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Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan

Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan


SABTU 9 MEI 2020
Dosen Pengampu : M Nizam M.Pd

Convert the verbs in the brackets into Past Tense !

Ubah kata kerja di dalam kurung menjadi Past Tense!

Tuliskan IDENTITAS anda di atas, dan anda cukup MENULISKAN dan
MENGIRIMKAN Nomor Soal dan Jawaban !!!
Good Luck !!!


Oswald Avery (1. LEAD ) the team that discovered DNA passes heredity instructions

through successive generations of organisms – it carries the chemical code of life.

Avery and his colleagues (2. PUBLISH ) their discovery in a classic paper describing

what (3.COME ) to be known as the Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment. The

experiment actually (4. REPRESENT ) more than a decade’s worth of scientific

Oswald Theodore Avery (5. BE ) born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on October 21,

1877. His British parents, Joseph Francis Avery and Elizabeth Crowdy, (6. HAVE

ARRIVE ) in Canada four years earlier.

They (7. HAVE ) emigrated because Joseph, a Baptist minister, (8. FEEL) a spiritual

calling to do God’s work in North America. The couple’s three sons (9. BE ) all born in

Canada; Oswald (10. BE ) the second son.

The family (11. MOVE ) to New York City, USA when Oswald was 10 years old. His

father (12. HAVE) been invited to take over as pastor of Mariner’s Temple Baptist

mission. The mission (13. BE ) on New York’s lower East Side, an overcrowded part of

the city with a multitude of social problems – a tough place for children to grow up.

In their spare time Oswald and his older brother Ernest (14. TEACH ) themselves to

play the cornet. From the age of 12 onwards Oswald and Ernest (15. PERFORM )

music on Sundays outside the mission. The idea (16. BE ) to entice passers-by inside.

The neighborhood’s population (17. INCLUDE ) many Catholics and Jews, and

Oswald’s father (18. BE ) eager to convert them to the Baptist creed.

Oswald (19. BE ) a highly talented musician. Later he (20. BE AWARD ) awarded a

scholarship to the National Conservatory of Music, a scholarship he (21. DO ) not use.

At the age of 15, Oswald (22. SUFFER ) two shocks: first the death of his brother Ernest

most likely from tuberculosis; then the death of his father from kidney disease.

In 1893, just before reaching the age of 16, Oswald Avery (23. GET ) his diploma from

New York Male Grammar School and enrolled at Colgate Academy.

He (24. BECOME ) a freshman at New York’s Colgate University in 1896, where again

his musical talent shone through and he (25. BECOME ) leader of the college band.

He (26. MAJOR ) in humanities, averaging higher than 9 out of 10 in his final years. He

(27. GRADUATE ) with a bachelor’s degree in humanities in June 1900, age 22. He

(28. HAVE ) taken science courses only when they (29. BE ) compulsory.

The courses he (30. CHOOSE ) in his final year (31. INCLUDE ) Philosophy, English

Literature, Political Economy, Public Speaking, and History of Art.

By the fall of 1900, Avery’s ideas about his future (32. HAVE CHANGE ) dramatically:

he (33. ENTER ) medical school – Columbia University’s College of Physicians and

Surgeons in New York.

He (34. CONTINUE ) to score good grades at Columbia, with one ironic exception. The

man who would eventually become a world-renowned bacteriologist (35. SCORE ) his

worst grades in the bacteriology course.

In 1904, age 26, Avery (36. GRADUATE ) and (37. MOVE ) into general medical


After two years working as a family doctor, Avery (38. BE FEED ) up. Too many of his

patients (39. BE ) suffering from incurable conditions, leaving him feeling thoroughly

He (40. REACH ) the conclusion that the best way he could help society would be to

find ways of stopping microorganisms killing people. He (41. DECIDE ) to become a


He (42. MAKE ) the transition gradually, working part-time in milk bacteriology – his job

(43. BE ) to make measurements of bacteria in milk before and after pasteurization.

In 1907, age 30, Avery (44. BECOME ) assistant director of the Hoagland Laboratory in

Brooklyn, New York. There, in addition to teaching students, he (45. TRAIN ) in modern

chemical and bacteriological methods. He also (46. LEARN ) to carry out experiments

with unusually meticulous care – this would be one of the characteristics of his future

research work.

He (47. BEGIN ) his research career with a study of fermented milk products such as

yogurt. He (48. INVESTIGATE ) their role in controlling harmful gut bacteria in humans,

a theme that would became fashionable again about 100 years later.

Avery (49. PUBLISH ) nine papers in academic journals. In 1913, a paper he (50.

WRITE ) about tuberculosis caught the eye of Rufus Cole, director of the Rockefeller

Institute in Manhattan. On a visit to Hoagland, Cole (51. MAKE ) a point of having a

chat with Avery, sizing him up.

The upshot was that Avery (52. BECOME ) a bacteriologist at the Rockefeller Institute

in September 1913, a month before his thirty-sixth birthday.

For the rest of his career, Avery (53. FOCUS ) his research on pneumonia bacteria.

Penicillin antibiotics (54. BE ) still decades away, and over 50 thousand people in

America (55. BE ) dying of pneumonia every year.

America (56. ENTER ) World War 1 in 1917. Avery (57. ATTEMPT ) to join the U.S.

Army Medical Corps as an officer. He (58. BE REFUSE ), because, although he had

lived all his adult life in America – over 30 years in fact – he was not a citizen.

Avery, 40 years old and an eminent bacteriologist, (59. ENLIST ) as a private – the

lowest rank. Then, because he was on active duty in wartime, he (60. BE

NATURALIZE ) as an American citizen. In 1918 he was promoted to Medical Corps


Do it honestly and Good Luck

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