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5/20/2020 Chapter 1 : Introduction to Vedic Astrology - AstroBasic

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Chapter 1 : Introduction to Vedic Astrology

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Jayant Kumar
15 April, 2020

Vedic Astrology learning Course > Chapter 1 : Introduction to Vedic Astrology


Introduction to Vedic Astrology Part 1 Introduction to Vedic Astrology Part 2

Chapter 1 : Introduction to Vedic Astrology PART 1 Chapter 2: Introduction to vedic Astrology Part 2

In Sanskrit Astrology means JYOTISH (Jyoti = light; isha = God)– The ‘lights from God’. Vedic means
the science which evolved from Vedas. Vedas are the most ancient Hindus scriptures. Vedas are
written in Sanskrit by Hindu Sages more than 5,000 years ago but there is no de nite date that has
been identi ed. However, the important thing is Vedas are knowledge storehouse, Hindu Sages
have put their knowledge in that. These Sages were like our Scientists of now a day. Some people
believe that God himself given knowledge to Sages which has been written in Vedas.

I will not go into many details of Vedas instead I will focus more on JYOTISH. As I said JYOTISH is a
light from God. Every human being on earth is getting impacted by the Planets and stars in the
universe. From a modern science perspective, this is still a new subject to work because in the
modern era we have not done any big research on this.
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5/20/2020 Chapter 1 : Introduction to Vedic Astrology - AstroBasic

However, 1998 when Prof Seligman started POSITIVE PHYCOLOGY then there is research started 

in this area. Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and minds are responsible for the things which we
want in our life. But if we go further into details then we will nd these thoughts, emotions, feelings
are getting again impacted by planetary movements or planetary force.

In Vedic Astrology, at a time of birth, Astrologer checks what the Constellation that is rising from
the Eastern horizon. This rising constellation helps astrologers to draw the birth chart and decide
‘Ascendant’. This chart helps Astrologers to set up a relation between the Planets position and the
chart. Using this chart Astrologer is able to nd out the personality of the person, physical body,
the way he/she will present him/her to the world. With the help of Mahadasha, Antardasha,
pratyantadasha and Transit Astrologer is also able to pinpoint the events.

Vedic Astrology is different from Western Astrology. Vedic Astrology is based on sidereal zodiac
while Western astrology based on the tropical zodiac. Vedic astrology considers xed, an
observable position of the constellation while Western astrology is based on a relative and
changeable position of the sun.

We all live in a world of Perception. We respond to the situation as per our Perception created in
our mind. For a single, even everybody responds to the situation as per their Perception. Somebody
is Happy while somebody is Sad. Somebody is in Love while somebody is angry. We are just
responding to the situation. But From Where this Perception get created?

Hindu believes this Perception gets created from our SANSKARAS. But from where this
SANSKARAS came from? SANSKARAS built from our SOUL’s experience. Basically, HINDU
Philosophy believes in RE-BIRTH. Our SOUL takes BIRTH after BIRTH to get all the experience of
our life. There is a PURPOSE in taking Birth. Soul has to go through on a particular Path to get the

experience. Since we don’t ever try to list to our true self, our soul does not get all the experience in
a single life. The question is, How can we come to know what is the purpose of our SOUL or in other $
words we can ask What is the purpose of this BIRTH. Hindu Sages has found this Answer through
VEDIC JYOTISH. YES….Using Vedic Jyotish one can come to know the purpose of their soul. Not
only this, Vedic Jyotish can help you in nding your True Potential. In a hard time, it will give you
hope because you will come to know a good time is coming. It will tell you the upcoming time is
challenging so that you can prepare in advance. Astrology is not just a fortune-telling but
recognition of your free will.

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