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Chapter 8: 12 Zodiac Sign

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Jayant Kumar
15 April, 2020

Vedic Astrology learning Course > Chapter 8: 12 Zodiac Sign


Chapter 9: Zodiac Sign


In both astrology and historical astronomy, the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial
which are surrounded across the earth. Indian Sages has divided the whole sky on the basis of Star
shape and their unique characteristics.

At the time of Birth, in whatever zodiac sign the moon is present, that is the zodiac sign of a person.
Since the moon represents our mind especially the emotional side, the zodiac sign gives us a clue of Privacy - Terms 1/8
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how our thought process would be. 

Using Zodiac sign, Astrologer can come to know about individuals’ personalities, thought processes
and also, related to Transits like Sade Saati, Kantaka Shani, Rahu-Ketu Transit, Jupiter transit, etc.
Here are the description and classi cation of Zodiac sign:

Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars

SYMBOL: The symbol of Aries sign is Horn of RAM- This represents an aggressiveness,
adventurous and putting efforts tirelessly. How RAM is energetic, assertive, lively and courageous
the same quality can be seen in Aries Zodiac sign. The other interpretation of Aries is it represents
the eyebrow and nose of a human face. That’s why Aries zodiac sign rules the head and it is more
considered as strong-willed sign who is acting rst and thinking about it later on. Since this is the
rst sign of zodiac sign, it is like a child who is always ready to start new things and show

Upside: You guys are highly energetic, you don’t have any problem in working long hours on a
single project. It can be easily seen you guys are taking initiatives, discovering new things and
always wants to experience new discoveries. You are very clear in your thought about what you
want to do. Whatever you do you do with full potential. You are the people who live Hard, love hard
and play hard.

Downside: Since you guys are having a strong will and taking initiative, It has been seen you guys
don’t care about others and their’s opinion and that makes you sometimes sel sh. Due to high

energy, if you guys meet someone who is not at your level of intellect or not similar to you
temperamentally, you guys become impatient. If people are not acknowledging your $
accomplishments then you become sarcastic and rude. Sometimes the dedication to a project can
become stubbornness, possessiveness, and can lead to a withdrawn and sullen attitude.

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus

Symbol: The symbol of the Taurus zodiac sign is Bull. The symbols denote the round face and
upwardly crying horns of the bull. The bull is a magni cent animal that is hard, if not impossible, to
budge; possessiveness about its space; dangerous when roused; but can be lazy, slow-moving, and
sensual. If you belong to Taurus zodiac sign you may be concerned with material security, and
acquiring wealth. You may become possessive about possessions and usually cautious about

Upside: You guys almost always nish what you start. You are deliberate thinkers and when you
make a decision you usually make the right one. You are generally adaptable, adjusting easily to
new circumstances especially if there is the reward of luxury, comfort, or sensual reward. This sign
loves to laugh and spend time with family.

Downside: You guys sometimes become stubborn and bullish about ideas that you have adopted.
This makes you dif cult for others when you have to cooperate in a shared project. You need to be
a leader and to be held in high esteem. If you are not, you refuse to work, often nding small ways
to sabotage projects, relationships, or undermine the authority that they deem unworthy of
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Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury

Symbol: This symbol of Gemini is “The Twins”. Gemini is a dual sign and traditionally representing
all forms of duality, for example, light and dark, positive and negative, quiet and talkative. If you are
Gemini then your character is versatile and communicative but your mood often gets changed and
your energy level also gets uctuated. You always involve in more than one work at a time.

Upside: You guys have great conversation skill and you know how to charm people. You have a little
bit of knowledge of several subjects and people enjoy speaking with you. You are optimistic and
have a great sense of humor. You make your own fun to kill the boredom.

Downside: You guys always attention seeker and if the situation is not in favor then you leave it in
between. This includes your relationship, careers, and friendship. In order to see yourself as
important, you sometimes stretch the truth. When you focused on yourself, you seem to be
unsympathetic and rude. It has been seen that Male Gemini changes jobs often and female Gemini
change partners often due to boredom.

Element: Water
Ruling Planet: The Moon

Symbol: The Symbol of the Cancer sign is Crab. Two circles with tails represent either a woman’s
breasts or alternatively, the crab with its powerful, curving claws. The breasts symbolize
motherhood and nourishment. The crab’s hard shell protects its vulnerable interior too. Cancerians ₹
are usually very emotionally self-protective and butter-soft within. Cancerians are highly
emotional and require constant counseling & consoling otherwise they lose their heart.

Upside: If you belong to Cancer zodiac sign then you have an offbeat sense of humor, often nding
something humorous that others don’t. You are extremely good listeners and have a heart for the
problems of others. In fact, many other zodiac sign people get attracted to this sign because they
intuitively know that a Cancer zodiac sign people will understand them. You tend to be dependable
and reliable. You guys are very honest and usually tell whatever other people want to know from
you, you don’t hide anything.

Downside: You guys can be moody, clingy, and often become incredibly insecure if you feel that you
are about to lose the friendship or love of someone close to you. If the situation calls for it, you
don’t hesitate to tell lie but inside you always feel insecure about loneliness.

Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: The Sun

Symbol: The Lion. A curving line represents the lion’s mane, the symbolic animal belonging to this
sunny, summer sign. Some important Leo characteristics are feline in nature – the proud, graceful
bearing; the need for rest followed by intense activity; the sensual love of pleasure and playful
qualities. The lion’s roar, too, can be easily imagined when an angry Leo nally lets off steam.

Upside: Leo tends to be honest and decent people, opting to do the right thing regardless of the
situation. They love organization so that they can nd their ‘things’. Leos love material goods and
luxury and want those that they love to experience this wealth as well. Leo is generally accepting of
everyone initially and makes decent, lasting relationships. Privacy - Terms 3/8
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Downside: Leo has a great sense of self-worth which can cross the line into arrogance. Leo can 

tend toward extravagance if they are not satis ed with what they have. Because they like to be in
charge, they can often become smothering to their mates and friends, which may leave them alone
(which Leo hates). Divorce and loss are devastating to this sign as they are all about the community
and family.

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury

Symbol: The Virgin. The Virgin of Virgo is the only female gure in the Zodiac, the other single
human gure being the male Water Bearer of Aquarius. The maiden, or virgin, usually holds a ripe
ear of wheat, linking her with ancient goddesses such as Roman Ceres and the Greek earth
goddess Demeter. The coiled’ of this glyph is said to represent the intestines, a part of the body
ruled by Virgo, or the ovaries, vagina, and uterus. Virgo is traditionally linked with health, hygiene,
and all forms of service and healing. Virgos are often most concerned with diet and suffer from
nervous indigestion when upset or worried.

Upside: Virgo has a heart for their fellow man. They are kind, patient and love to laugh. They are
not loud ‘look at me’ signs, but rather prefer to be the strong, silent type. They are creative thinkers
and true family-oriented people. Male Virgo, once they are committed to relationship never walk
away (unless there is a betrayal, and even then it isn’t written in stone). Female Virgo are dedicated
parents, often parenting other children in the neighborhood.

Downside: Virgo is particularly attentive to health; theirs, yours, everyone’s, which can often lead
to obsessive behaviors toward health (hypochondria). They can also be judgmental and critical of

those that they feel are not living up to their potential, or are going about a project in an inef cient
way. Virgo is opinionated and has no problem sharing their opinions, even when they should not. $

Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus

Symbol: The Scales. Libra is the only zodiac sign represented by an inanimate object, the scales of
balance and harmony. The Sun begins to travel through the sign of Libra at the autumn equinox in
late September when the day and night are of equal length. Libra is concerned with justice, and the
scales of justice in which evidence is weighed. Libra’s reputation for indecisiveness stems from
their desire to evaluate everything so that they can make a perfectly balanced judgment.

Upside: Libra all have a sense of fair play about them and become completely upset if they perceive
that something is unfair or unjust. They are prone to talking for long periods of time about their
favorite subjects. Generally, the decisions that a Libra makes are the ones that will bene t the most
people. Libra are often self-sacri cing for the good of the team or the family.

Downside: Because Libra takes so long to make decisions it can be perceived as laziness or absent-
mindedness. Libra, because of their sense of justice and fair play, will often become argumentative
to the exclusion of decorum or appropriateness. Libra doesn’t like to be in charge, but they like to
have a say and to be heard.

Element: Water
Ruling Planets: Mars
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Symbols: The Scorpion and The Eagle. The ‘M’ like glyph with an arrowed tail is said to represent 

the scorpion and its deadly sting. Intense and brooding, Scorpios do have a certain reputation for
revenge and retribution – the ‘sting in the tail’ is considered part of their character. The Eagle
represents the higher nature of Scorpio – concerned with transformation and rebirth through
ecstatic sexual love, plus the ability to make a conscious decision to rise far above jealousy,
resentment and poisonous, destructive urges.

Upside: Scorpio exhibits extreme self-control in many areas, and as a result expect that of those
around them. They are disciplined, protective and are very interested in others. They give of
themselves but do expect the same in return. Scorpio males and females both need to be the
leaders, and excel at problem-solving and troubleshooting projects and situations.

Downside: Scorpio invented the term ‘vendetta’. Once a Scorpio is crossed, they don’t forget it.
Female Scorpio are worse about this than the others, often going decades without making amends
with friends and family. Scorpio also tends to be pessimistic, often seeing threats where there
aren’t any, which can make them suspicious, stubborn and paranoid without cause.

Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Symbol: A centaur (half man, half horse) with a bow and arrow. The glyph shows an arrow, or
occasionally a bow and arrow. The mythic centaur has the upper body of a man, and the legs and
lower body of a horse – ever restless and eager to gallop off in search of new horizons, like many
people born under this sign. The arrows represent ambitions, dreams, and hopes being shot into
the air towards some mystical target. Sagittarius is often a philosophical character, able to see

paradox and duality because they are an essential part of the Sagittarius personality.
Upside: Sagittarians are highly intelligent and love to be around intelligent people. They enjoy
learning new things, traveling to new places, and experiencing unique adventures. Creativity is at
the core of who they are and Sagittarians are often creating and recreating their living situations,
work situations, and human relationships. Sagittarians are spiritually inclined and are among the
types that would travel to the Himalayas to commune with the monks, or take the book, Eat, Pray,
Love and go to each spot mentioned in its pages to seek their own enlightenment.

Downside: Con ning a Sagittarian and not allowing for ample space to roam will make this sign
rude and uncooperative. Sagittarians often come up with unrealistic, big plans, but lack the ability
to follow through with them. This isn’t because they aren’t capable, but rather they can become
sidetracked chasing another avenue of adventure or thought. Sagittarians are about the bigger
picture and details often bog them down and bore them.

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn

Symbol: The Sea-Goat, a mythical creature with the upper body of a goat and the tail of a sh. The
‘V’ shaped glyph is said to represent the goat’s horned head, with the curling, sinuous sh’s tail
behind. There are a number of sea gods in ancient myth, ruling over the mysterious unconscious
realms of the ocean. When the goat climbs up onto the land, it brings spiritual wisdom to the
practical tasks and needs to build, symbolized by the earth. Capricorn is an ambitious sign, but able
(in its highest expression) to understand that simply satisfying the individual ego is never truly
ful lling.
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Upside: Capricorns are the superheroes when It comes to making realistic, logical decisions. Their 

ability to cut through the red tape and see the bottom line is what makes them a real asset to any
relationship or occupation where teamwork is valued. Capricorn is family-oriented but will keep
their distance if the family is perceived to be violent, harmful, or unful lling. Capricorn has a dry
sense of humor and their sarcastic wit is only appreciated by those who nd humor everywhere.
Highly intellectual, good with numbers and analysis, this sign is not often loud, but they are most
de nitely the muscle and the power behind the very successful machine.

Downside: Because they are so dedicated to the big picture and the minute details, they can seem
dull to others, who don’t understand the active internal nature of the Capricorn. While seeming
almost emotionless on the surface, the Capricorn’s mind is always running on overdrive. They can
often seem sel sh and stingy, keeping information to themselves, or strategically withholding
information for their own gain. Often they can be the less imaginative of the signs and refuse to
face the facts about a situation because it would signal that they were wrong about something
(which they hate).

Element: Air
Ruling Planets: Saturn and Uranus

Symbol: The Water Bearer is pictured as a man holding a large jar or vessel, from which water
pours out onto the land. The glyph is two wavy, zig-zag lines, representing the water (also an
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph), or alternatively the electricity associated with Aquarius’. Aquarius is
an airy, intellectual sign, thinking, talking and analyzing everything. They can be emotionally
detached but have strong feelings about justice and human rights. The water pouring from the jar
symbolizes communication – the endless pouring out of mental energy and original ideas which ₹
often typi es an Aquarian personality.

Upside: Aquarians are among the friendliest of the signs, making friends everywhere. They are
often chosen among co-workers and family for special awards and honors because of their ability
to network. Highly intelligent they are energetic and talented, often using their abilities to help
others. Despite their extensive people skills, they often crave alone time to re ect and think about
things. Meditation is recommended for this sign as it helps to maintain that sense of alone time,
while at the same time a feeling of connectedness with something greater than themselves.

Downside: If this sign does not have alone time and time to do much-desired re ection, they
become dour, emotionless, and even are prone to depressive interludes. They can become highly
resentful if they believe that their voice is not being truly heard or valued. Because they do self-
re ect, this sign can become quite eccentric in some of the hobbies that they pursue, or activities
they enjoy.

Element: Water
Ruling Planets: Jupiter and Neptune

Symbol: The Two Fishes, joined together, but swimming in opposite directions. Another dual sign,
like Gemini, the two shes of Pisces represent the lifelong battle of the Piscean nature. One sh
swims towards the soulful, mystical oceans, intent upon sacri cing itself for the good of others, or
for some spiritual or political belief. The other swims towards self-ful llment and achieving
personal goals. Piscean intuition, symbolized by the waters in which the shes swim, is what makes
it possible for them to sense the whole picture and balance their inner struggle. Learning how to
trust and develop their intuition is especially important for this complex, sensitive sign.
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Upside: Pisces are empathetic people, often feeling bad for someone whose life is not going well. 

They feel the need to reach out to those who are less fortunate and will often nd themselves
involved in the drama that they hadn’t intended. They are kind, caring individuals who feel
everything deeply, even though you would not know it on the surface. They can be creative and
imaginative when they believe that they have support to make those leaps.

Downside: Because they feel everything so intensely, this sign can often become a clinical worrier.
They will worry that they are not worrying. This tendency to worry also leads to indecision on their
part, fearing that if they make a decision that others disagree with that they will have upset
someone. Pisces don’t like to hurt people’s feelings and as such become con icted when they have
to make decisions. They do not do well as leaders but are impressive support personnel. Sometimes
the have a lack of follow-through due to this indecisiveness and require a gentle nudge from other
signs to complete tasks on time.


Fiery Signs Aries Leo Sagittarius

Earthy Signs: Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Airy Signs: Gemini Libra Aquarius
Watery Signs: Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Movable Signs: Aries Cancer Libra Cancer
Fixed Sign: Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius
Dual Sign: Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces

SEX : ₹

Male: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius $

The male signs are dominating, active and aggressive

Female: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces

The female sigs are mild, submissive and passive.

ODD and Even Sign:

ODD: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
EVEN: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces

Directions: The four directions are also represented by these twelve signs as under:-

East: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; (Fiery sign)

South: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, ; (Prithvi sign)
West: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; (Airy sign)
North: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; (Watery Sign)


Strong during day time: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces
Strong during night time: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.

Note: Day is considered as a Sunrise to Sunset and Night is considered as Sunset to Sunrise.

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