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5/20/2020 Chapter 3: Planets - AstroBasic

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Chapter 3: Planets

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Jayant Kumar
15 April, 2020

Vedic Astrology learning Course > Chapter 3: Planets ₹

Chapter 4 : Vedic Astrology: Planets

To ancient astrologers, the planets represented the will of the gods and their direct in uence upon
human affairs. To modern astrologers, the planets represent basic drives or urge in the
unconscious, or energy ow regulators representing dimensions of experience. They express
themselves with different qualities in the twelve signs of the zodiac and in the twelve houses. The
planets are also related to each other in the form of aspects.

A good understanding of planets is a very important aspect in Astrology particularly when it comes
to Horoscope analysis. To the analysis of any events through horoscope strength of planets and
their position play an important role. Each Zodiac sign, the constellation is ruled by some particular 
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planets. Even each house ( Bhav) is represented by some planets so understanding of planets and
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their characteristics play a vital role in the analysis of Horoscope.

In our solar system, Sun is the only star. It is the brightest among all in our solar system and is more
powerful than any other planets. Due to that Sun is called the king of our Planetary system in
Astrology and that’s why its effect in the horoscope is most among all other planets.

Sun is the signi cator of Soul, Kingdom, Father, Government, Government Job, Name & Fame,
Intelligence, Gold, Patience, Artistic talent, ego, and self-expression.

Education, Government job, Name & Fame is related to Sun, if Sun is in good condition in
Horoscope then it provides good results related to this area but if Sun is not in very good condition
then it creates trouble in these areas.

Though Sun gives people Self Con dence along with that Sun makes people angry, egoistic and

Sun represents the fth house in Horoscope that’s why if the sun is good in Horoscope the people
are artistic and very good in self-expression. They are very practical and give importance to
immediate Pro t and loss. If Sun is in good condition they are very good decision-maker.

The Sun takes about a month to enter each zodiac sign and takes one year to complete all the
zodiac signs.

The Sun is usually thought to represent the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal
power, pride and authority, leadership qualities and the principles of creativity, spontaneity, health, ₹
and vitality, the sum of which is named the “life force”

Area of Sun in uence: The Atman, the Self of all beings, Purusha, ego, sense of individuality,
consciousness, creative intelligence, health, vitality, body, dignity, nobility, godliness, royalty,
authority, government, organizing power, personal magnetism, radiance, charisma, leadership,
inspiration, enthusiasm, zest, courage, victory, honor, pride, ambition, creativity, general success,
reliability, stability, personality, character, grace, generosity, respect for elders, doctoring capacity,
places of worship, temples, town halls, palaces, square forms, forests, mountains, hill-sides.

In Astrology after Sun, Moon has a second-highest position. If Sun is King then Moon is Queen.
Moon takes light from the Sun and give light to earth at night. It completes the earth’s rotation is
27 days. Since it is very close to earth so it has a very immediate effect on our life.

“Chandrama Manaso Jaatah”

It means all the activity related to the human mind, particularly emotion, is controlled by Moon.
Moon is the signi cator of Queen, Mother, Mood, emotion, Government, Beauty, affection, eyes,
love towards home or country, compassion, imagination, Astrology knowledge and Masses (Public).

Moon is responsible for eyesight and brain-related issue. It also impacts our day to day life and
family life. Since it represents Mother so all the affection, compassion towards others can be seen
from Moon. Moon is very much capable of giving material happiness and luxury in our life. In
horoscope, we must analyze the moon for proper prediction.

The Moon is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, 
memories, moods and their ability to react and adapt to those around them. It is also associated Privacy - Terms 2/6
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with the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, the need for security and the
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past, especially early experiences and childhood.

Area of Moon in uence: Mind, feelings, emotions, moods, fancies, desires, imagination, vision,
image, memory, passion, charm, feminine tendencies, motherliness, motherly love, protection,
nourishment, growth, childhood, amusement, pleasures, celebrations, singing, laughter, women,
romance, fertility, vegetation, herbs, grains, agriculture, changeability, adaptability, exibility,
public opinion, common sense, popularity, softness, politeness, manners, sensitivity, tenderness,
juicy fruits, liquids, sweetmeats, milk, water, watery places, rivers, oceans, seamen, shermen,
journeys, traveling agents, restaurants, popular resorts, bathing places, bathrooms, nurseries.

Mars is the nearest planet from earth. There are several similarities between earth and Mars that’s
why Mars is also called “Son of the earth”. In some countries, astrologer believes Mars is the God of

In Vedic Jyotish Mars represents Strength and courage. It gives Courage, energy, and self-
con dence.

Mars is associated with con dence and self-assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength,
ambition, and impulsiveness. Mars governs sports, competitions and physical activities in general.
It was associated with fever, accidents, trauma, pain, and surgery.

Area of Mars in uence: Energy, strength, independence, initiative, motivation, determination,

endurance, courage, force of character, manliness, power, impatience, impetuosity, zeal,
enthusiasm, passion, pioneering, adventure, sports, competition, frankness, resourcefulness,

management, research, technology, laboratories, chemistry, mathematics, logic, difference of
opinion, litigation, argument, misunderstanding, anger, aggression, fascism, war, weapons, soldiers, $
police, wounds, accidents, operations, surgeons, engineers, dentists, coffee, tea, tobacco, res,
combustion engines, machines, kitchen, bakery, forti cation, desert, mountains, landed property.

Due to very close to Sun, Mercury is very bright planets. Mercury impacts intelligence and it
controls the communication and business world.

Mercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality and
reasoning, and adaptability and variability. Mercury governs schooling and education, the
immediate environment of neighbors, siblings and cousins, transport over short distances,
messages and forms of communication such as post, email and telephone, newspapers, journalism
and writing, information gathering skills and physical dexterity.

Area of Mercury in uence: Intelligence, intellect, speech, language, learning, teaching, education,
science, medicine, philosophy, explanation, understanding, rationality, discrimination,
interpretation, curiosity, inquisitiveness, scrutiny, grasp, study, analysis, memory, logic, calculation,
measurement, mathematics, communication, publicity, journalism, writing, literature, books,
magazines, newspapers, advertisements, telephone, radio, television, computers, skills, inventions,
ingenuity, re nement, adaptability, artistic taste, architecture, sculptures, humor, jokes, tricks,
imitation, boyish nature, play, poetry, duplicity, multiplicity, swiftness, sports, short travels, friend,
mediator, coordinator, exchange, mixture, transaction, distribution, commerce, business, trade,
accountancy, auditing, diplomacy, politics, investments, playgrounds, gardens, libraries, schools,
post of ces, palatial buildings.

JUPITER (GURU): Privacy - Terms 3/6
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Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. This is one of the most auspicious planets in any
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horoscope. Jupiter deals with the Moral law of conduct, religion, and education.

Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, prosperity, and good fortune. Jupiter
governs long distance and foreign travel, higher education, religion, and the law. It is also
associated with the urge for freedom and exploration, humanitarian and protecting roles, and with
gambling and merrymaking.

Area of Jupiter in uence: Health, Wealth, wisdom, philosophy, science, religion, knowledge, higher
education, meditation, yoga, dharma, honor, merit, fame, virtue, truthfulness, morality, ethics,
righteousness, law, justice, politics, optimism, positivity, progress, future, expansion, holiness,
divinity, broad outlook, idealism, aspiration, helpfulness, opportunity, solution to problems, support
of nature, divine grace, fortune, abundance, prosperity, success, journeys, pilgrimage, spirituality,
charity, generosity, devotion, compassion, medicine, governmental favor, husband, guru, guide,
religious leader, healer, bank, treasure-house, capitalism, catholicism, church, university.

Apart from Sun and Moon, Venus is the brightest planet in our solar system. Some astrologer
believes Venus is Goddess of Love. One side Venus forces people to indulge in sexual activities, on
the other side Venus is also a symbol of unsel sh love.

Venus is associated with the principles of harmony, resilience, beauty, re nement, solidarity,
affections, equality, and the urge to sympathize and unite with others. It is involved with the desire
for pleasure, comfort, and ease. It governs romantic relations, marriage and business partnerships,
sex (the origin of the words ‘venery’ and ‘venereal’), the arts, fashion, and social life.

Area of Venus in uence: Love, beauty, harmony, peace, joy, happiness, delight, fortune, good luck,
virtue, amiability, purity, sincerity, honesty, gentleness, affection, kindness, re nement, style, $
elegance, charm, sensitivity, female qualities, womanliness, curly hair, attraction, luster, splendor,
vanity, glamour, cosmetics, fashion, owers, scents, perfumes, silk, art, dance, music, singing, drama,
theatre, cinema, poetry, literature, painting, wealth, comforts, luxuries, gems, jewelry, conveyances,
horses, elephants, friendship, co-operation, romance, partnership, devotion, lover, wife, marriage,
sexual pleasures, seduction, potency, procreation, hedonism, beauty shop, hotel, bedroom.

Saturn is also known as Son of Sun. Even though it is called Son of Sun but its behavior and
characteristics are entirely different from the Sun. If Sun is light then Saturn is Darkness. If the sun
gives life, Saturn gives death.

Saturn is a very slow-moving planet and it represents the people of the labor class, servants and

Saturn is associated with focus, precision, nobility, ethics, civility, lofty goals, purpose, career, great
achievements, dedication, authority gures, ordered hierarchy, stability, virtues, productiveness,
valuable hard lessons learned, destiny, conforming social structures, balance, and karma (reaping
what you have sowed or divine cosmic justice) but also with limitations, restrictions, boundaries,
anxiety, tests, practicality, reality, and time. It concerns a person’s sense of duty, discipline,
responsibility, including their physical and emotional endurance during hardships. Saturn is also
considered to represent the part of a person concerned with long-term planning or foresight. The
Return of Saturn is said to mark signi cant events in each person’s life.

Area of Saturn in uence: Perfection, introspection, conscience, discipline, asceticism, detachment,

yoga, contemplation, meditation, inner silence, transcendence, gateway to enlightenment, inner Privacy - Terms 4/6
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guru, patience, endurance, persistence, responsibility, seriousness, sense of duty, slowness,

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retardation, obstacles, problems, frustration, separating in uence, coolness, contraction, caution,
suspicion, reservation, exploration, discovery, invention, science, philosophy, metaphysics, religion,
Judaism, monasteries, grief, depression, suffering, long-term or chronic situation, time, the past,
servant, laborer, communism, Protestantism, anything mechanical, factories, oil, coal, mining
industries, agriculture.


Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the
Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the
north and the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at
one of these points gives rise to the myth of the swallowing of the Sun and the Moon by the demon

Though there is no physical existence of Rahu as a planet its cosmic vibration impacts our day to
day life due to that Rahu and Ketu are considered as planets.

Rahu is considered a Male c planet and it gives a bad result like Saturn. It takes the characteristics
of Planets and House where it sits or the planets who is conjunct with Rahu or who gives Drishti to
Rahu. All the sudden events in Human life either Positive or negative deals with Rahu. Rahu
represents more of a Materialistic world.

Area of Rahu in uence: Worldliness, materialism, transformation, sudden changes, excitement,

alertness, intelligence, exoteric knowledge, sophistication, science, technology, psychology,
psychiatry, metaphysics, initiation, destination, reincarnation, separation, distraction, disturbance,
dividedness, obstacles, roughness, riots, revolts, rebellion, passion, lust, greed, confusion, Pragya

aparadha, overshadowed behavior, drugs, addiction, inconsistency, sneakiness, cheating, theft,
robbery, speculation, gambling, glamour, fame, illusion, deception, fear, suspicion, phobia, insanity, $

deformation, deterioration, fakeness, disguise, strangeness, foreigners, invasion, inundation,

evacuation, epidemic, hiccup, noise, radio, electronic gadgets, high technology, black magic,
sorcery, Christianity, Islam, dilapidated places, waste materials, garbage, slums.


Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the
Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the
north and the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at
one of these points gives rise to the understanding of swallowing of the Sun and the Moon by the

Like Rahu, Ketu also does not have any physical existence but its cosmic vibration impacts our day
to day life that’s why it is considered a planet.

Ketu is also considered as Male c Planets and it gives bad results like Mars. It takes the
characteristics of Planets and House where it sits or the planets who is conjunct with Ketu or who
gives Drishti to Ketu. All the sudden events in Human life either Positive or negative deals with
Ketu. Ketu represents more of a Spiritual world.

Area of Ketu in uence: Spirituality, enlightenment, and apparent obstacles on the way to
enlightenment, complete knowledge, abstraction, sublimation, transformation, separation,
dividedness, sexual energy, kundalini, uncontrollable mass of energy, electricity, brightness, ame,
lamp, television, secretiveness, indolence, seclusion, eccentricity, renunciation, asceticism,
Buddhism, mysticism, esoteric knowledge, psychic abilities, apparition, witchcraft, intrigues, 
suspicion, corruption, scandals, excesses, hectic situations, sudden events, any unusual or striking Privacy - Terms 5/6
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phenomenon, unexpected changes, accidents, panic, poison, epidemics, fever, intestinal worms,
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hindrances, handicaps, stammering, symptom, sign, symbol, ag, comet, falling star, spark, smoke,
any shaped metal, tool.

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