practitioners to implement these • An equal distribution of power
• A fair and sufficient access to
resources and welfare
3 Research design
• GHG emissions from Swedish
The present research work was carried
consumption should be compatible
out mainly in the context of two
with the limitation of global average
different research programs, called
temperature increase under 1.5°C. This
“Beyond GDP Growth” and “Toolbox
was estimated to correspond to an
for market implementation of LCA in
emission level of 820
building construction” (in short,
kgCO2e/person.year in 2050, based on
Toolbox program). Each study has
population projections and IPCC global
therefore been carried out in a different
scenarios limiting global warming
context, using different methods. This
under 1.5℃ with a 50% certainty
section provides a description of each
(Fauré, Svenfelt, Finnveden, &
research program and highlights the
Hornborg, 2016). This corresponds to a
methods used in each paper.
92% decrease compared to present
emission values.

• Land use for final consumption must

not overshoot global biocapacity. This

means land use must be kept under scenario, because this technological
1,24 hectares per capita (Fauré et al., solution has limited public acceptance
2016). and an uncertain potential for
upscaling, and Sweden’s
In order to investigate different environmental objectives at the time
strategies for the fulfillment of these did not mention CCS. However, it
targets, four backcasting scenarios should be noted that the current
were developed (Gunnarsson-Östling climate law was adopted during the
et al., 2017): project, and explicitly mentions that a
share of the mitigation potential could
• Circular economy in the welfare state, be reached by using CCS (Government
based on a service-oriented economy Offices of Sweden, 2018).
and a strong increase in material
efficiency. Activity is centralized and 3.1.2 Overview of the
energy and material flows function in modeling study
closed loops as much as possible.
My work within the Beyond GDP
• Automation for quality of life, based Growth program addressed the first
on omnipresent technology. Efficiency research question in this thesis. It
is high due to optimal operation of consisted of an investigation of what
most processes. After an initial fulfilling the climate target could entail
investment, consumption is voluntarily for buildings in each scenario.
limited and automation drastically Backcasting scenarios had been
decreases paid work. developed mainly in qualitative ways,
and the idea was to use quantitative
• Local self-sufficiency, based on estimation to bring a new perspective
relocalization and reruralization. to the discussion.
Society is organized in local
communities, with a focus on providing A spreadsheet model estimating GHG
food and goods to the community and emissions from buildings was
lower levels of technology and developed. Simultaneously, scenario
consumption than other scenarios. descriptions from Gunnarsson-Östling
et al. (2017) were used to describe what
• Collaborative economy, based on the each scenario could entail for building
sharing of space, goods and services aspects such as construction materials,
(including sharing vehicles, energy efficiency, use of space, etc. The
knowledge, homes, appliances, etc). model was run for each scenario,
Society revolves around cohousing adjusting parameters so that emissions
clusters in small- to medium-sized in each scenario all fit under the same
towns. emission quota in 2050. The results
were then discussed regarding what
It was decided not to discuss carbon aspects of building design,
capture and storage (CCS) in any construction and operation appeared
particularly important to fulfill the bridge the current situation and a
GHG emission target in the building future target (Ashina et al., 2010;
sector, what it could entail to reach the Svenfelt, Engstrom, & Svane, 2011).
emission target, and what potential
conflicts or synergies between • Their ambition level. The Beyond
sustainable building practices must be GDP Growth program adopted very
addressed. This led to the publication ambitious sustainability targets (the
of Paper 1. climate target entails for instance a
92% reduction in GHG emissions from
3.1.3 Quantitative analysis Swedish consumption), and the
in backcasting scenarios developed were all based on
changes in current paradigms (some
Quantitative analysis has been used in more radical than others). No study
backcasting studies to develop or found during the literature review had
assess scenarios, and to specify a more ambitious climate target, and
pathways towards goal fulfillment. some had considerably lower ambition
Several backcasting studies have levels and scenarios that were closer to
quantified levels of GHG emissions or current paradigms (e.g. a 45%
energy use, for buildings or society as a reduction in GHG emissions in Gomi,
whole. They differ in several aspects: Ochi, & Matsuoka (2011)).

• Their conceptual scope. The present The present study focusing on the
project focused on the building sector, climate change impact of buildings
although the Beyond GDP Growth appeared to be unique in two ways.
program had a broader scope. Some First, it considers GHG emissions at
studies use overarching input-output the target year together with
models of material and energy flows at operational energy use and cumulative
societal level (Fujino et al., 2008) or embodied emissions before the target
broad indicators of changes in year, and investigates tradeoffs
behaviors, industrial activity, energy between these aspects. Second, the
supply, etc in each scenario (Åkerman, scenarios appear to be more detached
Isaksson, Johansson, & Hedberg, from current paradigms than other
2007). Other focus on developing similar studies. No other study
scenarios for a much narrower reviewed assumed for instance
property, such as heating in buildings hypotheses of zero economic growth
(Doyle & Davies, 2013). and zero nuclear power production.

• Their temporal scope. The Beyond Making quantitative assessments in

GDP Growth program focused on that context gives rise to a number of
developing images of the future in methodological issues. Most of these
2050. Other studies focus instead on issues relate to uncertainties inherent
developing and quantifying roadmaps, to future studies, for instance
exploring pathways and strategies to uncertainties about possible
technological development in the estimating separately e.g. operational
future. These issues are further energy use, emissions from the
exacerbated in a backcasting study, construction of new buildings,
because the point of the study is emissions from renovation processes,
precisely to break from current trends. etc. This allowed investigating aspects
Contrary to forecasting studies, it is related to building design and
then irrelevant to make assumptions construction materials in detail, which
on e.g. future levels of energy efficiency was useful to discuss the concrete
or available technologies based on past implications of each scenario for
trends. When working with scenarios buildings. The downside is that,
that are radically different from the contrary to a top-down approach based
present and from each other, the on input-output accounting of material
assumptions taken in that regard can and energy flows, this approach does
hardly be more than educated guesses not necessarily yield a good estimation
based on future prospects for e.g. of the total impact of buildings. In
construction materials or electricity other words, estimating and summing
production. Making such assumptions together impacts from different
is however less problematic in this kind buildings and processes with a bottom-
of backcasting study. Indeed, the point up approach might lead to some
is not to predict how buildings will look processes being omitted, which is
like in the future. Rather, the idea is to impossible when using an approach
illustrate what it could entail for based on accounting for all inputs and
buildings to reach the target in each outputs at a sector level.
scenario and highlight measures that
would be impactful, without focusing Because of this choice of approach, the
on whether they would be economically model had a scope of its own and its
feasible. results could not be compared with
other studies of GHG emissions from
3.1.4 Building a the built environment, often based on
spreadsheet model as a tool input-output analysis. Important parts
for discussion of the built environment such as
infrastructure were omitted from the
A spreadsheet model was built that model, while others such as workplaces
estimates GHG emissions and were very simplified. It was only valid
operational energy use from buildings to compare an output of the model with
in 2050 (including e.g. heating, another output of the same model,
electricity use, new construction and because this would guarantee that both
renovation of houses, apartments and results were based on the same
workplaces) as well as cumulative methodological choices and system
embodied GHG emissions from boundaries. This is of course
investments in buildings prior to 2050. problematic when trying to come up
The model was based on a bottom-up with results that must be placed in a
approach and process LCA data, broader context, but the point of the
study was to compare aspects of emission target to reach in each
different scenarios with each other as a scenario was set at 8% of this estimated
basis for discussion. The comparisons present value, to reflect the 92%
were therefore self-contained. decrease in GHG emissions in all
scenarios. This yielded a quota of 100
The model uses about 70 parameters. kgCO2e/person.year within the
Describing it in its entirety would take boundaries of the model. The
a considerable amount of time and parameters of the model were then
space, but the reader can refer to the adjusted for each scenario, based on
online supplementary material of two criteria:
paper 1 for more information 4. Broadly
speaking, its structure can be described • The parameter values should
by the following equation: illustrate the scenarios and be
consistent with scenario descriptions
𝐸𝐸𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 = 𝐸𝐸ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 + previously developed in Gunnarsson-
𝐸𝐸𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 + Östling et al. (2017).
𝐸𝐸𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 +
𝐸𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 • The estimated emissions for
buildings in each scenario should be
where 𝐸𝐸𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 is the total GHG 100 kgCO2e/person.year.
emissions from buildings, 𝐸𝐸ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 the
emissions from operational energy use In essence, parameters are adjusted to
for heating, 𝐸𝐸𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 the emissions reach the quota in four different ways,
illustrating how the climate target
from operational electricity use
could be reached in each scenario.
excluding electricity for heating,
These four sets of parameters are then
𝐸𝐸𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 the emissions from the
used as a basis for discussing key
construction of new buildings and
strategies and issues to address so that
𝐸𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 the emissions from the
buildings develop in a way that is
renovation of the existing building
compatible with ambitious climate
stock. In addition, the model also
change targets.
calculates operational energy use and
cumulative embodied emissions from
the construction and renovation of
buildings and power plants prior to

The model was run with parameters

reflecting the current situation, and the

Available at https://ars.els-
3.2 Survey and interviews of 3.2.2 Overview of the
municipalities within the survey and interview study
Toolbox program The study carried out within the
3.2.1 The “Toolbox for Toolbox program addressed the second
research question in this thesis. It
market implementation of LCA
focused specifically on the target
in building construction”
audience of municipal practitioners,
research program including both planners and
developers for municipal construction
The Toolbox research program 5 aims at
projects. The aim was to investigate the
promoting LCA-based decision
current practices of municipalities with
support in procurement for
regard to environmental requirements
construction projects. The Toolbox
for new construction projects, and
program builds on recent estimations
identify the main barriers to the use of
showing that the climate change
such requirements.
impact of construction materials and
processes for some newly-built
A distinction was defined between
apartment buildings could be about as
requirements set as public authorities
large as the impact of operational
(i.e. requirements that the municipality
energy use over 50 years of operation
would set during planning, applying to
(Larsson, Erlandsson, Malmqvist, &
all developers building in an area) and
Kellner, 2017; Liljenström et al., 2015).
as developers (i.e. in municipal
It is therefore highly relevant to use
procurement and the construction of
LCA-based tools to choose design
public buildings such as schools).
solutions, materials and processes with
Another distinction concerned the type
low environmental impacts. The
of requirement set. Prescriptive
Toolbox program has a clear focus on
requirements necessitate newly-
decision support for practitioners, with
constructed buildings to have certain
the goal of leading to a broader
technical properties (e.g. have a timber
adoption of life cycle perspective by
frame). Information requirements
construction sector practitioners and
necessitate the provision of data (e.g. a
by municipalities, both in their
bill of resources). Performance
planning role and in municipal
requirements necessitate buildings to
reach a certain level of performance
defined by a given indicator (e.g.
climate change impact calculated with
LCA procedures).

The study investigated the most was more exploratory: it allowed
common practices among Swedish identifying issues of interest that could
municipalities using a survey and semi- be explored further during the
structured interviews, and identified interviews, as well as respondents with
the main barriers to a broader use of insightful answers that could be
environmental performance contacted for interviews.
requirements among municipal
practitioners. Particular focus was on Guidelines from Sue & Ritter (2012)
LCA-based requirements to promote were considered in the design of the
construction with low climate change survey. The survey started with
impact. Results of the survey and questions about the existence of a
interview study were published in policy document dealing specifically
Paper 2, including a suggested strategy with environmental issues from
to overcome the identified barriers. construction, and about the
respondent’s level of knowledge on this
My work consisted of developing and issue. It continued with a question
carrying out the survey, exploiting the about the policy instruments used by
survey results, and designing the the municipality to promote
interview template. I did not carry out construction materials with low
the interviews myself. They were climate change impact, as well as the
carried out by Mattias Larsson and measures that have been tried in the
Josefin Florell. However, Mattias past, or that the municipality might try
Larsson passed away during the project in the future. The final question
and Josefin Florell was not involved in specified the type of criteria used by the
writing the article. I therefore worked municipality (prescriptive, information
on exploiting the interview results or performance criteria). The survey
based on transcripts. was sent out to all Energy & climate
advisors in Swedish municipalities,
3.2.3 Online survey since each municipality is required to
employ one such advisor. Energy &
The first step in this study was to climate advisors were not necessarily
survey municipalities about their the most suitable employees to answer
current practices related to limiting the survey as they do not work directly
climate change impact from with policymaking; they were therefore
construction materials. The first asked to forward the survey to a
purpose of this survey was to get a colleague if they could not answer it
quantitative picture of the current themselves. Results were analyzed
situation, e.g. concerning municipal after two reminders were sent out.
practitioners’ knowledge with the
issue, the types of measures currently The results were analyzed to determine
implemented and the willingness of whether the answers given are sensitive
municipalities to work further with the to the size of the municipality (in terms
issue. The second purpose of the survey of population). Municipalities were
sorted into 3 categories (Large, follow up on interesting answers from
Medium, Small) corresponding to the the interviewee (Kvale, 2007).
top, middle and bottom population
tertile of the set of all Swedish The interviews were recorded,
municipalities, respectively. The transcribed, and quotes were classified
Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was used into themes reflecting the main points
to determine whether values in one of interest for the study (Miles &
category were significantly different Huberman, 1994; Vaismoradi,
from values in another category Turunen, & Bondas, 2013). The themes
(Kruskal & Wallis, 1952). When the included for instance the overall
Kruskal-Wallis test was positive, the strategy of the municipality, available
Dunn test was used to determine more resources, internal skills, collaboration
in detail where the difference lies between stakeholders, previous
(Dunn, 1964). This allowed experiences, future prospects,
highlighting what aspects of the perception of their role and of the role
municipalities’ work with of national authorities, etc.
environmental requirements in
construction correlate with the When carrying out a semi-structured
municipality’s size. interview focusing on the interviewee’s
opinion and perception of their “life
3.2.4 Semi-structured world”, the interviewer should usually
interviews adopt a reflexive approach. This entails
a careful and in-depth examination of
Semi-structured interviews were the results and the researcher’s own
carried out to find out more about the approach, considering different ways
respondents’ experience with and of understanding the interview in its
opinion about environmental social context (Alvesson, 2003).
performance requirements in However, the point of this specific
construction, in particular interview study was to gather
requirements based on a life cycle descriptions from key municipal
approach. Respondents that gave practitioners and information about
insightful answers to the survey or with their work and experience with
whom the researchers were already in environmental requirements.
contact were interviewed in priority. Therefore, the interviewee’s “life
Semi-structured interviews give insight world” was less in focus and reflexivity
into how the interviewee understands a mattered less than making sure key
situation. Before the interview, a practitioners are interviewed. Since I
template is prepared with themes to did not carry out the interviews myself,
cover and suggested questions. During having a more in-depth reflexive
the interview, the exchange is however approach would have been difficult.
open to changes in the sequence and Still, I analyzed the interview
nature of questions, and the transcripts and reflected upon the
interviewer attempts to clarify and validity of interview findings, notably
in terms of the interviewees’ political adequately investigated. However,
agenda and possible desire to appear smaller municipalities often did not
environmentally conscious or give a work with environmental
positive image of their municipality. requirements in construction
according to the survey results.
The practices of two of the interviewed
municipalities, Stockholm and Växjö,
were studied more in-depth based on 4 Results
both interview results and online
documentation. These two This section presents the main results
municipalities were chosen because of from the research work. It is organized
their extensive work respectively with to address each research question in
requirements on environmental turn.
performance of buildings and on the
use of a specific construction material 4.1 Key aspects of a building
(timber). Since they are large sector compatible with
municipalities who have invested time
climate change mitigation
and resources into testing and
developing these requirements, they This first research question was
can be considered critical cases: if addressed in Paper 1. Key aspects of
implementation barriers remain even buildings were quantified for each of
for these municipalities, it is likely that the four backcasting scenarios of the
similar barriers would arise in Beyond GDP Growth project
municipalities with less resources and previously described in Gunnarsson-
less dedicated policies. On the other Östling et al. (2017), in line with the
hand, if they managed to overcome target of decreasing GHG emissions
such barriers, the cases can be used to from Swedish consumption by 92% by
suggest potential success factors for the 2050. Four sets of parameters were
implementation of environmental developed for the spreadsheet model,
performance requirements. Although corresponding to four different ways
these learnings would be very for buildings to reach the emission
dependent on the context of each quota of 100 kgCO2e/person.year, one
municipality, context-specific for each scenario. These four sets of
knowledge is important to develop parameters were then used as a basis
expertise about a subject (Flyvbjerg, for discussing key strategies and issues
2006). to address for buildings to develop in a
way that is compatible with an
A weakness in the selection of ambitious climate target. Analysis of
interviewees, admittedly, was that the model results provided insights
small municipalities were not into key issues related to the climate
represented and only one medium change impact of buildings, which
municipality was represented. Their served as a basis for discussion.
perspective might therefore not be
4.1.1 Future energy supply Additionally, the amount of biomass
needed for energy supply in each
The first key issue is decarbonating the scenario was estimated. It appears that
energy mix. It is a necessary demand would not overshoot the
precondition for target fulfillment in carrying capacity of Swedish forests.
any scenario, even though energy use Although the share of biomass in the
per m2 was significantly reduced in energy mix is high in all scenarios, the
every scenario. This entails phasing out total demand of bioenergy would be
all fossil fuel-based electricity and heat lower than today due to energy
production, as well as reducing the efficiency measures. Bioenergy use
amount of non-biogenic waste might therefore not be an issue,
incinerated. In the Beyond GDP assuming a significant reduction in
Growth scenarios, this was mostly energy demand. However, issues such
achieved through a high proportion of as the exploitation of forests for the
hydropower and biofuels in the pulp and paper industry and the need
electricity mix. However, transitioning to leave forests unexploited to preserve
to a fully renewable energy mix could biodiversity have not been considered.
give rise to issues of cumulative Helin, Sokka, Soimakallio, Pingoud, &
embodied emissions for the Pajula (2013) found that the
construction of renewable power exploitation of forests might present
plants (especially for photovoltaics), higher environmental drawbacks than
and issues relating to the exploitation what is usually assumed for timber and
of forests in order to produce biofuels. biofuels, when considering long-term
dynamics of carbon storage in soil and
The results suggest that cumulative trees rather than a product perspective.
embodied emissions, while not a
daunting issue, are significant. GHG emissions in the spreadsheet
Cumulative emissions from model are not very sensitive to
investments in new power plants, operational energy use, because
especially solar power plants, outweigh emissions per kWh are very low. This
cumulative embodied emissions from makes measures such as extensive
building construction prior to 2050. renovation for energy efficiency
Moreover, the timing of emissions ineffective to reduce GHG emission in
matters and cumulative radiative 2050, because these measures increase
forcing at a given future date is higher emissions from construction materials
if emissions happen earlier (Brandão et while not significantly decreasing
al., 2013; Cherubini, Guest, & emissions from operational energy.
Strømman, 2012). This suggests that However, it should be kept in mind that
cumulative embodied emissions before the baseline level of energy efficiency in
2050 should be given attention, and every scenario is still significantly
that simply fulfilling an emission quota better than today. More energy use
in 2050 is insufficient. means a higher sensitivity of GHG
emissions to the energy supply, a lower
resilience, higher cumulative cumulative radiative forcing at a given
embodied emissions and a higher date is higher if these emissions
exploitation of forests for bioenergy. happen in the construction phase
This suggest that reducing energy use is rather than in the operational phase,
important in itself. There might because GHG are released earlier.
therefore be tradeoffs and conflicts Therefore, it is important to reduce
between environmental aspects. emissions from construction in
Renovation is a measure that reduces addition to emissions from operational
energy use in 2050, and therefore energy use.
might reduce the demand for biomass
in the future, but it could also increase Reducing GHG emissions from
cumulative embodied GHG emissions construction materials can entail e.g.
before 2050. using concrete formulations with
furnace slag or fly ash to reduce clinker
4.1.2 Emissions from content, reusing construction
construction and renovation materials after deconstruction,
increasing the use of less carbon-
The second key issue is the rising intensive materials such as timber in
importance of emissions from building frames and straw bale for
construction and renovation as the insulation. Innovative solutions
energy supply becomes less carbon- including e.g. 3D-printing techniques
intensive. GHG emissions from could also reduce the impact of
operational energy use have often been construction (Rahimi, Arhami, &
cited as the main contributor to the Khoshnevis, 2009). Initiatives such as
climate change impact of buildings the recent competition from the
(Adalberth, Almgren, & Petersen, Swedish EPA to design a bridge over
2001; Sharma, Saxena, Sethi, Shree, & the Öresund strait with net zero GHG
Varun, 2011), but recent developments emissions are launched to experiment
show the increasing importance of the with new designs and materials
impact of construction (Anand & (Swedish Environmental Protection
Amor, 2017; Birgisdottir et al., 2017; Agency, 2018). Carbon capture and
Ibn-Mohammed et al., 2013; Larsson storage (CCS) is also being developed
et al., 2017; Liljenström et al., 2015). within the cement industry, but this
The present results also point to a technology was not discussed in the
rising importance of emissions from Beyond GDP Growth program (Koring
construction and renovation in relation et al., 2013). Another strategy to
to operational emissions. When the decrease the overall environmental
energy mix becomes less carbon impact of construction is to avoid new
intensive, the impact of the operational construction as much as possible, by
phase directly decreases, and the retrofitting existing buildings,
relative importance of the construction promoting flexible and adaptable
phase increases. Furthermore, for the design and optimizing the use of
same total amount of GHG emissions, standing buildings.
4.1.3 Optimized use of were considerable in some scenarios,
space which inevitably entails lifestyle
changes. In other words, it appears
In all scenarios, floor area per person necessary to plan to live in smaller
needs to significantly decrease in both spaces with shared areas.
homes and workplaces. Optimized use
of space has a considerable impact on 4.1.4 Summary of findings
GHG emissions from buildings,
because they decrease the needs for In short, GHG emissions in 2050 in all
heating, lighting, and new the scenarios seemed to be particularly
construction. Larger floor areas, on the sensitive to three factors, which much
contrary, make GHG emissions very therefore be addressed in climate
sensitive to assumptions about the change mitigation strategies for
carbon intensity of the energy supply, buildings. First, the energy supply of
because they increase operational buildings needs to rely on low-carbon
energy use (although both small areas sources. Second, construction should
and clean energy supply are needed to be avoided when possible or performed
reach the target). Reductions in floor with low-climate change impact
area per user can be achieved if: materials. Third, building design and
lifestyles need to evolve so that space is
• more people live in apartments rather used much more efficiently. Meeting
than houses, the emission target therefore requires a
combination of strategies. Energy
• facilities are shared between many supply issues often attract much
users, attention from stakeholders and
policymakers. Cleaner construction
materials are not as popular an issue,
• buildings are used throughout the
but there are initiatives within the
day with little idle time ,
construction industry to develop low
carbon products and optimize material
• space is highly optimized and
use. On the other hand, avoiding
dwellings retain an acceptable level of
construction and using space more
comfort in a much smaller space.
efficiently aren’t issues that attract
much attention from policymakers or
Reducing floor area is the only measure
the construction industry.
mentioned in article 1 that reduces
GHG emissions in 2050, operational
This modelling exercise therefore
energy use and cumulative embodied
allowed to shift the focus of the debate.
emissions altogether, without
It pointed out relevant issues that are
requiring a tradeoff between these
underrepresented, and raised the
three aspects. However, it is also a
question of possible conflicts between
measure that is difficult to implement
targets such as reducing GHG
to a large extent. The assumed
emissions, preserving forests and
reductions in floor areas in article 1
lowering energy use. It clearly depending on the municipality’s size.
suggested that incremental efficiency Municipalities worked most often with
improvements in terms of energy procurement, dialogue with
supply and demand are insufficient; stakeholders, and the provision of
much more ambitious changes in guidance and tools. In most cases
lifestyles and urban planning seem to where municipalities set
be required. It should however also be environmental requirements in
kept in mind that other common construction, they prescribed the use of
measures such as energy efficiency specific designs and materials. On the
improvements in buildings also played other hand, measures related to the
an important role in all scenarios. municipality’s role as an authority and
Although GHG emissions in 2050 were to the use of environmental
not sensitive to further improvements performance requirements were very
in energy efficiency beyond baseline rare. The interviews revealed several
scenario assumptions, all scenarios barriers to the use of LCA-based
assumed a higher energy efficiency environmental performance
level than today, and energy efficiency requirements, which can be
also played an important role in summarized into the following
limiting resource use and increasing categories.
4.2.1 Barriers related to
4.2 Barriers to municipal skill and data
requirements promoting
The interviews showed that LCA-
construction with low related methodological skills are
climate change impact lacking among municipalities. The
largest municipalities reported internal
This second research question was
knowledge of LCA within their
addressed in Paper 2. The main
organization, but even then it varied
strengths and barriers that
widely between project leaders and the
municipalities perceive in their work
municipalities relied on hiring external
with environmental requirements in
consultants. Besides, lacking data and
construction were identified, and a
standards also appeared as clear
strategy to overcome these barriers was
barriers to LCA-based environmental
suggested. Particular focus was on
performance requirements. Material
performance requirements based on
inventory data is often unavailable or
LCA tools and methods.
of poor quality, leading to unreliable
results. Assessments can be performed
A survey of Swedish municipalities
based on different methodological
revealed significant differences in the
choices and assumptions, which
number of measures municipalities
hinders comparability.
implement to promote construction
with low climate change impact,

These barriers are similar to barriers to Costs are of course also a key issue for
the use of LCA in the construction developers and constructors: there is a
sector that were identified ten years perceived risk that setting
ago in Stockholm (Brick, 2008). Some environmental requirements would
solutions suggested to address these increase construction costs, limiting
issues included pilot projects to buy-in from stakeholders. Cost issues
encourage material producers to are commonly mentioned as one of the
publish better data and build main barriers to sustainability oriented
experience, requiring data to be measures in organizations, limiting for
provided according to specific instance the establishment of energy
guidelines, and fostering cooperation, and climate strategy in municipalities
dialogue and the sharing of (Wretling et al., 2018) and the uptake
information between stakeholders. of green procurement in the private
Raising in-house awareness and skill sector (Appolloni et al., 2014).
levels is often mentioned as a key
measure also within the field of green 4.2.3 Barriers related to
procurement (Testa, Annunziata, governance and the law
Iraldo, & Frey, 2016; Testa, Iraldo,
Frey, & Daddi, 2012; Walker, Di Sisto, Beside concrete questions related to
& McBain, 2008). the availability of data, skills, time and
resources, the action of municipalities
4.2.2 Barriers related to can be limited by inadequate guidance
time and resources at the national level and by the legal
context surrounding their action. Some
In relation to the previous aspect, municipalities consider that
addressing data and knowledge gaps is environmental performance
time-consuming and costly. requirements are too complex to be
Standardized procedures need to be handled at their level: they argue that
established, staff needs to be trained, guidance and standardization should
assessments need to be performed for a happen at the national level. Besides, it
range of construction materials, etc. A is sometimes unclear whether
respondent from a smaller municipalities are legally allowed to set
municipality clearly expressed that such requirements, and they therefore
they don’t have the resources required fear legal prosecution.
to build up knowledge. The largest
municipalities do have ongoing Municipalities can freely set
knowledge-building processes; their requirements when acting as a land
respondents saw themselves as having and property owner and in their own
a role as forerunners in sustainability procurement practices, as long as they
issues and they believed that their size respect rules pertaining to free
gives them the means to really competition. When developing plans,
influence the practices of construction land allocation and exploitation
companies and smaller municipalities. agreements, setting any requirement
that hinders free competition or 4.2.4 Summary of findings
overwrites requirements in the
Building Code or the Planning and The main barriers that municipal
Building Act is illegal. The municipality practitioners face when working with
is also expected to follow the Building environmental requirements in
Code by the letter when issuing construction relate to skill, data,
building permits. resources and guidance. There seems
to be a need for inventory data for LCA
However, interpretations of the that is transparent, easily accessible
Planning and Building Act differ and of higher quality, as well as
regarding whether these restrictions standardized methods and procedures
also apply when establishing detailed adapted to the practitioners’ needs and
development plans. Additionally, it is skill level. When these are lacking,
sometimes unclear whether setting assessments are difficult to carry out,
requirements on aspects that aren’t difficult to compare and sometimes
already regulated in national codes highly uncertain.
would be legal. For instance, it could be
argued that setting a GHG emission Although municipalities are relevant
quota for construction materials in actors to deal with sustainability issues,
land allocation agreements is legal their lack of resources can seriously
since this aspect is not otherwise hamper their work, unless they are
regulated by the law. It could also be particularly large. It should also be kept
argued that such a requirement adds a in mind that setting environmental
higher ambition level than the building requirements can create conflict with
code and is therefore illegal. developers and constructors if dialogue
and cooperation processes are not
Once again, similar issues are established. It could also increase
mentioned in other studies. Wretling et construction costs, which is an
al. (2018) mention that an unfavorable undesirable outcome in a context of
legal context limits the development of urbanization and housing crisis in large
municipal climate strategies. Walker et cities: the decision to set
al. (2008) showed that compliance environmental requirements should
with regulations can be perceived as a therefore be carefully considered and
threat to green procurement. Faith-Ell, be progressively implemented in
Balfors, & Folkeson (2006) showed collaboration with construction sector
that environmental requirements in stakeholders. Finally, a lack of
road maintenance are hampered by guidance at the national level and an
poor communication between national ambiguous legal context seem to lead
and local authorities. some municipalities to err on the side
of caution and avoid setting
requirements altogether.

5 Discussion practitioners. The modeling of
backcasting scenarios in Paper 1
5.1 Strategic decision highlights issues that should be in
focus when establishing sustainability
strategies for buildings. It reinforces
The overarching aim of the thesis has arguments about the importance of
been to support strategic decisions to decarbonating the energy mix, and
reach climate change mitigation targets adds to a body of recent studies
in the building sector. Overall, my indicating the rising importance of
reasoning is based on considering reducing climate change impact from
various strategic issues to be dealt with construction materials (Anand &
in order to reach environmental Amor, 2017; Birgisdottir et al., 2017;
targets, as illustrated in Figure 1. The Ibn-Mohammed et al., 2013; Larsson
present thesis addressed two of these et al., 2017; Liljenström et al., 2015).
issues: establishing suitable strategies Moreover, it directs the attention of
and solving practical issues to policymakers and practitioners
implement these strategies (in towards important issues that might
particular at the municipal level). otherwise be neglected in debates
about sustainable buildings, such as
Both papers presented have avoiding new construction and
implications for policymakers and optimizing the use of space.

Setting relevant environmental

sustainability targets

Establishing a suitable strategy to reach

the targets (Paper 1)

Developing a method to assess whether

current practices are sustainable

Implementing the assessment method to

promote sustainable practices (Paper 2)

Transitioning broadly towards sustainable

practices at the sector level

Figure 1 - Strategic issues related to environmental sustainability considered

in this thesis

A combination of strategies is agenda. The backcasting scenarios are
necessary to reach an ambitious therefore a tool to help discussions
climate target: technological about sustainability strategies.
improvements for energy supply, Different scenarios could have been
materials and insulation will have to be developed and could have brought a
complemented with significant different input to the discussion. The
changes in lifestyles and building very process of developing scenarios
design, including living in smaller can therefore impact strategic choices.
spaces, sharing space or using flexible
offices. Energy efficiency measures The survey and interview study in
that are a key part of current Paper 2 highlights very concrete
sustainability strategies provide less logistical and legal issues that can
climate benefits once a certain level of hinder the implementation of
efficiency and decarbonation of the sustainable practices. Developing
energy supply has been reached. sustainability strategies isn’t enough:
there is also a need to create the
A critical examination of this result conditions of their implementation.
highlights another aspect that receives The study led to recommendations to
little attention in current debates. GHG facilitate the implementation of LCA-
emissions are the focus of many based environmental requirements in
sustainability strategies, but climate municipalities, as illustrated in Figure
change is not the only pressing 2.
planetary boundary (Steffen et al.,
2015). The study points out possible These recommendations focused on
conflicts between reduction of GHG overcoming three types of barriers,
emissions and sustainable land use related to resources, conflicts and
(due to the exploitation of forests for knowledge respectively. In order to
bioenergy and timber construction). ensure that the municipality has
The relevance of energy efficiency enough time and budget to carry out
beyond reducing GHG emissions is the implementation process, the first
also considered: with a very low-carbon step should entail securing resources
energy mix, energy efficiency should be and external help and setting
considered from other angles, such as appropriate targets. The municipality
preserving natural resources, reducing could receive guidance from national
costs and improving the resilience of authorities or start a joint initiative
the energy system. with neighboring municipalities. If
resources are scarce, it can be
By highlighting these ideas in the appropriate to limit ambitions and set
current discourse on what makes a prescriptive requirements in
building sustainable, the modeling procurement, which are easier to
study and the Beyond GDP Growth manage.
project allow changing perspectives
and questioning what issues are on the
The municipality should then establish development plans or land allocation
a dialogue with developers and agreements can reach a broader
constructors. This ensures that all audience and have a larger impact, but
actors are in agreement about why legal issues can arise depending on the
requirements are set, what the formulation of the requirement.
objectives and the municipality’s
strategy are and what assessment These results are not only relevant for
methods shall be used. Collaboration municipal practitioners. They should
with both private sector practitioners also be taken as an indication for
and national authorities also limits the national actors that guidance and an
risk of legal issues. appropriate regulatory context are
required for local actors to work with
In order to bridge knowledge and data sustainability issues. Similarly, private
gaps, the municipality can then require sector practitioners should be
developers and constructors to provide encouraged to collaborate with public
inventory data for new construction authorities to progressively increase
projects. The municipality should sustainability requirements in
make sure that appropriate guidance construction while making sure they
and standardized methods are easily are provided with appropriate
available. Information requirements assessment tools.
can be strengthened over time, as
practitioners become progressively
more familiar with data collection and
LCA methods. Whenever requirements
are strengthened, it is important to
ensure continued dialogue and
collaboration with stakeholders.

When data and knowledge gaps are

filled and the environmental
performance of buildings can be
routinely assessed and compared, the
municipality can set environmental
performance requirements for new
buildings. When setting requirements,
the municipality should be careful
about the legal context. For
procurement and municipal
construction projects, the municipality
must ensure fair competition when
selecting tenders. Integrating
information and performance
requirements into e.g. detailed
Figure 2 - Simplified flowchart representation of a stepwise strategy to
implement environmental performance requirements in municipalities (a more
complete picture is included in Paper 2)

(Raworth, 2012). For instance, closing
5.2 Remaining gaps a highly-emitting factory to mitigate
climate change could lead to
This thesis addressed two specific unemployment and an increase in
strategic issues related to poverty. Although the focus of this
environmental sustainability, as thesis has been climate change impact,
represented in Figure 1. This section it can provide insights for other
discusses some strategic issues that sustainability issues as well. In
still need to be addressed in the light of particular, LCA-based criteria in
this thesis. It considers remaining gaps procurement, certification and
and potential needs for future research environmental requirements could
related to setting sustainability targets, cover other impact categories besides
assessing the environmental climate change impact. The practical
performance of current choices, and barriers to the implementation of LCA-
initiating broad sector-wide changes in based environmental performance
practices. requirements are therefore likely to be
relevant for other sustainability issues
In this licentiate thesis, climate change as well.
mitigation targets at the global,
national and municipal level were Another question to consider is how to
taken for granted. However, setting an formulate and quantify the target. This
appropriate target is in itself a key task. issue arises in particular when
The first question to consider is narrowing down a global target into a
choosing what issue to assess. Steffen specific sector or geographic area. The
et al. (2015), describing the Planetary results of Paper 1 are based on the
Boundaries framework, consider assumption that per capita GHG
climate as a core environmental aspect emissions in Sweden in 2050 would be
because its state impacts and is equal to the world average used in a
impacted by many other climate mitigation scenario, and that
environmental aspects. However, the share of buildings in these
biosphere integrity is also one such emissions would be the same in all
core aspect. Setting a target for e.g. scenarios. The key building aspects
biosphere preservation instead of highlighted as a result could be
climate change mitigation would likely different if one argues e.g. that one
lead to different recommendations, scenario should include lower GHG
especially considering that bioenergy emissions for buildings but higher
and timber construction might benefit emissions for transports. Paper 2 also
the climate but damage the biosphere. indicates that the global climate target
The task becomes even more complex is reflected in many different ways in
when considering social issues. The municipal targets. Some municipalities
Doughnut framework thus highlights set targets to phase out fossil fuels,
possible tradeoffs between others to promote timber construction,
environmental and social issues others to limit GHG emissions in a
production and/or consumption products instead of broad generic
perspective, etc. These different targets data), its transparency, its ease of
in turn lead to different strategies. For access (e.g. being able to easily and
instance targets that relate directly to freely download data for spreadsheet
GHG emissions give a better idea of the calculations) and the standardization
actual climate impact but tend to be of assessments.
more difficult to follow up than targets
based on concrete measures like LCA from various sources are only
phasing out fossil fuels. useful insofar as they are comparable:
assessment methods must therefore be
Assuming a GHG emission target has standardized to make sure all
been set, the question remains of practitioners are on the same page.
assessing whether a decision taken Norms such as EN15804 and EN15978
today by a practitioner will help regulate environmental product
fulfilling the target. This step bridges declarations (EPDs) for construction
the broad strategic point of view of materials and calculation methods for
Paper 1 and the concrete focus on building LCA respectively. Still, a
current practices in Paper 2. A valid number of methodological aspects are
and easily usable method must be not yet standardized internationally.
available to assess the impact of The Annex 72 task in the International
buildings. LCA could be used for Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings
decision support. This requires and Communities program aims at
appropriate data to be easily available, establishing common methodological
valid and transparent, and LCA tools to guidelines for building LCA and
be standardized and easily usable by methods for the development of
practitioners. Improvements have national benchmarks and databases
been achieved in that sense in recent (International Energy Agency, 2018).
years. The Swedish Transport Issues include how the impact of
Administration requires an LCA to be recycled material is considered, how to
carried out for infrastructure projects set the expected lifespan of the building
costing more than €5 million, and and the frequency of refurbishment,
provides a calculation tool with data whether to weight differently
and templates (Swedish Transport emissions happening at different
Administration, 2016). Regarding points in time, or what assumptions
buildings, the BM tool has been should be made regarding the future
developed in Sweden to estimate GHG energy supply of the building. For each
emissions from construction materials of these aspects, choosing a method
and processes, with a focus on over another can significantly impact
simplicity, ease of use, free access and the results and recommendations
a built-in database (IVL Swedish made. The influence of various
Environmental Institute, 2018). Issues methodological choices on what
remain in LCA regarding the validity of building practices are considered
data (e.g. using specific data for sustainable deserves closer scrutiny.
Last but not least, practices have to be Another useful approach could be
broadly adopted by practitioners to be institutional theory, which describes
impactful. This means that how organizational practices are
standardized assessment tools also influenced by institutions inside and
need to take into account complexity, outside of the organization, including
user-friendliness and the specific needs regulations, shared expectations and
of practitioners. In order to promote routinized behavior (Berthod, 2016).
learning and competence building, the Recent research has investigated
Swedish National Board of Housing, institutional change in particular,
Building and Planning has recently including how and why institutions
proposed to implement a standardized change and what role is played by
climate declaration for all new organizations and individual actors in
construction projects (Swedish these processes of change (Berthod,
National Board of Housing Building 2016; Dacin, Goodstein, & Scott,
and Planning, 2018). 2002). These are only two among many
possible ways of analyzing the issue of
This issue also calls for an analysis of changing practices within the building
how to initiate a large scale transition sector.
to change practices within the building
sector. I have contributed to this by
identifying barriers to LCA-based 6 Conclusion and key
environmental performance
requirements in Paper 2, and
suggested solutions to overcome them. This licentiate thesis investigated how
However, future research could policymakers and municipal officials
investigate the adoption of sustainable could influence the construction and
building practices from other operation of buildings to reach
theoretical points of view. Insight could ambitious climate change mitigation
for instance be gained from adopting a targets. A first contribution in that
multi-level perspective (MLP), which regard has been highlighting a list of
considers transitions through the lens aspects of particular importance for the
of interactions between processes at built environment to develop in an
the niche level (local radical environmentally sustainable manner,
innovations), the regime level and discussing how these aspects could
(established practices) and the be addressed in various future
landscape level (exogenous conditions) scenarios. The key results were as
(Geels, 2011). There has been much follows:
research concerning transitions
brought about by nurturing niche • Having a very low-carbon energy
innovations, although the importance supply is necessary, but not sufficient,
of processes at the regime and to reduce GHG emissions in
landscape levels has been recognized accordance with the 1.5℃ target. Using
(Boyer, 2015; Geels & Schot, 2007).
bioenergy demands careful propose an implementation strategy
consideration to make sure the climate for LCA-based environmental
target does not conflict with targets in performance requirements. The key
terms of e.g. biodiversity and land use. results were as follows:

• Reducing GHG emissions from • Some municipalities work actively

construction materials becomes a key with promoting construction with low
issue. GHG emissions from operational climate change impact. Large
energy use become less prominent due municipalities implement more
to a low-carbon energy supply and measures than small ones.
efficiency measures and are sometimes Municipalities usually act in their own
outweighed by emissions from procurement, not as public authorities.
construction. These must be reduced
by using less carbon-intensive • All municipalities face barriers
materials and optimizing construction related to a lack of in-house skills,
processes. access to data, limited resources,
ambiguities regarding the law and a
• Space efficiency appears to be lack of guidance from national
important for target fulfillment in all authorities. The largest municipalities
scenarios. This implies an increase in can have a role as forerunners and
density and frequency of use of space, initiate projects to bridge skill and data
i.e. a decrease in floor area per user and gaps and influence constructors, but
idle time. Space sharing and even they experience these barriers to
optimization of building use could be some extent.
important components of a
sustainability strategy for buildings, • A strategy was suggested to overcome
even though they are not spoken much these barriers. First, the lack of
of today. resources should be addressed by
setting appropriate ambition levels,
• Energy efficiency improvements in seeking support from national
renovation and new construction are authorities and collaborating with
necessary in all scenarios. Once a low- other municipalities. Second, conflicts
carbon energy supply is in place, and legal uncertainties should be
carrying out very extensive energy prevented by promoting collaboration
renovation can become ineffective to with private sector stakeholders and by
reduce GHG emissions. However, it seeking legal clarifications from
can still lead to reduced resource use national authorities. Third, the lack of
(e.g. of biomass) and improved skill and data should be addressed by
resilience. setting information requirements and
progressively require constructors to
A second contribution has been to provide LCA data until environmental
investigate barriers to environmental performance can routinely be assessed.
requirements in municipalities and
Although there are other issues related
to sustainability strategies, I have
therefore contributed to addressing
two issues: ensuring strategic decisions
for sustainability in the building sector
consider all important aspects, and
implementing assessments of
environmental performance of
buildings in practice.

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