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Designing Instructional

Prepared by: Maricris Guarin
Where are we?
 We have identified the gap
 We have identified the needs
 We know who your learners are
 We know what should be taught
 We know your objectives and instructional strategies
 Its time to create/select instructional materials!
The Six Steps to Designing
Instructional Materials
1. Prepare a Work Outline
A syllabus is…

based on instructional strategy

based on measurable, sequenced performance objectives
based on instructional events
The Pre-Constructivist Design
By Gagne and Briggs
A. Gain Learner’s Attention
B. Inform the Learner of the Performance
C. Stimulate Recall of Prerequisite
D. Present Stimulus Material
E. Provide Learning Guidance
F. Elicit Desired Performance
G. Provide Positive Feedback to Learners
H. Assess Learner’s Achievement
I. Enhance Retention and Transfer
2. Conduct Research
A. Check Available Materials
• Materials present outside and inside organization
B. Identify if You Need Finances
• If funds are required and should be
C. Identify people who can help you
3. Examining Existing Instructional
See if they can…
• Fit your instructional strategy

Expect Minor
Revisions! 
4. Arrange or Modify Existing

Arrange them
Secure exactly how you will
copyright use them!
Edit if you
have to
5. Preparing Tailor Made
Instructional Materials
 Format learning guides
 Format modules based on independent needs
 Student manuals does not have to be online all the time
 Materials should be clear and concise
 Prepare teacher’s guide all the time
 Tests should match instructional strategies and objectives
6. Selecting or Preparing Learner
Individual or Group?
Individual Assessment
• Outcomes were clear and was achieved
• Experience meets learners’ and instructor’s needs
Just remember how much time you
need and how many assessors required
to perform this 
Individual Assessment for Self-Directed
• Learning contract can work for them:
• Just secure:
• WHAT – are expected (KSAV)
• HOW – can these be met (process, KPI’s, and tests)
• WHEN – should be accomplished
Group Assessments
• Panel Discussions
• Case Studies
• Reporting
• Think Pair and Share
1. Prepare an outline
2. Conduct research
3. Examine existing materials
4. Modify them
5. Tailor Fit Materials
6. Select Learning Activites
Good Job!
Thank you for listening! 

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