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THIS AGREEMENT OF SALE is made and executed at Bangalore, on this

________ day of _______ 2019 (___-____-2019) BY AND B E T W E E N:

Aged about 54 years,
S/o Sri.Srinivasa Murthy,
Residing at No.________,
Bangalore –___________.
Hereinafter called the “VENDOR” which term shall mean and include his legal
heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators & assigns etc., of the one
Aged about 37 years,
S/o Late. Somaraju,
Residing at No.58, Near, Sollapuradamma
Temple, Doddalahalli Village,
Uyyamballi Hobli,
Kanakapura Taluk,
Ramanagar Dist.,
(PAN : HUEPS9514N)
Hereinafter called the “PURCHASER”, which term shall mean and include his
legal heirs, legal representatives, administrators, and assigns, etc., of the OTHER

WHEREAS the vendor is the sole and absolute owner of the Land absolute owner
in possession and enjoyment of Agricultural Land in bearing Sy No.61,
Re-Sy No.61/P7, measuring 0-20 (Twenty) Guntas of Land, situated at
B.M. Kaval, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, which is morefully described in
the schedule hereunder and hereinafter referred to as the Schedule Land.
Whereas, Sri.Anil is purchased the Land bearing Sy No.61, Re-Sy No.61/P7,
measuring 0-20 (Twenty) Guntas of Land, situated at B.M. Kaval, Kengeri
Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, from Sri.G.Venkatachala And Others, through a
registered Sale Deed vide document No.12551/1994-95, on Dated:24-02-1995,
Stored in Volume No.1141, Book-1, registered in the office of the Sub-Registrar,
Kengeri, Bangalore, every since the date of purchase Sri.Anil is in peaceful
possession and enjoyment of the said land, and transfer the Katha, Pahani,
Mutation of the said land in his name vide its M.R. No.44/1994-95. The above said
Vendor are peaceful possession and enjoyment of the Schedule Land.

Whereas the Vendor are in need of money for his family, legal and domestic
necessities, and to invest the proceeds elsewhere for their benefit and as such the
Vendor have offered and agreed to sell the Land bearing Sy No.61,
Re-Sy No.61/P7, measuring 0-20 (Twenty) Guntas of Land, situated at
B.M. Kaval, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, which is morefully described in
the schedule hereunder and hereinafter referred to as ‘SCHEDULE LAND’, to the
purchaser making the following representations:-

1. That the Vendor is the absolute owners of the schedule land and that none
else have any title, right, interest or share therein.

2. That the schedule land is not subject to any attachment, litigation or any
other encumbrances.

3. That the Vendor have shall not enter into any kind of agreement of sale,
memorandum of understanding or arrangement to transfer the schedule
land except the one with present purchaser.

4. That the schedule land is having a clear and marketable title and acting on
the said representatives, the purchaser has agreed to purchase the
schedule land on the following terms and conditions:-

a) The sale price is fixed and settled for Rs.30,00,000/- (Rupees

Thirty lakhs Only).

The purchaser has this day paid an amount of Rs.30,00,000/-

(Rupees Thirty lakhs Only) by way of Cheque bearing
No._________, Dated:__________, Drawn on _____Bank,
________ Branch, (IFSC Code No.UCBA0000631) in favour of
Sri.Anil, before the following witnesses:

Thus the Vendor hereby acknowledge the receipt of

Rs.30,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty lakhs Only). The entire sale
consideration for the Schedule Land and acquits the purchaser from
any further payment of thereof.
b) The No balance sale consideration shall be paid within the stipulated
period mentioned hereunder;


The Sale transaction shall be completed subject to availability of all documents

like Phodi, Survey Sketch, Pahani, Mutation & other required documents,
legally required for registration. Time is the essence of this agreement.

Whereas the Vendor have agreed and get the survey of the land and get clear
markings done by the survey of land, survey sketch, phani mutation and other
required documents by the vendor and he has received the remaining balance
amount from the purchaser and after executed the Sale Deed in favour of the


a) The Vendor shall make out a good, clear marketable title to the schedule
land at their cost.

b) The Purchaser shall make out the remaining title like Phodi , Survey Sketch
for the purpose of Registration of sale deed.

c) The sale of the Schedule land shall be free from all kinds of encumbrances,
court cases, litigations, attachments, acquisition, charges, liabilities of any
kind and all the outgoing liabilities, claim taxes, charges or any other
litigations etc., shall be cleared and paid by the vendor only till the
registration of the sale agreement.

d) The Vendor have agreed to handover the original title deeds and other
connected documents in respect of the Schedule land to the purchaser at
the time of registration of Sale agreement.

e) The Vendor has received the full consideration amount and Vendor shall
transfer the Schedule Land without any consideration for the competent

f) The Vendor shall hand over the peaceful Physical Possession of the
schedule land to the purchaser at the time of registration of Sale Deed.

The Purchaser shall bear the cost of Stamp duty, registration charges and any
other incidental expenses at the time of Registration.

The Vendor shall execute the proper sale deed in the name of the purchaser or
his nominee or as required by the purchaser or to his name itself on the same
terms and conditions.

The Parties herein shall be at liberty to negotiate themself with their mutual
consent or to seek for the arbitrational award or specific performance of the
terms and conditions of this agreement in the event of either of the parties
violating any of terms and conditions of this agreement.

All the piece and parcel of immovable Agricultural Land bearing Sy No.61,

Re-Sy No.61/P7, measuring 0-20 (Twenty) Guntas of Land,

situated at B.M.KAVAL Village, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, and

bounded on the:-

East by : Land belongs to Others,

West by : Land belongs to Others,

North by : Land belongs to Others

South by : Land belongs to Others,


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor and the purchaser affixed their signatures to
this sale agreement on the day, month and year first above written.





Drafted by:

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